#all i remember is that there's some kinda drama w the Main Character and his wife + best friend
scattered-winter · 1 year
should i try the walking dead again. i watched the first few eps in the Summer That Should Not Be Named but couldnt get into it BUT ive heard it gets really good after the first few seasons. and i am not one to pass up some good zombies. what does the council (my followers) have to say on this issue
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50% into kotlc, here are some thoughts ive had since the 25% mark :D
@aylin-hijabi @that-multi-fandom-hijabi sorry for tagging yall a lot lmao
first thing that comes to mind thats plot-related n not character-related is prentice. he was exiled 12 years ago, same age as sophie. its so obviously not a coincidence. tho i wonder whats up w him n tiergan (idk how to spell lmao i feel like thats wrong)
also, i wonder just how strong sophie is. like, the way she knocked fitz into the wall ??? thats her not knowing the full extent of her powers. i have a feeling shes always gonna be one of those main characters whos extremely powerful but constantly throughout the series she finds new abilities she has. kinda like percy jackson
im also realizing how stupid ill seem if im just overanalysing everything and my guesses are too far-fetched or too deeply thought out to really mean anything lololol
moving to character-related, i adore dex. he seems kinda spiteful tho ??? esp towards fitz. thats prolly bc the vacker family is apparently rlly famous n shit n meanwhile dexs parents were a bad match. still dont rlly get what that means. i feel like theres more to him. also his crush on sophie is adorable
KEEFE. nothing, just... keefe. havent seen much but from what i HAVE seen, hes hilarious. i remember aylin mentioning that hes like leo valdez in that theyre both hot, funny, and traumatized... still waiting on the 'traumatized' part. she also said hes less major in this book n more major in the second book, so maybe ill find out then
midterms are gonna go wrong just wait i just know it
biana seems acc genuine in wanting to be friends w sophie. but there was one point when she was talking to sophie n there was smth like a glare for a moment ?? idk kinda sus to me. maybe im overthinking it cause i cant think of a possible motive
marella seems cool. in the art, shes absolutely gorgeous, but so is everyone in this goddamn book. also notable that the first time i saw her name i misread it as 'redneck' 💀💀💀
stina is a bitch. nothing else to say, except that she looks terrifyingly like me? except different eye color n i wear glasses loll. i hope to see some character development cause i personally hate the trope of "token mean girl" in books (like drew tanaka or zoya nazyalensky) cause theyre so one dimensional n boring (although zoya does become majorly more likeable throughout the grishaverse books, im hoping to see the same in stina)
irrelevant but the amount of times sophie is ending up in the infirmary reminds me of a roleplay w my friends from like three years ago oml the nostalgia (cause there would at all times be at least one character in the infirmary injured or nearly dead bc we needed that drama to keep the rp going LMAO)
overall, theres not as much to say as there was at the 25% mark. (i feel like theres more i wanna say but i cant think of anything.) prolly cause since then, the book has mainly been abt learning abt the elves' world n culture. i think by the 75% point im gonna have a lot more to say, n then ill post the final update thingie when im 100% done w the book
ill be 75% done in 89 pages, but the last day of midterm is tomorrow, so god knows how long thatll take me :') i promise to try thooo
oh also galvins a bitch but i feel like she has trauma fsr idk shes just giving
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artinandwritin · 2 years
Okay okay okay I wanna hear all about that next gen thing bc that is crazy dude how did that even happen omg
OH YES alright! This is gonna be another full-on Mona-rants-moment so strap in bestie!
I don’t know exactly when I started thinking about a HTTYD next gen, but it must’ve been somewhere around 2014, after I had watched both movies almost right after each other. Gotta confess, before watching HTTYD1 on a vacation to Germany as a little 10-almost-11-year-old, I thought it was a horror movie. Oops. I thought the same about Shrek, but now I unapologetically adore both of them.
So as little kids, me and my twin brother (let the record state, he’s younger than me. By four minutes. It’s a real thing) were absolutely obsessed with HTTYD. So much, that we would roleplay as dragons and – wheeze – HiccStrid’s potential twin kids. Oh, yeah, we were deep into it. We were so deep. We played out adventures and pretended to fly on our pretend dragons, whom we named Fly Fly and Toe Toe and they were, you are allowed to laugh, the kids of Toothless and a Whispering Death. My brother’s favorite dragons were the Whispering Deaths, and we were great at biology. Nope.
After that whole shabang, we went to middle/high school, my brother grew past his Dragons-phase, I stayed right where I was cuz ofc I did, and after meeting some new friends who were just as much into HTTYD as I was (one of them was the friend who gave my the nickname Mona and helped me with Of Thrones and Heirs!), we kinda created a new next gen based of what we thought was cool lmao. I couldn’t find a lot of information on that on my laptop, since most of it was handwritten or only spoken to each other – and tbh, I’m not really feeling up to checking my chats about it with one of those friends cuz I’m not friends with them anymore. But that’s okay, we have a lot more information for what came next!
I developed the next gen a bit on my own, I remember, still with some influences from the friends I had created the last version with. And for this one I still got a lot of details, so let me grab them for ya.
In this next gen, HiccStrid had five kids. Yeah, they be being busy. Zephyr and Nuffink got added a bit later, after I had seen THW, before that they only had the oc children I created as a lil 14-year-old. They had, in order, Zephyr Stormfly (20 y.o.), Nuffink Toothless (18 y.o.), Alischa Valka (14 y.o., aka, the main character), Stoick Finn (13 y.o.) and Lunette Ansfrid (3 y.o.). Oh yeah, that’s a mouthful.
Next to HiccStrid, back then I also shipped Heather and Fishlegs. Not sure if I still do now, but back then they had the following kids; Helen Windshear (19 y.o., she was Zephyr’s best friend), Fay Heather (16 y.o.), Veena Astrid (16 y.o., she and her twin sister were created by my friend I think), Beril/Hugo Oswald (13 y.o., not sure which of the two names. All I know is that he was Stoick’s bestie).
To the more… complicated part, young me put some drama into this next gen by making a divorce plot. So what I thought was cool (and because I didn’t really like Snotlout back then. Very stupid, he’s the kingest of kings), was the idea that Snotlout and Ruffnut had a son right after THW after a one-night-stand (Thorvald Hookfang, 21 y.o., all I know is that he had a huge crush on Zephyr). After that, they tried to make things work, but they didn’t, and they did a divorce thing. After that, Ruff went with Eret and had twins, Audun Eret (19 y.o., he’s the guy I wrote down as the Gustav of the next gen lmao) and Hialti Ruffnut (19 y.o., I don’t think she had a very good life). Meanwhile, Snotlout had a daughter with Minden, Ylva (13 y.o., she had a crush on Stoick).
Tuffnut had two kids with some chick, Annika Macey (19 y.o., she and Nuffink were in love or something) and Kjell Lloyd (19 y.o., I don’t know shit about him).
For the rest, I only had kids for Dagur and Mala cuz oh yeah they were a thing. Don’t think I really shipped them, but they were fun to include. Their kids were Ingrid Heather (16 y.o., I literally don’t know anything about her), Oswald Dagur (5 y.o.) and Siri Mala (3 y.o., the first Siri! I don’t know anything about her).
So that was that next gen. Alischa was the main character, she later got a whole fledged out story involving Grimmel’s grandkid, Arcum (who she got a crush on ofc, I basically redid the whole “enemies to lovers” thing I loved doing in Of Thrones and Heirs), while trying to prove herself to her overprotective dad Hiccup, finding the Hidden World and the Night Lights in the process. She bonded with Toothless’ daughter, Safire, which would’ve been pretty cute.
That whole thing was pushed aside in favor of Siri in December 2019, unfortunately. While I did try to recreate the next gen several times (I am still figuring out what the actual fuck I wanna do with ships in the original cast and who would have kids and who wouldn’t. All I know is HiccStrid has Zephyr and Nuffink cuz that’s canon and Tuffnut is aroace and the cool uncle. For the rest… man, I don’t know. I love FishLout, I love RuffLegs, I love the idea of Minden and Snotlout, I wanna see Snotlout with a daughter, etc etc. I just don’t know anything lmao), things never really stuck, as I was in the height of creating Siri’s story, and in addition, Niv’s story. Now I primarily wanna think about the next gen cuz I wanna give gussiri’s kids some friends pff
Like, at some point I tried to change up the entire next gen; I paired up Tuffnut and Heather (some weird idea from the friend I’m no longer friends with. I don’t know why), they had four whole kids (Dagny, Kyll, and Lloyd, who were triplets born in 1018, and Oswald Loki Chicken Sverd, yes, who was born in 1028). It was a weird move. I also cut down on Dagur and Mala’s kids, giving them only a daughter, named Hedvig, born in 1022. Zephyr (1018) and Nuffink (1021) still existed, but they no longer had any siblings. Lloyd and Zephyr were in love and it was very cute, and Hedvig and Nuffink had a thing going on.
Next to that, I removed the whole thing with Snotlout, Ruff, Eret and Minden, now Snotlout and Minden only had twins (Vidar and Ylva, born in 1021, Vidar wanted to become a wingmaiden). Eret and Ruff had a son named Sol (1023), which is very weird now, considering one of my best friends is named Sol lmao. Fishlegs had a son from a one-night-stand (Kjott, 1019), and the only reason for that is because the friend I’m no longer friends with didn’t like Fishlegs for his “disgusting” relationship with Meatlug. Glad I’m finally allowing to love this precious boy instead of being forced to go along with their opinions.
At this point, Sunniva and Helene didn’t exist as GusSiri kids, rather being replaced by a daughter named Funnet (1025) and a son named Agnarr (1028, Aggie and Oswald had a cute thing together). Niv did exist! I created him and he never changed, he’s just too much of a baby boy for that.
So yeah, that’s how it all shifted and turned over the years! I hope I can point my vision on trying to point down some good characters to be- WAIT A FUCKING SECOND
Okay so turns out this is from 2021 and luckily for all of us it’s short and to the point so let’s get cracking. HiccStrid only had Zephyr Valka (1018) and Nuffink Stoick (1021), Snotlout had Vidar and Ylva (both 1019, idk who their other parent is), Dagur and Mala had Hedvig (1017), Ruffnut and Fishlegs had Reider Fishlegs (1018), Saga Meatlug (1023), Amund Tuffnut (1025), and Steinar Barf (1028). For the rest, nothing, and honestly, better, I don’t really wanna keep track of so many kids lmao. I’m not a daycare (read: has created a new oc last week)
Anyways, I think that’s all for now! Thank you so much for being so appreciated, I really appreciate it bestie <333 you’re amazing!!
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astral-from-afar · 1 year
Ooh nice to see a fellow Kamen Rider type of person
Personally, out of the three main tokusatsu, I think I watched Kamen Rider more than anything. I did watch all 3 equally at first but my interest went from Ultraman and Super Sentai (from when I was little) to more of Kamen Rider as I grew older.
I haven't watched much from Reiwa since I stopped watching Tokusatsu maybe 3 years ago. But growing up, my parents were into tokusatsu, so I was naturally shown a lot of it, lmaoo. I kinda stopped being open about it after some kid in third grade made fun of me for it 💀
After that, I became self-conscious about it as I grew up, so I told myself I had to stop watching it. My parents still watch it though, and they tell me it's good, but I don't have the courage to start watching again 😭 Lately I wish I didn't do that cause now I feel like I'm missing out on the fun lmao- it was really fun to watch because they tend to have a deeper/darker meaning to them, even if it seems to be for younger audiences at first glance, which I find neat.
I don't really remember much from W, since I watched it way back when I was younger, but I remember the acting was great (I think the actor for Philip was only 15 at that time? I've seen that guy in other J-dramas and his acting is amazing). I remember liking W but I just don't really remember what it was about. Maybe I should revisit it sometime.
I think my favorite was Den-O. I'm pretty sure I've watched all of the heisei ones but I can't recall all of the good ones that I liked. I do remember liking the 3 last Heisei ones which I believe were Ghost, Exaid, and Build, but out of those 3, I think Ghost was the best.
ALSO YOU ARE SO RIGHT the kamen rider soundtracks tend to be bangers
Oops I kinda talked too much about myself LMAOA (I tried to shorten this the best I could. i really did. I DELETED 3 PARAGRAPHS LMAO)
No way you used to be a fan AS WELL. Now I feel a bit embarrassed for recommending stuff. Also Den-o is top tier. Deneb is probably one of my favourite kamen rider characters just for how funny he is.
To be fair I was more of a Power Rangers kid growing up. I started off watching mega force when it was still airing and religiously watched the reruns of older stuff like Dino Thunder, which was my favourite.
I stopped watching after a bit because man are kids RUTHLESS. Some of them made fun of me so I stopped watching for a bit. Luckily I have younger siblings who were watching the show up on it so I became a casual viewer, mostly watching for my siblings and then lying at school the next day.
The reason I got into Toku was actually because of a YouTuber that I was subscribed to. I had 0 clue what kamen rider was and they were praising fourze so I thought ‘I’ve seen jojo part 4, this is practically that with superheroes’ and then proceeded to watch the series. I then moved onto the other series like ooo, build,gaim,W,Den-o,ex-aid and blade.
Funny story about my watch through of blade is that I had no context for where most of the memes in the fanbase came from so I watched Blade to mainly understand everything. I had gotten up to the final arc but had to take a break since mock season was going on. When I finished I remember that I rushed home and decided to watch the last arc, despite being very tired. Yeah big mistake. Who knew a bench could make Astral cry but it did
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I’m wondering right now what series to watch now. The smartest decision is to probably catch up to the latest season but I’m probably going to wait until it finishes to binge it. I’m torn on watching a late heisei era show or trying to see more early heisei works. I’ll do what I do best which is spin a wheel and decide what to watch lol.
Nooo man you don’t need to shorten down your thoughts. It’s fun reading this stuff and believe me I’ve been holding back from spamming the dashboard with my random Toku thoughts so you shouldn’t worry about if you’re saying too much. If you want to get back into it the newest season of kamen rider is around the corner so you could start getting back into it from there.
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humanoidtyphoons · 8 months
the thing about kang ki young is that. when i first started watching kdramas, in the ones that were recommended to me… he kept turning up. from weightlifting fairy kim bokjoo, i am not a robot, w: two worlds, bring it on ghost, oh my ghostess. all supporting roles. but. idk. i kept noticing him? it was oddly comforting to know that he was in a show too. he kind of became my guy, yk?
like i know that it wasn’t supposed to be the common link, bc lol! he wasn’t in all of the rec list but enough, yk?
but… i also kinda rooted for his characters? in. WLFKBJ, despite knowing that his romance was essentially a drunken fling… i kinda was into it? (tbh it wasn’t cuter than the otp, but. still. i was oddly charmed that they even had a subplot) and then i liked him SO much in IANAR, that i preferred his romance to the main one (i think i don’t like chae soobin as a protagonist for some reason, tho apparently i’m fine with her as an antagonist in sassy gogo???)
like he was great in comedy, and i liked him in everything there even if sometimes i didn’t care for the kdrama that much, he was always solid and watchable and then i consciously decided to try to watch his filmography
(i completely forgot that i started watching familiar wife bc he was briefly in it, and i got so enamoured by the drama, that i cheered when he appeared bc i just. didn’t remember that i watched it initially for his guest appearance.)
and, oh. he’s fun as a villain. thrice, he’s played bad guys, and they’re all so different! i loved his youthful arrogance in shine or be mad, even if he turned up only at the end. i thought he was so good at being repulsively evil in when you were sleeping, even if it was a two part episode. and ofc!!! the uncanny counter 2!!! his stillness and his carefulness, how he observed… hell yeah. he was great.
it does make me laugh a little that in what’s wrong with secretary kim and extraordinary attorney woo. he’s cast as the divorced guy who gets back together with his ex-wife… and that’s kind of the deal in queen of divorce too. i know he’s going to get back together with his ex!!! i want it to happen!!! anyway, something about him seems to radiate he only loves one woman in his life (which is true of IANAR too, even if it’s not the case in WLFKBJ)
anyway, i’m glad that he’s different in QOD to EAW tbh! like he’s reliable and dependable in EAW, and i loved him as a mentor figure there, who grew patient and appreciative of woo young woo’s abilities. but he’s a different kind of quirky in QOD, and he’s got the regret and yearning and chaotic energy and. and. i’m excited for what is to come next.
i’m just. happy for him, that he’s become a main lead. i’ve always liked him, and i wish him the best.
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insomniactalks · 2 years
1/2 In a recent interview Meg said about working with Matt on s3 that: "most of OUR scenes were together". This doesn't look good for Portwell... What really annoys me is that it means they spent most of EJ's scenes with a character that won't appear in future seasons, instead of the wildcats... It's not even about the romantic ships... give me more of Ashlyn and EJ, or Carlos and EJ... we barely saw these characters interact and this season was a perfect opportunity...
2/2 Also, making most of his scenes with her makes me think that he will probably won't appear in the next seasons... It looks like they're preparing him to leave...
have you read that new interview with meg? she mentioned that most of her scenes and matt's were together- I think it's time we start saying goodbye....(this is another anon but putting these asks t/g)
I answer some of yall’s concerns in this post (give it a read if you can!) Just to clarify for you, anon(s), this is exactly what Meg said in the article, "most of our scenes were together so that was really cool." Just because most of Meg's scenes as Val were with Matt as EJ, doesn't automatically mean most of EJ's scenes were with Val. We have to keep in mind EJ is a main, meaning he's gonna get more screen time than Val (a guest star) and will share scenes with multiple characters. I deff agree I hope to see more Caswell cousins content and EJ bonding with the boys this season. I just love those diff dynamics outside of the romantic relationships, too! For the concerns about EJ sharing “most” of his scenes with Val, I wouldn’t worry too much about that b/c that doesn’t mean the same as Val being the one to share most of her scenes with EJ. Being a guest star, in only 8 episodes spanning 2 weeks, Val won’t be prioritized the way EJ will be as a main character. Sure, we’ll probably be introduced to Val thru EJ, and she may very well cause a ton of drama, but she might also help EJ’s character cont to progress in S3. One last thing that’s not included in my previous post: Don’t underestimate the power of Disney. Zombies 3 and S3 are premiering a week and a half apart. Of course Matt and Meg will have a ton of promo to do for these projects, and it makes sense they’d share a lot of scenes together. We’re gonna see Matt in Zombies 3 first, then see Meg in S3 soon after that. Disney is gonna wanna promote both projects as much as possible  (esp in July) so it would make sense Meg had a lot of scenes w/ Matt. I believe they wrapped Zombies 3 last June, then started filming HSMTMTS S3 about 6 or 7 months later. Having Meg and Matt share scenes (in both universes) gives Disney the chance to get ppl hyped about both projects. Remember when Asher Angel guest starred as Jack in S2? And all his scenes were with Sofia (Gina)? Disney gave us a mini-Andi Mack reunion in the best way possible (I missed the Buffy and Jonah banter LOL). We knew Sofia and Asher would probably share most of their scenes together, right? Did that mean the end for Portwell? Did Jack stand in the way of a potential PW relationship? No. Jack was used as a plot device to help further them along lmaooo Isn’t it possible Val may function in the same way? I know she’s in more episodes than him but they’ve already used two plot devices in the form of guest stars to help further develop Portwell. I wouldn’t be surprised if Val/Meg serves the same kinda role in S3.   
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killian-whump · 2 years
The drama with Luck has to do with the studio hiring Jon Lasseter after the allegations. Emma Thompson, who was originally hired for the main voice role, pulled out of the project after she learned he was involved and wrote an open letter criticizing the studio over it.
Thanks for filling me in! I don't follow a lot of celebrity news, and I tend to remember even less of it unless it's a name I immediately recognize (like K. Spacey or W. Allen or J. Depp, whatever). Also, I really, really don't follow "behind the scenes" animation news. I kinda prefer not to know who/what specifically goes into making the films. I know it's a lot of people and a lot of processes, but it all takes away from the magic of the end result to me - so even reading this, I'm like, "John who?"
Incidentally, I also kinda hate that animated movies now all have 5-star casts. As much fun as I have listening to Colin do voice work, I generally hate it when I'm watching a movie and keep picturing the celebrities doing the voices instead of the characters they're voicing. Like, my mind can't divorce E. DeGeneres from Dory enough to consider Dory as a character of her own. Same with Judy Hopps and Woody and... Well, all of them these days.
ANYWAY! Back to the subject. After looking up who this guy is and what he was accused of and what his role is in the Luck film... I still kinda don't care, I guess.
Yeah, he shouldn't have been doing what he was doing - and my God, he shouldn't have been able to get away with making women uncomfortable for that long without anyone intervening... but as skeezy and gross as his behavior was, it doesn't sound like he did anything illegal - and I believe in giving people second chances as long as they haven't crossed that line. Some people are really fucking stupid or misguided or stuck in the past. If they get a wake up call and actually wake up and change their ways, then I'm okay with that. If they get a wake up call and ignore it or revert... Well, then toss 'em in the garbage. So... jury's still out, but I don't think he should be barred from working unless he continues to fuck up.
But, you know, different people have different takes on that. I think it's great that E. Thompson left her role - she stuck to her guns and did what she felt was right. I think it's equally great that others kept on with the project - they, too, stuck to their guns and did what they felt was right. And I don't see that as condoning his past behavior - but as condoning giving him a chance at redemption.
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
Yuetara, zukka, and maiko
1) its not one of my main ships. i dont rlly read fanfic for them but if i see a cute fanart of them ill enjoy it and i think i first started shipping it because of good fanarts for them.
2) i like yuetara because of how similar they are. theyre both women from the water tribe. they both understand the misogyny that they have faced. and they both said f sexism im gonna be a strong woman. i also love the tui and la parallel. moon spirit and ocean spirit parallel COME ON. YUE IS THE MOON. KATARA IS THE MOST POWERFUL WATERBENDER. THEY ARE THE OCEAN AND THE MOON. the push and pull they could give eachother. that dynamic ftw.
3) i guess if i didnt like something about this ship would be the fact that if i read a fic or see a fanart w yuetara then than means in that particular au i wont get any yuekka and yuekka is probably my second favorite ship. but then again if i get yuetara than i could get a plethora of other sokka ships to go with it so my sadness disappears in like two seconds. gosh shipping is hard sometimes until you remember ‘hey i have like fifty different universes in my head. all ur ships can coexist in ur brain olivia’ other than that i really see no downsides to this ship. maybe i wish it had more content. maybe if it had more content id ship it a lot more but its not one of the more popular ships so the content is kinda few n far between on my feed.
1) my boys. my babies. my loves. i watched this show for the first time when it came out on netflix and when it ended i really didnt ship anything other than kataang. i came onto tumblr to find fun atla content and one of the very first things i saw under the atla tag was zukka content. i was like oh? whats this? zukka? interesting... i was intrigued so i found a list of fic recs and i fell in love with the ship. the rest is history. its probably my number one ship because it was my very first ship here and im nostalgic
2) oh boy there is so much i like about this ship. i relate to a shit ton of characters in atla. but sokka and zuko may be the ones i relate to most. i relate to sokka because i tend to feel second best a lot to my friends. i try to stay positive but things rarely go the way i plan or hope for them too and while im happy for my friends and their achievements i oftentimes find myself thinking why cant that be me? and i see this a lot in sokka especially in sokkas master. i dont feel special a lot and idk seeing sokka feel the same way and then realizing he is special kinda helped me realize that im special too. on the flipside i relate to zuko because i have wild anger issues and difficulty dealing w my emotions a lot as well. i get broody and short tempered and insecure very often and i tend to push people away and i refuse to ask for help (the amount of teachers and adults and therapists who have told me its okay to ask for help ur not any weaker because of it is astounding. do i listen to them? .....im working on it.) and i saw a shit ton of this in zuko. book one and two zuko rarely asks for help as seen in the blue spirit and zuko alone and he pushes away uncle so many times and even when the gaang iffers to help him in i think its the chase he tells them to leave. when he finally has his redemption and joins the gaang and lets them kinda become a better person i was so happy. i want that for myself yk. seeing him finally win the agni kai and overcome his family that always told him he was nothing was such a win. my sister and i get along but when we were children we were very much like zuko and azula. it was extremely competitive all the time and there was so much toxicity and sibling drama to a concerning extent. we get along great now which im very happy about but yeah their sibling relationship hit a lil too on the nose for me. seeing as i relate to these character so much and want them ti be happy i want to live vicariously through them so seeing them together is amazing for me to project into them. i love projecting onto fictional characters and with them i can project onto BOTH so its a winwin. plus so many zukka fics are so well written and heartwarming and heartbreaking and emotional and fluffy anf UGH the talent here us astounding.
3) what do i not like about the ship? again the list is long. oops. mainly the toxic shippers. there are so many toxic zukka stans that sometimes make it hard for me to enjoy this ship but hey! thats what the block button is for:) i despise how often people infantilize zuko and completely ruin his character for the sake of making him a soft weak lil boy who needs protecting. thats just not zuko for me. and ive seen many many accounts even state that this kind of portrayal of zuko is rooted in racist stereotypes about asian men (now i am white so i personally have never experiences racism but i feel the need to bring that up because it is wrong and attention needs to be brought to it because a lot of poc fans have criticised this) and the same for sokka. some ppl rlly skew his character and make him a big strong brute and hypermasculine and once again poc fans have said that this take is rooted in racist stereotypes. again! these are just my opinions! this is my favorite ship! but i think its important to acknowledge some of the bad parts of our ships as well and be critical where criticism is needed :))
1) I LOVE MAIKO. “i dont hate you” “i dont hate you too” BRUH. my little heart just burst into flames. im sorry guys but maiko is so cute. they hate everything except eachother. BRUH that is one of the cutest tropes. i shipped them the moment i saw them together onscreen and i was so happy when zukos face lit up in the finale when mai came back.
2) “i hate everything but i have a soft spot for you” TAKE MY MONEY I AM A SUCKER FOR THIS. they are so cute together. like zuko is rarely happy in a majority of atla but mai makes him happy and i- 🥺🥺 HE DESERVES IT. and mai is always so supportive of him. when hes stressing out about the war meeting she tries her best to comfort him. and zuko cares about her too. he may not be the best at showing it but oh my god hes TRYING HIS BEST. i think its a very accurate portrayal of teenage relationships because they arent perfect and they do fight but like,, every teenage relationship does that. and even after everything and how he left her in the fire nation she still had his back at boiling rock. she still risked her life against azula to save his butt.
3) the thing i hate about maiko isnt even about maiko. its about antis who think mai is toxic and that zuko deserves better. that has got to be the worst take ive ever heard. they had a fight in ember island. that is NORMAL. they are teenagers. they are not perfect. but underneath all the rough edges and things they need to work out they still care about eachother so freaking much. i genuinelt believe that neither of them would do anything to intentionally hurt the other and i think thats what matters the most. if anything mai is the best girlfriend in the entire world because zuko fucked up like,, quite a few times. he got rlly jealous and dumped her thru a letter and ppl always say that mai was toxic for being mad at him for those two things. umm she had every right to be mad at him for both of those. and while zuko is allowed to feel his emotions and be angry sometimes as well sometimes he needs to think things thru and realize that hey maybe some if this jealousy is unfounded. BUT EVEN THEN. HE RESPECTED HER FEELINGS AND DIDNT TOUCH HER WHEN SHE SAID DONT TOUCH ME. HE RESPECTED HER. so i hate toxic maiko takes because they are literally so wrong in my opinion.
again all of these are just my opinions!! feel free to agree or disagree but please be respectful!! i will respect whatever u think as well because this is all just for fun :)
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duck-era-lexi · 3 years
warrior cats 20 questions (up to oots!!)
i will re-answer this when i finish tbc and update some of my answers. up to dovewing’s silence chrono
ALSO - all mentions of tbc and avos and like, stuff after the last hope is speculation on my end and just vague stuff i’ve heard from other people. 
1. How did you get into Warriors?
i reference ‘when i was in 6th grade’ a lot but i actually read these for the first time in 3rd or 4th grade, my memory’s fuzzy. i also don’t remember how i heard of these books. my classmates were probably obsessed with them and i must have picked one up. it’s too long ago for me to remember. what i do remember is my 6th grade self was like the 3rd or 4th re-read, definitely not the first. 
2. Favorite Arc
oots??? possibllyyyyyyyy ???>..... i would say tnp.. i really like tnp
oots i like it because everyone’s alive at that point, like leafpool’s in that series but it’s not like jayfeather was in tnp. does that make any sense? no main characters really die post-tpb so they’re all just like.. coexisting in oots. 
3. Favorite Book (excluding mangas, super editions, novellas)
twilight, and twilight’s always been my favorite book bcuz leafpool in love is so cute!! night whispers is kinda like this but w/ more drama & also jayfeather exists so yeah i love night whispers as well.
4. Favorite Super Edition, Novella, or Manga
BLUESTAR’S PROPHECY no doubt in my mind. i dont even like super editions but that’s my favorite. i have only read like one other as well and it’s crowfeather’s trial but bluestar’s prophecy is like my favorite piece of literature ever written so i doubt anything could ever surpass it in any context honesty
that book is written so beautifully, like every scene is important. it makes me cry so so much. 
leafpool’s wish is my favorite novella & i haven’t read any of the mangas
5. Favorite Clan
thunderclan bc like 4/5 of my favorite characters are there. shadowclan always falling apart every other arc and the other two are kinda irrelevant post-tnp
6. Favorite Character
i have a lot but there’s a lot of wc characters so can you really blame me?
in order: crowfeather, jayfeather, leafpool, dovewing, briarlight
im not gonna explain my thoughts because i dont have a perfectly rational reason for liking certain characters. it’s usually just “they’re interesting & cute.”
:: oakheart is definitely definitely one of my all time favorites- i just feel weird saying it because it’s only in the context of like one book... it’s not like tigerheartstar where he is a pos in some books and the highlight of others; oakheart just only appears extensively in bluestar’s prophecy lol
7. Least Favorite Character
sol. idc i dont care 
tbh i like most of the characters, there’s not many characters who just ruin a scene by existing. i like good characters and i like evil characters; i rly like hawkfrost (or at least my hc version of hawkfrost). but i don’t like characters that change completely like onestar. and i also just don’t like characters that do morally incorrect things in the name of the warrior code.
8. Most Aesthetically Pleasing Cat
leafpool or feathertail. nah bc crowfeather was onto something; i’m judging based off of polish covers. 
based off of the reprint covers, ashfur on long shadows or jayfeather on sign of the moon... idk i just like blue eyes. my favorite cover of all time is probably dark river though because it’s so so pretty. owen richardson’s take on wc isn’t really accurate to the descriptions, i prefer satzzz’s drawings. out of those, jayfeather, leafpool, & squirrelflight
9. Favorite Leader
firestar bc he’s the only mf that didn’t do a 180 on his personality after becoming leader *cough* tigerheartstar *cough* everyone in avos *cough*
10. Favorite Villain
not sol lmfao
i like my headcanon version of hawkfrost. like the manipulative one. bc hawkfrost is. pretty (w/ his ice blue eyes and dark fur like-) and i like the idea of him using that to recruit trainees. 
my favorite villain canonically may just be ashfur because the “upset? i’m not upset. you have no idea how much pain i’m in” monologue is just so funny to me. oh & that long shadows reprint cover is so so pretty
11. Favorite Medicine Cat
jayfeather bc while i like leafpool better, homegirl should have just gtfo out of the clans. so many times i when i read the books, i’m like, “crowf&her should’ve just left. being a loner is better than this.” they treated her like shit. additionally, she did become a warrior? for a series, so that every time she appears jayfeather or lionblaze can shit on her some more for being a bad warrior. (i’m just saying this because she wouldn’t really fully count for this question ig)
tbh i just like that jayfeather’s an asshole but he’s geniunely really good at curing people and he’s really smart. mixed with his superpower, he’s defo the most powerful of the three. 
12. Overrated Character
uhh i like most of the wc characters. like there’s no one who when i see them in a scene i’m like, mad. a character that i dislike but the majority doesn’t is hollyleaf. sorry but how she treated leafpool in sunrise was so unacceptable and unjust. it makes SENSE but i still hate it. 
yeah she’s gr8 in the forgotten warrior but i can’t stand her in po3
13. Underrated Character
what does this mean. like favorite minor character? 
14. Favorite Minor Character
i have a lot
cloudtail post tpb. mans always getting stuck in shit and its so funny for no reason
thornclaw patrol memes are funny but thornclaw as a character is kind of a bitch honestly. like the kittypet xenophobia is.. nahh
birchkit/paw in tnp is rly cute. and while whitewing’s a more involved parent to dove+ivy he still. did something. yk? we wouldnt argue about dovewing’s eye color if it werent for birchfall
poppyfrost is a popular minor character but i really liked honeyfern, maybe just because i really like the aesthetic of the name honeyfern. oh and their drama w/ berrynose is so entertaining and also fucked up i love it
15. Favorite Pairing
leafcrow dont even
my favorite ship that is healthy is cloudtail x brightheart. they’re cute and i really like cloudtail after he becomes a warrior. cloudtail training brightheart after the dog attack?? yes. also they have some spice and conflict w/ daisy in tnp, which makes them better than like... brackenfur & sorreltail or some shit. conflict creates stronger relationships. and they’re dovewing’s grandparents?? imagine lil dovekit & ivykit pouncing on grandpa cloudtail’s tail and he like pretends to die or something. missed opportunity. IMAGINE bristlefrost visiting her great-grandparents in the elders den & brightheart is the sweetest... does that actually happen in tbc because i haven’t read it yet- i hope so.
honorable mentions:
- tigerdove, love that shit. the old era ends with them apart and dovewing with bumblestripe but i really liked them in night whispers. 
- jayfeather & briarlight BUT i think that briarlight likes him but he doesn’t like her back, not because there’s something wrong with her, but just because jayfeather doesn’t really feel affection in that way.
16. Least Favorite Pairing
again do not care bc i am an optimistic person
i cant even say nightcloud/crowfeather bc that pairing has a purpose and it fufilled that purpose perfectly. 
nvm breezepelt/heathertail!! i’m sure they get development in crowfeather’s trial but they are probably my least favorite. 
17. Favorite Friendship
graystripe, firestar, and sandstorm. i don’t like tpb but you can see traces of their friendship even in the later arcs. so sweet. honestly. them being on patrols together is the cutest thing, just like a lil friend group. unproblematic too
18. Favorite Moment
i dont really know, but a scene i always go back and re-read is leafpool’s kits being born in leafpool’s wish. leafpool has so much love for the little ones and it’s all before they grow up to resent and hate her (for no reason????.....😐😐😐😐) 
a concept i really like is bramblekit/paw being a tigerstar clone in tpb. i think it’s clever and bramblepaw’s reaction to the news, as well as the fact that he is not the one who leaves. 
19. Most Tragic Death
ferncloud+ sorreltail in dovewing’s silence/the last hope. more or less dustpelt & brackenfur’s reactions to them, i’ve always liked those guys because they’re just like. dads, who love their wives yk? and then the she-cats both die. 
omg and the kits reaction to ferncloud’s death
20. Favorite Battle / Fight Scene
i hate battle scenes im not even gonna i guess i like the df one in the last hope but that’s it. 
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sweet-evie · 3 years
I really felt annoyed on that kallen and lelouch scene where kallen landed on top of him in a sense where both has something to go back after the battle i mean lelouch was asking her to go back with him, I just felt where would c.c. be after the battle, will she be forgotten after it? Will it be like okay c.c. your job here is done you may go and we will go back to our own ordinary lives, will lelouch just let her go if she decided to go....lol and the list go on, (this is me speaking beyond shipping and as a c.c. enthusiast) and if i didn't know that the director is pushing c.c. and lelouch to each other i will forever hate the series cuz c.c. deserves the best (i mean its very obvious with the official arts and scenes and i remember reading something about it before) (can we also assume that c.c. got jealous on that part too lol what would happen if c.c. didn't speak about tabasco will they kiss? lol) I also really have a love hate feeling w/ kallen, she is really a good pilot and i kinda ship him sometimes with suzaku, sometimes not because i love him with euphie, but really that tension whenever they are together fighting or not Idk if its their strong and badass character but they really look good and compatible with each other but then I really love her with Gino the most lol i mean if i find kallen and suzaku compatible then i find kallen and gino most compatible hahaha Its just that kallen can show that she can be weak/soft can be tired or can breakdown (and not the always strong her) with gino. (I hope you can understand this part) I love it when gino picked her up after her battle with suzaku. How I wished gino appeared more in the series, was introduce early and they had scenes more together. I sometimes dislike her cuz she is over reacting in a lot of times like she is just too much and almost in par with nina's reaction most of the times haha (i kinda dislike/hate kxl scenes in a sense too that its one sided like its mostly k and l shows no interest but sometimes it look like there is a mutual feeling between both of them(i mostly felt its one sided shen watching the movie especially the resurrection) (What can you say about their scenes?, when he put jacket to her while she was wearing bunny girl costume, the refrain scene, when she fell on top of him, when she was captured, their kiss? etc.) BUT if you look at c.c. and lelouch relationship and scenes together its just too consistent lol i just love it how lelouch always assured and pursued her from that rooftop scene after battling with Mao, if she is a witch then he'll became a warlock, when he discovered and promised her about fulfilling her true wish, when she asked him if he hated her for giving him the power of geass and about to do something if kallen did not interrupt and bonus: that resurrection scene when he decided to become L.L. (I LOVE WRITING THIS PART OF ASSURANCE AND PURSUING ABT CLUCLU, MY FAVORITE XD, pls add some if i forgot something) i also kinda agreed to that statement except c.c. part lol going around that Shirley -> Lelouch Lamperouge, Kallen -> Zero and C.C. -> Lelouch Vi Britania but doesn't C.C. knows all lelouch's persona and had been supportive and stayed with him from the very start and in whatever path he chose? 😂 I hate it that people come at c.c.'s age and that she witness lelouch grow up like, is her immortality her fault? Like people are okay for male characters of 123456790 age falling for main girls in dramas or some animes for example but not okay if its c.c. lol SORRY THIS POST IS SO LONG it was supposed to be focus only on the first part about THAT scene 🙏
Whoa~ You’re not lying, this is one hell of an ask 🤣😂😅 I read 4 topics in this xD:
Lelouch, Kallen, C.C. scene
Kallen ships (Suzaku or Gino)
Kallen x Lelouch vs C.C. x Lelouch
C.C. & Lelouch's Age-gap
Let’s go in!
Lelouch, Kallen, & C.C. Scene
(can we also assume that c.c. got jealous on that part too lol what would happen if c.c. didn't speak about tabasco will they kiss? lol)
Maybe, but who knows, to be honest. xD The whole interaction was very impulsive, considering the fact that Lelouch was still fresh off of bouncing back from his depression, which Kallen had witnessed and was at the brunt end of.
When Kallen fell on top of Lelouch, I do believe both of them were thinking about that one moment where Lelouch tried to use Kallen to forget his current circumstances. Perhaps part of Kallen wanted it, but knew it wasn’t right. So I adore her for bitch-slapping him. xD The idiot deserved it.
C.C. was just there... I’m not sure if she was jealous or not. Maybe she didn’t give a fuck xD Before I could form my own conclusions, the entire scene is interrupted again because Zero gets called out into the control room.
Kallen Ships (Suzaku vs Gino)
I agree with most of your points in this part.
Personally, in my own fics, I ship Kallen with Gino a lot because for me, Suzaku belongs with Euphemia by default.
But, I do see the chemistry and the sexual tension that could go between Suzaku and Kallen. Like maybe their fights are really just unresolved sexual tension 😂🤣
I imagine a romance between them would be very explosive, passionate, and rough. I don’t just mean this in terms of sex, I imagine their entire dynamic would swing this way too. They’re really opinionated, and they both literally fight for what they believe in, and their conviction is strong enough to rival each other’s. 
Suzaku and Kallen just clash magnificently. On the other hand, Gino’s and Kallen’s personalities probably combine. They have things in common, but not too much to the point of being passionate and aggressive at the same time.
KaLulu vs CLuCLu
What can you say about their scenes?, when he put jacket to her while she was wearing bunny girl costume, the refrain scene, when she fell on top of him, when she was captured, their kiss? etc.
In that scene where he put his jacket on her, I think that’s gentlemanly of Lelouch. It’s something I expect from him considering he was born a prince, and also, he has a little sister. On a sidenote, I adore both him and Suzaku for being respectful towards the women in their circle, for the most part. 
That refrain scene was a moment of grief for Lelouch and he was being erratic. I said it once or twice, I’ll say it again. I am so happy Kallen bitch-slapped him. It shows that she’s not willing to put up with bullshit, and believes that Lelouch is definitely better than that. Kudos to her, she may have slapped him to his senses. For Kallen, it was a moment of, “Please be who we need you to be.”
It was a brilliant turning point for Lelouch as well. After Nunnally was given the role of Viceroy, Lelouch, at least, realized that his war and his rebellion against Britannia wasn’t just for his sister anymore. It was for everyone he cared about too. It was for the people who counted on Zero’s idea of freedom and perhaps peace.
In summary, I made my stance clear on KaLulu on a separate post long ago. But the gist was, they may have felt romantic feelings for each other, but it was probably brief and suppressed in favor of their grander goals and all that shit that was already going down. Romance just wasn’t appropriate for Lelouch or any of the characters who had something at stake in the war.
In the end, Kallen chose Japan, and Lelouch chose Zero Requiem. That is that. 😊
BUT if you look at c.c. and lelouch relationship and scenes together its just too consistent
Lelouch & C.C.’s relationship is a slow-burn from the get-go. It’s part of the reason why it’s so appealing to me.
Let’s be honest, Lelouch doesn’t even view C.C. as human until halfway to R1, and C.C. took almost all of 2 seasons to acknowledge the fact that she cared about Lelouch.
i also kinda agreed to that statement except c.c. part lol going around that Shirley -> Lelouch Lamperouge, Kallen -> Zero and C.C. -> Lelouch Vi Britania 
I understand why a lot of people like this argument. I, for one, believe there���s a grain of truth in it. 
BUT in my own honest opinion, I think that is a little unfair to Kallen and Shirley. I’m sure Lelouch cared about the two of them in unique ways and perhaps chose to hide behind masks around them to protect them and to preserve his own façade. Hell, he lied to his own sister for most of the entire show because he thought it would protect her and would shield her from the horrors of the world. (It didn’t turn out well, did it? 🤣) Still, my point is, Shirley and Kallen would have been willing to understand and know Lelouch’s every mask. Lelouch himself, just didn’t let them. And it was for their own good, I believe.
So why C.C.?
If there’s anyone in the world who can understand people’s multiple points of view, it would probably be C.C... She lived through most of mankind’s history, and she’s been alive long enough to take multiple perspectives in, meet different types of people, and see lots of ridiculous shit xD Lelouch slowly becomes aware of this fact as the series progresses, and we do see him have deep conversations with her from time to time. She’s capable of being objective. She knocks some sense into him a lot, especially during the beginning. One notable example of this that I will never forget is the episode after Lelouch realized Shirley’s father died because of his actions. It showed how immature Lelouch was being and how idealistic -- thinking war only took out the bad guys in his side of the story. Point is, she knows when to chastise him and when to offer her consolation, which is part of the reason why Lelouch would pick her as accomplice anyway.
but doesn't C.C. knows all lelouch's persona and had been supportive and stayed with him from the very start and in whatever path he chose?\
C.C. does know him. But I wouldn’t go so far as to say ‘supportive’, nonetheless wholly supportive.
C.C. had her self-serving reasons, just like Lelouch. C.C. was looking forward to the moment Lelouch could acquire enough power and take her Code from her, so she could die. That’s why she saved his ass a lot in R1 and perhaps at the very beginning of R2. Her wishes and her intentions morph very slowly, and at one point, perhaps even blended together -- half still wanted to die, the other half was slowly empathizing and caring for Lelouch.
But yes, none can deny that she stayed with him from start to finish.
C.C. could have left after Charles & Marianne died, and I don’t think Lelouch would have blamed her if she did -- considering it was obvious that he couldn’t fulfill his end of the contract anymore. But she stayed. She stayed and helped, and kept her promise to stay with him to the very end.
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Lelouch & C.C.’s Age Gap
I hate it that people come at c.c.'s age and that she witness lelouch grow up like, is her immortality her fault? Like people are okay for male characters of 123456790 age falling for main girls in dramas or some animes for example but not okay if its c.c. lol
Lelouch & C.C.’s bizarre age-gap is literally not any different from an age-old vampire or any other immortal falling in-love with a human.
I can certainly point out plenty of stories that half this same massive age-gap, and its fans still love it. 
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Last week I mistakenly wrote “episode 41″ instead of “episode 40.” Tried to fix it, not sure if Tumblr let me. Here’s the real episode 41!
We’ve been on a pretty darn good streak lately, but this episode was a miss for me. It’s not terrible - it’s still far and away better than much of what we were getting in the past - so I don’t want to be harsh. It’s a much needed Yamato & Takeru centric episode, which I was excited for.
But one of the weaknesses in this reboot is that the characters just lack the strong motivations and inner conflict that drove the 99 Adventure series. It’s not completely absent, but it’s very dialed back by comparison. So I just couldn’t really feel the brotherly bond this episode wanted me to feel. But more below the cut.
Pic of the week:
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Yamato and his gentle face <3
The group is taking another break. I will never get bored of watching them just chill.
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Gomamon gives Jou a massage. On the one hand, cute! On the other, wtf? XD I mean wouldn’t that hurt? He has claws
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Cutest siblings.
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Even though they’re taking a break, Taichi, of course, is too responsible to properly goof off. (99 Taichi would be so freaked out by this kid.) He decides to go scouting and Koushirou offers to go with him. I really hoped we’d see a bit of what they do this episode scattered through the main story, but looks like we’ll get to it next week and I can’tttt waaaaitttt
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Speaking of the main story, Yamato and Takeru decide to go gather food.
Who even knows what the other four get up to. Jou and Mimi continuing their break makes sense, but I’m kinda surprised Hikari and Sora didn’t want to join one of the tasks, or do their own. I suppose they know they can’t leave Jou and Mimi unsupervised though hurr hurr
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So Takeru and Yamato go to look for food and find themselves surrounded by fog. Suddenly this little guy, Opossomon, pops out. I instantly hate him and his annoying squeaky voice.
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Opossomon takes them to his amusement park. He is sad because nobody comes to visit anymore. I figured Takeru would be like AMUSEMENT PARK AMUSEMENT PARK!! but literally all he cares about is “aw, opossomon seems sad, let’s give him what he wants.”
Whoever heard of a kid who wasn’t excited by amusement parks.
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Takeru does get a little excited once they enter the park and start going on rides. They get on the ferris wheel - a classic Digimon motif - and the brothers recall going to a theme park with their parents before the divorce. Takeru reminisces happily, but Yamato seems a bit more reserved.
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Takeru: Oniichan was scared of the haunted house and wouldn’t go in?
Gabumon: o_O y-you were??
Yamato: o/////////o
seriously Idk, I just love that he’s bothered by ghosts, bahahaha - pretty sure that wasn’t a thing till Tri, unless it happened in a CD drama or novel or something. Anyway it’s just, it’s just so perfect for Yamato, bahahaha
I am absolutely going to write a ficlet about Taichi, Yamato, & the haunted house now
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Then there’s this weird bit. They come across a merry-go-round and they remember that, on their family trip, Takeru tried to go on it with Yamato, but Yamato said no and Takeru went with their mom instead. That seems to be the situation but IT’S NEVER EXPLAINED. Why did Yamato not want to go on the merry go round then?? Was there a reason? Or he just didn’t want to at the time, and the reason he regrets it now is because this turned out to be their last family trip and there was never another chance to go on the merry go round together after that? I could totally accept that but it’s not explained in any way.
Unless I totally zoned out... I’m pretty guilty of that with this show lol.
But this is the kind of thing that bugs me... we’re supposed to understand that Yamato, at least, is feeling some kind of melancholy, at least. But we have so little background for it. We know Yamato and Takeru don’t live together and that they care a lot about each other. But we don’t feel the kind of bitterness 99 Yamato had, nor is Takeru anything like as clingy as his 99 version. They seem pretty well adjusted.
And, I mean, that’s probably the point. Plenty of children of divorce are perfectly well adjusted. Maybe that’s the reason the producers didn’t want to be as heavy-handed with the trauma this time - there’s more divorced families than ever and you don’t want to be guilty of suggesting all those kids are messed up because of it. I’m on board with that. But even in 99, the main reason Yamato and Takeru struggled wasn’t because their parents were divorced - it was because the divorced separated them from each other as well. Each parent took one kid. You can see how that would seem practical, except that kids aren’t furniture, you can’t just divide them evenly and call it fair.
So... yeah. This episode seems to want us to believe Yamato and Takeru are indeed struggling over being separated. But it’s so low key. It just doesn’t make sense when in every other interaction they’ve had, they’ve been fine. The only previous sign was Yamato being worried about protecting Takeru when Tokyo was in danger, and anyone would be worried in that situation - you don’t need to be from a divorced family for that lol.
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Back to busness - they come across... Xiaomon? Chowmon? who is annoyingly cute and helpless. Turns out, shock! The theme park is a trap! Opossomon is evil!
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And he has evil balloons! Evil balloons!
Yamato and Takeru fight the balloons but somehow end up creating more fog and get separated. Previously they’d also realized that their Digivice communication wasn’t working, probably due to the fog. I hope we see more of that in future episodes.
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Yamato hears Takeru’s voice coming from within the dreaded haunted house and ventures inside.
Here’s another bit that just left me like uggggh. Yamato is scared of haunted houses, so make it a big deal that he makes himself go in for Takeru! He has like one timid line about and that’s it. There’s no challenge here. There’s no stress. The whole encounter is like a minute long.
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He quickly finds out the voice was actually just a mimic coming from these Takeru balloons.
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And then Bakemon attacks.
Me: Now something interesting will happen, right??
Yamato: Nope.
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Meanwhile, Takeru hears the story about how Opossomon has been luring Digimon into his theme park and then sacrificing them to his Monzaemon statue thing in another weird example of this Digimon-eat-Digimon world we’re in Why Opossomon is doing this, or where Monzaemon came from, is never explained.
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Takeru also encounters his dreaded theme park ride, the roller coaster. But Pegasusmon takes care of it in a single attack lol.
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He fights his hardest but still can’t prevent his new friend from getting sucked into the void. This was another place where they could’ve stressed Takeru out, but he’s fine.
Ugh, I miss crybaby Takeru. The victories are more powerful when the challenges are steeper, what does this show not get about that?
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Monzaemon then becomes WaruMonzaemon, but he seems to be a mindless puppet ordered around by Opossomon. I DON’T GET IT BUT OKAY.
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Now Takeru does something really cool! He wants to save the trapped Digimon and he understands they’re inside WaruMonzaemon’s hole. So he willingly goes in himself!
That is SO COOL! Why isn’t it a bigger deal???
Why don’t we get Takeru struggling to muster his courage?
Why don’t we get real fear and worry from Yamato when he sees him go inside??
Yamato runs up right at that moment just in time to watch his brother get swallowed up. HE SHOULD BE OUT OF HIS MIND WITH PANIC.
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But he just fights normally. Shouts Takeur’s name, gets a bit of a power boost... that’s it.
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Inside WaruMonzaemon, Takeru finds out that the trapped Digimon are having their life energy sucked away by the balloons connected to them.
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Then he and Patamon also realize their own energy is draining away thanks to their own balloons.
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Yamato finally looks properly concerned, though it’s still like... not at the level the episode needs.
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He recalls the family theme park outing again, and apparently he promised Takeru that the next time, they would go on the merry-go-round together. The episode treats this promise like it’s a Big Deal, again without explaining anything like they never got that next time thanks to the divorce, or they’re so lonely being so far apart, or Yamato is obsessed with giving Takeru everything he wants... I don’t. I don’t get it. I can’t be moved by this nonsense.
why a merry go round? Maybe there’s a good reason I’m not thinking of, but I wish it had been the haunted house or the roller coaster. It would make more sense if Takeru were scared of the roller coaster and only wanted to try it if Yamato went with him, but Yamato at the time said no, and thus Takeru didn’t get over his fear and the roller coaster itself played a role in this episode both towards Takeru getting stronger and their brotherly bond getting stronger...
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Inside WaruMonzaemon, Takeru gives a speech about HOPE and HOPE IS IMPORTANT and WE MUST NOT LOSE HOPE and the other Digimon are like YES WE HAVE HOPE HERE’S OUR POWER and are able to channel their life energy into Patamon so he can evolve...
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... and Angemon appears. And I’m like, oh yeah, this is the Takeru episode. It’s supposed to be his episode. IT DOESN’T FEEL LIKE IT. If anything, up till this point it feels like a Yamato episode.
I mean, in the other episodes, the kids’ Crest traits mattered to various degrees. Sometimes they talked about it in words, sometimes they didn’t so much, but you could see the trait at play (uh, not sure how well that applies to Jou’s case tho...? lol). This episode gets to the very end and is like “Oh yeah by the way Takeru’s trait is hope... forgot to mention it before so lemme mention it ten times in a row now!”
If Takeru had seemed sad, scared, upset - literally any negative emotion - this would have worked, BUT AS USUAL HE’S FINE THE WHOLE TIME.
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Angemon wins, duh.
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And apparently it’s evening now??? They’re still gonna go get food. By the time they get back the other kids are gonna be like wtf where were you we are STARVING
So yeah, I guess you get the idea of how I feel about this episode. Just nothing special. It’s like a summary of the episode it wanted to be, if you know what I mean. On paper, everything looks fine, but in execution, it’s just... a lot of nothing. I mean compare this to 99 Takeru with DemiDevimon at the theme park. Or how about that fan favorite episode with Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon? Those both kick this out of the water, despite being no more complex.
I just so want this show to understand.... what made 99 Digimon good wasn’t just the monsters and the battle scenes, it was the kids’ relatable flaws and problems and the surprisingly organic way they learned new things and overcame obstacles. Digimon Adventure in 1999 had a way of teaching without preaching that is incredibly rare in children’s media. The modus operandi was pretty much let the kids be kids.
This 2020 reboot is not preachy - but it’s also lacking the stuff that made the 99 show relatable.
However. This wasn’t a terrible episode. At least it gave us some face time between the brothers. I’m frustrated, but I’m still glad that the show has overall been moving in a much more Digimon Adventure-like direction. And who knows what will happen in the end - I plan to rewatch the whole thing after the finale and maybe I’ll discover they were doing something totally different with Yamato and Takeru the whole time that I just didn’t notice, or that wasn’t clear until the very end. We’ll see.
Next week!
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My favorite Digimon, Raremon, appears!
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like I’m sooooo psyched for this!! I hope it’s good but I’ll just be happy to see the two of them working together. Taichi didn’t appear in the preview though, only MetalGreymon - not sure if that means anything. Regardless, my little Taishiro heart is pounding!
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what do you think of bakugou and endeavor redemption arcs?
I feel like bnha is always on the precipice of like. Touching on some REAL stuff but it always backs out at the last moment.
First of all im a big hater of both characters so expect a biased opinion here (lol). But i do think they are “good characters” as in they are interesting and pertinent to the plot, complex etc. bleh. bleh bleh. but the way their arcs are written.... lots of things rly dont sit right with me 
**Fair warning i dont have the english skills to phrase this whole thing better.
1. Bkg first. I remember when bkg took the hit for deku i made fun of the whole thing bc OFCC thats how we r going to “redemp” him. Which in one hand ok, it does stay true to bkgs character bc he literally cannot communicate his feelings to save his life, hes more of an action guy. But also i really do think the buildup for that moment can be pushed more. And im not even gonna blame bkgs character entirely here bc he IS an established stubborn ass with the communication skills of a tadpole etc etc. what im gonna blame is the way horikoshi never lets deku even TOUCH on the bullying he’s endured before UA. Its literally never been discussed. Like the only time it IS brought up is the flashback we get right before bkg sacrificed himself. But deku, instead, never got the chance to process any of it. And i think thats my main problem with the whole bkg thing (and ofc there is a vindictive part where i feel like bkg hasnt got enough “repercussions” for it, which may be arguable, but thats a whole different ballpark).
i especially think bkg should apologize outright/address what he’s done to deku, but if horikoshi wants to drag that speech out (and thats if the speech will ever happen in the first place) i can accept that. BUT. to me. It has to be equal... as in deku should be allowed to address that too.
I get that deku is a virtuous main character who will supposedly forgive kacchan no matter what or whatever. And fuck it you know what, thats okay. But im begging let deku at least process it in some way. Bc the thing about deku’s character is whenever he gets angry, its always on behalf of someone else’s and not himself.
Which, again, is a virtue. But i also think the author tapping out on the whole bullying issue is kinda a coward move. Even when deku dukes it out with bkg its always about “im gonna get stronger and be number one kacchan!!111” and not “man you irreparably damaged my entire childhood and told me to [redacted] myself.”
literally the whole bullying nuance is casted out and replaced immediately with some boys will be boys rivalry. Which, really, just looks like the author taking the easy way out to me.
I can see how much both characters have grown, tho, and its clear that they care about each other. but the development is really :/ it leaves much to be desired wtf. 
I’m not satisfied w bkg’s redemption arc thingy but i dont expect anything better either. I think if i were to reread bnha from the beginning i can have a clearer perspective on the whole thing, but i dont really feel the incentive for that bc it simply doesnt compel me enough to do so LOL.
If its worth anything, i dont really hate bkg anymore. only sometimes lmfao
2. End*avor. Ugh.
Ok. I love family drama its like crack to me. the whole dabi thing had me yelling forreal. And todoroki fam has like some of my most favorite characters in the whole series.
I dont even wanna discuss end*avors character... like honestly, the ones that shine the most in end*avor redemption arc are the other family members and not end*avor himself. Which on one hand i appreciate but also i might be biased? But im really <3 over how we get todoroki rei’s character development from this arc. Not only is rei’s arc cathartic as hell but its also very, very encouraging to see a character stands over her ab*ser like that after suffering for so long. I cant express how much i love that. And fuyumi and natsuo? Insanity. I esp love how fuyumi’s efforts get the appreciation they deserve.
And i liked the surprise where dabi rained on end*avor’s parade right after end*avor thought he could actually redeem himself. Ok im not gonna sugarcoat it i just liked to watch dabi fucked him over, it was a standing applause eureka moment for me.
Honestly i think the whole concept is really delicious, like the son of the number 1 hero is a villain thing, heroes arent saints, etc etc etc. like that is so sexi so dramatic so soap opera literal superhero telenovela and i loved it a lot. Like i really enjoyed reading the whole thing. so like. i am entertained.
Do i feel like end*avor has redeemed himself? Mm NO <3. I appreciate the details that he himself thinks that he is unforgivable (blehh) and he DID suffer which was nice to watch, personally. but its not enough and it will never be <3 
im not sure if i think this way bc i just think what he did is irredeemable or bc the storytelling sucked OR BOTH <3. And i still do feel bnha did that thing where it backed out at the last moment with end*avor’s arc.... like it was touching it but it still didnt want to get its hands dirty, you know? Like what stance is it taking, really? It just never goes all out. 
i think some details about this arc also irk me...... like why does the rest family got to shoulder the burden of his fuck ups? <3 die <3 like this part annoys me so much. and seeing how he got to be comforted after everything he’s done.................................................... i cant even say how much that just ... pisses tf out of me <3 haha
like thats the thing. i feel like both characters (bkg n end*avor) are still coddled despite everything.
im fully aware im biased tho. and no i will not change
leaving that clownery aside, i didnt expect bnha to take this direction, so like. ..Applause i suppose :/. The recent arcs have been a pleasant surprise in some part and i will still be following its developments. i do genuinely think both characters are interesting btw i just kinda hate them lmfaooo. 
honestly, what i do. is just to keep low standards 🙌
TLDR I dont rly feel like either characters have redeemed themselves and i feel some disappointments over their respective arcs but i like the development n direction that the story is taking overall.
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unironicduncanstan · 4 years
so ,,, i used to collect littlest pet shop (mostly the 1st and 2nd gen ones bc yall i am old) and theyre long gone now but. these are some of the lps i remember playing with and giving distinct personalities growing up. most of them didnt have names at all so im just referring to them with numbers and pictures. also warning it gets pretty Dark bc weird kid culture but here we go;;;
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the first is #11 and #86. they were my absolute FAVORITES, a mother and daughter duo, a lot of their stories revolved around the kitten getting lost and the mom having to get to her, or the kitten dying and the mom having a mental breakdown. 11 mostly acted as a single mom but sometimes id cycle out different potential dads, usually the dog lps bc i did Not care abt the actual scientific lack of interspecial breeding possibilities
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#25. a basic white picket fence ass dude, really common choice as the ‘dad’ in the above situation, he also was not immune to being ‘killed off’ for angst. was also cheated on a couple times by 11 (THOSE WERE AUS THO,,, DONT CANCEL HER ITS OK TO KEEP STANNING)
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#200. she was #11s best friend, I think her name might have been hannah??? anyways if the mom and dad were killed off sometimes she’d “adopt” #86. but usually only after #86 fell into the custody of a terribly neglectful parent for a while and had to be rescued bc again, in my gay neurodivergent little brain peace was never an option
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#487. another love interest for #11, usually competed with #25 in an almost edward vs jacob type battle of cool brooding boy and average mcfamily man. he was a big fav
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#672. number #487s sister! usually either helped him get #11 like a wingman, or i’d flip the cards and make her manipulative and sabotage 11 bc she didnt think she was good enough for her brother. the personality switches id give characters were rly like. getting the bad ending in a video game,
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#44. YET ANOTHER,, LOVE INTEREST FOR THAT ONE CAT,,,, but it was one sided and he always lost. poor friend zone ass simp im sorry man idk why you deserved that 😔 i think sometimes though id pair him with #200/hannah at the end. cant get the girl date her best friend idk i was 8 my morals were not always applicable to the adult situations i created
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#14. SO I,,,, i ended up with three of these. and in the end i made them triplets that performed for the circus and were unhappy in their life of exploitation. i think sometimes they would. form a sui pact to escape their torment.
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Groovy goat / unnumbered. I remember she was spanish to me but spoke mostly english, this decision was made bc i was an extremely white american child, and she was almost always involved somehow in a story bc she was my favorite design ever. anyways she usually was a model that would give a struggling lps a ‘makeover’ like that one scene in any dramatic disney live action film ever made
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#464. another fav bc of her design omg. she was like a little sweetheart and would often play the role of ‘baby’ for any species i didnt already have designated ‘babies’ for. BUT, when i’d play with the other hamsters (we’ll get 2 them in a sec), i made them all the same age and theyd all crush on her at the same time lmao the DRAMA
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#34, #35, #36. they were brothers and in order from left to right;;; biggest brother and a leader+positive role model, then the punkish middle brother that didnt like to listen and would often get them all in trouble, then the youngest nerdy brother that was naive and soft and did w/e he was told. they stuck together thru all their antics, except when #464 was involved, then theyd have a classic ‘fighting over a girl then realizing thats ridiculous’ arc. rly loved these guys cuz i always wanted a hamster so id pretend they were real animals sometimes too loL
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#693. i got thsi in a mcdonalds happy meal but anyways she was a princess/queen/whatever and was very spoiled royalty. probably tried to behead some of the other lps idk. all she wanted was drama and money
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#112. punk boy,,, usually paired with one of the ‘popular’ girls,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oh my god did i government assign this dog duncan kin b4 td even existed yet
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#48, #79 #42. !! HUGE FUCKEN BITCH ALERT !! (popular girls trio lol), i think a couple times i like, aged down #11 and got rid of the kitten for a ~highschool au~ where these girls bullied her but she ofc ended up stealing the middle ones man. and then other times i just paired the middle girl with #112 in a genuine ‘opposites attract’ ship . where were u guys when i was making duncney lps a thing tbh
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#59. i love this guy but he was just an eccentric dork and mostly used for comedic effect
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#43. love interest for #59 that he goofily fawned over till he eventually got the girl at the end of every story bc i loved cliches
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#673. usually a mysterious adventurous girl from out of town that meets the mains in my story and befriends them/helps them out. also a close friend of the groovy goat character
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“Paws off diary” Bull Terrier. ok this ones weird but he came in this lil electronic diary right (you can google how it looks to see what i mean) and there was this like, plastic bubble on top that he came in and you could stick him or any other lps in there and shut it securely cuz it was a diary so i. used it as like. a prison almost where id trap lps and the other characters had to ‘save’ them like they were rescuing a princess from a tower or smth. but it was usually just this lil guy. also he was given a name but i was kinda cheating skjdfsdf it was, “Max” bc that was always his name in the commercials for the diary--
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#646 and #647, twin orphans separated at birth. did a lot of princess and the pauper esque ‘long lost siblings from different worlds’ reunion stories with these two
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#94. so this one came with a head bandage and a little medical looking case to carry them in. i used the carry case as like an ‘ambulance’ or med helicopter to put ‘sick’ pets in and carry them to the hospital, and this pet had chronic illness so they were always the roommate patient at the lps hospital.
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#10 and #142, the goldfish couldnt be taken out of the bowl if i remember correctly so. he felt sad and isolated but the seahorse was his best friend who was able to go anywhere so id stick him in the bowl with him a lot to hang out n make him feel better. solidarity
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#463. i LOVED her design, so i used her a lot as just a friend to whoever i was playing with. she was also one of the bigger birds so shes the only one i remember really utilizing as a ‘this character can literally fly’ plot device. she also might have been magic i dont remember. ik whenever i did the circus story she was always in it
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#37, #38 and #39. i lost the ‘girl’ one early on, like completely lost it and never found it again so idk what happened to it. so the story was the other two were brothers in a constant search for their long lost sister. sometimes id either have another lps be their sister or make a ‘found family’ trope out of somebody
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#331. i had two of these and they come with little hats but i lost one of the hats so. evil twin story babey the regular one was a nice old pirate guy but the one with the hat was evil and nobody could ever tell the difference
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karinyosa · 3 years
For the character thing: Phineas :)
How I feel about this character
aaaaa it is my boy!!! i will gladly do finny the love of my life (platonic) my boy my absolute little guy of 4+ years. what a gift what a day. i can’t believe how much older i am than him now. it’s only about a year tbh (he turned 17 over the course of the book i think) and i turned 18 a few months ago but. golly!!!!!!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
gene, naturally :) the book doesn’t have many characters you *can* ship, but i’m a multishipper and am down for any ship involving the main 4 conceptually, and probably would be down for others too if you explained them to me. nothing will ever top gene and finny in terms of asp for me, but i feel like the asp characters’ dynamics in particular are really interesting to switch around and explore. love the idea of brinker as everyone’s bitter ex, and i think leper ships are very sweet and underrated
My non-romantic OTP for this character
honestly??? finny and his sister but make it mlm wlw solidarity. i hc her as a lesbian because i can. we really don’t know anything about their relationship canonically, but i like to think of it as very caring and playful. i like to think she tries to care for him and make him feel at home in what little ways she can, even when away from home (which is another hc, i don’t think she lives w their parents) and i also think she gave finny his bike (it used to be hers)
My unpopular opinion about this character
hmmmm idk if i have many unpopular opinions so i’ll just list any i can think of on the spot. i think finny did like gene back (mildly controversial i guess?), finny is just as repressed about his sexuality as gene he just does it in a different way (the constant use of ultra platonic friend words as if to say “it’s DEFINITELY platonic the emotion i’m feeling is definitely a FRIEND thing”, his tendency to ignore the truth when it’s inconvenient, did you guys SEE how he handled the war and the tree thing??? maybe not AS repressed but like. it’s pretty bad guys. like yeah he’s more upfront about caring about gene but he’s like that with everyone and the beach confession sounds to me like someone who on some level KNOWS they love someone differently from everyone else but just can’t articulate the way in which it’s different), also i think people somewhat downplay how petty he can be like i don’t think he’d ever hold a grudge for long but he’s such a child do you remember how snarky and backhanded he and brinker were like maybe i’m playing it up in my head a bit but omfg
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. (spoilers lol)
obviously i kinda wish our boy had lived!!!!!!!! i wish he and gene could’ve talked and worked out their emotions and reconciled properly and healed on their own time. wish our boy could’ve said fuck without it being censored by john knowles and i also think he should have the rights to say fuck whenever he wants. wish we could’ve seen him do theatre. i know the drama and chorus/glee clubs would never take him but that would’ve been so fun to watch dkjsflk
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starcloaked · 4 years
Laurel: If you could write the books, what changes would you make?
okay it’d be a Lot of them.... i haven’t particularly thought it through too much but i think anyone could right the books better than the erins
okay first series additions.... make princess have a larger role. she does nothing but have babies and is there sometimes & i like her so she is a cool supportive big sister now. joining the clans would be lame but she could be the Voice of Reason w all the stupid clan rules and give her brother advice
umm make redtail b alive longer so his death isn’t just a random plot device. introduce rusty to the clans and have everything be peachy for even like a day before his murder where he gets a taste of the danger that all of them r constantly in. more impact
this is going to sound crazy but hear me out okay. i want sandstorm to take the role of graystripe and be fire’s pal from day one. she could still have the ‘lol ur weak lmao <3’ thing but whitestorm is a good mentor and she warms up to him quicker. make More conflict with gray and darkstripe being half brothers and have him be friends with dustpaw instead. he uses jokes to mask his own feelings but internal,y he is conflicted over wanting to be friends with firestar or disappointing his clique of clanmates
okay okay hear me out but silverstream & sandstorm. they r dating !! sandstorm doesn’t have any canonical parents here so she leaves for riverclan with her and they have a litter with the help of some guy idk. silverstream still dies in childbirth and sandstorm, wracked with grief eventually leaves the clans with her kits when tensions with thunderclan start to get high. stay with me here but she eventually joins bloodclan w her kits because that would make feather and storm a Lot more interesting
uhh back at home bluestar should have a closer bond with tigerstar. remember her taking in whitekit n stuff? do That with bluestar and just have her like kits a lot. would make more cents with the oak heart stuff idk!! they are pals but he is evil so on and so forth
i like ravenpaw for the most part but he should be the main one who pulls graystripe from his clique bc fire is kinda out of touch when it comes to serious emotion. he leaves afterward and the two bond <3 i don’t really have any idea of who fire should be mates with here to be honest but either sand Or gray is cool. wait a second if sandstorm graystripe can she be mates with millie?? never thought of that before it’s cute. she can still be the surrogate mother of leaf & squirrel too
OH scourge. to be honest i never really found the appeal of having the brother revelation not being known by either fire or him sooo. up the tensions a little here!! scourge should live ofc by idk maybe princess stops fire from killing him?? something like That and here’s my great idea guys instead of having poor barley be alive at the end of graystripes vow make it scourge. just some crusty old man telling warriors cats roleplayers stories of old and really wishing he were a ghost rn
neeew prophecy uhh . uhhhhhh feather and storm move back to riverclan and have Cool backstory now yahoo!! squirrelflight lesbian i like her and tawnypelt together <3 nightleaf cannon make her sad cause she has stupid crowfeather as a mate and run away w leafpool. she has the kits (we r going to Ignore the fact that they would all be black furred because of reincarnation bullshit) and so on. um i don’t know how to fix the mess that is brambleclaw but honestly i think he should keep his characterization from the first book and just be Some Guy like brackenfur or whatever. squirrelflight is like his sister in law so his later descent into Bad territory still has the weird power balance nepotism thing + he can still be alder and sparks dad
assfur?? keep him the same ig people seem to like the fire scene but make him a lot more of a loser. cinderholly cannon umm lionblaze has a more interesting character arc where he struggles with his powers leaving him a possible danger to others. make jayfeather hate him and other disabled warriors less dear god and have him decide to be a med on his own after training under brightheart for a while. night and leaf can have a messy breakup and get back together in starclan (as a treat ❤️) and breezepelt has parent drama because neither of his parents truly love one another and are still caught up on lovers from the past. make him regret his actions more and give him a proper redemption arc pwease thank youuu
my brain is pretty fried rn but that’s like.., all i’ve got for ideas atm so there u go!! uh last additions rootshadow real have briss look more like hawkfrost to tie into brambles trust in her and you know what give that bitch rabies and then have him be possessed. good night
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writingpuddle · 4 years
Hi hi hi so excited to see you updated! Was wondering if you could give me a brief refresh of Andrew and neils relationship in this series.. I remember the main plot points but I know I’m forgetting little things like if they had a deal I cannot remember what deal they’d struck etc - little things to put the characters back in the plot if you can - thank you!!
absolutely i can. spoilers below the cut
alright so we open up w neil at like, sixteen years old, and he’s already lost his mom and is chilling out in columbia being hella depressed running on the track team and mooning over exy from a distance. then he shows up to the changeroom after practice one day, and that sketchy exy goalkeeper is arguing with some loser from his team, and neils just ignoring it but THEN sketchy exy goalkeeper pulls a knife on this loser and neil interferes and manages to surprise disarm andrew
so obvi sketchy goalkeeper andrew is VERY intrigued by this mysterious junior and endeavours to corner him later and threaten him, which only makes it even WEIRDER because neil is like, oddly chill with being threatened with a knife. so neil is just planning to dip, because all this is very much a lot, but andrew catches up to him just before he skips town and offers him a deal that andrew will keep neils secrets in exchange for neil teaching him how to use knives.
after some agonizing, neil agrees to this deal on the condition that andrew tell him why he wants to learn how to fight, which leads to andrew telling him a little about his relationship with aaron.
so they carry on like this for a while and the conflicts keep escalating and andrew keeps showing up in the nick of time to save neils bacon (and also developing mad feelings, because duh). eventually the same loser from the changeroom fight ends up attacking neil because neil called him out on his shit and also sets fire to the school. there is much drama. in the fallout neil is trying to leave and andrew breaks and kisses him.
so neil is a bit stunned, but he sticks around and over the next week or so he decides he is definitely into this kissing thing and they become a thing. however, neil decides to renegotiate their deal on the reasoning that andrew is pretty good with knives at this point, and eventually andrew caves and agrees to relinquish his protection of neil on the condition that neil move into the house with the cousins for safety. neil reluctantly accepts this condition and they make a new deal, which is that neil will continue to spar with andrew in exchange for exy lessons.
so like, shits cute and happy for a while, and aaron kinda despises neil but nicky is just like. alright. third child. amazing, and basically imprints on neil. andrew and neil are still pretending that theyre not essentially just a married couple, but thats alright cuz theyre like. seventeen at this point.
then flatline happens, and riko kidnaps neil, and STRICTLY speaking andrew has no “deal” in place to go rescue neil, but uh. the idiot is clearly stupid in love and so he decides to go anyway, but plot plot blah blah plot andrew gets arrested and medicated and can’t come after neil.
cue a year and a half of hopeless pining at a distance, while simultaneously 100% denying pining is happening. andrew starts hooking up with roland on the side (its not like he and neil were dating or anything, whatever) and neil at one point tries to hook up with one of the ravens, but ends up bailing on it because kissing is yucky. kevin gets his hand broken and shows up at the foxes and andrew is very hostile for a while (because neil), but eventually caves to kevins offers of a deal (the standard one). meanwhile neil is getting highkey tortured on the reg and andrew is getting increasingly mad about what he’s hearing out of the nest, and well...the rests history
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