#albus dumbledore x voldemort
kazuza-art · 6 months
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Lesser evil Tom Babus for @metalomagnetic (i think i fixed it now xD)
Cause reading it runs made me crave babus 🤷🏻‍♀️
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mauveberries · 6 months
new fic! new fic!
it’s a riddledore no muggles, same age au. go read it it’s fun !!
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cupidddd-d · 6 months
you've got my devotion, but man i can hate you sometimes
in which you just want him to love you
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"you imbecile!" tom snapped, glaring at you with red eyes filled with fury. "why did you talk to dumbledore? i could have gotten caught!"
you flinched, taking a step back as tom continued advancing towards you. "i-i-"
"you- you what?" he mocked your nervous stuttering with a cruel sneer.
gone was the charming boy that you fell in love with. he was replaced with a cruel, heartless man that would take advantage of anything at his disposal. and that included you.
"e-everyone had to go in for interviews to see what was c-causing the murders," you said weakly, hiding your trembling hands in your robes.
"you almost gave me away!" tom was livid, and despite all the years of being by his side, you knew he would still kill you in a heartbeat.
"no, tom! i'm sorry! h-he didn't suspect you at all, i swear!" you pleaded, hot tears springing to your eyes at his disappointment. "i-i'm really sorry, okay? i-i'll do better next time! j-just don't...!" don't throw me away. don't discard me. don't abandon me. don't hate me. don't leave me alone. don't make me live in a world without you.
how disappointed your mother would be at this pitiful sight. you were all but begging for a man to love you, despite the fact that he was incapable of doing so. even after she taught you to hold your head high, not to surrender your pride for anyone, you were still holding on to the pathetic hope that one day, just one day, a miracle might happen.
"i can't even stand to look at you right now." he scoffed, turning away from you.
you sniffled, recognizing the clear dismissal. "i hate you, you know that? i really....hate you." you glared at his back, tears dripping down your cheeks as you silently begged for him to turn back and comfort you, to apologize for his harsh words. but he wouldn't do that. you knew he wouldn't.
"no, you don't. if you did, you wouldn't be at my beck and call like a pathetic dog waiting for its master." tom said coldly, unfazed by your behavior. "if you hate me so much, leave. go on, then."
your lip wobbled, your fists clenching at your sides as you stayed rooted in place. you both stayed silent, knowing that you would never have the heart to leave him despite his treatment towards you. "you're being cruel, tom." you whispered.
"you knew what i was, and yet you chose to stay by my side anyway. you may leave whenever you want. you are not of any particular importance to me, so i won't stop you." he finally turned back as you'd hoped, but he didn't offer any soothing consolations. he smiled condescendingly at you, patting your shoulder as he passed you. "goodbye, then. i'll see you tomorrow."
and he was right. he would see you tomorrow. how could you leave him, the man you loved so pathetically and dutifully?
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swallow-the-bird · 6 months
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“What have you seen in death?”
May death reveal not your end but your heart’s desire; may we converge at a time when the leaves were green and dreams were young.
For the Greater Good.
PS Long time no see! A late happy new year to you all!😘
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daenakills · 1 year
His dark eyes.
Tom Riddle x reader, might delete.
Part 2
warning: obsession, angsty, mentions of death, tom being up for no good. tom being tom basically. short.
'The perfect couple' you were told by your classmates and even teachers when you walked down the halls.
Tom and you had started dating three months ago, three months ago when you declared your love to him and he with an expressionless face told you to date. At that moment, you were very happy, feeling like it was the best day of your life. You were sure many girls wished that they were you.
Before that, you looked at him from a distance, wondering why he stood out among the others. Little by little you realized that his presence invaded your senses, clouded your vision, and innumerable thoughts about him blocked your normal ideas.
The moment he said yes, you got really excited. He was beautiful, with those almost black eyes that looked at you intensely, with black hair that was styled in a very elegant way, and with an intelligence superior to the others.
You still remembered the first month of the relationship, those vacations he spent at Hogwarts since he didn't want to go back to that orphanage where he grew up. You convinced your parents to go on holiday to England alone, after all you went there every summer, and what better time to be with your boyfriend than on holiday.
In the afternoon you found a way to enter his room without some nosy coming, you sat on his bed while he was sitting studying some things. He had many papers on the desk, all neatly arranged by category. He hadn't even flinched at your presence, as if he was something routine. You got up from the bed and proceeded to approach him.
“What are you doing studying? It's the holidays, there are no subjects to study.” You put your hands on his shoulders.
“There is always something to study, wisdom is eternal.” he muttered, as if the words coming out of his mouth were normal for boys still going to Hogwarts. You tried to talk to him a few more times, and each time he found an excuse to answer you curtly but calmly.
You were like this all month, until he confronted you near the ladies' room.
“Look, I'll tell you a few things and I want you to listen carefully. I don't have time for you all the time.” Silence. Silence is what there was when he whispered those words to you.
You waited for that to be all, but he continued. “I don't want you there all the time, either. I thought it would be enough for me to say that I was your boyfriend and to talk to you. But no, it doesn't seem to be enough. This alliance suits us both. You, because you want to be with me and me, because it keeps the professor distracted, who thinks I don't feel anything. So, tell me once and for all if you want to continue.” You were paralysed, until you let your heart win, and you decided that yes, you were going to continue. “I'm surprised you don't cry. At least that's a change.” Yes, you too were surprised that you didn't cry. You had the feeling of crying the whole day, wondering how to hold back the tears and make the words come out.
Tom never specified which teacher thought he didn't feel anything, but after dating him for three months, you came to the conclusion that that professor, whoever they were, was right, Tom doesn't feel.
Now you walked with him through the halls, letting his henchmen (whom he called friends in front of the others, or well, they claimed to be his friends) were a few steps away from you. You didn't talk to Tom. The both of you exchanged the odd word from time to time, just to avoid suspicion.
You used to be unable to keep your feelings, but now you have your hiding place. Behind Tom's back, you had started dating Simon Buxton, from Gryffindor. At first, you avoided Simon since he was always giving you hints that he wanted to be with you.
You were afraid that Tom would find out and do something to you, which was not a surprise. Sometimes at night you would find Tom reading things that were not correct, things about sacrifices.
But after a while, you realized that Tom really wasn't interested in you or your life. So you started sneaking out with Simon, that's what you were headed for right now, you walked away from Tom telling him you were going to find your friends, he kissed you on the forehead and let you go. The other girls around made cute sounds, telling you that you were very lucky, you ignored them.
In a short time you arrived at your hiding place with Simon, that place where they saw each other when they didn't want to be seen, that is, always. You found him already waiting for you a few steps beyond his hiding place, without waiting for him, he pounced on you.
He started kissing you and touching every part of your robe, you tried to stop him, since they weren't in the hideout yet. Without you realizing it, someone else entered the scene. It was Abraxas Malfoy.
He saw you and Simon, and he only needed to see them to go out and report the event to Tom. You continued kissing with Simon, you didn't know what was waiting for you.
You made it to the room after all your classes, thank Merlin that Simon released you minutes after you told him to stop.
You started to open the door of the room when you realized that it was already open, you went in anyway, thinking that it had only been your mistake. Freaking out when you see Tom, standing up, staring at you in the middle of your room.
“Tom, what are you doing here? Or rather, how did you get in?” You knew the answer to that last question, what you wondered was why he was there.
He completely ignored your two questions, “Do you know what would have happened if it hadn't been Abraxas who saw Simon and you kissing? Total chaos, they'd be out there saying that the perfect couple isn't so perfect. Do you know how it makes me look?” So that's what it was about, how it makes him look.
“I'll be more careful next time.”
“You are funny.” He looked at you with a serious face, he didn't find a hint of humour in it. “It won't happen again because you won't see Simon any more, that disgusting blood traitor.”
“Don't call him that! Besides, if I'm careful, no one is going to find out and no one is going to ruin your oh so precious reputation.”
“It's not just that, darling.” You didn't know why, but that flattery felt full of poison. “You are mine” he came closer to you as he spoke, “You are mine from the moment you first looked at me. I remember your face when I told you that I would be your boyfriend. You looked so excited.” he'd say with fake preoccupation as he touched your face, and for some reason you couldn't bring yourself to remove it, “It doesn't deserve to see that.” His face changed from fake shock to looking completely serious, the more you looked at him, the emptier his black eyes looked.
“Simon pleases me, he listens to me and understands me. He does everything you don't. I think you should find another girl for this.” You said with teary eyes.
“I don't want another girl, I want you!” He grabbed your shoulders and slammed you against the door, a few steps behind you. “And I have you, and I won't let you go. Ever. Do you hear me? Ever.”
You ate your food while you listened to the other girls talk about how tragic the news about Simon were. He had been missing since the day Tom threatened you.
Since that, Tom has wanted to sneak into your room to bite your neck while you cry over Simon at night, taunting you with small whispers, “Are you still crying over the traitor? Mm, too bad, I think you should stop thinking about him, he's not coming back” as his hands encircle your entire body.
At that moment you realize that the professor was wrong, Tom does feel something, the problem it's that it isn't love.
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 22 - Contrast
@jegulus-microfic February 22 Word count 887
Previous part First part
James looked down at the battered frame of his best friend. His brother. They’d done all they could to help him, but magic can only do so much. The rest was up to Sirius, and he’d stopped trying. 
The contrast between the vibrant, full-of-life man he knew Sirius to be and this sad, broken man was harrowing. Sirius was broken, and it wasn’t just externally. James hadn’t realised how hard it would be on Sirius not having Remus beside him.
James was lost. He didn’t know how to help Sirius. The only thing he could do was be there for him. 
Regulus had asked for another meeting. He’d said it was vitally important that the Order knew what he’d discovered. James reluctantly left his friend’s side.
“I’ll be back later, okay? Is there anything you want me to tell Regulus?” Sirius just stared blankly at a spot somewhere behind James silently. 
James left feeling his heart break further when Sirius curled into a tiny ball and pulled the blankets over himself. 
He was escorted out of the safe house and instructed to apparate at least three times when he returned.
He arrived at the meeting point arranged by Mad-Eye. So he and Regulus could meet safely. 
Regulus wasn’t there yet, so James settled in to wait. The door opened, and a disillusioned man walked in. James watched as the slight shimmery form became corporal, leaving Regulus standing before him. He opened his arms and folded them around Regulus, and they both exhaled, finding relief in being close to one another. 
“I don’t have long,” Regulus sniffed. “He’s called a meeting this morning that I’m expected to attend.” James held him a little tighter. “How’s Sirius?” Regulus asked. He sounded small. James had to swallow the lump in his throat before he could speak. 
“He’s— He’s not good. Having Remus taken, he’s not himself. They’ve healed what they can after the attack, and he’s not in any danger from his injuries, but he’s quiet.” One word never used to describe Sirius Black was quiet. Regulus tensed his jaw when James said it. 
“Did you talk to Dumbledore about Evan and Barty?” Regulus asked, changing the subject to something he hoped was easier to deal with.  
“I did. He said if they can prove themselves to be useful and bring valuable information, he would vouch for them at their trials.” Regulus pulled away. 
“That’s it? That’s all he’s offering? That’s not good enough, they need immunity.” Regulus was shaking his head and started pacing.
“We need something good. Something I can use to help persuade Dumbledore to do that.” James told him, trying to calm his stressful movements. Regulus’s head snapped up, and he stared at James. 
“We found something. Something big. Something crucial to winning the war.” Regulus paused as he took out the familiar notebook from his robes. He moved his hand over it and revealed the neat, fluid notes hidden within. “We, that is Evan, Barty and myself. We believe that he’s created Horcruxes.” James felt a chill run through him. If what Regulus was saying was true. Then, the war had just gotten a lot more complicated. 
Regulus made copies of all his notes and handed them to James. “Please, can you make sure that Dumbledore knows it was Evan and Barty who helped me discover this?” James nodded. 
“Yes, of course.” Regulus wandered back into James’s arms, and they spent a few minutes just standing there. 
“Reg, do you think you could call with the mirror tonight after your meeting?” 
“Yeah, probably. Why?” Regulus kept his face buried in James’s chest.
“I think that might be the way to let you see Sirius. They’ll never let you in in person, but I can get the mirror past them. I did it earlier.” He didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of it before. He’d been so worried about Sirius and Remus that it had slipped his mind. 
“Yes. I’ll call you. I don’t know what the meeting is about or how long it will go on. But once I’m alone, I’ll call. 
Reluctantly, they parted, leaving with a longing kiss. One day soon, James thought, he won’t have to keep saying goodbye like this to Regulus. He just hoped it was still a possibility and that he was wrong about the Horcruxes. 
It was just after eleven when James’s mirror warmed, and he quickly snapped it open. 
“Hi,” He said, feeling the instant relief at seeing Regulus’s face. 
“Hi,” Regulus smiled back. “Sorry, it’s so late. He started this whole speech, and it went on for a while.” Regulus rolled his eyes. James smiled fondly, then moved the mirror until it was in front of Sirius. He heard the gasp from Regulus as he took in the sight of his brother.  
Sirius didn’t respond to seeing Regulus. He just continued to stare blankly into space. “Sirius,” Regulus whispered. “I saw Remus.” Sirius blinked, then blinked again as fat tears began to pour from his eyes. 
“Is he okay?” He asked, his voice croaky from lack of use. His eyes flicked to Regulus’s.
“Yeah—Yeah, he’s okay. I’m looking out for him.”
“Thank you.” Sirius choked out past his tears. James had to look up at the ceiling as his eyes prickled. Sirius would be okay. 
Next part
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louvhoney · 3 months
imagine that the one who actually killed dorcas was dumbledore. because voldemort took everything from her but dumbledore never got evan, barty and regulus help knowing what was happening to them and he did nothing to protect marlene and the rest of kids, literally fucking teenagers, who fought for his case. so she went and confronted him about him, so he started seeing her as a threat. like my girl would have him begging her for mercy for all that shit he pulled off
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metalomagnetic · 1 year
your view on riddledore, especially when compared to grindledore and Tom/Grindelwald?
also what would be your thoughts on harrydore (provided it is a same age au or there is time travel involved)?
I like all three of them, in whatever combination!
Riddledore has been so, so much fun to explore lately. For me, Voldemort and Dumbledore are the only 'equals' in the HP books. I see the entire war as being between them, while the Order, Death Eaters, Ministry etc serving as foot soldiers. Without Voldemort or Dumbledore, we wouldn't have canon events. They are the catalysts of the entire thing. I am also of the opinion that Dumbledore won the war, because he was the one to have plotted the entire Deathly Hallows going to Harry thing. Of course, there was some typical Harry luck sprinkled in there, but yes, I credit Dumbledore with that victory. I remember the duel between these two titans, and it was one of the greatest scene in the books (even in the movies, especially compared to the lame Battle of Hogwarts duels). There's not a single duel in all seven books to come even close to what these two did in the Ministry. I am also of the belief that Voldemort could have been the only one to defeat Dumbledore in a duel. They are equal in magical skill and in intellect, two geniuses, removed from those surrounding them, albeit in different ways. Dumbledore is benevolent, while Voldemort is not. Dumbledore is logical and a bit cold, while Voldemort is impulsive, with a quick temper, at least in the second war. I also think Dumbledore is the only person Voldemort ever respected and thought of as an actual threat, hence 'the only one he ever feared'. So having these two in a pair is delightful, especially if we play with the timeline a bit.
Grindeldore can be so sweet, mostly because of their age when they met. It's also incredibly tragic. I imagine it is extremely hard, if not impossible, for Dumbledore to find someone as a partner, seeing who he is. So he found this man, against all odds, and they had this whirlwind romance that ended horrifically. I don't think Grindelwald is his equal in the way Voldemort is; I think Grindelwald comes very close, but, in the end, Dumbledore proves much more skilled. I love them as lovers, I love them pining over the other, separated by a war, and eventually being forced to meet in combat. Devastating. I think Grindelwald, while also incredibly powerful and more intelligent than most people, is more 'human' than Dumbledore and Voldemort, if that makes sense. I think he's better with expressing feelings, experiencing them as a normal man, unlike emotionally constipated Dumbledore and Voldemort.
Which brings us to Voldemort/Grindelwald! SO much fun. I think it depends on the age we force them to meet. If Tom is significantly younger, then the power dynamic shifts firmly to Grindelwald's side. If, like in one of my fics, we play with circumstance and have them meet as their canon ages, than I think Voldemort gains the upper hand in that relationship, mostly because Grindelwald has the emotional intelligence and capability to compromise and sort of let some things slide, navigating Voldemort's pride and hubris. I love them! I think Grindelwald is the only one to be a lover to either Dumbledore or Voldemort without getting completely mowed over by these two.
I am fascinated that, while modifying canon a bit but without taking away from their canon personalities, all three possibilities of relationships between them can actually end up as close to healthy as it is possible. They all have the means to temper the other, to put their foot down, hold their ground.
So yes, I am a very big fan of extremely powerful, cunning and intelligent men getting together. As everyone knows, I love Voldemort, but I always wish to see him paired with someone that can hold their own against him, in a believable way.
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gellertalbus · 1 year
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grandpa soulmates ❤️
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bluebugsy · 27 days
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I’m hoping this reaches the right people 🤞 this is an ultra rare pair fic that I’m picking up again and am immensely proud of it.
I genuinely believe it’s going to be my best work when I finish, if anyone wants to trust me 🥹
-Dual POV
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catofadifferentcolor · 7 months
Terrible Fic Idea #80: Harry Potter, but make it The Old Guard
I know what some of you may be thinking - haven't you done this crossover before? And you're right, I have. But shortly after posting that I realized I had missed a massive opportunity, because right there in the first book is the philosopher's stone, a magical object created by Nicholas Flamel that can grant the user eternal life.
So I thought: What if the sorcerer's stone was just a cover for The Old Guards' flavor of immortality? Or: What if The Old Guard intervened in Harry Potter's life following the destruction of the stone?
Bear with me:
The legend of the philosopher's stone arrises some time in the 12th century, when Nicky, needing a quick explanation for his immortality in a sticky situation, comes up with the idea. It's intended to be nothing more than a means of diverting attention while he makes a quick escape. He certainly never intends for it to turn into the subject of serious alchemical research for the next thousand years.
The Guard ends up running with the story, because it means they don't have to fake their deaths in the Wizarding World every couple of decades. Joe and Booker are particularly fond of raising the story to new and more ridiculous heights each time they use it - though this somewhat backfires in Joe's case, with the addition of Flamel's wife Perenelle to the myth.
Just imagine it:
Fast forward to summer 1991, when Dumbledore asks to borrow the stone for "research".
It's hard not to be suspicious, as the conceit needed to ask someone to turn over what is supposed to be a powerful and unique relic upon which the owners' lives rely is extraordinary - to say nothing of the fact that he's the headmaster of a school full of children and having such an object in a school is foolhardy at best. Even so, they hand over the fake stone they put together for just such occasions they're required to produce it, just see what Dumbledore is planning.
To say they are unhappy that he uses it as the MacGuffin at the end of an obstacle course designed to draw a genocidal Dark Lord into a school full of children would be an understatement.
The day after the wards they placed on the fake stone tell them it was destroyed, Nicky walks into the Great Hall during breakfast and makes a scene to rival all scenes, not the least because it involves a lot of confusion on how this completely unassuming man in muggle clothes found his way into Hogwarts without anybody knowing and then who proceeded to calmly and rationally accuse Dumbledore of child endangerment and willful negligence.
After the teachers get over the shock that the thousand-year-old "creator" of the stone 1) looks younger than most of them, 2) prefers to dress as a muggle, 3) is Italian, not French, and 4) prefers to go by Nicky these days, they're equally as angry at Dumbledore for daring to hide something that dangerous in a school - even if, "It was only a fake."
While that situation is bubbling over in the Great Hall, Andy and Booker investigate the - not yet dismantled - obstacle course and are even less impressed with Dumbledore than before.
Joe elects to check on the child who ended up in the hospital wing because of it - and becomes nearly incandescent with rage, because one doesn't need a thousand years' experience to realize the child in question has very clearly experienced significant physical and emotional abuse. That it's Harry Potter almost makes it worse, as it speaks of someone either being exceptionally negligent with regards to their responsibilities to such a famous child or else intentionally placing him in a position to be abused in order to utilize that fame for their own ends. Given the events with the stone, Joe is inclined to believe the latter.
It's not quite a kidnapping - Joe asks Harry if he'd like to get away from his abusers, even if he has to convince Harry that the events of his childhood count as abuse, - but it's equally clear that Joe has no intentions of allowing Harry to return to the Dursleys even if he'd said no.
Needless to say, the others are quite surprised when they return to their latest safe house and find Harry there, but quickly agree with the necessity after Joe explains the situation. (Andy has to be talked out of murdering Mr and Mrs Dursley. Harry's justice comes through the muggle courts.)
And so Harry is adopted by Joe and Nicky, with Booker initially reluctant to get too close after his experiences with his own children. (After some growing pains, Booker gets over himself and becomes a favorite uncle, coincidentally preventing the nonsense with Merrick that occurs in canon.)
HP canon continues apace, albeit with some adjustments:
Events of Second and Third Year are flipped, with Sirius escaping during the summer of 1992 after the papers announce Harry's "kidnapping" from Hogwarts. (Nevermind that if the Wizarding World checked with the muggles, they'd find all the adoption paperwork in order, if expedited.) Sirius' innocence is discovered at the end of the year - and when Snape ends up reflecting back Lockhart's oblivate when he tries to claim the capture of a dangerous escaped convict for himself, he earns momentary approbation throughout Hogwarts. Sirius is found innocent at his long delayed trial, but Joe and Nicky refuse to let him spend time unsupervised with Harry until he gets the medical treatment he so clearly needs.
Third year, Lucius Malfoy plants the diary in Ginny's school shopping somewhat by accident - he was aiming for Harry's school things, wanting to hurt Sirius by hurting his beloved godson, as Lucius had been using the Black accounts to grease palms and Sirius' freedom means that he now has quite a debt to repay before his embezzlement is discovered.
Now having some experience with trustworthy adults, Harry comes clean about hearing a voice in the walls when his parslemouth abilities are discovered during Lupin's rather more successful dueling club. Lupin realizes the monster must be a basilisk after that, and with some detective work eventually relieves Ginny of the diary before anyone is dragged into the chamber.
With Fourth Year comes the Triwizard Tournament, which not even "the great Nicholas Flamel" can get Harry out of, due to the binding nature of the magical contract. Though Dumbledore comes under international scrutiny for failing to ensure the safety of his students (eventually losing many of his non-British titles), this does little for Harry. The Guard takes up residence in the castle, helping him research and train, but events largely follow canon. Cedric dies, Voldemort returns, and no one believes it - not the least the wider Wizarding World, which largely believes Dumbledore spun a child's traumatic experience into a means of regaining the political clout he lost over the course of the year.
As Dumbledore is already losing political favor, Fudge doesn't waste Umbridge on the DADA position. Instead the real Alistair Moody takes up the position, which only highlights how obvious it should have been Crouch Jr was not Moody. Dumbledore loses further political clout when this leaks out, but when Voldemort makes a play for the Ministry at the end of the year he regains most of it. Harry is able to warn his parents of what was happening because of his visions, who in turn warn the Ministry in time for action to be taken - and if Dumbledore is disappointed Harry left the fighting to the adults, he hides it well.
Sixth Year largely follows canon, minus the Harry/Ginny subplot. And though Dumbledore encourages Harry to tell only his friends about the Horcruxes and "leave the poor Flamels out it", Harry does exactly the opposite.
This has interesting consequences for Harry's Seventh Year, as Voldemort is unable to gain a foothold in Hogwarts despite taking over the ministry. This is in large part because Joe and Nicky set up shop in Hogwarts, very obviously offering The Flamels' protection to any who need it, while Andy and Booker work in the background to track down and destroy all the horcuxes.
By the time Voldy makes a play for Hogwarts at the end of the year, they've destroyed all the horcruxes - save the one in Harry - without his knowledge. And when Joe takes down Voldy when he decides to torture Harry to force the surrender of the school? Well, the horcrux in Harry is too small and in too weak a state to keep the main piece tied to this plane of existence. Voldemort dies, Harry and the Flamels are hailed as heroes, and life in the Wizarding World returns to normal.
Harry goes on to lead a long and fulfilling life in the British Wizarding World. (He gains a dual mastery in education and DADA at a French magical university and ends up teaching DADA at Hogwarts for almost seventy years.) And though he keeps in contact with the Guard until his death, he never resents them for not sharing their immortality, having learned quite early on how little a blessing it really is.
Bonuses include: 1) Active, attentive, loving parents tempering Harry's recklessness and encouraging him to put more effort into his studies. This causes him to drift apart from Ron - though they remain friendly acquaintances - and closer to Hermione, Neville, and others outside his house. Harry and Hermione remain friends throughout Hogwarts, become each other's go-to plus ones for all social events afterwards, and eventually fall into a romantic relationship in their final year of university. They are the only ones that are surprised by this turn of events, with their various friends and family members having started betting on when they'd get together begining in Third Year; 2) Harry and Hermione turning their home into the first Wizarding foster home, raising a variety of Wizarding orphans as their own, and serving as a two-person lobbying group for modernized family law in the British Wizarding World. Though they are surprised by a pair of twin boys late in life - who they name James Sirius and Joseph Nicholas - they treat their biological children no different than the orphans they continue to take in; and 3) A running joke wherein the immortals call coffee The Elixir of Life.
And that is surprisingly more than I thought I'd have. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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kazuza-art · 7 months
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I m reading Metamorphosis again, cause I need some cheering up. Nothing better than grumpy yet smitten grandpa V and his bubbly annoyingly cute boyfriend babus XD
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mauveberries · 5 months
same age riddledore au where Voldemort tries to feed Albus to the basilisk because he knows Albus will be a hindrance to his future plans
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lordboomslang · 3 months
Shout out to Dumbledore for NOT likening his rivalry to Gellert with Harry v. Voldy.
That would have been really uncomfortable.
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swallow-the-bird · 1 year
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“The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”
A part from a Grindeldore comic that I am working on right now.
It has been a while since the last time I drew Grindeldore!
PS I made Snape into a left-hander in this drawing for the mirroring effect XD
I myself find this composition interesting because it creates some kind of a quadruple mirroring implication here… especially when you examine it with its caption.
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kitchen-box · 2 years
You know when I said I would update on the dark sides reaction if Harry was pining on Voldemort.
Yeah, I only meant Snape.
Only to make things clear here
Harry has s crush on Voldemort in every form
Quirell? The most beautiful man EVER with a pretty sick turban too bad it hurts when he looks at it for too long
Diary Tom? That's basically canon
Ginny while possessed by diary Tom? Harry is veeery confused why he notices Ron's sister is pretty only sometimes
Snake Voldemort? I mean, I heard the Victorian era women used to want to have really white skin so they marinated it in powder. And he is OLD. So maybe he saw his mother put it on and he liked it so he decided to recreate the look??? Who cares?! It's the '90, for Merlin's saggy tits... Is Harry a monster fucker??
The rest of the horcruxes? They really are veeery pretty. Even more than that 100 karate necklace on the teli that aut Petunia was dropping hints to wanting
P.S.:'words' are thoughts ;'words' are Parseltongue also words are actions and gestures but you get that from context already
Anyways, to get back on track with Dark Side *coughs* Snape *coughs*
I want to make memes featuring Snape having meltdowns from to much stress from this bullshit.
So I am going to make memes
First year
Harry *staring at Quirell*: singh's audibly
Snape, begining to feel uncomfortable: glares to establish dominance
Harry, startled, not knowing what else to do: waves awkwardly
Quirell, also startled: waves back
Harry, lovestruck: giggles and accidentally spills his drink over Ron
Ron, who has the emotional range of a spoon: annoyed gremlin noises
Snape, recognising that look anywhere: drops his fork
Dumbledore, literal genius, watching the whole time: confused headmaster noises
Second Year
Snape, bringing potions to the infirmary because Harry bloody Potter and co. decided to fight a basilisk and there are literal petrified children (in this day and age): 'How the fuck did I get here?'
Harry, who doesn't have glasses and is high af, seeing Snape walk past his bed: Wanna hear about the really pretty boy I killed??
Snape: stops walking and stares at Harry
Harry, still high on some kind of medical fairy dust: He had a really handsome face. It was too perfect now that I think about it. That should have been my first sign that he was Voldemort trapped in a diary
Snape having an urgent need to sit down: tears up from stress
Harry 'I one mistook Dumbledore for a snitch' Potter: Well not really Voldemort, 16 year old him, but it was Voldemort so I said Voldemort. Anyways you should have seen his eyes. They were really pretty. Like I would have joined him if he asked me to, just so I could look at his eyes forever...
Snape, sits down on the foot of Harry's bed: Shhh, shhhh. Oh, would you look at the time? It's time to shut the fuck up and go to bed.
Snape: tucks Harry into bed and pat's his cheek semi- lovingly
Snape: It's also time for a bottle of fire whiskey. Ruffles Harry's hair in hope he'll finally go to bed and not tell him how handsome the Dark Lord is
Harry, not really understanding what is going on but this man is nice even if he is blurry so he'll do as the nice man asks: okay
Harry: Can you also gime me a kiss?
Snape: Ask Albus
Harry: Okay, who's Albus??
Snape: ...
Snape: Just go to bed before anyone gets hurt
Harry: Who's gonna get hurt?
Snape, full bullshitting mode at this point: The pretty boy you killed
Harry: le gasp
Harry, very seriously: Plot twist
Snape, also very seriously, nodding in agreement: Fucking plot twist
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