#ah yes his best himbo moment
4theluvofsapphos · 8 months
Butterfingers - ch.1
pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Futch Mechanic!Reader
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a/n: HI FIRST MEL FIC AHFUDJ the worms…the voices…. anyways i don’t usually describe reader since i know that can take away from the experience but a tall buff himbo futch reader x a petite angry italian is just too good 😭 enjoy! i plan for there for be some possible smutty smut in the FARRRR future but this is first and foremost melissa learning how to love again!!-
chapter 2 here
“I didn’t know we had a new vending machine guy! Gregory, we have a new vending machine guy!” Janine looked to Gregory, who in turn nodded and looked up from his laptop.
“I noticed…uh- hi, by the way. That’s Janine, I’m Gregory.”
You looked to the two from your kneeling position by the old vending machine, matching names to faces before clearing your throat to introduce yourself in turn.
“Hi Gregory, Janine…my name I-“
“Who the HELL took my mug?!” A loud voice bellowed from across the room, the doorway now occupied by a stout looking redhead, and an angry one at that.
“…Which mug? Oh..” Gregory immediately blurted out, looking from his to the sink’s counter. “I thought- I figured this was a communal mug, was this- not a communal mug? I’m sorry, I- I’ll just go get a new mug for you Melissa-“
The fiery features of the redhead son softened, her brow knitting together in confusion. “Did ya not read the front? It says ‘Schemmenti’s the best teacher ever’ on the front, see?” The woman marched over to where Gregory stood, spinning the mug around with her one hand and pointing with the other.
“Right, okay. To be fair, I am not enough of a cryptologist to decipher 2nd grader writing. But now that you said it- I…I definitely see it, yeah.”
You stayed kneeled on the floor, Janine blocking your view slightly, and Gregory standing in the way of the redhead’s sightline. She hadn’t yet seen you, and you didn’t know whether to feel grateful or petrified…A mixture of both swirled in the pit of your stomach, growing heavier with each passing moment. Janine then turned to look at you, smiling sheepishly and sidestepping to walk towards the pair.
“Hey so Melissa- Uhm…you left the mug here yesterday, so I cleaned it for you and put it on the rack to dry. I’m sorry if that was what caused all this.” The woman, who’s name you now knew was Melissa, seemed dissatisfied with this explanation.
“Look hon, next time you don’t know, just ask?”
“Sure, yes, of course! You’re right. Sorry Melissa.” The young teacher bowed her head, nodding in agreement and proceeding to stand awkwardly next to Melissa for the next minute or so in silence.
After Gregory had settled back into his seat, the previously controversial mug now emptied into a default ‘employee lounge’ mug. You had continued your work quietly, not looking at the room much to avoid the palpable tension. As a couple more teachers filed in, a young twinkish teacher, and a teacher that seemed around Melissa’s age. She gave you a small smile, introducing herself as Barbara. In return, you told her your name, shaking her hand gently, before asking if she had any requests for the machine.
“Me? Oh, no.” She waved the question off with a dismissive hand,”However, if you want to make some friends, I’d ask the others.” She then gestured to the few that sat a few feet away.
“Gushers. Please.” Janine blurted, grinning. “The other guy used to bring in Gushers, but since Meliss-“ Gregory held up his hand, cutting off his coworker.
”Nah ah ah- not important. You want Gushers- she wants Gushers, please.” Janine nodded excitedly, and you smiled back.
“Uhh, Gushers? Sure! I can probably find something at the warehouse.”
“I got a guy that works at a candy store.” A voice piped up from the table to your right. You looked to see it was Melissa, fork in hand, what looked to be some leftover ‘rigatoni Calabrese’ in her Tupperware.
“Oh! It’s no worries. I remember seeing a few packages on the east wing by the back. I can bring them tomorrow, if I have time.” You reply, standing up to talk properly with the others. Melissa watched you carefully, seeming to hold your gaze with a challenge behind her own. For what, you weren’t sure…But you were feeling the heat from her, and it was making your palms sweat. It wasn’t about the fact that she was glaring you down— it was the way she was doing it that made you nervous. You weren’t a small girl by any means. You were nearly 6’2”, with enough workouts in you to put a bouncer to sleep. The problem was that you knew she didn’t like you.
Melissa glared with contempt. Behind her eyes, the gears were churning up something ugly.
You weren’t the guy she knew, why should she trust you? The last one went horribly wrong, why wouldn’t this one?
Regardless of your social standing with her, you took a few steps towards her, offering your best smile. “Well, do you want anything for the vending machine? I have no problem stocking it.”
You had been working there for a few days at this point, but most of your job consisted of doing maintenance on the vending machines in the cafeteria and halls. But after your employer noted an extra vending machine in a non-documented area, you did some digging and found that the previous technician noted an extra vending machine in the employee lounge…thus— here you were.
Melissa replied by shooting you a pointed look. “No. I’m fine.” After a long pause, she tacked on a little ‘thanks, though’ at the end. You nodded, taking your queue to head back to the machine. As you finished loading the already available inventory, the teachers all began to head back to their classrooms.
When you got up, you expected to see the room empty. You were wrong— Melissa stood behind you, her controversial mug in hand, and an unreadable look on her face. You cracked a little smile, clearing the hair from your face and setting down the empty box you were about to leave with.
“You got Butterfingers?” She asked, raising a brow.
“Oh- I don’t- I’m sorry! Did I drop something?” You looked around the floor, trying to think if you recall dropping any inventory while you were stocking.
“No! I meant the candy, hon.” She sighed, pinching her brow and shaking her head slightly. You felt your face go red with embarrassment at the misunderstanding. She seemed to be amused, but you felt stupid.
“That- that makes a lot more sense. I have Butterfingers, yeah! Would you like me to stock some..?” She thought for a moment, and shook her head.
“It’s— kind of a guilty pleasure. You think ya got any more discreet ways to slip me one or two every now and then?”
You looked to the machine, then back to Melissa, before nodding. “I can do that…no problemo!” You gave her a little thumbs up, picking up your empty box, before heading for the door.
She followed after you, giving you a small smile and nodding. “Maybe you ain’t so bad. Thanks, hon…my name’s Melissa, by the way.” She held the door with her foot, looking up at you when she spoke.
You looked over to her, chuckling lightly. “Pleasure to meet you, Melissa. I’m y/n. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Before you headed down the hall, you looked to her coat. It was a nice leather jacket that you felt matched her tough exterior. “I like your jacket, by the way. It suits you.”
“Yeah? Thanks.” She offered, but the appreciation seemed rehearsed. Something in her eyes faltered, before she turned on her heel and quickly left in the direction of what you presumed to be her classroom.
Melissa Schemmenti was an enigma to you. But you would figure her out eventually. It couldn’t hurt…could it?
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theredcuyo · 3 months
Actually, Jason Todd who is alive to the public again and decides that he's going to have the worst, most unhinged persona (with a limit, just so they don't think too much of it)ever so Bruce thinks it twice before dragging him to anything
He's a total mess of a celebrity, Brucie without the Playboy part and instead, he gets on calling out other rich assholes with sass and passive-aggresive talk, like 'Oh, Mrs. Sanders- Ah, right, Miss White, is it now? Sorry, it's hard to keep up with the fift divorce, i imagine you'll put some of the half you got this time to our charity instead of on more wine?' while also acting as a sweet daddy's little boy who can do no wrong and it's just 'trying to make some friends'
He still has the strong moral compass and the sweetheart part of the act, but he can't put that many himbo moments here and there (everyone knew he had good grades and shit, thanks to Bruce 'did you know my son is the smartest ever?' Wayne) but he does nerd literature moments (that aren't even a lie) to throw people who like to show off but don't know shit
So, a lot of people hate him and he loves it
He only slightly changes the act when interacting with children for the fundation and programs you bet your ass he got Tim and Bruce to make, instead of the call outs, he goes for lighthearted irony and talk like 'Oh, You didn't know? I heard that Deliah, yes Deliah Olson, is now going on a grape-candy solo week? Can you believe it? I thought she couldn't like without chocolate!' and ish like that
And what are the adults going to do about it? Call out the son of the richest man in Gotham? The one who to him seems completely innocent? The one, who you know, he lost once and now seems very protective of? Jumping out a window is a faster way to die
Bruce loves him, but he's starting to only take him to the fundation events so he's on his best behavior
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brunhielda · 3 months
I am currently watching through The Lord of the Rings again (as you do).
I love these movies. I will show them to my children (or nieces/nephews) and grand children and great grand children. There are quotes from these films that see me through dark days.
(Reason I can accept the flawed Hobbit films is that they too have quotes that stick around)
That said, as I watch with my parents and thier even older friend, I am listening to them react to Boromir the same way I did the first time I watched it. Knowing what I do now about the back ground of canonical Boromir, it hurts a little bit.
If you are a fan who has read the books, or even is involved with the online fandom- you know. Boromir is a good man- the best of men. He is supposed to be a shining example of the best of us, and his fall to the Ring is meant to show that it could happen to ANYONE. It is meant to be a message to us all that you are not your worst moment, or your worst fault.
And yet because of all the foreshadowing and arguing over choices to make during the quest, we the audience of the movie see him as someone just one step away from betraying everyone. His attempt to take the Ring is not a surprise, or even a tragedy, but a confirmation. The surprise is his redemption in death.
I think there is a version of “The Fellowship of the Rings” that I would have liked to see.
Indulge me:
Part of the problem is that Aragorn is falling into the spot Boromir could be filling. He’s just too epic to allow any other man next to him to look impressive. 🤴🏼
This not only does a disservice to Boromir, but to Aragorn himself, who could be having a much richer personal growth.
So, imagine this.
Strider leans more into his “Ranger in the Corner” persona. He is quiet, terse, filthy, mysterious, and comes across more like your traditional rogue than anything approaching Kingly.
Legolas is the only one to call him Aragorn, he does it exactly once when defending him to Boromir, and never again. Legolas himself is a little different- a few more sarcastic quips, more friendly and forward, the sunshine to Strider’s gloom. When they get to Lothlorian, the elves there acknowledge “Strider the Ranger” as someone known to them, but Legolas of the Woodland Realm does the negotiating. The vibe is “ah, yes… that human Elrond adopted. I suppose we should bid him welcome…” 🫤 (Obvious exception of Galadriel. She knows all. It just makes her seem more out there).
There are a couple less references to his lineage, and every time they do, the feeling from the audience should be- “Really? THAT guy?”
Arwen is clearly in a rebellious stage and looking for a bad boy. Him telling her to go very much has that angsty teen feel of “you could do better” and “I am poison to you.”
Elrond is clearly trying to get through to him, but do we think it is going to take? He remains quiet and moody. Was he the first to volunteer to go? Yes. But it was less a declaration and more of an ernest whisper meant for Frodo. Legolas’s immediate follow up is less “I am inspired” and more “My pet introvert will not survive without me, but I am so proud of you for asserting yourself.” 😂
Meanwhile- we have Boromir. Now, I love me some Sean Bean, but I need him at his most joyful. Most jovial. Give him a big old beard. Pad him out with thicker armor to give him a broader chest.
Boromir is supportive. Boromir is playful. Boromir is everyone’s big bro, ESPECIALLY the younger hobbits. I basically want every scene he has with Merry and Pippin expanded to everyone.
I want the sword drop to feel less like a stranger being disrespectful, and more like a himbo being clumsy.
I want him to talk about the path to Mordor of all the concern of the older sibling who has seen and been, and his dismissal of Aragorn to feel justified. “Yeah… sure, put that guy on the throne. Uh huh. I think we dodged an arrow there.” And I want the end of it to be a bit of a laugh and a clap on the back, and “no offense meant, Strider Ol’ chap, but you don’t seem the type!”
I want every disagreement with Gandalf or Gimli about which way to take to feel like him advocating for everyone’s safety.
I want him to slide into the role that Aragorn currently has, protecting everyone, especially Frodo, and to have Strider fall back into a quieter rear guard position, only to really speak up to sharply tell someone “don’t disturb the water” “Hide!” “get them up.”
Strider will speak on historical landmarks or lands we are entering, which always makes Legolas smile in support. “See, he knows cool things. I am telling you, you wanna be friends with my guy.”
Instead of Strider or Gandalf sending Gimli or Legolas chastising looks, we see Boromir, the peace keeper, laughing at both of them. “Come now master dwarf, the Elf will love trees as much as you love Rock, it is to be expected! I myself would be weary of being out in the open so often, and also loathe to spend as much time under ground as your kin, yet I have been known to be grateful for either tree or rock in a rough spot or two (chuckle) As I’m sure you would find the open forest or the dwellings of men far too open for your liking, but would not begrudge shelter in either when when the rain sets in. To each their own way, as my brother would say! You would like him (directed at Legolas) he speaks your poetry much better than I in any rate! (Aside to Gimli) I am more for the drinking songs myself. Speaking of, have you heard the hobbits tell you about their little place? Master Pippin- tell us, how do Hobbits live?” He just keeps cutting off rudeness with rambles about something his brother said or how the hobbits or men are like both of them, and really, do these fights between dwarves and elves matter when they have Sauron to face? Come! We are brothers in arms! There are moments they bask in it, and moments they are bonded by the annoyance of it. Either way he wins.
(In Lothlorien, they are bonded in grief, in appreciation of Galadriel, and in the strangeness of Boromir being too caught up in his own musings to try to fix them)
I want Galadriel’s speech to both Strider and Boromir to feel like a deepening of characters we are already starting to like, not confirmation of things we suspect. I want her to tell Frodo- “You know of who I speak” and have the audience to go “What?! WHO??? Who is this crazy woman talking about? Oh, she has those seer powers- what does she know?!”
I want every reference to Boromir starting to fall to the Ring to be less obvious foreshadowing, and more a sympathetic look behind the jovial curtain.
“What ails you Boromir?” “Oh- never mind me. My mind has gone back to my brother. I was meant to lead the armies you know.” Strained smile. “Now it falls on him. It is a heavy burden, but he is equal to the task. Probably better at it than me!” Laugh. “It will be well. When I see him again I will have to congratulate him on defending our people so well. And he will chastise me for being away so long to leave him to pick up the slack!”
Far away look. Any of the company gives him a questioning look. “We are not far from the borders of Gondor- she is just over that mountain.” Strained smile. “Forgive me, I have not before been so long from home. I did not realize I would yearn for it so. Perhaps that is why I keep trying to turn us that way- feet always point home, do they not?” (This would be poinant with Sam, Legolas, Gimli, or Strider)
At any of these moments, he glances at the ring. A glance. That is it.
If there are obvious moments of temptation, I want one for every single member of the Fellowship (the movie is long enough, there is room). Gimli admires its make, for all that it is wrought with evil. Dwarves know a thing or two about jewelry, you know. Very good craftsmen. Legolas speaks of the rings of the elves, How they never passed to his line- he isn’t surprised. Surprising bitter moment of saying his Father is one of the weakest of Elves. Gandalf interrupts his musing by talking about his ring. (Could be a moment of bonding with Gimli too) Strider tells Frodo he should preserve his strength- can he not put the Ring in a pocket or pass it to another hobbit? (He does not ask to take it, but music implies the question). Merry and Pippin keep talking about “I know it’s evil, but you have to admit, it has a nice shine to it, doesn’t it?” It is playful and flippant, but there none the less. Boromir might ONCE mention it’s use as a weapon, speaking of what Sauron was able to do with it “They say it was the Ring that allowed him to grow in size and strength- he could kill 8 warriors with one blow!” Only to back track when Strider or Gandalf give him a chastising look. “Forgive me,” he says with a laugh, “I am at heart a warrior, and see everything as a possible tactical advantage. Of course it would only do damage should anyone try to use it.” Gandalf turns away, mollified, Boromir whispers conspiratorially to Merry and Pippin “But imagine! Eight feet tall!” (Chuckles all around- foreshadowing to the two growing to be the tallest hobbits) The whole thing should be told around the fire at night like a good story- again, even in his weakness, we see him as an excellent big bro figure.
The point is, I want to get to Galadriel saying someone will take the Ring and the audience is suspicious of EVERYONE.
Then we arrive at the moment. We all have our suspicions. Strider has gone off to find Frodo. There are implications of everyone being out looking. We saw exactly one glance of Boromir’s shield. Out of everyone? The money is on the creepy mysterious Ranger who might have a heart under there but only seems to snap at people.
Then Boromir tries to take the Ring.
The context is wildly different.
The shock of Boromir taking the Ring has the gasp effect of Hans’ betrayal in Frozen.
Strider turning down the Ring has us all feeling guilty and weepy, because he’s just quiet and concerned damn it! He has always meant well!
Boromir suddenly realizing what he has done has us sobbing “He didn’t mean it! He didn’t mean it! It was the Ring!” And then he immediately turns to defend Merry and Pippin. There are no dry eyes.
We have seen Strider fight- he has precision and skill. But this fight suddenly feels like he is proving something. Like he is standing up for this man who cannot. That is Boromir, Prince of Gondor you struck down, and he is NOT undefended! Something has shifted. Strider is rising, and it shows in this fight against the leader of the Uruki.
Boromir’s final words to Strider, he calls him Aragorn. He calls him brother. He calls him king. It feels less like a shift in view to culminate a redemption, and more like placing a mantle, more like giving final support. Boromir would have been next to lead the people of Gondor- he is giving it to his friend. Vibes of : “You tried to hide, but I saw you. The elf was right. You will be a great King.” Even at the end, he is the Big Brother we all want.
The last moments of the movie when Legolas sees the hobbits across the river is a shift. “Aragorn!” He calls “they have reached the other side…. You mean not to follow them.” We suddenly realize that Legolas was never leading his quiet anxious introvert around, he was always (more subtly) following his lead. Aragorn (as he is called for the rest of the films) is standing tall, and assertive, and making a decision for the group. And they follow.
People rewatch the Fellowship 3 times its first week in theaters, just to catch the moments that warn us that Boromir will fall, and the moments that hint that Aragorn might rise. There are cries of “No spoilers! Let your friends and family find out for themselves!” People break scenes apart to analyze this dynamic for years to come.
Going forward:
Because of this shift in context in Fellowship, the rest of the Trilogy feels more like watching Aragorn come out of his shell and taking on bigger and bigger rolls.
Meeting the Rohiren is suddenly the first time Aragorn speaks for the group. He does so because these are men, and because his friends are being idiots. 😂
The rebuff of Eowyn’s affections feels like more of the same from his relationship with Arwen- he does not feel he deserves it, even now. She is a leader of her people, and he is not yet sure he can say the same. By the time he can, it is clear Arwen’s heart is with him and his with her. It also feels as if he is leaving Eowyn room to pursue her own destiny, to be a leader in her own right. Arwen is supportive, where Eowyn takes charge- perfect for a fully supportive Faramir. 👍
His approach to Theoden feels less like shrinking away, and more like feeling out when he should lead and when he should step back.
Disrespect from any character feels less like a fault of theirs and more like “I mean, I get it, he’s a bit grimy, but he knows what he’s talking about! You don’t know him! He could be a king!” Theoden’s refusal to listen to him feels more like a tragedy, because how else could it have gone?
The entire Two Towers plot becomes a discussion of leadership. Gandalf swoops in and out, and expects people to listen to him. Eomer is direct and aggressive, but only leads warriors, not a kingdom. Theoden has many under his protection, he must weigh risks and lean on older wisdoms. And then there is Aragorn, still figuring himself out, helping Eowyn to do the same. (With every step he takes, we wonder how Boromir would have fit into this discussion- would Eomer have recognized him? Would Theoden have listened more or less to the leader of Gondor’s armies? Would Boromir have stepped back as often? Would he have insisted, in his still jovial way, and would it have caused conflict? Would he inspire men in the same way? Would it have worked as well? We have no idea how he would have handled Eowyn, besides stepping in as a brother since her’s is out fighting. Suddenly this thought of Boromir is on Aragorn’s face with every decision) What Aragorn figures out is that he himself is honest, ernest, and relies on the support and help of others. The conclusion of The Two Towers is the understanding that Aragorn does not need to be a King to be a Leader. That has always been in him. Has he not lead his group this far? Does he not make friends everywhere he goes? Does he not inspire men and elves alike? (Gimli is but one dwarf, and we do not get further examples 😂) He is not Boromir, or Eomer, or Gandalf, or Theoden, but still, he leads.
The Return of the King is an obvious end to his journey, but it feels more fulfilling, since we have seen Aragorn come farther. The moment he claims his birthright with the ghosts under the mountain is a moment that elicits cheers. His speech at the Black Gate brings tears, not just because of his words, but because of how far he has come.
When he is crowned, his reunion with and acceptance of Arwen’s love means more. His moment of humility in front of the Hobbits make us all see how he HAD to be a Ranger to be the Great King he has become. Pride swells.
And we give credit to Aragorn’s growth to the leadership of Boromir in the first film.
We are also struck to the heart when Faramir announces himself as Boromir’s brother. THIS is the brother he spoke so highly of? Did Boromir that bias towards his own flesh and blood, to think THIS man, who captures hobbits and tortures Smeagle, is someone to be proud of? But by the end of Two Towers we are proud too.
At the end of Two Towers, Faramir has seen Frodo nearly fall to the Ring. Did he believe them when they said it drove Boromir mad? Of course not. We didn’t believe it. And we only had one movie with the guy. No one who knew him would buy that. But then there is Frodo, with a sword to Sam’s throat- “Don’t you recognize your Sam?” And there is a horrified recognition on Faramir’s face. Is it what he knows his Father may someday do with or without the Ring? Is it the recognition of how, even in the best of him, his brother could be like his Father? Is it a vision of himself in that position, his brother over him, because he came back with the Ring as their father asked? And does he admire Samwise that much more, because he handled the aftermath of that so much better than Faramir would in his place? (“Something worth fighting for” indeed- Boromir gave the speeches, not him. He must have LOVED this sunshiny little gardener)
When Sam tells him he is of the finest quality- it means more. They are passing on a message after all.
There may be another line from Frodo- “He spoke of you. He knew you would be a good commander. He was anxious to be home and congratulate you. I am sorry it is me here instead of him. He would be so proud.”
Maybe it is Pippin who mentions it. Maybe we get a flashback to another scene between the two of them. “You remind me of my brother- curious, adventurous, but educated, mannered. Much better mannered than I, as it has often been said!” Loud laughter. “The two of you would make for good friends, should you ever meet.”
“Don’t worry for him too much Merry. I have known one as curious as he. He just wanted to understand the world, as does your cousin. It has served him well- he out grew the recklessness of it, and there is no one I trust more.” “Your brother?” Laugh “How did you guess?”
I want us to love Faramir not only because he is good, but because Boromir loved him, and he loved Boromir. I want us to think of Boromir and what he would say to his brother every time he is on screen. I want us to see the love of Boromir direct all his actions.
The parallels of Eowyn and Faramir hint at thier future relationship more clearly in this version, because the connection between Boromir and Aragorn as different leaders of Gondor continues to shine through. Boromir’s brother could not defy his father’s wishes because he loved him and almost died for it. Aragorn’s student (she feels like a sister when he puts her to the side) does defy her father figure, again because she loves him, and is victorious in battle. Both thier fathers die in the battle. When we spot them together in the houses of healing it is not as much of a surprise. It feels right. They have much in common. Also… as Eowyn is seen to grown into a leader as Aragorn does, she also gets her supportive soft romantic partner.
I want Big Bro Boromir to be there in all but flesh throughout the entire thing. I want Boromir’s bracers on Aragorn’s arms to not only be the first thing we notice in Two Towers, but something to feel so right as to be obvious. I want “Then I shall die as one of them!” to feel like a chastisement to Legolas- “Boromir was human too, and he would want us here.” I want “Gondor will answer” to feel like a certainty, because Boromir would. I want Pippin’s rescue of Faramir to feel like a keeping of a promise to love Boromir’s brother as much as a rescue of a new friend. I want us to see the bracer on Aragorn’s arm as much as the sword in his hand when he says “I am Isildur’s Heir.” I want Theoden’s ride to Gondor to tie back not just to Aragorn, but further back to Boromir- a promise has been kept, and inspiration has come to bloom. I want us to see the white tree flags on the battle field of Mordor and feel like Boromir walked in after all. I want us to cry that Boromir is not there to greet Frodo as he wakes, as much as we cry for everyone else’s happy ending.
It’s just an image I had tonight. A beautiful image. Big Bro Jovial Boromir. Laughing down warmly at everyone from heaven. Making us proud to be of the race of men before Aragorn could.
Like I said- I love these movies. But ah, what could have been.
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authorofthemoon · 5 months
Alright I wanna catalogue all my thoughts on Persona 3 Reload but it's gonna start with an info dump. I rescued Fuuka and about halfway though the revenge website arc. So first done teammate thoughts.
I think the protagonist is pretty boring I just feels like he's less present than Yu and Ren. All his answers are either boring, polite, or really mean. Not a lot of opportunities to be a silly goose at least so far. I get the feeling he's meant to be a little emo and possibly apathetic to others due to the game's themes.
Junpei is cool, really silly goofy guy. Sucks he falls victim to Persona idiot guy syndrome and is kinda treated poorly by everyone and is kinda perverted. It's not insane but it's their.
Honestly love Takebe so much. She is such a normal person and it's so refreshing. And I mean normal normal like she is trying her fucking best even though she's kinda lame (affectionate) at times. Like the Ace Defective line made me laugh solely because of her pause beforehand like she tried so hard. And her random beef with Kirijo is so good. It's probably explained later but day one she did not get a good vibe from her and is constantly like 'Idk she gives me the ick' is so funny to me.
Speaking of Kirijo. Love her. Queen shit. Mother. Actual group mom. She's trying her best and again she's so funny. Her thinking that someone broke into Junpei's room when he's simply a slob is peak to me. She is THE Empress.
Akihiko. We love a good gym bro himbo. Him and Shinji have messy exes energy. Not much to him yet honestly but I'm excited to know more.
Same with Fuuka she seems really cool. Normal shy girl character but I'm sure we get a lot more depth with her social link.
Speaking of which social link rundown.
Kenji had me questioning my sanity bc why am I so supportive of this guy getting groomed? I can say it's a bad idea to ask out your teacher but I can never be like 'hey, she's a pedo.' I literally have been speed running his link bc I need to know if she's a creep or if he's delusional. I'm at 9 so it seems to be delusional.
I took one look at Odagiri and went 'ah yes, he's a little bit fucked up.' only halfway through so curious where it goes.
Would die for the elderly couple I need to advance their link.
Miyamoto, go to a fucking doctor do you not know how injuries work?
Chihiro I would kill for you. Not that far into her link but her dad can catch these hands.
Maya is cool. Not that engaging of a link tbh.
Hiraga is very cute and sweet so I wanna advance his link I'm only a couple in.
Yuko is cool I'm only at 4 with her. She's funny and quick witted.
I will fucking kill Maiko's parents and adopt her myself. I'm only at 5. The moment I saw she was hanged arcana I was worried for her.
Pharos is cool idk how to advance his link I assume it'd natural.
Haven't done much with Bebe. Will at some point.
I just started the monk. He's interesting.
Suemitsu my sweet summer child go to fucking therapy. About halfway through and the tea is piping hot. Bro is literally like eating himself to death or something. I do think he's very sweet though.
That's about it loving the game despite a few nitpicks bc it's Atlus and my grudge against then is eternal.
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writer-komaru · 2 years
Gn!Reader relationship HC’s with Hajime and Nagito
(Is it just me or is it really fun to write Nagito? Just me? Hehe okay-)
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(Art not mine, just wanted to find something with Komaru and these doofs in it <\3)
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・' [ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ]'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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~{ Word Count : 783 }~
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・' [ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ]'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
» [I do Adore] «
0:00 ─〇──── 2:28
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
All I can say is his vibe is a mixture of tsundere and virgin, all together in one complicated bundle of a guy. I might (and probably am) wrong with my assumption, but ever since he hit puberty, he never got out of it. The conglomeration of all of his “teenage hormones and emotions” are a constant threatening maelstrom in his mind. Either it be breaking out in a wide, fiery blush at just the smallest graze of a girl's hand on his arm while walking down the halls of his school or his spontaneous fits of anger when something frustrates him, even if it’s just as small as a slightly poor grade on a test. But thankfully it doesn’t happen all the time, to his immense relief. But, all of that crashed out of the window ever since he met you.
He isn’t a nervous kind of guy, but when he is around you, he can feel his heart beating ten thousand times a second.
Whenever you even just sit next to him while you both are eating lunch, there is something in the back of his mind telling him to freak out. But, he manages to suppress it. Barely.
He would blush a LOT! Like, I mean a lot! His face would be red beyond belief, burning up like he has a fever, sweat dripping down his forehead.
And if you either ask him why he is so flustered or check him for a fever by putting the back of your hand against his head, he will combust.
“I-I! U-Um it’s n-Nothing! Hah- uh- I- It’s the sun! I-It’s too hot out here… t-that’s all.”
And if you ever tease him for being so flustered, expect this himbo to melt into a red puddle of shame.
“Ah! D-Don’t look at me! L-Leave me alone!”
Just give him a few seconds to calm down by telling him it’s okay and letting him breathe and he’ll be fine. A little bit shaky, but fine.
But, you better savor this phase of your relationship with him for as long as you can, because after a few weeks or a month, he will become accustomed to his overwhelming feelings and start to mellow out.
Yes, he will still be very blushy, even to little things, but he wouldn’t have full on episodes anymore.
For the most part.
If, for example, he were to accidentally fall against you or, even worse, on top of you, he will go right back to his, what I call, “virgin state” of constant apologies, a red, blushing face, and covering his embarrassing expression with his hands. Poor guy :(
Your relationship with him is otherwise pretty calm.
He would try his best to hang out with you as much as he can, either it be trying to be your partner when working on school projects, having lunch with you, or walking you home after school. Maybe even hanging at your or his house? 0///0
He really likes being around you. Even while being in the reserve course where he is constantly reminded about how he is just barely not good enough, being with you makes it all a lot more bearable.
(Actually, with enough affection and convincing on your part, I bet you could stop him from signing up for the project that turned him into Izuru- 👀)
He loves to take you places to hang out! Not like restaurants (at least not all the time-) but like local places like around hope's peak or the town. Like the place where he met Chiaki. He likes that sense of not being around a lot of other people, it makes him a lot more comfortable. Not that he is shy, per sé, he just doesn’t like people sometimes.
Though… sometimes he has his.. dumb moments.
It’s hard for him to pick up on context clues sometimes. (He is a himbo after all)
He can’t help it, he tries his best.
So if you ask him for help on your homework or projects, he would try his best, of course…. But it would probably be a smarter idea if you asked someone else.
Oh, and I totally recommend calling him a himbo if he does something dumb. At first he wouldn’t know what himbo even means, but after you tell him, he will get all blushy and deny everything, trying to defend himself. But deep down, he thinks…
“Am I… really a himbo? ….. Maybe… *cries*”
Over all, an 8/10 on the boyfriend scale. Loyal, fun, and an absolute dream to tease.
If he says he doesn’t like it, that’s as big of a lie as saying Kokichi doesn't lie. <3
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・' [ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ]'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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~{ Word Count : 1072 }~
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・' [ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ]'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
» [meant to be yours ] «
1:00 ─〇──── 3:26
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
First off, this is a tough one. It’s hard for Nagito to fall in love for two reasons.
Number one, he has a fixation on ultimates, so if you don’t have an ultimate, the likelihood of him wanting to get to know you, let alone even noticing you to begin with is close to none. (I’m sorry, but I feel like when this boy is fixated on something, he can’t look at anything else) but if you are an ultimate… anything, no matter how obscure, he will treat you a lot better.
Number two, he has pretty much lost everyone who loved him, His family, friends, even pets, all because of him and his luck. (Even though it’s not his fault.) he went through all the stages of grief so much at such a young age, he just assumed it was his fault. It was the only thing that made sense. Therefore, he distances himself from making meaningful relationships. At least most of the time, because there are exceptions. For example, the ultimates! He wouldn’t want to become too close to them, he sees himself as trash anyways, but close enough so that he can lift them higher up.
But guess who is also an exception?
Either if it was the moment he saw you or after a couple months of getting to know you, he could absolutely tell he was in love.
And do you know what he did?
He hid it.
He wasn’t going to taint the shining ultimates, symbols of hope, with his scummy self, not even if his feelings were literally gnawing at him from the inside.
He would just push it away. So it’s up to you to make the first move.
And once you do…
He will be utterly surprised, and also very fucking scared. You, an ultimate, likes… him? Huh? (You know the voice line ;)) His brain starts to think about how his luck could mess it up, about how it has messed up his life before. About how he has messed up his life before.
But, then he realizes something.
You spend time with him, give him small gifts, and even walk with him to his house sometimes. And now you are confessing your love to someone like him?
This must mean…
You have the most bright, shining, glorious hope of all time!!! Your hope absolutely eclipse the rest of the ultimates!
And he will quickly go from a nervous, put pretty normal expression, to absolutely freaking the fuck out. He will be blushing beyond belief, hyperventilating, shaking arms wrapped firmly around his trembling body.
And even worse?
He collapses onto the ground.
You panic. What in the world?! Is he alright?! You run over to him and as soon as you see is practically fucked out expression, you know he is more than alright.
He now believes that because of him literally just being himself, he created the most beautiful hope of all!
So it's a no brainer why he would be reacting like this.
But anyways, enough with my self indulgence, my apologies.
He would be such a good boyfriend!
Almost… too good.
What are the pros and cons, you may ask? Well…
He will dote on you EVERY DAY, all the time, constantly. He will help you remember to eat, drink, or even things you just forgot, he will help you with your studies, fuck it, he would literally turn into your personal maid if you wanted.
He is soooo incredibly supportive! (As long as your actions are for hope, of course. But all your actions are for hope, you're literally the ultimate hope!) Every word that falls from his mouth is either praise or comfort. He only ever criticizes you if you are too hard on yourself or don’t see yourself the way he does.
Very flexible, if that’s something you care about. If plans change, either by chance or by you, especially by you, he will just go with the flow. He pretty much always has gone with the flow throughout his whole life due to his luck cycle. So if you suddenly want to be spontaneous, he will follow right behind you with a happy smile.
A little… overbearing. As mentioned in the pros, he dotes on you a lot. It’s a way he feels like he is being useful to you. But it can because a little much at times. For example, it will take a lot of convincing on your part for him to actually feel comfortable letting you cook, or even cook together for that matter. It’s mostly because of his worry that his luck will cause something bad to happen to you, even if he isn’t physically present. He just cares a lot about you, okay? He can’t help but shelter you. So if you are a free spirit, having some.. talks with him about boundaries would be very helpful.
Very overprotective, as kinda mentions in the one up here 👆. If you get hurt, or are even in a dangerous situation, his instincts to keep you safe at all times will kick in. He might think that you getting hurt will just cause your hope to become ever brighter, but he realizes how much you absolutely hate it when you are hurt or in a dangerous situation, so he will try his best to protect you instead. And, Auta forbid, if you get bullied. He will unleash everything and anything he has upon his new enemy/enemies. You saw how intricite his plan of murder was in Goodbye Dispear, now imagine that, but 5 times worse. He honestly asked you if you needed help… disposing of your bullies, we’re he would “round them up and scold them” and you would… finish the job. He wanted your hope to grow even stronger! But, of course, you declined.
But, this only meant for a “change of plans”.
The school system didn’t even notice they were gone until it had been a few months, and by that point, no one had any leads. The case went cold before anyone could even open a file.
So… maybe talk to him about… other ways to stop bullies.
Over all, 8/10 on the boyfriend scale. Very supportive, passionate, and easy going, but a little psychotic and borderline yandere at times. Your foes better be watching their backs at all times or else they might lose them.
/(*⁰▿⁰*)\ <3!
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
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Nijisanji's Luxiem is an all male Vtuber group with 5 members
Vox Akuma, a voice demon and a great chef.
Mysta Rias, a detective and a bottom.
Luca Kaneshiro, a himbo Mafia Boss.
Ike Eveland, a virtual novelist and the only sane one.
Shu Yamino, a sorcerer who is a massive nerd and got hit in the head with poop.(<- yes this is canon)
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Vox is basically the most famous one as of right now he has around 500k subs, he's also a massive genshin whale. I think his genshin stream yesterday he whaled like 3 times. He also did this one stream where he got drunk and did asmr and the fucking video got age restricted (I really don't recommend watching it if you're uncomfortable with nsfw but if you're okay with it than go ahead :D) Also he did a cooking stream and he kept fucking moaning when he was eating 😭 but he is British :'(
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Now on to my Favorite boy MYSTA!! He is definitely the most energetic of all 5 of them, also he is a bottom. He's very lively and screams alot, especially with horror games😔. I really recommend him if you like guys that are funny with a bit of horny sprinkled in. He is also british :'( But his accent is cute so I'll give him a pass <3
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Ah yes Luca... the dumb blonde himbo mafia boss... He's so cute<3 not to mention his voice is so soft. Luca has this little bit he does where he can make his voice sound like a girl and the Luxiem boys call it "Lucy". I really recommend you watch their first collab stream together, it's where all their personalities get to shine. I recommend Luca if you like a guy who's a bit dumb but means the best and just tries to make everyone smile. also he is Australian 🙀I'm surprised his accent doesn't show much on stream
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MY!! BOY!! IKE!! He is your 100% go-to boy if you like boys who are soft, cute and just overall wholesome. This man is so cute that one time in a collab stream after Ike introduced himself everyone in the call collectively "aww-ed" at him, THAT is how cute he is. Ike is mostly the 'sane' one in all of Luxiem but he occasionally has his moments 🤩🙌 . He is a bit sneaky, occasionally teasing chat/viewers and playing along with his viewer's requests. He is Swedish :0 I remember the one clip of him speaking in Swedish and damn his voice got deep🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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Shu "AYYYYY" Yamino, your local nerdy boy that's good at calculus and knows hot to code. There's this one clip of him doing a calculus equation on stream and damn😌he's good, HE ALSO KNOWS 70 DIGITS OF PI OH MY GOD. He is the smart cookie of the bunch definitely 👍. He also has a massive obsession with the rhythm game Osu😭 he spent like 2000+ hours playing it. A true gamer indeed. Idk what his ethnicity is :'( sadge. Definitely recommend him if you like cute nerdy boys who play valo and is obsessed with Osu.
They sound like full blown anime protagonists and I am intrigued, to say the least!
Also I'm really curious but how do you think I'd get along with these guys, if you know my personality well enough? 🤣 I'm going in totally blind here, I'm super curious to know but you're free not to answer that if you don't feel like it!
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
Having watched 9-1-1 since S1, and in this case specifically since S2, I feel like one becomes desensitized to whatever this nonsense is between Buck and Eddie. I know this bc sometimes I'll be watching a clip or an episode and I'm like "ah yes so sweet, Eddie and Buck are each other's person" but THE WAY their story is told, it's easy to forget how this shit must look to the outside/casual viewer!
If you're like me and find yourself in need of a vibe check because these two dumbasses got you spiraling, here's a list of honest to God canon things this show has delivered:
🤔Buck and Eddie took all of half a day on the job together before they were ride or die BFFLs
🤔Outside the major disaster event, the second plot-focused episode of S2 is Buck doing the absolute most for Eddie for no other reason than he worships the ground Eddie walks on. In this episode we get the unbelievably subtextual conversation about "they're not my type" and "not mine either....at least not anymore" and *shoulder bumps*; we get Buck going with Eddie (???) to the hospital, Buck basically planning out a whole fun day at the firehouse for Chris, Buck introducing Eddie to Carla......I mean......
🤔Eddie was railing his wife most of S2 and still was so, so invested in Buck (he brought him to visit Santa with Chris????)
🤔"Are we the only people we know who don't have kids? .......BUCK!" *Switch to Buck about to risk it all for his future son*
🤔Buck and Eddie literally stare for about 10 solid seconds across space and time when Chris is found post-tsunami and it's so intense I have to look away!?
🤔Eddie tells Buck there is nobody he trusts with his son more than him. Nobody in the whole entire world. One in 7 billion babeyyyy.
🤔Oh yeah, they have an entire divorce/reconciliation plotline masquerading as the lawsuit arc
🤔They behave especially homoerotically in Buck's kitchen, but that's none of my business I guess ☕
🤔Buck bi-panics through all five stages of grief when he realizes he cannot dig to Eddie with his own bare hands
🤔Abby says "he (Buck) moved on a long time ago" and then just immediate cut to Buck talking about Christopher going to summer camp. Please, Tim, at least try to make these parallels less obvious I mean🙄
🤔Eddie is #disgusted at Abby and v protective over Buck, and I don't have the emotional capacity to detail the symbolism of Abby moving away and Eddie stepping forward (taking her place???) smh
🤔Buckley-Diaz domestic excellence literally in a literal episode literally titled Future Tense
🤔Eddie comes home from his date to *shocking revelation* Buck appearing from behind the wall! The scorned lover! And he tucked Chris into bed! Eddie calls Buck a miracle worker! The lighting is warm and suggestive! I am not supposed to view this at least a little bit romantically!?
🤔Christopher is feeling sad and insecure and he is mad at Himbo Dad #1 so he runs to Himbo Dad #2 bc he knows how to work the system
🤔In an episode titled "Parenthood," despite the fact that Buck is not a parent, they really do be putting him in situations to share his Big Opinions on parenting, usually in tandem with Eddie? @Tim share your location I just wanna talk
🤔Treasure Hunt aka How To Pine Quietly For Your Best Friend and Instead Disguise It As Petty Jealousy, written by Eddie Diaz
🤔*slow, deep breath* Eddie got shot in broad fucking daylight but wait Buck is there too? Oh and you're gonna splatter him with Eddie's blood in a moment that is so perversely intimate and then you're gonna utilize the music in the scene to illustrate how Buck and Eddie are caught in this one moment together separate from literally the rest of the world? Okay cool cool cool cool cool cool cool —
🤔Wait wait Eddie REACHES for Buck????
🤔You're telling me Eddie fights off the sweet relief of unconsciousness to make sure Buck isn't hurt?
🤔They really let Buck say "Just stay with me" and "I need you to hang on" Like That and Eddie turns his head to look at Buck, the last thing he sees before the sweet void takes him????
🤔Buck said "I know what's best for Christopher" this whole entire episode and not a single person found this surprising
🤔Buck and Taylor kiss and Eddie's comatose gay heart says, "miss me with that straight shit" and wakes up immediately
🤔Eddie waits to video chat with Chris until Buck is in the room and also Ana girl where'd you go? I thought this was your sERioUs bOyFRiEnD
🤔Eddie Diaz said he values and appreciates and loves his best friend and he is going to make it everybody's problem *changes will*
🤔"You act like you're expendable, but you're wrong" are actual words between these two men that actually played on screens everywhere at 8:57pm EST on FOX
🤔The very last plot-focused scene of the season (we do not count the montage however it is very cute) is this moment bw Buck and Eddie.
If you, too, realized you became desensitized to the literal soulmate narrative between these two, consider yourself vibe checked!
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shotorozu · 4 years
your ex is still obsessed with you
characters : togata mirio, kirishima eijirou, todoroki shouto
legend : [Y/N = your name] gender neutral reader, reader has an overpowered quirk
fic type : headcanons that are kinda telling stories [fluff, kinda angsty??]
notes : self indulgent because this person that i used to talk to is still obsessed over me— even though he was the one that said we couldn’t be friends anymore, and he still talks shit about me too 🧍 it’s some serious fan behavior, if anyone does this to you— then don’t give into their bullcrap because they probably want a reaction from you.
edit : november 17, 2020 — i edited the mistakes :)
warning : signs of toxicity in relationships, it’s not severe so don’t worry :)
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
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togata mirio
you’ve been with this ray of sunshine for a while now
and you guys were just vibing per usual, mirio was probably discussing about your last visit with eri
and suddenly, you run into your ex!
mirio can see your facial expression scrunch up in dissatisfaction
so he could kinda connect a few dots, and conclude that it’s your ex
mirio remembers a while back, recalling that your ex cheated on you— leaving you in a sad state.
he hated seeing you that way
and he kinda has a grudge against him
but, mirio being mirio— he decides to play nice
“oh! are you Y/N’s friend?” your ex asks you, almost as if he didn’t diss you a few months back
“ah no, i’m their boyfriend :)” he says that, pulling you near to him with one strong arm— showing off his signature smile.
you don’t look at your ex in the eyes, not wanting to seem interested in him one bit
the two talk for a bit, and your ex cuts to the chase
“did Y/N bribe you into being with them?”
mirio frowns, “of course not! why?”
“oh well.. i find it hard to believe that the person you’re describing about is the Y/N i know.”
you lowkey want to punch him, however— you guys are in public. you want to be civil
but the little insult under your ex’s breath doesn’t go unmissed
“weren’t you the one that cheated on me a while back?? you make it seem like i was the spawn of the devil or something”
it catches him off guard for sure, not expecting you to be speaking back at him.
“don’t you remember Y/N, i couldn’t like you at all because of.. well— everything, and i’m surprised that you—” and that’s when mirio decides it’s time for you guys to leave
“see you next time! or never.” he says as he dashes away from your ex
you guys are back at his place, and he’s apologizing
“Y/N, i’m sorry. i tolerated that guy, and i didn’t even know he was that bad.”
you shake your head, you seemed unfazed so that’s the good part
“let’s just agree to never see him again.”
he nods happily, pulling you next to him
you guys don’t see him again, you ask mirio about this and he goes “i don’t know what you mean, Y/N :)”
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kirishima eijirou
you’re walking back to your dorm after getting some ice cream near the heigh alliance
you both are surprised when you run into your ex which was totally not because he was stalking you or anything
he plays it off as a nice guy, acting like good old best friends
kirishima isn’t a himbo though, he knows exactly who this is
this is the same person that ridiculed you for struggling mentally, before you and kiri got together
kiri thinks that it’s super unmanly of him.
kirishima notices the discomfort in your body language, noticing how you shift behind him
like mirio, kirishima plays it off as nice— not wanting to be totally rude
but unlike mirio, he cuts it short so you guys can relax in your dorm
“oh and by any chance— your relationship isn’t depressing right?”
you blink, and kirishima frowns “i’m happy with Y/N,” he has his arm around your waist— a protective gesture
“oh, alright then. one last thing Y/N”
he tries to grab you with both hands, but kirishima moves quickly
“grow the fuck up Y/N, if you believe that this red bimbo actually loves you— then you’re mistaken. no one will-”
kirishima pulls you away— and runs full speed at your dorm entrance
you guys are in his room now, and you’re trying hard to not tear up
“hey Y/N, i want to apologize for that. i shouldn’t have tolerated him.”
“no eijirou- it’s fine. i can tell that you wanted to leave early.”
you hate how your ex literally left you, only for him to swoop back into your life when you’re in a stable relationship
but, kirishima won’t let you be haunted by toxicity.
he smiles at you, moments before he rushes to his closet to throw his favorite shirt onto you
he makes you forget about your ex, disinfecting your hard feelings and memories with sweet kisses
you don’t see your ex again- why? because, because.
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todoroki shouto
prior to you guys getting together, he was pining after you
and he’s really heartbroken when he sees your empty expression— as he ridiculed you for something you couldn’t control
he also found out he was cheating on you, and broke the news to him
because you couldn’t be lied to by some idiot
you guys have been together for a while now, and you’ve forgotten about your ex
you guys were out getting some soba, and your grip tightens ever so slightly
which is weird because, you don’t ever grip on him— ever. just because of your quirk.
he follows where you’re looking at- and he sees your ex
he recognises the stupid bastard
your ex is calling for you now, and you actually move behind him— creating some sort of boundary
“this is your new boyfriend, huh?”
“yes.” shouto says abruptedly
unlike kiri and mirio, he does not waste time moving out of the area
because— why would he let you stay in an area you wouldn’t want to be in?
your ex doesn’t leave you alone for some reason. he grabs your arm, and you can feel your adrenaline increase
shouto glares at him, shoving his hand off of you.
“you’re holding his hand, huh?” your ex speaks, his laughter fake. shouto doesn’t reply, and he steps in front of you
“i’m not sure why someone would want a ticking bomb for a significant other— don’t you hate how they can’t always hug you?”
you can’t always give back hugs, and you can’t squeeze shouto like it was the last day on earth like how you wanted to
but, shouto is content with just— being with you. his Y/N
your ex is word vomiting, and shouto cuts him off
“Y/N does hug me, they gives me more than i need— and being with them makes me happier than i’ve been in the longest time.”
shouto then turns to you, lacing his hands against yours— before walking away
you’re in awe, and your ex is shell shocked
you guys enjoy the soba when you get back, and he makes sure to bathe you
scrubbing you clean of that guy’s touch, while having a nice conversation with him.
he showers you with kisses after you’re done, giving you as many kisses as you wish
his touchstarved self popped out
you don’t see him again, and the next time you encounter him
he’s locked in a barrier of ice :)
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thank you for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing
don’t steal my work :)
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miekasa · 4 years
hunter x hunter (eren jaeger)
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↯ pairing:  eren jaeger x reader
↯ genre and warnings: modern au, established relationship/boyfriend au, gamer/streamer eren for the win, he’s a little bit of a himbo but he’s cute and he’s trying his best okay
↯ summary: you’ve been stuck on finding a name for your new rescue puppy for a few days now, when you decide to name him after your lovely boyfriend. it’s too bad he doesn’t get your reference. (yes, i know i called it hunter x hunter which is a completely different anime but that’s the joke, you’ll get it as you read, hopefully).
↯ notes: i know technically eren isn’t (confirmed? officially?) german, but just roll with it for me hehe; also, welcome to the first part of my living with pets series, featuring eren and his and your new favorite german shepherd husky mix. 
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When you walk into Eren and Armin’s shared apartment, you can hear the former in his room, talking loudly to who you presume to be his current virtual audience.
You don’t see any signs of Armin’s shoes at the door, indicating that he’s likely not home at the moment, which you’re silently thankful for. Not because you don’t like the blonde, but because your new, tiny, puppy seems to like him, and his favorite trainers a little too much—poor Armin now only had the left foot of his Adidas Superstars to his name.
Carefully, and away from the other shoes near the entrance, you let the pup down onto the floor, his small feet padding in place on the hardwood, before going to snuff out Eren. You chuckle to yourself; you’ve only had the puppy for a little over two weeks, but both he and Eren have formed a mutual attachment towards each other. Well, you suppose you can’t blame the dog, he was technically in Eren’s care first, seeing as Eren gifted him to you for your birthday.
Eren had told you the dog was a rescue, born prematurely on a farm a few hours away, and had had his left back leg fractured when one of the walls of a pig pen had unfortunately collapsed on him. He’s has surgery since, and is in the final stages of his recovery, injury almost undetectable now; but when Eren saw the poor pup at a shelter a few weeks ago, he claimed he knew it would be love at first sight for you.  
“Ah, there’s my best boy!” you hear Eren’s elated voice from the room over.
Sometimes, you wonder if the dog really was a present for you, or secretly for him, too. Eren makes his appearance after, trekking out of his room clad in sweatpants and long sleeve tee with your puppy in his arms.
“Hey, sorry, did he interrupt your stream?” you question, meeting his strides halfway to press a kiss to his cheek, “I heard you talking when we came in.”
“Nah, I was recording a video, it’s nothing I can’t edit later,” Eren assures you, turning his head again to sneak a proper kiss on your lips, “Besides this little guy could never interrupt me. Did you need me to watch him?—Because, I can totally take him for the weekend.”
Seriously, you’re almost eighty percent certain the only reason he’s not Eren’s dog is because of the pet-technicalities of his lease. And, well, the pup’s clear fetish for Armin’s sneakers.
“No, I thought maybe you’d like to see your human girlfriend.”
“Aw, baby, it’s not like that,” Eren chuckles at your sarcasm as you roll your eyes, “You know I love you.”
“Clearly,” you drawl, watching as the puppy all but attempts to climb Eren’s shoulders, his front paws resting against his collar as Eren holds him like you would a newborn baby.
But your boyfriend pays you no mind, simply cooing and bouncing away. You’ll admit it’s kind of cute, the way Eren dotes on the dog—or any animal he comes across, really. Still, it was your puppy, now and you’ll be damned if you lose out on puppy cuddles to him.
“Actually, I came here to tell you I finally named him,” you say, reaching out to scratch against his soft fur.
You were at excited when Eren told that since he was so young, neither the farmers, nor the rescue vets had decided on a name, so you had full control; but you had to admit, there was a bit of pressure to find the perfect name. Until a few days ago, when it finally hit you. 
“His name is Hunter,” you tell him, smiling as the dog’s ears perk slightly as his name leaves your mouth. You were worried he wouldn’t take to it well, but he seemed to be a fast learner. “It said on his papers he was bred to be a hunter companion dog, so I thought it was fitting.”
“That’s cute,” Eren smiles, supporting Hunter from his belly to hold him up and above his face, “Hi Hunter. You’re still my best boy, but now you’ve got an official name.”
The pup barks, almost ceremoniously, as if he understood Eren’s words. With the way these two are stuck to each other, Hunter probably did. 
“Yeah, that, and because, he reminds me of you, so I figured he should have a name to match. Plus, he’s half german shepherd,” you elaborate, brushing his tiny paws between your fingers as Eren brings Hunter back to his chest for more pets, “I know technically that would make his name Hunter Hunter if he has your last name, but I still think it sounds cute.”
Eren pauses, eyebrows crinkling together as he processes your words. “Huh? My name isn’t Hunter, though?”
“Well, yeah, I know,” you wave him off, crouching slightly for the pup to lick at your cheek. Hunter shifts his posture so that now he’s basically sitting in Eren’s crossed arms, perfectly content with the affection he’s giving and receiving, “That’s why I said technically, babe.”
But Eren still stands confused. “What—Technically, what? I don’t get it.”
You pause, straightening your knees to look up at Eren. You’d thought he was just pulling at your leg with his earlier comment about his name, but one look into those green eyes and you knew he was dead serious. And thoroughly confused.
“I—I mean, because of your last name,” you say, “Not your first name.”
Eren’s knitted eyebrows grow closer together. “But… my last name is Jaeger.”
You blink again, looking into his eyes, then down to Hunter, then back up at him. Dear god.
“Eren, sweetie, look at me,” you reach a hand out, squishing his cheeks between your thumb and index finger, “What are you?”
“Huh? What do you—”
“Your ethnicity, babe. Where you are from—where were you born?”
“Oh, um,” Eren thinks before replying, “Germany.”
“Right,” you nod slowly, “And you understand that Hunter is half german shepherd, correct?”
“Yeah, but, then why didn’t you—”
“Hush, don’t worry, you’ll get there,” you silence him by squish his cheeks further, before continuing, “And you speak German, too, right babe?”
“Well, yeah. Remember, you think it’s sexy when I—”
“I think it’d be sexy if you understood what I was saying,” you interrupt him, squishing his cheeks again, “Now, what does your name translate to in English from German?”
Eren takes a minute to ponder that, exaggerating his already smushed lips with a pout. “Hm, um, well, Eren doesn’t mean anything, I think? Or anything easy translate—honestly, I don’t think it’s German, it might be Hungarian? Or Turkish, maybe? I should probably ask my mum—”
“Sweetheart, your last name.”
“Oh!” he exclaims, “Jaeger?”
“Yes, Jaeger.” Finally.
Eren pulls his lips into a line as best he can when you take your hand off of his face. “Oh, well that means hunter, I’m pretty sure. There’s another german word that sounds pretty similar, jä—Oh! Oh! Oh, wait babe I just got it! You named him Jaeger, but Hunter, so his name is technically Hunter Jaeger, which is also Jaeger Jaeger and Hunter Hunter!”
Eren could pass as the hyperactive puppy with his wide eyes and the way he’s almost bouncing off the walls at his revelation.
“Babe that’s genius!” he praises you, “And super cute—you’re so cute, you know that. Hunter’s the perfect name and—oh! and he’s half german shepherd, it’s like it was meant to be!”
You stare at him, deadpan, as he smothers Hunter with more hugs and kisses, exclaiming about the puppy’s “brilliant” new name, and how he’s now even more of the best boy Eren’s ever seen. Eren’s ecstatic at this point, holding the puppy with just one hand, as he all but sprints back to his room, “I gotta tell all my subscribers!”
You sigh, a begrudgingly fond look on your face as Eren disappears down the hall. Poor Hunter; you’re pretty certain a good number of Eren’s subscribers flock to his videos for his looks, anyway—not that he’s not a good gamer, or an entertaining streamer, but well, you’re not blind, or naive—throwing a dog into the mix is only guaranteed more views and likes.
You hear Eren starts to record his signature introduction, but he stops halfway because a bark from Hunter interrupts him. “Come on, little Jaeger, you have to work with me here,” Eren whines loudly, before starting over.
You shake your head with a smile. “You’re so lucky you’re cute, Eren.”
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kar-krashew · 3 years
my someplace is here [AO3]
Five times Alec gay panics at a bus stop (ft. umbrellas, jackets, and a bus driver who really isn't paid enough for this).
rated: T
for @rainyhuman and @peachygos (ily!)
This is so cliché and over the top and I have absolutely no regrets <3. Sometimes (always) Alec is a himbo who is in love and his actions reflect this entirely. I don't control these things.
Alec Lightwood doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but the man across the bus stop is absolutely gorgeous, and he’s twirling in the rain like a goddamn movie cliché, and Alec’s first thought is holy shit, so maybe Alec Lightwood is an idiot, and love at first sight is definitely a Thing.
Alec’s second thought is that the man is an absolute maniac— because really, the dude doesn’t even have a coat on— but Alec’s the one with an insane urge to kiss a stranger in the middle of the street, so, whatever; They’re probably both maniacs.
Alec’s third thought is that he’s about to miss his bus. Shit.
For the record, Alec does not usually walk into bus stop poles while staring at his phone, nor does he usually yell out “Ow, shit — !” if the aforementioned event does happen to occur. He does, however, end up doing both of these things at once a week later, and the stifled laughter behind him informs him that someone at the stop has definitely seen him, and he’s never going to live this down, ever.
“I’ve personally found that walking around an obstacle tends to be much more effective, darling,” the someone says, and Alec supposes that was called for, but hey, rude. He looks up to face the speaker, preparing himself to be offended, and—
It’s the beautiful stranger from last time.
The man smirks at him from the bench, drenched again, and God, he’s even prettier up close. Brown eyes, smudged eyeliner, water trickling down his neck, with a tunic open down to his navel and pants that look painted on— Alec’s brain is short-circuiting.
“Hit your head a little hard there? Or do you just see something you like?”
“Huh?” Alec glances up from where he’s been staring at the man’s collarbones.
“I asked if you saw something you liked, pretty boy,” the man repeats.
Alec opens his mouth, presumably to say something that would be considered appropriate and normal in this situation, but he somehow misses his own memo and instead stammers out: “I, uh, I have an umbrella.”
He prays the rain will have mercy and just drown him on the spot.
The man’s brow quirks upwards in amusement. “Excuse me?”
Alec, unfortunately, is still alive, so he must now suffer the embarrassment he’s managed to cause himself and find a way to explain whatever has just come out of his mouth. He ducks his head, trying to avoid eye contact as he speaks. “If you want it,” he elaborates, “I have an umbrella I can give you.”
The stranger just looks at him for a moment. Alec’s sure he’s going to be told to fuck off (which would be a perfectly understandable reaction and probably have been his own in this situation) but after another second, the man defies all of his expectations and grins, so wide that it steals a little of Alec’s breath away.
“Handsome and chivalrous, I see. Do you make a habit of offering your belongings to strangers?” the guy asks. “Besides, I’m sure you’ll need it later. Perhaps you should rescind your offer, I promise I won’t harbor any grudges.”
“I have a coat,” Alec insists, “and you’re. . .” —incredibly attractive, doing things to my brain function— “more in need of its services.”
He’s not really sure why he’s so adamant about this, especially since the man is right: he will be needing the umbrella later, but his pride’s involved now, and he hasn’t really been thinking things through for the past ten minutes anyway. He might as well argue about his dumb umbrella with a beautiful man at a bus stop.
“I suppose you’re right,” comes the man’s response. He taps painted nails against his chin as he hums. “I’m not in much of a position to refuse, now, am I? Though, I doubt I’d refuse any position with you involved,” he winks. “But, yes, if you’re being serious, I shall gladly accept your umbrella.”
Alec blinks. He honestly did not think that argument would’ve worked. (He chooses to ignore the blatant innuendo to preserve his sanity for now.)
“Well?” the man prompts.
“Oh! Yeah, sure.” Really, the whole zoning-out-while-staring-at-the-hot-guy thing is going to become a problem very fast if Alec keeps doing it every two minutes. He gathers his thoughts enough to fumble with the umbrella in his hand and give it to the man, who accepts it with a graceful flourish.
“I’m Magnus Bane, by the way,” the man offers. “I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.”
“I’m Alec. Lightwood. My name’s Alec Lightwood.”
Magnus holds out a ring-covered hand from where he’s sitting. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alec. Short for Alexander, I presume?”
“Yeah,” Alec nods. He reaches out to shake Magnus’s hand, adding, “but no one really calls me that.”
Magnus’s smile turns into something incredibly flirty, and Alec can feel his cheeks heating up. “I like to be special, Alexander,” the other says, “and it suits you far better.”
Alec’s not really sure how to respond to that, because the way Magnus says his name is doing things to him, and that, combined with the fact that he’s still clutching Magnus’s soft hand in his own, is probably going to give him a heart attack. He’s about to say something decidedly stupid about Magnus already being special and perfect and amazing when the bus saves him from humiliation and pulls up next to them.
Alec releases Magnus’s grip to awkwardly gesture at the vehicle. “I should really. . . you know,” he trails off, and Magnus blinks at him for a second, surprised.
“Oh, right! You should get going, places to be and all that.” He waves his hand through the air dismissively. “I’ll return your umbrella to you next week, same time?”
Alec smiles dopily as he nods. “That sounds great.” He takes a step back. “I’ll see you soon, then?”
“Of course.” Magnus gives him a little wave. “It was lovely to meet you, Alexander. Safe travels.”
“Thanks, uh, you too.”
Having to walk home in the rain is so worth it.
Izzy laughs at Alec for the entire week when she finds out why his umbrella’s been missing, then makes it worse by telling Jace, who gives Alec an incredibly long-winded speech about umbrellas as metaphors for protection during sex or something. He also deigns to throw a condom at Alec’s face when he leaves to get the bus, which sends Izzy into another bout of cackling laughter.
They’re both assholes, and Alec is never going to cover for them at family dinners ever again.
So he’s scrolling through his phone at the bus stop, trying his best to ignore the increasingly obscene texts his siblings are sending him, when Magnus shows up, bright and beaming and decidedly dry this time, though he’s still not wearing a jacket despite the cold.
And dear lord. If Alec thought Magnus looked gorgeous while soaked in rainwater, this is something else entirely. Gold-streaked hair, unbuttoned shirt, immaculate matching eyeshadow— fuck.
“Alexander!” Magnus greets. He sits down beside Alec on the bench, and grins as he hands over Alec’s umbrella. “Finally a little dry, hm? Though I might’ve underestimated the cold and left my coat back home.”
“Yeah,” Alec says. “Not that you were wearing one when it was raining.” He’s trying his best not to stare at Magnus’s mouth, but the man is very close to Alec’s face right now, and he cannot be blamed if his gaze slips a few times, okay? He’s only human.
Magnus shrugs, drawing Alec’s sight to his shoulders instead. “Coats are irrelevant, anyway. I haven’t worn mine all week, so I might as well continue the trend,” he remarks, and Alec snorts.
“I don’t think that’s as impressive as you think it is. You sound like a petulant toddler. How have you not had, like, five colds by now?” he says. Magnus feigns a pout in response, and Alec stifles a laugh.
“Such cruelty, Alexander!” Magnus replies, “Ah, I suppose I’ll just have to suffer the elements until I’m finally back home again, since no one seems to harbor any sympathy for me. Woe is me, and all that.” He tightens his hands around his biceps, rubbing up and down to warm himself up while sighing dramatically, and Alec, well,
Alec gets a really stupid idea.
“Do you want my jacket?” he asks. “I won’t be out in the cold for that long, and I’m wearing a much warmer shirt than you are.”
Magnus’s lips part in surprise as something conflicted flashes behind his eyes. “I—” he starts, then clears his throat. “I wasn’t being serious, darling. That’s your jacket.”
“Is that a no?”
There’s a moment of silence before Magnus shakes his head. “No, it’s not. I, uh, I’d love that.”
Alec beams, and Magnus clears his throat again. “You’re horribly trusting of someone you’ve only met twice,” he says, voice a little strangled, but Alec just shrugs as he begins to wrestle the black fabric off of his shoulders.
“It’s just a jacket,” he explains, leaning closer to drape it over Magnus, “Even if I never got it back, at least you wouldn’t freeze to death on your way to wherever you’re headed.” He fixes the lapels dutifully, and smiles to himself. “Besides, you’ve already given me my umbrella. I trust you.”
“Is that so,” Magnus answers weakly, which prompts Alec to look up from his fiddling, and oh wow, their mouths are so close to each other’s.
If Magnus inches in just a little bit closer, then they’d—
“Um!” Alec jerks backwards, face flushing, “Yes, uh,” he stammers, trying not to look overwhelmed. It’s not going great, because moving back means that he’s now being treated to the sight of Magnus in Alec’s jacket, and he’s having some issues thinking properly right now. It swallows Magnus’s wrists almost entirely and looks far too plain for his expensive printed shirt, but fuck. It’s possible that Alec didn’t think this through.
Magnus opens his mouth, hopefully to tell Alec to kiss him but also probably to tell him to fuck completely off for whatever move they almost pulled, but the bus suddenly turns the corner and pulls into view, cutting him off.
Alec’s not sure whether he’s relieved or furious about this.
“Next week, then,” he ventures. Magnus blinks at him slowly, then nods.
“Yes, of course,” he smiles softly. “Next week.”
“Remind me again, why your presence is necessary today?” Alec grits through his teeth, tightly gripping his umbrella as the rain pours down on them. Izzy punches his arm, not even looking up from her phone as she does so, where she is no doubt giving Jace a play-by-play of Alec’s every action as they walk towards the bus stop.
“Because I’m never one to miss out on good blackmail content,” she replies, which is true. She’s got about four folder’s worth of content of “embarrassing shit Alec has done” on her phone, most of it consisting of his painful attempts at being straight in high school, and Alec’s pretty sure she’s started a fifth, probably titled “Alec’s horrible attempts at flirting with men,” which isn’t that much better than the straight one. Alec is debating turning around and just walking to his destination so that his sister won’t be able to gain more content for her virtual blackmail folders, which is exactly when Magnus comes into Alec’s field of vision.
Alec freezes in his tracks. Holy shit.
Magnus is standing in the center of the street again, drenched from head to toe with his head thrown back . The streetlights illuminate him from above, highlighting the curve of his neck and the colored streaks in his hair as he laughs to himself, staring up at the stars.
He looks ethereal. Alec’s never been one for the romantics, but he’s pretty sure this is what poets mean when they talk about true love and angels and immortal moments in time.
“Oh, he’s hot,” Izzy whispers approvingly. Alec agrees, because, obviously, but he pretends he’s unaffected and straightens his face.
“He’s probably freezing,” he says instead. Izzy rolls her eyes— she gets that from him, he really should stop doing that— and then, before Alec can stop her, calls out.
“Hey! Hot Umbrella Guy!”
What the fuck.
“Are you insane?” Alec hisses. He was trying to look nonchalant and not like the totally lovestruck idiot he is, but now Izzy is waving at Magnus like a maniac and Magnus has noticed them and is walking towards them and Alec is going to die. He’s going to write Izzy out of his will and then he is going to collapse into a heap of embarrassment and gay panic right here, and it’s going to be his sister’s fault.
“Relax a little, hermano,” Izzy replies, and before Alec can provide her with an alphabetized list for every reason he cannot relax, Magnus is already standing before them, smiling as water trickles from his hair.
God, he’s beautiful.
“Hello, hello!” he greets. Alec suddenly notices that Magnus is wearing Alec’s jacket, which is, well. Something. (Izzy is never going to let him live this down, and also Alec is having a very hard time thinking any thoughts.)
Magnus seems to notice Alec’s wandering line of sight, following it and glancing down, eyes widening. “Oh my god, I was fully intending to return this to you, I’m so sorry. I got a little distracted. I’ll have it cleaned and returned to you next time, I promise,” he explains. Alec shakes his head.
“No worries,” he manages, cutting himself off before he says something even stupider like “it’s yours forever” or “marry me” or something, and Izzy snorts from beside him. Alec hates her.
“Thank you,” Magnus says, then turns to face Izzy, “And what may I call you, dear?”
“I like him,” Izzy declares, in what Alec assumes is meant to be a reassuring whisper but instead ends up being incredibly loud, “I’m Izzy, Alec’s sister. And I assume you’re the elusive Magnus I’ve heard so much about?”
“Izzy,” Alec warns. Magnus smirks and shakes her hand.
“The one and only,” he confirms. There’s a mischievous sort of glint in his eye as he glances back up at Alec, and Alec’s not sure how he feels about Magnus and his sister already getting along so well, but he’s sure it can’t lead anywhere good.
“Well, Isabelle,” Magnus says, “If I asked him, do you think your brother would join me for a dance?”
Alec chokes. “What?” he splutters. Magnus turns his grin to face him.
“If I asked, Alexander, would you join me for a dance?”
“I—” Alec starts, staring down at the hand Magnus has outstretched in front of him. There are so many reasons he should say no, and so many reasons this is a bad idea, but also the most beautiful man Alec has ever seen is holding his hand out for him to take, and what else is he supposed to do? “Yeah,” he says. “Sure.”
The first thing Alec notices is how soft Magnus’s hand is in his as he pulls him out into the rain, laughing as it hits his face again, and Alec can’t help but laugh along even as water soaks into his shoes and drenches into his socks. There’s something so childish about it; giggling and spinning in an empty street without any music, holding hands like toddlers, and Alec wouldn’t have it any other way.
“You’re thinking too much,” Magnus murmurs, then he tilts his head back and closes his eyes. “It’s about being in the moment.”
Alec smiles. If only he knew, all he’s thinking about is this moment: how the water catches in Magnus’s lashes, how he’s humming something entirely off-key under his breath, the way he presses against Alec’s chest. Fuck. Alec’s known this man for three days, and he’s halfway in love already.
He closes his eyes against the rain, too, and smiles at the thought: loving a man like Magnus Bane.
Yeah, he could get used to that.
When Alec reaches the bus stop today, Magnus is nowhere to be seen and Alec’s jacket is sitting in a bag at the bus stop with a little post it signed with the letter “M.”
It’s fine, Alec tells himself. Magnus is probably just busy with something else, and this has nothing to do with the fact that Alec froze up awkwardly when Magnus kissed him on the cheek last week, to the point where Magnus had to nervously laugh it off because Alec was too busy panicking.
It’s a flimsy argument, but it keeps Alec from losing his mind for about fifteen minutes until the bus pulls up early and Alec realizes that this is it. He’s not going to see Magnus this week— maybe not ever again, if Magnus has decided that Alec’s gay panic is not worth his time, and Alec wouldn’t even blame him.
God, he feels so stupid. If he hadn’t acted like a complete idiot last time, then he would’ve at least had some closure.
“Sir, are you getting on or are you waiting for another bus?”
Alec blinks, glancing up to see the bus driver raising her eyebrow at him. “Right, sorry, give me just a mo—”
It can’t be.
Alec spins on his heel, turning to face whoever called his name, and oh my god, it’s Magnus. He’s running up to the bus stop, waving frantically, and Alec is overcome with such a large wave of relief that he forgets that the bus driver’s been waiting for him for like five minutes now and he climbs off and runs towards Magnus, only vaguely registering the sound of the bus leaving without him. He doesn’t even care; Magnus is standing right in front of him, panting heavily but still so beautiful and perfect, and Alec would walk home everyday if he got to see Magnus because of it.
“Alexander,” Magnus huffs, gathering his breath. He absentmindedly reaches out to grab Alec’s shoulder, and Alec immediately wraps his arms around his waist to stabilize him. “Oh lord, one second, I ran all the way here.”
“I thought you were gone,” Alec says, still holding onto him. “You left the jacket and I thought—” he trails off.
Magnus frowns. “I’m so sorry,” he says. “I thought I’d made you uncomfortable last week and didn’t want to make it worse, but I didn’t realize how rude not showing up would be. I know you probably don’t feel the same way but perhaps we can still be friends? I can be completely professional about it, though you seem to have just missed your bus—”
Alec grabs Magnus’s tunic (because he’s still not wearing a jacket, Jesus Christ) and kisses him.
Magnus blinks at him when they pull away. “Oh,” he says, a little breathless, and Alec smiles.
“I don’t want to be professional about it,” he admits.
“Oh. . .”
Magnus still seems shell-shocked, so Alec makes a move to let go of him, shifting his arm away from Magnus’s waist, but then Magnus leans back in and presses his mouth back to Alec’s and oh, nevermind then.
Alec’s not sure how long they spend there, kissing like handsy teenagers under the roof of the bus stop, but he’s aware of a few cars passing (and possibly another bus), so he’s not ignorant of the fact that it’s definitely been a while when they finally pull away for more than a second. Magnus is staring at his mouth when they part, though, which is not helping Alec’s resolve to actually have a conversation about this.
“We should talk,” he manages, and Magnus nods, still staring at his mouth.
“Right,” he agrees. “That would be a wise course of action.” His eyes flick upwards for just a moment, and something flickers behind them before he beams. “My place is two stops away, if you’d like to talk there. Perhaps we can wait for the next bus together, since we seemed to have missed the one I usually take? It might take a while, though.”
Ah. Alec swallows back a grin of his own. “Of course,” he replies, “I don’t suppose you know any way to keep us busy till then?”
“I’m sure I could think of something.”
(The bus comes late, and they still somehow almost miss it. Alec refuses to take any blame for this.)
+ One.
Alec Lightwood didn’t believe in love at first sight, but the man standing at the bus stop is smiling softly at him as he approaches, twirling an umbrella between his hands as he waits, and Alec’s first thought is holy shit, so maybe Alec Lightwood was an idiot, because what else could it have been?
“Hello, stranger,” the man says when Alec finally reaches the stop. He glances down, taking in Alec’s rain-soaked button down and slacks, and grins. “Forget your umbrella back home?”
Alec laughs. “My coat, too,” he agrees. “I got distracted this morning.”
Magnus hums, leaning in to kiss the rain off of Alec’s mouth, and Alec smiles into it, tasting the faint wax of lipstick and the salt of the rain. “Must’ve been a pretty good distraction.”
“Yeah,” Alec says. He leans in again, because he can. They have time. “He is.”
Magnus’s lips have got a lovely little tilt to them by the time they pull away, tint slightly smudged from Alec’s attention, and he’s never looked more beautiful, even with the dingy lighting of the shitty bus stop they’re standing under.
God, Alec loves him. He feels a little stupid with the feeling, and he can’t help but step back out onto the rain, holding out his hand.
“Hey,” he murmurs. Magnus’s eyes light up with understanding. “Care to join me for a dance?” And sure, Alec’s shit at dancing, and sure, they have to get on the bus sopping wet minutes later, but they’re both giggling like idiots and clutching the umbrella together between their intertwined hands and Alec’s got a little ring box in his pocket just waiting for the right moment, so what else matters?
They’ll probably have to invite the bus driver to the wedding, though. It’s only fair.
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shiny-jr · 3 years
you might've talked about this before, but who's your favorite character?
mine's gotta be ace, i like my men a little stupid
Ah, I think now would be best to go over my general thoughts of the cast since I have answered this before. Although my list of favorites is pretty much the same, I can go into more detail here. So of course, this will be a long post.
Riddle Rosehearts
5/10. I think he's okay, but he's not my favorite. I do like how he gets angry, I think it's funny when his face goes red and he goes from cute rosey dorm leader to looking so mad that he might explode. But that's about it. I don't feel any empathy for him backstory wise either, so he's kinda meh.
Ace Trappola
8/10. Anon, I too like my men stupid. Why do you think I like himbos so much? While Ace isn't always dumb, he does have his moments where he's obviously missing a few braincells but he's also observant. He's a little jerk but I can't hate him. I do like how smug he is sometimes and he's definitely the type to annoy the heck out of you if he likes you. I don't know, something about how they made him unlikable in the prologue then he steadily became more nicer(?) really just made me like him even more.
Deuce Spade
7/10. I don't know why, but I don't like Deuce as much as Ace. Don't get me wrong, he's a little dumb too and I like that. He's also nicer especially in the beginning, and I love his relationship with his mom and how he even recognizes his own faults and wants to improve. I think that's all great. But there's something about him that isn't as charming to me as Ace is.
Cater Diamond
9/10. I say I don't like extroverts and then this guy is so high up... Whatever. I think he's neat. I like to imagine him as a guy that kinda talks like a valley girl, which is funny to me because I know a lot of people that talk like that so it's something familiar to me. Also he's kinda flirty and energetic, but not in an annoying way, you know? He can be smug and mischievous too, so I got to give him points for that. I just think he's the kinda guy I'd admire from afar and I'd think of him as amusing.
Trey Clover
3/10. Ehhhhh... I liked him for a while then I realized he was pretty basic with not much good development. The only thing that I can think of when I write him is baking, fedora, and chill (but not very fun) bf vibes. Ace was right on the dot when he was criticizing Trey about how he treated Riddle.
Leona Kingscholar
4/10. Another character I don't have many thoughts for. All I think of him is sleep, and uh... mean? Yeah, I don't know what else. Yes, yes, he's pretty and all but there's gotta be more for me to like a character. Plus, I'm not about the violent characters unless there's more to it then that. But I can appreciate how he's not a completely good person but he's not entirely bad either.
Ruggie Bucchi
7/10. I'm gonna give this guy an extra point because this little fella was one of my favorites when I was just getting into twst. I like his laugh, it's cute. Also how he's generally selfish and his background ties in with his character. Although I wished he would've been a little more selfish, especially with Leona (namely when Leona was attacking him before the overblot). Since in the movie, the hyenas basically killed Scar for betraying them. Not that I wanted something that extreme, I just wished I could've seen Ruggie fighting back a little more.
Jack Howl
7/10. The boy. The goodest of boys. I did not like him during Savanaclaw's chapter, but Octavtinelle's chapter really helped improve my opinion on him. Also the chats and little extra parts with their cards. I wanted to rank him a point lower because I despise athletics and I'm usually not about tsunderes, but I genuinely like Jack when he's being a pal. Maybe I'd take away half a point if I could.
Azul Ashengrotto
8/10. So far, he's had my second favorite moment of snapping (aka, the moments before overblot). That and combined with the fact that, besides Ruggie, he was also one of my first favorites (although that's not really the case anymore). I think his character is really interesting and his backstory is possibly my favorite at the moment. I like his design, his aesthetic, his greedy and cunning personality, but also the fact that he has weak parts like his insecurities and crying. Just overall, a really fun and interesting character.
Floyd Leech
9/10. Okay, I'm also a sucker for tall characters and sometimes, heavy emphasis on the sometimes, extroverts. Some extrovert characters annoy me, but others catch my attention. I like how this dude is basically feral, a literal menace to society and campus. And the way he talks just sells it for me?? The shrillness in his voice, how his volume goes up and down, the laid-back sound of it. It's great, love it. And the fact that he grows bored, he can be snappy and irritated one second and happy and excited the next? It's very interesting to me.
Jade Leech
4/10. Ehhhh... He's basically Sebastian from Black Butler in disguise but instead of liking cats he likes mushrooms. I didn't even like Sebastian. I know everyone simped for him but honestly? I did not see the appeal, at all. He just unnerves me. He does have a good line here and there, but I feel like if you gave the line to Floyd he'd make it funnier or more amusing in someway.
Kalim Al-Asim
7/10. Honestly, if I saw more of him, it would probably be a little higher. Sunshine lad. Love him. He's great. He's got the characteristics of a protagonist, but not one I dislike and I usually end up hating the good guys. Kalim though? He's too nice to hate. He's a teensy bit dumb, so he get's a point for that. Also his design is neat, I think he looks amazing and it really contrasts with Jamil's look with the hair and all.
Jamil Viper
8/10. I'm going to be honest, I did not care for Jamil at first. But as it got closer to his overblot and him snapping? Amazing. Yeah, he has my favorite moment when he snapped. I love when a cool and calm character just has had enough and goes wild for a bit. When he finally yelled at Kalim and just yeeted them?? I was cheering a bit for him. God, I can't put into words how much I love when he snaps and just becomes prideful, loud, letting his thoughts and emotions out after so much time. It's wonderful. His design is a little basic, but then I started liking it. In a way, it makes him look cunning, and helps Kalim stand out when that's what Jamil disliked.
Vil Schoenheit
3/10. Yeah, I said it, I don't like Vil. From the beginning to the end of Pomefiore, even to parts of the Ignihyde chapter released, my opinion has not changed. I just really don't like characters like him? Who cares if he's pretty? That ain't helping him. I felt zero empathy for him when his backstory was happening. Although I will admit, his overblot design was... something? It started growing on me eventually. But I do like how he takes responsibility for his actions. Who knows? Maybe the rest of the Ignihyde chapter will give him a few moments that will change my mind of him.
Rook Hunt
9/10. He's eccentric, okay? He's a weirdo, a very amusing wacko. Oh, did I mention that I write yandere? And he has HUGE yandere potential? The whole thing about him with beauty and love, the hunter deal, his weirdness, his skills, his stalking tendencies, he's just a bit of a walking red flag and I love that. Also he talks funny, and I laugh at that. I like the way he talks, eccentric man with fancy words amuses me very much.
Epel Felmier
7/10. Relatable little guy. Why makeup? Why fancy clothes? Why do these weird useless little traditions? I get you, my guy, I really do. Also he's a little feral too and I think that's great. You wouldn't suspect it from him by looks alone, but he's a wild little guy from an apple farm. That concept alone is amazing. Also from the recent event, I'm floored by the fact that he's exactly like his grandma by looks and personality. That made me like him even more.
Idia Shroud
10/10. The boy. The fire gremlin himself. Every time this guy get screen time, I'm astounded each time because he either makes me laugh or he does or says things exactly like me. Dislikes extroverts? Check. Wants to stay inside all day? Check. Would rather just not talk? Check. That's why I am dreading his backstory and when he snaps, I'm genuinely a little scared of it because I feel like it's gonna hit way too close to home. Oh, but aside from that, I was gifted his little nendroid figure and he guards my manga stash.
Ortho Shroud
8/10. Good robot child. He's such a good brother, always looking out for Idia?? He obviously does a lot for him and they're very close since Idia often does things he doesn't want to, just for Ortho. I hope we learn more about him soon. Also praying for him to be involved in some tragic past with Idia.
Malleus Draconia
4/10. Before y'all say anything defending Malleus, let me explain. I think Malleus is a little basic. NOW HOLD ON. Don't get mad yet, let me finish. He's like... just the dark and brooding prince that has a soft spot for the MC. That's it. And it would work if they put more detail into it, but like... I still think he's boring? And super overpowered, that alone annoys me like you have no idea. Who knows? Maybe his chapter will improve my opinion on him but for now, I don't like him.
Lilia Vanrouge
8/10. Now this? This is just great. I love his concept. "Short young looking guy with dyed hair goes to a school with his adopted son, BUT this guy is an ancient fae that talks like an old man but acts like a teenager sometimes and he likes video games, hard rock, bagpipes, and is a terrible cook-- don't forget he was a feared general of war at one point too!" If you told me this and I had no idea about twst, you'd probably get me to play by this alone.
6/10. Ehh, he's a little basic too but I kinda relate a bit to him? Thought process wise at least. That's the only reason why he's not getting a 5. Don't know what else to say, we don't know much else about him but he's pretty chill.
5/10. Honestly, a teensy bit annoying. We get it, you're a simp knight for Malleus. It's a double-edged sword. It's amusing to see his efforts for Malleus but when he's talking about it with others it can get irritating sometimes. Also his whole thing against humans. Like, dude, you're half human, right? So just please, shut up for one minute. But the thing about his dad being a dentist and his mom being a respected fae noble and falling in love? It's funny, I love that.
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
heart attack || bokuto koutarou
➵ your hot roommate likes to walk around without his shirt on. 
wc: 2.8k
warnings: implied f!reader, swearing, pure chaos
a/n: @stelleum jac darling, happy birthday! i tried writing you shipfic but i chickened out and wrote this instead (mayhaps i’ll finish the bkak fic one day, but for now it will sit in my drafts hh). i’ve already wished you a happy birthday so i won’t write you an essay here (although i’m fully capable of it), but i love you, and i’m so grateful to be counted amongst your friends. you bring such light and laughter with you, and i honestly feel like i’ve learnt a lot from being your friend. i hope you find this fic delightfully chaotic (just like you), and that it manages to make you smile a little -- you deserve nothing less (also big shout out to remy and ren for reading over this disaster fdsljk)
“he’s doing it again.”
“huh?” oikawa’s voice crackles from the other end of the phone.
“he’s walking around the house shirtless.”
it takes oikawa a few seconds to catch up. “oh, right. your hot roommate.”
you two have had this conversation many a time over the past two weeks. you’d quickly surmised that bokuto koutarou would be the death of you. probably by heart attack. oikawa had found that idea stupid.
“what do i do?” you ask, chewing on your lip.
“you could always ask him out.”
you scoff at the absolute certainty in his voice. “how dare you assume i wouldn’t shrivel up and die if i so much as attempted that?”
you don’t need to see your best friend to know he’s rolling his eyes at you. “why would you shrivel up and die?”
“what if he says no?”
“he’s not going to say no.”
“but he could.”
“you’re hot, it’ll be fine.”
“but you haven’t seen him, tooru,” you huff, waving off his assurances like they’re nothing. “pictures don’t do him justice.”
“i can’t believe you’re an adult…” oikawa sighs.
“you’re one to talk.”
“at least i can talk to people i find attractive,” he grumbles.
“he’s going to be a professional volleyball player,” you stress. “you know what they’re built like.”
“you were friends with us all throughout high school, and yet i don’t remember you ever talking about any of us like this.”
“the only one of you worth talking about is iwaizumi.”
a moment of silence. “that’s fair.”
“anyway, that’s all besides the point,” you grumble.
“do the other guys know about this?” he asks. you don’t like the playfulness in his voice.
“as a matter of fact, they don’t.”
“why not?”
“if i told them, they’d meddle,” you stress. “directly.”
“you can’t stop me from telling them.” you can tell from his voice that he’s grinning.
“i’ll block your number and never speak to you again.”
oikawa doesn’t need time to decide that it’s a viable and realistic threat.
“wait, are you hiding in your room again?” he asks.
“duh.” you roll your eyes. “i wouldn’t be talking about this in the living room, would i?”
meanwhile, bokuto’s sitting on the couch, quite shirtless as he twiddles his thumbs.
when kuroo had first told him that the best way to win his roommate’s heart was to ‘just walk around shirtless,’ bokuto had been a bit doubtful.
of course, kuroo hadn’t won the heart of his partner by walking around shirtless, but boukto was loath to completely disregard his friend’s advice. he does, after all, have a partner, so perhaps following his advice isn’t the worst idea.
but you’d scurried into your room almost immediately upon catching sight of him, and bokuto fears that he’s frightened you.
he likes to consider you friends. sometimes you’ll watch movies with him -- on occasion, you’ll even commit to a full anime series (even though he needs you to explain what’s actually going on half the time) -- and there’s a certain ease of conversation between the two of you. in his mind, it’s only natural that he should develop a little bit of a crush. 
unfortunately that line of common sense didn’t follow through to the next step of actually asking you out. 
your sheer embarrassment goes head-to-head with your insatiable hunger and loses.
you peek through a crack in your door, trying to ensure that the hallway was clear. perhaps you could survive seeing him in the front room, but an encounter in your cramped little hallway was bound to end in humiliation.
you manage to skitter into the kitchen quietly, every one of your senses on high alert for the enemy (see: bokuto koutarou’s god-like body). 
you spy the back of his head on the couch from your new vantage point. if you’re quiet enough, chances are he won’t notice that you’re in the kitchen. if the universe really gave a damn about you, then it would let you be invisible for a few seconds. 
“hey!” bokuto calls from the couch, holding a hand up.
“hey,” you mumble as you make an active effort not to look at him. damn him and his masterfully sculpted biceps. they’re almost enough to make iwaizumi jealous. almost.
you dash over to your pantry, opening it up and rifling through a couple shelves. you don’t have the mental or emotional fortitude to stand around and cook a proper meal right now, so the next best thing is instant ramen.
“whatcha looking for?”
you almost shed your skin in fright.
there’s a warmth hovering over you, and you’re far too aware of what it is.
“something to eat.” you can only hope that those words came out legibly.
“oh, yeah, there’s not really much,” he shrugs, tilting his head at you.
you’re still not looking at him. has he done something wrong?
“ah,” is all you can muster in response.
“did you want to order in?” bokuto asks, a certain lightness to his voice. it’s similar to the tone he uses when he wants to pick what you guys watch on a saturday night.
“uh—” oh no. “i—i don’t—um—”
what are you trying to say? you don’t know. bokuto has no chance of deciphering it.
but, he simply beams at you. “i’ll pay!”
sure, he has more money in his bank than you could ever dream of having – damn professional athletes and their egregious pay checks – but you still don’t want him to pay for you.  
“it’s okay,” you manage to say, holding up a hand to wave it off. 
you don’t expect him to take said hand. 
“please, let me treat you,” he grins. “as a thanks for helping me out with the bills last week.”
ah. that’s right. bokuto may be a sports star in the making, but he’s horribly lacking in the common sense most people rely on to make it through the day. 
it’s very hard to say no to him when he’s looking at you like that, with his golden eyes all big and round and his fluffy hair falling around his face. damn him. 
you let him fiddle away with one of the delivery apps – you admittedly aren’t paying much attention to what he’s ordering – and entertain yourself with the bare walls of your kitchen. 
maybe you could sneak back to your room until dinner came? 
“how was your day?” bokuto asks brightly, effectively trapping you in a conversation. 
“uh– fine?” you swallow. “my lectures felt like they wouldn’t end, but i survived.” 
“good thing you did,” he beams, tilting his head at you. 
you blush, trying to ignore just how handsome he is. “how was practice?” 
sure, you want to turn your tail and run, but you really don’t want to hurt his feelings. 
“it was good!” he grins. “tsum-tsum’s been less annoyed with me recently!”
“oh, that’s great!” you mean it. from what you’ve heard about his team, this ‘tsum-tsum’ seems like he’s the sort of person who’s hard to keep up with. 
“he almost gave me a compliment today,” bokuto said, voice brimming with pride. 
“really?” ‘tsum-tsum’ doesn’t seem like the type to give compliments, but bokuto always has a way of seeing the best in things. 
“yeah! he said my cross-court shot wasn’t half-bad!” 
you’re not quite sure if that counts as a compliment, but you won’t pop his bubble. 
“and omi didn’t flinch as much when i patted him on the back, either,” bokuto nods. 
“do you still use that hand sanitiser i gave you?” it had been a mindless little gift, one you’d bought after finding out he works with a germaphobe, but you are curious nonetheless. 
“of course!” bokuto nods enthusiastically. “it’s my lucky charm.” 
your breath catches in your throat. does he not understand what saying something like that could do to a person? especially when it’s coming from the world’s best himbo? what are you even supposed to say to that?
for the first time today, the universe takes pity on you. 
there’s a loud knock on the door. 
bokuto perks up. “i’ll get it!” 
“wait!” you call out instinctively.
bokuto pouts at you over his shoulder, frozen mid-stride.
“you’re shirtless.”
bokuto blinks at you for a moment. “is that a problem?”
three more brain cells stop fighting the good fight and perish. “no?” you frown. “yes?” he’s staring at you. “maybe?”
he’s still staring, a unique concoction of confusion, earnestness and disappointment in his eyes.
“it’s… a lot,” is all you manage to sew together.
“a lot?”
“you’re… a lot.”
“i’m a lot?” bokuto looks like he doesn’t know whether he should be upset by that statement or not.
“yes… muscles.” it’s official. you want to die. there’s no coming back from this.
bokuto glances down at his chest for a moment, a perplexed expression on his face. well, he is beefier than most, and none of his teammates are quite as built…
“just let me get it,” you breathe, well-aware of just how red your face is. after what is bound to be a horribly awkward dinner, you’d need to hop online and look for a new place to live.
you take a deep breath as you open the door, hoping, praying that this exchange, at least, would go smoothly.
you freeze as you look at the delivery boy’s face.
no way.
“holy shit,” makki grins, eyes crinkled and red cap slightly askew.
“no.” this is the last thing you need right now.
“this is where you live?” he asks, trying to pop his head through the doorway.
“uh—” you push him back instinctively, mustering up all your strength to budge the headstrong six foot asshole currently trying to force his way into your apartment.
he freezes, and you know the worst has happened.
“is that your roommate?” he asks, taking a step back with an infuriating grin on his face. “or are you getting some?”
“oh my god makki, i’m going to—”
“do you know this guy?” bokuto’s suddenly behind you, hands clasped behind his back and head tilted to the side.
“unfortunately,” you mumble, trying to keep your expression as neutral as possible. if makki catches even a hint of weakness, he’d press at it relentlessly.
you look him up and down, frowning. “i thought you were working at a tech shop or something.”
he shrugs. “i lied.”
“i dunno,” he says, as if lying about your part-time job is the most casual thing in the world. “it sounded more impressive than ‘delivery boy’.”
it’s not like you expected any more from him, but even this feels a little strange.
bokuto’s stomach grumbles from behind you. you remember that he’s right there – and makki’s staring at him.
“why is he shirtless?” makki tilts his head to the side. “who is he?”
“my roommate,” you admit through your teeth.
makki stares at him for a few seconds more, a smirk spreading across his face. “is this why you won’t let us come over to your apartment?”
change of plans. time to pencil in a murder for seven o’clock. after your scheduled self-implosion, which is bound to happen any moment now.
“give me my food.”
“not until you answer my question,” makki grins, holding the takeout bag above your head. damn him and his height.
you glare at him, fists clenched at your sides. “i won’t hesitate and you know it.”
the threat of a knee to the balls is usually enough to make any man quiver. but not makki.
“really?” he smirks. “in front of your hot roommate?”
“i’m going to kill you—”
“i can’t believe you’ve been keeping him from us,” makki tsks, holding out a hand to bokuto. “nice to meet you. i’m a friend from high school.”
bokuto shakes his hand tentatively, a bit behind on exactly what’s going on here.
“and you are?” maki asks, a disgustingly sweet smile on his face.
“nice,” makki nods, looking him up and down. you know this will be immediately reported in the group chat. you’re never going to live this down. and, makki now knows where you live. you expect that you’re going to get some unwanted visitors very, very soon.
“get out of here,” you grumble, taking full advantage of makki’s distracted gaze and grabbing the bag out of his hand.
“have a nice night!” you call, pushing him out of your doorway with one hand. “i’ll leave you a bad review!”
“no, don’t—”
the door slams in his face, and you feel like you can breathe properly for the first time in the past ten minutes.
that is until you remember that bokuto’s standing right behind you. 
“should we eat?” he asks, a little too close to your ear than you would like. 
you flinch, taking a step forward. your nose presses against your front door and you curse every conceivable deity that comes to mind. 
“yes,” you nod, lightly banging your head on the door. perhaps it’s what you deserve. 
“okay,” bokuto says slowly, as if he’s not sure about what to do next. “i’ll get some plates.” 
you take a moment to catch your breath. all you have to do is make it through, what? the next twenty minutes? surely you could manage that. surely. 
bokuto’s already over by the couch, two plates in hand, and still very, very shirtless. that’s the reason everything’s gone tits up today. because he wouldn’t constrain his pectorals behind a thin wall of blended cotton. 
but you sit yourself down on the couch after unpacking your food on the coffee table. you sit yourself down on the couch, unsure if you can find the strength to start eating. 
bokuto plops himself down next to you. it’s almost like he’s vibrating with excitement. why does he have to be so damn hot and cute?
the two of you sit on the couch in total silence. 
bokuto stares at you. you make a pointed effort to look anywhere that isn’t him. 
“are you okay?” he asks, a genuine pout on his face. 
“can you… can you put a shirt on?” it feels a bit like an admission, or some kind of surrender, but this has gone on too long. 
“oh, okay.” bokuto hops up, watching you for a moment before dashing off. 
once he’s out of sight, you sigh, resting your head in your hands. what is going on? when you’d gotten back from university, you hadn’t expected the day to go like this. 
bokuto reappears out the corner of your eye, now modestly covered with a white shirt. it’s almost worse, honestly – the shirt really compliments his tan. 
“are you okay!?” his voice pitches as he moves towards you, placing a hand on your back. 
you flinch, dropping your hands from your face and closing your eyes. “yeah, i just…” honestly it feels a bit like you’re in purgatory. but that might sound a little dark. “it’s just been a weird night.” 
“i’m sorry.” you can’t see bokuto’s frown, but you hear it in his voice. 
you finally brave a proper look at him. somehow, his hair looks more deflated than usual. 
“i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable,” he specifies, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“uh–” you swallow roughly, unsure of where to go with this. “thanks? i guess?” 
bokuto pouts at you, his gaze flicking down to the floor. “i was just trying to impress you.” 
every single thought skids to a stop. what? what? he was walking around shirtless because he was trying to impress you? well, it worked, but he probably didn’t expect it to leave you speechless. 
“you… were trying to impress me?” the words feel strange coming from your mouth, but you manage to meet his eyes. 
“yeah,” he nods, his own cheeks darkening. it’s nice to know that the embarrassment isn’t one-sided. “my friend told me it was the best way to win you over.”
whoever this friend is, you intend to have a very stern word with them.
“you could just… ask me out,” you blink at him, unsure of how to proceed. 
“i could?”
“would you have said yes?”
“i–” you clear your throat, breaking eye contact. “i guess?”
“so… that’s a yes?”
bokuto stares at you, cheeks even redder than before and mouth slightly agape. 
“what?” you stare back at him. is he broken? has his brain finally given up too? 
“do you wanna go on a date?”
“i–” it’s your turn to have your mouth hang slightly agape. 
“please?” he asks, eyes going round and sad. 
“sure,” you blink. you? bokuto? a date? when? how? what–
“woo-hoo!” bokuto cheers, pumping his fists in the air. “alright!” 
oh man, this boy is definitely going to be the death of you. probably by heart attack. but, maybe that’s not the worst fate. 
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worstloki · 4 years
Top Forty Thor-Being-Thor Moments from Thor 1
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just absolute dumb*ssery that this 7yr old kid’s life goal is to “hunt down the monsters and slay them all”. I’ll go easy on him here and let the Thor/Loki expressions do the talking because of “...just like you did Father” but seriously can his hands even fit around a sword handle??? this kid isn’t even punching the air right??? if there was a sword in his hand he would’ve cut his head with the way he’s moving???? pure tiny-himbo energy here just look at that >:o face he’s making. contrasts very nicely with Loki’s ‘,:|. 10/10. such a baby idiot.
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“the jotuns must pay for what they have done! they broke into the weapons vault! if the frost giants had stolen even one of these relics!” thor. thor please. can you even name one of these relics. thor. hey thor. thor. shut up. “well, what would you do about this?” odin asks him. “march into jotunheim! like you once did! break their spirits! so they’ll never try anything like this again!” wow okay so we’ve fast-forwarded by like a thousand years and thor is still going on about genocide. huh. that’s funny, i thought loki was the genocidal one. hmm. i also just realized that the loki exclusive clip gives loki the same hairstyle thor has here so do what you will with that information.
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0/10. horrible. terrible. i dont care how angy thor is about not getting to kill some jotuns or become king today this very instant, that is a tremendous waste of food. an absolute fool. how can he just remorselessly throw the bread to the floor. if loki stabbed him when he was 7 he would deserve it for this table flip alone. what a privileged white *ssh*le.
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loki came skulking around a corner and suggested not to go to jotunheim and not only did thor not suspect anything but he also then went on to decide to go to jotunheim. 10/10 himbo material. 
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if tumblr didn’t have a picture limit i would put every instance of thor smiling in this list because look at that stupid smile. he’s such an idiot. 11/10. this is the thor content i’m here for.
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“I have no plans to die today” thor says with the stupidest open-mouthed smirking smile ever captured on film. right after he also told heimdall not to tell anyone they’re gone. he’s literally planned to strand them on jotunheim. thor’s grand plan was to strange themselves on jotunheim and also start a fight. i repeat: thor’s plan was to successfully slay all the frost giants and not need to return until they’re all gone. what an absolute d*mb*ss. this is getting ridiculous. this was originally a top-ten-thor moments list but i’m not even twenty minutes in so i’ll have to extend the list. thor. thor are you listening? thor, you’re such an idiot.
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“HOW DID YOUR PEOPLE GET INTO ASGARD?!” thor you sweet sweet summer idiot, please, i am beggin,g you,, learn to rea,d , a room,, literally everyone else who came with you is regretting it, there is complete silence and only the rumble of the opposing king is meeting your “I AM THOR, SON OF ODIN”s, please, please take some notes from Loki, or, you know, literally anyone else in the room, since everyone is asking you to get out of this realm while you still can,
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thor’s stupid smile makes an appearance after he gets called a princess and decides to fight a whole realm over it. you know what? thor is a princess. he’s the prettiest princess in all the lands. what’s thor gonna do about it? is he going to fight me too? I hope he does the stupid grin first. minus 15 points for the sexism. thor is a complete and utter sadistic fool who needs to get a hobby. seriously, he’s 1500 years old and still going on and on about slaying all the frost giants. boi, i hate to break it to you, but your dad is not the best or only example of greatness out there. i don’t think your dad even qualifies as an example of that. 
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“THEN. GO!” 🥰 ahh yes, just thor thingz 🥰🥰 like when one friend has had his arm burnt 🥰 and another friend has been impaled and needs medical attention, 🥰🥰 and all the rest of your friends are yelling for you, 🥰 and your brother is telling you they must go, 🥰 and you decide to buy everyone time by laughing maniacally and killing more frosties because you care for them and dont find joy in destruction like a loon 🥰🥰🥰 
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THIS is the iconic Thor moment that makes my day whenever I think about it. Just Thor, an absolute bumbering 6′6′’ giant boodlusting dummy sees Odin and just decides to yell “FATHAA!! WE’LL FINISH THEM TOGETHAAA!” as if the last thing Odin told him wasn’t “no, thor, we’re not going to do anything to the frost giants, do not go after them and try to kill them all.” 11/10 d*mb*assery right here folks, I couldn’t ask for Thor to be more of a fool. This is PEAK Thor energy. Look at that face. I feel like Thor spends half this movie with his nostrils flared. I love it.
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okay i gotta give thor credit for rightfully calling odin “an old man and a fool” but also there was not even 1 frame of the scene where Thor had a decent face so now all i see is >:O >:| >:o >:[ when i watch that scene. yelling at odin was great, not yelling at odin after he HUAERGHed at loki was less great, but to be fair it’s thor and he is the definition of Peak D*mb*ss. 
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thor literally GROWLS and starts yelling “HAMMAA?? HAMMER??” over and over. He was hit by a van, he fainted, he woke up and started growling. I don’t know what else there is to say about this.
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“you dare threaten me? puny human?”. so. uhh. basically. Thor knew she was threatening him? He KNEW she had a weapon? instead he made a face and started yelling as he tried to walk his way closer????? thor you complete and utter dum dum. you frickin hairball-for-brains. im not even surprised darcy tasered him. with that kind of face, i’d taser him too.
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when you wake up in an unknown place to a person smiling at you without a stupid smile, the first step is always to attack first and ask questions later 😌😌😌 (but seriously thor you imbecile why didn’t you ask where you were instead of throwing multiple people around the room and getting your butt needled. you clueless buffoon. you’ll remain a clueless buffoon if you don’t listen to anyone.)
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just a quick recap but thor was knocked unconscious by a van and these people kidnapped him aboard and the next scene we see him in he’s checking himself out in  mirror after presumably changing right there in the open?????? these are the things that make thor thor. any other character and i’d question it so much, but this is thor, and i truly believe this is in-character for him. just change in the open because why not? thor is a beefcake and that’s his only redeeming quality and he knows it. 10/10 thor moment. 
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I am now convinced that Thor saw Jane and “5k van-hitter to lover slow-burn height-difference himbo-scientist trope” flashed through his mind.
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“but no more smashing!” Jane says, and then Thor proceeds to check her out and smile unlike an idiot and like a douche. was this his version of flirting???? i’m not one to decide, but yes, yes it was. He threw a cup to the ground and broke it, and she’s getting mad at him and berating him about it, and he’s liking it. y’all i’m sorry to break it to you like this, but thor has a canon fetish. i am so, so sorry.
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im DYING. THAT ISN’T EVEN A KISS, HIS MOUTH IS OPEN. he SMUSHES his mouth around her knuckle???? WHY. I can’t keep noticing things like this. send help. please. Jane’s response makes so much more sense now; she’s laughs for a solid 3 seconds and shakes her head and is like “uhh, thank you? ahaha,” and then she keeps looking back longingly when walking away. they are doing this in PLAIN sight of EVERYONE. Darcy and Erik are standing RIGHT THERE, and Thor is doing weird things to her with his mouth. I’m out. I am done here. goodbye. 
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return of the stupid smile AND the douche smile in quick succession through the entire trip. their entire dialogue is peppered with innuendo. “I’ve never done anything like this before. have you ever done anything like this before?” “many times, but you are brave to do it.” “I have nothing else to lose.” “ah but you are clever, far more clever than anyone else on this realm.” “realm? rEaLm?” “you think me strange?” “yes” “good strange or bad strange?” “I haven’t decided yet.” I AM DYING OVER THIS. plus, we get Return Of The Himbo with Jane asking after Einstein Rosen bridges and Thor is like “uh, actually, more like a rainbow bridge 😜🤪” i feel so sorry for jane here, didn’t know how much of a d*mb*ss Thor was when signing up for this van-trip and knuckle-sucking 😭😭😭 i also no longer have questions about how the trip that SHOULD HAVE BEEN A HALF-HOUR ONE turned into one that LASTED TILL THE SUN WENT FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE SKY TO SETTING by the time they arrived. I have no questions. please. I don’t want to know what they were doing in that van. please no. don’t make me think about it.
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thor’s plan had 3 steps and they were 1. give jane his jacket 2. walk in and get his hammer 3. fly out. that was literally his plan. he had the first “I have a plan. attack.” moment in the MCU. pure concentrated 0-brain-cells energy right here. how can you not stan this king of d*mb*ssery. look at him, flaunting his big boy muscles. he’s about get his hammer and fly out, like he just told jane with a trademark stupid-smile.
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crop-top hair-mop thor is my favourite thor. the way the entire fight scene parallels a hamster in a maze only exemplifies the thor vibes for some inexplicable reason.
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“you’re big. fought bigger.” + Thor douche-smile + subtext from earlier + rolling around passionately in the mud = not a happy me. 
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I swear i’m not making up this romantic subtext but it’s barely even subtext. the entire scene leading up to Thor’s attempt at lifting the hammer is actually filmed erotically. I’m not kidding. First there’s a shot where Thor pulls aside a hamster-cage-wall blind which mirrors a shower-curtain, and THEN he walks around the hammer while smiling douche-ly at it, we get a few close-ups to his face which are shot from angles slightly lower than himself, giving him an aire of superiority, plus the music adds to this, he reaches out for the hammer’s handle with a mud-covered arm in the rain, in non-slow-motion slow-motion, and he wraps his arm around it, like, he fully twists his arm, unecessarily sexually, around it as he grabs the hammer. This is not okay. On the plus side, it makes the movie much more entertaining,, on the down side,,.
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im not going to call Thor dumb for not knowing he’s not worthy. im not going to. because odin literally whispered the enchantment to mjolnir after he’d thrown thor to midgard. it is very funny watching thor grunt in frustration though. he starts yelling because he couldn’t lift the hammer and just lets himself get caught. like, dude, get a life, go buy a new weapon from the store, seriously. he mourns for the hammer on-screen longer than he does for loki. he also looks like he’s in far more pain here. he becomes catatonic and unresponsive after this, but when loki dies he’s already feasting the same afternoon. 10/10 dum dum thor material. never change thor, never change. (that’s code for please change, thor, please,)
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thor trying to establish dominance wherever he goes is the funniest thing because at this point he’s being a complete asgardian *ss about it and it’s reaching points of pettiness never seen before. side note: he is possibly flirting with selvig too. maybe. i’m not saying anything happened, but Thor’s openning lines when bringing him home carried over his shoulder are “he’s fine, not injured at all,” followed with an apology to selvig, and an explanation to jane which consisted only of “we drank, we fought, he made his ancestors proud,” and then he puts the man to bed and before he falls asleep erik says “i still don’t believe you’re the g*d of th*nder, but you ought to be,” so... your choice, i guess...
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thor’s got his trademark stupid smile and stupidly takes jane’s life’s work notebook and starts doodling in it about trees. the last time his father told him this story about Yggdrasil was when he was 5 and he clearly hasn’t payed attention to any lesson about anything since and it shows so so much. thank you thor. very insightful knowledge you’re passing on hear. ‘i come from a world where [science and magic] are one and the same,’ ok great, now elaborate on that please. oh, right, you can’t because you’re thor, my bad, 20/10 thor behaviour. he couldn’t even doodle nicely. all his lines are wobbly. epic art fail. i wouldn’t trust him near my sketchbook with a 2B pencil.
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THIS is thor’s realization face. in case anyone was interested in what ‘dawning truth’ looked like on him. 😰😪 THIS is the face of a thinker, of a man betrayed by his own beloved brother for unprecedented reasons. look at the nuance in his expression. 😩😩😩 so many emotions, I can’t even count them all 😩💯😪
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stupid smile and “do not worry my friends, i have a plan,” he says, “i’ll just try and abuse the fact that Loki’s super selfless and kind and has no self worth to my benefit as i have countless times before which is exactly what he’s rightfully angry about this time,” he doesn’t think to himself because that is NOT the smile of someone who is thinking... like, at all. +10000 points to gryffinthor. the d*mb*ssery really jumps out.
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“im sorry bro for whatever i did and whatever you’re blaming me for as an excuse to do this, im sorry bro, but you’re disturbing innocents that i don’t really care about but you’re the one making a scene in front of them so why don’t you admit you won’t kill me and are just having a temper tantrum and we move on? hmm?” and then he proceeds to get slam dunked in the face with a metal arm like yEAAAA BOI that’s what you GET for going up against the SENTIENT LAVA-SPEWING metal-man ya absolute dunderhead clod. thunderhead clod? yeah, that. he’s just so dumb, your honour, please, you must understand, the victim pleads guilty on all charges of d*mb*ss and d*mb*ss alone.
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I can NOT describe the emotions I feel knowing that Thor is suck-kissing Jane’s knuckles. Like, his mouth is literally jelly-ing it up against her hand. There is suction there and it shows when he is placing and removing his mouth. I promise that’s what is happening. I’m not any happier than you about this. I regret everything. This is why Loki should be what is focused on and not Thor; Thor’s going around trying to frick frack everything in sight even if it’s just Jane’s hand. He’s maintaining eye contact with Jane while he licks her fingers. Why did I decide to rewatch this movie. 
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i’m only adding this in as a thor moment because of how desperately and badly they kiss. seriously. 2/10 kiss. im not surprised jane broke up with him. they look like two actual seals fighting over an actual grape. while i’m here i’m going to criticize every fic ever that decided thor is an experienced gentle lover. what were y’all on when watching this movie. thor can and will f*ck literally everything in sight and he won’t even do it well because he is the peakest of peak d*m d*m. look at this man. look at his face. that is the face of an absolute himbo idiot, and it’s the face of an absolute himbo idiot who knows it. he’s been stranded on earth for 2 days, max, and his flirt-count is at 69 people because his name is one letter away from thot. i bet his terrible use of a pen from early means he writes his ‘r’s like ‘t’s and he doesn’t even care. 1000/10 thor moment. doesn’t get much more romance-thor than two individuals smooshing their faces together after some finger sucking. that finger sucking is gonna leave jane simping for years. and that’s true love babey. <3
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“I’ll handle my Brother!” Thor says, as if Loki didn’t send a metal-murder-bot that quite virtually killed him less than ten minutes ago asdfhkhsdgsdjf Thor, you horrific himbo you, Loki’s weapon of choice is literally throwing knives he will literally kill you before you enter the room if he’s on his game and wants you dead which he just proved he would do and you’re just gonna???????????? jog on over to him????? Thor??????????? bruH???????????? buddy??????? pal???????? you really wanna go 1v1 the brother you very clearly underestimate and know nothing about????????????????? im loving the confidence, but, no.
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Loki: “you literally can’t stop this from here.” Thor, immediately: “i’m going to hit it with the hammer and see if that works” and then it does in fact work later... technically speaking, even if it ends up causing chaos destruction and death and loki falling off the bifrost 😔😔😔 but Big Brain Thor is the Biggest Brained Thor!!! The plan worked!! in a messy-Thor-ish way, but it did!!!
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“you can’t kill an entire race!!!!” Thor yells, teeth gritted, as he faces his brother, his coward pacifist brother, who has suddenly decided he wants to join the age-old family tradition of realm-destroying, when this is supposed to be Thor’s dream, Thor’s, not Loki’s. How dare he, Thor thinks to himself, fist clenched around Mjolnir in anger, the pain of the handle pressing against his palm perhaps the only thing preventing him from lashing out at this thought, that’s my planet of monsters to slay, he should go get his own! Loki hits Thor across the face with the back-end of his spear. “Now fight me,” Loki says, but Thor, well, Thor cannot fight, as he remains stunned that of all things Loki would dare steal his life’s ambition, and he is sent sprawling backwards across the observatory, slowly but surely sliding to a stop despite his catatonic, very symbolic silence.
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the elegance, the poise, i see your time on earth has made you no less graceful, Thor. the simple magnitude of this sprawl. the spread of the arms. the turn of the feet. this is not a dude, this is a man.
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sometimes your brother starts vehemently talking about he’s gonna kill the race of monsters and about how he’s only ever wanted to be your equal and about how he’s not your brother and never was and sometimes you just have to say “this is madness” instead of addressing the issues or asking for any of the  deets 🔥 👊💯😩
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Loki is whipping Thor’s butt. Both literally, and metaphorically, Loki is whooping Thor’s d*mb*ss. Earlier he knicked Thor’s face, now he’s just pushing Thor around, he uses the spear as a pole and later kicks Thor’s face by kicking vertically up, and Thor, bless him in all his blond golden muscled glory, doesn’t think anything is up with this, gosh he’s such an absolute utter idiot
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sometimes your brother laughs way too much and also cries too much in a fight and there are also too many of him so you just need to blast lightning so you get a shot at all of them 😌😌😌 and then put your magical infinitely-heavy hammer on his chest 😌😌😌 but it’s okay because Thor left holes in Loki’s container 😌😌😌
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now THIS is the meat to Thor’s funny bone, just the pure unadulterated humour that is Thor saying that there will never be a “wiser king” or a “better father” than Odin, it cracks me up every single time without fail, just the way he says it with a straight face and— what do you mean he wasn’t joking
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look at Thor’s stupid smile as he asks Heimdall to spy on jane every single day while conveniently never asking after Loki ever. This is Thor’s face in mourning after he attended a feast after everyone was celebrating after Loki’s death. Look at his stupid smile. I love him your honour. He’s just,, he’s just so frickin stewpeed, just Thor being Thor, just the purest of d*mbest of *sses. 
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oopsitszuli · 3 years
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“Sounds like a coming of age movie.” Kyojuro Rengoku x GN!Reader (Sfw)
Authors note: WE HIT 50 FOLLOWERS!! THANK YOU ALL SO SO MUCH!! Enjoy this fic, it’s longer then my normal ones and I spent like four days writing it.
More Notes: Modern day au, Highschool au. You and Kyojuro are both 18 in this fic.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol like once.
High school was shit, that was easy to say. Four years of hell only to be expected to run off and pay thousands of dollars to just get another piece of paper that’ll prove you’re good at something. You hated that idea, more then anything in the world, it made you physically sick to think about. But it’s all that you could think about, graduation was five days away and you had to make a choice on what you were going to do after that
A soft wind sent shivers up your spine as you laid on the rough roof of your house, examining the stars overhead and letting yourself get lost in thought once again. Millions of stars were littered across the dark sky yet your eyes were focused on a single bright one directly above you, a soft smile gently graced your face as you continued to gaze in to the distance.
The sound of a window sliding open caught your attention and quickly you turned your head in the direction of the sound. Your smile widened as you noticed your long time neighbor and best friend Kyojuro Rengoku crawling out of his window with a brown bag in his large hand. He carefully and slowly made his way across his roof and on to yours, making sure he had proper footing with every step he took.
“Evening, my dear!” Kyojuro smiled as he finally reached you. The blonde sat down next to you on your roof before handing you the brown paper bag he had previously been holding. “Ooh, what’s this? Has the goody-two-shoes Kyojuro Rengoku brought me alcohol?! ‘Bout time.” You teased while sitting up, you looked in to the bag and were met with the sight of your favorite drink and snacks.
“I am not a goody two shoes…oh and the Arizona green tea is for me. Paws off.” He quickly responded before pulling a bottle of tea out of the brown bag. “Ah yes, I forgot, you’re the rebellious bad boy of the school who makes all the ladies swoon.” You furthered your teasing as you pulled out the bottle of your favorite drink.
“I’m not any of those stupid labels.” He rolled his eyes and you turned to him, smiling softly. “I know kyo. You’re you and Kyojuro Rengoku can’t be defined by a single label.” Your voice trailed off for a second before a mischievous smirk snaked across your face, Kyojuro immediately noticed and he raised an eyebrow.
“Whats with the weird ass look?” He questioned before taking a sip of his tea, your smirk widened. “There might be a label for you…What was it Mitsuri called you in freshmen year?” Your question had Kyojuro groaning and rolling his eyes, almost to the point they were at the back of his head.
“I am not a himbo.” He combated as a soft giggle left your lips. “You said it, not me.” You chimed in before opening your drink and taking a sip of it. Kyojuro let out a sigh and brought his knees to his chest.
“So. Why are you sitting out here? You usually only do this if you’re stressed or pissed.” The male softly questioned, you looked to him and your expression shifted to a soft frown. Kyojuro turned to face you and your eyes locked for a moment before you looked away from him again, trying to suppress the all too familiar feelings of butterflies in your stomach.
Yes, you were in love with your best friend, and that only added to the flaming pile of stress that was your brain; Although you couldn’t blame yourself. Kyojuro is handsome, kind, funny, and one of your only confidants. He had always been there for you, and you had always been there for him. You couldn’t even begin to count the sleepless nights you two spent on the roof of your houses just ranting and confiding in one another, or the never ending calls that you two would have on the nights you couldn’t join each other on the roof.
You loved him, irrevocably and unconditionally, you loved him more then your heart could handle.
But could he ever feel the same way?
You were brought out of your thoughts by Kyojuro clearing his throat in an attempt to catch your attention again.
“I’m a little bit of both if I’m being honest. Stressed about graduation and pissed about it at the same time.” You explained while setting your drink to the side and starting to trace little circles in the palm of your hand. Kyojuro slightly nodded and continued to look at you.
“I get that. Graduation is stressful, especially with having to choose a college to go to…” He said softly, looking away from you momentarily then returning to practically staring at the side of your face. “That’s the thing! I don’t want to go to some dumb college where I have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars just to prove I’m good at something.” You groaned loudly before leaning back on the roof and returning to stare at the sky.
“Well then….what do you, [Name] [Last name], want to do?” Kyojuro asked as he raised his eyebrow, he finally looked away from you and leaned back so he was lying down next to you you. You thought for a moment, yes everything you said about college was true, but you also just didn’t want to lose your friends. Mitsuri had already informed you that she’d be going to a private school in Yokohama along with Shinobu, Sanemi was heading to Osaka for his college career, and most of your other friends were going to colleges far away from the town you currently lived in.
“I wanna open a bookstore.” You mumbled as a shooting star flew across the sky, you felt Kyojuros hand brush over yours and a soft blush rose to your cheeks. “Then do it, if it’s what makes you happy, open the bookstore of your dreams!” Kyojuro smiled while taking your hand in his and holding it.
“Yeah but if I do, I’ll be stuck here. And all my friends will run off and I’ll be alone…” you sighed softly, Kyojuro quickly sat up with a loud gasp, his hand still holding yours. “Then let’s run away! Move to some cute small town and you can open your bookstore! It could be called [Name]’s Nook!” He said proudly, you giggled softly and sat up.
“Sounds like a coming of age movie.” You joked while looking at Kyojuro, he turned to you and while your faces were inches apart he smiled. “Then make it a showstopper.” He whispered as his free hand found its way to your cheek. Your eyes locked with his and you took in a deep breath as an attempt to calm your nerves. As you sat in silence with Kyojuro, the blush across your cheeks deepened.
“Kyojuro…. I think I’m in love with you.” You confessed, the words slipping past your lips without a second thought. Kyojuros eyes widened and an overwhelming sense of dread set over you. “You what?” Kyojuro practically stuttered as he tried to take in the weight of your words. Your heart dropped and you pulled your hand away from his.
“Please forget I said that…I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me..” you tried to explain, suddenly you felt Kyojuros hand leave your cheek and find its way back to your hands. “No. Don’t apologize, please don’t apologize. Just say that again. I need to hear you say it again so I know my mind isn’t making something up.” The blonde said almost frantically, his hands trapping yours in his.
“I’m in love with you.” You repeated softly, your eyes focusing on anything but Kyojuros face. After a moment of silence you heard soft chuckling coming from Kyojuro. “Are you laughing at me?!” You looked to Kyojuro and were met by him wearing the biggest smile as he looked at you.
“Kyo? Are you-“ You were cut off by Kyojuro quickly leaning in and capturing your lips in a kiss. Before you could retaliate he broke the gentle kiss and pulled away from you slightly. “I love you too, [Name].” He murmured, his lips still inches away from yours, instantly a wave of relief washed over you and you smiled softly.
“Can I kiss you again?” Kyojuro asked softly, your heart fluttered at his question. “Yes.” You whispered, quickly Kyojuro leaned back in and kissed you passionately. His hands moved away from yours and found their way to the sides of your face, you wrapped your arms around Kyojuros neck and pulled him closer as your lips moved in sync with his.
Once you two pulled apart, Kyojuro smiled brightly. “Well would you look at that! You got your coming of age movie kiss.”
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bukojuiice · 4 years
rose-colored boy
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ೃ pairing: (eren jaeger x fem! reader)
ೃ  tags: college/modern au, fluff, humor, love at first sight cliché, mikasa is your cute little sister, armin, sasha, jean, and connie are your besties, and eren is a himbo who works hard and has terrible friends.
ೃ warnings: strong language and mild suggestive content
ೃ part 1/??? of my (eren x reader) college au!
ೃ word count: 3000 words
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist 
ೃ This is my very first snk x reader fic! so i hope you bear with some errors! qwq 
i’ve been following the anime ever since it was released in 2013, and this is the first time i’m  going to be writing for it.  this month’s manga chapter really took me out so why not channel my sadness thru writing an fluff! eren fic? 🤧 i hope you enjoy either way!
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!)
ೃ  in which (Y/N) (L/N), 20, still in school, and regretfully-unregretfully-her little girl scout sister's assistant, meets eren jaeger in an embarrassing too innocent door-to-door cookie sale whilst a humiliating party was going on.
cookies, suspicious maybe-maybe-not pot brownies, meddling little sisters and friends, “oh my god they were roommates” vine on replay 24/7, homework, tears, and fairy lights bring them together.
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“I’m going to enter now.”
“Ahhh yes, please!”
“Shut up, please.” Eren muttered to himself as he tossed and turned around in his bed, but still couldn’t get to sleep. “When will they ever stop doing this?” Why did Eren’s next-door roommate and his girlfriend have to do this five times a day? They had a lot of stamina for 21-year-olds who didn’t have anything better to do.
Eren’s thoughts eventually brought him to his parents.
His parents- did they even exist?
For pretty much 14 years of Eren’s life, they had been out of town or out of the country. His older brother, Zeke, blonde, bespectacled, tall, and sometimes too far up his own ass older brother who Eren is able to confide in from time to time, recently got a girlfriend whom he’s hopelessly in love with (they’re even thinking about getting married which isn’t really a problem since the girl is genuinely nice to his older brother so Eren is good with her.), so… things in the family had been a bit rough and busy to say the least.
Communication with his parents wasn’t always the best.
Eren would study late at night back when he was seven, because no one bothered to help him with homework. Along with the fact that he wasn’t the brightest kid in class, and he knew that very well, but he had ambition and he was determined to make it big in the world. He focused more on sports, particularly Soccer in middle school and high school, and tried to balance that with his studies.  After being granted a Sports Scholarship from Shigashina University, Eren decided to rent and share a flat, living with his batchmates who he met at a mixer party (before Uni started as this whole meet and get to know each other kind of thing) and whom he was so quick to call his ‘friends’, just so that he could get out of the hellhole that was his own house.
But things turned out much worse than expected.
Eren thought that the ‘College Life’ was to focus more on pursuing your future career and make a name for yourself but… it was the other way around.
He thought that after Freshmen year, everyone would take things seriously. Sure, have some drinks, get wasted after finals, or have house parties from time to time. But he was unfortunately, dragged into the wrong crowd. After attending around 5 parties in the first few months of being generalized as one of the infamous and pompous freshman archetypes present in every university, he called it a year and spent the rest of his nights doing homework, projects, playing video games, staying at the school soccer field until 10PM while his roommates were probably smoking crack and not caring about the number of units they needed to take for each of their goddamn subjects.
 He was ~living the life~ and now that he regrets most of the decisions he made in freshman year, the only option that he has left was to wait until his third year and move to a different apartment.  
 Now, here he was, Sophomore year, nearing the end of the semester, and very much eager to get the hell out of here and also study for his upcoming finals on Constitutional Law II, as his professor, Mr. Erwin Smith, was going to throw hands if one of his students score below average on the exam.
 “EREN MICK JAEGER! BROOOO!” Eren winces when he hears the shrieky and annoying voice of his flatmate Thomas Wagner, calling out to him. “Wanna go and party with us?” Eren smiles halfheartedly, shaking his head, “Ah, no thanks. I have a game tomorrow and finals coming up on Thursday.” Thomas smirked and wrapped his arm around Eren, “Oh fuck that, live the college life ya spoon.”
“No, really I have to study.”
Thomas frowned and groaned, “Oh god, you’re such a killjoy. Fine, if that’s what you want. Don’t blame us if we tell you to buy some beer down the block.”
Eren cracked an obviously fake laugh and pushed Thomas away from him, “You’re an ass. That only happened once and that was when we first met. Don’t you even dare try to ask me to buy you shit again.”
“Woah. Woah. Woaaaaaah. That was a joke Eren. Loosen up will you?” Thomas raises an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by the brunette’s sudden aggressiveness. He hums Moves like Jaeger by Maroon 5 as a way to spite Eren whilst passing by him down the staircase.
The brunette shook his head, tying his hair into a bun carelessly and sprinting into his room without uttering another word.
Eren just wanted to study. He really did.
Instead, his roommates, all of them, mind you, were all partying in the lounge and the music was too loud and Eren was too annoyed.
They did manage to bring him out and make him stay in the kitchen where he mindlessly glared at anyone who came in. He sighed and tapped his pen restlessly amongst the insane amount of books on the table.
There was a knock.
His roommate, Floch, came in the kitchen with his girlfriend who Eren couldn’t even name with all the women he has brought into the apartment. She was hanging onto his arm and giggling. Floch’s eyes were red and his speech very slow and lazy. "Eren!" he said with a sly grin.
Eren raised an eyebrow, shooting him an irritated look. "What now Floch? Are you here to tell me to take a shot again?" The ginger-haired’s girlfriend giggled once again and kissed Floch’s cheek. Floch laughed and swatted her away, though he missed by a long shot. "Someone's at the door," a thumb pointing to the den. "wouldchumind ge'in it?" another giggle. The girl nodded sloshily. "Yesss! Erenieee get 'em door, please. Be a dearrrrr."
Eren frowned and stared at them menacingly, earning no reaction from the two as they were mad drunk. "You were just in the den," Floch’s eyes widened. "My lovey wovey-we was in the den?" His girlfriend’s mouth went into an O. "Di'nt notice tha'!"
Eren sighed and stood up. He miraculously got through the throng of bodies and to the front door. "Yes?" he called out exasperated, not knowing who was outside.
"Do you want cookies?"
Eren turned and looked to see a little raven-haired girl, a girl scout no less, a blonde-haired boy pulling on a trolley who looked significantly shorter than him, wearing rimmed glasses, and an overall appearance whom his “friends” would immediately label as a nerd they had to be a few feet away from if they saw him and lastly, a girl who looked very tired and very done with life.
Beautiful (h/c)-colored hair, her eyes looked like the starry night sky, twinkling as he catches her gaze and a smile that looked forced, but warm all the same.  
A girl who was just absolutely fucking gorgeous.
Eren was captivated. His heart was beating like crazy and he could feel his ears turn red. He would make a fool of himself if he looked red as a tomato right now.
"Um," The girl peeked inside and grimaced, squeezing the hand that was her little sister's shoulder and catching Eren’s gaze. "Mikasa, I don't think these kinds of guys would want cookies."
“Unless they're pot cookies,” Eren almost said. Mikasa pouted and widened her eyes at Eren.
The older girl crouched down and frantically covered her little sister’s eyes. "Nopenopenope, Mi, don't pull that on him."
"But (Y/N)!"
Her name was (Y/N).
Eren smiled sincerely (for the first time today) and leaned back inside to the drawer by the door to grab the extra cash he and his roommates put there for emergency pizza and stuff. "You know what? You're absolutely brilliant at selling cookies. I'll take one."
Mikasa smiled back at him cheekily and tugged her older sister’s hand. "See, (Y/N)?! He wants some! Go get 'em!”
The raven-haired girl then turned to the blonde teen, practically jumping up and down. “Armin look! We sold another one!"
“We did!” The boy who was apparently named Armin, clapped his hands together, then gave the little girl a high five. “You’re a natural at this Mikasa!”
(Y/N) looked at Eren, then Mikasa, and sighed. She grabbed a bag from the trolley Armin was dragging around and pulled out a box of cookies. Eren grabbed them slowly from her, their hands almost touching as he gave (Y/N) a small smile. The (h/c) girl blushed lightly, though not visible enough for the brunette to notice.
"Hope to see you again!" Eren called out when the siblings said their thank you's and bid farewell.
And, this time, even for the slightest moment, Eren’s serotonin levels were going straight through the roof. His heart was still beating loudly, almost in sync with the trash music his roommates were blaring on the speakers. and for a moment, even just for a moment. 
He felt genuine happiness that he hasn’t felt in a very long time.
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 The three of you continue to walk animatedly, now that the coast was clear and the guy from earlier wasn’t within earshot, your blonde friend just had to break the silence.
 Armin smiles, pushing his glasses up to the crook of his nose. “(Y/N), you did see how he looked at you right?” The blonde chuckles softly, catching his best friend off guard.
 You blinked. “Him?” You try to stop yourself from smiling, blushing profusely. “Geez Armin, I don’t even know his name yet.”
 “I’ll bet you 100 bucks that he goes to our Uni.”
 “Even if he does, it’s not like we’ll talk to him or anything. Judging from the place he lives in and the people he was hanging out with, we’re in two completely different worlds.” You shook your head in denial, holding Mikasa’s hand, your interlocked arms swinging playfully. Armin gives you a knowing look in response.
 Mikasa continued to wave back at the boy whom they had just sold cookies too. (Y/N) looked over her shoulder and smiled. “Wasn’t he nice (Y/N)?” Mikasa asks her older sister. (Y/N) returned her sister a small smile, “He was.”
 "I hope we see him again!"
"I'm sure we will."
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 The day of Eren’s dreaded finals finally arrive.
He has prepared tirelessly for this. Hours upon hours of hard work. But, before he finally gets his well-deserved sleep, he has a few more hours to cram and absorb more knowledge for his exams.
So, what better way to do so than head straight to the library as soon as it opens at 6 AM?
This time, no one was going to bother him. No annoying roommates and no distractions.
Eren heads over to a table near the coffee and snack machines. He puts down his bag on a seat next to him, and begins to study once again. Looking through the course materials and the lessons that he still didn’t quite understand. Eren was so absorbed with studying and relying on his gut feeling that no other student in this university would think of going to the library at 6 AM on the day of finals… then he’s wrong. Very wrong. 
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 “Sasha, should you even be eating mashed potato this early in the morning?” Armin asks the brunette worriedly, a huge tone of concern in his voice.
“Armin! Don’t chu worry! I ate heavy breakfast! Bacon, Eggs, and Toast! Did you not see me in the kitchen!?” She reassures her blonde friend, continuing to scoop up the mashed potato on a reusable cup.
“Liar.” Connie hissed, narrowing his eyes. “I was awake since 4 AM. Not once did I see you sneak into the kitchen until (Y/N) woke you up.”
“Atatata. Can we… stop with the negative vibes for a second?” Jean tries to become the mediator by holding his hands up against his two friends who were about to start an argument. “It’s finals week. We have to keep a clear mind, body and soul-“
“Jean, you know that’s BS.” You yawn widely, still practically half-asleep.
“Oh, come on! Can’t you just let me be positive just this once!? If we fail this exam I’m going to blame you!“
The five of you continue to talk mindlessly on the way to the library. Connie pushes the glass door open, very much excited to have this huge library all to yourselves.
There was someone already there.
Your eyes immediately come into contact with Eren’s. His radiant jade eyes staring into yours, mouth practically agape, his hands holding on to wooden chopsticks as the hot air of instant ramen breezes through his face.
“Oh?” Connie blinks. “Guess we aren’t the first ones here then.” He whistles.
“(Y/N)!” Armin nudges you in the arm in an attempt to tease you. “Guess your wish came true huh? We did see him again! By himself too!”
“W-what am I supposed to do exactly?” You turn to Armin, speaking in a hushed whisper.  
“Say thank you to him! Offer him to go on a boba date or something!”
“You got the Sasha seal of approval (Y/N)! He’s hot!” Sasha motions you a thumbs up and you can’t help but feel yourself already wanting to die of embarrassment.
The four of them slightly push you towards his table. With your friends cornering you like this, there was no way of escaping this.
All you had to do was talk to him and properly thank him for buying cookies from your little sister.
That was it.
No need for any extra ad-libs or poor and bad attempts of flirtation.
Just thank him (Y/N).
You can do this.
You breathe a hefty sigh then approach his table with confidence. The brunette continues to look up at you whilst turning the page of his reviewer that he wasn’t even looking at.
“Hi again! I just wanted to thank you properly for helping my sister and I, out the other day. Mikasa really appreciated the gesture you did for her, and she couldn’t stop talking about you to our parents since we saw you. You see, none of the other girl scouts want to be paired up with my sister because they think she’s an emotionless and monotonous freak. They’re really mean to her but she really wants to continue being a girl scout so my friend and I accompany her whenever she has to sell cookies!”
“It’s N-no problem!” Eren quickly replies, running a hand through his hair. “Why would they say such horrible things to your sister like that? Judging from the way she acted in front of me, she was quite the opposite. In a positive way of course! Those kids are just assholes who are intimidated because another girl their age is seemingly better than them.”
You giggle in response. “Thank you. I’ll tell Mikasa that you said that!” 
There was short silence for a few seconds until you realized that you forgot to say something. 
“Ah! I’m (Y/N) (L/N) by the way!”
“Eren.” He smiles, reaching his hand out to you for you to shake. You grip his strong and calloused hand firmly, and Eren could feel his ears turning red again while you were about to blush as red as a tomato.
You hear your friends snickering in the background and you took this as a sign to go back to your table. “I guess, I’ll see you around campus?” You ask, tilting your head. For, you actually really wanted to see him again after this.
“Yea! I’ll be seeing you!” He grins widely, watching you leave where he was seated. His smile then envelops into a frown as soon as you went away then he goes back to studying.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” Connie whispers loudly, calling you over by waving his hand. Why was this dunce being so painfully obvious? “Ask him if he’s looking for an apartment or if he wants to live with us!”
“Already!?” You ask in disbelief, a bit shocked by what Connie had just said. He scoots to the left, as you take a seat between him and Sasha. “Guys, you’ve known him for like… 3 minutes. Only Armin and I actually interacted with him before this.”
“He has to pass the vibe check first.” Jean shrugs, sipping on an iced expresso. “But, yeah, he does seem alright from a few feet away.”
“Come on (Y/N)! Ask him!” Sasha nods approvingly. “It’s weird that he’s studying alone like this while we’re in another table trying to remain unaware that he looks lonely as hell.”
“UMmMM… maybe he wants to study alone because that’s the only way he can focus? That’s a thing that normal people do, Sasha.” You remark sarcastically, trying to think up of more reasons to not approach him again.
Armin clears his throat, “Look, (Y/N), it won’t hurt to try right? Besides, don’t you feel a tiny bit sorry for him? He does seem lonely and you do have a crush on him so… more ways to interact with him right?”
Your shoulders slump and you breathe a defeated sigh. “Okay okay fine.” You make your way to Eren’s table again but before you do, you turn to your friends. “By the way, I don’t really have a crush on him just yet. I just find him cute okay?”
“Yeah yeah.” They say in unison as you continue to walk back to the brunette’s table.
“Hi again Eren!” You wave and try your best not to fumble or look painfully obvious that you were infatuated by him. He looks up and you try your best not to smile like a weirdo.
“Hm?” He hums.
“Would you like to come over to our table and study with us?”
To be continued.
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moonbaby26 · 3 years
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Title: Sleepover
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Continuation from previous chapter. After getting Peter back to his house in D.C., he asks you to spend the night. You want to, but you’re also worried about what his mother and his twin sister Wanda may really think of you. As you and Peter get a little more time alone, you also wonder how far you’re ready to go yourself.
Warnings: Nothing more than kissing really in this chapter. Bit of awkwardness from Reader though not knowing what they really want or how to go about it yet.
Chapters: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Taglist: @drikawinchester , @n0obmaster69 , @alexloveskili , @bluesprings18 , @weakmoony-stuff , @slytherinsi-mp , @wintwrsoldiwr , @tommy-braccoli , @amourtentiaa , @cringingmemeries , @bi-panicatthe-disco , @himbos-are-my-lifeblood , @simp4mcuwomen , @ikkleroniekins , @cowboyenorgy , @the-chaotic-cow
My Masterlist
“Anyway, can we argue inside at least? (Y/N) promised to call Xavier when we got here.” Peter piped up, trying to shuffle away from his mother at last.
At the sudden sound of your name though, you felt an added bit of nervousness. You also made eye contact with Peter’s mother for the very first time then, as if she’d only just realized you were there.
Peter’s sister Wanda was also looking back at you with question in her face as well at the reveal of your name. But you said nothing yet, just walking up to hand Peter his crutches.
You purposefully busied yourself turning right back around too, getting that jacket he’d stolen on the plane out from the back of the car as well for him. The sunglasses he already had still on top of his head.
So then, the only other things left in the car were the meager amount of clothes you’d bought for yourself. Which you didn’t need right now as you walked back to the others, carrying his jacket. But really pretty unsure yourself if you were even going to be invited inside for long at all.
“Come on, I’ll show you where the phone is,” Peter spoke again though, either oblivious to the increasing awkwardness for everyone else or just ignoring it entirely as he motioned for you to follow him back up the steps and through the still open front door.
As you were unfolding the little piece of paper with the motel address and phone number from out of your pocket, you tried to concentrate on the task at hand. The corded phone was propped against your shoulder to rest against your ear, you now standing there in the Maximoffs’ small kitchen. But even as you started to dial the numbers, half your attention was still on whatever Peter was now rapidly saying to his family.
“Yeah, (Y/N) goes to that school. You know I just went there to go ask about Dad since they know him. But then there’s this explosion, and I had to pull everybody out. And all the sudden this mutant god is apparently attacking the world and he took Xavier. But then the government shows up like dolts thinking Xavier’s doing it instead. And they take us to question us, but they’ve got some evil experiment shit going on in there too-”
He only took the smallest breath, continuing at that accelerated pace. “And they had that other guy, remember him, Mom? Logan? Anyway, so he breaks out and wrecks the place, so we get out and I get (Y/N), then we find out where Xavier is so we go to get him. We’re in Egypt and we all fight and that god dude breaks my leg. But he’s trying to make Dad help him, but Dad turns on him and-”
“Hello?” You heard someone on the other end of the line finally answer at the motel. You could still hear Peter rattling on excitedly behind you though, your name peppered into his story several more times as you just answered back on the phone.
“Hi, is there a Charles Xavier checked in there? I need to ring his room please.”
There was a long pause where you could only keep standing there, just looking at the kitchen wall and the bit of older panelling that covered it before the phone finally started ringing again.
Peter was now already talking about the aircraft carrier and your stay there by the time you heard the receiver pick up again.
“This is Charles.”
“Hi…hey, it’s me.” You answered with some relief.
You could hear the quick recognition in the Professor’s own voice as you didn’t have to say your name before he gladly responded. “Ah, good. You made it with no trouble then? We checked in here a while ago. I’m in room 104 if you’d need to call back. Are you leaving now to drive back?”
You tried to commit the room number to memory even as you were already replying. “Yeah, it wasn’t a bad drive. We just got here a minute ago. I-”
“Yo, Prof.!” Peter interjected, surprisingly at your side abruptly, also speaking into the phone then. “We’re barely in the door. I was going to show (Y/N) around a bit. That cool? Pretty jet lagged anyway. Probably be safer to crash on the couch tonight and have (Y/N) head your way in the morning, right?”
You blinked, for one thing not even having heard Peter stop talking to his family. But two, he was really saying you should sleep here? Not just joking around anymore? Could he even decide that on his own?
You felt frozen in that moment, not wanting to look back towards the kitchen at all and whatever surprised expressions his mother and sister may now also have on their faces.
The pause on the other end of the line was very noticeable as well before Xavier eventually continued. Peter shimmied even closer to you so he could also put his ear almost against the phone as you turned it slightly for him.
“Peter, I appreciate you looking out for everyone’s best interests and safety,” The Professor answered then, but with that tone which said he clearly doubted that was the speedster’s true or only reasoning. “But I would think that’d be more for your mother to-”
“Mom!” Peter turned his head back, rather loud in your ear as you flinched a little. “Can (Y/N) sleep on the couch? I mean you hate it when Wanda drives late by herself. Same thing right? It’s a long drive back to New York. What self respecting mom is just going to throw anybody’s kid out into the night like that, huh?”
You were tired, yes. It’d already been a very long day of traveling. But you weren’t that helpless. You were pretty sure you’d be fine. This was so weird though. Standing here in silence while someone else bargained for you. Was he really just trying to extend your time together however he could?
“I don’t care, Peter.” You just heard a rather exasperated answer though from Magda after another moment. “You’re going to do whatever you want anyway. Why even ask me anymore?”
The tension from their argument in the driveway clearly remained, or maybe this was how it always was between them? You couldn’t know yet, just caught in the middle it seemed as Peter only took that as good enough, talking back into the phone quickly, “Mom says it’s cool.”
You heard a sigh on the other end, and Xavier replied, “You’re old enough, I don’t have much say myself. But do call me again when you are leaving so we know when you’re back on the road, agreed?”
“Yes.” You said, pulling the phone more back to you then. “I’ll definitely let you know. Please tell the others I’m okay. I’ll see you all soon.”
After that, you and the Professor both told each other goodnight, and that was it. You hung the phone back up, but not yet sure what you’d really gotten yourself into as you glanced back at Peter. Peter who was now outright grinning from ear to ear.
“So…Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee? Movie night?” He asked you.
But what else could you do? You didn’t mind getting the chance at a little more time together of course. You just weren’t sure about how much anyone else actually wanted you here in this house tonight.
Not long after, whatever deeper discussions still loomed in the air about Peter’s choices of chasing his estranged father straight into a near death experience with a genocidal mutant god appeared shelved. At least for now anyway.
You’d seen Magda grab some sort of drink. Resigning herself to an armchair and the living room television as she seemed to ignore you all then, even as Peter remained almost bubbly while the two of you started down the basement stairs to his room.
You really hadn’t seen where Wanda had gone, but Peter just kept talking. So your focus only returned to him as you both cleared the last step at the bottom of the staircase. You behind him as you carried his crutches, then handing them back to him as you entered the room.
“And voila, man cave de Pietro!” He announced, waving an arm out towards the space.
You weren’t sure why you’d expected something smaller either. Of course most basements sprawled out to take up near the whole bottom footprint of a house. But this was still large to you, and clearly well used.
There were things everywhere. More than just a room obviously. No, this was his life, his hideaway. The more you looked, the more things you saw. Bicycles, guitars, comic books, band posters, all pieces of his hobbies and likes scattered about.
But there was furniture as well. A little table, some chairs, was this always where he ate too? There was a big sectional couch, the cushions indented a little like he may have a favorite spot there.
You didn’t miss the expensive looking television as well, and the VHS player. All the tapes, and the nintendo and the atari, the record player, a stereo, and boxes of games, cassettes, and music records.
And his bed was near in the center of it all, much wider than one person should need and almost right on the ground as he just fell back onto it sending a noticeable wave across the sheets. A waterbed clearly. But you just laughed a little, still a bit amazed. “You really do live here in the true sense of the word don’t you?”
“Hey, I make do. Home sweet home.” He smirked, but also raised an eyebrow at you not long after. “So you didn’t even notice the table back there did you?”
At his words you did look back over your shoulder with a little confusion. But you started to smile as soon as you realized what he was talking about. An air hockey table back around the corner. Some clutter on top of it like it hadn’t been used in a while, but it was clear he remembered your arcade favorites to point it out like he was.
“I figured I’d try to keep that a surprise until now…you know, since our arcade date might be a little postponed for the moment. So uh, surprise?” He said, laying back on his bed as he put his arms behind his head, still watching you.
“I did see the Ms. Pac-Man.” You replied, motioning to the more obvious machine right against the wall. No wonder he’d said he was pretty good at that one.
“Yeah, I used to have Pong too. Wore it out though. And got tired of trying to find parts to fix it.”
“Oh, I could see that happening.” Sure, he probably played everything with a little super speed. Though imagining him somehow ‘shoplifting’ a whole arcade machine whenever he needed another one was a bit interesting. How did that even work?
“So, uh…you want me to put a movie on for real? I was trying to get us out of that kitchen before Mom went off again. But we can do whatever. You know…whatever you want?” He spoke, albeit maybe a little oddly as you glanced to him again.
He almost sounded a touch nervous with those last words? The slight change in tone was enough for you to catch anyway as you did walk over to the bed regardless before sitting down on the edge of it beside him.
But it was strange here, the more you considered everything. It was hard to explain really. Because how many countless times had you sat in your friends’ rooms at the mansion? Guys or girls, just talking or playing games or whatever. Just hanging out as you supposed most all people your age did. But there was never anything weird, never anything uncomfortable.
It could even be late at night sometimes, some of you only half dressed in your sleep shirts or pajamas and no one thought anything about it. Because you just knew back then that no one thought of you as anything but a friend too.
But with Peter…being here now, you were suddenly acutely aware that you were sitting on his bed. In his room, as he seemed to be waiting for some sort of guidance from you as well. Was that why he sounded nervous?
Yet had Crystal ever been here too you wondered. Sitting just where you were sitting now? And why would you think of such a stupid thing in this very moment?
“Hey.” Peter said gently, causing you to look down as you felt his fingers graze your wrist after he moved his arm to reach out.
You smiled a little at the contact, but still felt kind of foolish. There was no point in trying to play it cool though as you confessed the current reason for your own awkwardness at least. “I guess I just didn’t expect to be in anybody’s room like this. It’s not bad, it’s just…”
“Different?” He asked, helping you out a little to your surprise.
“Yeah.” You answered simply. But you could see as another emotion seemed to pass briefly through his expression, furthering your bit of confusion.
Was that guilt on his face?
And he spoke a little abruptly, with that rarer more serious tone emerging even though the words came fairly quick. “You know I was still just giving you a hard time right? I’m cool going as slow as we need. Despite being the fastest dude alive and all, I don’t have to be the fastest guy in bed. That’d royally suck actually. For both of us. So don’t feel like there are some sort of rules here. Like, you do not have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
You blinked, those words not what you were expecting. But it wasn’t bad at all the more you got to consider them. Was he really so worried that you may think he was trying to get something from you here that you weren’t yet ready to give?
Honestly, you didn’t even know yourself what you were ready for though. “Really, it’s okay.” You replied truthfully. “I’m not uncomfortable. I think I’m still in disbelief is all. I never would have thought this is how my summer would start this year. Never in a million years.”
He sat up, smiling again then with his normal tone bouncing back fairly easily. “And I am totally coming over for a pool party, as soon as this damned cast is off. I mean I’m white as shit so people may have to avert their eyes. But we would totally wreck the others in some volleyball or something. I know we would. As long as Jean doesn’t cheat with the telekinesis crap. I could do some whirlpools too you know, knock ‘em off their feet.”
“Sounds safe.” You said, laughing at the image. Maybe living in some random motel for the foreseeable future wouldn’t be so bad after all?
He chuckled in return, but was cut off by another voice just before he started to speak again.
“Knock knock.”
You both looked up toward the stairs as you first saw a pair of black boots coming down them. Black boots, old jeans, and a dark red t-shirt.
Peter called back, straightening up a little more at the sight. “Hey, sis. Fun run out upstairs with Mom and Dynasty on the tube or what?”
“Well, it was an Alexis and Dominique Deveraux battle episode, actually.” Wanda answered a little regretfully.
“Aw, your favorite catfight duo! Why the exit then?” Peter questioned in return.
She gave Peter a slight accusatory look. “Well, you got Mom in a mood and she wanted to talk about my school next. She wanted to and I didn’t. Simple as that.”
“Well…actually I thought you’d still be at your dorm too really. Not that I’m complaining. Haven’t seen you in forever. Your classes get cancelled?” He asked.
“Well, when the metal roof got pulled off the main assembly hall, I think they decided to err on the side of caution.” She responded, rather deadpan.
“Understandable. You think you’ll still go back in the fall?” Peter questioned anyway.
“Don’t know. I haven’t really liked anything about that college yet. But I said I didn’t want to talk about it remember?” Her tone wasn’t cold to him, but still rather final.
He clearly wasn’t as intimidated by her as you were though as he didn’t miss a beat. “Well how about a movie with us? Me and (Y/N) were about to pick something.”
How true that statement was on Peter’s part, you weren’t really sure. But you still said nothing as Wanda just moved to sit on the other edge of the bed, almost as far from you as could be you noted. But Peter still between the both of you as she looked unimpressed. “Can it be something a little less bloody than your usual at least?”
He scoffed, teasing back. “Well I don’t keep your Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie box sets down here you know.”
“Oh shut up.” Wanda retorted, but it was the first time you’d seen her really smirk. Though the siblings were clearly very different, that expression was also a brief resemblance you couldn’t miss.
“Wanda’s a bit of a sitcom connoisseur.” Peter commented for your benefit.
You took the chance to make eye contact with her at that, thinking that might be your in to finally start a real conversation. But she only looked away. If Wanda was unfriendly with strangers period, or actually just disliked you specifically, it was hard to know yet.
“Just pick something.” She finally replied to Peter though. “If I go back through the living room to try to go to my room right now, Mom’s just going to try and start an interrogation again.”
Hours later
“Hey, you keep moving around. Do you want a pillow?” Peter’s voice drifted from above.
You were pretty disoriented, for one strange moment just staring up at him and clueless to where you even were before your senses returned a little.
The sunlight was gone then. The only real light flickering from the television nearby that was now on some movie you didn’t remember the name of as you sat back up a little on his bed. Was this the third movie he’d put in? You hadn’t lasted very long at all had you?
“I can get on the couch,” You offered, awake enough then to at least remember his mother and sister were still around here somewhere. Though, when had Wanda left? You didn’t see her anymore and you didn’t even know what time it was.
“Seems kind of unnecessary,” Peter replied, in a quieter tone that caught your attention as you paused.
Was he inferring that you should just get under the blankets right here? With him? But sharing the bunk on the aircraft carrier wasn’t the same as being in his literal bed. Here in his family’s home where they already seemed to be rather distant with you at best.
They didn’t know you here. You had to remind yourself of that. They couldn’t know you didn’t spend the night at boys’ houses as habit. You didn’t get in their beds with them upon just meeting. Honestly, you couldn’t even remember the last time you’d slept somewhere besides the now destroyed mansion.
“Peter…” You didn’t know how to convey that concern really. You did want Magda and Wanda to like you eventually if you were being honest. You wanted them to understand. But you wanted Peter to understand too. Even though he’d said he was fine taking things as slow as you wanted, you felt it would still be all too easy to make him feel rejected without meaning to if you weren’t careful.
“I mean, we could both fit on my couch down here too,” He added, so close then that you were sure he was waiting for you to cross the rest of the small distance and kiss him.
And how could staring at each other in the dark, with the muffled sounds of some badly dubbed kung fu movie in the background now be bordering on romantic for you? Somewhere in the back of your mind you did think of all those stereotypical movie scenes all of the sudden. Two young people just in their own world, oblivious to all else.
“I don’t know if I’ve made the best impression on your family yet.” You tried to explain. “If I’m still in this bed with you the next time one of them comes down here…there is no way they’re going to believe we only watched movies and slept tonight.”
He tilted his head a little, yet already smiling. “And you assume they think someone like you would be that physically attracted to someone that looks and acts like me?”
“I do…and I am.” You answered though. Not trying to lead him on, but unable to help yourself either then as you did close that small distance to kiss him. You still disliked anytime he made those comments about somehow being underserving. He was far from it.
The little bit of tension you felt in return told you he was surprised too, but that quickly faded of course as he only pressed into it to kiss you back.
You had no intention of going too far or taking advantage of his family’s allowing you to stay here tonight however. It wouldn’t be right.
But you were still young as well, and it’d be a lie to say it didn’t feel good as he touched your face and your own hand moved onto his chest. It was something too how quickly the heat rose inside you. You could feel the outline of his body through his shirt as your hand trailed down.
He was warm, his abdomen firm against your moving hand. You kissed him harder actually as his own hand moved back behind your neck. But you needed to stop soon, either that or he needed to wear thicker clothing as your hand wandered further.
It was him that surprised you to finally pull back first though. Yet smiling at you again as he kept his face close.
Your breathing had already changed a little as you looked back to him before he glanced down. He raised an eyebrow at your hand now resting on the waistband of his shorts.
Realizing what he was looking at, you pulled your hand away, apologizing reflexively. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to…” Your mind fumbled a little. Your hand had just been running down. There was no real intent behind it, despite how it looked.
“You’re so funny. Seriously.” He said in that slight tone of amusement though. “Jumping out a plane one day, ready to sacrifice yourself samurai warrior style for your buddies, brave as shit.” He tilted his head, before then enclosing his hand around yours that you’d just pulled back. “But here you get flustered? I’m just a guy, (Y/N). Total nobody. There’s nothing to apologize for. Though I still don’t get it at all. I mean, why you like me like you do.”
“But you admit it then at least?” You tried to counter back, instead of arguing against his very real point that a new relationship could be more intimidating to you than a battlefield. “You admit that I like you. Instead of just telling me I’m making a mistake?”
“Yeah, I mean I guess even I can’t really make up a story of why you’d choose to drive all the way back to New York by yourself instead of bringing one of your friends here with you…unless you really wanted to be one on one with me.” But he just smirked once more, leaning in again to steal a quick additional kiss before pulling back away. “Guess you’re just that nuts.”
“Thanks.” You joked back.
“Takes one to know one.” He answered tauntingly, then sliding off the bed a little awkwardly as he put his feet back on the floor, albeit trying to only put weight on his good leg.
He didn’t have to go far though to reach a nearby closet, pulling a large blanket from it. He wadded it up a little, then tossing it to you. “Since you’re being modest though, you can sleep with Optimus Prime and Megatron tonight. But here, take one of my pillows too.”
In the dark, you couldn’t really make out what was on the blanket. Some sort of characters. You’d just have to take his word on it being Transformers before you caught the pillow that he threw to you next.
“As far as which couch you sleep on, your call. But Wanda always gets up, classic insomniac. I don’t think you want to tempt her with the opportunity to peek into your head if you stay in the living room. She hasn’t met you for real yet and probably still wants the background deets on you.”
“She’s another psychic?” At first you couldn’t remember if he’d already told you that or not. But no, you definitely would have recalled that. Yet maybe this was better? You wouldn’t have to prove anything if she could just see the truth in your mind of how you felt for her brother.
But Peter waved his hand in a ‘so-so’ type gesture. “I don’t think labels really work well with my sister. Yeah, she can get in people’s heads. But she’s not like your friends. She’s her own deal. It’s different. There’s a lot more that she can do. I’m just saying I wouldn’t advise messing with her is all.”
Whatever concerned look you must have given then was enough for him to quickly continue though, “But I’ll work on her the whole time while you’re back in New York. She just doesn’t know you yet. It’ll be fine!”
“Uh huh.” You said, not so confidently. “Guess I’m sleeping on this couch then.”
“A wise choice I think.”
“Of course, you could just be saying all this to get me scared enough to stay down here.”
“Oh, it’s both of course.” He smiled, watching you lay down on the couch even as he got into his bed. “And if you get cold, babe. I’m just a few feet away you know.”
Even from here, you were pretty sure he winked at you as you wrapped yourself up in that blanket he’d given you and stretched out on his couch. “If I go over there, I’m not coming back over here and I know it.”
“Or I could come over there,” he offered, only half jokingly of course.
But you just laid your head on the pillow, knowing you were trying to do the right thing at least. “Not enough room for your leg. You’d be uncomfortable.”
“If you say so, killjoy.”
You only smiled. “Goodnight, Peter.”
“Night, Glo-Worm.” He responded happily.
“Ugh,” You’d hoped he’d forgotten that by now, but apparently not. “Really have to fix that. There’s got to be a better codename for me.”
“Well we can’t all be Quicksilver. Sorry, I called dibs.”
“And we can’t all choose our nicknames out of a department store display case either.” You retorted.
“Ouch. Touché.”
He didn’t tease you anymore after that, but you could still feel his gaze on you as you closed your eyes again not long after. He was close enough that you also felt safe, even here in this new environment.
It was going to be hard to leave tomorrow, that much was certain. But at least you’d also know what you’d have to look forward to as soon as his cast was off again.
Maybe the next time you two fell asleep under the same roof, it’d be in a more neutral territory where you wouldn’t have to worry about his mother or sister’s judgement. Then you could hold him just like you wanted to. And it would be well worth the wait.
(Continued in next chapter here)
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