#again if the show didn't want me to ship these two they shouldn't have put in a scene of them trying to get a car seat in lmao
soapsilly · 8 months
PDA - Zoro Imagine
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Spoilers for One Piece (?), also kinda NSFW?
Summary: Zoro showing a lot of PDA in front of Sanji because he knows it bothers him
Requests are closed
A/N: Unofficial sequel to Cardio. But works as a stand alone.
"(Y/N)-san! I'm sorry I left you alone on this ship with this pervert! I promise I'll make it up to you"
"What did you just call me, ero-cook?"
"You heard me! If you just as much as put a single finger on (Y/N)-san I'll make you regret it"
"Sorry, to disappoint you, but I did a little more than that", Zoro laughed.
It's been a few weeks since the crew barged in on Zoro and (Y/N). Nothing really changed between them. (Y/N) was still shamelessly flirting with the mosshead and Zoro didn't really reciprocate - at least not in public. He was never the type for public displays of affection but when the two of them were alone, the swordfighter didn't have any problem to show the girl how much he enjoyed her company.
"You looked so good today", he mumbled against her lips.
"So usually I look bad?", she grinned - her smart mouth getting the best of her again.
"Too bad you still don't have a filter", he rolled his eye but didn't loosen his grip around her waist.
"But you love me for it", she laughed.
He exhaled audibly but didn't protest.
The two of them decided not to complicate things. They'd rather just let the relationship progress naturally. For the moment, neither of them would change a thing being happy with the way things were.
"It's so nice to finally have some free time again", Nami sighed - already excited for a long overdue shopping trip.
"We shouldn't leave the ship unattended", (Y/N) nudged Zoro in the side not really caring about exposing her true intentions. She knew that her lover would be up for some alone time - which was confirmed by the smile that the swordsman failed to keep off of his face.
But it was not only (Y/N) that noticed. The mosshead's smile didn't go unnoticed by a certain curly-browed cook either.
"I'll be keeping you company, (Y/N)-san! There are a few new creations that I wanted to test out anyways", Sanji exclaimed.
(Y/N) was just about to protest when Nami's voice cut her off, "Yeah, that's probably a great idea. These two need a chaperone! We don't need any little Zoros and (Y/N)s running around deck!"
(Y/N) pulled a face, "Seriously? Sex has never ever sounded so unappealing"
"And don't you forget it!", the read-head scolded, "Always think about the full diapers and the disrupted night sleep"
(Y/N) tried to drown Nami's words out by putting her hands over her ears and singing loudly.
However, it wasn't just (Y/N) who had a problem with the thought. Zoro's eye darted over to where Sanji was standing. It was almost unnoticable but for the fraction of a second the cook's face twitched when Nami started her rant. At this moment, the swordsman got an idea to still make the afternoon worthwhile.
"Can we go now?", their captain interrupted the discussion - eager to raid the market place for street food.
Zoro threw his arm around a confused (Y/N)'s shoulder. This was the first time that her lover actually touched her in front of the others. Before she could say anything though, Zoro spoke up, "Yeah, you guys leave and we'll hold the fort here. Right, babe?"
"Uh, yeah sure...", (Y/N) blushed at the little nickname.
And with that the crew parted ways. (Y/N), Zoro and Sanji remaining on the ship while the rest of the crew made their way towards the city.
"So, it's just us now, huh?", (Y/N) tried to overcome the awkwardness. Spending a whole afternoon on the ship together with these two didn't seem very appealing to her. But surprisingly these two mortal enemies weren't at each other's throats immediately.
"Well, since our plans have been so rudely interrupted", the mosshead turned towards the cook, "Why don't we squeeze in a training session?", Zoro asked his girlfriend - his voice almost soft. After hours and hours of asking, (Y/N) had finally worn down the swordfighter. So, lately Zoro agreed to let the girl join him during practice. On one hand, her constant pleading got on his nerves so that he partly agreed just to shut her up. On the other hand, though, training with her meant he got to spend time with her. To him, she looked adorable as she was trying to figure out the steps and maneuvers. And if she ever needed correction with her stance, he wouldn't complain either.
"I'd say you're welcome to join us, waiter. But I don't think you could handle it anyways", Zoro mocked the blonde. And of course Zoro's words had the desired effect as the cook immediately started cussing out the mosshead - swearing to make him look old in any type of training.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. Of course, the peace didn't last long, "Oi, Sanji? Didn't you actually want to try out some new recipes or something?"
She didn't mind the cook's company but she knew if Sanji and Zoro were to actually train together, their competition would be anything but friendly and she didn't feel like a headache today. To her surprise, Zoro just shrugged though, "You can try, ero-cook"
And with that the three of them started their work-out. Almost provocatively Zoro took off his robe, showing off his body and sending (Y/N) a cheeky wink. He knew the effect he had on the girl.
"We should start with some stretching first", he announced - his arm already behind his back.
(Y/N) decided to get on the floor, working on her lower body first, whilst Sanji was bent over easily touching his toes without any issue.
"(Y/N)-san, you're so flexible~", the cook complimented the girl.
"Hm, I don't know. I think she could do better", Zoro acted thoughtful, as he walked over to where (Y/N) was standing, trying to reach her toes aswell. Her fingertips just graced the floorboards but that wasn't enough for the swordsman. He positioned himself behind her, his crotch dangerously close to her backside. With a gentle hand he pressed down on her lower back to help her bend over even further, so that her palms fully touched the ground.
With a soothing voice, her lover praised her and while (Y/N) enjoyed the personal attention, she'd be lying if she said that she wasn't confused. She wasn't used to him being so gentle with her when other people were around. What she didn't see from her bend over position however, was the look Zoro and Sanji exchanged. The mosshead sent the other man a gloating smile, which only got wider as he saw how blonde struggled to keep his composure.
"Oi, Marimo! When you're finished harassing, (Y/N)-san, how about a sparring session?", there was nothing he wanted to do more than to beat up the brute that dared to lay his calloused fingers on a lady. The cook was of the opinion that a beautiful woman should only be touched in the most gentle way - a word the marimo probably didn't even know.
Zoro barked out a laugh - (Y/N) long forgotten. Fighting with the ero-cook was one of his favourite past-times.
(Y/N) knew there was no way her lover would continue their practice anymore. Instead she decided to just keep exercising on her own and to leave the two guys to it - not feeling like getting into the path of fire.
After an hour or so, the two of them didn't show any sign of slowing down but the girl decided she had enough, "Hey guys? Guys? Oi!"(Y/N) clapped into her hands loudly to get the two frenemies' attention. Almost immediately the men stopped what they were doing.
"While I do enjoy watching two handsome men exhaust themselves physically", she sent Zoro a wink, "I think this is enough. I'll go take a shower and afterwards we should probably get started on dinner. You know how hangry Luffy can get"
"Of course, (Y/N)-san~", the cook was delighted by her compliment, "I'll create the most exquisite menu just for you"
The girl thanked her friend, by now she gave up on the idea of convincing the blonde that he didn't have to do all that. It seemed to make him happy, so she just decided to enjoy the perks of having the talented cook at her service.
"Great, while you do that, we'll go take that shower", Zoro spoke up.
(Y/N) head whipped around to face the mosshead, who could barely hold back a smile. He, however, wasn't facing her at all. His smile was not directed at her and her surprised reaction but rather at Sanji, who by the looks of it was not amused about his suggestion at all. (Y/N) massaged the bridge of her nose in no mood for these two to start fighting again.
"Okay, we'll do that", she grabbed Zoro's hand and pulled him with her. However, Zoro had other ideas. While (Y/N) was walking in front of him the swordsman's hands reached out to pinch the girl's sides teasingly which earned him a surprised yelp from his lover.
"Oi, idiot! Who do you think you are? Leave your dirty hands off of (Y/N)-san!", Sanji yelled towards the couple.
"Oh, does it bother you?", Zoro yelled back, "Good thing, (Y/N) likes it"
"(Y/N)-san! Just say a word and I'll save you from this... this... pervert!", Sanji's voice was soft as he adressed the girl but grew harsher towards the end - his dig clearly directed towards the marimo.
"Thank you, Sanji, I'll keep it in mind!", she yelled back at her friend as she tried to usher Zoro, who was loudly protesting the cook's claims -inside the Sunny towards the bathroom.
Once inside, (Y/N) let out an exasperated sigh, this isn't how she expected her afternoon to go. Zoro, however, didn't waste any time attacking her lips with his own. His hands everywhere they could reach.
"Oi, you okay?", Zoro asked almost nonchalantly when he realized that (Y/N) hesitated to return the kiss - as if he wasn't the cause of her desperation.
"Respectfully, what the fuck?", (Y/N) answered the mosshead.
"I mean, I'm not complaining but how come you're so touchy-feely all of a sudden? And let me repeat. I'm not complaining. At all. It's just... unusual is all...", she rambled - not wanting Zoro to feel like he crossed a line.
"Oh, that", he smiled, "I noticed PDA bothers that shitty cook, so naturally I had to play it up"
"Of course", (Y/N)'s voice was sarcastic.
"Are you mad?", the swordfighter acted unbothered - like he couldn't see how that could possibly offend the girl - but in actuality he was worried that he took things a step too far. He knew she was okay with their arrangement. He know that it didn't bother her that he only showed affection towards her when the two of them were alone. She once told him that it made it even more special. But would she be okay with him suddenly publicly flirting with her just to spite the shitty cook? His eye scanned her face, searching for any sign of hurt. He couldn't always show it but he cared about (Y/N) a lot - more than anyone else in the crew.
(Y/N)'s face turned soft when she realized that the man in front of her was actually insecure. She reached out to cup his face and press a gentle kiss on his lips. When they parted, he was relieved to see her smile.
"Of course, I'm not mad! In fact, I think it's hilarious... if anything I'm mad that you didn't fill me in on it", she grinned, "If I had known, I'd have enjoyed it more"
"Oh, so now you didn't enjoy it?", this time it was him, that teased the girl with a lopsided smile on his face.
"I did! I really did! But my confusion kind of overshadowed the pleasure", she tried to assure him.
"Don't you worry", he started to undress her, "I'll take care of that"
His hands were gentle as he pulled her towards him by the small of her back.
"Who do you think you are? Touching me with those calloused hands", she scolded him. He paused what he was doing until she finally broke into a giggle.
"I can always count on you to ruin the moment", he sighed when he realized what she was up to. Quoting the ero-cook was the last thing he wanted from her.
"But you love me for it", she smiled up at him.
"Shut up", he leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss before leading her into the shower.
When the two entered the dining room after the shower, the kitchen was already filled with the steam from whatever the cook was preparing. The two were greeted with the most delicious of smells. (Y/N) sometimes seriously asked herself how the cook could be this good and still improve with every meal he prepared.
"Wow, Sanji this smells great!", she beamed at the blonde, who by the looks of it couldn't be any more pleased about the praise. After all, the way to a loved one's heart is through their stomach.
"And this is only the beginning (Y/N)-san", the cook explained happily - hinting that there'd be more to come.
"Is there anything I can help you with?", she asked the cook, knowing he'd probably decline.
"You are too kind, (Y/N)-san ~ ! But I couldn't possibly take you up on your offer. A beautiful lady like you should never have to prepare her own food - in fact, you should be served~"
"Oh, but I insist", (Y/N) smiled. Anybody that knew her also knew how stubborn she could be, so after a little back and forth Sanji eventually agreed to let (Y/N) stirr some pots and maybe even wash some vegetables.
Zoro decided to take a seat at the dinner table, watching the two of them do their thing whilst enjoying a drink. He would never admit it but watching (Y/N) do mundane tasks was one his favourite things. He loved seeing her being lost in whatever she was doing. The way her brows creased whenever she was concentrated or how she started mumbling to herself if things didn't go her way. This was more than a innocent flirt and even more than a friends with benefits type of arrangement - at least for him. Her company was one of the few pleasures his life had to offer. At first he was annoyed by her everlasting presence, the way she wouldn't shut up, the constant flirts but now he couldn't imagine a life without her. He was so lost in his thoughts that he wasn't even bothered by the shitty cook prancing around her.
One after the other all the Straw Hats arrived into the dining area - just in time for dinner. As everyone gathered around the table, the space next to Zoro remained free. By now, the crew was used to (Y/N) exclusively sitting next to the swordsman. When she finally plopped down next to him, her hand almost automatically found it's way to rest on her lovers leg. Zoro didn't seem to mind the PDA. Usually, the girl refrained from touching the mosshead while in the company of the others - respecting his boundaries - instead only choosing to show her affection verbally. But right now, she decided it was fair game after the stunt the swordsman pulled on her.
"And what do you think you're doing?", Zoro leaned down, speaking lowly so that only she could hear him. (Y/N) could hear the amusement in his voice.
"Do you want me to stop?", she turned to face him - their faces now merely an inch apart.
For a moment it felt like the world stood still around them but then the two lovebirds were interrupted by their navigator.
"Come on, guys! At dinner?", Nami was not amused about the scene that unfolded before her very eyes.
"Seems like Sanji isn't the only one bothered by PDA", (Y/N) grinned but her voice was soft.
"Well, if that's the case, it seems like I'll have to keep this going", Zoro answered - his voice just as low.
Both of them knew that all of this may have started as a means to annoy the cook but by now it was merely an excuse to keep the open display of affection going. Seeing (Y/N) in private was just not enough for him anymore. What harm could a little - just a little - PDA do anyways?
"The things you do to me", he slowly shook his head.
"But you love me for it"
Usually, Zoro easily dismissed her little catchphrase but this time he couldn't quite deny it. Maybe he did. And maybe she knew that. But maybe that wasn't so bad...
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sexydoffyman · 1 year
Sub!needy!Sanji with dom!Male!reader in bed?
You can ignore this if you aren’t comfortable with it<33
Have a wonderful day:D
genre: smut
word count: 714
A/N: Our wifi isn't working what a pain. Also, what is with the new Tumblr look my eyes hurt and I am so pissed of. 🦐 this is tiring.
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You were sweeping the deck of the Sunny at night since it was less likely that Luffy would slip on the water when he's sleeping. You also didn't want to keep moving Zoro out of the way. You had to wake him up and tell him to go to a specific part of the ship where you already swept the floor. But you know Zoro, he got lost. You also didn't want to listen to Sanji being a perv. And Franky would criticize how well you cleaned your precious ship. And Usopp would get it dirty again. By either making a new weapon and getting gunpowder all over the place or by making a green star accidentally explode.
It was more peaceful on your ship at night. You expected to be all alone, so you played around the ship. Crawling over the rigging, climbing on the main mast, or sitting in the crow's nest. You were enjoying yourself while you could fuck around. You looked back over your shoulder when you felt a presence behind you. By squirming your eyes, you recognized the cook of the ship watching you.
You jumped down from the crow's nest right next to the small-waisted man. "What brings you here shouldn't you be asleep?" You questioned him. "How can I sleep when I see you showing your muscles off like that." You chuckled "Don't try to flirt with me like that you love cook." He smiled back at you. "Mind if I give you a drink?" "I think that the chores can wait for another day." You thought about his proposition for a while and decided that it might not be such a bad idea.
You followed him to the crew's quarters, right into the kitchen. He went behind the bar and poured two drinks for you. He sat down next to you, and you started talking about god knows what and sipping more and more alcohol. You talk for hours. Yes, it was a winter night, so the night was long, but you were traveling through a swarm of summer islands, so the weather was fine. The night was still young, but you realized that the dark was darker than whenever else you saw it. You were looking out the window. Looking into the dark and you felt so... at peace. "Common look at me like that."
He was drunk, and you could tell. So you expected him to be trying to flirt with you again. He caught you by surprise when he put his hand on your thigh and whispered in your ear. "I need to feel you."
Too drunk to think your dick started thinking for you. You got hard and led the cook to one of the empty bedrooms. You pushed him to the mattress. It sunk with both of your body weights. The sheets made wrinkles when you swirled your tongue in his mouth. Your bodies already covered in sweat drenching your clothes. You noticed this, and without breaking eye contact you pulled his shirt off, followed by his pants and everything else.
He tried to help you undress, but you grabbed his hands and pushed them into the pillow while you started kissing his body, leaving purple love kisses. You turned him around, letting go of his hands. Spread his legs and looked at him. You loved how he looked so vulnerable. He ground his dick on the sheets and looked at you with the expression you fell in love with. "Impatient, huh?"
"Please." He shyly whimpered. You took your final look at him and decided that you want to be nice and that you won't tease him for his neediness. He was adorably looking your way. You put your index and middle finger to his mouth and commanded "Get 'em all wet for me k?" He licked your fingers like a good boy, and when he was done, you put them to his entrance.
You pushed them in, and his breaths started getting louder. When you thought he had enough, you laid on his body, towering over him, grabbed his pictorials, and pushed him to the mattress again. He squealed a little when he felt your dick thrusting in and out of him.
Yeah, you were gonna lay off those chores.
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thndrs-wrtr · 11 months
Hello! Here's a bit of angst. Part 2 for happy ending??
Trigger warning: Angst, break up, crying. Reader is a teacher cause is the profession that came first skdjs
The Chaos Theory
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The butterfly effect, or the chaos theory states that one simple event can lead to bigger events, and change the course of things, the way an action can affect directly another one.
Maybe, going to that convenience store wss your butterfly effect. Maybe, you shouldn't have gone.
However, it wasn't crazy or weird to see your boyfriend in tv, or heard people talking about him since he was a popular, yet, no one had a single clue he was dating you. For the world he was single, until that night.
You were waiting in line to get your things payed, until one of the two girls in front you of let out a tiny scream, making you furrow your eyebrows in confussion.
"What is it?" asked her friend. "Your boyfriend again?"
"Well, not my boyfriend, my husband. There's a twitter account saying Bangchan might be dating! Oh my god, do you think is true?"
Even though you tried to avoid reading those comments or being involved in the media scandal, you couldn't help but pay attention. Was it a leaked picture of you? Do I need to run? You thought to yourself. But you didn't.
"Apparently he's dating this female idol from the latest JYP group. They were seen together a few days ago, look!" The girl showed her friend her phone "They don't look that bad, do they?"
"Nope, not at all. They look great, actually. Would be a pretty couple, I ship them!"
You knew, you absolutely knew. You knew her, you knew he was going to be a guest in their new music video, you knew everything, but you couldn'y say anything. You knew Chan wouldn't even think of cheating on you, you knew Christopher. However, those thoughts were definitely not helping your rising anxiety.
It was something that had been haunting you for months, you met him when he was already popular, and you were beyond proud of everything he accomplished and keep accomplishing. You could deal with the distance whenever he went away on tour, or the nights where he'd arrive late. But you couldn't seem to deal with your own thoughts and how they were tearing you apart.
You moved back home, thinking about how different your lifestyles were, and the dark clouds were adding drama to that moment.
When night came, you couldn't control it anymore, your eyes were already teary and puffy, and you thanked god your roomate wasn't there so you didn't have to give any explanations. You put on a jacket, grabbed the keys to her car, and headed to Chan's dorm. You knew the kids were not going to be there, so it seemed the perfect timing.
"Baby? Hey! What are you—" Chan said welcoming you, but interrupting himself when his smile fade away, noticing your tired, teary eyes. "What happened, y/n?
He was about to pull you in his arms, but instead of jumping to him, you moved aside and let yourself inside the building, making Chan look at you in confussion and concern. He turned around, searching for you eyes.
"Chan we... We need to talk, can we?"
"Yeah, we need. And you're scaring me, like... a lot" he chuckled a bit, keeping his smile. But out of being nervous.
"I–..." you cut yourself, feeling your throat getting tight. "I've been thinking a lot and... Maybe..." after taking a deep breath, you looked back at him "maybe this isn't right?"
"This? What is this? Could you explain it better, yeah?" His soft eyes and patience broke you even more.
"Us, Chan." You saw Chris's eyes getting filled with pain, horror, sadness. "This is not easy to say, but... I've been thinking and... Maybe it's better if we take different roads."
"Y/n—ah... I'm not– I'm not getting anything. Why are you bringing this up? I know I don't rest that much or I'm always doing things but—" this time, you interreputed him.
"Exactly. But it is not that I'm mad about it"
"I don't want to drag you down, Channie..." you felt your eyes getting wet, and you bit your lower lip trying to stop your chin from trembling. "You are always trying to move your agenda, getting more time, and... Last time you already got scolded for cancelling an interview and spend the weekend with me. I–... We are from different worlds, Chan. And at some point is gonna... Is not gonna be manageable anymore. I don't want to block you from working hard and your dreams"
You said looking down, while Chan was completely frozen in his spot, his eyebrows furrowed, his adam apple moving when he swallowed hard to keep his tears.
"I'm a grown man, y/n. I do what I want, and I want to be with you, yeah? I know it's hard but-" you interrupted him.
"Chan this is not... there's a lot more behind it" you said as you felt the tears going down your cheeks.
"You read comments again, didn't you? Baby those are not true, and you know that."
Chan took a step closer and denied with his head, he wanted to hug you, kiss you, but the step you took back stopped him from doing so.
"They are, Chris." Hearing his name in that moment was even more painful "I mean, just look at you...And look at me." You sniffed, lifting your arms pointing at him but letting it fall once again "you are an idol, your world is... Unmatchable for me. I'm just a regular teacher, with a reg-" this time, he was the one to interrupt you.
"You're not just a teacher, you have a masters degree, your students love you, you make them feel better, you do much more than I do."
"But it still isn't enough, Chan. You deserve someone at your level... And... Maybe I'm not the one."
And that was the breaking point. Your words grew smaller and weaker syllable by syllable, finally closing your eyes wjth strenght as your tears fell down, uncontrolably, matching Chan's heartbeat that was going crazy, crazy not to shatter into a million pieces.
He took another step closer, finally caging you in his arms, the smell of his perfume giving you instant peace. His hand landed at the back of your head, gently pushing you against his chest.
"You are speaking non-sense...I love you, you make me wanna keep going, and... And we can carry this, yeah?" His voice was soft, yet, you could hear the sadness.
"I love you too, Chris. Way too much... That is why I have to let you go."
You lifted your head and your palm rested on his cheek, thumb caressing his cheekbone. Chan's hand grabbed yours without taking it away from his face, he couldn't.
"Don't say that, come on" at this point, his eyes were red with tears, and both of you were broken of seeing the latter fall down your faces.
"You're the best man I have ever meet, Channie. And... I just hope someone good..." You sniffed hard, being completely unable to finish that sentence. You didn't want him to be with anyone else, but at the same time you felt you were not the one. "Take care, yeah?"
You left a quick and painful kiss on his cheek, before going out as fast as possible, hiding your sobs. Chan stood there, not moving an inch in the middle of the room, only his chin trembling, and tears staining the floor.
Meanwhile, outside, seven boys were happily getting off the van, trying to cover themselves from the rain.
"Ah, Chan-hyung is going to be so happy" Felix said with a smile
"Totally, this new world tour is gonna hype him up so much" I.N added, "Oh, yn-ah is here" he said again with a happy smile when he recognized your car, making the rest of the kids smile as well.
However, you didn't even see them. Or didn't want to. The door closed behind you as you ran past the seven of them, their faces looking at you in confussion when you didn't say hi, but especially, cause they noticed the sobbing and the tears in your face. They look at each other, not understanding anything.
"Lee Know"
Changbin told him, and just by his name he understood. From a time there, you and Lee Know had a very close relation, he became pretty much some sort of big brother, and he was the one who ran after you, calling your name.
"Yn-ah!" He grabbed you by your shoulder, stopping you right before you entered the car.
"Not now, Minho" you said, a sob escaping your lips "please"
"God, I can't let you get go in that state, much less with this rain. What the hell is-" He stopped right in his tracks when you hugged him.
"Take me home, please"
You begged in a whisper, him nodding. He raised his head to look at Han, slightly lifting his shoulders to make him understand he didn't know what was happening either. But they were far from dumb, they knew something between you and Chan must have happened.
When Han turned around, the kids were already walking inside the place. When he got in, he saw Hyunjin sitting next to Chan, his head on his shoulder, and his arm around his torso. On Chan's left was Felix, patiently looking at him. Kneeling in front was I.N together with Changbin, and Seungmin was coming back from the kitchen with a glass of water. Han took a step closer to the group, and with no words he understood why their leader was sobbing hard, looking down while holding his head with his hands and covering his face as his elbows were on his thighs.
Did it really end? Was the only thought for everyone, inside and outisde the building.
Part 2?
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I've also seen people say (on twitter of course lol) that Matt interjected deliberately and pointedly after Orym's family question which also feels a little wild to me, like there are "sides" between the cast and he's taken one. I don't think I've ever seen how far people in this fandom can run with something, so I'm surprised even though I shouldn't be. The Bor'dor discourse still also bothers me because in-game Laudna was simply not aware of the nod or anything else but what she wanted to do.
Hey anon,
I agree entirely, that this is conspiracy-level thinking. But ultimately I think what's more important is that if the ship I'd claimed to have desperately wanted for months became canon, and when the most recent episode that aired had the two characters in this ship canonically dancing together and one putting their head in the other's lap, I still found myself spending far more time talking about what a guy who isn't even attracted to either of the characters involved did ten episodes ago? I think I'd simply delete my account and walk into the woods never to return.
Like truly, I wonder, what is it? Is it that Imogen still hates Pate? Is it disorientation from the constant whiplashing between opinions depending on which character they've decided to hate this week, of which the rapid flip from "Bells Hells has a tight Found Family Bond, you guys are just haters" to "Bells Hells is on the VERGE of a BLOW-UP" is only the latest example? Is it because not only did Laudna say nothing about the Turn Undead from two weeks ago, but asked FCG specifically to Scry on Delilah and even seemed amenable to them asking the Changebringer for help on this matter? Is it because in that aforementioned dance, instead of doing anything to return Imogen's affections, Laudna just wandered off to make small talk with someone else? Is it because the cast cheered harder for Cyrillia/Novos? Is it because Imogen and Laudna didn't even bother to take watch together on Slival? Is it because nearly every opportunity onscreen seems like a lost one and the fans are running out of people to blame? Is it because the latest 4-Sided dive made it clear that there's been no planning, no intent, no change, and six episodes later still no out of episode conversation, and the Rose City Comic-Con Panel has no new information and is giving "contractually obligated"? Is it because more so than the ship, the people wanted it to be the Popular Ship, and it's not, because there's no connective tissue, none of the little moments that made up the magic of every past canon relationship on the show, just an accommodating blank canvas to play back whatever one is projecting onto it? Is it because if they keep blaming Orym, and FCG, and Ashton, and coins, and dice, and the DM, and the other fans, and every one else, they don't have to admit that they would rather be pining for the actually good slow-burn they dreamed of, instead of experiencing a Pyrrhic victory if ever there was one?
This isn't about Bor'Dor, or Orym, and it's barely about Laudna. Unless a chemistry that has not yet existed comes into being in the next episode, they'll either post some other conspiracy theories about an episode from three months ago, or they'll make up some other bullshit Us Vs Them thing to get mad about that Laudna will again fail to validate for them in game, and then rinse and repeat on this miserable treadmill of their own making.
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howlingday · 6 months
So this may sound crazy, but do you think that Lancaster and BMBLB are parallel/foils to each other?
When I look at Lancaster, both Ruby and Jaune have a lot of character depth that romance was not their top priority or part of their character dynamic. He even treated her as a person and not a kid. And that over time, they naturally develop with one another that it doesn't seem forced, and they have a better understanding of each other, that they know what the other is thinking.
For Yang and Blake (I'm not going into full detail and rant as to why those two shouldn't be together), it seems more shallow. These two didn't have great chemistry for each other. Even after the end of vol 1, Yang (in my opinion) treated Blake more like a cat than a person. This could be evident in vol 5, Yang has been Blake's partner, yet she didn't know why Blake ran away until "Weiss" had to explain it. It wasn't til vol 6 that their characters devolved to being romantic interest to one another. And besides the trauma and RWBY, they have nothing in common or share any interest
What's your opinion?
Part of me wants to argue the "romance" bit simply for the fact that Ruby's favorite genre of reading material is romance, but I do see what you mean. Jaune and Ruby were definitely more focused on their own self-improvement, albeit for very different reasons, while attending Beacon. Ruby wanted to be a huntress like the stories she'd read about and like her mom. Jaune wanted to prove himself as a huntsman just like his father and grandfather and their fathers and grandfathers. And yes, every time Jaune and Ruby talk to each other, it's as equals, though Jaune will admit that Ruby is better than him in every way. If Lancaster were endgame, it would be a fantastic showing of true friendship blossoming into something more. Although it's more likely Rosegarden will be Ruby's endgame
I will also spare the rant since it's already been said to death about the significance of Blake and Yang being the endgame ship for their characters. Instead, I'll talk about BMBLB as a ship that was "set up" to be endgame. While I firmly believe that until Volume 5 and 6 that Black Sun would be endgame, I could honestly see them working out pre-Volume 3. Their heart-to-heart in the classroom after Blake was practically killing herself to find a lead on the White Fang was a very touching moment that showed me that Yang really does care about Blake not only as a partner and team-member, but as a friend.
"I'm not asking you to stop. I just want you to take a break."
This is such a beautiful scene and perfectly demonstrates their friendship. In fact, it's, in my opinion, THE BEST BMBLB SCENE EVER! Yes, yes, the forehead touch was very cute, but it felt so out of place for characters who "aren't sure about their relationship". Sure, the "I won't run away again, I promise!" scene is very touching, but it's soured by the fact that they just committed murder and don't acknowledge that fact at all, and it stands better as an acknowledgement of Blake staying with her partner and best friend, Yang. And teaching Blake to dance was a cringey moment that, sure, it could have been a BMBLB moment if we were shown MORE THAN JUST THAT! WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE US AN EPISODE TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT?!
Ahem! Excuse me.
tl;dr: Lancaster would have been a great ship if it weren't being torpedoed by Rosegarden, and BMBLB might have made more sense if more effort was put into it in the first place.
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wicca-wicca-whack · 10 months
Gordon Malloy x Reader
Word Count: 3059
Now Featuring PT 2!
“You two haven't even talked since your first month here!”
This was an argument you and Talla have had nearly daily for the past month.
“We've messaged,” you remind her. “We're both Union members on fleet ships, we don't have time to call.”
“When's the last time he sent you something first?”
“Not this again, come on.” You sigh, looking away from your science console. “I don't keep track of who messages who first.”
“Well, you showed me last time we were all over at yours drinking wine,” she informs, looking a little smug. “He hasn't even initiated a conversation with you for nearly a year!”
You consider, briefly, smacking your head against the nearest wall. Of course wine-drunk you had shown her, probably wanting to prove a point you'd completely failed to prove.
“Relationships aren't about who sends who a message first.”
“But they are about communication and showing you care for each other.”
“We communicate.”
“No, you communicate. He can't even bother to ask you about your day.”
You sigh, returning your gaze to your console. “Shouldn't you be on the bridge right now?”
No sooner than you say that does Captain Mercer call her over the comms, and she gives you her version of a pout as she assures him she's on her way, moving quickly from the science lab.
The issue is that she isn't technically wrong- you and your boyfriend had been drifting significantly since you moved postings from the small science vessel to the Orville. When he found out you took the posting, he'd gone so far as to accuse you of acting like you were too good for the ship you'd met on. That wasn't it at all. The Achilles had been a great ship- great crew, interesting missions… but you wanted adventure as well, and the Achilles was only equipped for short expeditions. When you'd heard the Orville was working on putting its own anthropology team together, you'd put in an application immediately. You were a small team, and, to your shock, they'd placed you at its head. According to Commander Grayson, not many Union anthropologists with more than a couple of years of experience were willing to transfer to a new team. It ended up being not only good for you, but a good career opportunity, a chance to prove you could lead. Kevin didn't see it that way. Kevin acted like you were some sort of traitor, or like you were only thinking of yourself. Even just thinking about it really downed your mood, so you didn't, returning your attention to your work.
It's a few hours later, in the mess, that Talla and Commander Grayson sit down with you, and the Commander gives you a kind of amused look. 
 “Talla was just telling me your boyfriend sucks.”
You can't help the exasperated sigh that escapes you. “Commander-”
“Please, we're not working, and we're gossiping? Kelly is fine.” She waves a hand at you, sipping on her drink. 
You hesitate, but nod. “Okay, Kelly. Talla is totally blowing things out of proportion.”
“I mean, does he text you first? Like ever?” She leans back in her chair.
“He doesn’t have to, I’m more than willing to-”
“You guys talking about the shitty boyfriend?” Lieutenant Malloy takes a seat beside you, and you could scream. Absolutely the worst person who could decide to plop down into this conversation.
“You know about the boyfriend?” Kelly looks shocked, and you stab at your food.
“Know about him? Dude, we’ve met. The guy is a piece of work.”
“Guy is still my boyfriend, dickwad.”
He snorts, loud, unbothered by your barb, which irritates you more as the Captain and Chief LaMarr take a seat at your table. “Kevin D’Acunto is a major asshole. He’s known for being a piece of work and a total chick-hater.”
“He’s not a chick-hater, he’s-”
“Your boyfriend, yeah, I know.” He rolls his eyes, hard, and you scoff as Kelly looks between the two of you.
“Point of contention?”
“If you’re asking me if Malloy consistently badmouths my boyfriend, then yes.” Your fork goes down, no longer very hungry. “Excuse me.”
You take your food to the synthesizer to recycle it, moving from the mess as quickly as you can. You figure, screw it, fine. You’ll prove them wrong. Kev cares, and you’ll prove it, stop messaging him first, let him prove that he’s just as crazy about you as you are about him. 
You wait patiently, making yourself a snack at home, watching vintage movies on your viewscreen… getting ready for bed. You can’t help but feel like, well, obviously he must just be busy. The Achilles was a busy ship. Things happen, you can’t count all the late nights you’d spent at the lab. You give him a pass, expecting to wake up to a message in the morning.
Except there is no message in the morning. Your mood is soured from the jump, tugging on your uniform, grabbing a to-go coffee, and making your way to the lab as fast as you can.
There’s no message when you get home that night either, or by the time you go to bed.
The cycle continues for a month before Gordon confronts you.
“You’ve been such a bitch lately, what’s going on?”
You can't help the scoff that comes from you. “Fuck off, Malloy.”
Talla takes up on your left side, pulling you from Malloy and down another hall. “You are kind of… irritated lately,” she tries to be more polite about it.
You sigh, loud, running your hand through your hair. “I haven’t heard from Kev in, like, a month.”
Her steps falter. “What?”
“I stopped messaging him first, to… prove a point to you guys, saying he’s a dick and doesn’t care about me.” You pause in front of your quarters. “Apparently he is a dick who doesn’t care about me.”
She scoffs, punching in a code to open your door and pushing you inside, moving for your synthesizer. “Lieutenant Keyali to Commander Grayson.”
Your protests go unheard. “Grayson. What’s up?”
“We’re having a pity party with our favorite female science officer. You coming?”
“On my way as we speak. Grayson out.”
“It’s not a pity party,” you try, watching the Xelayan woman synthesize what must be a gallon of red wine.
“Okay, a breakup party.”
“We didn’t break up.”
“Oh, please. You don't speak even a little in like a month, you’re broken up. Either way, it’s a reason to drink!” She holds up three wine glasses as your door dings, and she lets in the Commander.
“What’s the reason for the pity party?”
“Well, the Lieutenant wanted to prove us wrong, that her boyfriend is super caring and great,” she sees your frown, “which is totally valid! But she hasn’t heard from the little scumbag in a whole month.”
She gives you a shocked look, and you shrink as she moves to join you on the couch, pouring big glasses of wine for the three of you. “He’s not worth a pity party, you should celebrate. Sounds like a total jackass.”
You sigh, taking a long sip. “He didn’t even want me to take this posting. He’s probably trying to give me the silent treatment.”
“For a month? Come on, if he cared he’d miss you too much to let it go on for so long.”
You sigh, watching Talla get music on that she likes, something slower, like old R&B, and you roll your eyes. “You guys are so annoying.”
“We’re your friends right now, excuse you.” She points a finger at you, settling into your chair. “And it’s only half for your ridiculously plush furniture.”
“Yeah, seriously, what is going on with this?” Kelly pats the arm of your couch. “Soft as hell.”
“I like nice things,” you defend, waving them off. “I like soft furniture.”
Talla takes a long drink before she speaks, grinning at you. “What about soft guys?”
“What are you getting at?”
“I’m just saying… you’re single now. Maybe time to start looking.”
“I think Malloy’s got a thing for you,” Kelly offers, giggling a little.
“A thing for pushing my buttons, maybe.” You swear your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“Maybe that’s his turn-on,” she teases, and you scoff, loud.
“Well it's not mine, so he’s going about it all wrong.”
She cackles, loudly, and you relax a little more. “Well, Gordon really isn’t the go-to guy on how to get women to like you, you know?”
Talla smothers her own laugh. “No, he so is not.”
“We don’t talk like that, so I wouldn’t have any idea about any of that.”
“He’s sweet!”
“To who? Not me!”
“You know, he hasn’t had a girlfriend in a long time, he’s re-learning how to talk to women.”
The night continues on, more or less like this. You, rebuffing every attempt at they toss to shine some kind of positive, sweet light on Gordon.
But in the morning, you can’t help thinking about him like some kind of cute, ginger puppy dog, and you curse everything around you that two women could change your opinion so fast.
Things kind of… shift from there. You don't mean for them to. But when Gordon makes little barbs- at least the ones not about Kevin- you're not as rude. You find yourself dressing a little more… revealing when you know he's going to be somewhere you're going to be after work. But you didn't go out of your way to be somewhere just because he would be. 
Sure, Gordon was attractive. That was never something you doubted. From the moment you got on board, you found him cute. But he was a dick, and you were in a relationship. But now it's been four months since you last heard from Kev, and looking back, you can't believe you dragged the relationship out for so long. It was kind of ridiculous, really. The news broke out last month about your lack of contact, and Gordon had been significantly sweeter since- probably trying not to rub salt in the wound, Kelly had told you. Which was shockingly polite, given that you'd expected him to pester you with ‘I told you so's. Another reason to tally onto your count of reasons Gordon may not be terrible.
You peek around the simulator, sipping on your drink. LaMarr’s birthday party. You, for one, were shocked to get an invite, but it looks like he invited just about anyone he shared more than one positive conversation with, including a Lieutenant you'd often seen both in engineering and subbing for navigation on the bridge, engaging in what could easily be a flirty conversation with the Captain.
“He's, like, totally into her, it's insane.” You almost jump at Gordon's voice at your side, blinking at him. 
“You scared me.”
“Dunno how. I didn't walk over here all quiet.” He gestures to his friend and the woman down the way. “Good for him, they're actually talking.”
You snort, peering at his drink when he gets it. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“What, no plans to flirt with one of the… 20 women LaMarr invited?”
“I don't really flirt,” he tells you, sounding a little bummed. “I'm cool, thanks.” You can see his eyes dart to your chest, but you save him the embarrassment of pointing it out. “Hey, I heard you totally laid a guy out because he grabbed your ass at your last posting, that true?”
You snort, an ugly sound, but Gordon's face lights up. “Ensign Barcus. Yeah, I did. Total prick, did it to women all over the ship.” You look into your empty glass. “I just about broke his nose.”
He chuckles, glancing at you for a moment. “Probably deserved it.”
“Definitely, yeah. I mean, come on, most of the scummy guys I'd met would never even try that outside of a bar.”
He hesitates, and you can see He wants to ask something, so you wait. Patiently. He fiddles with his glass, his hands, the zippers on his jacket, his hair.
“What's up?”
“You look like you wanna ask me something. Spit it out, dude.”
“...I also heard you used to, uh… dance while you were at Point. For fun. Is that true?”
You flush, embarrassed. “Where'd you hear that from?”
He shrugs, obviously not wanting to give up his source.
“I… did some dancing at a nearby… gentleman's club,” you shrug. 
“Is that what we're calling them? Gentleman's clubs?”
You reach to whack his arm, and he laughs, holding his hands up defensively. “Okay, okay!”
He orders you another drink- you think he must have been watching you before, since he doesn't ask what you were drinking, but manages to get you the same thing. You think it's kind of sweet, if not just a little weird. Gordon rides that line between the two a lot, you hear.
You thank him softly, and he smiles, waving it off. “You talk to the birthday boy yet?”
You snort. “Just when I came in. He's a little busy with… every available woman who's interested, I think.”
He snorts. “John is pretty good with women like that, I guess.”
“You guess? Aren't you friends, wouldn't you know?”
“I really try not to hear about it.” He scrunches his face up, and you giggle. “Sometimes he just says too much.”
“Big time, yeah.” He takes a long drink, rolling his eyes. 
“I thought all guys like to overshare.”
He just gives you a look. “I thought that was a chick thing, you know, chatting with friends about your boyfriend.”
“Maybe it's a human thing,” you shrug, playing with your hair.
Before he can say much more, Talla is on your side, grabbing another drink and pushing you against Gordon's side, making you squeak as your drink splashes your top. “Talla!”
“What?” Her eyes drop to your wet top. “Oh, shit, I'm sorry.”
You sigh, drinking what's left of your drink. “It's fine. I should probably head out anyway, it's late.” You smell like alcohol, and God knows you're not gonna leave, change, and come back.
“I can walk you,” Gordon offers, knocking his drink back like a true alcoholic.
“You don't have to do that, it's your friends' party.”
“He won't miss me.” He gestures to LaMarr, saddled up on a couch chatting with a couple of women. “Come on.” He nods you towards the door, and you catch a glance of Talla's shit-eating grin, and you know damn well she did it on purpose, so you shoot her a glare as you walk out with the ginger man. 
The walk is shockingly quiet. If you didn't know any better, you'd think Gordon was nervous. You keep yourself busy, pulling the neck of your top away from you, annoyed by the sticky, drying alcohol. You can see him looking, more than once, for more than just a couple of seconds, but you don't comment, stopping at your door and raising a brow at him.
“Well I guess I'll see-”
“Why don't you come inside?” You blame the alcohol, or maybe Talla's constant goading ever since she realized you were warming up to the man, for the question, and he looks appropriately shocked. 
“I don't see anyone else in this hall,” you offer, exaggeratedly looking left to right. 
“Right… uh�� yeah,” he shrugs a little, and you reach to snag him by the jacket sleeve and tug him in with you. 
He's anxious- of course he is, given he's never been inside your quarters, but you wave him towards your couch before heading into your quarters to wipe down and change, coming back out in something comfy and maybe a little cute.
“That jacket can't be comfortable. It's got, like, eight zippers.”
“...Twelve. Not including the,” he gestures to the actual, functional zipper. 
“...What? Twelve?”
“It's got twelve zippers, yeah.” He unzips it, carefully shrugging it off.
“That's a ridiculous amount of zippers.”
“Looks cool though.”
“You look like a final fantasy character or something.”
He snorts, and you move to get yourself and drink and him a beer before plopping beside him, handing it over.
“Thanks,” he mumbles, picking at his jeans as you move to put something on the viewscreen.
“It's no problem.” You shrug, watching him hesitantly drape his arm over the back of the couch behind you. 
You hesitate for a few beats before leaning into his side a little more, feeling him tense. 
The two of you sit like that for a while- you can barely pay attention to the show you put on, brain focused on the warm body beside you, practically radiating off him. You can see him looking at you repeatedly, eyes coasting over your face and your body. The tension is thick, you feel like you could touch it. You're two attractive people, apparently attracted to each other, alone, sitting close on your couch.
You decide to bulldoze through the tension, pulling up and grabbing his shirt to pull him into you, kissing him a little rougher than you mean to. He stalls, and then one of his hands is on the small of your back as he groans. You tug him closer, nipping at his lip, and he sighs against you, nails digging into your top as he flounders to put his beer down so he can tangle his hand into your hair, your own arms wrapping around his neck as you fall back against the arm of the couch, tugging him with.
He pulls back as your viewscreen begins pinging with a call, and you both start at the name plastered over it.
Kevin D’Acunto.
You have a short internal debate as Gordon slowly parts from you, and you can't quite see his face, but from what Kelly has told you, you can guess that he thinks you’re gonna shoo him away.
You hold him close to you as you answer, unphased by Kev’s shocked face. You can hear Gordon say your name, a little panicked, but you ignore him, just hanging up the call and pulling the ginger man into another kiss, which he returns immediately.
You’ll deal with the backlash in the morning, but right now, you’d rather start a new relationship with someone who gives a damn.
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onim5 · 28 days
Yandere Portgas D. Ace, 5
Chapter 5: Ever
Female reader
Warnings: I don't wanna spoil, but read at your own risk.
You had learned two things. One, Ace is a perfect guy (if you behave). Two, what happens if you don't? Ace threw your three bags into his room. "Make yourself at home," Ace said, closing the door. "Isn't Y/n coming?" Marco asked with a grin. "No, she wants time to settle in," Ace answered with a smile, though something seemed off with it. "Okay, sure. I guess all of this is new to her." Marco responded as they both walked to the dining hall. 
You sighed as you started cleaning his room. After all, you won't ever get out. So it was better to make it comfortable. You organized his closet (not that he had many clothes) and then put your own in it. Then you moved everything to a corner of the room. Opening Ace's room, you sneaked carefully around the corridors. Nope, you've given up on finding a cleaning closet. After four minutes of preparing, you went up to a guy. Patting him carefully on his back to get his attention, you mumbled. "You must be Ace's girl, I work under his division. My name is Marshall D. Teach. Nice to meet ya." He grinned, holding out a hand. You took it carefully and shook it. "Y/n L/n. Do you know where I can find cleaning supplies?" Teach frowned and thought for a while. "I have some guesses. Follow me." You and Teach made your way around the ship, and after checking four places, you found some stuff. 
"Zehahahah, there they are. Here you go, little one." He said with a smile. "Thank you. Can you also show the way back to Ace's room?" You asked. He laughed, and then you two were on your way. "Do you not recognize his door?" Teach asked as you opened the door. "No, I've only seen it once before." You giggled, and then your eyes landed on Ace sitting on his bed. "Hi, dear, what do you think of my cleaning?" You asked nervously. Teach glanced and saw Ace in a dull expression. He felt his heart shiver at the sight. He had never seen Ace like that.
"It's better than how I have had it when I left you here. I see you met Teach." The mentioned nervously laughs. "Yeah, I helped her find cleaning stuff. But um, now that's done. I'll be on my way." Teach put up his hand as a sign of bye and left you and Ace alone. You began cleaning the counter, and while doing so, you felt Ace's eyes on your back. "Maybe you shouldn't leave this room," Ace said in a dark tone. You tugged at your sleeves, knowing under were burn marks.
Flash Back.
You were waiting on the boat for Ace. You two had stopped at a small island to get more food supplies. As you sat there waiting, a man came up. "Hey, what's a lady like you doing here?" He asked with a grin. "You look kinda lonely. Do you want me to give you a trip to heaven tonight?" He asked, licking his lips. Before you answered, a hand grabbed him, and he turned into a pile of ash within seconds. Ace grabbed your wrist and stared into your eyes. "Were you gonna say yes?" The voice he asked in was like nothing you heard before.
You were so focused on being scared that your mind went blank. And since you didn't answer, Ace took it as a yes. A hand covered your mouth and you felt how Ace heated your wrist. Your screams got muffled and Ace's hand didn't flinch as tears covered it. Slowly your skin got red and burned away. The fear made you breathe less and blind, so it was a shock when the ice-cold water touched your body. Ace dragged you up again and glared into your eyes. "You better get through your thick skull, that you are my girlfriend, and that you will never ever leave me," Ace said in a low tone as he once again dipped you into the water. 
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lansangprincess · 5 months
As someone who's Asian and also told you to watch Heartbreak High, I just wanted to vent about the racism in this fandom. It angers me how white characters like Spider and Harper are held to less high standard than characters like Sasha who's East Asian and Dusty who's half South Asian even from season 1. While I don't like those characters and didn't defend them in season 1 the way the racist fandom is reacting now makes me defend them from being held to a higher standard. People use "As a woman Harper doesn't feel she has more to offer than her body" and her past as a reason to justify her actions towards Malakai. The woman card and whatever her past is no excuse and she's as guilty as Dusty. Also Dusty only touched Malakai's shoulder and looked to Harper for what she had in mind, so I don't get how the fandom is saying he initated it to justify them liking Harper. Harper initiated the threesome by kissing Malakai first, not that it matters who initated. People don't use the race card for Dusty and whatever his past may be in regards to that. They loved Spider and campaigned for him getting development and showing his past in season 2 which he got out of popularity even though he too was a complete asshole in season 1. Spider sexually harassed Quinni by spreading rumors about her vagina even though he never slept with her and they shipped him with Amerie even though he was a bully who had a creepy obsession with her sex life. Spider blamed Malakai for the police case and it seems he may have a fetish for WOC. Spider didn't treat Amerie any better than Dusty did, so if it were a MOC in his place they wouldn't ship him with Amerie. Harper did regret the threesome but it wasn't for Malakai's sake but her own and she never apologized to Malakai. She regretted it because of how it affected her friendships, because she didn't like Dusty anymore and found the experience not enjoyable enough. People criticize Dusty for saying she took pleasure in the threesome and while he should be criticized for the part where he showed how insecure he was over Malakai he shouldn't be criticized for holding her accountable for the fact that she did take some pleasure in the threesome like he did. Also Harper was no more high than he was. I don't think she was criticized for the threesome in season 2 since she became friends with Amerie and Malakai after she called it slut shaming in season 1 when Missy criticized her while Dusty was rightfully criticized by Cash in season 2. It bothers me how she became friends with Amerie again after how badly she bullied her which was unjustifiable. If Amerie was in her place fans would hate her. They already criticize her. Devi from NHIE was hated on for less and it upsets me as a brown woman that they had her end up with Ben who never apologized to her for bullying and being racist to her, but the fandom loves him. He got mad at her over Aneesa because she didn't accept her apology for being cringe but never apologized to her for treating her like shit and didn't get mad at his white ex who actually started the rumor. She had trauma from him and cried over experiencing mean treatment in school. Made racist comments masculinizing her appearance and when he asked her to be his girlfriend talked about how big his ex's tits were. Tried to kiss her multiple times at his party but didn't help her out of his pool. I don't ship Daxton but Paxton had better arc than him but isn't liked as much as he isn't fully white. When Fabiola tried to hold Ben accountable for bullying he was like yeah but she broke my heart. I don't judge people for shipping them but I do judge them when they have the audacity to judge my morals as a brown woman over which fictional ships/characters I like.
Hi babe!
First of all, I saw this was a two-parter so I wanna let you know that I don't know when I'll be able to get back to you on the second part since it's also pretty long. Thanks so much for putting me onto HBH!! I've lowkey midkey started to love it a lot more than TSITP, which by the way, sorry if you have messages in my inbox about TSITP that I haven't responded to—the shipwars was hella draining and it took away the fun of being a fangirl for me.
Anyways, I'm still trying to digest all the points you've made and I'm just going to go with an assumption that you want to vent more than anything so I don't think I'm going to react on every point. Glad you feel safe to share in my inbox! (Even for tsitp).
I'm Asian also but regardless, I definitely agree that the support people gave Spider (esp in S1) to have redemption was disproportionate and weird >< Like, just because there was a plot twist that the reason for his behavior was he had a crush on Amerie—that didn't justify his behavior at all in my eyes ?? He was hella bigoted throughout the entire season and being rejected by the person you liked is not a reasonable excuse for that. Sasha was completely in the wrong for how she treated Quinni and she does require a redemption from that imo but her personality majority of the time is just being annoying and performative which doesn't beget hatred comparable to Spider's. Though for me, Season 2 Sasha didn't do anything bad, she was just entertainingly insufferable lol. Spider's redemption was well-written, I'm onboard for it but he still has a lot of work to do (and tbh I could've lived with Spider just continuing being a villain but that's not what we got and I'm just going with the flow of what our beautiful writers have given us). Sasha doesn't need a redemption for me bc she didn't do anything in S2. My forgiveness of her is dependent on Quinni's forgiveness of her and Quinni seems to have been able to move on, we'll see more of it when they work together in S3.
Though I also want to mention that I disagree with what you said about Harper… From what I've seen, a lot of people hate her. A lot of people don't forgive her for the threesome which I can understand but from my perception all of her decision-making was completely impaired and misguided because of her trauma, and I think that should be taken into consideration—she had no one to help her in the aftermath of what she went through and so had no idea how to handle it. What she went with for her own experience was to just kind of, pretend it never happened and go back to "being normal". If you watch the threesome scene back, Dusty took Harper's hand and placed it on Malakai's shoulder. He 100% had intentions of making things more intimate with the three of them. I can't really say the same for Harper. I can imagine that in the moment when Dusty put her hand on Malakai she genuinely thought she was helping Malakai cope.
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ateezivy · 1 year
it's strange
wave era ( 2019 )
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jongho and ivy are close enough to know what the other is thinking at this point. they know everything about each other, everything. and it's so easy for them to pick up on something.
"you good?" jongho was leaned against the rooms door as ivy laid in bed reading. she seemed startled by the olders sudden appearance.
"yeah, why?"
she knew why, she's been acting weird all week. hell, maybe even longer. jongho sighs and shuts the door, keeping outside ears from hearing their conversations.
"you're acting differently" he raised an eyebrow.
"i'm not trying to," she shrugged. he knew that, she doesn't like standing out more than she already did. "it it that obvious?"
jongho shrugged with a head tilt "to me, yeah, but the others know you almost as much as i do"
she grumbled and rolled over in her bed, stuffing her head in her pillow.
"so tell me what's bothering you so i can help" the older said, sitting beside her
"i can't" she muffled from her pillow.
"why not?"
"it's... complicated"
"is that code for 'you haven't told your therapist yet'"
"jisoo-ah, you can tell me. not like i'm gonna run and tell seonghwa-hyung or something" he chuckled. ivy will tell seonghwa anything, but it has to be at a time where she's ready. she says he can be dramatic when it comes to certain situations and the first thing he wants to do is solve the issue. but ivy like to let the issue sit for a while.
ivy sat up, breathing in deeply,
"yeah, about that, i already told him"
"what? before me? since when?" jongho chuckled, showing a hint of betrayal.
"listen i was freaking out and you weren't home and you definitely would've made fun of me for it" she rambled, trying to defend her simple action.
"because i didn't even mean to tell seonghwa" she sighed, "i was panicking"
"okay well panic again and tell me" he said
"what?" he said "i wanna help. and know"
"...you can't make fun of me"
"okay," he nods. she thinks for a second and sighs
"it's wrong, and i know i shouldn't..." she plays with the rings on her fingers "i like mingi"
"oh shit."
jongho knows her and mingi's relationship was one of a kind, but he didn't think either of them liked the other. especially not olivia of all people. "for how long"
"a while. i liked him before we even debuted" she refuses to make eye contact with her friend. this could ruin everything. literally. everything.
"why is it different now?"
she clears her throat, shifting around "i think it's just gotten stronger"
she feels butterflies, around the guy who's supposed to be nothing more than a best friend, nothing more than metaphorical family. it was wrong to like someone you work with as it is, but to be in the same group. live with each other, share a room together. she never goes a day without seeing him. ever.
"what did hwa say"
"he was shocked. he told me to talk to him. but i can't do that" she chuckled
"why not"
this is when she finally looks at him. she shoots him a glare as if saying 'be so for real right now'
"you know why"
ivy gets off her bed to put her clothes away, they've been sitting in that pile for two days.
"what if he likes you back"
"we can't date"
"says who?" jongho really wasn't one to care about what others say anyway.
"everyone, literally everyone"
"we don't have a dating ban jisoo-ah"
oh. and the contracts never said anything about relationships within groups.
"it'll still ruin things"
"people ship you with all of us anyway" jongho says, fighting every word she says
"just because people say they want something doesn't mean they'd be happy when it does."
this is very true, especially in the kpop fandom. people ship male idols with other male idols, but heaven forbid gay kpop idols actually come out. it angered ivy, the way people switch up their dreams when it becomes reality.
"you should still talk to him, maybe hongjoong too" jongho sighed, ruffled her hair, and then walked out of the room.
leaving ivy all by herself, to think.
taglist: @atolua @skzfairies @itzy-eve @cixrosie @stopeatread @alixnsuperstxr @smh-anon
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zonaenthusiast · 7 months
Last night I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep and, as I've started watching the live action again, I was thinking.
I was thinking about the characters that have to be introduced in the new season and, of all of them, my mind focused on Robin. Initially, in the next season we shouldn't see her interacting much with any mugiwara other than Luffy but we know that changes can happen. And it has made me wonder if her dynamic with Zoro pre Enies Lobby is going to start happening in Arabasta and if this ship is going to be resurrected as happened to Zoro and Nami in the first season.
The peak of popularity that Zoro and Nami have reached again as a ship thanks to live action has less to do with the script (it was of help tho) and more to do with the chemistry between Mackenyu and Emily, so the actress playing Robin is going to be crucial, but I know people are going to love the dynamic that made Zoro and Robin's ship so popular in the late 2000s and bleeded into the early 2010s.
I personally wouldn't put that dynamic into Arabasta yet, I would focus on Zoro with Sanji and Chopper and on Robin with Luffy before introducing the kind of relationship these two are going to have for an entire saga and part of another. I'd maybe even go so far as to show Nami suspecting almost as early as Luffy that Robin isn't half as bad as she wants to pretend, just like she did.
I never got to mention it around here, I don't think, but the Zoro/Nami/Robin trio during Skypiea is one of my favorite things about that arc because you can see the very clear difference in Zoro and Nami's treatment of Robin (he was such an ass with her when she was being nice, I want to slap him).
If this doesn't happen in the second season, in the third (if made) it's already something they can't leave out because his behavior with Robin is the consequence of three things: his distrust by nature, that letting his guard down didn't let him foresee Nami's betrayal and, on top of that, Robin has been his enemy before being his friend.
Or maybe not, maybe people won't give a fuck. We'll see.
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itsasweater · 1 year
HSMTMTS thoughts before season 4 pt. 2
So this is my second part after my re-watch of season 1 through 3 before the final season airs. After giving my thoughts on the seasons in general I thought I would talk about the ships on the show since a lot of new content dropped. The discourse has been interesting to say the least lol
Warning!!! I am going to be brutally honest about the ships on the show because I don't mind discussion, discourse or pushback. I'm not going to put any anti tags because I think the fandom could use some brutal honesty right now, especially with the severe lack of media literacy when it comes to this show and it's ships.
Rini (Ricky and Nini or is it Nina lol):
So I would categorize them as a typical Disney ship, pretty cookie cutter and unoriginal. It's the typical relationship that was formed because of childhood and growing up together. This type of pairing has been done before and will certainly be done again. So for a new show it is understandable to promote this relationship to bring in the audience.
During season 1, the show placed a lot of easter eggs that would forecast the downfall of this relationship, re-watching season 1 definitely helped me catch more of them. As curtsies-from-princess-ashlyn pointed out, throughout season 1 Ricky is looking for comfort and emotional support from Nini but he doesn't get that from her because she doesn't understand what he is going through when it comes to his home life with his parents. Obviously Ricky spends the first half of season 1 trying to get Nini back with her not giving him the time of day, until the homecoming episode changes everything for him because of a certain new girl (Gina). He kind of forgets about Nini while building this new relationship, a relationship that both Nini and EJ notice. The show eventually has Ricky and Nini come back to each other towards the end of the season 1. The thing that stands out to me the most is that in order for them to be put back together, they literally had to remove Gina from an episode for it to happen. Shows tend to do this a lot, when they want a certain pairing together they remove another character so that the pairing can stand alone without any competition in the scenes. But to me this is something that always makes me go hmmmmm you had to remove a character and stop total interaction in order for this pairing to get back together. Ricky and Nini have the moment in the finale where he confesses to her bringing up all these moments from childhood and bam end of season. I think a major reason why that confession scene did nothing for me is that he mentions all these moments that he has had with her from their childhood and we the audience didn't see any of it so it kind of falls flat. How am I supposed to be invested in that speech when I didn't see those moments. I also think putting them back together just regressed their characters. I always have a hard time watching that scene because the acting was just off, I think it was mentioned that they let Josh improvise it and maybe they shouldn't have.
Season 2 starts with Rini back together and in the very first episode Ricky looks directly at the camera and says that him and Nini are never breaking up ever again lol. I don't know if needing media literacy is necessary for that line because the show is spelling it out for the audience foreshadowing that they are going to be over again. That line was not a mistake, it was telling the audience to be prepared. Nini starts the season by not being truthful to Ricky about leaving and going to YAC until she just blurts it out with everyone around. The communication with these two has just always been non existent. Nini doesn't even know that Ricky moved, she goes to his old house yet Gina knows his new address, that's another thing that made me go hmmmm and wonder. Nini starts feeling held back by Ricky and that he doesn't like/love her for the right reasons, which makes her write the Rose song that is clearly about Ricky even though she denies it when he asks her. Ricky gets all excited when Nini comes back and thinks she came back for him but in a brutal way tells him that she didn't. She was already off the bus when he called. Where having media literacy comes into play is understanding that with everything else in Ricky's life changing which is something that he hates, his relationship with Nini and Nini herself represents something the same. He clings on to Nini because he wants at least something to be the same and not change like everything else in his life, which is unfair too Nini. Midway through the season they break up with Ricky initiating it with him saying he doesn't like who he is/becoming while with Nini. The breakup scene was honestly done really well. Obviously the relationship was needed in the end so that the characters could grow and understand what they actually want.
It surprises me how many people in the fandom still cling to this relationship because they were truly miserable with each other during season 2. If you truly cared about the characters you would not want them back together, they clearly outgrew each other and just didn't work anymore. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised though that people still cling to them because of the weird Jolivia stuff that I still see. Liking Rini and wanting them back just seems to be a cover for Jolivia's, like seriously people.
Lastly, people in the fandom like to say that if Olivia didn't leave the show or that if the drama didn't happen Rini would have been endgame yet season 2 was already written before all of that. Like I said at the start, the easter eggs were already planted in season 1 for the downfall of the relationship. I certainly think Rini was definitely endgame if the show was a limited series having only 1 season because of how season 1 ended with them together, they couldn't end it on a cliffhanger with no resolution. They did not know if they were going to be picked up for another season, once they did, they were able to go in the direction they wanted too.
I was planning on going over all of the ships in one post but by the time I finished my thoughts on Rini it was already too long lol so I might just do a post everyday leading up to the new season on the other ships.
Thanks for reading if you did! If you just read the title, thank you!
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resident evil 7 mia and ethan
can I go on a weird tangent? for a sec? I got reminded today that at some point playing through RE7 and leaving Zoe behind my mind just went blep. In the first hunger games book we hear about a hunting trip that Katniss and Gale went on where they watched two people run for their life one was murdered and the other was captured and there was a line where Katniss and the girl who was captured lock eyes and Katniss says "you never forget the face of the person who was your last hope" after thinking of that I went off on a different thought about Peeta getting hjacked in the last book and programmed to kill Katniss.... and Katniss just not being able to deal with it and everything aka Katniss wasn't qualified to deal with Peeta's hijacking which is a huge minefield.
Much like Ethan with Mia yes Ethan was a ass to Mia but she did chop his hand off with a chainsaw and there is a element of he knew something was rotten with her job (they both say so like Mia at the start of the fucking game "i did lie to you I shouldn't have" and Ethan on the boat after fighting Mia, fighting Mia again; molded; Jack three times and Marge twice and poor deputy anderson was a thing and the clancy chronicles), as Mia's spouse Ethan was suspected of having something to do with her disapearence by the police (something I don't see get brought up often) for who knows how long (depending on the cops it could have been a short amount of time or they could have been so certain they tried to get a false confession when my mental health is shit I watch true crime and one of the videos I watched by Eleanor Neale two parter I think can't remember it but it was one of the many cases she has covered where all cops are bastards) probably from when they realise a ship full of people went missing to their brains catching up and realising how one person miles away can cause a huge ship full of people to disappear
also I love how Ethan says "try" to Mia after she say's she can't and then Evie destroys the boat and draw Mia into the Annabelle and to the tape where she remembers everything clearly. I say clearly because as Mia says she only remembers a little and its a hard difference between reality and halluicantion because Evie made her hallucinate a door not being there
Mia: "Ethan, thank you."
Ethan: "Who the hell else was I going to choose?"
Mia: "Ethan!"
Ethan: Mia, I know you've been through a lot. But we need to talk. You had something to do with all of this, didn't you? Look, I just wanna know the truth."
Mia: "Ethan, I honestly don't remember."
Ethan: "Try!"
"Is that the boat? How the fuck did that get here?"
"You're OK. What the hell was that?"
"What the fuck? What is that? What is that?"
basically how can a traumatised person help another traumatised character when it was bascially a cause and effect, Mia caused Ethans trauma it was the last thing she wanted don't get me wrong but it still happened much like Chris trying to protect Claire by not telling her even a little bit about what happened in the Spencer Mansion. But him not telling her lead her to go too RC.(its also why I think a RE5 remake is so needed because Chris is traumatised as fuck and it doesn't show through much like OG 4 didn't show Leons shit mental health) its basically their traumas going against each other like pinballs (thanks ladyknightthebrave video about Haunting of Hill House for putting that line in my head).
and Mia calling Eveline a little bitch was her both resigning herself to her fate whilst also trying to provoke Evie as she saw it happen with Alan he was infected yes and possibly dying but Evie killed him (also with Alan is when Mia got infected- cutscene death of a friend) and it worked Evie doesn't show up again until Ethan is in the salt mines and when we see Mia again she is hooked up to a IV in the helicopter
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iam93percentstardust · 7 months
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
I tend to make my own playlists and most of those are private, but I like listening to this when I'm in a Murder My (nonexistent) Husband mood
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
-1000, but that's not on the scale so 1 unless it's solely a SPAG check. Idk how to describe it exactly? But basically it's like this: I'm not writing for profit. I'm not writing to be professional. I'm writing to get an idea out of my head that was originally inspired by something I saw/watched/listened to. And when I'm writing for fandom, I don't want to edit scenes/characters because that's not the original idea that I had. I've tried doing it in the past where I wrote things out because a beta thought they didn't work with the scene and wound up liking the finished product much less. And since I'm writing what I want to read, I want to actually enjoy what I put down on the page. If I were writing for professional profit reasons, I'd be much more open to editing.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
Oh, is it more Alle lore time? I think I've mentioned the first part, but I don't think I've talked about the rest of this, so! My second ever job was as one of Santa's Elves at Santa's Wonderland for Bass Pro Shops. I loved working with the kids, but absolutely despised the parents. They were very demanding and very entitled, and when one of them got mad that there were no more passes to see Santa that day, he pulled a gun on me. I'm fine, the gun wasn't loaded, and he still didn't get a pass to see Santa (I'm pretty sure he's still in prison though), but I was very happy that I was just a seasonal worker with my contract ending two days later.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Ooh another one of these. Hmmmmmmmm. Again, I don't know if this is unpopular but I see a lot of people talk about this on youtube, so I'm gonna go with it. Jeff Davis never meant for Stiles to be considered as a magical character, and regardless of Deaton being needlessly cryptic, it was incredibly obvious that calling Stiles a "spark" was in the metaphorical sense.
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
This is a real unpopular opinion and will almost certainly get me cancelled, but I think that the various adult youtubers and tiktokers I see calling out the teenager/adult relationships as problematic have forgotten a) that it's fiction and has no bearing on real life, and b) what it was like being a teenager and wanting to be taken more seriously. This trope (if a type of relationship can be called a trope) didn't come out of nowhere, and watching these people decry incredibly popular ships from the 2000s-2010s because of the age gap have forgotten they're not the target audience (and also I think they're doing a discredit to the teenagers watching the show by assuming they're too stupid to understand they shouldn't want that kind of relationship anyway)
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kousaka-ayumu · 2 years
Christmas Fic day 3: JamiAzu
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Warnings: yandere Azul, spoilers for chapter 4 of the main story, spoilers for the vignettes, yandere content, stalking, kidnapping, and blackmail, implied unwanted sex.
Mention ships: Malleus X Ace
"I've always admired your work, you know. Scarabia is lucky to have a vice-dorm leader as competent as you."
"Grade-wise, you show no outstanding weaknesses in classroom learning, applied lessons, or PE. Even I'm miserable at something-namely flight and magic."
"But you? You're almost impressively middle-of-the-road in all regards. It's almost like you prefer to keep it that way..."
Flashback ends
The octopus boy laid on a bed smiling at the photo of the black haired boy, the boy in question is Jamil Viper.
Azul smiled- well bit more lovesickly at the photo.
To put it startly Azul has been curious about Jamil since their freshman year. He noticed that Jamil's been maintaining a perfect score in the middle in his studies, which made Azul suspect that there's more to Jamil's personality. He confirms this through the plot of the whole Scarabia incident, where he's able to observe Jamil's behaviour more, remarking that Jamil perfected the art of feigning defeat. He also tells Jamil that he believes the two of them would get along well, and even asks if he would like to transfer to Octavinelle - something that Jamil promptly refuses.
He is deeply- no he is madly in love with the Vice-dorm leader of Scarabia, too put it simply he is thee god dam yandere for the black haired boy.
He always dreamed about Jamil every night, wishing for the black haired boy to be in his arms, for Jamil to be with him forever and ever until the end. 'He. Will. Be, mine..' He thought to himself as he drift to sleep.
The next day
After another basketball practice Jamil was about to get changed into his uniform and went back to Scarabia until.
"Umihebi-kun." A voice called out, Ace and Jamil noticed Floyd walking towards them more specifically Jamil and handed him an invitation. "Azul told me told me to invited you to the Monstro Lounge at 9:00 PM." The energetic eel said and left, leaving Ace and Jamil confused.
"What the heck was that?" The ginger haired boy asked, "I don't know but what ever it is, I have a feeling that he's is up to no good, say shouldn't you be on a date with Malleus-senpai now." The black haired boy said reminded Ace of his date with the fae prince, Ace jolts "Oh great seven!" The ginger haired boy yelled out, getting change to his uniform when Jamil notices Ace have a some sort of a love mark on the back of his neck but didn't question it when Ace have left.
9:00 PM at Monstro Lounge
Jamil arrived at the Monstro Lounge, for the first time in his life he was nervous 'What does Azul want with me? I swear to the great seven if he wanted me to transfer to Octavinelle again, I refuse it!' He thought angerly to himself, just before he could say anything he was knocked out.
He woke up in some sort of a room, well an unfamiliar room to say the least, he looked up and saw Azul petting his hair.
"Ah, you're awake so early." The octopus boy said in a surprisingly soft voice "You should sleep a lot more, you have history class tomorrow, it's 1:00 am." He said "How did I get here? My voice.. It's so weird." The black haired boy said softly, then he remembers something.
He arrived at the Monstro Lounge last night, and got knocked out "You planned this?!" He said softly but angerly to Azul, "Yes, I did planned this, I always mad whenever you with Kalim, you always have to take care of him like a mom, he always depended on you. I admit that's pretty cute but the thing is that.. I wanted you to be mine." He said to Jamil's ear "But, if you didn't I guess I have to hurt Kalim." He said, the last part made the black haired boy freak out.
Although he hated the white haired boy, he did cared for him, and he didn't want anything bad happen to him after what had happened in his childhood(I just saw a comment on AO3 saying "for some reason i just imagined a Jamil with a pesonallity like kanade otonokoji from SDA2, terrifying image" terrifying is it?).
Jamil had thought about it now, 1st he don't wanted to become Azul's lover and 2nd if he didn't then tue octopus boy might hurt Kalim.
"I.. Became your lover.." He whisper under his breath but Azul had heard and was happy for it...
It was Christmas and everyone was having the day of their lives with their loved ones well only Azul have forced Jamil to become his lover.
The snake was now in the tentacles(get your mind off of the gutter) of the octopus.
❃The End❃
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a-flaming-idiot · 9 months
2023 AO3 Wrapped
Made by @floydsin
How many words have you written this year?  189,786 words! GODDAMN!! I didn't know I had that in me.
How many works did you publish this year? 11 fics.
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?  Titan Spawn. It is my most popular but I think that comes from the passion I've put into it. It's been a lot of fun and a huge crowing experience that I hope to continue into the New Year.
What work of yours has the most hits?  Titan Spawn
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?  Again, I gotta say Titan Spawn. My friends will tell you the same, it was meant to just be a silly twoshot to get me out of my winter funk. Then everyone's love for it turned it into what it is now.
Favorite title you used? Caught In A Multimouse Trap. It's simple and cute.
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? I didn't really use any song lyrics. And even the ones I did were really just random and sporatic with no trend to them.
Pairing you wrote the most for this year?  I guess either Willuz or Alyanette. Willuz because technically all of Titan Spawn is considered Willuz even though they've had little screentime. And Alyanette has featured in like 2 1/2 of my fics. Though except for one it's mostly a background thing again. I don't do much shipping anymore.
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?  Amivee since it's so out of left field but works very well in Titan Spawn.
What work was the quickest to write?  A Kitten's Responsibility. Wrote it in an afternoon in between my family's Christmas Eve-Eve party.
What work took you the longest to write?  I'd say chapters 10-11 of Titan Spawn. They were meant to be one chapter but split off into two due to their raw size. Took me most of the summer and over 30K words.
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?  Three I still intend to finish. A BNA Swap AU I'm mostly done with, just haven't found it in me to get past the festival scene. A miraculous fic where Adrien/Chat Noir thinks Ladybug and Marinette are dating. Just stuck on the specifics of one scene but I intend to finish. And another one with Gabriel mentoring Marinette back from September I similarly just haven't found it in me to finish despite being 75% done.
What’s your longest work of the year?  Titan Spawn again... 145,769 words.
What’s your shortest work of the year?  Hush Little Tanuki. Makes sense. It was originally gonna be a chapter of another larger fic that went belly up.
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? See 12.
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?  "Hurt/Comfort"... honestly I shouldn't be surprised.
Your favorite character to write this year?  Definitely Vee. Specifically in Titan Spawn. She got so little screen time in the show but was so fun to make her even sassier and have her be more of the older sister to Luz and King. But Titan Spawn Luz was fun with all her quirks and I was happy to write Multimosue right at the finish line.
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?  I'mma say most of the kwamis. They all have really vague personalities that were hard to really get while writing. Especially when I was new to the fandom. (Still kinda am.)
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?  I guess Amivee just because it's rare and funny. But again, not really going into the year with shipping on the mind.
Which work of yours have you reread the most?  Titan Spawn since it's so long and I do like to occasionally look back at older chapters. But by the end it felt like Caught In A Multimouse Trap. I kinda skimped out on editing near the end just because I was frustrated with having read it so much both for editing and just catching myself up after breaks.
How many kudos in total did you get this year?  1,275 Kudos.
Which work has the most comments?  Titan Spawn. Obviously the biggest and caught everyone right at the peak of the TOH fandom near the finale.
Did you do any collaborative works this year? Yes. @sashonya helped me a lot with Titan Spawn and we collaborated on Beast Or Man? (How Should I Know?) & No Sight, All Heart. plus Beta reading and helping to brainstorm Heart Of Aspiration.
Did you write any gifts this year?  No Really.
Did you receive any gifts this year?  No
What’s your most common category?  Gen with a few Teen.
What do you listen to while writing?  Not much really. Sometimes I listen to whatever music is hitting my fancy at the time or like a video essay, but I regularly pause or tune it out when I get into the motions.
Favorite work you wrote this year? That is near impossible to choose. I love all my wretched children! (Otherwise I don't finish making them) But if forced to choose, probably Titan Spawn and Caught In A Multimosue Trap. Though maybe that last one was just cause it's so recent. But I really love Multimouse and had fun writing her tiny and cute.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?  I have written way too much to choose. I really do like most of what I made.
Biggest surprise while writing this year?  Titan Spawn taking off. Really I meant for it to just be a quick peak into a possible AU since I was in my winter funk. But people loved it so much and Sash really inspired me to add more to it. And now we have the goliath we got now.
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periwinckles · 1 year
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Rewatching THE 100!!
You know nothing about it? Don't worry, I'm here to enlighten you.
Due to a nuclear apocalypse, the Earth has become inhabitable and mankind has took refuge in a spaceship. 97 years later the air system for the ship is failing, so they send a crew of 100 delinquents who were locked up in prison, to assess if the earth is habitable again. Survival mode is on. Let's go!
and I'm gonna do the most boring thing which is to analyze every episode. Until I get bored about writing it all down which will probably be half way through the first season.
(The tv show is loosely based on the book series by Kass Morgan. Mind you, when the tv show started to roll only the first book had come out, which means that the characters stories are similar in the beginning but then there is a HUGE shift.)
Ok, we see Clarke for the first time and she is clearly the main character. I'm gonna pretend I didn't read the books. And I haven't seen this. Damn, she looks so young. Like an actual 17 year old.
Ok, her escaping the two guards is not believable at all. She is a girl who's had no training in fighting unlike the guards. Anyway.
Oh, cowboy floating on air. Male lead introduced? It's hard to pretend I don't know what's about to happen. I do remember seeing this the first time and thinking he was so cute, and assuming he would surely be the love interest. I dont really think he's that cute anymore.
Kane, what an ass. Hate him. Love the actor though. Damn, he knows how to play a jackass so good.
Bellamy wants to open the drop ship. Clarke objects. Cool we have an archnemesis. They shouldn't have chosen such a hot guy to play him, makes it hard to hate him.
Sister shows up. Cool insight into the spaceship community, learning that families were only allowed to have one child, and that Octavia's crime was to be born. Not really a delinquent, but she totally looks the part. And Bellamy only entered the drop ship because he didn't want to be away from his sister? Man, are you trying to make me go soft for the Jackass?
Communications with the ship are down. Obviously. How would we get drama?
I hate that giant screen showing the physical and medical data on each delinquent. Like, it's no where believable they would fit all of that into that tiny square.
Love the colors on Earth though. Love the visual contrast between the space scenes where everything is grey and the earth scenes were everything is so green.
Ah Wells.
Jasper has said two lines and he is already my favorite character.
Ok, scratch that, Monty is my favorite.
I still dont get why Clarke's mom wasn't executed. I mean, not that I agree with it, but they have rules, and they abide by them every time, except when it's Clarke's mom? Makes no sense.
Bellamy is so good as the anti-hero. He makes all the bad moves for all the right reasons. With really great hair.
It pisses me off, that they are on the ground for like twelve hours and spacecowboy is already putting his moves on Clarke. Seriously? Dude.
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