#acapella is fine
silly-jewish-vents · 5 months
Sfira begins and with it my acapella playlist. Naturally my tendency to relisten to the same song on repeat has gone into full force too.
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Geoff Castellucci Being Beautiful
Doing my part because not enough people are in love with this man
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herbertlangethings · 11 months
Taeyeon 태연 - Fine (HAN/ROM/ENGLISH SUB) Acapella ver 'S CONCERT
Taeyeons song fits perfect for todays feelings, and for the Bday 7th November about my lost Asian princess too, maybe she notice it now and we can remember about past...............
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starlightervarda · 1 year
Favourites of the Musical Episode
Uhura starting all this by beaming Anything Goes at the zipper fold. Nyota, you fucking NERD
Spock straight up not having a good time
Number One and Kirk dancing through the hallways
La’An trying very hard not to sing and running to her room to sing her  gut-wrenching ballad in private 😭
Pike’s general ????? reaction every time the singing happens
The acapella rendition of the opening credits theme
Chapel getting a sexy club number to say ‘lol sorry this proved much more than I can handle I’m gonna go dig up proto-surgical tools byeeeee’  I mean, it’s horrible, and it’s definitely going to fuck with his head that he took this risk and gave T’Pring very good reason to kal-i-fee him now but it’s also...relatable? Girl has serious wartime PTSD and attachment issues and was fine letting this crush just expire in its own time but got too impulsive and shit got too serious because, Vulcan, and she couldn’t ghost him while they were on the same ship.
Spock’s dark, emo pop-rock realization that he should go kolinahr now
Number One’s comforting confession song to La’An and it lifting them off their feet 🥺
Uhura getting her own ballad in Engineering and that bit at the end where she belts and we get the full-view of the section with the lights was 😩👌 babygirl still needs therapy and an emotional support dog tho
The solution to the singing problem being just more singing but a big cast number that overwhelms the zipper fold into combusting like New Years fireworks
The fucking Klingons’ getting roped in at the last second to add their aggro rap-pop boyband tantrum to the cause!!!!
this episode was a 1701 out of 10 great job everyone 
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agent-cakeshroom · 9 months
Feral Brozone au
They never lived in the tree. Their parent(s?) Escaped while JD was really little and Spruce was still an egg, so only JD has very vague memories of the rest of the pop trolls. They live out in the wild, starting out at just hard-core survivalists like canon JD. But after the passing of their parent(s) for whatever reason, critter attack or accident idk, they slowly get more and more wild. Especially Branch, who never even got to meet their parents. JD doesn't really know what he's doing, raising kids, and only has what little he picked up from his parents or the critters around them to go by. So he turns their makeshift pod into a giant nest they all sleep together in, he turns to more physical affection and they all begin speaking less. Why use unnecessary words when they understand each other just fine?
Fast forward, we're gonna pretend Viva never got separated from Poppy, and she kinda takes Branch's place in the first (possibly second) movie. She's more paranoid because she came terrifyingly close to being taken, and is traumatized. Her colors are dulled, but not gray. So qhen all the other trolls go gray in the pot, Viva is the only one with a bit of color left. So she cheers Poppy up, and then regains her full color.
After maybe the second movie, when they're exploring the other Troll Genres, they stumble across Feral Brozone. They never actually became a band, so no one knows their names but them. Poppy befriends Branch pretty quickly, and after much coercion and building trust they convince the brothers to come to Pop Village. Peppy recognized JD just enough to know who his parent(s) was, but that's it. Poppy and Viva help them adjust to society, but also start picking up some habits. Like more physical closeness, making a nest in their pod to sleep in, maybe some acapella too lmao. The boys didn't have instruments, but JD loved singing so he started vocalizing the instrumentals for his brothers to learn. I dunno.
I'm bored at work and Trolls still has a death grip on my life.
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polymoria · 6 months
🌙 I asked ppl from Fiver to sing a thing for me because i don't know japanese and its impossible to release it on soundcloud with an original acapella :D Everything else i did by myself: from soudndesing to mastering, i hope you'll enjoy this work. And if you dont - also fine, roast me 😈 Also thanks to Flar for amazing Sukuna artwork!
Jujutsu Kaisen just sick! Watch it rn if you don't. (nya gun) ❤️
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kanafinwe-makalaure · 2 years
All the songs Maglor wrote during the Second Age
I Am Sad At The Beach (Part I)
Noldolantë 2 (It Got Worse)
All My Brothers Are Dead (Minor Key)
A Seagull Just Shat On Me
A List Of All The People I Murdered (To Pay Homage To Them) (At Least The Ones I Remember) (Sorry To The Rest)
I Am Sad At The Beach (Parts II&III)
I Am So Proud Of My Adopted Sons
Sometimes I Wish My Wife Hadn't Left Me (Good For Her Though) (But I Do Miss Her)
Requiem For Elros Tar-Minyatur (Secret)
Sorry Everyone (Including Everyone I Murdered And Drove From Their Homes And Also The Valar (You Guys Are Not As Bad As My Dad Said))
I Just Wanna Go Home (But If Anyone Ever Sees Me Again I Will Die Of Embarrassment And Shame For My Many Crimes)
I Am Sad At The Beach (Part IV)
One Of The Strings On My Lyre Broke (Significantly Impacting The Way I Play It) (Three Stringed Lyre Acoustic Sessions)
Seashells Remind Me Of The Beach At Alqualondë During My Glorious Uni Days (Where I Later Murdered A Bunch Of People) (I Hope None Of Them Were People I Went To Uni With)
I Am Sad At The Beach Parts I-IV (Adapted For Three Stringed Lyre)
I Befriended The Seagull That Has Been Bullying Me For Nearly Three Thousand Years
All My Brothers Are Dead (Reprise)
I Am So Sick And Tired Of Eating Mostly Fish
My Lyre Is Down To Two Stings
I Want My Mum
Intense Piece For Two Stringed Lyre (I'm Sure These Last Two Strings Will Hold Up Fine)
By Manwë This Can't Be Happening (Acapella Version)
I Think Elrond Is Looking For Me (Possibly To Execute Me For My Crimes But Likely To Love Me Which Is Way Worse) (Acapella Version)
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stuffforthestash · 6 months
Modern Academic AU pt2
Originally started because Professor Raphael got stuck in my head and I had (foolishly) hoped if I wrote down some thoughts, that would be the end of it 🫠
Part 1 and Part 3 ------------------------------ Minthara - School of Law. Used to be a high profile defense lawyer but was barred from practice under questionable circumstances, so now she teaches courses on criminal procedure and domestic violence litigation. Male students are actively warned against taking any of her classes. Elminster - Liberal Arts Dean. Has been in the position forever and is something of a legend at this point. He's Gale's mentor and long time family friend, and he delights in showing up unannounced to Prof. Dekarios's lectures. The two of them have a longstanding tradition of leaving surprise pranks in each others offices. Rolan - English department. Newly upgraded from adjunct instructor to junior full time staff, he's been assigned the special hell of having to teach the general ed. introductory writing courses that none of the other faculty want to deal with. He hates it and thinks it's a complete waste of his talents, but is determined to stick through it long enough to get that research grant. Alfira - School of Theater & Music. Teaches vocal technique and musicality at every level. She's also the faculty coordinator for multiple on-campus performance groups, directs the university chorale and composes all their arrangements, is herself in a local acapella group, AND does community arts & outreach programs for kids.
Gortash - Newly appointed Dean of Information Studies. He's brilliant, he talks big about new frontiers in infosec and grand designs in the future potential of AI... and is already under investigation by the ethics board for misappropriation of university funds. Ketheric - VP of Alumni and he's been with the university longer than Elminster. Nobody knows why he hasn't just retired yet, despite how much he seems to hate his job. Orin - School of Fine Art. She "teaches" a course on performative art. It's weird and extremely uncomfortable for everyone involved, but for some reason people keep enrolling. Durge - Fine Art Dep't Chair. The deeply disturbing nature of his personal art aside, he's actually good at his job as both the chair and an instructor. Mostly teaches anatomy and live model studio courses. Ulder - VP of Public Affairs. He's a great public face for the university, everybody loves him... except the son he refuses to acknowledge after a falling out years ago. Mizora - Human resources admin. Loves her job because it gives her power over other people. Is more likely to be the source of an HR complaint than the one who actually solves the problem. Thaniel (as requested!) - Also HR. He's the one you hope gets assigned to whatever you need because he's great at it. Is also the only one who can reliably get in touch with Halsin; it's not well known that he can, so he'll usually agree to help those who figure out to ask him.
This started going long, so it looks like I'll be doing a third (and probably final?) installment to cover Dammon, Zevlor, Wulbren, Aylin & Isobel, and any other requests!
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selfcestmovies · 4 months
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Barden University was known for much more than just their top-tier Acapella program — not that Chloe Beale had paid much attention to the rest of the school her freshmen or sophomore years. But now, her junior spring, Chloe found herself in dire need of extra credit, and it just so happened that the molecular biology department was in need of test subjects.
Well, they didn't call them "test subjects" exactly. The program needed volunteers who were up for anything, and if it helped Chloe with her grades, she was game. The last two years, she had poured way too much time into the Barden Bellas — Chloe desperately needed the grades and the cash that came with the science trial gig. Plus, oddly enough, the flier promised that volunteers might experience a boost in their productivity, free time, and bandwidth for extracurriculars.
Chloe didn't ask questions when she signed the consent form. Maybe she should have looked closer at the fine print.
To her surprise, the program she opted into was a trial run of Barden's new quantum cloning initiative. Chloe had unwittingly signed up to get triplicated into three identical Chloe Beales for a full week. Each Chloe had the same memories, personality, everything. All she had to do was check in daily with the science lab and go about her daily life as usual — as much as that was possible, with two identical Chloes by her side.
Her first reaction: fucking rad! This meant that there was finally time to catch up on school work, parties, and Bellas rehearsals. Chloe and her clones were like peas in a pod, splitting duties and kicking ass all the while. The week was turning into a piece of cake.
All it took was one scheduling mishap for this to get... interesting. The Chloes rarely crossed paths, all three of them, until by accident they each wound up in the music department's records room. It was a rare chance for the trio to hang out without prying eyes.
Chloe didn't feel any need to be coy or restrained around "herself," after all. She flirted. She teased. The other Chloes followed suit, and before long, the woman and her clones were acknowledging their shared interest in getting to know each other at a deeper level.
She was always up for some fun, after all.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 9 months
Amazing Grace: Church AU
Direct sequel to "Demon in the Chapel pt. 2" over in the jail. Roughly one month later. Buckle up, buttercups. This is long.
Blake: (walking through the abbey to the chapel) I still can't believe you're walking around like that.
Yang: (following Blake) Like what?
Blake: Like you're a priest or something.
Yang: What? I give a mass here and there and all of a sudden I can't be pious?
Blake: That's not the point-
Adam: Ah, Father Yang, Sister Blake, good to see you both attending this evening's ceremony.
Blake: (scowls at Adam)
Yang: That sounds awfully pointed. I've been attending most services since getting here.
Adam: But our lovely sister here (stares pointedly at Blake) hasn't. I hope your illness is on the mend.
Blake: Go choke on holy water.
Adam: (glowers) .....I hear Reverend Mother Maria apparently called in a favor to have a specialty choir come to perform today. Perhaps you've heard of them? They call themselves the Holistic Singers.
Yang: (blinks) A lovely group.
Adam: (scours Yang's body language) Then I look forward to the show. (turns on his heel and enters the chapel)
Yang: (as soon as the coast is clear) Fuuuuuuuck!
Blake: What is it?
Yang: (muttering to herself) Of course, Sienna is just a human, but I wasn't told that Maria was here. Of course, she would call in a favor to the other angels. And of course the one angel that responds would- gah! Okay, calm down, Hellfire. Easy. This is fine.
Blake: Reverend Mother Maria is an angel?????
Yang: Hard to believe, huh? Actually, she's like... You know how there's The big boss downstairs and a few devils to help him reign in the sinners and demons?
Blake: Yes? Wait.... Maria is an archangel?
Yang: Holy shit. I forgot that was a word! Yeah, that's her! (acapella version of Amazing Grace starts up in the chapel, she takes a deep breath and sighs) Well... better face the music.
Blake & Yang: (step into the chapel and take their respective spots)
Blake: (staring at the three singers standing in front of the church choir in shock. A man with blonde hair and white suit stands to the right of a man with black hair, red eyes, black slacks and dress shirt under a white vest and white tie. To his left is a woman with wild, black hair, matching red eyes, and black and red dress) They're...beautiful.
Yang: (groans) Don't let them hear you say that.
Qrow & Raven: (smirk as they sing)
Yang: Too late...
Qrow: (steps forward for his baritone solo and gives a charming smile) 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear. And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear. The hour I first believed. My chains are gone. I've been set free. My Lord, my Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood, His mercy rains. Unending love, Amazing grace.
Taiyang: (steps forward and follows with tenor and a few of the younger sisters giggle like school girls) The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be. As long as life endures. My chains are gone. I've been set free. My God, my Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood, His mercy rains. Unending love, oh, Amazing grace.
Raven: (steps forward and starts substantially softer than expected, but has an almost seductive/sinister smirk on her lips as she sings) The Earth shall soon dissolve like snow. The sun forbear to shine. But He, Who called me here below. Will be forever mine!
Taiyang & Qrow: (bum rush the pews, grab Yang, and drag her up to the choir)
Yang: No! No! Come on, guys! No. Please.
Raven: (smirking as she finishes her solo and makes room for Yang)
Yang: (acting like a kicked puppy)
Raven & Yang: My chains are gone! I've been set free. My Lord, my Savior has ransomed me! And like a flood, His mercy rains!
Yang: (defeated) Unending love, Amazing grace.
Sienna: (as the song finishes) Thank you to our Reverend Mother Maria for putting together this lovely, unexpected inclusion to tonight's mass.
-The chapel empties at the end of Mass and Blake walks up to Yang, Qrow, Raven, and Taiyang-
Blake: Care to explain?
Yang: No. Not really.
Blake: (deadpan stare)
Yang: (sighs) Blake, this is my father, the angel, Taiyang.
Taiyang: (million dollar smile) Call me Tai, little lady.
Yang: My uncle, the Devil King of Limbo and all it's extensions, Qrow.
Qrow: (two finger waves) How's it going, kid?
Yang: (sighs) And the reigning Devil Queen of the Lust, Greed, Pride, and Wrath Circles, and my mother, Raven.
Raven: (gives Blake a once over and smirks before extending her hand) Pleasure's all mine.
Blake: (blushes as she hesitantly shakes Raven's hand) I...uh...see the resemblance....
Raven: Yang, did you never tell your little pet your title? Tsk! Tsk! (pinches Yang's cheek) My little Princess of the Anger and Lust circles.
Yang: Nyehhhhhh (slaps Raven's hands away like a cat)
Taiyang: Raven, be nice. The only reason Summer isn't here to help reign you in is because she had archangel duty. (to Blake) Sorry to leave so soon, but I was only given a few hours of Earth time. I'll try to make it back in time for the baby. (gives Blake a hug before disappearing into a beam of light)
Blake & Yang: Wait. The what now?
Qrow: (snorts and shakes his head before punching Yang's shoulder affectionately) I gotta go to. The big man downstairs wants to see me about whether or not anyone in Limbo can be transferred to Hell. Good luck, Hellfire. (gives a little hop and vanishes into gray mist)
Raven: (smiles smugly at Yang and Blake) Well, I guess it's up to me to explain. (to Blake) I'm surprised with how many children you've swallowed that one managed to make its way to safety. (claps sarcastically) Well done!
Blake: (jaw drops in a silent scream)
Yang: (flames slowly licking at her hair as her eyes flicker between purple and red)
Raven: (gives kisses to Yang and Blake's cheeks)
Blake: (red and black aura swirl around her belly along with a yellow and white aura) What in the name of Heaven?!
Raven: (clicks her tongue) Dammit, Tai beat me to it. Well, double protection wouldn't hurt it. See you both in about eight months. (steps back as a crevice breaks the floor and disappears into a wall of hellfire)
Blake: ...........
Yang: ..........you did ask for me to breed you...
-shadow slides across the wall in the distance-
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miyamoratsumuu · 2 months
CONGRATS ON 400 FOLLOWERS!! could i request ‘easy to love’ by couch as an acapella with kiyoko?? thanks <33
Easy to Love by Couch, acapella ver. ft. Kiyoko Shimizu  ⋆ love has always been a beautiful mystery. until kiyoko came along to help you uncover it
⋆ shimizu kiyoko x reader (no pronouns were used) ⋆ written in 2nd pov, wc: 1.2k ⋆ this request is from the 400 followers event!! haikyuu masterlist ⋆ other notes: fluffy fluff!! kiyoko's a bit straightforward, and reader's sort of in their own head a lot
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you looked around the park, attempting to spot the girl you were supposed to be meeting up with today. but the couples around you caught your attention instead. each of them were looking at their partner with puppy eyes, all the while they shared delicate touches and soft kisses. 
love had always been a vague topic to you, which left you questioning how people could easily entrust their hearts with someone other than themselves so easily. you were so used to watching others fall in love from the sidelines, that you never got to experience the feeling yourself. it became a beautiful mystery that you were left to uncover, per se. you continued to glance at everyone ahead of you, when a tap to your shoulder snapped you out of your thoughts.
“y/n? are you alright?” kiyoko’s voice was laced with concern as she looked at you with a small frown. “kiyoko, hi! I’m fine, no worries.” you assured her with a grin, while she gave you a smile of her own. 
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long. let’s go then?” she offered her hand for you to hold. you accepted her offer and the both of you began your quiet walk towards the newly-opened cafe downtown.
being with kiyoko means you could be as easy going as you pleased. there was always something about her that made you let down your guard no matter how much you resisted to do so. maybe it was the way you always melted like putty whenever you held her hand just like you are right now. or maybe it was the multiple times she welcomed you with open arms literally and figuratively, on the occasions you needed her. every time she did so, you always found yourself melting like putty in her embrace. and no matter how many times it’s happened, you always did your best to stop the butterflies from filling your stomach, or the way your heart felt like it was going to leap out of your chest. 
you enter the cafe and kiyoko offers to order for the both of you so you could look for a table. quickly scanning the menu, you told kiyoko what you wanted and you set off to look for a table for two. you found a small round one by the window and decided to sit there. as you waited for kiyoko to come back with your orders, you were left with your own thoughts again. 
the scene from earlier at the park hasn’t quite left your mind yet. you argued with yourself regarding if you could ever find a love like they did. it is something that can be taught, right? but then again, you weren’t the easiest individual to be taught love, let alone to be loved. it was a beautiful topic, but it was one that you never pondered on for too long. it didn’t take long after your self-argument that kiyoko came back with your drinks and pastries. the two of you spent your time at the cafe with stories about how both of you are doing, laughs, and as much as you tried to ignore it, longing gazes. eventually, the topic of love weaved itself into your conversation. 
“well, I’m not in a relationship right now. I haven’t been in one for a while now, actually. but perhaps I wouldn’t mind being in one soon enough.” she admitted the fact to you as if it was embarrassing. nonetheless, she looked beautiful like that. with her eyes downcast and her cheeks a light shade of pink. you struggled to find the words to reply with, not knowing what to do with the information she just shared. the said info might just be the push you needed to surrender to the exhilarating splendor. 
“I could say it’s the same for me.” you chuckled in an attempt to hide the shake in your voice. your eyes were on the drink in front of you as you continued. “the thought of being in one barely crossed my mind, though.” you look up to gauge kiyoko’s expression. to your surprise, her shoulders were slumped and her lips formed a light frown on her face. neither of you said anything for a while, which you took as a cue to change the subject. 
after a long afternoon at the cafe, you decided to take a walk around the park you were at earlier today. easy conversations between the two of you passed by. and as the time to part ways came, you both said your goodbyes.
"thank you for today, y/n." kiyoko turned around to look you in the eye. "I had a great time today, I knew spending time with you was just what I needed."
"I should be thanking you, kiyoko. today was your idea and I'm glad you took time out of your day just to spend time with me." you looked at her with the same amount of gratitude as she took both your hands in hers.
"it's no problem, really. I'd always be more than willing to set everything aside to be with you. until next time then." she took a small step back, both your hands still in hers. kiyoko made sure to place a gentle kiss on your left hand’s knuckles before she turned and made her way to the exit of the park. every attempt to keep your composure failed with the way your jaw was practically on the floor and your cheeks were a bright red. you stayed like that for a solid three minutes before your right hand reached for the other. your feet went on autopilot as you continued to rub the knuckles of your left hand. eventually, you made your way back home.
once again, you were left to sort your head aching thoughts as you laid in your bed staring at the ceiling. now that the adrenaline from today has worn off, all of earlier’s events came crashing down on you. it all made you almost change your mind about pushing away the idea of love so much. but then again, you were getting older and never younger. it might be a bit too late to have a change of heart. 
the sound of a notification resounded through your quiet bedroom. you patted the pillow beside your head to grab your phone.and as you held your phone over your face, you squinted at the screen to let your eyes adjust to the brightness. you almost dropped the phone on your face when you read the notifications on your lockscreen.
[kiyoko!!<3] I know I already told you this earlier, but I really did have an amazing time with you today, y/n:) [kiyoko!!<3] and I’m so sorry if I read the room wrong earlier, but [kiyoko!!<3] would you like to go out again soon? as an official date this time:) [kiyoko!!<3] you don’t have to say yes of course, and it doesn’t have to be a date if you don’t want it to be.  [kiyoko!!<3] anyways, you might be asleep by now, so I’ll let you get your rest [kiyoko!!<3] good night, y/n. rest well<3
it wasn’t too late, you’ll get to love and be in love after all. and with kiyoko of all people, it sure will be easy to love. that night, your thoughts finally slowed down as all that’s on your mind was the butterflies you got from the excitement of getting to see kiyoko again.
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a/n: THANKYOUU WYRCAN!! AND THANKU SO SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST!! I've never written for kiyoko before so this was so fun ack 'm hoping I did this justice!!
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vioartemis · 1 year
All yours
(Emma Myers x fem! reader)
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Summary: Emma overhears you singing and begs for you to sing her something. Warnings: none Request is here (and the additional stuff as the music if you want to listen to it while reading (especially the last part)) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
As far as you could remember, you always loved singing. But never in front of anyone. You were a little scared of what people would say, especially people you didn't know for too long.
Even your best-friend never heard you sing, despite being one of the people you trusted and loved the most. Maybe you loved her a little too much, by the way.
You may or may not had a crush on her for years but had always been too scared to tell her. You didn't want to risk ruining everything between you two.
The moments you shared were what you cherished the most, even though they got rarer since she started acting professionally. You were happy for her of course, but you missed her too.
So, when she told you she had some time to rest, you immediately invited her to your appartement. She too was more than happy to see you again, and moved in for the time she would stay.
Living with her made you realize how hard it would be not to show how in love you were. It also made you realize that this is what you wanted. Live with her. See her every morning, every night. Hear her mumbling a 'good morning' with her raspy morning voice.
You were head over heels in love with her.
Right now, you were having a shower, while Emma was watching tv in the living room. You put on your 'shower playlist', a compilation of your favorite songs at the moment, and started showering.
After a little while, your all-time favorite song started playing, and you couldn't help but thing along while washing your hair.
What you didn't know was that Emma could hear you sing from the living room. At first she didn't realize it was you, she thought it was just you listening to music, but then she recognized your voice.
She sat up and got closer to the bathroom's door, but the water still running prevented her from hearing properly.
So, when you got out of the room, wet hair falling on your shoulders, she didn't hesitate to ask you if you could sing for her.
"I heard you when you were in the shower... but because of the water I couldn't hear properly... Please Y/n!"
"Emma, you know you're my best friend, right? But I'm not singing for you, or anyone. Sorry"
"Come on!"
You went to your bedroom to grab a sweater that you put on your oversize shirt.
"I'll do every chore for you"
"Tempting, but still no"
"Please please pleaseee"
She looked at you with puppy eyes, her secret weapon to get you to do anything. She really had you wrapped around her finger.
"Okay, fine! You know I can't resist when you do this" you sighed, defeated "Any particular request?"
"As long as I can hear you sing again, I'm happy"
"I'll take that as a 'no' then"
You took a moment to think about what song you could pick. There was way to many songs you'd love to sing, but you had to choose wisely. If you could give her a hint on your feelings for her in the process, that would be an absolute win.
After a minute, you looked up for the instrumental version of the song on YouTube. Singing acapella wasn't your favorite thing.
"Okay" you took a deep breath "Let's do this"
You pressed play and waited for the right moment to start.
"Maybe, it's the way you say my name Maybe, it's the way you play your game But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you"
The 'funny' thing with this song was that it fit perfectly your feelings towards her. She had nothing to do with the other people you met, she had something special that got you drawn to her so quickly.
Dandelions was one of her favorite songs. Now hearing you sing it was a whole other thing. Your voice truly was amazing.
"Wishing on dandelions all of the time Praying to God that one day you'll be mine Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time"
This part was by far your favorite. You had wished your feelings were shared so much, you couldn't count how many times.
Oh, how she wished you meant what you were singing. The simple thought of you praying that she'd be yours made butterflies grow in her stomach.
"Dandelion, into the wind you go Won't you let my darling know? Dandelion, into the wind you go Won't you let my darling know that?"
She was impressed how you held the high note of this part, by at this point not surprised anymore. She could hear you sing for hours and never get bored.
A little part of herself thought you might be singing to her. Maybe it was just her being delusional. After all, she was far from being the most interesting person you knew, so why would you have any kind of romantic feelings for her?
"I'm in a field of dandelions Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine..."
The music started to fade out as the song was finished, but you continued singing anyways, improvising a last part that couldn't be anything else than you confessing to her.
For the first time since you started singing, you looked directly into her blue eyes.
"'Cause I'm sick and tired of dandelions Wishing on every one is a waste of time, time
I got all our moments memorized I'm gonna say it now, you make me smile, smile
Giving up dandelions wasting my time Thankful to God I have you in my life Giving up dandelions wasting my time, wasting my time..."
Her eyes widened slightly as she realized this wasn't part of the original song. You improvised that part. For her.
How many times did you say all those things to her? Enough for her to understand what you were doing. She never paid too much attention to it before, thinking it was just you being hyper affectionate, but in a 'friends' way.
All your moments together flashed before her eyes. All the times you told her you were thankful to have her by your side. All the times you remembered little things she told you, little habits she had, little things that happened when you spent time together that even she didn't think about at first.
That day at the lake when you couldn't stop smiling looking at her. She thought she looked ridiculous trying to go in the cold water while you were already swimming, and that it was the reason why you smiled, holding in your laughter.
Now that she thought of it, you always had a smile on your face when you were together. A beautiful smile she loved so much and hoped would never fade away.
The way you looked at her right now was different than before, as if you stopped hiding what you truly felt. You had that look you had in her daydreams, in her fantasies.
Except this time, it was real. You were really in front of her, giving her heart eyes.
She imagined that scene thousands of times, and yet she didn't know how to react. But she had to do something, or you would get the wrong signals!
Her body moved faster than her brain.
She found herself kissing you without even realizing it before you kissed her back, a wave of relief washing over both of you.
Your hands were behind her neck, while hers found their place on your waist, never breaking the kiss. You both had waited so long for that moment to happen; you weren't going to let it end so soon.
But you had to pull away, eventually.
"So... whishing on dandelions worked?" you asked playfully
"Yes" Emma whispered before kissing you again "I'm yours. All yours"
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miutonium · 1 year
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Saw @mango-mya 's si/oc inspo post (lmk if you want to be untagged its ok!!) and decided to make a seperate post instead since I'm going to ramble about Chloe and I dont want to clog the main post with my infos (anyway the post is here if anyone wants to reblog with their char's oc inspo :3)
Here's some inspo for my s/i oc Chloe! I don't really have a lot of inspo as oppose to others but I do have a bit detail about it and ahshskaja I think it's fun for me to pick on so the rambles undercut! (Like, im not kidding all my points are everywhere hsksksk)
When I was making an early concept for Chloe, I used Ima (Sedusa) as my early reference for her design. There's a lot of unique body figure of woman in PPG but I am mostly attracted to Sedusa's frame and I cannot stress enough that I love love LOVE her design! Her design is the exact opposite of Utonium (curvy and circle as opposing to Utonium's rectangular and sharp edges) so like I wanted her design to be the opposite of him. I love the idea of opposite attracts and I refered to this idea a lot when I build her character. More on that in just a bit.
When I created her, I was working as a service crew/waitress and I wished it theres something that could swoop me from my boring job so I thinkered with the idea that she found love at the dinky diner she worked at. So one day, I discovered Suzanne Vega's Tom's Diner and I loved this song! What's so interesting to me about this song is that it's an acapella so like I'm able to focus on the lyrics and it basically captured the essence of what I want Utonium and Chloe to be except Chloe would be the one greeting him every morning and give him hello kissies and hhh thats basically the catalyst for their story.
For most of her inspo, mainly personality and clothes, I refer a lot to The Nanny's Fran Fine. I grew up watching The Nanny and I always love how her character is someone that's street smart, extroverted, cares about others and charismatic at times so I based Chloe's personality off this. I also refer to Fran's outfits a lot whenever I draw Chloe in other clothing so if you take a hard look at any of my previous art you may recognize some of her clothes that I used as reference.
For Chloe's hair, I want a distinctive short hair for her and P3's Yukari Takeba was my first choice for a cute short hair cut. I love how her bangs just swoops to her sides and the end of her hair just curls outwards its just so cute to me. I added the heart curl design on her bangs because I really want her hair to be the main focus for her design so that when she wears any other clothes, her hair will remain the same and recognizeable. The heart curls that sticks out of her hair was added veryvmuch later during design process and it almost didn't make it. I'm so glad I keep it, I think people mostly recognize her heart cowlick the most.
While I did say Fran Fine is my main inspo, I did have Bojack's Pickles as another of my personality inspo. She's bubbly, energetic and sometimes ditzy and I never mentioned this but Chloe's a bit ditzy and has a valley girl accent. I have not think of a voice claim yet but the voice that I think that would fit Chloe rn is ATSV's Lyla. There's a significant age gap between Utonium and Chloe and I really want to show how both of them came from different generation (Utonium's a boomer while Chloe's more of Gen X so I want to play around their understanding of trends and how they act with their age accodingly hhh)
Overall, what I want to achieve for Chloe's personality and appearance is someone that would compliment Utonium's personality and appearance in the opposite way because like I said, I love the idea of opposite attracts. Where she lacks education, she makes them up for her communication skills. Where Utonium is big on being a book smart person, she is street smart, she knows how to handle things by her way.
I have no intention to make Chloe have a cool career like Utonium because I still want her to be normal. I always make elaborated backgrounds and jobs for my other s/i ocs so for Chloe, I want to relax, I want her to be normal, have a normal job, nothing interesting. I don't want to rely heavily on those points but instead focus more on building her personality.
When I think about it now, I think its good thag I make Chloe normal. She is really the normality that Prof and the girls needed in their family. She doesn't have any special skills, any benefits directly to them nor any interesting history that makes her unique, she's just some woman that just walks into their life yet unintentionally becomes someone significant to the family's life.
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tsaritza-mika · 7 months
Heart of Glass
Summary: It's been a long, trying day in the Shadowlands, and though everyone came back just fine, some scars are only on the inside Warnings: None Named Tav: Mika (Elven Bard) Suggested Listening: Nothing Else Matters - Metallica (acapella) Voiceplay feat. J.NONE
“Has anyone seen Mika?” Astarion’s brow furrowed as he raised his voice across camp. The area usually kept warmer from everyone’s favorite bard as she either played her violin or sang softly by the fire after a long day of adventuring, somehow felt so much colder without her in the haunting silence of the surrounding Shadowlands. Sure there were still sounds, but none that sounded even half as welcoming as a typical forest, and Astarion had grown rather fond of the leader of their merry little band of weirdos. Delicious blood aside of course, though he’d never admit it.
Catching sight of Shadowheart peeking out of her tent, her long, dark hair flowing behind her as she brushed it out, it seemed as though she felt the same now that she was aware of their missing companion. “Ugh, she must have wandered off again. I do enjoy her free spirit, but honestly... Of all the places to do it!”
“I don’t suppose we’d be open to putting a bell on her, Shadowheart?”
“Astarion, it’s bad enough that I’m always keenly aware of when the two of you just so happen to disappear for a while in the middle of the night, but adding a bell to all of that would take it from mildly annoying to insufferable...!”
“Oh, but now that makes the thought even more appealing!”
“What’s going on? Mika’s missing?” Rolling his eyes, Astarion turned to find Gale approaching with some bowls of stew he’d prepared for the evening. Handing one off to Shadowheart, he glanced between the two of them curiously.
“Well I mean, not missing, so much as we’re just not sure where she may have wandered off to...” 
“Oh, well that is still a bit concerning-”
“Chk! You all speak as if you’ve never craved some space with which to clear your heads!” Gale jumped slightly at the sudden arrival of Lae’zel, though thankfully the stew remained in its bowl and not on his robes. “Honestly, if her mood had been a predator, all of you would have been dead ten times over by now. It’s a miracle any of you made it this far...”
“An unwelcome observation as usual Lae’zel, but if you know something, it would be more helpful to just come out with it.”
Just as annoyed as ever whenever she had to interact with Shadowheart for very long, Lae’zel rolled her eyes at the cleric in a way that made them wonder if she managed a glimpse of her own tadpole in the process. “It’s pathetic to think that she considers you all her dear companions, when you fail to notice when the very air around her is heavy with melancholy. Whatever it was that happened after you lot left with her this morning, something must have occurred that would weigh on her soul.”
“Hm, a lot happened today though... We managed to locate the Harpers, and though their base was also attacked and many were lost, we managed to keep Isobel from being taken....”
“Most of the rest of the day had been spent dealing with those, well what was left of what I’m assuming was once people in town. We did finally manage to infiltrate Moonrise before needing to head back, but-”
“I think I know.”
“Are you so confident in that, Astarion?” Frowning deeper at Lae’zel’s questioning, Astarion crossed his arms with a huff.
“I am. Did you see what direction she was headed Lae’zel?” Watching as she scrutinized him for a few moments longer, he smirked when it seemed she finally relented, reaching over to roughly take the stew from Gale and enjoying seeing the man openly flinch.
“Down the hill toward the river’s edge. She took her violin with her, so finding her shouldn’t be too difficult, even for one such as you, Astarion.” Deciding to not stick around long enough for the others to either join in with Lae’zel’s jabs or argue on who should go find her, Astarion quickly exited, heading toward the thin trail near the edge of camp that led down toward the foggy riverbed below. 
Once down by the water’s edge, Astarion glanced about, not finding much to indicate where exactly Mika had gone to past that. Seemed she truly had wanted to disappear for a bit, as not even some of the nearby wet sand or reeds looked to have been disturbed in a way that would give away someone had been there. Almost about to simply pick a direction, his ears caught the soft, sad wail he’d become familiar with whenever she played her violin. Keeping as quiet as possible, he followed the sad tune, hoping that it wasn’t some sort of trick by yet more harpies like back at the grove’s ocean edge. The longer he walked, the more suffocating the shadows seemed, even with Isobel’s protective spell, and as much as he didn’t want to acknowledge it, the feeling had him a twinge worried about Mika deciding to get out here all on her own.
Finally coming across the isolated little strip of riverbed she’d wandered to, he kept to the shadows for a moment, watching as a tear slipped out from under thick, dark lashes and drifted slowly down her cheek. Like every song she played, this tune also seemed to hold strong emotions behind it, though it was more than a tad upsetting with how sad it felt. If he still had a beating heart, it would likely feel heavy in his chest at hearing her play. When it seemed she had finished, she knelt down in the soft dirt, placing what appeared to be a small candle on a thick piece of driftwood. Using a spell to light the wick, he watched as she set the candle adrift in the calm waters, more tears streaming down her cheeks.
Well, if he was going to say something, now was as good a time as any. Slowly coming out from his hiding spot, he didn’t make any efforts to hide as he approached, not wanting to scare her off. “Darling?”
Jumping a little, Mika wiped at the wetness on her cheeks as she stood, the still present flush of pink on her cheeks and inability to keep a steady smile on her face betraying the reassurance she was hoping for. “Oh, ah, Astarion! Eh, sorry. Was I gone very long? Or were you hungry at all?”
“Well, no... I mean, you weren’t gone long, but it was quite obvious you weren’t at camp. Is something wrong?”
“O-oh...I, sorry about that. I just...I guess I just needed a minute.”
“Am I allowed to ask what for?” It was unsettling when she wasn’t smiling. At least it was whenever she wasn’t in front of their enemies; she was a fantastic actor then. That silver tongue of hers had managed to get them places others would have either died trying or would have had to fight tooth and nail to get through. It was also a bit concerning since his whole plan hinged on being able to deceive her into caring enough to guarantee his safety, but so far so good. If she had been taken by Cazador instead of him, she likely would have usurped Leon as his tormentor’s favorite a million times over with how easily people seemed to gravitate to her. Watching carefully as she hesitated, he frowned and came up behind her, setting his hands on her shoulders as she sniffled and wiped at her eyes again.
“It’s, it’s not something you need to worry about, Astarion. I’ll be fine in a bit-”
“But you’re not fine now; and I might not be free in a bit.”
“Darling, what in the realms is so terrible that it’s stolen your smile from me?”
“...I am...”
“Hm? You’re what, love?”
“I am... I’m that terrible thing...” Her shoulders trembled, head falling as her hands came up to cover her face and fresh tears escaped down her cheeks. Whatever it was that had broken her that day he couldn’t fathom. Comfort wasn’t exactly something he was particularly good at, but with everything she did for him and everyone else they traveled with, he would try at least. Slowly sliding his arms around her, he glanced out toward the river, the candle she had set adrift beginning to disappear in the thick, shadowy gloom was almost gone. Only a small, pale glow was left, and even that too would be gone soon enough.
“What do you mean, my sweet? How are you terrible? Who would ever tell you such a thing?”
“...I...I murdered them...”
“Murdered? Who? When?”
“...Fezzerk, and his friends...” ...Well that was something he didn’t see coming. Caught off guard by the confession, Astarion pulled back in confusion, turning her in his hold to try looking her in the eye.
“The Goblins? I...darling, are you feeling alright? I mean... they’re just Goblins! Not even a tenday ago all of us slaughtered the lot of them in that abandoned temple and took out their leaders! Why the hells would you be upset about killing three more?”
“No, no Astarion, that was different!”
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to explain it to me, Mika. Because as far as I can see, Goblins are Goblins.”
Letting her go, he gave her a moment to collect herself, managing to clear the fallen tears from her face, though her cheeks were still a bit damp. “It was different at the temple, Astarion. At the temple, and at the village. They were hostile, they had weapons and numbers. It was battle, no matter what, it was eventually going to come down to them or us. Everyone knew that, on both sides. But today...”
“There’s no other way to look at it. It was, just murder! Either way there was no fighting chance for them! Fezzerk and the others... Astarion, they were begging for their lives, and I just...”
Watching her carefully as more tears came, and she sunk slowly to kneel in the dirt once more, curling over herself and wrapping her arms around her trembling frame... Even despite being able to see why she was upset, if he was honest with himself he still didn’t really care all that much. Goblins were still Goblins, after all. But to Mika, who seemed to value each soul, without regard to who it came from until the moment they were deemed a threat, having killed these Goblins when it was clear they had no fighting chance and were begging to just be let go... Apparently part of her had broken with the act, almost as if made of glass.
Sighing quietly, he frowned as he glanced out toward the water’s smooth surface, the candle and its glow now gone, taken over by the all consuming shadows. “...It wasn’t your fault, you know.”
“Yes it is! Because of me, they’re dead! All they wanted was to live, and I-”
“You wanted the same thing. Yet, we had an objective to complete: infiltrate Moonrise and discover what we could about the cult and Ketheric Thorm. All of us, especially you, we had to maintain that we were followers of the Absolute. We were surrounded by enemies who would just as soon as cleave us in two as they would welcome us into the fold.”
“But Ketheric ordered them to leave Fezzerk and his friends’ fate to me! I was ordered to decide to either kill them or let them go!”
“And what do you think would have happened if you’d have released them? Everyone who was there in that room would have witnessed you showing mercy when only seconds earlier, Ketheric had decreed that there was no more room for that under his leadership.” A frown came to his face as it seemed to sink in for her that she really had chosen the best option, even if it left her feeling painfully hollow inside. 
“...I’m sorry...”
“What for now?”
“I don’t know...everything? I know I’m not cut out for this...”
“I mean, if we’re being fair here, darling, nobody else in our little group of freaks is really qualified either...”
“No...no, I know Wyll or Karlach or Halsin could do better than me. Even Shadow or Lae’zel wouldn’t have this many doubts or weaknesses...”
“Should I be offended that you neglected to mention myself?”
“You said you weren’t a details person, Star, and those are kind of in the job description as leader.”
“Okay that’s fair, but I still feel like I should be maybe a little offended...” A smirk came to his face as he managed to pull a semi-strangled chuckle from her. Tear tracks still on her face as she sat up, Mika ran a hand through the thick layers of her pale, ashen hair, the strands catching the barest light and shining like silver. “Why don't you join me in my tent tonight?”
Managing something of a weak smile, she looked up at him from behind silvery-blonde locks, the deep blue-green in her eyes shining like the ocean under starlight. “If you’re okay with it, then... I think I’d like that...”
“Well it would certainly make things easier for me. You did already invite me for a bite, and it would be far simpler to just fall asleep after anything else we may get up to...” It was hard to not at least smirk when her weak smile widened with more life. Though he’d rather be staked than admit it out loud, seeing her smile felt almost as good as standing in the warm sunlight. Waiting a moment for her to relax, Astarion stood and offered his hand to help Mika back to her feet. “Come, let’s get back before everyone else starts setting the entire Shadowlands on fire in an asinine attempt to find us. Gods only know how much chaos will happen in camp if we aren’t there to reel everyone in.”
“Says the man who was so excited to have a demented swamp hag know about our tadpoles, and interrupting a bugbear having sex with an ogre...?”
“Ugh, honestly Mika, where’s your sense of adventure? Just admit it, without me you’d have already been bored to tears with so many responsible companions around...”
Finally managing to laugh for the first time since that morning, she smiled as he wrapped an arm around her waist, gently urging her back toward the direction of camp. “Oh, you’re so right! How could I ever have questioned the great Astarion Ancunin? How positively scandalous of me!”
“Careful darling, or I might get used to hearing all of that...”
“Oh fuck me...” “Maybe later if you’re lucky-”
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lumine-no-hikari · 2 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #203
I did a lot of scattered things today.
First, though, there was therapy. And on the way to there, I managed to snag a few really nice pictures of a tree for ya:
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I talked a lot about you today, especially as related to how your story will influence how people in my world see and interact with abuse survivors. Thankfully, my therapist understands the implications and why I feel so strongly about what happens to you; it's going to affect actual human lives in my world. If you are slaughtered like a rabid animal, I have to wonder how many people who relate to you will fall into hopelessness and despair, thinking like they can't change their circumstances.
My world absolutely does not like people like us. They would say that we are better off never having been born. They would say that our lives are tainted and have no value. I live in a world where people say, "hey, you should totally ask for help from the people around you if you need it!" but in the same breath, they'll call you inconsiderate for "trauma dumping" if you do. They say, "you should totally open up! just be yourself, it's fine!", but then their sanctimonious platitudes quickly dry up when they realize that we don't have happy answers to the standard social questions, and all of a sudden, you're either "oversharing" or "evasive". There's no winning for folks like us in social situations, typically.
…Apparently, the only solution for it is radical acceptance of the loneliness and isolation, because people have their own traumas in response to the unreasonable expectations that society as a whole places upon us, and it doesn't look like any of that is gonna change anytime soon, because, again, as mentioned in my last letter to you, people in my world, for whatever reason, dislike talking about solvable problems. It makes them uncomfortable, so the brainstorming required to build a better world never gets done, and so more people get hurt, and so on and so forth.
It's a vicious cycle. And I'm not smart enough to know how to break it on a mass scale. And even if I was smart enough to know, my voice doesn't belong to a body or a set of life circumstances that are considered valuable, so it's not as though anyone would listen to anything that comes out of my mouth or out of my fingertips anyway.
…What can ya do, ya know? So I just weave my stupid little trees. Make my stupid little music boxes. Make my stupid little acapellas. Doodle my stupid little pictures. Cook my stupid little noms. Write my stupid little letters. Help as many folks as I can in the meantime with my stupid little bits of advice. Pretend like everything's not on fire, just like everyfuckingbody else, because doing otherwise is apparently "rude" and "cringe" or whatever else.
So that's what I did today. I worked on planning a stupid little music box to sing to. Why not.
There's a fancy one called a Muro Box. It's got some 40 notes, and it is a mechanical music box that sounds beautiful. But instead of using music box paper, it uses midi files to strike the tines. My music box paper has only 30 notes, and using the paper comes with technical limitations as to how quickly notes can play; this one has no such limitations, it seems. So I decided to play with it, using midi files I already made. There's a phone app you can use and it makes the music box play. Here's how it goes:
If you like, I can set my midi file to play on it; I have the app on my phone, so it won't take but a minute - just lemme know. It's the midi file that I made of "In the Earthen Womb" from Illusion of Gaia, which I then adapted to play on a 30-note box; as it turns out, it doesn't need to be adapted on a 40-note box, and so this one sounds a little better. I want one of these, but it's not in production for real yet. But you can bet your bottom that I'm gonna get it once it comes out. Making music boxes will be so much easier as a result.
In the meantime, I'll be content with my 30-note one. I've mostly finished planning the basic structure of a new tune. I'm hoping to tweak the results for accuracy in the coming days. And then, rather than punch out music box paper, I might simply arrange pre-recorded notes from my music box, with the help of Audacity, to get around the technical limitations of using paper. We'll see how it goes.
Oh right. On the way home from therapy, I ended up needing to stop at the bakery. I was marked as absent, which is strange, given the fact that I was taken off the schedule for Tuesdays, going forward. The manager of my department was absent - he is on vacation. So instead I had to go to the manager of the whole store to get it corrected. And it did indeed get corrected, and that was very good.
I decided, for my trouble, that the thing to do is get hotdogs. LOTS of them. For science:
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I wanted to see which one was best. So I got all of them, and I put cheese, onions, ketchup, and mustard on them:
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I decided that the best one was the knockwurst. But the White Eagle hotdogs were probably a very close second. I liked the bratwurst least, I think. And this was all I ate today, because I probably ate too much in one sitting, and my guts still feel kinda weird from it, even though this took place like 9 hours ago. Oh well.
I wonder if you've ever done stuff like this. Like, comparing similar food items to see which one you like best. Or accidentally eating too much in one sitting and feeling weird for the rest of the day as a result. I wonder what some of the more ordinary memories you carry are like.
Well. I'm gonna finish up today's letter, methinks. It's getting late, and I gotta wake up early-ish tomorrow. So I had better shower and get to bed.
Please stay safe out there, okay? So that someday you can find your way to a nice shower and a comfy bed, too. I love you. And I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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abloodycrow · 1 year
When Luke suddenly starts to cross over, Julie, Reggie and Alex are freaked out, and Julie and Luke start a final embrace until he's gone. Reggie and Alex are convinced they'll go too but they don't, they're just left without their best friend.
A week or two later, Julie's still struggling with the idea of Luke not being around (it's hard even when it's a ghost) - but there's gossip of a new boy going around, Julie doesn't care, even when Flynn talks to her about him... Until she sees him, Luke Patterson. If there's one way to make a first impression with the new boy, it's running over to him and screaming his name as if you've been torn apart for centuries... And if there's one way to break Julie Molina's heart, it's for Luke Patterson to look at her like she's the weirdest girl he's ever seen and walking away. When Julie tells Flynn about the new boy being Luke, Flynn is just as confused as her, maybe even more because 'that boy looks nothing like your phantom'.
Julie tells Reggie and Alex about him when she gets home and they're very excited to know she saw Luke again, they almost totally ignore the fact she said he walked away from her. When she tells them what Flynn said Reggie's like 'well what if it's just us that can see him as Luke' and they realise they must still be connected to him somehow.
Except when Julie tries to perform with Reggie and Alex in front of Luke (because again, what other way to make a great first impression on the new boy than singing with your 'hologram' band?) but when she's done he's like 'yeah that was a show alright... I loved the bit where you just skipped around the stage singing acapella, you might want to sign up for therapy'
Julie, Reggie, Alex and Flynn don't understand how their supposed Luke doesn't see Reggie and Alex because Flynn saw them perfectly fine...
And I haven't thought of anything after that I just like the idea of the angst it would cause :)
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