#adachi | writing
declaawed · 1 year
this will help with the pain. (kashiwagi @ adachi)
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Age definitely had a tendency to slow people down a little bit. And even though Adachi heavily prides himself on his physical prowess; built like an ox, he'd say, he could at least admit to no longer being on the same level as Ichiban and the others like he once was. The police academy did wonders for him, but maybe his DMV years were starting to catch up to him. Between street punks and creeps and all the other fist-happy people that would crowd the streets of Isezaki Ijincho, Adachi would definitely feel the sting in his bones a bit more than he used to.
He lounges lazily in a booth at Survive Bar, arm held palm up on the table, littered with various gauze and disinfectant and cloths as the bartender sits opposite him, glasses perched so elegantly on his face, brow furrowed with how focused he looked on the bloodied gash that tore through Adachi's palm; the result grabbing a knife from an attacker blade-first as a last resort. It hadn't even bothered him until the bartender pointed it out. Adrenaline, perhaps. When the disinfectant gets generously applied to a cloth, Adachi chuckles at the other's warning. "I appreciate what you're doin' here, barkeep. But I assure you, these old hands have been through worse, hehe--- ow ow ow." Whatever suaveness in his voice is immediately hissed through clenched teeth like steam from a kettle.
As his hand gets diligently wrapped in gauze, he can't help but let his dark eyes trail over every inch of the bartender's form: from every salt and pepper strand so cleanly slicked back to plush pink lips to the neat steamed tie he'd been so gracious to let Adachi borrow previously for his antics as the rich Yamada. He hums in thought, and as soon as he catches the other man's eyes again, he can't help but raise a single brow flirtatiously. "You sure your name isn't Takashi? 'Cause depending on how you write the kanji, it can mean hero. I think that's pretty fitting for you right now."
Never one to miss an opportunity to get a word in with that mysterious bartender.
|| @ky0udai
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m0e-ru · 10 months
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i cant believe p4g came out and every single one of you forgot about adachis sister
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ippenx · 2 months
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I kinda promised myself I'd start using tumblr more but still have no idea what I'm doing. Just gonna put this ongoing kurodachi guardian angel au fic here and ... idk, hide under my cherry magic manga shelf again? Bye ~
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caus34concern · 8 months
boyfs are so codependent in a yuri way
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b-bndi · 7 months
Kurosawa accidentally finding out that Adachi has a praise kink and using it to his advantage.
Constantly complimenting him when he finished something at work by petting his head. Sliding his hand down to gently grip his nape as he lets Adachi know “How good” he’s beings for him.
Feeling pure exhilaration as he leaves Adachi a stuttering mess to go help a coworker.
Getting home late to find Adachi cleaning and calling him a “good boy” before giving his the deepest kiss he can before going to shower.
Sitting on the couch with his legs crossed and calling Adachi random names until he reacts in a certain way.
“Baby? Love? …Princess?”
Feeling like he won the lottery as he chases a visibly affected Adachi back into their room to use the new term in bed to make Adachi as embarrassed as he can because let’s be honest.
The man had a thing for humiliation.
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lunariamv · 1 year
hanasuto ♕ adachi tohru x fem reader social link - you rizz adachi up at the local junes ((based on a c.ai convo lol))
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貴方の視線感じて シャツのボタン 弾けて 私のインスタを眺めて 貴方のため息聞こえて ♡
So, where is he?
The chime of the automated doors resounded, following it was the sound of them sliding open. You had stepped inside the store. As you did so, your polished heels clicked against the tile. An aesthetically pleasing sound to the ears.
Even at the entrance, you were met with the refreshing scents of fresh fruits and other fancy products. A fitting atmosphere for a well received everything store. Praising it almost made you feel guilty, for the crippling shopping district across the way. It was on its last legs, and here you were complimenting its multimillion dollar competitor. Though you held pity for those family-run businesses, you had to admit the hyperstore was nice and convenient for the quiet town. After all, you did almost all your shopping at the same superstore back in S-City, so you held a bit of a bias.
Upon entering the place, you turned the corner and spotted a familiar face in the corner of the entrance, residing by the windows and elevators. Found him. It was as if he was trying to hide from you, but judging from your talks, most likely Dojima. It’d make sense to duck instead of a building, especially under the guise of work. Though, is it really a good idea to hide out in the store his partner’s daughter loves to shop at? A charming grin of amusement graced your lips as you approached your fellow coworker.
“An avid shopper of Junes, are you?” You said in a playful tone.
Adachi turned his head at the sound of your voice. Judging from his growing smile and the straightening of his posture, he seemed to light up upon seeing you. Perhaps he was glad you graced him with your presence. “Oh, hey (Y/N).” Chuckling at your remark, he gave you a wry yet kind smile. “You know me, their deals are pretty irresistible.” He joked back.
Following the two uncanny and mysterious murders in Inaba, the police force figured they needed more hands on the strange case. As such, you were transferred out of your bustling city to come to this quiet little town in the countryside. They believed that since this was a unique string of murders and disappearances, they might as well put the best detectives in the country on it. It was astonishing how many of the finest were shoved onto this single job. You even met Shirogane’s kid here, as aloof as she is on the case.
Adachi was another detective that you met while working on it. You already knew Dojima pretty well, but him… not so much. It wasn’t until you were assigned this case that you met, and became acquainted with each other.
Though, a link quickly bloomed between the two of you after you first caught him slacking off. It was at the Junes entrance, when you finally decided to take your break that you ran into him. Adachi begged you not to tell Dojima, and you promised it would be your little secret. After you hit it off, the two of you would occasionally run into each other there. Once you got work done, you’d drop by and check up on him, and spend time chatting.
Your bond grew from there, and you started to grow attached to the guy. While he might not be the type of man you usually take interest in, his mild-mannered, less than average character was admittedly endearing. It was adorable.
Incidentally, it doesn’t appear the attraction was one sided either, as tensions seemingly run high when the two of you interact. You might’ve flirted with him once or twice and he reciprocated it.
“So? Get any work done?” You asked smoothly as you crossed your arms. The facetious smile on your face grew as you curiously watched him. The two of you already knew the answer to that, but it was still entertaining to ask.
“I should be asking you…” He replied with a weary gaze, his eyes glossing over your form. Your composed, elegant demeanor heavily contrasted his rugged one. It’d be a challenge for an onlooker to guess the two of you were in the same field.
Contrary to Adachi, you’ve been hard at work on the case. Where he was coming up short, you were there picking up his slack. It was a painstaking endeavor in his eyes, but you did it with ease, and all with an unwavering, nonchalant disposition. Even Dojima would compliment you ever-so often for the help. You think it would annoy Adachi that a woman was showing him up, especially in a male dominated profession like the police force. Surprisingly though, that wasn’t the case. He had taken a liking to you. 
Unlike the cruel Dojima who constantly put him through the ringer, you had always been sweet to Adachi. From being pleasantly cordial in conversation, to looking after him with work or the bullying he received from his partner. Though it was unexpected at first, Adachi saw your kindness as refreshing, like a cool oasis in a scorching desert. Since you were so charming, it was only natural that he often found himself wanting to see you again.
It didn’t help Adachi’s uncontrollably growing feelings that you were pretty. Seriously, it was hard for him to wrap his head around how your occupation was the same as his when you looked like a supermodel. Despite the difference in age, you could probably give Risette a run for her money. 
Not to mention how enigmatic you were. All of these things he just described were only surface level. Nobody really knew your past or the intricate workings of your personal life. The mystery was intriguing to almost everyone in the department. How surprising that such a nonchalant woman could be just as mysterious as one of the Shiroganes. To think you two were acquainted was so surreal to him.
Diligent, precocious, and caring… and then on top of that you were a knockout when it came to looks. And you knew how to cook. You were exactly his type, just like he said to Yu Narukami once before in a conversation describing his kind of partner. Well, Adachi didn’t outright say he wanted you, but halfway into his description he realized that it lined up with your traits almost verbatim. It was impossible to deny it anymore. You were his type, and even more stacked on top of that. It was hard to imagine this wasn’t an alternate reality. His ideal girl, somehow, had come along. How on earth did you ever come across each other?
Ever the skeptical nihilist realist, he figured it was too good to be true. A perfect woman such as yourself would’ve had someone by now, because who wouldn’t scoop up a catch like you? To say he was shocked when he learned you were single was an understatement. He was floored, nearly spitting out his coffee when it came up in conversation. 
You said you were focused on work, but if the right guy came along, you’d fully devote yourself to treasuring him. While Adachi’s negative experiences with dating and women had him begging to differ, it was slightly intriguing to hear you say that. It was exactly what he wanted.
“...Uh, (Y/N)?” He spoke up, catching your attention. You hummed, confirming you were listening.
“Shouldn’t you be, uh… working?” He asked, raising his brow. Though it might’ve come off as an imposing or awkward question, he genuinely wanted to know. His thoughts wouldn’t leave him be otherwise. “I’m sure you’ve got better things to do right now than talk to me.”
A soft, airy chuckle escaped you, as if his statement was absurd. Your eyes locked with his, and you smiled. “Isn’t it obvious? I like spending time with you. You’re pleasant to be around.” You replied with an honest answer.
Needless to say, Adachi was taken aback by your response. It was awfully sweet, so much so that he thought he heard you wrong at first. “M-Me? Really…?” He blinked in surprise. He studied your expression, trying to search for some sort of deception in your eyes, but he came up empty. You were being sincere.
His self-doubt made your heart flutter. It was amusing, but also cute. Meeting his eyes again, your alluringly warm smile returned. “Of course. I like you, Adachi.” You said simply.
Just as you anticipated, Adachi turned bright red at your sudden declaration. He was so shocked he didn’t know how to react. It’s as if you knew the right words to say to render him flustered. The implications behind your words could always be interpreted as innocent, but knowing the type of woman you were, you said that deliberately to throw him off base.
Alas, amidst his growing garden of feelings, his stubborn cynicism was hellbent on fighting him to the bitter end. It didn’t make any sense. A pretty girl having an interest in him? There’s no way.
“Somehow, I find that hard to believe.” He confessed, against his better judgment. Though he was still smiling kindly, there was a clear reservation in his voice. The man found himself ensnared in a quandary. While he admired your boldness, he was also wary of it. There were too many women out there that took advantage of guys like him, and he wasn’t looking to be used.
That had you blink in surprise. Of all things, you didn’t expect a response like that. Did something happen to him before? A case of rejections, or a bad breakup? It made you curious, and intrigued.
“Is that so…” You hummed, holding your chin. Strangely, you couldn't find yourself being deterred. If anything, that sounded like an invitation. Looking up, your eyes met and you cocked your head about an inch. “How do I prove it to you then, Adachi?”
Prove it? The man was surprised at the challenge you posed to him. While anyone with eyes could see you were playing around, he could also sense a hint of seriousness in entertaining him further. Both of you seemed to be testing the waters now. Dancing around any sort of candid confrontation, beating around the bush for the sake of mind games. Keeping your cards close to your chest, both of you refused to show your hands. How far were either of you willing to go until it came to a direct love confession? 
For a moment, he was at a loss for words. Thoughts spurred on by desire, he was already thinking of less than ethical answers to your question. But, he really shouldn’t. If you truly like him, that can wait.
Adachi paused to think, then he straightened himself and stepped an inch closer to you. “Well… you could always hug me.”
Now it was your turn to be caught off guard. With a bemused look, you dropped your arms to your sides. “Hug you…?” You echoed, blinking curiously.
He grinned with a curt nod, as if the jump in bases was completely normal. “Yeah. We’re friends, aren’t we?” He asked, his innocent tone masking his intentions. In a manner of speaking, he had turned your own technique against you. “What better way to prove our friendship than a hug?”
In any other conversation, the both of you would’ve begged to differ. It was a fairly intimate gesture, not something for acquaintances that recently hit the ‘friends’ level. Especially given the context of your amorous exchange. However, that’s precisely what the two of you intended.
“I… I guess you’re right…” You agreed aloud with a pondering expression. Admittedly, you didn’t see your conversation heading in this direction from the start. Thanks to that, you felt your heart pound loudly in your chest every time you looked at him. Resisting temptation was harder than it looked. At this moment, you were on the losing end of the game of sustaining your bravado.
He smiled again, but there was a faint smugness to it. Like a lightning charge, your faint nervousness had invigorated his confidence. So even you had a shy side. It was interesting to him, to say the least. Meanwhile, Adachi’s change took you aback, since you’ve never seen him like this before. “Well then, how about it? A big, warm hug for your good pal Adachi.” He insisted.
You paused for a moment, heart skipping a beat at the predicament you were in. If you weren’t preoccupied with your own shyness, you would’ve laughed at his phrasing. The dynamic was shifting, but you could bring it back. Crossing your arms, your smile returned. The offer was very tempting. “Hmm… but that seems a bit sudden. Maybe if you ask a bit more politely, I will.”
Adachi shot you a look of disbelief. “Ah, come on (Y/N). I thought you wanted to prove yourself. Why do I have to ask for it?” He sighed wearily.
“Asking politely is no fun anyways. I think you should just go ahead and throw yourself at me…” He uttered aloud before pausing. By accident, he let his intrusive thoughts slip. You raised a curious brow.
‘Throw… yourself…?’
And just like that, Adachi’s true thoughts apropos to you were revealed. With little effort too. You couldn’t help but grin smugly at this newfound info. Well now…
His blatant confession was amusing, and while you wanted to entertain the idea, you didn’t want to give yourself to him just yet. That’d be far too easy. 
Upon realizing it, he was about to take it back, but then you parted your lips.
“Oh, I’ll throw myself at you… if you ask me to.” You insisted, raising an index finger. “After all, I have to know if you truly desire such a privilege.” Your voice took on a coy yet methodical tone as you teased him.
Adachi chuckled softly upon hearing that. It’s no surprise that you liked to play hard to get. That said, unlike the other women he’s courted in the past, the chase was admittedly pretty fun this time around. He thought about your terms methodically. If that’s the case, and it was clear by now you were into each other, he was more than happy to indulge himself.
“Fine, if you really want me to ask…” He caved in, exhaling before meeting your gaze. The things he did for love… “I’m really craving a hug right now, (Y/N). Please?” He faintly lifted his arms invitingly after asking.
A smile graced your lips, pleased at the small victory. “Of course…!” You said with an innocent beam. You approached him, and securely wrapped your arms around his neck in a loving embrace. The gesture was naturally warm, as if you were supplying your longtime boyfriend of a few years with his daily need of affection.
You drew closer to his ear, dropping your voice to a soft whisper. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Yeah…” He muttered, your sudden sultry demeanor sending sparks to his lower half. He never could’ve predicted the two of you getting this close. His arms snaked around your waist, while his hands found its place around the small of your back. You certainly proved your devotion right then and there. 
It felt so right to have you in his arms. Now that he had you, he couldn’t find a reason to let go. His heart is racing from the proximity, and he feels your soft chest press against his more sturdy one. He felt like he could get lost in your affections.
You drew back slightly, to meet his eyes and rest your closed hands on his chest. “You’re so gorgeous…” Adachi murmured quietly as he studied your features. He couldn’t help himself. The compliment accompanied by the husky dulcet voice made your heart speed up.
After staring at you for what seemed like forever, he couldn’t take it anymore. Fully surrendering to his impulses, he leaned closer to you, his gaze falling to your lips. His heated, amorous actions didn’t go unnoticed by you. You smiled fondly, and grabbed him by his tie. Gently, you tugged him closer and pressed your lips against his.
The two of you were kissing. Your synapses resounded, as if a repressed euphoric sensation was finally released. It felt so right, perfect even. Though his lips were chapped, they were nice against your soft ones.
Adachi’s arms pulled you closer, and held you tight. Having your frame in his arms was heaven to him. Craving the feeling of your lips, he deepened the kiss. He had been waiting for this, and finally his desires were coming true. For a moment, he lost himself, trapped in his thoughts. The only thing present was you and him. His sense of reason seemingly slipped away.
Pleasant shivers ran down your spine as he touched you. You could kiss him for eternity. Melting in his embrace, you continued to explore his mouth. Caught in the moment, your bodies were intertwining. A romantic, impassioned scene you’d only find in movies.
For a split second, you broke away to breathe. Panting, your cheeks were burning sanguine. Adachi’s were the same. He caught his breath, admiring the flushed look on your face. “Oh, (Y/N)…” He crooned softly. Just as he imagined, you tasted divine. Your lips were incredibly sweet, like a sugary dessert. If he’s not careful, he could get addicted. He leaned closer for another kiss.
“Ms. (L/N)? Mr. Adachi…?” A younger boyish sounding voice called out your names. Identifying it, you released Adachi’s tie.
The two of you quickly drew back a safe distance and turned, spotting Yosuke Hanamura staring at the two of you in confusion. What made matters worse was that Nanako and Yu were behind him, and they were just as bewildered.
“What’re you guys doing?” Yosuke asked with a friendly, yet unsure smile. If he didn’t know any better, he could’ve sworn the two of you were doing something strange. The two of you looked dangerously close there.
As for you, you figured the three of them must not have seen you kissing, but they could’ve caught a glimpse of you being extremely close. They could easily draw the conclusion from there.
Adachi let out a strained sigh. “Ah, crap.” He muttered under his breath as he adjusted his suit. Being caught in a public place so obvious was embarrassing. He felt like an idiot. His only saving grace was that it was just them and not Dojima. Standing next to you, he gave the kids a friendly wave. “Oh, hey, guys. We were just chatting.” A nervous smile was on his lips.
Unlike Adachi, regaining your composure was easy. Loosely crossing your arms, you chimed in with a kind smile. Your sunny disposition reverted back instantly. “Yep, we were just discussing cases.”
Just talking? Honestly, Yosuke found that hard to believe, given how it looked. Maybe his eyes were tricking him, but he could’ve sworn something else was going on. He would’ve begged to differ, considering how awfully close the two of you had been a moment ago. Maybe he was just dirty minded, but he had an inkling of what was going on between the two of you. Seriously though, he couldn’t believe it. Adachi with you?! How did he manage that?!
However, Yosuke doesn’t say a word, since Nanako was with them. The teenager had his moments, but he was mindful not to be weird around her. Unaware of the awkwardness protruding the air, the young girl smiled at you. “Hi, Ms. (L/N)!” She’s very fond of you.
You returned her grin and gave a small wave. She’s an adorable kid, and you’ve grown to love her. At this point, you’re like her aunt. Needless to say, the interactions between you two are very heartwarming.
Unfortunately for Adachi, he’s not holding his own against the two boys. Still, he smiled at them. “Nice to see you, kids. How’s it going? Aren’t you studying hard for the exams?” He asked.
Yosuke chuckled nervously with a nod while Yu rolled his eyes. The scene was painfully awkward.
Like Nanako, you feigned ignorance to the awkward situation. By now, you had calmed yourself on the inside to reflect your outward appearance. You were relieved the kids didn’t see anything. But to be fair, you were making out by the Junes elevators, so it’s not like you were trying to be discreet.
“Are you about to do some shopping at Junes?” You asked Nanako with a gentle, almost mother-like tone. The little girl beamed with an excited nod. “Uhuh!” Nanako said. The next time you weren’t busy, she wanted to invite you along.
Your gaze returned to all three of them. “Well, don’t let us hold you up. Have fun~!” You chuckled, sending them off with a sincere smile.
Yu and Nanako said their goodbyes and took off to go inside. Yosuke muttered something along the lines of ‘lucky bastard…!’ and followed them out. And with that, the kids went inside the store, leaving the two of you alone again. Smirking with amusement, you turned to Adachi. Though you covered your mouth, you failed to suppress a small laugh. That was pretty close.
Adachi let out another sigh as he met your eyes. His shoulders went slack. “I don’t think they were fooled.” He confessed. Chances are they’ll be talking about that later with their friends. Though he was embarrassed, there was also something exciting about other people knowing you were with him. In any case… “We should finish our conversation somewhere else…” He suggested, eyeing the doors.
That was for the best. The last thing you’d want was your pleasant talk to be disturbed again. You held your hands behind you. “Lead the way, detective.” With a grin, you replied coyly. You were ready to see where this would go. Adachi felt a rush of heat running down his neck at your coquettish tone, and he guided you out.
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im obsessed with this man its not good............ my friends and family are disappointed in me
also i live for the mia fey type girlboss characters they just like me fr T-T-T
divider: cafekitsune
follow if you like my writing :DDD
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kamoshidakun · 1 month
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Title: Shoot the Skill Fandom: Persona 4 Ship: Tohru Adachi x Reader Rating: Explicit | R-18 Warnings: Dubcon, Toxic Relationship, Gunplay, Oral Sex
Adachi fucks your mouth while being a generally rude dick.
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houstonhouse · 1 month
hello cherry magic fandom! i have brought you my humble offering
The magic sound that blows wind into my heart
Adachi Kiyoshi is a member of the idol unit Cherry Magic along with Kurosawa Yuichi. Between the two of them, Kurosawa is undoubtedly the most popular and this automatically gets into Adachi's insecurities. Not wanting his partner (and crush) to feel this way, Kurosawa tries to find ways to make Adachi more popular, and the solution he founds works a little too well for his liking.
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arcsin27 · 4 months
Idk how to use ao3 😫 I couldn’t find a specific fic premise I wanted to read
Granted it’s possible the ship is so niche no one’s written it but still
Anyways how would one go about finding fics with a specified plot point or premise in general?
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cr0wtherr · 10 months
Here’s a sneak peak of the first chapter of my zombie apocalypse au!! It’s a persona 4 story that is Adajima centric. I don’t have a name for the story yet.
April 23rd, 2022.
The day I was released from federal prison, after a ten year sentence. One count of first degree murder, one count of second degree murder. Originally it was longer, but good behavior and a lack of evidence warranted an early release. How lucky am I, right?
When I first stepped foot out of my home of ten years, I immediately felt the urge to beg them to take me back to the cages. I didn’t want to be a free man. I didn’t deserve to be a free man. No one in the whole of Japan wanted scum like me back on the street. What would I even do? Where would I work? I had learned to embrace the routine life of an inmate, but now, I wouldn’t have that. No schedules, no rules… well, other than being well behaved, of course.
Dojima- no… Ryotaro- is taking me in. He’s been talking about this plan for a few years now, always a what if scenario. “If you get out, you’ll be able to stay with me”, he’d say. I indulged in his fantasy, never believing it would actually happen. Flash forward to me standing outside of the gates, bag in hand, looking like a lost animal. I felt so stupid just standing there, with no clue what to do next.
All of it ceased to matter, though, when he scooped me in his arms so tight I couldn’t breathe, and all I could do was hug him back.
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risingshards · 3 months
is it so much to ask for the lesbians to be happy through all eternities
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fourthclone · 3 months
i don't think i'll be here for a while longer , though i'm certainly not deleting this blog . while i'm still on @infog , i'm still honestly struggling a lot so i apologize profusely for anyone looking forward to writing with me .
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m0e-ru · 1 year
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gas station doodle dump ft very special guest from yokohama
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aegagrusscholarship · 2 years
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this was SUPPOSED to look like the hunger arcana card design but then it kinda didn’t
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gcldfanged · 6 months
I haven't written a villain in awhile, I think I am going through withdrawal-
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choijesoo · 5 months
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Anyone else still hung up on Metal Fight Beyblade and creating work for what is pretty much a dead fandom since all the fans left are just collecting beys?
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