#aggressive --
boy-warbler · 4 months
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Hang on to your hat; it's dive bomb season
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mysuperiors · 21 days
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Turns out your high school bully, Eric, also is starting at UVA this fall. To your surprise he was sitting in the dorm hall steps when you arrived… and he had gotten even more jacked over the summer.
Eric stood up and flexed his forearms when he saw you. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t my favorite faggot slave. You’re in here?” He jerked his head in the direction of the hall.
“Yes… yes, Sir.” you whispered meekly.
“What room?”
“312-B, Sir.”
He laughed cruelly. “Are you fucking kidding me? That’s my room. Looks like we’re gonna be roomies.” He threw an arm around you. “I’m gonna have a lot of fun this semester.”
Just as Eric was laughing, your mother walked up to the pair of you carrying a duffel bag filled with your clothes and a bag of groceries. “Who’s this?” she asked cheerily.
“This your mom?,” Eric asked, looking at her appreciatively.
“Yeah,” you said shyly.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Adam’s roommate, Eric,” he offered her his hand and she shook it.
“Nice to meet you,” she said to him. “Look at you, making friends already,” she smiled brightly turning to you.
“Here, let me take those for you,” Eric offered, taking the bags from your mom.
“What a gentleman! Thank you!” she smiled.
“No problem! These are easy for me,” Eric said cockily as he started doing bicep curls with the duffel bag.
“Oh my!” Your Mom laughed, and you noticed her eyes stayed on Eric’s bulging arms. “Maybe you can get this one into the gym with you.”
“Hahaha, yeah. I’ll show him a good workout,” Eric smiled. “Hey, Adam. Why don’t you go get another load from the car and I’ll show your mom our room?”
You knew to obey your superior and so you muttered “sure” and took off toward the parking lot.
“Come on,” Eric said and wrapped an arm around your Mom’s shoulders. “Let me show you which bed is mine.” Your mom let out a girlish laugh as she let herself be guided away.
She looked back over her shoulders and called out to you, “This one’s a charmer!”
Miserable and defeated, you went back to the car and grabbed a couple boxes of your stuff. Hauling it back to the dorm, and up a flight of stairs, you got to your room, knowing exactly what you would find. Sure enough, a dirty gym sock was on the door handle and the hallway was filled with the sound of your mom’s ecstatic moans, the steady creaking of a cheap twin bed frame, and Eric’s deep, confident voice grunting out “Yeah, bitch! Take it!”
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undead-knick-knack · 3 months
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fhtagn-and-tentacles · 3 months
by Anato Finnstark
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
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Found this “Bitch of the Year” Mug. Looked brand new and still had the price sticker on the bottom. For anyone who can’t read the writing in the picture:
“Voted by your colleagues, friends, and family. #1
This mug has been awarded to:
Bitch of the Year
For skills in bitchiness, selfishness, malevolence by virtue of being malicious, spiteful, and nasty and displaying a passion for general backstabbingness.”
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its-stimsca · 1 year
wayneradiotv vs mirakurutaimu stimboard battle for the ages
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🥊 🛼 🥊
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hearts4werka · 2 months
Hot Tub Fun
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Summary: You’re at a party, feeling confident in the outfit you’ve picked and you’re having a good time and think that nothing can ruin your night but then when you go to the bathroom you see your toxic boyfriend with your best friend. You run to Matt and he helps you with the newly break up in his new hot tub… Genre: ANGST & SMUTT, cheater bf (fuck him), party setting, toxic relationship, hot-tub smut, comforting, under the influence, friends with benefits? Warnings: swearing, cheating ( do not stand by it ), mentions of alcohol consumption along with drugs, toxic relationship, SMUT, use of pet names ( sweetheart, good girl ) unprotected sex ( bitch wrap that little pickle up ) , p in v, fingering, cowgirl, d riding, teasing, characters being slightly under the influence, aggressive kissing, smutty time in a hot tub, slight dirty talk
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I was carefully applying my eye liner in the dimly lit bathroom, trying not to fuck up for the hundredth time now as suddenly someone decided to enter the bathroom.
It’s Matt standing in the doorway all dressed up and ready to go, rushing me to be quicker or we’ll be the last ones to arrive to the party one of our friends are hosting, Chris and Nick already went but I needed more time to get ready so Matt stayed with me and decided to wait.
“Scarlet, hurry the fuck up or I’m going without you” He says with slight warning in his tone but very evident annoyance, leaning against the doorframe to my small bathroom we currently reside in together.
“Jesus, I'm almost done. Have some patience for once.” I say, glancing at him and back at the mirror and continuing to apply my eye liner with precision.
“How can I have any patience left when you’ve been getting ready for a goddamn hour already.” I hear him slightly raise his voice, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently now.
I decide to not anger him further so I just drop the eyeliner into my makeup bag and put my hands up in mocking surrender.
“God, fine! I’m done now, you happy?” I say slightly annoyed at his impatience, turning my head to look at him standing in the doorway with his tall frame, his head almost hitting the top of the frame, would be funny if it actually did.
“Yes, now get your ass into the car.” He demands and motions for me to walk past him while moving out of the doorway, before I actually do what hes demanding me to do I do one last look into the mirror, making sure I look on how I intented on looking which is to look like the bad bitch that I am. ( outfit here )
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We're in the car, driving to the party as Matt gives me a lecture to not get too fucked up nor black out drunk. I just listen, nod and shake my head at whatever he's saying and not really paying attention to the words currently leaving his mouth instead, I gaze outside of the window at the streetlamps illluminating the streets
"Do you understand me, Scarlet?" He asks after his small rant and glances over at me from the road, I nod my head again and keep not paying attention to him but my gaze is ripped away from the window view outside as he speaks again with more warning dripping from his voice.
"Don't just nod your head, use the words you like to use so often" Those words catch me off guard and my ears listen into the tone of his voice, my eyes finding their way to his face.
"Yeah I understand, Matt. I'm not five years old"
"You sure act like one sometimes" He mumbles under his breath which delivers him a soft punch on the arm from me, getting a little chuckle from him at how non-impactfull the punch was to his arm.
"Oh shut up"
And on that note, we finally arrive at our destination. Matt parking the car in the driveway among other cars, some look luxurious and some the polar opposite but here no one cares what you drive, you came here to have fun and not to slump about who drives what kind of car.
Me and Matt enter the party and our ears are Immediately assaulted by the loud music blasting through the speakers, my friend Tania as soon as she sees me she comes up to me while Matt excuses himself and goes to have a drink at the bar which I assume is because Chris or Nick is at the bar.
We both excitedly hug each other and when she grabs a hold of my hand she basically drags me to the dance floor once a song she likes comes up and we start dancing together, moving our bodies to the beat of the music.
As I sway my hips from side to side while the song keeps blasting from the speakers I feel Matt's eyes tracking my every move from the bar but I don't care and keep dancing, I'm gonna have a good night tonight and no one will ruin it for me.
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After a few drinks and a molly with Tania, Matt and Chris that also joined us on the dance floor now, dancing to Pitbull songs blasting from the speakers I feel a need to take a quick piss.
"Hey, do you guys know where the bathroom is?" I ask trying to talk over the music, glancing between the d group dancing group. Tania doesnt even hear the question over the music including Chris who are gracefully taken over the curent song.
"It’s just down the hall to the left. last door." Matt finally answers my question, I give him a polite nod saying a small 'thank you' non-verbally as I go towards the hall to the bathroom.
I suddenly realize I haven't seen my boyfriend anywhere nor my best friend, shrugging my shoulders at the thought, ill go search for them later after I'm done with my bathroom break. Reaching for the door I attempt to open the door but its locked, I hear my boyfriends voice call out from behind the door but there seems to be something against it.
"Who's there?”
"What are you doing in there?' I say so he hears me from behind the door, I hear slight whispering in there and a feminine voice but just assume I'm hearing something from somewhere else.
"Wait a minute" He replies, hearing slight commotion behind the door my senses become heightened and I try to hear whats happening behind the door.
"The fuck are you doing in there? are you with someone?" I slightly raise my voice annoyingly hes taking up more time then he should be, I start twisting and shaking the door knob to try and pry it open but something seems to be holding it in place.
"Wait a goddamn minute! I'm...um shitting!" My brows furrow at his obvious lie, why is he lying to me right now? and why do I keep hearing female fucking whispering in there?
"Open the fucking door, Kyle!"
More commotion and whispers are heard on the other side before the door finally opens and Kyle steps out of the bathroom, looking down at me and moving out of the way for me to go into the bathroom. He doesnt say a word and just glares at me as he walks away into the crowd of people on the dance floor, I simply roll my eyes and enter the bathroom.
Walking over to the toilet I hike up my dress and oull down my panties to sit down on the toilet seat, taking care of my business. when I'm done I reach out for the toilet paper and realize It's not there, I glance around the bathroom for any toilet paper and none is found. Cursing under my breath I see a small towel next to the bathtub civered with a simple curtain.
I quickly walk over to it and snatch it off the holder, when I sit back down on the toilet seat I could have sworn I heard shaky and nervous breaths. After I wipe my ass I pull my panties back up and my dress down to cover what it can of my ass.
Ripping open the curtain I see my best friend hidding in the bathtub with what looks like guilty tears falling down her face, I look at her confused before I start to connect the dots. All of the moving and the whispering when Kyle what in here...
"What the fuck are you doing in here, Kiara?" I question, waiting for her to start to maybe explain what hes doing hiding in the bathroom even though I already connected the dots.
She picks herself up and sits up, guilt and nervousness written all over her face. "Scarlet I swear its n-not what you think..." she starts and stumbles over her shaky words before continuing "Please don’t hate me for this..." I huff at her small plea, looking at her and feeling betrayed.
"Since when was this?"
"what do you me-"
"I asked since fucking when was this, Kiara!" I yell, expecting a better explanation than her acting clueless when she knows damn well what I’m talking about.
“It- it started a few weeks ago after your birthday party.” she admitted and my heart shatters , my mind starts to go into a whirlwind but I calm it down as slight anger washes over me.
“You dumb, fucking bitch! How could you do this to me?” I yell once again, this time feeling hurt and betrayed. How could she? I’m mentally getting ready since this might take quite a violent turn.
When she notices my state, she bolts out of the bathroom and I just let her run away. I sit on the edge of the bathroom and just let te feeling of being hurt as well as betrayal mix together inside of me.
I need to find Matt so he’ll get me out of here.
Picking myself up from the bathtub I also exit the bathroom, scanning the area surrounding me I find Matt at the spot he obviously would be in. At the bar.
Speed walking to him and as soon as I get a grip on his hand he’s being dragged away from whatever conversation he was having with whoever but I didn’t care anyway.
When I get him into a quiet corner I turn to look at him and I can see he noticed my distressed state under my tough and confident demeanor.
“Woah, calm down there. What happened?” He asks in an almost calming way, taking a small step closer to me and his tall frame towering over me which sends a shiver down my spine.
“Kyle cheated on me with Kiara, that’s what happened” I simply admit through the lump in my throat, my hands immediately finding their way around Matt and hugging him tightly.
Matt returns the hug as equally warm, rubbing soothing circles on my back and I melt into the embrace. Holding in my tears so my makeup doesn’t smear all over my face.
"You want me to take you home?" He says as he pulls me away from his chest and seeing the hurt and betrayal written all over my face. I shake my head positively and he wraps an arm across my shoulders and walks me through the crowd and to the exit.
This feels like an ultimate betrayal out of a movie or show, I cant believe the two people the closest to made crossed me over so brutally. Tears prick my eyes and they become glassy by the time we make it to the car and when Matt turns to look at me he notices.
"...why would they do that to me?" I murmur under my breath as Matt takes a step closer to me, looking down at me with sorrow and empathy, placing a soothing hand on my shoulder.
"Dont worry about them, lets get you home now" He says and opens the passenger door for me, letting me get inside of the car before he eaks around and sits in the drivers seat.
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The drive to his place was quiet with unusual and unexpected tension occupying the air around us, he gets out of the car and walks around to open the door for me.
I follow behind him and step out of the car as he closes the car door and we make our way to the front door, his arm around my shoulder in a comforting way that made the pain slightly easier to bare with.
“Do you want to relax?” He asks as he opens the front door and we enter the house, closing the door behind him.
“Yeah, anything to stop my mind from spinning” I state and drop down onto the couch in the living room, feeling the effect of both alcohol and drugs flowing through my system.
“You can relax in the hot tub if you want” He suggests, walking over and sitting down next to me. The triplets got a pretty spacious hot tub for their house recently and already made a party in it a few days ago.
“That might not be such a bad idea actually” I state and look over at him sitting next to me, always when he’s near me I feel a warm and almost soothing feeling wash over my body each time, sometimes I even feel slight attraction towards him.
“Let’s go then”
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After getting changed into a bikini i didn’t realize i left behind after the hot tub party a few days ago so I just put that one, it was weirdly left in Matt’s room for some reason but decided to not question it to not come off as nosy.
Grabbing a towel Matt lended me I make my way downstairs and outside where the hot tub is located, I asked Matt to join me since I didn’t want to go alone and just sit in silence so by the time I was downstairs he was already relaxing in the hot water of the hot tub.
I put down my towel nearby the tub and walk over to the tub, feeling Matts gaze run up and down my body taking in the sight of me in the bikini. Slowly entering the hot tub I let the hot water coat my skin and I let my body relax and as I’m about to sit down he suddenly grabs my waist and pulls me down onto his lap, making me straddle his hips with my legs each on the opposite sides.
A surprised look casts over my features as my head subconsciously tilts to the side in confusion but then I remember where I found my bikini which was located in his room.
“Matt, what are you do-?” As I try to finish my sentence he cuts me off by smashing his lips on mine, kissing me with slight aggression which makes a burning sensation create between my thighs as I try to squeeze them together but Matts knee is already keeping them open which causes me to let out a soft whimper into the aggressive kiss.
Hearing the noise leave my mouth he presses his knee against my core letting more noises escape past my lips and into his mouth like he’s feeding off of them, demanding more. My hips rock against his knee, my body desperate for any kind of friction but his hand grabs my waist and pushes me down onto his knee, making my movements stop.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m just here to comfort you…” He says in a suggestive tone, sounding sweet yet teasing at the same time. Matts others hand was moving up and down my sides before landing onto my thigh and squeezing it, putting his hand teasingly close to where I need him the most.
“Matt, stop teasing me like this” I state as desperation slips through my words and into the tone of my voice, my slight drunken state makes me not to think about my actions and right now is a prime example of that happening.
“Someone’s desperate for me, hm?” He asks, already knowing the answer to his little teasing question. God I don’t know how long I can take his teasing.
“Why ask dumb questions you already know the answer for?” I tease back but that desperation still evident in my tone but I try to shove it under the teasing but my traitorous body makes me fail miserably as the pleasurable sensation grows between my legs.
“Oh my, are you talking back to me?” He opined, releasing me from his grip on my waist holding me down on his knee and slides his hand now between my thighs, pulling my bikini bottoms to the side and pressing down on my clit with his thumb as one of his fingers enters my wet folds making a soft moan slip past my lips.
“What do you want, sweetheart?” His voice drips off mischief and small drops of lust, he slides in another finger inside and starts to pump them in and out of me causing me to let out a desperate whimper instead of words.
“I need you, Matt please…” My voice becomes more desperate and whiny as he increases his fingers pace, making me subconsciously rock my hips against his fingers for more friction as I clench around them and feel myself getting close to trip over the edge.
As I’m about to finish, he suddenly stops his movements and removes his fingers. A whine leaves me at the loss as he leans down and whispers into my ear teasingly.
“Oh you’re not gonna cum on my fingers, sweetheart. What we’re gonna do is you’ll slowly slide down onto my cock and then I might consider letting you finish…”
The erotic words leaving his mouth in such lust whisper makes me clench on nothing, his hand goes under the water and hooks his fingers on the band of my bikini bottoms and slides them down and tapping the side of my hip, signaling for me to lift them for him to remove my underwear and I oblige with his order.
He resurfaces his hand but now dangling my bottoms before placing them behind him, his hand submerges back into the water and sliding off his own swimming trunks. Taking them out from under the water and making them join mine behind him.
Placing his hands on my hips and guides me down into his cock, sliding it through my folds and erupting a juicy moan from my mouth. My hands slide up onto his chest for support as I lift my hips up and down, my head being thrown back as more noises come past my lips.
Noises of his own start to come out of his mouth, only fueling me to move my hips faster as his fingers dig into the skin of my hips.
“Just like that… ride my cock like the good girl you are” His voice comes out almost breathless as my movements speed up and become sloppier when a feeling of becoming closer to the edge I so desperately want to be pushed over.
I start to become even more desperate, moving my hips from side to side to throw myself over the edge but then he whispers into my ear again.
“Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around my cock so nicely”
His words once again make me clench but now around his dick as I continue to ride him and desperately to finally finish and I can see he is becoming close to the edge as well.
With a violent thrust of his hips, burying himself deep inside of me before he paints my insides with his release and I follow behind him and the mixture of our releases start to spill out of my thirty hole as he removes his dick out of it.
A soft string of delightful curses leave both of our mouths as we ride out our orgasms together, I slump onto his lap and bury my face into the crook of his neck., feeling sensitive after the high just came down of.
He chuckles as he wraps alarm around my waist and pull me into his chest, enveloping me in a sweet embrace.
“Let’s get you washed up and placed into bed, hm?”
“Can we watch a movie together though?”
“Of course, sweetheart”
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authors note: This fic was heavily inspired by the show ‘Euphoria’ and if you haven’t watched it yet (somehow) then you should for sure watch it if you love angsty and problematic teenager. I gave it my own little twist and I hope you guys enjoyed it!
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Reblogs, likes and comments are very much appreciated!
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powerbase · 8 months
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I'm shamelessly addicted to that aggressive masculine energy.
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mummysky1 · 6 months
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I need these ripped off hard 😔
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kreepysheepspider · 3 months
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angelsleepinggurl · 3 months
𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙧, 𝙨𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙣' 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙧
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₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. you've broken up with your on-and-off boyfriend...again... for the umpteenth time. life as a stripper isn't treating you easy, and although it pays well it doesn't fill the emotional hole left by your toxic ex. as you take a breather outside you encounter someone you would rather than speak to again. things start to take a dark turn rather suddenly.
wc. around 1,721
tags.dabi x reader. toxicexboyfrienddabi! x stripper reader.dabi x reader smut. toxicexboyfriend!stripperreader smut. all characters are 18 years old. alternative au. non quirk au. fucking your toxic ex boyrfriejd. toxic dabi. dabi has a dick piercing. dabi fingers you. dabi fucks you agaisnt a window. exhibitionism. slut shaming. degration. 18+ mdni!
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡
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" You're nothing to me, just a mere comfort whore I come to when I need to. But still, you should feel special you're not like the rest. The rest are mere fuck toys, you're something more."
Gritting your teeth once more, you angrily sit down on a sofa, shoving your foot inside another heel. " Fucking cheater." You curse under your breath " I'm gonna dump his ass. I'm something more than the rest, shut the fuck up. "
"Woah there girl, you're gonna snap your ankle in two if you keep at it."  Cagney’s familiar playful voice instantly calms you down, from your racing thoughts and growing rage. The beautiful girl squats to meet your level. " Whatever it is girl, it's not worth bringing you down tonight. Besides, when you're done being fabulous as  always, you can go kick its ass." She jokes grabbing your hand to help you up.
" Cagney, what would I do without you?"
" I dunno, probably kill someone, to be honest. What would you do without me?" She flips her hair for more dramatic effect and you both erupt with tiny giggles at her response.
" Showtime y/n." the woman with her clipboard enters the room, her usual irritated expression on her face before leaving the room.
"I'll be cheering for you girl." Cagney cheers before you exist.
As you enter the stage, an erupting canon of cheers explodes from the audience, and as the music starts the audience begins to settle, watching in awe as your body spins and twirls at so many angles. You were almost hypnotizing, looking as angelic as ever. Most people in the audience suspected you to be a pole dancer fill-in rather than an actual stripper. During the song, you eventually glide to the top of the pole, before sliding down and smoothly shifting into your floor routine.
When the music faded, the audience yet again cheered, shouting and screaming as your stood. " Thank you." you mouth, waving at the crowd before the light on stage dims, allowing you to scurry and collect the cash people there on stage.
" She was almost too innocent looking, like an angel" you hear as you scurry backstage, causing you to smirk to yourself.
'Damn right, I worked my ass off making that damn routine.'
After a couple of songs, you decide to go out for a breath of fresh air and observe other performances. Though once you manage to step outside and hand on your shoulder stops you. " Hey, dollface." His familiar voice rings through your ears, triggering the anger felt earlier on. You immediately spin around, fueled by anger and raise your fist in an attempt to punch the villain, but his rough, larger hand blocks the punch. By now, you're breathing heavily as tears begin to cascade down your face. Yet again, you try to punch the unwavering man, over and over and over again and after a while, you stop.
" Fuck you want? I don’t wanna deal with your shit, you know I hate you?" You mutter, too exhausted to shout. The anger is evident in your, face and voice, yet the villain remains unbothered at the fact that you are breaking down because of his actions. Either way, he still gets you back.
" How sad, you hate me. Now stop crying and let's go inside. You're acting like a fucking baby and it's pissing me off."
" You just don't get it, do you? This means we're over Dabi. No more of us."
The man turns and walks away for a bit before stopping.  He turns to look up at the sky, the wind shaking up his black hair. " See if I care. I can leave right this very second, but what will happen? That's right. You'll come crawling back to me like you always do."
.. like I always do. Dabi approaches you as you begin to back away.
" And besides, I know how to get what I want, when I want princess. After all, you were just a cum slut to me anyway. You'll come back to me because you love that don't you? You little perverted fuck. You want someone to put you in this type of position like I do, but who on earth will do that for you." By now you were up against a wall, caged in by him. The man you want to escape from but he's right. Who could I go to?
You do not process and register the fact that you dive in for a long kiss. A kiss that feels long-awaited, it feels like you're pouring all feel restrained emotions into it, it feels like you're accepted again.
But is that all I want? You ask yourself, breaking for the kiss for air.
Without further hesitation, you grab a hold of Dabi's hand and drag him into the room filled with various lights. You slip past people and walk through hallways to avoid meeting others. The both of you standing near an isolated staircase, your voice hushed as you begin to speak. " Don’t think I’ve let you off the hook. Just because I keep coming back to you doesn’t mean we should stay together.” A silence passes and you pause, steadingly yourself to state the truth “Maybe that's why I'm tired. It feels like you won't stay. "
Dabi can sense the neediness dripping from your voice. " That's my girl." he breathes in your ear, before grabbing your chin, the both of your faces so close you can feel his breath against your face- but he doesn't kiss you. You unconsciously let out a moan of frustration from the teasing occurring. " What's the matter? Want me to kiss you? You want me to fuck you?" No words emit from your mouth.  His chuckles resonate and vibrate throughout your body before he leans in and connects his lips with yours, grinning into the kiss. He had got you back again. Without doing anything.
The dark-haired man grabs a hold of your wrists and pins them above your head. "Look at how wet and needy you are for me. Filthy slut." His fingers had managed to teasingly feel through the fabric covering  your soaking folds. Annoyed at how teasingly slow Dabi is being, you drags him up the stairs and into a room. The room is empty, it contains a bed, a drawer in the corner of the room, decorated with colourful lights and a window wall covered by curtains.
Wasting no time, Dabi grabs a fistful of your hair and slams the door shut. " Strip." is all he says. " Don't make me repeat myself." You find yourself, slowly sliding off clothing, one piece at a time. When your hands travel to your panties, Dabi stops you and lifts you up by your legs before walking over to the mirror planted above the drawers. Your eyes pay close attention to how he brushes his thumb against your throbbing clit, shuddering at the slightest touch. The man hooks his fingers around your underwear, peeling it off.  Your bare cunt is exposed, glistening in erotic juices from the high level of arousal. Without another second being wasted, Dabi's fingers find themselves inside your soaked pussy. His fingers begin to pump in and out of you whilst he wraps his hand around your neck. The filthy noises being let out by the contact made only increased your arousal. Dabi took note of that, of how your hips begin to thrust eagerly in hopes of more pleasure. He starts scissoring the two fingers inside you to stretch you out, before inserting three. With each pump and curl his fingers do within you constantly hit again your g- spot. The pleasure fogged your mind, and your legs beginning to shake from such intense pleasure.
" So you are a good girl after all, taking these fingers so well." You don't respond, all that can be let out from your mouth is moans expressing the need for your climax to be reached. But your pleasure begins to fade as Dabi's fingers slip out of your stimulated cunt. He uses his hand to choke you and forcefully grabs your face, making you look at yourself in the mirror. Heated face, your hole fluttering against nothing, your tongue sticking out and makeup running down your face. " You see yourself, that is what a cum slut looks like." A moment of silence passes as you try to recover your breath, your chest falling and rising rapidly. " Let's show the whole world how much needy you are for cock." He whispers in your neck, sending shivers throughout your body.
He continues to hold you upright, bringing you close to his chest and walking towards the window wall. The view of the city is on full display, the lights brightening the darkened sky and your naked body pressed up against the glass as is also on full exposure. You feel his tip prodding against your entrance alongside the piercing on his dick. The man places his hands on your hips, gripping them tightly before slamming into you. You feel his thumb stretching your mouth open, increasing the volume of your erotic moans, the sound of skin slapping against each other and your coated arousal making the whole situation a lot filthy.  He continues to press you up against the glass, breasts and cheeks pressed against the window wall.
"Do you love being my fuck toy? My cum dumpster? Answer me bitch." He growls yanking your hair and violently shaking your ass. A masochistic smile spreads across your face and you nod excitedly, letting out more moans.
"F-fuck, don't stop Dabi." You stutter brokenly, overly enjoying the never-ending pleasure.  He begins to thrust faster, your sex clenching around his desperately hoping for the knot to be undone. " You only cum when I tell you to. Got it?" You nod rapidly, focusing solely on the satisfaction taking over your mind. After a few deep thrusts your legs begin to shake the command to " Cum." caused your legs to shake as you ride your high. Your face is flushed face,  you gasp for air and your legs shake.
"Good girl."
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incorrect-splatoon · 8 months
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Art by the boss @judas-isariot we got inspired by @nephilimbrute push on the "vampire pearl" concept.
I really like it, it's RAW !
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hadesfucks · 2 years
Enid: I’m gonna rip your fucking throat out with my teeth!
Wednesday: I think I’m in love with you
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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figurecollection · 6 months
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Kanade Tachibana Garage Kit by Aggressive, from Angel Beats!
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jaubaius · 1 year
That was cool!!💀🔥
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