#airport decay
princelabia · 2 months
🐐🤗⛰️ tmg drinking game ⛰️🤗🐐
specific city/town name, highway or airport
detailed description of car or other vehicle
religious reference
decaying romantic partnership
loyalty. loyalty to everything you have ever felt, every small guilty horrible feeling. even the feelings you don't have anymore. especially those. loyalty to all the people you have been, loyalty to making that person beautiful in your memory. loyalty to yourself for every moment since the beginning of your life and every moment stretching on in front of you. loyalty to the parts of your life it is easier to turn away from. loyalty to holding those moments in gentle regard for all the time you have left.
petty crime
incredible impossible passion for something deeply specific serving as a vessel for the emotional core of the song
detailed vehicle mention again
hope!!!! so much hope
vehicle again
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popopretty · 1 year
BSD Chapter 107
"In the Narrow Room" - Part 3.1
We got a rather long chapter this month and the plot is progressing! Asagiri is always so unpredictable and I love it so much.
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Please note that I don't speak English nor Japanese as a native language and I am also super excited about the chapter so I may make mistakes here and there. Please have mercy on me ;_;
After hearing Teruko talk about the true purpose of The Decays of Angel, Atsushi's head becomes confused with all the thoughts of what is right or wrong. He wishes someone could answer all of his questions. He remembers how Dazai used to show up in his thought when he struggles, and wonder why this time he cannot hear Dazai's voice anymore.
He stops at the foot of the tower and notices Aya and Bram there. He tries to go and rescue them, but it turns out to be a trap, with Akutaga jumps out to attack him.
Sigma is finding his way in the prison after escaping from the elevator. He thinks about what happened. He remembers Dazai checking the elevator before getting on it, and realizes that Dazai already knew the elevator was dangerous from the beginning, and he probably just got on it because it is what needs to be done to save the Agency. Sigma also recalls Dazai's expression underwater, he wonders if its the face when Dazai realized that the elevator was going to fall, and that's why Dazai acted the way he did. Sigma wants to run away by himself because he thinks an ordinary person like him cannot do anything. He then found a paper on the floor. It is written in Russian, that says "Save me" (Notes: The original text is just "Please save", it is not clear who it is telling him to save)
Back to Atsushi and Akutagawa. Atsushi still doesn't understand what is happening. He tries to fight back and realizes that Akutagawa is not using his ability to guard himself. Akutagawa instead sucks the blood from his own hand to heal his wound. He doesn't try to cover himself because he can regenerate like that, and it means unless Atsushi kills him, there will be no way to stop him. Atsushi tries to tell him to stop, hoping his consciousness is still there, and that he still wants to ask Akutagawa why he saved his life that time.
In Mersault, Dazai is seen dragging himself and leaning against the wall, covered in blood with his legs broken. He looks up to the surveillance camera and tells Fyodor to put an end to his pain cuz it hurts so bad. Fyodor gladly accepts and sends Chuuya to finish him. Suddenly Sigma enters the room and shoots Fyodor in the shoulder, telling him to stop attacking Dazai. Sigma says he is there cuz he has promised Dazai to touch Fyodor to read his scheme in the airport. Fyodor asks why Sigma has to keep the promise with Dazai, which surprises Sigma himself. Fyodor then proceeds to say that Dazai has manipulated Sigma the whole time, and that normally Sigma is not that kind of a reckless person. He explains that at first, Sigma only wanted a "home" so he would not get used by anyone. But after watching Dazai, Sigma has come to realize that a lonely "home" is not enough. He has started to want not a place, but trust, a relationship where people rely on others without borrowing or trading anything. In other words, he has started to want to become a member of the ADA. Yet, Fyodor adds, it is not Sigma's own thought, but the trick Dazai uses to tamper with his heart.
Sigma thinks back of what Dazai has told him, and still decides to point the gun at Fyodor. Because even if it is a trick, Dazai has paid a big price for it, and accepting a customer's bet is the casino's way. He says he knows Fyodor is trying to manipulate him too, to cause distrust towards Dazai and makes him drop the gun. Sigma then adds that Dazai has won this manipulating competition.
According to the fact that Fyodor has to try to talk him into lower the gun, Sigma concludes that he has no other backup. He tells Fyodor he is going to touch him and read his information, but before that he wants Fyodor to tell him what his ability is, cuz its dangerous to touch someone whose ability might be activated by contact. In the last frame, Sigma changes the question from "What is your ability" to "What the hell are you?"
The chapter ends here. Next chapter will be out on June 2, 2023 (Japan time). Thank you for reading till the end!
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yokohamapound · 1 year
BSD Boys With a Nervous Flier S/O
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For Amulet! <3
(I added Chuuya for me. :P)
Characters: Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Edogawa Ranpo, Nakahara Chuuya
Contents: NSFW jokes/references, fear of flying.
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Dazai Osamu
Don’t bother trying to hide it. Dazai can pick up on every tiny little tell, so unless you’ve got the world’s best poker face, he’ll figure it out before you say a single word. It’s all there, the shrunken pupils when he shows you the tickets, wiping your sweaty palms on your pants when you’re booking the taxi to the airport, the harsh, unsteady breathing when you’re queueing to check in. 
For once, wisely, he drops the double suicide jokes. The last thing you need to think about right now is you or him dying, and he’s that much of an ass. Most of the time.
He wraps an arm around your shoulders, leaning in and whispering in your ear so it doesn’t carry to the other passengers in the boarding queue. “Guess what?”
You frown, distracted momentarily, and look at him. “What?”
His eyes glitter with mischief, and his smile widens into a full blown smirk. “You know how your ears sometimes pop when the cabin pressure changes? They say you should have chew gum or suck on candy.”
Your eyes narrow, suspicious. Dazai leans down to look into your eyes, grinning. 
“I don’t have any candy, but I’ve got something you can su—oww!”
He deserved to have his foot trodden on, really. Dazai might pout, but internally he’s smug that his plan to distract you worked. He’s got plenty more like that up his sleeve. 
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Flying with Fyodor is something different entirely. With the weight (and wallet) of the Decay of Angels behind him, he would never fly on a commercial airline. Normally he doesn’t care much - he’ll take a helicopter or some other type of solo plane. If he’s taking his precious myshka though, he’s flying in style. 
Naturally, he already knows about your fear of flying.
You can take comfort in the fact that Fyodor has literally already thought of everything. There are multiple contingency plans for any conceivable emergency onboard the jet. He has a backup helicopter. There are parachutes. There are backup parachutes. 
All you have to do is get dolled up and sit pretty on one of the luxurious recliner seats, being fed little tidbits of fruit and cake and sipping champagne. Fyodor has his laptop out, watching the endless screeds of incomprehensible information, one resting on your thigh, thumb tracing circles into your warm, soft skin. 
If you want a sedative, he’ll allow it, though his tone is subtly disapproving. He doesn’t like seeing you passed out (unless he’s been the one to drug you or exhaust you, naturally.) Still, if it makes you feel better.
He has…other methods to distract you however. Ones you’ll learn all about when he orders the cabin crew out of the main seating area and draws the curtains. You’ll be flying so high you might not even notice you’ve landed. 
Edogawa Ranpo
Ranpo has an easy solution to all your fears and anxieties—he’s such a baby that you have to look after him and you just won’t have time to worry about the plane going down, because you’ll be trying to convince him he can’t cram a whole gumball machine in his suitcase.
“It’ll fit!”
“You know it won’t! It’s physically impossible. You’re supposed to be a genius!”
“Well, I'm on vacation!”
He’s exuberant and excited to wander through Duty Free and buy all the varieties of chocolate and snacks they sell. Ranpo isn’t getting on that plane without snacks. Have you eaten plane food? That’s simply not going to cut it for the World’s Greatest Detective. 
It’s almost…calculated, the way he seems to rush off to a new thing every time your jitters start coming back. Your heart starts to race, your mouth goes dry, and then you notice Ranpo is gone from your side again. 
By the time you get onto the actual plane, you’re lowkey exhausted, and he still looks as smug as ever, his bag of chips rustling as he snacks in his seat. He opens his eyes, looks around the plane with that sharp, green gaze, then shrugs and settles against the backrest. 
“Nothing wrong with the plane, we’ll be fine,” he declares, tossing a chip into his mouth. “Do you think they have Ramune?”
Nakahara Chuuya
Chuuya is a well-travelled guy due to his position as a Port Mafia executive and enforcer. It seems as if he gets sent abroad now and then to look after the mafia’s foreign interests and contracts. Koyo seems to stay back more, acting as Mori’s advisor, so it’s Chuuya who racks up the airmiles. He generally travels first or business class, because he’s not about to be back in the cattle runs—sorry, economy. 
He’s so used to it by now that booking the flights, packing, and getting to the airport are a breeze. It’s so mundane to him that he’s a little surprised to find out how frightened you are. He has to admit, it’s kinda cute. 
He lounges next to you in your first class seats, a glass of wine in one hand and your hip in the other, cuddling you against his side. 
“Dollface, what’re you shakin’ for?” he teases, poking you in the ribs. “You forgettin’ who you’re flyin’ with?”
Oh. That’s right. Mr. Gravity Master himself. 
“So if something happens, you could stop the plane falling?” you ask, almost in disbelief. 
He scoffs. “What do you take me for? You’re gonna be on the safest flight in existence. They should be paying me to fly.”
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starlightshadowsworld · 5 months
Oh.... This might just turn out to be Atsushi's first time meeting Fyodor.
The man who sent Shibusawa after him to steal his ability and why Atsushi had to kill him twice.
The man who had the Guild put a bounty on his head.
The orchastrater of every issue that's happened so far: the Yokohama incineration plot, the 3 organisation war. The Cannabalism plot.
The man who orchastrated the Decay of Angels plot and is why they're all standing here today at the airport.
The man who has been searching for the book and now before him he'll lay eyes on its guide.
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luckybyler · 6 months
Here’s yet another Reddit thread about who was to blame for Mike and Will’s Rink-o-Mania fight:
Nevermind the fact that they ship Mileven and are convinced Mike would never have feelings for Will. We already knew that. But they seem to forget many things about friendships, the shows, and the 80s:
1. If you tell someone to back off, you don’t get to be mad when they do. Their fight in the garage was never resolved for whatever reason. That means Will was under the impression that he had to be less clingy, and that the ball was in Mike’s court to keep in touch.
2. Mike was the one who brought up their decaying friendship at an inappropriate moment. Will was in the wrong for keeping it going, but he didn’t start it.
3. Mike had no problem hugging many people, male and female, in season 4. There’s no reason why Will wouldn’t expect a hug at the airport, Mike was the one who made it weird.
4. Phone calls - especially long-distance phone calls - were EXPENSIVE AF. The Byers are low income, the Wheelers are comfortable middle class. It would have required extra effort on Will’s part to call Mike.
5. Also, this means that NO, LETTERS WEREN’T INHERENTLY ROMANTIC IN THE 80s. If you wanted to stay in touch with someone far away and what you had to say wasn’t urgent, you sent a letter. It wasn’t gay for two guy friends to send each other letters, it was the equivalent of a WhatsApp chat.
6. The relevance of El “having a book of letters from Mike” while Will barely got a couple of phone calls is that *El lives in the same house as Will*. Meaning that *Mike didn’t have to make much extra effort to write a couple of times to Will as well*. It’s not that Will expected to get the girlfriend treatment.
7. Mike couldn’t talk to El on the phone. That’s why they communicated by letters and walky-talkies. If he was trying to call someone in California, it was Will. Unless he really, really missed the sound of Joyce’s or Jonathan’s voices.
8. If the line was busy for Mike, it was busy for Will too.
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literary-illuminati · 7 months
2024 Book Review #12 – What Moves The Dead by T. Kingfisher
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I initially meant to read this back last year when it was up for a Hugo nomination, but well – honestly I forgot my copy in an airport waiting room and it’s presumably now living a good life somewhere in a New Jersey compose heap. But a friend had a copy and said they enjoyed it, so! Stole it for a few days, and very glad I did. It’s a quick, fun shot fungal gothic, great for stormy nights.
The basic plot is, well, it’s very explicitly Fall of the House of Usher with a slight admixture of Ruritanian Romance. The Ushers are a genteely impoverished family of minor aristocracy in Ruravia, a less than impressive principality in Eastern Europe. Alex Easton, Roderick Usher’s former commanding officer in some recent war (the Gallacian Army they served in having a habit of getting into these quite habitually) receives a letter from Roderick’s sister Madeline begging company and help, as she is deathly ill. Of course by the time Easton arrives the pair of them look like they’re one stiff wind away from dying, and the estate and the lands around it are both decaying and full of unnerving strangeness. The only person who seems happy to be there is Eugenia Potter, an Englishwoman and amateur mycologist studying the great variety of mushrooms and fungus to be found in the area.
So yes this is very much aiming to be Gothic Classic, at least in aesthetics and trappings. An overgrown and decaying estate several times too large for the last remnants of the family who now occupy it. Genteel madness and disease, hidden behind polite euphemisms and high walls. A deep, atavistic horror at parasitism and the desecration of the human (especially the well-bred, young and female) body by an alien presence. There’s even a cowboy for some reason. It definitely all works for me, but then my exposure to the genre is all a bit second hand.
Speaking of parasitism – mushrooms! The book expresses decay and desecration basically entirely through the idiom of fungal infections, both in terms of metaphor and imagery in descriptions and just in the actual source of the horror here. The lights in the tarn are fungal blooms, Madeline’s disease and her reanimation are both the result of almost drowning and inhaling that fungus into her lungs, and so on. There are two really effective horror beats in the book for me – the image of an infected hare which had just had its head shot off slowly jerking back to its feet as a dozen others placidly stood there and watched it be shot, and the moment of realization that Madeline’s oddly long and wispy body hair is in fact mycelia growing out of her skin – and both play off of this pretty directly.
I very awkwardly didn’t use any pronouns for Easton when giving the plot synopsis because the book actually plays around a bit with gender and pronouns in a way I’ve always loved and wish I saw more of. Easton is Gallacian (unrelated to the actually existing Galicia, I think), and the Gallacian language has a variety of pronoun sets beyond just he and she – one for children, one for God, and one (ka/kan) particularly for soldiers. Which, due to the exigencies of early modern warefare’s manpower requirements, eventually led to both men and women being perfectly eligible to become ‘sworn soldiers’. So y’know, Enlist today! Service guarantees citizen-transition!
(But actually I enjoy the thought and at least superficial sociological plausibility/consideration of what gender means in Gallacian society a lot more than how a lot of modern spec fic just kind of assues that every culture in the world has the perspective on gender of a well-educated 21st century progressive, material conditions be damned).
Anyway yeah, overall very entertaining read. Though Goodreads tells me it’s now the first in the series, which given how cleanly this one ended is not something that fills me with an abundance of faith.
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Cybertronian Liminal spaces ideas: TFP
Tunnels (thru Mts, under cities, etc.)
Red Sand Deserts (Rust Sea Similarities)
Large Scale Industrial Sectors (Think big, automated assembly lines; Similar to their factories)
I also feel like truly gigantic cities (Lots of skyscrapers; similar to their cityscapes) would be similar enough to evoke a sense of nostalgia.
Cybertronian Specific Places:
OP - Libraries (the bigger the more nostalgic he gets) and Rome, b/c of the Collusium (I imagine it reminds him of Kaons Arena)
Megs - Rome (Same as OP), Empty Mines, and ruined Forts (even tho their forts 100% looked different, our ruins still give the same effect)
Ratch - Colleges (Academy Days, specifically the long, winding trails from one building to another), Hospital Corridors (If he has a holoform) and Oddly enough, Victorian Houses. Old and creaky, reminiscent of an old era.
Star - The Buj Kalifa (Vosian Remenicent). Sometimes Specific weather patterns, like Hailstorms or Freezing Rain, remind him of the stinging Acid rain of Cybertron. He hates Blizzards too.
Bulk - Construction sites get him. Rome as well (architecture in general, really).
Sounders - Rome, Government Buildings (specifically, the twisting hallways some important buildings have) and castles/forts.
Arcee - Tunnels, Ravines (I imagine she hid a lot on cybertron, cracks in cybs exoplates would be similar to ravines), and old houses (dilapidated buildings, slowly rotting away; similar to one specific spider incident.
KO - Raceways (obv), but also airports (hanger bays specifically) and large scale paint factories. Also, Buj Kalifa (HC that KO is a Grounded Seeker, explaining SS comment in TFP). Maybe medical tents as well? He was a front line medic after all.
Bee - Rocky mountain roads (scouting), ruins like Stonehenge, and ghost towns. Places where life has been destroyed. Also, war ravaged cities and mysterious old paths through the trees.
BD - Similar to Bulk, but add Mines and industrial buildings too.
Smokey - Libraries (not to the same extent as OP tho), old ruins, and abandoned junkyards (similar effect to the transport ship) I also HC that the escape pod made him pretty Claustrophobic. So small spaces are a no go.
Shockers - Labs, research buildings, but also government buildings (Senator days) and hospitals (too pristine/white a room; he slightly panics) HC that Shockers hates the color white with a dying passion.
Jackie - Labs as well, but also hanger bays and random bars get him too. (HC that he basically found Seaspray in a galactic bar.)
Dread/Quake - Old English/French architecture and Rome
Mags - Government buildings, Libraries (somewhat), but mainly offices and conference rooms get this guy.
Arachnid - Dug out Tunnels (insecticon hives), fancy buildings (Senete esch enough; similar to all her targets homes), and out-of-the-way villages (similar to other organic planets easiest targets)
I think that basically everyone (everyone important I think? Cliffs dead so I didn't include him lol).
HOOOOLY FUCK man you put a LOT of thought into this, this is so cool. The bit about lifeless or decayed places igniting that kinda nostalgia in Bee is actually really sad if you think about it.
Man now I wanna see an episode where a relic is found near the remains of the colosseum, and it has a lot of bots on edge.
I feel like the cities with big reflective or iridescent skyscrapers are spot on, especially in the flashbacks. To add to city scenes, in the flashbacks they had huge streets and ramps and freeways that looked a lot like ours too! (Unless I’m remembering wrong and I’m just nuts)
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leejenowrld · 9 months
hiiii could you please write some fluff and cute stuff of jeno cuddling y/n and it’s such a sweet moment bc he’s very touchy and he cares sm 🥺🥺💗💗 i love your writing btw
heyyyy!! ok so i did write smth really quickly, i rushed it so idk if it’s the best and i’m sorry :(( im actually at the airport rn lmfao waiting to board so i just wrote a cute little scene. it’s not just them cuddling, you’ll see ;) it’s got a bit of a plot. request more things you want me to write though!! if you enjoyed any of my text posts and want me to write anything from there as a prompt or a mini one shot, lmk !!!
word count - 1k
genre - just pure fluff
Sprawn out on the sofa, you're held captive by the relentless onslaught of a pounding migraine. The room spins with a cruel dizziness, each movement exacerbating the wave of nausea that threatens to engulf you. Shivers course through your body, amplifying the discomfort of your aching head.
In the grip of an unforgiving cold, you find yourself caught in a symphony of sneezes, hacking coughs, and occasional bouts of vomiting. The once serene environment is now scattered with discarded tissues, a testament to the tumultuous battle your body is waging.
A hesitant glance in the mirror reveals a disheveled version of yourself, the pallor of illness etched across your features. The cascade of tears in your eyes mirrors the internal storm wreaking havoc on your well-being, leaving you feeling exposed and, in your own harsh judgment, utterly unappealing.
Yeonjun and Heejin stand over you, maintaining distance, Yeonjun shielding himself, their faces etched with a combination of concern and fear as they watch over your decaying form. Fully aware of Jeno's protective nature, you issue a lighthearted yet earnest warning, "Don't tell Jeno." The mere thought of him witnessing your current state intensifies your embarrassment.
You recognize Jeno's tendency to be overprotective and concerned, characteristics that, in certain moments, transform his usually calm presence into something that feels formidable and intimidating. You’re on the verge of explaining this to them but suddenly,
You're on the verge of explaining this when suddenly, the door swings open. Jeno enters with an armful of pharmacy bags, his eyes scanning the room until they lock onto yours with unmistakable concern. He pays no attention to Yeonjun or Heejin, bypassing any formalities as he swiftly makes his way over to you.
A mixture of panic and surprise flashes across your face as you take in his appearance. Clad in his work uniform, Jeno appears both determined and caring. You stammer, "How did you—" before he cuts you off with a calm yet reassuring response, "Yeonjun told me that you were dying."
“I’m okay -“
“Baby, you look a mess.”
With a tender touch, Jeno places a hand on your forehead, checking your temperature. You can’t help but pout up at him, and in response, his expression grows more serious. However, there’s a softness in his eyes as he gazes into yours. He leans down, planting a quick peck on your lips.
He proceeds to cover you with blankets, ensuring you’re cocooned in warmth. As you pull him into a hug, he reciprocates, his embrace offering comfort and a sense of security. His fingers stray away baby hairs from your face, a gentle caress that makes you melt into his tenderness. Soft kisses rain down on your cheek. You find solace in Jeno’s presence, his actions speaking volumes about the depth of his love for you.
In the midst of the tender scene with Jeno, a sudden, immediate shift occurs—like a 360-degree turn. While concern paints his face, to anyone else, it might seem like anger. However, you know him too well, recognizing his unique way of expressing care.
Jeno starts scolding you in a way only he can. "I told you to cover up in this weather," he starts, his voice a mixture of frustration and genuine worry. "I told you to wear more layers underneath your coat. I told you to take your vitamins and medicine."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" you hiss at Yeonjun while Jeno tuts, calling your attention.
As Jeno looks at you with disappointed eyes, you can't help but pout, attempting to defend yourself. "I just have a poor immune system," you explain, attempting to justify the situation. "It happens every time." The room hangs heavy with the weight of his concern, his reproach a manifestation of his love, albeit in a scolding tone.
Silence settles in the room as Jeno, without uttering a word, scoops you up into his arms. With effortless strength, he carries you to your room, the concern etched in his expression palpable. Gently, he lays you down, and as you settle into the bed, his features soften.
Without hesitation, he showers your face with tender kisses. "I love you," he murmurs, his voice a soothing balm. "I'm just worried about you," he explains, the edge of his voice softened with genuine care.
"I know, but it happens like every six months," you justify, attempting to ease his worry.
He counters, "It still hurts me when you're in pain. I wish I could take it away."
Cuddling together, your head finds a comfortable spot against his chest, syncing with the reassuring rhythm of his heartbeat. His warm arms envelop you, and in that embrace, you start to feel the early tendrils of comfort. Your eyes meet his, falling into the warmth they radiate. “I love you.” You whisper, leaning into his palm as he cups your face.
Jeno has gone above and beyond, having cooked for you, helped you shower, changed, and even brushed your teeth. Each action speaks volumes of his love and care. As he feeds you the prescribed medicines, you can't help but feel that the true medicine is the love he showers upon you. In the quiet moments of vulnerability and care, you find solace, and the pain begins to dissipate under the gentle touch of his love.
In the soft glow of the room, Jeno smiles as he watches you peacefully sleep. He finds you truly beautiful in the comfiest of clothes, wrapped in tranquility. The steady rise and fall of your chest, the occasional smiles, and even the gentle giggles that escape your lips—all of it is a nightly routine he's come to adore.
Having shared countless nights together, Jeno knows your sleeping habits like a cherished secret. Amidst the soft moans from sleep apnea, he's discovered the endearing side of you—those precious moments when you smile and giggle in your dreams. To him, you're a portrait of cuteness and warmth, even in the depths of slumber.
You’re a victim of tired talk. Nonsensical words spill out in the realm of deep fatigue. Unfazed, Jeno nods understandingly, his love evident as he softly kisses you, telling you to ‘shut up,’ with love of course. He gently cradles you in his arms. In this cozy haven, your tired ramblings become a lullaby, and the warmth of his embrace is the sweetest melody that lulls you both into a peaceful night's rest.
authors note i know i changed it around a little bit but send an ask again and i will solely just write jeno cuddling yn, maybe it can be a post sex moment? i just wanted to respond to your ask as soon as i could!! i will definitely write jeno and yn post sex aftercare as a cute one shot if you want it!! just send it
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I had a terrifying realization about Bungo Stray Dogs..
No matter how many AUs or what’s written on the ‘page’ the story happens through Atsushi.. without him there is no story.
Who ever gets to him first can control the plot through him..
In Beast PM boss Dazai chose Atsushi over Akutagawa and we got the darkest timeline with the white reaper. He also kills the orphanage director thus allowing Mori to leave the PM and take over.
In Dead Apple it’s revealed he killed Shibusawa when he forcibly awoke the were tiger. When he remembers this and accepts the tiger he’s able to kill Shibusawa again. Only he can kill Shibusawa.
In season 1 everyone is after him and the huge bounty placed on him. Through this manhunt we are introduced to the port mafia and the guild.
In season 2 he stops the moby dick from crashing and saves the city. His words help to save Kyouka and she joins the agency. He proposes that the agency and mafia work together to defeat the guild.
Season 3 he has the idea to join up with the port mafia and stop the virus ability user. He once again works with Akutagawa and tells him that they’re the same in that they’re both hurting themselves in trying to prove people wrong and that Dazia will be proud of him once he lives his own life.
In season 4 he overhears that the decay of angels used a page from the book and it’s through him we learn that Ango is once again on the side of good.
In the manga because he was shot by Nathanial he discovers how much is left before the other side is written on. He informs the agency thus leading to them the airport.
I saw a post saying that Mori could very well choose Atsushi for the transfer. Imagine where the plot would go with the port mafia’s new pet.
In conclusion the character who wants to control the plot needs Atsushi to do so.. who ever gets to him first.. wins
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aronarchy · 9 months
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A letter to President Joe Biden from Poet Mosab Abu Toha
Mr. President of the United States, Merry Christmas to you and your family and loved ones.
Unlike previous years, this is the first time I’m not sending of receiving Christmas greetings and wishes.
I’m writing to you from Cairo, where I’m staying with my wife and three kids, the youngest of which, three years old, helped us get out of Gaza. Whereas everyone in the world is visiting their families and friends and exchanging kisses and hugs, I’m unable to contact my parents and siblings and their children, the youngest of whom is four months old. I cannot be sure whether my mother and father have food to eat and water to drink, whether they are breathing.
I was born 31 years ago in a refugee camp, just a few kilometers from where Jesus was born. People in the world are commemorating the birth of Jesus, while we are mourning the death of our families. Every day Israeli tanks retreat from certain areas, Gazans discover corpses, mostly of children decaying, in the streets and under the rubble of houses.
We have been asked repeatedly to evacuate our houses in the north and head to the south. Yesterday Israel bombed a neighborhood in Maghazi, in south Gaza, killing at least 88 people, mostly children.
My colleague Ismael and his parents, children and siblings evacuated their house in north Gaza and stayed in Nuseirat camp. Three weeks ago, only his wife and two of his sisters survived.
Children constitute around half of Gaza’s population. After each air strike and artillery shelling, children, along with their parents and siblings, lose their lives. They are buried under the rubble of their bedroom, which used to be their playrooms.
I’m trying to imagine the future of these children, who have witnessed at least four wars in the past nine years. Those children who were pulled amputated from under the rubble or lost members of their families. What will become of them? I’m sure that not even the smartest psychologist or psychiatrist can fathom a right answer.
I’m not asking you in this letter to impose a two-state solution, nor am I asking for the bringing back of the lives of children and their families.
I’m asking you as a power to impose a ceasefire as soon as you read my letter.
After the ceasefire, drones can stay in the sky. We don’t mind anyone watching us retrieve the bodies of our loved ones. We don’t mind the whole world watching us rebuild our houses and schools and plant our gardens.
May next Christmas come while Palestinians have their own airport and seaport, because it has been my dream, not only to see Gaza from a plane window and from a distant ship, but to also take my family and friends to Times Square on Christmas Day, to have lunch in Washington DC, and later to show them the elegant campus of Syracuse University, where we both studied. I also would love to welcome my international friends to Gaza, to take them to the strawberry farms in Beit Lahia, and to watch the sunset on the beach. For peace and for children and for humanity, let there be a ceasefire.
Yours Faithfully, Mosab Abu Toha
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sugolara · 5 months
𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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“Shit!” Katsuki groaned as he aimed his pistol, firing it to a couple rotters heading his and his two other friends way, “Hurry the fuck up, Shitty hair!”
The said redhead frantically grabbed the duffel bags of supplies from the RV before any of the rotters could get inside. The fragile door could only do so much as Denki had to almost run over dangerous people who shot at them. They had managed to escape, but the RV suffered consequences as the door’s glass had been shattered and a few bullet holes grazed on the engine.
Unfortunately, the firing guns had caused commotion, allowing a dozen rotters who were standing by for their next victim to aim for the trio. 
The big vehicle stopped working as smoke was puffing out. They had to quickly retreat as they could hear the moans, but Eijiro was too stubborn to leave their supplies that they had to risk for. It wasn’t much, but the bags contained items that Tomura’s community had asked for. 
“Shitty hair!” Eijiro could hear the gunshots firing and his friends yells. He was trying to be quick, shoving all the cans from the cabinets into already heavy bags. His rifle that hung on his back kept getting in the way, annoying him as he had to shrug his shoulders so the gun could move.
Beads of sweat rolled from his head as he zipped up the bag, but upon hearing the door rattle, he quickly ducked so he wouldn’t be spotted. He stayed quiet, hoping that the rotter would disappear, but he didn’t notice the empty glass salt behind him rolling off the table. 
He paid attention to the door until he was startled by the glass crashing on the floor. It had caught the ears of the rotters' attention as its rotten, bloody torn of fingers tried to rip the door open. His moans caused the other rotters to join in, ignoring Katsuki. 
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Eijiro quickly looked around as he thought of a plan. He looked to the back where the beds reside, a window above the mattress. He could escape through there, but the rotters were on the other side as he could faintly see their decayed fingertips. 
He then looked to the bathroom where an emergency trapdoor was held. He wasted no time in moving, throwing the duffel bags inside and himself. He closed the door and took his rifle off, setting it aside and instead pulled his knife. 
He got on the toilet to help as a step and desperately used his knife to take the mesh off and  reached in to pull the lever but it was difficult. He grunted, his hands slipping from the red lever as his hands were sweaty from how close he was to death. 
He could hear the rotters pouncing on the door and when he heard a loud crack, he knew the RV’s door had been broken through. He tried to keep quiet, but it was hard due to his boots being big and the toilet seat being flimsy. 
“Katsuki!” Denki yelled as he returned from securing a building where they could all stay. Upon seeing no Eijiro and the blonde shooting towards the vehicle, the yellow-haired male assumed the worst as he lifted his rifle and began shooting at the dead hung outside, “Where’s Eijiro?!”
“He’s still inside!” Katsuki took down two dead, “He won’t come out!”
“Seriously!?” The bead of sweat rolled off Denki's forehead. He wasn’t sure how long they would have until other rotters nearby decided to join, making the dozen into a horde. They also couldn’t continue to back up the redhead as they needed to save their ammo for the entire trip.
The said redhead desperately clung onto the lever. He realized he had to push onto the trapdoor in order to open and he did so, cringing at the bangs that were being let out. The rotters had definitely heard and he tried his best to ignore them as they trampled onto each other. He instead focused on controlling his panic. 
He was lucky that door was made out of wood instead of plastic as he would have been long dead by now. He was also lucky that after four pushes he was able to open the emergency exit and quickly grabbed the bags and threw them on the roof. 
He threw his rifle next and then pulled himself up with his knife in hand just in time as the door had been broken through. A rotting hand was just inches away from grabbing his shoe. 
 He didn’t have time to feel relief as he looked around for Katsuki and Denki and upon seeing them he quickly grabbed everything and looked down to the dead who stared at him. 
“I got a plan!” Denki said and quickly left, leaving Katsuki to wonder where he was going. He knew he wouldn’t just run off and leave them to die so he hoped that whatever he had in mind was good as he got on top of a truck as a few rotters were heading his way. 
“You idiot.” Katsuki mumbled as he replaced his pistol with his rifle. He didn’t want to use it, but he had to, as his friend's life was at stake, “Just drop the damn bags!” 
The blonde's attention was then brought to the two-story building next to him. Gunshots were firing from the roof and Katsuki had to give credit to Denki for thinking of such a plan, “Nice work, Dunceface.”
He then waved his hand for Eijiro to look at him, “We’ll cover you! Stay off the ground!”
Eijiro let out a scoff, “How the hell am I supposed to do that!?”
The gunshots and moans had deafen his comment, so the red head looked around, a  lightbulb went off on his head as he saw vehicles around him. He clutched the bag's strap and made sure that his rifle was secured on him. He looked down to the truck beside him and then to the rotters, “Don’t die, Eijiro. You didn’t come this far to die here.”
With a prayer he jumped off the RV and landed on the truck, his foot slipped but he was able to catch himself as he let out a sigh of relief. 
The blonde let out a smirk as he watched his friend jump from car to car. It was almost like he was watching an action movie and he had to regain his attention on the rotters, his rifle sniping through almost everyone, clearing a path for Eijiro. 
Denki was doing the same, but he had a harder time seeing as it was dark, most likely past midnight. As long as they all made it back safely, he didn’t care if he had to waste his sleep. 
When Eijiro was close, Katsuki shot those nearby before getting off the truck where the redhead soon followed and they both ran to the building where Denki was placed. The male on the roof covered them and though his aim wasn’t best he managed to get his friends to safety. 
Seeing Eijiro and Katsuki get in the building, Denki ran to them and felt relieved to see they were okay, “I for sure thought we were dead. That was intense, guys.”
Katsuki let out a couple pants before his eyes narrowed as he looked at Eijiro, “What the hell were you thinking!? You could have died!”
Eijiro scoffed at him, trying to regain his breath, “Me? I did what I had to do! I wasn’t going to leave all this stuff we found!”
“There's barely shit in there!” Katsuki said, “We could haver retuned early morning to get it, but you decide to risk your fucking life for a few fucking cans!”
Eijiro dropped his stuff and got closer to the male, his eyes narrowing, “This shit is stopping people from dying! I thought you would understand after who we lost! After everything we lost! You wanna be the reason for more people's death!? Do you!? You're the one who's going to get us all killed, get F/n killed!”
He knew he shouldn’t have let the comment bother him, but he did as Katsuki swung his arm and let it connect to his long time friend's cheek. He didn’t hesitate to throw in a couple more punches as Eijiro regained himself and pounced at the blonde, both falling to the ground where they brawled.
“Stop!” Denki tried to get the redhead off Katsuki, “Cut it out! This isn't the time!” 
His movement made little effort to break the fight as he was almost tripped when Katsuki was able to get Eijiro off of him then proceeded to sit on his stomach, throwing in more jabs. Their struggles were loud enough for the dead outside to hear as they gathered around the board up windows and doors.
“Get off of him, dude!” Denki grabbed the blonde's hand though unfortunately Katsuki had managed to sock him in the nose. The male let out a hiss as he clutched his aching nose, his own anger growing as he narrowed his eyes and quickly grabbed his rifle. 
With the end of the gun, he smacked it across Katsuki’s head, “Knock it off!” 
The action had caused Katsuki to stumble off the redhead and let out a groan as he held onto his head, “..What the fuck!?”
The door breaking caught all of their attention. Seeing rotters coming in had them all gather their stuff and enter the second floor where Denki closed the door, grabbing a dusty furniture to secure it.
He then looked at the other two. Their faces were red and they were bleeding. It had Denki scoffing and shaking his head, “What the hell is wrong with you guys? Seriously. I thought the dead were worse, but you guys? You guys are something else.”
Eijiro wiped his nose with his jacket sleeve. He sniffled as he could feel the blood trailing down. From the corner of his vision, he saw Katsuki offering him water. He wasn’t petty, so he took the water and chugged it, his throat feeling refreshed from the cooling sensation. 
“Sleep it off.” Denki said as he walked towards a window and sat down, “I’m going to sleep and I better not wake up to you two fighting.”
Katsuki then moved to the otherside, letting his back rest against the wall. He bent his knees and let out a sigh, acknowledging as the other male sat next to him, “I was in the heat of the moment.”
Eijiro shook his head, looking out the window that sat above Denki, “I had no right to say what I said. I was mad that you—out of all people—would go off on me for trying to get the supplies that he had asked for. I assumed you just didn’t care, that you finally gave up, and that made me angry.”
He scoffed, putting  his arms on his knees, “Give up? Yeah, right. I didn’t come all this way to give up and let some fucking lunatic win. I just…”
He hesitated to speak his mind as he didn’t want to perceive himself as weak, so he tried to word it in a way that sounded like himself, “Its fucking exhausting to see people die. See the ones you grew up with leave. See everyone cry because they’ve lost someone they loved. All everyone wants is to be happy…but how can you even do that with how shitty things have been.
“Everyones got someone they care about, so quit trying to get yourself killed otherwise the people back home will have to dig out another grave specifically made for you.” Katsuki hoped Eijiro understood where he was getting at. That he cared about him as he is his best friend and he didn’t need him to go dying on him. He was his partner in crime, first above Denki. 
Eijiro let out a soft laugh, his eyes never leaving the bright star that was in his view, “From now on, I promise I won’t do anything reckless, but you have to promise that you won't either.”
“In your damn dreams.” Katsuki playfully scoffed, but he mentally nodded, respecting his friend's wishes. He then looked at a sleeping Denki, “We should get him on board too. Knowing him, he’d probably die without us.”
Eijrio laughed, “C’mon dude don't be mean.”
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eyesoforpheus · 2 months
the divine being and reasons to live
hey. so we've seen two people get liquefied by the divine being, right? when we saw teruko get killed, the only thing that remained was her hunting dogs uniform. when we saw kunikida get killed, the only thing that remained was his ideals notebook.
teruko's reason for living was to serve the hunting dogs. almost her entire life has been devoted to the hunting dogs and to the government. kunikida's reason for living was his ideals. his notebook was his explicit statement of his ideals in the clearest form possible.
before the divine being kills kunikida, he describes himself as "a straw rope, decayed, the corpse of an avian, the trace light of daybreak, a copper coin, pilfered" and "the perfect whole of this world" yet he is also "an empty void." all of the objects described are things unable to fulfill their potential and their purpose. the straw rope cannot tie if it is decayed, the bird cannot fly in its death, trace light cannot illuminate the sky, and a stolen coin is not being used for transactions as intended. the object exists and yet it is devoid of meaning, an "empty void"
if the people at the airport are being liquefied into the divine being, what if the only thing he can't take is their raison d'etre? this is especially tragic given it is fukuchi who was used for this, someone who spent his entire life devoted to stopping another world war, only to have been working for nothing this whole time.
if i'm right, this ties back to a lot of the existentialist themes of BSD. even in the face of something that claims to be God, that carries the powers of a god, your purpose and your path are yours to fight for. the thing that makes you you is what you believe in. teruko believed in the hunting dogs. kunikida believed in his ideals. they were both turned (turned because i don't think they're dead, frankly) fighting for the thing most important to them. that's something that neither fyodor (who is a determinist) and the divine being (something that finds the lives of the people he kills to be hollow) can understand or properly extinguish.
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pbear · 1 year
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This really was THE Jouno episode
I love how Fukuchi taking Jouno in from a criminal organization was part of his plan all along so he could have someone on his side when the Decay of Angels plot was revealed, but being part of the Hunting Dogs changed Jouno into wanting to protect people instead of hurt them. Didn't really work out for you, Fukuchi, did it?
I forgot how interesting of a character he became during the airport fight. He's the second of the Hunting Dogs to oppose Fukuchi and despite coming off as sadistic (which maybe he wants to), he does believe in justice.
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
My thoughts on Bsd Chapter 116
Spoilers below.
Well I got my explanation on why Fyodor said he lied but Fukuchi said he got the message from Amenogozen.
I can't believe this man scribbled on a wall with a sword and that's how we got here.
This is only fueling my belief that Fukuchi is one of the craziest characters in this show.
Feel for Fukuzawa though, all of this shit and everything he and the Agency just went through not to mention Fukuchi's entire life was a lie.
Also callback to when this happened to Atsushi. But I don't remember the swords being this huge.
Oh cool Amenogozen is just becoming giant ass swords of destruction, sure why not makes more sense than time travel.
Atsushi bud I recommend you turn the fuck around.
Oh damn I didn't know Fitzgerald was also known as the Kingpin. Suprised to see him being involved with this.
I love how the airport falling is the final straw. People are missing their flights, you've gone too far Fyodor!
I don't give too shits about Fukuchi but my heart is shattering for Fukuzawa. Seeing him so utterly defeated and grieving just hurts to watch.
This pillar of strength and guidance falling apart before out eyes. It hurt in the Decay of Angels arc and it hurts now.
Also Atsushi is casually lifting up this large debrie without the use of his ability. His arms aren't transformed, that's impressive.
Oh my god someone hug Fukuzawa please. If this arc ends with Fukuzawa not getting a hug I swear.
See that's I've been saying, Atsushi run but we all know he ain't gonna.
"The gates of hell have opened here" fuck that's a cool line. And if course he wants Fyodor to burn, to pay for everything he's done. All the while wanting his family to be safe.
Said asshole is just smug as hell.
Man we're really seeing flashes of the Silver Wolf aren't we? This is the man who stopped a war before it began and was a renowned swordsman.
The man who only looked forward to the next kill and nothing else.
Oh damn I was not expecting Fukuzawa to tell Atsushi to go stop Fyodor. I get it because where even is everyone else but holyshit this is intense.
"Regarding the Decay of Angels incident, these are your final orders" yeah well fun thing about that is, nothing could've scared me more.
That one frame of Atsushi smiling uneasy is everything.
Look at the Agency being resourceful love to see it. Yeah summon the Agency, let's goo.
Nevermind Atsushi someone beat you too it....AND IT'S KUNIKIDA!
... And I'm immediately terrified again. Atsushi you might wanna run.
Aya! Don't blame yourself you've overcome and done a fuck ton today like a lot. A pipe falling on your leg doesn't mean you're not badass as hell.
Listen I haven't emotionally recovered from anything yet don't give me Aya's whole world view falling apart.
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justabigoldnerd · 4 months
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Thank you so much @pippinoftheshire for the tag!!
I.....didn't think I'd have to use this banner again lmao but I am drained as fuck and spent yesterday just watching "The Princess Bride" and "Robin Hood: Men In Tights" with my family soooo 😅
Anyway, since I'm in a slump, I haven't touched "I Am Your Lover (I Am Your Jailor)", but I felt that creative itch under my skin that I needed to scratch so I chipped away at "The X-Men From U.N.C.L.E." a little. Will this stay in the final product? Who's to say 🤷 Certainly not me 😆
Here's the last seven sentences I wrote for it:
The first tell was the decay. It was as if something had crawled into Solo's mouth and died in his sinuses. The wretched scent filled the military airport, and if he didn't know any better, he would think they had stepped off of the plane and onto a crime scene. The second tell was the scent of iron and soil bleeding into the air. It was dizzying and nauseating and Solo had to lean his weight on a worktable in the hanger they were underneath. “Solo?” Gaby asked cautiously, the suspicion in her voice overpowered by the stench of terror. “Something’s wrong,” he said quietly.
I don't have the energy to tag folks, so if you see this and wanna join even though it's Monday now, please consider this an open tag!!
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runabout-river · 11 months
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@mc211192 please do yourself a favor and rewatch season 1 and try to get some opinions of JJK that are not only from powerscalers and dick measuring contests.
Of course, Gojo is a teacher. That's his literal job, he is canonically a teacher and he takes that job seriously. He wants to shape the JJsociety by nourishing the next generation and prevent a defection like Geto's. His friend went down a dark path and he wants to prevent things like that from happening again.
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Maybe you think that Gojo being a teacher and being the Strongest are exclusive to each other? They aren't. Often enough he said that he wants his students to become stronger so they can stand by his side, so they can share the title (the burden) of being the Strongest.
And when I say that Gojo regressed, I don't mean that negatively; it's a fact as we see him as a teenager. That he's like that because he was the happiest in his life in that time I find hard to believe. Not that he wasn't happiest in his youth but that he looks like that because of it.
As a teenager, Gojo was the happiest but he was also the blindest. He did not see the moral decay of his friend right in front of him and he regretted that. Becoming the caring adult that he is, was a natural progression from that point on and his path to becoming a teacher started when he went to Megumi.
Gojo isn't someone who wanted to become a teenager again. He didn't live his life wanting to go back, he wanted to form the future in the present with his students. The reason why he's a teenager at the airport is because his priorities and thoughts suddenly changed in the middle of the battle.
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In this moment after Mahoraga adapted to infinity, Yorozu's talk about strength and loneliness gets applied to Gojo for the first time. That's when Gojo-sensei takes a back seat and the Strongest Gojo gets pushed to the forefront. Toji gets a giant panel to himself to symbolize Gojo thinking back to their fight where he had lost for the first and final time.
Before that, Gojo was hellbend on saving Megumi and he was distraught at his own attack injuring him.
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The shift in his mental state is subtle but it carries over to limbo and affects everyone around him. Nanami and Geto had no reason to be young too. And while I believe that their get-together is real, the form it took is heavily influenced by Gojo's fantasies.
That influence will wear down and adult Gojo will take teenage Gojo's place. Just like how Geto will prepare himself to go down to hell. At this point in time, I also don't think that Gege will give Gojo a happy ending. That mangaka likes to make his characters suffer.
There is dissonance in the airport scene and I'm not the only who picked up on that. Dozens of revival theories have sprung up since then because there is substance that underpins those theories, just like last chapter that emphasized the head being important for RCT.
BTW: Gojo went directly to Kenjaku because his students are his priority. Kenjaku was the threat that sealed him and he needed to be eliminated for the protection of everyone else.
And Gojo enjoyed the fight against Sukuna. He can very well think about how exciting it was while still caring about Megumi's rescue. I put a panel up where he's explicitly trying to save him. I'm not going to explain the entire manga and every chapter and panel to you without getting paid so at least re-read this stuff before trying to debate someone over it.
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