#acid lich
acid-lich · 3 months
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A portrait of an Alexander horned sphere I drew for a professor’s birthday
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ash-the-cryptid · 2 years
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you've been spotted
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Taking a prodigious amount of psychedelics in 2021 basically defragged my mind. In 2022 I got my memories back and became obsessed with math again, a return to my purer 4 year old form
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that-house · 10 months
Do a personal ranking of every damage type in dnd 5e
13. Bludgeoning. now this may strike some of you as controversial but here at that-house it's our heartfelt belief that hammers are for pussies
12. Piercing. arrows and spears? also for pussies
10. Poison. if i wanted to Not Deal Damage i'd be healing people. half the statblocks in the game are immune to this shit. hell, half the commoners in the game probably picked up at least a resistance somehow
9. Thunder. what
8. Fire. look, fireball is nice and all but again. i'm here to HURT people. this is DAMAGE types. stop resisting me. places above thunder damage because Meteor Swarm, like the birgus, fucks hard and fast (that's right, i cited my sources. thank you hbomberguy)
7. Cold. A lot like fire, but, strangely, hotter.
6. Acid. What poison wishes it was. like if fire was a juice. Sexy and destructive. oh yeah baby melt the flesh from my bones
5. Lightning. fuck, man, i just really like lightning. it's probably the most used damage type in my campaign, purely by accident. helps that one of the PCs is immune to it, so he gets to feel cool
4. Necrotic. liches are hot. don't question that previous sentence ok. let's move on
3. Radiant. if you're cool, that's nuclear radiation. if you're cooler, that's pure rage, cleansing wrath in damage form. if you're lame it's basically fire damage but borrowed from god, and that's still pretty cool
2. Slashing. Swords are fucking awesome, man. I'm gonna go live by one sure hope nothing bad happens
1. number one... it's gotta be Force babey!!!!!!!! least resisted/immune damage type, eldritch blast, what can't she do? the F in Force Damage stands for "fuckable" and the M in Magic Missile stands for "i'M gonna use a legendary action to magic missile your unconscious body so that you fail three death saves instantly that's right bitch it's force damage time i'm playing hardball"
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seramilla · 3 months
Dragon’s Blood Curse AU
(What if fantasy setting where Carmilla was a champion for the Unseelie Court? And what if Sera was the High Fae of the Seelie court? I dunno!! Just had a lot of what if’s while thinking about Carmilla as a dragon)
Atop the hill looking across the dark forest stood the grey and foreboding decrepit castle. In the topmost window of the highest tower stood a tall thin skeletal figure clad in black attire. The lich paced for some time as the sun started to dip behind the tree line. He decided to check on the daughters of his dearest friend before speaking to her.
Zestial made his way to the alchemy lab and quietly opened the door just a sliver. He smiled seeing Odette taking notes of what appeared to be an elixir. He had no doubt she was looking for a way to help her mother. Odette had always been the more studious child. He watched as she removed a glove revealing a scaled arm then pluck one off her arm. He holds his breath as she places it in a bowl and pours the tincture over the scale. An acrid smell filled the air as the scale sizzled and dissolved like it’s in acid. Zestial’s eyes widen seeing her grab the vial in a fit of anger and frustration and throw it against the wall with a snarl.
He let her be as he quietly closed the door and headed further downstairs.Zestial made his to the balcony of the crumbling courtyard and found Clara practicing her swordplay. Judging by all the destroyed training dummies it was safe to assume that she too, was in an irritable mood, so he continued deeper down into his ancient abode. He could hear the sound of chains rattling as he approached the barred door to his dungeons. He had not needed to use them in over a century. Now he was refurbishing them for his close friend. She refused to stay anywhere else in his home and quickly learned the reason why she made this decision.
Magic pools into his hand surrounding it with a glowing green energy as he mimics the motion of unlocking a door.
The enchantments and seals dissipated and the massive iron bars slid back allowing the door to open. He approaches the inky black room that fell silent. He was early it would seem as his eyes met a large pair of blazing crimson orbs filled with rage and spite of a deep injustice. A large light stormy grey snout snaked into the dim light as lips pulled back into a snarl revealing a dangerous set of teeth followed by a dark grey mask like marking around the furious orbs. Next came her large black horns and luxurious mane of white fur accentuated with a few black stripes. The chains rattled and went taught as she lunged at him. He could feel his cloak being disturbed by the air flow from the massive talons slashing the air in front of him. Perhaps he should have knocked first. Any further thoughts vanished as a roar of despair and pain shook the foundations of the castle. Black and purple flames erupted from the dragon burning away the form till a much smaller shape of his dear friend remained.
“Carmilla, art thou alright? Thou were rather upset, was thine beloved on thy mind?”
Zestial held out a hand for her. A large white hand takes his.
“Yes Zestial, I was thinking of her.”
“Why? Thou knew the High Fae of the Seelie wouldn’t be able to court anyone beneath her station.”
Her crimson orbs with white irises stared sadly into his.
“She loves me Zestial, me who was nothing more than a human champion of the Unseelie court. She loves me so much…and I love her…but when our courts discovered our union…”
She shudders and wipes her eyes.
“Well the blame fell solely upon me. But no one expected the Seelie to give such a cruel punishment. Her court cursed me Zestial, the Seelie court cursed me.”
She sighs walking to the small grated window and gazes into the moonless sky.
“But at least she wasn’t punished… How are-“
Zestial stops her in her tracks.
“Thy daughters are well but hath thrown themselves into aiding thou however they can.”
Carmilla gazes up the stairs with worry. Her daughter had been lucky to barely have been affected by the Dragon’s Blood curse. She starts to head towards them only to be stopped the silver shackles.
“Fret not Carmilla, they shall arrive shortly.”
Zestial unlocked the her bound wrists. as they slowly headed up to the main hall.
“Mother! Zestial!!! There’s a fae!!”
At the sound of Odette’s voice, Zestial and Carmilla rush at the the rest of the way there only to catch sight of the fae collapsing on the floor. They looked terrible and they had a squirming bundle. Carmilla cautiously approaches and sees an infant in an embroidered blanket. She looks at it more closely and freezes. She recognizes her own stitch work. Carmilla had made this for the next child they were planning on having. She moves back from the unconscious form realizing who this is and why they are here.
Zestial whisks away the unconscious Sera to Carmilla's room, where they both check the fae for any serious injuries. Carmilla asks her oldest and dearest friend to turn away for a moment, while she cleans Sera's wounds. The woman must have been through Hell — she’s covered in scrapes and bruises, and looks exhausted. Carmilla dresses her in fresh clothes and puts a cool rag to her forehead.
Zestial stands off in the corner of Carmilla's room, holding the babe and singing to her in a deep and enchanting, dark hymn. The child seems comforted, thought she is still quite shaken up from whatever had caused Sera to become unconscious. The child had been protected from any serious harm by the embroidered blanket that Sera enchanted prior to the child's birth. It's seen better days, but the fibers are still intact, and there’s no blood from either the child or Sera on it. Thank the Heavens for that. Carmilla's foresight had born prescious fruit yet again.
Carmilla had always suspected the Seelie might attempt to harm another of her and Sera's children, were they to find out about their coupling. This most recent event had been the last straw, and thus the curse of the dragon inflicted upon Carmilla would also be carried down to any of Carmilla's blood. The effect was lessened on her and Sera's descendants; Sera's Seelie blood has a pacifying effect on the curse, but Clara and Odette still have their own problems to bear. They research, study, and concoct enchantments for hours on end, desperately seeking a cure for their mother, and thus, their own predicament, as well.
But even this latest child, Zestial can see, isn't immune from the Dragon's Blood curse. Specks of rainbow-colored scales adorn her small face like freckles, under each of her eyes and scattered around her nose like little reflections of sunshine upon her face. This child's patterns seem almost...pretty compared to the grays and blacks of Carmilla and her daughters. This child also resembles Sera...much more so than Clara and Odette. Some deep enchantment is at work here. And Zestial thinks he may need for Sera to awaken before any answers are forthcoming.
Carmilla observes Zestial with her and Sera's youngest child, singing to her and calming her, just like he'd done with the other girls when they were babes. Thankfully, this one falls asleep very easily. Zestial strokes the child's cheeks with one of his sharp, vicious claws...they could tear through bone and flesh so easily, but with her children, the lich is as gentle as a lamb.
She's thankful for his help. Carmilla is still reeling from the fact that Sera is here...with her...and she'd brought their third-born with her, to boot. Carmilla has so many questions...she pleads with Sera, entreats her to just wake up! Her logic fights with her emotions, knowing the other woman must rest, but also mentally demanding answers; this back-and-forth between her Unseelie self and the impatient, predatory nature of the dragon is an imposition on her, even now.
Thankfully, it doesn't take long for Sera to stir. Whether from sensing Carmilla's tender hand against her face, or from the strangeness of her new surroundings, Carmilla can't be sure. But as Sera's eyes open, after at least an hour of Carmilla standing vigil by her bedside, squeezing the other woman's hand, Sera’s light gray eyes finally meet Carmilla’s red and gold.
Sera's lashes blink desperately, as if trying to make sense of what she's seeing. Carmilla grips Sera's hand closer to her chest, hoping the faint smattering of scales on her hand and forearm can't be felt by the other woman in her drowsed state. Sera blinks heavily again, and then shakes her head...then meets Carmilla's gaze, and there are tears in her eyes.
"Carmilla!" Sera cries, almost too out of it to do much more than squeak the name aloud. Then, as if coming back to herself, the Seelie starts to sit up, and look around the room desperately. There's an air of panic and worry to her features. Carmilla thinks she knows why.
"Emily?" Sera asks, still looking around the room desperately for her daughter. She hasn't yet spotted her being held by the dark figure in the corner. "Where's Emily?!"
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
since we're talking abt isekai tavs i wanted to bring up how much i love isekai tavs (or protags in general) who lowkey are fighting for their lives but are still somehow positive because they prefer it over their boring life at home. like
"sure i dont have to worry about someone turning me into a sheep and throwing me into an acid pit for the 5th time, BUT theres no dragons or hot elves at my office job"
bonus points if the companions are slightly unnerved by modern technology and customs.
Imagine having to explain AI to them and be like
"Yeah it's a good thing you guys pulled me out of there when you did, yeah the robots started getting a bit too good at mimicking human beings and creating deepfake videos and pictures. Yeah it was a whole thing"
Or explaining the current wage difference and how Isekai Tav was actually considering picking up a night shift second job because their landlord raised their rent again, again. And how they never realised how much adventuring pays, that they've risked their life at worse jobs for even less before.
"This food is really great by the way" and it's the most basic of vegetables and meat, but by modern Tav standards, it's a feast in comparison to fast food and the low quality foods at markets.
They explain copyright to Gale once and make an example of how the person who created the fireball spell can claim it as their own and charge every wizard a fee to use it, yeah even if the wizard is using their own magic in channelling it, no no they don't own the spell if they pay for it, they are only borrowing it and the original creator and pull it back anytime.
Isekai Tav finally being a state owner, they just had to battle some loser lich over it and kick him out of the castle and now they have a house and his previous undead servants and maids, they still pay them because they feel bad. The undead sometimes just eat the gold or spend it on cool hats.
Maybe when they got into the game, they had like a backpack or something with their snacks in it. They give Lae'zel a sip of their energy drink and she stays up until sunrise, chopping off most of the forest trees with only her sword and forcing Astarion into training sessions since elves don't need sleep.
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theticklishpear · 3 months
Five Lines Tag
Shout out to @roselinbooks-official for the tag! Thank you — it's so nice to reconnect with you on the EmberWrite community. I'll be responding with lines from Murder in Saint Salma Parish, as that's currently what I'm focused on in near-final edits (a murder most curious, a pet shop trafficking mythical creatures, local gods in danger, and a painting of bigfoot that cannot be trusted not to tell the most devastating of dad jokes, oh my!).
your most recent line
Aphiruuk climbed into the passenger seat of Mary Ann’s car, asking for the window open as soon as he settled. Mary Ann obliged. How could she not? There was every possibility that Aphiruuk could breath fire, or acid, or something, and she didn’t have the first idea about how to clean that out of her car’s floor mats.
a line you're proud of
“Do you know why you are doing this?” Sylvie’s slow, measured question seeped into her, a soft question that didn’t demand an answer now but expected one with time. That felt right for this place, a place that understood so well the roles that patience and time played—that life and light and growth needed both—a place that knew that all came to pass with enough of those.
a line that makes you laugh or smile
“I’ve got books upon books of regular, boring paper and one that’s just a whopper of a mystery. Whatever you are, answer at least one fucking question.” She yanked on the old handle. The shed opened into void. The vastness of stars stretched out from the threshold with a cloud of cosmic dust, the scent of burning, and a sucking gasp. “Sure,” Mary Ann said. “Y’know, when I told Ron it couldn’t get weirder, I didn’t mean you should try.”
a line you hope makes readers cry
"Gods, Mark, we wanted it to be you. We strained our ears…just waiting, hoping, praying. But you weren’t there.” She squeezed Abe’s hand. “Someone else needed you more.”
a line that summarizes your WIP
In her silence, Sylvie prompted, “Speak, child. You need not be formal with me.” An easy statement from a god, but all the same, she felt the tension in her shoulders ease. “It’s strange. Ron offered to take the ring the first time I met him. I said no then because there were so many questions that needed answers. So many whys still hanging around. I know more now. There’s this whole world of magic that I only ever thought was story but turns out to be not only real, but part of my family’s inheritance. Learning what Valda did, I’ve felt responsible.” “It was not you who let a lich into the paths of the dead to feast upon the foundations of the world.”
Tagging: @luwianskies, @writer-on-time, @agwitow, @gingerly-writing, @beezarre — as is tradition, no pressure, but I'd love to see:
a line with a scream
a line you fell in love with
a line with a whisper
a line you almost took out
a line that's got ✨your vibe✨
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PJ's former warlock patron is a demilich by the name of Ni'hiliza. Ni'hilza (he/him) was once a powerful lich. However, his mind/memory was manipulated by a powerful mage (said mage was Ni'hilza's ex-husband, Ruukvlad #awkward). The rare time magic the mage used on Ni'hilza forced his mind to erode at rapid rate, resulting in him forgetting to feed on souls and retreat to his tomb. Ni'hilza then wasted away until he had nothing but his skull left (aka becoming a demilich). Still, what a powerful skull it is...
(tw: fantasy racsim & colonization) Ni'hiliza was once a tiefling wizard who was shunned from his hometown for specializing in necromancy and for marrying Ruukvlad, a hobgoblin clockwork soul sorcerer. His town also shunned him for "betraying" them and siding with the hobgoblin's. His town had built their homes on hobgoblin land, refused to acknowledge it, and then got mad when the hobgoblin's repeatedly attacked them.
Ni'hiliza moved to live with Ruukvlad amongst the hobgoblins. While there he learned a lot about their culture and about magic. He was happy there, but the peace didn't last.
Although the hobgoblins stopped attacking his hometown, his hometown kept attacking them. So many innocent people were hurt and killed in the process... Only adding to his stress was the fact that Ruukvlad got diagnosed with a rare, incurable disease that would kill him within the next 5-10 years.
After Ruukvlad got diagnosed Ni'hiliza spent all of his time researching magic and possible solutions. After 8 years of research he found one and only one solution -- turning the both of them into liches.
While he was practicing lich making on himself, Ruukvlad was busy protecting his community and trying to make some sort of peace treaty with Ruukvlad's hometown. Although peace treaty talks would fail, the two communities would temporarily unite together to fight off dragons and defend livestock.
Ruukvlad came home and saw fire, shouting, magic, weapons and assumed the worst. He was blinded by his rage and under the assumption that his hometown was attacking the hobgoblins yet again unleashed a series of ruthless attacks. He burned the tieflings' homes into ash, made it rain acid and destroyed their crops, and made it downpour with icy daggers. There was so much blood that the nearby river turned red. In the end, there was nothing left of the tieflings except their blood.
Ruukvlad was both angry and fearful of his husband. His husband wouldn't listen to reason... In his blind rage he killed armed and unarmed people alike... The elderly, the young... It was a massacre. Pre-lich Ni'hiliza would've listened. But that's the real problem. Ni'hiliza is a lich now and he feasts on souls. Every soul tastes delicious and helps him stay alive. Needless to say, Ruukvlad divorced him on the spot.
Ni'hiliza would raze the countryside, killing anyone and everyone he felt deserved it. Despite their divorce and their arguments he never touched Ruukvlad and the hobgoblins. However, with Ni'hiliza changing more and more for the worse, Ruukvlad decided to not take his mercy as a guarantee. Entering his husband's lair under the pretense he wanted to get back together, he gave him one last kiss before using his time magic to make his mind deteriorate, weakening him and turning him into a demi-lich. Sadly said magic took what little energy the sick Ruukvlad had and he died shortly afterward.
Ni'hiliza now only has the skull from his remaining body. However he's pieced himself together using bones from various wanna be warlocks and eager heroes who dare enter his lair. He uses magic armor and a magic mask to hold himself together.
Ni'hiliza tricked PJ, convincing the young, lonely boy that he was some sort of deity of wandering/lonely souls and pranks. He promised PJ everything he wanted -- the power to protect himself, a family (he's the one that introduced PJ to the gang he later joined), and adventure. An impressionable young PJ signed the contract without reading the fine print. Oh what a mistake that was...
Between PJ's handy shapeshifting abilities and antics with the outlaw gang, there was plenty of chaos for Ni'hiliza to feed himself off of. And even if PJ himself wouldn't kill anyone, sometimes an accident would happen or someone else in the gang would kill someone -- that's how Ni'hiliza got the blood and souls he craved.
However, over time, PJ came to dislike the violent nature of his gang. That combined with the train incident (see pinned) led to him cutting ties with both the gang and Ni'hiliza.
Info on how PJ forcibly broke his pact tbh.
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evildoerzinc · 1 year
What causes a Lich’s muscles to get sore after working out?
Phy-lactic acid.
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acid-lich · 2 months
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Trying some things out for a commission 🐇🪷
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probablyfunrpgideas · 10 months
Adventure Location: The Caustic Cataract
From the towering heights of a rocky peak, a waterfall of green slime cascades and roars as it falls into a pool below. Nothing can live on the cliff face or the nearby area, as the slime burns into vegetation and flesh with terrible force. A great place for a dramatic confrontation, a sinister experiment, a ritual resurrection...
Potential settings: if this is in some remote region of your world, it might be the blood or venom of some enormous subterranean beast! Pathfinder has the imprisoned god Rovagug who might spit up toxic bile through the earth - perhaps this place is congealing into an Immortal Ichor, a sinister ooze with divine power. Or maybe such a strange landform isn't found on the Material Plane at all! In Planescape or another otherworldly setting, the acidic slime pouring from the heart of this mountain could be an elemental or philosophical essence. Adventurers visiting this place might be seeking a portal to the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze or the soul jar of a lich, constantly bathed in pure evil.
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Being mortal is pretty fucking easy with wizardry at your side!
Don’t wanna be hungry anymore? Grab a big ole slab of troll meat and eat that shit (after figuring out a way to make your stomach acid 10 times faster.)
Feeling lonely all the time? Take your nearest extra dimensional pocket pouch and chant for the bag man! (With gloves, he bites.)
Having trouble acquiring a partner? Be a better person, you fuckin nitwit. (You thought I was just gonna advocate for you to hypnotize some poor man/lady/person? Of course not, get fucked.)
And if you really just don’t want to be mortal, just be a lich. Not like an evil one of course, that seems to always end badly for those types.
Follow for more tips and tricks with your friend, Grumble Wumble. In our next post we discuss the implications and consequences of making a lord of the land shit-cum-and-piss his pants, in front of all his subjects. Maybe next time you won’t call my goo wizardry a sham, you bitch!
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magicalgirlagency · 9 months
As for a Demon Slayer MagicalBoy!au, I got some ideas that I think you'd like to read:
*The story would focus mainly on the power of Hope, and how it along with Kindness can do many great things. As terrifying as I made the Demons in this au, it'll still have a Happy and Hopeful Ending. And Tanjiro, Nezuko will get the Development they deserved.
*If you want to skip straight to Tanjiro part, its at the 5th paragraph downward, the few first paragraphs focus more on the Demons
- just give Muzan magic, how tf does drinking a blue flower liquid give him superpower and also the ability to mutate other humans into demons with superpower like how does that work??? Just, instead of weird rare blue flowers tea, make him an actual, magical, supernatural cryptid that's also an undead entity like Afton from FNAF (who is basicaly a modern day lich) Muzan'd gain power through dark magic or sth, and the blue flowers is just one of the many material needed to truly make him OP
- the demon are flat out eldritch-humanoid abominations now, as they are humans mutated by magic. Most of their ability remain the same (they'll have acidic blood now though), except sunlight would only hurt them, not straight up kill them. Normal Demons can be killed if one hurt them enough with magic to overload the healing system, effectively shutting down their regeneration ability. The Lower and Upper Moon demons would actually have a sort of separated "core", in which their immense power is housed (as there are too much magic to safely store in their body) - sort of like a Lich in fantasy stories. So the issue with killing the Demons Moons is that Slayers have to actively search for the Demon's Core (which for the upper moons, can be cores, they are powerful enough to have several of these) so even if a Slayer severely damage a Demon, they still can't die unless their core is destroyed. Additionally, if one were to fight a Lower or Upper Moon, they don't have to damage the demons themselves, they only need the core to be destroyed in order to eliminate these Demons. As such, these Demons hid their cores in extremely hard-to-find-and-to-reach place, and often change their hiding spot for safety.
- Normal and Lower Moon Demons are hard to fight, but the Upper Moons are just absolute nightmare now. When encountering an Upper Moon in their true form (no human disguise), even a long-time slayer will get scared sh*tless. Because the very atmosphere around these Demons is unnatural. A human standing before them will feel like a tiny ant meeting something far bigger and stronger than they'll ever be. Slayers, as they are magic users in this au, can bypass this somewhat. But upon meeting an Upper Moon they'll still get the horrible urge to turn tail and flee. Looking directly at an Upper Moon will cause some mild headache and dizziness, looking straight into their eye would f*ck with your mind real bad. An encounter with Upper Moon Demons tend to make weaker Slayers - if they did survived - sleepless for weeks, haunted by nightmares and night terrors. As for a Hashira, the effect will last a few days or a week at most. Their cores also inflict similar haunting effects, but they can be found due to their unnatural properties as well.
- Demons that disguise themselves can be found by Slayers through their magic Trails. The stronger a Demons, the better they can conceal their Trails. The Lower Moons can hid their core well due to this. The Upper Moons however, just as their cores, leave trails that the slayer couldn't even detect. The Trails detecting ability of the Slayers function like our eyes and ears - there's a range, a limit to how much colors we can see and what sound we can hear. Similarly, there's a limit to what magic Trails Slayers can detect, and anything outside that perceivable range is basically invisible to them. To find an Upper Moon or their cores, Slayers have to rely on their instinctive reactions to these Demons unnatural auras.
- magicalboy!Tanjiro have memory power of some sort. Like, if he touches someone when they're in an extremely emotional state, he gain a glimpse of all their memories, an overall view of their life. This also extend to Demons before they die, which will allow Tanjiro to view how they came to be, how they lost their humanity. This is to make use of all those sad backstories the demons are given, seriously, why did the writer put them there to begin with if they don't impact the story? This would tie in to Tanjiro development in this au [more about the boi below]
- at first, Tanjiro is just a good boy who want to save his sister (who has a much more important role in this au) from demon-hood. Too kind, too gentle, just like his original version. However, through time he'd meet actual cruel humans, who made him doubt himself, his compassion and humanity goodness in generall. This'd double down when he shift through the demons memories, seeing how their life before Muzan was already made horrible by other humans. This'd make Tanjiro incredibly doubtful if everything he does actually have a meaning, does being kind truly have any effect on the world, at all? Maybe he ended up despairing so much, his only goal now is simply killing Muzan to save his sister, and he'd give up on anything else. But his sister, her hope and kindness, along with all his friends would made him hopeful again! They would help him realize that "yes, what you do always have an impact, being kind always does have an impact!" He'll stand up again, still full of compassion and empathy despite having seen humanity darker side...
- ...which will also give him a new motive to move forward, other than kill Muzan and save Nezuko. He want to be the light of hope that people need in their darkest time. When he look back at all the demons memories, he realizes that had there been someone, anyone instead of Muzan, who truly desire to help these unfortunate humans, they wouldn't have become demon out of despair - because that someone would've gave these poor souls hope, hope for a better future, hope that they will get better, Hope That they will get their Happy Ending. Muzan was their despair and darkness personified, he dragged them down to the darkest part of their heart, and thus they lost their humanity. Then, Tanjiro will be their light, their Hope. He couldn't save the demons nor can he save everyone, but he could save some from becoming a demon simply by helping them when they need compassion the most. This will set up a clear parallel between him and Muzan, with Muzan being cruelty and despair, while Tanjiro is Kindness and Hope.
- Nezuko, give her a role, an actual role instead of "moe silent girl". She'd retain her human mind (consciousness, intelligence, memories, etc.) but also gained quite alot of Demonic instincts after becoming a half-demon (Muzan make her into a demon by accident, so the process wasn't fully correct and she became a hybrid of sort). So she'd still attack Tanjiro at first, but stop when her human mind come back in full focus. Throughout the story, she'd have to actually fight her demonic part that want to hurt people, she cant just sleep it out now. Nezuko would drink human blood, using a spryinge to take people blood (with their consent ofc) and drink those blood instead of having to flat out eat someone. The bamboo mouth piece thingy would stay (it help reassure her that she's okay), so she and her brother communicate with sign language instead! (Make for some good wholesome sibling bonding eyyyyyy
- Nezuko will help her brother fight demons and save people, obviously. She can't eat human foods anymore though, her body can't process them (not even meat), so if she tried to eat anything other than human blood, she'll get sick and will vomit out whatever she ate. She's also able to detect other Demons' Trails more clearly, including the some of the Upper Moons Trails (although their Trails do left her extremely shaken whenever she felt one nearby).
- The Demon Slayers are Magic Users in this au, utilizing their power to fight the Demons. Their Breathing Style is actually their way of using their natural powers. This mean that all those Water, Fire and Lighting, etc. that appear when they use their attacks is very real and contribute alot to their wins.
*Sorry for such a long ask, I'm very passionate about this au of mine and just want to show someone about it to see if it can be improve in any way
Does Rengoku survive the Mugen Train in this AU? His death was the reason I gave up on watching the series!
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eyesoverinfinity · 1 year
DnD Au
This is a au where the survivors are kids (around 13) playing DnD and the infected are their characters.
Here is what I came up with under the cut:
Ellis: Jockey, a koblod Bard from the college of valour. His dream is to show that not all kobold are evil via communication (bad jokes that only he laughs at) and fighting evil. He is small even by koblod standards and is often underestimated because of it. His instrument is a banjo.
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Nick: Hunter, Nick choses the classic Human rogue with a thief subclass (It's his first campaign ok?) A man with a shady past who is trying to make up for their life of crime by becoming a adventurer. He knows the in's and outs of most cities they come across and is often teased about being edgy due to the fact he never takes off his shroud. His weapons are haladie's.
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Rochelle: Spitter, (Black) Dragonborn sorcerer of draconic bloodline (if the words dragonborn didn't tip you off). She is a scholar who seeks new knowledge for her city's library and to quench her thirst to use her magic. She has scars on her mouth from an attack her home town, due to the acid of her breath weapon they never properly healed. (I couldn't make it work on the site, so just imagine that's there.) Her weapon is her magic.
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Coach: Boomer, (Copper) Dragonborn cleric of the life domain. His home town was attacked by undead when he was young. He was one of the few that survived, he turned to the dragon god Bahamut for guidance and became a devout worshiper. He is quite large and his robes do not help with this appearance. His weapon is a staff.
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Zoey: Witch, Half-elf wizard of the school of war magic. Sick of the inactivity of the elves against the evil raging out their home, she decided she'd run from her mothers home and learn how to fight from her human father. She is quite shy and is avoiding being noticed because her mother sent a bounty for her return. Her weapon is her magic.
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Francis: Tank, half-orc barbarian following the path of the berserker. He hits things and hits them hard, comes from a long line of people who hit things and wants to follow the family tradition. He chose to be a barbarian because he is really good at getting angry. He fights with his fists.
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Bill: Smoker, fire genasi ranger with a monster slayer subclass. Fighting in many battles, he tried to settle down and live a normal life. But that was never in the cards for him. Eventually he gave up and decided to hunt monsters to fill the hole in his life. He has forgotten how to fight as well as his battle days, but he is a fast learner. Even if his fire now give off smoke due his age. His main weapon is a grappling hook.
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Louis: Charger, Minotaur artificer with a artillerist subclass. Lost an arm in a bandit raid, he decided that he'd use his know how to make his own. One so strong it made his original one obsolete. He was employed to make prosthetics for others, once he made one for every in his area, he began adventuring to help others outside of his home town.
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Keith is the Ai director/ DM btw. Here's the big bad he made:
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It's name is the jade lich, guess who's it's in game counter part.
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badly-drawn-ghost · 9 months
Alright, so I wrote this one sometime in the summer while I was sleep deprived and probably dehydrated. Most of this is built around the original idea, which was for a power system for something. Ended up focusing way too much on the tech aspect of it and sorta forgot about the main thing for a bit. This is gonna be lengthy, since it’s taken directly from my notes. Just a warning before you read the rest.
Example: Desecration, a cursed weapon that takes the form of a Glaive, with a glowing orange blade. The true name of the lich is Coluar, the Shadow Emperor of Flawrest. The glaive’s ability is called Hell’s Legion, and it uses the Voyant’s blood to summon shades to aid the wielder in combat. These Shades all wield lesser, spectral versions of Desecration, and can each use it’s ability to summon weaker Shades. This can lead to the enemy being easily overwhelmed by a massive army of Shades. Shatter ability: the shades transform into monstrous beasts, fusing with the spectral glaive and becoming Eldrich fusions of shadow and some other element. When Coluar takes control over Evelyn, this changes to having complete control over her blood. This version does not have a name yet, though it is suspected to be the “full” version of Hell’s Legion that Coluar can use.
The Voyant of Desecration is named Evelyn “Cycle” Châtirel. She’s happy-go-lucky, usually looking on the bright side of things. She isn’t terribly smart, but she’s optimistic and loves adventure. Also, she has a robotic arm, and keeps steampunk-style goggles on her forehead at all times. While controlled by Coluar, she’s known simply as “Cycle”.
This concept would work well in a cyberpunk-style world, where cursed weapons will most often take the form of laser-based or disintegration-based weaponry.
Said cyberpunk world’s tech, key figures, and other stuff:
HELIX(es): Gigantic, robotic and mechanical violent monstrosities that roam the wasteland.
Myriad Walker(s): Robotic battlesuits, designed for war. Heavily armored and armed.
Ash-Gatling(s):High-power LASER rifles that fire fast. The shots are devastating. Named for the ash-gray coloration of the shots.
Impulse suit(s): Smaller, more speed and agility focused war suits. Less armor, less weaponry, and a smaller size means it can move faster, and get in and out quickly.
Chimera(s): Devastating war suits built for siege. Slower, but with heavier weaponry and devastating flame and white phosphor cannons means it can lay waste to anything it comes across.
Titan(s): Gigantic, crashed ships that litter the Quiet Wastes. Most of them are half-buried, and have heavy damage that’s unrepairable.
Quiet Wastes: the desert wasteland once known as the continent of Europe. Almost entirely irradiated sand, drinkable water and clean air is hard to come by. Highly dangerous, as HELIXes and corrupted Myriad Walkers roam everywhere. Crashed and broken machinery is everywhere. What little water you can find is usually highly acidic, to the point of melting skin and bones.
New Harmony: the dystopian city that occupies what was once all of france. Lead by the New Harmony Government (NHG), and surrounded by gigantic walls, it’s dangerous to go anywhere outside of the city, and highly illegal. It has sky-high crime rates, and hardly a day goes by without some sort of murder being reported. The NHG is also very corrupt, often taking bribes from CYEO.
Haven: a city of near-mythical status, on the continent of what was once North America. It’s said throughout New Harmony that Haven is a safe, crime-free, HELIX-free city where the air is clean, even outside the city.
TITAN #37: The wreckage of a massive Titan that’s mostly intact, though it has no power source. It’s called Titan #37 because that’s what was painted on the side. It’s often used as a base or camp when people manage to escape the walls of New Harmony.
CYEO(CYbernetic Escalation Opposition): Despite the name, CYEO is the lead producer of tech, androids, prosthetics, mechs, and cybernetics. It’s the organization that controls most of New Harmony, and directly and secretly controls the NHG. It is corrupt, and its CEO is unknown.
Note: I should really summarize this, and write more about the New Harmony Government(NHG) itself. And probably weave the main idea of the story into it more.
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This is the side blog of @acid-lich
Here you will find many things, including but not limited to: math stuff, molam stuff, language stuff, perhaps some art process stuff, anything that won’t really fit into my art blog. Will probably talk to some degree about my experiences with both autism & epilepsy. Social media has been very strange this last year but I’m not quite ready to give it up entirely as an outlet/repository for things, hoping to once again try to revamp this as a place for that as many social networks dissolve or eat themselves alive.
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