#actually he died 100 years ago this year huh
killerchickadee · 9 months
The man singing is likely the first recorded cantor and also happened to have been my great-great-grandmother's brother. So my. Great-great-great-uncle?
Anyway it's very cool to hear my ancestor's voice, recorded well over 100 years ago.
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cactikiki · 4 months
Name your headcsnons about our boi Kieran (Apologies if you have done this already)
I HAVE SO MANY. this is probably a fraction of my headcanons honestly but I don't remember them all lmao. HERE WE GO!
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• he has anxiety, the tism™️ and BPD (twinning 🤝)
• stims include tapping his foot, rocking his hand to the side of him, bouncing his leg (or foot) when sat down. He also has vocal stims, which usually come from tunes or phrases he hears; wowzers is one of them!
• playing with his hair is a big stim. He ruffles it, pulls at it, twirls it, strokes it, runs his hands through it, etc. He likes how his hair feels and that's why so many of his stims involve it :]
• he often mutters to himself, whispering his inner thought processes
• his parents left years ago. He has no idea where they went, only knows that they didn't care about their kids. When he was young he was told they'd died, to 'protect' him. You'd think Carmine and the grandparents would've learned from that incident during teal mask, huh? (This is also the case for villain!Kieran, but normal Kieran would likely avoid ever meeting his parents)
• he is terrible at video games. Still, he likes playing them on occasion; definitely more of a 'cosy game' enjoyer with a biiiiit of threat. He'd play Minecraft, Stardew Valley and Terraria for example
• he's short right now– shortest of the friend group– but he'll eventually be pretty tall when he's 17. Shorter than Nemona and Arven at that age, but still tall enough that it shocks people at first
• chocolate wafer bars are his comfort food!
• his grandma taught him how to cook, while his grandpa taught him how to make tea and to knit.
• despite the above, he's not very good at cooking... he burns things. A lot.
• during his emoism™️ he would kick things, punch things, slam things etc and every time, he'd act cool about it until he was out of the room. Then he lets out a little owie or a hiss of pain </3
• started cursing more the moment his hair was tied up. He was convinced it made him sound more mature. Even after everything's said and done and he's doing better mentally + friends with Florian and co again, he can't quite shake the habit and curses every so often in conversation
• resting bitch face + talks in a 'moody' quiet voice a lot, leading people to think he's annoyed when he's actually feeling neutral or even happy
• if cat person vs dog person exists in the Pokémon universe, Kieran’s a cat person. I guess this means he likes Pokémon that are more like cats, whether they actually are cats or not
• he likes flowers a lot. That's it that's the headcanon. I think he'd like sketching them and studying them, maybe his original pokémon team and the open fields of Kitakami made him interested? And, funnily enough, his crush's name means blossoming, flourishing flower....
• he still stays up late and sometimes doesn't sleep at all, but this is much rarer now. Normally it's because he has a good(-ish) reason not to sleep– at least, that's what he says.
• applin was his first Pokémon!
• when he traded Florian an applin, Florian traded back a shiny applin. He actually started this search right after he left Kitakami, and found it a week before heading to Blueberry; he was prepared and wanted a good way to apologise. Of course, he didn't expect what'd happened with Kieran.
• Florian has a shiny furret. It was on his team when he fought Kieran and won; after Kieran boxed his own for being too weak. Ouch.... (based on the fact I had furret as one of my last pokemon when his ace went down </3) this is technically a Florian hc but!! It made Kieran rethink a little, later on. It was also extremely devastating at the time
• Kieran naturally gets really good at battling. He could 100% be part of the elite four or even the champion when he's older, even with him slowing down and doing battles just for fun
• Kieran doesn't always enjoy physical touch, but he's also pretty touch starved. He likes hugs and anything gentle, and usually only from people he knows well
Feel free to ask for more headcanons about him or candyapple etc in future, I love doing these posts!
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the-crow-binary · 5 months
"Overbearing, he bends to no one's will"
So Dracula is a bratty bottom?
Deep inhale
Year 1094: Mathias Cronqvist loses his wife. In his rage and grief, he goes on to "betray God" by hurting everyone around him and achieve eternal life. He then asks, pretty much plead with Leon to understand and join him. Bratty Bottom behavior.
Somewhere before 1476: Mathias meets Lisa with who he falls in love, to the point it momentarily brings his humanity back. Bottom. Lisa dies and he gets angry, change his name into Dracula, and plot revenge against mankind this time, like he did against God so many years ago. Bratty.
Year 1476: His behavior leads Hector to betray him. He gets hurt and even more angry (even before being 100% sure it's a betrayal), sending Isaac after him, ordering him to bring him back if he is alive so he can basically torture him because he just can't bear being betrayed. Bratty but also Bottom because he seemed to care a big lot about Hector. Like. A big big lot. 🙂 Trevor and friends arrive and kick his ass, so he curse the land in return. Bratty.
Year 1479: He comes back to life and immediately goes "Hector! Why did you betray me ? ):< Humans suck and you should know it already. ):<". Then he gets defeated again and goes "I don't care my curse wille still destroy the stupid humans ):<". Then Hector goes "Nuh-huh! I can reverse it!", and he proceeds to die in a scream. Bratty Bottom.
Year 1576 to 1591: He comes back to life again wich is already very bratty of him. Fights Christopher a first time, makes him believe he died when not really, waits for the perfect moment to strike again, then years later, kidnaps his son. He then proceed to make father and son fight against each other. Bratty. And also Bottom because I bet he wanted to become Soleil's second dad.
Year 1691 to 1698: Comes back to life, sees Simon wich would turn any man into a bottom, and not only does he cast a curse on the land AGAIN upon being defeated, but he curses Simon, SPECIFICALLY, as well. What a brat. Then Simon accidentally brought him back again and killed him again. Bottom.
Year 1748: Bro did not even actually resurrect and he still managed to be an ass a menace through his wraith. Bratty. He then talks about drinking Juste's blood to make himself "whole again", literally saying he needs to fill himself with a Belmont('s life) to live, like bro. Bottom. 😏
Year 1792: "Blablabla it's not MY fault I came back to life, it's the HUMANS' " How can you be brattier and bottomer than by having a whole philosophical conversation with your sworn ennemy about how you have no control over your resurrections it's just that people are asses. 🙄 (Dracula even has Richter dolls all around his castle for Marie to collect like bro just marry the clan already)
Year 1797: He starts as bratty as usual but then Alucard reminds him of the bottomness Lisa woke up in him, and he calms down. Less Bratty as he dies with regrets, but still very Bottom of him.
19th century: He comes back to life more corrupted than ever. Proceeds to flirt with Shanoa, then underestimate and kinda mock her, only for her to defeat him with his own power. The balance between Brattiness and Bottomness has been corrupted as well in favor of the Brattiness, but his inner Bottom is never too far.
Year 1897: Comes back to life. Gets killed by Quich Morris, but mortally wounds him as well. Bratty Bottom.
Year 1917: You have to be the biggest of Brats if it takes a whole world war to resurrect you. And yet, a big Bottom if it doesn't even prevent you from immediately getting killed again lol.
Year 1944: Came back to life not at full power. Fought alongside his eternal hubby, even fusing with him (so fighting with Death inside him 😏), and still lost to two kids. Got killed by the sun, after musing that he will regain his full power one day and that they'll see who will have the last laugh. Bratty Bottom.
Year 1999: Julius topped that man so hard he never recovered from it again. The end of the Bratty Bottom millenia-long terror.
It took Death using books about how much of a Bratty Bottom his dead husband has been to bring him back again in GoS. So, of course, he was still a Brat who wanted to play with his ennemies by fighting them, and a Bottom who let Death penetrate fuse with him to use his powers like they did back in 1944.
So, to answer your question... yes. Dracula is a Bratty Bottom. Always has been. I'd say that his whole job is to be a pain in the ass of everyone, but he's too much of a Bottom for that. 🤭
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lizhly-writes · 1 day
i guess we never really talked about og clw who was the most passive depressing mess (worse than yhr) as a protagonist on tumblr, huh? maybe that one snippet where he met transmigrator clw...? it's so funny to me that he got excluded from the grand meta of yhr-as-best-guy lol. tho maybe he was just internally folded into the "yhr is depressed" universe. you know what we've never done, iirc? og clw and clh as siblings growing up together. lmao
yeah "original protagonist" clw never really made it onto tumblr. the weird crossover event happened, but the context behind it was never there.
well, have something.
Chen Liwei vaguely remembered having emotions. Relatively speaking, that hadn't been so long ago. That had been back when he was a teenager, and right now, he was only in his twenties. Theoretically, he had his whole life ahead of him. How long was that going to be? Another five years? Ten? Twenty?
Imagine that. Years upon years of the same routine. Wake up, get dressed, go to work. He would have his face and body examined and touched; he would attract the attention of some man who would pay money or time for him; he would be harassed or assaulted. There were variations, but every day boiled down to this.
It occurred to him that he should be bothered by this. In actuality, it didn't make him feel much of anything.
Chen Liwei didn't feel much of anything at all, these days.
Philosophically speaking, there was no real difference from what he was doing now and dying on the spot. If every day was fundamentally the same as the next, then he had already lived out the extent of what he was due on earth. It wasn't as if there was much of a point of waking up in the morning.
He supposed, more practically speaking, that his manager would be out an employee. Sooner than later, yes, but that was always going to happen. Chen Liwei was a model, and models traded in beauty. Beauty only lasted so long. Boss was going to toss him out for a younger and prettier model, and then Chen Liwei would have nothing to do.
This wouldn't last long. There were plenty of men who would happily take control of him. Some of them had told Chen Liwei this to his face. Chen Liwei, having nothing better to do, would follow. This would continue until the day he died.
Chen Liwei wondered if that day would come soon.
I will go ahead and say that Chen Liwei's mental state does not degrade as far as the above text when he has a sister, because if it does, then who's left to take care of his sister? There are still... not great moments.
"Gege," Chen Lihua said. "Please eat something."
Toady, Chen Liwei had come home and had immediately fallen asleep. He slept a lot, these days. Chen Lihua hadn't noticed it, at first. Then, when she had, she brushed it off. Of course he would sleep. They were both always tired. Chen Lihua had given him shit about it, but not seriously. She'd just poked fun at him for going to sleep instead of studying.
At some point, it occurred to her that she couldn't remember the last time she saw him eat anything at all. He couldn't have time for it before school, with how late he woke up in the mornings, and that meant that he didn't pack anything to bring with him for lunch. A normal person would just buy food along the way, but... it was true that money was tight. If Chen Lihua herself had forgotten to pack lunch, then there was an almost 100% certainty she'd skip the meal; it wasn't as if one skipped meal would kill her.
One skipped meal.
If he wasn't getting breakfast, and he wasn't getting lunch, and he fell asleep before he could eat dinner, and if he then slept through the night --
"I'm tired," Chen Liwei mumbled. "I'll eat later."
"Will you, though?" Chen Lihua said, voice going high.
Chen Liwei looked up at her through sleep-blurred eyes. "I'll eat later," he repeated. "You should eat."
"You fucking hypocrite."
How could he say that? 'Go eat', as if he had any room to tell her that when he wasn't eating a single fucking bite? When it was his turn to cook, did he even eat a spoonful before he went off to sleep? What was he doing? What, was he trying to die?
Was he dying?
"Don't cry."
"I'm not crying."
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lustfangs · 9 days
Time to send another horny, horny anon ask story!
First things first: part 2 of the 'at work' story has already been written and sent in (unless by some awful connectivity issue it didn't make it to your inbox, which would be disheartening at least). In respect of that, this new tale will be a fun look at why sometimes, having a study partner can lead to unexpected places (dear heavens above I hope you get some rest from all that work you're having to do, vamp).
All in this month's smut fiction: It's Not Plagiarism If Your Brain Switches Off Around Me
So: another month, another thrice-damned assignment. Something or other about some guy who died 300 years ago and how this affects the modern application of whatever. In other words: potentially interesting in theory, horrendously boring and time-consuming in practice. 12,000 words, to be submitted by the 11th. Wonderful.
Now, this would be fine - easy, even - if not for the fact that the friends you normally do this sort of studying with are all off on a study trip (one they are very eager to share via social media). Huh, wonder who that tall guy in all the photos is? Nevermind.
Anyways. All you need to know is, you don't have a study partner to help you focus, and you're feeling unusually responsible enough to start the damn thing three weeks in advance.
Thank you, adderall.
Ah! But there is one person you could call on! A guy you haven't talked to in a while - you are majoring different things, afterall, but this seems like the sort of stuff he'd know about anyway. A few text messages and an extremely corny joke later, you've arranged to meet up at the library for a couple hours, seeing as he's not up to much anyway and is willing to help.
You meet up in the library for the first time in over a year and... boy, he must have been hitting the gym quite a lot since then. That is, if the strangely clinging shirt he's wearing is anything to go by. Sly dog, walking around with a too-small shirt just to show off... mmmm...
Of course, he says it's because he doesn't have any clean shirts right now (ha! as if) and had to pull out an old one from a year ago, but whatever the case you're soon settled down in a secluded corner of the library building, poring over a 100-and-something year old biography of Deadguy Whateverhisnameis, as your old/new/hot friend launches into an explanation of what's up with that dude and why anyone still cares.
It's long and meandering and you're pretty interested, actually, the way he says it - deep voice, slow and steady and yet still enthused enough to keep you awake. Well, it's that or the fact your eyes keep sliding off his face and down to his bulging cock. It's not even hard, and yet you can see the thick bump under his pants, set against his leg. A glance up reveals he's noticed-- and a blush flashes hot across your cheeks, before awkwardly stuttering that he should continue.
With a knowing smile, he obliges, keeping the words as short and interesting as he can, to maintain your attention on what he's saying.
Oh my god he's hard now. It's pulsing, throbbing through his pants. It must be... what? As thick as your wrist? Oh my god...
He says something, and you wrench your eyes up again, hoping ever so hard you're not red as a beet. He just smiles, and asks if you're feeling hot or something. What? Oh, you took off your sweater; just a tank top now, and nothing else. His eyes remain firmly fixed on yours, that so-sweet look on his face as if he can't see your nipples begging to be taken out in the open, stiff points feeling so sensitive against the suddenly-rough cotton.
"Go on, sugar. Take your time."
Oh god. He's just looking at you, and you've gotten so horny you're humping the desk, pussy soaked enough to sound wet even through two layers of clothes, seeping into the chair's pillow. Why are you this bad? Is it because you didn't have any sex lately? Or because you're pretty sure you know why your friends are hanging around that tall guy in their pictures? So many thoughts, so much that's making you so horny, and him all big and aloof and seemingly ignorant of how fucking horny he's making you--
The hand on your neck is almost a relief. Tightening grip, your head starts getting hazy, and your tongue lolls out on its own.
"God, you really are a slut, huh~"
Your eyes slowly drift to his face - or they try to, at least, before you're pulled from your chair and half carried, half dragged, by the neck, to a dark little room in the corner, just behind the bookshelves. A light click announces the lock, but all you can focus on is getting your breath back.
Not like it matters, since the moment you finally take a good gasp of air again, he's there to stuff something in your gaping maw. The taste jolts you awake, and you try to get away - say something, scream, just make sure you can escape- but you can't. You're mouth's full, and he's bucking his hips, fucking into your sloppy mouth.
Wait a second.
He's not moving his hips anymore.
Why are you still gagging on his cock? You can get away - you could run, push past him and-- And what? He's locked the door. Maybe you could pretend to run instead, then present your pussy and... the thought's made you so horny, so sopping wet, that the moment you feel hot cum shoot against the roof of your mouth, you just start swallowing.
Tongue working round and around, you clean off his fat meat, and give it a kiss as he slowly pulls out. You... can't believe you just did that.
A sudden rush, and you're against the door, desperately scrabbling for a way out. It's locked. You knew that already.
Your jeans hit the floor with a thump, and you bend over further to look at the lock, hoping it's just a latch or something easy... like you.
His tip punches your womb. Your eyes widen. Everything slows down, as the pleasure... and the beautiful pain hit your brain at once. Ragged gasps. Why does everything feel so sensitive?
What's that inside you? Oh! It's deeper! That slapping noi-- He's gripping your throat again, firm hands clenching around your windpipe, as he pummels your weeping pussy, stretching you out so much you're crying. Blubbering, sobbing, you taste his seed on your tongue, and feel him so deep, inside. You're his toy now, his to ruin and fuck into total submission.
Your knees knock together, dropping you a little further down onto his huge shaft with a gasp - and the hot spurt of virile, ruinous cum, right up into your begging womb, breaks something inside you.
You're still on the floor, in that dark little room. He's cum in you so many times you've lost count. He's started talking about that assignment you've got again.
"So every time you think of studying, you'll call me over to help."
Then he fucks you so hard you scream, and pass out.
He comes to your place the next day, stack of books in hand.
You get about two sentences done before he's dragged you, begging and weeping, into the bathroom, so he can fuck you loud enough for all the neighbours to hear. You don't care what they can hear. You just worship and fall apart as he uses your body, again and again.
He leads you out of the bathroom, coated in cum, and sits you down to study again.
You're sucking his cock again before you know it, hot tears welling up as you realise what's happening
By the next week, all he has to do is come by your house, and you're stripped naked for him, fingerfucking yourself on the kitchen counter so he can watch you mewl his name as you cum.
He's brought some friends over, is that okay? They're here to make sure you're studying just right as well. You don't even make it up the stairs before they start breaking you in. The house reeks of sex, and you've fallen in love with him.
You finish the assignment on time, and rush to him to show off, like a good little pet. He gives you a present - a camera.
He sends a video of what you do for him, to your friends.
You get a video just like it back, from that tall handsome guy you saw before.
When your friends get back, you introduce them to your new boyfriend. You wake up on your cum-soaked bed, and share a sloppy kiss with your boyfriend's dick, then another with all your other broken-bitch friends.
Suffice it to say, you suddenly just love studying.
Heyyy vamp! Hope you like this new installment of "slutty shit I send you because I feel like writing a story we'll both cum to"
Well do I know the drudgery of academic endeavours, so I wish you every amount of rest you can manage to get in the coming months. Also, if you'd be interested, I could write you a significantly longer piece (for a small fee)
Haven’t logged on here in nearly a month because my finals are right around the corner and when I tell you this made my eyes roll back with how good it was …. Definitely one of my favorites you’ve written so far anon
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esculentevil · 7 months
A few years ago, @thorinduil made a post asking “which songs make you think about Thorin, Thranduil and the Thorinduil pairing?” Last year, I answered them via reblog and then kept adding to it as I remembered/thought of more songs... Instead of reblogging THAT reblog for its one year anniversary, I decided to post my answers separately, here, and just update THIS list, instead, from now on. SO! Basically: My Thorinduil Playlist~ xD
"Walk Through the Fire" by Zayde Wolf feat. Ruelle
Also “Young and Beautiful” by Lana del Rey which I literally wrote a fic about.
And “Famous Last Words” by My Chemical Romance; perfect for survivor!Duil
Fuuu!!! “Poison” by Alice Cooper!!! Jive, how did I forget that one? Thank my mate, everyone; s/he reminded me rofl while we RPed
Rediscovered “Empire” by Shakira and think it’d fit them perfectly~
“Steady, as She Goes” by The Raconteurs has major wait too long vibes which, seriously, is 100% Thorinduil (especially since Thorin dies with his glue blood...); altho I’ll admit this one only occurred to me cuz it’s in my mate and I’s playlist and, like with Poison, we were talking about these two yet again lmfao and also this fanvideo which got me thinking of S,aSG halfway through it so... yea
AND “I Don't Care” by Apocalyptica ‘cause it fits/these both reminded me I love it
“I hate U, I love U” by Gnash ft. Olivia O'Brien: this is literally their love story
Perhaps strangely, I think “Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)” by Eurythmics, Annie Lennox, and Dave Stewart would work for them--especially Thorin
“Gingerbread Man” by Melanie Martinez; partly because of this video; but also because of the climax of the song not shown in that edit (which is a real shame cuz that was sort of the part that sealed it for me and got me to add it to this list): Thranduil is so the icing on Thorin and Thorin’s so the crumbs on Thranduil and they’re 100% loving hard, fighting, breaking, and eating each other into nothing
“I Want To **** You Like An Animal” by Nine Inch Nails; for obvious reasons
“I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)” by Meat Loaf because, legit, that’s just Thranduil on top of that cliff refusing to throw away his people/family
“Say Something” by A Great Big World because acesout is right
“Unsteady” by X Ambassadors because, after writing “Once I trusted/relied on/believed in you and you let me down” and “Once I had hopes that we could build something beautiful together but reality reminded me that I’m old and ugly and not good enough (for you) so I thought it best to let you go when I should’ve held you” in this and reading acesout’s post linked above and realizing it’s true... I just want to see/read them holding onto each other like this v.v They deserve it.
“Rude Boy” by Rihanna and probably also “Only Girl in the World” by her, too; actually, “We Found Love” ft. Calvin Harris and “Diamonds” and “Stay” ... Huh... Rihanna actually has a LOT of songs perfect for them... their whole love story...
“Enemies” by Lauv because the sentiment is so them.
“Fire” by Wang Yibo because this romance is ALL about playing with fire~
“Accidentally in Love” by Counting Crows cuz it’s literally what happened
“Not Another Song About Love” by Hollywood Ending because, seriously, everything about this song is them: they hate everything about each other while also needing everything about each other and wanting each other’s love ‘til it all runs out ‘cause they’re all that each other’ve been dreaming of~
“I'm Not Afraid” by Tommee Profitt ft. Wondra but mostly just the first part/verse; the rest of it strikes me more as Thranduil fighting depression/Sauron’s shadow while knowing he’s not only lost Thorin as a lover but gained him as an enemy...
“Locked Away” by R. City ft. Adam Levine cuz it’s literally Thorin losing it all--from mountain to crown to gold--and yet not getting that Thranduil locking him up IS him sticking with him, by his side, and grounding him through the goldlust
“Baby Love” by The Supremes because Mizugetsu on YT is a folking genius and I always liked this song anyway--also, it just really fits them rofl and their story
“Teeth” by 5 Seconds of Summer: the “dangerous beauty/love to hate” vibes just work and the simp!Thorin feels--@lady-astria and I were just talking about this!
“Always” by Saliva because there’s nothing unThorin[duil] about it; it’s all them (especially, I think, from Thorin’s POV post-Smaug straight up to BotFA)
“Kiss from a Rose” by Seal because “my power, my pleasure, my shame” period. But also it really does sound like Thorin singing about Thranduil, his lit rose.
"Let Her Go” by Passenger; because sometimes you only know you love him when you turn away from him and his burning home to protect your own... or when you’re dying with a hole in your chest and finally UNDERSTAND WHY your One did that and finally stop hating him for it... because you never did.
“Unconditionally” by Katy Perry because it sounds like Thorin (mostly) and Thranduil grappling with their surprisingly deep love for each other as well as their inability to trust each other after all the betrayals they’ve suffered through; this song is what I think would happen if Thorin just admitted Thranduil was right and a good king for not asking his people to die for the dwarves that ignored him—and if Thorin’s love for Thranduil were stronger than his need to be number 1 or to horde and covet literally everything including Thranduil’s love and attention.
“A Sky Full Of Stars” by Coldplay because, in the canon, Thorin IS this to Duil and Thranduil WAS this to Thorin and every night he sees him there still
“Gravity” by Sara Bareilles; because something always brings them back together—it never takes too long—and they’re always there for each other... even when they’re gone
“A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri because it’s literally reincarnated!Thorin with Never-Sailed!Thranduil forever waiting for his love(s)’s return~
“Broken” by Lifehouse because Thranduil’s still holding post-canon; and, truly, they were both holding onto each other before all that even if they won’t admit it
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sakkac · 1 year
summary of my thoughts on see you in my 19th life episode 1
ban jieum <3 <3
pool huh……..
water imagery… i miss the library as the location of their first meeting but water imagery is saur- [explodes]
idk personally i was expecting the car accident to be in the first ten minutes like a jumpscare, but i like how it was drawn out and hinted at throughout the episode. also i am soooo smug abt already knowing what joowon was telling seoha before she died. like that ate me up when i was reading the manhwa but now 😏 hehe. but im still saur excited for the reveal in the kdrama
they put so much money into this. it is deserved i enjoy it it is slaying etc etc
love the child actors… seoha’s child actor looks like hwanwoong so much though that i couldn’t take him 100% seriously as seoha. i’d see him and im like OMGGGGG…. who made baby hwanwoong CRY????
love how they contextualized ban jieum’s prev lives…. her past lives were things i always wanted more of. i wanted to know how she exactly became the person she is today. because i feel entitled to knowing how my wife became so <3
ban jieum as a child is the funniest thing ever like she just has a mission to see seoha again and then she’s doing the most outlandish things to get there. shes like “he made me feel like a child again and forget my remembering of my past lives” and then she becomes a child laborer. for him. girl i love you
really love the expansion of jieum and ae-gyeong’s relationship. in all im a very big fan of how many things have become contextualized and grounded in the kdrama vs the manhwa. but i still love the manhwa so much….. lee hye's manhwa ban jieum will always have a grip on me
seoha’s dad is such an asshole….. why did they change him. bring back the fucked up guy who at least kept to himself? [redacted] [redacted] 😭
adult seoha in the pool was 😌 my exact words seeing that scene was “man’s looking good…. NIPPLE???????”
they already showed how he only sits in the front seat now…. crying. no one look at me i need some privacy to recover
HoH seoha canon in the kdrama 😭😭😭 i hope they keep seoha’s habit of keeping the tv on too 😭
his hearing aid is sooo small and it looks expensive…. fucking chaebol
ban jieum please give me one chance. plea
great first episode…. got all the feelings and put everything in order for the viewer to understand ban jieum’s world
i actually never told this to anyone, but i always thought this would make a GREAT kdrama. like it has all the kdrama tropes (emotionally repressed and traumatized chaebol, poor but hardworking female lead, side couple, car accident, mom dies, one [1] friend each for the female and male leads) and an interesting quirk (ban jieum <3). so im so so so happy please take care of me in this life as well has a kdrama and it has so much money and effort put into it. and the actors are wonderful so far and beloved…. like apparently ahn bohyun lost some weight to play seoha bc seoha’s supposed to look frail 😭😭😭 GOD HELP ME that is so true hes like a flower you accidentally stepped on but you pick it up and nurture it because it has a certain charm abt it. this is why i trust ahn bohyun for this role... its like he peeked in my brain. anyways. if you told me two years ago one of my favorite manhwa EVER would have a kdrama like this i would say “it’s deserved” but i’d be hiding a smile.
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#if your doc tells you you have terminal disease it's not them treating you bad it's just their luck to be the one to give you the message
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i know lucienne used to be dream’s raven, so clearly she used to be out in the waking world, and before that i presume was also a mortal like matthiew so there’s that but that must have been eons ago right? 
so she’s been the librarian for ages, and i don’t suppose she’d have a reason to leave the dreaming.... and then dream gets captured and all goes to shit and im just thinking - would she be scared or wary of going out into the waking world? even if there was a valid reason for her to leave the dreaming? would dream be wary in a protective way if it ever came up that lucienne wants to go elsewhere for reasons? is she allowed? the questions just multiply like my damn plot bunnies dammit
and then, she saw the dreaming collapse, does she feel safe there? is she scared that one day her library will disappear again? does she have anxiety? *sobs*
38 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
so who’s writing lucienne-centric parallel episode to the pilot where dream is gone and she has to wonder abt him and worry and has no answers and more and more dreams and nightmares go away and she has to manage the decay and hope he comes back, with a nice ending when she finds him laying outside the gates finally - or do i have to do everything myself around here? xD
48 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
ya im happy for victor and the trans coming out and how that was worked into the plot, that was nice and i liked the little bonding diego had with allison
but what the actual fuck was everything else? warning for spoilers
lila dropping their child on diego after having custody for 12 years? and his shitty attempts at parenting until the kid killed klaus? and then it’s tu eres mi sangre and it’s fiiine - oh btw it’s not actually their kid, lila just wanted to fuck with diego but she’s pregnant and surely that’s a great prognosis for a healthy family i can’t even....
allison is off the fucking rails this season and five is worried about VICTOR turning into a villain???? what the actual fuck? what do you call somebody using mind control to try and rape their brother huh? act of a superhero???? and at the end she gets her happy ending with the daughter from the present and husband from the past which i am happy for on one hand but at the same WHAT THE FUCK how about we get an explanation HOW that works? we didn’t care about diego’s fake kid enough to bring him back to life and check on him after the universe reset but this is cool huh?
don’t get me started on ol’ reggie - somebody needs to kill that slimy bugger for good and dismember him and just to be extra sure the chopped body parts should be locked separately in different corners of the world, maybe THEN the bastard will stay fucking dead
the ending was a mess and im not satisfied - they went to an alt dimension? and stood on magic tiles and almost died to power up some alien machine that was left by the creator of the universe or whatever that reggie somehow knew how to operate and the button was pressed an boom, allison has happy family and they are all healthy
ON THAT NOTE, i would just like to say FUCK YOU sincerely to the writers for that ending - one character loses two fingers in the final battle, the other loses an arm but guess fucking what? they are fine and dandy after the magic reset bc of course it wouldn’t be a happy ending if disability was allowed to exist right?
52 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
so jodie regenerated into DT, huh? not into the new guy, but into DT
and ya i was dreading RTD coming back bc he has issues and is a one trick pony - i was just proven right
to add insult to injury (or the other way round), you know how every doctor at every damn regeneration wears the clothes of the previous doctor bc regeneration only affects the body and ya clothes may be ruined but THEY'RE THE SAME CLOTHES? well not now! apparently DT couldn't possibly wear the clothes jodie wore for her entire run, very curious as to WHY that is.
and also saw a screen in another post that DT and CT are not just coming for a special anniversary but they get THREE EPS? which you know, very weird having loved them as much as i have, when they were on in S4, and i should be bloody excited right? but there's no enjoyment, just bitterness im feeling bc they could have come back in a completely different way - any way.
there are crossover eps with multiple doctors, it's not HARD but i guess RTD couldn't have his best pal DT play second fiddle to a new guy or something - like, honestly WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO THINK?
ALSO as much as i love DT - JESUS FUCKING CHRIST he regenerated from chris into tenth doctor, then in s4 he regenerated but stayed as DT 'bc he liked that body' and then later in s4 got a bloody half human clone with his own face, and now we have another regeneration into DT face and like, i don't give a fuck at this point if there IS a magic brilliant explanation for why he showed up and why the clothes changed along with the regeneration, im just pissed bc HOW IS THAT BLOODY FAIR?
the news abt casting of the new doctor? overshadowed by DT + CT coming back! and now that jodie is out, in the trailer there was just a small one liner snippet from the actual next doctor - they couldn’t let him have his own day be about him so the trailer too cannot be about him.
yes i know this is a messy rant and im probably shitting on the fucking parade some of you have (i wish i could be happy about them coming back) but DT and CT coming back COULD HAVE BEEN HANDLED MORE RESPECTFULLY and they couldn’t even bother to do that AND THAT pisses me the fuck off.
75 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
spoon feeding blood to a vampire
but the spoon is silver
94 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kamil-a · 2 years
another acepost longpost? another one. boom. i wrote the majority of this a while ago but was waiting to see the full route in case id have more to say about it later
i was going thru some ace stay content again this morning and he really keeps EVERYTHING about tower stuff absolutely 100% locked down. wonder why hes keeping those particular cards to his chest...doylistly i guess so it can be a ng+ surprise lol
he gives alice his little "no don't seek mental health improvement youre so sexy like this aha" speech. no i like that youre humble and gloomy... hang on let me open the game and just quote him directly:
"im weak to masochistic people. it's like they need to be rescued, and it catches my attention. look, i am a knight, after all. when i see someone so unsure, i can't help but find it cute. i want to help them, but also to push them over the edge. it makes me want to bully them."
"hey, i may be a knight, but i'm also a wanderer. the kind that makes cute girls go along on his adventures, you know?" 
COMPUTER DIED AS I WAS LOOKING AT THAT SO I MAY HAVE MISQUOTED but the point is girls specifically. he's keeping the bi card close to his chest too. this i don’t think is saying anything intentional about him (the way i think the ‘look, i am a knight’ is) except like. we live in a heteronormative society, but it’s interesting with a like more headcanony interpretative lens, especially because i don’t think he has anything at all to lose by being Open about that- as we see from vivaldi!
also the other point i notice as i type is that specifically here he ties his depression fetish (for a quick n easy if much oversimplified term) to his role as Knight which is VERY INTERESTING!!! MUCH 2 THINK ABOUT. i dont think he does that in the tower.
but also in the tower he also just sort of lists negative traits and goes "well i think they can be good! and i'm attracted to people like this :)" and i feel like here he goes a bit more into WHY. 
not that i think he even knows the full why, because i think THAT'S a fear of being abandoned by a person who can 'get better' like he doesn't think he can do at all.
so he's both opening up to her in a unique way and also keeping a LOT of things to himself. very tasty to think about. 
but actually, when he talks to her about how social faults can be a good thing and also he’s attracted to them in tower stay, he's not being any more "no role, just himself" there either, is he? he's wearing his cape.
and when, in the tower stay route, he talks about love and protection in the same breath (about julius), he does it in his knight’s clothes.
lets see what he says in nonstay about his secret alter ego- future me here! he doesn’t. he also doesn’t really go into detail about his ‘depression fetish’ , he says something about her having bad parts too but it’s okay, and talks about wanting to keep her in her pain and misery, but like... idk i guess they were like its been years, you should know this by now, lol. they had new things to talk about! but i was hoping there’d be like a perfect synthesis of ‘talks about depressed people being hot while shirtless’ or something
also he talks about how he wants to be the only person who hurts her and protect her from everything else. (sighs exasperated-fondly) ace....
he was not lying when he said if i give someone a pain always i will choose you i dont hesitate doing it i am not scared.... future me here again! this part gets REALLY emphasized in nonstay route.
anyway i think he hates the weird identity situations he's gotten his life into and only entraps himself further but also he has connected his expressions of love, closeness, romantic and nonromantic like just all of it, to those identities. whoops lol
this is a second saved-for-later bit semirelated so im putting it here too:
ace does keep his other loyalties (and his bisexiness) mostly under wraps to alice, huh... (as opposed to peter and vivaldi, who know his deal with traitorly actions etc) and he’s very happy to share when prompted, whether its his bi-2-bi communication ball moment with alice (before he gets into ball clothes, iirc!) or when alice lives at the tower and sees him. but otherwise he won’t bring it up himself. maybe its a rules thing... but im sure he could engineer it to come up if he wanted. even in elliot nonstay he just ominously warns instead of going like “ok yeah i have skin in the game myself”.
it’s very good dramatic irony lol. but poor alice having it hidden from her!!
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terminaxshowtime · 2 years
ok here is my jojoposting masterpost part1! already seen everything in the manga but it was a while ago (like 1 and a half years) so i might've forgotten stuff, i'm noting other things as well! i get really hyped so i might lose my sanity and act more hyper and childish than usual so yeah. so cringe warning i guess :/
part 1 i guess, featuring episodes 13-14
araki you really gonna make ur florida prison guards look like that huh...
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FOOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'i feel like others don't accept me here' girl you are plankton. BUT ALSO JOLYNE DEFENDING HER BESTIE... SLAY...
foof i love you so much but this is NOT how you do things girl. eating rice and eating food with your left hand even tho your body is right handed and wants bread is NOT going to help you fit in with society.
omg foof loving salmon because she's plankton... I CAN'T I LOVE HER...
jolyne sounds so offended at the fact that ermes is stalking a man. like girl are you jealous. you fucking lesbian
oh my god yes ermes backstory! i remember this! man.
man ermes really out there tryina go to college...
oh i hope this fucker burns in hell
dude the photos... thats so fucking creepy but also a good tactic...
holy shit ermes on full genocide mode
oh shit.
oh shit she fucked up
oh shit
i forgot about this stand jesus fucking christ i hate it.
girlie this is a two parter this ain't over yet
oh shit it ate mickey mouse
dude this is so fucking creepy. invisible corpses attacking you? like what the fuck
i love how when most people lose their leg it's like oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ough!!!!! uauhgughuh!!!!!!! but since foof is plankton she's like damn. why did you have to do that >:T
no yeah she's 100% doing that pose with jotaro
jolyne's smart as her father as always...
'an invisible corpse has no concept of up or down' YEAH UH NO SHIT. DID YOU THINK INVISIBLE CORPSES WOULD OBEY THE LAWS OF PHYSICS???
dude foof is such a great medic. like imagine being glued back together by plankton. that's so fucking awesome
no that's so funny this bitch doesn't realise this guy is unconscious and being controlled by an invisible ghost... damn...
oh this man is fucked up. ough he really is a zombie. fucking eating brains
i literally DO NOT remember this WHAT
dude he's dead of course he can bite the shit out of someone without consequence
oh that stand catch is epic
ermes let your bestie help. come ON
'revenge is the way to settle the score with my fate' my god. she's so awesome
WHERE did your medic go. like maybe i lost track but where tf is foof
oh i LOVE how the copied head doesn't follow the real heda's facial features... oh god...
speechless im just watching this battle in awe of ermes. holy shit what a girlboss
korebo might as well be her stand cry now /j
im clapping. you cant tell but im clapping
jolyne just sat there the whole time like What the Fuck did I just watch
why do they show the to be continued AFTER the credits. man
leaving it at here because i have too much to say and there are too many episodes and i don't have time to watch any more tonight but holy Shit AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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A guy? 👀 What kind of guy???
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“Uh... there’s a guy in there.”
That immediately shuts the others up.
Kevin describes the scene on the other side to Dan, Seán, Brian and Daithi.
It’s a massive round cave chamber, almost too round to be natural
and in it, according to kevin, is “some ghost zombie guy all chained up”
(brian: ghost zombie??)
(kevin: yes actually so shut up)
(seán: wait how is he chained up if he’s a ghost?)
(kevin: zombie ghost and they’re ghost chains)
(seán: huh)
Daithi questions why he can’t phase through the rock but apparently Kevin, a human, can
(he is quite bitter about this)
kevin has no idea
they decide it’s probably a monster-proof thing
Dan then reminds everyone that there is a captive ghost zombie on the other side and they should probably A) help him or B) run away
Seeing as Kevin is the only one who can do the former, he practically pushes him back through.
Kevin re-emerges about 10 minutes later half-expecting the other Lads to have retreated back to the mansion
But they’re all sitting (or, in Daithi’s case, floating) not-so-patiently there for him
So Kevin explains:
It’s some guy either called “Peter” or “Ryan” (his accent was very strange and Kevin made out those 2 names the most so he’s sticking with them)
he died just over 100 years ago while he was working as head servant at the mansion (or at least, a servant but he seemed to hold himself in high esteem)
apparently the mansion was attacked by a horde of zombies??
it had not occured to kevin that zombies existed that long ago
all the other staff were killed/turned in the attack, but PetRyan managed to survive despite being bitten
he also noted that none of the residents of the house were either suprised nor affected by the attack
they were vampires (but also very rich and famous nobles of society)
they were arguing about abandoning the house when PetRyan caught them in the living room
they couldn’t understand why he wasn’t dead either, so they performed some sort of blood ritual to trap him in one of the tunnels underground so that he couldn’t expose them
they also made it so that no supernatural creature would be able to enter to rescue him
they also warded the mansion so that it would be very unappealing towards humans (who would be annoyingly be unaffected by the spell)
so the poor guy had been trapped there for 100 years with no clue as to what actually happened that day or why he survived
Seán: “...”
Seán: “...so you got all that, but you didn’t get the man’s name?”
Dan: “...Well, I guess we’d better try and help him then.”
Daithi: “It’s like a proper mystery, isn’t it?”
Kevin: “We could be like the Mystery Gang from Scooby-Doo!!”
Brian: “...”
Brian: “Kevin”
Brian: “Kevin we’re monsters”
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s stepkid
Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader
warnings: alcohol mention
a/n: i rushed these so bad i just wanted to post dhhshsnsna
prompt: y/n is pepper’s kiddo!
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it was just you and your mom for a long time
pepper and y/n potts
she couldn’t keep up with you sometimes, too busy dealing with the manchild that was mister anthony edward stark
speaking of—
“uh, who’s this?” -tony, pointing at you
“mr. stark, i am so sorry, the school closed because some kid set fire to the science lab and i didn’t have time to find a sitter—”
“no, it’s fine, no need to apologize. hey, kid, you wanna sit in the boss’s chair? i’ll let you run the company for the day!” *cue you nodding* “sweet, would you mind that, ms. potts?”
“oh? no, not at all” *mouthing* “thank you”
“so, uh, what’s your name? no, don’t tell me: ketchup.”
*giggling* “y/n”
“no way! that was my second guess!”
tony wasn’t used to being around kids
he had no idea that he was actually kind of good around them
despite a few minor hiccups
“you sit in my chair and im gonna spin you around, sound like fun?”
he spun you around WAY too fast and you were diiiiizzy, also you fell off the chair
“don’t tell your mom that we did that. she may be my assistant, but she scares the shit out of me. also, don’t say ‘shit’”
dude he just thought you were a cool kid!!!
“hey, you know, ms. potts, you dont really need to hire a babysitter anymore. y/n’s doing just fine hanging out here”
“how am i not surprised you befriended an actual child?”
she still took him up on his offer, you seemed pretty happy
when your mom worked late, you passed out in tonys office
tony and you had your own little secrets (like falling off the spinning chair), tony showed you around stark tower, and you practically lived there
“i got you a happy meal from mcdonalds!” -tony every day after your school
in all honesty, you weren’t the “popular” kid at school...not even close
but tony made up for it
“y/n! i found this old racecar toy in a box of old stuff, you wanna hold onto it for me?”
you kind of grew up in stark tower tbh? it was pretty cool
and as you grew up, you started to notice more
“mr. tony, do you have a crush on my mom?”
“do i what? no, no, i do—who the hell am i kidding? you caught me”
“called it!”
after that you did everything to try and get them together
when your mom was talking to tony, you would stand behind her and wiggle your eyebrows and just taunt tony endlessly
no! tony cannot remember your mom’s birthday for the life of him! you are his calendar now
“dude, why dont you just ask JARVIS to remind you?”
“i may be a genius, but that doesn’t mean i have common sense”
“wise words, sir” -JARVIS
when tony disappeared for 3 months you were so sad???? like you were not okay at all
and when he came back, he literally exited the plane saying “WHERE’S ‘T-POTT??’”
(your wonderful nickname. ‘t’ for ‘tony jr.’ and ‘pott’ for ‘potts’)
“my mom missed you”
“oh, i bet she did”
“you turned my child into you, tony. i will never forgive you for this”
“well, at least y/n was here to fill in for me, huh?”
tony wanted to show you the arc reactor but he was actually afraid of scarring you lmfaoooo
but he did let you in on the iron man secret (he knew you wouldn’t snitch)
and just to make sure:
“if you dont tell anyone, i’ll buy you a car when you turn 16”
“man, that’s like, forever away”
“good, maybe you’ll forget by then”
ur mom kinda maybe sorta found out abt iron man :/ she told you that tony was a bad influence
“mom! no, tony’s cool! he’s like a superhero”
“no, sweetie, he’s a rich guy with issues. we’re leaving”
that didn’t last long
not long at all
and soon they FINALLY got together
“jeez, i thought you two would never stop pining after each other”
“couldnt have done it without my wingman” -tony *fistbump*
“as thanks can i have my own iron man suit?”
“yes.” *pepper glaring at him* “no.”
sooner or later your mom and you moved into tony’s house and you got a really big room!!!!
it was completely decked out
king sized bed, flatscreen tv, mini-fridge, microwave, computer, your own bathroom with a smaller tv, a poster of tony??? (you vandalized it and put it in his workshop), and more!!!
okay you were spoiled
“do you like it here? are you sure i made the right choice?” -pepper
“are you kidding, mom? this is awesome! plus, you’re happy, i’m happy, tony’s happy, i think JARVIS is even happy!”
“i am, mx. potts. simply ecstatic” -JARVIS
pepper was really happy!! it was a pretty cool family
you started giving your school tony’s number if you ever got in trouble, you knew he’d cover for you
“mr. potts, is it?”
“your child, y/n, punched another student in the face today. we’re very disappointed in their behavior”
“why’d they punch the kid?”
“well, the other student punched y/n first”
“HAH! thank you for wasting my time. send y/n back to class and call me back if something important comes up”
he literally gave you a high five when you got home
“i gave him a black eye!”
“i couldn’t be more proud. i mean, i dont condone violence, but self defense is a whole other story”
a little help in the workshop, tony asks you to hold the flashlight
“why don’t you get one of your robots to hold this for you?”
“are you kidding me, you’re complaining? we’re having stepdad/stepkid bonding time! and dum-e can’t do anything right, i dont trust him”
youve had a few theme park trips as a family ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also tony has 100% told you to wait in the car and then left you alone for 2+ hours
“i’m not like a regular dad, im a step-dad. want some beer? you can have a little sip. i’d rather you do it in the house”
your mother actually does love how he actually cares about you!
“y/n is 12% my responsibility” -tony
“tony, you are impossible” -pepper
no avengering for you! pepper said no!!!!!!
disappointed but not surprised
iron man 3: y/n potts is put through the wringer
Text Message to Mr. Tony: bro you better come get your girl, me and happy are watching this other guy flirting with her. he’s showing her pics of his ‘big brain’
Mr. Tony: HE WHAT
Text Message to Mr. Tony: Tony he looks creepy i don’t want him to be my new stepdad do something!!!
anyways ur house kinda blew up and ur mom and you kinda got kidnapped and u were right abt that guy being creepy and thankfully no experiments were done on you but like your mom kinda almost died and her and tony were fine!!! all good in the end
you met mr. col. james rhodes that day
“aw, you’re the kid ive heard so much about” -rhodey
“you mean the coolest kid in the world?check.”
“you cant tell me you aren’t tony’s biological child, good god”
you got to meet the avengers later on too! (you’d already met natasha tho, only briefly)
“i know it can be a little overwhelming, right? meeting all these heros, legends even—” -rhodey
“oh, my god, is that thor? thor!!” -you, leaving rhodey in the dust
literally why does pepper trust you around tony something always goes wrong there were literally robots attacking, you were only at avengers tower bc your mom was busy with the company and she thought you’d be safe with the avengers. the AVENGERS.
“please dont tell your mom that i created a bad robot that tried to kill us. the robot will be the least of our problems” -tony
he made happy pick you up and you had to miss out on FUN and it sucked a lot
“it’s okay, y/n! i’m fun, too!” -happy
then your mom and tony took a break and your life got mega-boring for a while, but they weren’t separated for that long. you try not to think about it. it was brutal
Mr. Tony: Does she miss me?
New Message to Mr. Tony: I think so. Either that or she’s crying and drinking wine in the dark for no reason.
Mr. Tony: Damn it, now I feel bad. I miss her a lot. Oh, also, the Avengers say ‘hi,’ I’m in Germany with some bad news, I’ll explain later if you don’t see it on TV first, and I found you the perfect friend! His name is Peter and I think you’d like the school he goes to, it’s in Midtown. Smart kid school.
New Message to Mr. Tony: I’ll look into it, thanks. Also, I don’t like how those all connect. Please update me asap
watching the news to see several avengers arrested, cap on the run, and more!
“maybe it was good i didn’t fall in with the avengers”
tony and pepper finally got back together and you actually transferred to midtown high! peter and his friend group accepted you quickly, it was great. you and flash unfortunately had the most in common
you’d literally text happy right next to peter and he’d immediately reply to you. it hurt peter’s feelings
Momma: Sweetie! I’m working in the office late, leftovers are in the fridge, hope you have a wonderful day at school! 💕
👉👈the vulture tried to kill you for being tony’s stepkid, tony made peter promise to protect you
“y/n, you gotta stay out of harm’s way. mr. stark gave me an actual mission and it’s terrifying, i have to make sure you stay safe”
legit why the fuck was this old man tryna kill you bro grow up
anyyyywayssss your mom and tony got engaged!!
“wow, i thought the day would never come!!” -you
ppl told you tony isnt your stepdad bc ur mom and him werent married but who tf asked
why is the earth always in fucking danger
you and peter were just vibing on the field trip bus and all the sudden: space donut
“go! i’ll cover for you...FRIDAY, call tony”
“...hi there, little one”
“what the fuck”
“oh, so you see the aliens, too? well, at least im not crazy”
tony stark has left the atmosphere
you and your mom were kinda......not chillin tho
she and you didn’t sleep for a few nights, then ppl just straight up disappeared
plot twist: you survived the snap and your family was lucky to be alive, you even got a little sister who became a big handful!
only bad thing was all your friends dusted and you were pretty lonely
but watching morgan grow up kept you busy
“ahhh, shes so big!”
happy times in bad times
bad times!!!!! bc after five years thanos came back as thanos from like ten years ago. outdated thanos. obsolete thanos.
but you made your first and only appearance in the suit tony actually designed for you many years ago
you should have just stayed home tho bc that fight didnt pass the vibe check
“please dont tell me he...no, no, no, no, no”
you and your mom latched onto each other in tears, tony was one of the best people in your life, he made you and your mom two of the happiest people on earth
best stepdad a kid could ever ask for
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight //
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neonponders · 3 years
I’m so sorry that I don’t remember who originally posted about Steve accidentally calling Billy, Daddy, and Billy - naturally - going feral for it.
But daydreaming about this helped me sleep so ~ enjoy! (If anyone knows the post I’m talking about, I’ll happily add a link to it in a reblog and the ao3 notes.)
Read on ao3 here.
Featuring reunion/aged up trope ~ (I didn’t really keep canon in mind for this, but if you want it to be post season 3, that’s fine.)
It’s a strange twilight zone, meeting someone again. Being complete strangers with a history.
Not the best history, either, so Steve just had to laugh to himself while he sat on Billy Hargrove’s couch. The guy looked up from the kitchen counter across the open floor plan. “What?”
And Steve might be internally combusting a bit-
A lot.
Because Billy’s hot. Like...Steve can actually appreciate it now. It’s not the first time he feels like a fool for being too slow. Billy was a looker in high school; easily one of the guys who completed puberty first and knew it. Made him an asshole for it. And people liked assholes.
Steve guessed he just didn’t do it right. Being the mean guy. But that was far behind them, now, and Billy’s late twenties were doing him favors.
Steve supposed if young, spry, Adonis Billy came with being a complete dick, then he could appreciatively leave him behind. Because Billy wasn’t a complete dick anymore. And the man strolling back across the room with a pair of whiskey sours was definitely, 100%, burning a hole through Steve’s jeans better than the show-off from high school ever did.
Steve reckoned Adonis never got laid nearly as much as Zeus or Poseidon anyway, which he only knew from Robin’s ramblings about her Greek theatre class. Steve earned a distinct wrinkling of her nose when he said, “Lettuce? Adonis is symbolized with lettuce? Yeah, no. Aphrodite, that cougar, fell for a twink while Daddy Poseidon was getting whoever he wanted with his beard and all.”
Robin had barked a laugh but chided, “Please don’t ever call Poseidon, “Daddy,” ever again. Oh my god.”
Joke’s on her, because now she referred to the gods and heroes by whatever name Steve gave them.
And the joke was on Steve. Because he was definitely the twink in this new situation he found himself in.
Billy had always been stacked. But the guy walking through the university gallery to make Steve’s heart stop beating in his chest was something else. He wasn’t even bigger, really. Something just...happened as soon as a person could see 30 closer than 20. Steve had first noticed it with Robin, because they spent the most time together. Obviously that crush had been snuffed out with her gentle coming-out to him years ago, but Steve still had eyes in his head. Robin aged really well. Steve had begun to wonder if he was aging nearly as gracefully.
Billy, that bastard, strolled right up to him with a freaking mustache of all things, invited them to lunch the next day - where he had switched to clean shaven - and now sat on his couch in his newly built apartment complex with a sweating, rattled Steve. He had neatly pulled him aside before the three of them parted the restaurant to invite Steve over for drinks that evening.
Steve was unprepared for the sculpted scruff on the man’s face now. He’d never seen a guy switch facial hair styles like he was changing shirts. Frankly, he didn’t know anybody who could just grow it that easily.
Steve gulped loudly around his whiskey sour.
It was Billy’s turn to laugh under his breath. “You okay? You never answered me.”
“Yeah,” Steve said, a little out of breath. “I’m just...reeling, here. I think the last conversation we had involved a fist fight.”
Billy laughed again and Steve’s eyes trailed over the shirt fitting perfectly around his built shoulders. Maybe Billy is bigger. In like a...domestic sort of way. Like he still had all his muscle but didn’t throw a fit over a bowl of pasta. Steve is still taller. Steve still had that, at least, but he sure felt like his second puberty hadn’t graced him yet.
Billy was talking. Pay attention, Steve.
Something about Robin. Steve replied, and hoped he was answering close to whatever Billy had said, “Robin teaches there and some of her students were in the exhibition. It’s an art nerd thing. Everybody’s involved, even if it’s not your subject.”
Steve couldn’t tell if the pause was Billy processing or if Steve had been completely off the mark. Deflect. Reroute! his brain told him, so he asked, “Did we ever ask how you knew about the gallery?”
“Max goes to school there.”
“Oh,” Steve chirped bluntly. “Small world.”
Billy hummed a sound low in his chest. Something vibrated inside Steve and he closed his eyes in a hard blink, grasping at flimsy straws for composure. Billy finished, “I was in the area. Definitely a pleasant surprise to see your familiar face.”
“My Lego head?” Steve gestured vaguely at himself. “I guess this block always did stand out.”
Billy huffed a surprised sound, like he hadn’t expected that, but he let it tumble into easy laughter. “You look good. I never saw you with short hair.”
His fingers pushed the arching swoop of Steve’s fringe behind his ear. The briefest touch across his temple finishing on his neck...
I’m going to have a heart attack.
“Thanks. That goes for the both of us.”
Just like he almost missed never snatching a chance with high school Billy, Steve only kinda missed never getting his hands on that mullet. Only to know how soft that hair actually was. Not like Billy needed it, of course. Truly absurd, how he rocked any hair situation on his head that wasn’t shaped like a Lego person’s.
Steve finished his whiskey in the next gulp.
He could feel Billy’s laser blue eyes notice this, and then he stood from the couch. “I’m getting us some waters.”
“Okay,” Steve chimed dumbly. Feeling dumb.
Jesus Christ, it’s Scoops all over again. You suck. You suck-
“Poseidon liked a twink too, you nimrod,” Robin had teased back. “His name was Anteros.”
“And he dies too, right?”
“Nope. He’s basically Poseidon’s husband and chauffeur.”
“Aw. Good for Daddy P.”
Billy returned. “Are you one of these people who likes seltzers?”
Steve blindly took the can while his thoughts slammed mutinously into, Daddy B. B is kinda cute. Shorter-
Steve opened the can before it sank in what he’d just said. Carbonation gently kissed his skin as he held the can to his lips but didn’t drink. Some may or may not have landed in his lap before he lowered it to see Billy’s unreadable face.
“Oh my god.” Steve rushed to place the can on the coffee table and pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes.
“Did you...?”
“Don’t say it,” he pleaded, removing a hand as if to physically defend against the words in the air.
His words came muffled from where he hid inside his hands. “Oh my god. I’m gonna throw up.”
He stood up - to go where, he didn’t really know. Probably best to just leave at this point. Way to choke. Way to absolutely choke, Harrington. You don’t even know if Billy’s bi and you just deep-dived into WEIRD-
“I’m really sorry,” he rushed as he stepped around the coffee table.
“Steve.” Billy gripped his arm and pulled right back onto the couch as if it were easy. Steve more than landed in his spot, he landed flush against Billy. His thigh felt Billy’s warmth, and his lips stayed parted to keep breathing when he realized how close their faces were. 
Billy this close was something else, and Steve didn’t have the brain power to navigate it.
“Say it again.”
So it took him a long minute to absorb that. Was he seeing stars? So much for breathing.
Steve’s lashes sagged heavily over his eyes when Billy leaned tantalizingly close. Either of them could stick their tongues out and taste the other’s lips.
Don’t, he commanded his mutinous subconscious.
“Say it again, Steve.”
He wondered which was louder: his thunderous heart or the racket in his brain trying to turn rusty gears. He whispered against Billy’s skin, “I didn’t mean to say it.”
A hand, gentle but there, found Steve’s nape. “I’m telling you to say it on purpose.”
Was he making fun of him? Steve couldn’t tell. He hadn’t spent more than a handful of hours with him. But his voice made that thing in Steve’s body vibrate and his brain had officially declared itself a lost cause.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Steve closed the gap - tiny as it was - and involuntarily moaned at the softness of Billy’s lips. The hand on his nape tightened and another came to hold the front of his throat; not pressing against his windpipe, but Billy’s fingertips held Steve’s jaw in place and his palm surely felt the drumming of Steve’s heart.
Steve’s tongue couldn’t help itself. He touched the plush skin of Billy’s upper lip, ever so lightly-
Billy groaned, wanton and hungry as he pushed entirely into Steve’s personal space. The latter gasped at the sound, and then he really did see stars as Billy’s tongue fucked against his own. He tasted sour and sweet and the citrus mixed with Billy’s natural taste in such a way that Steve tilted his head for more, pushed right back into Billy’s space.
Steve’s body rotated enough that his knee bumped into Billy’s. Then Billy was gripping that joint hard enough to bruise so that he could pull Steve all the way around to straddle him. Steve clumsily climbed onto his lap, grateful for the influx of air as Billy planted wet kisses and pressed his tongue into Steve’s pulse. He didn’t really know what the boundaries were anymore. This was explosive and sudden and Steve sat, unsure, higher up on Billy’s thighs-
“Ahh!” he burst when Billy gripped his hips and yanked his pelvis flush against him. Steve’s moan clipped short into a small ache of pain. The way his jeans tightened with the stretch of his thighs crimped into his already throbbing erection.
Billy opened his jeans. Steve’s voice escaped with his gasp when the colder backs of his fingers touched his belly as he dipped into Steve’s underwear. He stood up on his knees to give Billy the room to free his erection, and Steve couldn’t help the moan that exhaled out of him when he sat back down, feeling Billy’s soft shirt against his red cockhead.
Steve shivered as Billy’s hands slid up and around his body, mapping out Steve’s topography and shoving his shirt as high as Steve’s collarbones. Steve felt like a lewd wet dream: an exposed, panting mess on Billy’s lap. His heart ricocheted around his ribs with the sharp tickle of stubble, and he whimpered as it scraped over his nipple and chest.
“Your shirt,” he heaved, knowing he was dripping precum. “Billy-”
“Call me what you did before.” He reached into the back of Steve’s jeans and gripped a handful of his ass that had Steve lurching forward and bucking into the softness of that shirt and tummy, the warmth of Billy’s body. Steve whined when Billy held him down, unable to move.
“Say it. Whatever you want. Just say it for me.”
Steve bought a little time by kissing him, hard. Hard enough to make Billy lie back into the couch, his head tilted up to moan into Steve’s mouth. Steve’s lips nuzzled the side of his lips and began an exploratory trail across Billy’s cheek and jaw, down to his throat.
“I just...wanna feel all of this on me. I wanna feel your beard so much I’ll still feel it tomorrow... Daddy.”
Steve’s voice pitched to the ceiling when a hand gripped his hair. Billy’s other hand released his ass cheek to push encouragingly on Steve’s lumbar the same time he drew Steve’s earlobe into his mouth. Steve gripped the couch upholstery behind Billy’s shoulders as he bucked against him, rutting like a teenager. Billy’s own jaw fell for his moan to escape when Steve’s ass and backs of his thighs moved over his own cock trapped in his pants.
Steve tried to slow down a little, to rub against him without making the fabric chaff. “Daddy, what do want?”
If he didn’t feel Billy’s heartbeat before, he sure as hell did now. Steve felt it against his hands as he sought to know the contours of Billy’s shoulders and chest. He watched Billy’s swallow through the gorgeous neck that lay open to him as Billy gazed up at him. One of his hands traced the gently twitching artery on the side. Steve began to pepper slow, audible kisses against his face. When he landed on Billy’s lips, Billy kissed back, and when he wandered all the way up to Billy’s temple, Billy let him. Only his hands moved sluggishly between Steve’s thighs and his waist, seeking skin underneath his shirt.
Steve came back down to whisper against Billy’s lips, “Daddy?”
It was a blur of movement punctuated by Steve’s surprised yelp of glee as Billy threw him onto his back on the couch. Billy kissed the laughter out of his flushed, red throat, growling in satisfaction at how those bubbles of mirth sank into breathy moans.
“I’ve wanted you for years, pretty boy.”
Steve’s brain didn’t absorb that so much as his body did. Pinballs of emotion and sensation darted to and from his groin. He lifted his leg to rest across the back of the couch and to give Billy access to whatever he wanted.
Strong hands moved carefully - fondly - over Steve’s thighs. A stuttering breath left him when Billy clutched the backs of his legs. A sweet ache to have the muscle squeezed there.
“Don’t hold back on me now, baby,” Billy taunted, pressing his hands into the couch on either side of Steve and aligning his bulge with Steve’s hole and undercarriage still inside his jeans. “Let me hear you.”
Steve’s other leg wrapped around him and he lifted his pelvis to grind against Billy’s front. Billy’s bravado melted into an anguished, blissed-out frown as he shut his eyes against the sensation. When he opened them, Steve held his cock in hand, pumping himself in time with his pelvis rolling up to meet Billy.
It was sloppy and desperate and Steve didn’t think he ever did this even as a teenager. It had all been a small town rush to get hands or mouths on skin and get rid of the stigmatizing V-card. Except when Steve was in love, and allowed to take his time...
Steve didn’t know if he was in love now. But as another wave of ticklish warmth darted through him, Steve laughed a little.
“What?” Billy asked, not unlike the first time.
“I just...I just like this, that’s all,” Steve admitted. “You feel good. You smell good. Ahh! I’m close.”
“Let me see you, baby. Let me taste the mess you make.”
That didn’t so much as nudge Steve off the cliff as it drop kicked him into his orgasm.
“Hahh! Daddy, I’m there! I’m there...”
The mind-halting knot of sensation burst inside him with a force that let Steve not even care that he craned his face toward the arm of the couch, moaning and splashing his hair over the upholstery like a romance novel cover.
He realized somewhere in the middle that Billy had grasped his cock and was the reason his climax kept going. Milking little dribbles of cum out of him. Steve hadn’t cum like this in years, and he lay riveted to Billy hastening his rhythm to chase his own cliff edge.
The furrowed brows of concentration on Billy’s face were wiped off by Steve gripping his shirt and yanking him down for Steve to taste him, to plunder his mouth and feel that soft material against his own bare, messy torso. 
Billy shuddered and pushed, pushed against Steve like he meant to bury his cockhead inside as he came. The visual sent an aching thrill into Steve’s core, knowing how Billy looked when he came and knowing that he’d cum inside. It made Steve eager to feel the pressure of his thrusts and the aftershocks when he pulled out to repeat it all again.
Steve had just cum like a seventeen year old and wanted to go all the way, with Billy’s hands all over his backside and his scruff against Steve’s ass cheeks-
Billy’s hand brushed over his hair and eased around to cradle his head. “What are you thinking behind those big eyes?”
Steve blinked drunkenly up at him even though it certainly wasn’t whiskey giving him this high. “My eyes?”
“Mmhm,” Billy hummed through lips pressing into a content smile. He hovered over his elbows, still framing Steve in but not crowding him. Fingertips pressed little swirls over his scalp, drifting around his ear. “I like your big, doe eyes.”
No one ever commented on his eyes. His hair, obviously. His butt. His shoulders. His moles. Billy gazed down at him, searching through Steve’s thoughts. The way he always had, really.
“Thinkin’ about you creaming me instead of your pants.”
Billy turned his head to the side so he didn’t laugh directly in Steve’s face. “Only if I’m not dreaming this time.”
This time.
God, Steve liked what that implied.
His arms came around Billy’s shoulders, loving the broadness and weight of the man on top of him. He kissed him softly, bumping his nose against Billy’s and eliciting a groan while Billy tilted his head and deepened the kiss.
“Again,” he begged through the kiss. “I want you again, Daddy.”
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 282: Aizawa Defeeted
Previously on BnHA: Oh my god do we even care about that at this point. Tomura made a speech; Gran Torino died; Deku lost his shit and tried to strangle Tomura to death with his bare hands; Ryuukyuu came back from Wherever She Was and tried to grab Tomura but he punched a hole through her giant hand; and now he’s grabbing his Quirk-Be-Gone bullets and is ready to cause some mayhem okay?? That about sum it up?? Is anyone even reading this?? CAN WE JUST GET ON WITH IT I’VE WAITED AN ENTIRE WEEK.
Today on BnHA: Well I guess let’s start with what doesn’t happen: Bakugou doesn’t lose his quirk. HE LUCKED OUT!!... for now, anyways. Because, thanks to a near-impossible-to-predict series of events (seriously, raise your hands if you had “Aizawa gets shot but goes full World War Z on his own ass” on your bingo card), Tomura has seemingly regained his regeneration powers, which means that his other quirks are probably back online as well! So we’ll see how that all goes. Anyway so in the meantime Shouto’s back, looking very mad that everyone temporarily forgot he was a main character. And Gigantomachia is back as well! Or almost, anyway. Also, you’ll never guess who broke another one of his arms! Go on, guess. But at least he still has the arm, though, which is more than we can say for certain other people’s limbs. Poor Aizawa is literally on his last leg. He and Tomura really got off on the wrong foot. He chopped his leg off, is what I’m saying. It’s that kind of chapter folks.
you guys I’m losing my whole fucking mind. I straight up deleted the tumblr app off my phone for 24 hours so that I wouldn’t be tempted to log in and risk potentially being spoiled. and I’m happy to say that it worked! so here we are now, completely spoiler free, and let me just say that if Horikoshi decides to cut back to Gunga Mountain now, I will either cry for hours or abandon the series forever and go do something more productive with the rest of my quarantine like learning how to play sad songs on the guitar
all right. here goes
so we’re opening with Deku, who is currently comprised of 100% rage and 0% mercy, and is doing that thing where only the whites of his eyes are visible. and basically he’s just thinking “I’VE REALLY GOT TO HOLD ON TO THIS GUY AND MAKE SURE HE DOESN’T DO ANYTHING ELSE HOMICIDAL.” which is a solid game plan, but perhaps not so easily accomplished
-- oh my god this poor kid is still in denial, I can’t. why are you doing this
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is there even still a Gran Torino to tend to at this point? after Tomura bulldozed a hole through his torso, and you went and finished the job with your own fucking attack? sob
but I guess the law of Tragic Shounen Mentor Deaths mandates that Gran’s should be at least as drawn-out as Nighteye’s was, though. so he’s probably only Mostly Dead, which is still Slightly Alive if I remember my Princess Bride correctly, and I think I do
so now the rest of these stooges are finally catching up with us here
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yes, my friends. a bullet. WELCOME TO MY LIFE FOR THE PAST FUCKING WEEK. anyways I have a LOT of pent-up energy here just fyi. there may be a lot of unnecessary screaming in this recap
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(ETA: fun fact: this attack did absolutely nothing except make things approximately 100x worse. but you tried Deku. you tried.)
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anyway so if you’re just joining us, Tomura just pulled two bullets out of his pocket, the good guys finally noticed, and then Deku did a smash and everything exploded. the radius of this attack actually looks wide enough to have potentially involved Aizawa, who probably does NOT want to get any debris in his eyes right now, and also Gran, who probably doesn’t particularly want to be hit by another deadly attack for the third time in the past ninety seconds. anyway so I guess what I’m trying to say here is WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT YOU LITTLE GREEN LUNATIC
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he got the one!! the one that was in Tomura’s right hand!! but what about the one in his left ahhhhhhh
(ETA: lmao at Kacchan being the one to blow up the same bullet I was so sure he was going to be shot with. saw the writing on the wall, huh kid? what do we say to the god of foreshadowing?? ‘NOT TODAY.’ ...except that we’re still not actually out of the woods yet so you still better watch yourself lol.)
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based on the font here, these are Tomura’s thoughts. which he is thinking immediately after getting the lower half of his jaw very painfully cronched by the VERY homicidal sixteen-year-old still clinging to him. anyway so Tomura’s thought processes are as inscrutable to me as ever lulz
and Deku’s arm looks broken again, yaaaaay. but at least it’s his left arm and not his right! so that’s nice. now they can match
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my reading process here is as follows: 1) scroll down exactly one panel. 2) scream even though absolutely nothing has happened yet. 3) WRITE THAT DOWN 4) REPEAT
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YOU GUYS IT REALLY HIT AIZAWA AND NO ONE DID A GODDAMN THING?? it wasn’t even drawn out or anything??? it just HAPPENED, within like four pages??? NO SLOW MO?? NOT EVEN A REACTION PANEL WHAT THE FUCK
son of a bitch I would so dearly like to grab Manual and RockLockRock’s heads right now and just conk them together real hard. YOU STUPID FUCKS sob YOU HAD ONE JOB!!! IT REALLY WAS JUST ONE!! AND YOU WERE SHARING IT!! SO IT’S MORE LIKE HALF A JOB!! AND YOU STILL COCKED IT UP IN ABSOLUTELY NO TIME AT ALL OH MY GOD
(ETA: they should blow this panel up and make it into a t-shirt and make Manual and RLR wear the shirts every day for the rest of their lives. half a job, you guys. please go away I cannot even look at you right now.)
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(ETA: I still can’t figure out if this horrific angle is due to the earlier damage from the Noumu, or if Tomura really just flung the bullet THAT hard. honestly I’m surprised it didn’t just slice right through him with that kind of velocity. “no thanks because then I wouldn’t get to write a scene where he chops his own leg off” oh okay well when you put it that way, Horikoshi.)
if I recall correctly this is the leg that he said was “twisted”, no? yeesh. might just want to chop it off real quick, then. s’not like it’s doing you any more good. does anyone know if zombie rules apply or not with this sort of thing?? shit
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“THANKS”?? okay what. did it hit him or not??
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jesus fucking christ. when I said “might just want to chop it off real quick” literally FOUR PARAGRAPHS AGO, I can tell you that the one thing I did NOT expect was for Aizawa to be all, “you know what, that’s a good idea”, and then YOINK OUT HIS TRUSTY HERO SHANK AND GO FULL 127 HOURS ON THIS BITCH. "LALALA WE’RE GONNA DO IT RATIONALLY TEEHEE” like excuse me, the fuck
anyways. I don’t even know what to say. thank you Aizawa’s leg for your sacrifice, and for always supporting him. literally. oh my god I came here ready for my son to enter a new phase of character development, and for the manga as a whole to enter a new phase of glorious, glorious angst. no one told me I’d be sitting here making puns instead. what a fine, confusing day
anyway though let’s just fucking hope it worked. and side note, if Aizawa Shouta really did chop off his own fucking leg just now and somehow STILL managed not to fucking blink, I think we might as well just go ahead and hand him the Biggest Badass In The Series award right now because no one is ever going to top that. nope. not happening
it is truly a testament to Shigaraki Tomura’s unfathomably mysterious sexy villain energy that he still somehow manages to look hot with only half a face
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also no one in this manga actually feels pain, do they. not Deku, not Aizawa, not Tomura, no one. no wonder none of them have any self-preservation instincts to speak of
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did someone just randomly explode just now. at this point it might as well happen, right
oh it’s the shockwave from Deku’s Wyoming attack, apparently. how nice of it to have a delayed reaction for absolutely no reason
anyway so Deku’s being flung back, but he’s grabbing onto Tomura again with Blackwhip. but oh shit you guys, if Tomura escapes Deku and Ryuukyuu’s clutches and still has any bullets left in his pocket, we may still be able to salvage this Bakugou quirk situation after all. would be nice to be able to actually do something with all of these “happy quirk losing day” balloons that I ordered
(ETA: actually, believe it or not I honestly like this better. Tomura using AFO was always the more dramatic option anyway. and now that we’ve done the bullet thing everyone has presumably let their guard down again, which, good.)
I love how Tomura apparently hasn’t noticed that Aizawa’s just amputated his own leg? to be fair he’s probably distracted by all the explosions and such
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also gotta love how Deku’s arm-breaking attack seemingly just made everything worse for no reason. and also how Manual and RockLockRock are once again just standing there doing absolutely nothing
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just like we all saw coming!! ...
so is this Endeavor’s attack?? Bakugou’s?? either way, hot damn. fortunately for Tomura he is apparently operating under the same guidelines as the U.S. Federal Reserve, in which mutilated bills may still be exchanged at face value if more than 50% of a note identifiable as United States currency is present. basically as long as roughly half of him is still vaguely Tomura-shaped I assume he’ll be fine
(ETA: in hindsight I should have immediately been able to identify this as a Shouto attack based solely on how murdery it was lol.)
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a LOT. of smashing, guys. feels like... 60% smashing, 20% severed legs, 20% Kranch
-- oh no oh SHIT oh shit oh shit
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(ETA: um so I really can’t tell how far that wound extends and whether or not Aizawa still has his right eye, shit.)
first of all how did Deku get here next to Aizawa when he was just over there with Tomura, what. and second, I think Aizawa just blinked, oh shit. probably on the verge of passing out after CHOPPING HIS OWN LEG OFF which STILL hasn’t been acknowledged yet?? did I just completely misinterpret all of that back there or what
(ETA: there was seriously so little attention called to this that I scrolled back up to confirm it probably like half a dozen times. apparently Horikoshi thinks that THE MOST BADASS THING TO EVER HAPPEN IN THE MANGA should be completely downplayed. whereas if it were me, there’d be an entire two page spread of JUST THE LEG. WITH MUSIC PLAYING. EVEN THOUGH IT’S A MANGA.)
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look at him though. he’s so happy. this is why I can’t stay mad at you no matter how deranged you get you little maniac
so is quirk-stealing back on the menu then or what. don’t think I’ve been lulled into any kind of false sense of security by any of this lol
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so Todoroki really went after them ALONE. the better to put his dad right back up at the top of the Lose Your Quirk Sweepstakes finalists. well... second-to-top, maybe. like I said I will not be lulled
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why do I feel like the odds of Gigantomachia arriving to herald the end of this chapter just shot up DRAMATICALLY
so the next page is almost entirely just a list of cities that the news anchor is telling people to evacuate because they’re in Machia’s path. along with a bunch of dead heroes lying around everywhere, and Ochako being all ominous
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(: weren’t they, though? heh. this is going to be so, so bad (: (: (:
-- fuuuuuuuuuuu
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aaaaaand that’s it. hahahaha. okay then let’s summarize
Bakugou defied all expectations and kept his quirk (FOR NOW)!
Kranch showed up after 157 years and is probably wondering why the heck I keep calling him “Kranch” now. THINGS CHANGE WHEN YOU’RE MIA FOR A WHILE MY LITTLE STARBUCKS CHRISTMAS CUP
Deku broke his arm for the 78th time
Tomura regenerated but seems to think Aizawa’s quirk is actually gone for good, which I’m pretty sure it’s not. so if they can keep him from destroying everything long enough for Aizawa to turn it back on again, we might possibly still survive this
and lastly, Machia is about to kill all of these stupid people frolicking around outside of this fitness club who are probably so proud of themselves for not being glued to their phones 24/7 because they prefer to LIVE LIFE IN THE MOMENT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. well that’s on you my friends. at least it’ll be a quick death. ffff
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obae-me · 3 years
Oh we talking about Mammon fluff tonight, huh?
No thoughts just Mammon being physically unable to sell MC’s stuff without permission.
Like he can hock off Satans 1700’s jewel-encrusted bookmark that will trap a person’s soul within any book for approximately 78 years without batting an eye, but going through MC’s stuff he barely glances over all the shiny danglies passed down from their family. I don’t think he can even consider it tbh. I think he goes straight for the stuff that really screams “them”. Like he’ll snatch their hairbrush, or their 2nd favorite T-shirt, or the cool looking rock they found on the street a few weeks ago and have since kept on their desk. MC sheds an entirely new light on his greed. They absolutely redefine what he considers to be valuable. And he will feel absolutely dreadful about it. If they asked him where their stuff went he would absolutely lie. At best he’d say something like “s-silly human, always losin stuff. I guess you’ll have to take one of mine” or something, but at worst he’ll falsely admit to selling it when really it’s in the trunk of the car in his room along with the rest of his favorite shiny stuff. And when MC doesn’t even get mad or yell? When they just frown and ask him not to do it again? He absolutely dies a little.
He is absolutely WHIPPED. but this is just my take lol
Okay, I absolutely love this 100%
Not only because the fluff but the bookmark thing??? Absolutely *chefs kiss*
And it makes me kinda wonder just how much of the stuff he steals actually gets sold?
Do you think he sells some things and then keeps others? Like he has secret little treasure nests hidden all throughout the house? Because sometimes when he steals things from his brothers, he absolutely can’t sell them, he needs to keep them.
And maybe when he feels particularly upset he goes to his little hoard and sits and admires all his favorite treasures?
Cus I personally think that idea is super cute...
He’s so whipped!! And I love him!
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taggedmemes · 3 years
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ Q-FORCE / 1.2  always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
'our new office is officially complete, and we are now totally spies.’
‘when do you think we’re gonna start spying?’
‘man, it’s crazy, huh? all that juicy info is just on this little thing and we get to just wait.’
‘you just want to break the rules, don’t you? daddy wants to be a bad baby.’
‘ooh, i was once in a feature film called “daddy wants to be a bad baby”.’
‘it’s the biggest social event of the year for queer women who live south of the 10, even more sacred than my highland games watch parties.’
‘man, those white boys can really throw a tree.’
‘a biannual barbecue sounds like the lesbian equivalent of the oscars.’
‘after the whole “la la land” thing, i was actually hospitalised.’
‘so now that we’re all feeling vulnerable, how come you never invite us to your things?’
‘my wife doesn’t know i’m a spy.’
‘i don’t want her to find out i’ve been lying to her all these years.’
‘makes so much sense. i never should have questioned you. i’m gonna examine that.’
‘say hi to ____ for me, even though we’ve never met and never will.’
‘she makes us put all our cell phones on airplane mode because she says the signals make her crab cakes bitter.’
‘_____ is nice like a mom, but cool like a car.’
‘imagine having work and a life to balance.’
‘who’s excited to chill, huh? i am.’
‘i didn’t really get enough chill time over the last ten years when we didn’t have any work to do.’
‘are you sweating or crying?’
‘you think she has time to hack things? she’s probably busy shining her pants and shopping for new desks.’
‘oh, hell yeah. chaos dad.’
‘you were so cool five seconds ago.’
‘only an AI or the most incredible human hacker alive could crack it.’
‘can you stop hitting that one button, please.’
‘it’s like when i bought 100 princess di beanie babies and thought i’d be a billionaire. instead i just became a multi-millionaire.’
‘i’m sorry. i said my name twice. that is so weird.’
‘she’s got good mom energy. she’d know exactly what to do.’
‘come on, drink your bottle of warm mountain dew.’
‘this is my space, and i need every inch of it.’
‘a man needs a door to close so he can smell his own farts.’
‘my son must be the french fry in the poutine, not the curd.’
‘this is all because you inherited your mother’s jelly bones.’
‘doesn’t that fill you with energy the way it fills me with dread.’
‘fuck! i mean cool!’
‘i’m old enough to be your young aunt. do not call me “girl”.’
‘i have to practive my crossbow somewhere.’
‘how am i supposed to command respect now?’
‘let’s go somewhere dark and dramatic.’
‘she keeps a lot of earthquake supplies in here, so i can stay as long as i need to.’
‘why am i being punished for giving 110%?’
‘wait a minute, we’re spies. we can just pick the locks.’
‘how did she teach a car to know where my nuts are?’
‘what are you doing here? this is my house.’
‘now, i am pissed, but i’m also picking up on some real emergency energy, so i’m willing to put it aside, but i swear to god, when this is all done, we are going to have a conversation.’
‘you think she’s a basic bitch?’
‘i know it’s important to you, but the fate of the world’s kinda hanging in the balance here.’
‘i’ve been doing a full-body kegel since we went rogue.’
‘i stuck my hog in an onion tower on a dare.’
‘i’m really good at grilling, too. where did you get those shoes?!’
‘i eat a quarter mile of slim jim a week, and that’s how i know i’m good.’
‘why don’t you just try and do, like, one thing right?’
‘we fixed all the cars, and i’d tell you more, but mechanic/car confidentiality.’
‘she’s constantly talking about how good you are at working with underserved communities, like troubled children and capricorns.’
‘wait, why are we bobbing for peppers?’
‘you have incredible thigh strength.’
‘together, we make one perfect leg.’
‘uh, yeah. burgers are supposed to be raw on the inside and burnt to a crisp on the outside. black and red, like a pirate’s hat.’
‘a real DOB, daughter of a bastard.’
‘oh-ho-ho, do i have gifts to share, honey. gifts to share!’
‘she told me if i checked in with her one more time, she’d throw an axe through my skull, so i’ll just give her some space.’
‘there is a perfectly good explanation, which i’m going to give you right after i run away real quick.’
‘is this a wooden house? didn’t know they made ‘em out of wood.’
‘i live in a bit of a bubble, i guess.’
‘not to put pressure on you, but if oyu don’t figure this out in... oh, 14 minutes, the entire world will be plunged into chaos.’
‘wait, that sounds like a job for the lesbians.’
‘so in a way, i guess i did surprise you, just in a bad way.’
‘okay, okay, the clock’s ticking, so i can’t lecture you right now, but i do have time to give you one very disappointed look.’
‘no, it’s a bullshit question.’
‘you don’t need to work so hard to impress me. i already like you.’
‘i can’t believe you made me spend the whole day with him.’
‘you have no right to treat him like shit.’
‘or you can stop going rogue altogether, ‘cause, hey, it’s a little messy.’
‘i say this with love... you need a fucking man!’
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