#all of mischas kisses are like that
fbfh · 1 year
YES!!!!!!!!! YES I FUCKING DO!!!!!!!!! GOD I LOVE MISCHA. I've been avoiding this and repressing my feelings for him for too long. they're all gushing out in fits of rage and passion that could rival Mischa himself. Mischa is the type of boyfriend that's so overly dramatic with his affection and head spinningly passionate with you all the time that he actually makes your friends jealous. he loves showing your love shamelessly to the world and he loves intimate private moments with you. when you take him to parties as your date (which is every time you get invited to one) there's a 100% chance he'll drag you away upstairs or into a closet or kitchen or literally anywhere away from the crowd to kiss you until you're absolutely dizzy (which doesn't take much effort from him, he's very good at making you all whipped and flustered for him. his talents include music and wrapping you around his finger) and every time you come back from these secluded makeout sessions where he just can't live another moment without tasting you, without making you feel the depth of his love for you, all your friends can see how flustered you are. no matter how well you hide it, they can see how flustered you are, they can see the way you're weak at the knees and the obscene amout of hickeys starting to show up all over you. they see the way he looks at you and wish their frat bro or finance bro boyfriends were hot passionate ukrainian men with beautiful hair and fire in their eyes. if you wear lipstick, Mischa will never wipe it off. you know those shirts and hoodies people make for their s/os that are covered in lipstick kisses?? Mischa makes sure all his shirts have at least one kiss from you on the collar or somewhere. he has you kiss a handkerchief and spray it with your perfume, and when you're apart, he kisses it throughout the day when he misses you. he kisses right on your lipstick mark, taking in your heavenly scent, and for a moment it's like he's kissing you again. nothing can replace the real thing though, and he won't hesitate to make up for lost time when you're back in his strong arms again.
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l0ve-sicc · 2 years
all the songs (except sugar cloud) are mostly pre choreographed, but they still do seem to have control over their actions which means there r two options here, a: noel and mischa just chose to absolutely go at it in the middle of this batshit song, or b: karnak choreographed them to kiss like a little kid mashing their dolls' faces together.... and those are both so incredibly funny
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fixedteacup · 8 months
I think there's an argument to be made that Will and Hannibal have directly opposing concepts of love. Especially in season 1, Will treats romantic love as something that would make him sane, help him regain control over his life, sort of anchor him if you will. That's why he kisses Alana in Fromage. And it's because of the same reasons that he's being denied his desire for romantic love here; Alana rejects him because he's not mentally stable. In a way, he's being told here that love not only "heals" you but that it's something for the sane – and not for the "troubled" like him. This is also why Will later keeps his current "happy" marriage separate from his complicated past with Hannibal. Because love is not supposed to get messy.
But to Hannibal, love is messy. The only time he's loved someone before caused him nothing but pain. Mischa's death traumatized him. And the love he had for her and all the pain that came of it changed him forever. To him, love does not heal, it destroys. Where Will perceives love as change for the better, Hannibal can only see it as change for the worse. Because it's the one thing with the ability to hurt him (or to "influence" him as they put it in Secondo) – love is an uncontrollable force, it's inherently messy.
And if you interpret their concepts of love like that, it's interesting that they both deny themselves love but for different reasons; Hannibal fears love because he is scared of getting hurt again and Will (for a long time at least) does not allow himself to experience love because he's convinced it's not for him.
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loveundrwrld · 2 months
yandere alphabet- yandere femboy
template i used can be found here
(cws: blackmail, violence mention, very unhealthy relationship dynamic, stalking)
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
he can be very smothering with his affection, very touchy and clingy. he likes to hug your arm or hold your hand, rest his head on you, and cover your face with light kisses. but, with his verbal affection- he’s more sugary sweet than he is passionate or intense.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
mischa is not the violent type, nor is he really able to fight anyone... sorry reader, but he's not willing at all to get his hands dirty. both since he wouldn't know how to fight, but also since he thinks of himself as being better than people who use violence on others. he thinks of himself as a normal person, who doesn't need to lower himself to such things... despite everything else that he does. he’d also be deeply unnerved and scared in any situation in which physical violence is involved, for both your sake and his own.
in the right circumstances though, he may blackmail someone, manipulate someone, or lie to ruins someone’s reputation… but that’s mostly if he feels threatened by a romantic rival.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
mischa is a little sadistic in the emotional sense, but he's more likely to tease you or to poke at your issues while pretending to be innocent. he’s more trying to get a reaction out of you than to actually hurt your feelings though.
he has a general sense of when he’s gone way too far in his teasing of you, and he’ll ease up on that sort of thing for a bit if so. and, naturally, turn up the affection towards you to distract and comfort you.
generally speaking, he’s very clingy, needy, and affectionate- he spends a lot of time around you. just about as much as he can get away with, really.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
yes- kissing and cuddling. he'd be pouty if his darling refused his affection, and would try to act upset so that you would feel bad enough to let him kiss you. he can be pushy and insistent on getting you to lower your boundaries… like allowing him to sleep in the same room as you, or letting him sit in you lap.
he’ll also make sure that you say things like “i love you” or call him pet names from time to time. after all, he does that to you, so why not return the favor?
he isn’t pushy about sex though, that for him is something he can easily do without. 
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
since part of his ideal relationship is to essentially act a certain role 24/7… he is not vulnerable to you in any real way, not at all.
even though he loves to put on crocodile tears and feign being hurt or insulted by things, he's actually not going to tell you about his real fears and insecurities. it may seem strange to you that he seems so open with some things, but also seems strangely cagey about others. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
if you physically attacked him, he'd be shocked and would probably be very offended. he doesn't see himself as being an actual threat to you, so this would be a betrayal in his eyes.
but if you just stood up for yourself verbally- he’d just pretend that you were being cruel or mean to him, in the hopes that you’ll think that you were overreacting. but, secretly he is pleasantly surprised and amused that you did- he finds it fun to mess around with you, seeing how long it takes for you to decide that enough is enough.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
seeing how you react to him, and how much he can push your boundaries before you react is very much a game to him. he's amused by seeing you squirm and sigh when you're overwhelmed.
seeing you try to spend less time with him or avoid him does upset him a little though. he does genuinely want to spend as much time as possible with you, after all.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
a darling who doesn’t do anything he asks, and is evasive, avoidant, and emotionally distant to him would also cause him to reach a certain reaction from him… where he feels he needs to step up what he’s doing to get any sort of fun out his darling. this is where he gets more emotionally sadistic, and risks angering you to just get a response out of you. maybe he should text your ex strange things, or maybe he’ll secretly let people know about some of the stuff you have that you thought was well hidden in his room… 
and, of course, he’ll be there for you while you’re scared, anxious, and confused… 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
he definitely wants to be married, to keep his darling by his side forever. he wants his darling to do a lot of the ‘hard parts’ of life for him, and let him live a very spoiled and pampered life. so, probably both cooking and cleaning, as well as things like taxes or yardwork…
although he would love to essentially be a cutesy trophy husband, he does know that to have the lifestyle he wants he’ll likely have to settle for both you and him having jobs. sadly </3
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
he does get jealous, both of platonic relationships (you getting attention in general) as well as any romantic partners... past or present.
if you had a longterm partner while you met him- he’d be very quick to try and ruin your relationship, and possibly try to decimate your partners reputation. he may pretend that your partner hit him to make you want to break up with them, or something similar.
when he gets jealous he doesn’t lash out in the typical way, but he lets out his frustration in strange ways. he’ll be a little passive aggressive when talking about the other person with you, subtly digging on them. “hm… they sure do chew very loudly, don’t they? that’d be very annoying to hear that on dates, wouldn’t it? just thinking.”
he’ll also be teasing you more, making you do all these favors for him to see you fret over him… it helps make him feel less stressed. after spending some time with you he can calm down. though, he’ll still try to manipulate situations so that you won’t spend so much time with that person anymore.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
he acts like a clingy and loving, but ditzy and sensitive boyfriend to you. he wants all of his strange behavior to come off as him being “needy” or something similar. it’s not that he’s breaking your boundaries, it’s that he’s sad and needs comfort.
essentially, he likes being seen as cute and innocent with people, and that extends to you too. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
generally using you for amusement and attention at first, just like he does with everyone else. then, he’ll essentially just… casually show up around you or text you more often. it’s less that he’s trying to convince you to date him, since he has a big ego and believes that you are lucky to have him. he just knows that forcing you to date him too soon could end up in you getting freaked out and ghosting him or something.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
yes, mischa is the type of yandere to fake his personality (see:kisses above.) he’s a manipulator and quite a bit selfish, but he acts cutesy and nice with others. 
the way he acts with his darling is just a more intense and focused version of how he used to treat everyone around him. to an extent he still acts that way around everyone too, he just pays significantly less attention to other people.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
he’d never admit to it being why he does it, but loudly crying around other people works well for this purpose. it gets his darling to be more nervous of repeating the same behavior in the future, while also guilt-tripping them…
also, while he wouldn't normally go to such extremes, see: hell above.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
much like with tanner he generally lets you do whatever you want, but is just... also there with you. or he drags you to wherever he wants you to go, but the only thing stopping you from leaving is social etiquette (and if you’d feel bad for him for being “upset” that you did that.)
he's not necessarily strict, but he is very manipulative. he doesn't really need to force you to not be around your close friends... he takes up so much attention and energy from you that you don't have time for most other people. and he can just convince you in other ways to spend less time with them.
if you are more of a naïve and/or a people pleasing type, he's very likely to successfully get his way in what he wants.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
he thinks of you being unwilling or resistant as amusing, basically. he isn’t the type to get all that angry at you, at worst he’ll be passive aggressive. but he does get impatient when he feels that he isn’t getting your full attention, so he’s quick to become more blatant with his efforts to manipulate you. 
and, he becomes less patient when he starts to feel jealous. he thinks of everyone else as ‘unworthy’ of your attention and thinks of himself as ‘worthy’ of it… it makes him irritated as he feels slighted from you not recognizing this like he does.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
he does actually love you, so this would be very hard for him.
if you died, he'd be in shock. he'd be depressed for a long time... he had never even thought that this was a possibility. he'd have a lot of difficulty pretending to be cheery and playful, and may never get over the loss.
if you escaped (as in, moved to a new city or something without warning) he’d scramble to try to follow their lead and try to find you. but, he doesn’t have a ton of resources and connections, so it would be very difficult for him. he would try very hard for a long time, though, as he does genuinely want you by his side again.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
despite doing things that are definitely illegal, mischa doesn’t think of himself as being a “criminal” and thinks of himself as being above such a thing. to him, stalking is only technically illegal, so he thinks of himself as being a normal person.
instead of abducting his darling in the typical sense, he’d rather just cling to them under more ‘normal’ circumstances. the closest extreme that i think he’d go to is showing up in your house and not leaving. he would feel pretty guilty if you're clearly terrified of him after that… after all, even if he messes with you his goal is never to make you think you are in any genuine danger. he'd just be more sweet and giving towards you for a while, hoping that will help you calm down and acclimate to the situation a bit.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
mischa grew up in a good family who loved him, but he did have some issues growing up.
his family immigrated from germany when he was relatively young. his parents became more busy with their jobs and had difficulties acclimating to the culture and language, which both often distracted them from spending time with him. he at the time also felt isolated from those around him, and wanted to cling more to his parents as a result. he's used to acting out for attention and getting rewarded for it, as his tired parents just wanted to give him what he wanted whenever he threw a tantrum.
he's never really faced any consequences for his actions and knows that he likely won't, so to him... if he wants you, why not have you?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
i think he'd be unnerved at a true breakdown, screaming or anything similar would make him feel a bit guilty and reflect on his actions. did he really do so much to make you snap like that? he'd be more cautious for a while, and may tread lightly around you for a bit. he'll keep a careful eye on you to assess why you’re having such a breakdown.
if it's just crying, he does feel a little guilty, but he’s much less worried. if anything, he sees this as an opportunity for him. he sees that as an opportunity to cuddle them and pretend to be the typical loving caring boyfriend- he's thinking this will likely make you feel more attached to him. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
it's not necessarily a moral thing, but as i said in blood above, he's not really going to hurt anyone physically, much less kill them. he also won't abduct the reader in the typical sense.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
mischa is short and physically weak, so it's not hard at all to intimidate him.
also, see: regret above… you aren’t being abducted and tied down, so in theory you do have the freedom to do whatever you want. if you are able to avoid him for a bit, you do have a lot of options available to you.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
nope! he's not the type to hurt his darling... not physically, at least. 
however, he can have some sadistic tendencies when it comes to teasing you or putting them in a situation that scares or bothers you (such as trying to trick a darling who's afraid of spiders into letting one crawl on them, sending the darling notes to make them know that they have a stalker to get them scared and paranoid... etc)
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
he doesn’t show it in the typical way as many yanderes would, but he does put you on a pedestal in his head. after all, he sees everyone around him as being ‘below’ you and being ‘unworthy’ of your time and attention.
he does smother you with high praise and compliments, and its coming from a real place as he really does find his darling attractive, sweet, kind, charming, etc.
but a significant reason for him doing so is for his own sake- he knows that his affections towards you, both verbally and physically, are going to make you more likely to fall for him. he’s definitely putting a concerted effort into winning you over… he’s certain that it will happen eventually, he just wants it to happen sooner rather than later.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
depends on what "snap" means in this context, since his behavior doesn't really suddenly escalate. he starts off strong and then there's a quick escalation, but there's no real point of him 'snapping' into something extreme.
but, if this just means 'general yandere behavior and manipulation'... it's not a very long time at all. once he realizes he's jealous of others getting your attention, he fairly quickly realizes how he's feeling and tries to get you to be around him more often. this probably takes a few weeks or so. then, he slowly escalates over a few months or so as he tries to see just how far he can take things. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
although he's not violent or extreme like the typical yandere, you are likely going to be mentally exhausted by his antics and being around him all the time. i think that in general he is the type of yandere that would very much wear you down over time until you get to a breaking point. 
so, you wouldn't break in the typical way this word is used for yandere stories- but you would very likely have an emotional breakdown after a while.
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thefandomchaos · 2 years
Sugar cloud is the one song they have the most free-will.
I know a lot of people already discussed this but I want to join into this trend. I don’t is 100% free will because they all still know a dance and went to move, this is still coordinated. But they are definitely more aware of what they are doing and their emotions/reactions. Heres why I believe all this…
1) Ricky gives Constance the microphone
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Ricky is giving her the option to sing, she isn’t being forced too or just started singing like the others, she is being physically handed a microphone by her friend. The others weren’t given one, the others sang because they had too, Constance was given the choice.
2) Simple choreography and no outfit changes
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The choreography is simple, this isn’t something extravagant like Jane’s Ballad where she is literally flying around, or Noel’s lament where theres a entire act being played, this is a simple easy choreography that you can learn in a moment. Also adding to this, they don’t change costumes at all like in the other dances. I know Ocean’s din’t have a outfit change either but is very obvious that they are being controlled. Noel completely changed into a dress, For Mischa’s Talia the girls are wearing long skirts and flower crowns, Ricky also changes into a entire cat costume and everyone else wears cat masks and tails. They don’t change for Sugar Cloud, this is them being themselves! Raw, honest, real them. They aren’t playing a role or character, this is the Choir being themselves.
3) Random dancing
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They are just randomly dancing, and this isn’t part of a act because you can see them genuinely interacting with each other and dancing like they would actually dance, this isn’t choreographed, this is the choir being themselves and having actual fun with each other.
4) They actually react to what’s happening around them
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Someone already pointed this out, but this is the most obvious moment to realize there is something different going on. Noel and Ricky actually react to the confetti, they din’t expect it, they din’t know it was going to happen, is this small moment that makes you realize they aren’t being fully controlled. We know they are conscious of what’s happening in the other dances, we see this after “What the world means” when Noel points out that Ocean just told her best friend that her only goal in life would be to be a organ donor, or after “Noel’s lament” where Constance points out Mischa and Noel kissing, and Mischa also reacting to it. But they couldn’t do anything, because they were being controlled. Here they aren’t fully.
Theres most moments but I feel like this are good points- and I thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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kaleidoscopiccc · 11 months
little things i loved about trinity theatre's production of rtc (because i love this cast more than life and am totally not biased) (Ferris wheel cast btw)
 Feral Ocean (she kept trying to fight literally everyone)
Jane and Constance my darlings
Karnak laughing at his own jokes
Mischa kissing both Noel and Ricky out-of-song just for the hell of it
Noel and Constance friendship
"Talia" was a woman randomly picked from the audience and they all sung and danced around her
Noel doing basically the whole show in heels
The extra cats in SABM
The parts of the script from 2016 (Ricky kept his disability!!!)
Jane giving Noel a hug after Noels Lament (they are so best friend coded istg)
All. Of. Their. Voices
Mischa had a mullet
The extra bits they added
The actors looked exactly what I imagine their respective characters look like in my head (POC Noel, curly haired Ocean, literally everything about Constance)
Jane making the doll clap after Ocean's speech
Just the doll in general
Ocean coming out with a little sombrero after Karnak mentions the song about affordable Mexican cuisine
Ricky playing the violin in Noel's Lament
Janes movements and eyes
Noel and Mischa cuddling after TNBS
Penny's dog is named Savannah
Ricky and Jane playing with the accordion and doll to make a rollercoaster after the Savannah scene
ESGAL kazoos
They changed the notes in Sugar Cloud to make it more fit for an altos range and I honestly liked it better than the og
Penny became a roller coaster engineer
Prop cameos in Penny's house
Jawbreaker and Sugar Cloud was surreal irl I will never shut up about how good Constance was
Virgil was just a projected video of a mouse eating cheese it was hilarious
Jane sung TBOJD while spinning on one of those the magicians boards
Constance had 2 party hats during TNBS, one on each space bun, she was adorable
Noel and Mischa started hyping Constance up after she punched Ocean
Noel and Ocean making up at the end
Ocean angrily sweeping the feathers from the boa after Noel's Lament
Noel was so sassy but supportive I love him
Jane disappearing behind the curtain after her entrance and Constance jump scaring her and everyone else when she opens it to see no one there… twice
Jane tying a ribbon around her neck then untying in the beginning and end Dream of Lifes
Ocean looked like that one character from over the garden wall with her party hat in TNBS
Constance crossing herself when Karnak brings up her virginity like Ocean
Ocean stealing the halo from Jane after the erection line
Ocean stretching and doing vocal warmups every time Constance tried to start the improv
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teacupwrites · 4 months
Quietest Girl In Town Epilogue
Pain. That was all you felt. Where were you? What was happening? Why couldn’t you see?
You tried to move, only to feel a deeper ache in your arms and back. A shaky breath slipped from your lips, and you gripped the tight sheets of where you lay. Wait, you were laying down in a bed.
There was a thin, slightly uncomfortable blanket covering your figure as you eased into the rickety mattress. So you had been asleep, was all of that just a dream? If that was the case, then why couldn’t you open your eyes?
Suddenly, your ears rang, to the point where it began to hurt. You winced in agony, but couldn’t move too much without causing your muscles to spasm out in pain.
Then, as the sound eased, you heard gentle, quiet footsteps. It felt as though the person who was coming towards you was trying to be quiet, as to not harm your fragile ears.
You hated that you couldn’t move, only observe. You were weak, and you despised it. 
“Y/n?...” a voice called, but it sounded so… far away. It sounded like it was from a completely different realm.
But it was familiar, and you wanted to find it. You reached out through the dark abyss, working through the tangles of agony and pain to try and find the voice. Then, as you did, you reached through.
You slowly peeked your eyes open, bright white lights blinding you and making you hiss and recoil in pain. It took you a moment, but you managed to slowly open your eyes.
Sitting above you was a girl, eyes bright green and hair dark and braided into pigtails. Her skin was a warm olive, her smile only making her appearance all the more friendly and welcoming.
Wait… you knew who she was.
“Penny?” you croaked, your throat screeching in pain as you tried to speak.
But despite it, you tried to talk again. But as you did, Penny leaned down and gently hushed you, running her hand along your forehead. From what you could tell, your head was wrapped, by bandages, most likely.
“You took quite the fall,” she replied, kneeling down beside your bed. “We all did, but you had it the worst.”
You had it the worst? So the accident did happen, the roller coaster really did crash. Had everyone lived? All your friends? Constance, Ricky, Noel, Ocean?...
You reached out, gently grabbed Penny’s hand, looking up at her with a pleading gaze.
“Mischa…” you whispered, voice hoarse. “Where’s Mischa?”
Penny almost laughed, gently planting a kiss upon your cheek, comforting you with a smile.
“Mischa is fine, but gods he was fretting about you forever,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. “God he sat by you for hours.”
You pursed your lips in delight, reaching out to beckon out to Penny. She took your gesture, helping you sit upright. As you looked down, you looked down at your figure. 
Most of your body was covered in bandages, a simple hospital gown adorned your figure, the cloth thin and leaving you slightly cold. You were horribly thinner than you last recalled, then again, you must’ve lost a lot of weight.
With a little bit of struggle, you were aided to your feet, only to nearly topple over onto Penny. Looking down again, you tried to observe what was wrong. It was your leg.
Your leg was broken, wrapped tightly in a cast. Geez, the accident must’ve totaled you much more than you had previously assumed.
You were snapped from your thoughts as your friend aided you, handing you a pair of crutches. Admittedly, you fumbled around a bit the first couple times you tried to use them, but with practice, you mastered using the crutches.
Penny then led you out of your hospital room, causing you to once again be blinded by the lights. She guided you along the hallways, taking you over to where you could get a change of clothes.
She helped dress you in a pastel yellow sweater, some sweatpants and comfy shoes. As she did so, she told you all of what you missed.
It had been six months since the accident, and almost everyone had healed from their wounds, and had been doing well. 
Though Penny displayed no memories of the strange after death you had experienced, you wondered if the others did. You wondered if Mischa remembered, specifically.
Days went by like years, as you were confined to the hospital till you could get up and move around without the aid of Penny. It took forever, but you slowly able to hobble around with your crutches.
Boy were you excited to see everyone, as Penny had informed you that they were unaware that you healed much faster than expected.
The first person you visited was Ricky, showing up at his house. You were unexpectedly greeted by his mother, who was delighted to see you okay, showering you in love before even letting you see Ricky.
He was equally excited, shaking hands signing to tell you that he did indeed remember the after death with Karnak, where he could talk and walk. But he was at peace now, and happy to know you were okay.
You had visited Noel next, where you were also nearly squeezed to death by his mother. Noel had apparently been taking French lessons, and was exceeding in the complex language. He had also joined the theater club, and was getting along well with the teacher.
Safe to say that he was taking advantage of his second chance at life, and he was enjoying it. He even had a date with a cute new boy in town. The two of you exchanged stories, before moving on to Ocean and Constance.
Ocean still wasn’t the biggest fan of her parents, and was hanging out with Connie at her parent’s bakery. The two had apparently bonded really well together, and were now actually best friends.
When you wobbled into the bakery, the two basically screamed and came forward to hug you. The two were practically in tears as they nearly squeezed you to death. The amount of joy that erupted from the two was overwhelming to say the least.
But the reunion was nice, and you were given plenty of baked goods before you moved on. 
When Penny had driven you up to Mischa’s home, she rambled on and on about how much he had been worrying about you. He had apparently spoken fondly of you, and visited you a bunch during your coma.
When you came up to his adoptive parent’s house, Penny for some reason insisted that she stay behind in the car, only helping you out. From there, you were on your own, hobbling up to the door and clicking the doorbell with a single press of your finger.
His adoptive mother had come to the door, seeming tipsy and wafting the smoke of her cigarette into your face, but let you in nonetheless. Surprisingly enough, you had to limp down the stairs into the basement of their home, only to find Mischa in a deep slumber on his rather messy bed.
You couldn’t help but smile in amusement, coming over on your crutches, and pausing at his bedside. He slept soundly, rustling every now and then as he clutched his stained pillow closely.
You simply stood there, waiting patiently until he awoke. And when he did, the poor Ukrainian nearly had a heart attack when he saw a girl standing over his bed. But once he got over his little spook, he greeted you with warm arms.
For the first time ever, you saw him cry. Hot tears spilled from his eyes and onto the fabric of your sweater, his arms wrapped tightly around your torso as he held onto you as if you might just disappear.
Mischa then went on to ramble about how he had woken up in the hospital and was so scared that everyone else had died from the accident, that Karnak’s game was all just some kind of nightmare had been forced to live through.
It took you quite some time to relieve and reassure Mischa that you had also in fact remembered the game, and the strong bond that had grown between the two of you during that time.
He spat out his feelings to you much quicker than you imagined, his fears, his hopes, his dreads, all of it. It took him a while, but he got over his little sobbing fit after a moment. But you listened, nodding along.
Silently, the two of you made up with a hug, but as he retracted, it left you yearning for more. No words had to be spoken for the both of you to know you loved each other, but you both stood teetering on eggshells waiting for the other to make a move, or say something.
With the slight help of your crutches, you wobbled forward, before gently shifting yourself upwards towards Mischa. You then paused, hesitance clouding your face before you finally leaned over and gently pecked his lips.
After relishing the moment, you leaned back down, giving the Ukrainian a lopsided smile as your cheeks flushed a warm color.
“I love you,” you stated, blinking up at the flabbergasted Mischa with a look of adoration.
Silently, he circled around to your backside, gently draping his arms over your torso and resting his chin on your head. He gently inhaled, taking in the fresh scent of cookies and fire you had carried.
“я тебе теж люблю.”
I honestly hate this but I just wanted to get it finished
Wrote by yours truly, Blood x
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I think that Karnak lets everyone come back to life at the end for two reasons. One: let’s be real, putting them through all that just to bring them all back is such a Karnak thing to do. And two: THEY DESERVE IT GODDAMNIT
Noel’s favorite band is The Smiths
Mischa likes giving Ricky stickers to put on his cane or wheelchair
Ocean is aroace, but didn’t know she was aroace for a long time. She just thought she was “too mature” and “too focused on her schoolwork” to have crushes
Penny lets Noel borrow her dresses sometimes
Constance is extremely prone to infodumping (Penny could listen to her for hours though)
Ricky likes to “accidentally” run over Ocean’s toes with his wheelchair when she babies him
Mischa and Noel actually aren’t that bad at math; Mischa has a C and Noel has a B. Ocean just views anything below an A as “bad”.
Penny dressed up as Jane Doe for Halloween, and the rest of the choir found this hilarious
Taylor Swift is Ocean’s favorite singer and Penny’s celebrity crush
Constance has had a crush on everyone in the choir at some point (including Noel, but this was before he came out)
Ricky and Noel once tried to write a Monique/Bachelor Man crossover, but because their stories and writing styles were so different, it failed miserably. Now Ricky just draws pictures of Monique and the Bachelor Man kissing instead.
Ocean likes to wake up early, and Constance does not. So when they have sleepovers, Constance will often wake up and Ocean will have breakfast ready for her.
Ricky and Noel like to go on double dates with Constance and Penny
Noel and Ricky are both genderfluid. Noel is AMAB and Ricky is AFAB, and they’re both prone to dysphoria. If they had a nickel for every joke they made about switching bodies, Noel would have enough money to move to France and take the whole rest of the choir with him.
After the Cyclone thing, Mischa spends more evenings at Ricky’s place than his own
Prior to the Cyclone, Noel is extremely protective of Constance because of the way Ocean treats her
Mischa once overheard Noel talking about RuPaul’s Drag Race during choir. He thought it was an actual racing show and started watching it. It wasn’t what he expected, but it is now his favorite show. (This is technically semi-canon; in the high school edition, Mischa mentioned this.)
Penny and Noel are the definition of gay/lesbian solidarity
Penny and Constance like to go on picnic dates
Ocean and Noel are basically siblings. They actually do love each other and know each other better than anyone, but they live for getting on each other’s nerves, and Noel isn’t afraid to call Ocean out on her bullshit.
Ricky, Noel, Ocean: cat people
Mischa, Constance, Penny: dog people
They’re all autistic, I don’t make the rules
For Noel’s birthday, Ocean made him a bracelet that said his name with red and green beads (because Christmas). In return, Noel made Ocean a bracelet with her name and orange, yellow, white, blue, and teal beads (because beach colors; little did he know that those would become the aroace colors). They trade those bracelets every time they see each other.
Constance once made the mistake of having Mischa watch Up with her. He cried.
Ocean was Constance’s queer awakening in eighth grade. The crush lasted for about four months. ‘Twas a very awkward four months.
Mischa had a crush on a guy before meeting Talia, but didn’t realize it was a crush at the time because it was the mid 2000s and queerness wasn’t really talked about as much as it is today. When Ricky mentioned being bisexual, Mischa came to the conclusion that he was too.
Penny has what might be the greenest eyes that any of her friends have ever seen on a human
Constance is really good at styling hair, so Ocean and Penny always go to her when they want to have their hair look nice for a concert or contest
Ricky’s really good at doing people’s makeup
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woundmypride · 2 months
explaining my "constance is a trans man" headcanon yaya all of this is headcanon im not actually implying that constance is transmasc coded or whatever.. just for fun!!! 1. Personality & people-pleasing behaviors & town's attitude — Constance is much less of a people-pleaser than someone like Ocean, but she still has those qualities. She stops believing her town is cool once she learns other people think it's lame, and also laughs at men's jokes so she doesn't get called names, etc. — Uranium City is implied to be homophobic, given that Noel's mom tells him to "dial it back" with his queerness and then the 7/11 thing lol — She might not have came out yet because of these. Social pressure to not disappoint or confuse the people who previously knew you as a girl, and also homophobic peers, would have an insane influence on Constance.
2. The fujoshi to trans man pipeline — A fujoshi is a woman who fawns over gay relationships. Obviously, Constance is one of these, with her lines about enjoying when Mischa+Noel kissed. — It's a common trope among transmasc people to have liked gay ships before realizing they were trans (maybe because they wanted to be the men instead of liking them, or both). I think it's possible that Constance is in the early stages of this. 3. Appearance — I think this ties in with Constance being a people-pleaser, but she has some subtle rebellious features. Her dyed hair, men's shoes, and popped collar remind me of myself- trying to subtly alert other LGBTQ+ people that I'm also queer, while simultaneously trying to stay under the radar of homophobes. I think she does the same. that's all i have now x3 but thank you for reading!! i haven't thought of an alternate name for her if she were to change it- that's always felt confusing/awkward for me, but please feel free to suggest one!!!!!
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i would like to imagine that the lead of a song can see how much of what the other characters are performing is their own will and how much is karnak pushing the lead’s narrative onto them. from this, i want to pretend that noel fucking knows mischa is putting his all into that kiss and is now having a decent sexuality crisis
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perfectdolls · 2 years
okay. ohio college school of theatre rtc production notes. there's a lot. sorry! it's the tism. also not all of these are necessarily bad things, just things i felt like noting. this production was fantastic and the cast was great!! go see it tomorrow and the day after yall you won't regret it
Began 6 minutes late
A few lyrics of Karnak's Dream of Life were left off or I couldn't hear them
I love that Karnak plays the piano
VIRGIL IS SO SMALL he's a little figure OH HIS TINY BASS
A lot of flashing lights before Uranium Suite
Mischa on his phone :-)
Ocean + Constance held hands :-)
The people who used each prize item held them up!
Mischa lightly shoved Ocean when going to his intro position
Ricky + Mischa high-fived and it hurt Mischa's hand
Jane is taller than like everyone she's so stiff /pod
Noel backed up and walked to the other side of the stage when Jane walked up to him
When Karnak said "no tradesies" Noel smiled
Jane is so obsessed with Constance <3 she's just staring at her while Ocean's doing her whole monologue
When Ocean accidentally conceded, Noel laughed
The WTWN choreo us so cute
Ricky is playing on a DS
Everyone being out of breath after WTWN
Jane leans into the Taco Bell picture projection
Jane shares a cigarette with Ricky
Noel's dress is gorgeous and so is his voice I love him
The priest segment was pre-recorded in black and white and projected onto the syc
Mischa was so smiley after Noel's Lament
Ricky + Mischa playing with sock puppets
Jane is so fascinated by her sock puppet
Mischa has a tiny Canadian flag in his intro
Ricky + Jane dancing + pretending to beatbox and rap during Mischa's intro
He said "shit the beat" or at least it sounded like it
Piano renditions of WTWN and TSIA are weird
Everyone is doing their own dances in the first verse of TSIA
Jane is Talia
Mischa's nails are black!
Noel has a violin during Talia, Ocean + Constance have tambourines, and Ricky has a drum
This rendition of Talia is gorgeous omg
Mischa walks across the stage in search of Talia :-(
The end bit of Talia was so awkward
The Nischa hug was so good :-( you can hear Mischa crying + even after they pulled away Noel was rubbing his shoulder (also it looked like Mischa kissed Noel's neck when he went in for that hug)
Ricky's actor really messed up a few lines of the pre SABM monologue
Jane + Mischa are Ricky's parents
Noel had cat plushies!
Noel's actor is great at accents
This SABM is beautiful holy shit
The SABM costumes for Noel and Mischa sucked
Mischa plays the electric guitar in SABM and Noel headbands intensely
No Ricky costume change :-(
Mischa is Count Dogulous holy fuck he's shooting people
Jane + Ricky dance a lot
Mischa is so affectionate with Ricky he held his face
Everyone had their lives/memories in boxes but there was nothing in Jane's, she looked so hard then SHE PUT HER DOLL IN IT I WILL CRY
The TBOJD umbrellas look sick as hell
The choirs voices drowned out Jane's in the beginning
TBOJD has the best visuals are you fucking kidding me this is beautiful
TBOJD is the fucking best omg
Birthday hats for everyone but Jane's fell off :-(
Mischa put on Jane's birthday hat for her instead of Ocean
Noel teaches Jane about the triangle! <3
Ricky + Jane playing dress up :-D
Constance's monologue got me :-(
Jane was the first to go up to Constance in Sugar Cloud
Ricky drumsticks + Noel tambourine in Sugar Cloud AND JANE TRIANGLE
Ocean held the recorder for Constance
Mischa + Jane danced together
Ocean is using the recorder as her own mic + Jane is using the triangle stick
Blackrose hand holding :-( /pos ×2 AND A HUG
"My date with a rat named Virgil" KARNAK.
Jane gave her doll to Constance + Constance hugged it :-(((
Blackrose hand holding
Karnak's death was anticlimactic
Blackrose + Nischa held onto each other during Karnak's death
Nidcha held hands first at the end of It's Just A Ride
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skippudippu · 2 years
mischa 10000% kisses and tells but not in a disrespectful way, he just gets SO excited (like in his pre-song speech, “we made love on all of the social media networks in my native language”) and wants to share how lucky and in love he feels
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mischaswife · 5 months
Mischa headcannons!
-Mans cant cook shit, he tried. He trys so hard to cook but ends up buring it. The only thing he can cook is those lyrics
-I frimly belive he would be oh so kind to ricky, Noel and you. Fuck everyone else. Yall tree matter most
-If your a singer. Hes always listening to you sing. One time you sung him to sleep and you deny it everytime he says it.
-Imagine your first kiss like this. You invited him over to your house and you two take a walk. The sun is setting and your admireing it. You say the sun set is beautiful. He says your more beautiful then the sun set, makes you look at him softly and he kisses you. AHHHHHH
-Lets you and you alone play with his hair. Like you two could be at choir rehersal and hes sitting i front of you, your sitting an a chair hes on the floor and your just playing with his curly hair.
-In his phone your name is "My pretty girl💘" and in yours its "My pretty boy💞"
-One time noel saw this and he always makes fun of yall for it.
-Speaking of noel. Yall are like such an iconic friend group. When yall have sleepoevrs yall are up timm 4am watching stupid movies.
-Mischas fave movie is 100% Suiside squad, One of noels is little miss sunshine
-Noel being the third wheel
-You three would go on road thrips and every hour and a half someone else gets the aux. It would start with mischa,noel then you. If someone falls asleep. They would contenue to the person before thems playlist
-Hear me out. He watches Grays Anatomy for hours.
-If you ever fall asleep on him he would literally tell everyone to shut the fuck up. No noise. The baby is sleeping.
-He hates. HATES. Small dogs. Unless its like a french bulldog.
-He also has something agaisnt cats. He dont hate them he just doesnt like them
-yall would get matching tattoos. Like something dumb too. Like microphones, smiley faces, muisic notes, continuing rap lyrics from like Eminem
-He has a tattoo that looks like a peice of lined paper so he can write stuff he needs to remeber on it
-He has such poor memory too
Thats all i got right now
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irldogbot · 2 years
thinking about how all of their songs are about what they want, what they wish they had in life.
ricky's and noel's are extremely obvious - they wish to express themselves how they dreamed of being. ricky wants to be the space age bachelor man and noel wants to have an exciting life, one not filled with the stench of the taco bell kitchen (stench is the right word) or the boring lectures of teachers and the monotonous classes everyday. 
jane's is also obvious, she wants to know who she is outside of this afterlife. she wants to know what her head actually is, whats actually in it, her memories and experiences. she wants to know what its like to live outside of her doll's head.
mischa mostly wants to return back to ukraine for his beloved talia. but, i interpret the whole "what you are is what you is, and i am the money" as either a) the only thing his parents give him is money (i feel like they'd be well off, trying to build a life so their child could be stable growing up) or b) his parents give him maybe a few dollars for lunch money and nothing else. he barely survives in that cold, dark, basement. it's like a refridgerator filled with the stink of smoke and alcohol. he wants to have a luxurious life, or at least a life with talia.
ocean's is so interesting to me - her song is about how she wants to be selfish. she wants to be the most important, she wants to live again. but she knows she cant. thats why she votes jane and not herself. she wants to be selfish, but in reality, she is kind and moral (and doesnt believe in social darwinism). sure, sometimes she can be a bit annoying, but she cares. she just doesnt really know how to show it.
constance's is my favorite. oh my god, she wishes she understood how good she had it. she wishes she didnt hate her life, her family. she wishes she loved and cherished everything as much as she could. she wish she loved her little brothers dancing a little more, she wished she kissed her mom goodbye everyday instead of rushing out before they even had the chance to look at each other. she wished she could smell the cafe and enjoy basking in the warmth of the baked goods, instead of sitting in her room, alone, or going out to parties where she still felt like shit. she died regretting not loving enough, not loving what she shouldve.
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twyllodrus · 1 month
dead boy detectives + ride the cyclone AU
like, say, the agency gets a new case in north-eastern saskatchewan, ppl report hearing music & singing once every year, at an abandoned warehouse of a theme park, on a specific day in september. with little digging, they find out there was an accident a while back involving a high school choir
for some reason the cyclone gang never moves on, so the agency arrives & so here are some headcanons for their interactions and agency's reactions to some of the songs:
the uranium suite, everyone's really creeped out/confused, except for niko who's vibing throughout the whole thing; at first the two groups don't realize they can see/speak to each other, but soon the cyclone kids find out that holy shit there are new people here hi hello heyy
everyone's excited about newcomers, ocean especially so, who quickly takes the initiative & so edwin defers to her as the group's leader (to noel's annoyance), and they attempt to work on solving the case together, it's all v civil. but then the talking part's over & the singing part of loop begins, so ocean performs what the world needs which does a total 180 on their encounter thus far & now everyone's high-key judging ocean; edwin gives a lecture on evils of social darwinism
noel's lament, noel right away clocks edwin as a repressed edwardian twink & sets out to put him in a coma with the whole monique routine. strangely the moment lipstick & lingerie come out it doesn't seem to faze edwin as much. but then noel also sees the way edwin sometimes looks at charles & so instead of mischa he pulls charles in for the kiss part, who cheerfully goes along with it, which nearly short-circuits edwin's brain (later on constance and niko get to gush together about two boys kissing). by the end of it everyone's dancing & being dramatic like they're the cast of cabaret on acid, except for edwin who's still digesting what's just happened
every story's got a lesson, everyone's still pissed at ocean, edwin incredulously wonders what was the lesson in being sacrificed to a demon & sent to hell at age 16
at first everyone's kinda cringing during this song is awesome, edwin is convinced this "autotune" is a modern tool used to commune with otherworldly entities, but eventually everyone gets into it; they all get sunglasses on, crystal gets edwin to wear a baseball cap backwards, everyone's having general fun
talia, charles is relived to learn that "the angriest boy in town", who could've been easily chalked up to being the toxic masculinity type dudebro, isn't like that at all (just mischa's whole monologue "i lay my masculinity at the altar of your maidenhood" gods). everyone gets to wear vyshyvankas & flower crowns. it's gorgeous
ricky potts unintentionally answers the age-old question of "is it actually possible to give a ghost an aneurysm?" the answer is yes, and space age bachelor man almost succeeds where the noel's lament failed. the moment horny cat people are in the mix, edwin is bombarded with cat king flashbacks and, later on, crystal "casually" mentions that they have met the actual cat king. ricky is super hype & asks lots of questions, giggling, twirling hair etc and also he totally called it that cats can talk but just choose not to
the ballad of jane doe, crystal hardcore relates to the dead decapitated girl, who doesn't know her own name or her past, or who her parents were and whom no one can identify too ("oh no soul, and no name, and no story, what a shame" like c'mon!)
jawbreaker/sugar cloud, everyone's gets a tad teary-eyed, but charles is openly weeping when constance lists all the random things in her life which she grew to appreciate only after the accident
in the end, they figure out the reason they couldn't move on is bc of virgil the rat who for some reason kept shutting karnak off prematurely, before the voting could begin. after figuring that out the voting proceeds as intended, but instead of one of them returning to the living world, they all get to move on. niko adopts virgil the rat
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bloodrelatedangel · 4 months
how i view the choir/my rtc headcanons (it's pretty clear who's my favourite tbh)
I mainly see her as tiffany tatreau's portrayal
she/her, cis, aroace
doesn't really get the concept of being trans, was only introduced to it when ricky joined the choir
ocd, asthma
2nd shortest in choir, 5'4
has never had a haircut
the only time she got into trouble at school was when she and noel were arguing. she cried until she threw up after that. it was the first day of senior year.
says she's a polyglot but she's nowhere near fluent in the languages she claims to speak
hates theatre :(
texts with proper grammer
listens solely to up with people
i mainly see him as james ragen's portrayal (trinity theatre actor)
he/they/she, nonbinary, gay
jean valjean from les mis was his gay awakening
speaks french
autism, bipolar disorder
unironically says slay, pop off, queen, etc.
instead of saying "who in gods name" he says "who in jean genet's name"
can't cook or spell for the life of him
has ocean saved in his phone as "the lion, the witch, the audacity of this bitch"
types only in lowercase with no punctuation
does ricky’s french homework
listens to french music and mitski (once ocean walked in on him belting a taylor swift song. that was never spoken about again)
has a crush on mischa. cried when mischa and ricky got together.
he has a boyfriend...! he just... goes to a different school... in a different timezone... in a different country...!
permanent teen angst phase
i see him as a mix of adam stanley and chaz duffy's portrayals
he/him (doesn't mind they though), trans, bi, poly
dating ricky and talia
has invited noel to the polycule before but they prefer to live in tradgedy
adhd, ptsd
once he forgot how to breathe
learnt spanish for ricky and his family
hates duolingo
fluent in multiple types of sign too
when ricky came out as trans (while they were in a relationship with eachother) he posted a video to his youtube talking about trans rights and changed every video with ricky's deadname in it <333
once his "friends" (the people that mischa hangs around with to keep his persona strong but in reality despises them) made fun of ricky, safe to say ricky isn't a very safe candidate to mock for them now
usually types all in uppercase but does relax it sometimes
the human embodiment of a golden retriever around people he likes
listens to maklemore and eminem but is willing to listen to music that talia & ricky like
him, talia and ricky all have promise rings
loves sharks
when talia comes to canada, she agreed to go to a planetarium with ricky and teach him some ukrainian
once he forgot a word in ukrainian and look horrified
i see him as yannick-robin eike mirko's portrayal... like only their portrayal... godamn you, autism (although i do have multiple versions of him in my mind)
he/they/it/xe/nameself prns, trans, boyflux, pansexual, poly
dating mischa and talia
autism, adhd, degenerative disease, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, asthma, maladaptive daydreaming
always looses his inhaler
speaks spanish, german and korean as well as three types of sign (and english ofc)
puerto rican
moved to canada at 14
he’s 16 (technically canon)
his parents are really religious
when he learnt what sex was, zolar became his horny place as well as his escape
emoticon user
once ate a bauble because xey were bored
does noel’s spanish homework
used to unironically watch the emoji movie and liked it...
does write music, prefers to keep it a secret because ocean WILL use his music for choir songs
listens to glam rock in general with a few musicals mixed in there
randomly has allergic reactions
paints his nails
knows everyones secrets :)
writes fanfiction
tries to hum along to the music at rehersal
has his text size at the biggest possible one
has glasses, whenever he adjusts them ocean thinks he's trying to correct her
won't eat the school lunches
constantly sleep deprived
does not know how to kiss
okay i don't want this to entirely be ricky... so lets move on
jane | penny
i see her mainly as em flosi's portrayal
they/it/she, agender, aroace
autism, drdp
carried her doll everywhere
speaks latin
joined choir because her social worker made it
doesn’t really listen to music, but when she does they listens to old music
has their parents old jewlery
spends most of their time in the library
i mainly see her as princess victomé and tiffany polite's portrayal
she/they, demigirl, pansexual, asexual
depression, social anxiety
had a crush on ricky for a while
loves to bake
brings brownies, cookies, cakes etc to choir rehersals
brings extra food for kids that don’t have any
usually runs the café on weekends
her brother is called xavier
okay that’s it. this took me >2 hours to write so erm…
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