#agon microfics
fromagony · 4 months
@rosekillermicrofic | knew - may 22 | 730 words | @godsofwoes @ecstarry @star4daisy @bellaxisworld
“I think we need to talk,” Barty said, hands in his pockets and an expression on his face that was hiding all of his thoughts. Evan didn't like not knowing, he hated it.
“About?” He asked as if he didn't know, he slowly put out his cigarette on the concrete and looked up to him.
It hurt to look at his eyes.
“I think you know, Evan.”
Evan nodded as he rose from the concrete he was sitting on, slowly patting the back of his jeans. Yes, Evan knew what it was about.
“I want you to say it,” He took a step towards him, they were almost at the same height. It didn't help to ease his feelings when he was eye to eye with him, he couldn't help but think about grabbing him by the nape of his neck and kissing him raw and urgent.
Barty looked distraught, Evan knew he was pushing it, but he needed to hear it from Barty. He needed those words to slap him in the face, he needed the ugly truth to be told. He needed to hear it from him.
“Say it, Barty.”
“I know you have feelings for me,” Barty started, “And you need to stop, Evan. You know you need to.”
There it was, the words he needed to hear.
He couldn't help but laugh bitterly.
“Did Regulus say anything?”
Barty shook his head, “No, I don't think he caught on. But that's why I need this— whatever this is, I need it to be stopped.”
“Why?” Evan asked, he felt like his heart was about to burst.
Because why? Barty knew something was going on with Evan’s looks and touches. Evan knew that Barty knew, they both did.
“Evan—” Barty looked desperate, it didn't help Evan’s feelings, everything was coming to an end. Or this was his panic talking.
“Look, I'm with Regulus—”
“I couldn't tell,” Evan snorted.
“Don’t get cocky now, it's not the time. I know you can't help this feeling—”
“Oh, you do, don't you?”
“Can you stop acting like this for one minute?” Barty took a step towards him and there were inches between their faces. The closeness made his racing heart worse.
“Look,” Barty began, “Evan, I get it, okay? I really get it. But I'm with Regulus, and he is our friend. I can't do something to risk my relationship with him, I need you to understand me.”
Fair, Evan thought. But he had no power over his feelings, he had feelings for him for such a long time. Just because Barty wanted them gone didn't mean he could make them gone. But Barty didn't have to know this.
“What if you weren't dating him? What would happen then?”
Barty’s eyes dropped the second he asked that question and it twisted something at the pit of his stomach. He knew his feelings weren't one-sided. He knew it from the beginning. But he also knew there was no way Barty would admit that, not when Regulus was in the picture as well.
“I would kiss you right now,” Barty spoke softly, and it made Evan’s heart stop, “I would pin you to the wall behind you, grab your face with both of my hands and bite your lip until I broke the skin. I would press my body onto yours and breathe into your lungs. I would stop the world so we could kiss forever.”
Something in him sank to the ground, he felt dizzy. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He tried to see if Barty was joking but he was dead serious, still gazing at his lips. It made him gulp, the urge to smash his lips against him was so powerful he felt like he was made of bones and bones only. Like he could drop to the ground and would break into pieces, turning into a dust pile.
“But, I am dating him.”
Evan turned back to the reality where his best friends were dating and he had feelings for one of them.
“Yes,” Evan spoke as he tried to find his voice, “You are dating him.”
Neither of them stepped back, there were still inches between them. Instead of imagining it, he could just kiss him stupidly.
But, at what cost?
Barty slowly asked, taking a step back, “Okay?”
Evan was made of dust.
“Okay,” he agreed.
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ecstarry · 2 months
@jegulus-microfic / burnt / M / 284 words / thank you @fromagony for giving coming up with such a lovely prompt - very slightly nsfw as it's aftercare
Regulus Black knew hunger too well, he knew exactly how it burnt to see James and not be able to touch, to savor. Even now, as he had James all to himself, getting him closer to the edge, Regulus was a grateful and devoted man. 
“Come for me, love.” James moaned into his lips, his hands tightly holding him in place. 
Their hearts drew closer as Regulus felt his body finally releasing. 
“Stay here,” James pleaded, his fingers gently traced Regulus’ back. 
Regulus knew hunger too well, just as well as he knew veneration. They stayed there, so close their souls could reach each other and tangle together. 
Regulus closed his eyes and kissed his lover’s temples, slowly, his lips left traces of love across all over James’ face. His fingers caressed James’ cheeks, the softest touch for the most precious thing he would ever hold in his hands.
“Open your eyes,” James commanded. “Look at me.” And Regulus did. 
In front of him, an angel stared at him in awe, as if Regulus, too, was the most precious thing James had ever seen.
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hitmewithsomebooks · 8 months
@jegulus-microfic Jan 28 - airport
405 words
Slightly NSFW, but not explicit at all
James was almost ready to board his flight when he got a text from Regulus.
I’m sorry, I can’t pick you up from the airport. See you at home.
James was puzzled. Had he done something wrong? Why wouldn’t Regulus want to pick him up? Was he okay?? Maybe he was sick. Or injured! Why had he been so cryptic?
James, of course, spent the whole 7-hour flight agonizing over this.
When he got off of his plane, he decided to take a cab, easier than having Sirius come all the way out when it hadn’t been planned. He was antsy the whole car ride, too, anxious to see why Regulus hadn’t picked him up, worried something was wrong. What if he arrived and found Regulus bruised and wrapped in bandages? Or packing up his stuff, ready to leave James? He couldn’t decide which outcome would be worse.
When the cab arrived at their apartment he thanked and paid the cab driver, then rushed out, sprinting to their front stoop. He nearly wiped out on the stairs.
After he’d fumbled with his key and finally gotten the door open, he looked around, not seeing Regulus in the living room or kitchen.
“Reggie?” He called out, unable to keep some of the panic out of his tone.
“Upstairs!” Regulus called. He didn’t sound pained, or angry. James shucked off his coat and threw it on the floor, right next to where he’d unceremoniously dumped his bags. Regulus would likely yell at him for it later, but at the moment he didn’t care.
James rushed upstairs and flung their bedroom door open, panting. It took him a second to take in the room. The candle-lit atmosphere, the rose petals on the floor, Regulus, laid out on their bed like a model—
James took a step forward, eyes not leaving Regulus. His boyfriend, in all his exquisite glory, wore nothing but lacy red lingerie.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t pick you up, Jamie. Especially because I know you were agonizing about why. But I wanted this all to be perfect, and I wanted it to be a surprise.” Regulus purred, and all the worry and tension James had been carrying was gone.
James was really glad he hadn’t asked Sirius to pick him up, because he’d have wanted to come in after, and he and Regulus really needed their house all to themselves at the moment.
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✧ sequel to my vampire eddie microfic because i had the urge to write a scene from steve's pov and make it super sweet so have 1k of a fluffy morning after ✧
Everything is so warm.
Steve rubs his nose deeper into the sheets with a content sigh, basking in the glow of a soft morning.
"What are you still doing here?!"
Blearily, Steve pulls his eyes open, slowly shifting in place to survey the room around him. He's alone, which is a major bummer, he's gonna have to dock points from Eddie for that. Then again, he muses as he looks over the clothes that are hanging from everywhere, including on top of the ceiling fan, maybe a few points don't matter much when he's definitely up in the hundreds already.
Oh shit, that's the brand new outfit, the one he and Robin spent hours agonizing over before their night out, thrown across the floor, isn't it? Fuck.
"Be polite, he's a guest -"
Steve stretches out his back, lifting his sore arms up towards the sky where his hands brush against the muscle tee, the one on the ceiling fan, that Eddie was wearing last night. Oh, now there's an idea.
With a smirk, Steve pulls the tee down and onto himself, fluffing out his hair and hoping today is one of those days he can pull off the bedhead look.
"Eddie?" he calls out softly as he steps out of the bedroom, rubbing at one of his eyes, the one on the side that was squished up against Eddie all night (well, not all night...).
His voice is loud and happy, far more chipper than Steve expected from a vampire after a long night. He blinks, looking up to see Eddie beaming at him with flour dusting his hair and a whisk in one hand. The sunlight filters through with the shades to cast lines of light across him and with the way he's smiling, Steve doesn't think he's ever seen a prettier sight.
"I was just making breakfast for you, I wasn't sure if you were a morning person but I figure, y'know, sun-kissed skin and whatnot, it'd make sense if you were -"
He can't help it, Steve lets out a giggle, something small and light, something he used to never let himself have. But Eddie's smile makes it so worth it. Steve smiles back shyly, gliding in closer and stroking a hand up Eddie's arm (he's wearing a different shirt, maybe he took it out of his closet?). "You're making me breakfast?"
The vampire sighs dreamily as he looks into Steve's eyes, his fangs peeking out from his dopey little smile. There's so much flour in his hair, did he forget to tie it up before starting to cook? "Yeah..."
"That's so sweet," Steve coos, bringing his hands up to cup Eddie's face, pull him in closer and nuzzle their noses together. "Thank you, Eds."
He slowly opens his eyes and stifles back a giggle at how desperately cute Eddie's expression is, eyes flickering between Steve's face and his own shirt, cheeks flushed pink with Steve's blood. He has a feeling that if vampires had tails, Eddie's would be wagging uncontrollably right now.
"So, what're you making me?" he whispers, dragging his nose down the curve of Eddie's jaw, breathing in his scent of iron and cranberries (did he have some juice? or does blood just smell like cranberries on a vampire?).
"I - uh, ha -" Eddie swallows and Steve tracks the motion with the bridge of his nose, peeking up over Eddie's shoulder to look at -
"Shit, is that the time?!"
"Wha -"
Steve shoves himself away from Eddie, rushing back into the bedroom and slamming the door shut. He frantically pulls off the tee (goodbye cozy morning, sigh) and grabs his skirt from last night - no stains on it, or on his top, thank fuck.
"Gimme a sec!" Steve calls out, crawling out from under the bed with his shoes in hand. Fuck, fuck, fuck, how did it get so late, Robin's gonna be so mad -
"What's -"
"I'm so sorry, Eddie!" Steve yanks the door open, guilt curdling up his insides when he sees Eddie waiting outside his own bedroom door with a hopeful-turned-distressed expression. He walks past him, hopping on one leg as he puts a shoe on. "I have a thing I need to get to, I honestly forgot until I saw the time -"
"Pfft, likely story," a random voice says.
He spins to stare at the sofa, where three people are strewn about, legs and arms overlapping each other. Only one of them is awake, a bleary-eyed, wavy-haired guy that's glaring at Steve.
"Shoulda thought of that excuse before he started nagging at us."
"It's not an excuse," Steve snaps, finally managing to get his second shoe on. "I have brunch -"
"Told you, dude," the guy lazily rolls his eyes over to Eddie, sending a hot flash of anger through Steve.
"Oh fuck you," he hisses, pointedly grabbing Eddie's hand (the one without the whisk, why is he still holding it?) and pulling him in closer. He glares at Eddie, who's staring at him with big doe eyes, softening at the gaze. "I'm really sorry I can't stay, Eds."
"But...waffles?" he says quietly, like he's confused, like Steve isn't making any sense.
And he isn't, not really, but he can't afford to be late to the Robin-and-Steve-Monthly-Gossip-Brunch after they both missed the past two months already, third time's the charm and he does not want to find out what that charm would be for.
"I'm sorry," he says again, wincing when Eddie visibly deflates. Steve presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth, just so he doesn't get distracted and lose even more time, and pats his chest. "I was really looking forward to breakfast with you."
A little bit of shine comes back to Eddie's eyes, flickering over from Steve to the window. He speeds away, whisk clattering somewhere in the kitchen, as Steve blinks and suddenly he's back, holding up his leather jacket towards Steve with a shy smile.
"'S cold out. Take my jacket?" Eddie asks and Steve pulls him in, flour-hair and all, for the deepest, filthiest kiss he can give, swallowing down his gasp, his moan and every last sliver of his minty breath.
"Thanks, babe." Steve whispers, pulling the jacket on (at least it makes up for the muscle tee failure) and relishing in the warmth. He opens the front door, presses one final, chaste kiss to Eddie's lips and walks out, the smell of cranberries sticking to his skin.
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Eddie watches Steve leave in his jacket with a sigh, already longing for that pretty voice to say "Eds" to him again.
"You know," Gareth says from the couch, which pops the blissful balloon Eddie was happily floating in. He turns to glare at his three friends, all lounging on the couch even after he told them to be presentable. Gareth continues, "You know, you could have offered to drop him off. He'd get there faster and you'd get more time with him too. I mean, did you even get his number?"
Silence. Then -
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kay-elle-cee · 27 days
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A restless waves rise and fall microfic (series). 🏴‍☠️ Pirate Jily AU. @jilymicrofics August Prompts 4 and 18 : Ship and Time || 968 Words
This micro was written for Jily Week 2024's Day 7 Prompt: Continuation Station, and is part of my Pirate!Jily universe. Now without further ado, let's meet the newest (tiniest) member of The Minnie....
They still have two more days on their journey to the Potter estate when Lily goes into labor.
She’s taking her morning walk about the ship—twice a day, on Remus’ orders—when a sharp cry echoes across the deck and she grips the wooden railing until her knuckles turn white.
Those nearest to her—Peter and Frank—rush over to offer some physical support as David Sims takes of running across the quarterdeck and disappearing below—likely to find their captain and doctor.
When Lily and the others round the corner to the Captain’s Quarters, James is sprinting down the hallway towards them, eyes wild and hair even wilder as Sirius tries to keep pace behind him, face drawn grim in concern.
“Are you alright? Sims said—”
“We’re not going to make it to Eleuthera,” she groans as Peter and Frank pass her over to James, who wraps and arm around her waist and smooths down her hair. “The baby’s coming now.”
He lets out a strangled sound right as Remus comes bounding around the corner with a small medical bag in hand, abruptly stopping at the sight of the crowd in his way. When he speaks it’s firm and loud—so at odds to his usual demeanor. “Everyone needs to clear out.”
Sirius claps a hand on James’ shoulder. “I’ll keep us on course, make sure we get to your parents’ as quick as we can.” Then, with a solemn (slightly softer) look at Lily, he nods. “Godspeed, Evans.”
James ushers Lily into their quarters, Remus closing the door behind them as the others scuttle away back to their stations. The Minnie’s doctor in rare form—swift and decisive as he instructs Lily into a comfortable, reclined position as she breathes through the ebb and flow of her contractions. For his part, James oscillates between a nervous pacing and pressing firm kisses against her sweaty temples as he whispers soft encouragements to her.
Time seems to stand still in the Captain’s Quarters as around them morning turns to afternoon and the first red beams of sunset filter through the window. Lily’s frustrated cries are growing louder, her grip on James’ hand tighter, and her patience thinner as the hours tick by and her contractions become more and more frequent.
“This was a bad idea…a foolish mistake….we should’ve stayed put in Haiti when we last made port,” Lily babbles, head lolling from side to side as James concernedly wipes sweat from her brow and neck. “I think something’s wrong, it’s taking so long…”
“Everything’s fine, I promise,” Remus assures her—assures them both—with a weary breath. “I’ve been meeting with midwives at every port to make sure we were prepared in case this happens. They said it can last upwards of fifteen hours sometimes.”
“Fifteen hours?” Lily cries, gritting her teeth as another contraction wracks her body.
“Don’t worry, you’re nearly there.” His eyes flicker between Lily and James, hoping that he sounds more confident than he feels. “The next part’s going to be hard, but Lily, you need to push when I tell you to, alright?”
She lets out an exhausted sob but nods, and James wraps a comforting arm around her, kneeling on the bed to offer support. “There’s nothing you can’t do, right, Lil?” he whispers, and Remus averts his eyes from the couple, who so rarely show this level of soft affection in front of the crew. It’s an odd and silly feeling to feel like he’s intruding on a private moment in the grand scheme of the situation, but he gives them the privacy he can.
His estimations weren’t far off. After another quarter hour, it’s time for Lily to begin pushing. It lasts for about an hour, with Lily’s agonized grunts occasionally punctuated by threats, praises, or instruction.
“Gonna…kill you…Potter…” she threatens through labored breathing and gritted teeth before falling back against his chest and receiving a kiss on her forehead.
“I’ll be sure to sleep with one eye open, love,” he assures her. “You’re doing so well, Evans. Bloody incredible, you are.”
“Get ready to push again, I can see the head!”
When all is said and done, a ten-hour labor produces the newest, tiniest member of The Minnie’s crew.
Harry James Potter.
Remus leaves the new family quietly, shutting the door to their quarters as he wanders above deck to relay the news to the rest of the crew, and James feels the high anxiety of the day melt away, looking down to see Lily holding their son—a tired, wonder-filled smile on her face.
Gently, he tucks a sweat-dampened strand of her brilliant red hair behind her ear, and she tears her eyes away from Harry. They find him—glittering green and full of love—and he feels like the boy he was during their first meeting in Nassau all over again: absolutely and utterly in awe of her. His heart has lodged itself into his throat and words fail him in that moment, not able to think of anything enough to properly articulate what he feels here in this room with her and their son—their perfect, gorgeous, beautiful boy—so he dips his head to capture her lips in a slow, tender kiss.
He hopes it’s enough to convey the love and wonderment he feels in this moment, the gratitude he feels for all that she’s given him. When he pulls back and her eyes flutter for a moment before finding him again, the small curve of her lips and the way she snuggles her body a little closer to his offers him that reassurance.
She looks down at the little figure bundled in her arms again, a smile spreading across her face. “You are so loved, Harry. So very loved.”
“Welcome aboard the adventure,” he adds, finally finding his voice. “We’re going to have quite the time together.”
Read on Ao3
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sweetmoonlight7 · 5 months
9. Heart
@jegulus-microfic | April 9: heart | word count: 210
It’s been months.
Months of agonizing painstaking planning. Months of pinning and analyzing. Months of trying to convince his best friend that he has the best intentions for dating his brother.
Now finally he had organized the perfect date.
The only problem was that he hadn’t asked Regulus yet…
Look he had meant to for so long but every time he tried it went wrong.
The first time was probably the worst.
It had been at the beginning of the year during the main feast after the sorting ceremony. He had gotten up on the table and was about to ask him out when people started to whisper. They thought that he was asking someone else out and he had to hide that he was asking anyone out by saying it was a prank…
After that, it only got slightly more pathetic. Between people walking in on them right as he was about to ask out Reg to him getting his own words twisted up.
But it was all fine.
Now he was going to ask out Regulus. He was just going to walk up to him and tell him even if he kind of felt like throwing up and like his heart had been lodged in his throat.
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phoebe-delia · 9 months
Phoebe Delia's 2023 Fics and Reflection
Thank you to my lovely friend @geesenoises for the tag!! Check out Goose's post here.
I didn't do much writing this year. If I'm being honest, writing has been very hard for me this past year. I don't have the kind of free time that I used to, and I've just had such little inspiration. It got to the point that I actually considered quitting a couple of times. I want so, so badly to get the kind of stamina I used to have. When I started out, I was writing 3-5k fics in the span of a couple months and cranking them out pretty consistently.
This year, I didn't add a single fic to the Drarry as Taylor Swift Songs series. I did a couple fests, a gift fic, and my Hanukkah series. I also did drabbles and microfics. I spent much of the year being SO mean to myself about my writing and my lack of progress. l all but forced myself to write my fest fics, agonized over them not being "perfect," and obsessed and compared the stats to other people's fics until I wore myself out. I wondered why I seem unable to write the longfics that my friends are capable of. I wondered whether I'm really cut out for this, after all.
Now, my god, please don't give me your pity. This isn't me fishing for compliments. This is me being honest and reflecting on the year, and I don't want any of this to come across as self-pitying or whining. My point is that I don't know what the future holds for me. I know that I love this fandom, and I love all of you, and I want writing to always be something I love.
I think I'm going to spend 2024 repairing my relationship with writing, and being kinder to myself. And so, in that spirit, I'm going to celebrate the work I did last year; because I still created things this year. And I'm going to be proud of that.
That said, thanks to everyone who held me up this past year. Thanks to everyone who read my fics. Thanks to my friends who kept me sane. In particular, I gotta thank @basicallyahedgehog, without whom I doubt I’d still be writing.
Just Take Me Home (4.7k)
When Harry drinks too much at a pub one night, Hermione decides to use a new service offered by the Ministry: a team of Apparators dedicated to helping transport Wixen who cannot safely travel on their own. Of course, Draco Malfoy answers the call.
Stars by the Pocketful (2k)
Draco arrives first, to scope out the place and pick the best bed before Potter can beat him to it.
Can I Go Where You Go? (1.8k)
Harry presses a kiss to Draco's lips before pulling away with a pout. "I'm so glad you've got this opportunity, really. And America sounds amazing, even if it is just for a conference. But Godric, I'm going to miss you." Draco hums. "Me too." Then, he blinks and looks up at Harry. "You know. We don't have to miss each other." Harry frowns. "What do you mean?" "Come with me." "Wait, really?"
2023 Eight Drarry Nights fics are on AO3 here (masterlist on Tumblr is here)
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vcmicroficmay · 5 months
One Week Until Microfic May!
Just one week to go. As a reminder, we have four prompts per week.
We have a Collection on AO3 if you want to add your short fics to it if/when you post them there: VC Microfic May AO3 Collection.
When you're posting your fic, just search "VC Microfic May" under collections and the option should appear (my computer refused to screenshot it appearing but I promise it does 😂):
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Some FAQs:
Does My Fic Have to Be Under 1000 Words?
No! The goal is to write fics between 100 and 1000 words but it's okay to go a little over (or a little under). This isn't a contest, it's just a fun fandom event, we're all here to have a good time. I'd rather see your fic at 1200 words than have you agonizing trying to cut 200. Also, word counts vary in different software, so your fic might show 1000 words on one program, and then A03 might say it's 1011 or something. Don't sweat it!
Do I Have to Use All the Prompts Per Week?
Not at all! You can write 1 fic with 1 prompt, 4 fics with a different prompt each, or you can combine the prompts and write a fic with several prompts. And the weeks are guidelines as well! If you see a prompt in week 4 you want to combine with a prompt from week 2, go for it! Again, this is just for funsies, and to inspire creativity, none of these rules are hard and fast.
As a reminder, here are the prompts:
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Text prompts beneath the cut!
Please let us know if you have any other questions! I hope you're all as excited as we are!
Week of May 4 (Week 1) Sleep Protect Inexplicable Necessary
Week of May 11 (Week 2) Rancid Melancholy Sunlight Uncouth
Week of May 18 (Week 3) Surrender Inebriated Crimson Fortune
Week of May 25 (Week 4) Whisper Performance Denial Spellbound
Bonus Prompts (for any week!) Fashion Technology Fate
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w4ndering-th0ught · 1 year
impatient. 130 words. @jegulus-microfic.
Patience is something Regulus prides himself on. It’s a skill he had to develop in childhood or risk the wrath of his mother.
But there is something about James Potter that topples that patience like a poorly constructed castle at the beach.
He wants to know everything about him, what his favorite smell is, how cold is too cold for him to finish a cup of tea, which of Sirius’ muggle records is his favorite. He wants to map out James’ body in agonizing detail, measuring the space between each freckle and mole and stretch mark.
“We’ve got time, Reg.” James assures him, laughing and smiling and so fond.
Regulus knows there is time, but that doesn’t stop him from the itching need of having it all now now now.
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plotbunnybreeder · 3 months
Chasing after Gold
a Viktuuri reincarnation microfic
Across too many lives and thousands of years, Victor chased after his love. In each life his love was from a higher caste, or more talented, or more popular, or more successful than him. His love was always far kinder, always surrounded by others who loved and cared for him, too.
Victor studied, trained, sometimes even fought and killed for the right to be at his love's side.
Sometimes Victor failed. Sometimes Victor didn't meet his love before one of them died or, in one awful life, Victor failed to recognize his love before his love married someone else. They needed to make eye contact for Victor to recognize his love and a kiss to seal their bond.
Whenever he succeeded and finally kissed his love, the memories of their lives slowly returned to his love.
They spent weeks crying and making love together when they first reunited, and whenever Victor failed to reunite them the life before.
In his latest life, Victor was blessed with talent, looks, and the popularity that followed those blessings. He trained hard in order to be known throughout the globe, achingly aware of how many more people lived across farther reaches than in any of his past lives.
He met as many people as he could, agreeing to attend countless gatherings, accidentally gaining a promiscuous reputation in his search for his love. The blur of faces from numerous countries made him forgetful of all but those he spent the most time with or the competitors he needed to stay on top of.
He adopted a dog to curb his loneliness and because his love always adored dogs, even if they didn't always have one of their own.
Then, at another skating competition where he won another cold medal and planned to go back to another empty hotel room, he noticed someone's eyes on him. He reflexively offered to take a commemorative photo, thinking it was a fan, and then their eyes met.
His love stared back at him and all too soon his love's face warped with pain and he walked away from Victor.
His coach stopped him from following his love, citing press conferences and interviews and Victor realized his attention carried more weight in this life than in any before it. He would not risk their reunion failing due to overzealous tabloids.
For the first time in years Victor looked forward to a Grand Prix banquet, and quickly caught sight of his love, who Chris informed him was named Yuuri Katsuki. He agonized over how to approach his love, the pained reaction from earlier at the front of his mind.
His love drank flute after flute of champagne, and then they were dancing and laughing together and Victor wondered if this life would be easy; that they would kiss and reunite and Victor would convince Yuri to skate with him in Russia and...
Then Yuuri said he would compete for Victor. That we would have a dance-off with Yuri, win, and earn Victor as his coach for his reward.
Was this what all those lives were for? To prepare Victor for how it felt to be pursued? To grant him wisdom to guide Yuuri on his path to chase after Victor's resume of achievements this time?
Maybe this time, they were chasing after each other.
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theaceofdragons · 1 year
More Prince Roy/Guard Riza microfic!
(Once more from these prompts by @creativepromptsforwriting/@creativepromptfills -- I'd welcome a reblog, if you're so inclined! -- and once more this wasn't agonizing for once! Is this a breakthrough or a cruel glimpse at the world beyond writer's block? Only time will tell.)
Find the first one here.
"I swear these balls are more obnoxious every year. Please save me."
He's spent the last three hours dancing and mingling an endless stream of nobles and dignitaries, manner affable or empathetic or attentive as the conversation requires and always utterly charming. If half the room wasn't trying to steer him toward one suitor or another before tonight, they will be now. It's his first year attending as a marriageable bachelor, not just the king's inconvenient stepson, and he's made the kind of impression normally reserved for siege engines.
"I don't think obnoxious balls are something I can protect you from, Your Highness," Riza says. "Or even need to."
"You've never had to deal with them this intimately," the prince grumbles. "Have you ever had to pair dance? There's a lot more sweat involved than you'd expect."
"A sweaty pair does sound rather uncomfortable," Riza says, staring straight ahead.
""Hawkeye, did you just...?" She lets herself glance at him, expression flat. He's smiling, probably his first genuine smile of the night. He leans toward her, about to whisper something in her ear.
"Your Highness, there you are!" calls out a nobleman whose neck ruff belongs in the last century and whose gravely voice is the least welcome thing Riza has ever heard. "Have you met my daughter, Lady Forsythia? Or perhaps you'd prefer my boy Tomas -- prefer to MEET him, pardon me! They're both over by the punch bowl, and if you'll just follow me..."
Something behind the prince’s eyes dims a little as he turns to the lord with an expression of polite interest, and Riza finds there's an ache in her chest she can't quite explain.
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fromagony · 5 months
Mayhaps james walking in on barty eating reg out
NSFW | 658 words | tw: cheating
James knew whatever happened between Barty and Regulus, it didn't end when he and Regulus started dating.
It wasn't that he didn't trust Regulus, it was because he knew Barty. He knew Barty was addictive, he had been there.
Before Barty and Regulus, it was James and Barty.
But yeah, he couldn't blame Regulus for that, because he got it, he really did. It was hard to resist him. He wasn't even sure he properly got over Barty, that topic was more like a deep-buried subject.
So it wasn't unexpected when he walked on them.
They didn't notice him at first, they were busy enough to not notice.
Regulus was in his Quidditch uniform, and that was the only thing covering his body. His legs were spread and Barty was between his legs, and by the sound of it, he was having a delicious meal.
“Fuck— your tongue,” he heard Regulus’ loud moan, they weren't even trying to keep it secretive.
As far as he could see, Barty was eating him out, and James was familiar with what his tongue could do to a man.
“I want it, I need your fingers in me too, oh fuck—”
Regulus arched while grabbing Barty’s messy brown hair and pushed him onto his pussy. James took a step towards them, not hiding behind the door anymore.
He couldn't see if Barty did what Regulus asked, he was nearly controlling himself, he took further steps until they noticed his presence.
“Well, well,” he said in a mocking tone, “Bon appetit, Barty.”
Regulus and Barty looked at him at the same time, he could read from their expressions that they didn't even consider getting caught, and that made him laugh.
“Fuck, James—” Regulus began, but Barty cut him off, “Wanna join?” he offered to James before diving into Regulus’ pussy like what they were doing wasn't wrong.
James got closer to them and Regulus wasn't even trying to not moan, whatever Barty was doing, it was good.
James didn't answer, instead, he got on the bed right next to where Regulus was laying his head on the pillow and he started unzipping his pants.
Barty lifted his head from eating Regulus’ pussy, “Oh, so you are gonna join. Didn't see that coming.”
James didn't take his eyes off of him as he got his half-hard cock out and he stroked himself from base to the top. He was getting harder and harder just looking at his boyfriend getting eaten out by his ex-fuckbuddy and he wasn't even going to deny that what he witnessed was hot as fuck.
“Open your mouth,” James ordered and Regulus slowly parted his lips, he was ready to take him in his mouth, maybe he was as starving as Barty.
“Fuck, I'm sure I saw this exact moment in my dreams.”
James ignored Barty and shoved his cock into Regulus’ hot mouth, lips wrapping against his dick. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, he dipped his fingers in his hair to control his mouth.
Regulus grabbed him by his balls as James liked and opened his mouth wider, James was thick and even though Regulus could take him all inside, it was still a bit hard at first.
He watched how Barty was sucking his boyfriend's pretty pussy, he could see how wet he was from Barty’s mouth area. It was all over him, and he also could see clear that Barty was three fingers in him, fucking his cunt with them as he sucked him off.
James couldn't decide which one was more arousing, seeing his exes going at it or watching them while getting sucked off by his pretty-cheating boyfriend.
Well, he had enough time to decide.
He grabbed Regulus from the roots of his hair and slammed his cock down his throat, fucking it fast.
He wanted to show them what he got, and then leave them for good.
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ecstarry · 5 months
"Too long" a microfic with a lovely prompt by @fromagony
He hated how much James had an effect on him. But after having a crush on him for as long as Regulus had, well, being trapped in a car with him for the next two hours was sure to affect him. James was wearing a crimson sweater and had rolled up the sleeves just enough for his forearms to be exposed. Regulus felt pathetic by just how easily even that made him yield. 
When Regulus was younger, he made a silly rule that for a man to be truly sexy, he must look hot doing at least one of these two things: driving or playing sports. And James Potter looked delectable doing both. 
He was certain that his attempt to conceal his feelings were utterly unsuccessful, and James was someone for whom grand gestures came as a second nature. So, if he felt anything for Regulus, surely it would’ve been clear by now. 
Regulus knew that, but sometimes, there was something in the way James’ hand brushed his back when he was passing behind him, or how he looked at him for a second too long, that Regulus allowed himself to think that maybe, just maybe, James felt something in return, even if not as intensely. 
Now here they were, alone for the next couple of hours, about to head for his brother’s birthday party. 
“Oh could you pass me th-” James leaned in and pointed at something, but as he did Regulus had turned around to face him.
They were inches apart from each other. 
And there it was, hope peaking through in James’ gaze, it was all honey and soft and adoring. Neither dared to move, their eyes asking desperate questions but their hearts too scared to answer. James leaned closer, just slightly, pleading for any reaction from the man in front of him. Regulus closed his eyes in surrender and James responded. 
They naturally found each other, soft and tender. Their lips had barely touched when James’ hand found his way towards Regulus' seatbelt and unlocked it. His hands grabbed onto Regulus’ waist, James’ desire grew as a soft moan escaped Regulus’ mouth, he savored the feeling of being touched by James for the very first time. 
They kissed senselessly, lost in each other. Regulus was unforgiving; he had wanted this for too long to allow any space between them now. He needed James there, their lips touching for an eternity, and even then, he knew it would never feel like enough.
more microfics here
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kittykatkatelol2 · 1 year
"Dark Mark" Jegulus Oneshot
Prompt by @jegulus-microfic (prompt: praise)
Regulus stood in the middle of the room, his arm in agonizing pain, while his family praised him and their lord, and all Regulus could think about is how he betrayed James.
The Dark Mark shown brightly against the contrast of Regulus's pale skin; it made Regulus want to be sick, but he couldn't help but think of all that this mark stood for and be the tiniest of bits proud.
Then he though about James.
About what James going to say when he saw.
All the proudness and hints of happiness disappeared when he thought about how James was going to hate him for this.
His one love, the man who gave him so much joy and light in this hell, his sun - was going to hate him; for something he had no choice in.
Just as Bellatrix was about to tell him some more bullshit and give him more undeserved praise, Regulus left the room, not saying another word, and locks himself in his room.
Sirius had long fled this house, so he couldn't even go to them about this.
The one person who was ever nice to him, had left.
. . .
James walked to his front door, hearing someone ring the doorbell and thinking it was post.
He opened it, and stopped dead in his tracks as he saw who it was.
It was not the postman.
"Hey, Jamie... Uh.. May I come in..?"
James doesn't hesitate a moment to wrap Regulus in a tight hug.
"Oh my god, Reggie, oh my god- of course you can come in, you know you are always welcome. Oh my gods, I can't believe its you.."
"'Always welcome'.. Doubtful, once I tell you what I've become," Regulus thought to himself bitterly, but says nothing of the sort and forces the bitterness out of his words.
"Thanks, James.."
James basically drags Regulus inside after hugging him so tightly.
"Mum, Dad, Pads! Reggie is here!!" James called into the quiet house.
Fleamont and Euphemia Potter came into the room, but not before Sirius ran into the room and jaw dropped once she saw his brother again.
"Reg..?" Sirius's voice cracks as he steps out to see Regulus, not quite sure if this is even real, or if she was just dreaming.
"Hi Sirius."
The two hesitate a moment before hugging each other; it was probably the first time Sirius was able to hug Regulus since they were very little.
"Hello, Regulus, I hope you know you are welcome to stay as long as you want to," Effie says after Sirius and Regulus are done hugging; Sirius's eyes are red from trying not to cry (and failing).
"Thank you," Regulus says gratefully to James's parents, but somewhere inside him he knew that this generosity would be all but a memory once they found the mark on his arm, that was still burning from the recent inking.
"James could we talk for a minute, alone?" Regulus asks James in an undertone so only he could hear.
"Yeah, sure, come on, I'll show you to your room."
James takes Regulus's hand as they walk up the stairs, leaving the others behind.
James makes a mental note of how cold Regulus's hands were compared to last time he was able to hold them.
They both walk into the spare guest room, and Regulus closes the door behind the both of them.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
Regulus takes a deep breath before speaking.
"Jamie, I want you to know that I love you-"
"I love you too, Reggie!"
"I haven't finished.."
James's face falls, and he looks at Regulus curiously who continues to speak.
"I love you, and I really hope you do too, and I really want you to know that I had no choice.." Regulus says, his voice getting quieter but he keeps his eyes on James's as he reluctantly rolls up his sleeve.
His arm was red from irritation from the mark; the Dark Mark plastered black ink over his forearm.
"I am so sorry, Jamie-"
James says nothing, just stares in shock and horror at the Dark Mark on his lover's skin, while Regulus was willing himself not to let any tears slip.
James reaches out after a few moments to grasp Regulus's arm, his thumb just barely grazing over the black ink.
"I still love you Reggie. I just.. I just don't know what we are going to do now."
[Word count: 704]
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solitaire-sol · 1 year
31. Protection
For: @prongsfoot-microfic Month: August 2023 AO3: Link Notes: Continuation of 30. Concern.
When morning dawns, it dawns on a man who has knelt before the altar through the long darkness, head bowed, searching for something to cling to in a maelstrom of doubt. The law of the land and of his vow would hold him to his duty, yet every drop of blood in his veins screams denial with silent tongues.
His armour laid aside, James Potter is just a man: Barely that, by some reckonings, for the war called many into battle who would otherwise have remained safely in their family's arms. James had found the war his calling, drawn to defend those who could not defend themselves, and Sirius-- Sirius had forsaken his family, throwing himself into his new cause as if to make amends for ancestral sins.
James was drawn to Sirius from the start, light to dark and dark to light, the man with the wicked smile and monochrome eyes who wields his blades without remorse and clings to James in his sleep, haunted by ghosts no blade can drive away. It is James' privilege to be trusted with such vulnerability, for Sirius trusts none other but himself.
Now the High Magister has ordered James to wield that precious jewel as a weapon, to defend the kingdom from the Ebon Star by cutting down the one who bore its mark, no matter that Sirius had been even more horror-struck than James when the black star appeared on his pale, scar-crossed skin. That the Ebon Star is a threat is not in question, for records of its previous advents remain in archives across the world, and its ravaging of the land can still be seen beyond the kingdom's borders. James cannot countenance the thought of his peaceful home at the mercy of such vile darkness, of his loved ones thrown down and lost to its terrors, and yet--
James loves Sirius, too, in a way that surpasses his love for his honoured parents or his dear friends, in a way that may surpass James' love for the realm he's sworn to protect. To betray his oath would be a dishonour worse than death, but to betray Sirius would be an anguish that even death could not erase.
At last, James opens eyes that now display a terrible resolve. He has taken his oath as a protector, not as a murderer; he has taken lives, but only when they prove an immediate threat. Sirius is no such threat, on that James would stake his life... but with the will of the High Magistrate set against him, even Sirius Black would be hard-pressed to escape, at least if he insisted on acting alone. James has agonized over his decision, but he knows there is no way for him to move forward that is not by Sirius' side; if it sets James against the very kingdom he once defended, so be it. James can think of nothing more worthy of his protection than the man the High Magistrate would have him slay.
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ne0nwisp · 5 months
Doll Microfic: Casualty
if you can handle that stuff, i hope you enjoy my story :3
It was the worst case scenario, her doll had a missile on its tail, and couldn't shake it, the last thing its handler heard was an explosion, a scream of agony, and then horrible silence. The handler, weeping, was sent with the recovery team. When they got to the crash site, her worst fears were all but confirmed . . .
Mutilated metal, crumbled, crushed, torn, scorched. The smell of burned nitrocellulose from cooked-off ammo, burned flesh and kevlar, and blood, oh god the blood, pooling on the ground under the airframe.
The handler fell to her knees. Her life, Her love, Her soul; lying in the desert, mangled, mutilated, dead. She collapsed onto the wreckage and sobbed and cried and wept as hard as it is possible for any human to. She screamed at the soldiers accompanying her, voice shattered and broken with agony "KILL MEEEEE, PLEASE JUST FUCKING KILL MEEEHEEHEE" her voice collapsing into sobs.
But then, in a brief moment of silence between agonized breaths and sobs, she heard a voice, weak and faint, from inside the airframe "ov oo" her pain and anguish were instantly transmuted into sheer determination.
She lept up, grabbing a crowbar and plasma cutter, she tore and pried at the metal coffin that used to be an airframe. She called out to the engineers: "IT'S STILL ALIVE IN THERE, DO YOUR FUCKIN JOB I CAN'T SAVE IT ON MY OWN" not stopping her work for a second as she yelled. The engineers scrambled into action, carefully yet frantically melting and tearing and prying the wreckage away to carve a path to the biomechanical pilot. After the longest minutes of their lives, they got to it.
The handler lunged to the doll and dragged it out of the aluminum tomb. Sparks and blood and torn metal and shreds of kevlar trailed behind the doll and it was pulled to safety "MEDICS, NOW!!!" as the medical team rushed over, the handler held her beloved and surveyed the damage.
head: intact torso: deep wounds in the abdomen, vitals intact; the doll would survive legs: left crushed and shredded from the thigh down. right torn off at the hip arms: left severely cut, but functional. right crumpled beyond repair
The medics arrived and got to work. The handler held her doll's hand and comforted the poor thing while the medics stabilized it. The process was rushed, and painful, and dirty, but it would keep the doll alive until the damage could be properly repaired. The stabilization process was agonizing.
Arteries welded shut, flesh burned to cauterize the wounds, kevlar melted to seal them. But the doll was able to handle it without going into shock. Because its handler was there the entire time, holding its remaining hand, speaking words of comfort to it.
During the grotesque process, The radio handler notified command of the situation: "Combat doll Li-17 recovered, alive, stabilized, heavily damaged. current co-ords 14°16'44.3"S 24°16'13.8"W. transporting to base sigma alpha phi until evac available. organ repair and limb replacements required. vitals intact. details of necessary repairs unknown, but will need transport to heavy maintenance facility." while they were updating command, the stabilization was finished.
The handler held her doll in her lap, lovingly caressing the charred, blood-soaked doll as it wept. The doll spoke to its hander through tears, in its distorted, vowel-y doll dialect which its anatomy mandated "i'm o-y foh ge-ig hi". The speech was nearly incomprehensible, but the handler understood.
The handler responded softly and lovingly, swallowing her sadness and fear, putting on a brave face for her doll; "it's ok, you did everything right doll, it wasn't your fault." she rested a hand on its cheek.
"bu I oo-mb shay ih"
"it's ok, you did your best"
"wuh abou uh mishom?"
"another doll will make sure the mission is completed, right now, all you need to worry about is resting and recovering"
"oh-ay, I ov oo"
"love you too doll"
The handler gently lifted her doll up and carried her into the medical transport, and they drove off to the base, to safety.
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