#abby's week of weasley
A Dragon Tail
MUSIC LINKS: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Break the Rules Ballroom Blitz
Already, next story.  Hehehe
“-So as to ensure the safety and well being of all competitors. As such, Our next challenge in the tournament shall be two weeks from now. I applaud our remaining competitors; Nathaniel Chevalier, Lilian Le’Reau and Tsukiko Arisato! I await you and your triumphs to come, you three. Until then, please take the lessons to heart and stay safe.”  Lilian smiled weakly as she readjusted her crutches to be usable once more before sitting down beside Badeea, Hubei and Andre.  “So, Kingmaker, how’re you gonna get healed up in two weeks?” Lilian wore a worried smile, nervously chuckling at the nickname. “Must you call me that? All I’ve ever done is help Abby with the vaults.” Andre chuckled and shrugged before continuing. “Well? You’ve only got two weeks to get better.”  Hubei shook her head, her long hair barely moving. “You should’ve had some antidote for Acromantula venom. It’s highly dangerous for nerve damage.” Lilian laughed a little, nervous to the two’s interrogation. “Merci, not you too. Besides that, there wasn’t enough time for me to procure any. However, I will need your assistance in learning about various dragon breeds.”  ~~~~~~~~~~
“Very well, I see the three of you are as prepared as you’ll ever be. Four, if we count our detainee.” Felix Rosier said with a weary sigh as he turned towards Charlie Weasley; Who, despite being paralyzed face down on the ground, was still managing to angle his face towards the chalkboard and grinning like an idiot. Lilian chuckled nervously in front of her fellow competitors while Tsukiko glared daggers at her and Nathaniel thought the display was humorous.  “Now, I’m sure I needn’t tell you the dangers that a Dragon possesses. However, I shall so that there is no misunderstanding betwixt contestants or non-contestants alike. As for Mr. Weasley, I will be keeping a close watch on you for the duration of my stay here, far away from the dragon cages.” The former Slytherin Prefect stated, before starting his lessons.  It had nearly been three hours, with only two hours previously that Charlie had regained function to his limbs and sat beside Lilian.  “Thanks again for letting me know. No chance I’d be missing a private lesson on dragons and nesting habits.”  “Ah, so Merula was correct. You truly are a terrible influence amongst the inquisitive, aren’t you Lilian?” Felix asked as the others were packing up.  Lilian shrugged and smiled, though internally she was screaming in anguish. “It wasn’t meant as an insult, Lilian. More an injoke. But I digress. Do you feel you’re prepared for the next step?”  Lilian took a deep breath and nodded. “Of course, Mr. Rosier.”  “Please, I’m no professor and we’re only five years apart. Calling me Mister makes me feel old.”  Lilian smiled as she turned to wave goodbye to Charlie, only to see him paralyzed once more nearly twenty feet to the dragon cages.  “As for you, Mr. Weasley, Need I inform your mother of your misbehavior on school grounds?” Lilian turned an apologetic eye to Charlie as he was being carried to the Gryffindor Dormitories. “Now then, the three of you shall pick a cage. Do not worry, the Juvenile dragons within will not do any serious harm to you, so long as you do not produce any loud noises. However, each shall open their cages one at a time to ensure minimal damage should the worst happen.” 
Tsukiko strode towards one of the cages, quickly flipping the lock open to reveal a striking bluish-silver Dragon, wisps of smoke coming from it’s nostrils as it poked it’s head out of the box. It craned it’s neck, observing the area around it and a low, throaty growl rumbled deep in it’s throat before retreating back into it’s box.  “Congratulations, Tsukiko. You’ve been given the Swedish Short-Snout. An incredible breed well known for their intelligence and isolationist nature. Next, Nathaniel.” Nathaniel nodded, exhaling deeply as he walked forward. He stood before the second box, then turned his head towards the third box and unlatched that one’s lock instead. Fortunate that  he was off to the side of the cage, as a gout of crimson flame erupted from the fireproof container.  After a bout of profanity in french, Nathaniel stood up, dusted himself off and turned to Felix.  “A chinese fireball?”  “Very astute, Mr. Chevalier. You’ll need to be extra careful with your opponent, as this species can be quite temperamental. Now, Miss Le’Reau?” Lilian took a deep breath as she unlatched her container. The front fell with a loud creak and a slam as a thin, arrow shaped head slid it’s way out of the cage. The effect was not too dissimilar to a movie Lilian had seen the previous summer. The effect was so eerily similar, she was half convinced the dragon’s tongue would simply be a secondary mouth.
“Ah, poor luck with that. The Peruvian Vipertooth is the fastest known breed of dragon. And difficult to spot if Colleagues are to be trusted. I hope, for your sake, you are a proficient flier.”  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “You can do this, Lilian. You simply need to find the egg.”  She sat in the competitor’s tent, awaiting the announcement for her to start.  “Oh, who am I kidding?! A dragon?! I couldn’t have planned for this! None of my planning, no amount of intelligence can truly compensate for a dragon. I may well and truly be doomed by a dragon.”  “If I’d known you’d be this easily defeated, I’d have thrown you to dragons earlier.”  Lilian turned to see Merula, Hubei, Ben and Andre standing at the tent entrance.  “What are you doing here, all of you? You could get in trouble-”  “We just wanted to see you off and wish you good lock!” Ben said, his eyes darting nervously between Lilian, Merula and the exit. “You sounded like you needed it.”  “Plus, I figured a light fireproof cloak would be a thoughtful and safe fashion accessory to Hogwarts Premiere tinkerbell, don’t you agree?”
Hubei rolled her eyes at Andre’s joke, but turned her smile back to Lilian. “Don’t worry. If anyone can think of something when the situation goes wrong, it’s you, and you’ve pulled us all out of worse before.”  Merula turned her head off to the side as the three friends said their pieces, made a few jokes and went out the exit waving to Lilian.  “You know, if you get crisped or eaten by a dragon, I’ll never forgive you.” Lilian smiled and let out a breath she’d unknowingly been holding.  “Mon chere, I promise you, no hospital wing visit this time. Besides, I’ve a promise to keep don’t I?”  Merula’s brow furrowed as she tried to throw a smile up. “Bloody well better. Else I’ve half a mind to find a better partner in crime.”  Lilian hugged Merula, resting her head on Merula as she buried her face in Lilian’s shoulder.  “Just... Stay safe.” Lilian nodded before letting Merula go. “Watch me?”  Merula smirked as she left the tent. “Like a hawk, Le’Reau.” Soon after, the announcement had been made for the challenge to begin.  Lilian made her way out to the stadium where multiple schools cheered and booed accordingly. Lilian stared at the dragon, larger than the one that she’d seen earlier. It stood, perched about a single egg, brilliant cobalt color in the lights of the clear blue skies.  Lilian took a breath before thinking about her options. She thought and nodded, crouching low to the ground, getting closer to the egg.  “Avifors!” Lilian spoke, targeting the egg. Soon enough, a rather large bluejay started flying into the air.  “Accio Bluejay!”  Halfway through, Lilian retransfigured the egg into it’s original shape. she held the surprisingly heavy object when a piercing shriek sounded through the air.  “Merde, that’s right!”  Quickly grabbing her broom, she raced off towards the finish line, egg in hand.  Unfortunately, the Vipertooth had quickly lived up to it’s reputation as the swiftest dragon.  Lilian sped through the air, dodging and weaving through trees and rocks in a vain effort to avoid the dragon. No sooner had she run out of trees for cover had the Vipertooth shot a gout of flame towards her. Fortunately, Andre’s fireproof cloak had saved her from being burned, unfortunately it hadn’t extended to the broom she now rode. The bristles of the broom quickly caught fire as they passed the halfway mark. Lilian searched around, being nearly four kilometers in the air with the softest looking thing being the Black Lake. She desperately looked for another option when a buffet of wind knocked her from the flaming broom straight onto the Vipertooth’s back. After a series of violent thrashing about, the Vipertooth had decided that if it couldn’t throw her off, it’d try using it’s speed to shake her.  Lilian’s screams through the Hogwarts airspace were heard despite the distance between her position and the finish line. Lilian desperately held onto one of the spines of the Vipertooth in a near deathgrip as she held the egg close to her. Thrashing, sudden shifts in speed and ascension and descension trying her endurance. Lilian finally managed to open her eyes enough to try and steer the dragon as it tried it’s hardest to enter Mach 2, using her knees to direct the dragon.  Through pure determination and luck, Lilian had managed to direct the dragon just above the finish line, now all she needed was to touch down onto the ground. So, thinking logically, all she needed was to go down.  Quickly using the spine for leverage, Lilian pushed off of the confused dragon, quickly entering terminal velocity as she fell towards the earth. She’d started hearing the horrified screams of several students as faculty scrambled to prevent her proposed demise.  “ARRESTO MOMENTUM” she shouted, slowing her terminal descent, just as a dragon zoomed fast, past her nearly swallowing her whole. Another kilometer to the ground and the vipertooth had managed to land and was preparing for a take off. Lilian needed to time this next drop perfectly, else she’d surely become a dragon’s meal.  Releasing the spell, she fell once more, hurtling towards the ground as it grew closer and closer. When it was but fifty feet away, Lilian shouted the final component of her plan.  “-LEVIOSA!”  Lilian’s descent suddenly stopped as the air dipped and lifted her up before the spell broke and she fell the rest of the ten feet onto her back with a loud WUFF. She lay there for a time before Professor Dumbledore loomed over her with a wry smile on his face.  “I presume that you will not be needing the services of Madam Pomfrey?”  Lilian just smiled and shook her head, laying there a moment more as the sounds of cheering and thunderous applause sounded around.
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Chapter Twelve: What if I can't?"
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Thursday couldn’t have gone any slower. Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration seemed to drag on for eternity, but luckily for me, lunch had rolled around. I was sat at the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall, deep in discussion about Tara’s time in her Ancient Rune class. I could feel a prickle on the back of my head, so I turned around and saw Fred staring at me. That look I couldn’t figure out was showing in his eyes once again.
“Did any of you read the Daily Prophet this morning?” Abby asked, her face hidden behind the newspaper.
“Abby,” Tara started and pointed her goblet at her. “When have I ever read the Prophet?”
“True,” Abby said and laid the paper down. “But you should have a read of this.” And with that, Abby handed Tara the Daily Prophet and pointed to where she should start reading. Tara read for a moment and the longer she read, the more her brows cinched together.
“Sirius Black has been sighted apparently.” Tara said and took a sip from her goblet. Everyone’s attention flew to me as I felt time stop; allowing them to know my secret since last year was a weight off of my shoulders, but now the three of them share the burden that they’re friends with a murderer's daughter.
“Where?” I asked as a lump formed in my throat.
“Not too far away from here,” Tara said and handed me the Daily Prophet. “A muggle woman saw him and rang the hotline.” Tara said. Oh, thank Merlin.
My thoughts were pulled away when I felt that prickle in the back of my head again. As I turned around, Fred was looking at me, but this time he was waving his hand in a beckoning motion. I mouthed to him ‘really?’ and he nodded his head. I rolled my eyes at him, grabbed the Daily Prophet and headed over to the Gryffindor table.
I sat down in the empty spot in front of the twins and handed the newspaper over to the twins. They read the article and then they both looked at me. My little secret about who my father is has been known to Molly and Arthur Weasley ever since I was born, so the twins knowing was expected as we soon became the best of friends in first year.
“You think he’s coming for a family reunion?” Fred asked as he looked at the Daily prophet in concentration.
“I have no idea,” I said as I propped my arm onto the table and rested my head in my hand. I then made a mental note to see Remus by the end of the week. “If he is, he won’t be able to get onto the castle grounds because of the Dementors.”
“Yeah, that’s true.” George said and then the three of us stood up and headed for the library.
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When Saturday rolled around, I found myself making my way towards Remus’ office. I knocked on the wooden door and a quiet ‘come in’ was heard on the other side. I took hold of the brass door knob, twisted it and entered the room. Remus was sitting at his desk, quill in hand and furiously writing on a piece of parchment.
“Hey, Remus.” I said and took a seat in one of the plush armchairs.
“Azurielle!” Remus said and rolled up his parchment before tying it shut. “I thought you’d be off with Fred and George,” Remus said as he turned to face me. He then noticed my troubled gaze and how I fidgeted with the rings that decorated my fingers. “What’s going on?” Remus asked softly. I hesitated for a moment before answering him.
“Have you heard that my dad has been spotted near Hogwarts?” I asked Remus and leaned my elbows on my knees.
“Yeah, I read about it in the Daily Prophet on Thursday,” Remus answered and leaned back in his seat. “You alright?” Remus asked. I didn’t know how to answer that; my mind was swimming too fast for me to grab a single thought.
“Honestly,” I started and looked up at Remus as I raked a hand through my hair. “I don’t know. Like, he can’t get onto the school grounds so he’s just out there.” I said as I leaned back into the armchair and looked and motioned to the open window. “I don’t even know if he’s safe.” I ended with a sigh and placed my hand over my face in worry. Remus nodded to the ground silently, then looked back at me. He saw how distressed I was, despite me trying to hide it to the best of my ability. The constant fidgeting and turning of my rings was a dead giveaway.
“He’s not going back to Azkaban.” Remus assured. “How can you be so sure?” I asked, disbelief lacing my voice as I looked back over to Remus. I had never seen him with this much determination etched onto his face as his eyes met mine, but that was how I knew he was telling the truth even though I didn't feel as convinced as he was.
“Because the rest of the staff and I have been made aware that he might make attempts of getting onto the castle. But yes, due to the Dementors patrolling the castle grounds will make it difficult for him.” Remus paused and gave me a serious and determined look. “I assure you, if he steps foot on the grounds I’ll let you know as soon as I possibly can.” Remus continued and stood up with the roll of parchment. “I need to go and send this. Maybe you should  go and be together with your friends, Azurielle. Do whatever it is that teenagers do nowadays.” Remus said with a laugh. “Try and take your mind off all of this.”
“What if I can’t?” I asked him.
“You’re just going to have to.” Remus said and squeezed my shoulder softly. “Sirius will be okay.”
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I felt as if my senses were heightened ever since my talk with Remus. My thoughts were running a million miles an hour, so quick in fact that I had run directly into someone’s back. I looked up and was happy to find myself in the presence of Fred Weasley.
“Whoops,” Fred said with a laugh, but soon his happy-go-lucky demeanour turned to worry in an instant. “What’s wrong?”
“Just a bit stressed.” I said as a lump formed in my throat. Fred looked unconvinced as he raised a brow at me. I hated that he knew me so well; we were best friends after all, ever since we were five years old.
“Azure, what happened?” Fred asked. He reached for my shoulder but hesitated and decided against it. I could only imagine what was going through his head. I could tell he was unsure of himself, as if he was conflicted in what to do. All Fred wanted to do was comfort his friend but he didn’t know how to go about it; it was the first time he ever was afraid to make a mistake.
“I’m fine.” I said to Fred. A storm brewed in Fred’s eyes. It took me by surprise to see those unknown emotions swim within his chocolate brown irises. The flutter in my heart made itself known as Fred and I had our little staring contest. I felt my cheeks flush as I looked up at him and tried to focus on that emotion he held when Fred looked at me, but before I could name it, George came around the corner and a knowing smile dawned on his face.
“Everything alright here?” George asked with a smug tone.
“No-” Fred and I looked at each other, Fred in disbelief and I in frustration, wishing he would just drop it. I rolled my eyes at him in disagreement and Fred huffed.
“Oookay then,” George said and shoved his hands into his pockets. The awkwardness was unreal as the three of us stood in the corridor in silence. “Welp, I think lunch will be on soon.”
“Yeah, it should be.” I said and gave Fred a sheepish grin before we all made our way to the Great Hall. The trips to Hogsmeade don’t start until the first weekend of October so most of the tables were full of students as we made our way to the Gryffindor table.
Fred and I sat next to each other as George sat opposite us with the Golden trio. We chatted all throughout lunch before me and the boys, and my dormmates decided to go to the Bell Tower courtyard and practice our Beater skills to pass the time.
We were an hour and a half into our little game before my arm started to ache so I went and gave my bat to Abby despite her pleas to not be involved. Even though Abby wasn’t on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, she had one Hell of a Beater arm.
As I watched the group beat the ball around, Fred tapped out and gave his bat to Charlotte and sat down next to me on the grass. He leaned back on his arms as his legs spread out before him as a comfortable silence fell between us. I had no idea how to even start a conversation with my best friend so I busied myself with plucking out grass.
“You know, I know when something’s bothering you.” Fred said with a knowing tone in his voice as he looked over at me. I didn’t look back over to him as I continued to pick at the grass around me.
“I know you do,” I admitted to him. “But you already know what’s bothering me.” I said as my gaze finally reached him. Fred looked at me for a short while before speaking up.
“Sirius Black.” Fred said. I nodded at this and looked back at the group. I wasn’t worried about my father being out in the world and alone, I was more so worried about what would happen to him if he was caught by the Dementors.
“I tell you what,” I said in a more cheery tone in an attempt to change the subject. “My arms are not cut out to be a  Beater.” I said and rubbed my right arm. I looked over at Fred and, he too, noticed my horrible attempt at changing the subject.
“Unlike me,” Fred boasted and jokingly flexed his left arm. I bumped his shoulder with mine playfully. “Merlin, imagine being a Chaser.”
“Hey!” I said and gave him a pointed look. “At least I can score points.”
“I can keep my team protected.” Fred countered. This was turning into a pissing competition quite quickly. It wasn’t unknown amongst our friends that we always tried to one up each other, but effectively not getting anywhere with the one-upping.
“Yeah, but I never get even close to the Bludgers that come my way. I’m just that quick.” I said in a proud tone as my eyes watched as the ball flew up into the sky. The cool autumn air tussled my onyx coloured hair and golden leaves started to scatter the courtyard grounds. I took a quick moment to appreciate the scene before me; the multi-coloured leaves billowing in the wind, our friends all enjoying themselves with their game, Fred and I sitting next to each other, we were all at peace… just being teenagers and living in the present.
“That’s only because of your heightened senses,” Fred said as looked at me which pulled me back to reality. “Which should be illegal with how much they’ve helped Hufflepuff ever since you joined their team.” A sly smile made its way to my face.
“You’re just jealous.” I giggled and laid down on the grass and watched as the clouds raced through the sky. I felt Fred lay down next to me and suddenly my anxiety lessened as we laid there. My fingers fidgeted beside me in the grass subconsciously as I started to miss the feeling of running barefoot in the Forbidden Forest. I missed the freedom. I missed my simple life before my father escaped Azkaban.
My train of thought was cut short as I felt something grab my hand. I looked down at my left hand and realised that Fred was holding it. This wouldn’t be the first time he had subconsciously held my hand, but it felt different this time. He wasn’t looking at me,  he was still staring up at the overcast sky. Fred looked so at peace in that very moment, and with his hand holding mine, I too, felt at peace.
Fred then looked over at me and the warmest, most genuine smile spread across his face while a blush dusted my cheeks. I gave him a warm smile in return as that flutter in my chest presented itself. It was as if I was looking at him for the first time; like I was truly seeing him.
Merlin, I am a way in over my head.
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The sun was creeping down towards the horizon as I was propped up in bed reading ‘Defensive Magical Theory’ by Wilbert Slinkhard. I still felt the ghost of Fred’s hand on mine as I tried to calm the storm of thoughts brewing in my head. The dorm was quieter than usual, despite the girls being here and making conversation with themselves before bed.
I let the book fall back onto my legs as a low sigh fell from my lips. My eyes were growing tired and sore as time continued to progress into the night. I rubbed my eyes but my attention was pulled away as screeching was heard at the circle window next to my bed.
“She’s been gone a while.” Tara said without looking up as she was writing on some parchment. I looked over at her and realised that she was talking about my owl, Brix.
“Yeah, it’s weird for her to be gone for more than a day.” I said as I got up from bed and opened the window. Brix flew in and perched herself on my shoulder, that was when I noticed a roll of parchment tied to her ankle. I sat Brix on the Brass perch at the right side of my bed and untied the parchment. It was sealed with a gold wax seal that adorned a wolf's head; the same wolf's head that decorated Izaya’s signet ring that he wore on his right index finger. I unrolled the parchment and caught sight of his elegantly slanted, cursive handwriting.
Dear A, I know it has been a long time since I have written you. I have some answers for your concerns about your father. The Ministry still have no knowledge of where he might be, I know that this must not be very helpful, but there is only so much I can write about as owls are being intercepted by the Ministry to catch anyone helping him. Everything will be okay. Try to stay away from the Dementors and the Forest; I’m sure they know who you are.
Sincerely,Izaya Remington.  
I felt as if I had read the most useless letter in existence. Izaya hadn’t written to me ever since I had gotten to Hogwarts and this is all he can write to me? Something must be going on in the Ministry if he has to be vague in his letter. I stood there for a while as I read the letter, trying my best to not get frustrated with the lack of information the letter gave me. I knew I’d have to write back, but since the letters were being intercepted I’d have to be smart with what I could write about. I didn’t even know where to start.
“What is it?” Tara asked quietly as she put her quill down. Her quiet voice was due to Charlotte and Abby’s curtains being drawn closed around their beds.
“Just Izaya,” I said distractedly as I headed for my book bag that was on top of my trunk at the foot of my bed. Grabbing my inkwell, quill and some parchment I sat at the head of my bed and placed my parchment on the book I was reading to lean to as I wrote back to Izaya. “He was just catching up me with his life working in the Ministry.”
“Alright, then,” Tara said and placed her parchment on her bedside table. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” I said and started to write back to Izaya.
Dear I, It’s good to hear from you at last! I’m happy about the news you have written to me about in your previous letter. It’s a shame what is happening to the owls, but I guess there isn’t much we can do about that. I know your job is important to you, but stay vigilant as you are associated with the person of interest. Please stay safe in these trying times.
After finishing the letter I made quick work of rolling it, sealing it and tying it to Brix’s ankle before sending her off onto her next journey. I closed the window and watched Brix until she disappeared into the night; it was darker than usual as the clouds blanketed the sky. Everything was about to change, and I didn’t know if I was ready for it.
I soon found myself under the covers and my curtains drawn around my bed. My mind was racing as the night drew on. I couldn’t settle on a single thought, but one stood out the most to me; Fred holding my hand in the courtyard. It was as if it was haunting me as I could still feel his larger hand engulfing mine, and the warmth that came with it. I rubbed my left hand subconsciously as I stared up at my bed's curtain canopy.
I didn’t necessarily like my growing feelings for Fred, or even admitting that he had a chokehold on me and he didn’t even know it. I was in quite the pickle with my budding crush on Fred, but I’ll be damned if I ever even imagine telling him. Even if I did wish to tell Fred I had no idea how to go about it.
As I rolled over onto my side I brought the covers up to my chin. My mind started to slow down and my eyelids grew heavier by the second. The last thing I saw before sleep took hold of me was the photograph of my mother that was peaking through the curtains, and with that, sleep pulled me into its black and dreamless sleep.
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Word count: 3146
Last edit: 26.12.2023
Chapter Thirteen
0 notes
freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
The Fickle Finger of Fate//F.W.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Underaged drinking, slight language, one teeny paragraph of sexual content but no details, sexual references(all characters are legally adults in the wizard world), mentions of nudity, mentions of death (minor character), ANGST
Summary: Soulmate AU, but with a twist. How much can someone test fate, and what are the consequences when that happens?
Prompts: "I can't lose you." "You already did." and "Let me go."
Word Count: 4.8k
A/N: @love-peachh's writing challenge!! with above prompts and the soulmates trope, the third fic in Abby's Week of Weasley !
~Abby's Week of Weasley Masterlist~ ~Masterlist~
Message me to be on the taglist!
May 1995
Today was the day. The one you had been waiting for your entire life. The day that would change everything for you. Today was the day you would find your soulmate.
It was your sixth year at Hogwarts, and the last day of school was just around the corner. Which meant it was time for you, and the rest of the Sixth Years at Hogwarts to line up and await for your name to be called. One by one you’d step into Dumbledore’s office and perform some sort of ceremony--what is was you weren’t entirely certain--to determine who your soulmate would be.
You bounced with excitement as you met up with Fred and George Weasley, your best friends since first year. They were much less excited about receiving their soulmates, but they laughed and supported your glee.
Truth be told, you were secretly hoping that Fred would be the one you were spending the rest of your life with. You’d had a crush on him for years but had always been too afraid to say anything. If it was announced that you two were destined to be together, then there would be nothing holding you back anymore.
“Excited, are we?” Fred teased, watching you tap your foot in impatience.
“How could you not be!” you exclaimed. “This is when we find out our soulmate, Fred. The person we’ll love for the rest of our lives! It’s kind of a big deal.”
He only shrugged, not caring in the slightest. “We’re 17. We’ve got our whole lives ahead of us, why do we need to be tied down so early?”
“I second that,” said George. “I’m all for settling down once I’m older, but knowing who it’s gonna be with? It feels kind of weird.”
“Oh, you two just aren’t romantics,” you said, sighing dreamily. “Trust me, after this everything is going to change,”
And it did.
The second you completed the ceremony where Dumbledore cast a spell that read into your soul, the name of your soulmate was hovering in the air above you. Fred Weasley.
You almost cried with joy and you rushed out of the room, telling Fred that he had to go next and see who he got. You were on the edge of your seat waiting for him to reemerge, for him to say that it was you and always had been, for him to sweep you off your feet and pull you into the first of your many sweet kisses.
When Fred finally exited the office he looked at you and smiled. But it wasn’t at all what you were expecting. He didn’t seem enthusiastic at all. In fact, the smile he sent you was the same one he always did, a friendly teasing grin.
You shook your head, telling yourself not to overthink things. You two were meant to be together, it was fate.
“So,” you prodded, “who was your soulmate?”
Fred’s grin faltered and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “Can we go somewhere to talk? Somewhere private?”
You agreed after a moment of shock, nerves trembling in your stomach. Why wasn’t he happy? What did he have to talk about?
The both of you ended up in a secluded corner of the castle and you sat down next to him, his hands holding yours. “So, I’m assuming that I’m your soulmate?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yeah,” you said. “And you’re mine?”
He nodded and you felt your insides burst. You knew everything would work out. Fred Weasley was meant to be with you. Slowly, you leaned in toward him, tilting your head to the side and licking your lips slightly.
Fred moved back.
“Freddie?” you asked, wondering why he was hesitating.
He nervously rubbed the back of his neck, giving you a friendly pat on the shoulder. “Look, Y/N, don’t get me wrong, I’m really glad it’s you. I think that some day the two of us would make a great couple! We already know so much about each other and we’re so comfortable with each other that I’d be surprised if my soulmate was someone else. But…”
There it was. The but. Everything was supposed to be perfect today, it was all supposed to come together. What was going on?
“But…” he continued, “ we’re young. And we’re destined to spend our whole lives together, so, why don’t we just...put a pin in it?”
“Put a pin in it?” you asked unbelievingly.
“Sorry,” he said, “wrong choice of words. What I’m saying is, we have plenty of time. Why rush into things? How about you do your thing and I’ll do mine, and then when we’re older we can see how things are going. Sound good?”
Your mouth suddenly went dry, hands becoming clammy and tears welling up in your eyes. He wanted you, but not now. He wanted other girls now. But he was your soulmate. It would all work out in the end. It had to.
“Y-yeah,” you said, desperately holding back your tears. “Sounds like a plan.”
“Great!” Fred said, pulling you into a hug. “I knew I could count on you, you’re the best.”
“Mhmm,” you muttered. “The best.”
Fred kept holding you for a few seconds before getting up and running to find out who his twin got for his soulmate. You stayed sitting on the corridor floor, wondering how in the world the best day of your life had suddenly turned into the worst.
No, you chided yourself. This was Fred, and he and you were meant to be together. You’d find your way back to each other someday. You sighed a breath of relief and stood up, wiping away the few teardrops that managed to make their way out. It was ok. It would all be ok.
September 1995
“Fred! George! How was your summer?” You were sitting in one of the compartments of the Hogwarts Express, waiting for the twins to join you. They arrived looking exceptionally happy and exceptionally good looking. You assumed they must’ve had a very eventful few months.
“Hey!” said George. “It was great. We moved to a house in London for the summer, long story, but Harry and Hermione were there so it kept Ron out of our hair.”
“Yeah, it was fantastic,” said Fred, plopping down in his usual seat next to you and throwing his legs across your lap. “We got to meet so many new people. And so many new girls.”
George and you both stiffened, but Fred was none the wiser.
“There was this one girl,” he continued, “she was so hot. I swear I shagged her on every piece of furniture in that house. What a summer.”
You remained silent, hands folded and your head gazing down at Fred’s feet below you. A part of you thought that maybe he was joking, that maybe he was saying this to get you all worked up and he would ask you out later that day. But one look at George’s guilt-ridden face and you knew exactly what Fred’s summer had consisted of.
Fred looked around as the silence passed, wondering why everyone had suddenly become so quiet. “How about you, Y/N, anything fun happen?”
“Well umm, nothing too exciting,” you said. “Mostly hung out with some old friends, went swimming a lot.” You looked at Fred, wondering if you could get a reaction out of him. “There...there was this one guy.”
That wasn’t a complete lie. There was this one guy, your best friend's cousin, who you had spent a lot of time with in the last three months. You would drive around late at night and get up early to watch the sunset. But one night when he kissed you, you had to pull away. Your heart belonged to Fred, and it felt like cheating to be making out with someone who wasn’t your soulmate. Apparently Fred didn’t have the same sentiment.
“That’s great!” he exclaimed, the complete opposite reaction you were looking for. You had wanted him to get upset, jealous even. But if anything he looked relieved. “See,” he whispered so only you could hear, “I told you this would work out. We each do our own thing and get together in a long while. This is perfect!”
You didn’t say anything, only smiled and leaned back into your seat. George subtly moved forward and put a comforting hand on your knee, letting you know that he understood and he was with you. You gave him a reassuring look. It would be ok. Fred had probably gotten it out of his system over the summer. You could see how things went this year.
February 1996
Gryffindor parties were always the events of the month, rivaled only by Slytherin’s secret and exclusive gatherings. There was everything any teenager needed: food, firewhisky, and sex.
You and Angelina were taking shots in the corner, laughing and stumbling over yourselves. You scanned the crowded common room, eyes focusing on George dancing like a madman in the middle of the room, knocking over a few girls with how wildly he was moving.
You looked at your friend who was gazing lovingly at the ginger boy. “Hey,” you said, “can I ask you something.”
Angelina took her eyes off of George and gave you her full attention. “Of course.”
“When you and George found out you were each other’s soulmates, what happened? I mean, you weren’t dating before but you got together over the summer. Aren’t you worried you’re missing out on other people?”
Your friend knew where this was really coming from. She grabbed you a drink and took you to sit down. “Thing is,” she said, “at first we didn’t want to date. We both kind of thought that we weren’t ready for anything too serious, so we did our own thing for a few months. But we kept writing over the summer and I realized that he’s my best friend and I didn’t want to go any longer without being with him. As much as the both of us hate the concept of settling down, we realized that we don’t have to suddenly turn around and be married. We’re taking it one day at a time, but constantly talking about our relationship and where we think it’s going.”
You nodded, starting to understand. “Are you guys exclusive? Or are you seeing other people as well?”
“We’re exclusive. Like I said we’re nothing serious, but we don’t want to mess up what we have. So far it’s going great, just taking it slow and getting to know each other even more. Is there a reason you’re asking me this?”
You muttered a “no” but Angelina didn’t believe you for a second.
“How are things with Fred?” she asked. “Have you two been talking about your relationship?”
“Not really,” you said. “He likes to ignore the fact that we’re soulmates. Nothing has changed since we found out. But it’s ok though, we’re just waiting until we’re ready.”
Your friend watched you take another shot of firewhisky, face scrunching up in distaste. You had looked so sad the past few months, and Angelina knew the reason. “But you’re ready now, aren’t you?”
You whipped your head around, groaning as the quick motion made you dizzy. “What…” you said, holding your throbbing head, “what do you mean?”
“You love him. You have for forever, Y/N, and this must be killing you.”
“No!” you argued. “It’s fine. Fred will tell me when he’s ready for a relationship and we can settle down then.”
“And wreck yourself in the process?” Angelina asked. “Y/N, love, I know that you two are soulmates, but you can’t let him treat you like this! He goes out and does what he wants and who he wants, knowing that you’ll always be there when he’s bored of all the other girls. You’re his fallback.”
Angry tears fell from your face. “I am not!” you yelled. “He loves me, he just doesn’t want anything serious, and I’m ok with that.”
“No you’re not!” she yelled back. “It’s tearing you apart. You need to talk to him.”
“Don’t you think I’ve tried!”
Angelina went silent at this new information, watching you finally break down.
“Don’t you think I’ve tried talking to him, explaining that if we’re soulmates then maybe we should act like it. It kills me seeing him bring a different girl back to his dorm every night when he’s supposed to be with me.” You hit your head against the wall behind you hard enough that you knew there would be a bruise in the morning, but you didn’t care. “But every time he gets mad at me, saying that he can’t settle down, that he’s too young, that I’m being selfish and impatient.”
Angelina wrapped you up in a warm hug, stroking the back of your head softly. “Then you need to move on Y/N. If he doesn’t care about your feelings, then I’m sorry but you need to find someone else.”
You sniffled, lifting your gaze and seeing a Ravenclaw girl grinding up on Fred. He whispered something in her ear and dragged her out of the common room and up to his dorm. “I can’t,” you said. “He’s my soulmate. It’s destiny. We’re meant to be together, even if that means I have to break a little every time he’s with someone else. It’ll all work out, you’ll see.”
Angelina continued to hold you tightly, praying that one day you would see what was really happening.
April 1996
Cheers erupted from hundreds of students, all of whom were crowded in the courtyard, watching their new heroes fly away from Umbridge’s reign of terror. You stood silently on the outskirts of the group, disbelief coursing through you.
How could he leave you? You thought that he would at least tell you about it, at least sit you down and explain the future of your relationship. Would you stay in touch? Would you visit his shop often and hang out with him and George? Where was your friendship, and more importantly your relationship, going?
You pushed your way through the crowd, wanting more than ever to be alone right now. Angelina stopped you, a wide grin on her face. “Y/N! Did you see that? Oh I’ve been waiting weeks for them to finally make their escape, it was even better than I imagined.”
“You…” you said slowly, “you knew? They told you?”
“Of course! George told me a while ago. Didn’t Fred tell you?”
“I have to go,” you muttered, ignoring her calls and running back into the abandoned castle. You made it back to your dorm and threw yourself onto your bed, curling up into a ball.
You’d given Fred the benefit of the doubt so many times. You understood that he wanted to fool around for a while and you let him. But you thought that maybe once school was over things would change. Apparently you would never know, because he didn’t bother to even have a conversation about your future.
You should try to get over him. Yes, two months of no Fred would be perfect for you! You could see other people, something you hadn’t done in over a year, and it would be the perfect distraction.
But then you remembered his warm brown eyes and soft ginger hair. How happy he could make you with just one touch. You couldn’t give up on him, you were being foolish. Fate was never wrong. You just needed to keep waiting. Everything would be fine in time.
January 1997
Small snowflakes fluttered to the ground, the cold crisp air whipping your face as you made your weekly trip to Diagon Alley to visit Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. After you had graduated the first thing you did was run off the train and make your way to the shop. Fred and George were delighted to see you and they immediately talked about their success so far with their planning. Neither you nor Fred brought up what happened months ago.
After the first encounter, things seemed to go back to normal. You got a job at The Ministry involving Curse Breaking, which you enjoyed very much. You’d get up every day excited to go to work, and every Sunday afternoon you’d enter your friends’ shop for a day of talking and goofing around.
And just as things had remained the same, that included your relationship with Fred. He’d mention his different hookups, sometimes going into extreme detail that you really didn’t want to know. You asked him to stop talking about that and he did, but he didn’t stop his actions.
Today was the day you were going to talk with him. You couldn’t keep putting yourself through this heartbreak if it wasn’t going to end any time soon. It was the last chance you were giving him.
“Hey Freddie,” you said as you walked through the shop doors.
“Hey, love, how’s it going?”
“Pretty good, I was wondering if we could talk, somewhere private maybe?”
“Of course,” he replied, taking you up to the loft. You entered the familiar place and plopped down on the couch, hearing the shower running in the bathroom.
“Is George here,” you asked as he brought you a cup of coffee.
“Umm, not exactly,” Fred replied sheepishly. “The bathroom’s currently occupied by the person who occupied my time last night, if you know what I mean.”
You did. Your face turned red, whether with embarrassment or anger you didn’t know, hearing that the girl Fred hooked up with was just a room away from you. Gathering up all the strength you could, you finally told him everything you’d been holding back.
“That’s what I wanted to talk about, actually.”
“My hookups?” Fred asked quizzically. “I thought you didn’t want to hear about those.”
“No,” you said shaking your head. “I wanted to talk about us. And where we’re going in the future.”
Fred groaned and threw his head back on the couch, rubbing his temple. “Oh not this again, Y/N. I thought we agreed that we’re too young for anything serious.”
“Well when I said that, I thought you meant that we’d finish out school and see where things went after that. We’re bloody adults now, shouldn’t we be talking about where we want this to go?” You were growing angry, not expecting Fred to be so blunt and rude about your feelings.
“I’m still 18, Y/N! I’m not ready for anything yet.”
“And when will you be? You keep saying you’re not ready and I keep staying by your side, waiting for that moment when you finally decide you love me. So when’s it gonna be, huh? Am I wasting my time?”
“I don’t know!” he exclaimed. “You’re being so annoying right now, why can’t we just be friends and figure it out when we get there?”
“Because I’m tired of giving you every part of me when you give me nothing in return! I...I can’t do this anymore.”
“I think that’s for the best.”
“I--excuse me?”
Fred stood up, gesturing for you to follow him. “How about we spend some time away from each other? You can work out whatever feelings you want to, and when I’m ready to settle down I’ll come find you.”
You were speechless, absolutely dumbfounded. Fred couldn’t be serious, could he? He’d come find you, like you were some lost puppy that belonged to him?
Fred grabbed your shoulders and gave you a peck on the forehead. “We’re soulmates, baby. There’s no rush for anything. I’ll let you know when I’m ready.”
This was it. This was what Angelina had warned you about. He was so comfortable knowing that you'd have to end up together that he didn’t bother to put in the effort. He knew no matter how many times he messed up, you would always be right around the corner ready to jump into his waiting arms. This was the last chance you had given him, and he blew it.
“I’ll just be going then,” you said, grabbing your things.
You stormed out of the room but Fred didn’t seem to notice anything was wrong. Or maybe he did notice and he just didn’t care. You would always come back to him, wouldn’t you?
“Love ya, Y/N,” he called before turning his attention to the wet girl who was exiting his bathroom.
You left the loft in a hurry, not even bothering to say hi to George on the way out of the shop. You used to believe in fate and destiny, and deep down you still did. But you couldn’t keep counting on the universe to provide you with happiness when only one of you was putting in the effort. Almost two years of pining later, you decided it was time to move on.
May 1999
Fred slowly came down from his high, panting heavily and groaning in pleasure. He rolled off of the girl he was with this week, a cute blonde he had met at a bar, and stared up at the ceiling trying to catch his breath.
It was a good ride. It was always good, Fred prided himself in his abilities and the girls he was with were usually just as spectacular. But the past few months he had been growing tired of it.
Sure, he loved going out and meeting hot girls, dancing with them and bringing them back to his place for one night of lust and passion. But even that gets old after a while, and after years of thinking with his body, he was finally ready to think with his head and his heart. He was ready to see you.
The next day, Fred got dressed up, putting on a nice sweater and trousers, buying a bouquet of roses from a nearby flower shop. He hadn’t contacted you to let you know he was coming. He wanted it to be a surprise, and besides, you would definitely be thrilled to see him.
He made his way to your old place, hoping that you still lived there. He hadn’t seen you in over two years, not since the two of you decided to stop seeing each other until Fred was ready. And now, after long last, he was.
He knocked on the door of your apartment, bouncing on his toes in anticipation of seeing you for the first time in so long. He bet you’d gotten even hotter, and were somehow even kinder and funnier than you were before. To his surprise, it wasn’t you who opened the door, but a familiar face from back in his school days.
Adrian Pucey, a Slytherin in your year, was standing in the doorway, with ruffled hair and a bear chest with gray sweatpants. He smiled apprehensively at Fred, remembering how the two of them had never gotten along back in school.
“Hey Fred. What’re you doing here?”
“I’m here to see my soulmate,” Fred said, anger and jealousy evident in his tone.
Adrian paused and his smile vanished. He looked as if he wanted to slam the door in Fred’s face and never see him again. Fred then heard a voice calling from inside, and he peaked around to see you sprawled out on the couch wrapped up in a blanket.
“Adrian? Who’s there?” you asked.
“Babe, you might want to come see for yourself.”
Fred grimaced at the nickname. Any suspicions he had that you were dating Adrian were now confirmed, and he hated seeing you with anyone else.
As you reached the door you looked shocked to see Fred there, holding a large bouquet of flowers for you. “Why don’t you head back in, love,” you said to your boyfriend. “I’ll handle this.”
He smiled and pecked you lips, giving Fred one last glare before letting you shut yourself and Fred out in the hallway.
“It’s been a while,” you said. “What’s up?”
“Well,” Fred said, trying to hand you the roses but you refused, “I was thinking last night. About us, and about how I’m ready. To be with you.”
If he thought you were going to be elated about this news and drop everything, including your boyfriend, to be with him, he was completely wrong. You just stood there, looking if anything sad for him. “Oh Freddie.”
“What?” he asked, heart thumping in his chest. “What does that mean? I said I’m ready to settle down! To be with you. Isn’t that what you want?”
You scoffed, putting your hand on your temple like he did to you so any years before. “Look, I’m flattered, and I’m glad you’re finally ready to have something real. But it’s not going to be with me.”
Fred could physically feel his heart shatter into a million pieces at those words. “Not with you? What does that even mean, Y/N? We’re bloody soulmates!”
“Yeah well you didn’t seem to care about us being soulmates the countless times I wanted to talk to you about it!”
“I wasn’t ready then!”
“But I was! And you didn’t even take my feelings into consideration. I was constantly by your side, waiting for you to confess your feelings and ask me to be yours. Every day I broke a little more, because you treated me like absolute shit. So I’m done waiting Fred. I’ve moved on”
Fred couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. You were supposed to be in love with him! The two of you were soulmates for a reason, how could you just settle down with someone else?
“What about Adrian’s soulmate?” he asked, voicing his thoughts. “Aren’t you depriving him of true love?”
You sighed heavily and looked at the closed door behind you, lowering your voice. “Adrian’s soulmate died a few years ago. She got really sick and didn’t make it. I ran into him while he was trying to get over her loss, and we really connected. We’ve been together for about a year now, and we’re both really happy.”
“This doesn’t make any sense,” Fred said, pacing up and down the hall. “We’re soulmates Y/N. The universe destined us to be together.”
Shaking your head you replied, telling Fred the conclusion you had come to after years of pain. “I don’t think it works like that. Soulmates aren’t two people who are going to be together no matter what happens. They’re two souls who, if they both contribute and try in the relationship, would make a perfect pair. But you, Fred, never tried. And I finally got over it. I love Adrian, and I’m happy about my decision.”
“No, no no no,” Fred said, growing panicked. “This can’t be it, Y/N, I can’t lose you.”
“You already did.”
Fred’s lip quivered slightly, eyes searching yours for any telltale sign that this was a joke. Some huge, elaborate prank. But it wasn’t. It took you a lot of time and soul searching, but you were at peace. You were fine without your soulmate, because for so many years he had been fine without you.
“Let me go, Freddie. Because I let you go a long time ago.”
The two of you stood there, all feelings out in the open. Fred had never felt so vulnerable around someone, and he never thought once that he would have to let you go.
The door slowly creaked open and Adrian stepped back out, wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing the top of your head. “You alright, darling?”
You kept looking at Fred, imagining all of the things that could’ve been, that never would be. “Yeah, I’m fine. Fred was just leaving.”
You turned around to your apartment, not even bothering to look back. Before you shut the door, Fred could see a beautiful smile grace your lips at something Adrian had said. You were happy. He was making you happy.
In a perfect world, you and Fred would be an ideal match. If both of you put in the effort and tried for the best, you’d have the best relationship possible. It was fate.
But fate is a fickle thing. You can’t try to trick destiny into doing what you want. Fred had thought that no matter what he did, the universe would give him what he believed he deserved. The universe doesn’t work like that.
Maybe, if he had taken some form of responsibility for his actions and actually cared about what was happening in the moment, it could’ve been him cuddling up next to you, falling asleep with his arms around you and hearing how much you loved him. But he didn’t. He tested fate, and he would forever pay the price for his actions.
Tag List: @famdomhideout
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meetmyblondemuffins · 3 years
hiya abbie! how's it going? here's a smutty request for ya lovely. maybe something where the reader is having a spicy dream about either remus or james and sirius is like wtf when he hears her like moaning their name in her sleep. then when she wakes up she has no recollection of this dream but sirius is all quiet and sad puppy so when he explains she shows him she only wants him? woke up in a seggsy mood what can i say
a/n: hey, sorry this took so long. I've just been very busy over the past week. Also im going to do this as headcanons. I kinda went off of what you requested but i hope you like it all the same.💜
warnings: penetrative sex (lmk if i missed any)
-> So, your having a sleepover in the marauders dorm. Which you do pretty often being Sirius's girlfriend
-> And lets just say that moony is still in the hospital wing from his transformation with Peter looking after him and James is "sleeping over" in Lily's room
-> So Sirius has kinda been neglecting your attempts to get him into bed with you, which is very unusual because Sirius is like a horny teenager
-> So you get the marauders to help you prank Sirius, you don't tell them exactly what your doing. but just tell them to stay out of the dorm until the morning
-> You both get ready for bed, then slip in and Sirius doesn't think twice of your empty dorm.
-> Once your sure Sirius is asleep, you start whimpering quietly, slowly getting louder and louder, till your full-on moaning James's name
-> Sirius is a pretty light sleeper so when he hears the noise your making he wakes up in a daze.
-> When he realises it's James's name your moaning, he gets all sad puppy dog and moves over to another bed in the dorm
-> This wasn't the reaction you were expecting, you were expecting him to wake you up and completely ravage your aching pussy.
-> So, you pretend to wake up and slowly move over to the bed he was in (Which happened to be James's)
-> "Sirius" you whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. "S'not what you were saying earlier" he grumbled back almost as if he were crying
-> "Sirius I'm sorry it was a joke, i may have taken it too far" you were pleading now
-> Sirius was still turned away
-> You decided to make Sirius know who you belonged too
-> "Sirius you know I'm yours, and your only" you pleaded with him "Let me show you"
-> This triggered something inside of Sirius
-> he'd have you on your stomach, whimpering and babbling as he ground into your flimsy pyjama
-> he doesn't care that you're barely able to form coherent sentences, that your body's covered in a sheen layer of sweat, and that you're gasping for him to let you cum
-> "nah, love...you forgot whose pussy this is...so i'm only letting her cum when i'm good and ready"
-> his words are making you pathetically mewl, walls clamping around him as he once again denies you the possibility of releasing all over him like you desperately need to
-> "it's your pussy–s'your pussy...please...baby please" you choke on a sob as you beg, only to gasp when he bottoms out inside of your heat and hold himself there
-> your walls flutter, tense, and ripple around him and it only grows harder to not cum around him
-> "you're gonna let someone else have you? gonna give up my pussy to someone who can't fuck you like the slut you are? tell me–"
-> "no! nonono...m'so sorry...m'sorry"
-> you sound blissfully tired and frustrated, like he's holding your orgasm hostage
-> His moans low and animalistic in your ear as you scratch down his back
-> Sirius' pace gets faster, and before you know it, your finishing
-> he doesn't last long either, spilling himself inside the condom, his doe eyes looking into e/c orbs
-> you're in a trance of pure pleasure
-> Sirius stares at you with bliss, watching you, your walls fluttering around him
-> He pulls out , and you whine at the feeling
-> Sirius kisses you passionately and wrapped his arms around you
-> settling your nose into the crook of his neck
-> Sirius presses soft kisses onto your temple when you drift off into a deep slumber beside him and it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep too
@meetmyblondemuffins @padfootswife24 @drownie @f0lkl0verm0re @siriusblackwh0re @gr4cein9h4m @lostredheadinablondeworld @weasley-lover15 @mynameisnotlucia @stuckyslittlespoon @whoreforgeorgeandfred @marv3lwhor3 @acciodignity @wholesomestyles
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mavkasilas · 2 years
Assert the dominance with that M134.
At first, I was trying to write about a very protective Oliver that defences Percy in front of someone that tries to say bad about Percy, but then I fail. Instead of protective Oliver, I wrote a jealousy and protective and fully sarcastic Percy.
Do I like it? Of course hell yeah, love it very much.
Jealousy and sarcastic these 2 personality fits ma boy Percy so much. He's gentleman to everyone but if someone steps on his line, don't accuse his rudeness to you.
"What a lovely day, isn't it?"
Oliver left out a sigh. He gently puts down the polish tool and his flying broom on the bench. When he finished doing a mental construction for himself, he then turns his back and greets the owner of the voice that He’s been dodging all day long.
"Yeah, it's really good weather, Ms Everly."
"Oh, why are you so polite to me, Oliver? We had lunch last week, aren't we? I thought we are friends now."
Abigail Everly, the daughter of the Puddlemere's manager. The reason that Oliver tries to avoid her it's because she has a very strong interest in him. Even though he has told her that he's taken, it seems like in this lady's dictionary there's missing a vocabulary called give up.
"Call me Abby, please."
"...I'll still stick with Ms Everly."
"Alright, if you insist."
Oliver feels like his face nearly has a cramp because of the fake smile he puts on. Although he doesn't like Abigail Everly, he still can't find a way to avoid having a conversation between them. He's a person who talks directly from his mind. Oliver was scared something bad will happen to the team if his rejection broke the manager's daughter's heart.
"Are you free tonight?"
Here comes again, a date. A forced date.
"I'm afraid I'm not free tonight."
"Why? Is it a very important date that is even more important than having dinner with me?"
Of course, it is. Even the extra training schedule seems more important than your date.
"I'm sorry, Ms Abigail. Maybe-"
Oh, God! What good timing, here comes his lifesaver.
Oliver has been craving for the familiar touch and smell all day long. It's so good to have him here, especially in this kind of situation.
To Abigail Everly, Percy's appearance makes her kinda confuse. No one told her that Oliver's lover is a...... man? The man who works in the Ministry Department?
"You must be Mr Percy Weasley."
Percy looks at his man's face and then looks at Abigail, he then gently shakes the lady's hand.
"And you must be Ms Everly. I heard very much from Ollie, really grateful for what you and Mr Everly had sacrificed to Puddlemere. Without the sources from you, our Ollie might not fulfil his dream as Puddlemere's goalkeeper."
Although every action and every word from Percy mean so polite and grateful, Abigail couldn't feel any temperature from that dark brown eyes. This makes her spine shiver.
"Are you done? Hope you won't forget that the family gathering day is today."
"Fully done, free to go anytime."
"Ms Everly?"
Abigail Everly couldn't say anything but just respond like a student who is called by the strict teacher in the class.
"It's nice to meet you and just for your information, I'm not Percy Weasley anymore."
"It's Percy Ignatius Wood. So, if we meet again I hope you can address me as Mr Wood instead of Mr Weasley. Don't get me wrong, I still love to be called a Weasley but don't you think Mr Wood is more lovely?"
Oliver didn't interrupt the conversation between Percy and Abigail Everly. He just stood beside quietly and swallow all his laughter into his stomach. What a savage iconic conversation, he definitely will share this to everyone when they arrive at the burrow.
"If there's nothing, I'll see you after the holiday, Ms Everly."
"O- Ok, a-alright. Wish you two a very happy holiday then."
As soon as Percy and Oliver leave the quidditch pitch, Abigail Everly can finally breathe. She doesn't even realise how long has she been holding her breath if Percy didn't leave.
She feels an urge to burn down the Daily Prophet? Percy Weasley is not as gentleman as what those journalists describe him on the Prophet.
He's a man that fill with jealousy.
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bonniebird · 4 years
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Read on AO3
Read on Wattpad
“I’ll just be hanging around the mistletoe, waiting to be kissed.” - Archie Andrews
“Guess who signed us up to go Christmas caroling?” - Stiles Stilinski
“I hate winter.” - Eragon Bromsson
“I’ll just be hanging around the mistletoe, waiting to be kissed.” - Theo Raeken & Rebekah Mikaelson
“I wish we could put some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.” - Bucky Barnes
“We’re snowed in…” - Illya Kuryakin
“Surprise! I’m your Christmas present.” - Stefan Salvatore
“Listen here, Kringle. I may have gotten naughty this year, but by today's standards, naughty's nothing! I didn't get anybody pregnant, I didn't Facebook a kid to death.”  - Wade Wilson
“Want a cookie?” - Abby Arcane
Christmas with Theo Raeken {Moodboard}  - Theo Raeken
“We’re snowed in…” - Dean Winchester
“Wow. So, what time is the Ghost of Christmas Past coming to visit you tonight?” - Wade Wilson
Christmas with Marko {Moodboard}  - Marko (The Lost Boys) 
Christmas with David {Moodboard}  - David (The Lost Boys) 
“Umm just so you know, I’m kind of stuck in the Christmas lights.”  - Sam Winchester
“The price limit was 20 dollars!”  - Elijah Mikaelson
“Chaos has come again.” - Prudence Blackwood
“Surprise! I’m your Christmas present.” - Lydia Martin
“Aww, too bad Santa's dead.” - Klaus Mikaelson
“You can’t put alcohol in the hot chocolate.” - Eragon Bromsson
“Tell me this, sweetheart, have I asked you for a lot this year?” - Kol Mikaelson
“Is that mistletoe hanging from the light?”  - Elijah Mikaelson
"Why are you even worrying? The kid's just going to ignore the toy and play with the box."  - Derek Hale
“Wow. So, what time is the Ghost of Christmas Past coming to visit you tonight?” - Theo Raeken & Rebekah Mikaelson
"Love the giver more than the gift." - Scott McCall 
"Only two weeks left till Christmas!" - Dorcas Night
“We’re snowed in…” - April Ludgate
“Tell me this, sweetheart, have I asked you for a lot this year?”  - Damon Salvatore
“I’ll just be hanging around the mistletoe, waiting to be kissed.” - Victor Zsasz
“That was like a crazy trust exercise.” - Napoleon Solo
“I hate winter.” - Dorcas Night
“Umm just so you know, I’m kind of stuck in the Christmas lights.”  - Prudence Blackwood 
“I knew you'd forget, so my gift to you is a gift for you to give me.” - Prudence Blackwood
“I’ll just be hanging around the mistletoe, waiting to be kissed.”  - Dorcas Night
“Is that mistletoe hanging from the light?” - Michael Langdon
“You cannot do what you did last year.”  - Nick Scratch
“Please stop singing Christmas songs.” - Sweet Pea
“You can’t put alcohol in the hot chocolate.” - Dean Winchester
“I’ll just be hanging around the mistletoe, waiting to be kissed.” - Sweet Pea
“Three days before Christmas and somebody kills Santa!” - Sam Winchester
"Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone." - Castiel
"I got this, I watch food network." - Dean Winchester
“Umm just so you know, I’m kind of stuck in the Christmas lights.” - Isaac Lahey
Christmas with Stiles Stilinski {Moodboard}  - Stiles Stilinski
“Surprise! I’m your Christmas present.” - Rebekah Mikaelson & Theo Raeken
“That was like a crazy trust exercise.” - Kol Mikaelson
"Only two weeks left till Christmas!" - Daenerys Targaryen
“Is that mistletoe hanging from the light?” - Prudence Night
“Time to deck the halls with your incompetence.” - Peggy Carter
“This is extremely important. Will you please tell Santa that instead of presents this year, I just want my family back.” - Starlight
"Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone."  - Aziraphale 
“Put that cookie down. NOW!” - Sherlock Holmes (BBC)
"Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone." - Sherlock Holmes (BBC)
“It's just a bit of a tradition at Christmas parties that I have with my friends. See, we do a cookie competition, and then the winner gets to take home all of the leftovers to their families on Christmas Day.” - Clark Kent (HC) 
Christmas with Dean Winchester {Moodboard} - Dean Winchester
Christmas with Sam Winchester {Moodboard} - Sam Winchester
“I’ll just be hanging around the mistletoe, waiting to be kissed.” - Tommy Shelby
Christmas with Theo Raeken and Rebekah Mikaelson {Moodboard} - Theo and Rebekah
Christmas with Monica Geller {Moodboard} -  Monica Geller
Christmas with Rachel Green {Moodboard} -  Rachel Green
“Surprise! I’m your Christmas present.”  - Diego Hargreeves 
“Hands down, this is the best day of my life. And quite possibly the last.”  - Theo Raeken & Rebekah Mikaelson
Christmas with Johnny Storm {Moodboard}  - Johnny Storm
Christmas with Draco Malfoy {Moodboard}  - Draco Malfoy
“What to get the Shadowhunter who has everything.”  - Simon Lewis and Isabelle Lightwood
“Tell me this, sweetheart, have I asked you for a lot this year?” - Bonnie Bennett
“Is that mistletoe hanging from the light?” - David Rossi
“Surprise! I’m your Christmas present.” - Theo Raeken
“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."  - Jojen Reed
Christmas with Sherlock Holmes {Moodboard}  - Sherlock (BBC)
Christmas with John Constantine {Moodboard}  - John Constantine
“Umm just so you know, I’m kind of stuck in the Christmas lights.” - Buffy Summers
“Tell me this, sweetheart, have I asked you for a lot this year?” - April Ludgate
Christmas with Nick Miller {Moodboard}  - Nick Miller
"You have such a pretty face. You should be on a Christmas card." - Rebekah Mikaelson & Theo Raeken
“You ruined my favourite Christmas sweater!” - Modern!Ivar Ragnarsson
Christmas with Sweet Pea {Moodboard}  - Sweet Pea
"This is Christmas spirit, as in spirits, booze." - Dean Winchester
“Christmas is just so stressful... with the lists and the lines and-and the dancing girls at TV Town Song Room." - Dean Winchester
“It's Christmas Eve! Who's going out crashing other people's Christmas parties?” - Dean Winchester
"If I hear this song one more time there will be blood." - Steve Rogers
“I’ll just be hanging around the mistletoe, waiting to be kissed.” - Derek Hale
“Put that cookie down. NOW!” - Rowena McCleod
“Do you want to build a snowman?” - Jughead Jones
“Put that cookie down. NOW!” - Joey Tribbiani
“Surprise! I’m your Christmas present.” - John Constantine
“I hate winter.” - Mick Rory
“Oh, I know exactly what you’re trying to do. But you will not ruin my Christmas. Not again. Not this year.”  - Jason Todd
“You and I on the same team. It must be Christmas.” - Ava Sharpe
"You have such a pretty face. You should be on a Christmas card." - Barbara Kean
“Aww, too bad Santa's dead.” - Gina Linetti
“Umm just so you know, I’m kind of stuck in the Christmas lights.” - Draco Malfoy
Christmas with Derek Hale {Moodboard}  - Derek Hale
“MERRY CHRISTMAS!” - Jughead Jones
“Oh, I know exactly what you’re trying to do. But you will not ruin my Christmas. Not again. Not this year.”  - Rosalie Hale
“Put that cookie down. NOW!”  - Sweet Pea
“Hands down, this is the best day of my life. And quite possibly the last.” - Jerome Valeska
“Umm just so you know, I’m kind of stuck in the Christmas lights.” - Stiles Stilinski
“You can’t put alcohol in the hot chocolate.”  - Spencer Reid 
"Call me elf one more time!" - Theo Raeken & Rebekah Mikaelson
Christmas with Remus Lupin {Moodboard}  - Remus Lupin
“You can’t put alcohol in the hot chocolate.”  - Damon Salvatore
“Put that cookie down. NOW!” - Norma Bates
“Umm just so you know, I’m kind of stuck in the Christmas lights.” - Ambrose Spellman
Christmas with Peter Hale {Moodboard}  - Peter Hale 
"Love the giver more than the gift." - Fred Weasley
Christmas with Roman Godfrey {Moodboard}  - Roman Godfrey
“Surprise! I’m your Christmas present.” - Sweet Pea
“Surprise! I’m your Christmas present.” - George Weasley
“Put that cookie down. NOW!”  - Peter Maximoff
"Love the giver more than the gift." - Jughead Jones
"You have such a pretty face. You should be on a Christmas card." - Ron Weasley
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evermoreholland · 3 years
Abby’s Appreciation Post 2020
Hi y’all! It’s Abby! Every year (if I’m active on Tumblr at the time) I like to do an appreciation post for my lovely mutuals and followers. I’ve been on Tumblr for 5 years (I came on here way too young smh) and I absolutely love doing these posts! This year was definitely not what we would have pictured, but without 2020, I wouldn’t have met some of my closest friends. Anyway, there is going to be a lot of mushy sap in this post, so let’s just get to it!
@kelieah - Kelly, you truly have made such a great impact on my life. You’re a great friend with a kind heart, and you always know how to make me feel better. You give me great advice, even though sometimes I can be a bitch and not listen, but nonetheless, I really appreciate it. Thanks for being an amazing friend.
@t-holland2080 - Sammy, you were the first person I ever opened up to about my anxiety and home life and I trust you with every fiber of my being. You truly have become an older sister, or even a mom, to me over the past six months and I’m forever grateful for that. You mean the absolute world to me and I wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything. I also love thirsting over Harrison with you and I still can’t get over your James Bond AU. It lives in my mind rent free.
@duskholland - Hannah, I love you. There are so many things I can say but just thinking about how much you inspired me and impacted me really makes me tear up. I love our friendship so much and getting to talk to you for just a few minutes a week really makes me smile.
@elaine-rambles - Elaine, oh my gosh, where do I fucking begin? The amount of love I have for you is insane. Following you was one of the best decisions of my life. I honestly don’t know where I’d be in my life without you. You keep me in check and you always tell me what I need to hear and I love that about you. You’re sweet, kind, and you always know how to make me smile. You’re incredible.
@liberty-barnes - Miah, my beautiful angel mom. I remember talking to you one time about Hollywood Undead and then you followed me. I was shocked that an amazing being like you would have any interest in being my friend, but you did for some odd reason lmao. Anyway, thank you for always constantly reminding me that you love me and that i’m beautiful because sometimes I really don’t feel it. You’re so kind and funny and I love you.
@hollands-weasley - Addie! My sister and my smalls, there is so much to say but it’s hard for me to find the right words. First, i love you. Second, you are so supportive of me and the kindest person I know. I love talking to you and it always makes my day so much better, even if it’s about nonsense haha.
@spiderrrling - Ellen, my wife. Omg, I love you so fucking much, you have no idea. I love our discord calls (we need to talk more and I love your pretty voice). You’re so sweet and I love getting to talk to you almost every day. Thinking about how much you changed my life really makes me emotional. I can’t begin to describe how much you mean to me. Getting “married” to you was the best thing I ever could have done. Love you!!!!
@canwekissforever-haz - Riya, my love! You’re so supportive of me and I love getting to talk to you every day! You’re always so kind and you always put a smile on my face. Keep being you!!!!
Here are some other amazing people! There is so much to say to all of you and I love y’all so much. I’m not good at words but I appreciate y’all just as much:
@darlingspidey (omg love you laur), @spideyspeaches @londonspidey, @crybabyddl, @blissfulparker, @peterbenjiparker, @sweetestgolden, and all of my other mutuals and followers!! You all mean the world to me but my mind is going blank atm (I’m exhausted smh)
Happy New Year everyone!!!
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theoreticslut · 3 years
hi I’m back again with another ask for your celebration 😅 if it’s not too much trouble can I get a 💌 from George Weasley? Preferably it would be funny/romantic, and if you could include something about how he misses me (this is so cheesy omg), and maybe a happy belated birthday (i just had mine like 2 weeks ago lol)? I’m totally fine with it being posted on your blog. My name is Abby btw ❤️
Hi love! I really hope you like this!! I tried to make it as funny and as romantic as I could, but still sound like george! Thank you for requesting it by the way! I appreciate all the support in this end of the year party! I’m glad a lot of people are seeming to enjoy it! Xx
Here’s your letter from George 💗
Hi Abby!
It’s been so long. I miss you lots, darling. I hope everything is going well - that you’ve been having a good holiday season and that you’ve had a bloody brilliant birthday! I know it’s a bit late :( I wish I could have been there with you, but life doesn’t always go as planned. Either way I hope you got some amazing gifts and you had a wonderful time with your friends and family. Next year I promise I will spend your birthday with you. It’s the only thing I’m looking forward to.
I really wish I could see you. I love my family, but they’re driving me mad, darling. Honestly, if I don’t see you soon I might be even more wild and crazy than I normally am. Fred’s level crazy times ten, Abby. We don’t want that!
It hasn’t been all bad, I’ll give them that. It’s just that we’ve all been in this house together for I can’t even tell you how long now. Fred is as loud as ever, constantly thinking up pranks. Granted, I like them too, but I think that’s all he’s holding on to now, darling. It’s almost like if he doesn’t prank someone every day, he will completely lose his mind.
Ron has been just as much as a got as always. Harry and Hermione have been over quite frequently and I swear to Merlin, Abby, that Hermione could straight out tell Ron that she likes him and he still would be as clueless as ever.
Ginny’s been good though! We’ve been playing a lot of quidditch together and she just keeps getting better and better. I like to think she learned everything from Fred and I, but I honestly think she’s better than us most times! She misses you too. She loves spending time with Hermione, but you two have always gotten along a little better. She keeps saying she misses her sister...I don’t know know why she would call you that lol!
Regardless, we all miss you - Ginny and I just a little bit more than the others. I really hope to see you soon, darling. Until then I am sending all my love and I’ll be waiting at my window for your response. Love you lots, darling Xx
Yours truly,
✨End of the Year Party✨
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
⚓️- has to get a ship ofc! I’m good with whatever era and whoever! I’m Abby, with brown hair and blue eyes, a ravenclaw political nerd whose addicted to the West Wing. I read a lot and have a medical blog for chronic health stuff. I also really like David Bowie. I’m hoping to actually go into politics eventually. I’m a good student and idk what else. Congrats girlie!!
Hey! Yessss we love The West Wing! Thank you so much! And thank you for sending something in! Your ship is below the cut, I hope you like!
Lightning Era:
George Weasley:
Your book lay abandoned on the coffee table, your eyes entirely focused on the television show playing.
It happened entirely by accident, honestly. You had been too distracted to change the channel and the moment you looked up at the show, you were hooked.
And now you had sat through the entire series for the final episode airing tonight.
You watch it with baited-breath; unable to predict what was going to happen to shake the series up.
You watch as the President speaks in a town-hall meeting before heading outside to return to the motorcade that had brought him and his staff to the meeting.
Your heart is in your throat as you hear the gunshots and the screen fades to black leaving you unaware of the fates of the President and his staff of which you had become so desperately attached to these last few weeks of watching.
George joins you in the living room at the sounding of the credits; he had let you have your privacy when watching the final episode, so he didn’t bother you with question after question on American politics. George loved the passion you had for it and understood that you would eventually enter the sector one day. It made him as proud as anything to watch you achieve your dreams.
George chuckles lightly when he sees the tear stains on your cheeks, “Was it a good episode, love?”
You nod wordlessly, still in shock over the ending.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You nod again, holding your hand out for George to take he sits next to you on the couch. “What happened?” he asks.
“I don’t know!” You cry out, “There were gunshots and then it faded to black!”
“So why are you crying?”
“Because I have to wait until next year to find out what happened!”
George clamps his lips shut to stop the laughter bubbling. He had never seen you get so into a television show before; didn’t think the actual thing would be on much with how much time you dedicate to your studies and your blog in which you chronicle your chronic health difficulties. He just adds it the growing list of things he loves about you.
He wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side. The only words of comfort he can find are, “Let’s start it from the beginning then.”
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munamania · 4 years
tag game
i was tagged by @the-mall-rats ty ily!!
name: abigail
nickname: abby, abs
zodiac: gemini
height: 5′3
language: English, a pretty good amount of German! very very tiny bit of Ukrainian
nationality: american :/
fave season: I adore spring bc after rough winters where I live it does wonders for my mental health, but also fall!! I love halloweentime and the entire ‘aesthetic’ of fall time
fave flower: oh idk I dont have a good one picked out but I like lilacs, sunflowers, idk
fave scent: lavender
fave color: oof idk I like a lot of purples
fave animal: cats lol
fave fictional character: ever? period? um eddie k, glenn rhee, fred and george weasley, duckie dale
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? all of them but at different times of the day. different vibes
average hours of sleep: lately like 10
dog or cat? cat!
how many blankets? 4
dream trip: I'd rlly like to visit fussen, Germany, but also somewhere tropical would b nice I've never been
blog established: I think I made this one in august 2019
followers: none
random fact: my first ‘crush’ was on Simon (yes, the chipmunk, I was like 3), I went to Germany over the summer and made a fool of myself in front of a host family for 3 weeks (but when they complimented my pronunciation of a word once... that was literally the peak for my ego)
I tag @violetreddie @ocdstan @pavlikovskynights & whoever wants to!
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
Another OC list
Trials of a Witch (Harry Potter):
1.Sienna Mitchell:
Faceclaim: Penelope Mitchell
Fandom:Harry Potter
Love interest: Andreas Rosier(oc)/Fred Weasley
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Summary: After Sienna received a letter that her grandfather passed away, she knew her day could only get worse.She was right she received a week detention for not paying attention.And to make things worse it was with one of the Weasley twins. And yet when she told him about her situation he made it so, that she wouldn't think about her grandfather anymore. She knew that developing a crush on him was dangerous.Especially, when she wasn't quite over her ex-boyfriend.
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2.Andreas Rosier:
Faceclaim: Michael Trevino
Love interest: Sienna Mitchell
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Summary:Andreas Rosier had all his life planed by his mother.He’ll be sorted into Slytherin, become the protector of the Malfoys boy, marry Parkinson’s girl and serve the dark just like his father before him.
The problem was Andreas didn’t want to do any of this and it showed when he was sorted into Hufflepuff and he dated the beautiful hufflepuff perfect, Sienna Mitchell.But Sienna was a muggle-born, so to protect her from his mother’s wrath, Andreas broke up with her. Too bad that his feelings wouldn’t go away so easily…
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3.Margaret Dursley:
Age: 11
Faceclaim: Sophie Nelisse
Hogwarts House:Gryffindor
Summary : Lif on Privet Drive Nr. 4 was always fairly normal, just how my mother liked it.But hten the eleventh birthday of my cousin happened and we found out he was a wizard.My family didn't react to well to it, even if they knew this day will come,What none of us expected was for me that letter too.Me, Margaret Dursley, the boring, little sister of Dudley Dursley  a witch...
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4.Elizabeth Joycelyn Ashwood:
Faceclaim: Imogen Poots
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Summary: Ever since the mission where she got her scars Liz wasn't the same person anymore.Sure ,she still cared about her mother and little sister.She still laughed with her friend and she still had her embarassing crush on Charlie Weasley since third year.But there was something missing.Maybe helping the little muggleborn Margaret Dursley in their world she'll find out what it is.
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5.Agatha Celestine Ashwood
Faceclaim:Taegan Croft (as played in Titans)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Summary:Agatha was always there when the others went to Hogwarts.First was Charlie and Liz, then Percy, then Fred and George,then Ron and then it was finally her turn. Everyone expected that she'll be sorted in Gryffindor like her sister or Ravenclaw like her mother but no one expects to be  sorted into Hufflepuff.She meets Nate Cole there and thinks that maybe Hufflepuff isn't so bad
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6.Nathaniel Edward Cole
Faceclaim:Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Hogwarts House:Hufflepuff
Summary:Nate wanted to go to Hogwarts ever since his mother told him the stories about the four boys she befriended in her time there.He wanted to have such a strong friendship like them.But maybe even stronger because Nate saw  how sad her eyes were each time she talked about them.He gets to meet Meg and Agatha and Ginny and he swears his friendship with the girls is not going to end up like her mothers.
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6.Moira Green:
Faceclaim: MacKenzie Foy
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Summary: Her parents always expected the best out of Moira.The best people she’s around - purebloods, always purebloods- the best grades, the best behaviour. Moira doesn’t mind it, really. It’s not like she’ll  have a sudden desire to hang around mudbloods like her cousin.And she does like hanging around Draco and Pansy.it’s just that she never expected for her to have to fight in a war.
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Survivor(Percy Jackson):
1.Daphne Briars
Faceclaim: Candice Accola
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Summary:Never trust a survivor until you know what they did.Daphne knew this, she was one after all.After the Titans she never expected that Camp Half-Blood would welcome her back with their arms open.Not after she betrayed them.But then Percy disappears and Jason appears in his place and despite being warned many times, he still wants to figure her out.
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2.Nayla Briars
Faceclaim:Astrid Berges Frisby
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Summary: After their mother death Nayla knew that she'll have to be responsabile of her sister.She didn't want that but she also didn't want to be hated by her sister.The answer was quite easy really,just like Zoe said.Become a hunter of Artemis and let Lady Artemis wipe any memory that Nayla Briars existed.Nayla agreed.The problem was that after the Titan war Daphne somehow managed to get her memories back.She doesn't know if she's redy to face the consequences.
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3.Brandon Henderson
Age 34
Faceclaim: Nick Blood
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Summary:Brandon always knew that there was something special about his goddaughter.Something that only her mother knew what.After the death of Angela, Brandon had absolutely no problem in taking the girl in as his own.It was only years after when he found out about the Gods existence that Brandon  found out what was special about his girl.But it didn't matter.Daphne Briars was always his little girl no matter what happens.
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4.Killian Roseheim
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Faceclaim:Jeremy Allen White
Summary:Killian wasn’t like the rest of his siblings. He knew that. Sure he had a short temper but most of the time he could hold it in. He loved getting in fights and he had no problems working with any kind of weapon. Just like any Ares child. But he also had an eye for beautiful things. He liked painting. Writing music. Playing guitar. Looking at it, it was really no wonder that many people thought he was a child of Apollo but he just liked beautiful things. It was a thing he got it from his mother. So, when he sees Piper in the crowd is no wonder that he likes her. Then he gets to know her and things get complicated
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Whatever it takes(MCU):
1.Noemie Valerie 'Nova' Thompson
Faceclaim: Lulu Antariksa
Hogwarts House:Gryffindor
Summary:Nova Thompson was not new to loss. She lost her father when she was little. She lost one of her best friends in middle school and now, after the snap she lost everything. Her twin brother, her friend who helped her trough the previous losses and her partner. She won’t lose anyone else.
And if she needs to listen to a few superheroes, who lost her respect long ago, then so be it. She’ll do whatever it takes.
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From Now On(MCU):
1.Sophie Stark
Faceclaim:Katie McGarth
Hogwarts House:Slytherin
Summary: Sophie swore ever since Obadiah's betrayal that she'll never be a damsel in distress.So, why in the world aftert the Ultron incident was she stuck on a unknown planet dressed similarly to Princess Leia? She doesn't even like Star-Wars! Of course she learns to survive this planet,even as a slave because she can't find another word for what she is right now.But then she meets with Loki and then Thor and he they might just be her ticket out of here!
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Dust and Gold (DC Universe):
1.Isadora Grayson
Age: 17
Faceclaim: Jenna-Louise Coleman
Hogwarts House:Hufflepuff
Summary: People deal with grief in different ways.Some change were they live,to have a new start.Some change their appearance.Some just get over when they discover a hobby.But not Isadora Grayson.She deals with it by becoming a vigilante.Her name Jaybird after her best friend who died.But then Timothy Drake appears as Jason replacement and things get complicated because he's actually nice and he actually wants to help her cope with Jason's death.And why is it that when not even Dick could bring her to talk about him she has no reservation in front Tim.
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2.Callum Montgomery
Faceclaim:Andrew Garfield
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Summary: Callum Montgomery knew that he'll never be the CEO of his father company.Never.Sure he has no idea what he wants to do with his life but he'll figure it out.He'll figure it out with his best friends Isadora Grayson and Nadia Evolett.The thing Nadia disappears suddenly and Callum swears he's going to find her.No matter what!
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3.Nadia Evolett
Faceclaim:Molly Quinn
Hogwarts House:Slytherin
Summary:In another universe Nadia would probably hate the amount of people she killed.In another she'll probably beg for forgivness to god or something.In another universe Nadia would still have her memories.In another universe she wouldn't be just a pawn to Ra's al Ghul and his daughter.In another universe maybe there would someone searching for her.
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Not Another Cinderella Story(Shameless):
Abigail Abernathy
Age: 14-
Faceclaim: AnnaSophia Robb
Summary: With a mother in jail and a junkie of a father Abigail Abernathy life wasn't easy. It was even less easy when her father decided to marry Samantha Slott.At first Sammi was pretty nice to her but then her father decided to pull a disappearing act and leave Abby with her. Sammi didn't take it well. Abby didn't like to talk about her life with Sammi (it could easily fall in the abusive category) and she would rather talk about the chaotic life that the Gallagher's have, which Sammi made her way in when she found out about  her father.But what exactly does she like so much about the Gallagher’s that she doesn’t really want to leave them?
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Porcelain, Ivory, Steel(Legacies)
1.Faith Kline
Age: 17
Fceclaim: Hennig Shelley
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Summary: Faith was just like any other werewolf at the Salvatore School. Obedient to the alpha, a good student, an orphan. When Landon and Raphael come to the school thnigs start to spiral down. Not only does she have to find out who killed her parents but she also has to find out why she feels such a strong pull to Raphael.
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Up Down(Stranger Things)
1.Claudia Carthmore
Faceclaim:Emaraude Toubia
Hogwarts House:Gryffindor
Summary:Claudia Carthmore and Nancy Wheeler used to be best friends. They used to be best friends until Nancy decided to go out with Steve Harrington despite the fact that she knew about her feelings for him. But Claudia has more pressing matters when Nancy's little brother and his friends come to her with problems that could as well discover a goverment conspiracy.
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All or Nothing (My Hero Academia):
1.Akiko Todoroki
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Faceclaim: Katherine McNamara
Summary:Akiko Todoroki knew that she wouldn’tbe able to keep this a secret from her father.She just got accepted in U.A despite the fact that he almost ordered her not to do it.She was always prepared for her father’s rage, she wasn’t prepared for her father to make a deal with her.
The moment she fails one test in theoretical or practical exam she’s out, until then she can play hero.
Fine by her, she always wanted to prove him she can to do this.
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The Birds Song(Fairy Tail):
1.Suzume Yahto
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Faceclaim: Sofia Carson as Evie in Descendants
Summary: For someone who doesn't remeber anything about her past Fairy Tail is the perfect place for her.And it's not like Natsu would let her go anywhere.Not after he claimed her as his little sister and swore to protect her from anything
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2.Bran Yahto
Age: 25
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Faceclaim: Nathaniel Buzlic as Kol Mikaelson
Summary: Bran had only one goal in his life, protect his sister from the people that overtook their guild,Red Vixen.And if she has to lose her memories for it then so be it.
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3.Elentiya Amare
Hogwarts House:Slytherin
Faceclaim:Riley Voelkel
Summary:Ellie didn't care much for Suzume Yahto.Not anymore.Her first priority is and always will be Bran.But Bran cares for her and keeping her safe means that he also would do anything  for her.Even if it's stupid. So she has to keep Suzume safe in order to keep Bran safe.
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Dreams never end(One Piece):
1.Kekkai Renge
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin as Hayley Marshall
Summary: Was I supposed to be in this world? Nope. Will I try my best that nothing is going to change because of my presence here?Also no. Am I going to make sure that I'm going to live this llife without regrets? Hell yeah!
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2.Kekkai Seoul:
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Faceclaim: Joseph Morgan as Klaus Mikaelson
Summary: Seoul  knew he scewred it up. He swrewed it up spectacularly not only in regards of his friend Sonya but he also failed to keep his promise to protect his sister. His sister is in danger and it's his fault as long as he is still alive he'll do anything to keep her safe. No matter who he has to kill. Even if it gets himself killed.
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3.Botan Yugyao:
Age: 9-
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Faceclaim: Emilia Clarke as Daenery Targaryen
Summary: Botan's parents were marines.Ever since she knew that they helped people and fought bad guys she wanted to be like them. But then her parents were killed in action and she was send to live with her godmother Sister Teresa. She meets people there who become her family – yes even Renge altough she could do with more discpline. Botan has one goal in life: catch every criminal and make them pay for what they did to her parents. It didn't matter that some of those criminals were people that Renge considered family.
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Age: 7-
Faceclaim: Shiori Kutsuna as played in Deadpool
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Summary: Kazumi knew that she wasn't anything special. She wasn't like Botan or Renge or even Arashi. She didn't have the heart to become a marine like them nor did she have the heart to set out on the ocean to become a pirate like Ace and Luffy instead all she can do is to stay behind the bar, help Makino and support her friends as much as she can.
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Faceclaim: Claire Holt
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Summary: Sonya would always believe in her friend. No matter what people say about him. No matter if he is charged with treason. Even if she sees his face on a wanted poster. She knows how much he loves his little sister. How protective he is of the people he loves. She lived trough it more times than she can count.No matter what happens, she'll always believe in him and no, her feelings for him have nothing to do with it. Okay, maybe a little tiny bit.
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7.Hiraya Nanako:
Age: 22
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Faceclaim: Emma Dumont as Lorna Dane
Summary: Hiraya Nanako was known for her what she has done for the marines and was considered a hero. It wasn't true, she wasn't the true hero but who would admit that a pirate saved their lives when in need? Hiraya swore she was never going on field but then she meets these kids and she's promoted as captain and oh well, since when has she ever listened to herself anyway?
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Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Faceclaim: finn wolfhard
Summary:  Arashi knew that he was much more softer than his other classmates. Siblings really. They were always siblings no matter how much Botan and Renge were at each other throats.Maybe people were right about him, maybe he wasn't cut to be a marine.Maybe he should have stayed with Kazumi in the village but it's not like she can quit now. Besides, someone has to make sure that Renge and Botan don't get themselves killed when they are fighting.
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Figuring it out(Teen Wolf):
Anastasia 'Tia' McAllister
Age: 17
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Summary:If you asked her, Scott got off easily and he was a drama-queen.After all there was every werewolf who could help him with his control and power and etc. But no one could help her because no one even heard of something like her.
When she got bitten in search of a death body (thanks to Stiles) she realized that each time she touches someone she can feel the persons pain. The pain they felt their whole life and it was driving Anastasia crazy because she couldn’t not feel. But she’s gonna figure it out somehow.She always figures thing out. She’ll figure it out or her name wasn’t Anastasia McAllister
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Indomitable Spirit(Riverdale):
Theodora'Teddy' Moore
Faceclaim: Crystal Reed
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Summary: When Teddy Moore was assaulted by her ex-boyfriend Nick St.Claire and she tried to tell someone no one listened to her. Not even her best friend, Veronica Lodge.Out of shame her father moved in the town where he met her mother, Riverdale. For two years everything is fine and Teddy can finally about New York and Veronica and what Nick did to her. At least until she sees Veronica freaking Lodge in the halls of Rivedale High being best friends with Betty Cooper. As if it's not enough that she has to deal with Jason Blossom's death, now she has to make sure that no one finds out about what happened in New York.
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@dreamerwithapen1 @randomestfandoms @treavellergirl @foxesandmagic @missjanuarylily @captdnvrs @anotherunreadblog
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
Kiss Her You Fool//F.W.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Very brief mentions of nudity (skinny dipping), one argument, mentions of food
Summary: The countdown is on until Fred and George plan on making their grand exit from Hogwarts. But that means Fred only has a short amount of time to finally confess his feelings to his best friend.
Prompt: Kiss Her You Fool by Kids That Fly
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: For @amourtentiaa's writing challenge, with the song Kiss Her You Fool being the prompt. Second fic in Abby's Week of Weasley !
~Abby's Week of Weasley Masterlist~ ~Masterlist~
Five Days Left
Stop making up your excuses
Call her up, tell her you forgot something
“You’re staring again.”
Fred ignored his brother and continued to watch you and your friends spread out on the courtyard grass. He watched as you sat up and brushed the leaves out of your hair, laughing at something that your friend said. He admired your glowing smile, which always lit up the room. Your perfect, beautiful smile.
“Fred,” George said, this time a little more forcefully. Fred shook his head and finally took his eyes off of you, much to his disappointment. He blushed profusely and turned back to his brother, who was holding a list of all the things they would need to do before their departure in 5 days. “You’re whipped.”
“Am not!” Fred argued. “She’s just nice to look at, that’s all. Plenty of girls here are nice to look at.”
“Mhmm,” George replied. “So is that why you’ve turned down any advances from the other girls who are nice to look at? Just admit it, little Freddie’s in love!” George sighed dreamily, only to be met with a punch to his shoulder from his annoyed twin.
“She’s just my friend! My best friend. Even if I did see her that way, which I don’t--” George gave Fred an unbelieving look but Fred continued, “--it’s not like she would feel the same way. And we’re leaving in 5 bloody days! There’s no point.” He huffed and put his head in his hands, wishing there was some way that everything could work out perfectly for him and you.
“Stop making up your excuses, mate!” George said, completely done with his brother’s antics. “Just go tell her how you feel. Worst case scenario she rejects you, we leave in a few days, and you both have a few months to get over it. You’re making this too complicated.”
Fred looked back over to where you were, seeing that Roger Davies and his friends had made their way over to you and your friends. He noticed the small blush that appeared on your face as Roger brushed your hair behind your ears, and Fred had to pry his eyes away before he got even more upset.
“I can’t lose her, Georgie,” he said softly. “She’s my best friend. I need to have her in my life, even if that means just as a friend.”
George rolled his eyes but patted his brother on the back comfortingly. “You have to tell her some time, or you’ll go the rest of your life regretting it. You only have 5 days left before we’re gone for good.”
Fred nodded, courage surging in his chest. 5 days. That’s 5 chances to tell you and hope that against all odds you felt the same way. Feeling at peace with the time he had, Fred finally put his focus into helping his brother plan, but not before taking one last look over to where you laid so serene in the afternoon sun. He still had time.
Four Days Left
It's worth more than you are thinking
Don't be a fool, tell her you think she's cool
Fred stood alone outside of Snape’s classroom, leaning up against the cold corridor walls and waiting for the teacher to arrive. He was already in a fowl mood that day, and receiving detention from his second least favorite teacher didn’t help him at all.
He was considering just skipping detention altogether--what would Snape be able to do in a few days when Fred was no longer a student?--until he heard a familiar voice calling his name from down the hall.
“Freddie!” Fred’s mood did a complete 180 as he saw his favorite person come running down the darkly lit corridor toward him. Throwing yourself into his arms, Fred swung you around before placing you down and leaving a quick kiss on your forehead, a friendly gesture that he always did when greeting you. “I’m so glad you’re here, I thought I was going to have to handle the Greaseball all by myself!”
Fred laughed at your excitement, equally relieved that he wouldn’t be alone as well. He kept his arms around you, enraptured by your electrifying gaze. A harsh cough broke you two apart and you turned to see Professor Snape standing behind you.
“I should not have to be reminding you,” he drawled, “that in accordance with our Headmistress’ orders, boys and girls are not permitted within 8 inches of each other. As a punishment for that unnecessary display of affection, I’ll be adding an extra hour onto your detention for tonight.”
“Oh no!” you cried in mock horror. “Another whole hour spent with my best friend? Professor, how can you be so cruel?”
Fred beamed down at you proudly, your sarcasm and attitude always making him fall in love with you a little bit more.
Snape was not amused. “Two hours.”
You sent Fred a quick wink before following your teacher into the dark musty classroom.
Stalking dramatically around the room, Snape explained your task for the night, which consisted of cleaning every single one of the cauldrons, even the broken ones that no one used, with a brush smaller than your toothbrush. You leaned your head on Fred’s shoulder when Snape’s back was turned, sending a warm tingle down his spine.
You quickly shot away once Snape turned back, but luckily he didn’t seem to pick up on anything. “I hope that you two can make my room spotless?”
“Yes sir!” you said, saluting him. He grumbled something under his breath before exiting slowly, leaving you and Fred alone.
You hopped up on one of the desks and patted the space next to you, gesturing for Fred to join you. “So, what do you wanna do?” you asked him.
“Shouldn’t we, I don’t know, clean quickly so that we can get out of here?” Fred answered.
Suddenly you grabbed Fred’s cheeks in your hand, squeezing tight and looking at him suspiciously. “Who are you and what have you done with Fred Weasley? The Freddie I know and love would never actually want to work in detention.”
Fred smiled through his pinched cheeks, shaking out of your grip. “As much as it pains me to say this,” he said, “I don’t have time for mischief at the moment. I’ve just… got a lot going on. Big things are happening soon.”
You scooted closer and tried to read him. Fred would never pass up the chance to goof off during detention, especially when it was detention with you, and you knew that. “Hey, is something going on? Are you alright?”
Fred put on a fake smile and turned away from you. “I’m fine, love, just a little stressed out lately.” He should tell you that he was leaving. He’d been keeping it between him and George, and he knew the longer he waited the more it would break you to hear. But looking at your concerned expression laced with love and compassion, he knew he couldn’t bear to see you sad on his behalf. It could wait.
“What’d you even do to end up in here?” he asked, quickly changing the subject.
You shrugged. “Snape blamed me for cheating on my Potions assignment, which I didn’t, and even if I did I wouldn’t be stupid enough to get caught. But he wouldn’t listen, so I snuck into his classroom last night and set off a bunch of fireworks, courtesy of you, Mr. Weasley! The products you gave me for my birthday worked perfectly, thanks!”
You kissed his cheek, and he stuttered out a “you’re welcome,” hand coming up to touch the place where your lips were moments before. “Wait, so he caught you then?”
“Of course not!” you said, rolling your eyes. “I’m far too smart for that. He gave me the detention because he thought I had cheated, and he doesn’t have enough evidence nor suspicion to pin the fireworks on me. I figured if I was going to get a detention for something I didn’t even do, I might as well do something to deserve it!” You hopped down off of the table and went to grab the tools you needed for cleaning, an awestruck Fred watching with his mouth hanging open.
In Fred’s eyes, you were amazing. You were feisty, headstrong, and so incredibly smart. Not to mention he thought you were absolutely breathtaking, especially when you got that cocky and mischievous glint in your eyes.
“You’re so cool,” he sighed, making you turn to him with a slightly confused smile.
“Not the usual compliments I get from you, Weasley, but I’ll take it. I think you’re cool too.” You handed him a small brush and got to work on the cauldron nearest to you, scooting over so Fred could join you.
The two of you worked in comfortable silence, something Fred desperately wanted to preserve. As much as he yearned to tell you his feelings, he still had 4 days. It could wait until tomorrow.
Three Days Left
Stop waiting for a fairytale to
Take you away, don't wait for someday
Fred relentlessly combed his fingers through his hair, one moment deciding it was too messy and the next deciding it wasn’t messy enough. He’d been standing in front of the mirror for the last 30 minutes trying to figure out what he should wear, how he should style his hair, whether or not he should wear rings (he finally settled on yes) and pretty much everything else he could worry about for a date.
Except this wasn’t a date.
As much as Fred wanted nothing more than for him to hold your hand and walk through the Hogwarts halls as the cutest couple at the school, which he was sure you would be, this outing was just as friends.
Ever since you were both 14, you decided that once a month you would spend the day together, just the two of you. As friends. Sometimes it was informal, like hanging out in his dorm room or pulling a prank on a teacher or Ron. Other times it was very much like a date, where the two of you would get all dressed up and go out to Hogsmeade or find a secret spot on the Hogwarts grounds to spend your day. Today, the day trip was the latter.
Already late as it was, Fred decided he was content with how he looked, or at least as much as he could be. He grabbed the bouquet of flowers he had picked earlier and rushed out the door, having to listen to teasing from George, who had been watching him nitpick over his outfit and hair the entire time.
He sprinted down to the Middle Courtyard, hoping that you wouldn’t be too mad at him for being as late as he was. He came to a jolting halt when he saw you.
There you were, standing in the middle of the courtyard, a beautiful red sundress hugging your figure perfectly. Your hair was laying loose, but it looked as if you had curled it slightly, making it cascade past your shoulders and sway slightly in the wind. In your hands you clutched a picnic basket and blanket, prepared for your date/not date with Fred.
He walked up to you slowly, wanting to admire how angelic you looked for a bit longer, but you noticed him too soon for his liking. “Hey Fred, oh what are these?”
You were gesturing to the flowers he was holding, stems breaking from his harsh nervous grip. You took them from him gleefully and smelled the delicious scent, sighing in content and hugging them to your chest.
“You didn’t have to do this! I promise I’ll still be your friend even if you don’t bring me flowers every time we hang out,” you said.
“I know, but I wanted to see the cute look on your face when I gave them to you,” Fred said cheekily. You giggled bashfully and handed Fred the picnic basket so you could link your arm with his. The two of you made your way down to the Black Lake, Fred taking the lead and bringing you to a place you’d never been before.
“Where are we going?” you asked, too impatient for Fred’s surprises.
“It’s a secret darling, you’ll have to wait and see.”
You groaned and hit your head against Fred’s shoulder, continuing to ask and complain until you finally arrived at your destination. It was a beautiful clearing deep in the Forbidden Forest, a place Fred had found a few months ago when he was out exploring with George. There was just enough sunlight to create a small patch on the ground where you could both lay out in the warm daylight as you ate and talked the day away.
“This is beautiful!” you exclaimed, running over to set up the blanket. “How come you’ve never taken me here before?”
“We just found it,” said Fred. “But when I saw it, the first thing I thought of was taking you here.”
“You’re so sweet,” you said, pulling him down onto the blanket with you.
You and Fred enjoyed your picnic, occasionally throwing small bits of food at each other and rolling around in the grass. At one point you saw a small bunny hopping by and you immediately shot up to get a closer look.
As you moved closer it hopped away but you stayed standing, letting the sunshine hit your face with a dazed smile on you. You spun around a few times, soaking in the moment and trying to remember everything you could about this perfect day.
As Fred watched you, he couldn’t help but think that he was in a fairy tale. You were the beautiful maiden--no, beautiful princess. Yes, his princess. And he was your prince, and the two would run away together and spend the rest of your lives having wonderful picnics in the warm seasons, and dancing in the rain when the storms came around. He would sweep you off of your feet and you wouldn’t help but fall madly in love with your best friend. With your prince.
Now could be a great opportunity to tell you. To confess his feelings and deep rooted love. But today was perfect. If things went wrong, it would ruin this perfect day for the both of you. So he decided to wait, if only to preserve this memory. This moment in time when everything was how it should be.
There was no rush. He still had 3 days left. It could wait until tomorrow.
Two Days Left
She's thinking the same thing as you
Don't be afraid, dreams aren't found they're made
Fred was pulled away from subtly packing his things by the loud laughs that came from outside of his dorm, down in the common room. One particular laugh, the one he could distinguish from a mile away, caught his ear, and he rushed down the steps to see you and your friends standing by the fireplace, completely soaked.
“Do I even want to know?” he asked, catching your attention. Your friends gave each other looks, seeming to know something that you didn’t. One of them whispered something to you before leaving you alone with Fred, who was still awaiting an answer.
“We may or may not have gone skinny dipping in the lake,” you said, hand covering your face with embarrassment of being caught by your friend. Fred laughed at your confession, trying to distract himself from the thoughts of your naked body swimming through the glistening waters that kept popping into his head.
“And you didn’t invite me?” he said, crossing his arms in disappointment.
You chuckled and moved to the couch, wrapping a blanket around you tightly. “Ah yes, we all know you would never pass up the chance to join a bunch of naked girls in the lake, would you?”
Fred’s face dropped at your lighthearted joke, wondering if that was all you saw him as. Some player who wouldn’t hesitate to shag a random girl he thought was hot. Before he could think too much about this, he saw you shiver rather fiercely and he quickly went to join you on the couch.
“You alright, darling?” he asked as he wrapped a warm arm around you.
You nodded unconvincingly, teeth chattering loudly. Fred pulled you into his lap, putting both arms around your waist and leaning his chin on your shoulder in order to keep you as warm as possible.
“Thanks, Freddie,” you said gratefully. You moved to lie down and pulled him with you, entangling your limbs so that you were soaking up every bit of warmth he could give you, and Fred would give you the entire sun of it meant you would be happy.
You softly closed your eyes, a small smile resting on your wet features. As you nodded off to sleep, Fred thought back to all of the times George had mentioned that you felt the same way. His twin was positive that you were in love with Fred as much as he was with you. In moments like these, he allowed himself to believe his brother. He allowed himself to hope that you liked him too, and that it was your dream to be with him. Because it was his dream to be with you. He just had to stop waiting to find it and instead make it come true. But you were sound asleep at this point, cozied up next to Fred. He didn’t want to wake you up from your slumber. It could wait until tomorrow. He still had 2 days.
One Day Left
Cause you've only got one chance
You've only got one chance
It was your stirring and quiet moans that woke Fred up that morning. You were still asleep but trying to shift to get into a more comfortable position. His arm was hugging you tightly, your back pressed against his chest. He didn’t want to move from his position, but he needed to get up to finish his last full day at Hogwarts. His last day.
You groaned again, reaching your arms out to stretch and let out a loud yawn. You turned over so that your face was right next to Fred’s and you jumped when you noticed he was already awake.
“Hey,” you whispered.
“Hey,” he said back.
You looked so pretty lying there, hair ruffled and clothes a mess. No matter what state you were in, he always thought you were magnificent.
Kiss her you fool
You reached up to rest your hand on Fred's cheek, giggling as he leaned into the touch and shut his eyes. This was it. He could move in, close the gap between you. This might be his only chance to do so, and he couldn’t waste it.
Just as he mustered the courage to proceed, you slowly sat up. Fred sat up with you, wondering what had distracted you from the moment you were both having. He saw you looking at his shirt pocket, the one holding a piece of parchment on it. In your close embrace and drenched state last night, the water had made its way to the paper, causing it to become transparent and some words were becoming visible from the outside. A few of them being ‘escape from Hogwarts.’
In one quick moment you snatched the paper from him and moved to the other side of the couch. Your eyes hurriedly scanned the paper, not believing a word of what you were reading. Fred’s heart was racing, knowing that you were now holding the detailed plan of what was going to go down tomorrow. If only Fred could go back to the way you were moments before, clinging together with your lips seconds away from touching.
Kiss her you fool
“F-freddie,” you stuttered, still not wanting to accept that what you were reading was true. “What is this? Please tell me this is a joke, yeah it’s a joke right? You’re not actually leaving tomorrow, are you?”
Fred hesitated, dismayed that you had to learn about his plans this way. “Y/N, it’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh?” you asked, starting to get angry. “It’s not what it looks like? What it looks like is that you and your brother are leaving the school tomorrow for good. And you didn’t even tell me?! Do you care so little about me that you decided you could just up and leave without even saying goodbye?!”
“No, Y/N, it’s not like that!” Fred said, tears welling in his eyes. “I was going to tell you weeks ago, but I didn’t want you to be upset--”
“Weeks ago?” you nearly shouted. “You’ve been planning this for that long and you didn’t bother to at least give me a hint about it? I can’t believe you.”
“It’s not like I’m trying to hurt you!” Fred said, tears finally rolling down his cheeks. “This is our dream! George and I are finally opening the joke shop we talked about. Surely you can understand that we need to follow our dream.”
You stood up, brushing off your clothes and glaring at your best friend. “Of course I can understand. I would never stop you from following your dreams. But I thought that maybe you cared for me enough to let me in on them. But apparently I’m just another thing for you to leave behind, is that it?”
Fred was frozen, hating that he was the cause of your pain, that he was the one making you angry. The only thing he ever wanted to do was make you laugh and smile, to make you feel loved and safe. He just wanted to hold you, kiss you. To tell you that you were the most important person in the world to him.
Kiss her you fool
“I could’ve helped you!” You were tugging on the ends of your hair, hoping that this was all a dream. That Fred wasn’t really leaving. “I could’ve even gone with you! I’ve always supported your shop. I could work there with you!”
“Yeah,” Fred scoffed. “I’m not letting you give up your entire life just for me.”
“You are my life!” You were crying at this point too, tears pouring down your red cheeks. “All I want is to spend everyday with you! Fred, I love you so much, and if you didn’t even bother to tell me about your plans, then it’s quite obvious that the feelings are unrequited.”
Fred surged forward as you backed away, hoping for you to calm down and hear him out.
“No, Fred, I…” your voice shook as you continued to move. “I need to be alone right now. I’m sorry.”
You fled out of the Common Room and back to your dorm, slight sobs echoing against the walls.
Fred sunk back onto the couch, not even bothering to muffle his cries anymore. He had missed his chance. All of those times he could’ve told you how he felt and asked you to come with him, or at least asked you to be his girlfriend and wait a few months until you graduated. But he had missed his chance. There was only 1 day left, and he blew it.
Kiss her you fool
No Days Left
This was it. This was the day Fred and George had been waiting for for months. The one they had planned out meticulously, not only to escape, but to also provide Harry Potter and his friends a needed distraction for whatever they had gotten themselves into this time. There was no turning back.
Fred had locked himself in his room and cried all day yesterday, an act that obviously didn’t go unnoticed by his brother. George walked up to his twin and laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Ready Fred?”
Fred took a deep breath and sighed. “Ready George. Ready as I’ll ever be.”
The twins raced toward the entrance hall, hearing loud shouts and grunts behind them. A crowd started to form, many students with wide grins on their faces and, of course, Dolores Umbridge herself, looking more furious than Fred had ever seen her.
“So!” she shouted. “You think it amusing to turn a school corridor into a swamp, do you?”
“Pretty amusing, yeah,” said Fred, confidence in his plan and abilities rising. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a figure pushing through the crowd to get a better look. It was you, eyes puffy and red, wearing a pair of pajama bottoms and one of Fred’s sweaters you had stolen from him months ago. You must’ve been in bed and come running to see Fred’s final takeoff.
Fred’s attention snapped back to his inquisitors at the mention of him and his brother learning a lesson about the consequences of wrongdoing.
“You know what?” Fred asked. “I don’t think we are. George, I think we’ve outgrown full-time education.”
George beamed proudly and spoke much softer than his brother. “Yeah, I’ve been feeling that way myself.”
“Time to test our talents in the real world, d’you reckon?” He caught your eyes in the crowd, a small, pained smile gracing your lips.
“Definitely,” said George. Together they raised their wands and called for their brooms, which came rushing through the halls straight into their hands.
They jumped onto their escape vessels and did a few laps around the courtyard outside. Fred was about to yell back at Umbridge a snide remark, but he stopped when he saw you once again. He swooped down and hovered next to you, not getting off of his broom. His hand reached out to push a strand of hair behind your ear and you stepped closer to him. Fred was so caught up in the moment that he didn’t realize Umbridge was drawing nearer.
Cause you’ve only got one chance
You’ve only got one chance
“Kiss her you fool!”
George, growing impatient of the games you and Fred were playing, shouted from above. So, listening to his brother’s orders, Fred hastily pulled you toward him, sighing against your magnificent lips. It was everything he had expected and more, fireworks seeming to erupt in his stomach with every passing second your lips were on his.
Unfortunately, Fred was on borrowed time, and he darted away just in time to avoid being grabbed by Filch.
“Wait for me, will you?” he called down to you.
“I’ve only been waiting for the last 3 years,” you shouted back. “What’s a few more months?”
Fred was overflowing with happiness. The girl he was absolutely in love with was finally, after long last, his. “I love you, Y/N!”
“I know, you’re not very subtle. But I love you too.”
Fred blew you a kiss and sped up to meet his brother, grinning like an idiot as they soared off into the sunset.
“Looks like you didn’t miss your chance after all,” said George, giving Fred a soft punch to the arm.
“Yeah,” said Fred, “looks like I didn’t.”
Tag List: @famdomhideout
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bb-8 · 6 years
get to know me game:
rules: complete the fifteen questions and tag ten others who you follow but you want to get to know more!
name: Cody age: 24 country: US but live in the UK favorite color: black or light blue when you made this blog: I made this blog in February after my first blog was terminated! follower count: 2,401 choose a superhero power: Agreeing with Abby - the Force would be pretty cool! favorite drink: Like alcoholic? Prosecco, hands down. Non-alcoholic would probably be diet coke. a song you love right now: I’ve been listening to Hurricane by Fleurie on repeat dream career: Museum curator. I used to want to stay in academia but now that I’m in my second year of my PhD, get me the HELL out dream vacation: Alaska, specifically a mountaineering expedition hogwarts house: Ravenclaw (or, more accurately, slytherclaw) favourite character of the week: Ben Solo (favourite character of the year tho) how you like to keep your hair: I prefer it up or curled, but it’s usually just like...a dry-shampooed unstyled mess most of the time. christmas or halloween?: Christmas 
tagged by: the lovely @benperor !
tagging: @niylah @the-most-beautiful-broom @drivers-adam @leejordan  @lilttlebird @stark @lyanna-stark @reylocalligraphy @delia-pavorum @benjaminbarnes @thewintersolo @skywailer @mrsvioletwrites @ginevra-weasley & if anyone else wants to do this, just say that I tagged you! :)
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mollywxblz · 2 years
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( nicola coughlan , twenty-nine , cisfemale ) hey, was that MOLLY WEASLEY passing by? I didn’t think the PUREBLOOD was a student, but I’d recognize HER anywhere. rumor has it they’re working as an ORDER SECRETARY, so who knows what they’re doing here. they always reminded me of SOFT PLACE TO LAND by SARA BAREILLES. I’ve also heard they’ve been recruited by THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. but despite all that I think they’re still SEDULOUS, DOTED, & WARM and HARSH, STRONGLY SENSITIVE & TEMPERAMENTAL. and the GRYFFINDOR alum still reminds me of raspberry wine, berry stained hands & lips, junk drawers riddled with thimbles and rubber bands, loose buns spilling over with curls, running through the grass barefoot on a warm spring morning, and fantasies of the future dreamt up by a roaring fire. well, then, I guess some things never change.   ( abbie, 20, edt, she/her )
full name: molly elizabeth weasley (née prewett) 
nicknames: mollywobbles (ofc)
pronouns: she/her
date of birth: october 30th
age: twenty-nine
blood status: pureblood
sexuality: heterosexual]
sun: scorpio
moon: aquarius 
rising: aquarius
boggart: reaching out to hold a hand of someone unrecognizable calling to her, but the hand slipping through her fingers like sand each time she grabs it
patronus: a fluffy cow 
career: order secretary
in my background for Molly, I am going to write her as having kids and being with Arthur, though I’m leaving it as ambiguous as possible in case someone is to take Arthur ! I want them to have the creative freedom they want, so all the info about him can be subject to change ! 
Molly can remember little of her life that was not dedicated to being the caretaker for someone in some remote way. When her brothers were born, she was by their mothers’ side helping as much as her age could permit her to help. Having twins proved to be a hell of a handful, young Molly could have told anyone that much. As the young girl spent sleepless nights watching her fairly young parents spend all their time with children, she vowed to herself not to be like that. Not that children were terrible to her or that she didn’t want any, but it seemed that all the women in her life seemed to be mothers or helping sisters or aunts.
Her brothers grew and she went off to school, there in a way becoming the “mother” friend. She couldn’t help the way she worried over them. Maybe it was just a habit. But as she continued through her years, she found passions for many things. Ask her one week she wanted to be a singer and the next it was a healer. There were plenty of years at school to decide and she knew she’d get there, all that really mattered to her is that she got SOMEWHERE.
In her last few years, she began to notice that she excelled with things like arithmancy and problem solving. With the grades she was getting, she figured she could go on to do something with banking or bookkeeping, just anything. But right out of school, she was promised to marry Arthur, so she did.
They spent a good half a year together, both focusing on their respective goals and each other. But it wasn’t long before Molly was expecting and her whole future flipped just how she hadn’t wanted it to. And she knew there was no way, NO WAY, she could give up everything and the baby for a career. She respected the option, but for some reason, the witch couldn’t bring herself to do it. Though it was the last thing she wanted, to spend her whole life as a mother, it was her reality.
Nobody was to mistake her though. She was excited, at least after a little bit, to have the child and raise it. And when Bill did come, she couldn’t imagine loving anyone or anything more. Despite this, however, she couldn’t help but wonder on those sleepless nights with a screaming baby what could have been different.
The children kept coming and her life became more consumed with motherhood, but as it did so, Molly became more accustomed to it. When the children were sleeping and playing, she’d complete side jobs of sewing and patching clothes for others just to feel a bit fulfilled. When the war came, however, she found a new spark of passion. Though it wasn’t much, she threw herself into the position of keeping track of things for the order. She had two twin babies and another on the way when she started it all, but something, JUST SOMETHING to do gave her hope that one day after all this childrens mess, she could do something more.
parent friends- since the mass amount of kids caused molly to have to stay back and focus on them all, she probably wasn’t able to keep up with all of her old friendships. However, she’d likely be friends with people who had kids at any of the ages of her kids. These two laugh and cry over it all, especially bringing kids into an impending war
Old friends-old friends from hogwarts who have kept up with molly and stuck with her through the last couple years of craziness of her life would be loved
Childhood friends- being a pureblood, i’m sure molly would have had the chance to make childhood friends with other purebloods (or watched them, considering how she did so for her siblings)
( also, i’m open to filling other wanted connections, just message me if i haven't messaged you !! )
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 12 – No One Is Okay (I Promise)
In which we deal with the aftermath of the Thanksgiving Fuckery, Kevin is apparently not the only one with a choking kink, Neil is still obnoxiously fine, and Betsy is the best person to ever grace this planet.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
Am I back? Yes.
Am I alive? Physically.
Am I over what happened? Fuck no.
It’s fine, though, because from what I’ve gathered no one else is, either.
No, but seriously – every time the mental image of Andrew on that bed, half-undressed, blood-splattered, has haunted me the past week, I was hit with the biggest rush of new-found love for this character, and a fierce desire to protect him. Andrew frickin’ Minyard. This dude. I love him. I need to protect him.
Life goes on, I guess?
           Neil didn’t know if [the six cops arriving at the Hemmicks’ house] had nothing better to do on a Sunday night or if they’d come following the slip of Kevin Day’s name over the police radio.
Are you telling me Kevin has fanboys in the frickin’ police. Seriously?
I am once again doubting how big of a deal Exy actually is.
After the authorities arrive, one half of the squad is shipped off to the police station, the other to the hospital. What a way to end a Thanksgiving dinner. Amazing. 10/10 would thanksgive again.
Going to the hospital has one silver lining, though (apart from the murder kitten getting medical attention ofc):
Wymack is there!
           “Kevin called me,” Wymack said.
           Neil did the math in his head, but it didn’t add up. (…) The only way Wymack could be standing here now was if Kevin called him when he first went downstairs to get Nicky. Knowing Kevin, Neil bet Wymack got the call before 911 did.
FOX DAD :’((((((( <33333 #phonesoutforwymack #dicksoutforwymack
           “What do you want me to say?”
           “The truth,” Wymack said.
           “Why not?”
Yeah, hombre. You’re not speaking to the police, you’re not speaking to Wymack – why the hell not? They’re not after you, they’re after getting the truth on how Andrew was abused, which will considerably lessen your guilt (as opposed to them just assuming you murdered that guy for the fun of it), which is in your best fucking interest.
           Something like this demanded complete honesty, and Neil had been lying since he was old enough to speak. He didn’t know how to tell the truth now. If he tried, would it still be the truth, or would he poison the words by saying them aloud?
Alright, honestly, this is one of the moments where Neil just annoys the crap out of me.
Like. There is no actual fucking reason for you not to help your friends (and you, might I add) out of this shitty ass situation, yet you don’t do it because of your fucking angst.
Chill the fuck out and get the fuck real. No one is asking you to tell them your life story, they just need a witness of what happened in that godawful room.
Help your fucking friends out, Josten. Stop whining, help your friends and help yourself.
They get Andrew out of the hospital, they get back to the cousin’s house, and before they even set foor in the door, we get another Prime Andreil Real Talk Time:
           “You helped create this mess. The least you could do is help clean it up.” (…)
           He wanted to say this wasn’t his fault, but they both knew it was. Andrew hadn’t told him about Drake, but he’d said Luther betrayed his trust. Instead of listening to that, Neil sided with Nicky’s hopeful grief. He hadn’t invited Drake to South Carolina, but he’d delivered Andrew into his waiting arms.
Hold up, hold up, hold up. I get the point, but still, this is not Neil’s fucking fault.
Andrew had said Luther “betrayed his trust”, that could have meant anything from “Luther told people I’m borderline alcoholic” to “Luther told people I’m gay”. It certainly did not immediately suggest something like Drake fucking Spear.
Neil helped create this mess, yes. But he did not do it intentionally, and you can bet your ass he wouldn’t have pushed Andrew to go to South Carolina if he had known what it would mean for him.
It’s Drake’s fault for being such an absolute fucker, and it is Luther’s fault for inviting him back into his home despite knowing what he had done in the past.
Also – two can play the guilt game:
           “So you did nothing,” Neil said. “You almost put a knife between Nicky’s ribs when he flirted with me, but you didn’t lift a finger to protect Cass’ other children. You knew what Drake would do to them but you didn’t protect them.”
Not entirely true either – he did lift a finger by telling the only responsible adult he knew at the time who wasn’t Drake’s parents or Higgins (who was pals with Drake): Luther.
And Luther told him he was wrong. He was misunderstanding the situation.
My blood still fucking boils when I think of that expression. I could retch, cry, and yell at the same time.
           “Is this how you stayed quiet?” Neil reached up and took hold of Andrew’s wrist. He couldn’t feel the scars through the cotton sleeve, but he didn’t need to. He knew they were there. (…) “Did you do this so you wouldn’t tell her the truth about her son?”
           “Maybe I did.”
ANDREW :’(((((((((((((((
Protect him.
           “All you had to do was to hold out until graduation and then she would adopt you. So what went wrong?”
Yeah – remember how I jokingly mentioned Kevin having A Thing for choking way back in Book 1?
           Andrew’s fingers slowly tightened until Neil couldn’t breathe anymore. He refused to shake Andrew off. The tightness in his chest started as simple discomfort but spread until it felt like every bone in his chest would break beneath the pressure.
Seriously, WHY is there so much choking happening in these books.
I can hear y’all going, oh Nicki, wait a second, that wasn’t sexual though, that was only the usual shade of violent we know and love, where’s the sexual tension that should accompany this?
           Instead of letting go, Andrew slid is hand around the back of Neil’s neck and pulled him in close. He put his mouth at Neil’s ear and lowered his voice.
           “Drake deferred his enlistment,” Andrew said. “He wanted to make the most of his last summer with his baby brother. (…) He wanted to get [Aaron and I] in the same place. He could imagine what we’d look like in bed together, he said. It’s be picture perfect.”
I am legit close to retching on my bed.
Seriously, this came like a punch to the gut – mostly because I’d suspected something like this earlier when we saw how protective Andrew was of Aaron concerning Drake.
           [Neil] needed to know if Andrew was screaming behind the euphoria his drugs fed his veins. But Andrew wasn’t, and Neil couldn’t live with that. (…) Tonight didn’t mean anything to him. This was a setback Andrew could sidestep and ignore.
And again – punch to the gut.
What the hell.
I am both hella scared and unbelievably sad. Also, did I mention I want to protect this sick, terrifying dude.
In better news – didn’t I mention, ages ago, how I hope Betsy Dobson comes back lots of times to grace us with wise insights and hot cocoa?
           “Are you still here, Bee?”
           “For a few moments longer,” Betsy said. “The milk’s almost done heating. I picked some up on the way so we could have some cocoa. (…) If we start drinking it now, we can probably make ourselves sick off of it by midnight.”
Oh my god. YES.
It’s been too long, but I can finally bring this back – it’s #cocoaoutforbetsy ALL THE FUCKING WAY.
I missed our Ravenclaw Molly Weasley <33333
           Neil couldn’t believe her. Chocolate wasn’t a fix-it; it wouldn’t make any of this easier to stomach.
Neil Josten has obviously never had chocolate.
I also now desperately want to do a cosplay shoot where all the Foxes just hang out and drink hot chocolate.
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           “Neil,” Wymack said.
           “I’m fine,” Neil said.
           Wymack said nothing immediately, then, “Be fine inside where it’s warmer.”
Sassy Wymack is the best Wymack.
Also, can Neil stop being fucking fine.
I mean, it’s a meme and it’s funny, but it’s also worrying the shit out of me.
A couple of hours later – after Neil has had his patented Angst Run™ and Exhaustion Nap™ - Wymack tries talking some sense into him again:
           “Your testimony could speed the process up, you know. You’re the only one besides Andrew and Aaron who was in that room when Drake died, and since Andrew won’t talk either –“
That’s what I fucking SAID. Thank you Wymack, my dude, my man, for having my back.
Also, Andrew’s not talking either even though it – surprise! – would benefit him immensely as well? Amazing. Stunning. These two are meant to fucking be.
           “Get back to bed.”
           “I’m fine.” It was out between he could stop it. (…)
           “Neil,” Wymack said, “between you and me, I don’t think you’ve ever been fine.”
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This is potentially the best sentence anyone has ever said to Neil this entire series.
In his own interest, and because I love and care about this dude – call him out on his ‘Fine’ bullshit. Please.
And as if the angels above (read: Certified Fox Parents™ Wymack, Abby and Betsy) had heard my prayers: Neil gets pressured into running errands with Bee the next morning, which Bee promptly turns into Fun Psychoanalysis Hour.
           “[Nicky] is lucky to have a friend like you worrying about him.”
           “I’m not his friend,” Neil said, “I’m his teammate. (…) What do I need friends for? I came down here to play.”
There are times where Neil just really, really annoys the shit out of me.
This is one of those times.
Like – I get that he’s miserable. I get that he’s angsty. It’s entirely justified. But he gets friends and support handed to him on a platter over and over again – and he refuses to accept it.
And I realized he’ll learn to accept it by the end of the books, he’ll grow into it, he’ll learn to let love in his life, blablabla, all good, all well. But right now, it’s just grinding my gears so much.
In other news – we are now halfway!
Not with the book, but with the entire series!
I’m equal parts sad, excited and glad – sad because that means it’ll end some time, excited for what’s to come, but also (not going to lie to you here) glad it’s ending at some point, because this is just really beginning to take up a lot of my time.
Don’t get me wrong, I love it dearly, I’m glad I’m doing it and I would not want to quit it at any point. But it’s also a lot of work.
And also – that is just halfway? I feel like we’ve been at these books for ages, and so much has happened already. This means we’ve only uncovered about half of all the shit that’s going to go down? What more fuckery could there be??
I have a very strong feeling I don’t want that question answered.
Back to Bee and Neil.
           “You can’t choke back on everything forever,” Betsy said. “You need an outlet, whether it’s with me or David or your teammates.”
           “I don’t need anyone.”
I’m v v happy about Actual Angel Bee Dobson pushing Neil towards the healthy and glittering Road Of Mental Health – even if he’s grinding his small angst-ridden orange heels into the ground refusing to budge an inch.
Somebody’s fucking got to help that boy.
Betsy and Neil go shopping, buy Neil a new racquet (RIP Wymack’s bank account) and get Andrew’s knives and keys from the Hemmicks house. Nothing interesting to report here. Next!
           “Where are Nicky and Kevin?”
           “Nicky tried to hug Andrew and almost got himself stabbed with a kitchen knife,” Wymack said.
In the words of a wise man chapters ago: Dammit Minyard, this is why we can’t have nice things.
NICKY :’((((((((((( <333333
However, Neil does not give Nicky all the hugs – instead, he frequents one of his all-time favourite hobbies: Eavesdropping on people.
           “This is the only ethical solution,” Betsy said.
What? What is? Solution to what?
           “Andrew won’t agree to this,” Abby said, a last-ditch effort to change their minds. “Going means leaving Kevin behind.”
Andrew? Going?? Going where???
           Neil ignored [Abby] and insisted, “Where are you taking him?”
           “Easthaven Hospital,” Betsy said. “I’m going to take Andrew off his medicine.”
I’m sorry, did I mention how Betsy is the best person in this entire series?? Did I?? DID I???
Apart from Wymack and Renee, of course.
Andrew going off his medicine!! Yes!! Fucking FINALLY!!
I’m excited for this because of plot reasons – what will Andrew be like off his meds? More scary? More mellow? Will he still pretend not to care about Exy? Will he still pretend not to care about Neil? Actually – will he still feel the same at all, both about Exy and Neil?
But in all honesty, I’m mostly excited for this because of the simple reason that I want Andrew Joseph Minyard to be happy and healthy.
That’s all I want.
           He’d wanted to hurt Betsy in the car for reinforcing the rules of Andrew’s awful medicine. She hadn’t defended herself because she knew she didn’t need to. She knew just like he did how cruel it was to keep Andrew on his drugs, and she’d already reached out to the people who could help him.
And apparently, that’s all Betsy wants as well.
I cannot thank the universe enough for the existence of this woman.
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Lay Here In My Arms (5/14): Passionless, Passionate
Summary:  It's Jabby time! If you haven't yet, please read 'Fresh Pickled Toads', it introduces James' asexuality and a bit of Abby. I've put a reminder note in the text where it will be useful to see :)
Pairing: James Sirius Potter/ Abby Wood (Fading Scars)
Read it on AO3
           James didn’t meet Abby Wood until he was thirteen.
           Mum and Dad were still friends with Oliver and Katie, but the Woods weren’t often home; they both travelled for Quidditch (both played for Puddlemere, which made commentary interesting), and took their daughter with them. They didn’t come back much, and apparently Abby had a private tutor for her lessons.
           When they finally met, it was at the Quidditch World Cup. Abby was almost as tall as her mother, but she was still shorter than James. She sat beside him during the first match of Wales against Japan, but she didn’t seem very focused on the game. Instead, she showed James her latest knitting project and they talked about Wales’ Keeper, who did some beautiful Potions work when she wasn’t playing.
           After the game, they were sent to get water by their parents. James walked beside Abby, wondering what to say.
           “Is it nice, travelling all the time?”
           Abby shrugged. “It’s okay, I suppose. I’d love to go to Hogwarts, but Mum and Dad reckon that I can start next fall. I’m only twelve, and I’d miss them.”
           “My parents are away a fair bit,” James replied. “Mum covers sports all over, and Dad has missions. But they’re home whenever they can be.” And of course, he himself was away for most of the year now.
           “What position do you play in Quidditch?” he asked.
           “I don’t really play one.”
           “Well, of course you’re not on the team. I just mean—you must play with your parents for fun—”
           “I switch around.” Now Abby sounded different; cross. “I’m not very good at any of them.”
           “Oh. Well that’s okay, so long as you’re having fun.”
           Abby slammed the bucket down. “I’m not.”
           James looked at her in surprise. “You’re not? Well, why do you keep playing?”
           “That’s a stupid question. Of course I have to play. My parents are both Quidditch stars, and they tour, and they’re making special allowances so that I can get an education and train professionally.” Abby sat on the ground. “I have to be good, and I have to love it, but I’m rubbish and I don’t like it at all.”
           James sat down next to her. “I’ve never met someone who talks in italics,” he said, doing it purposely.
           “Mum says it’s me being dramatic. But I want to be dramatic sometimes!”
           James smiled. “It’s not a bad thing.” He tried to think of the right thing to say. “Have you told your parents?”
           “They don’t believe me. Mum’s trying to talk Dad round to letting me go to Hogwarts. She thinks my trouble is that I don’t know enough people, or not enough kinds of people. But I’ve met loads of people at Quidditch camps and games and I like people, but I don’t like Quidditch.”
           “What about it don’t you like?” James asked.
           Abby looked up at him. “No one’s ever asked me that.”
           “That’s a logical question!” James was flummoxed. “What do they ask?”
           “When I’m going to change my mind.”
           “Well, what don’t you like about it?”
           Abby sighed. “I’m afraid of heights. That’s the first bit, but I’ve done my best to get over that, and I still don’t like playing. I suppose it’s the brutality. People just accept that terrible accidents happen, and it’s only a game!”
           “Your father almost died during a game, didn’t he?”
           Pain flashed in Abby’s eyes. “He collided with a Bludger. When he was getting well, he told me that he was glad he caught the Quaffle first! I don’t understand! There are things worth dying for; Quidditch isn’t one of them!”
           “Maybe you don’t feel that way, but he does.” James saw the same fervour in his own father’s eyes sometimes. “We can’t criticize the passions of others, but it’s wrong to impose our own, too.”
           Abby pulled at the grass. “Do you think you could help me explain all that? I just can’t fight about it again.”
           “Sure. I like helping people.”
           “Really? Abby picked up her bucket again. “Why?”
           “I suppose I’m alive because people helped my Mum and Dad, even in little ways. And if I’ve learned anything from reading, it’s that when you see something’s wrong, you have to do something.”
           After a long discussion that night, Oliver and Katie finally accepted that their only child didn’t like to play Quidditch.
           “We still love you,” Oliver said. He was joking, but Abby burst into tears.
           James left then, as a stunned Oliver held his daughter and Katie stroked her hair. He couldn’t help much more, and he had a feeling the family needed some time to sort themselves out.
           In September Abby came to Hogwarts, and she was sorted into Gryffindor as a second year. James was curious about her, but he did play Quidditch and was in Charms Club and in the new Defence club and still read a lot in the library (and watched Roxy and Nat not-make-eyes-at-each-other), so he didn’t see her much.
           But he and Abby did hang out sometimes with Hagrid, and he took them into the Forbidden Forest and introduced them to the centaurs. Abby was fascinated, and she ended up taking Divination and, when Professor Trelawney really couldn’t teach her much more, she followed Firenze into the Forest.
           Abby found delight on the football field too. Dean Thomas called her the ‘best forward he’d ever seen’. James couldn’t join the team (too busy), but he came to every single game he could, and the two of them would play on the weekends sometimes, just kicking the ball back and forth and running.
           And James slowly, slowly, painfully, found out that his own passion was not for the flesh. When he and Jenny Marks had sex, he did everything he could to make sure she enjoyed it, but when it was over, she frowned at him.
           “What’s wrong with you? You don’t look happy.”
           “You were great, it’s nothing. I’m just…not used to it.”
           But it never got easier, and finally Jenny broke up with him, disgusted with his lack of interest. “You’re a freak, Potter. A damn freak, and you don’t deserve love!”  
           Albus and Company offered to curse her. James wouldn’t let him. Maybe he was a freak.
           “She’s horrid,” Abby said. “Why did you date her in the first place?”
           “She liked me,” James answered. “And she was different.”
           Abby squeezed his hand. “I don’t think you really want different.”
(And this is where ‘Fresh Pickled Toads’ happened so go check that out if you haven’t read it)
           After the big declaration in the hall, James took Abby by the hand and led her outside. “Are you sure?” he asked her. The scarf she’d made him was soft and fluffy against his neck.
           “Of course I am, Jamie. Don’t worry, I love you.”
           “Why do you love me?”
           “You’re the only person that asks the questions I want to answer.” Abby laid her head on his shoulder. “I adore you, Jamie Potter. Now come on, let’s play football. We can skive off first period.”
           “Neither of us have class, it’s not skiving.”
           Abby transformed a rock into a football. “Don’t take the fun out of it, Head Boy.” She kicked the ball and started running, and laughing, James ran after her.
           Everyone was delighted when James and Abby got together. The only people who felt mild panic were George and Oliver, who had a frantic consultation ensuring that yes, Abby was Oliver’s child, and in no way related to the Weasleys. When Katie overheard them, she nearly killed herself laughing.
           “Abby looks exactly like Oliver, George! Don’t be stupid!”
           “We had to check!”
           “Have you checked Roxy and Freddie?” Oliver asked, nervous again.
           That prompted another round of laughter from Katie. “Oh, I’m telling Angie!”
           Abby and James never heard any of that conversation. They were busy being happy, and learning how to have a relationship that had none of the firsts of a conventional relationship. There were no bases, no fears of getting caught. They found other firsts instead; first time they slept through the night together (Abby snored); first time they danced on the Hogwarts roof together at midnight (James twisted his ankle and Abby had to carry him down to the Hospital Wing); the first time James was invited to Puddlemere United’s summer camp.
           “I know you don’t want to go professional,” Oliver explained, “but I thought you might enjoy it, and it will give Katie and I some time to get to know you better.”
           James came back from that week tired and feeling a bit like he’d been administered Veritaserum, but his goal shots were much stronger now and he understood Oliver and Katie much better. They were people who’d never envisioned children, but they’d had one and done their best. And in the end, Abby was happy and knew she was loved. Mum and Dad always said that was what was the most important thing.
           Having a year apart from Abby while she finished school was difficult for James, but he pulled through. Always one to keep himself busy, he divided his time between volunteering at the women’s shelter and doing an apprenticeship at the Apothecary. He was the only one in his immediate family who genuinely enjoyed Potions, and it was the ingredients themselves that fascinated him. He dreamed of finding new uses, new ingredients, just as Grandmother Lily had. Just as Aunt Hermione experimented with now.
           When Abby was finished with school, James was elated. They were still close, he still loved her, she still loved him. Abby joined him at the Apothecary; her interest was in the tools of the potion trade, and they made a good team. So they were happy.
           Then Jenny threw a wrench into their lives.
           She sent him a beautiful wedding invitation, announcing her nuptials to a man James had never heard of before. Abby had, and her lips twisted.
           “He used to play for Puddle,” she explained. “He’s the stupidest person I’ve ever met.”
           “Well, they’re happy,” James sighed. “Who cares, honestly?”
           But he did care. Not because Jenny was getting married to someone else, just that she was getting married at all. Something didn’t feel right about that.
           Abby turned the invitation over and growled. “She’s only invited you, Jamie.”
           “Well I’m not going without you, obviously.”
           “Look, Jamie.” Abby pointed to the sentences in Jenny’s handwriting.
           Obviously you won’t want to attend, Jamie. I can imagine seeing something you’ll never have will be painful for you. Besides, it’s only a matter of time before your girlfriend realizes that you’ll never put out and leave you. I thought I’d send you the invite anyways, for old time’s sake.
           “That’s it!” Abby snapped. She knelt.
           “Abby, what are you doing?”
           “Jamie Potter, will you marry me?”
           James stared at her, positively stunned. “What?”
           They called a family meeting. Freddie, Rita and Pierre came last, Apparating from France.
           “You’re both far too young to get married!” Mum protested. “You know we don’t care if you live together; why not wait?”
           “You can’t let some horrid monster like her decide how you live your life,” Lou pointed out. They were leaning against the wall. “Get married, don’t get married, but don’t just do it because of her.”
           “We do love each other,” Jamie replied. “And I know we’re young—”
           “Younger than your Mum and I,” Dad said. “And we got married quite young.”
           “And do you regret that, Dad?”
           “No, I don’t. I’ve never regretted that. What I do regret is thinking that marrying her was the best way to make our relationship permanent. That it was the ultimate way to show her I love her.”
           “When really it was growing your beard.” Mum smiled and kissed him.
           “Our grandparents got married young. All four sets.”
          “That was almost forty years ago! And it was the middle of a war! Things are better now.”
          “It’s more than that.” Abby was wringing her hands. “There’s another reason.”
          “If you’re pregnant, you can still live together,” Aunt Audrey soothed.
          “She can’t be pregnant by accident, I’m asexual!” James snapped.
          “Right. Sorry.”
          “Jamie, I didn’t just ask because of Jenny,” Abby said. “I asked because…because you do anything for what you’re passionate about. You rush in, you commit, you have mad schedules that don’t make sense to other people. I didn’t understand that when it was other people’s passions. But you…I am passionately in love with you, with our life together. And I’m ready to be married now, even tonight. I know I’ll always be with you. I want to do this. If you don’t want to, that’s okay. Really.”
         James kissed her, because he couldn’t speak. When he did find his voice (and his breath), he added, “and, you know, if we’re both ready and it pisses off Jenny…why not?”
         Mum and Dad looked at each other. So did Oliver and Katie.
        “If that’s what you want, we’re with you all the way,” Mum said. “Just not tonight?”
        “Of course not! I need to find a dress!”
        The wedding took place two months later, just enough time for Abby to find the perfect dress (and for Rita to recreate it with dozens more sparkles and in bright blue), and for James to secure the purchase of the Apothecary. The owners were retiring, and some of the money that James’ ancestor had made inventing Sleekeasy went into buying the shop.
       “We’ve got money of our own, son,” Dad said when he finished signing the papers. “Besides, I quite like investing in businesses. Just promise me you’ll keep Mum and I supplied with Pepper-Up Potion?”
        James hugged him as hard as he could to reply.
       There were some delays the day of the wedding; the first wedding in the family since Teddy and Victoire. Estelle insisted on having a dress that looked like Aunty Abby’s, the peacock Draco Malfoy sent for a wedding gift escaped and the cake Grandma Weasley had worked on so hard got dropped. But magic solved one problem, a careful broomstick search solved another, and Uncle Ron displayed grace under pressure and whipped up a second cake.
       It was twilight when James and Abby walked through the fields of the Burrow together, hand in hand. Aunt Luna had released some twinklers, glowing birds from South Asia, and they darted around the two of them. Jamie pulled nervously at his shirt collar.
      “Abby, are you sure?”
      “I’m sure, Jamie. Really sure. Are you?”
      Those were the really important words, the most important vow. But they dutifully spoke the true ones a few moments later with their family watching. Abby had to hold Estelle, who was inconsolable without her aunt, but when James swept Abby into his arms and kissed her forehead, the little girl was quiet at last.
      James and Abby went for a week to go adventuring, and found it in a Muggle rock climbing place. Abby was delighted with the sport, and when they came back she joined a club. James went with her once in a while, but he didn’t mind her being gone; it was good that she had friends, and it gave him some time to read through Muggle romance stories (which were fascinating to read, even the rubbish ones. Perhaps especially the rubbish ones).
     One day, though, he asked her to stop.
    “Are you lonely?” Abby asked immediately.
    “No. I just…” James took her hands. “I was wondering, actually, if you would like to have a baby? I’m happy to have one with you, but if we’re trying to be pregnant then you’ll have to stop. Is that okay?”
   “Are you sure?” Abby asked. “Sure, sure?”
    “Completely. And I do know how to make sure you feel good, so don’t worry—”
   Abby kissed him. “Let’s make a baby, Mr. Potter. I’m excited to have your baby.”
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