#adding these tags due to recent ‘events’
cyb3r-g0thic · 1 year
do u get gender euphoria when u look at photos of ur favorite goth/metal/industrial musicians or are u normal?
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written-in-flowers · 7 days
The Newbie: OT8 X Male!Reader
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Pairing(s): ot8 x male!reader | side pairing(s): hyunjin x changbin, han x minho, but mentions of everybody fucking everybody.
Genre: Smut, slight angst, slight fluff | au: idolverse, idol!au | MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
Word Count: 11k
Summary: After being taken out of a few groups, you had nearly given up on your dreams of debuting as an idol. But, when you get chosen to take a spot in Stray Kids, more than your debut dreams will come true.
Tags: Polyamory, polycule, mxm, male!reader, Mentions/implications of homophobia, mention of Woojin, angst, group sex, orgy, threesome (mmm), heavy dirty talk, blowjobs, handjobs, nipple play, walking in on someone, voyeurism, exhibitionism, mutual pining/thirsting, slight internalized homophobia, mentions of sexual encounters, multiple sex rounds, top!Chan, top!Changbin, top!Minho, switch!Felix, switch!Seungmin, bottom!Jeongin, bottom!Han, switch!reader, bigdick!reader, unprotected sex (wrap it). everyone is horny and perverted lol
Disclaimer: This work is completely fictitious and for entertainment purposes only. They are not meant to reflect or label the members of Stray Kids in any way. The events within never took place. Thank you.
Next on Newbie!
It’s never easy being the new guy, especially in an established, popular Idol group. The fans already knew the main members, so they’re less likely to take to a newbie fresh from training. The members always carry a brotherly bond that could be hard to penetrate. Management will be accustomed to the usual number of members, and stylists will have trouble styling you for a while.  You could often be forgotten, considering everyone is used to X amount of members without a plus one. 
You knew too well what being The Newbie was like. You’d been added to three separate idol groups before being thrown into Stray Kids. Each one became harder to blend into than the last. Each head manager considered you a “bad fit” for the groups’ concept or vibe; they’d say you didn’t have the right sound or not enough training. Yet, a tiny voice inside you said that wasn't true. When you get caught looking at your fellow members or showing an interest more than platonic, managers tend to get nervous. Thinking about those times, you regretted letting it slip. You should have kept a tighter hold on who you are and what you liked. 
You'd learned your lesson after Beomgyu. 
You almost gave up on debuting completely before JYPE gave you another chance with a very popular group. According to them, they’d recently lost a member due to a scandal, so they needed a replacement quickly. You had no idea why they chose you, but you didn’t question it too much. This could be the break you needed. 
“Don’t sweat it, dude,” Chan had told you on your first day. “You’re going to do great.”
This only worsened your nerves as he led you into the practice room. The tests. Even if they’d already chosen you, there’s always skill tests. You knew they meant nothing bad by it. Every group has units, and they need to know where to stick The Newbie. Are you a good dancer? A good singer? A good rapper? All rounder? You liked to think you did well in each category. You’d been a trainee for eight years. 
“Guys, YN’s here.” 
The group turned in your direction when you followed Chan inside. You stood apprehensively near him as their eyes landed on you. The other groups often judged you from afar, sizing you up and making their decisions right away. Yet, this group seemed to light up at the sight of you. They all stood up from their positions on the floor or couch and walked over to you. Friendly. Polite. Slightly formal still. You took in each of them, and they were…
Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. Even barefaced in casual practice clothes, their looks blew you away. You kept your interest to yourself, but you couldn’t help noticing the tiny features. When he approached you, you decided blond-haired Felix’s freckles were his most charming feature. Changbin’s muscles made him a drool-worthy sight, and you immediately imagined grabbing onto them. Hyunjin’s cat-like eyes and sharp features eclipsed any model or actor you’d ever met before. How could you focus with so many handsome men around you? Especially nice ones who took you under their wing right away?
‘No, don’t do that. You’re not guaranteed a spot here. Act creepy and they’ll kick you out too. Maybe even worse.’
“How long have you been a trainee?” asked Felix, stretching before practice started.
“Eight years,” he said. “I was in some groups, but it never really worked out.”
“They disbanded?”
“No, they just decided I wasn’t a good fit for them.” 
“They kicked you out?” he asked, eyes widened. “Just because you didn’t fit?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, stretching your arm across your chest. It sounded worse being said out loud. The embarrassment hit your cheeks, and you tried not showing it. 
“Well, don’t worry, YN,” he said, bending his body. “You’ll fit in here. Trust me.”
His wink brought butterflies to your stomach and Minho called for attention. He told the group he wanted to teach you the moves to older songs as a warm up. The swarm of nerves inside your stomach strengthened, but once things started, you forced yourself to focus on Minho’s movements. He moved so fluidly, able to match whatever speed or vibe he was meant to go for. You copied him exactly, trying to ignore the members watching intently from nearby. You needed to impress them. Even if you didn’t join their dance unit, you wanted to show your best sides. When the song ended, the group members clapped.
“That was great!” Minho smiled. “You did really well for your first time.”
“Thanks,” you grinned, pushing hair from your face.
“You should have him do ‘Hellevator’,” Changbin suggested. Chan nudged him gently, earning soft disbelieving giggles from the others. “What?” he asked innocently. “It’s a good song and I think he’d nail it.”
You weren’t sure what their reaction meant, but you decided to take on the challenge. Minho first showed you the moves a step at a time, then took it a step faster each round. The other members occasionally whispered to one another, but they mainly watched. Your chest tightens seeing them eye you so attentively. Close observation is normal in these instances, yet something else hid behind their stares. When you rolled your hips at one point, you swore Changbin bit his lower lip. You realized how it might look in your fitted black shirt and loose black sweatpants. Yet, you maintained your focus. You mirrored Minho’s movements easily, an expert at dance due to years of training. You earned applause when you finished the last round with music on your own.
“You’re an amazing dancer,” Minho said, clapping for you. “How long have you been dancing?”
“Since I was eight or nine,” you answered. “I took dance classes in school, and studied it at university.”
“It shows,” he nodded, hands on hips and sweat already on his body. “I think we can move on to our new song, yeah?”
He called on the other members, and dance practice began for real. Their comeback slowly approached, they wanted you to know all the new dances before then. A little voice in your head told you it was pointless in the end. A manager or member will eventually say they think you’re crap and kick you out; they’ll notice your lingering stares or catch on to your interest in them. You’ve wanted nothing more than to debut in a group. Singing and music have always been a part of your life. You sang all the time. You took dance and singing lessons with hopes of one day getting to be on a big stage. It was meant to be your destiny. You couldn’t see yourself doing anything else but this; it’s all you had. You hoped with time they’ll see how much you love what you do, and that you’d do anything to stay in the group. 
“I don’t get how you didn’t make it in those other groups,” said Chan, wiping sweat from his face as practice ended hours later. “You’re an incredible performer. I saw some videos you posted online of you dancing, singing and rapping.”
You smiled shyly, “You saw those?”
“I had to after seeing you with the other trainees,” he said. You both left together to the cafeteria, “We’ve been looking for a ninth member for a while, but nobody really caught my eye until the trainee choreographer told me about you.”
“Hyunshik told you about me?” you asked, surprised and flattered.
“Yeah. I asked if anyone he trained stuck out to him and he brought up your name, so I looked you up. I sent the links to the other members and they agreed with me. How those groups let a total ace slip through their fingers is beyond me,” he snorted. “I’m looking forward to seeing you in the studio, though. You have an incredible voice.”
“It’s okay,” you said sheepishly.
“Don’t be so modest,” Changbin came up beside you, grinning softly. Fluffy black curls hung in his face, which he pushed back with his hand. “I saw your covers and you have a lot of talent. Your voice fits in with our style, and Innie and Seungmin could use a third in their unit.”
“You really think so?”
“Yeah, I do,” he said sincerely. “I wonder what’s for lunch. I’m freaking starving.”
“You’re always starving,” Chan joked.
“Wait, you were in other groups before us?” asked Han from behind you. “Which ones?”
“ZeroZeroTwo, Goldeye, and Galax1,” you said, your stomach dropping remembering each one. “They’re not super big groups, but…yeah, it just didn’t work out.”
“Those guys are jerks anyways,” he scoffed. “They must’ve seen you were too good for them and kicked you out from jealousy. Don’t worry, dude,” he clapped a hand on your shoulder, “You’ll do great with us.”
Their reassurances should have lifted your worries, but they remained weighed down anyways. Things always started off good and turned sour quickly. You did your best not to memorize Han’s comforting shoulder-clap or Changbin’s pretty curls. It was hard in particular to not notice Chan, whose dimples came out in his reassuring smiles. Those kind smiles can easily turn into scowls with the wrong word or look. 
“If it makes you feel better,” said Chan, “I was a trainee for eight years before I finally debuted.”
“Yeah. I trained like crazy, and kept falling out of groups until Stray Kids happened,” you both entered the cafeteria where you saw members already grabbing food. “I didn’t see the point of making attachments either, but this isn’t that. You’re going to do well here. I’ll help you. Plus,” he grinned, “It’s not like you don’t already have fans. I saw your following on Tiktok and Instagram. Have you told them you joined us?”
“No. I don’t want to make a big deal about it until I debut.”
If you debut with them, that is. You didn’t want to disappoint the small following you’d built in your time between groups. You’d done it with hopes the company would let you debut as a soloist instead of part of a group, but it never caught their eye. 
You grabbed food down the line, and that was when you heard your name whispered nearby. Minho and Jeongin stood grabbing food, and your stomach churned.
“…What if he isn’t? That can really backfire on us if he’s not,” said Jeongin.
“Chan said he is, and I trust Chan.”
“But what if-”
“-We’ll see with time, Innie. Just keep it together.”
“Tell that to Felix-hyu-”
You blocked off their conversation, moving to the drink station. Did they already worry you wouldn’t work out for them? Though, you learned the context when you sat in front of Minho. 
The nine of you were the only ones in your corner of the cafeteria, with staff sitting farther away. They likely did it to give the boys time to get to know you alone. The questions started innocently enough: where were you from, what did your family do, did you see them often, where did you go to school, etc. It was Minho’s sudden question that put you off your meal.
“Is it true you like dudes?”
The other members gasped and Chan, sitting next to him, smacked his arm. “Minho, seriously, dude?”
“Hey, it’s a fair question,” he defended. “Nobody sugar coated it when they asked me! They just went, ‘hey kid, do you like dick? Yes or no?’”
“Me too,” laughed Changbin, pouring more sauce on his food. "They told me I didn’t have to answer, but they definitely made it sound like I had to.”
“They asked you guys?” asked Jeongin from down the table, a bit confused. “They didn’t ask me.”
“Because you were a minor, and it would’ve been inappropriate,” Chan answered. “They told me they didn’t ask you, Hyunjin, Han, Felix or Seungmin because you were minors.” He turned to Minho again, “I was going to ask him in the dorm where nobody else can hear his answer. You don’t have to answer that right now, YN. Just pretend he didn’t ask.”
“I figured I ask since people talk about it,” said Minho. 
“Who talks about it?” you asked, no longer interested in eating.
“Beomgyu from ZeroZeroTwo said it,” he said. “We see each other around the practice rooms and when I mentioned you joining our group, he said to be careful around you. When I asked what he meant, he said you were gay. He said you always acted weird around him, and that you’d check them out in the group showers after working out.”
Beomgyu. You should have known. Your crush on him started off slowly. The two of you shared a love for music and poetry; you liked nature, books, and art. You worked on songs together, producing tracks that would go on the group’s first album. Gradually, Beomgyu became a special person to you. Something about him drew you closer, and you thought he might’ve felt the same way. You were wrong. He made that known with his fist.
“And Chaeyeol from Goldeye said he always caught you checking him out,” said Hyunjin. “It’s totally cool if you did,” he said comfortingly. He gave a playful smile, “I've checked him out too.”
“YN, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” said Chan, clearly embarrassed and worried about your reaction. “I promise my members,” he glared at Minho, “Aren’t normally this out of line.”
“Would you prefer to keep dancing around him about it or be direct?” Minho asked. “I prefer being direct about it to get it out of the way. What if I’d flirted with him and it turned out he wasn’t into dudes?”
You gulped picturing that scenario.
“What if we had another Woojin situation?” He asked, a seriousness to his tone as he eyed Chan. “You remember what he did to Felix when he found out? Because I’m sure Felix does.”
You noticed Felix grow quiet, pushing meat around with his chopsticks. Seungmin touched his wrist tenderly, thumb rubbing the side of his hand. Your heart hung heavy for him as you thought of your own encounter. 
‘Don’t fucking touch me again, weirdo. I don’t want to catch whatever you have.’ 
“And what he said he’d do if we didn’t pay him out of his contract? We were lucky those accusations came out and we were able to stop him,” he continued. “What if YN wasn’t gay and he walks in on me and Han? Or Seungmin and Jeongin? Or Changbin and Hyunjin? Or any of us with one another? Okay, so it was a bit blunt to ask like this here, but it’s a fair question, hyung. I don’t want that happening again because we played the guessing game instead of asking.” 
“But here, Minho? He’s only been here four or five hours.”
“Yeah, but I’d like to know if the rumors are true.”
“What if it turns out he is and fans found out before we did?” Hyunjin answered. “They only like the idea of shipping us because they think it’s not true. If it was, it could make things worse.” 
“Alright, alright,” Chan conceded, “You guys are right, but still…”
“YN,” Changbin spoke up, seeing your uncomfortable shifting, “If you feel uncomfortable with this, we can talk about it later when we’re in the dorm.”
“I’d prefer that,” you answered honestly, suddenly aware of everyone watching you.
“Okay,” he nodded. “Later, then.”
The group dropped the subject, and Felix asked you about your BTS dance cover video. You thought about the inevitable confrontation later in your new dorm. Had you been picked because of those “rumors”? From what the other members said, their sexuality played a part in their future. You wondered why, but did not want to ask.
When you arrived at the dorm with your belongings later on, the group all sat in the living room as if waiting for you. Management said you’d be living with Jeongin and Seungmin since they had a spare room left, but it appeared the other members visited. Felix, Changbin and Hyunjin played a video game on the large television, while the other members talked on the couches. 
In the privacy of their dorm, you saw the members’ interactions change. Minho and Han sat close together, giggling and talking quietly in their own world over drinks. Jeongin sat with his legs over Chan’s lap as the two played a game on their phones. Hyunjin sat between Changbin’s legs on the floor, clearly comfortable being so intimately close; Felix beside him between Seungmin’s knees, completely ignoring his advice in helping win the game. You’d never seen such closeness in the other groups. It appeared mildly affectionate and intimate in comparison to ZeroZeroOne or Goldeye. 
“YN,” Chan noticed you first, detangling himself from Jeongin to meet you by the door, “I thought you were moving in tomorrow?”
“Management said I should move in as soon as possible,” you shrugged, “So then we can start bonding and stuff.”
He chuckled, “Alright, cool. I’ll show you where you’re sleeping.”
He brought you down a hall to a room that had a large bed and plenty of storage space with a television. The desk looked like a good place for your laptop and producing equipment; the space between bed and opposite wall might be big enough for some solo practices. A wide window, covered by white curtains, showed a high view of the city below. It was nicer than your previous dorms.
“What do you think?” he asked, sounding nervous.
“It’s nice,” you answered.
“Jeongin and Seungmin are good roomies, so you shouldn’t clash with them if you’re a quiet person.”
“I’m not particularly loud. I just work on music really.”
“Yeah, I saw you produce your own music on your Instagram,” he nodded. “You write a lot too, right?” 
“I do. I wrote a lot of music for ZeroZeroOne.” 
“That’s awesome. Maybe we can, you know, work on them in the studio sometime? We’re still putting together our album list for this comeback, so we can go over them. I think Stays will like seeing that you write and produce too.”
Your cheeks warmed at the idea of being included in such an integral part. You’d heard Stray Kids wrote their own songs, and that appealed to you. It seemed important to them. 
“Look,” Chan said, coming further into the room, “I’m sorry about what happened in the cafeteria. I didn’t want them confronting you like that and making you think I only picked you for that reason. I didn’t.”
“It was still a factor.”
“The least important of them,” he insisted. “Minho had a point, but I didn’t want them scaring you off.”
“That Woojin guy really tried blackmailing you?”
“Yeah,” he sighed defeatedly. “He’d told the producers of our show he was gay to get into the group, so we thought he was like us. But then, Felix came onto him and, well, yeah. It didn’t end pretty. We were going to pay him until some people made accusations towards him, and the company got rid of him.” He hesitated, “I personally think JYPE paid those people to say that about him, since anything he said against us afterwards would be dismissed as retaliation and not a fact. But, we can keep that between us,” he said. He came over to you, “But…Are you really into guys?”
Nobody actually asked you before. Not your parents, who seemed to know and accept it. Not close friends, who may have suspected but preferred not breaching the subject. Not other trainees, who’d rather hit you than ask. The skeptic in you surveyed the leader from afar. Sincerity, anxiousness, and perhaps a bit of hope flashed in his eyes. Something about him made you comfortable to actually answer.
“Yeah, I am.”
He sighed in relief, “Oh, okay, cool. Great. Really great.” He swung his arms awkwardly, then said, “Um, so you can just get settled in and when you’re ready we can, you know, hang or whatever.”
You packed the few possessions you had from your last dorm into drawers. You finished setting up your computer and music equipment before going back into the living room. Jeongin had left Chan’s side to fix snacks in the open kitchen, which led to the leader patting the spot next to him. This was it. The awkward ‘getting-to-know-you’ phase every newbie suffers that first day. Staring around, the other members continued with their various activities. You thought of initiating conversation with one of them, but you couldn’t get the words out. The closer you became, the more leaving would hurt.
“Do you play games, YN?” Felix asked, plugging in an extra controller.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“Awesome, me too,” he handed you the controller.
“He’s not great at it,” Chan told you, “But he’s got the spirit.”
“I’ve gotten better!” Felix said, blushing at the collective snickering. “You can play on my team. These guys have been ganging up on me.”
“I’m not the best at shooters, but I can attempt to help?” You didn’t want them thinking you lied about your gaming skills.
“Good, we can be bad together,” he smirked with another butterfly inducing wink.
“I bet you both can be very bad together,” sneered Hyunjin, the suggestion thick in his words. He laughed at Changbin’s nudging knee, “What? I meant in the game. Bunch of pervs…get your minds out of the gutter.”
“Maybe if you made some room in the gutter,” Changbin smiled, “We could join you, pretty,” he bent to kiss the crown of Hyunjin’s head. 
“Do you have a boyfriend, YN?” Felix asked you, seeing you watching the couple. 
“A boyfriend,” he said. “Are you seeing anybody?”
“A boyfriend? Um, well, no,” you answered. “I dated a guy I was training with when I joined the company,” you admitted. “But then we broke up when he debuted.”
“Is that the only boyfriend you’ve had?”
“No, I’ve dated other guys.”
You realized this was the most you’d ever openly discussed your sexuality. Checking around the room, the others did not show a single ounce of disgust at your words. Nobody stood up to hit or throttle you. They had the same interest as a group of friends listening to a friend tell a story. 
“But, it was in high school,” you continued. “When I started focusing on training, I didn’t date much.” Mostly to avoid detection rather than not wanting companionship.
“Neither did I,” said Chan. “I spent too much time working on my skills to seriously date anyone. I didn’t really have the time back then.” He paused, “That trainee…Did you really like him or was it just hooking up after practice or whatever?”
“I liked him,” you took a shot at Hyunjin, but missed and you hissed when he got a headshot. “But, it was a long time ago so I’m not stuck on him or anything anymore.”
You didn’t want to think about Jihwan. It hurt too much. You’d both come up in the trainee ranks together; you’d hoped to debut together in the same group, but it didn’t happen. They said you needed to work on your stage presence still and that your voice couldn’t hit the needed high notes. Jihwan didn’t like it either, but he really wanted to debut. Rather than keep a strain on the relationship, you both ended things. Your heart weighed down into your stomach thinking about Jihwan’s teary eyes, and how his voice cracked when he finally said it. All you’d wanted to do then was kiss his tears away; you wanted to tell him you’d always think of him.
It still hurts whenever you see him on television.
“Well, trust me,” Felix said, “You’ll be totally over Jihwan after you’ve spent some time with us. We’ve been told we’re a very horny bunch.”
“Too horny, sometimes,” muttered Chan. “I had to put a ban on studio sex because they kept getting distracted during recording,” he told you, sounding annoyed. 
“That ban doesn’t apply to personal studios,” Changbin said, eyes on the screen. “Just so you know, YN.” 
“Mine is always open,” said Han, “To my members.” 
“If you keep talking like that, I’m getting the belt,” warned Minho, who typed on his phone. 
“What?” Han said innocently. “I’m only telling him if he ever wants to talk about our music or anything else, my studio is always open. Don’t worry,” he pouted at Minho, “You know you’re my favorite hyung. I wouldn’t do it without you.” 
“You better not, brat,” Minho chuckled, grabbing him and kissing his temple. 
You couldn’t stop a giggle from coming out, nor the shyness in your smile. The idea you’d joined a group of guys who liked the same things as you sounded too good to be true. They’re surely messing around with you. There’s no way they actually mean anything they’re saying. This is probably their soft-initiation or a way of joking with the new guy. It wouldn’t be the first time. 
They’re only joking. 
“Oh yeah, he’s a pervert for sure.”
“You couldn’t possibly know that, Minho.”
“I’m telling you. It’s always the quiet ones. You weren’t there, Binnie.”
Chan managed tuning out his members’ conversation while he worked. He’d finally got the right melody for the track, but he wanted to rearrange things before sharing. As he put things together, your name pulled him from deep in his head. 
“What was he doing?” asked Hyunjin from his seat on the couch. 
“Jerking off.”
“In a hallway?!”
The picture came to Chan far too easily: you standing by the practice room door, hand in your shorts and mouth hanging open in your silent moans. Minho told everyone the story over group text (minus you), and his members could not have been more excited about it. A barrage of questions came once Han and Minho entered the studio the following day. You’ve only been with them a month now, and while you’d slowly integrated into the fold, there’d been things he forbade them to bring up. Clearly, talking openly about your sexuality still made you anxious and uncomfortable. He didn’t want you to leave the group because his members couldn’t keep their pants on.
“God, that’s actually super hot,” said Changbin, pulling out his own notes from his bag. “Do you think he’d do it in the gym? I’ve always wanted to do that.”
“Don’t ask him,” said Chan for what felt like the millionth time that month.
“I wouldn’t, but,” he smirked, “He did get a boner watching me in the gym.”
Another ‘YN-is-a-pervert’ story: Changbin invited you to work out with him and you had done your best to hide your erection from him afterwards. He claimed you’d gotten off in the showers. Chan gulped thickly. You in the shower, soap sliding down your body as you lathered your naked skin was a sinful image. He forced himself to focus on the music. It’s studio time. It’s recording time. He couldn’t let thoughts of your naked body writhing from his gentle touches cloud his thoughts.
“And you did not offer a hand, hyung?” Hyunjin teased.
“He sounded really into it, and I didn’t want to ruin his fun by catching him. The dude clams up the moment anyone mentions doing anything remotely gay with him,” Changbin said.
“Internalized homophobia,” said Minho, scrolling on his phone. “I think those groups kicked him out because they found out he was gay.”
“Oh, come on Minho-”
“-Explain how someone as talented as him hasn’t debuted?” He cut him off. “The dude is an all-rounder. He’d be any group’s Ace member. Yet, here he is, getting kicked out because he ‘didn’t fit in’? Give me a break. They probably found out about him, and dismissed him.”
“Poor guy,” said Changbin with a frown. “That must suck.”
“But we’ve shown we’re not like that,” said Jeongin from beside Hyunjin. “I’ve definitely shown it to him when I let him watch me get undressed.”
The tale of YN the Pervert continued with the newest installment. Jeongin said you’d walked in on him changing in the morning, and closed the door right away. Except, you did not close the door completely. Jeongin’s door was next to his bed which his mirror reflected. He said he caught you still looking through the crack in the door. Rather than shame you, Jeongin stripped completely and gave you something to watch. Chan wondered briefly if you liked watching more than participating. In that case, he’d perform for you whenever and with whoever you wanted.
Work time. Studio time. Not YN time.
“Maybe he thinks we’re baiting him?” Hyunjin suggested. “Like how straight guys will pretend to be gay and then beat the crap out of a gay guy?”
“He can’t possibly think that.”
“He thinks it’ll cause a scandal and he’ll get kicked out,” said Chan, wanting to end the conversation and all visions of you naked on his bed.
“If he’s been kicked out for being gay before, he will likely do whatever he can to avoid it happening again so he can finally debut.”
Chan knew how that felt. He had to hide in the closet for most of his life, knowing to reveal his real sexuality would ruin his future. It still could if the wrong people found out. They’re lucky JYPE is good at cover-ups and has plenty of hush money. Chan didn’t seek out gay men because he wanted a little harem like the others joked. He did it to finally be himself. He doesn’t have to hide with his members; they don’t hide with him. In the privacy of their studios, practice rooms, and dorms, they can be themselves. He hoped you might sense that and get more comfortable. It appeared your issues went deeper than the rest.
“I wish I knew how to make him more comfortable with us,” said Hyunjin with a small frown. “Not for sex, but, you know, he’s one of us now. I’d like him to stay.”
“Stays are already so excited we’re getting a new member, even if they haven’t seen him,” said Minho. “It’d break their hearts if he left before they got a chance to meet him. He’s so sweet.”
Yes, you were. You were sweet, compassionate, gentle-hearted, and you loved what you did. Chan saw all the effort you put into everything you did. He’d gotten to listen to some of your originals, and you’d worked on them together to make them better. He particularly liked listening to your singing. You completing Vocalracha was a no brainer when they first heard you sing. Your soft, angelic voice reminded Chan of siren songs, drawing in the listener and enthralling them completely. He’d gotten into the habit of listening to your covers and originals while he worked out or laid in bed at night. It calmed him. 
He wondered if your moans sounded as heavenly.
No, Chan. WORK TIME.
“Work time,” he said, clasping his hands. “Hyunjin, let’s start with your part.”
All conversation about you died in the wake of recording. He knew you’d be arriving soon to record your parts, then he’d be tortured by your beautiful voice and heart-melting eyes. He could at least use this time to get a good chunk of work done.
“We should throw him a party,” said Changbin, slumped on the couch beside Minho as he listened to Hyunjin’s recording. “After the comeback,” he continued when people looked at him, “To celebrate his debut. You know, take him out for dinner and drinks. Wine and dine him a little before we all kiss him.”
“Nobody is kissing him.”
“Unless he asks,” he added.
“Yeah, if he asks Chan first, then we can all kiss him,” Minho smirked at Chan’s back.
To kiss you would be the best part of the night. In his head, it didn’t lead to rough, feral sex. It led to passionate, slow, gentle sex on his bed. He’d take time memorizing your figure, making note of your sensitive zones to take advantage of later on. He’d keep you as comfortable as possible. The idea of bringing you to orgasm over and over made his mouth water. He sipped from his coffee with hopes the temperature cooled his warm cheeks. Still, Chan saw images of his lips on your nipples or his hands roaming your soft body. He heard your voice calling him ‘Daddy’ and begging for more of him. You’re the most beautiful man he’s ever seen, and he’s slept with both Hyunjin and Felix. Usually, when he thirsted after a guy, a quick hook up immediately took them out of his system. Yet, he suspected it’d be different with you. He knew once he tasted you, he’d want nobody else.
“You need a minute or two, bro?” Changbin laughed, seeing Chan pushing his tongue under his lip. “Don’t be embarrassed. He makes me hard too.”
“Hyunjin,” Chan called to the singer, pushing the booth button, “Let’s do those last two lines again.”
“I think he’s probably as perverted as you, Chan-hyung,” said Han. “If not more.”
“Impossible,” Jeongin said, “Nobody’s as pervy as our Channie-hyung.”
“Work time, please,” he said, focusing on Hyunjin’s voice and following along on his page.
“I wonder what kind of porn he watches,” Han mused out loud. “Unless he makes his own?”
“That’d be hot,” said Minho.
“Work. Time. Guys.”
“He can film me,” Jeongin admitted. “I don’t mind being watched.”
“Me neither,” Han agreed. “I can give him tons of smut conte-”
“-Okay, if you’re not recording right now, get out,” ordered Chan, trying not to envision holding up his phone as you rode him in bed.
No, not in bed. Let him pound you against a wall in front of the practice room mirrors. He’d bend you over gym equipment; fuck you in a pool, in a sauna, in a car or a public restroom. You’d suck him off in alleyways wearing a mini skirt and a crop top. You spread out on a couch, his cum leaking out of you after he’d blown his load inside you. He’d fuck you everywhere: In hotel rooms, on the beach, in the park, or in other people’s houses. Chan thought he might combust sitting there. 
“I’m a producer,” argued Han.
“You can produce later,” he replied. “Go. Now.” 
He’d love to be special to you. Chan liked the thought of going on dates with you just as much. You’d sit across from him, wearing one of your fluffy sweaters and giggling at something he said. He loved your laugh. It was the cutest thing. Cute coffee dates, walking along the river together, taking nature walks or sitting in the park on nice spring days became some of his favorite daydreams. Chan normally liked the simple hook up or a situationship, but you? He couldn't do that. Whenever you looked at him with those soft eyes of yours, he only wanted to cherish and protect you. You thought he didn’t know, but things get around in the industry. 
“Do you really need a min-” Changbin began, trying not to laugh as the others left.
“No,” he said firmly. “Hyunjin, for the last line…” 
He’d beat the crap out of Kim Beomgyu if he ever met him. 
Debut day. You thought you’d had nervous days before, but this one topped them all. Standing in the bathroom stall, you took deep breaths to steady your racing heart. Sweat turns cold even in the black and red outfit the stylists put together for you. You hadn’t stepped a single foot out of the dressing room since management wanted to maintain their secret as long as possible. But, you heard the phantom screams and shouts of fans in your hand. You saw your own fans buzzing with theories that it might be you since they know you are a trainee at a big company. Everyone you know will be watching whether in person or at home. They will be carefully examining and critiquing Stray Kids’ new member. You already knew you’d be the center of attention in the interviews. Media coaching taught you what to say and how to say it; you were given the ‘sweet sunshine boy’ persona like Han and Felix. What if you couldn’t play that up well? What if fans did not cheer for you or didn’t like you?
A sick feeling swirled around in your stomach, making it harder to breathe.
“YN?” a gentle voice bounced through the empty bathroom. “Are you in here?”
You’re going to fail. You’re going to get kicked out regardless. The other shoe will inevitably drop and you’ll be back to square one.
Changbin. Embarrassment still lingered from a week ago when you’d gotten a raging hardon around him. You knew he’d heard you in your shower stall. Even with its own walls and glass door, it wasn’t exactly sound proof. He must think you’re such a creep. Beomgyu thought so too when it happened to him. One of the Goldeye members nearly hit you when he caught you watching him get undressed. If you get kicked out for anything, it’ll be that. It’s always that. You didn’t care what they claimed to be. Nobody in the Kpop industry is that open or unashamed.
“YN,” he said, standing outside your stall. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m going to fail.”
“What?” he asked in disbelief. “No, you’re not. Why do you think that?”
“I just will, okay? I screw up everything all the time. Everyone is going to see me, see that I’m not good, and want me gone.” The words made you feel worse when you finally said them.
You saw his shoes and imagined he leaned next to the door. “That’s not what I think,” he said, “And that’s not what the other members think. Management, Stays, and your fans don’t think that either. Stays haven’t seen your face, but they heard your voice in that promo we put out. They’re all really excited. People are already getting attached to you,” he chuckled softly. “You’re such an easy person to like.” 
The door opened a second time. “Is he in here?” It was Chan. Out of everyone, you couldn’t cry in front of Chan. You already stumble all over yourself around him. “YN? What’s wrong?”
“He’s nervous.”
“I know you’re nervous,” he said, talking to you now. “I felt the same when we first debuted. I had wanted it for such a long time that I couldn’t believe it was really happening. I had all these doubts in my head: what if we did poorly? What if nobody liked us? What if we ended up disbanding and I was stuck back with trainees again?” The door opened a third time, but nobody spoke. “I know why you’re scared, YN, and that’s okay. I know what happened with Beomgyu-”
You nearly choked. 
“We’re not like him. We’re not trying to trick you or prank you. We want you to be comfortable with us. We want you here, YN. We’re not going to let you go. I’m not going to let you go.”
“What if I’m terrible?”
“You’re going to do great,” Chan said. “Better than great. You’re so talented and passionate about what you do. Anyone who watches you can see how hard you work to hone your skills. You’re always practicing late, always asking to redo lines in songs, and constantly monitoring yourself at music video and photo shoots. You’re not only talented, you’re an…you’re an angel, YN,” he said with a nervous breath. “And people will see that once they get to know you.”
“You won’t know how people are going to react if you don’t go on stage,” said Seungmin. “Isn’t it better to know than to keep sitting in here worrying about it? At least if you go out, you’ll finally know.”
“Come on out,” Han said gently, knocking on the door playfully. “Please, YN? Please come dance with us. We promise we’ll get you anything you want afterwards.”
“Anything you want,” Hyunjin emphasized.
“Get out of there!” Changbin’s hand shot out from under the stall to your ankle. The sudden touch made you jump and giggle as he continued trying to reach you. “Come on,” he said, laughing to lighten the mood, “Get out!”
Two more hands joined in from either side, and you laughed as you jumped around to avoid them like crabs. You soon opened the door to their smiling faces. Chan stood at the forefront with a reassuring smile. His eyes crinkled in it, and you couldn’t get over his slight dimple. When he hugged you, you realized how comfortable his body was. You didn’t feel bothered at all when he lingered, because then you could put his hand placements to memory for later. The other members embraced you after, with Hyunjin being the last one.
“I mean it,” he said, a familiar glint in his eyes, “Anything you want, cutie.”
“Double for me,” said Felix.
They both winked this time, which completely crushed any nervousness inside you.
‘OMGGGG I knew it was YN!!! He did so amazing! #newStrayKid #Babysunshine’
‘The new guy’s super cute! I think I have a new bias haha sorry Hyunjinnie!’
‘The dancing? Amazing. The visuals? Gorgeous. The rapping? Awesome. THE VOCALS???!! OUT OF THIS WORLD!’
‘Oh my god, I need to know everything about YN RIGHT NOW!!’
‘His full name is (YLN YFN), he’s from Busan but he moved to Seoul when he started training with JYPE. He’s been a trainee for like seven or eight years now. He’s got a Tiktok and Instagram account where he posts originals and covers. He does all his own choreography, singing, producing, composing…’
‘Okay, hear me out: YN + Hyunjin + Felix = Modelracha’
‘Sirenracha is more like it! His vocals are so otherworldly to me!’
“See? I told you people would love you.”
You’d done it. You’d debuted. The high you’d ridden coming off stage continued on through dinner. To the world, you’d officially become part of Stray Kids. You remembered all the nerves fading out once the music started playing. The moment the spotlight hit you, the crowd cheered instead of booed. They chanted your name along with the other members, clearly having coordinated a spot for the newest Stray Kid. Back at your dorm, you couldn’t stop yourself from reading the comments underneath the comeback stage video. They’d even included your interview, where you told the MCs you were excited to show everyone your best side and make Stays proud. Your social media became flooded with congratulations, praises, and high hopes for your future. When you did the obligatory live broadcast, old fans wanted to talk to you and new fans wanted to know you. You had jitters at first, but when Hyunjin and Felix appeared in your live, you didn’t feel as nervous about it.
People also said you three looked incredible together.
“You had nothing to worry about,” Chan said, sitting next to you on the couch.
“It was still nerve wracking.”
“I know, but you’ve debuted now and you’re one of us.” 
He looked at you with pride, and your insides squirmed. You didn’t realize how close you both sat together. The few drinks you had at the restaurant left you feeling looser. Recalling how Chan said he wished for you to be comfortable, you wanted to tell him you really felt that when you were next to him. 
“YN, I need my partner,” Felix handed you a game controller. 
“He doesn’t want to be alone in his failure,” Jeongin joked from beside Chan. 
“I’m not that bad,” you defended, echoing Felix’s words that first night. “I’ve gotten better.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Changbin laughed, settling into his usual spot with Hyunjin close by. “While I destroy you.”
For once, you fit in. Starting up the game, all the awkwardness you felt before melted away. You might not have been with them long, but no group or fellow trainees embraced you like they had done. If you’d debuted with ZeroZeroOne or Goldeye, you’d still feel casted aside. You played a few rounds with them, finding your place with them so easily. Things went smoothly until another topic came up. 
“Do you like group sex, YN?” Seungmin had asked, handing you a bowl of popcorn to pick from. His question stunned you so much you hardly noticed the bowl.
“Seungmin!” Chan kicked him gently, even though the other members laughed. “You don’t ask stuff like that.”
“It’s bound to come up anyways!” said Seungmin, putting the bowl into his lap. "He’s already walked in on two of us fucking. He might as well know that we’re okay with him joining if he wants to.” 
“You mean he’s going to walk in on you and Jeongin,” said Han, snuggling close to Minho in their couch corner, “And you want him to join you guys.”
The sudden change and acknowledgement swirled with the alcohol in your system. The thought came to you more than once, but you’d been so afraid to do anything about it. Every time you caught a member in a compromising way, you wanted to take full advantage of the moment. What might have happened if you’d gone into Changbin’s shower stall or closed the door behind you in Jeongin’s bedroom? Would giving into your desires truly be so bad?
“That's only because you’re a bunch of sluts,” said Changbin, scrolling through movies on the television. By his small smirk, you knew he’d done it to tease his members.
“That’s the teapot calling the kettle black,” said Hyunjin. “You can’t keep your hands off me ever.”
“How can I be expected to keep my hands off someone as beautiful as you, baby?” he grinned, kissing Hyunjin’s cheek, which made the man smile.
“I’m so sorry about them,” Chan told you, cheeks tinged a faint pink. “You don’t have to answer that at all. I swear we do more than sleep with each other all the time. That wasn’t important to me when I put the group together.”
“But it definitely happens,” chuckled Felix. He looked up at you, “A lot.”
“We are a group of young men who have very busy schedules and that comes with a lot of pressure,” said Hyunjin, leaning over to Felix so they looked at you together. You wished they had not. Sharp eyes blinked at you with a sultry stare that made your blood rush. “It’s only natural we’d want to relieve some of that stress with people we trust and we know care about us. Imagine if we hooked up with strangers and they went talking about the super kinky,” he glanced up and down your body, “Things we like.”
They then crawled over to you. You suddenly became hot in your hoodie, wishing you’d worn something else. Never in your life had you been approached by such beautiful men. Not even the hottest of supermodels could hold a candle to the two kneeling in front of you. You gulped thickly when they sat in front of you.
“You don’t have to be scared,” said Hyunjin, hand going up your leg gently. “You’re with friends. There’s no secret camera or anything around here. You can be yourself with us.”
“Unless you like being filmed?” asked Felix, starting to touch your opposite leg. You wished you’d worn looser pants. “I wouldn’t mind making movies with you.”
“Um, uh, well, um…”
“Don’t act so innocent now,” he laughed softly. “It's obvious that you’re a little pervert. How can we not do anything about that?” He let his fingers trail up your leg to your knee, the feeling sending more blood rushing to your core. 
“Do you like to be called ‘Hyung’ in bed, YN?” Hyunjin asked, staying focused on you. “Or do you prefer something else?” 
“Uh…” They were so beautiful and their fingertips drew closer to your knees and thighs. You hadn’t been properly fucked in years; not since Jihwan.
“You don’t have to worry,” Chan said, leaning over to you. “Felix and Hyunjin will be gentle with you if you’re a bottom. And they’ll be good boys if you’re a top.” He pushed a piece of hair from your face, looking down at your lips, “I personally like giving my boys as much pleasure as I can. I like watching them turn into whiny, whimpering messes from my touch,” he drew closer, “And my toys.”
“Hyung…” the title came out in a single breath. 
“Let Felix and Hyunjin take care of you tonight,” he said. “When I fuck you, I want you to myself.” 
The question came out before you stopped yourself, “Will you watch?”
“I’ll definitely be watching,” he replied with a soft grin. He moved from the couch to the coffee table in front of you three. “Tell them what you like,” he said gently. “They can’t take care of you if you don’t tell them.” 
“I don’t mind being on top though,” you said quickly as both Hyunjin and Felix drew even closer. They each had a hand on your thighs, sliding your shorts up ever so slightly. “I’m not picky about it.” You became more aware of Chan watching than before. 
“Good to know,” Felix said, deep voice dripping with lust. “Because I’ve been wondering what it’s like to ride you since we met.”
“Re-really?” you asked, breath getting heavier as fingers breached the hem of your shorts.
Both of them chuckled at your shyness. “Definitely,” he confirmed.
You noticed the others watching as intently as Chan did. Their attention brought flames to your cheeks, and only aroused you more. You’d never thought you’d be in this situation. Yes, you’d seen Han and Minho the other day, but you didn’t think this would happen. 
“You don’t have to play shy with us,” said Felix, pushing your pant leg over your thigh. “Han told us all about the show he and Minho put on for you in the practice room. I can’t believe you jerked off in a hallway. Literally anyone could have seen you.”
“He told you about that?”
“You could’ve joined,” said Minho. “I wouldn’t have said no.”
“Me neither.”
That was when you noticed them entangled in one another. Han had one leg over Minho, his hand sliding into his pants while Minho groped his ass.
“And when you did it again in the gym locker room,” said Changbin, eyes shut as Seungmin and Jeongin slowly crept onto him. “Do you like public stuff? Please say ‘yes’.” His words made the others laugh.
“I mean…I guess?”
“Little pervert,” Hyunjin grinned. “If I’d known, I would’ve come on to you sooner. I love perverts,” he smirked, hand sliding over the inner part of your thigh. “They’re so much fun.” 
“Let’s get this off you,” Felix said, hand leaving your thigh to the bottom of your hoodie. “I’ve been dying to see you without this.”
“Me too,” said Hyunjin.
You complied, and let the pair remove your hoodie and shirt. Chan sitting in front of you, he had a view of everything. Having his eyes on you in such a vulnerable state sent more blood rushing to your dick. You wished he’d come over and join you or take you somewhere to have you himself. But, Chan seemed content to watch on his own. 
“I’m right here, baby,” he said, breathing deep as he rubbed himself through his shorts. “Just relax and get into it.” 
Once exposed to him, Felix brought you closer by the chin. His lips made your arousal bloom in a single kiss, nurturing it as he gradually opened your mouth. The softest moan escaped you when his tongue slid over your own, rolling around with your mouths open for Hyunjin to see. With his fingers brushing close to your hardening cock, Hyunjin then turned you from Felix to plant his own passionate kisses. Felix’s hands rubbed down your smooth chest, tracing the line between your pecs before dancing to one nipple. One of your weakest spots.
“I see someone has very sensitive nipples,” he said in your ear before kissing underneath it. “I'm going to love touching these.”
He joined both you and Hyunjin in kissing. All three of you smacked each other’s lips and tongues in a three-way kiss. You couldn’t help whimpering as Felix teased your nipple with his fingers. You finally moaned when Hyunjin’s hand slid further into your shorts, moving over your boxers to your bulge. He lightly traced the outline forming underneath, starting from your balls to the twitching tip over and over. The languid pace drove you crazy, but you felt too shy to say anything. 
The other pairs around you started letting out their own moans as clothes came off and kissing became more heated. When Felix started kissing down your neck and Hyunjin pulled away to focus on your groin, you saw Chan in front of you in the same position as before. He remained focused on your body, examining how the pair ignited the fire burning in your loins. The considerable bulge in his shorts made you drool. You’d do anything to have it deep in your throat, milking precum onto your tongue as you pleasured him. 
Changbin had Seungmin and Jeongin straddling his thighs, both of them massaging his chest and crotch. They’d removed their shirts, which let Changbin switch between whose nipples he’d tease. Minho placed Han across the couch, pecking kisses down his exposed chest to the tent forming in his sweatpants. Is this what they did after shows? You knew you’d found your people. You knew you were where you belonged.
“Can I take it out?” Hyunjin asked you, cradling your balls in one hand. “Please, hyung?”
“Yes,” you breathed, eyes falling shut as Felix’s lips found your nipple. “Oh god, yes.”
The three of you groaned when he tugged down your shorts and underwear. Your dick sprung out onto your stomach, throbbing and twitching in front of them. Looking up at Chan, his mouth hung open in a low groan as he fully stroked himself now. You looked away shyly as the pair started grabbing at it. The touch nearly sent you spiraling. It had been way too long, and your body craved closeness. It craved intimacy from someone, anyone.
“Fuck,” Hyunjin huffed, holding you by the base. “It’s bigger than I thought it’d be,” he grinned at you.
“And thicker,” said Felix, capturing your lips in a deep kiss. “I can’t wait to ride it.”
You aren’t exactly a monster, but you did have a length that other guys liked. Looking down, you saw Hyunjin slowly stroking you while he admired it. You squirmed under him when he used both his hands, thumbs pressed to the underside of your tip each time he came up. That was when Felix removed his shirt, flinging it away to show you his sculpted body. Lean and slimmed down, he was jaw dropping. You lifted a shaky hand to his lower stomach, sliding upwards to his pecs which earned you a low hum. Brushing your thumb around one nipple, you felt it grow hard against the pad and saw Felix tremble when you touched the center.
“Lick them,” Chan said breathily. “I want you to-Oh yes, please.”
One arm wrapped around Felix’s waist, you kept him close as you slowly rolled your tongue around the nipple. Hyunjin’s hands produced thin droplets of precum, which he used to slicken your shaft. You shuddered at the tongue swatting at the slit, looking to see his pink tongue lap up what leaked out. Dark eyes met yours as he sunk the head between his pouty lips. Hyunjin’s mouth sparked nerves that made you bite your lower lip. You took in how his lips wrapped around it so easily, stretched to your girth and cheeks hollowing in each suck. The tiny moans he gave left small vibrations and you thought of grabbing his hair to push yourself further into his mouth. When he pulled away to remove his own shirt, you drooled over his slim body and imagined dark hickies across his unblemished skin.
As you teased each of Felix’s nipples, you couldn’t stop yourself from feeling down the rest of him. The sweatpants he wore did little to hide his arousal from you nor the curves of his perky ass. Due to his kneeling position, his nipples came nearly to level with you which meant his bulge touched close to you. Simply knowing his dick was so close had you salivating for it.
“Not so shy anymore, huh?” Felix chuckled. “Touch it. Pull down my pants and touch me, please.”
Untying the sweatpants, you tried hiding your eagerness. Even his dick was perfect. Going back to his hard, sensitive nipples, you slid the pants further until you felt the round cheeks of his ass.
You kissed from his chest to his navel, where his cock gradually began standing straight. It gave a small twitch, as if sensing your mouth close by and you went further. You gave the cheeks a gentle squeeze, the flesh molding to your fingers each time you spread them apart until you heard him groan. Felix’s hands fell into your hair, wanting you close to him as you reached his center. The tip of his dick leaked when you licked at it, straining to be in your mouth. But, Felix stayed perfectly still as you slowly took him between your lips. The blond shuddered when your hands started feeling up and down the backs of his thighs. He used your shoulders to steady himself while you licked up and down his shaft, his fingers digging into the muscles whenever you teased the tip.
“God, that’s so hot,” Hyunjin groaned, your cock still on his tongue before he sucked you again. “Not using his hands like that.”
“It feels so good,” Felix groaned in his deep voice. “Play with my ass, YN-hyung. Please.”
Not one to deny a beautiful boy anything, you started massaging closer to his hole. Fingers constantly rubbing over it, the hole fluttered against your fingertips each time. You took the chance to slide him deep into your mouth. Breathing through your nose, you slid him right to the back of your throat which made Felix’s head tilt back in a low groan. Your face buried in his groin, you focused on the entrance trying to suck a finger into it. Likely due to watching you do it, Hyunjin copied your move and sunk his mouth right to your base with soft choking sounds. This had you pull away from Felix, taking deep breaths and licking at him before taking him again. When you pushed a finger to the first knuckle, Felix wriggled in place. You kept pushing and withdrawing as you deep-throat his cock, driving Felix wild. The moment you finally sunk your finger to the last knuckle he started pushing into your face. You didn’t complain. You loved having this pretty, horny boy using your mouth as he wished. The grip he kept on your hair, his moans coming out breathy and deep, and his balls starting to slap your chin felt better than anything you had in a long time. You kept fingering his ass as he did this, feeling the walls clench around the digit each time you pressed to the hard mass deep inside. A second finger pushed in with the first, and Felix started shaking.
“Let me ride it, hyung,” he said hurriedly, pulling out of your mouth. “Fuck, I need to ride you right now.”
The pair pulled away and laid you on the couch. The three of you hastily removed the rest of your clothes before he straddled your hips. He spat on your cock, coating you in spit before pressing your tip to his entrance. You both groaned loudly in relief when you finally filled him to the brim. Felix, letting out a stream of uncontrollable moans, stayed planted on you a few seconds and grinded with you inside him. You joined in the grinding, pushing up into him before he started bouncing on his own. He looked beautiful. Cheeks flushed pink, blond strands falling in front of his face, wet cock bobbing in every push had you reaching out for him before Hyunjin sat on your chest, back facing you.
“Can I ride your tongue, hyung?” he asked in the most innocent voice, wriggling his ass at you. “Please?”
“Come closer.”
You thought you might cum right then. Resting above your head, Hyunjin placed himself on your chest so you could hook your arms around his thighs. You wouldn’t pass up the chance to feel up his gorgeous body as you kissed his plush bottom. Face buried in his ass, you traced the clenched hole in slow circles. Lovely moans joined Felix’s husky ones every time, becoming louder when you found his cock. The position made it hard to fully stroke him, but the bit that you stroked made Hyunjin push into your face. You slowly darted the tip of your tongue to the middle of his asshole, matching the pace of your jerking. Soon, Hyunjin carefully began sliding up and down on your outstretched tongue.
Felix’s ass clamped down around you, unable to slow down or control himself anymore. You throbbed in every stroke, pinned down by the both of them and helpless to fuck either of them back. They both sounded so pretty. It was like hearing your favorite song or listening to a good melody. You’d let them use you forever if it meant you could keep hearing them moan.
“I’m going to cum,” Felix huffed. “Oh god, I’m gonna cum. Make me cum, hyung. Make me cum, please, please, please!”
“You should see how pretty he looks when he cums,” said Hyunjin, who lifted himself off you.
Felix did look beautiful right on the edge. His cock leaked clear precum all over your lower stomach, and his hard muscles tensed as he drew closer. You grabbed onto his hips, fingers digging into the flesh, as he pushed up to meet him. The smacking of his ass to your balls became a rhythm you based your speed on. Full lips parted in every moan, eyes full of need and desperation, Felix looked more beautiful than anything you’d ever seen. His soft pleas for more of you drove you to go faster. You wanted him to cum. Soon, holding onto your arms tightly, Felix trembled and quivered on top of you.
“Cum on me,” you panted, watching Hyunjin kiss his neck and start jerking him off for added pleasure. “Go ahead, baby. Cum all over me.”
As if on command, thick white streams shot out from Felix and onto your stomach and chest. You loved the heat against your skin. You loved watching him lose complete control this final time, erotic and tantalizing even as he slowly came down from his peak.
“My turn,” Hyunjin smiled, bringing you up from your position.
You didn’t waste a second. Pushing him onto his back, head on a cushion, you kept his knees and thighs apart to plunge deep inside him. He felt just as good as Felix. Your dick reached deep, your tip pushing right to the prostate where the boy saw stars. Hyunjin held onto your arms, nails digging into your muscles as you lost yourself in him.
You couldn’t hold yourself back anymore. All pretense and shyness shed itself in every thrust. You’d let your new members see how horny they made you, and how you’d fuck them as much as they wanted. Hell, you’d be their fuck toy now. You’d be the biggest slut of them all. Their collective moans and groans became your sustenance. You looked down to see your dick splitting him open easily; his cock and balls laid right in front of you, dripping and bouncing with you.
Felix gently moved Hyunjin’s leg down to your waist, and grabbed his dick. “Suck him,” you said in a panting breath, desperate to watch them together. “Please, suck his dick while I fuck him.”
“Anything for you, hyung.”
You might have finished right there. Felix’s mouth around his cock, Hyunjin turned into a mewling mess with both of you working him. One hand still grabbing onto you, the other slid into Felix’s blond strands, though unable to move due to the overwhelming pleasure. Soon, like Felix, his body froze up. He looked just as gorgeous. Teeth biting down on his lower lip, his eyes squeezed shut as his orgasm approached. You couldn’t help but bring him as much pleasure as possible. Your own orgasm started building up in your gut and rolling closer to the edge. Lifting his legs, you changed the angle that finally pushed Hyunjin over.
“Hyung, hyung, hyung,” he said, “Fuck me. Oh please, fuck me!”
His cum, thin and white, leaked out of him like a fountain. It dripped over the sides to the base, where it pooled around the pelvic area. Felix licked small droplets, but otherwise let you see the effect you’d caused. Sucking some from the bottom, he fed Hyunjin bits of cum in slow kisses. When they both looked at you, smoldering eyes and wet tongues licking up excess fluids, you came. You came harder than you’d ever come before. Taking yourself out, you started stroking right as cum started flying out onto them. Both Hyunjin and Felix stuck out their tongues close to your cock, catching what they could and swallowing. It was the hottest thing you’d seen two guys do. You thought your climax might go on forever, especially when the pair prolonged it by taking over for you.
“You’re not done.”
Chan took hold of Felix’s hips and nearly threw him onto the free space onto the couch. This only made Felix giggle excitedly. You saw Chan had removed almost all his clothes, giving you an eyeful of his muscled body. His dick stuck upright to his sculpted stomach, leaking and flushed completely red. Felix bent over the back of the couch right away, his back arched and fingers digging into the furniture. Chan wasted no time in sliding right into Felix and began slamming his hips into the boy’s ass. You and Hyunjin watched in awe as Felix let Chan take him. Mouth open, eyes rolling back, Felix let out small moans. Chan kept his ass cheeks spread so you both saw him stretching the hole in each stroke. You grabbed yourself, stroking even if it brought on tingles of sensitivity, and imagined yourself in Felix’s place. 
“Let me take care of that, hyung,” Hyunjin said, bringing you in for a kiss before replacing your hand. “They look good, don’t they?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, shifting due to the oversensitivity shooting through your cockhead. 
“Don’t tell Binnie,” he leaned to your ear, “But Chan has an incredible dick. I can’t get enough of it once he starts fucking me.”
“When will he fuck me?” you asked, almost whining as you started growing hard again. 
“Soon, I assume,” he replied, kissing your neck. “In the meantime,” he straddled your lap, letting you lean back against the couch, “You can fuck me whenever you like. All you have to do is ask and I’m on my knees, I promise.” 
Seeing the rest of the room, you saw Jeongin bent over a stack of couch pillows with Changbin pounding him from behind, pulling his hair and slapping his ass until it turned pink. Seungmin stood in front of him, pushing his dick into the stationary Jeongin’s open mouth. You would’ve given anything to trade places with the youngest. You saw their hard cocks abusing him, going right to the hilt and you wished it was you. When Jeongin started shaking, Changbin changed his angle to make him moan louder.
Han went into a completely different world than the rest of you. Eyes closed, mouth open, he laid on his side with his arms to his chest. Minho, keeping his leg up, made sure the whole room saw him slowly pushing deep into him. From the mess on Han’s stomach, the man already came once. You wondered, as Hyunjin bounced in your lap, how many times they could make you cum. Ever since you’d seen them in the practice room, you wanted both of them.
It felt good being with people you could be yourself with. You never thought you’d belong anywhere. You never thought you’d debut or have a group or have fans or do what you’ve dreamed of.
You were no longer a newbie. 
A/N: my first male!reader fic, I hope you guys liked it! Please reblog and like if you did, and feel free to send asks or comments about it <3 It keeps posts alive!
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grapejuicebluesx · 9 months
hi! i'm new but i miss harry so bad rn so here's a sweet little thing Xx.
(p.) harry styles x taylor's!bff
(fc.) phoebe dynevor
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liked by gracieabrams, harryflorals and others
yourname taylor i feel blessed to know you and honoured to love you ❤️ cheers to you!
view all 5,282 comments
taylorfan1 bday gang slays as per usual
gracieabrams 🤭❤️
gemmastyles gorgeous :)
taylorfan2 taylor x yourname is all i need
jackantonoff ☀️
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liked by yourname, harrylambert, and others
fingermonkey #tb what id give for a night in with you 🍦
view all 54 comments
camillefan1 youre so pretty
yourname je t'aime 🩵
yournamefan1 my FAVES
harryfan1 collecting the exes like pokemon
harryfan2 imagine being friends with taylor and camille
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liked by harryfan3, taylorfan3, and others
harryupdates 🚨 harry spotted hugging a friend in LA!
view all 708 comments
harryfan3 wanna know what i love? singlerry 🥲
harryfan4 i missed himmmmmm
harryfan5 OMG WHO IS THIS
harryfan6 WHAT
harryfan3 hand placement
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liked by gemmastyles, fingermonkey, and others
yourname ever since new york ive been dying for some cali sunshine 🌞
view all 1,266 comments
harryfan7 omg esny
taylorfan4 GORG!
annetwist ❤️
harryfan2 anne and gemma love this girl
kendalljenner 🥃
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liked by devonleecarlson, winnieharlow, and others
kendalljenner happy nights with drink818
view all 6,467 comments
yourname 🫦
harryfan3 collecting harry's exes like infinity stones
yournamefan1 hear me out... building an army
haileybieber my girls
harryfan8 too much is lining up now...... 👀
harryfan9 crossover of the century
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In a surprising turn of events, music sensation Harry Styles was recently spotted enjoying a cozy dinner date with none other than Taylor Swift's best friend, Y/N Y/L/N. The sighting has ignited a frenzy of speculation and excitement among fans, who are eagerly speculating about the potential new romance brewing in Styles' life.
The One Direction heartthrob and A-List actress were seen stepping out together for an intimate dinner at a trendy restaurant in Los Angeles. The duo appeared to be engrossed in each other's company, laughing and sharing animated conversations throughout the evening.
Harry Styles, known for his charismatic personality and magnetic stage presence, has had his fair share of high-profile romances in the past. However, this recent sighting has raised eyebrows due to the association with Taylor Swift, who is not only a global superstar but also an ex-girlfriend of Styles.
The unexpected connection between Styles and Y/L/N has added an intriguing twist to the story, fueling rumors and captivating the attention of fans worldwide. Swift's loyal fanbase has been abuzz with curiosity, wondering about the dynamics between the former flames and the potential impact on their friendship (or future collaborations).
Neither Harry Styles nor Y/N Y/L/N has made any public statements regarding their relationship. It remains to be seen whether this dinner date was merely a friendly outing or the beginning of a romantic journey. Fans and followers will undoubtedly be eagerly watching for any updates or confirmation from the parties involved.
For now, the world can only speculate on the nature of the connection between Harry Styles and Taylor Swift's best friend. As the story continues to unfold, fans will remain captivated by the enigmatic charm of Styles and the fascinating dynamics within this intriguing love triangle.
Stay tuned for more updates on Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, and their entwined personal lives, as the world eagerly anticipates the next chapter in their captivating journey.
likes, comments, reblogs are always appreciated! Feel free to drop in to say hi and lmk if you want to be tagged in the next one hehe Xx
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
Did you see this picture yet? The first thing I realized was Michael's hand on David's back and their lovely smiles.
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Hello! Yes, I did certainly see this group picture that was posted this morning, after every other picture had been posted. This is from Georgia's Insta, so for those who haven't seen the original post, here is a screenshot, along with a close-up of Michael and David, so we can see a little better:
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It seems that Georgia's hashtag has been causing some confusion due to her use of an idiomatic expression, so for non-native speakers, the word "tits" has multiple meanings--colloquially, it's another word for breasts, but in British slang, a "tit" also refers to someone who is a fool or an idiot. So Georgia is saying here that she has tits, Anna has tits, and Michael and David are a pair of "tits" (idiots), which gives us the number three.
I did notice and enjoy that there is a "beading" theme to this picture, between David's suit and Anna's dress. I actually very much like her dress and how flattering it is, and it's something I would wear myself, although probably in a different color than white. I also love the way David's jacket sparkles, and there is something about him wearing it while standing next to Michael (who looks one box of bleach away from Aziraphale) that makes it have even more of a "the angel and the Starmaker" vibe to it. Because it's them. You know?
That was a large part of the impression I had of this picture, as it were. Of there being two distinct couples here, but perhaps not the couples you'd assume. It actually reminds me a lot of the picture that the four of them took in Lapland last year, which also looked like two gay couples rather than two straight ones. They all seem to look very comfortable in this arrangement as well, in a way that I felt was somewhat absent from a few of the pictures that were posted yesterday.
To your point, though, I did notice Michael's hand on David, and the warmth that radiated out just from that single touch. His hand is also noticeably low on David's waist, which echoes how we've seen Michael with his arm around David in the past, and is a lovely complement to David's hand being near Michael's neck. Michael's hair is also a bit disheveled compared to the red carpet photos, and I love the idea of it being messed up from a snogging session he and David were having in a coat closet before the girls pulled them out for a pic. Actually possible? Maybe, maybe not. But it's still a delicious thought.
Another thing I noticed is that there is something to the way Michael and David draw the eye in this picture. Georgia and AL are posing/smiling in the same exact way they do in every group picture...although unlike the others, this one wasn't a selfie, and so I wonder if that could be why they seem to be giving off a sense of discomfort to the camera. With Michael and David, the feeling is more one of hesitation. The warmth and crackliness and connection is still there, of course, but it's also almost as if they're holding back, somehow. Which doesn't seem very much like them, at least from what we've all see over the years.
It is a nice picture overall, though, which makes it unfortunate that Georgia's caption sort of takes away from the moment a bit. And given that she's been in the habit of adding these types of cutting comments/tags to a lot of her recent posts, it feels less like "British humor" and more like knowingly taking a dig at Michael and David. She could have just as easily posted the group pic without the hashtag, so at least for me, that's what makes her using it feel so deliberate.
So those are my thoughts on the Oliviers group picture. I am glad that we actually did get one of Michael and David, and to know that they did have the chance to interact at the event. I'd love to hear what other folks think as well, so feel free to add your perspective in the comments. Thanks for writing in! x
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tinkabelle24 · 6 months
Minors, please don't venture further-
This is an 18+ blog.
Everybody else, g'day! 🤗 My name is Hannah. I'm 27 and, yes, Australian 🇦🇺
As my handle states, I had a blog prior to this one (tinkabelle19) that I recently deactivated, due to personal reasons.
I'm starting anew, hoping to fall back in love with this platform and the stories I've devoted years to.
I write TMNT fanfiction and have several OCs, all of which I'll include in this post... along with their dedicated playlists. 😁
Alright, I think I've talked enough - onto the content!
To Build a Home (TBaH)
AO3 / Masterlist
Valerie "Val" Scott, a young and troubled high-school dropout with no long-term career prospects, faces an uncertain future when she finally leaves the home of her emotionally abusive mother.
Meanwhile, tensions run high in the Lair as the Hamato brothers attempt to adjust to life without their father.
Universe: TMNT (2007)
Relationship/s: Raphael/OC Val Scott, Leonardo/OC Val Scott
Tag/s: Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Inspired by Real Events, Grief/Mourning, Banter, Friendship, Slice of Life, Fluff and Angst, Love Triangle.
All characters, unless otherwise stated, are consenting adults.
This story contains themes of abuse, mental illness, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, sexual harassment/assault, substance abuse and self-harm.
AO3 / Masterlist
Six months after the world was thrust into chaos; two dwindling groups come together to ensure the safe arrival of their most vulnerable member.
Universe: Bayverse TMNT, The Walking Dead
Relationship/s: Leonardo/OC Addie Wilson, Raphael/April O'Neil
Tag/s: Zombie Apocalypse, Slow Romance, Grief/Mourning, Friendship, Infidelity, Action/Adventure.
All characters, unless otherwise stated, are consenting adults.
This story contains horror themes, violence, blood/gore, murder-suicide involving a child, child/ren in peril and starvation.
TMNT Survivor
In a world where mutants and Yokai are universally accepted, "CBS" reaches out to the heroes in a half shell with an offer to participate in their multiple award-winning reality television show, Survivor.
Universe: Bayverse TMNT
Tag/s: Game Show, Action/Adventure, Competition, Drama
Raph's Workout Playlist
Human Donnie?
Shits and Gigs
"Every Ninja's day should start with a healthy breakfast..." 🤡
This BiTcH.
This BiTcH (1)
This BiTcH (2)
Leo, after years of isolation in the jungle
"I'm so tired..."
More to be added!
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teddy-bear-baby · 7 months
Their Deadly Flower - Epilog
(A/n: This is the final part of book one. Thank you all for following me through this work. I appreciate each and every one of you Lovelies more than you'll ever know. Enjoy and don't forget to check out the prolog of book two.)
Book Two - Bloomed in Poison - Prolog
Pairings: Ghost X GN!Reader, König X GN!Reader
Prolog - One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten - Eleven - Twelve - Thirteen - Fourteen
     Things have changed for you over the past few months. König was gone, toted back off to the base he’d come from with the others. Contact was rough due to differing schedules. What was once daily calls and messages had turned into nothing more than a brief check in once a week to ensure the other was still alive. 
     Ghost, on the other hand, was a change you hadn’t expected. He’d just stopped speaking to you one day. His mind always seemed occupied, though you couldn’t blame him for what the recent events had dragged out of the recesses of his mind. He’s broken all over again. He’s healing faster this time, having been through this before, but he’s still not his whole self. 
     Your relationship had become strained once again from the constant stress he was under from the PTSD. You weren’t doing so well either after the things you’d done to get them back. It was a mixture of emotions that catalyzed the eventual distance and destruction of what little connection he’d allowed to form between you both. 
     Some things would never change though. From the silence of your steps to your highly perceptive hearing. All of your training still stays with you, even after your leave and eventual return to 141. Your eyes are always sharp, keeping watch for what could be lurking around any and every corner. Shoulders always squared and feet poised to strike at anyone who might try to take you out.
     You’re constantly on edge, more than before, and rarely ever sleep due to the fear of Rain and the organization returning to finish what they started. The horrible things you have done, the face of those whose lives you’ve taken, and now the men who have seemingly abandoned you flash through your mind when you close your eyes.
     On the rare occasions you do sleep, you wake in a cold sweat, screaming from the night terrors and memories that plague you, only now they are much worse. Memories of the capture that lead to your new found loneliness, flashes of the atrocities you’d committed, flickering images of the torture they were put through at the hands of the enemy. An enemy that was out for you.
     Through it all, that magnetic pull never stopped. Not when you were in med bay, all recovering together. Not when Konig eventually had to head back for other business with his team. Not when things inevitably fell apart between the three of you. Not when Ghost had his mental break from the new trauma added to his already pain riddled past. Never. It seemed to be the only constant in your life at any given time. Call what you will; a pull, a buzz, an intense electricity that pulsed through you at all times. 
     Only two things were certain at this point. Firstly, you are bound to these two men in some way and them to you. Secondly, you’d come out of this stronger. A phoenix birthed through the flames of war and torment. A deadly flower that has bloomed within the poison of the world.
(Don’t forget to ask about joining the tag-list: @josieguts @strangepuppynightmare @theredviolets @poohkie90 @giulia2372 @fillechatoyante @buckysjuicyplums @running-writing @darkravenqueen98 @bigman101 @birdiiiiiiiiiii @kessi-21 @ricewithlime)
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Is there a list out there of what I like to call mixed/main events? Like how Resounding Twilight Parade is considered a Leo/need event despite being mixed, same thing with Exciting Picnic being a N25 event.
Leo/need currently has the most key story mixed events, with 3. Those being Resounding Twilight Parade (which develops the plot with STANDOUT that was started in Honami's event prior), Singing With You In A World Where Sakura Dance (which develops Ichika's side of that plot leading up to Resonate With You), and In the Corner of A Resonant Town (which covers Shiho's feelings before L/n's one-man show in Get Over It.).
MORE MORE JUMP! has none, but have had some in the past. Beyond Prayers, the Tomorrow We Wish For (where MMJ volunteer as shrine maidens featuring a brief segment covering some of Haruka's past) and Operation♡Secret Valentine! (where Airi helps Saki and Emu make Valentine's treats) were marked as key stories for a few months before having their tags removed, while the recent Airi-centric event, Slapstick cafe ●REC!! (which is about MMJ filming a TV spot at a local cafe), had its tag removed after a few weeks because apparently it was added by mistake. Honestly none of them contribute a huge amount to MMJ's overall plot so removing them is fair. Slapstick cafe probably is most plot relevant despite being the one that was marked as key story by mistake, but the tag being removed probably means it's not very important.
Vivid BAD SQUAD only has one: Ringing Sounds at the Summer Festival. This wasn't marked as a key story until long after it was released, and EN still hasn't received the update which adds the tag. The reason it was retroactively tagged is probably due to covering parts of Akito's backstory, specifically how he got into music, that aren't covered in a unit event.
WonderlandsxShowtime also has one: A Brand New Year! Lion Dance Robot's New Year's Show!. Tsukasa decides to take up acting opportunities outside PXL/WxS at the end of the event, which leads directly into Amidst a Dream, Towards the Shining Stars.
25-Ji, Nightcord de. has 2 mixed event key stories currently, those being Tell Me Your Problems! Exciting Picnic and At This Festival Colored By Twilight. The first one carries on from the end of Secret Distance, developing Mizuki and Ena's relationship before My Footprints, Your Destination, and the latter is where Mafuyu starts to rediscover more of her real self when she gets put on first aid duty at Shibuya festival, which is brought up in later events. Intersecting Melodies, Glowing Warmth used to be tagged as key story, but it was later removed, probably because it was more important to Mafuyu's individual character arc than it was to N25 collectively.
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metropolitankei · 4 months
In Crumbs and Time - Masterpost
This masterpost will contain full game + twohats spoilers. As more posts are uploaded, this post will be updated accordingly. At the time of posting this, 2 of these were uploaded to the site recently due to me forgetting to post them at the time.
This masterpost will be pinned to keep track, and ease of access!
Also, Asks are open for AU drawing requests and AU information, if you want to leave anything behind there! Whether it be a silly idea, or a genuine question, don't feel afraid to ask! I'd be happy to answer any questions or make silly lil drawings! You can even ask the ICAT characters questions, and I can answer those questions with said characters answering it. (finally decided to have this moved up here so it's not below the cut, and also added some stuff to it.)
Also if you want the content for any other AUs I've made, look here for: Shooting Star, @role-reversal-isat for Role Reversal AU
Other stuff that'll be linked here: My strawpage post
Main ICAT Info:
Designs, More designs, Sadnesses
Inclusion of canon ISAT events:
Glass Shard (Mind the CWs in the tags), They love you., A forgotten country, Seeing yourself, Broken, Failing, Rotting, Big Siffrin ref, About the Vanilla Kingdom (<- no art), Past VB and PPC (<- canon event under the cut for the post), Abnormality Dancin' Star Candy, Failed FriendQuests
Not necessarily canon to ISAT, but applies here:
Some more stuff, Loopception, Close call... right?, He's alright now, Mal du Pays posting, Euphrasie's shawl, Cookies for the road, Vanillian aging (<- no art), Vanilla Bean's Parents, Parental Reunion
What if they were in Cookie Run Kingdom?:
Team Info!, Gacha Pull <- (style study), Memory of Friends <- (another style study)
Inclusion of canon Cookie Run characters:
BeastYeast <- first use of a canon Cookie Run character
Compilation of Inbox Answers/Doodles:
Nighttime comfort
Other's Fanworks:
Nothing at the moment. Feel free to tag me if you end up posting any fanworks for this AU!
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malevolentaroweek · 10 months
Frequently Asked Questions
✦ How can I participate?
Create any kind of fanwork, post about it here and @ us using the appropriate tags! As long as it’s Malevolent and related to aromanticism/arospec identities, you’re good to go. Fics, art, cosplay, music, crafts, headcanons, etc; any and all types are welcome! We just ask that if you include an image in your post, please include an image description in the alt text or in the body of the post.
✦ Why aromanticism and not just queer?
While Malevolent is not an explicitly queer podcast, the show lends itself to queer readings, and as such has built an audience of predominantly LGBTQ+ folks. Due to the nature of the characters, the ways they relate to one another and their environment, we believe that particular respect should be given to arospec identities within the show, as in fandom such identities are typically overlooked in favor of romantic dynamics. The creators of this week are both aromantic and wanted to create an event that further explored those aspects of their favorite podcast :)
✦ Does it have to be strictly aromantic?
If you mean, does the content created have to be strictly and exclusively non-spectrum aromantic, then no. This event includes all kinds of aromanticism from all across the spectrum. You want to write a fic about John being grayro and falling in love with Oscar? Go for it! Wanna draw a comic about Arthur being a loveless aromantic? Be our guest!
However, we only ask that the main focus of the week be aromanticism and not other related orientations. Exclusively arospec content is rare in online spaces, and we'd like to change that.
✦ What if I don’t like a specific day’s prompt?
You’re welcome to go off-script and create anything you like as long as it relates to some aspect of arospec identity within the podcast. Posts off-script or without a prompt will be reblogged on the final day (Dec 10th.)
✦ What content is allowed/not allowed?
We encourage any and all varieties of fanwork and the content within it, as long as it remains on-topic and related to aromanticism. As the source material also deals with a variety of heavy and challenging content, we believe that listeners are well aware of their own limits and can curate their online experiences accordingly. That said, NSFW content and colloquial “triggering” content will be allowed and may be shared on this blog, as long as it remains in line with Tumblr’s policies, though we will do our best to tag accordingly; feel free to refer to our tag guide for examples. Any content that is discriminatory or categorised as hate speech (homophobia/transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, etc) will not be shared.
✦ How does the pairings aspect work? 
Alongside each day's prompt, we've added two suggested pairings of characters through which to explore the prompts. This is not mandatory, but if you’re unsure of what direction to take a specific prompt, those characters/pairings may serve as a guide to help you build a framework for that day. While the characters are suggested through “slash” pairings colloquially viewed as romantic, their involvement in a work can be through shipping character studies, or simply having the characters interact in some way.
✦ Will there be spoilers?
While we cannot determine what participants will create over the week, it is safe to assume that spoilers for episodes of Malevolent will occur. We will tag #malevolent spoilers for content related to the most recent episode(s), as Part 38 will most likely be out by the time of the event. Beyond this, it would be unrealistic to tag any content relating to spoilers for any point in the show as such, as due to the storyline, almost everything would be tagged as such. If you are concerned about spoilers, we recommend catching up to the show before engaging with content created for the event.
✦ Who’s running this event?
The creators of this event are Red @arthurtaylorlester and Finch @parkeryangs
✦ Have further questions?
Send us an ask! Anonymous asks are welcome, though if requested we can also answer user asks privately. (Asks being discriminatory/hateful/etc or that are harassment/spam will be deleted; we are trying to curate a positive, welcoming fandom space here, so please be considerate of that when sending inquiries.)
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second-wife-playbook · 4 months
"O-oh! How do you do?"
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"Ahh...introductions, introductions-"
"Um. Welcome! My name is Coronis, of the Ars Goetia. Er...you're probably not here for me though, my older brother Andrealphus isn't here I'm afraid. Wait...no? Um. Stella then? I hope she hasn't crossed you or anything-....oh not her either?"
"Wait...m-me?! S-seriously?"
"...ahh..ahaha! O-okay! Well, if you have a question of any sort, please, ask away! I'll try my best to answer to the best of my ability. Er...please! Take a seat, make yourself at home. Can I fix you a drink?"
"...I...I'm just going to make something for myself. E-excuse me."
Rules and Guidelines And Character Introduction Below:
Name: Coronis Sex: Female Age: 32 (at time of marriage) Birthday: October 1st (Libra) Sexuality: Bisexual (panromantic) Demon Class: Goetia (Black Cuckoo Dove) Location: The Royal Circle (Pride Ring)
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Summary: The sister of Andrealphus and Stella, Coronis is regarded as the "black crow" of the family due to her social anxieties and overall unimportance to the family. Recklessly neglected and mistreated, Coronis is very much a recluse and lives at the bottom of her social circle. However, she still holds out hope that someday she might live a free, happy life with friends and a family of her choosing.
Special AUS;
(Art by trissschmidt!)
Welcome! If you're new here and haven't read the Second Wife Playbook, essentially this is an RP blog of my own personal interpretation and depiction of the Protagonist from my fanfiction. I was encouraged primarily by @helluvaoutlaw to make this RP blog as a fun way to interact with her character in between writing chapters for both the Second Wife Playbook and my more recent publication, Heaven is Empty (Was it Ever Full?)
-First things first, Coronis is an Original Character above all. It is not required to read the Second Wife Playbook to interact with her, nor is it required to insert her to the fanfic to enjoy it more. If you appreciate Coronis as an insertable character, by all means do so. But this is mostly me being an RP-monster who just loves playing with original characters. -As Coronis is an OC, the events of the Second Wife Playbook are NOT going to be considered as "canon" to her storyline. I will most certainly offer them up to RP partners who wish to play out the story their own way, but for the most part it is optional. As it stands, there is no obligation to follow the story as I write it. -To fans of the Second Wife Playbook, this is also an opportunity for them to ask questions for Coronis to answer IN CHARACTER. That means that a fanfic specific question will be answer to the best of her ability. And since she's not a fortune teller, she can't spoil the future chapters either :p -Please do not waste anyone's time here with hate mail or negativity or uncivilized behavior aimed to harm. If I see an anon message I deem as toxic or otherwise unwanted, I will delete it. If you want to plan and plot out an RP together, that's fine, but if we can't come to an agreement, please remember to be understanding if I can't cater to your every need. -I am okay with RPing most things, however, I will not be roleplaying nsfw things with minors, as expected. Please remember that if you ARE a minor and are actively reading the Second Wife Playbook or interacting with this blog that there are mature themes and contents. Read at your own discretion. -My primary goal on this blog is to have fun. If you think Coronis is a cutie-pie, feel free to flirt! But Coronis is also totes shy and socially awkward, so don't expect an easy conquest. Also if you want to plot angst or adventure or horror, talk it over with me. I am open to all sorts of avenues for writing. -Coronis is presently suffering from alcoholism and severe social anxiety. If you are sensitive to these topics, I cannot say whether or not this blog will be right for you. -I am open to RPing smut, however, we should definitely talk that out before moving forward.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding! I hope you enjoy and if you're interested, check out the Second Wife Playbook on Archive of Our Own!
All artwork and face claims for Coronis are by @trissschmidt! You can find them on Discord, Twitter (X), and Tumblr!
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
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♡ Welcome to my first collab event! I hit 1k recently and wanted to celebrate the milestone.
♡ Thank you so much for all of the support in such a short period of time. Never thought my writing would reach as far as it has and I’m forever grateful for all the love and kindness I’ve received!
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♡ anything is acceptable as long as it involves three or more people
♡ it can be NSFW or SFW
♡ all au’s are welcomed! it can be monsterfucking, gaming, fantasy, villains, mafia, domestic, hybrids, etc.
♡ drabbles, short fics, long fics, multi chapt, head canons and art, are all welcomed
♡ regarding the previous rule, artist if you don’t feel comfortable adding your art on here, send me the link to the platform you feel comfortable with and i’ll be happy to add you
♡ dark content is also welcomed as long as you tag everything appropriately
♡ the fandoms involved are: BNHA, BLLK, HQ, KNY, JJK & CSM
♡ there is no due date at the moment, i will be leaving it open until further notice to give everyone enough time to think about it plus recover from kinktober and also have time for their own upcoming events
♡ must be 18+ to join and age needs to be visible in your blog, and you don’t have to follow me to participate
♡ if you’re interested in joining, send me an ask or dm with the au and characters you’re interested in and i’ll add you to the list
♡ character repeats are allowed and so are the au’s, and you can submit more than one entry
♡ if you have any questions or need someone to bounce off ideas with, my dms are open!
♡ when you’re done, tag me in the post or send me an ask so i can add it to the list
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- Kirishima Eijirou x Reader x Bakugou Katsuki @///twisteddaydreams1135
- Kirishima Eijirou x Reader x Bakugou Katsuki @///lavendecherry
- Kirishima Eijirou x Reader x Bakugou Katsuki @///asmaechan
- Hybrid AU Bakugou Katsuki x Reader x Midoriya Izuku @///vampyrsm
- Akaza x Reader x Douma @chwanee
- Suguru Geto x Reader x Satoru Gojo @///twisteddaydreams1135
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writingonjorvik · 1 year
Can We Discuss the Baroness's Ribbon?
Yo, it's been forever since one of these. I don't expect them to come back with any regularity, but I was having a thought that I figured could be better discussed here than just in a private chat with @centeris2 as I have been doing. So let's talk about the Baroness Ribbon and its mechanics.
I haven't seen a lot of people talking about the mechanics of the ribbon itself, but the Baroness Ribbon you get for doing the 80 races and champs for the Spring Event adds content to the game when you're wearing it. This content isn't anything excessive, it adds more pop up dialogue to the game as NPCs respond to your player having the ribbon. But this prompts two things that I think merit discussion.
First, it suggests that adding more idle dialogue to the game is something the team is considering and I think that's great! Having dialogue like this in the game is a great way to add depth and lore to the world by making NPCs feel a little more alive. It's something I had started myself as a fan project though ended up stopping just due to other projects (was probably starting ROJ around then if I remember right, and you all can see how much work ROJ was) and can attest to the absolute massive undertaking it would be, just on the writing end. But based on the most recent roadmap, the updates to the state machine allowed for updates to NPCs as well, which could mean this kind of system change would be possible.
Second, and I think having a bigger impact on the game as a whole, the ribbon indicates that tack items can change your player's status "effects" in the game. Wearing the ribbon tags special case dialogue to pop up. Which means that other clothes and tack could be given status effects as well to change other values in the game. Say for example, a cold resistant outfit for a rebuffed Dino Valley or a heat resistant one for a desert area. Or a Dark Core or G.E.D. disguise for a stealth mission, or to prompt special dialogue from certain NPCs. The team has discussed bringing magic to the game as a mechanic, what if certain outfits can give slightly difference appearances to spells based on the character they're from? Like equipping Katja's outfit gives spells an icy appearance. This feels possible since SSO does have a big focus on clothing and if certain outfits gave special appearances to magic, I think a lot more folks would see their costs as worth the prices.
I'm obviously guessing at the extend that these systems work. But the implication from the mechanics have me excited and I think we could see some interesting things coming from these base mechanics in the future.
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acingthistest · 1 year
Prinxiety Week: That's How You Know
Prompt 1: Movie Night
summary: Virgil and Roman had been sat in the living room for a couple hours. Tonight was their movie night; it was a way to bond with each other. They’d been doing it for a while now.
TW: none :D (though please notifiy me if I need to add anything)
Characters: Virgil, Roman, and Patton (who's only briefly mentioned)
I wrote this intending it to be romantic, but I think it can be read as platonic Prinxiety as well
It was shortly after Virgil’s acceptance when they had started. Roman wanted to try and get to know him better. Though he didn’t have much to go off of in regard to an activity they could do together. He knew that he liked Disney, which was a surprise to Roman initially. So, one-night, Roman asked Virgil if he wanted to join him to watch some Disney movies. It took a lot to convince him, until eventually, with some assistance from Patton, Virgil had finally given in.
“If I say yes this time, will you leave me alone.”
“I promise, though I’d doubt you’d want that.”
“Fine, if it’ll get you to stop.” Virgil had said, rolling his eyes.
It had been awkward at first. Neither of them had been saying anything, and while that would be basic etiquette for movie watching, the silence was rather uncomfortable. Until one off hand comment turned into another, resulting in a mini debate with the two as the movie played in the background. It was nice sharing opinions on each subject. To see things from a different perspective. Even if one of them was all dream-like and fantasy filled, while the other was dark and pessimistic. Yes, they disagreed on most things, but the times where they both already had the same opinion were almost magical. Finding out they shared a common observation was wonderful since they had already expected the other’s counter argument. From that point on, they decided to do this at least once about every 3 weeks.
They were now currently in the middle of “Enchanted”, both dressed casually Roman comfortably laid up against Virgil, while Virgil messed with his hair. Roman didn’t mind though, even if it was messing up his good hair day. Every day was a good hair day in his books.
“He is so you coated, and I hate that I know it.” Virgil remarked, staring at the screen. He was referring to the movie’s resident prince character, Edward.
“He is your standard Disney prince, so it makes sense why you get that vibe.” Roman chuckled, his brand was adjacent to a Disney prince. In the words of Logan, it was a reasonable conclusion or something like that.
“But I think it should the other way around?”
Virgil began to braid a small section of Roman’s hair, rather than just running his hand through it, as their conversation carried on.
“Eh, I’m around you more often. It feels right to say it this way.”
“Well I appreciate your company.” Roman spoke softly. Reaching to the nearby bowl of popcorn they’d brought over.
“You better, you’re the one who asked me to be here the first time.”
Roman gasped at the shift of tone in the room. Though he honestly shouldn’t have been surprised.
“You’re the one who asked if we could continue movie nights!”
They had taken a break due to the events that had occurred as of recently. Some things became a little much.
“You didn’t have to say yes.” Virgil scoffed.
“But I did want to continue these.”
“Then stop complaining. You got what you wanted.”
Roman turned his head up to look at Virgil.
“I guess I brought this upon myself.” He stated, smiling as he readjusted himself.
“Stop moving, you’re gonna mess me up.” Virgil uttered. Roman obliged and refocused his attention on the movie. Virgil tied the two braids he had made together. Just one last finishing touch he thought to himself. Virgil tried to be discreet adding it in.
“Not bad if I do say so myself.” He admitted aloud, grabbing Roman’s attention away from the movie.
“Wait lemme see.” Roman summoned a mirror in his hand. He stared at his reflection, seeing what Virgil had done. Two neatly done braids adorned with mini stars in them.
“Where did you get these?” Roman asked, turning to face Virgil and pointing to the stars in his hair.
“A master never reveals their secrets.” He answered with a wink.
“The suspense is going to kill me from the inside, oh no!” Roman said sarcastically. They both laughed at the statement and continued to watch the movie. When Patton entered the living room in the morning, he walked in to see a sleeping Roman while Virgil was scrolling on his phone. Virgil waved to Patton as he let out a small squeal of delight.
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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Pentagon confirms start of serial production of the B-21 Raider stealth bomber
The U.S. Air Force recently confirmed that the secret plane continued flight tests at Edwards Air Base.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/22/2024 - 21:59in Military
After the first flight of the newest stealth bomber of the U.S. Air Force, the Pentagon formally approved the B-21 Raider program to start production, the main Pentagon acquisition officer confirmed today.
"The production of the B-21 'Raider' stealth bomber is advancing. Last fall, based on the results of the ground and flight tests and the team's mature plans for manufacturing, I gave the green light to start producing B-21 at a low rate," the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Support, William LaPlante said in a statement.
"One of the main attributes of this program has been the conception for production from the beginning - and in scale - to provide a credible impediment to opponents. If you don't produce and put in the field for fighters on a large scale, the capacity doesn't really matter," he added.
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First flight of the B-21 Raider.
More details about the value of the contract signature and the delivery dates were not disclosed. The news of the beginning of the bomber's production was first reported by Bloomberg.
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Set to replace the B-2 Spirit and the B-1 Lancer, the nuclear-capable Raider is designed for long-range missions with stealth resources that can help you escape enemy air defenses. The U.S. Air Force initially plans to buy at least 100 bombers and put them into service in the mid-2020s.
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The Pentagon linked the concession of the program's initial low-rate production contract to the aircraft's first flight, which took place in November and was followed by at least one other test flight at Edwards Air Base. However, the executives of the aircraft manufacturer, Northrop Grumman, have long warned that the first batches of production may not be profitable for the company due to inflationary impacts.
The defense contractor is expected to disclose its year-end profits for 2023 on January 25, where investors will probably also be aware of updates on the LGM-35A Sentinel ICBM, the company's other nuclear modernization program that authorities released last week that suffered a "critical cost violation".
Source: Breaking Defense
Tags: Military AviationB-21 RaiderNorthrop GrummanUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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scottsummersevents · 1 year
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For the Sexy Days of Summers Event happening right now we've invited Scott Summers (Cyclops) fans to take part in spreading more love for him out there on the internet by creating fanfiction, fanart, fan works, etc. to celebrate our favorite X-Men leader and the possibility of what if. For the duration of this challenge so far we've received some really incredible submissions with super rare pairings that are new to us. For the month of September we'd like to share some of those and also share some various fandom creations along the way in terms of content. Some might be an old favorite pairing while others might be something in terms of shipping you've never considered before.
Today's spotlight pairing is a fan favorite pairing that still sparks passion in their fans :)
Below under the cut you can take a look at this pairing and see what fun it could prove to be!
Also if you have a favorite Scott pairing and a fanfic that you've written or that you love, then feel free to drop us a note and let us know so we can showcase it in the future!
Stay tuned for more duo spotlights coming soon!
I Follow You Deep Sea, Baby by medievalkoala (Rated M) Scott can't sleep. Emma's solution? A late-night date.
What A Diamond Desires by IAmSimplyVibing (Rated E) Scott and Emma can't even remember the last time they saw each other in person, and they're determined to make the most of this date night.
Euphoria by medievalkoala (Rated G) "I don’t think I’ve even had proper pain. It was a very easy birth. You just came out. Like you were in a hurry. Your dad cut the cord and handed you to me. You didn’t even cry, it was like you didn’t have time for the ordeal and just wanted to get it over with."
Megan Summers is born after a very easy birth.
Correction: A physically easy birth.
Or, Emma thinks about motherhood in the delivery room.
Homeflight by flightinflame for onestory (Rated M) Scott is one of the blessed. He leads a team to rescue children who are blessed from danger. He doesn't think he needs rescuing himself.
The Hellfire Orgy by Ravel991 (Rated E) Emma Frost arranges a great orgy after the main Hellfire Gala ends.
but you make it look easy by tamagorou (Rated T) "In a few years, some rebellious little kid is going to turn up at your school with me on his T-shirt. 'Cyclops was right.'"
A take on the Decimation - AvX publication period where Cyclops has been depowered due to M-Day (alongside some other changes). More tags will be added with further chapters.
This Life by medievalkoala “Ruby Summers.” I couldn’t help but let out a giggle. What a name.
Megan remembers the first time she met her new siblings.
Would You Sit at My Grave if I Killed Myself by medievalkoala (Rated G) Emma can't sleep. Literally what the title says. Takes place during Utopia.
E is for Evolution by bananabrain (Rated E) Trapped with no telepathy, but armed with the power of her incredible looks, Emma Frost visits the leader of the X-Men in his room to lift up his downer spirits amid the X-Men's recent turmoils.
Who could have thought that while Scott Summers is fighting the world, Emma Frost is fighting her own mind?
Drops of Red in the Snow by IcyDeku13 (Rated T) It's Mid winter and Scott is trans and he can feel his body being crappy. Trauma has come to bite him in the back.
i'll be getting over you my whole life by moonboy_writes (Rated T) Emma Frost's life is perfect. She's married Scott Summers, and the two have six children, a beautiful house, and well-paying jobs. But everything is not as it seems as Emma begins to realize that maybe, her life isn't perfect after all. Maybe none of this is even real...
jubilee by metabaron (Rated G) "Who told you?"
Scott sat at the foot of the bed, stroking her bare ankle. "Sage."
Written for the Krakoa Discord 50-word fanfic challenge.
This was the winner for that week's challenge
luxuries we can't afford by just_another_classic (Rated T) Emma and Scott in Savage Land, a reflection by Emma Frost. [writer's month prompt: beach episode]
the benefits of dating a superhero by cherry_lips (takemesomewherenice) (Rated E) A little Emma/Scott fun from around the time of Joss Whedon's run of Astonishing X-Men.
Cyclops Gets an Eye Exam by NotQuiteHydePark (Rated G) It is what it says on the tin.
Red on White by celeste9 (Rated T) Emma watches the blood pool on the tile.
You Missed Me (Script for GWA) by Capspandex (Rated E) Emma and Scott get paired up and I think we know the rest
Her Flawed Gem by flightinflame for onestory (Rated T) Everyone thinks that Scott Summers is perfect. But Emma knows that he isn't, and that doesn't make her any less in love with him.
Prismatic by TriffidsandCuckoos (Rated G) Scott would like to discuss soulmates. Emma would really rather not.
Just Let Go - An Emma Frost, Sex Therapist Encounter by The_Uncanny_SeX_Man (Rated E) Set during the Morrison New X-Men run, Emma Frost holds a rendezvous with Scott Summers behind his wife's back in order to help him realize some deep seated psychological trauma.
Scemma Drabbles by Paxorsym (Rated G) A small handful of scemma drabbles
Be sure to check out more Scott ad Emma fics up at AO3 here.
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ad-hawkeye · 1 year
You can tag this under 50 Shades, but after I read this post from Hoyolab, hoyolab (.) com/#/article/19978642/, if this is true, I am very disappointed about this direction, though it is one I've seen coming. That being said, you've given your thoughts on the writing. In your ideal world, where would the cards post 2nd anniversary have gone, if you had to keep the general situation/environment, but could change up everything else about it?
holy fuck, the way i actually agree with everything in this post. here is the link for those curious, it's a fantastic read tbh.
a few of us in our tot discord have discussed this as well. here are a few brief snippets below.
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sorry for the incoherent mess of thoughts below, words are Not coming easy HAHA.
but yeah... like the post said, barbie is a very good way of putting it.
i used to have the same issue with luke. i'm not a huge fan of characters being good at Too Many Things, especially when there's no flaws to balance it out. it really pulls me out of the story. so like. the more you try to impress me with a character, the less impressed i'll be. which. is why i haaaate artem's newer cards.
see, the thing is, the whole reason why i liked artem in the first place is because of how he felt like the down to earth option. he wasn't the childhood friend/undercover agent/detective/stem genius, he wasn't a ceo and son of the richest family in stellis, and he wasn't literal royalty. he was just a lawyer who worked with rosa. he was bad at talking to people. he was a bit of a homebody. he was LAME. completely inexperienced in romance. he was good at his job, but it was obvious he put all of his skill points into being a lawyer and no where else. his abilities with shooting and cooking were both important aspects to his character, but the skills hoyoverse added beyond that just baffle me.
he wasn't cool, but he was kind and genuine.
ever since second anniversary, there has been absolutely no consistency to artem's character whatsoever.
neil gets mentioned less and less even though he was a major part of artem's life AND character. neil was his father figure, since his parents were rarely, if ever, around. and yet, in recent cards, tot constantly goes out of its way to try and convince us artem's parents did nothing wrong. to add to that, we're lucky if neil is even mentioned.
in earlier cards, it was very clear artem was grieving neil's disappearance (see: entwined fate). it was also clear artem's childhood circumstances were extremely lonely and caused him to try and brush off the neglect because he didn't want to stress out his already busy parents (see: loving memories and his dreams of childhood sr)! earlier cards also hinted at traumatic events and a fear of firearms due to how dangerous neil's job as a lawyer was (see: focus fire).
but for god knows what reason, newer cards said well! fuck all of this! artem no longer gives one single shit about neil! also? honestly? the writers seem confused and disoriented by artem downplaying his childhood issues and just made it so he truly Had no issues with his childhood. which. ok. i guess.
in recent months, we have not had one single card where rosa and artem sit down to talk about how artem feels about neil's disappearance. one single card where artem even openly addresses any traumatic experiences. or emotional neglect in childhood.
remember when focus fire mentioned that a disgruntled mafia member held him and neil at gunpoint because he was pissed neil put everyone else in the gang behind bars?? no?? yeah, me neither! because it's never mentioned again! old tot content implies it was incidents like these, the general emotional neglect from his parents, and neil's disappearance that contributed to artem's closed off personality. but man, fuck that! for some reason!
this doesn't even touch upon artem's romantic and sexual inexperience, which has also been entirely undone. he's a sex god now, i guess.
and let us not forget how artem has learned and forgot the same lessons like, several times. artem did we not learn why jealousy and possessiveness are bullshit in atmospherics, por una cabeza, etc...??? are we really back at this again? and it's not even being addressed as a character flaw anymore? okay! okay. fine! whatever.
but okay. i'm getting off track. you asked me an entirely different question! where would i have liked to have seen the cards go? i think the cards following second anniversary are so... well, nothing that you could probably swap out the plots and avoid losing anything of importance.
honestly, i think artem's cards would have shined the best if they stuck to his original character. so when considering the confines we have now:
artem is extremely emotionally repressed. it'd take time for him to come out of his shell. and his early dating cards do begin like this! it's very endearing! several cards could focus on this progression as he becomes more comfortable and relaxed with rosa. progression into being engaged. living with someone for the first time. please.
rosa and artem's dynamic has like, vanished in recent cards. which is a goddamn shame, because their more comfortable dynamics in his railroad, revisiting youth, and snowfallen secrets cards are so charming! they joke around! artem's sense of humor pokes out! they act like real PEOPLE! they're silly! they're nerds! they're equals! i'd keep this dynamic instead of it just being artem flipping back and forth between sex god and "yes i will do whatever you want [insert player name here]"
neil. please, can we focus on neil. what being a lawyer means to artem. how neil influenced that. how artem feels about neil being gone, how artem feels about neil's possible betrayal of the nxx?? he could always have an arc of going through the stages of grief, or learning to look at things through a new lens. being sad neil won't be around for milestones. etc.
the incidents implied in focus fire. okay, being held at gunpoint is pretty uhhh fucking traumatic. did any other events happen bc of neil's status? his parents' statuses? is this why he is so emotionally repressed? is this why he takes the law so seriously?
his parents. can we stop acting like his parents did nothing wrong. please. his parents used to be portrayed under the "well meaning but ultimately very flawed" light, which i adored. it was grey. it was human. maybe artem could learn that it wasnt right of his parents to be so nonexistent in his life. his parents can still love him and make mistakes. maybe he could rebuild his relationship w his parents? maybe once he realizes what he went through wasn't normal, he can be angry, and work through it. idk! anything! please!
more focus on rosa. her studies. her exams. anything. her family. her past. her hobbies. her teaching artem something. rosa talking about her issues. pelase. Please.
it truly feels like his original writers got swapped out, and the new ones have no idea what artem's charm was in the first place. they have no idea how his character even works, so they're just desperately trying to attach Cool Hobbies to him bc they think he's more boring than the other boys when like. that's the fucking point, that IS his charm.
gosh this was so long and i'm sorry if it's like. UNREADABLE or if i totally missed the point but this was like. Freeing to type out. thank you for reaching out anon, it turns out i had more thoughts than i expected!! hope you're having a lovely day! : )
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