#adult panda
dracocheesecake · 1 month
It's funny to me, how the other child versions of the KFP villains would be horrified at who they become as adults, with the exception of Kai, who sees his adult self and thinks that it's the coolest thing ever.
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cosmicrhetoric · 30 days
me when my roommates cant decide on a movie to put on
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dragonnnfly · 1 year
“Loss of limb, (just one if it helps)”
13 years later and I still can’t believe Dreamworks had the balls to just amputate a 15-year old kid and handled it in like the best way possible.
DreamWorks has always had such mature themes now that I think about it, and they introduced them and handled them in a way that seems so natural to children.
Hiccup’s amputation is such a good example.
DreamWorks didn’t gloss over it either, and even they continued, in every show and every movie from then on, to show what it’s like living with a disability like that. There were some things Hiccup had a harder time doing than before, but in no way did it get in the way of his goals and dreams.
I didn’t understand how important that was when I was a child, watching the movie for the first time, but I understand it now.
DreamWorks has guts, and I’m so happy that they do
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puhpandas · 1 year
And How Big The Little Things Can Be
(2,196 words)
Evan reminisces over how cold his house feels compared to Gregory's warm one, and gets some help when his emotions over it all get too much to control. Oh, and its also Halloween. 🎃
Evan has always hated the cold.
His father will keep the house at below sixty constantly. Both his father and Michael like it that way. They like the house being so cold it nips at Evan's ears even during Winter.
It's why when Evan first got the chance, he'd used the little amount of money he'd made on his own to buy a couple sweaters. His clothes had already been getting too small because of his growth spurt, but his Father wont take him to buy a new wardrobe until he physically cant fit into them anymore, or he looks ridiculous wearing clothes that rise at his stomach and choke his collar.
His Father had long since convinced their neighbors of his... feelings about the way Evan is. So when Evan had offered to do work to make money when all he had was T-Shirts and tank tops and shorts, they'd jumped at the opportunity to pay him for doing work like a 'real man'.
Since then, the cold had been a little more bearable, even though he has to wear two layers of socks and retreat to his thick comforter after school if he has no business outside.
Autumn has long since arrived, with the leaves turning shades of auburn and yellow, grass yellowing, and Evan's school library having spiderwebs and skeletons decorating its insides. His sweaters have gotten more use since the season started, with the harsh heat finally cooling until theres a pleasant breeze, the feeling of Halloween just around the corner.
But his sweaters cant stop the feeling of always having that chill in his chest when he'd hear a thump come from another place in his house, or when he'd hear a door slam, and that would signal somebody being home.
What a stark contrast that is to where he is now, warm, bundled up, and comfortable.
Hes sitting next to Gregory on that scratchy rug his house has in front of its fireplace, lights dim, the sun having long set, with a fluffy throw blanket wrapped around his shoulders and tucked neatly between his legs. He has only one hand free, just to bring the hot, piping mug of delicious hot chocolate to his mouth.
Fragments of their Halloween costumes are strewn across the floor, half-finished and homemade. It's the night before Halloween, or Halloween Eve as Gregory likes to call it, and they'd both come up with the bright idea of having matching costumes this Halloween.
They'd run around all day, jumping from store to store to gather supplies, since Gregory insisted on making their costumes from scrap. They'd already been tired when Roxy had taken them home, but still persisted and almost completely completed their costumes in one night.
Evan's eyes had been left stuttering and heavy at the end of it, shoulders sagged and body weary, but Evan hadn't felt bad. It's the first time Evans found out there can be a good kind of exhaustion. Where you've spent all day having fun, and still feel the remnants of excitement in your stomach.
They'd chosen the generic Angel, Devil, theme, but Gregory had promised him they'd have plenty of time to get through them all, someday.
It's only Evan's first Halloween since meeting Gregory, and he'd tried not to appear too affected by Gregory's words right in front of him when he'd first said them.
Never has Evan felt so... so excited for Halloween. Usually, its just the perfect opportunity for Michael to grab a one dollar mask at their local Spirit Halloween, and scare the living daylights out of Evan when he'd come back home from a good day, turning it into a worse day, because he wouldn't be able to shake the fear from his chest the rest of the night.
But this year, Evan has Gregory. Evan has people who actually treat Halloween like something fun, to look forward to, and not just as an excuse to scare him. This year, hes going trick or treating with his best friend, his family, and Evan's going to enjoy spending time with them. No looming prescense of Michael, just waiting to strike, or his Father, waiting for any excuse to comment on Evan's nature.
Its the first time he's felt excited for something like this, instead of dreadful. It's the first time Evan's been able to sit comfortably, and think of the coming days as something to look forward to, instead of something uncertain to be scared of.
It's the first time Evan's been warm, comfortable, and content in a long time.
The room is silent; save for the crackling of the fireplace and the soft music Gregory's house always seems to have playing. The only other sound is the general presence of Gregory and Roxy in the room with him.
Which is why when Evan suddenly has a wave of emotion wash over him, Gregory immediately snaps to attention from where he was nodding off when Evan starts crying.
"Evan?" Gregory asks worriedly, letting the blanket fall of his shoulders when he twists his body to face Evan. "Hey, are you okay?"
Evan shakes his head, gesturing vaguely with his hand. "Im-- I'm alright." He sniffs, and looks away when the tears keep coming, hiding his face as much as he can in his blanket covered knees. "Um, dont worry about me, please. I'm okay, I swear."
Despite looking away, Evan can still feel Gregory's hovering, worried presence at his shoulder, and Roxys watchful gaze on him.
"Did something happen?" Gregory asks, spitfiring. "Evan, if somethings wrong, can you tell me? You know I never judge you. This time is no different."
Evan shakes his head, removing his face from the blanket and facing Gregory. "Theres nothing wrong." He promises, and at the look Gregory sends him, he insists. "No, I promise! I-I dont know what's wrong, or... why I'm crying. I was happy just a few moments ago."
Gregory looks as confused as Evan feels. All Evan can do is bring the sleeve of his favorite sweater up to his cheeks and wipe the tears away, even if more follow right after.
Roxy hums, and sets the laptop she had in her lap to the side, sliding off the armchair she was sitting in to sit in front of Gregory and Evan, careful to move the headbands with a halo and devil horns they had been working on out of the way.
"Evan," She starts gently when she settles. "Are you sad right now?"
Evan's eyes widen, and he shakes his head, pulling the blanket tighter around himself. "No! I'm not." He insists. "...Which is why I'm so confused as to why I'm crying."
Roxy just tilts her head, leaning on one arm on the floor. "Okay, then let me ask you this, bud." She starts. "Have you ever cried because you were just so mad, or frustrated?"
Evan only thinks about it for a moment, his head nodding almost immediately, because he doesnt even have to mull that over. Theres been so many times where Evan would just smush his face into his pillow, and scream as loud as he could in his house. Because frustration is an emotion Evan is so used to, when Evan will wonder why Michael hates him so much.
"Yes." Evan says after a moment. "Yes, I have."
Roxy just nods, smiling that kind, but also wolfish smile of hers. "Then have you considered the idea that you might be crying because you're so happy?"
That makes Evan pause. He freezes, taking a moment for Roxys words to process as he turns them around in his head.
...It sounds awful when he thinks about it, doesnt it? The idea that he didnt even consider the idea of being happy enough to cry, because all he'd ever known is being mad, or sad enough to cry.
But that's what it is. That's what he reflects on, when for the first time, he's introduced to the idea that maybe, his emotions are just felt times two, and sadness and anger isnt the only thing he can feel intensely.
And also, that hes finally in a place where being so happy he can cry is a possibility. Is a reality.
Gregory must have noticed his intense thinking face, because then he seems to sag in relief, chuckling and shifting to get more comfortable. "So you were just so happy, that you cried?"
Evan doesnt answer for a moment, then finally tears his eyes away from the hole he was burning in the rug to look at Gregory. He nods, at first slowly, then more sure of himself. "Yeah." He sniffs, smiling. "I-I think so, yeah."
"Phew!" Gregory says exaggeratedly. "You had me worried for a second. I was afraid we somehow made you sad, or something."
Evan laughs, too, more tears pricking his eyes and following the tracks down his face, but all he does is wipe them away. "Me too." He says. "I was just confused. Because I'm not really sad around you guys."
Gregory just grins at him and grabs him in a side hug, shaking him slightly, but Roxy just chuckles, and hums again.
"Hang on." She tells them. They pause, glancing at her questioningly. "You two know how I go to the gym every Friday?"
Gregory nods, his hair tickling Evan's cheek, and Evan does too. Evan's been friends with Gregory for multiple months at this point, and he remembers Roxy talking about her weekly errand.
"Well," Roxy begins, smiling and looking pointedly at Evan. "I go to the gym because like you, Evan, I feel my emotions more intensely than other people might. But instead of it being all of them, like you, I just felt angry a lot. And it could get worse, and then I would blow up at people, or cry really hard."
Evan listens intensely, eyes wide. He nods, an invitation for Roxy to keep going, and she keeps that encouraging smile on her face. "It was like that for a long time. From when I was your age, to when I was a teenager. But it was only that way because I hadn't found my outlet yet."
Evan tilts his head. "Outlet?"
"I found out that hitting, or punching things, helps me channel my anger into one place, and let it all out without it affecting me or somebody else in a bad way." Roxy explains. "It helps to know you have a special time and place to let the emotions that build up inside of you out, so when they start to get bad before you're at that special spot, you can control them easier. Save them for when you know you'll be able to let them out."
Evan nods rapidly, soaking up every word. Hes never heard an adult talk about things he struggles with seriously before, let alone somebody who also experiences the same problem, and knows how to help. "So if I punch things, will it help me not cry so much?"
Roxy shakes her head, still smiling. "Probably not, Rockstar." She tells him, but before he can get too disappointed, keeps going. "But, we dont know. Things may not be the same for you the way they are for me, but if you try things out, eventually, you'll find the way that works best for you to let all your emotions out, so you dont blow up or they dont get uncontrollable in places you dont want them to."
Evan smiles, running the words over in his head. It's the first time theres ever been any indication that he can change, not for his family, but for himself. It's the first time Evan's felt like theres light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to his inner turmoil.
"If I could do it, you can too, Evan. My family didnt know how to help, but it was their support along with my friends' that helped me learn how to help myself."
"Well, you got us." Gregory pipes up, voice loud in Evan's ear. Gregory squeezes his shoulders a little tighter, twisting his body to be in Evans field of vision. "I'll help you find what your..." He pauses for a moment. "outlet is. I promise."
Evan smiles, moving to shift his neck to be pressed against Gregory. "Thank you." He says. To both of them. He meets Roxys eyes, and tries to express his gratitude with just his gaze.
Roxy seems to understand, because she just nods at him, as if to say 'I know you'll do great'.
"You should try punching Michael to see if thats your outlet." Gregory says. "I think that's a pretty good idea."
Evan splutters a laugh at that, and he can see Gregory grinning, too.
Evan's eyes are heavy, and sore from crying. Both from the exciting day he just had and from the emotions he just filed through, so when he let's himself lean against Gregory, body weary and cheeks littered with dried tear tracks, Gregory sits strong, and leans back as well.
Evan falls asleep like that, surrounded by warmth in more ways than one.
ao3 link
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dead-in-the-pool · 1 month
Wait you actually read people’s blogs??? -🦝
you people think i’m a celebrity or something. i order my 2am doordash one click at a time, trash panda, just like everybody else
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grandpizzaeater · 10 months
Open to requests
If anybody is interested I would love to draw some request. You got anything in mind you would love for someone to draw just let me know. I mostly draw characters/oc's/fantasy creatures or animals.
Some shows and movies I like:
Kung fu panda
My hero academia
My little pony
Planet of the apes
Rise of the guardians
Star trek
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
The dark crystal
The hobbit
The smurfs
If you have anything from a other show in mind or anything else feel free to ask. 😉
I'll get to drawing whenever I have a free moment for it. But it might take a while to finish depending on what you ask. I don't draw digital only traditional on paper.
Things I don't mind drawing:
Fluff / light romance (kiss, hug,...)
Minor injuries, angst or horror
Things I prefer not to draw:
Adult stuff/ nsfw
This is the first time I'm trying this. So hope it goes well. If any of you got any questions feel free to ask me. You can do this by sending me a message in chat or inbox. Commenting on the post is also good but I prefer to get the details threw the other options I mentioned. The requests are free. Also sharing this post would be lovely.
Have a nice day you all! 😁
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evansbby · 9 months
me and chris would actually not get along bc he is a disney adult and i cannot with that shit, i really can’t 😭😭😭😭
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scaewolf · 5 months
Life : throws awful incidents at me I somehow have to handle
Me:Off to Kung Fu Panda 4 I go
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lesbianseaweed · 8 months
ok so abt 7-ish yrs ago season 6 of MLP fim aired in Portugal and then MLP just stopped airing over here
today suddenly I got an ad that season 7 started airing today out of nowhere
it's been 7 years
the show ended 5 years ago
canal panda what's up with u??
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newts-and-sharks · 24 days
What is your Pressure AU about may I ask?
Not sure yet, actually. I’m thinking of it being like just Sebastian taking care of the Angler Variants, with other characters coming in eventually. I’m thinking of making the Void Mass Puddles as like a pet? Like a standard fish bowl with a void mass puddle inside.
But yeah, no solid plans for the au, it’s in the infancy stages rn!
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jillyb2004 · 27 days
Happy 58th Birthday to The One and Only…. Ned Hastings!!!
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puhpandas · 1 year
i cant stop thinking abt mike trying to mess w evan on his birthday while gregory consistently stops him. mostly bc flashlight duo hating michael is the best thing thats come out of fnaf
SERIOUSLY. like after a while of being friends (maybe a year or more) Gregory would have fully convinced Evan that hes fine to actually hate Mike, because at that point Gregory's gotten it into Evan's head at least a little bit about how he isnt what mike and his father say about him, and hes not stupid or worthless and doesnt deserve to be hated
mike on the other hand? oh yeah. Gregory's finally made it so Evan realizes that Mike is a shit brother (at least in this au, where he never gets a wake up call and nobody ever tells him to stop), and when mike tries to pull some crap on Evan's thirteenth when Evan stopped reacting as badly to his attempts of tormenting him, Gregory isnt having it and just keeps sabotaging Mike behind Evan's back, because man does Evan deserve to have a good birthday without the knowledge that somebody doesnt like that hes having fun enough to try to stop it.
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letsbealone-together · 2 months
From now on I'm a car owner. 🚙♥️
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omni-scient-pan-da · 4 months
I originally read A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows back in August of 2022 and have just finished rereading it two years later because I realized the sequel is out and I'm absolutely delighted that AS&SE is just as good as I remember it but I'm starting the second book (All The Hidden Paths) and from the prologue and book blurb alone it seems like it's a sequel that's romance plot is purely about the newly married couple not getting along/trying to be driven apart
And while I'm really really hoping I'm wrong, I'm TERRIFIED that this book is going to have one of the miscommunication tropes I absolutely cannot get over because miscommunication is only worth reading when it's done right, which is very hard to pull off
Like in Winter's Orbit, Everina Maxwell does a very good job of explaining why Kiem and Jainan don't talk about their feelings to one another, it's very in character for them to not explain their attraction to one another and it makes sense from a character perspective
Scum Villain does a very good job of explaining this miscommunication as well, Shen Qingqiu is absolutely horrible at talking about his feelings and Luo Binghe's words and actions are being interpreted with a clear bias and it does not help he's being mentally influenced by an evil sword
Hell, even in A Strange and Stubborn Endurance, it's easy to tell why Cae and Vel aren't talking to each other about their feelings (Cae because he doesn't want to overwhelm Vel, and Vel because he's recovering from the trauma that Kellic has inflicted upon him)
There are other books that I know I've read that I can't think of off the top of my head that handle miscommunication beautifully, because it's so very in character that if you do find yourself screaming at the characters to just talk to each other, it's quickly followed by a rational voice explaining why it's highly unlikely that these two characters actually will
The start of All The Hidden Paths however (and mind you, I'm only 26 pages in, just barely having started the second chapter) reads very much as conflict for the sake of conflict within the relationship and it's grating at my skin
Immediately from the prologue, we're introduced to this new guy, Asrien, who's whole purpose thusfar is to break up Cae and Vel, which... Leaves a sour taste in my mouth? Vel in the first book is EXTREMELY observant, he's very good at reading people, he's very intelligent and very good at overcoming his initial conclusions if he's quick to jump to them
Cae is much more focused on battle strategies and fighting, but he's also not stupid, and throughout the entire first book they've built up a huge amount of trust after everything they've been through together, and I really, seriously feel that if this Asrien guy at all succeeds in driving a wedge between them, it would be undoing an entire book's worth of building a relationship, because I don't see a way it can be done in a way that makes sense with the previous characterizations of the two
I really sincerely hope I'm wrong, and that this is just the set up, and I will be pleasantly surprised when Cae and Vel see through all the attempts to break them apart and become all the more united for it, and I understand that oftentimes in new relationships once you've gotten past the honeymoon phase things start to get more difficult, but I feel as though it's going to end up with me not liking how this goes in terms of miscommunication and I'm just aksofkdkdksk needed to vent about it
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I don’t think I can listen to track 32 of the dawn of Yangchen unless I want to get angry and put myself in such a situation… I haven’t experienced being spied on, but I have had adults like that in my life and I get it. I get it
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kollectorsrus · 11 months
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