#Energy Code Ace
CABEC 2023 Conference “Something to Crow About” Logo Design
CABEC (California Association of Building Energy Consultants) commissioned Republic Design Company for the design and implementation of the CABEC 2023 Conference “Something to Crow About” Logo Design.
CABEC (California Association of Building Energy Consultants) commissioned Republic Design Company for the design and implementation of the CABEC 2023 Conference “Something to Crow About” Logo Design. CABEC 2023 Conference “Something to Crow About” Logo Identity Design This years CABEC Conference is set to take place in Cambria, California at the beautiful Cambria Pines Lodge. This coastal city…
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snivyartjpeg · 9 months
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a dashing gentleman and a cute girl <3
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Well, since you asked so nicely lol
Bruce - So, came to earth Superman-style where he was in a pod that crashed into someone’s yard, this being the Wayne’s backyard, where they just kind of took him in as their strange metal-child Still human-ish sized, if a little tall- so more of how the cassettes were sized in the original animated series & I wanna say he’s originally designed for subterfuge & information gathering Design-wise I am thinking he has antennae of sorts on his head that mimic the cowl’s “ears” and honestly I think he should keep the cape because that’s just sort of iconic & he definitely uses it to hide his form, since while most would assume armor someone might notice eventually he isn’t exactly fleshy His holloform is definitely designed after the two Waynes, seeing as they raised him for several years alongside Alfred (Fuck it they were probably together as a poly trio) No clue for what he transforms into, but I am tempted for either some sort of drone or a well, bat, or some combination of the two, like a cybertronian bat-creature 
Kate - She definitely also came from a pod & is from the same parents as Bruce, though I wanna say she landed/crashed a bit later than him, hence why they claim they’re cousins in human/holloform I want to say she’s more battle-designed than Bruce, while he’s more designed to go unseen and gather whatever info- though who knows with how they’re not exactly on cybertron anymore- hence why she has a hint more color than him Once more, no clue of what she’d transform into, but I do think she’s slightly larger than B in their normal cybertronian bodies & has the same antennae-horns as him (I am open to ideas for her) 
Ace - Now Bathound, the doggo boi, usually a normal dog, but I am just saying that the other transformers did straight up build other cybertronians from the dinobots to the aerialbots to trypticon, though they need the Allspark (which is back on Cybertron) to create full on minds/souls (in most cases) 
Now I'm not sure if Alfred would be a normal human dude, or if I should make him an old-ish cybertronian as well who turns into one of those older jets.
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sp00kies · 1 year
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My boy
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rubberduckyrye · 7 months
The intense desire to write up a whole essay about how Wanderer is coded to be the quintessential Abused Queer Kid experience is rising--
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reflections-of-mobius · 9 months
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Type: Plot Progression | EVENT: "There One Moment, Gone the Next" Universe: Sandstorm Location: Meteo-Tech Tower/Chemical Plant Island
[Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four]
The glare was practically blinding. Node was squinting, their muzzle upturned at the intense smell of all the chemicals. Their skates glided a few feet above the ground, dim yellow light bursting from their heels as they soared for the towering presence ahead.
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I won't let you take him from me.
A promise to themself- to the universe. To all of them.
"Done!" Tails' voice rang out. The massive gate before them shimmered, a brilliant red light flaring to life. The group closed their eyes- rushing on as the sound of hinges groaned to life. The illumination faded- revealing the tower, the glare of its sharp edges fainter, now.
Node's chest was heaving. They weren't used to running for so long- World Grand Prix races generally lasted an hour, at worst. But this... The sun was just beginning to rise at the edge of the horizon- but it wasn't so far that Bless had transformed back. His claws were still tearing the ground- the bridge- to pieces, revealing wires under-claw. He could reduce the damage if he wanted... But tonight wasn't the night for subtlty.
"Time for answers!" Node growled between breaths. The pain in their bones had gone away over an hour ago- the feeling of their back, burning, lost ages prior. Meteo-Tech 'bots powered on as the forcefield and gate were lowered and drawn back... The main defense of the tower gone in an instant.
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"BRING IT ON!" Bless' voice rang out. In a split second, his darkened arms were reaching- claws so close-
There was no time for shock. Node didn't hesitate. They soared into the air, skate slamming into the optic of the 'bot- cracking it on impact.
"OPTICS!" The click of barrels being leveled filled the air. Shit.
Amy's hammer swung into the air. It smacked into a 'bot- denting it- and sent it careening into several of its fellows before they could open fire. Node fell back to the ground, their skates activating in the dive. Were it not for those, they would've been paste on the bridge- or worse, slammed through into the murky, chemical-laden ocean below.
The barest tinges of purple were flooding the previously-blue sky. The sun would be rising within the hour...
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"C'mon--" A cloud filled the air. The 'bots that entered into it began to glitch- sparks surging from metallic shells as they essentially convulsed, only to fall to the ground- glowing red reduced to hollow nothingness. "-got it!"
The 'bots were no match for the onslaught. Bless' claws couldn't break the metal? Fine. He ripped the bridge's flooring, tossing that into the air with a quick spin. The metallic shell became a flying guillotine- slashing through the enemy before crumpling against the last in line.
The team quickly destroyed the welcome party- rushing for the main entrance of the tower.
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"Tails, tell me you know the layout of this place...!" The team soared through the main entrance- and into a massive hall. On the left were massive metallic pillars- highways of iron conveyor belts connecting them. The shells of robots-to-be were shuttled down the line at a slow pace, mechanical limbs floating along the edges to add parts and fix wires- before the shells were shuttled into other pillars by the conveyors. The center of the walkway was a bright purple, glowing harshly. On other side of the purple main-line were walkways with bright blue lights around the edge- hovertrucks waiting off to the right, their backends open to receive entire lines of robots. Up above, green lights led deeper into the facility- and exhaust pipes that were big enough to be cars belched out heat and smoke into the air. Massive gears rotated to keep the conveyor belts moving.
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"Got it all right here." Tails held up his watch- the small LED screen rather pitiful compared to the sight before the team. "There's a hallway up on our right- we just need to go down that, take a left, go up the elevators, and then we should be at the control center.. I'll be able to figure out what Meteo-Tech's up to from there."
"Then let's get moving!" Bless clenched his fist. "This form won't last forever, so the least we can do is get going!" If they could figure out what Meteo-Tech was up to, what the rings were about- why the 'bots wanted them, then... They could figure out how to stop the madness.
At the far end of the massive hall... A giant set of double-doors slid open, lighting up a bright green for the briefest fraction of a moment.
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"Th' Hell...?!" Node stared in disbelief. From the depths of the facility, they could see three figures emerge- each carrying Extreme Gear.
"Long time no see, losers." A rather grating voice filled the air- instantly making all of the team's faces narrow. "What're you doing h-....wait...you have the Arks of the Cosmos?!" Jet the Hawk- kinda literally- squawked in surprise as sky-blue eyes landed on them all. "Well-- I- doesn't matter!"
"You know what these are?!" Bless took a step forward.
"WOAH!---and here I thought you couldn't get any uglier..." Jet murmured, shaking his head. Bless didn't react, outside of the faintest tightening of his fist. He glared down the hawk, eyes sliding towards his purple and gray feathered compatriots. "....and you bonded with some of them...damnit..."
"What do you know about the Arks of the Cosmos??"
"Oh no..." Tails' face began to pale.
"Guys, we gotta move-" Tails and Wave spoke in unison. The two techies stared at each other for a moment...
Before the alarms started screeching.
"Well, screw it." Jet waved a hand. It was only then that Node's eyes caught on the addition around his glove- a silver ring glowing white. "We need those, so we'll be taking them- one way or another."
"Jet, we really need to leave-"
"We're not leaving until we have the Arks!"
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"We don't have time for this!" Bless' words were met with the lights from the alarms turning on- bathing the interior of the tower in bright crimson. Up above, the sounds of many latches letting go was drowned out by the alarms.
The ceiling opened.
Engines roared to life as Jet and his gang jumped onto their boards.
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"FINE!" Bless, for one of the few times in his life, was losing patience in the crisis. Amy had summoned her hammer to her hand again. Node was floating a few inches off the ground, hands pulled into fists, close to their body. Tails was already reaching for his hammer space. Bless let loose a roar.
The team charged, as robots descended from above, and Jet's gang rushed from the front.
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daydreamdoodles · 10 months
"I Just Want To Dance With You" is an Queer Country Anathem hello?????
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vrsmnya · 10 months
hiccup and snotlout brothers energy
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i went a bit all out for this one but i love the prompt sm THEY ARE SO SIBLING CODED
shout out to @jacks-ace for the inspiration for this
(sorry y’all im super tired today ill be continuing the asks tomorrow 😭❤️)
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
Happy Holidays! ❄️❄️ more from What They Expect please! I love that AU!
continuation of 1 2 3
It’s been well over a year since she’s seen Mustang. Al’s all aflutter about it, and how puberty has her looking like something other than a twelve year old boy, but she’s really not worried. Mustang is so involved with his own shit that he doesn’t have the time to care about hers. It would be a damning quality if it wasn’t exactly what she needed from him.
She is, sort of, a little bit worried about Riza. Not worried as in she actually thinks something is going to happen, but just that if anyone out of Mustang’s little idiot brigade would figure her out, it would be her.
Maes is a distinct possibility, but also not really. The thing that saves her, always, is that no one’s really looking. She’s loud and flashy and angry and no one thinks she’s too short to be a guy because of how sensitive she is about it and no one notices she’s pretty because they’re too busy dealing with her being mad and scowling and, with these guys, she’s got an extra ace up her sleeve.
They think they already know all her secrets.
They know about human transmutation and binding her brother’s soul to a suit of armor and every questionable and terrible thing she’s done since in her pursuit to fix it.
Why the hell would she be lying about her gender? It’s not even a thought in their heads, and if it ever becomes one, they’ll dismiss it before he even has a chance to.
Eden binds her chest tight extra tight, so her chest is nearly flat, and puts on her baggy tank top and giant red coat that hides the way her hips curve and the giant stompy boots that she really does love, sets her face in a familiar scowl, and goes off to war.
If war was child’s play, that is.
“Where have you been?” Mustang demands, towering over her and nostrils flaring.
Well. Sort of towering over her. She must have had a growth spurt, because he’s really only got a couple inches on her, which is sort of hilarious. She hadn’t noticed that he was short before. “Uh, lots of places. Haven’t you been reading my reports?”
She does not laugh in his face at the way his eyebrow ticks. She spends so much time meticulously writing everything down in dedicated code in her travelogues, she really doesn’t have the energy to spare when she gets to her reports for Mustang. Besides, he doesn’t really care what she’s doing, only that it’s big and flashy enough to distract from whatever he’s doing.
Is she supposed to know that? She can’t remember. But it’s so obvious that it doesn’t feel like something that can be a secret.
Then again, the rest of the brass haven’t caught on, so.
“What were you thinking in Liore?” he snaps.
Eden blinks. “Liore? That was forever ago. Did something happen? Rose didn’t mention anything in her last letter.”
“Yes, Edward, it was forever ago, but since you declined to answer my summons to come here and explain yourself, we’re discussing it now,” he says.
God, she’d forgotten how bitchy he gets. “Okay, well that priest guy was pretty strange-“
“I don’t care about the priest!”
She stares. She had to kill the guy twice and he doesn’t care? Honestly, she thinks it’s sort of memorable.
“What were you thinking messing with that river?”
Ed tilts her head to the side. “You’re upset about the river?”
He glares. “Of course I’m upset about the river!”
She bites the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Al’s really worried over nothing.
Mustang is never paying attention to the right things.
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lagoonalake · 4 months
enhypen ideal type pls
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Personality: justice, 8 of cups, ace of cups
Someone with strong morale and integrity, who has no time for pettiness, Focused on doing their thing and follow their own rules and code, someone deep, with strong powerful emotions, who follow their heart, very giving and who could only help if they’d see suffering around them, someone who knows what sacrifice is, who understands pain, who is a bit detached from all things shallow and materialistic, someone with a strong sense of justice who wants to help the needy pisces, scorpio, aquarius, virgo
Appearance: king of wands, 3 of cups, strength
Someone who could have a rather heroic appearance, bright, warm colors, a more masculine style, short hair, or disheveled big hair, a fierce determined look, looks aren’t his primary concern, he is more about the vibe of the person and that they can connect on an emotional level fire signs especially aries and sagittarius, aquarius
Turn offs: ace of pentacles, the magician, 5 of wands
Someone opportunistic, interested in him for his money, a manipulator, a trickster, someone who talks big and makes false promises, someone overly ambitious and competitive who wants to win at all costs, and would be ready to lie, trick, use and manipulate others in order to do so.  negative taurus, capricorn, gemini, leo
Personality: 2 of swords, 4 of wands, queen of cups
He wants something rather traditional, a balanced, calm individual, someone who can help him make decisions and is intelligent, moderate, astute, calm. He wants someone who would be fully committed to the relationship, he isn’t really interested in anything non serious. A homebody, an understanding, nurturing, motherly, kind, caring partner. Someone who could understand him without him having to talk about it, a very intuitive partner. A soothing, healing partner, with whom he’ll have this perfectly balanced cozy life where everyday is a celebration, someone who can help him find joy in the little moments. libra, cancer, taurus, leo, pisces
Appearance: queen of wands, 8 of swords, queen of cups
He likes someone who looks rather feisty, confident, sporty and physically strong, someone who carries themselves with a lot of confidence but behind all of this he actually also wants to perceive vulnerability, humility and softness. Both fierce and sweet at the same time. Could be someone with striking features but a round face, or someone really athletic but with very curvy body. He would prefer a curvy partner, hips and butt especially should be rather wide. A siren sort of look, could prefer darker skin with more revealing outfits. Full lips, wider features. Long luscious hair. aries, pisces, taurus, libra
Turn offs: king of pentacles, queen of wands, 8 of swords
Someone who would want to be the man, especially when it comes to money. Someone who wants to control everything, who is too concerned with finances, career, someone with no time to chill, with no spontaneity. Someone who is too independent financially, he wants to be the provider. Vanity, arrogance, a bully.  capricorn, taurus, negative leo
Personality: 6 of swords, knight of wands, 4 of swords
Someone very simple, not too attached to him, that would be fun, adventurous, up for anything, and would help him relieve his stress. He isn’t looking for anything serious right now. He likes his partners confident and feisty, a bit wild, very straightforward. Light hearted but sassy and a bit reckless sort of energy. He likes a challenge but it shouldn’t be too tiring either. Sporty, loud, who enjoys the outdoors, full of life, competitive, hot headed partners. People who aren’t too emotional or sensitive, nor too boring or too deep, at least he doesn't want to have to deal with that side of them. Someone he has a lot of chemistry with. sagittarius, gemini, aries, mars
Appearance: 8 of wands, 7 of wands, ace of swords
Sharp, athletic, a more masculine appearance, tall height or someone impressive physique, fierce eyes, big, bold movements, muscles. Strength. Warm colors, like red, orange, brown. Short hair. Simple style. Could prefer more revealing outfits. Sexy. mars, aries, scorpio, sagittarius, leo
Turn offs: 8 of swords, 10 of pentacles, queen of wands
Insecurity, shyness, passivity, someone too serious or mature, snobbish people, someone looking for something long term, someone who is high maintenance, someone who comes with all their bagages, he just wants something very simple cancer, virgo, leo, libra, taurus, capricorn
Personality: the lovers, knight of cups, page of pentacles
Someone romantic, a very calm, sensitive, compassionate person, a beauty, someone not afraid to express their feelings, someone more quiet, who may not be a celebrity, but still a beauty, very feminine presence, sweet, kind with animals, who loves nature, a certain innocence, very caring, affectionate, physically demonstrative, friendly, accepting, open minded, non judgemental. Someone he can build something stable with. I’m hearing “a fresh spring”. Someone who he’d want to protect and cherish. Just a sweetheart!  pisces, libra, virgo, cancer
Appearance: the world, 6 of wands, temperance
Someone he’d be proud to be with and would want to show the world. Someone who could look like him a bit or match him physically, he want to hear people say “they look so good together”. Someone calm, with a peaceful, serene energy, very symmetrical face and harmonious features. Could enjoy jewelry and accessories. Warm bright colors, pink, red, orange, yellow, gold. Feminine appearance, long hair. Dignified and regal. Good proportions and good posture. Warm, sunny smile and face. Could like a foreigner too. libra, sagittarius, leo
Turn offs: judgement, 3 of wands, page of cups
Someone too intense, invasive, who wants to change his lifestyle or habits, who wants to control everything, someone who is extremely focused on their goal and vision and has no time for the relationship, someone too naive and disconnected from reality, with a delusional sense of self importance, it’s giving delulu sasaeng energy to be honest XD  scorpio, pluto, capricorn, neptune, leo
Personality: justice, 5 of wands, high priestess
Someone fair, honest, with strong moral integrity, who sticks to their beliefs, who is open minded and treats everyone equally, still someone who could be rather competitive, confident, assertive, protective, possessive, he wouldn’t mind someone a bit jealous. Someone who is a bit mysterious, magnetic, sexy, alluring, seductive. Someone who can be very charismatic and impressive. I feel like this could be a specific person that he’s still trying to get to know. He wants that karmic soulmate type of relationship, maybe a secret relationship. He wants to stare at someone across the room and know that this will be the start of a passionate affair.  libra, aquarius, scorpio, aries
Appearance: justice, king of pentacles, 10 of wands
Someone who looks impressive, important, of high status, someone who looks in charge, boss energy, rich, very stable, grounded, rather slow energy, someone who looks like they can carry a lot of responsibility, and physically strong. Calm, grounded body language, symmetrical, balanced features, tall, clean cut, short hair, well dressed, brands, luxury, structured shapes, someone who stands out. Black and white colors. Nothing too flashy, simple but high quality, sophisticated, modern, sleek.  capricorn, taurus, leo, virgo, libra
Turn offs: the magician, 8 of cups, 8 of swords
Someone manipulative, too chatty, detached, two faced, someone who would use him and leave him, someone insecure, shy, scared, depressed. Someone cowardly. Someone not from the same circle as he. Someone outside of his comfort zone. negative gemini, aquarius, pisces, cancer
Personality: 10 of wands, 4 of wands, ace of pentacles
Someone fun, playful, who can shoulder a lot of responsibilities, who can help and support him. Good marriage material, the manager type. Could be someone older who can help him in his career, shoulder responsibilities with him, help him deal with stress. Someone committed and loyal. Practical and who always has a solution. A good advisor. Mature and realistic. Intelligent, clever, efficient, fast-paced, honest. Practical, helpful, crafty. Could be someone in his circle or from the staff. An assistant sort of energy. virgo, aries, gemini, libra, saturn
Appearance: 6 of swords, high priestess, 6 of cups
Someone who looks calm, in control, mature. Could be a bit older or just seem more mature. A kind face. Cute and sexy. Soft and sweet. Magnetic. Not too talkative. Soft voice. Looks intelligent. A bit curvy, especially chest and hips. Round cheeks. Not too tall. Almond shaped eyes, long eyelashes, refined, small features. Foxy face, can look a bit mischievous, in a cute way. Lighter colors, blond or light hair color, rosy cheeks, light skin. Smells good. Long hair. Not too revealing. Relaxed feminine style.  gemini, virgo, mercury, venus, cancer
Turn offs: 3 of swords, 10 of swords, 9 of wands
Cheaters, manipulators, people who are all talk and no action, who make false promises, people who are overly complicated, depressed, unhealthy (both physically and mentally), people who play mind games (he doesn’t have time for this and really wants a partner that can help him, be “useful” lol), someone always on the defensive, provocative, who has too many bagages, is a bit messed up, a wounded soul.  scorpio, negative gemini, pisces, pluto
Personality: 3 of cups, judgment, 4 of swords
Someone he clicks well with and who makes a strong impression on him, who can help him evolve. He doesn’t really have a specific type of person he is attracted to and he’s not too picky. Just that this person is positive, honest, fun to be around, friendly, not too complicated, independent. A bit all or nothing, strong opinions, what you see is what you get, easy to understand or figure out. Rather proud, confident, passionate, feisty, still with a lot of humor and playfulness.  aries, leo, aquarius, sagittarius
Appearance: queen of pentacles, the lovers, death
Someone sensual and sexy. Not shy to reveal their body. Someone with a romantic quality. All skin tones, all hairstyles. Feminine appearance. Very magnetic and alluring. Someone with a lot of intensity, hypnotic eyes. The color red. Wider features, big smile, strong defined bone structure, square jaw. Can be both fierce and soft. Darker aura and appeal, a bit of a femme fatale, with a natural earthy quality. taurus, scorpio, aries, sagittarius
Turn offs: 6 of pentacles, queen of swords, the magician
Someone high maintenance, an ice queen, someone too posh or snobbish, someone a bit too moderate and calm (he prefers people who are a bit more black and white and intense), someone uptight, a bit mean, cold, detached, impossible to get to know. Someone hesitant, too serious. Someone manipulative, a smooth talker (he doesn’t trust them), cunning and mischievous, two faced, who plays games with him, someone who gives too much in a way that he'd feel endebted. air signs, virgo
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coralinnii · 6 months
✧ Who’s your vibe: Heartslabyul edition ✧
How to play: out of the 20 traits I think of about the TWST guys, bold or highlight the traits you associate or vibe with. No competition, no challenge, just fun.
Heartslabyul Savanaclaw Octavinelle Scarabia Pomefiore Ignihyde Diasomnia
collared outfits \ academically driven \ watching documentaries for fun \ pocket watches \ feeding stray animals \ rose-infused smells \ actions speak louder than words \ crossword puzzles \ reread books \ is always perfectly on time \ anxious cook \ socially awkward \ tea over coffee \ sweet tooth \ valedictorian \ photographic memory \ perfectionist \ horseback rides \ manners maketh man \ ironed shirts \
freshly baked bread \ mint scents \ big sibling energy \ hats \ friend who plans everything \ safety first \ casual clothes \ supreme baker \ loves kids \ writes neatly \ loves to spoil others \ secretly mischievous \ doesn’t want to stand out \ green clovers \ beware the nice ones \ dental care is best care \ loyal to the end \ hidden muscles \ easily embarrassed \ simple and chill \ cool tone colours
social media presence \ keeps a lot of secrets \ social expert \ spicy food lover \ exhausted little sibling \ cute little fangs \ flirty \ skateboards \ guitars \ so many selfies \ band tees or hoodies \ trendy accessories \ fortune telling \ cute cafes \ pompadour \ winky face \ go with the flow \ cute nicknames \ peace signs pose \ rock n’ roll vibes \
jerk with soft spot \ shortcuts are best cuts \ angry worry wart \ brutally honest \ cheeky hearts \ prostratinator \ tsundere \ magic tricks \ sore loser \ playfully insults friends \ talks to friends during class \ messy hair \ accidentally very dramatic \ secretly sappy \ stepping around the rules \ idolizes big siblings \ visits friends without warning \ trouble magnet \ cocky smirk \ brings playing cards everywhere \
book dumb \ changing for the better \ grease monkey \ bad rep \ momma’s kid \ ride-or-die \ super gullible \ fights back \ two-toned varsity jackets \ bikes are cool \ single parent child \ delinquent days \ works on honor code \ musclehead \ good with chores \ can’t go wrong with adding eggs \ won’t know till you try \ one-track mind \ do shit, get hit \ hardworking \
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lehguru · 7 months
latino songs i relate to one piece characters and why!
info: not proofread as always, put spotify links in all of them, open to suggestions if yall want this to b a lil series or sum lol, mentions of stabbing (?)
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PORTGAS D.ACE : SOU MUSA DO VERÃO - marshmello, luísa sonza
there's something about this song that makes me think of ace in the most... unhinged way. the main chorus is the thing that really stands out to me, because not only he would look gorgeous in a edit with that, it have the same hot energy that ace exhales. he is the kind of man we would see shirtless and imagine things that become a concern to feminism; and that song is exactly what we all, ace simps, want to say to him.
NAMI : ASSANHADINHA - pocah, mc durrony
nami gives the vibes of someone that does not care, period. she just does what she wants and is not afraid to own it too. i can definitely see this song on her playlist too, not only because of the way she relates to the lyrics, but also the beat itself. another big reason is simply: my girl likes to throw it back, and this is a great song to do it without problem.
NICO ROBIN : PILOTO - flora matos
i put piloto as robin's song, because 1. i ship her with franky; 2. she would totally be the type of person (the 'pilot') that is described in the song. careful? caring? loving? a good person? a scholar? pays attention? courageous? a mate? truthful? a armor bearer? if you need, dangerous? she is all of those things and much more. and that's why she will be forever the woman that holds my heart and she should hold yours too.
SABO : EU VOU COM CARINHO ELA QUER COM FORÇA - mc don juan, mc g15, mc davi
this one i will keep short and simple. a loooong time ago i saw a tiktok that had this song as a "sabo sounds like this" and i couldn't unhear it since (i cant find it again, im sorry); plus the lyrics match very very well. thats it. i cant elaborate further.
USOPP : PAPIN - mc kevin o chris, mc caja
the lyrics say everything i need to say: "fell for my talk, it's over". it's proven over and over again that usopp can lie to people easily, when he wants to. and, after the live action, i can't stop thinking about usopp trying to win you over with a sweet talk, his eyes and voice tone nervous, but so sweet it wins you over. plus, the song weirdly fits his vibe.
SANJI : RITA - tierry
i kinda refuse to explain this one, because it's almost a joke for myself, but i shall translate some of the lyrics (think that he's singing it to you): "oh love, come back. come back, love, and i will forgive the stabbing. oh, love, don't leave me alone, come back and i will pull out the charges."
DRACULE MIHAWK : ME RECLAMA - mambo kingz, dj luian, luigi 21 plus, ozuna
THIS SONG IS SO MIHAWK CODED, IT MAKES ME SICK. he knows he's the best, he always goes to you when you call him and he's not afraid to tell others that it's "not his fault he is the one you call for". his entire persona with this song in the background makes me shake, he would look extremely ethereal with his hand on your waist, pulling you closer, and his head tilted – all while his lips are whispering sweet spanish into your ear.
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used in them belong to their respective creators!!
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
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༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
[ 1. ] just a quick disclaimer : this reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn’t, you don’t need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn’t resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious! i don’t own any these pictures i collected them from pinterest so credits to the rightful owners.
[ 2. ] please ignore any grammatical errors on my reading since english is not my first language, thank you for understanding!
[ 3. ] third to the last one, if you are not an avid fan of this kind of readings and not totally 100% agree about the outcome of this pac please just ignore this post and don’t engaged anymore. however, we have different type of being hot, it's not all about being sexy or having muscles and abs.
[ 4. ] lastly, be happy and enjoy reading my works — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the reader. (that’s me, lol :3)
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for tips, donation, masterlist and paid readings ☆
[ ♡ ] check out my second account @danisetarot.
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : all of the pictures are collected and downloaded from twice instagram account, i don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owner however edits goes and belong to yours truly. i use the editor tool ibispaint for the header, divider and piles pictures.
color code : #BC728D
sizes : piles pictures 768x768 | dividers 4096x50 | header 4096x550
(?) deck used : the light seer's tarot.
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You felt overburdened and muted from your past and now you are trying and learning to stand and speak up for yourself and for others whom you think reticent to themselves. In your past you are a people pleaser and tend to say 'yes' at everything they wanted you to be, you'd finally realized that we only live once so, you think what you can do and what is good for yourself because you think in this lifetime that the only matters is only you and not how do others perceive you, you are doing this in a healthy and good way. You are seeing the light while you walking through your own path now. The pressure that your past given to you makes you who you are today where people find amazingly about you. With the ace of swords, I think you wanted to widened your throat chakra more, where you will able to communicate and speak well to other people.
You may good at least in choosing right words when communicating to other's and if not, in singing! You are aiming to speak up for yourself and loved ones with the truth and holding it as if it's already possession into your inner voice. I see people find incredibly hot about the most is the quality of you being so intellectual individual, you are this type of person who can truthfully says "don't judge a book by it's cover", you wanted to study, read and get to know more about that specific book before giving and leaving your judgement, i mean sometimes you can kept this principle of yours frequently but you tend to tried your best to atleast have that inside your mind. I also think that there's someone here that always saying to you that you are intellectual but yet you don't even believe to them, you are doubting this capability of yours but you know inside yourself, you can do everything and you know you are creative and talented person.
Somehow, you vision all of this. You already have a clue about this, you are continuously completing your healing and improvement. You are making a progress now, expect a reward coming at your way throughout this journey. Overall, people find incredibly hot about you is that you are intelligent, creative, brave and talented.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
People who chose this pile are jolly where if they'll enter a dark room, you are the light and center of attraction there. You liked to show this traits of yours, where you are very childish and happy to others but somehow they're curious to know you, they found you incredibly mysterious and sometimes may act as a cold person perhaps you have this jolly side that you always show to others. This mysterious side of yours where these people often notice about you is the most attractive part of you. They're curious to know you more and maybe you are very private individual, which makes their curiosity to activate and somehow check and stalk your socials and backgrounds. They wanted to know you more but you tend to cut them off of what they can get know about you.
Well, i can't blame you though, you have a high intuition and tend to know what is their intentions and want to you and maybe you have a psychic abilities. I also see here that you are kind, generous and gentle but somehow you may have or might experiencing sadness. It's also hard for you to trust others, it make a lot of time to trust and rely yourself to others so you tend to always make it alone or all by yourself. I also think that you have a long curly hair regardless in what gender you are.
Furthermore about you is that you are fond and big fan of galaxies, stars, planets, forest and night so it makes also sense that you might be an astrologer. This last part may not resonate with everyone but for some, you might have a new buy crystals or new collection of crystal and decks.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Okay, people find incredibly hot about you is that you are very sexy and attractive. You have a lot of admirers pile three, I also think that you like to wear the color of red and black which makes you stand out with your circle. You are very friendly, you have a big social circle; a social butterfly indeed. I also see here that you've the prettiest smile or eyes. You value your family, you are someone who is a family oriented. If you literally have a current they see you as husband or wife material or if you are single, you consider yourself as husband/wife material.
I also here that you have a problem right now where you wanted to tell and discuss with others but fear and insecurity comes in. I think you are perfectionist individual. Some of this people fantasties you being tied on their bed or you might into BDSM kind of things. Are you good at dancing? Maybe this is one of the reason why people find you attractive. You are very confident about your talent. While, if you love kids like hanging out with them, playing with them. They find this cute and lovely about you.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
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© daninixx ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work.
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jaetyun · 1 year
Most likely to with some trainees please?
Boys planet MLT’s; a thread!
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featuring: gyuvin matthew s.hanbin keita junhyeon zhang hao seunghwan honghai gunwook jay
a/n: i use mlt kind of loosely, making every question less of a rant of most - least but more one option - another option
being pampered vs pampering
being pampered
honghai, gyuvin
i mean it’s kinda obvious
honghai is a total baby
he just wants to be little spoon after a long day of work and can u blame him :(
gyuvin LIVES off praise, he needs to hear from you hes doing it right even if it’s just simple things like cooking or doing chores
both of them spend nights giggling kicking their feet twirling their hair biting their finger over sweet texts you send
just clingy
so incredibly clingy
the more i write the more i realize gyuvin is so bf coded ☹️☹️
gunwook, matthew
now you might be wondering
how is gunwook not with the former??
to that i say he’s totally pamper you to as a congrats
you aced an exam? he’s out buying you ice cream and best BELIEVE he’s gonna be feeding you
if you can’t sleep he’ll tuck you in and sing you a lullaby <33
matthew has no preference
you just happen to end up spoiling him more often
you just can’t resist his aegyo ☹️❤️
he uses this to his advantage
“babbbbyyyyy can you pleassseee make ramen for me” while batting his eyelashes
jay, junhyeon
it’s very unpredictable w them
theres no set dynamic w either of them
you want him to buy something for you? sure!
he’s feeling little spoon in the moment? you’re big spoon 🫵
neither of them care very much
if i had to pick one way or the other jay is more likely to spoil you and junhyeon is more likely to be spoiled
potentially unpopular opinion..
junhyeon seems like he’d be very calm and chill in a relationship
he uses all his energy and humor with his friends youre his little safe area to recharge his social battery
jay is just always a very down to earth guy
he doesn’t really care either way 90% of the time
keita, zhang hao
they just have very motherlike tendencies
they’ll naturally buy things for you cause “you’ll run out soon anyways”
keita writes songs for you all the time
if morning texts were a love language that’s what zhang hao has
he hasn’t missed a single day of saying good morning and good night to you even if there was no other conversation that day
keita likes paying
i cant explain it but anytime you’re out you might as well not bring your wallet cause he’s gonna fist fight you before you’ll ever buy anything around him
the ONLY time you’ve paid was on your first date where you split the bill
seunghwan, hanbin
seunghwan moreso than hanbin
his face would curl in disgust at your attempt of big spooning
“what do you think you’re doing?? come over here” he wraps arms around your waist, leaving you as mush in his hold
hanbin is also very motherly
would literally make a lunchbox for you everyday if he could
both of them are just so good at indulging and pampering like i’m at a loss for words
i cant even explain on paper it just makes sense okay
i’m right my word is final!!!
easily jealous vs secure
easily jealous
gyuvin, gunwook
not necessarily possessive??
but they’re the type to death glare ANY guy that comes your way
gyuvin is probably a lot more pouty and gunwook
like gyuvin would be so clingy if he felt threatened in your relationship
hes just a lil insecure and needs reassurance but it’s okay cause we love him for it 💔
gunwook says he likes pda cause he likes physical touch
hes lying
it’s so he can basically let everyone around the two of you know you’re off limits
he feels like you’re too good to be true
he needs to fight for you yk
if you tell either of them to knock it off they def will though
junhyeon, keita
they’re more willing to let things go
like if it’s just someone checking you out they’re chilling
it’s when flirting starts that drives them mad
i think keita would be more vocal about it
he’d do something immediately
“you’re just so stunning-“ “arent i lucky?”
junhyeon would watch on the sidelines then scold you afterwards
once you give a friendly reminder they’re perfect for you theyre back to chilling
not nearly as much guard dog energy as the other two
but don’t mistake that as chill
keita has def said some things in the moment he wish he could take back
honghai, hanbin
the pouty boys
it takes a while for them to crack, it wjen it happens they’ll be SO WHINY
hanbin is so petty
“how does this look on me?” “why don’t you ask ___?”
hai isn’t passive aggressive he just gives you the silent treatment
most of the time some rando isn’t gonna hurt their pride
it’s your friends thatre a lil too close to you…
which results in full blown fights
it gets resolved though cause communication is sexy 🙏
zhang hao, jay
it’s not that they don’t get jealous
they just handle it pretty well
instead of being like gunwook who’s practically holding you or like keita who makes sly remarks theyll be silent in the moment
afterwards they rationalize it in their head and their fine
it’s not that there’s no communication
they just realize you’re loyal and they don’t have to worry 💯💯
i think hao is more likely to say something
not a whiny or petty comment but just a genuine “do you realize ___’s intentions with you?”
very down to earth men
they don’t wanna fight they just wanna head empty love partner
and we love that tbh
seunghwan, matthew
like they would argue with their friends over their lack of jealousy
“why would i be worried about ___? they’re not the one kissing y/n are they?”
they genuinely cannot fathom a possibility where you cheat
which is reasonable cause let’s be real youd FUMBLEEE if you lost one of those two 😵‍💫
seunghwan might have doubts here and there but overall he can realize how important he is to you and that solves most issues
going out vs staying in for dates
going out
junhyeon, seunghwan
it’s like an adventure to them
so many more possibilities on things to do
junhyeons fave dates are when you go out late at night and see what’s open
will you end up spending 4 hours at a theatre hopping around random movies at random times? will you find a cool dinner spot? will you scavenge through an abandoned building? it’s always an adventure!
seunghwan likes going to romantic places
takes you on picnics, going to a carnival, renting a karoke bar, bowling
he would totally have a bucket list of cliches he’d want to fulfill
he also just likes showing you off to the world <33
the best part is when you guys go home together both exhausted and rambling about everything you experienced throughout the day
taking showers after spending a hot day in the sun in the summer 😵‍💫 or a warm bath if it’s a cold winter day ❤️
jay, gyuvin
definitely prefer staying at home
does not mind going out though!
gyuvin has made it his personal duty to find the best cafe in town with you
you both have your own ranking you bicker over all the time
secretly his long term goal is learning your perfect pastry and trying to recreate it
he’s not telling you though itd ruin the sincerity of the coffee shop nights
jay wouldn’t mind every once in a while
it would get draining after like the second time a week though
has a soft spot for places like an aquarium or an arcade
places that might come off as childish
those jay could go to all day everyday
still doesn’t beat a nice cuddle session while watching a movie by a LONG SHOT for either of them
hanbin, keita
homebodys at heart
would do it for you though
especially if they have super outgoing s/o’s
very easy to convince
will react in very opposite ways though
if hanbin ends up agreeing on a date night out hes making 100000 steps and plans
he knows exactly where you’re going and when you’re going down to the minutes
he wants it to be perfect for you!
keita though
he lets you pick
“you wanted to go out! so where should we go??”
very easygoing though
down for literally anything you’d wanna do
except like rock climbing sky diving or axe throwing
that’s a hard no
matthew, gunwook
i honestly have nothing to say here
it just makes sense okay
im tired
bare with me
zhang hao. honghai
okay homebody by ph-1
their ideal date is making a lil dinner for you then playing a board game or video games
simple men
they just like being with their safe person in their safe space
zhang hao will show you all his fave tv shows and want your reactions
hai will spent HOURS just scrolling on tiktok with you next to him
it’s like a game to see how synchronized your fyps are
if either of them have a pet they’d love playing with their pets w you
if you have a pet theyd have play dates
doesn’t matter the species
you guys will make it work
like who says it wouldn’t be iconic to have a dog and bird friendship??
staying at home
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inthestarsme · 2 years
Astro Observations pt.5
‼️Don't repost my Observations without consent and mentioning my page‼️
I very much respect non-binary or trans people. If i'm talking about man or woman, i'm talking about cis-men or woman i know, because often, due to societal coding/standards, there can be differences depending on the gender. But it could very much apply to you if you are non-binary or trans. Just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, as spiritual people like to say.🫶🏻
If you don't agree with my observations, please don't send any hate. They're only my personal observations that i'm posting just for fun. Especialy the specific ones can only apply to certain people. So don't take anything you read too seriously. It's not a science, just pop-astrology!😎
‼️TW: Mentioning of mental health struggles, abuse and other darker stuff. If you think reading this might trigger you, please stop reading!‼️
So let's go!
Lots of planets in the 7th house, especialy conjunct: A big part of this life might be about your marriage partner or life partner or just the relationship to your closed love ones. This can be amazing, but i need to tell you to be careful who you choose as a partner and who you let close to you in your life. As this is the house of open enemies too, this could also go south, especialy if there are also planets like mars, pluto or saturn involved. this could go from just staying in a unfulfilling relationship way too long (because your life seems to revolve around this relationship and you don't see a live without it) to being in an abusive relationship. ❤️‍🩹
Saggitarius AC: This gives the person bad guy vibes, but in a different way than Sag MC. In the MC it's more how the public perceives you, maybe through the career choices you made, but not necessarily how you actualy are as a person. In the Ascendant it is how you might actualy be like in more private settings or how you show yourself to your closer peers. Not a bad person, i feel like to be that saggitarius has way too strong morals, but just this bad b*tch energy that surrounds them and like a dark "emo" vibe. Or your actual personality could be described as "bad bitch"-like. could also really like dressing in black/ darker colours and/or with spikey/scary accessouirs.😈
Sun in Leo in the 8th house: I already talked about in another post how i've met a few people with leo sun who told me they love sex. One of those people has Leo sun in the 8th house, and he is into bdsm. so basicaly, i think the 8th (scorpio) house influence gives this love for sex a more extreme touch, and because scorpio is also posessive, stuff like bondage fits into it as well.⛓️
Chiron conjunct AC: You might've struggled with bullying or got outcasted by people who were dear to you because of the way you looked, dressed or how you behaved. But it doesn't have to be because of other people, it could just be that for some reason, you never liked your personality and always saw something wrong about who you are. Because of this, the thing you're most insecure about or hurt you the most is yourself or how you view yourself. I feel like this is a difficult placement for Chiron because it's hard to heal Chiron wounds. They are where we know how to heal others but we don't know how to heal ourselfes. And especialy because we might not think we're even worthy of healing, this placement might especialy struggle with dealing with their insecurities.🫂
Planets in the 22nd degree: As many may know, this is the so called "kill or be killed"- degree. How i personaly interpret it is, that in whatever planet or other placement you have this degree, it will be hard for you to develope the good trait of the planet. Let's take sun 22nd degrees in the 7th house as an example. You may naturaly love to be in love and love relationships, it's where your heart lies, but because of this degree, you have experienced so many relationship wounds, that you get a huge ego (the sun can also be ego if underdeveloped) to either hide your wound, or in the hopes of never getting hurt again (or both). This could then either make you completely turn away from relationships or a very narcissistic partner. And especialy when you have other more challenging planets conjunct the sun, it can make it even harder. You feel like, you either kill your heart, or you will be killed by it, because it may for example hurt too much. 🔪
Jupiter conjunct mars in the 10th house or conjunct the MC (also just Mars, but Jupiter "enlargens" the placement): Your career might be all about fighting. If it's just in the 10th house it's just your career and what you may be professionaly most respected for, conjunct MC may be what the general public knows you for. This can mean literal fighting like marshal arts or fighting in a war.🤼‍♀️
Ruler of the Ascendant in the 12th house: I personaly have this placement, and it's really hard for me to truly understand who i am and what defines me. As i get older i learn more and more about myself, but at the same time i have to unlearn a lot of stuff people told me about myself which i then belived to be true (because i didn't know who i am). For example, when i went to school i was always directly or indirectly told that i was more or less stupid. Everyone thought that, because i couldn't express myself properly in front of the class because of social anxiety. Because of this social anxiety, i was also always seen as shy, which is why i always thought of myself as shy and introverted by nature. But now as i got into university and learned how to approach people and my social anxiety has gotten a lot better, i now know i am actually way more extroverted than introverted as long as i'm surrounded by the right people and actualy not shy at all. And i learned that i wasn't actualy stupid, my struggle was just expressing myself properly and not having enough access to proper knowledge or the mental capacity to learn new things (i had quite a hard childhood, so i mentaly had to deal with a lot of stuff). So i feel like with this placement, it's important for you to always challenge what you believe to be true about yourself and be open to changing your perspective on yourself. Just because you may think something about yourself because everybody has made you feel like you are whoever they thought you were, doesn't mean you are actualy that. To you especialy i wanna say: i feel you, and you can got this!💪
Moon in the 12th house: This could mean your mother being abscent because of her having to stay in psychitric care or in prison or just some sort of very restricting place or situation. She might have been a drug/alcohol addict. Or she could've been emotionaly absend or it just felt like she was absent because the connection to her was missing. But i personaly could never make a connection from my moon sign to my mother, even though this is a interpretation a lot of astrologers make (which is why i feel like mentioning it, it's still valid). For me personaly, i feel like the moon just tells you about your emotions and how you might try to soothe yourself in different situations. With this placement specificaly, it might be very difficult for you to access your emotional life because you surpress your emotions and so they hide in your subconscious. Because of that, it might be very hard for you to know how to soothe yourself, so you might turn to drugs and because of that end up in prison or they express themselves in mental health struggles which may lead to you needing psyhchiatric care (or also to prison, if you do something bad because of that). But i don't want to make it seem like it's not okay for you to get the help you need. This is not an easy placement, so if you feel like you cannot handle what is going on with you psychologicaly, please seek professional help!🌘
Mars in the 7th house: This placement can indicate your partners (or just close loved ones) being potentialy abusive or you tending to be more aggressive towards your partners. Whoever is your open enemy might especialy try to go against you in a more aggressive way, so be careful with this one!🤕
That's it for today! If you liked it, feel free to leave a like, comment or to even reblog my post. Until next time, stay the beautiful human being you are.🫶🏻
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irbcallmefynn · 5 months
Eventually the cringe energy within me will start bouncing around at such a high speed it will only be comprehendable as a tone. This tone will, of course, match the resonant frequency of reality (comparable to the resonant frequency of an orange) which will cause the laws of physics to be shaken apart violently, allowing me to perform ACE (Asexual Code Execution) and run Doom on every Chrysanthemum on Earth simultaneously. The combined satanic energy from this (identified by the Catholic church) will activate a sleeper agent gene in every therian in the world, causing us to all immediately transmogrify into our true selves.
When will this happen? Uhh idk I'll have to get back to you on that.
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