#all i know is thst they definitely hold hands
phopollo · 2 years
Caught up on the MH reboot yesterday, both movie and webisodes
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G3 Monster High, huh?
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moonferry · 4 months
*rubbing hands together like a gremlin* you guys want some stardew headcanons thst have been rotating in my mind like a gas station hotdog? no? well here they are anyway.
* leah has a sketchbook full of candids of people from town. if you choose to romance leah, she has a LOT of sketches of the farmer
* sebastian is trans masculine/nonbinary and uses he/they pronouns
* leah is actually robin's younger sister & moved to pelican town because robin had mentioned how peaceful it was
* sandy is trans feminine (she's also soo wife)
* abby would've absolutely loved among us
* maru secretly has a crush on penny
* jas makes shane play dress up. he acts annoyed but enjoys spending time with jas
* clint is an avid reddit user . do with that what you will.
* i think abby majored in political studies or graphic design
* harvey has a tooth gap and freckles
* elliott has DEFINITELY recreated the fork-hairbrush scene from the little mermaid
* harvey is allergic to cats but he powers through for the farmer
* abby DEFINITELY uses tumblr
* harvey has a little plane nightlight. not because he's scared of the dark but because he thinks it's cool. if you romance him, he puts it in the child(ren)'s bedroom.
* elliott wears hair curlers to bed.
* penny has a collection of drawings that jas and vince made for her. she puts them on her fridge.
* sam is an android user (and yes, it's purely because people kept calling him "samsung")
* wlw haley. that is all.
* haley takes pictures and sometimes lets leah borrow them/use them as a painting reference
* sebby with top scars. ooogh.
* maru has a cluster of freckles on her shoulder shaped like the little dipper.
* abby dyes her hair & once did all rainbow and cosplayed rainbow dash.
* the farmer and haley often call and have late night gossip sessions
* sam's phone wallpaper is a really zoomed in or a 0.5 photo of the farmer / whoever is his partner
* sebastian types in all lower case
* sam types in all caps.
* i think it would be really funny if seb just had sam in his phone as Samson (that grammar and everything) just because it's so unlike his usual typing and he does it to piss sam off
* it's no secret that sam is very forgetful, however i think this helped him become friends with penny. penny is very organized and has every important date (ie birthdays) memorized. --- she NEVER forgets a birthday. --- one day, penny heard sam repeating a phrase to himself so he wouldn't forget what he needed to do. penny encouraged him to write it down and even showed him how to write on a rubber band. sam adopted this and everytime he sees penny he'll smile widely and hold up his wrist (which will have anywhere from 6-10 rubber bands at the time. poor boy).
that's all for now. i may add more later idk. let me know if y'all want me to rack my brain for more of these
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bangchanyespls · 22 days
A/N: I needed to just write something out. There's no description of him, so please imagine whoever you'd like! I switched through thinking of each SKZ member as I wrote it so ~
Word count: 756
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The blue bright light of the TV is the only thing that illuminates the living room. The shadow of night had taken over the apartment, blanketing the room into a quiet hush of comfortability as you listened to the heartbeat under your ear and the mumble of the show playing on the screen.
His breathing had steadied out awhile ago, slipping from passive watching to slumber; one arm tucked under his head, the other loosely wrapped around you as you rest on top of him. 
Binge nights had been a regular thing when your schedules aligned, both of you busy with your respective things. It had been a few weeks since you'd been able to meet up and actually watch the shows for half the day.
You shift slightly, moving an arm under your chin to rest against his chest so you can watch him as he sleeps.
His face is relaxed, angelic in the way thst you know he is definitely one of God's favorites. The tension he holds within himself - a glue to keep him from falling apart, (the strings to the marionette he has to be) was melted from him, leaving just a pile of actual human underneath you.
Your eyes trace his face as you memorize it - a burning in the back of your throat signaling the tears you feel building along your lash line. You refuse to blink, hoping it can hold them from falling.
You'd often wondered if this is what love felt like; scary in the way you feel like you're always breathless when you see him, a sudden intense inability to be able to get enough oxygen, like he burns so brightly he burns through it all the moment he steps in your vicinity. The same heat that flames its way from your heart through your veins, up your chest, strangling your neck as it licks at your cheeks like a demon in heat.
It's always been all encompassing to love the man before you.
At what point is it labeled insanity to walk willingly into the flames?
There is no reprieve around him, the fire eats it's way through everything you are, reducing you to cinders to relight everytime you see him.
Only space has ever let you cool down: a match dunked in water, drying more brittle each time in the easy breeze.
When does it lose the ability to stand under its own weight? Does it ever stop catching fire, or is destruction the only path it will ever complete?
You huff at the analogy, swallowing back the brimstone in your throat, lest you burn both of you in your day dreaming.
At what point would you stop tying yourself to the stake, careful hands making sure the rope will not burn before you; something must keep you tethered to your post.
Your soul had long grown used to the blisters ripping open with every smile sent your way.
Has it always felt like coals lived in the bottom of your lungs? Smoke escaping through your mouth as you try to form any words.
A smiles has always been worth a thousand burns.
That's the saying right?
He shifts under you, getting more comfortable, arm tightening his hold around your waist.
A demon's just as much an angel, right? At home in the heat it uses to burn the sensibility out of your system. Heat forges metal into stronger pieces; you had to be indestructible - melted into pieces that would adorn him as soon as he asked, hardened into a shield; oh, to be the protection he needs.
One could only wish he could see the way you would illuminate the sky for his passage, shadows and evil vanquished into hiding as you wait for him to wrap you into arms built to withstand; a devil at home in his sins.
You sigh, turning your head towards the TV, resting your head against his chest again. You focus on his heartbeat, syncing your breathing to his.
How easy it is to imagine a day that his smile either eviscerates you or revives you.
Will your heart crumble in the breath you stutter out, a Phoenix rising from the ashes, or be forged by the fires, heavy and hard to carry.
A hand runs sleepily up your back, and you look up at him.  He cracks open an eye, looking at you.
Heat kisses your skin, wrapping you in its warm arms as it mollifies your quickening heart rate for a moment.
"Hey, pretty." He smiles.
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restlesscrybaby · 1 year
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He's not a huge gamer, to be completely honest, and it's not easy to learn.
Let alone hold the controllers.
Well, you seen how gentle he picked up the cookies, with ease and precision, so we do know he can be careful. Of course, when he wishes to be, I mean. We did see him smash a pumpkin with only his force and a magic wand.
But he's got big hands, it's not easy to play these games with those controllers.
Switches are his worst enemy. Especially when playing multiplayer.
He prefers the big controllers, such as for Xbox or Playstation, since it's easier and he thinks it helps him win better.
What games does he play?
I don't know!
Let's be honest, he doesn't care. He would probably prefer fighting games, none with some big sappy story, some heart-gushing tale of life and death, no romance, none of it.
He hates visual novels, let's be honest.
He says that if he wanted to read and have a story, he would just read. Oldbastard.
Super Smash Bros is always a fun game with him.
He mains Bowser, he will get very infuriated if someone else picked Bowser. Sorry Bowser mains.
He doesn't button mash. Well, he tries not too. He tries to use his intelligence and use the moves according to what's going on to win.
And if he doesn't win, he's a sourpuss.
If he wins, he's a smug, rub-it-in-your-face, asshole.
Oh, he definitely rages at games, don't even doubt that. He has broken multiple controllers, throwing them, crushing them beneath his hands, whatever his anger caused that day.
He doesn't even just break controllers during rage from losing or messing up.
He breaks them on accident.
If he isn't too careful, he'll clench it too hard, the remote cracking and crumbling beneath his hands, the sounds of the plastic crumbling within eachother with sad pops and squeaks.
Horror games?
Of course!
He doesn't get scared as easy, he doesn't care for your silly scares.
But it is funny when he does get jumpscared by a game.
He breaks controllers like that too.
Five Nights At Freddy's? Nice! He hates your stupid jumpscares.
He got used to it eventually, only pursing his lips and letting in an agitated inhale, his face boiling with red, his eye twitching.
But, when he first got jumpscared, he flinched and let out a small shriek, his eyes had widened and his lips pursed into a shock. But, it fell quickly.
He would not admit he had gotten frightened by it. Do not test him, he hates it.
Tries to find new games, but he despises it. He could make a better game, duh! None of this boring stuff thst they put out now!
He doesn't play often, but when he does, he's very serious about it.
If he loses and he rages, sometimes he'll stand up and angrily storm out the room while cursing loudly for all to hear.
It's kinda funny.
He does enjoy Sly Cooper, I mean, he gets to steal and thief around, who wouldn't like that game? Don't worry, I like it too, Jack.
( projecting here with the fav game teehee ) He loves 'Alice: Madness Returns'. He doesn't care for the story. He really likes the combat. Unlike me, fool.
He is a bit stubborn about playing with people, but he does it with a smug smile, because he knows he'll win.
He won't play by himself often, but sometimes he might try too. But, only for some time, before it completely bores him out of his mind.
Gaming isn't his full thing.
And jokingly, when you told him to play 'Cooking Mama' and said it reminded you of him, he got very sourpuss when playing it. Psh. This game? This silly, bright-coloref, cavity filled game? Ah! Too simple, makes cooking look simple, what fool would ever MAKE this!
However, he held a high head, it reminded you of him. And it makes him smug, that he still stays on your mind without even trying to!
He kinda grew to like it.
Don't pick on him.
He finds the restaurant and cooking portions interesting. But, he finds it humiliating that he plays this bright-colored, cavity-filled, high-pitched mess of what you could call a game.
In all reason, he doesn't prefer VIDEO games.
Gaming isn't all video games, it's of all kinds of games, from video to board, etc.
He likes board games quite a bit.
Monopoly is something he demolishes in.
He is a king of Monopoly.
He smirks when you land on his property and he shrieks to quickly buy a new property so you have to pay it. He's a huge asshole about it.
He wins quite a bit.
I mean, he does know things about this, I suppose we csnt be surprised.
Clue makes him angry.
Thats it.
He doesn't like just that tho.
He also adores gambling.
That counts as gaming.
Even if it's not with actual money, he dominates in that even more. He'll always win by the end, with a smug smile and counting what he had just won.
In the end,
He's always going to be a confident, smug, man about everything.
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gamma-gal-24 · 1 year
💕New Shrek s/i info!💕
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🌹This is Queen Cordelia, AKA, The Queen of Hearts!🌹
She enjoys baked goods, sunny weather, red wine, and the occasional beheading
She's as sweet as could be 90% of the time, but you do NOT want to catch her within thst other 10%... When her temper flares up LOOK OUT!
She's 20 years old, 5'1, a Gemini, and a hopeless romantic through and through.😌✨
She has a pet flamingo named Jacques she carries around like a lapdog. Once in a while you'll catch her holding him above her head so he can feel what it's like to fly. (Poor Jacques has been fed too many shimps to do so on his own. She truly means well, but she has definitely enabled the poor thing.😅)
And as just a bit of a backstory on how she and Farquad came to be...
Cordelia,(formerly Queen of Wonderland before a certain blonde child, a hatter, and a bunch of rabbits overthrew her), was squatting out in one of the forests surrounding Duloc, trying her hardest to survive and stay (sort of-) sane. She hides out there for maybe a month or so, surviving off of wild berries alone, before FINALLY the captain of the Duloc Royal Gaurd finds the disstressed young lady in the "castle" she built out of sticks and rocks. Really it was the furthest thing from a castle, looking more like a pile of sticks to be burned, but hey-! She dug a pretty moat around it with nothing but her pretty, manicured nails!
When he sees the tattered red gown and the ruby-encrusted tiara sitting lopsided on her head, he just KNOWS Lord Farquad would want to see her. He had just had his royal wedding ruined by a couple of ogres, after all. A HUMAN princess may be just the pick-me-up his lord needs!
Now, Cordelia, being the damsel in distress she is and an utterly hopeless romantic at that, LEAPS at the proposition to be escorted out of the forest and into the castle of neighboring royalty. Stranger danger? She's never heard of it! She just wants a bath and a glass (or three) of wine so she can forget all the strife she's been through. She's had a hard go at it these last few weeks!
And so she happily boards the captain's horse. All the way there, she listens with glee as he describes (in semi-factual detail at best) the "Valliant" Lord of Duloc and all of his glory. By the time they arrive at the castle, Cordelia can hardly sit still. She wants to meet this man, this Lord of Duloc! She wants to meet him right away! She's practically skipping along beside the gaurds the entire way.
At last, after an extremely long and dull elevator ride up, they arrive at the throneroom. There sits the mam she sought, the one she had heard so much about, in all of his glory, a deep-set frown on his stubbly face and his chin in his red-gloved hand.
While his- um.... Stature catches her off guard initially, Cordelia thinks very little about it. So what if he's short? So what if his captain had conveniently left that part out when talking him up to her? He was still handsome and she was still out of the forest! That was all the little optimist cared about.
And so the captain presents the dishelved, albeit excitable, ex-queen to Farquad.
To make a long story short, they spend the entire evening swapping the tales of their woes, sipping champagne, and discussing their mutual disliking for every talking animal they have ever encountered. They laugh, they rant, and at the stroke of midnight, after he's on one itty bitty knee with the ring he had secretly ordered Thelonious to retrieve and his most dashing smile on full display.
And how could she say no to a face like that?💕
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foster-the-moths · 2 years
hi so i heard we’re dropping headcanons ^_^ can i get some about sarah or evelin maybe
ABSOLUTELY you get a little bit of both of them. as a treat.
-i think sarah can hold a MEAN grudge. if u wrong her/she thinks u wronged her she will never let that shit go. its why she sends thatcher those emails and why she never really got along with adam after the whole hand hallway thing.
-i think shes p fem gender wise/presents very feminine but also has middle aged dad hobbies. she loves fishing and can tell u everything abt what bait/flies she uses in which areas for hours.
-i think similarly to mark she has a lot of issues with emotional regulation but she takes the 'bottling shit up then exploding' route. she can keep her cool for a few months before she has some sort of breakdown/lashes out. she feels really guilty about it if she takes out her anger on someone who doesn't deserve it and is trying to work on recognizing when she's about to blow and taking space.
-i also think where mark was very timid and avoided confrontation sarah is the opposite. she WILL stand up for herself, even when it would be better to bite her tongue. this definitely contributed to how the BPS ended up being wanted LMAO she has a lot in common with mark (when he was. alive at least) but she also has a lot of differences
-she is ALSO very stubborn. she does try her best to see other people's perspectives on things but if she feels like they are doing something 'wrong' she is going to have a hard time changing her perspective
-honestly i think a lot of female characters get the girlboss treatment and yes!! i think she is very competent but i also want to explore her flaws and mistakes!! i want her to have messy emotions and relationships with the world around her and i want to talk about her flaws!!!
-??had a dream recently in which i was sarah i think?? and the tips of my hair were dyed red. it looked cool might draw that tbh.
-i will be honest. i do not have a whole lot of evelin hcs :((( i havent gone insane over her enough yet. but i do have a few
-for some reason i think she is supporting a sick family member and that is why she is so desperate to keep her job at MandelaTech. i know shes probably just living alone and trying to support herself but?? idk
-i think she also just really likes routine. she loves stocking those vhs tapes on shelves and i cannot blame her that shit is fun <-sometimes get to put vhs tapes on shelves at work irl
-her and dave are very much friends! they do not really know each other outside of work and really don't know much about each other but theyve always gotten along very well and talk a lot when theres no customers. she would be devastated if she found out what happened to dave.
EDIT:very important to me i know in canon shes the shortest character apparently? but to me she is very tall. thsts all
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ducknotinarow · 11 months
[Nina, Cooper and Brook ;3; ]
Brooklyn had refused to put Booferton down since Steve had allowed her to bring the puppy home. Sure, she was aware he could walk, and he had proven he would stick at her side already, but, she just wanted to enjoy getting to hold him like this until he was too big for her to carry. Boof definitely didn't seem to mind.
Really, it was a case of, what did everyone else think about Colonel Booferton? Surely, Brook should go to Uncle Tony, or her mother, first, but instead, as soon as they were home, Brooklyn was carrying Booferton straight to Nina,
"Hey Nin-Nin!" Brook greets, "Look who dad let me bring home."
And it's there Booferton lived up to his name, and gave a small 'boof' as opposed to a bark. Brooklyn was careful to place him down onto the floor, the puppy starting to sniff, seeming curious, and cautious, of the other much bigger dog in the room,
"His name is Colonel Booferton; or Boof for short," Brooklyn explains, "Isn't he so cute?" She watched as Boof approached Cooper, sniffing at him, "Do you think they'll get along Nins? I think they will."
| Muse interaction
Nina picked up the tattered and nearly falling apart platypus toy, Cooper had torn it up to a point it was more full of holes then resembled the animal it was meant to be. Cotton all tugged out and squeaker removed some time ago. Why he always went to tear that out first she never understood. Cooper noticed his owner was holding his favored toy however, eyes large and wide as he worked a slight whimper out from the back of his throat and moved to lower down his hand, still slightly patting his paw to the mattress of her bed. Nina turning to look back at him. "Coop that isn't the behavior of a lieutenant now is it?" Cooper didn't seem to care as he simply looked back up at her with sadder eyes.
Nina just smiled as she reached over to ruffle up his ears. The golden retriever relaxed under her hand and lifted his head to get more into, Nina moving to dig her nails into his golden fur moving to scratch down just under his chin as his tail started to lift up and wag. "don't worry you won't be losing out on your favorite 'ere." Nina states seeming to get the dogs ears to perk up as his head lifted up. Nina walked away and he was quick to hop off the bed and follow behind her, right on Nina's heels as always sitting down when watching her pull the door of her closet open. Where another intact, platypus toy was waiting. Nina handing it off for Cooper to chomp down on and started to make work of the squeaker toy inside.
Leaving Nina to look at the old one nothing more than a damp husk at this point. She never understand why this was the toy Cooper loved most but the fact it wasn't carried in stores meant she had to order a good few online just to make sure he always had a back up. All the toys in the world he could want but this was the one he picked to be ridcouls about and must bring to bed every night. "Come on lets toss this one out. Put it outta its misery at last."
Cooper followed behind on Nina's heels as they made their wait out to the communal area of the tower. Cooper happily making the toy sqeak from behind. As Nina dropped the little 'toy' into the trash. Coopers squeaking suddenly came to a stop and gained Nina's attetion first as she turned to find the reason for it. Brooklyn was walking on over holding the fluffist little ball of fur Nina had ever seen. She knew a dog when she saw it and better a puppy.
"Hey Nin-Nin!"
Part of Nina wanted to skip the formalities of a hello and such she wanted to know about the baby in her sisters arms.
"Yeah yeah hello jello." She feels she played thst off well despite her attetion being cleaely focused on the fur ball.
"Look who dad let me bring home."
The little ball of fur like out a bark, though it sound more like they were saying 'boof' as if introducing themself. Nina was hooked. The sound was so cute and sweet. Watching the little guy start to sniff around his new setting now that they seemed finally allowed to be released from Brooklyns hold.
"Oh pops caved and let you bring one home?" Nina asks so her instrest in the dog wasn't too rude as her question was directed towards Brook. Idly watching how to two dogs interacted. She wasn't too concerned Cooper was pretty socialable with other dogs. Even if he seemed unsure that the little puff ball was in fact another dog. They were at least sniffing each other. They both seemed relaxed, tails weren't lifting or lowering. Cooper hadn't strained his jaw despite still holding his toy.
"His name is Colonel Booferton; or Boof for short,"
"Oh a Colonel, uh?" Nina bent down and held her hand out to the little guy, making him aware of her before going to pet him. He felt like a soft little cloud. Puppy fur was always just so soft and plush he really looked like a toy come to life.
"Isn't he so cute?"
"The cutest Colonel" Nina commented on before moving to sit down between the two dogs. A soft low whistle given for Cooper to listen for as he got closer. Though the pair both seemed clam, it never hurt to be directly involved with two dogs meeting just in case. After all Boof was just a pup himself where coop was older.
"Do you think they'll get along Nins? I think they will."
Cooper seeming to that into account dropped his favored platypus toy down for Boof even going so far as to push it toward them with his nose to mkre point out they could play with it just had Nina smile and pet the top of Coopers head. To reward him for the kindness. "Yeah I think they will get along like fire on a house." Nina states with as slight roll of her her head to bring attetjon towards Cooper. "Copper older even if Boof already out ranks him but I'm sure he won't mind being helpful with the pup." Grabbing Coopers face to hold his attetion "got it? He's a dog not a toy be nice." Nina clearly warns to the older dog only to have them lap their tongue over her face. "Ew gross" depist the wording Cooper tails wagged as Nina moves to stand up.
"Kinda surpised you didn' pick a smaller pup? Ain't he gonna get like huge?" Nina asks but clearly Brooklyn didn't care so she instead threw her elbow to rest ontop her sister's head. "Sooo some one gettin' over thier fear though?" Nina says more a check in now fully aware of her sister first meeting with Cooper after all. "Think him being cute and sweet will help. Did ya tell Tony? Oh can I be there when do!" Nina sudden excitement should be a clear indictor of how she expected that to go.
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potatoes83 · 1 year
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Slice of Life,
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Capone and Waffles are coexisting very well.
Day 1, there was snapping and growling and being shitty. Capone wanted to play... Waffles was having none of it. Bailey (16 year old cat) presumably vanished until Christmas.
Day 2, much better, a hiccup when I threw down a tomato end for Waffles, and Capone went for it too. I thought they were chewing each other's faces, but near as I can see, they were both just chewing the same tomato and growling hardcore. Sleeping together with us on the same bed, no issues. Bailey swatting at both of them just to be shitty (generally; she doesn't sleep up with us because she won't stop moving.) Takes time with cats.
Day 3, nothing really to report. Taking time to both reassure Capone and hold Waffles on my lap and love on him. He is not being replaced, he is gaining a friend who needed a good forever home. Bailey is now back on couch in same room, but still hates Capone and swats at him... Continuing to correct this behavior; you can hiss, you can growl, but keep the claws away from his face and eyes.
Day 4, both can eat from their respective dishes in the kitchen at the same time without incident. No growling or adversarial behavior whatsoever. Capone has a bad habit of slamming into Waffles and damn near knocking him down when they are headed the same way. Capone: much younger, stronger, faster. Waffles: senior, arthritis, undergoing interim treatment for cancer pending a mass removal in a couple weeks. So getting around much slower. The behavior is not malicious; he just doesn't recognize thst Waffles is not moving as fast as he is. Bailey can hiss at Capone, and he understands that means back the hell off, don't keep pushing the issue. Being swatted in the face a couple times helped reinforce that model over the last couple days.
I'm no Cesar Milan, but I've had dogs since I was in the second grade, so having just turned 40 this year, I do know a thing or two. First, it takes time for two dogs to learn to cohabitate. You can't freak out every time there's a growl, or a bark, or even a little chase. You have to keep an eye on the situation, and if there's aggressive behavior, correct it immediately. You can chase and growl all you want, but as soon as you start snapping at each other's faces, that's a hand in between and a very firm no. They have to set their boundaries with each other. Capone wasn't being the least bit aggressive. But he also needed to learn that Waffles has boundaries, and no means no. You're dealing with a one-year-old intact male, practically a puppy, coming into a house where a nine and a half year old neutered male has been the sole dog since he was eight weeks old. Capone, if he doesn't want your nose up his ass, no means no.
Cats take longer. Again, she has to set her own boundaries and rules, but she has sharp pointy bits, and they have easily accessible buggy eyes. And that is a disaster waiting to happen. Have to keep a weather eye on the situation, he's been crated up in our room while we're gone for that very reason. We're home all weekend, I'd like to get to the point where we're graduating from crate. She will come around, but we're definitely trying to get to a point of passive indifference as opposed to full acceptance, have to manage those expectations.
You have got to share the love. And that might be the hardest part. I have to make very sure that Waffles is getting the appropriate attention, that he understands that he is not being supplanted or replaced. He has been my dog, very much a daddy's boy, since he was eight weeks old. Do you have any idea how impossibly small an 8-week-old pug is? I could hold him in both my hands and he had room to stretch out. And especially since we don't have any children yet, our dogs are even more special to us. Pets are not "things", they are a part of your family. But then there's Capone. Owned by the same family since he was eight weeks old, and then suddenly a year later, these strangers, although he seems to like them very much, clap him up in a strange crate in a strange car and drive him 10 hours away to a strange house with a strange dog. What is he to think? So we have to affirm to him that this is a place where he will be loved, and loved faithfully for the rest of his days. But then I'm doing that, and Waffles is looking at me like I'm some kind of betrayal, but then I'm loving on Waffles, and Capone wants in on the action because he just wants love all the time.
I am a deeply empathetic human being. I have a lot of love to give. Just because you're a man doesn't mean that's not the case. And there is a very special bond between a man and his dog. That goes back hundreds, thousands of years. Trying to figure out this thing where I can give equal love to both animal right now, I think that really is the hardest part. But I have my wife to help me, and again, it all takes a little bit of time. But every day is leaps and bounds better than the last. And in the meantime, two good boys have a very good home, with people that love them. And they share their love with us. And I'm damned if you can ask for anything more than that. 🥰 🥔
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world-of-aus · 2 years
@shawnie--jo​ asked; hc thst SH bucky and reader get really popular on instagram either before or after they’re a couple. Posting cute/spicy photos together but also domestic cute ones. Sharon hates it. I can also see tony commenting on any of the sexy pics/ videos like ‘this shouldn’t be allowed unless i’m filming lol also can see them always sneaking cute pics of each other.
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Pairing: Pornstar!Bucky x Pornstar!Reader
A/n: There’s definitely going to more of this ask that i’m going to be answering in separate parts. There is just too much cuteness going on that one part is not going to suffice! I want to bring much more to this ask along with the others that have been sent in for me to answer! As always happy readings, and feel free to send me some Stark Hub asks!
It’s quiet in the office, your eyes fixed on Tony as he scrolls silently on his phone. He scrolls some more humming quietly under his breath. I think you need to up your factor,” he says as he looks up at you. You raise a brow, “up my factor,” you question “so you’re telling me posting half nude photos and tagging the men of stark hub on my tits isn’t enough?
Tony manages to hold his eye roll, “your likes have hit a plateu, you need to spice it up, bring more likes in kid.” 
“And how would you like me to do that, you want me to start snapping photos of me and the guys before a shoot? Tony leans back in his chair eyeing you for a minute, “that’s actually not a bad thought, hell if you can snap some pictures of Barnes it might even get him a follow or two.” 
You can’t help but to perk up slightly at the mention of the beefy brunette you had recently had your first film with but then a thought crosses you, “would Bucky be okay with it though, heard from the others he strictly doesn’t do socials - wouldn’t want to push him to do something he’s not comfortable with.” 
Tony waves the thought off as he leans forward in his chair, “we can leave that thought for another day then - who are you filming with tomorrow?” “Pepper has me down for the Odison brothers,” you answer. 
“Perfect,” he say’s with a clap of his hand, “before the shoot starts get a raunchy photo with those two, post it on your socials and add a nice little caption to it.” You raise a brow, “raunchy?” This time tony doesn’t hold back his eye roll, “you do porn for a living and suddenly you’re shying away from the word raunchy, kid you know what i mean, just snap a damn photo of you, Thor and Loki post it on your socials and watch your fans eat it up.”
“You’re sure this is going to work though, can’t i just keep posting the lingerie shots?”
“Hell do both if you want - listen kid I’ve been growing stark hubs number’s for years now, of course i know what’s going to work, and trust me if fans start to see the guys you work with they’ll go crazy for it.”
Tony wasn’t wrong, fans did go crazy for it, wanting more from you and the counterparts that you were scheduled to film with. Though you were sure it had to do with the ‘raunchy’ photo that you had taken with the Odison brothers.
‘Get her on her knee brother,’ Loki had purred as he plucked the phone from your hand, “just like that, twist your hands in her hair, yes perfect - now say cheese,” he murmurs as his hand finds your face, thumb pulling on your lower lip to part them for him.
The first photo of many had been a sensational hit, “need more of this kid, who you filming with next?”
Steve had followed the Odison brothers, his photo a little more tame, ‘C’mon Stevie,” you had coo’d from where you sat on your sets chair, “give the fans a peek of America’s ass,” and despite the reddening in his cheeks Steve had slipped between your legs easily, slotting up against you, your hands slipping behind his back the hand with your phone perched high and ready to snap the shot, the other hand drifting low into Steve’s briefs exposing the apples of his cheeks to the mirror. The comments all agreed; that is America’s ass.
Sam’s agreement to your photo came easily on the day of his shoot, “don’t have to ask me twice baby, how do you want me - say Barnes get in on one of these with you yet?” When you offered your answer as he laid your body down for him Sam was surprised by it, “have you asked him,” he questioned as he adjusted himself between your spread legs, body hovering over yours, “It’s only been a week or so since our last film Sammy, and i know how he is about his socials,” you said as you angled the camera up towards the mirror on the ceiling, “well if it’s any consolation i know he won’t say no - not to you.”
You had kept Sam’s words in mind but had’t been able to act on them, until a few weeks after. “Should have just asked me Bucky,” had said as he adjusted himself around your bound form, “I know the guys told you about me not doing social media, and while i appreciate you thinking of me, as long as i’m not the one posting i really don’t mind.” You had smiled as he took your phone from your hand, his chest pressed to your back as his other hand drifted down south. You had to force yourself to let out a breath when he slotted his head into the curve of your neck, “does this mean i have your consent to snap pictures of you.” The chuckle he breathes out against your neck has you shivering in his hold, “long as you’re in them.”
“You know kid I’ve got to hand it to you, your numbers haven’t stalled once since you took my advice.” You rolled your eyes, smile tugging at your lip, “what can i say tagging the guys in my tits just wasn’t doing it for the fans anymore.”
“Right,” Tony exclaimed, as he continued to scroll through his phone, “I’m telling you kid I know what sells - though we’re going to have to talk about this,” he says as he flips his phone to you, a video posted of Bucky taking over his screen. “He hasn’t posted in years since i made him the account, and a couple of pictures with you and he’s suddenly social media master, also this shouldn’t be allowed unless Clint or i are filming!” 
“Don’t you have enough shots of Barnes and I at this point Stark?”
“We don’t have this,” he argues pointing to the steamed video of you in the tub, bubbles barely concealing what is hiding underneath. “If the two of you wanted a shower scene you could have just asked!”
“You going to pay us for that?”
Tony lets out a huff, “unbelievable,” he mutters under his breath, “as if you and Barnes aren’t two of are highest paid stars!”
You laugh as you move off the chair making your way for the exit, “there’s just some things that are only meant for our eyes, Stark.”
And there was plenty of moments you shared with Bucky that the world didn’t see. The moments you shared in his home, and the ones you shared in yours. 
Most of your gallery was of Bucky, the shirtless morning moments where he was still nestled fast asleep in your sheets.
The breakfast shots of his back to you, arm mid stir as he made you your favorite breakfast.
Then there was the ones he captured of the two of you that he would send when he missed you. 
The ones where your pressed into his chest, his lips on your head.
Or the ones where you’re in your sweats your legs in his lap, your body curled beneath his arms.
Or your favorite ones, your mirrored photos before date night, yeah those, those were your favorite.
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xiaaoluvr · 3 years
randome headcanons i have abt genshin men
sfw, gender neutral
includes; kaeya, xiao, albedo, childe, scaramouche
this man loves to tease you. like literally, the mf will tease you just for funsies because he can
loves to take selfies with you and show it off to everyone because he loves you sm
male wife tbh. looks to cook and clean for you
big spoon, always. he likes to hold you and make you feel safe
diluc always tells you how much kaeya never shuts up about you
definitely good with kids and has mentioned that he'd want to have kids with you one day whether it was adopting or simply having your own
he loves thighs, always in between your thighs. they feel so nice in between his face and warm him up
moves alot in his sleep so you'll probably wake uo to him on top of you but you think thats kinda cute
he stargazes with you on the roof of wanshuu inn
doesnt really use pet names so he'll just shorten your name sometimes (ex: if your name is like victoria he'll call u like vic or v)
he lets you paint his nails only because "it looks undead and not as boring" as he would say
sucker for forehead kisses, bothing giving and recieving
loves to hold your hand, it brings him so much comfort
he always gives you a new flower everyday, he feels that giving flowers are very romantic
falls asleep on your shoulder when he doesnt get much sleep at night
always snapping photos of you because you're his muse and inspiration for everything
sings you to sleep when you really need it
klee calls you her older sibling and thinks you and albedo are married
like kaeya, he also teases you alot because he can and loves to see you get flustered
he never shuts up. he always talking to you about something and someone
always buying you gifts. he is always spoiling you (also because he has loads of money)
as much as be talks alot, he is actually a good listener and can be your therapist sometimes
tickles you sometimes just to hear you laugh because he loves your laugh
likes to prank you all the time and then pretend he never did anything to annoy you because its funny
he is always so rude, like but in a cute way if thst even makes sense. he'll tell you look ugly but you can see flustered he is after and that he's clearly lying
calls you a stupid fucking idiot because he doesnt use pet names
when someone else is rude to you he tries to kill them or literally degrades them
doesnt know how to express his feelings for you so he just writes it on a note and leaves it for you to read later
he always smells so good. he is super hygienic and you will never smell a scent of stench coming from him
tells you he hates you, while literally clinging onto you while he life depends on it because hes to embarrassed to tell you he's literally inlove with you
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lilallama · 3 years
I really like the story behind jeongguk. It had me thinking, since he does beat people up and possibly sends them to the hospital, what if y/n fought him? It could be that y/n visited their friend in the hospital and found out that Jeongguk was the one that sent them to the hospital. Out of rage, they tackle him to the ground and start throwing punches. Bonus points if he didn’t know it was y/n and threw a punch back, causing their nose to break, and freezes in horror when he realized what he did. Twice the bonus points if all of the clubs were there to witness the fight.
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"That bastard!" Y/n sat on the chair next to their friends hospital bed. A few days ago Jeongguk, the infamous delinquent of Bulsajo, started beating [friend's name] up without reason. He screamed something about "Too close", which didn't help at all. Y/n git up and strolled through the bland, white room. "Maybe it means I stood too close to him or something." Y/n sighed, "Don't try to make sense of it, he's just an asshole." "Maybe you're right."
To say Y/n was mad would be an understatement. They were fuming. What reason does that bastard have for putting his hands on their friend! As they stomped towards the school gate they see Jeongguk in the distance. He was talking and looked annoyingly cocky. Even his friends looked sick of him. That cooking club. They're supposed to be so great but are friends with some bastard who beats people bloody for fun? Highly doubt they're that fucking great.
As they were about to walk past they overheard Jeongguk say, "And then I beat thst fucker up. Heard he's in the hospital with a broken leg and arm. Too bad it's only that. I should've kept going, maybe if I broke his spine he would've learned-" That did it. Y/n stormed towards Jeongguk.
Blinded with rage Y/n tackles Jeongguk. They start punching him, slapping him for what he's done to their friend. Instinctively Jeongguk starts kicking around without realising who even tackled him. Within seconds he raised his arms and shoved his elbow into their stomach. As they bend over in pain, Jeongguk throws another punch directly in their face. A crunch could be heard. He definitely broke their nose.
After roughly shoving them off he looks at the attacker hunched over, holding their stomach and nose. Jeongguk snarled watching that pathetic picture play out. He was about to stand up and teach that little brat a lesson, until... "You bastard!" They coughed, even more mad than before. But that voice... "Fuck-" he choked out as he realised whose nose he had just broken. He never meant to hurt Y/n.
He sat there frozen in shock, not moving a single limb. His breath seened to be cought in his throat, as not even his chest showed the slightest movement. His members couldn't care less as they pulled him up by his collar. The air was tense as Jeongguk now stood upright facing Hoseok. Hoseok didn't look mad, nor sad. His face was completely nutral and eerily calm. "What were you thinking, Jeon." He spit his name out with distaste, pure hatred. "Are you blind? Or just stupid? Or maybe.. you don't love Y/n." Hoseok whispered those words with a spark of sadistic enjoyment in his eyes. "NO!" The people who came to Y/n's aid flinched. "NO! NO! Y/N!" he covered his ears with his hands and violently shook his head, "I LOVE Y/N! STOP! I LOVE Y/N, I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM-" the members witnessed his mental breakdown with joy. After what he did to their Y/n the death penalty would be too generous. Even long after Y/n was brought to the hospital and the school bell rang, leaving him there all alone, he kept muttering, "I love them I love them-" he felt this unexplainable pain in his chest. He felt nauseous and disgusting.
Slowly Jeongguk got up, brushing the dirt from his trousers and left the school grounds. Time to prepare, his members are no longer his allies.
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dreaminpetals · 4 years
can i please have some of the Andrew skins getting head ? 👉🏻👈🏻 thst would be amazing if you could!!
⛅️ hcs of the andrew skins getting head
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desolate sand ;;
♡ this andrew is definitely the roughest of the bunch. he'll leave you gasping for air and reaching to rub your head for relief after he pulls chunks of your hair out by accident.
♡ he doesn't mean to hurt you, truly. but this man has a death grip and loses complete control when he feels your lovely lips wrapped around his cock.
♡ the usual soft touches his hands grace you with are nowhere to be found. he's gripping your hair like his life depends on it, giving you appreciative pats that are more akin to slaps when you milk him.
♡ his groans are low and guttural, chest rumbling as he throws his head back.
♡ loves the power trip. this andrew is all about claiming what's his after enduring many brutal years in the wild west, so he's going to order you around and appreciate how you're so willing to please him.
♡ he initiates blowjobs most of the time. you might rub your crotch against him as you give him a massage and it sends him over the edge. he's telling you to get on your knees or else he's going to explode.
♡ can't stop cursing. your name mixed with a string of lewd curses spill from his lips with every pump of his cock.
♡ his dirty talk usually leads to "you're so fuckin' good, darling... mm, right there, shit... can't wait to fuck you..." in his scratchy southern drawl.
♡ prefers to make a mess with his cum so you two can wash it off together. he'll leave it dribbling down your mouth and chest, eager to scrub you down once he's rode out his high. what's better to him than painting you white with his cum? quite literally nothing.
train conductor ;;
♡ he's initially terrified when you give him head for the first time. what about your teeth? what if he doesn't taste good? what if he cums early?
♡ insecurities race through his mind until you lick your first stripe down the underside of his cock, tongue pressing against the protruding vein, and all he can think is fuck, more.
♡ feels a little bad about you giving him your 100 as he just sits there. he seems like he'd enjoy 69ing, his face stuffed between your legs as you suck him off.
♡ after a long day of dealing with insufferable passengers, he loves to receive oral. he just sighs in relief when you pull his boxers down and get to work. he's been waiting all day for this.
♡ desolate sand andrew is rough, cheese andrew is unbelievably gentle, and train conductor andrew is right in the middle. he likes having a hand in your hair but it's mainly so he can feel some part of you and give you pats of appreciation. occasionally he thrusts into your mouth and hits that spot in the back of your throat, but it's always accidental. he doesn't know you love it yet.
♡ if you let him cum in your mouth, he'll pamper you for the rest of the night. it makes him strangely soft whenever you swallow. the moment he finishes, he'll swipe his seed from your lips with his thumb and beam down at you, so proud you were able to take him.
♡ he can last for a pretty long time and he also loves to be edged. pull away the moment he's about to bust, a string of saliva connecting you to his throbbing length, and he'll nearly start sobbing. you can feel his thighs shake and his hand grip you tighter when you do.
♡ if you're cold while you go down on him, he'll drape you in his coat. when he looks down at you swimming in his coat as you have your hand playing with his balls and your head bobbing on his cock, he's blushing like mad and averting his gaze.
♡ once he nuts, he's scooping you up into his lap and just holding you. he'll kiss your hair as he thanks you for being so good and sheepishly ask if you can do the same thing tomorrow. you say yes every time.
cheese ;;
♡ he melts so easily. the moment you sink to your knees and look up at him with your doe eyes, precum oozes from his needy dick as he whines for mercy. it's gotten to the point where when mever you crouch or kneel during matches he gets turned on because he associates it with getting head.
♡ picture you kneeling down to dismantle a peeper, and looking up to see andrew trying to hide his throbbing boner he got from the sight. or feeling something hard brush against your thigh as you lean over him to heal him.
♡ what he isn't shy about? his moans. they're so high pitched, so raw and full of sheer pleasure. his cries sync up with each flick of your tongue, panting between mewls.
♡ his tip is extra sensitive, if you want to make his intense moans get caught in his throat as he cries and drowns in sweat all you need to do is swirl your tongue around it.
♡ his favourite position is laying down on his back as you take him in your mouth. the sight of you kneeled in his lap as you utterly destroy him is too much for him to handle sometimes, he can't look. the sight is so sinful he almost feels the urge to pray.
♡ don't let him cover his face. blood always rushes to his cheeks and he has the urge to cover it. look up at him through your lashes if you want him to explode instantly.
♡ some guys hate when you keep sucking after he cums, but cheesedrew loves the overstimulation. he may seem vanilla, but this boy literally wants you to suck him off until he faints.
♡ you're gonna need to take care of him once he's came enough times, because you milk him so hard he isn't able to walk. his entire belly will be stained with seed and he'll whimper as you wipe it off. you can tell it's because he wants you again, he can never get enough.
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
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Well since you asked oh so nicely
This contains:nsfw talk, spanking, salem being salem, degrading, public humiliation
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If you think he likes vanilla sex cause he's a gentleman you're wrong
Theo likes the thought of being tied up and dominated it's a thought he pushes down constantly
He definitely has a praise and worship kink both receiving and giving
His hands are his best skill
Gives amazing handjobs and is perfect at fingering
He is a giver in bed so he'll spend hours just making you cum over and over
He feels so embarrassed if you try to praise him in bed
He isn't usrd to feeling vulnurable
He hides his moans
If you want him to be loud ride him
He is only rough if he's jealous and only does it as an act of possession
"sweetie, my sweet angel..I'm sorry but I truly can't let this go. The fact that that walking idiot had the nerve to touch you while we were on a date. You'll forgive me for my roughness won't you my dear?"
Theodore's gentle tone didn't match his harsh grip on your hips as he leaned down to plant a harsh and steamy kiss along your neck. He was a person who didn't like being rough on his partner but there were times where it needed to be done
So he cries during sex
But we all knew that
He is a switch but either way he's sobbing and begging for more
When he is a top he is hugely into petplay
Prefers the nickname bunny for his lover
Will definitely buy you bunny petplay items for the bedroom and dress you up
He likes the soft feeling of the bunny tail so expect him to touch it 24/7 while he's fucking you
As a bottom he's submissive to the core
Definitely has a mommy/daddy kink
Touch is very important to him
He likes the feeling of silk and lace against his skin
He likes to blindfold you so you experience what he does
He is the type to remind you of the safeword over and over
He doesn't wanna be overbearing but he's always scared about making you uncomfortable
He is the type to drown you with praise and love
He just adores you to the point where the softest of touches makes him cum
Tie him up and he's whining
"[y/n], please- a-ahh I can't take it anymore"
Axis whimpered as he struggled against the restraints, the silk brushing against his wrists made him shudder at the delicate feeling. Tears streamed down his face as you bounced up and down on him riding him to the point of overstimulation
"hold on for a little longer, you'll be a good boy and do that right?"
"[y/n]! Yes! Yes! I'll be good just please let me cum!"
His sobbing was so cute that you just had to tease him some more..even if it made him sob
We know he adores degrading
Sex with him is rough and normally humiliating
He adores making you feel like utter garbage during sex
Of course this being said knocking him down a few pegs may be best
Hes totally into pegging
He is the type to show his lover off and show how submissive they are in the best and most embarrassing of ways
To him it's a show and he adores being the center of attention
"aren't they just so cute, writing and crying like that like a little slut"
Hikaru smiled sweetly as he turned the vibrator up using the remote in his hand. He was having a party and you were the main event, it was punishment for you being a brat before so showing you off like a prize infront of a bunch of people sounded like an utter delight.
"I think they are going to cum again, I suppose I should help them out"
Hikaru gave a long sigh as he walked towards you onto the stage where he tied you up to suffer, he leaned in close with a devilish grin as he watched your expression change to one of desperation and submission.
"come now piggy, you have to be louder than that if you are going to make a good host. What if I fuck you righr here infront of everyone? We can even hold an auction on who gets to stuff you next"
"n-no p-please-"
Hikaru cut you off by yanking your hair back roughly practially growling in your ear at this point.
"then be a good fucking slut mext time or I swear to God I'll sell you to the most disgusting rat I can find"
Hikaru moved back and turned to the crowd before giving a cute laugh before glancing back at you.
"how about we make this more entertaining hmm? After all we have all night to play with them"
He is very open minded to sex
Except being fucked, that scares the hell out of him
He will do it but he will be very vulnurable during it
He is very experienced so he is the type to take the lead
That being said he thinks its hot when you boss him around
He's horny all the time but he likes doing it in public
His favorite kink is definitely a daddy kink
Call him daddy and he's drooling
Is a master of teasing
He is so cocky during sex
His voice is sly 100% of the time
"You're just too cute babe"
A shaky breathing escapes you as prince teasingly flicked his tongue along your sex making sure to press his piercing against you in the best of ways.
Prince had exact one hour until he had to open the bar so he took this time to give you oral ontop of the bar as a reward for being so cute.
"your sounds are making me so damn horny, shit I just might have to fuck you right here and now you'll want thst right cutie?"
Ah the underdog of the group
He is quite brutal
Heavy BDSM is his thing
Full on chains, whips and collars
Both receiving and giving
He is actually the type to be a giver in bed
He'll make you cum with tous over and over til you pass out
He takes that time to masterbate in hiding
He is very vulnurable when touching himself or receiving pleasure
He doesn't want you to see that side of him cause hes embarrassed
Plus he is insecure of his body cause he has scars along it
He is definitely in shibari and bondage as well as leather
Buying riding crops and paddles make him all giddy
He always makes sure you're comfortable though
Absolutely stop if you say the safeword
He doesn't have a huge sexdrive so when you two do have sex it last for hours
It's mostly just foreplay and trying new toys on you to see what they do
A shaky huff escaped yuki as he curled up more in the computer chair stroking himself to the image of you wrapped in leather, it was such a beautiful sight that it made him absolutely hard.
His chanting of your name was low yet whiny as he felt close to climax, that feeling was soon ripped away from him when he felt your hand ripping his away from his cock.
"is this what you do when I'm not around? Wow..what don't want me to see your cock?"
"ah! Wai-"
You cut him off by moving his legs open more so sit on your knees in between them. He looked so shocked that you honestly found it adorable.
"relax yuki, I just want to please you okay?"
He turned his head away and gave a shaky nod soon shuddering when you wrapped your mouth around his length.
"ngh- [y/n]!"
Your eyes sparkled at the sight of his flushed face and you knew that you had to do this to him again
Oh boy..
Salem is an absolute animal
He loves sex so much that if he doesn't do it at least four times a day he will go through withdrawal
He likes it sloppy and messy
He is the one who is into darker and more dangerous kinks
From blood to biting
Being a cannibal he has to be careful with blood since too much can trigger him to really hurt you
You have to make sure to shout the safeword or he definitely won't hear you
All in all he is a wild lover
Try to deny him for too long and he's pouncing so make sure to keep your schedule clear for him
Eight hours, it's been so hours since salem fucked you and he was going crazy. He didnt understand why you had to do something dumb like have a boring job he offered to let you on his camshow but you always reject him.
When you returned home you couldn't help but stare at the messy house with furniture that had odd holes carved into them, you had a feeling you knew what those were for
"sale-ah! Wait!"
The male pounced you now sitting ontop of you and trailing his tongue along your neck dripping drool onto you as he grinded his hips against yours eagerly basically humping you.
"gimmie gimmie! Lets fuck already!"
"can't i close the front door first?"
You tried to reason with your boyfriend who was using his mouth to remove your clothes while his hands squeezed and fondled every inch of you he could.
"[y/nnnn]~ ahh!"
Salem grabbed your face forcing your mouth open before drooling into it letting his saliva drip into your mouth before he gave you a loud sloppy kiss making sure to shove his tongue into your mouth.
it seems you weren't getting out of this easily.
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alice-in-wonderart · 4 years
Hi! Could I request some affection/cuddling hc’s for the junior quartet? The fluffier the better 😍. Thanks in advance!
Hello, dearie! Here is your requested dose of #Xtra fluffy hcs about THE BEST dumb dumbs of ancient China. ❤️✌️ They seem to get a lot of love on here, so affection hcs are right about the most suitable. 🙌 (cuddling included ofc)
Lan Sizhui
Growing up in Gusu for most of his life, Lan Sizhui is pretty touch starved, so affection is something fairly new to him. In fact he's never gotten much further than the occasional pat on the head from Lan Wangji. So when you came around, at least at first, he was unsure of what to do.
But don't confuse his hesitation with disdain. He is 100% loving each and every touch. He secretly longs for closure, he just prefers not to outwardly show it.
Cuddle sessions with Lan Sizhui are the dictionary definition of Heaven. He always emits a soothing aura, which engulfs you completely whenever the two of you snuggle. He loves to just hold you close, play with your hair, or gently stroke your sides. While his touch always holds a hint of sensuality, MOST of the time his intentions are completely pure.
He loves it when you just lie in each other's embrace, turned to one another. He gets to see your beautiful face and bury his face in your soft hair. It's his ideally spent afternoon.
Out in public, any kind of affection is left at a bare minimum, after all he is a Lan. That often leads to Sizhui throwing you longing stares, or intentionally brushing against you. In all honesty, he just isn't sure how to go about asking for affection.
The moment you two are left alone, he becomes much more relaxed, playing with your hands, hugging you and leaving sweet kisses on your forehead.
Speaking of kisses, out of the Juniors, his kisses are the absolute best. They are always sweet and meaningful, always true. And he loves kisses, too. Most often, he leaves longing kisses on the back of your hands, your palms or knuckles. It's a small gesture of love he shows you. Kisses on the cheek aren't uncommon as well.
But nothing beats the sweet kisses he leaves on your lips after being away for a while, or perhaps after a long day full of chores.
He isn't overly affectionate, his love is shown through small touches and the time spent with you. To him, simply being with you is more than enough.
Lan Jingyi
Lan Jingyi is a powerhouse of enthusiasm and energy, so cuddling with him is NEVER calm. You expected to lie down with your lover, snuggle into him and slowly drift off? wrONG. He won't let you relax, ever.
First of all, the boy is fidgety as hell. He would be nearly constantly moving around, trying to get comfortable. (much similar to how he sleeps) Good luck staying in one position for more than 5 minutes. And once he does find a comfortable enough position, joking ensues. It's always light-hearted and sweet, after all - his goal is to put a smile on your face, but you should be prepared to kiss resting goodbye.
Tickle fights aren't a novelty either. It's just so tempting for him to wrap his arms around your waist and bring you to tears from tickling. And sometimes, tickle fights go a whole other direction.
Most of his affection is the equivalent of a storm. One moment he's pulling on your hair, saying you gotta brush it once in a while, the next he's tenderly holding you in a big bear hug, whispering in your ear how much he absolutely adores you. And you never know what to expect. The perfect definition of everything a gentlemanly Lan must not be.
If Lan Sizhui holds the title for best kisses, Lan Jingyi holds it for best hugs. Whenever you feel down, or you're tired, or perhaps you just need a little love, he'd come up to you, wrap his surprisingly strong arms around you and pull you in for the most loving, most comfortable and most sincere hug.
He loves giving you back hugs, it makes him feel manlier. You'd be cooking, or perhaps talking to somebody when he'd sneak up to you and hug you from behind, burying his face in your hair.
Truly, he's a little awkward with love. He is a child at heart, so openly showing affection is a tad too new for him. PDA isn't a crime in his eyes and he'd gladly hold your hand (or rather drape an arm over your shoulders, but oh well - semantics) but showing you off, or kissing you in public would be left only for moments when he'd feel a little jealous. Otherwise, longing kisses, gentle caresses and jumbled sweet nothings would be reserved for the comfort of your home.
He isn't exactly the most gentle cuddler, but he has no problem expressing his love for you in any and every way he sees fits. Survive his tickle attacks and you'd get the cuddles and loving of a lifetime.
Ouyang Zizhen
Out of all the Juniors, affection comes the most naturally to Ouyang Zizhen. In fact, he is the biggest, most devoted fan of anything involving cuddling, holding hands, or generally being close to one another. He has no problem showing off your love, even in public.
His favourite hobby is cuddling you. It's his own personal little heaven. He tries to act tough and manly for you, but in reality he is one big teddy bear. His obsession with cuddles has become so bad, that he cannot fall asleep without snuggling next to you. There is nothing that relaxes him more, than hearing your calm heartbeat and feeling the warmth of your body next to his.
Speaking of cuddling, Ouyang Zizhen is ALWAYS the big spoon, no questions asked. It's not about manliness, but about his inner desire to be your protection. Knowing you're safe in his embrace allows him to let loose. Although, if you ask him, he'll only deny it, stating it's his 'job' to be the big spoon, or some other half-assed excuse you wouldn't quite make sense of.
Now, Ouyang Zizhen LOVES PDA. Kissing you in public is no problem. In fact, whenever you're outside, he loves to just touch you all the time. From holding hands, to playing with your hair, he wants the world to know, thst only he's allowed to do it. Respond to his little advances and he'd be on cloud nine. You're his lover, so why not show it.
The best way, in which he shows affection is massages. This fluffball of a man is a warrior through and through, and he uses his strength to massage your stress away after a long day of being away from one another. With a personal collection of essential oils and herbal mixes, he'd occasionally indulge you in a personal spa evening. It's his way of telling you he cares. He'd run you a nice bath, massage you, while leaving sweet kisses along your spine, he'd even brush your hair for you. Afterwards, whether you two would leave it at that and snuggle up to fall asleep, or decide to indulge in one another in other ways, would almost always be your decision.
Likewise, give him a nice, relaxing massage after working all day, and he'd be absolute putty in your hands. He'd be willing to give you everything.....after you finish fighting with those difficult, aching spots on his body.
Ouyang Zizhen doesn't understand the taboo of showing affection in public and it shows. After all, he's a modern day man in Ancient China™️
Jin Ling
Oh Tsundere.
Jin Ling? Showing affection? Being sweet? Blasphemy. He is a man, he doesn't need love, he's not a child. Wait where are you going? You shouldn't run away like that. Here. Grab his hand, so that you don't get lost.
Truthfully, Jin Ling absolutely loves affection, he just hates the idea of it. To him, cuddling and kissing are a sign of weakness. Such loving gestures are much too intimate to be seen by the public or him and must be kept in private. He is a sect leader, what if somebody decides to target you??
Public display of affection is death. The moment you two so much as brush your hands, his face would turn 50 shades of red and he'd forget how to function. And god forbid you hug him, or kiss him, he might explode. In the later stages of the relationship, he'd open up a little more to the idea of physical touch. He'd kiss you on the head for hello and and on the lips for goodbye, (oddly specific much?) but he'd never stop blushing everytime he does it.
Hugs are pretty intimate with him too. They mean he trusts you enough to drop his guard and let you into his personal space. He usually hugs you when he's afraid, upset or he hasn't seen you in a long time.
Cuddling is strange to him. He grew up with his strict uncle, who didn't dote on him too much. So, having you stay so close to him, on your shared bed, is still so ...new. He is lowkey the little spoon, but don't mention it, or he'll outright refuse to cuddle you for the next two weeks. He secretly adores to lie on your chest or thighs, to have your scent engulf him completely. You are his safe space, after all.
Play with his hair and he's a goner. Something he inherited from his father is the hidden love for a gentle touch. Brush his hair, play with it all you want. At first he might complain, but worry not, he actually enjoys it profusely. It makes him feel loved.
Simply, cuddling is his religion, though he'd also deny that. Everyday, he awaits that moment, where you get to lie in each other's embrace, enjoying the comfortable silence.
Mostly, he shows his love and affection through constant nagging.
"Be careful. You'll trip." "The soup is too hot."
Even in cuddling, his overprotective nature shines through. "Your arm will fall asleep."
"You can't breathe." "Yes I can." "No, you can'T."
Give him time. The more you let him ease into the idea of affection, the more he'd open up to you. He has lacked physical love all his life, he is harsh because he doesn't know how to act differently, so be patient with him. Sooner or later, he'd find his own way to show you how incredibly much he actually loves you.
Thank you for reading~
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diaco1968 · 3 years
Oikawa Toru x f!Reader
Warnings! Nsfw/smut, bj, unprotected, a little bit of choking and hair pulling, but mostly manipulation and angst!
Note: Oikawa is a mean manipulative player in this and reader sadly gets attached to him. And I just had to get this idea out of my head >_<
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"You what?"
It was probably the first time you saw concern in his face. Even if it was just a tiny fleeting moment. Was it concern or was it something else?
"You heard me."
Your voice was as stern as you had planned but you just couldn't bring yourself to close the door in his face. As much of a jerk as he was, you had missed seeing him. He was indeed a nice catch. If anyone could actually hold on to him.
"I did, I was just giving you a chance to try and not sound so dumb."
"Excuse you?"
He took the moment of hesitation to slip inside through the door way as if he was actually invited and insisted to go in.
"Who goes back to their ex!"
He exclaimed exaggerating as he looked around the room, almost same as he had left it months ago. Much cleaner though. What he really meant was 'who leaves ME to go back to their ex' but of course eventhough his pride was striked he was not dumb enough to not know he was on thin ice here.
"Well someone who might've made a mistak in leaving him in the first place, Oikawa."
Ouch not off to a good start so far.
"Whatever happened to Toru?..."
"Same thing that happened to I promise I'll call you this time sweetheart."
He didn't know exactly what you were referring to, only 'when'. But he was glad you reminded him of what your personal pet name was, cause as usual he had forgotten. But... were you perhaps just trying to get on his nerve by saying you'd go back to your ex? Cause if you did and he actually fell for it... he would be even more pissed.
"I know... I'm so sorry! I was just hit by some heavy work load and tight schedule, deadlines... I wanted to call so many times but something always popped up... if you only knew how much I've been thinking of you."
Whatever your plan was, you were not going to win this. He was the player here. And lying was fair game for his side bitches.
"... right."
You rolled your eyes but the deep sorry tone of his voice got to you, making you subconsciously close the door behind him anyway. You knew he couldn't have meant it. You knew. But you also knew this was just a game. And even though you were hurting, you couldn't help but want to pretend he was being truthful. Thst he actually cared about you like you had come to care about him...Just for a moment or two.
"You don't believe me?"
His sharp eyes had noticed the fresh flowers on the kitchen counter. You were moving on, this was not a drill.
"That I've been thinking about you every moment of every day,"
"I um-..."
He had turned around and was in your personal space with 2 long steps before you knew it, staring into your eyes with deadly eyecontact as he grabbed your hand and pulled it up to his lips as he leaned down, placing a warm open mouthed kiss on your knuckles that had you reddening immediately.
"These beutiful elegant hands,"
When he came back up he had already his fingers hooked under your chin, tilting your face up to him.
"Your beautiful (e/c) eyes,"
His thumb ran over your cheek as his long fingers moved to rest on your neck, creeping to the back of your neck, making goosebumps rise on your skin.
"Your delicate skin,"
His voice dropped ever so slowly that you almost didn't notice as his eyes moved down your face stopping at your lips, his own parting as his tongue sweeped over his bottom lip before he captured it between his teeth, pupils going wide like a cat staring at his favourite toy.
"Those delicious, soft lips..."
He was whispering on your lips now and you were so flustered by the compliments the little touches and the hot breath in your face that you couldn't take it anymore as you closed the distance between you two and crashed your lips onto his.
'Got you now.'
He was not at all suprised by this outcome but he let out a soft hum and slwoly wrapped his arm around your waist, his other hand slipping into your hair and cupping the back of your head to hold you in place as he moulded your lips together hungrily. His tongue swiping at your lips and you denied his entrance with a tiny moan.
Now one thing you probably didn't understand was that he was indeed hungry for this kiss, but not quite the way you wanted him to be. He had definitely thought about you and all he mentionded and desired you accordingly, but right before he had decided to change his way and come pay you a visit cause he was in the area and had nothing else to do. As in, just about 15 minutes ago. He did think about your elegant hands, desperately grabbing onto him. Your beautiful eyes, glazed over and looking up at him dripping with need.
Your delicate skin as it reddened under his hands.
And your soft abused lips, wrapping around his cock.
He had indeed thought about those, and had shivered in delight.
But that was all this was. You were a good fuck. One of his carefully picked out side bitches. But just because you were his side bitch didn't mean you were allowed to move on from him. He owned you. What the fuck were you thinking? Annoying.
His fingers tightened in your hair harshly positioning your head so you were craning your neck up towards him, lips parting and he rudely took his chance to push his tongue into your mouth, and his other hand placed heavily over your hip pulling you against himself.
Your hands shot up against his chest to try and steady yourself, feeling as if you were drowning in his scent and his heat, his touches, every where.
You hummed softly, hands moving down his torso, over his abdomen and to his button, tugging and pulling at it till it was undond and loosely hanging on his hips making him hum back to you in approval.
His hand moved from your neck to grab your jaw and firmly press your lips together one last time before he let go and press down on your shoulders. Complying he made you bend down and kneel in front of him, pressing your face to his still covered crotch giving you time to nuzzle onto his clothed dick as you looked up at him through your lashes.
"Fuck sweetheart, the things you do to me with those eyes..."
'Makes me want to fuck you raw right now'
You batted your lashes at him as you pulled down his underwear, his cock springing free. You grabbed onto it, fingers wrapping around the base as you licked it up to the head, leaving a kiss at the tip before sucking him in your mouth slowly, a little at a time.
He was watching you so intensely as his fingers raked through your hair, gently gathering the strands out of your face while you reached the back of your throat and swallowed around the head trying to get used to the length in your mouth.
"And you're always such a good girl for me~ you deserve much better than that lousy bastard."
He hissed looking down at you with half lidded eyes, wrapping all the strands he was previously so gently collecting, tightly around his fist, using it to pull your mouth off of his cock before slamming you back onto it and setting a rough rhythm of you slurping around his shaft trying to suck him off faster as he fucked your throat, watching your eyes tear up as you tried to suppress your gag reflex.You hated it. He knew. But you never protested. He knew that too.
"Such a pretty little thing you are, hmm, sucking me off so so good, ngh, god you're so amazing..."
Little praises and groans rolled off his lips as he watched you whimper before pulling you away completely this time, grabbing his dick with his other hand.
"That's enough sweetheart. Now let me take care of you."
As he lowered you back on the couch, standing between your legs and pulling your clothes off slowly, your hesitation was visible in your eyes.
"Yes, baby? Oh my god I missed hearing you say my name like that..."
"I just... maybe we shouldn't... I mean..."
Your voice was understandably hoarse and your eyes were still watery. He placed his lips over your bare ankle as he gently moved your legs over his shoulders. Your tense posture was making him have no other choice but to throw in his ultimate lowest card.
"Am I going too fast for you, baby? I'm sorry... it's just..."
"What's wrong Toru?"
You watched him curiosity pouring in and mixing with the worry in your eyes.
"I love you so much I find it hard to hold back... but it's okay... I know I can be pushy, I'll stop..."
Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes widened in shock watching his face for confirmation of what he just said. He looked genuine. Ignoring your common sense completely, And as your heart swelled with happiness to your horror he was already pulling away. Your reached out and grabbed his collar pulling him back to you.
"No! Fuck are you... a-are you serious?"
He blinked a few times in confusion before pouting a little.
"What do you mean? Of course I am."
"I l-love you too!"
He smiled and cupped your cheek.
"I know, sweetheart. I know. you don't have to go through with this to show me."
This time he went to remove your legs from his shoulders but you pulled him closer again.
"No, no! I want to... I... uh... I need you Toru~"
His eyes darted from your eyes to your lips a few times opening his mouth to say something but unable to find the words and closed it again.
"Fuck... you have me wrapped around your finger, don't you?"
He smiled as you giggled and nestled between your legs, thumb slowly rubbing your clit through your soaked through panties, making you jerk with a quiet moan. If only you knew what narcissistic pleasure he was hiding behind his seemingly innocent smile. He fed off of the fact that you thought you were in charge while you were just a puppet in his games.
His fingers slipped past the hem and gathered up your running moisture, smearing it back onto your entrance before pushing it back in with his fingers.
You whined and gripped his forearm, melting under his intense gaze as his fingers found their way deep inside you the discomfort slowly replaced by sharp jolts of pleasure as he kept grinding them against your sweet spot, switching between thrusting them or just keeping them inside as far as they'd go and bending them around. As soon as you started clenching around them he pulled them out though, causing a protesting whine.
"No baby girl, not without me."
You felt his tip rub between your folds a few time before he slipped it right in unceremoniously making you gasp and arch your back. He was quick to press you back down into the couch with his body as he layed it over yours, cupping your cheek.
"Sorry, love... my bad. I just can't wait to feel your hot pussy wrap around my dick. So fucking wet for me."
You nodded unable to form proper words with the depth of his thrusts trying to force you to accomodate to his size, as his thumb was running over your lips, pulling it out before letting it pop back in place.
"Oh but you don't need to forgive me. I know you like it like that."
You looked up at him gulping.
"You fucking love it when I go wild with you. You love me when I'm a fucking animal."
His hand wrapped around your neck as his hips snapped up into you, silencing your loud moan.
"You just love being manhandled like this. Such a naughty dirty girl. Hm?"
He started pounding into you, his hand on your throat preventing you from bouncing away from him so you were taking in the full force of his thrusts, only able to mewl and whimper. And sure enough it wasn't long before your eyes were rolling back inside your head from the pleasure.
"You are mine, baby, aren't you?"
He let go of your neck letting you breathe as he slowed to help you come down from your high. Gently laying back over your body running his fingers through your hair.
"Only mine. You know that loser isn't for you... he'll just won't know how to treat you right... he'll screw up again."
It did run through your hazy mind why he was bringing up your ex now but you were too caught up for the moment so you ignored it.
"Do you love me, baby?"
You nodded your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"And you're only mine, aren't you?"
"Yes Toru, only yours."
'That's right little bitch-chan.'
With a fist full of your hair he tilted your head up, exposing your neck to him as his hips started pivoting into you again, deep slow thrusts mixed with his pelvis rubbing against your throbbing clit. He started nibbling and sucking roughly on your neck but with all the other stimulation that was going on you really didn't care as you came a second time, scratching down his back.
He hated it. He hated it when you left marks on him. But it was strangely arousing to him this time.
'One last trophy.'
He had to pull away from you and pull out quickly only to spill his load over your belly only seconds after. He lazily stroked his shaft over your panting sweaty body a few more times before cleaning and tucking himself back in his pants.
"Wow... stay put, love, I got you."
The gentleman he was, he came back with some warm wet tissues, cleaning you up before picking you and taking you to your bed.
"Do you have any idea?"
You looked up at him questioningly as you lay there catching your breath.
'Do you have any idea how easy you are?'
"Do you have any idea how amazing you are? I love you so much."
He smiled kissing you in the top of your head making you smile with a blush but before you could reply his phone buzzed and he glanced at the text before pulling away from you.
"Sorry, I need to take this, sweetheart."
He dialed a number and walked out of the room, leaving you to your own mess of thoughts.
In reality he didn't call anyone, he just left the room to take a breath and think of a plan how to slip out not to be too suspicious. All that was left of his plan was a grand exit. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.
He came back in the room a few minuted later already dressed back up neatly, ready to go. Seeing your pout he smiled and cupped your cheek.
"I'll be in touch this time."
"... you said that last time..."
"You know what? I left my number on the table. How about you call me instead then?"
You perked up grinning and stood up to hug him and give him a goodbye kiss. Which he returned before saying goodbye and leaving.
The sound of the door shutting had you remembering the last times and you sat there in silence for a long time before you remembered that you didn't tell him that you loved him back.
Sure enough there was a neatly folded paper on the coffee table next to the couch, you grabbed and unfolded it once finding the number, not wasting a second to dial it.
With the phone between your ear and your shoulder you unfolded the paper one last time.
'We are over, sweetheart. XOXO'
"The number you are trying to reach, does not exist-..."
"Fucking asshole...."
You crumbled the paper in your hand as angry tears started to pool in your eyes, grabbing and staring at your phone screen and the message the operator kept repeating.
Words could not describe how used and how dumb you felt. But your clenching heart and quivering lips could. You wanted to disappear into thin air as the realisation hit you like a train. He was playing you and you sat there doing everything he wanted you to, while he was probably laughing at you the whole time.
You were a good fuck to him. That was all you would ever be. No less but never more either.
The screen had shut off as your phone hung up automatically and in the reflection you could see the dark hickeys running all over the length of your neck.
Of course... it was Toru's parting gift. After all, no one was allowed to move on from him.
The screen turned on as the phone vibrated in your hands with a notification.
'Hey, I hope you liked the flowers. Thanks for giving me a second chance. I swear I'll make it up to you. Are you free tomorrow dinner? I'll come after you :D '
"You fucking asshole!!!"
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mikkomacko · 5 years
In The Shadows
Shout out to @harryxmac for being the sweetest and helping me! 😊
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The sun shines brightly on the row of small houses, the clear blue sky making them appear even nicer. It's nice weather, y/n thinks with a smile, the perfect weather for moving day. As if reading her thoughts, Jess voices her gratitude for the weather.
"God it's beautiful outside."
Y/n nods, lifting one of the boxes out of the car and heading towards their little cottage. She passes her mom, who smiles a bit too emotionally, heading into the house and leaving the box on the floor. Her mama slides it into a stack with the others, just as Jess enters.
"I call the other upstairs bedroom!" She suddenly shouts, as if y/n would ever argue with her. After years of being best friends, you think she'd know her better than that. The cottage houses four girls instead of two like a regular dorm, and the girls that are living with them had requested two of the three rooms upstairs, leaving y/n downstairs. Not that she minds, she'd rather not climb stairs every day.
"Guess we can start moving this stuff into the room down here." Her mama says, lifting two stacked boxes and taking them to the room down the tiny hallway. Y/n helps her, moving all her stuff into the fairly big room while her mom brings the rest of her stuff in. Y/n can't help but giggle watching Jess and her mother carry boxes up the steps, and her mama scolds her with a swat to her arm.
Y/n and her mom settle on the couch placed randomly in the living room, snickering quietly as the three girls go up and down the stairs.
"Laughing? Without me?" A dramatic voice gasps from the open doorway, and y/n's head snaps at the familiar voice.
Harry stands in the doorway, grinning boyishly at her and her mom. Y/n saw him a couple times over the summer, but she was so busy with working and he was constantly driving back up to the school for summer soccer practices that it wasn't enough. Not even close to enough.
"Either help or move!" Jess shouts, snapping y/n out of her gaze as she pushes Harry out of the way. He scoffs, and Anne mutters an apology as she pecks Harry's cheek.
"Harry! Oh come give me a hug!" Her mom cheers, rising up from the couch. Harry immediately swoops in to hug her, cheek squishing adorably against her mom's.
"I swear you get taller every time I see you." Her mom says motherly, squeezing Harry's face. He chuckles bashfully, turning to y/n with a grin.
"You all moved in peanut?" He asks, looking around for extra boxes. She smiles nervously and nods.
"Not unpacked, but moved in." Harry chuckles at her words, and his smile grows when his sister curses as she stomps up the stairs.
"Never take the room upstairs." He advises with a shake of his head. Y/n and her mom both chuckle, and Jess curses from upstairs again.
"It's only a matter of time before they make you take over." Her mom says, patting Harry on the back. He huffs, looking at y/n pleadingly.
"Want some help unpacking? I'm great at putting beds together!"
She probably shouldn't be in a room alone with him, not when he's wearing a practically see through white tee-shirt and he's got a hat holding back his curly hair. And definitely not when he's gotten much broader over the summer, and somehow started a collection of tattoos.
But she can't help herself. He's her friend after all, even if he's undeniably attractive. So she nods, and they quickly move to her room. Harry works on putting her bed together, and y/n starts unloading her things onto the white bookshelf.
"Remember how nervous you were for high school?" Harry suddenly says with a short laugh. Y/n scowling, shakes her head.
"Thought you were gonna throw up in my car peanut."
Y/n scoffs, glaring at him. "No you didn't!"
He smirks at the rise in her tone. "Was just thinking about it because you don't look too nervous for college."
Y/n shrugs, stacking a group of books next to each other and using a candle to keep them from falling over. "Don't have to be. I've got Jess."
She almost misses the way his eyes widen with faux hurt and he pouts. Her heart shudders in her chest, and she balks for a moment because she forgot he was so cute. "And you, of course."
Immediately his smirk returns, and he nods as he lays out the frame of her bed. "Where do ya want this peanut?"
Y/n doesn't even turn to look at him. "Corner please."
Harry grunts softly as he moves the bed, and then again as he moves her box spring and mattress for her. She turns back to her box, finding Harry laying on her unmade bed. She wants to tease him for only helping for ten minutes, but she also doesn't want to disturb him so she stays silent.
After a moment, he speaks. "Think ya should come to this party next week. S'at my house, so I know it's safe, and I don't know, might be a good initiation into the school."
"You're not gonna like make us streak across campus or sell drugs because we're new right?"
Harry's laugh is loud and bubbly, and it makes her blush and grin proudly. "I would never peanut."
"You're gonna call me that forever aren't you?"
His reply is instantaneous. "Absolutely. Always gonna be peanut."
Y/n doesn't mind the nickname Harry's always called her, but it feels right to complain about it. She however, doesn't get the chance before her mom and mama are entering the room, playfully scolding Harry for not helping. He immediately helps her mom crush empty boxes, and y/n can't help but think it's sweet that Harry's helping her instead of his sister.
"Harry, you promise to take care of my baby right?" Her mom asks, and y/n doesn't have to look at her to see the pout on her mom's face.
"Of course I will," Harry says firmly. "Always looking out for peanut."
She blushes, and her mama must notice because she immediately squishes her in a hug. Y/n rolls her eyes, hoping Harry didn't notice her blushing. As long as he doesn't notice, it doesn't matter. Because it's harmless, she reminds herself, her crush on Harry is harmless.
Y/n knows it's not okay to be doing this. God, it's so far from okay, but she can't help herself. She's never been good at handling alcohol, especially Tequila, which is what she's been drinking all night. Well, she's on her second glass but it's still enough to make her giggle at everything and nothing, and her eyelids are feeling heavy. It must be noticeable because Harry's slowly but surely plastering himself to her side, arm slinging around her shoulder when she stumbles on the uneven grass.
"Never should've given ya that drink," Harry murmurs, words laced in amusement as y/n pouts over the tequila that sloshed to the ground.
"Should give me another one, I think." She says innocently, blinking up at Harry. She's not sure when he got so tall or so handsome, and it bothers her. He's not allowed to be this attractive, not when she can't do anything about it.
"Should give you water, I think." He mocks with a deep chuckle. Y/n doesn't know what's so funny, but she giggles because he does, and he must know she's lost because it makes him laugh even more.
"Alright peanut," Harry sighs, snatching her drink out of her hand. Before she can whine he dumps it's contents to the grass, crushing the red solo cup in his long fingers. "no more tequila for you."
Y/n whines, pouting at the crushed cup in his hand. "You're so mean!" She cries dramatically. "You're a bully Harry!"
He laughs again, leading her up the porch steps and towards the packed frat house. "M'just terrible aren't I?"
"The absolute worst."
"Big bad wolf, yeah?"
Her whiny mumbles make him laugh again, holding her tighter to his side as they push through the crowd. She doesn't really know how she got stuck under Harry's arm while he laughs and teases her. She had just wanted to watch her first game of beer pong outside, and Harry had found her, explaining the rules. Next thing she knew, she was half way through her second drink and tripping over everything with Harry having to hold her up. Maybe she's not meant to come to frat parties.
They reach the staircase where y/n had left Jess about an hour ago. She's still there, taking selfies with a couple other girls from their chemistry class.
"Gonna hate me forever?"
Harry laughs loudly, the sound making Jess turn to look at them. "Stop talking like you're a text from a middle schooler."
"Stop being mean." Y/n says, smacking his shoulder gently. She giggles again, for no real reason, and that's when Jess finally stands up from the stairs, looking at y/n in amusement.
"Did you get my best friend drunk?"
"I found her this way!" Harry defends, stumbling when y/n steps on his toes. Y/n giggles again, leaning towards Jess with a drunken pout on her face.
"Tell Harry to stop being mean or you're gonna make Anne ground him."
Jess holds back a snicker, pursing her lips. "Our mom can't ground him from home, ya goose."
Y/n scoffs, looking back at Harry who shrugs innocently, gripping her elbow when she sways. "Anne can do whatever she wants. She's Anne."
"Well I'm a grown boy peanut, and you're drunk." Harry says, nodding towards the front door. Jess slips her arm around y/n, helping Harry lead her out of the house. "So I think you should head to bed, and we'll see if I'm grounded in the morning."
The fresh air feels good on y/n's sticky skin and she sighs dreamily. "Head bed, bed head, bed bed." She mururms, not realizing thst Harry and Jess are practically carrying her towards Jess' car.
"You good to drive?" Harry asks, looking over the top of y/n's head at his sister. She rolls her eyes, nodding.
"I'm not stupid. I wouldn't get drunk if I knew I was driving."
"Didn't say you were stupid," Harry grumbles, "was just checking. M'allowed to make sure my baby sister gets home safe."
"I'm not a baby anymore."
"Stop whining, I'm trying to hear God." Y/n shushes them, blinking up at the night sky with big blurry eyes.
"You don't believe in God, y/n." Jess says, letting her rest on Harry as she unlocks her car.
"I could believe in God!"
Harry snorts, looking up at the sky too. "Look peanut, God's put a big bright star up for ya."
Y/n gasps at Harry's words, stumbling away from him and slowly spinning in a circle, head tilted all the way back. It's obvious she doesn't know what she's looking for, but Harry grins either way.
"Stop it Harry, you're going to make her dizzy." Jess snaps, walking over to grip y/n's arm and tug her towards the car.
"I don't see it." She mururms sadly, falling into the passenger seat with a pout. Jess helps her buckle and situate her legs in the car.
"That's because Harry lied to you."
"WTF Harry!" Y/n gasps, head snapping to look at him with hurt eyes. "You are mean!"
He crouches down by her now that Jess is out of the way, having moved to get in the driver's seat. "IDK peanut, I think m'funny."
Her eyebrows scrunch, head falling back against the seat. "What does that mean?"
He smirks. "I don't know."
Y/n nods slowly as Jess starts the car. "Oh ok. Maybe Jess knows."
Harry laughs again, eyes crinkling with it and bunny teeth coming out with how wide he smiles. "It means I don't know." He explains through his giggles.
"Oh," y/n says quietly, eyes focusing on the windshield as if stuck in deep thought. "good night Harry."
He barely has time to move before she's slamming the door shut, finger reaching up to press down the lock. Harry chuckles again, moving around the car to tell Jess goodnight. She rolls down the window, letting him kiss her cheek before they look at y/n who's laying against the center console.
"She'll be a blast in the morning." He murmurs, still chuckling at her.
"Can't be any more whiny than she already is."
Harry shrugs. "S'her first party. Give her a break." He ruffles Jess' hair, before murmuring goodnight. Jess repeats the sentiment, fixing her hair with a scowl.
He waits while she puts the car in the drive, smirking proudly when he hears y/n quietly mutter "Harry's a funny dude." Jess just scoffs, rolling up her window as she rolls her eyes. She waves at Harry through the glass before pulling away from the curb, and Harry stays watching until the car disappears around the corner. He even waits a few extra seconds, blowing out a puff of air in hopes to cool off the stirring in his stomach.
"God help me," he mutters to the sky, running a hand through his hair. "she's right. M'the worst."
Harry's unlacing his cleats and shoving them in his bag when Niall slides down the bench next to him. Harry nods to him as a greeting, sliding on his Nikes.
"First game of the season on Friday," Niall says, trying to play cool but Harry knows he's excited. Hell, he's excited too. "gonna be sick."
"Zoe coming to cheer you on?" Harry asks, knowing how much Niall loves when his girlfriend comes to their games.
"Of course!" Niall says proudly, the two of them rising and heading towards the parking lot. They're always the last two to leave, considering it's their job as captains to make sure the fields clean and everyone gets home safe. "How about you? Anyone special?"
Harry shrugs, heart thrumming in his chest. "Ma sister, I think." He says nonchalantly, but his brain enthusiastically adds 'and y/n!' He ignores it, glad that Niall can't read his thoughts.
"Her friend coming too? The funny one from the party?" Okay, maybe Niall can read his thoughts.
"Oh," Harry says, shrugging again, "probably. They do everything together."
Niall nods, but Harry can see the smirk on his best friend's face. "That must be cool, getting to see both of them all the time"
Harry hums, not sure what to say. Of course Niall would be able to tell that Harry has a soft spot for y/n, he knows him better than anyone.
"Anyway, you should invite them to the party after. Think the short one would be good at beer pong."
"Y/n," Harry quickly mumbles, scratching the back of his head. He always does that when he's nervous. "her name's y/n-" he clears his throat, "but yeah, I will."
Niall nods, the two of them climbing into sperate cars. Usually they drive from the frat house together, but Harry had left a little later this morning. He had a hard time sleeping last night after having a dream that left his heart racing and fingers tingling. And maybe he tried to sleep a little longer hoping he'd get to stay on that dream, and maybe that dream was about y/n. Doesn't matter, Harry reminds himself as he pulls out of the parking lot, doesn't matter because it's harmless.
When Y/n and Jess decided to live together in The Cottages instead of the dorms, she'd thought it'd be fun. She thought it'd be her and her best friend bonding and having fun with two roommates. They'd maybe have movie nights, and decorate the living room they share with little plants and lots of pillows, and maybe they'd even cook together. Granted, she's only lived here for a week, but it is not that way.
Y/n is sat at the counter, chin in hand as she watches the blender spin round and round. Jess is sat with her, texting on her phone with a happy smile, and y/n is a little peeved by it. How did she somehow end up so drunk? Jess was drinking too and she's 100% fine. And Harry was drinking too but he looks even better.
She looks him up and down, only able to see from his hips up because of the counter. He had said he came straight from soccer practice when Jess had questioned his messy hair and athletic clothes, and that alone let y/n know that he wasn't hungover. She frowns as he shuts off the blender, pouring the green smoothie into a glass, and she wishes she hadn't drank last night. She had fun learning about beer pong from Harry and watching all his frat brothers cheer stupidly for every little thing, but her pounding headache is making her kinda hate Harry right now.
"Drink up peanut, it'll help." Harry says, sliding the glass over to her. Y/n has seen Harry drink this same smoothie lots of times before, especially during soccer season. After he made varsity his sophmore year of high school he started to take his health really seriously. He still joined y/n and Jess for midnight snacks when she slept over, and he loved their weekly root beer float parties, but he started working out more and trading off most of his favorite junk foods for healthier options.
Y/n thinks that's what did it for her. Harry was always sweet to her when they were growing up, and even though Jess is her best friend, she's always considered Harry her second best. But it was freshman year that y/n started to see as Harry as more than just sweet. He was cute, really cute with his mop of curls and dimples. Freshman year was when y/n started feeling weird about being at their house, mostly because she knew she would eventually bump into Harry after he'd come back from a run, all sweaty and cheeks pink. She still thinks he's cute, but when she looks up from the questionable smoothie to Harry's expectant gaze, she just feels irritated.
"You shouldn't have let me have a second cup." She mutters sadly, taking a hesitant sip of the drinks. It's strong and refreshing, and she imagines this is what it would taste like to eat straight grass. It's not bad, but she doesn't like how grainy it feels on her tongue.
"I tried to stop ya," Harry chuckles, turning his back to her and Jess as he puts the leftover smoothie in the fridge. "there's only so much a white male can resist."
Y/n doesn't mean to, because she's still annoyed, but she does giggle at Harry's words. "Why do you say it like that?"
Harry chuckles too, leaning forward on his elbows so their eyes are level. "Like what?"
"Like I seduced you for alcohol or something!"
Both her and Harry bust out in giggles, his head dropping forward as his shoulders shake, and y/n brings to hands up to stifle the noise.
"Who's being so loud?" Harry and y/n both turn to the walkway between the kitchen and living room, y/n's shoulders falling when she sees it's Tia and Jo, their roommates.
"Not me!" Jess immediately says, and y/n scoffs. Usually Jess is always laughing and teasing with her and Harry, when she's not glued to her phone. She hadn't even said a word to y/n before Harry showed up and drug y/n out of bed.
"Sorry ladies," Harry says smoothly, and he somehow misses the way the two girls swoon, "that was us."
"Y/n?" Jo gasps dramatically, coming into the kitchen and perching on the counter. "You? Being loud?"
"I do talk, ya know?" Y/n defends, taking another drink of her smoothie.
"Not like this." Tia sings, sitting next to Jo on the countertop. Harry moves down, now perfectly adjacent from y/n and she can't help but grin in triumph. She hates that Tia and Jo think they can oggle Harry. That's their roommates brother for Christ's sake!
"You don't even know me that well!"
Jo and Tia both shrug, exchanging an unknown look that has y/n scowling. She hears Harry breathe out a chuckle, and she turns to find him looking at her, clearly amused. She quirks an eyebrow.
"Finish your drink peanut, you're being grumpy."
"I am not!"
"Yes you are." Jess and Harry say in unison, and Harry proudly smirks at the backup from his sister. Y/n, not feeling like arguing with them, continues to down the smoothie.
"Anyway," Harry says, drumming his fingers on the counter, "I've got my first game on Friday, and the house is having a little tailgate before so if ya want..."
Y/n looks over at Jess, finding her eyes still locked on her phone and eyebrows furrowed in that same way Harry's do. "We'll be there." She says for the both of them. Harry beams, silently thanking her with his fond eyes, before reaching over the counter to smack the top of his sister's head.
"Thanks for the support J."
Jess finally looks up, rolling her eyes at Harry. "Of course I'll be there. The fact that you think I need an invitation to go, is insulting."
Y/n giggles, quickly bringing her cup up to her mouth when Harry gives her an unimpressed look.
"We were thinking of going to the game too!" Tia pipes up, speaking at a higher pitch than normal. Y/n can't help but roll her eyes. She's always hated when girls act differently around guys to gain their favor, especially if that guy is Harry. He's the most accepting and welcoming man she's ever met, and if whoever's trying to impress him is faking it, they obviously know nothing about him and therefore should leave him alone.
"Oh, sick!" Harry smiles, "Who are you going for?"
Y/n can't help but snort, the sound echoing in her nearly empty glass. She quickly brings a hand up to her mouth, wiping away the dribble of smoothie on her chin. Tia huffs, hopping off the counter and tugging Jo with her, the two disappearing out of the kitchen.
"Wha' was that for?" Harry asks, brow furrowed in bewilderment.
"Are you kidding?" Jess asks, finally locking her phone and sliding it in her hoodie pocket. Harry looks at her with a blank look on his face, and Jess and y/n share a look of astonishment.
"They were obviously going for you!" Jess exclaims, sighing in annoyance when Harry's face immediately scrunches up in confusion. He begins to shake his head, looking at y/n for help but she has none.
"I'm with her!" Y/n quickly says, raising her hands up. "Those two have been drooling over you since you helped us move in."
"No they haven't!"
"Yes they have!" Jess practically screams. "Why do you think I'm constantly on my phone around them? I will not talk to anyone who blatantly lusts after my older brother. You are off limits to friends and roommates, and they know that."
Y/n feels her stomach twist, breath feeling heavy in her lungs. Harry's mouth opens in shock, eyes widening like a deer and y/n turns her gaze to the countertop.
"You mean to tell me, that if I met one of your friends, and we got on, we were like real fucking soulmates, they can't date me?"
Jess shrugs. "Yes."
"But she's my soulmate? You'd take me away from my bloody soulmate?"
"Duh! No one's allowed two Styles'. I should be enough." Jess says with certainty, and y/n feels Harry look at her. She ignores his gaze.
"Y/n grew up with both of us, that's two Styles." Harry says, crossing his arms over his chest. Y/n practically whines, not wanting to be drug in this. When it comes to Harry and Jess arguing, there's no reason. Jess is the baby of the family, used to always winning and she's quite the diva. And well, Harry's stubborn and clever, and he takes everything personally. And they both can hold grudges for a really long time.
"But she's my best friend, you just happened to be there too."
Harry scoffs. "Bullshit. I got personally invited to her Sweet Sixteen."
Y/n, hating that they're discussing her as if she's not in the room, silently climbs off the barstool and heads towards her bedroom. She can hear Harry and Jess talking over each other about all the sleepovers they had as kids, and it makes her head pound. She sighs, stomach feeling nauseous and she knows it's not the hangover anymore.
"I thought football was supposed to be the big deal, not soccer."
Y/n chuckles at Jess, tugging down the sleeves of her long sleeve. She didn't have any shirts that match the school colors, so she just wore a plain black top, knowing that that's a pretty neutral color. She doesn't know the color of whatever team Harry's playing tonight, but she didn't want to risk accidentally wearing their color.
"Why can't both be a big deal?"
"Because that's not how life works," Jess says, as if it were obvious. "one sport is always favored at a school, typically football. I guess that's not the case here."
Y/n nods, looking around the huge crowd of people. The soccer fans have taken over the baseball field, trucks and cars parked in outfield. Grills, and tents, and games have been set up, and a mini game of soccer using a child's ball has broken out. That, and the school banners and flags and posters for the team do give away the fact that soccer is a favorite here. She looks over the signs, smiling proudly when she sees that Harry doesn't have one specifically for him. Her fingers tighten on the poster she painted this morning.
"That's cool that Harry's a part of something so big then, right?"
Jess shrugs, pushing through a group of people. A table with red solo cups comes up on their left, and Jess immediately grabs a cup. "I guess. I mean, it's not like he can put this under achievements on a job application..."
Y/n eyes the beer next to her, nose scrunching at the smell. She's not a fan of beer, and she doesn't really feel like drinking tonight anyway.
"I think it's great." Y/n finally says, looking around the crowd. She's not the kind of person who goes out a lot, especially in high school, but being here makes her feel sort of giddy. She's not sure if it's because she was actually invited out, or if it's just the energy in the crowd.
"Oh, there's Tina!" Jess whispers excitedly. Y/n follows her gaze, finding a group of girls gathered around a fire pit. They're all wearing matching sorority shirts that are tied up under their chests, and a couple of them have numbers painted on their cheeks. She wonders if they're dating any of the players, and she wonders if one of those numbers is Harry's.
"Which one's Tina?"
"The tall one! With the pink hair!" Jess exclaims, lightly smacking y/n's arm. Y/n finds her, noticing that she doesn't have a number on her face. She doesn't know why, but her lips quirk up a bit.
"If I get in with Tina, I'll be set for the rest of school." Jess breathes longingly. Y/n doesn't really want to be left alone at such a big tailgate, but she supposes she could find Tia or Jo, so she nudges Jess.
"Go talk to her. I'm sure she'd be impressed with you."
Jess beams, and she sets her empty cup down before squishing y/n in a hug, cautious of the poster she's holding. "Are you sure? You'll be okay?"
Y/n forces a nod. "I'll find someone to talk to." She assures, and that's enough for Jess to spin around and head towards Tina and her group. She watches her walk, smiling sadly when Jess is easily greeted with smiles and hugs. She wishes it were that easy to talk to new people. Lucky for her, y/n isn't alone for too long.
"Y/n! You made it!" Harry's already in his uniform, white jersey stretched over his broad chest and thin waist, shorts hugging his thick thighs. Y/n is too busy trying to keep her from jaw from dropping to look at the number on his jersey.
"Told ya I would!" She smiles, and then his eyes are dropping to the poster she has pressed against her legs, and her face grows hot.
"What have ya got there?" He asks innocently-too innocently-and y/n tightens her hold on it.
"None of your business."
Harry's mouth drops in shock, and he brings a hand up to his chest like a character in a soap opera. "Who are you and what have you done with my peanut?"
"Your peanut?" She repeats, hoping he can't tell how flustered his words got her. Her palms feel sweaty against the poster, and her long sleeve suddenly feels too hot.
"M'the only one that calls you peanut, aren't I?" He takes a step closer to her as someone passes behind him, and the sudden proximity of his chest catches her attention. Without thinking, her hand comes up to rest in the middle of his abdomen, and her eyes fall on the large number 7 resting there. She traces a finger over it, smiling softly. None of those girls had a number 7 on them.
"Have I got something on it?" Harry suddenly asks, sounding a bit panicked as he tilts his head down to try and look at his jersey.
"No!" She quickly says, pulling her hand back as if she'd touched fire. "No, I just, I didn't know your number."
"Oh," Harry says, and she finally looks up from his chest. He's looking at her with a smile that purses his lips together a bit but ultimately makes his dimples sink deeper.
She clears her throat, awkwardly wiggling the poster. "Was gonna put it on your sign, but yeah."
Harry's eyes light up, and his lips part to show his little bunny teeth. "Ya made me a sign?"
Her face grows hot again. "Y-yeah. Don't usually do the sports thing but uh I saw on tv that fans make signs so..."
She almost smacks herself for admitting that she watched a couple soccer games this week so she'd know what to expect from tonight's game. She went to a couple of his games in high school, but she didn't really pay attention to the game. She was more focused on the way Harry's shorts rid up every time he'd sprint down the field.
"Come with me, I've got a surprise for ya."
Y/n is pretty sure she's not allowed in the soccer boys locker room, but Harry doesn't seem to care as he tugs her between rows of metal doors. She tries not to stumble on haphazardly tossed bags or shoes, holding her poster up so it doesn't get bent or torn.
Harry stops in front of a locker, pulling open the door and releasing her hand to dig through his duffle bag. She leans against the closed lockers, looking around the dim room. It's pretty similar to the girls, and it doesn't smell as bad as she thought it would. Though the smell of cologne is a bit overwhelming.
After a few seconds of just Harry rifling through his bag, he lets out a noise of triumph as he reveals a white tee-shirt. He closes his locker, smiling like a boy on Christmas as he holds it out to her.
"Here," he says, "that way you'll always know my number."
Y/n holds the poster between her thighs, taking the shirt from him. She holds it out, and even though it's a bit crumpled, she smiles. It's got the schools logo on the front, along with a little number 7. She flips it over, and the back is set up like a jersey, Styles stamped across the back.
"B-but this is yours." Y/n stutters, mentally cursing herself because she really does want the shirt but won't that bother Jess? What will she say to her if she asks? "I don't want to take your clothes, you'll run out."
Harry chuckles, tugging on his earlobe nervously. "I mean, I've got a bunch, and well you don't have any school gear so..."
It may be against the rules, but y/n is only human and she can't turn him down twice. Sighing dramatically and trying to fight a smile, she pulls the shirt over her head, hoping to God that Harry didn't hand her a dirty shirt.
It's a bit too long on her torso, and the sleeves bunch up awkwardly, but she can't help but think it looks nice. Especially when Harry reaches over, nimble fingers rolling the sleeves up until they fit nicely.
"Looks good peanut." He says quietly, eyes lingering on the number on her chest. Typically she'd blush or scold him for teasing her, but he's got a glimmer of something innocent in them that just makes her heart swell.
"A little big, but it suits me I guess."
His eyes move up to hers, that pursed smile taking over his face again. "S'not my fault you're the size of a peanut."
She rolls her eyes. "It's not my fault you're the size of a beanstalk."
Harry shrugs as if saying "yeah and?" and y/n doesn't continue their bantering. She's too busy admiring the way they match. Eventually Harry takes her hand again, this time less rushed as he leads her out of the locker room and back towards the tailgate. They don't have much time before Harry has to get back for warm ups, but they manage to find a marker and she happily scribbles a big number 7 on the bottom of the poster. She can't stop reminding herself that out of all the girls, even Tina's group of girls, she's the one that gets to wear his number.
She thinks tonight might be the best night she's ever had, and it only gets better when they run into Harry's friend Niall and his girlfriend Zoe. They all chat for a bit, and Zoe turns out to be really sweet despite her thick eyeliner and intimidating amount of tattoos. She invites y/n to watch the game with her, and Harry smiles encouragingly at her when she falters.
"I'd love to, thanks." She says grateful, clinging to her poster because she's so excited she doesn't know what to do with herself. Harry and Niall leave a little after that, Zoe kissing Niall for good luck and y/n giving Harry an awkward but warm hug.
She starts to feel a little lonely again when she can't find Jess anywhere, and then finally spots her sat higher in the stands with Tina. Zoe must notice her shift in mood, because she bumps her elbow.
"He'd never be able to see your sign up there," Zoe says comfortingly. "so it's a good thing you get to sit here."
She leads her to the very first row of the bleachers, right in front of the cheerleaders and the bench, and y/n realizes the little section is actually roped off. Confused, y/n sits between Zoe and a girl wearing a shirt similar to hers but with Tomlinson written across back.
"It's the VIP," Zoe explains, "it's saved for the players girlfriends."
Y/n can't help but blush, feeling a bit dazed and Zoe pulls her to her feet. The announcer is listing off the starting line up, and her and Zoe holler loudly when Niall is announced. And then Harry's name comes up too, and y/n waves her sign for him, cheering shamelessly. He gives her a tiny wave as he takes the field, and y/n forgets about Jess sitting all those rows above her. And she has a lot of fun. For the first time in a long time, she's undoubtedly happy sitting in the VIP section with Harry's shirt on her shoulders and his name constantly on her mind.
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