#alex x dahlia
I know you'll appreciate this but imagine Alex sketching out a portrait of you and keeping it respectful despite the other boys ribbing him that he can draw you how he wants to imagine you and he's just like, "Nah, I want her to be how she truly is. Not some parody of herself." Plus he's never had the privilege of seeing you sans clothes so how would he know what you looked like, anyway? Cue the guys respect meter shootin' way up; Gale would be sitting there like "is it possible to like this guy even more??? Bc i certainly do now!"
Should I write it? Lord in heaven tell me no.
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STEPH: I might have to prosecute if you don’t. This man has me swooney and then add to it the way you‘ve caught his tone so perfectly?? I am obsessed. Already have been at the post war “respectable husbands” club he and Gale belong to
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frost-queen · 7 months
My mortal flaw (Reader x Zuko)
Requested by: Anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @iixchloee, @cherrysxuya
Summary: Reader is a watertribe princess, intended to marry Prince Zuko as an offering of peace between the nations. Zuko never wanted you as his wife and finds you a weakness. A weakness he never saw coming. Upon the discovery of the Avatar, you try to sneak away, only to be discovered by Zuko leading to an arguement. At Kyoshi island you find an escape with Sokka and Katara which makes Zuko derranged and furious. Doing anything in his power to get you back. Finally realizing he might love you. [ part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 5 & part 6 & part 7]
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There were loud knocks on the door to your cabin. It made you lift your head up. You didn’t respond immediate as the next following knocks turned into banging. – “Gentle, gentle.” – you heard a muffled voice speak from the other side. There was a deep sigh, followed by a gentle knock. Almost too gentle. – “Yes.” – you responded having kind of clue of who was at the other side.
“Are you done staying inside?” – It was Prince Zuko speaking at the other end. – “No.” – you responded hearing Zuko barely loose his temper on the other end. – “Calm, calm now nephew.” – you recognized it was Iroh’s voice, soothing the prince’s temper.
You heard some movements till Zuko’s temper took over. – “Then perish inside!” – he yelled at the door as you saw the light of flames through the cracks. Jumping up you went up to the door. – “I will!” – you shouted back in frustration. There was a loud groan with a hard stomp against your door. Startling you away from the door.
Footsteps died out It made you near the door again, holding your ear against it. Once the storm had passed, you exhaled deep. You knew you couldn’t stay in your cabin. It wasn’t deliberately, but you sometimes wanted to avoid Zuko.
Almost at every occasion were you forced together in close proximity. The waterbending princess promised to him. A peace treaty between nations. Honestly you didn’t know what possessed Fire lord Ozai to accept your father’s proposition of simply handing you over on a silver platter to his son.
Being on Zuko’s ship for almost four years now, you had a bit of a clue. Perhaps the fire lord accepted it, to taunt Zuko more. A way of shaming him further against his nation. Water and fire weren’t meant to be together. It was an extra nudge to keep Zuko out of the fire nation. If he wasn’t so bad tempered you might feel sympathy for him.
Opening the door, you decided to head out. Probably the first in days. You missed the ocean breeze, the salty water, the cold, the moon. You missed everything that felt close to you. Looking cautiously around for Zuko, you snuck your way up to the deck. Feeling the breeze on your skin, you inhaled deep. Composed you went to the railing, holding tight to it. Feeling the rocking of the ship on the water, you leaned back to take it in.
With a satisfying breath, you looked up to the moon. The deck was mostly empty. Most soldiers below deck. Playing some cards or drinking. It was a bit too quiet as you missed the buzzing life of your village. Leaning with your chin on your arms by the railing, you stared into the water. Wondering how your tribe was doing without your presence.
“What are you doing here?” – A loud voice raged. You jumped up, startled to bone. Turning your posture a bit, you saw Zuko braising as he came your way. You rolled your eyes at him. – “Make up your mind where you want me.” – you replied raising your voice a bit as well. Zuko puffed up his chest with anger, standing face to face with you. His hands radiating heat. His gaze scanning yours. He hated how vulnerable your gaze was. Soft and mesmerizing as the moon.
A wind picked up from the east as it made you shiver. Zuko noticed it, observing you. – “Fetch the princess a blanket!” – he yelled without a glance away from you. From behind Zuko at the other side, you saw a soldier rush to get you a blanket. You tilted your head a bit. – “Your uncle isn’t looking.” – you told him.
Knowing he only showed kindness when his uncle forced him to be civil. – “I know.” – Zuko responded with a soft glare. The soldier returned with a blanket as Zuko snatched it from his hands. He rose his hands, intending to place the blanket over your shoulders as he stopped himself. He caught himself being nice. Showing a weakness, he couldn’t afford.
He brought his hands back to his chest, throwing the blanket at you. You caught it when it hit your chest. – “How gentle of you.” – you said sarcastic, putting the blanket over your shoulders. Zuko huffed loud as he staid in your presence. Close as it made you uncertain at this point. What was he still doing around you? He never staid this long around you. Not if it wasn’t forced on him.
There was a rumble in the sky followed by a strong gush of air. It knocked you right against Zuko’s chest. His hand subtle on your back as the wind kept blazing through. Zuko’s eyes lit up, lowering his hand on you. From the corner of your eye, you saw a bright blue light.
Making you turn around to bestow upon the beam of light in the sky. – “What is that?” – you asked a bit nervous and frightened. Unconsciously you leaned back, coming in touch with Zuko’s chest. Zuko stepped back as you felt the loss of touch. He started ordering commands to his crew to set coarse to the beam of light. It might be a clue for his search for the Avatar.
The ship neared the village of the southern water tribe. It cracked the ice open when it steered frontal through it. The village nearing. Zuko stood on deck. Uncle Iroh a step behind him to the side. You stood beside Zuko, your fiancé. With worry, you looked up to him. – “Stay on the ship.” – he said firm, keeping his hands behind his back. – “but…” – you started. – “Stay here!” – Zuko yelled at you, making you gulp nervously. – “Zuko!” – Iroh called out.
“Show the princess some kindness.” – he told him with a soft glare. Zuko breathed with a scoff. He lowered himself a bit to speak to you like a he would do to a little child. – “That’s an order from your prince.” – he made clear. Something you caught in his eyes, made you see a smidge of desperation in him. Did he perhaps think you’d stay here with the people of your own kind?
That once you left the ship, they’d see you as a prisoner and claim you as theirs? Before you could think of it more, had Zuko turned away. Zuko accepted his helmet from one of his men, following them. Iroh came joining your side as you watched Zuko and his men descend onto the ice. – “Best to stay out of a fight, princess.” – he said to you.
Being on the ship was boring. You hardly had any sight of what was happening down at the village. You saw flashes of fire as you hoped Zuko wouldn’t burn down the village. It was small. Smaller than any village you had known. You had lost sight of Iroh. He was probably up on the high deck to overlook the happening. A gush of wind made you bring your hands up to protect your face. – “An airbender?” – you questioned.
Hadn’t they gone instinct? For over a hundred years there haven’t been an airbender. – “The Avatar!” – you heard the soldiers shout in unison. – “The Avatar.” – you gasped in shock. Looking up, you knew Iroh’s eye was on Zuko. As it always was. You duck down, rushing to the railing. Below the ice had cracked where the ship had broken through.
Grabbing the railing, you jumped over it, swaying your hand up. A trail of water spiralled up, flowing around you as it slowed your descend. Your feet hit the ice as the water splashed on the ice. Ignoring Zuko’s order, you needed to see it for yourself.  Keeping yourself low to avoid Iroh spotting you, you snuck up in haste to the village.  
You neared the entrance of the village, eyes wide with shock of what you saw. People running around. The soldiers causing fires to scare them into handing over the Avatar. You snuck into the village trying to look for the Avatar. A deranged fire blast went your way as it hit an igloo near you. The impact made you duck down, receiving some exploded ice on your back.
“It isn’t save here!” – A boy called out, taking your hand as he pulled you away from the burning igloo. He came to a stop, taking a moment to fully look at you. – “Who are you?” – he asked, still holding your hand. You panicked pulling your hand out of his and taking a run for it. – “Hey!” – the boy called out coming after you.
He knew everyone from his village, yet you were unfamiliar. He got stopped in his tracks by fire. Looking over his shoulder, he saw his sister. – “Katara hide!” – he shouted with a wave of his arm. You came to a stop seeing the Avatar in the air. Never did you think you’d see the Avatar.
Your gaze got pulled away by a hard pull on your wrist. Forcing you to look another way. Zuko’s way. – “You ignored my order!” – Zuko shouted at you, tugging hard on your wrist. You tried pulling your wrist out of his grip as he held it tight. – “I’m not your soldier!” – you yelled back at him. Zuko glared at you. – “Get back to the ship!” – he ordered with anger. – “I will stay!” – you stood your ground, not wanting to leave. – “Y/n! Get. To. The. Ship.” – he repeated trying to compose himself.
Feeling himself boil with anger over you. Angry that you deliberately ignored his order. You pulled your wrist out of his grip with force. – “I didn’t sign up for this!” – you replied with fury. – “For what?” – Zuko fired back. – “These are my people Zuko!” – you told him. – “I just want the Avatar!” – he responded. In the corner of his eye, he saw a spear heading your way. Zuko tensed his jaw, grabbing you as he tackled you to the ground. Rolling over in the snow as the spear flew over your heads.
You laid in the snow, feeling Zuko half on top of you. His hand protective on your head. He pulled you up as he created fire, bending it towards the tribe member who threw the spear at you. – “Zuko!” – you called out, pushing his arm down. – “The ship now!” – Zuko yelled with a rage unlike you had ever seen. Before you knew it, grabbed two of his men you by the arms. Dragging you out of the village back to the ship.
“Stay with the princess!” – Zuko ordered one of his men. They bowed as a response. – “Don’t let her out of your sight.” – he added tracking up the hill. Iroh right behind him. You followed in line as Zuko lead the expedition to capture the Avatar. Having been spotted on Kyoshi island. – “The Avatar is mine.” – Zuko said out loud.
Up on the hill was a bright blue light shining. Hinting the Avatar was up there. Up ahead you saw a water tribe girl take a stand as defence. She let her arms sway, letting a whip of water splash at Zuko’s feet. Zuko stopped, pulling his foot up to see the wetness on his shoes. – “Pathetic.” – he called out.
The girl furrowed her brows at the sight of you. – “Stand aside girl.” – Zuko ordered. The girl moved her hands up. – “You’ll have to go through me.” – she replied. Zuko laughed. – “That won’t be a problem.” – he answered preparing himself. He fired at her as she fell backwards onto the grass. A sudden gush of wind made you all look away. Zuko’s eyes widened when Avatar Kyoshi landed in front of them. With one wave of her fan, were you all pushed back by air. Falling back.
“Protect the princess!” – Zuko shouted as he tried to get back up. The soldier enlisted to keep you save, pulled you up by your arm. Dragging you away from the others. He led you down the hill through the woods. You had little time to stand still and think about what was happening. Soon you neared the town as the soldier kept a grip on you, looking constantly over his shoulder. You froze when a fan flashed at him, hitting him in the head. It knocked him down.
Your gaze met up with a young girl looking a lot like Avatar Kyoshi with her make-up. The same boy from the water tribe at her side. – “Hey I know you!” – he said with a confused point at you. – “You were at my tribe too.” – he stated with furrowed brows. You turned around taking a run for it. – “Hey wait!” – Sokka called out, coming after you with Suki. You stopped, brought your hands up your face, then you pushed them forwards. The crackling of ice sounding. Sokka and Suki looked down, their feet slippery on ice.
“She can bend.” – Suki told Sokka out of breath. Suki grabbed Sokka by his shirt, pulling him off the ice. They went back in pursuit. In the woods, you couldn’t tell the direction apart. Not knowing where it might lead you. – “Hey wait!” – Sokka shouted to get your attention. Panting you tried to stay ahead of them. You screamed when you nearly bumped into the girl that came out of nowhere. You fell back, caught off guard. – “Katara get her.” – Sokka called out, out of breath.
Katara took a stand, ready to whip you with water if you dared to move. – “Why are you with the fire nation?” – she asked rudely. Suki extended her hand to you as you accepted it, letting her help you up. – “Are you their prisoner?” – Sokka questioned as you remained silent. – “There’s no need to be scared.” – Suki spoke rubbing her hand on your back, soothingly. – “We’ll save you.” – Sokka responded proudly. Before you knew it, were you dragged along with them.
Zuko was panting, taking a look around. – “Where is the princess?” – he asked loud. All his men looked at each other uncertain. Zuko felt himself grow angrier. – “Where is Y/n!” – he shouted unleashing fire from his fists. – “Don’t worry Zuko, we’ll find her.” – Iroh said to sooth him. – “Find her!” – Zuko ordered to his men. – “Burn this entire island down if you must to find her!” – he moved his fist forward, a blast of fire hitting a tree as it set it on fire. His men scattered away in search of you. – “We’ll find her Zuko…” – Iroh spoke placing a hand on Zuko’s shoulder. Zuko brushed his hand harshly off. He was panting. Braising with anger that he had lost sight of you.
If this would’ve happened years ago, he would just leave, being glad to be rid of you. Now, he felt like he couldn’t. You weren’t around him for a few moments and he already missed the argues with you. He missed your presence, more than he would ever admit. It wasn’t easy being forced on this mission with someone you were signed up to marry. Yet you were there. Day in and out. You were there at every step of the way. The water tribe princess he learned to admire… in secret.
Admitting it to himself that he actually… cared was scary. You were a weakness. You still are a weakness to him. One he didn’t intended on. Zuko called it out, burning the trees nearby. A tree’s trunk cracked. The top bush falling to the side. Zuko narrowed his eyes when he saw something familiar blue trotting up the hill. Instead of one, he recognized three. Taking in deep breaths, he bald his hands into fists.
He called it out as the fire coming out of him startled Iroh. It was blazing hot. Iroh saw it now as well, swallowing nervously. – “Zuko…” – he started moving his hand forwards. Before he could reach Zuko, had Zuko ran off. Huffing and puffing with anger to get you back. The grass catching fire from where he passed. His wrath waiting to be unleashed.
“So why were you with the fire nation?” – Katara asked as she pushed you up the hill. – “It’s complicated.” – you answered. – “How is it complicated?” – Sokka asked scratching the back of his head. – “It’s…” – you started cut off by loud shouting. You leaped aside when a fire blast went your way. Looking back at the trail, you saw Zuko panting with anger. His fist out where the fire blast had come from.
“He’s back!” – Sokka called out, helping his sister back up. Sokka then rushed over to you, helping you up. – “We have to go.” – he told you. Zuko fired once more, preventing them from going further up the hill. – “You are not going anywhere with her!” – he made clear. Sokka pulled you behind him. – “She’s not your prisoner!” – Sokka shouted at Zuko.
“No.” – Zuko replied composing himself a bit. – “She’s my intended.” – he said out loud making Sokka’s jaw drop, gawking at Zuko. – “Now hands off before I burn you!” – Zuko threatened. Sokka immediately pulled his hands off you, having no intention to die. Zuko’s gaze met up with yours, softening as he extending his hand to you. – “Please…” – he asked.
The sincereness from him made you realize he’d truly cared for you. For long you didn’t think it was possible. But here he was burning bridges to get to you. You took a deep breath, making the intention to reach your hand out to him when a gush of wind knocked him back. The Avatar landed soundless between Zuko and you. – “Leave my friends alone!” – Aang called out.
Zuko pressed his fist into the ground, groaning in anger. He got up firing at Aang. Aang deflected his fire with a defence of his own. Aang swayed his stick, knocking Zuko further back down the hill. Zuko got back up, going with all his might against Aang. Using all his power against the Avatar in order to get you back. – “Wait!” – you called out loud. Aang and Zuko stopped.
Aang looking confused at you. – “Don’t hurt him.” – you told Aang. Aang stared dumbfound  at you. Zuko slowly got up as you ran up to him. Slamming yourself against his chest when he had gotten up. Your arms around him. Zuko moved his arms around you as well, lowering his head on your shoulder to feel your embrace deeper.
“I need you Y/n.” – Zuko whispered to you. You hugged him tighter as a response. – “Can someone explain to me what is happening?” – Aang said out loud, looking back at his friends. Sokka and Katara could only stare in shock at the two of you. – “They’re intended.” – Sokka said finding it hard to believe and finding it odd that he was saying it out loud. – “Huh?” – Aang responded.
“We should probably leave.” – Katara whispered to her brother. – “Good idea.” – he whispered back, slowly backing away. The three of them ran off. Zuko and you stopped embracing. He smiled at you, touching your cheek. You brought his hand down, keeping it in yours. Holding hands, you went back down the hill with Zuko.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 9 months
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PAIRING: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x F!Reader
WARNINGS: Blood, wounds, angst, guns/weapons, injury, abduction, talks of abduction, talk of interrogations, protective/worried Gaz, Gaz's POV, etc.
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
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They called him back to the US the second word got out that you and your mother were gone, and all through the flight, Kyle couldn’t stop clenching and unclenching his hands.
His eyes stared straight ahead, jaw so tight that he could feel his molars screaming at him to let off the pressure. All he did was bite down harder. Leg jumping in one of the metal seats of the C-17, the Sergeant had already run through his gear multiple times just to try and pull some semblance of surety from them—a weight of normalcy. 
He had his magazines, he had his med pouch, and lines connecting his radio. Straps and ties, scissors next to wire cutters. 
None of his mind games were helping. He couldn’t run through his mental checklist any more than he already had; having to be up into the twenties of times he’d counted through items and packed goods. Kyle was always steady—he was always ready. Yet, he can’t say he’d ever been as thrown off his course as he had when he got the hurried phone call from Laswell. 
They’re gone. Get back here as soon as possible. 
There hadn’t been a moment of peace afterward—the man doesn’t even think he’s slept, much less eaten beyond a granola bar and a sip of water. Price had been side-eyeing him since his impromptu interrogation session back in Russia; the blatant disregard of orders. He’d been less than impressed about it, even if it had hailed them the answers they’d been looking for.
Gaz can’t even care to remember the hissed words he’d been passed in the car back to base—can’t think beyond the heavy-set fear in his breast. His heart beat hard in his ribcage, like a hammer shattering glass. The man’s eyes are beady and small. His shoulders wound high.
With a small growl under his breath, Kyle moves his spine back stiffly to connect with the back of the seat, feet resetting themselves. 
Johnny, across the way, spares him a glance, lips thinning. Over the noise is the hard assurance. “She’ll be fine, Mate, yeah? Just focus on gettin’ down there and finding ‘er.”
“Right,” brown eyes aren’t able to convey the same hope, and Gaz says the word on autopilot. He doesn’t want to talk—he needs to move. A man of intelligence brought down to the level of sprinting head first onto the scene because of a single woman. 
The Scot frowns, sharing a glance with Price. It isn’t any use, they know the Sergeant is restless. 
Even as the plane is landing, Garrick’s skin is stiff across his skull, scars pulling tight. When the cargo hold is open, he’s the first off the ramp. 
Kate waits impatiently a small distance away, eyes grim.
“Laswell!” Gaz calls, jogging lightly away from the friction in the air from the C-17. The woman stares at him, blue eyes glancing back as Price catches up easily. The last two follow, bringing down the bags with their gear plus Garricks. Kyle licks his lips before speaking, sunglasses at the collar of his vest swinging. 
“How did this happen?” He hisses, teeth bared. “Bloody hell, you said Alex was on her—I was told she would be under twenty-four-hour watch.”
“Sergeant,” Kate levels. “There’s been more activity here than I’d like to admit.” Her attention shifts to the Captain, who slips up and speaks stiffly. 
“What’s the situation, Kate?” 
“John,” the woman sighs, tilting her head. “It’s good you’re all here—we need as many eyes on this as possible. Follow me.”
“Kate,” Garrick moves forward, but a firm hand snaps to his shoulder, keeping him back. John’s unblinking eyes dig. The correction was as clear as day: show some respect—the information was coming. It wouldn’t help to rush into things, and, under that heavy blue gaze, Kyle won’t. 
When had the Sergeant forgotten his training?
Gaz darts his head forward and clenches his jaw in thin understanding.  
The flight from Russia back to Chicago was over thirteen hours, all four men were tired from running in circles and the time difference. But the job was the job. Gaz would drink as much caffeine as needed, even if he knew that he needed the rest more than anything, if not for his body then for his mind. The meeting room was a short and quick distance—the door barely shut and locked before business began in its regular grisly fashion. 
Gaz refused to sit, instead standing with his hands hanging from his combat vest, thumbs tapping in a repeated, and obviously anxious, manner. 
He needed to find you—safe. Alive. He needed to, and he can’t describe why out loud. The man had thought that maybe your lack of a phone call the night previous had been because of general fatigue and sickness; it would make sense with how you’d been nauseous all the time. On a few calls, you’d been falling asleep mid-sentence.
The flashing images of you possibly injured, bloodied, or even dead, left Gaz’s throat clearing quickly; face going from rage to fear to panic in a split second before forcing itself back to a practiced nothingness he reserved for interrogations. Except it felt like he was the one in the chair this time around. 
Please, he thinks. Please, for the love of God, let her be okay. Fuck…this never should have happened. 
He never should have left.
Laswell starts explaining just as the Captain lets off a grunted sentence. “What’s going on?”
“I went after her, but by the time I heard the gunshot, it was already too late.” The woman shakes her head. “This base was on an entire lockdown—no one was allowed close to our building.”
“Gunshot?” Gaz takes a step forward, head leaning closer as if he’d heard wrong. The others move past it, knowing there’s more. “Why was there already a lockdown in place?”
“Any cameras?” Ghost asks, partially interrupting. His intimidating form looms near the corner, casually leaning against the wall. 
“That’s why I called you back so quickly,” Kate breathes. “Look.” The laptop is grabbed from the side of the main table and dragged over as everyone mulls around. “I didn’t want to risk it over an open channel. Who knows who could be listening.”
“Kate?” John asks, a bit confused as the man’s legs shift weight. “Listening? Who are we talking about?”
“That fellow?” MacTavish asks, glancing at the others curiously. “Chiyou, was it?”
“If it is,” the woman breathes, “then every one of my hunches is proved right.” Blue eyes dart up as the projector whirs to life from above. The light blinks on, shining to the white screen along the wall. “No one else has seen this, and I’d like to keep it that way, boys. All of it from this point forward is completely Black. Off the books.”
“Then let's get to it,” Gaz states firmly, nearly shaking from inaction. His attitude is snappy; body eager to move. He has to do something. “We’re wasting time, Laswell. Every moment is a second lost where Spitfire could be hurt—”
“We all know how much you care, Kyle,” a stern face bares down into his, but the Sergeant’s gaze doesn’t falter for one instant. “But this is far more complicated than anything we’ve encountered before.” A pause. “Focus.”
“I am focused, Ma’am,” Gaz utters, clenching his hands again, feeling the scrape of rough material from his vest. His eyes are sparking with rage, brimming with a deadly promise. “Lazer.” 
“Good,” Is the easy response. “Because you’ll want to see this.”
The first image Gaz sees is you, and for that small instant, his pounding pulse stutters like a schoolboy. The grainy motion of your body as you sit down into the seat outside, placing down your journal and your laptop…brown eyes finch closed in confusion. 
Wasn’t that your father’s? When did you find that? Kyle’s mind runs, but all he can settle on is the possibility of you finding it back at your estate…and never mentioning it to him. Despite it all, there’s a quick flicker of something like a smirk across his lips before he watches you cough into your arm through the video. From there, though, Gaz’s attention becomes sharper, honing in like a blade the longer nothing happens.
Kyle studies every frame—every shift from the bushes and your hands pulling out your coin from your pocket, the item glinting in the low light. He’d never got to ask you why that thing was so important. A pang hits his chest, making Gaz’s sweaty hands twitch a bit harder. Seeing you there made his lungs crush in on themselves—there’s a need to try and break through the projection just to grab you back. 
Focus, the Sergeant has to think. Get her back.
But his mind jumps to every time you’d stared into his eyes up to now, your growing bond that he felt proud of being a part of—some semblance of healing. Your lips so very close to his in the remnants of a dark room. 
By the time the figure slips up behind you, the realization is enough to make Kyle’s hands drop seriously; Johnny, Ghost, and Price all going stone-still as their eyes snap back in slight shock. Gaz’s face drops.
Because it was no one else but your mother that now goes and points a gun at your head. 
“What the fuck,” the Sergeant hear’s Johnny whisper under his breath. 
It’s as if the fire is stolen from Garrick’s chest in one foul gust of wind. A chill so deep it leaves the hair on his arms standing pulls from the depths of his gut—intestines bunching; stomach writhing. His eyes stare so hard, that the tendons behind them pull like a tight string. 
Your mother. 
It all fit together so well, that the sudden realization made his mouth water with the warning of bile. Gaz wants to will the video to stop—and his teeth grind together as he glares at your pixelated form, none the wiser as your matriarch raises and levels the black barrel behind your head just after your fingers grasp at a something from the journal; dropping another piece of paper to the ground before quickly bending to retrieve it.
“Turn around,” Kyle harshly whispers to himself. “Fucking hell, Love, Please turn around.” 
He pleads to whatever God might be listening, no, even then, to any anti-christ or demon that grips at his blackened soul—any of them; any broken, rotten bit of his heart. Something had to move you.
The gun raises, it follows the shifting of your head.
Kyle’s legs wanted to bolt, to run to wherever this footage had been filmed on some off-chance-hope that this was all a big farce—some lie; a test. A test he can break apart and analyze, a test he can understand. But Gaz can’t understand the raw fear that makes his eyes snap from you to the gun like a quivering child.
Suddenly he’s a little boy again, and his mother is giving him his father’s watch and explaining why the man isn’t here. Kyle feels very, very small. In fact, the Sergeant had never felt like more of a failure in his entire life. 
“Please,” is all that he can mutter past numb lips, the others in the room irrelevant in the grainy shadow of a mangled woman trying to piece together her family's broken bits of polished glass. A kaleidoscope of crimson shards, dripping blood over her head; he knew how much it weighed on you, damn it, he knew. The things you’ve already gone through, he burned because of it. All of this is some great brand that sears his flesh: sinner.  
Kyle shakes his head, jaw grinding before his fingertips threaten to draw crimson crescents in his palms.
“Just turn around.” He snaps, voice grating in his throat like a dog—eyes tight.
By the grace of whatever God had heard him, just before the quick flare of the bullet being discharged from the gun, your body drops to the ground. 
John grunts beside him, arms shifting, and a great heaving sigh rattles through Gaz’s lungs. Your figure scrambles as pages erupt into the air—the journal on the table having been struck at the angle your mother had pointed the weapon; trailing down with her arm steady at the force. 
The sense that she’d held a gun before was a quick thought, nothing more, as Kyle’s brown gaze sears the projector screen. Scrambling, the Sergeant holds his breath as you break for the cover of some potted plants, limping because of your thigh before your mother turns her head and calls sharply to someone out of the camera's range—there’s no sound on this footage, so the command is lost. 
There’s a crackle on the screen, and the video snaps to black. Kyle’s heart breaks itself.  
“Bring it back up!” He barks, neck straining itself. Gaz rushes forward, grabbing at the computer as his Captain gruffly reprimands his actions. 
“This is all we could grab,” is the even tone. “There were multiple arrests in our surveillance building, they’re all being questioned right now. No one’s spilling.”
The Sergeant’s hands run the keys, messing with the space bar. Brown eyes land on the silent woman in barely hidden desperation.
“Where’s the rest of it? Where’d she run off to—there needs to be more we can go through. A–” He trails, teeth snapping. “A direction, a lead, something, Laswell.”
“What the fuck is going on,” John grinds out, moving his glare from Garrick to Kate. 
“Her own mother?” Soap adds, raising a dark brow and making a noise under his breath. “Talk about a special family, aye?”
“Could say that again,” Ghost utters, huffing. “She got the package deal.”
“Bloody watch it,” brown eyes barely move from the screen as silence seeps into the room. Gaz’s fingers shift back the time to when you were rushing past that potted plant. A sharp sheen of horrified analysis was rooted like veins into Kyle’s sights now—a feral want.
You had to have left him something to find you. You were smart like that; you were devilishly sneaky when you needed to be—when there was only a second of lightning-strike action. 
You had to have.
An aggressive fire so rare to the Sergeant seems to easily overtake him every time your mother’s face is visible to the camera. A blood-red adding of his brain so much so his hands visibly twitch along the pad. 
“Major breach of all functions on base,” Kate answers the Captain, looking deathly serious. “We have no clue how long this has been going on.”
“The mother,” John levels. 
“I had a hunch,” the woman admits.
“Why didn’t you say anything,” Kyle’s body straightens from where it was hunched over the computer, anger getting the better of him. “Fucking hell, Laswell. Spitfire,” he breathes, “my charge is gone and you had doubts?!”
“Sergeant,” the Captain’s voice is deathly cold. “...Stand down.”
Blazing brown meets Kate’s deep blues—drilling.
“I left her here,” Kyle forces out, shaking hand moving into a slow fist over the laptop. 
The room is swept with a delicate pause. 
Laswell sighs, blinking. She looks to the side, averting her eyes. “There was no actionable intel on her mother. I did the best I could without support, but it was limited to what Alex could find out and relay to me.” The woman shakes her head, motioning with a hand. “Medicine was going missing from the hospital building, but the records never showed that was the case—it was word of mouth. Business dealings that didn’t add up from years back after the failed interrogation of Spitfire’s father; all of it not enough. The tracks were hidden so well, it would have taken a team that sat in the hundreds—thousands, even.”
“Needle in a haystack,” Ghost breathes. “The cell overseas?”
“East China?” Kate blinks, tilting her head.
“Only lead we’ve got,” John grunts, shaking his skull and glaring at the table. “Doesn’t help much, Kate. Whole country.”
“That’s if she’s still alive,” MacTavish adds under his breath, sharing a glance at Gaz. 
The other Sergeant isn’t even listening—the pointless babble of the ones who’d ripped him away from you; as if it wasn’t his own hands that had sent in that reassignment form. ‘
“C’mon, Spitfire,” Kyle bites his lips, fastly tapping the arrow keys to see every frame over and over again. 
Your quick duck, the whites of your eyes, that slackened jaw of terror—he doesn’t think you even realize that it’s your mother, just the threat of death enough to block it out. You turn, and the item in your hand bunches with the tightness of your grip. 
Gas interrupts the hurried speaking from the others. 
“The journal—the USB, did you find them?” 
“All of it was recovered,” Kate answers. “Except whatever it was that she was holding.”
Kyle’s spine hunches, looming closer to the screen. It’s the grain that blocks his vision from the truth—the utter shite of the quality pathetic even to him. 
“Where was this?” The Sergeant asks. “The camera recording?”
Laswell nods, giving away the information as if citing off a report. “It’s a small rest area off the back entrance of building C. We kept them both there as new personnel cycled through.”
Kyle’s already out the door, only blinking at the last image of your hand slapping the side of a potted plant and the glance backward as your mother once more raises the gun. A stupid hope was that you’d be here, despite it all. But the slam of his boots only echoed to his ears alone.
Brown eyes shifted from one area to the next, scanning table and chair—everything had been searched already; most likely by Laswell and Alex. 
“Anything,” Kyle turns a circle, hands sweaty. He needed you back. He needed you here minutes ago; hours ago. Your rare eye contact, your laugh that he had become addicted to drawing out of you like honey, the way you spoke, and walked. It had become too much for the man, and his affection for you was so deep now that it was impossible to deny—you’d snuck your way into his heart when he wasn’t looking, and even if you never returned the feelings that you’d infected him with like a poisoner, this agony was unlike anything definable by vocalization. 
This was torture that he couldn’t fight against. 
“You’re smart, Sweetheart,” he gasps, expression pained. “You left me something, I know you did. You left me something to follow.”
If you were the hare, then Gaz would become the hound. You wouldn’t be gone for long, mark every work he’d ever said and most certainly the ones that he hadn’t. He was getting you back beside him, and then he needed to look into your eyes and spill every secret that was ingrained into his DNA. 
Lashes moving, Gaz’s legs carry him across concrete and patches of grass, the crunch of it underfoot. He glances at the table, giving it a once over, bending to study below it—nothing. Kyle grunts lowly, growing more desperate as the seconds draw longer. 
The man passes the potted plants, shifting to run his boot over the grass and ruffle anything that might be stuck in the earth. 
“Spitfire,” Kyle growls under his breath, backing up a step stiffly. He runs a hand over the base of his neck, fingertips dragging to stimulate the heated skin. 
When it’s all nearly lost, there’s a moment when the light of the sun perfectly aligns with something metallic from the corner of the Brit’s vision. A tiny glint of reflection from the sun leaves Gaz’s eyes flinching in a reactionary display. Grunting, the Sergeant’s head tilts away in annoyance, looking over with a growling ill-temper to the dirt of the first potted plant, ready to snap at it with vitriol. 
But the insult to the inanimate object dries like a desert storm slashed through Gaz’s mouth on the back of a lion. It’s a small thing, hidden under the deep brown of the dirt—the Sergeant doesn’t even know what it is or if it’ll even help before his hands are grasping and ripping away the top layer rabidly. 
His heart pounds, bruising his ribs with the frantic pulse of life. Dirt flies through the air, and Gaz’s grip slides over something metal—something cold. A sharp hiss is barked from him as he accidentally slices his fingertips as he snatches it, the crinkle of paper mimicking before that, too, is stolen with a fast thought. 
“That’s my girl,” Kyle chuckles, though it's serious—lacking anything more than a hurried second of relief. “That’s my fucking girl…okay. Okay, I can work with this, yeah?”
What is pressed into the soil is your coin, the one you always try to carry no matter what, and a piece of lined paper. 
Gaz thinks out loud.
“From the journal?” He asks under his breath, brows pulling in. His attention jumps from one word to the other, but the sudden color of red steals the only ounce of hope he may have gotten. 
Your smeared fingerprints spread along the page and Kyle’s face balks back with a blink of panic, eyes snapping this way and that until it’s clear that the display of gore was more than residual splatter—it was circling a sequence of numbers; if the contents of the letter were anything to go by, the date of your expected graduation from college. 
A sequence of numbers. 
Kyle’s jaw slackens, and he reacts much slower than he knows he should just off of the anxious shaking of his hands as he clenches the paper and the coin. 
“USB,” he utters, breathing heavily. 
And the coin—that tiny piece of your life, that small item you fiddled with but never showed beyond a quick glimpse when you were twirling it. Kyle flips the image as he stands fully, licking his lips as he begins to jog back to Laswell and demand the USB. 
Yet, there’s something that makes a startling amount of pained sense about the inscription on that coin. But he still takes it like a knife to the stomach with a sharp breath. 
‘TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE: UNITY, SERVICE, RECOVERY.’ A triangle with the image of the Roman numeral ‘I’.
It was a one-year Alcoholics Anonymous sobriety coin.
“Where was it?” Laswell takes the note and blinks down at it, face stiffening at the smears of blood. Kyle’s fingers grasp and drag the laptop to him, panting from how he’d run. The man doesn’t answer, muttering under his breath the numbers as the screen blinks to life. The USB was already plugged in—a result of the fast call that Kyle had thrown the woman’s way, needing it to be ready for him.
Kate passes the paper to Price, who walks to stand behind Gaz—Ghost and Johnny both following to see what the Sergeant had found before he busted back through the meeting room door. 
“She hid it,” Kyle grunts. Long fingers tapping, the keys give way as the numbers are typed in one after the other. “I knew she’d left me something—there was no way she wouldn’t.”
His Captain’s fingers push away dark particles of dirt, but his blues blink up to stare at Garrick as, finally, that password screen breaks away to the pop-up of the file selection. 
“Yes!” Gaz says under his breath, eyes intense; nearly unblinking. 
There isn’t much left to do except look—study. But there wasn’t time for that. Wherever you were, if your mother had you, there was an urgency that couldn’t be overlooked. There had to be something in this USB that gave the answers that everyone was searching for—what you had been searching for.
The location of a hub. But now…there could be something even more valuable in these files—a place where Gaz could bring you back to him.
Brown eyes slip from one file to another, all labeled from ‘2006 Dealings’ to ‘Reports from 04-03: Row’. All organized neatly, maybe no more than ten plainly visible.
“Sergeant,” Kate shifts closer, reaching. 
“I’m getting there, Laswell,” he breathes, “I need to find her before she’s gone forever.”
Kate and John share a look. The woman breathes, “This needs to go to the proper channels for analysis. We can’t rush this intel—one wrong step and the USB could wipe itself if there’s a failsafe hidden in the code.”
Gaz huffs, clicking through documents ruthlessly. “Bullshit.” 
Soap blinks in shock. They all knew that Garrick could be hotheaded and stubborn, but it never extended itself so much as to be a repeated hindrance to the team—in Russia and now were the exceptions. 
“Gaz,” Price says under his breath, watching tightly. “We all know you’re worried, but until we get solid intel, we can’t move after her. Location is only a part of what needs to be understood, Sergeant.” 
Long fingers flinch to slam into the file near the very bottom, and the screen freezes before Gaz blinks at it in anger—in rage—as his palm slaps the table, eyes spearing the individuals behind him.
He barks, “You’re not the bloody people who promised her she’d be safe!” 
The second the sentence sparks electricity in the room, an explosion of blueprints, diagrams, and progress charts move over the laptop screen. Attention snapping back, flinching wide, Gaz’s face pulls as all of it settles on the very last image—the only one he needs to see. 
It was an aerial view of Eastern China, and along the vast coastline, there were markings in the tens of navy-colored pinpoints. Port locations, maybe; warehouses and factories. But all locations.
Gaz stands up, blinking down at the map slowly. 
Taking a slow breath, Kyle swallows down the saliva in his throat and grinds out lowly into the deathly silent room, “When are we starting, Sir?”
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@merkitty49, @mh073099, @littlegaypng, @babybooday, @underrated-youngster, @jupiterredolent, @idocarealot, @petrat97, @jade-jax, @roosterr, @escapefromrealitysm, @kysa32, @human-turtle, @aurora-basin, @terumisworld, @xxfeelmylovexx, @neelehksttr, @nezukos-number1fan, @20forty9, @homicidal-slvt, @emerald-valkyrie, @raissadoesthingslmao, @misfne, @hollyhopesworld, @wasteland-babe, @330bpm-whiplash, @anna-banana27, @sunnynomoar, @doggydale, @thecrispypotatochip @74478328, @blueoorchid, @das-conk-creet-baybee, @chestnutsandcurls, @vamqyr3, @lavalleon, @nebula67, @urfavsunkissedleo
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bbrissonn · 6 months
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐡
☆⋆。°‧★ in which dahlia and will can't stop talking to each other
☆⋆。°‧★ will smith x dahlia monroe
☆⋆。°‧★ wc: 2k
☆⋆。°‧★ au masterlist
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when dahlia got back to her dorm room, she stared down at the new contact in her phone for probably ten minutes wondering if she should text the blond boy or not. she wanted to, she really did, but she just did not what to say. she choose to just wait for the boy to text first, after all he was the one with her number written on his hand.
dahlia went on with her night, doing her skincare routine as she listen to her music, trying her hardest not to constantly look at her phone to see if he had texted. 'his phone his dead' she kept reminding herself when the only message she got was from violette wishing her a good night.
it wasn't until she girl was about to go to sleep that the boy messaged her. it was just a simple hey :) yet the girl found herself kicking her feet slightly as his notification popped up. if violette were here right now, she would probably die of laughter at the smile plastered on her best friend's face.
hi (:
thanks again for helping me
no worries
honestly it was a little
embarrassing watching you
spin around in circles
i had to do something
im wounded lia
you get hit by grown men
and your ok
but a little teasing
and your hurt??
you're softer than i
thought smith
oh so yk my last name
wonder how that it
good night.
good night :)
it was safe to say that the girl fell asleep with a wide grin as her mind played her encounter with the boy over and over again.
the next day, dahlia found herself sitting in the same exact spot for the third time now. violette was next to her again, but this time her boyfriend was with them. dahlia did not know him very well, but she knew he was treating her best friend perfectly and that's all the mattered to her.
"something weird is going." violette mumbled to her boyfriend, alex, as she watched her best friend share a small wave with the blond freshmen.
the two had spent pretty much the whole day texting one another, beginning with will texting her good morning. the two got to know each other, their favourite colours, favourite movies, music taste, favourite meal, all the question that could be asked were asked. granted, will looked up his question online, but the effort was all that mattered.
dahlia had never been so attached to her phone before, always having it open as she waited for the boy's next message. even on his way to the rink, he was still texting her, and same for her, making her almost bump into a boy twice her height. that was also something that violette quickly noticed.
as for will, his attachment to his own phone did not go unnoticed by his friends either. when gabe had woken up that morning, his best friend was already awake, smiling down at his phone, which he pretty much spent the whole day doing. it also was noticed by his teammates in the locker room.
will was normally always locked in the second he got into the rink, barely ever looking at his phone. but today, he could not go more than a feet away from it, feeling the need to always check if dahlia had answered him.
"you guys all saw what i saw right?" gabe asked his fellow freshman as they all stood in front of the bench. the warmup was ending in less than two minutes and will had decided to make his way back to the locker room. of course, as he made his way down the tunnel, a wide smile was stuck on his face as he passed dahlia.
"he's so whipped." ryan laughed as they all started making their way down the tunnel as well. they all could not help but look at will's mystery girl, who was typing away on her phone with a smile that mirrored will's.
unsurprisingly to any of them, when they arrived in the locker room, the blond freshman was also silling down at his phone. the boys all exchanged smirks before going to their stall and finishing their pregame rituals.
"jeez man, you know it won't run away from you." jamie chuckled as he sat down in his stall next to the freshman. everyone had noticed how dependent of his phone the boy had been, and they were all waiting for someone to bring it up for them to really dig into the poor blond boy.
"huh?" will asked, looking up from his phone and over to his teammate. by then, pretty much everyone in the locker was looking at him, making will a little self-conscious. "what?"
"your phone. nothing's gonna happen to you if you don't touch it for more than a minute." jack said from the other side of the boy. some of the guys around the room chuckled slightly, making will blush a little, he did not think they had realized how much he was using it.
"who're you texting anyways?"
"uhm, n-no one." will stuttered, mentally cursing to himself for how he was acting.
"you sure it's not mystery girl?" ryan teased from across the room with a smirk on his face. his words made the whole team erupt in ooh's, while will's face became a dark red shade.
"there's no mystery girl."
"sure there isn't, buddy. we all saw that little smile you gave her." drew added. will had never wanted to disappear as much as right now.
"hey, who's phone number is on you hand?" jamie said, grabbing a hold of the boy's hand. somehow, will's face became even darker than before as more laughs echoed in the room.
"no one's!"
"is this no one the same no one that you're texting."
"maybe." will admitted. he figured his friends were not going to let this go any time soon, or that they would end up finding out the truth anyways, so what was the point of lying. "but it's none of your business, so just drop it."
will's words came out harsher than he had intended. he was never one to react like this, and all the boys knew that, meaning they stopped bothering him about it.
none of them brought it up on the bench when he would sometimes look back at the girl and send her a soft grin. or when their eyes would connect for a long time whenever will made his way back to the bench. but, just because they did not bring it up to him, it did not mean they did not bring it between themselves.
gabe and ryan pretty much spent the whole gossiping like a bunch of teenage girls, giggling whenever they would noticed their interaction. they knew will heard everything they were saying and laughing about, but the boy did not care. they were leaving him alone about it and that's all that mattered.
unfortunately, the game did noy go their way, losing 3-4 to denver, but will had scored two goals, so dahlia did not really care about the score. just as her, and the other two were about to exit the forum, her phone dinged, making her stop in her tracks.
did you leave yet?
wanna see you
uhm idk
wasn't on my schedule
its almost ten
what could you possibly
have to do thats more fun
than seeing me
im a busy gal
you'd be surprised
where do i go?
come near the locker rooms
you'll see me
this is my third time
being here you think
i know where that it
"you guys go one, i have to meet someone." dahlia said to her friend. a smirk grew on violette's face as the pieces clicked in her head.
"you coming home tonight?"
"yes." dahlia said sternly to alex, making the boy frown slightly before the couple said their goodbyes and made their way out of the forum. the next second, will was calling her.
"hi." the girl spoke, a shy smile on her face as she moved to the side so people could make their way out.
"hey. you really don't know where to go?" the boy chuckled making the girl scoff a bit.
"no, i don't." the girl sassed, making while chuckle a little more.
"meet me at your seat." he said, and before the girl could say anything, he hung up. it took a couple of seconds for her brain to understand what had just happened.
eventually she snapped back and started making her way back to her seat. there was pretty much no one left in the area, only one or two janitors that had started cleaning. as she approached her section, she could see a boy leaning against the wall right besides the entry to the stands. he was holding his phone in his hand, texting his friends not to wait for him.
"hey." he said with a wide grin, slipping his phone into his pocket when he noticed the girl. he pushed himself off the wall and took a couple of steps to meet her in the middle.
"hi." the girl giggled, her nervousness taking over. when the two teens were standing in front of each other, they stared at each with wide matching smiles. will was the first to move, wrapping his arms around her waist bringing her close to him.
the girl was a little shocked at his boldness, but she liked it. it took her a couple of seconds before relaxing into his arms and wrapping her own around his neck. her head was resting in the crock of the boy's neck, his cologne filling her nose.
"thank you for coming."
"you played great." the girl whispered back, making the boy scoff a bit. "you did, will. last time i checked you're the only one with two goals."
"we lost."
"so? it's one game, there's a like i don't how many more left. i had a lot of fun watching you." the girl said, trying to cheer him up. the two now had their foreheads resting against the other's, their words barely being loud enough for them to hear. will's eyes were closed as one of dahlia's hand came up to his face, cupping his cheek and rubbing the skin on his cheekbone.
"it's just... hard." the boy sighed.
"i get it, sorta, i think? when i try a new baking recipe and it turns out horrible, i get mad. especially when i do everything right, and it just doesn't work." the girl explained, making the boy open his eyes.
"you bake?"
"helps me calm down. the best part is getting to eat though." she said, a soft smile on her face as the two locked eyes.
"teach me one day?" will asked, and the girl was quick to shake her head yes. "good." he added before leaning in a pressing a small peck to her cheek. the girl blushed, her eyes avoiding his as she bit back a smile.
"food?" the girl asked, trying her hardest to change the subject, while still avoiding his gaze.
"you pick."
soon, the two young adults found themselves sitting in a pizza place not too far from campus. the two spent the night laughing and getting to know each other even more.
the night ended with will walking dahlia back to her dorm, his hand holding onto hers. once the two arrived at her dorm room near midnight, dahlia turned around to hug the boy goodbye.
"thank you for cheering me up."
"you're too pretty to be sad." the girl answered boldly, her head laying against his chest as they hugged. when the two pulled away, dahlia pressed a kiss right besides his lips, grinning afterwards.
"'night, will."
"good night, lia."
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 9 months
── Coriolanus Snow x Fem!Reader
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after mapping out most of the story, this is going to be a bit longer than i thought. although the games aren’t the sole focus of the story, i do want to show you the other tributes! i always appreciate when face claims are given to other characters because i like being able to put faces to names. note ~ not all will be extensively featured
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TAGLIST — if you’ve asked to be tagged and don’t see your user, it’s because I wasn’t able to tag you!
@czarinera | @qoopeeya | @user123454336780536 | @madamemaximoff06 | @ms-longbeach | @mizuki80 | @captainbabybear | @kuroosbby001 | @justacaliforniandreamer | @siriusly-rem | @missunicorn | @alllriseabove | @niki-is-a-thing | @iiuvchi | @firesunflames | @ashcosmo | @nilletellsstories | @hawkinsavclub1983 | @nyxsoleil-blog | @peachyafshawn | @coryoskywalker | @just-a-littlebit-of-everything | @ardentsnowfall | @tiaamberxx | @or-was-it-just-a-dream | @foxevxid | @poppyflower-22 | @springholland | @prettyppetty | @katherineeekai | @regulusblackcore | @justaproudslytherpuff | @jklsh | @bogbutteronmycroissant | @tanyaherondale | @sunoosfavsposts | @moonlightfoxs-cantina | @vesperslumbers | @writersblockiskillingme | @becauseseaotters | @ennycutie | @edb954 | @hiraishua | @wearemadeofstardust0 | @phoward89 | @merlieve
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ador3him · 2 years
hear me out prompts “you brought me flowers?” dragged by “i’m falling in love with you” for quackity :’)
pairing: quackity x gn!reader
warnings: nothing?? uhh its not proofread and i def overused the pet names whatever tho
requested? yes by @mcyt-trash-can
word count. 0.6k
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“Hey babe? I going to go for a walk to get some coffee, do you want me to bring you some tea home?” y/n pokes their head into Quackitys streaming room. He lifts off his headphones from his head and turns to face his partner. “Yes please, amor. Come here first though,” he reaches his arms out and make grabby hands. They walk over to him and stands in between his legs. “What’s up, darling?” they ask moving a piece of his hair that’s poking out from his beanie. “Just missed you, been so busy I feel like we never have time for each other anymore.” He grabs the back of y/n’s waist and pulls them in a bit, so his face is resting on their chest, kind of awkwardly hugging for y/n but to Quackity its as comfortable as ever.
“Hun? I have to go if I want to make it before the bunch rush. I will back in 30 minutes tops,” they say kissing the top of his head and pulling away, much to Quackitys dismay. “Be quick,” He yells softly as they walk out of his room. A soft ‘yep’ is all he hears before the front door clicks closed.
The coffee shop y/n is going to has an attached flower shop to it that they always admired, and so did Quackity. They always come here together at least once a fortnight to have bunch or just coffee and tea for Quackity. They have never bought flowers from the shop, for no reason just always admiring them instead. But today y/n thought they’d buy some after they get the drinks.
After ordering the drinks they walk around to the flower shop part and look for a beautiful bunch of sunflowers to gift to Quackity. There is a vibrant bouquet in the fair corner of the shop with a ray of sun shining through a window onto it. They walk up to it to see it better and make sure it smells as beautiful as it looks. As suspected it does and y/n grabs it, making their way up to the counter.
“Just these, thank you,” they smile at the old lady behind the counter who begins to trim the excess stem. “Lovey choice, not many people buy sunflowers, but they are so beautiful and personally I think they are elegant,” the sweet old lady grins at y/n and wraps the bottom of the flowers in pink paper. “Well sunflowers are my boyfriend’s favourite flower, and he is working so hard at the moment I couldn’t resist buying them,” y/ns lit up at the thought of their boyfriend and his reaction to the gift. “He will love these, it’s just $12.50,” they tap their card and go to get their drinks that were ready just as they walk over.
“Darling I am home!” y/n calls through the house struggling to get everything through the door without dropping it. “I am in here,” Quackity calls from his streaming room. “I got you something,” they say pushing his door open. “Oh shit, you have some much stuff here let me help you, amor,” Quackity takes the drinks from them and looks confusingly at the flowers.
“You bought yourself flowers? You like smokey dahlia not sunflowers?” Quackity looks at y/n still confused. “They are for you!” they push the flowers toward him grinning like a manic. “You brought me flowers?” Quackity whispers astonished. “Of course,” y/n laughs. “No one has ever done this for me,” his eyes begin to water. He loves y/n for this he is in love with y/n for this. “I’m falling in love with you,” Quackity bursts into tears clutching onto y/n like his life depends on it. “I’ve been in love with you for ages, Alex,” y/n replies whispering. “Also, you’re crushing your flowers,” they laugh. His flowers, his y/n.
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she-karev · 18 days
Happy Birthday (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Birthday Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 17
Summary: Amber is reluctant to celebrate her birthday when her friends throw her a surprise party.
Words: 1964
September 7th, 2020
“This was Thornin’s style. He was an important dwarf.” Amber reads to her niece, Luna Karev, inside the incubator where she is sleeping peacefully while her aunt reads her a copy of The Hobbit, “If he had been allowed, he would probably have gone on like this until he was out of breath without telling anyone there anything that was not known already. But he was rudely interrupted.”
“Good morning.” Andrew greets Amber and Luan with a smile inside his helmet.
“And so was I.” Amber closes her book and stands up from her chair to face her boyfriend, “Morning.”
“I woke up and you weren’t in bed, I was gonna make you a special breakfast for today before we leave.”
“Alex and Jo are at their lawyers working out the adoption legal stuff and I didn’t want Luna to wake up alone.” She looks down at Luna with a grin, “I thought Tolkien would better stimulate her than those baby books they keep here.”
“Why can I see you two already going to cosplay as Galadriel and Frodo?”
“You make that sound like a bad thing and it’s not the first time I successfully converted a non-geek. I got you to come with me to Emerald City Comicon for two years in a row.”
“Because I was afraid you would get kidnapped in a sea of nerds.” Andrew jokes before grinning down at Luna, “Don’t worry Luna if you want to want to go hiking or learn how to ride a motorcycle, I’m your guy.”
“You put my baby niece in a sidecar, and I’ll kill you before Alex and Jo do.” Ambre half threatens before she realizes what Andrew said, “Wait why were you gonna make me a special breakfast today? What’s the occasion?”
“Seriously?” Andrew asks dumbfounded causing Amber to shrug, “It’s September the 7th, your birthday.”
“Ya-da-da.” Amber stutters holding her finger up to silence her Italian lover, “No cursing in front of the baby especially if it’s the word that shall not be said again.”
“Okay I know…that word is taboo for you for personal reasons, but I just thought this year would be different.”
“Why would it be different?”
“Because your usual rebellious half birthday celebrations in March was stalled this year by a pandemic and me getting treatment.” Amber frowns at the reminder and looks down at Luna so she doesn’t get lost in her darkness, “I just thought with all that happened maybe we could make up for it by celebrating your actual birthday.”
“No thanks. I would prefer to wait it out until next March instead of having cake on a day I detest.” Amber grabs her book ready to walk out, “Babe I appreciate the effort but it’s wasted. It’s gonna take a lot more than a pandemic and my boyfriend leaving for me to consider September 7th a joyous occasion. Save that energy for March 9th and PS I like chocolate chip pancakes with lots of whipped cream on top sprinkled in chocolate.”
“That is a lot of chocolate.” Andrew points out playfully.
“It’s my half birthday I can indulge myself all I want, or you can.” Amber giggles lightly before walking with him to go to the residents lounge so she can get coffee. They open the door and Amber starts to regret it.
“SURPRISE!” Levi Schmitt, Casey Parker, Dahlia Qadri and Taryn Helm shout out loud in the room with Parker using a confetti cannon. Amber jumps at the bang before the multi color papers float down on her to her annoyance. She groans and brushes the confetti off her before walking inside with a frown towards the residents as well as Alex and Jo who are in the room looking uncomfortable as they know how much Amber hates her birthdays.
“Who blabbed?” Amber asks before turning to Andrew behind her who holds his hands up in defense.
“I swear I had no idea; my plan was a cheese omelet with bell peppers. This is not on me.”
“It was on me.” Amber sees Bailey step forward holding a cone shaped hat that says Happy Birthday, “I made it a point to celebrate residents’ birthdays as much as we can. I figured after the year we had some cake and singing might raise morale. By the time I took this initiative your date was next on the roster.”
“Lucky me.” Amber says sarcastically with a visible frown.
“You see I told you.” Alex says bluntly, “She hates it.”
Bailey glares at him, “She does not hate it.”
“I hate it.” Amber confirms bluntly as well causing Bailey to turn her glare at her, “If you really wanted me to be happy today you should have upped my vacation days that would be better than this crap fest.”
Qadri chuckles from the side, “Yeah we tried telling her you were one of those anti birthday people, but she says those don’t exist.”
“Well then I guess this is the one day she’s proven wrong.” Amber maliciously grins at Bailey.
“Shake that negative birthday energy She-Karev.” The chief tells her in an upbeat tone, “We have vanilla cake will that make you feel better?”
Amber rolls her eyes but sees the rectangle pink frosting cake with ‘Happy Birthday Amber!’ written across it.
“Wiping a birthday off the face of the earth should be an option.” Amber responds still bitter.
Bailey is offended and speaks with a frown as well, “Or you could just tolerate the fact that it’s a 24-hour period where the people who love you can treat you extra special.”
“And for the other 364 days they treat me like garbage?” Amber asks her boss who throws her hands up clearly agitated.
“Look child just eat the damn cake, wear the silly hat and enjoy your birthday, chief’s orders.” Bailey holds out the hat for Amber who looks at it for a silent moment.
“Nope.” Bailey is stumped and drops the hat on the floor. Amber turns to the crowd with a grin, “Thank you everyone but I will not be joining you. You guys can mingle and eat while I get coffee and go back to the NICU and continue to read The Hobbit to my beloved niece.”
“Let my daughter have a mind of her own please.” Alex begs his sister.
“We’ll see.” Amber turns to Andrew, “Save me some cake?”
“It is yours so yeah.”
“Thank you.” Amber walks out of the lounge leaving the others to celebrate her special day without her. Alex and Jo chuckled lightly before cutting the cake.
“You gotta give Amber this she has a unique reaction to her birthday.” Jo says with a smile.
“More like an ungrateful reaction to my attempts to bring joy to burnt out residents.” Bailey corrects with a frown, “Who doesn’t love their birthday? What possible reason could give that child an excuse to walk out on cake and love?”
Alex winces, “Blame me and the rest of our family on that reaction. Me and Aaron were asshole teens by the time Amber was born and our mom could occasionally remember her meds. Whenever her birthday came, we would either forget or I would remember and dump her at the nearest Chuck E Cheese so I could go trolling for chicks.”
“This explains so much.” Taryn states in realization as she eats cake.
“Yeah and it didn’t help that I left for med school not long after her tenth birthday.” Alex adds to his shame grabbing a big slice for himself that he instantly devours.
Jo squeezes Alex’s arm, “She more than gets you leaving to survive, she did it too. And besides birthdays are overrated and most of the time your expectations are high, and you get let down every time.”
Alex and Andrew look at Jo surprised that she’s also anti birthday like Amber. Out of the two of them Jo is the more upbeat and positive while Amber is more sulky and cynical. Jo sees the stares and explains.
“Foster parents never remembered my birthday and the gifts I got from charity were always addressed ‘to boy’ and ‘to girl’. It’s safe to say that I more than get Amber’s reluctance to celebrate what should have been a big day.”
“Yeah I get that.” Alex shares, “My parents forgot my birthday and it got to the point where I even forgot my own.”
Andrew looks sullen by these stories, “Wow if they ever want to hire people to make others feel bad you three could be rich.”
Jo chuckles lightly, “It would be great compensation for crappy upbringings.”
“Well now I feel bad.” Bailey sulks eating her cake, “I wish you would have tried harder to stop me before I spent money on this wasted party.”
The residents continue to eat their cake instead of arguing that they tried and were ignored. Andrew finishes his cake before deciding to resolve this issue in the privacy of his and Amber’s home so she can feel special on her big day for once.
That Night
Amber turns the key in the lock on the door outside the patio of her and Andrew’s recently bought house. After he came back from Italy a month ago they went forward in buying a new place together. Amber told him his apartment was too painful for her to live in because of all the bad memories of their relationship happening there. She proposed that they get a new place and he agreed and even suggested getting a house instead.
They were able to buy a 2-bedroom house with both of their savings and a backyard for their dog Jazz who was clearly not fit for an apartment. He is the first person to greet her with his three legs scratching the hardwood as he runs toward her panting. Amber quickly closes the door and gives him an affectionate scratch on the head before walking around the marked unpacked boxes around the house.
“Hey boy.” Amber walks toward the kitchen with Jazz following behind her, “Where’s your dad?”
“Stop where you are right now.” Amber freezes at the sound of Andrew’s voice and stays in place. He walks inside from the hallway carrying a plate with a chocolate cupcake topped with a lit candle providing light in the dim kitchen. He smiles at her, “Happy birthday bella.”
“No.” Amber whines causing Andrew to chuckle as he expected this reaction, “I told you no birthday, we agreed no birthday.”
“Actually, you told me no birthday and I don’t remember making a verbal agreement.” Andrew argues bringing the cupcake with the candle still lit closer to her, “I know you hate your birthday and you have about a million reasons to but I don’t. You may not be happy about the day you were born but I am.”
Amber’s sour attitude deflates at that sweet comment as he continues, “So I’m gonna give you a cake, a private room where we celebrate alone how you like it and your gonna blow out this candle and make a wish. Got it?”
Amber looks at the cupcake enticed by how good it looks wondering if it tastes the same, “…What kind of cake is it?”
“Your favorite, devil’s food, I wasn’t born yesterday come on.”
Amber shakes her head grinning at him before taking the plate from his hands, “Your lucky your cute.”
“I know.” Andrew says smugly, “Now make a wish.”
Amber closes her eyes and blows the candle out making a wish causing Andrew to clap before she takes the first bite and celebrates her birthday for the first time feeling like it’s not a day to dread instead a day to celebrate thanks to the man that she loves.
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bookishpedia · 10 months
Alex: I'll always protect my daughter.
Levi: From everyone.
Christian: If an man comes near Dahlia then he's dead.
Rhys: My little Cami will stay with me forever.
Aiden: Loosen up men. They're grownup girls.
Cole: Hey King, keep your Eli away from my Ava.
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screenviolense · 1 year
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underused starter call. but specifically for my least used muses who i think deserve more attention. those who specify muses or fandoms get priority. list of applicable muses under the cut
all fandomless ocs (there's too many to type here, just check the muse list.)
all animal crossing muses (fauna, isabelle, lucky, merry, skye)
aya drevis (mad father)
melody valentine (archie comics)
libby rhodes (the atlas six)
all ninth house muses (alex, dawes)
taylor gentry (behind the mask)
all halloween muses (laurie, vicky)
isobel martin (the night circus)
all the outer worlds muses (parvati, valerie)
all percy jackson muses (emmaline, jade, jessie, katie, mary lou)
dana polk (cabin in the woods)
all pokemon muses (cynthia, rosa, lucy, irida, luna, marie, melanie, monica, sonia, summer)
ginger branch (the quarry)
all stranger things muses (joyce, chrissy, rachel)
all days gone muses (sarah, rikki)
farrah (descendants)
all stardew valley muses (emily, penny, ola, violetta, shane, jodi, rosemary)
all harvest moon muses (kathy, molly, pepper, elyse)
all dragon age muses (hawke, arri, atlas, anais, millie, elian, rowena)
aahana (dnd)
all sims muses (ara, violet, kayleigh)
yor briar (spy x family)
lupe madrigal (encanto)
all star wars muses (leia, keeta)
all fallout muses (cressida, dahlia, lidia, sarah, victor)
nana (ffxiv)
all fire emblem muses (anya, celine, alcryst, ivy, kagero, orochi, hana, selkie, setsuna, robin, panne, say'ri, cherche, dorothea, byleth)
all the wolf among us muses (snow, bloody mary, nerissa)
laetitia bresson (lupin the III)
lucie tedbury (league of extraordinary women)
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dear-indies · 1 year
fc masterlist updates:
fc wishlist:
Blake Patrick Anderson (?) - is queer - actor.
Alex Thomas-Smith (?) - non-binary - they/he - actor, model, instagrammer.
fat/plus size:
Ali Adel (1998) Egyptian - actor. 
Laura Adlington (?) - instagrammer.
Alex Parra / alex1leg (2000) - instagrammer and youtuber.
updated that Gabe Adams come out as a trans woman**
black lgbt:
Alex Thomas-Smith (?) - non-binary - they/he - actor, model, instagrammer.
updated Yasmin Benoit's ethnicity**
Diana King (1970) Afro-Jamaican / Indo-Jamaican - non-binary and lesbian - they/them/it - singer-songwriter.
Zanele Muholi (1972) Black South African - non-binary - they/them - artist and visual activist.
Honey Mahogany / Alpha Mulugeta (1983) Ethiopian - non-binary - she/they - drag artist and singer.
Thishiwe Ziqubu (1985) Zulu South African - non-binary - he/they - actor, director, and writer.
Honey Davenport / James Heath-Clark (1986) African-American - non-binary they/them - drag artist and singer.
Caldwell Tidicue / Bob the Drag Queen (1986) African-American - non-binary, pansexual and poly - he/her - drag artist, comedian, activist, musician, songwriter, and reality television personality.
IRAWNIQ (1986) Mexican / African-american - genderfluid and lesbian - she/they - singer and rapper.
Ian Isiah (1989) Afro-Trinidadian - pangender and pansexual - he/him - singer, director, and artist.
E. / MHYSHA (1990) African-American - non-binary - they/them - artist and singer.
Monét X Change / Kevin Bertin (1990) Afro-Saint Lucian - non-binary - drag artist.
Dahlia Sin / Erick Anthony (1991) Afro-Brazilian - non-binary - drag artist.
MegaGoneFree (2001) African American - non-binary and pansexual - she/they - singer-songwriter.
Megane Mercury (?) Black Spanish - non-binary - he/she/they - model and singer.
Anjimile (?) African-American - non-binary - he/they - folk musician.
Yves Tumor (?) African-American - non-binary - they/them - singer. 
Dreamcrusher (?) African-Ameirican - non-binary - they/them - singer.
Maxi Glamour (?) African-American -  non-binary - they/fae - drag artist and reality star.
Maya Finoh (?) African-American - non-binary - they/them - model. 
Squishyykins (?) Black - agender - it/its and any pronouns- Instagrammer.
Hollow Eve / Caitlin Crandall (?) African-American - non-binary - they/them - drag artist - tw for horror imagery. 
Alex Thomas-Smith (?) - non-binary - they/he - actor, model, instagrammer.
Grove (?) Black British - non-binary and queer - they/them - DJ.
updated Sonny Kiss' pronouns**
Louïz (1984) Réunionese - singer, dancer, Miss International Queen France 2020, and choreographer.
Jazell Barbie Royale (1987) African-American - model and singer.
Katlego Kai Kolanyane-Kesupile (1988) Motswana - singer, performance artist, and writer.
Kia LaBeija (1990) African-American / Filipino - artist - is HIV positive.
Backxwash / Ashanti Mutinta (1991) Zambian - rapper and producer.
Bobrisky (1992) Nigerian - internet personality and actress.
Gabe Adams-Wheatley (?) Brazilian - has Hanhart syndrome, is a wheelchair user and congenital amputee - is trans - Instagrammer.
Kelet (?) Somali - model and actress.
Kokumo (?) African-American - singer and poet.
KC Ortiz (?) African-American - artist, rapper, musician, writer, and entertainer.
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
Would you ever ship homelander with another character? Genuinely curious about that one…
(I am down bad for your work it’s precious and perfect, smarter, better and stronger.)
aaahhh thank you, sweet pea! do you mean in terms of canon characters? because i do! to an extent anyways. i'm happy to indulge most ships that involve homelander, honestly. madelyn, starlight, maeve, becca, victoria, etc etc.
that said i definitely have a preference for homelander x oc, both mine and my friend's (nora!!! dahlia!! alex!! so many!!!!!). my fic Eat Your Ego, Honey features my oc Layla. i just really like the creativity people bring to the table with their oc's. plus, i feel like oc's don't get nearly the attention they deserve in fandom. especially the ladies! when i first started roleplaying, i was always the one playing canon's for oc's, and to this day i really enjoy it. also, my very first fanfiction was absolutely a self-inserty yu yu hakusho canon x oc fic lmao though homelander fandom is my first foray into canon x reader. that has been fun, too! i think playing dnd has largely influenced my perspective on reader fic. i honestly still feel like i'm reading through the eyes of an oc, just with the narrative in second person, kind of like the way you would play a ttrpg.
anyways, that turned into a ramble. long story short, yes. i'm absolutely a multishipper and i'm open to talking about all kinds of ships. c:
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theminiartblog · 2 years
OC Tag List
An A-Z near alphabetical list of almost all OCs featured on this blog. Will update periodically as the collection surely continues to grow. Bold = Titles
Aaron Ae Alice Academy AJ Moon Akuro (binch) Alle Graw Altea Amaryllis Angel Apollo Apple Blossom Ararat Edevane Artemis Ash Augustine Aurelia
Band of Misfits Bashful Bastion Batonette Beauty Beta Black Blackout Club, The Blank Blaze Blue Bon Bounty Trio Boy Verena Brando Buttercup
Caara Mellow Castello Cherry Blossom Chroma Cisza Clara Tin Con Creator, The Cynthia
Dahlia Dante Dawn Daya Dayton the Daycare Assistant DivideBetwixt Doc D’oro Dopey Dot Down Deep Dreamcatcher
Fang Fauna Faust Flower Children Foodies Frostheart Fugitwins Fukiko Fusion Meme
Gekido Ghost Vision Grumpy Golden
Happy Hana Hé Hel Howl Hush
Illyana Ivan the Eye Thief Ivy
Jason Jakob Jay Cardinal Jean Jotunn Josiah Julie
Karma Kalapana RPG Karma Fortuna Karo Kelpsie Kemuri Suu (Smokescream) Kennedy Keye Kidd Finnegan Klover Fortuna Kouhei Kymali
Lashawn Johnson Lifeline (@lifelinexblog) Lilium (Lily) Littol Alex Lucky Chance
Mara Marrion Magesty Mars Mary Mason McKnight Melody Merci Michelle Douglass Minds Intertwines (@mindsintertwines) Mint Chip MMM (Mini Mitsuru Morning) Momo
Nala Nega Newt Nero Nico Nina Noah Palm Null
Patty Panda (Pandemica) Pansy PB Pep Perris Palm Pho Phoboes Pieta Plaid Porcelin Prince Professor Palm Prumyse
Rai Gratin Roki Rose Tinted Glasses Roy Ruchi Rune
Sage Sam Scilla Setsuna Shift Shiseka Simon Sinne Sirius Skye Sleepy Sneezy Sora K. Stardew Farmers Stormspirit Super Awesome! (@superawesome-rp) Sunflare SquadDawgs
Tabby Crevan (Tabby) Takamura, Hiro Tama Go Tamp Down (@tampdown) Táng Taylor Trickster Triton True Sight Torent Torte Haire Toru T’wanda Twi and Lan Tyler
V4MP Venus Veran Vigil Viper
Weather Fighters Wesley White Wren
Yin Yuko Yumemi
Zephyrborn Zeta Bones
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frost-queen · 7 months
Tempting fate (Reader!Featherington x Colin Bridgerton)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
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The night was out. Chilled but rather comforting on the skin. You were outside, waiting as your sister had already taken the carriage in a haste. Not a few moments ago she had a little encounter with Colin Bridgerton. One that you witnessed from afar. You could tell by your sister’s expression that she was displeased. Distressed to say the least. Once again had Colin Bridgerton said something to upset your sister. It was getting out of hand and you hated him for it. Hating how he toggled with your sister’s feelings.
They had been friends for a while now, but your sister desired more. He was the only good gentleman that gave her attention during the balls. Even if it was just a little. It wasn’t his first slip, but this time you clearly had enough of him. Now that your sister had run off with the carriage, you were left to return home on your own. Waiting for the carriage to return to the estate of this night’s ball would take awfully long.
Rubbing your arms gently, you hesitantly decided what to do. Go or stay? Slightly turning your head you noticed in the corner of your eye a figure approach. Once you fully got a glimpse of him, you rolled your eyes with annoyance. – “Y/n.” – Colin said approaching you. – “Good night Mr. Bridgerton.” – you answered coldly turning your posture away from him. – “Do you not need a chaperone?” – he asked making you stop in your way. With a deep sigh, trying to temper your annoyance down, you turned back to him.
“Certainly not from you.” – you answered with a forced smile. He stared confused at you. Trying to process the meaning of your words. He slightly came closer to you. – “Did…did I say something to offend you?” – he questioned. You scoffed making him furrow his brows dumbfound. Colin and you hadn’t been the closest, yet he considered himself acquainted with you through your sister. – “To my sister you did!” – you bit back finding his act of stupidity tiring.
“Pen?” – Colin. – “I…I don’t understand.” – he answered. – “Why do you minimize my sister?” – you asked him boldly. Colin was taken back by your reply, looking surprised at you. – “Minimize… no, Y/n… I…I wrote to your sister everyday this summer with little reply.” – he said with a charming smile. You smiled in return as Colin flourished from seeing you smile. Yet your smile had other intensions. – “Oh, yes I know all about the letters you wrote her. Letting her know about all your adventures. I am well aware of that Colin!” – you pressured on.
Colin chuckled nervously. – “Are… are you going to make me say it out loud?” – he responded feeling a bit foolish. You quirked your eyebrow up unintrigued.  – “I missed her.” – he told you. You busted out in a laugh. – “You miss her?” – you positioned yourself stronger, fiercer to go up against your sister’s good friend. – “You miss her, but you would never court her is that correct?”
“Y/n I…” – Colin started finally losing a bit of his  boyish foolishness towards you. – “I overheard you!” – you called out. – “At my mama’s ball last season… telling everyone you would never ever court Penelope Featherington.” – You felt yourself get a bit emotional, defending your sister against her best friend. Against the one she loved. Some voices approached as it drew Colin’s attention briefly away from you. – “Bridgerton.” – one of them greeted as they passed. Colin bowed his head to them before leaning a bit closer to you. Lowering his voice he spoke – “Perhaps we should go where there’s somewhere private?” – he suggested.
“Because I embarrass you?” – you said loud enough for anyone walking around to hear. – “My sister can change her entire wardrobe and gain confidence but that would never take away that she is the laughingstock of the ton.” – you outed in anger. – “My sister doesn’t deserve a cruel man like yourself in her life.” – you picked up the hem of your dress. – “Good night Sir!” -  you saluted coldly at him before taking off in the night. Colin watched you leave with a certain guilt eating at him.
Two days later you were with your sisters and mama at a garden event. Your sisters sitting down in a chair underneath a tent, waving themselves some cool. Your mother was chatting with some of the other mother’s. You had no idea where Penelope was. You on the other hand were playing battledores and shuttlecock’s with some of the other season’s participants.
You stood on one side with a girl you were quite familiar with. On the other side were two gentleman. The shuttlecock went high up in the air as the boys knocked it to each other. You were waiting for the shuttlecock to come your way to hit it to her and then back to the boys without it touching the ground.
Somehow your attention got drawn away from the heavens. Seeing Colin Bridgerton clearly look for someone not far from you. – “Miss Y/n!” – one of the men called out as the shuttlecock went your way. Your attention was back as you calculated the moment your battledore hit the shuttlecock. The shuttlecock went up in the air as you thought back of annoying Colin.
The shuttlecock came down once more as you needed to pass it to your companion. Yet you let the shuttlecock come lower, batting it away with your battledore towards Colin. You watched as it hit him in the head. The shuttlecock fell in his hand as he looked down at it confusingly. Rubbing his sore head with the other one. The girl at your side pointed firmly at Colin to go and fetch it. You sighed loud going over to him. The moment Colin noticed you approach, he dropped to a bow. – “My shuttlecock.” – you said offering your hand for him to lay it in.
 “You hit me.” – Colin responded. – “Must have slipped.” – you responded sarcastic. Colin was all but amused. – “Now my shuttlecock.” – you insisted upon. Colin was about to give it to you till he changed his mind last moment. He had taken a deep breath, moving the shuttlecock behind his back. – “I’ll give it back if you allow me to apologise first.” – he started throwing a charming smile at you. – “You should apologise to my sister.” – you made clear not wanting an apology from him.
Colin tensed his jaw, as he had hoped for another outcome. – “I…Y/n.” – he sighed out. – “I don’t require your useless apology. My sister needs to be apologized to.” – you told him clearly. Colin sighed loud getting worked up by your attitude towards him. – “Fine! If you don’t accept my apology, you might not even deserve it.” – he snapped back. – “I don’t even want it!” – you fired back. – “Fine!” – he finished. – “Fine!” – you repeated loud.
“Good luck getting this back than!” – he showed you the shuttlecock again. You slapped your hand at it as Colin had pulled it away in time. – “Give it back!” – you called out to him, getting some attention from bystanders. – “You don’t deserve this.” – he mocked, taunting you by showing you the shuttlecock just out of reach. You groaned annoyed as he moved it behind his back. You knocked into him full force to reach for it behind his back. A bit too forceful perhaps?
Colin stumbled backwards as you fell with him. With a loud oof fell you on him. Now having the full attention of those around you. You were very much aware of the staring eyes. You pushed yourself hard off him. He felt the air get sucked out of his lungs. – “Eat it!” – you cursed at him storming off. Colin sat up, swallowing nervously at the sudden attention. Getting up, he saw Penelope look his way. He shamefully turned his head away, getting up and taking his leave.
Lights were flickering in the warmth of the room. Music filled the room. Dancers were taking in the centre of the room. You stood by the side with your two other sisters and mama. Your gaze went across the room. When your eyes fell upon Colin, you glared at him. He glared back at you, turning his head proudly away. You stubbornly looked away as well. Looking down, you fidgeted on your dress. Somehow it pained you to see him act so coldly towards you.
You didn’t intend on doing so but the more time you spend with Colin, arguing and bickering, the more you felt drawn to him. You shouldn’t be falling for him, but yet you were. Some novels say that you grow more attracted to those things you hate the most with frequency. This might be the case for Mr. Bridgerton and you. Mama nudged you hard making you lift your chin back up. She gestured to you, to smile so you could attract more eligible men.
Not being in the mood for her interfering, you took off. Blending through the crowd to escape her. Pushing yourself through the crowd. Coming to a brief stop, you came face to face with your sister Penelope. Your eyes widened briefly before you rushed off to the hallway to avoid her. Penelope blended with the crowd, lowering her head when she saw Colin near. He was clearly in pursuit of someone.
Almost panting he disappeared through the same door you had left moments ago. It made Penelope think doubtfully. You exhaled loud setting your hands on the desk from the room you had run off to. Clutching your heart, you felt it beat faster. Faster then it normally did. Was this Colin’s doing? Shaking your head you didn’t want to think about him. It was wrong to think of his that way. Your sister was madly in love with him. You couldn’t… not for the sake of her. – “Y/n.” – you jumped back startled at the hearing of your voice.
Colin had entered the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. You rounded the desk, creating more distance between you and him. – “Shouldn’t you dance with my sister.” – you sarcastically suggested to him. He exhaled soft, practically done with your flight modus. Done with how you kept pushing yourself away and shoving your sister to the front. – “Y/n.” – Colin started as you didn’t want to hear it. – “You keep doing it Colin. You keep minimizing my sister.” – you told him.
“Ignoring every hint she throws at you, and you too blind to see it. I hate how you ridicule my sister’s feelings towards you. She is not some object.” – you ranted out as Colin came nearer, going round the desk to reach you. – “You tell her you miss her, but you won’t court her. Why?” – you asked desperate. – “I can’t court her.” – he answered standing face to face with you.
“Why?” – you repeated wanting to have a clear answer. Colin felt himself be swept up by the heated moment. – “I just can’t.” – he responded loudly feeling his hands tremble to get a hold on you. – “Answer me. Clearly!” – you called out getting up in his face. – “Because I want you!” – Colin shouted back, practically panting from the tension released inside of him. Your eyes widened.
Colin grabbed for your face. The hell with being a gentleman. The hell with your reputation and his. In this moment he just wanted you. He forced himself forwards, pressing his lips on yours. Your gaze widened more at his touch. His lips gently brushing against yours as you fell under his spell. Giving in to the sensation as it was beyond this world.
Butterflies flattering around inside till they suddenly dropped with realisation. Guilt. You pushed Colin off, breaking off the kiss. Colin blinked confused at you breaking it off. Stunned you held your hand before your mouth. As if something was stolen from your lips. A kiss perhaps? – “My sister…” – you whispered out knowing just how much she loved him. – “Y/n…” – Colin said wanting to approach you.
“No!” – you called out clear, taking a step back. – “I…I can’t do this…” – you told him running around the desk. Throwing the door open and taking your leave. Colin went around the desk as well, standing in the door opening. One last attempt to call out to you, but you were out of reach.
Exhaling deep, he lowered his head, heart broken at the loss of touch. He never courted Penelope but he found himself falling for you. Her sister. The sister that yelled at him. That wasn’t afraid to speak back even when some might find it out of turn. He liked how sincere you were, but also caring and free. A bright personality when one got to know you, truly know you.
Penelope bit the sour apple down. A single tear fell down her cheek, yet her face stood bitter. Bitter with hatred for what she had just seen. Her own sister fleeing a room with Colin Bridgerton showing himself in the door opening. It was clear to anyone that you had been in there privately with him.
Penelope made her way to the carriage. Rushing to get home. In the carriage she pulled out a piece of parchment from her reticule. The carriage hobbled yet she maintained balance. Taking out a pencil, she set it down on the parchment.
Dearest gentile reader…
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  [read part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 5 & part 6 & part 7 & part 8 & part 9 & part 10]
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arachnidae · 2 years
Leaving Lepidoptera, welcome to our system blog!
All alters:
🦇 Scott - Host [He/they/þei]
💙 McNasty - Co-host [He/that/it/þei]
⌛ Aaron [He/they/il]
💤 22 [He/she]
🔆 Amadeus [He/him]
💔 Austin/Alex [He/him]
👹 Az [They/it/he]
🏳️‍🌈 B [She/her]
🐃 Babe [He/fae/kit]
🤖 Barbatos [He/him]
👽 Bryan [He/they/she]
🏙️ Cabana [He/they/none]
🧟 Cesare [He/ze/zom]
🍋 Citrón [They/them]
🫐 Claude - Dormant [He/him]
🌷 Dahlia [She/her]
🧿 Dan [They/them]
🍑 Darla [She/they/phe]
📷 Denise [They/them]
💎 Denver [He/him]
💫 Devo [He/it/any]
🧠 Dog [God/it/he]
💸 Dusty [He/they]
🎶 Elbertson [He/him]
🦪 Epitaph [They/them]
💣 Eustace [All]
🔪 Gabe - Aggressive [He/it]
👨‍⚖‍ Gabriel - Primary Protector [None]
🐺 Gayle [She/it]
💉 Gaiman [He/him]
🍟 Gene [He/they/bun]
🦋 Geon [They/none]
🧵 Gerty [He/him]
🍝 Gev [He/it/il/lui] - Can translate French
👼 Gonzie [He/it]
🤓 Griffin [He/him]
🤡 Heehoo [He/that/they]
🎩 Herman [It/she/he]
🌩️ Hickory [He/it/that/they/x/xe]
📻 Holiday/Hollie [He/she]
🪙 Igor [It/he]
🐏 Innocence [It/its] - Speaks Latin
❄️ Jack [He/him]
🕰️ Jax [He/they]
🐙 Jen [She/xe]
🔱 Jonah [It/its]
🐍 Janus/Dante - Dormant [He/they/she]
🦖 Joy [She/her]
🏵️ Joseung [Saja/he/it/mort/mortis/meu/muerte/dea/death/bone/bones]
😈 Judas [He/him]
🗡 Killian [They/he/it/that/ir]
🪓 Krampus/Eliezer [He/it]
🦁 Lio [None]
🌽 Maizey [She/her]
🕔 Mare [He/him]
🌘 Marie [She/her]
🥨 Michael [He/him]
🐈 Mittens [He/they]
🍄 Morell [They/them]
💾 Moth [Any]
🩻 Mr. Capgras [She/he]
🏴‍☠️ John Silver [Il/lui] - Speaks French
☎️ Neil [He/him]
🐳 Neuro [She/it]
👩‍🎤 Neo [They/them]
📜 No Man [He/they]
🕯️Oleander [He/him]
🍃 Orlin [He/him]
🍒 Osborne [He/they]
🩸 Oveja [He/they/blood]
👁 Pedro [He/they/it]
👣 Porsche [She/her]
🦴 Ptera [He/it/they]
❤️ Red [It/its/centi/centipede]
❤️‍🔥 Rowan [He/they/it]
🦠 Sadsack [He/they]
🍎 Saffron [He/they]
🐉 Sasha [She/her]
🚭 Shen [He/him]
🐐Sicily [She/they]
💐 Séamus [He/they]
✂️ Scissors [They/it]
🗺️ Silas [He/fae]
💀 Stanley [He/him]
🐮 Steve [He/they]
💡 Stauber [He/she]
🍊 Sullivan [They/them]
♣️ Svetlana [He/him]
🧙‍♂‍ Teah [He/she/they]
🌠 Terrence [He/that]
🧛 Thoth [He/it] - Can translate French & Latin
🪳 Thursday [They/it/she]
☔ Tooth [They/xey]
🌿 Ulysses [It/its]
🌚 Usher [He/it]
🍉 Veloc [He/they/she]
🎭 Venetius [He/they/she]
🌋 Vezu [He/it]
🥐 Wallace [He/fae]
🪦 Wendy [He/him]
🕷️ Widowling [He/it/spider]
🍔 Will [He/they]
🪱 Worms [She/it]
👻 Yorick [None]
Please note that some of us do not speak English. There are alters that speak Latin and alters that speak French. Even our more volatile alters deserve respect and a safe space. Please respect our pronouns. The emojis are used to signal who made the post or reblogged a post. There's also a large number of us not listed, some choose not to use the blog or don't update with a chosen emoji since there's only so many. Many of us are not human, so some things may be odd. The littles in our system have not been listed and are not allowed to interact with the blog.
DNI: Endos, dreamsmp blogs, genshin blogs, nsfw accounts, terfs, swerfs, pedosexuals/maps/nomaps/pears/etc, fetishists, proana/bodygoal/skinny/diet/anorexia blogs, homophobes, nazis, antisemites, transphobes, system criticals
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bbmonsterprom · 2 years
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As outgoing Head of Household, Cold Cake will not be eligible to compete in this week’s HOH. 
If this is the answer key:
If you guess
We will respond with:
Maya/Corissa  ✓
Isaac/Esther  X
Jacob/Captain X
Bryan/Mark  ✓
Robbie/Alex CP/WP
Juls/Anabel CP/WP
Aaliyah/Connor X
Juls/Anabel X
✓ = correct pair, correct position
X = incorrect pair, incorrect position
CP/WP = correct pair, incorrect position
If you have any questions, please ping production in your submissions channel!
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aisamosshi · 11 months
you're mine, only mine.
ni drama dah lama dah 2010, ehhhhh baru harini aku jumpe full.
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saja aku marathon sekali jalan. ada 8 episode je kat youtube. sebelum ni takde pulak aku perasan. but, aku tengok without subtittle wey.
aku faham sikit2 je laaa.
dulu aku pernah tengok video dia dh cut2 je. ni baru dapat tengok full. aku faham2 sendiri je la eh . sebab takde sub.
drama dia pasal si anne ni, budak kg kottt. tapi bapak dia ade bussiness kat bandar. out of nowhere, bapak dia berhutang dengan laki botak ni, si alex. 10 mil.
so, bapak dia takleh bayar. entah dia buat perjanjian dengan si alex nak kawin kan anak dia dgn alex.
so bapak dia call suruh dtg bandar. tinggal kt rumah alex. bila dapat tau dia mcm kena jual ngn bapak dia, terus dia mengamok, then lari balik kg.
then , entah ape jadi kat kg. dia balik rumah alex dan terima laa nak kawin. tapi dlm keadaan tak happy, mungkin sebab diorang kt kg miskin xleh bayar lah kott. aku rasalah.
then, alex setuju bawak anne jumpe family. asalnya anne ni benci jugak, tapi nak buat mcm mana hutang xleh nak bayar, pastu drama pulak 8episode je. hahahaha.
jadi anne pun suke je kat alex sebab tengok side alex yg caring dengan mak dia yg lumpuh, adik2 sedara mara semua dia baik laa. goodboy org kata.
si anne ni dulu masa duduk kg dah ade boyfriend, nama robert. tapi robert ni aku expect dia okay je laa kot awek kena rampas.
then aku taktau dari mana si minah dahlia ni dtg. aku teka sepupu si alex ni. tapi kemain geletisnya dok peluk2 alex.
sampaikan malam wedding alex pun dia suruh alex hantar dia balik, padahal dia ajak alex pi minum arak. cam cibeng perangai.
ni klau aku kt situasi si anne pun aku marah. anne dah laa baru nak bukak hati untuk alex tu. masa dia jalan kat aisle pun, dia dok jeling si geletis dahlia tu.
sakit hati doe tengok.
dah lepas tu, si dahlia tiberr kena tumpang rumah diorang.sampailah si anne ni tertengok dahlia mandi swimming pool dengan laki dia. bengang lah dia. terus dia balik kg.
sampai kg dia pengsan. rupanya dia mengandung. masa dia hilang tu, si shibal alex tu x cari pon bini dia. dia sibok dok layan betina tu.
si anne ni excited la, lari balik rumah nak bgtau dia pregnant. sampai je office room laki dia, dia tengok dahlia nak comolot laki dia.
hancur luluh hati seorang isteri doe.
dia lari, alex kejar. gaduh2. pastu dia lari kt jalan then kena langgar.
mengalami pendarahan, alex bawak gi hospital.
kebetulan masa alex jaga tu, si dahlia sampai. dok usap2 bahu si alex. tiber terus anne sedar tengok deme berdua. terus dia halau keluar.
aku rasa dia gugur kot.
dia pun bengang ngn laki dia, dia hantar surat cerai.
masa kt kg, si alex dtg pujuk, cakap la yg memang dia plan suruh bapak dia guna 10mil tu. dia mmg nak kawin dengan anne sebab dah jatuh cinta masa zaman muda diorang.
masa tu anne tolong dia kena buli. alex nerd lagi masa tu.
dia ceter laa bla bla blaaa. ending anne tu terima dia balik. maybe tersentuh dengan drama si alex ni.
cam bangang ending.
dulu aku ingat si alex ni green flag, rupanya red flag bodo.
perempuan lain peluk dia, dia okay je tak tepis. hati bini tak jaga. bini sembang ngn laki lain, tau pulak dia berang.
cam bodo jantan mcm ni.
stresss aku, asal aku gi tengok drama ni doe.
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