#about her personality so much that whenever we were in a group setting shed go hide in the kitchen and limit talking to anyone
reserwrekt · 2 years
Sorry if you’re a Cap and offended when I say this, but I haven’t known a single one that hasn’t:
Inflated something about who they are to impress other people
Lived some sort of double life in the form of catfishing, or literally having another relationship or family as a secret or making many profiles
Hate watched people or basically- they obsess over things and people they hate
#ive had three cap friends and they all did this to varying degrees#i have two stalking my blog right now because they cant leave it alone lol#my only acceptions are ND people because i feel being ND gets left out in zodiac stuff#im referring to the allustic caps#like even in videos talking about caps some people remarked they get the most hate comments on them lol#and i have an ND leo friend who isn't like any leo ive ever known but i can vibe with some leos anyway#so the capricorn that hates me and stalking me rn hi#anyways for example one i know recently was talking about how hes super neat and clean and no one appreciates him#so my former cap friend let him live with us even though she asked me and i said no#and then he trashed his room never cleaned or showered and didnt pay rent like i fucking said he would#my former friend thats a cap would describe herself as being headstrong and shit to me but then say shes a baby to other people and lie#about her personality so much that whenever we were in a group setting shed go hide in the kitchen and limit talking to anyone#then she admitted shes a social 'adapter' no bish you just lie about who you are to make anyone think they might like you#im currently still acquainted with a cap that posts nothing but how much he loves capitalist culture and the grind and how hard he works#but i was friends with his ex and he owed her nearly a thousand dollars in rent and never went to work bc hes a contractor#then he always talks about his daughter andposts pics often but i noticed theyre pictures from the same day he went to see her like a year#ago he only sees her once a year but acts like its all the time lol#anyways mot my followers are inactive so stop telling people i talk shit about you to a million people no one even listens to me#which is actually great i dont really want anyone listening to me believe it or not i know thats hard to believe in ur lil head but fr#go away get a life stop making accounts every time yall look at my blog i can see your ip youre not sneaky#like i wont even tag this with anything relevant and youre still gonna click on it#no one follows me as closely as caps that hate me do lol
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Wilhemina Came To A Halt
Requested by anon: “Wilhemina confesses her love to reader on New Years but the fireworks are too loud”
A/N: thank you anon, I really loved writing this fic <3 Shoutout to @mckennamayfairgoode ; your writing has contaminated mine, there is SO much burning in this one x
Word count: ≃ 5 200
When Wilhemina pressed the doorbell, her heart was beating faster than it had ever beaten in her whole life. Her palms were embarrassingly clammy and left glistening shapes on the head of her cane.
A few weeks ago, this state would have terrified and revolted her. Now she accepted it as her new normal whenever she was about to see you.
The truth was, she – the door opened and there you were, flashing the most beautiful, warmest of smiles at her that annihilated all the thoughts in Wilhemina’s brain. She felt incredibly small and incredibly tall at the same time, as if she could melt at your feet and touch the stars.
A few weeks ago, Wilhemina would have been incredibly embarrassed to think that she was the kind of person who could smile giddily at another person for an incredibly long time, and later remember it as one of the best moments of her life. The knowledge was only slightly unpleasant now. It was made easier by the fact that you always, always did the same. Just stood there before her with a smile shedding light on her and your gaze lost deep in her gaze as her heart thrummed in her ears and her fingertips tingled.
Moments like this were too short and lasted forever. She cherished every one of them, collected them selfishly. For the truth was, she was head over heels in love with you.
The revelation had come to her all of a sudden, bursting free after months of denial. She had no idea what to do with it. She carried the love in her, a burden, stifling her and scratching her and painting the world in hundreds of bright colors. She saw beauty in things she had always despised or found ugly. Once, you had exclaimed at the elegance of a flying butterfly – she had fallen in love with butterflies.
Paradoxically, every other human being she found even more pathetic and idiotic than before, since she knew now that they didn’t have the brains to see how beautiful, how charming, and how kind you were. How could they set eyes on you and not lose their heart? There was only one explanation: they were morons. Hopeless idiots. How empty their life was, how empty hers had been. She despised every single one of them who did not fall at your feet or build a shrine to you.
From Monday to Friday she would wake up with an eagerness to see everything that you would touch, to hear everything that you would say to her at work. She would do her hair and apply her makeup with a beating heart that almost made her forget the ache in her back. Painting her face had acquired a new meaning: she no longer only did it to hide the loathsome but also to please, to enchant, in the hope that maybe you would find a glimpse of the beauty you sowed every day of your life. Surely if your fingertips touched her cheek, her skin would light up and shine, and even the world, taking one look at her, would blush.  
The weekends had to pass as quickly as possible. And then they no longer had to, for you started inviting her to your place, on picnics, to the pictures. Talking to you was easy, listening was a blessing. She found that when she was with you, secrets slipped from her mouth and your hands never hurt, but cradled instead.
So here was the truth. Wilhemina was in love. Deeply, infuriatingly. With all the passion that had lay dormant within her. The tiny part of her that had always held on to hope had known that the day she would fall, there would be no restraint: she would love with all that she had. Her world shook and reshaped itself around you. It chose a new sun, and its light reached dark corners that had never been warmed up before. It threatened to thaw the ice in her head and in her chest. It was dripping already.
Now she treasured the beating of her heart. You had given her life value just by looking at her.
So it was with the weight of her love enlightening her from within that she took off her coat and handed it to you with a small smile. And the people in the room who turned to glance curiously at her as she entered, saw the glow and smiled to themselves, as one does who feels in the air the warmth of the upcoming spring.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” you beamed at her; then added low in her ear: “I don’t know half of the people in this room, and I’m not sure the other half I like.”
A small laugh ran past Wilhemina’s teeth.
Your aunt had given you the keys to her flat for New Year’s Eve, since she was away for work and her windows offered one of the best views on the fireworks show. You had invited a few colleagues and friends from Kineros Robotics, who in their turn had invited a few friends of their own. Before you’d known it, you had lost control over the guest list. But you had shrugged good-naturedly, and merely said that this kind of thing happened all the time.
“Is that the man who tried to sell Jeff and Mutt sexy underwear for the robots?” Wilhemina asked, nodding at a man who sat sipping wine on the couch.
You pressed your mouth against Wilhemina’s shoulder to stifle a giggle. “Yes,” you breathed. “He came with a suitcase.” You straightened up, met her eyes with a flash of mischief in yours. “I’ll ask him to try them on on you.”
Wilhemina waved a hello at Mutt just so she could turn her face away from you as heat flooded her cheeks. She didn’t fool you, though. You bit down on a grin, and wrapped one hand around her wrist as you asked her, as casually as possible, if she wanted a drink.
Wilhemina’s eyes flicked down to your hand, as wide and shining as they always were when you touched her. As your fingertips stroked her skin, her cheeks turned that soft pink that was now and forever your favorite color.
“You are such a tease,” Mutt had once told you, a little reproachfully, after he had passed a very flushed Wilhemina hurrying out of your office. “The poor girl’s gonna die of yearning.”
“No she won’t,” you had answered, a fond, dreamy smile on your lips. “Part of loving her is waiting for her. I bet you she doesn’t even know what’s happening to her.”
Wilhemina tapped her cane on the floor. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it earlier,” she said, eyes avoiding yours.
“That’s alright,” you smiled. “You’re here.” You tilted your head to the side, trying your best to fight your grin as you waited for her to collect herself and meet your gaze again. “Care for a drink?”
Wilhemina followed you across the room, finally taking in her surroundings. There were people sitting on the couch, people on the balcony, people speaking in groups everywhere. Some of them were wearing fancy, glittery clothes; some were drunk; others were dancing to the mellow indie music that tried to make itself heard over the chatter of voices. Cold air wafted through the French windows that led out onto the balcony. Wilhemina’s eyes fell curiously on a group sitting on the floor before she realized they were playing spin-the-bottle. A boy and a girl pulled away from each other with disgusted laughs.
“Shall we?” you teased, with a mock bow.
Wilhemina shook her head urgently, confusion and nervousness written all over her face. She hurried away from the group as fast as she could, and only stopped when she had reached the kitchen.
You fixed her and yourself a drink, then took her on a tour of the flat. The place was quite small, and very crowded, which gave you an excellent excuse to stand as close to Wilhemina as possible, and brush her arm or shoulder with yours whenever you could. Once, as your fingers grazed her hip, Wilhemina almost tripped over her own feet, and you had to cough to try and hide the smug giggle that escaped you.
Wilhemina delighted in the art reproductions you pointed at, the yellowing plants you bent over quizzically, the carpets your feet threaded, the battered old book you picked up from the floor. Even the handle of the bathroom door your fingers closed around looked to her like the most beautiful handle she had ever seen. She skimmed her fingers over it when you were not looking. Part of her was growling that she was being so very ridiculous, but the voice was very weak, drowning in the sea of joy and giddiness that was her mind.
You took her hand as you led her outside onto the balcony. Wilhemina shivered, so you draped a blanket over her shoulders, which she accepted, even though she hadn’t shivered from the cold.
“Look at the view,” you smiled dreamily, leaning against the railing. “It’s so beautiful.”
“Yes,” Wilhemina breathed, looking at you.
Perhaps, she thought, if she shivered again despite the blanket, you would press her close against you for warmth.
She chased the thought away. But it came back, singing and drunk.
She rubbed her arm exaggeratedly.
“Are you cold?” you asked, straightening up.
“A little,” she answered harshly.
“Then let’s go back inside. I don’t want you to catch a chill.”
“I’m fine”, she retorted, still as harshly.
You eyed her confusedly for a second or two.
Wilhemina rubbed her arm again.
A small, amused smile danced on your lips.
“Lucky for you,” you said, closing the space between her and you, “I’ve been told I’m a very good human heater.”
You wrapped your arms around her waist and pressed your front against her back, your chin coming to rest on her shoulder. Wilhemina was very, very stiff against you. But then, slowly, her body relaxed, as if melting in the warmth that oozed out of you and seeped through her clothes
You stayed like this, watching the city lights. Faint echoes of techno music drafted from somewhere on your right. You heard voices, a car honking. You couldn’t tell whether the quick heartbeat you could feel thrumming in your chest was Wilhemina’s or yours.
When you glanced up at her, her eyes were closed. She looked so different from the Wilhemina you had met so many months ago. There had been talks at work, that certainly Mutt and Jeff were paying her or fucking her to be kinder. Once, she had walked in on you pressing ice on your swollen cheek after you had thrown yourself at a big, tall man who had been making dirty jokes about her. Her fingers had skimmed your skin worriedly, big dark eyes scanning your face for any sign of pain. You had lied, invented an excuse as to why you had punched someone twice your size and weight. But God - no one would slander her on your watch.
You rubbed your chin on her shoulder, and stopped yourself at the last second from pressing a kiss on her cheek. Her skin was flushed from the cold and looked so incredibly soft.
“I’m gonna have to go back inside,” you grumbled. “I’m supposed to be the host.”
Wilhemina hummed her disapproval, eyes still closed.
“Will you manage without me?” you chuckled.
God, if you could just – nuzzle her cheek. If there could be no consequences. No risk of her stiffening, closing up, snapping at you, running away. If you could just – press a kiss.
You watched as her eyes fluttered open, and scanned the jeweled darkness in front of her.
“Of course,” she scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
You gave her a gentle squeeze before you slowly peeled yourself off her. The process was almost physically painful, as if she were a part of you now, a new layer of skin. Your heart protested.
You weaved your way back inside to greet a few people who had just arrived. Wilhemina followed you and planted herself in a corner near the front door. She pretended to scan the small crowd, but her eyes regularly sought your face. Mutt and Jeff came up to her to share a few words and then disappeared into the kitchen. The rest of the guests, most of them Kineros Robotics employees, stayed away from her.
You crossed the living room carrying a bouquet of roses and smiled at her. A few minutes later, as you stepped back into the room talking on your phone, you looked her way and waved. Wilhemina moved to another corner when hers got invaded by two tipsy girls. Next time you appeared, you scanned the room questioningly, and your expression only relaxed when you found her again.
Wilhemina had never before in her life been someone else’s first priority. The idea that she was now, made her feel weird things she couldn’t quite comprehend. As if she were floating, or made of golden light as that of a summer evening. She could have burst into tears or bounced on her feet. Instead she returned your smile, and averted her eyes shyly.
Dear Lord, Wilhemina Venable didn’t get shy. What was wrong with her? She was being ridiculous and pathetic, and what’s worse, she was putting herself in danger. There were people in this room. People with eyes to see the soft pink of her cheeks and the nervous shaking of her hands. She should walk up to you, proud and threatening, tap her cane on the floor to scare you and then she should say something mean, something like “I love you” - no! she scolded herself, with a shiver of terror. Something mean! Something that would hurt! And she would say it loudly, she would make it boom and thunder for everyone in the room to hear and remember how strong and ruthless Wilhemina Venable was.
Here, you were waving at her again, with your face illuminated, and you were weaving your way to her through the crowd. Wilhemina tightened her grip on her cane and raised her chin and thought very hard of what she would say as you came closer and closer, you were here! right next to her, so very close she felt the air shaking and dancing in the joy your presence brought. A hand touching her wrist, warmth everywhere, she was melting into a puddle at your feet. You smirked knowingly at her and she felt herself blush, heart beating madly as you repeated what she had been too entranced to hear the first time: “Mina, I wanted to introduce you to my friend Anne.”
Mina! Her heart burst.
A breathless “Yes” was all she could manage to say.
God, she was pathetic. As more heat flooded her cheeks, as she noticed the amused, knowing expression on Anne’s face, something else rose in her. Something cold. Something all too familiar, that slid up her veins winding like a snake to beat up her heart. It left it bruised and crying.
Wilhemina raised her head and tried to swallow back the self-hatred. Like waves when the tide is coming in, it reached further.
You saw the change on her face and in her posture. You frowned, faltered a little under the sudden hardness in her eyes. As Anne characteristically started to ramble, you stubbornly held Wilhemina’s scowling gaze, and you wondered, as you had dozens of times before, how you could protect her from the blows when the blows were dealt by herself. How to cut open her chest and carefully remove the self-hatred. Put it in a box, throw away the key. And the sadness and the fear. Remove those, too.
Someone called for you, so you excused yourself and left Anne and Wilhemina together. The former set curious eyes on the latter and asked her questions in a cheerful, chiming voice. From behind her shields, Wilhemina spat out answers that soon weakened Anne’s enthusiasm. Anne refused to give up so soon, though. You had told her so much about Wilhemina, spoke of her with such light, such bright happiness in your voice and eyes that a few incivilities weren’t enough to send her away.
And Anne – Anne had been touched by you. She had been made sublime. Try as she might, Wilhemina couldn’t find ugliness in her features or clumsiness in her gestures. And Anne spoke of you with such kindness, in such high terms – when you came back, she let out a happy squeal and took your hand in hers.
Utter, complete idiot, Wilhemina tried to convince herself. Except Anne wasn’t an idiot. She too was aware of your supremacy. Wilhemina could see it, the way her eyes shone with admiration, the way she touched your arm and laughed too loudly at something you said.
Anne sat between Wilhemina and you on the couch as you people-watched and exchanged jokes and sipped your drinks. As minutes ticked by, Wilhemina felt herself slip into silence. Anne’s body next to hers was sending forth burning mockery that made her want to shrink back and curl in on herself. She sat with her back ramrod straight and her eyes glazed, fingers nervously playing with her empty glass, as thoughts she tried to silence nagged and mocked in her ears.
At one point, Anne stretched her body, arms curling up towards the ceiling and back arching elegantly, and Wilhemina had to look away to stop herself from throwing insults at her or bursting into tears – she didn’t know which would be more likely.
At 11:55, people started to sing excitedly. A young man grabbed Anne by the arm and led her into the kitchen. You stood up, and offered your hand to Wilhemina.
She hesitated one second, out of pride, before she slid her palm against yours. You laced your fingers with hers.
Those who were brave enough to stand in the cold had clustered on the balcony. You playful pushed a man to the side to request a place at the railing. The available space was small, so Wilhemina’s side was pressed against yours.
The city spread out below her was vibrating with happy expectation. She heard laughter, she heard joyful cries, she heard music. The cold breeze blew on her cheeks but the cold didn’t harm her. She was made of fire when your body was touching hers like that.
The streetlights went off, and an excited shiver ran through the city. You leaned in against the railing. Wilhemina turned her head to look at you.  
She watched, mesmerized, the fireworks in your eyes.
Your lips parted in silent admiration at the lights, and Wilhemina wondered whether anyone had ever looked as beautiful as you did in this moment. She doubted it. Jealously and selfishly she leaned closer to you to keep this secret treasure hidden from the rest of the world. You glanced at her, and your gaze lingered admiringly on her face before you shook yourself and focused your attention back on the fireworks show.  
When blue blended with red Wilhemina’s breath hitched, and something in her swelled like a wave. It was the genuine happiness on your face, the firmness of your body against hers; one more blue, one more red.
As the next fuse whizzed up the sky, Wilhemina breathed out, “I love you.”
Paw paw paw, mocked the lights. The noise swallowed her whisper.
“Y/N!” cried Anne, appearing out of nowhere with her eyes shining and her steps bouncing, “Y/N! New Year’s kiss!”
Wilhemina took a step away as Anne cupped your face and pressed a kiss on your lips which you, with a giggle, returned.
Red. Just red, this time.
Wilhemina watched the fireworks as they whizzed and exploded, her eyes glazed and her heart ice. She decided her heart was ice and she couldn’t feel anything anymore. Just a prickle - but as you broke the kiss, and Anne, with beauty, laughed, and captured your lips with hers again, the prickle became a blow that broke the ice.
A flower of gold bloomed in the sky and immediately died. Wilhemina looked at the golden dust as it floated downwards.
Something settled in her chest, something new that must have been lurking beneath the ice. It ached. Her fingers started to shake.
It was the finale, she hoped, looking at the fireworks, it couldn’t get worse. There were pink and green and yellow and gold. There were bruises in the sky, and smoke for the lights to choke on.
Like an automaton, Wilhemina turned and walked away from the balcony. She let her brain take over since her heart was dying and making her fingers shake.
In the living-room were people with their faces pressed against the windows, people kissing in corners and on the couch, one woman crying. No one noticed her as she walked past. No one saw her, except a little boy who curiously glanced her way, and immediately lowered his eyes with an awkward, nervous expression, to resume playing with his toy.
Wilhemina had almost reached the front door when her right ankle hit the corner of a coffee table. Pain shot up her leg, making her hiss. She made to bend down and press her palm against where it hurt, realized her eyes were filled with tears, vision swimming, objects and colors blending. Her grip on her cane was shaky and weak. She would sit down just for a second, she thought – Hell no, she scolded. She would push on, put on her coat, reach the door, open the door, and Lord in Heaven if she so much as showed the slightest limp she would, growled the hatred in her chest, the hatred biting everywhere, she would walk for miles in the dark till the pain in her back felt like agony, like molten metal pressed to her skin from within. Shoulders up, chin up, back straight. She forced herself to focus on the pain throbbing in her ankle. Her palm pressed against her chest.
Just as she was about to move again, a hand fell on her shoulder.  
“Where are you going, Mina?” you sang in her ear. Your breath tickled her skin and made her shiver. “You missed the last part of the show.”
Your hand gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. She could feel your touch, burning her through her clothes, spreading warmth from her shoulder to her toes. It set everything inside of her on fire, brought everything back to life and made her feel – she didn’t want to ache.
And yet – how addicting a feeling. She had never felt so alive, body and soul so violently vibrating with life and want.
“Is everything alright?”
You had walked around her to plant yourself between her and the door, scanning her face with a frown of worry deepening between your eyebrows.
From the living-room behind her rose voices. They broke into a song. Applause, laughter. Your eyes stayed on her.
“Do you want to leave?” you asked. Nervously you shifted your weight on your feet. There was guilt flickering in your eyes. “I can give you a lift, if you want.”
“I drove here,” Wilhemina heard herself say.
Your eyes flicked to her lips, before meeting her gaze again.
“I know,” you said with an awkward chuckle. “But if you’re too tired to drive, you know, or just would rather I drove you, I could – what I mean to say is, I really don’t mind. Or you could stay here,” you added quickly, eyes shining at the thought – it was just the light, Wilhemina told herself. Just the light. “There’s a spare room with clean sheets. If you’re too tired to drive.”
From far away, a firecracker exploded. Someone in the living room screamed excitedly.
“Did you like the show?” you asked.
“I don’t care about fireworks,” Wilhemina answered. She had meant to speak coldly, but the ice in her had melted under your touch and she was made of heat.
“You don’t? Is that why you didn’t stay to watch the end?”
More firecrackers. The sound reminded her of her defeat. More bruises in the sky, more green.
“I didn’t want to bother you and your… girl,” she heard herself say. Her throat closed up behind the words, as if in protest, refusing to let any more words out ever again if it was going to hurt like that.
“Oh,” you laughed, waving a hand to dispel the thought, “she’s not my girl. We’re both single and you know, a New Year’s kiss is always nice.” Your eyes smiled – but it was a sad smile. “And you know how it is. You rarely get to kiss the person you really want to kiss.”
You laughed, nervously, ran one hand through your hair. Your other hand was still on her shoulder, holding her as if you were afraid she would disappear. Your eyes fell to the floor as a blush bloomed in your cheeks – and then, you looked up again, and watched her with a new, curious expression Wilhemina had never seen before.
“Did you get your New Year’s kiss?” you asked.
Bold. There was boldness in your voice that scared her.
Wilhemina pressed the head of her cane to her stomach protectively, and tilted her chin up to look taller and stronger. She veiled her eyes, shielded her heart, built up her walls – to no avail.
Your face broke into a soft, sweet smile that was so loving, so incredibly fond, it reached the last dark corner in her.
“Oh, sweetness,” you breathed.
Sweetness! Before she could register what was happening, you had leaned in and pressed your lips against hers. And the world shattered.
She didn’t feel the kiss with her lips, but with her whole body, every inch of her tingling and melting and igniting all at the same time. The sweetness and the softness coursed through her and made her forget she had ever been cold, ever been hurt and hated. You rubbed your lips against hers, chaste and warm and dry. She couldn’t move, couldn’t think. All she could do was feel.
When you pulled away, there was something cheeky and victorious shining in your eyes. A laugh ran under your nose as you saw the completely stunned expression on Wilhemina’s face.
“Breathe,” you smiled, stroking your thumb over her lower lip.
Wilhemina closed her mouth and inhaled shakily through her nose. She couldn’t understand what had just happened. She tried to process it, but it didn’t make sense. She had turned away, walked away, and you had run after her, touched her shoulder, called her sweetness – you had called her sweetness! – like a balm to her heart, and then the tingles and the fire and the melting…  
“Breathe,” you repeated fondly.
“Did you just…?” Wilhemina whispered.
Your smile grew, sewn with warmth and affection. “Yes,” you whispered back, cupping her face in your hands and holding her gaze as she searched your eyes to try and make sense of it all.
Joy sparkled in the black of Wilhemina’s eyes when her mind finally caught on.
“Could you…” Her voice trailed off.
“Yes?” you breathed expectantly.
“…do it again,” Wilhemina breathed back.
You didn’t waste a second. Your mouth met hers again, bolder this time, desperate to taste and to love. A soft moan pushed up Wilhemina’s throat and wrapped around your tongue. She dropped her cane to clutch your collar, lost her balance. You wrapped one arm around her waist and pressed her against you for support.
“Someone’s quite eager,” you giggled against her lips.
She only whined and kissed you again.
And just as you were quite sure you would lose your head, just like you had lost your heart, her body tensed and her hands pressed on your shoulders to push you away.
You refused to let go of her waist, afraid she would fall without support and way too addicted to the feel of her already. Part of you had to be touching her, now and always and forever.
You met her eyes.
For a few moments Wilhemina only stared at you. And then to your utter dismay, her gaze hardened and her face closed up.
You searched her eyes worriedly, but it was like trying to see the ripples of the waves on the ocean’s surface at night under an overcast sky.
“Did it make you feel better about yourself?” Wilhemina spat – voice so cold, so very cold when she had been so warm pressed against you just a second ago.
“Excuse me?”
“Kissing the girl no one wants to kiss. How so very kind and heroic of you.”
She swallowed, blinked; a glimpse at the moon through a hole in the clouds.
“I do not want nor need your pity,” she snapped.
Your thumb started stroking her hip, to ground her, to call her back to you.
“I did not kiss you out of pity,” you said softly, with a reassuring smile. Wilhemina only glared. “I’m not playing with you, I promise. I’ve been wanting to kiss you for months.”
Wilhemina let out a disbelieving laugh. “Then why haven’t you?”
You leaned closer to her, and smiled again when you heard her breath hitch.
“Because you would have run away,” you whispered. One of your hands came up to cup her jaw and greet the warmth and softness of her again.
And just like that, the wind blew and dispersed all the clouds; and the full moon poured out its light on the ocean. And then you saw.
What you saw wasn’t the peaceful floating of stars on lazy waves. There was no white foam grazing sand with a gentle, sleepy sigh. What unfolded instead was a scene of terror. Half-drowned sailors clutching pieces of wood, corpses sinking, screams under the indifferent eye of the moon. And you on the shore, shivering, watching mesmerized and terrified the bodies thrown this way and that, the arms flailing and reaching out towards the sky.
You swallowed past the lump in your throat and gave Wilhemina a smile, so sweet, so tender – just for her? She felt herself tremble.
“You would have freaked out and pushed me away, wouldn’t you? A little like you’re doing right now.” Another smile, so full of adoration it pulverized every single one of her remaining defenses. “Except now,” you went on, voice getting lower to share a secret, “now you know what you want. Don’t you, sweetness?”
Yes, whispered Wilhemina’s heart. Instinctively she pushed the thought away, questioned it. Yes, her heart insisted.
“I love you,” was what she said.
The smile that you gave her lit up the night.
Had the world always been so bright? Had every single thing always been so beautiful? Wilhemina’s heart was bursting with so many emotions and above it all – love. Love was singing inside her. She was shining.
Tag list: @mssallymckenna @supremeinlilac @pluied-ete @rainbow-hedgehog @pearplate @angelxsarahp @paulawand @asktammyr @peggycarter-steverogers   @coconutlipss  @saucy-sapphic @thesupremewife @paulsonpills  @vintagepaulson @billiedeansbottom @lilypadscoven @winslctrg @simpforpaulson @venablesgirl @mckennamayfairgoode
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch59: We Only Part To Meet Again
Intro: The team hold a memorial for Natasha.
Warnings: “Language!” Angst
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: I’m STILL salty that Nat didn’t get a proper send off in Endgame so I hope I’ve done her justice in this one. We’re so near the end now… *cries*
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 58
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Steve and Katie decided not to tell anyone about their news until both Natasha’s remembrance ceremony and Tony’s funerals were done. For no reason other than they didn’t want any of the attention being placed on them to detract from what the days were about- their friends and family taking time to remember together.  In all fairness, it wasn’t too long time to have to wait.  The only problem however, was that whilst it might have been easy to fool the kids, it was a little less easy to fool Bucky and Sam, especially when the morning of Nat’s memorial, Katie pushed Bucky and Sam out of the way as she ran from the kitchen and emptied her stomach into the downstairs toilet.
“She okay?” Bucky asked looking at Steve as he grabbed a bottle of water for her from the fridge.
“Just nerves, about the memorial.” Steve brushed off Bucky’s concern, and before he could be asked any further questions, he headed out into the hallway just as Katie was emerging from the bathroom. Wordlessly he handed her the bottle and gently cupped her cheek in his hand, and she smiled softly leaning into his touch.
“You were puking the last time we were on a jet together you know.” Sam quipped as they walked back into the kitchen  “Maybe that says something about your flying.” Katie shot back at him, sitting down at the table.
“Nah ah, you’d eaten that dodgy chicken remember?”
Katie nodded and then Bucky gave a scoff.
“You know, you’re almost convincing.” He pointed at her. “You on the other hand,” his point moved to Steve who had reached to open the fridge, pausing as he was caught in his friend’s stare, “still can’t lie for shit. It’s written all over your face.” Katie and Steve exchanged a glance before they looked back to the two men who were both leaning against the counter, mugs of coffee in their hands.
“What’s he lying about?” Sam frowned, looking at Bucky. Bucky simply gave him an exasperated glance.
“Let’s just say it’s more likely to be dodgy sausage than chicken.”
“Buck!” Steve frowned as Katie glared at his best friend. Sam’s face rearranged itself into a look of comprehension and he turned to look at Katie.
“Really?” His eyes flickered from her to Steve. Before they could deny it, Jamie walked into the kitchen with Lucky, the pair of them having been in the garden with Emmy.
“When do we go see Auntie Nat-Nat’s tree?”
“Soon” Steve turned to his son noticing instantly his son’s shoes were filthy. “Do not move a single step more, pal.”
Jamie stood and saluted at his father, the way Tony had taught him to do whenever he was given an order and Katie snorted a laugh. With a roll of his eyes Steve bent down and undid the laces on his sneakers. Jamie kicked them off and ran over to his momma.
“Can I wear my Captain ‘Merica top Auntie Nat-Nat got me?” He asked.
“You can wear what you want today, baby.” Katie kissed his head. At that she looked around. “Absolutely no black.”
“Kinda ironic really seeing as she spent half her life being called Black Widow.” Sam mused.
“Exactly.” Katie nodded. “Today there is no black widow, only Natasha Romanoff.”
At that point Emmy stepped inside holding a ceramic pot which now contained a tulip plant she had dug up from her patch near the shed. “Will this be okay, you know, to plant under her tree?” “I think it’s perfect.” Katie smiled, standing up with Jamie in her arms. “And so would she. She liked tulips. Right young man,” she blew a raspberry on her son’s cheek and he grinned, “shower time.” “Want me to do it?” Steve asked.
“No, I’ll take him. You can deal with these two idiots.” She nodded towards Sam and Bucky. She glanced back at Steve and gave him a soft smile. “Emmy, you need to get ready too, honey.”
Steve watched as his family left the kitchen before he turned to look at Bucky. “You are a pain in my ass, you know that?” “Tell me I’m wrong.” Bucky raised an eyebrow as Steve ran his hands over his face. He looked at his friend and then couldn’t help the small smile that spread across his face.
“Yeah, she’s, we’re pregnant.”
“Fucking hell, punk!” Bucky moved to give the man a hug “That’s great news.”
“Thanks Buck.” Steve grinned, pulling back.
“Yeah nice one, Cap.” Sam beamed, shaking his hand.
“Thanks, but we’re keeping it on the low for the time being. We don’t wanna tell anyone till after Tony’s funeral, it just doesn’t feel right you know.”
Both men made affirmative nods and hand gestures, before Sam looked at Steve.
“How far along?”
Steve hesitated. “Well, we don’t know. It’s kinda complicated.”
“Complicated?” Bucky frowned “What’s complicated about it?”
“We lost one in the snap.” Steve rubbed the back of his neck. “We didn’t even think about it being a possibility, ya know, that it would come back, and we didn’t know Katie was pregnant back then until after. We’ve got a dating scan tomorrow so we’ll know for sure then.”
“So that time when we were on the low, and she thought she was sick…” Sam frowned, “she he was actually pregnant?”
Steve nodded.
“Not bad chicken?”
Steve shook his head.              
“Dude you knocked up your Mrs whilst we were running from the Feds?”  Sam’s eyes widened and Steve let out a sigh.
“It wasn’t exactly planned, Sam.” He rolled his eyes.
**** Steve watched his wife for a moment as she sat on the seat opposite him on the private Stark Jet, scribbling on a piece of paper. She was scribing notes for Tony’s Eulogy and her brow was furrowed as she jotted her ideas down, stopping every so often to wipe a stray tear away from her eyes. He leaned over to tuck her hair behind her ear whilst asking if she needed anything and she shook her head, tapping the pen lightly against her teeth. He dropped his hand to her neck, gently squeezed in a sign of affection and stood up to go and check if Bucky need rescuing from Jamie’s incessant chattering.
“You know it doesn’t seem right, any of this.” Katie spoke quietly, as she looked out of the window. Steve watched her for a second before he sat back down and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the small table between them. She turned back to him and sighed. “The world is mourning for Tony, yet the same people who are leaving candles and wreathes and flowers outside the tower don’t seem to give a shit about Natasha. She’s not been mentioned once in the media since the President’s address.” “Sadly, I’m not surprised.” Steve sighed “After we took down SHIELD and all her past secrets were thrown into the spotlight and, well, you know her history. It wasn’t well received. People made assumptions about her, questioned her loyalties, wrongly yes, but they did.” “It’s not fair.” Katie sniffed.
“You’re right, it’s not. It’s unfair and it’s cruel.” Steve nodded, gently reaching out for Katie’s hand. “She gave her life because she believed so firmly that we could succeed and she’s being given no recognition at all. But that’s what today is about. Those of us that did know her, and did care about her, getting the chance to say goodbye properly.”
Katie smiled sadly, her fingers tangling in Steve’s as their hands lay entwined on the table
“And I think she would prefer it this way.” He continued “She was a very private person, unless she was around her friends, her family after all.”
“Yeah.” Katie said, smiling gently. “Maybe you’re right.”
There was a loud yell from the other side of the jet and they both looked over to see Bucky giving Jamie a hi-five as Sam and Emmy leant back in their chairs, throwing their Uno cards onto the table in defeat.  Bucky looked up and caught Steve’s eye, flashing him a small wink.
It wasn’t long before they were landing. Katie felt ridiculously queasy as the jet began to descend and no sooner was she on the concrete of the runway than she threw up to the side of the steps. Emmy gave her a suspicious look, but didn’t say anything as she made her way, her hand around Jamie’s, as they followed Sam and Bucky to the waiting cars, Steve patiently hanging back for his wife to compose herself before they set off on the 30 minute or so drive to Clint’s farm.
There were hugs, hand-shakes and a few tears as the group greeted each other. Banner and Wanda had already arrived before the Rogers-Barnes-Wilson clan did, and it wasn’t long until Fury and Hill walked into the large farmhouse. An hour or so later, Okoye and T’Challa landed shortly followed by Rocket, Nebula and Thor. And finally Lang, Rhodey, Pepper, Happy and Morgan.  As Katie looked round as her niece shot over to hug her ‘Uncle Spangles’, she suddenly felt a warmth in her chest that where was still so much love in and amongst the grief.
They had an hour or so at the house, Jamie and Nathaniel instantly hitting it off and retreating to Nate’s room, emerging thirty minutes later each with a picture for their Auntie Nat. Katie had crouched down next to her son as he had showed her the picture of the woman with the shock of red hair holding a bar of chocolate because “she always gave me chocolate, Momma.”
“Yeah, yeah she did.” Katie smiled, kissing his cheek.
In the mid-afternoon sun, Clint and Laura, with their three kids, led the way down a worn path which led to a small pond not far from the line of trees that surrounded the farm. Clint explained that Natasha liked it here, she often came to visit and stay if there was a little too much going on in her life to cope with and this was her place which was why the tree was planted here. The tree was roughly six feet high at the moment but was already sporting the deep red leaves they had picked it for, and they all knew that over time it would grow and expand. There was a small wooden bench underneath it, with a brass plaque which sported Natasha’s Black Widow symbol, and they had also ordered a small head stone, but that would not be available for a while.
“It’s beautiful Clint.” Katie nodded, her hand falling to the place just underneath her throat and above her chest. “It really is.” “So,” Clint rubbed his neck, clearing his throat. “I thought, those of us that wanted to could just say a few words and,” he looked around and gave a watery smile as he took in the crowd of people, “you know, seeing you all here reminds me of how Nat came into my life. No friends, no family, no connections, and absolutely no desire to change any of that.” “You got that right.” Fury muttered, drawing a few smiles and soft laughs, including a chuckle from Clint.
“Yet here she is, being celebrated and remembered by all of you, all of us, the people whose lives she’s touched and impacted and I guess, well, she did change it after all.”
Steve gave the archer a smile as he turned to look at the tree, his head bowing slightly “Nat, your last name might have been Romanoff but you’ve been part of the Barton family for as long as we can remember. I watched you break free from the horrors of your youth and learn that life didn’t have to always be painful and cruel. You worked tirelessly to build yourself up and always strived to be a better person. I hope you know that,” he paused and looked upwards, taking a deep shaky breath, “you were worthy of being loved. And we did, we loved you so much, still do. Me, Laura, Coops, Lila and Nate.  If it wasn’t for you my family wouldn’t be here, but whilst my heart may have pieced itself back together thanks to them coming home, there’s still a huge hole there where you used to be. And I know that Nate only met you briefly, but he’s gonna know…he’s gonna know all about the woman he’s named after, the bravest woman I have ever known.” He reached out and wiped at his face before his hand gently touched the bark of the tree trunk. “Goodbye, Nat.” At that point Laura stepped forward, her own tears trickling down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms round her husband, their kids all following before Nathanial turned and placed the piece of paper he was holding on the bench, Clint helping him tack it to the back part with a small pin before the stepped back into the crowd.
Almost everyone spoke. Fury and Hill went next, explaining how they had been there from the beginning and watched her as she had transformed from this lethal, master assassin into an Avenger, a leader. And whilst he may not have been so warm to her in the beginning, Fury had come to look at her as a protégée, the person who after Hill and Coulson he trusted the most. And Hill, who had become a friend, one of the first people to join Natasha’s slowly expanding group of confidents in the beginning. Natasha had exceeded any expectations they had of her as a colleague and had been a fiercely loyal friend until the end.
Okoye, Nebula, Rocket, who had only known Nat really for a short time, all respected the woman who was broken and shattered but never gave up wanting to make the world a better place and continually strived to find a way to fix what Thanos had done. They had all forged a friendship with Natasha as they picked up the pieces of a shattered world and strived to keep people safe through the chaos that ensured post snap.
T’Challa, who had seen the fierce loyalty and drive that Natasha possessed first hand, gave a moving short speech, commending her for her courage. “Even if that did mean she knocked me out with a hell of a sting.” He quipped, drawing chuckles from the group. “Her tenacity on the battle field in Wakanda, her strive to protect not only her friends, but billions of strangers, at all costs. An honourable trait.”
Lang, who again hadn’t known her wrong but had found an ally instantly willing to work on his ludicrous Time Heist idea, without whom, “I doubt anyone would have taken me seriously, including Steve” nodded around, and Steve gave him a small smile and a shrug because it was true.  
Bucky, who had tried to kill Natasha on more than one occasion, but could empathise with what she had been through more than most, simply placed his metal hand on the bark of the tree and said something in Russian, which he later explained to Steve and Katie had been a simple thank you and goodbye, not being able to think of anything else to say.
Rhodey who had know Nat as long as Katie had, spoke about how he had watched as she stepped up post the snap, helping Steve lead what was left of their group as they tried to help who was left and “bring peace to a world that was in turmoil”.
Pepper who had also known her as long as Katie had, thanks to her infiltration of Stark Industries spoke about how she’d become a good friend over the years, sharing a “mutual annoyance at Tony’s ridiculous antics” and with Katie and later Wanda the women had joined forces in an otherwise male and testosterone swamped Avengers Tower or Compound.
Wanda and Sam, who had both spent years on the run alongside her. She had helped train them both, fought alongside them both, and saved both their lives more times than they cared to remember. They respected her, and counted her amongst their closest friends.
Thor, he trusted her, infinitely, watching her hold her own against opponents both bigger and stronger on many an occasion. She had never once judged him for the sins of his brother, and with a large clap of lightning he had declared her the “most noble and worthy warrior, one of the greatest I have ever seen”
Bruce, who had trusted her more than he had ever trusted anyone was up next, and he took a moment to gather his own thoughts, before he spoke simply and succinctly, but no less emotionally. “There’s a reason that lullaby never worked for anyone else, Nat, and whilst we never got the chance to explore the feelings we had for one another, I loved you. More than as a friend, and want you to know that my time away for those two years I was stuck as the hulk was not your fault, despite what you thought.”
And then, it was Steve’s turn. The soldier cleared his throat, his hand firmly grasped around Katie’s as they both stepped forward, their kids at their side. His chest was horribly tight as he took a deep breath and began to speak. “Clint’s right Nat, you were a pain in the ass. Specifically my ass for years. Constantly laughing at me for being old fashioned, trying to fix me up on dates until you realised that the person I wanted to be with just happened to be one of your best friends, which then opened up a whole other world of opportunity for your sarcasm and wind ups. You were one of the bravest, kindest people I have ever fought alongside, and we both knew that when we made you godmother to Jamie you’d guide him in the best way you could, even if you did take him for the day and fill him with enough e-numbers to make him bounce of the walls when you returned him.”
He sniffed slightly and Katie lay her head against his shoulder, fighting her own tears. “People often pointed to me as the leader of the Avengers, but I wasn’t. Not really. You were the one that held us all together on more than one occasion, especially when me and Tony were ready to rip each other’s heads off. Your ability to see the best in people is something I can only hope to emulate, and we’re going to miss you. We all are. More than you will ever know.” At that point, his voice cracked and Katie could see he was close to breaking, just as Clint had done.
“Emmy, Jamie why don’t you put your picture and your plant on the bench?” She encouraged gently, “Clint, can you?”
Clint nodded and stepped forward with them both as she took the opportunity to wrap her arms around Steve, pulling him in close.
“I drawed this for you.” She heard Jamie say as Clint helped him tack his photo next to Nathaniel’s before he promised Emmy he would plant the tulips in the ground once her headstone was there.
A silence fell before Katie stepped back and looked up at Steve who gave her a nod to assure her he was okay. Then, realising it was her turn she turned to the tree and looked at the shock of red leaves, smiling softly.
“There’s nothing I can say that hasn’t already been said.” Katie smiled gently “You were an amazing person, inside and out. I’ll never forget how you helped me pick an outfit for my first date with Steve and calmed me down despite the nerves that were flooding my entire system.”
“You never told me that.” Steve frowned, causing the crowd around them to laugh.
“Oh it’s true.” Katie nodded with a smile before she turned back to the tree. “All the ribbings and joking you would do, trying to get the ‘inside details’ as you called them on Captain America, but that’s what friends do right? And we were friends, best friends. I knew I wanted to be your friend the first time I met you when you were undercover in Stark Industries and your floored Happy after Tony insisted you ‘go a few rounds’”
“Thanks, Kiddo.” Happy grumbled, drawing more chuckles.
“You helped us so much when Jamie was a baby, taking him when you could see things were getting too much for me as a new mum, telling me that it was normal to feel a little overwhelmed when I simply thought I was doing a bad job. We couldn’t have done it without you and there’s no better friend I could have had by my side through everything we’ve been through together and done over the past thirteen years.”
Katie looked up at the sky, her tears falling now. “You know, on the jet on the way over me and Steve talked about how cruel it was that you’re not getting the recognition for your part in bringing everyone back that you deserve, but then I see everyone here and,” she choked a little on her words and felt Steve’s arm slide around her waist, “you know, it might not be a public mourning but this, this is the evidence that you were loved, and the people that mattered care and will always care and be thankful that you gave your life so that everyone who’s here could live theirs.  You were so loved Nat, you always will be, and I can only hope you knew and felt that.”
With that her tears began to fall thickly and she turned to Steve, his arms wrapping around her, his large, strong but ever so gently hands held her close to him, one on the base of her back, the other on her head.
There was a soft breeze which ruffled the leaves of the trees in the otherwise completely calm clearing they were in and no one spoke for a moment, until Clint stated that there were drinks and food waiting at the house. With a last glance over her shoulder at Nat’s tree, Katie allowed Steve to guide her down the path, every so often pressing a soft kiss to her temple.
With drinks and full plates, the guests spilled out into grounds of the Barton farm as animated chat began on and around the porch. Katie stuck to apple juice topped up with lemonade in a wine glass, and when Steve had subtly arched an eyebrow in question at the fact she was drinking she’d flicked him off and shook her head gently causing him to snigger a little.
“So,” Pepper sidled up to her, looking at her, “when are you due?”
“What?” Katie asked, a little too quickly.“I don’t know what you’re-.”
“I know that’s not wine.” Pepper gently cut her off. “And I know that you lost a baby in the snap. Maybe I’m putting two and two together here, but…”
Katie sighed and looked at her sister-in-law. “We only found out the other day. We didn’t wanna say anything, not until the memorials and funerals are over. It doesn’t feel right, to be happy about it all. Even though I can’t help it.” “Are you kidding me?” Pepper smiled “Katie, its great news. Something positive to look forward to.”
“Literally” Katie mumbled causing Pepper to grin.
“I knew it!” Emmy’s voice spluttered and Katie groaned and turned to face her. “The baby, it came back?”
“Shhhh” Katie hurriedly quieted her. “We haven’t told anyone yet.”
“Why not?”
“Because we don’t know how far along we are or,” Katie pinched the bridge of her nose. “just not yet Emmy okay? And this isn’t how we wanted you to find out. We were gonna tell you tomorrow after the scan.”
Emmy cocked her head to one side and shrugged, draining the glass of ice tea she was holding before she smiled and wrapped her arms round her mother, the sixteen year old now being almost as tall as she was. “I think it’s great.” Katie smiled and lay her head against her daughters, squeezing her back. “Yeah, yeah it is.”
***** Katie was exhausted after the day’s events and so, once the kids were settled she left the men drinking in the kitchen and headed for a bath.  Steve and Bucky had been drinking the Asgardian stuff all afternoon thanks to Thor bringing a load with him to Clint’s and both the soldiers had been feeling the effects before they headed home, and still were thanks to the stash Steve had in the cabinet and beer fridge.
“You know,” Sam leaned back in his chair, “when you find out how far gone Katie is tomorrow, we’re gonna be able to figure out a point of conception.” “Yeah that’s generally how it works.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“Well you better not have made that baby on my plane.”
“We never had sex on the jet.” Steve sighed.
“No, just dirty old warehouses in the middle of a mission.” Sam shot back.
“Did you have to bring that up?” Steve said exasperatedly.
“Oh now this I gotta hear.” Bucky grinned and turned to look at Sam.
“They left their coms on.” Sam mumbled “Trust me you don’t gotta…”
Bucky gave a loud bark of a laugh as Steve groaned.
“We just got caught up and…” He suddenly stopped, deciding he didn’t have to explain himself. Why the fuck should he? “You know what, I don’t care, have you seen her? I’d bang her every second of the day if I could, she’s fucking gorgeous.”
“Aww thanks baby, but five times in one night was quite enough thanks.” Katie said and all three men whipped round to face her as she quirked an eyebrow smirking, leaning in the doorway dressed as usual in a pair of shorts and one of his shirts. “It was one hell of a wedding night.”
“Five times?” Sam looked at Steve who flushed bright red, but couldn’t help but feel slightly smug.
“And that’s how many times we did it.” She continued as she walked to the fridge to pull out a bottle of water, turning to wink at Steve “Not how many times he made me see stars.”
Sam gave a loud laugh as Bucky grinned, a dirty snigger escaping from his mouth.
“I think I liked it better when you hated each other.” Steve said, glaring at them.
“Aww they picking on you baby?” Katie slid her arms round his neck from behind. He nodded, his hands rubbing over her forearms as they locked at the front of his chest.
“Big time.” He pouted.
“Come to bed and I’ll make it better.” She whispered into his ear and he turned as she straightened up and headed back out of the room. “Night boys.”
There was a pause as Steve looked at Bucky who was chuckling to himself, clearly having overheard.
“I’m gonna,” Steve watched Katie leave, and with that he drained his beer, stood up and headed after her.
Bucky eyed the bottle of alcohol in his hand before he turned to Sam. “Wanna go for a walk, find a bar? I’m in the mood for exploring my old neighbourhood a little.”
“Damned straight.” Sam nodded, standing up “The night is young Frosty. Unlike you.”
“Fuck off.” Bucky shot back, grabbing his jacket and smiling as he felt the leather in his flesh hand.
“Buck, you got a sec?” Katie asked, just before they were about to leave for the airfield.
Bucky paused and looked at Steve who simply gave him a smile. “She’s got something for you.” he said, ushering the kids down the hall with easy commands and large hands.
Bucky made his way into the living room and his mouth turned into a smile as Katie held out his leather jacket, the one he had wrapped her in when he pulled her from the Hydra base in La Ronde what felt like a life time ago.
“I believe this is yours.”
“You kept it?” he said gently.
“Of course I did. I just never had chance to give it you back until now.”
He took it from her, gently running his hand over the collar.
“I also never got chance to thank you for that day, what you did.”
“Anyone would have done the same.” Bucky shrugged, rubbing at the back of his neck in an action that reminded her very much of Steve.
“You sure?” Katie gave him a soft smile. “You headed deep into a base full of people who had once hurt you because someone was screaming for help. Someone, and you had no idea it was me. And even if you did, you didn’t know me. Not really.”
“No, but I knew what those bastards were capable of.” Bucky eyed her gently. “I wouldn’t ever leave anyone to suffer at their hands. I just wish I’d gotten there sooner.”
“Did Steve tell you what they did?” She asked gently.
“He doesn’t need to.” Bucky looked down.“Like I said, I know what they’re, what they were capable of.” “You’re a good man James Barnes.” She gave him a soft smile and then stepped forward to give him a hug. “You saved my life. And for that I’ll always be grateful, and so will Steve.”
Bucky smiled slightly as she slipped on the jacket and headed after Sam as they gently left the house, the door closing behind them.
Upstairs, Steve’s hands were already all over his wife, gentle, strong, loving as he softly caressed her stomach, the place his baby was growing. He nuzzled into her neck as she preened at his touch, arching her back. She moved slightly so he could pull the shirt over her head before he gently took her face in his hands, thumbs skating over her cheekbones.
“I hope it’s a girl,” he whispered gently, dropping a kiss to her lips, “and she looks just like her momma.”
“Charmer.” She grinned as he kissed her again, the kiss growing urgent, Steve flicking his tongue over his wife’s lips before he moved to gently trail his mouth down her neck to the spot in between her collar bone, giving it a gentle nip and a suck. It was a well-practiced dance between the pair of them. After ten years of being with one another they both knew the spots to hit, the places to touch, the parts to tease that would undo the other. It was a familiarity, but one that would never get old. Steve would never tire of the way her finger tips trailed down his back, nails gently biting his skin as she made those delectable noises by his ear. Katie would never tire of the way Steve would softly trail every curve of her body, his hands and strong arms cradling her as he lavished affection on her that drove into her very soul, his mouth gently nipping at her neck, his gentle praises that made her keen with affection.
“I love you baby girl, you’re so good to me, so good.” The soft sheets of the bed rustled around them as Steve gently rocked into his wife, causing her to sigh and lay her head back, gazing up at him with a love and lust so deep it almost hurt him to see. He had never been worthy of this love, and never would be. But all he could do was love her back, the way he did, with every single breath he had.
His movements were slow, his hand gently moved to hook her leg around him, finding a deeper seat as he rocked forwards and back again and again, driving deep against her spot as her hands hooked around his neck, pulling him down to kiss her, deeply, softly as she moaned into his mouth.
“Come on baby,” he said gently, his lips moving to her neck, “atta girl, come on.”
Her back arched and her nails dug into the skin of his biceps as she leaned forward slightly, burying her head into the crook of his shoulder to muffle her cries as she came, tightening around him. He upped his pace, ever so slightly, chasing his own release and he came, his lips pressed to hers, a deep, satisfied moan bubbling from his throat into her mouth as his hips stuttered and he rest his forehead against hers, gathering his breath.  He suddenly realised he was led on top of her, his baby in her stomach and he went to move but she caught him softly, her hands straying to his shoulders as she smiled at him, her hands gently moving to rake up through his hair as she pressed a soft kiss to his mouth before she nipped his lip and he practically growled at her.
“Keep doing that,” he muttered “and I’ll be hard again in about five seconds flat.” “I’m counting on it.” She smirked, kissing him again.
“I’m sorry, say that again?” Katie looked at Dr Kellet. The woman smiled and glanced back at her.
“Ten weeks.” She nodded “Give or take. Which makes your due date, roughly the 1st June”
Katie glanced at Steve who was frowning and she knew instantly what was bothering him. He was concerned about the fact she had been pregnant in the fight, and was worried that the snap would have done some lasting damage. Katie wasn’t as concerned, for some inexplicable reason she knew everything was okay and had instead diverted his attention to researching second pregnancies… which he had done with gusto.
The kids were in bed, Bucky and Sam were, actually, Katie had no idea where they were, not that it mattered, they were grown men. They were led on the couch, Katie down one side of the L shape, Steve on the other with his head in his wife’s lap as he glanced at the screen on his phone.
“It says here that you should feel them move sooner than the first time because you know what they feel like…” Steve said, grinning up at her. “Wonder if that means I’ll feel them sooner too?” Katie shrugged, smiling as she ran her hand through Steve’s hair. “No idea.”
“And you’ll carry it lower.” He continued. “Which according to this is a good thing as you’ll breathe easier and eat much more comfortably than you did last time. Although you might be doing the whole constant needing to pee thing sooner, but on the plus side labour is faster.” “Oh joy.” Katie sighed, her nails scratching his scalp slightly.
“And it says here you’re likely to start showing sooner.” A huge grin spread across his face. “I can’t wait!” He shifted slightly so that he was led on his stomach and his head crept under her T-shirt and his nose gently skimmed her lower belly. “Although last time when you started showing, it just looked like you’d eaten too many cheeseburgers…” Katie nipped his arm causing him to yelp out a laugh.
“Are you sure everything is okay?” Steve asked, drawing Katie out of her memories. “Because well, the snap and…”
Dr Kellet smiled and nodded “Your baby is perfectly healthy and normal, everything is perfect.”
Steve nodded, the worry he had instantly felt ebbing from his system and Katie gently laced her fingers between his and glanced back at the screen.
“Ten weeks…” she sighed “How on Earth did I not notice I was that far gone?”
Steve gently kissed the back of her hand. “Honey it doesn’t matter, don’t think on it. Don’t think on any of it.”
“I’ll get you a few copies of the photo.” Dr Kellet nodded.
“Have you had many others in, like this I mean?” Katie asked as the Doctor wiped the cold gel off her stomach “I mean, that have had babies back or…” “You’re the sixth one I’ve seen since everyone came back.” she smiled “Who knew?”
“Could be problematic,” Katie mused “I mean like, what if they are already pregnant again, or like, I dunno, dead against having kids now or…” “Katie…” Steve chuckled “Shut up.”
Armed with the two scan photos they headed home and were greeted by an excited Jamie who dragged the pair of them into the living room where he had been building a rocket out of lego with Bucky’s help.
“Everything okay?” Sam looked up from where he as prodding at Katie’s tablet, reading the news.
“Yeah,” Katie smiled, and she looked at Steve who grinned at his friends.
“Roughtly Ten weeks.” He answered the unasked question and Sam frowned.
“Ten weeks…” He mumbled as he did the same maths they had done in the car, a huge shit eating grin crossing his face. “So it was that time on the mission!”
“It’s kinda funny really.” Katie smirked. “Both of them were made through some pretty wild loving up against a wall.” Steve let out a sigh and he shot his wife a filthy look as both Bucky and Sam roared with laughed.
“What was against a wall?” Jamie asked, looking up at her and Steve let out a low groan.
“We’ll give you a minute.” Bucky smiled, standing up as he headed into the kitchen, followed by Sam, both passing Emmy who was returning with a drink for her and Jamie.
“Come here.” Katie settled on the couch and pat the seat next to her. Jamie scrambled up and ran over, jumping up beside her. Steve sat on the other side of him, and Emmy perched on the corner cushion. Katie looked over at Steve who smiled and turned so he was facing his son slightly.
“We have some news, buddy. Some good news.” He gently ran his hand over Jamie’s head “Your mom’s gonna have another baby.” “You’re gonna be a big brother.” Katie smiled as he turned to look up at her, his eyes wide.
“A baby?”
“Yeah.” Katie nodded.
“Isn’t that cool?” Emmy grinned and Jamie nodded before he frowned slightly before he looked back at his dad.
“Where is it?”
“It’s in your momma’s tummy.” Steve answered.
Jamie looked at Katie for a moment, before his frown deepened. “How did it get in there?”
Steve hesitated for a moment, his neck and cheeks flushing as he desperately thought about how he could explain this in a way that was suitable for a three year old’s ears. “Well, I…” “It got there because we’re a family.” Katie cut in, smiling. “And me and your dad love each other very much, so it’s kinda something that happens.”
“Oh.” Jamie nodded, and Steve shot his wife a smile as Jamie grinned. “So when is it gonna be here?”
“Not till early next year.” Katie smiled.
“Is it a boy or a girl?”
“We dunno yet pal.” Steve smiled.
“I hope it’s a boy.” Jamie nodded decisively. Katie smiled at Steve before Jamie quipped up again “But I’m not sharing my room or my toys. I don’t like people touching my stuff.”
**** O/S: To The Stars And Back
Chapter 60
 **Original Posting**
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oumakokichi · 4 years
Do you think that Kokichi had any remorse for Gonta during trial 4 or did he actually not care? I've seen a lot of people saying different opinions from both sides of the argument. But I'm really confused because there was a moment where after Gonta was executed, correct me if I'm wrong but Shuichi asked Kokichi if he could reveal the secret of the outside world (?) But Kokichi replied with something like “I don't want to....” and seemed generally upset? But then a few moments later he snapped out if it and began acting like he had no sympathy whatsoever. I just really wanna know how Kokichi actually, truly felt about Gonta and if he regretted manipulating him. Sorry if you've already been asked this and have already given an answer, thank you!
Hi anon—I actually wrote a pretty big master-post on chapter 4 not too long ago which I think more or less sums up my thoughts on Ouma’s behavior in the post-trial! You can find it here if you want (it’s pretty long and I tried to answer a whole bunch of questions about Ouma in chapter 4 specifically, since it’s the chapter I get asked about the most).
More specifically though, I’m afraid that there is no easy, definitive answer to that question. I can only share my personal opinions about how I believe Ouma felt in that scene. And personally? I do think he was genuinely upset and distraught about Gonta’s death, that he even momentarily considered giving up all his plans and being executed alongside him, and that he cared about Gonta and deeply regretted using him as a sacrificial pawn in his plans.
I’ll discuss what I mean in more detail, but it’ll probably get pretty long, so I’ll put the rest of this post under a cut as always!
The thing is, though, I’ve shared my personal thoughts about the chapter 4 post trial many times, including my reasoning and all of the textual evidence that shows how much Ouma cared about the rest of his classmates. But ultimately, there will probably always be some people who disagree, because their reading of the text will always be a little bit different. Unless we ever have an interview from Kodaka in the future where he directly says, “this is what Ouma was thinking and feeling at this exact moment,” there really won’t ever be a way to know what was going through his head with 100% certainty (and I do feel like leaving it open-ended is something of Kodaka’s intention, anyway, especially since Ouma is supposed to be a very polarizing character).
That being said, I do think it’s worth analyzing the text and drawing your own conclusions, because ndrv3 is a game that changes a lot depending on how you interpret it, and Ouma’s character is included in that. It’s really easy on a first playthrough to get wrapped up in what Ouma says or does without really looking at why he says it, or at his underlying motivations. Going back through the game on a replay though, I do personally think it’s possible to guess at what he might have been feeling during those super conflicting scenes in chapter 4.
In my opinion, I think Ouma did truly care about Gonta as a friend, and that his guilt and remorse over what he did was genuine. Not only did Ouma and DICE have a very strict taboo against killing (mentioned directly in his motive video in Japanese, though the part about it being an actual rule was stripped from the localization), but we don’t see Ouma’s façade crack like this very often. Most of the time when he does his trademark “crocodile tears,” it’s with his very loud, exaggerated crying sprite, and he bounces right back to acting normally within a moment or two.
There are a few exceptions to this, of course—he uses the “crocodile tears” sprite to cry at Kaede, Amami, and Toujou’s deaths, but it’s still very likely he was shaken up by seeing them dead). Nonetheless, we don’t see his much more subdued crying sprites more than a handful of times, particularly in the chapter 4 post-trial just before Gonta’s execution, as well as in Momota’s flashback in chapter 5 when he talks about how Ouma actually hated the killing game the whole time.
I’m aware that some people simply brush these moments aside and assume that Ouma is lying though all of them, but I personally just can’t agree with that interpretation. Assuming that Ouma is lying whenever he shows remorse or guilt or hatred for the killing game means assuming that he’s telling the truth in pretty much every other scene—which doesn’t make much sense, given that his entire character is centered around the concept of lying, as well as moral ambiguity and subverting expectations. Assuming that Ouma actually means what he’s saying 100% of the time unless it just happens to involve showing any kind of guilt or remorse turns him into a very boring, predictable, uninspired character (none of which are words I would use to describe him personally).
Ignoring those moments where Ouma shows genuine attachment to his classmates and distaste for the killing game also means ignoring several key pieces of evidence and clues about him that we are directly provided in the game, including his motive video and Momota’s flashback in chapter 5. Personally, I don’t feel like there’s any reason to include these scenes at all unless it’s to help shed light on Ouma’s motivations and provide players with a clear reason to try and go back through the game again to look at Ouma’s actions through a new perspective.
I also feel that Ouma genuinely cared about Gonta because to put it simply, there was no incentive for him to lie in that scene. He got absolutely nothing out of it—and considering he turns around and starts playing the villain on purpose all of 5 minutes after Gonta’s death, he definitely wasn’t trying to earn sympathy points or trick the rest of his classmates into trusting him. In fact, he could’ve easily tried to make himself look more sympathetic by putting all of the blame on Miu for trying to kill him, or even on Gonta. But instead he fully admits to coming up with the plan to kill Miu and spends the entire post-trial trying to convince everyone not to hate or blame Gonta.
If he was truly as sadistic and horrible as he pretended to be, I think he would’ve pulled a 180 and started throwing names and insults around while Gonta was still alive to hear it, not after he was already dead. If he didn’t care at all about Gonta’s feelings, he had no reason to try and take all the blame on himself while insisting that none of what happened was actually Gonta’s fault. If anything, revealing himself to be this horrible, evil villain who enjoys seeing other people suffer or die would’ve really been adding insult to injury, and probably would’ve crushed Gonta completely, even before his execution started.
But… Ouma doesn’t do any of this. Despite having every opportunity to either portray himself as more of a victim and fling all the blame on Miu and Gonta, or else to completely embrace being a villain who loved seeing people suffer, he doesn’t do either of these things. The way I personally see it, Ouma waits until Gonta is already dead, and when the rest of his classmates begin pushing him for answers about the outside world and demanding to know what Gonta saw, that’s when he finally snaps and resigns himself to acting like a villain in order to make everyone hated.
You could argue that trying to make everyone hate him had a twofold effect: it helped set the stage for him to pretend to be the ringleader in the next chapter, which he clearly wanted, but it also was a way of taking things out on himself and shows just a small glimpse of how much he hated having to dirty his hands in chapter 4. After all, Ouma even says it himself: that the “role of a villain is perfect for him,” because he’s already made everyone hate him. We see Ouma occasionally tease or antagonize the rest of his classmates plenty of times throughout the game, but it’s true that he doesn’t really step into that “villain” role until the end of chapter 4, once he’s crossed a line that he can never come back from by manipulating both Miu and Gonta to their deaths.
None of this is to say that what Ouma did to Gonta is okay, by any means. I think he definitely did care about Gonta and even thought of him as one of the few trustworthy people in the killing game, even someone close to a friend, but that doesn’t mean that manipulating him and using him like a chess piece was okay in the end. I just also think it’s important to realize that there were plenty of extenuating circumstances that led Ouma to act the way he did—including the fact tha he knew Miu was going to kill him, that he already suspected she had measures to prevent him from fighting back or killing her himself in the VR world, and the fact that he did not want to die or get everyone else killed in the trial.
It’s possible for people to care about others without necessarily treating them the best or doing the right thing. A huge part of Danganronpa, something that’s been evident from the very first game, is that sometimes characters can and do hurt each other, even when they care about each other or wouldn’t be a threat otherwise.
It’s the existence of the killing game itself that causes so many characters to go to extremes that they normally wouldn’t, whether it’s Maizono trying to frame Naegi in dr1 despite caring about him a lot, Kaede deciding to try and commit murder under everyone’s noses despite trying to unite the group and wanting everyone to trust her, or Ouma using Gonta as a pawn to kill Miu in his place because he didn’t want to die.
At the end of the day, people are still probably going to have very polarizing opinions about Ouma and the things he did in chapter 4, and that’s honestly okay. In my own opinion, Ouma definitely isn’t a completely flawless, innocent baby who “did nothing wrong”—he absolutely is manipulative, cold, and calculating when he wants to be, and it’s a fact that he got two people killed, even if he didn’t want things to reach that point. But I also personally don’t think it’s fair to write him off as the exact kind of “evil villain” he pretends to be; not only is it a shortsighted interpretation of his larger motivations, but it also completely ignores any replay value and completely shoots down the appeal of trying to interpret Ouma’s thoughts and actions because “he was lying about feeling bad anyway, what’s the point in analyzing him.”
Tl;dr: I do think Ouma cares about Gonta, that he probably even thought of him as the closest thing he had to a friend in the killing game, and that what he did to Gonta in the end wasn’t okay. I think he really did respect Gonta for being such a sweet and kind person, but that he also knew Gonta was extremely naïve and that he would be one of the easiest people in their group to manipulate, hence why he decided to rely on him instead of anyone else. Their friendship is an important part of both of their character arcs, but it’s definitely not what I would call “on equal footing.”
I understand why Ouma’s actions might make some people really resent him, but I also believe that kneejerk reaction of anger and dismissal is exactly the point: Ouma does feel terrible about the things he did, but he doesn’t want anyone’s sympathy or forgiveness, not even the player’s. This, in my opinion, is why he starts embracing the villain role so completely from this point on, and why he’s never quite able to make the same sort of cold, calculating sacrifices in chapter 5 that he did in chapter 4.
I hope this helps answer your question, anon, along with the other chapter 4 post I wrote! Thank you for all your support!
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kiwi-bitchez · 5 years
Can you do a frat Tom story, where he’s a cocky player and y/n hates him? One day, they get stuck at the campus laundromat together, so they start talking and Tom is actually funny and nice. Y/N lets her guard down and they start kissing. And then Tom takes advantage of the moment and his cocky side turns back on and he starts dominating. He takes her to the back and makes her get on her knees to blow him and he makes her gag for him and he's boasting and dirty talking.
Rinse and Spin
OOF This suggestion is HOT. Thank you!!! Honestly this had me sweating. I tried my best! Requests/suggestions are always open!
Summary: basically above, you and tom get stuck in the laundry room together and some smutty fun ensues. College!AU, Frat!Tom, Lowkey enemies to lovers
Warnings: Smut, mentions of alcohol, mostly smut, it’s all smut. 
College was an exciting new chapter for you. Last year when you started school you were bright eyed and bushy tailed for all the new possibilities and independence that college brings. Living on your own, studying at your own pace, meeting new people, it all excited you. 
However after a few semesters had gone by the excitement slowly wore off and you fell into a regular routine. You didn’t dislike school by any stretch, but you have always been keen on seeing things as they truly are.
One of the aspects of college that had really excited you was the idea that everyone would shed their immaturity from high school and grow up quickly. You hoped to meet people who took school seriously and didn’t have that unattractive immaturity that so many high school boys had.
This was all a fantasy in your head of course. There were still many people who disrespected professors, slept through all their classes, and acted like sixteen year olds who had been finally let loose from their parents. You assumed the freedom and expectations of college would cause everyone to grow up, but a girl can only dream.
The worst was Tom Holland. You had been partnered with him last semester for a group project and he lives up to all your expectations of a typical asshole frat boy.
He never bothered to learn your name, just calling you “babe” or “love” in that cocky way that probably worked on some girls, but not you. You ended up doing most of the project yourself because the idea of meeting up with him outside class seemed unbearable. 
After that it was like you couldn’t stop running into him. At parties, in class, at the coffee shop, he was like an irritating bug that you couldn’t seem to squash.
He was the type of guy who loved being the center of attention. It came as no shock to you that he was the president of some stupid frat on campus, the one that threw the biggest parties. In your eyes frat boys had nothing filling their heads other than cheap beer and objectifying women. You tried your best to stay away from them, but did get dragged to the occasional party. 
You had luckily found a group of friends that lived up to your expectations of mature college students, they were funny and smart and you were lucky to have them. The area you weren’t so lucky with was dating. You had a few hookups at parties but nothing worth writing home about, and most of the boys you met either bored you or fell into the asshole frat boy category.
You look around your small dorm room and decide to straighten some things up. You had finished all your assignments and your friends didn’t get out of class for a few hours, so this seemed like the perfect time to do some laundry.
You toss your dirty clothes into your hamper and head down to the communal laundry room in the basement. You didn’t bother changing out of your pajamas, some loose shorts and a t-shirt sans bra, you figured you’d be back in your room soon enough. 
The door was open a crack, so you slip in and put down your heavy hamper next to an open washing machine. You notice someone sitting across the room out of the corner of your eye, it wasn’t unusual for students to wait for their laundry to finish. 
However, the creeping feeling in your stomach, the way the hair on the back of your neck stood up on end gave away quickly who the figure was. Ugh, Tom. He had headphones on and seemed to be minding his business, so you hoped you could get your laundry in and leave before he noticed you and said some snarky remark.
That was the thing about Tom, you were one of the only girls who didn’t buy into his smooth accent and pretty face. You would call him out for his bullshit and tell him he’s a creep whenever he made a pass at you. You could tell he liked it though, the back and forth of you telling the other how much you despised them, he liked that you could dish it back.
You manage to get your clothes into the washer, but quickly realize that you left your laundry card upstairs. You dig around your wallet for some quarters, coming up with just the right amount. Jamming them into the busted machine you quickly lose hope of them working, realizing you’d have to go back up for your card. 
“Need some help there sweetheart?” Tom asks from across the room.
Your hope of going unnoticed was shattered. Taking in a deep breath you roll your eyes and turn around to face him.
“No thanks sweetheart, machine won’t take my quarters,” you quickly turn back around, hoping that would be the end of the interaction. 
You start to gather your things to head back upstairs when you notice that he’s left his spot and is walking up behind you.
“Here just use mine,” he holds his card out.
“No thanks Holland, not taking any favors from you.”
“Really, it’s no biggie,” he taps the card against the sensor in the machine and pays the $1.25 for your load, “it’s the least I can do after you got me that A on the bio project last semester.” 
You were surprised that he even remembered that. You hold out your handful of quarters to pay him back.
“I don’t want your coins,” he chuckles.
“Well you certainly aren’t getting anything else from me,” you head towards the door, not knowing what to make of that interaction.
You needed the laundry card to swipe the door open, and it had been open a crack when you had come in.
“Hey,” you turn back around, “mind lending me that again so I can open the door?”
He runs up beside you and presses the card against the sensor, getting a little closer to you than you would have liked. The monitor turned red and starts blinking, indicating the card wasn’t working.
He tries again, “Strange, worked just a second ago.”
“Stop fucking with me Tom,” you grab the card from his hand, but it doesn’t work when you try either.
“Why do you always doubt me,” he takes the card back and examines it, “it’s not like I want to be stuck in here with you either.”
“Did you have the card near your phone?” you ask.
He realizes he had put the card back into the wrong pocket after paying for your laundry. The cheap cards are sensitive to technology and can get messed up if they get too close to a phone. 
He takes his phone out of his pocket, “oh my god, of course you’re the type of person who doesn’t put a case on their phone,” you roll your eyes again at him. 
“Guess you’re just gonna have to wait here with me until someone else can buzz us out.” 
“Damn I better start screaming for help then.”
He lets out a chuckle and returns to his seat on top of one of the dryers. You might as well take a seat too, it may be awhile before someone comes to release you from this hell. You hop up onto one of the dryers across the room from him, desperately wishing you had your phone or anything to distract you. 
“Cute shirt,” he comments.
“Shut up,” you realize he was probably commenting on how you weren’t wearing a bra. 
“No, I mean it,” he sounded a little hurt, “that band is really cool.” Referencing the band logo on your tee.
You give him an inquisitive look, trying to read his motives.
“Last summer I worked security at a small concert venue downtown, got into a lot of cool shows for free.” 
You would usually take this as him bragging, but he actually seemed interested in talking to you. He told you about some of the shows he worked at and you told him about the music festival you had gone to. 
After talking like civilized humans for a while he decides to ask, “Why do you hate me so much?” 
“Hmm?” You look up from the hem of your shirt that you had been fiddling with.
“It just seems like you hate me and you don’t even know me.”
“I think I know you well enough to know that we don’t get along.” 
“That’s not true at all, you don’t know the first thing about me!” He got up from his spot and moved closer to you.
“I guess I just don’t want to bother getting to know some egotistical frat boy who thinks every girl wants his dick, you’re just like the rest of them. Even worse, you’re their freaking leader! What do you want me to know about you huh? How much beer you can chug? How many girls you’ve fucked? I’m not interested.” 
“Wow, harsh,” he was actually a little hurt by your comment, but kept the smug grin plastered on his face.
“See, you’re not even listening to me. You just smile and nod until a girl opens her legs for you, so move on cuz I’m not buying it.”
“Oh, you think you’re so high and mighty because you stay cooped up in your dorm room studying like the perfect fucking princess you are,” his tone was mocking, “some of us manage to have fun and get good grades, you’re not special, doll, you’re just a buzzkill. I bet you’ve never even been to one of our frat parties.”
“I’ve been to a few,” you mumble defensively.
“So what, maybe it’s all kegs and tits some of the time, but we also do a lot of really cool stuff too.”
“Oh yeah, like what?” your voice dripping with sarcasm. 
“We do a lot of charity type shit around campus, hosting events and stuff.”
“Charity type shit,” you mocked him. 
“Last semester we did this event where we set up these big tables and just handed out free dildos and condoms and lube,” he started explaining.
“Wow, so charitable, your frat gives out free sex toys to get girls attention, sorry I ever questioned you Mother Theresa.”
“Hey, let me finish,” he puts up his hands, “we were petitioning against campus gun laws. We were trying to make a statement about how some sex toys are against campus rules but there are no gun laws.”
“Oh,” you felt really stupid, “that actually is pretty cool.”
“See, you always are so judgy, if you just listened to me for three seconds then maybe you wouldn’t hate me so much. You just jump to conclusions about people before even talking to them.” 
“I guess,” you turn to him, now sitting next to you on the dryer, “Sorry.”
“See, I like cool music and dildos too, we aren’t so different you and I,” you still wanted to wipe the grin off his face. 
“You don’t know that about me,” you say flatly. 
“Okay well I do know that you are into that one band,” he gestures to your t shirt, “and you are really good at bio… and you do your laundry at weird times of the day…”
You turn to him and lower your eyes, giving him an exasperated look. 
“And I know that you like coconut milk in your coffee, and you always get those chocolate pastry things…”
Your eyes widen a little, realizing how closely he must have paid attention to you to pick up on those things. You let your guard down for a second, giving him the benefit of the doubt for once. 
“And I know that you look really good in just your pajamas,” he nudges your side, “and I know that… you have really pretty eyes…”
His eyes meet yours, and you suddenly felt so vulnerable. 
“Shut up,” you whisper.
“I’m just telling you things that I know to be facts,” he whispers too, his face was very close to yours, and strangely you didn’t mind. 
Your mind went a little fuzzy as you stared into his coffee colored eyes, no longer trying to read him and just appreciating their color. A magnetic pull drew your face to his, almost like something you couldn’t have stopped even if you had wanted to. Before you could even realize it, your lips were firmly planted on his, hands frantically coming up to the sides of his face. 
Tom would be completely lying if he said he knew this would happen. He hadn’t been trying to win you over, smooth talk you like he did to other girls. The two of you had just been having a normal conversation. 
He was taken aback because rarely was he the one being kissed, usually he was the initiator. It only took seconds before he kissed you back, lips moving in synchronicity with yours. Your tongues connected harshly and angrily. He couldn’t tell if you liked him or still hated him, but by the way you felt in his mouth he didn’t care.
Your eyes flutter open, mind finally processing your actions. You harshly pull back, hands quickly moving away from his face and grabbing down onto the edge of the dryer. Your eyes grew wide and a look that could be mistaken for terror flashed across your face.
“Um- I…,” your tongue felt dry and heavy in your mouth, like you were suddenly having an allergic reaction to what you had just done.
You couldn’t come up with anything to say, and before you could his lips were on yours again. He pulled you in by the back of your neck, tongue moving over yours quickly resuming where you had left off.
Neither one of you could reason why this was happening, but it felt too right to care. You let yourself get lost in the kiss, ignoring how crazy and stupid and strange you felt. Suddenly you were leaning back, letting him pin you down against the cold metal beneath you. His hands gripped your sides with purpose and certainty, something you hadn’t ever felt from someone.
His teeth lightly graze your lower lip, pulling it slightly from your mouth. You let out an unexpected whimper, it was quiet and quick but you were sure he had heard. He did. It drove him fucking crazy.
He felt your body writhe underneath him, back arching slightly as his hands slid up your sides. Quickly realizing that the top of a washing machine was not the best place for this, he lifts you up, moving you so you were now straddling his lap.
A small gasp escaped you, surprised at how his strong arms swooped you up so easily. You let your whole body weight sink down onto his lap, pressing your chest tightly against his. Now it was his turn to let out a groan that wouldn’t go unnoticed.
He somehow slides off the machine and stands up, keeping you wrapped up against his torso. He moved with purpose across the small room, slipping into the small back room where no one could see you.
You were lost in the movement of the kiss when you feel your back firmly press against the wall, his body leaning into yours, the kiss getting hotter and wetter. You involuntarily roll your hips towards him, searching for some friction.
“Tell me you want me,” he groans into your mouth.
The way he looked at you like a hungry animal made your breath catch in your throat. His mouth moved to your neck and he buried his head there, kissing and sucking at your soft skin. The haze in your mind cleared for a second of clarity and you spoke with more conviction,
“I refuse to be one of your sexual conquests, Holland,” you continued to roll your hips against his, “You don’t get to tell everyone you fucked some nerdy girl in the laundromat.”
“Our secret,” he moves back to your lips, “but I need to hear you say it.”
“I want you,” your voice shrunk to a whisper.
One of his hands comes up to your chin, angling your head so he has full access to your neck. His tongue works against your pulse point as his hands come down to your things. Your shorts were a thin material, and he could easily feel you through them.
He squeezes your upper thighs, slowly moving up to your hips, pulling you into him.
“Tell me what you want,” your eyes roll back as his hands creep towards your dripping center, “tell me where to touch you.”
“Please,” you felt pathetic, but you press your hips further, trying to make contact with his hand, “I need you to touch me.”
His fingers dance under the hem of your shorts, moving up to your damp underwear.
“Is this all for me?” he says, almost mockingly, “I did this to you?”
You could only moan into his mouth as his fingers slipped into your underwear and moved against your wet folds. You tried to grind into his hand, but his grip on your hip kept you firmly planted against the wall.
“You act like you hate me, but you’ve been dripping for me this whole time haven’t you?”
He slipped a finger into you, curling it perfectly against your inner walls. He could feel you squeeze against him, your arousal starting to cover his whole hand. You couldn’t answer his question, rhetorical in nature, only gasp into his parted lips as he added a second finger.
 He lowers his head to nip at your chest through your thin t-shirt, teeth grazing your nipple through the fabric. You manage to slip out of it, still pressed against the wall, legs shaky under you.
His mouth comes down to attack your chest with bites and hickeys as he continues pumping his two long fingers into you, thumb moving tight circles on your clit. You were slightly embarrassed at how quickly you felt your climax nearing. You had always thought of him as a cocky player, but at least this boy knew exactly what he was doing.
You moan out his name with a slew of profanities, eyes closing tightly. His lips move up to your ear, speaking directly to you as you start to shake under him,
“What is it?” his tone was arrogant and knowing.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come soon,” you squeak out.
“I’m going to make you come,” his hand suddenly moving faster and harder.
“Mmmhh, yes Tommy, you’re making me feel so fucking good.”
“I want you to come on my fingers, and then I want you to get on your knees and suck my cock with those pretty lips of yours.”
Your moans were getting higher pitched, his words only intensifying how good he was making you feel.
“I bet you’d like that huh. You wanna feel my cock in your mouth?”
You bite your lip and nod, feeling yourself tip over the edge with a cry of his name. His thumb moved quickly against your clit, fingers plunging a little deeper as he felt you contract around him.
You collapse forward, grabbing onto his shoulder, biting down on his skin to silence your own screams. You catch a glance at his face, that stupid cocky smirk still plastered onto him. In this moment you couldn’t bother to care, you could only focus on staying standing as waves of pleasure crashed over you.
When your eyes finally came back into focus, he was pulling his fingers from you and slipping them into his mouth. His thumb brushes across your jaw, migrating to press into your lower lip. You let your mouth slip down onto his digit, your tongue pressing against his thumb.
“Look at you,” he pulls his finger back, dragging your lower lip with it, “so fucking good for me.”
You give him a wide eyed look and start making work of his belt. His cock is hard and firmly pressed against the inside of his jeans. You palm him through the thick material for a second while dealing with the button and zipper.
You sink to your knees, fulfilling his request from earlier.
“Wait, here,” he grabs a towel off of a nearby machine and places it on the ground in front of him, “for your knees, the ground is really hard.”
It made you laugh how he had been so cocky one second and thoughtful the next.
“Thank you,” you say softly as you pump the shaft of his dick, looking up at him with big eyes while bringing your tongue out to lick a stripe up the underside.
His shirt was off now too and you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful his body was. You had always recognized that Tom was conventionally very attractive, but suddenly he was fucking hot to you.
You swirl your tongue around his tip and watch as his head tips back, causing him to let out a groan. You take his hand and move it to your hair, giving him permission to hold it.
He twists your hair into a makeshift ponytail, brushing the stray pieces back from your face. He grips tightly, pulling a little. You give him a moan and a nod, letting him know it was okay to pull harder.
He moves your head back and forth to meet your movements, hips moving slightly in the process. You gag a little as he hits the back of your throat, but continue bobbing your head, letting him slide down your throat a little every so often.
“Fuck, you look so good on your knees for me, gagging on my cock,” he tightens his grip on your hair, “taking me so well.”
The sight of you on your knees for him, lips wrapped perfectly around his shaft sent shivers down his spine. He watched attentively as his cock slid in and out of your mouth, your saliva leaving a wet trail around his length. What killed him was when you would look up at him through your eyelashes, big doe eyes begging him to fuck your face. 
You dare to move south, taking one of his balls in your mouth as you continue jerking him off. You moan into him as he pulls your hair, vibrations adding to his pleasure. 
“Fuck y/n, you’re fucking dirty aren’t you?” He was a little surprised at how aggressive you were taking him, shoving his cock deeper and deeper down your throat. 
“I bet you’ve thought about this before, being a good girl on your knees for me, taking what I give you.”
Your eyes flutter shut as you flatten your tongue against his shaft, letting his hips do the work. You surely had never thought about him in this way before, that he was wrong about, but you surely would be thinking about sucking his dick all the time from now on.  
You feel his cock twitch in your mouth, swelling a little at the feeling of your tongue. You knew he was close by his grip on your hair and his hip movements. You take him deep down your throat, sucking and lapping up his shaft. 
“I’m gonna come y/n,” he warns you, although you already knew.
You continue to suck vigorously, swallowing his come and continuing to suck on him until his legs are shaking a little under your grasp. He lets go of your hair, which messily falls down around you. You release his dick from your mouth with a pop, admiring your work as it was red and twitching. 
Tom slumps down against the wall and sits on the floor, meeting you at eye level. You look at him for a second, unable to read his reaction. You knew he liked it by the noises he had been making, but he sat across from you running his hands through his hair. 
“What the fuck was all that.”
“I don’t know! You tell me!” you say defensively, “You seemed to like it.”
“Well yeah, you seemed to like it too,” he retorts, “actually, you seem to like it much more than most girls like sucking cock in my experience.”
“What can I say, you have a pretty dick.”
“Only pretty cuz it fits in your mouth so well.”
What were you doing? Was this flirting? You stand up and shake yourself off, walking over to where your clothes had been discarded. You start to slip your underwear back on. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Tom jokes, also getting up from the floor. 
“Someone could walk in, plus I have to switch my laundry, gonna need your card again by the way.”
“This is some kind of fucked up trade off if you ask me,” he jokes. 
“Still hate me?” He quips, always cocky.
“Jury’s still out,” you start to move your clothes into the dryer, “I’m gonna need to see more of what you have to offer before I decide.” 
“Well, the dryer takes about an hour and I was hoping to make you come a few more times. Wanna see that pretty look on your face again.” 
You sit up on top of the dryer and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Let’s see what you’ve got.” 
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ceo-of-daichi · 4 years
Tumblr media
Characters - Sawamura Daichi x Fem!Reader
Summary - Lockdown had really affected your social life and daily routine, luckily a certain someone was willing to help you get your life back to somewhat normal. What will happen when you start catching feelings?
Genre - Fluff
Warnings - Slight mentions of anxiety 
Word Count - 2.3k
A/N - Back again with another Daichi fic! Are you surprised, probably not i got a one man mind lmao. This one isn’t as long as the last but still as fluffy, hopefully you enjoy reading it :) p.s. this was almost called Toothpaste I blame Jas👀
Covid-19 had really flipped your year in a completely different direction to what you were expecting. You started the year hoping to finish your last year of high-school on a high, helping the volleyball team get to nationals and getting into university. However, the world clearly had a different plan for you, when the virus first started you didn’t think much of it. Why would you? It was only when the announcement came that the country was going into lockdown that your brain finally registered what was actually happening. Being the slightly more extroverted individual you thrived off seeing your friends, plus both your parents worked as nurses. You were going to be alone.
The first few weeks went by pretty fast, managing to keep up a routine by going out for runs and making yourself eat at certain times. Even keeping in touch with your friends from the boys volleyball team as well as Kiyoko, one of your closest friends. However, after this fairly stable period you had a really bad day. Nothing went your way, blender… broken, guess you weren't having a smoothie this morning. After that frustrating incident Tanaka and Noya decided to start poking fun at you in the group chat, which you were NOT in the mood for. Group chat… Muted. It was also raining extremely heavy so you decided maybe a well deserved rest day was in order, throwing on the TV you flopped down on the couch to start your film marathon.
5am. That was the time it was when you finally passed out on the couch. How did you end up staying up that late, Harry Potter. Why you thought it was a good idea to start watching the films you don’t know, but you managed to watch them all, all 19 hours of them. That was all it took to mess your routine up for the next month, not waking up till 2-3pm everyday just to lounge around. Barely keeping in touch with anyone, you hadn’t talked in the groupchat for close to 3 weeks, hardly even thinking about eating anything but snacks. 
Luckily you had a saving grace, Daichi. After going MIA , the third year’s started to get worried about you, especially Kiyoko. She had dmed you multiple times and got nothing in return, mainly because you saw the messages but forgot to reply. You were a whole ass mess to put it plainly. 
~ 3rd Years Group Chat ~
Kiyoko - I’m worried about [y/n]...
Suga - Tell me about it, she hasn’t been in the chat for weeks
Daichi - Have you tried dming her?
Kiyoko - She is ignoring me, she hasn’t replied to one of my messages
Asahi - Maybe she’s just busy?
Daichi - In the middle of lockdown…
Suga - Yeah thats unlikely
Kiyoko - Can one of you dm her as well? I just want to make sure she’s ok?
Daichi - I can... i’ll let you know if she replies and if she doesn’t Asahi or Suga can try
Having received a concerned message from Daichi, you realised how much you had lost track of everything and anything. Replying to both him and Kiyoko apologising and explaining you had just forgotten to press send. Although Daichi wanted to believe that was the case he couldn’t, instead of being upfront about it though he started messaging you throughout the day. Just small things asking if you had eaten and if you were staying hydrated, little did he know that this helped you get back into a better rhythm of lockdown life.
You slowly fixed your sleep schedule and got back to eating 3 meals a day. Although you hadn’t managed to get back into running, your talks with Daichi slowly got more frequent and for longer periods of time. The more you talked to him the more motivated you started to feel, eventually you got back into your running routine. It no longer became the odd message to make sure you were eating, but full day conversations about anything you could think of. Eventually you started relying on talking to him to cure your lockdown loneliness, a day without talking to him was not a good day for you. Daichi being the fairly observant person that he is, started to realise and eventually bought it up.
Daichi :) - Hey [y/n], I've been meaning to bring something up with you, you mind if we call?
[y/n] - Yeah sure Dai, just call me whenever i don’t exactly have anything going on
Receiving this was like a bullet to the chest, worrying what it could be about you pulled your knees up to your chest steadying your breathing. As you were lost in your head, your phone started ringing. Answering it you heard his voice for the first time in close to 3 months, it was music to your ears. Slowly over these 2 months you had grown fond of the boy, but you had quickly dismissed the idea of anything forming between each other. Both having different priorities in life, being scared of rejection also didn’t help.
After an hour and a half of deep conversation, a couple tears shed but more laughter at the end. You collapsed backwards onto your bed, he had found out everything. How your parents were barely home, always doing long shifts at the hospital, how you felt like you had no one during those 3 weeks you were MIA. Most importantly though you had confessed that talking to him was like receiving a warm hug. It's exactly what you needed at this time, obviously you would love an actual hug as well but that's pretty hard from a 2m distance.
~ 1 week later ~
Your eyes went wide as they announced on the news that lockdown was starting to be lifted, you were now allowed to meet up with people outside at a safe distance. Smiling you quickly messaged Daichi telling him how excited you were that restrictions were finally being lifted.  
Daichi :) - That's Great [y/n]!! So.. you fancy going on a socially distanced pic-nic tomorrow? Don’t worry about bringing anything but yourself. I got the rest covered, obviously if you're ok with that?😃
Reading the text over multiple times, pinching yourself to make sure it was real. You hadn’t seen Daichi in close to 3 months, and within that time you had developed feelings. What would it be like seeing him in person now, generally being awkward with past crushes, you started to worry about scaring him away. You couldn’t do that, you needed him. Taking a couple paces around the room thinking about what to reply, before realising you were most definitely overthinking it. He didn’t see you that way…
[y/n] - Yeah sure! Just let me know a time and place, i will be there
Daichi - 1pm at the park round the corner from your house?
[y/n] - See you there!! 
The next morning you woke up with a huge smile plastered on your face, excited for the day ahead. Jumping out of bed and rummaging through your wardrobe you pulled out a cute summer dress, not too dressy but showed you put effort in none the less. The summer dress was red and was covered in little white flowers, you had only worn it a couple times and decided it needed another outing.
Walking down your road and around the corner to the park, the wind hitting your face made you feel like maybe the world was getting back to normal. As you walked through the gates, you noticed Daichi stood over by a slightly more wooded area, smiling as you made your way over to him. Greeting each other you forgot how much his laugh and smile made it seem like nothing else mattered, making your heart beat faster in your chest. He ended up leading you through the woods and into a small opening which had 2 picnic blankets laid down at the appropriate distance. As you got closer you noticed that there were sandwiches, fruit and small cakes on both.
‘You didn’t have to do this Daichi you know? A simple sandwich would have been fine?’ You started smiling at him, no one had ever gone to this much effort for you and honestly you felt bad. ‘It must have taken you a bit to set this up…’
‘Oh no, honestly don’t worry about it… i wanted to, neither have been out in a while so i figured why not?’ The laugh that came out sounded almost nervous, which confused you slightly… Was he really as nervous as you?
The afternoon went by quicker than both of you wanted. Chatting, cracking jokes and eating, which the food Daichi had made was really good. You had asked why he had never told you about his clear culinary skills, apparently this was the first time he had attempted something like this. Trying not to get too far ahead of yourself when he had mentioned this, even though you were freaking out. Mainly chatting about quarantine life and how you missed being out of lockdown, being able to socialise freely and do whatever you wanted. 
You only realised how long you had been with Daichi when it started to get dark, letting him know you should probably be getting back. Even though in reality you could have stayed there for the rest of the night and into the early morning. Helping him pack everything up  occasionally sneaking glances at him, wishing you could pull him into a hug or give him a peck on the cheek. Just to let him know how much he had helped you over the past month. Sadly you couldn’t, once everything had been packed away Daichi (being the gentleman that he is) offered to walk you back.
‘I had a really good afternoon, thank you for this Daichi…’ Smiling at him as you walk up to your front door.
‘Would you want to do something like this again maybe?’ The way he looked at you, his eyes almost pleading, with a slight smile gracing his lips. This made your heart instantly melt.
‘If you want to? I would love that!’
‘[y/n]... why would i ask if i didn’t want to?’ Raising a brow at you playfully.
‘Shut up you dork, i’ll see you soon then!’ Laughing as you walk through your door giving him a wave before closing it and sliding down it on the other side, trying to calm your heart that was about to burst through your chest.
Another couple weeks past, you had only met up with Daichi once more, but both were still texting all day with the occasional call. You also had met up with Kiyoko within these weeks, explaining your situation. She thought it was really funny how much you were worrying about it because to her it seemed obvious that he returned your feelings. You were still completely denying this fact though, it was something your brain really couldn’t fathom. However, the next day lockdown was reduced once again, you were now allowed to have people in your house from other families. 
Being as excitable as you were and the fact your parents were out almost all of the time, you rattled off a text to Daichi asking him if he fancied a chill movie marathon night? Both of you deciding to watch The Hobbit trilogy later on in the evening. Hopping up from the couch you started cleaning the house, preparing snacks and setting up pillows as well as blankets on the couch. Seen as though it was a chill night you had decided on a pair of grey sweats and a plain v-neck t-shirt, that was tied so it wasn’t too long.
You had just finished setting everything up when there was a knock at the door, practically running to get it. Opening the door to his smiling face made something snap and you don’t know what came over yourself as you jumped into his arms, wrapping your own around him. Luckily he was quick to catch you. 
‘What did i do to deserve this hug?’ He chuckles to himself as you nuzzle into his neck.
‘Everything. Daichi I owe you so much, you don’t even understand’ Letting out a sigh, he closes the door and carries you over to the couch. Placing you down next to him as you pout at him, sad that the hug was over so soon. You had waited for so long to be wrapped up in his arms and when you finally get the chance it barely lasts 2 minutes. 
‘Listen Daichi… you have helped me so much over the past few months, and honestly…’ Taking a breath to figure out how to phrase your next words, however before you could say anything else he had pulled you back into his chest.
‘I like you too dork…’ Frozen in his arms, how long had he known… How long had he liked you back? All you could do in that moment was snake your arms round him and enjoy each other's company as he started the first film.
‘How long have you liked me Daichi?’ You question him half way through the first film.
‘About 6 months give or take why?’ He turns his attention towards you and gives you a quick head kiss, before looking back to the film.
‘6 months… that's before we went into lockdown..?’
He hums, smirking at your clearly oblivious nature, as your brain was spiralling thinking about how many signals you missed.
Tags: @super-noya @stcrryskies @iwaxme @bb-noya @vventure @ardorwrites-hq-mha @scorpiosanssexy
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janeykath318 · 4 years
Darcy and the Prince (Shieldshock)
“I’m going to be so happy when this is over and we can all get on with our lives,” grumbled Darcy, as she helped her friend into her very beautiful white wedding dress, fit for the princess Jane was about to become. Jane had met the Asgardian Prince Thor while visiting the country on a science quest (as Darcy referred to her research trips) and the two had, against all odds, fallen head over heels in love and became engaged a year later. Despite the meddlings, of Thor’s troublemaking brother Loki, they’d made it to the wedding day and Darcy was playing bridesmaid and generally trying to keep Jane from going full bridezilla. 
“Hmm, maybe you’ll be singing a different tune once you’ve met some of Thor’s friends,” Jane suggested, as she was buttoned up. “He knows a lot of attractive, single, people.”
Darcy rolled her eyes and grimaced as she worked on the last few buttons. 
“Ugh. NO, JANE. I do not need that drama in my life right now. I’m gonna finish my masters, then go globe-trotting and enjoy being single and free. Men are more trouble than they’re worth.”
“Sometimes I want to wring Ian’s neck for what he did to you,” Jane said vehemently. Darcy’s last boyfriend had turned out to be an utter cheating scum and she’d ended up with a broken heart, hence her general annoyance with men. 
“Thor and I got our revenge,” Darcy said, smiling at the memory. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to trust again. Don’t be sad, Janie. I’m super happy to have you and Thor and Eric as buddies. Now, let’s get finished so we can get you down that aisle!”
Before she knew it, Darcy was preceding Jane down the aisle and trying not to start bawling. She was a shameless wedding weeper and knew it would be even worse this time since it was her best friend getting married. 
As she blinked rapidly, she took a glance up front where a beaming Thor was standing, along with several other very striking, very well dressed men. She caught the eye of a gorgeous blonde decked out in full prince uniform and he smiled at her, which did funny things to her insides and it took all her self control to not stare at him through the whole ceremony. 
Of course, by the time the happy couple kissed and was announced as husband and wife, Darcy could barely see through her tears and just hoped she’d grabbed the right man’s arm to walk her back down the aisle. 
“I’m sorry,” she sniffled to her unknown escort. “I always weep an embarrassing amount at weddings and these dresses NEVER have pockets to stash tissues in.” 
“Nothing to be sorry for,” a very pleasant voice answered. “I admit, I shed some tears as well. Luckily, I always carry a back up handkerchief. Here.”
A soft cloth was pressed into her hand, and Darcy gratefully accepted it, finally managing to wipe the tears away. Vision cleared, she was able to see her helpful person and let out a gasp as she saw it was the gorgeous blonde princey dude. Up close, it was clear she’d grabbed the arm of Prince Steven, one of the most swooned over royalties to ever grace the papers. 
“Wow, thanks, your highness,” she said breathlessly. “I’m afraid this thing is ruined. It looks like my waterproof mascara is not actually waterproof.”
She held up the handkerchief, which was now smeared with black streaks. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Prince Steven said, pretty blue eyes crinkling in a smile. “Like I said, I’ve got extra.”
“You’re the best,” Darcy blurted, then turned red. “Ohmm….. I’m gonna go repair the damages before they start the pictures. Will you let Jane and Thor know where I’ve gone? It should only take a few minutes.”
“Sure,” the Prince said kindly. “And please, call me Steve.”
Darcy ventured to look back at him, and saw nothing but genuine friendliness in his kind eyes. She fell a bit in love right there.
“Nice to meet you…...Steve,” she managed, a tad shyly. “I’m Darcy, by the way.”
“Lewis?” he asked, recognition appearing in his expression.
“The very same,” she confirmed. “I take it Thor’s mentioned me?” 
“He sure has,” Steve answered. “He calls you his lightning sister and is frequently expounding on your wit, brains, and beauty. I’d have to agree with him. You are stunning.”
Darcy felt herself blush like a tomato. 
“You’re one to talk, Prince GQ,” she sassed, to cover up her internal freak out over his compliment. “Be right back!” 
With that she picked up her skirts and swished off to the restroom, leaving Steve looking after her with great amusement and interest. Darcy Lewis was a very strikingly lovely woman and the blue dress she was wearing greatly flattered her figure and emphasized her bright blue eyes. Thor had tried to set him up with her before, but Steve had stubbornly refused. Now that he’d met her, He thought he’d been an idiot. 
“Are you well, Darcy?” Thor inquired, when she had rejoined the others.
“Yeah. My mascara betrayed me and made me start looking like one of those goth rock stars,” she told him. “That’s the Last time I use THAT brand. Congratulations, by the way.”
She offered up hugs to the happy couple, before they were whisked away for pictures with the official royal photographer. 
Spotting Steve, she casually strolled over and watched a bit as he talked to a group of individuals, who must have been his friends, because he looked so much more relaxed and was laughing and smiling in a very jovial manner. He kept his public persona very buttoned up and stiff, so seeing him like this was utterly fascinating and Darcy was becoming more and more attracted every minute. She chatted with Bruce Banner for a little bit, then helped Jane manage her train in between shots. 
They were so cute together, it was almost sickening. Thor looked at Jane like she was his whole universe and Jane looked at Thor like he was the only man in existence. 
“I want to look at someone the way she looks at him,” Darcy murmured, half to herself, half to the blue and gold clad figure who had joined her. 
“Me too,” Steve agreed, sounding very wistful. 
“Shouldn’t be that hard for you, dude,” she pointed out. 
He chuckled ruefully, blushing a bit.
“I’ve discovered there’s a big difference between starstruck lust, and real love and I haven’t seemed to find the latter yet. Most of them aren’t interested in getting to know the real me at all.”
“That’s sad,” Darcy told him. “You seem like you’d be very interesting, once you get past the whole princely trappings and regal persona. Tell me, Steve, what makes you tick?”
Steve turned to look at her, and she felt like the blue eyes were piercing through her, searching for something. Whatever he saw, it must have eased his mind, because he took a deep breath and started talking.
“For one thing, I’m very passionate about using my position to do as much good as I can, not be just some stuffed shirt figurehead,” he told her. “I’m also very fond of the arts and am in the process of starting an art school for underprivileged kids. I’m hoping they’ll let me teach, because I love to draw and paint.”
“That’s awesome,” Darcy said warmly, giving him an approving nod.
“I also love dogs and help out at the shelters whenever I can.” He continued. “They’re so much more pleasant than dealing with parliament.” 
Darcy laughed at the distaste in his voice, but never got a chance to say anything else, because duty called. They shared a few looks across the room, and Steve shamelessly winked at her once when she pretended to strike a diva pose. 
They didn’t get close enough to actually talk again until the reception, when he sauntered up to Darcy as she was giggling at a ridiculous archery joke Clint had made. 
“Excuse me. Darcy, would you care for a dance?” He asked, holding out a white-gloved hand.
“Y-you’re asking me?” Darcy squeaked. 
“I don’t see any other Darcys around here, unless one of you has something to tell me,” Steve said dryly, squinting at Clint, Natasha, and Bruce, all of whom knew him. 
“Nope, not it,” Clint said, shaking his head.
“She’d love to,” Nastasha answered, giving Darcy a nudge forward.
“Yeah, I would, “ Darcy managed, taking the offered hand nervously.  Steve’s hand closed around hers and she felt a tingle up her spine.
She was in a dreamy daze as the prince expertly guided her around the floor. It was clear his princely education had included good dance technique and he was absolutely courtly about it. 
“Now, Darcy, it’s your turn to tell me what makes YOU tick,” he said after a few minutes of silently gazing at her. 
“Well, I live fueled by coffee and sarcasm, I majored in political science, and I’m not afraid to use my taser on creeps and jerks,” she told him proudly. “Also, I may have a thing for tall blonde princes.”
“Is that so?” He asked, a dangerously flirty tone in his voice.
“Yup,” she admitted. “Which is a little inconvenient seeing as how I’ve sworn off men.”
“That is too bad,” Steve agreed. “Any chance of possibly changing your mind?” 
“I’ll certainly let you try,” she told him, struggling to keep her mind from its fantasies about his magnificent broad shoulders and muscular arms. 
“Good,” Steve said, with another one of his stunning smiles. (If he kept doing that, there was no way she would be able to hold out long.)
“You look like you’re already planning your persuasive tactics,” she told him.
“Well, they don’t call me The Prince With A Plan for nothing,” Steve said, twirling Darcy around dramatically. Yeah, she was in SO much trouble. 
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Midnight Striga: Fairy Tail/Owl House Cross Fic Episode 5 Part 9
Hello all, I am back with another exciting segment of Midnight Striga!! Admittedly, this one is slower than the prior chapter, but I still hope you all enjoy it.
Lilith strode forth, Eda hot on her heels. They circled through the Covention, spotting the representatives from the Major Nine assisting. The Construction Coven workers were rapidly working on structural damage dealt to key pillars and walls, members of the invading force held tightly by hastily assembled cells and chains, the Construction Head, and Lilith was genuinely puzzled as to where he had come from, looming over the invaders, personally guarding them. The Oracle, Healing, and Illusion Covens were working in concert, with the Oracles tracking down trapped or injured citizens while Illusionists either guided them to safety, or rescue workers to their locations, and the Healers had set up a clinic to attend to the injured.
The Plant and Abomination Covens worked to root out and capture the remaining attackers, many of whom were thrown into those same cells she had passed alongside the Construction Coven. The Beast Keeping Coven members used their abilities to track down and locate those stuck in areas inaccessible to the abilities of Oracles, allowing rescue workers to bring them to safety, the Bards using their magic to manipulate the pieces that the Construction members couldn’t move safely. The sight of the Covens working together, in harmony, brought a melancholy smile to Lilith’s face. Her mood plummeted further, however, when she saw the bodies.
Piles of corpses, so many they couldn’t lay them out properly and were overlapping in awkward lumps, were arranged before the Healers’ Clinic, families weeping over their loved ones, the ones who had been present with them at least. The rest would need to be informed. And not to mention the numerous corpses of Guards, some having died cleanly… others not so much. Titan, she really was a failure, wasn’t she? Shaking herself from her self-loathing, she turned to her sister. “Edalyn, I must ask, but do you have any idea what has occurred?”
“Well, from the looks of it, a huge fight.” Eda said, faux-humorously. Before Lilith could snap at her, she continued. “But seriously, while you were stuck in la-la land, that guy, Rudolph he called himself, said he and his group were part of the ‘Black Dog Squadron’ whatever that means, and that they were here to kill everyone for someone or something called Oroboros. Beyond that, I couldn’t say.” She recalled, face grave.
Lilith bit back a curse. Taking a deep, calming breath, she attempted to draw more information out of her sister; out of all the adults on the Isles, Eda’s knowledge of humans was estimated to be some of the best, by virtue of her regularly full stores of ‘treasures’ to sell. “Edalyn, I am begging you, if you have any knowledge of how this…” She gestured, to the corpses, to the crying parents and children, the ruined stands and damaged walls, ”all happened, I need you to tell me!” She pleaded.
Eda leveled an even stare on her sister, before slowly replying. “Lily, I had no idea how this happened, or what went into it occurring. As much as I hate Bonehead, if I had ANY idea that something like this was going on, I would’ve either let you know, or tried to stop it beforehand myself, maybe both.” Lilith searched her eyes, an almost desperate light burning within her, before sighing, accepting Eda’s words.
“As much as it pains me to say this, I will likely need your help for the moment.” Lilith said as evenly as she could, the bitter sting of acknowledging just how much her sister still outclassed her rearing its ugly head. “If any of these scavengers are still lurking about that are on the level of that maniac Rudolph, I will likely need your skill to defeat them before they can wreak further havoc.”
“Heh, glad to see you finally admitting my skills,” Eda preened, oblivious to Lilith's mood plummeting at her statement, before growing serious. “And yeah, of course. We may have had our differences, but I’m not gonna cut and run when kids are in the crossfire.”
Lilith nodded, relieved. She hated that she felt relieved; it was just another admittance of how Eda was better than her. Still, Lilith took in the sight of the dead guards, the mutilated children, and felt her resolve harden. It didn’t matter if Eda was better than her right now; justice was what was needed, and she would bring about that justice. She felt her eyes mist. It was the least she could do, as penance for failing them.
Throwing up her arms in confusion, Lilith exclaimed. “What I truly wish to know is how did Humans gain the ability to wield magic!? It should be impossible!! They lack a bile sack, so how did that-that maniac cast those spells!” She whirled on her sister. “Please tell me you didn’t know about this?”
Eda shrugged, feeling guiltily amused at Lilith’s flustered panic. “Eh, only for a few weeks or so. And let me tell you, it sure caught me by surprise!” She laughed. Eda paused, a thought occurring to her, but it was one she was hesitant to share. Biting her lip, she carefully broached the topic. “You know, I think I might know someone who could shed a little light on this whole mess.” She said cautiously.
Lilith zipped into Eda’s personal space, tightly gripping the front of her dress. “Truly!?” She asked, pleading honestly. “Where are they? Who are they!?”
“Well first off, personal space sis,” Eda bluntly stated, lightly pushing Lilith out of her comfort zone. Taking a breath, she added, “As to where they are, they honestly should be right here in the Covention.”
Lilith’s face fell, already fearing the worst. “But, if they were here, then wouldn’t they have had to face…” she gestured to one of the attackers being led to the cells, cackling insanely, “ Them?”
“Pffft! If goons like that were a serious problem, I’d be a little worried, but she’s crafty enough to stay alive, heck, she probably beat a few of them!” Eda cackled, before adding, with a hint of nervousness, “And, well, I hate that I got to ask this, Lily, but please keep an open mind when you meet her? Please?”
Lilith gave her sister a flat stare. “Edalyn, I have just had a rather large portion of my worldview regarding humans and the power and stability of the Isles torn out from under me, as have a large group of others. When word starts spreading, I have no doubt that more than a few people will either go into denial or mass hysteria.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Very little could properly phase me at the moment. So yes, Edalyn, I will keep an open mind.” She said the last part so dry and sarcastically that, if this weren’t serious, Eda would’ve been so proud to call them sisters. Eda nodded grudgingly, accepting her promise. With that, the two headed out. Eda really hoped the kid was okay.
Luz gasped and sputtered, nearly choking on her tears. Willow slowly rubbed circles on her back, calming some of her heaving and screams. Gus and Amity stood on the side, both feeling lost and awkward; neither was as close to Luz as Willow, but neither wanted to see the girl in such despair either. All three just wanted to know what was going on.
“Sshh… sshh… it’s gonna be okay.” Willow whispered, unbothered by the tears staining her dress; it had already been ruined from the blood and grime of the battlefield the Covention had turned into, but even if it was fresh and clean, Willow would gladly soil it for a friend to cry on. “You can talk to us, okay? And if you don’t want to, we’ll be here anyway.”
“She-She can’t be alive!!” Luz spluttered, tears clogging her throat. “She can’t be!! I can’t have abandoned her!” She wailed. It had to be a lie, it had to be!! Because, if it wasn’t… Luz would never be able to stop until she saved her, no matter what she’d have to do in order to do it.
“Who?” Amity hesitantly asked.
“My hostage.” Luz said glumly, her tears drying up for the moment. She reached into her jacket, pulling out a photo tucked inside, showing it to them, a watery smile forming on her face. “My sister.”
“Sister?” The group echoed, leaning forward. Staring back at them was a picture of Luz and, well, Luz! Or rather, they saw Luz standing by what they presumed was her identical twin. The two were still very much distinguishable from one another. The one on the left was clearly the Luz they knew, having a similar style, a wild and reckless grin stretched across her face. The one on the right, however, was shyly glancing away, a nervous smile on her face, hair tied back neatly with a pair of clips.
“Yeah, Vee.” Luz said, a melancholy look of remembrance on her face. “She was always my leash, even before I got drafted into Oroboros. Whenever I had some crazy idea, she’d talk me through it before I did something stupid.”
Willow and Gus sat down beside her, leaning close, Amity standing a respectful distance behind them, clearly listening. Luz continued. “One time, I got this idea to make home-made Lacrimas by shoving a bunch of magic into one spot, and Vee reminded me that neither of us knew how Lacrimas formed, and just stuffing magic into things blew them up.” She snickered, a tear tracing down her cheek. “And this one time, I was gonna try and tame a Wyvern, I actually went out and did it even! But then, Vee reminded me we had nowhere to keep it, and no way to feed it, so I found it a nice hunting ground, and convinced it to defend a nearby town.” She laughed out loud, a heavy, full-belly laugh that sent her sprawling, tears leaking.
She paused, tears in her eyes. “She was my best friend, the person who made every day away from home something bearable. She was my anchor, my rock, and Oroboros used her against me.” Her fingers dug into her hand, a pained look crossing her features. “If she’s actually been alive this whole time…” Her tears were cut off when Willow and Gus hugged her, both having tears of their own.
“Hey, it’s okay. We’ll get through this.” Willow stated, pulling away and looking Luz straight in the eye. “Oroboros is going to keep coming after the Isles, so you’ll probably get an answer one way or another. And either way, I’ll be right by your side.”
“And the same goes for me!” Gus chimed in. “Plus, my dad’s a reporter, so I can help find out new info for you to go off of!”
“And if I am available, I would not be averse to using my magic to fight against those who’ve threatened the Isles. Rescuing an innocent will be a nice bonus, I’d say.” Amity primly stated, sporting a confident look.
Luz gave the three an almost awestruck look. “You guys.”
“GET AWAY FROM THEM!!” A voice screamed, drawing their attention. Luz’s eyes widened as Lilith Clawthorne, Eda’s apparent sister, rocketed towards her, staff glowing with magic, her eyes burning with rage. Before she could smash Luz’s face in, however, Eda jumped in, tackling her sister to the ground.
“Sheesh, Lily! Chill out!” Eda cried, desperately wrestling her sister to the ground. “I told you to keep an open mind, remember?”
“What does that have to do with-” Lilith ranted, only to pause, eyes widening in realization. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.” She groaned, hanging her head as Eda sheepishly chuckled.
“U-um… Eda, what’s happening?” Luz tentatively asked.
Eda really wanted to ask Luz why she’d been crying, but decided to put it off, focusing on the current issue. “Well,” She drawled, “My prissy sis here wanted info on everything that happened. And after thinking it over, I thought you’d be the best person to give it to her.” Eda stated, pointing at Luz decisively. As unbalanced as Luz’s emotions were at the moment, she could see the logic in that.
“Seriously!?” Gus cried, incredulous. “After what she just learned!?”
Eda blinked. “What? What’d she learn?” She asked, figuring that whatever it was was the reason behind Luz’s tears.
“Something we can talk about later. In. Private.” Luz stated, her face screaming ‘let it go for now!’ Eda grudgingly agreed.
“Ugh, can we please move back on to the topic of information?” Lilith growled, pulling herself up. She loomed over Luz, a suspicious glare emblazoned across her features. “I have a great many questions for you, human.”
“And I’m perfectly willing to answer them, Miss Clawthorne.” Luz replied, unblinking. She glanced around, taking note of the damage around them. “But maybe it’d be better if we went somewhere more private for this?”
Lilith nodded, seeing the logic in that. “Indeed, better we not be interrupted.” She turned to her sister. “If that is acceptable for you, Edalyn?” She asked, getting a shrug and a nod in return, the Witchlings following Eda’s lead. Lilith clapped her hands. “Well then, we’d better be going back to the main center, as I recall seeing the Covens building something of a camp there to deal with the aftermath of this mess. The Healer’s Clinic should have a room we can use.” And with that the group set off, a tension running through them after their collective ordeal.
Emira paced, frantically glancing about the interior of the Healer’s Station, Edric gloomily slumped next to her. Her eyes scanned the nearby groups, hoping to spot something, anything, that could give her some hint as to where her sister was. She and Edric knew she was here, but where had she disappeared to after being displayed up there with Lilith was the real question.
“Could you please stop pacing, sis?” Edric groaned, clutching his head. “It’s not going to just make her appear if you keep doing it.”
Emira whirled on her brother, fire in her eyes. “Well what do you expect me to do!? Maniacs barged into the Covention, massacred who knows how many people, and OUR SISTER IS MISSING!!! I don’t have a lot of options right now, now do I?” She brutally snapped, briefly yelling in the middle of it, before fading into a broken tiredness. All those people, those kids, all gone. If her sister was gone like that, and her only memories were of her and Edric pranking her… She looked into Edric’s eyes, and saw the same fear, the hopeless, helpless realization that Amity may be gone, and her only memories of them would be of all the times they gave her trouble.
Edric sighed, tiredly rubbing his eyes. “Believe me sis, I get it, but all we can do is wait, and hope she’s okay.” He patted the spot next to him, a clear invitation to sit. Emira gave one last furtive look around, and glumly complied. The two briefly wondered just how their parents would take all of this.
Bria bit her lip, glancing over at Gavin and Angmar. She didn’t consider them friends, not really. Maybe she’d change that? She wasn’t sure. She wasn’t sure about much right now. She… had been made helpless. Magic like nothing she’d ever seen had been on display, and a LOT of people were dead. She, Gavin, and Angmar WOULD be dead. If it hadn’t been for Matty. Matty; goofy, clumsy, always taking the fall, boasting about his skills Matty, had saved their lives. Tears pricked her eyes, as she remembered how close she’d come to death, the sheer heartlessness on display. Was that what she was like? Some kind of monster? ...Was that what everyone was like at Glandus, behind all the excuses about being powerful?
“Hey, I got your drink!” Matty cheerfully replied, holding a glass out to her.
Bria shot him a half-hearted smile. “Thanks Matty.”
“Eh, it’s no problem.” He said, waving it off. “After all, we’re friends, right?”
“Yeah, friends.” Bria muttered, sipping her drink. Maybe… they really were friends. She’d have to talk to Angmar and Gavin about this. Maybe Hexside was still taking transfers.
Skara listlessly handed supplies to Bo, who was frantically patching up as many injuries as she could. Skara just felt so tired, so hollow. So many people had died. She’d seen little kids ripped apart, their parents crying over their bodies. She’d seen the opposite too, parents being cried over by their kids and family members.
Skara only had eyes for one thing, though. Boscha. Boscha was propped up on a bunk, at least two rows away, but still in Skara’s line of sight. She’d been brought in by a little demon, screaming and demanding that someone help her. Skara felt a twinge of jealousy at the thought that it wasn’t her demanding that someone heal her friend. Oh, wait, they weren’t friends anymore. It still hurt to think about, even though talking with Amity helped. The demon was hovering around Boscha, ranting and ordering around anyone and everyone who got close. In the back of her mind, Skara was honestly impressed at how unrelenting and exacting he was with his demands, even if no one was following them.
Then, Skara caught sight of another body brought in, another corpse. It was Batthew, a nice guy who had flirted with her a few times before. He was sweet, in his own way, and was really fond of going over the top. His throat had been slashed open. Skara didn’t fight the tears as they came.
Lilith pulled up a seat, eyes glaring daggers at the human seated before her. One way or another, she was going to get the answers she needed. She briefly spared a glance at Perry Porter, a known and well-viewed reporter upon the Isles, and one known for being unabashedly honest and direct in his reporting, something that earned him several points with the populous, as they knew they could trust his information. The boy, Augustus, had called him in after they’d gotten to the emergency clinic the Healers had established, citing a need for the people to understand what had happened. Thinking of her own impending reveal to the public, Lilith had agreed. If all turned out well, both could be accomplished together.
Lilith leaned forward. “Now then, human, it’s time for you to answer my questions. The People of the Isles are dying to hear what you have to say.” She said, eyes half-lidded.
Luz placed her hands on her chin, a brave smile on her face. “Ask away. I’m all ears.”
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cicici03 · 4 years
Conform or Change- Chapter 1
cwrSo hey everyone! I know finally a girl is posting! I have been writing so many chapters so I can just post and go due to college!
With that, I will like to introduce you to a new story called “ Conform or Change”. This is an introduction to the family and the dynamics before we really get into the story.
This story will be post every SUNDAY!!!
Character List/ Face Claim:
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Majorie/ Shy Munteanu
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Florian Munteanu
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Alexundru Munteanu
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Marilyn Washington
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Elena Munteanu
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Earl Washington
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Have you ever heard of the Swinging Sixties? From it swinging around with the ideas that cause major shifts in the 60’s. From the Civil Rights Movement, to the Vietnam War, and to the Feminist Movement. These things change the U.S even though in the future these are still things that need to be fix. However, we going to investigate a story about a black woman, which learn the ways of being a housewife and is stuck in whether to swing or stay.
June 5,1965
Newark, New Jersey
Adeste fideles læti triumphantes,
Venite, venite in Bethlehem.
Natum videte
Regem angelorum:
Venite adoremus 
As the congregation of the Catholic church sung with the choir. There was one pew that was in the middle that everybody knew.
Standing up while singing along, was Florian Munteanu. The man that had power in New York and New Jersey without even holding onto a political seat. As his father was the head of Munteanu’s, a famous mafia in the 20’s to now, people knew not to mess with them.
Florian’s father, Alexandru Munteanu, moved to the U.S for a better life with his wife, Ioana. With that, Alexandru was not only struggling to try and make a good life in the U.S, but he had to do something to get his wife out the slums. 
So, one day, he went to a speakeasy, to get a drink, and with that he realized that he could do it too.
Alexandru started the mafia, Munteanu, to help not only himself, but the people that was in the slums with him. From Italians, to African Americans, the Irish, and many more. He realizes that it will be better to have minorities together than apart.
As the years go on, Alexandru’s mafia started to grow larger and larger. Before you knew it, he oversaw the town. Calling the shots from the Mayors, to Police chiefs, and to Wall Street. As the Great Depression hit, Alexandru help the people that help him.
With that, he moved with many of his mafia to Newark, New Jersey. As he did that, he helps the mayor and aid the homeless from the fallout of the Great Depression.  Then Alexandru got the biggest surprise of his life.
His wife gave birth to that surprise on December 4, 1937,  Florian Munteanu. Alexundru was the happiest he could be and was glad to have his first child.
As life went on, things got better for the Munteanu family. They finally got out of the apartment in Newark and move to a house. Florian was especially excited due to the new scenery and new space. However, things change after Pearl Harbor.
When the Japan bombed the Pearl Harbor, many of Alexundru’s mafia members went out to fight the war: Alexundru did the same. He was gone for year and half, until he got shot in the trenches and was paralyzed from the waist down.
Even though, Alexundru was still the same person. Always happy go lucky and giving to people.
He changed.
 He did not see himself as a man no more due to his disability and it hurt his pride. However, he never let that stop from shining lights on others.
Nobody in the Munteanu Mafia or any other mafia wanted to take over due to Alexandru kind attitude and did not want to create enemies due to them wanting to have control.
As the years went on, Florian grew up and the Munteanu family was living on top of life. With Florian entering his senior year of high school. To the Ioana and Alexundru love growing even more. Everything was perfect.
 Until Ioana died unexpectedly.
Both, Florian and Alexundru, took it hard. However, Alexundru took it the hardest. After the only person that he loved died.
Alexundru died too.
Alexundru just stop talking after Iona death.
He has been muted for 10 years. He makes little gestures and noises whenever he needs something, but most of the time he is mute.
With that, Florian did not know what to do. As things was already worst, Alexundru brother, his closest ally and his only sibling, died and it left him taking care of his niece: Elena.
With life taking a toll on the Munteanu family, it was also taking a toll on the mafia. With that, Munteanu Mafia was in chaos.
As Florian saw his mom died weeks earlier to now his uncle dying: he did not know what to do. Florian knew he had to take care of his dad and of his legacy. Florian made sure of that by dropping out of high school and becoming the leader of the Munteanu Mafia.
As the song ended, Florian shut the hymn book and look to his dad. Alexundru just was looking out to space. Florian went and got the hymn book out of his dad’s lap to close it up for him. As the priest started to pray, a little voice shouted.
“ Mommy, I got to use the restroom!” Andrada yelped in the quiet church. Much of the congregation turn their head to the pew that yelped that out.
Florian look at Andrada, one of his four kids, and saw that he was starting to pull down his pants.
Shy got him before they drop down to the floor.
“Shy!” Florian quietly said with much sternness behind it. Shy, or Majorie, looked at her husband. She saw the embarrassment as he looked around to see if anybody was noticing. As Shy turn around to take Andrada to the restroom, Elena spoked up.
“ I will take him.” Elena said with kindness seeing the tense exchange between the couple. Shy tried to tell Elena it was okay, but Elena gave her look. Andrada walked over to Elena at the other end of the pew. With that, Elena and him went to the restroom.
As the priest started the sermon, Florian threw his hand behind the pew to sit closer to Shy to talked to her.
“ Now Shy, you need to teach our kids some manners. We are the family that this town looked up too and our kids are shouting out! What you think going to happen to the mafia if they see that our own kids do not have no manners! Shy…” Florian said with much anger and passion. However, Shy started to space out like she always did when mainly Florian was the only one arguing.
Majorie “Shy” Washington was born to Earl and Anna Washington in North Carliona on September 12, 1939. As she turned three, her sister Marilyn was born. Even though it was a joyous occasion, Anna died during childbirth with Marilyn.
With that, it just left Earl, Majorie, and Marilyn. As life went on, Majorie and Marilyn was Earl babies. No matter what mischief they done at the house, he always let them go off with a warning. Until one day, they went to prank one of the white women in town. As kids they really didn’t understand the concept of racism, but they knew some of the things. When they did prank this woman, she didn’t see it as kids pranking her, but as negros trying to “kill” her.
This led to a mob of white men coming to the area where all the black folks live at. They set a burning cross in the yard of Earl’s house.
That morning, Earl and many others looked at the cross in the yard. That day, he gave the girls the worst whooping of their life.
He didn’t whoop them because of what they did. He whooped them to teach them to not mess with the white people.
As he said as he was whooping the girls, “ I am not doing this because I am angry, but I am doing this because I love you.”
With that, the girls knew that something about messing with white people is never good.  After the incident, Earl decided it was time for the girls and him to move. They packed up their shed in North Carolina and moved to Harlem, New York.
When they got there, the girls were memorized by the streets and colors of the Big Apple. When finally getting to Harlem, they saw so many black folks move around so freely. Though the Great Depression was happening, FDR New Deal started to rebuild the nation.
As years went on, the girls settling into New York life.
Their father hit big.
As Earl was working for a big-time investor as a janitor, they started to develop a friendship. Earl showed him what could hit big for black folks. From different clubs, products, and much more. In 1954, the investor died due to old age and he didn’t have no wife or kids to leave his fortune.
So, he left it to Earl and the girls. Earl was happier that his daughters could go off to school, travel the world, and not have to struggle.
Earl decided to buy a whole building in Harlem and move his whole family from North Carolina and his sister’s family into the building. With this, Earl knew that the girls could keep this building in the family and make sure that they still have fortune.
Even though, Earl got a fortune and could easily pay someone to clean the large apartment. Majorie, whom is 15, was the care keeper after her sister and of the building. Majorie didn’t have the pleasure of having a kid life due to her mother not being there and her having to replace that spot for her sister.
Majorie made sure that she got rent from family, to keeping the building clean, and to making sure that her sister did good in school. Earl did not want Majorie to do all of that. He wanted her to enjoy life, but Majorie did it because she knew she had too.
Out of the blue, the phone rang. Earl answer and realize that it was from one of his good friend’s son from WWII. His mother died and he was on the list to come to pay his respects. So, the girls and him rode to Newark, New Jersy and went to the funeral.
As they paid their respects, Earl was trying to break through to his friend Alexundru. As he was doing that, Marilyn and Majorie was outside waiting. Marilyn started to talk and play with some of the neighborhood girls, while Majorie stood and looked around.
As Majorie looked up to see who was coming out of the church doors. She saw a group of boys and one stood out to her. He was the leader obviously due to him being in the front and the guys surrounding. His face looked like it was chiseled by Michael Angelo himself. From his hair being low cut, which was unusual due to every man wanting to have the slick back hair.
As Majorie was looking at him, one of the boys saw her. He nudged Florian and point towards Majorie. Florian looked at the girl and was in awe.
From looking at her press out hair that met her shoulders. To her black dress reaching her knees that squeeze every single curve on her body.
Florian realized that something started to feel weird downstairs. Even though he had many of girls, he never had felt like that about a girl straight away. Florian broke through the guys and walked over to Majorie.
Majorie snapped out of it when she realized he was in front of her. She quickly looked down than rather meet them piercing eyes.
“ My name is Florian. What’s yours?” Florian asked her while looking at her. Majorie kept her head down and stay like that. Florian didn’t know what to do and he was kinda shock.
“ So I guess I call you Shy.” Florian laughed out when finishing up.
Earl came out the church seeing Florian and Majorie. Earl made it known that he was there by coughing. Majorie looked up quickly and ran over to her dad while being thankful he came out when he did.
“Well Florian, your dad is a tough cookie. I tried to get him to talk, but he still not talking.” Earl walked over to Florian while giving his hand a shake. Florian shooked his head and understanding Earl, who kept talking, but Florian was looking at Majorie behind him.
Earl notice the young boy eyes on his daughter. Earl was happy that Majorie got attention from a boy because she is always to herself and have not experience the regular teenage life.
“ Florian, bring my baby girl back home by 7:00.” Earl said with his deep baritone voice while walking away from the two. Majorie was in shocked and ran after her dad.
“ Daddy, I don’t even know him! Plus I got to clean the house, finish cooking for tomorrow, and help Marilyn with her homework.” Majorie squeaky, high pitched voice capture her dad attention. With Earl getting to the car, and Marilyn running back over, he turn around to his daughter.
“ Baby, you need to experience life. I love that you step in place for your mother, but you are a teenager! Florian is a nice young man and he can keep you safe.” Earl stated to his daughter. Earl got in the car and Marilyn got in the back.
Majorie watch as they left her.
She turn around with Florian right behind her.
With that, Florian and Majorie went one the local cafes in Newark. As they was walking around, it seem like everybody knew who Florian was. As they went to the diner and ate. Majorie didn’t say one thing at all.
As he was taking her home, Majorie still didn’t say nothing. When he stop in front of her building, he walked her up the stoop.
“Well I had a fun time. Even though I did most of the talking.” Florian chuckled with his gruff voice. Florian looked at Majorie and saw that she kept her head down. Florian lift her head to look at him.
With that, Florian went in for a kiss, which Majorie did not stop.
“ Umm, Majorie I know you are not being a fast tell out here! Plus your father should be down here any second!” Aunt Shirley smiled while yelling out the third-floor window, looking down at her niece. Majorie quickly step back, with Florian laughing at the woman above.
Then, the door of the building quickly open to Earl and Marilyn. Earl smiled at his daughter and step out to wave his sister back in.
Majorie quickly ran inside to the top floor of the building.
“ Well, I guess that means either Majorie is embarrassed or you done something to her son.” Earl said while looking at Florian.
“ No sir, I have not! I really want to court Shy!” Florian blurted out the last part. Marilyn laughed at the boy standing in front of her.
“ Shy, that is a good nickname! She probably will never say anything to you!” Marilyn said with a sassy tone. Earl gave a look at Marilyn, which means it is time for her to go. Earl looked at Florian, whom was a mess due to him blurting out that he wants to court Majorie.
“ Well, just called the house phone everyday at 9:00 in the morning. You can speak Majorie then due to her being the only one at home. With that, son, if you ever hurt my daughter. I don’t mine breaking your face in even if you are white.” Earl finished with the threat.
Earl shut the door leaving Florian for his own thoughts.
One thing, Earl and Florian, didn’t know was that Marjorie was looking out the window at the conversation. She smile at the fact that Florian wanted to court her. She went back inside waiting for the next morning at 9:00 for that call.
That day, Florian didn’t just lose his mother, but he got his girl.
“ Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!” Florian Jr yelped to his mother. Shy snapped out of her thoughts. She realized that everybody was starting to leave church. Shy looks to her left to see Florian getting his father to go outside in the summer heat.
Shy got up and picked up Benjamin, 2, who was sleep, and picked up her purse. Anastasia and Florian Jr, 8, held hands with Andrada, 4, to make sure they stick together.
“Do you need any help Shy?” Elena asked with her nasal voice. Before Shy could even answered, Florian answered.
“ Shy got it.” Florian toneless voice said while starting to push his father out of the church. Shy knew that Florian was upset with her, and she knew that this was going to be an all day thing.
“ Okay kids, lets go.” Shy quietly said to the kids. They walked behind Florian and his father, with Elena right behind them. 
Elena looked at Shy and just felt bad for her. It seems like after Benajamin was born, Florian and Shy’s relationship is just not the same.
As they walked out the church doors, Elena heard many things being said about the couple.
“ Florian only married her because he got her pregnant out of wed locked.”
“ He always disrespect her whenever that girl comes around.”
“ I just don’t understand why people want to now marry outside their race.”
Elena knew if she could hear them, Shy could too.
As they got to the bottom of the steps, she saw the red Ford Mustang.
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Everybody knew exactly who that was. The Ford Mustang park on the other side of the rode. With that, a tall woman got out of the car. She started to walked over with her high heels and went straight up to Florian.
Shy saw as she walked with confidence and style over to her husband. Shy wished she did have the confidence she had.
Shy walked closer to the two of them to see what is about to happen.
“ Florian, I really need you to come help me with something.” Anna- Marie said with much sweetness behind her voice. Anna-Marie you could describe as the It girl of the decade. Anna Marie knew that she was beautiful and she use it for her benefits.
Florian felt eyes on him and saw his wife looking at the two of them. Anna-Marie smiled turn straight into a frown when seeing Shy. Anna-Marie wanted Florian since childhood. The only person that ruin it was Shy.
“Oh, Shy, I didn’t see you there! Kinda look like the maid with the kids.” Anna-Marie said loud enough to capture other people attention.
“ Now, you little rat, don’t be coming around here being an attention whore. The last time I remember you was a night walker!” Elena said even louder.
Anna-Marie laughed at Elena.
“ Well honey, I still hear that nasally voice. Still haven’t got it fix after your husband punch you.” Anna-Marie said with much fake sadness in her voice.
Anna-Marie turn back to Florian and said, “ Well, I see that you are busy. Come by tonight.” With that, Anna-Marie touched Florian arm and went back to her car.
Florian looked at the woman, and lust after her. Even though, she tried many of times with her forward advances. Florian would never take the forward advances with her because he loves his wife. However, Florian was lusting after the woman in front of him.
Shy looked at Florian as he looked at her. She saw that he was looking at her with the same eyes he  use to looked at her with. 
“Mommy, why are you crying?” Anastasia said with her quietly, squeak voice. With that, Elena and Florian looked at her. Shy shook her head and started to push the children to walk down the sidewalk to the house.
Elena looked at her cousin and shooked her head as she followed Shy and the kids. With that, Florian followed right behind them.
Welll then, that was very tense and intresting!
How do you like the characters?
What do you think about relationship between Florian and Majorie “Shy”?
What you think happen to Florian and Majorie to have a tense relationship?
Do you think it is just a marriage “hump”? Or is it something else?
Please Comment, Like, Reblog!!
@19jammmy​ @designerwriterchic​ @queen-zelieonna​ @amethyst09​ @champagnesugamama​ @cocobutterqwueen​ @twistedcharismaaa​ @munteanhore​ @natashacoco
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actinglikethat · 4 years
We Can Never Be Friends - MGK Imagine
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Plot: Despite you and Colson breaking up a year ago, you still have feelings for him and suspect he might still have some for you. But a wrench is thrown in your thoughts when he brings another girl to a hangout.
A/N: Yay, this is the first writing I’m posting here! It’s loosely based on a dream I had and it’s kinda angsty/full of pining but I have a part two in the works 👀 (also idk how to write these describer things so bear with me lmao)
Warnings: One scene describes the plot of a movie Colson’s starring in (in the story) and it briefly mentions kidnapping.
You and Colson had broken up a year ago, after mutually deciding that his tour schedule and the demands of his career put too much of a strain on your relationship. Despite the way your romance ended, it was an amicable breakup and you stayed friends afterwards. Although you didn’t want to admit it, you were still in love with him. Between his looks, his dedication to his art, and his commitment to being a good father to Casie, you couldn’t help but feel like maybe you should’ve pushed harder to keep him. 
There were a lot of moments at hangouts and house parties where you thought he laughed a little too long at your stories, or maintained eye contact for a few seconds more than he should’ve, that made you think maybe he felt the same way. You tried asking the likes of Pete, Rook, and Slim whether he talked about you often, or if they knew how he felt, but their answers weren’t what you wanted to hear. 
As you got ready for a hangout at Rook’s one night, you found yourself putting on Colson’s favorite dress of yours, along with a necklace he got you two birthdays ago. You wore that outfit on countless dinner dates and to the studio a few times, and you gave yourself a melancholy smile in the mirror as you looked back. Casie thought that dress brought out your eyes well. She also thought you might become her stepmother one day. 
Once you got to Rook’s, you made your rounds around the living room to say hi to everyone, coming to Colson last. His gaze immediately went to the necklace, then the dress, then to your face, his face dropping. He muttered a quick “hey,” gave you an awkward hug, and sat back down. It was clear you had gotten into his head, so you figured you’d sit next to him on the couch.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said as you stepped over. “Jasmine’s sitting there.” 
The smile you had on your face a moment earlier fell, and you looked over your shoulder at the rest of the group, hoping to make eye contact with someone who could tell you who this “Jasmine” was. Pete offered you a sympathetic smile, making room on the other couch next to him. 
“Who the hell is Jasmine?” You quietly asked him as you sat down.
“New girlfriend,” he said. “They met on the set of that new movie he’s filming in Calabasas. She’s a lot like you, you know. I think you’d be good friends if it weren’t for the fact that she’s dating the star-crossed love of your life.”
You elbowed him in the side as a girl you had never met came into the room. Her eyes instantly fell on you, and she smiled as she walked over.
“Hey, you must be Y/N! I’m Jasmine, it’s so nice to finally meet you!”
“Yeah, you too!”
“Everyone’s told me so much about you, Colson and Rook always say you’re one of the sweetest, funniest people they’ve met.”
“Do they?” You felt your heart fall to your stomach.
“All the time! I have a feeling we’ll get along well.”
“Same,” you fibbed. She smiled and took her seat next to Colson, joining in whatever conversation he was having with Slim and Noah. 
You leaned back on the couch, almost regretting showing up. 
“I didn’t wanna tell you he still talks about you,” Pete said. “I figured it’d kinda sting now that he’s taken.” 
“She took him alright,” you muttered, earning a laugh. “I just, I don’t know. I thought maybe there was a chance he’d wanna take me back.” 
“It’s possible, I think. I mean, it’s Colson, how long do we think this will really last?”
“We were together for a year and seven months. Who knows?” 
He sighed, unsure of how to comfort you. 
As the night went on, you made conversation with most people in the room, aside from Colson and Jasmine. You wanted to talk to them, partly so Jasmine didn’t think you were a bitch and partly because talking to Colson was one of your favorite things to do. After some convincing, you got Pete to go over with you, scared that going alone would become an awkward third-wheel situation. 
Pete was right, you and Jasmine had a lot in common. It was easy for you two to find things to discuss, and she seemed like a really genuine, fun person. Pete occasionally chimed in to tell you other things you had in common, but Colson was practically silent the whole time. 
A little while after you started talking, Jasmine excused herself to the kitchen to go get another drink. You turned to Pete, unsure what to do without Jasmine there, and he started asking Colson more about his new movie. 
“It’s a romcom, which I haven’t really done before,” he said. “A guy’s with this girl and they break up over some stupid shit, and the whole movie they’re trying to win each other back without knowing it.”
Your gaze had been alternating between the floor and the rest of the room, but you noticed that Colson was looking directly at you while he described the film. You looked up at him almost mournfully, wondering if there was any real-life connection to the plot. Noah pulled Pete aside to show him something, leaving you and Colson standing alone.
“That sounds like a nice movie,” you commented, hoping to make the situation less awkward. “I know what that’s like.”
“Me too,” he sighed. He bit his lip, looking pensive, like he was trying to find the right words for whatever he wanted to say next. He didn’t get to say it though, since Jasmine returned before he could open his mouth. 
“I was just telling Y/N about the movie,” Colson explained.
“Oh, it’s such a fun one. The whole premise is so disturbing. I mean, what kind of a sicko would hold his daughter-in-law for ransom in a shed?”
You furrowed your brow, contemplating whether Colson was actually describing the movie earlier. “Uh, yeah, that’s so twisted.”
Pete rejoined the group and started rambling about whatever Noah showed him, but you couldn’t pay enough attention to follow what he was saying. Whenever he said something funny, you glanced over at Colson to see if he was laughing. It was exactly what you’d do at these hangouts when you were dating. When he noticed you looking up at him, he’d smile and put his arm around you, if he was next to you. 
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Jasmine asked, noticing your expression drop. Upon hearing this, Colson looked up at you, and Pete turned to look at you too, but he already knew the answer.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired.”
“I could drive you home in a little bit if you want, I have work in the morning so I’m not staying too late,” she offered. 
“Thanks, I’d really appreciate that.” As much as you wanted to stay, it was torture to see how happy Colson and Jasmine were together. It didn’t help that the guys and Noah already loved her so much. It frustrated you that no one warned you that she’d be there, but at the same time, they knew how much Colson meant to you and didn’t want to upset you.
After some more awkward small talk, Slim and Baze came over to ask Colson some questions about a song they were working on. Jasmine excitedly chimed in, offering some production ideas. Pete could tell you were uncomfortable, so he put his hand on your back, nudging you towards the kitchen.  
Once it was just the two of you, Pete grabbed you a water bottle from the fridge, then sat down in a barstool next to the counter. 
“Come into my office, kid,” he said, pulling out another stool for you.
“I don’t know what to do,” you sighed, sitting down next to him.
“It’s a tricky situation to be in. But after tonight, I really think he’s still into you.”
“Why would he bring Jasmine here then? Especially knowing I was coming.”
“I dunno. I don’t think he knows, either. But the way he looked at you when you first got here? Then he looked crushed when you couldn’t sit next to him.”
“I dunno, Pete. It’s Colson we’re talking about, he’s not exactly a saint.”
“You’re not wrong, but I think there’s something there.”
Before you could think of something to say, Jasmine came in to tell you she was gonna go warm up the car. You nodded and started saying goodbye to everyone. You couldn’t find Colson, so you wandered around the house to see where he was.
You finally bumped into him in the hallway, after he came out of the bathroom.
“Uh, hey,” he said. “You heading out?”
“Yeah, Jasmine’s warming up the car.”
“Alright. Well, it was nice to see you again.”
He pulled you into a hug much warmer than the one he gave you earlier, and you closed your eyes against his chest, not wanting to have to say goodbye again. His arms lingered a bit longer than they should have, and as you pulled away, he kissed your forehead before sighing.
“Get home safe,” he muttered, returning to the living room and leaving you in the hall.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
My life, The Doctor; 10th Doctor x Nurse!reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys I know it’s been awhile but I finally decided to work on another story outside the Queen/BoRhap fandom. Now this request came from @originalposter96 idk if this is your user name anymore but I hope you’ll be able to see it.
NOW WARNING HERE I AM NOT A DOCTOR OR A NURSE!!! So I know absolutely NOTHING about surgeries or anything like that, so this may seem as lazy writing (sorry) but I hope you all still enjoy this fic. So since this does involve the reader being a Nurse there is a hospital involved, surgeries, blood, removing bullets, gunshots, and a slight trigger warning for Domestic violence (not between the Doctor and reader just some side characters).
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There have been many wonderous places I’ve been to, many wonderful people and creatures I’ve met.  They all come and go in my life, whether through my adventures or by time itself all beings enter my life one way or another.  But throughout all my previous lives, every single being in the Universe that I had ever known, one person was above and beyond special.
Her name was (Y/n) (L/n).  And she—is and will always be the love of my life.
For a human she was extremely clever, sharp as a whip, but she was also kind, loyal, and the one thing about her is that she never gives up on anyone.  As a Head nurse—oh did I forget to mention that? Yes my (y/n) is one of the best Nurses in all of England.  
Anyone in her time or even in the future when she finally becomes an M.D. will tell you that she is one of the best.  In fact she finds out future cures for worldwide pandemics (of course sometimes her board would deny her research and billions of people perish. Rotten bastards).  Anyways, my (y/n) truly is one of a kind amongst the humans and I am glad to have met her.
And won’t she be surprised when she sees me.  It had been awhile since I had last seen her (maybe since the day she graduated medical school just a year ago her time) and now with the Cybermen and Daleks taken care of, now’s a good a time to go see her.
I set the coordinates for her time period and flipped the switch allowing the TARDIS to activate and soon going through time and space.
*My POV*
April 14th, 2015, 10:05pm.  It had been a long day.  5 surgeries, 3 MRI scans, a cancer treatment report, and 2 women in labor later, I was just about to drop right there on the floor.  I was thankful that in like 20min. my shift was gonna be over.
“You look like you’re about to drop dead right on the spot.” I snapped out of my sleepy stage to see my good friend Chrissie Lang.  She and I had graduated from the same Med school together, and had most of the same classes together.  She and I are each other’s support system cause in this line or work—it can take a toll on you.
I remember this one time this woman came in at 6 months pregnant bleeding profusely from her legs.  We both knew that she was suffering a miscarriage so we told to do what her Doctor told us to do, but by the end of it Chrissie was completely destroyed. She always wanted to be a mum and seeing something like that happen made her fearful for even trying to go for a baby with her and her boyfriend.
So for the next ten minutes after helping the woman out, Chrissie and I just held onto each other and shed our tears before we had to brush it off and move onto the next case we had.  For those that say being a Doctor or a Nurse is the easiest job to do, they’re liars. The job can hit you not just physically, but mentally as well.
“After 2 days of not sleeping, I just might. Put on my tombstone (Y/n) (l/n). Died with a heart of gold and a stomach of caffeine.”
“That’s true cause I swear girl, you’re probably the most caffeine addicted person I’ve ever met.”
“I can stop whenever I want, these are just choices.” We both chuckled softly.
“Excuse me ladies, but would you mind helping me with something?” a familiar voice said to me.  We both turned to our right and standing there with a bouquet of my favorite color of carnations was the Doctor.
“Of course, what can we do for you sir?” asked Chrissie.
“Hey Chris, why don’t you let me handle this?” I suggested.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, besides you’re about to clock out sooner than me, you go on and head home. I’ll meet you there.”
“Okay, see you later (n/n).” she bid the Doctor good evening and he did the same. Once Chrissie left the lobby, I turned towards the Doctor smiling widely as he did the same.
I immediately embraced him and he picked me up and twirled me around, the two of us laughing together.
“Oh I swear every time I come back, you get more beautiful.” He said as he set me down.
“I’m just happy you got to come back at all.” I said as I cupped his face in my hands. His eyes grew soft as he placed his hands over mine.
“I know what I do is dangerous, but you know why I do what I do.” I nodded in understandment.
“I mean hell it wouldn’t be any different if you were human and worked as a police officer or a fireman. Hell we humans live in a dangerous world, anything could kill us.”
“Which is what makes me the Doctor.”
“It does indeed.” I stroked his cheek with my thumb and that’s when he reached for the bouquet he had set down on the front desk and he presented it to me. “You always know just how to cheer me up.”
“Figured you might’ve had a long, rough day. Thought a little color could be used to brighten up your day.”
“It sure did, thank you my love.”
“Anything for you my life.”
That was a thing between us.  When we first started dating each other, we had a little code/nickname for each other. I call the Doctor ‘my love’ because ever since he literally dropped from the sky onto my doorstep, he’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met.
He’s quirky, bit of a goofball, can sometimes blow his top but that’s only when something really dangerous happens and he’s under stress (yeah I’ve traveled with him a couple of times during my time at Med school), but he’s also loyal, brave, beyond clever, and he always puts everyone else, especially the human race above himself.  For the last of his species, he’s an incredibly selfless person.
He calls me ‘his life’ because whenever things get too hard for him, since he and I have been through some rough stuff due to our day to day life, I always try my best to comfort him.  I know that he’s lost people, just like I have on a job, and it’s not an easy thing to get pass.
So we both try to be each other’s support system.  We know there is always loss in the world, but the thing is to not let that be the driving point that always controls your life.  You can use it to make you stronger, not let it drag you down any further.
“So how has my brave Dr. (L/n) been since I last saw her?”
“You know I’m not a Doctor yet, I still gotta go through the nursing program and then rise up in the ranks before I finally get it.”
“Oh rubbish, you should’ve been a Doctor right as you graduated.”
“Yeah well not according to the chief here.” I muttered annoyedly.
“Honestly though, that old fool wouldn’t know a good doctor if it turned around and bit him in the arse.” I shushed him but couldn’t help myself from giggling softly.
“You can be so cruel sometimes you know that?” he playfully shrugged.
“Only when it comes to people who hurt you.” he wrapped his arms around me and pecked my cheek. “How much longer till your shift ends?” I turned to the clock and responded.
“10 minutes. But…..I could clock out a little early since there hasn’t been a call.”
“Playing hooky ehh? You cheeky little minx.” He grinned like the Cheshire cat. As we leaned closer to each other about to kiss, the doors suddenly burst open and a frantic voice called out.
“HELP! HELP! MY BROTHER NEEDS HELP! HELP!” a blonde woman around her mid 30’s came in holding her brother who looked to be around the same age as her.  Quite possible they might’ve been twins cause I could see some similarities on the both of them.  Her brother was completely covered in blood and his lips were blue from blood loss.
“Okay Miss calm down. I NEED A STRECHER STAT!!” soon enough the nurses who were still here for the nightshift ran off as I walked towards the two siblings. “What happened?”
“My ex-boyfriend jumped us. He thought—he thought my brother was a new boyfriend of mine and he—he—oh god this is my f-fault!”
“No, no, no Miss this is not your fault.” As I tried to calm her down, the stretcher bed soon came in and a group of nurses helped the man on his back and began cutting away his shirt.
“I’m seeing 3 bullet wounds to the chest and one on his abdomen. Let’s move him!” I get onto the top right of him as we wheel him into the OR to save his life while another nurse stayed behind with the sister to calm her down.
I washed my hands and arms frantically and thoroughly before getting my shrubs and mask on.  Already the destine nurses, assistants and now our head Doctor, Dr. Murphy came in and he said.
“What have we got?”
“Four shots in the upper body, two in the lower. He might’ve lost a pint of blood at least.” Answered Nurse Yasmin.
“Maybe 2-3. His BP is dropping fast.” Added one of the male Nurses, Derek.
“Okay, any of those bullets rupture an organ?” asked Dr. Murphy.
“The one in his lower abdomen is just a centimeter before hitting his small intestine. If we don’t get that bullet out first he could bleed out internally.”
“Okay keep an eye on his BP. I need fluids, scalpels, suction tubs, retractors……”
“Lucy….”the man groaned out.
“(L/n), do your thing.” Said Dr. Murphy.  I nodded and came up to the man and said.
“Sir? Sir can you hear me?”
“Yes. Where—where am I?”
“You’re at the hospital. Your sister brought you in. Don’t worry she’s okay and told us what happened.”
“Good….good……She’s safe. I—I’d never forgive myself if—” he started fading out.
“Hey, hey, hey sir, sir stay with me now. What’s your name? Can you tell me your name?”
“Okay Barry, I’m (Y/n) (l/n). My team and I are gonna help you but you need to stay with me for just a bit. Don’t give up on me.”
“It hurts….it hurts so badly.”
“I know, I know.”
“Give him a shot of morphine to numb the pain.” Dr. Murphy ordered.  Suzie got the morphine bag and needle ready and slowly stuck the needle into his left arm.  Barry hissed and I said to him.
“This’ll help lessen the pain. You won’t feel the pain as we try to get the bullets out of you Barry. But you gotta stay with me, okay?”
“I’ll—try……” he mumbled tiredly.  I placed my hand on his cheek and looked up at his vitals and saw his BP was continuing to drop and his heartbeat was going down.
As I looked around me, frantically Dr. Murphy and all the nurses were working together trying to get all the bullets out of him one by one, less we risk him bleeding out as two teams tried to work out a single bullet.  With the main one near his intestines cleared, Dr. Murphy and Nurse Helen worked on getting the few out of his upper chest.
All the while Barry kept groaning every now and then and his eyes were fading fast.
“Barry. Barry hey look at me boy. If you can’t do this for yourself, do it for your sister. From what she said about who had done this to you, you need to stay alive for her. What you did was heroic, but don’t let her see that that selfish son of a bitch won. She needs you, your family needs you.”
“I got the blood transfusion he now needs. Thankfully, we had our last bag of B+ in the storage bin.” A young male nurse who had only worked here for a year, Cody exclaimed as he came through the doors.
“Alright, start the transfusion now! We just got the last bullet out and his BP is dropping faster and faster!”
“You hear me Barry? We’re getting you your life back. But it’s gonna be up to you now. Don’t let him be the victor, not tonight! You hear me?” he groaned and looked right up at me and he whispered groggily to me.
“Why do you care so much?” I took a deep breath in and said as I stroked the hair from his face.
“Because so many people everywhere are already dying every day. Some because time has run out on them, others for serving their country, but there are the odds of people dying for now reason whatsoever. Or for stupid reasons that shouldn’t be a reason why someone should have to die, especially if it’s protecting their family member from some arsehole who can’t tell the meaning of the word No. Now your sister is out there waiting for you, if she loses you, she’ll have lost her Ace. Her only friend that has stuck by her through whatever it was that her ex-boyfriend did to her.”
“He…..always was a……selfish prick!” he coughed out.
“I’ll bet he was. But she survived him, and now you’ve got to survive too. Don’t give him that satisfaction that he took a life tonight. Can you do that for me?” he nodded softly and whispered out again.
“You’d make a great motivational speaker.”
“I was on the debate team back in secondary school. If you wanna hear more, you’ll just have to stick around Earth for a little while longer.” After his final stitches were in place, the blood transfusion began and it was then Dr. Murphy had Cody, Darren, and Helen wheel him into ICU.  From there, Barry would be monitored 24/7 till he woke up from his post-surgery coma.
Dr. Murphy took off his mask and gloves before turning to me and he said to me.
“Nice job keeping him talking.”
“Just doing my job sir.”
*Doctor’s POV*
Unaware to anyone else, I had snuck into the upper levels to witness the surgery in progress.  I watched as (y/n) stayed right by the young man’s side and kept giving him encouragement to stay alive.  But not for himself, for his sister.
This. Is why she would one day go down in the medical books as the world’s greatest Female doctor’s.  She always put the lives of the people her patient’s love over their own, then psychologically, the patient’s bodies would continue to fight on until finally they would find the strength to recover.
Of course she will have her failures cause that’s life.  You can’t save everyone but you can work harder at saving the ones you can save in the future.  She doesn’t let one failure get her down, that’s sometimes the curse of being a Doctor. When you lose people, it can really affect you. Even when those closest to you are the ones you lose.  Believe me I’ve been there millions of times throughout my 10 life cycles (she’s lucky she’ll only deal with one).
By morning, the lad Barry managed to make a full recovery.  His sister, Lucy repeatedly thanked all the doctors and nurses who helped out with saving her brother before giving her statement to the police.
I waited outside by the TARDIS for my beloved Doctor to clock out, and when she finally came out the poor dear looked exhausted.  I extended my arms out for her and she gave me a tired smile before collapsing into my arms.
“Just when I thought I could get at least one early night in.” her voice muffled against my trench coat but I still managed to hear her.  I softly laughed and rocked her gently as I assured her.
“I know, but hey if you hadn’t been here, that young man would’ve died.”
“Oh you know it was Dr. Murphy as well as a few other nurses that actually did the real operation to save him.”
“True, but you were just as important if not more. You kept him awake and talking.” I shrugged tiredly agree-to-disagreeing. “Now then, I think after a night like that, and from lack of sleep these past couple of days you deserve to be pampered and see the wonders of the galaxy.”
“How did you—”
“Besides the bags under your eyes, I’ve seen the amount of Starbucks cups at your apartment.” She groaned embarrassingly.  God this girl and her coffee addiction, truthfully I never understood why humans choose that as their beverage of choice.  I myself prefer a good Earl grey or even sometimes Jasmine tea but ugh that horrible bland stuff they call coffee?! Never. Again. Will that drink touch my taste buds.
“Care to show me the wonders of time and space?”
“Need a pick me up boost?” she nodded.  I kicked open the doors of the TARDIS and hopped inside before extending my hand out to her saying, “First question is though; do you trust me?”
“Always my love.” She replied with that loving soft smile of hers as she took my hand.
“Then brace yourself my life, because I’m going to show you the sound of the Universe.”
“You mean…..”
“Indeed I do my love, the Music of the Spheres.” Her smile grew wider and I pulled her into the TARDIS before shutting the doors behind her and together the two of us ran towards the consoles of the TARDIS and I punched in the coordinates and soon we took off for the Music of the Spheres.
And who knows where our next adventure would lead after that? So long as I got my love, my life, my Doctor with me by my side.
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megurine-san-7u7 · 4 years
From the ashes we will rise - Part 3
Stepping out of the portal and hearing it close behind her, Lena’s eyes were quick to recognize the place she was in.
She had forgotten why these coordinates were on the watch, but now, standing in the middle of the living room in the mansion, the memories were quick to come back.
Lex’s smile was manic, as if he had predicted her arrival all along, which he might as well had. He knew her well, but not well enough.
The surprise and incredulity in his eyes when the bullets hit his chest, made it clear her brother didn’t know her as he thought he did.
Her eyes zeroed on the family portrait hanging in the living room.
Lena remembered well that day. She was barely six, and wasn’t used to stand perfectly still for hours. Lillian reprimanded her every time she moved a little bit, and then Lex came to her rescue.
Looking at Lex’s arm draped around her tiny frame, a sad smile formed on her lips. What had gone wrong with them?
Her hands were shaking like the rest of her body, and an urge to throw up was starting to overwhelm her.
She had just killed Lex. She killed her brother.
Panic and anxiety started to consume her.
She couldn’t stand been there anymore.
With a foggy mind, she searched the auto destruction system of Lex’s lair.
The explosions started to go off in the mountain, and her legs couldn’t stop trembling when going through the portal.
Shaking her head to get rid of those memories, the Luthor tried to focus on her present.
There was no time to dwell on the past, she had just run away from Supergirl, and going back to Ireland was now discarded.
She needed another plan.
Damn the kryptonian for taking even her safe place away.
Walking around the mansion she grew up in, Lena reminisced her childhood at every corner she went.
Memories of her father in his study, and how he sometimes would explain his work to her, a smile forming on his lips when Lena understood everything.
Her mother with the cold and stern face, and the small smile that would form on her lips whenever Lena showed improvement in her etiquette classes.
And Lex…god did she have a lot of memories of her brother there.
When he wasn’t crazy or trying to kill Superman. When he would play with her, and show her his experiments. Always teaching her something new.
Her gaze blurred by the tears forming on her eyes.
The Luthors were far from being the perfect family, but it was still her family.
And Lena was just tired of losing everything.
Wiping away the tears from her eyes, determination settled on her features.
She was tired of crying.
She was tired of being hurt.
Always giving her all to others, never putting herself first.
It was enough of that.
It was time to think about her own happiness.
As a Luthor she had visited many countries in her life. Whether it was as a family trip, or a business trip.
But in either case, she hadn’t been allowed to explore the cities she visited.
Family’s trips were mostly PR moves, showing to the press the image of a perfect rich family. They were always on a schedule, every minute perfectly planned by Lillian.
Arrive at the hotel, get ready for breakfast, smile to the cameras, study in free times, get ready for the gala fundraiser they’d attend.
Always the same, always putting on a mask. A mask every Luthor learned to perfect.
And her business trips were just that, all business. As the owner of the most powerful company in America, her time was too precious, and so she couldn’t waste any minute in leisure vacations.
And now-
Now she was just a regular person. Although with a credit card full of money for a lifetime.
And so, Lena decided to travel around the world, to enjoy the things she didn’t before.
She was ready for it, ready to start over.
Italy was just the first destination.
Venice wasn’t what she was used to.
The cold was so much different from National City, the sky wasn’t as blue and the people didn’t pay her any mind. Not that she could fault them for that, Lena wasn’t wearing her usual attire after all.
She had stopped straightening her hair, and its dark curls cascaded over her shoulders. The expensive tailored suits were replaced by comfortable sweaters and jeans. The sharp stilettos Lena would wear every day were nowhere in sight, in their place were a pair of sneakers. And to top it all, there was a pair of rimmed glasses on her face.
A little cynical on her part to be using glasses. But she didn’t care.
No one would give her a second glace when she walked on the streets.
And even if someone did recognize her, Lena could easily deny the claim, having a fake ID with a new name on it.
Lena Luthor was gone, and in her place was Tess Mercer.
It was freeing.
No more danger her name had always carried, no more paparazzies following her around invading her privacy.
No more liars seeking something out of her.
And Lena welcomed the change with gusto. She didn’t want reminders of her past. No, those would only be painful.
No, she wouldn’t let herself be sad because of a liar. So many tears were already spilled in vain, and Lena refused to shed a single one anymore, not over someone who had hurt her that much.
There were many things to see in Venice. And taking her time to appreciate the sights, Lena spend a week there without even noticing.
It was the most relaxed she had ever been in her entire life.
The Luthor didn’t want to attract more attention than necessary, and so the hotel she was staying was a regular one.
It wasn’t the presidential suite, nor were there an expensive collection of drinks set in the room. But it was comfortable, and the service was good.
The best part was the food.
Currently she was having breakfast on the hotel’s dining area.
Lena was sipping her coffee from time to time, her eyes never leaving the book on her hand.
So focused on her reading, she didn’t notice a girl standing next to her table. Not until said girl cleared her throat nervously.
The Luthor lifted her gaze and settled it on the fidgeting girl. She had red hair, some freckles on her cheeks, and brown eyes. Her outfit was very simple, a worn green sweater, brown pants and a pair of dark boots. It was clear the clothes had seen better days.
Lena’s outfit on the contrary was although simple, very expensive.
She was wearing a red sweater, black jeans and a pair of polished boots, along with the rimmed glasses on her face.
All in all, she still oozed the regality composure Luthors’ were known for.
And only another billionaire would be able to recognize the finery of her clothes. For other people, they were just regular clothes.
She may have changed her style, but she wasn’t about to wear itchy clothes.
Lena forgot to use the country’s language, but at her use of English, the girl seemed instantly relieved.
“Sorry to bother you, ma’am. But I was wondering if you didn’t mind sharing your table?” The girl asked with a hopeful voice.
Lena raised an eyebrow, and then looked around the place. It had gotten quite full in the few minutes she had arrived, and there was only other table with just one person sitting on it. But by the looks of him, Lena wouldn’t be surprise if he turned out to be a serial killer.
“Sure.” She said. And the girl made a little jump in joy.
“Thank you!”
What Lena didn’t expect was for the girl to move her hand and call over two other people.
A brunette petit woman with the biggest smile on her face. Clothes similar to that of her friend, and a tall blonde guy, who seemed to be very reserved.
Lena observed them settle on her table.
“Hi, thanks for letting us sit here!” The brunette said excitedly, clearly relieved at not having to seat next to murderous guy on the far table.
“Don’t mention it.” The Luthor replied while taking a sip of her coffee.
“I’m Darla, this is Mary and Theo.” The brunette girl was quick to add, looking at Lena expectantly.
Lena wasn’t one to talk easily with strangers, but Darla seemed to be one of those people who were capable of befriending a rock.
And the Luthor couldn’t help the small relived sigh leaving her lips when the waitress came to take the group of friends’ orders.
It was enough of a distraction, and soon Darla went back to talk to her friends. And Lena could quietly go back to reading.
However, after a few minutes of reading some pages. Her book was left forgotten when she heard her name being spoken.
“So, it is true, Lena Luthor left…” Mary muttered with a voice resembling a bit of sadness.
Her green eyes settled on them over the top of her book. It had been a while since she heard her real name being spoken.
“I still can’t believe it.” Darla grumbled while tearing apart her waffles with fury.
“L-corp’s new CEO made the statement. It’s official.” Theo muttered, moving around his scrambled eggs on his plate.
So, Sam had made a statement of her departure.
The thought of her friend made a frown appear on her face.
It had been a week, and she still hadn’t tried to contact Sam. There was a chance the DEO -Supergirl- hadn’t stopped looking for her, and so they could still be watching Sam’s movements.
Lena missed Sam a lot.
She had been so immersed in exploring Venice, that she didn’t even stop to check on her friend.
But she couldn’t risk being found again.
However, curiosity was a trait every Luthor had. And Lena wasn’t an exception.
“Excuse me, do you mind telling me about the statement about Lena Luthor?”
The conversation stopped and three pair of eyes settled on her, as if only just remembering Lena was there too.
Mary was the first to react, and quickly tapped something on her phone.
“Here.” The redhead said while giving the device to Lena.
There was an open news page, on it, an article was in display.
‘Lena Luthor no more, or is it?’ The title said, and she had to stop herself from rolling her eyes.
The most part of the article was about the ‘evil plotting’ she was doing to follow on her brother’s steps, which was laughable to say the least. If she stays in the city, she’s a villain plotting to kill Supergirl; if she leaves, she’s a villain plotting something evil away from Supergirl, so she can’t be stopped.
She would always be a villain, no matter what she did.
At least the article’s author was decent enough not to twist Sam’s words. And reading about her friend speaking highly of her, almost made the Luthor tear up. But she managed to control herself, she wasn’t alone after all.
“Thank you.” Lena said again and returned the phone.
“So, you’re from National City?” Darla was quick to ask, curiosity in her eyes.
“I lived there.”
“Cool! Did you ever meet Lena Luthor?” the brunette asked with excitement in her voice, and Lena was a little taken aback by the reaction.
Mary elbowed her friend on the ribs, making Darla yelp in pain and glare at the redhead.
“What?” the brunette whined with annoyance.
“Don’t bother her.” Mary said with a stern expression.
Lena observed them bicker and couldn’t help the small amused smile forming on her lips. And when she glanced at the other side of the table, she noticed Theo eating calmly his food, as if his friends arguing was common practice.
“Why are you interest in Lena Luthor?” she couldn’t help but ask. They didn’t seem to hate her, on the contrary, they seemed upset about the news of her leaving the country.
Again, three pair of eyes settled on her, but this time their eyes were sparkling with something Lena couldn’t quite name.
“Well, she’s the most awesome person in the entire universe maybe?” Darla said without preamble.
“She graduated from MIT at nineteen!” Mary was the next to exclaim, admiration oozing from every word. “And it was a double major!”
“She’s a certificate genius, and alone had made many advances in the science field. Her inventions had help so many people. She’s the future of science.” Theo surprisingly said more than the other two girls, the emotion visible in his features.
“You…you don’t hate her?” Lena asked dumbfounded.
Instantly the three of them tensed, and their eyes sharpened.
“Do you?” Darla asked, weariness in her voice, as if her answer would either made them leave or stay.
The tense postures immediately disappeared at the sincerity in her voice. And they relaxed considerably.
“We don’t choose the family we live with. And Ms. Luthor has only done good for the world, it’s a shame people don’t see it that way.” Mary mumbled sadly.
“We will graduate next year from MIT, and we really wanted to work with her.” Darla said. “I mean, we would have had to get a job at L-corp, which is very difficult. But there would’ve still been a chance to meet her….and now…now that’s not possible.” The last bit was voiced with sorrow.
All three of them seemed very gloomy at the prospect of never meeting her. And Lena was weirdly touched by that. The Luthor couldn’t help a smile from forming on her lips.
She always assumed people hated her. It came with the name after all. And she was fine with it, she had learned to live with it.
But Lena wasn’t used to hearing people admire her. People who were sad she left the country.
“I graduated from MIT.” It wasn’t the thing she wanted to say, but it did the trick in averting their attention from their gloomy atmosphere.
“Really?!” The brunette exclaimed excitedly, gaining a few glances to their table, but ignoring them. “What major?”
Lena felt her smile grow at the sight in front of her. The young students seemed so exited to hear about her career, they were almost vibrating in their seats.
“Mechanical engineer.” It wasn’t a lie but it also wasn’t the complete truth.
If she told them about her double major, they could realize who she was.
“That’s so cool!”
They gushed about her, asking questions here and there. And Lena let herself get carried away, discussing things with future colleagues.
When her throat started to get ache due to dryness, she took her cup of coffee and noticed its coldness, just then realizing the amount of time she spent talking with the exited university students.
But she didn’t leave the table. Strangely enough, she was having fun for the first time in months.
“So, what are you doing here?” Darla, asked and Mary, was quick to elbow her ribs again. “what?” Darla hissed in pain, rubbing the afflicted area.
“Be respectful!” Mary hissed back.
Lena chuckled at the sight.
“It’s fine.” She muttered and left her cup empty cup of coffee on the table.
For a few seconds she remained in silence, thinking of what to say.
“Let’s just say I’m taking a little me time.” It was the truth, very simplified, but still true.
“Understandable.” Theo said, a shy smile on his lips. “The last year of the career is very demanding, and after that we’ll be very busy finding a job.”
“This is probably the last time we’ll spend so much time together.”
Their smiles dropped, and Lena could practically feel their sadness.
“Then make the most of it.” The words were quick to leave her lips.
They looked at her a little in surprise, and soon happy smiles plastered on their faces as they nodded their agreement.
Their little breakfast turned into a daily thing.
The gang’s time in Venice however was coming to an end, since they wanted to visit as many countries as they could, and had already bought their plane tickets in advanced.
She was sad to say goodbye; having come to enjoy their company and their science talk.
But the day before they left, they asked her if she would like to accompany them.
The Luthor was so surprised by the unexpected invitation, that she was left speechless. And the group of college seniors thought her silence meant no, and soon went into rants about reasons why she should go with them.
They were very persistent, even Theo gave her a speech of why she should accompany them.
It was like seeing a college presentation in which the main point was convincing her to join them.
Lena laughed, and she didn’t even have to ponder her decision. The yes left her lips easily and without remorse.
They cheered at her acceptance and talked about their next country to visit.
Lena couldn’t believe she was having so much fun with college students. But then she wondered if she was just replacing her college memories with these ones.
Considering she didn’t have time to go party in college. Two majors were not an easy task even for her.
Besides her PhDs and doctorates. She had had a busy agenda all her adulthood.
And then she was called to manage LuthorCorp.
It seemed her life was always kept busy, never having time to enjoy herself.
Until Kara.
But that friendship was too severed. There was no going back to that.
She needed to do these things, make her own friends without help or ulterior motives.
It was a nice change.
It was just nice.
London’s experience was very different from Venice.
For starters, Lena wasn’t alone in her trip anymore.
And she soon found out her newfound friends were filled with energy.
They kept dragging her around to every possible tourist exhibit. And then to the science museums.
But she didn’t complain, they were all giant nerds after all.
And so, the week in London went by quickly.
The more she spent time with them, the more she was convinced she could help them.
There was sure to be some openings in the science research area at L-corp. And even if there weren’t, it was her company and she could make some spots.
Her decision brought out other problem though.
It was the third week since she stopped contact with Sam. And she knew she was being unfair to her friend.
It wasn’t Sam’s fault the people she trusted had betrayed her. But then again, Lena did warn her.
“What’s the sigh for?” Darla asked while handing over the ice cream Lena wanted.
They were at an ice-cream parlor.
Lena looked over Darla’s shoulder when the brunette sat in front of her, and smiled at the sight of her other friends.
A thing she discovered during her traveling with them, was that Mary and Theo were huge cat lovers. And every time they would see a cat, they felt the need to go and pet the cat, like they were doing in that moment.
“It’s nothing…” She mumbled while digging a spoon on her ice cream.
Darla didn’t buy it, and kept on staring at her.
“I don’t have a phone.” It wasn’t a lie.
“What?!” Darla the ever dramatic one of the group. “You’re a phoneless scientist?! How is that even possible?!”
“I did have a phone, you know. I just threw it away before starting this trip.” She defended herself with a scoff.
She grabbed a big spoon of ice cream and filled it in her mouth. It would give her some time to think.
If Mary would’ve been there as well, she probably would have elbowed Darla again. But since they were alone, the brunette was just waiting for Lena’s answer.
“I had a fallout with some friends. No, I thought they were my friends and I found out they were just using me…”
Darla’s usual happy smile was replaced with a frown.
“How did you find out?”
“My brother told me…”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It’s all in the past now.” Even when she tried to wave it away, her voice betrayed her hurt.
“Is it?”
At that moment, Mary and Theo arrived at the table and took their respective seats. They were happy about their encounter with the cat, but soon realized the mood in the place.
“What’s wrong?” Theo asked frowning a bit.
Darla stared at her, waiting for Lena to decide whether she wanted to talk about it or change the topic.
The Luthor opened her mouth, a lie on the tip of her tongue. But when looking at her new friends, and their sincere concern about her, the lie wasn’t able to be voiced at all.
Instead the truth left her lips, and Lena told them about her reasons to leave the city.
She told them everything, but changing the story a bit so that Kara’s secret was safe.
Even if she was mad with Kara, she wouldn’t expose her identity.
They listened to her quietly, processing every word she was saying. And Lena could see in their reactions that they cared for her.
It warmed her heart.
“You should call her.” Mary said after the brief story. “Your friend Sam.” She added quickly, as if it wasn’t obvious before.
“I don’t-”
“She was tricked too. And she’s probably worried sick about you. I mean, you seem pretty close, and you hadn’t contacted her even after you said you would.”
Lena stopped what she was going to say, and thought about what Darla mentioned. It was true, and Sam didn’t deserve that from her.
“I’ll talk to her…” she mumbled, and her new friends all smiled in approval.
After going back to the hotel, the young students left her alone, knowing she’d need the time and privacy to contact Sam.
And that’s what Lena was currently doing.
Sitting on the desk set on her hotel room, her laptop was in front of her, while her fingers tapped away with incredible speed.
Lena couldn’t call Sam.
She did buy a phone, and she did remember Sam’s number. But there was a high chance Alex and the DEO were still tracking Sam’s phone.
Lena didn’t want another encounter with National City’s caped hero, so she had to find another way to contact Sam.
The easiest one was through L-corp.
It was her company, and she installed all the security systems.
The Luthor entered L-corp’s system, using a satellite to do so. And was quick to check on every attempt on her security system. She recognized several from the DEO, and rolled her eyes.
They were keeping tabs on her company, and if she tried to block them, they’d notice and Alex would order Brainy to access her company yet again.
So instead, Lena created fake information, like a mantle that would serve as a distraction to the DEO.
And every time they would try to see her archives, they would be sent to that fake information.
She wasn’t about to share her science research with the DEO. Not anymore.
And so, after doing everything to deal with the organization. Lena started to type a message to Sam.
It would arrive in the form of one regular CEO message.
The message contained a few instructions for Sam to follow.
There was a room at L-corp’s building, where no DEO nor Supergirl could listen to their conversation.
Lena had built it after the Kryptonite fiasco.
Looking at the hour and knowing the time difference between the two countries, the young Luthor doubted Sam would be calling in the next minutes.
And so, she closed her computer and put it aside.
The dinner that was delivered to her room an hour before was cold by then, but the Luthor just shrugged and turned on the TV.
An interesting documental was being broadcasted, and she started to eat her food while paying attention to the TV.
A few bites in, and her phone vibrated on the table.
Without looking away from the TV, she took the phone and answered the call. Guessing that Darla or Mary were calling to check in on her.
“Lena, oh my God! It’s really you!” Sam exclaimed on the other line, excitement lacing her voice.
The documentary was soon forgotten and the Luthor’s attention was now solely on the phone call. But Sam didn’t give Lena a chance to speak, instead her joyful voice was instantly replaced for one of anger.
“What the fuck, Lena? It’s been weeks!”
“No! You listen to me, Luthor!” Sam growled on the phone and the younger woman shut her mouth. “Do you have any idea what I’ve been through?! I thought you were dead or something!”
“It wasn’t my fault, you know! What Alex did was fucked up, but it wasn’t my fault…it wasn’t a reason for you to cut me out too…”
“I’m sorry…”
“Yeah, you better be.”
“I really am…I’m so very sorry, Sam…you’re the only one who was always on my side, and I shouldn’t have gone radio silent with you…”
“Well, as long as you know…” The Arias grumbled, her mood quieting down.
“Will you forgive me?”
“Of course I forgive you, you asshole…you’re my friend, Lena…dealing with your bullshit comes with the package.” She mumbled and Lena chuckled. “Yeah, laugh all you want. You don’t know what lecture awaits you from Jess.”
Lena gulped, her assistant was very loyal, and very strong minded. And she was very vocal about her complains when it came to Lena’s stupid actions. She could picture it already, Jess frown and her arms crossed, her eyes reflecting her anger…
“Yeah, she’s pretty pissed.” Sam laughed.
“Oh come on, can’t you talk to her?”
“No, can’t do. No one likes being on Jess’s bad side.”
“Such friend you are…”
“Seriously?” Her voice sounded offended.
“Ok ok, sorry…”
They laughed together, and Lena felt so happy talking with Sam. She didn’t know why she waited so long in contacting her again, but she was glad she finally did.
“So, what you been up to?” Sam asked after a while.
A smile spread on her lips, and she was quick to narrate her adventures with her newfound friends.
Lena had to promise and swear that she’d keep in contact, before Sam could let her end the call.
They would’ve talked for more than a couple of hours, but Sam had work to do early in the morning.
After connecting her phone to its charger, Lena collapsed on her bed tiredly.
She had a few hours to rest before going to the airport.
Their next stop was Paris.
It was easy to notice her bright mood.
As if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and she could finally let herself relax.
Her friends didn’t mention her change of mood, they just smiled along with her.
Lena felt so thankful to have met them.
If it wasn’t for them, she probably would’ve waited too long before calling Sam.
And so, with a happy smile, the Luthor took out her credit card and paid for four first-class tickets to Paris.
When they noticed her actions, Darla choked on her own saliva, and Theo tried to help with the coughing fit. While Mary instantly tried to talk Lena out of it.
It was too expensive for them to let her do it.
“It’s alright. I had well-paid job, and I can afford it. Don’t worry about it.” Lena waved away their concerns with a smile on her face.
“But-” Mary tried once again to talk her out of it.
“I mean it. I can afford it.”
Her emerald eyes showed nothing but sincerity, and her friends could only smile and accept the gift.
It had been a while since Lena flew in first-class. Which wasn’t a surprise, given that she preferred to fly in her own plane.
But looking at the first-class accommodations, she noticed they didn’t change that much form the last time she flew in first-class.
And the Luthor could easily adapt to the plane.
However, the same couldn’t be said about her friends.
Darla and Mary’s jaws were practically touching the floor. They were looking at everything and everywhere, as if it would be their last time in a first-class accommodation.
Theo looked more composed, but his huge sparkling eyes betrayed his enthusiasm.
Lena giggled at their awestruck expressions.
It was going to be a fun flight.
“We have to go to the Eiffel tower!” Darla exclaimed as soon as they were on the hotel’s dining area having lunch.
“Why?” Lena mumbled after taking a sip of her wine.
“What do you mean why? It’s one of the world’s wonders!”
“It does sound amazing.” Mary agreed and Theo nodded.
“You guys go on without me.” Lena said pushing aside her plate.
Paris on itself was known to be the city of love, and the Eiffel tower was one of the most romantic places to go.
She had talked about it with Kara once, and how she wished to have dinner there sometime.
“Let’s go together then!” Kara had exclaimed happily, always joyful when food was involved.
And even when she knew Kara meant a friend dinner, her hopeful heart was quick to imagine a scenario where she would go on a date with Kara there.
Now the Eiffel tower was spoiled for her. And Lena couldn’t handle going there, at least not yet. The wounds were still too fresh.
“But it’s the Eiffel tower…” Darla pouted.
Mary elbowed Darla on the ribs, sensing there was more to it than Lena was letting on.
“If you’re sure...”
“I am. I actually wanted to check the Louvre.”
The three of them frowned with a little distaste, and Lena laughed.
Another interesting quirk she found about her friends was that they didn’t enjoy going to art museums.
“I just don’t understand the point.” Theo had said when Lena asked. Mary and Darla nodding their agreement.
“We’re science people.” Darla would add with crossed arms.
All in all, they were not fans of art museums.
“Well then, go enjoy your…art thing.” Mary said, it was clear she was trying to be polite, but she just couldn’t understand how someone would willingly go to an art museum.
“I will.” Lena said with an amused smile.
There were many tour guides for the first comers, and she had been put into one of those groups. However, she soon grew bored of hearing the nasal voice of the guy guiding the tour.
And after hearing the guide for a total of ten minutes, Lena slipped away when he wasn’t paying attention.
Walking on her own and admiring the beautiful art displays, the Luthor let herself enjoy it.
She wandered around the museum, letting her feet guide her destination. Passing by other people moving around her.
Lena came upon the Venus de Milo, and her legs planted in front of the statue.
It was the first exhibit that the Luthor stared at for more than ten minutes.
“Aphrodite…” the name left her lips in a whisper. “I wonder if you ever had a broken heart…”
Wouldn’t it be tragic for the goddess of love to have a broken heart?
Could Aphrodite understand what Lena was going through?
A sad smile formed on her lips.
And then-
Then, someone chuckled by her side and the Luthor almost jumped out her skin, so inside her head she didn’t notice someone stepping by her side.
A frown etched on her features, but when she turned around to see the intruder, the words died in her throat.
A tall gorgeous woman was standing by her side, wearing a white dress that hugged her body in all the right places. And if Lena wasn’t sure she was gay before, she sure as hell was now.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” The woman said, and her voice sent shivers to Lena’s spine.
“Uh…don’t worry about it…I was just in my head…”
“Wondering if Aphrodite ever had a broken heart?”
There was a hint of amusement in the woman’s voice, and Lena felt her cheeks blush in embarrassment.
She hadn’t meant to be heard.
“Diana Prince.” The woman said while extending a hand in greeting.
Soft skin.
Lena had to shake her head slightly to not keep thinking on how soft Diana’s hand was.
Her name was on the tip of her tongue, but before she could expose her identity, she caught herself.
“Tess Mercer.” She said regaining some of her confidence.
“A pleasure to meet you, Miss Mercer.” Diana said letting go of her hand.
“Tess is fine. And the pleasure is all mine.” If only she knew how true that statement was.
“Well, if I’m calling you Tess…”
“Diana it is-”
Suddenly Lena stopped talking, a frown etching on her features.
The interaction was so similar to the one she had with Kara a few years prior.
When they were just getting to know each other.
When the lies started.
Diana’s voice brought her back from her memories, and Lena could see a worried frown etching the woman’s perfect features.
“Sorry, I-”
‘I was thinking about the person who broke my heart.’
She couldn’t say that, so instead the Luthor plastered a fake smile on her face. One of those she had perfected over her years as a Luthor.
“I tend to get lost in my head.” It wasn’t a complete lie.
“I see…” There was something in the way Diana stared at her, as if she didn’t believe Lena’s words.
Thankfully for her, Diana didn’t push.
“Where is your tour guide?” The tall woman asked while looking around. No tour guide in sight.
“How do you know I was with a tour guide?” Lena asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, newcomers tend to need a tour guide.” The Luthor opened her mouth to argue, but Diana just smiled and kept talking. “And yes, I’m sure this is your first time here.”
“Really? How can you tell?” Lena crossed her arms, a challenging smile on her lips.
“I work here.” Her soft voice was laced with something Lena couldn’t quite name. But it had a soothing effect on her.
“Huh…” The Luthor did not see that coming. But she was quick to regain her composure. “Maybe I came here before and you just don’t remember me.”
Diana chuckled and shook her head slightly.
“I don’t think so.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“If I would have met you before…” Diana took a step closer to her. “I wouldn’t have been able to forget you.”
There was a glint in Diana’s eyes, and her voice was so soft and deep that Lena felt her throat dry.
They weren’t standing very close, but the distance between them wasn’t that much either.
Emerald eyes were locked with chocolate ones.
As if a spell had been put unto them, and they weren’t able to look at anything but each other.
A thought crossing through the Luthor’s mind.
‘Well fuck…this wasn’t what I planned for this trip…’
15 notes · View notes
itsclydebitches · 4 years
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Welcome back, everyone!
A quick note before we begin: after the previous recap a couple of lovely friends and anons explained to me some discrepancies in my work, mainly about how Fox's semblance functions and how much info we’ve gotten on that previously. They're worth a read if (like me) you haven't read After the Fall and would like a more accurate picture of this whole project. However, I have to admit that sadly past!me didn’t think through the usefulness of those posts and tag them appropriately... so they’re just somewhere in the mess that is the “rwby” and “mymetas” tags. Still, I wanted to acknowledge their existence, both for your potential use and as another disclaimer along the lines of, “I’m reading what amounts to a sequel and recapping as I go. Prepare for a bumpy ride.” 
We're on chapter five now (of twenty-two! Holy god I’m slow!!) and truth be told I actually enjoyed this opening. We're in Yatsuhashi's head this time around and he's likewise enjoying Vacuo's Meeting Spot, an "artificial oasis" that reminds him of his mother's healing gardens. I wonder what "healing" means in this particular context. A generalized benefit to your body, mind, and spirit in the form of meditation? Or a more literal, magic-based healing with its roots in aura use? In a world with RWBY's possibilities, a healing garden that someone like Ozpin might run—let's take time to settle ourselves and reflect—vs. one that someone like Jaune would create—let me use my semblance to literally heal your wounds—are rather different things. I'd be interested to know which category (or another) Yatsuhashi's mother falls under.
Regardless, it's a satisfyingly quiet scene. Yatsuhashi comments on both the beauty of the oasis as well as how that beauty, in turn, raises the desert in his eyes. Nothing like not having to deal with a hard landscape to make that landscape seem more bearable, alluring even, and this moment managed to capture that feeling rather well. The only downside is that, in a recurring theme, I once again got whiplash upon realizing that Yatsuhashi is not standing alone in the peace of the early morning, like the description had led me to believe. Apparently Velvet is there. As well as the whole freaking student body! Myers* has this strange habit of writing one kind of scene only to suddenly reveal that the scene is actually radically different from what his writing had encouraged you to imagine. Yatsuhashi is going on about healing, natural beauty, and the peace of an early morning. What's peaceful about dozens of students speculating beside him? Have you ever met a school of sleep deprived young adults dealing with a surprise announcement before breakfast? That’s as far from peaceful as humanly possible. 
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Mood, kid. 
(*Also yes, we're working to write Myers' name correctly this chapter. If I'm going to drag his work so much the least I can do is not add an additional 'e' to his name lol.)
Along with the entirety of Shade Academy to break the peace, Yatsuhashi tells us about dromedons and mole crabs. The former, according to the wiki, is a "camel-like Grimm that can spit acidic venom" and also sports an armored hump. Fun! The latter, according to Yatsuhashi, is a "horrifying" creature that "slept just below the sand and could cut a person in two with their massive claws." And they're the normal, non-grimm animals! Screw Salem. Humanity needs huntsmen just to keep people safe from the everyday wildlife. Crabs cut people in two, Zwei is capable of being set on fire and launched at a mech... it's a miracle that anyone ever steps outside their home. 
I do write this with full knowledge that Australia exists, but still.
As Yatsuhashi moves away from thoughts of killer crabs, we begin what is easily the strangest bit of repetition this chapter. Yatsuhashi's shoulder is sore from having tried to break down the hideout door and I'm going, "Wait no, you used your sword” and frantically flipping back through my PDF. To Myers' credit, there is a detail that suggests Yatsuhashi uh... rammed the door? I think? Last chapter he "Stepped forward and Fox heard him grunt with exertion." That's the only thing I can think of that would explain his shoulder unexpectedly being sore hours later: if he'd charged it instead of doing something insane like, oh, I don't know, trying the doorknob first. Odd choice of continuity, but okay. What's super weird though is that Myers repeats the detail again:
Yatsuhashi crossed his arms, then grimaced as a fresh pain shot through his shoulder. Come on, Aura, he thought. Do your thing.
I'm sorry, how badly did you hurt your shoulder? Why does a supposedly intelligent student immediately resort to what is apparently somewhat serious self-harm when faced with a closed door? Why is Myers choosing this of all things to tell us about? Is this incredibly random shoulder injury going to hinder Yatsuhashi during the test? Spoilers: I don't think it does considering that I searched for "shoulder" in my PDF and there's just a lot of hands on shoulders coming up, but nothing that, at first glance, seems to make this kind of set up necessary. So I say again: weird.
Meanwhile, weirdness doesn’t even acknowledge the continued inconsistencies with aura. Jaune heals a cut on his cheek instantaneously, but hours later Yatsuhashi needs to gripe at his aura to hop-to already? So either Jaune’s aura is far more powerful than the average person’s (never established outside of Pyrrha’s “You have a lot of it” comment), or Yatsuhashi really hurt his shoulder that badly. Hard enough that with the rest of the night and early morning to heal him, his aura is still working overtime. 
Alrighty then. 
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So the whole student body is just kind of hanging out, striking up casual conversations. Velvet asks how Yatsuhashi is doing and he says he's fine, "Thanks to you." Wait... what did Velvet do? I mean yeah, she was there last night and she's here now, but so is the rest of the team. I don't really recall her helping Yatsuhashi in any specific way. As is the norm now, I remain mildly, endlessly confused by this novel.
But we don’t have time to delve into the gratitude attached to events I’m not actually sure happened. There’s more chit chat going on as everyone tries to figure out why they've been summoned so early in the morning. "It's not always about us," Velvet says and I nod along in agreement even though I know, as a reader, that it's absolutely about them. "As I'm often reminding Coco."
Coco fires back with how it "could be about us," noting that it would be pretty coincidental if something else was going on right now, plus Rumpole may have realized they were out last night. (Remember, Yatsuhashi wasn't subtle about trying to break down that door). This is one of those moments where I agree wholeheartedly with Coco's logic, but kind of hate to encourage the 'It's all about us' attitude. Velvet might be smiling, but as previously established this is an ongoing theme within RWBY's characterization that it could really stand to do without.
Yatsuhashi then offers some "unsolicited advice" about how Rumpole could afford to slow down some and "let things come at their own pace," to which I respond, "Huh?" Where in the world did this come from? Previously the whole group—including Yatsuhashi, considering he didn't speak out against it—was concerned that Rumpole wasn't doing enough to track down the Crown. That is, do more, move faster, get it done already. You haven’t gotten it done? Okay, we’ll do it instead. Now he's providing this subtle criticism in response to a meeting, as if that's an inherently odd or bad thing for a headmistress to do. You want the woman to do extra work faster but slow down when it comes to her actual job? 
It reads to me like Myers is trying to put a lot of wise-sounding dialogue into Yatsuhashi's mouth—you know, the Asian character who keeps bringing up things like meditation and mindfulness—but hasn't bothered to think about whether that dialogue makes any sense. Of course, we then immediately backtrack to reveal that his comment was really about Coco not pushing the team too hard, but... that's not what he said? And Coco clearly didn't get the message. And the hidden meaning of the words didn't come across too well if your reader is squinting at what was said until the author has to straight up go, 'This is what Yatsuhashi actually meant.' Maybe just... have him say that? Give us some significant looks towards Coco, at the very least. Something to clue us in here that Yatsuhashi is (weirdly) blaming Rumpole for Coco's flaw.
Then he just ruins the whole scene further by mentally commenting that if all this extra work was hard on them, "what would it do to SSSN?" Ugh, look. I don't even like SSSN very much. I didn't shed a tear when they left the main series and would shrug if they ever came back, so you know the story is ragging on them too much when I'm standing up for the group at the bottom of my Character Adoration list. The duality of 'SSSN is so incompetent I don't even know how they're alive' and 'That, in comparison, makes us the best team ever' got old forty pages ago, yet I have the distinct feeling it won't be letting up any time soon.
Headmaster Theodore finally arrives to break up this thrilling conversation and the students erupt into thunderous applause. "It was what [he] expected. It was what he inspired whenever he appeared." That... is absolutely hilarious. This guy is so much of a showman, so insanely over the top, that he expects people to treat his everyday appearance as a spectacle worthy of praise and they agree. You know who he reminds me of?
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The king himself, Alex Louis Armstrong. I'm digging this already. It's absurd and I will forever question RWBY's ability to balance comedy with its darker tones... but I'm counting this one as a win so far. There's got to be something to praise about this book.
Just as important, we get a description of Theodore's positively insane outfit. I immediately googled to see if someone had drawn him and the fandom did not disappoint. I'm not going to include the image here in case the artist, Edisu, doesn't want their work reposted like that, but I highly recommend you check out the link and get a visual.
The only thing left to say about this fashion monstrosity is that he has a "flowing gray-blue cape, the color of a stormy sky." I'll let our favorite textile engineer make my point for me:
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Honestly, between Ruby's cape and Weiss' hair someone is going to end up in trouble one of these days.
In this world free of horrific cape tragedies, we've segued into a flashback which is, frankly, kind of boring compared to the others we’ve gotten. It's just the group meeting Theodore, information and characterization that could have easily been distributed to the audience in the present. It's starting to feel like the structure of including a flashback each chapter is hindering Myers somewhat, just because every chapter doesn’t necessarily need one, but that’s far from the biggest issue to tackle. 
We learn that Theodore (really Rumpole) did a bunch of research on all the students involved in the Vytal Festival and they're very pleased that Team CFVY has joined them now, despite the horrific circumstances. We again hear about how judgmental Coco can be, that her judgements are rarely wrong... but if they are wrong she's the last to admit it. So really that's less of a 'This character has good instincts about other people' and more 'This character is just, as said, judgmental and then stubborn about it when she’s wrong.' Theodore, however, seems like a cool dude:
“Ah, she speaks!” Theodore strode toward Velvet. His voice softened. “You didn’t fail, my dear. You fought. You stayed, far longer than anyone would have asked or expected of a student. And now you’re here. Do you want to be here? Will you fight for Shade the way you did for Beacon, Velvet Scarlatina?”
This is great. This is the kind of reassurance I would expect from a headmaster who, thus far, has received a fair amount of praise. Unlike his students, Theodore understands the risks Beacon students took and when it was time for them to make a life-saving retreat. He's inspiring while also being empathetic and honestly? That's the most I've had that 'You're a good person' sense from RWBY in a very long time.
Now watch Theodore turn out to be evil lol.
He cuts the tension of the serious conversation by proclaiming that if any of them doubt whether they should be here, they should take it up with him via a fight. Theodore announces this while striking a pose. I say again:
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We then get some more reflection on how Theodore compares to Ozpin: 
Ozpin had believed in you before you did, almost like he knew your true potential, despite what your transcripts or fighting abilities looked like. Theodore believed you had potential, but you had to earn it and prove yourself to him first.
I agree with that and I'm pleased to see that this time the comparison didn't involve criticizing Ozpin in an effort to build Theodore up. It’s likewise a useful description and I think it provides us with at least one interpretation of why the RWBYJNR group has discarded Ozpin so thoroughly. The addition "despite what your transcripts or fighting abilities looked like" implies that Ozpin sees potential in everyone. It doesn't matter how presumably flawed you might be—in physical strength, like Jaune; in morals, like Lionheart— Ozpin will see the good in you and give that good a fighting chance. That's why he's the one tasked with doing something as crazy as uniting the whole world because he's the one person capable of seeing that potential in literally everyone. That much is true. But the flipside of this is that, unlike when in interacting with someone like Theodore, no one expects to have to work for Ozpin's faith, his praise... his trust. With Theodore you have to "earn" the respect he gives you right from the start. With Ozpin it's free! So surely that means such faith extends to every possible situation, right? 
Which is when you run into trouble. When the situation is no longer "I'll give you a chance in my school" but something much more serious like "I'm risking the whole world on your character." Ozpin is an optimist, but he's also cautious as hell (with good reason), so though he sees the potential in everyone he knows he can't let his own hope for humanity blind him to reality. That person might betray you. They might turn on you. They might give up and hurt you in the process... even if you want to believe that people are simply better than that. Wanting doesn’t make it so. 
If someone who had as little interaction with Ozpin as Team CFVY did nevertheless developed such a strong sense of, "Yeah, he believes in everyone!" then it seems likely that Team RWBY, already sporting a special connection with him, thought they were shoe-ins for every possible secret and task they might ask of him. Their time at Beacon was defined largely by both intentional favoritism and coincidences that could arguably be read as such. Ruby gets to go to Beacon two years early. She gets to be team leader. The sisters stay together despite teams supposedly being random. Team RWBY goes on missions not meant for first years. Team RWBY is given a nudge-nudge-wink-wink about The White Fang so that they can do what they’re able to help. Team RWBY was friends with Pyrrha, next in line for the Maiden powers. They got used to Ozpin simultaneously solving all the real problems that showed up and letting them play at being important, all while the rest of the school had to follow normal rules. They’re special. But then Beacon falls, the game is over, and they're blindsided by having to earn trust and privileges in the real world. Playing at huntresses in the safety of your headmaster’s school is over and Ruby in particular never got that there was a massive difference between that and a real war where the fate of the world hangs on your trustworthiness and ability to keep it together. It’s why she announces to the Argus guards that she is a huntress while attacking the people she’s meant to protect. 
Which would be a fantastic arc to give them if the show ever had someone sit the group down and tell them how childish and selfish they're being. Instead, they're still being handed that trust and privilege—you can go into Atlas despite stealing from the military, you get your licenses years early, you get to carry an incalculably valuable relic around—while likewise still getting mad that the adults around them don't give them more. This comparison here, though realistically just a throwaway passage in a novel rather iffily connected to its original series, starts to highlight the excellent situation RT set up... and then didn't do anything with.
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But I've gone on about this long enough. There are just two other things I'd like to point out about this flashback. The first is that it may help us get a handle on Ozpin's age (if we're willing to accept these books as canon, despite their other inconsistencies). Earlier we're told that "Headmaster Theodore’s whole style should have been ridiculous for a man likely in his forties, maybe older" and here, in describing their different approaches, we get "Headmaster Ozpin, who had been younger but seemed much older." So that could potentially put Ozpin his his late 30s if he's noticeably younger than Theodore in his 40s. Or, in his 40s if the "maybe older" part is right and Theodore is in his 50s. I can’t imagine that Theodore is in his 60s. Not much to go on, admittedly, but I'll take whatever I can get. The interesting thing is that if Ozpin really is that young and Qrow is now (presumably) in his early 40s, wouldn't that have made them basically the same age during his Beacon days? Perhaps even giving us an Ozpin who was younger than his oldest students? I don't know. It's really less of a definitive piece of information and more messy speculation to add to the pile—which is par the course for RWBY nowadays. 
The second detail I wanted to point out was that despite all their supposed differences, Headmaster Theodore and Professor Rumpole have a very Ozpin-Glynda relationship going on. For all the cosmetic changes it boils down to the same dynamic. Both headmasters are powerful, quirky men who at first glance appear to be rather useless at their jobs, requiring the confident headmistress to swoop in and manage the daily running of a school. Those two do the heavy lifting while their bosses work wonders from behind the scenes (a la The Wizard). When I read Rumpole chastising Theodore for claiming he investigated the students, or when she reminds him that there isn't time to have an impromptu duel with his students, I couldn't help but think about Glynda reluctantly letting Ozpin invite Ruby to Beacon early, or cleaning up the cafeteria while he shrugs off the mess. To be clear, I don't necessarily mean this as a criticism, just an observation. In truth I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it adds to the overall sense that Shade is just Beacon with a slightly different coat of paint. As I've mentioned previously, for all the text's insistence that Shade isn't like the other schools, the story hasn't done a good job of demonstrating that cultural difference in any meaningful way and similarities like this only add to the feeling that this isn't really a unique Kingdom—or at least not one with a firm enough identity to be persuasively unique. Same rule breaking team sneaking out on their own mission. Same secondary team who’s talented, but not as special as the protagonists. Same strange man with his responsible woman running the school. The details differ, obviously, but the structure feels largely the same. 
As mentioned above, once the flashback ends Theodore tries to spar with one of the students but is quickly shut down by Rumpole because, you know, they have a meeting to hold. Apparently there have been complaints lately from the local security about Shade students interfering with official huntsmen business.
“I told you it was about us,” Coco muttered.
Coco, when you hear that people are pissed that you, an unlicensed student, are disrupting the careers of professionals every night the takeaway should not be, 'Aha! I knew it was all about me.'
Yatsuhashi at least provides a more nuanced perspective. "This wasn’t right, though. If they hadn’t interfered, those Huntsmen would have kidnapped an innocent person." He's right. They did help someone, but what they've failed to learn is that an individual good deed does not excuse the unlawful steps they took in getting there. If Team CFVY had just been out on the town and happened to spot some shady characters pulling shit, then put a stop to their kidnapping, that's fine. That's heroic. What is not heroic is them going out with the express purpose of fixing a situation that trained professionals told them they should not be trying to fix—key word being “trying,” given that they all understand Rumpole’s worry that they’ll make things worse. It was enough to send them back home last night... after Yatsuhashi failed to break into the hideout. The problem is not the "I helped someone who needed it" part but rather the "I'm arrogant enough to think that my presence is necessary" bit. 
If having students conducting investigations was wanted or necessary, it would be a part of the curriculum: acknowledged or otherwise. AKA yes, Ruby. It would be very helpful if you'd head on off to Mountain Glenn, under the observation of a seasoned huntsmen, and report back if there's any dubious activity going on over there. Ozpin said, 'Yes please' to the extra (highly controlled) help while these professionals are saying, 'No thanks.' The fact that Team CFVY acts is if they're justified in continuing this investigation—and worse, that the story keeps validating those feelings—undermines their otherwise heroic actions. RWBY really is a series that struggles with giving its protagonists compelling reasons for getting involved in the fight. ‘Because I want to help’ might be a noble motivation, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. The Mountain Glenn mission was like a chef allowing a talented, aspiring teen to help them with a dish, all of it done under their tutelage. Team CFVY’s investigation is like the teen sneaking into the kitchen after dark to doctor all the prep for the next day’s cooking under the assumption that they’ll make it even better. Hell, maybe they will! But that’s not the point. Your help was not invited — explicitly denied, actually —and there’s a very good chance you’ll mess something up.
So because this group of eight continually insists that they know best, the whole school is required to stay on campus after nightfall. Huzzah! 
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It’s just too bad these consequences hurt others just as much as Team CFVY. The other students are pissed about this. I would be too! Team CFVY remains adamant though that they did the right thing, no guilt here, relying on the reader inaccurately comparing ‘saving lives’ with ‘losing free time off campus’ in order to come out on Team CFVY's side. They still fail to understand that helping people is not the reason they’re being punished. 
Theodore and Rumpole reiterate that they are working on a solution and that no one else should be getting involved. Team CVFY is no more persuaded by this speech than they were the previous ones. The announcement then segues into discussion of the former Haven students which produces... boos from the audience?? My god, what is wrong with this school? I mean I get it, school is brutal—both in real life and fiction—especially when the social dynamics of your school are written much more like a high school than a college, but usually if characters are going to drag new students it's in the semi-privacy of a bathroom or an empty hall. Groaning over the existence of war survivors in front of your headmaster is a level of confident cruelty I didn't expect.
Then again, RWBY is the show that gave us Cardin pulling on Velvet's ears in the middle of the cafeteria, so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.
Theodore quickly bypasses the whole 'A decent number of my students hate these other students' issue and instead acknowledges that it is "difficult to adjust to a new school, an entirely new group of classmates, and most of all to life in Vacuo. Yet some of you have been separated from your original training teams.” Which is a nice way of saying that a good number of these teammates are dead. So what's the solution here?
Reinitiation Ceremony!
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I'm sarcastic, but in all honesty I don't hate this idea. Far from it. Partly because I have a strong love of competitions in shonen-esque stories. Tests, trials, the obligatory tournament arc... they've always been some of my favorite parts of a series, largely because they allow the author to develop whacky and creative challenges that show off important characterization. See: Killua using a skateboard during the tunnel run before deciding that if Gon can manage running it, he can too; or Izuku using the mines and a piece of scrap to blast himself ahead of Bakugo and Todoroki. The structure of such tests forces characters to demonstrate creativity and critical thinking skills alongside strength, and that in turn reminds us of why they're our heroes. RWBY managed this a little bit with the Vytal Festival, but overall I don’t think the teams did anything particularly impressive to win. Team RWBY worked together, Nora hit people really hard with her hammer, Weiss' injury pissed off Yang enough to tap into more power... it was all stuff we had seen before and very little of it required planning or creativity. The Vytal Festival functioned more to set up the plot developments of Volume 3, which is fine, though for a while I had hoped that we would get a huntsmen license exam to do this sort of work... which obviously didn’t happen. Disappointing, but we’re at least getting something like that here. 
So I love the concept. I even love the general reasoning behind holding the ceremony at all. Anyone who had spent five minutes on this blog knows that I think the groups need to learn to play well with others. Yet I also can't deny that the team dynamics provide stability for these characters, even if they've come to rely on that stability to an unhealthy degree. We've got students whose teams were presented to them not just as a professional tool, but their primary support system. You live with these people, attend all the same classes, spend your free time together, and survive life-threatening situations on a fairly regular basis. It's work, family, and friendship all rolled into one, so if the headmaster suddenly says that you get a new team, that's a whole lot more devastating than just learning that you've got a new project group to deal with. It shouldn't have come to that—a school looking to teach a profession that requires working with a wide variety of individuals should never have told four students to rely one each other and each other alone—but now that we're here you can't just break them apart with no notice. Especially with a traumatic war going on. It's hard to come to a new school, meet new people, learn a new culture... so let me rip away the one piece of familiarity you have left.
Of course, I don't really think that the teams will be broken up irrevocably, if at all. Rather, I simply want to acknowledge that despite my appreciation for these kinds of stories and despite my desire that the teams get some distance... it shouldn't be done like this. Even more-so when it’s abundantly clear—to us if not the instructors—that this little stunt is causing their students to re-live a whole bucket load of trauma. Yatsuhashi thinks about how this feels like an “out of body experience” and “It reminded [him] uncomfortably of the evacuation of Beacon Academy… He felt his breath catch in his throat.” Coco’s order to stick together “[brought] him back to the moment,” re-emphasizing that he was lost in the past for a while there. He’s clearly struggling. 
Now, to be fair, this could all fall under the category of flawed characters. Meaning, anytime something awful happens in fiction we can interpret that as a skill on the part of the author: they wanted to write a scenario where the teachers are screwing up and unintentionally hurting their students. Or they know they’re hurting their students and consider that to be an acceptable sacrifice under the justification of ‘They have to get over Beacon at some point!’ There are lots of ways to paint this as Myers/RT writing complex, human characters who make ambiguous choices—a testament to their ability to write “realistically.” But to be frank I don’t really buy it. Simply because I’ve had a lot of experience now with how RWBY handles subjects like trauma and it’s only rarely been written respectfully and engagingly. I could be proven wrong as the novel continues, but it seems more likely that Myers wrote the instructors coming up with this test, wrote Yatsuhashi panicking over it, and intends to continually imply that these two things are separate plot points. Bringing both together in a narratively useful way would require acknowledging the instructors’ motivations—Why this test? Why now? Do they realize the harm they’re causing? If so, do they think it’s worth it?—and then coming to some sort of resolution, either via some recovery on CFVY’s part due to the instructors’ choices (this test did help us move past Beacon), or the instructors learning something about empathy and trauma via CFVY’s reaction (we never should have done this). I highly doubt we’ll get either.  
Thus, everyone is (justifiably) horrified. The teams are gone and either the shock of that made Team CFVY prioritize feelings of safety over strategy, or they're just not going to demonstrate any of the intelligence I look for in this kind of arc, because they immediately start obsessing over staying together. 
He needed to keep his team close to him. Especially Velvet. If they weren’t separated, they couldn’t be assigned to different teams.
Yatsuhashi, that is not at all what Rumpole told you:
“It’s already begun,” Rumpole said. “Everything you do from this moment forward will factor into your evaluations for new teams.”
Where in the world did you get the idea that you wouldn't be assigned a new team so long as you stuck with your old one? If I were one of the instructors here that choice would make me more likely to separate them. "Everything you do from this moment," Rumpole says, meaning that how they respond to this information is a part of the test. The team that panics and refuses to separate is the team that either can't function without one another, or at the very least believes that they can't. They're not willing to work with others and thus they're precisely the type that needs to learn this skillset. You're the ones they'll want to give new teammates to.
Of course, fate has different ideas about how things should go down. And by "fate" I mean "A completely ridiculous plot device." Team CFVY is separated because... the crowd is large I guess? It’s ridiculous. Four fighters already standing beside one another and who are now hyper-focused on staying together are not going to get swept away by a Shade size crowd who probably also want to stick with their own teammates. There are far better, far more convincing ways to keep them apart. Ozpin shot students one-by-one into the forest! Literally anything other than what we got, really.  
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Still, that’s what we wound up with. Yatsuhashi and Coco both try to keep the team together only for the immense power of other people existing putting a stop to their plan. Alrighty then. Before they’re dramatically swept away on different ships, however, we do get two other noteworthy bits of information that I'd like to end on. The first is Rumpole’s announcement that “When you reach your destination, your goal will be to locate a gold figurine and bring it back to the school” to which Fox replies, “Great. Glad this is fair for everyone. Who can see.” And you know what? He's right. Maybe Fox and I will both be proven wrong (I feel like I'm writing that a lot this chapter...) but unless there's some miscommunication here or a surprise in store, a goal of "locat[ing] a gold figurine" is indeed a sight based challenge and, when placed in a test that is deliberately separating Fox from his team, puts him at a severe disadvantage.
The second is simply that the year levels of the students will not be a factor in the creation of new teams. “What year we are? Yatsu thought. This can’t be right. How could a first-year keep up with fourth-years?” to which I respond, "Um... that's the entire show?" The webseries RWBY is about how Team RWBY, starting out as first years, has surpassed everyone around them, to the point where they're now beating the best team in Atlas. Time-wise they're still second years—far as I can figure out, anyway—so if second years can beat elite military operations, a first year can stand toe-to-toe with second, third, and fourth years. More crucial to Yatsuhashi's thought process—because as an in-world character he doesn't necessarily know what Team RWBY has been up to post-Volume 3—he's still seen how well first years did at Beacon. Ruby was let in two years early. Pyrrha is such a phenomenally talented fighter her face is on their cereal boxes. A first year, Yang, went on to compete in the Vytal Tournament final (even if it was rigged. Yatsuhashi doesn't know that), and Team CFVY fought beside a number of first years at the Battle of Beacon. Now, you all know that I think education and experience are damn important. I'm not saying Yatsuhashi is flat-out wrong to question whether there would be any issues attached to slamming, say, a first year, two second years, and a fourth year into one team (especially when you consider practical questions like going to classes), but the general takeaway of "How could they keep up?" seems a tad strange. You know first years can keep up. You watched it happen, both in your former school's curriculum—first years get to go on an upper-level mission—and in real life battle. This knee-jerk response reads as even worse after five chapters of looking down on Team SSSN. Team CFVY really thinks highly of themselves, huh. 
Honestly, it feels like our authors didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the implications of the dialogue/thoughts they’re giving to the characters which is, again, par for the course at this point. Like the questions attached to the test, this feels less like giving Yatsuhashi a flaw (he, as an in-world character, hasn't bothered to think through whether his knee-jerk assumption about first years is supported by his experiences) and more like a flaw of the creators. That sounds like a legitimate concern—in the same way that Yatsuhashi's advice to Rumpole sounds generically wise—but poke at it a bit and you start finding a number of cracks. An author who is well aware of the world they've built and strives to adhere to it might have had Yatsuhashi acknowledge some of the amazing things he's seen first years do and still conclude that there are problems with this decision. That's legit. As it stands, Yatsuhashi just sounds ignorant and (again) overly confident, which I don't trust to be a moment of character insight as opposed to an authorial blip.
Which is about where we end. The team is split on different airships, no one is happy about it, and we're left with this somewhat unsettling image:
Headmaster Theodore was waving and whooping, like it was all some terrific game, while Professor Rumpole watched silently, her hair whipping around in the wind and an unsettling grin on her face.
This gives me some hope that the story will treat the problems attached to this test respectfully. The description of Theodore acting "like it was all some terrific game" is a mark against his character and Rumpole straight up has an "unsettling grin on her face." Is she one of the baddies? Potentially. Will I ever again get adult characters who aren't depicted as inept, traitorous, or just so flawed that they unwittingly cause great damage to their students? Probably not. These two desires remain constantly at war with one another. RWBY introduces issues that the story should tackle, but the only issues it acknowledges are those attached to the adults. So we have everyone doing a range of iffy things, but only the elders are likely to be punished or (better yet) learn something over the course of the tale. The double standard remains so strong across the franchise that at this point I just want to raise a THE ADULTS DID NOTHING WRONG banner and call it a day. Not because they're actually free of mistakes or even, at times, downright cruelty, but because if our protagonists constantly get that free pass I'm not sure why everyone else can't too.
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Anyone for a spot of denial? 
But I've now written nearly twice as much as the actual chapter in question. It's time to stop! At this rate I’ll have written the equivalent of five Before the Dawns in my attempt to recap just one. #yikes
Until Chapter Six 💜
22 notes · View notes
krisanderwrites · 3 years
Malachite and Sparrow 02
My second summer there was a mix up in the paperwork and I had to vacate the dorms for two weeks until it was sorted out. None of my classmates lived close enough to make couch surfing a viable option, so I eventually swallowed my apprehension and called my mother. Although I attempted to keep the conversation short, she was elated to hear that I would be coming home this year. When I finally hung up, I knew that there was no way Malachite had not overheard my given name. Of course she was considerate enough to not mention it.
The long trip home was peppered with anxiety attacks and countless worries. By the time I finally arrived in the airport, I was exhausted. Thankfully that gave me the excuse to ignore the way my parents did not recognize me until after a second glance. They shuffled me into the car, berating my tardiness and how it was messing with my sister's schedule since she had an important meeting. Everything felt dull and far away, much worse than my depression ever was while at college.
I took it easy, as much as someone going to Elsewhere University can on break. Unable to break the habit of watching every word I uttered, I found solace in furthering my research online and at the local library. I cleaned out my old room, throwing away most of the things I had no use for anymore. I visited my great-aunt Hazel in her nursing home. When she pressed a plastic bag full of small boxes into my hands, I gave her a strange look.
"For exchanges," she said, smiling. Opening one, I found a kitschy set of matching topaz earrings and necklace. Realizing the gift, I gave a small gasp. She would not accept me doing anything for her in exchange, simply saying that she had no use for all of them anyway. I still have no clue how she knew about the Gentry. However, she had certainly given me ideas.
I began to talk to my sister and mother, telling them about Malachite's love of jewelry of all kinds- how she even made her own on occasion. In response, they gave me all of their old things that they no longer wanted to pass along to her. A few of my cousins even dropped off their old mismatched earrings and pendants and charm bracelets. I went to the nursery and picked up seeds of plants I had not been able to get my hands on while on campus. In the back of my closet I found my old fighting gear and packed it into an old gym bag my brother was going to throw out.
To make sure there were no debts I mowed lawns, weeded gardens, cleaned out gutters, scrubbed bathrooms, and bathed dogs. Each present got a chore in payment. Money exchanged hands as well, but I tried to reserve as much of that as possible for more important things than trinkets to trade. In the end I left with two more bags than I had come back with, full of all sorts of helpful things. I think somehow I knew even then that I was never really coming back.
"You know... you really have changed," my mother remarked as she dropped me off at the airport.
My mouth was dry, "Yeah, I think I have too."
"I'm not sure it is for the better," she snidely added.
"Well, I do," I shrugged and grabbed the last bag out of the trunk.
She seemed uneasy, "I suppose this is goodbye then."
"Yep," I said.
"Will you at least call?" she asked.
"Probably not," I answered, not even attempting to stretch the truth. "I think we both have very different ideas about who I am, and it would probably just hurt more."
There were tears in her eyes when she laughed, "You really have changed. I will wish you luck, then. Don't worry about your father; he already knows. He's considered you dead for at least six months now."
"That does explain the lack of conversation," I had quipped. "Well, I have to somehow get through security with all this."
I walked away without looking back even once. Somehow it felt like I was shedding my old skin. I checked my bags and got onto the plane with no troubles. Smooth sailing for the Captain. The feeling of overall sluggishness left upon entering campus again. Dropped off in front of the dorm building with my bags, I was delighted to see a greeting party of crows waiting for me. They were rewarded with the best sugar cookies my hometown had to offer. Overall it felt more like coming home than visiting my family ever had.
        *        *        *        *
Settling back down into a dorm room felt strange knowing that it was going to be just me on my own again. I planted all the seeds I had bought in trays that I placed upon the windowsill. I sorted through all the jewelry I had amassed and threw away the unnecessary packaging; it still filled most of a duffel bag. My old fighting gear was relegated to the back of yet another closet; I could not bear to throw it away but for now it served no purpose. Perhaps I could find a new group to practice with on campus later. I took a part-time job at a local veterinary clinic to help expand my knowledge and experience.
To be truthful, everything was just a distraction until Malachite returned. Without her nearby I felt the pull of the Else at my veins. Sometimes I would stare out at the forest with a longing- an urge- to simply walk among the trees and then keep walking. Realistically I knew that this was a terrible idea, but it was true all the same. The Fair Folk were more numerous on campus as autumn drew closer, all eagerly anticipating the return of the students as much as I was.
With no small amount of glee, I showed off my acquisitions to Malachite. She stared, wide-eyed, and asked what in the world I was planning on doing with all of that jewelry. I laughed her off, claiming that I was just going to save it all for a rainy day. It was mostly true. (I was something of a zombie-survival plan person anyway.) I did not tell her that my intuition said that there were storms coming.
Still, things continued on much as normal for quite some time, if perhaps a bit busier. I gave presents to Jimothy- as many beads as my cousins had managed to trade for me doing their chores. Clients at the veterinary clinic occasionally brought me gifts for helping to care for their animals, which I in turn gifted to fae or other students. My study group commandeered a room in the library where the time distortion was not too terrible. I set a broken wing for one crow and stemmed the bleeding broken beak of another.
Sometimes I attended parties just to escort people back to their dorms safely. Ever curious, I worked endlessly on ideas and inventions that I never intended to see the light of day. After all, knowledge of how to heal and soothe comes only after knowledge of how to hurt and break. The contraptions piled in my closet next to my unused fighting gear.
It took some time for me to realize that Malachite had plans of her own.
By helping others and trading in offerings of homemade bread or sweets for crystals and gemstones, she had amassed quite a literal treasure trove. Taking these precious finds, she then created jewelry from them. Homemade trinkets are always worth more to the fae than ones that you buy in a store. As I watched her collection grow, I suddenly understood her concerns with my own hoard.
Then one day I walked in during a break from classes and realized something had happened. Malachite was burning sage in the room which showed evidence of a recent bout of furious cleaning. When pressed, she simply said that the salt lines had been worn away over time and needed replacing. The fearful glances to the corner of the room, however, spoke a different story.
I decided that though my hands were often burned with silver nitrate (so useful in stopping small bleeds), perhaps having the Sight was something I should keep around more often. Just in case. I began wearing a mood ring on my middle finger. It immediately turned to black and then remained that color whenever I wore it. I tried not to feel anxious about this and failed miserably.
        *        *        *        *
Right at midterms there was a brief flurry of activity before things settled down again. Hardly anyone got taken over midterms that year, as there were several days that were designated safe due to the school fair. Then there was a night where all the signs were there for A Hunt. There was a new moon and strange yelling that could be mistaken for baying. Everyone kept to their dorm rooms and locked the entrances.
What came knocking at our door was our new RA, who was a nice enough woman studying business and law.
"Captain," she had said.
I had tilted my head and informed her that was not my official nickname.
"No," she laughed, "but it suits you well. You're already rather well known as a Knight." Something about that title rang true in my bones and I had to suppress a shiver as she continued, "Anyway, there is a bit of a situation. They are asking for you to come out and see to one of their hounds."
"What they?" Malachite had demanded.
"You know, the Fair Folk," she explained.
"Absolutely not."
Blinking, we both turned to the side. Malachite pushed forward to stand in the doorway, hands on her hips.
"I'm not letting Sparrow take one step outside on a night of A Hunt. Even if it were not suicide, the chances of being stolen are far too great."
I laughed, "All my new surgical tools are made of steel. I doubt any of Them would want me."
Despite her protests, we both ended up following the RA to the threshold of the dorm hall. Standing there was a perfectly respectable attempt at a humanoid form, albeit with an extra limb or two. At least they were trying. The hound itself was, as typical, an eldritch abomination that could possibly be construed as canine if you were on LSD and also only had ever known dogs from the story of The Hound of the Baskervilles. However, the long, hungry glances the Good Neighbor kept sending towards Malachite were disconcerting.
"I will heal, for that is what is right," I offered readily, "but should you attempt to take or harm my companions, I will fight, as that is also right. Do we have an understanding here?"
The hissing reply was not pleased-sounding, but not being attacked outright was a good sign. When finally it nodded petulantly, I stepped forward to the heaving mass on the grass and kneeled down. Luckily it turned out to be a small favor. The monster had thorns in its hide from a hawthorn tree dipped in iron. Snarling at the wicked items, I palmed them with the thought to destroy it later by fire. A small salve applied to the wounded areas and the Hunt was once again ready to leave.
"Freely given," I said as they vanished into the mists.
"You're foolish," noted the RA. "You should have asked for something."
"Asking for payment is more foolish than being a good person," I replied. "All my aid is freely given, and I won't charge the Gentry any more than the crows. I am a healer, after all."
"Talk softly, treat others kindly, and carry a big damn stick," supplied Malachite.
"Exactly," I smiled as I closed my fist around the iron-tipped thorns.
        *        *        *        *
The hungry eyes of the Gentry were long forgotten as time slipped past. There was too much to do and too many who needed aiding for paranoia to set in fully. It did not catch my attention at the time that my plants were starting to grow a little too well or my newly acquired pet fish seemed more colorful than was natural. I did not notice when I began to avoid eating my food with excess salt.
No, my first sign that something was terribly wrong was an itching, sore rash across the back of my neck.
It took some time, but eventually we figured out the trusty iron chain that our talisman rested upon was causing the problem. For a few days, neither of us spoke about it. Suddenly developing an allergy to iron was greatly concerning. And telling. We both knew what it meant, despite trying to ignore it.
Slowly, things began to change. The salt lines in the doorways and windows became complex symbols and runes. The gemstone satchels somehow migrated away from my side of the room. I began to take my coffee with creamer and sugar, despite always having had it black before.
"Fae-touched," someone told us when they noted me sitting on the grass to avoid the iron bench. "Not quite a Changeling, but not entirely human either. You've gained a lot a favor with the Gentry. Or a lot of ire, I suppose."
"Don't listen to her," another student rolled their eyes. "Everyone knows Captain Sparrow's a knight and a healer. The Good Neighbors like you just where you are."
It explained a little, we supposed. My family was mixed, but both sides had come from areas steeped in tales of the Fair Folk. Those with links to the old countries always were a little more at risk. So we simply decided to take more care and discuss our options. And we agreed. Neither of us would leave for the Else without the other. We would remain together through thick and thin.
Thus our third year at Elsewhere University ended with us just as close as before.
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troop-scoop · 4 years
Mistakes & Regrets X
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Summary: When a trip to your Dad’s hometown of Hawkins goes wrong, you end up in the year 1983, and have to learn how to cope with being stuck in the past.
Pairing: Steve Harrington / Future!Reader (like, a really slow burn)
Warnings: Swearing,
• • •
In the month following that night in November, things had gone back to what the new normal had turned into for you. Except now you were living in a small apartment, with more money than you were willing to use.
The apartment looked like houses in a post-apocalyptic game or show that had been looted. With only a few things, and a few blankets tossed around, because of course that’s what you spent your money on. Blankets and pillows.
You’d thought that maybe you’d feel safer with them, even if Doctor Owens kept saying that with all that’s happened, you may never fully feel safe, and that they were just comfort objects.
He was right of course, considering that he was the doctor and you were just the kid from the 2019 who had a problem with any authority that wasn’t your parents. The blankets and pillows helped to make the environment of your home feel softer and more welcoming, but it wasn’t like you wanted. You were still too afraid to sleep after what happened in late November.
Everything had been fine, you’d just bought the pull out couch you used as a bed and kept in the bedroom, and as usual, you locked the front door, both the door knob and the dead bolt, and the chain. You locked every window, and closed the blinds. Everything dark in the open floor plan. And then you locked your bedroom door, turned on the tv and fell asleep. That’s when things turned horrible.
Sleeping had been a get away from everything around you. And that night your mind turned against you, giving you an awful nightmare of seeing your Pa and Dad looking for you in the woods where you disappeared. With Daniel crying while calling out for you, scared and not knowing what else to do.
Then the question arose when you woke from the awful dream, was it just a bad dream, or was it real? If that boy from the station said he remembered you buying him water balloons when he came up short in August, before you were even in 83’, then what the hell did that mean for you?
Even though Hopper and Joyce encouraged you to tell Doctor Owens about what happened, you refused. Because you knew that if you tried to tell him anything about the things you saw, or the voices that plagued your thoughts, and that weren’t your own, you knew he’d think you were crazy.
They encouraged you to do plenty of things, like give your missing poster to Hopper or Jonathan who would keep it out of your sight, as if it would keep it out of your mind. It wouldn’t.
“You should get a table to put here, like a moveable kitchen island.” Joyce suggested while Jonathan leaned against the ugly yellow counter, and Will sat on the office chair, pushing it around the mostly empty living room.
“I’m good. I don’t want many things.” You said awkwardly, pulling out the two liter of mountain dew, pouring yourself a glass. You drank caffeine like a pious catholic woman prayed. Meaning a lot.
“You have a pull out couch and a tv, and that chair.” Jonathan gestured to the black chair as Will pushed himself into the kitchen.
You couldn’t really bring yourself to hold a conversation with the twelve year old, not knowing how to communicate with him. And he didn’t know how to talk to you. All he knew was that you had something to do with the upside down too since whenever he saw Doctor Owens, you did too. And Hopper usually drove you.
Shrugging you drank from the one of three glass cups you'd bought from the target the next county over. You didn’t see the point in buying sets. You were just one person.
Joyce shook her head a bit, grabbing the chair Will was sitting in, seeing that he was holding the small cardboard box that you put mail and your keys in. The small stuff you carried with you.
“We need to go, but seriously, Y/n, decorate. You’re gonna be here awhile.” Joyce told you while Jonathan walked over and pulled you in for a hug.
You’d grown close in the past month, you told him a lot about what life had been like for you, and helped you learn what life for an 80’s teenager was like. He was still like your uncle Jonathan, just younger.
Jonathan pulled away and gave you a smile, which you returned. Joyce gave you a hug as well, while Will got up, putting the small cardboard box on the yellow counter. He looked up at you awkwardly, holding up a hand.
You looked down at him not quite knowing what he wanted, but quickly realized it was him wanting to give you a high five.
Jesus, preteens were awkward.
You furrowed your brows, a confused smile on your face as you brought up your first up to his palm, tapping his hand, and watching his own face contort with confusion.
“What?” Will questioned under his breath, following after Joyce to the front door.
“Will wants to be your friend.” Jonathan said when the two left the apartment. “He thinks you’re ‘like totally cool’” Jonathan quoted his brother “He’s just. . .”
“He’s just awkward.” You finished for him sipping from the neon colored soda. “He’s a kid, it’s normal. I was awkward too.”
“Like father, like daughter.” He teased.
“Get the fuck out of my house.” You told him pointing to the door with a smile. Watching as he put his hands up in defense and moved to the door.
When the door was closed you sighed and put the glass on the ugly yellow counter, leaning
against it, everything was fine when you were around people, no voices, but the moment you were alone, they came back. Whoever’s voice was talking to you. It was directed at you, familiar, yet so foreign at the same time.
What they said always related to something you were doing in that moment, like when you wanted to jump onto the work table in Joyce’s shed, and the voice said something like ‘You will break your face, don’t be stupid.’
Some of it was helpful, some of it was just weird. Like singing a song you’d never heard or teasing you for something you did that was stupid.
And then there was the other voice, that you knew was your brother. Daniel’s voice was that of a boy in his mid teens whose voice had dropped an octave.
When you tried to sleep you only had those nightmares. Or whatever else they could possibly be.
• • •
You didn’t mean to fall asleep. You thought with the amount of caffeine you consumed, you’d be fine. That you’d end up finishing the movie playing on the television. But you fell asleep, and now you were walking through the streets of Hawkins in 2019, unable to wake up. You tried pinching yourself, it didn’t work. So you were sitting on the curb outside of a seven eleven, glaring at those who gave you weird looks for what you were wearing.
The mesh shorts and stained white tanktop were pajamas and you didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. You were just waiting for the dream to end, to stop torturing you with a place you couldn’t be for another 36 years. Or ever.
Huffing you picked up a small rock holding it in your hands and continuing to tap your foot against the pavement.
“Y/n!” Your head snapped up, eyes wide as you saw the familiar face you hadn’t seen for at least a year. Not since New Years when your Uncle Dustin dragged a few of his childhood friends to come visit your family.
“Uncle Lucas!” You shouted back to him from across the street, standing up from the curb. You said a few others round the corner of a building from behind Lucas. The familiar faces of your Uncles Mike and Dustin, as well as your pa.
But it slipped away as a car passed between the group and you, and you shot up in your pull out, the tv still on, the characters on the show laughing while you burst into tears. This was why you avoided sleeping.
Pushing yourself up off of the bed you stumbled to the home phone that you’d bought. You didn’t know what you were doing, but in an instant you were dialing a mostly uncalled number on your part.
A few rings in and a groggy voice picked up the phone, being disturbed from sleep. “Hello?”
“Hey- Steve, I’m sorry, I know it’s late.”
“Y/n, Woah, woah, what’s going on? Do you need help?”
“No- no- I’m fine.” You tried to hold back the sobs, but failing miserably.
“Hey, Y/n, it’s okay, I’ll be over in a few, where are you?”
• • •
You saw the headlights shine through from gaps in the blinds of your living room, where you were sitting by the door, tears dried up, and not knowing what to do while your mind replayed the events.
The knocking was persistent a second after you heard the car door slam, and feet against the concrete walkway outside the apartment door.
Pushing yourself up with much effort or urgency behind it, you unlocked the door knob, deadbolt and chain, opening the door to see Steve’s worried gaze as he stood over you, bags under his eyes as he pushed the door open and grabbed your shoulders.
“Are you okay?” He questioned.
You nodded and looked down at the hardwood embarrassed. “I just had a really bad dream. I can’t remember what happened.” It was a lie. But you couldn’t tell him what actually happened.
“Must’ve been really bad if you called me.” He joked light heartedly, pulling you into a comforting hug.
You rested your head against his chest, arms wrapping around his torso. Out of everyone who was in your life the past month, he was the only one who really made you feel normal. Everyone else but Will knew your big secret that you couldn’t tell anyone in fear of maybe being killed.
“Do you want to go on a drive?” He asked, pulling away and looking down at you. You didn’t even think twice, only nodding and following him out of the apartment. Of course locking and closing the door behind you.
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xhanisai · 5 years
AU where Adrien is darker and has less morals
- Similar to how things are in canon but the show would be rated r15 cos of heavy violence >:D - Basically Adrien looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you. Marinette looks like a cinnamon roll and is a cinnamon roll. - During the umbrella scene in Origins, Adrien works out that Marinette is Ladybug. He keeps quiet about it though to respect her privacy and will wait till she's ready to share on her own terms. - Marinette is unaware that Adrien and Chat Noir are the same person whilst Adrien is oblivious to her humongous crush on him. He tries to subtly win her over both as Adrien and as Chat, resulting in Blushinette or Sassinette. - Whenever an Akuma manages to get a hit on Ladybug or any of Chat's friends, he doesn't hesitate to pummel them down vigorously. - Ladybug always has to scold him for being too harsh on the Akumas, constantly reminding him that there's an innocent victim underneath being used as a puppet. - Imagine a scenario: "Goodness Chaton! Just because they gave me a black eye doesn't mean you can go ahead and break their arm or toss them off the Eiffel Tower! Only God would know what would happen if I were to bleed from an itty bitty scratch," "Then that would be the day we find out what Cataclysm does to a person, M'Lady," "...N-Nice joke Chat." "I wasn't joking Ladybug." - Since he already knows, Chat isn't insistent on knowing her identity or asking if they could reveal themselves to each other. - This mad lad is very protective over Marinette in school in his own way. He's infamously known for having eyes that would "burn your soul" if you get on his wrong side - He is sarcastic and sharp with Chloe, especially when he finds out that she made Marinette's school life a nightmare before he and Alya joined. In fact his mumbled threats have Chloe shit scared to come near him or Mari. - Chloe does try to improve as a person but our lovely trio: Alya, Adrien and Nino repels Chloe from coming near Marinette. Our Asian girl is blissfully unaware of this set up, too busy thinking about tonight's patrol with Chat. - Though, Adrien can be really sweet and selfless. When Nino admits that he's crushing on Marinette too despite knowing Adrien is aiming for her, Adrien encourages him to go for her. It killed him inside but Adrien thought that if he can't make Marinette happy, at least she'd be in great hands with Nino (Animan episode). Thankfully, Alya and Nino gets locked in a cage, bonds, and BOOM we have Djwifi~ - Chat Noir's solo patrols is when the beast wakes up. The good people of Paris may see him and Ladybug as a comforting presence but the bad, evil people know how brutal Chat can be. - Chat has broken limbs belonging to thieves, shattered ribs belonging to abusive people, left killers in a near death state. - Adrien feels bad enough that Ladybug is unaware of his actions during the night and the last thing he wants to do is shed unnecessary blood, scaring the heroine. - Plagg fully supports Adrien's actions as he's chaotic neutral "Listen kid, this is why the power of Destruction, us, serve as a counterpart to the power of Creation. We exist to show that mercy is a luxury and the consequences that befalls on the people that take advantage of kindness. Ladybug may turn the other cheek and forgive; we fight fire with with fire. We will take away life if necessary. So don't feel guilty at all." "Thanks Plagg...I just want to keep Paris...and my Marinette safe no matter what. I'd do anything. Everything." - (See the parallels between Adrien and Gabriel here~? ;D) - Hawkmoth/Gabriel is very intimidated by Chat Noir and Adrien also managed to scare him a few times. - When Ladybug contacted Chat Noir to protect Marinette whilst she plays as bait and goes on the date with Evillustrator, he cataclysmed Chloe's balcony to dust in rage for her recklessness. - During Horrificator, Chloe didn't interrupt the kiss between Marinette and Adrien; she stood there gawking. Adrien was a smitten kitten, full on kissed Marinette that Nino and Alya had to shout their names so that they pulled apart. - "Girl, you're one of the most smartest people out there yet you can't grasp the fact that Mini Agreste is head over heels for you???" "Alya-aaa! You're just saying that to make me feel hopeful..." "He. Made. Out. With. You. For. Ages. On. That. Film. We. Did." "Cos it was in the script!" "There was tongue!" "He was making it realistic?" "MON DIEU MARINETTE DUPAIN CHENG! HE WAS LIKE A SATISFIED CAT THAT GOT THE CREAM AFTER THAT DAMMIT!" - Oblivious Marinette is best Marinette. - During the Dark Cupid/Dislocoeur event, after getting hit by an arrow, Chat successfully cataclysmed Ladybug's mask. She pulls him in for a kiss to not only break the spell but also to hide her face. - When Chat regains consciousness, Ladybug found a plastic bag conveniently blowing past, puts it over her head to hide her identity. - The rest of the event goes as canon except Marinette had a plastic bag on her head this whole time. - Tikki finds out that Adrien is both Chat Noir and that he has known Ladybug's identity from the start. She finds that it makes sense with how extra protective he is over her civilian identity and thanks Adrien for keeping Marinette safe at all times as well as being a worthy partner. - A secret group of criminals that are against the heroes, plot the downfall of Ladybug and Chat Noir together. - Chat Noir, having underground links and connections from his feats, catches wind of this. - He's too late and Ladybug gets shot by a special bullet straight after an akuma attack, right in the chest. - Chat Noir cataclysms every single criminal that was part of the organisation into rotting corpses in pure rage. Hawkmoth tries to akumatise him but Chat cataclysms the butterfly too into dust. - Marinette luckily survives thanks to the hospital receiving her so quickly. She was born with Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus (which means that her heart is on the right side rather than the left). If her heart was in the normal position, she would have died. - Adrien doesn't leave her side during the day and Chat Noir during the night. Marinette has no recollection of the incident she got shot. - When Lila comes along, Adrien knew she was trouble and a liar from the start. He had the urge to cataclysm the whole school as they bought into Lila's lies without any questioning. Plagg almost encouraged him. - Adrien took the opportunity to mess with Lila. "I am Volpina. A hero much, much better and stronger than Ladybug. This is my miraculous," "Hehe...Lila, Lila, oh Lila... showing me your precious miraculous is a huge mistake. If you don't want a first hand view of a fox getting skinned alive, you will listen to I, Hawkmoth, and hand over your miraculous to me." - Lila literally runs off, scared shitless, shouting that she was joking and that Volpina doesn't exist. - Marinette overhears everything and has a crisis. "OH NO TIKKI WHAT DO I DO!? THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS THE ENEMY OF PARIS AND ICANTFIGHTHIMWHAAAAT!?" - It takes Tikki 15 minutes to calm Marinette down and promise that Adrien isn't Hawkmoth. Said kwami swears internally to teach both Plagg and Adrien a lesson for riling Mari up to this level. - Adrien overhears Marinette's freakout cos he's literally 6 feet away and both he and Plagg are wearing shit eating grins. "Ah, so the stammering and shyness makes sense now. Love of her life hmmm? I love the sound of that~" "Keep your whiskers on kitten and run before Tikki throttles me for letting you go too far with that joke!" "Aww... but I wanna ask Marinette for a little kiss," "YOU WILL CAUSE THE LITTLE BUG TO COMBUST AND DIE AND BOOM PARIS IS A GONER!"
My artworks for this AU:
(x) - Doodles
(x) - Horrificator kiss 
(x) - Mini Comic
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