#absolute CHOMPERS
the fact that carnivore is an ancients-only tertiary is my villain origin story
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salad-stim · 9 months
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🐾 | 🦎 | 🍏
🌿 | 🐱 | 🌿
🍏 | 🦎 | 🐾
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gikairan · 1 year
The biggest missed opportunity in Dragon Age Absolution was not letting the dragon have a little chomp on Rezarens corpse
She deserves a little snack. As a treat ❤️.
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qi-rong-enjoyer · 2 years
just discovered another new reason to like qi rong:
• very fun to doodle :)
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pocket-mobster · 1 year
DNI if you wear clip-on suspenders. Support the strong, healthy button breed that elegantly but firmly attach to your pants in a tried-and-true business agreement, and forego the ways of the dreaded clip-ons that chomp onto your waistband like a rabid fucking chihuahua while aesthetically clashing with every type of pants known to man.
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fitzfunnymoments · 8 months
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I can't believe I managed to finish this lol anyway happy international lesbian day from your local butch shark girlboything <3
Also terfs dni you're not welcome here + I hate you ❤
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notmusa · 9 months
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ok i have searched far & wide for a stitch plush that met my requirements & have found NONE!!! so i drew this. my ideal stitch plush would have the following:
-alien form!! all six limbs baby, let my boy live his life
-full round head. no flat faces. not allowed
-open mouth!! show off them chompers. absolutely no flat felt teeth here, those are sad and wrong
-weighted floppy body fulla beans in the extremities & base. no stiff poses! this is a toy to play with, not a collectible to put on a shelf (but u can put him on a shelf if u want)
-ears gotta stick up somehow, they are not pancakes
disney pls respond
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Okkkk I am loving all the alastor with twins idea's 😍 💕 💖 could you do some headcannons where he takes the twins on day full of errands like going grocery shopping in cannibal town and a overlord meeting stuff like that
I'm just gonna add a new one here...
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Kids being chaotic, Babies biting, Alastor X Mom!Reader towards the end
Description: ☝️⬆️
Normally, Alastor avoids taking the twins out by himself, preferring to double team it with his wife
It's just so much easier with you by his side
But when his wife needs a day off or is too busy to go with him? It's full on dad mode for him
He talks to them the entire time as if the three of them are having a real conversation
"Which of these two do you think your mother will like more?"
"You're right, obviously we need to try someplace else."
Takes the kids to visit Rosie and pick up some of his secret snack stash along the way
Rosie absolutely hogs the twins and keeps them in her lap for the entirety of the visit
She coos and fusses over them, allows them to wear her hat and chew on her limbs
"Alastor! Look at those chompers! You're gonna have some real trouble on your hands soon!"
If Alastor takes them to overlord meetings, then Rosie and Zestial will each hold a twin
Rosie is content to just ignore what's being said and snuggle with a baby, smell their fresh baby scent
Rosie that's creepy
Zestial likes to blow on their twitchy little ears just to listen to them growl and bleat at him
It's a game to them
The twins literally can't get enough of Zestial voice and the way he speaks, always just hypnotized when he opens his mouth
Carmilla is secretly dying inside to hold a baby but won't admit it until Alastor offers it up to her
She melts the moment a baby is in her arms, smiling and rubbing noses with the baby
Her daughters will absolutely beg to hold them though
Velvette is pissed because she can't take photos of the babies or even hold one, the last time she tried, she almost lost a finger to those teeth
Alastor loves how he can basically control how an overlord meeting goes just by bringing in his babies
He wants everyone off topic so that they don't look into something he doesn't want brought to light? Good day to bring the twins
If he's taking the twins for a walk, then he's definitely got those child leashes so that he doesn't lose his babies
It's also to keep them from going feral and biting people but nobody needs to know that
If they run into Vox, then he'll suddenly accidentally drop the leash just to watch his kids take Vox down
The TV head won't be getting up without a few bite marks on his screen, Alastor holding almost angelic looking twins in his arms
"My most sincere apologies, Vox! Teething has just been so hard on the twins..."
"Oh fuck you!"
"Not you!"
Alastor is surprisingly patient and understanding when it comes to his children's needs
He's able to quickly figure out what they want and avoid a tantrum
"Are you hungry, dear one? Papa has just the thing for you~"
And if they do have a tantrum...he knows how to get ahold of his wife...
He'll take them to a park and play games with them just to tucker them out, he actually seems like a normal dad in those moments
Usually by the end of the day Alastor can tell that the twins are tired and missing their mom
He misses her too
Is so exhausted when he gets home and collapses in your arms, rubbing his face into your shoulder
"How was your day out~?"
"Pleasant, but it would've been better had you been with us, my dear~"
You can't help but smile as his arms wrap around you, and he pulls you in for a generous kiss
That's the only moment with you that he gets before the twins push between you two
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I love these family asks so much
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grimesgirll · 4 months
you and daryl are smoking out the window when rick walks in.
"what do you two think you're doin'?"
mid hit, you almost choke at the sight of the sheriff. breathing in deeply to prevent yourself from wheezing, you pass the joint to daryl as cooly as you can after that hit.
daryl grunts. "buzzkill."
"how quick on your feet are you two right now?" rick questions, blue eyes dark and annoyed.
"we're not on watch." you say in a matter-of-fact way.
"no," rick agrees, "you're not. thank god." he runs a hand through his chocolate curls hurriedly.
"glenn's got it," you assure him, offering him a smile at the same time. "you should sit with us. you don't have to have any, drink one of the beers we brought back." you gesture to the full six packs leaning against the wall, branded with the faded logo of the brewery you guys had picked clean the other day while looking for supplies.
"he doesn't know how to relax," daryl tells you with a scowl.
neither do you, you think, but you just frown and shake your head. "rick, c'mon," you croon from your seat by the window.
"yeah, and shut the door," daryl barks.
rick turns and shuts the door lightly. surprisingly, he does what you suggested and picks up a six pack, errantly dropping it by the foot of the loveseat you're cozy on. he takes up the seat next to you, dark stained bottle in hand.
you grin. this is so not how you expected things to go. usually, rick was all pissed off and disappointed about the fact that you guys were getting high of all things. beside you, he twists on the bottle cap. high and focused on his hands, you watch them struggle against the aluminum cap, tensing and unclenching. with a huff, he uses his white t-shirt to grip the bottle again to no avail. the older man looks up from his ordeal to see you absolutely engrossed in him and smirks at you.
he says your name, breaking you out of what your high ass thought was a self-contained act of voyeurism. "wanna try?" he tilts the bottle your way.
you raise an eyebrow. "if you can't get it open, i don't think i can."
rick just smiles at you, like you said something funny. "i don't want you to use your hands, doll. try your teeth." he catches your confused expression. "remember when you did it at the bonfire a few weeks ago?"
suddenly, you recall standing outside around the fire with the group and accepting a request from maggie to open a beer bottle for her with your teeth. you could never say no to her - neither would you pass up the opportunity to hang out with a buzzed maggie for the night. so you showed everyone how to use your chompers to open the bottle. looking back, rick's eyes had never left you as you slipped the neck of the bottle into your mouth to quickly twist the cap off with your teeth. a move you later told carl not to try. you didn't want to be responsible for any dental damage.
you nod and take the bottle from his hands, sitting up in the loveseat. daryl watches, joint in hand, from the other side of the window while you take the bottle into your mouth and the cap at angle just between your molars. you feel two pairs of eyes on you as you struggle for a moment, the cap not coming loose as easily as you'd thought it would. usually, you could just maneuver it a bit for the cap to pop off, but now you're wondering if this cap is just too old, and you consider giving up. that is until suddenly, you angle your teeth just the right way and the cap comes free. it falls into your palm and you wipe the neck of the bottle off with your shirt for rick, just in case any of your spit got on it.
you try to hand the bottle back to him but rick shakes his head. "no," he gestures back to you. "i think after all that, you deserve the first sip."
who are you to say no?
you bring the bottle to your lips and drink, rick's gaze still on you. you consider chugging the entire thing but first of all, that would be rude and second of all, you're not at college anymore. wiping your mouth with the sleeve of your henley, you pass the bottle back to rick who takes a long, ginger sip as you free your hair from your ponytail and settle deeper into the loveseat.
you remember daryl's there when he offers you the halfway done joint. you want to turn it down but suddenly you're craving more. as the skunky smoke fills the air and drains out the window, you start to even crave a beer. you wouldn't mind getting crossed right now; getting a good mix of buzzed and stoned like in your college days back before the world went to shit. it was a nice way to relax, and it wasn't like you were neglecting your responsibilities.
after that hit, you're zoning out more and more. you had set up the cd player with a lynyrd skynyrd album daryl'd found in a record store with you. they weren't your favorite rock artists, but you guys could've been listening to worse bands in the apocalypse after all. you loosely follow the lyrics of one of their songs while daryl finishes off the joint.
"where'd you even get that?" rick asks, breaking the silence.
"you know some places you would get shot for asking that, 'fore all this?" daryl had told you when you'd asked him that.
"house down the road." daryl answers between puffs. "looks like they were tryna' get ahead of that medical shit."
you snicker. the story was true but without seeing those folks, you really didn't know what kind of operation they had going on. the way daryl phrased it though was a nice way to phrase it to a cop. better than we just found it.
"and you'd smoke it without knowing where it came from?" rick inquires, hand wrapped around the dark bottle.
"we know where it came from," you speak up from in between them. "it came from that house's backyard."
he repeats what he asked daryl.
"there could be anthrax in your beer."
that's when you realize you're super high.
rick doesn't have the opportunity to be confused because he's laughing and suddenly you're giggling in his face. he doesn't take it as an accident when you lean forward and fall into his lap on the loveseat. in fact, he takes the opportunity to lift your chin up, saying, "silly girl," and flipping you over to sit on his lap.
"wanna finish my beer, baby?" he offers it to you, holding it up to your lips.
"i don't need it," you reply but your words are cut off when the bottle breaches your lips anyway and you gulp down the drink. beer wasn't your favorite beverage but, in the apocalypse, beggars really couldn't be choosers. he takes the empty bottle from you and sets it on the end table before leaning back up to connect your lips.
you lean into the kiss as he pulls you closer in his lap. the satisfying pressure on your ass from his squeezing has you hazy minded and wishing he would speed up now that you realize what's happening.
then you remember daryl, the one who you'd originally been hanging out with. you hadn't even planned on seeing rick tonight.
you look up from rick towards the auburn-haired man who was ashing the joint out the window. you frown. isn't that what the ash tray on the windowsill is for? you give him a look that says come here and he walks towards the loveseat, sharing a look with rick that has the men positioning you in their favorite way.
you move willingly; they pull you, pliant and eager to please - eager to just do what someone else says and relax. the joint was supposed to help you shut off your brain after a long day but now you can only think about being pressed in between the two pent up men on the loveseat with you. rick has your bottoms off now and is two fingers deep inside of you when you start helping daryl undo his jeans.
"you feelin' ready or do you need more, baby?" your leader asks you, lips bruising your shoulder.
you shake your head. "i don't need any more fingers." you clarify. "wanna feel your big cock inside of me," you blurt out. usually, it takes you a bit to warm up and they're the ones who talk filthy but tonight you're feeling a little less inhibited.
he raises an eyebrow with condescension. "sure you can handle it, doll? last time i thought i broke you."
you snort. "i think the proper word is reset."
you feel a low rumble from rick's chest and he gently lifts your hips to remove his fingers and lower you onto his cock. you whine at the blunt intrusion but the more you grind your hips down into him, the better it feels, especially once you find a good rhythm. you're pretty sure rick's dick is way bigger than it should be but that doesn't stop you from letting him stuff you whenever you two get the chance to sneak away. it was even more rare to find the time for all three of you to be together like this. speaking of, daryl is standing on your side, dick in hand now that it's been freed from the confine of his pants, looking down at you with darkened eyes.
"wanna finish me off, baby?" he mocks and you roll your eyes, opening your mouth for him as rick bucks into you.
he gladly accepts and just like that, you can feel rick smirking as he fucks into you, barely letting you hold on as he drags your hips up and down. he hijacked your smoke session and it ended just the way he wanted. typical.
even more typical when he makes you switch positions so he can finish in your mouth, not taking his eyes off you while daryl lines himself up with your sopping entrance. rick couldn't help but twitch in your mouth watching how you reacted to daryl's cock in your freshly pounded pussy. his face tenses as he nears his orgasm, hands in your soft tousled hair while you take him in your throat so well. he's ready to just let go, he knows you can handle it, after all he knows you can get off more than a bottle cap with your mouth.
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dawn-in-neocity · 5 months
best friend (™️) wayv !
that’s just your bf, i’m sorry
husband material wow. is so so sweet and gentle with you i’m jealous. casually does shit straight out of movies. like what do you mean he booked and planned the wholeee day for your birthday. absolutely melts when you show him the same affection. turns tomato red and can’t stop smiling. prefers calling over texting because he “just wants to hear your voice.” gives the warmest hugs.
you’re each other’s person, simply put. your nr 1 hypeman. encourages you to do fun adventurous things when you doubt yourself. y’all are basically the human embodiment of my aesthetic pinterest boards. goes out of his way to impress you because he just thinks you’re the most interesting person in the world. half of your feed consists of pictures taken by him. keeps joking about getting a tattoo related to you.
the only man ever. subtly shows his love. like fixing your necklace if the clasp is in the front. or holding your hands in his when it’s cold. “i brought you this cupcake, it’s really good.” pays attention to small things. like when you were stressed about how messy your bathroom was so he just casually got you an organizer. gets flustered when you hug him or kiss his cheek. (he loves it though).
you guys are so sweet omg. has a special nickname for you. loves pinching your chin or stroking your cheek :(. has this dopey, dreamy smile on his face whenever he’s watching you be cute. which is always, you’re always cute to him. the first person to notice if you’re upset and will do anything and everything to help. dramatically serenades you with a spoon while you’re cooking together.
always has an arm slung over your shoulders. loves telling you stupid jokes in your ear when you’re meant to be serious. biter. just gets this impulse to stick his chompers in your shoulder. gets nervous and blanks sometimes bc of how attracted he is to you. sends you shirtless snaps with his cats™️. gets all happy and teases you when your friends refer to him as your boyfriend.
you have sooo much fun together omd. no wonder you’re together 24/7. always keeps your go to snacks STOCKED in his place. never lets you pay for anything. thinks you're the funniest person on earth. like he swears spending time with you is an ab workout. he is down horrendous for you and is past the point of caring to hide it. keeps forgetting it's mutual tho so he nearly has a heart attack whenever you compliment him or kiss his cheek.
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astroboots · 8 months
CICI!!! I am obsessed with Miguel's chompers! his teeth!! I just want him to bite me!!!
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Oh nonny I knoooooow. They are so pretty! They do something to me. So funnily enough I have this tiny little drabble in my WIPs for the longest time that I didn't quite know what to do with so I thought I'd throw this out here.
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x reader
Word Count: 750
Astroboot’s Masterlist | Spiderverse Masterlist
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"Can I touch them?" you ask.
He raises one thick and perfectly arched eyebrow at you, with not a little judgment in his expression, as if he is looking at a fucking crazy person.
Which, he's probably not entirely wrong about, but it's rude nevertheless.
"You want to touch them?" He repeats, slowly with a deep sardonic drawl. The way you would speak to a not so bright child.
Heat prickles your cheeks. Miguel has this uncanny ability to get under your skin. He should add it to his list of superpowers.
"If it's a no, just say it's a no! There's no need to be an ass about it."
His lips pulls into a smirk, and for a fraction of a moment, you see a glimpse of the sharp edge of his corner tooth before he tucks them behind his lips, out of sight again.
Miguel gestures you forward, spreading his legs from where he's sitting on your couch. The motion has your brain stalling. You can't help but stare, he's wearing oversized sweats and you can still somehow see the definition of his legs shift against the fabric as he moves.
Shit, he definitely caught you in the act. His smile pulls even wider as he pats his hand down on the meat of his thigh. "C'mere nena."
What does he think you are? A dog?
For all your indignance at the gesture, you still go to him, and when you're within reach, his hand comes up to pull and tug you into his lap until you're comfortably perched there.
"You wanna touch, huh?" he teases, amusement dripping from the words as he smiles up at you and bounces you up on his knee.
God, of course he's going to make a big fucking deal of this. You don't know what possessed you to ask in the first place. You can really only answer with the truth:
"I'm just a little bit curious."
It's the understatement of the century. You are more than a little bit curious. You're absolutely fucking fascinated by them. Feel a trill of excitement everytime you catch a small glimpse of them when he's caught by surprise and smiles uninhibitedly at you.
Will stall out any moment during any dinner when he chews on his food and they peek out from his mouth.
Throughout the years, Miguel's gotten very good at hiding them. Conspicuously tucking them behind his lip that most people will never be the wiser. It's why he often mumbles why he speaks because doing both at the same time can be difficult. It's a part of himself that he never show, to the point that even though you've been together for a while now, it's only fairly recently that you've gotten to see them properly.
In front of you, Miguel leans back against the couch.
"Go ahead." He tilts his head up, baring his throat to you as he parts his mouth, and then you see them.
Those two prominent canine teeth of his. Fang-like pointy teeth on either side of the incisors.
Your ears burn. He never shows them to you this brazenly.
Raising your hand closer to his face, you can't help the way they are actually shaking with excitement. Your thumb grazes at the point of his left tooth, and you can feel the sharpness tingle against your pad.
God, you could cut yourself on these.
"You done? Ish a bit uncomfortable."
You hum distractedly, not fully taking in his words, entirely fascinated as you press your thumb with a bit more pressure again the edge.
"Careful, nena," he warns.
Stilling at his words, you pull your thumb from his mouth as you inspect it. It hasn't broken any skin yet.
"Why? Does poison always come out when you bite?"
There's that look on his face, like you just asked him the dumbest question on earth, then he laughs. "No. It'd be difficult to eat if that was the case. Most of the times it's dry bites. I used to bite myself on the lip all the time when I first got them."
"So what would happen if you bit me?"
He blinks up at your question. Smile fading as he considers your question as his eyes roams over your form slowly appraising you from head to toe. Something switches in him, no longer playful a tangible change that you see in the shade of his darkening eyes that shines crimson.
His arm snake around your waist, tightening his hold on you. "Do you want me to bite you, nena? Is that what you're asking?"
You swallow thickly at his words. Staring up at his saphire eyes that seems to glint with glee as he asks you the question.
Your back prickles with excitement just at the thought of it and for that moment you forget all about your hesitation or any shred of pride as you nod back at him.
"Yes," you answer. "Please."
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A/N: This is nena from Every You Ever Me universe, do with that piece of information as you will.
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shiftythrifting · 4 months
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Brain jello mold, foot-and-a-half tall ghost baby, chompers, Fashion, and THIS ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE
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Would Bardaby (from the Fantasy Au) still do his affectionate biting as shown in the original WH or would it be different?
i'd say Yes Absolutely!
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he's gotta be more Careful about it tho... look at those chompers...
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ghouljams · 9 months
trying not to screech at fae!könig and liebling's maybe-baby having his fluffy tail and teeth
Just a little ball of terror and teeth. No no, I think the baby looks relatively normal, Liebling even sighs with relief that the little monster looks human when the doctors hand it to her. Until she unwraps the blanket and finds a soft patch of fluffy fur running down its back and puffing up into a little triangle tail(thinking about bumper car kittens). Of course the human doctors didn't notice but she and König sure do. König wonders when the spines will come in and Liebling is just... outgunned in her own home.
It's the sweetest little baby in the world, hardly fusses, just gets cradled in König's big hands constantly. Absolutely adores Liebling over König, who can't really blame the pup for it. Teething is a nightmare because that baby gets the same chompers its daddy has. Outwardly an adorable infant with big sky blue eyes and its mother's hair, so fat and happy on Liebling's hip.
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Types of Kisses: Call of Duty
A/N: SURPRISE I'm a COD girlie. Is that a surprise? Maybe. But expect a lot more cod stuff from me I'm not sorry
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Ghost isn't really into physical touch
He's the type to show his love in other ways
But if he does give kisses, they're quick
On the cheek, a peck
Something simple
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I fully believe he’s the type to go for a kiss in the cheek 
But then bites it instead
He's a chomper
Prefers bites to kissing
Kind of annoying, but really endearing as well
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My bestie Gaz is probably the best kisser out of all of them
The type that just takes your breath away
Slow, soft, sensual kisses
Kinda makes your brain all fuzzy
If he's gonna kiss you, he'll kiss you
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starts violently sobbing
I love him so much
He's the type to always look at you before giving you a kiss
He'll tilt your chin up or cup your cheek
And then give you a look of pure love 
Then smooch you!
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I've been in a Alejandro mood recently
And he seems the type to be very touchy
Forehead kisses, kissing the back of your hand, up your arm
He likes kissing everywhere
And his hand placement? Oh lord.
He always has his hand on the small of your back
Dayum what a man
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I feel like he's the type to like receiving kisses
He'll give you a kiss on the forehead here and there
But he will absolutely melt if you kiss him first
Especially if it's a forehead kiss or cheek kiss
He loves feeling loved
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Sometimes sprinkles in love bites
Keegan the type of man that loves marking you up even if you complain
Def kisses your neck with his arms wrapped firmly around you
He ain't letting you go
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This man will not let you walk away without a kiss
They're messy and sloppy
He enjoys your scrunched face as you wipe your mouth and tell him to do it properly
Likes to dip and kiss you
This man just loves dramatics
I hate him
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thelampisaflashlight · 6 months
Thinkin' 'bout ghoul teeth. Let's go.
-Aether has some serious chompers. His teeth are designed to crush and crack bone, but since he doesn't do a lot of that on the surface, he mostly gnaws on sticks or, well... bones.
The ghouls need their enrichment toys, and in Aeth's case, he needs something to wear down those saw blades of his.
If he doesn't blunt his teeth, his canines grow out of control and he winds up with little tusks, which isn't really an issue aesthetically, but it can make his mouth feel crowded and impede his ability to speak.
Also, it hurts, so... Yeah.
-Dew's teeth are the closest to human teeth than the other ghouls', which is largely because fire ghouls tend to be closer in likeness to humans in general.
Something about their biology aligns more with humanity's quirks, it's what makes them such good servants to the lord below, so good at mimicking the inhabitants of the surface...
Anyway, Dew's teeth are ever so slightly sharper around the canines, but that's about it.
Even pure fire ghouls like Alpha or Ifrit have more "human smiles" about their features, so it's not exclusive to Dew.
Funnily enough, this has resulted in an odd habit among fire ghouls; Their bites don't really hurt, so they nip at each other a lot, and biting is a pretty common form of greeting amongst pack members.
Fire ghoul parents also tend to carry their kits around in a similar fashion to cats or dogs, so their teeth being blunt helps prevent harming their babies.
-Rain's teeth are serrated and sharp.
They're made to rip and tear, but also to trap and pin prey.
The edges dig into flesh indiscriminately and cannot be pulled free from without causing serious damage; The serrations run opposite the tip of his fans, so they hook into the skin when he bites.
These types of teeth are more common in the salt water variant of water ghouls, who spend most of their time in deep water and have to latch onto their prey and prevent it from floating/swimming away.
Usually, if Rain bites someone on he surface, that's his way of asserting dominance, because no one, absolutely no one, is stupid enough to pull free or struggle when he sinks his teeth into them.
-Mountain's teeth are rather long and sharp, and made to pierce.
For some reason, earth ghouls' teeth are designed to draw blood, and some speculate -mostly easily frightened siblings of sin- that this is partially where some of the legends of vampires come from, because they certainly do have an interest in blood.
Mountain usually doesn't show off his teeth, but it is known that, compared to other earth ghouls, his are a bit duller, if only because he's needed some corrective work done due to a couple of his fangs growing in a little crooked and making it hard for him to eat and drink properly.
-Cumulus' teeth are little, needlelike things and so sharp you wouldn't know she'd bit you until the pin pricks of blood showed up a moment later.
Air ghouls seem to carry a sort of venom within their bodies that can be transferred via bite, and it leaves the victim feeling light and floaty.
Cumulus tends to avoid biting people.
And lastly;
-Multi ghouls usually have the teeth of whichever element is their dominant one; Water wins over fire, fire wins over earth, etc...
However, as is the case with most -if not all- human/ghoul hybrids, Swiss has a full set of human teeth, and it is haunting.
There's no subtle sharpness to them, they're uncannily human simply because they are.
Swiss' smile, unlike the mimicry of fire ghouls, IS human.
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