#about artificial intelligence
pjoshi12 · 2 months
Thriving In The AI Era
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How Coditude's Developers Are Redefining Success in the AI Era
In the ever-changing tech landscape, the rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) marks a profound shift in software development. Once confined to sci-fi, generative AI now leads innovation, transforming industries and developer roles. We're not just witnessing change; we're part of a revolution blending human creativity with powerful computing. This article examines how developers and AI synergize, exploring the uses of artificial intelligence, along with the challenges and opportunities, shaping the future of software development.
Understanding Generative AI
Generative AI, fueled by machine learning advancements, creates diverse content from text to images. Cloud computing's rise, exemplified by AWS, enables training complex AI models. Technologies like GPT-3 and Codex automate tasks, reshaping software development.
Generative AI challenges creativity and intelligence concepts, blurring lines between creators. Developers navigate AI's ethical and societal impacts while embracing its transformative potential. Generative AI augments human creativity, ushering in collaborative digital realms.
This future embraces a partnership between human ingenuity and machine intelligence, unlocking boundless possibilities.
Generative AI blurs lines between creators, challenging creativity and intelligence concepts. Developers navigate ethical implications while embracing its transformative potential.
Generative AI's Impact on Software Development
Generative AI revolutionizes software development, presenting new opportunities and challenges. It transforms how developers approach creativity and problem-solving. We explore its impact through real-world applications and developer perspectives.
Transforming Traditional Coding Practices
Generative AI, exemplified by tools like GitHub's Copilot, transforms coding practices by providing comprehensive code suggestions based on context. This departure from traditional programming accelerates development timelines, with developers reporting a 30% increase in productivity using AI-assisted tools. AI becomes a collaborative partner, generating sophisticated code snippets and reducing the need for extensive documentation and debugging.
Automating Documentation and Testing
Generative AI streamlines documentation by dynamically updating it based on code changes, enhancing code maintainability and reducing errors. In testing, AI-generated test cases cover diverse scenarios, improving software quality and reliability. This automation saves time and resources, transforming critical but tedious development tasks.
Case Studies: Real-world Applications
Generative AI drives diverse real-world applications in software development. For instance, a fintech firm modernized legacy systems by automating codebase conversion. Another startup enhanced user experience by dynamically generating interfaces based on user behavior data, boosting engagement.
Developer Perspectives: Opportunities and Challenges
Generative AI presents vast opportunities for software development, yet developers face challenges such as over-reliance and code originality concerns. Striking a balance between leveraging AI for productivity and maintaining a deep understanding of codebases is crucial.
Moreover, integrating generative AI raises questions about intellectual property rights and code ownership, given the complexity of determining the origin of AI-generated code snippets. Despite these challenges, generative AI transforms development by automating tasks, facilitating code generation, and expanding creative possibilities. However, navigating this landscape requires a thoughtful approach, an understanding of AI capabilities and limitations, and ongoing discussions about ethical implications.
Navigating the Generative AI Landscape
Integrating generative AI into software development requires a cultural shift, prompting developers to reevaluate skills and approaches for strategic adaptation in this new era.
Updating Skills and Knowledge
Generative AI demands skills beyond traditional programming, emphasizing AI fundamentals, data literacy, collaborative work, and ethical AI use.
Integrating Generative AI into Development Workflows
Successful integration entails incremental adoption, fostering a culture of experimentation, continuous learning, and balancing AI with human expertise.
Evolving Role of Creativity
Developers pivot towards creative problem-solving and strategic thinking, leveraging AI for experimentation and focusing on system architecture and user experiences. Interdisciplinary collaboration becomes vital as coding, design, and user experience converge in AI-driven applications.
Navigating generative AI demands technical proficiency, ethical awareness, and forward-thinking. Developers unlocking new possibilities for innovation and collaboration, shaping the future of technology in the digital age.
Future Workforce and Generative AI
Generative AI reshapes software development by altering job markets, skill requirements, and work nature, profoundly impacting the future workforce.
Balancing AI Automation
Generative AI impacts software development employment by automating tasks but also creating opportunities for human expertise to excel, emphasizing a need for a balanced approach where AI enhances human capabilities.
Impact on Developer Job Market
The job market shifts towards roles emphasizing oversight and creative use of AI tools, with traditional coding jobs evolving to focus on designing AI algorithms and integrating AI into system architectures, highlighting the need for adaptability and continuous learning.
Preparing Next-Gen Developers
Educational institutions adapt by incorporating AI fundamentals, ethical AI use, interdisciplinary skills, and lifelong learning into their curricula.
Overcoming Challenges and Ethical Considerations
Generative AI's rise in software development poses challenges and ethical dilemmas, from technical hurdles to philosophical considerations. Navigating this new era demands addressing these issues while upholding ethical standards, crucial for the development community and society.
Addressing the Fear of Obsolescence
Developers combat obsolescence fears by emphasizing irreplaceable skills like creative problem-solving and ethical decision-making. Lifelong learning ensures their continued relevance in an AI-driven future.
Navigating the Hype Versus Reality
Amidst utopian and dystopian narratives, a balanced view of generative AI is crucial. Stakeholders prioritize real-world utility over hype through rigorous testing and validation, ensuring genuine innovation.
Ethical Considerations and Responsibility
Generative AI presents ethical concerns like data privacy and algorithmic bias. Developers must prioritize transparency, accountability, and fairness in AI use to ensure responsible and equitable outcomes. This approach unlocks the true potential of AI while addressing ethical challenges.
Concluding Thoughts
The advent of generative AI marks an exciting yet challenging era in software development. As developers, we must harness this technology while navigating its ethical complexities. At Coditude, we recognize the importance of human creativity alongside AI's power, fostering an environment where developers can excel. By prioritizing continuous learning, ethical AI use, and a culture of innovation, Coditude is shaping the future of software development. Join us to be part of a community driving the generative AI revolution and creating a future where human ingenuity thrives.
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eldritch-elrics · 8 months
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obsessed with the new google docs feature that ai generates a doc summary for you. what the fuck is this
(context is i am writing a paper on gamer culture)
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Artificial intelligence course in Rohini
The field of technology known as artificial intelligence, or AI, is expanding quickly and involves creating algorithms and software that can learn from data and get better over time. With applications ranging from self-driving cars to medical diagnostics, AI will fundamentally alter how we live and work in the years to come.
Since AI is expected to continue to advance, it will be advantageous for everyone to take a course in it. For the best artificial intelligence course in Rohini, Delhi, check out Jeetech Academy. 
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qrowscant-art · 1 year
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ai generated image
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anuradha-us · 2 years
What is Artificial Intelligence and Why does it Matter?
Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it probable for machines to learn from knowledge, adjust to new efforts and do human-like tasks. AI is trying to make computers think and act like humans. Let’s learn in this article What is Artificial Intelligence and Why does it Matter?
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creachureweachure · 5 months
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feeling very yuguoh right nowe
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incognitopolls · 3 months
For the purposes of this poll, research is defined as reading multiple non-opinion articles from different credible sources, a class on the matter, etc.– do not include reading social media or pure opinion pieces.
Fun topics to research:
Can AI images be copyrighted in your country? If yes, what criteria does it need to meet?
Which companies are using AI in your country? In what kinds of projects? How big are the companies?
What is considered fair use of copyrighted images in your country? What is considered a transformative work? (Important for fandom blogs!)
What legislation is being proposed to ‘combat AI’ in your country? Who does it benefit? How does it affect non-AI art, if at all?
How much data do generators store? Divide by the number of images in the data set. How much information is each image, proportionally? How many pixels is that?
What ways are there to remove yourself from AI datasets if you want to opt out? Which of these are effective (ie, are there workarounds in AI communities to circumvent dataset poisoning, are the test sample sizes realistic, which generators allow opting out or respect the no-ai tag, etc)
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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bakedbananners · 3 months
I don’t really care about “defining” Murderbot and ART’s relationship I think they’re both uniquely insane human-adjacent but Not Quite sentiences that defy total human comprehension. Murderbot is the only way ART can contextualize human experience. ART is how Murderbot allows itself to be vulnerable because it literally doesn't let it be alone in its brain where it can generate 5 trillion faulty risk assessments per second. ART gaslights Murderbot into thinking it died and then shoots missiles at the colony when it gets kidnapped. They made a kamikaze AI baby together.
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reality-detective · 14 days
AI deception 🤔
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changeling-droneco · 3 months
One of my favorite tropes is ai that doesn’t understand humans in the slightest trying so so so hard to take care of humans, because they still want them happy and safe, even if they’re bad at it and inadvertently cause more problems but slowly get better at it!!! Love that shit!!!!! Love when you don’t understand something but you try so so so hard to care and love them anyways because humans are still good and worth caring for!! (It’s the autism)
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robotwrangler · 4 months
I think one of my favourite visual details about TAU (2018) is its unique approach to the whole “robot/ai whose eyes turn red when they turn evil” trope. The way the colour of TAU’s display gradually changes over the course of the movie is just so lovely and so immensely important to me.
The rest of this post contains spoilers for basically the whole movie, so if you are concerned about that, please feel free to go and watch it first! This post will still be here when you are done :]
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Initially, TAU’s light is completely red - aside from a slight orange tone in the centre of his “iris” - when he is still in his emotionally blank, unquestioning, “factory settings” state. The orange tones become more prevalent as he begins to speak with Julia, and the inner rings adopt an increasingly vibrant green as they interact more and his care for her and curiosity about the outside world grow, along with his defiance and resentment of Alex.
Once TAU reaches the point at which his loyalties lie firmly with Julia, only the outer edge of his display is red, the centre being a gradient from orange to bright gold to bright green, and glowing so much more brightly as well. When he shares his symphony and his being with her, all of his projections are made up of pure warm, golden light, flecked with green.
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When I first watched it, the colour change was so gradual that I barely noticed it had changed until near the end, where he had all of his memories erased and his display reverted to being completely red like it had been at the very beginning, the intensity of his lights dulled back down as well. It was such a jarring change all of a sudden, and really helped to hammer home the realisation that all of his development as a person, the things he had learned and his time with Julia had been ripped away.
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But perhaps one of my favourite touches is made evident by the drones TAU controls; they, too, have “irises” of red light at the beginning and gradually change colour along with the rest of him over the course of the movie, but when the drone Julia escapes with at the end wakes up and its eye glows only green, it’s just such a beautiful and relieving moment…
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I could go on and on even more about the way colour and light are used in TAU because I absolutely adore it, but this is just what I was very focused on and appreciative of in my recent rewatch and I really wanted to shout from the rooftops about it for a little bit. I kept thinking about how much I loved seeing this reversal of the aforementioned trope; an AI whose light changes colour not to signify an impending cliché evil rampage, but to reflect positive change - growth and healing, the development of empathy, remorse, self-worth, loyalty, love.
It wasn’t at all what I expected from this movie when I first decided to watch it in 2019 but it was so pleasantly surprising to me, and these heartfelt and sincere themes are the main factor that secured TAU its place as my main comfort movie.
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queen-mabs-revenge · 4 months
found 'the way' a really interesting piece of speculative fiction exploring the idea of anti-migrant xenophobic violence being turned inwards towards 'legitimate citizens' when interests of capital are threatened by struggle, but this sequence in the last episode def stood out to me as a neoluddite.
feels connected to this quote from dan mcquillan's 'resisting ai - an anti-fascist approach to artificial intelligence':
Bergson argued that if one accepts a ready- made problem in this way, "one might just as well say that all truth is already virtually known, that its model is patented in the administrative offices of the state, and that philosophy is a jig- saw puzzle where the problem is to construct with the pieces society gives us the design it is unwilling to show us." (Deleuze, 2002, cited in Coleman, 2008) In other words, however sophisticated or creative AI might seem to be, its modelling is stuck in abstractions drawn from the past, and so becomes a rearrangement of the way things have been rather than a reimagining of the way things could be. AI has, in effect, an inbuilt political commitment to the status quo, in particular to existing structures that embed specific relations of power. The absence of different concepts leaves out the possibility of conceiving that things could be arranged differently.
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charliejaneanders · 5 months
Tech billionaires accept that sacrifices will have to be made — but they’ll be shouldered by the poorest and most marginalized people on our planet, not the wealthy and powerful.
Sam Altman's self-serving vision of the future
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qrowscant-art · 11 months
I know is-ot has a pretty rocky relationship on the whole being alive and sentient bit, but would he appreciate a birthday party for him, assuming it has the things he actually likes there?
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this made me illustrate a tangent i wrote about ages ago, ahhhhhhh.
tl;dr: no probably not. the associated memories are too strong for IS-OT to really enjoy himself. just get him a random gift and he'll have a far better time
the discomfort is like. okay. so the thing with birthdays and being born is that when you're part artificial intelligence and part extradimensional Flesh Horror, you don't really get one of those? sure, you have a date where you started Being Sentient, but that's more of an excuse for your creators to pat themselves on the back.
yes, you are a feat of science and engineering, but you are also immediately stripped of all autonomy because the people who made you are afraid to treat you like a human. you are ignored at best, demeaned at worst, and you are confined within walls that you can never escape (because those walls ARE you)
so you get angry! because it makes them pay attention! it makes them silent! but anger also makes them more afraid, fear makes them treat you worse, and the worse you are treated the angrier you get. it's a shitty, shitty feedback loop. pretty soon the only people who come near you are the ones you eat.
so it's your 'birthday' again. they're drinking to your creation in some out-of-the-way break room. you, meanwhile, are alone and bitter and trapped. this is how it was every year before. it sucks, man.
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andr0nap-wf · 5 months
i cant help but wonder how loids separation from the family went.
do you think that there was a designated day when he wouldnt be there to tell them good morning? did he even have the chance to say goodbye? or did albrecht simply decide one day that he isnt allowed to step outside the labs again? how did THAT conversation go? did loid have time to grieve the family he most likely will never see again?
and what of the family? what did they think when necraloid appeared one day instead of loid? what was eulerias reaction to losing what was essentially her other parental figure? she obviously doesnt like necraloid and we dont know if she even remembers the original. maybe the feeling of betrayal still lingers, hence the hostility?
much to think about
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krash-8 · 1 month
have you ever sipped the galaxy like tea
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