#all i can think about is the moment they were told kevin didn't make it
fiona-fififi · 1 month
I cannot even begin to articulate how beautiful and heartbreaking the Kevin moment was.
The idea that this man who Chimney loved as a brother, who he lost too soon, came back to him in his moment of need and pointed him home? The way Kevin is one of his ghosts, but only in the most loving way.
As tragic as it was, losing Kevin brought with it a realization of unconditional love in the Lees—because not only did they manage to love him through the hurt, but they needed him, too. He wasn't a reminder of their pain—he was the son they had left who they could have lost, too, but didn't. He was love and joy, even through all the hurt. They were a family. A little bit broken, but built on the kind of foundation Chimney had never had until them, at least not since he'd lost his mom.
For Kevin to be the one to point him home? To send him to the two people whose unconditional love had kept him alive, if only in their hearts? To the parents who'd raised them both and didn't deserve to lose another son? To the two people who had never let him down?
It's just a lot.
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britishsquidward · 25 days
Stargazing - A Chelley Week 2024 Fanfiction
Wheatley didn't really have a goal. Not anymore, not since he'd been sucked into space, left with no other choice but to float about aimlessly. So really quite literally, he didn’t have an exact goal. It was true, those first few days - weeks? Months? - had been spent rehearsing his apology over and over again (and once more to make sure), but after a while it became scarily apparent that he probably wasn't going to get out of this soundless void any time soon.
Of course there was Kevin, but he wasn't exactly the talkative sort in terms of coherent responses, so the bluer of the two had taken to chattering on to himself. Just to himself, his own brain, his own thoughts, and no-one else's, definitely never hoping or wishing that anyone else could hear him.
Or so he told himself. Maybe it was just another way to burden himself with the guilt he felt he deserved.
"Big place, this," he commented, drifting slowly and unsuitably peacefully, "space."
Wheatley ignored him. "Do you ever look at all these bright holes in the sky?" he asked, trying to make it appear as though he was talking to Kevin, "Stars, I mean. They're called stars. Did you know that?"
"Staaaaaars. I'm in space," Kevin beeped, still as enthusiastic as ever.
"N-" Wheatley bit his metaphorical tongue. Kevin carrying on interrupting like this was beginning to - pardon the pun - bug him, and where his patience had temporarily run thin, he'd had to stop himself from blurting out a "not you" in the direction of the other. He had to keep up the facade. "-Yeah. Yeah, mate, you're... we're in space. Big ol' empty space..."
He took a moment to think, his eye half-lidded and his mental gears turning. "If... if and/or when you look up at these stars, I kind of wonder if maybe, by some chance, we might be looking at the same ones. They probably look different from down there, less- less 'big'," he wasn't feeling particularly jovial, and frankly he was not in the mood for stringing together long words.
It was silent for the beat that followed, what with Kevin being too enraptured in taking in every sight he could see, despite all this time they’d already been trapped. To anyone else, it'd feel soul-crushingly lonely, but to Wheatley, as a result of the conversations he’d grown accustomed to before he'd been flung up here, the silence was almost comforting; a response.
"Still not a big talker, eh?" he chuckled lightly to himself, "Dunno what I expected. Even if you could talk, which - I'm not sure whether you can, actually, I kind of assumed you were always too - you know - brain-damaged and all, but if you could, hypothetically, even then I don't think you'd be able to raise your voice just enough for me to hear- What am I talking about? Even if it did travel that far, there's no sound in space. I can't hear you. No matter how much I might want to - not that I've been thinking about it, or anything. And you can't hear me either. Not even when I say 'I'm sorry' and mean it. I'm sorry, by the way, in case you didn't catch the last -" he'd been keeping a record in his database, so sourced it, the answer coming out considerably more robotically than his usual tones, "476 - times."
He sighed, rattling himself side to side to the best of his ability as though to convey shaking his head. "I'm completely off it today, luv, I don't know what I'm saying. Of course you didn't hear it. I just explained how you couldn't have right before that. Blimmin' heck."
"Spaaaaace. Stars, stars, stars!"
"Yep, stars," Wheatley agreed half-heartedly, "some of them shine more brightly than others, don't they?” This prompted him further, “Actually, I've been wondering something else. Wondering and wondering this one, I have. If your eyesight was really good - which it bloody must be, the way you completed all those tests in the dark - then maybe, by some chance, some miracle, when you look up at these stars, and we’re looking at the same ones, you might also catch sight of me."
A sweet concept, he thought. One that brought him restfulness, hope, a foreign warm, tingling feeling bubbling up from deep inside his circuits. Finally he felt something. It wasn't much, but it had been a while before he'd finally experienced - emotion identified - happiness. 
And that lasted all of three seconds, before the anxiety in him revved up, and he was off backtracking and justifying himself once more. "N-Not that I'm saying you would or should be, or that you'd want to - because I'd completely, totally understand if you didn't want to look up here at me, after what I did. I wouldn't want to look up at me either, not with how bossy and monstrous and- getting off topic, I'm getting off topic, um, yes, I'm not saying that I want you to, either, because I don't. Well, I don't mean it like that, I mean as in I want you to, but I don't want want you to, yeah? Does- does that make sense? Yes? It does? Great, fab, let's crack on, then."
In every sense of the action, Wheatley didn't need to take a breath in, but he did so regardless. "Right, so. M-my point. I guess I... I wondered if maybe you could see me because... To put it bluntly, I miss you."
There was no point in trying to pretend he was still talking to Kevin at this point. He'd long passed the point of no return; if pretending he wasn't talking to that lovely test subject was a bar on the ground, he'd still manage to trip over it anyway. And he had, but by this point, he’d accepted it. In fact-
Core communication transmission disabled.
"Sorry, Kev, I need to focus.”
A little while passed as he reflected on his situation, on his choices, on his words. “And if we're looking up at the same stars, right now even, then this is sort of like my way of being close to you in some form. Not that I'd want to hear that from me if I were you, but it's- it's me trying to be kind, honest! You don't deserve what I did, I'm- I-I'm like that pathetic little star off in the distance, there," he made an attempt to gesture and failed miserably, "small, and- annnd in the distance. Not very... bright. But you, oh, man alive, you..."
Being pulled across slightly in his orbit, Wheatley was turned around and ended up facing a star much, much closer by. "Huh, what a coincidence... But, yes, this. There's a lot of these, but I can't always see how bright they are, because um, well, because my back is turned sometimes. Which! That's not my fault, actually, I don't have much control in zero gravity surprisingly, so I struggle to revolve at times. But even though I can't see them all the time, it doesn't mean it doesn't shine as brightly as when I could see it, yanno?"
Silence. He was giving her time to respond. Time to respond to his hopeless, unheard monologue. "Whenever I see one of these," he admitted, completely overtaken by the hollow, weighty feeling that now ate at his insides, scratching at his servos and gnawing at his wires, all bitter and uncomfortable, "a star that shines particularly brightly, I close my optic."
He did so, letting the horrid simulated emotional pain wash over him in one fell swoop.
"And I think of you."
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dayurno · 23 days
cousin dayurno…. thots on tsc. i remember you mentioning before it came out that you weren’t super excited about it/might not read it for a while. im curious now if you think it’s worth getting into sooner rather than later! as someone who keeps forgetting to start it i must know the opinion of the council
cousin dayurno............... hi! well okay so. going into tsc i didn't have many expectations besides maybe seeing kevin at some point, and getting told an interesting story. i was not disappointed in the kevin front nor whenever the foxes were concerned: i think nora sakavic's grasp on them is as strong as ever and the few that showed up (kevin, renee, neil) were capable of carrying any story no matter what. jean spends a good chunk of the book in palmetto and you can tell it's nora's strongest suit as a writer; it's the most interesting part of the book and the character work is, as expected, very well thought out. i couldn't stop reading for the entire period of jean's stay with the foxes.
i will say the book kind of fell flat for me after jean left palmetto. half of it is because jean sucks the life out of basically any of the trojans character-wise; the foxes were able to compete with him because they are well established characters with complex backstories who already feel real to the reader, whereas the trojans (bar lucas, who is a highlight if there was ever one), while lovely, aren't really much of characters at all. i think nora sakavic likes to write a very specific kind of story, and in that niche she is fabulous, but she stumbles when she has to make simpler stories interesting. she is a high-stakes writer writing a very low-stakes story, and in tsc you can tell.
jeremy was supposed to be the main character along with jean, but in his very few chapters, not much about him is learned; from the moment he is in a room with jean, jeremy's whole character starts to revolve around him. yes, you can say this is jeremy repressing even in his own mind, and maybe that's true where it concerns his backstory, but that's not all there is to a character. even if jeremy's backstory wasn't going to be discussed, there's effectively nothing else about him: we know that he's rich, that he's gay, and that's it. no particular quirks nor non-trojan related interests. the only discernable character trait i can put out about jeremy is that he is very pushy, and i don't think that's what nora intended for him. he was a breath of fresh air in his first chapters, but what little personality he shows is immediately mowed down by being on 'taking care of jean' mode 24/7. i thought he could use more personality, and overall more scenes away from jean (and even laila and cat) to establish himself as a character
you have not yet read it so i will not spoil you the reason, but i felt that neil's appearance later down the line was the highlight of the book because it made the story feel interesting again. neil steals the show because he's neil, and he's more interesting than all of the trojans combined. he also makes them all look worse by comparison: we see personality and chemistry and history and that is something that the trojans just don't have. they're lovely, but that's all there is to it. jeremy and the trojans feel more like tools to achieve jean's happiness than actual characters, and that's a bit of the upperclassmen curse in aftg, but in a book that's so specifically centered around jean's inner world and his healing trajectory, they feel flat and out of place by contrast. they can't win. they can't even compete. but if they could, catalina and laila would get the closest to being real characters
this got away from me so tl;dr: tsc is fine! it's not tfc, and i think the contrast might feel surprising and hard to adjust to, especially when it comes to character work. it has all of nora's trademark writing with none of the groundwork there was for tfc, and it would have benefitted a lot from staying in the drafts for a little longer. it's an ok book! it didn't change my life nor did it save anyone, but it was there, and it did what it said it was going to do. if i saw it on ao3 i probably wouldn't read it, but i wouldn't hate on it either
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ninyard · 1 month
kayleigh day hcs for the ask game 👀
this is so funny because i literally have a post sitting in my drafts of kayleigh day Moments that i've been thinking about for a few days now
realistic headcanon: when she was "selling" exy to schools and colleges and sports clubs across the world, and once she'd made enough money off of it to be able to, she would always make a point to offer free gear or trials or training to people in places where kids grew up in bad situations or surroundings. the schools with high dropout rates and high levels of gang affiliation amongt students, the programmes for kids who'd dropped out of school, the centres that worked with young adults who were previously incarcerated, prisons/juvies - it was really important to her to give people who had no chance at all in life the chance to be good at something. she didn't exactly inspire david to start the foxes, because he'd always wanted to do something like what he does now, but it was refreshing for them to bounce ideas off each other about how they can best help the people who need it through the sport.
may not be realistic it is hilarious: she kept her pregnancy a secret for a really long time. 1) so she could keep playing exy and they wouldn't want to take her off the Court because of it and 2) she didn't want david to work out kevin was his. so she told him kevin came early when he came perfectly on time, so wymack still believes kevin was a premature baby because nobody corrected it, because nobody knew. she probably was back on the court within a very short amount of time after giving birth because she hadn't been able to play for so long.
heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends: (iirc, there was something said about her death not being an accident, so this kind of goes in line with that. disregard if that's just something I made up oops) once kayleigh started to distance herself from the moriyama's in the lead up to her death, she worried that something would happen to her, considering how dangerous tetsuji's family could be. she wrote kevin letters for him to read when he grew up; for his first day of school, of high school, for his graduation, the day he went pro, for the day he won an olympic medal, the his wedding day, things like that. not even in depth letters, maybe some of them were cards, but they were just all of these different sentiments stuffed into one envelope with his name on the outside. just in case. when she died, tetsuji found it. when kevin found the letter that she'd written about wymack being his father, if he had've searched just a few books to the right he would've found the envelope, or one of the letters, or cards, a chunky bulge in between the pages of a book. tetsuji never gives it to kevin. maybe when tetsuji passes away however many years down the line, somebody finds it when they're clearing out his stuff, and they send it to kevin. or maybe tetsuji destroyed it before he ever got the chance.
unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own: kevin was older than just a baby/toddler when she died. in my heart he was older and remembers his mother being alive!! not saying he was a teenager or anything but in my head he was 7/8/9 when she died!
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octuscle · 11 months
I need to take a work trip to Germany, Leipzig to be precise. Should be a nice change from my NYC life.
I guess, your suitcase won't make it to Frankfurt... Then I guess I have to organize a replacement. Damn Airlines!
The only thing I can offer you so spontaneously is an old army backpack from GDR stocks, covered with graffiti tags, stickers and patches. Pretty heavy... And maybe not necessarily suitable for your classic suit… So, take your rucksckand head to the airport train station. Your train to Leipzig will depart in 20 minutes.
Shit, Frankfurt airport is bigger then expected. When you arrive, you thaught, that you missed your train. But luckily, the train is delayed by 15 minutes. Enough time, to relaxe. And for a smoke. You search the side pockets of the backpack. No cigarettes. But tobacco, cigarette paper. And weed. Shit, that could have ended badly at customs...
Ahh, smoking this feels great. I really needed to decompress a bit after this whole travel shitshow. Don't take offense, but a middelaged man in a conservative suit and a classic haircut smoking weed with an army backpack on the platform of the airport station looks a bit special... You have to admit that, too, when you see your reflection in the window panes of the high-speed train rushing in.
No one had told you that you had better have made a seat reservation. The train is packed. Getting a seat is out of the question. With a little luck, you will still get a seat in the dining car. You order a beer (what else in Germany) and check the contents of your backpack. On top of it lies a hat. It looks funny, you put it on. Otherwise, the backpack is not necessarily neatly packed. Everything is stuffed in more like this. There's a MacBook... You open it. And of course you know the password. Feels perfectly normal to open it. As normal as your pierced earlobes feel.
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It is a low-coding platform open to any Big Data AI application. You scroll through the application. Sure, the prototype of an app for digitizing queues in doctors' offices. You open the library of useer stories and start developing the app further. A few hours ago, you had no idea about software development.
It's 9:00 p.m. when you look out the window. Gotha train station. Wherever that may be. You are looking at your reflection. Let's see what the others think of the fact that you have let the beard grow out...
The train is half empty by now. You have not even noticed how it has emptied. It's still a good hour to Leipzig. You close the computer. That's it for today. You order another beer and the vegan curry. Actually, you're also in desperate need of a joint. But of course you can't smoke anywhere on this train.
But you take tobacco, weed, cigarette paper and your cigarette case, which you inherited from your grandfather. And while you're waiting for the food, you roll a few joints on reserve. It will be after 11:00 p.m. by the time you arrive at your shared apartment. But you assume that you will sit together until 01:00 or 02:00. Your roommates are all rather night owls....
You don't notice that you're wearing high-laced DocMarten's boots instead of welted penny loafers as you step off the train. You also don't notice that your hair has grown considerably longer and falls tousled under your hat into your forehead... You pause for a moment as you see the tattoos on the back of your hand as you light up a joint to tide you over until the bus leaves. And after asking the bus driver for a ticket to Connewitz, you wonder if you actually just spoke German with quite an American accent.
The elevator in your house is of course defective again. Old building from 1873, last renovated in 1980 or so. That was long before the fall of the Wall in the GDR. But the rent is cheap. And the atmosphere is energetic and creative. When you met Kevin, Lukas and Emma at university five years ago, you were immediately on the same wavelength. Even though you didn't speak a word of German back then. You would never have thought that a semester as an exchange student would turn into a lasting collaboration. The fact that you found an apartment together where you could work on your startup at the same time was a real stroke of luck.
Upstairs in the apartment, Kevin already opens the door for you. As if he had been waiting for you.
„Sieht heute gut aus”, you say with your strange American accent.
Kevin hugs you and answers „Dude, it's good to have you back! We have missed you! Tell me, do you have new tattoos? Looks hot! And did you bring weed from Amsterdam? Our dealer is on vacation... Shitty situation!“
“Of course, i’d never leave you without”, I say, opening up the cigarette case and offering you one of the hand-rolled contents.
Kevin grins. „What do you say we smoke the first one not at the kitchen table but on your bed? I missed you, stud!“
“I’m so tired after this trip, so the bed sounds just right.”
There is nothing left of your suit right now. Yes, you are still from NYC. But you weren't a lawyer then. You studied computer science. And that was a long time ago. Now you are a Leipziger by heart
You both lie on the bed. You take a deep drag. And blow the smoke into Kevin’s mouth with a deep French kiss. The bulge in your skinny jeans looks painful. “Oh man, Kevin, I need some relief!” you growl.
It doesn't take long and we both have the tank tops off. You discover Kevins new nipple piercings. And can't stop playing with them. And Kevins bulge starts to hurt too.
“Man, let me provide some relief”, he says. And open your jeans. Your boner jumps out of your boxers like a jack-in-the-box.
Those new piercings… You just can’t help yourself… You’ve gotta feel them in my mouth! “Are they sensitive? Does it still hurt?” Kevin starts breathing more heavily. “What are you waiting for you prude Yank! They've been waiting for you for two weeks now!” You take a deep drag and blow the smoke over Kevins chest, which you caress with your tongue. Kevin moans “Fuck! You're doing so well! Sure it hurts. It's supposed to. You make me so fucking horny with your tongue! I love your tunnels on the earlobes!. I can not stop playing with them with my tongue.”
Dude, your dick is producing precum like a broken faucet. Kevin starts to massage it into your dick! You take one last drag from the joint, push the butt into the ashtray and blow the smoke over Kevins boner.
While Kevin rubs your hard dick, You begin licking his uncut cock. Damn man, these uncut European cocks will never not surprise you! Oh man, you love how it feels on your tongue.
Kevin doesn't stop breathing heavily, but still has to grin. “Fuck, admit it, you certainly didn't just talk about user interfaces with Milan and Sem in Amsterdam. You did practice your tongue game. Fuck, you know how to bring someone to ecstasy with the tip of your tongue!”
Oh man, Kevins precum just takes so good. You can’t get enough of it. Kevin reads your thoughts. “I want to lick your precum too. Let's make a 69! I need to suck your powerful circumcised cock.”
Yes, please!, you think in ecstasy. You just love how his balls feel in my mouth. And Kevin has fun to. You must have been sweating like a dog on the trip. Your balls are salty, your cock is deliciously cheesy. “Fuck, I can not tell you how I missed you.” Kevin moans.
He always feels so good, just keep going please, you think. His cock is so hard. His precum is spectacular. It’s like you’re in sync — in and out, in and out, in and out. “Fuck, your balls are so huge”, Kevin grunts. “I didn't jerk off all the time you ve been away. My balls are bursting”.
You both are perfectly synchron. Like one organism. “Please cum at the exact moment that I also cum. I want to make this old house shake.”, you think.You can’t wait to make you explode. Kevins moans “I can't take it much longer. Fuck, you are a master with your tongue. Fuck... Oh yeah... Yes! Fuuuuuuuck!”
Oh god! That was heavy. You both really try. But that was too much. Boy, what a load you both shot! Kevins cum is so thick! So potent! You ’ve got my whole mouth full, not able to swallow everything at once. You both exchange a deep French kiss. The cum runs from the corners of your mouths down our cheeks and necks. Kevin licks the cum traces from your skin. And you his. One last kiss, you pull up our pants again. And go to the kitchen with a joint. Lukas and Emma grin. The whole house could listen to you having sex.
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“Incredible, as always, Kevin” You tell him, as you pass him the joint. And as if nothing had happened, you ask Emma if she has any new user stories for your app.
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halsteadlover · 1 year
Locked In part. II
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x F!Reader.
• Requested: yes, by anon.
• Warnings: mention of blood, swearing, angst.
• Word count: 3879.
• A/N: this is part 2 of 3. I hope you’ll like it. Thank you so much for you support, the love I received lately has been so overwhelming I can’t really stress enough how much I’m grateful for every single one of you ❤️ Let me know what do you think about this piece, like, comment and reblog if you want, it’d be amazing. Love you all xx
<- Part one
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Jay was on the verge of losing his mind.
He had always been a patient type, after all he was a sniper, patience must’ve been a virtue, but at that moment, knowing you were in that prison and in who knew what state, he couldn't sit still. He didn't know if you were okay, if you were hurt, if you were still hidden and that state of limbo made him lose his mind.
“What the hell are we waiting for?! We have to get in!” exclaimed an angry and impatient Jay, approaching Voight and the rest of the team. They were all armed and equipped with their bulletproof vests as they, together with the tactical team, worked out the best plan for the break-in.
“Halstead you need to calm down. We're all worried about her but we can't break in like this, there's a riot in there and if we suddenly break in we could make it worse,” Voight replied, knowing the more time went on, the harder it would’ve been to keep Jay calm.
“Don't fucking tell me to stay calm, it's your fault she's in danger!” he almost yelled at his boss “You shouldn't have sent her there! Not alone! I told you I'd go with her and now God only knows what happened to her!”
“Halstead, choose your next words carefully,” Voight admonished him, staring at him with menacing eyes but Jay didn't let himself be influenced, he was too angry.
“Or what? What are you going to do sarge?” Jay spat through gritted teeth, walking over to Voight at which point Adam and Kevin intervened, pushing Jay away before he could do something he would regret. “If anything happens to her you'll pay for it,” he continued, pointing a finger at him, and god if he meant every word he said.
“Okay man that’s enough, come with me,” Adam pulled him away.
“Let me go!” Jay exclaimed, shaking off his friend's hands. He ran his hands over his face, furious, afraid.
“Jay, listen to me alright? Y/N will be fine, she's strong, and she'll find a way to protect herself, we know her,” Adam spoke. “We're all worried about her, but we need to stay as calm as possible.”
“Calm? What the fuck are you talking about Ruz? How the fuck do you stay calm knowing one of us is locked in there and risking his life? We're out here and she might be fucking dead!” the very thought that you could… No, no, it couldn't be, you were fine, you had to be fine.
“I know you are worried about her because you care so much about her, she is your partner…”
“She's not just my fucking partner, I fucking love her! Don’t you understand it?! I can't be without her, I can't be here while God only knows what they're doing to her!” Jay almost screamed at him, stopping because of the lump in his throat, tears filling his eyes as he tried to be strong. “Adam...” he continued to speak, in a lower tone of voice “If something should happen to her...”
“No Jay,” Adam interrupted him, placing his hands on his shoulders, his heart ache to see his friend in that state “Don't say it even as a joke, she's fine and she'll be fine, c'mon we know her, she's Y/N, she'll find a way to protect herself, and whatever happens she's strong, she knows we're coming… That you're coming.”
Jay didn't answer, looked down for a moment and wiped away the single tear that slid down his cheek with one hand.
“And, Jay, can I tell you something?”
He nodded, bringing his eyes, now red and shiny, back to Adam.
“We all knew that. You are a very good detective but you are not good at hiding your feelings. The only ones who haven't figured it out are you and her.”
“You're really dumb man,” Adam chuckled, returning his hands to his sides “You really don’'t realize it don’t you?”.
Jay shook his head, his heart pounding.
“That woman dotes on you Halstead and we've all seen it and believe me she loves you as much as you love her.”
Jay felt his cheeks burn. Did you really feel what he felt for you? Did you really love him too? He couldn't believe it.
“So get a grip and focus Halstead, she needs you now and you can't lose your mind. We will save her and you will tell her how much you love her and she will too, okay?”
Jay nodded as a storm of emotion washed over him. He wanted you. He wanted so much to see you again, hug you, hold you like he had never done before, he missed you so much. He was so scared, it was like air was missing from his lungs and never in his life had he felt similar emotions.
“I don't know if I can Adam…” he whispered, trying not to get overwhelmed by the urge to cry. “I just… I just want her back…”
Adam hugged him in response, patting his shoulder. He wasn't very good with words but that was his way of telling him he was there, that everything would be fine.
“I know it's hard Jay,” Adam murmured, pulling away from the hug “But like I said she needs you more than anyone in the world right now, she’s waiting for you to come and save her and you can't let fear win, not now. Once we’ll save her you can do whatever you want, you can cry, scream, destroy things, but now you have to focus on her and what you can do to get in there and save her,” he continued, looking in his eyes and pointing to the cursed prison that was behind them. “We'll get her back, you'll get her back and you’ll tell her how you feel about her.”
Jay nodded again, this time with more conviction. Adam was right, about everything.
“I just need a couple of minutes.”
Adam smiled slightly. “That's my man. We’llwaiting for you.”
The team, along with that tactics and SWAT, had decided on a silent approach, some agents would enter from the roof and would descend into the wing where the riot was taking place, capturing and handcuffing every prisoner they came across and sealing every possible escape route. Other agents would instead enter through the main and secondary entrances, also using the factor of surprise to capture the detainees and finally surround them.
No one had any idea what would be in there, how many victims there would be, how many wounded.
Jay didn't care at all about the other inmates, he had entered there with the sole purpose of finding you but the more time passed and he didn't find you, the more anxiety grew.
Every corridor he walked down, every step he took, he felt his heart beat so hard in his chest, and never before had he felt such a sensation, such a turbulent state of mind.
He didn't know what to expect. Were you okay? Were you hurt? Were you hiding? The fact he hadn't heard from you anymore was worrying him to death, deep down he knew something had happened, he just didn't want to admit it, he didn't want to accept it.
His worst fears came true when an inmate approached him, a look of terror on his face.
“Chicago PD raise your hands! Against the wall!” Jay exclaimed, pointing the gun at him and not even letting him speak. The young inmate raised his hands in surrender, stammering and trying to find words as he saw a series of officers point their weapons at him.
“I… Wait… You're from the police…” he murmured stating the obvious.
“I won't say that again, face against the wall and hands behind my back,” Jay threatened, not in the least mood to waste precious time.
“The cop… The woman…” the boy stammered and Jay's eyes widened. There was no shadow of a doubt that he was talking about you.
“Where is she? Where is she?!” Jay almost yelled. He put down his gun and approached the inmate, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and slamming him against the wall. “I swear if you even touched a single hair…”
“No! Good heavens no! I didn’t do anything!” the inmate interrupted him “An inmate was beating her and... I... I took her to a safe space...”
Those words were like a punch in Jay's stomach. He tried to hold back his emotions, but he promised himself if he ever found the man who dared hurt you, he would pay dearly.
“Where is she now? Is she fine?”.
“She's in the kitchen, I hid her there, but you have to follow me.”
Jay let go of the man and began to follow him as he made his way through the corridors of that wing, trying not to be seen by other inmates. He tried to ignore the fact the young prisoner didn’t answer the question if you were fine, because you had to be fine, it couldn't be otherwise.
When he walked into the kitchen Jay's heart stopped beating for a second, his nightmares just coming true. You were lying on the ground, unconscious.
“No, no, no, no,” Jay murmured as he rushed over to you, kneeling beside your body. You'd been beaten, your face cut and bruised, your eye swollen, your hands scratched defensively, and your shirt was slightly lifted. With horror Jay realized you had been kicked in the belly judging by the huge bruises you had on your abdomen and he didn't even dare to imagine how much you suffered from the pain.
He immediately alerted the rest of the team and called for help through his transceiver, all while the prisoner watched the scene not far from him.
“Y/N, please wake up, please please,” Jay said, grabbing your face in his hands, stroking your battered skin and hair. “How long has she been unconscious?” he asked addressing the young prisoner without looking at him.
“I don't know... I think half an hour or something more...”
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Baby please open your eyes for me, open your beautiful eyes. Don't do this to me, I’m begging you...” he whispered “Everything will be fine, can you hear me? I'm here now, I won't leave you alone anymore. I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you, I had to be here, I shouldn't have let you come alone, please forgive me...”
“You'll be fine okay? Everything will be fine, help is on the way and you will recover. Don't you dare play tricks on me, I… I need you so much baby… Please…”
Subsequent events happened so fast that it was difficult for him to even realize it. With no small amount of difficulty, the paramedics arrived and immediately transported you to the hospital. Jay didn't leave your side even for a second, he came in the ambulance with you not wanting to leave you alone for even a second.
“Why is she still not waking up?” Jay asked the paramedics concerned.
“The head trauma was severe but the GCS is good and we believe she just passed out. The thing that worries us the most, however, is that most likely with all the kicks received there may be internal bleeding or that some organ has been injured.”
“And is it… Is it dangerous?” Jay asked knowing full well the answer.
“We need to get to the hospital as soon as possible,” the paramedic replied, looking Jay in his eyes, not directly answering his question but letting him know that if you arrived late the situation could have been irreversible.
“How long has she been unconscious?”.
“For about 45 minutes, before I found her half hour.”
With everything that happened Jay didn't even think to ask the name of that young inmate and thank him for saving your life.
As soon as you arrived at the hospital, you were immediately transported to have a CT scan and an MRI. Jay was in the waiting room as he paced back and forth like a maniac, impatient and worried sick.
He kept praying that you were okay, that you’d recover soon. You were such a strong person, he knew you wouldn't give up easily, that you would fight for your life.
He took off his bulletproof vest, which he only then realized he was still wearing, before throwing it on one of the chairs in the waiting rooms.
The image of you lying on the ground, unconscious, covered in bruises and cuts, was imprinted in his mind, and he couldn't get it out of his mind. You were always smiling, always happy despite the disgust your work made you surround yourselves with, and seeing you in that state was something he’d never forget.
The next few hours passed so slowly and quickly at the same time, as if he was in a state of limbo, where nothing could be done but wait.
The rest of the team arrived at the hospital, and just seeing Voight brought back the initial anger Jay felt. None of this would have ever happened if he had sent him with you, if he hadn't sent you alone to that damn prison.
He didn't even bother to ask how things had gone in the prison, if the riot had been contained because, the truth was, he didn't care about anyone or anything, except you who were on a hospital bed in bad shape.
The lights in your room blinded you as you regained consciousness, opening your eyes. It took a moment for your vision to adjust, although your right eye was still swollen. You looked around as your mind tried to retrace the latest events that had occurred.
You remembered there had been a riot in the prison, you remembered being beaten by a prisoner who wanted to abuse you but you did not remember how or when you arrived on that hospital bed.
Your ribs hurt so bad and it felt like spears were stabbing you and breathing turned out to be more painful than you ever imagined, plus your head was pounding like you were being hit with a hammer.
You turned your head to the side and seeing Jay sitting in a chair next to you made your stomach turn upside down. He was sitting with his arms folded across his chest, his eyes half closed as if he was resting. You noticed he was wearing the same clothes you had seen him in that morning – so you deduced that it hadn't been as long as you felt – and his trousers were covered in dust.
What had he been up to?
Was he the one who saved you?
The thought made you smile although this action, simple as it was, was quite painful.
You reached out to him, and as best you could, so you stroked his forearm. Your touch snapped him awake in his chair, his gaze automatically landing on you. His eyes widened and he almost had a heart attack upon realizing you were awake and watching him.
“Oh my God, oh my God,” he almost stammered, in disbelief and relief like he'd never been before. “Y/N… Holy shit, you finally woke up! How are you? You feel pain? Wait, I'll call the doctor.”
He leapt to his feet and ran out of the room before you even had a chance to answer or say anything. This made you giggle.
After the doctor examined you, Jay re-entered your room and sat down in the chair next to you again.
“How are you?” you asked in a weak tone of voice, noting his initial silence. He took your hand, stroking your injured and still red knuckles, and leaned his cheek on the back of your hand, still intertwined with his.
“I should be the one asking you that,” he replied with a small smile, but it was a dull smile, it didn't involve his eyes.
“That bastard was strong, it hurts a bit when I breathe.”
He didn’t say said anything, he just looked down for a moment. He needed a moment of silence, he needed to regain control over his body because if he looked at you for another second then he’d probably lose every ounce of rationality he possessed.
“Do I look that bad?” you joked but your expression immediately returning serious when he brought his eyes back to yours and you noticed how shiny his eyes were.
Oh God.
“Y/N…” he muttered, trying to hold back and keep his composure but failing miserably. “I thought I lost you, I was so scared.”
“Oh Jay, but I'm here, you won't lose me I promise. Don't ever think you can get rid of your partner so easily.”
“No, no,” he shook his head slightly “You don't understand… I… Shit, you made me worry to death Y/N, I've never been so scared in my entire life, not even during the war, I don’t think I've never had this fucking fear of losing someone so important to me like today.”
Your heart was pounding as he spoke and if you hadn't already been lying on the bed, you probably would’ve passed out.
“Wait, wait, I’m sorry, I need to finish… I need to tell you how I feel because it's eating me alive, I can't take it anymore.”
“What?” you whispered.
“Pretending I don't feel anything for you, pretending you're just my partner, pretending every time I see you you don’t make me lose every inch of control,” he spat out, “I've thought about telling you this so many times, you deserve so much more than all of this, but I really can't take it anymore. I've been so scared of losing you and never seeing you again and not having the opportunity to tell you everything I feel for you and I'm sorry I'm doing it this way, you probably won't understand anything,” he paused for a second before continuing “I… Y/N… When you called Voight I felt like dying, like a piece of my heart was being ripped out of me, and I know that sounds unbelievable and pathetic but this is just the truth. I've totally lost my mind, I wasn’t able to think straight because all I could do was think of you alone in that damn prison. And when I saw you… God… I think I died and rose and died again within minutes…”
“I thought the worst, I thought I would never see you again, that I would never see your beautiful eyes again and I died inside, the pain that just this thought caused me is not in the least explainable. I can't be without you Y/N, and today I had the confirmation, I can't imagine to exist in a world where you're not a part of and I don't care about the consequences of what I'm saying, that you probably won't feel all the same, that i'm probably ruining the best thing that has ever happened in my life but… I… I fucking love you, I love you like I've never loved anyone else in my life, I love you so much I can't even stand anymore next to you and pretend like nothing’s happening. You entered my mind and my heart in such a deep way I can't do anything anymore without thinking about what it would be like to do it with you and I really don't know how you did it, how you made me fall so madly in love with you,” he spoke, not even realizing what he was saying, “But you are the most important person in my life and I love you to death Y/N, I love everything about you, every single aspect, how you move, how you talk, how you stammer when you're nervous, how you're so clumsy sometimes I even wonder how you hold a gun in your hand, how you smile, how your face lit up when I bring you coffee, how you twirl a strand of hair with your fingers while you're focused, how you nibble on your pen when you're writing a case report, and when you laugh, God, you make me lose my fucking mind…”
You didn't realize the mess you were, the way you were crying. You couldn't believe it, if it had to be a dream you never wanted to wake up. Everything you wanted and ever wanted had just happened.
Jay Halstead loved you, he had feelings for you and God how stupid you felt because you had wasted so much time, time when you could be happy and be together instead of looking at each other from afar and thinking how much you both loved each other.
“Jay… I…”
But before you even had the opportunity to say something and tell him how stupid he was, how much you loved him too, how hard it was for you too to look at him, hug him, thinking he didn't feel the same things you did, but apparently that day fate wasn’t on your side. In fact you heard a knock on the door, which opening revealed the rest of the team who joyfully welcomed you, not realizing what they had actually interrupted.
As much as you loved each member of the team, at the time you cursed them for interrupting you and Jay, who stepped away from you to give the others room to say hello.
He kept his gaze down, standing to the side as he listened to the others talk and try to cheer you up.
A shocked expression appeared on your face when suddenly he left, without saying a single word and without even looking at you and it was in vain to call him.
“What's wrong with him?” Kevin asked, looking at you in confusion like you could answer the question.
“I really don't know,” you sighed, not really knowing what to say and what the hell did just happen.
-> Part Three
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Tag list: @burgstead, @bebataylor84, @ares-kelani-wayne, @lxna-mikaelsxn, @sande5098, @smoothdogsgirl, @withakindheartx, @jess2013, @maddu-oliveira, @lovemesomepietro, @onechicagodrawings, @jinxfan18, @xeleni-nurse, @ready-hit-it, @rainroo2, @tinfoilhat2719, @hehurst23, @upsteadlovingheart, @secondaryjob, @nevaehstreater18, @sophiatellerrhodes, @dedlund82, @kellykidd, @rippl3s, @stephanie708, @annahargrove, @smutl0ver, @kuroe-san, @caroldanverwife, @cbaby, @nosy09, @luvreading67, @danielmarie, @saiyuo12, @alexxavicry, @nachodaze, @waywardhunter95, @fighterkimburgess, @ephemeral314, @mads-weasley, @itskellysev, @lovemedlife, @atarmychick007, @amazedbyitall, @glodessa, @xeleni-dutchnurse, @ossypooh, @itriedtoexplain, @randomwriter1021, @resanoona, @averyhotchner, @ellavanderberg, @mrshalsteadxx, @junevoidzombie, @nocturnalherb16, @croissantthief, @jayhalsteadsbadge, @youngblood199456, @dreamss-wavess, @halsteadloversworld, @halstead-severide-fan, @laaaauuraaaaa, @firerusher, @hngbrooks, @mrspeacem1nusone, @itserickalove, @23victoria, @slytherlight, @goingwiththewind, @notanordinaryprincess95
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dreamyzhou · 29 days
31st Alternate Universe by Elinor
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To: @sanaxo-o who accompanied me since I opened this account, @from-izzy who sees the worth in me, and finally @quaissants who i can talk to almost about anything and the rest of @deoboyznet who I just realized helped me find joy in writing again. Seeing you all thrive makes me want to soar along with you.
"31st Alternate Universe" is an upcoming non-idol AU series filled with fluff and angsts for the members of TBZ. Below are the fic ideas for each member. Let me know in my ask box of you want a tag for one of them!
Lee Sangyeon: It was another day in the year of 2085. When your barista coworker crush Sangyeon was framed to diffuse a deadly gas in the train you took to go home, nobody was alive as the train stopped at Station 11. Yet, surveillance camera showed a girl and Sangyeon leaving the train.
Bae Jacob: A comet was approaching. People were panicking here and there, performing their own chaos. So did Jacob by trying to find a safe bunker or anywhere to survive with you. Jacob found the train to the last bunker 15 minutes prior to the predicted time of impact… but it only lets 1 more person to go in.
Kim Younghoon: You didn't like small dogs, but when a poodle with a tagged collar named Bori slept in front of your gate cold and lost, you took her in and let her sleep with you. After missing posters were spread around the neighborhood, you thought the poodle was ready to go home. Not until she barked to her own owner, Younghoon, and bit him. He then suggested to visit Bori everyday to your house until Bori goes home, but now that she did, why did Younghoon felt like he was more at home with you than Bori was?
Lee Hyunjae: When Eric said he will sit in Chair 16 in Chemistry, he knew you were about to come early to pull it before he gets to sit. And when you did, you realized it was a set up. "Lemme guess, you're trying to get onto my pants, so some friend set you up to pull my chair?" It's the way, you said "not exactly" with a tomato face that made him think you could be different.
Lee Juyeon: You and Juyeon had to make a couple dance project. In your head, you asked the leader of your crew to set him up with you. In his head, the moment you choreographed suggestive moves, confirmed your feelings for him since he usually could tell when a girl had a crush on him. However, something about the way you tried to earn his trust and love was different. None of the girls who liked him even knew he loved dancing. It scared him a little… but excited him enough that he stayed to know more.
Moon Kevin: Kevin loved being an artist. What he hates is not being able to be one for a living. One day, you came up to him in front of an ice cream truck. You told him you know his works and you recognize the meaning. On the other hand, Kevin was too stunned to remember to ask for your phone number. As soon as her got a chance to exhibit his art, he submitted his artworks so that only you can get the hints.
Choi Chanhee: Both of your parents are enemies. Your mother is a scientist who ditched her family for a theory, his mother is a mathemathician who is distant with her own family for her math theory to prove your mom's invalid. As you go to the same school, both of you gain each of your mother's loves in exchange that you both fight in an uneccesary academic battle. One day, you both realize that you didn't want any of this, and the only way to heal your wounds is to love each other.
Ji Changmin: Sci-Fi AU where humans are no longer the dominant species anymore. As clans of humans hide in futuristic domes that disguises as gigantic rocks, humans who reached adult age have to prove their worth by searching for food.  You were just doing so by trying to find spices and animals. What you didn't know is you took another clan's food by mistake. . and the only one from that clan who would help you escape was a guy named Changmin.
Ju Haknyeon: Haknyeon and you were childhood friends, but Haknyeon befriended people who peer-pressured him into not treating girls right, and sadly it included you. One day, you cried at the way he treated you, but Haknyeon didn't know why hurting you hurt him more than it should.
Kim Sunwoo: You didn't know the spinning vision you see every day is a symptom of a life-threatening disease. So when there was a mail from the hospital to your house, Sunwoo opened it first and put it in the trash. That's how 15 minutes later, he got down on one knee.
Sohn Eric: Eric was frustrated when he felt like he wasn't talented enough to make you, his crush, impressed. But what he didn't know is that you listen to a soundcloud account with @/youngjae_sohn as their username.
All will be released before July (Not a promise, just in case I can't keep it)
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smartycvnt · 1 year
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Pairing: Jimmy Uso x Reader
Prompt: "I'm everyone's type."
WC: 762
Truthfully, you had no business with The Bloodline, but you weren't someone who let a good party pass them by. You didn't remember who invited you, but your friends were going, so you decided to stop by. The moment you walked in though, you could feel Jimmy Uso staring you down. He was down bad for you, which everybody else knew. You had been a bit of an 'it' girl on NXT before being called up to the main roster after WrestleMania 38. Smackdown was your home, and it didn't seem like you'd be displaced anytime soon. Jimmy had been flirting with you quite a bit backstage, but you had been playing hard to get. It wasn't that you didn't want Jimmy, but you found it amusing to watch him scramble to figure out whether or not he should shoot his shot with you.
"I thought you were little miss too cool for parties," Jey said as he slid up next to you. Sami was on his other side, an equally excited look on his face. If you didn't know better, you'd have thought these guys were shooting their shots with you. Quite a few guys did that wherever you went, but Jey wouldn't do that to Jimmy. And despite what he said, Sami had a thing for Kevin.
"Hit Row's been a bit busy. I needed something to do with my night," you said. Jey smiled at that as he waved a bartender over to get you a drink. "Is the third stooge coming over here or would he rather stare at me from all the way over there?"
"He's trying to play it cool," Jey told you. You rolled your eyes as you took a sip of your drink. "I'm gonna be back here later, so don't you disappear on me."
"Wouldn't dream of it Uce," you promised. Jey gave you a quick hug goodbye before making his way over towards Jimmy and Solo. You turned your back to them and pulled your phone out. Nobody else that you really knew seemed to be at this party, not that you minded. It was nice to get away from people who perceived you in a different light than how you really were.
"Jimmy is a really great guy. You should give him a chance," Sami said. You knew that he was right, and it wasn't that you were pushing him away or rejected him. You just didn't respond to all of the ridiculous and over-the-top flirting that he did. "I think the two of you would look good together."
"It's about more than looking good. Physically, Jimmy is my type, but I don't know if our personalities mesh well," you admitted. Sami seemed content to leave it at that with you. You stayed over at the bar for most of the night by yourself until Jey invited you to come sit in the VIP section with the rest of The Bloodline. The VIP section was much nicer and quieter.
"I hear you don't think I'm your type, but that's absolutely ridiculous. I'm everyone's type," Jimmy said as he slid into the seat next to you. You shot him a completely disinterested look. That wasn't going to be the way into your heart, or bed for that matter. "I'm a very versatile guy, just ask around."
"That's not the kind of thing I'm looking for," you told him. Jimmy deflated a little bit, but then quickly re-strategized. "Look, maybe I'm not your type."
"I think that you are my type. Come on, don't you remember the fun we used to have at FCW together? I miss that, it's been too long since someone made me that happy. You know me Y/n, you know that I'm not like this all the time. All I want is one night with just the two of us to prove that I can be exactly what you want and need," Jimmy said.
"Ride with me to the next show. You have that 24 hours before we get to go back home to prove that you really aren't as ridiculous as you seem," you told him. Jimmy perked up immediately at that, glad that you had finally agreed to give him a chance.
"Can I have a dance tonight?" Jimmy asked you. Reluctantly, you agreed, but mainly because you knew that it'd be entertaining once Jey and Sami inevitably decided to join him on the dance floor. You had been in a club or two with those three before and knew how this story almost always ended.
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Radford General Headcanons
Radford will be around 22 for these hcs. BTW Radfords little sister will be named Kaitlyn
Cw: brief mention of drinking, depression and parental death
General headcanons
♡ Obvioisly he is super caring due to being an older sibling to 3. Robin, Robert and Kaitlyn
☆ He is always on alert, part from being the Yakko of his household but also part of his own anxiety
♡ Radford deals with insomnia and usually found in the kitchen drinking and scrolling on his phone
☆ He loves drawing little chibi drawings. Usually of his siblings or cartoon characters
♡ He subconsciously speaks in baby talk ironically when he's alone, usually after he drawings his chibi drawings. Robert caught this one night
☆ He likes using emoticons instead of emojis ( Like :), :(, >:3 ect )
♡ I like to think he listens to older bands, like queen, rolling stones, nirvana, stuff like that
☆ He likes to paint his nails black. Occasionally he likes to paint them red or green. And ofc he won't turn down Kaitlyn to paint his nails for fun. He finds it adorable
♡ He secretly really wants to sing for a living but is generally happy where he is now
☆ He tried to help Rick emotionally and mentally. Radford tries taking him to places outside work and make him clear his mind
♡ Radford is a big ol bisexual. Preference for women
☆ ( Outside of the x reader ) Kevin and Radford are boyfriends and like to visit each other during their breaks
♡ Radford and Robert are sibling goals
☆ Radford, like Kevin, is usually visted by the spooky boys and he's grown a fondness for them and their enthusiasm. It reminds him of Robert and Kaitlyn
♡ Him are Robin aren't that close but they are close and protective over each other
☆ Radford and Robin had to fill in the roles of parents for Robert and Kaitlyn. Once Kaitlyn was born, their parents died in a car crash, thankfully Robert and Robin being home with Robert and Kaitlyn.
♡ Due to this, they were put with this parent role ever since they were 16 and 15. Obviously this took a toll on all of them, except Kaitlyn of course.
☆ This sudden loss was too much for Radford and Robin and they started drinking. Not heavily but once a week they would be at the dinner table during the late hours drinking and talking together. They didn't want Robert or Kaitlyn seeing them in this state and do the same
♡ To this day, they still grieve the loss and drink at the table together. This time its not once a week and they usually end up changing subjects
☆ Robert often goes to cuddle up with Radford during the night. Usually because of nightmares but sometimes Robert gets too lonely to sleep comfortable. But then those days. The days of his parents death come to haunt him and he goes to cuddle with his older brother for comfort
♡ To everyone, he is the sweet, kind, and goofy older brother. And they are right. But at any moment, Radford can snap. And its happen before
☆ When? When Robert got bullied for the first time. When Robert came home with bruises on him, Radford instantly became curious and asked him what's up. Robert, in tears told him and Robin that he was being bullied by a group of girls, through verbal and physical means.
♡ Something snapped in Radford and he went to the school right away. He confronted the principal to do something about this. He got basically nothing. So he handled it his own way.
☆ He confronted the girls directly and their parents/siblings. He ended up yelling at them and very gently making sure that if they try anything with Robert again that it would be the last time they do
♡ "Dont you dare talk, touch or even look at my brother again? Do you understand me? Cause if you do, it'll be the last. YOU GOT THAT?"
☆ Yea they never tried anything with Robert again.
♡ Robin said he went too far but Robert was happy someone stepped in
☆ Radford and Kaitlyn are the vibes of a father and daughter relationship
♡ Robin still has pics of Radford and Robert having tea parties and playing with Kaitlyn
☆ Radford and Kaitlyn are just so sweet together. A silly clueless pre schooler and a geeky college student. Definitely sitcom material
♡ He loves his siblings and will do anything if it meant his little family will be happy
☆ Kaitlyn and Robert know that Robin and Radford are their siblings, but they consider them their parents and make gifts for them for fathers/mothers day.
♡ The first time this happened, Radford began to outright cry. Like in tears. Most people would think he's over reacting over a card, a gift card and a t-shirt. But to him, those three little things mean the world to him
☆ Radford now celebrates fathers day as their father figure, and he still gets emotional the gifts
♡ Robert and Radford are close while Robin and Kaitlyn are close
☆ Radford is just trying his best to be the best brother/father he can be
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destiny-fics · 2 years
The Basketball Courts-Jacob Bae
[Jacob Bae x Fem!Reader]
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Genre: Smut, Fluff, Country Club!au
Summary: In the aftermath of Sangyeon's new wave 'relaxation techniques,' your co workers can't seem to keep their eyes, or mouths away from you. You can't find it in yourself to be mad with them however, in fact you rather enjoy it. In a bid to escape your boss potentially hearing one of these conversations however, you run out to the staff basketball hoop only to find Jacob playing. Your daily visits to the court from then on only serve to fuel both comfort and a deep desire for you in Jacob.
Part of the 'Summer Sessions' series. Read the rest here
Taglist: @sanghak-enthusiast @thethreekims @alyricalhigh @nichobins @smuchsmut @alecanal93 @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan  
Warnings: Smut, oral (f recieving), making out, pet names: butterfly, darling, sneaking around, semi-public, implied arguments, crying, teasing, hickeys, being caught without knowing, playfully jealousy and possessiveness 
Smut under the cut. Minors Do Not Interact
It was like sucking Sangyeon's dick had opened the floodgates to your coworkers.
Because you couldn't do anything without one of them flirting with you or making eyes at you, or asking who was next, or if any of them were next.
If it wasn't Hyunjae making eyes at you over the reception desk then it was Juyeon checking you out from the lifeguard tower as you took towels to and from guests. 
Or it was Changmin and Chanhee, giving you drinks from the bar on the house.
Or Kevin, offering you "private tennis lessons," whenever you wanted.
It was exhausting, but not entirely unwelcome. 
However, you did wish they would calm down with the flirting when your boss was around.
Like right now, you had just narrowly escaped your boss seeing or hearing the conversation you and Kevin were having at the reception desk. You'd quickly picked up the boxes you needed to take outside and pressed a sneaky kiss to Kevin's cheek before making your way outside before your boss had noticed.
As you passed the employee basketball courts out the back of the main club building you noticed Jacob. He was alone, throwing a basketball into the hoop. You moved the box so it was sat on your hip and just watched Jacob play for a bit, almost as if you were enchanted by the way he moved and controlled the ball. 
"I didn't know you played basketball," your words started Jacob and the ball slipped out of his control, bouncing over to you before he could reach it. 
"I mean," he smiled, jogging over to you "you don't usually come out here when I'm on break. We all play actually, some of us are better than others." 
You laughed softly, looking between Jacob and the basketball hoop "which one are you? Better than, or others?" 
Jacob's cheeks coloured pink and he huffed a soft laugh, looking away from you "Nah, I wouldn't say I'm that good." 
"Really? Cause I don't know a thing about basketball and even I could tell, you're good Jacob." 
"Cobie," he smiled, looking back at you, cheeks still pink. "You can call me Cobie, if you want. And you really think so?" 
"Cobie…" you tried out the nickname, pausing for a moment before nodding. "I like that. And yes, I really think so." 
Jacob was now convinced that his blush would be a permanent feature on his face. Did you even know what you did to him? How could you? He'd barely got a chance to speak to you before his coworkers were whisking you off somewhere. 
"Thank you, really. So," he motioned to the box balanced on your hip. "What brings you out here?" 
"Ah you know, just taking these boxes out to narrowly avoiding our boss hearing the less than work friendly conversation Kevin and I were having," you shrugged "usual country club employee business so I'm told." 
"You were told correctly," Jacob smiled sheepishly "but usually we're not so…" 
"Bold?" You grinned and Jacob ducked his head.
"Yeah…look if you want them to stop I'll tell them. We'd never want to make you uncomfortable, we all really like you." 
"I know. But I'm okay with it, trust me, you'd know if I wasn't." 
Jacob nodded before leaning down to pick up the basketball. "You wanna play?" 
"I can't, I should be getting back to work. But," you smiled "Maybe I'll come visit you tomorrow." 
"I'd like that." 
Jacob watched you go with a soft smile, hoping that you really would make good on your promise to visit him.
And you did fulfill your promise, visiting Jacob every day at the basketball court during his break, a variety of boxes, containers or laundry in your arms every time you walked past. It became a part of his daily routine to speak to you, adding something for him to look forward to on an otherwise monotonous work day.
He'd become used to your visits, craving them even.
So it was strange when one day you didn't show up. 
Jacob went to see if you were still in the lobby, being held up by something when he heard yelling coming from just outside. He rounded the corner to find you and Younghoon. Upon noticing Jacob, the two of you fell silent and Younghoon rolled his eyes before turning on his heel and going back inside. You scoffed as you watched him go and turned back to Jacob, clear tears filling your eyes.
"Hey, what was that about? Are you alright?" 
You cleared your throat before you spoke yet your voice still came out slightly shaky. You waved a hand. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Just a disagreement between co workers, it's nothing. Sorry I'm late." 
Jacob frowned "that didn't sound like nothing." 
You waved him off again, "it was. I promise." 
Jacob was still frowning, but let it go, knowing you'd tell him when you were ready. He'd still be there for you though, whatever you needed he'd provide. You wiped your eyes and clapped your hands together. "But, in other news, I don't have any work to do, so you can teach me basketball…stuff." 
Jacob huffed a soft laugh and shook his head, taking your hands in his. "Are you sure you want to learn?" 
"Of course I am," you squeezed his hand "it would be really fun. Besides, maybe then I could join in when you guys play." 
"The guys would love that," Jacob smiled as he led you over to the basketball hoop. 
You mumbled something under your breath at that, but Jacob only caught Younghoon's name before he went to get the ball, jogging back over to you.
"Okay, you know how to make a shot?" 
"Alcohol or basketball?" You grinned and Jacob rolled his eyes playfully, even as he huffed out a small laugh.
"Haha very funny, a basketball shot butterfly." 
You raised an eyebrow "butterfly?" 
"Mhm. Delicate, gorgeous, makes my day better just by seeing it. That's you butterfly." 
You smiled at the nickname, but rolled your eyes, taking the ball from Jacob. "You can call me butterfly, but I am anything but delicate." You threw the ball into the hoop and your attempt to look cool was completely erased as the ball missed the hoop, flying away. You blinked slowly as Jacob laughed, running to catch the ball.
"If it makes you feel better," he grinned as he threw the ball back to you. "That whole display had my brain melting out of my ears before you completely messed up the shot." 
"That does make me feel a little bit better thank you." 
"Anything for you butterfly." 
"Does that mean you'll teach me how to nor completely embarrass myself?" 
"Can't make any promises," Jacob grinned, moving behind you and taking hold of your arms. "But I promise I can try." 
"I'll take all the help I can get." 
Jacob smiled, his heart fluttering at the close proximity of you. "Well then," he adjusted your arms so they were poised above your head. "You just bend and," he prompted you to let go of the ball, grinning when it sunk into the net. "There you go." 
You squealed, turning around in Jacob's arms "I did it!" 
Jacob laughed, your excitement transferring to him "you did!" 
"And you…you helped!" 
Jacob laughed again, nodding, "I did!" 
You giggled and before you could really think about the consequences, pressed your lips to Jacob's in a kiss. Jacob was taken aback but responded enthusiastically, kissing you back as his arms snaked around your waist. 
The two of you kissed for a while, the world seeming to melt away from you. Until you parted to breathe and then it all came rushing back. You widened your eyes and covered your mouth.
"I'm so sorry. I…I didn't mean to do that. I'm so sorry." Your eyes filled with tears and Jacob felt his heart break, he took you close again, running his hand over your arms in comfort.
"Hey, no, you don't need to apologise butterfly. Why are you apologising?" 
"Because you probably didn't want to kiss me and that's fine but I just came onto you and I can't keep doing that to you guys because I don't want to ruin your friendships and I said I didn't want to do anything but now I am and-"
"Hey, hey. You aren't going to ruin anything. If we weren't okay with it then we wouldn't be trying to do these things with you. And I liked kissing you, so, so much." 
"But Younghoon said-" 
Jacob frowned, shaking his head, he'd have to talk to Younghoon later, but now you were his priority. "It doesn't matter what he said Butterfly, I wouldn't be upset with you if you wanted to sleep with Kevin or Sunwoo or any of them. I just want you to be happy." 
You nodded, sniffling softly "And if I wanted to sleep with you?" 
"Then I'd like that too." 
You giggled softly and wiped your eyes. "I think I'd like to get to know you better before we do…that. But I wouldn't be opposed to other things." 
Jacob smiled and kissed the side of your head. "I'll keep that in mind." 
You smiled up at him "I liked kissing you, I really did." 
"I did too." 
"Think we could do it some more?" 
Jacob smiled softly and shook his head "Not right now, we both have work to do. But, meet me out here after work and then we can." 
You nodded and turned to walk away, before you could get to far though Jacob grabbed your arm and span you back around, pulling you into a deep kiss. "Just a little teaser for what you'll get later." 
"Jacob…mmm, fuck Cobie what if someone comes out here and sees us?" 
Jacob pulled away from where he was kissing your neck to speak "everyone's gone home for the night Butterfly. No one's going to come out here." But Jacob could still feel how tense you were, so he straightened up and grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the basketball courts and into the garage.
"Here you go darling," Jacob hummed softly, kissing your lips softly, "now they won't be able to find us." 
You visibly relaxed and Jacob smiled, kissing you deeply before going back to kissing at your neck. 
"Mmm, thank you," you hummed softly, tangling your fingers in Jacob's hair.
"Of course y/n, your comfort is my priority." 
You pouted softly, pulling away "no Butterfly?" 
Jacob groaned softly at your pouting and began to kiss down your body, sinking to his knees as he went "of course Butterfly. Didn't know you liked the name so much." 
"Course I do…" you gasped softly as Jacob pressed a kiss to your stomach. 
"Well then, I think I'll call you it more often," he smirked up at you. "But it's just for us okay? Only I'm allowed to call you Butterfly." There was a playful possessiveness to Jacob's words and they made you shiver, swallowing hard as you nodded. Jacob kissed your stomach again "understand?" 
You nodded and it made Jacob grin. "Good. Now, I know you said you didn't want to have sex, and that's completely okay, but. How do you feel about me having a taste of you?" 
You nodded quickly and Jacob's grin only widened "please. Yes, please absolutely." 
Jacob chuckled and dragged the zipper of your skirt down, sliding the fabric down your legs along with your panties. Jacob let out a low whistle and his grin widened as he swiped his fingers through your folds which had already begun to dampen.
"Such a pretty pussy butterfly. You let Sangyeon see this?" You shook your head at the question. 
"No, we didn't really get to that," which was absolutely fine with you, but Jacob clicked his tongue, shaking his head in faux disappointment. 
"Well then, I'll have to make up for him." 
You nodded quickly and Jacob grinned before starting to press kisses up and down your thighs, purposefully avoiding where you needed him, to make you squirm.
"Mmm," Jacob detached his mouth from the hickey he was sucking into the meat of your thigh with a soft pop "Yeah?" 
"Please stop teasing. Need you," you already sounded breathless and the pleading just made Jacob's eyelids flutter. He spread your legs a little bit and a dark look filled his eyes as he properly saw you, your folds glistening with wetness produced during his teasing. At your whine of "Cobie," Jacob snapped out of his daze and descended onto your pussy, kitten licking through your folds and around your clit, ears poised to hear your moans and gasps. And you rewarded him with some of the prettiest moans imaginable. You were so responsive to the movements of Jacob's tongue and mouth, fingers winding into the soft strands of his hair to ground yourself. And Jacob responded to your noises in kind by redoubling his efforts to eat you out. He was messy as he did it, groaning against your clit to make you shake and moan. His fingers slid up the inside of your thigh to prod at your entrance gently.
"Is it okay if I finger you Butterfly?" 
You nodded quickly and Jacob clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
"None of that, you have to tell me. Can I finger this sweet pretty pussy?" 
You swallowed hard before speaking "Yes, please." 
Jacob smiled and pressed an extremely soft kiss to your clit before slipping two fingers inside of you, groaning at how your walls accommodated him. "Mmm, that's it, sucking me right in." He began to move his fingers inside of you and descended back down onto your clit, eyes flicking up to your face to see your reactions.
And he wasn't disappointed in the slightest.
Not that you could do anything to disappoint him, Jacob was sure, but this was everything to him. You looked so fucked out, so needy, and the fact that it was all because of him? Well that was an incredible stroke to his ego. Jacob curled his fingers and grinned against your clit when you gasped "That's the spot huh?" You nodded quickly, whimpering out a 'yes,' and Jacob chuckled, continuing to hit that spot inside you as he resumed suckling on your clit.
Jacob had made many people cum throughout his life, but the way you looked when you finally let your orgasm wash over you would be permanently burned into his brain. The sigh of his name which left your lips, the way your eyelids fluttered closed and your back arched off the wall. Even the way your grip on Jacob's hair tightened so minutely he wasn't quite sure if you were pushing his head away or if you needed him closer. All of it was unforgettable. 
You opened your eyes once your high had come down and Jacob smiled, resting his head on your thigh. If he hadn't just eaten you out like his life depended on it, you would have called him cute, but you knew what he was capable of. "How're you feeling?" He hummed softly.
"Are you good at everything?" The mildly annoyed tone to your words made Jacob laugh and he shook his head. 
"Not everything." 
"Well, you're definitely good at that." 
"So you liked it then?" 
"Liked it?" You leaned down to give Jacob a small kiss, "I loved it." 
"Glad I could please you Butterfly," Jacob smiled, pulling your panties and skirt back up your legs before pressing one last kiss to your stomach and standing up.
"You can please me any time," you giggled softly at your own joke before nodding down to Jacob's crotch, where his erection was straining against his slacks. "Speaking of pleasing, need help?" 
"You really don't have to," he smiled sheepishly and you waved him away, looping your arms around his neck.
"I want to, come on, let your Butterfly repay the favour." 
Jacob groaned at your words and kissed you hard, making you giggle against his mouth. 
And as the two of you lost yourselves in the pleasure of each other once more, you once again, similar to the way you had when you'd kissed Jacob on the basketball court, let the world melt away from you for a bit, focussing on yourself and Jacob's pleasure.
So much so that you didn't notice Younghoon angrily storm away from the garage as he saw your lips press to Jacob's once more.
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rhys-ravenfeather · 6 months
In Defense Of Kevin McCalister
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WARNING: Super long, pointless rant/character analysis about a now 33-year-old movie coming up.
You have been warned.
Also, disclaimer: it has been years at this point since I've seen Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, and I'm like 99% sure that Home Alone 4 is set in the Bizarro Universe, given that all the original characters are played by new actors. So I won't be counting the events from either of those movies for this post, just the first movie. Also, for that reason I'm just going to keep referring to Marv and Harry as the 'Wet Bandits' throughout this whole post, instead of going back and forth between calling them that and the Sticky Bandits.
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Anyway! It's December now, and I think at this point everyone and their dog theorizing about how Kevin is a psychopath, or sociopath, or grew up to be Jigsaw (no, really, for those who don't know that IS an actual theory) because of the torture he put the Wet Bandits through is almost as much a holiday tradition as actually watching the movie.
But I finally got to rewatch the movie recently, and I have a few thoughts.
I. The McCallisters
So um, I don't know about you guys, but from what we see of the entire extended McCallister family at the beginning of the movie, they kinda seem like a lowkey toxic bunch:
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Okay, maybe 'toxic' is a bit much--to their credit, there are a lot of extra people in that house, they're about to go abroad for a trip, so it's not surprising that everyone would be stressed out and tensions are running high.
But that doesn't make their behavior right.
Early on, we see the family, kids included, pushing their stress and misery onto each other, and especially onto Kevin. Granted, Kevin himself is kind of a brat at the start of the movie, but guess what?
He's still an eight-year-old kid.
He's the youngest, at least in his immediate family, and the whole night he's either ignored by the adults, insulted by his siblings and cousins, no one bothers to help him pack, and he's told he'll have to bunk with his cousin, who is a bed-wetter. That's a LOT for a kid to deal with, and with everything piling up, can you really blame him for snapping over something as simple as a cheese pizza?!?!?
So to sum up: This eight-year-old boy spends the entire night getting dumped on and looked down on by all his older family members, and in the one moment he finally dares to retaliate, it results in a mess that gets all of them even angrier at him, and he's sent to his room angry and upset, and feeling like all of them hate him.
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You're really going to tell me that none of you ever had an experience like this with your families as a kid????????
Can you really blame him for wishing his family away after a night like that?!?!?
Also just a quick side note: Someone else pointed out that, well, Kevin thought he made his family disappear. So it's not really surprising that the kid would probably think he's tough enough to take on two grown adults after that.
Now, that all being said, let's talk about:
II. The Wet Bandits
Look, I'm not going to act like I didn't wince watching some of the torture Marv and Harry went through, especially Marv stepping on nails and Christmas ornaments...talk about agony of the feet (don't boo me, that's the actual trope name!)
But there's one teeny, tiny little thing I think most people tend to overlook when talking about these guys, and the hell they went through...
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We literally start the movie with Harry pretending to be a cop to get information on the McCallister's home, and their security defenses, so that he can rob the place with Marv later.
And okay, to their credit, it's not like the pair start off trying to hurt Kevin right off the bat.
Doesn't change the fact that they were still planning to rob his home, and very likely WOULD hurt him if/when they found him in the house they were planning to rob.
And yeah yeah, the McCallisters seem to live in a rich neighborhood, and seem very well-off themselves, but you can't tell me that you would see THIS outside your house:
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And NOT get scared, especially if you were a small child left at home with no family to help and protect you.
Kevin doesn't go full Jigsaw on them right away--in this scene, after tricking the pair into leaving by turning the lights on, he runs and hides under the bed, like the scared child that he is.
To address another post that I've seen once--'KeViN cOuLd HaVe CaLlEd ThE pOlIcE aNy TiMe!' No. He couldn't have. The phone lines were down.
Also, the police, for most of the movie, seem uncaring at best--when his mother calls the police to get them to check on her son, they all but roll their eyes when talking to this worried, scared mother who wants to make sure her son is safe, and while a police officer DOES come to check on the kid eventually, Kevin is still too scared from seeing the burglars to answer the door. Because, again, he is a confused, scared child.
And again, the very first 'police officer' we see in this movie is revealed to be one of the very criminals trying to rob his house.
And yet, when the kid accidentally steals a toothbrush (because he was scared of his neighbor, who was in the store with him), a cop goes after him.
Oh yeah, and it's not like Kevin goes full torture technician on the Wet Bandits the SECOND time they come around either--just uses a lot of dummies, cut-outs, and strings, as well as Christmas music, to make it seem like the house is full of people.
Then the Wet Bandits find out they've been had.
And it's then, and ONLY THEN, that Kevin turns his house into a Saw trap--remember, these grown men are dangerous criminals who fully intended to rob his place, and again, it's not a stretch of the imagination to think that, even though they didn't want to hurt him originally, they wouldn't have ANY PROBLEM WHATSOEVER doing so when they came to his house again after finding out that he tricked them.
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kyogre-blue · 1 month
Chapters 40-50 complete. That's almost 10% of the novel, hahah
Anyway, this covers the whole Aquarius press conference and missile crisis business.
Clarified in these chapters: the 10 stars. The manhwa has this term appear in the background, but it's never really explained. I even thought this was a rank within the cadre structure, since it's listed in between Saints and cadre captains. In fact, this refers to 10 specific people who are such amazing super disciples that having one versus not having one has a notable impact on a god's power/influence. Yooha is one of them, and she's extremely competent even when bogged down by low faith.
Speaking of which, Yooha is introduced properly, and she definitely feels very different compared to the manhwa. Now, this might just be because the manhwa hasn't gotten to her stuff (her arms, etc), but the novel does give a very different impression. For one, her competence is played up (meaningless as it is, given the power scaling), and she's presented as being smarter or at least more levelheaded compared to Sungjae.
In the manhwa, Sungjae is noted as understanding about Lee Geon being a god faster than Hugo and Kevin, plus he has several moments of thinking well on his feet, so he comes across as being fairly smart. But in the novel, he completely loses his head when Lee Geon is involved, and you get the opposite situation -- Yooha guesses about what happened in the Demon Tower just from seeing Lee Geon in action and understanding how strong he is. She's able to immediately make that mental jump. Additionally, if we assume the author didn't just forget, she's even able to guess that Lee Geon can extra data by hitting Aquarius (since there's no reason for him to have stopped to explain this to her). So she's presented as both very strong and very smart.
Aside from that, I'm a bit surprised how much Aquarius goes to bat for Sophie, seemingly concerned not just with her survival but her overall well-being. Since Lee Geon pov talked a lot of shit about how Saints are basically servants to the divine gods, it's a surprising angle for a minor villain (of sorts).
With that said, I do want to complain a bit.
First, we got what is the first instance where I genuinely wonder if the translation fucked up because it's quite hard to understand the background details about Yoon Shiwoo during his appearance. The descriptions seem to get confused between him and one of the guys in his group, in a way that I assume the author wouldn't have been unclear about? Yoon Shiwoo was mentioned way back in the first few chapters, so he must have been planned at least to some extent. The translation does have occasional issues, especially with genders of characters who haven't appeared yet (Haize had male pronouns for quite a while, and so do all the gods, including Freya and Aquarius), but this is the first case where I just can't even tell what is going on.
Second, I have to say that the author's worldbuilding is sometimes just so... painfully slapdash... In particular, it's like he wants to have his cake and eat it too with regard to Lee Geon's reputation. It's repeatedly discussed that Lee Geon's achievements have been played down or co-opted by the other Saints, the general consensus is that he was only B rank and that he only won because the Saints were buffing him, etc, BUT then we constantly get told that basically everyone is secretly a fanboy for him. Like at the press conference, lots of cadre captains (generals) were gathered from different temples, but once he appears, everyone is awed because they're all his fans but like... which is it? Having is be so exaggerated both ways is kinda hard to understand.
I mean, Lee Geon in general is pretty ridiculous, but... yeah.
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ladylilithprime · 4 months
Luck And Marriage Are What You Make Of Them
Series: Fluffy Faerie Tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Word Count: 5204
Pairing: Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel), background Donna Hanscum/Amelia Novak, background Kevin Tran/Channing Ngo
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags/Warnings: Half-Fae Sam Winchester, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Selkie Jack Kline, Sam Winchester Is Jack Kline's Adopted Father, Brief Allusions to Canon-Typical Violence, References to Past Events, Autistic Cas and Jimmy, V-Shaped Polyamorous Wedding, Trans Woman Amelia, Selkie Donna Hanscum, Oh Gods The Tags On This Fic Are Insane
Summary: A V-shaped polyamorous wedding was bound to have some quirks and peculiarities to it. This is even more true when two of the three are magically created twins and their soon-to-be husband is a prince of one Realm and a king of another. They've got this, though-- not even rain can slow them down.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 26: Rain
Read on AO3
ISN'T IT A bad omen to have rain on your wedding day?" Charlene Novak asked nervously, glancing out at where the curtain of gray drizzle was coming down beyond the edges of the pavilion. The fact that there even was a pavilion felt like a stroke of luck considering the wedding was being held outside on a beach and the venue hadn't changed despite the weather forecast.
"Considering the season, the location, and the guest list, Mom, the rain was explicitly planned for," Jimmy told her with a wry little smile for her and Michael. He was apparently the twin designated to meet them, as he was wearing board shorts and a Hawaiian shirt that Charlene had never seen before and Cas was nowhere to be seen. As if somehow reading her mind, he added, "Cas is in the dressing room tent helping Sam with his hair. Charlie's supposed to come get me when they're done and it's time to get dressed."
"Oh, is Charlie your Best Man?" Charlene asked, trying not to think too closely about the bad luck associated with seeing your bride before the wedding. None of them were brides, after all, and that was honestly the part Charlene was having the easiest time wrapping her head around about it all.
"She's certainly our best something," Jimmy said after a moment's hesitation. Right, Charlie was the name of their female coworker. "I'll make sure to introduce you when she comes out. She'll be able to help you navigate the rest of the guests. Nobody should start anything, but we've got a lot of powerful people and volatile personalities under one waterproofed canvas roof."
"And a promise to behave and keep any extra-familial drama to themselves is only gonna last until an hour into the reception," a slender redhead in a pale blue wrap dress said as she seemed to materialize at Jimmy's elbow. Charlene jumped, but Jimmy didn't even seem fazed. "I heard my name. Hi, I'm Charlie Bradbury, human hacker and barista extraordinaire."
"Michael Novak, and my wife, Charlene," Michael spoke up on automatic as he usually did when they attended events together. Charlene noticed the way Charlie narrowed her eyes, but Michael was apparently distracted by-- "Would you be the one to ask about the... car?"
"That's Sam's niece, Baby," Charlie said, which didn't make a whole lot of sense. The car was the faerie's niece? Surely she meant the car belonged to his niece, not-- "Yes, she's a sentient car, it's a long story, and she's very nice to people who treat her like a person despite her shape. She's actually one of the reasons the wedding is being held outside since she's the flower girl and DJ." While Charlene was attempting to process that, Charlie turned to Jimmy. "Cas is just about done and wants your help with the ribbons, and then you both need to get gowned up."
"Going," Jimmy nodded, then looked back at Charlene. "Stay close to Charlie, keep Dad out of trouble, and Cas and I will both come say hi afterwards."
And then he was gone, leaving Charlene blinking and Michael humphing quietly. Charlie just smiled brightly and gestured around the pavilion interior at the slowly assembling guests. "Anyone in particular you'd like to be introduced to or would you rather find your seats and save introductions for the reception?"
"How about just giving us an overview of who's who for the time being?" Charlene suggested when Michael kept silent.
"As you like," Charlie chirped, rocking on her heels in the sand. She spun around slowly, eyes tracking over the crowd, then nodded to herself and began pointing out different people. "Well, Baby's Dad is Sam's older brother, he goes by Dean these days and is acting as Sam's Best Man." The man she pointed to was dressed in jeans and a blue button down shirt under a leather jacket. He might have looked completely normal if not for the pointed ears and long blonde hair that had been braided back into something resembling a mohawk. Next to him was another pointy-eared blonde man wearing a cloak in a darker blue, and a blonde woman with long blonde curls wearing a silver and blue diadem. "He's talking to their younger brother, who goes by Adam, and their mother, the Cerulean Princess... she'll probably say to call her Mary, but it's best to wait for her to tell you which of her nicknames to use."
"Princess?" Charlene repeated faintly, scrambling to remember if Jimmy or Cas had said anything about that in their phone calls or letters and coming up blank. "Does that make Sam and his brothers princes?"
"It does, and Sam will be wearing his official circlet for the wedding, but none of them really like to draw attention to their rank here in the mortal realm," Charlie told her with a shrug. She swiveled and pointed to a serious-looking dark-haired man who might have been normal except that he was dressed a lot like the faerie princess. "That's Sam's dad, the Cerulean Knight, also known as Saint John the Divine. Yeah, that John. He's human but left the mortal realms with Mary after his bestie was killed for political reasons and earned his immortality in the fae realms. And the guy he's talking to is the current reincarnation of that bestie. I think he said his name this time around is Chuck, and he really does prefer that to the whole 'Christ' thing."
"You're kidding," Charlene said weakly, staring at the nervous-looking man with curly hair wearing jeans and a tie-dye t-shirt under what looked like a borrowed royal blue and white choir stole. He looked more like somebody's stoner cousin than Christ the Lord returned to Earth.
"Nnnope," Charlie said, sounding far more gleeful than Charlene felt was warranted. "And lookee there, that's the Archangel Gabriel joining them... but I understand you've met him once before already."
"Never seen any of them before," Michael grunted from beside Charlene.
She managed something vaguely strangled in response, too preoccupied with seeing the angel from the church casually walking up to her sons' fiance's father and his friend and joining the conversation. Whatever he said had the... Christ... smacking his forehead with an exasperated expression as the serious expression on Sam's father's face split into a mischievous smirk that made him look a lot like his eldest son despite the human ears.
"Looks like Gabe just told Chuck that Lucy's arrived," Charlene heard Charlie say as if from a distance. "That's Lucifer, by the way, but his reputation is heavily exaggerated, and he's perfectly charming but he likes to make bets and he's almost worse about contracts than Sam's Unseelie cousins. Oh, if you see a faerie girl who looks like she's part plant, that's Bloddewyn, she brought all the flowers. If she talks to you, just be polite and don't use her name." There was a pause, and then Charlie added in a sympathetic tone, "Too much? Want me to show you to your seats?"
"That might be best," Charlene said faintly. It was too late to turn around and run away, she reminded herself. And she wasn't going to let the upending of her faith or the presence of the literal Devil keep her from seeing her little boys get married.
"This way, then," Charlie said. Charlene fumbled for Michael's arm, feeling a wave of relief when he caught her hand and wrapped it around his bicep before leading her to follow Charlie over to a couple of chairs on the right side of the flower-and-ribbon decorated platform at one end of the pavilion. "You're seated next to Kevin Tran and his wife Channing. They're dragons."
WAS IT REALLY wise to leave our parents with Charlie?" Cas asked Jimmy when he stepped into the tent, letting the flap fall closed behind him.
"Eh, probably not," Jimmy admitted with a shrug. "She won't traumatize them too much, though. We made her promise to back off if she noticed Mom dissociating."
"Hard to believe all those years of us being visibly autistic and we never noticed Mom's symptoms," Cas shook his head and beckoned Jimmy over. "Here, help me pin this evenly."
"If she hasn't figured it out by now, it probably won't make a difference for her to know," Sam murmured, holding still as Jimmy and Cas carefully fitted the pins through metal, hair and cloth on either side of his head. "Aside from possibly making her feel worse for what happened when you were four."
Jimmy had to admit that was the more likely outcome. Given the research he and Cas had been doing, they knew that a lot of women from previous generations never got officially diagnosed even after they realized it because the default standard for diagnosis was young boys. Jimmy didn't know exactly how his Irish Catholic mother was raised by their grandparents given that she wasn't on speaking terms with them, but it was entirely likely that it had never even occurred to her that she might be autistic at all, even when struggling to figure out how to help her sons manage their own sensory overloads.
"Charlie was going to put them over by Kevin and Channing, right?" Cas confirmed, glancing up at Jimmy. "If they can get over them being dragons, then those two will probably be the safest people on our side of the aisle. Especially if they're the only ones of the family who came."
"Cousin Anna's out there," Jimmy said with a half-shoulder shrug. "I saw her talking to Donna and Amelia."
That had certainly been an unexpected romance at the time, even if it made perfect sense now. Sheriff Donna Hanscum had stepped up to be foster mom to ten-year-old Matt Pike when he was rescued from his real estate developer father, but she wasn't keen on being a single parent. Amelia, meanwhile, wasn't exactly naturally maternal for all she was willing to give birth now that Sam's magic had given her the right parts, but with Donna there to pick up the maternal slack Amelia was able to relax and just enjoy being able to rub it in the faces of her old bullies that they couldn't say she wasn't a real woman.
A minor commotion from beyond the tent flaps made all three of them start, but only Cas and Jimmy turned when the flap lifted and a brunette woman with black eyes and small curling horns nestled in her hair poked her head in. "Lucy's here."
"Thanks, Ruby," Sam sighed, closing his eyes. "Keep an eye on things and let me know if it looks like I need to remind him that he promised not to start shit with Chuck or Gabe until the reception is well underway."
"Will do, boss," the she-demon saluted and ducked back out.
"We'd better get dressed now so there's less time for Lucifer to forget his promise," Jimmy sighed, letting his hands drop from where he had been absently stimming on one of Sam's small silver-wrapped braids and stepping back to admire his and Cas's soon-to-be husband.
Sam had let most of his glamours drop for the occasion, aside from adjusting the length of his hair to be down to his knees. Cas had done an amazing job styling the chestnut brown waves with braids and beads and silver wires and chains and blue ribbons while still letting most of it hang free beneath the sheer fabric of the veil pinned at two points to the ends of the delicate silver filigree circlet set with blue opals that Sam wore to denote his princely status. In contrast to the marvel of his hair, his wedding outfit was almost plain in comparison, having chosen to wear the white ruffled blouse he had bought on impulse months before with a set of black slit-sided silk harem pants with silver-embroidered cuffs and a blue and silver scarf tied around his waist like a belt. The lack of glamours meant that the expansive array of tattoos and runic wards were on display, visible as shadows beneath the white fabric and clearly defined by the open V of his shirt and peeking out from the slit sides in his pants that ran from ankle to waist. He looked understated but royal and thoroughly edible, making Jimmy think briefly of their plans for after the wedding reception.
"Getting dressed will happen faster without staring at our gorgeous husband-to-be," Cas pointed out, tossing a pile of white cotton jersey knit fabric at Jimmy, snapping him out of his daydream. He stuck his tongue out at his brother as Sam laughed softly, shaking the white cloth out to reveal part one of his own wedding attire.
The white V-necked maxi dress with the ankle length full skirt was not what most people would think of when they thought "wedding dress", but it was soft and light and sleeveless, which made it the perfect garment to go beneath the custom-tailored blue and silver alicorn hide jackets that Sam had gifted them the night they had gotten engaged. Jimmy shrugged out of the shirt he'd been wearing to greet their parents and pulled the dress over his head, then shimmied out of his shorts and tossed them towards the duffel bag in the corner. "Hair?"
"Grab some mousse and tousel it," Cas directed, half-muffled by his own dress. "We've got circlets of our own to put on during the ceremony, so we don't want to be too pristine."
"Got it." Jimmy accepted the spray bottle of mousse Sam passed him, passing it to Cas when he had a decent peak on his fingers, and working it through his hair before fluffing it up a bit. Sam passed him a wet wipe to clean the product off his hands, then helped him into his jacket before turning and helping Cas as well.
"You both look wonderful," he said, looking back and forth between them with a soft smile that didn't even try to disguise the banked heat in his eyes. "If I wasn't so eager to finally be able to call you my husbands, I'd be stealing you away to the Summer Palace already."
"Wedding and reception first--" Cas started, lips twitching upwards in a tiny smirk.
"Honeymoon after," Jimmy finished with a matching smirk. "Now let's go get married."
THE CHATTER AROUND the pavilion quieted when the pristinely polished glossy black 1967 Chevy Impala with a bouquet of blue roses and gardenias tied to her front grill with blue and silver ribbons revved her engine pointedly. The radio dial swiveled and then the volume rose, fading in to the soft chimes and flowing winds and strings of Holst's "Venus, the Bringer of Peace". Anyone not already in their seats or equivalent positions quickly found their way to them, and Chuck took his place at the front on the platform festooned in English ivy, white honeysuckle, and wisteria. Gone for the moment was the nervousness and uncertainty, a calm settling over him that made it far easier to believe he was Christ returned to Earth. He extended his hands, and the gathered wedding guests turned to look down the aisle.
With Baby already in position at the front on the left, the first one down the aisle was a spotted seal in a blue satin bowtie, the compromise for Jack not having to wear a suit like a human. He carried two black velvet drawstring bags in his mouth as he made his way through the sand and up the shallow ramp to the right of the platform until he could sit up, head high and eyes bright and attentive. A couple of cameras clicked, but he politely pretended not to notice as he kept his eyes fixed on the tent. Dean and Charlie came next, Charlie walking calmly and gracefully through the sand on Dean's arm. They stopped at the front of the platform and faced each other, performed a complicated ritual handshake, and separated to their respective sides with appropriately attentive expressions.
The next to make their way down the aisle, coming from the back of either side among the guests, were a tall man with carefully styled dark hair in a black suit with a dark blue silk button down shirt and the top two buttons left undone coming from the left, and from the right a well-muscled man in leather armor embellished with gold knotwork motifs with his blonde hair and beard braided and ornamented, a metal hammer hung from his belt. They stared at each other for a moment, and then the blonde man offered his arm and the brunette accepted with a playful smirk that seemed to bode trouble. Whatever mischief was thought up, nothing happened in the walk down the aisle under Chuck's slightly wary gaze, and they separated at the front with polite bows before taking their places, the brunette next to a studiously blank-faced Dean, the blonde next to a quietly snickering Charlie.
Eyes swiveled back to the rear as the tent flap opened and Sam emerged, drawing a few soft gasps from the people who had never seen him so unglamoured before. The intricate warding runes tattooed across his skin in blue had been accented with black to make them stand out all the more in the brief flashes of skin as he glided over the sand down the aisle. The sheer blue and silver fabric pinned drapingly over his long and elaborately braided hair was the wrong color for a traditionally Western human bridal veil, but the symbolism was there. He even carried a bouquet of blue irises, white chrysanthemums, myrtle, alyssum maritimum, and fern. He did not ascend the platform like the others, stopping at the base and turning to look back the way he had come.
Like magnets, the eyes of the assembled guests followed his lead and the tent flap lifted again to allow Cas and Jimmy to emerge together. With their identical clothes and matching solemn expressions it was nearly impossible to tell the twins apart, the hands closest to each other hidden by the bouquet of gloxinias, orange blossoms, forget-me-nots, blue violets, and ivy. Hardly any skin could be seen beneath the white dresses and blue and silver jackets, but it hardly needed to be as their skirts flowed and swished against their legs as they walked. Several people murmured in awe as they recognized the materials or motifs of the jackets, and when they reached the platform they halted as one beside Sam, who turned with them to face Chuck.
To the far left, Baby turned the volume of the music slowly down until her radio clicked off, leaving only the sounds of the rain, the crashing waves, and the calls of the sea birds and nearby kelpies in the wetlands. With all eyes on him now, Chuck cleared his throat and looked out at the assembled guests.
"Gathered friends and family," he said, his clear tenor voice carrying to all corners of the pavilion. "We come together to celebrate the joining of these three true hearts in marriage most eternal." A few people chuckled at the emphasis, and he paused to let them get it out before continuing, "Who stands as family of heart and home?"
"I, Cer of the Summer Court, stand for Seren, as his brother by blood," Dean announced. "By the grace of our shared father and mother, he is my family of heart and home."
"Do you give your brother to be married to his chosen partners?" Chuck asked.
"I do," Dean nodded shortly.
"I, Thor of Asgard, stand for John Castiel and James Constantine, as their brother by choice," the blonde man in armor intoned, drawing a few gasps from the right side of the assembly. "By the grace of the apples of Idunn's garden, they are my family of heart and home."
"Do you give your brothers to be married to their chosen partner?" Chuck asked him, receiving a beaming smile along with Thor's nod and "I do". "And who stands as family of blood and battle?"
"I, Lucifer Morningstar, stand for Samael, as his brother in rulership," the dark-haired man drawled, smirking slightly when Chuck shot him a look. "By the blood and battle through which he claimed his throne of one of the Nine Realms of Tartarus, so do I claim him as my family."
"Do you give him to be married to his chosen partners?" Chuck asked, just a little warily.
"Oh yes, I very much do," Lucifer purred. Guests nearest the platform caught Sam rolling his eyes, and Chuck looked very much like he wanted to do the same.
Luckily, Charlie took her cue to speak. "I, Charlie Bradbury, stand for Cas and Jimmy, as their sister in service. Through the blood and burns and the battles against awful customers, they are my brothers."
"Do you give your brothers to be married to their chosen partner?" Chuck asked her, flinching slightly when she grinned toothily.
"Absofuckinglutely I do!"
More laughter and some further eyerolls, but everyone seemed to have been prepared by Lucifer's deviation and settled down quickly.
"Seren, Samael, Sam Winchester," Chuck intoned, settling the crowd further to pay attention, "do you come of your own free will to be married?"
"I do," Sam said firmly and promptly.
"Whom do you come to marry?"
"These men beside me."
"John Castiel and James Constantine, Cas and Jimmy, do you come of your own free will to be married?"
"We do," the twins chorused in perfect unison.
"Whom do you come to marry?"
"This man beside us."
"Sam, Cas, Jimmy, please ascend and take your places before me," Chuck invited.
The three of them stepped up onto the platform, revealing that all three were barefoot. Sam crossed left and handed off his bouquet to Dean, who made a face at him but took it with a surprising amount of care and delicacy... until one noticed the way he glanced surreptitiously towards the watching guests, particularly one woman with long golden hair that seemed threaded with vines. Meanwhile, Cas and Jimmy handed their bouquet off to Charlie, revealing the silver spinning dragon ring on Jimmy's left thumb and a flash of black tooled and braided leather around Cas's right wrist. Those hands found each other and clasped tight as they turned to face Sam before Chuck.
"Sam, Cas, Jimmy," Chuck began, looking between them. "You come before this assembly, before your families and friends, to join yourselves to each other and unite your families into one. Have you prepared your vows?"
"We have," the three of them said.
To the audible surprise around the pavilion, Cas and Jimmy promptly turned to each other and, their hands still clasped, raised their free hands in fists and bounced them three times before Jimmy's hand went flat while Cas threw out a sideways V. They high-fived over their clasped hands as their guests laughed, then turned back to face a grinning Sam.
"Sam," Cas croaked, then cleared his throat and began again more strongly. "Sam. I looked into your eyes and the world opened before me. I took your hand and gave over my heart. You warmed a chill in my soul that I was unaware of, and every day with you renews that warmth more effectively even than your Dragon's Breath Chai." Several people laughed, Charlie the loudest from that reminder of their first meeting. "I cannot give you my heart, because you already have it and I know it is safe in your care. Instead, I give you the rest of my life, however long that may be, in hopes that I will bring you love and happiness. I promise to support you in your troubles, rejoice with you in your joys, comfort you in your sorrows. Your family will be my family, your children will be my children. From this day forward until we cease to exist, I am yours, and I accept you as mine."
"Way to be a hard act to follow, bro," Jimmy muttered deliberately loudly to the added laughter of the guests, surreptitiously squeezing his twin's hand.
"John Castiel Novak," Sam stated, smiling as his tone softened. "Cas. The first time I heard you speak, I knew what a gift your every word would be. You knew what I was and you were unafraid. You gave me your name and trusted that I would not misuse that knowledge. You took my hand and I felt the light of your soul. I knew then that I would willingly give you anything you asked of me that was within my power to give, and that has only become more true the longer I have known you. Your kindness and compassion, your strength and determination, your bravery and resilience... all of this and more makes loving you more than just easy. It was inevitable. And it doesn't hurt that you have a way with my hair that would take me magic to replicate," he added with a wink and an illustrative toss of his head, making Cas laugh almost too softly to be heard beneath the laughter from the guests. "I will be your sword and your shield. I will be your guide, your friend, your partner, and your lover. Every day I will strive to accept and embrace you exactly as you are. From this day forward until we cease to exist, I am yours, and I accept you as mine."
"My turn to take a swing at this now, no pressure," Jimmy joked, winking at Sam when he laughed along with the crowd. "Sam, Seren, my shining North Star... when I first met you, all I was looking for was a chance to keep my brother safe. I knew that chance wouldn't come without a price and I thought I was ready to pay it, even with my own life." He looked up, meeting Sam's eyes as he said, "Then we found you, and you showed me that my life wasn't a price to pay, but a gift to give, and it's a gift I will always choose to give to you. I will support you as your partner as I have served you as your employee. I will listen to you, offering advice when asked and accepting advice when given. I will tend your wounds, from iron to alicorns, and always kiss them better. I will provide for you and all of our children, current and future, to the best of my ability. I will remind you that your life, too, is a gift to be treasured, and I will accept that gift every day. From this day forward until we cease to exist, I am yours, and I accept you as mine."
"Dayum," someone, probably Gabriel, muttered, prompting a small smattering of laughter as Sam surreptitiously lifted a hand to swipe at his eyes.
"Pretty sure you knocked it out of the park," he said, voice thick with emotion. He swallowed, cleared his throat, and swallowed again. "Jimmy... James Constantine Novak... even before I first held your hand and felt the light of your soul touch mine, I knew your determination and drive to protect those most precious to you. You were afraid and you still bravely stood your ground, keeping up a smile the whole time... despite provocation."
"I said I was sorry!" Charlie huffed in mock-annoyance, prompting more laughter.
"And I forgave you," Jimmy teased back.
"More quickly than many would in your place," Sam chuckled. His laughter faded as he went on, "It made me wonder how such a brave, bright soul could so readily see himself as an imperfect shadow. Jimmy, it was so very easy to fall in love with you, your adaptability, wisdom, and wit... the same compassion and resilience in your twin applied in your own way. Convincing you that I love you was less easy, even knowing I can't lie. Fortunately for me, you were willing to be persuaded," he smirked as Jimmy ducked his head with a blush. "You deserve to be treasured for yourself, and I promise to not only treasure you for all our days and nights, but to remind you when times get hard that you are worth whatever effort is involved. I will stand at your side to protect you and your loved ones, care for your illnesses and injuries, and hold you through joys and sorrows, big and small. From this day forward until we cease to exist, I am yours, and I accept you as mine."
"Good thing I skipped the eyeliner," Jimmy chuckled, taking his own turn to wipe his eyes with the back of his free hand.
"Sam, Cas, Jimmy?" Chuck broke in gently. "Do you three accept the vows which have been given to you?"
"We do," they answered, not quite in perfect unison. No one seemed surprised or inclined to call them on it, and Chuck turned to beckon Jack forward.
"Sam, as a prince of the Summer Court and a King of one of the Nine Realms of Tartarus, your spouses will be your royal consorts," Chuck said as Jack scooted forward and stretched up to pass over the velvet bags in his mouth. "Cas, Jimmy, do you accept these roles?"
"We do," the twins nodded, kneeling at Chuck's direction, Cas going down to his right knee, Jimmy to his left.
"Cas, Jimmy... receive these crowns of mithril silver and Tartaran obsidian as symbols of your places at my side," Sam intoned, drawing both intricately twisted silver and black circlets from their bags. He fumbled his grip a little until he held one in each hand, carefully lowering them onto the twin heads of dark curls. "I crown you both as my consorts at the same time, so that it will be known that you are equal in my heart and you both stand as my partners in all things, from here unto the end of our days."
"Clasp hands with your husbands and accept the bond between your souls as you have accepted the bond between your hearts," Chuck directed him, and Sam eagerly reached out, his left hand to Jimmy and his right hand to Cas. Golden ribbons of light sprang up around their hands, drawing surprised noises from the various humans in the crowd, before settling into a ring of golden runes around their respective wrists that slowly faded into black. Sam helped Cas and Jimmy to their feet, beaming happily as Chuck pronounced, "Bonded together in marriage of sound minds, loving hearts, and immortal souls, from this day forward are your lives entwined together. By Lady Magic and the Light of the Universe... I pronounce you husbands." He pressed his hands together and bowed. "Namasté."
Baby honked her horn happily as Jack barked in joy. The radio crackled until the triumphant strains of Freddy Mercury singing the chorus to "We Are The Champions" rolled out over the cheering assembly as Sam, Cas, and Jimmy came together in a threeway embrace. If this was the rest of their lives, it was off to a fantastic start.
Sam's bouquet:
Iris (faith, hope, wisdom, valor)
White chrysanthemum (truth)
Myrtle (love, Hebrew emblem of marriage)
Alyssum maritimum (immortal love)
Fern (magic, fascination, confidence and shelter)
Cas and Jimmy's bouquets:
Gloxinia (love at first sight)
Orange blossoms (innocence, eternal love, marriage, and fruitfulness)
Blue violets (faithfulness)
Forget-Me-Nots (true love, memories)
Ivy (wedded love, fidelity)
Baby's bouquet:
Blue roses (attaining the impossible, mystery)
Gardenia (good luck)
Lily-of-the-valley (sweetness, humility, returning happiness)
Ivy (fidelity, endurance)
Platform decoration:
Ivy (wedded love, fidelity)
Honeysuckle (devoted affection, bonds of love)
Wisteria (welcoming)
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samijey · 1 year
Based on your last answer, do you think even after everything Sami kind of doesn't Associate Jey with the bloodline? Like separate almost, like he knows Jey doesn't want to be there? He legit felt safe enough to approach him alone in a dark corner not even entertaining the fact Jey could attack him.
It's like Roman and Sami both know Jey has one foot out the door, his heart isn't in it, he just needs the right push, hear the right thing. Sami is trying to talk to him, Roman lies, manipulates and apparently now trying to murder him. Jey is torn, I love they didn't drop this. It's still so clear, who knows what would have happened if Solo came down and got his ass back in gear. It's only a matter of time and everyone but Jey knows this.
As a reader and writer Jey is so compelling.
God anon I have so many thoughts about everything you just said... for me, the moment Jey stood up for Sami at the trial, he became... okay this is going to sound corny but bear with me, he became the shining light in Sami's life - Sami had already betrayed Kevin and likely felt so bad about it that he'd temporarily given up hope of ever making amends with his best friend.
After months and months of puting himself through constant physical pain and even worse emotional pain, always walking on eggshells because Roman would constantly test him over and over, and he was never quite sure whether a beat down was just around the corner or not, Sami had visibly had enough at that point.
I believe Paul burying him at the trial and no one saying a word to dispute his claims was the final drop for Sami and he was just about done - this is my interpretation given the fact that he did not present a defense and that when Solo went to spike him, Sami did not struggle and instead looked resigned, as if he was thinking "it was good while it lasted but deep down I knew I'd never find a place to belong." We know that's what Sami's always wanted - either as a heel or as a face, Sami's character always works the angle of wanting respect - the Bloodline provided that for him and it came with the added bonus of companionship and essentially a family that he loved.
No wonder Sami was so happy in the Bloodline for that brief period when things were good - he had respect, he had a place to belong and he had a family??? What an amazing deal!
So when it looked like all of that had crumpled to dust at the trial, that's the moment Jey stops Solo's arm and that's when everything changes and suddenly Sami has another chance and holy shit this guy he worked so hard to befriend loves him to the point of sticking out his neck for him??? For Sami Zayn, the eternal underdog? The conspiracy victim? The guy who got mocked constantly backstage by his peers? The person who had marred Roman's win/loss record with that ugly defeat on Smackdown against KO and Cena? And after he'd promised a victory too? Damn.
Like, anyone in Sami's position would have been absolutely taken with Jey in that moment, that act likely meant everything to Sami and that's a big reason why he can't stop trying to save this man who saved him at a time when he probably felt unwanted and unloved. Jey stepped up and told everyone that Sami was not only loved but also wanted in this family - the fans all putting their ones up was such a beautiful cherry on top of all this 😭😭
So yes, I'd say Sami sees Jey as "separate" from the Bloodline in some way - he very much knows Jey wants out (he can see it all over Jey's face just like we at home do!) and he keeps hoping that talking to Jey will give him the push he needs but clearly it's not working so we know something substantial is going to happen to finally make Jey snap out of it and it will be PAINFUL.
And finally, to your last point about how, as a reader and writer, Jey is so compelling? YES, I FEEL YOU! I mean, just look at the lenghts and lenghts of text I've been writing in these replies, clearly I'm not okay 😭🤧🤧
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clericofshadows · 7 months
citadel dlc infiltration wip
my favorite thing about writing up the casino mission is coming up with distractions for the guards...
All that remained in order to get inside the safe room was a few cameras, a patrolling guard, and a stationary one looking bored against the wall. They were alone in the room; a couple walked out as the three of them lingered nearby the entrance.
"So, how are we going to handle this?" Regis asked, pathing out a way to disable everything as cleanly as possible.
"Don't worry, I have a plan," Zaeed said, motioning for Regis to enter the room. "Get yourself nice and positioned by the controls, and we'll make sure you get us in with no problems."
Regis looked at Kaidan who merely shrugged in response, not appearing to know what Zaeed was planning, which didn't concern him at all. Nope.
If worse comes to worse, they can just Stasis the guards and threaten Khan. Not the end of the world.
Regis gave them one last lingering look before walking inside, sitting down on one of the couches closest to the first panel. He made a show as if he was searching for something in his coat, waiting to see if any of the guards were about to approach him.
Regis was in the clear. Ready to activate his omnitool at any moment, he kept a lazy eye out for his lovers, watching as they walked inside, looking a little flustered.
Oh, no. Really?
"What the hell were you thinking, spending all my goddamn money like that?" Zaeed asked, his voice in a low, dangerous growl reserved for the worst of the scum of the galaxy.
"'My' money," Kaidan replied, with dramatic air quotes, his voice carefully flat. "I don't know, what was that doc we signed all those years ago, signifying the joining of what, exactly? Remind me of that Zachary!"
Regis had to hide a snort as he activated his omnitool. The stationary guard shuffled on his feet, careful to look at anything other than them.
"Yes, yes, commitment and all that goddamn shit, I haven't forgotten! Do you know what I was saving up for you, Kevin?" Laying it on thick with the names, loves, Regis thought to himself, listening out for the tell-tale sign of the program finishing up. It was taking a bit longer with this one.
"I don't know, tell me. You've been awfully cagey lately. And hey, I ended up making more goddamn money than what we started with, so stop with your complaining!"
"Yeah, you may have made more money, but guess what? That wasn't your fucking decision to make. Because I was going to buy us a goddamn home on Bekenstein, and you nearly robbed us of a chance for that!"
Aw, how sweet. The program chimed, and Regis got up to deal with the next one. The other guard in his route had moved closer to his lovers, slowing down as he assessed the situation.
"You... what? Our dream home?" Kaidan asked all starry-eyed. He's sure Wren was getting an absolute kick out of this, but she was suspiciously quiet. Maybe she was enjoying the show as much as Regis was.
"Yes, you blind idiot!" Out of the corner of his eye, Regis saw Zaeed step closer to Kaidan.
"You should've told me! You know how much planning I have to do now to make it perfect? Come here, you asshole." Kaidan closed the distance between them, grabbing Zaeed by the shirt collar, and pushing him up against the wall near the door.
Regis activated his omnitool the moment he heard the patrolling guard clear his throat awkwardly, inputting the program and watching for the cameras, both still disabled. He would've love to watch the show, having just enough of them in view to see that they were ignoring the guard, too absorbed in each other and their love. Or something.
The other guard had joined his partner, clearing his throat louder and trying to find a way to deal with the... situation.
The program chimed, and Regis moved away from the wall, sending out a quick pulse in the gravity well to signify he was ready to go.
He watched, amused, as they broke apart. "Sorry, gentlemen. A place like this makes you feel so in love," Kaidan sighed. "We'll finish this later, darling. Got to show all my appreciation somehow."
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arkadavinia · 1 year
hi, you probably aren't even showing up here anymore but just wanted to say that I hope you don't give up on your fic We grow up apart, together and again! because I recently discovered it and it broke my heart to know that you haven't updated it in over 3 years. hope you come over there soon 😢❤
Oh anon, im always here, creepin'. Never fear. And 'given up' is a strong phrase for it, but whenever i sit down, reread or think about 'We grow-' i got 3/4ths of the way through the story, and then, as it does, life happened. Whenever i try to find that muse these days, its really faint, and i worry about writing more, and how much the voice will have changed.
But if you want, I can tell you more.
Cause, when they go to Ohio, Kevin was supposed to bring up telling their friends, like a doof, and Aaron was all like, "we haven't told anyone so far and basically everyone knows." Which may also just be because he did already tell Dan, and theres no knowing how many of their friends she told.
Ohio was to be a meeting and remembering and then an accepting of how being friends, who have become together, doesn't always change how you interact with others. (We Grow with Friendship) Its not a brand or a sign you have to display constantly, large and loud. Its a casual reworking of how a group of people sit in an area, where just because your a couple doesn't mean you have to be attached at the hip. Even if Nicky follows them around all week cooing when they even so much as pass a snack bowl.
After Ohio I was planning a bit of a time skip. (We Grow into New Shapes) Into Aaron's residency, because honestly, the with how busy Kevin is always, and how much busier Aaron would be while doing class and residency, I knew it was a place where I could see them doubting their relationship. And Kevin being Kevin I can imagine he would stew in it. He would want to talk about all the horrible things Aaron may see, and the hardest part of being a healthcare worker in any capacity would be losing a patient, but legally, you really can't talk about those moments. Which is hard, to comfort someone without really understanding why they need comfort.
The last chapter tho, was supposed to be for Kevin. Cause a large part of how or why they got together was around Thea. (We Grow Again) The plan was that Thea would finally hear that Kevin was with Aaron, cause her head was so far up her butt, she assumed he would just come back- which is mean, but the way i built her up in this story was also mean. So when she finds out he's actually moved on, is living with someone, and in a relationship with them and still seemingly thriving in his professional career, would probably make her want a confrontation.
(That was the other thing about this voice- muse- story, i am not a confrontational person and writing confrontational people like this, was hard for me. Finding this voice is hard, and now being so removed from it, i feel it would only let people down to continue it.)
But chapter 12 was to show Kevin standing up for himself, his relationship and trying to make someone he used to care about, a lot, understand that he's happy now. He's okay. They're okay. And that's okay. It doesn't have to be great- probably would never be great, but it was okay.
I started this story at a point when my life was going in a direction that I hadn't predicted, and i felt very powerless to control it, but i was able to find a way to make it okay- again, not great, barely even good, but okay.
A lot of it had to do with COVID, and being in college where things were turned up on their heads. I live in a state that was one of the first to shut down, and we got a lot of flack for it. I think it was the right call, but i was also in hospitals doing clinical work and seeing this new illness tear through the facility was scary. I had those moments later, after the bans and shelter orders were over though, where i stood outside hospital rooms and watches people die from an illness they didn't believe could affect them. I had to sit with my husband while he cried because his parents refused to listen to anything scientific, did not take precautions and ended up in very sever situations because of it. (his mother is an RN, i was livid, still am) (they are okay now, for the most part, three weeks in the hospital changed their tunes a bit tho) But my voice is better now, generally. i graduated from college, passed my registry exam, worked in that same facility for 4 month and then found a better position for me. My relationship is much better and while there have been other twists, I am a better me than i was.... in January of 2020. Man, that was three years ago, whhhhaaaat.
Sorry for the long post, but Ive been meaning to post something about this for a while. So thanks, Anon. But also sorry, if this isn't all you wanted, literally. But i don't think I have these voices in my any longer.
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