#all of this 100% confirmed info like these are canon
koritoraa · 2 years
Accidentally revealing to you they have a mommy kink ❦
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A/n: who have a mommy kink & it’s canon ? Luffy, Sanji & Zoro!
Ft: Monster trio that’s what the girlies saying
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❦ Luffy
You and your boyfriend Luffy were playing a fighting game, the both of you were very focused on winning and had y’all eyes glued to the tv screen. You and Luffy play this game all the time and you always won; today was no different, the only difference was the new surprise attack that you memorized. The room was kind of silent, the only two things that filled the room was heavy breathing and the sound of buttons being smashed. The round was coming to an end and you quickly glanced over at Luffy who was panicking at the upcoming lost that you was about to give to him. You just laughed at him and use the special move that you had up your sleeve. Usually when you win Luffy would rage and throw a whole fit but not today though, he was really impressed and excited at you destroying his character.
“Wow mommy that was a really cool move you did there, I wanna learn how to do that !”
you quickly sat up and looked over at Luffy, you wanted to verify what you just heard, cause you know you wasn’t tripping.
“Huh ? What you just called me ?”
“I called you y/n.”
“No you didn’t, I heard mommy.”
You heard him the first time but you just wanted him to repeat it because it sounded like music to your ears and truth be told you’re screaming without the s right now. But that’s not for Luffy to know, all you know is that you have to hear it again. Luffy tilted his head to the side and looked at you very confused, he wasn’t sure why you was asking him that.
“Hm, wym ? I called you y/n. anyways I’m going to get something to eat, I’m hungry.” and like always when he’s in a situation like this he’s gonna change the subject and act like nothing happened. You love your bby but when he do shit like this it make you wanna slap him in the back of his head.
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❦ Sanji
You woke up from your sleep to the smell of breakfast and the sound of quiet singing. You knew it was your boyfriend downstairs making you something to eat as he always does in the morning. You didn’t feel like getting up just yet so you stayed in your bed and started scrolling through your phone and looking through posts online. Few minutes passed by and you heard the sounds of footsteps walking up the stairs getting closer and closer to the room. When your boyfriend Sanji finally made it to the door you looked up at him and the food he was holding and gave him a smile.
“Good morning my love, I made you breakfast here you go.” You took the plate from Sanji and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you baby, I appreciate it.” as usual when you kiss him & thank him Sanji started shutting down.
“You’re welcome momm- beautiful anytime.”
You looked up at Sanji who face was now bright red and started laughing at his reaction. He was really embarrassed so before he can be anymore awkward he decided to change the subject & quickly moved onto to talking about something else. You wasn’t surprised at all that he called you that since you already seen the obvious signs and the way Sanji can act and plus he would call you any name in the book so ofc mommy wasn’t off limits. It’s just your clothes bout be off that’s all.
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❦ Zoro
You and your crew was in the middle of a battle and you notice while your boyfriend was fighting with an enemy another one appear behind him. Zoro already sense that someone was behind him and he was about to quickly finish them off until you jump right in front of the enemy’s attack and block the attack with your own.
“Nice save momm- y/n.”
You was kinda of surprise at what you heard, your boyfriend was about to call you mommy. You didn’t think he was into that type of thing but if he is then that’s fine with you cause now y’all on the same page. After the battle ended you asked him about what happened earlier and he said it was a simple mistake. You didn’t believe it so you just bully him for the rest of the day.
“So you was about to call me mommy earlier?”
“No it was a mistake, you know I was about to say y/n.”
“nah you said what you said, and it was mommy.”
“whatever I’m not about to do this with you, I’m taking a nap.”
He already knew you was right about the whole thing he just didn’t feel like getting awkward about it again so that’s why he used taking a nap as a excuse to not have that conversation, probably someday but just not today.
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nepherit · 3 months
Justice for Raphael
I'm very new to Tumblr, I created an account here a few months ago after I discovered all the amazing Bg3-related art content that this place has to offer. Since then, I've never posted a single thing and barely left any comments, I'm not a very social person...but today I was scrolling my favorite bg3-related feed, when I stumbled upon a post of someone who received a rather rude ask from an anon whose sole purpose was to mock their works and insult their (possibly) favorite character Raphael, who was referred to by that anon as a "100% canon two pump chump bottom cringe clown". 
It is saddening to get yet another confirmation that some people out there aren't capable of respecting others' likes, not even in a fictional/virtual environment...but I guess that's to be expected. Besides the obvious, what made me decide to write this wall of text as my very first post is that Raphael happens to be my favorite too, the one and only fictional character I've ever felt invested in, and probably the reason why Bg3 will leave a life-long lasting impression on me.
So here I am, trying my best to point out some facts that (apparently) are easy to go amiss for some people out here:   First of all, there's nothing canon regarding what Haarlep says of Raphael, as a character's opinion about another isn't a fact to begin with. Especially if said character is (proved by facts) very unreliable as a source: him being an incubus whose standards are undoubtedly different from any mortals' and the fact that he hates Raphael are but the most obvious. Not to mention that "Speak with the dead" isn't 100% reliable either by D&D 5e rules ("the corpse is under no compulsion to offer a truthful answer if you are hostile to it or it recognizes you as an enemy"). Besides that, even if everything Haarlep says is to be considered true, the mocking words the players can say to Raphael before the fight are NOT, as Haarlep never gives such info to the player (he only responds with a "no" if asked about the matter). That line we can say before the fight is but the player's guess/ childish mockery, certainly it's not a fact.
From a purely objective perspective, the only info Haarlep gives to the player that isn't merely his opinion is Raphael's obvious selfishness and narcissism (the HoH is covered with images of him) and the fact that he likely only sleeps with himself (he has his incubus wearing his shape, even his name). By no means does that make Raphael a "cringe clown", nor would it even in the case where Haarlep spoke entirely the truth. Honestly, it never ceases to baffle me how some people can be so shortsighted and shallow. But perhaps those people are yet to grow up and come to learn that there can be much hidden beneath someone's (fictional or not) behavior. There's nothing to mock about the "Raphael only wants to sleep with himself and only loves himself" statement. 
How could it be otherwise? How, when the only person who ever loved Raphael, the only one he could trust and rely on since his birth, was himself? How could he crave someone's affection and so, be seen as weak? How could he care for another or their feelings when he never got that care or respect, to begin with? Despite his theatrics and his facade, Raphael was born Cambion, a half-breed never to be considered more than the lesser of the devils in the hierarchy of the Hells. Cambions cannot rank up, no matter their blood ties, yet Raphael managed to achieve all that he has...his palace, his many souls, and his power. None of that was gifted to him, he fought hard and earned every last bit of it with his claws, his wits, and his determination. I admire Raphael for that, for striving to become something greater than what he was supposed to be...something better than his father's "half-devil" son.
To reduce Raphael, who's most certainly one of the deepest and most complex characters we can encounter in the game, to a "100% canon two pump chump bottom cringe clown" is beyond low, very immature, and a rather shallow view, more so if it comes from someone who hasn't even had the guts to show their name...
Well, that's all. I doubt someone will make it this far, as I wrote a veeeeery long paragraph. But for once, I wanted to have my say ^^
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Can't lie I'm getting a little Icked out by people using the phrase "Canonically" when referring to real people! Yes it's pretty much confirmed that Angela is queer (although to go beyond that and try to pin her to a specific sexuality or identity is 100% speculation and wrong) but! She's a real person! Your headcanon was not confirmed! Because she exists as a person in her own right and not as media for you to consume!
RPF is different, respect me while I get a little literary here, but RPF (or fanfic in general) is media in it's own right. That piece of media has a canon. So if Amangela exists in a fic, it means Amangela is canon to that fic and therefore by extension any headcanons you make about Amangela will apply to the context of that fic. The implication is that it is *Not* representative or speculative of real-life info to do with the cast. The excitement around Angela's queerness being "canon" implies that her queerness was headcanoned, but not to any RPF version of her, but to the real life actual Angela Giarratana, which is icky and gross.
Let's also be respectful of the fact that all of these confirmations have come from sources other than Angela, from shows she's doing or from implications made by other people. It actually seems like she actively discourages speculation on her sexuality because she doesn't repost anything that could hint at her being queer in some capacity (I.e that story post from yesterday- she would have definitely seen it and she's doing the show, but she didn't repost it onto her own story for her own audience to see)
Also, she doesn't owe it to anyone to explicitly come out in any capacity. Gay people can and will exist without their queerness becoming entertainment, we all been knew anyway. She has mentioned twice in recent memory that she is a very private person, she doesn't like people knowing stuff about her (Perfect Person Pod + Assumptions with Shayne and Keith) and so if she wants to leave it implicit she absolutely can leave it implicit.
Sigh apologies for the rant but i went onto smoshtwt for five minutes and the vibe over there is sooooo weird.
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onesidedradiostatic · 14 days
A trembling thought hit me like a freight train, what if the reason the crew went back on saying Al in aro is because he and Vox actually did date?
And then Vox wanted more and they broke up?
Like, I just have a nagging fear that that might come up in season 2 and I really don't know how to feel about it
Like on one hand it should make it easy to clarify that, yes, Alastor really is aro for he gave it a try and found it really wasn't for him
But on the other, what if the crew (or whoever is in charge) is all, "Well he dated once so he can't be aro, therefore he is only ace"
I've seen these kind of conspiracy theories before where people think there's some planned surprise romance plot for alastor and that's why they don't want to confirm him as aro and well.
I disagree.
for in-text, meta, and my own reasons. lemme go through it one by one.
in-text reasons
if we ignore ANY sort of word of god, statements from staff and whatnot, the only thing we have is the rosie dialogue. I've talked about it before, although she only says "ace in the hole", the context in which this is said is the idea of alastor dating charlie, this is a romantic context, and rosie says she's joking because she knows he wouldn't do it because he's an (aro)ace in the hole. the joke here is that alastor brought a girl with him and she's jokingly assuming they're dating (unless we're really thinking she jumped to joking about them fucking). so she KNOWS he wouldn't date and that's the thing, the only way I could see vox and alastor having previously dated and still have rosie say this is if them dating and alastor realising he's uninterested is specifically what got rosie to realise alastor wouldn't do that. otherwise no, it wouldn't make sense to me that alastor would've dated when rosie said this.
meta reasons
old faustisse streams. I'm not a pre-series fan but I've done my research. sure, there's info they've said before that's been deconfirmed but that's because some info from them are stuff they only say they "think" and not stuff that they 100% confirmed with vivzie, just opinions based on what they know about the characters. alastor's aroaceness is different though, faustisse was VERY forward that alastor is AROace and they SPECIFIED vivzie did not want to canonise it because of shipping wars and all that, so I'm fairly sure it's not because of some surprise alastor romance plot. faustisse may not be a 100% reliable source since this is from years ago now but I will say alastor being aroace is about as canon as husk being pansexual. both of this info is from faustisse. arguably alastor being aroace is even more canon than husk being pan because of the rosie dialogue. you can read the transcript of one of the old streams here. don't take this as a necessary reflection of my take on alastor shipping, no, I don't like reciprocated romantic alastor ships. at all. but I also definitely don't think harassment is okay. shippers will exist, and nothing you say will stop them so it's best not to waste your energy shouting at them.
my opinion
first let me say, I DEFINITELY don't like vivzie's choice to not confirm it. I understand yes people can be very aggressive in shipping wars, I understand harassment happens. but. IT IS HAPPENING REGARDLESS. ALL OF THIS IS HAPPENING REGARDLESS. it's just made WORSE by no solid statement on him being aromantic because then there's people who will argue it's not canon. confirming alastor as aromantic will not stop the shippers from shipping or having fun, this is like saying confirming angel dust as gay prevents angel dust x women shippers from having fun. they will exist regardless. confirming alastor as aromantic WILL NOT CHANGE THIS, all it will do is ASSURE aromantic people that they are being represented. all it will do is stop people from saying "alastor is ace not aro!" and acting like alastor being aro is an obstacle to their shipping.
that aside, I'll talk about my opinion on the idea of alastor having dated vox in canon. now, okay, I don't mind the idea if it's done in a very clearly aromantic way and it was just something alastor tried out but didn't like. I would even like it if it was done properly! but I also don't trust vivzie to write an aromantic character in a romantic relationship, so I'd rather it not happen in canon. and I do think vivzie is more likely to not take the risk of trying to write an aro character in a relationship anyways (and if she did I would definitely hope she does lots of research).
also it doesn't really make sense to me why he would try dating with vox instead of like. a woman. like rosie or mimzy. and I don't mean this cause of heteronormative reasons I mean this because alastor is clearly more comfortable with women, it just makes more sense to me that if he were to try out dating it would be with a woman. like... why vox? the only reason I could see it happening is vox is the only friend who tried to confess to alastor and so he decided to try it out cause he was a friend but then didn't like it. that isn't to say I wouldn't enjoy reading about this in fanfics or anything cause I probably would LMAO it's an interesting concept, but doesn't really make much sense to me and I'm not sure if I trust the allo writers to do it in canon.
that's all I have to say.
*mic drop*
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arandomperson5647 · 8 months
Encanto info from Jared Bush's Q&As
This is a little place where you can find (hopefully) a lot of info Jared has said in his Q&As. This is if you wanna check smth and don't wanna go on a hunt to confirm it since it's been so long. Idk if I got everything, I highly doubt I did, so if you have a piece of info I don't have and have a link to it, I can edit it on. Ngl I'm also kinda doing this for myself cuz I was curious to know everything he's told us. I'll mostly summarize the answer so it isn't longer than it needs to be, but I'll also copy+paste if I'm too lazy.
The info here kinda varies from interesting, to obvious stuff, to potentially pointless but really any of it can be used to do whatever.
Some of the answers he provided aren't concrete solid ("I think __ would happen", "I always thought ___", etc), so take this all with a grain of salt. I'll try to phrase the uncertain ones differently so you know they're not 100% (probably, possibly, might, etc). If the answer he gives is completely up to interpretation, then I won't include it. Some might be repeated cuz I don't feel like looking back to see if he answered the same question twice.
Just to warn you guys before you click "keep reading", this is a LONG post, so if you don't want it fill up your page, don't click it unless you really wanna read everything.
Antonio's Birthday Q&A #2 (5/21/23)
Canon universe:
Dolores never truly believed Bruno was still around. She heard stuff, but everyone told her he was gone, so she thought she was imagining things. "I knew he never left" was her way of saying "I shouldn't have doubted myself."
Antonio was a shy kid and animals are were easier for him to make friends with.
The potteries in Bruno's room were because it was fairly public for people who want visions, so they're probably a nod to that.
When Pedro went to the attackers when he died, he was planning to reason with them.
Luisa's associated with donkeys because they’re beasts of burden and that’s how everyone treated her.
Mirabel has her embroidery because she loves her family, but potentially also because she subconsciously want to make sure the villagers know despite having no gift she is every bit a Madrigal.
Isabela might potentially secretly like Pepa's chaos.
Julieta's really good at hiding her feelings about the pressure of being the town's healer, but she's also a naturally strong person.
There's a reason why Bruno's single but Jared didn't tell us.
Bruno's favorite food is Ajiaco, but potentially also big butt ants.
Julieta probably noticed Mirabel wasn't in the pic at Antonio's ceremony immediately after it was taken, but Mirabel had already left by then.
For a while, Bruno's limit for future seeing was until the fall of Castia, but now it's limitless.
Alma didn't necessarily approve of Agustín at first because he wasn't overly spectacular or confident.
Mirabel and Camilo got along well when they were young, but after Mirabel's ceremony, Camilo felt more pressure to perform and show off.
Even before his gift, Bruno probably worried and wondered about the future, which is what caused his gift.
The Madrigals mostly assumed Bruno had somehow left the Encanto after his disappearance.
The birth of the miracle happened near the turn of the 20th century, and Antonio's ceremony was 50 years later.
The 5th birthdays for the Madrigals is the big one. The others are "regular".
Camilo often annoys Isabela for fun and also because he's a bit envious of her. They're kinda opposite, perfect vs a clown.
The post-movie relationship between Mirabel and Isabela is probably mischevious.
Bruno probably already was breaking from pressure when Isabela was only in single digits.
Alma was loving to all her grandchildren, but sometimes it felt conditional due to her expectations. She wasn't self-aware enough to realize.
Félix can play the tiple, but not shown in the film.
Agustín and Félix probably wore their respective colors before marrying their respective wives. Their colors are also a nod to regionality.
Alma might've seen cracks before Mirabel saw them at Antonio's ceremony (not at the moment tho), giving her a reason to actually believe Mirabel and pray to Pedro.
Based off the book "Mystery in the Rainforest", Dolores and Mariano are engaged and planning a wedding soon.
There is a school in the Encanto, but since it's closed off and was formed in the beginning of the 20th century, new info would cease.
Pedro might've been the one to know sewing and embroidery. He taught it to Alma, who taught Julieta and Mirabel. She probably taught others but Mirabel did it the most.
Bruno's door might've started glowing again during his vision in Antonio's room because Mirabel is making him feel included in the family (and therefore Casita) again.
The Madrigals do have friends groups, just not shown.
Camilo's gift can be tiring. Like an actor playing their part.
Mirabel probably would've had a negative or even traumatic impact from the fall of Castia, mostly due to a near death experience.
The Madrigals have never tested their gifts beyond the Encanto, so it's still a mystery on what happens.
Antonio probably can talk to animals from different countries, not just Colombia.
Camilo sometimes tries to impress everyone with his gift.
Mirabel's birthday became "stressful" ever since her 5th.
Isabela would probably help Antonio decorate his room with crazy plants.
Behind the scenes:
5/21 is Afro-Colombian Day, which is why that's Antonio's bday.
There used to be a deleted scene of Mirabel getting grounded by Casita.
The Guzmans originally had the same number of family members as the Madrigals, and each member was like a doppelgänger of each gifted Madrigal child, except Mirabel, who was represented in the Guzman family by a goat.
There used to be a scene where Camilo's gift goes haywire at night or smth (can't figure out the full pic for this one).
Writers considered early on that Mirabel would want to leave, but they decided that from a character and cultural perspective, leaving her family would have been the absolute worst thing she could imagine.
It's never been established how long the ceremony doors appear before the ceremony, but 9 months has been considered.
Early versions would show that Alma had strict parents. It may or may not be true now, but it would make sense.
Mirabel used to have a gap in her teeth to show her quirkiness, but was removed because they wanted to show it in other ways.
Encanto Disney+ Hollywood Bowl Q&A (12/28/22)
Cannon universe:
Emotions can sometimes affect Bruno's visions.
Camilo often helped take care of babies even before Antonio's birth. He was just naturally good with them.
The stairs in Bruno's room probably grew as he became more distanced, so they probably lessened when Casita came back.
Luisa's favorite sister is probably Mirabel.
Camilo would probably sometimes be happy that Isabela found her true self, while also a bit jealous. It depends on the moment.
The Madrigals' reaction to someone entering the Encanto would probably be chaotic.
As a way to protect them, Alma was always a little strict on her family.
Julieta and Agustín often worried how Mirabel was doing, especially for Antonio's ceremony.
Alma tried to show she loved Mirabel in her own way after her ceremony and before the movie.
Camilo's experience being the only boy in the house for a while was...interesting. Not the easiest.
Pepa and Dolores' gifts have caused some difficulties between the two.
Especially post-movie, Bruno, Agustín and Félix would be a ridiculous trio.
The candle is now gone, but a new miracle took its place.
Félix and Mirabel have a good relationship, especially post-movie.
Isabela's 5th birthday was the first gift ceremony for the grandchildren.
Bruno was probably superstitious before moving in the walls.
Before the house fell, Alma probably wouldn't like Dolores marrying Mariano. After, she'd accept it.
The other Madrigals might have hidden potential in their gifts, much like Isabela did.
The townspeople mostly either put the Madrigals on a high pedestal or see them as equals.
Isa probably had at least one flower she'd intentionally give Mirabel allergies with.
Bruno was probably a bit popular at one point.
Adopted Madrigal kids that were 6+ would probably still get a gift.
Mirabel's near-sighted.
Camilo's probably gotten in trouble for his disguises at times.
Bruno's mostly a rat guy because he's around them the most.
Pepa has a sweet tooth but doesn't let her self have too much due to her weather.
Isabela can grow trees and crops.
There's no definite reason why Isa was the favorite grandchild, but being the eldest didn't help.
When Alma said "the magic is strong, and so are the drinks", she was really trying to get everyone back to the party.
The gifts can tire out the Madrigals if used a lot, sometimes physical pain can occur.
Alma might have siblings, but it's not confirmed.
Behind the scenes:
There used to be a scene of Mirabel getting grounded. Idk if it's the same scene as the previous one mentioned, but the context of the question might suggest otherwise. ("What would've happened to Mirabel if she was found after the dinner?")
There were versions in the end credits of everyone reuniting with Bruno.
There is potential for a Madrigal with OCD, autism, etc, but not yet confirmed.
Triplet's Birthday Q&A (8/17/23)
Cannon universe:
Bruno and the grandkids now watch telenovelas together.
Julieta's favorite food is probably ajiaco.
Mirabel's first word would potentially be "sita" because she loved Casita but couldn't say the full word.
Dolores' room has a lot of soundproofing.
The reason Mirabel seems to interact with Castia the most out of the Madrigals is because she was mostly an outsider, with only Casita to talk to.
Encanto is a hidden place, so simply finding it is near impossible.
There are respected town elders in Encanto, but Alma is considered the founder.
Pedro said something to Alma before he died, potentially in Spanish, but it's not confirmed what.
In terms of personality, Mirabel is the closest to Pedro.
For adoptive kids, Casita may be able to anticipate the arrival of someone new even before the family is consciously aware of it, giving them a new door.
Bruno's a fan of chocolate.
Mirabel loves every color. She has no known favorite.
Julieta got married first between her and Pepa.
Bruno's rats aren't sentient like humans, so Bruno would have to train them to do whatever.
It's possible another Madrigal felt resentment towards Bruno after he left.
Julieta's gift possibly only works with a combo of cooking and giving, but not confirmed.
Bruno learned how to use his gift through practice and invented customs. It was complicated.
Julieta probably needs to know the person's injury before healing it.
The majority of the Madrigals' dominate hands are right. Julieta and Antonio are left handed. Luisa is ambidextrous. It's unsure, but Mirabel is potentially left handed.
Mirabel's favorite food is arepa con queso.
Antonio's favorite snack is nailed rice.
Agustín and Félix have jobs in the town, but not confirmed what.
In a book, it was mentioned that Bruno was the golden child of the family. He probably fell from that position in his late teens.
Agustín's favorite meal from Julieta is chocolate santafereño.
Gifts can possibly be repeated, but not in the same generation.
The refugees/townspeople had brought everything from home they used to start farming when the Encanto formed.
Isabela and Mariano still have a good relationship after the movie. Neither were too wild about the engagement.
The bedrooms can change if their owner wants them to.
The gift ceremonies will now be different without a candle.
Madrigals still do the traditional quinceañera.
The Encanto doesn't have electricity.
Bruno has left the walls a few times for a break.
Isabela will probably keep switching up her outfit now that she can.
Luisa has always felt protective of Mirabel.
Behind the scenes:
Casita used to have shown that it has only 1 bathroom, which was located in the back right corner under Bruno's tower.
There was a deleted scene where Julieta yelled at Alma in front of the entire town after Mirabel went missing.
Julieta is the one singing w/ Mirabel during the "constellations glow/the seasons change in turn" lyric.
There used to be a version of Bruno using water with his vision.
The line said by Mirabel, "Even in our darkest moments there's light where you least expect it" was cut after Lin Manuel Miranda wrote Dos Oruguitas and the emotional thrust of Mirabel’s words needed to evolve to encompass what she’d just learned.
There was a Waiting on a Miracle reprise that was cut because they felt they didn't need it.
The concept of a new door appearing was considered to start with the doorknob.
No one intervened during Alma and Mirabel's argument because the writers felt that it was Mirabel's moment to shine.
VERY early on, Bruno (then known as Oscar) was Mirabel's estranged cousin.
Indestructibility was a gift they wanted to use. It was actually Pepa's original gift.
Dolores' Birthday Q&A (8/31/22)
Cannon universe:
People in Isabela's position wouldn't really have the chance to have authentic relationships because they're hiding their true self. This could potentially apply to Isa herself.
Before Mirabel's ceremony, her family was excited for her. After, the family’s ability to see Mirabel clearly was too obscured by their unhealthy dynamics but were probably unaware of that until Mirabel brought it to light.
Bruno's oversized clothing was by personal preference, potentially because of his awkward nature.
Before Isabela showed up in Bruno's vision, another person was there, who is possibly a young Alma. While not confirmed, it is implied in Jared's answer.
Félix and Agustín already had gifts, just not in a way that others could see.
Isabela lets herself break the rules, so while not confirmed, it's possible she could recreate mythical plants.
The town probably functions like a combination of where everyone came from.
The triplets used to have little meetings in Bruno's room when they were little.
Behind the scenes:
There used to be a scene where Bruno revealed he had a secret elevator in his room.
Agustín's Birthday Q&A (6/19/22)
Cannon universe:
Part of what fuels the miracle is unconditional love. When Mirabel and Isa showed that during What Else can I Do?, it affected the magic.
Julieta often gives people the food they like rather than something random.
For a long time, Isabela was the favorite grandchild for Alma. Before her ceremony, Mirabel was. After Casita's rebuild, many dynamics changed.
Agustín was born in the Encanto, but his family was from a city, so he was raised with the city-vibe.
Luisa's favorite food is bandeja paisa.
Every gift can be affected by emotions in some way.
Casita probably helped Bruno hide, but not confirmed.
If Mirabel and Bruno decided to leave the Encanto after Casita fell, the entire family would've fallen apart.
The only people in the Encanto were the ones who traveled with Alma. They all got there at the same time, no one got in or out.
Behind the scenes:
There used to be an exit for Bruno's wall room behind the family tree, but it wasn't used.
Antonio's Birthday Q&A (5/21/22)
Cannon universe:
Mirabel's canonically 5'2.
Mirabel has good relationships with Pepa and Félix. Félix loves everyone and likes hanging out with pretty much anybody. Pepa is a good tia, she’s just very emotional, but for most of the movie (and her life before) felt she had to bottle her emotions which only made them worse.
Bruno probably doesn't need the sand for visions, but as time went on he added his own superstitions.
The color of the magic in the end changed. It wasn't the color of the candle anymore, but the colors of Mirabel. What that means? No one knows.
Bruno "felt" his vision cave collapsing and investigated. That's how he knew it was destroyed.
Camilo couldn't really hold a form forever because of how tiring it could be.
Mirabel did have a quinceañera.
Casita has a mind of its own with its own emotions. Sometimes it could play pranks on the Madrigals or be too upset to move anything.
Behind the scenes:
Earlier versions had a negative dynamic between Mirabel and Camilo.
The gifts are based off family archetypes. Antonio is a shy kid but opens up to animals.
Random Q&A (3/19/22)
Cannon universe:
The main reason for Mirabel and Isa's falling out was because they couldn’t see the difficulties the other was experiencing, because they were fixated on their own struggles. They were probably closer when they were younger.
Despite being shy, Antonio does have friends in the town.
Due to the triplets' bday being the same day as Pedro's death, it's a mixed day.
Pepa can try to stop natural disasters, but doesn't usually succeed.
Mirabel would sometimes have sleepovers with her sisters when they were younger. There was a deleted scene showing it.
The pink cloud scene in Surface Pressure represents the stuff Luisa wanted to do without the pressure.
Behind the scenes:
Tbh there wasn't any answers that could qualify as behind the scenes sooo... 🤷
Stuff that didn't come from Q&As but is still good info
Madrigal Birthdays (I'm not doing a link for each, just take my word for it lol):
Félix: November 11 (11/11)
Julieta, Pepa, Bruno: October 17 (10/17)
Agustín: June 19 (6/19)
Isabela: August 7 (8/7)
Dolores: August 31 (8/31)
Luisa: November 14 (11/14)
Camilo: December 28 (12/28)
Mirabel: March 6 (3/6)
Antonio: May 21 (5/21)
Madrigal ages:
Alma: 75
Julieta, Pepa, Bruno: 50
Isabela: 21
Dolores: 21
Luisa: 19
Camilo: 15
Mirabel: 15
Antonio: 5
I don't believe the husbands' ages are confirmed, but Félix is confirmed to be a little older than the triplets, while Agustín is a little younger than the triplets.
Julieta is the oldest of the triplets, Pepa in the middle, and Bruno is the baby.
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time-woods · 4 months
Previous Sidus fashion ask anon here; couldn’t agree more w/ ur in-canon prismo tag thoughts there.
I, for one, think it’s inspiring and amazing of your lore to acknowledge prismo’s canonical tendency!
…which is obviously his vicarious outlet for making fashionably boobied OCs as a flatter-chested ahem ‘2D’ wishgod wall-being.
Totes unrelated to all your amazing queer rep art and how much MEGA appreciation you deserve for feeding us, but imagine someone lookin @ the source of characters like Ice Queen, Hana Abadeer, Fiona, or Lord Monochromicorn and somehow still doubting if canon Prismo is queer-coded.
LMAOO couldnt be me dude. bro be giggle flustered over a little furry dude’s “i love u prismo” on 1st meetup so hard he immediately snuck a secret note in afterwards asking about getting that 2nd date-er, super casual offer to hang again, I mean.
Definitely not thinking about how your “THE party” comic makes for perfect headcanon juice as to why Prismo could’ve developed a mild over compensation coping technique for preventing repeats in missed social connections w those who he would’ve liked meeting again later. They might’ve enjoyed hanging out together again too and he’d never know! Maybe he really could’ve been too much on someone like that one time at the party and needs better awareness. Were they just chirp shy?… :’ (
No worries to be had if you simply supply the right non-verbal resources to reach out again at their own comfort and someone just happens to choose not to! Better confirmation on messing up upsetting others too. You lose 100% of the shots you don’t take! :’D
Gives Jake all his available contact info, his total openness in schedule for home visits, and just a wee little home cooking incentive for added insurance. Low key interested in learning a cool instrument too after talking. might even offer to jam together later if he’s feelin cute idk.
No conditional romance requirements for remaining openly affectionate, loving, and kind w friend crushes even if they were dating someone else and expecting kids.
Classic heteronormative Prismo. /J
thankyou ! !
and god yea whats up with this wallsticker man like theres no way he aint queer . . .
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the-solar-system52 · 6 months
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First of all, it's coming out on April 2nd and my birthday is April 8th, meaning I will actually be able to buy and read this book! I will no doubt be reporting on anything of interest and doing some theorising, so I'm really looking forward!
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People have already commented on this, BUT OH MY GOD ARE WE FINALLY GETTING SOME BONNIE AND FREDDY LORE??? They could've used any other render of Freddy for the cover, there's even a version of this poster without text, but they SPECIFICALLY used the version Freddy wrote on! I really hope we get some insight into Fronnie being canon or not, I mean, even MAT PAT ships it now. I couldn't have been unintentional.
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MY DUDE!!! THERE HE IS!!! Look, I'm not expecting any crazy lore drops since DCA's plotline was already wrapped up pretty nicely imo, but what I do want is CLARIFICATION. Like, even though Youtooz technically confirmed my Eclipse theory, Youtooz is only a merch manufacturer, so it can be debated whether or not they can be relied on for 100% CANON info. And even though I'm quite confident in my theory (that post is probably one of my longest) some parts are a little bit of a stretch and it takes AWHILE to explain. It'd be nice for it be confirmed and just have ONE reliable source to point to.
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So I was VERY excited when I saw this because many fans pointed out that this is CONCEPT ART, and not the official poster. I thought we may be getting more concept art in this book! But unfortunately, this was not the case.
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Scott replied to this situation saying that the use of concept art was entirely an accident, and will be changed in the final product. I gotta say, this is a bit disappointing. But it is in character for Scott and Steelwool. Unlike the Bendy creators posting concept art on their social media, or Undertale having a whole 'The Art of Undertale' book, FNAF has never been one to share behind-the-scenes stuff.
But I don't blame them. This is most likely due to how theory-focused the fandom is. It'd be easy to see people use concept art as evidence for a theory, despite it not being credible. Like how people use unused lines in the code of the game for theories, despite them probably being UNUSED for a reason. Unfortunately, sharing unused creative ideas would only make the lore even more confusing for some people, so I think its good they didn't go this route.
Anyway, I'm SO excited for this book to come out! Though fnaf books do have a history of being leaked before their release date, if that does happen, it'll most likely be closer to April. But I'll keep you posted!
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evostar · 1 month
The designs and info of isa’s family!!
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Firstly Isabela! The mother of Camilo, Antonio and Dolores!! Her life is pretty rough, she was 6 when her father was taken away from her, while witnessing everything. She had a shitty ass husband who made her family’s life a miserable, the only reason she even married him was because of Alma, and arranged marriage. She divorced him 2 years ago and now she’s happily single. Alma still pressures her in this au too but since the divorce Alma has become much more softer and lowered her standards. Before she had Dolores though she had 2 miscarriages because of her husband!
Isabela was a crazy teenager, she also had a normal sistly relationship with mirabel, sometimes she was maybe mean but she knows mirabel knew she didn’t mean it, at least she thinks that. Her life changed when mirabel disappeared, not having mirabel in her wedding or when she had her kids was the worst. Since then she made sure her family was happy so they wouldn’t wanna leave like mirabel too.
It’s true that Isabela is a protective mother and maybe strict (like asian moms) but she’s the most caring person at the same time. You would never catch her be mean to Dolores or any other little kid. She has a nickname for every family member and a flower too!
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Camilo is the eldest grandkid, being more than 5 years older than the others is hard for him, he constantly needs to “be a good influence”. Instead he is the most unserious grandkid, but the funniest! Alma tried to get him arranged with many girls but he passed them since he got eyes for an other person ;) He also had a pretty rough childhood because of his father, he abused him often without Isabela knowing and he was a pretty bad trouble kid. He had a close bond with his Tia mirabel though! Many called them “the age gap twins!” Isabela never complained. Camilo is a smoker, not a badly one just the one who smokes time to time, he got the addiction from his father :\ Camilo is 100% a mama’s boy.
He is a hardworking boy, charming and caring. Yet also trouble some and annoying too, he loves it to annoy his younger siblings or cousins, which they all hate from him besides Pepa. Him and Pepa have special bond, it often reminds him of the bond of him and mirabel, he and pepa often do pranks on others together or are just being besties together. He does have a lot going on which he hates, he is called “the one who never cares” often even though it is just hard for him.
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Antonio!! He is as tall as canon mirabel in this au, and a bit chubby!! Antonio is a very shy kid and barely doesn’t have any friends, besides his idiotic trio friends, Juancho-Cecilia-Alejandra! The best four group you would see in town, he loves them very much as friends. Like Camilo, Antonio has a got a bd childhood, experiencing the same abuse as Camilo got. That hit his social life a lot and has made him isolated too, his friends and family kept him up the bad weather, which he is thankful for. He got a scar at his lip because when he was very little, he was playing with a Jaguar cup and the mother jaguar approached him and attacked him, just luckily hurting his lip before Diego saved him. (That jaguar turned out to be parces mother!) he’s still pretty childish in this au which makes him adorable, Alma tries to make him get more friends or more popular but he refuses often.
He’s a deliver boy! His main chore is delivering stuff around the down, he doesn’t like it very much but it’s just what he’s got to do, he thinks his gift could be much more useful but no one will listen to him. He’s the second eldest in the family and he quiet does act like a good influence, if it wasn’t for Julieta, Julieta is confirmed to be the best one out of the grandkids. (Well by Alma to say the least.) that doesn’t stop him from still having an good relationship with her.
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Dolores is also a shy kid, shy enough for her to get nervous with her family too! She’s a free child who likes music and drawing a lot. Dolores is left unattended often since she’s quiet mature her age but she doesn’t like it to be alone. Her gift ceremony was a half month ago and it’s her nightmare, Dolores hates her gift but in the other side likes it slightly too. It has its own purpose. She didn’t have a too much bad childhood like Antonio and Camilo but unlike them she was a huge daddy’s girl. If he would’ve pushed her away or screamed at her she would still come back because she actually truly loved her dad no matter what but one day when she was 3 he randomly came to her and broke her leg (the reason Isabela divorced him) which broke her heart and now that he’s gone she is heart broken often, but she has grown more attached to antonio and isabela, if you would try and find her just go to either one of them and she’s there with them!
Later on she will meet someone called “senorita maripose” who she will talk to everyday is secret. For her senorita mariposa is a goddess guard guiding her home, like in a fairy tale (at least that’s what she got told by the woman.) Dolores doesn’t have any friends besides her best friend Mariano! She gets to see him very often and she loves him more than anything (not in a love way, they’re still kids!) they do make trouble often together and he’s the one only one who knows about senorita mariposa.
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Ivan….yea…don’t got to say much about him. He is not a great guy since he grew up in a weird family. He got arrested 7 years in prison for child abuse and after Isabela found out what he had done everything she destroyed him. But at least he deserved it. He did pretty bad stuff.
Any thoughts on isa’s family? ;)
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mazzystar24 · 1 month
Asking this under anon bc i don’t wanna get any backlash in my inbox lmao
but to start this off: i love oliver stark, and i am so appreciative of how important he views this storyline and the representation it provides
i am going to be very disappointed in him if we get through the next few episodes, and it becomes clear that they aren’t going to further develop buddie anymore. he has always been so careful and cautious when it comes to implying things in interviews/press stuff, but lately with this resurgence in his response to fandom interest with buddie (liking fanart, reposting it, talking openly about buddie in interviews, confirming things like buck thinking eddie was attractive, etc.) if they don’t go that route, it will honestly severely hurt me.
i have very mixed feelings about what is and isn’t “queerbaiting” (most of my friends would say i tend to not believe that it’s a thing, and to an extent i agree) but there are certain situations in which something does blatantly feel like baiting… to me this is one of those situations.
with both lou and edy still being around, as well as ryan’s sudden stint in pr jail, the fandom’s obsession w lou/tommy, and tim minear’s seeming interest in complying with fan-service… it’s hard to remain optimistic that they will actually give us buddie. the past two weeks have given me whiplash as a buddie fan and i am getting tired of the show using our desperation and love for this ship as a marketing tactic when they have no intention of going there (tim minear himself saying things like “i don’t like to plan endgame relationships” or “there are no plans for buddie at the moment”).
that is why the media’s sudden obsession with asking about buddie, as well as oliver’s willingness to interact with buddie content online combined with the constant flow from the set of things not going in the direction of buddie… it feels very intentional to drag us in. and if oliver is participating in that, then i am going to be very disappointed and hurt by that. he used to care so much about not getting our hopes up, but lately it feels like that isn’t the case anymore, and that getting our hopes up is their way if getting us to continue watching the show because they know that people will stop watching after having to watch years of buildup and (at times admittedly) roment subtext between them just for all of that to be completely retconned and them to say “no-homo, bro” in favor of a character/ship that came out of nowhere and has had no development.
obviously, i don’t blame os for the storyline- he’s not a writer, he doesn’t get to dictate what does or doesn’t happen. But he is the one getting all of the media attention, and using that to shine a spotlight on buddie when (if) he knows that buddie isn’t happening? it feels very icky to me and i really don’t want to have a reason to dislike him.
unfortunately it’s seeming more and more like a possibility each day as we get inundated with bts info that doesn’t bode well for us at all.
I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree with you anon sorry😭🫶
If buddie doesn’t go canon/ they don’t show they’re heading in that direction in the next few episodes, I still would not blame Oliver at ALL for his recent more openness about buddie
(Idk how familiar you are with me and if you are you’ll know this but if you’re not lemme clarify I use bulletpoints a lot but not to be curt or rude I just like breaking things into chunks🫡)
1. He has made sure to constantly clarify that he doesn’t know how things are gonna go and he has no control over things- i mean EVERY time he spoke about buddie
2. He’s also a fan of the show guys, yes yes he’s an actor and it has different implications I agree 100% but also if he’s choosing to ship his character or enjoy fan work that’s his prerogative and sure he can lurk privately like he has in the past but also he probably knows that implications aside fans who make that work will be ecstatic to see him actually liking the stuff
3. The man legit said he deleted social media at one point cos he didn’t wanna like or share stuff that’d accidentally give people false hope for buddie or bi Buck but he has silently agreed for years and he hated not being able to confirm bi buck till now
4. He’s been a HUGE advocate for us both on the buddie front and bi buck front and that deserves recognition
5. As you said there is a LOT of bucktommy love rn which is great and all but may draw focus away from buddie, if Oliver is intentionally trying to get buddie fans to keep going it could genuinely just to show that buddie fans are still aiming for buddie endgame and that they still make up a huge portion of the fandom
6. Writing is CONSTANTLY in progress on 911 so again buddie fans being more vocal and abc and writers seeing such positive responses to him so much as interacting with buddie posts or answering buddie questions give them a gauge of audience’s wants (granted Tim has stated it’s not a HUGE factor for him) and also keep in mind s8 is still in the books so even proposals of storylines may be in the talks rn
7. When he talks he is VERY careful about his words and is very well spoken on the topic like yes there have been more stuff we can read into and be optimistic about but you can tell that he in no way is saying specific things to bait people, when talking about existing buddie things he talks about HIS interpretation and uses lots of maybes and might’ve beens and I see how that could be and when he talks about future buddie he talks about being open to it talks about what he’d want from it and he talks about not having control or knowledge of it happening
So yeah he has done/said things that I absolutely think warrant optimism (I made a whole post about it) but if it doesn’t pan out that optimism should a- still be there b- not turn into blame for him
Okay now Oliver aside- the questions being asked about buddie and all the buddie promotions I would be side eyeing the higher ups for if it’s for nothing because yes all the articles and stuff are stuff being pre-approved by abc and the people higher up than cast members or the journalists but I would also keep in mind that s8 is still in the works so hope is not lost even if s7 isn’t what we hoped for because keep in mind we had only 10 eps to work with too
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seireitonin · 7 months
Yall do realize Nina and Toby are both adults right?? Like? You realize that right? That’s not a hc or opinion. I’m just saying this to make sure everyone understands that I and my mutuals in this fandom would never “age up” a minor to put them w an adult. That shits revolting. I even did my research before getting into this ship to make 100% sure! As an adult in this fandom I want to be responsible with my platform and I would never encourage or support a minor being with an adult even if it’s fiction. I’ve always been against that and always will be. I’m not sure if I popularized it or not, but this ship wasn’t my idea! I saw artists on here shipping them like creek-ink and I thought it was so cute and Nina and Toby actually have more in common than I thought! So my brain did the rest! Anyway evidence/ research under the cut! Just so we’re all on the same page!
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Here’s Nina’s creator herself saying she ships/ shipped/ was okay with Nina being shipped with Eyeless Jack. EJ was an adult man in college. (And also she says Nina was never in love w Jeff and I just think it’s funny that the fandom thinks that. The fandom is so silly I luv us.) But anyway the most popular EJ story is him in college and occult stuff and blah blah. And EJ has always been drawn/presented as an adult man because of that. So if Nina’s creator herself shipped him w Nina then it makes sense that they’re both grown ups.
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Unless I’m misunderstanding she’s saying Nina has no cannon age and she can be written as an adult or teenager! Not strictly teen! And the creator herself draws Nina new and old as an adult.
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Unless I’m misunderstanding again(English isn’t her first language and this was translated!!) here’s Nina’s creator saying not only does she ship OG Nina and EJ together but she gave them a kid together named Eyeless Alice. Or she’s saying she’s cool with it. And if Nina and EJ have a kid together then they both have to be adults. I don’t think Nina’s creator would let a 17 year old be with a 20 year old. That would be so nasty. Even if we’re going off her and Jeff they would both have to be adults too.
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This confirmed Nina is an adult for me. Revamped Nina is an adult and if she’s saying they’re both the same age then OG Nina is an adult too! Unless I’m misunderstanding again but I don’t think I am.
Anyway TLDR Nina’s creator herself has literally put Nina with Jeff and EJ who are both adult characters. Ppl who wanna say Jeff is 13 and still put him with a 17 year old Nina…that’s still bad. So I thought it would be obvious that they’re both adults who grow up. Forgive me if I’m misunderstanding some things. (Again might be shit translations!) but one thing for sure is that she herself ships EJ and Nina. And I don’t think she would do something gross like put a minor with an adult. (Especially if she gave them a kid together/ is okay with them having a fan made kid together) She seems really sweet! So yeah Nina is an adult canon :3 Toby too but I don’t have to explain that.
Also just looking through Nina’s info has been so fun and cool!! Another thing Nina and Toby have in common is they both hallucinate their dead siblings. Morbid. I’m gonna do an in depth video on my TikTok bc this info is so interesting! Nina is much more interesting than I originally thought!!!
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dailydegurechaff · 8 months
What do you think Tanya's parents looked like?
Her parents? We already have designs for them, of course, they're Erich von Lergen and Counselor Conrad! If you didn't know, Counselor Conrad is a character introduced in Book 10 of the novels, we actually have a few illustrations of him!
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After the war, Tanya gets adopted by Erich and Conrad and they're a wonderful happy family! Tanya has a peaceful life and goes to school. Her dads are happily married. They have adorable found family shenanigans etc etc. This is totally 100% canon and not a delusion cooked up via me and @sugarblast's collaborative shitposting, no way /j
Ok, but in all seriousness, I realize you're probably talking about Tanya’s biological parents. To be honest, I haven't really though much of them. We don’t really have a lot of canon info about them. I think just about everything we do know comes from that one conversation with Uger. (If there’s more, please correct me)
About her father, she just says “he was in the military” and confirms he died when Uger brings that up. In LN1CH5, we get the quote, “I’m a bastard child who can't even remember her mother’s face.” And lastly, in the anime she says, “My mother abandoned me, and I became an orphan.”
Since she says her mother ‘abandoned her’ instead of ‘died’ it sort of implies her mother still might be out there somewhere, doesn’t it? I think there’s potential there for a fic or comic about her mother returning for her, though it's probably not an idea I'll be doing myself.
As a side question, given that Tanya says she’s a bastard child, do you think she has her mother or her father’s last name?
Anyway, some sketches I guess.
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My personal headcanon is that they conceived Tanya out of wedlock when both were fairly young and kinda stupid, and then later of course Dadgurechaff dies while in service either before her birth or while she's still a very young baby. Momgurechaff, unsure what to do as a single mother or perhaps distraught at losing Dadgurechaff, abandons Tanya at the orphanage before Tanya can form any memories of her and disappears somewhere. Whether she's still alive or not we don't know.
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Hi, about Diavolo's height! The magazine is called B's Log, and the issue featuring Diavolo only released today/tomorrow (September 20th in Japan) and as of right now, I'm not able to find any scans or translations online yet. So it might still be too early, and we'll have to wait for a few more hours?
Until we get confirmed info about the actual content of the Obey Me! character section in the magazine (whether via scans/photos or a fan translation) I don't think we can say for 100% certainty that we know Diavolo's canon height. The promo ad for B's Log shows Diavolo standing in front of a height chart graphic, but it's the same graphic they used for every promo with several different characters from other series.
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It's decently likely that Diavolo will be over 200cm tall like people believe, but until we hear anything concrete about the OM articles we won't know for sure. There's a chance that the section about Diavolo will just say "the Demon Prince is tall and imposing" or something like that without actually confirming a specific height, since official character heights have never been stated in OM's history till now.
Mostly I'm just saying that even though people's assumptions might be right, we don't know anything for sure yet, so be careful of possible misinformation ~
Ohh!! Thank you so much for all this information! I had no idea about any of this! Well I’ve heard of B’s Log but I didn’t realize that was the magazine this was from. I see how people might make assumptions based on that 200cm background graphic! But we don’t have a confirmed height & might not get one.
I wonder if they don’t have official heights for a reason? I like to think it’s so that people can imagine them however tall they like. Buuut it’d be cool if they gave us an official height for Diavolo. For some reason I wanna know lol!
Thank you for sharing this!
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extasiswings · 1 year
it’s wildly apparent to me that they fully pivoted and went in a whole new direction from what they originally planned for a slower, more drawn out 6B and I’m not mad about it but I do think it’s hilarious. <- how so? I'm curious about the direction change and from what to what? 🤔
Sure! So, we all complained about the pacing of 6A, right? And how weird it felt to have such strong Vibes right out the gate in the premiere setting forth the couch metaphor and the theme of "missing what is right in front of you" only to then shift away from that completely to the sperm donor arc, which itself felt oddly paced? By the end of 6A, I was still fully on the train of "S6 is the season of some sort of Buddie canon, I'm just not 100% sure what that looks like," but couldn't tell if the pacing issues were a matter of working out the kinks with a new showrunner, or if there was something more at play behind the scenes that was leading to creative tension (and to be clear when I say that I mean something above Kristen's level because the haters don't give her enough credit for everything she's done for the development of this ship).
But regardless! We got 6A, it was what it was, including Tomorrow which was not only a gorgeous love story for Henren but was loud as HELL with Buddie parallels, and then what we saw on our screens with the sperm donor arc was that Buck 100% had not thought through the "donor-not-dad" situation, he literally announced he was going to be a father, we got to see Eddie react but not really respond at all...and after all that when they started teasing 6B is was all about how Eddie was suddenly going to start thinking about dating again (which was framed as much more thoughtful and a major 6B arc), and how Buck was going to be "struggling with boundaries" over the sperm donor situation right off the bat because he hadn't thought things through, etc etc (which FULLY tracked what we saw with the onesie etc at the end of 6x09). So I started thinking, okay, if that's the game, it seems like despite the heavy-handedness in the beginning, they're taking a much slower path to Buddie canon where the season ends with Buck using the sperm donor arc to accept what he is to Christopher/what he already has there but leaving the question of his love life couch unresolved, and if Eddie is dating then it's probably at least partly a reaction to the sperm donor situation and feeling like that flicker of hope about how maybe some of the things you think are only "fantasies" can actually come true was dashed.
Except...then 6x10 happened. And suddenly Buck had done a complete 180 and was totally fine with the fact that he was only a donor. There was no struggling with boundaries, there was no scene with Bobby unpacking that struggle (which iirc Oliver had specifically teased), and suddenly both Oliver and Kristen in interviews were basically like "if you ever heard us say Buck was going to have an issue with this or saw anything in canon to suggest that, no you didn't actually" which...okay? And Eddie fully lost it over Buck getting struck by lightning? And was then framed as a grieving spouse all through 6x11? And then 6x12 came out of nowhere with Buck on Eddie's damn COUCH (after Oliver confirmed that the couch metaphor is real and Buck absolutely equates couches with romantic relationships etc etc) and another kitchen scene + shooting conversation that I'm still in shock over? And then there were other, little things that I probably wouldn't have thought anything of under normal circumstances, but that felt relevant once 6B actually hit and everything seemed so different.
Like how they seemed to have done pretty extensive reshoots for 6x10. Like how the first mention we had that the Buckleys were coming back was in reference to 6x11 (which itself seemed to me at least to be framed as sort of comic?), but oh hey, actually they're in 6x10, sike. Like how it took ages to get episode titles and other 6B info (writers, etc). Like how 6x12 feels like it could have easily just been exclusively a Bobby episode (and frankly with the way they talked about it, I expected more flashbacks with Wendell and Bobby) and while the Buck (and Buddie) subplot works, it also feels like almost a totally separate episode. Like how Ryan is apparently in every episode of 6B despite traditionally being gone for two episodes per season. Like how there has been zero mention of Eddie's love life in canon yet despite the fact that Eddie dating was originally framed as if it was supposed to be a major part of 6B. Like how Marisol's actress posted about not knowing if whatever she filmed (I'm assuming related to Eddie) had aired yet despite the fact that this is a major network tv show (which at least to me reads as if things were moved around). Like how Eddie dating no longer appears to be the deep, thoughtful, potentially angsty arc about him choosing to explore himself that it was originally framed as, but looks like instead it's mostly comic and the result of his aunt?
Anyway, to me at least all of that is super sus and feels like whatever issue there was behind the scenes was resolved somewhere around the time of the midseason finale, they totally flipped directions on whatever slow, drawn out plan they had, and now they've slammed on the gas and are hightailing it towards full out Buddie canon in the finale. Idk if it's because they're worried about renewal or if they just don't want to fuck around anymore, but whatever the case, I am extremely curious about the next six episodes (and really really really want to know if I'm right about Buddie trapped dads in the finale).
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
Babyls teachers so far
This is all the info i could collect on the teachers so far (disclaimer I've almost definitely missed something lmao)
Ive tried to stick to info that's definitely canonical, which is why some details are labelled 'presumed' despite most likely being canon, since they've technically not been confirmed
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In the Royal One arc, Kalego confirms there are 36 teachers at babyls besides himself, hence the unfilled numbers at the end. (I'm not certain if Sullivan is counted towards this or not). This means that with the addition of Opera and Shiida, the official number of Babyls teachers is 39!
Idk this is messy but! Hopefully it can be of interest to someone.
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Note: I'm not 100% sure if the two cat eared teachers are intended to be the same character or not. Given their differing shirt types and the fact the second one is consistently depicted with light hair, I'm tentatively counting them as a unique character.
I'm also not sure if Radda, who is a part time teacher counts as one of the 37, which is why he's been separated.
Other stuff:
-Babyls teachers are either hired through an exam or through a letter of recommendation. Ipos Ichou and Dantalion Dali are the examiners for potential teachers. It is unknown whether this is an official role or switches out.
-Marbas March and Murmur Tsumuru invigilated the first year entrance exam for Chima.
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raamitsu · 1 month
I'm sorry if that's a stupid question (I'm not 100% caught up on all the details), but when it comes to the Yuuji and Sukuna family tree chaos, do you feel like it was foreshadowed enough? To me it kinda felt very out of left field, but then maybe we have to wait until we have the full context.
While that chapter was unironically a banger, I don't know how to feel about all those sudden reveals during the final fight. But that could just be my personal gripe with the Gojo v. Sukuna fight where new information about the whole power system was constantly introduced that we couldn't have possibly known about and it felt unsatisfying in the narrative. Doesn't change the fact that I was really invested in it when the chapters came out every week because I'm invested in what's happening/happened to Gojo, and I hope I don't come off as rude, I'm just genuinely interested in others opinions, maybe I missed something. Anyway have a good day/night and thanks for all the updates!
True, Yuji and Sukuna's relations perhaps have been foreshadowed a lot since the beginning but I believe the majority of the fandom didn't consider them to be different from what they were expecting; from twin brothers to uncle-nephew. Not gonna lie they nailed it with the twins theory but somehow Jin Itadori was and has never crossed their mind because they thought he was less relevant other than wanting to have a child at all cost.
Not just the fact that Gege added a little motive into Jin's character, this means there is so little we knew about him that Gege planned to reveal to us. I also believe we'll get to learn about Wasuke as a character because his appearance in the very first chapter was crucial, especially the advice he gave to Yuji.
You're right about the "receiving info left and right" because I feel the same way. Even so, I remembered what Tite Kubo said regarding this:
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At first I expressed my dissatisfactory with this kind of writing choice Gege made to my friend but there were some truths to what Kubo said here - though I believe every author are more than capable to surprise us despite many revelations.
But with JJK, we had them already at hands and we theorized + analyzed them before we could confirmed they were canon/relevant to the plot, until Gege slowly unveiled their importance to the story.
At this point we need to stay alert with every JJK content we receive; be it merchandises, colored pages, Gege's illustrations etc. 😂😭
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khruschevshoe · 6 months
OFMD Critique: the Handling of Female Characters, "Girlbosses," and Dropped Polyamory in Season 2 (aka Why the HELL did you give Zheng Yi Sao that ending?)
For this one, I kind of just want to gesture at the ending of 2x7 and the entirety of 2x8 and scream at the top of my lungs, "What the FUCK was that SHIT?"
But I already did that when the finale itself came out, so instead I'm going to stay calm and give a genuine critique (though still as rambly as always).
The handling of this show's women is...questionable. I think the only woman that was handled 100% well is Mary in Season 1. No real notes there. I love her and how her storyline is written to bits.
But in season 2, all 3 major women characters (Archie, Zheng Yi Sao, and Spanish Jackie) have their storylines hamstrung by romantic plot lines.
In Archie's case, the romance plot works. Not every character needs to have a subplot. The bits that flesh out her character are well integrated into the story, whether that be her first kiss with Jim directly leading into the fighting to the death plotline/Jim finally standing up to Blackbeard or the lines "you have hope, it's cute," "this is just kinda how things work," and "they just kind of get away with it, you know" (though it still pisses me off that that last one goes unchallenged in the narrative) being used for plot progression, or are fun character details, such as all of the snake cult hints. (Do I wish that the poly aspect of her, Jim, and Olu's dynamic was better executed so that I didn't feel like the tealoranges plot was yanked out from under my feet? Yes. Of course.)
But as for Zheng Yi Sao?
The treatment of this character makes my blood boil.
See, I'm not opposed to her having a romantic plotline. In fact, I think it could have been fun. A woman can have romance and power. 2x7 even looked like it was building to that sort of conclusion, with Jim, Olu, and Archie joining her crew in one of the very few actual canon implications of poly (though no confirmation, sadly- have y'all seen the info about the deleted scenes that could have confirmed it? I can't believe so much ended up on the cutting room floor.) But then the end of 2x7 strips all power from Zheng Yi Sao.
The show pulled one of the most powerful pirates and most accomplished women in history (also a woman of color, btw, a fact which only doubles the weird fucking undertones of her treatment as a character) into the show only to strip her of her power, shove her into a romantic plot line on a ship where she isn't even a captain, and expected me not to pick up on ANY of the fucked up optics of the writing? The fact that we end the season with Zheng and Spanish Jackie both losing their power as pirate queens in exchange for setting them on a ship with only one singular boyfriend grinds my fucking gears, man.
There are ways to give Zheng a romantic plotline without it making her an idiot (ala what happens with Olu in 2x3) or making her lose all of her power (ala the finale). Jackie's case is less infuriating, but it does remind me of the fact that a lot of the casual poly/open relationship rep from the first season got stripped from the second season (and before you come at me with the Zheng/Olu/Archie/Jim storyline, look me in the eye and cite to me any concrete canon evidence we have of it. I ADORE the fanfic as much as the next person, but I mourn the lost potential every day. Check my previous tealoranges meta for that- I might write a long version of it sometime). Lucius and Pete lost all their open relationship implications and Jackie's husbands are dropped from the finale in favor of her running off with the only one who gets a name.
I understand that they probably wrote Zheng Yi Sao this way to show Stede's growth as a Captain by showing that he brings more flexible ideas to the table (which, by the way, is completely undermined by the fact that his plan actively kills Izzy in the process), but they really should have thought through the...everything in regards to the implications of writing Zheng Yi Sao this way. Because if you bring in one of the only female characters with speaking lines onto this show, a Chinese woman at that, make romance actively make her stupid, have her be fooled by a white man (who, by the way, kills THOUSANDS of unnamed women off-page in explosions and it's just kind of treated as a plot point for the whole Zheng/Auntie/Stede/Izzy/Ed comparison which gives me the ick), strip her of her fleet and her power, and then have the GALL to not even make her the Captain of the Revenge at the end of it all? I'm not sure I trust you to handle her legacy, much less write women in general.
TLDR; Writing a very queer show does not resolve you of sexism.
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