#alice closet archives
alice-closet-archives · 6 months
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Alice Closet Cyber Imaginator- 5 star level
The outfit is incomplete as I was unable to gather all the items.
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kaz-oooo · 2 months
I saw ages ago someone mentioned a Magnus Archives AU where everything was the same except it takes place in Australia. 10/10 good shit.
My only addition : Tim and Sasha are both Dangerfield girlies, at least 50% of their closet is filled with those funky patterns.
(Also Magnus Protocol bonus : same goes with Alice Dyer… except she’s so much worse)
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melandrops · 4 months
Chapter: 1/1
Wordcount: 1,522
Related Tags: Gwendolyn "Gwen" Bouchard/Alice Dyer, Pre-Relationship, Comfort, Crying
Is Gwen in a broom closet?
Alice sidles up to the door of the closet and yeah, those are the sounds of strangled sobs.
Inspired by @annabelle--cane and their post about dyhard.
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hello michael shelley nation may i interest you in some michael with marfan syndrome headcanons?
you get them either way sorry
I was brainrotting today to my sibling @alice-dyers-spouse so I figured I’d compile ALL my thoughts here
Starting off strong with the Give Michael Shelley The Right To Call Things That Inconvenience Him Abelist Campaign 2024. Every time his legs give out and he falls down the stairs to the archives just cursing the abelist society he lives in
Also bro can’t S E E so if he forgets his glasses he’s gotta look at all the files with his nose practically touching the shelves cos Marfan can affect eyesight too
AND I just KNOW he has a wheelchair for when he’s walking long distances (amusement parks/work trips/the like) that he has named and decorated
But also he’s like REALLY Fuckin Tall™️ so the other archival crew are always like mIcAeL! CaN yOu rEacH tHiS bOx????
and he does it cos he’s NICE but he’s closet so sick of it
And, of course, his nice leg brace and forearm crutches he has usually for day to day movement so his joints and ligaments don’t d i e
That’s all I have for now and I did my research BUT IF ANY OF THIS IS INSENSITIVE/INACCURATE PLS LET ME KNOW!! I don’t have marfan syndrome, I don’t know anyone who does, so the internet was my only connection to it so if it needs editing feel free to tell me :)
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camaro-and-smokes · 9 months
Get Out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car
Chapter 1: Who's That Girl
Read on tumblr: CH 1 [CH 2] / ?
Read on AO3 >>
No Warnings. Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harringtonm Other Characters to Be Added, Original characters. Tags: AU - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, AU - No Supernatural, AU - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Billy Hargrove Lives, Gay Billy Hargrove, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Fluff, 90s, Genderfluid Billy Hargrove, Roommates, Other Tags to Be Added
Summary: 1992 in San Diego, where Steve recently moved because of his new job, he runs into Billy - literally. Billy isn't exactly what he used to be when Steve had last seen him, but it isn't a bad thing. At all. By chance, they end up as roommates and, well…
Notes: New year, new fic... Just pure fluffy fluff fluff! Enjoy 💜
“Thanks, Mandy,” Billy said and lifted the cardboard cup. “I’ll pay for this tomorrow.”
The waitress on the other side of the counter smiled. “Hey, it’s just one black coffee. Don’t worry about it. I’ll cover for it.”
Billy sighed, grateful for the gesture. “Honestly, thank you. I owe you.”
Mandy laughed. “Just go already. You'll be late again otherwise.”
Billy adjusted the strap of his full bag on his shoulder and walked towards the door. He realized he hadn’t taken out his smokes when he had the chance to do it with two hands, and now he had to do it with just one. “Fucking piece of...where are you?” he cursed as he tried to fish the pack of smokes from the bag while walking out of the coffee shop and onto the sidewalk.
He was so occupied that he almost walked into someone, their shoulders nudging together. The cover was the only thing that kept his coffee in the mug , only partly spilling it on his hand. He muttered an apology as he continued digging. He was all the way at the next junction when he finally caught the pack in his hands and stopped to light a smoke.
This day was one he would be glad when it passed. The Camaro had stalled into a junction in the morning, he'd had to have walked to the workshop to get the tow truck and then he had been so busy with other cars the whole day that he’d had no time to even look at what was wrong with it. And now he was late from his aerobics' class because he had to fucking walk everywhere, and he'd been late far too many times from the classes already. Alice, the owner of the studio, had already warned him she would have to cut him off from the instructor list if he didn't up his game, and fast.
And now he really needed the money. When Rob had broken up with him, he'd decided to stay in the bungalow by the beach they'd rented together. It was the first place that felt like home ever since he'd ran away from Fuckward, Indiana, and back to Cali, and he didn't want to let go of it.
At that bungalow, he'd become to terms with who he was. Happy to have a day job at the garage as a mechanic and the few aerobics classes he instructed at evenings, the neighbourhood kids' basketball team he coached that kept nailing it against the uptown teams, and the kids from foster families he taught how to surf. The musky but feminine perfumes perfectly fitting in the same row with his aftershaves. The pink crop tops in his closet, and the red nail polish and lipsticks on his dressing table.
He was being himself for the first time, and since it was now just him, he would embrace it now more than ever.
He just needed someone to pay the rent with him.
Steve was reading the 'for rent' -advertisements in the newspaper while he walked towards the coffeehouse at the street corner, a short walk away from his hotel and one he'd taken as his go-to place to get something small to eat. He was so occupied that he didn't notice the person who walked out the door and their shoulders connected shortly, causing him to take his eyes off the newspaper.
“Oh, sorry,” Steve apologised, but the person kept walking without turning around. Their perfume lingered in the air after them, and Steve turned to look over his shoulder after them. He smiled a little, for it was a sight to behold.
Blonde, curly hair in a high bun, held up with a pink scrunchie. Their white crop top showed a well-toned back and waist, finished with blue, high cut jeans that were hugging their figure and barely covering the top of their thighs. The look was finished with white leg warmers and white Reeboks. Steve thought he wouldn't mind looking at that sight a bit closer and kept staring until they vanished behind the building at the next junction.
He walked into the coffee shop and ordered a black coffee and a chocolate chip muffin. With his purchase, he sat down at a table in the back of the shop and kept reading the advertisements. He had to find a place to stay by the end of the week. Sure, he could stay in the hotel, but it would cost way too much he was willing to spend right now. He'd rather pay rent for a place of his own than for a hotel.
He'd moved in San Diego for the job as marketing manager for the national video rental chain that Family Video back in Hawkins had become a part of. The job would start next Monday and it was Wednesday, so he had a few days free to do some hunting for a place. He wasn't looking for buying a house right now, he still wasn't sure if San Diego was the place he'd want to settle in. So, for now he was only looking for rentals, either by himself or with a roommate, either one worked right now.
Unfortunately, none of the ads looked like a proper fit. They either had too high rent for his budget, or then it was a room with a bunch of college kids, which didn't suit him anymore. He wouldn't be able to live in a place full of young adults partying all week, every week. He'd imagined it would've been easier to find a place to stay in San Diego, but it didn't really seem like it.
When he'd drank his coffee, he walked back to the counter. “Hey, would it be possible for me to leave a wanted ad on your notice board?” he asked the waitress.
“Sure! Need a pen and paper to do that with? I can put the note up for you.”
Steve wrote the note and gave it to the waitress. He squinted to read her name on the badge on her apron. “Thank you... Mandy. I'm staying in the Holiday Inn just around the corner. Thus the mention to ask for a name in the note.”
She looked at the note and smiled. “No problem. You're not the first.”
Steve hoped that someone would respond sooner rather than later.
He stopped by the café on Thursday and on Friday, mostly because he wanted to ask Mandy if anyone had asked about his ad since no one had called him. And, okay, partly because he was hoping to run into the blonde again. But no one had asked about his note so far and the blonde wasn't anywhere to be seen, so he'd gone about his days getting to know his new home town.
It was Saturday when he was yet again reading the 'room for lent' -ads in the newspaper as he walked towards the café. He had almost given up any hope of finding any place by Monday and was looking at the ads just with a vague hope.
He was engulfed enough that he didn't look in front of him and walked straight into someone. He hit his face into the newspaper, and then he felt hot liquid covering the front of his shirt.
“Fuck!” a baritone voice groaned.
Steve tossed the now wet newspaper on the pavement and looked at his shirt, annoyed. Then he looked at the door of the café, pondering if he should go in and ask for a towel to dry the coffee off his shirt. He turned to look at the person squatting on the sidewalk, trying to gather the things that had fallen out of their bag on the ground when they walked into each other.
To Steve's surprise, it was the blonde.
They got up and started damping Steve's shirt with a napkin they'd found from among their things on the sidewalk. “I'm so, so sorry! Shit! I didn't look up and...”
Steve's mouth fell open in surprise. “Hargrove?”
Billy looked up for the first time, and his eyes widened as he recognized Steve. “Harrington? Fuck, this is embarrassing.”
Steve let out a laugh. “Uh, yeah. Not exactly how I thought we'd bump into each other.”
The cafe door opened and Mandy walked out. “I saw what happened. Here, try this,” she said and handed Steve a towel. “I hope the coffee wasn't too hot anymore.”
“Thanks, I'll survive,” Steve replied, smiling. He patted his shirt with the towel and turned to look at Billy, who was still collecting his belongings from the sidewalk. “So, how've you been? I mean, you seem to be...”
“I'm doing good,” Billy mumbled, still squatting on the ground and checking his bag.
Steve saw something rolling on the sidewalk and he took a few steps to pick it up. It was a pink lipstick. He showed it to Billy. “This...yours?”
Billy smiled a tense smile, taking the small container and opened it. The pink tube of wax fell out from the tube and back to the pavement, breaking into even smaller pieces. “Fuck,” he groaned.
“Uh, hey, can I buy you a fresh coffee or...?” Steve asked.
Billy shook his head, pulling the zipper of his bag closed and getting up. “Sorry, I gotta go. I'm already late, again.”
“You have a car close by?”
“No, in fact, my trusty steed died the other day and I have to walk to the studio,” Billy said as he shouldered his bag and started walking. “But see you around Harrington!”
Billy had already taken several steps when Steve shouted after him, “Hey, Hargrove! I have a car, on the other side of the street. Let me drive you! It's the least I can do for breaking your...lipstick.”
Billy stopped and turned around, chewing his cheek. “You wouldn't mind?”
Steve smiled and shrugged. “No, of course not! Come on,” Steve said and pointed to a dark red BMW on the other side of the street. “It's that one.”
Billy snorted. “Should've guessed.”
When they got into the car, Steve started it. “So, where to?”
“Turn around, turn right, then left from the next lights. The studio is then just before the next lights,” Billy said.
“So, right around the corner, then.”
Billy shook his head. “Yeah. It's not far, but you know, without a car...”
Steve nodded and turned the car around.
After a while of awkward silence Billy spoke. “So, what are you doing in San Diego?”
Steve smiled again. “Came here for work. Marketing for the video rental chain that bought Family Video.”
“Wow,” Billy said, nodding. “Good for you.”
“Yeah. Far enough from having to work for my dad.”
They remained silent for the rest of the short drive, one that was even more awkward than the one before. 
Billy hadn't imagined to run into Steve again, not at least like this. And he hadn't definitely imagined to run into him in the outfit he was wearing. Seen his lipstick of all things. Steve was the first of the people from his past who'd learned about all that, even if only superficially. Surprisingly, it didn't really feel as bad as he'd imagined.
Steve looked at the neon sign above the doors of the aerobics' studio when he parked the car. “Alright, here we are.”
Billy got out and was about to close the door when Steve spoke again, leaning to look at Billy. “Hey, I just, honestly...It was great to see you. You're clearly doing great. I'm happy about that.”
Billy smiled. “Yeah. I'm better. Actually.”
Steve smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I can tell. Just wondered about it sometimes.”
Billy closed the door and leaned to look at Steve through the open window. “You did?” he asked, curious.
“I did. Actually.”
Billy smiled a small smile. “Well, I hope you like San Diego.”
“Yeah. Me too,” Steve replied, smiling even wider.
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 5 months
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ladywolfknight · 1 year
Chapter 2 for Screams of Queens is out!
King's Landing University has a problem that started in 1995. Students and faculty keep dying.
Now, in 2015, Alicent rushes & pledges Rhaenyra's sorority to make friends and stay close to her girlfriend. Rhaenyra copes with being closeted, becoming an orphan, and staying in the sorority's most exclusive inner circle. The sadistic queen bee of KTT, Cersei Lannister, and Dean Hightower fight over whether the sorority should exist.
Meanwhile, a killer prowls the campus slowly picking off sorority sisters.
The girls of House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones try to survive in the world setting of Scream Queens.
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gender0bender · 1 year
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Picture of Alice Puerala, a steelworker and union organiser who was also a lesbian, and lived with a female partner for many years while being closeted. Taken from the book Steel closets : voices of gay, lesbian, and transgender steelworker by Anne Belay, available on the Internet Archive.
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kuroshitart · 1 year
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little something i drew for a modern AU cielois fic i wrote when i was 15 and have recently picked back up!!
Ciel’s eyes immediately dart to a picture of them from freshman year. There was a photobooth for a halloween dance, just a few weeks after the party that they had been to. Alois had found a shitty rip-off matching set of Alice in Wonderland costumes that he had made Ciel wear with him.
“Alois. Making me wear this shitty costume is one thing, but making me take photographic evidence of it is begging me to commit social suicide.”
“Oh, please. I barely even had to beg this time. Besides, I would say that we already look like a gaggle of queers! What’s the harm in collecting souvenirs to commemorate this brief moment of you stepping out of the closet?” Alois teased.
Ciel deadpanned.
“If you get into the photobooth with me, I’ll give you a kiss?”
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the-common-cowgirl · 1 year
The Blood of the Dragon
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Chapter 39: We Deserve Happiness
Full Chapter posted below!
That night, Alice stayed at Cat’s apartment. Helping her pack the last of her stuff. Come morning, the girls had made coffee to fuel their long day of moving Cat’s stuff out of her apartment building and into her car. Not everything fit but Cat did not want to make a return trip back to the apartment in fear than Brandon would get back when she was there so Cat opted to leave the rest, along with a note to Brandon, laying on the kitchen countertop.
Once the girls piled into the overloaded car, Alice had a weird feeling of dread wash over her. She felt like she was helping Cat escape her own personal hell but to invite her into the insanity of Alice’s. As Cat drove, Alice remained silent in the passenger seat. Early 2010’s music boomed from the radio but inside Alice’s head was silent. Only a whisper of the thought of Aemond waiting for her at the bakery would chime in sometimes.
Alice checked her phone, unsure of why but also halfway hoping Aemond had texted her last night. No messages.
She took in a deep breath and let the stagnant, perfumed air of Cat’s car fill her lungs like a long drag of a cigarette. When she exhaled, Cat had parallel parked in front of the bakery. Cat hoped out before Alice could will herself to open the door. She pulled the handle and slowly stepped out onto the warming pavement in front of the bakery and faked a smile as Cat opened the door behind her. “Let’s unpack!”
The girls spent the entire day unpacking and moving Cat’s things into Alice’s mother’s old room. Cat remarked it was strange to sleep in the bed her mother had died in, a comment that made Alice almost regret offering Cat a place to stay but Cat redeemed herself by packing away her mother’s things with care and appreciation for the woman that loved them. She put the boxes of Alice’s mother’s belongings in the closet of the bedroom, stacked away neatly beside Alice’s father’s belongings. It made Alice think of the shared plot they lie in the graveyard, placed neatly away just like their belongings.
It was supper time when the girls had finished settling Cat into her new room in the apartment above the bakery. Cat had complained of being hungry and started rummaging through Alice’s fridge and cabinets in search of something to cook.
”Y’know…” Cat began a lecture whilst shuffling boxes around and checking their labels, her back to Alice, “For literally making your money cooking food…”
”Baking,” Alice corrected as she sat at the kitchen table, trying in vain to fix an old cd player Cat insisted on bringing with her from her apartment.”
Cat rolled her eyes as she opened another cabinet, “Baking,” she mocked. “You’d think that you’d have food that wasn’t expired.”
Alice looked up from her project to see Cat standing on the countertop, searching for food on the top shelf of the cabinet above the stove.
”That’s the spice cabinet, you won’t find food there.” Alice chuckled as she returned to her project.
Cat groaned, “Even your spices are expired. Do you ever cook?”
”After -literally- working with food all day, I don’t feel like cooking. Mom felt the same. And so did dad.” Alice was vaguely aware Cat had stopped making noise so she looked up to see Cat’s confused face. She started explaining, “You don’t remember eating the pastries that didn’t sell for supper when you were over?”
”I did but I didn’t realize it was a normal thing your family did! I just thought it was a special occasion type of thing.” Cat threw up her hands.
Alice laughed, “Meat was a special occasion, not baked goods.”
Cat furrowed her brow and grabbed her phone, “Okay, I’m ordering something then. What do you want?” Cat flicked through an app, searching for places to order takeout from.
Alice shrugged as she tried to pop a plastic piece of the CD player loose without breaking it, “Whatever sounds good. I’ll have what you’re having. My wallet is over there, just take whatever I owe you.” Alice nodded her head in the direction of the wallet sitting on the countertop.
Cat nodded, “Okay.” She continued flipping through the app, trying to make up her mind.
Alice felt a buzz in her short’s back pocket and she pulled her phone out to see a message from Aemond. Her heart leapt slightly as she read but she tried to remain cool to not look suspicious to Cat.
Come outside.
Alice debated typing back “No,” but the love that she still spared for Aemond intrinsically in her heart made her do what she did next.
”I’m gonna go downstairs, won’t be gone long.”
Cat was still engrossed in her phone, she only gave Alice a tiny wave to acknowledge she heard her.
Alice slowly walked down the apartment stairs. When she reached the door that separated the apartment from the bakery and lobby, she took in a deep breath to still her racing heart and pushed the door open.
Through the big storefront windows in the lobby, Alice could see Aemond’s silver hair that shone so brightly in tonight’s full moon. He was sitting on the step in front of the door to the bakery with his back to her. He was looking up at the sky with his hands clasped together and elbows resting on his knees. He looked peaceful. Alice felt uneasy at how she had remembered him when she left his home and compared to this? They were two different people.
Alice slowly walked to the door and unlocked it, stepping out into the brisk night air. Aemond didn’t turn around to greet her. Alice assumed that he expected her to sit with him, so she granted him only that and sat next to him on the chilly, stone stoop of the bakery, though, there was a good two or three feet between them.
”I’m sorry, Alice.” His delicate, soft voice shook her to her very core as if he were screaming. She didn’t know what she expected, but his voice rallied her blood pressure. She felt like crying. Then, she felt stupid that she felt like crying.
You’re ridiculous, Alice. Get it together.
“I’m sorry for saying you don’t have a life outside of me,” he added softly, refusing to look at her. “And I’m sorry for making that abrasive truth the reality of your life,” his voice cracked. His heart was threatening to betray his hardened exterior. He could not look at her out of shame, she realized. “And… I’m sorry for…everything else.”
Alice let a soft breath escape, fear and trepidation of his apology held heavy in her heart.
”I know you wouldn’t believe an apology without action. You’re not easily manipulated and I would never manipulate you.”
Alice scoffed at that.
”Consciously, I suppose,” he added. “So,” he opened his dark blazer and pulled a folded piece of parchment from his inside pocket. “The bakery is yours.” He handed her the paper, finally looking at her with his soft, blue eye and when she met his gaze, the world felt like it just might crumble. Everything was right in the world when they held each other, even simply in sight alone.
But Alice’s fingers grazed the weathered parchment against her wishes and brought her back to reality.
She slowly opened the tanning, stiff paper to find Aemond had given her the original deed to the building. Everything her family worked for was for this. It didn’t seem real. Her fingers trembled against the weathered paper.
”I- I don’t know what to- Thank- Thank you,” she stammered her thanks.
His soft pointed lips cracked into a bashful smirk, “Please, don’t thank me.”
Alice nodded, staring at the paper. Unable to feel anything in the wake of such a victory for the Strong family. Tears started creeping up in her eyes as she thought of her family. How hard they had worked for nothing more than Aemond’s sick fantasy of love. Her tears turned to anger quicker than she could even comprehend.
“I wish I never met you,” Alice whisperd as she used the palm of her left hand to wipe the cooling tears running down her cheek.
A short sigh could be heard through his nose but Alice would not turn to look at him. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She feared falling again if she gazed into his blue again.
“I think about your wishes more than I think about my own. More than I think about anything really,” his chest expanded but no air is taken into his lungs. It collapsed with shattered exhales lacking air to propel the momentum of a normal, human exhaling chest. “More often than not, I find myself in deep loathing for inserting myself into your life this last time.” He takes in a breath this time, a real breath. From the expanding of his body, a single tear is forced out from behind his eyepatch. “I’m no good for you. I never have been. You’ve never wanted this. I should’ve given you something different: a chance. But the Gods built me in a forsaken way. My blood, who I am, who I hail from, who I was born to be….” He is silent for some time, Alice could hear a dog barking in the distance, “well, I’m the blood of the dragon…and I suppose, dragons take without care and burn all in their path.”
His chest rose and fell again, he ran a thumb across the concrete stoop they were both sitting on; it ran to Alice. He slowly, grasped her thigh gently. “I’ve never been anything but greedy. And I know you don’t want this, but we have to try. Time is our enemy.”
Alice took in a breathy laugh, “Time isn’t the enemy, we all pay our dues. Time is the caregiver.” She roughly brushed his hand off her thigh, “You’re right. You’re greedy. You’ve taken too much of it.” With that, she stood, turning to walk back into the bakery. Her bakery.
Inches away from grasping the door handle, Alice was pulled back against Aemond’s broad, looming frame. He smelt like soot, leather and all things dangerous and his familiar scent hit her like a wave of euphoria. For a mere second, Alice felt as if she had forgotten everything: her anger, her pain, her worries and fears, but most importantly, she forgot that they existed in a world where other beings existed. She simply felt, under Aemond’s touch, that they had died and gone to their own personal heaven.
Oh how they both longed for that.
His cold, nimble fingers danced across her wrist where he had just harshly grabbed, a silent apology for treating her so roughly a moment prior, it made Alice shiver and lean further back into his tough, her head falling back into his shoulder and her eyes closing. His other hand snaked up her front and found purchase in her neck, wrapping around and holding possessively; as if Alice were a prized gemstone he alone could protect - in his own mind, she was.
”Alice, my love, I think we deserve happiness don’t we?” His breath was like a winter breeze on her neck that smelt of peppermint. Alice shivered as gooseflesh appeared all over her body. He was intoxicating in all the wrong ways.
”We’ve suffered enough. Please. Stop denying our future.” The hand on her neck traveled lower to her collarbone, gently caressing the area. His nose nudged against her artery intrusively as he settled deeper against her now freezing neck.
“I-I don’t think- that I-,” Alice was nearly panting as her brain felt scrambled, not certain of what she truly wanted as Aemond held her so gently, so possessively, so lovingly. “I need some time. To think - about this. About us.”
Aemond placed a cold, open mouthed kiss on the nape of her neck, “We don’t have time - until we finally do.” She shivered against him again, feeling like her own body temperature was lowering to accommodate her lover. “Kinvara will be at my home tomorrow. Please, decide on us.”
Alice nodded, unsure if she would be able to deny him right now with her brain and body corrupted with his presence. “I’ll give you an answer. I promise.”
Aemond breathed a sigh of relief into the skin of her neck. “Please, choose me my love.” He slowly let go of Alice but turned her around. She opened her eyes for the first time to find desperation written across Aemond’s face. It made her heart sink and her head throb.
“I’ll choose me before anyone else,” Alice admitted, wrapping her arms around Aemond’s neck and standing on her tiptoes to lean her forehead against his, “But I don’t think there is a version of me without you.”
Aemond let out a breathy, emotional chuckle. His lips found hers and his hands gripped her sides, holding her in place as he greedily took from her lips as if they were a lifeline to his hardly beating heart. The kiss was long, passionate and seemed to heal between them what had transpired the past couple of days. When they pulled apart, he looked down to her lovingly, cupping her cheek with his large hand.
Alice covered the hand on her cheek with her own and gripped slightly, “I’ll text you.”
A soft smile appeared on Aemond’s face as he gazed at her beauty. A smile that said, I already know your answer, darling. But he didn’t say that, no, no he’d give her the illusion of waiting, even though he knew. He stepped back from the bakery, eyeing Alice as she stood on the stoop. “I’ll wait for it then.” He nodded and his smile grew wider, not wanting to take his sight off of her being soft and kind to him again. “I love you, Alice.”
Alice blushed and looked at her feet, not sure why she felt like a schoolgirl with a highschool crush again. “I love you too, Aemond.” She looked back up at him, standing near his car with a warm smile on his face.
”I’ve always loved you, Alice.”
Alice blushed again, unable to think of a reply to that. So she awkwardly waved and turned, walking into the bakery and locking the door. She watched Aemond pull off in his black car, then, she bounded up the stairs like a lovesick teenager who had just experienced her first kiss. Smiling she shut the door to the apartment and just melted against the hardwood of the door. Sliding down like her legs were jelly, she couldn’t keep the smile off of her face.
Cat was blasting Hozier’s Francesca in her cordless speakers. The lyrics hit Alice’s ears perfectly, as if the song was in tune with her emotions of the moment.
“I would still be surprised I could find you, darling.”
Her head tilted to the side, eyes closed. Slipping off to the bliss of the singer’s voice but imagined Aemond. Aemond and her. Wrapped in the cold, silken sheets of his bed, wrapped in each other.
“In any life, If I could hold you for a minute.”
This song - in this moment - was about them. She knew it. Her heart beat in sync with the rhythm.
“Darling, I would do it again, ah, ah.”
Alice found herself mindlessly signing, like a worship service in the Grand Sept on Sunday morning with her parents and brother. Instead of singing to the Seven, she was singing her praise in Aemond’s name.
She felt a warm hand on her knee, jerking her eyes open she saw Cat kneeling on the ground in front of her and looking at her in awe. “What’s up with you? You’re freezing cold and delirious!” She was laughing, with a hint of concern behind her eyes.
Alice smiled dreamily, “I’m in love.”
Cat shook her head, “No, you’re in shock. Let’s get you in the couch and some blankets. I made food, ya doof. Found some ramen that wasn’t expired for too long.”
Alice smiled as Cat walked to the kitchen and began dishing out a bowl of the noodles and broth. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she texted Aemond a simple text.
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alice-closet-archives · 2 months
Alice Closet
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Scenario 1 A New Adventure Part 10
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otakusparkle · 2 years
There's many games that I really want to play again
Arknigts, Girls Frontline, Azurlane, Blue Archive, How To Raise A Harem, Food Fantasy, Alice Closet, Nikki Dress Up, SinoAlice, Honkai Impact, Senran Kagura, Dead By Daylight, Uma Musume, etc
But uhh... Everything is gacha and I'm too tired with it :'D
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ao3feed-rhaewin · 13 days
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ao3feed--bughead · 15 days
by mother_of_houseplants
The books had been rotting in the corner of a closet for years before they moved out of the trailer. He’d hoped, somewhat naively, that by moving into the Coopers’ old house, he’d banish the ghost of those stories for good, relegate them to haunting Alice’s forgotten, crumbling attic instead. That what was gone would stay gone, what was dead would stay dead.
The problem with that is the fact that the past doesn’t like to disappear so easily. That traces of the dead still linger. That sometimes, they come alive in your children.
 Or: Jughead wants to track down his grandfather. FP Jones’ hands itch for a drink.
Words: 11433, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: FP Jones II, Forsythe Pendleton Jones I, Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews, Fred Andrews, Dodger Dickenson, Betty Cooper, Alice Cooper (Archie Comics), Veronica Lodge, Hiram Lodge, Hermione Lodge
Relationships: FP Jones II & Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones, Alice Cooper/FP Jones II, Archie Andrews & Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews & Fred Andrews, Archie Andrews & FP Jones II, Archie Andrews/Veronica Lodge, Hermione Lodge/Hiram Lodge
Additional Tags: Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Season/Series 04, Complicated Relationships, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hurt FP Jones II, FP Jones II's A+ Parenting, Sheriff FP Jones II, Mentioned Southside Serpents Gang, canon compliant for the most part except for how the plot with jug's grandad ends, because wtf, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, thoughts on childhood trauma, and cycles of violence and abuse and addiction, Childhood Trauma, Healing, Angst, Father-Son Relationship, Good Parent Fred Andrews, Dead Fred Andrews, Canon Dialogue, shit ton of canon dialogue actually sorry, Hurt Jughead Jones, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
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“Emmeline Marie Vance!” Her mother yells. “Get your ass in here, now!” Emmeline trudges into her mother's sitting area and stands off to the side. “Where is your dress?”
“It’s in my room, mother.”
“Go put it on, now.” She sneers.
“Yes, mother.” Emmeline starts walking away.
“And get rid of that hideous outfit. A pure blood must not wear that.”
“Yes, mother.” Emmeline responds while walking away. She comes back in a beautiful purple ballgown, her mother laid out on her bed this morning.
“That is much better.” Lyla says to her daughter when she walks back in the room. “Now, your party will be starting soon, and guests should be arriving shortly. Make sure you look presentable before it starts.”
“Of course, mother.”
“Emmeline Marie Vance!” Her mother yells once again. Emmeline stands beside her. “Why is there a half blood here?”
“She’s my friend, mother.”
“A half blood is your friend?” She sneers.
“Yes, mother.”
“It’s bad enough that your barely getting good grades, but now a half blood is your company?”
“Mother, please. She’s my friend.”
“Dorcas Meadows is not your friend. Neither is this Lily Evans or Mary Macdonald. They are mud bloods. You do not associate yourself with either. James Potter and Sirius Black are blood traitors. Remus Lupin, Sybill Trelawney, and Marlene McKinnon are half-bloods. You need to go tell them to leave and never talk to them again.”
“Mother, they’re my friends. You can’t just tell me to do that. Besides, Emma, Aurora, Regulus, Pandora, Evan, Barty, Frank, Peter, and Alice are their friends, too. As well as mine.”
“Then ditch them, too. You will find new pure-blood friends.”
“I’m not doing that, mother. They’re my friends. It’s not happening. I’m sorry.”
“Then you will get out of my house!”
Emmeline shifts her face into a neutral expression. “Fine. Goodbye, mother.” Emmeline walks out and to her room at the top on the stairs. Emmeline jumps when she’s sees a figure in her dark room. “Why are you in the dark, Colette?” Emmeline turns on her light. “You can turn on a light.”
“Madam Vance said to not touch the lights.”
Emmeline smiles at her. “You can touch my light. You’re the only one who comes in here, anyway.” Emmeline walks to her closet, grabbing one of her suitcases and putting clothes in it. She walks back out with two suitcases packed, grabs her cosmetic bag, and walks to her bathroom that's connected to her room. She walks back out and places it with her stuff. She then grabs her clothes that she was told to change out of and goes to the bathroom to put them back on. She lays her dress on the bed before turning back to her maid.
“Where are you going, miss?” Colette asks.
“I’m leaving.” Emmeline looks at her face closer. “Are you hurt?”
“Oh. Madam Vance hit me for not cleaning a vase right.”
Emmeline sighs. “Colette, why don’t you come with me? To my friends, I mean. I know you don’t have any family besides Noah, and you care for me very much. So, come with me. I’ll help you find a job.”
Colette smiles. “Miss, I can’t.”
“Please.” She begs. “It would mean the world to me. Plus, I have a friend who’ll take anyone in.”
Colette debates her options. “Oh, alright.”
Emmeline smiles. “Do you have any belongings?”
Colette nods. “I don’t have much. It’ll only take one suitcase if you can spare one.”
Emmeline smiles once again and walks to her closet, grabbing another bag and handing it to her friend. “Do you need any help?”
Colette shakes her head. “No, go wait for me at the front gate. It won’t take long. I’ll let Victor know everything before we leave, and I’ll ask Noah to grab your friends.”
“Thank you, Colette.” They both smile and go their different ways before they meet at the gate.
“Lin, what happened?” Pandora asks, coming out of her house with Regulus, Evan, Barty, Dorcas, and Emma. “Noah came up to us and said to meet you here.”
“I’ll tell you when everyone gets here.” Minutes later, all of her friends are finally at the front gate. She explains the situation while waiting for Colette.
“Oh my.” Emma says.
“On your birthday?” Aurora asks.
Colette comes out with two suitcases and Noah in tow. Noah is only thirteen but has been working at the house since he was eight. Colette never wanted to involve her son in her work, but she had no other choice, and Emmeline became close to both of them a few days after they started working there. Emmeline smiles when she spots them. “Are you both ready?”
Colette nods and looks at her son. “Ready?”
Noah nods. “Ready.”
“Colette, Noah, this is my friend James Potter. His mother is very generous and will take all of us in.”
James smiles at the mother and son. “Do you have any other family?”
Colette shakes her head. “No, the rest are deceased. It’s just been me and my son since he was two.”
James smiles sadly. “Well, you’ll have a new family soon. My parents love anyone who walks in my house.”
“Oh!” Marlene exclaims when they’re walking down the driveway. “I have an awesome idea. Let’s throw a party at the Potter house for Lin. Just a traditional one like muggles do. You know, the ones that Lily and Mary do for their birthday every year?”
Emmeline smiles. “That’s a great idea, Marls. Let’s do it.” Marlene, Lily, Mary, and James cheer as they walk to the cars. They one hundred percent have something planned. Something Emmeline might just like.
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elden-bling · 5 months
Mercy Has A Human Heart - Chapter 3
The little bit of rest did him well. August pulled out a pair of clothes from the closet, dressing himself in something fresh and clean. Although from the small layer of dust, it probably wasn't as clean as it could have been. Alice had urged him to talk to someone in the hotel, Eugénie. She had taken a look at his weapon, strengthening the blade and sharpening it for him. He watched as her slender fingers moved over the blade, she mumbled to herself as she worked. Venigni had called him over while Eugénie worked, attaching a grinder to his Legion arm as well as handing him two new arms. One with a harpoon attached to string and a blue electric arm. While he did appreciate it, he did not want to accidentally hurt Alice while they were working together, opting to simply stay with his basic left arm. “I'm done with your weapon,” Eugénie called out to him. He nodded, thanking both her and Venigni before approaching the Stalker. The Cathedral, who knows what made it impossible for her to continue.
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