#adding scars to Arthur be like:
rdr2thur · 2 years
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here are some rdr2 doodles for the people of tumblr . com
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insomniac4000 · 2 months
Jelly Legs- ArthurTV
Becoming a camerawoman for ChrisMD meant two things;
Standing out in all weathers for hours on end watching people try to shoot a ball into the net and
Trying not to stare at ArthurTV while doing number one.
You were first introduced to Arthur on your first day on the job, you were obviously nervous but professional and found it sweet Arthur spent his down time when he wasn’t taking part in the video, asking you questions. It was a ritual now, after shooting had wrapped for the day Arthur would stop for you a chat, one of his questions was always ‘what are you doing after this?’ so you would tell him your plans whether it be with some friends or mostly going home and edit the photos from the shoot before watching some Netflix and Arthur’s response would always be ‘cool,’ and a nod before he stuttered and walked off to speak to Chris.
“Do you mind that Arthur has a crush on your videographer?” George asked when him and Chris were getting into an Uber to go home after another very long shoot. Your day was far from over still, you had to take the equipment back to the office and back up the SD cards before heading home.
“Nope, it’s been what? Eight months now and it’s still the exact same routine, he stares at her, talks to her about animal mating rituals, she follows him around with a camera for apparent content,” Chris said doing the finger quotes before continuing “Then he asks her what she’s doing that evening but never follows it up with oh you’re not doing anything? Maybe we could go out? There’s nothing to be worried about, Arthur is a man of habit,” the small man explained as he played with his phone. George nodded in agreement but just because he agreed with it didn’t necessarily mean that was the way it had to be.
“Has she said anything to you about possibly liking him back?” George asked raising his scarred eyebrow.
“No, I don’t know a ton about her outside of work, she tends to keep things professional mostly. I know she loved science fiction films so they’d be a good pairing in that sense,” Chris replied with a shrug and George nodded.
“When’s the next time you’re going out with your team? Let’s invite her along, I think it’s time you got to know her a little bit more socially,” George suggested and Chris nodded, just because he was unlucky in love didn’t mean he wasn’t willing to help out a friend.
“So if you fancy is we’re all going to go out for dinner and then some drink’s next Friday?” Chris asked you the next time you were both in the office, setting the wheels of the plan in motion.
“Oh wow, yeah sounds good,” you nodded before looking back to your screen.
“Really? Okay great,” Chris replied and you looked at him a little and frowned.
“Unless you were just asking me to be polite…”
“Oh no no no! It’s just, I wasn’t expecting you to say yes so quickly. I’ve kind of noticed you tend to keep to yourself quite often. Its one of the reasons why we’re doing this actually, to get to know everyone outside of work, I like to think it’s quite cool and relaxed here and I’m not some horrible slave driver boss,” Chris explained and you nodded. You did keep to yourself often and people had sometimes pegged you as unfriendly when you were simply unsure.
“Sure, it sounds good,” you smiled and Chris nodded before adding the line that made your heart thump a little.
“George and Arthur will be there too,” You needed a new outfit.
After work that day you went shopping, it wasn’t your favourite thing to do in the world and it was something you could do quite quickly, it was often the case that whenever you had money and needed to buy something there was never anything, here you now were in Westfield trudging through each shop in a desperate attempt to try and find something that made her look good but also make it look like she wasn’t making too much of an effort. She picked up a black cami with a floral pattern and lace trim, feeling the material between her fingers, maybe this would work some jeans? Suddenly she heard a voice the other side of her which sent chills right down to her bone.
“You know you suit dresses a lot more,” the dark voice said in a low tone, you froze and kept trying to tell yourself that this couldn’t be happening, there was no way he was here, it all had to be a misunderstanding, a terrible one at that.
You finally mustered the courage to look up and there he was in front of you, the one person you never wanted to see ever again in your life, the person who you thought you would never see again, sure the legal side of things had ended but perhaps naively you thought he wasn’t so stupid that he would seek you out and talk to you again. You pulled the hanger with the top on it from the rail and marched to the till, hoping that human interaction with someone else could firstly, cause him to back off and secondly it would stop you from bursting into tears. You bought the top but it only kept the tears at bay for those five minutes as the second you left the shop they started to flow. Your vision was blurry from tears no matter how hard you tried to wipe them away as they were being replaced so quickly. You could see a man approach you and you started to panic, your breath quickened in pace and you started to wheeze ever so slightly, feeling the intense squeezing sensation in your chest, a panic attack. You hadn’t had one of these in over four months, you were doing so well. The figure got closet but you noticed the hair wasn’t long and brown so it couldn’t have been him. But he was a big guy, you could tell he was definitely a gym bunny, it wasn’t until you could hear his voice that you started to relax.
“Y/N, Y/N it’s me Reev, what’s happened? Are you okay? Let’s get you somewhere a bit quieter,” he said softly and you nodded. Your main work was for Chris but as he didn’t have a crazy upload schedule you would often do other work in your down time mostly for other Youtubers as they knew your work from Chris and or shared an office with him so it was easy to coordinate.
You could only nod, not having the strength or ability to speak in that moment. It was only when you started to walk you noticed Theo who walked on the other side of you, you were squished between the pair and managed to find some seats in a quieter part of the shopping centre off from the main stretch of shops.
“Do you live far from here?” Theo asked scrolling on his phone for Chris’s number, not knowing who else to contact. Your breathing was still very erratic so you shook your head, it was roughly a ten or fifteen minute bus ride away so an Uber would take closer to ten minutes if not a little bit less.
“Do you have a housemate or anything we can call?” Reev asked but once again you shook your head as you gripped onto the bench so tightly while trying to steady your breathing. You lived alone, you had lived alone since you and him broke up, him. You couldn’t believe after so long you would ever bump into him, let alone him having the audacity to speak to you and now after months of hard work he was at the forefront of your mind yet again.
“Hey Chris, are you home? We’ve got a bit of a situation here,” Theo asked Chris who he had now gotten on the phone, he explained the situation with the little information he had and Chris agreed you could go to his if you needed somewhere. You were starting to feel incredibly embarrassed but still hadn’t gained your ability to speak, or regulate your breathing properly so off to Chris’s you went with Theo and Reev in tow.
“What’s happened?” Chris asked once you were settled on the sofa, a mug of tea in hand, a very concerned ArthurTV and George sitting on the other sofa staring at you waiting for answers.
“I saw my ex,” you managed to spit out, staring at the wall in front of you, you had a thousand yard stare, it was obvious you had been traumatised by something.
“Must have been a pretty shitty ex for you to react like that,” Theo noted. Arthur frowned, the thought of you being so upset by someone did not make him feel good, from the little he knew of you he had only known you as an incredibly sweet person.
“He was. I was so surprised to see him because well…” You sighed, it was all going to come out anyway you may as well let the cat out of the bag. You took a deep breath to compose yourself before speaking again “He went to prison, he was violent.” You stated before downing a big gulp of tea. An uncomfortable and stunned silence filled the room as you looked around to see everyone’s faces, there was a mixture of pity, shock and anger, it was usually what you got.
“Did you know he was out?” Arthur was the one to break the silence, he needed to know more, he needed to know if you were okay.
“Yeah, there’s no restraining order or anything, not anymore. I had a no contact order but he didn’t go to prison because of me, he had a fight with someone else, but still I just didn’t think he was stupid enough to talk to me in that shop. If you guys hadn’t have seen me I don’t know what would have happened,” you burst into tears again as everyone looked at each other not knowing what to do for a crying woman. Chris gave you a hug first, some of the others did too in an attempt to cheer you up, you spent the next hour telling everyone your story, asking their questions to the best of your ability.
“That’s why I keep to myself a lot and keep things professional, I’m so so scared to let anybody else in,” you explained, your gaze flicking to Arthur briefly.
“I can’t say I blame you, but you know if you need anything you can call on any of us right?” George offered as he nudged Arthur a little and the brown eyed boy nodded profusely.
“You know you’re safe with us,” Arthur added and you nodded, you did feel safe with them, but could you open up in the way you wanted to?
Armed with their new knowledge the boys had well and truly embraced you into their inner circle, the best part was as far as you could tell they weren’t just doing it because they felt sorry for you but they were genuine.
The work drinks were a huge success, you spent a lot of time talking to people but mostly you chatted to Arthur, George and Chris although pleased the two of you were talking were now very aware of the complication, as was Arthur but he was determined to not treat you any differently, in fact he was even more determined as he wanted to show you just how you should be treated, you deserved the very best.
“Do you think somewhere in China there’s English takeaway serving up questionable fish and chips and steak and kidney pies?” You asked Arthur as the pair of you tucked into a takeaway. The two of you had started to hang out together just you two. It was purely platonic, you had mentioned you had wanted to learn how to play chess so now it was a regular thing going over to his flat to play a game, eat and talk about your views of the world. For some reason this particular evening had ended up being a little boozy, Arthur often liked a drink but this evening he seemed to be drinking a little but more and also tonight you were in a mood to match him somewhat.
“Maybe, I want to go to China. I had a great time in Sri Lanka, I need to go to Asia a lot more plus it’s so diverse,” Arthur mentioned to you, you hadn’t travelled a lot but it was on your bucket list.
“I’ve never been outside of Europe, I’d really love to do something like that,” you replied as you ate your food.
“Maybe we could do something together? Only if you wanted to of course…” Arthur asked trailing off at the end as his shyness kicked in.
“That sounds amazing,” you smiled and blushed before eating some more of your dinner.
The two of you continued to eat in a comfortable silence, you always insisted on washing up when you went over to his flat despite his insistence it was fine but the two of you had a routine now, you washed and he dried and put away. You handed him a plate, the blush rising very quickly on your cheeks as your hand brushed with his momentarily.
“You’re very cute when you blush,” Arthur said, his eyes widened, he didn’t realise he had said it until the words fell out of his mouth, he stuttered a little as he tried to come up with something to say and now it was his cheeks which were the red ones. You couldn’t help but admire how cute he looked all flustered.
“I’m sorry,” he managed to choke out eventually and you frowned a little and shook your head.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s always nice to hear a compliment. You’re cute when you blush too,” you replied looking down a little picking up the fork and cleaning it so the last of the washing up was over.
“I just don’t want you to think I’m coming on too strong or that I’m only after something. There’s some nice guys out there and I really hope you believe you deserve something nice,” Arthur gushed, he didn’t know why he was saying this let alone why he was saying it now but he couldn’t help himself, the words were spilling out of his mouth he just couldn’t hold onto them anymore. You looked at Arthur carefully, trying to ignore the thumping in your chest. You reached out and grabbed his hand lightly walking back to the sofa where you both sat, hands still entwined and now resting on his knee.
“I know, I think you’re one of the good ones. I didn’t say anything before because of my past and I was scared to get into anything but I don’t want my past to effect my future anymore.” You admitted and Arthur had a very small and hopeful smile on his face.
“Does that mean we can maybe go out for dinner next time?” He asked his voice shaking ever so slightly.
“I’d really like that,” you replied with a giggle. This was going to be different in the best way possible.
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eccentricallygothic · 1 month
The Farmer's Bidding
Pairing: Dark!Arthur Morgan | Gender-Neutral Spouse!You. 
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Description: Days when you're irrationally needy are Arthur's favorite. Because it is then you willingly do all his depraved bidding.
Part 2 to this but you can probably read it as is.
Warning(s): Dubcon (just to be safe), dark!Arthur, house wife kink, denial, torture, begging, degradation, humiliation, brat taming, nipple biting, kissing, unprotected sex, dick riding, sex pollen, forced marriage, enemies to fuckers, one spank, Arthur calling your hole pussy once just because he is a condescending asshole. Minors do not interact.
Type: Request (anon), here.
Unbeknownst to you, Arthur had taken notice of your altered behavior the moment you had walked into the small dining area that was a few steps away from the kitchen this very morning, pot in hand that you had placed on its stand in the middle of the table before serving him his breakfast. 
Unlike your usual hateful self, today was one of those such days where you could not resist your husband. Could you really be blamed though? When he sat on a chair with his legs spread in the most manly manner possible, focused on what he was doing while his mouth released clouds of smoke every now and then? 
No, you reckoned not. 
So you had been availing every possible chance since this morning to brush past him, rub against him, linger over him and just make any physical contact that you could manage to get him to react. 
But Arthur had chosen to bite back his amused smirk while he had pretended not to notice you nearly whining out loud because of his faux obliviousness to your advances. Instead, he would continue to suck on his cigar and write away in his journal until you became so frustrated that you ‘accidentally’ tripped over your own feet in such a way that you landed right in his lap. 
The next few moments had been a fleeting blur. Your brain had only caught on when you were pouting and whining while sinking down on your husband's stiff shaft. 
But Arthur wouldn't be Arthur without his teasing. And so his rough and scarred hands restrained your hips tightly in place once you were resting on his balls, his grip thus disallowing you from creating the friction you so desperately craved.
“Now, how about this, baby?” His words were guttural and so they added to the heat between your legs. “You act like you’re better than all this mess…” You grunted as your nails dug into the hard skin of his manly shoulders. But Arthur did not relent. Your hole clenched and unclenched to try and aid itself in the discomfort it felt. “Ya act like you’re too good for me…” You whimpered as your forehead collapsed against his. Arthur’s darkened eyes stared into yours. “But I don’t pay you no mind for just half a day… and you turn into a silly lil’ critter…” Your face was already ablaze, but his words did not fail to add more warmth to it. 
They never did.
You still refused to speak hence openly admit your harlotry and stubbornly tried to rock yourself against him once more. He heavily chuckled and it sent shivers down your spine and up where your bodies connected. 
“Hng!” You shivered with a wince. 
“You know what to do, baby” when you whined in response, Arthur tutted you like you were no older than a little baby and leaned in to take a little lick at your nipple. You shuddered as you realized that the upper strings of your apron had been brought loose and your husband had ripped the buttoned opening of your dress so to reveal your chest to him. 
“N- No…” You tried to stand your ground. 
Arthur had once told you that he liked the fighting bit the most. 
Because crushing your pride and getting you to admit that you were his little slut so he would fuck you harder was what it was about. 
“Yeah, baby?” His voice was soft and playful. But you knew better than to take it lightheartedly.
You could see it clear as day in his lust clouded eyes. 
He had taken it as a challenge.
Arthur twirled his hot tongue around your erect nub, creeping one hand down to your privates and giving a good caress to them, his long fingers somehow reaching every crevice and bump.
“Ah!” Your back arched and the muscles in your thighs began to twitch when the rough stubble of his face began to drag itself towards your neck, his balmy lips finding their chapped way to your throat before he pressed a soft kiss to your sensitive skin.
You whined again, feeling your face scrunch in a pleading manner as you twisted and writhed, desperate to move your hips. Arthur knew just the way to kiss your neck. The amount of lip, tongue and teeth he put in each time he did it tightened your loins in a way that deprived you of your rational faculties and made you do whatever depraved bidding of his that he desired. 
“I know, baby, I know” he cooed with faux sympathy while he stroked your intimates in such a torturous manner that it added to your need but was not enough to satisfy it, his mouth sucking the marks of his ownership into your delicate skin. “And ya know how to help yourself here. You know the words, remember? I taught ya them myself” you cried out helplessly, on the verge of sobbing as you gave one last push to your weak knees so to rebel against the ironhold he had on your waist.
But strength had never been a debatable factor between Arthur and you.
“Please, hubby, please!” You caved in at last, pouting as you felt the words scald your tongue. “Please, fuck me! Please!” 
Arthur chuckled and the vibrations that sent up your seeping walls nearly made your head spin. “Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?” And the cruel hand that had been holding you back was finally let up, causing your hole to almost swallow his heavy sack. “Now fuck that cute lil’ pussy silly on my cock.” A harsh crack of his fingers against your ass set you obediently into motion. 
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oneknightstand-if · 8 months
Fencing Club Route is a Go!
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Update 2: Chapter 1 Part 3 - Fencing Club Route
Don't feel like playing polo? Join the fencing club instead!
Play the Updated Beta Test
(Since there were bugs reported throughout Chapter 1 & 2, your current saves are probably going to reset to the beginning of each section of the game)
*If you're getting error messages or the fencing club route isn't showing up properly for you (after you refreshed and restarted the game), you'll need to clear your cache. More details found here.*
Additional Word Count (Sans Code): 120,000+ Additional Word Count (With Code): 155,000+ New Total Word Count (Sans Code): 614,000+ New Total Word Count (With Code): 833,000+ Average Playthrough: ~60,000 words
Note: You can view the game code on my site the same way you do on Dashingdon just add /scenes to the end of the URL.
Next Update
Merlin's Guide to Minor Enemies
A bucketload of owed texts & e-mails to the MC
Decisions of great import... just where are you sleeping in that motorhome?
A̴ ̴C̴o̶m̴p̷l̷e̵t̷e̴l̴y̵ ̶N̴o̷r̸m̴a̶l̵ ̵G̴a̴s̸ ̶S̵t̵a̷t̷i̶o̷n̸ ̵S̴t̸o̷p̷
Take part in your first multi-user spell! (Potentially depending on the length of the gas station stop?)
Meet the next Harbinger - RO #4 (Potentially depending on the length of the gas station stop?)
Link to New Polls on the Update (Which don't auto close in a week like the Tumblr ones)
I'm currently coming down with something (Covid test says not that, so maybe just the flu?) so I'll be taking a bit of a break after this.
More (Fiddly) Info on the Update Behind the Spoiler Cut...
The Update Also Includes...
Calmly letting Merlin into your apartment after escaping the monster-under-the-bed no longer removes the mute flag
Fixed Adrian literally calling the MC as "MC" in the pub
Fixed expresso back to espresso AGAIN *stares at it*
Fixed the phil_status 2 bug AGAIN (Somehow I must've reverted a bunch of bug fixes in Chapter 1)
Fixed bug where MC's name permanently changes to their pseudonym if the player tried to back out of the renaming screen
Fixed the "On second thought, let me try a different fake first name…" option so it only asks the player to change their fake first name (as originally intended)
Fixed some dialogue with Adrian depending upon your clothing choices in the polo club branch
Fixed the Adrian text messaging bug. Again. Hopefully third time is the charm.
Fixed bug where your current job being your dream employment wasn't triggering the positive job attitude flavor text
Fixed bug where the mute flag was being toggled off when interacting with Adrian regarding your fancy outfit before the polo club meeting
Choice where Lucid Dreamer MC talks to Modern Arthur about Merlin's dreamwalking advice is now set to toggle only when the MC speaks to Merlin in the Camelot dream sequence
Fixed bug with the user's input option for Business Casual outfit
User's choice option for Business Casual & Business Suit now toggles pants or skirt variable
Fixed bug with the Cracking text effect in darkmode
All piercings & scars now available in one choice during customization.
Fixed bug (AGAIN!) when Lucky MC fails the luck check to escape the bed monster
Added reactions to Camelot-affiliated names belonging to inanimate objects.
Fixed *set ag2 2 -1 bug in Camelot dream sequence (I wonder how that didn't trigger QuickTest)
A Bit More Info on the Update Mechanics
The decision on which club you join is one of the first questions in Chapter 1, so players will have to restart from pretty early on. However the fencing club flavor text will continue to run throughout the rest of the game (including in the Camelot dream sequence with the Courtyard branch for the Lucid Dreamer MC).
Otherwise this current update does not progress the game further into Chapter 2.
Also Part 2....
We lost power to part of the house (thankfully not including my computer), and while I'm usually the one who deals with the circuit breakers, since I'm currently sick I asked my mother to do it this one time. She turned the power off to the entire house. 🥲 The uninterruptible power source did nothing and now my computer and the microwave are bugging out. I'm just going to lie down now.
173 notes · View notes
vinvantae · 11 months
<<< previous part
Word count - 6.1k
yourinstagram added to their story
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arthur_leclerc replied to your story
Should’ve used this emoji 🤢
yourinstagram replied
Arthur! Stop bullying your poor brother! (Miss u x)
arthur_leclerc replied
Never (miss you too ❤️)
Loving Charles Leclerc was easy.
Over the summer break, you’d slowly moved into his apartment - the bachelor pad transforming into a home with all of your simple touches, like they’d always been there. You moved around each other like a dance, not missing a step as you fell into a comfortable rhythm sharing the space.
Your communication was strong enough where little disagreements wouldn’t become screaming matches, compromising came to you with ease. You’d never put much thought into your career after Formula 1 before Charles, but his plans all lined up with yours perfectly - neither of you needed to sacrifice anything for the other. It was as if your paths were always meant to cross.
Any discomfort in your life was soothed by him - the way he’d wordlessly extract your phone from your grasp when he caught you snooping at hate comments, only smiling softly when you said you were looking for ‘genuine’ critique. Instead of scolding you, he’d wrap you up in his arms and remind you that’s what the team is for, not randomUser77.
Loving Charles Leclerc was fun.
You had never smiled so much before - even if you had a tough day, he’d always find the perfect way to cheer you up. He drew laughter from the deepest parts of you, making your whole body shake and your eyes water, sometimes not even intentionally.
Whenever you had time away from the sport, you were never bored. He loved planning little adventures for you both - squeezing you both on the busy train to Nice for a day in France, hiking up to the clearest part of Monaco for the view. Even on your laziest of days where the two of you just stayed piled under the blankets, you never for a second felt restless.
There were things you’d experienced that you’d never even thought about - and it soon became tradition that you would buy each other the ugliest trinket you could find in the gift shop to live on the dresser of the guest room, the endless googly-eyed creatures and key chains staring down any company choosing to stay the night.
Loving Charles Leclerc was beautiful.
From the oceans of his eyes, to the warmth of the sun from his skin under your fingers after a cold day. You felt so alive with him. You never believed in loving someone more each day before him - your rocky relationship with your estranged father made sure of that, but Charles made it impossible not to feel for him stronger each and every moment he was in your life.
He was never close enough, you wanted to spend every second learning every inch of him to memory - every freckle, every scar. So it was a common occurrence for him to wake up in the morning with your fingers tracing his skin, his lips curving into a soft smile before leaning up awards to press the sweetest of kisses to your lips.
His fingers pressed against your hips, pulling you even closer. “Bonjour amour, sleep well?”
You combed your fingers through his hair, smoothing out the hours of good sleep. “I always sleep well these days.”
“Me too. Almost don’t want to go back to racing… almost.” He mused, nuzzling into your neck - always at his most affectionate right after waking up. “But, I did promise Andrea that I’d get back to the gym.”
“Mhmm, can I watch? Love seeing you get all sweaty and sexy.” You teased, scratching at the nape of his neck - breath hitching in surprise as he started to press kisses against your skin. “Charles.”
“I’d say yes but you’re too distracting… I’m gonna make us some breakfast, okay?” A soft whine left your lips as he pulled away - already missing the warmth of his skin against yours. “The sooner I go, the sooner I’ll get back, amour.”
You jut your bottom lip out, Charles shaking his head with a chuckle - leaning down to kiss you before slipping into some underwear and a t-shirt, leaving you to chase the heat from his body that was escaping the duvet. His scent lingered in the sheets as you hugged them to your face for one more moment before deciding the smell of breakfast was just as tempting. You made yourself at least semi-decent before yawning and making your way down the corridor to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from your eyes so you could fully take in the sight in front of you of your beautiful man cooking you breakfast.
“Oh, I was going to bring it to you in bed.” He chuckled softly as you wrapped your arms around him from behind, resting your cheek against his back, enjoying his warmth.
“Smelt too good.” A soft hum left your lips. “What are you making?”
“French toast, although… I am still not sure what about it is french.”
You rolled your eyes playfully before rooting through the fridge to grab some toppings. “I’m pretty sure the Americans are to blame for that. What do you want for yours?”
“I bought some fresh berries on my way home yesterday, they should be in there. Some cream too.” He explained, wiggling the pan a little before flipping the bread with ease. The two of you stood in comfortable silence as he continued to cook and you chopped up some of the larger berries.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him glancing at you - his lips curved into a soft, pretty smile. “I can see you staring, Leclerc.”
“Only because you’re staring too, pretty girl.”
You flicked a blueberry at him, grinning as he feigned injury - grasping his bicep for a moment, dropping the spatula from the other hand onto the counter to place the back of it against his forehead in a dramatic fashion. “I’ve been shot! How will I ever make you French toast now?”
“Drama queen.” You took his hand and pried it off of his arm, the blueberry had left an almost convincing stain. “Nothing a big strong man like you can’t handle, right?”
“Mhmm, I don’t know. You might have to kiss it better.”
“Idiot.” With a gentle shake of the head, you lift the sleeve of his T-shirt and pressed a fleeting kiss to the spot the blueberry hit. “Now cook before the rest of the French toast goes cold.”
“Oui mademoiselle.”
He lent to kiss you gently once more before continuing making your breakfast and you rested against the counter to watch him, a soft smile on your face. The domestic bliss almost made you forget about the outside world, that from next week on, he would be fighting against you once again for points. Even though you were in the lead at the moment, Max between the two of you, the championship was still all to play for and as excited as you were to get back to racing, having this alone time with him was exactly what you needed.
You were feeling refreshed, loved and ready to get that title.
Charles_leclerc and yourinstagram added to their story
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“So, third in the Championship, when once you were in the lead… how does that feel?”
Charles' shoulders sagged a little but he caught a glimpse of you smiling away with another reporter and he took a deep breath before putting on a smile of his own. “As much as I want the championship, y/n has been absolutely nailing the last couple of months. We’re currently leading the WCC and the WDC with one of our drivers and as a team I believe that’s the best outcome.”
“Is this you giving up then? You could still win.”
He frowned a little. “Of course I’m not giving up, but as I said - y/n has been on another level. So I will continue to try my best but I guess we’ll wait and see.”
Your teammate knew he’d always been a bit of a sore loser, he hated watching others achieve what he’d always dreamed of. Being lifted up in the air as they won the championship whilst he just watched on the sidelines. But you?
Oh, but you.
Your celebrations made him feel like your wins were his - that even if he’d played no part in your winning strategy that day, you’d go out of your way to praise and thank him. Making sure he got a mighty big sip of the sickly sweet drink if you weren’t sharing the podium together. And even at his worst races, you would find even a single moment to shower him in praise for - an overtake at the start, or maintaining his tires. He never felt like you outshone him, you went out of your way to make sure his fire burned just as bright as yours.
As the two of you walked through the Spa paddock for the first race back after the break, having just broken away from your last bit of media duties that day - there was still nothing he wanted more than to get racing and get back on that top step. He had more wins in him, he knew he did, and as good as your wins felt - it would never bring him the same thrill as winning himself.
And he had to beat Max, the team hadn’t had a 1-2 in the driver’s championship since 2004 with Schumacher and Barrichello. If the two of you managed to pull it off, it would be stuff of legends - he was sure of it.
But as the Dutchman beat him once again, the dream felt like it was slipping away, and when you weren’t on the podium either - the two of you had exchanged a quiet look of concern. It had always been a silent thing that one of you had to win, but Max’s form was improving and the gap was getting tighter, the three of you so close that you could barely breathe from the amount of pressure.
You weren’t sure what you’d do if neither of you got to be WDC - after everything you’d been through together this season, it almost felt like the universe owed it to you. Whilst Charles was a little superstitious and you had a pre-race ritual, you knew that this was entirely in yours and Ferrari’s hands. They wanted this as bad as you did and they simply couldn’t afford to make any more silly strategy calls - after all, you’d won the championship much more recently than the team had.
And three world titles sure sounded nice.
And you’d finally, finally, get your name on that damn trophy. The two other wins just had THIRTY stamped out with the years of your wins, the number etched where the drivers’ signature would usually preside. There was no undoing that, it was part of yours and F1’s history now, and you were determined to make history again by being the first woman to have their name engraved into the silver.
It, however, seemed that the odds were starting to turn against you.
3rd, 8th, 4th in comparison to Max’s 1st, 1st, 1st, meant that the lead had slipped away from you by a single point. And you found yourself stepping into Singapore now in 2nd place in the championship - feeling far more defeated than you should. It was one fucking point and it infuriated you that you had let him get even a single step ahead of you. Charles could sense it in you as well. You were snippier with your crew, with him, constantly reminding them what was at stake here.
It wasn’t like you to be brash - you usually let your frustrations bubble under the surface, but now you weren’t held back by the mask, you needed to let them know how you felt. Sure you had played a part in your lack of wins but there were mistakes on their end that were just as easily avoidable.
“You have to be careful where you lose your cool, y/n.” You looked up from tying your boot at your new PR manager - she was nice enough, but still very by the book. “If people see you frustrated in the garage it won’t look good for your image.”
“Oh but when Charles is angry it gets clipped and goes viral? Yeah sure.” A soft huff left your lips as you stood up. “I’m fully aware I’m held to a different standard to them, but if I concede, that won’t change.”
“You have to earn their respect.”
That made you roll your eyes. “I’m a world champion. If that’s not enough then I don’t want it.”
She opened her mouth to retort but you pulled your helmet over your head, ready to get into the zone for the Singapore GP - it was one of the hardest tracks to race at but you knew if you won here then you’d be able to get your head back in the game. Get back on that top step and retake victory from Max. You and the team had worked so hard that you couldn’t let it all slip away - both you and Charles needed to redeem yourselves, get back to being the top team, something that had evaded Ferrari for far too long.
The sparkling lights of Singapore was the place to get back on track, it was intense and if you could prove it here - you could prove it anywhere.
You just hoped that Charles could do it too.
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Welcome to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, the finale of a season like no other and the title deciding race for one of three future legends. Will Max Verstappen cement his legacy with back to back championship wins, joining the likes of Jim Clark and Mika Häkkinen? Will Charles Leclerc do the impossible and finally bring the crown home to the Tifosi? Or will it be y/n y/l/n, the two time world champion, who finally gets to etch her own name into the history books, and the championship trophy?
In case you’ve been living under a rock for the last nine months, here’s how we got here.
The two Ferrari drivers started off the season strong, Charles Leclerc storming off into the lead with consecutive podiums, leaving both Verstappen and, at the time, Thirty, scrambling to catch back up.
But everything was flipped on its head when Formula One’s biggest secret was revealed; two time world champion Thirty was none other than Y/n Y/l/n, and it seemed that the weight of the world was suddenly off of her shoulders following the reveal. Her fantastic race form, paired with some very interesting choices from the Ferrari pit wall meant that by the time the chequered flag waved at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, y/n y/l/n had overtaken her teammate in the championship and the fight was truly on.
And as she continued to remind the world just what a two time world champion was capable of, the Flying Dutchman had his gaze set firmly on Leclerc. The defending champion was not about to let the season get away from him - nipping at the Monegasque driver’s heels at every chance he got. And he finally got his way when an unfortunate DNF in France meant that Leclerc had to watch 2nd place slip out of his grasp and straight into Verstappen’s hands.
Y/L/N was his next target. With only 28 points in between them, gaining the championship lead was well within Verstappen’s capabilities. Thirty was determined to keep hold of the top spot, and despite claiming victory in Hungary, it simply wasn’t enough.
Three consecutive victories for Verstappen meant that going into the Singapore Grand Prix, we had a brand new championship leader - a single point between our leaders. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, the crowd at Marina Bay filled to the brim with excitement.
Every single race watched the WDC leader bounce back and forth between the two of them. Y/n in Singapore. Max in Japan. Y/n in COTA. Back to Max in Mexico, and the Dutchman managed to keep the lead by a single point after the Brazilian Grand Prix.
But that all brings us to now. The final race of the season, the one that is to decide it all. Whilst the odds are seemingly in the favour of either the defending champion or the only female driver on the grid - we can’t call Leclerc down for the count.
If he wins with the fastest lap, and both y/n and Max finish outside the top five–or if they finish outside of the points, 3rd place with the fastest lap could secure his victory. However, with the two front runners occupying the 1st and 2nd spots on the grid for the start of the race this evening, Il Predestinato may just have to wait another year to fulfil the prophecy he wrote in 2019.
Stay with us, as the final race of the season is right up after this break.
You looked up from where you were crouching against the side of the track - gaze scanning across the red of your Ferrari as the team made their final checks before the race. Taking deep breaths, you closed your eyes and focused on your favourite music, clearing your mind of anything but the lyrics.
This was it: your moment. There was no room for mistakes, no room for fear. You simply had to win.
After one final inhale, exhale… you let your eyes flutter open and study your competitors. Max was chatting to GP, animating wildly with his hands as he spoke - the look of determination on his face was one that rivalled your own, you were sure. But he just didn’t want this as much as you did, you were certain. This was like your first WDC all over again, you needed this more than anything.
Your eyes next jumped to Charles, your teammate bouncing a little on the spot to get himself warmed up - his fireproofs still hung around his waist. Realistically, unless you and Max crashed out, he wasn’t truly in contention. He knew that. The two of you had sat for hours the previous night talking it all through.
He’d touched you so delicately, fingers tracing up and down your side - his eyes soft as he reassured you that it was going to be okay. He made you promise that you’d do everything in your power to win and you made him swear he wouldn’t damage his race just to help you. You knew he’d do anything to secure your top spot, even if it meant taking Max out - but you wanted to win on your own merit.
You couldn’t help but smile when his gaze finally met yours from his position by the car, an understanding nod shared between you before he pulled his balaclava over his head. After passing your phone and headphones to your engineer, you shook the nerves off one more time before getting the last bit of your gear on.
Max starting on pole had you at the disadvantage, but you knew what you and the car were capable of - and with the perfect strategy this race could be yours. A perfectly shiny pair of softs sat in your garage waiting for you, so managing your first set of mediums was vital. But that wouldn’t stop you wanting to get past Max as soon as possible.
And as you circled the track during the formation lap, watching the Red Bull weave back and forth - your eyes were fixated on the Oracle logo printed on the rear wing, a sight you hoped you wouldn’t be seeing for long. The two of you pulled up alongside each other on the grid, waiting for the rest of the drivers to pull up behind you and the lights count down. You could almost hear Crofty’s iconic commentary as the green flag was waved from the back of the grid.
It’s showtime.
“I’ve got a ****ing puncture, these tires were supposed to last me another 7 laps!”
“We’ve got to box, you’ll have to manage this next set as best you can - we might have to swap strategies.”
“No ****ing ****.”
DC - Well that’s not what our race leader wanted to hear, Martin. We predicted that Max wouldn’t be pitting until at least lap 20, but it appears some debris left on the track from the lap one contact seems to have caused some damage.
MB - I’m sure y/n will be happy to hear this! It gets her some clear air to build up a big enough gap for when it's time for her to pit - Ferrari will be hoping can re-emerge in front of Verstappen. This is not what Red Bull needs right now, if Charles finishes p2 and Max ends up outside the points, he will not only lose 1st in the championship but 2nd as well.
DC - Don’t write Max off yet, we know what the Dutchman in that RB18 is capable of. Those Ferraris have been impressive this season, but he has kept them right on their toes. Let's see where he comes out, Ted, down to you.
TK - Thanks Crofty, I can just see Max slowly trundling down the pitlane as we speak, his pit crew look ready - they know how important this stop is… and he’s off, 2.2 seconds stationary is very good but is it good enough? I guess we’ll see when we get our official round of pit stops which is predicted to be between lap 16-22 for those on a 2-stop.
DC - Amazing, thank you, Ted. Verstappen comes out P14, not ideal, nestled in behind Albon in the Williams - not someone he’s going to want to be behind for for long, as Albon is notorious for getting his elbows out, even if it's the defending champion in his rear-view mirrors.
“Where did Max come out?”
“P14, just a couple more laps and then we’ll need you to really push. Sticking to plan A, sticking to plan A.”
“Gap to Charles?”
“2.4. He’s been told to drop back so he’s not getting as much dirty air.”
DC - As far as Ferrari is concerned, getting y/n that win is definitely more important than her teammate, so it's a smart move to get him to drop back.
MB - I think it's a bit of a shame, because despite only qualifying third,he was a rocketship during practice and I’d love to see what he’s capable of today, Crofty.
DC - It's only lap 14, Martin, there’s plenty more racing to come. I’m sure Leclerc will definitely show off just what he’s capable of when Max starts to pull back through.
MB - We can only hope so.
DC - If you’ve only just joined us, you’ve missed quite the show in the first 43 laps of the final grand prix this season. Defending champion Max Verstappen is currently p9 after having to pit early due to a puncture and he follows teammate Carlos Sainz as they fight to catch up to the Ferraris after a spectacular pair of pit stops. The second round of pit stops for those on a two stop strategy has started, we’re led to believe that y/l/n’s final stint will be on the softs whilst the three drivers behind her will go onto the mediums.
MB - That means these next laps are super important, she needs to eek everything she can out of these hard tires and hope that Red Bull’s undercut attempt isn’t enough to put their drivers back out in front. They’re predicted to stop 2 laps before her so she’ll need to fight tooth and nail to get 22 seconds ahead of Max.
DC - You can see Max struggling with his hards, but I know RedBull are heavily relying on this undercut to work for them. Here he is, coming in now.
“Y/n, Max is boxing… give us everything those tires have left in them.”
“On it.”
DC - Now we watch on as the Ferraris try and get far enough ahead to make their strategy work. Just a reminder that most of the current top 10 have yet to pit which explains those who seem a little out of position. It seems that Charles has regained some time on his teammate and is making good use of that lovely bit of DRS.
MB - He’s playing a very smart game, there’s no point overtaking y/n right now - not when they’re both due to pit. If he plays his cards right, he could end up at the front after his stop.
DC - Ferrari needs to play this perfectly. There is still a chance for them to get a 1-2, and with Max currently working his way back through the pack it’s time for the prancing horses to do their stops. Ted, down to you.
TK - Yes, hi Crofty, y/n is currently making her way down the pit lane - this stop needs to be perfect from the Ferrari pit crew if she’s to get back out in front of Max and- Oh no! Bit slow on that left rear, 4.2 seconds stationary, not good!
DC - And here comes Max around the final corner, it’s going to be tight. Can she get to the end of the pit lane and back up to speed..? She can’t! Max Verstappen retakes the position, all the drivers in front due to pit so he has provisional P1, what a disaster for y/n y/l/n
“What the hell was that stop guys?! These tires are ****ing cold, he’s already out of DRS.”
“Copy. Sorry about that. But you’re on softs, once they’ve warmed up. You’ll get him.”
DC - And with both Charles and Carlos now in the pits - Max has the lead, and with the championship win only 9 laps away, can y/n get it back or will it be going Dutch for the second year in a row?
MB - You can almost feel the frustration in the Ferrari of Charles Leclerc, now saddled with 3rd place - and with less than 10 laps to go, it seems the championship is well and truly out of his grasp, so let’s stick with our two leading cars. Y/n is now within DRS of Max Verstappen with fresher, softer tires. I cannot wait to see how Max defends the position, we know he can make that Red Bull very wide when he needs to.
DC - It’s as if the tables have turned on him from last year - this time it’s he who is at the disadvantage and y/n y/l/n isn’t even giving him a second to breathe. She takes a peek down the inside but isn’t quite close enough this time. She’s got DRS on Verstappen, though, and is about to enter into back to back detection zones. It won’t be long until Verstappen is sweating in that Red Bull.
Max weaves off to the left to defend but it’s not enough, with newer tires and the power of DRS she steams past him! He never stood a chance, what a disaster for Max Verstappen as y/n practically gallops off into the distance with only 4 laps remaining.
MB - If he wants to make a move he’ll have to do it quickly because with a clear track ahead of her, she’ll drop him out of DRS in no time.
DC - After a slow stop, y/n y/l/n has retaken the lead of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and now with only a couple laps to go, Verstappen’s hopes have seemingly slipped away. It was always going to come down to this and despite the rocky start to the season, y/n has performed absolutely brilliantly and after years of being hidden behind her helmet - she will finally be able to carve her name into the silver of the championship trophy and truly cement herself as a legend.
First female driver. First female champion. And the youngest ever to become WDC. And now a third title can be added to the list of her achievements. It’s been a hard couple of seasons, but after 4 years - she’s back on the top step. Joining the likes of Stewart, Senna, and Lauda as she rounds the final corner of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
You can see her flying down the straight as the grandstands erupt, the Ferrari chassis sparking under the lights at Yas Marina, and with the iconic thirty on the top of her helmet, with the sport’s most iconic team, Y/n y/l/n takes the chequered flag to become a 3 time world champion!
“Oh my god! Oh my god!”
“Congratulations y/n. This is a long time coming - you did amazing out there.”
“Haha! Holy ****, I actually did it!”
You laughed with glee as you, Max and Charles did donuts together on the main straight - one of your hands in the air, holding three fingers up. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you finally climbed on top of the car, standing on the halo of your F1-75 for a moment to absorb the atmosphere, any boos completely buried by the cheers and the celebrations.
As you looked down, Charles offered you a hand - the visor of his helmet pushed up to reveal his smiling eyes. You hopped down and let him sweep you up in a hug, spinning you around as you cheered.
“I’m so fucking proud of you!” He yelled, placing you back on the ground - holding your helmet in his hands. “My champion!”
“I’m proud of you. You’re next, I promise.”
He shook his head playfully. “This isn’t about me, have your moment, mon amour. I love you.”
“I love you, Charles.”
You practically squawked in shock as Max clapped his hands on your shoulders - ushering you towards the post race interviews. Both of you place your helmets on their plinths as Charles was directed away. “I should be mad, but I’m so happy for you.”
“Shame about that puncture! Worked out in my favour though.” You laughed. “Would’ve got you regardless, Max.”
“I bet you would’ve, absolute beast. I was scared Charles was gonna get me as well… Thank you for making this season unforgettable.”
You turned and hugged him tight, whilst Charles did his post race interview. “Thank you for having my back no matter what.”
He gave you one final squeeze before heading away to do his own interview. You laughed with and celebrated with the team, making sure to shake hands with Frederick Vasseur - your new boss for next year, Charles’ comment earlier in the season about him not wanting you to leave Ferrari all making sense now.
“Another one next year?” He grinned.
“You know it, boss.”
Fred gave you a pat on the back before it was your turn to stand before the masses. It was none other than Jenson Button who stood before you, massive smile on his face as you were handed a microphone.
“And here she is, ladies and gentlemen. Your 2022 World Champion!”
You waved and grinned at the crowd, relishing in the celebrations. “Thank you all so much, this feels unreal.”
“It was phenomenal watching you race today, you seemed really in your element. How are you feeling right now?”
“Overwhelmed!” You laugh, “but immensely grateful for my team, for Charles. For everyone who has stood by me throughout this season, this win is for all the little girls who were told they couldn’t do it… this win feels… so good. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to explain how it feels but just know this is just the beginning for me.”
He gave you a smile, his eyes soft with admiration. “Congratulations, y/n. It’s been an honour to watch you this season… I’m sure you’ve got plenty of celebrating to do so I won’t keep you much longer. One more time for y/n y/l/n, your three-time world champion!”
You grinned and blew a kiss to the crowd before heading off to get your trophy - Charles waiting in the corridor to walk to the cool-down room with you, his strong arm draped across your shoulder and a kiss pressed to your temple as you joined him at his side.
The cool-down room was surprisingly quiet, you all knew you were being filmed but the reality of your 3rd championship win was finally sinking in. You sat in your chair and held your head in your hands as the tears of joy wracked through you. Charles cooed softly and sat beside you, rubbing your back. “Amour.”
“I-I’m fine… I’m fine… just means so much.”
“It’s so deserved. You fought tooth and nail, we’re all so proud of you.”
You gave him a watery smile and gave him a gentle hug. “Thank you… sorry, didn’t mean to get so emotional.”
“It’s alright, 3 championships is a fantastic achievement… you’re allowed to be emotional.” Max chimed in, giving you an award winning smile, crouching a little in front of you. “And it’s the first time your name is paired with it, it’s a lot.”
“I’m so glad it’s you two here with me. My biggest fans.” You grinned, a teasing lilt to your voice.
A giggle escaped you as Max shoved your shoulder lightly, the moment interrupted when you were all beckoned to the podium.
You had a small moment alone as Charles and Max stepped out to claim their positions.
At the start of the year, you were anonymous. And now you were free, you were world champion and you couldn’t forget how Ferrari’s masterplan to keep you a secret backfired in the worst way and now you had the most beautiful caring boyfriend any woman could ask for.
And as the cheers erupted when you stepped out in front of the crowds, you could’ve sworn you felt your cheeks split with how big your smile was. You could feel the shift, they loved you. You had proved to them once and for all that you were worthy of not only this title but the ones before it.
The top step felt like a cloud beneath your feet, the trophy felt like part of you that had been missing - finally reunited. The cool silver beneath your skin gleamed in the bright lights as you lifted it high, the whole world’s eyes were on you at that moment.
As your national anthem played, your trophy now perched by your feet, hat clasped behind your back - you snuck a glance at Charles. His eyes glistened with unshed tears, a gentle smile on his face, and he cautiously reached out for you as the Italian anthem began to fill the air.
You reached out and let your fingers link with his, your smile matching his own.
I love you. He mouthed, eyes flickering behind you for a moment but before you could react - cold liquid was poured down the neck of your race suit, laughter filling your ears. You glared at Charles for distracting you before spraying him down with your own bottle and quickly turning to get revenge on Max. It really felt like the three of you were kids again, hosing each other down with sparkling water and chasing each other around.
And as you all clambered onto the top step, Max nearly lost his balance until you hauled him up beside you. Your race suit was sticky and your entire body ached post-race but you didn’t even care - the roaring red of the crowd below filled your ears as you lifted your trophy one more time.
As soon as you stepped away from the prying eyes of the world, Charles pressed a searing kiss to your lips - both hands cold as they held your cheeks. You smiled into it - letting your arms wrap around him in return. He pulled back just enough to look into your eyes, his lips curved into a cheeky smile.
“...so, wanna do this all again next year?”
You grinned and kissed him again. “Absolutely.”
And there you have it, after 23 absolutely thrilling races - the 2022 season comes to a close and Ferrari’s own Y/n y/l/n is our world champion. Ferrari didn’t quite get that 1-2 finish they fought so hard for, but the fight for the top has never been closer and with 2023 just over three months away, we cannot wait to see what happens next.
So whether you’re a Tifosi shouting from the rooftops or a Redbull fan who is desperate for a fresh start, we cannot wait for you to join us again next year.
Thank you for joining us, see you again soon.
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And that’s it! Thank you all so much for your continued support and I know she’ll tell me off for doing this but a super duper big thank u to my wonderful mack and cheese @formulaforza for proof reading and helping me to organise my thoughts ❤️ appreciate you so much x
Taking a break from long form fics for a while, will probably be reopening my requests in the next week or so
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dxysxxk · 1 year
I love all the low honor degradation/exhibitionism stuff you do, w Arthur specifically. Plz keep that up. Maybe something a saloon or something? Ur my fav on tiktok and ao3 and here
Dark Hallway
Arthur Morgan x f!reader
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Thank you for the support! I wrote this just for you!
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Rating: 18+ only. Explicit content. Length: 2835 words Location: Valentine Saloon Time of Day: Night Content: Vaginal fingering, Vaginal sex, Anal sex, Public sex, Choking, Creampie, Rough sex, Low Honor Arthur Description: Enjoying a drink at the saloon alone, a man suddenly walks in. His presence seemed to stop the world around him. He enthralled you. Then and there, you knew you wanted to have him. Note: Everything won't be accurate. Use your imagination.
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“That’s it. Stay quiet for me.” Arthur Morgan’s warm breath hit the back of your neck as his palm clasped around your lips. His free hand grabbed your breast through the fabric of your clothing, "You wanted this to happen, didn't you?" He whispered as he began to roll your nipple between his fingers.
A while ago, you were enjoying a drink by yourself. It was a cold night in Valentine, but the alcohol you drank provided much-needed warmth with each sip. The saloon was busy and crowded with people, but luckily, you found a space at the bar. 
As you brought your glass up to your lips, the swinging doors of the saloon creaked open. The bustling atmosphere quickly came to a temporary halt after the patrons felt the presence of the burly man who showed himself. His features were rugged, etched with scars that showed his pain and overall struggles. 
Hushed conversations and nervous glances filled the air as he made his way to the bar. With each step, his spurs clinked, adding to his already intimidating aura. “I’ll have a whiskey.” He spoke in a deep tone, his southern accent shining through.
Staring at the man to take in his appearance, you noticed he wore a black collared over-shirt and a black vest. His shirt was unbuttoned, revealing delicate hairs that scattered on his chest. He was also armed with a gun belt that hung loosely on his hips, holding two holsters at the sides. To top it off, he had on a wide-brimmed hat that covered half his face.
The noise of the saloon faded into the background as you became consumed with your thoughts of him. He was a man not to be messed with, but he intrigued you. He slammed his money on the bar table, then turned to you and chuckled, "You stare this much at strangers?" He leaned closer, and your breath hitched. You were able to see his eyes at this angle. They were piercing and evoked a sense of danger into your soul, yet iridescent. They were a mixture of blue and green with a ring of yellow around his pupil. It was almost as if you were looking into a painting. They were mesmerizing.
You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. His presence made you feel small and you wanted nothing more for him to take you. He smirked and a chill ran down your spine, "You alright, darling?" Your core throbbed when you heard his voice once more. It was deep and smooth. It made you wonder what he would sound like when he groaned. He then brought his drink to his lips. His hand was big and calloused with prominent veins running along it.
"I've never seen you around before." You finally spoke.
 His eyes flickered back to yours and he swallowed his liquor. He placed the glass on the countertop and smiled. "Why are you so nervous?" He tilted his head with a mischievous look in his eyes. It was as if he knew exactly how he affected you. "I'm not nervous," you scoffed as you took a sip from your glass, but it was a lie. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and you hoped he wouldn't be able to tell. 
"Sure." He replied with a slight chuckle as he downed his drink and headed towards the back of the saloon. When he left, you were able to get ahold of yourself, but you couldn't shake the fact that you wanted him. Taking a deep breath, you downed your liquor and followed closely behind. 
He headed towards the back of the saloon where the barber was stationed. You were curious about why he headed there in the first place because the barber left quite a while ago. The hallway was dark, but you could make out the outline of his body when you kept following him.
Suddenly, he stopped and turned around, causing you to bump into his chest. He stared down at you with a stern look, "Why are you followin' me?" He growled. You couldn't believe how sexy he sounded with the aggressiveness in his voice. "Uh. I don't know," you replied as you averted his gaze.
He spoke slowly as he walked closer to you. "You don't know?" Your back was now against the wall. His large frame toward over yours, making you feel trapped. The man then leaned down and whispered in your ear, "Don't try and fool me. I know why you're here." He then pressed his body onto yours. His hands slowly found their way to your body and rested on your waist, holding you in place. You couldn't stop your mind from going wild. You wanted him. 
"You've been followin' me like a puppy," he continued as he went in to place kisses on your neck, his hat falling off in the process. "Begging to be touched."
You closed your eyes, giving in to his advances. "Please," you moaned softly.
"What was that, sweetheart?" His body pressed into you more, enabling you to feel his bulge through his jeans. It made you weak.
"Please..." You breathed.
He chucked against your skin, "You feel that? You want it don't you?"
He was now holding both your wrists up high against the wall with one hand. "Tell me." He growled, "Tell me you want it." He was being aggressive, but it turned you on. 
"I want it." You signed. The grip he had on you made you want more.
"Want what, darlin'?" He asked in a patronizing tone.
"I want you. I want you inside me." You spoke bluntly. You had no shame anymore. All you wanted, all you could think about was him filling you up to the hilt with his cock. 
He groaned after hearing your response. Your words turned him on. "Say that again." He commanded. As you spoke, your voice conveyed neediness, "I want your cock inside me. Please give it to me." He let go of your wrists and grabbed the bottom of your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. "My name is Arthur. I'm going to make sure you say it when I take you. Understand?" He spoke slowly, letting his words sink in. You nodded your head while you looked up at him through your eyelashes. "Good girl." 
He then attacked your neck again, placing gentle kisses along your collarbone. Arthur's kisses were tender against your skin, in contrast to his intimidating presence. He snaked his hand down your body, slipping it into your jeans. Your breathing quickened when his fingers brushed over your mound, teasing it. His hand was large enough to fit entirely between your legs.
You whimpered as his fingers traced circles around your clit. Feeling your wetness, he let out a low chuckle. "All this for me? Such a needy girl." He gave you a mischievous look before tapping your pussy a few times. A string of wetness left his fingers with each movement.
You wanted nothing more than his fingers dipping inside of you, but Arthur's fingers left your body, causing you to whine. He stared at the trail of moisture that formed on his fingers and licked them clean. When you watched him savor the taste of you, it only made you want him more. 
"Turn around and face the wall." He ordered. 
You did as you were told and turned around, pressing your hands against the cool wood. Arthur grabbed the hem of your pants and pulled it down along with your undergarments. Feeling the sudden chill against your bare skin, you shuddered. Your legs were pressed together tightly in an attempt to hide. Arthur's rough, strong hand made its way between your legs, pushing them apart and separating them. "Don't be nervous now girl." He cooed as his hand brushed against the inside of your thighs.
With his free hand, he unbuckled his gun belt and let it fall to the floor while his fingers dipped between your folds again. You felt him playing with your clit once more, circling it teasingly before sliding down towards your entrance. Once he felt your slit, he thrust two fingers inside, curling it upwards. 
"What a tight pussy," Arthur grumbled while pumping his fingers faster. Each pump caused your walls to flutter around him. Your wetness was apparent with how loud the slick sounds were. Writhing your body against the wall, you moaned from his touch. 
Arthur's free hand covered your mouth to keep you quiet. "We're in a busy saloon. Don't forget that."
Even though you were in a dark hallway, it was best not to draw any attention. Nonetheless, the fact that you were doing something naughty in public turned you on. Arthur's fingers continued to plunge deeper, curving against your walls with each thrust as he kept his palm around your mouth. You whimpered into his hand. The feeling of his fingers deep inside you made you weak in the knees.
 “That’s it. Stay quiet for me.” 
He removed his hand from your hole, then grabbed your breast through the fabric of your clothing, "You wanted this to happen, didn't you?" He whispered as he began to roll your nipple between his fingers. "To have a strange man take you like this? Maybe I'll cum in your pretty little hole after." A moan caught in your throat when you heard what he wanted to do to you, "Please." You tried to speak, as his hand was still clasped over your mouth.
The rustling of clothing was heard behind you. Arthur finally retrieved his hard length from its confinement. He moved both hands to your hips and held it firmly, "I'll make sure to fill you, princess." He slowly moved his length in between your thighs, moving it back and forth to collect your wetness. He didn't slide into you yet, he only teased you by moving his cock back and forth through your folds.
You could feel his tip bump into your clit a few times before his cock finally pressed against your entrance. He squeezed onto your hips tightly, making sure you were pinned against the wall before shoving his dick inside, filling you to the brink. You took sharp inhales through your nose to bite back your cries. He was thicker than most and he gave you no time to adjust before starting to fuck your pussy at a harsh pace.
Skin-hitting skin and the slick sounds of his dick reaching deep inside your core filled the hallway. His rhythm was fast-paced and unrelenting. You cried out, feeling his length slam inside of you, but they were quickly muffled by Arthur's hand. "Shh..." He let out a low groan, "You’re mine to be used as I please.” Arthur began kissing the crook of your neck, murmuring soft praises about how well you took his cock. 
You felt like you were going to collapse. Your knees were wobbling and your body went limp against his. His musk filled your senses, making you grow weak even more. All you could do was moan into his palm while he used you.
Without warning, the hand around your mouth snaked down to your neck. He pulled your head back, forcing you to look at him. His hand began stroking the sides of your neck while he continued to buck his hips. Your face was contorting from the overwhelming feeling of him stretching you. Your mouth was agape as you tried not to moan, "Keep making those pretty little faces." He growled.
When you looked at Arthur, his eyes were clouded with desire. "You like this, don't you?" Arthur said softly, "Such a sweet little whore." Hearing such a word come from his lips made your walls tighten around his length. You felt yourself dripping down your legs and soon to cum around his cock. 
Arthur then reached forward, putting pressure on your clit, and started rubbing in fast and precise circles. "You're going to cum? Hm?" Your chest rose and fell rapidly as Arthur continued to whisper dirty things in your ear. "Cum on my cock." His grip around your neck tightened ever so slightly. Arthur slammed inside you once more and that pushed you over the edge, your body trembling.
“Arthur.” His name left your lips as you shut your eyes, your walls continued to clench around him. "That's right. Keep milking me." He groaned as his thrusts began to falter. Soon after, with one hard thrust, he shot his warm cum inside of you.
He stayed inside for a moment before pulling out, making sure all of his seed was released in you. "Shit." He grunted, letting his dick twitch a few more times before moving his length back and forth in between your slit again, thigh fucking you.
While he did this, some of his cum spilled out of your entrance, dripping onto the wooden floor. With each pass of his cock, it was causing more of his load to trickle down your legs. You were sweaty and spent, barely standing as his cum dribbled down your legs.
He spoke, "I'm not done with you yet." Arthur gathered more wetness on his length, a mixture of cum and slick, then pressed his cock against your asshole.
After noticing him trying to press himself in, you flinched. "Wait." Grunting came from him before pushing past your hole, causing your walls to clamp down in response. Arthur then whispered in your ear in a soothing tone, "You've played in here before haven't you?" His voice had a hint of playfulness as he kept his hand on your neck, still forcing you to look into his eyes.
You gave him a subtle nod, biting your lip to prevent the urge to moan. He kept his cock inside you as he chuckled, "Thought so." You began whimpering as you were now being used for his pleasure. Despite feeling so tired and spent, you became needy again. You needed him to continue using you like his own personal fuck doll. You wanted him to use your ass how he wanted to. 
He then proceeded to move his hips back and forth, increasing his speed. You weren't prepared for him to fuck you again, but you soon relaxed around him. The way he was holding onto you with his hand still tightly around your throat felt domineering, "You're so beautiful when you're taking my cock like this."
Your chest was heaving, your mind filled with nothing but pleasure. With your head back, your back was curved. Your hips were titled at the perfect angle, making it easier for him to keep hitting your spot. "Tell me, did it hurt when my cock forced its way into your pretty little hole?"
He looked down at you with a smirk. Your hands gripped onto the wall for support as he kept his pace. "N-no." You whimpered. He increased the force of his movements and spoke quietly in your ear. "What a dirty little slut." Your walls begin tightening around his cock, squeezing it with every thrust. Hearing your gasps, he growled deeply. The animalistic sound rumbled from his chest. He was close again, and so were you.
"Stay still and be quiet," he instructed as his hands grabbed onto your shoulder. Arthur started pounding relentlessly, grunting as his cock pushed in and out of your tight hole. Your eyes screwed shut as a second orgasm hit you. He quickly clasped a hand around your lips to stop the sob from your chest as he came once more, filling you up again with another helping of his cum.
You both panted loudly, coming down from your highs. Arthur finally pulled his softened cock out and slipped it back into his jeans. You took the time to make yourself presentable, pulling up your panties then pants with it. The cum that ran out of both holes made it uncomfortable as you did so.
Arthur picked up his gun belt, fastening it around his hips, and put his hat on his head. You leaned your forehead onto the wall, feeling worn out but extremely satisfied. As he smoothed his palms over his clothing, Arthur looked down at you and grinned. The dim lighting illuminated his features. 
His expression wasn't as rugged as when you first laid eyes on him, "If you want more. You know where to find me." He turned on his heels and lit a cigarette he pulled from his satchel, leaving you alone in the dark hallway. 
After getting yourself together, you stepped out of the hall, and back into the bustling atmosphere of the saloon. It was as if no one noticed or heard the commotion behind them. Feeling grateful, you walked towards the door, ready to head home. You glanced at the bar as you pushed open the saloon doors, and that’s when you saw him. Arthur was leaning against it, a smug grin plastered on his face.
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the-pen-pot · 5 months
'What happened to your back?' Arthur's voice sounded tense, stiff and uncertain. The brush of warm fingers against the three, pale lines across his shoulder-blade made Merlin jolt in alarm. He whirled around, the tunic still clutched in his hands as he blinked stupidly, his words caught somewhere in his throat. Not that it mattered. Arthur was too busy staring at the starburst scar the size of a grown man's hand that lay right in the centre of his front, over his heart. A frown of confusion melted beneath a mask of horror, and Merlin swallowed hard as all the colour fled Arthur's face. 'What happened to your chest?!'
Arthur finds out about Merlin's scars. Read above on AO3, or keep reading below 👇
It was his own stupid fault, Merlin thought grimly. His usual clumsiness and an unguarded moment was all it took. 
He had been helping set up for Uther's latest stupid feast, and he'd slopped red wine all down the front of a blue tunic. In theory, he could have dismissed the stain with a spell, but the smell would have haunted him all evening. Arthur might know that all the time he was apparently in the tavern he was dealing with some magical crisis or other, but the same could not be said for the rest of the court. His reputation was bad enough as it was without adding fuel to that particular fire.
He'd ducked into one of the rooms where they stored the fresh laundry, pulling free a tunic he'd not yet collected before peeling himself free of the clinging fabric. The rustle of cloth meant he didn't hear the creak of the door, and the voice that rang out behind him made him jolt in surprise.
'What happened to your back?'
Arthur's voice sounded tense, stiff and uncertain. The brush of warm fingers against the three, pale lines across his shoulder-blade made Merlin jolt in alarm. He whirled around, the tunic still clutched in his hands as he blinked stupidly, his words caught somewhere in his throat. 
Not that it mattered. Arthur was too busy staring at the starburst scar the size of a grown man's hand that lay right in the centre of his front, over his heart. A frown of confusion melted beneath a mask of horror, and Merlin swallowed hard as all the colour fled Arthur's face.
'What happened to your chest?!'
'Er...' Merlin winced, because although he had told Arthur about his magic – about everything he had done in his name, the good and the bad – he had rather glossed over some of the details. He hadn't done any of it for Arthur's gratitude, after all. He didn't need his thanks or his sympathy, but he couldn't deny that some of his choices had left their marks on his body for the world to see.
'Why are you in here?' he managed, hoping to derail the conversation as he hastily tugged on the fresh garment, shoving his arms through the sleeves as he hid the scars from sight. 'Did you need something?'
'I need you to tell me what happened.' Arthur's blue eyes snapped with an aimless, volatile sort of anger. His arms were folded across his chest, making his tunic strain at the shoulders, and the scowl on his brow suggested he wouldn't be easily swayed from his questioning. 'Merlin, who hurt you?'
'It was ages ago. It doesn't matter.'
He went to duck around Arthur, mumbling something about the feast preparations. Yet before he got more than a few paces, strong fingers snagged his wrist. It wasn't a tight grip, Merlin could have broken free with ease, but he still came to heel like a dog obeying its master.
'No, I'm not letting you leave,' he murmured, the rumble of his words sending a bolt of heat arcing down Merlin's spine. It snatched the air from his lungs, leaving him breathless and tense as Arthur turned him back around, shifting his grip to Merlin's shoulders as he stared into his eyes. 'Not until you tell me the truth. Who. Hurt. You?'
The anger in that expression wasn't aimed at him; Merlin knew that well enough. There was nothing Arthur hated more than feeling helpless. He was protective of his knights where Uther was dismissive of their loyalty and their sacrifice, but the gleam in his eye went beyond that. Dread had stolen the warmth from his face, and he was watching Merlin with the kind of intensity that some would find unnerving.
'Sigan and his stupid gargoyles' – He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, indicating the scars on his back before tapping one finger over his heart – 'Nimueh and a fireball.' They were such simple words for the horror of stony claws raking his back and the flash and burn of the incendiary spell that had hit him square in the chest, but in the end, they summed it up pretty neatly. 'It's fine, Arthur. They healed.'
He frowned, not understanding the expression on Arthur's face. The knights took injuries for him all the time, and while he praised their courage, he never looked like that – as if someone had reached into his guts and wrenched them out of him, leaving him hollow.
'That's not the point.' Arthur's grasp moved from his shoulders, drifting down his arms to his hands. It was a soothing gesture, one Merlin wasn't even sure was consciously done. Yet even he could feel how Arthur's touch mapped the calluses on his palms and the small scars that were an apprentice healer's mark: tiny burns and the occasional slim white line where the herb-knife had slipped and sliced skin instead. Those didn't cause him any distress, and Merlin realised it was because they were expected: wounds received in the execution of his duties.
Duties which, even knowing about his magic, Arthur clearly didn't realise involved protecting him with as much determination as any one of his knights.
'You've got scars,' Merlin pointed out, thinking of the starburst from the Questing Beast's bite, among others.
'I'm a knight. A prince.' He didn't add "a target"; he didn't have to. They were both thinking it. 'I've been trained to fight since I could walk. You... haven't.'
Merlin snorted. That was an understatement. Still, he could practically see the spin of considerations in Arthur's head, and some magical sense forewarned him that if he didn't speak quickly, he'd find himself on the duelling field being beaten half-to-death in the name of "practice".
'Wielding a sword wouldn't have saved me from either of these, and it's not like I can train in battle-spells, is it?' He shrugged one shoulder, unwilling to disturb Arthur's hand from where it still gripped his, tracing idle, tormenting little patterns against his skin. He didn't think Arthur realised what he was doing: how each caress made Merlin's breath come from deeper in his chest. It made his heart feel like it pumped hot honey, rather than blood, around his veins. 'It's not exactly discreet.'
Arthur pulled as face, but he didn't argue. It had been slow, steady work, getting him to see just how much damage the ban on magic had caused. Arthur would not care for his own sake: he was not interested in doing anything the easy way, but he was beginning to see how his people could suffer from its lack. Now, he looked at Merlin with fresh realisation. 'You can't learn how to defend yourself. Not without risking exposing your magic to all of Camelot.'
It was a flat statement of fact, one that he could not deny. It wasn't just that he could not practice; even studying the theory was a risky endeavour. As long as Uther still sat upon the throne, then Merlin had to work from the shadows and hope that he and Arthur both survived to see better days.
'Armour.' Arthur said it softly. 'I cannot change the laws of Camelot, but there's is nothing to say a servant cannot wear armour. You could enchant it, couldn't you? Extra spells to protect you from magic. You've done it to mine.' One golden eyebrow lifted in challenge, as if daring Merlin to deny it. 'No one will question it. They know you come on almost every patrol with us, and more than one person has remarked upon the fact that you do not wear anything but the tunic on your back. Truthfully, I should have done something about that long before now.'
Merlin pursed his lips. The rumours in court were already rife, and armour would just be another sign of his favour. Already, people noticed how Arthur let Merlin get away with disobedience that bordered on treason, sometimes, and they had taken note.
It was tempting to argue: to say he didn't need it. Armour wouldn't protect him from magical attacks, but he could see the desperation in Arthur's gaze. Those eyes had dipped to the laces of Merlin's tunic, as if envisioning the scar beneath. There was a haunted slant to his expression, as if he were imagining how that day could have ended.
The hand around Merlin's tightened, firm and sure, and when Arthur lifted his eyes once more, he looked resolute. 'I won't see you hurt again,' he said, speaking like a king laying down the law. 'Not if I can help it. One day, it will be different.' He swallowed. 'One day, you will be able to practice your magic without having to hide, but for now, let me help keep you safe. Please?'
Merlin blinked, his heart heaving in a dizzying whirl. Arthur had never spoken of this before. He almost couldn't believe his ears, and he shifted where he stood, one hand reaching out as if he could pin Arthur's words – this very moment – motionless in place.
'Do you mean it?' he rasped, trying to fight the urge to lean forward but unable to stop himself. 'You'll return magic to Camelot?'
'Yes.' Arthur tilted his head to the side, a faint smile curving his lips at whatever he saw in Merlin's face. 'I swear it.'
Beyond the door, the sounds of hurrying servants broke through the heavy air between them. It was enough to send a ripple of awareness through the tiny room – to make Merlin realise how close they stood to each other. All around them the balance of their friendship seemed to wobble, breathless, but it was Merlin, not Arthur, who stepped back in retreat.
'I – I don't know what to say.' A grin spread over his face, bright and unstoppable. 'Thank you!'
And if he hadn't already loved Arthur for more months than he cared to count – hidden and unacknowledged – he would have fallen there and then to see Arthur's bright, boyish grin light up the room.
'You're welcome, Merlin.'
– – –
Buckles chimed as Arthur slid them into place, sheathing Merlin in the armour he had commissioned. It was not the glittering mail and stalwart plate of his knights, but soft leather with scale pressed between: light and flexible, but strong enough to shield Merlin from the worst the world had to offer.
He wet his lips, looking up at him under his lashes as his pulse thrummed helplessly. The promise he had made still echoed in his mind. No doubt accompanied it; he would not go back on his word. Not after he'd seen the vicious light of hope lend its glow to Merlin's features.
Besides, magic was not the only thing he planned to change when he took the throne. He could not admit how he felt for Merlin now, not while his father still lived and all the expectations of the court were against them. He would not make Merlin suffer that.
Instead, he did what he could to protect the man who had stolen his heart. He would keep him safe in whatever way he could, and one day, he would be free to claim the love that Merlin promised him with every glance.
They would have their golden age, together. Arthur would make sure of it.
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Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "that-nerd-who-writes-fanfiction "?
Top 10 fics, in no particular order, (these are all complete, in English and most have just a touch of angst. Also there’s no smut, it’s just not something I enjoy reading)
things lost in the fire by earlgreylover98
ALTA fic In which Zuko isn't sure Ozai knows which side of his face he burnt off and it sends him spiraling, the gaang finds out about his scar. It's a super great one shot, 5,067 words
Drinking Buddies and Diaries by dove_dove
Good Omens fic where Muriel reads Aziraphel’s diaries and Crowley finds out some stuff about his angel. 31,115 words
The death song of arthur pendragon by hanyuism
Merlin fic, Orpheus and Eurydice but make it Merthur, the angst is amazing, 6,827 words
Two Feasts and a Bard by emerillon
Merlin fic, pure Mercelot fluff, completely destroyed me, I’ve reread this an unhealthy amount of times. 2,785 words
Possessed by Emrys by ooh_look_the_void
Merlin and Gaius tell Arthur that Emrys is a magical entity who possesses people to interact with the mortal realm so Merlin can use magic. It gets a bit out of control when Merlin isn’t the only one getting possessed by Emrys. 10/10 fic had me wheezing. 14,759 words. (You do need an account to read it but well worth it)
Kilgharrah Moves to Camelot by ticketyboo00
In which Kilgharrah learns to actually be a decent person, gets therapy and is surprisingly a good brother figure to Merlin. 55,918 words
i know why the birds sing your name by ironfamjam
Arthur is banished from Camelot, Merlin follows him, together they unite Albion and find a family along the way. It’s really cute, Merthur and background Gwencelot. I can’t remember if there were a few mild smut scenes but they were skipable I think. 113,376 words.
Merlin in disguise by Theroundbartable
5 Times Merlin disguised himself. And 1 time he stops hiding, Gwaine being Gwaine, Arthur being smitten, Merthur. 21,576 words.
For Want of a Nail by 0hHeyThereBigBadWolf
Fleeing from Essetir in the bloody beginnings of the Purge, Hunith finds herself on the doorstep of Leon’s family (Hunnith’s old friends) so Leon and Merlin are raised as brothers. Also needs an account to read, but one of my all time favourite fics 234,831 words
the cute guy next door (might be a villain) by Alesyira
Mha fic Shinsou is an underground, undercover pro hero trying to find a lead on a case that may or may not involve the socially awkward guy living next door, (Midoriya) Misunderstandings ensue
And shit that’s 10. I have so many more so let me know if you want any others. I’ve got a few Yuri on Ice fics, a lot more mha and toh, one or two Sasaki to Miyano, Seraph of the end and Sherlock fics. I’m still getting into Song of Achilles fics, but there’s a few of them and a few crossovers too.
And for my name, there’s a kinda long story behind it, but the short version is my grandad used to call me Nerdy or clever or anything like that, he always said being smart and working hard to be smart was the best thing a person could do and I really looked up to him as everything I wanted to be when I grew up. Then when I came online in lockdown during Covid, it was just a whim that stuck to go by Nerd, or ThatNerd on Ao3 but the user was taken so I added bits till I found something available. After he died, it became more sentimental but generally it was just a lockdown thing that stuck.
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coffeecat1983 · 3 months
Prompt #77 "There's nothing wrong with you." (Selectively Mute Mario mini fic)
A gift for @stripetkattelalala54 who gave the idea of Arthur teaching Mario sign language. I do hope to build on this AU even further.
#77 “There is nothing wrong with you.”
   It was the 4th of July and the family had gathered on the rooftop to have a BBQ and watch the fireworks. Steaks sizzled on the grill as Giovanni carefully tended to them, adding his secret seasonings. At the same time he was keeping watch on his sons.    Mario and Luigi were seated on a picnic blanket with their food and a board game had been set up. Giovanni's oldest kept hesitating and looking up at the sky.      "He's nervous, huh?" Tony said as he joined Giovanni.      "Yeah. I don't know how this is gonna go. With Luigi afraid of storms and Mario doesn't like loud noises as it is, ah, maybe I shouldn't have suggested they come out this year."    Folding his arms, Tony thought it over. "Lu likes fireworks though, he's been out with em before. Maybe seein' him be brave will help Mario."    As if on cue, someone set off a whistling firecracker. The sound screeched in the night air with the resulting popping echoing like gunfire off the buildings, Mario dropped the board game piece and clapped his hands over his ears.
   A streak of yellow and white shot past the men at the grill. Kneeling, Arthur held his arms out and Mario latched on to him, hiding his face in the brightly checkered shirt.      "Easy, kid, easy." the rough voice was a comfort as another firecracker went off. Turning to Luigi, his free hand moving as he spoke.      "Okay?"    The younger nephew paused and remembering what he had been taught, spoke and motioned with his fist.      "Yes." While it was true Arthur was selectively mute just as Mario was, he had lost his hearing entirely in one ear, and partially in the other from a childhood illness. It was thought this was the illness that also gave him his rough voice, having scarred his vocal cords.    Taking two fingers, he tapped on Mario's shoulder to make him look up at him. Getting up, Arthur guided him over to the railing and kneeled again. He pointed up to the sky then tapped Mario again, his signal to get his attention.    Making a new motion the young boy hadn't seen before, he spoke.      "Fireworks." he said. "Loud. Pretty like Christmas lights." His nephew took this in. He liked Christmas, the decorations were pleasing to look at and he loved the lights the most.      "Fireworks are loud." he said, trying to mimic the sign Arthur had just showed him. He knew loud, he had learned that easily when spending the night with his bro at the twins basement apartment. With Arthur playing the stereo and teaching them to feel the vibrations in their feet and hands, it was signed many times over and the bros picked it up quickly.
   The show at the river began. Luigi raced over and the two held on to each other, neither looking up as more fireworks went off. Arthur let out a low chuckle and as Tony wandered over, he tapped their shoulders.      "Look up. You'll like it." Arthur said without signing.    It was Luigi who dared to look up first. His quiet 'whoa' made Mario look up and the two stood, transfixed as colors and light danced in the sky.      "Neat, aren't they?" Tony spoke and signed, long ago having learned how with his twin.      "Pretty." Mario signed, too memorized to say it out loud. The twins stood, Tony putting an arm around his little brother as they looked up together with the bros still sitting at their feet.       "Brings back memories," Salvatore said as he watched them. "Good to see my little troubles helping the boys."      "I just wish Mario wasn't like this." Giovanni said.       "Don't ever let me catch you telling Mario that you wish that." Salvatore said, a hint of anger and pain in his voice.     "It's not like I don't love my boys, Papa! But I remember how hard it was on Art, how hard it still is." Giovanni said. "I just, I don't understand why this happens, and why both are like this. You know he's going to ask someday, ask why others aren't like him." Giovanni rubbed at his temples. "Then what? What do I say?"    Salvatore looked to the little group, remembering when Arthur had come to him.      "Papa, they call me bad names at school. Am I broken, like teacher says?"      "Then you tell him the same thing I told Arthur. 'There is nothing wrong with you'."
By "CC"
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berystraw · 8 months
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Synopsis: In which! Due to a letter calling her to go back to Texas Verity Rosewood goes back to the place she spent years trying to forget. While she is there, she tries to reconnect with the people she left. Her family, friends, and especially the person she loved most.
[L.L.S Masterlist] [M. Masterlist] [G.H Masterlist]
Case file #1:
[Name]: Verity Rosewood
[Nickname(s)]: Veri
[Age]: 20
[Date of birth]: August 22, 2000
[Gender]: Female
[Sexuality]: Bisexual
[Eye color]: Brown eyes
[Hair color]: auburn
[Height]: 5'6
[Playlist]: Top of my school 【Katherine Lynn-Rose】 Pov 【Ariana Grande】 You're on your own kid 【Taylor Swift】 Brutal 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Little Miss Perfect 【Write out loud】Lose you to love me 【Selena Gomez】 All I want 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Dollhouse 【Melanie Martinez】 Be myself 【Why don't we】 I wanna be yours 【Arctic Monkeys】 Consequences【Camila Cabello】 Mess it up 【Gracie Abrams】 Control 【Halsey】 Elastic Heart【Sia】Applause 【Lady Gaga】 Thumbs 【Sabrina Carpenter】 In my mind 【Lyn Lapid】 Happier than Ever 【Billie Eilish】 Not strong enough【Boy genius】 If Only 【Dove Cameron】
Case File #2
[Name]: Grayson Hawthorne
[Nickname(s)]: Gray
[Age]: 19
[Date of birth]: August 23, 2001
[Gender]: Male
[Sexuality]: heterosexual
[Eye color]: pale gray
[Hair color]: blonde
[Height]: 6'0
[Playlist]: Looking at me【sabrina carpenter】Can I be him【James Arthur】Labyrinth 【Taylor Swift】Daddy Issues【The neighborhood】Ador You【Harry Styles】If I killed someone for you【Alec Benjamin】Man of the House【Marilyn Hucek】Money, Power, Glory【Lana Del Ray】I bet in losing dogs【Mitski】Angels like you【Miley Cyrus】Surface pressure【Jessica Darrow】People Watching【Conan Gray】I ain't perfect【IV of spades】Mistakes like this【Prelow】Mirror ball【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia rodrigo】Feelin good【Michael Bublé] Lay all your love on me【ABBA】All of the girls you've loved before【Taylor Swift】Set fire to the rain【Adele】
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Verity Rosewood
—The one who absquatulated
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"I never wanted to leave, but I had to. For me."
Being the heir of the Rosewood family, Verity has been training and learning how to manage her family's company even at such a young age. She went to different kinds of classes, may it be public speaking classes, business management, dance classes, and many more. She had to be different, to be perfect. The pressure of being the best and perfect heir was exhausting, but she had her friends, right? The Hawthorne brothers have helped her cope with all the pressure and stress her family and everyone else pressed on her. She thought she could handle it, but everyone had their breaking points.
Grayson Hawthorne
—The Heir Apparent
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"And that made me hate you even more."
Grayson had been considered as the "Heir apparent" of the family for as long as he remembered. As a Hawthorne, he was taught many things, and that included never showing emotion. He had to learn how to not cry or show signs of weakness. Being one of the oldest siblings didn't help with that at all. In fact, it just added even more pressure on him. Having to be the older and more responsible brother out of the rest. It was difficult. Trying to make yourself look as if you're not broken. He is broken and hurt, yet he makes sure not to show anyone even a second of his true emotions. He was not raised to be like that.
Verity + Grayson
—The never ending story
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"In this toxic and suffocating world, we had each other."
The friendship of the Rosewood and the Hawthorne family has lasted for years now. So Verity being friends with the Hawthorne grandchildren was no such mystery. The group was always seen together during classes, tea time, playing outside on the grounds, or even skipping classes together. They were inseparable, but there were 2 children in the friend group that were much closer with each other than the rest; Verity and Grayson. The two consider each other as their safe places, the person who brings comfort to each other. Due to the pressure of their families, both of them really understood each other and considered one another as the place that they could bring down their walls and become their true selves. They felt safe, comforted, and peaceful in the presence of each other. Because for once, they felt as if they had one place they didn't have to pretend as if they're perfect.
[Playlist]: Back to December【Taylor Swift】Play date【Melanie Martinez】Tattoos forever【lauv】Love song【Why don't we】Make you mine【Public】Somebody to you【The Vamps】You and I 【One direction】That way【Tate McRae】Runaway【Aurora】If the world was ending【JP Saxe, Julia Michaels】Your name hurts【Hailee Steinfeld】Why's you only call me when you're high【Arctic Monkeys】Talk too much【Coin】Overdrive【Conan Gray】The one that got away【Katy Perry】House of memories【Panic! At the disco】Back to you【Selena Gomez】Midnight Memories【One direction】Still the one【One direction】Lover【Taylor Swift】The way I love you【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia Rodrigo】I love you so【The walters】WYD now 【Sadie Jean】Somewhere only we know【Keane】Afterglow【Taylor Swift】Kiss it better【Rihanna】Kidult【Seventeen】No one can fix me【Frawley】Fall for you【Sarah Kang, Jesse Berrera】Remember that night【Sara Kays】
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imkylotrash · 2 years
Pairing: Bill Weasley x reader
Request: When he was first scratched, he was super bummed and didn't know how to get through it and acted like an asshole to everybody, so Remus introduces him to a former student who had a similar experience ( so has minimum wolf qualifies ) and she is able to get him off his ass & help him through what he’s going through. She also happens to be a curse breaker like he is. Anonymous
Tagging: @bitchwhytho​ @music-of-melody​ @shadowhuntyi​ @avada-kedavra-bitch-187​ @canthebest1​ Let me know if you want to be added or removed. 
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His arms engulf you in a warm hug the second you step off your broom. Attempting to hide your wince, you burrow your face into his shoulder but he knows you well enough to sense when you're in pain. Of course, he's also known you for almost 15 years at this point.
"What happened?" he asks, his lips stretching into thin lines. He doesn't exactly like the fact that you've now officially received the title of curse-breaker.
"Manticore. I've never heard of anyone being able to use them as guards." Oh, if looks could kill. Remus Lupin has always had a bit of a soft spot for you. Especially after you were attacked by a werewolf. The scars of four claws ran down your back, but you never changed. The moon made you hungry for red meat but you'd managed to walk away without the curse of lycanthropy.
"I thought they'd gone extinct," he manages to say.
"Definitely not. They're rare, but not gone." With a flick of the wrist, you have your baggage floating behind you as you head for the door.
"There's a friend here I'd like for you to meet." You sigh deeply. It's been a long journey, you reek of sweat and dirt, and you're trying very hard to disguise your limping. The last thing you need is to be introduced to someone new. But you also know what Remus went through not too long ago. Even you felt the pain when it was announced to the world that the famous Albus Dumbledore had died.
"Can't wait," you smile despite being close to collapsing from pure exhaustion. However, it turns out that no introduction is needed as you enter your living room. Bill Weasley has quite the reputation among your circles. The thing you're not expecting is the scars down his face. All of a sudden, your back is burning.
"Merlin's beard," you whisper as Remus comes up behind you.
"Bill, I'd like you to meet Y/N." You know why he wants you to meet. You recognize the look in Bill's eyes. It's the look of defeat - of fear. He mustn't have had his first full moon yet.
"I'd shake your hand but I'm fairly certain I need about five showers before I'm fit to even sit on the couch," you joke but he doesn't respond. In fact, he just huffs a little and remains seated. No signal is needed to get Remus to follow you into the kitchen.
"What is this? Werewolf trauma 101?"
"His family is worried. I thought it might benefit him to see that it isn't the end of the world."
"Is that how you felt?" It's a low blow. There's a massive difference between what you and Remus went through. He has to fear the full moon each month, while you sleep soundly in your bed. But you're tired, and you're struggling with your own memories.
"Just talk to him. That's all I ask." So, you talk at him. Quite literally, you talk at him while he remains silent. After an hour, you've grown tired of repeating the same advice and suggestions, and so has Bill.
"Thanks for the, uhm, pep talk. I'm sure I'll be just fine now," he says dryly before getting up. You don't bother stopping him even after Remus gives you a look.
"I can't help someone who refuses to be helped."
But over the next few days, you feel guilty for letting him leave so easily. You remember that first month of absolute terror and frankly, you can't blame him for his behavior considering how you acted even worse. So, you do the only logical thing you can think of. You pack your bags and head for the Shell Cottage. Once before you visited with Arthur while on Order business, but you remember it like it was yesterday. You love that little cottage. Almost more than your own tiny house deep in a forest.
"Make yourself known." Making sure to keep your empty hands visible, you step forward.
"Just me." Bill slowly lowers his wand and steps inside. "Welcome, Y/N. So good to have you." Still mumbling by the time you reach the door, you take one final look at your surroundings before entering the cottage.
"Son of a Bludger, what have you done with the place?" It's in shambles. Mess everywhere, day-old food on the table, papers ripped apart and thrown across the room.
"What are you doing here?" he asks, ignoring your previous comment.
"I'm here because I'm a better person than you right now and despite your very rude behavior last time, I still want to help you." When he growls at you, your hand instinctively reaches for your wand.
"Right, you're afraid of me," he laughs, venom dripping from every word. There's no way you were ever this bad, right? Your burning cheeks betray you because you do remember the feelings coursing through him. When you were mutilated, you pushed everyone away. You became a hermit until you were sure you weren't going to hurt anyone.
"I'm not afraid of you. But you're not exactly a trustworthy person at the minute." Basically the same thing though. You're a little afraid of his reactions, but you're not about to let him know.
"Could you help bring in my suitcases? Molly said I was welcome to stay here while I figure out some protection for my own home." Horrible excuse. Your house is probably more protected than Shell Cottage but you also know he'll never let you stay unless you make him believe that you have nowhere else to go.
"It's war. One can never be too safe,” you add as you head for the guest room. This is going to take a while. And a while it takes. Merlin, you’re ready to give up several times. Three weeks pass before you even get him to go outside, and he complains the entire time. And just as you think you’re making progress, his mother stops by. Now, you like Molly Weasley. She has the best intentions but the pity in her eyes, her voice, her every action... it’s the exact thing Bill doesn’t need. Even you let out a deep sigh when she finally packs up her stuff after three days of uncut tension. 
“Nice lady,” you comment in the evening as you’re sitting in front of the fire. The silence lingers long enough for you to give up waiting for an answer. Then he laughs. It’s a little high-pitched and not all the way natural, but it’s a laugh. And you’ll take it. 
“Imagine growing up with her,” he laughs, and you join him. Bill Weasley doesn’t need to be coddled and having Molly visit just proves that very fact. 
“Alright, enough sitting around. Take my arm.” He hesitates but you can tell he just needs that little push. “Trust me.” Darkness swallows the both of you as you apparate to the nearest village. Without waiting for his reaction, you pull him into the nearest pub. 
“One beer. And then you’re free to leave.” It’s a muggle pub. No one will know what has happened to Bill here. They might think a bear got him or some other animal, but no one will shy away in fear (or disgust) he might turn into a werewolf. 
“Fine.” You’re taken by surprise when he so easily agrees, but you’re quick to recover and buy two beers before he changes his mind. 
“Cheers,” you say to the bartender before finding a table in the dark corner of the pub. When Bill isn’t fully consumed by self-loathing, he’s actually a pretty decent guy. You both share stories from some of your near-death adventures as curse-breakers, but he doesn’t ask the question you know he’s dying to ask, and you don’t offer the answer. But five beers later, even you are a little unsteady on your feet. Apparating back home is a lot more difficult when the world is spinning. But you manage without losing any limps. By the time you’re walking through the front door, Bill is giggling. 
“Come on, droopy. Time for bed,” you chuckle as you half carry him to his bedroom. He collapses on the bed, pulling you with him. 
“Stay in here tonight,” he mumbles but when you lock eyes with him, he seems almost sober. Logically, you know this is a bad idea, but he smells nice. And his hair looks so cute in that stupid man-bun. Before you know it, you’re closing the gap between the two of you. His lips are soft, gentle, and your head spins from the sensation. Any doubt you might have had goes out the window, when he cups your cheek and deepens the kiss. 
“Stay,” he repeats and you can do nothing but obey him. When his hands goes to the hem of your shirt and begin to remove it, you grab his hands to stop him. He’s nice enough to not comment on your shaking hands. 
“I don’t—I— It’s not pretty,” you finally say and your scars begin to burn as if they were fresh wounds. 
“I know.” He doesn’t sugarcoat it. He doesn’t try to convince you that you’re still pretty. He accepts your feelings because he knows. So, you let him remove your shirt. The cold makes you shiver, but you don’t hide under the covers. You want him to see you - all of you. When he gently runs his hand down your back, you feel tears sting your eyes. You don’t talk much for the rest of the night, but at one point you open up about how it happened. He listens not once interrupting you. Afterwards, he holds you for a long time. 
It’s the first night of complete honesty and it’s what starts your relationship. You saved him from himself but in some ways, he saved you too. 
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gxbbyhoneybadger · 1 year
My Master List
Welcome to this master list of many fandoms and upcoming posts and more! Enjoy and follow for more.
Feel free to request oneshots, smuts, angst, fluff etc.
There is more to be added to this list. It's going to be updated so much 😂
What I won't write
I won't be writing LGBTQ+ content for private reasons (I am not homophobic, I promise)
I will not write any relationship that contains pedophilia.
I will not use they/them/ze/zir/etc pronouns for Y/n. Just he/him or she/her.
I will not write incest relationships.
With that out of the way, enjoy!
The Last of Us Master List
Joel x Reader
Hometown Sweethearts mini-series 1
Despair at it's Finest 2
The Roundup 3
The Disconnection 4
Can you feel my Heart 5
Fatal Flaw of the Fall 6
No man but You 7 (Finale)
Two in One (Oneshot Joel x Reader TBA)
Not an Accident (Oneshot Joel x Reader TBA)
Cowboy's Sweet Heart Mini-series 1
Red Dead Redemption Master List
Arthur Morgan x Reader
Richer than Gold 1
Precious like Diamonds 2
Tougher than Iron 3
Sweeter than Honey 4 TBA
Predator Master List
Scar x Reader
Mission 69 I
Mission 69 II
Mission 69 III TBA
John Wick Master List
John Wick x Reader
The Jade Viper 1
The Jade Viper 2
The Jade Viper 3
The Jade Viper 4
The Jade Viper 5 TBA
Marvel Master List (Upcoming)
My Forgotten Beloved (Bucky Barnes x Reader TBA)
My Dirty Little Secret (Eddie Brock x Reader TBA)
Only Us (!Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x Reader TBA)
Itsy Bitsy Spider (!Tom Holland!Peter Parker x Reader TBA)
DC Master List (Upcoming)
Blood & Tears (Jason Todd x Reader TBA)
Star Wars Master List (Upcoming)
One with the Force (Ezra Bridger x Reader)
Show Yourself (Stormtrooper x Reader TBA)
Hellboy Master List (Upcoming)
Red and Black (Hellboy x Reader TBA)
The Walking Dead (Upcoming)
The Decaying Love (Shane Walsh x Reader TBA)
House of Wax (Upcoming)
The Lovesick Belle (Bo Sinclair x Reader TBA)
Avatar (Upcoming)
I need you (Jake Sulley x Reader TBA)
Yes, Sir (Recom Quaritch x Reader TBA)
The Boys (Upcoming)
The Gals (Billy Butcher x Reader TBA)
Mortal Kombat (Upcoming)
Rambo (Upcoming)
The Broken Soldiers (Rambo x Reader TBA)
Saw (Upcoming)
Five Steps Ahead (Peter Strahm x Reader TBA)
Don't Breathe (Upcoming)
See No Evil, Hear No Evil (Norman Nordstrom x !Deaf!Reader TBA)
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no-tengo-ojos · 2 months
Here’s my take on the Arthur Lester scar map!
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I thought it would be fun to make a rag doll again because it’s been a good few years since I’d done one
Process and other bits below cut
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Started out with a freehand pattern piece and then crawled through the Malevolent wiki mapping out all of Arthur’s mishaps (whoever runs/edits that wiki I am forever grateful to you)
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Sew together the main body. I had to drown Husk Arthur in a dye bath (like father like daughter) because I didn’t have any fabric in the right colours hanging around
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Stuffed him with the most fleshy thing I could find and gave him a little satin heart (<3) Build-A-Bear style
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Added details on the face and hair (which I actually might change cus idk if I like them. Lmk in tags). It was kinda fun cutting him open and stuff so I now see where Kayne was coming from
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Dip dyed John’s parts and made him lil booty shorts (like hell am I letting you freaks see under there) and he was all done!
I currently don’t have any clothes for him just because I don’t have any suitable fabric but I will be making him a little floral dress soon and I’m also taking him caving (his favourite!) with me and my bestie on Tuesday so be prepared for Arthur Lester adventure pics soon xoxo
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Chubby (Modern) Arthur with Chubby reader Headcannons
This one was requested from @mrsarthurmorgan7​! We love to see some Chubby Arthur and Chubby reader representation, and seeing some modern ones!! 
There will be a little bit of that domestic life kinda stuff in here which was requested from another reader, but I will do a full post full of just domestic life with him I promise! 
Let’s get into this >;) 
Warnings: May be a little NSFW but for the main part should be fluff
Arthur being I mean cute arthur but chunky, Female reader mainly GN but there will probably be a few instances of female mentions 
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Arthur is a chunky man himself, and when you see him looking really uncomfortable, all by himself in the corner of a bar you think maybe he might be there on the same circumstances as you.
Your friend nearly commanded that you came with them, an attempt to try and get you to out of your comfort zone and maybe meet someone.
You were chunky, big, and you didn’t often think of yourself as very attractive.
You friend was trying to prove to you that, that wasn’t true, but no one had approached you for the entire hour you’d been here.
But, that man in the corner, he looked just as uncomfortable as you, but you couldn’t understand why.
He was handsome, I mean
Gorgeous, his face was like sculpted by the gods themselves.
A little bit of stubble littered his face, he had a few scars but I mean, all they did was give him more character, they made him more attractive. 
His nose looked like it’d been broken a few times, but again, it only added to his looks, in now way did it make him ugly.
He was a large man too.
I mean
Huge thighs, a wide torso, even from where you sat you could see the strength in his shoulders and arms. He was wearing long sleeves but he’d rolled up the sleeves, and every nervous movement of his arms flexed in his forearms.
You sit and debate with it for a while before you finally take a deep breath and start heading his way.
“Hi, I’m Y/N L/N.” You stick a hand out towards him and smile, doing your best not to be intimidating, or intimidated. 
He blinks at you from the corner barstool he sits upon, and smiles back before taking your hand and offering you a strong shake
“Arthur Morgan.” 
“You get dragged here too? You don’t exactly look like you’re enjoying yourself.” You chuckle.
“You could say that, my dumbass of a brother made me come with him.” 
He gestures towards a leaner man with dark hair, and snorts. 
“Can’t even drink, I gotta drive that idiot home.” 
You laugh yourself and gesture towards the open seat next to him.
“You mind if I sit?” 
You feel incredibly nervous as you wait for an answer, swallowing as you watch his face.
You’d never been so forward with a man, but for some reason, something about him made you feel terrified and incredibly at ease
“Sure, anythin’ for a pretty woman.” 
You feel your face heat and quietly take the barstool next to him, your face breaking out into a smile. 
“So, Miss L/N, tell me about yourself.”
For the rest of the night the two of you keep talking, ignoring everyone around you, and you end up staying with him until the bar closes at 3 am. You’d never felt so connected talking to a person as you had with him.
Your friend had graciously stayed with you, and waited patiently, just happy to see you actually talking to someone
Of course you an Arthur exchange numbers and he asks when the best time to call you would be
He heads home exhausted, but glad he went, and in modern times this man still keeps a journal, and of course before he completely passes out on his bed he writes all about you and how he thinks that theres something special about you he won’t be able to get out of his head.
It’s only a day or two later when he calls you.
You see his name pop up on your phone and your body just goes into a kind of shock. You would have never thought it possible for him to text you, let alone actually call you.
He was the most handsome man you think you’d ever met. 
To him its the exact same way
Hes a fat old man, who really has nothing to offer to anyone besides his love of cars and such
So why would a beautiful amazing person such as yourself take any kind of liking to him?
So when he calls and asks you to go on a date with him and you almost instantly say yes he nearly drops his phone
He's estatic.
I mean
Jumping out of his seat
Calling John
Getting a haircut and oiling up his beard kinda excited
He shows up at your house with the biggest smile on his face and a literal boquet of flowers
Now the date hes asked you on is casual, so he's shown up wearing a nice shirt and jeans and for him even that's dressing up.
He just asks you where it is you'd most like to go, anywhere in town, and you tell him you've always enjoyed window shopping at places, and that even though you don't know much you like to look at cars!
He is the definition of heart eyes
He asks you if you'd like to see the shop he works at, nervously and he's scratching his neck with a sheepish little smile on his face and you say you'd love to see it!
He takes you there and he's blathering away the whole ride there, talking about his favorite cars and what's the most fun to work on
Of course he pays attention to you too, listening to the things you love most and what you enjoy, he can't help but smile at you the way you talk about some of those things
He tells you he loves the outfit you wore and you tell him its actually your least favorite but you were out of clothes
When you tell him you don't like it because it makes you feel as though you're too fat he simply furrows his brow and bites his tongue because if he didn't he'd probably be coming off a little too strong
That and he knows that feeling all to well himself, it wouldn't be very fair of him to chastise you for saying the same things he does to himself every day.
When you finally get to his shop he takes you around, proudly showing off the little place he and his brother started up, and he can't help but feel a little warm in the face when you shyly tell him it's impressive that he owns his own business.
He shows you a few of the old hot rods that some of the older customers bring in to them to do basic upkeep on, and he tells you theres a great car show just a town over and asks if you'd like to go.
You of course say yes and he offers you a smirk before pulling you along to hop in his car and head that way
The two of you enjoy the car show so much! You spend the entire day out, and it's late when you get back on the road to go home.
You're too nervous at first to do anything, but Arthur sneaks his hand into yours and interlocks his fingers.
From there you felt safe enough to lean your head on his shoulder and you fall asleep like that on the ride home.
He wakes you up when you get there and then he walks you to your door
He smiles and tells you he had such a fantastic time with you, and he'd love to do it again if you'd feel the same.
He then asks you if it would be okay to kiss you.
Which of course you say yes
And he kisses you oh so gently
I mean
He cups your face
Sweetly, gently, feather light touch, but just perfectly pressured.
And his kiss itself was just....
Soft but chapped lips, it wasn't rushed
It wasn't too slow
It was perfect
And it made you realize you wanted to be with him more than you thought
When he breaks apart from you theres a look in his eyes that makes you feel a spark
Nervous and yet so at ease all at once
You wanted to be perfect for him, you wanted to be everything for him
Everything he wanted and more
But from that first kiss Arthur was pretty much convinced you already were
Its just you're own negative body image that holds you back.
After that first date you two start going out more, until he asks you to officially date him
Although he calls it courting
Hes old fashioned
Its one if his quirks and you love it.
Obviously you agree to dating him
One of your favorite dates with him was going to the movies
The first time he put a hand on your thigh was your fourth date, you went to the movies together and sat right next to each other, moving the arm rests up and preferring to lean on one another
His big palm just happened to land there, sneaking around your sensitive upper and inner thigh like it was nothing
Needless to say you did not pay any attention at all whatsoever to what happened in that movie.
His hand was MASSIVE and it's all you could think about.
You had big thighs, being chubby, of course you did, but his hands? They were big enough hold on to a pretty good amount of your thigh without problem
It just sent you into a frenzy
If his hands were this big and felt this nice just holding your thigh through your jeans....
Could you imagine what else was big? And how nice it would feel without jeans on?
When you keep squirming throughout the movie he tries to ask if you're okay and you tell him you are but he doesn't quite believe you.
When you exit the movie he is talking away explaining how he thought the movie was good but there were certain parts he really enjoyed.
You try your best to match his enthusiasim about certain parts but you really don't remember them happening.
Like, he mentions an awesome car chase that happened but in all honesty you don't even rememeber the main character getting in a car
When the two of you get to his truck he asks again if you're okay and you again tell him yes, you just explain that you think he's really handsome, and that it was difficult to focus on anything but him
It was a half truth
Of course he blushes and you do too, you aren't sure where this brazen sort of boldness comes from, he's so handsome you're sure you'll stumble over your words when you speak but it always comes out smoother than you expect it to.
On the ride home he does it again, puts his hand on your thigh and steers with the other, like its second nature to him, and you can't help but squirm under his touch
After he drops you off
(And you assure him once more that you're okay and can't wait to see him next Friday)
He leaves with a smile on his face and it's not until he's halfway to his house that he realizes why it is that you were squirming around in his truck seat and in the dark of the theater.
It makes his face run red and he is incredibly thankful you aren't in the truck cab with him
When the two of you go out again he tells you to dress fancy and you panic
You're bigger, you absolutely HATE how your body looks even when the outfit is nice.
Granted when he said fancy he meant semi fancy, he wasn't tsking you to some massive important resteraunt, but it was still a nice place.
So when he shows up, wearing a nice white button down and black tie, you panic some more.
You aren't even dressed when you open the door and he furrows his brow at you.
"Hey Darlin' I told ya I'd be here at 6, am I early?"
"No, no...I just...I don't have anything fancy to wear."
"Well sure ya do! I've seen ya wear a buncha nice things-"
"I don't look nice in them though-"
"Don't you even start. Don't you dare say that."
He talks you through it, listens to you, and even though you've only been dating for a little while he's got all the rjght words to calm you down without even trying
Telling you just how beauitful you are and that he loves how big you are.
Which when you tell him how much you like his stomach and how big he is he brushes you off, but you insist until he believes you
He finally gets you to get a dress on and he does nothing but compliment you the rest of the night.
The resteraunt he took you to was wonderful again, fancy but not too fancy
You did end up drinking a lot of wine, due to your nerves, and Arthur being the guy he is refused to let you be at your place alone
So he got you home after and made sure to get you in comfy clothes (he didn't look I swear!)
And then made sure you were comfortably in bed, and placed himself on the couch
He woke up in the morning and you'd crawled your way onto his chest during the night. From your room upstairs into the living room
He literally panicked cause he was like "she was drunk last night this isnt allowed she can't do this she probably doesnt wanna cuddle with me I'm fat and ugly"
But then the other part of his head was like
"O h this is nice, I havent cuddled with someone in a long time"
That part ended up making him cave and rather than waking you he decided to go back to sleep and wrapped a strong arm around you, offering a quiet and groggy hum when you in your sleep wrapped your arms around his neck.
It may not have been a very long time before the two of you stayed the night together, but it felt right when it happened.
As the two of you grow closer you do more things together, obviously. About 5 months into the relationship he takes you swimming with his family
You've met everyone once or twice and they all love you
I mean
They met you and decided you were perfect
Hosea is just happy Arthur is happy. He hasn't seen his son smile in so long that he practically sobs when he meets you
You go swimming with his family and god
This man was testing you
You were sure of it
He acts like its nothing
To just whip his shirt off and hop in the in ground pool in the back of Hosea and Dutch's yard.
I mean
Wide shoulders, strong muscular arms but a muscular, fatty chest and stomach.
His stomach hangs over his swim trunks a little but in the best possible way
He's got some thick chest hair dusted on his chest but it's not too much, literally just the perfect amount so good like 👌👌👌
And mind you
Seeing him hop into the pool is the first time you've seen him shirtless in this relationship
You've seen him in tanktops sure, but never completely shirtless
So when he hops in the pool in swim trunks and no shirt you have to force yourself not to look at him
You feel self concious as it is because he convinced you that you looked absolutely delicious in a two peice bikini rather than a one piece, even though all you could focus on was how your fat rolls looked and how your stomach wasnt in any way close to being slim or flat
So you were wearing a simsuit you felt a little more exposed in
Little did you know Arthur was in the pool in hopes that maybe the cold water would get rid of his boner lmao
That you had given him because you were wearing that bikini he'd asked you to
When you finally join him he tries to keep you from getting to close but eventually he says fuck it and splashes you happily to get you to chase him.
You end up being squeezed in his arms and eventually under the water his hands glide over your thighs and that little smirk you'vd come to love so much over the past few months shows up on his face.
You were just happy that the others in the pool weren't paying too much attention.
Though John and Abigial definently noticed and made fun of the two of you when you got out.
Arthur's size by the way
Is just
I mean
He's bigger than you, mainly height but he's still chunky too, and it makes you feel so happy, and so protected
And there was somdthing about how dominating his presence could be that just
O h
It riled you up
You were far to afraid to make the first move though
I mean
Think about it
Thats a massive man.
I'd be a little afraid myself.
So of course you would be
As most intimate times go
It happened kinda naturally
Arthur has been practically living at your place since like the 4th month of dating, because your house is bigger than his
So you're in the kitchen, cooking dinner when he comes home and he makes his way into the kitchen
He's covered in grease, and he's hyped up
He had a great day at work with the guys and he got to come home to you, a beautiful woman, his woman.
He came up behind you and placed his arms around your waist and kissed your neck
All you can smell is him, the grease mixed with his natural smell and what was left of the whiskey cologne he wore.
He was just ON YOU
Muttering nicknames in your ear, gliding his hands over you, I mean, what else was supposed to happen, not sex?
This man literally leans around you, turns the stove off and straight up CARRIES you upstairs
Throw you over his shoulder squeeze your ass on the way up kinda carry
Like bro tried to tell you that you weren’t fat and that he liked how you looked
if that didn’t prove how much he loved all your chubbiness he really didn’t know what would
I mean
he carried you like you weighed NOTHING
It was very attractive
oh my god
all you have to do is throw us around 
we will obey your every word
He pretty much throws you on your bed and crawls over you, before he’s kissing all over you, your neck downwards.
Now of course, Arthur being Arthur, he’s gonna ask you if this is what you want
He’d never do anything you didn’t want to do.
Yeah, you’d been together for about half a year now, but he wasn’t gonna do anything you didn’t like or want.
So when you tell him yes and it’s all green lights you better be ready because he goes all out, especially since it’s your first time with him.
He wants to see every inch of you, and obviously you wanna see every inch of him too, and once he gets you undressed you kinda have to coax him into getting undressed himself
He’s a little 
well like you he’s a little shy about the way he looks, how big his stomach is, but you absolutely ADORE how large he is, it is just so attractive to you to see how big he was as a man
it’s impressive and you tell him that.
It does give him a little bit of a confidence boost, and from there he's a bit more willing to undress himself, though he claims theres no way he could ever look as good as you
When you run your hands over his stomach and chest he rethinks that statement just for a moment
You truely make him feel spectacular
He feels his absolute most handsomest around you and in the bedroom is no different.
He knows what he's doing in there, trust me
He lowers that voice of his and it makes your entire body feel like its on fire.
His hands? He knows how they need to work, where they need to go and when
He's like a master
You need to guide him a little bit but he's a fantastic learner
He listens to your every word because he wants you to feel good because he gets off on you feeling good
Literally the hottest thing to him is you calling his name and telling him that hes in the right spot doing what he needs too
Telling him "right there" is exactly what he wants to hear
If you are having a good time he is.
By the way during foreplay, if you mess with his thighs, glide hands over them, ride them, do anything with his absolute monster thighs you will get him harder than a rock
When it comes time to actually having sex, not just foreplay, he is gentle at first, making sure you, ya know, don't rip in half.
He loves having scratches on his back, so when things do pick up, make sure your hands are there, dig your fingers into his shoulders he can handle it, have you seen those muscles?
He does this thing where he practically folds you in half, it's his favorite position. You facing him, but your ass like right up next to him, your ankles on his shoulders
He keeps his hands on your thighs the whole time, squeezing until there's bruises.
(In his defense he doesn't mean to he literally can't control his strength when it comes to fucking you. When he gets into it he just I mean all he can just think about is the faces your making and the sounds and how good you feel, he literally cannot think about how hard he's squeezing you)
It's the same for how hard he thrusts, you might have to like attempt to calm him down if you can't handle it but lets be honest the two of you are both chubby
You can handle the unbrideled strength.
Obviously after everything is all said and done he makes sure you had a good time
(If he finishes before you he'll finish you off do not panic he LOVES it. Granted, embaressed he didn't last but he does love making you finish even if its not with his dick)
He cleans you and he even gets in the shower with you, if its big enough that is
The next morning the two of you are closer than EVER
He asks you to shave his face for him
So he'll sit you on the counter
(You'll protest and say you're to big and he'll tell you to shut up or he'll shut you up)
And then he'll stand between your legs and let you shave his face.
You're literally so gentle he nearly falls asleep standing there
He loves the feeling of your hands on his face
You're leaving him stubble of course, you love it, but like still
You're SO gentle
Him on the other hand will just go as quick as he can without cutting himself and his hands have calluses so like its a MAJOR difference when you do it
He plays with your thighs the whole time too :)
And your tummy, he just squeezes it gently, a guesture of affection, and how much he loves it
Needless to say the two of you are literally soulmates and you are convinced that you're gonna marry him
Jokes on you Arthur is already looking at rings, he knew he wanted to marry you 15 min into talking to you.
Please, enjoy these crumbs while I do my best to catch up on requests lmaoooo
I promise I am working on things!! School is kicking my butt and my roommates and I are now attempting to get housing as well, because we pretty much got kicked out of our dorms lmao
Its okay, cowboy man is here to save us
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skullsandp0tions · 4 months
short blurb for now. Brainrot if you will. (Charles x AFAB!Reader
Charles never liked ‘modern society’. He had no problem with people and could talk about almost anything, but he didn’t find his people. People who agreed with him or even wanted to look at him despite the color of his skin. Instead he was met with judging or even disgusted glares, women forcing their children away from him to make sure they didn’t get infected, as if skin color travels through touch.
His parents were both treated the same way all throughout his childhood, his mom being a native and his father african american helped little. His father struggled getting jobs and his mother struggled with the smallest tasks like going to the store and buying groceries without being harrassed. This made Charles, even as a child, very quiet. He strayed away from conversation for the longest time, and then his mother was captured by soldiers a couple years later and was never seen again. At that time Charles was only around 13, and since his father turned to alcohol and other addictions, he decided to leave.
He’d wandered the country for quite a while before finally falling in with the gang. Remaining as quiet as before. He had no reason to talk to many of them other than to reply shortly or ask questions. Arthur was one, if not the only, person he could have a genuine conversation with. Micah had, well, the opposite effect. The gang was becoming his home, his family. Sure he didn’t like or agree with some of them but he respected all of them. Apart from Micah.
And then there was you.
He didn’t pay you any mind the first months but he grew accustomed to your presence following him around or watching him work. It made him calm, it felt like the weight on his shoulders from his past and concern for the future lifted, allowing him to breathe properly without his chest restricting him.
You were warm, like the sun in human form. So beautiful and warm yet the fear of being burnt if he got too close remained in his head, which was why he didn’t let himself think like that. Every time you laughed he engraved it in his head, he could hear it wherever he went, always being able to recognize specifically that laugh. How you laughed when mocking someone or when you found something genuinely funny were two different sounds. He knew them by heart.
He knew all of your scars on your hands and how they felt against his skin every time you’d help him patch up despite his attempts at shutting the idea down, you didn’t know it, but the only reason he didn’t want you to patch him up was due to the fear of falling deeper. He was worried that if he felt your hands on his skin, that he’d slip up and tumble down further into his brain that was already filled about you, and he did. Now that’s all he thinks about; about the scars, and how you got them, the soft skin of your palm but also the almost angelic softness of your fingertips when they ghosted over his hands. He had you in his head 24/7.
Charles never liked people. Always straying towards the woods where the animals roamed and his ethnicity burnt the strongest. Yet after meeting you, he stayed around camp 7 times out of 10. From joining you and the others at the campfire and listening to Javier play, to dragging you out to the woods to teach you how to properly hunt. Of course he needed you to know how to hunt, but being able to guide the posture of your soft body was an added bonus. It became something he looked forward to every week.
He had no reason to pretend not to be excited, not when he saw how happy it made you to see him enjoy your company. It made his heart jump up to his throat and all he could do was give a slightly dopey smile every time, and then you’d laugh at him with that warm laugh, the laugh that he wouldn’t forget for years to come.
You were his purpose.
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woodenplank-gt · 4 months
2K words
Sage and Arthur dug into their food while Cade only had a few bites of egg and bacon before getting up to take his medicine and feed the dog. Even though Arthur clearly disapproved of Cade abandoning his breakfast, Sage was silently grateful. It was already hard enough sitting near one giant human eating bites of food as big as she was, she couldn't imagine two.
Her prey instincts kept trying to kick in and get her out of there, but she stubbornly ignored it and kept her eyes on her berry. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until she tore through the skin of the berry that morning. The last couple of days had clearly taken a toll on her.
The older human quietly sat back down in his chair and Tukka eventually took his spot under the table again, wanting to be close to his new fairy friend.
Cade sat patiently and let Sage finish eating before speaking up."You seem to be doing a lot better today." He commented.
She shifted uncomfortably and looked down at the table, still uneasy under the attention of humans. "Yeah my leg isn't hurting as much," she replied. "And having some rest and food also helps," Sage added hoping it made her sound better than she was. In all honesty, she could easily sleep the entire day away. It felt like the energy in her body was constantly leaking out no matter how much rest she got. Sage figured she can actually recover once she gets back home and under the care of medics the same size as her.
The older human nodded "may I?" He asked, indicating her bandaged leg. When she gave him a small nod he reached down and grabbed the med kit he left on the floor by the table. Cade clicked open the locks and began pulling out the magnifier, disinfectant cream, and gauze.
She took a quick sip of water before placing the cap onto a napkin nearby. Sage carefully straightened out her leg and watched with bated breath as two humongous hands began reaching towards her. She resisted the urge to back away as large fingers gently lifted her leg and unwrapped the thick gauze. Cade leaned down with the magnifier until his face was inches from Sage, his brown eyes intently scrutinizing the wound. Instead of closing her eyes like a scared child she bravely met the gaze of the giant as he worked.
She could see every detail in the older human's face like this; small freckles dotting his nose and cheeks, wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, and a faint scar nearly covered by his beard. She looked into the large brown orbs right above her and noticed how tired they always seemed to appear no matter how often he tried to blink the sleep away. The dark bags under his eyes definitely didn't help the human look more alive.
On the other hand, Cade was far more focused on limiting his movements as he examined a leg that easily rested on his fingertip. His brows furrowed in confusion as he looked closer. Her leg was nearly healed as if she had been recovering for weeks instead of getting impaled yesterday. Cade has seen his fair share of impalements while taking calls, ranging from knives to a stop sign. But none of them ever healed this quickly. He'd never seen anything like it.
"Is everything alright?" Sage asked, noticing the puzzled look on the large face in front of her.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by the concerned voice. "Everything looks fine," he assured his tiny patient and leaned back. He didn't want to make a big deal over something he wasn't entirely sure about. Her leg could have just looked worse than it actually was.
Cade promptly reapplied some cream on her wound to clean it and carefully wrapped it in a brand new bandage. Since the bandage was very thick compared to the tiny fairy, he decided to use a bit less this time since her leg was no longer bleeding and the hole was almost closed up. It would definitely make getting around a lot easier for Sage since she was still unable to fly.
Speaking of flying,"Can I see your wings now?" Cade asked as Sage removed her leg from his finger.
Right when those words reached her ears, she gave wary glances to the hands still nearby as if they were about to suddenly pounce on her. Her own hand quickly reached for her hip but grabbed onto nothing. Cade could only assume she was trying to reach for the sword he confiscated earlier. He was glad he took that thing away from her when he did, that sword looked like it could cause serious damage to his fingers.
Seeing the intense look on her little face made his heart drop and he slowly moved his hands away from her. He didn't know how Sage got injured but Cade doubted she let her wings get torn on accident with how much care she showed them. The stick he found lodged in her leg reinforced his theory that she was attacked by something. If her wings were intentionally targeted so she was stuck on the ground with whoever wanted to hurt her, then that would definitely leave behind some sort of trauma.
He couldn't blame her for wanting to keep her wings out of other hands (or fingers). Cade knew all too well how one event can rewire a persons instincts.
He gave Sage his most sincere look. "I just need to see how they're healing. I won't touch them." Her eyes nervously glanced between his face and hands,"I promise I won't do anything you don't want me to," Cade swore in a low yet comforting voice.
Arthur, who had been watching quietly from the side, chimed in. "Yeah and if he tries anything I'll hit him for you," he said with a wink.
Sage hardly noticed the annoyed look Cade gave his younger brother for the joke as her thoughts took over.
Letting someone, especially a human, examine her wings went against every instinct in her body. Even Rod never touched her wings after years and years of being friends. It wasn't like she was afraid or over protective of them, it just didn't feel... right. Like they were a treasure she had to keep out of reach without ever knowing why.
A treasure she failed to protect yesterday.
Just thinking about the brief moment when the sprite had her wings in hand and under an axe sent shivers down Sage's spine. She never thought of how helpless she would be without her wings. Flying had always been something she'd taken for granted. They were what she was known for. The fairy commander that can zip through the trees faster than any bird. When it came to air combat, no one stood a chance against her. Her wings made her unstoppable.
Now she knew how fragile her wings are and how useless she is without her ability to fly.
Cade said he could help fix them. She would be flying in no time if she just let him look. Thats all he was going to do. Just look. No touching.
Without a word, Sage rose to her feet and faced her back towards the humans, keeping herself as calm and collected as she could. She stayed silent and waited for the human to make the next move.
The movement on the table caught both brother's attention and they exchanged a quick look with each other. Arthur gave Cade a confident nod, understanding how tedious treating a tiny can be. Cade sat there for another moment before approaching Sage once again.
Muttering a quick warning, he leaned forward until he could see her wings through the magnifying glass. He noticed the woman's wings shiver as he got closer but Sage gave no indication that it was painful, so he stayed quiet.
Cade was worried the yellow rod stabilizing her wing got loose after Sage fell on the chair from yesterday's failed escape attempt, but it was still perfectly in place. The huge tear running from the tip of her wing down to the center was still there, but some of the smaller cracks disappeared. Like they miraculously healed. Just like her leg.
If he remembered the crash course he took on sprite wings correctly (and if fairy wings were similar), then it wasn't possible for wings to heal that quickly. It normally took at least a week for the smaller cracks to close. But he knew close to nothing about the autonomy of the fae or their wings, which was a huge problem if he wanted to help Sage.
Cade leaned away to give her some space. "Sage" he began,"do you have any sort of...healing abilities?" It felt weird to ask that sort of question, but he knew it could be possible. Sprites have the ability to control plants due to their connection to nature, so a fairy being able to heal wasn't too far fetched. Plus Cade had no other explanation for her quick healing. It definitely wasn't the over-the-counter ointment and gauze he used.
It took a few moments for Sage to realize the hot breath blowing against her back disappeared. She rolled her shoulders to try and get rid of the sensation and turned back around to face the humans.
Cade's black shirt alone created a wall of fabric that blocked her view of the rest of the kitchen. She slowly took a few steps back so she didn't have to look straight up. Seeing this, both brothers hunched down a little to make it easier on her. Although they still loomed over her head.
Trying her best to ignore that, she shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure. I've never been seriously injured before, only scratches and bruises."
"Huh," Cade mumbled quietly. He rubbed his unkept beard with a hand, deep in thought.
Arthur scooted closer to the table now that the medical stuff was over. "Well do you know about any other fairies getting hurt and healing quickly?" He asked.
"No, I don't exactly live with any other fae." She said quietly. Her unstabilized wing drooped slightly at the reminder. She wished she could remember something from her childhood with her kind. A piece of their traditions and food and beliefs, but only black smoke and fire fill her mind every time she thought that far back. The fae were just as much a mystery to her as they were to everyone else. Sometimes she felt like she couldn't even call herself a fairy with how foreign her kind were to her.
Arthur's blue eyes filled with pure understanding. Any intimidation and annoyance she felt with the younger human melted away and was replaced with a comforting presence. "I'm sorry to hear that, it must be tough being on your own like that," he said sincerely.
Tukka seemed to sense the drop of sadness in the air and poked his head up from under the table. His eyes could just be seen above the edge of the table as he checked on his tiny friend. He gave a soft whimper as if asking if she was alright, and Sage gave him a small wave. He stared at her for a few more seconds then went back to his spot under the table when he was certain she was okay.
Sage nodded her thanks to Arthur then looked back up at Cade, searching for a change in the subject. His eyes were distant and he gave no indication of hearing the conversation in front of him.
"Umm.... Cade?" She asked trying to get his attention, but her soft voice didn't reach his ears.
Arthur reached over and gave him a light tap on the shoulder. Cade visibly jumped and quickly looked around the room before settling back down in his chair as if nothing happened. He ran a hand through his brown hair and leaned back.
Arthur chose to ignore his brother's reaction. "Why did you ask about Sage having healing abilities?"
Cade pinched the bridge of his nose as he remembered their conversation. "Her leg and wing is healing faster than I thought they would, that's all." He said casually. He glanced back down and gave Sage a small smile,"Your leg should be healed by the time this blizzard ends. I'm not entirely sure about your wing though." He slowly pushed himself up from his chair,"Everything will heal eventually," he assured her.
"Where do you think you're going so soon?" Arthur asked as Cade stepped away from the table and towards the hallway leading to his room. His breakfast looked nearly untouched as he turned away.
Cade waved a tired hand in the air,"Relax, im not going to sleep or anything. I'm just gonna look into some things and make some calls." He said as he trudged along.
"Come on Cade," Arthur complained,"Hang out with me and Sage. We're gonna play games and watch stuff and have some fun." He crossed his arms confidently, "Isn't that right Sage?"
"Wai- huh?" She stammered out in shock. She definitely didn't want to have any more human interactions if she could help it.
Sage was about to turn Arthur down when she turned towards him and met his silent, pleading gaze. It was clear there was more to this than what met the eye, although Sage wasn't sure why Arthur needed Cade to stay with them. I can't believe I'm doing this, she thought to herself.
She spoke up so Cade could hear her as he walked away,"Yeah Arthur and I are gonna have soooooo much fun! You'll miss out!" She teased as if she were talking to one of the kids back in The Hollow and not a grown human.
When Cade didn't turn around, Arthur continued."Fine, but you can't spend the whole day locked in your room. It's not healthy. We better see you again." He demanded.
When the faint sound of a door closing down the hall could be heard, Arthur slumped back in his seat with a look of defeat. His right hand rested on the table and idly fidgeted with a napkin.
Sage stood awkwardly on the middle of the table. She was tempted to hide away in her box home to get out of sight from the human. But one look at Arthur and she knew she couldn't leave him too.
She slowly walked over to the hand resting on the table, finding her ability to walk a lot better now that her leg has significantly healed. She patted her hand on Arthur's knuckle and it was his turn to look at her in surprise.
Sage stubbornly ignored how his hand alone was bigger and far more powerful than she'll ever be. Arthur held himself completely still with her so close to him, making Sage confident in giving him her trust.
She grinned,"What do you want to do first?"
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