#adult harry potter
dapperbeetledraws · 4 months
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harry in a turtleneck maybe mid 20s
(...not pictured is draco losing his mind lol)
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gryfferin-gaybies · 1 year
A Sorta-Drarry Microfic
"Ginny! Ginny wait. Just- just let me explain," Harry calls after her. He's pulling on his shirt hastily, following her as she stormed down the hallway. His muggle jeans still unbuttoned.
"No!" Ginny whirls around. There's tears running down her face. Her anger visible not only in her voice but also in the redness of her cheeks and the tips of her ears—a trait Harry used to find adorable. He wasn't sure when he had stopped. "No, I will not let you explain or try to justify what you're doing. There's no way you can make this better, Harry!" Her voice was shrill and cracked on her fiancé's name. Her arms were wrapped around her body as if she was holding herself together.
Looking at Ginny, Harry's heart ached. He'd never wanted to hurt her, but that's exactly what he'd done. As her brown eyes shone with tears, he reached out for her. He wasn't sure whether it was to hug her or wipe her tears but he wanted to comfort her somehow.
She jerked away from his touch, shaking her head in disbelief. "Why would I want you to touch me? Why would I want you to comfort me after I just found you cheating on me?" Her voice continued to grow in volume, anger replacing the sadness as she spoke. "I caught you making out with a man in our bed, Harry! Our bed!" Her face was a mixture of heartbreak and disgust as she looked him up and down, searching him for a reaction.
Harry wasn't sure how she wanted him to react. He didn't know what the correct response was. He shook his head and opened his mouth to speak but no sound came out. There was nothing he could say to fix this, he realized. "Ginny," he whispered desperately. "Ginny, I love you."
She froze. Shock adding to the mixture of emotions in her expression. She stepped toward him, swiping the tears off of her cheeks with the back of her hand. Harry thought for a moment that they could move past this. That she would come to him and he could hold her and make her pain go away, that she could forgive him, that he could make this up to her. Until she spoke. "No Harry. No, you don't. At least, not like you used to. You think I haven't noticed the change in how you look at me, how you speak to me, how you touch me? You've grown distant." She looked away as if looking at him had grown painful. "You don't love me anymore, Harry. You haven't for awhile. For months now. In fact, I'm not even shocked to find out you're cheating on me."
"What? You're not?" Harry was dumbfounded; he didn't know what he was supposed to be feeling or saying. But he knew he was losing her, his childhood love, and it terrified him. Though if he were to be honest with himself, the thought of change was far scarier than the breakup itself.
Ginny gave a harsh, dry laugh. "No. I'm not." When she looked back at him, her eyes were cold, the emotion in them seemingly gone. "I'm just surprised I didn't find you with Malfoy!"
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secretcherimaybe · 1 month
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honey-ca · 2 months
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
Warning: NSFW, just James begin sweet, pregnancy kink, oral (fm)
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James loves to take his time. He loves gentle and passionate sex.
James will caress every part of you delicately admiring you and whispering nice things.
"Merlin, you are beautiful," said James caressing your curves. "I don't know how I'm so lucky to have you" he finished with a kiss on your forehead.
He loves to hear you moan. By the way, James is very loud, but none of us mind. They both love to listen to you pleasure each other.
He loves the spoon position or the lotus flower. He wants to be very close to you and hold you.
James is a pussy eater, he loves to eat you out, he takes his time sucking and rubbing to take you to the limit. He loves you grinding his thighs and grabbing his hair.
"Princess, I could die between your thighs" he moaned coming out of them, his chin wet.
James Potter LOVES morning sex, according to him it's his favourite breakfast.
This man will have days when he'll want hard sex, spanking your ass and deep thrusts.
For example, when he gets the idea of being a father. He'd have you day and night in bed filling you up. He didn't want anything to slip out. The idea of getting you pregnant makes him too horny, whether you can have kids or not this man doesn't care, just the idea of filling you up drives him crazy 😵‍💫
You moaned as you felt James' fingers inside you "I'm sorry, gorgeous" James buried his fingers inside you so his cum wouldn't come out "I have to make sure you get pregnant, it all has to go in" he replied, seeing your legs trembling "If not, we'd have to do it all over again. Still it's not a bad idea..." he said to kiss you again.
In the aftercare he loves to pamper you. Do you feel like eating? James prepares food for you. A hot bath? James runs it for you and carries you off like a princess. Just want to sleep? James makes sure he is a suitable sleeping partner for you.
In short, James loves you completely.
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syndromealice-blog · 3 months
Not gonna be dramatic but I would die for teen Snape
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enfinizatics · 1 year
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just thinking about an insufferable brat with emotional trauma and a savior complex, and his mentally damaged git of a mentor.
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killlavendr · 13 days
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The other sketch I mentioned in my previous post. I was having an awful week and felt extremely insecure so as always I had to take it out on and self project on the boy🥳
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gryfferin-gaybies · 2 months
Harry: I think I'm in love with Malfoy
Hermione: ya think?
Ron: duh
Ginny: it's about time
Luna: you weren't aware?
Fred & George: there's a shocker
McGonagall: we know
Snape: obviously
Draco: ugh how do I make him notice me
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chocfrog-enjoyer · 16 days
It’s so hard to be a Wolfstar shipper here bc I ship the post POA adult Wolfstar. The „Two grieving friends finding comfort and love in eachother instead of being stuck in their memories and falling into depression. The two friends that are both outcasts of society one because of his lycanthropy and the other because of being wrongly imprisoned without a trail and currently on the run. The one where they learn to finally accept James’s and Lily’s death and help eachother recover, and try to help Harry along the way”
And all I see, all the time, is Marauders fandom Wolfstar. Which to be frank i hate. And it’s such a weird experience loving and hating a ship at the same time. But the marauders Wolfstar is just so different and just- shallow
Those two characters were downgraded to one of their personality traits, that isn’t even their MAIN/MOST RECOGNIZABLE personality trait. I barely even recognize that the marauders Remus and Sirius are supposed to be the same characters as Remus and Sirius in the book, because they are so fanon-iezd.
It’s even worse because literally the marauders era Wolfstar has barely any grounds to start at. Sirius and Remus weren’t very close, they were just friends, Sirius was much much closer with James.
Help I need some more post POA adult Wolfstar shippers that don’t ship marauders Wolfstar, if there are any pls interact I want to see y’all posts about it.
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gangstagandalf · 1 year
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I’ve been reading waaayyyy too many (not enough) fanfics involving a certain Slytherin.
Current HC: Sebastian and Elieen (oc) reunite after a few years apart, the butter beer flows, things are said, feelings are felt, and a merlin trial becomes a new favorite spot.
Should I do more? (Please say yes)
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honey-ca · 2 months
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
Warning: NSFW. Sirius Black young and adult. Hardcore sex, blowjobs, mention sex toys, squirt, voyeurism, aftercare, mommy and daddy kink.
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This man loves hard and passionate sex.
He loves kissing with tongue, sloppy but clean, horny but lovely.
He simply loves your lips, plus he loves the feel of his moustache brushing against your lip. He loves to make you cry and squirm under him, all because of him (and he's proud of it).
He likes "public" quickies, according to him, the feeling of being caught makes him go crazy. Although after a quickie, when he gets home there's an intense, pleasure-filled session.
Sirius LOVES blowjobs. He loves watching you try to take everything from him (not that he's very big or wide, but he's well endowed).
"That's it, pretty girl" Sirius said, watching you swallow him. Sirius grabbed your scalp and pushed you deeper, causing your nose to tingle from bumping against his unshaven pubic bone. "Oh, Merlin. You're going to kill me."
Sirius prefers your buttocks, he loves to knead them all day long (without getting sexual) simply because it calms him down. And on the sexual side; he loves to watch you bounce.
He can last at most 3 rounds and usually falls asleep quite quickly.
I'm sure if he lived in the modern world he would love sex toys, trying new things with you fascinates him (with consent).
I'm sure this man can give you some squirt 🫡
"S-sirius, I'm not a-holding any longer" you moaned hardly. "Give it to me, cum for daddy" Sirius increased his thrusts and the friction of your fingers on your clit, quickly causing you to cum in a messy way, staining his hand and torso.
As for the former, he has a mommy kink and daddy kink bigger than Europe. He loves it when you call him "daddy" and he calls you "mommy." What's more, you've come to use those nicknames on a daily basis.
His favourite places: bedroom, living room, and some of his friends' rooms when they are visiting him at home (mostly at James' house).
In their Hogwarts years, the boys caught them several times. In aftercare he is very affectionate, petting you and asking if he was too rough.
Sometimes, when he's having a really good day, he'll go for a glass of wine that the two of them share in bed. And if the alcohol gets to them quickly, there might be another round.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 6 months
i’m rereading ootp (to my own horror) and like. knowing what happens in that one and the next two books makes that intense, bubbling frustration of being a teenager whose worries are disregarded so much worse.
like, surprise?? the kid whose childhood you’re trying to preserve lost that innate innocence years ago. you want him to be a normal 15 yr old boy but if you keep quiet about the dangers he might not live to see his 16th birthday. and congrats on keeping him safe, i guess—you’ve accidentally ruined the last piece able to tether him to his childhood, but i’m sure those months of torture were worth the farce of normality you craved for him. i don’t think you know that your apologies are like sticking band aids on a fracture. i don’t think you’re aware of how you’re ignoring the breaks, but i’m certain you’re expecting them to heal on their own.
oh, they didn’t? and now you’re treating him like he’s a bubble made of glass, waiting to shatter? but you’re the one to have turned him into that bubble, aren’t you? you’re the one who’s holding him, and it’s not his time yet. not for another two years. and shards of glass dulled with time cannot fell a monster, can they? so please be careful. you still need him. he never asked to be a martyr but he’ll do it because you expect him to; you just need to watch your step because your hands are slicked with guilt, and he’s heavy. he’s struggling. he’ll fall as well, if you let him go now.
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seleneprince · 2 months
Unpopular opinion:
Remus Lupin was as capable of cruelty and arrogance as the rest of the Marauders. There are plenty of hints of this in canon. The only reason we don't see this side of him as often is because of his heavy reluctante to be considered a "bad guy".
And he low-key enjoyed going against Snape just as much, he just had some conscience aftewards.
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
IDK who gave me grown-up money because in the past week, I've spent over $200 on merch for my various hyperfixations, but I never bought groceries.
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cursedcrusaders · 3 months
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When your ex gets a tongue piercing after the breakup.
Colors by @weirdcursedvaultkid :^> thank you for coloring this for me! You made this so much better
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