#all because he had a crush on hunter and decided that if he was going to do one thing right with his life it might as well be
deithe · 1 year
alex rider and his insane gaslighting assassin guardian angel yassen gregorovich
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chiiyuuvv · 7 months
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• PAIRING — bestfriend!xikers x gn reader (i think)
• GENRE — "imagine if we were dating" prompt, shy, fluff, angst in minjaes, screaming at hunters, yeah
• WORD COUNT — 880
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — i got this idea when i was reading some skz texts. Basically, you were saying "what if we were dating" but you already dating- wait lemme just
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• TAGLIST — @lil-elle @hyunukitty
Doesnt find your joke funny
Theres a very clear line of best friends and lovers and besides, theres no possible way you could like him back
Zoning out a lot, trying to understand his feelings more when he just blurts out what was on his mind. Because you guys are close, he could tell you anything, right?
“No, no its fine. I know you obviously dont like me and it’s okay, i just wanted to get it off my chest. Im sorry i made you uncomfortable.”
He was already on the verge of tears, but when you tell him you love him, more than just friends, he just bursts out crying ♡
Just goes along with it
Holds your hand, puts his arm around your shoulder. Refuses to call you by your name but babe
Likes that your getting flustered because hes screaming on the inside
Gets so into his role that he leans into you, your noses touching and hes about to kiss you. Until wait a minute and just pulls back with a sheepish smile
Daydreams for the rest of the day about the almost kiss. And when he drops you to your house, he finally does it ♡
Freezes; were you reading his thoughts? Were you able to somehow see his dreams? H-how did you know??
He tries to play it cool even though his face is burning red. "Y-yeah.. that'll be crazy right?! Haha.." he clears his throat
But to his dismay, you already knew about the massive crush he had on you, as he was very obvious
So you use that to your advantage, scooting extra close to him, your hands shadowing over his small ones
"I like you too, stupid." You would laugh, placing a soft kiss on his cheek as his face gets even redder ♡
"Yeah, imagine if we were dating." He would take it as a joke, lying down and fantasizing about your lifes as a couple
"I would take you to this hot air balloon festival, since i know you've always wanted to go."
Has this smile on his face until he stops; were you actually serious?
You had to be joking, there was no way this was directed to him, right?
Almost stops breathing and his mouth is dropped open when you kiss his cheek. "I like you, jinsik." ♡
Your question honestly made him sad
Because wdym “what if you were dating?” no, he didnt want to pretend. He wanted to live his dreams, he wanted to be with you
So he gets a little quiet, looking down as hes lost in his thoughts, a little teary eyed
Snaps out of it when you call his name, and would say he’s okay even though you know he’s lying
So with all courage, you confess to him. And when you’re done, he’d pour his heart out to you ♡
He’s completely taken aback, the silence making you feel a little uneasy
“B-but i mean.” wouldnt even let you talk without pressing his lips against yours, his face completely red but he doesnt care
Would kiss you again if you tried to talk, getting to the point where hes just peppering your face with kisses
Would have the whole rant about how much he loves you
Then it would be your turn to cut him off with a kiss ♡
Also freezes; the first time hes speechless
Theres a long awkward silence, your faces red and seeun twiddling with his thumbs
"I mean I- well we- or m-maybe-" struggles to find words
"We can definitely start it slow.. i-i mean, it you wanna, i can understand if you dont b-but you decide haha!!!"
After you agree that you wanna take it slow, he would have this shy smile on his face, holding both of your hands, looking down the entire time ♡
Would have the cutest smile on his face
“Dating??” the giggles he would let out, gosh
Like jinsik, he would fantasize about how everything would go, his ears red
But that turns into convincing you to go on a date with him. He’d treat you so well, buying anything you want
“I mean.. I wouldnt mind. I already love you and i know you do too, so why not we just make it offical?” ♡
"If we were dating?" He would stop as you were walking through the park
Has this cheeky smile on his face. "I think i would do this."
Grabs both of your hands with a warm smile, checking to see if you were comfortable before tucking some hair behind your ears, his eyes filled with love
"You're so pretty." He would mumble as he picks a flower out of a bush next to you
Lifts up your chin and slowly connects your lips, moving in a slow but meaningful pace ♡
The boy would not stop giggling
"I-if we were dating?" He would burst out laughing, making you think he's making fun of the question
Would stop laughing when he notices your frown
"I-I mean.. if we were dating, it would be so nice and we would wake up together and text pick-up lines and-" his face was bright pink as he was rambling
Stops when he notices, "i-i'd think i like it.." ♡
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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flirting with them
notes: i present to you, the 3 absolute worst (best) people to flirt with: "cranky & in denial", "goes through a crisis when you compliment him" and "utterly confused but ready to marry you if you ask"
if you like my works, feel free to commission me!
contains: character x gn!reader, shameless flirting
characters included: rollo flamm, azul ashengrotto, malleus draconia
word count: 2.7k
warnings: glorious masquerade spoilers, enemies to lovers with rollo
dark content creators & consumers do not interact
Listen, Rollo goes through enough of a crisis already over the fact that he likes you, one of those insufferable Night Raven College students who use magic so carelessly and gaze at it with wonder and excitement. But you flirting with him? He goes through all 5 stages of grief over that.
Up to the point where you start actively teasing him, Rollo does a good job at convincing himself that the reason he’s just particularly fixated on you of all the NRC students, is because he just hates you the most. Nevermind the way his heart skips a beat when you smile at him while touring the City of Flowers before he revealed his true colors to you. How you had invited him to sit with you and share some local food as you exchanged experiences and thoughts. 
He tries to ignore the way his heart is beating faster when he sees you at the Masquerade Ball. He tells himself it’s likely just that he’s anxious about not having succeeded with his plan. He pushes down the idea of kissing you breathless and being held in your arms gently as you run your hands through his hair and kiss his forehead- 
God, what am I thinking…they’re my enemy, he thinks to himself. With a hateful expression he makes his way over to you, determined to tell you how he’s not done yet and one day he’ll erase magic from this very world. That you’ll fear his name and- oh god you’re winking at him. 
He’s blushing furiously but he still has that angry expression on his face, so it just looks a little like Riddle when it’s off with your head. His mind is going haywire though. They winked at me…oh no…oh fuck…abort immediately, he decides to just avoid you and glare at you from a distance but at this point it is too late. A certain hunter had already told you how Rollo had been staring at you this entire evening whenever you weren’t looking and that he “probably wanted to have a dance with you”
So you make your way over to him and ask him. His heart skips a beat and he wants to reject you and tell you off but what he wants even more is to indulge you and have a nice evening with you. “What makes you think I’d want to dance with you?”, he spits out and crosses his arms. Yeah. That’ll work. Good job, Rollo.
“I don’t know, you seem pretty desperate”, you shrug, trying to suppress a smirk. The AUDACITY, he thinks but can’t say anything in response, just taking your hand and starting to dance with you. He remains silent and you poke his cheek. “You can be so cute when you stop being cranky for two minutes”, you tease and he can feel his cheeks burning. At this point you’re well aware that he’s got a little crush on you, because against his own perception of things, he wasn’t exactly subtle. 
He looks after you with rage written on his face and confusion in his heart as you and the other NRC students leave to head back to your own school. That’s all he can do. Watch you leave.
What did he care anyway? You were just an obnoxious magic enthusiast who- 
He gazes in surprise upon the small rose that had been placed on his desk. It is definitely enchanted, has a soft glow and some of the petals are floating around it. There is a little note attached to it: Thank you for the dance, Rollo ♡ - Love, y/n.
He looks at the mirror in shock when he notices the soft smile on his face upon seeing your note. He hates magic so much. But maybe…maybe he could make an exception for you and you only. 
Definitely rants to the gargoyles about how much he hates you and the way your eyes sparkle in the sun and how your laugh sounds like a thousand beautiful symphonies. Yeah he definitely hates you, no doubt.
He sometimes posts about school events on his Magicam and on pictures he’s on he tends to find little compliments from you. This makes his day every single time but god forbid anyone notices.
He eventually starts conversing with you over text, having quite a few long conversations and bonding despite how much he wants to deny it. You’re still flirting with him shamelessly and never miss out on wishing him a good night with a heart emoji attached. He sends one back once or twice, claiming his hand slipped on the keyboard.
When he sees you again, at the culture festival, he sits at the table with you and a couple of your friends. You ask him whether he is going to watch the VDC and he insists he sees no reason in watching a singing competition. “I mean we could always go backstage and kiss for a while if you’d prefer that”, you say nonchalantly and so casually, it makes Rollo choke on his drink. The other students at the table are definitely staring at you two and Rollo wishes he could merge with the ground at this moment.
He pulls you aside after the incident to a hallway where there’s no people. “What the hell did you think you were doing?”, he hisses at you and clutches onto his handkerchief until his knuckles turn white. “I apologize for putting you on the spot”, you say sincerely, “you look pretty when you’re flustered, though.” “Do you ever shut up?”, his breath hitches in his throat. 
“If you take me up on my offer I would”, you wink at him and find yourself with Rollo’s lips on yours within seconds. As soon as he gets to kiss you, the very thing he had been longing for for months now, it’s like a switch flips in his brain. His kiss is fiery and aggressive at first but then melts into your touch just like he had wanted for so long, kissing you softly as he feels his hands shake. He feels you smile into the kiss upon noticing how gentle and loving he is now and Rollo holds onto you, resting his head against your shoulder breathlessly as soon as the kiss was over. Both of you remain silent for a while before Rollo speaks quietly, his voice shaking: “I love you.” 
You chuckle and pat his head. “I know”, you kiss his forehead gently and he closes his eyes.
Rollo hated magic, he knew that much. But somehow every moment with you felt so magical and made him so happy…
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Azul is used to people being mean to him and also to casual, neutral interactions but never has anyone been so blatantly verbally affectionate with him and this man doesn’t know how to handle it. 
It all started when he had asked you to come to the Mostro Lounge VIP room as Valentine’s Day was getting closer, because several people had declared that they were ready to sign a contract with him if he could get them a date with you. So he presented the terms to you and offered you help in a class you were bad at. He didn’t think you’d accept so easily. 
“So, let me get this straight, all I’d have to do for this is to go on a date with one of those guys involved in the whole contract thing with you?”, you raised an eyebrow and Azul nodded, extending his hand to you to seal the deal, as you had blatantly refused to sign a contract. But that didn’t matter. After all, he’d already get what he wanted from whoever you would pick to go on a date with. You shook his hand and Azul smiles at you. “Well then, shall I show you who was ready to make a contract with me for your company?”, he showed you his typical business smile and you just replied dryly. “That won’t be necessary. I’ve already picked.”
Azul was confused. “But you don’t even know who asked?”, he raised an eyebrow and threw Jade and Floyd a questioning glare. They didn’t seem to know what was going on either. “I said ‘someone involved in the whole contract thing’”, you reminded him, “do you have any plans on Friday?” Azul’s face fell. He was already blushing and glaring at the twins who were snickering quietly. “No?”, he croaked and pushed his glasses back with his eyes widened. “Great!”, you smiled at him and got up, waving him goodbye, “I’ll see you at 8 then? I’ll pick you up at Mostro Lounge!” 
As soon as you had closed the door behind you, Jade and Floyd started wheezing uncontrollably. “What just happened?”, Jade asked under his breath, “did they just scam you into a date?” Azul’s expression darkened, as did his blush. “I DON’T KNOW WHAT JUST HAPPENED”, his voice cracked and he wanted to curl up in his octopus pot, “stop laughing.”
Once you've learnt of his past, you've become much more gentle and less teasing with your flirting. He deserved the reassurance that you were serious and genuinely liked him. You’d often tell him that you thought he looked nice when he wore a new outfit and complimented him for his achievements in class and his business strategies. You even went as far as to tell him that his octopus form probably looked cute. He just didn’t know what to do with you. 
Upon being asked whether you were trying to make fun of him, you looked into his eyes with a serious expression and told him you meant everything you had said to him. 
As he took you and your friends to the Atlantica Memorial Museum to return the elementary school photo, Grim was excited. “Maybe we’ll bring back some sort of treasure from the ocean!”, he exclaimed. “But we already have Azul”, you insisted and the octopus merman blushed immediately. “Please just stop”, he begged and sighed, although your words definitely made him feel good, “not in front of people…”
Over such a short time he had already learnt to expect your flirting. That didn’t mean it made him any less flustered. 
Once you had returned the photo and had a moment alone with him, you took his hands into yours and told him you were proud of how far he had come. Azul squeezed your hand gently, a silent ‘thank you’ for the love and affection you were so ready to give to him after all of his hardships.
Malleus doesn’t actively recognize your flirting as such. Don’t get me wrong, he’s so on board with this and really flattered but until you tell him directly what you feel for him, he still assumes you just see him as a good friend.
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“Shall I give you a blessing?”, he smirks as he asks you this question on your birthday. You cup his face gently. “You’re my blessing, Malleus”, you say with a soft smile on your face and Malleus looks at you with his signature surprised expression. Lilia chuckles, mumbling about how bold you are. Malleus is just awestruck. He doesn’t know what to say at first. He’s blushing and then takes your hands in his. “Thank you. I feel honored. It means a lot to me to hear that”, he says genuinely and his thumb brushes over your hand softly.
Malleus loves your little affections so much. He didn’t know how starved he was for them until he experienced them for the first time. He treasures so much how ready you are to speak your mind, especially when it comes to telling him how you feel about him. Little does he know that’s only a small part of how much you truly love him. 
You were a little late to the Masquerade Ball during the student exchange meeting, eventually opening the big door to the entrance hall of Noble Bell College for your big entrance. Malleus spots you almost immediately, marveling at how beautiful you looked, dressed up for the occasion. Your eyes meet his across the hall and you make your way over to him straight away, taking his hand in yours. “I really like this song they’re playing right now. I think it’s time for our first dance of the evening”, you smirk at him, just waiting for him to follow you. Sebek is yelling at you how you could possibly have the audacity to not just assume you could dance with him but not even ask Prince Malleus Draconia ‘Would you please share a dance with me?’ first. But Malleus adores when you’re bold. After all this time of people being too afraid to even talk to him, he’s fascinated how assured you are to approach him with your wishes and requests with no hesitation. 
“You seem quite determined”, he chuckles and leads you to the dancefloor. He’s absolutely relishing in the fact that you walked into this event dead-set on getting a dance with him, implying your upcoming dance wouldn’t be the last one that night either. It makes him feel so special. More than the treatment he receives from others as a prince does. Because it feels like you have seen right through him, accepted every part of him and decided you wanted all of it. 
You dance through the evening with Malleus, telling him how much you liked the song he presented as a gift for the other students. “I could listen to your voice for hours”, you brush a strand of hair out of his face and Malleus leans into your touch. “I would gladly sing for you again. You need only ask”, he smirks. 
You later stop by his room, knocking on the door softly. Malleus opens it, having taken off the heavier, pompous parts of his masquerade outfit; now only dressed in a pair of black pants and the see-through black shirt worn under the complex and ornate fabrics of the costume. His hair is slightly disheveled and he has his bangs pushed up, letting you see his dragon markings. Upon seeing you, he instantly smiles. “You look so beautiful”, you mouth, making Malleus chuckle and smirk at you. “So do you”, he insists. “I’m never going to overshadow the talking gargoyle but I’ve made peace with that”, you sigh and step into the room, Malleus closing the door behind you. He laughs at your comment, then gazes out of the window. 
“The night in the City of Flowers seems to show a different expression than during the day”, he says and turns to you, seeing you smile at him with a mischievous expression, “that face…you are also interested?” His smirk matches yours now. “Malleus, what do you think I came here for at this hour, hmm?”, you chuckle, pulling out a map from your pocket, “so…you can teleport us out of Noble Bell College without being seen right?” Malleus puts his hands onto his hips. “Nothing easier than that.”
After you explored the city at night, you end up sitting at the roof of a tall building, looking down on the beautiful city. “I’m very glad I got to share these memories with you”, Malleus takes your hand in his again and you look into his eyes, cupping his cheek gently. “You’re so precious to me…you have no idea”, you mumble quietly, smiling at him fondly; filled with unconditional love. Malleus squeezes your hand and looks at you with the same expression. “I think I’m starting to understand”, he whispers as the sun rises on the horizon.
Malleus loves when you’re bold with your flirting, he loves when you show your teasing side and flatter him with a clever line. But he just as much craves the moments when you’re calm and serious, just smiling at him and letting him know how much he means to you, even if he doesn’t know yet whether you intend for it to be romantic or see him as a good friend. He treasures your affection and how you’re unafraid to give him your love and appreciation in a way no one ever has to him. 
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cc--2224 · 1 month
older hunter x reader pregnant in pabu
Next Steps
Pairing: Hunter x F! Reader
Summary: Following the events on Mount Tantiss, Hunter and the rest of the Bad Batch are finally able to relax and enjoy the time they have, you and Hunter decide that means planning next steps together.
Warnings: All fluff, slight anxiety mentions, obviously pregnancy mentions as that was the request, maybe slight S3 Finale spoilers?
Word Count: 1.3k
Notes: Thank you so much for sending a request, anon!! I really hope you enjoy it!! As a reminder, my requests are going to be open for a bit so send me some if you'd like! :)
Taglist: None, let me know if you'd like to be added
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Ever since they had landed on Pabu for the last time, they had all finally begun to relax, to plant roots, to get to know the villagers. Even Crosshair had seemed more open to socializing with the locals, to learning their trades.
Hunter had always had trepidations about getting too comfortable. 
Back when you had first met, a few years ago now, he expressed that he wanted to get adjusted, to finally sit down and relax but he always felt as if he was looking over his shoulder.
When the island had been attacked by the Empire, you understood what he meant. But everyone was still determined to keep each other, and their mercenary friends, safe.
Part of you feared that when they left to go get Omega back that it was the last time you would ever see them, whether that meant that they wouldn't put Pabu in danger and kept themselves away, or worse. You didn't want that, not only because you liked having them around, liked hearing their stories, sharing meals, but because you knew that you had developed feelings for Hunter in the short time you knew each other. 
You couldn't recall a time where you were more worried for someone's safety than you were after they had left Pabu to find Omega.
You wanted to protect him, to make him feel safe on the island, but you also knew that with everything they had experienced, that was easier said than done.
It only became more difficult once you began to fear you'd lose him for good.
So when they finally returned, you decided to throw caution to the wind. You didn't want anymore missed opportunities, he had to know how you felt about him.
You waited for them to leave the Imperial shuttle, and as soon as he emerged on the gangplank, you ran to him, wrapping your arms around him and crashing your lips into his.
He was rightfully surprised, but after the initial shock wore off, you felt his arms on your back, pulling you into him and feeling like they were going to crush you. He kissed back with desperation and relief washing over him.
When you finally broke apart, you held his face in your hands while his hands stayed firmly on your waist. You felt your eyes water, and you saw the same in him. 
"I'm home." He finally said. "And I'm never leaving you again."
It had been years since then, and true to his word, he never left you. He eventually moved his belongings into your house, and the two of you settled into the next stages of your domestic life together. You got to watch as your lives seemed to fall into place. The island changed around you, improvements, infrastructure, villagers’ families growing. Hunter began growing out his beard, no longer concerned about hating the feeling of facial hair against the helmet that he rarely ever put on. 
Things became simple, time slowed, your lives could finally begin.
You still remembered the conversation you had one afternoon, sitting on the front porch with him, watching Omega play with Lyana, Batcher, and the other three clone children. 
"Do you want one of our own?" He had asked, looking at you earnestly.
You raised an eyebrow, "Want one what?"
"A kid."
You smiled at him and glanced over to the kids playing.
"We have Omega," you reminded him and he chuckled.
"I know, and she'll always be our kid, but she's growing up. Won't be long until she starts living her own life." He looked down at his lap and you reached over to hold his hand, you knew how much the thought of Omega leaving upset him.
"I don't think she'd mind having a little brother or sister." He said when he looked back at you.
"No, I don't either." You drew him close and kissed him on his lips, showing him your agreement to his idea. 
— — —
"Hunter? Are you home?" You called out from the entryway to your house. You were met with silence and shrugged.
Must have gone out.
You had gone to the doctor that morning on Hunter's insistence. He had been hovering around you for a few weeks, as if he had been waiting for a shoe to drop. He didn't know what it was about you that was different, something in your scent, or a change in your pulse, something that he could sense but couldn't pinpoint the source.
You knew better than to argue with his keen senses, but you couldn't help but get a little annoyed with his overprotection.
The doctor had confirmed that you were pregnant, only a few weeks along, and you nearly cried at the news. You couldn't wait to tell Hunter, even if you knew he'd tell you he knew you should have gone to the doctor earlier. 
You decided to wait for him at home. You put on some tea and grabbed your datapad before sitting on the couch.
He finally walked through the door with some produce from the market, smiling at you when he saw you. He walked past you, but not before kissing the top of your head, and left the groceries in the kitchen.
"I went to the doctor's this morning." You did your best to keep your tone level, ambiguous.
It worked, seeing as how his cheerful demeanor had vanished completely when he poked his head out.
You stood up and looked at him. "Hunter, I–" your voice wavered, partially due to excitement, but partially due to nerves.
"I'm pregnant." 
His eyes widened as he looked into yours, then down to your stomach, then back up to your face. "You– What?"
Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes. "We're going to have a baby!"
He crossed the room before you could even register that he had moved. His arms circled your waist and you felt yourself being lifted off the ground and spun.
When he placed you back down, he pulled you to him and kissed you. Tears began rolling down your face as you laughed into the kiss. 
He looked at you and swept his thumbs across your cheeks, wiping away the tears even though his own nearly betrayed him.
You didn't hear the door open, but you heard Omega's voice ring out behind you.
"Is everything okay?"
You both looked at her, you smiled and nodded before opening your arm for her to join your hug. 
She did without hesitation.
"Omega," Hunter began. "Remember how I asked if you'd be alright if there was another kid running around?"
She looked at him and nodded, but then her eyes widened in realization and she looked at you, then Hunter, and then back to you.
"You're not–"
"I am." More tears fell as she wrapped her arms around you. 
"Congratulations!" Her smile widened as she looked at both of you. "I have to go tell Crosshair and Wrecker! They owe me ten credits each!"
She ran out the door before you could stop her and you looked at Hunter and shook your head.
"The whole island will know before long." You sighed.
"Yeah." He nodded.
"Are you ready?" You asked him cautiously.
He looked at you, thinking for a moment. "Honestly, I don't know. I mean, it's been a while since we've settled in here, but sometimes it still feels like the peace isn't going to last. I know that's just my own anxieties, but it's hard to shake the feeling, you know?"
You nodded and looked down. He put his arm around your shoulder and kissed your temple.
"But, we have each other through this. I won't let anything happen to you, or our kid. So I think I am. It helps knowing how much support they'll have when they get here. And how wonderful of a mother they're going to have." 
You leaned into his chest. "And father." 
You felt a laugh rumble from him. This was the next step for both of you, and it was a scary step to take, but despite Hunter's worries, you knew you were both ready to face this together. 
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queenariesofnarnia · 4 months
finally found you
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gif not mine!
tech x f! reader
wc: 910
warnings: faked death and hidden pregnancy, that should be it.
takes place after s2 e13
tech x f!reader
~after the sea surge~
Every citizen on Pabu was safe. Among those citizens was you and your twins. You helped out the best you could while carrying them. You heard Phee returned so you were looking for her while assisting everyone. You heard your name being called, turning to see Phee.
“I’ve been looking for you all night sugar” She says grabbing your face before kissing the twins on their heads. “Give me one and come meet my friends” she grabs your daughter Selene from you. As you walk with her chatting. Selene babbled along. You look up to see a face you’d never expect to see again.
“Tiny is that you? or am I going crazy?” Wrecker asks leaning down to hug you tightly. You had to stop him, so he didn’t crush Apollo.
“I would love a hug Wreck, but little guy back here isn’t ready for one of your hugs” you say showing him your son who was sleeping on your shoulder.
“You have a kid?!” He asked shocked. You point to Selene in Phee’s hands.
“I have two. It’s why I left actually” you admit sheepishly. He hollers for Hunter and Tech. Hunter immediately recognizes you as does Tech.
“Sarad? There’s no way, you’re supposed to be dead” Hunter gets ready to scold you lovingly before noticing Apollo. Phee hands Selene back to you, telling you she’s going to help Shep.
“Surprise” You say cradling Selene close to you.
“You have kids?” Tech asks raising his brows. Selene’s wild curls were the same color as Tech’s hair. Apollo’s curls matched your hair. Hunter quickly figured it out just waiting for his brother to figure it out.
“Yeah, I do. Well, it was lovely seeing you boys, but I must get going” You started to walk away until you heard your name again. Turning to see Omega. You hand Selene to Hunter quickly before pulling the blonde girl into your arms.
“I have missed you so much” her eyes begin to tear up. “I was so worried when you stopped showing up to the lab. Especially after the last time” She said before burying your face in your shirt.
“I have missed you too. Please meet Selene and Apollo” you say gesturing to your twins. As you let her go from the hug, her hand remained in yours. “Would you like to hold one of them?” you ask, and she nods. You let her grab Apollo who was now showing his brown eyes off to the world. Hunter seemed to be enjoying holding Selene as she giggles toying with his hair. Tech pulled you away for a moment, making sure you could still see the twins.
“How old are they?” he asked, not wanting his voice to betray him.
“They’ll be two next week” you answer not looking at him. His gloved hands reach for yours giving them a squeeze. It was what he used to do to get your attention.
“Is there a reason you did not tell me?” his voice cracking. Emotions were hard for him, this was the moment that he let them win.
“You were a soldier Tech. The Kaminoans would have taken them from me. Nala Se and Omega protected me by getting me off Kamino. I couldn’t say goodbye, I couldn’t let anyone know who the father was. You were not going to get decommissioned because of me.” you answer him finally meeting his eyes. “Master Plo was able to help me leave the order we told the council I was killed in action to make it easy” you added on.
“We mourned you. We hated ourselves because you ‘died’ in action without us by your side” he was expressing his anger, and you weren’t going to stop him. He deserved this moment. “You went through your pregnancy and motherhood alone during the last two years. I appreciate that you chose to consider my feelings. I would have done whatever to be there for you” he finished.
“I’m sorry Tech. I didn’t want to hurt you or the others. I sorry that I made this choice without talking to you. I’m not asking you to forgive me, at least let me introduce you to them properly. You can decide if you want to stay after” your voice was desperate. You had no right to ask him to do anything, but it would make you feel better if he met them properly.
“I would love nothing more” He took your hand leading you through the crowd back to his brothers and sister.
“Tech this is Apollo” you grab your son from Wrecker handing him to Tech. “And this is Selene” Omega hands her to you. The smile on Tech’s face made your heart swell. The way he held Apollo with care made you smile. He wrapped his free arm around you pulling you into his side.
“Dada” Apollo babbled touching Tech’s face. The others watched in awe as their normally logical brother melt into a puddle.
“Dada” Selene mimics her brother reaching for Tech also.
“Looks like were staying on Pabu” Hunter says cracking a smile.
“I have enough room in my home” you tell them. Omega’s arms went around your waist talking about her excitement that they get to stay. You place a kiss on Tech’s cheek causing him to get flustered.
“I believe I deserve a real kiss.” Tech says leaning down kissing your lips like it was the first time all over again.
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techtalksfics · 1 year
Headcanons: First Kiss
Authors Note: this is for the anon who sent in this very sweet prompt. I've tried to keep it fluffy but, you know, Crosshair is always gonna linger closer to smut than fluff. All of these will be small headcanon ideas, with small snippets of prose & dialogue. Hope you enjoy!
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How long does it take for it to happen?
Well, this is Tech we are talking about. It takes him a ridiculously long time to even realise you are interested in him. It takes him even longer to realise that you like him like that. When he realises it, he would consult his brothers about it at the first opportune moment.
You'd always tried to show Tech that you truly cared for him. You'd be overly attentive when he visited the medical wing, even if it was just for something as simple as a check-up. The first time you'd treated him, you'd been careful with his injuries, taking your time, talking with him, giggling at his silly comments. His brother's had noticed your gentle touches and twittery giggles at his comments long before Tech did. They just left it alone. Tech would figure it out eventually, right?
Well eventually was a long time coming. It was easily over thirty rotations of your attentive behaviour, of you trying to get to know him, to show him you shared interests. Of you trying to get him interested in you. What you didn't realise is that he had always been interested in you on some level. He just didn't realise what level that was. One evening, the clones were all in there shared quarters, relaxing after another successful mission. Tech had arrived later than the others as he came to say hello to you first.
When he arrived at their quarters, he simply sat for a moment, pondering over his desire to speak to you first. Suddenly he queried why you acted differently with him than you did with the others. Hunter sighed, stopping his expert ministrations with his knife in hand, looked his brother in the eye and tells him, "because she likes you." When Tech frowned deeper, somehow more confused. Surely she liked all you? "She has a crush on you, Tech." Tech stopped fiddling with his comm device to look up at Hunter for a moment. "Perhaps I should discuss this with her," he decided as he stood, speedily exiting the room.
Crosshair, had been lying on his bed, listening to the whole thing. He lolled his head towards Hunter, twirling the toothpick in his mouth from the right to the left side and and muttered, "that poor girl is going to need the Force on her side now."
Who Instigates the first kiss?
Tech. This is definitely going to be Tech. Most girls would probably fear starting something with him unless they were 100% sure he felt the same. As he isn't particularly great with affection, that may prove difficult. But our sweet boy also doesn't have a great filter for his words and sometimes his actions. So I have no doubt that he would be the first to make a move, clumsy thought it may be.
Tech had sought you out after Hunter's revelation or confirmation. He found at your station and the lab was eerily quiet. The perfect opportunity, he had realised. So he simply squeezed your arm gently. to get his attention. You smiled and turned the moment you realised it was him and he smashed his lips to yours with reckless abandon. It was sloppy and fast and not what you thought it would be. But your heart soared regardless.
When he moved away, he explained, "Hunter said that you may have a crush on me. He is rarely wrong on such matters. Perhaps this time he was?" As he searched your face for signs of disgust. There were none. He seemed a little perplexed by the flush on your cheeks. He decided it best that perhaps he leave that moment.
Gentle or Hot Heavy first kiss?
Our sweet boy is always going to be gentle, cautious. Savouring it, even. He had perhaps been a little overzealous to reach out and kiss you like that, it was felt oddly forced. Even for him. But when you finally decide to reciprocate, the main is definitely going to want to savour the experience slowly.
As he went to leave, you quickly grabbed him by the hand and pulled him back. “I didn’t think you even noticed me. I’m sorry, it took my mind a minute. You sort of appeared out of nowhere,” as he opened his mouth to protest, you placed your fingers over his lips, moving closer to him, “how about we try that one again?” You leaned in, holding your hands in the folds of his armour so that he couldn’t retreat. When he felt softness of your lips, the warmth of cheeks and body against his, Tech finally closes his eyes and simply enjoys the sensation. All too quickly for his liking, you pull away. He adjusts his goggles and asks, “would you be partial to doing that again?” That earns a little giggle from you. Of course you wanted to do that again. And again. And again.
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How long does it take for it to happen?
On sheer stubbornness of two people trying not to admit to their feelings (or as @littlebluebatbratt and I like to call it, playing a game of emotional chicken™), it's going to take some time. I feel like Crosshair would pair well with someone who could withstand the game as well as he could. So this could go on for a long time. I like to think the right girl would make him drop his pride and give in to her and his feelings.
“You should just cave,” he whispered, as he came up behind you. His breath was hot on your neck. You jumped out of your skin at the sudden contact. His approach had been so silent. You couldn’t help but lean back, flush into his body. He was simply so warm. Your mouth hung open at the contact, a huff of wind escaping you as you rest your head back against his shoulder. Then in a sudden realisation of what you were doing, you lurched away from him. As you began to walk away, you turned to face him, walking backwards and say, “if you want it, you know exactly how to come and get it” A smirk plastered on your lips as you sauntered away from him.
Who Instigates the first kiss?
Honestly, this would depend on the woman. As I mentioned above, I think, for Crosshair to truly fall for someone, she would also have to be a stubborn, pain in the ass with just a tad too much physical confidence. They would try desperately to get him to cave first, as much as they wanted to themselves. Eventually, the man would not be able to stop himself. One day, the endless flirting would turn into something more.
“You’re maddening, you know that?” He would say with a groan, he muffled behind his hand, as you softly rubbed your leg up and down his as you sat opposite each other in the mess hall.
“I know,” you said, popping a small bite of food into your mouth, with a smug grin. Suddenly, you would remove your leg and he immediately misses the contact. You move to leave the hall, knowing exactly what you were doing, but you could feel his shadow following you out. Perhaps it was finally time?
Pulling you into the nearest alcove, by your elbow with just enough force, he would simply stare into your eyes, desperate for you. You could see it. You could feel it. He couldn’t bring himself to say it, but he knew in that moment, as you stared at him with those big innocent eyes, that he had lost. He had fully lost himself in you.
Gentle/Hot Heavy first kiss?
It’s Crosshair. It’s hot and heavy. Of course. Particularly if they’ve been playing this game for a long time. All of this pent-up frustration would be unleashed into one extremely searing, deep, long kiss.
You would wrap your hands around his neck, the moment you realised he’d caved. You’d pull him in as close as you could, onlookers be damned. He’d have your body pinned against the wall, one knee between your thighs holding you in place as he leans in to kiss you. You place two fingers over his lips, looking deep into his eyes.
“I’m gonna need you to say it first,” you said with a smirk. He sighs looking away from you. Deciding it was time, he looked deep into your eyes, his own were hooded with a deep lust.
“Fine,” he grumbled, not breaking eye contact, “you win. I want you. I want you more than I want to win this.” That was all you needed. So, you yanked his head towards you and your lips met in a sudden and heated dance. It was everything you had been waiting for. His tongue quickly delves into your mouth exploring everything he had been imagining for months. His hands would wind their way into your hair, lifting your lips closer to his. His knee pushing further up into you, until you’re almost rutting on him.
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How long does it take for it to happen?
Wrecker is extremely vocal and does not necessarily think a lot of things through. That being said, he’s also our super soft gentle giant. He would probably spend more time trying to kiss than actually successfully doing it. I think he’d be one of the fastest to go in for a first kiss with someone, particularly if they paid him lots of attention. Which obviously, all of us would.
“I just wanna kiss ‘em,” Wrecker moaned to his brothers, his head in his hands at the bar, “but every time I get close, I back out.” He all but slammed his head on the bar. “I’m a coward.”
“You’re not a coward, Wrecker,” Hunter said dumbly, placing his hand on his brother’s shoulder, “you’re just worried that she won’t return it. But she will.”
Wrecker lifted his head toward Hunter, “how could you possibly know tha’?” It was almost a whine as Wrecker spoke.
“Because she’s not blind,” Hunter said, holding back a chuckle, “she’s spoken to me about it. She wants to know what’s holding you back.” Wrecker sat upright all of sudden.
“You mean, she knows?” Wrecker felt positively sick with the nerves. “Well, no what am I supposed to do.” This time, Tech was the one to respond as he looked up from the schematics in his hand, “well, you could just try actually kissing her.” Tech’s head immediately dropped back down to continue reading. He made it sound so simple.
Who Instigates the first kiss?
Wrecker wants to. Boy, does he want to. He wants to whisk you into his arms and kiss you so soundly that you never want to leave his side. But he’s just a bundle of nerves and insecurities under all that muscle. Knowing that you know he’s been trying, only made it worse. In the end, it would all be on you.
“Hi Wrecker,” you said, hopping off the counter of the store you worked at, “how are you?” Wrecker scratched at his neck, almost immediately, mumbling out something about being fine.
“Wrecker,” you said as a plea, when you realised that he couldn’t look at you, “you don’t need to be afraid, Wrecker. Whatever it is you want, you can just tell me.” You placed your hand softly on his cheek, encouraging him to look at you. You knew what it was that was bothering him. It bothered you that he thought you'd even consider rejecting him. His eyes finally pierced into yours, fear covering all of his features. “I – uh – I been trying to kiss you for a while now,” Wrecker stumbled over his words as he rushed to get them out, “but – uh – didn’t know if you’d want tha’.”
“Of course, I want that, you silly man.” His eyebrows shot up high as you smiled at him softly. And yet, he still couldn’t do it.
Gentle/Hot Heavy first kiss?
It’s going to be gentle, as gentle as he can make it. You wouldn’t want to push him too far, too fast. Hot and heavy could wait. You just needed to get him over the first hurdle that seemed to be plaguing him so fully. You’d gone from friendly banter, maybe some gentle flirtation and some outright cheesy phrases on his part and regressed back to the awkwardness of when you first met.
You hopped back onto the counter, making yourself more level with him. The store was empty, now was your chance. You reached your hand out for him to take and he did so very willingly, you pulled him in between your legs. Cupping his chin, you forced him to look at your smile. “Wrecker,” you whispered so softly, “I want you to do it.” He seemed to debate things in his mind, as best he could. He bit at his lip, wanting to reach in but he still hesitated.
With a small, barely audible sigh, you placed a hand on his gentle and brought his face into yours. The moment he felt your lips on his, his heart soared, and his arms cradled you naturally. You were much smaller than him, so you became enveloped in him. You kiss became firmer, occasionally pulling your lips away to tilt your head a different way. You found his lips followed you whenever you moved. If you leaned back, he leaned forward. If you tilted one way, he tilted the other and held you tighter. Truthfully, it was perfect.
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How long does it take for it to happen?
I think that post-Skako Minor, Echo’s mind will forever have self-doubt and his duty at the forefront. We see both when he is described as more machine than man, percentage wise. So, I think the build-up to the kiss would simply take a long time because he does let himself believe you’d want to.
“You know you’re wrong about her, right?” Rex said to his brother as they sat together post-mission. Everything had been successful. “She likes you.”
“She doesn’t like me,” Echo retorted, taking a sip of the steaming drink in his hands. He couldn’t help but let his eyes fall across the room towards where you were chatting with Gregor animatedly. Both laughing. He couldn’t help but smile at the idea of you liking him at all. God, he loved the way you laughed. The way you made his brothers feel happy whenever you were around.
“Oh, she definitely does,” Rex spoke with a smirk as he watched his brother falling in love from a distance, "and I think you like her too." Echo's head whipped back around to look at Rex, a crimson blush on his cheeks. He took another sip of his drink.
Who Instigates the first kiss?
I fear that it would have to be you. You are the only one that can convince him that you want him in a romantic way. Sure, Rex could try and convince him. As could any of his clone brothers, but they would never convince him enough for him to dare making a move. There were many, many others you could choose. So why would you choose him? Well, you'd have to convince him that your heart had chosen him long ago.
Rex had casually mentioned to you that Echo was leaving to find the Bad Batch, knowing full well what you would do. Honestly, he was a little fed up with the mutual pining.
“Echo,” you called out as you watched him walk away from Riyo Chuchi, it looks like you were catching him just in time. You knew there was nothing you could do or say to make sure he'd keep out of harms way. You now needed their help to save others. So this was your last chance to pluck up the courage you'd cowered away from for so long,“you weren’t planning on leaving without saying goodbye, were you?”
“I – uh – no, well, yes…perhaps?” Each of the words stumbled from his mouth as if chasing one another, pain masking over his features. You placed your hands on hips at that.
“Well how am I supposed to wish you luck if you keep running away before I have a chance?” You questioned him, allowing a flirtatious grin to creep onto your features. He blushed at that, you had such an effect on him, all from two very simple words. Good luck?
“L-luck?” He repeated back. As you stepped closer to him, he tried to steady himself, tried to remain steadfast and strong in your presence. You reached your hands up to his broad shoulders, running them across the coolness of the armour covering his broad shoulder.
“Yes, and luck that is truly good should be sealed with a kiss,” you said as you watched him through your lashes.
Gentle/Hot Heavy first kiss?
This would definitely be dependent on the circumstances, I’d say it would be a little bit of both. Particularly if it plays out as it does above. Or if it's any sort of goodbye or a hello after a long time. It'll definitely end up hot and heavy if he isn’t certain of his return. If he isn’t certain of your safety. He is going kiss you as if it is both the first and last time, he will ever kiss you.
With your hands on his shoulders, you’d reached up on toes and placed your lips to his softly. Your lips had ghosted over his so gently that he was convinced it had been a dream. And yet, it lasted just long enough for his eyes to flutter closed.
When they reopened, you stood there looking at him doe-eyed, expectantly and with a big grin on your face. With a soft, playful growl, he reached around your waist with one arm and span you around, you giggle all the while. Once he placed you back down, he reconnects his lips with yours with a sense of urgency and fire that shocked you. But you loved it. You loved the way he instantly delves deeper into your mouth. The way he moans into you. The way he kisses you like it was the last chance he would ever have to do so.
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How long does it take for it to happen?
I feel like the affection would develop quickly. Particularly if it were on Pabu. He feels safe and knows Omega is safe. It’s a community. Everyone is simply getting on with their lives. So, kissing you became one of the forefront thoughts in his mind. When Echo had arrived for support, everything goes a bit awry and his internal timeline for kissing you is made far more urgent.
“She’s something special, Echo,” Hunter said, staring at you with a smile. You were playing around with Wrecker and Omega in the distance. He could hear the melody of your laughter as he leaned into the wall watching you. “If we don’t come back from this, it’s going to hurt her.”
“We don’t have a choice, Hunter,” Echo reminded him, placing a reassuring hand on his brother’s shoulder, “she’ll understand.”
“Will she?” Hunter grumbled, entirely unconvinced. But he knew if he were to die on this mission, then he wanted to know what it was like to kiss you before he went. He had settled on that.
Who Instigates the first kiss?
Hunter. He'd already come close to kissing you more than once but he didn't want to rush it and it’s not that you don’t want but you knew he was withdrawn, stoic and more often than not, very serious. You were patient. You could do this on his timeline. So, when he was ready, he’d kiss you. You were certain of that. He often searched your eyes with a hand on your cheek and each time you prepared yourself for the kiss. But the kiss never came. At least, not until Echo had shown up and they were dragged back into the war they’d fled from.
“Hey,” he whispered as he approached you from behind. You were looking out over the balcony into the night sky, simply lost in thought. You knew he was leaving again.
“Hey yourself,” you murmured quietly, without facing him. You felt his presence at your side, though you could not feel his warmth. There was a safe distance between you. His hip dug into the wall as he simply watched you and waited. Waited until you could bear to look at him. He would wait. After a moment, you simply stated, “you are going again.”
“I may never see you again.” You affirmed, knuckles whitening from your tight grasp on the wall in front of you. You still couldn’t look him at him.
“But, if you can come back,” this time you turned to look at him, searching the depths of his eyes, “will you?” He reached his close fist to brush against your cheek softly, letting his hand settled at the hair tucked behind your ear. With a smile, he reached in close and whispered, “yes.” Your lips parted with a prickly shudder down your spine as his free hand traced the curve of your spine.
Gentle/Hot Heavy first kiss?
I think the first time would be gentle but sensuous. He would anticipate your needs and would want the depth of his feelings to be felt as he melded his lips with yours. He wanted to convince you of your future. That there could be a future, even though he could never be certain of that.
As he pulled back from his whisper, he did as he often did and placed his hand firmly on your cheek. You knew he wouldn’t pull away this time. This was the last chance either of you would have until they returned. If they returned.
“Don’t kiss me,” you murmured, “if the only reason is that you aren’t sure you’re going to return to me.” Tears began to prick at your eyes as you looked at him.
“I’m going to kiss you,” he said, raising his other hand, to your other cheek, “because I have to know what kissing you feels like, in case I never return.” He leaned in and brought his lips to yours in a searing kiss, full of longing and passion. You couldn’t help but moan as his strong hands pulled you in as close as he could have you. Your hands wove into his hair, pulling softly at the silky strands. He pulls back, but only to tilt his head from one side to the other before delving in to kiss you again. It seemed to last both an eternity and no more than a fleeting moment.
“If I don’t come back,” he whispered as he pulls away, “just know that you have made me a happy man.” He dropped his forehead to yours, allowing his eyes to close with the affection that coursed between you.
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costelloschoice · 4 months
I absolutely adore your fics and was thinking about a Yandere Mizu fanfic idea (if you like the idea as well of course) Keep up the good work you're amazing 🥰💜
-Thank you for the request, i made a little something short yet sweet <3 -sorry it took so long, I managed to fuck up my legs by falling from ice (don't ask) so i've been focusing on feeling better :}
Red Means I Love You Yandere!Mizu x fem!reader -warnings: toxic behavior, possessive over reader -hope you enjoy :]
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She never felt this way about anyone else. It was scary.
Mizu believed that love wasn't for her. Love was harsh to her, least till you came along. You were such a breath of fresh air, a beautiful rose in a garden of weeds. And she wanted your sweetness all to herself.
You were like a small deer. A fragile and gentle being. Something so pure and sweet, weak and defenseless. So pretty up close but easily scared…Yet she managed to get close to this deer. And you didn’t run away…In fact you decided to come closer to her. She was a hunter, killing many, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t appreciate your beauty.
She thought she had a little crush on you. I mean, you were so nice to her and showed her kindness that she always dreamed of. But seeing how Taigen would try to flirt with you, made her feel an unbridled rage. How the hell does this man think he is? First, he has Akemi and now you? No. He doesn’t get to have who ever he wants. Maybe because of Mizu’s childhood he tortured her, but he doesn’t deserve a girl like you.
Mizu would Taigen away, threating him to stay away from you. That Mizu knows men like him will use someone as beautiful as you. Everything about you was perfect, Mizu couldn't find a flaw if she tried. It seems like you've stolen her heart from her. Taigen would get offended and walk away. Like a buck trying to win over a doe deer but failing due to the human the deer was so close to.
In her eyes, no one could be around you or talk to you for too long. She would barely let Taigen speak to you and Ringo was allowed to talk to you and only to help you with an injuries.
When Boss Hamata sent his men to attack Mizu and the women at the tea house, she tried to protect you the best she could. You refused to stay in the basement and help Mizu fight against the corrupted boss and his men. She told you to stay back and hide with the rest...but of course you didn't listen.
You were a foolish girl, but like all humans, we make mistakes.
You were on the ground, bloodied and you tried to stop the man’s katana from going into you. From the blood spots, it looks like you were getting weaker and weaker by the second and wouldn’t be able to last any longer. You were a poor, helpless baby dear against the big bad wolf…You couldn’t find this man off alone. It was pathetic, but in a cute way.
Mizu, trying to have a grip on the situation, immediately went after the man. Ripping the man off of you before stabbing him repeatedly. She was the hunter who took the wolf down to protect her doe deer. She didn’t care if he was dead, she just kept stabbing till her anger subsided.
Now covered in this man’s blood, she turns to see you. You looked petrified. She thought it was because of the man but really it was because of her. She was used to everyone looking at her that way…but your gaze hurt the most. Her deer was surely to run off in the woods and never been seen again from her.
“Oh my dove..” Mizu spoke, moving to you. Her bloody hand caressed your cheek. The smell of iron was thick and heavy, making you flinch and gag internally. You were disgusted by these actions, her violent and ruthless killing. Yes he hurt you but at some point it’s uncalled for….but bigger shouldn’t be choicers.
“You’re safe..” she whispered, placing a kissing to your forehead. A red lip print on your forehead. It felt so wrong but nice after your near death experience.
“My small doe…You’re mine to protect..” she whispered into your skin, continuing to place kisses on your forehead.
“You’re mine.”
She said with aggression present in her tone. You just nodded, what else could you do? She could easily hurt you is you protested. You didn’t wish to die at the hands of your protector.
“I’m yours…”
“All mine..” she mumbled. Mizu caressed the soft hair of her doe deer, calming down the easily frightened creature. She perfect, sweet, weak and fragile deer now safe in her arms again, where she belongs.
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rosinaparker · 5 days
Skz 9th member
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Genre: fluff, crack
pairing: platonic!skz x f!reader
warnings: cursing, flirty comments/touches
A/N: Heyy guys...let's ignore the fact that we have been gone for a whole month😃 inspiration hasn’t been flowing at all for us☹️ -Rose✩
When you first joined the group, it was quite hard to fit in. Jyp wanted to make a mixed group. A group that would blow the internet up. Since Chan was choosing the members, he made sure the girl would fit in with the others. It turned out that you were the perfect fit for the group. Singing, rapping, visuals, you had it all. Chan took you under his wing as the oldest, making sure you felt as comfortable as you could get.
The boys were quite nervous around you. I mean lets be honest, its quite nerve wracking to know that a girl is gonna be apart of your group, meaning you have to be respectful, tidy up your space, make sure that the friendship stays platonic. It was hard for some of them of course, having a cute girl in the dorms was definitely exciting but it never bubbled up into something serious.
After a few years of getting to know the boys, writing songs together, practicing, talking.. you got used to them, and so did they. Any suspicion of romantic attraction was thrown out the window in their mind. They saw you as their little sister, besides Jeongin since you’re a few months older then him!
Now you’re probably asking yourself; how do they act around me? Well…
Very sweet
Most likely a father figure at this point
Has this soft spot for you when you ask for certain stuff
Everytime the others flirt with you, he kinda just sighs, knowing damn well theres gonna be rumors about that again
He honestly gave up on trying to stop it and just started getting all lovey dovey with you too
Lays on top of you to make you groan in annoyance
You know how he’s called the butt hunter? Yeah none of that for you
My dude has never touched you inappropriately
Very VERY respectful, even after all these years
Though his mouth still runs when he gets the chance to say something flirty
Ruffles your hair alot
The way he smiles at Han? You get the same treatment
Such a silly guy
Honestly just throws you around alot
Head pats
Everytime you’re doing your hair, he kinda sits in the corner just watching you
Not in a creepy way or anything, he just admires the way it falls
Dances the sassiest choreographies with you
Most of the tiktoks you guys have posted are all girl group dances
Genuinely just melts looking at you /p
Finds you so precious
You know how he has that cute aggression towards jeongin? Yeah expect it to happen to you too
Gets you jewelry alot, just because you mentioned you like wearing it on occasions
Leaves soft lingering touches alot (by accident, like around the waist or neck)
Paints you 24/7
If you’re into art too, you guys would always go out somewhere quiet and just paint the scenery
And if not then you are drawing ugly portraits of each other
Everytime you decide to go out at night without bodyguards for whatever reason, he is always the first to say he’s going with you
No you can’t decline, even Chan says he has to go with you because you could get in trouble
Biggest fanboy
Forces you to call him oppa
But you dont, and he whines about it
Most touchy out of all the members
Always has an arm around your shoulder or waist
He just likes to know that you’re close
He might’ve had a crush on you at the beginning of the trainee years
He was gonna take that one to the grave but hyunjin exposed him in a skz code episode once
Now all the stays mess around with him
You guys as a duo get in trouble the most
Absolutely pulls that 'going in for a kiss' move on you
Screams if you lean in
Falls asleep in your bed
He has this weird obsession with poking your cheeks
Since the beginning of trainee years, he spent most of his time around you
Mostly because you understood him the best (besides Chan)
Gets so upset if you’re upset
Real bestie behavior
You get in trouble together 2.0
Always takes you out to shopping because you’re most honest when it comes to the clothes he picks out
You guys have this special bond together
Singing karaoke in your bedroom>>
You usually like to pretend to kiss him, he never backs up though which ruins your joke most of the time and he loves it
Cuddles with you the most
His part time job is literally to tease the living shit out of you
Feels the need to be gentle with you
Probably because you’re a girl
You’re not a fan of it
He always gets you your favorite boba flavor
Has seen you cry the most
Has even spend over 2 hours just listening to you vent out your frustrations
You always make flirty jokes but he just pushes you away till you stop saying that shit to him
And if he isn’t pushing you away, then he gets real close to catch you off guard
Even though he always denies it on camera when the others mention it, he gets quite happy when you guys end up having to share a bed in skz codes episodes or other shows
His reasoning for it, is because you tend to wrap yourself around him which comforts him
Makes fun of the fact that you’re shorter then him
Pokes your sides all the time
Annoying Little brother and frustrated big sister behavior
Even though he doesn’t admit it, he wishes you were younger then him so he could take care of you just like the others do
He isn’t a fan of physical touch, so whenever you get too close he playfully looks disgusted
But if you’re in need of touch, he is very willing to give it
If he’s feeling like it, he likes to slow dance on stage at concerts
But he immediately gets embarrassed
It feels good to write something again😋 -Rose✩
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stinkysam · 6 months
Roronoa Zoro - Stronger.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “zoro surprisingly crushing on the new male crew member who's strong as fuck??” - anon
Reader : male (you/yours)
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Zoro recognized you instantly when he first saw you talk with Luffy.
He had seen your bounty poster many times before, and he had wanted, as a pirate hunter, to go after you but never found you. Which Luffy had managed to do so quickly and even invited you in his crew to be a part of them.
He couldn't stop staring at you. He kept telling himself it was because he was still in shock about it, such a high bounty in their newly started pirate crew. Not because you were a beautiful man, stronger than any of them reunited and even more. No, he preferred to deny it.
He trained with you as well, or more accurately, watched as you trained. His push-ups are long forgotten as he watches your shirtless body move swiftly, sweat dripping down your skin slowly as you squats down repeatedly, your very well defined ass facing him.
His eyes widened slightly as you grabbed the heaviest weights they had on the ship, handling them easily. Before continuing your training.
From your point of view, you had an ex pirate hunter staring you down, probably still wanting to take your head on a silver plate. Which wasn't good. Not that you feared for your life, you weren't Mihawk's equal but you were still pretty strong and knew you could take Zoro in a fight anytime you wanted. But for the mood. It was quite annoying to have a “close friend” that wished for your death.
And since you're on the same crew, you couldn't have that. So you decided to talk to him.
You placed down the weights on the floor and sighed. You didn't really want to have that discussion but you had no other choice. His constant staring was annoying you in the long run.
You took the towel that was sitting nearby and wiped yourself up with it, still under the stare of Zoro, trying to side-eye you discreetly.
You threw the towel aside and walked toward him and quickly Zoro returned to doing his push-ups, as if he hadn't been looking at you the whole time.
“Hey. We have to talk.” You said, placing your hands on your hips. Your biceps clenching and unclenching.
“We do ?” He doesn't stop his push-ups, as if he was too busy to pay you any mind.
“I know you were a pirate hunter before, but you have to let that in your past.”
“Huh ?”
“It's a bit annoying to have someone who wishes he could kill me, but can't, stare at me instead, constantly.”
“What ?” He stops, sitting down, rubbing his hair.
“You can't kill me. Get used to it.”
“I… don't want to kill you. You're a part of the crew.” He said as if it was obvious.
You raised an eyebrow.
“Then why do you keep staring so much ?”
He stared at you silently, confused, before realizing how many times you might have caught him looking at you. He blushed lightly, unsure of what to say.
“So ?”
“Huh…” He blushed even more, still not finding a good excuse. “You're… strong.” Is all he managed to say. You irked an eyebrow once more, thinking. Zoro didn't wanna admit he was also staring because you were ripped as fuck and good looking.
“So… you want me to… train you ?” You asked slowly, unsure.
“Yeah.” He shrugged. “I promised Luffy I wouldn't lose again. So… I need more training.”
“I see. Sorry for misinterpreting it. It was kind of intense how you stared at me sometimes.” You said and Zoro felt a bit ashamed, but glad he managed to not embarrass himself more.
“You wanna do it now ?” You asked, pointing to where you were a few minutes ago and his eyes widened a bit, taken aback by your suggestion before rapidly getting a hold of himself.
“Sure. Let's do this quickly.” He said with a grin, standing up, trying to act as confident as he could. He knew he could stand against you for a few minutes… if you didn't go all in, of course.
But the proximity that training together was promising, was making him a bit anxious.
“Scared you'll lose ?” You asked, looking back at him. “I mean, you will, but why stress about it.” You added with a cocky smile and a wink.
He stiffened, letting out an awkward “I'm not.”
You trained for a bit, and you didn't even break a sweat while sparring against him, which started to get on his nerves.
You had managed to throw his three swords away from him, and continued in hand to hand combat. His heart pulsed quickly, faster than it ever did each time your hands touched him, even if it was to punch or push him.
Despite that he focused on trying to make you sweat as much as him, or at least a little bit. Which was easier said than done.
Then, out of nowhere you grabbed him, locking his arms and his head as his back rested against your chest. He could feel you breathe calmly against him.
“I think we should stop.” You smiled, still holding him against you as he struggled for freedom.
“Alright…” He finally said and you let go of him. But as Zoro walked away, he tried to give you one last kick you easily dodged, pushing him to the floor with a loud thud.
He glared at you before resting his head on the floor, defeated, his swords scattered.
“Dinner should be ready.” You said with a smile, walking away slowly, grabbing your stuff to clean up the room a bit before leaving.
Zoro remained there, breathing loudly, thinking. You were definitely something…
“Marimo ! Dinner is served !” Zoro could hear from where was.
He sighed, slowly getting up and grabbing his swords before putting back on his shirt to leave and join the other in the kitchen.
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byunpum · 1 year
Do you hate me? | Part 1
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Pairing: Tsu'tey x Human-navi (hybrid)
Warning: All the characters are aged up 20’s, Family moments, age gaps. Tsu'tey being our baby <3, Nothing really out of the ordinary (until now)
Note: If you want you want to know how my human-navi look like "HERE".
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (final)
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"He hates me" you complain, while looking at the small patch of sky that could be seen from the deep jungle. You and Kiri had decided to go for a walk, after a long day. At least for you it had been. Kiri was more into healing and medicine preparation. While yours was to be a great hunter like your siblings. This specific day you had run into someone you literally idolized. Tsu'tey. A man who hated you, and your very presence made him nauseous. Or so you thought, because you swear that when he saw you arrive with neteyam to the starting point of practice, he quickly changed his eyes and never talked to you. And you didn't blame him…you were a rare mix of human and navi.
Your parents accepted you into the family when you were a newborn, well… fresh out of a capsule full of water. And they took you in, and raised you as one of the family. You grew up as another member of the clan. You were very helpful to everyone, you always tried to do your best and help everyone. You didn't want to be seen as someone different, but someone did. Tsu'tey was always far away from the sully family, he was not a big fan of being with children. But when the children grew up and showed interest in hunting and being good warriors, he became very involved in their lives. Tsu'tey was able to notice the talent that neteyam and lo'ak had.
But you noticed their presence when you were 16 years old, the crush was very strong. It all started when Tsu'tey had come to pick up lo'ak and neteyam to take them to practice. Jake convinced Tsu'tey to teach the boys several tricks. After all he was one of the best warriors in the clan. The man agreed. You stood next to your father, while Jake talked to his friend. Your gaze did not leave his face, it was so beautiful, so impressive.
"Ohh, you know Y/N?" says Jake, pulling you a little closer as he held your head. Jake had introduced them before… but even jake himself knew that Tsu'tey was keeping his distance from you. Tsu'tey looked down and gave you the "I see you" sign. You become very shy, and hug your father's leg. "Sorry…she's kind of shy" jake says, pulling you closer into his grip. And from there he had stolen your heart. Now you were in the full bloom of your 20s and your crush on Tsu'tey had grown through the roof. The only one who knew about this was kiri. She was your right-hand girl, so she knew everything about you.
"I don't think he hates you…he's like that…he's a little sour" says Kiri, she was also lying on the floor. You sigh and groan. "If he could slit my throat he would" you speak. Kiri turns around, and looks at you with wide eyes. "Is it that much?" asks Kiri. "Yessssss… you can feel it in the atmosphere" you cover your face with your hands, you were so frustrated. Kiri starts laughing and you punch her in the arm. "Stop it!!!" you are whining.
You two hear some noises and see your father come out of the bushes. "Here are my girls…come on it's getting late, let's go home" jake says, holding out his hand for you to get up off the ground. You both follow your father, as you silently joke around. If Jake ever finds out about your crush on Tsu'tey, ohhh eywa, he would be so pissed. He's always talking about how you should get bonded with a great warrior, that he's good for you and that he'd be a good mate. But you knew that was more than a far, far away story. You knew that you were different from the other Navi women, and that the men of the clan did not find you attractive and that you were not a good candidate to be their mate. Kiri could see your upset face, and took your hand. You both walked together until you reached the house.
"Hi mom!!!!" you jumped in, while neytiri smiled at you. Everyone was there, lo'ak was playing with tuk. And neteyam was lying in his hammock, you could tell he was kind of… sick. Wait neteyam is sick, you run and drop your head on his stomach. The boy lifts his head and removes the cloth from his face. "Y/n careful…your brother is feeling sick" says neytiri, as she continues to prepare everything to go to sleep. "Yes…I can hear it" you speak, while listening to the strange noises neteyam's stomach makes. "mmmm" neteyam complains, you raise your head and reach up to touch your brother's forehead, examining if he had a fever.
"He ate something rotten" lo'ak says in a teasing voice. You change your face to give him a dirty look. "it didn't look bad" says neteyam. The boy shivers in the hammock. "And grandma already took care of him?" asks kiri. Neytiri walks over to where you were, she knows how much you two care about your brother. "Yes, he will be fine…he just needs rest" says neytiri giving you both a kiss on your hair. "why don't you two get ready for bed" you see how your mom moves away, to settle in the hammock she shared with your father.
It was already late at night, you quietly get ready and climb into the hammock you shared with neteyam. "Do you want me to hug you?" you ask him, neteyam has his eyes closed, but you see how he laughs and stretches out his arm. You walk over and hug him. Neteyam feels how kiri settles on his other side, he needed this kind of warmth. It made him feel better, you made him feel better.
The next morning…
"Sorry little man…but you won't be able to go" says jake, gently reprimanding neteyam. The boy had woken up still feeling very bad. You were sitting on the floor, watching your father argue with his eldest son. "But I can go…I'm fine" neteyam speaks, while making a nauseous expression. "Look at the state of you yourself…you're pale and weak. You're not going" says neytiri. you could understand how neteyam felt, today he had his first day of solo hunting and he was going to be mentored by Tsu'tey. Neteyam sits next to you annoyed.
"Hey… easy brother…it'll be for next time" lo'ak says, nudging his brother as he eats a piece of fruit. Which kiri was cut up next to you. You can tell how upset neteyam was, he really wanted to go hunting with Tsu'tey. That was like the major accomplishment of most of the young men in the clan. He had been telling you all week how excited he was and that he wanted to show off his best moves to Tsu'tey. But now he was very sick, and it was best for him to rest. You see how jake approaches neteyam, he kneels down in front of his oldest son. " Hey champ…I'll talk to Tsu'tey and plan to go hunting another day, yeah?" says jake, trying to comfort his son.
"Hello…" a soft, deep voice is heard in the frame of the hut. There was Tsu'tey, he was ready to go hunting. He had his hunting attire, and his best bow. Tsu'tey can see everyone's worried face. "Did something happen?" asks the man, watching as neytiri and jake approach him. "We have a problem, neteyam can't go," says jake.
"He ate some bad fruit and now he is very sick to his stomach" says neytiri giving a look at her eldest son. Who now has his head tucked in his legs. The boy was so sad and angry. Tsu'tey takes a look, and sees lo'ak sitting down. "How about that boy? He can join me," Tsu'tey says. He has always been a direct man, he doesn't like to waste his time. Lo'ak looks up and makes a gesture of displeasure. "Well…I don't know if he wants to go" says neytiri, looking at lo'ak. "No thanks, I have things to do today" says lo'ak, of course he didn't have to do anything, but he didn't want to spend his whole day hunting. On the other hand, you were listening to the whole conversation… this was your camp. You were a good hunter, you were not yet at neteyam's level, but you were giving a good competition.
Jake sees how you are looking at him with illuminated eyes. "How about you take Y/N?" says Jake, gesturing for you to get up and walk towards him. You feel neteyam and kiri push you from behind to get up from the ground, you quickly run to your father. Tsu'tey looks you up and down, as you settle down next to your father. "I don't think…" speaks Tsu'tey, but he can feel neytiri's firm gaze. If there was one thing that bothered neytiri the most, it was that they doubted their children's abilities.
"Y/n…she's a good hunter. It will be good for her to go with you" says neytiri, Tsu'tey gives neytiri a look. She knew Tsu'tey didn't have a good relationship with y/n, but if she got over it he should too. "I promise it won't be any trouble" jake says, you can feel how your father was bragging on you. He always did, you were his pretty princess. Tsu'tey is silent for a moment lost in his thoughts, jake and neytiri give each other several looks waiting for an answer from their friend. " it's okay…you can come" Tsu'tey speaks. "I'll wait for you downstairs, you have 10 minutes" says the man coming out of the hut, to wait for you outside. You look up at your father and start laughing. "Go….get ready!!!run" Jake says pushing you.
You run towards your brothers, you can see how neteyam takes you by the arm. "Go and take my bow. And do a good job, you have to show everything we have practiced" says neteyam smiling at you. You give him a hug, you know how much he wanted to go with Tsu'tey, so you were not going to disappoint him. "Thank you!!!" you are so excited, you run to the area where you usually put your personal stuff. You are looking for everything you need, when you feel kiri hug you from behind. "Hey…you're going to spend time with your 'old' boyfriend" the girl teases. You turn around and place your hand on her mouth. "kiri shut up!!!" your eyes are wide, your parents are very close. They can't know that you have a crush on the man outside waiting for you. Kiri laughs, and helps you get ready. You say goodbye to all your family, and run out of the hut. "Be very careful honey" you can hear Jake yell from far away.
And there he was. As impressive as ever, Tsu'tey had a very imposing presence. You stare at him for a moment, watching as he is calmly looking out over the jungle and as his tail wags quietly. "I'm ready now" you speak, Tsu'tey turns and you can see how his shoulders tense a little. And he takes a step back, allowing more space between the two of you. This was the first time you were talking to him. You were always with someone, you'd just never had the chance to get to know him. "Well…let's get going," Tsu'tey says, starting to walk towards the forest. You follow in his footsteps.
You were behind Tsu'tey very quietly, you didn't want to disturb him. It was the least you wanted to do. You knew very well this was not what he had planned, to be with one of his worst enemies in the middle of the jungle. You bet he had planned everything with neteyam, and here you were. "And how much do you know about hunting?" asks Tsu'tey, still looking straight ahead. "I'm very good with the bow…I have a good long distance aim" you say firm. You were doing your best to make your voice quiver. "At long distance?" whispers Tsu'tey. The walk becomes long, until you find a Hexapede. The creature was far from his herd. You watch as the man stops and signals you to be quiet. You were already quiet, but this was routine. He crouches down and begins to hide in the brush. You follow him carefully, you are small, so you settle down and close to his arms. "See to that Hexapede, just one arrow" Tsu'tey says, it's almost an order. You draw your bow and aim.
Tsu'tey lets you do all the work, he is there to mentor you. Not to hunt. He can only correct you on a few things, but you will do all the work. His mission is to train you and make you an excellent hunter. The man sees how you position yourself, back straight and arms very stretched. Your posture was very beautiful, he stays very concentrated watching how your chest rises and falls. And your hair falls delicately down your arms. He had never noticed, your navi features… you were very beautiful. You adjust your bow more. And with a simple arrow shot and the creature is on the ground, you run and draw your dagger.
"Oel ngati kameie, ma tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo" You pray to eywa and thank the life of this animal, and end the life of the animal. Tsu'tey is standing next to you. You look up and give him a smile. " Good job… I'm impressed" you look down a little, trying to hide your blush. He just said you did a good job, you wanted to die right now. You knew that many young men would die from hearing these comments Tsu'tey was telling you now. Tsu'tey stands up, and starts to ready the animal to drag it. "We have to take this to the village, let's get everything ready and then at the end of the day we look for the body" the man speaks, you just nod with your face. Tsu'tey starts walking towards the jungle. You fix your hair a little and chase after him.
You had heard that many women had confessed to Tsu'tey, but he simply rejected them. All these years and he was still alone. According to what you had heard from your parents, Tsu'tey had not found his right mate. From what you had heard this was a process that could take years, the navis were very serious about getting a mate and Tsu'tey was one of those navis. You moved your head from side to side, trying to disperse your thoughts…you had to concentrate. But you couldn't stop fantasizing about being that perfect mate for him, but you couldn't fool yourself. You were so different, everyone in the clan was so different from you…even if you shared some qualities. You knew that in the end you would end up being part of that lonely navi too, and even worse. Because there was no one like you, or anyone who liked you for who you are.
The night had come very quickly, the hunt had been a success. You were all day listening to Tsu'tey's compliments, he barely had to correct you and that made him very happy. He had to admit he was impressed, you were very small and different. But your skill and ability were perfect. You had the skill of a top level hunter, he wished half of his warriors could move as easily as you did. You were far away from the village, and it had started to rain. You watch as Tsu'tey stops to analyze the area. You follow in his footsteps, and watch as he cranes his neck in search of something. "I think we'd better make camp…over there," says Tsu'tey, pointing to a large branch. You follow him, you had to admit you were very tired. You weren't used to running around all day, but you wanted to impress him. You reached the tree and climbed easily.
The branch was very large, and there was a flat area. Perfect for resting. You watch as Tsu'tey sits down in a corner. "Come…here it is dry and very comfortable" You walk slowly and sit down next to him. You see how he is taking off his hunting garments to make himself more comfortable. You copy his movements. Tsu'tey's eyes drift a little, as he watches you slide the bow down your arms, lifting your hair a little. Revealing a patch of your skin, you had pretty freckles that glowed in the dark of the night they were a soft shade, just like him. He follows your hand movements, as you arrange your queue over your shoulder, brushing out a few pieces of your hair. His thoughts are interrupted when your eyes meet his. It was the first time you made eye contact, and you swore you were out of breath…he was so beautiful. His big yellow eyes, his beautiful markings. "You have a lot of… freckles," Tsu'tey says, lifting his hand to touch a freckle on your face with one finger. You twitch your nose a little. You watch as Tsu'tey breaks into a smile on his face. "Yes…I'm full of freckles" you speak, as you settle down on the floor of the branch.
" Dad says I'm full of stars" you say as you look up at the starry sky. It was spectacular that night. Tsu'tey settles down next to you, and you listen to his breathing. It was calm. "Like a star" says Tsu'tey, in a sweet tone. You turn and look at him. He looked so calm, you had never seen him like that… maybe he didn't dislike your presence so much. "Did you ever meet your parents?" asks Tsu'tey, that was a delicate question for you. He falls silent waiting for an answer, the silence had been too long for his liking, so he turns his head to see if you were alright. He had made you uncomfortable. "I don't have parents… I was created. I'm just a weird thing they created" you speak, your tone sounding somewhat sad. "I'm sorry… I didn't mean to" he tries to apologize.
"It's okay… I have the best parents in the world. Neytiri and Jake…they are my whole world. I have siblings, I'm part of a great clan…I have a family" you look at Tsu'tey, you could see nostalgia in his eyes. You could tell he was also having memories of his childhood. "Yes…a big family" his voice is low. And you watch as he settles in, trying to find sleep. You just lay there, silent. The night was cold and it had started to rain. And you weren't going to lie, you missed being in the warmth of one of your brothers. You used to sleep with kiri or neteyam.
Tsu'tey can hear how you keep moving from one side to the other. He wanted to ignore you, but it was nearly impossible. "Is something wrong?" he asks, as he watches you sit up. "I don't usually sleep…alone" you didn't want to look at him, you were embarrassed. Tsu'tey settles down to be on your side and invites you into his arms. "No…it's ok" you speak.
"Come…it's ok" his tone is sweet, and he had a warm smile. You slowly move closer and settle into his chest. You can feel his arms wrap around you, and squeeze you closer to him. Your head now lying on his chest, you hear his heartbeat. They felt quite fast. "Are you comfortable?" he asks. You just say a small "yes" and cling to him more. The rain was getting heavier and some thunderstorms started to be heard. "I wanted to have a family… but that idea disappeared from my thoughts a long time ago" Tsu'tey speaks out of nowhere. You stay quiet, listening to him… why was he sharing something so private with you.
"I like to know that you have a family that loves you… I'm still waiting for mine" his tone was sad. You knew he was lonely, but not this lonely. You hug him more. "If you want you can be part of my family" you look up from his chest and see how he is looking at you. Now he understood why everyone in the village loved you so much…you were offering something so important, to someone you were just beginning to know. "Sure…I'd love to" Tsu'tey chuckles softly, as you settle back and close your eyes.
The man had watched you so much the last few months that he had felt strange himself, he didn't know why your presence had caught his attention so much. He didn't know if it was the way you interacted with people. Or that you were always with your older brother. The only thing he knew was that his heart couldn't stop beating so fast. The last time he felt this way was when Sylwanin was alive. This feeling was strange, you were so different from him, not to mention he was almost twice your age…it wasn't like that mattered to him, but why he was thinking this about you…he shouldn't.
But here he was, lying there letting the girl rest on his chest. He had never opened up so much to anyone, and even less in such a short time of knowing each other. What was happening to him? he can be nice, being nice is not a bad thing. She is the daughter of neytiri and jake, of toruk makto, the new clan leader… he has to be nice and make her feel comfortable.
"Rest little demon…my little demon" Tsu'tey says to himself.
P.s: Tell me what you think of this first part? Do you like it?I think this series will have 3 or 4 parts. If you want to be in the taglist let me know <3
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deangirlsstuff67 · 1 year
Death Confessions
Dean Winchester x Reader
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Warnings: mutual pining, soft Dean, language, mentions of smut, mentions of death
Summary: the boys and you are on a hunt only things don't go according to plan...
You hate witches. Can't stand the miserable pricks.
Tonight, you and the boys had finally tracked down the local witch in town. Or should you say witches. Plural. And oh yeah, ex lovers as well.
The pair had decided to wage an all out war on one another and didn't seem to care that innocent people were getting hurt in the cross fire.
At some point during the battle, you were struck with a spell. You didn't think anything of it because nothing happened. The boys killed the pair while you were recovering from the blow and you got the hell out of town.
It's been 3 hours into your drive and you aren't feeling so hot anymore.
What the fuck did they do to you.
You're shivering but hot to the touch. Your stomach is in knots. And every time the oldest Winchester looks at you in the rear view mirror, you feel your underwear dampen.
Sam's asleep in the front seat and Dean is humming along with ACDC as he drives you all back to the bunker.
You don't want to panic anyone so you decide to wait it out. Rowena and Crowley are there currently and you're sure she will know what to do.
Another 3 hours and the impala is pulling into the underground garage the bunker has. You've managed to pretend as if your sleeping to keep the boys from worrying.
Sam turns around to wake you when he notices somethings wrong.
Very wrong.
You're covered in a thin layer of sweat. You're burning hot to touch. Your body is shaking uncontrollably, and you can barely keep your eyes open.
"Dean, something is wrong with y/n." Sam yells at his brother, who is unloading your crap from the trunk.
Dean comes running around to your door and opens it, almost ripping it off its hinges. Seeing you in this state makes his blood boil with concern and a protectivness. Reaching in he gentle cradles you to his chest and with Sam's help gets you into the bunker.
Dean's gruff voice breaks through the fog in your mind. His strong arms feel like bliss as he hold you close. His aftershave surrounds you, making your mouth water. A small moan slips from your lips as you feel your walls clench around nothing.
"Sammy go get Rowena. Tell her y/n was hit by one of the witches. I'm taking her to my room."
You vaguely feel him place you in his bed and cover you in his blankets. His scent is all around you and it's clouding your mind with nasty thoughts about the green eyed hunter.
You've always had a crush on Dean. He's charming, built like a damn model, and treats you as if you're the most precious thing on this earth.
Sadly, the womanizing Winchester has never looked at you more than a best friend. You hang, watch movies together, train once in a while, and he cooks you amazing meals. Nothing more than friends, and you're okay with that.
Better than nothing.
Whatever they hit you with is bringing out your desire for Dean. The same desire you buried deep down and try to avoid at all costs.
Another moan slips out as you feel slick running down your thigh.
Fuck this is embarrassing.
Just then, Sam returns with Rowena in tow. Thank God. Please make it go away. He can't find out like this.
"Oh dear. Sweetie what are you feeling?" Out of all the witches you've developed a soft spot for the red head in front of you. Sure she always has an end game that benefits her, but the woman is strong and resilient. You've got to respect that.
"Cold and uncomfortable." You don't know how else to describe it without completely embarrassing yourself.
Rowena exams you. You see when she clues in. The knowing smirk on her face.
"Well the good news is she will be fine. However," she looks over at the boys then, "someone will have to stay with her tonight and help her work it out of her system."
Dean and Sam share a confused look before Sam speaks up, "what?"
"It's simple. For whatever reason the witch cast a fuck or die spell. I'm sure y/n here wasn't their target but either way she needs to fuck it from her system or she will die in 24 hours."
Your eyes go wide as you listen, "I'm sorry, what?!?"
"It's the only way Dear."
"No. There has to be something else you can do Rowena. Anything else." You were too busy freaking out to catch the look of disappointment the crossed Dean's face. However, Sam wasn't. Even though the oldest Winchester never admitted it out loud, Sam knew how his brother felt about you.
"Y/N it's okay. Dean can stay with you and help you any way you allow." The younger brother said before he motioned for Rowena to follow him out of Dean's room. Leaving you and the green eyed hunter alone.
"Y/N let me help you." At this point the spell has gotten so bad you won't allow Dean to touch you. Which is of course frustrating the living hell out of him.
"No, Dean its okay."
"The fuck it is. You're dying and I can help. Why won't you let me?"
"It's too much to ask from you. We're friends Dean but even friends have limits."
"If it saves you I'm willing to do anything!" He's temper has taken over. Not understanding why you won't let him save you.
What the hell, you're dying anyway.
"Are you serious Dean!" You're outburst shocks him. He goes to speak but you cut him off.
"No Winchester, shut up and listen. For three years I've watched you take home girl after girl. For three years I've sat at that table or in your Baby and listened as you told us everything you did with them the night before. Not once complaining. Not once telling you how jealous I fucking was. I'm not your type and I get it. But don't think for one minute I will throw away the closet thing I'll ever have with you just to save my life." You point your finger in his direction as you continue.
"I fucking love you dumbass. I've been waiting, hoping you'd see me more as what we are. Hoping you'd get your head out of your ass and see that I'm the perfect girl for you. I'm a freaking hunter. I know the life and the risks. But no, instead you waltz every bimbo you can in front of me like some prized fucking pig."
Before you can continue chewing him a new asshole Dean pounces on you. Strong finger tangle in your hair and his soft lips dominate yours. The surprise subsides and you begin to kiss him back.
"You done yelling at me sweetheart? Cause I got something to say. I've loved your snarky ass since the moment you told me to blow you three years ago when we crossed paths on the vampire hunt. I love everything about you and I only ever got with those women because I knew you could do better than me. I'm not worth the pain y/n, but God dammit if you feel the same than why not try. "
He pushes his large erection into your wet core. You can't help but moan at the feeling. Dean smirks down at you.
"Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to fuck you good and hard for as long as we need to so we can save your life. Then I'm going to make you breakfast before I spend the day worshiping this beauty body how I should. You okay with that princess?"
"Don't call me princess."
"Shut up and kiss me woman."
And kiss you did. Every part of your body as he did exactly as he promised. Fucking you in every position. When he's big, fat cock needed a break he was making you cum with his tongue or fingers. Over and over again until your body began to go back to normal and fatigue set in.
When you woke in his warm, safe arms you found Dean staring at you. You've never seen his eyes shine so bright.
"Feeling better?"
"Yeah I am. Thank you." You lean up and kiss him.
"Let's get you some food." He jumps out of bed and walks to his dresser, finding you one of his shirts. You through it on before you walk out of his room hand in hand.
Sam is already sitting at the table when you walk in together. He looks up from his tablet and just smiles.
"Shut up Sammy." Dean barks as he swats your ass and begins to get the ingredients for breakfast.
"I'm just happy Dean. You got your girl and we didn't lose y/n."
Dean looks over at you and smiles. Fuck you love that man.
@syrma-sensei @yvonneeeee @nancymcl @foxyjwls007 @lessons-of-red @senjoritanana @leigh70 @tristanrosspada-ackles @maggiegirl17 @neii3n
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avatarmerida · 3 months
It’s been awhile since I’ve had something to share but this is the piece I wanted to have ready for Valentine’s Day but better late than never, right? No plot really, just cringe fluff 💛💚
Hunter had a very specific way of managing stress. If there was something he needed or wanted to do that was important and he found it was overwhelming him, he would simply plan a series of slightly smaller but equally important tasks ahead of it to make the original task seem less intimidating.
It worked wonders in the coven. When he tried to work up the nerve to ask his uncle something important, he prolonged it by setting goals for himself to run a certain distance in a certain amount of time or memorize portions of the handbook or to make a certain amount of arrests first. The lists grew longer and more elaborate and while he did end up doing some things that previously caused him a great deal of anxiety, he still found a way to put off the thing he truly needed to do.
And despite the progress he had made, old habits die hard.
So now, here he was in the middle of Grom supposed to be enjoying the fruits of his labor but all he could do was scream internally. He had done the impossible, he had asked Willow to Grom and yet he couldn’t enjoy it because there was more (or at least there was supposed to be). Normally, this would be the impossible task he aspired to accomplish but he had one more outlandish feat to reach for and he was having trouble finding a solid, logical reason to keep putting it off.
“Gus,” Hunter whispered nervously under the guise of coming up to his table to request a song . “Are we totally sure that Willow knows we’re here together like on a date?”
Gus’ smile faded as he lowered his glasses to give his friend a look. “Seriously dude?” said Gus with a familiar sigh, having been there at every step of Hunter’s doubt and anxiety regarding his feelings for their friend. “I was there: she said yes. She said yes and hugged you and like a billion flowers bloomed in her hair. She was obviously so beyond happy that you asked her, why are you so worried?”
“Because of how I said it,” groaned Hunter. “I said ‘do you want to go to Grom’ I didn’t say ‘with me’ or ‘as a date.’ I mean, of course she wanted to go!”
“Hunter, seriously?”
“Yes, seriously!”
With no impending doom or unrealistic and unhealthy expectations set for him, Hunter’s mind had more time and room to focus on more pleasant things. His feelings for Willow had been progressing slowly in the background but now that he was embracing what it meant to be a normal teenager, his feelings rose to the surface as soon as they could. Now there was no reason to feel guilty about getting distracted by the sound of her laughter or practicing jokes in the mirror before bed each night to try and impress her. No, guilt was not a feeling he associated with Willow but the feelings he did associate with the plant witch were unique and powerful and confusing.
Hunter’s friends had assured him this was a totally normal way to feel about a crush, but Hunter didn’t have much experience with normalcy and he highly doubted that he’d ever get used to the way his lungs stopped working when she stood near him. So when he had decided to do something about these feelings, he approached it with the extreme attention detail he had always approached everything.
The only difference was that unlike a vast majority of his other interests, Willow was real.
“Well usually when you do a gromposal it means you want to go as more than friends ,” said Gus. “Otherwise you say ‘hey since we don’t have dates let’s all go to Grom as friends.’ You usually don’t spend all night arranging her favorite flowers to spell ‘GROM?’ on the flyer derby field for someone you like as just a friend.”
Hunter blushed, rather pleased with how his efforts had turned out. He had aimed for something both grand and personal in hopes it would translate to romantic. It had been a unique challenge to get Willow to look down as she was so focused on winning their usual end of practice match (loser paid for the eyescream) but when she finally did, her expression was priceless.
They had flown back up so she could take a selfie with it in the background and he had made it his scroll’s wallpaper because he simply could not stop looking at it.
“But we had already agreed to go as a group so how can I be sure that she knows I asked her specifically because I like her as more than just a friend if we’re doing group things all night because I don’t know what to do on a date.”
“You can just be direct, dude,” said Gus. “Tell her you like her and you’re having a good time and stuff.”
Hunter had no problem doing that, he had done it plenty of times. Whenever Willow planned something or suggested they do something like that, he always made sure to tell her what a nice time he had. It was just proper manners. But complementing her in a way that voiced his constant thoughts was another thing. He could tell her the cafe she suggested was a great spot any day of the week, or that her plants were looking strong, but he wanted to tell her his admiration for her far surpassed anything she merely did , it encompassed everything she was . It was confusing because it seemed like something beyond mere words, he wanted to express his gratitude every time she messaged him or said his name or walked into a room.
For some reason he thought Grom would give him the courage to do it.
“It’s just that… there’s… more …”
“More?” Gus repeated, intrigued. “More how ?”
“It’s just… well Luz might have mentioned- and I’m not saying this is the only reason I asked Willow to come with me- that sometimes at Grom people who are more than friends have certain ways to… express that.”
Gus narrowed his eyes and offered Hunter a knowing smirk. “You wanna kiss her, don’t you?”
Hunter wrung his hands as his breathing became shallow, his eyes darting over to Willow laughing with Luz and Amity and Hunter felt a familiar lightheadedness that the event’s ambiance had been amplifying all night.
“Yes,” he said breathlessly, knowing he couldn’t and truthfully did not want to deny it. “Yeah. I do. Very much.”
“Dude!” Gus explained, playfully punching him in the arm. “That’s great! You should go for it!”
“I mean, there’s just one problem with that…”
“What? Bad breath?”
“No, I- wait,” Hunter quickly checked his breath to ensure he hadn’t neglected that detail. He had been chewing mints all day. “No, not that. It’s just that, well, uh,” he chuckled nervously as the words quickly spilled out of him. “Willow maaaay be under the impression that I don’twanttokissher.”
“And whyyy exactly would she think that?”
Three weeks earlier:
“Hunter!” Willow greeted him joyfully as she opened the door to find him waiting with an equally wide smile to hers. “Hi! You’re right on time!”
“Oh, that’s a relief, I timed my pace so I would be,” he said
“Did you bring the stuff?” Willow asked with a giggle.
He held up his book bag with pride. “Got it all right here, safe and sound.”
“Perfect!” said Willow, her voice low and mischievous. “Let’s go!”
“Perfect! Yeah, okay let’s go-woah!”
Willow excitedly reached out to take his wrist to pull him inside and Hunter happily trailed after her.
“Dad! Papa! Hunter is here and he says hi and we’re gonna be in my room!” she called as she ran up the stairs.
“Okay petal, sounds good! Hello Hunter!” called Harvey.
“Hello sirs!” Hunter called back as best he could.
“Have fun!” Gilbert added.
“We will!” Willow called back as they finally made it to her room and just as she was about to shut the door behind them, her fathers added in unison:
“And make sure the door stays open!”
Willow groaned in defeat as she obliged, as though she had been hoping to outrun the instruction.
“Why do they always say that?” Hunter asked as he unpacked his bag, a collection of threads and patches as they prepared for a long evening of uniform customization to surprise the Entrails for their upcoming game with personalized jackets. Darius was always asking him to close his door, mostly because of how loud he liked to play his music.
“Oh, you know how they get,” she said simply, rolling her eyes endearingly. “They’re just overprotective.”
“Are they… scared of me?” Hunter asked, his voice low and hurt and Willow jumped to address the misunderstanding.
“Oh, no! No, nothing like that I promise,” Willow assured him with a smile he knew could never be deceptive. “No, they love you, they really do. They wanna give us our space but they also wanna make sure we’re not up here kissing.”
Hunter completely stopped working.
"What?” he basically squeaked after a moment, certain he had misheard her somehow.
“Oh, well ya know if we keep the door open then they think we’ll be less likely to kiss because they can like walk by and see,” Willow explained casually as she went to help him unpack the bag.
“W-why would they think we would be up here k-kissing?” Hunter asked in a panicked chuckle before clearing his throat, he felt like he was on the surface of the sun. “Ya know, cause we’re totally not.”
“Well, yeah I know that but if we leave the door open they’ll know that too,” said Willow with a shrug. “Personally, I think they’re just nosey because of how they used to be when they played flyer derby.”
“How come they never say it when Gus is with us?’
“Uh, it’s just a dad thing I guess,” said Willow, as she sorted the supplies trying not to show the mild blush creeping on her face. She knew why but she didn’t know how to say how she knew why.
“Just a dad thing, sure,” Hunter repeated lightly. So her dads thought there was a possibility they would kiss? Cool, cool, cool, no biggie. He knew he had been the last one to arrive at the Park residence several times and opened the door to find her and Gus laughing on their scrolls, or Luz or Amity would be over when he came to pick her up to go train and often the door was even locked. No he was the common denominator. He suddenly recalled Camila had a similar rule for when Luz and Amity were left alone. His mind raced to connect the dots as he realized that the Parks thought that if the two of them were specially left unsupervised, that they would…
“Ha ha yeah! A dad thing, totally!” Hunter exclaimed with forced laughter. “So totally not based on anything! Haha, because that would never happen!”
“Um, okay?”
“Yeah because we don’t, I mean we’ve never, we would never… I mean, what?”
“Are you okay, Hunter?” asked Willow, sitting on the edge of her bed beside him. He suddenly was aware of how often they sat on her bed together. Why did that make him feel nervous?
“Yeah, I’m totally fine!” he said, very much aware of how much he was sweating. “I’m great! I’m totally not thinking about kissing you! Ya know, if you want I can run downstairs and let your dads know they don’t have to worry about the door because of how much I don’t think about it!”
“I mean, you and me? Us? Kissing? Pssh!” Hunter continued, unaware of how to stop talking. “Who even thinks about that sometimes? That’s, uh, woah that’s a good one!”
Willow’s fathers must have read his mind or his diary somehow because Hunter had definitely thought about it. Never on purpose, it’s just one of those random scenarios that your mind makes up every few days, right? He couldn’t help that one day he realized that Willow was the perfect height to kiss on the forehead. Like, it would take very little effort just to lean forward and gently press her lips below her hairline. It had been in the human realm, the first time he had helped her in the garden and had ended up being chased by a swarm of bees. When Clover stepped in to explain things, she pulled him into an embrace to ensure he hadn’t been hurt and to let him know how happy she was that he had come out with her. When he looked down to assure her that he was fine, the thought devoured every corner of his mind. The action would certainly convey his feelings, would summarize words he wasn’t sure had been invented yet. It would just be really nice actually.
Over time, that thought evolved. His daydreams wandered to fetch visions of some nicer timeline where they had met under different circumstances and he was the kind of bold who kissed her hand when they met or kissed her cheek when they parted ways. The first time his unconscious mind leapt to insert them in place of O’Bailey and Ivy in the famous scene under the endless moon of Jupiter 7 where they sealed their love for each other with a kiss, Hunter awoke in a cold sweat feeling like he had reached a point of no return. But it must not be okay because Willow’s dads were clearly taking actions to prevent it and Hunter felt he needed to deny these claims, lest the front door to the Park house be closed to him forever.
“I mean, w-why would I try to kiss you? That just seems so-.”
“I got it, Hunter,” said Willow sternly as she rose to move the supplies to her desk. She kept her back to him as she organized the needles and threads. Her voice lacked its usual spunk, it was a tone he was unfamiliar with. “Message received, you don’t wanna kiss me. I’ll let my dads know they have nothing to worry about.”
“Dude…” was all Gus could say as Hunter finished his retelling.
“I know, I know!” Hunter groaned as he covered his face with his hands. “It’s bad, right?”
“It’s…not great,” Gus couldn’t lie. “But hey, it didn’t stop her from saying yes! That’s good, right?”
“But her dads think there’s a possibility that I would want to kiss her so much that they keep the door open to prevent it,” Hunter was letting all his pent up worries spiral out of him while Willow was out of earshot, but luckily Gus had become a pro at reeling him back in.
“They probably just remember what it's like to be young and have a crush on someone.”
“How do her dads know I have a crush on her?”
Gus couldn’t help but roll his eyes a little. “I mean, did you ever consider that you weren’t the one they were worried about?”
“What do you mean? I was the only one there.”
“I just mean, they know Willow better than they know you…”
“I’m not following.”
Gus sighed, knowing that the sharing of Willow’s feelings was not his responsibility but he couldn’t help relating to her frustration with Hunter’s inability to pick up hints no matter how obvious.
“Hunter, you got this far, just be honest.” he said sincerely. “We both know you want to tell her you like her.”
“I mean is that too much for one night?” Hunter asked in a panicked whisper. “Should I tell her I like her first and then reschedule the ki- or, hold on it’s probably weird to schedule that, huh? I mean what if she doesn’t feel that way about me and then boom! I’ve ruined her night because she’ll always remember this Grom as the night she couldn’t enjoy herself because I don’t know how to tell her I think about kissing her without being weird. Titan, and she just looks so… gah, is it hot in here?”
“Hunter, I promise nothing could ruin this night for Willow,” Gus chuckled. “Do you remember how excited she was when you asked her? You barely finished the question before she tackled you, you guys nearly fell to your death because she was so happy. It’s all she’s been talking about all week, I promise that you telling her you think she’s awesome will not ruin her night.”
“You sure?”
“Positive,” Gus said confidently. “Just don’t get too in your head, you know? Willow cares about you, she wants you to have a good time too. She’s not gonna care if you’re a bad kisser.”
“Thanks Gus, you know I really-,” Hunter cut himself off and offered his friend a glare as his voice became low and menacing. “I didn’t say I was worried I’d be a bad kisser.”
As Gus continued to attempt giving his friend a pep talk, across the room Willow could not take her eyes off Hunter.
“Doesn’t he look so cute?” sighed Willow dreamily as she stood beside Luz at the punch bowl.
“Darius and I may have to disagree with you on that,” Amity laughed as she poured Luz some punch. “After all the hours we spent suit shopping and at the tailor, he comes down the stairs in another ensemble from 2008.”
“Well you said he couldn’t wear the Cosmic Frontier cosplay,” Luz reminded her girlfriend. “So he had to make an impression somehow , and you know how much he wants to impress Willow.”
“Did he really say that?” Willow took a break from her string to gleefully ask. She felt like she was going to leap out of her skin as she looked back at him knowing he had gone out of his way to put in so much effort for her sake yet again. “Well you can tell him it’s working.”
“Ew, tell him yourself,” Amity groaned playfully.
“Oof, believe me I’m trying,” Willow chuckled softly.
“Are you guys having fun on your daaaaate?” Luz asked with a raised eyebrow.
She waved at him from across the room and he bashfully waved back, straightening his spine when he saw he had her attention. Willow giggled, finding it charming and endearing. She had been looking forward to this moment for weeks, preparing to ask him before he had beaten her to it. She knew he wanted tonight to be special, he was going all out at every turn to make sure she was comfortable and having fun.
She couldn’t help but hope it was all leading to something more.
Two weeks ago:
They were walking down the sidewalk in the human realm, revisiting an ice cream shop they had grown fond of when they had been trapped in the human realm. They had made sure to get a pint of their newest flavor of the month for Gus who had stayed at the Noceda’s to help Camila set up her old projector for a special viewing of the Cosmic Frontier holiday special that had only aired once that she had recently found her old recording of on a device even Luz considered historic.
Willow had recently caught up with the reading required to understand the special, but Camila had informed her that it was not canon and rather controversial in the fandom. This excited Willow and so she was spending their walk back trying to guess the wildest thing that could happen as though composing a bingo list to enhance the experience.
“...I also think they’ll reveal Ivy has a twin and O’Bailey will go to confess his feelings and then you find out it’s her twin and so it won’t count,” Willow continued. “And I know no one knows O’Bailey’s secret and it feels like they definitely don’t find out until closer to the end but I feel like memory loss is gonna be a big part of-.”
“I would wanna kiss you!” he blurted, unable to hold it in anymore. It had been weighing on him all week and hearing her talk about his favorite thing while looking so stunning sent him over the edge.
“Er not right now!” He said, realizing the volume of his admission made it seem like he intended to follow though at that very moment. “I mean well yes right now as in I still feel that way but I’m not saying it because that’s what I… I just, I mean last week when I said that I wouldn’t kiss you I wasn’t saying that because I thought it would be unlikeable or unpleasant.”
“Oh,” Willow said, shaking herself out of her daze as she made the connection. “Wait, is that why you’ve been acting so weird?”
“I’ve been acting weird?”
“No, well yes but no I mean,” Willow smiled as she swung the bag of treats, feeling giddy at his timing. “I could tell you’ve been worried about something, but have you been making yourself crazy just to tell me that kissing me wouldn’t be so bad?”
That was definitely part of the reason but a larger percentage was what he had planned for tomorrow after practice: a gromposal that had been in the works since he had learned the term. But he couldn't give that way, not just yet.
“I just wanted to make sure I hadn’t offended you.” Hunter said softly. “I didn't want you to think I didn't want to because it didn't sound appealing, I’m sure it would be… nice.”
“So then what's the real reason you don't wanna kiss me?” Willow asked with a sly smile that faltered when she saw the color leave Hunter’s face. “Oh no Hunter, I was only teasing! It’s fine, really! I know you didn’t mean anything by it! It’s okay, really!”
“I just meant that your dads wouldn’t need to worry because I would never kiss you unless you wanted me to,” Hunter clarified with a deep breath. There, perfect. Now they could continue their way back to the house in peace and there would be nothing more to worry about or-
“Okay what if I said I wanted you to,” she began, her voice dancing and spinning like a vine twisting its way to the top of a fence, eager to see the other side. “What if I said I wanted you to and you had no doubt that I was totally okay with it? Would you… do it then?
“Is that… what's happening right now?”
Willow bit her lip as she took in the sight of the tall, nervous boy in front of her. He cared about her so much, so much it made him nervous. She knew everything he cared about he cared about intensely and with unbreakable loyalty. But she had suspected for awhile that the way he cared about her was different. That was what made it so familiar to her.
“What would you say if it was?” She said, giving a non answer. Because it was one thing to say ‘I want to kiss you’ but somehow even harder to ask ‘Do you want to kiss me?’ because didn’t other conversations have to happen first? Surely he was holding back because of the feeling that needed to be attached. Willow was nearly positive they shared these feelings, she was so so certain that a mind reader would know they were on the same page but neither wanted to risk losing what they had built by adding something heavier on.
But actions were louder than words, and a little harder to misinterpret.
“I uh, well I guess I-I would say…” Hunter stuttered to try and give a response without giving too much away. He had no way to support his theory with experience, but he knew that kissing Willow would be pleasant, it would be warm and soft and safe. But he couldn’t speak to the experience she would have.
But Willow once again shared his thoughts.
When Willow had woken up that morning, she had not intended to kiss Hunter in the middle of the sidewalk forgetting the urgency of getting their icy treats home before they melted, but at this moment she couldn’t imagine continuing the day without doing so. So many times they had been on the brink and being more, of something slipping that platonic friends did not harbor for one another. It was small and dramatic and silly and confusing and always there like a snowball rolling down a hill growing faster and bigger with every inch. She had always been a fan of directness, of being open and honest but she didn’t know how to say she felt this way plainly. It could be done in three words, nothing crazy complicated about that, right?
But something always held her back.
As she tried to summon a response both clever and truthful to try and help him find his own, the sound of church bells reminded them they were on a timed limit. More specifically, they were supposed to be back at the house before four o clock, which the bells indicated it now was.
“Well, anyway, we should probably be getting back,” he said, releasing a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “I know Gus is probably jumping off the walls waiting for us and I really wanna hear more of your theories.”
“Yeah, right of course,” said Willow softly, as she tried to shake away the haze she had wandered into. “Besides, they won’t stay cold forever but also my fingers are starting to freeze.”
“Oh well here let me take it,” said Hunter, his nerves letting up when he saw an opportunity to help her. Before she could say anything, he maneuvered the bag from her grip. “The cold doesn’t bother me anyway, it’s a grimwalker thing.”
She knew even if it did he would endure it for her sake. It was an action so simple and small but it made her heart spin every time he leapt to her aide. It wasn’t because he thought she needed his help but because he enjoyed helping her, because maybe he was looking for any reason to be closer to her, even for a moment.
“Well aren’t you sweet,” she said. As Hunter readjusted his grip on the bags, she went onto her tip toes and placed a quick but purposeful kiss to his cheek and continued to walk as though it was no big deal. “Thanks Hunter.”
Hunter froze, trying to process and replay and stay conscious. It had been so swift and soft but it was as though the brush of her lips inspired the world to stop and adopt new colors. It was like something finally clicked in his mind, that he had thought it so impossible because he did not know how to take that step but he should have known he would once again follow Willow’s lead.
Willow smiled to herself, knowing in an instant that her risk had paid off. He quickly caught up her as she continued with her Cosmic Frontier theories, secretly delighted by the way his face was red the rest of the way home.
The ball was in his court.
“Do you guys think he asked me because he likes me or because he knows how much I’ve always wanted a gromposal?” Willow asked.
“Um… both?” said Amity as she and Luz shared a confused and slightly concerned look.
“Willow, are you seriously doubting that Hunter is crazy about you?” Luz asked sternly.
“Well, I mean he could still like me and still have asked me just as a friend,” said Willow. “He’s been doing a lot to try and be a normal teenager, what if he just thought that Gromposals were a part of that because of how much I was talking about them when I thought I was dropping hints?”
“Well in my experience, friends don’t normally practice in their bedroom mirror how they’re going to ask just friends to dance with them,” said Luz.
“Well, I’ll believe it when I see it,” Willow said with a smile, Hunter actually had managed that. He could spin and shuffle with the best of them, but every time the music started to slow down he made an excuse to leave for the duration of the song. He would dance beside her, and she could tell he had practiced a few moves to impress her, but they weren’t dancing together . But she had a feeling with how much he built up the gromposal that he wanted his dance ask to be equally special.
“I’m pretty sure he’s waiting for the right song,” said Amity. “There’s this one he found in the human realm that Darius said he’s been playing nonstop because it reminds him of you.”
Amity’s eyes widened. “And I’m just now realizing that that was supposed to be a secret,” she grimaced. “Please forget I said anything.”
Across the room, Gus and Hunter were also discussing the song.
“Hunter, being the Grom host I have an obligation to keep the evening to a certain flow,” said Gus. “I can’t keep pushing back your song, the music has to flow, bro.”
“I know, I know,” he said nervously swirling his punch. “It’s just… every time I know it’s coming up I get in my head.”
The first few notes would start to play and Hunter would instinctively run past the joining couples with envy in the pit of his stomach to tell Gus to wait a little longer. The crowd would quickly recover, as Gus always knew the perfect transition out, and Hunter would walk back to her no closer to his goal than he was before.
“Well I have it queued up to play after we take our photo, so its time to figure it out,” said Gus sternly. “The worst thing that could happen is she says no.”
But that wasn’t true. Because she could say yes, thinking him asking meant he knew what he was supposed to do, but he knew if he was meant to take Willow by the waist and pull her close to him he would be paralyzed. And even if he wasn’t, what if after all the extreme movement he smelled or was sweaty and Willow would regret being so close to him? What if he tripped and fell? What if he stepped on her toes?
What if he thought about kissing her again?
In his mind he thought about using the idea of asking her to dance to delay the higher issue but Gus was right; it was time to figure it it
He didn’t ask Willow to Grom so he could sit in the corner hyperventilating about how much he liked her, no he wanted her to have a good time, and that was the perfect goal to distract him.
“Gus, do you have the song Willow likes? The one from the shoe commercial?”
“I might have had Luz help me get it, why do you ask?” Gus asked with a smirk that said he already knew.
“Can you play it?”
Hunter knew it would get Willow back on the dance floor in an instant, and he intended to be there when she rushed on in excitement. The iconic notes echoed, and Hunter saw Willow’s ears perk up as she turned her head to see it was true. In the human realm, Willow had been obsessed with the cheesy shoe commercial that played nonstop. And thusly, Hunter had been obsessed with how obsessed with it she was. It was improbable, everyone dancing in the street uninterrupted by traffic just because of how comfortable their shoes were.
Hunter stood in the center of the floor, his eyes locked confidentiality on her as they both knew what they had to do. Hunter got a running start and slid on his knees to her and quickly leapt up and gave her a wink, just as the actors did. Willow nearly squealed in delight, recognizing the reference instantly. She quickly grabbed his hand to lead him onto the floor and he happily followed behind her, feeling as though they traveled in slow motion. They fell into a comfortable rhythm, spinning and singing along just as they often did in the Noceda living room. It was too silly to be scary as Hunter found himself seeing her under the reflection of the mirror ball, her eyes shining as everything else around her melted away.
“You’re a really good dancer,” Willow said, catching her breath as the song started to fade out.
“Thanks,” he said, equally breathless. “Y-you too. Not that I’m surprised! You’re good at everything.”
She bit her lip as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Well, it helps to have a great partner,” she said shyly.
Hunter laughed nervously, becoming hyper aware of how close they were, how close they had been during the song. He saw her hand hovered beside his and he gently swung his own to knock into hers as though by accident. She inched closer.
“Well, just to be clear, you’re the great partner here,” Hunter said modestly, and Willow couldn’t help but blush, a string of small yellow flowers blooming in her hair. Something compelled him to take her hand, and he rubbed his fingers over her knuckle. He cleared his throat. “Willow, do you think-.”
“Willow! Hunter! C’mon! We’re next in line for the photo booth!” Gus called.
“We’ll be right there!” Willow called before turning back to him, giving his hand a small squeeze. “I’m sorry, what were you gonna say?”
He gulped, having the perfect chance to chicken out but knowing he didn’t want to. He pressed on right where he left off. “You think you might wanna dance some more after we take a photo? Like, just you and me? To like… a slower song?”
“Like a slower… romantic song?” Willow asked, testing the waters.
“Yeah, yeah t-the song could be romantic,” he gulped. “I-I-I’d prefer it to be romantic. With you.”
“Okay cool,” Willow said with a wide smile, sliding closer to him and lacing their fingers together. “Me too.”
“Yeah,” she said brightly, absolutely smitten by the utterly adorable and shocked look he wore. “I’m having a really nice time with you, Hunter,”
He hadn’t messed it up. She was having a nice time, she was having a nice time with him. He took a deep breath and the words just started to pour out of him.
“Willow I just wanted to say that I’m having a great time with you too and that I always have a good time with you and when I asked you to Grom I didn’t ask you as a friend even though I really like being your friend but I asked you because I like you romantically and if you would prefer staying just friends I’m okay with that but I just wanted to thank you for agreeing to accompany me and express my admiration for you because I think you’re the coolest person I’ve ever met and also you look so pretty tonight it makes me feel dizzy.”
He leaned down and removed his hand from hers to cup her cheek as he quickly pressed a kiss to the other side before rushing to meet the others. His face was completely red and he fought through the lightheadedness to keep walking, stuffing his hands in his pockets to try and seem casual. He was too overwhelmed to wait to see her reaction.
He didn’t see that she was utterly enchanted as she watched him hurry with wide eyes as she touched the spot where he had kissed. A delighted smile overtook her face as she fluffed her dress and proceeded to float in the booth after him, her eyes fixated and determined. She was deaf to the chaos around her as the boy became surrounded by a vibrant, rosy frame. She had no doubt they were on the same page now, and the ball had returned to her court.
“Took you guys long enough! Tell Luz you vote for my pose first!” said Vee as Hunter was the first of the two to enter the booth, the rest of their friends in the middle of trying to agree on how to take the photo.
“Can we all even fit?” Amity asked as they tried to arrange themselves in frame.
“Yeah we just have to squeeze!” announced Luz. from beside her. “Gus, move over!”
“I will if Hunter does!” He replied as he turned to face his friend. “Hunter, dude, why-.”
Gus was greeted by Hunter wearing a face that he could only describe as seasick. His face was contorted like he wasn’t sure what to feel and as Willow entered his view just behind him wearing a soft, calm expression Gus knew why.
“You did it, didn’t you?” He whispered with a gasp and Hunter merely nodded, still feeling as though he could combust. Gus jumped up and gave his best friend a celebratory noogie.
“Willow, do you wanna stand by us or-.” Amity began to ask before catching sight of the dizzy expression her friend wore, an expression she knew all too well. She instantly knew the cause as she went to stand beside Hunter who was attempting to fix his hair. “No way,” she gasped as Willow wordlessly confirmed her thought by looking her focus on Hunter, shaking away the small flowers that had bloomed atop her head once again.
“Told you Amity!” Gus called victoriously before leaning down to whisper to Vee what had happened.
“Hunter, your bow tie is crooked,” called Luz as she pulled Vee back into the frame, too focused on preserving the memory to realize what was enfolding behind her.
“I’ll fix it,” said Willow with a dreamy smile as she reached out to adjust his tie. “I need to make sure my date looks his best for the photo, right?”
Hunter let out a high-pitched chuckle as Willow pulled him closer, and he didn’t really care that she technically wasn’t fixing his bow tie as her words echoed in his ears.
Date… date… date.
My date. She said he was her date. They were on a date, and they both knew it. She was his date and having a good time and it was all just so much that all he could do was give her a small nod of agreement.
“Hunter, put your arm around Willow.” Luz instructed as she looked at the positioning to try and get everyone in the shot.
“Yeah, Hunter put your arms around me,” Willow said dreamily as she used her hold on his bow tie to pull him even closer. Hunter felt transported, as though just being in her gaze made everything else around them melt. He had thought after his impulsive action she might look at him differently, but this was beyond his wildest dreams. Could it be that his impulsiveness was contagious? His hand cautiously hovered over her waist as he debated if he was indeed bold enough to put his arm around her. He felt like he was in a sauna as the sounds around them became muffled as he was overly aware of the sound of his heart beating. Or was it the sound of hers? He wasn’t sure if he technically had a heartbeat but whatever the case was as long as his eyes were on her everything was in slow motion again.
His eyes tried to spend equal time between her and the camera but there was a clear victor for his attention. “Have I told you how cute you look tonight?” Willow said with an airy giggle, deaf to the orders to smile and pay attention around her.
“Um hehe I-I don’t think so,” Hunter chuckled, his mouth dry.
“Well you do,” she giggled again, like it was some inside joke as she used her hold on his bowtie to keep him close. “Hunter, I wanted to tell you-.”
As Hunter turned his head to hear her better, he underestimated just how close they were and the movement caused their lips to touch unintentionally. Normally, that would be when Hunter melted into the floor or tried to vanish from existence, but even the small contact was enough to cause fireworks. That was when everything really stopped. It was nothing more than a peck, catching them both off guard, but there had never been a more happy accident.
She went down off her tiptoes slowly, both of them holding back any sign of a reaction until the other did. But there was no apology, nothing to be sorry for, nothing to regret, and once they both realized that they donned matching grins. They reentered reality together as the flash of the camera reminded them why they were here, and as their friends shouted their approval they also shouted out the themes of the poses they were supposed to be doing. Willow and Hunter got their bearings back and offered the camera a smile, which was not hard to do as they both couldn’t help but smile after what had just occurred. Another photo was taken and as the rest of the group moved and adjusted to do another pose, Hunter noticed his hand was still on Willow’s waist. Willow seemed to notice at the same time, and as her eyes found him again she was surprised to see he was already focused on her, or maybe he had never stopped.
Wordlessly they moved closer to each other until they realized they each possessed half of a magnet that was desperate to be kept together and found themselves in another kiss. This one was undoubtedly purposeful and not as sudden or quick as the first one. Willow’s arms went from holding his bow tie to drape around his shoulders taking a moment to plant lipstick marks all along his face. He saw the opportunity to use his hold on her waist to eagerly loft her off the ground, making a point to kiss her back. He wasn’t sure how he knew how, but he did and he felt like he could fly away as he felt her lips form a smile against his.
“Okay love birds, other people are waiting for the Photo Booth!”
It was like a record scratch as they stopped to remember where they were, eyes opening to come off whatever cloud they had been on as they faded back into reality once more. Willow leaned back to break the kiss, and Hunter couldn’t help but follow as though to savor the moment just a few moments more. She adjusted her glasses to better see the lipstick smudges she had left on his mouth and the side of his face paired with the goofy, awestruck look of disbelief.
“Sorry!” Willow giggled, as she looked around and realized the rest of their friends had left. “I guess we got carried away, huh?”
“Mhmhmhahaha,” Hunter squeaked in response, still trying to process that he was real and this was something that really happened to him in real life.
“Hunter, unless you wanna carry me out you’re gonna have to put me down,” Willow whispered.
“Oh yeah sorry yeah I can do that heh,” he said gently, setting her down. "We should uh, we should probably go.” He turned to leave but Willow caught his arm and pulled him out, so he left the correct way and didn’t re-enter the long line of other students waiting to take a photo.
“Well that’ll certainly be a photo for the scrapbook,” Willow laughed as she rested her head against his arm. They both felt that if they did not hold onto each other, they would float away. They knew the rest of the group was waiting for them by the bleachers ready to tease them, knowing from a distance they were at the ready with smirks of ‘About time’s and ‘I-told-you-so’s.
But Hunter was still lost in this impossible daydream beyond anything he thought possible. He couldn’t help but feel it had ended too soon, and now he truly had nothing standing in his way.
“Willow,” he began delicately as he cleared his throat, trying to seem calm and casual. “Would you want to uh, I-I mean if you could come with me, if you wanted to of course, outside where we could be alone, if you were okay with that, and I thought we could-.”
“Hunter and I are gonna go kiss in the hallway!” Willow announced giddily to the group as she redirected him to the door. His gaze darted between his friends and the wonderful girl who somehow read his mind, knowing thoughts he struggled to vocalize.
“Haha, whaaat? No, I mean that’s not.. I mean it’s not…” he realized it was pointless to try and hide his glee and as he allowed the dopey grin to overtake him as he embraced the moment and picked up the pace to follow her yet again and forever to no one’s surprise. “Heh, I’m Hunter.”
As they ran out the gym together, Hunter made sure to keep the door open behind them.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hey there! I wasn’t sure if you were still taking requests, but if you are I couldn’t help but send one. How about Hunter when he’s having sensory overload and the reader is trying to comfort him. Bonus if Hunter ends up confessing his crush on the reader at the end! Thanks so much and I hope you are having a great day ❤️
Aloha! Yes, I still take requests, and I'm still behind with them 😅 Sorry for the wait! Hope I can make up for it!
Hunter x Reader One-Shot - You Ease My Pain
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Fluff/Comfort/Soft Stuff/Sensory Overload For Hunter
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The boys had been on the road for a few days. This time you couldn't go with them and stayed behind. When the boys come back, they all seem tired, but Hunter in particular worries you.
His brow is furrowed, his eyes narrowed, and he keeps grabbing his forehead. Without saying much, he immediately disappears into the bathroom for a long time.
The shower runs for what seems like an eternity, as if he's trying to wash away not only dirt but stress. His brothers already know this phenomenon and keep some distance. But you worry.
As Hunter emerges from the shower, clad in fresh garments, already dressed in his sleeping clothes he says, "I don't want to hear or see anything for at least the next eight hours"
An approving low murmur goes around and Hunter retreats to the room he currently occupies in Cid's establishment.
Questioningly, you look at his brothers, in particular Tech, who senses you looking at him and looks up from his datapad.
"Can I help you?" he asks matter-of-factly, politely, adjusting his goggles.
"Is Hunter okay?"
Tech makes my deliberative hand gesture and says, "Yes and no."
You raise your eyebrows questioningly and Tech continues, "In the last few days we've been on planets and in places that were either very busy or very run down, we've been in constant activity with little sleep and, for someone like Hunter, exposed to a considerable amount of sensory overload. He probably has migraine-like headaches and generally feels drained"
"Oh," you say quietly, "The poor guy."
Wrecker says smiling, "It's not easy for him, but he'll recover, he always does. He just needs some rest"
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When you are in your own room in the evening, the thought of Hunter suffering just won't leave you alone. You walk up and down the room, think for a while, and finally decide to go and see him.
You gently knock on his room door.
Hunter sounds annoyed as he calls out, "Come in."
When you go in, Hunter is lying on his bed in the semi-darkness, one arm over his face, eyes special, one leg hanging out of the bed, he is only partially covered and he still seems tense.
He hasn't seen who comes in, only heard the door open and growls, "I hope for your sake it's important."
Then you see his head move a little and he takes a deep breath. Suddenly, he pulls his arm away from his face and pulls his leg up onto the bed and covers himself properly. You realize that he recognized you by your smell, somehow that was creepy and exciting at the same time.
His words are reprimanding, but his expression and voice are soft as he says, "I thought I said I didn't want to be disturbed for the next eight hours."
You smile apologetically and say, "I know, I'm not here to disturb you either. I brought you some tea and some fruit, you need vitamins".
Hunter blinks in surprise.
"Thank you," he says quietly as you place the items on the small nightstand for him.
"You're welcome."
You dim the light a little more.
"Actually, you should be in the dark all the way, because of your headache" you say thoughtfully.
Hunter sighs softly and explains, "I can't. When I'm overstimulated like I am now, my sense of smell and hearing overreacts when I close my eyes, or it's too dark. And the other way around. I hear people talking outside on the street, I smell the unwashed Weequay downstairs in the bar…. It's hard to fall asleep and get to rest."
You carefully sit down on the edge of the bed, reach your hands out to his head, and gently ask, "May I?"
Again Hunter blinks in surprise, not sure what you have in mind, but he seems to trust you because he nods and says, "Uh, okay, sure."
Your fingers gently move to his temples and begin to gently massage them. Blinking, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
"That feels good. Can you do that for the next eight hours?"
You have to chuckle and say, "I'm happy to do this for as long as I can, I just don't know if I can last eight hours."
His eyes are still closed, but a smile spreads across his lips.
"I'm grateful for every minute," he finally says softly, "Besides, you're the only one I smell now, and that's by far my favorite scent"
You feel warmth creep up your face.
"I'm your favorite scent?"
Hunter's eyes open and widen, he looks a little startled, like he just realized what he said.
"Well, um, yeah, I guess you could say that."
He clears his throat, closes his eyes again and says softly, "Sorry, that probably comes across as creepy to you"
"No," you say softly, "I kind of like the idea. I've always wondered, since I've known how sharp your senses are, how you perceive me"
Hunter's eyes open again, and he looks directly at you, your fingers pause for a moment, you sense he is about to tell you something important.
"Your presence has always eased any suffering for me and attracted me magnetically".
You smile and lower your eyes shyly when you feel his hands on yours.
"Would you stay here for a while? I feel better when you are near me," he speaks softly.
You nod and reply just as quietly, "I'd love to."
Hunter slides to the side and makes a welcoming hand gesture. You kick off your shoes and lie down next to him. Almost automatically, your hands find each other and your fingers intertwine.
Hunter gently kisses your forehead.
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it."
He asks with a smirk, "Shall we share the fruit?"
Returning the smirk, you say, "Sounds good to me."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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yan-lorkai · 1 year
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"Oh honey, I know, I know." Your soft best friend's voice sounded over your ears like some kind of balm, Vil held your weeping figure close to his chest, tracing the strands of your hair as he tried his best to soothe you.
The tears drying in your eyes were a painful reminder of how you found out your little crush was spreading horrible rumors about you as well as calling you names. And you normally wouldn't care but it didn't make sense. In all of your interactions, he'd been so sweet and caring.
If it was anyone else who told you this unfortunate news, maybe you wouldn't have believed it. But Vil and Rook wouldn't lie to you, they had no reason to and so, you let yourself fall apart.
Because you was one step away from declaring yourself to that colleague. Just as you were one step away from declaring to several other people that you had liked in the past. And maybe fate hates you because all the guys you liked were assholes. All of them without exception did something that broke your heart and destroyed your confidence. And all of them without exception always fell to their knees and begged your forgiveness, said that they did nothing wrong and that someone had set them up.
What a ridiculous excuse, you thought.
"I'll never let another boy hurt you ever again." Vil spoke after a long time in silence, lilac eyes stared at your sad form still lying on his chest and you didn't feel the slightest desire to get up at any time in the future. If only he wasn't so strict, you'd already be eating your second pot of ice cream and listening to sad songs. "No one else will hurt you, I promise."
Half sniffling, half laughing, you looked at him like he was the most precious thing you'd ever seen. His friendship and his ever so sure words always gave you a sense of security, and until you found a way to go home you hoped he would stay by your side.
"But what if they try anyway?" Your voice was weak, fearful. You almost didn't want to fall in love with anyone else if it meant someone could cheat on you, lie to you, or, like this time, spread rumors about you.
"If they try anything I'll be there." Another voice sounded in the room almost making you jump. And the door opened, revealing Rook who was carrying an incredibly red pie. The scent of strawberries wafting through the air. His green eyes took you in slowly, memorizing every little thing. "Mon ange, as long as we're by your side, there's no reason to be afraid of anything or anyone. But let's think about something else now, oui?"
Vil eyed the pie suspiciously. He looked about to protest when you looked at him with your best puppy dog eyes, begging him to just let you have a bite of the delicious dessert Rook had probably spent some time trying to bake.
The model let out a sigh but was quick to remove the plate from the hunter's hands while the other, silly and cheerful, helped you to sit down and dropped a kiss on your forehead. The little things they did warm your heart and make you forget about it almost effectively.
"Say ah, Mon Ange." Rook encouraged, massaging your shoulders and kissing your neck softly.
And you rolled your eyes. "Ah!"
Vil spooned the pie over to you, watching as you happily ate it. The image was enough to make his heart ache with so much pent up affection, the model looked at his astute companion and they both found they felt the same way about you. Affection. Love. A will to protect you. You were just a little bunny who hopped up to its predators and decided it wanted to be close to them.
So like a little bunny you were captured.
"Vil…Rok…" Your words all blended together as black dots danced over your eyes. Everything around you was so light, so cold and the last thing you saw was the expression on your friends' faces as you passed out.
You don't know but one day, you'll thank them for protecting you from the asshole guys you thought you fell in love with. Oh, if only you knew what they were saying, what they were doing, your friends couldn't sit back and watch it happen. They had to act and get rid of them, an accident is always convenient and afterwards they could always smother you with their love, the love you seemed to need.
"Let's get them to a safe place." Hummed Rook looking excited. And Vil agreed.
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ghostofskywalker · 6 months
hi!! i love your writing so much!!
could i request a fake dating/undercover as a couple trope with hunter and a gender neutral reader? or just the prompt “Your flirting skills need work”
no pressure tho!! and thanks!!
hello! i'm so happy to hear you like my stories - thank you for the prompt and i hope you enjoy this one!!
words: 1,128
summary: in the middle of a crowded market on Ord Mantell, you have to get pretty up close and personal with Hunter. But it's only to make sure your covers aren't blown, what other reason would there be?
Play It Cool
clone troopers masterlist || request a winter ficlet!
Hunter was a genetically modified soldier who possessed a strength you could only ever dream of, and who had been trained for most of his life to be a terrifyingly effective combat operative. His face tattoo and the vibroblade that never left his possession also contributed to his menacing demeanor, especially to those who had made the mistake of opposing the Bad Batch.
He was also a terrible actor.
Usually that wouldn’t be a problem, but this time was different, because you were currently clutching his (way too sweaty) palm as you walked through one of Ord Mantell’s crowded night markets. You just had barely been able to convince one of the local shopkeepers (a sweet old Togruta who sold hand-woven clothes) that you two were a couple, simply based on the fact that his body language and expression made it seem like he didn’t want to be there.
“Your flirting skills need some serious work,” you hissed as you let go of his hand for a moment to wipe it on your pants. You could have said something about his sweaty hands too, but you chose to hold your tongue this time. “Did they not cover this in all your special training?”
“No, they didn’t,” Hunter hissed back. “I don’t think the Kaminoans ever considered that we’d be working with any other person, because we didn’t even have a Jedi.”
“Well, you’re compromising this assignment, so you need to act like you’re in love with me,” you said lowly, wishing things were different right now. This mission may only be a simple information retrieval, but you still had to make sure that the two of you didn’t stick out (more than you already did) among the usual shoppers and passerby of this particular market. Hunter didn’t respond, but you caught a glimpse of an expression you couldn’t quite read cross his face. As much as you would have loved these roles to be real, you didn’t think that was ever going to happen.
You didn’t blame him for not noticing the fact that you had an obvious crush on him. The crushing grip of the Empire’s fist was only growing stronger by the day, and the Bad Batch had a target on their back for simply being who they were. And so when Cid had asked you to do this for her (and suggested that you pretend to play lovers), you couldn’t help the way you agreed, simply because you didn’t know if you would ever be able to live the real thing. However, you could have never expected just how awkward Hunter was when it came to this stuff.
A few minutes after you spoke to the Togrutan shopkeeper, you noticed a burly looking Rodian hovering around the outskirts of the market, which certainly struck you as odd for this particular setting. Rodians weren’t uncommon on Ord Mantell, but you usually saw them in groups, and the expression on this one’s face (and the fact that he seemed dressed for combat) certainly seemed concerning.
After a subtle nod in his direction, you and Hunter began to tail him from a safe distance. Soon however, a clear issue arose: the Rodian had gone down an alley, and it would be considerably more difficult to follow him without raising any kind of suspicion.
Unless of course, he believed you were in the alley for a completely different reason.
With a silent sigh, you resigned yourself to your fate and tried to think of the best way to explain to Hunter what you were about to do. Eventually, you decided that it was probably best not to say anything, and instead just hope to the Maker that he trusted you enough to make the best decisions, and that things wouldn’t be too awkward between you two once this whole evening had concluded.
He looked a little confused as you began to drag him into the alley, because he had clearly weighed the options (and the risk) here. “Trust me,” you whispered, silently hoping that this was the right thing to do. Positioning yourself against the outside wall of a nearby building, you squeezed Hunter’s hand a little tighter and pulled him towards you, all while listening for any snippets of conversation deeper down the alley.
“We can get that to you,” a gruff voice said, and you knew that this was likely the information you were sent here to get. “For 300.”
“Fine. How long is it going to take?”
“A couple rotations maybe, but I’m sure we can work something out if you need it quicker than that.”
In order to keep up the ruse, you couldn’t exactly be taking notes as you listened, but you tried to commit all of that to memory for later. You also hoped that neither party would re-trace their steps towards where you were currently standing, but you weren’t that lucky, and soon you were faced the impending reality of being found out.
“I’m going to do something, and I need you to trust me,” you whispered. Hunter had barely began to nod when the footsteps started to grow closed, and all you could do was grab his face and kiss him.
You weren’t a trained actor, if you wanted a kiss to look real it had to be real (to a certain extent). The shadows offered some form of cover for all this, but it wasn’t enough. You had originally planned to keep an ear out for any kind of trouble, but the fact that Hunter’s lips were so soft, and that you had been dreaming of this moment for quite some time, really made it hard to concentrate. That, and the fact that he had moved both his hands down to rest on your waist as he kissed you.
When you finally did pull away from him (and made sure the coast was clear), you immediately apologized. “I’m sorry for springing that on you, but we didn’t have that much time.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” he said.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to make things weird between us and-”
“Y/N,” he said, cutting you off. “Everything is fine.”
You nodded, not sure what else to say. You wanted to kiss him again, but now did not seem like the right time for that. All you could do was hope that one day you would be able to admit how you felt about him to his face, and that he felt the same way about you.
And as the two of you walked back through the market with the intention of heading back to Cid’s, you did realize one pretty important thing.
Hunter was still holding your hand, and it felt a lot more natural this time around.
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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fancyfeathers · 5 months
The Hydro Knight
(Yandere Childe) (Normalized Yandere AU)
What happens when Childe’s darling goes to the darling of Signora to learn how to defend herself and fight…
going from this post and the credit to the names goes to @busy-dadzawa-fish who I asked if I could use the names they came up with here as placeholder names for the other darlings when writing from different perspectives
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You sat on your sleeping bag, your head facing up at the stars above you. You couldn’t sleep, not tonight, so while everyone slept you sat awake. The days merged together now, every day the same, just trying to survive. You think your birthday was coming up soon but Archons you can’t remember when. Ajax- no, Childe probably remembered, after all he remembered you even after he left for the Fatui. He came back only to ask your parents for your hand, no letters, no word from him, not even from his family, nothing. He was obsessed with the idea of you, the ide of how you were when you were young together.
So that leads you to where you are now, on the run with a few others, a knight and ballerina from Mondstadt, a librarian from Fontaine, a medic from Sumeru, and from your home land of Snezhnaya, a hunter, and who you knew the longest a shopkeeper named Keina. Honestly you felt the most pity for her, she had worked hard for her whole life, building up everything to own a small business that was absolutely torn down by the ninth of the Fatui Harbingers, Pantalone, all because she rejected her proposal. She had worked for everything only to be crushed under his heel. You felt so similarly to her, you were planning on running your family’s business one day, not being a harbinger’s housewife.
You decided to stop trying to sleep so you stood yourself up, walking off to find another clearing in the woods as to not wake the others up. When you first left Snezhnaya and made your first stop on in Mondstadt you had found an old sword that you had fixed up for you. You didn’t really how how to use the sword but you figured that having a weapon was better than not having one at all, plus with you having a vision it would be smart to at least have a weapon to use with it.
“You’re going to hurt yourself swinging your sword like that.” A voice caught you completely off guard and you almost screams, but you were able to whip your head around and you only saw the familiar face of one of your travel partners, Clarus a former Knight of Favonius until he left Mondstadt to accompany you all. He was just wearing his travel clothes and jacket, no armor or anything else, he must have just woken up. You watched as he walked over to you, and nudged your legs to stand farther apart with one of his boots. His hands took you by the arm and guided you on how to stand. “You want to win a fight, you need to know how to stand. If your feet are to close together any Fatui agent could easily kick your legs in and get you to fall to the ground.”
“Don’t mention it, besides I’d rather not see you die in a fight.”
He helped you train that night and other nights following, unsurprisingly he could not sleep either. Clarus was a surprisingly good teacher, with his formal demeanor you would have expected him to be cold and stern, but he was kind just quiet. You learned that he helped train and teach the younger knights. You never asked about his days with Signora, you figured it would bring back bad memories for him even if he said that you could.
Then the news of the death of Signora came to you all. When your heard the news all of you turned to face the knight, reading him for a reaction but he cried. When you asked him why he cried he smiled and said. “I weep for joy, I am finally free.”
If only it stayed like that…
After the news your lessons stopped as Clarus returned to the Knights of Favonius, back to his position as an instructor. Then not even a week later you received news on how he was attacked on the way back to his some in Springvale. He was missing…
Meanwhile at the Zapolyarny Palace the hydro knight was forced down on his knees by Fatui agents in front of the Harbingers and the Tsaritsa herself. His lip was bleeding and he wore more than a few bruises. The Tsaritsa smiled down at the beat up knight, the letter he was going to send to you in hand.
“Ajax, come here.”
At the goddess’ words the red headed harbinger walked over to the Tsaritsa‘s side and she handed him the letter, letting him read it.
“It seems like this knight has taken your fiancé as his newest student…”
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