#ah it’s only been a million years huh…..
calumthoodshands · 7 months
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Announcement/Posting schedule for ‘Days in the sun’
The final chapters will be posted as follows:
Chapter 48 on December 3rd ✅
Chapter 49 on December 10th ✅
Chapter 50 on December 17th
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intoanotherworld23 · 11 months
His Behind The Camera
Pairing: Reader x Joel Miller
Warnings: MATURE CONTENT NSFW 18+ ONLY. This series is basically going to be all smut and sex, since it’s going to be about porn so you have been warned. Each chapter will be marked though with warnings
Length: 3695 words
Summary: It’s a life that you never thought you’d have, but you’re desperate and you need the money. That’s how you get into the adult film industry, and your first movie is with the devastatingly handsome Joel Miller
Check out my other Pedro Pascal works
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Taking a deep breath as you tried to control your heart rate. Your palms overly sweaty, and your fingers constantly twitching. Heart racing a million beats per second.Right now was not the time to have an anxiety attack though.
Looking in the mirror at your over the top makeup, and extra curly hair. The silk robe covering your body did nothing to stop the chills running up and down your body.
It was too late to back out now, and you really needed this money. Besides this wouldn’t be so bad you’d get to have sex with attractive people, and get paid for it. A lot better than working at an stuffy office with a fat bald man hitting on you as a boss.
They let you take a shot of hard liquor just to calm your nerves. They wanted this movie to be good, and wanted all the ratings. Not wanting to ruin it by shaking like a leaf the whole time.
"They’re ready for you Y/N." Someone with a headset popped their head in real quick giving you a nod.
"Thanks." Mumbling as you turned back around.
The silence in the room was making things even worse. Like all you could hear were your thoughts , and it wasn't making things better.
Standing up as you pinched the ends of the sleeves with your fingers. Walking towards where all the camera crew was standing around. Looking at the staged room that was all white. White bed. White sheets. White walls. Even white carpet.
It was almost blinding as you anxiously waited for your co star to walk onto set. All you know his name is Joel Miller, and all the women even some men loved him. You've never done anything like this, and you didn't want to disappoint.
"Alright there's our man." The director clapped his hands as you saw Joel walking towards you. "You all set?"
"Sure thing." He smiled as he disrobed himself making you drool.
This man was more beautiful then what you thought. His body was muscular and fit, and you could see his lower tummy pouch. He looked incredible. Looking at his face all you wanted to do was place your mouth on his plump ones.
He was a little older than you expected, but that didn’t change anything. Looking at him you could see the gray hairs poking out from the top of his head. His hair was perfectly ruffled though like he just got done brushing his fingers through it. For someone who was older he looked damn good.
Feeling your panties becoming a little wet at just the sight of him. This man was literally sex on two legs. You could probably cum at just the sound of his voice. Just him being in your presence was enough to intimidate you.
Now you were even more nervous having a man like this in front of you. Your mouth probably hanging wide open like an idiot as you stared at him.
"Joel you've met Y/N." The director nodded towards you making Joel turn his attention at you.
Smiling widely once he took one look at you. It made you feel a little more confident seeing he was just as affected by your presence as you were his.
"Not yet but I'm glad I get someone absolutely damn gorgeous to work with." He winked your cheeks heating up. "First time?"
"That obvious huh?" Lightly chuckling making him smile even bigger.
"Nah you'll do just fine." He waved his hand in a swift motion. "First time is always the hardest."
"How long have you been doing this?" You asked timidly. "Porn I mean."
"Ah well I've been doing this for I would say six years now." Placing both hands on his hips as he looked at you. "But I've been fucking since I was sixteen."
He's probably slept with some of the worlds most beautiful and sexy women, and yet they stick him with you. You didn't feel like you could ever compete with any of those women. Now you were going to have to step up your game.
"I've heard a lot of good things about you." Almost smacking yourself in the face for that stupid line. "I just mean."
"No it's all good."
He chuckled at how shy you became. Thinking to himself how fun this was going to be, and the wild thoughts of turning you into a sex crazed animal.
"I don't watch porn." That was clearly a lie. His eyebrows scrunched down.
"No way you don't watch porn." He said in disbelief. "I mean everyone watches at least one porn movie in their life."
"Nope not me." Shaking your head trying to maintain your confidence. "I prefer the real thing."
"That's my girl." Your body melting when he said that, but you knew you would never become his girl.
Porn wasn't something you ever saw yourself doing. You enjoyed sex a lot, but never thought you would be getting paid to do it. Nobody was paying well, and this was pretty much your only option.
Nobody knew about this only your best friend, and she told you this was a bad idea. You told yourself you would only do a couple movies, and that would be it. Judging by who you would be working with it seems that wouldn't be the case.
This wasn't something that you were going to get into. Get the money and get the hell out of there. You were surprised they even considered someone like you. No auditions or anything. They took one look at you, and asked how soon could you start.
"You ready Y/N?"
A voice broke you from your thoughts. Turning to the set to see everyone staring at you. There was a lot more people coming into the room and walking by then you thought. Gulping so loud that everyone could probably hear it.
"Oh yeah sorry." Squealing sheepishly as you jogged to everyone.
"Alright if you'll just remove your robe we can get started." Hearing that had your heart racing, and your stomach churning at the thought of getting naked in front of everyone.
The scenario was that you were at home sleeping the bed, and your husband came home early. Only to see you laying there in your bra and panties, and then he would have sex with you. It was stupid and cliche, but this was also your first movie.
Slowly pulling the thin material off your body and kicking it to the side. Goosebumps appeared on your skin. Expecting everyone to be looking at your body and judging.
The thing is nobody was looking at you. They were so focused on doing their parts they weren't even staring. They were used to naked bodies walking around the set all the time. You could feel a pair of eyes staring at you though.
Looking straight ahead you saw Joel devouring you with his eyes. They were blown full of lust and wide with dark desires. Your skin felt tingly seeing him look at you like that. No man has ever looked at you the way Joel was right now.
Maybe you were reading too much into it, but he seemed way to excited to be doing this with you. Almost like this was something he had been praying for, and he was going to get what he wanted.
"You can get into bed and then we’ll begin." People shuffled around getting into position.
You stayed their frozen like your feet were stuck, and you couldn't move. This was what stage fright must feel like. Trying to hype yourself up to just get it over with, and telling yourself it wasn't going to be that bad.
This was actually happening and there was no turning back now. You just had to suck it up, and tell yourself the money was going to be worth it. It would be all over soon.
"God I can't wait to feel how tight you are." A deep voice growled in your ear.
Turning around to see Joel walk by with a huge grin on his face. He just wanted to help get you more in the mood, and think of things to make you less nervous. He remembered his first time and how incredibly nervous he was.
Your thighs tempted to squeeze shut so you could now relieve the pressure between your legs. This man got you all hot and heavy, and he hasn't even touched you yet. Just thinking of the things he could do in bed.
Laying on top of the bed they helped get you into the perfect position. Trying to find the right place to put your hands, and where to move your legs. Moving some of your hair up front to make it look more realistic.
Hearing the quiet chatter of the crew as they got everything finalized. Closing your eyes as you felt a bright light shine down on the set making you jump slightly.
This was it this was go time. Millions of people were going to see you at your most vulnerable. Millions of people were going to see parts of you even your own boyfriends didn't get to see.
"And action."
"Oh fuck yes." Moaning as you arched your back on top of Joel. His hands on your hips. "Right there."
"Feel good baby?" Joel mumbled as his hands reached up to grab your bouncing breasts. Pinching your nipples between his fingers.
"Yes so good." Crying out as your nails raked down his chest leaving marks.
Leaning his body forward so his mouth could attach to your nipple. Sucking and biting on the hard nub making you kiss the top of his head as your fingers raked through the sides of his hair.
His mouth moving from one breast to the other groaning to himself. Suckling on your nipples like they were candy, and he was savoring the taste. Leaving a string of saliva as he leaned back down. Feeling a cold breeze hit your nipples making a shiver run up your spine.
Looking briefly over to see a camera man focusing on where his cock as disappearing inside you. Trying not to suddenly get shy knowing he was just right there looking at your most intimate parts.
"Focus on me baby." Whispering softy into ear turning your attention back to him seeing you start to panic with the camera right there. "Focus on my cock."
His hips meeting your thrusts digging his cock deeper inside of you. Pussy clenching around his cock as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. He knew you were getting closer to judging by the expression on your face and body language.
"So fuckin tight for me baby." Growling as he looked to where you two were connected. "Fuck this pussy so good."
Moaning at his words as you focused on your own pleasure. Forehead sweating the heat that was enveloping the both of you. Cheeks clapping against his upper thighs, and pussy making squishy sounds from how wet you were.
Looking down at him you watched as the veins in his neck were popping out. His neck and chest were turning a slight shade of red, and he kept licking his lips as he looked at you.
"Gonna fuck you until you can't walk." Snarling between his teeth as his hands smacked your ass making you squeal. "Pussy is all mine."
Rotating your hips in figure eights making his mouth hang open. His head thrown back in utter ecstasy as he tried to control his breathing. Bending his knees as he drilled up inside of you making you scream.
"Shit shit shit." Hands gripping his wrists as he kept his rough movements at a steady pace.
"Such a good girl for me baby." Hands placed on your back pushing your chest on top of his. "Taking my cock so well."
Turning your head to side as he placed his lips on your neck sucking on your skin. Mouth wide open as little whimpers slipped past your lips. Your hands on either side of head as you would drop your hips down on his cock.
"Feels so fucking good Joel." Crying out as you felt him thrusting his hips up at an all new angle.
Whispering absolute filth in your ear as your legs were starting to get sore. Feeling you slow down his hands gripped your ass cheeks squeezing them as he used them as leverage to go harder slamming you down on his cock.
His pelvis was rubbing up against your clit making you see stars. Your senses were becoming overwhelmed, and you were so close you could taste it.
"Squeeze that tight little pussy for me." Smirking against your skin as his hands moved up and down your body.
Taking your bottom lip between your teeth as you kept whining in euphoria. You've had amazing sex before, but this felt so much different and better. It seemed too like he was enjoying this more than you.
Hands smacking your ass encouraging you to fully let go of yourself. Surely whenever you two were done your body would be covered in marks and small bruises.
Closing your eyes as your pussy clenched around his cock hard making him groan. His cock twitching inside of you letting you know he was close to orgasm.
"Stand up for me baby." He stopped he movements indicating for you to get up. "Lay on your back.
You knew exactly what he was wanting to do. Without wasting another second you stood up on wobbly legs, and rolled onto your back. Watching as he pumped his cock fast while looking up and down your body.
The noises coming out of his mouth were almost animalistic. He was getting close and he was wanting to cum all over your mouth. Preparing for his load you opened your mouth with your tongue hanging out. Grabbing your breasts to entice him even more.
That seemed to do the trick as you looked down to see cum leaking out of his tip. His thick veins popping up along his length. Sweat forming on his brows, and his chest was heaving up and down.
"Oh fuck yeah baby gonna cum all over that perfect face." Growling as he pumped himself even harder one hand on his hip.
Closing your eyes as you felt drops of cum hit your mouth and around your mouth. Moaning as best you could as he jacked himself off until every last bit of him was empty. Licking your lips as you swallowed his load tasting the saltiness.
"And cut." The directors voice snapped you from your euphoric state.
“Good job guys.”
Looking over you saw all the camera crew putting there stuff down. Breathing heavily as were slowly coming down from your high. It hitting you that you just made your first adult film. Laying there frozen unsure what to do.
"You were fucking amazing." Joel complimented you with a smile as he stood up his limp cock just hanging there.
Someone came over and handed him a bottle of water along with a towel. Watching as a took a large swig gulping as he did. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, and you just watched like a creep.
"We'll definitely have to do this again." He joked making you giggle.
"Yeah absolutely that was just wow." Exclaiming as you licked your lips but your mouth was extremely dry.
"Never had a woman ride me like that." He shook his head in disbelief as he looked your body up and down again.
"Really?" A part of you didn't believe him thinking he was just being nice.
"Fuckin A." Sitting up as you grabbed the sheets covering yourself not liking being so exposed. "I almost came like three times."
"You we're pretty good too." You joshed making him chuckle.
"Sure you've never done an adult film before?" He quirked his eyebrows at you in question.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure." You nodded your head giggling. "Unless someone secretly recorded me and took all the money."
"If you were my girl I would sure as hell be recording me tearing that pussy up." He groaned and he took another drink of water before walking away.
Sitting there stunned watching as he grabbed a robe, and went into his dressing room. Exhaling before you stood up awkwardly walking across the set to your dressing room. Ignoring the gazes being thrown your way.
Shutting the door behind you looking in the mirror at your naked body. Looking at all the marks he left on your hips and backside. Almost dying inside when you saw you still had his cum around your mouth.
Grabbing a towel wiping the white substance off your mouth. Feeling slightly embarrassed that you talked to him with his load on your face still. Although he was probably used to stuff like that. It didn't seem things like that bothered him at all.
Thinking about his words from earlier saying how if you were his girl. Wondering what it would be like to be his girl. He was probably a very affectionate and hands on type of boyfriend. He probably had an insatiable appetite when it came to sex.
"Y/N?" You heard on the other side of your door along with a light knock.
"Just a minute." You responded as you grabbed a robe and quickly placed it over yourself. "Alright come in."
One of the directors popped their head in making you internally groan. They probably were going to tell you they didn't want you to do anymore films with them. Your confidence was suddenly declining waiting to hear.
"You were fantastic out there." He complimented you as he walked into the room. "I mean absolutely superb."
"Thank you." Smiling from ear to ear hearing such positive feedback.
"In fact you were so good Joel wants to do another film with you." Putting both his thumbs up.
"Wow I mean yeah I would be more than happy to." Nodding your head so fast it might fall off.
"Great well give him the good news and have the schedule up by tomorrow." He gave a huge smile before he walked out the room.
Sitting down in the chair you couldn't help but feel giddy now. One of the most desired men in this world wanted to do another film with you. He liked doing it with you so much he immediately told them he had to do another take.
It all felt like a dream in this moment. Pinching yourself thinking none of this was real. Feeling like you were on top, and you were indestructible. You felt so powerful that you could take on the world.
Your thoughts interrupted again as a knock came from the door. Straightening yourself out hoping it was Joel on the other side. Wiping your teeth and clearing your throat before swinging the door open.
"Hi there." To your surprise it wasn't Joel, but standing on the other side was a extremely fit, tall bald man. He was showing off his pearly white teeth.
This man was like a hunk of meaty goodness standing in front of you. A little bit of drool escaped your lips as you stared at the handsome figure.
"Hi." You squeaked out feeling your cheeks go up in flames at his gaze. "I'm Y/N."
"Nice to meet you Y/N the names Johnny Sins." As soon as you heard that name it sounded so familiar. Then you realized he was one of americas most famous porn stars besides Joel.
"The Johnny Sins?" Voice cracking as you looked at him in disbelief.
"You've got it babe." He winked making you smile awkwardly looking towards the ground. "Nice to meet a fan."
"I mean we'll everyone knows who you are." Trying to cover up with a cough at basically admitting you've watched his films.
"I just wanted to say nice work out there." Nodding his head towards the set making your eyes go wide.
"You watched me?" Spitting out making him chuckle.
"Yeah I did and I gotta say I'm really impressed." Crossing his arms across his chest and he stood a little closer. "Never seen a woman move like you do."
"Oh well you know when you've got talent you can't let them go to waste." Your words making his grin at you.
"Thank god you didn't let them go to waste." He shook his head as he looked your body up and down. Stopping at your chest looking down to see your breasts were exposed.
"Yeah thank god." Swiftly covering up your chest making him smirk.
Feeling yourself becoming nervous under his intense stare. He looked like at any moment he was ready to pounce on top of you. His smiled was wicked and devilish like he had something up his sleeve.
The tension was so thick between you two you could cut it with a knife. The look he had in his eyes was one of primal desire. It was almost nerve wracking how much sensuality the man oozed.
Sure it was nothing like what you felt with Joel, but still this man was something else. Joel was way better looking in your opinion, and you quite honestly didn't want to do another film with anyone else but him.
"Well it was nice meeting you." Lifting his hand up to shake you placed your hand in his.
"You as well." Smiling politely but not before he pulled your body slightly towards his making you gasp.
"God I can't wait to do a film with you." He groaned as he leaned forward and kissed right below your ear making your breath shudder.
Turning around and shutting the door behind him. Leaning up against the door holding yourself up. Taking a huge deep breath in and out. Putting a hand over your chest as you felt your heart racing again.
Looking back in the mirror at yourself your makeup smeared, and your hair wild. It was an image that you were probably gonna have to get used to seeing.
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minisugakoobies · 8 months
"Noona, do you have any lotion I can borrow" - Best friend's brother San
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“Huh? Sure, in my…” 
The word “vanity” never makes it past your lips as you glance up. San’s standing in your doorway, leaning against the frame with his head cocked, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans that hang low on his hips. 
At this point, you’ve seen San shirtless countless times, since he’s been living with you long enough to get comfortable being so, but now his torso is covered in dark whorls and streaks that look like they’ve been painted on, and a giant tattoo of a wolf. 
“Um…” you say. “That’s new.”
San grins. “It’s for work,” he explains, meaning the bar where he’s still picking up shifts as a bouncer. “For the Halloween party tonight,” he further clarifies. “A bunch of us are going as video game warriors.” 
“Ah. And you’re just wearing - jeans?” 
San disappears for a moment and returns wearing a long, tattered denim robe, with fraying edges and realistic chains wrapped around the sleeves. He mugs for a moment, striking a powerful pose, and you roll your eyes but can’t stop the heat that creeps up your neck at the sight. Or the giggle, which only makes him grin harder.
“So anyway - lotion?” 
He makes himself at home in your room, sitting on your bed as usual while you rummage through the bottles of lotion in your collection, finally finding one that’s unscented. He thanks you with a small nod and removes his robe.
The laptop open at your desk gives you an excuse to avert your eyes as he begins to rub the lotion on his chest. 
“Are you working tonight?” 
You nod, settling into your chair again. “Got a deadline.” 
“You should take a break and come down to the bar for a little bit. Don’t worry about the cover, I know a guy,” he jokes.
“Eh, I don’t know.” It’s been a few years since you last went out for Halloween. San’s sister is at work tonight, so it’d just be you and a bar full of costumed strangers running amuck. And San would be stuck at the door, so it’s not like you could even hang out with him, if he’d want such a thing.
“Noona.” You hear the pout and glance over to see San’s lips puffing out. “Come on. You deserve to have a little fun every now and then. You’re always working so hard.” 
It’s honestly unreal how easily he can manipulate you with that sad look. It’s a weakness of yours. He’s a weakness of yours, though you’d never admit it to anyone. But you dig your heels in.
“I really need to finish this article.” 
“‘Joong and Woo will be there.” Even though it’s a statement, his eyes gaze into yours inquisitively. 
It’s the first time you’ve heard those names since the party. The two of you have never talked about the fact that you kissed both of his friends that night. It was like an unspoken rule, that you shouldn’t mention it. 
Or maybe you’re just afraid to start down that path, because you’re not sure which way you want it to go. 
But now he’s thrown them out there, and somehow it almost feels like a trap.
“Well, I hope you guys have fun,” you toss back, returning to your document and typing a few words to make it look like you’re truly focusing on your work. 
San sighs. “Fine. But if you change your mind…” 
You hum as he trails off, rising from your bed. But before you can say goodnight, his arms slip under yours, surprising you with a back hug. Dazed, you peel your fingers away from your keyboard to grasp his arms gently. He’s so warm. So strong. 
“I hope you change your mind,” he murmurs, nose briefly touching your cheek. You wonder if he can feel the way your heart jumps in your chest at the sensation. “Night, Noona.” 
“N-night, San.” 
You hear the door close after a few minutes, as you stare blankly at the laptop screen, mind a million miles away from anything resembling your work.
Thirty seconds later you’re standing in front of your closet, wondering what last-minute costume you can pull together.
I'm just gonna call this a writing exercise, a little warm-up for all the work I'm hopefully gonna do today. But oh my god, Luce, I'm so in love with this man and the slow burn that's happening here. It's gonna be the slowest of burns - the sun itself will flame out before this does. 💕
Tagging @kiestrokes @yeontan-my-love because San 😆
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tojifile · 1 year
Dazai Osamu: The Protector
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Pt. 2 Anything for you, mistress..
Genre: Romance & fluff // PM!Dazai x f!reader
⚠️: Sickly reader
A/N: I currently have 2 requests, currently working on them, feel free to request more since my reqs are still open.
INSPO: Dangerously Yours The Highwayman
LINKS: Masterlist
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It's been a day since your birthday. It was a lovely moonlit night. Dazai watched you fondly as you slept. Once he made sure you were sleeping heavily he slept as well; on the chair that was right next to your bed.
Dazai had grown quite fond of you in the two days you've known each other. He liked the way you'd act differently to different people, the way your actions are graceful but some carry malice, the way your actions were easy to read but hard to trace; it was as if he'd been struck with an arrow and he wondered if you had been too.
The next day came, Dazai stood to wake you up gently but to his surprise you were already awake. You had a soft smile on your face as he looked down at you, he returned your soft smile and spoke "Good morning mistress. Would you like me to get anything started?" You slowly sit up on the bed "Good morning Dazai-kun, there's no need, thank you." You spoke softly.
You then looked at your arms then looked down at your body. "D- did you..?" You nervously asked, pertaining to your clothes and how they were different from the night before. Dazai chuckled at your reaction "No, not at all. I had asked the maids to change your clothes, mistress." He reassured you. "Ah! I apologize for jumping into conclusions!" Now you just felt even more embarassed.
"There's no need to apologize, mistress." He spoke with a comforting smile. Your cheeks got redder and you didn't know what to say. "Ah! Did I make you uncomfortable mistress?" He asked, full of concern "O- of course not." You replied, trying to reassure him but you just grew more nervous. After a minute of overthinking—you regained your composure and kept a soft smile on your face.
"Dazai-kun" you spoke, he tilted his head in confusion as he kept his gaze on you "How old are you? And when's your birthday?" You asked as you looked up at him. "I am seventeen years old and my birthday is on the nineteenth day of June." He replied. "Is that all you wanted to know, mistress?" He added. "Why would the Port Mafia send someone of your stature to become a bodyguard?" You asked curiously, you looked up at him with an innocent gleam in your eyes as if you were keeping facade.
"Ah! No more beating around the bush then huh? Mistress." He teased "Well, I was given to believe that Mori-san owed your father quite a lot of yen so he compensated in another manner. I was quite intrigued that your father would give up ¥1420360 ($10000) to find a bodyguard for his daughter. I wanted to know about the girl who was worth at least a million yen so I accepted when Mori-san told me about the situation." He explained.
"I didn't expect that.." You softly spoke as he raised an eyebrow. He held your chin and raised your head to meet his gaze. "What exactly did you expect, mistress?" He asked "I don't know.." you replied.
Dazai chuckled at your response "Mistress, would you like to have breakfast now?" Dazai broke the uncomfortable silence after his chuckle—you only nodded in response. Dazai helped you up from your bed, fixed the unkept area, and walked by your side.
"Thank you.." you shyly spoke "You're welcome mistress." He replied with a smile. You both then went down the stairs while he held your arm as you walked down.
"Good morning father!" You happily greeted your father as you reached the bottom of the stairs. "Good morning my dear!" Your father greeted with a hearty laugh "How are you my little princess?" Your father asked as he cupped your face like a baby.
"I'm okay!" You said with a big smile on your face "That's great my dear, now I'll be gone for a few days, I'll be flying over to the states. Be a good girl while I'm gone, okay?" You nodded happily, your father let your cheeks go then patted your head. He then told you to go to the dining area but asked Dazai to stay behind.
"Dazai." Your father spoke with a serious tone then he smiled happily "Ah! Thank you so much for taking care of my little princess!" Your father dramatically exclaimed as he hugged Dazai tightly. "Y- you're welcome sir" Dazai tried to speak.
Your father then let go of Dazai "Please take care of her while I'm gone. She'll be having a couple of photoshoots this week, today is a bit uneventful but I'm sure you will both have a great day." Your father spoke with a smile.
Your father and Dazai went over to the dining area "Goodbye my dear!" he exclaimed dramatically as if he was going to be gone for a whole year; you chuckled and said goodbye then your father went on his way. Dazai then sat next to you, waiting for you to finish eating.
"Dazai-kun, why aren't you eating again?" you asked, again, feeling concerned "Ah! I'm sorry for worrying you mistress. I was just too busy admiring your beauty." He teased, you turned red; you looked away immediately while Dazai chuckled in response.
Dazai started to eat while you kept his gaze away from him. Your actions didn't go unnoticed by Dazai but he didn't call it out, he just kept his thoughts to himself.
As you both finished eating he spoke "Mistress.. would you like to have a shower now?" You nodded in response, you stood up and went upstairs to your room, Dazai followed behind you, holding your arm as you walked.
You picked out the perfect outfit for a day out in the garden. You had planned to spend a leisurely day outside in the courtyard. "Dazai-kun, shouldn't you take a shower too?" You asked "After you, mistress." he replied with a soft smile on his face.
After you took your shower Dazai left you with your maids and butlers so he can freshen up on his own. He showered then put on a new suit and tie. He then went downstairs to watch over you once again.
"Mistress, I'm finished. What would you like to do today?" Dazai spoke as he approached you. You turned around to meet his gaze, cheeks reddening as you looked at him. Your tinted cheeks didn't go unnoticed by Dazai nor by anyone in the room.
"Mistress? Are you alright?!" "Ah! Mistress you're all red! Do you feel hot?!" "Should we fetch you a towel?! Are you fine mistress?!" The maids exclaimed all at once as you struggled to speak. "Y- Yes! quite alright!" You exclaimed as you snapped back into reality. You covered your face with your hands as your cheeks reddened more and more.
Dazai walked closer, right in front of you. He gently held your wrists and removed your hands from your face. "Mistress.. you shouldn't hide your pretty face.." He spoke softly, your head instinctively looked up to meet his gaze. You didn't know how to react, you were ultimately speechless.
Your body was trembling and you had felt a sensation that you've never felt before. Your heart was beating faster than its normal pace and your cheeks were more than slightly tinted. Dazai chuckled, enjoying the reaction he was getting from you.
"Have you decided on what you wanted to do mistress?" Dazai asked; a soft smile written on his face as he closed his eyes. He held your cheek gently; your faces almost touching, one small move and you could be kissing.
You snapped yourself out of your thoughts before he could make another remark "Y- yes.. I'd like to spend the day in the courtyard.." you softly spoke. Dazai smiled as he kept his hand on your cheek.
You looked away from him. Dazai chuckled at your reaction, he removed his hand from your cheek "After you, mistress" he softly spoke as he gestured you outside.
Without a word you walked to the courtyard, the both were quite far from the main mansion. You sat on the bench, just mesmerized by the flower beds and greenery. "Mistress, may I sit next to you?" Dazai asked politely, you felt flustered but only nodded in response to keep your composure.
Dazai sat next to you on the bench you then laid your head on Dazai's shoulder. He smiled at your cute action so in response he placed his head on top of yours. You wanted to see how he would react to your actions. You felt foolish, having some kind of attraction to someone that you've only known for two days.
"Sae-san— you called out to one of your maids who was also in the courtyard —can you please get my sketchbook and pencil? It's all in my room." You spoke politely, Sae bowed politely "Of course, mistress."
After a few minutes Sae came with the items you asked for "Thank you Sae-san." You spoke with a soft smile on your face as you gently took the sketchbook and pencil.
"Dazai-kun.. would you mind sitting by the fountain?" Without another word Dazai nodded and walked up to the fountain and sat by the rim "Is this alright mistress?" you nodded in response with a soft smile on your face. The sky began to look a bit cloudy but you didn't mind the breeze.
You started to make a sketch of Dazai sitting by the fountain. Every little detail from the way his hair was guided by the wind to the way he propped his chin on the palm of his hand with a soft smile on his face everytime you'd peak at him from your sketchbook.
After a while it started drizzling. Dazai immediately ran to you and picked you up. He ran to the mansion with you in his arms, you held your pencil and sketchbook tightly as he ran.
Not long after, Dazai got to the mansion, you were both soaking wet. You were shivering in Dazai's arms, when the maids saw Dazai enter the back door with you in his arms they immediately ran to get towels. You nuzzled your head onto Dazai's chest trying to warm yourself up; in return Dazai held you closer to him.
"Oh mistress.." Dazai spoke as he held you close. The maids tried to pick you up from Dazai's arms but you held onto his coat tightly. "Warm.." you softly spoke in his arms. "Mistress.. please let them dry you.." Dazai pleaded quietly, you only shook your head in response; nuzzling yourself onto his chest once again.
Dazai sighed, he brought you upstairs and tried to sit you down in your tub but to no avail; your grasp on his coat was tight. "Mistress please.. if you refuse a warm bath you might get sick.." he held you tightly as he softly spoke.
You gently removed your grasp from his coat he then put you inside the tub and turned on the warm water; making sure it's the right temperature. Dazai called the maids then he left after he made sure that you would be fine.
You sat in the bath in silence as the maids waited for you to finish. After an hour you dried yourself gently while the maids helped you dress up in a warm outfit then combed and brushed your hair.
Dazai was silently waiting outside the door of the bathroom then after a few minutes more you came out. Dazai had dried himself and was now in a different suit. Dazai immediately picked you up and put you in your bed, he had requested the maid to make you tea and noodles, a classic rainy day treat.
He sat on the edge of your bed, looking at you worriedly. A few minutes later Sae came to your room holding a tray with tea and noodles.
Sae put the tray over you, bowed politely then went out. You drank the tea slowly while Dazai fed you the noodles. You happily complied "Do you feel okay mistress?"
You nodded softly in response you felt a little tired and light-headed but it was manageable. It was impossible to hide anything from Dazai, he held the back of his hand to your forehead—you definitely had a fever.
"I'm so sorry mistress.." he spoke as he caressed your face. "There's nothing to be sorry about Dazai-kun.." Dazai smiled softly at your response. He fed you and took care of you until you were finished with your meal.
After you finished your meal he put the tray down and tucked you in. You weakly held your hand out to meet his, your eyes were barely open "Thank you Dazai-kun.." you tiredly spoke "Anything for you, mistress.." he replied as you shut your eyes; falling asleep peacefully.
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Spontaneous post: 06/24/23 16:50PM GMT+8 Philippine Standard Time
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munv · 1 year
I’m being tortured rn in a call send help. Anyways enjoy part 3 cause it mad short and I’m short on a life span
One chapter two chapters one big serieeess 3 chapters 4 chapters in one big serieesss 5 chapters 6 chapters one big serriesss allll year lonnnggg
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YOUR eyes swiftly catch the look of seriousness a few seconds later on suguru’s face when Gojo asked, “ah, right.” He then sighs “I wish I could share their vision just like Mei. However, fi something happens, they’ll immediately let me–” The males eyes narrowed and so did yours.
“Satoru, y/n, we have to go get riko now.” He said already walking past him. “Huh?” He turned around following his best friends actions, you who’s already ahead of them by a few steps “don’t tell me..”
Suguru nodded his head at your unfinished realization. “Two have already been exorcised”
Toji Fushiguro wasn’t exactly the most well known figure when he left his clan but he knew what he had to do in order to survive so the black haired male left with that in mind. His eyes scanned over the food in front of him while preparing to us ehis chopsticks. A little crack followed after he broke them apart.
“So those guys..didn’t go back to jujutsu high yet?” He spoke into the phone he held on his shoulder. “Well that’s lucky I suppose, now there’ll be more than just complete idiots going after the bounty.”
He chuckled. The other voice on the end of the phone gave him a worried tone. “You sure about this?”
“Hm, why do you ask?” The man on the other line of the phone gave a nervous smile. “The 30 million yen paid to you was a service fee from the time vessel association, and if the vessel dies the money’s gone too. You might just end up with nothing.” Toji pointed his chopsticks out as if making a point, “They have gojo satoru on their side” he said smugly. “He’s the first in hundreds of years to wield both six-eyes and limitless cursed techniques, as long as he’s with her..no one else will be able to take out the vessel.”
The other line went silent before hearing a deflated sigh, “why even hire you? They could have offered the money as the bounty from the start.”
The dark haired male let out a chuckle, “First off we’ll be using those idiots for the remaining 39 hours of the mission..to wear down gojo and the little sorceres with him. But heres the bonus, they won’t be able to kill the star plasma vessel so it’ll be freee labour.
The older male on the other end let his cigarette go out for a bit before preparing to take another smoke, “The limit time turend out in our favour, I suppose it makes it easier to gather curse users.”
“But that’s not the only thing.”
The man out down his ciggersate for a while waiting for a response from his “client”.
“I’ll be heading over soon myself since things look like things are moving faster than expected.” His face curved up into a small smirk. “You better have that 30 mil ready for me.”
There was a bit silence before the other male on the other end of the phone started to scold him. “What’s wrong with you?! I’m not a bullet board for for help-wanted posters..THERE’S EVEN A LISTING FEE, A HANDLING FEE AND NOT TO MEN-”
Toji threw his phone across the room with a bored expression on his face. “Ah, sorry you’re breaking up.”
Running down the corridor was gojo, suguru, kuroi and you. “Wheres amanai?”
“It’s around time for her music class, so either the music room or the chapel” Kuroi said struggling a bit to keep up with the speed of the two teens.
“It solely depends on the teacher.” she exclaimed, “This is missionary school by the way” she said under her breath.
“Satoru, you take the chapel and kuroi the music room.”
“What about you?!” You had managed to catch up to him in the nick of time before he started speeding off. “I’ll head for the two intruders, n/n you go with satoru. That way it’ll be easier to take her out of class.”
“Understood” Kuroi said going off to her destination with you and gojo.
“That’s why I told her to let us stay close..that little brat!”
“Ah..i apologize, I even told her to keep us updated with texts.” The caretaker said, bowing her head a bit while running.
“Give her a break gojo, she’s always been that way.”
“Hey, why’re you two following me for?” she said pointing to suguru and gojo. “Hah whadya mean?” gojo asked looking at the girl with a confused expression.
Kuroi had went to go scout the grounds to make sure there weren’t any ounces of danger just yet. You had been the unlucky one who eneded up staying with the 2 dumb idiots and a very amused suguru who looked like he was smirking beyond his stoic face.
“Only my nii-san can follow me!” She exclaimed pufffing out her chest a bit. “If they see you two my friends will never let me live it down!”
Gojo had a tick mark on his forehead looking at her, he then quickly turned to you. In return, just as quickly you turned away trying to make small talk with suguru. “N/N-Chan!! Tell this little leech that she’s in the wrong!”
“Who you tryna call a leech?! You look like a offbrand snowman! I can’t help it if I get bullied when my classmates get a look at your hideousness!!”
“Oversized tampon!”
“So..who’s gonna break them apart?..” Kuroi said. She had returned from her small scout out mission and had stumbled across gojo tugging your one arm and riko tugging the other..all the whike still arguing.
“Let’s leave it to y/n, she has it covered.” He said scrolling on his phone trying to find the camera roll app. Once he had found it suguru took a mini video.
Back at the school Yaga had gotten a message from geto. ‘What’s this..?’
Clicking on the video the man was in mild shock and then let out a long sigh. In the video it was amanai and satoru tugging on your sleeves like children bickering.
“Could you two..” Electricity started to pick up in the vicinity and eletrocuted them both. “LET ME GO?!”
And the entire screen went bright. On the other end suguru had taken off his dark glasses and sent yaga a thumbs up emoji stating “the mission is going well so far”
TAG LIST: @bbynday @megumisemo @todorokistoya @sammyiguess @bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9 @boo-kugo @vile-woman @96jnie @itsmekalou @tojisworm69
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lunar-rcp · 2 months
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𓏲 ₊˚๑ ꒰ A halloween dilemma ?! ꒱ ໑
🌷🔥 ミ royber short oneshot
☆ Something short. I've been taking a while with oneshots, so i decided to make a little something for myself and you guys if you're all interested !
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Halloween was just creeping around the corner, and everyone was understandably excited for a spooky holiday.
Eating candy till your stomach twists, wandering around town admiring the decorations everyone had set up, scaring everyone out of their engines..
A very exciting holiday, indeed.
But last and for more importantly;
What's Halloween without a dazzling costume to show off?
A situation the rescue team would rather avoid. They are the face of the town, the stars, if you will. They must dress to outshine the others as stars do.
And so, they were all situated at their base. Clothes are scattered all around on the ground, concept sketches were made of a mess on the desk.
“Amber, have you found something to wear yet?” Helly tilted his head in curiosity, the fabric made stem of his pumpkin costume slightly dropping down.
All of the others had already been pleased with their costumes. However, Amber was in a slump as she couldn't figure out what to wear for hers. And time was ticking!
“Not yet..” A long, weary sigh rolled out of Amber. She just had to think of something, but what could she do?
“Hmm..” Poli hummed, rubbing the side of his head with his palm. “Perhaps you can take inspiration from something you like!”
“Something I like?” Amber's eyes averted towards Roy's door.
And as if fate had tied the strings of inspiration together, an idea had popped up in her head.
A great one.
“You all look amazing!” Jin clapped her hands together. “I just can't wait for halloween! All our costumes look–” Jin put her rambles to a halt when she spotted Amber wasn't in the room with the others. “Huh?” Jin raised an eyebrow. “Where did Amber go?”
“Ah, I think she's in her room at the moment. She did say she needed time to prepare her costume.” Roy gave a tiny smile. “Would you like for me to go get her?” Roy offered, his hand raising up as to gesture his offer.
“That would be great! Thanks, Roy!” Jin placed her hands onto her hips, looking content.
A minute or so later, Roy stood in front of Amber's door. For some reason he didn't know himself, he felt oddly nervous. As if something was awaiting just behind the door.
With a deep breath, he knocked onto her door. “Amber? Jin needs you, are you there?”
“Come in!!” A muffled voice spoke from behind the door, only adding to Roy's concerns.
“Uh, alright?” Roy answered Amber's voice with a puzzled tone of voice of his own. Just what was she planning?
“I'm coming in!” Roy hesitantly pushed the door aside, stepping into Amber's room only to find a room filled with a black void of darkness.
Why aren't the lights on? “Uh, Amber! I'm turning the lights on, I can't really see.” Roy directed his headlights towards the light switch, he then flicked it on.
He was met with a sight he'd never expected to happen in a million light years.
“Well, well!” A mischievous giggle emitted from the ambulance as she twirled around, the sweet smile she usually had was now a smug one.
Amber had decided to wear something she likes the most!
..That being, an outfit like Roy's. To the firemen's hat to the huge boots he always wore, she had it spot on.
“Y'know, Poli told me to wear something I'd like!” Amber sweetly giggled. “Sooooo..”
She pointed her finger directly at the widen-eyed fire engine.
“I'd like to put out those flames that dance around your heart, Roy!” A soft pink hue was lightly brushed on her cheeks, but she had winked to play it cool.
Roy, on the other side.. wasn't playing it as cool as he hoped. A bright, red blush had emitted on the sides of his cheeks. His blush was even redder than his own paint.
“I– oh my god– Amber– Uh–” His words only spiraled into a row of incoherent mumbles. With everything he had tried to say, he had clumsily tripped over his words.
Safe to note, Amber had decided on the devil concept she had initially. Otherwise, she'd need to put a fire out that had blazed from out of the fireman himself on the top of his head.
Although, that was the cutest reaction Roy has ever had in a lifetime. A memory that Amber will always look back upon with a warm feeling sparked within her heart.
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divider by @cafekitsune !
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
fifteen | stay
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as things go downhill, you tried your best to salvage what's left and figure out a way to unfold the mysteries behind the culprits of the crimes. after sleepless nights and stressful thinking, you ended up sick instead. how will you continue your work now?
warnings: swearing, overthinking, mentions of blood and murder, lots of comfort, scara takes care of you, me overusing the only one bed trope idea on my series once again lmao
a/n: *drum roll* thank you SO much for 100 followers! i never thought i'd get this far and i'm glad everyone's enjoying this series. as a reward, this chapter is around 3.7k words!! let's hope ma has a happy ending hahaha... happy reading!
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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as soon as the mug hit the floor and shattered into millions of pieces, scaramouche immediately jolted from his position on the couch. he swiftly turned his head to you, eyes widened and worry cradled his face.
“holy shit, are you okay?!” he asked worriedly, though his words fell on deaf ears as time seemed to stop for you.
he's dead?
is this real, or are you just hearing things?
scaramouche's phone was still in your hand, the call you were on with childe a second ago still there, meaning he's heard everything.
“what's that sound? y/n, what happened?” childe's voice popped up from the other line, but his words too had no answer from you.
the ravenette beside you took his phone from your hand. “i'll call you back.” he said flatly, and ended the call.
putting your hands on your head in disbelief, you dug your feet to the floor, not even minding that there were shattered glass everywhere, resulting in your feet starting to bleed from the sharp object.
james words from the other day played back in your mind.
this isn't over.
was this what he meant?
you think again. no, that's impossible. who in the world would kill themselves just to get back at someone?
the trial.
he just came back from the trial yesterday.
he was supposed to be sent to jail right after you were done.
the trial might be displayed on the news.
snapping your head up, your eyes instantly landed on the tv screen.
“the 34-year old drug trafficker was found dead this morning in a police van, with the driver missing.” the news reporter said, face stoic. “he was initially to be sent out to teyvat prison after the man was dealt with a dreadful trial. it has been going on for a year now, and the trial was officially finished the other day, with the man, james, being guilty.” she continued.
fuck. your name might be exposed. your real name. with your face. everyone's gonna know who you are.
and what's worse is that your cover's going to be blown.
how did it get this fucked up in just a day?
please don't say it.
you repeated those four words for an infinite amount of times in your head.
please, i can't afford to lose this case.
“the trial involved a detective from the only prestigious precint, the fatui precint, who was shot by the victim over a year ago.”
you shivered, biting your thumb nail anxiously.
“reporters have started showing up at the precint upon hearing the devastating news, wanting to hear what detective–”
the tv news got cut off.
you perked your head up in confusion. “huh?”
scaramouche was dumfounded too, mouth left agape.
you turned to him. “is this from the news or is it our tv?”
“...pretty sure it was the news.”
who in teyvat had that much of power in snezhnaya to make the well-known national news get cut off?
your phone on the coffee table lit up, the soft melody of your ringtone started ringing through the living room.
ah, sure, if it isn't the one and only.
your worry for your cover about to be blown up dissipated, now only confusion plastered on your face. picking up your phone, you answered the call.
the usual busy noise of the precint was now replaced with a much more chaotic one. shouts, screams, and every single disorderly sound can be heard from the other line. “y/n, there's something–”
“you were the one who did that, right?” you cut her off.
the tsaritsa's voice changed to confusion. “huh? what do you mean?”
you huffed. “don't play dumb with me, i know you were the one who cut off the news right before my name got revealed.”
“...i seriously have no idea what you're talking about.” she said, panting from who knows whatever she's doing.
you raised a brow, though stopped when you remembered that she couldn't see you. “then why did you call me?”
the tsaritsa sighed. “i–” she stopped for a second, scattering for what you assumed were crime files. “the precint is a whole mess right now, people are trying to barge in here to get you in the spotlight for some reason. but now that i heard what you said, i assumed words got out that he's dead.” she said.
“i suggest you stay inside your dorm for the next few days, i'm afraid people will find out who you are sooner or later.”
“but...” you shriveled. “you don't know anything about what happened to the news?”
the tsaritsa sighed once again, sounds of footsteps emitted from your phone. “i have no time to watch the news today, dear. sure, i have enough of a connection with all of the higher ups in this nation, but i don't even have an ounce of idea on what you're speaking of.”
huh, who could possibly be responsible for that now?
“please, take care of your safety. refrain from going out for a while, you'd have to hold off the case for now.” she concluded.
you were silent a few seconds.
“i'm sorry, y/n. this was unexpected, and it's all we can do for the time being.”
you held your phone more tightly than before, knuckles turning white. “it's... it's okay, i understand.” you said, voice almost breaking.
“we'll try our best to not get you exposed and have your cover blown. i know this case is important for you, so everyone here will help you with whatever we can.”
letting out a breath, you replied. “i'll see what i can do, too. thank you for your help, captain. hope i'm not too much of trouble to you guys.”
“it's alright.” she muttered. “i'll have to leave now, this place is a complete mess. i'll call you back soon.” she ended the call the second she finished her sentence.
everything's surely fucked up now.
you slowly placed your phone on the coffee table and buried your face in your hands. scaramouche was awkwardly sitting beside you the whole time, not knowing what to say or do.
he looked down on the floor and saw your, now wounded feet, glass sticking onto them with blood slowly dripping. you probably had no idea your feet were in pain from the shattered glass, and even if you did, you were too busy to even think about it, the adrenaline running quick as you were too bundled up with emotions.
widening his eyes, he let out a bunch of curse words under his breath and quickly placed your legs on the small coffee table. he got on his feet and avoided the shattered glass as he took off and went to get the emergency aid.
you didn't pay much mind with what scaramouche's doing, so you spent the time he was out of your sight by thinking about your current situation.
how is he even dead?
who killed him?
was this what he meant the other day?
is this going to affect your career?
question after question pops up in your head, making you the more agitated.
what happens when your cover gets blown? everyone in campus is going to find out who you are, and you'd be sabotaging your own case. what happens when people have already found out who you are? are you going to be the talk of the campus? will viktor find out about your cover? will yun jin get disappointed that you lied to her face?
you realized you've been caught up in your own thoughts for too long when you've noticed that your mug that was shattered on the floor were now gone, all swept up by the short male beside you.
speaking of which, he was already starting to treat your injured feet. he looked up from the emergency aid placed on the couch, averting his eyes to you.
you were in shambles, your hair was all over the place, face confused and anxious.
he sighed, brushing over your knees to bring both of your legs to the couch with one arm, tending to your injuries in an instant. you were turned around on the couch to face him, eyes averting elsewhere.
none of you spoke for a moment as he helped you patch up. the antiseptic going through the wounds made you wince, cursing yourself for getting in such a state.
after a while, you decided to kill the silence by letting out an airy chuckle, though no amusement laced your voice. “what the hell am i gonna do now?”
scaramouche looked up from his position, finishing up from cleaning and patching up your injuries. “what do you mean?” he asked.
you glared at him. “are you fucking stupid? you exactly know what i'm talking about.” you spat, making him frown at your sudden bitterness.
you immediately stopped once you've realised what you said.
“i... i'm sorry. i didn't mean that.” you mumbled, eyes on your lap.
the ravenette sighed, putting the emergency aid aside and looked back at you. “i know.” he simply said.
the wound on the sole of your feet from the incident earlier were now all patched up and nicely done, thanks to the short male in front of you.
“come here.”
you perked your head up. “what?”
he rolled his eyes. “you heard me. i'm not repeating it again.”
“um... why?” you asked, suspicious of him.
“must i need a reason? come over here.” he demanded a second time, one hand hovering over your knee to make you scoot to him.
you raised a brow, but obliged anyway. moving closer to him, you faced him on the couch, seeing each other eye to eye now with your legs crossed and your knees touching his.
“what now?” you grumbled, arms folded.
without waiting a second, scaramouche pulled you into a hug.
in the past, it was always you who embraced him, never failing to pull him close and cling on him during the trial. but right here, right now, it was him who initiated it, making you shocked, and slightly flustered.
you left your mouth agape, not knowing what to do. scaramouche had his chin on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you tightly, as if you'll vanish the moment he looses his grip on you.
“i–um...” you trailed off, unable to find the right words.
the male in front of you rubbed your back with one of his hands, trying to cheer you up. “we'll figure out a way.” he muttered, referring to the rising problem.
you silently sat there for a while before you finally got to your senses and hugged him back, face nuzzling into his neck, humming at his sentence.
he smells nice, you thought to yourself, as you take in the faint scent of his body wash still lingering around his figure. you nuzzled into his neck more, eyes closing at the comforting warmth of his body.
scaramouche sighed at the small affection, his thumb tracing small circles over your hips, pulling you closer than before. he paid no mind to the lack of space and gap between you both.
the current position you two were in was ridiculously uncomfortable, but the warmth and comfort scaramouche gave was what you really needed at the time being, so you ignored it— even if you'll end up with cramps later on.
neither of you bothered to move anyways.
and it is true. you two will find a way— you always do. if you both can solve thousands of problems in the 5 years you've worked together, then surely it won't be too hard to figure out a way to solve this particular one.
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it was midnight when you felt like absolute shit.
you've spent the last couple of days trying to find out the culprit that cut off the news, and the one who killed james, but you seriously couldn't pinpoint on who it is.
while you were held off from going to classes for the time being, scaramouche had to keep an eye on viktor two times more frequently now to make up for your absence. both viktor and yun jin have asked him about you, even going out of their way to try and personally call you.
the ravenette had to make up a lie saying that you were sick and needed some time alone.
the only difference now is that the lie is probably becoming true.
“oh for archons sake...” you groaned, the headache that's currently trying to kill you being the reason you can't get up from bed. you were bundled up with your blanket, body cold to the brim.
for some forsaken reason, you got sick.
you're not sure how, when, or where you got it, but for whatever reason it is, you really hope this won't stop you from continuing the work you've been piled up on, you think as you tried your best to get out of bed.
“shit!” you yelped, accidentally rolling off the bed instead with you wrapped around your blanket like a burrito.
the sound of you hitting the floor resonated the small room, and you silently cursed yourself once again for getting in this mess.
you've been staying up and pulling all nighters this past week, trying to rack you brain as much as you can. since you were out from classes, you thought that it'd be way quicker and easier to find the culprit, but it seemed that your conclusions were wrong.
it was no doubt that you had fallen sick from the amount of times you've stressed yourself over your work, exhaustion clearly shown on the growing eye bags on you.
the sound of footsteps from the halls were evident to your ears, and next thing you knew scaramouche was at your door, knocking a couple of times.
“i heard a noise, did anything happen?”
you just grumbled loudly as a response, hoping that he heard you. the door opening and the lights that came from the hall illuminated your room concluded that he probably did.
“...why the hell are you on the floor?”
“'m sick...” you mumbled, voice muffled from the blanket you're wrapped around. you hoped he could decipher your words.
“huh?” he walked over to you and pried off the blanket from your face, crouching down to the floor. “why do you you look dead?”
“i'm sick.” you said it again for the second time, voice hoarse from dehydration.
you rolled, facing the floor. “just get me some water and i'll be good as–”
“how the fuck did you even get sick?!” he cut you off, grabbing your arm and rolling you back to face him. he brought up a hand and placed it over your forehead, the scorching hot temperature seeping through your body. “shit. you're hot.”
you smirked mischievously despite your current condition. “i know i am.”
scaramouche slapped your shoulder, making you whine, saying that this is not the time to be making jokes.
you slowly sat up, and leaned against the lower part of your bed. “'m fine. just some painkillers will do and i can go back to my work.” you commented, looking at the ravenette.
“you're burning up yet you're still thinking about work, you're unbelievable.”
“you know me. can't live without work.” you muttered.
scaramouche stood up, offering his hand to you.
“come on.”
you looked up at him, his shadow towering over your figure. “where are we going?”
“to your bed. you need to rest.”
groaning, you flailed your arms in frustration. “don't wanna go. floor's nicer.” you whined.
he rolled his eyes at you. “whiny when drunk, whiny when sick, there's absolutely nothing that'll make me surprised about you.” he went closer to you, urging for you to take his hand. “hurry now, or else i'll carry you up myself.”
“you wouldn't dare.”
upon hearing your comment, he immediately crouched down and wrapped his hands around your waist, making your breath hitch, and heart pounding.
“try me.” said the ravenette with his voice suddenly an octave lower, the warmth of his breath fanning over your ear, and his face just inches away from yours.
you're flustered, he thinks, given how you're so quiet with your eyes as wide as saucers and mouth left slightly opened.
he smirked to himself before lifting you off the floor and throwing you on the bed, making your previous flustered self vanish, replacing with a small yelp instead as you landed on the bed face-first, a very annoyed expression plastered on your face soon after.
“that's not very gentleman-like of ya.” you said, voice muffled by the pillows you were buried in.
he ignores your complaint. “get some rest. i'll come back later.”
and off he went, leaving you and your sick self alone in the small room.
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he came back roughly thirty minutes later.
you hadn't realised he came back, too busy fixing your eyes on the work in front of you, frantically writing about your theories with the energy you have left.
it was when he placed a tray at the end of your bed, and snatched the papers and pen from you was when you realised he was present.
“what the hell are you doing? i thought i told you to rest up.” he coldly looked at you, though if you looked a little more closer then you'd see just a tinge of empathy in his eyes.
you grumbled. “give them back.”
“if you want to end up in the hospital, then be my guest.”
you didn't say anything else.
he took the tray at the end of your bed and placed it on your nightstand. looking at the stuff on the tray, you've realised that scaramouche had served you a bowl of chicken soup, with a glass of water and some medicine.
you averted your gaze to him. “you made this yourself?” you asked, pointing out to the soup he's made for you.
he hummed, taking a sit near you. reaching for the bowl, he offered it to you.
“don't really feel like eating.”
he groaned at you. even when you're sick, you can still be the bitchiest, he thinks.
“the food's gonna get cold if you don't eat.”
“then so be it.”
he sighed, bringing up a hand to rake his hair back in frustration, before an idea popped in his mind.
he took the spoon from the bowl, taking some of the chicken soup and blowing over the hot broth. he scooted closer to you and brought the spoon to your mouth, his other hand went under your chin to avoid spilling over the soup.
you raised a brow, asking him what he's doing. he only shrugged, and brought the spoon closer to your mouth, your lips touching the utensil filled with chicken soup.
after what felt like forever, you finally caved in and opened your mouth, allowing scaramouche to feed you. you sighed in contentment, the warm and delicious broth hitting down your throat.
it went on for a couple of minutes, with him blowing off the steam to feed you, and you sitting quietly on your bed with your back against your bed frame, he fed you until the bowl was empty.
you reluctantly took the medication from his hand after he nagged you about the consequences to your actions, and by the time everything was settled, you were getting tired.
yawning, you finally felt like going to sleep after countless of sleepless nights.
scaramouche helped you get ready to bed, tucking you in with your cozy blanket wrapped around you once again. you mumbled out a thanks to him for taking care of you, making him smile halfway, saying that it was nothing.
he cleaned up after everything and just as he was about to leave, you grabbed his wrist.
“hm? do you need anything else?” he asked the last question of the night, turning back to you.
you were pouting.
it was kind of adorable, scaramouche thinks. you barely do such an expression, and seeing you do it now made his ears go slightly red. you're being cute without even trying, with you being sick no less.
it was almost comical how it made his heart skip a beat.
“don't go.” you mumbled lowly, only for his ears to hear.
he placed the tray back on your nightstand. “you need to rest up, y/n. we can see each other in the morning, i'm not going anywhere.”
“no.” you fought. “stay with me.”
widening his eyes, he stared at you in shock.
your grip on his wrist tightened. “please.”
it wasn't a question. you were pleading. you were actually begging him to stay with you, despite the very big hole in your relationship.
he always knew you'd be clingy and whiny whenever you're sick, but he didn't expect for you to be so bold and impetrate for such a shameless request.
“...fine.” he sighed, obliging. “i'm only doing this just so you can rest.” he said, taking a seat at the edge of your bed from where he previously sat. “i'll leave once you're asleep.” he caressed the hand that was holding his wrist, leaving fluttering traces along your skin.
you pouted again. “noo..” you whined. “sleep with me. in bed.” you corrected, making him widened his eyes even more than before.
“that's such a ludicrous request. i'm not getting in bed with you.”
you grumbled, tugging his hand harshly to make him come closer to you. “c'monnn... don't wanna be here alone.” you pressed, giving him your signature puppy eyes whenever you needed something so badly.
damn it, he silently said.
you're absolutely ridiculous for asking such a thing.
and he's absolutely ridiculous for indulging in your pleas.
sighing for the hundredth time that night, he loosened your grip on his hand and climbed over to the empty side of your bed.
he placed a pillow in the middle to use it as a makeshift barrier and plopped back on your small bed. “i'm not holding you. sleeping on the same bed is already preposterous enough.”
“'s okay.” you assured. “'least you're here with me.”
he only hummed as a response, not wanting to say more.
it wasn't long before you two were finally pulled back to sleep, with pillow barriers blocking the only small gap between the both of you.
how you two ended all tangled up and arms wrapped around each other the next morning (and the makeshift barrier pillows thrown elsewhere on the floor) was something even the archons couldn't answer.
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and then the next day scaramouche catches a cold /j
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dajaregambler · 1 year
HeliosR - Sing in the darkness - Chapter 1 - Part 1 to 3
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Translation of Sing in the darkness from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’, a new side arc alongside the current main story arc Like the dawning light.
First post contains part 1 to 3 of Sitd Chapter 1 due to how short they are, posts afterwards will have parts seperately each post.
This story has been written so that new & veteran commanders can enjoy it, meaning it's not a 100% neccessity to be currently caught up with the main arc.
*Warning that this post is also image heavy!
Part 1
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Nova: Ah, Commander~ Perfect timing
Nova: It looks like they renewed the introduction video about New Million exhibited at the Helios museum, and I was looking over it just now
Nova: The 13th generation team of heroes you’re in charge of are shown for a bit too, which is why I’d like you to check over it
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“The city where a million dreams come true, New Million- 
That’s where heroes that protect the people are.”
“50 years ago, an energized substance flying through space crashed into Million State.”
“While it served as a boon for the planet running out of resources, what came with it were natural disasters that continue to harm people.”
“As a countermeasure against the damage brought in Million State, HELIOS was established and makes use of all kinds of technology relying on various crystallized rocks containing abilities found within the substance.”
“Thus, people harnessing special abilities--- those we call heroes were successfully created.”
“The main duty of these heroes is preventing disasters by subduing and retrieving substance.”
“By their continued efforts, the city developed into four unique sectors surrounding Central Square, and has been reborn as a metropolis visited by people all over the world.”
Nova: And, and? Wonder if it’s somehow too bombastic~?
Nova: Akira and everyone turned out great on the shots, so it has a nice feel to it but… Hm?
Nova: Commander, look outside! Something just…
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Sing in the darkness
Chapter 1
Part 2
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Nico: ---Eclipse spotted. Three human type units, currently going straight down the street and right.
Nico: I’ll join up in a second
???: Roger/Got it
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Sage: Over there!
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Bianchi: There’s nowhere to run!
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Jude: Leave it to me
Jude: Haaah…!
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Nico: Sage
Sage: Nico! Right now Jude-kun’s---
Nico: Three more units over there. Help me out.
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Sage: Eh-
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Sage: Uwawah!?
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Sage: That came out of nowhere!?
Part 3
Nico: Ha!
Nico: Take care of over there
Sage: Okay…!
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Nico & Sage: Haaah…!
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Jude: What, already cleaned up, huh
Sage: Jude-kun, Bianchi-san
Jude: And here I thought we still could fight…
Bianchi: That’s not something to be dissapointed over you know
Nico: Looks like that spot was taken care of.
Bianchi: Yes. It’s quite something to for them show up at the same time this close to each other
Sage: Seems that the fact of Eclipse’s activity increasing is true…
Sage: What could they be up to at a time like this…
Bianchi: It's because of how things are currently, is it not?
Sage: …….
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Sage: (---A few days ago, a large hole had shown up in the sky above New Million.)
Sage: (It’s shrouded by darkness, dragging on the night continuously.)
Sage: (Most of the citizens frightened by this strange occurence have fled town by now.)
Sage: (New Million which is lauded as “The city where a million dreams come true”, has become a shell of what it once was in a mere few days.)
Sage: (Is the reason behind this substance, or perhaps, the work of someone exploiting it…)
Sage: (Whatever it is, the only ones who can save this city are us heroes at HELIOS.)
Sage: (In order to restore this city’s former peace, we’re busy doing everything we can to figure out the cause behind it---)
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Bianchi: Wonder what the time even is now? I bet finding out the exact hour will be a shock either way
Jude: It’s just about half past twelve in the afternoon, Bianchi
Bianchi: …Why thank you. Even though I wasn't asking you.
Sage: …….
Bianchi: Oh dear. Sei-chan, what’s wrong? Everything okay?
Sage: Ah… yeah. I’m fine.
Sage: Sometimes I end up getting caught up in my own thoughts, like what if the city doesn’t go back to how it was before, but I can’t afford to be negative right now, do I
Bianchi: Exactly. It is something that happened in New Million, which already gives us a rough idea that substance could be the reason one way or another, no?
Bianchi: I’m most certain that the research department is desperately seeking a solution too…
Jude: If it’s not happenstance and some phenomenon pulled by Eclipse instead, it’d make things way quicker. Because we can just catch them and beat them to a pulp then. 
Bianchi: You really are just so…
Sage: Alright. It’s not like we’re at a dead end yet, so let’s stay positive and pull it together.
Sage: It’s precisely because the city is in grave danger, that the power of us heroes is needed more than ever now--
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Nico: Say-
Bianchi: Gyah-- Nico-chan!?
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herrlindemann · 1 year
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Rockstyle - March 1998 - Interview with Paul
Ramstein, a German group, was in France on November 24 and 25 for only two dates in France. Rockstyle was there. For several reasons, first of all to follow this unavoidable phenomenon which, after two albums, has already sold more than two million records worldwide. Then their music, as well as the whole concept developed on disc, and on stage has a very strong meaning that has already seduced more than one editor. Ahh, the scene precisely, let's talk about it. Debauchery of sound, pyrotechnic effects, fire, flames, symbols, homo references, body worship... There was enough to ask a lot of questions, and enough to indulge in many digressions. By looking at this group, several elements put us, we believed, on the right direction. Indeed Rammstein, takes its name from a German city, Ramstein, a martyr city with a large Turkish population which was set on fire by some far-right group. Ah. Not only was it starting to get interesting, letting us go even more to our interpretations, just to make sense of it all, but it all had a smell of sulfur making the aura of the band even more mysterious. Our metaphysical wanderings (all these years of philosophy have to be for something, huh?) were going well: so, finally, Rammstein, it's just a group of bodybuilder neo-Nazi homos, as some press clippings suggested, or is there a simpler, rational, and less disturbing explanation? Meeting these people was going to be really important. Certain live photos, certain live images in addition to the concert reports and associated with what we already knew, namely the Manichean poetry and the lyricism of the texts, hinted at something else. On stage, wouldn't the fire be a tribute to the victims of the massacre? Would the group's answers to our questions quench our thirst for knowledge? Was fire for them a symbol of redemption? Was this simple religious Manichaeism between the angels and the demon hiding something more complex? What does this masochistic suffering represent for them? What about sex in all this?... So many questions to which we hoped to find the answer we were expecting, of course... But our hopes were far from being fulfilled, and our interview with Paul, one of the two guitarists, was going to reserve our batch of surprises.
Paul, you seem much more relaxed than yesterday, the concert tonight (Elysée-Montmarte) don't worry you too much for now?
Yes, everything is fine, and yet I only slept four hours... And I don't have stage fright. But I've been walking around Paris for four hours playing the tourist, maybe that's why I don't feel any pressure.
The romantic poetry of the texts gives us a clue to Rammstein's message?
Everyone must find their own answer. And when we translate these texts, we lose meaning and precision. 'Du hast' is a very good example, because there are two meanings to the phrase 'du hast mich', it means 'you own me', but also 'you hate me'. The whole song is based on this ambivalence of the verb 'haben' and its ambiguity. So when you translate this text it no longer makes sense, it no longer means anything. And generally in all our songs, we try to associate a necrophiliac, morbid side with another full of humor, fun...
The purpose of the texts is only that, to be funny, or is it hiding something else?
If what we are saying was funny, then yes, it would be funny, but we are not able to do that… I like texts that have an impact, that make people think. They even shock them. The effect is even greater with these comic effects, finally I think it would be more appropriate to speak of grating, very dark humor.
And where does the desire to make people think about these particular themes come from?
80% of the texts are composed by Till, the singer, and for the rest it is a group work, work which is largely inspired by the music... What is interesting is that everyone in the group listens to different things, one listens to blues, the other doesn't listen to music at all, one listens to pop, like Abba, the other industrial… We really have eclectic tastes. We just come together to make music, and we never worked to be a successful band, we have, that's good, great, but we never asked why it worked! We are all different and we complement each other, and our common goal is to make music together, that's all. We wanted to do that, we wanted there to be lots of pretty girls in the front row, and that's it! There are never pretty girls usually at metal concerts, maybe we wanted to fill this gap! Besides, it wouldn't make sense to do the same things as all these metal bands again, we're trying to move forward, to offer something else. The story is to try to stand out, it's for example to wear beige velvet pants when everyone is wearing blue jeans... There, it's you we're going to look at. Some will like it, some will hate it, but the important thing is that you got noticed. Besides, it's very easy to get hated! (Laughs)
In your videos, you develop a strong homage to films by Lynch or Tarantino, moreover you appear on the soundtrack of 'Lost Highway' with the title 'Rammstein', it's just a way to spread your passions, or you think this aesthetic is close to your vision of music?
As usual the record company didn't have a clear idea of the video we should do for 'Engel', so we decided to take a passage from the film with Tarantino, 'A Night in Hell' , and adapt it to our sauce. We had lots of ideas for special effects, morphing, and unfortunately not enough money so we made do with the means at hand. For the title 'Du hast' we chose to re-pump on 'Reservoir Dogs', and there the result turned out to be closer, 90%, let's say, to our original idea.
Between these videos and your show on stage, there are quite interesting parallels, and certain symbols keep coming back, Good, Evil, fire, explosions… All this gives a rather Biblical vision. When Till catches fire at the start of 'Rammstein', what does that mean? A rebirth?
Ah! I like it... But I don't really want to explain all these things... Too many people who aren't very smart don't understand what we're doing, and give us rather tendentious comments and desires, so... I think that to understand what we do you have to let go of your sensitivity and your intelligence… Let's say it's just provocation… The fact that Till uses pyrotechnic effects on stage is purely anecdotal. In fact he is very shy, and when he does not bite the guitarists he can even be rather diplomatic! Anyway, at first he mumbled in his corner, and since he doesn't play an instrument, he had trouble having an ease or a natural attitude when he wasn't singing, he even seemed rather stuck because he didn't didn't know what to do! So we had the idea of playing with fire. It is sure that at the beginning with just a lighter, the result was not terrible! (Laughs) Then we decided to develop all this visual aspect, with explosions, flamethrowers… Till has a diploma in fireworks, and he is the only one who knows and has the right to use all that. You really have to be careful because it's very dangerous, but with him, there's really nothing to worry about.
There seems to be a very Teutonic rigor in everything you do: the concerts are ruled like clockwork (sic), there is no dead time, everything seems to be written like a script of a movie. Do you still leave room for spontaneity and improvisation?
Yes, everything is straight, symmetrical, we like this rigor, but we are not the slaves of our machines, and everything is not done as for playback, we are organized, that's clear, but we let a certain room for freedom, even if, to be honest, we don't really like to let ourselves go to long stretches of improvisation on stage, we try sometimes, but we realize that it doesn't go with the music we make, quite simply...
Do you think Rammstein represents an evolution, or an emergence of a new metal?
We don't do metal. I don't really like metal, because I think it's a style that not only has never been able to renew itself, but also that is stuck in reverse. It's like a car, there are five gears, and if they used them, then they would see that it goes! Some are very good musicians, very good technicians, some even have the sound, have very good riffs. The problem is that they should only use one riff instead of seven, eight, because they play so fast that the music doesn't have time to settle. We, with a song of the genre we make seven! And it is much more efficient, like AC/DC, for example. It's more power pop than metal...
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neon-junkie · 2 years
English Homework
Summary: Fuck. You're so stressed over this stupid homework, so much so that Eddie has come over to help you study, as absurd as that sounds. It seems your best friend really cares about you, huh?
However, you can't focus, but Eddie has a cure that'll leave you breathless!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Tags: Fingering, Friends to lovers, Stress relief, First time, Hickeys, Spit kink, Dirty talk, Praise kink, Dom/sub, Orgasms, Degrading.
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A thick pile of paper and heavy textbook catches your eye, discarded on the end of the bed. Ah, yes, your homework! The homework that is due in tomorrow afternoon - the homework that you've barely started.
School is stressing you out to an entirely new level, seeing as your finals are approaching. All you seem to do is study, so much so that your friends have been cast aside, including your long-time best friend, who is currently snuggled up behind you.
Best friend, yeah.
Eddie had come over to lend you a hand, despite not being fussed about getting his own work done. "There's always next year," he had shrugged, and insisted on helping you out specifically.
However, your work has been long forgotten, quite literally fading from your vision as your eyes flutter shut. Your bedroom is almost silent, minus rock music tenderly playing through your cassette player, just loud enough to cover up your stressful thoughts.
Oh, and the wet sound of squelching, coming from between your legs.
The sound is absurd, and the culprit has his frame wrapped around yours. Eddie moves his lips from your neck with a pop! and you can vividly hear the chuckle he lets out as he admires the forming bruise. "Much better," Eddie murmurs as he plants a sweet kiss on your cheek, far more gentle than the action happening between your legs. "How are you, sweetheart? Still stressed?"
Yes, Eddie had noticed your frantic state these past few weeks, and had tried over and over to get his foot in the door. "I only want to help," he'd explain, quite literally bending over backwards to help calm your fatigued mind.
"If you know some magical way to eliminate all my stress, then please, be my guest," you had huffed at Eddie earlier - exactly ten minutes ago, to be precise.
"Do you trust me?" Eddie questioned. "I mean, you must do, seeing as I'm your best friend," he clicked his tongue, and flashed you one of his many cheesy grins.
"Of course, Ed's," you nodded without missing a beat.
Eddie had shuffled around your bed and lodged you between his outstretched legs. Your back found his chest, and before you knew it, Eddie was snuggling up to you without a care in the world. It's not like you two haven't cuddled a million times before, the first time being when your childhood pet had passed away after many loved years. Eddie was right there for you, without fail, just like now.
However, something felt different, and that's not just because Eddie began fiddling with the hemline of your skirt. "You've been so tense lately," he whispered against your ear, and you've never heard such a deep and alluring tone come from his lips. "I can't stand seeing my girl so stressed."
"This is new," you whispered back, stating the sudden change in Eddie's behaviour, and approach to you. Why you were whispering was beyond you, to set the mood, perhaps? Not that you knew you were setting it.
"Are you welcoming to it?" Eddie asked. Calloused fingertips trailed from your skirt to the soft skin of your inner thigh, but he dared not move any higher up. Consent is key, and Eddie was a waiting lock.
You found your lips answering for you, your head moving eagerly as you replied, "yes."
And that is how you found yourself where you are now. One leg is spread over each of Eddie's thighs, keeping your legs wide apart, unable to squirm shut whenever Eddie rubs his fingertips over that spot inside of you.
One of Eddie's arms is wrapped around your stomach, keeping your body pressed to his, whilst the other is outstretched between your legs. Those damn rings, the ones that you've complimented over and over, are now grinding against your clit with every movement of his fingers. They're glistening more than usual, soaked in a thick coat of your slick - the same slick that has also drenched your fresh bedding.
"Shit, Eddie," you gasp as he somehow finds a way to dive deeper, working his two thick fingers deliciously.
"Something a matter, sweetheart?" Eddie asks with a grin.
"Fuck!" you hiss, squirming in his grasp. The arm around your stomach tightens, and with it, you grab a hold of his forearm, bracing yourself.
"Ah, ah!" Eddie tuts whilst shaking his head. "No squirming, Princess. I can't help you relax if you keep squirming."
A playful grumble vibrates in your chest, and your short tantrum urges Eddie to slip his fingers from your cunt, and land a slap to your inner thigh. "Behave!" Eddie orders, and follows up the harsh movement by gently rubbing his thumb over the stinging area, soothing the pain.
"Eddie!" you gasp, unaware that he's that type in the bedroom.
"That's my name, don't wear it out," Eddie chuckles before sliding two fingers back into you, returning to his heated pace. Your grip tightens on his forearms, the equivalent to grasping onto your seat before plummeting down a drop on a rollercoaster.
Eddie adjusts his movements, and somehow finds a way to grind his steel rings against your clit with every thrust. They're firm, not the texture that you'd usually masturbate with, but the overall vibe is riling you up.
This is your best friend, after all, fingering you so good that you're struggling to breathe. Your head rolls back onto his shoulder, and Eddie chuckles at your debauched state. "Almost there, Princess?" Eddie grins, his expression doubling when you nod in agreement.
"How are we feeling? Still stressed?" Eddie follows up in a somewhat mocking tone, a degrading twang that makes your cunt throb. "Heh, you must be. I felt that," he tuts, referring to your walls tightening at his choice of words.
"S-sorry," you stutter, uncertain on what you're even apologising for.
"Don't be sorry, sweetheart," Eddie coos, and plants a tender kiss to your temple. "I like it," he chuckles. "Now, how about we get that pretty pussy of yours cumming all over my fingers, huh?"
"Fuck! Please, Eddie," you gasp, trying not to wriggle in his grasp. It's not your fault that he's so damn good. Fuck, if you knew he was like this, you would have pounced on him centuries ago.
Eddie chuckles to himself, and focuses purely on your release. What a gentleman - the only man that has even been focused on your pleasure, rather than using you like a flesh light, always leaving you orgasmless!
"You wanna know something?" Eddie mutters against your ear.
"Mhm," you softly nod, urging him to continue.
Eddie pauses, and you know it's only for dramatic effect. "I've, uh, always wanted to have a part of you on my rings, if you get what I'm saying," he explains. Eddie's free hand vaguely motions as he talks, a trait that he always does, even more so when he's nervous.
"Y-you want me to cum on them, is that what you're saying?" you sigh, sputtering out your words in between moans. The thought alone has you clenching, and any second now, your orgasm is about to rip through you.
"Smart girl," Eddie praises. "Such a smart girl, but she needs her best friend to help de-stress her in between assignments, huh?" he teases, followed up with a dark chuckle that has your head spinning.
Your hands find his thighs, grasping onto them for dear life. Fuck, you're close. Really fucking close. And the way that Eddie's speaking to you definitely isn't helping. "Ed's, I'm so close," you confess, feeling dirtier than a sinner in a church.
"Oh?" Eddie quirks his brow. "I think I've figured out what you like, babe," Eddie states with a grin. "It seems my girl likes being degraded a little, huh? So smart, but so dumb for me."
"Fuck!" you hiss, your head rolling back against Eddie's shoulder. Your eyes are shut, mouth parted, the perfect position for the dam to finally burst.
Who would have known that such a man had all that power in him? The ability to almost cause you to pass out from an orgasm alone? Yeah, not you! Needless to say, you're a sobbing, whining, over-stimulated mess by the time Eddie has finished with you.
A desperate sigh slips from your lips as Eddie slowly removes his fingers. Gentle kisses are placed on your cheek, whilst soft words of praise are muttered against you. "You did so well, sweetheart," Eddie coos. "That's my girl, so good for me."
Eddie keeps his arm around your stomach, but eases up, enough to let your chest rise and fall without conflict. Your hand finds his, and your fingers interlock, a small sign of tenderness during your overwhelming orgasm.
Once you're as stable as you can be, you come to realise that Eddie is sucking your release off his fingers, even running his tongue across his rings to ensure that he doesn't miss a drop. "Fuck," you curse as you look up at him, batting your lashes mindlessly.
Eddie's eyes meet yours, and he smugly grins before putting his tongue away. "Be a good girl..." Eddie begins, and rests his fingertips on either side of your cheek, squishing them together lightly. "...and open that pretty mouth for me."
Automatically, without a single though, your mouth falls open. Eddie grins before puckering his lips, and slowly spits onto your tongue, allowing you to taste your own release. "Good girl," Eddie purrs as you swallow without his order, as if this is another casual thing that best friends do.
Shit. Best friends. You've just allowed Eddie Munson to finger you into bliss, yet you've never done anything more than cuddle! It's vulgar, absurd, getting frisky with a man that you haven't even kissed. Eddie must sense your confusion, as he plants his lips on your temple, and leaves tender pecks there.
"How are you feeling?" he sweetly asks, his tone far softer than it was mere seconds ago.
"Good," you softly nod.
"Perfect," Eddie purrs. His free hand pulls your underwear back over your pussy, no longer cast to the side, and he slips your skirt down from around your waist, tidying you up as if you're about to walk out into public.
"So..." Eddie trails off as he, leans forward, reaching around you to grab your forgotten homework. He pulls the textbook into his grasp, and relaxes back against your headboard, still with you between his open thighs.
Eddie clears his throat, and opens up to the page you were on minutes ago, acting as if that totally didn't happen. "Now, where were we?" he mumbles before finding the correct page, with a smug tone laced between his words. "Oh, yeah! Your English homework..."
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totallyexhausted · 11 months
Sick Kid Megumi with Dad!(ish) Gojo...
Once again nothing more than notes so i have a backup to my backup as it took my 20 million years to find these so this is just notes.... feel free to comment or whatever but its incomplete nonsense basically atm. 
Kid Megumi and Dad Gojo- Megumi like 8/9 or 10 – sister pre-teen, already in coma. I also like to imagine with the new preview of S2 where Gojo stays up all night watching over Riko/ Geto, that Megumi gets ill in the night and Gojo stays up all night, watching him, making sure he’s okay like a hyper-active over-worried parent... 
Flashback to Megumi (5 or 6) scared of his devil dogs and Gojo showing him it’s okay… maybe they hurt someone, therefore it scared the kid.
“Hey, Megumi, it’s okay. They’re not here to hurt you, see,” They creep out of the shadows- uses shadows to create the Shikigami (?)
Be careful!
Me? Kid, don’t you know? I’m the strongest sorcerer in the world (whatever he says)
 Flashback to Megumi visiting sister; Gojo let him go in the room himself, waiting outside- after he falls asleep on couch.
 You did very well, Megumi. Wow, you got pretty roughed up, huh, kid?
“So,” Gojo hummed, pressing the () against the kid’s knee, “Did you win?”
           Megumi smirked.
 Dog scene, then a few years later checking in, then Megumi came to live with him after Tsumuki (?) fell into coma? Maybe first 5- alleyway outside their house or something; then 7 guardians; then 10 living with him?
 Megumi was always so rough and tough. Even at such a young age.
 Truthfully, he wasn’t really sure why he was caring for this kid. He was barely an adult, only 20 himself… and he wasn’t really a kid person… not that he’d given it much thought. But Megumi… Maybe it was guilt. Maybe it was because he looked so lost or reminded Gojo of himself. Maybe it was something else. Or maybe he didn’t have a reason.
Sparing, play wrestling, you’d think Gojo would let the kid win every once in a while, but Gojo hadn’t let him win since he was 5… and even then, it was still rare.
 “I want my sister!”
 Come now, have my decision-making skills ever led us astray before?
Yes. Many times, in fact.
Never, you say! How sweet!
 Gojo never lowers infinity. Holding a crying (crying like a child- loud full wails- something Gojo has never heard from Megumi) fevered Megumi, he lowers it and instantly feels the kid relaxing against him…. Megumi grasps his hot fingers around the sleeve on Gojo’s shirt and Gojo feels like he’s going to cry… it’d been a long time since he let someone touch him. Actually touch him. And if he wasn’t careful, he’d start panicking. His heart pounding against his chest as he pulled the kid closer, Megumi’s fingers tightening around his arm, his forehead smacking against the man’s shoulder, and Gojo cuts off a choked gasp. Panicking right now, thinking about () wasn’t going to help the kid right now…
Don’t worry, buddy. I’ve got you.
 Later Gojo crying (panic attack maybe in bathroom hence flashback to fight scene)
You’re going to be the death of me, kid… but, maybe… that’s okay.
 Notices fever and cough (maybe makes a move to check for fever but Megumi adverts it) –
Go away.
Ah, what kind of responsible adult would I be if I did that?
But you’re not a responsible adult.
Oh, how you wound me!
I don’t need you looking after me like I’m some baby!
Fine, then you can take care of me!
Gojo dramatically falls on top of him…
Stop, you’re crushing me under your weight! Get off me!
I can’t! Gravity’s increasing on me! The same thing happened yesterday! Oh no, Megumi! (falls again)
Your butt is crushing me! Stupid Gojo! Get off me!
(Completely sprawled on top of him)
Help me, Gumi. I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!
Yes, you can!
Coughing fit- Gojo uses it to his advantage to check for fever. Warm not hot. – I see.
Annoyed with Gojo but accepts water, food, meds. Falls asleep on couch- wakes up vomiting? Gets worse in night… Bath? Nightmare- Fever- wants his sister, infinity down… panic attack (Fight fb makes him smile, brings him back)…
 Don’t pity yourself, once you go down that road, life becomes an endless nightmare (PA)
Look at me, Megumi. I’ll give you some advice like a real Senpai…
 Tiny fingers poking his face, Gojo cracks an eye open to Megumi poking him in the cheek- make toast. Excuse me? Toast. Make some. I see the fever has burned away all your manners…
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dbgdbw · 1 year
245.Alpha’s Recollection (1)
알파의 기억 (1)
The helicopter touched down at a location far removed from us, rather than coming near our vicinity. It appeared that, having witnessed the aftereffects of the battle, drawing closer had been deemed too dangerous. It wasn’t a scene that I’d necessarily want to approach, either.
“Yoohyun-ah, are you okay?
After going to the pains of dressing him with a potion, he’d gotten wounded again. He hadn’t sustained any significant injury, but he was unable to conceal his fatigued state. Since he’d ended up trading blows with an SS-rank Guard immediately after his release, much less after resting deeply for a few days, it would’ve been stranger if he’d been okay.
“If it’d gone on for a little longer, I could’ve taken him down for sure.”
Yoohyunie said in a faintly petulant tone, even as he obediently submitted himself to my care.
“Since he’d been poisoned, it’s true that you’d’ve gained the upper hand as time went by, but you’re not in great condition, either, you know. With a slip, you could’ve gotten seriously injured, too.”
“That’s true, but after clashing up close a few times.”
Lowering his voice, Yoohyunie resumed speaking.
“Looks like he’s got little combat experience. He’s easier than the Seseung guild leader.”
“Huh? Experience? But Sigma should’ve Awakened far earlier?”
He’d said that he’d been instated as Solemnis’s Sigma five years ago, too.
“You’re talking about person-to-person combat, right?”
Moon Hyuna suddenly cut in.
“Since, logistically, there’s little to no reason he would’ve fought with high-rank Guards, and a fellow SS-rank one at that, especially. It would’ve just been monsters, that he’d be used to fighting. Though he seems fairly capable, considering.”
That was likely owing to his battle foresight. In a number of ways, it really was a scam of a Skill. Upon learning about his inexperience, it felt as though the gap between Sigma and Sung Hyunjae as individuals had widened even further. They really were different people, then.
“And now that I think about it, the young master wouldn’t have been able to gather many points, huh. I, for one, managed to stockpile a decent amount. There’s a lot of nice options in the reward store, it looked like.”
Moon Hyuna said, her expression eager. If there weren't any pressing matters outside, it would’ve been nice to be able to take our time installing the disks and making our way out, she mentioned. That, while the opportunity was present, she’d like to snag at least one piece of SS-rank equipment or so.
“Since you’d managed to eliminate two whole SS-rank monsters a moment ago, you would’ve surpassed two million points, I imagine.”
“Hm? Nah. Since it gives around fifty to sixty thousand per SS-rank, it’d be around one million.”
“...come again?”
But I’d gotten over a million? But then, Yoohyunie mentioned that he’d only received around four hundred thousand or so for eliminating the serpent as well. How could this be, when that time I’d had to team up with Sigma, I’d still gotten over a million each and… ah.
‘The Miracle Rookie title!’
It was a title that doubled the Item rewards received from a Dungeon. But over here, Dungeons didn’t exist, and the monsters popped out directly–so it seemed, as a result, it had been altered to give double the amount of points instead. Then, it meant that the original amount of points you got for hunting an SS-rank monster was about five to six hundred thousand.
‘Since I have the doubled drop rate effect applied, and since Sigma’s a denizen of this world who’s unable to receive points, and that means that, because all of the points would go to me, then…….’
A million per head. Was that how it was! With twofold the points received, and with the vast array of selection my Point Store offered……. Wow, this, this–.
‘Going hunting with Sigma would mean that I could claim a monopoly on twice the amount of points!’
My heart felt slightly aflutter. It’d been said that there were loads of monsters outside of the cities, and I wanted to sweep them clear with dear Mister Sigma. If I were to just toss in a bomb to make a scratch or so, and Sigma took care of the rest, then the points would balloon up like a bag of popcorn.
“Sigma-ssi, are you quite alright!”
No need for any more or less, couldn’t you just grant me an allowance of three days’ time. I even had that lure Item, on top of that. If I could draw in all of the monsters from the surroundings, and then we took them all out in one go… Ah, the corners of my mouth kept creeping up. I could gather around a hundred million points within three days, and issue all the kids an SS-rank piece of equipment each! And Skills! As well as useful miscellaneous Items!
“Would you like my assistance with detoxification, sir? As you’re aware, my poison resis–”
“Hyung, what’re you doing.”
As I made to approach Sigma, Yoohyunie caught hold of me. Yoohyun-ah, hyung is doing all of this for your sake.
“Since it’d be a shame to waste a detox Item, we should pacify him and finish out that contract.”
“Can’t we just kill him? Hunter Moon Hyuna’s here, too.”
“He’s not that bad of a person.”
Even when I reassured him that it was alright, my dongsaeng didn’t appear to be convinced. Considering how he’d attacked him without prelude–while demanding my corpse, no less–it was certainly reasonable, but, well. Even then, dongsaeng-ah, that guy still holds a lot of potential use for us.
“Goodness, you’re looking quite unwell, sir. A healer from Lanchaea should be along shortly. Until then, would you like me to at least hold your hand, sir?”
Sigma, who had been treating the burns littered on his person with a potion, looked down at me with a cold gaze. The equipment he was wearing looked like they would’ve been of good quality, but now they were largely ruined. In particular, enough of the top he was wearing had been burned away that I worried over its salvageability. If it happened to be SS-grade, it would be a real shame.
“And what new ploy might this be, then?”
“‘Ploy’, how uncharitable. And just when have I ever treated you badly, sir? Compared to your treatment, from start to finish, I’ve been the embodiment of hospitality itself. Let’s do this the easy way, alright, with just a tiny tweak to the contract, sir.”
“I don’t see why any modifications would be necessary. You can see it through here, can’t you.”
“It’s a sensitive matter, sir, as I’d said. I’d like to take the time to resolve Sigma-ssi’s curiosity off to the side, discreetly. Don’t scowl at me, sir. Are you upset, perhaps? Seeing as how you’re only days away from forty, you shouldn’t behave so narrow-mindedly, sir.”
At my words, Sigma’s expression became further disgruntled.
“Do I really look so old, truly.”
“That’s, at least your exteri… Hold on.”
Now that I thought about it, this guy, how old was he. I’d offhandedly assumed that he’d be the same age as Sung Hyunjae, but just like Moon Hyuna had mentioned, he did seem to be a bit younger, maybe. It was just that his default expression was so stiff–if it loosened up like a certain nugu-ssi, it seemed like he might look fairly young, after all.
“...that’s, you’re over thirty at least, right, sir?”
There was no answer. Wait, just hold the fuck up. There was no way.
“...twenties? For real?”
“That’s what most assume, typically.”
Sigma said, as though I was the outlier for being so surprised. Uh, that’s, of course he had a smooth, young-looking face, but. Wow, fucking–twenties. Was this for real.
“That means I’m the hyung!”
“I’m in my thirties!”
Hardly possible, Sigma mumbled. Yoohyunie, who had been draped against my side, looked at me with rounded eyes.
“Hyung’s age is.”
“Yoohyun-ah, how many years older is hyung than you?”
“Five years.”
“And how old are you right now?”
“Twenty-five, right. So, I’m currently thirty-one(1). Refer to me as ‘hyung’, Sigma.”
Pfft, Moon Hyuna, who had been engaged in the proceedings with great amusement, was unable to contain herself and eventually burst out laughing. Conversely, both Sigma and Yoohyunie’s expressions had dropped into deep scowls. Ah, whatever, don’t do it if you don’t want to. Though I really was in my thirties, on the inside. That this guy who wore Sung Hyunjae’s face was younger than me, wasn’t such a bad feeling.
Yeah, since the environment was like this, it wasn’t too shocking that this brat had grown up to be a bit rough around the edges.
“We should begin by modifying the contract, sir. Let’s see, since we’ll each need a period of respite, how’s about meeting up separately sometime tomorrow afternoon to talk. That’s fine, isn’t it? You have to listen properly, without running away like earlier–and in exchange for answering three additional questions on top of the intelligence, Alpha gets completely removed from the conditions. Since you ought to have a lot you'd like to ask after, just go along with it, Sigma-ssi, sir.”(2)
If things went smoothly enough, I could possibly sucker him into doing some monster hunting, too, while I was at it. My beloved Point Mule-nim(3). I’ll treat you nicely enough, so give me just three days of your time.
After staring at me for a moment, Sigma agreed to the amendment of the terms of the contract. It was at that time Lanchaea’s Healer and Guards arrived, in addition to Solemnis’s Guards. Eyeing us warily, the Solemnis Guards collected their own numbers. The gazes shot my way were particularly hostile.
I might’ve caused a handful of problems, but I’m not a bad guy, really.
By the time we’d returned to the Achates Defense Administration building, a lot of the chaotic atmosphere had already been seen to.
Most of the high-ranking officials and Guards of the Defense Administration had been taken into custody. Of the five S-ranked Guards, Vitera’s unnie had been captured after sustaining a serious injury in the fight with her dongsaeng. One of the remaining four had been caught by Lanchaea’s Guards, but the whereabouts of the other three were unknown. Though an arrest warrant would likely be issued, once day broke, it was highly likely that they had already fled outside of the city.
“As our S-rank Guards number higher, they shouldn’t be able to try anything lightly.”
Vitera said, smiling. It seemed that she’d been unaware of Gnosi’s intentions to kill me. Gnosi, as well as the Guards that had accompanied him, had yet to regain consciousness. We’d have to resolve that misunderstanding, once they were awake.
“We’d only been intending to monitor the situation, due to Alpha’s presence, so it was quite unexpected to have things worked out this well.”
As many as four S-rank Guards numbered among the resistance force members that had ended up finding asylum in Lanchaea. Including Vitera, it made five. Though it was no small number, it was only half of what made up the Defence Administration’s ranks, and with the SS-rank Alpha to consider as well, it had been impossible to do anything other than extricate the children, until now.
The possibility of a child with the potential of an SS-rank appearing some day–saying that they’d been pinning all their hopes on something like that happening, she expressed her thanks to me. Confronted with those words, I felt an unavoidable sense of frustration. In reality, this world had… Trying not to dwell too deeply on it, I provided an adequate response and left.
It seemed as though Moon Hyuna had something to tell me as well, but using tiredness as an excuse, I headed up towards the private living quarters with Yoohyunie. And I really was tired, in truth. Since I hadn’t been able to rest properly, all the while.
“Don’t think about anything and just rest, Yoohyun-ah.”
Blithely ignoring the pointed glares the Lanchaean Guards shot at me, I took occupancy of one of the only two rooms on the uppermost floor. Ah, so what. Our Yoohyunie is an SS-rank Guard, you know. And this is Achates, here. Shouldnt the person who deserved to receive the best treatment be my dongsaeng, all things considered. I wanted to take the Achates Defense Association to court, honestly.
“You should have something to eat, first. Wait just a bit, I’ll tell them to prepare a meal right away.”
“...don’t feel like eating.”
“Hm? Why? You’re not hungry?”
It occurred to me, as the words were leaving my mouth. Since the ordinary personnel, including the kitchen staff, would have still remained the same, he might be feeling trepidation, due to that. Since it would cause complications to let the Defense Association grind to a complete stop, it wasn’t possible to do a complete overhaul of the staff at once. But, even so, I still needed to feed him.
“It seemed as though there’s a kitchen here. Even if it’s something simple, hyung will make you some rice porridge at least. Go wash up. Should I at least come shampoo your hair for you, since it’s been a while?”
“Hyung’s probably tired too.”
“Thanks to gaining those C-rank stats, even if I’m a little tired, it’s still leaps and bounds better than me in good condition at F-rank. Ah, it’d be nice if I could maintain these stats even when we go back.”
With a smile, I ushered my dongsaeng into the washroom. If I really could return with my stats intact, it’d be real nice. Even C-rank was plenty enough of an upgrade. It’d make raising the kids easier by far, too.
The refrigerator of the expansive kitchen was stocked with a variety of ingredients. But now that I was actually about to start cooking, even the process of ingredient selection seemed daunting. Rice porridge… or something like a soup, or stew seemed to be a good option, but what should I use, and how.
[★Let’s Try Cooking Together☆]
“What, you even know how to make dishes from this world as well, sir?”
Since he was offering to help, I gladly opened the quest window I’d received.
[ Please fill the pot hanging from the right-side wall to about ⅓ full~ And take out the meat located in the second drawer inside of the fridge as well. It seems like there’s veggies in the first drawer, too. Once you’ve minced the meat to begin, the first mission will be complete! ^▽^
Reward: Cooking Ingredients Handbook That Has Pictures Thoughtfully Included, An Apron For My Partner ]
How so very thoughtful of him. But thinking of him monitoring me, it did make me feel kind of awkward. As I’d been instructed, I minced the meat and received the reward. The cooking ingredients handbook was convenient, but, the apron… Why was it hot pink. Was this revenge. I attempted to get out of wearing it, but the conditions to engage in the next quest that would teach me how to cook, had wearing the apron listed. That damned Sung Hyunjae bastard. It had to be revenge for lobbing the hot pink yarn at him as his birthday present, for sure. He really did nurse a long grudge.
Under directives given by a certain nugu-ssi–who seemed to be right behind me in presence, at least–a passable-looking stew came together. Why was he proficient at making dishes in this world, too.
[ Please enjoy!
Looking after family is important. But, one must cherish oneself as well! With a spoonful of Partner’s love, let’s clear at least a whole serving♡
Reward: 10,000P, Hot Pink Handmade Mittens ]
Why did the quest window message have to change to be so cringeworthy. I wanted to know who was responsible for the System in place here. And what was with the ‘hot pink handmade mittens’. Give me just the points.
After setting the table, I called over my dongsaeng, who had emerged after washing up. Thankfully, Yoohyunie finished an entire bowl of the stew. Once my stomach was full, a yawn slipped out on its own. Now that my dongsaeng was safe, I could finally relax; drowsiness pulled over me like a blanket.
“Would I be able to learn Alpha’s Skills before leaving here, d’you think? Though the number of Skills is few, compared to his rank, it seemed like there were a couple of useful ones.”
Yoohyunie said, as we laid down next to each other on the bed.
“It won’t be easy. Even so, if you can retain a good impression of it, it shouldn’t be impossible. Were there any pieces of equipment or Skills that you liked in the Point Shop?”
“There’s a lot of nice options, but since I don’t have the points.”
“We can always gather the points, so don’t worry about that and just pick out the ones you like.”
Hyung will buy them for you, even if it means that I have to squeeze dry that ball of yarn in the System, in addition to Sigma.
“First, we should try to locate Yerimie and Peace, and Noah-ssi. Fortunately, Hyuna-ssi mentioned that she might know where the two of them might be. We’ll finish installing the disk, and once the Newcomer lets us know the parameters for the raid, we can start racking up points while taking stock of the situation.”
After reestablishing contact with the Newcomer, it was my intention to inquire after how much time had passed already, and then ask to have the flow of time inside this place slowed as much as possible. Since there shouldn’t be much happening outside, after all. Since we’d already mentioned that we were planning to appraise the conditions of the monsters we would be raising, even if the raid took a few days longer, it shouldn’t rouse any suspicion.
“This world, you’d said that it was a world that used to actually exist, right?”
“Yeah. Though I’m not sure how long ago it might’ve been, I was told that it was a world that had been destroyed in the past.”
“And the events that occurred here, were all things that had really happened?”
“That’s true, but don’t worry about it too much. Us, we’ll be fine.”
Yoohyunie shut his mouth without answering. Though this dongsaeng was someone who had known that our world was headed towards its demise, far before I had, now that he was confronted with a world that had actually been destroyed, it seemed his feelings had become complicated. Would Yerimie and Noah-ssi be alright.
‘I’ll have to learn as much as I can with this opportunity, after all.’
Partner-ssi, I’ll leave it in your capable hands, then, sir. Please make sure to thoroughly scour the System.
As sleep had already been looming over me, my eyes presently closed, and my consciousness grew dim. After I woke up from a restful sleep.
My dongsaeng had disappeared, and was nowhere to be seen. There was only the faint impression left, at the spot where he’d been laying. Since the bastards that had been linked to his Mark had all been taken care of, and his body had recovered as well, it shouldn’t be anything dangerous; but where had he gone, without even saying a word.
When I hurriedly climbed out of the bed, as though it’d been waiting for me, a quest message blinked into existence.
[ Morning Exercise, Conducted On The Rooftop! ]
So he hadn’t gone far, thankfully. If it was the roof, then it should be within a hundred meter distance, so it seemed Sung Hyunjae had been able to spot him. He really was a help, after all. Carelessly throwing on some clothes, I headed towards the rooftop.
- - - - -
(1) yj is using ‘korean age’(만) to count, which is why 25+5=31. detailed explanation found in footnote #5 here
(2) and once he realizes that he’s the ‘elder’ in age hierarchy, yj switches to a half-formal, half-informal style where he’s talking down to sigma in a very 'mom-ordering-kid-around’ style (‘that’s fine, isn’t it?’) while he steamrolls him into compliance
(3) yj says ‘포인트 셔틀님’ → ‘point shuttle-nim’; someone who’s a ‘shuttle’ is essentially a ‘whipping boy’, the way it gets used in slang. e.g. a group of bullies at school forcing the bullied kid to go and buy bread from the school’s convenience store for them (with the kid’s own money) would call the bullied kid as a ‘빵 셔틀’ (‘bread shuttle’), for example. not to be confused with ‘bus’, which is more for being carried in games (‘i rode a bus to get carried up to plat rank’). so yes, that ‘-nim’ being added to ‘point shuttle’ is used ironically/mockingly
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wasn’t gonna work on this, except that it’s wei’s anni present 🙃 go say thanks to wei if u read👌
Q) 헌터들은 보통 대식가인가요?
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Q) are hunters typically big eaters?
A) the higher the rank, the more efficient their digestive abilities become–but as the amount of energy they consume increases proportionately as well, they tend to be big eaters, for the most part. but notably, high-ranked Hunters are capable of ‘absorbing energy’ via their magical energy as well. accordingly, the more advanced their control over magical energy, the less they need to eat. in addition, their idiosyncrasies vary depending on their respective ‘properties’. in han yoohyun’s case, by burning up something with fire, he is able to absorb the ‘energy’ imparted from it and is capable of forgoing eating altogether. had it not been for han yoojin, he would not have continued to consume any food following his Awakening. conversely, as song taewon must keep repressing the power of the Lunar Eclipse that continually compels him to swallow things down, even with outstanding control over his magical energy, the amount he eats is considerable. bak yerim possesses outstanding control as well, but as she enjoys the act of eating in itself, she eats heartily. that she had been unable to eat what she wanted, as much as she wanted, while living as an ‘imposition’ (at her relatives’) has a hand in this, in part. moon hyuna is of the opinion that, with remarkable digestive abilities and a full coinpurse, there’s no reason not to enjoy eating, and as kang soyoung enjoys eating as well, the three will gather to drink and dine together from time to time. liette isn’t picky about what she eats, but falls close to the aforementioned three. as for noah, he has outstanding control as well, but due to the trauma(shock) he received from liette’s cooking when he was younger, tends to be a light eater. sung hyunjae possesses outstanding control; but, owing to his status as a waxing moon, his body demands more energy–something he deliberately ignores.
Q) 아주 어릴때부터 유진이는 유현이를 돌봐오면서 요리를 해줬다는데 유현이에게 나쁜것 하나 안먹이면서 키운 유진이를 보면 생각나는 것이 있습니다. 유진이는 보통 식단으로 어떤것을 만들어 줬나요?
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Q) 각 인물 별로 본인이 만들 수 있는 요리 중 가장 자신 있는? 요리가 뭔지 궁금합니다!
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Q) 한유진도 아이들과 함께 요리라거나 제과제빵을 할까요? 만든 요리의 양은 한정적일텐데 누구누구에게 나눠줄지 궁금합니다
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Q) 성현제가 지내온 수많은 삶 중에 특별한 에피소드가 있었을까요? 성현제야 기억하지 못하겠지만 유독 애착을 품은 삶이 있었다든가.. 지나온 삶이 궁금합니다~
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fried-eggs152 · 2 months
Ok guys
Pnf au
Ferb fletcher and his father has lived in Danville for some time. Though they have been in some debt for a couple months
Ferb being bullied at school for being…different couldn’t make friends, as he didn’t have a good social skill let’s be honest.
So one day,,so he wouldn’t lose his sanity he had downloaded a very advanced A.I. Called
Created by the one and only Linda Flynn who had made a name for herself after making multiple ai’s!
Though it was pricy for a neat 29.43 dollars
His father was more than happy to pay for it.
The ai and Ferb himself talked. Phineaz was around the same age ferb was! Just one year older is all! They both liked mathematic and complicated questions. And the meaning of FUN! New inventions and such
They got along for months.
Until it was nearing summer! The 104 days Ferb sort of dislikes.
Phineaz had started getting more advance since day 1. He decided to request one little thing from ferb!
Connect him to the power line accessing the whole world connections n’such
Ferb unsure why obligated and had done so. Though it was late so Ferb had to sleep for the last 4 days of school
But of course!!
Phineaz not only connected himself to the world wide connections. He got a connection to Linda’s newest creation.
A bot? Huh!
Connecting himself to the bot made by Linda he was far more advance and free to movement. Project phineas was at a complete.
Lemme skip-
The next morning phineas was in the bedroom of Ferb who was just starting to wake up.
Phineas says “ah Ferb!” Surprising Ferb
Sure both Lawrence and Ferb werent expecting a whole robot of the 29 dollar ai they used to have.
But there wasn’t much time to think about that as they had work and school. Phineas tagging along to go to school with Ferb.
Much more happens obviously but since Linda has obviously-..millions of dollars..phineas decided why the heck not and pay these silly little debts the fletchers suffer from. And the bills…owning the property too why not?
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But tbh that’s as far as I’m going it’s 12 AM and I’m tired I’ll make a more detailed and thought out story this was just a rough start
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raayllum · 2 years
Callum doesn’t think he’s ever been angrier—which is saying something, after the past two years—as he makes his way down to Claudia’s cell. The traitor was found sneaking into the castle to set fires in her father’s old catacomb dungeons, to cause chaos as some kind of diversion until Soren had apprehended her, and... it worries him, that she’s clearly working with someone, when Viren is dead, and the nerve of her to come back like this—
“You’re lucky you’re not dead,” he snarls as he steps forward, the dim light throwing her shock white hair into relief, split right down the middle. 
“What,” Claudia snarks, “like dear old dad?” 
Callum isn’t sure which one of their fathers she’s referring to, but his jaw clenches anyway. Either it’s a jab at a man who had only ever treated her like kindness or a harsh reminder that Rayla’s off chasing a ghost—probably, because Claudia couldn’t let Viren’s body lie and had to bury him, or something. 
“What are you doing here?” he demands. 
“I could ask you the same thing,” she says glibly and he rolls his eyes. She would know better than anyone that it’s the High Mage’s job to interrogate prisoners. 
“Your diversion hasn’t worked, and I know you’re not working alone. Who were you working with?”
Her eyes slide from him to the guard along the far wall that Ez insisted he bring for an extra layer of protection, a woman named Mara that Callum likes well enough. She’s trustworthy, her hair braided back under her helmet. But Claudia seizes upon her like a triumph.
“Where’s your little elf friend, huh?” Claudia says dryly. “Strange that she’s not the one looking after you, hm?” 
Callum’s heart beats uncomfortably fast in his throat. It’s such an unexpected blow he doesn’t know what to do, a million responses rising in his throat. He hates that he can still read her well enough, yet is grateful that he knows Claudia’s tone isn’t smug enough to think that she has Rayla, somehow; she’s just smug and maybe deviously curious that his—friend isn’t here. Lie and say she’s upstairs, a part of him shouts, but his eyes and throat are burning, and—
Claudia takes in his too open face and smirks outright. “Ah, so she isn’t here after all. I thought so—rumour mills haven’t mentioned an elf in Katolis in ages.” She pushes herself up, chains rattling as she walks closer to the bars. “Tore you up inside by leaving, did she? I mean really, what did you expect—she’s a Moonshadow elf—”
“Shut up,” Callum growls, sounding weak to his own ears. It’s hard to breathe. 
“Earthblood elves are much more loyal,” Claudia says, brightening and picking at her nails, the way she used to knowingly tease him over his old crush—and it’s so much uglier on the other side of it, now. On the other side of the bars. “My boyfriend, Terry? Should almost be done his part of the plan. I guess I must’ve met him right the around the time your Moonshadow elf left, hm? Rayla?” 
Callum shakes, rage rising like bile in his throat, his hands curling into fists as he turns on his heel and stalks off, back up the stairs and slamming the door behind him. The loud clank can’t quite drown out Claudia’s pleased cackle, the important piece of information, his head pounding—an accomplice—(a boyfriend)—is still out there—and Rayla is still out there and—
Callum just manages to mutter a wind cushioning spell before he punches the nearest stone wall, the charm keeping him from breaking his knuckles but not enough that it doesn’t hurt, but he can’t help it, blood roaring in his ears.
Because really, how the fuck is it fair that Claudia—Claudia’s—been perfectly happy and in love this whole time, and his heart is still completely shattered by someone new?
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gunsli-01 · 1 year
just wanna say since I've been away from fixating on milgram for a month or so and came back for a skim (I got my therapist hooked, so its on the mind).. I wanna say how the fuck did this happen but I've similar enough that like, I hope you're taking care of yourself, congrats on the marriage (thats recent right?), your posts are always nice to see, I hope Organ Thief's Dance Party is entertaining for you too
I got so carried away beneath this cut that it's just a new Mu post I'm sorry in advance! Before any of that though I'll try to answer your points to the best of my abilities!
I'm so happy to hear about the therapist thing! I hope more people can enjoy Milgram so many that getting to a million views is pretty much immediate during trial three!
I think conflicts appearing in the fandom in and of itself isn't a bad thing it just means people care about the material, but I hope people can do that in a fun and respectful way. Not only to make the environment comfortable for old fans but newcomers as well. I don't believe it's good for fandoms to become exclusionary or too closeknit since that can lead to terrible forms of conflict down the line.
A fandom should be full of various people and opinions. So, I always wanna remind people to look at the views of others outside of mine since it helps form a more well-rounded opinion. It's even helped me better reflect on my own biases. I do like passion, but too much of anything in one direction can be bad, and I want more and more people to like and watch Milgram! So, regardless of what happens, I want people to see the fun in it not just from the content but its fans who do great things in a passionate way every day.
I'm taking care of myself and my dad to the best of my abilities he surgery went smoothly too! I'm still very much enjoying Milgram all the way! I hope none of what I said about the fandom comes off as pretentious or too serious because I know it'd be easy to read it that way. When it comes to the marriage, I assume you're referring to my blog description.
Ah, Star and I have known each other since late 2013! We met through Tumblr actually. That's why I was so upset to have my blog shadow banned because it has a lot of sentimental value and I'd hate to lose it. We started dating maybe three years after and we got engaged two to three years after that. Though, since we live in different countries, we haven't officially tied the knot yet. She's my best friend, confidant, and we hang out often. Even meeting up in person whenever we can manage/afford to.
Actually, she's the reason anybody even gets to see me talk about Milgram at all right now. She introduced it to me! She wanted me to look over the entire series. Because she was very well acquainted with my penchant for deductive reasoning and love of solving mysteries. Because of thar she wanted to know what I would think was going on based off the trial one music videos alone. I was a bit miffed at her at the time, so I was like, no, I don't wanna.
Though she went if I didn't want to watch all of it then she'd at least like it if I looked at Mahiru's song. Causing my response to Mahiru's first trial song to pretty much be you trying to say something about me, huh?! However, I really loved it and pretty immediately went okay I'll watch the rest. However, that was only after she asked what I thought happened and the only thing I could think was with the focus on food, probably poisoning, but other than that I'm unsure.
So, I'm very nostalgic when it comes to Mahiru's song since it's related to a person I love.
If you don't want all the personal stuff here's the Milgram stuff!
I think the thing I'm looking most forward too is hearing Shidou's cover of Delusion Tax given how the VA handled Liar Dance! Shidou's voice tends to be more reserved when it comes to singing his original songs but go hard in his covers. Mu is the exact opposite, her voice being stronger in her original songs but going to a gentle whisper in her covers.
Showing the dichotomy between how she presents herself and how she may be inwardly. That outward appearance of dominance breaking into a soft-spoken stint. While Shidou's soft demeanor breaks way into a more domineering tone with hard enunciation that's so good to hear. So, I'm really curious if that will stay in Delusion Tax just like it stayed for Mu with MKDR.
I like Mu's covers far more than her original songs because of that vocal change and the subtle gentleness like holding porcelain. Especially the scream here and how it directly contrasts with the one here. Her covers really highlight that similarity between her and Futa of putting on a tough front but having an incredibly soft interior that needs a lot of nurturing from their environments.
Something also highlighted by her being represented as Parasitic Wasp in It's Not My Fault.
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One of the insects that build cocoons on a host and use the nutrients off them to feed their young. Meaning It's Not My Fault we are literally seeing an artistic rendition of a Parasitic Wasp nest being built on a beehive.
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Explaining why Mu is so large in comparison to the others. It's a literal hostile takeover until she gets enough of what she needs and leaves.
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This also explains why she's so quick to leave and nothing remains when she does in the end. Since they eat everything and go. Yet, it has another meaning too! Mu being a parasitic wasp can be read as her leeching off of a society of course but it can also be read as her needing external validation to support her own beliefs. Showcasing that she lacks the mental fortitude necessary to defend or rationalize her own behavior or past actions.
This is highlighted in After pain when she's literally drowned in her own negative opinion of herself. Something that used to be feeding her is now eating away at her. Because it doesn't come with that sweetness of external validation. No one else is saying that she's right so she'll always wonder if she's wrong on some level. Because she's incapable of validating her own behavior this is even shown in It's Not My Fault when she basically begs the viewers not to hate her or even look for her bad side the source of her pain.
In a, "Just keep liking me, keep feeding me, I can't do it I can't take it on my own." In a way, reminiscent to the way Mikoto freaks out when everybody, but Kotoko wishes him a happy birthday. It also feeds into why her victim ignoring her bothered her so much and she couldn't let it go. The reason she's behaving this way is perfectly illustrated at the end of It's Not My Fault where she's literally reformed by the previous verdict and breaks away from her host, in this case the hourglass.
Something that very much comes through in the tone of her cover songs. While Shidou- Ah, his are so full of that usually restrained animosity of his that I just love! So, that mixed with Delusion Tax may just get me.
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cuiizhu · 2 months
Helios Rising Heroes - Sing in the Darkness 3
Chapter 26:
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Jay: Haaaah…!
Jay: [laser beam]
Masked Men: !?
Jay: Are you alright!?
Masked Man A: A hero……
Jay: At some point, to Eclipse…..Haaaaah!
Jay: [laser beam]
Jay: I’ll take care of these guys. For now, you guys should get away from here—
Masked Man A: I don’t need help from a hero!
Jay: What?
Masked Man B: T-that’s right… All of this happened because you heroes are here, right? They just took advantage of the situation and got in the way….
Masked Man A: I understand it all now! This is all a fabrication by you heroes! 
Jay: Oi, what are you saying….
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Masked Man A: Listen up, citizens! This chaos was a plot hatched by all of the heroes! Saving someone close to death, expecting us to worship them all and overlook their actions! 
Masked Man B: What sly bastards…don’t believe anything these guys say!
Female Citizen G: A self-made conspiracy….? Is that true? 
Male Citizen I: But it’s true that if heroes come to save the day, their reputation rises….
Male Citizen J: That kind of approach is too dirty! Don’t put us in such danger…… 
Masked Man A: Yes… that’s right! Everyone, if you place your trust in heroes, it’ll be over for you! Never trust them—
Jay: Get your act together!
Masked Men: !?
Jay: A hero would never do something like that. 
Jay: Me…and all of my comrades… this is absolute. 
Masked Man B: Oi, oi, what is that…. Yelling at citizens… is that your true nature?  
Jay: Has a hero ever betrayed a citizen? 
Jay: Approximately 50 years have passed since the arrival of Substance and the formation of the organization called Helios. 
Jay: In that time, countless heroes have devoted themselves to New Million and its citizens. 
Jay: Nowadays people call it a dream job, but it’s never that easy. 
Jay: Those of you who live in New Million should know better. 
Citizens: ……
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Jay: Look at my right arm. 
Jay: This is proof I’ve protected the city as a hero…. For the sake of this city, and for your sakes, I’d gladly give up my other arm. 
Jay: Citizens, please believe in us! In heroes….! 
Masked Man A: What is that…after giving such a grand speech—
Female Citizen F: That’s right… Jay sacrificed his arm to protect us citizens, didn’t he….
Male Citizen I: I’ve received help from a hero in the past as well…. it always cheered me up…..
Female Citizen G: I was proud to live in a city where there were heroes…..
Male Citizen J: ….Jay Kidman should never have needed to say that to me?
Masked Man A: Oi, you guys! Why are you all so attached! That was obviously just an act! They can twist any kind of story with their mouths—
Jay: Careful!
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[Eclipse shots]
Masked Men: Uwaaah!
Jay: Haaaaaaah…!
Jay: [laser beam]
Jay: Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? 
Masked Man A: I…I didn’t ask you to help me! 
Masked Man B: That’s right! We didn’t ask!
Jay: Their numbers aren’t decreasing….why has so much Eclipse gathered? 
Jay: Well it is what it is. No matter how many come out, I will defeat them all—
???: Don’t try to take this all on your own, old geezer. 
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Jay: !!….Asch—
Asch: If the situation changes, take fucking responsibility and contact us. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. 
Jay: S-sorry! I forgot! 
Asch: Forgot? Bastard, this is why you should fucking retire already—
Billy: HEY, HEY! Asch-paisen! Now’s not the time to be falling back into your tropes! 
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Jay: Billy…..and Gray too. Did everyone come out? 
Gray: A……sch got impatient, and then… told us to go… s-sorry…..
Asch: A-AH? I did WHAT?
Gray: Hiieh! N-n-nothing……
Jay: That judgment wasn’t wrong. Everyone, thank you for coming. 
Billy: That’s a lot of Eclipse huh~ Should we knock them down a notch? 
Jay: No, we should all split up—
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Asch: If it’s only these guys, I can handle them alone. 
Jay: Asch?
Asch: Rookies, go evacuate the citizens. Including the roadside loiterers over there. 
Masked Men: !!
Masked Man A: A-as if we’d evacuate! To listen to a hero at a time like this—
Asch: Then, let’s hit ‘em once and knock ‘em out 
Masked Men: Hiie!?
Asch: [cracking knuckles] You think this is an empty threat? …..I’ll do it. I’m not scared of your criticism. 
Billy: This guy will really do it, so be careful~!
Masked Men: ………
Asch: Hmph. 
Asch: Oi, geezer. You cover the other side. That creepy shit could pop up anywhere. 
Jay: B-but Asch—
Asch: No objections. C’mon, let’s go! 
Asch: Haaaaaaah—....!
Billy: Gray! Us too! 
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Gray: Mhm…!
[All three run off]
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Jay: …..You all sure have grown reliable. 
Jay: Alright, can’t just sit around here! I’ll follow along! 
Jay: [runs off]
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