#added more lightning effects
mariposiel · 1 year
Me visibly vibrating: I like him a normal amount
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youngblood-valkyrie · 4 months
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"Impressive work, Miss Vance..."
(more wip shots of this under the cut)
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i-draws-dinosaurs · 1 year
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The Ides of March: How To More Effectively Confront a Sith Lord
ID: A painting by William Holmes Sullivan of the assassination of Julius Caesar, with the conspirators’ swords edited into blue and green lightsabers with one man in the foreground holding a purple lightsaber. Force lightning has been added coming from Caesar’s hand.
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 months
for soft!Jason: a Jason who caresses you like you're precious, hands cradling your face, sweet forehead kisses whenever he can, and his thumb rubbing against the back of your hand whenever he's holding it
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I’m adding onto this because it’s just utter perfection 🦦
Jason -once becoming accommodated to touch- will always want to be touching you as much as possible because he finds that to be an simple but effective way of showing you that he cared about you. Jason believed that words can only go so far and while he does verbally let you know how he felt about you with sweet words and cute nicknames but just generally prefers the lingering touches and featherlight caresses of the cheek even more.
Whenever he needed to get something Jason would hold onto your waist as he passed you by, squeezing your waist and or caressing it, but once he has what he needed -like a mug- his hand will remain on your waist; sometimes pulling you along with him as he goes about making himself a drink with his free hand. Yet he hesitates in pulling his hand away from you as though the thought of being away from you for prolonged periods of time was its own form of punishment, and in the end he had to force himself to pull away.
Even if you’re in a room with loads of space for the pair of you to indulge in your own thing without being in each others way, Jason will a hundred percent of the time choose to sit next to you on the couch, book in hand, but would sit close enough where you were practically pressed up against the side of him. His thigh would needily push against your own now and then as he continues to read, and he would even smile softly whenever he felt you respond to his silent request to feel you in kind by pushing your knee against his own, keeping it there for the remainder of the day.
It wouldn’t be too far of a reach to say that Jason would even place his hand on your thigh when given the chance, running his thumb against it along with the occasional reassuring squeeze here and there, a gentle reminder that he was always going to be there for you whenever you may need him. You’ve been a reassuring figurehead in his current life up till now and he feels as though it was time he payed that forward.
You are a once in a lifetime for Jason, like lightning in a bottle if you will, and he didn’t want to ever fuck that up. Ever. And he’s afraid that one day he would inevitably loose you, whether it be because of himself or outside forces taking you away from him; So he’s clinging onto you tightly for as long as he was allowed to do so.
He needed to have you within his vicinity, not just out of protection, but also out of his need to get it through his head that you were in fact real, that you just as much made of flesh and bone as he was. Gotham didn’t produce upstanding citizens or anyone with as much light as you but he thanked whoever sent you his way because he wasn’t about to ruin everything and scare you away in the end.
You were all he needed for a happy life.
So imagine his face when upon waking from a nightmare and drenched in sweat, Jason’s first reaction was to reach for you for comfort in knowing that you were there, only for his hand to hit thin air; He’s in a panic now and his thoughts weren’t doing him any favours as he tore through the apartment, looking for signs that you were okay and not been taken away from under him.
Now imagine his surprise and relief upon seeing you in the kitchen as you make yourself a midnight snack. Jason apparently felt so much relief that he just takes you by surprise as he tightly hugs you from behind, his head quickly burrowed into your neck as he inhaled your scent and his arms tightened on your waist, squeezing you as though you’d disappear if he were to ever let go; He’s already been through too much but for some reason the thought of loosing you entirely would’ve only proven to push poor Jason over the edge.
‘Jaybirdie?’ You asked while holding onto his arms, ‘are you okay? Did something happen?’
‘You weren’t there when I woke up.’ Was all he said and it was more than enough for your heart to break in two. So you raised one of his hands and pressed a kiss against the back of it before allowing it to latch back onto your waist.
‘I’m sorry baby. I was just making myself a snack, had I known I wouldn’t have thought of leavening the bed.’ You replied, moving your hand so that you could run your fingers through his hair in hopes of reminding him that you were still here, still by his side and most importantly; alive.
‘It’s fine, just as long as I know you’re okay I’ll be fine.’ Jason replied. ‘I just thought- no, never mind like you said, you’re here and that’s all that matters.’ He quickly adds on but you moved to look at him and held his face in your hands, thumbs stroking his cheeks with care as you leant your forehead against his as you closed your eyes. ‘You thought I’d left…didn’t you?’
Jason let out on uneven sigh, his arms tightened at your waist as he tried to press himself even further against you as though how close you were wasn’t enough. ‘Yes.’ He whispered his response. ‘For the first time in my life I have never felt so fucking scared of something so dear to me.’ You pressed a couple of comforting kisses across his nose, forehead, cheeks and lips before reassuming your previous position. ‘I’m okay, you’re okay, we’re okay and that should be enough.’ You told him, rubbing your nose softly against his.
Jason sighed, finally somewhat calm from before. ‘You’re right. I’m sorry I just-‘
‘Don’t apologise for having a nightmare. I’m not going to hold it against you for being human.’ You cut him off, looking deep into his eyes as he stared back, looking a little lost and defeated. ‘Would you like to go back to bed or stay like this for a little while longer?’ You asked, wanting Jason to make the choice rather then choose one for him.
Jason grunts as he burrowed his head into your shoulder, his form practically being slumped over you as your body acted as his sole form of support. ‘Staying here with you sounds nice.’ He murmurs as he pressed a few kisses against your neck. You smiled fondly and stroked his disheveled hair, midnight snack long forgotten as something much more important took precedence; keeping Jason safe.
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julicity · 2 years
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full size version
Please see the full sized version linked above! Since it’s been compressed pretty badly here...
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And here’s a version without the unnecessary lightning background, and a face close-up without the glow effects.
ALRIGHT, so this is one of the biggest pieces I’ve done in a long while. I put a lot of work into this so I hope you all enjoy~
I’ve got a lot to say about this one, so read at your own leisure lol.
I think it’s worth leaving notes on my design choices for this one, so I’ll start with that.
First of all, Sebek's character is based off of lightning/thunder (obviously) and also Maleficent's crocodile minion, the latter which I incorporated more parts of (like the halberd and the pointed coattails like his croc tail). Also his phantom would be based on the croc minion character.
I originally wanted to give him more actual crocodile features, like a tail or scales or something, but it wasn't really working out the way I wanted, so I scrapped it.
Most OB’s have long, ripped clothing so I gave him more of a cloak akin to Maleficent’s, the shape of the collar specifically being the same as hers.
I added some spikes on the coat like crocodiles have down their back and tail.
I really like the leg pieces that Riddle & Leona had for their OB’s, and the weaving pattern also happens to make a zigzag lightning shape, so it fits.
I also like the OB designs that have super drippy blot on their arms.
Some things are just copied from his dorm uniform, like the waistband and belts, and the shoulder armour (not the spools of thread though...).
The left shoulder armour doesn't exist in the normal dorm uniform. OB Sebek has one made of blot because Sebek's biggest insecurity is that he's incomplete and will never be good enough due to being half-blood and he wants to be whole T^T
Lightning-shaped blot markings on his face of course. Mostly I just tried to make something that didn't look ugly... 
Lastly, I wanted to make his hair messier, but it would end up covering his beautiful face so I let it remain swept back - 3- (aka I couldn’t make it look nice).
So in terms of why Sebek might OB... he clearly has an intense, unresolved internal hatred for his human blood, due to the environment he grew up in. And the way he copes with these emotions is by taking it out on the people around him. It just seems like with the intensity of these feelings, if he were to keep it internalized, it would completely destroy him from the inside. And he just has NOT had the chance or know-how to learn to accept himself and therefore others. So of course, this is something he needs to work on but he definitely cannot do it alone. I think something traumatic does need to happen for him to realize and learn from his ways honestly. In terms of the canon, this will probably be due to Malleus' overblot or whatever shenanigans will happen in Book 7.... but Sebek himself overblotting would do just as well.
I think this fic does a really good job with building up Sebek's OB and his mindset throughout it all getting worse and worse... --> READ HERE It’s still in progress at the moment of posting but the after-blot plot is really wholesome too for us Sebek fans. EVEN IF you are not one you should still give it a read. (Just for full disclosure, my OB design is not based on the one described in this fic.)
Thank you for reading my rambles. I’ve got more angst coming ;>
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hayatheauthor · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Writing Burns 
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Burn injuries are a common wound type explored throughout various aspects of literature. Unlike stab wounds burns come in various different forms. Every burn cannot be the same. The substance, intensity, and contact level all play pivotal roles in determining the nature of the burn your character must endure.
I previously did a blog about everything you need to know about stab wounds, which you can find here, and decided to continue this series with burns. So, here's my guide on everything you need to know when writing burns. 
Understanding Burn Types
Burn injuries are as diverse as the situations that create them. To depict burns realistically, it's essential to understand the different types, each with its own unique characteristics and narrative significance. 
First-Degree Burns
First-degree burns are superficial injuries, often caused by brief contact with a hot surface, a mild sunburn, or scalding steam. These burns primarily affect the outermost layer of skin, the epidermis. While painful, they typically don't result in blisters. First-degree burns can serve as plot devices, adding realistic touches to scenes involving minor accidents or unexpected contact with hot objects.
Second-Degree Burns
Second-degree burns are more complex and can be painful and blistering. These burns affect both the epidermis and the layer beneath, the dermis. They can result from scalds, flames, or chemical exposure. In literature, second-degree burns are ideal for portraying characters' struggles with painful healing and the potential for scarring.
Third-Degree Burns
Third-degree burns are the most severe and life-altering. They extend deep into the skin, damaging or destroying not only the epidermis and dermis but also the subcutaneous tissues. These burns can result from prolonged exposure to flames, chemicals, or electricity. 
Third-degree burns can be used to introduce profound challenges and transformations in characters' lives. The road to recovery is long and arduous, often with permanent physical and emotional scars, which can be used for character development.
Intricately depicting these burn types in your writing adds layers of realism and authenticity to your characters' experiences.
Chemical Burns
Chemical burns result from contact with corrosive substances, including strong acids or alkalis. They are typically more complex to portray in literature due to the need for specific knowledge about the chemicals involved. The narrative implications can vary widely, from accidents in laboratories to criminal acts of violence involving acid attacks or other harmful substances.
Electrical Burns
Electrical burns occur when the body comes into contact with electric currents, leading to tissue damage. These burns are unique in that they may not manifest external signs immediately. They can be used in stories involving electrical accidents, lightning strikes, or even superhuman abilities.
Radiation Burns
Radiation burns, often linked to exposure to ionizing radiation, are less common but offer a distinctive narrative dimension. These burns can result from nuclear events, medical treatments, or even futuristic scenarios involving radiation-based technology.
The Burn Substance And The Impact It Plays 
When it comes to depicting burns in your writing, understanding the substance involved can significantly impact the narrative. Different substances, from scalding liquids to caustic chemicals, introduce unique challenges and effects on the characters experiencing them. 
Scalding Liquids (Hot Water, Coffee, etc.): Scalds are common in everyday life, often resulting from accidental spills or moments of carelessness. These burns are typically first-degree, affecting the outer layer of skin. In your narratives, scalding liquids can add a touch of realism to scenes involving kitchen mishaps, hot beverage spills, or even cruel pranks.
Flames (Fire, Gasoline, etc.): Flames lead to more severe burns, ranging from second to third-degree injuries. Whether it's a house fire or an encounter with a fiery adversary, burns from flames introduce high-stakes situations and profound character development.
Chemical Substances (Acids, Alkalis, etc.): Chemical burns, caused by contact with corrosive acids or alkalis, offer a myriad of storytelling opportunities. These burns are often disfiguring and can result from accidents in labs, criminal acts, or acts of revenge.
Electrical Current: Electrical burns may not manifest external signs immediately, making them unique in burn descriptions. These can result from electrical accidents, lightning strikes, or even futuristic scenarios involving advanced technology.
Radiation Exposure: Radiation burns, linked to exposure to ionizing radiation, are less common but provide a distinctive narrative dimension. They can result from nuclear events, medical treatments, or futuristic scenarios involving radiation-based technology.
Understanding the substance involved allows you to accurately portray the type and severity of a burn, making your narrative more authentic and engaging.
Sensory Descriptions and Variations
When it comes to writing about burns, it's crucial to engage your readers' senses. Burns evoke a range of sensory experiences and effectively describing these sensations can immerse your audience in the narrative. Here are some factors you should take into consideration: 
Pain: Burns are notoriously painful. Depending on the degree of the burn, the pain can range from mild discomfort to excruciating agony. Describing the character's pain, its intensity, and how it evolves over time can create a deep emotional connection with your readers.
Heat: Burns often generate intense heat at the injury site. Describe the searing heat or scorching sensation as it radiates from the burn. This adds realism to your portrayal of the immediate aftermath of the injury.
Smell: Burns can produce a distinct odour. The smell of burnt flesh or singed hair can be nauseating or evoke feelings of dread. Including sensory details related to smell can enhance the reader's immersion in the scene.
Texture: The texture of a burn can vary. First-degree burns might feel raw or tender, while second and third-degree burns can result in blistering, peeling, or even charring. Explore how the character perceives the texture of the burn and its impact on their daily life.
Sound: The sound associated with burns can be subtle or pronounced. The sizzle or hiss when a burn comes into contact with hot metal, or the muffled cries of a character in pain, can amplify the emotional impact of a burn scene.
Numbness: In some cases, particularly with severe burns, the area surrounding the burn might feel numb due to nerve damage. This contrast in sensation can be a powerful narrative element in a character's journey to recovery.
By using sensory descriptions and variations, you can transport your readers into the world of your characters and make the experience of burns more vivid and memorable.
Anatomy of a Burn Wound
To depict burns convincingly in your writing, it's essential to understand the anatomical aspects of a burn wound. Burns affect different layers of skin and underlying tissues, and the depth of the burn significantly influences the healing process and long-term consequences. Here's a closer look at the anatomy of burn wounds:
Epidermis: The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin and is primarily responsible for protecting the body from the environment. First-degree burns affect the epidermis and are characterized by redness, pain, and mild swelling.
Dermis: The dermis lies beneath the epidermis and is thicker. Second-degree burns extend into the dermis and result in the formation of blisters, intense pain, and possible scarring. These burns can be particularly challenging for characters due to the pain and extended healing process.
Subcutaneous Tissues: Third-degree burns, also known as full-thickness burns, penetrate the dermis and affect the subcutaneous tissues. These burns often result in charring, loss of sensation, and long-term scarring. Characters with third-degree burns may face life-altering challenges and lengthy recoveries.
Muscle and Bone: In severe cases, burns can extend beyond the subcutaneous tissues, affecting muscles and even bones. These deep burns are catastrophic, leading to a range of complications and necessitating complex medical treatment.
Understanding the anatomical layers affected by a burn allows you to provide accurate descriptions of the injury, its consequences, and the challenges faced by characters on their journey to recovery.
How Do You Treat A Burn Wound? 
In your writing, portraying the accurate medical assessment and treatment of burn injuries can add depth and authenticity to your narrative. Characters' survival and recovery often depend on prompt and effective medical care. Here's what you need to know about medical assessment and treatment for burn injuries:
First Aid: Immediate first aid is crucial when a character sustains a burn. This includes cooling the burn with cold running water, covering it with a clean, non-stick cloth, and seeking medical attention. Accurate descriptions of the first-aid process can create a realistic sense of urgency in your story.
Medical Assessment: Medical professionals categorize burns based on their depth and extent. The "Rule of Nines" is a common method to estimate the percentage of the body affected by a burn. Accurately describing how healthcare providers assess and categorize the burn can enhance the realism of your narrative.
Wound Care: The treatment of burn wounds involves cleaning, debriding, and dressing the affected area. This can be painful, especially for deeper burns. Your characters' reactions to this aspect of treatment can add emotional depth to your story.
Surgery and Skin Grafts: Severe burns often require surgery and skin grafts to promote healing and minimize scarring. Detailed descriptions of these procedures and their impact on your characters can provide insight into the challenges they face.
Rehabilitation: Characters recovering from severe burns may require extensive rehabilitation, including physical therapy and psychological support. These aspects can significantly influence their character arcs and the overall narrative.
By accurately depicting the medical assessment and treatment of burn injuries, you can make your characters' journeys to recovery more authentic and compelling.
Common Mistakes and Misconceptions
While writing about burn injuries, it's essential to avoid common mistakes and misconceptions. Authors may inadvertently perpetuate inaccuracies in burn treatment. Here are a few common misconceptions to be aware of:
Applying Ice: Contrary to common belief, applying ice directly to a burn can damage the skin further. It's essential to emphasize the use of cold running water for cooling.
Popping Blisters: Characters might be tempted to pop blisters, but this can increase the risk of infection. Describing the correct care for blisters can improve the accuracy of your narrative.
Neglecting Long-Term Effects: Burns can have lasting physical and psychological effects. Ensure your characters' struggles and recoveries reflect the long-term consequences of burn injuries.
By addressing common mistakes and misconceptions, you can create a more accurate and engaging portrayal of burn treatment in your writing.
What About The Psychological Impact?
Burn injuries don't just affect the physical well-being of characters; they also have a profound psychological impact. Understanding the emotional and mental challenges your characters face can add depth to your storytelling. 
Post-Traumatic Stress: Characters who have survived burn injuries may experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Vivid flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety can be depicted to illustrate their emotional struggles.
Body Image and Self-Esteem: Severe burns can alter a character's appearance, leading to body image issues and reduced self-esteem. Describing how characters come to terms with these changes can be a central aspect of their character arcs.
Fear and Anxiety: Characters may develop a heightened fear of fire, stoves, or any situation that could cause burns. Depicting these anxieties and how they impact daily life can create a compelling narrative.
Depression and Isolation: The emotional toll of burn injuries can lead to depression and isolation. Characters may withdraw from social interactions or grapple with feelings of hopelessness.
Coping Mechanisms: Characters often develop unique coping mechanisms to deal with the psychological aftermath of burns. Some may seek therapy, while others may find solace in creative pursuits or support groups.
By exploring the psychological impact of burns, you can delve into the complex emotional journey of your characters and illustrate their resilience and growth.
Looking At The Forensic Considerations
In crime fiction and mysteries, burn injuries can play a crucial role in forensic investigations. Authors should be aware of the forensic aspects of burns to accurately depict legal and investigative processes. Here are some essential forensic considerations when writing about burns:
Fire Investigation: In cases of suspicious fires or arson, investigators must determine the cause and origin of the fire. Understanding fire investigation techniques and terminology can help create a realistic portrayal of crime scenes involving burns.
Identifying the Victim: Severe burns can complicate the identification of victims. Dental records, DNA analysis, and other forensic methods may be required. Your characters can collaborate with forensic experts to solve such cases.
Evidence Preservation: When writing about burn-related crimes, emphasize the importance of preserving evidence at the scene. The mishandling of evidence can significantly impact the investigation's outcome.
Legal Implications: Explore the legal aspects of cases involving burns. Characters may need to navigate the legal system, testify in court, or seek justice for burn-related crimes.
Historical Cases: Referencing real historical cases involving burns or fires can add authenticity to your narrative. Research well-documented cases for inspiration or incorporate them into your story's background.
Understanding the forensic considerations related to burn injuries can make your crime fiction or mystery more compelling but it also helps ensure you don’t accidentally offend any readers by inaccurately representing real issues. 
I hope this blog on Everything You Need to Know About Writing Burns will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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themissinghand · 2 months
Genshin Impact: The Overworked God [2]
Part 1
Summary: In which one of the lore writers who help write the world of Genshin Impact was suddenly thrusted in the very world they created. 
Well, testing characters is one thing, but playing God, and raising 7 children at a time? 
Oh boy. He just wants to go home and sleep.
Note: Finally back from break!
Part 2 of the Overworked God! Creator! Male OC!
What if we had a smarter Creator that never forgot his initial wish of going home?
Warning: Genshin and SAGAU themes, some OOC and angst.
Tempus, or Kai has been in the world of Genshin Impact for a very long time, since its creation where it was just him and Celestia. 
He struck a deal with Celestia, promising to be the Creator and consequently the God of Time to help create Teyvat, but on his own terms. Doing what he can to save his creations from unnecessary pain and suffering. 
So, he’s still overworked, stressed and sleepy all the time, especially now that he has to take care of 7 children too.  
But finally…today is the day he could finally go home. 
Home sounds foreign to him, after all, he spent more years in Teyvat than on Earth, but he has never given up on returning after fulfilling his duty as the Creator. 
It’s going to be a difficult announcement to make, considering how attached his children could be, but perhaps, he could twist the narrative just a bit to appease them.
“Tempus!” Speaking of, two bundles of mass hopped towards him as usual, and he caught them with both arms as if it was a routine. He stumbles a bit, sighs, but pats them on the head. 
“It’s been so long since you visited Monstadt! I missed you~” Venti hugged his waist as he peaked up with puppy eyes. Before Kai could respond, Furina beat him to it. 
“It’s because he likes Fontaine better! He’s been in my country the longest!” Furina quipped back with a proud expression on her face. 
“That’s because you suck at ruling your country!” 
“Says you, Mr. Drunkard Bard!” 
At least they both have trustworthy people like Neuvillette and Jean to take care of their country…
“That’s enough, you two.” A spark of lightning scared the two to cling onto Tempus even more, but Ei easily picked the two off. 
Ah, one of the more responsible leaders…
“Please ignore these two, Tempus.” Ei says stoically, as she sends a deadly glare that shuts the two up. 
“It’s fine.” Tempus greets every single Archon with a nod, before taking a seat at the head of the table, his expression showing his tiredness despite the light-hearted banter that usually happens during these meetings.
“Have a seat everyone.” All the Archons did a curt bow before taking their respective seats. 
Materializing snacks resembling that of an English afternoon teatime, he smiled when even the stoic Tsaritsa seemed to enjoy his food. 
It’s a shame though, this will be his last time. 
“Tempus.” He turned to the Tsaritsa, who seemed to notice his distress.
“I’m fine.” He brushed it away, before he felt a cold hand on his. 
“Let us know if anything is bothering you.” Zhongli added on, and Tempus shook his head. 
His children could handle Teyvat without him, what else would he be worried about? 
“Tempus, are your worries the reason why did you call us all today?” Sharp as always, Nahida asks, gaining everyone’s attention all at once. 
In the end…Rukkhadevata chose her fate. There are things that could not be changed…
“Yes.” Feeling everyone’s eyes on him, he felt even more estranged. 
"As you know, I've overseen Teyvat, guided you all, and tried to make amends for the mistakes of the past," Tempus continued. 
“After much thought, I believe it’s time for me to rest.” 
Multiple teacups fell onto the table with a loud thud. With a wave of his hand, the spilled tea disappeared. 
“T-Tempus! What, what do you mean?” Murata stood up abruptly, knocking over a flower vase, which Tempus easily dissolved to nothing. 
“Tempus, how could you abandon us!��� 
“Calm down.” But it seems to have no effect, instead, he felt the cold hand squeeze his own, sending a shiver down his spine. 
“Tempus, you belong to us.”
“As I’ve said, I will be going into deep slumber-” Suddenly, many eyes shot towards the Bard who looked very pale. 
“-to take a break.” A teacup shattered, but Tempus paid no mind to it. 
“My decision is final, and I hope you can take care of Teyvat while I rest.” For eternity. 
“Tempus.” Scoring golden eyes burned into Kai’s soul, and he forced himself to remain neutral as he stared at Zhongli-Morax. 
“Please stay. I’m begging you, please, Your Eminence. Please don’t leave us.” 
"But what of Teyvat? You've become integral to the stability and well-being of this world, and us." There were many nods that followed. 
“We need you.”
There was desperation in his voice, and while it did hurt Tempus to leave them, he doubted he could stay any longer knowing that he could finally leave. 
“All of you are strong and are capable enough to rule your countries, which I am very proud of. Teyvat will be in good hands." Some Archons smiled briefly, but it was short lived. 
"Which is why it's time for me to step aside and take a break."
They had grown accustomed to Tempus's guidance, his wisdom, and his tireless efforts to steer them towards a better path, so for them to lose his support is like fighting without a weapon. 
“W-Where, will you be resting? In Temporium?” Furina’s shaky voice filled the silent room. 
“Stay here, the Fortress of Meropide will keep you safe. Fontaine and I will keep you safe.”
“For how long?” Venti asked, anxiety in his voice. 
“I’ll find you, I’ll find you no matter where you run.” 
“I do not know, for as long as my body needs.” Their faces became pale at thinking of the possibility of not seeing Tempus again. 
With a sigh, he stood up, making others rush to stand too. 
“Come here, each one of you.” In an instant, they rushed over and Tempus pulled them one by one into a hug. While he made himself tall and muscular, he felt small in the group hug that lasted an incredibly long time. 
He felt arms around his waist, chest, arms and back, being hugged by 7 people at once was somewhat suffocating. 
“You all will do great. I will miss you all.” This was not a lie. 
“Time flows like water, and perhaps I will wake sooner than you all expect.” This was a lie. 
Tempus heard sniffles, and felt hands grabbing his robes and weaving through his long hair. 
“Tempus…do you have to leave us?” Nahida asked, tugging his heart strings as he saw such a wise person tear up. 
Did she read my thoughts? 
Tempus got rid of that idea as he forbade her from doing so, and with his current power alongside Celestia’s authority, she should be blocked from doing such a thing. 
“I am not leaving, Nahida. I am merely resting.” 
Finally, with some coaxing, he managed to peel them off one by one. 
“I leave Teyvat in your hands.” 
With that, Tempus bid farewell to the Archons and quickly prepared to depart from Celestia. The longer he stayed, the more unbearable this would become. 
However, once he left, the atmosphere shifted once more. The Archons, loyal to their Creator beyond measure, exchanged anxious glances, and a heavy silence settled over the chamber.
“Tempus lied.” Nahida said, as tears rolled down her cheeks. 
“Nahida?” All of the Archons felt their heart drop at her words. 
“He may be resting in Temporium, but there’s more to it. I can’t read his mind completely, but…he’s going to leave us if we let him go.” 
“What are we waiting for then?” Suddenly, the atmosphere turned cold. The Tsaritsa stepped forward with her Ice scepter, Permafrost. Like many other Archon’s weapons, they were gifted to them by the Creator himself.
“If Buer’s words are true, then while his body remains in Temporium, his soul is elsewhere.” 
The Archons soon came to a consensus. 
“We cannot let him go into slumber.” 
Or they will lose him completely.
[Are you ready, dear Creator?] 
Tempus laid in his resting chamber on the edges of Temporium, in a makeshift mountain. He created this place in secret, so no one else by him knows. 
He felt bad for his kingdom, as he told the royal family that he will be gone doing his Godly duties for a long time, but never informed how long. 
Regardless, they should be able to live without a god, considering the technology and time Tempus gave them. 
As he lay in his comfortable bed with minimal decorations or other items, he shut his eyes and reminisced about the past. 
Although it was a very long time, he was never really alone. 
But he has seen much more than a normal human on Earth, from war to life and death, to the repetitions of stories by going back in time many times to fix his mistakes. 
“Stop him! He’s going back in time!” 
Truly, it takes a mental toll on his mind. He can’t let his emotions take over, otherwise, he would have to redo everything again. 
[Thank you for your work, dear Creator]
[Just make sure you fulfill your side of the deal]
[Of course]
When he shut his eyes, he felt safe, comfortable and oddly relieved, relieved of his duties at last. 
His eyes snapped open and saw his chamber shake with vigor. All of his protective mechanisms activate, indeed, he prepared for this.
Voices slowly became louder and the earth seemed to roar. 
How did they find him? Was it Buer? It must've been.
There was desperation in their voices, and Kai assumed that they seemed to have figured something out. 
Perhaps honesty was better, but in the end, this was always the outcome. 
Yes, Tempus already knew that no matter what he did, the Archons would rebel, would seek him out.
Even if the walls seem to crumble, it did not affect Kai’s chamber, after all, it was sealed and protected with his powers.
But perhaps with a bit more persistence, they would soon destroy the mountain all together, leaving him and his chamber exposed. But, Tempus was not worried, after all, he had prepared for this moment too long ago. 
[Farewell, dear Creator] 
Suddenly, he felt a bright light engulf him as he felt incredibly sleepy. 
Through his blurred vision, he could see the stormy skies, and all seven Archons rushing towards him. 
“You can’t leave us, Tempus!” 
Seeing them in their prime, in their Archon outfits was a little nostalgic. 
Hearing a crack in his chamber’s shield was somewhat surprising, but also, incredible. His children have grown up well. 
With a fleeting smile, Tempus bids farewell to his second home. 
His eyes close, just as the light takes him whole. 
Morax and Murata pierced through the tough protective layers desperately, and Ei and Venti whiz past them to reach their Creator. 
But, they were too late. 
“No, Tempus is…he’s-” Barbados was crying as he held Tempus’s hand. 
“Kai! Kai!” Furina bawled her eyes out, calling his real name repeatedly as if it would bring him back. 
But he won’t come back. 
Bal held his body as she froze in shock (in regret), as if she was reminded of her past. 
“Tempus, you’re cruel.” Buer, the one who got them so far and so close but not enough. She knelt down beside him and cried while pressing his hand into her face. 
“You’ve left us with death, not slumber. You lied, you lied!” 
It was like they lost a part of themselves. 
After all, Tempus was there whenever they needed guidance, he sacrificed his own personal time to make sure they were alright. 
“K-Kai…” Morax stumbled towards the still body that used to be his friend, mentor, benefactor, love, and everything. 
Even in death, he was still so beautiful, kind and holy. 
Tempus was their everything. 
The Tsaritsa dragged herself towards Tempus with her scepter. She was known to not show her emotions, even when Tempus encouraged her to do so to stay emotionally healthy. He was the only one that saw her vulnerable side, and knew who she really was, and never judged her for it. 
“Tempus. How dare you…abandon us like this?” She stood by Tempus’s feet and her eyes did not leave his body at all. 
While others wept, her tears were turned into weapons. 
Murata stood by her with the same dark, solemn expression. 
It’s not fair. 
How could he treat them like his everything, and then leave them so abruptly? 
If only he could open his eyes again and say it was nothing but a terrible joke. 
But Tempus is gone, leaving his lifeless body as his final memory and gift. 
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The Final Scores are in!
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(lines by @ovytia-art, @jamiethebeeart, @maebird-melody, @hannahmanderr, @dashing-through-ecto, @minnowmarsh, @dashing-through-ecto)
Congratulations Red Team for filling some very big shoes and taking home the gold!
We did it, Guys~! Green With Envy 2024 is now officially over! Thank you so much to everyone who participated!
@echo-does-art, @half-deadmagicperson, @goodfish-bowl, @ectoblastfromthepast, @furiarossa, @fuyuthefoxwriter, @brothebro, amazing work!
You managed to submit 219 colors in one month!
Pre-Bonus Points Scores
Red - 1832 Blue - 1409 Yellow - 1524 Brown - 703 Green - 109 Purple - 307 Pink - 304
Orange - 347 Black - 297 White - 191
Post-Bonus Points Scores
Red - 2507 Blue - 1920 Yellow - 2145 Brown - 830 Green - 154 Purple - 444 Pink - 434 Orange - 457 Black - 387 White - 256
If anyone wants to color line art from the 2024 event, these lines are now open for anyone to color, just make sure to read the notes the line artists left you and credit them when you post a color! Last year's (2023's) stuff can also be found here.
MVP’s for Bonus Points Across All Teams Under the Cut!
The top 3 bonus point earners overall were:
@jamiethebeeart from yellow team with 230 points
@ecto-stone from blue team with 194 points
@half-deadmagicperson from red team with 164 points
Here's how well colorists scored with the Mods for slower, but more detailed colors! Each color of this type that we could spot earned that participant 5 additional points!
These people all did Palette Challenges, earning them 3 additional points per entry!
@lavendarlily x9, @craftybookworms x6, and @half-deadmagicperson x1
These people colored in bulk, with every 25 pieces netting them an additional 10 points!
@nanaarchy x2, @fuyuthefoxwriter x2, @half-deadmagicperson x2, @reading-wanderer x2, @jamiethebeeart x2, @balshumetsbaragouin x1, @echo-does-art x1, @furiarossa x1, @ecto-stone x1, @marzfartz x1, @moonfoxgazer x1, @audaciousanonj x1, and @sherry-a-h x1
These 11 people successfully poached points!
Yellow Team @reading-wanderer got x4, @moonfoxgazer got x2, and @marzfartz got x2 For a total of 8 Poaches and 160 points Red Team @half-deadmagicperson got x3, @goodfish-bowl got x1, @echo-does-art got x1, and @brothebro got x1 For a total of 6 Poaches and 120 points Blue Team @ecto-stone got x2, and @sherry-a-h got x1 For a total of 3 Poaches and 60 points Brown Team @audaciousanonj got x1 For 20 points Orange Team @craftybookworms got x1 For 20 points
These people had some extra creative colors, which each earned 5 additional points!
@lavendarlily for their animated lightning @craftybookworms for their creative use of the empty countertop @minnowmarsh for their 3D papercraft @raaorqtpbpdy for spending a very long time adding in sheen effects and using multiple types of coloring tools @raaorqtpbpdy for their elaborate mixed media background with the main art as a 3d floating element @echo-does-art drew and colored all the additional knives @brothebro for their creative punchline to the meme @ecto-stone for trying the hidden transparency trick for first time @ecto-stone for another transparency trick @ecto-stone for this lovely gif worm @moonfoxgazer for the outrageously cursed and elaborate OC Slackjaw born of Susi's lines @moonfoxgazer for their creative punchline to the meme @furiarossa for the above and beyond body and fur texture added to Susi's lines, paired with an amazing background @furiarossa for coloring the lines to look like a statue, and adding a ficlet inspired by the color @ventisettestars for this time intensive Hades coloring style @dreamwraith's VERY time-intensive traditional oil painting @marzfartz for their traditional watercolor with a really nice background @marzfartz for another lovely watercolor @ectoblastfromthepast for their super nice digital piece that took them 3 days of intense focus @summerssixecho for their scanned magazine digital collage @jamiethebeeart for this stunning digital piece that has such a lovely added background @jamiethebeeart for adding basically a whole story to the background of their color @jamiethebeeart for adding a background that just really fit the vibes of the line art perfectly @jamiethebeeart for their portal accident animation @pokerust for their papercraft @goodfish-bowl for their amazing paint pour background @sherry-a-h for their diamond painted furby
Thanks so much everyone for all your hard work to make this such a successful event and we hope to see you again next year~!
Looking for the 2024 Masterpost? Looking for links to last year's stuff? 2023 Free-To-Color Line Art 2023 Event Decal 2023 Masterpost
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xxsycamore · 5 months
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╰┈➤ ❤ You're overstimulated, and Napoleon is being a bully.
Napoleon Bonaparte/f!Reader • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: Overstimulation; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie; Vaginal Sex; Teasing; Embarrassment; Crying; Dacryphilia; Dirty Talk; Begging; rough but also soft sex; Aftercare • wordcount: 2,048 • masterlist
a/n: I've been wanting to have a napo smut titled Crybaby for SO LONG NOW. Ever since that one event came out where he kept calling MC that. Knowing him, I think he might be into this...
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"Napoleon… you're staring…"
Chest still rising and falling in labored breaths, you try to get the attention of the man seated between your legs, as he yet still fails to snap out of the trance on his own.
You know you can do this faster if you close your legs and devoid him of the view that so seems to interest him. But you don't -  on the excuse of the tiredness in your limbs.
The load of cum he'd put deep inside you just moments ago has now began to gush out and Napoleon's clear jade eyes, still clouded by lust, proudly follow the white rivulet down the curve of your slightly raised legs.
"I am."
He's shameless and blunt, knowing fairly well the effect it has on you. The embarrassment you're trying to evoke in him ricochets right back at you, as he makes you self-aware of the fact that you feel a certain way about him staring. At least enough to point it out.
Napoleon chuckles, easily making the tension dissipate as he leans down to place a peck against your pursed lips. He notices you trying to prop up on your elbows and is quick to gently push you back down.
"I'll take care of everything, just rest."
Still pouting because he's unfairly knightly as if he wasn't being a big tease just a second ago, you sink deeper into the soft embrace of the duvet, losing the inner fight too soon and letting yourself be pampered. Your eyes are closed by the time he returns, but you feel his presence as he climbs on the bed again.
You can't help the small shiver running down your lower half as your senses register a damp cloth grazing along your skin. The coolness it brings is not unwelcome on your overheated areas, and Napoleon is so gentle with you. He made a mess, it's only rightful for him to clean up after himself, after all.
You mewl as Napoleon's fingers brush past your clit. The added friction from the cloth makes his touch foreign and exciting to your sex, and you try not to fall too deep into the feeling because that's hardly the point. Even if the rational part of your brain understands that this is not Napoleon toying with you, the psychological part has other ideas.
But so does the man above you, encouraged by your lascivious sounds. He smirks and places his thumb right above the bundle of nerves at the apex of your folds, and drags his finger down slowly.
The moment the very edge of his fingertip comes in contact with your sweet spot, shockwaves strike through your core like lightning, making your lower half rise from the bed.
The smirk stays on Napoleon's face as he pretends to carry on with his task of cleaning you. His thumb grazes past your clit once more and you jump again, letting out a prolonged whimper.
He must be enjoying your reactions a little too much. While the sight of you writhing in pleasure entertains him every time he finds you underneath him, this time it's so much easier to pry them out, when you're overstimulated like that.
He knows better than to mess with you when you're spent and too sensitive, having earned his fair share of weak slaps against the arms or across his face for such indulgences.
Except, this time your protest never comes.
In the back of his head, he tells himself he's being way too cruel to you, but then he's reminded of your words. You're the one telling him time and time again not to hold back and to love you with all of his heart's intensity; and in the bedroom you're only more encouraging.
He flicks your clit with his finger once again, and your legs instinctively close against his arm.
And when you're being like that, he only falls harder for you.
The cloth is quickly discarded and forgotten as Napoleon makes himself more comfortable between your legs, like a big cat leisurely playing with its food until it's had enough. You peek from between half-closed eyelids, finding the sight of Napoleon's forearm sandwiched between your tightly shut legs. The muscles on it flexing because of the movement of his fingers where you can't see them; the vein running down the side of it becoming more prominent.
The sounds spilling from your lips are characteristic of the moments where he's fucking you so hard you forget to care about being too lewd; yet now he's doing so little and you're sounding so pathetic. Naturally, the back of your hand comes over your agape mouth in an ill-fated attempt to regain some of your decency. You subconsciously bite into the knuckles of it.
Napoleon eyes you with calculation among other things. He needs to be careful for the signs of you being too caught in it all to judge when it's too much, never taking the trust you put in him for granted.
He loves the way you squeeze his hand, even if it soon becomes numbing. He stokes your clit a little more to his best extent, the sensation now doing the opposite to you and making you part your legs wide, releasing him at last.
That only gives him an opening to attack, resuming his slow, firm strokes that make shockwaves run through you.
"Awww, you got wet again."
Your breath hitches, being caught by surprise despite how obvious it is that your body is bound to get aroused again under his ministrations. You watch in embarrassment as Napoleon cooes and gathers some of the lubrication you secreted and rotates his fingers in the air to show you the web-thin thread between them. With how well he cleaned you just awhile ago, your arousal now becomes only more prominent somehow.
When his thumb returns to your clit, it's slicked and the movement becomes more fluid, leaving you with no room to catch your breath between strokes. You let out more needy sounds as overstimulation and fresh arousal clash inside you.
"You're hurting yourself… Let's put that hand away."
Blinking in confusion, you need a moment to understand exactly what he means. As Napoleon gently guides your hand away from your mouth, you see the teeth marks you left on it. Napoleon's own hand follows your own until it falls safely to the side of your head, and he returns his gaze to yours.
There are physiological tears at the corners of your eyes.
Napoleon lets out a short and sharp laughing noise.
You toss your head to the side, only making the shiny dewdrops caught on your eyelashes more obvious to the man above you. Your lips are pursed in a permanent pout.
The warmth of Napoleon's hand on yours leaves you only to keep your left leg spread wide, as he quickens the pace of rubbing your clit. He strokes the overstimulation out of you, as your body gradually becomes more pliant and welcoming to his touch in a familiar old anticipation.
But for what it's worth, the slightly raw feeling at your core nudges those tears into finally spilling past your eyes.
Napoleon cooes at you again, leaning down until you feel his breath fanning over your cheek. He kisses your hot skin, his lips catching the tears. You wonder if your tears from pleasure arouse him.
He's such a bully.
Despite the obscene circumstances, he seems to find you nothing short of adorable, with the way he peppers you with kisses.
"My poor crybaby darling. What am I gonna do with you?"
The growing arousal makes you greedy and demanding, as you toss again, but this time in a provoking fashion. No, letting your body's language speak for you is not enough anymore, you need to spell it out for him.
"I feel so… empty…"
The momentary halt of his fingers gives him away, even if he pretends not to hear you. Your legs move frantically, switching between closing and opening in desperation. As horny as you are, your body will need more than that to be pushed over the edge. You have no choice but to try again.
"Napoleoooon… put it in… I need your cock again…please…?"
The small curve of that last word that emphasizes your begging does things to him, you know fairly well. He stares you down.
"How are you so sure that I can go again? Or have you been actually just trying to seduce me all this time?"
For a moment your eyes widen, finding reason in his question. Just because you're burning from the inside doesn't mean that Napoleon is also ready to-
The sensation of something hard rubbing against your inner thigh startles you.
Soothing is not the right word to describe this discovery, as Napoleon barely gives you time to rearrange your thoughts before he positions himself over you properly, guiding his swollen cockhead in.
Believing that your little midday love session was truly ending awhile ago, Napoleon had put on his trousers, even if leaving the belt to fasten only after he takes care of you. Now with the change of plans, he cares little about discarding his pants again, as fucking you on the spot is more important.
As a result, the buckle of his belt repeatedly clashes against the bed, the metal prong making a clinking sound that joins with the noises of copulation. Napoleon fucks you into the mattress, knowing he can go as fast and as wild as he wishes, neither of you bound to last long anyway.
The last traces of tears escape from the corners of your eyes that have watered one last time with the intrusion of his cock. Despite the sensitivity of your walls, your core remembers Napoleon's shape so well, greedily sucking him in as soon as he builds up a steady pace.
Your arms and legs lock around him, as if afraid that all of this is just another one of his tricks.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard— fill you to the brim—"
You all but scream against his chest as you can only receive his rapid pounding and wait for him to fulfill his promise. Your walls clamp down around him, desperately dragging him together with you in the pit of pleasure as you feel your orgasm approaching dangerously fast.
The noises of skin on skin fill your ears along with Napoleon's occasional swearing, cracking the composure of his otherwise not too filthy mouth. He slams his hips onto yours sloppily, losing all demure, and finally erupts inside you.
Reaching your peak together with him, you see stars behind your eyelids as Napoleon's cum paints your insides spurt by spurt. For a second among the euphoria you wonder if you feel so full because some of his cum from earlier was still trapped inside you.
The vice-tight grip of your arms around him turns into something softer, more reminiscent of an embrace. So does the hold Napoleon's strong hands have on your waist. As he settles you back down on the mattress from where you soared unnoticeably, your body tight as a string, you gradually begin to relax once more, melting together with him to a content pile of limbs.
Napoleon rains kisses on your face, from your forehead to the curve of your lip to your slightly damp cheeks.
"Now, what if I wanted to watch my cum leak down your thighs again?"
You can't believe him. Rolling over as if to avert your gaze in disdain, you turn your back to him.
He opens his mouth to bite back, preparing something along the lines of not deserving the cold treatment after how good he loved you, but he pauses. On wobbly legs, you arch your back and tuck your knees beneath you.
The sight is all but scandalous as Napoleon's load runs down your leg.
With forehead pressed against the bed, you let out a faux sigh, seeing how lost for words he seems to be.
"Just try not to get aroused again, Napoleon. Please."
Caressing the curve of your thigh up to your ass, Napoleon lets out a wry laugh, even if there's no actual bite to it.
"Look who's talking."
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @devonares @galaxyprison @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza @my-day6 @princess-pray-a Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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rottiens · 3 months
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✮ wc. . 2.3K
✮ tags. . angst, fem reader, major character death, manga spoilers. divider creds: cafekitsune.
✮ about. . a sequence of events that begin with you ending your relationship make you reflect on the effect your decisions have on the future.
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How long is "forever"? For a child who is left in line at a supermarket while their mother goes back to get something else to put in the cart probably a long time, for someone who is sick it probably feels like an eternity.
For someone to whom you tell for a whole year that you love them, and that you will always be together probably the phrase ceases to carry the same weight as when it was first said, after a few months, one of you may say the words because they sound nice rather than because you really mean it.
Looking back you're not sure you remember it very well. The scene is a blur in your head, just like those old VHS's where you start in one scene and if it wasn't cautiously recorded it ends up jumping to a totally different one. You're not sure exactly what you said or how it sounded, nor what he responded to hearing you say it, you struggle to remember because it's important now.
You can't quote the exact words that came out of your mouth but you have etched in your memory his flushed cheeks, the way the gentle breeze ruffled his hair naturally. Everything felt like slow motion or at least that's how it's saved in your head, you think the detail of his blush was stored so clearly in your memories because you've never seen him so red before.
His face was just like a painter's canvas that had had a big red stain spilled down the center.
"Come on. Let's go home before it rains," Satoru suggests, ignoring the knife you casually plunge into his chest.
You clutch the black bag hanging from your shoulder tightly to your body and avoid his blue eyes at all costs, after all, the oval sunglasses do little to hide them and you don't know if you'd rather he was wearing the blindfold today. You glance down at his high-soled loafers, as shiny and shimmering as the rest of his outfit. You divert your eyes to his briefly to stall for time and refocus on your shoes.
He calls your name, reaches out his hand breaking the infinite distance between you and you pull back adding more space. You think you hear his heart break.
"You can't be serious." His hand returns to his side in submission, his throat rising and falling swallowing saliva. "Are you serious?"
"I want to focus on other things."
"I'm unfocusing you?" Satoru laughs dryly, briefly bringing a hand to his chest pointing to himself before lowering it.
"I'm not sure if we're compatible, I think we're only together because we're both lonely."
His lower lip trembles because what you said was a low blow, it's not fair for you to mention the things he's secretly told you while you were snuggled under the covers of his bed for a situation like this. Concern flashes fleetingly across his face along with a lightning bolt that breaks the sky. The parking lot is practically empty, there are couple of cars scattered around as if it had been put there specifically as part of the scenery, you lose yourself in satoru's porsche behind him, gray as the cotton clouds that suffocate the sky, the flash of the kisses you have shared, the laughter, the secrets that stay stranded in it stick in your chest like a sharp arrow but you quickly disguise it by blinking fast and pretending to smooth out the non-existent wrinkles in your clothing.
The silence is heavy. Satoru stares at you so intently that you think he has forgotten to blink.
Satoru opens his mouth but the sudden torrent of water that flows over your head startles you. Satoru gets wet in seconds which makes you wonder why he doesn't activate his infinity and take refuge in his technique, why he stands next to you as if made of stone, still contemplating you.
"You're tearing me apart!" he shouts through the sound of the rain collapsing against the pavement, the water making his shirt cling to his chest, his white skin glistening through the fabric.
"I'm so sorry."
You need to run from there, the rain is everywhere just like the pain that covers your body from head to toe. You feel it all over, crushing your bones, squeezing your lungs and stealing your breath. You are ready to run and flee by his side, but his long fingers stop you, catch your wrists and pull you to him.
Leaving you no escape he pulls you into a forced kiss full of hunger and resentment, his fingers squeeze your cheeks tightly almost as if he's forcing you to stay close but it doesn't matter if he hadn't, you wouldn't have pulled away anyway. He brushes your tongue with his, you let him taste you one last time as he tastes the trace of the drink you were given at the event you attended only minutes before.
The perfect couple, he strongest next to the best sorceress, everyone was talking about the children they would have together, about the future of both clans and the great family they would form, all without asking you first about how you felt. You immerse yourself in a lot of expectations that you have to live up to when all you want is to survive at the end of the day, with so much pressure from your family and the higher ups it is only logical that the band that keeps your appearance of the perfect woman stretches and torn.
You hate yourself for doing this to him before he leaves on a week long mission away from you but you think it's the perfect time for him to detox from you.
As you pull away to breathe he still holds your cheeks possessively, gazing at you just like the most valuable object on display. You can't know what those pretty eyes that hide a sea in them are saying, but you wouldn't blame him for hating you.
"Let me take you home," he asks in a raspy voice and you shake your head.
You can't be near him alone again, not in his car, not in your apartment.
Then Satoru releases your cheeks and they immediately burn from the absence of his fingers and embarrassment, he takes the longest backward step he can and lets you run away from him, literally and metaphorically.
That was the last time you saw him, after leaving him soaking wet in the rain.
It's not like you were desperate to see him again but you weren't sure that would be the last time you'd see his face either. With everything that happened after that day you purposely decided to avoid him, you took missions as far away from Tokyo as you could, avoided going to school on the days he would be working as a teacher and ran away from every social activity you know he would be involved in… little by little the big strong couple fell apart until people accepted that it wasn't a rumor and that you two were really over.
Then he was called to Shibuya along with the other sorcerers who were available. Conveniently you were in Latin America, too far from home to do anything more than hope that all your friends made it out alive from the massacre that was happening there while all you could do was wait and find a plane ticket as fast as you could. You had your phone taped to your chest all night at the airport and all day until you got off the plane until Yaga personally called you to tell you the details.
Satoru Gojo was locked up in the prison realm, I have a death sentence on my head… You'd be lying if you said you heard anything else after that. The phone rolled free from your hand to the ground, crashing to the concrete of the street in a muffled sound.
On your way back you found Tokyo in a mess. Shibuya seemed to have been crushed by a large black hole that consumed and destroyed everything in its path, that it had been a phenomenon fallen from space would have been easier to deal with than admitting that the monster that had created that was still there, hiding in Itadori's body lurking like a predator ready to strike at the precise moment and you could do nothing but wait for it. Guilt digs into your chest as deep as a knife, you refuse to cry and swallow the pain like a hard pill, you should have been there.
Since then you did everything you could to rescue Satoru as you know he's the only one who can take on a now free Sukuna, you can't do it without his help or a logical plan. And after everything that happened between you you feel you owe it to him, as a silent pact that you must keep your word to.
So this is the first time you see him after that afternoon. He looks different from the last time you saw him, maybe it's your fuzzy memories that didn't store the information correctly but he looks bigger even, his hair has grown and his shoulders are broader.
"I knew you'd be here," he jokes in his usual tone.
Here, away from the show his students prepared to welcome him as the celebrity he is. Your belly was in knots and you didn't want to see him, you weren't ready.
You want to slap him for being the first thing he says after months of not seeing each other, for treating you like the sweet friend you always were to him because you feel you don't deserve it, but instead and against all odds you pounce on him. Your arms wrap around his waist embracing an infinite cold emptiness that then materializes in the warm body of your partner.
You hadn't realized how much you missed him until now, until his fingers melt into your hair massaging your skull and pulling you further into him, until you hear him unabashedly sniff your hair and say between giggles how much he missed the smell of your shampoo, you soak his black t-shirt in your tears while his chest burns. You feel safe, you feel at home, and you realize that everything you did was a mistake.
As you lift your clouded eyes to him, you see everything blurred by the raindrops threatening to overflow like that day yet at the same time, you have never seen so clearly in your life.
I love you so much, I'm so sorry - It's at least what you would have liked to say before he interrupted you, his lips make you weep when they touch your forehead so soft, so delicate, you want to stay here forever, you want to tell him to quit, you don't have to save anyone else, you want to tell him to run away with you, that you're ready to start a family and grow old together but you know what he's going to say. Instead, his words make you keep silent:
"You can tell me all that when I get back, I have a lot to tell you too."
You hit the cold table hard where half of Satoru's body rests and the whole room shudders as your cursed energy emanates from you in great waves.
"You promised you'd come back so get up off that fucking table," you sniffle through your nose without letting a single tear fall. Shoko next to you says your name as low as if she doesn't want to be heard, her fingers squeezing your shoulder feels like she's doing it with pity, like she's comforting you, why is she doing it? Perhaps it's her way of telling you that that's it . "Tell me you can do something." You look her straight in the eyes but she keeps quiet, like everyone else, no one dares to speak or scream, why is everyone acting like this is part of the plan? Why are you the only one sinking into a deep salty sea? "Shoko, fuck!"
She shakes her head. "I'm sorry."
Your knees fail you and you have to lie down on his legs, hiding your face in the white sheet covering what's left of him, your heart dropping to your stomach as something sour and bitter rises up your esophagus.
"Leave me alone." That's all you ask, you don't get up to see if she's heard you over your voice drowned out by the white cloth.
The smell of the hospital and medication, unused gloves and alcohol makes your gut knot, it's all too much. You can barely breathe, your throat burns and it would be so much easier to feel a curse tearing you from the inside out.
"You promised…" you sob again hugging the corpse of the one you recognize today as the love of your life. "I'm so sorry," you mumble with a mouthful of saliva.
When you broke up with satoru you missed him every day, every hour, everything reminded you of him because you didn't just lose a boyfriend, you lost a friend. You missed him but you knew you were going to see him again someday, when the symptoms of grief would subside for both of you, maybe you could even get back the friend you lost because of your relationship but now, missing Satoru is a feeling of anguish that won't go away, because you can't call him anymore, you can't show him the pictures you took in the day, you won't be able to hear his voice again, you won't be able to hold his hand again….. It is a loop of a feeling of emptiness that cannot be filled with anything because he is now gone forever, a black hole that no matter how hard you try to fill it with things and people it will not fill, because nothing and no one will be able to take his place.
And for a person who has lost a loved one who told them that he would be there with them until they grow old, forever is a long time.
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notes. . ngl this is really a catharsis for me. i miss a person who is no longer with me irl and what better than to open my heart and let out some of the pain through one of the characters i adore the most <3
thanks for reading! Reblogs are appreciated. And don't forget to spend time with your loved ones and remind them how much you love them whenever you can.
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strawchaee · 6 months
New girlfriend
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warnings: angst, ex!bada, gf!chocol, fem!reader
words count: 1k
— BADA FOUND YOU IN THE CROWDED ROOM, her world paused, ears buzzing at the sight of you. The rest becomes a blur as she navigates through the lively partygoers, realizing you look exactly as you did the last time.
It took her five minutes to locate you at your mutual friend's party. Another five to mentally register that, indeed, it was you, leaving behind the champagne glass held by her agile but restless hands. Just as it took her five minutes to leave her. It took you five minutes to tell her you'd finished packing and moved on, leaving her stunned by the realization that she had destroyed the relationship.
Her sharp eyes follow you, firming at the gentle hand resting on your waist. Your agile hand on her shoulder, laughing at her antics.
Kayoung tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, takes a hair tie from your beloved purse, and offers to tie your hair. You gladly accept, boasting to your friends that you don't need to go to the salon – you have a personal stylist at home.
You feel eyes on your head, piercing into it, and you know exactly who it is. Seeing your enchanted features drop, Kayoung excuses both of you, gently guiding your smaller frame to a table. She follows your gaze, hands on your waist turning into clenched fists. She looks back at you, kisses your forehead, and, distracting you with appetizers, turns her attention back to the woman who broke your heart a year ago.
In her defense, now seeming utterly pathetic, Bada claims not to have seen your signals. When you made it obvious, she brushed it aside, saying she was tired. She took a sip of champagne, its bitter taste matching her bitter regrets for not changing the ending, as you desperately tried.
Unfortunately, you've seen these movies before. In friendships, in relationships. You don't know when it happened, when it started. Her eyes, once warm and comforting, turned cold and piercing, watching you whenever you tried anything remotely out of place. You never liked these endings, but you liked her. So, you did something you've never done for anyone else. Cutting through the thorny forest, ignoring the deep cuts opening old wounds. When Bada made her indifference clear, you didn't yield; instead, you pushed harder. She was slowly abandoning your city, which you had worked so hard to build, just for her, so you had nothing to do but condemn her to exile.
Bada can recall it vividly, the way you said it calmly, as if you were supposed to reassure her. You said it with such confidence, claiming you found happiness in her but would find happiness after her. You took your small bag and left with the door closing softly. She couldn't accept the ruthless fact, opened the door, and followed you into the impending storm.
She had never seen you so angry and sad before, your words striking her like lightning splitting the sky, tears falling onto hers as she couldn't distinguish between your teary eyes and the sky. She still remembers how you held back, eyes roaring with emotions she hadn't seen before. You looked at her through wet lashes, the distinct whisper of "you never saw the signs, so many signs," and your helpless "you're not listening."
Those same eyes add salt to her wounds now, your hand protectively placed on Kayoung's shoulders as if to say, "I found my happiness." Your eyes turn into stars, supernovas exploding at the sight of your now-girlfriend. Playfully toying with the silver band on your finger, both blushing at the continuous compliments.
With slouched shoulders, she places her empty glass on the table, eyes unconsciously landing on you again. You're about to turn and look at her, adding more fuel to the fire, but Kayoung's gentle push towards the dance floor interrupts you. In zeptoseconds, she immerses you in this laughter-filled mess, swaying and spinning you, effectively keeping anything that might permanently bother you at bay.
As a slow song plays, Kayoung rests her chin on your head, embracing you as if protecting you. She'd be lying if she said it didn't break her heart a little to see her old friend leave.
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tsams-and-co-memes · 3 months
LAES Lunar Canon Info
Updated - 6/9/24
Lunar's likes:
Sour skittles, Smarty’s, and chewy chips ahoy
Things that glow in the dark
Metal music, as long as it’s still intelligible
Peaches and bananas
Comic books
Spider lily flowers
Space and astrology related things
Making an entrance
Kingdom Hearts
Anything sugary
Chainsaw Man
Making himself smaller for other people
Coffee (it's implied that he rarely, if ever, gets it though)
Tekken 8
Friday Night Funkin
Lunar's dislikes:
The ocean
Putting ice in his drinks
The color red
History. In his words, history sucks and is like the worst subject in school
The color yellow
The creator
Jack (subject to change)
If Lunar gets too scared, he WILL cry
Unlike his brothers, he can eat food
When he is upset, anxious, tense, or getting scared, he makes a high pitched squeak sound that’s almost the equivalent of a whimper, but it sounds like a creaky door
His voice box has a concert hall sort of effect, in which a lot of reverb is added to whatever he says. There’s also another special function that lets him sound like he’s talking on an old radio station
He’s very sassy
He was originally made of nanomachines, before he was blown up by Eclipse
His birthday is August 11th
If he could have a pet, it’d be a chinchilla
He prefers showers over baths
He likes to act more childlike, although he himself is actually an adult
He has a habit of saying things that are very out of pocket
Lunar is slightly colorblind
He has weather based powers– namely wind and lightning
One of Lunar’s favorite games is Bloons TD6
His memory isn’t very good
Lunar doesn't wake up immediately and is groggy for a bit in the morning. He also screams every morning to help himself wake up more. His "wake up scream" also helps motivate him, too
It's implied that he watches Phineas and Ferb
He cleans himself via taking a sponge and scrubbing the metal parts of himself
Monty did design Lunar with the capability to change his clothes
Lunar's a sleep talker
Lunar can't read cursive, while Earth can
Lunar gets into a lot of trouble with small animals
When Lunar gets angry enough, he sounds more like Moon
Lunar can control wind, lightning, and heat (weather in general)
He's good at math
He occasionally eavesdrops on Earth’s therapy sessions with people if he finds the person attending interesting at all
Lunar doesn't know how to read Morse code
Lunar's comfort food is chips, and he eats them when stressed
When Lunar had a tail, his tail apparently was sensitive
Lunar's not good at rhythm games
Lunar has a stomach hatch that opens sideways like a cabinet door
Lunar sometimes makes the kids dance in the daycare. He even dances with them
Lunar thinks Bowser "can get it"
Lunar could eat an entire crate of Nutella in 3 days, and his body would convert it into star power
Lunar doesn't watch R-rated movies
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biggestsimponhere · 1 month
“don’t touch them” with obi wan x reader please!! a little angst/comfort with obi wan getting protective ☺️
Protective - Obi-wan kenobi x reader
Warnings - Mentions of torture, blood, sharp objects
A/N: sorry this is so late omg 😭
A mission went wrong, this isn’t unusual in most cases except the way it went wrong. You and Obi-wan Kenobi had been sent on a mission on the outer rim. You’d gotten the supplies to the town and all was going well until you both began to make your way out of the town. You had both been too exhausted to sense someone sneaking up on you. Which effectively led to where the two of you are now. Chained up on Dooku’s ship with Obi-wan chained up next to you.
As you began to stir awake you could hear Obi-wan grunting in pain next to you. You reach out with your force to Obi-wan as you slowly wake up. “Well look who decided to join us” Dooku said turning his attention to you. “Don’t touch them, you’ll have much bigger problems than the order if you do” Obi-wan said glaring at Dooku. “Oh? So you do have a soft spot, here I was thinking it would take much more to crack you” He said looking back at Obi-wan. Obi-wan continued to glare at the man, while subtly trying to make sure you were alright. Dooku moved over to the table to pick up what appeared to be a very sharp knife.
You stared as you watched him move over to Obi-wan with it. He crouched in front of him moving the knife to Obi-wans face and running it down his cheek, nicking his face. Obi-wan grunted in pain as blood ran down his cheek. “Stop, d-don’t hurt him, hurt me” You said firmly. “I mean if that’s what you want” Dooku said before shocking you with his force lightning. “Stop! Stop please” Obi-wan yelled. Your face had begun to pale and obi could see you sweating. “Just stop” He said defeated. “Tell me what I want to know and i’ll let you both go freely” Dooku said stopping the lightning.
Before Obi-wan could say anything an alarm went off on the ship. Obi-wan smiled lightly as he felt Anakins force signature enter the ship. Dooku fled from the room quickly. “Y/n, hey, wake up please” Obi-wan said trying to nudge your force with his. He received no response verbally or otherwise. Then Anakin bust into the room. “Master” He shouted as he ran and undid Obi-wan’s cuffs. Obi-wan quickly moved over to you. You were still breathing but very lightly. “What happened?” Anakin asked almost on the verge of tears. You had raised him almost ad much as Obi-wan had. “Dooku happened” Obi-wan said before calling for medical.
Everything blurs as you’re rushed out of the room. Obi-wan watches as your taken away. To medical. Not away. He follows behind them slowly. Feeling awful, like he should be the one on the stretcher and not you. He distantly hears his name. He doesn’t respond. He can’t. “Obi-wan?” Anakin says again. Stepping in front of him. “Yes?” He says but it’s like he can’t even hear himself talk. “You need to get checked out” Anakin says laying his hand on Obi-wan’s arm. “I can’t, not until she’s okay” Obi-wan says. “She’ll be fine, but if she’s gonna be fine you have to be too” Anakin said before dragging obi-wan over to medical.
“Please Anakin, check on her” Obi-wan says as he sits on the bed. Anakin nods and heads out of the room. Obi-wan profusely refuses treatment until he knows your state. Eventually Anakin comes back into the room. Obi-wan looks up immediately. “H-how is she?” He said quietly. “She’s going to be alright master,” Anakin responded softly “You need to be treated” Obi-wan nodded and let the droids finally work on him. As soon as he was treated he rushed out of the room to find you. Once he was in your room he sat by your bedside quietly. If the other Jedi saw him shed a few tears they pretended not to notice.
He grabbed a hold of your hand and laid his head to rest at your side. A few hours later you woke up, reaching to move your hand you noticed a weight on it. You looked down and noticed obi-wan. You smiled lovingly before waking him up with a soft call of his name. He immediately perked up upon hearing your voice. “You’re awake” He smiled. “Thank you” You say quietly. “For what?” he replied immediately. “Keeping me safe” you say, reaching out to cup his cheek. Understanding that he doesn’t believe he did you sigh lightly. He turns his head to place a kiss on your palm before interlacing your fingers. You nod to the space next to you and he climbs into the bed. The two of you drift off into a peaceful sleep. Safe in each other’s arms.
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Arkano Elite Visor
Wondrous item, very rare ___ This visor is a strange device from a far-flung age and can sometimes be found in the lairs of sphinxes that have traveled through time. The visor is made of pitch-dark glass that can be seen through from only one side. While wearing the visor, you have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, wearing the visor increases its range by 60 feet. Glowing, eye-like illusions appear on the front of the visor while you wear it, duplicating the expression you make with your actual eyes. The visor runs on a power source that's fueled by magic. The visor can be used for up to 8 hours before the power source is empty. Deduct the time you use it in increments of 10 minutes from the power source's total time. You know how much remaining time the source has while holding the visor. Any creature can use an action to expend a spell slot level of 1st level or higher into the power source, adding to its total remaining time, by touching the visor as the spell slot is expended. The power source regains a number of hours of power equal to the spell slot level that was expended into it. When found, the visor has 1d6 + 2 hours of power remaining, and it can't have more than 8 hours at a time. 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝘽𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙨. While wearing the visor, you can press one of the buttons on its side using a bonus action to grant you a unique effect. Each effect lasts for 10 minutes, ending early if you remove the visor. Each effect deducts a number of hours from the visor's remaining time, as described below. If you press 𝗯𝘂𝘁𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝟭, you can use an action for the duration of the effect to fire a beam of energy from the visor's eyes. Each time you do, 1 hour is deducted from the visor. Make a ranged spell attack for the beam, which has a range of 60 feet, using a spell attack bonus of +8. On a hit, the target takes 4d8 lightning damage. If you press 𝗯𝘂𝘁𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝟮, 3 hours of power are deducted, and you gain blindsight out to a range of 60 feet. If you press 𝗯𝘂𝘁𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝟯, 5 hours of power are deducted, and you gain truesight out to a range of 60 feet. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
which pokémon do you think would work best as neopets? and vice versa?
I hear people toss around "this Pokemon looks like a Neopet" on occasion and it's always clear that the people saying that have no idea what a Neopet typically looks like. For a Neopet, the usual design attributes are:
Eyes either have a defined pupil/iris/cornea, are closed, have black on the outside with color inside, or are dots. There are some exceptions to this (Buzz, Grundo), but the majority fall into one of those categories.
Bodies show very strong color blocking OR are monotone with no markings. The Llamameeah (effectively a beta design) vs the finalized Gnorbu design are a good example of this.
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Not a hard rule, but Neopets loves countershading/underbelly markings and manes.
Most Neopets are either real-world animals or strange fantasy creatures.
Neopets can have visual hooks, but they don't usually have any kind of theming because that kind of thing is added during painting. Pikachu couldn't work as a Neopet because of the lightning-bolt tail, for example.
The design must lend itself to being recolored with the standard four Neopet base colours.
Neopets can't be overly humanoid or be multiple creatures at once like Pokemon can.
All that said, here are some assorted Pokemon off the top of my head that I think could be Neopets with a style change and redraw (also not including Pokemon like Goldeen which would basically be the Koi when redrawn):
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Neopets that could be Pokemon are much more vague because Pokemon doesn't have as rigid as a style, given that there are hundreds more Pokemon than there are Neopets. It also doesn't help that most Neopets gain theming by being painted, so most base colour Neopets wouldn't work. These ones are probably the closest (falling into the category of "animal with a minor visual theme", "Blob(TM), and "space alien", respectively:
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kkami-writes · 10 months
Devil's Advocate  – Chapter One. cw. written in third person, other chapters will be second person unless otherwise specified wc. 1.1k (1,118)
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October 31, 2020 “Honestly, I think this is the worst idea you’ve ever had,” Hyunjin mumbles out, mostly to himself but his other members are quick to shush him and he goes back to curling himself into a ball. He wonders briefly why he was even here in the first place. 
Him, along with Jisung and Jeongin, were currently sitting in Felix’s room, surrounded by a shit ton of candles that added to the ambience but didn’t provide much light to the dark room. Hyunjin vaguely wondered where Felix had gotten his hands on this many candles, but it was the least of his worries. The two youngest were preoccupied with a ouija board that was laid on top of what he assumed was supposed to be a pentagram; their hands settled on the planchette, moving it across the board in nonsensical circles. 
It was, of course, Felix’s idea to try ‘communicating with the spirits’, seeing as it was halloween of all days and he had insisted that you were supposed to do stupid stuff like this on the spooky holiday. Everyone else had blatantly refused though, leaving just the four of them huddled on the floor. Jisung sat off to the side, a bit further than the others as he clutched a container of salt to his chest. 
‘For protection, duh,’ was his simple response when they had asked him what he brought the seasoning for. No more questions had been asked after that. 
Outside a storm raged on, rain beating loudly against the windows of the dorm, adding to the creepy atmosphere they had set for themselves. Lightning could be heard in the distance, rumbling softly. 
Hyunjin on the other hand, was just about done with his members' shenanigans. He was more than ready to call it a night and crawl into his nice warm bed that was practically calling his name. It was just about to strike midnight and nothing even remotely interesting had happened in the last ten minutes. How much longer were they gonna keep trying? 
Felix and Jeongin on the other hand were still visibly excited, the former starting to chant something in what Hyunjin supposed was to be latin, though being incredibly butchered by the deep voiced aussie. At this, he’s officially done. Hyunjin could only handle so much from them.
“You guys are crazy, I’m out,” He says with a sigh, moving to stand up and leave. 
It’s at this moment though that lightning strikes nearby, resulting in a loud echoing boom that feels like it shakes the entire dorm. All of them scream loudly, definitely waking up their neighbors (who have already filed plenty of noise complaints against the group). Jisung practically flings the salt out of his hands, effectively sprinkling it all over the carpet as he moves to cling onto Jeongin. 
The candles suddenly blow out and they’re screaming again - this time Felix launching himself into Hyunjin’s chest, the latter eagerly wrapping his arms around the lithe boy for any source of comfort. An almost eerie silence overtakes them as they sit in the darkness for a few minutes, no one daring to utter a single sound. 
“Can we be done now? I think my heart is about to give up,” It’s Jisung that breaks the silence, a slight whine to his voice as it cracks from the fear that’s stuck in his throat.
“Aw, don’t you wanna have some more fun?” A new voice pipes up, this one distinctly female and that was definitely not here before. The boys are screaming for a third time, all of them scrambling up in an attempt to get away from this intruder that sounded far too close to them. The disembodied voice laughs at their fright, the sound is light and sultry, almost borderline seductive. 
“Jeez you guys are loud. Calm down. Here, let me get the lights,” At this, all the candles flicker back to life, the boys watching with wide eyes. All four of them had ended up huddled together, pressed into the corner of the room and clinging to each other rather desperately. 
Hyunjin blinks in disbelief at the sight before him. In the middle of the room, laid on top of the makeshift pentagram and ouija board is a woman. The position she’s in is seductive, one leg fully extended and the other propped up at an angle with  a hand on her hip while the other holds her head up. Clad in black lingerie, there’s a corset wrapped around her waist that nicely accentuates her curves with a garter belt that holds up sheer thigh highs. To top everything off, her black stiletto shoes are definitely at least 3 or 4 inches and could probably kill a man. 
Hyunjin finds it rather hard to swallow down the lump in his now very dry throat. 
The thing that stands out the most are the bright red horns on top of her head, they’re slightly curved inwards and they match the eerie color of her eyes that are currently glowing and piercing through the four boys. To top everything off, she’s also got a tail, it’s pointed at the end and currently in the air, swirling around as if it was a snake hunting for its prey. 
Silence follows for a few minutes, none of the boys really know what to say, their minds coming up blank in the impossible situation before them. The girl is simply studying them closely, not bothering to move from her comfortable spot on the floor. They don’t get the chance to say anything before the door to Felix’s room is being slammed open, the other members piling in. 
“Hey, we heard you screaming? Is everything ok?” Chan asks the four boys in the corner, not even noticing the biggest problem in the middle of the room as he goes into leader mode. The other three have definitely noticed the new person in the room, who had definitely not been there before. 
“Hyung,” Minho’s nudging into Chan’s side, his eyes glued onto the half-naked girl whom his leader hasn’t even seen. 
“Oh my god what,” Chan starts as he turns towards Minho, whose gaze is somewhere else and he lets himself follow the other’s line of sight. He can’t see too well in the barely lit room so he quickly flips the light switch on.
He falters at the figure he can now clearly see, she’s still laid out on the floor, seemingly content just watching the events fold before her. But once she notices that Chan’s eyes have landed on her, she’s sending him a cheeky grin and a small wave - her sharp canines not going unnoticed by the eight. 
“Well hello there,”
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