#ace conference
aktivistaverein · 11 months
AktivistA-Konferenz 2023: Teaser Trailer
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Pünktlich zum Pride Month haben wir für euch eine kleine Vorschau für das Programm unserer Konferenz für das asexuelle Spektrum. Die Reihenfolge ist noch nicht ganz klar, da sie auch von Zugfahrzeiten der Beteiligten abhängt.
Community-intern wird Jens ein Update zu Grau-Asexualitäten geben und ein wenig über eigene Erfahrungen berichten.
Außerdem angesagt hat sich Flemm, um AktivAro und deren Aktivitäten vorzustellen.
Danach werden sich Noir und Finn von InSpektren eine Anziehungsform vornehmen: "Von Ästhetik bis Aästhetik - Ein kaum beachteter Teil des A*spec".
Und wo wir bei vermeintlichen oder echten Äußerlichkeiten sind: Anni Baumgart von ace_arovolution beschäftigt sich wissenschaftlich mit dem Bild von Asexualität in den Medien und wird eine Masterarbeit diesezüglich vorstellen.
Ansonsten noch eine Neuerung: Wir haben für den Tag einen Konferenzraum im Obergeschoss der Weissenburg gemietet. Er ist über eine schmale Treppe zu erreichen und bietet Platz für etwa 15 Personen. Ihr dürft gern Interesse an einer Besprechung anmelden, für deren Zeit ich dann den Raum reserviere. Außerhalb von Besprechungen steht er als Rückzugsort für Menschen zu Verfügung, die grade nicht so gut Lautstärke oder Leute können.
Bitte benutzt das Formular auf der Konferenz-Unterseite, um euch anzumelden.
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sleepyorchidmonster · 1 month
After Chapter 7, Malleus and by extension Briar Valley had to deal with plenty of backlash.
In an attempt to appease the public (and control Malleus), the Senate organized a press conference with world leaders and NRC parents (there's A LOT of overlap between those two groups).
The main idea was to show the Senate as capable advisors that would guide the young Draconia, cementing their status in Briar Valley while also "protecting" and isolating Malleus.
What really happened was that Mrs. Rosehearts yelled at them for ten hours straight.
You see, Riddle was worried about how his mother would react to the entire Chapter 7 situation, so he made sure to explain everything to her, casting Malleus and Lillia in a more favourable light.
And it acually worked! You see, despite all her failures as a parent, she is still a mother at the end of the day, and the idea that a son would go to such great lenghts, overblotting and almost dooming the entire world, just to keep his parental figure safe, was quite touching.
She also has a newfound respect for Lillia, how he spent all those years looking for ways to get Malleus to hatch, how he went above and beyond to care for the Prince, even while banished, how he adopted and raised Silver (who is the only student she actually respects). HOW HE LITERALLY SACRIFICED PART OF HIS LIFEFORCE FOR MALLEUS TO HATCH!
On the other hand, she HATES the Senate. Mostly because she put herself in Meleanor's shoes: imagine you're about to die and decide to entrust your unborn son to your friend, only for said friend to be unjustly banished, leaving your kid in the hands of a bunch of entitled senators that completely DISREGARDED YOUR LAST WISH (Mrs. Rosehearts hates it when people don't do what she says, so she feels personally offended by that last bit, the fact that Malleus almost died also doesn't help).
Anyway, she's angry and, since the Senate IS encouraging people to air their grievances with Briar Valley, might as well seize this opportunity!
Malleus, Silver, Sebek, Lillia, Baul and Maleficia feel vindicated. Since only the housewardens and Diasomnia were invited for the event, the group chat was crazy.
The housewardens were all sitting together near the back of the room, alongside Silver and Sebek (they DON'T want to draw attention to themselves, especially since most of them are overblot survivors), so they could easily chat or sleep. Meanwhile the students back on campus were watching everything at Ramshackle.
As a small bonus, a few ways to avoid panic attacks, by Riddle and Trey:
*Mrs. Rosehearts starts talking*
Trey: Hey Rook!
Rook: Oui?
Trey: What is the meaning of beauty?
Rook: :D
*Rook starts monologuing and nobody can hear the TV anymore*
Meanwhile Riddle:
*School chat*
Epel: So, how long until she stops yelling at people? It ain't funny anymore...
Riddle: Since she yelled at Trey's parents for five hours because they gave me a tart, maybe ten or fifteen hours?
Ruggie: Wtf
Deuce: Are you doing okay, dormhead?
Riddle: I have a fully charged phone with a crosswords app, headphones playing all the Queen's rules on loop, and an entire bottle filled with the strongest calming tea I could find.
Riddle: Moreover, I'm currently seated beside the sleepiest students in this school (Leona and Silver). Their calm disposition creates a peaceful environment.
Riddle: Therefore I shall be able to keep panic attacks AND overblots at bay!
Ace: Just say yes or no...
*15 minutes later*
Riddle: I beat the game, there are no more crosswords
Vil: Chess.com
Vil: NOW
Vil: Wake Leona up, we're having a TOURNAMENT!
Idia: Congrats, u just got a World Record
Idia: Also I'm sending you a list of games later...
They left a bit after the seventh hour mark.
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insanityisdivine · 5 months
Love to hold the Ace
Maybe even dance with trip him
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redvanillabee · 4 months
Peggy & Jarvis and Jack & Howard are both very chaotic duos, but in different ways.
Peggy & Jarvis' dynamic is best exemplified by the interrogation room mirror in 1x07. They are chaotic, they will mess up, but ultimately they won't hurt each other and it works towards a generally wholesome ending.
Jack & Howard, on the other hand...good luck, first of all, preventing them from killing each other, but even if you succeed in that, whatever they engage in will very likely end in explosions.
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han-merlin · 8 months
I will either be posting every 20 seconds tonight, or you literally won't hear from me for the next 4 working days. There is no in between.
I am not prepared. NUFC keep posting Sandro everywhere, Theo is too depressed and has been half-assing training exercises properly, Oli is scared of footballs, and I am NOT. PREPARED.
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baconcolacan · 1 year
What will S Tord do when he learns that R Tord slept with his Tom? Love the blog!❤️😘
cw: Slight suggestive talk (I just talk about safewords idk Im ace shut up ruskdnfe)
I really doubt STom would let it go that far, sure he might let RTord get a little bit spicy with him but he would DEFINITELY feel that something is off from there. His Tord is just as much of a perv as RTord is, but his brand of degeneracy has a respectful flavor to it, yknow?? The kind of degeneracy with a safeword.
RTord does not know their safeword, his husband always asks him if he remembers it whenever they start getting intimate, STom would ABSOLUTELY start clocking on that this man is NOT his husband.
Though, even so, just the fact that he got far enough would probably lead STord to initiate a smack down and boy howdy, RTord is in the body of an ailing old man right now and STord is NOT afraid to exacerbate his disabilities.
He will ABSOLUTELY throw down with a crippled man and right now?? He’s a decade younger and his bones dont hurt LETS GO WEABOO BITCH
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On a side we have Inter, if they win UCL, they go in UCL next year for sure no matter what happens in Serie A
On the other side there are Roma and Juve, if one of them win UEL, it goes in UCL no matter what happens in Serie A
Napoli won Serie A so it'll go in UCL too
Hypothetically, Inter Roma and Napoli in UCL next year, there are only two other spots
Max 5 teams of the same countries
Usually the first 4 + who won UCL/UEL the previous year, it can't be 6 teams
In this case so Napoli Inter Roma + Juve and Lazio that actually are in the serie A's top 4
If both Inter and Roma/Juve end Serie A out of top 4, then it happens that only top 3 teams in serie A go in UCL
This means hypothetically that Napoli goes in UCL next year because won the league, Inter out of top 4 goes in UCL because won UCL, Roma out of top 4 in UCL because won UEL, Juve because is top 2, Lazio top 3
Milan the 4th, stays out of UCL, it can go instead in UEL
Even in this case we must consider if Fiorentina wins Italian cup and/or conference league, this means that Fiorentina would go in UEL too next year
The limit for UEL is 3 teams
So hypothetically Milan Fiorentina and Atalanta (?) or just 2 of them?
And who goes in UECL ? The problem is that if the 6th spot is taken by a team who for any reason goes to UEL or UCL, then we'll have no team in Conference
There are too many variables
Too many IF 🤯
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avenpt · 2 years
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As you know, the UK acecon is coming up soon, 10-11 September 2022! Please do go and register if you haven't already!
As our official fundraiser for the conference, we’re proud to announce the first ever Ace Baker competition!
On August 20th from 17:00-20:00 BST, watch fellow aces compete while performing challenges based on your donations.
Learn more here: https://www.ukacecon.org/acebaker/ 
Register for Ace Baker on eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ace-baker-fundraiser-for-the-uk-acecon-2022-tickets-398487515887 FB page: https://www.facebook.com/events/5327935920636428  Watch the livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP92uOizHoI   Make a donation: https://www.gofundme.com/f/hzmsh3
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thesoupson · 2 years
So, apparently a fight broke out at a UFC press conference. They saw AEW and said "Hold my beer..." Forget live events, where do I buy tickets to the pressers?!
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aktivistaverein · 4 months
Save the Date und Suche nach Beiträgen: AktivistA-Konferenz 2024
Ein wenig stolz sind wir schon, die zehnte Ausgabe der AktivistA-Konferenz für das asexuelle Spektrum ankündigen zu dürfen. Nicht mal die Verfasserin dieser Zeilen hätte gedacht, dass das Konzept so lange vorhält.
Dieses Jahr treffen wir uns am 14. und 15. September für Vorträge und viel Zeit zum Reden in der Weissenburg in Stuttgart. Wie gehabt wollen wir den Samstag mit Vorträgen und Workshops füllen und am Sonntag noch mal gemütlich plauschen.
Anmelden könnt ihr euch über die bewährte Unterseite und das Kontaktformular. Auf der Unterseite findet ihr auch Details zu Kosten und Anreise. Außerdem posten wir dort Aktualisierungen zum Programm, sobald wir sie vorliegen haben.
Keine Konferenz ohne Inhalt
Wie immer suchen wir Menschen, die Vorträge halten. Wir zahlen für maximal zwei Menschen pro Programmpunkt Anreise, Mittagessen und ein Honorar. Thematisch suchen wir alles, was mit den ace und aro Spektren zu tun hat, nehmen aber auch gern einen Blick über den Tellerrand in politische Arbeit, trans Themen, Intersektionen oder ...? Die Vorträge/Workshops sollten maximal 45 Minuten dauern, danach sind 15 Minuten für Diskussion und Fragen geplant.
Wenn ihr Interesse habt, euch, euer Projekt, euer Thema etc. auf der Konferenz vorzustellen, könnt ihr das Anmeldeformular auf der Konferenz-Unterseite benutzen oder Carmilla beim Aspec*German-Discord anpingen.
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theawkwardvirgin · 9 months
An interesting Gospel today, on marriage. Now I know most of this Gospel well (“male and female he created them”, “what God has put together man must not separate”) but I hadn’t heard what happens after the teaching on divorce.
Jesus’s disciples respond in a very modern way, which is kind of funny in a depressing way: “If that is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry.”
Yeah, who wants the burden of a covenant with God being actually, you know, binding? Shock and horror!
(Side note, but when Jesus says that Moses allowed divorce because of the hardness of people’s hearts, He’s referring to the fact that men would have their wives killed to get around the “‘til death do us part” thing. Yeah.)
And Jesus looks at them and says this: “Not all can accept this word, but only those to whom that is granted. Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven. Whoever can accept this ought to accept it.”
This is a fascinating statement, and one I haven’t heard before! Jesus acknowledges that marriage isn’t for everyone, that not everyone is capable of that sort of commitment. But here’s the crucial part: this doesn’t excuse them from the binding nature of marriage. His phrasing makes that clear, from “some are incapable of marriage” to “renounced marriage”.
So what do you do if you’re not cut out for that kind of commitment? Simple really: you don’t get married. People who are incapable of upholding a covenant with God shouldn’t and can’t make such a covenant. Which is obvious when you think about it.
Despite common misconception, the Catholic Church doesn’t just throw young people together and push them to get married for the funzies. Before you get married, you have to pass a class called Pre-Cana (yes, named after the Wedding at Cana), where you and your fiancé go through counseling and training to make sure you understand the commitment you’re making , that you and your fiancé are a good match, and that you’re ready to make that commitment and live together. You’re usually required to be married by your parish priest, who hopefully knows you well, probably did your Pre-Cana, and can be confident in witnessing and presiding over your covenant.
There’s a lot that goes into preparing for marriage in the Catholic Church, and it’s precisely because we understand that a valid marriage is indissoluble. Once you’re validly married, there is nothing anyone on earth can do to change that.
Now, an important note: This does not mean people have to stay in abusive situations, even if their marriage is valid. Separation in the Church is allowed in serious situations like abuse, and in fact you can get legally divorced in that situation, since a piece of paper doesn’t affect your binding covenant in any way. However, in this case, you’re still married to that person and this can’t get remarried. (There are caveats and technicalities that could deem an abusive marriage invalid and thus dissolvable, but this post is too long already. I recommend this website by a canon lawyer for anyone who’s curious about the details and requirements of a valid Catholic marriage.)
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nimblermortal · 1 year
Welp, surprising no one iiiiiiit's COVID! Still out there, folks, stay safe.
If you have a minor sore throat, bed down and prepare for it to get worse. You can have advil for the fever after the first 24 hours (during which you're burning it out).
I'm weirdly nocturnal - resting all day seems to make me go "BING! Time to talk to Denmark!" at one in the morning.
Also soft warm drinks and no appetite.
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CABEC 2023 Conference “Something to Crow About” Logo Design
CABEC (California Association of Building Energy Consultants) commissioned Republic Design Company for the design and implementation of the CABEC 2023 Conference “Something to Crow About” Logo Design.
CABEC (California Association of Building Energy Consultants) commissioned Republic Design Company for the design and implementation of the CABEC 2023 Conference “Something to Crow About” Logo Design. CABEC 2023 Conference “Something to Crow About” Logo Identity Design This years CABEC Conference is set to take place in Cambria, California at the beautiful Cambria Pines Lodge. This coastal city…
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female-buckets · 1 year
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thefootballobserver · 29 days
April 9-11 European Roundup: Match Reviews
It was a week full of surprises, with underdogs exceeding expectations.
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Wow. Nearly every match this week was filled with drama and reminded everyone of the beauty of continental competitions. From wonder goals to disappointing performances, here’s a brief review of a chunk of the matches played. I’ve only managed to watch these highlights, so these reviews do not represent the full matches but key moments.
Arsenal 2-2 Bayern Munich: Penalty Controversy Steals the Attention
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A Harry Kane goal against Arsenal on his return to North London was written in the stars.
Of course, as a Spurs fan, it was a delight to see Harry Kane score against the Gunners, making him the highest goalscorer against Arsenal at the Emirates. As he said in his post-match interview, Arsenal tend to concede penalties to Kane, with him scoring his 15th goal against them - and 8 of them being penalties. Maybe it’s not a good decision to let the striker of your biggest rivals be the top scorer at you on your ground, yeah?
Besides me fawning over Harry for a bit, the game was good. Saka opened the scoring with a beautiful finish thanks to some pretty poor defending from Davies, who struggled against Arsenal’s leading man (and picked up a yellow, meaning he misses their next meeting). Unsurprisingly, Arsenal played on the front foot. At the same time, Bayern largely looked to counter, with Bayern’s right winger Sané causing havoc on Arsenal’s left side, and Kiwior looked like a major defensive weakness that night. But it wouldn’t be Kiwior but Gabriel, who’s arguably been better than Saliba this season, who loses the ball, resulting in former Arsenal player Gnarby equalising for the visitors.
Usually, with a leakproof defence in the league, Sané again caused trouble as he glided through it, and Saliba conceded a penalty through a stuck-out leg. Raya dived about ten business days before Kane even moved, resulting in Kane waiting and slotting it away instead of his usual “I’m going to launch this bad boy into the net as hard as possible,” silencing the Emirates as Bayern played without away fans.
Trossard, who was subbed on Martinelli (I was surprised he didn’t start if I’m honest), would go on to equal for the home side with a sweet strike. Still, ultimately, the game ended in a 2-2 draw - a much better result for Bayern than Arsenal, who should have taken advantage of Bayern, given this is one of the weakest teams they’ve displayed in a long, long time.
Of course, the game had to end in controversy as Saka tried to draw a foul from Neuer in the last minute instead of shooting at an open goal. I think the criticisms have gotten out of hand, but I agree that it was a poor decision by Saka and Neuer, who knew that he wouldn’t get the ball and stopped moving his leg. Saka’s leg didn’t look in a particularly natural position, but camera angles make it a difficult call. I read an opinion that Arsenal likely tries to draw fouls to take advantage of set pieces, which I think is a good point. However, in the world of VAR, they need to get it out of their system when they’re in the box. Ultimately, what has happened happened, and both sides need to let go of it as an exciting game is teed up at the Allianz Arena.
My MOTMs: Odegaard (ARS); Kane (FCB)
Real Madrid 3-3 Man City: Wonder Goals Star in 6-Goal Thriller
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Ruben Dias scored an unfortunate goal and didn’t have the best of times against Vinicius and Rodrygo.
Bar the four incredible goals scored, the real news to come out of the game was Pep pronouncing “vomit” in quite a zesty manner when asked about Kevin de Bruyne’s absence from the starting lineup. Even his stomach is against him playing in big UCL nights, I’m afraid (I still love that man).
Before the clock could even hit a minute, Tchouaméni got carded for a foul on Grealish - which, if I’m honest, was entirely unnecessary - and now misses the second leg. Minutes later, Silva scored a beautiful free kick. Some may argue Lunin should have done better, but let’s be honest: you, him, the players, the managers, the Bernabeu and the neighbour’s dog weren’t expecting that. Real Madrid then responded with two rapid goals in the 12th and 14th minute, with Dias conceding an own goal and Rodrygo scoring, both from taking advantage of City’s relatively slow back line. The game slowed down after that, and City were sloppy at best.
They massively improved in the second half, though, and managed to turn the 2-1 scoreline in their favour, with Foden (it just had to be him) scoring from range perfectly into the top left corner, making it impossible for Lunin to make the save. Gvardiol then one-upped it with an even better goal on his right foot, his first goal for City since his summer transfer. This goal sparked a lot of humorous Twitter conversation, with City fans saying that Walker will be shooting from 40 yards out constantly and Liverpool fans saying that they don’t even want to think about Robertson shooting like that on his left - let alone right foot. Gvardiol hasn’t been the 70m signing most have expected, but his upturn of form lately has been promising.
Three unforgettable goals weren’t enough, and Valverde scored an even better strike to level the game at 3-3. For all the hype of Real closing the Bernabeu roof (which one commented that it looked like an air fryer, which I’m afraid I have to agree) and wearing all white, it was an excellent game for the neutral, but not so much for the Madridistas, who may have the 4-0 trashing at the Etihad in mind…
Oh, and of course, Haaland ghosted. Whether or not he served as a distraction for the centre-backs or just failed to get involved is not my fight to fight.
My MOTMs: Vinicius Jr (RMA); Gvardiol (MCI)
Atletico Madrid 2-1 Dortmund: The Metropolitano Still Stands Strong
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What can I say? Atletico did what it always does.
So, I’m not an avid watcher of Atletico, and I’m even less of a Bundesliga person. Thanks to time zones, I don’t watch European games live either, so I wasn’t precisely tuned into this match as much as I should, but it was still exciting.
Atletico should have had more than a one-goal advantage but failed to capitalise, notably when Lino should have scored in the 71st minute. This is especially true given Dortmund’s inconsistent form this season. However, their UCL form should be applauded as they escaped the “Group of Death” relatively more straightforwardly than the other three teams. The home side stunned Dortmund early in the game, with De Paul capitalising on a Kobel-Maatsen mistake to score in the 4th minute. Although Dortmund had the ball, all the chances came from Atletico, who…well, Atletico-ed with a back five and looked to counter, as is the Diego Simeone way.
The home side would deservedly double to lead through Lino to round off the first half. Dortmund finally grew as the game went on and did manage to snatch a goal back through Haller to keep Dortmund in the second tie. It's less eye-catching than the previous night's matches, but the second leg should be fun to watch.
My MOTMs: Griezmann (ATM); Haller (BVB)
PSG 2-3 Barcelona: Xavi’s Super Subs Give Barca a One-Goal Advantage
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What’s up with big stars and poor UCL nights? Mbappe ghosts as PSG loses at home.
PSG ultras had a lot to say and do before the match, with them launching fireworks at the hotel Barcelona were staying at 4 am, chanting “p*ta Barca” (f*ck Barca) to the players, as well as “Real Madrid” too. Some bold moves, considering their star man will leave them to Real Madrid for nothing, but PSG ultras have always been questionable. Some Barcelona players, like Ferran Torres and youngest Marc Guiu, were seen recording and laughing, likely at the fans. They would also have the last laugh that night as the current La Liga holders left with a one-goal advantage.
Barcelona started the game much stronger than PSG (they had 0.81 xG, ten shots and one on-target versus 0.33 xG and eight off-target shots) and were rewarded when Raphinha scored in an empty net. They carried this lead to halftime, but PSG was on the front pedal when the second-half whistle blew, looking like an entirely different team. Barcelona couldn’t handle the pressure, and former Barcelona man Dembele scored (and celebrated) and was followed by Vitinha - who’s been having an excellent season for the Ligue 1 giants - only three minutes later. 
However, Xavi’s super substitutions would save the game for Barcelona, as Roberto came off for Pedri, who then produced a wonder assist within a minute with his first touch of the game - and his first touch since his injury in March - to Raphinha, as all the Brazilian had to do was slot it past Donnarumma to level the game. Later, de Jong would come off for Christensen, and this time, he one-upped Pedri and scored thanks to a Gündogan corner with his first touch, which was within a minute of coming on. On his birthday, too!
As a Barcelona fan, I would have been happy with a draw at the Parc des Princes, but to leave with a win really must have been confidence high - even if it’s only a one-goal margin and there’s still all to play for that the Montjuïc Stadium next week. I can’t lie - Dembele scoring and celebrating hurt, but I think Barca fans have overreacted, especially those calling for the Figo treatment. Honestly, I’m just glad he did what he did and left us with some money instead of going on a free next summer.
My MOTMs: Vitinha (PSG); Raphinha (FCB)
Liverpool 0-3 Atalanta: Klopp’s Farewell Party in Tatters
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Poor, poor mistakes from the Reds resulted in a completely unexpected scoreline.
My oh my, where do I even start? For starters, I’d like to say that I quite like Klopp. I think it’s a bit of a shame he’s leaving Liverpool, and I hope he leaves the club on a high note. I’m glad they won the EFL Cup, so at least they have something, even if it’s the least noteworthy competition they could win; a cup is a cup (but I am a Spurs fan, so I’m not exactly in a position to judge).
That being said, Liverpool’s defence was sh*t. I’m sorry, but it had to be said. I like Kelleher, and I think he’s been pretty good for Liverpool, given he’s not a starter and has to fill in Alisson's shoes, but man, that first goal was a bummer - although I don’t think that should take away from his other two incredible saves before and after the error - Kelleher did end up conceding two more after that (neither of which the goalkeeper was at fault for, but he did concede). Unfortunately, goalkeepers tend to be remembered for the goals they concede, not the ones they prevent.
Attacking-wise, Liverpool was fine but very much not clinical - although I don’t know if Klopp wished for goals when he started a front three of Gakpo-Nuñez-Elliot. There were a few promising sequences, but Nuñez (absolutely no one is surprised) was wasteful - but he’s not the only culprit.
Atalanta tried to catch Liverpool on the counter - again, to no one’s surprise - and they reaped the awards. Italian striker Scamacca scored two against Liverpool in the 38th and 60th minute, the first taking advantage of Kelleher not reacting nearly fast enough for a preventable goal as it slid under the ‘keeper and the second coming from a cross when (1) Van Dijk really should have closed down De Ketelaere and (2) Scamancca should not have been so open and unmarked.
The third was by Pasalic and was to an inexplicable back pass by Szoboszlai - although Kelleher did block the initial shot by Ederson, it wasn’t enough. The backline wasn’t trying to prevent the two later goals by how they reacted. They were walking back when the Atalanta players really should have been closed down earlier.
A comeback looks unlikely as Liverpool plays away next, although it’s not off the cards. Liverpool have now drawn to an underwhelming United and lost at home to a side that’s 6th on the Serie A table and have lost their two recent games. Their finishing has disappointed them despite having some of the Premier League’s best forwards and playing well in their previous Europa games. This game is a major result for Atalanta and confirms them in the semifinal - though I don’t want to jinx it.
You have quite a lot of work to do if you want that nice farewell party, Jürgen Klopp.
My MOTMs: Gakpo (LIV); Scamacca (ATA)
Leverkusen 2-0 West Ham: So Close Moyes! But Forget It
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Moyes-ball almost gets them a draw…until it didn’t.
I’ll be zooming through the next few because I think the results are coming, or I don’t follow the teams too much.
Leverkusen’s 30 shots to West Ham’s one sums it up. Still, West Ham did look like they were going to snatch a point until the German side finally broke the deadlock with seven minutes of regular time remaining through Hofmann, who would also assist Boniface’s goal in stoppage time. Fabianski bailed the team out on multiple occasions, displaying some fantastic saves. On a better or worse day - depending on who you’re asking - Leverkusen easily could have had three to five goals. A two-goal deficit is saveable for West Ham at home, but they’ll need to do better on the counter.
Also, please end Leverkusen’s unbeaten streak. If the streak ends by Moyes ball, it’d be hilarious, and I need one less thing for them to be happy about (I’m just a little salty).
My MOTMs: Fabianski (WHU), Hofmann (B04)
AC Milan 0-1 Roma: What in the World is De Rossi Cooking?
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Roma play at home next with a one-goal advantage.
All I can say is that Roma should have fired Mourinho ages ago if De Rossi was willing to take the job before his release (and this isn’t even my Spurs bias talking) because you’re telling me De Rossi has only lost to Inter and Brighton (in a useless game) between then and now? What in the world is he cooking in Rome?
Also, that back-and-forth between Giroud and Lukaku was hilarious. It’s even funnier when the replays show that Lukaku’s making the goalkeeper’s life way harder by standing in front of him and preventing Svilar from catching the ball.
No man of the matches because that’s all the highlights had.
Aston Villa 2-1 Lille: Work to Be Done Next Week
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McGinn, with his iconic celebration as he put the Villans two in front.
The game was a perfect McGinn performance from the looks of it. I’ll admit that the second goal looked accidental on Bailey’s part (that slip…was he trying to cross?), but that strike was terrific. Of course, Lille did manage to pull one back, but Martinez also made some stunning saves to keep Villa in the game in the first half. The way he comes off his line with that confidence is impressive.
My MOTMs: McGinn (AVL), Diaketé (LIL)
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