#all blends together
secondbeatsongs · 1 year
as a bi person, the bisexual flag brings me infinite joy and always puts a smile on my face, however as a person who has a Passion for Graphic Design, that undersaturated shade of purple infuriates me when it's used digitally
like, on an actual flag - which was its original purpose - it looks great!
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those look fine! lovely, even! with the semi-transparent fabric, the way it catches the sunlight, it looks beautiful!
but now look at how it looks digitally
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the pink and blue are so vibrant compared to the sad, lonely lavender!
and let's look at this statement from Michael Page, the creator of the bi flag:
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(sidenote: he created this flag in 1998, so if his takes on bisexuality is different from yours, it's okay to notice that! a lot has changed since the 90s when it comes to lived experiences and the way we describe them. but, it's also important to respect his thoughts about this and the way he presented them, even if today, we'd probably not say that bi people "blend unnoticeably into both the gay/lesbian and straight communities.")
so in pantone colors, the pink is 226 C, the blue is 286 C, and the purple of the flag is 258 C.
but...here's the deal
Michael talks here about how the key to understanding the symbolism is to know that the purple blends into both the pink and blue. and on a physical flag, I think you can see that!
but digitally, it absolutely does not blend. it clashes badly, and looks oddly separate from the other two colors.
which got me wondering...what purple do you get if you actually blend 226 C and 286 C?
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oh! oh, my god.
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look at that! look at how nicely it fits between those colors!
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look at it next to the original color scheme! look at how much more vibrant the purple is!
and friends. this is just blending through rgb! you get even more purple variations when you use other color spaces!
let's compare all of them:
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(top: original, lab. middle: lrgb, lch. bottom: rgb, hsl)
look at all of the different purple options you can get just by combining these two colors!
if you want almost too-vibrant saturation, you can go hsl, if you want something more relaxed that's closer to the original, you can go lab or lrgb. and if you want to split the difference, lch is bright and violet, while rgb is there with its saturated but darker purple.
anyway, I guess I don't really have a point here? this isn't so much an informational post as it is Me Getting Weird About Colors, but I think it is a useful lesson about how colors look very different on screens compared to how they look on objects in real life.
and sometimes, I think it's okay to compensate for that.
out of all of these, this is my favorite bi flag:
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it's the one where the colors were blended in lab color space. for me, the lighter, softer purple is close enough to the original bi flag purple, while also feeling like a smoother blend of the blue and pink
but that's just me! and it might not even look the same to you, since every screen is different, because technology is a nightmare!
anyway, thank you for coming with me on this colorful journey! I will now retreat back to inkscape and make pained sounds about inkstitch gradients until something tangible pulls me back into reality
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starwarjotta · 8 months
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Day 5 - caf since my scribbles can be totally illegible, here’s a transcript Obi-Wan: Here you go, Cody Cody: Oh, thanks, sir Cody: this... it’s caf? Obi-Wan: Ah, yes! I’ve noticed my teas are not really to your tastes, so I stocked up some caf for you instead! I hope it’s okay Cody: ... oh Cody: ...thank you.
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writeouswriter · 2 years
No, I didn't forget about those WIPs, time just moves differently for me. For you, it's been years; for me, it's just been a few seconds, maybe a minute
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mayasdeluca · 8 days
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“The thing about fantasies is….when reality comes, it’s rarely how you pictured it. A day that is supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life just may turn out to be your worst.” 
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ewwww-what · 2 months
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If nobody else is going to make them best friends I WILL.
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canisalbus · 6 months
Machete and Vasco love child?
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anistarrae · 9 months
not a request buuuut how do you color your drawings like. the way you do it. how do you decide colors? how do you do tones and stuff and. it’s hard to explain sorry 😞 i just really like the coloring
i didnt know how to explain it so i opened iMovie
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i, for one, welcome our new fear gods that come in many forms.
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novelconcepts · 16 days
The more the show progresses, the more I want to see the 90s cast infiltrating the modern timeline. We've gotten hints of it with Shauna and her younger self, her Jackie hauntings. We've gotten a little more with adult Lottie seeing teenage Nat (and Laura Lee), and with Natalie getting teenage Lottie in her final moments. I want more. I want the teen cast to be absolutely invasive on pivotal adult moments, infecting their adult counterparts when least expected. I want Taissa's argument with Van to dissolve into their teenage selves, their bond endless and timeless and inescapable. I want Misty absolutely wrecked by young Natalie lurking around corners, watching from mirrors. I want to see these women unable to navigate adulthood without the specters of their teenage selves cropping up absolutely everywhere, more and more as they let the memories in, as they stop being able to repress the trauma. They didn't grow up. They never could. You are always doomed to regress around your high school teammates. You are haunted by the phantom elements of your misspent youth. It is a comfort, and it is a gift, and it is a trial, and it is a curse. I would love to see that reflected with greater intensity, until the lines blur, until the timelines have no choice but to intersect. They haven't escaped themselves at all. They didn't grow up. They just got older.
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felizusnavidad · 7 months
do you ever wake up and your brain is like SONYA IS GOOD, NATASHA IS YOUNG AND eurydice was a hungry young girl... (NINAROSARIOTHEBARRIO'SBEST!) heather... heather... heather... DIVORCED BEHEADED DIED veronica? veronica??? VERONICA!!! ...and MR HERMES THAT'S ME! (...naomiiiiii...rodrigueeez...) beetlejuicebeetlejuicebeetlejuice HEY BALAGA HO BALAGA HEY HEY HO BALAGA... AND LAFAYETTE ANDREY ISN'T HERE!!! DIVORCED BEHEADED SURVIVED (i am usnavi and you probably never heard my name) and what about pierre... what about pierre... what about pierreeeee... AND PEGGY!
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cavity-collector · 2 months
i love posting madoka magica art because without fail half of the interactions will be from blogs with homura pfps and urls like “homuralover2000”
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mattodore · 3 months
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society if matthias wasn't boring and liked tattoos
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hellishgayliath · 2 months
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Vera's human form with a cloaking broach gifted to her from Big Mama I'd imagine (but like most things after the breakup she also stores it away, but doesn't get rid of it at the chance she might use it again). And also my first good drawing of big mom she's so pretty but evil ( ˘ ³˘)❤
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adelle-ein · 5 months
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A tiny crochet Princess.
She's made from this bride pattern with some tweaks, and I gave her oversized safety eyes to try and capture a little bit of that "creepy-cute" look. Wasn't sure how the monochrome look would go but I think it works well!
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Album of Horses (1951) written by Marguerite Henry, illustrated by Wesley Dennis
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fattributes · 10 months
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