#a tale of blood petals
The Exterminators
Oh boy this is gona be long....
So were do i start...?
Oh yeah! A basic introduction.
Welp exterminators are an extra and fictional faction of the military on the irken empire on my au defective lotus and it's two variants four for the price of one the principal one and a tale of blood petals the one in the side lines.
The basic info
So exterminators as the name sujest are in charge of exterminating,what precisly? Welp they are tecnically hitman,in charge of exterminating people that can be of any risk to the empire in general,not caring your status or your importance as a person.
Not even if you are a high rank on the irken empire or even a tallest if you are seen as a risk for the empire your destiny is seeled if a exterminator is send for your head.
This is mostly since they are comanded straigh up by a special control brain that is more little and has an avatar to move freely in its instalation,this control brain is also the one that decides the destinys of exterminators wich only bow their head upon the control brain comand.
This fact also makes them both feared and disowned by the galaxy in general but mostly among the irkens themselves,since exterminators cannot be judged for killing other irkens even if they are high ranks or tallest since they are protected by their control brain.
Not taking in count that if they kill someone is becuse of only two reason they are interfiering or they are their objective,a exterminators does not kill or even harm someone if theres is no order to do so prior and if they do they are automatically terminated once discovered.
Tho the exterminators control brain tends to be a bit corrupt,and leaves the exterminators be free to kill if they have valid reasons such as a deep hatred towards someone or if they see said someone as dangerous this are valid reasons for why to kill someone out of the blue.
The conditions and factions
Tho fourtunetly not everyone can be an exterminator and in fact especial requierements are needed to be one such a good and really strong fisical condition,almost perfect health,good agility and speed,fast reaction and reflex,high pain,famine,thirst n sleep resistence and lastly a good mental health or at least a strong mind and stomach.
This things are merely the basics later on comes the hellish training to became part of at least one of the 5 factions of exterminators that go from:
Alpha,the loyal dogs: this faction is the second one that has more recruits and especialices in many forms of combat,the one most loyal to the control brain with a 99% success cup the best and 1st of the 5 factions rank.
Gamma,the vigilant crows: this faction specialices more in infiltration,spying,camuflage and mostly stealth,with sniper based specialist with a bit low count on recruits with a 95% cup of sucess at the 2nd in the rank of the factions.
Delta,the roaring tigers: crazy piromaniacs that will burst any objective they have in flames or wich will end up exploding,the one with the biggest recruit acount afther all many irkens like fire and explotions aparently,they have a 82% sucess cup 3rd in the rank.
Omega,the sliding snakes: fisical fighters that use poisoned weapons as their principal weapon to go with,they have a reasonable amount of recruits but not way more high than the gamma faction,they have a 76% sucess cup and are the 4th in the rank.
Beta,the hungry priranhas: quiet scavengers that similarly to the tigers use explosives to solve their problems,but as name sujest they do better with water scenarios,they are most likely a cleaning team that clean the disaster other exterminators leave behind leaving no prof they were there,they have a 60% succes cup in the last rank being the 5th one.
Their attire
So the exterminator attire normaly consist in large personable jackets with short,long or no sleves with a hood,shoulder plates(aswell in case of a tail theres aditional armor plates and pices),armoured gloves wich hide a plasma blade,long dark metalic boots,belt,gas mask and the special led visor(or viewfinder[?).
Under that is the inner armor conformed by the chest n stomach,back,shoulder and the waist n thights plates,alogside this is the hidden weaponry consisted by 4 knives,and the exterminator ID
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[I was way to lazy to past it on digital this is mis by the way]
The Exterminator ID
As the name may say this triangle kind of colar is the one in charge to serve as an identification for the exterminators and is able to deploy a hologram with the whole exterminator info in it
If lost the exterminator will have to cross land,sea,air and space to recover it since it can put their identity and the identity of their loved ones at risk since in case they have relatives since their names are on the exterminator ID's
If destroyed they must ask for a new one,fill papers and explain in detail how did the ID got destroyed without skiping a single detail and without liying.
If stolen not only they need to recover it no mater how they have to terminate the one that stole the ID from them or any other exterminator,but if the exterminator from who ID was stolen had fallen in combat be prepared for an angry horde of exterminators to go for your head.
The ID's of fallen exterminators become sacred for them the moment said exterminator is found dead,noticed or seen die and must be taken inmediatly to be bringed back to the control brain along the PAK.
The only reason you might stole an exterminator ID specially from a fallen one,is if you are desperate for status,money or want to die,since no single exterminator will rest or go back home until they get the ID back.
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Exterminator badge
The exterminator badge or insignia is the simbol that represents the exterminator as an actual part of the irken armada similar to special badges like the invader one or the elite insignia.
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Their Weapons
Among the most common weapons in their weaponry theres the ghost sniper,the plasma shoter and the plasma war axe,along many other weapons that come in many forms and varieties
The ghost sniper
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The plasma shoter
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The plasma war axe
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All this weapons use plasma containers or also know as plasma granades as fuel n ammunition thing that make them a bit unstable and lowkey dangerous to use if they overheat at the risk of explotion.
In fact the gloves have 4 plasma bateries 2 each glove that can provoque small explosions if thrown with enough force,and the containers have their security trings still on to jerk them and trow like a normal plasma granade.
The target simbol
This simbol only apears on one side of the led visor once a target has been located,the color depends on the personalization given to the visor.
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The Agrenalin and its dangers
The agrenalin is a kind of strong stimulant drug that exterminators use in their mask as a form to keep them awake and to stay alert at any moment,aswell provokes certain agresive behaiviour on them.
The agrenalin is consumed via breathing through the side respirators of the mask that are aswell the air filters,the slots in the middle of the mask is not for breating but for their voice to be heard.
The adrenalin is a dense liquid that in contact with the air turns into a thick purplish smoke that can be seen going out of the respirators at any moment the mask is on.
Once sucked in the body,the agrenalin does efect in less than a minute as a very late response 2 minutes,once kick in the eyes of the irken change shape and color.
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The continous consumtion has a side efect of a constant almost permanent insomnia and an alarming sleep schedule,since despite irkens being able not to sleep for a week and only needing 2 to 4 hours of sleep.
Exterminators or irkens consuming agrenaling will not be able to sleep for a month or straigh up months and once they sleep thaey can sleep from 16 hours to a whole day with no form of waking them up once they have entered the deep sleep phase.
Other concequences apart from the overdose to wich they are exposed is the dangerous agresiveness they can show under the efects of agrenalin to the point they can kill someone out of the blind rage the drug provoques.
The drug aswell is highly adicctive wich is a problem since this drug can only be atministrated by the exterminators factions and if adquired illigaly or an fisical or mental dependence is discovered.
The exterminator can be expelled of the exterminator forces or suspended this taking in count how serious is the issue,many exterminators have to seek profesional help to control themselfs or counteract the drug effect or seek help for their adictions.
Tho sometimes the drug can be dangerous for the irken wellbeing and is needed for them to become half-active exterminators so they arent at risk for external health problems.
[This last thing is why mis isn't an active exterminator]
Anyway thats all i think i covered anithing about this fictional special force in the irken empire of Defective Lotus and its two alternate routes.
Anyhow remembers to drink water and touch some grass.
Crow out
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hauntingblue · 6 months
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de la tula
#raftel is laugh tale...... oh....#roger and rayleigh being gay in front of oden.....#the sea beasts being like prophets....#roger saying his son will be it.... oof.... also how does rayleigh not know....#so literally the last thing he is gonna do is go have a child.... poor rouge lmao#it is so fucked how they laugh about it.... like it is so fucked up how roger was like living the life and decided to have a son and he is#like CURSED and sad about it..... UNTIL he meets luffy but STILL.... god what a life#roger leaving rayleigh to go impregnate someone..... this is so sad....#we must open wano before joyboy arrives....#hiyori is the size of oden's head.... incredible#why is he holding her like a glass of water 😭😭#you failed to protect my family that one time but do it again while i go fight the shogun. nice plan#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 969#now that oden is an honorable man he wears his robe long... no more pantyshots 😞😞#THE BARRIER FRUIT!!!! OMG NOOOO#oh he has gone mad....#the inherited will. the dreams of the people. the current of time. the answer to freedom. thats one one piece is about babey#so if shirohige knew about the people with the d... he probs wanted to get ace to be the pirate king not only bc hes his fathers son but#because of the prophecy too.... maybe he thought the one born with poseidon was ace.....#oden crying and writhing on the beach after roger died.... he was more stable when his wife got sick 😭😭#episode 971#kaido against moria??? lmao#what is a really good dance going to do.... i do not get it#he promised to open wano right??? this is so bad when you know whats coming#the spy has been there since the start??? omg#public humiliation while they rally more troops for FIVE YEARS??? jesus#the fights are ao cool... the flower petals tunring into blood... banger#episode 970
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risuola · 6 months
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ENTRY #1 ♡ F. READER X GOJO SATORU // I lay my dreams upon your feet, please be careful taking your steps.
contents: arranged marriage!au, angst-ish, slight age gap (reader's around 22, Satoru is 28), loveless marriage, brief mentions of blood and toxicity — wc. 1975
a/n: starting a new series while two other are hanging in the air and hundreds of wips are waiting for being written? yeah, that's me, but hey, I needed to start something new to get my creative juices flowin'. this one's gonna be a series of entries, a diary if you will.
series masterlist
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When you were younger, a girl innocent and little, blissfully unaware of the world around you, you wished to marry a prince. Influenced by tales told by your mother and tv shows you watched with big and curious eyes, you had a vision of the ceremony straight out of a dream. A magical display of love and the path of rose petals and feathers through which you were meant to stride in a dress made of satin and lace – white and elegant. You also saw him, the man that your heart would choose and desire. A prince handsome and kind, who would love and protect you even if by doing so, his life would be on the line. You were too little to be aware of the naivety of the dreamy pictures in your head.
Sometimes you wished to turn back time and once again step into the shoes of the innocent you who never got to know sadness and fear. Sometimes you think of it with a bittersweet smile, reminiscing the way you used to go about your days without care about the world around. With mild regret you reminiscence the moment you learned that everything around you was–
“I’m talking to you. God damn it, are you deaf?”
“I heard you.”
–a lie.
You were a late bloomer but besides the judgmental looks you were receiving left and right from the elders of your clan, you also owe it the beauty of your prolonged childhood. Few years of freedom that you lost the memory of how it tasted and yet, you like to go back to it and drown in the pictures it left in your mind. Whilst all of your siblings were training and learning, fighting and risking their lives against the cursed spirits, you brought shame to your family. There was no place for someone without a cursed technique in a world of sorcery and you were made painfully aware of it at the day of your tenth birthday. That was also the end of your childhood and the day you wish to forget. You remember how the smiles of your parents turned into frowns and the soft, melodic tone of your mother became harsh and never got back to how it used to be. The tales and cookies vanished and what was left was nothing but suffering and degradation.
“Oh, did you?”
It took you six years of training to awaken the technique that later on was called the most powerful in the history of your clan. Six years of days and nights filled with sweat and tears, six years of bloody knuckles and bruises but also, it took six years of your determination to prove all of them wrong. Despite being the youngest of four siblings, you were able to stand against the worst of curses with nothing but a sword and raw power when everyone else relied heavily on the cursed techniques. You were strong and skilled, you were trained and fearless but still, you were looked down. A shame. To your family you were nothing but a shame.
And then, suddenly, you became a pride. You were on everyone’s mouths; you were talked about as if you were the most expensive and rare diamond. Years of harsh treatment you received suddenly became forgotten because once your technique awakened, you became the strongest in your clan, surpassing your siblings, your parents and everyone else who bore the same name as you. Suddenly other clans were talking about you too, with curiosity and fear. Suddenly, you became someone. But somehow, it didn’t make you happy. Once you realized that the world you were born into wasn’t a tale you always thought it is, you lost the ability to enjoy it. Maybe the pain of what you had given to become a true sorcerer rendered you unable to fully appreciate the adulthood, but you found it hard to see the light, when the darkness seemed to embed itself into your soul.
“You know what? Fuck that. I’m leaving.”
Ah yes, the marriage. With years that had passed since you were young and naïve, you stripped yourself of the dreams of sharing a life with a prince, but a part of you still hoped for love and calm. A part of your heart wished to settle with someone you’ll trust and care for. Someone who will ground you in the world of constant danger and for years you thought that you will find a man with whom the stressful life of sorcery will be a little kinder, a little less scary, a little more bearable. It was a child in you, a faint spark of juvenile carelessness that never died down, even in the darkest of days you endured.
You let out a deep sigh and allowed your lids to close. Your head leaned forward, forehead restless against the cold doors of the kitchen cabinet. The loud thud of doors snapping shut echoed in your ears for few moments and then it became silent. An earie cacophony of nothing but your own breath and soft ticking of the clock on the wall next to you. For a moment you thought about how many times you relived this very same situation already. The cold detachment, harsh exchange of words and then he’s gone. A salve of ruthless stabs that never seem to hurt less and the sound of your own voice forming sentences you wouldn’t think of if the circumstances were different.
First time you saw Satoru Gojo was many years before you truly knew who he is. It was a picture that you noticed by accident, somewhere in the papers your parents had spread out on the coffee table. He was a young boy back then. You remember the impression he made on you. He looked cold, intimidating, unapproachable. He looked like someone you’d never think of becoming friends with. You were young, just barely nine years old and he was already fifteen. He was already the strongest and even though you weren’t actively involved in the world of sorcery, you knew his name.
And then, many years later you sat in front of him. While the elders of your clans discussed the importance of the arrangement that was planned within the sorcerer’s society, Satoru was resting on a couch unamused, with his legs crossed and eyes covered by a layer of white bandages. You watched him, analyzed his lack of interest and the veil of cold arrogance with realization that everything you wished for was never on the table for you. During the two long hours of conversations that were about you and yet no one asked for your opinion, you and Satoru didn’t exchange one word.
You heard his voice actively directed at you for the first time during the wedding ceremony. It was small, very private and filled with people that you mostly didn’t know. It was far from perfect, though pretty in a way. Under the cautious watch of the most important figures of sorcery, you said the vows that made you feel nothing and yet meant so much. The words of promise, that for anyone else meant love and safe future, to you meant status and the name. You became Gojo. You became a wife to the strongest man in the world.
Now it’s seven months after the wedding and the day you and him moved together. The apartment you shared was filled with both yours and his belongings and yet it didn’t feel like home. It lacked the atmosphere of love and understanding and on days like this, you were losing hope it will ever feel different than miserable.
That day was nothing out of ordinary when it came to your marriage. Yet another fight, yet another beeline he made to leave you alone in the empty house. You always argue. There was no warmth between the walls of the apartment, there was no care and respect. Instead, there were snaps and insults, there was silence and avoidance. The large bed in what was meant to be a shared bedroom was occupied only by you, while Satoru preferred to sleep on a couch even though his tall frame was way too big for it. Besides one very brief and formal kiss you shared during the wedding day, you never kissed again. There was no holding hands, no incidental touches, no nothing that would convey any sort of feeling and only times your bodies made contact was when he grabbed your wrists in anger or when your shoulder hit his arm while you were passing by.
Truth is, you had no idea what Satoru was talking about that morning before he left. You were lost in thoughts, but you could only imagine he was mentioning the meeting he needed to attempt in the evening. He probably won’t be home until late and once he’ll come back, he’ll be annoyed by elders and for that, you couldn’t blame him. Whenever you face the elders of jujutsu community, your blood pressure raises as well and you’re quite calm by nature. That being said, if unlucky, you’ll be the one to take the hit of his anger.
Your fingers run across the golden band that adorned your finger. It was an absentminded motion that became a habit of sorts, helping you gather the thoughts, calming your mind. The cold feel of metal allowed you to let go of the stress and forced you to suck it up yet again.
Two hours after the morning fight, you found yourself surrounded by the familiar buildings in the Jujutsu tech area, watching your husband from afar. Satoru was in the middle of teaching students, if whatever the hell he was doing could be called teaching. Megumi was resting next to him as some other kids were fighting on the training field. The sound of wooden swords colliding echoed between the woods that surrounded the expanse of the school zones. Gojo was looking as careless as ever, calm and smiling – a sight that you almost never see unless he’s facing someone else. He was chatting with his almost-son, shouting some advice to the sparing students and going about his day as he usually does, but one thing was different.
 “Satoru,” you called his name as you went down the stairs to reach the spot where he was standing. He noticed you, you knew that. He most likely knew about your appearance way before you even got to see him, but now he chose to actively ignore your presence as his light blue eyes stayed focused on the field instead of landing on you.
“What brings you here?” He asked and you could tell how the tone of his voice changed from the friendly sensei to your husband’s rough approach. He wasn’t happy with your visit; you weren’t welcome near him and everyone knew that. The fact of your marriage being arranged wasn’t a secret and it also wasn’t a secret that it was Gojo’s clan decision, not his own. Satoru felt some sort of humiliation that despite him being the strongest, he was stripped of a choice who to spend his life with and you, as his wife, were paying for his resentment.
“I brought you this,” you replied, reaching your hand towards him. His eyes landed on your palm and you noticed a ghost of relief that washed over his features when he took the band of black fabric from your hold. His blindfold, that you realized was ripped – he left at home in the morning. That was most likely what he was talking to you about because once you cleaned up after the breakfast, you noticed the band and his broken glasses left on the coffee table.
“So you were listening,” Satoru said quietly and securely covered his eyes.
“I wasn’t.”
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hedwig221b · 4 months
Not the same anon but your fav jealous and possessive Derek fics? I’m talking toxic possessive, Stiles always in sight and scented and being touched cuz Derek just CANNOT STOP 💞💞💞😌👆🏼🙂‍↕️
Hi, hello, here you go 🔥💖 (p.s. we need more obsessed borderline toxic Derek pleek)
As it Should Be by KuroKitty (HaleYes)
Stiles comes home from his 18th birthday party at the bowling alley to find a surprise waiting for him in his room.
Or, the one where Derek has no chill.
Assume I'm just An Asshole by mannersmakethmine
the pack always finding Stiles and Derek in coupley situations and assuming they're fake dating because there's a new threat in town, and Stiles and Derek because the shits that they are just go along with it.
Deflowered by astrugglingstoic
In which there is a prince, a knight, sequential sword fights, and an anecdote about pressed flower petals.
Feral Formalities by Aleandri
"There was silence as no one seemed to breath at the table. Derek had just gifted Stiles, an unmated Omega, with food. Right in front of another Alpha. Who he was on a date with. To discuss being heat partners…." In which, Stiles presents as Omega, and everyone wants a piece of the alpha-baby-making ass!
five times derek is protective of stiles and one time it's the other way around
Yeah, okay, so maybe Derek was a tad too protective of Stiles. So what? Sue him for worrying about his best friend, whom he totally does not have a raging crush on.
Okay, so maybe he does.
Shut up.
Hung The Moon by BurnItAllClean (nrnyx)
Slowly Stiles got control of himself again. His heart calmed. His breathing evened out. The anger was gone. In its place, a bone-deep weariness settled. He couldn’t do this. He wouldn’t survive this.
Might be a Predator by churkey
Derek's mom once told him they were predators. It never occurred to him to ask, 'If werewolves are predators, what do we hunt?'.
Oblivious Misadventures, and Other Such Tales by Little Spoon (JaydenNara)
Going to college was exciting and new, a chance for new friends and a fresh start, and the best part was, there was a supernatural fraternity on campus, meaning Scott finally had the freedom to be himself.
Then he met the resident human who came with a stalker alpha. What was the point of a supernatural fraternity if he still had to pretend to be human. And seriously, did Stiles ever fall asleep somewhere normal?
of gods & monsters by Dexterous_Sinistrous
“I’m not the best at conversation. I’ve been told I have no finesse for it.”
Stiles took a step closer to Derek, pushing the billowing silk out of the way. “And what would you say if you looked at me now?”
Derek looked up, startled for a moment when he realized he was now looking at Stiles’ unveiled face. He was silent for a beat, taking in Stiles’ features for the first time, convinced he would never see such beauty unveiled for him alone.
Oh my (let me look at those eyes) by Gorgeousgreymatter
A few months ago, he might’ve been able to solve this with some force—a little man-handling, a snarl, a glimpse of teeth. But he looks at Stiles’s broken face, knows he’s seen too much horror and blood and evil, the whole Big Bad Wolf routine is just going to fall flat. Because Derek looks at Stiles and he doesn’t carry himself like a teenager anymore. He carries himself like a soldier.
The Alpha and his Spark by sandyde03
Stiles is pregnant. Derek is perpetually horny and possessive. Stiles is confused. Not by Derek sexing him up. He loves that. It’s the fact that ever since he started to show that he was with pup everyone has been avoiding his eyes.
The Boy Is Mine, You Bonkers! by frownypup
It turns out that the words ‘a painfully smart and brave unclaimed human who is stupidly unutilized in Beacon Hill’s pack’ became the hottest gossip in werewolf underground. Yes, what the hell. Stiles’ existence has changed from a plankton to a rising sun.
Derek Hale has something he needs to say about it.
Three Little Words by Chloepioneer
“Oh god,” he whines, slapping a hand over his mouth to quell the vomit that boils the back of his throat. “Derek, is that the mailman?”
or Derek has a bad habit of killing people that take an interest in Stiles. Stiles might like it a little bit.
won't you torture someone else's sleep by redeyedwrath
I love you, Derek thinks, but he doesn’t say it, just watches Stiles throw his head back in laughter that isn’t for him and never will be. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Maybe if he thinks it hard enough, Stiles will hear him.
you are an obsession (i am your possession) by EvanesDust
Once Derek catches that tantalizing scent, he can’t stay away. Stiles. Derek’s completely enthralled by him. Obsessed. But all he can do is stand in the shadows, watching and waiting. Until he can make Stiles his, that is. And when that happens, Derek will never let him go.
Pack nights are not for getting laid by igotdamn
Stiles goes out clubbing, Derek doesn't like that very much.
Obsession by Rae666
Derek gets hit by a witch's curse and is confined to his loft as his uncle searches for a cure and Isaac stands guard. But as the curse grows worse and Derek's obsession with a certain pale skinned person becomes increasingly intense, how long can the team keep Derek and Stiles apart, especially when Stiles decides to take matters into his own hands?
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | smut | mafia | hurt/comfort | magical!Stiles | Stiles gets kicked out of the pack
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Yandere Silver Headcanons
adhlbfypfqeyvf If you want to know why this is coming out of nowhere... I've been cooking (talking) with friends about this concept for over a month and now I'm going to dump it all onto you 🤡 This interpretation of Yan!Silver is in part based on Elbert Greetia from Ikevil 💀 so uh… be warned…
Regular Silver, staring at this monstrosity: 😨 TRIGGER WARNINGS: (slow burn) yandere themes, (unintended) emotional manipulation, gaslighting, spying/stalking, unhealthy possessiveness and obsession, mentions of blood, (Silver’s) delusions, minor character death
***PLEASE NOTE: writing yandere content is NOT the same as supporting or approving of these behaviors irl. This is also NOT what I believe Silver is canonically like; this is only meant to be a creative reimagining/"what if" scenario.***
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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It all starts off like a fairy tale come true. But like Hansel and Gretel stumbling upon the witch’s candy house or a frog set into a simmering pot, the heat—the horror—isn’t fully cranked up in the very beginning. A dream doesn’t start like a nightmare, the nightmare comes later. And you, like the fool you are, were lured in by the promise of sweets and a prince.
The boy you've been crushing on for the last several weeks shyly approaches you and confesses. Handsome, earnest Silver takes your hands in his and gives you that lopsided smile you've been admiring from a distance. He swears himself to you as your loyal partner, vowing to protect you from the things that slither in the dark and prey on the unsuspecting. To keep you from hurt and sadness forever and ever.
You're giddy—positively over the moon and the stars—to finally (and proudly!) call yourself his. Every time you look at him, you swear it feels like a thousand butterflies are fluttering in your chest, or like you’re losing yourself in the aurora of his eyes.
You tell him his eyes are mystifying and unique, that they’re something you could stare at forever. He doesn’t seem to get it at first, but is pleased nevertheless and thanks you for the compliment.
It’s not until a few weeks later that the ramifications come. One day, out of the blue, Silver gifts you with a piece of jewelry (a ring, a necklace, an earring, etc; whatever your preference is!). Embedded in it is a clear gemstone that refracts the light in pastel pink, baby blue, and pale purple… exactly like his eyes.
He helps you secure it on for the first time and oh, how gentle his touch is as his fingers brush against your skin. Silver gives that small smile that melts your heart. “There. This way, you’ll always have ‘me’ watching over you,” he says, lightly tapping the aurora-colored jewel, “even if I am not right at your side.”
Sometimes you feel Silver’s own gaze lingering on you too. You know him to be an airhead or half asleep most of the time, so the thought never occurs to you that this spacey behavior is odd. But once or twice, when you’re stealing glances back at him, you notice a seriousness set in his eyes, a darkness creeping into the light. The same deadset look that scares off children and makes others mistake him for someone far more aggressive than he actually is, you think.
He lingers close when you walk to and class together, his protective instincts sending him into action to catch you if you so much as stumble, and remove errant leaves and petals that tumble onto your hair. “I have you,” he reassures you, oblivious to the electricity in his touch and how it makes you leap. “Don’t worry.”
Silver acts as though you’re as delicate as glass and as pure as freshly fallen snow. It’s not uncommon for him to praise your positive traits (while totally overlooking your flaws) or talk about how good of a person you are—and that also drives him to keep you that way. Untouched, untroubled. He’s so quick to steer you away from stressful situations or charging in to settle an issue himself, typically by talking down the aggressors. That’s thoughtful of him… right?
He has the habit of falling asleep on you when he gets to be comfortable. You usually don’t mind it, but sometimes he gets a little too clingy in his sleep. It’s hard to pry him off when he looks so peaceful and mutters your name under his breath while he has your body in a death grip.
Silver takes you on quiet nature strolls. You often drift off the beaten path and wander deep into the woods behind NRC, far, far away from the other students and staff. The sun sinks and sinister sounds come from the dark—you get nervous and leap into his arms, asking Silver if you should turn back now. He agrees every time, walking you back and wishing you sweet dreams. By the time you collapse into your bed from exhaustion, you don’t realize he has stolen you away for the entire day for himself.
It’s strange. You start to get the sense that you’re seeing Silver in your dreams just as much as you see him in the waking world. Rarely do you fully recall the details of your dreams, but there’s always that vague feeling of catching a flash of silver hair or feeling the heat of his eyes uncomfortably pressing into you when you wake up.
You tell him about this and joke that maybe he’s using his UM to haunt your dreams. “It’s impossible. You’re not Rook-senpai,” you laugh. He chuckles at the idea. But oh, how weird. Somehow the conversation tends to steer toward whatever you happened to recall of last night’s dreams. If Rook appeared in your dream, Silver coincidentally slips him into the discussion. Lightly probing questions like, “What is your opinion of Rook-senpai?” and, “Are you comfortable around him?”
Silver tells you about the stories his father has shared with him from his travels. Many are folklore from different regions in Twisted Wonderland, but more recently he has been fixated on fairy tales from the Shaftlands. “A couple finds true love and live happily ever after, nothing able to tear them apart…” he says dreamily. “It sounds just like us.”
Silver appears stoic on the outside, but you know that’s not the case. A few months into the relationship, you become acutely aware of his insecurities and his low self-worth. Not strong enough, not long-lived enough, not alert enough, not… enough. He will never be able to repay his debt to his father, Silver has confided in you many times.
“It’s okay. You’re here now, and you’re doing your best to keep the people you love safe.” You do your best to soothe him in those moments of weakness, for which he is thankful for. With shining eyes, auroras in the dark, he whispers, “You’re so kind to me.” Raptly, as if beholding a higher being. “What did I do to deserve someone like you…?” And there it is again, that seriousness, the light fleeing from him, as he vows to repay your kindness.
You’re acquainted with Silver’s animal companions and get along with them. Now you’re noticing them everywhere, not just around Silver. In fact, you see them without Silver. Birds in the trees, a rabbit hopping alongside you, the stag poking its head out from the bushes.
Then those animals reappear when you meet up with Silver later, looking all innocent, while Silver asks you about your day. If there’s a slight discrepancy (due to poor memory) or a detail you overlooked, he’ll gently correct you or clarify. “Blueberry muffin? As I recall, you had a cranberry muffin for a midmorning snack.”/“Ah, you forgot to mention you asked Ace if you could borrow a pencil for the exam.” You blink, surprised. How did he come upon all that information? How can he recite your day better than you can? It doesn’t hit you until much later that his animal friends have been serving as his eyes and ears.
He sincerely apologizes to you when you confront him about it. “Please tell them I don’t appreciate them snooping!” you cry out. Silver promises he’ll ask them to curb their curiosity—and while it’s true that you no longer see the animals following you, you can still feel their beady gazes around every bend and corner. Paranoia claws at your scalp, and you try to calm your doubts with one thought: No way would Silver be encouraging this. I must be imagining things.
You try to get your mind off of your worries by hanging out with your classmates. Sebek, ever boisterous and over-the-top, uplifts your mood. Pretty soon, you’re chatting away with him at the lunch table (even if he loudly refers to you as a HUMAN), paying no mind to the shadow that has fallen over it until a deadly quiet voice speaks up.
“Sebek.” It is so cold, so hollow, it startles both you and Sebek when you realize the speaker is Silver. “I don’t like it when you talk with them like that.” Sebek makes to say sorry to his fellow knight—or is it to challenge him? You never find out, for Silver has grabbed you by the wrist and is yanking you away from him.
He doesn’t let go until you’re in a secluded area of the courtyard. There’s a red mark left behind, and it causes tears to well up in him. Silver collapse like a house of cards. He’s extremely apologetic—he has hurt you, hasn’t he? He failed to protect you. How terrible. He shouldn’t have done that, shouldn’t have been so petty and jealous.
It breaks your heart to see Silver a mess, blaming himself so profusely for what happened. You do whatever you can to calm him, and eventually the conversation somehow turns to you accepting some fault. It’s not, though, the little nagging voice in your head protests. You silence it, prioritizing the emotionally vulnerable Silver. “I’m sorry, I should have considered your feelings and avoided giving Sebek the wrong message. I’ll avoid getting all buddy-buddy with him in the future, okay?”
And it happens again, again, again. One by one, your friends are cut off from you in a similar manner. It’s always something they do or say that concerns your boyfriend, something that impedes or disrupts that pristine, picturesque fairy tale he has laid out in his head.
Silver’s presence in your life becomes increasingly invasive, like unwanted briars creeping into a garden, thorns cutting off your access to air. He’s soon consuming every second of your day, whether physically beside you or planted in your worried thoughts like a demon disguised as a guardian angel. You can’t do anything anymore without feeling anxious and watched.
He starts to talk about… strange things. Tall towers, glass coffins, the bars of a bird cage. All manner of motifs pulled from fairy tales, items and places meant to keep a character shackled and stowed away from the world. “I feel bad for the person locked up in them,” you’d tell him. “Sometimes,” Silver murmurs mysteriously, “people will take drastic measures to protect the ones they love.” You cannot explain why, but those exchanges leave you feeling immensely uneasy.
You timidly share your experiences with people you think are safe. Silver’s dorm members, his friends, his family. The people who know him best, who can maybe talk some sense into him. To your dismay, your concerns fall upon deaf ears. You earn many blank looks and dismissive comments, all citing Silver’s good nature. (“He loves you very much. This is his way of demonstrating that, he’s just sort of clumsy with it. Give him another chance.”/“That doesn’t sound like him. Are you sure you’re remembering it correctly?”/“You’re overreacting.”)
It beats down your spirit, starts to make you question your own judgment. You second-guess your words and actions. Is your perception of reality right when everyone else is telling you that you’re wrong, that Silver could never harm a fly.
Then comes the guilt like a wave crashing into you as you think about all the good times you’ve had together. Rose-colored days under a balmy blue sky. Your thoughts are like a brewing storm, and every evening when you tuck into bed, dread, unease, and uncertainty follow you.
You’re waking from the lovely dream that was a whirlwind romance, seeing Silver for the imperfect and obsessive person that he is. Unfortunately, you don’t have the heart to bring up the tough subject with him. He looks so darn happy with you, continues to dote on you and act the part of a valiant knight. Your mouth will open, then close again before any words can come out. It hurts, it hurts, and it is eating you up from the inside out.
You bottle it up for Seven knows how long, but it comes torrenting out one night. Silver is walking you home as per usual when you blurt out the suggestion of taking a break from each other. He stills, hurt crumpling his face. And then he has you by the shoulders, softly demanding to know what is wrong, has someone made you feel unwell? You, it’s you, you’re suffocating me, you want to say, but you cannot.
Silver presses and you resist, the two of you taking up the middle of main street with your desperate quarrel. He’s becoming increasingly frantic and desperate, his eyes dark and obsessive. It’s then that a passing mob student angrily speaks up, giving you a rough shove. You meet the hard ground, pain shooting through you. “Move already!” he gruffly stomps by—but he’s caught by Silver, his expression like clouds that have drowned out the moon. “You put your hands on them just now,” he says evenly. “Please apologize.”
“Like hell I will! They shouldn’t have been in my way,” the mob student grumbles. He attempts to leave but to no avail. There’s Silver walling off his escape route, an icy fury overtaking him.
You can’t bring yourself to watch what happens next. Wrenching your face away, you do your best to block out the horrible noises that come. The crunching of bones, the dull thud of flesh against something solid, agonized screaming. And then it’s silent.
You slowly gather the courage to dare a look at the scene. The world tilts, and bile rises in your throat. Silver calmly stands over a fallen figure. The street—and him—are painted in red. The mob student isn’t moving. Not anymore.
He smiles. The small, awkward one that once made your head buzz and cheeks flame. It only yields a gaping hole in your heart now. Silver strolls toward you, caked in blood but acting as though he isn’t.
You’re too paralyzed with fear to attempt backing away or rejecting his advances when Silver tenderly embraces you. You tremble violently, hiccups and tears spilling out.
A hand strokes your hair, his voice a lullaby to soothe you. “Shhh, shhh, shhh, it’s okay. You’re safe. I took care of the big, scary monster. You don’t need to look at it—it’s not fit for your eyes.”
Silver holds you and allows you to sob until you’ve tired yourself out and into a dream. He will carry you home, setting you down on your mattress like laying a corpse in its glass coffin and taking in the sight of you from the foot of the bed.
Not realizing that he, the knight, is the monster that keeps his beloved in a gilded cage. His arms and body, the bars that lock you in. Irony is a cruel mistress, and twisted is the love that it propagates.
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
Parley? (opla!zoro x you)
summary: a stranger arrives to disturb your peace and you have no choice but to negotiate with him.
wc: 2.57k
cw/tags: first meeting, swearing, mentions of canon-typical violence including blood and swords, zoro doesn't know how to express his feelings
note: i'm so nervous posting this ngl because i really like zoro as a character but i'm scared that i'm not gonna do him justice since i don't know him as well as gojo or geto or bakugo etc etc etc. hopefully all yall zoro girlies like this because i've been itching to write for him since my explore page became nothing but mackenyu. enjoy!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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You hear the chimes first. The melody is soft, nearly imperceptible to the untrained ear, but you sense it. After all, you were the one who tied the string under the walkway floorboards in such a way that the bells above your window would clink if something pressed down on the wood. Over time, you learned to identify where outside was being pushed based on more strings and bells. It made it easier to find the Lady, on the rare occasion she stepped into open air and you weren’t with her. However, whoever was now setting off your makeshift alarm system had footsteps unlike the usual occupants of the house. The quietness of the notes was unsettling, in a way, because it meant they were creeping around the house. Someone didn’t want to be heard. 
It was the flowers next, the roses with uniquely reflective petals that were especially good at bouncing moonlight precisely through your window. The Lady commented one day in the market that she’d taken a liking to that particular flower, and you bought the vendor’s entire stock to plant around the house once you realized how it could be used. Not before you built a crow’s nest-like window, first. The glass structure jut out of the house in just the right way that you received colors from the left, right, and front of the house. Had an intruder approached from the back, your only blindspot, you would hear the more insistent clicks of the typewriter keys attached to the outside deck panels. The nearly noiseless bells and the ominous shadow sneaking across your wall were enough to snap you wide awake. 
The soles of your feet meet cool stone as you slide from under the covers, wrapping the sheath of your saber around your waist and slipping out of your bedroom. Despite the darkness of the hallway, your legs move by memory to the Lady’s chambers only to find the door already ajar. 
Shit. Were you too late?
Slinking into the room in one graceful stride, words leave your mouth without thinking when you see him standing over your Lady, holding two deadly-looking swords. 
“Taking a life halfway gone is immoral no matter the bounty, pirate hunter.” His head snaps in your direction and you have your blade on him before he can blink, resting the point lightly but threateningly against his throat. His eyes narrow on you challengingly and you put ever so slightly more pressure into your hilt, forcing him to surrender and sheath both swords. The third, you note, remains undrawn on his hip. “No better targets to pursue than a retiree? I expected better from the demon of the East Blue.” His gaze remains unchanging while you step forward, inching him backward until his head hits the wall with a soft thud. You were thankful, for once, that the Lady was starting to lose her hearing and was always a deep sleeper. 
“She’s wanted,” he says in a low tone. 
“She’s withered,” you retort. “Killing her advances justice no more than leaving her alive.” His face is still unreadable, void of any emotions just as the rumors conveyed. Many tales circulated of the infamous pirate hunter, but you chose to believe the Lady to be far too irrelevant to pose any real threat to the Marines. As one of the last known powerhouses of the Gold Roger era, it was more likely her wanted poster would be drowned out amongst younger hotshot pirates than for her to become an actual target. And yet, here was the most feared bounty hunter in the seas, hunting down a myth that many assumed was already six feet under. And for what, fun? 
“It doesn’t matter. Honor is a courtesy denied to killers.” He speaks in a way like you wouldn’t understand his ideas, and it sends a white-hot flash of anger racing through your veins. 
“Ooh, yes. You’re being so honorable by julienning a defenseless old woman while she sleeps.” To your surprise, he flinches, unwillingly bringing your eyes to corded muscle and flexed biceps. It’s a bit of a struggle to refocus on the task at hand. “Enlighten me on how this makes you feel vindicated.” 
“I kill pirates for a living,” he states simply, nodding over to the slumbering mass under the thick comforter. The tip of your sword follows every movement he makes, careful not to give him an opening to strike. Unexpectedly, he seems almost relaxed, like the weapon at his throat was the least of his worries. “That woman is a pirate.”
“That woman was a pirate. She is no longer the ‘Captain Indigo’ you seek.” 
“Who is she now, then?”
“Lady Lavender, adored by her constituents and far removed from a life of piracy. If I weren’t on the verge of spilling your organs on the carpet, I’d say visit the farmer’s market on Tuesdays. You’ll see just how different her life is now.” His chin tilts in disagreement.
“The Marines say otherwise.”
“What do you say?” A minute tilt of your wrist angles your saber so that the point now resides under his sharply defined jawline. “Hmm, hunter? Any opinions in that thick skull of yours or are you just another mindless government weapon?” 
“You understand nothing,” he mutters like an indignant teenager, looking off to the side woefully. It makes your blood boil.
“Try me,” you snarl at the green-haired stranger. In another life, you’d have thought him pretty handsome, if you weren’t so infuriated by his indifferent sense of justice. He knew nothing about you, or the Lady, or what either of you had to endure to create a sense of safety. Safety, you would add, that you weren’t going to give up easily. 
“This woman you serve, what are you to her? A caretaker? A child?” 
“A friend,” you answer cautiously. “Something your line of work would know nothing about.” 
“The Marines know that your friend murdered the former governor and seized the island in an act of desperation,” he informs you with a note of condescension. “They’ve wanted her gone for ten years, and I am here to collect her head. It’s not personal; it’s business.” The incorrectness of his information is laughable, but what concerns you more is the ease with which he talks of taking lives. 
“You don’t feel any sort of remorse for the targets you kill?” The anger in your stomach starts to rub against a different, unwanted influx of sorrow. After witnessing the change in a ruthless pirate empress, you refused to believe a human could be this heartless. 
“I don’t dwell on them long enough to care. Most of the time, they do something stupid that makes it a little easier to dispose of them.”
“And that’s where you’re wrong about her,” you recover, pressing the blade against his skin on the brink of drawing blood. He winces, squirming against the wallpaper for some sort of relief. You don’t budge. “The former mayor was a half-brother whom she reconnected with after Gold Roger’s execution. His death was caused by a misdosage of medicine used to treat hemorrhoids he’d suffered with since he was twenty. On his deathbed, he made her promise to take care of this city...” You inhale, focusing on the man in front of you. His expression is soft, nothing like you would have expected from a feared killer-for-hire. He was actually listening to you. 
“Go on.”
“And to take care of me. I have the great pirate hunter at the end of my blade, so she must not have done that bad of a job at either request.” He’s silent for a moment and you watch the cogs turn in his brain, hoping he’d find some humanity and realize that killing the Lady isn’t just pointless, it’s fundamentally wrong. 
“It doesn’t change the fact that I need money.” Nevermind, then. Backup plan it is. 
“I understand that,” you concede, and you remove your weapon from his neck. His hands are on the hilts of his swords instantly, but he doesn’t draw them. He could kill both you and the Lady in a single swing, but he doesn’t. Maybe you did reach a different side of him. “That's why I’m willing to cut you a deal.”
“I don’t make deals with pirat–” he starts, but abruptly cuts himself off when you raise your eyebrows in expectation. Did you not learn anything from what I just told you? His face contorts in confusion, as if his mind was at odds with what his body was telling him to do. After carefully schooling his expression into blankness, he stands to his full height, rolling a broad shoulder. “What’s the deal?”
“You’re aware of the Blue Ringed crew, yes?”
“Famous for their poisons, I’ve heard,” he confirms and you nod. “They cover every inch of their ship in toxins and wear special clothing to prevent contact with their skin. Makes it hard to sneak up on them.”
“Exactly. See, you’re not as uneducated as you look,” you tease and you feel your face heat when he sticks his tongue out at you. It’s so boyish and immature, in stark contrast to the handsome, god-bodied man that faces you. “I happen to have a counteragent, enough for you to get on their ship and collect three times the amount if you killed us tonight.” 
“And what would you get in return?”
“The sound of your boots walking off the property and never returning,” you whisper a little desperately, pleading with him to leave your perfect peace intact and forget this altercation ever happened. The quiet in the room as he ponders your offer is suffocating save for the gentle snores of Lady Lavender. Eventually, he takes your deal, inspecting the powder-filled vial when you bring it to him on the front porch. 
“How do I use it if it’s powder?”
“Mix it with lotion to help soak it faster into your skin. When your skin is dry, you’ll have roughly an hour to navigate the boat completely immune to the poison. It’s sweat resistant but will wash off with seawater, so take care not to get thrown overboard,” you instruct him, crossing your arms across your chest against the chilly ocean air blowing in from the south. It was breezier than normal and you regret not grabbing a sweater. Unless you wanted to freeze your ass off, you needed to finish this debacle quickly. “Kill the pirates, get your bounty, and leave us the hell alone. Deal?” 
“Fine by me.” He carefully places the vial in the pocket of his pants and begins his descent down the front walkway. Before you can turn back into the house, however, his voice reaches your ears so lightly you think you’d hallucinated it. “Stay warm.” 
He doesn’t end up keeping his side of the deal. A few days after your initial altercation, he approaches the house again in broad daylight holding a box about the size of your hand. You stare at him in disbelief, reading in the nook of your window and he has the audacity to smirk at you when he spots you looking. 
“I thought we had a deal, pirate hunter,” you remind him when you open the front door of the house. It was infuriating how good he looked for having just returned from a pursuit, dressed up in fine fabrics with his hair combed back nicely. The irony was palpable, the situation not unlike the stories the Lady told you about the numerous men who attempted to court her. They appeared at the same front door with flowers, rubies, and promises of devotion, but none of them actually wanted her heart. In contrast, you wanted to stab the heart of the idiot in front of you. 
“Stop calling me that,” he frowns and you can’t help the laugh that leaves your mouth. “My name is Roronoa Zoro–”
“Oh, sorry,” you interject and his eyebrows furrow at your lack of manners. “Am I just supposed to act like you’re my friend now? After you tried to kill my boss?” 
“I thought we were past that,” he states bluntly.
“That was four days ago.” 
“It’s enough time to move on.”
“You’re impossible.” You shake your head in disbelief, slightly puzzled at the giddy feeling in your chest when the faintest smile appears on his face. “What’s that?” You gesture to the rosewood box in his fingers. 
“Consider it an apology,” he says, holding out the box for you to take, “for bothering you the other night.” 
“How chivalrous.” You eye the box warily, still unsure about the enigmatic bounty hunter before you. “But we don’t need nor want your money.”
“It’s not money. Just open the damn box,” he grunts impatiently and you begrudgingly oblige, sliding back the top panel to reveal a bracelet. It wasn’t like any other bracelet you’d seen before, a gold chain garnished with a single deep green emerald barely the size of your pinky fingernail. It was delicate and elegant, subtle enough not to draw attention but luxurious enough to make you feel spoiled. “Do you like it?”
“I do, actually. The color is pretty,” you reply slowly, still slightly in shock. “Why green?”
“Take a wild guess.” He smirks again and your gaze flicks up to his hair. It was just as vibrant as the gemstone and he watched you carefully as the pieces clicked into place. With the bracelet, you’d be forced to think of him every time you looked at it or anything the color green. What kind of guy buys a momento for almost killing you, you had no idea.
“You didn’t need to bring me this. I thought the deal was–”
“I remember what the deal was, but I felt bad making you stand outside shivering while you explained how the counteragent functioned.” Your eyes widen slightly at his admission. He noticed you reacting to the wind, so how intensely was he watching you that night? If he sees your surprise, he doesn’t comment on it and continues to explain why he brought you the gift in the first place. “The powder worked, by the way. I snagged this from the captain’s chambers on my way out.” 
“You stole this because you saw me get cold?” He merely shrugs, clearly unbothered. 
“I mean, yeah. You looked miserable.”
“I was miserable.” He smiles slightly again, the corner of his mouth quirking in amusement. It makes your heart stutter against your wishes. “Does this mean we’re even now, pirate hunter?”
“Call me Zoro and maybe I’ll consider it.”
“You’ll consider it?” 
“Holding a sword to someone’s throat is a major transgression that can’t be forgiven so easily,” he taunts and you roll your eyes. “Let me start over, meet you properly without the involvement of weapons.”
“You really want to see me again?” He scoffs at your question as if the answer wasn't crystal clear.
“What, bringing you a bracelet wasn’t obvious enough? I’ll have to bring the entire ship next time. Might take a little longer to get back to you.”
“Get off my porch, Roronoa Zoro,” you laugh, reaching out to push his shoulder away and feeling every inch of his skin against your fingers in the brief moment your bodies touch. “Don’t come back unless you have something important to say.” 
“I think you’ll soon find out what I prioritize as important.”
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Faux Innocence | Halsin
[Smut, purity kink, slightly toxic Halsin, Durge reader, nb!reader]
Halsin has developed a false impression of who you are. Despite being a bhaalspawn, you were the picture of purity in his eyes and he let his urges to corrupt you take over.
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If someone were to ask Halsin what true purity was, he'd merely point in your direction.
For how could anything else compare to you? How could the petals of a budding spring flower compete with you? Not even the sweet nectar of a honeysuckle rivals the sweetness of your innocence.
Is what he sincerely believed, constantly preached and defended with vigour against any conflicting view or opinion someone had of you.
He might have not gotten to know you much, but from what he has seen and through all the troubles you went through to help him and his grove, to help cure this land from its curse and save a child of nature, he has a solidified view about you.
A maniac? A murder? A bhaalspawn? Halsin will soon believe that the sun was blue rather than these blatant lies. You couldn't hurt a fly if you tried, you were the picture of a meek newborn deer in his eyes.
No matter how many times your companions attempted to tarnish his glass stained picture of you, it would never shatter.
Yet you accepted his advances, his proposition in broad daylight. Halsin was sure of one thing that day, and it's that you might have been even more naive than he thought you were, to allow a man you've barely known to bed you so easily.
It almost felt sinful of him to wait for you in the woods that night. His neglected cock throbbing and aching against his clothes, tip leaking pearly white droplets at the thought of your wide eyed stare and sweet smile when you finally arrived.
He was gentle, he really tried to be as gentle as he could. The most careful and delicate he has been in his entire lifetime, a stark contrast to his wild nature and usual intense sexual experiences.
Speaking slowly, softly. Allowing you space and asking you if you're sure multiple times in an almost condensing way. The man would coo at your endearing enthusiasm as he patted your head, amused by your innocence.
Your companions really don't know you at all huh? Spinning false tales of you allowing a priest of loviatar to whip and inflict pain on you so publicly, claiming you were flirting with the devil women after Wyll. They even had the audacity to imply that blood and gore turn you on!
These thoughts only make him chuckle, he has never heard anything so bizarre in his life before.
Halsin picks you up, you fit perfectly into his big arms. The urge to protect you, keep you in his embrace from this scary world that would devour you at the first sign of weakness. It's a miracle that someone as sweet and innocent as you managed to remain pure for so long.
As much as he wants to push you against the tree, he fears its bark might be too harsh for your delicate skin. He only wishes for your utmost comfort as he trails up your neck. Giving your forehead a tender peck before pressing his lips against yours, his tongue politely and wordlessly asking permission for your lips to part.
The kiss is slow, tender, and drives him crazy. He is using all of his self restraint, burying every depraved perverted instinct of his deep down being so careful not to tighten his grip around you.
You're like a fragile fledgling of a hummingbird that entrusted him with its delicate wings.
He asks permission before removing your clothes, swallowing down his saliva at the idea of finally seeing your naked body.
He interprets your casual nod as a sign of being embarrassed, what a timid shy thing you are. May Silvanus grant his soul mercy and give him strength for he is barely holding back. His cock painfully hard and left ignored for the sake of you.
The night is warm and calm, the perfect atmosphere to slowly strip you down. The moonlight illuminating your breathtaking figure as his large hands glide down your soft body.
You belong in a soft bed with featherly pillows, he thinks, covered in silk and veiled by white lace. Maybe even a nest of wool or cotton, as delicate and as precious as an egg, you deserved the same protection.
When he reached between your legs, his breath stopped for a second. Eyes drinking in your most intimate parts on display for him. How he longed to drink you up, swallow you like honey down his throat.
You deserve a hot wet mouth to grind into each night, both to wake you up in the early morning with his head between your legs, and to put you to sleep late at night with your thighs above his shoulders.
Before he realises it, his lips are already on you. Sucking and licking against your heat with the hunger of a dying man. You tasted like pure ambrosia and he was getting addicted.
Nothing could pull him away from you at that moment, no one could convince him to let go before you had your orgasm. How sweet your moans sounded as he drove his tongue further in, as he sucked and swallowed.
And when you held his hand, when you entangled your fingers with his instead of pulling on his hair, he almost came untouched. This simple innocent act of holding hands while he devoured you on his knees, while he shamelessly let his gluttony take charge, it drove him mad with lust.
That hand could never hold a knife or a dagger, he thought, there is no way these delicate fingers could handle a weapon. They were made to be held, to be kissed and to be pinned down.
The melody of your moans echoed through the night, getting louder as you approached release. Halsin felt a sense of pride when he saw the hints of tears at the corner of your eyes, what an intense experience his simple act must have been for someone as pure as you.
“Halsin…please” you breathlessly said, “I'm close, I'm…”
Your next words, asking his permission to cum, were his last straw.
For your orgasm never came. Halsin pulled his mouth away with a wet pop as his primal urges took over. Picking you up again and bending you against his chest, your legs over his shoulder as he kept you in the air.
“Please bear with me, I deeply apologise for this.” you felt something large prop your entrance, his eyes were glazed over.
He's an awful man, he thinks as he plunges his cock into your wet hole. He couldn't resist, he couldn't control himself, he couldn't not be greedy and selfish against your temptations.
The sudden intense change of position, the sudden insertion and the large cock pumping in and out of you with a trail of precum painting your walls, was more than enough to send you over the edge.
Your previous denied orgasm coming back twice as strong. Halsin kept fucking you through your release, pace never slowing down as you cried in pleasure and and your insides squeezed him fist tight.
Drool slipped from the corner of your lips, pleasure clouding your brain and making everything look hazy. Halsin lapped it up with the look of a hungry wolf about to devour its prey, kissing you again and pushing you down deeper onto his cock.
He wanted to ruin you, to steal your purity so it's his forever, to share his filthy fantasies with you until you're as much of a pervert as he is. To fuck each and every one of your holes, to fill you with his cum and bulge your stomach.
Apology after apology were whispered against your lips between each kiss, his brutal pace sending you into overwhelming sensitivity from your fresh orgasm. You could only hold on to his strong chest as you were used like a flashlight, fucked and made to cum so easily by the arch-druid.
The idea of keeping you on his cock forever stirs something dark inside him, to have you warming his cock each moment of the day. To stretch you out on it and bounce you slowly until you cum yourself to sleep, have you all pretty and ready on his lap to be fucked. He would protect you, he would treasure you and he would show you what's your true purpose.
Instead of having to worry about you each time you went out on these adventures, never taking him with you and coming back covered in blood courtesy to your careless companions no doubt. How could they let someone so meek and innocent even see the sight of blood?
You're crying his name, hugging him closer to you. Moving your hips as much as you can to match his pace. Even now you're indulging this selfish man's desires? Fucking yourself against him so he'd give you his cum faster? You really are a sweet thing aren't you. The most adorable person he has ever met.
He was never one to abuse his authority or power, but something tells him if you were a cute fresh druid in training in the grove, he would've made you his personal assistant since day one. Gave a million excuses and reasons on why it should be him to train you, to hold you and show you the proper positions to cast spells, to give you the permission to visit the arch-druid chambers any time.
But maybe even nature is too brutal for you. The sight of that bloodied brutalised squirrel just above the elevator still confuses him to this day, apparently animals can still be hostile whilst in a safe sanctuary like the grove. At least he fully assumed it was another animal that had taken its life.
And Halsin will make sure you never see that side of nature, only the most soft and cherry picked ascents. Have you tending to the flowers and caring for the baby bunnies. Maybe, feeding the kittens seems much more your style.
Your cries pull him out of his fantasy of what a different life with you could've been. There are tears going down your eyes from the intense pleasure and the most cute hiccups and pleads for him to please fill you with his cum, to please push his cock deeper in.
How could he ever say no? It would be criminal to deny you anything.
Halsin was already on edge for so long, it only takes a couple more kisses against your neck, a touch of your curious fingers against his pointy ears and he's spilling his seed inside you. Marking you with his cum and filling you the brim.
His cock pulses inside you as it empties itself, he keeps it plugging you and not allowing a single drop of his cum to escape.
Looking at your eyes, he wonders what you're thinking about in that pure mind of yours. Completely unaware to the depravity of gore inside, to your wandering thoughts about snapping his neck, to your dark urges for him to choke you with his large fists as he fucks you against the harshest tree.
No, instead he kisses your forehead. Smiling as sweat glistens on his skin, he keeps you on his lap.
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charliemwrites · 2 months
Oh, Witchfinder...
The rumors are seeds carried along the last frigid winter wind. There’s a cluster of townships that flirt at the edges of a dense forest in the northeast. The smallest and farthest village is said to be infested by those most heinous of Hell’s denizens, a witch. Witchfinder General Shepherd sends the captain of the 141st witch hunting division to investigate. "Let me pour you a drink."
Original AO3 Link
Content: Witchfinder AU, Dark Content, Dub-Con and Non-Con, Abuse of Power and Power Imbalance, Murder (non-descriptive), Possessive/Obsessive Behavior, Unreliable Narrator, Blasphemy and Religious Elements (Christianity)
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The rumors are seeds carried along the last frigid winter wind. They sprout suspicion in the fertile soil of the witchfinders’ information network.
There’s a cluster of townships that flirt at the edges of a dense forest in the northeast. The smallest and farthest village is said to be infested by those most heinous of Hell’s denizens, a witch.
Travelling merchants who have weathered the journey tell tales of shrieking trees and shadows that creep around campsites. Water coppery with blood and plagues of nightmares swathing entire caravans.
Witchfinder General Shepherd sends the captain of the 141st witch hunting division to investigate.
It is a sunny spring day when John first steps foot in your apothecary.
A bell above the door announces his arrival, a little brass thing that peters off like good laughter once it’s closed after him. The shop is absent of customers in the late morning; all the better to ask his questions without others to share the weight of his attention.  
A voice calls to him from a room beyond the counter, a bright compliment to the doorbell just gone silent, begging his patience.
Church bells ring for death too.
But death knells are not what flood John’s mind when you flutter into view, sage-stained hands smoothing ribbon-laced hair. An apron hugs tight about your waist, a stained linen cloth tucked between double-looped strings. A smear of vibrant green when you absently wipe your fingertips over a corner.
Barbed hooks burrow into his mind and hold fast.
You come up short when see him, eyes big and blinking like a trick of the light you can’t make sense of. He takes a heavy step deeper into your shop, herbs fresh and bitter in his nose.
What remains of the man he was before this moment clings to his shoulders.
“Oh, hello,” you say, “I’m sorry, I expected… ah, what can I do for you, sir?”
You close the last bit of distance to the counter, a half step for him two of yours. Dainty hands stack at the edge, one beneath the other like nesting birds. John crosses your humble shop in two long strides, boots loud as gavel strikes across a clean-swept floor. He is accustomed to being judge and executioner, a blood-soaked cloak draping his shoulders; something in his chest stirs at being yours.
“You are the shop keep?” he asks, dragging his eyes over yours.
You peer up at him through your lashes. Sunlight spirals through your irises, trips over the dark ring that separates them from pristine white.
“Yes, sir,” you answer.
“You’re the village healer, then?”
You blink again, brows doing a complicated dance deciding if you’re offended or not. “I am.”
Petal soft lips curl and press together on that last phonetic, hint at the question you didn’t quite ask.
“The others tell me you were beset by a witch last year.”
Your mouth parts on surprise, closes when you notice the silver medallion perched on his chest.
“Oh,” you breathe in realization. “Yes, in the autumn. Another witchfinder cured me.”
His eyebrows arch, but your expression remains open and guileless. The counter is less than the length of his forearm, but it’s too much distance. He wants to drag you to his chest and bruise that delicate jaw, squeeze a story from your polite tongue.
“I heard no news of this,” he says, hardening his voice into brick.
You tilt your head. “I couldn’t say why. He seemed quite proud of his victory.”
John’s eyes narrow. Pride is a poison to be imbibed in small doses. A couple drops on the tongue will do, a honeyed warmth fueling good, hard work and living well. A witchfinder must abstain regularly, lest the work become hollow and the living too well.
“His name.”
“Sir Graves,” you answer promptly, then tap a neat fingernail against the countertop, “I’m afraid that if he shared his first name, I don’t remember it.”
Not likely, he thinks. Philip indulges pride a little too readily by John’s estimate – and by most others’ as well. It’s no wonder when Shepherd feeds his lapdog feasts just for fetching. Could, perhaps, put the Devil himself to shame one day, glutted on lording himself over peasant folk looking for salvation by his sword.
If Philip was in this little village and saved a lovely young thing like yourself from perdition, he would have come back to trumpets.
“Odd, that.” John muses. “That I heard of your village’s witch, but not one of my own killing it.”
You hum. “Yes, you said.”
“And the witch is dead now?” he confirms.
One shoulder lifts, a tentative shrug. “I should think so. The village has been peaceful and I’m no longer ill.”
No, you certainly are not. You’re a portrait of health, haloed in good humors. John has seen mere brushes with the wicked rend men in their prime to frail simulacra of themselves. Yet you stand exquisite upon the year’s rebirth, cheeks round from a full belly through the winter.
“And yet I hear that the woods cry in the night.”
He heard no such thing on his journey in, but better to see how far the roots spread. 
“I could not say,” you demure, “I sleep quite well, sir.”
He flicks his gaze over the precious silhouette of you, a pretty thing in a dress trimmed in yellow. An idle thought tiptoes to the front of his consciousness, a thief sneaking away his good sense.
You, tucked up alone in a too big bed, sleep soft and vulnerable, moonlight kissing bare skin…
The sleeves of your dress are scrunched up a bit at the wrist, tender skin and serpentine veins peeking past modest fabric. A dark splotch near your thumb draws his gaze.
He snatches up your little wrist like a lightning strike, yanking your arm across the counter while you’re still scrambling past a gasp to protest.
“When witches consort with the Devil, he often marks them.”
John’s grip is iron, though it wouldn’t bruise if you’d stop pulling. Surely you must know, just from the size of him, that you have no hope of resisting without indulging in some inhuman power. Even bracing your free hand against the counter for leverage, you’re held fast.
He tugs your sleeve down, revealing the discolored patch of skin to the light. You make a noise in the back of your throat, brows scrunched and tilted with distress.
“It’s just ink!” you squeak. “Let me—”
He concedes to his initial urge and locks his big hand around your jaw, from corner to corner. You squeal, supple lips bracketing teeth blunt of suspiciously sharp edges. A slick pink tongue pillows the floor of your glistening mouth. He twists his wrist, rough fingers hooking under your jaw and chin so that he can plunge his thumb into that noisy cavern.
He’s tempted, so tempted, to leave it there. To pet at your tongue until it’s a tame pet, jumping at his command. But your whines are getting pitchy, your eyes shiny, and he has no need of scaring you until you’ve been proven heretic. He dips into the saliva pooling behind your bottom teeth, then pulls away before you can do something monumentally stupid – like bite.
He rubs the wet digit over the mark and sure enough, it reactivates and dilutes a coal gray. Just ink after all.
When he releases you, the glass-laden shelf behind you rattles, glass vials shuddering together with a tinkling sound. Laughter at your expense.
“W-wha – why…?” you whimper, arms drawn close to your chest.
Perhaps he was hasty. He nearly startles that he does not feel more than passing regret – that you will be warier to approach him again. Hastily, disturbed at his own reaction, he forms his expression into a moue of apology.
“I know,” he soothes, weaving his voice into a velvet blanket around your tense shoulders. “That must have been frightening. That was not my intent, little miss.”
You sniffle a bit, those unshed tears still glossing big, round eyes.
“Witches are a dangerous kind,” he continues, “you know that for yourself.”
At your tentative nod, he curves his mouth into a gentling smile. Combined with the scruff of his facial hair, he knows he telegraphs warmth and trust – Soap has even teased as fatherly. The sight of it unfurls you, a wilting flower twisting towards the sun.
“You can understand, then, why I had to act swiftly?”
You nod slowly after a moment, taking the tiniest of steps away from the wall.
Brave little thing, he thinks with a wicked curl of fondness. The type of fondness a dog would feel for their favorite bone to gnaw.
He offers his hand, beckoning you to come of your own volition this time. His palm tingles in anticipation of your touch, builds into a burn the longer you hesitate, your touch the balm he needs to relieve it. Your eyes flick between his face and his hand; your unmarked throat bobs as you swallow.
Then you shuffle closer and glide your soft fingers across his, alighting his nerves.
“Though it is my duty, I do regret the affect it has had on our introduction,” he rumbles, voice lowering. You lean a bit to hear him better; he nearly drops to a whisper. “But may I offer my name, as a sign of good faith.”
Your answering smile is small, still shaky, precious like gemstones.
“I am Captain John Price, witchfinder. At your service, my lady.”
Men avoid you in the streets.
It’s a subtle gesture, a slight change of course or pivot of the heel. John doesn’t even notice until a group of three splits two and one to allow you unhindered passage. They don’t appear nervous, nodding their heads in greeting that you respond to with smiles and tiny waves. There’s a basket on your arm that they are careful not to bump, though none offer to carry it either.
The women, by comparison, frequently stop you in the middle of the street for a pleasant word or friendly clasp of hands. Like songbirds on the eaves, twittering brightly.
“Where are all the men?” John asks the baker.
“Begging your pardon, sir?”
“There are fewer men than women,” John notes, nodding to the main street – three women to every man. “Why is that?”
The baker blows out a breath, the long sigh of an elder man. “Oh, the same reason all boys leave home, you know? They go out to make their fortunes, chase fame, fall in love. We’re a small village, little of those first two to be found here.”
John chuckles his agreement, thanks him for the insight – and the fresh rolls – then strolls towards the smithy. The short journey is riddled with curious glances and whispers, none with concern, but none with eagerness. He thinks someone might whisper your name to another as he passes.
As luck would have it, you are outside the smithy, a younger girl hovering at your elbow with a worried brow.
“Is something the matter, ladies?” he calls.
You jump a bit, cup your hands together, one over the other. Hiding something. He arches an eyebrow and hooks a hand in the belt across his chest, thumb peeking out. Stops a polite distance away. Without the illusory safety of a counter, you appear ready to dart off like a startled doe.
“Or are we up to mischief this morning?” he teases upon seeing the younger girl’s flustered face.
You drag your teeth across your bottom lip, trepidatious eyes scanning John’s features. He keeps his smile warm and friendly, the set of his shoulders loose. Your gaze lingers at the corners of his eyes where the skin has begun to crinkle with his age. Then you giggle a bit, an embarrassed grin sneaking across your mouth.
“We’ve made a friend, Sir Witchfinder,” you reveal.
“A friend you say?” he asks, tilting his head.
You hum and lift your hands a bit in offering. “Would you like to see?”
He arches an eyebrow, taking his turn at a cautious measure of your intentions. The glint in your eyes is joyous, not sinister. Shaking his head a bit, he idles a step closer.
“If I end up with a face full of ash…”
“We would never!” the younger girl gasps.
“I wouldn’t dirty my hands for a silly joke like that,” you add with a cheeky curl to your lips.
“Let’s see it, then.”
You slowly, carefully, lift the hand on top. Sat in the well of your palm is… a mouse.
“This is your friend?”
“Handsome little devil, isn’t he?” you coo, thumb smoothing behind a rounded ear.
“A bit waterlogged, though,” he notes.
The poor creature’s fur is dark and clumped together, sticking up where it's brushed against your hands. It’s curled into a tight, shivery ball, beady little eyes staring out at a world far too big for it.
“He fell into the rain barrel,” the girl explains sadly, “I didn’t know what to do.”
“You could have sent it on its way,” he offers, peering at her across your arms.
This, apparently, is of great offense.
“He would die! It’s still far too cold!” she cries.
You hum in agreement, soothing the mouse as its ears twitch. “He’s a young one too, would be a shame that he survived the winter to die like that.”
A circler patch on your skirt reveals just how much of a shame you thought it would be.
“Well, what’s to be done with it now?” he asks.
You cuddle it closer to your breast, beaming as it huddles into the warmth of your body.
“Mallory, would you collect a wooden bowl your father won’t miss?”
“Gladly!” the girl chirps and scurries into the smithy.
Left alone, you don’t seem to grow wary of John again. Most of your focus is on your tiny charge, though you flick him a warm glance when he ventures a careful finger over its spine.
“What a stupid little thing,” he muses, not unkindly, “falling into the water like that.”
You laugh a bit, soft and quiet. A precious jewel shining from a riverbed.
“I like stupid creatures,” you reply. “When they lash out, you know it’s not with malice. Ill intent is an invention of man.”
His brows arch. “How do you reckon?”
You tilt your head, eyes sliding away in thought. “Well… I’ve never heard of mice starting a war for gold. Have you?”
Such a seemingly harmless question; it sits like stone in his chest.
“No,” he admits. “I have not.”
Mallory returns, a wooden bowl with high sides in her hands. You pluck a square of linen from the layers of your dress and arrange it at the bottom of the bowl, then deposit the soggy rodent atop. Its tiny black nose twitches, exploring its new bed.
“Set this in a sunny window with a thimble of water. When he’s regained his strength, you can return him to the forest,” you instruct.
John clicks his tongue. “Your father will not be pleased if it gets loose.”
Still, he tears a bit of bread from his bounty of rolls and drops it next to the mouse.
“I’ll keep an eye on it,” Mallory assures and trots off with her occupied bowl.
You and John watch her until she’s disappeared back inside the smithy.
“It’s still a pest, you know,” he says after a moment.
You slant your eyes towards him, a sad twist to your smile now. “That didn’t make him any more worthy of drowning.”
“Someone may still kill it one day.”
You turn to him fully then, chin tilted in not quite a challenge. “Then why did you give him bread?”
It’s a question he could easily shrug off or wave away, but the weight of it settles heavy around his shoulders. Your gaze bores into him.
“I don’t believe in cruelty for cruelty’s sake,” he explains after a moment. “And I do not believe in suffering for principle.”
You blink at him for a moment, storm clouds churning in your eyes. Then someone calls your name and you bid John a quiet ado.
The sheep are huddled in the pasture, an off-white island in a blue-black sea of grass. Their sentinels perk as John passes, eyes glinting by fish-belly moonlight. They make no sound, only lift their shaggy heads to track his passing. John spares them a nod, one guard dog to another.
The nature of a witchfinder is not so different from theirs, to protect the flock and bend to the shepherd’s guidance. How must they feel when their master inevitably slaughters one of their own lambs and lets them taste of the meat?
The forest is loud for the first half-league. Mother nature has let her night children out to play – foxes in the brush and owls perched amongst crooked boughs. Perhaps she has welcomed the arcane tonight as well. The moon is not full, but the lure of sin drives the craven to sate themselves on unripe fruit.
John follows the trodden path to the river where the witch drowned. No trace of the execution or her remains. The wilds are cruel that way, swallowing the righteous and wicked alike and leaving not even bones behind. Marrow is always good for feasting, no matter the soul that inhabited them.
He follows the bank upstream a ways, deeper into the forest, and farther from the places that most would venture. The animals here are more cautious of unfamiliar scents and flee long before he might disturb their evening. As a consequence, the night grows quieter, lonelier.
Then silent all at once.
John is a blooded witchfinder; he knows what this silence means. His palm curls around the handle of his flintlock.
A shrill scream splits the air, high and awful. A death cry – a rabbit’s.
The insects return as the night folds over the bloodshed. John doesn’t move his hand from his pistol.
He waits, a chill wind gnawing at his skin, wriggling in the spaces between his clothes, tangling in his cloak. But there never comes a sign of anything more. Eventually, he turns and navigates back towards the village along the threads of deer trails.
Just as he passes the tree line, a breeze stirs. A few faint haunting notes burrow into his ears and carve maddening paths through his brain. Someone is singing.
His gaze curves towards your apothecary, though even from this distance the windows are ink black.
How easy it would be to steal inside, confirm that you are a good girl tucked up in bed. Perhaps even, for the sake of thoroughness, confirm with his hands and tongue that your croons are not the ones teasing him on an unnatural wind.
John takes a single leaden step towards your home. Towards you. Then the church bells toll – once, twice, thrice.
He pivots on his heel and returns to the inn.
You are at mass the next morning, in the third row from the front, tucked between the baker’s wife and the blacksmith’s daughter. The latter is giggling to you while the other parishioners trickle in and lace the pews. Your smile is bright and sweet, primrose blooms in the trellis outside the inn. A spiderweb of lace threads through your hair today, an intricate pattern he traces with his eyes, over and over and over.
He asked after you – before going to your apothecary and then after. You are well-liked, of course you are. Their precious healer, so handy with your tinctures and ointments, so kind in word and deed. A dreadful business it was, when the shadows appeared in your eyes and spilled over, vitality washed from your skin. You snapped at a huntsman one day, then snarled at the mayor’s eldest son a week later. They each fell fatally ill by month’s end.
You had not liked the witchfinder one bit. Had forced him from your shop and refused his men aid for their travel sores. No one knows what happened All Hallows Eve, when they dragged you from your home to the tiny village jail. All anyone knows were the rabid screams, the curses you shouted through the night, the staggering gait of one witchfinder come first light.
The villagers spoke little and reluctantly of the drowning. That you were marched, silent as death and blank as parchment down to the riverside in chains. The forest was silent when they bundled you up in canvas and roped it closed. There was a terrible splash when they threw your still body into the depths, how you sank and sank and sank…
You were sitting at old woman Josie’s side when they returned, dry and warm and so curious about where everyone had been for so long.
John watches you kneel for communion, mouth parting to receive sacrament. How powerful the Lord must feel, to be placed upon that silken tongue and taken into that soft mouth. The light shifts through stained glass, you’re dyed with Heaven and saints.
No, you are far too exquisite for God; all His angels would fall for envy of you at their gate.
Blasphemy tastes like fresh bread, warm and soft and a little sweet.
John forgets to cross himself. The eucharist has ended and you are gliding down the center aisle towards his post at the church doors.
“Good morning, Sir Witchfinder,” you chime.
The baker’s wife squeezes your elbow as you part ways. John replaces her touch with his own, turning with you towards the apothecary.
“I trust you slept well?” he asks, falling into step.
“Like a lamb,” you reply, “and you, sir?”
“Well, for what I got.”
You are a song that followed him into sleep. His dreams were laden with your big eyes and your soft lips and the memory of you yielding beneath his grip. He woke this morning humming your tune.
You have to tilt your head so far to gauge his expression. “Trouble sleeping?”
“I went into the woods last night, looking for truth to the rumors.”
“Oh! Did you find any?” You wear innocence like fine pearls.
“None. Though I may find something on the full moon.”
You hum, curious. “The full moon is important, then?”
“It is sacred to witches.” He scoffs, “Well, what passes for sacred to them.”
Another question perches on your lips, but a call of your name robs your attention once more. The mayor, asking for a tonic. You pause to ask after his symptoms, and his wife, and his niece in the next town over. It’s a simple yet beautiful net you weave, ensnaring the man’s good will. You promise a bottle before noon and continue on with John at your pretty little boot heels, a dog on a silver leash.
“Tea?” you ask as you enter the apothecary.
He nods. “My thanks.”
You hum and flounce off to the back room. He keeps half an ear on you there while he wanders the shop, a more critical eye upon your wares. There are jars labelled in looping script with commonplace items. A quartet of honey, a cluster of infused oils. Tins of balm for wind chafe and sunburn. Nothing of suspicion, though it would be a foolish witch that keeps virgins’ blood and reptile eyes in plain view. He’s still not sure if he expects to find them anyway.
Spurred by he knows not what, John rounds the counter. Beneath it is a number of other glass vials and containers with careful labels. Their uses are not included, but he recognizes some of them. Cinnamon powder, crushed chamomile, lavender buds, mint leaves. There’s also a little sheaf of bound parchment denoting inventory and sales; business is healthy for the village’s sole healer.
The quiet shuffle from the other room becomes supplemented by a light hum.
John’s feet move of their own accord. The backroom is a well-lit, clean space, but the entirety of his razor focus is on you. He does not bother to lighten his steps and so you’ve already turned by the time he reaches you.
A gasp pitches high in your throat when he backs you against the table behind you.
You smell like vanilla and daffodils today. Incense in the church that’s been built for you in his mind. He braces his hands against the table to either side of you, caging you in.
“Price,” he growls against your ear. “Call me by name.”
The sweetest little shudder wracks through your smaller frame, a spray of blush blooming across your nose and cheeks. He exhales the urge to drag his tongue across it, let the heat burn his mouth, initiation by fire.
“I-I couldn’t possibly – never mind, what are you doing?!”
He could coo at the affront daring to color your voice. How dare this big man invade your shop and your space and your life, how dare he sink his teeth into the very thought of you?
“I heard singing last night,” he says instead, a growl in his chest that you surely feel against your fluttering breast. “It sounded like you.”
You shake your head, a little furrow between your brows. “I slept through the night, sir.”
“Captain, please, are you sure it sounded like me?”
He stiffens to his full height, towering over you. You try to shrink away, but space has become a commodity he will not afford you.
“You doubt me?”
That little spark of indignance is already cooling, smothered before it could grow into a proper flame. You try for reason with a man who thinks he lost it sometime between seeing you for the first time and his next breath after that.
“There are many children in the village,” you explain. Your hands inch up between your bodies, like ivy creeping up stone walls. Their roots will find purchase in the cracks you’ve chiseled in his foundation. “Perhaps it was a mother singing a lullaby?”
He grasps for all the good sense he was once graced with that made him captain.
Behind him, the kettle begins to shriek.
“Please… Price?” you murmur. “Let me get that?”
He allows the narrowest margin for you to escape. You take it with nervous, stumbling steps. As you collect the kettle from the modest fire burning against the back wall, he tries to wrestle up what remains of his tattered resolve.
John has always considered himself a fair and reasonable man. Unlike a tragic number of his fellows, who have never met a woman they did not condemn, he has strived to be more discerning. A shepherd dog cannot protect the flock if it bites its own sheep. He’s saved as many from the stake as he’s sent to the noose.
Since meeting you, however, he feels as if he’s stranded with no compass and no stars. You’ve robbed him of sense and patience and virtue, left a ravenous beast behind in his skin. It’s unlike any enchantment he’s heard of – one that wishes to ruin the caster so thoroughly. He’s possessed by his need to possess.
It’s some kind of magic, it must be. He doesn’t think he’d recognize himself in a mirror.
“We’re putting this to rest.”
His voice startles you, eyes wide and anxious when he closes the distance again. He counts his steps, measures them on whirls in the floor. You fidget at the sleeves of your dress, light blue trimmed in white lace. A bit of sky draped around temptation. Hell hidden in Heaven.
“The Lord’s Prayer,” he commands, “now.”
Though your voice wavers, you manage its entirety without stuttering or coughing, each word carefully enunciated. It is no surprise; you attended church and took communion without strain.
And yet… and yet.
“I need to be sure,” he decides. “I must examine you.”
You blink. “E-examine?”
“You must be familiar with this, yes? The Devil hides his marks in many places.”
Realization washes across your pretty panicky face. What an awful spell you’ve cast, that makes him want to see that expression when he wrests terrible ecstasy from your trembling body.
“I-I don’t…”
“I know,” he soothes, “it is frightening. We will do this last thing to ensure your innocence, and then I will not seem so mean, I promise.”
You squeeze your eyes shut as you nod, perhaps finding solace in darkness one last time, before your glamour is revealed.
“One thing at a time,” he encourages, firm but not unkind. You look like your knees are about to give out. “It will not take long.”
With shaking fingers, you unbuckle the thick leather belt cinching your waist. You fold it in half and set it aside on a clear patch of worktable. Your gown comes next, laced at the front with a neat bow that had been hidden by the belt. This is draped atop the table as well, and then you pause, hands twitching in the skirt of the cream shift you’re left in.
John takes pity, generous with the promise of more to come. Delayed gratification has always been his vice of choice. “Let’s start from the bottom, shall we? Shoes next.”
You sigh softly in relief and bend at the waist, drawing the hem up with one hand. The other tugs at the laces of first one boot, then the other, stockinged feet padding out onto the wood floors. You tut offhandedly about tears while you set your shoes neatly aside.
Higher and higher your thin shift goes, a measure for the anticipation roiling in his gut. Your stocking climbs up to your thigh, where a clever little cuff hugs plush flesh, a slight bulge where you’ve laced it tight to stay in place. It slides down, down, down, and off your dainty little foot. Between the deliberate slide of fabric and the fluttering of your shift, bits of skin flicker into view like clouds passing over the moon.
The other stocking is just as torturous, just as hypnotizing. John drops to his knees when you’re finally standing barefoot, the hem of your shift still drawn up enough to display how you shift your weight.
Even your ankles are so small that he can fit his entire palm with fingers overlapping. You make a nervous noise as he pries your foot up from the floor.
“I’m going to fall,” you mumble.
“Hold onto me, then.” With his free hand, he guides one of yours to his shoulder. The other follows suit, balling into his tunic. “Just like that, there we are.”
You hum, sounding unsure but mollified. He tilts the limb until he can get a look at the sole, finds smooth and unmarked skin. The same for the other, and he luxuriates in how you lean into him for stability.
On both feet again, you seem to forget to let him go. He does not remind you while he smooths your skirt up your calves, your knees. He thumbs at a little bruise on the left and bites off a mean smirk when you twitch away.
“I bumped into a table,” you explain.
“Clumsy thing,” he tuts.
Your pouty little huff tempts him to look, but he refrains, rallying all his years of witchfinding service to the task at hand. There’s a scar on the inside of your left thigh that makes his mouth water.
“And this?”
“I dropped a kitchen knife when I was thirteen. My mother was furious.”
His teeth ache to bite into it. He taps at your hip instead. “The back now.”
“Oh.” You unlatch your hands from his shoulders to hold your dress for him. When you turn, he can’t resist drawing his palm up your thigh, marveling at living silk against his callous-roughened hand. It feels like he could tear you.
He stands, so close he can see the shade of each strand of hair. You glance at him over your shoulder, curious, but he wraps his fingers in your hair and faces you forward again. If you keep looking at him with those big, wet eyes, he’s going to do something unspeakable.
He examines the nape of your neck, the fine hairs that gather at the base of your skull. You fuss a bit about him ruining your braids when he tugs the lace ribbons free. Like a kitten, you subside when his fingers card through, scraping blunt nails along your scalp. It’s its own sort of magic, that. How your shoulders fall, and you lean into his touch just that guilty little bit.
“Back ‘round now, little miss,” he orders when the moment has stretched far, far too long for any justification.
He gives you another moment to gather your courage for what’s next and continues his inspection above your neckline. You scrunch your cute little nose when he brushes your ears and shiver a bit when he tilts your head back.
“Last of it now, c’mon,” he encourages.
A bit calmer now, you unlace the corset from your abdomen. An endearing little breath when it’s gone, ribs expanding like fireplace bellows. In nothing but soft linen, your nipples form rosy shadows through the fabric.
You have to turn away as you gather it up, flushing the brightest yet as you pull it over your head. The shift is piled with the rest of your abandoned clothes, and you are left wonderfully, scandalously, bare.
“No knickers?” he asks, a fingertip skimming over your buttock.
You jump. “I-I need to do laundry.”
He hums, amused despite the suspicious convenience of that explanation. Still, you are hardly the first woman to forget your washing, and you are a busy little bee at that.
“We’ll continue from here.”
The curve of your spine is a masterpiece, a thing for starving artists to make their name if they could capture it on canvas. He draws his thumb along each ridge, counting knots of bone down to the dimples at the small of your back.
Silver fissures decorate the lush roundness of your hips and lower stomach, where your body grew too fast inside your skin. A sign of a good, healthy childhood. They’re even softer and smoother than the surrounding skin, more decadent than silk.
“Once more. We’re almost done.”
You turn with great reluctance, arms drawn up and thighs pressed tight together. You’ve turned your face away, staring into the low fire. When he opens his mouth to coax you again, you fling an arm out, smacking into his chest. The other is still folded across the swell of your breasts.
“These as well… right?” you ask.
He tries to keep his chuckle soundless, but the dubious glance you send him from the corner of your eye is unappreciative.
Deft fingers unfurl when his thumb presses to the center of your finger palm, reflex that spreads them wide. It’s mouthwatering how easy your body yields. He turns your wrist and forearm over, checking along the tender parts beneath. You wrinkle your nose again when he holds it out to check your armpits as well. Once he’s satisfied with that, there’s some awkward shuffling to offer him the other arm.
“Your stomach, now?” he guesses, not trying to hide the patronization this time.
You jerk your head in a haughty little nod. He bends a bit to scrutinize your stomach, soft and well-fed. A sharp noise bursts from your throat when he thumbs at your naval. He arches an eyebrow as he tilts his head to your face, but you’re stubbornly looking as far from him as you can.
“That tickled,” you complain.
“My sincerest apologies, miss.”
Your nose twitches like you want scrunch it at him again. All that fussiness evaporates, however, when you realize what’s next.
“We’re almost done, little one.”
You squeeze your eyes shut. Slowly, achingly, you lower your arms. They don’t go far, folding across your stomach with tight little fists. It only takes a glance to know that you are unmarked, but John is far from satisfied. He can’t bring himself to look away, fingers tingling with desire to touch that supple skin, to feel the weight of your breasts in his palms.
“Thinking naughty thoughts, are we?” he teases, the barest brush of a fingertip over one hard nipple. “And on a Sunday.”
“N-no!” you squeak. “There’s a chill. I-I’m not…”
“So when I check this precious little cunt, I won’t find you dripping for me?”
You yelp, hands flying up to cover your face. “You mustn’t say things like that!”
“Mustn’t I?” he wonders as he lowers to his knees. It sends an ache through them, but the view is worth the toll.
“I know this is all so unusual but that’s – that’s improper, sir!” you cry.
“How many times must I remind you?” He traces his fingertips up the back of your calf, delighting in the goosebumps left in his wake. “Call me by name.”
You squeal when he hooks a hand beneath your knee and jerks it over his shoulder. Your hand flies to his other to keep your balance, eyes huge. He rakes his gaze deliberately down the curving length of that delicious body until it settles on his prize.
Heaven, he thinks, is on Earth. It is here, nestled between your thighs. The pearly gates are dripping between plump lips in a bed of downy curls. The clouds are pink and shimmering; the apple of Eden is a swollen, throbbing bud. God’s throne is the tight little hole twitching around nothing, untouched for want of a worthy offering.
Heaven’s choir is your shuddering little inhale when his thumbs part your slit wider. It’s the bitten off sound from cool air blown over sensitive flesh. It’s your sweet, startled “oh” when he draws a knuckle through all that decadent wetness. Angels sound like your moan when he pays special attention to that forbidden fruit, light circles until your hips twitch.
“W-wait,” you whimper, breathy, “I’m a – I’ve never…”
“Shh, shh,” he soothes, “I won’t hurt you, but the Devil can hide things inside, can’t he?”
You whine as he prods a careful finger at your entrance. Your modesty is still intact, really the last bit of evidence he could ever need that you are innocent. He gathers your slick on his fingertip and prods gently at that thin bit of tissue. You shake your head, bottom lip pinched between your teeth.
“Calm yourself, little miss,” he croons. “This hasn’t been painful so far, has it?”
“It will not be painful now, either. Just stay still for me.”
You make a weak little sound of agreement, hands clenching and unclenching. He massages at the membrane of your entrance in slow, even strokes, his thumb toying at that swollen button when you start to tense. It finally gives just that little bit and your body welcomes his finger inside.
He does not rush, keen to fulfill his promise of a painless touch. Who would forgo the pleasure of exploring Paradise in favor of sprinting from one end to the other?
When he’s down to the knuckle, he pauses, absorbing all of this exquisite moment, all of you. Shaking and panting, leaning into him with blush down to your chest. He curls his finger, draws it out just a bit, then sinks back inside. You bend your head to him as if in prayer, mouth falling open.
“Steady on, darling,” he coos. “You’re doing well.”
When you start to squirm, he hides a smile against your thigh and pumps his finger again. Deeper, faster, curling just that little bit to pet your supple walls. Your voice breaks loose when he finds his rhythm, a cascade of moans and whimpers that baptize him an acolyte. He devotes himself to your alter, to the pleasured twitching of your virgin cunt and the rocking of your untrained body.
He finds a spongy place inside that makes you flutter around him, a gush of slick beading a bracelet down his wrist. It soaks into the edge of his sleeve and beneath the leather of his vambrace.
“Th-that’s… oh.” You nearly sing with pleasure, a hymn made of monosyllables and whiny hums. He presses his thumb firm and insistent to your sensitive clit, rewarded by another flood of wetness and desperate whimpers. “I feel… ah, I feel l-like… what are you doing t-to me?”
He chuckles deep in his chest, brushes his lips along the side of your knee. Your traitorous pussy clenches around him, not nearly so demure of its admiration.
“Let that feeling build. Let it wash over you,” he purrs. “Don’t be afraid.”
You tilt your head back, crying your pleasure to the heavens as you tighten and shake. John braces your standing leg as your eyes roll back in your skull. You’re vicelike around just a single finger, it would be nearly painful around anything thicker. He rubs at that spot inside you, thumb still in place, unspooling your ecstasy like pulling a thread from knitted cloth. You unravel so beautifully for him, on and on until you’re a puddle in his hands.
It takes a little sniffle and a wordless mewl to coax him from your heat. His hand is drenched, slippery between his fingers. You lower your leg shakily from his shoulder, reluctant to put your weight on it with aftershocks still wracking your frame.
“Good girl. You’ve been so strong and brave, there’s a love,” he soothes, stroking your hip with his dry hand. “We can put this witch business to rest now.”
You tilt your head. Perhaps a nod; perhaps just exhaustion. He straightens while you gather yourself, flexing your fingers, likely sore from how hard you held onto him. He considers the mess on his hand, a temptation more intoxicating than any wine…
But he would rather drink from the source.
There’s a spare cloth folded into a neat square next to herbs you likely meant to cut. He cleans his hand with it and turns back just as you’re fumbling for your shift.
“Easy now, little miss. Allow me.”
John leans you up against the same table where you’ve piled your clothes, palms lingering at your waist until he’s sure you have your balance. You’re sweet and pliant under his touch, his voice. He redresses you with careful consideration, putting you back together just as he found you. Or nearly just.
The post-orgasm haze dissipates like fog with each article of clothing, an odd curiosity chasing across your face when he helps you back into your boots.
“You’re a strange sort of man,” you murmur, almost to yourself. “Is it because you’re a witchfinder?”
He arches his eyebrows as he stands again, arms winding around your waist to buckle your belt.
“I could not say without knowing what makes me so strange,” he chuckles.
You tilt your head, eyes still and deep, Leviathan’s abyss. Something is coiling behind your irises, a beast stirring from long slumber. Ripples in a lake will calm eventually, its natural state to be a placid mirror. You’ve become contemplative in your satiation; it’s the most substantial you’ve ever felt.
“You can’t decide to be cruel or kind,” you muse. “I didn’t know someone could be both.”
He presses his mouth to your temple.
“I’ve taught you a few things today, then.”
John sighs and runs his hands down his face, scratches a thumb absently at the corner of his jaw. His room’s modest writing desk is obscured by four pieces of parchment. One from each of his men, and a fourth from the witchfinder’s spymaster.
He sent Ghost, Soap, and Gaz to investigate the neighboring villages before setting for this one. They have each reported that there was nothing of note from any of them. Just the same things they’ve all heard. Rumors of a witch, a story of a healer who was exorcized of the evil. No curses or hexes since.
Laswell’s message was the last he was waiting for, just come in this morning.
Two men fell victim to your affliction. A huntsman, and the mayor’s eldest son.
The huntsman, an unpleasant man by the name of Robert, traveled along the province following his prey’s migration patterns. Apparently, he also had a predilection for women - girls, really - far too young for him. His last occupation before expiring: a certain blacksmith’s daughter.
As for the mayor’s son, there’s something to be said for still wearing that title at some four and a half decades old. Though Laswell’s information is scarcer here, owing that it was a very local matter, it seems he had a conflicted relationship with you. Would preen and fawn for your attention and then condemn you when you did not return it past politeness.
Even once boasted to a merchant two towns over that you would be the one he married, then stormed off when you declined to let him carry your basket.
Misfortune couldn’t have befallen better men, John muses. It was fortunate that no one else in the village fell victim to the witch’s wrath.
Fortunate indeed.
He sighs, sets his hands on hips. There’s really no need to stay, not now. None of his squadron have found any evidence of foulness. His own investigation concluded when his one suspect passed every measure of witchcraft he knows. He’s no reason to stay.
Gathering the parchments, he sets them aside and pens three identical messages commanding his men back to headquarters. He pens another to Laswell, thanking her for her diligence.
He returns downstairs, to hand his correspondence off to the innkeeper. Cecilia, the wife, is there instead. Talking to you.
“Oh, Captain Price,” she says, “dearest me, were you waiting there long? And here I am clucking like an old hen!”
“Not at all, madam,” he replies, approaching so that she need not go through the trouble of leaving her chair. You watch over the rim of your teacup, eyes dark and too knowing. “I thank you for looking after my correspondence.”
“Not at all, dear,” Cecilia coos. She takes his letters in one hand and pats at his shoulder with the other. “Now, then, we don’t want you losing any of that muscle, do we? How about a bowl of stew, it’s been cooking overnight.”
He stumbles out an agreement - not that he thinks it’s needed, she’s already bustling off to prepare him a bowl. You set your cup down with a gentle clatter.
“Important witchfinding business?” you ask, nodding after Cecilia.
And there’s the crux of it. You’re not a witch; you can’t be. He’s assured of that himself.
Something lingers in the back of his mind, that animal knowledge of an unknown predator lurking nearby. Gut instinct tells him something is off, despite all evidence to the contrary. It has never betrayed him before.
“Something like that,” he answers.
You hum, apparently satisfied with that answer.
He’ll stay until the full moon, at least. Perhaps then better sense will finally win out.
There’s a garden in back of the apothecary, just sloughing off hibernation. You’re tending to what few brave plants have ventured above ground in defiance of the lingering cold. John finds an orange cat batting at your apron springs. It flicks its ears towards him, then turns back to your laces.
“Flaunting your familiars?” he asks to announce his presence.
You half turn, though your eyes don’t stray from the rosemary spines you’re collecting. “Do you mean Curtis?”
The cat overbalances and lands on its back, rotund stomach hindering its ability to gracefully recover. As far as familiars go, it would be a pathetic one, stocky and cockeyed as it is.
“He’s a village cat, but he likes to test his luck with the crows.”
“You’ve crows now, too?” he asks, sidling closer. He’s mindful of the neat rows of your garden, where seeds or bulbs may lie dormant. “You enjoy drawing suspicion.”
You scoff; it’s unladylike, but he’s enchanted by sincerity. “There have always been crows. They eat pests from the garden. Better here than in the fields, no?”
He does spot a number of crushed snail shells and unharmed leaves amongst your few charges.
“I defer to your logic, my lady,” he chuckles, hands up in defeat.
You shake your head, but he spies your smile regardless. “Have you need of me, Sir Witchfinder?”
“I’ve need of your expertise today.”
He follows as you gather your little harvest and sidestep him out of the garden, arm brushing his. Curtis brings up the rear, tail swishing. You don’t seem bothered by his presence and so John only closes the door after the cat is inside. Back to your preparation room; you’re ignoring the back wall by the fireplace.
“What is it?” you ask.
“The full moon is tonight. I intend to camp in the forest. Have you anything to deter wildlife?”
You hum, eyes gazing off and head tilting back and forth as if shaking the information loose. “Yes, I think so.”
You beckon him about the backroom and the shop. He holds a cheesecloth pouch open while you sprinkle powders and dried herbs into it, murmuring as you go. Calendula and some of that fresh rosemary for wolves, ground spice for bears, peppermint for foxes. It’s certainly fragrant, but even if it is not effective, it’s worth its weight in gold to watch you flutter about with a confident set to your fine brow.
You tie the pouch closed with a neat but tight bow and instruct him to sprinkle it around his campsite. When he tries to pay, you shake your head, flushing hotly as you tell him it is thanks for making your examination so… painless.
He chuckles and strokes a finger down your warm cheek to make you swat at him.
Just as he turns to leave, you take his wrist and press a smaller pouch into his palm.
“Lavender, to help you sleep,” you explain.
“Will I dream of you?”
“So improper!” you complain, pressing your little hands to your cheeks.
He dips down close, bristly cheek brushing the softness of yours. You shiver as his lips skim the shell of your ear.
“My thanks, love,” he whispers, “I will show my gratitude when I return.”
You turn your face away, “It is a gift, you need not repay me.”
He grins wickedly. “Oh, but it will be my pleasure to do so.”
You shake your head and push gently at his chest. “Out with you, Sir Witchfinder. You’ve preparations for your hunt, I’m sure.”
He goes, though not without locking his gaze with yours. “I will hear my name from your lips again.”
There was never a vow so sincere.
If God is the Holy Father, Mother Nature reigns His queen. It must be a contentious marriage.
It’s the first warm night and a fat full moon. John’s gut tells him that if ever there were a night for heathens, it would be this one.
He makes camp on the other side of the river, only just within earshot of the water. He builds a modest fire and scatters the sachet generously. It makes for a pleasant perfume, at least, and mingles pleasantly with the tobacco he smokes while he lets the night deepen.
The moon is high and the stars bright by the time he sets off from his campsite. Much like his last foray, however, there is little more than chittering animals and nightbirds to disturb the evening. John returns to stoke the fire after a couple hours. He is a patient man – except, apparently, where you’re concerned – he can wait for some sign.
It comes as he’s dozing on his bedroll, the scent of lavender fogging his mind with pleasant apparitions of you. The singing, again.
He pads through sodden leaf litter, ghostlike as he weaves among the vegetation, following faint notes. They grow louder as he picks his way through the forest, building in strength and pitch – and number.
It is not just one voice he hears but several, threads that twine a haunting tapestry. Soon there is not just melody, but shouts and whoops as well, powerful as they bounce off the trees. It is pitch black until all at once it is not. The thick tree line breaks upon a great clearing, where a bonfire smolders in the center.
Around it, a dozen dancing women. They are not naked, levitating hags painted in blood and ichor. They are dressed – or mostly dressed, in any case, as firelight gilds thighs peeking from skirts and shoulders bare of under-shifts. Some have their hair pinned back, others wear it loose, flying and tangling as they throw themselves about.
Hands joined and rising as they bounce around the flames, then spinning apart with cries of delight. A few plant their feet wide apart in the earth and drop their chests, hands extending towards the fire and then up towards the stars. The others whirl around them, voices rising to start a call and response that sends chills down his spine.
“When God is gone, and the Devil takes hold,” one set begins.
And the other answers, “Who will have mercy on your soul?”
A few refrains of this and then of others, until a single voice rings damnation above the rest.
“I am Death, none can excel. I am the door to Heaven or Hell.”
It has been burned into John’s bones, into his soul. Your voice.
A glamour he knows now. He knows, he knows. It is a foul trick meant to distract him from his true query, one he is ashamed clouded his judgement for so long. Of course you would not cast such a garish and obvious enchantment to draw his attention – lest it was not you that cast the spell in the first place.
Death is in the valley.
John knows his own capabilities, and he knows he cannot beat nor catch a dozen witches on a full moon. He must content himself with what he can, far as he is from their ritual and unable to distinguish any particular features. It need not be this night; he’s caught the scent and will root out the wolves from the flock.
The morning light is water between his fingers. He swims through it at the perimeter of the village, smoking another roll of tobacco. The night was long and cold; he did not linger near the witches, wary of being found. He gathered what little information he could, stamped out the coals of his campfire, and returned to the inn. Your lavender came in quite handy; he means to be especially generous with his thanks this morning.
You are not in the garden and the shop is still locked up from the night before. Perhaps you were called out early to treat some ailment. He makes a direct line from your shop back to the tree line and hears your humming again.
When he follows it this time, he’s led to a creek and your naked form sunk beneath the surface. Your back is to him, hair streaming with the current.
“And what naughtiness are you up to this morning, little miss?”
You shout, hands instantly flying up to protect your modesty. When you spin to find him, arms crossed, on the bank, you make an angry little noise and splash at him. Not even a droplet touches his boots.
“You know witches bare themselves in the open like this?” he asks.
You scrunch your nose at him, an embarrassed blush high on your cheeks. “That’s not funny.”
“You oughtn’t to be out here like this.” In fact, the more he thinks of another man stumbling upon you like this, the hotter his blood simmers.
It seems you’re not entirely unaware of your actions either as you deflate a bit. “I know, I know – but I spilled an entire jar of vinegar all over myself.”
A bloodless finger emerges from the water to point at flat rock, where your clothes are laid out in the meager sunlight. A brush and bucket rest beside it, suds still clinging to the sides.
“Clumsy thing,” he sighs, fond and exasperated.
“You oughtn’t to call me names,” you huff.
He arches an eyebrow and uncrosses his arms.
“Is that so?”
“It is,” you reply haughtily, turning away to scrub at your hair. He suspects it is to give you reprieve from his darkening gaze. “It’s terribly rude.”
He wades into the creek. “Rude, you say.”
“I do.”
You peek over your shoulder and startle when you see him approaching. “John, you’re getting wet!”
“I’m not the only one, I reckon.”
You sputter long enough for him to snatch you up in his arms, the entirety of your shivery little body pressed against his. The creek isn’t actually that deep – just to his waist standing. You’ve only been knelt down among the round stones of the bed, but he drags you up to your feet as you wiggle.
“Why do you insist on such impropriety?!” you groan, ducking your head.
He takes your chin between thumb and forefinger and tilts your face back towards him. Craves your eyes on him like the starving man craves food.
“I may be improper in word, but you are in deed, my lady,” he counters, drawing spirals at the small of your back. “A matched pair we make.”
You dart your eyes away and purse your pretty, pouty lips, but you cannot conceal your pleasure at his declaration.
“You oughtn’t to call me your lady either,” you mutter. “I am not yours.”
A serpent’s tail thrashes his insides. He swallows the sick, violent burn in his belly.
“No?” he asks. “How can that be when I’ve pleasured you the way a man pleasures his? When you take such good care of me with your teas and herb pouches?”
You blink, latch onto that last thought with endearing desperation to alter his course.
“Oh, how did the lavender treat you?”
“Quite well,” he answers, sweeping his hands along your sides. “Allow me to repay your care.”
Your fingers curl gently in his sodden shirt, peeking up at him through your lashes again.
“I told you, you need not – wah, John!”
He’s hoisted you up on the steep, grassy incline of the embankment by your lush thighs. Your weight is negligent when he has your knees nearly to your hitching chest. Splayed open and lovely, a breakfast fit for a king – no, for God. He would usurp Atlas to have you like this. 
“Remind me again, little one, how exactly you are not mine.”
Your lip wobbles a bit as you try to gather your scattered words. Have just begun your very sensible quibble when he laps at the cream between your thighs. Digs his tongue into that precious hole he so recently collared as his newest pet. Traces the seam of your cunt to that perfect, round clit and flattens his tongue against it.
Whatever pretty bouquet of arguments you’d arranged are swept downstream. His mouth is mortar upon your flimsy defenses; devastates you to trembling rubble. The mewling pours fast and easy now that you’ve found your voice, pitches into a squeal when he sucks. You taste clean and human on his tongue, sticking in his facial hair, ambrosia from the purest source. He pampers your cunt to keep the drink flowing, swallows you down like the finest wine.
Even better than those weak cries, is the way you squirm in his hold. You arch your back and twist your hips, fingers tearing up flossy grass, then tugging at his wet shirt, then scratching uselessly at his forearms. He growls when you think to tug his hair, and the vibration of his voice against your swollen folds makes you sob dry.
“Please, please, John,” you chant. His new favorite psalm. “Please, I can’t, John, please.”
He hides a smile by curling his tongue as far inside you as it can go. When he comes up for air, you’re properly teary this time.
“Why not?” he murmurs against your neck, false concern makes your hips twitch. “Why can’t you, darling?”
“It’ll – I’ll fly apart this time,” you gasp. “I swear, John. I’ll fall apart.”
Oh, so precious. So sweet and perfect and utterly his. You can’t be anything else. Not now.
“Is that all?” he asks. “I’ll put you together again, just like last time.”
He dives in with your bitten off fretting in his ears, licking you into silence, compliance, until you’re obediently whimpering again. Your slick spills down his chin, his neck, smears across his cheeks. Gentleman that he was raised to be, he is a messy eater, and you are a delicacy.
Now that he knows what it sounds like, he recognizes the rising tide of your pleasure and rides its crest with gusto. You wail and whine about that feeling again, that sublime crescendo to a symphony played with your own body, by a conductor so cruel as him. He swirls his tongue around your clit, then suck it into ravenous mouth.
“John, John, John!”
He only just manages to cover your mouth; your songs are for him alone, no need to serenade the rest of the village. You taste like salvation, communion he’ll kneel for at every mass.
Overstimulation makes you noisy, fussy sounds in the back of your throat as you try to press away, pushing with earnest at his forehead. He relents only because you say his full name, sharp and scolding, and he needs to see the angry little furrow between your brows.
“You are incorrigible,” you pant.
He hums, licking shamelessly at his lips. “My sincerest apologies.”
“Lying is a sin.”
He gives you a look. It makes you burst into a fit of giggles to rival birdsong.
“Yes, yes, have a laugh at the old captain,” he grouches, lowering you gently to your feet.
“You’re not old, John,” you scoff.
“Older than you, spring chicken.” He pauses as he notices that the fine tremble in your limbs has not subsided. “And speaking of spring, you’ve spent far too long in this water. You’ll catch your death.”
“I would have been out sooner had I not been accosted.”
“Oh yes, I’m a terrible man,” he soothes, guiding you back to shore. “A scoundrel.”
You hum in placid agreement, clinging to his side to leech his warmth. “Yes, yes. All of that.”
“As you say, little miss.”
You tuck up against him by the fire in the apothecary’s backroom and send him warning looks whenever his gaze grows hotter than the flames.
John wakes in the dark.
He cannot move his arms or his legs. The mattress at his back is softer and thicker than the inn’s, absent the odd lumps that bent his spine at angles. He is also stark naked.
He has been captured, somehow.
Memory shines thin and useless beams through a waning fog. A thick, warm stew… sweet, floral tea… you…
Where are you?
There is little point in trying to gain his bearings, though he does regardless. There are no windows to light his prison. Only the scent of exposed wood and slightly stale air. It’s warm enough, at least, even bare as he is. Sound comes from above his head, creaking boards.
He’s belowground.
Some minutes pass in consternation, his last memory your hands in his hair and his head in your lap.
Then the creaking above shifts. Away, then to his right. A louder, metallic squeak. Hinges. Individual steps now, descending a set of stairs. A faint seam of gold grows near the ground, a miniature horizon with an approaching dawn.
A click.
Candlelight infiltrates the room, shying from corners and exposed ceiling beams. John gets his first glimpse of his prison – a rather cozy bedroom. The generous bed he’s splayed on and tied to. A vanity in one corner; a bedtable to his left. A chair kept company by a small shelf of books.
There’s even a rich burgundy rug on the stone floor, on the other side of which you stand.
“This is one way to have a man in bed.”
You do not speak, only cross the room, round the bed. The heavy candelabra you’ve brought is set on the bedtable. The flames play ghostly shadows across your features, caressing the line of your nose and the curves of your mouth.
The silence stretches so far it begins to sag beneath its own weight in the middle.
You – or the facsimile of you – have not turned your gaze from the whirls of silver in the candelabra.
“You need not keep this shape any longer, witch,” John growls at last.
The illusion twitches, fingers curling tight in its skirt.
“I know this is a glamour, stop hiding behind her face.”
“Damn you, John!” You – it snaps around, gaze burning hellfire and brimstone. “There is no glamour.”
Held still before, he is stone now. “What?”
It – you? – snarl, showing all your teeth. Still as blunt and neat as ever.
“You witchfinders,” you scoff, shaking your head, “and your so-called purpose. You’ll see anything shiny and call it gold. By God, any woman is a witch if you try hard enough, isn’t she?”
“I acquitted you.”
You snort. “Was that before or after you wanted to wet your cock?”
It was always, regardless. He does not think it wise to answer. You don’t seem to need one.
“Graves condemned me only after I denied him – repeatedly.” You perch at the edge of the bed by his ribs and press your palm against the mattress on the other side of his head. John denies you the pleasure of leaning away. “He took me to the river in chains.”
You roll your eyes. “What did I say? Use the wits your God gave you.”
When he just stares into your blown out pupils, you pull away with a groan, standing again.
“The blacksmith made the manacles,” you explain. Slow, quiet. “And Agnes brought my last meal.”
Mallory, the smith’s daughter and Agnes, the baker’s wife. Your church companions.
You hum as understanding smooths his brow. Despite the pleased lilt, your mouth is a flat, angry line. “Makes much more sense, doesn’t it?”
He tugs at his binds as you gather up the skirt of your dress.
“I took a blade to that wretched sack and swam with the current downriver,” you explain. There is no shift or corset beneath this time. “When I emerged, I snuck back home and hid right where you are now.”
You bend at the waist to unlace your boots, ass on full, beautiful display. You are no longer just a temptress; you are a succubus. The limited candlelight paints you in burnished gold, Hell’s currency. John is far, far too gone on your sin to help his reaction to the sight of you, even now.
“When the moon rose, Cecilia let me into the inn and unlocked their doors.” You kick off your boots, inner thighs glistening. You don’t even bother with your stockings. “One. By. One.”
You pad to the foot of the bed and place your knee on the mattress between his legs. It’s real weight, your weight that sinks into it. You crawl up the bed, body swaying over his, flesh and blood depravity.
“I saved Graves for last.” You straddle John’s thighs, trace soft palms up his abdomen and over his chest. The bite of your little, clean nails chases belies that deceptive gentleness. “I slit his throat with his own iron dagger. The blood looked like ink in the moonlight.”
His cock stands proud and flushed, pressed against your belly, begging entrance. A tower of pride in spite of God and all sanity, he throbs with the low thrum of pride in your velvet voice. He tries at the ropes again; they hold fast, creaking in reprimand.
“I fed him and his men to the river.” You lift yourself, wrap an elegant hand around the girth of him. Your lips part, above and below, at the heat of him against sensitive flesh. “I thought it was over. Hoped I could finally have my peace again.”
You grind the flared head of him against that bundle of nerves, back and forth, up and down. A sigh slips from your lips and blankets him in fire. Head tipping back, neck rolling as everything that makes you human sloughs off, overworn garments. You tease yourself and him, wetness dripping down his shaft and spilling over his groin. He is a slave to his desire’s whims, your whims, hips twitching to grind.
You crack your eyes open, damnation in your gaze. “And then you showed up.”
You bare your teeth and take him into you all at once. A ragged shout cracks you both in half, clashing in the lust-heated air between your bodies. You are tighter than a vice, strangling him in plush, slick walls.
“Fuck,” you grit, sucking in air. Your mouth drops open, a delirious bark of laughter hitching in your throat. Ruby crescent moons decorate his chest. “You fucking bastard.”
Swallow thick and harsh, as if you can feel him in your throat. It certainly feels as if he reaches that far, as deep inside you as he is. He wants to test it for himself, but the ropes do not relent despite his persistent tugging.
“I could not do a goddamn thing without feeling your eyes on me,” you snarl. “Is this what it’s like to believe in God?”
You rock your hips. A little at first, still somehow so mortal to the pain of a thick cock in your virgin pussy. And then your spite and pride overtake the discomfort and you bounce once, hard. Grin wildly when it guts a groan from him and do it again. And again. And again—
It’s torture, it’s paradise. It’s John’s undoing. Your face twisted in divine wrath and hedonistic ecstasy, riding his cock like you were born to bring men beneath your dainty heel. He drops his head back against the mattress, tries to arch up to meet your thrusts. You’re having none of it, hissing as you brace all your (not considerable) weight on his chest.
“I don’t care if God is real,” you breathe, “I care about the people He and His have forgotten on Earth. Does that make me a witch?”
It’s all so much noise to him with the way you squeeze around him, walls fluttering. You’re moving hard and fast, but not hard or fast enough. John moans your name, earns another of those scowls that makes him throb.
“Shut up, Witchfinder,” you pant. You rise up, back arching as you find an angle that breaks your voice. “I will have my pleasure and you will thank me for the privilege of delivering it. The least you can repay me for all the trouble you’ve caused.”
The angels themselves could come to his aid now, and he’d only ask that they cut him loose.
And for all your scoffing, perhaps there is a greater force at play because the rope circling his right wrist catches. A rough edge or a bent nail, it does not matter. John works his arm back and forth, sawing through rough fibers, any remaining blood in his body dedicated to this salvation.
Your voice rises with your pleasure, knees widening to get him deeper, but not with any actual intent to bring either of you to climax. No, you’re luxuriating, gloating. You’ve won. He reaches across while your head is tilted back to pull the loop from his other wrist.
He will show you the spoils you’ve wrought.
“Tell me, oh Witchfinder,” you smirk, diamonds dripping between your breasts, “what am I?”
Your eyes go beautifully wide when he fits his wide palm around your pretty throat. Small hands grasp at his wrist, need both just to wrap around the circumference. Lips parting, you clench down so tightly as he sits up and reaches for the silver hidden in your right stocking.
A paring knife, honed to a deadly edge.
“Now what did you plan to do with this?” he wonders. “Little girls shouldn’t play with knives.”
Eyes locked with yours, fluttering like butterfly’s wings, he slices his ankles free with two flicks of his wrist. The knife is discarded over the side of the bed, far from your sneaky fingers.
It is laughably easy to flip you onto your back, to bind your dainty wrists together with the remains of one of his. So he does laugh, cock still buried deep inside your pulsing cunt and his hand loosening from your throat.
Each blink brings you back to focus, until you seem to realize all at once what’s happening. You snarl, kick your legs, back arching at an angle that makes him grunt. And you are still so, so wet.
“I should have killed you!” you shout, even as John guides your legs around his waist. Your knees press into his ribs, ankles interlocked at the small of his back.
“You should have,” he agrees, pressing your tied wrists to the mattress. He forges a path of biting kisses up your chest, over your neck, licking where he can feel you swallowing noises.
“Oh, let go, let go!” you demand, except it comes out more a whine, and one you don’t even mean at that. Not when you twist your hips to feel him pressing inside you.
“Oh, my little witch,” John rumbles, drawing his tongue along your jaw. “Never.”
That just spins you up further, mouth clashing violently with his. He revels in the scrape of your teeth on his lips and tongue, chasing into your mouth and counting how long before you remember you hate him.
“I’m not a witch,” you spit when he pulls away.
“Then what was all that business in the forest?”
You smirk. “Just a bit of fun to hail the spring - and at your expense.”
He sinks his fingers into the roundness of your hips. “Funny.” And slams home.
You shriek, loud and shameless, body jerking as he sets the pace you couldn’t achieve atop him. It’s brutal and animal, you keen at every scrape of his fat cockhead against your (nearly) untouched walls. The headboard knocks against the stone wall, a steady, rapid beat to match his thundering pulse.
You’re still cursing and threatening him between moans, rocking your hips eagerly to meet every thrust. He snakes a hand down your stomach, down to where your bodies collide with obscene wet squelches. You yelp when his thumb finds your neglected clit, shake your head and struggle in earnest.
“Don’t you dare,” you wail. “Y-you don’t get to…”
He sheathes his cock as deep as he can and grinds.
“Say my name,” he commands. You shake your head, squeeze your eyes shut. “Say, ‘John, don’t make my pretty cunt come.’”
You whimper, high and keening, sinking teeth into your bottom lip hard. There’s nowhere for you to go but try to press your hips into the mattress - and he can’t have that, can he?
Manipulating your squirming body is becoming his new favorite addiction. John gets his knees under him, curls an arm around your waist, and hauls you up into his lap so easily. You’re half-limp and half-struggling and yet still he sinks you deeper and deeper onto his cock unti the head of his cock bumps against your womb.
“There we are,” he purrs against your jaw. “Do you feel me? Right here?”
He presses a covetous palm to the spot where he swears he can feel the pulse of his own drooling cock. Your arms loop over his head, try to pull yourself up and off. A firm flex of his biceps drops you right back down again, squealing.
“Just like this, darling,” he whispers, “You’ll milk my cock just like this.”
You moan, hide your face in the crook of his neck. This position slows him some, but he’s not lost any of the power or angling that makes your eyes flutter. He rolls his hips each time he buries inside, just to tease at your cervix. If he could, he’d bury himself there too and fill you with his seed directly.
As it is, he’s not nearly done with you yet. No, not when you’re starting to shake so badly that all you can do is grip onto him for support. Your clit is rubbing against his pelvis each time he bounces you to meet him. An object built solely for his pleasure.
“I’m going to - no, no, you can’t,” you hiccup, tugging and pressing closer, closer, closer. Your hips are twitching of their own accord. “You shouldn’t get to—”
He doesn’t even need to coax you over. A final shiver wracks your body as you clamp down. Head falling back, you scream to the ceiling, fingers twisting in the short hair at the back of his head. He rocks you through it, steady, until you finally go limp against his chest.
There’s a sharp pinch to his shoulder - you’ve bit him. When he eases your head away, your mouth is smeared crimson. At first he thinks you’ve managed to break skin; then he notices the bead welling up on your bottom lip.
“All that just to avoid my name,” he tuts, amused despite himself.
When he leans in to lick at the wound, you sigh softly. “I-I’m going to kill you.”
He grins against your mouth. Kisses you one last time as he pulls you off his cock. You whimper, sensitive, arms barely able to lift over his head. He lays you down gently, follows to ghost his lips and tongue over the marks he’s left all over your skin.
“Now, then,” he says, sitting back on his haunches. “Once more.”
Your eyes fly wide and panicked as he turns you onto your stomach. 
“Absolutely not,” you gasp, scrambling away.
“Ah, ah.” He catches your hips and yanks you back. The force of it knocks your trembling and still-bound arms out from under you. “I’m not done with you yet, little witch.”
Chest against the mattress and hip high in the air, he has a perfect, unfettered view. And what a view it is. Your pretty little cunt is puffy and red, visibly stretched, and the sensitive little button above it is swollen with abuse. Slick drips and drips from your entrance, entreating his return.
John nudges your knees wide and fits himself between them, the dripping and flushed head of his cock slipping over your folds.
“Get that away,” you snarl, “you’ll fucking break me!”
You try to wiggle away, but he just holds you firm, waits you out. And when you pause to catch your breath, he plunges inside.
“If you don’t recognize God, then there’s really no need for ceremony, is there?” he muses.
You make a questioning noise, the best you can manage when he’s forcing the air from your overworked lungs.
“My little witch wife,” John croons into your ear, “what pretty children we’ll have.”
It’s suffocating, how tight you get around him, even as you buck and swear. Your voice breaks when he tilts his hips just so, torturing that spot that’s already tipped you over once already. It’s such sweet music to his ears, protests cut off on long, rapturous moans, each time he bullies your overstimulated walls.
“I’m going to keep you.” John adjusts his bruising grip on your hips. Widens his own stance and presses his chest to your back. “I will be your god and your devil. My name will be amen.”
He drives home especially hard, and your voice breaks with a sob. His groan twines with it, divine harmony.
“We’ll form our own covenant, you and I,” he rasps. “I will give you everything, and you will be mine.”
His end is coming. Balls drawing up tight and hard, sparks crawling up into his stomach. A ragged grunt leaves his chest as you spasm around him, leftover of the last orgasm or forewarning of the next. He shifts to one arm and wraps the other around your hip, reaching for your clit to ensure it’s the latter.
“My name, love,” he breathes, “that’s all I need.”
“You’re awful,” you cry, “I hate you, John.”
“I know, little one,” he moans, shuddering. “Show me just how much.”
You reach your peak with his name on your tongue, loud and clear. His ears ring with it. Hips tilted back to get him as deeply as you can, John finds his end in the rhythmic, coaxing pulses of your cunt. His cunt.
He buries as deep as he can, hips stuttering roughly against your plush ass. Hopes he’s gotten you pregnant on this first try - perhaps your baby will be born on Samhain. You’re cooing softly when he comes back to himself, so sensitive you can feel the last feeble twitches of his release.
“Easy does it, now, darling.”
He supports your hips as he slowly pulls out and your knees collapse. The sounds you make are truly pathetic, he shushes you half-heartedly while he pets at your sweat-sticky back. He doesn’t let you drop; that’s no way to treat his new wife.
John lowers you gently to your stomach, then reaches over your head to pull the knot of your binds loose. You make a noise as he rubs at the red marks left behind, kisses at any raw spots.
“I-I have a salve…” you murmur, “upstairs.”
“We’ll get it in a mo’,” he assures, pushing tangled hair back from your face.
You nuzzle into his palm, lips skimming his fingertips. Not quite a kiss. “Don’t pretend to be kind now.”
He chuckles, exhaustion leaving the sound mostly in his chest. “I’m not the one who pretends between the two of us, little witch.”
You huff. “I’m not a witch. Witches aren’t real.”
“Of course, love,” he huffs, “and neither is God.”
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Happy Hunting
Simon Riley masterlist
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Simon Riley/female reader 4.1k words - AO3 Warnings-tags: 18+ MDNI. Consensual non consent. Explicit sex, creampie. Predator/prey, hunter/hunted. Use of restraints, a gag. Blood, violence. Dirty talk, size kink, praise kink. Feelings of fear, anxiety. Horror-ish. Horror media references/influenced. Tags are for your health, not mine. “Passion has little to do with euphoria and everything to do with patience. It is not about feeling good. It is about endurance." - Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves
It was the porch light, that cost you everything.
The porch light that flickered through the brush with strokes of silver moonlight, the porch light that cast a wan, yellowed haze out from its warped wooden and stone host. The porch light, that shone like a lighthouse, calling you home, calling you to safety, security. To sanctuary. 
You spotted it from a distance the first day, once you had already changed course that morning, tromping across a stream and shimmying through a nasty spool of barbed wire. You hunkered down next to an outcropping of rock, peering through the morning fog, searching for your hunter, watching for the tell tale signs of his presence, a wide path cut through the forest by his broad body, punctuated by trampled underbrush, damaged petals and leaves. The house stood on the hill in the distance, rising just above the tree line, the shimmer of the little yellow light drawing you in, making you curious, filling you with an urge to look closer, as the hair on the back of your neck rose in warning. 
The rocks were a perfect natural shelter, a good place to take a nap, if you wanted, if you could. It would be easy to bed down in the soft dead-fall of the leaves, sink into the earth, into the heavy mist that had lingered past dawn, but you couldn’t risk closing your eyes. Not even for a second. Not when you knew he was so close, when you could hear his breath, feel the pads of his fingers on your skin, reaching, stretching, desperate to snatch you away forever. If you held your body still, you swore you could feel the vibration of his feet in the forest, rustling against the brush, covertly honing in on your location, stalking closer and closer to his target. His victory. 
Even if you never saw him, you knew he was out there, watching patiently. Waiting for you to make a mistake, for you to miscalculate. 
You told yourself the house was not an option. Even when you got a good look at it on that first day, something about it stuck low in your belly, an off feeling, a warning. You opted to circumvent the entire thing, giving the long overgrown driveway, endlessly black windows and snarled thicket that grew thick at its foundation a wide berth. 
Old stone mansions left abandoned, remnants of old families, old money left to rot, were not unheard of in this area. You had spent your youth crawling around in them and knew them well, knew their warning signs, understood what it felt like when they might give way on you. You knew how to unlock their secrets, knew how to read the gothic stories that had settled into the crumbling, peeling wallpaper. They spoke their own languages, histories spiraling out from their nooks and crannies, trauma and laughter etched into the joists and support beams, sagging with the weight of their own age. They could be easy to read, easy to listen to, if you knew which doors to pry open, and which to leave locked shut. 
Still, it was too convenient. Too much of a risk. Too much confinement. There was a zero chance of you besting him in a physical fight, and you had to depend on your speed for survival, your aptitude, your skill to ensure your success. Pigeonholing yourself in a mansion with god knows what inside did not allow you to excel at the things you were good at.
You felt confident in your decision to avoid the house. You felt good about it.
The storm rolled in with tenacity. The rain was frigid, wind howling through to your bones, chilling the blood that pumped in your heart. It's strength pulled at your resolved, ready to tear you to pieces, to force you to your knees. It pushed you off course, away from the rushing water of the creek, and up the hill of water soaked leaves. 
You lost your bearings for a moment, and that’s all it took for you to slip up, all that was needed for you to catch the sight of his grim shadow from the corner of your eye, the crack of a branch breaking beneath his boot shattering across your brain like a gunshot. 
You tore through the woods, gait bogged down by the water logged earth, by the thick of the mud, chased by the sound of his voice, calling for you through the forest over the raging fury of the storm. 
"Happy hunting, little dove." 
You narrowly escaped, but the skull mask watched. He waited. He tracked. 
He hunted. 
It’s too dark.
Too dark to see anything, too dark to see your hands that are spread out in front of your body, hands that desperately try to act as your eyes, feeling, touching, scraping across surfaces to keep you from bumping into things. Doors. Walls. Whatever could be lying in wait here.
The weight of your wet clothing irks you. It hangs heavily on your body, and you wish you had chosen better layers, shivers working up and down your spine, goosebumps rising against the soaked chill of your shirt. It could be pneumonia that gets you in the end, if he doesn't catch you first, you muse bitterly, wringing yourself out as well as you can, water droplets pattering against what you believe sounds like a wooden floor. 
The lack of light is unnerving. You'd expected it, knew the chances of there being anything working in here slim, but you still hoped that maybe the lone flickering porch light meant there was something still left inside these old bones, a spark, a connection feeding a light switch or a lamp somewhere. The dark of the house is endless, and your mind works quickly to imagine the worst case scenarios, the potential that this tenebrous pitch may drag you below forever settling heavily in the back of your mind. It's deep, the darkness of the house, like you could fall into it and drown, never resurfacing, never to see the sun again. You move slowly, hands in front of your face, body and feet making contact with as much of the wall as you can, trying to paint a picture with touch. The dark, combined with the new and unfamiliar territory, is enough to unsettle your usual steady demeanor. 
The combination is a lethal one. It’s one that leaves you hesitant. Unsure. It’s one that keeps you off balance, spine ram rod straight, nerves alight with fear. 
It wasn’t so bad, in the woods. The silver glow of the moon illuminated the lay of the forest, sprawling swaths of brush and low growing thistle, tall trunks that stretched to the sky, stout shrubs with thorns that scratched at your clothes. That was easier, than this. 
Easier than this maze called a house. Easier than these hallways that morphed into a labyrinth that stretched for miles and miles, twisting together into a Fibonacci sequence of pitch-dark terror.
No. You swallow. You’re not afraid. You’re fine. You’re going to be fine. You're going to win. 
But even as you repeat it to yourself, even as you coach your reserve, you can hear his voice. Can hear the grit and gravel of the Manchester accent, can smell his skin against yours, lips rough on your mouth before your cheeks were pinched between a thumb and forefinger.
“Want to play a game?” 
You work forward in a half crouch, staying pressed to the wall, form as tight as you can manage, unobtrusive. Your hand stays projected in front of your body, the other along the wall, waiting to feel an angle, an edge, a door, a window… anything.
You shouldn’t have come in here. You walked right into a trap, you're sure of it now, fairly positive after feeling the way the corridor twists and turns away from the front. Walked right into a confined space and now you’re lost, stuck, like a fly in a web. Waiting to be devoured. Waiting for your end to be delivered by a spider who lurks just out of sight.
But you did it for a reason, didn’t you?
You’re so, so close to the finish line. So close you can taste it, the trepidation beading into sweat that drips down your back, cold and unwelcome against the damp of your shirt. It’s already been two days. The morning of the third day is just on the horizon, sun due to come up, you think, within a few hours. Your mouth salivates at the thought of it, the idea of sinking your teeth into sweet, sweet victory. Of winning. Of beating him. 
You take a moment to stop and reassess, swiping your palms along the wall and floor, working on controlling your breathing. It’s becoming jagged, anxiety spilling out through your lungs with each step you take, fear moving through you like ice freezing in your veins, creeks and streams being lost to the winter’s chill, a disease slowly spreading towards your heart.
You use it to focus. You cannot see, but that doesn’t mean you've lost, and it doesn't make you weak. It makes all your senses stronger, your hearing, your ability to smell, your translation of touch into sight. The wall turns here, the floor dips there, does that feel like a ledge? You crawl in your crouch, lips sealed tight against soft whimpers that threaten to expose you over the little pieces of wood that get lodged in your palms.
Splinters. Unfinished lumber.
It confirms your theory. The mansion itself is old, stuck up on this plot land, nestled in the thick of the forest, abandoned, nearly completely forgotten about by all… save for one. One, who’s been building inside of it, one who’s been creating in its guts. Hollowing it out and remaking it into something new, a hellscape of hallways, a complicated vision executed by someone who’s running from the same demons, the same nightmares that you are.
Your heart sinks past your stomach, down into your knees. Continuing to run this rat race is foolish. He built it. He knows it. He pushed you here, urged you over the hill, across the stream, beneath the barbed wire. He dictated your path, forcing you into the light of the porch, herding you closer and closer because he knew. He knew you wouldn't be able to resist it, in the end. He knew you. 
Find a different part of the house. Escape. Hide, until sunrise. 
You keep going, carefully, creeping along the walls, navigating lefts and rights and forks in the labyrinth until your fingers tap silently across an empty door frame, nothing on the other side except the continuous black void of darkness.
Your feet slide forward, boots sliding until the floor disappears. A drop off? There’s more, a flush piece, a curved groove.
You blink, even though it will do you no good, it won’t clear your vision or make the lights in this decrepit place suddenly flicker on. Your hands are your sight, and you run your fingers along the curve of the top step, until you feel the next, and the next.
You take them half on your belly, half on your knees. It’s slow, achingly so, and puts you in a vulnerable position, but the fall, if there were to be one, would be much, much worse if you risked attempting them fully standing. It takes forever to get to the bottom, and you feel a small tug of relief when your palms rub across a cold concrete floor. 
There’s a noise. It’s a banging, of sorts. Like a door swinging, and you jolt, reaction fueled by adrenaline, barreling forward into the dark, slamming into the wall with your hip. It stings, the slap of concrete zinging across your skin and you hiss instinctively, before clapping a hand over your face to muffle the sound.
You curse yourself. That was too loud. 
A floorboard creaks above your head. The acid in your stomach rises.
You hold yourself as still as you can, palm still pressed over your mouth, body bent low. You keep contact with the wall as much as possible, shoulder, thigh, part of your back. Stay low. Stay small. It’s an advantage you have, your size versus his. Even if you aren’t particularly petite, you’re nimble, graceful and quick. Something you’ve been using for the past two days to stay one step ahead, something you used earlier to orchestrate your narrow escape in the woods. You use it now, to find a corner, a little nook of rough cement, and squeeze your body inside.
Heavy feet take the stairs slowly, step by step until you see the bright white beam of a flashlight sweeping across the floor methodically, back and forth, back and forth. It moves across the room, around the stairs, opposite of the corner you think you’ve tucked yourself into.
Just hold your breath. Stay quiet. You can still win. You can still make it. 
The flashlight flicks off with a dramatic click. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip so hard it draws blood.
Maybe he didn’t see you. Maybe he doesn’t know you’re even here. 
Seconds drag into minutes, and you think you hear heavy footfalls upstairs. Or possibly on the stairs. You can’t be too sure. It’s too dark, and the pitch is disorientating. It’s hard to tell right side up, up from down.
This could be heaven. It could be hell.
You stay burrowed in that corner against the cinderblock for what you believe must be at least fifteen minutes, if not longer. Your body aches from being pushed in on itself, and you blink in the dark, breathing slower than a corpse, listening. Waiting.
Your boot slides across the concrete. Seeking. Touching… bumping into solid mass. You realize it a second too late. Time freezes, and you with it, heart encased in ice. Your eyes slam shut, and a whimper builds in the back of your throat.  
A hand wraps around your ankle, and you screech, curling forward with your fingers bent like talons, flying towards what you hope is his face, desperate to sink your nails into his skin and tear, rip him open so you can get away. He grabs your arm, stabilizing your contact, the strength in his grip that of more than two men, at least, and drags you across the floor, iron bar of his ulna holding you still and steady.
A piece of metal scratches against wood. A flick, a flicker, and then-
A wash of orange-yellow light. You’ve been in the dark for hours at this point, and your sight struggles to refract, pulling back behind half shut lids even though the light itself is not that bright.
You tilt your head back and look up.
String lights. He’s hung string lights up down here, little bulbs on black wire stapled to the rafters like you’re in some romantic comedy. Like there should be a two top table here with a pile of spaghetti and meatballs, carafe of wine and checkered tablecloth.
“Hung these just for you, dove. Knew you’d like ‘em.” His breath is burning hot against your face, and you twist, swinging your entire skull into his chest and trying to dig your heels into the ground for leverage. You catch a glimpse of his face, maskless, the twice-healed broken nose, cheek scar and sharp edged jaw unmistakable, even with your fogged vision. 
“Get OFF me you FUCKING FREAK, I-“ His thigh presses against your knee and then you’re swooping, thrown off balance in a second thought with a scream, free hand ripping across into his hair and yanking with everything you have.
It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t flinch, wrestling you to the ground with ease. You don’t have much fight left in you, after two days of hiding, running, trying to be smarter, be faster, and you’re spent on all ends, this last little spat the end of everything you had. He knows it.
Still, when he fish hooks his thumb into between your lips, you bite down with all your might, sinking your incisors into his skin in hopes of drawing blood.
He laughs, and your mouth fills with the mineral-metallic liquid, his thumb swirling inside your teeth and across your gums. 
You know you’re well and truly fucked.
The knife makes quick work of your shirt. Your tac pants, the good pair, go next, along with your boots. He lurks above for you a long moment before he cuts your bra away, your nipples tightening in reaction to the temperature, to everything that’s happening in this moment, in this basement.
“Gave me the slip in the woods earlier, little dove. Very clever.” He praises you, bending your arms behind your back and then working a rope around your wrists, knotting it securely, but not too tight. “Almost made it. Think you might’ve, if you hadn’t come in ‘ere.” Your underwear rips away without pretense, without hesitation and you swallow, mouth gaping wide, teeth trying to cut over the gag. “But I know why you did. I know you wanted to get caught.” You shake your heard furiously, and he clucks his tongue in mock sympathy, soothing a warm hand up and down the outside of your thigh. “Come on dove, let me see.” He pries your legs apart, baring you wide, where you drip for him, slick with arousal, with heat. He hums something to himself; two blunt fingers stroking down your seam and then back up around your swollen clit. You buzz with his touch, muscles reacting on their own, spine curving just a little, hips twitching. He stays there, on his knees between your thighs, an immovable force, keeping you from closing up around him or blocking his touch, and his thumb rubs your clit in a circle. “What a good girl. Gettin’ all wet for me.” You shake your head, and he tips his head back and laughs. “Don’t lie. Pretty little cunt here loved bein’ hunted, eh? Look at how soaked she is. Practically dripping.” He presses a finger inside, the depth of his reach enough to punch your lungs out, body seizing up around him as he strokes upwards, thumb slicking across your clit until you're writing underneath him. You’re going to cum, you’re going to cum on this dirty fucking floor like a- “Ah, ah. You know the rules.” He rasps next to your ear. “What do you need to do?”
“Nnrgh!” you spit through the cloth, and he sighs long and loud, like he’s emptying himself of all his breath with exasperation, fingers smearing your own fluids over your face as he pulls it free. “Please.” You gasp. It’s barely a plea, something more venomous, more spiteful, but it’s enough for him, and he nods, placing the fabric back into your mouth with a pop of his wrist. You don’t want to, you don’t want to give in, let him win, let him have this, make it so easy but he's playing your body so well, expertly, making you sing for him from behind the gag, and you cannot stop the tidal wave that swims over you, your orgasm breaking you apart, smug grin scrawled across his face with pleasure. 
When he takes his cock out, dragging his briefs and pants beneath his hips, all while keeping a single hand pressed to your belly, your eyes widen. He’s huge, thick with a fat red tip, dribbles of pre cum leaking above where he’s got you splayed open. He’s going to tear your apart. 
“You put up such a good fight, dove. Made me wait so long, hid so well.” The heat of his cock sears against your thigh, and you grunt, brows furrowed, mouth dry behind the gag. Your tongue pushes against it helplessly, fingers fisted tight in the binding beneath your lower back. It’s not particularly comfortable, but the position bares your breasts to him, and keeps you off balance enough that he can manipulate you as he sees fit. “But you still lost.” The gleam in his eye is wild, wicked enough to make your toes curl, hair on the back of your neck standing straight up. Is this a man? Or a monster? Or both?
He presses inside and you see stars, you see the whites of your own eyes, see the currents of electricity in the air. It hurts, a gnawing bite that spreads to your cervix, magma spilling forward and scorching along your walls. He doesn’t slow either, doesn’t stop, just thrusts all the way through, deeper and deeper, splitting you open on his cock just how he likes. 
“Ffuumph-“ You moan, and a plate sized palm pats your face soothingly, your knees pinned back towards your ears, his chest against yours. He knows it hurts. Knows it stings, his hips stuttering with his strokes, tongue hot against your neck, mopping up the tears that leak from the corner of your eyes.
“I know, I know. Be good." He licks your cheek before taking it between his teeth, and you keen, clenching around him the heat of his cock without a thought. It’s wild, and violent, like you’re being ripped open raw, torn apart by the weight of the end of it all, the consequences of your loss, of getting caught. “Is this is what you needed? What you begged me for-“ You sputter a refusal, a wail of nonsense but there’s no denial of your body’s reaction, the way you tighten around him, the way your body goes gooey for him, cunt glossy with it.
He thumbs your clit, and you moan, half agonized, half delirious, stuffed full, neurons firing across your brain, cunt spasming in time with his thrusts. "So proud of you. Did so good, dove." Your back arches involuntarily, legs trying to snap closed, burn in your belly growing and growing to a precipice, a reckless edge that you know you’re going to be thrown over in a matter of seconds. He reads it, reads you, and plucks the gag free, swooping low to replace it with his mouth, holding your jaw steady, the kiss long and lingering. He gives you more and more, spearing you with his cock, dragging in and out of your pulsing cunt, cooing in your ear over the sound of your moans. "That's it, that's my girl. There you go, come- come on." Your muscles tense and you explode with an orgasm, body melting with a shudder. You turn to liquid, practically putty, all soft and malleable in his arms and he fucks you deep, frantically, chasing after his own release, dragging his nose into your hair with a groan of something unintelligible. You're still clenching around him, wired tight, little explosions of fireworks reverberating through your cunt as he takes his victory, notching himself to the very depth of your body and flooding you with come.
“Knew you wouldn’t be able to resist it. The house.” His arms cradle your limp body, nose skimming up your jaw.  
“It was a nice touch.” The words come out as a yawn, stretched out and spent, like your body. Like your mind. Just how you like it.
“You lost, dove.” He murmurs and you nod pathetically. “Want to try again?” He works his touch in the wet mess between your legs, flicking through his own come, your slick and you mewl in his palm.
“I think I should get more of a head start this time.” Simon raises an eyebrow, a shadow of greed, of hunger arcing across his irises before his arm is curling around your back and pulling you into his chest. 
“Don’t I usually give you enough of a head start, love?” 
“You do, but… Si. Come on. It’s hardly fair.” 
“You’re faster than me.” Lips press tenderly against your temple. “Beat me every time in a foot race. Besides, I have something… for you. A gift.” Your head spins when you think about that word, gift. It frightens you. It electrifies you. 
“I know but… I want to build it up a little more.” Still, you have to protest a little. You want a longer chase. Need it. Crave it. 
“Alright.” He concedes, head tilting to the side, eyes half lidded. “And the prep-“ 
“Not too much.” You tip back your glass of wine, drop of red leaking from the corner of your lips, tannins blooming across your tongue as he laps it up. “I want it to hurt.” You murmur it into his mouth, rolling the rich liquid from behind your teeth until he’s working you open and it spills forward, drowning the two of you in red cherry and oak until you’re falling to the floor, and he’s kissing your breastbone with a whisper. 
“Okay, dove. Not too much.”
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hwasoup · 6 months
Tale As Old As Time
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art credit: marbipa hey guyyyss im backkk!! I had a great break and I even had fun with it as well, the loooonngg awaited Chapter 6 has finally arrived. Now to continue I also have created a discord server for us Miguel lovers out there, the only requirements are to simply be 18+ and that's it !!also you may get to chat with your favorite ff writers on the server !!
click on this and you'll be redirected to the server !
enjoy reading guyss !!
and dont forget to ask me to add you to the taglist !!
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Warnings: some angst and lots of rotting fluff Words: 1.9k
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Chapter 6: La Belle et La Bete
Later that night as the beast takes a bath…
“YOU SAID WHAT ?!” “I KNOW I KNOW…I well… we were sitting outside out at the rose garden and well.. I said that she made the world look more beautiful and if I could have a dance with her.. I NEVER expected she would say YES ?!” Miguel said as another bucket of warm water got doused over his body. He sputtered some of the water away from his lips as he wiped his face from the water. “What was I thinking Peter…” Peter chuckles “No, Miguel… It's perfect, you know that the rose has a few petals left which means that by the time the dance shall be held, you can confess your feelings for her”. Miguel gets up from the tub and looks over the curtain “I feel like an idiot…she won't ever love me anyways” Miguel shakes his body from all the water, splashing Peter in the process.
“You know she is the one”  “Oh quit it Peter..” Miguel said discouraged…”i shall see you in the morning” he said as he put on some clothes and retired for the night. Peter on the other hand smiled and left his bedroom to meet with the rest of the staff.
As Peter arrived at the kitchen,Jess was in the kitchen as always directing the dishes, forks, and knives to their respective drawers. Miles was simply watching over little Mayday, Gwen was dusting the shelves with her plumes, and Lyla was simply just chatting away with Pavitir
“Everyone, we have work to do, Miguel has finally and formally asked Y/N to a dance…. it's finally time to make this castle shine!” 
Miles cheers “and we’ll be human again !!” Jess sighed as she envisioned herself as her ladylike self “human again indeed…” Peter smiled, “When I’m human again, I’ll be good looking again, and I’ll be able to hug my baby in my arms again!” Miles cheers “when I’m human again, I’m going to run out into the garden just to feel the blood rush to my feet!” Jess chirps in “we’ll all get our chance to do what we miss when we’re human again, but for now…we have a dance to prepare!”
The entirety of the staff who lived in the castle cheered in excitement as they could finally tend and maintain their home. Pavitir, who was in the ballroom, started playing music on his keys to compose enough songs for Miguel and Y/N to dance to. Hobie, in y/n’s room, started picking and choosing fabrics in his cabinets and deciding which color suited Y/N the most as well. The brooms started sweeping, the mops and buckets started to work together to start cleaning the floor as well, the coat hangers helped pulling down the dilapidated curtains throughout the castle and replacing them with new curtains, the candles started organizing themselves onto the chandelier, and the cook had started picking and choosing courses for the dinner that will be eaten. 
A week later…The day of the dance has arrived, and here Miguel is taking a huge bath in the tub. Soap is constantly lathered onto his fur, and dirt is removed each time until the water turns clear.
“I-I I’m not so sure I can do this…” Miguel says hesitantly. Peter scoffs “Oh please, Tonight is the night you’ll be able to confess to her, It’s now or nothing!” Miguel looks down as he has a bucket of water thrown over his body “b-but…what can I do?” Peter rolls his eyes “oh please, you have to be bold, daring, and smooth” Miguel nodded as he took note of what Peter was telling him. 
After his bath he was taken to his vanity and sat there as Peter kept on babbling in excitement “There will be romantic music, candlelight provided by Lyla and Miles and when the moment is right, you profess your love to her” Miguel sighed “oh please… how would I even know when the time is right?” Jess, who was standing on the vanity with Miles, Gwen, and Lyla all looked at him as they saw his nervousness. “Just some tips from a woman, all you gotta do is woo her with the music” Gwen pitches in “I think you’ll get nauseous when telling the truth...” Miles tries to encourage him “I think you’ll do fine sir…”
Peter looks at him and sighs “stop being so nervous and just tell Y/N how you feel because I swear you will be drinking cold tea for the rest of your life!”  Miguel gulped a little and nodded. The hairdresser finally arrived and immediately started working on Miguel’s fur, Others who worked in beauty polished his claws, brushed his teeth, cleaned his horns, and added perfumes onto him. Gwen used her feathers to add foundation onto his face and add his makeup. By the time they were all finished, they turned him around to look at the mirror and everyone’s face dropped .... clearly…the poodle looking updo and white makeup did not look great on his fur. “Ok…I-I can fix this" Peter says.
On the other hand, at the east wing, Hobie was helping Y/N getting into her golden gown. The two of them worked together as Y/N picked the design and Hobie used his magic to make the gown come to life. After Y/N got into the dress, Hobie looked at her and hummed “There sum missin ‘ere” He then looked into his drawers one more time and pulled out some gold accents. The wardrobe smiled at Y/N as it decorated her gown and added sparkle and shine “now yer ready Dovie” he says softly. Jess arrived at her door and cleared her throat “it is time...”
Y/N stepped out of her room and stood by her side of the stairs, on the other side she spotted Miguel, his mane was tied with a ribbon in the back and wore an extravagant blue suit. Y/N blushed a little at his appearance, seeing how his arms bulged out a bit from his suit and how tall and gentlemanly he stood. Miguel on the other side saw her and his heart melted, she was truly gorgeous and seemed extremely precious in his eyes. The two slowly descended from each side of the staircase and met in the middle. “Join me for dinner?” Adenira smiled and nodded as she held onto his arm and walked alongside him for dinner. The two sat beside each other and enjoyed a nice 3 course meal, the two laughed and dined and enjoyed a pleasant meal together. Eventually Pavitir arrived with a small ensemble and started playing music. Y/N heard it and smiled and got up and grabbed both of his arms “come, dance with me “she said excitedly. Miguel was just too enamored by her and got up with her to the ballroom. “Pero…no sé cómo bailar…”  Y/N smiled and brought his arm around her waist and held his hand on the other side “then learn with me” She then started waltzing with him. Miguel was a little awkward but eventually figured out how to dance with her and confidently led her and twirled her around the ballroom. Y/N was just so happy to be dancing with him and laid her head against his warm furry chest. The two waltzed and waltzed until both of their feet hurt. Once the two danced their hearts out, Miguel led her out onto the balcony and looked at the stars with her. He sat down on a ledge and nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he built some courage to speak to her.
“Y/N?” Miguel says tenderly. Y/N looked up at him and smiled as he got closer and held her hands. “Estás feliz conmigo ?” Y/N smiled at him and nodded “claro que si” she said softly but then she suddenly looked down. Miguel noticed and frowned “what’s wrong?” Y/N sighed... “Well…it’s just that…I wish I could just see my papa…por solo un momento…I miss him dearly...”  Miguel looked disheartened for her and thought about how to make her wish come true. Then he remembered…the magic mirror, He smiled at her and held her hands tightly “there is a way, come follow me!” 
He excitedly took her all the way to his room in the west wing and took her to where the rose was on the table. On the side there was the mirror. He took the mirror into his hands and handed it to her “this mirror can show you anything you wish to see” Y/N took the mirror into her hands and whispered, “I’d like to see mi papa…please” The mirror glowed yellow and revealed to her the current state of her father. In the mirror it showed Mauricio lying in bed weakly with what seemed to show that he was ill and with a fever. “No…papa…” she said worriedly “Esta Enfermo, h-he may be dying and he’s all alone” she said looking up at Miguel. Miguel looked at her with worry as well, he didn’t want Y/N to feel so anguished over her father’s current state. He took a look at the rose and looked at it with all the pain in his eyes…. he knew what to do…he knew the consequences…and he knew…that this could be goodbye... “Then...you must go to him.”
“Que?” Y/N looked at him surprised and approached him. “I release you… you’re no longer my prisoner...” Y/N looked at him with relief and with much empathy towards him “I’m free?” “Yes…” 
Y/N approached him to return the mirror to him. “No…keep it.. So you could at least have something to remember me by” Miguel looked at her lovingly and also with much hurt in his eyes. He had to take in her appearance one more time before she left, caressing her hair and watching as the locks fell from his paws. “Thank you for understanding how much he needs me now.” she said softly. Y/N’s eyes were filled with gratitude and with so much tenderness…she was afraid of never seeing him again, but at least the magic mirror would give her peace of mind if she wished to see him again. Y/N caressed his face one last time and left the room. Miguel reached towards her but stopped himself. His ears drooped and he sighed.
Jess noticed Y/N walking away from the room and she peeked in to talk to Miguel “I hope I can assume that everything went perfectly” she said with a smirk. “I let her go.” “What? But why? how could you do that Migs ?!” Jess said in shock. Peter walked in and his heart dropped as well watching the scene before him. “I had to Jessica…I did it because…I Love Her...”
Jess sighed and walked out of the room to break the news to the rest of the staff. Little Mayday sniffled “so I won't bwe a whittle girl again?” Miles hugged her tightly as he comforted her. Lyla sighed “but we were so close!” Peter chuckled to himself as he looked down dejected “After all of these years, He’s finally learned to love.”
Heartbroken, Miguel watches Y/N ride Felipe out the palace gardens and to the gates And he roared….
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@cupcakeinat0r , @miguelhugger2099, @mcmiracles,@xxsugarbonesxx,@codenameredkrystalmatrix,@deputy-videogamer,@lxverrings,@miguelzslvtz,@itsameclinicaldepression,,@ricekrisbris,@loser-alert , @thedevax, @uncle-eggy, @m4dyy, @freehentai, @synamonthy, @razertail18, @s0lm1n,
@badbishsblog, @faimmm, @texanadmirer, @stargirrls, @itzsab,@delectableworm,@jadeloverxd @pinkmistart, @kishimiest, @beabfleab
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rookthorne · 1 year
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐤
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Fairy Tales and stories always had one ending, that the prince would find his princess and all would be well; a masterful, happily ever after. You had never believed that would be you, not in your wildest dreams. Until the day that two knights in inked armour walked through the door of your castle and made themselves at home in your heart.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𖠺 Tattoo Artist!CW!Bucky Barnes x Florist!F!Reader x Tattoo Artist!Nomad!Steve Rogers
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 𖠺 6.7k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𖠺 Fluff, light show of dom/sub
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 𖠺 I sincerely blame my hype squad for this, but a very special thank you to SC for her genius mind for helping me build this world, and to @sebstanwhore for putting up with my screaming about it constantly. 𖠺 This is officially my longest published fic as of September 2023!
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔 𖠺 So This Is Love by Ilene Woods, Mike Douglas 𖠺 I See The Light by Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒂 𖠺 @smutconnoisseur
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𖠺 @stuckybingo 𝗚𝟰 — Tattoo Shop AU (September Adoptable) — Masterlist 𖠺 @allcapsbingo 𝗕𝟰 — Old Married Couple — Masterlist 𖠺 @anyfandomfluffbingo 𝗕𝟭 — Florist AU — Masterlist 𖠺 @mcukinkbingo 𝗚𝟱 — Poly Relationship Negotiation — Masterlist
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𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Sunlight streamed through the window as you stood behind the shop counter. It was a bright, clear day, and the possibilities that a new day could bring excited you. 
The perfume of freshly bloomed buds and bouquets filled your senses, each petal of the flowers that surrounded you just as pretty as the last. Walking into the place you built from the ground up since botany had run in your blood for generations. The love for floristry, specifically, had been passed down from your mother, then her mother before her, and her mother before her. 
As a child, with their guidance, you grew up with such kindness and compassion for all flora and fauna, and you were an avid daydreamer. 
Your daydreams of fairy tales, of wonder and love through the petals and veins of the ages, was how you came to affectionately name your haven and shop Fantasy Floristry. 
Lanterns softly lit the way between the rows of bouquets and arrangements in the shadier corners of your store, and the walls, which were devoid of shelves with bouquets, were covered with pencil drawings of fantasy creatures and characters from many Disney movies – all signed by a local artist. That of which, was you. 
It was a slow morning, customers sparse and fairly few between. Which, in itself, was never unusual, and afforded you the opportunity to potter about. Each bud you passed had a loving caress and gentle touch before they were spritzed with a soft spray of water, and you hummed along to the music playing over the speakers, a classic, timeless Disney tune.
You smiled as you looked upon the shelves fit to burst with blooms – each bunch set to a theme of a movie. Red and yellow matched with a brown ribbon for Simba and his mane, black and white with a red ribbon for Patch and his collar, and your most popular theme, one for Rapunzel; purple and yellow, with a gold ribbon to tie it in. 
The chime of the doorbell sounded at the front of the store, and you looked up just in time to see your best friend and employee walk in, steaming to-go cups in hand. “Late again,” you scolded, and she smiled sheepishly. 
“I brought us coffees to make up for it, darling,” Wanda simpered, holding out one of the coffees and a small brown bag. “And I bought you a bagel. Don’t say I never do anything for you.”
You rolled your eyes and took the coffee. “Thanks, Wands.”
“I’ll be out back,” Wanda called as she strode to the cool room. “See you later!” 
Things progressed as usual after that – customers came and went with bright smiles as they left with small or big bouquets. 
You were behind the counter working away on the store’s social media when the bell chimed loudly, followed by two sets of heavy footfalls and low voices. “She’s off with Ma, you know that, punk,” one of them said, almost as though they were exasperated. “It’ll be nice for them to come back to something, don’t you think?”
“Alright, alright,” the other voice replied placatingly. The door closed behind the newcomers with another chime, and their boots thumped quietly over the tiled floor. “Which do you think- Oh, wow. They’re beautiful.”
You looked up from your phone just in time to see two men approaching, only they had stopped at the Rapunzel and Simba bouquets, the blond one of the two pointing at the purple roses and yellow lilies. His other hand… was holding the other’s – interlocked so their tattoos aligned, and a wedding band shone brightly on his ring finger. 
They were beautiful – far more so than any bouquet you could imagine or conjure. The blond was broad and lithe, his long hair swept back and beard neatly trimmed. A black plaid shirt covered his frame, and the top two buttons were undone, revealing coloured ink creeping up his collarbones. A bright, intricate yellow sunflower was tattooed along the contours of his neck, from the back to the front of the pale skin.
It seemed to match the other man’s, who, in place of a sunflower, had a bunch of purple daisies arranged in a loosely assembled heart. His hair was dark and long, down to the top of his shoulders, and he was bigger, broader than the blond man, though they stood at the same height. His skin was covered in ink – visible under the rolled up sleeves and open collar of his navy henley. 
“Oh, lord,” you whispered, blinking rapidly to try and discern if you were dreaming. 
You were, in fact, not dreaming. 
The dark-haired man looked up at the counter and sent you a charming grin, pointing at the flowers himself. “Did you do these?” 
Don’t make a fool of yourself, you chastised silently. “Yeah, they–yeah, I did them,” you stammered in reply. 
“They’re stunning,” the blond offered, awestruck. “You’ve done an amazing job, doll.”
The two men walked to the counter, hands still interlocked as they neared, and you gulped – they were married, keep it together. 
“I’m Steve,” the blond said happily, holding his hand out to shake, which you accepted politely, with an added bonus of being able to look at his tattoos. “And this is my husband, Bucky.” He pointed at the dark-haired man who also offered his hand, only he brought it to his lips and kissed your knuckles – just like a prince would. Your stomach and heart swooped at the gesture when Steve continued, “We own the tattoo shop next door.”
“Oh!” you chirped, immediately cringing internally. You offered your name, then, “I’ve seen the art in the windows, and it’s all so beautiful. Have you been here long? I know I’ve only recently set up shop, but business has been so busy I haven’t had a chance to come and say hello.”
Bucky grinned. “Too long, we would say,” he chuckled and glanced at Steve. “We saw you set up shop back when you moved in, and I have to say, we were very intrigued.” Both men looked around your store before their focus was back on you. “It’s a beautiful set up, nice ‘n cosy.”
“Thank you,” you whispered, shy but proud. 
Steve smirked and nodded to the display of Rapunzel flowers. “What would a professional recommend for two hovering mother hens–just to remind them that we love ‘em.”
“Oh, that is so sweet,” you rushed before you could clamp your jaw shut, and Bucky snorted. “What? What’s so wrong with that?”
“Nothing,” Bucky rushed, still grinning. “It’s just–if you met them, you wouldn’t be saying that.”
A loud smack sounded as Steve slapped Bucky’s shoulder and shoved him away. “Stop being such an ungrateful son, honey,” he teased as Bucky rolled his eyes. 
“Anyway,” you said haltingly, making your way around the counter. More to yourself, you mumbled, “You can do this, it’s fine, they’re just handsome men, keep it together.” 
Coming to a stop at the far corner, you stopped and watched both of them as they bickered, much like an old married couple, “You know Ma would like that more. She likes teddies and shit-” Bucky emphasised, but Steve raised a brow. 
“You’re telling me that you want to shell out for a damn bear–well, aren’t you son of the year,” Steve teased, staring at the shelf full of small, soft stuffies. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.”
“Oh, now he agrees with me-” Bucky was cut off by Steve’s hand, who covered his mouth and held his thumb under his chin to keep his mouth shut. The display made your lips part in surprise, though it went unnoticed. Bucky’s brows furrowed, and it looked as though he was pouting. You made out a muffled but determined huff of, “Lemme go.”
“Do as you’re told then, boy,” Steve whispered harshly. 
Internally, you were screaming at the show of intimacy – albeit restrained, and you couldn’t help the shiver that crawled up your spine at the sound of Steve’s command. You shook your head and cleared your throat to get their attention. 
Both of their gazes snapped towards you as though they had forgotten where they were. “D-Do you still want–want help?” you stuttered. 
“Yes, please, doll,” Steve said happily, and he wandered over. Bucky followed soon after and rested his chin on Steve’s shoulder, wrapping his arms from behind – the creak of leather made you look down to see Bucky on his toes to have the slight height advantage. 
You realised a second too late that you were still staring at them because they chuckled and winked at you when you glanced back up at their faces.  
A sudden shyness blanketed your mind at their undivided attention, but you pushed through the murky waters of confused intrigue and desire – the latter a shock to your system. “So, we have these, especially for motherly bouquets,” you explained, pointing at the purple, pink, and yellow hues of petals. “Otherwise…”
The tour of the shop was an eventful encounter. Both men were enraptured and entranced by the beauty of the flowers, and each compliment to any arrangement made your heart soar with pride. It was only when you made it back to the Disney themed arrangements did Steve’s eyes light up. 
“Mom would love these,” he breathed, gently brushing the petals of a yellow lily before doing the same to a purple rose. “She loves this movie. It’s a job to convince her to watch anything else.”
You giggled and nodded in agreement. “I have to say it’s one of my favourites, too. So beautiful.”
“Yeah,” Bucky said suddenly, and you looked at him. He was already staring at you. “Really beautiful.”
The humming of Ilene Woods came over the speaker at that moment: “So this is love, so this is what makes life divine.” Steve nodded in agreement and looked at you with a fond smile.
It was surreal, and it was all you could do to hold in a squeak of shock. On autopilot, while you recovered from such an insinuation, you blurted quickly, “I saw the tattoos on your necks. What do they mean? They’re so beautiful, and I adore them.”
“Oh, these?” Bucky pointed at his and then Steve’s, the flower tattoos bright in the sunlight from the window. “My Ma loves purple daisies, loved ‘em since she was young. I always bring her some each time I visit, and since she and Steve’s Mom are best friends, it’s only natural that this punk has to get Sarah some of her own. Don’t want him lookin’ like the bad son, after all.”
Steve shoved Bucky off and sighed heavily. “Yeah, shut it, jerk.” He rubbed at the tattoo, smiling absently. “Mom loves sunflowers. Dad used to get her a bunch every Friday night.”
You smiled softly at his words, feeling the pain of them. “That’s beautiful, Steve.” Bucky’s hand found Steve’s, and you saw him squeeze once. “Would you like two Rapunzel bouquets, then? I can add a sunflower and a daisy to each at no charge–I want to make your mothers smile. They deserve it.”
“Sweetheart, we can’t ask you to do that,” Bucky interjected. Steve hummed an ascension as you grabbed a bouquet. “Seriously. Your arrangements are stunning. We can’t ask for anymore.”
“You’re not asking,” you whispered quietly, looking at the bouquet in your arms. The beat of your heart thundered as you wondered if what you were about to say would spook them off, but their presence had flourished something inside of you – a boisterous and courageous thing. “I am offering, and I want those who leave my shop to be happy, to smile. If I can do that for your mothers too? You bet I will.”
You turned your back and walked towards the counter, entirely missing the look Bucky and Steve shared – one of adoration and affection.
The bouquet sat proudly on the counter as you turned to grab the next one, when you gasped in shock. Bucky had grabbed the second one, while Steve had picked up one of the largest and most expensive arrangements. 
“Oh, Steve! Bucky, wait, I-”
“Nope,” Bucky cut in, and he placed the Rapunzel bouquet down next to the other one. Then he turned to Steve to help him lift the bigger arrangement onto the counter. “How about this–would you make us something for our shop? We want something on the front desk. This big one,” he pointed to the elaborate piece, “is going in our home–away from Alpine.”
“Alpine?” you quizzed. Steve nodded, and Bucky pulled out his phone before turning the screen to you – a photo of a fluffy white cat with piercing blue eyes as his lock screen. “They are beautiful!”
“She’s an attention whore, but she’s our baby,” Bucky said fondly, a small smile on his lips. He looked up at you and that smile morphed into a grin. “Now, how ‘bout it, sweetheart?”
You blinked. “Sorry?”
“The arrangement for our shop, doll,” Steve answered, and you started – how had you forgotten that?
“Right!” you rushed, flustered. They watched you, but their gazes were gentle, almost coaxing. “Sure–I, uh, I can do that for sure. When do you need it by?” Your trusty paper pad and pen felt comforting in your hands, and you looked between them expectantly. 
They shared a look, and then Steve spoke up, “Are you busy now, honey?”
Mentally, you catalogued the tasks for the day. There were no urgent appointments to meet nor any commissions, and Wanda was around… “No, I am–I am free, today, that is.” You cursed the softness of your voice. They’d see your shyness, your absurd ability to become flustered with the slightest push. 
Bucky grinned and then winked. “Perfect, why don’t we take you to the shop? See how quick our clever girl can whip something up.”
By heaven and earth, how you were unprepared for such a statement. Your mouth opened and closed as the words settled in the cogs of your brain, jamming them with the assurance  and praise. 
“That’s a good idea, doll. You can get a sense for the colours and contrasts.” Steve turned to you more fully. “We can walk you back–do you have someone to watch the store…?”
“Yeah–I, there’s-” You squeaked, gesturing over your shoulder. “I’ll just- Um, go get her.”
The back cooler room couldn’t have been further away at that moment. You rushed towards it, arm outstretched when you heard Steve whisper behind you, “She’s so sweet, don’t you think?”
“She is,” Bucky agreed easily. The words made your heart thump, and you didn’t linger, pushing open the door to the blast of the cool back room air.  
“There you are-” Wanda greeted, but she fell short.
You shut the door and rested against it, holding a hand over your hammering heart.
“What the–? Are you alright?” she hurriedly asked, her face pulled taut and brows furrowed. “You look like you’ve… Wait, are you-”
“I need you to watch the shop for me,” you barrelled, breathing deeply in an effort to calm your racing heart. “Please–just look.” The door creaked open to reveal a slither of the front counter where Bucky and Steve stood, conversing and looking around the store. “They want me to make a–a bouquet for their shop, the tattoo–?”
“Oh, babe,” Wanda whispered, pushing the door closed gently. There was an impish smile curling her lips. “Go on, I’ve got this. If you don’t come back tonight, I’ll close up.”
“What do you mean not come back–?” You stared at her, unable to comprehend her secret, double meaning. 
“Don’t you worry, sweet summer child,” she said, winking. “I’ll see you later.”
Before you could protest or question why everyone kept winking at you, Wanda had undone the bow of your apron, whisked it off of your uniform, and forced you out the door ahead of her. 
“There she is!” Bucky called, his signature grin curling his lips. “Are you set to go?”
Wanda stood beside you, her hand on your shoulder, and she surreptitiously pushed you closer to the counter. She had that same coy smirk on her lips. Both Bucky and Steve waved and greeted her. “Just take care of my girl–she’s going to make you the best arrangement,” Wanda said. 
“We will,” Steve assured, and he pulled out his wallet. “I’ll pay for these now, ladies.”
After completing the transaction for the two bouquets and singular larger arrangement, Wanda’s hand found your back, and she forced you forward, closer to Bucky. “See you three later.”
Steve saluted and walked forward, and you followed, your footsteps quick compared to the heavy boot falls of your companions. As you walked behind Steve, Bucky pointed up to a canvas on the wall – a scene painted straight from the movie Tangled, the beautiful soft hues of yellow and gold of the lanterns in the sky. “Who did this?”
“A local artist,” you whispered, glancing between the canvas and Bucky. “She sells her work here–I wanted to help an old friend.”
Bucky stepped closer to the canvas, and by doing so, he stood right next to you. The smell of his cologne and close proximity made your heart skip a beat – even his voice sounded deeper this close. “Whoever she is, she’s very talented. Pass that on for us, yeah?”
“Okay,” you squeaked, and you cleared your throat. “Yeah, I- I will pass that on for you. She would appreciate it.”
“I would be tempted to hire her,” Steve said quietly, voice awestruck. “Her colour work and ability to capture the moment is beautiful. She has a gift.”
Do not faint, you repeated in a mantra.
“Alright, c’mon,” Bucky urged. “Let’s take our Petal to the shop, or we’ll never leave.”
“Petal?” you whispered, and Bucky rested his hand on your lower back, gently encouraging you forward. 
“Yeah, that’s you,” he said softly. “Precious and pretty–jus’ like a petal of a flower.”
The outside air was a reprieve from the stifling tension of your shop, and Steve turned around and looked at you, then Bucky, and he slowed to walk beside you – opposite to Bucky. You were walking between them, and could not calm your heart’s thunderous beat. 
It was a short walk, but nonetheless, it left an impression. People had hastened to move out of your way as you walked between the two men, both brooding and you had guessed intimidating – if the shocked and double-takes of all passers by were anything to go by. 
A dark brick building came into view – black awnings and dark accents made it feel rustic, paired with the striking art on the windows of a star and a set of wings set just below the artistic calligraphy of Quartet’s Tattoo. 
“Here we are,” Steve said, gesturing at the front door. “Come on in, Petal–Buck, babe, you picked a nice one. I love the way it sounds.”
“What?” you sputtered. “I-”
‘Yeah,” Bucky breathed, then slung an arm over your shoulder, pulling you close. His lips were suddenly on your temple, a soft kiss that left you reeling. “I agree.”
The door, artfully carved with more stars and in place of wings were skulls, opened with a creak to reveal a dark and moody waiting area. Wooden beams were visible over the ceiling where lights with black shades hung in increments, and designs were all over the walls, each as intricate as the last. Dark slats of wood lined the floor until they reached an open space towards the back of the shop where you guessed the booths were situated. 
“Take a seat, sweetheart,” Bucky said, pointing to a black leather couch that seated three, a glass table in front of it. “Do you want a drink–?”
“Water, please,” you replied, sitting down. You suspected you’d need something stronger to dull the nerves, but you refrained from mentioning that aloud. “This is beautiful.” 
Art was everywhere, in every nook and cranny. You could see four booths, and managed a peak at the names lining the walls – Steve, ‘Cap’; Bucky, ‘Sarge’; Nat, ‘Widow’; Sam, ‘Falcon’.
“Thanks, doll,” Steve said happily, and he took the seat opposite you. “It’s our pride and joy.”
Bucky appeared with a glass of water and sat on the other end of the couch, tucking his leg up so he could face you. It was silent for a moment as you took the space in. Choices flooded your mind the more you stared around – reds and burgundies to compliment the dark stained wood, but then, whites and yellows would contrast against the deep, rich hues of the mahogany.
You blinked and looked back at Bucky and Steve, only they were already watching you. “Oh, I’m sorry,” you breathed, smiling nervously as you placed the glass of water on a coaster on the table. “I- I was just looking so I could, um, get a feel for the arrangement for you.”
“Oh yeah? And what are you thinking?” Bucky asked, his tone teasing. 
Frowning slightly, deep in thought, you looked around the shop once more before finally settling on the reception desk. 
The wood was stained dark, like the rest of the shop, but the accents of lightened, bleached knots and ridges caught your attention. Whites and yellows would bring that to light, and then, a fiery arrangement for the glass coffee table… “Uh- Well, I have two ideas,” you began. 
Both Bucky and Steve raised their brows, and placed their drinks on the table. Steve leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and letting his hands fall between his thighs. Bucky, back still against the arm of the couch, leaned against it and put a heavily tattooed arm over the back of it. 
“Let’s hear it then,” Bucky said, his grey eyes bright with curiosity. “What’s our clever girl imagined?”
“Let her talk, Buck,” Steve chastised. 
You took a deep breath and fought against the urge to run and hide – it was strange to feel so safe and attended to by these two strangers, but they had done nothing to warrant suspicion, at least, not that you had thought. 
“Well,” you began, fidgeting in your seat as you nodded to the reception desk. “I thought a lighter arrangement would work. See how the wood is stained dark, but there are lighter streaks and knots?” You pointed at the spots you could see from your vantage point. “Whites and yellows would soften the–I think saturation is the right word?”
There was an affirming hum from one of them, and you continued. “Then it would make the entry feel lighter, as the room feels broody–it isn’t a bad thing,” you rushed to assure, looking at the two men with wide eyes. “The space is beautiful, and I love it–just, some softness might brighten it a bit.”
“Huh, you’re right, doll,” Steve considered, his hand now rubbing his chin as he stared at the desk. “I think we’d do better–maybe attract more clients. What do you think, babe?”
“It would work well, yeah,” Bucky agreed. 
He shifted closer, almost imperceptibly, but your keen, anxious senses saw it immediately. What frightened you more was the fact you were not scared of it. The thought of him being close made your body heat up from some depth that had been untouched. They were married, you intoned. They were married to one another, no less. 
“What would be even better, though,” Bucky continued, his tone impish. “Is if you told us the second idea.”
“Oranges and reds–fiery colours to bring attention to the mahogany wood and dark stain,” you said in one breath. Nerves had started to make your stomach roil and flutter with butterflies. As you stared at your hands while breathing shallowly, a tattooed hand rested over your fingers, effectively stopping your bad habit of picking at the skin. “I-”
“It’s alright, sweetheart,” Bucky said quietly, squeezing your hands. “You’re alright. It’s cute that you're so shy, but trust us, you’re okay. If we are comin’ on too strong for you, we will stop.”
The world stopped. Time froze, your place in the expansive universe suddenly too much to comprehend. “Coming on too strong–?” you asked hoarsely, unable to take in the words. “Are you- You two are flirting with me?”
There was a chuckle from the seat across from you, and you looked at Steve sharply. A bright smile was on his face, one of which conveyed affection, not patronisation. “Yeah, we are, doll. Do you want us to stop?”
You blinked, looked at Bucky, then back to Steve. “But you’re married!”
“We are, happily so,” Bucky said, and he took his hand away. You suddenly missed the warmth of it. “And we know what we want. We were in your shop today for more than just flowers, sweetheart. I wasn’t lying when I said we’ve been curious–a pretty Petal like you, clever and downright beautiful, both generous and kind… Well, we were intrigued.”
The words flushed your system and left you hollow with shock, akin to an overwhelming giddiness. “I don’t understand,” you breathed, staring at Bucky. “You want- What do you want?”
“We want to take you on a date. If you are interested, and want to,” Bucky offered gently. “You can say no, and we won’t think any different of you, don’t you worry ‘bout that. Like hell would we skip on your skills as a florist, and we’d still be friends. If you wanted to be, of course.”
“A date?” 
“A date,” Steve affirmed. “We know polyamorous relationships aren’t everyone’s cup of tea-” 
Bucky snorted a laugh and shook his head. “You sound ridiculous saying that, Stevie.”
“Shut up, punk,” Steve sighed. Then he looked at you again. “As I was saying, yes, it’s not everyone’s favourite. We just- We became smitten with you, doll. So, if you would be interested, we’d like to take you on a date.”
The world, still tilted on its axis, started spinning once more, taking your insides with it as it moved. You blinked rapidly, and your hands curled and relaxed on your knees. 
Truly, the offer didn’t scare you, per se. It was the reality shaking thought that not one, but two men found you intriguing enough that they wanted to take you out on a date–a traditional date.
A truly old fashioned notion, you thought. 
Their presence seemed to bring out your reckless, wild side, and you took a deep breath. They said they would still care for you as a friend, even if you said no, and it comforted your heart and screaming, anxious mind. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Bucky asked, brow raised. “Do you want some time-”
“I’ll go on a date with you two,” you interrupted before you could stop yourself. “I would love that.”
Bucky beamed at you while Steve rose from his seat to lean down and kiss the crown of your head. “Perfect, doll. Why don’t you do both of your ideas, and we can pick ‘em up when you’re done?”
Feeling emboldened, you grinned up at Steve and then at Bucky. “I will have them done in a few hours. Walk me back?”
“You heard the lady,” Bucky murmured, his eyes slightly wide at your eagerness. “Someone’s excited to get to work.”
“Well, you have me motivated,” you explained with a shrug and a shy smile. “I won’t let you two down.”
Steve shook his head and helped you up before leading you to the door. “You could never let us down, honey–remember that.” 
The two of them walked you back to your shop, opening and holding the door for you. “Such gentlemen,” you teased quietly. They only winked. 
“There you are,” Wanda called happily as she rounded the counter to greet you. “Have you organised a theme?”
“Two,” you supplied, chipper. Wanda’s brows raised at your enthusiasm. “I’m going to be doing a light arrangement and a fiery toned one, too. It’ll set the colours off nicely, I think.” 
Wanda nodded and grabbed your hand. “You’re the expert,” she said, leading you towards the cooler room. “See you boys later!”
“No, wait,” you rushed, looking back at Steve and Bucky as you pulled away from Wanda’s grip. “Can–can I have your number? So I can text you when they’re done–?”
The smiles on their faces could have made the toughest rose bloom, you swore. Once their numbers were in your phone, they walked from the store, arrangements in hand for their mothers. 
As you worked on the bouquets while Wanda minded the store, you thought long and hard about their proposition. They were grown men. It was not like you were dealing with the decisions and minds of growing boys – marriage was a big deal, and opening it to a stranger was even more risky. Did they truly want to risk all of what they had built? 
Thoughts spiralled, and your mind whirled with all the possibilities – rational thought long cast out of the equation. Until, “You keep pulling a face like that, babe, and it’ll get stuck.”
You looked up to see Wanda standing in the doorway, hair tied up and a soft, kind smile on her face. Her eyes were bright, glinting in the way that told you she knew something was amiss. “What’s got you all tied up, love?”
The stem of the rose was smooth against your fingers, and you considered the thorns that adorned it – helpfully comparing it to your current predicament. “I just, I don’t know. It seems so sudden–doesn’t it? Them just waltzing in here–”
“Hold on.” Wanda glanced back to the store and then stepped into the room, her arms crossed over her chest. “You will not second guess this. I have seen those two make heart eyes at you for the longest time.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, astonished. 
“I meant what I said,” Wanda said a little too easily, and she shrugged. “Have you not seen how those puppies look for you as they walk by the store window almost every single day?”
Your mouth parted in shock. Had they? “No…”
Wanda shook her head slowly, a slow smile pulling the corner of her lips up. It wasn’t a condescending expression, but rather, one of an older sister who cared beyond words for the one they loved. “Babe, you… You have to give this a shot. Give them a chance. I do not know them well, but I know they are kind, and gentle–gentle giants, if you will.” 
A strong feeling of ease settled in your gut and over your mind, cancelling out the cacophony of nerves that screamed and pitched their fits. If Wanda, the one you trusted the most, could see something, maybe, just maybe, it would be worth it. 
You looked at the bouquets before you, one of angelic and pure white to sunny, happy yellow; the other bright, cheerful orange and fiery, passionate red. It was symbolistic of the clash in your mind; resemblances to the possible opportunities. White for the softness of your soul, and reds to Bucky and Steve’s desire. 
“Alright,” you said aloud, voice firm and unwavering. “I’ll do it. I- I want this.”
Wanda grinned, a blindingly prideful smile. “‘Atta girl. Now, get to it!”
A few hours later, as the sun had started to begin its descent, you stood in the back room of your shop filled with awe. The bouquets had turned out perfect – each petal and leaf in place. You snapped a few photos with your phone and then sent a text to Bucky’s number, asking if they would come around after they closed up. 
Your ringtone made you jump in place, and Bucky’s name flashed across the screen. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Bucky greeted, the low hum of a tattoo machine in the background with the lull of quiet music. “Did you finish the flowers?”
“Yeah, I- I did, do you think you could–?”
There was a huff of breath, a chuckle, and then a sudden yell of “Babe!” before another voice came through the speaker. 
“We’ll be round in about twenty minutes–that okay, doll?” Steve asked.
“That’s perfect,” you replied, looking at the clock. “I’ll be here–I’ll close up, so just knock when you get here.”
“Alright, see you soon.” The line clicked, and you put your phone back in your pocket. 
Closing the shop went quickly, and after you had said goodnight to Wanda, you were on your own in the office, waiting as the minutes went by until you heard a knock on the store’s door. “Coming!” 
Steve and Bucky were waiting on the sidewalk, huddled in coats as they watched you walk to the door. “Hey, come in, come in,” you rushed, stepping aside. “Thank you for coming and picking them up so late.”
“It’s nothin’, sweetheart,” Bucky yawned. “If we’re honest–we wanted to see you before we headed home.”
You smiled and looked at the floor, unable to look him in the eye after such sincerity. There was suddenly a hand gripping your chin gently, and you automatically moved in tandem with it until you were staring into Steve’s handsome face. “That we did.”
Blinking rapidly, you pulled back with a shaky laugh. “Did you guys have a good rest of your day?”
“Yeah,” Steve answered, looking around happily. “Normal shit with walk-ins and then we got started on a back piece. Poor bastard had to tap out.”
“We warned him.” Bucky shrugged. “Not like the poor fool didn’t know what he was gettin’ into. Anyway–how about those flowers?”
You led the two of them to the counter, where you heard two sharp intakes of breath as the arrangements came into view. They were extraordinary, and you had gone above and beyond for them – using flowers and buds that were yet to bloom to fill the spaces, each and every one placed with care and consideration. All of the colours complimented; a true masterpiece. 
“Holy shit,” Steve gasped, and Bucky rushed forward to look at the bundles closer. “Petal– look at them!”
“You are amazing,” Bucky said quietly, his fingers brushing the petals of a white rose. “Absolutely fuckin’ amazing, look at this. You did this.”
“Oh, my gosh,” you whispered, hiding behind your hands. “It’s just two bouquets-”
Steve looked at you, aghast. “No.” 
Both of them stepped towards you, and the next thing you knew, you were between them, squished to their chests and their arms around you. “Don’t you dare discount yourself, sweetheart,” Bucky murmured. “Be proud of yourself–it’s not a bad thing to be proud of what you create. And what you created is fuckin’ stunning.”
Many emotions swirled through your mind until you sniffled, pushing back against the burn of tears in your eyes. “O-Okay, thank you,” you whispered. Steve pulled away from the embrace to look at the flowers again, his face slack with awe, and Bucky held you tighter to his chest.
You felt a kiss at your temple suddenly. “Don’t you listen to those voices, alright? We’re louder and you’re gonna learn to love what you do, no matter what.” Unable to answer, you just nodded jerkily, wiping your eyes. Bucky’s thumb brushed your cheek, and he smiled softly as he pulled back. 
“Why don’t we get dinner?” Steve asked suddenly, and you looked at him. “This isn’t our date, Petal, don’t you worry. Let’s just get dinner. How do you get home–drive, walk?”
“I walk-” You tried, but Steve shook his head. 
“Not anymore, can’t have our Petal walking home on your own, okay?”
Ordinarily, you would have grimaced and grumbled at the commanding nature of such a statement, but somehow, this didn’t feel out of place. They cared, they just wanted you safe, you reasoned. “Okay, but Wanda normally walks with me, so–”
“That’s fine, we’ve got you both,” Bucky said simply, as though giving you both a lift was, in fact, not a big deal. 
“If you’re sure,” you said quietly, and Bucky squeezed your shoulder.
“Let’s go, I’m starved,” Steve said loudly, almost obnoxiously. Bucky rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath. “Don’t start with me, babe. You know how I get when I’m hungry.”
Bucky looked at you. “Yeah, he becomes more of a pain in my ass.”
“Literally,” Steve chortled, and you gasped in quiet shock as Bucky hit Steve on the shoulder.
“We are in polite company, you fucker!” Bucky shoved Steve, and the two of them bickered as they arranged the flowers in their arms to better carry them out of the store. 
Finally, Bucky huffed and stuck his tongue out at Steve. “Let’s get these in the shop, then we can go to that diner.”
The three of you wandered out of your store, bouquets in hand, and Bucky took them into the shop. “How about here?” he wondered aloud, placing the red bouquet on the table, and adjusting it slightly. 
You strode forward and adjusted it again, turning the vases and humming to yourself as you righted it. When you were satisfied, you stepped back and nodded. “How ‘bout that?”
Steve hummed approvingly as he placed the white arrangement on the reception desk – perfectly, you may add. Bucky looked between you and the flowers once, twice, then, “You’re decorating from now on, sweetheart.”
“If you say so.”
“We know so.” Steve’s hand was warm on your shoulder, and you briefly glanced down at the intricate designs that covered the back of his hand, the swirls stopping at the gold wedding and engagement bands. He flexed his hand and raised a brow. “What is it, doll?”
You considered your answer, and then ploughed on. “How long have you been married?”
“Feels like our whole lives at this point,” Bucky answered before Steve could open his mouth. “I’ve been with this punk since, what–college? Before that, even.”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “We’ve been partners for a lifetime, and all those before-”
“Don’t go gettin’ all poetic on me, honey,” Bucky hushed, and he kissed Steve on the lips, then the cheek. “You said you were starved.”
“Can’t I be soft on my love?” 
Bucky laughed and shook his head. “You’re a punk–c’mon, Petal, let’s go.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you along – it was hard to ignore how warm his hand was or how your hand fit so perfectly in his. “And, just so you know, we’ve been married for nearly a decade now.”
“Wow,” you breathed, impressed. Neither gave the impression of being much older than yourself, but you supposed they were youthful in attitude, and that was one thing they had in abundance.
“So, what about that old diner on the corner–?”
“Yes!” you cried, brightening at the mention of your favourite spot to eat. “I love it there.”
Steve came up behind you and took hold of your other hand. “Alright, that’s settled then–off we go.”
They led you to a sleek, luxurious looking car parked a few feet from Quartet’s Tattoo. Bucky opened the back door for you, and you slipped into the leather seats with an awestruck gasp. The interior was immaculate and, for lack of a better word, rich. “Whoa–”
“We figured rather than letting that money sit and collect dust, we thought we should spend some of it,” Steve explained as he turned the ignition, and all the screens along the dash lit up. “Bucky spent more on his bike.”
You quickly looked at Bucky, who grinned proudly. “You have a bike?”
“Sure do, sweetheart. I’ll take you out one day,” he promised with another wink. 
Steve sighed. “That’s enough, you. Don’t want her passing out before dinner, at least.”
Bucky snorted a laugh, and Steve backed the car up before you were on your way to the diner. For dinner, with the two men that had asked you out on a date. The two married men. Wow, you thought to yourself. 
There was a slither of hesitance, but it was nothing next to the bounding hope of your heartbeat. For too long had you been shy and hesitant to take life by the reins, to take control and make something for yourself – your shop being the only proof that you could indeed take risks. 
That would end now, you intoned, promising yourself. Maybe this would be okay, maybe it would work. 
You could only try. 
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defective lotus info{in spanish...} 1 out of 2
el planeta de nacimiento de la raza irken antaño en la epoca prehistorica un planeta vivo lleno de toda clase de ecosistemas y muchos tipos de fauna e flora,ahora no es mas que una gigantesca pelota de metal.
irk como el nombre indica es el lugar de habitat de la especie irken una especie reptiloide,insectoide,semi anphibia inteligente que actualmente son una raza se podria decir de cyborgs,al ser una raza que usa bioingenieria para vivir.
irk con el paso de los años paso de ser un planeta errante en el sistema solar nova irkarus 720 a un planeta fijo en dicho sistema gracias a que en algun momento este se adirio al campo gravitacional del sol apodado como estrella alpha ikarus.
irk tiene alrededor de 3 lunas llamadas pendora,ignis y mortem,la principal siendo la apodada como ignis que brilla con un potente brillo rosa,mortem la segunda brilla de un fuerte morado y pendora de un tenue azul al ser la luna mas pequeña.
no se tienen muchos registros de la irk antigua por lo que no se suele tener mucho en cuenta a la hora de recapitular la historia del planeta.
mientras tanto el irk moderno es un tanto complicado.
el planeta con el paso de los años a pasado por muchos cambios,dese los campos de fuerza que rodean todo el planeta,asta el echo de que el planeta usa el nucleo del mismo como fuente de energia ademas de la electricidad.
irk podria dividirse por anillos cuales son tres la superficie,el subsuelo y el incinerador,el ultimo se explica un tanto por si solo pero es lo que a grandes rasgos esta antes que el nucleo al que se arroja toda la basura que produce irk para alimentar el nucleo del planeta y mantenerlo encendido.
los siguientes sin enbargo son un tanto mas complejos.
el segundo anillo es el subsuelo o tambien llamado la smeeteria principal,aqui es donde sucede todo el proceso de las incubadoras y la enseñanza academica basica para todos los irken.
el subsuelo esta equipado con miles y miles de maquinarias entre las que se incluyen las incubadoras y las maquinas de profesorado,ademas de otras maquinas que mantienen todo en orden como los sentinelas,tambien hay departamentos que son hogares provisionales para los smeets y sus tutores de piel y hueso.
algunas familias con smeets se quedan aqui asta que los smeet cumplan 10 y puedan salir a la superficie a su hogar actual mientras que en otras ocaciones los smeets son dejados aqui asta que los recogen a dicha edad.
eso al menos con los smeets no mutantes,ya que al los smeets mutantes ser de muy poca importancia estos pueden salir a la superficie siempre y cuando salgan con un irken adulto del subsuelo.
mas mayoritariamente estos se quedan bajo tierra asta que cumplen 10.
la superficie por su parte es donde se concentra la mayor poblacion tanto de irkens como de otras razas que viven alli ya que se les ha permitido hacerlo tras que perdieran sus planetas y tengan una poblacion menor a 50 o por ser mano de obra.
dichas razas son las 3 ramas de los artifex,los couwlek,los sraigo y los polum,estas habitan junto con los mutantes en la zona sur de irk denominada los barrios pobres o la zona sin amanecer al ser una zona que casi siempre esta en penumbra.
debido a la gran mezcla de especies hay una cultura echa a partir de todas las culturas mezcladas en una al igual,que hay un lenguaje comun conocido como joik ademas del irken y las otras lenguas que tambien da lugar al extraño acento sureño que algunas veces es algo dificil de seguir{el equivalente de unir escoces y chileno en uno}.
la zona norte tambien llamada o conocida como los barrios ricos o la zona del eterno dia debido a que siempre presenta fuertes luces neon en todos lados durante la noche que hacen parecer que es de dia.
es habitada unica y exclusivamente por irken no mutados o irkens con mutaciones de baja importancia como la variante linea linea y alis alis,mas sin ninguna otra raza presente.
en esta parte solo se habla irken y aunque tiene diversas formas de pronunciacion segun la zona,sigue siendo irken al fin y al cabo e no suele ser un acento pronunciado como el sureño.
luego esta el centro o la zona privilegiada donde solo estan los irkens de altos mandos,elites o famosos sin importar de que faccion si norte o sur,tambien es la zona donde se dan eventos importantes como la llegada de los mas altos.
irk tiene un clima particular mayormente ya que tecnicamente no hay viento como tal o al menos no vientos fuertes,mas si hay lluvia mucha lluvia,al menos el 60 porciento del tiempo esta lloviendo e cuando no llueve esta nublado o sopla el arido pero escaso viento que se levanta.
las temperaturas por lo general siempre son tibias mas pueden llegar a ser calurosas,aunque los periodos de frio son los que mas duran provocando la caida de nieve por la excesiva humedad.
la fauna y la flora son casi inexistententes en la jungla de cemento y metal mas aun hay ejemplares vivos que son resguardados o protegidos o mantenidos como mascota.
los ejemplos mas claros son los sabuesos tei tei,las aves qiwed algo similar al resultado de mezclar un alcon con un buitre y los grandes felinos xquima,ademas de los recurrentes rohedores roit-ei esto respecto a la fauna.
mientras que con la flora aun se conservan algunas especies de arboles y plantas,como la flor de las capañillas llamadoras de angeles o flor angelis,flores que florecen usualmente si alguien de la familia en la casa que se encuentra la planta muere.
otro tipo de flora son algunos tipos de frutales y vegetales autoctonos que se cultivan en la luna pendora al ser la mas apta para el cultivo de estas especies de ortalizas que son las que abastecen a gran parte del planeta.
tambien existen especies de ganado como lo son las kiba una especie de mezcla entre cerdo,vaca,cabra y oveja cuales producen todo lo que estos 4 animales dan en uno y los fei fam una especie de mezcla de pavo,ganso y gallina que dan huevos,estos son criados en mortem.
y por ultimos hay una especie de especie de pez angilla y una mezcla de salmon y atun o rifem que son criados tambien en mortem para el consumo,estos productos luego son exportados y vendidos en los mercados o tiendas.
mientras ignis es una luna que se usa para todo lo industrial siendo basicamente miles de fabricas y almacenes entre los que se encuentra la primer estacion de cuarentena aun funcional.
en ignis mayormente es donde se fabrica toda forma de tecnologia desde naves,armas y armaduras asta simples electrodomesticos,aqui tambien hay una pequeña fabrica de PAK´s que es controlada 24-7.
irk es rodeado por dos fuertes campos de fuerza que lo mantiene lejos de todo peligro,que vienen de un gigantesco anillo metalico artificial que projecta los escudos como una segunda exosfera y una segunda estratosfera,siendo el segundo campo el mas fuerte entre ambos escudos.
estos escudos permiten la entrada y salidas de naves siempre y cuando tengan un sello especial que funciona para que las naves puedan pasar,al los escudos tener una especie de detector que impiden que nada que no tenga el sello pueda ingresar.
el pasar del tiempo y los meses
el pasar del tiempo en irk es ciertamente lento con un dia que dura alrededor de 30 horas de los cuales 15 horas son de dia y las otras 15 son de noche durante ciertos periodos solo 7 horas de dia y las otras 23 horas restantes de noche o a la inversa dependiendo de la epoca.
con 12 meses de 40 dias y semanas de 10 dias e un año de aproximadamente 480 dias,cuales se dibiden en 120 dias en cada estacion,el periododetiempo en irk es bastante longevo.
de echo aunque para los irken y las razas que habitan en irk pase este tiempo fuera del planeta el tiempo es diferente por ejemplo para los humanos un año irken equivale alrededor de 12 años humanos al cada mes irken ser un año en la tierra.
los meses se llaman de la siguiente forma.premerc el mes que inicia el año,loter,shiofer,doika,okaltek,muna,kuna,irter,lunaria,soikot,jurtia y ultum el que termina el año.
las estaciones en irk al igual que en la tierra son cuatro mas no son del todo iguales ya que como tal no hay ni primavera ni otoño mas si algo parecido a invierno y verano.
la estacion nevada tambien llamada como crystel es carcaterizada por ser el equivalente invernal de irk,en esta estacion cae nieve a borbotones al igual que en algunas ocaciones hay granizo,las temperaturas bajan y el usualmente ausente viento sopla en una gelida brisa que cala asta el hueso.
los artifex son de las razas mas prpearadas para cuando esta temporada llega ya que son extremadamente resistentes al frio y al ambiente dificil,sin olvidar que son las unicas criaturas en irk que pueden 'nadar' en la nieve y el hielo sin dificultad alguna.
los irkens al llegar esta estacion por lo general estan mas somnolientos y son mucho mas lentos,sin olvidar que su temperatura corporal por lo general alta aumenta,muchos teorizan que si los irkens fueran una razamas pacifica seguramente hibernarian durante este periodo de tiempo.
y es que los irkens alteran su periodo de sueño y duermen muchas mas horas durante esta epoca,ademas de sufrir otras adaptaciones,como por ejemplo los irkens con pelaje crecen uno mas denso contra el frio,aquellos con alas mas insectoides que no son del tipo polilla o mariposa se caen ya que no resisten el frio muy bien.
los irkens mutados sin las carcteristicas mencionadas no suelen pasar un buen invierno en especial los de caracteristicas reptilicas,amphibias y insectoides sin pelaje,ya que por alguna razon los mutantes son mas suceptibles al frio.
la estacion que le sigue es la temporada de lluvias llamada lacrimus,como se sugiere durante toda esta estacion llueve sin descanso a veces llevando a inundaciones,el aire es humedo y hay niebla,sorpresivamente esta es la unica estacion en la que hay vientos fuertes a la par que continuamente caen rayos.
durante toda esta estacion suelen haber apagones por lo que todos los irkens y razas subyacentes tienen generadores de emergencia en caso de apagones en especial en la zona sur donde tambien hay altos riesgos de inundaciones al ser la zona tecnicamente una cuenca donde se reune el agua.
los irkens muchas veces tienen permitido quedarse en casa y no trabajar debido a los riesgos que trae esta temporada extrema de lluvias mas que nada por el riesgo de una repentina ola de agua que suelen suceder a veces,la caida de una rayo o no poder salir del domicilio por una inundacion.
los mutantes con rasgos acuaticos y los polum son los que estan mejor preparados para esta temporada al tener adaptaciones acuaticas son de los unicos que no tienes grandes dificultades durante toda la temporada.
esta es por lo general la temporada mas odiada por los irkens y demas razas en general debido a todos los problemas que trae consigo al ser una de las estaciones mas pesadas de sobrellevar.
la siguiente estacion es el contrario a una estacion humeda y es la estacion fercius esta es el equivalente a verano,se carecteriza por una intensa sequia y solo un 10 porciento de lluvia durante los 3 meses con probabilidad muy baja,es una estacion seca y arida de temperaturas insoportablemente calurosas.
los irken mutados de caracteristicas reptilicas y insectoides sin pelaje,ademas de la raza de los couwlek lo pasan bien durante esta epoca al estar preparados para combatir el calor.
mientras tanto los irkens normales y otras mutaciones la suelen pasar un tanto mal al no estar echos para el intenso calor e la casi nula pero devastadora brisa caliente e el sol intenso de esta epoca.
no es raro ver gente usando sombrillas y sombreros contra el sol o gente desvaneciendose en el medio del camino debido a las temperaturas atrosmente calientes de estas epocas.
la noche por el contrario como si se tratara de un desierto son frias y frescas aunque duran muy poco siendo esta epoca en donde sucede que el dia dura 23 horas y la noche solo 7.
y por ultimo la cuarta e ultima estacion nocturnia o tambien llamada la estacion de la noche eterna ya que aqui es el contrario de fercius ya que la noche dura 23 horas y el dia 7 dandole asi su nombre y haciendo relevante su caracteristica principal.
durante esta temporada irk esta casi por completo en penunbra al no ser casi alumbrado por el sol,aqui los irkens prevalecen gracias a su vision nocturna y a las intensas luces neon de la gigantesca metropolis.
esta temporada es la unica de irk que no presenta cambios extremos como lluvias,frio o calor y es tibia con el porcentaje normal de lluvias en irk siendo tecnicamente la primavera de irk solo que sin plantas e alergias.
los irken mutantes al haber desarrollado en algunos casos marcas que brillan en la oscuridad tecnicamente la tienen mas facil que los irken promedio durante esta estacion,al igual que los sraigo con su bioluminescencia.
durante esta temporada hay constantes lluvias de estrellas que iluminan el cielo irkeano casi eternamente nocturno durante toda la temporada haciendo el cielo de un vibrante color rosa similar al cielo diurno de irk.
durante la duracion de nocturnia tambien ocurre un fenomeno similar a la aurora boreal que se presenta cada ciertas noches ademas del siempre esperado triple eclipse lunar que vuelve las lunas amarilla para pendora,rojo naranjo a mortem y verde a ignis por una noche.
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tasteofthedivine93 · 2 months
The Beauty of the Beast - Messmer x F!Reader - Elden Ring Fic - Part 8
TasteOfTheDivine // Masterlist
Ao3: archiveofourown.org/works/57094387/chapters/146235355 Fic Rating: Explicit🌶️🌶️ (Chapter: Mature🌶️ ) Category: F/M Fandom: Elden Ring // Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erd Tree Relationships: Messmer x F!Reader // Messmer the Impaler x F!Reader Warnings/Tags: Light self-pleasure, fluff, lots and lots of flirting, mutual pining. Words: 4428 
MASTERLIST // <- Part 7 // Part 9 ->
Author note: PLEASE NOTE THE RATING CHANGE! Sorry to those who wanted a cute fairy-tale fic. I can't help myself. Yes, Bridgerton inspired one scene. Ophis and Fidi are adorable but I sometimes forget about them, they're just... there. So cute little balled up shoulder snakes. Next chapter will be another rating change! I thought about keeping it M but that's boring. Back to BATB storyline but mixed it up a little.
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Your stomach is in knots, but yet you feel so warm and content for the first time in years. You practically skip down the hallway back to your room. You fly inside and jump on your bed with grace, hair flying onto the duvet as you spread your arms wide. You smile into the fabric and let out a sigh. 
You think of Messmer, how intense the last week has been, today especially. But also you feel a twinge of anxiety in your stomach over how fast it’s all going. You sit up, biting your lip, you play with your fingers as you overthink everything.
Your mind racing with questions; Does he like you like that? Does he want you to stay? Will he be able to control his temper? What about his past, can you look past his war crimes? 
You start to breathe heavily, your chest feels as if a lead weight smacked you in the sternum. You feel a small sheen of sweat over your body and tears line your eyes. Your skin tingles with adrenaline. 
A small knock shatters you from your panic, your head shoots up to be greeted by one of the ghostly servants. 
“Excuse me, miss, we’ve drawn a bath for you.” The apparition mutters. You feel you’ve barely seen them around the castle, but in the back of your mind you know they’ve always been watching. 
You timidly smile, trying to hide your anxiety. You stand up on shaky legs and follow the ghost out to the washrooms. Inside was a large copper basin on clawed feet, hot steam rises from the milky coloured water, the surface covered in petals. The bath resides by a large bay window overlooking the grounds, the snow has already started to melt away showing the luscious greens of the grass and trees. Seeing the hues of colours calms you down a little. 
Slowly you remove your clothing, feeling the fabric fall from your body you feel lighter and less restricted. You felt exposed bathing in such a large room, but the dark walls and candle light made you feel peaceful. Slowly you sink into the warm water, the smell of blood-roses and green moss tickle your sinuses and ease the ache in your muscles. 
You recall back to the last few days with Messmer, how much your relationship has developed and how much he’s been open with you. You feel you’ve barely told him anything about you. You recall holding his hand earlier, how despite how he feels there’s blood on his hands and the char mark on his right palm, they’re still so soft and gentle on you. 
Closing your eyes you sink deeper into the water, the lapping of the small waves tickle at your breasts making you squirm. You’re reminded of this morning and how you felt a small warmth pool between your legs at his tenderness. You cannot deny he’s handsome, a strong nose, sharp jaw but soft eyes and carved lips. 
You feel a flush on your cheeks at your crush on him, he’s a Prince, maybe not of this land but a Prince nonetheless. He’s regal and noble, he must have been raised by the best and brightest, learning the ways of nobility and you learnt how to raise animals and live off a dying farm. 
You frown, doubting he would ever see anything interesting in you. 
You sink under the water, letting the warmth smother you, the weight of the water easing your anxiety. You hold yourself under the water till your lungs sting from the lack of oxygen. You quickly rise out of the water, splashing some over the side and onto the floor. You brush your wet hair from out of your eyes and relax back. 
Curiosity starts to build in you, closing your eyes you slowly let your fingers glide down your body, over the swell of your breast, you tease yourself and gasp at your sensitivity. You feel a tender pulsating between your thighs - you press them together to gain a little relief. Instead, you glide down further till your fingers rest on the apex between your legs, warm and wet despite the cooling water surrounding you. You let your fingers glide over yourself, letting out small pants and moans at the growing warmth in your stomach. 
You think of Messmer, how strong he felt when you were pressed against him, his strong shoulders and long fingers. You imagine his hands over your body, teasing you, having his fingers inside you. You let out another gasp at the thought. You’ve never felt this strongly about anyone before. You’ve had crushes in your youth and one lover, but this desire boils in your blood like no other. 
You keep teasing and touching yourself, when a small knock is heard at the door. You snap sharply out of your head and shout;
A voice on the other side of the door is heard; “The Lord is waiting for you, m’lady. When you are ready we will escort you to the dining room.” 
“Okay, thank you.” You flop your head back onto the rim of the tub, running your hands over your face trying to calm your arousal. 
Shaking your head to rise from the tub, water splashing again over the stone below as you dry yourself down and towel dry your hair. You glance at the other side of the room to see a privacy divider, again as the same as the castle decorated with golden snakes and leaves. 
You plod around and hanging up was the most regal, breathtaking red dress, accented with gold and black trim. You gasp at the sight of it, you carefully feel the satin fabric between your fingers, you notice the shift of the red tone in the light, blending between red and black. 
You hesitate, you feel unworthy of wearing such a beautiful gown. You worry the shape wouldn’t suit your figure. You step away from the dress, but feel a strike in your chest as you wonder, no, you know that Messmer picked this out for you specifically. 
Taking in a deep breath, you carefully drape the fabric over your shoulders and down your curves. The neckline left nothing to the imagination, plunging down between your breasts. The rest flowed freely over your legs but hugged your hips. You feel your face blush as deep as the dress - you feel so exposed but at the same time empowered. You’ve never worn anything so daring, your dresses have been practical, made for hours of labour. 
You twist and fidget with the fabric till you feel comfortable. The idea that Messmer picked this dress made your stomach feel warm and the pulse between your legs returns. You shake your head and ignore the thoughts. Slipping on the pair of slippers you tie the ribbon around your ankle. On a small table you see a beautiful ornate bracelet you slip onto your wrist and a golden chain you drape around your neck. 
You look at yourself in the foggy mirror and smooth out the dress. With no undergarments or chemise you feel very exposed from what you’re used to. But you sigh and remember you’re a guest here and this must be how the gods in this world live. You feel overwhelmed all of a sudden, you forgot that Messmer is the son of a god, not just a Queen, you were more focused on his Prince title than anything. 
You scoop up your hair and tie it loosely around your left shoulder, still slightly damp from the bath, you twirl a few strands around your face. 
Letting out a final sigh, you head out of the washroom and walk down the corridor. You feel for a moment to dash back into your chambers and hide away. But your feet continue down the hall. 
You can hear Messmer talking, you stop before entering the landing and listen to him. Hearing the one-sided conversation was amusing. You let out a giggle and saunter out into the landing. 
Messmer has his back turned to you, instead of him getting the first look, Ophis and Fidi turn to see you. Despite the creatures not being human, their expression was that of shock and disbelief. 
Fidi turns and jabs Messmer in the cheek, the man swats the snake away.
“Stop that, the maiden will be down shortly, I need to think of what to say,” he mutters through gritted teeth. Fidi somehow frowns at him, gesturing his head towards you. Messmer turns sharply, scouring at the snake's interruptions but soon looks up and sees you standing at the top of the stairs. He stops in his tracks, jaw slacked and his hand grips the stair rail hard you worry he might break the wood again.
“Hello,” you whisper, the room was so quiet you knew he heard you. His eye shifts so fast around your body and face, it felt as if time stood still. You smile hard, blushing at his intense gaze and slowly head down the stairs. The dress pools at your feet and you worry you’ll trip, but slowly you step down closer and closer, you feel him radiating heat. 
He finally snaps his mouth shut as you stand a few steps higher so you’re eye-level with him. His ashen skin pink with blush, you can see his freckles and lines dot his face. He clears his throat and reaches for your hand, bringing it to his lips he gently kisses your knuckles. You feel a breath hitch in your throat at how soft his lips are. 
“Thoust look divine.” He whispers into your knuckles, hot breath warming your skin. You curtsey as best as you can. You finally notice he’s wearing a similar tunic tied together with a golden cord, this one all black and gold lining longer than his usual attire but still flowing and embroidered with stars and leaves. Around his shoulders he wore a deep red sash made of silk or satin. He also dawned gold and bronze cuffs and pendants. But striking to you, he wore his hair half up and half down, roughly tied in a bun at the back. 
The warmth between your legs grew, you bite your lip at him nervously. 
He still held tightly to your fingers, his eye staring at you as if he was painting a portrait of you in his mind. Fidi and Ophis suddenly appear in your view. You smile at the snakes as they wrap around you.
“They say you look like a goddess.” Messmer lets out a breath close to a whimper and looks away. Fidi nudges you with his nose on your arm, tongue tickling your skin. Ophis nods her head at you. 
“And you?” you mutter, parting your lips and looking at him with hooded eyes.
Messmer opened his mouth to reply, hesitating a little. 
He looks down at the floor and lets out a nervous chuckle; “I agree, thou looks angelic.” 
Messmer slowly raises his head to return looking at you, not before letting himself slowly trail his gaze slowly up your figure, when he catches a glance at the forbidden skin between your breasts. His fingers grip hard on your hand and you let out a small hiss at the pain. He snaps his hand back, eyebrows raised;
“Did I burn thee?” he looks at his charred palm. Reaching over,  you place your hand on his shoulder.
“No, you just squeezed my fingers, that’s all.” You smile gently, comforting him. 
“Apologies.” He reaches out to you with his left hand, letting you gently place your fingers on top of his. Slowly you draw a circle on his clean palm, watching as he shivers. He cups your fingers and slowly guides you down the rest of the stairs. 
You watch as Ophis and Fidi curl themselves up into Messmer’s cloak, wrapping around his torso and around his shoulders, their heads poking out from under the fabric on each shoulder. You wonder if Messmer asked for some privacy from his companions. 
Tilting your head, you observe how smaller Messmer can look without the snake’s body floating in the air around him, expanding his cloak off his body. He looks more human. You smile at the snakes, scrunching your nose at them. They flick out their tongues at you and wiggle. 
Hand in hand he walks you to the dining room. You hadn’t been back inside since the incident this morning. Your eyes immediately glace at the window, now perfectly fixed as if it was never broken.
The aroma of food makes you internally moan as in front of you on the table was a beautiful spread of all sorts of foods, too much for just two people, fruits and meats, breads and soups. The room was alight with hundreds of candles, making the room warm. The fireplace gently cracking away, embers slowly dying out. 
Messmer guides you to the other end of the room and pulls out the chair for you to sit. You frown as you sit, looking at your place setting and already feeling intimidated by the amount of forks and knives. You look up, lips parted to Messmer but he’s already walking to his chair at the other end of the table. 
He sits down and looks over at you. He notices a flustered look on your face.
“Is anything the matter?” he asks softly.
You open your mouth but close it. “It’s just…” you begin, not wanting to seem ungrateful at the place setting and the amount of food. You bite your lip and chew the skin, thinking carefully. You freely open your mouth and accept whatever words come out next; “You’re so far away.” You look sheepish.
Messmer replies timidly; “Oh, my apologies, this is custom.” 
You raise your head and look around at the table and food, your stomach growling. However despite your timidness, you suddenly feel a burst of confidence, standing up you turn around your chair and pull it by the back all the way along the length of the table till right next to Messmer.
Next you plod back to pick up one lone fork and the plate and walk back over to Messmer. You carefully place the cutlery down, smiling at him as he just watches you. You retake your seat and shrug your shoulders at him, tilting your head.
Messmer feels his heart stop beating at your adorability. You bat your lashes at him, smirking. 
He clears his throat and lets out a breathy laugh, reaching over to pick up some fruit and meats to pile on his plate. The clattering sound of metal on metal echoes around the room. 
“Please, eat.” he gestures to the spread. 
Messmer gracefully starts to cut at his food with the highest decorum. You look up at him, looking sheepish once again, your shoulders drop and you sink into yourself.  
“Is something the matter?” he asks, sounding genuinely concerned; “is the food not to your liking?” 
You snap your head up; “No, no it’s wonderful, I’m overwhelmed by the choices, it’s just…” you pick up your fork and twist it in your fingers. You wrap your whole hand around the handle and stab at the plate like a toddler learning to feed themselves. 
You can feel Messmer watching you, you drop the fork as it clashes against the metal plate. Messmer reaches over to you, cupping your hand in his, running his long thumb over your knuckles. Your face feels hotter than this morning, you know he can see your embarrassment.
“I’m used to using my hands or a spoon for stews.” You mutter, feeling soothed by Messmers tender grasp. “I am of lower-class” you fidget with the neckline of the dress, pulling the strap higher on your shoulder. 
Messmer remains silent as he nods. 
He takes a deep breath and without speaking, picks up his own cutlery and moves it to the side. He reaches over to a steaming pot and picks up a bowl, he scoops up some of the contents into the container and places it in front of you. He does the same for himself. 
You stare at the bowl, the liquid shimmering and reflecting the flicker of the candles around the room. You look back up at Messmer, who smiles at you and picks up the bowl with both hands and brings it to his lips. You feel your face twitch into a light smile at his actions. The idea of knowing he doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable was encouraging. 
Picking up the bowl, you do the same, cupping the warm vessel you bring the broth to your lips and drink down the warm contents. You’re reminded of home, your mothers cooking, the community of the village coming together in times of need. However you remain strong and hold your emotions at bay. 
Reaching over, you grab the largest bread loaf you’ve seen, you tear into the crust, bits creating a mess on the table and dip it into your bowl. You look up at Messmer who narrows his eye playfully at you. He smirks and reaches over to a pile of meat, plucking a cut and shoving the entire strip into his mouth. A little gravy dribbles down his chin but he scoops it up quickly and lets out a laugh. 
You smile hard and do the same, savouring the taste as you do. The pair of you don't speak, just exchange looks and laughs as you both pick at the food with your hands, getting messmer by the second. 
Finally you both have your fill, the table covered in food scraps. Looking down you’re shocked you were able to keep your dress clean. Messmer cleans his mouth with his napkin and tries to clean his hands laughing.
“That was the most fun I’ve had in years.” He stands up and walks over to the side of the room, grabbing a pitcher of water and bowl. You watch as he pours in some water and picks up a cloth, soaking the fabric. He turns to you and saunters over, he reaches out for your hands. Gently he cleans you up, your mind reminiscing on your rescue and how you cleaned him up first. 
Glancing at you, he notices a small bit of food stuck to your jaw, on instinct, he gently cups your chin and moves your head to the side. You feel a shiver down your spine at his gentle touch. You tilt your head more, exposing your neck. You feel the strap of your dress slither down your shoulder a little. 
Messmer just stares at your thin slender neck, wanting to reach out and touch the sensitive flesh, to kiss it, to taste it. You look over and catch him staring, his breathing becomes shallow. You feel your cheeks blush at his intense gaze and you twitch back into your seat, feeling that warmth pool back between your legs.
He notices your strap, letting go of your chin he lets his fingers glide over your soft skin, he hooks his finger under the fabric and pulls it back into place. He looks up at you, catching your eyes, dark and filled with longing.  
Messmer stands up abruptly and walks back to the basin, hands gripping the pitcher hard he shakes, nearly spilling water everywhere. He quickly cleans himself up, giving himself a moment to calm down as he feels himself twitch under his tunic. 
He takes in the deepest breath, trying to calm himself down before his situation gets worse. Calming his nerves, he straightens his back up and returns his stoic posture as he gets an idea, smiling to himself. 
He walks back over to you and holds out his hand, you take it without haste, he pulls you up and marches out of the room, your heart flutters at what he plans next, your mind racing with all sorts of thoughts. You try to keep up behind him, his long legs taking long strides and tugging you behind him.
You reach a larger door than the normal ones around the castle, this one not decorated with snakes but flowers and vines. He picks up your hands, looking down at you with the biggest smile you’ve seen him do. 
“I’ve not shown you this room, I hope you like it”. He pushes open the doors, they creak and groan under the weight, Messmer pushes like it weighs nothing. Inside stood a grand ballroom, giant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, that is also painted with clouds and stars. Surrounding the room were pillars made of marble, the floor so shiny you could see your reflection. You look around in amazement, lips parted and head craned back. You spin in circles as you look around at the beauty. Opposite, Messmer just watches you. 
Your arms spread out wide, you spin and move lightly on your feet. Looking at the end of the room, you see the largest bay window filling the wall from top to bottom. Outside you see the purple night sky, stars twinkle and dance, the galaxy swirling against the velvet black. Distracted, you suddenly feel warmth on your arms as Messmer cups his hands on your wrists and turns you around. 
He smiles, steps away and bows at you. Nervous, you curtsey as best as you can. He steps forward and takes your hands again. 
“I don’t know how to dance,” you confess. He leans down and cups your waist in his hand, bringing you closer. Your face to his chest, he leans down slightly. You position your other hand on his bare arm, his skin warm. 
“No matter,” he squeezes you tight, “just follow my lead.” He smiles and starts to move slowly giving you time to learn the steps. You both walk slowly in circles around the room. It felt weird dancing to no music, but you hear a soft gentle melody play in your head.
You keep looking down at your feet, worried you’ll step on his toes. You feel his finger under your chin and tilt your head up towards him. You part your lips and let out a breath at his beauty. He pulls your arm over your head and spins you around, your hair circling around your shoulders. He guides you to step around him, fingers still intertwined and he watches you prance around him. 
He grabs your hands and turns you around, your back to his chest, you feel his strong muscles and you feel your knees go weak for a moment, you stumble and mutter your apologies. You imagine his arms wrapped around you, holding you tight. Instead he spins you back forward and you see the snakes gently unfurl from under the cloak. 
Before you can move, you feel Ophis and Fidi slither around your arms and hoist you up into the air slightly. You hold onto Messmer, fingers tight in his hand and your other hand flies to grips his tunic for balance. Level with his face, you realise how close you are, the details of his skin stand out. 
You let out a gleeful yelp at the swift movement. You both spin together, you throw your head back into a laugh. Messmer joins you in your joy, smiling from ear to ear. He cannot recall the last time he’s smiled and laughed so much. 
You feel Messmer let go of your hand and scoop you up behind your thighs, lifting you higher against his body. The snakes release their grip and you let your hands rest against his shoulders. You look up at the ceiling as he hoists you higher, your arms spread out wide for just a moment, you take in a breath. 
He holds you tight, until he realises he is face to face with your bosom, your dress gives a little and opens a little wider exposing more of your breasts. Also being so close he can see the outline of your nipples through the fabric. 
He quickly lets out a gasp and digs his fingers into the flesh of your hip as he feels you slipping. Trying to ignore his desires, he looks up at you and sees nothing but beauty.
His chest flips as you look down at him with hooded eyes and a gentle smile on your lips. He sees your once shining eyes are blown out, pupils taking over your iris, flooding your eyes with longing. 
Slowly, you lift your hand and cup his cheek, smoothing your thumb under his closed eye. Your fingertips lace in his red locks. You swear you feel him growl deep in his chest as your nails scrape against the skin behind his ear and jaw, his eye flutters.
 You inspect him again, his freckles, his lines, how red his lashes are. Your eyes meet the golden orb that highlights his face, you feel your stomach flip. The warmth pools between your legs again, you feel yourself become a little wet as he squeezes your plump hips.
Messmer stands back up, but lets his hands glide up your sides and down your arms. He cups your hands and he brings them to his face and kisses your knuckles again tenderly. The sensation of shooting fire through your veins. 
“I thank thee for a wonderful evening.” He whispers into your hands, the warmth of his breath sending a shiver up your spine. You feel your breath hitch and you simply nod, humming in reply. 
He takes your hand and leads you out of the ballroom, you glance back one last time at the grand architecture. You both walk in a comfortable silence, you notice that his companions have settled back into his cloak out of view. 
You both climb the stairs slowly, as if you don’t wish the night to ever end. You squeeze his fingers as you reach the top of the stairs, here is where you should part ways. You to the left, him to the right. 
However you both pause, enduring in silence once again. You look up at him, bashful but you still find yourself biting your lip. Questions linger on your lips but you don’t speak a word. You read his face, also silently screaming a thousand questions. Instead, he carefully lets go of your hand and bows to you once again. You blink a few times and curtsy, picking up your dress you slowly walk back to your room, your chest drowning you in a flurry of emotions. You don’t wish to ruin a perfect evening, you shouldn’t let your lustful desires overshadow the wonderful, dare you say - romantic evening. 
But you can’t stop yourself from looking over your shoulder at him, hoping he is still watching you. Your heart drops when you see him walking to his own room instead.
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hellbornsworld · 1 year
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❝The moment I put this ring on your finger, you became my property.❞
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"Do me Jungkook, p-please."
"With all the pleasure. I will fuck you, only fuck you with everything I have."
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"Admit it Jungkook, she'd rather sleep with me." Jimin Vs Jungkook
🫧 His Hostage | Mafia!Jungkook X Reader | Re-uploaded by other author | Duration-16h 57m | 85 Chapters | Ongoing
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"i have died everyday waiting for you."
"i should be the one lying next to you at night."
🫧 𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 | Jungkook X Stipper!OC | College AU | Dark | 131 Chapters | Duration-20h 6m | Completed
What's wrong with being a little chaotic? -J JK
🫧 𝗥𝗲𝗱 | Mafia+Ceo!JK X Reader | 53 Chapters | Duration-8h 18m | Ongoing
"That dress-" he says, eyes raking down your body. "-is 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯 fucking distracting."
🫧 A Little Burden | Jungkook X Reader | 36 Chapters | Duration-3h 35m | Completed
I still remember that day clearly.....every night it comes back to me like a nightmare. The small fragile human getting pushed into my arms. Tears streaming down my face as I looked at her....Doctors storming in from everywhere trying everything they could to keep her alive. The look in her eyes she gave me made me break inside.
She knew she wasn't going to make it.
She smiled at me and took one last look at her child before speaking.
🫧 secret admirer | JK X OC | Angst | 101 Chapters | Duration-9m | Completed
" notice me senpai " - jjk
🫧 THE SACRIFICE | Yandere!Jungkook X Reader | Angst Abuse | 46 Chapters | Duration-6h 27m | Completed
A child must be sacrificed in order for the city to gain its happiness. a tale when doom and love are two sides of the same coin.
🫧 𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 | clone!Jungkook x reader | Clone Au | 20 Chapters | Duration-2h 11m | Completed
When the doctor tells the Jeon's that their newborn Jungsoo could die due to his premature birth, Mr. Jeon decides to clone him as soon as possible.
To their surprise, Jungsoo is able to grow up happy and healthy along with his clone, Jungkook, who's the total opposite of him.
🫧 petals  | BF!Jungkook X GF!Reader | Childhood Sweethearts | Fluff | 28 Chapters | Duration-39m | Completed
❝ -How much is your daughter? ❞
Jungkook loves food and computer games, but compare to those two you are his favorite thing in this world.
🫧 HELLBORN | LuciferSon!Jungkook X Human!Reader | Crack | 15 Chapters | Duration-2h 21m | Completed
He is the spitting image of an Angel but the blood in his veins is that of the Devil's.
🫧 Once More | Ex!Jungkook X OC | Angst | 33 Chapters | Duration-4h 22m | Completed
❝Your son, he looks very similar to Jungkook...❞
Leave it to a 3-year-old to bring two parents back together.
🫧 ROSES | Jungkook X OC | Angst | 54 Chapters | Duration-3h | Completed
❝ she slipped away the same way the velvet box slipped in my hand ❞ she was oddly peculiar and pure mystery yet, he still finds the refuge of feeling at "home" to the mute girl whom he met at the seaside.
🫧 The Prince & The Servant Girl | BFF+Prince!Jungkook X Servant!Reader | Childhood Au | 64 Chapters | Duration-7h 48m | Completed
A prince and servant girl grew up together in a castle. Best friends for life until that love as friends changed to something more. All was well until the prince was to be married and everything changed. Forever forbidden to be together but can one fateful reunion change everything?
🫧 Angel Beside Him | Jungkook X Reader | Angst | 48 Chapters | Duration-6h 24m | Completed
"Jeon Jungkook, I like you." You said, your eyes wide and cheeks on fire. You finally had the guts to tell your long time crush what you feel about him. Jungkook smiled, giving you a spark of hope and a wash of relief. Or maybe it was a false hope or just him being kind as he says, "I'm sorry but I'm already in a relationship."
🫧 Monstrously Sinful Love | Younger!Jungkook X Older!OC | AgeGap | 71 Chapters | Duration-9h 49m | Completed
"...Kookie" she calls that's when Kookie's small little hands tugged onto his mother's sleeve's pulling her to look at him.
"what's wrong Kookie?"
❝I want to buy her❞
🫧 That Awkward Magic | Werewolf!JK X Witch!Reader | Crack AU | 42 Chapters | Duration-4h 1m | Completed
"You smell very nice."
"Are you...trying to flirt or something?"
A socially awkard witch has to struggle with being the sudden love (?) interest of a wolf shifter
🫧 "IDC, BABY" | Jungkook X Reader | GangRivals | 21 Chapters | Duration-1h 16m | Ongoing
"If they catch us, they will kill us."
"I don't give a fuck right now, baby."
🫧 On.line | Staker!Jungkook X Camgirl!Reader | Dark | 38 Chapters | Duration-5h 36m | Republishing
"I don't call myself a pornstar, but I'm pretty famous on Live Babes (LB). I make money doing what people ask from me and they are mainly men, married man. Some even gave a wife or kids. But I don't care about that at all. The only thing I want is to continue earn their money. Oh! It's already 9PM! Don't forget to watch the show!"
"I can't wait, princess." -J.JK
🫧 Overmorrow | Idol!Jungkook X Reader | Crack | 33 Chapters | Duration-2h 8m | Completed
What would you do if one day you woke up as Jeon Jungkook?
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🫧 Fuck It List | BFF!Jungkook X Reader | 60 Chapters | Duration-5h 30m | Completed
• Go skinny-dipping
• Have a make-out session
• Try foreplay with ice .....
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lmk-oc-competition · 18 days
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Blossom belongs to @blossomnightshade
Xingyun belongs to @leyyearts (art credit: @morelegos4youu)
Learn more about them below the cut!
A long time ago, Siming, the goddess of balance, allowed one drop of moonlight to fall from the celestial sky, and the scarlet moonflower sprouted from this one drop of the red moon. The red and blue petals shimmer in the blood-red moonlight, both as a temptation and a warning to those who aspired to positions of authority that were well beyond their grasp.
Stories of the unusual flower's relationship to the celestial body above and its immense power for those who were willing to eat its petals began to circulate among the creatures. However, they were unaware of the high price they would have to pay for their desired road to invincibility, — as often as you’ll find in tales of this kind, this gift came with a cursed attached…A fate so hideous and jarring only to make sure that the peace and balance remained intact for the universe and their loved ones…
Given its incredible powers and rich history, the sacred blossom has been regarded as the most potent item in numerous realms. Many also knew that the Moon Drop might either lead to the universe's devastation and disaster or it may bring justice and prosperity to the rights of all people, thus whoever decided to become its new consumer would need to exercise caution. As a result, the moon drop was securely concealed and kept out of the hands of evil and darkness.
However, the flower was harvested in the following years, which led to the emergence of numerous demons and other bad entities that were hunting for the flower's next rebirth or, possibly, for the person who had eaten the moon drop's powers.
This story begins with none other than an innocent little child who went by the name, (Kāihuā) Blossom…
In her childhood, she and her father were being chased after many bad entities as the years passed on. Their runaway was much of a hassle and trouble, but it had never broke the love of the two Huli-Jings for each other.
Until one faithful night, Xiangliu had managed to to corner them to an edge of a cliff, just beneath the East Sea. Seeing no other choice, Blossom’s Father quickly threw his daughter into the Eastern sea to spare her as he fought Xiangliu to his last breathe.
Thankfully, Ao Lie and Ao Guang saved the drowning girl and bought her to the grand palace of the East Sea for shelter. I spent over a week with Ao lie in the Great Grand Palace. Of course, Blossom was grateful to have met so many wonderful and compassionate people in the palace after that save attempt. She had a lot of fun with my new friend, and she admired him for being such a kind brother figure.
However, even great things must come to an end. As arranged by Ao lie's uncle, Ao Guang, she was transported to the celestial bars of the Celestial Realm above. As the incarnation of the Moon drop, she gotten a lot of attention for their concerns up there.
Due to the worry and fear that she may become a threat as the Moondrop’s incarnation if she were to fully reach her full potential in the future in result of her traumatic and horrible past. The celestial court and the Jade Emperor came to an agreement - Blossom's prior memories include her upbringing, encounters with innumerable evil beings, bitter runaways, and, finally, her family. Blossom's memories were wiped clean, allowing her to create new ones in the Celestial Realm. She is completely unaware of her past issues and tragedy, as well as her loved ones.
Afterwards, Miss Chang'e and Princess Iron Fan, the Celestial Realm's other residents, and the heavenly minister raised the young Huli-Jing as their protector and guide. She does go to Ao Lie, her best buddy, frequently as well. She also has a very close bond to Redson, making them like siblings together. While she’s also been Nezha’s closes friend, since they were young, to the point that she’s also grew feelings for him.
Blossom used to frequently inquire about her past and her acknowledgement of her biological parents, but she quickly stopped talking about it after receiving the same justifications—that she was just like every other Huli-Jing in the realm and that her parents had just passed away before she had met them.
Blossom learned and grew up to be a calm and selfless skilled individual ,thanks to PIF’s determine and precise training. She's also shown to be a pure-hearted and honest individual with the guidance of her motherly loving guardian Chang’e. She may turned out clumsy and oblivious most of the time but she’s always there to lend a hand to everyone. She has undoubtedly mastered a small number of extremely strong skills such as: healing powers, crystal manipulation, shapeshifting between a few forms etc. Though, she is still oblivious to the bigger potential of her incredibly power…for now.
When she met the Monkie Gang, she turns out to be the most comforting sister/daughter-like figure to team. She prefers talking things over with her enemies and as tries to find a way to befriend and understand them better. So don’t let her soft-spoken and small figure fool you because if she witnesses any her loved ones being threatened, she won’t hesitate to reach to the breaking point where she appears to become intimidating and possibly become a living nightmare to you.
She's a popstar skater
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hamliet · 9 months
Is sansa connected to the winter rose?
In a word: no.
The winter rose is connected to Lyanna, Jon, and Daenerys.
The winter rose itself is a flower, a beautiful blue rose. They exist at Winterfell, and the legend associated with them is that Bael the Bard, a successful singer, entered Winterfell under an assumed name. As a reward, Brandon Stark offered him whatever he wanted, and Bael asked for the most beautiful flower. Brandon gave him the rose, but the next morning, Brandon's only daughter was missing from her bed, and the rose lay on the covers.
The crown of winter roses is what Rhaegar gave to Lyanna. Lyanna even dies holding roses, although their petals had turned black from death. The point is clearly that Rhaegar wooed Lyanna and she ran off with him, leaving her family. She also then died, and the beautiful blue roses had all decayed. I don't think Rhaegar and Lyanna weren't in love to some degree, but there's still a lot of political machinations at play and love, true or otherwise, didn't save them like in a fairy tale. In the end they were left with blood and death, not living roses. It's a symbol of loss as much as it is of love--loss of a daughter, loss of Lyanna, loss of a mother.
The context in which the Bael the Bard legend is told is also relevant: Ygritte tells it to Jon, who is Lyanna's son. I mean, the clues could not be clearer:
Ygritte: And she never sung you the song o' the winter rose? Jon: I never knew my mother. Or any such song.
Not only that, but Jon is facing a similar choice to Lyanna, of breaking his vows and staying with Ygritte. In the end, he chooses to return to the Watch.
But, it's not over. No, the legend continues in Brandon Stark relentlessly searching for them, but they never find anyone. He has no heirs, but then the girl returns with an infant, and as it turns out she and Bael never left the crypts of Winterfell--a place of death.
The symbolism is again pretty obvious: Jon as an infant, but also the idea that love stays with you even when you've lost the people whom you love. It's bittersweet. They're with you all along. And, from death comes life. The Stark bastard becomes a Stark lord. Again, the Jon symbolism is obvious.
Bael then becomes a King Beyond the Wall and invades the North, and his own son fights and defeats him--because Bael could not bring himself to kill his son. But his mother still loved Bael and commits suicide. Lovely. But again, the symbolism and themes are obvious: choosing love over duty (as Bael does) and choosing duty over love (as the Stark daughter does) both lead to death, because "death, the high cost of living." Our job living is to walk that tightrope and find a balance we can live with.
Dany's visions in the House of the Undying also connect Jon to the winter rose: she smells it "sweetly" as it grows "from a chink of ice in the wall." It's clearly associated with romance, as well.
Sansa has no connection to the winter rose as far as I can tell. In fact a search tells me the only connection is that after Ygritte tells Jon this, the next chapter is the one where she first "flowers," which is exceedingly tenuous as a connection. The Stark daughter who is repeatedly connected to Lyanna is Arya, not Sansa, and the winter rose has never actually appeared in either of their stories the way it has in Jon's and Daenerys's.
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