#again. probably an okay movie for anyone who Doesn't know his stuff that well
thiefking · 2 years
the other thing i disliked about that adaptation is that like, the horror of nakayama's work is the idea it could happen to Anyone, for No Reason, At Random. it's not remotely your own fault, none of the people "deserve it," it just happens and there's nothing you can do. the fact that the horror happens isn't vengeful or targeted it's not even evil, it happens simply because it happens
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Analyzing things in ATSV part one
Okay so I have to be absolutely insane about Ganke for a bit, so this will probably take up several posts because screenshots/videos galore.... ermmmmm....
HAVE FUN (will edit and update as needed)
I'm going to start off by analyzing this piece of concept art
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Taking a look at Ganke's tapestry on his wall, that absolutely looks like the CS:GO logo, just flipped and without the text. Ex:
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Taking a look at more things on the walls as well:
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1) who is doing this math. Is it Ganke? Is it Miles? Is it both of them? I like to think that is is Ganke writing things down and then coming back to them later, or, maybe Miles writes things down and Ganke corrects them/adds stuff.
2) I'm pretty sure that says deadly twins. Is this a game? Movie? A play on words? Makes me think of seven deadly sins, but I'm not too knowledgeable in the world of entertainment.
3) (not the jet) is this a schedule? Lunch schedule, perhaps? It's on the bulletin board in the final cut of their dorm as well, just redesigned. Has to be something school event related. It says "Spring 2023 Brooklyn ________ Academy." I can't make out the middle word.
4) I just like the little spider included in the drawing :3 Miles FOSHO draws all over the whiteboard all the time. I love it.
5) I love love LOVE the stickers he put on the drawers, and I'm guessing there also from video games, but again, not good with logos. If anyone knows though please tell me and I will put it on here.
6) I think it's neat that they have a poster of a bunch of cassette tapes on the door. That was definitely Miles's doing, as well as the record player that i found in there (it's his way of honoring Aaron.)
7) Peep the No Expectations drawing on Miles's side of the bunk. I love the little Easter eggs all over. This is so special to me. Makes me think of the Chekhov's gun principal that they did with the Spider in ITSV and are continuing in Across.
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8) Ohhhhh so he's a soccer guy. I wonder if he likes the sport, players, or had played it himself. Maybe that's why he got buff, bit I doubt it (BRING ME BACK LOSER NERD CHUB GANKE)
9) Taking a look at the photographs that Ganke has and comparing them to what I could find in the final product. Ganke has a camera on his desk, so obviously he takes all of these himself, but we will get to that later.
10) This looks like a picture of himself to me. Self portrait. Look at that blurred out smile. It's either him, or one of his parents, but I'm guessing it's of himself. Did someone take that for him, or did he take it? Maybe it was Miles.
11) might again be a stretch, but it looks almost like two people leaning against each other. Headcanon that Ganke is just like Lilo and takes pictures of random people interacting for funsies (reminds me of them Gwen & Miles leaned on each other on the building but I have HIGH doubts it is that)
12) ..Again, just bullshitting here. But this reminds me of the scene from ITSV where Gwen and Miles first were introduced to each other. Could he totally off, but there were a lot of kids in the background that resembled and could have been Ganke. Who knows what that kid does in his free time. (I bet he has a lot of photos of Miles that he doesn't know about...)
13) i don't have any idea of what this could be but uhh.... we're open to discussion. Train???
14) Looks like a party. A school dance perhaps? Winter formal? Homecoming? Something. Reminds me of the Prom scene in Gwen's universe.
I absolutely love all the stuff they have in their dorm room for food. Those sillies!! Look at them! Eating dinner together! Fully equipped! Who owns this shit! Banking on Ganke owning most of it because like... just look at his fucking setup.
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15) Here's that record player I was talking about!!!! I wonder if it's a brand new one of something Miles got when they went through Aaron's stuff after he died...
16) Coffee machine even though Ganke drinks like 7 energy drinks a day (this boys' coffee addiction is.... wow. Also personally I feel like Miles wouldn't really be too fond of coffee. Imagine if the caffeine messed with his venom strike and caused him to chock everything and himself a billion times lmao)
17) what is this???? Is this some kind of like.... portable burner, or something?????? So they can boil water/use a pan??????? If anybody knows it would be GREATLY appreciated.
18) We've seen the air fryer/rice cooker with googly eyes and I love that... oh, I bet that was Miles's doing. Maybe as a prank or a joke to mess with Ganke and they kept it. There's so much personality here.
19) ignoring the condiments for a moment- THEY AHVE A MINIFRIDGE???? DO THEY EVER NEED TO LEAVE THEIR DORM, ACTUALLY????? It almost looks like it has sparkling/seltzer water in it but.. gross. They really decked this place out, huh.
20) and in ITSV there's a microwave too. Everything to fuel Ganke's crippling chronically online illness.
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21) SPRAY CANS!!!! Oh how wonderful. These are hidden/scattered throughout their finished dorm, too. I love that. I wonder if Ganke and Miles ever become delinquents and go off to graffiti stuff. (However, I don't see Ganke as being very artistic when it comes to things like that, so maybe he just tags along with Miles and acts as lookout.
22) FIDGET spinner!!!!!!! Oh boy. Oh boy. I know that these were a big thing a couple years back, but please consider... Audhd Ganke.... thank you.
23) is this an alarm clock? Radio???? Why do they need another source for music when they have like... three.. seperate ways.... okay.
24) You cannot convince me that this isn't Yoda. Or at least a similar character.. but I'm banking on Yoda. WHY DID THEY CHANGE SO MUCH STUFF THERE WAS SO MUCH PERSONALITY HEREEEEEEER
25) look at this slanted ass bowl. This supports something I will talk about later, but keep him in mind.
26) SKATEBOARD! Does Ganke skateboard??? Oh man. Oh boy. It's Canon because I said so. Skateboary Ganke!! You think he goes somewhere with Miles just to show off the tricks that he knows. I do. It's also his because it's leaning on his bed and there is a pretty clear separation of whose side of the room is whose.
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27) Here is laptop #1
28) BIGASS speakers they deafen EVERYONE when they start playing music.
29) HIS FUCKING PC??? BROTHER, WHY DOES HE HAVE THAT EXPENSIVE ASS PIECE OF EQUIPMENT IN HIS DORM ROOM. WHAT DOES HE HAVE AT HOME?????? Bros got eh curved screen and everyrhing. Also is he making MUSIC. Ganke in his producer era (what genre do you think he makes?) Also, not pictured, but he has a Webcam, too. StreamerGanke....
30) HERES THAT CAMERA I MENTUONED EARLIER!!!! He has hobbies other than gaming like... photographing Miles.. and......... taking.. pictures of Miles..
31) is this some kind of console, maybe? We see him playing the Spider-Man 2 game, which is playable on both PC and Playstation, but I'm pretty sure it's confirmed that Ganke is, in fact, playing it on his ps5 (do not quote me on this that is what Google has told me...)
32) his professional-ass microphone.... pray that nobody ever finds out the kind of LOOT you have, Lee, or you will be robbed blind. (Not sure if this is still kept in the finished version, I'll have to check) ((also the stuff on his bulletin board? Brother.... broski you live with him.. you don't need to have him beside you on the daily))
33) This looks like an IPad to me, but I could br wrong. Also, he's watching Miles on it!!! COME ON. I know Spider-Man is his favorite superhero and all.. but come on, this is "person-who-has-crush-behavior" and I don't think that's too wild of me to say...
34) look at him with his little soundboard!! In the final version it ends up looking more like a keyboard than what it does right now, but he obviously makes music on the side as well. He's so dear to me.
35) This little drawer pulls out on his desk!! Where he stops his billionth keyboard and mouse. (In another angle of their dorm, in ITSV, their is a random unused keyboard propped up against the wall)
36) ANOTHER FUCKING LAPTOP. Bro has one for his games, one for school, one for talking to his online friends, and one for coding stg /hyperbolic
37) Here is the console for his computer. Simply that. Just astounding to me.
Just look at how much mire comfortable they are with each other now versus ITSV!!!!!! Good friends, good match, good sillies. The only thing I DONT like is the inconsistencies of the room... but perhaps they got a different dorm room this year and still chose to bed down together. Historians will just call them best friends.. rommates... anything but lovers.
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Oh you thought I was done?
No, I have one more thing to say.
One more tiny, tiny detail I fished out while studying their room.
Are you ready?
In the concept art.
Underneath Ganke's desk.
Is a bag.
And what's on that bag?
Some pins.
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Oh but what's that?
That yellow one??
Is that the intersex flag?
Is that another game logo that I'm too uncultured to understand, is that just a coincidence, or, is Ganke intersex?
I don't know enough about people that are intersex to get into it, but.. Has anybody else noticed this?
I can't find it in the finished version... but. But guys. Guys.
Please tell me your thoughts on this.
I'm going to analyze that scene in ITSV with the hyperlapse of Miles sleeping and Ganke.. dicking off all night next. Might not be tomorrow but it will happen.
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I gave Ganke longer hair because he looks bald without it. THATS ALL BYE
Part 1.5
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asco-bisco · 1 month
School Bus Graveyard Stereotypical Personality(?) AU
so i posted this on ao3 and im gonna delete the chapter with all this info but i still wanted to get this out js incase anyone is interested
Ashlyn Banner: The Introverted High School Girl
- I'm just getting a lot of Tall Girl vibes but I never watched the movie
- Still has the same personality but I might write a bunch of cringy ahh y/n stuff
- She still likes dogs just because
- She absolutely despises EVERYONE on a more alarming level (she hates Tyler)
- She pesters Taylor about wearing makeup
- She listens to Prom Dress by mxmtoon (at least she's supposed to give off the vibe)
- Still does ballet
- I don’t know how to run her under a stereotype without making her a ‘quirky’ girl or a pick me girl
Aiden Clark: Your Pyscotic Mosquito
- He has no concept of personal space (as usual)
- He needs to give off the annoying stalker vibe or creepy vibe, not the one everyone simps for
- Kinda stalks people (he knows where everyone in his group lives)
- He pulls pranks on people he doesn't like (He does the whoopie cushion prank on Tyler)
- I guess 10x crazier and maybe not as caring--if the roof thing with Ashlyn happened again, he'd probably call others to help instead or would end up inside the house before it even happened
- I don't know anymore
Ben Clark: Quiet Unpopular Kid
- He doesn't care about your well-being (idk)
- He's still the medic of the team though, if that makes sense
- His trauma is still there but his anger issues just exist, they don't get triggered from bullying though they just exist ig
- Maybe that's why he's unpopular
- I don't know if he should still live with Aiden or not
- I wanna make him mean idk y but he prob won't be
- He doesn't get as flustered as he does in the webtoon, like y'know those moments where he's just cute asf (maybe that's just me) but those moments don't exist anymore
Logan Fields: Nerdy Astronomy-Loving Boy
- He still has W shooting skills
- He's way shyer though like he full-on goes "U-Uhm, I-I-I-I-I t-th-thi-think we-w-we-we s-should g-g-go n-n-n-n-n-n-n-now"
- the stuttering is not that much tho (i would DIE writing that)
- Tyler and Aiden pick on him a lot (not together though, in their own time)
- Aiden purposely gets Logan to do things he doesn't want to do like face a phantom or go patrolling just to see him squirm and cry
- Whether or not he becomes the sassy S2 Logan we know is a secret (and to be decided)
- He sticks around Taylor a lot because Tyler and Aiden are basically bullies and Ashlyn and Ben are too scary to be around (they're both quiet people who give you death stares)
Taylor Hernández: Nice Popular Girl
- She loves everyone and teases her brother a lot
- She still has trauma (joking about it is how she copes)
- She is kind to EVERYONE but if you share lip gloss/mascara with her, you're keeping it forever (she doesn't want your germs)
- She’s blunt and doesn’t think before she speaks
- so passive aggressive it’s not okay
- The only person she doesn’t love is Barron and his friends
Tyler Hernández: Rude Popular Jock
- He hates everyone that aren’t his friends
- His ego is so high it’s not okay
- He loves Tay and Tay only
- He kind of makes sure everyone is in check unconsciously because he likes to nag others
- He picks on Logan and Ashlyn for their height (he leans on them)
- Mention his dad and he just might shoot you
- Doesn’t like physical bullying but if you give him a chance to insult you, he will do it
- He might end up fighting Ben if he ticks him off, that’s to be decided tho
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babiebom · 8 months
apologies for my absence- holiday periods are tiring lmao how were they for you? unfortunately we have yet to watch the fnaf movie, as our group is one that is exceedingly difficult to make plans around because we're all busy 💀 but then there's the one guy who doesn't want to leave his house lmao luckily, iv'e been pretty good at staying away from spoilers, so i've got that going for me. on the other hand, i'm planning to go see Trolls 3, and my mother and sister recently went to see the new Wonka movie. Though from what i've heard from a friend, Wonka's no good :// Yeahhh, if i actually commit to the mod, i'd have to learn pixel art and reteach myself code and programming 😭... i used to be somewhat decent at it. oooo yes i love a good choose your own adventure! they're so much fun and i've actually coded 1 of my own :,) it was through Visual Basics though, so the formatting was a bit weird for me lmao if you're going for a visual novel type of look and playability, I'd probably recommend Unity or itch.io? in my experience, Unity is probably easier to use.. theres another website/app i used but i can't recall the name sadly :( if i do i'll get back to you though! i don't have that much of a detailed request this time, but perhaps some fluff and love languages between rasmodius and the reader? or like hcs of rasmodius's evolving interest/thoughts arund the reader before finally getting together? i'd perhaps request nsfw/smut stuff too but tbh i just don't have any ideas 💛 tysmm :D -🔮
A/N: I’m glad you’re okay!! Honestly I’ve been sick these past couple of weeks (I caught pneumonia and had it for a month before going to the hospital. I thought it was a cold oopsies) I haven’t watched anything new recently but I am watching the third season of singles inferno with some friends. And I guess until I can figure out how to make a visual novel I have to write the fic out lmao sucks for me because I think a game would be better but oh well. What can I do? And like always I’ll try to do both!! Check back for the second one!!
Tw: cursing, slight nsfw but no full on smut. Let me know if there’s something I missed!!
Wc: I have no idea! But these are headcanons so 10+ is the goal!!
Sdv Masterlist
Okay so there are five main types of love languages.
Physical touch, Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Quality Time.
I would also like anyone reading this to remember that these love languages are how you want to be loved/receive love not how you show love to others.
I do think that Rasmodius is very connected to himself
And by that I mean I think he knows himself very well, or at least he thinks he knows himself very well.
And for a long time I think he probably thought that Quality Time and Physical Touch were his main two love languages.
I mean idk if it’s canon but in my opinion I do think he cheated on the witch with Caroline
And I’m not gonna go into it here because this isn’t about them, but I think it might’ve had to do with that and his own struggles with temptations.
And I also think gift giving is canon for literally every single character in stardew because that’s the main way to befriend someone.
But I think that after marrying you/beginning to date you he realizes that his actual love language is words of affirmation.
While Physical touch and quality time are still very important to him, being with you makes him see that he really does like being praised.
Like whenever you say that he has done something well, or that you like something he has done his heart flutters as if he were a teenager again.
Especially when it comes to his magic
Like I feel like the townspeople aren’t really fond of him
And they never thank him for the things that he does whenever they actually need him for stuff
Like the haunted maze
Like they’re just talking about how weird he is and how he got it done
But they never stop and say anything that’s positive like WTF
So I think he would appreciate whenever you thank him or praise him and it would go straight to his head (which one idk 👀)
With quality time I feel like you get a lot of it after he moves to the farm
Like unless he’s working in his tower, or you’re off somewhere like in the mines
That you’re like together even if it’s spent in silence
And he loves that
Like he was super lonely before even if he doesn’t want to admit it
So just being in the same room as you counts as quality time for him.
And if you’re doing an activity that’s particularly domestic
He’s in heaven like he doesn’t wanna make it a big deal
But baking and helping you around the farm makes his heart soar.
I think in terms of how he shows love i think he would show it in acts of service and gift giving
Like oh you don’t feel well?
Don’t bother going to the clinic he’s just going to create a potion that stops you from getting sick
You’re afab and you’re having bad cramps during your period?
Consider them gone
Look at this thing he got for you
And while yeah this might seem like either a lot of insincere
In his mind and heart this is how he shows that he appreciates you and wants you to live a good and easy life.
If he can make things easier and less stressful for you
That’s exactly what he’s going to do
He loves you and while he loves receiving attention and love he’s kinda crap at giving it in the same way because he just doesn’t really know how
So this is how he does
He’s VERY romantic sometimes and shows it through gifts and services.
Very cute and a good significant other when you get past his rough exterior.
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bobbydagen24 · 5 months
Okay, this has honestly been in the back of my mind for years now, but I feel like I must ask. Did anyone else feel an immense feeling of anger/discomfort when Poppy brought the entire village into Branch's bunker? Because I did. When I first saw it, I felt uncomfortable. And to this day, I get the ick thinking about it. Like, I get why she did it, and I understand that it was the safest thing to do for the village, but like... I can't explain just how upsetting it was to me. Branch is a better person than I am, because if it were me, just... no. And she didn't even ask properly! And then had the audacity to say it was a solid burn returned like??? No? No it wasn't? That was a home invasion, not a snipe back at him, what? In what world is his comment on her life skills even remotely on the same level as her just letting the ENTIRE VILLAGE in his house? And they weren't even good houseguests either! They IMMEDIATELY started messing with his stuff, like, have these trolls never heard of proper guest etiquette? Look, I love Poppy, but she can seriously get on my nerves a lot. Especially since the movies made it so that in the end, she doesn't really learn much because her screw ups have a way of completely disappearing with little to no consequences.
To add to this, anyone else feel like when rewatching the first Trolls movie, that Branch was in the right, and that he was done so dirty by so many? Like, the ukulele scene. As a kid, I did think Branch was being rude, but now? Those 2 were literally out in the woods, with who knows what out there. Poppy literally got her friends kidnapped by a BERGEN literally the DAY BEFORE, and she's going back to singing loudly? Like, Poppy, babe, are you TRYING to die? Her whole song just shows how much plot armor Poppy has because, seriously? Not to mention, trolls are tiny, so her singing could genuinely put a target on them. I feel like the only reason Branch didn't up and say this is because it probably should be common knowledge, but apparently, pop trolls don't really have much common sense. I really wish they had Branch explain it though, because as a kid, I thought him to be a killjoy and unnecessarily bossy. But now? Yeah, I can see why singing in the forest when you're tiny might not be the best idea. Makes me wonder just how the pop trolls survived all this time?
I love Poppy, I really do. She's fun, nice, and is a complex protagonist (who is awesome and not a Mary Sue, though the same can't be said for TBGO/Trollstopia Poppy) whose character development is very visible. However, the writers really focus more on Branch's character development than hers and focus more on finding new ways to traumatize him than finding ways to make Poppy more mature, and that's what really bugs me about Poppy's character.
I really wanna start a petition for DreamWorks to lay off Branch for once and give Poppy more attention. I'm not asking to all out traumatize her (though the idea of DreamWorks giving her the Branch Treatment is funny in the mean way) but it would be nice if they gave her another journey where she has to learn and grow, and for there to be consequences that aren't easily waved away by a song and dance. TWT did a decent job at it (it could have been better, but it was a start), and I really need DreamWorks to do something like that (but better, obviously) again.
That being said, I do like how they handled Broppy. They went from rival/strangers to friends to lovers. It didn't happen instantly, and the progression of the relationship didn't feel rushed or forced. They both have an equal standing in the relationship and are supportive of each other. It's cute, and I'm glad DreamWorks at least got that right.
This should have probably been separate asks, but oh well. YOLO or whatever. I just really wanna know your thoughts.
I'm mostly of the same mind it angers me but I get why she did it I feel at the very least she should have told everyone to behave themselves and not act like they were teenagers throwing a house party while their parents were away for the night.
some people have said that maybe she did in on purpose to pressure Branch into going with her but I prefer to think that wasn't the case because in my opinion that would be straight up villainous.
a Royal abusing their power to put pressure on a civilian to Risk their life to rescue a group of your friends who are in danger due to your incompetent leadership.
not to mention a civilian who she knows is more terrified of the Bergens than anyone else in the village.
yeah that would make her an out and out villain imo so I prefer to think that wasn't her intention.
I don't feel its so bad it needs to be changed in the story overall but I would have liked it had Branch actually called her out on it.
basically just have him angrily point out to her after she acts like it wasn't a big deal because it was just a bunch of old Junk. that it wasn't just a place to him it was his home and that wasn't just a load of old Junk it was stuff he worked hard for years to make and it made him feel safer it was the only place he actually felt safe and like he could relax.
maybe prompting Poppy to actually give a more genuine apology as before she just thought of his home as him being over the top for the sake of it.
since she and the village just viewed him as a Drama queen and she didn't really realise his fears were actually so genuine that the Bunker actually mattered to him that deeply.
part of me thinks the intent by the writers was for her consequences in the first film to be being betrayed by Creek who she cared about but yeah that whole thing could have been handled better.
her and her dads leadership put him in danger and he literally said what he had to say in order to avoid being eaten alive he didn't really have any agency in the betrayal.
so Poppy's somber pleas for him to not go through with it kinda make me mad tbh like this whole situation is your fault yet my guy Creek is expected to die because of it.
so your incompetent dad can live? yeah no.
also if you made that Petition for Branch I'd totally sign it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
and I agree Poppy deserves some more focus and development tho a touch of angst for her I think could maybe be a good thing in making her character stronger.
like I've said before maybe having Peppy die in a future film and her at first trying to ignore her grief by focusing on her queen duties and slapping on her usual smile worrying both Branch and Viva.
or having her mother turn up in the future like some fans have suggested only for her to be a selfish villain who couldn't care less about Poppy and Viva.
and this is the proper shock to Poppy's "" family is always great "" mentality as even with Bro zone they worked things out in the end making her think no family could be entirely broken.
but her mother literally doesn't give a shit if her children live or die and she maybe abandoned them both when Poppy was a baby.
drawing a little contrast with Branch only for the mother to have zero remorse since she didn't want children and maybe she was only with Peppy for status as royalty.
and Bro zone could be shown as being more remorseful over the past even a while after the events of TBT which contrasts with Poppy's mom kinda nicely.
anyway I'm getting off topic a bit lol but yeah I agree Poppy needs more focus and Branch's needs to be picked on less by the writers.
but I feel a touch of angst directed Poppy's way could give her some good development and make her a stronger character overall.
edit. also as someone who doesn't like Hugs Poppy's smug stunt with the Hug time Bracelets does make me a little mad like tell the Trolls to Respect people's Boundaries Girl.
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redfurrycat · 11 months
Hey! Have you made a master list of Ice being Jake’s dad? (I absolutely love, appreciate and frequently use your master lists)
Just as I’m writing the Ron is Jake’s dad au I’ve been trying to read all the Ice is Jake’s dad and I’m sure I’m missing some??
Hey Mac! 😊
This is slightly different than how I usually do rec lists. In this case, I searched through the Top Gun (Movies) fics tagged as Tom "Iceman" Kazansky & Jake "Hangman" Seresin and then proceeded with the collecting of all fics mentioning any paternal-filial bond between the two, regardless of the pairings.
Meaning I don't think I know most of them, but I hope you can find stuff to read nonetheless.
(I'll probably -absolutely- do a Hangster & Icepops-Hangson recs list though, at some point in the future! 😊)
I invite anyone to add fics fitting the request if you have more! 💖
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Tumblr Posts
The Hangman's Guide to Winning Over Your Disapproving Admiral-In-Law – Part 1 – 2 – 3 (@amostexcellentblog)
Also see these:
nonbinary-jakeseresin post
weewoobrainrot post
whohasthecards post
AO3 Fics
(All have Jake as Ice's biological or adopted son, unless mentioned otherwise.)
See You Again by sleeping_maple {T}
Just when Hangman thinks that the day can't get any worse, he finds out that his father died. His father, Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kazansky. And he doesn't take it well. Luckily, Sarah Kazansky and Maverick are there to help.
Mini Man by SpringPetunia {T}
Hangman is Iceman's son. He never tells anyone anymore because of how they always react. But his dad is coming for a visit
Golden Boy by Earthangel_44 {E}
“Say it.” Jake says smiling. His face is so close to Bradley’s that Bradley has to duck his chin to look at him. “You’re a bird, Jake.” Bradley replies and Jake beams. “I already have the wings.” Jake says happily as he presses short quick kisses to Bradley’s lips. Bradley smiles and Jake kisses that too. “Now say you’re a bird.” Bradley laughs and he smiles until his eyes crinkle. “Well if you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” A Notebook AU because Glen Powell ships Hangster
Touch Starved by LeonDesdichard {M}
(Ice acting like a dad)
Jake shows up at Ice and Mav's house and he's completely out of it because he's sick and Maverick and Bradley are out of the house so it ends up being Ice who is the one that is taking care of Jake. Jake is completely out of it because he's feverish and he's really touch starved which has Ice angry for a ton of different reasons.
Military Amalgamate by rem_png {G}
(Icemav’s son)
Back in the 80s, the government wanted to make a new generation of super pilots. So, they turned to science and mixed the DNA of their best fighter pilots. None of the pilots knew about this project. Fast forward to 2020 and the truth comes out, rattling many families.
Take me home by Target_rich_environment {G}
Jake takes Bob home after the bird strike
IcePops and HangSon Series by UFOxMulder {T}{E}
Hangman snippets Series by Fantasy2739 {T}
Even worse idea! by LemonsAndSugarMakeLemonade {T}
(Ice acting like a dad)
“Bradley, Ice just texted me to come to “hang out”, is this a threat?” “Jake you’ve known him for almost five years now, it is definitely just Ice wanting you to do some work around the house.” “Okay but-” “Baby, this exact conversation happened last week, you know Ice is so different at home than he is at work.” “But is he?” “Jake, please,” “Okay yeah, I’ll go over.”
Midnight Hour Mixtape by Bubblegumchaos {T}
Hangman runs; he always been much too good at that sort of thing. Jake would give anything to find his father except his clues are half a dozen letters in a shoebox and his late mother's drunken rambles of a man who wasn't her husband.
I don't know how to change a tyre by blazingstar29 {G}
(Son-Fatherly Feels)
Jake gives his first father's day at 30.
Top Gun: Kazansky Twins by Tazlady691 {T}
A cannon divergence AU: The story of a pair of twins and their life up to 2023
The Mitchell-Kazanskys Series by WhisperingNights {T}{M}
Flowers for my grave by TheReadingWriter {T}
When a study on the genetics of Hanahaki disease brings forth the revelation that Jake "Hangman" Seresin is in fact Tom "Iceman" Kazansky's son, their lives take a dramatic turn, as they for the first time in their lives have someone to other than the ones who cursed them to live for. Their times are both running out, but they will be damned if they will let the other die without at least trying to save them. When the mission of a lifetime arrives, one thing is certain: It will either mean happiness for the rest of their lives, or certain death before the year has passed. How far will they go to protect the secret they know will kill them?
A Choice by Ren_Anders {_}
(Son-Fatherly Feels)
After everything, when everything is suppose to be smooth sailing, Jake gets a call. His dad has just died. But it doesn’t matter, right? He was an asshole and he refuses to give him his grief. OR Ice and Jake have a heart to heart about shitty dads and how to overcome their deaths
Family Ties by CryoCait {_}
Jake knows what policies there are in place to avoid familial conflict of interest, he's lived it for years. He knows how sacred those policies are to keeping his family sane. So logically it follows that he understands how dangerous this mission must be for the Navy to look aside and allow the entire Mitchell-Kazansky family to be a part of it. Now he just needed to make sure they all made it home in one piece. Or Jake is a Kazansky just as much as Bradley is a Mitchell, and Mav never pulled Bradley's papers. Now, the close-knit but under the radar family all must work together for the first time during the Uranium Plant mission and keep their relationships to each other under wraps while trying to make sure everyone survives this suicide mission.
Bikes and Bruises by WhisperingNights {M}
(Icemav’s son)
"You aren’t taking one of my bikes to the HR Drag Strip, Jacob, end of story,” Mav responded, crossing his arms over his chest. “I won’t be racing, it's just a show,” Jake protested. Mav snorted “Yeah, right.” “I won’t! The show starts at 9-” “How many times are you going to make me say no, son?” Mav asked.
Heartbeats & Bird Nests Series by SamHeartfilia {T}{E}
Two Men and a Baby by multifangirl11 {_}
(Mav’s son & Icemav)
Jake is Pete's son, Tom is a good friend who hopes to become more.
Keeping Dreams Alive, 1999 Hero's (I Ain't Worried Right Now) by Luxu1230 {_}
(Icemav’s son)
Jake "Hangman" Seresin is the biological son of Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and Tom "Iceman" Kazasky but was kidnapped not that long after being born all he has of them is a small f-14 Tomcat silver necklace which he keeps hidden. He knows his "parents" are his real "Parents" though they don't exactly know that but when he overhears a certain conversation between three people he starts suspecting of who his true parents maybe and from the sounds of it they definitely didn't abandon him.
Been searching for a(n Ice)man by crowstakeflight {G}
Jake did not really look like either of his parents. Sure, he could see some of his mom in his features when he looked in the mirror, but the majority of them are from someone he’s never seen before. It didn’t take much to bring the question up to his parents and they answered honestly. Or, Jake's biological father is Iceman and this is what happens after he finds out.
Living after midnight, loving 'til the morning, then I'm gone. by WaffleToaster {E}
Nobody thought their actions back in the winter of '85 and beyond would end up having these consequences. A story woven from past mistakes, indecisions and loss that eventually helped shape his world and upbringing. But despite all the hardships one thing was for certain, Jake Seresin was destined to fly and he knew the Navy was where he belonged. A slightly altered kind of retelling that includes Jake 'Hangman' Seresin being Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky’s lost son, a story about revelations, love, loss, friendship and most importantly family. Where two rivals find out they may not be so different from one another and their journey to understanding, unity, serenity and eventually love. First by hating, then by loving and finally understanding and helping one another find a place they both deserve. Just not in the same order.
A Kazansky Redemption by WhisperingNights {E}
This is a Kazansky love story. Can one win back the love of their life? Can the other find love in a storm of hate? **** “Sarah, that’s been over for 26 years, besides your my wife, remember? It wouldn’t be good to go tell a man I love him now would it?” Ice grinning playfully at her. She gave a small laugh that quickly turned into a cough, causing him to lean toward her in concern. “I’m alright, I’m alright, sit down,” she rasped, waving him off, then she looked at him “I love you Tom, but we both know our love was foraged in partnership nothing else. We did what was necessary for the safety of ourselves and your career. But it’s 2017, it's easier now. Sexuality rights are better, people are more open. I’ll never get to have a wife, but you Tom, you deserve to have a husband.” ***** Jake’s eyes landed on a figure in an awful Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses. His irritation instantly grew, the universe really must hate him.
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Gus Knows Shawn Knows That He's Telling The Truth
(So note: I have that thing where I can't picture images in my head, so I have no fucking clue how it works for people who actually can picture stuff, so uhhhh if I describe memories/imagination weird, that's why.)
"Come on, that's not right and you know it! I just can't see it when I play it out in my head."
"Gus, play it back in your brain, I know we saw the same thing."
"I just don't see it playing out that way, there's something more here."
It's years of these comments before Gus finally asks, "Okay, what do you mean by that?"
"Hmm?" Shawn looks up from his laptop. "What, the camera grain thing? I told you they swapped to digital on season 4, Gus, you didn't need to google it to believe me."
"Not that, and I still don't believe they'd disrespect classic film like that. I mean the way you talk about remembering and imagining things."
Shawn sits back, eyes fully off his laptop. "How do you mean?"
"I've just never heard anyone talk about that kind of thing the way you do. Like it's a movie or something."
"I mean, it basically is," Shawn says with a shrug. "What, yours isn't?"
"No, Shawn!"
"What is it like, then?"
"I don't know. When I imagine something it's not like watching a movie, though. I have to work at picturing things, at least a little."
"Huh. Weird. Half the time I just see things, literally in front of my eyes." Shawn waves his hand in front of his face. "Literally, when I remember something I stop seeing things around me and see the memory. Same for when I piece things together, I stop seeing things around me and see what I imagine happened."
"Wait, what?" Gus sits up straighter, brow creasing. "You stop seeing things?"
"Again, you don't?"
"No! People don't literally see memories, Shawn, that's crazy."
"Huh." Shawn looks thoughtful. "Must be the eidetic memory thing, then. I thought everyone could literally rewatch things they saw, just, in worse quality. Sort of fuzzy, a little grainy. Sometimes things are highlighted."
"You're not pulling my leg, are you? That's really how your brain works?"
"How else did you think it worked?"
"I don't know! You know it's almost impossible to verbalize the inner workings of the mind and imagination!"
"I think I just did it pretty well, actually."
"Whatever, Shawn. I'm looking this up online, and i I find out you're messing around again, you owe me ice cream."
"And if you discover I'm telling the truth, you owe me ice cream."
"Told you." Shawn flicks his balled-up candy wrapper at the trashcan and misses.
"But it doesn't say anything about stuff being highlighted, so I still win."
"No, that doesn't count. Clearly that's just a side effect of The Sweetness mixing with the memory."
"And it's only near visual, it doesn't say anything about literally being unable to see the things around you."
"So mine is just stronger, probably because Dad had me sharpen it. ... Damn, I just gave him credit for something, didn't I? pretend you didn't hear that."
"Plus, it only applies to actual memories. You said it also happens when you imagine things. Check and mate."
"It does! Well, not always. Usually just on a case, or when I try pulling the psychic mojo out."
"Nope. Internet says you're lying about that."
"Well, then the Internet is the one lying. Which one do you believe, Gus? Your best friend for your whole life, or some random person with a laptop and love of lying?"
"You also have a love of lying, Shawn."
"... You've got me there."
"Thanks." Gus hangs up, and looks over at Shawn's desk, smiling smugly.
"Well, that's not good." Shawn checks his drawers for pranks, but nothing. "Alright, what'd you do? Am I about to stand up and have paint all over my butt or something?"
"I called your mom."
"You know her new number?"
Okay, that's can't go unaddressed. "I got her business number from the web. You don't know her personal number?"
Shawn just shrugs.
"Your folks are messed up. Now I wish I hadn't called her."
"I do too. Why'd you do it if we both agree it was a bad idea?"
"To talk about the memory thing."
"Again? Gus, I thought we dropped this last week."
"We did. And then you said that you just couldn't 'see' my suspect doing it on our last case."
"So perfectly normal phrases are cause for interrogating my parents now?"
"Yes, because, she said that's not how it works."
"Hers is only sounds, Gus."
"She said it's still not how it works, even with visuals. Your imagined wrap-up scenarios shouldn't be as vivid as your actual memories, and you shouldn't be unable to see the actual world around you when you remember things. She was really worried about that until I told her you were messing with me."
"I'm not!" Shawn leans forward. "Here, I'll do it right now." He puts his fingers to his head, and Gus rolls his eyes.
"Shawn, I've seen you do it a million times."
"Yeah, but get up and do something while I do this."
"You can just say you didn't see what I was doing."
Shawn yanks his hands down and clicks his tongue. "Man, what do I have to do to convince you that this is how my brain works?"
"I hope you can't, because then that means you have hallucinations all the time, and I know you wouldn't go to a doctor about it."
"Hallucinations," Shawn huffs with a humorless laugh. "That's totally different, man. I'm not seeing or hearing things that aren't there around me, I'm using things I know to make a scene in mind and playing it out."
"But it's directly interfering with your perception of the current reality." Gus's smug look slides off as Shawn doesn't make any jokes back. "... You're really serious about this?"
"Oh, now that I might have something wrong with my brain-"
"No, Shawn, I didn't mean it like that." Gus stands up. "But you're serious? About seeing stuff like it's really happening, right in front of you?"
"Not always in front." There's a seriousness to Shawn's voice that Gus doesn't hear often. It's not angry, it's not upset, but it's not lighthearted either. It's... genuine. A little vulnerable. "Sometimes off to the side or behind me. It's clearer when I have more information or a solid idea to play off, and I'm not there. Not usually, anyway. It's more like TV, like I said, and I'm the camera, but I'm not a person."
Shawn glances up at Gus for one second before quickly looking away, searching his desk for something to fiddle with. "You're sure that's not how it works for everyone else?"
"Pretty sure." Gus sits in the armchair closest to Shawn's desk. "Shawn-"
"Did you ask my dad?"
"If he sees things that way."
"So maybe it's from him." Shawn hunches back over his desk to keep doodling pineapples. "Probably some kind of trick or technique he drilled into my head."
"I'm not seeing things." The sudden defensiveness makes Gus snap his mouth shut. Shawn balls up the paper and tosses it into the trashcan without looking. It goes right in, dead center. "Look man- it's enough that I can't just walk in a room or go on a date without all of this going on."
Shawn waves his hands by his head. Gus thinks this is the first time he's heard Shawn complain about his gift themselves, and not just the way his dad always pressures him to use them.
"If I'm hallucinating on top of that, I just don't want to know. So let's drop it."
"... Okay." Gus looks out the window. "You want some peanuts then?"
It works, Shawn's body language relaxing again. "Not today, I saw him sneeze into his hand and then fill a bag without the scooper yesterday."
Gus snaps his laptop shut, but it's too slow. Shawn's mouth quirks at the corners, like he's so overwhelmingly, evilly gleeful that his face can't process it yet.
"It's not what you think."
"Gus." Shawn puts a hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Gus, buddy. It's a lie, remember? If you need me to explain my process more just say so."
"I was just looking, Shawn."
"At How TO Tell If You're Psychic websites? Come on, buddy." Shawn pats his shoulder again and drops a packet of powered doughnuts onto the desk before sitting down in one of the window armchairs. "At least try to come up with a good backstory man. Wait, let me guess."
But Shawn already has his eyes closed. "You came in today and sat around for all of five minutes before looking it up, because you're a fool."
"How'd you know-"
"The sweetness. Plus you had like a million tabs open already."
"Yeah, well." Gus adjusts himself in his chair, refusing to feel ashamed. "These websites say you're not alone."
"They all say that Gus, they're about ghosts."
"No, with the way you see things. Most of these are just random garbage, but some of the dinkier ones actually say the same as what you described when you imagine stuff."
"I'm not saying you're psychic, but I'm saying that based on what I've found, you're not the only person who thinks like that. In fact, based on what I read, your eidetic memory and detective training work hand-in-hand with what you've got."
"What I've got?"
"And overactive imagination and out-of-body experiences."
"Great." Shawn stands up and grabs the doughnuts back.
"People who psychoanalyze me don't get doughnuts, Gus."
"I'm not psychoanalyzing you! You seemed upset that I thought it was weird-"
Shawn scoffs. "When has that ever upset me? I'm proudly eccentric."
"-so I wanted to show you it's not that unusual. I was trying to be nice, Shawn."
"Well, you did it poorly, because now I know my brilliant mind works the same as people who think they can actually speak with ghosts."
Gus tsks at Shawn and opens his laptop back up. He goes back to reading the page, and glances up at his friend from behind his screen. "... Hey Shawn?"
"You think the peanut guy is still sick?"
"Nah, he should be fine." Shawn pulls out some paperwork from the station and groans. "A fi- really? We're filing things away now? Why'd you have them send this over?" He reads it. "What is this, a witness statement? Gus."
"Nothing to do with me."
"It's got a note from Buzz stapled to it that says 'Here's what you asked for, Gus, have a good day.' Look, he added a smiley face. That's adorable."
Stop calling full grown men 'adorable'."
"He's not a full-grown man. He's a full grown Labrador that turned into a man, and you can't prove me wrong. ... This is from our last case."
Gus starts to sweat.
Shawn narrows his eyes. "This is the statement about the thing with the van..." He looks up. "Gus... why exactly did you ask me to explain that deduction to you in as much detail as possible?"
"Just curious, like I said then." He knows it's a bad lie. Even a non-Shawn would clock it.
"Oh, Gus. Buddy, you're not seriously thinking I'm psy-"
"Why're you checking the mail anyway? You never do that."
"I felt like checking it today."
"Why? Felt important?"
"Oh my god."
"I can see it, clearly!" Shawn shouts, hand to his head as he stands atop the picnic table in the park. He swivels around, pointing among the crowd of soccer moms gathered for their now ruined potluck. "You, June, despised Carol for her status among the neighborhood! The best barbecues, the best garden, the best book club picks-"
"This is absurd," June spits, looking frantically at Jules and Lassie. "You can't believe him!"
"AH!" Shawn stumbles back, squishing a plate of lasagna under his shoe. "Oh, sorry, um- it was all veggie anyway, it's-it's not much of a loss. Ahem. Oh, OH, OH! I feel it! I see it and I feel it! You and Carol were both looking to become head of the PTA, and you knew she was a shoo-in! It was just one more in a long line of titles you wanted that she took!"
"She didn't even want to ban the right books from the classrooms!" June backs away. "She-she flaunted everything! She was tacky!"
"You couldn't stand it." Shawn points at her. "You just couldn't stand it, any longer! She got the house you wanted, her husband got the promotion over yours, she got the parties and the gossip and all you got were passive-aggressive pies!"
"Those stupid pies," June seethes.
"That's what she's most upset about?" Jules says, not whispering but not shouting.
"It was the final straw. You went to her house and you gave the pie back, but she laughed at you! She told you it wasn't a big deal!"
"And so you took that glass pie dish and you slammed it over her head! You did it over and over, until she couldn't. laugh. any. more."
"Yes," June sobs as her fellow soccer moms collectively make a wide berth around her. "Yes, I did! She didn't even try! Every pie was overcooked, every decoration in her house was the wrong color for the walls, everything was wrong! She was ruining my LIFE!"
"Sure," Lassie says as he cuffs her. "Four bedroom with no mortgage to pay off, seems like she really dragged you through the mud."
"It's only two full bath," June sobs as she's lead away. "The other two are only half-baths, it's squalor, it's a slum-"
Shawn hops down from the table and wipes his heel on the grass. "I'm reminded yet again why I'm not a homeowner, Gus."
"You're not a homeowner because you don't make money, Shawn, not because you chose not to be."
"I've heard it both ways."
Gus's eyes flicker over to June sitting in the squad car. "So how'd you know Carol laughed at her?"
"Oh, not this again."
"What?! I'm just asking a question, Shawn!"
"No, you're yet again digging into my head because you have somehow gotten sucked into the lie that you help me fake!" Shawn whisper-yells.
"All I asked was how you knew she laughed!"
"I knew because that's what people like this do! They laugh at each other and make fun of stupid things until one of them snaps!"
"Did you see her laughing?"
"GUS!" Shawn grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him. "Snap back into the real world, I am begging you!"
"Get off of me!" Gus slaps Shawn's hands off. "Fine! What else have you seen through this case?"
"What other things have you seen?"
"Why are you asking?"
"If anyone is here right now that you 'imagined' something about, we can settle this by asking them."
"This is ridiculous."
"Scared I'm right?"
Shawn takes the bait. He looks around and, with a huffed laugh and sly look, takes off. "Hey! Debbie!"
The woman looks up from where she's packing up the potluck. "Oh, not you again. Don't you have more ghosts to speak to?"
"I do. In fact, one is bothering me right now." Shawn elbows Gus. "The spirit is asking me to verify a vision I had of you. It was fuzzy, and possibly a malicious spirit trying to deceive me. I need to check."
"Fine. You have until I'm done bagging this up."
Shawn raises one hand to his head and presses his middle fingers fingertip to his temple. "Early in this case, I had a vision of you doing your dishes and seeing June and Carol's husband arguing on their front lawn."
"You already asked me about this."
"Yes, I did. But the spirits are insisting there are details that were cosmically tampered with." Shawn gives Gus a smarmy look, which is odd, since he's trying o prove something he thought is wrong. "I... I heard you humming, yes. I believe it was... Livin' La Vida Loca."
He looks at her with a face that says he fully expects to be wrong. But her jaw drops.
"Y-yes. How-how did you know that? I don't even like that song, it just-it came on while I was driving earlier that day."
"Oh, um... well, that-that's good, then. That that part was right." Shawn takes a second, and then nods. "Um, I also see the detail of you opening your window to hear it better. You thought it could be interesting gossip for... a lunch with your sister?"
"Really? ... Okay, um-" Gus nudges Shawn to get him to keep going, because Shawn is visibly losing his nerve. "I also see..."
He squeezes his eyes shut tighter. "I see... you dropped a plate when you heard June accuse Carol's husband of insider trading. It was a... blue? Plate? One of those ones that's more of a bowl, really. And it chipped."
"Yes." Debbie hasn't been bagging food for a while now, staring at Shawn with complete awe. "Yes, and-and I thought I should stop listening then."
"But you didn't." Shawn blinks his eyes open. "Even though you told us you did the first time we did this, right?"
"... I-I didn't want to be considered complicit if it turned out true... oh, I-I didn't- tell the spirit I'll report her husband-"
"No need, ma'am," Gus says soothingly. "He was investigated already, he's clean."
Debbie deflates with relief. "I didn't mean to lie, I just... I was scared."
"It's fine." Shawn turns on his heel and speed-walks to The Blueberry, visibly rattled. Gus lingers for a moment to give Shawn some space.
"Thank you for clearing that up, his visions can make it difficult to tell what's relevant and what's not sometimes."
"I-I can't imagine. How does he manage to live, with that in his mind all of the time?"
"I'm still figuring that out too, honestly." And now so is Shawn. "Have a nice rest of your day, Miss Debbie."
Gus jogs to The Blueberry. As soon as he gets in, the puting Shawn beside him speaks up.
"That doesn't prove anything. I probably saw the chipped plate when we talked to her."
"You didn't go through her cabinets."
"Could've been in the dish drainer."
"Was it?"
Shawn doesn't answer. Only he can conjure up an image clear enough to re-examine like he's right there in the room in real life, so Gus can't say for sure if the plate was put away or not. But Shawn knows.
And his silence says everything.
"I'm not entertaining this, man." Shawn tosses the ball up and nearly misses the catch on it's way back down. "It was a couple of weirdly good guesses. Besides, it was all tiny, irrelevant details. I still got our last case wrong half the time."
"We've checked with witnesses for our last three cases, and you were able to describe details you shouldn't know for all of them."
"I do that all the time."
"But you can't explain how you got those guesses right. Come on Shawn, guessing that the kid who only wore pastel floor-length dresses was a hardcore hip-hop fan? There was nothing about her that should have tipped you off."
"Some of what I notice is subconscious, you know, I'm not always aware of every little thing my brain picks up on. That's what a gut feeling is, man."
"Sometimes, for sure. But sometimes it might be psychic visions."
"If these are real psychic visions, they're the most useless visions of all time. Do you really want to be friends with a psychic who can guess the shoes someone was wearing last Tuesday but can't find a murderer until the fourth try?"
"All the websites and books-"
"Why do I talk to you?"
"-say that the less a psychic practices seriously, the more they get wrong."
"That's just a way to cover their asses when other fakes get caught."
"Or, you just need to practice, and we can stop making fools of ourselves with false accusations."
"So that's what this is all about? You just want me to accuse fewer people? That's how process of elimination works, Gus!"
"We're trying it again, right now." Gus wheels his chair over to Shawn's desk.
"I'm not doing this."
"Yes, you are." Gus thinks for a moment. "Try to tell me what your dad said to me after that birthday party where you caught someone trying to steal the cake corner I wanted."
"When we were nine? How do I know you'll even remember that well enough to say if I get it right?"
"Trust me, it's burned into my memory." Because it freaked him out.
"This is stupid."
"Just tell me what you think happened after you left. He scolded you for tackling the kid as they ran away, and you left, and I wanna know what you see when you imagine what happened after that."
Shawn shrugs, face scrunched with hesitant frustration. "I-I don't know Gus, something like-"
Henry kneels down and pats Gus on the shoulder. He gives the child a sharp smile, looking at the door Shawn had just stormed through. "Just you wait, Guster. Someday you'll be able to tell people your best friend is the perfect cop."
"-or something." Shawn opens his eyes and pulls his hand down from his head. He locks eyes with Gus-
Who's mouth is open and eyes wide as they can get.
"That was word for word, Shawn!"
Shawn blinks, and then scoffs, a crooked grin spreading across his face and his leg beginning to bounce nervously. "Okay, I just happen to guess what my dad said to you decades ago-"
"No, no," Gus moves closer, pressing one hand to the desk as he fully rounds it and then putting both on Shawn's shoulders. "Dude, I mean the whole thing was exactly like that. The kneeling to my eye level-"
"That's just how he used to talk to us."
"-and the weird smile-"
"All his smiles are weird, it's something I thank the universe every day I didn't inherit."
"-the way he said 'perfect' that made me a little worried he wanted to replace you with a robot-"
"Because he probably did want to."
"Gus!" Shawn slaps his best friend's hands off of his shoulders. "I am not psychic! Come on, I thought if either of us was going to forget that one day it'd be me!"
"Well I think you are!" Gus stands and puts his hands on his hips. "You know, this is actually making a lot of little things make sense to me."
"What? No, don't pretend you've always thought this." Shawn shakes his head. "This is going too far, okay?"
"I haven't always thought it, but now some things make sense! Like when you told Nigel St Nigel to stop smoking before you did your noticing-things squint at the electric box."
"I just didn't want the man to have holes in his lungs."
"How about you getting on board with your own joke theory with the Frazen case?"
"That was just me being even better than I realized, and the day I vowed to never dismiss my own jokes again."
"Uh-uh." Gus steps back and points at Shawn, making Shawn cross his eyes to watch his hand bob back and forth. "No, I know this is real. Do it again."
"Gus, it doesn't work like that."
"How does it work then?"
"I don't know, man! Sometimes I just get an idea in my head and it plays out! This is kind of insulting, honestly!"
"You're saying all of my hard detective work is just because some spirits told me something!"
"I'm not saying that at all! I know most of it is just you figuring things out, but I think you really do have some psychic abilities! You're always guessing what I'm gonna say like you can read my mind-"
"Because we've known each other our entire lives!"
"-and you always end up being onto something even with your wildest theories-"
"That's called luck-"
"-and you always manage to get us into the right places at the right time to come face-to-face with the bad guy!"
"Those are bad situations, so that would mean the spirits hate me. Do you want a psychic friend who's being lead into death traps by ghosts?"
"Gus, I'm being serious about this. I. Am not. Psychic. So drop it."
"Nuh-uh, no way. I'm getting you to believe it."
"Yeah, good luck with that."
"Really?" Shawn looks at Gus, completely unamused.
"The websites say they work."
"Crystals." Shawn gestures at his desk. "You have covered my entire workspace with crystals. This is getting sad, man."
Gus shrugs. "They're supposed to help open the third eye and hone psychic abilities."
"You sound like a hippie."
"You sound like a guy in denial."
"I'm not doing this." Shawn opens a drawer to shove the crystals into. "Really?! The whole drawer?!"
"All of them. And I put some in the kitchen."
"This is a problem. You, have a problem."
"Yes, and it's name is Shawn."
"What is this- did you sign me up for a meditation class?!"
"This Friday."
"You signed your completely unmedicated ADHD and hyper-observant friend up for a meditation class. I'm going to end up torturing that poor teacher, Gus."
"If you genuinely try at it, I'll buy you a year's supply of corn nuts."
"... A whole year?"
"A whole year."
"One for each day."
"I have the check from our last case set aside just for this."
"Fine. But when I'm still not psychic by the end, you're not allowed to go back on this deal."
"Fine. ... These crystals are actually kind of cool. Dammit, I might take some home., look at this. This one is shaped like a butt. ... You found the cool ones on purpose, didn't you?"
"One looks like a pineapple."
"Which one- oh, yeah, look at that! This, is delightful. But this, as a whole, is still a problem."
"We'll see."
Shawn sits at his desk, staring at the wall, as Gus does a little victory dance behind him.
"Yes, yes, we are finally in the clear-!"
"Gus." Shawn buries his face in his hands. "Please give me at least one minute to process this? Should I be the one celebrating having actual superpowers?"
"You're not the one who thought we'd get caught!"
"We still might, it-it's barely even actual visions." Shawn looks at the board of their latest case, the one solved in the morning and the one solved in record time, the one solved thanks to a very small detail and a gut feeling.
And the one irrefutably, undoubtedly, solved by a psychic vision.
"It still happened!" Gus continues his dance. "I told you those crystals and classes would show you! What, what?" He fans himself. "What?"
"This is the weirdest turn my life has taken," Shawn mumbles, rubbing his face. "Of all the ways to find out, it had to be a vision like that? It wasn't even cool."
"Cool is getting paid, Shawn, and it made that happen!"
"But a vision of the victim's flu symptoms? That's- Gus, that's just lame."
"Lame? You knew the guy never had clamminess, that was the whole key! He never had clammy hands, so he never lost grip after falling off that balcony, he was pushed. That was the entire closing argument, Shawn, the killer confessed right away!"
"I could've found other evidence." Shawn sits back in his chair, arms crossed. "Something better than 'Oh, he wasn't sweaty!' What kind of wrap-up is that?"
"Shawn, seriously, what's up with you? Why aren't you more excited about this? We're not lying to cops anymore, you've got actual superpowers, and we can probably solve cases twice as fast."
"Because, Gus, how would you feel if you learned you had superpowers your whole life and just never noticed, so now you have to go back and think about everything you've ever done to try and find out what was you just being an awesome genius and what was some kind of metaphysical interference?"
Gus stops his dancing. "What?"
Shawn grinds his jaw.
Gus sits down.
"... Am I even actually a good detective? A good shot? Have good instincts?"
"Yes, you are. We both know you are."
"Do we? We didn't know I can have visions for three whole decades, so-" he laughs, sharp and bitter.
"... Well, I think it all just goes together." Gus picks up a pencil and starts writing down ideas on how to help Shawn hone his newfound skills. "You can have visions and use your detective skills to examine them way more effectively than a psychic without could, and you can recall each one perfectly. All of the website I read talk about how frustrating it is to have a vision that only become relevant weeks later, and by then it's hard to remember. You don't have to deal with that."
"... That is pretty cool, I guess."
"Plus, they say mind-reading is possible once you practice enough, especially with people you're already close to."
"We already know I can do that." Shawn's mood sours again. "We don't know each other so well I can, I just can."
"I think it's both. You've never practiced it, so maybe we've just known each other so long you managed to do it anyway."
"Are you saying... it was the magic of friendship?" Shawn cracks a smile. "That's adorable, man, really."
"You know that's right." Their friendship is adorable, and he's proud of that fact. "Besides, you realize what you can do once you practice having clearer visions?"
"Confuse your dad."
Shawn blinks. And then grins. "Gus. You mad genius."
Gus bows a little.
"He'll never know what hit him! Oh, that'll drive him nuts! He'll never be able to figure out how I'm figuring things out!"
"And now when Lassie says you're a fake, you can hit him with real psychic information."
"Holy- Gus! Why didn't you point this out form the beginning?! I would have totally gotten on board! Show me those websites right now, I'm about to psych it uppppp!"
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cerberus253 · 2 months
So, that Guy Named "Jack" and He Carries a Candle Around
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After years not being on my mind, he finally showed up in my dreams some time ago and I've been thinking about him a lot (that's usually how my hyper-fixation gets re-kindled of an old character).
Contains- Canon Info, Headcanon Info (SFW and NSFW)
Veeeerrry long post
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- Is called "The Boogeyman. The For Real one."
- Poor back posture (is usually seen hunching over)
- Will kidnap you if you say his name out loud
- Loves Pumpkin Pie (just look at him smelling it!)
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- Can levitate while awake and asleep, also those tied in his ropes
- Sleeps like a cat, does the "Stinky Face" like a cat (probably just squinting, but it's still cat-like), and does the "Raptor hands" thing
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- Likes satirical sitcoms (F Troop)
- Polite and witty (he even holds his pinky finger up when holding his candle)
- Talks in monotone unless very upset
- Likes to eat peanuts
- Is rather one-track minded when kidnapping targets, ignoring those who have not said his name
- Is an escape artist
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(pic of Candlej-- uh, y'know, right after Freakazoid (not pictured) trapped him. He got out pretty fast. Look at that cheeky bastard. Love 'im <3)
- The stitches on his mouth actually open up to a mouth (I saw it happen for a few seconds, so it's real)
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Headcanon (SFW):
- Shows up and attempts to kidnap those who are actually scared by him, which are usually children.
- Answers to teens and adults if he wants to, since a lot of times it's for shits and giggles, parties, or weird cult stuff. Disrespect with the use of his name will not trigger him in this day and age!
- While Jack appreciates the wanted invitation to just hang out, he's rather an introvert and values his alone time, but does have his social moments.
- If he does show up [for adult strangers], and it isn't for kidnapping, its usually for Halloween-themed occasions (parties, fairs, carnivals, etc). Since it's usually around strangers, he just creeps around, watching people, either finding someone to scare or talking to those who seem interesting to him, or anyone who just comes up and chats to him. If at carnivals or fairs, he'd also play some of the games.
- I honestly believe, when his name is called, Jack can see the situation/setting he'll be getting himself into. Like, if just saying his name aloud will ALWAYS make him appear, then one could easily trap him in some max security prison. He'll know if he's floating into a trap or not, or if the callers aren't worth going after (especially in this day and age). Besides, if he came to everyone's beck and call, he'd be all over the place, and how could some people know about him yet be here? Survival of his kidnapping? Okay, so if you called again, he'd show up again, and now you'll know what to do to stop him. Why would he float into that? Anyway, yeah, I think Jack's picky and will only show up if you're actually afraid of him or are being serious about it.
- Has a strong sweet tooth, and likes salty treats. You will win him over if you can bake well AND bake his favorite things: Pumpkin Pie!
- Enjoys horror media (movies, TV shows, and books), specifically psychological and thriller ones. This includes watching people playing horror games or watching horror videos and get terrified by them. Will eat popcorn to it.
- Goes to candle and occult stores, which are the only places he'll actually pay for things other than rope. Where does he get the money? Uh... *whistles*
- Enjoys moonlit graveyard night walks (floats?), reading in dimly lit libraries, exploring old, haunted abodes, morning Autumn forest walks, etc.
- Pocket Dimension in his gloves, boots, and sack mask. He's gotta put all that rope somewhere.
- When outside of his kidnapping/villain hobby, he doesn't talk to strangers as much, preferring to let the other person go first, then indulging in conversation if he likes them enough.
- Doesn't talk about too personal of stuff unless he really really likes the person.
- Great listener and observer! Will be the kind of guy to remember seemingly small and insignificant details about someone he likes!
- Struggles to express his emotions normally, but when they are extreme they are noticeable (EX: The Peanut Incident of '97).
- Knows how to do all kinds of rope knots, easy and complicated.
- Doesn't mind physical contact, but isn’t the one to initiate unless it’s for scares. A little nervous if it’s romantic/sexual. Despite this, the Ghost-Man is TOUCH-STARVED, he's just unsure when it’s a good time to indulge himself.
- Jack is normally polite, and a little cheeky, to strangers, but when it comes to friends, he's also kind and considerate.
- Doesn't feel bad about kidnapping people, nor what happens to them after. However, if you strike up a good conversation, and get him to like you enough, he might change his mind. It would be a shame if such an interesting and compassionate person were to disappear and never be seen again... Don’t worry, he won’t stalk you (unless…👉👈 maybe he likes you a little too much 🙄)
- Why does Jack like to scare people and kidnap them? Yeah, he's weird, but what if it's because he's lonely and he didn't know how to socialize? Like, what if he was a creepy and weird kid that liked spooky things growing up, so people avoided him and he didn't know how to converse with his peers, so he found out that scaring people was a way to get them to notice him? Ya know, like "bad attention is better than no attention?" So now, as an adult, it's just what he does on a day-to-day basis because he's so used to it? Just a Theory.
- Jack’s a kind of Sheet Ghost. Him and the burlap and cotton/leather apparel are separate, like removable skin. Without it, he cannot eat. He doesn’t have to eat, but he likes to.
- Likes animals that people deem creepy/scary (insects, arachnids, deep sea fish, snakes, bats, etc.), but his favorite ones are black cats.
- Enjoys surprise gifts, including: Old books, old candle holders, baked goods, and spooky/creepy knick-knacks.
- I see him more as a Giver than a Taker kind of guy in any relationship, but when it comes to physical affection, he’s nervous and doesn’t usually initiates unless he can’t help himself, or he knows and trusts you enough.
- If ya wanna be friends with him, ya gotta be open and accepting of his (non-criminal) behaviors. Simply going out of your way to talk to him when he's around tells him you might want to be friends with him.
- If Jack [also] wants to be friends with you, he'll purposefully seek you out on occasions, scaring the shit out of you when you're least expecting it. Then he'll get down to casual stuff.
- If you have some sort of sensual (not sexual) relationship with him, he will accept cuddles and hugs when you need them. In addition, if you have trouble sleeping, he’ll sit/lay next to you to keep you company (might fall asleep himself).
- I’m gonna say this: Jack does, in fact, live somewhere. I am going to headcannon that he lives in an abandoned Victorian mansion that was left alone for so long that even time forgot it and now it sits between Life and Death in mist strewn woods. When people go missing on their own, they may stumble across it, seemingly empty, but Jack doesn’t like that someone literally entered his place so he scares them out. On the other hand, sometimes he invites close friends over for some quiet spooky time, but that hardly ever happens.
- His place is old, dusty, and dirty, which he doesn’t mind, but he also wouldn’t mind if someone wanted to clean it up (maybe that's why he kidnaps people). Just don’t kick out the rats and bats, change the aesthetic of the place, break anything that isn’t already damaged, install too many modern things, that sort of stuff. He still wants it to be old and creepy, but he understands if you need to charge your phone.
- If ya wanna be more than friends with him, ya gotta not only be open and accepting of him, but love the strange, dark, and mysterious things in the world (which includes him). Someone who’s kind, understanding, weird (complimentary), enjoys being alone with him, but also goes along with him when he wants to socialize; someone who isn’t extremely loud and energetic, but does give life and warmth around him; has a lot of similar interest with him, etc.
- Anyway, I think Jack is pretty inept when it comes to people flirting with him. I mean, yeah, he recognizes someone being really nice to him, but to get romantic, even physically? Nah, that's silly! Falling for a ghost is weird! Once he does get it, I think he'd be rather awestruck and confused, not really knowing what to think.
- However, you'll know he reciprocates when he leaves little gifts for you to discover (possibly even a Treasure Hunt!). or maybe even doing small domesticated things, like doing dishes, making breakfast/dinner for you, making your bed, etc. I don't see him doing laundry (undergarment respect) nor dusting, though. If he doesn't do anything, you'll definitely know he's been around because of the smell he leaves behind (candles and smoke).
- He struggles to know when you really need him around when it comes to emotional/mental struggles. Don’t get me wrong, he can recognize when you’re feeling that way, but doesn’t know what to do or if you need alone time, so he’s going to need you to tell him to stay or go, listen or give advice, and/or to touch or not to touch. Whatever it is, he’ll do it for ya because he cares and worries on the inside (referencing back to the struggle to express emotions). Communication 👏 Is 👏 Key 👏
- Not into hook-up culture. Definitely, at least, Grey-A in both romantic and sexual departments. Like, yeah, Elvira, Mistress of Darkness is a very pretty lady that he crushes on, but personally may be a little much for him.
- Appreciates if you helped clean his clothing attire. Being in the woods or a dusty mansion can get ya pretty dirty.
- Isn’t too picky with other peoples’ apparel, but he is fond of gothic attire. I want to say his favorites would be: Traditional, Romantic, Mopey, Victorian, and Medieval.
- Will help you with your make-up, King/Queen ✌️
- Okay listen, I don’t doubt that Jack may stalk people he has strong romantic interest in, because he’s a weirdo, BUT he is RESPECTFUL about it. He will watch you watch TV, doing chores, cooking and eating, doing sit-alone hobbies (reading, art, gaming, etc), doing taxes, sleeping (a BIG one), etc.
- He will NOT watch you do anything too…revealing (showering/bathing, changing, etc). He may be weird and lack certain social skills, but he knows when to look away…
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Headcannon (Suggestive/NSFW):
-… HOWEVER, if he knows that he’s allowed to look at you naked, or doing naughty things, he will. He will. Might even sneak up on you to scare you, then to “help you out,” if ya know what I mean~ Despite this, I don’t think he’d be the kind of guy to watch and pleasure himself while doing so. I just can't think of him doing that. He's weird and creepy, not sick and perverted.
- Would set up a relaxing bath (with candles, of course!) for you after a long and hard day, resting against the side of the tub while you’re bathing, watching and listening to you. Maybe helping you wash yourself.
- Jack comes off as a Soft Switch to me, mostly leaning Soft Dom.
- Remember the “he knows how to do all kinds of knots?” Yeah, he’d have fun with bondage. I don’t think he’d be really aggressive with it, but in fact passionate and loving. Wouldn’t want you getting rope burn.
- If he did decide to “unwrap his gift,” he would do it carefully (again, to avoid rope burn) and methodically, speaking softly, monotonously, and sweetly while he comments on how beautiful you (his gift) is 💛
- I mean, you can suggest he use soft or lace-like binding rope fabrics so he doesn’t have to worry about hurting you, but he prefers classic, plant fiber rope 👌
- Expect playful teasing from him, both verbally and physically. Will use words like “naughty,” “silly,” “little tease,” “my beloved toy,” etc, and would tell you to mind your Ps and Qs (English Idiom for “manners”) if you want him to do something for you.
- Will call you sweet nicknames like, “pumpkin,” “darling,” “my dear,” “little moth,” etc.
- Normally he’d be wearing regular burlap cloth, which is rather irritating to skin (luckily he doesn’t have any), but when he wears the softer kind, you know he’s looking for a lot of physical affection.
- With said soft fabric on, Jack can finally really touch and feel you up as much as he wants and as long as he wants, really squishing, massaging, and fondling all those soft and squishy curves and crevices of yours~ 🖤
- If you want to really get him Turned On: LACE. NIGHTGOWNS. Walk around the house with it on, sleep with it on, cuddle with it on, get intimate with it on, etc. Just seeing the delicate fabric loosely hang around your form, and the intricate lace designs flowing around your chest, sides, and edges (also sleeves if applicable) makes him giddy and warm up fast. If you’re not wearing any undergarments underneath, I think he’ll get the message why you’re flaunting yourself in front of him~ 💖
- In addition, since he's so into scaring people, I think he'd be into playing Hide n' Seek/Cat and Mouse, with you hiding (the Mouse) and him seeking (the Cat). He'd be talking a lot during it, saying things like, "Where oh where has my darling gone?~," "I'll find you soon, my pretty~," and "Come out come out wherever you are, little one~."
- Of course, after finding you, he would love for you to try to run from him! "You can run, but you can't hide, my dear!~," "Running only excites me more, once I catch you, my little moth!~"
- After getting caught, "There, finally! I've caught you now, little rascal~ Now to make sure you won't be running from me any longer, love~" *brings out the bondage rope*
- I honestly don’t think he’d be into violent and aggressive sexual interaction. Like, despite his love to scare, I don’t think he’d try to bruise nor hold a real knife to your throat or anything like that. Legit the worst he’d do would be pretending to choke you or leave red marks on your skin.
- Jack’s favorite parts of you are anything squishy and soft, which includes chest/breasts, stomach, love handles, butt, and thighs. He just adores it when you smile and giggle while he lovingly squeezes any of said parts, and will continue to do so for your arousal. Then he’ll go for the other soft and sensitive spot that will surely get you heated and huffing~ 💗 Be careful not to say his full name, though! Or he'll just tighten those ropes around you!
- I’m not sure if intercourse would even be possible, but I know he’d take great pleasure in pleasuring you in any way he can, whether it be massaging, fondling, fingering, or using sex toys on you (maybe he has specific apparel that has a hollow dildo attached to his crotch so he can be in you XD).
- Jack would like really any position, but I think he’d prefer to hug and play with you from behind. He likes to feel you press into him (or he pressing you into him) when you’re rhythmically gyrating from his touch, and even better if it’s into the bed (he wants to be squished by you👌).
- Another location would be in front of a mirror so you, and him, can see yourself getting fondled/fingered/loved/fucked by him, blushing, smiling, and giggling, all the while stealing glances when your eyes aren’t shut from the pleasure. Additionally, turn your head and give him soft yet passionate kisses, using a possible free hand to hold his face against yours, to make him just as giddy👌👌
- One thing he would prefer is doing it in the dark, or dimly lit space with only candles to light it. Maybe start off in a dimly lit room, and one by one, over the course of the passionate and romantic affection, they’d be blown out until pitch blackness. That’s when he’d start fingering/fucking you, when your sense of sight is unreliable so your sense of hearing and touch are strengthened. Kinky AF~
Closing Notes:
- Like I said before, I see Jack as more of a Giver than a Taker. With friends, and close friends, he’s rather tolerant to all kinds of folks: Loud, quiet; eccentric, secluded; freaks, geeks, creeps, and weirdos; neurotypicals and neurodivergent, etc, just don’t be an asshole (racist, sexist, homophobic, a rapist, all that stuff). He enjoys watching the diversity of people.
- However, when it comes to romantic relationships, I see him like how I am: Yeah, I may have a handful of people I crush on/admire, but you have to really catch my interest for me to actually pursue you, which is quite rare.
- The types of people I think Jack would have strong interests in are the quiet, introverted/extroverted-introvert ones, and outcast types. He’d want someone who is kind, sweet, accepting of him, (trying to) understand(s) him, exclusive, mindful, considerate, weird (affectionate), giving, observant, patient, unique, quiet but not shy, has many similar interests as him, indulges in his hobbies, and their weirdness matches his weirdness.
- Then there’s the “darker” side of said person he’d also like: Reflective, mysterious, a loner (but not truly isolating), gloomy, obsessive (with interests and hobbies), struggles to show emotions but can express them, and prefers to have personal/intimate alone time with him rather than dates or parties every weekend.
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blackvelvetofnight · 1 year
anyone want to hear my insane but well thought out interpretation of Skinamarink?yes okay sweet
okay there is two layers of subtext you need here. 1. the director got his start making short videos of nightmares that people would submit on youtube (they're actually really cool, they're called bitesized nightmares)
and 2. there is a short film called Heck that he released as a proof of concept that has a similar plot and Skinamarink is kind of a spiritual successor.
Okay so Heck kind of follows the same story beats, kid wakes up, discovers their stuck in their house, mom has disappeared, watches cartoons and does kid stuff to occupy themselves, etc.
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Except the major exception is that they are alone. Completely. No sibling, not even an entity. Their mom does reappear at one point a long ways in but she doesn't move, (like at all) she's like a flat image (she also has no mouth)
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so for all intents and purposes the child is entirely alone. Now another thing to note is that the passage of time is measured in 'sleeps'
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a lot of people interpret this as the child's way of keeping track of time since it's always dark in the house. BUT with his past work being literal nightmares I interpret this being dreaming. the child is having a reoccurring nightmare and this is the amount of times between sleeps when they return to this dream.
The film ends with the tally of 18694 sleeps
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so if it was a reoccurring nightmare (assuming that it was happening semi regularly) that would be roughly 50 or 60 years, even more if they were having other dreams between. Now something else to note is at the end the child sounds.. different. almost like an adult trying to speak like a child. They say 'mommy... I think we're in hell'
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Now we're going to get into some Junji Ito shit, cause I think the person dreaming IS aging and probably having a pretty normal life. HOWEVER their dream counterpart isnt, they're still a child experiencing this ongoing dream and it's become this pocket dimension for them. whenever the waking person returns to the nightmare their child self wakes up in there again. If this is the only reality they're experiencing then yeah.. 'I think we're in hell'
ALRIGHT with all of that, now we can get to Skinamarink (I'm so sorry but it needs the lore) So in Skinamarink there is an entity. It's left ambiguous in the film how it gets in the house but it's already there by the time the movie opens, we know this cause Kevin is playing with it in the hallway at the beginning, saying 'do you want to play hide and seek?'
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Now all the shenanigans go down, the doors all start disappearing and all that, chair on the ceiling, can't have shit around here. But in Heck there are doors, they just dont open. Things in the home remain relatively the same. So the entity is making a deliberate decision to remove all exits, and slowly removes all objects of comfort and perceived escape. EXCEPT. THE TV. It leaves the tv, even leaving on the same kind of cartoons from Heck.
Now my big reveal, I think the entity in Skinamarink is the dream version of the child in Heck. I think being trapped in the nightmare for 50+ years (honestly who even knows how long by the time Skinamarink occurs) CHANGED them and made them.. something else. And I think the tv, specifically the cartoons was their escape. Literally. It is the conduit that the entity moves through and their source of power since their power is entirely based on 'cartoon logic'.
It removes their parents and even seeks to make the children afraid of them (the famous look under the bed scene) cause it wants to remove all the dreaming childs ties to the waking world so they become dependent on it and trust it and dont want to leave.
The child/entity was trapped alone so they seek out children to play with. To have a companion, a friend. But the children never want to stay, they want their mom and dad and they want to leave. Then the jig is up. So it toys with them cruelly until it gets bored and moves on to another house.
I think the end is the entity approaching a new child. 'What's your name?'
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'Go to sleep'
Go to sleep so I can capture you.
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meowmeowuchiha · 7 months
Ranting about the new Borderlands movie under the cut
Okay I'm just gonna say it
The Borderlands movie trailer? Doesn't look AS BAD as I thought it would, but still awful.
Most of the characters are extremely miscast
But honestly? I don't think Kevin Hart is that terrible of a miscast.
If it was Borderlands 2 and pre sequel Roland then yeah he'd be awful and I feel like that's what most people are thinking of.
But if you're going based off of first game Roland? He's not that bad. Just listen to the voice lines from Roland from the first game. Can find it on YouTube easy enough.
On to everyone else!!
Ariana Greenblatt as Tiny Tina: Honestly, I'm gonna just say that it's both miscast and miswritten, but I acknowledge that it's probably gonna be pretty damn hard to find someone who could pass as a younger teenager (since Tina in the 2nd game is 13) who could also feasibly act as Tina. She's a very very unique character and I feel like acting as her, even if she WAS written properly, would be incredibly difficult. Getting that combination of batshit insane, childish naivety, and actually knowing what she's doing would be TOUGH. Ariana Greenblatt, from what I've seen, does well enough as bratty snarky teens. Tina was written as that for some god forsaken reason.
JLC as Tannis (aside from the fact that JLC is a fucking zionist. I'm only critiquing casting based on how they are as actors, not whether or not they're decent people.) isn't...terrible? It's odd, and I can't give a definitive opinion on it because hardly anything is heard from her in the trailer.
Jack Black as Claptrap: Honestly, personality wise, not a bad fit for Claptrap. However, voice wise, absolutely a terrible fit. Claptrap's voice I'd supposed to be shrill, nasally, and just overall ear grating. That's part of his CHARM. The rest of the fault in how awful they did with Claptrap lies in the writing. I will admit, I'm not certain who I would've cast as Claptrap instead, but I at the very least would have tried to see if Jack Black could try and at least imitate Claptrap's voice??? Or just...like I said, found someone better.
Cate Blanchett as Lilith: Yeeeaaaah, very miscast. I'm not even all that upset by the age thing. That's like....a tiny tiny gripe that tbh I think people are focusing way too much on. When the real problem is the fact that Lilith was HORRIBLY written for the movie. Lilith, in the games, is this hotheaded, snarky, cocky woman. She's the woman who's told "hey, for strategy reasons, we need you to stay behind for this fight" and responds with "no I'm going >:(" and shows up anyways. She's the one who goes "I...liquefied a guy. It was AWESOME!! This eridium stuff is the TITS!!!". She is not the stone cold badass bitch that she seems to be in the movie. I will admit, I haven't seen anywhere NEAR Cate Blanchett's full filmography. I've only seen a tiny handful of movies. But from the ones I've seen, she doesn't tend to play characters like Lilith. Her characters tend to be more serious. Less snarky and sarcastic. She just....doesn't seem to fit in the Borderlands universe at all really to me??? She'd be miscast in pretty much any role. The only one I could MAYBE see her managing would be like....Athena. Again, not her fault, just...the vibes. Lilith was terribly written for the movie, and was also terribly miscast.
I can't really say anything regarding anyone else, as I didn't really see enough of them to form even the barest hint of an opinion. Either way, the movie is going to be awful, even if it might not be as terrible as I'd thought it would be before the trailer.
If you're gonna watch it, pirate it if you care about Palestine. The director and at least a couple of the actors (JLC, Edgar Ramirez) are zionists, and yet more of them (Jack Black, Gina Gershon) are of the mind that it's a two sided conflict and they want both sides to make peace and their hearts go out to both sides.
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tyfinn · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
@obsessedwithdavrick tagged me hours ago, but I had to work, so I couldn't post anything. The response I received yesterday on my Tension Tuesday has motivated me to continue that WIP. Here is another little piece...
He had just finished eating and was ready to start the movie when his text notification went off. He just assumed it was Stevie so he didn't even look at it. The notification went off again, so this time he looked. His eyes widened and he sat up straight when he saw who it was. He felt his heart stop for a moment. It was Patrick.
Patrick: Hi David
Patrick: I was wondering if I could call you? If you would be ok with that?
David sat there, frozen, not sure what to do. Marcy said he would call. He honestly didn't think he would. His heart was beating so hard he felt it pounding in his ears. He took a few deep breaths in and out before he responded.
David: Sure 
David stared at his phone waiting for it to buzz. He'll probably change his mind. He's not going to actually call after almost five years. He’ll probably… And then Patrick's face appeared on his screen and David felt his belly do a flip-flop. He closed his eyes.
"Hi, Patrick."
"David! I… I, um, I wasn't sure you'd take my call, and now you answered, I'm not exactly sure what to say. I guess I didn’t plan this out as well as I thought I did…" Patrick rambled.
"What do you want, Patrick? I'm assuming this is because I saw your mom yesterday?" 
"Yes. She was so happy she ran into you, David. She said you looked good."
"And that surprises you? What did you expect, Patrick? That I would shrivel up and let the aging process wreak havoc on my looks?" David spat out.  He really did not intend to sound so bitchy.
"Of course it doesn't surprise me, David. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called…"
"Wait. I'm sorry. It’s just a lot to process. Seeing your mom yesterday and you calling today. But, yes, it was great seeing your mom. How are you? Your mom said your consulting job is going well." Ugh! Small talk. Is that what this has come to, David thought to himself, rolling his eyes up to the ceiling before closing them.
Patrick laughed. "It's a job, David. But, yes, it's going well. What about you?"
"What about me?" 
"How are you doing?"
"Fine. Everything is fine. I may have found three new vendors, so there is that. I was going to email you when I get their contracts finalized."
"That's great, David! I'm happy to hear that. So… the reason I called is… I'm... this is probably a mistake. I better let you go…"
"Patrick, wait. Why did you call? I want to know, please…"
"Okay. I'm going to be in Elmdale on Friday for a small business consultation. I was wondering if maybe I could come by when I'm done? Maybe see the store. See you…"
David's mouth went dry. His mind was racing. "I don't think that is such a good idea, Patrick…"
"You're probably right. I should go. It's just that I've been thinking. A lot. About stuff. About you…"
"Patrick, what I meant was it may not be a good idea to come here. To Schitt’s Creek. But, if you want, I could come to Elmdale and meet you. There is actually something I would like to talk to you about. Business related." 
David held his breath, waiting for Patrick's reply.
Tagging @apothecarose @jesuisici33 @stereopticons @trickiwooao3 and anyone else who a WIP they want to share...
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a-s-levynn · 11 months
5, 10, 11, 23, 29 & 30 for the music ask game!
Ohh thank you anon! 🫶🏻 This ask game is to be the one that exposes the fact that i listen to all kinds of crap not just the usually assumed metal (which still iss the main gengre i listen to the most but anyway) but i have no shame when it comes to music because i a firm believer that there is no such thing as 'guilty pleasure music', music is either makes you feel something or not. If it does, it's good. itr might not do anything else for someone else. And that is perfectly fine.
But let's get into the gaaame
under the cut because it got long the questions: a song to play loud, one to make me sad, one i never get tired of, one from my childhood and one that rimends me of myself
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD (Every single Sleep Token song)
A Revolution by Patrick J Avard, Anthony Demetrio Arasi, Joey Casanova Look edm is the best when blearing, there is no way listening to it quietly. and this one in particular is just really hit the spot when i first heard it. With this one it's a must to turn up the volume. I also can't stay still either.
10:A song that makes you sad This is not easy. Because yeah i cry on Telomeres by Sleep Token but it doesn't make me sad per se.. it triggers an ache and a longing but.. oh no i got it.
It's either Too late by Dead by Sunrise or Final Masquerade by Linkin Park The entire out of ashes album came out a time when i was just.. boy did it pull me through some stuff. And on one hand it reminds me of that. On the other.. you may know that weird thing when you look up to a public figure because yeah he went through stuff and doing fine so i can too.. and then there comes a moment when isn't? Yeah that was Chester for me at the time and it makes it hard to listen to.
And final masquerade is a song that is just irreparably tied to someone and my relationship to that person and yeah.. it wasn't.. great. Well it was but than it wasn't. I try to not cling onto regrets but that one is.. it's complicated. Okay, not really, but it's not easy to talk about it, that's why i talk around it.
11:A song that you never get tired of Uuuuh the obvious choice is Higher by Sleep Token because that is probably my all time favourite track.
Besides that.. Cyberhex by Motionless in White It's just everything i love rolled into one. Cyberpunk vibes, industrial elements, synths and screamy screams rolled into one with Chris's voice? What is not to love.
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
I don't just remember it but actively still listen to it. Look this song unlocked a mental image of a very very clear scene in the snow and all for me and i have to revisit it compulsively from time to time.
Lady in Black by Uriah Heep My favourite memory of this song actually is from not that long ago. Well.. it's is one of my most cherished memories since. It's been what... 9 years ago by now? relatively when i started uni, in the first couple of years i usually went home for every other weekend. from the same trainstation with the same train at a very early hour. There was this street musician guy i sometimes gave some change to when i hade some. (fun fact he looked exactly like Berger from the 1979 Hair movie just with blond hair) So he had seen me quite often. I already had the very varied black on black wardrobe.
One particularly cold winter morning he looked at me and started to play this song and i wish i had a recording of it because that was pure magic. From then on i made sure i always had some change and arrived at least a little bit earlier just to listen to him. He never played it again but man.. he seemed like a sweet dude. He always had a nice word for anyone who approached him, he only but threw his guitar every single time a dog came by to rush to pet it, and he was always always smiling.
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
People error by the GazettE
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hellosaysnoxx · 1 year
Why hello there! I would like a platonic matchup for south park!
I have short fluffy brown hair and average height. I usually wear comfortable baggy clothes usually with a nice looking jacket.
I am considered a someone trustworthy from people I know and I will drop something I'm doing for a friend and usually let my friends vent to me. I am also and INFP :)
I really like FNAF, Drawing, Martial Arts,( and South Park obviously lol)
I really dislike people in my class who are always saying awful stuff but that is kinda a given. I also am really afraid of worms for some reason. Even I don't know why.
Some boundaries of mine is that I feel uncomfortable when someone touches me unless we get really close.
I usually look for a friend that doesn't mind me rambling about something. I also want a friend that would like to spend time together like watching a movie or something!
Thanks for reading this! One last thing is that I am Aroace and use they/them pronouns but I also don't mind he/him :)
HI @ar-cade77 !! I'm also aroace, so I kinda also took some from my perspective as well (I hope that's okay)
Also, again, I am really sorry if this is inaccurate because I haven't watched South Park that much at all (I have forgotten most of it)
Also, wanna talk about FnaF? *leans on Freddy plushie very cool*/hj
ANYWAY!! Your matchup is....
Stan Marsh
Tumblr media
Trusts you and is literally so grateful to have a friend like you, but might not express it that well
Tries to make you happy too!! (In his own special way)
Was low-key scared of you at first because you go for martial arts😭
If anyone from our class says something awful to you, he will defend you with his life
Will tease you for your fear of worms💀(/lh)
"Hey [readers name] I have a gift for you"
"Aww you shouldn't have!"
*Shows a fake worm*
(I think) Stan isn't really a touchy person so he understands that you don't want to be touched
Will give you space if you need it
I guess he doesn't mind you rambling about something
(But it is canon that he is a really dry texter)
Since you let him vent to you, then he'll probably let you ramble about your interests to him
Sure he'd love to watch a movie with you!
Or just spend time with you
If you feel alone or just left out (in some way) Stan wouldn't mind you being with him for a while
He's there if you ever want to be with him
I hope you like it😭 Have a good day/night Ar-cade77 ♡:P/p
(I apologize for the matchup being so short :<)
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
The idiot is up in Tampa and he's outnumbered and the people up there are telling him to go away and they mean it and he would not and he's still here bothering her son right now and we want him out of here and people are not doing anything I don't even know our people are doing stuff but these people are sitting here expecting some kind of free gift for this person destroying you and himself and in movies to try to kill himself he knows he's wrong this is nothing I can do you got injured you're you're very stupid but you are very stupid at Churchill in Banks and it's a dumb thing you're doing you're inviting everybody to your business you're sending me there you're inviting everybody into your into your business same with this s*** and they're saying no this is wrong but that's fine I'm going to go in the mission I'm going to kick your ass you follow me there you get caught tortured and killed several times and whatever you had went to Tommy f goodbye so that's what happened back then and they've been fighting over it but this s*** I keep saying he has it so he's sitting on Mary and JC and now Mary is leaving and he's starting to fight with her he's a huge b**** look at this f****** homo I can't believe you guys having stuck to this piece of s*** home again I can't believe it means you're going to all die really this is the business I'm in I'm in weaponry I don't give a s*** with anyone else is in it doesn't matter in one second you're gone because I can have it because of people like him try and keep it straight this is simple math what happens to you guys you're way off and f****** Shangri-La I'm so happy he left we're going to get Tommy yeah who's trying to do it to me just try to hit every movie that you see this a****** Trump and he's trying to backstab you or whoever he's near his daughter his wife his friends his enemies he's a gross pig yeah you missed it a lot of people missed it here she does a great job see this girl takes the stone and throws the first one that does the most damage I've never seen a woman stand up to a guy in this room like that in my life it's almost like she got hit instead of my mom wasn't a massive thing it wasn't murder or anything you have to wait and see so they waited and saw and it was her and they said he's jerking off in front of you and went to prison for three days and then they saw it he's a f****** complete insane and has power and he's going around doing this stuff and he saw all this dumb stuff he's doing he's a complete out of control idiot and people are going after him now for what he's doing at the apartment he's a complete f****** spast is a mental patient he's way out there he's a mental patient forever
So Sun sent a reply to this ass who's trying to get him to go to a civil job for a day which doesn't matter he wants to screw around with social security and he sends it back and says you're blacklisted from being a recruiter if someone wants to hire me they can do it as a consultant I'm worth tons of money and you're keeping money for me he's telling the whole truth about the whole thing and everybody sees it in this idiots reaction so you're probably trying to go up there to erase the email cuz that's what it really is it's not something that sounds embarrassed about it might be so you leave it up there and they read it because all over the place. Look it already has it's okay but no it'll go up there they need to know what they need to do to you because you're a dog and a swine. And we're not maxing you're a low life and you're ruined the rebel rebellion and you're turning you're going to be this red coat and you're going to be general Grant that's what you're doing fighting your own people yeah well you're a red coat that goes on for a while you try to be grent and you die.
About 50 people picked up this email in about 70 other agents are looking at it and seeing how he's talking to you you want to get him off his off your back he doesn't need to be in your face he's a recruiter bothering you with the same stupid s*** he knows what he does he can get a job with any construction company if you weren't in the way you should be blacklisted and all the stuff and then some heavy s*** it says it's pretty wild stuff but it's real and that he's messed up a whole bunch of things and finally it says this you're not going to succeed in this industry ever or any industry and the guy says so what I said that's everybody who's your kind's plan it's just that they're playing as rooted in reality not trying to blow the Earth up and have Dave hit you and everything explodes anyways so he says oh but yeah he plan to go up to Saturn with those two oh yeah that's how I get it out of here yeah cuz you're bothering me all day and all night probably to put it out there cuz you're so stupid and that's what we found him doing
Thor Freya
This is really awful I told you not to do that Trump and he's right the math is not that way that would happen is they broke Sarah off and she's got " a force of men." And he says great it sounds like a nice movie title you can make about something else but about this event and really he says something that happened it's not in the future it's important people's decisions they make are important this guy's fried and he should be pulled out of office and he's not a rebel anymore he's my enemy is your enemy he's his daughter's enemy you know you're pretty sharp about this and no we're not going to use your berated movie company damn it. But you're right this would be a great movie and it's important subjects and you do it off a little bit.
He said the title is A FORCE OF MEN and yeah this little kid's poking in the airplane sticking his pencil into it he saw it he says it was stick it into you if you do that one more time he tries to do it and he goes okay and so the kids stopped now this is what it's like Terry cheeseman is the head of that group and you're breaking him off us and we don't want it and you're ruining things and we might listen to them because he sounds reasonable he's done a lot of work with this guy and he's King and you're nobody and you're messing up the money and you work for him social security is below the treasury no but you're not in charge of sending it or not and he told you about it too he said you're breaking the law and we want to stop you from doing that and you're ridiculous it doesn't help us so you're just seeing all this stuff out loud you're a fool you can't tell people about what we're talking about earlier and you are you're a nutcase haven't put it out there and he has to he says this guy's easy and really a force of men is a nice idea a force of men what a title and it's because she's a woman and she had boys and the man is a schlep and a scumbag and mooch is off everybody including her kids who's who he's hurting and they and it exposes everything in Jesus Christ we need to take you in and shut you out we shouldn't put it out there but you know this thing is huge you're everywhere screwing everything up and we don't need it and we know why you don't seem to know it
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highlifeboat · 7 months
Watched movie They/Them. It's a horror slasher, set in gay conversion camp :p
It's kinda reminds me of Sleepaway Camp. Partially because of the setting, but also because it has very distinguished feel between slasher parts and normal camp parts.
Honestly, I got a feeling, that whole slasher angle was unnecessary. All Camp parts were very strong and had they own very specific to queer kind of horror. Hell, they even had a full on musical number out of nowhere :p
In comparison, slasher parts looked forced :p They really were unnecessary for whole story. Even kills were not all that great, most of them off screen, with blood splashes. On the other hand, it added to feel of the movie. Like you watch one of those old slashers, where plot sometimes just wonders off on its own, until killer doesn't show up again :p
But, like i said, stuff related to camp itself was interesting to watch, so i overall liked the movie)
Don't... Know why I just tell you all that... Guess i just didn't had anyone else to share with :p
Okay, I watched this movie a few months ago and I feel like we're gonna have different opinions pff. (Also, a side note, it is worth noting that I think this movie is PG 13+, so I think that's why the kills are off screen)
I really liked this movie when I watched it.
I kind of love the concept of a person affected by a conversion camp coming back and killing the people that run it as revenge. I think that's a better concept that just.... "Conversion camp tortures queer kids/Conversion camp bad" - which is what I actually expected it to be. (And, mind you, there still is that idea to it, which is great. A bit of physiological horror)
Like, I expected this to be the guy who runs it and his wife killing queer kids because of who they are, and it wasn't. So maybe it's just because my expectations were low, but I kind of love the whole "Queer Revenge" angle they went with, without making all the innocent queer teens out to be like "Oh good fucking riddance they're dead".
Like there's no real villanising of queer people as a whole. Just one person who wanted revenge for the torture she suffered. Which is also like... a decent way of having a sympathetic antagonist who's still clearly kind of crazy tbh. I dunno, I just enjoy that little twist, very fun.
Is it a GOOD movie? ...Eh. I'll probably never watch it again. But I did think it was an interesting idea and for whatever it's worth, I thought it was executed pretty well.
It ain't as good as Sleepaway Camp is I'll tell you that.
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elephantinpajamas · 2 years
I'll never make fun of George Lucas again
Listen, I know. We all hate the special editions and the prequels. They ruined our childhoods, they destroyed the narrative, they devalued the Skywalker legacy. And Han. Shot. First.
Star Wars was forever marred by this trilogy of "Fuck You"s to the fans that seemingly only got made to ruin everything we'd come to love.
Fuck you. No they didn't. They are, at the worst, a series of B movie-level sci-fi films that kinda messed with our conception of a beloved franchise because we expected to have our worlds shattered by the release of a kids' movie and we were a little underwhelmed.
George Lucas always maintained that part of the reason it was so hard to write Star Wars in the first place was because he always wanted to do more conceptual stuff, to reimagine genres, and that SW was just to pay the bills. And even with that, he still pushed the billet with his outing at a new version of Flash Gordon.
By the way, it's a myth that the numerical addition of "Episode IV" to the title was added as an afterthought to the rerelease of A New Hope, it was actually intentional. Lucas had actually pushed for it in the initial release because he liked the idea of making people think they'd been thrust into an episode of a classic pulp sci-fi serial you'd probably missed a couple episodes of and you were just now catching up on. He often gets derided for writing like he's flying by the seat of his pants, and while that's often true, he always has a vision. It's how he goes about creating it that I'm getting at.
I've never been entirely satisfied with how something I've created came out. I'd want to go back and redo it as many times as I could until I felt like I got it right. And as long as I'm allowed to, I will. So I sure as hell can't judge someone else for doing the same. And that's what the special editions were. It was Lucas going back and redoing what he thought he got wrong. We may not like it, but it was still his to mess with. He wasn't doing anything malicious, he just wanted to do it, as he considered it, right.
And I'll never really criticize Lucas again. Truth is, if Han was supposed to shoot first, why does the guy who created both Greedo and Solo disagree with you?
"But it wasn't part of the original vision" Okay, fine, but editing is actually a key part of the process. Not just post-production, mind you, but in the writing process as well. Is your first draft always your final one?
"But it ruins Han's character" Does it though? It's .2 seconds of him /still/ shooting Greedo and Greedo still gets got.
"But the Midichlorians" Okay fine. They suck. You know what? it still makes exactly as much sense as anything else in this universe.
No one vision comes out fully-fledged. Lucas created a world we all still enjoy living in so much we can't shut the fuck up about it.
George Lucas didn't ruin anyone's childhood, our own hypercritical notion of media did. Lucas created a landscape hundreds of people have built on in thousands of stories and millions have imagined living in. He's a modern Tolkien, and not only that, he's a charitable dude at that. He doesn't care about the money, he only wants the money to create the stories, and the world, he wants. I respect the hell out of that. I wish he'd gotten more opportunities to do the projects he wanted. I bet they'd be almost unwatchable, but it'd at least make for a cerebral thursday afternoon.
And yeah. Fuck you. I do like the prequels. They're neat. Yes, all of them. Even Attack Of The Clones. I'm a monster, I know, but suck it. I like Obi-Wan's mullet-centric detective work.
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