wiki-identidades · 1 year
Identidade romântica, orientação romântica, romanticidade
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A identidade romântica, orientação romântica ou romanticidade de uma pessoa diz respeito por quais gêneros tal pessoa pode sentir atração romântica, se houver atração romântica.
Ninguém escolhe sua identidade romântica.
Nem sempre a identidade sexual bate com a identidade romântica. Uma pessoa pode sentir atração sexual somente por homens, mas não se sentir romanticamente atraída por ninguém, por exemplo.
Para certas pessoas, a identidade romântica pode ser fluida, ou seja, pode ter a capacidade de mudar naturalmente conforme o tempo e/ou a situação. Ainda assim, isso não é uma escolha da pessoa, é algo que ocorre naturalmente.
As identidades românticas podem ser: monorromânticas, não-monorromânticas; binárias ou não-binárias.
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Asexualgender Pride Flag
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Asexualgender, asexual gender, or asexual-gender: a descriptor for when someone uses the word asexual for their gender. Similar to acegender, but necessarily an orientationgender. It's under the asexuous umbrella.
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pangendering · 7 years
A couple of questions
Heyho! I’m pretty new in this so I’m really sorry if my questions are stupid or if there is a private chat and I’m just not able to find it ^^‘ 
In the long time of trying to find out what I am, I now somehow found out about the Pangender Spectrum and am still very confused about many things, so maybe would you like to help me? 
How does it feel to be pangender? What’s the difference to genderfluid? 
How does this terms like Panflux und Panfluid feel like? 
Is there any self question or help for me to tell if I’m part of the Pangender Spectrum or not? 
Really looking forward to your answer! Sry if any of those are stupid but you’re the only person I found by searching for people who know about pangender so I just had to ask you…
Sincerely yours,
Reply by Pangendering:
Hello~ I’m so sorry for taking so long to reply @_@ It’s totally okay to ask these questions! I will do my best to help with what I can! How does it feel to be pangender? Being pangender can feel like you are a huge amount of diverse genders, to the point that you can’t even specify all of them, or you feel like you are all genders that are available to you, being an entire gender spectrum. It could feel like an “infinite organized chaos”, but even if it feels “chaotic”, it’s possible and real. Being pangender can feel like having a very strong connection to the way most gender experiences are described. It’s experiencing: all genders related to female and/or male, all genders outside female/male, all genders that are a mix or in-between female/male, all genders that are a balance of other genders and genders that you can’t figure out what they are (unknown genders). (Obs: only genders that are possible in your culture and life experience).
Here are some personal narratives: “Regarding my identities, I’m a transgender (or transexual) non-binary person whose gender is pangender and/or panflux. My pronouns are they/them and he/him. I’m also pansexual and panromantic (I can feel sexual/romatic attraction to people regardless of gender). How do I dress? Well, I dress in many different styles, but most of the times, I look like a hobbit~ I would like to talk about this gender spectrum called pangender and panflux (which I belong to). I have always been sure that I wasn’t a girl nor a boy (despite my family imposing a binary gender onto me) and I was really confused regarding my gender and didn’t know how to call myself, because I didn’t know there were other people who were like me. I’ve always thought that there were only two genders and that these genders were defined by the genitals and body parts. Because of this ideology, I believed in my family and thought that my intersex body was actually deformed, so I would be a deformed version of the gender I was assigned to be. Only after I got in touch with feminism, transgender people and intersex people, that I’ve realized how untrue and damaging this ideology is. I had discovered myself as transgender, non-binary and intersex. Pansexual I already knew I was, because I had discovered it first. I knew I was non-binary, but I didn’t know how to express my gender into words, I didn’t know how to call my gender, how to call myself and I did wanted to find out how. I talked to many non-binary and genderqueer people from Brazil and other countries and learned their genders and identities. I told them how my gender was and they gave me a lot of emotional support and advices. I was still searching for a way to describe myself until I found the term “pangender”. It was instant. From that moment on, I knew that was a word that could describe my gender. The prefix “pan” meant to me the enormous spectrum of genders that I have. The plural genders I have are not necessarily the same genders that other non-binary people have, because each person has a different life experience, a different way to feel their gender(s). Yes, it’s chaotic, but it’s how my gender is. Since I flow from pangender to agender*, I’m also genderflux* and because of that, I’m panflux (pangender + genderflux). I’m also many other genders that are not yet named. For example, I named one of these unknown genders as Efêmere (it is a very subtle gender that lasts only some minutes). To me, being pangender or panflux feels kind of like being inside an “universe”, full of infinite “stars” and other “celestial bodies”. There is so much going on and I do understand it, but I don’t know how to express it. Having infinite genders doesn’t automatically mean that I’m appropriating genders that are not from my culture and neither that I’m appropriating genders that are exclusive of neurodivergent people. Since I’m part of the latin american culture, I can identify as travesti*, but I can’t identify with other culturally specific genders such as bissu, calabai, calalai, alyha, muxe, etc. I’m fully aware of that and I do not appropriate of these genders.” “Sometimes gender is like a bunch of paints all blended together on a palette and you can’t really tell where one color begins and another ends, but it’s still beautiful.” “There are various aspects to my identity that pangender sums up rather nicely. I’m somewhat genderfluid myself though I’m more genderqueer, sort of a little bit of both, and they fit together in interesting ways to form my gender identity. I define mine (my gender identity) as pangender, because I feel like it describes feeling masculine, feminine, androgynous and third gender all at once. I guess in sum total I feel like four gray areas of gender, all the genders that are masculine, feminine, neutral and none of them. I fluctuate somewhat between these areas and their intensity so that’s why I’m not sure if I’m also genderfluid as well as genderqueer, but it seems to fit. But either way I’m not strictly male or female and I don’t strictly identify with man or woman as categories. I am female aligned at least part of the time so I do belong in female-centered spaces. However I am not exclusively female. I’m also not bi/tri gender or purely a third gender or androgynous. I have many types of genders.”
“I feel like I have a whole bunch of genders rolled into 1 but I don’t know how many or what they always are. Sometimes it feels infinite and other times it changes.”
What’s the difference to genderfluid? “Pangender is a gender for people who experience all genders available to them (i say available because a non-native american couldn’t be two spirit) genderfluid is a gender for people who’s gender changes. not all genderfluid experience all genders (example me, i dont experience being a boy or a girl). it really comes down to personal preference. someone could be pangender and genderfluid but only chose to use one.” (https://enbiesheartenbies.tumblr.com). How do terms like Panflux and Panfluid feel like? Being panflux or panfluid can be like feeling you are all genders it’s possible for you to be, or that you identify as the entire gender spectrum available to you, but sometimes you don’t feel that experience in totality, while, other times, you have a feeling of being no gender at all. It’s to flow like: pangender <-> demipangender <-> agender. I would say that if you’re more comfortable with panflux, then you are panflux, and if you are more comfortable with panfluid, then you are panfluid. When chosing between these two, it’s more like a personal preference, I believe.
Is there any self question or help for me to tell if I’m part of the Pangender Spectrum or not? Do you feel like not only you experience gender, but you experience it in a huge amount and diversity? Do you feel like you can’t possibly explain all your genders? Do you feel like you can’t possibly count how many genders you experience? Do you feel like your gender identity is infinite? Do you feel like you are an entire gender spectrum? Do you feel like you have the maximum amount of genders possible to you? Do you feel like you have a lot of genders, but at the same time, you don’t? Do you feel like sometimes you are all possible genders, but other times you are less genders or even agender? Do you feel like you are half of every gender possible to you? Do you feel a strong connection to the way most gender experiences are described? Do you feel a strong connection to narratives written by people in the Pangender Spectrum? Do you feel like polygender could maybe describe you too? Do you feel like asking: “could I be pangender?”
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atoenjeru · 5 years
Hey Yakuza Fans! Are you tired of having a yakuza server not talking about the fandom at all? Do you wanna talk to more yakuza fans? Or maybe you're just stepping your toes into the fandom and want to chat it up? Well, same here, buddy! Join my Yakuza server! We're aLGBTQ+ inclusive, friendly, and artistic server dedicated to the fandom side of Yakuza! Come on! Join us and connect with fellow fans of this action game and the characters in it!
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catmigliano7 · 5 years
@timehop #onthisdayinhistory #onthisday #otd #timehop #grownups #rainbowflag 🌈 #1978 #gayfreedom #lgbtq🌈 #algbtq+ #lgbtq+ #algbtq+ #loveistheanswer https://www.instagram.com/p/BzIZC_gn1tk/?igshid=76u1to1dihjn
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hey-there-hunter · 5 years
Sorry, im venting
My friend from work is pregnant and this year she us going with me to Pride. Its this saturday. We were concerned about her husband because recently there was a lot of act od violence against algbtq+ movement in Poland and media are painting the pictures of a parade full aggression. My friend and her husband are both soldiers (only husband is on active duty) so its not like she cant take care of herself but she is pregnant with twins and they already lost their son last year so we are all concerned.
So, basically, an hour ago she told her husband she wants to go to the pride and she told me she is going with me. Before she told him that she was against her going there but when he heard about me he suddenly was okay with that and guys.
You have no idea how strong it hit me. We met once, they visited me at work. We literally exchanged like two words but he decided he like me and he trust me with life of his wife and his two unborn girls. I have a lot of feelings about it and I have no idea what to do. It means so much to me and im at work trying hard to not cry now. I just ahdkglg
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ladyseidenlocke · 5 years
Just wanted to show you aLGBTQ+ project that is really good!
The Rainbow Cards Project1 If you never heard of it ,its about getting holiday or birthday cards from LGBTQ* people for LGBTQ+ people ! Its really cool project specially for who face isolation from family, friends...
Fighting prejudice & isolation through simple acts of kindness.
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#Repost @ciapontoart ・・・ Estávamos saindo ontem do Teatro Gregório de Mattos após o término da apresentação do solo Entrelinhas em cartaz no Fiac quando ficamos estarrecidas com a notícia de que o espetáculo "O Evangelho Segundo Jesus, Rainha do Céu", que aconteceria ao lado, havia sido barrado por uma liminar judicial levantada sobretudo por fundamentalistas cristãos no poder. Encontramos na porta e nos arredores do Centro Cultural Barroquinha amigas e amigos artistas revoltadas, tristes e tão abaladas quanto nós com a notícia. A liminar censurava a apresentação do espetáculo no Centro Cultural Barroquinha ou em qualquer aparelho da Fundação Gregório de Mattos, o sentimento entre nós era de indignação, silenciamento, golpe, retrocesso, mas nunca de derrota. Todas e todos procuravam alternativas, pensávamos em soluções de lugares e espaços para a apresentação do espetáculo, a certeza entre todas era de que: ele deveria acontecer! Depois de um tempo ficamos sabendo que a atriz e a produção do espetáculo foram acolhidas no Goethe Institut, todas fomos para lá. @rainhajesus fala de forma amorosa para as minorias sociais que o ventre que nos trouxe a terra é tão abençoado quanto o de Maria e que, como Jesus, também trazemos em nós a luz divina, usando releitura de parábolas diz que o nosso caminho na terra pode ser cruel, penoso e incerto mas no fim haverá regozijo e festa pois ele levará a mudança, e abençoada somos nós que a trazemos à terra. Ao mesmo tempo que, fazendo releituras de sermões e em um paralelo com os escribas e fariseus, fala de forma aguerrida aos reacionários políticos e religiosos, que dizem proclamar o amor mas suas palavras e corações estão cheios de ódio. A plateia, formada majoritariamente por artistas de Salvador e da Bahia e por pessoas ALGBTQ+, aplaudiram de pé a entrada e a saída de Rainha Jesus, de forma poderosa e alegre. O sentimento entre todas era de vitória! Nada pode vencer a Arte! E vamos pensar por um instante: Jesus já foi representado de tantas formas, em tantos lugares, por tantas pessoas, por que ele também não poderia ser travesti? #JesusÉTravesti #RainhaJesus #pontoart #suaartefazparte #fiac #salvador #bahia #lgbt #lgbtq (em Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia)
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acethena-discourse · 5 years
I can't take any of this ace or queer "discourse" in good faith, considering not even 5 years ago on this very hellsite the discourse was "the A in LGBQA is for aces, allies should fuck off" which died as soon as older allies and queers didn't bend to the bullying and bullshit. People just want a target to attack, it has nothing to do with wanting to help the community
Okay, 1) please include the T in LGBTQA community, i know it was likely a typo, but the redflags that set off had some loud bells going too. also i witnessed the "A isnt' for ally!" shit, and no, i don't agree, but the A is for ace. Just like how the T can include NB people, but not every NB is okay with the trans label (i use the trans label bc i feel like i do fit the more common understood trans experience by the Straights(tm) and Cishets(tm) so its just easier to use trans than nb for me sometimes) also imo the exclus that hate aces so much, screaming "no evil aceys, but actual cishets that agree with us! THose arefine!" is the greatest fucking bs that they have. Allies are good, allies do offer some cover for closeted people, but not every ally is a cishet, and to say "cishets protect gay people who are in the closet" is kinda....v nasty imo. Bc cishets i'd argue hurt closeted people, no matter how much of a "good uwu ally uwuw" they are. I'd argue Cishet allies can be far worse for closeted people bc they often talk over them and hurt them unknowingly. Also please do not ever use "queers" like that. It feels wrong, i know you ahve a limit and you want to be anon, but 2 asks, or even saying on anon "psst turn on your submit for a sec" is far better than that. Because saying "Queers" in that context is far different than "Older Queer people" like "queers" is still fine? But it does toe a line that i'm not fond of, and can be very disrespectful. So just be mindfulso the tldr is: Make sure you include the T, i was there and imo as algbtq ace who is in the closet amongst most of my family, cishet allies can hurt me just as much as normal cishets, and using queer as "queers" is toeing a line, pls just send more than one ask and that would be appreciated
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replacewythy · 6 years
The Amory Score Episode 15
"It's all weird, and the Keywork logo is everywhere, even on someone's FACE" "That's how every girl meetup happens. Everybody's naked all the time." "Oh, almost as if the design of this species hasn't been thought through on any like, narrative or like, lore level, it's just, I'm horny." "I just wanted to draw blue girls with big titties, I'm SORRY." "Is it a crime?" "Al is like, the character that the fandom really likes" fuck is that true "Apparently the streets are the sewers." "Are Coheed and Cambria as bad as each other, or are there miniscule differences in who is worse?" "Well, it has two mouths." "I guess it has two mouths." "Or two butts. It's honestly your pick." "What do you mean 'why is it a bar?' Why is anything anything?" "Oh, LGBTQIA+ ally Al the Killer." "AlGBTQ" "Ally the Killer." "I need Mayo." "I need Mayo. We didn't realize how true it was." "He's gonna kill all of you." "He's gonna kill everyone!"
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pangendering · 7 years
Pangender, panflux and demipangender are all valid gender identities!
Regardless of what other people say!
You are amazing!
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riverphoenixdragon · 9 years
You know some things that suck about being gay with openly homophobic family members?
1) You have to live a lie and say you like and even date members of the opposite sex when the very thought makes your skin crawl and stomach heave. You have sex with them to try to turn yourself straight, but it just kills you inside and rapes your soul in ways you can't even put into words. 2) If you do happen to date someone of the same sex, you've got to keep it a secret. That means no family functions, they're at your birthday parties as "friends," and IF they know of their existence, instead of your SO, most if not all of your family knows them as your "best friend." 3) You're advised not to get married until so and so passes. 4) If you have kids from those relationships you forced, you wonder how they'll handle having two moms or dads with such hate in your family. 5) You cry everytime you check certain family members Facebook pages and you're reminded if you came out, they love they say they bear for you would vanish in an instant. 6) You're scared to come out. You're scared to be yourself. You sit in your car or lay awake in bed at night wanting to be yourself but knowing you can't, so you tailor your life, memorize scripts, and come up with lies so they don't hate you.
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livelifetothemax1331 · 10 years
'Why is it that as a culture we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?'
Ernest Gaines 
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ismprism-blog · 11 years
What is ALGBTQ?
    ALGBTQ is an acronym: Asexual, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer (or questioning).
Originally just LGBT, the Q was added in the mid 1990's, and the A has only begun to be recognized recently.
    Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to anyone.1 
Asexuality is different from both romantic attraction and celibacy. People who are asexual may be in very fulfilling relationships, and may also have enjoyable sex, but they have no (or very little) sexual desires or interest in sex.
Understanding and acceptance of asexuality is still fairly new, and so the definition includes broad variations. 
    A lesbian is a homosexual woman; a woman who is sexually attracted to other women.
    A gay man is someone who is sexually attracted to other men.
Gay is also a synonym for homosexuality.  
    A bisexual is a person who is sexually attracted to men and women.
Pansexuality is attraction - sexual, romantic, or emotional - towards people of all sexes and genders.
    Transgender is the state of one's gender identity not matching their assigned sex.1
A person's sex is based on their genitals and reproductive organs. 
Gender is the range of behaviors and characteristics that pertain to masculinity and femininity. 
A transgender person may feel as though their gender does not correspond with their sex, that their identity does not conform to conventional gender roles, or that their sex or gender does not accurately encompass their existence.1
    Queer is an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities.1 People who are not heterosexual, heteronormative, or gender-binary may identify as queer.
Heteronormativity holds that people fall into distinct and complimentary genders with natural roles in life. A heteronormative view is one that involves the alignment of sex, gender, sexuality, gender roles, and gender identity, and sees this as the norm.1 (For example: a straight female, who identifies as being a female, a woman, and feminine.)
Gender-binary is the classification of sex and gender into two distinct, opposite, and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine. It sees male/masculine and female/feminine as the norm, and any deviation is seen as and stigmatized as other.
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seanstartrunning · 12 years
Sean: Coming Out... again and again.
A few of my stories on coming out.
Did I rush?
Kinda feel like I rushed.
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pangendering · 7 years
Don’t feel ashamed to be pangender!
Feel proud! You are awesome and you deserve respect! ~
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