#admin always out here trying to do the most sorry
jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
Another wild post for the night, I'm sorry ya'll are sick of me probably (.•̵̑⌓•̵̑ )
If you're aware of how devils are born, which are not how humans are with two parents, make baby, those are your birth parents yadda ya. So, keeping this in mind of how devils are made, there are still most likely adults that raise them as we saw in Beel's event with Amon and his parents. With Dre and his family/sibling. Now...level with me.... But what if there was a possibility of a spin-off series an Otome where we romance the King's fathers? (Minus Levi and Luci unless we out here tryna romance God...(„ಡωಡ„)) I'm not particularly sure how that would work with Leviathan I have not tapped into who exactly raised him or anything in his story. BUT back to my crack idea Let's just do 5: Mammon, Satan, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Belphegor's fathers I'm trying to see defined wrinkles, chiseled jaws, distinguished outfits, someone who looks like he's in his late 40's but is probably easily thousands of years old....straight up DILF I am talkin' like MC really gonna have to pull up their sleeves because these devils have done and seen it all and could possibly teach them a couple things :p If you're thinking "admin why the FUCK would anyone play this? what are you on?" .-. After playing Pub Encounter and romancing men in their 60s and one of them being a writer with a teasing streak of a playboy, I'm just...I'm sorry ya'll it's wild in this brain and I want devil daddies
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fyodorloveclub · 7 months
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✓ pairing: professor!gojo x student! afab reader
✓ cw: dubcon - abuse of power (student/teacher), risky places (someone almost walks in), vaginal sex, oral (m & f receiving), fem pet names (good girl, pretty girl), reader referred to as a whore, slight dumbification, gojo is fake and manipulative, reader is eager to mf please
✓ notes: trying to fight my writers block by writing gojo for the first time!! dividers by @benkeibear !
✓ wc: 3.2k
summary: after allegedly failing your midterm exam, your favorite professor gives you seven chances to make it up to him.
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Should I even be here? you thought to yourself as you stood pathetically outside the door of your literature professor’s office, hand trembling as It remained only inches from his door. You had frozen mid-knock, scared of the conversation that was to ensue once it opened.
But luckily, you ended up not having to knock. The heavy mahogany door creaked as your professor pulled it open, a goofy grin on his face.
“Hey!” he greeted, waving you into his office. “Come on in.”
You followed him reluctantly inside, sitting politely in the chair across from his desk. In contrast, your professor fell dramatically back into his own chair with a sigh before kicking his feet up on the desk.
“Why’re you lookin’ so sad, kid?” he laughed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Y-your email…” you attempted to explain, fiddling with the hem of your skirt.
“Oh, that old thing?” he scoffed. “I just have to sound all professional for when the admins inevitably audit me.”
You only nodded slowly, letting out a hesitant laugh. “Right…”
Despite the apparently fake tone, it was an email that had struck fear into your heart.
Hello, it began. Your poor performance on our most recent midterm has me concerned for your overall performance in my course.
Professor Gojo had always been that happy-go-lucky professor that every student loved and fought each other for a space in one of his classes. He was funny, charming, and very attractive, making him very popular amongst the entire student population – not just women. And he had always been very nice to you, even maybe paying a little extra attention to you than the others in the course. Praising you for your immaculately written papers and well-spoken contributions to class discussions was not uncommon, and even had other students scowling in your direction. So, it was nothing short of jarring to receive something like that from him – poor performance?
“I-I can’t believe I failed my midterm, Professor Goj-”
“Call me Satoru,” he interjected, making you jump.
“I’m so sorry I failed my midterm… Satoru.” The name felt foreign and inappropriate on your tongue, but you didn’t want to disappoint him even more.
“ ‘s really no big deal, kid,” he sighed, waving his hand. The sleek wingtip shoes he wore edged closer and closer to knocking off a tall stack of precariously placed papers on his desk. He was kind of a mess sometimes.
“I just- I just really felt confident in it,” you shook your head, mostly talking to yourself. Hours of research, draft making, and revisions went into your midterm paper, to a point where you had actually felt proud to put your name on it, smiling a bit as you finally pressed submit.
“Just… wasn’t what I was looking for,” he shrugged, bringing his feet back down to the ground with a thud. “Though, I wanted to meet to discuss potential ways for you to make up the points. I’d hate for you to get anything less than an A in this course.”
“Really?” you gasped, leaning forward in your chair towards him. “I’ll do anything!”
His expression suddenly darkened at that, gaze boring holes through your skull. No response to your words was given – instead, he stood up from his desk and walked slowly towards the door, hands clasped behind his back. A shiver ran down your spine as you hear the lock click, Satoru turning around to face you again. His entire demeanor had wholly changed, the charming goofiness replaced by a dark, unsettling aura that permeated the room.
“Profe- Satoru? What’s going on?” Surely not…
Leaning against the door, he crossed his arms and ankles. “When you say ‘anything’, kid, do you really mean… anything?”
“I don’t understand…” you replied dumbly, eyes wide.
Satoru only laughed briefly. “You understand well. I know because you’re a smart girl.”
Eyes trailing downward, you noticed a slight tent in his pants that he made no effort to conceal - an undeniable confirmation of his advances. 
It was an objective fact that you needed to ace this class in order to maintain your current perfect academic standing, and a failed midterm made that impossible. If rectifying that meant fucking your sexy professor, then… fuck it.
“When I say anything, I mean anything.”
A sinister grin spread across Satoru’s face as he made his way back towards you. “That’s my good girl.”
Sitting back in his desk chair with an ankle resting on his knee, he stared at you with the hunger of a man starved. 
“There is a points system to this, darling. I am not so easy as to just fuck and give you an A. Any student can do that. But I know you’re special,” he explained, eyes glinting and smirk lingering. “This also allows for us to go as far as you’re comfortable, while also still garnering some extra credit. Would you like for me to continue?”
You gulped. “Sure.” 
“One point, you remove your top and bra - bare breasts must be visible. Two points, I touch your breasts. Three points, you remove your panties… but keep that skirt on, because I’d really like to fuck you in it…” his words trailed off as his steely demeanor broke momentarily, taken over by his own lust.
Now it’s you smiling. “One point,” you repeated as you started to unbutton your top, a lacy bra peeking out. “Three points and my grade will be changed, right… sir?” 
It’s not hard to tell that Satoru is fighting every one of his instincts in order to remain composed. “You didn’t let me finish, sweetheart. You’ll need six points to get to a 100. The three points we already discussed - plus one if you suck my cock, plus another if you let me taste you, reaching a full fix if you let me fuck you.” He says it all so plainly as if it wasn’t the lewdest thing you’d ever heard. “Though, there is a seventh point. If you obtain it, you’ll ace the whole class.”
“...Seventh?” you inquired, a feigned look of innocence on your face as your top fell open. 
Satoru’s eyes darken as he leaned in closer to you over the desk. “The seventh point,” he whispers. “Is letting me cum inside your pretty little cunt.”
You choked, not expecting that to come out of his mouth. But once you committed to something, you always saw it through.
Voice barely above a whisper, you nodded before responding. “Whatever you want, sir.”
Satoru only patted his lap.
Despite the suave, sexy exterior you had decided to don, your whole body shook as you circled around the desk to settle on top of your professor’s lap, straddling his thighs. He didn’t immediately jump at the opportunity as soon as you were in his grasp like you thought he would, instead just running his rough palms all over your skin. Thick fingers came to push off the top that had only been dangling off your elbows at that point, leaving you in only your bra.
“Fucking beautiful,” Satoru muttered to himself, palming one of your breasts. Point two. It was like everything was in slow motion, the way he thumbed at your bottom lip before kissing you roughly, or the way he gripped your thighs tighter and tighter. Until he’d had enough.
You were suddenly pushed back against the cold surface of Professor Gojo’s desk, skirt flipped up and legs spread apart. He leaned in close and pulled your panties off – point three – before running the very tip of his tongue along your slit ever so lightly. He planned to savor every last second, every last taste, lest you never let him do this again. A squeal leaves your throat, overwhelmed by the suddenness of everything, but you clapped a hand over your mouth. Satoru reaches up to circle a hand around your wrist before roughly tugging it away. 
“Now that won’t fly, sweetheart,” he scolded. “A key part of all of this is me hearing you earn those points.”
“But- but sir,” you tried. “They’ll hear us.”
Satoru just smirked. "What, are you worried someone is going to find out you let your professor do this-" He interrupted his own words by shoving two fingers into your cunt, making you cry out and throw your head back against the documents scattered underneath you. "-to you? That someone, maybe a superior, will hear you using your pussy for grades?"
Your back arched at the sudden intrusion, biting down on your knuckles to try and stifle your moans - against his wishes. “Sir, p-please…”
Satoru watched in delight as he pumped his fingers in and out of your all-too-welcoming cunt, marveling at how wet you already were. “Get on your stomach for me, sweetheart.”
Now dripping with anticipation and slight fear, you’re quick to scramble off the desk. With your stomach and face pressed down, you looked back at your professor. This was dangerous, but that’s exactly why it was getting fun.
The world felt like it was spinning when Satoru got to his knees and used his strong hands to spread you open, watching in awe at the way your pussy throbbed in anticipation. He used two fingers to open your folds before dipping his tongue in, groaning at the taste. The savory sweetness coats his tongue and he can’t help but lap it up. 
“Satoru,” you moaned, bucking your hips and pushing further against his tongue as you gripped the edge of the desk. 
His fervent licking and slurping at your clit as he now fucked you on his fingers paired with your moans almost drowned out the footsteps outside the office door. A particularly hearty whimper was cut off by a knock at the door. Your eyes go wide with terror as a man calls out for your professor. It sounds like a grown man - definitely not a student. What would another professor think if they were to witness what was taking place? Would he yell at the man between your legs? Would he leave in shock and report you two immediately? Would he… join in? All of these thoughts swarmed your head at once as you looked at the man in panic.
Satoru seemingly has no interest in neither soothing your worries, nor protecting himself. He recognized the man’s voice as a fellow lecturer he’s friendly with, one who likely wouldn’t be all too shocked or even horrified if he saw Satoru three fingers and a tongue deep into a student – so he continued. Despite your protests and squirms in fear, Satoru continued lapping at your clit and crooking his fingers inside you.
“Professor, m-maybe you should get that,” you breathed desperately, the knocks at the door increasing, but Satoru paid no mind to you or the man at the door. He was far too busy with both finger and tongue fucking you. Suddenly your eyes widened and you couldn’t stop the loud moan that came tumbling out when he found your sweet spot. Immediately you clamp a hand over your mouth, but there’s no chance the outsider didn’t hear you. There was a moment of silence, one where you think you’re a fucking goner, but then you heard footsteps fading away. He gave up - or maybe he just didn’t want to know.
Once Satoru decided he’d had a sufficient taste, he removed his fingers and mouth, making you whine at the emptiness, before pulling you up. He immediately began licking into your mouth instead, coating your tongue with your own essence and making you taste yourself. 
“Are you ready to earn that fifth point?” he hummed against your lips. Sucking him off. 
“Please,” you nodded, gripping him. Truthfully, you barely know what you’re pleading for. It was no longer just about the grade - you felt an ache that was only growing inside you.
Standing up without a word, Satoru deftly unbuckled his belt and cast it to the floor, the metal of the buckle clattering loudly against the tiles. He unzipped his dress pants enough so that his bulge was obvious. 
“Get on your knees,” he commanded, voice steely and certain – this Satoru was completely unrecognizable at this point, so far from the zany, lighthearted Professor Gojo. 
“Y-yes sir,” you sputtered. It was a lewd scene as you kneel in front of your professor, staring up at him with big doe eyes and mouth slightly agape. Hands shaking, your fingers dip below the band of his boxers and curl around his hard-on, tugging it a few times before pulling freeing it from the fabric. He’s big. It curves slightly to the left with a thick, throbbing vein running down it, the head an angry red. You started to pump it, licking your lips as pre dribbled out of the tip. The whole thing was so dirty and demeaning, but fuck, it was hot.
“C’mon, kid,” Satoru urged, a thick hand grabbing a fistful of your hair and tugging lightly. He wanted more than just a handjob. 
Frowning a bit, you gave the head a few kitten licks, sucking on the tip just to make him groan. The pre was salty and sticky, tasting it as it smeared over your lips. Finally, you began to ease him into your mouth, swallowing each thicker and thicker inch. The tip grazed the back of your throat and you gagged, making Satoru smirk. 
If only you could see yourself, see how you knelt in front of your lit professor, grabbing his hips and choking yourself over and over on his thick cock that was shoved down your throat, drool and precum pooling out of the corners of your mouth. See how streaks of mascara stained your cheeks as your eyes watered from gagging so much. If only. 
In an effort not to immediately cum down your throat, Satoru pulled out, tapping his tip against your lips to smear some more of his pre over your lips. The sight itself is cum-worthy, but it’s not time for that yet.
“On the desk, on your stomach. Lift your skirt up,” Satoru barked. 
Once again, you obeyed your professor’s orders without question. Draping yourself over the desk, you tugged your skirt up so that it splayed over your back and not your ass. Satoru inhaled as he watched you present yourself like that, like a damn whore for nothing more than a good grade. You squealed a bit as he took the fat of your ass into his hands and massaged, nervous for what’s to come.
“Professor?” you squeaked. “Am I… doing good?” as much as it might feel good, it’d be all for nothing if you once again weren’t performing to his liking.
“So good, pretty girl, so good,” he growled, smacking your ass.
“Please, sir,” you moaned, arching your back to display yourself as best as possible. 
Satoru was painfully slow with his movements as he took his hard leaky cock into his hand and slid it between your folds, rocking back and forth and prodding at your hole. 
Taking initiative, you pushed your hips back, desperate to get his cock inside you, to do a good job. 
“God, so fucking needy and desperate, absolutely losing yourself over my cock,” he muttered, finally pushing past your hole and easily sinking into your sopping cunt. 
You let out a dangerously loud moan as Satoru filled you up, eyes rolling to the back of your skull.
“Oh, f-fuck,” you stuttered. It was the first time you’d sworn in front of the professor. Until then, even with the circumstances, you still felt it right to be proper and respectful, but something inside of of you was breaking - and all you could focus on was the pleasure and overwhelming need to be fucked. “Fuck, that feels so g-good…”
Everything Satoru’s been waiting for, everything he planned has culminated to this moment, and it almost doesn’t feel real. From actually working up the courage to come onto you, to you actually reciprocating and desperate for him more than he ever thought he would be, it felt like a fever dream. That’s why when he first bottomed out, one hand right on your waist and the other palm flat on the desk, he couldn’t stop. He fucked you like a desperate virgin, grunting and groaning. Satoru typically wasn’t much of a talker during sex, but this felt so different. “Yeah, that feel good baby? My cock making you feel good? Your professor’s cock filling you up so good?”
“Feels so f-fucking good,” you cried out, tongue lulled out as you laid nearly limp on the desk. You were no blushing virgin, but it had been a long fucking time since you’d been fucked that well. “S-shit, I’m gonna cum, shit!”
Satoru let out a short laugh at how quick you were coming undone. Wet squelches and sounds of skin-on-skin bounced off the walls, filling the small office so that all your senses were filled with Satoru and Satoru only. Leaning over you so his chest was pressed flush against your back, he whispered right into your ear: “Cum for me, pretty girl.”
“Y-yes sir,” you whimpered, chewing your bottom lip in an effort to muffle your moans. Fortunately, it didn’t take much longer - in a moment’s notice, the knot was coming undone and you couldn’t help but spasm as your orgasm washed over you, drooling all over where your head laid. “Thank you- thank you, thank you!”
Satoru smirked as you fell apart underneath him, bringing him even closer to his own high. Desperate to reach it, he fucked into you brutally as you laid there like a ragdoll. “Thanking me for what? Fucking you stupid?” he laughed. 
“S-so good,” you babbled mindlessly, brain and body going numb from the stimulation.
You were so far from the articulate, sharp student you normally were, reduced to nothing but a fuck doll by your professor. 
Soon, Satoru felt his cock pulsing and throbbing inside you. “Are you ready for that seventh point?”
Remembering what the seventh point was, ‘cumming inside your pretty little cunt,’ you clenched even tighter around him. 
“Please,” you moaned, slightly slurred. “Need it.”
You’d barely gotten the words out by the time your professor was reaching his high, groaning fiercely as he shot his hot load into you, filling you up while hearty moans from you fill his ears. Once he finally slowly pulls out, hissing as he nudges his cock out of your hole. Without it inside you to plug you up, cum pooled out of your throbbing cunt, hot against your skin as it drooled down your thighs. Not sure what to do or where to go from there, so you stayed draped over the desk, breathless and gripping the edge until Satoru gave you more direction.
But all Professor Gojo did was straighten up, tuck himself back into his pants and button them before securing his belt. “You’ve received full credit. You’re dismissed now.”
What? “S-Satoru?”
He laughed, a little rough with you as he helped you to your feet, still a bit wobbly.
“You’ve aced the class, sweetheart. Counted all the way to seven. Get out of here.” He’s already on to his next task, straightening papers that had gotten crumpled underneath you.
His smile is so fake. “See you on Wednesday, kid."
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breadbrioche · 4 months
fit for a princess
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luke castellan x reader
➳summary: a quick fluffy thing because admin eagerly wishes summer can come sooner and is purposely ignoring the ending of the pjo series :D
➳warnings: not proof read, written during multiple fits of delusion, established relationship
➳word count: 1.1k
➳a/n: IM BACK!! Sorry to any who were expecting a TUC fic but the pjo has been my latest obsession so I had to write it
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At Camp Half-Blood, the weather is always perfect but, somehow, its even better than most days. The sun is shining at its brightest yet the cool breeze blowing made it so that it wasn’t uncomfortably hot. As one of many campers taking advantage of the great weather, Luke leans his back against a tree with his eyes closed and enjoying the warmth and listening to the calm sounds of the nature around him.
He winces when a suddenly shadow obstructs the light and peaks his eyes open slightly to see what caused it. Though through blurry eyes as he blinks to adjust to the brightness, he spots your figure looming over him and a smile instantly forms on Luke’s face.
“Can I help you?” He drawls out teasingly. You pout playfully before seating yourself next to him, fingers easily tangling with his like routine.
“You should be thankful I’m even here! Seriously, it took forever to track you down.”
“It’s not like this place is a particularly hard place to find.” Luke argues back but you roll your eyes and lean your head on his shoulder.
“Yeah but I’d never thought you’d be here of all places” You point out as it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“What, can’t a guy just enjoy some peace and quiet?”
At that, you bark out a laugh, not believing him. “Not if you’re called Luke Castellan.” You chastise. “You’re always training as if you aren’t already the best swordsman in the camp”
“Did you come here to nag at me or do you have an actual reason?”
“Oh right!” You reach into your bag and place something atop Luke’s hair faster than he could see what it was. Immediately raising his hands to his head, he gingerly felt around blindly to see what it was. His fingertips brushes against something soft yet so thin he could tell it was delicate but also a more rough and rigid material.
As he carefully removes the item of his head to inspect it, Luke amusedly huffs upon realising what it was.
“You made me a flower crown?” He asks as he admires your craftsmanship - various summer flowers were woven together intricately, intertwining to create a colourful circlet. Leaves were bent precisely to frame each flower, some of which Luke could recognise being sunflowers and marigolds.
“I saw some Demeter kids making them and I wanted to try too.” You explained. “Do you like it? I know it’s not perfect but I think I did a pretty good job with it!”
“I love it.” He confirmed and using his free arm to pull you in for a hug to show his gratitude. “It’s almost as pretty as the person who made it.”
Groaning at his cheesy line, you lightly shoved him off you before taking the crown back into your hands to nestle it on top of his dark curls once again.
“Well I think you look way prettier than I ever could; it really suits you, y’know” you tease with a sly grin. “You’re giving serious fairy princess vibes”
“Are you being for real?” He sighed, looking away embarrassed but making no move to remove the flower crown. You giggled at his actions, cooing as you poked his reddening cheeks. Luke catches your offending wrist before using it to pull you into his lap, his arms wrapping around you and nestling his face into your neck.
“I thought I was supposed to be a hero” he complains against your skin.
As you wrap your arms around his neck, you huff endearingly, feeling how warm his face is.
“Ayy now don’t sell yourself short; you can still be a hero while being a fairy princess. I’m sure there’s a myth about that.”
“I don’t think there is, love” Luke retorts which makes you scrunch your face disappointedly. Though, you don’t dwell on it for long as you gently grab his face and remove it from the crook of your neck. Luke’s face morphs into a confused expression, eyebrows furrowed and dark eyes assessing you to find the meaning behind your antics, but you paid him no mind as you grinned happily.
You don’t understand how the boy before you doesn’t know how beautiful he is - and hell, you’d even say that Luke is way more attractive than any of the Aphrodite boys - especially in this current moment with how the sun made his eyes twinkle and his ruddy skin look like it was glowing.
But unfortunately, your thoughts are interrupted with the way Luke drums his fingers at your side, an unspoken request for an explanation. Stubbornly, you deny him the satisfaction in favour of admiring him more.
However, his drumming becomes more insistent then turns into pokes and before you know it, he’s attacking you relentlessly with tickles. This forces you to release your hold on Luke’s face to wrestle his hands off you. You shriek when he resists your attempts and puts his weight forward which pushes your back to the ground.
“Stop-!! Let go!!” You demand between fits of laughter while you writhe on the grass from the way your stomach cramps, you kick your feet and claw at his hands but Luke is, as always, relentless, finding how the whole situation has turned incredibly amusing.
“What…the fuck was that- “ you pant out when Luke eventually stops tickling you. As you heave, you glare up at Luke - the damn flower crown still perched on his head even after all that - who has a shit eating grin on his face.
“Maybe you aren’t a fairy princess hero after all.” You say accusingly. Luke raises an eyebrow inquisitively before rolling onto the ground next to you, his shoulders bumping into yours in the process.
“What am I then?”
“Probably a monster. A mean,ugly monster who disguised himself as an insufferably pretty boy who’s sole mission is to make my life a living hell.”
After you air out your complaints, it's his turn to laugh; the deep sound almost makes it hard for you to keep scowling at him.
“It still beats being a fairy princess hero, for sure! That job sounds right up my alley.” Luke exclaims, urging you to shove him with a roll of your eyes but he’s not at all unfazed. Rather, he shimmies closer to you so his mouth is at the same level as your ear.
“Y’know what being a ‘pretty monster who’s sole mission is to annoy you’ would mean right?” He asks you, and it’s like you can hear his smirk.
“What.” You reply, not bothering to correct his misquote.
“It means that I would get to be with you all the time.”
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astonmartinii · 1 year
Hello! Would you be comfortable to write sth about Seb? x reader? :)
racing royalty | sebastian vettel instagram au
pairing: red bull!seb x motogp!reader
[for timeline purposes, seb never leaves red bull, but other than that most of the grid is the same as it is]
anti-social media man seb mysteriously joins social media and all hell breaks lose
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liked by redbull, charles_leclerc and 554,019 others
yourusername: vamos argentina 🇦🇷
view all 37,045 comments
user34 let's goooooo y/n
user12 sometimes mother is a woman who drives a motorbike super fast
redbullracing i think the kids say slay
yourusername you're doing great admin
user67 i need her to win another championship NOW
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 808,045 others
sebastianvettel: the media team said that i should try this whole social media thing out
view all 102,089 comments
user76 does this mean i should delete all my thirst edits
yourusername welcome seb 🐝
user23 ^^^ parents interacting WHAT
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liked by sebastianvettel, yourusername and 601,784 others
redbullracing: all red bull top step in f1 and motogp this weekend !! congrats sebastian and y/n
view all 13,088 comments
user44 red bull are killing it (unfortunately)
sebastianvettel unbelievable race y/n !!!
yourusername right back at you starboy
user11 are they ... flirting ???
user35 seb did say he only got instagram to comment on his gf's posts ....
maxverstappen1 my goats 🐐
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liked by sebastianvettel, marcmarquez93 and 505,467 others
yourusername: snoozing in the barcelona sun
view all 28,056 comments
marcmarquez93 so this is what you did at my house
yourusername yes thanks for letting me stay
marcmarquez93 cheaper than an actual housesitter
sebastianvettel sunkissed
user15 someone teach this old man how instagram comments work
user45 seb commenting ... said he got insta to follow + comment on his gf's posts ... next gp is in barcelona ....
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 625,098 others
sebastianvettel: starting from pole tomorrow ready for you barcelona 🇪🇸
view all 71,209 comments
user10 let's go seb
yourusername never in doubt star boy 🌟
user30 hmmmmmmmmm what's going on ^^
user49 do we think y/n is going to come to the race?
user21 omg i hope so
redbullracing quali king
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liked by sebastianvettel, yourusername and 606,334 others
tagged: yourusername
redbullracing: special guest in the garage this weekend, motogp queen y/n y/ln joins us in barcelona 🇪🇸
view all 86,304 comments
user33 god i love her so much
user55 doctor help my parasocial relationship is too much
sebastianvettel good luck charm 🍀
yourusername you don't need my luck star boy 🌟
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liked by charles_leclerc, motogp and 772,077 others
tagged: yourusername, sebastianvettel
f1: when f1 and motogp collide - y/n y/ln was in the red bull garage this weekend cheering on close friends sebastian vettel and max verstappen
view all 110,089 comments
maxverstappen1 finally someone acknowledged that she's my friend too
sebastianvettel sorry buddy probably cause she likes me more
maxverstappen1 @yourusername you gonna let him bully me like this?
yourusername sorry maxy but he's not wrong
user23 okay but that's basically confirmation right, RIGHT ????
charles_leclerc she visited me too :(
yourusername added to their story
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[caption: pretty boys]
sebastianvettel added to their story
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[caption: long awaited catch up]
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liked by sebastianvettel, redbullracing and 770,095 others
yourusername: vroom vroom for the last time this season, but to finish this year with my second championship is unreal + always good to share a podium with bestie marc
view all 114,045 comments
marcmarquez93 fave champagne partner, though i'd prefer if i'm the one winning next time
sebastianvettel god i love watching you race, congratulations my love
yourusername i love you too
sebastianvettel i love you more
user90 no one talk to me my parents have confirmed their relationship
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liked by christianhorner, yourusername and 1,223,067
tagged: yourusername
sebastianvettel: looks like we need to upgrade the trophy cabinet at home
view all 220,679 comments
user37 they already live together ???
yourusername i love you (you can do the diy)
sebastianvettel i love you more
user47 so... when will race of champions change their rules so they can compete together ???
maxverstappen1 congrats you two (why did you crop me out of all of the photos)
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liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and 1,045,300 others
tagged: yourusername, sebastianvettel
charles_leclerc: happy anniversary to my racing parents, thanks for letting me chill at your farm, making me my birthday party and teaching me how to ride a motorbike ❤️
view all 229,567 comments
yourusername awwww sharl, no worries, you're our favourite disaster child
maxverstappen1 take that back right now
yourusername okay charles is seb's favourite, you're mine maxy
maxverstappen1 thank you
sebastianvettel thank you charles xx
user13 obsessed over y/n and seb having grid children who love them so much they make anniversary posts and argue in the comments
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 1,567,290 others
tagged: sebastianvettel
yourusername: happy five year anniversary baby - i love you so much i can't even put it into words, here's to many more xx
view all 301,334 comments
maxverstappen1 can i have a prize for keeping this a secret so long
charles_leclerc me too
sebastianvettel no?
redbullracing best kept secret in motorsport - happy anniversary guys xx
sebastianvettel can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you baby
note: i love seb so much so so happy to write about him! i've nearly finished all my requests so feel free to send some more in xx
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shepscapades · 5 months
*rotates dbhc!Xisuma and Doc in my head*
I'm sorry but I absolutely lose my mind over them ( I have literally no one who I could ramble about this to and I need to get it out). I want to analyse stuff, so let me just:
*breathes in*
It's visible that they are good friends and have been since the time when Doc deviated, research partners doing... research? Or whatever researchers do *shrugs*.
But there's one thing to it, X created Doc and most of other androids. He understands what is deviation because Doc explained it to him but his friend is still an android after all. We also know that X always calls Doc "Docm" but in previous comic he calls him "Doc" and it is stated that it's the first time he ever called him that. In which moment he calls him that? In the moment when he realises that Doc is more human than android now, I may be delusional about this all but I just feel like: the moment when he sees Etho overpower Doc, shove him and break him and stuff, Xisuma sees that Doc isn't a fearless machine but a someone, a human, he got overpowered by Etho and suffered consequences, he felt fear like a human not a machine. Also he lost his arm because he was trying to stop Etho from hurting X as we see in the second part of the comic, which only adds to that. So, this is the moment where X fully realises that he means something to Doc, not as a creator, but as a friend, and that's why for the rest of the comic he constantly makes sure if his partner is alright by talking to him, glancing at him. You know stuff. He grew closer and closer to Doc as time passed and I think this was the climax - the moment he called Docm77 "Doc".
While Doc is doing the most stoic stuff ever and trying not to self destruct and stuff, he cares about X too, very much even, he's protective towards him and shows it by jumping into danger he could have avoided [ Etho attacked X because he's an admin and probably knows where's Grian - Etho wants to hunt down this pesky bird for killing Bdubs] just so his partner won't get hurt how sweet <3 RIP arm you will be remembered...
Anyways I feel like they should talk about stuff and maybe cuddle and maybe I don't know LIVE?? NOT DIE??
Yeah, I think that I don't even need to explain for how long they've been spinning in my head.
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Also wanted to thank you so much for so many kind words on my fanart !! I'm glad I can make someone happy with my cheap, old drawing tablet and some self taught skills lol sorry for flooding your ask-box again so so sorry but those comics make me go AWOOGA holy shift, and also DOC AND X CONTENT !! They are so underrated that you almost can't find anything good relating to them as a duo! [personally I think they're great, just two dudes that do things together and care for eachother <3]
So, yep. Prepare yourself for things like that after every new part comes out I WILL make memes and I WILL analyse block men.... sorry not sorry :)
[how to get me into an AU- tutorial: Xisumavoid must be in it- the end]
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(THERE ARE SOME INTERESTING THOUGHTS HAPPENING HERE!!!! None of which I’ll confirm but Eye Emoji :3 I love love love these theories they make me so happy ehehehehehe)
(ALSO YOU’RE SO WELCOME!!! That art made my day fr LMAO I love and appreciate it so much!!! <3)
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
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— when you’re both caught under the mistletoe
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Merry Christmas my loves! Thank you for giving me and my silly writing the time of day💕
I know I said there isn’t really an order to these, this one is the day after the secret santa.
Warnings: none, as always not proofread.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 1.4k.
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Unlike most of the country, Bakugou liked working Christmas Day. It was quiet, the streets were empty, the office was peaceful and it was the perfect excuse not to go to his parents house early for festivities. The festive period was often a subject of contest between Bakugou and his mother, the judgement far worse than any other month of the year. Questions of when he would be giving them Grandchildren and when he’d finally be setting down and getting married. Questions that pushing thirty, pained him to answer.
Thankful that the building was still warm as he stepped in from the frozen streets, cheeks pink from the cold chill outside as he buried his hands back inside his coat pockets. The Christmas decorations were still up all over the agency, the fairy lights casting a soft glow on the building as he stepped into the elevator to take him up to his floor. Scoffing at the mistletoe that was positioned all over the building.
When the elevator door dinged open and he stepped out onto his floor, Bakugou was surprised to see the lights on and you sat behind your desk.
“What’re you doing here?” He rasped gruffly, his voice still laced with sleep.
Every year on Christmas he’d arrive at his agency, and spend the day alone— until now apparently.
After avoiding you at the work Christmas party the night before he hadn’t expected you to be in the office so early the next morning. Bakugou hated to admit that he thought about you for the rest of the evening when he finally made it home, collapsing onto his bed alone as he scrolled through the pictures of you on his phone. Wishing that he had stayed a little longer, if only to see you in your pretty outfit and wish you a Merry Christmas. To have you look at him the way you looked at Kirishima—
“Merry Christmas to you too.” You smiled softly from behind the desk as he stepped closer, “I knew you’d be alone in the office today, so I thought I’d come in to keep you company.”
Bakugou hated the way you made his chest ache from your words, the soft tone of your voice had him pining for you even more as he cherished being the reason why you were here on Christmas Day.
“Go home,” He shook his head, “Spend time with your loved ones.”
He wondered whether Kirishima knew you were working today, and if he’d blame his best friend for it.
“I’ll be okay for a few hours, Dynamight.” You teased, using his hero name, before your expression changed, looking up at him wistfully, “I missed you at the party last night, I thought you said you’d come.”
You missed him.
Bakugou’s heart shuddered against his ribcage at the words, trying to stop the heat from rising in his already cold, pink cheeks.
“Yeah, sorry. Somethin’ came up.” He tried to shrug it off, not wanting to tell you the real reason he left so early.
“I left your secret santa present in your office,” You smiled, “That weird guy from admin was eyeing it up, I wanted to make sure you got it.”
“Uh- thanks,” He continued, remembering the way you looked at Kirishima when he gave you your gift.
Bakugou noticed a new photo frame sat on top of your desk, the picture facing you as he tried to tilt his body to the side to see it. You must’ve noticed his subtle movement as you lifted the frame so he could see the picture, a photograph of you both.
“Oh, yeah. Kirishima got me it last night, he was my secret santa.” You smiled softly, looking down at the picture.
So that’s why Kirishima refused to swap names with him, the sly bastard. Bakugou would definitely be having words with him later as he looked down at the photograph on the desk. The thought of you displaying it like that for anyone to see had a possessive swirl in his abdomen as he remembered exactly where the picture wa taken. He felt so stupid for leaving last night after seeing you with his best friend, jumping to conclusions that there was something going on with him.
“That’s a pretty shitty gift.” Bakugou mumbled.
“I dunno,” You mused, “I actually really like it.”
Bakugou couldn’t hide the dopey grin that spread across his cheeks at your words, also the fact that there was now going to be a picture of the both of you placed perfectly on your desk so any Pro-Heroes visiting that felt the need to flirt with you would see it. The thought had his cock throbbing in his pants as he tried to calm his racing heart, nostrils flaring to try and control his breathing.
“You should go home,” Bakugou tried to avoid looking at the picture frame any longer, “I’ll only be here a few hours anyway.”
“If you’re sure, sir.” You worried your lower lip between your teeth as you began to exit out of your work programs, collecting your things as Bakugou hovered over your desk watching you. You would never admit to your boss that you wanted to see him on Christmas Day too.
“Before I suspend you.” Bakugou replied gruffly.
“Alright, alright. I’m leaving.” You laughed, and it had his chest puffing out with pride that you enjoyed his joke as you stood from your desk chair.
He wanted more than anything to have you stay with him, to spend the day with you instead of his family, but instead he patiently began to walk you towards the elevator. Pressing the illuminated button as it made the familiar ding.
“You don’t stay too late either, the world can cope without Dynamight for a few hours.” You smiled up at him as you fiddled with your fingers shyly.
You broke the gap by leaning forward and reaching up on the tips of your toes to pull Bakugou into a warm hug. The action catching him off guard at first as he stood awkwardly with his hands balled into fists at his sides, completely surrounded by the sweet scent of you. The warmth of your body against his had him melting into you, as he finally managed to get his body to react to his brain as he placed his arms around your waist to reciprocate.
Bakugou buried his nose into your neck as he inhaled deeply, crimson eyes clenched shut to try and imprint this moment to memory. Not wanting to forget how your arms felt around him, or the way your breasts pressed against his chest. It felt as though time stood still as you both stood in the foyer of his floor, the elevator dinging shut again beside you but it wasn’t like either of you cared.
This made up for missing you at the party last night, and getting a shitty secret santa. His cheeks ached from smiling so much with you, and it had only been ten minutes in the office. Bakugou may have held on a little longer than you as he felt your grip begin to loosen as you pulled back. His arms still settled gently around your hips as your gaze met his and you gave him a sheepish smile.
Bakugou had never wanted to kiss you more than he did in this moment.
“Merry Christmas, Bakugou.” You smiled softly, forgoing the titles as you leaned forward to press the button to the elevator again. The doors quickly opening for you, illuminating you in fluorescent light as you stepped inside.
“Yeah,” Bakugou smiled as the doors began to shut, “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”
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But if either of you had looked up as you were standing at the elevator doors, you would’ve noticed the fresh sprigs of mistletoe that were left hanging on top of the head jam. Mistletoe that could have granted both of your Christmas wishes.
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eldritch-spouse · 5 months
THAT LIVIUS X VINNEL ANON IS NOW GETTING ME TO SHIP ICONS WITH YOUR OTHER OCS, JUST FUCKING GREAT/sarcastic /pos (sorry if this one's long I just gotta get these outta my system lmao)
Kalymir x Patches: because let's face it, Patches can absolutely take quite a bit of a beating [and we know he'd beat off to getting a beating anyways], but there's always the threat of Kalymir ACTUALLY just straight up killing him - Admin assures him that they won't let him die, but sometimes, the way that Kalymir grins at him makes him worry... Also I love size difference and I want Kalymir to (figuratively) tear his ass apart with his cock
Vorticia x Morell: obvious reasons. He's one of the greatest monster chefs of all time, she's the Greed icon - she keeps coming back for his food (and occasionally his bobbles) and he keeps getting very flattered that the literal icon of greed loves his food. Also... Madame Pinnie did mention that Morell has had horny thoughts in which HE'S the one being eaten, even if he's also super terrified of that... And... Firstly, Vorticia's a snake-monster, so idk how her body would react to the poison, but if we're being hopeful, she'd be immune to it - or maybe the fact that she's the icon of greed has something to do with it(?); second of all, she'd probably have the equipment and/or magic to get rid of the poison.
Rinxx x Nebul: HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT-- Nebul to me seems like the type to absolutely exploit the fact that Rinxx has a ton of money and would use him to buy all the sex toys and pearls he could ever want (plus stuff for Purpur of course). Also, the idea of Rinxx being a sugar daddy for Nebul is HILARIOUS. I can imagine Nebul knowing this and being frustrated, because he can't just turn around and give the bird to an Icon (his ass is big but his balls aren't). He has to live with the fact that, no matter how he dominates Rinxx in the bed, no matter how much the Icon allows the Wraith to degrade and demean and even hurt him-- Nebul is not the one who's in control of the dynamic. Idk if he would, but would Nebul ever grow to start liking the fact that he's actually the submissive one? (On a sidenote: I can imagine Rinxx groping Nebul a lot cause he's thick as FUCK and also forcing the guy to wear much tighter, more leg revealing clothes that hug his thighs and ass-- also forcibly pounding Nebul into submission when Nebul irritates him, hehah)
[I love how you spell Rinx like he's a pornstar, Rinxxx. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]
Ah, Kalymir and Patches, we've talked about that. You captured the essence of it well, but the ass tearing is going to be more literal than physical here. Patches, ever the glutton for pain, will find all his cravings brutally satisfied. And Kalymir, ever fond of resilient little things, will adore taking Patches to his undead breaking point over and over and over.
Morell and Vorticia is equally stressful. All of these are. Vorticia will work Morell stupid in her desire to taste all his talent, but Mori is getting a delicious ego stroke as well as watching a massive woman take rabid, almost lustful enjoyment from devouring his cuisine. It'd be hard to ignore an inkling of chemistry here. But, as you know, typically, most people who lay with Vorticia perish. Perhaps it'll be a different story here, she wouldn't want to lose the best chef she's ever met!
Rinx and Nebul is an interesting pair. And indeed, Nebul will keep fighting for his dominating role as hard as he can. Sexually, he'll never accept submission, and outside of intimacy, he'll still try to cling to any minuscule shred of power he can attain, even if all he can do in certain situations is refuse gifts- Which is very frustrating for Rinx. Fact of the matter is that even when he holds control, it is only allowed and never inherent, which will chew at the wraith. But goodness, the benefits of this dynamic are so many... He can at least revel in the power of being so wanted by someone of such status.
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sarcastictissy · 2 months
Hola :D I just wanted to thank you for being so positive lately and looking at things regarding the qstudio situation with nuance. It feels like people have been so stressed and angry after all of the admin stuff came that they began to take every bit of news we hear as some sign that bad things are to come . I think a lot of people underestimated just how long this process can take, there a lot of factors to be considered here, including: q's lack of experience, the union, the laws, the admins. And unfortunately there is no way to satisfy everyone when it comes to stuff like this. This was never going to take a week or two, I feel like people didn't fully understand that.
Some admins are going to be pushed out of the project due to the lack of funds and the fact that this is a legal issue first and for most. It's unfair but it's the law. Not everyone understands that and because of that people are going to say things without understanding the situation. Not every thing is black and white and sometimes things aren't going to work out the way we want them to. Nobody is perfect and we shouldn't expect people involved in this situation to act like that. Which is why you should always look at the situation from multiple perspectives before forming an opinion.
It makes me feel tired to see the same takes over and over agian with no nuance. So your post have really helped me feel better :) I've seen people from both qsmpblr and qsmptwt act like every ccs involved in this is a war criminal or like this is a admins vs quackity or french/brazil vs quackity. It's kinda drove me off most social sites and forced me to only watch YouTube and stuff (on the good side of things, I've been watching quackity's discord videos and some dsmp vods :D it's been fun)
What I am trying to say is that, scrolling through your blog feels like a breath of fresh air and has made me feel 8× more calm about this situation. I don't think doomposting is necessarily bad but after seeing so much of it, sometimes you just need to distance yourself and look at the good parts of life. No matter how much I complain, I am never changing the course that qstudio is headed and neither can any one else, The only one who can do that is quackity. I hope that he does the right thing and the studio gets better. I love the characters that qsmp has brought us and the community it has formed, qsmp is a beautiful project that I want to see thrive. For now the only thing I can do as a viewer is hope for the best <3
I'm sorry if this came off as a trauma dump, I just really wanted to thank you.
So, this has been in my askbox for a while because I was so grateful and happy to hear I've helped someone!! Thank you sm anon that means a lot to me and knowing I'm keeping others optimistic, helps me feel optimistic too! :D
This is a very complex situation with so many moral grey areas mixed with black and white. It's not simple, it's not easy. These things cannot be fixed in a matter of weeks, you're absolutely right about that.
I also agree doomposting isn't necessarily bad! It's a good way to get off some steam and vent/ rant for a bit. There's nothing wrong with that. We all need it at times. For me, personally, it becomes toxic when that's ALL I'm seeing in social media. When I go on my phone and all I see is negativity, that's when I need to call it quits and start blocking people or start taking time away (which is why I deleted twt off my phone) everyone's tolerance levels are different ofc, so, not everyone is affected by that negativity, but I certainly was. This is why I want my blog to be positive and uplifting and you know what? Each and every time I get a ask or a message thanking me for that, I gain faith in humanity and it just encourages me to keep being positive! I'm so thankful for your ask and dw it wasn't trauma dumping at all!! :D I hope you're doing well anon! Take care of yourself. You matter
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adoredoie · 5 months
[ no good for you ] jung wooyoung | short fic
CW. toxic situationship, emotionally unavailable woo, emotionally attached reader, fwb but not really friends, angst, reader slaps woo, petnames (good girl)
WC. 1.4k
ADMIN. cece
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"fuck," wooyoung said, wiping his eyes. "what time is it y/n." you shrugged your shoulders, continuing to draw shapes on his bare chest.
he felt around the bed in search for his phone, once he found it & checked the time, he groaned, asking you why you hadn't woken him up before.
"sorry, i didn't know you had places to be, we were up pretty late last night." you chuckled, reminiscing about last night's activities with him. truthfully, you did remember him telling you beforehand that he had a girl he was going to meet up with tomorrow, in other words, he was going to leave to go on a date with some other girl.
wooyoung sighed, sitting up in your bed, looking around your bedroom. "where are my clothes..." he mumbled, ruffling his hair. "here." you said, throwing his clothes at his back.
you did feel a bit used, not like you weren't using him for your own selfish needs aswell. but leaving you just to go fuck with some other girl, that was beyond you.
"what's your problem y/n," wooyoung laughed, grabbing his clothes. "what, you wanna go another round love?"
what hurt you the most was that you knew that there weren't any emotions or true feelings behind that flirtatious comment. it was just how wooyoung was.
he'd butter you up, make you feel all good with his words, just to shut you right back down when you try to take it further in even the slightest bit.
he hopped off the bed, sliding his pants on.
he turned around looking back, looking you up and down. "i hope you're not upset about me leaving.
we've already had plenty of talks about this. but you just don't seem to get it."
here it comes. you know its coming.
wooyoung has never hesitated to remind you of your place inside of his heart, which was nowhere.
you were honestly just a good fuck to him. and he made sure that you knew it.
but you couldn't really put all the blame on him, you knew that you weren't going to get anything out of this relationship, no matter how much you wanted something. it wasn't even that you wanted his love or demanded it.
you just wanted someone there for you, someone who you could always turn to.
but wooyoung never gave you that.
it was always 'ill be over at 11 tonight, can we make it quick?' and never 'hey y/n, i missed you, can i see you?'
the words 'missed you' and 'y/n' are words you've never heard in the same sentence with him, although its been two years.
this relationship was solely built on the fact that you wanted to explore what you wanted, sexually. and once you finally figured out what that was, wooyoung, you'd gotten hooked, and never wanted to let go. you'd slowly become attached to him and sex with him.
from there, it was always him, no one could make you feel as good as he did. or maybe that was just your bias clouding your judgement.
"you're not the only one y/n." wooyoung said blatantly, throwing his shirt over his head. "and i think you knew this. you're a smart girl."
"i enjoy the time i spend with you, having sex that is." you knew this was coming, you really did. he's told you this plenty of times before and you still don't know why you don't leave him.
"anytime when it comes to anything but sex, id rather not be in contact. i don't need you to complicate things,
you knew what this was when you met me, when you decided that you'd follow through with fucking with me." he said as he searched for his jacket.
"i don't want anything but sex from you either, wooyoung." you said, knowing that you were bluffing. "good."
picking at your nails, you debated if you should say "but do you have to leave me for some girl."
"don't get too ahead of yourself y/n. don't forget, you're also 'some girl'." he never cared about hurting feelings, he never stopped to think how you'd feel from the words he'd say.
he didn't know that those harsh words from him would send you spiraling.
"bye wooyoung"
wooyoung sighed, rolling his eyes "now you're crying because i told you what ive been telling you all these years, just straight to your face?
oh god y/n, i knew you were sensitive, but this is really insane-" your hand flew across his face, slapping him.
his face winced, a laugh escaping his mouth. "oh you might actually be crazy y/n"
"tell me, was the sex too good for you? did it cloud your memory or some shit, did you actually forget what we both had agreed to two years ago?" he shouted at you.
"and you fucking decided to hit me because im still abiding by those rules?" it probably didn't make any sense to wooyoung, if you were the one to come up with the 'no feelings involved, whatsoever' rule, why would you break it? more so, why would you get angry at him just because he doesn't feel the same?
"say something y/n! you're not fucking mute!"
you were a little taken back, he'd never raise his voice at you, but you knew you totally deserved it.
"i don't know what to say wooyoung! two years of this and you'd expect me to not feel something for you?"
"well i did it y/n, and im done doing it too, im fucking done with you. i don't want this anymore." he grabbed his keys from your nightstand along with his hat. you quickly got out of the bed, grabbing wooyoung by the shoulder, turning him around. "y/n, let me go."
"just hear me out wooyoung," you tried to get him to listen but he just shook you off. "i don't have to, i don't want you y/n, at all!
i don't even want a strictly sexual relationship with you, it's only going to hurt you.
have you not realized that i feel absolutely nothing for you? you're simply just a good fuck to me.
you're someone that i know will pick up the phone at any time and give me what i want, with no complaints. and you know, that's pretty pathetic on your part, you are pathetic, y/n.
it's pathetic how you're still fucking with a man who has a roster of women in his phone, who uses you like a toy for his own will, who constantly belittles you and makes you feel like shit. not mention, this little- entanglement, that we've had, has been going on for far too long y/n.
too long that now you're stupid little brain has become confused, and now you think that I actually like you. wake the fuck up y/n! open your fucking eyes!
im not good for you, and i never will be." as i opened my mouth to speak again, wooyoung shook his head. "im not hearing it y/n. whatever you have to say is bullshit."
"are you a robot who feels nothing, wooyoung?" you mumbled to him.
"i guess i am y/n, and i can't help that." he said, his hands dropping to his sides. your arms went to reach around his body, wooyoung trying to pull away. "please wooyoung, please, just this once, please just hold me."
he sighed, his arms moved to wrap around your body.
felt him hugging you, physically, but you knew that the affection wasn't there, and it was never going to be. it was almost as if a ghost was hugging you.
you both stayed silent for a minute, wooyoung speaking first. "im leaving, y/n." "don't go."
"no." he said, pushing your arms off of him. "please delete my number y/n, for your own sake.
i don't need you stuck up on me y/n, try to find someone good for you." he said, sliding on his shoes. "and before you say anything, it's not me y/n, ill never love you the you want to be loved."
"got it?" he said grabbing you by your chin, pulling your face closer to his. you nodded your head, understanding what he was saying.
"good girl," he pulled you closer to him, placing a gentle kiss to your lips, pulling away.
"ill see you around." and just like that he was gone, his entire presence.
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© 𝖺𝖽𝗈𝗋𝖾𝖽𝗈𝗂𝖾 — 𝗍𝗎𝗆𝖻𝗅𝗋 | 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝖽𝗈 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗅, 𝖼𝗈𝗉𝗒, 𝗋𝖾𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍, 𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗌𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝗒 𝗈𝖿 𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄𝗌.
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Anon asked: 🌈~Hello! New follower here, I love your content! I was wondering, is it ok to request a Monster Trio+Nami with a s/o who's basically a nobody? They don't have any special skills or talents, they don't have any devil fruit powers, they just...Exist. They basically help around the ship by doing basic chores while the crew go out. It's nothing bad or depressing lol. But maybe at one point, y/n's partner hears strangers make fun of y/n for being a "Nobody amongst the crew" but, y/n isn't bothered by it very much.
Sorry if this is long aha, I just always see reader's with super powers or some kind of special ability, it'd be nice seeing some reader's without any abilities c':
Hello and thank you so much for requesting with us! I found the scenario quite interesting! ~~ as there is a rule that we only do three characters per request, I have elected to do the monster trio, sorry! But I still hope you enjoy these hcs!
>Admin T
Luffy would be the type to miss the little details in the moment.
He would notice offhandedly how you would help chopper clean his medical supplies or how sometimes you would take the time to deep clean dishes for Sanji.
He'd see it, but he wouldn't think much of it.
Not until someone else points it out.
"Hey, who is that stranger with the strawhats?" he would hear.
"Oh that nobody? No one else, but they aren't shit. Just ordinary." Someone else would say.
Luffy would stare, his eyebrows crunched together in anger as he listened to the two strangers talk about you as if you are useless trash. It would make him angry, and he wouldn't think about standing up and pulverizing them for you.
But you would stop him, a tight smile on your face. "It's not worth it. Besides, I don’t need their opinion for my validation.”
He frowned immensely, and glared. But he didn’t fight back, since you didn’t want him too.
But once you weren’t around to see, Luffy promised himself that he is going to beat them to a pulp.
Unlike Luffy, Sanji would care very much that people around him were talking bad about you. 
Calling you useless, unwanted, so on and so forth. He wouldn’t let it slide.
The first time he hears such horrible comments, he is shopping with you , looking for some unique fruit to use for dessert.
And he hears the strangers whispering, he screams at the crowd.
You hold onto his arm, trying to pull him back from kicking any of the villagers.
“Come on, Sanji, it doesn't matter!” You would yell at him, trying to get him to understand.
“Like hell! They are being rude to you, someone who is  part of our crew!” Sanji would say that last part especially loud so that the strangers can hear him clearly.
“It’s okay! Really!” You assured him, pulling Sanji has hard as you can, quickly moving through the market. 
He begrudgingly follows, a huge pout on his lips. You pat him on the shoulder and laugh. “Are you sure it’s okay? Cause I’ll bet the shit out of them.”
You laughed harder and said “I am hundred percent okay. It doesn’t hurt. I know in my own way I am a part of the crew, and I am truly loved.”
Sanji smiled then and wrapped an affectionate arm around your shoulder.
“You bet your ass you are.”
Zoro is going to be the most laid back about the accusations.
Only because he knows that they wouldn’t necessarily affect you like the other three might assume. 
“Oh look, it’s the servant of the group.” Zoro would hear while you two and the whole crew were passing through a small town. You were famous for just being so ordinary compared tot he rest of the strawhats.
He would glance at them, then at you. You still had a big smile on your face, seeming as if you didn’t even hear them.
Sometimes, they would call out to you and say names, and still, zoro would look to you and see if it bothered you, and most of the time, it doesn’t.
There will those days when the rude comments would make feel a little down, but that is Zoro will swoop in and tell you how awesome you are.
How you don’t need to listen to idiots like them, so and so forth.
Once he gives a good pep talk, you would smile a big, charming smile, and thank him.
“Anything for you. We would be fish food with you.”
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alleyskywalker · 3 months
🐅 and 🦄 for your faves Theon and/or Sansa and/or Jaime!
Thank you, bb! I'm sorry these will probably be disappointing and lackluster :(
🐅 - Characterization: character habits, personality, etc - No, in a modern AU/setting Theon would not be a college drop out or whatever working retail/food service. Like, I'm sorry, not trying to be a snob but this boy is way too ambitious. And yea he might not like school for its own sake, but he's intelligent and willing to work hard to achieve his goals. He's probably a business admin major or going into law or something.
🦄 - Characters' physical appearance - Frankly don't know if I have a particularly unpopular opinion here hmm. I guess, I always see his hair as long-ish, whereas short is more popular with people, I think?
🐅 - Characterization: character habits, personality, etc - I feel like...idk what counts as a unpopular opinion on Sansa because she's so polarizing that no matter what, any opinion is going to popular in one part of the fandom or the other... But let's just say that I think if Sansa got to meet Edmure, she would love him and they would connect immediately on the ideals of lordship as responsibility of protecting your people and if she ever had the chance, she would lovingly but firmly tell her mother that she was being unfair toward Edmure. (And would scold Robb too, in the most polite and ladylike fashion of course.) Does this blatant wish fulfillment count here? idk.
🦄 - Characters' physical appearance - Sophie is so tall, and I think it's actually pretty popular to keep her as a book!Sansa FC and for the most part I do as well. Except for the height. Sansa is a short queen to me ❤
🐅 - Characterization: character habits, personality, etc - Ahhh I have not, sadly, thought about Jaime enough lately or from a fandom-y perspective to have developed Hot Takes lol. I guess...I like the idea that if given the chance/right circumstances, he'd enjoy being a mentor to a "younger version of himself" so to speak. Maybe not Loras specifically, but maybe yes Loras once he gets over the shock of it/if Loras was willing. I'd like to think that if he was ever in a mentor-style position with a young Theon they'd get on. But that's prob more fanfic and wishful thinking that legit headcanon lmao.
🦄 - Characters' physical appearance - My toxic trait is that I have a hard time picturing book!Jaime not at least in large part just like his show self.
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seiwas · 9 months
Sel, hiiiiii 🤍 hope you're having a lovely day!
I was wondering more about col couple and i'm curious what do lovebirds do together in their day to day lives now that both of them can be at peace after everything that has happened? Do you think they'd have mini versions of themselves sometime in the future? (Ignore this if it's something uncomfy for you ^^)
Anyhow, i keep going back to re-read them over and over, it's just so captivating and my favourite thing yet so i love you so so much for creating this, you're also such a lovely individual here !! 🤍😭
tina darling!!! hiiii 🥹 i’m so touched that you’re re-reading omg??? 😭 pls i am sending u cookies and love mails!!! thank u so much for reading!! and u always say i’m a lovely person, but i hope u know that u are too!!! 😭 i hope you’re having the most beautiful day as well ❣️
i’m so touched that u’re thinking abt the col couple, they’re on my mind all the time too 🤧, thank u for asking this!!! 🥹
hmmm what do they do in their day-to-day now that everything’s more settled…
sorcerer work is still there, although a lot less!! and they handle a lot more on the admin side of things now (which i vaguely mention in the collection i think!)
satoru’s trying really hard to be a better partner 🥹 (whatever ‘better’ means, he’s just whipped!!! wants reader to feel all that he feels for em 🥹) & reader doesn’t ask for it, but he does all the cheesy things!! anniversary plans, those date ideas you can find on tiktok or ig reels, and he searches the top 10 romantic places for a picnic but forgets to check the forecast so it rains that day 🥹🤧😭
he tries to vlog some of it too!! for the ~~memories (and lowkey for the clout…) and posts it on his socials!! (yuuji leaves the sweetest comment and megumi gives a thumbs down 🤧) & it booms for a while but reader starts getting hate from like… 13 year olds… (he becomes a social media heartthrob unfortunately 😔) so he takes it down 😭 (and also—he sees comments on how hot reader is, some of them kind of… 😳, and he’s jealous so. nope. for his eyes only from now on!)
reader spends a lot more time w the students, or former students now, really & reader likes picking up new hobbies all the time!! trying out new things!! so there’s a rotation of the people that join in 🥺 (pottery with megumi, cooking with inumaki, yoga with yuuji (gojo joins in…. 👀🤨), dance with nobara 😭 and more!!!)
and!!! they move in together 🥺 officially 🥺 and his office is now theirs, also officially 🥹
would you all be interested in me writing more pieces on stuff like this for ‘conversations on love’? 😳
talks of children, kids, parenting, etc. under the cut
i don’t mind talking abt them having kids at all!! but thank you for being so thoughtful tina 🥺
i do love me a good papa!gojo 🥺 and i think reader would make such a loving parent too 🥺 so i can totally see it happening with them!! but!!! i don’t think it’s a priority, or something they actively think about/plan to happen 🥺
there’s definitely a lot of reluctancy with it (on both ends actually) —given that they’ve had a bit of experience with megumi and tsumiki despite being kinda thrust into it back then— they’d be more careful and conscious about it now, that if they do decide on mini-me’s, they want to be sure they can be present, in a world that’s safe and right to raise their own children 🥺
sorry this got so long!! but i hope i answered all your questions 🥹
@stellamancer tagging u here bc col couple is urs as much as they r mine 💘
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superdummymags · 1 month
I'm gonna hit you with that 31, 21, 12, and 11.
31) thaaat's a tough oneee. i'm gonna say mt terajuma though? i love the vibes.
21) honestly! either Nimpossible Predicament or A Teila Fire and Ice. new terajuma is just really good i like it a lot
12) matthew changes the way his beard looks every once in a while just to make an 'inconsistency' joke to eizen
11) ( more under the cut because you just opened the floodgates sparkie )
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so let's give a quick overview of all of them! let's start with the classic
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Hephae Canestus! She's a mechanic at Xen with unhealthy loyalty issues. She likes to stare at people a lot, and she's got a fairly thick southern accent. She comes from Unova and got her love for automechanics from her father.
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King Caliburn! He's a grunt in Bladestar who has a hyperfixation on crustaceans. His entire team is crustacean Pokemon, and he aspires to become a veterinarian for aquatic Pokemon- but he also can't stand the way GDC is run, so he's going to help put a stop to that first.
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Lusca! King's best friend and boss. A Bladestar Admin who uses mollusk Pokemon, they were the reason King got into Bladestar in the first place. He's also studying to become a veterinarian.
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Queen Caliburn! King's sister. A teacher at Axis High, she has no clue what's happened to her brother. She knows he's in Bladestar, but him telling her that went worse than poorly, so now they're out of contact- after the events at the ball, she's worried he died.
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Eleanor! She's a "Destroyer of Aevium" - aka the people under Vitus who use wield eleki and drago. She's the owner of Regidrago! She's a very violent and angry person, having been raised to be an aggressive weapon by Vitus since she was a baby. She has a crush on Hazuki which unfortunately leads to her death in the Sanctuary.
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Raiden! The other "Destroyer of Aevium", he wields Regieleki. He's the strong, silent type, and usually lets Eleanor speak for him. He's also Eleanor's impulse control- otherwise, these two would just be getting into constant fights. He can and will beat the shit out of you, though. He manages to live into the modern day, but he's no longer a Destroyer. He's busy traveling.
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Nathaniel Goode! Not much to go over with him; he's basically Zeight's antivirus system while also being a virus himself. He also coincidentally looks like a Garufan programmer also named Nathan Goode. Why he does is unknown because trying to communicate with him is impossible ( he's too busy fixing the rendering engine )
whew okay breather time.
alright breather time over back to it-
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Gale Suite! She's a part of a family of travelers that extend over the rebornverse for the fun of it- she lives in Aevium and helps one of her family members hunt down Zygarde Cells. We'll only go over one of the other Suites to keep things as brief as humanly possible...
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Kim Suite! She's the eldest of the Suites and the scariest. She's got a perpetual smile and a shade always over her face- this is hiding the fact she's actually a 25% Zygarde. She's the one who gathers Cells- mostly Just In Case Something Happens. She tends to go between Reborn and Aevium.
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Apho! Xen Mage who has a grudge against Hephae, for some reason. Regardless they're a very quiet person who also happens to be one of the creepiest people ever, constantly muttering about doing very violent things to people they don't like.
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Ray and Yra! ( Yra's the one with the hat. ) Interceptor OCs based on the concept of making one different decision. Ray's paragon while Yra's renegade-- the turning point is the aftermath of Mt. Valor, where Yra decides to close herself off from everyone while Ray decides to help everyone get through it. Both are heavily committed to the Bit and tend to fail upwards in most battles.
aaand i think that's it! there might be a few i'm missing but theyyy probably dont have enough characterization for me to discuss or put here. sorry for the too long i aint reading all that post lmao
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golbrocklovely · 3 months
have you seen the crowd on twitter trying to get Sam and Colby cancelled and sued for 'not doing enough'? It's wild and makes no sense to me, they're doing plenty, they don't need to give us everything, what are these people on?
i'm happy someone sent me this bc i do have some opinions on it lol
see the thing is, it's not even that they "aren't doing enough", ie related to xplrclub, it's that they aren't talking about things that matter. the main two being palestine and george/wilbur being creeps.
to be mad at them for all three of these things, as if somehow they are all on the same level is ridiculous and such an online take, it's not even funny.
but here, i'll break down how i feel about all of this.
as i've stated before, snc don't have to comment on palestine. i know a lot of fans want them to say something but reality is nothing will change if they say free palestine or ask for a ceasefire. snc do not hold that much power, they aren't besties with the president. stop asking influencers to do something. this genocide has been happening for a long time, well prior to the october attacks. it's not snc's job to inform the public on worldwide news. it will not change what is currently happening. palestinians are being murdered and you are making this about snc. stop doing that. who you should be truly angry at is our government and the fact they keep giving OUR TAX DOLLARS to the idf. be upset at that. call your congressmen. donate. stop making this about snc, oh my god.
(and if anyone reading this doesn't agree with me, that's fine. but just know i'm not gonna change my mind on it. who cares what snc think about a genocide??? do your part, help out how you can, and keep it moving.)
the george and wilbur thing…. look, i get fans wanting them to unfollow them, but most likely that's not gonna happen. not bc snc support them, but bc snc never do shit like that. they don't get involved in things that aren't related to them. and this is one of those instances. why do they need to denounce two ppl they aren't friends with and only collabed with, max, twice? you wanna be upset with them about this, go ahead. but don't hold your breath.
also it would be incredibly idiotic for them to comment on something like this. and again, you are making a situation that has nothing to do with snc about snc. stop doing that.
xplrclub. imma be honest with you, this is the one that i find hysterical, just bc of how far fetch it is.
i read the original post that started all of this, or at least that was recently created about all of this. i'm also on xplrclub and saw a fan asking basically all of these questions, and then getting a reply from a mod telling them that snc have account managers that probably tell them when to comment on things, and then when that wasn't a good enough answer, said fan asked for an admin. and idk what happened afterwards.
but let me make it abundantly clear: you can't sue snc for "not doing enough" lol that's just not a thing
first off, they haven't even been charging us for a while. so you're not paying for any of the content as of right now. which i think has caused ppl to think that xplrclub has always been free. but now that they plan to charge us in 2 weeks times, ppl are upset that this is all the content they're getting. but snc laid it out loud and clear on the site of what we're getting: multiple camera roll vids a week, a podcast and livestream a month, and a giveaway a month. and then exclusive content like once a week i think. that's all laid out on the site. if you don't want to be charge $19 a month for that… then don't sign up. it's an exclusive club for a reason. not every fan can afford it. you're not owed a spot in xplrclub. sorry. that's just how the world works.
but what makes all of this even dumber is these fans want to sue snc or at least let them know that "without your fans you would have nothing" as if snc don't already know that. and they're talking about "all we need is 40% of ppl on xplrclub to leave, and then they would have to shut it down, which means we can sue them bc we're not getting what was promised to us"
again, not how any of this works. not to mention, any fans that believes this 10000% wasn't around when metalife shut down in like three days time with basically a paragraph and an email notice lol but that being said snc also gave refunds to those that were charged for the month it shut down
if snc lost a huge amount of subs on xplrclub, they're allowed to shut the site down then if they weren't breaking even or were losing profit from it. the only reason you would be allowed to sue them is if they weren't giving you any content but kept charging you anyway. or if somehow there was a data leak and ppl's card information got out there. that would be a reason to sue. but that has not happened, and most likely won't as well.
not to mention, but there are over 1000 members on that site as we speak. 40% would be a significant dent, sure; but not enough to close the site down. there would still be hundreds of ppl on the site. you would need over half of the users to dip out, and baby that just ain't happening lol
there was also this whole argument about how if snc were sued "tv and film laws" are really difficult and they would be in a lot of trouble and all i gotta say to that is……… wut???? snc aren't on tv or film???? do you guys think they are characters or something, actors acting in their vids??? when snc call their content "movies" they don't mean literal movies, they mean length wise, babe. like i want to give some benefit since i know some of these fans are really young and don't know better but like… google is a thing.
i just…. it's always something with this fandom, you know. there can never be complete peace. i can't have a single day of fun without there being some shit storm brewing on the horizon. i'm so totally done with it lmao
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This Reeks Of...
I read the Hoenn quest leaks, and had some thoughts! Feel free to share you own with me by tagging this tumblr or quoting. Spoilers ahead!
I'm going to try my best to keep my perspectives and speculations surface-level. Yes, there is a lot here; but having a year between story updates gives you too much time to think.
GO Rocket Leaders In General:
I genuinely feel sorry for them. I've always felt sorry for them, and I've always thought the three of them were in a boiling frog situation given the brand of Giovanni they're working under. These lines cement those feelings. If anything, they're worse off than I thought and are extremely vulnerable but talented people brimming with potential under the right form of guidance.
All of them are riding on a facade of confidence in various flavors. It's an interesting take on its own. They're acting like how they think they should act while how they genuinely feel still comes through. This might be one of those 'fake it til you make it' tales, which would be cool, if not a little meta.
The theme of the three of them running away from themselves becomes more obvious. We saw the GO Leaders overcome their weaknesses; we're witnessing little fragments of the GO Rocket leaders being consumed by them.
Cliff cites Arlo and gives him proper credit for where his knowledge comes from. Sierra doesn't care much, but she does take credit for telling you the info. Arlo uses it as a moment to dunk on Candela AND Willow. (I might have to make an entire post just unpacking Arlo's details alone.)
Arlo and Cliff start out aggressive, with Cliff becoming more personable and Arlo going a bit more resistant. Not entirely tsundere, as he's still very resistant and insistent on keeping a status quo. Despite being appointed leaders (or at least execs/admins), you see parts that would turn potential followers away.
I'm appreciating the level of psychology and nuance they're introducing in such a simple format, and exploring the aspects of what being a leader can take. Self-care, self-forgiveness, and facing your shortcomings are pillars. If I had to say: Cliff lacks self-care (all his care is on Giovanni); Sierra lacks self-forgiveness, and Arlo lacks the courage to face his fears.
I'm also appreciating the fact that all six of them are embodiments of certain core traits, mirroring the positive and negative sides of them. The GO Rocket leaders show a new potential: that their negative sides aren't something they need to overcome, but to utilize in a better light. Pokemon has always shown us that the world is more complicated than good vs bad; that "good" fairy types can be some of the most dangerous; and that scarier types like dark (called "evil" in Japan) and ghost can be misunderstood saviors.
Based on these details, I will write another post later on exploring how each Rocket Leader could potentially contribute to the GO Leaders, and vice-versa.
Cliff's backstory as a rancher fills my prior suspicions about him relying on calculation. Running farms and ranches takes a lot of work and cannot be done alone; not only do you have books to balance and resources to juggle, but you have to develop extra senses for your animals (or, in this case, Pokemon) and the seasons. I wonder what made him lose it?
Combined with the prior themes of abandonment, I'd suspect that some parts of Cliff's demeanor is what pushed people away. You can't run a ranch by yourself, and we see it decaying in his intro video. You can see how he'd be a great and encouraging leader, and he presents his wisdom in a way that's easy to follow. But, there are cracks in his line of thought and personality.
What stood out to me was how he thought Willow was your leader, and was surprised to hear otherwise. Even with all the time that's passed, Cliff has holed himself into a line of thought. Even Arlo presents himself as being observant enough to refer to Willow properly.
I'm now under the impression that Cliff may not be as well-liked as I thought in GOR. I've known people like Cliff. Very loyal, but this loyalty is steeped in sadness, fear, and insecurity. He's happy to be around the grunts and play with them, like when they invaded the 2020 festival and he was eager to get back to hanging out with them after beating you up. But, you also see in his intro where he's losing his absolute shit at the grunts sitting around; presumably without even asking what they were doing (for all we know, they could have been on a break or avoiding overexerting themselves). While most of the grunts love Giovanni, Cliff has made Giovanni into his religion.
Sierra gave me whiplash. When you beat her normally, she assures you that it's not going to happen again. In this text, she's more obviously self-deprecating. I would not be surprised if she blamed herself for all of her loss and situations; like her own Absol (And misappropriated to misery, just like an Absol).
For context to #1, I'm still not sure if she was just an orphan; or if she was an orphan who ALSO lost her own husband and child when she got the chance to start her own family, which would add another layer to her reclusive nature and lone lioness motif. The intro shows two sets of images and it's easy to interpret it as two different bad outcomes. Her being in charge of the Rocket eggs says a lot about her hidden nature as it is. She definitely wants a family or a place to belong to, but she keeps telling herself otherwise.
She acknowledges loss as a lesson, but she also still treats it like something that could warrant punishment. I get the impression that her fear of failure isn't an ego thing, but acknowledging the price of her security. If she fucks up too much, she may lose the last sanctuary that she's known under Giovanni. It needed to be noted that this Giovanni comes off as less forgiving and on par with the Rainbow Rocket version than the one defeated by Red.
This brings me back to her same-differences with Spark. Both are willing to take their chances, but Spark is ready to gamble. His lapel pins are a pair of die that, together, make "88", a good luck symbol. If one could assume that both she and Spark had the exact same experiences up to a point, Spark took his losses as lessons, and learned to trust his instincts in order to take those gambles. It's as if he says: "I've been through worse, I can take it because the prize at the end might be worth it!" Sierra took them as punishments, and she's afraid of losing her safety net.
I think it hits me harder because she's witty. It's rare you see a female character who's both hot AND funny, and is clearly in on the joke if she isn't the one who's leading it. It makes me want to see her have a happy ending. Definitely Bayonetta and Fujiko Mine energy.
Arlo (Holy shit, this guy is baggage incarnate despite having the least revealed backstory how is that even possib):
Starts out aggressive like Cliff. He does become more tsundere, but it needs to be noted that his level of resistance towards receiving any affability is beyond the moe trope. I found it unsettling and well-written.
He's more focused on resisting his feelings, unless they involve his play for power.
He has absolutely no love for Giovanni. I can't recall a Pokemon character like this who's worked for Rocket. I've seen admins show greed and cynicism to some things, but they've largely been respectful to Giovanni (or at least pretended to be). Arlo does nothing of the such, and even corrects himself to imply that the glory will be his, and not Team Rocket's.
I'll admit; it is interesting to see Rocket being used as a tool from within. If Arlo had his shit together, he could be one of the few named Poke G-Men (Could he still be?) Candela said Arlo didn't even like Team Rocket, and he still doesn't, even after all of this. I had a headcanon that Arlo is a double agent. And he's... still kind of is. At least for himself.
He's reminding me more and more of Lear from Pokemon Masters before his character evolution. I'm pretty sure Lear was inspired by Arlo, likely a mashup of both Candela and Arlo. Lear and Arlo are both nobles, and it's safe to assume, considering the things Arlo has said, that they were expected to play into a harsh game of life, and that any kind of softness/sweetness was seen as weakness. Both of them go pants-on-head crazy when they get a blow to their ego and do something big. Though, I'd say Pasio is a somewhat more positive thing (the ethics of making an artificial island aside) than, uh, what's involved in making Shadow Pokemon and being a dimensional/space terrorist.
Arlo cannot proverbially get off of Candela. The fact that he's actually an engaging orator and capable of having some clarity on a situation makes his obsession with her more jarring. Even though it's just some quest text, I could tell he could be a good teacher. He has the underpinnings of some of the most well-loved rivals in the franchise. He's also very much a mad scientist.
Even with Arlo's insanity, it's hard NOT to feel bad for him. His shit goes way deeper than just BAWW CANDELA MEEN uWu; We need to remember that he's still an adult carrying on like this with a lot of power, battle skill, and authority (rather the facade of it) in his hands. There's a lot to unpack here. I'll dig more into that in the future.
Because of this, Candela is Arlo's strawman. Flowing with the theme of the GOR leaders running away from themselves, it's easier for him to blame her than it is for him to look deeper within and fix himself or question his presumed upbringing or personal beliefs. If I had to guess, this is likely a factor as to why Candela was crying when she gave Willow her part of the Mysterious Scraps to Willow one week later. There is no sane reason to go as far as Arlo did to get revenge against one person for merely 'beating' him. It's bad enough that he was, presumably, gunning to become Valor leader. But I think it goes beyond that. People who act like Arlo have a hard-set narrative in their heads, and lose it when people don't play to their fantasy. This actually reminds me of some of Giovanni and how he seems to surround himself with the competent, but insecure, so that he can control his little world. He's just blunt about it.
With the new dialogue, the fact that his uniform resembles a fireman's outfit and his intro quote: "Remember, fire is a fickle thing. When controlled, it provides warmth, but in the wrong hands, it burns." enforces that Arlo is afraid of enduring pain in order to become stronger, as well as unable to comprehend that some elements must be embraced as they are, and not tamed. It also (and likely mostly) shows that Arlo goes into unknown situations with the expectation that trust won't be granted, so he has to shield himself. This makes more sense when we understand that many Pokemon, especially fire types, will work hard to avoid hurting the humans they come to love in trust. He's trying to compete against someone who's been shown to hug the soul-eating Litwick. I'm beginning to assume Arlo didn't become a leader because he wasn't ready to endure and only wanted to aggressively dominate. The catch is that Candela's or (presumably) Moltres' fires weren't his fear, but his own inner flame that's dying to thrive.
Pretty crazy for Giovanni to run an entire campaign presumably spearheaded by the grudge of your newest member and admin who is only loyal to his own reflection and his personal vendetta; isn't it? Gio really is a devil-figure. He knows what he's doing and he doesn't care. I am under the impression that Gio's plan is to take everything once Arlo has failed.
So, what DOES this reek of?
A redemption plot! No idea if I'm right. I guess we'll see! But, I've heard this story too many times from too many different angles not to see the potential makings of one. I expect at least one of them to pull a 180, if not all three.
What would it take for these three to leave Rocket?
Cliff and Sierra would have to get the boot from Giovanni to leave Team GO Rocket. This would be a devastating blow to both of them, as they've found refuge within Team Rocket.
I imagine Cliff would be the only one who really begs to come back, while Sierra would blame herself, try to move on, and likely become more isolated.
Of the three, Arlo might be the one in the most danger and may not simply be sacked; he may even use the chance to usurp Giovanni. He's sly and manipulative; so is Giovanni. I came to suspect that the target of Arlo's manipulations might be Giovanni, and it looks as if that's the possibility. I do think Giovanni may be one step ahead of Arlo; well-aware that they're both using one another, and milking Arlo of his knowledge and insight until it becomes too inconvenient to play into his shenanigans.
I'll add that it seems as if I may have bias towards Arlo and Candela, but they've had the most loaded story in GO that shows a lot and still has its own mysteries behind it. Arlo also feels more like the game's antagonist than Giovanni does, at times.
I'll follow up in the future with my thoughts regarding how each pair of foils balance off of one another.
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kellanved-ammanas · 2 years
Can't Go Home for Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! Have some SpyDad for it.
“What do you mean we don’t get Thanksgiving off this year?” Scout almost couldn’t believed he’d heard right. He couldn’t not go to his family’s Thanksgiving dinner! They needed him there to help out with stuff and he wanted to go home and see everyone. He’d been looking forward to it for like the past month now.
Pauling shrugged. “Sorry.” She didn’t sound very sorry. “Most of us don’t even celebrate it so the Administrator decided we weren’t getting off this year. In other news…”
“Wait, wait,” Scout interrupted, earning an annoyed look from her. Ignoring that, he stepped out from the group to look at everyone gathered in the meeting room. “Come on guys, back me up on this. Thanksgiving is like… a big deal holiday, right? At least in America it is which is where we are right now so we’re supposed like have it off, right? So we can go see our families and stuff.”
“We will celebrate it here,” Solider said. “We do not need to leave this battlefield until the war in won.”
“We’re supposed to have it off though.”
“War does not wait. We will celebrate here on the battlefield.”
There’d be no convincing him once he made a decision about something so Scout gave up and instead scanned everyone else, looking for support. No one offered any. Engie looked apologetic though which was something but only shrugged when Scout gestured for him to say something. Next, he looked pointedly at Spy, surely he would want off for the exact same reason as Scout, right? His expression was unreadable under the mask though and his body language indicated he was more bored by all this than anything else.
“Anyway,” Pauling said with enough force to pull Scout’s attention back around onto her, “as Soldier said, you are free to celebrate it here as long as you don’t let it get in the way of your duties.” Matter apparently settled, she continued on with other important aspects of the meeting. Scout had no choice but to give up on it for now.
Yes, they would still have Christmas off so Scout could go home to see his family then but… not everyone came home to Mom’s house for Christmas, choosing instead to spend it with their own budding families or in-laws. But everyone would be there for Thanksgiving, they always were. And this year, there were two new niblings to meet. And then there were also his brothers and their kids and spouses that he only got to see in person during Thanksgiving. So Scout couldn’t not go!
He couldn’t disobey orders either though. He really didn’t want to lose this job and going AWOL might actually be dangerous in this line of work for himself and his family. How far the punishment would extend, he didn’t want to test.
“It’s not my call to make,” Pauling said when he finally managed to corner her again to try to convince her to at least make an exception for him. “Otherwise, I’d let you go.”
“Could you maybe talk to the Admin about it then?”
She scoffed. “No. You can try if you like, she’s even currently in her office at the base but I doubt she’ll care. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work I need to get back to.”
With a sigh, Scout stepped back, letting her go. Of course it wasn’t her call. Well, he had one last avenue to try. He’d never tried to talk to the Admin before, why would anyone want to? But he wasn’t afraid of her. … Okay, maybe he was a little bit because only a fool wouldn’t be. He wasn’t going to let that stop him.
He made his way down there and let himself in. She didn’t turn to look at him even though she’d had to have heard his arrival. He strode up to stand behind her chair and ...
“No,” she interrupted before he could even taking a breath to speak. “Now leave.” She lifted a hand in a dismissive gesture.
“No ‘but’s. Do not make me repeat myself, understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Shoulders slumping, Scout turned and slunk out, closing the door behind himself. Seems this year he was just not going home for Thanksgiving. Which meant he should probably call Mom and let her know, give her the heads up on it.
Upon reaching the phone booth just outside the base, before he could lift a hand to open it, he paused at a slight sound behind. A barely heard footstep followed by the soft but unmistakable sound the invis-watch made when decloaking.
He snapped around, scrambling for where his gun should be. He was unarmed! But… but it was fine. It was just Spy, his Spy, or at least he was pretty sure of that. Attacks from the enemy were rare when they weren’t in active combat. And the enemy Spy would’ve already attacked him instead of stopping just outside of arm’s reach.
“Don’t do that,” Scout said, trying to pretend like his heart wasn’t racing. Getting snuckup on from behind was kind of a big deal for everyone on the team for obvious reason that Spy should know about and yet he occasionally did this kind of thing anyway.
Spy only grunted as he reached into his pocket to pull something out of his pocket; a small slip of paper that looked like a ticket of some sort. He stepped closer, leaning in as he held it out for Scout to take. “You have one day.” His voice was barely above a whisper.
Hesitantly, Scout accepted it. “What’s this?” he asked, matching Spy’s tone.
“A round trip plane ticket. You leave Wednesday afternoon and return early Friday morning, got it?”
“Wait, this is…” Scout trailed off as he looked down at it. It was first class plane ticket to Boston and back. The dates lined up perfectly with Thanksgiving. “But what about the Admin and Miss Pauling? They said I can’t go.”
“I’ll cover for you. But keep this a secret and when you sneak out, do so stealthily please? And don’t tell anyone else.”
Scout wanted to ask how Spy intended to cover for him but it was Spy, he had his ways and didn’t often like to share them. Besides as long as Scout got to go home, he didn’t really care. Only a day wasn’t as good as the three days they normally were allowed but it was a hell of a lot better than nothing. And it was for first class too, awesome!
“Thank you, thank you! You’re the best!”
“I know, I know. Now put it away before someone sees.”
Hurriedly Scout shoved it into his pocket deep as it would good. He’d have to make extra super sure not to lose that. “You think I could borrow one of your invis-watches for when I sneak out?” And because he’d always wanted to have an excuse to borrow one.
Spy sighed. “Sure but not my new one. And one of the first things you must do upon your return to base is to give it back, understood?”
“Sure! And, uh, since you can’t go, do you have like anything you want me to give to Mom or whatever.” Scout still didn’t like to think about them getting back on friendly terms and maybe even romantic one but given what Spy was doing for him, Scout certainly owed him.
“I may have something, yes, I will give it to you the same time I lend you my watch. Now, get back to calling your mother, tell her you’ll only be there for one day.”
Scout nodded as he turned back towards the phone booth before Spy could turn all the way away though, “Thanks, Dad. This, uh, means a lot to me. I appreciate it and stuff.”
Spy paused for as second or two before replying. “You’re welcome.”
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