#all so amazing and smart and talented it fucking blows my mind
microwavechild · 2 years
trans women ars lieterally the most powerful thing on earth
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Could you make a fic where Miguel gets the female reader pregnant and they're happy but he's worried about her safety? Maybe have a villain find out? Cause some angst?
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Risk Something (You're Losing Me)
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara (Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse) x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language. Spoilers (Miguel's backstory is mentioned). Angst! Alert!, Unplanned pregnancy!Alert.
Word count: 4.3K
A/N: Since I had already established some background and emotional intimacy, I thought I could write this as a sort-of-sequel to my previous one-shot Host of a Ghost. I was so excited to write this, especially because I don't usually write angst but I like to push my boundaries and leave my confort zone. Hope that it pays off and, of course dear anon, that you like it <3
Part III
You’d never really believed in long-distance relationships. After being witness to so many unsuccessful ones, you’d cataloged the entire concept into a box labeled “certain failure” and tucked it away in the back of your head. And yet, with an inconsistency worthy of your friend Hobie, you’d gone and gotten yourself involved in no less than an interdimensional relationship.
How? Well, that was a good question.
All it took was five simple steps:
Step one: Live a regular life. Go to school, graduate, and try to go for a Ph.D. that gets you working near genetically modified insects for just the right amount of time for you to become careless enough to let one crawl onto your backpack, take it to your apartment, and let it sting you. Throw in some negligence, forfeit going to the hospital, and go on about your afternoon. Warning, some side effects like loss of consciousness or intense headaches can be expected.
Step two: Congratulations! You’ve now become a super-powered person with abilities that range from climbing walls and performing gravity-challenging parkour to creating a sticky web-like element that helped you swing from one building to another. Toy around with your new talents, and grow comfortable with them before realizing that you can actually use them to be the much-needed help your city needs.
Step three: Turns out you’re not the only one with this kind of ability out there. There’s a whole Spider-Society full of similarly enhanced people who try and do their best to keep their own dimensions safe, and you’ve not only caught their eye but have actually been invited to join them. Let your new guide Jess Drews show you around, and explain all the benefits that come from joining a team such as theirs. If you decline, you can go back home and that’ll be all.
If you’re interested, it’ll be necessary to convince the leader but they could use some extra help so it shouldn’t be particularly hard. It sounds like an amazing chance. Information you wouldn’t have access to otherwise, mind-blowing facilities where you can polish your newly acquired abilities, possible new friends that actually know what you’re going through…Say you’ll think about it. Right as you’re about to leave, the most fucking gorgeous man you’ve ever seen in your entire life walks past without paying either of you any mind, busy while speaking to another Spider-Person. You ask who that is, turns out he’s the aforementioned leader, “will I ever have to work with him?”, you ask. “Probably, eventually” Replies Jess. Ask when you can start.
Step four: Do your best to earn your place in this elite group. Successfully improve your fighting skills, read everything available on interdimensional traveling and the multiverse. Understand it almost instantly because that’s how smart you are, kudos to you. Realize that for some reason, despite never actually interacting with you, Spider-Society leader Miguel O’Hara tends to stare. A lot. Is it because you’re progressing as fast as Jessica says or because she’s a complete liar and you’re actually doing it all wrong? No idea. All you know is that even during mundane scenarios like laughing in the hall with all the newest additions to the team or in line at the cafeteria, you feel a certain tingle in the back of your head that makes you turn around. Of course, the moment your eyes meet, he turns around and leaves. An odd one, yes. But you’ve also heard things. Rumors, here and there about his life before creating the Society. Whispers about a lost family and some video archives being the only evidence that they even existed in the first place. And, of course, the fault he had in the destruction of their dimension. You sympathize with him, despite his apathetic attitude towards you. You’ve seen him interact with those he’s closer to, and you know there’s more to him than he lets on. You’d be elated if he ever let you take just one look at the smidge of his old self that sometimes peeked out from behind the iron curtain. Well, not really. One look wouldn’t be enough. If anything, it would only cement your feelings for the man.
Step five: Curiosity killed the cat. We all know that. You know that. And yet, you decided to go snooping around Miguel O’Hara’s computer and personal files until you accidentally switch his computer on for long enough to let the videos he’s always watching start playing. He…his daughter…an entire lost life gone before his eyes. Then, before you could do the right thing and turn the computer off, an eerily familiar voice called at him from behind the camera. So, of course, you had to keep watching. Long story short? All those oddly constant stares, that coldness towards you, unwillingness to look you in the eye, was because of two reasons: first, you were a nearly identical interdimensional variant of the wife he’d lost in the dimension he unwittingly erased from existence. Two, as he’d confessed after realizing you’d found out about the truth, Miguel had come to terms with the fact that he was in love with you, not as a replacement for somebody from his past but as a new presence in his life that he’d been struggling to watch from afar, unwilling to let all his repressed feelings spill out like water from a broken dam. Until that night, of course.
Now, eight months later, you’d come to realize there was actually a sixth step you’d never actually considered until now that you were in this…situationship.
Step six: Uncomfortably avoid every and all circumstances in which interdimensional disparities and canon consistency regarding your relationship could come up. Don’t say anything like “Well, it’s been nice but I’ve got to go back to my own dimension” because that would remind him that his dimension was not yours too. That you were after all still a stranger in a strange land. Which of course also meant never inviting him to stay in your dimension.
Deep inside, you knew that all those details would eventually cause problems, especially regarding the inner conflict Miguel was always dealing with knowing what he was doing…what you were both doing, went against his strongest principle. But by God he was happy. Happier than he’d thought he could ever feel again. More than he deserved. So he just ignored those intrusive thoughts and focused on whatever task was at hand. And you were too. Even after just eight months, life without him already seemed unimaginable. He was your first thought in the morning and your last before you went to sleep, and more than once his presence beside you had been not just a figment of your imagination, but a part of your reality as you felt his strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer whenever you strayed too far from him in bed as he groggily whispered, “¿Y a dónde crees que vas, preciosa?”, Or when he buried his nose in the crook of your neck, lining it up with soft kisses that sometimes ended up in both of you being late for your assigned tasks. With so much on the line, you were more than happy to avoid those spiky subjects. It seemed like such a small price to pay with all you were getting in return.  
You weren’t sure of where all this was going, but none of that mattered. Right now, you were together. Inside the Spider-Society you were a great team and each one was a valuable asset. Outside, every second spent in your arms was enough to make him forget Spider-Man. To you, he was Miguel and nothing more. And that was all you needed.
Life was good. You were happy with the way things were. Until, as it usually happens, a necessary disruption came quite literally crashing into your life in the shape of a fifteen-year-old that carelessly swung around a corner and crashed into you after you’d been chasing him like the rest of the Spider-People after receiving Miguel’s message.
“Miles?” You asked, recalling his name, which you’d actually been hearing for quite some time since the circumstances of his existence started being a problem for your boyfriend. The boy didn’t answer. He just looked at you, his eyes filled with confusion and fear until you hesitantly took a step aside to leave the escape route open for him. If anything he looked even more baffled, but when the noise of his pursuers reached your ears he rushed down the hall and you lost him after he took a sharp turn.
Before you could be spotted, you ran in the opposite direction and hid around a corner as you tried to call Miguel on your watch. Of course, it was in vain. Well, Plan B. Fortunately, this time you did get a reply.
“Peter! Yes, it’s me! Where are you?”
“Where do you think? I’m going after him like everybody else. I need to get to him before…sweetie, please just get back in there, Daddy’s on the phone right now…I need to get to him before- “
“He’s already left the headquarters,” You informed him.
“Wait, you saw him?”
“About a minute ago. He was on his way to the North exit.”
“(Y/N), are you sure you should be a part of this chase right now?”
“Why not? Jessica is there, isn’t she?” You replied, smiling to yourself. Good old Peter B., looking out for you like some sort of self-appointed brother figure.
“Well yeah, but she’s not running, kid. Although I don’t think she should be on one of those death machines either, I don’t what she’s…”
While he kept on rambling for a bit, you looked around and wondered if you’d ever seen the building this empty.
Your eyes slowly ran along the pearly white walls until they landed on the hallway that led to the room where the Go Home Machine was kept. Practically unchecked, if Spider-Byte had joined the pursuit.
“P.B., I’ll talk to you later,” You absent-mindedly replied, hanging up on him without waiting for an answer as you dashed down the hallway.
You kept thinking about that poor kid’s eyes. After having all that information unloaded onto him, instead being given enough time to somewhat process everything he now had to escape from the very people he was supposed to feel safe amongst. When he sat on the floor right in front of you right after the crash, he was sure you would immediately hand him over. Maybe a few months ago you would’ve done it without hesitation but now…things had changed.
There it was. The Go-Home Machine. You thought you saw a purple blast inside that let you know Byte was still there. However, if your theory was correct, Miles would have to go through that hall and therefore, you. A few minutes later, a sudden voice booming from your watch startled you.
“Miguel? Where are you? I’ve been trying to…”
“(Y/N), listen to me! Miles lured everybody out on purpose, he’s trying to get to the machine. I can see your location back at the headquarters and he should be coming your way in less than a minute!”
“Alright. I’ll handle it.” You replied, ending the call before he could ask you to elaborate on that.
Sure enough, light footsteps came in your direction shortly after. Right as Miles entered your field of view, an alert issued by your watch made your stomach drop and a dreadful feeling fill your chest. However, you’d made up your mind. There was no going back now.
Mile spotted you at the end of the hall and stopped in his tracks. His eyes were determined, not as afraid as a few moments earlier. If he was there that meant he’d somehow gotten past Miguel. You fought back a smile when you wondered how pissed he’d be about it. Having his ass kicked by a teenager was something that, maybe under different circumstances, you could tease him about.
“He’s a delight, isn’t he?” You finally spoke, trying to somewhat lighten the mood while taking a step toward the kid. However, he got in a defensive stance, furrowing his eyebrows in distrust.
“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to talk.” You assured, showing him both your hands, “Miles, listen very carefully. This is exactly what Miguel was talking about a while ago. At this very moment. Right now, I’m supposed to stop you from getting to that machine and handing you over,”
Of course, he took another step back.
“Miles I’m not going to do that,” You assured him.
“Why not?” He immediately asked, constantly looking behind him, wondering if this was just you trying to stall him like, unbeknownst to you, he thought Peter had tried to do a while ago.
“Because I’m sure there’s a better way to go about all this. I love him so much, I do, but he’s so afraid that I don’t think he’s willing to see other possibilities and by the time he does, it might be too late for you. Now go before anybody else gets here.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. Miles darted past you as soon as you finished talking, taking a second to look back before reaching the dimly lit room where his ticket home was. His eyes scanned your face and darted down for one second before he looked up at you, a new worry in his eyes that had you wondering whether his spider-sense was strong enough to perceive something you’d just found out yourself.  
“Are you going to be okay?” Miles asked, his eyes looking down for a moment once again. Did he know? Did he mean “you” as in just you or as in…?
“Yes, don’t worry. Now get out of here.” You insisted. With one last hasty “thanks”, he ran into the room as your left in the opposite direction. You weren’t worried about Spider-Byte. She was a good kid, and she’d do the right thing.
The right thing. What did that even mean anymore?
You’d deal with the moral implications later. For now, as you found yourself on the other side of the headquarters, your mind was set on finding Miguel. Maybe you could try and talk some sense into him, make him reconsider whether this was…
“What the hell was that?”
By now you’d gotten used to Miguel’s habit of sneaking up on you. Usually, hearing his voice coming out of nowhere brought a smile to your face. This time, you closed your eyes and winced as you felt his presence behind you.
“Don’t even try lying. I know that voice you used in the call. The one for when you’re about to ignore whatever order I’m about to give you, so I checked the cameras.”
“Miguel, I…” You began to explain yourself just to be harshly cut off.
“(Y/N), what were you thinking? Do you realize what you just did? Do you have the slightest idea of the consequences…?”
“I do realize that you just asked a fifteen-year-old child to stand by and let his father get killed right before calling his existence a mistake, Miguel. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking of our safety, and that includes Miles’. You’re right, he’s a kid and that means he’s selfish and immature enough to endanger everything we’ve all been risking our lives to protect for years.”
“Miguel, listen to me,” You insisted, “You’re scared. I know. I am, too, but have you ever considered that maybe there’s another solution? Do we even know for sure that allowing the kid to go and try to save his father is going to cause any real damage?”
“What if it does? Are you just going to tell me “Sorry, Miguel, you were right” and that’s all? (Y/N), Dios mío, piensa. Gwen said the same thing but we couldn’t trust her with being objective because he’s her friend,”
“Wait, what do you mean couldn’t?” You asked. Miguel clenched his jaw and turned away, unable or unwilling to look at you.
“Miguel, please tell me you didn’t send her back. Not with how she left things back there,”
His absolute silence told you everything. Shaken, you took a step back.
“What is wrong with you?” You hissed the disappointed look in your eyes hurting like a sharp dagger to his chest.
“(Y/N), mi amor, I’m just trying to…”
“You’re such a hypocrite,” You angrily spat out, “You go around preaching about how important sticking to your stupid canon is and the delicate balance of the multiverse when you know damn well that what we’re doing goes against every single one of those things,”
“No, no, that’s very different,” Miguel disputed,
“How is it different?” You argued back, boldly moving closer to him wishing you were taller so you could face him, “I’m from another dimension, there is no way that we were supposed to meet from the beginning. You had your world, this world, and when you tried to live another life in a different one, an entire dimension was destroyed. I had my world, and for all I know maybe there was somebody there that I was supposed to meet but thankfully I ended up here first so I could meet you. But you know what? My universe is fine, yours is too and I swear I had never been happier in my entire life.”
“You’re right.” He muttered in deep thought.
“Yes, I am. And maybe…” You started to say, a relieved smile tugging at the edges of your mouth until he looked up and the expression in his eyes made your throat dry up.
“We’ve been messing with fire all this time. There is probably somebody you can be with without endangering your entire dimension. And this…this is the hand I was dealt and I should just accept it and live with it. You’re right. Maybe this was all a mistake from the beginning.”
“No. No, come on, you don’t mean that.” You shook your head in denial, lifting both your hands to cup his face in your hands, to bring him close like he had done the night you finally could let all the love you felt for him escape its confinement in your chest.
Miguel grabbed your hands before you could touch him and moved away from you before releasing them as he finally built up the courage to look you in the eye.
“Are you serious?” You asked, your voice quivering with anger as you felt tears begin to dwell in your eyes, “So that’s it? You’d rather sacrifice us than find a different way to solve this?”
“Well, what did you think was going to happen, (Y/N)? That this would go on forever and we’d keep pretending everything is fine and that you don’t have to wear a fucking machine on your wrist every time you come to see me because even the cells in your body know you were never supposed to be here?”  
“Oh, right, so you expect me to believe that you always knew this was going to be temporary? Then what was this? Something to take the edge off after a rough day until you decided it was time to stop fooling around and just be done with it?”
Deep inside, you knew what his response was going to be, but every inch of your heart silently pleaded for you to be wrong. To pull you into his arms and apologize for trying to send you away and promise that you’d get through this because you loved each other and that was all that mattered.
“I don’t know why you thought it was anything else,”
For a minute, you wondered if this was all actually happening. Maybe this was all a nightmare fueled by all the training simulations you’d gone over lately, and you’d wake up crying just to find Miguel asleep next to you, his wide back slowly rising and sinking with every calm breath he took. Your crying would wake him up and he’d furrow his eyebrows and ask what had happened.
“I had a nightmare, that’s all,” You’d say, wiping your tears off and trying to downplay it. But he knew better. He always knew better. He would pull you close and bury your head in his chest, placing a kiss on top of your head while warning you that he was the only one allowed to have nightmares because otherwise he’d have to start comforting you too and neither would get a full night of rest. And you would laugh softly as you drifted off, lulled by the warmth of his chest and his smell of sage lotion and cheap fabric softener.
But no. You were very much awake, and instead of comforting you with promises and reassurances, he was walking away from you after delivering the final blow to your heart.
Since he had his back turned to you, you felt free to let the repressed tears freely fall down your face as you helplessly watch him go until he disappeared around a corner. All of a sudden, you felt as if the walls of the headquarters had begun to close around you to asphyxiate you, and the sound of the returning Spider-People made you realize you didn’t want to be there for one more second.
Thanks to your watch, you were back “home” in a few seconds.
“Home”. Your empty apartment where you’d lived alone for years. Where he’d never set foot, and at least in that way it was free of his memory. Or so you thought until you looked over your shoulder at the ajar bathroom door. Inside, atop the porcelain sink, still rested the positive pregnancy test you’d left there before having to rush over to the headquarters to help with the latest anomaly.
That memory felt so distant now. As if it had happened years ago, in a different life. You suppose in a way, it did belong to another life. A life that was over now.
Numbly, you made your way toward the ragged sofa, collapsing on top of it as soon as you were close enough. It was only then that the full weight of the last day and a half sank in and, as you gently wrapped your arms around your stomach, you let the tears fall until your throat burned, the dusty cushions muffling your broken sobs.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard correctly, you did what?”
The seriousness of the situation was enough for Peter to fasten a small strap in Mayday’s baby carrier to make sure she won’t go anywhere for a few minutes as he waited for his friend’s platform to reach ground level. He couldn’t be chasing his toddler around and ripping Miguel a new one at the same time.
“I did what I had to do. It’s for her own good,”
“Right, because you’re such an arrogant…” He paused to carefully place his hands over Mayday’s tiny ears, “…such an arrogant dick that you think you know what’s best for everyone, including a fully grown, intelligent, woman like (Y/N)”
“Shit, Parker, do you think it was easy for me?” Miguel uttered, pinching the bridge of his nose before resting his face against the palm of his hand, “What I said about this being the hand I was dealt…I don’t know how I’m supposed to deal with that. Hell, I don’t even know how I’m going to keep myself from showing up at her dimension to try and get her back here the first chance I get.”
“And why would you have to keep yourself from doing that?” Peter asked patiently. It sounded like a better alternative to “Miguel, I love you man but I swear you’ve got the emotional availability of a tree stump. Beats me how (Y/N) was able to get you to admit your feelings without prying your chest open with a jigsaw to see your pounding heart for herself.”
“She was right. We were never supposed to meet in the first place. Not like this. It’s not…”
“Miguel, I swear if I hear the word ‘canon’ even once in this conversation I’m going to drive my head through a wall,”
“Just because you don’t take anything seriously doesn’t mean everybody’s the same,” Miguel hissed back.
“That’s where you’re wrong. Last time I didn’t take something seriously, I ended up just like you will unless you get your priorities sorted out. Alone, and regretting not focusing on what was important,”
“This is important,” Miguel stubbornly argued.
“More important than what you had? Look at yourself. Just forty-eight hours ago you were as happy with (Y/N) as you’d been for the past eight months. And as happy as I’ve been with Mayday and my wife who, by the way, wouldn’t even be with me if it wasn’t for that kid you just called a mistake. And do you see my dimension going up in flames? Or yours? Or hers?”
Unable to find an argument against that, Miguel remained silent, his eyes fixed on an empty spot on the wall in front of him.
“Listen, I know you’re afraid. You don’t want her to get hurt, but if you love her as much as you claim to, then you’re taking the choice of a coward right now. And you can’t afford to be one, especially now.”
“Especially now?” Miguel inquired, turning to look at his friend who, much to his surprise, pressed his lips together as if he’d made a mistake and instead focused on getting Mayday’s hair out of her face.
“My point is; I know you well enough to know you worship that woman. And she thinks you’re pretty decent too. And I can tell you from experience that you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life if you let this come between you.”
Not knowing what else to add, Peter gently patted Miguel’s shoulder before leaving the room, hoping he’d given him enough to think about. Hopefully, enough to make him change his mind.
Meanwhile, Miguel hadn’t moved since Peter left the room, mulling his words over.
Two, particularly, had stuck with him for some reason.
Especially now.
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surely-sims · 7 months
AKA an excuse for me to yell about how much I love these incredible free CC creators and throw flowers at them.
@lumenniveus - LxN CC 🌹
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LxN makes some of the most interesting, whimsical, and creative CC that i think the community at large is so lacking. Every time I load up his CC In my game I find myself smiling and laughing at all the love and little jokes he includes. Please Please Check out his stuff if you haven't already. I think he might be the most tragically slept on BB creators.
▶ Check out LxN Here!
@hamsterbellbelle 🌸
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HamsterBelle is one of the most brilliant creators I've come across in this community. Not only is she crazy smart and makes some of the coolest cyberpunk CC I've ever seen, she is also a mind blowing builder and takes the time to write out some incredibly helpful tutorials. I've learned so much from her whether she knows or not haha. 🐹💖
▶ Check out HamsterBellBelle here!
@nolan-sims 🌼
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Not only is Nolan a goddamn pillar of this community for many years but she's also an incredible, sweet, and wonderfully talented creator and friend. Her CC is always so well thought through, completely original, and lovingly detailed. We definitely don't deserve her. 😭💗
▶ Check out Nolan here!
All these creators are amazing and I would carve their names into the stars but ya'll would shoot me if this post kept going and going down your dash that long.
⭐ @gilded-ghosts Amazing amazing vintage CC, thoughtful, beautiful original meshes and textures. ( X ) ⭐ @myshunosun Myshuno deserves all the hype and praise her CC gets. She's an absolutely lovely human and has saved my ass once or twice too. ( X ) ⭐ @dallasgirl79 DallasGirl makes the best heels your sims will ever wear. Hard stop. I will not be taking questions at this time. ( X ) ⭐ @doctorsimcraft A dear friend, an amazing writer, builder and maker of delightful vintage Build/Buy CC too. ( X ) ⭐ @vyxated HOLY FUCK. Vxyated is crazy intelligent. Their work with CAS rooms and now the new Rig Plus Helper is mind blowing. ( X ) ⭐ @adjusted-karma ( X ), @simmireen ( X ), @herecirm-warcry ( X ), @rebouks ( X ), @madebycoffee ( X ) Beautiful people, beautiful poses. Also Ireen runs @ts4-poses which is a goddamn godsend to this community. ⭐ @twentiethcenturysims ( X ), @chere-indolente ( X ) Fantastic Historical CC from two very good eggs. ⭐ @jellymoo ( X ), @laeska ( X ), @xldkx-cc ( X ) Three lovely and fantastically talented CAS creators that put a ton of thought and effort in going the extra mile with their CC and it absolutely shows. ⭐ @awingedllama Anna is smart, skilled, and deserves all the flowers she's gotten this year. We really do love to see it. ( X ) ⭐ @kamiiri Some of the best hairs that have ever graced my game. I am actually obsessed. ( X )
If I missed anyone I apologize, but please know every single free CC creator makes my heart grow a little bigger every day. 💖 And to my fellow Creators, Storytellers, Simmers - Go make weird shit, make something that makes you laugh, make something that brings you joy. Cause y'know what? That joy bleeds into your work and we can all see it and feel it. That joy is infectious and special and THAT is what makes this community worth being a part of.
xo, Anne 🦐
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pearlnareff · 1 year
@mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
HI HELLO ANDROMEDA You are incredibly talented in so many more ways than one. Your writing is top fucking notch and I gobble up every single word of every one of your fics and rp threads and literally everything. But! You are *also* an amazing artist, and you put so much thought and care into everything you create. I have seen you dive in head first to things like. even. silly dragon game and then in a weeks time you are easily the Top Number One Go To about that thing. Does that make sense? Like I know hyperfixation is a thing but the fact you can take something and learn so much about it and retain that thing, but then turn around and be willing and able to help other people with that thing. It's just like. Admirable. You are the person equivalent of tofu-- I feel like you could be put in any sort of situation and easily adapt and manage to be the best part of the dish. And I really like tofu too so I promise this analogy works. I know I talk about how talented you are a lot, but you are also so so so much more than your output. You are genuinely one of the best friends I have and I know that I would not be in the place I am now well-being wise had I not been blessed by the universe in meeting you three years ago now. You are always so Kind-- now this doesn't mean you're a doormat, because you even manage to disagree and have hard conversations but still do it in a way that is kind. And Helpful and Beneficial to everyone involved. You manage to give off the air of "Yes I have a level head and everything is under control" even when you feel like everything is falling apart and that you're overwhelmed. You manage to handle doing so many different things which blows my mind constantly, even if you think you're just failing to juggle chainsaws but I promise that people look at you and admire you for how much you are able to accomplish. You are so fucking smart and you're hilarious-- honestly your sense of humor is so QUICK and CLEVER and its own special flavor of whacky that is just so wonderful. Like you wonder why you get starred in the discord server all the time it's cause you just manage to say the Exact Right Thing at the Right time to leave people in stitches. I told you a few years ago, that I would compare you to Princess Celestia, and I know that in part is just me as someone who looks up to you personally putting you up in this position. BUT. I truly think that you are a princess not only because I admire you but because you are just so. Regal. And Lovely. And Yeah Big Fan. I'm a big Fandi-boy. I"m in the Fandidom. 10/10 And you deserve so so so so so so so many good things that whenever I get to hear about something good happening to/for you it just makes my heart feel so happy.
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griffintail · 3 years
Blow Us All Away
Pairings: Parental! Wilbur x F! Reader
Warnings: Blood Mention, Duel, Death
A/N: This is literally all over the SMP timeline the basic thing is Revivebur or Ghostbur didn't happen and L'Manberg is still a standing country. This is an idea I randomly had for my Lost Ones character Little Star and decided to just write it.
Meet the latest graduate of King's College
I prob'ly shouldn't brag, but, dag, I amaze and astonish
The scholars say I got the same virtuosity and brains as my pops
The gents say my brain's not where the resemblance stops
I'm only nineteen but my mind is older
Gotta be my own person, like my father, but bolder
I shoulder his legacy with pride, I used to hear him say
That someday I would blow us all away!
(Y/N) was always proud to consider herself Wilbur’s daughter. She had his fire and brains. He taught her his talents of music and she was able to learn with ease. She’d walk around with pride with her L’Manberg uniform, wearing and bearing her titles with pride.
The daughter of the nation’s president and a soon-to-be cabinet member. Her father was confident she could do just about anything and would most certainly succeed him with ease once she got older.
Today though, she was a lady on a mission. She had her uniform on as always but she had her hands behind her back, a serious look plastered onto her face. Ahead on her walk down the prime path, she spotted Niki and Eret talking.
“Ladies, I'm lookin for a Ms. Wastaken. Made a speech last week, our peace talk speaker. She disparaged my father's legacy in front of a crowd. I can't have that; I'm making my father proud.” (Y/N) stopped in front of the pair explain herself.
“I saw her just up Broadway a couple of blocks, she was goin' to see a play,” Eret told the girl.
“Well, I'll go visit her box.” (Y/N) tipped her hat before going to the stage in the SMP land.
As (Y/N) got to the stage, there was currently being a play put on people she didn’t know but that didn’t matter to her right now. She was a lady on a mission. In the high seats sat the daughter of Dream and that was her goal.
“Terror!” (Y/N) came forward in front of her seat.
“Shh!” Terror didn’t even look at her.
“Shh, I'm tryin' to watch the show!”
“Ya shoulda watched your mouth before you talked about my father though!”(Y/N) protested as the other finally looked at her.
Around them, the crowd had become less interested in the play as they watched the far more interesting events in front of them.
“I didn't say anything that wasn't true. Your father's a coward, and so, it seems, are you.”
(Y/N) gave a short laugh as she watched her. “It's like that?”
“Yeah, I don't fool around, I'm not your little school girl friends.”
“Well, see you on the dueling ground! That is unless you wanna step outside and go now!”(Y/N) challenged with spread arms.
“I know where to find you, piss off, I'm watchin' this show now.” Terror once more didn’t look at the other woman on the ground.
(Y/N) clenched her jaw but stormed off. She’d show her! She’d win that duel and Terror would…
She stopped near Tubbo’s old house realizing what she had just done. That’s one thing Wilbur had never taught her; she didn’t know how to fight. They were a peaceful nation that didn’t need to fight. They used their words and she just signed herself up to use weapons.
“Fuck.” She muttered as she looked around.
She tended to overstep herself when it came to standing for her father, but this time she’d stepped too far. She didn’t know what to do, she needed help. There was no way she’d let Wilbur know what she did, but she knew one person that would keep a secret and she took off. Stopping outside the odd building, she knocked on the door and after a few moments, the fox hybrid opened the door, tail flicking seeing his sister.
“(Y/N), hey. What’s up?” Fundy asked, moving to let her.
“Fundy, I challenged Terror to a duel.” She admitted immediately as she walked in.
“You what?!” His fur puffed up as he closed his door hurriedly. “Why would you do that?!”
“It just slipped! She talked shit about dad Fundy! Fundy, if you had only heard the shit, she said about him; I doubt you would have let it slide and I was not about to!” She threw her hands up as she paced.
“Slow down.” Fundy tried to calm her as he took her shoulders.
“I came to ask you for advice, this is my very first duel. They don't exactly cover this subject in L’Manberg.” She sighed.
“Did your friends attempt to negotiate a peace?”
“She refused to apologize, we had to let the peace talks cease.”
“Where is this happening?”
“Across the river, in Las Nevadas.”
“Everything is legal in Las Nevadas.” They both nodded.
“Alright, so this is what you're gonna do. Stand there like proud until Terror is in front of you. When the time comes, fire your weapon in the air. This will put an end to the whole affair.”
“But what if she decides to shoot? Then I'm a goner.”
“No, she'll follow suit if she's truly a woman of honor. To take someone's life, that is something you can't shake (Y/N), our father can't take another heartbreak.” He muttered, looking away for a moment, as he thought of everything that happened recently.
Their father was certainly having a hard time with all of it and they both knew it but (Y/N) didn’t just want to stand there. That felt like proving Terror right.
“Fundy!” She protested.
“Promise me.” He looked back at her as he thought about the war. “You don't want this young woman's blood on your conscience.”
She hesitated before sighing as she nodded. “Okay, I promise.”
“Come back home when you're done.” Fundy patted her shoulder before going to his weapons chest and pulling out his old bow and handed it to her. “Take my bow, be smart, make me proud, sis.”
(Y/N) took the bow, staring at it before nodding. Putting it on her back, she took a deep breath before leaving Fundy’s home and went towards Las Nevadas.
“My name is (Y/N). I am a musician. And I'm a little nervous, but I can't show it. I'm sorry, I'm a Soot with pride. You talk about my father; I cannot let it slide.” She sang to herself the familiar beat she knew.
Before she knew it, she was in Las Nevadas and Terror was standing there with a few souls that had seen from the play to watch how this act ended and a few faces she recognized that must have heard about the duel about to occur. She just hoped her father hadn’t heard how she wasn’t using her words.
“Terror, how was the rest of your show?” (Y/N) asked as she came forward.
“I'd rather skip the pleasantries, let's go.” Terror told her, moving her mask from the side of her face to the front. “Grab your bow.”
(Y/N) nodded as she took off the bow. “Confer with your men. The duel will commence after we count to ten.”
(Y/N) went to her position as everyone started to shift with excitement and nervousness. A few citizens from Las Nevadas had become curious and came to see.
“Look 'em in the eye, aim no higher.” (Y/N) muttered to herself as she gripped onto the bow. “Summon all the courage you require. Then slowly and clearly aim your bow towards the sky.”
The counting started and they began to take their paces.
One, two, three.
(Y/N) pulled the string back and aimed it up.
Four, five, six.
Before most of the crowd could react, Terror turned on her heel with her bowstring pulled back.
And the bowstring was released and (Y/N) let out a cry as she fell to the ground. Blood was already starting to quickly pour as Terror scoffed.
“And now that’s done.” Terror said, walking away as a few people went to help the other.
Everything was blurry for (Y/N). Everything seemed so fast but so slow. She didn’t know what was happening, she didn’t know where she was. All she could feel was pain and dizziness consuming her. She didn’t even hear as there was a call on the walkie about what happened as Foolish carried her to a cleaner location to hopefully heal her.
Fundy’s blood went cold when he heard the call on the radio and bolted for Las Nevadas. He demanded to know where his little sister was and once he found out where she was, he booked it for there too.
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
Fundy made it to Foolish had brought her and was ready to barge his way through every room to find her when Foolish stepped out.
“Where's my sister?” Fundy demanded.
“Fundy, come in, I brought her in a half an hour ago. She lost a lot of blood on the way over.” Foolish explained to him.
“Is she alive?” Fundy felt the tears in his eyes.
“Yes, but you have to understand. The arrow entered just above her hip and lodged in her right arm.”
“Can I see her please?”
“I'm doing everything I can but the wound was already infected when she arrived.” Foolish told him as he hesitantly led him to where (Y/N) was.
“(Y/N)!” Fundy rushed to her side, gently putting a hand on her forehead as Foolish let them be.
The pain had started to numb and (Y/N) could vaguely see her brother as she was able to hear him clearly.
“Fundy. I did exactly as you said, Fundy. I held my head up high.”
“I know, I know, shh.”
“High—” (Y/N) tried to continue but stumbled over her words.
“I know, I know, shh. I know you did everything just right.” Fundy assured her as tears spilled from his eyes.
“Even before we got to ten.” She needed to explain what happened, she needed him to know even as he gently shushed her. “I was aiming for the sky. I was aiming for the sky.”
“I know, I know, shh. I know, save your strength and stay alive.” Fundy pleaded with her as his ears went flat and his tail wrapped around his leg.
That’s when Fundy heard furious and upset shouting. Fundy squeezed his eyes shut as he knew one of those voices by heart and sure enough, not a moment later Wilbur came bursting through the door.
Wilbur’s heart had dropped the moment he heard about (Y/N) being injured. His little star…He didn’t know what happened, but he sprinted as fast as he could towards the country of Las Nevadas, demanding answers. His little girl had been in a duel…
The other side had been cheap and shot her before they even got to ten. And his daughter, his little star, his (Y/N), had aimed her bow towards the sky. When she made it out of this, he’d let her know how proud he was of her.
Yet, now he stood in the doorway, seeing his daughter barely together, a small bit of blood still collecting around her…
“No!” Wilbur shouted as he rushed over, Fundy moving back to let their father be by her side.
“Dad,” Fundy muttered.
“Is she breathing? Is she going to survive this?” Wilbur looked towards Foolish, who stood quietly at the door, before Wilbur looked at Fundy. “Who did this, Fundy, did you know?”
“Dad.”Wilbur looked at his daughter and took her hand carefully and put his forehead on hers as he teared up. “I'm so sorry for forgetting what you taught me.”
“My daughter.”Wilbur choked up as he squeezed her hand, Fundy putting a hand over his mouth behind them.
“We played guitar.”
“I taught you guitar.”
“You would put your hands on mine.”
“You changed the melody every time.” Wilbur laughed quietly at the memory as tears were pouring down his cheeks.
“I would always change the line.” (Y/N) muttered as her grip started to weaken.
“Shh, I know, I know.” Wilbur shushed her gently as his grip only went tighter.
“I would always change the line.”
“I know, I know.” He had to keep her awake and talking if she stopped…! “Un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf.”
“Un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf.” (Y/N) repeated quietly.
“Good. Un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf.”
“Un-deux-trois…” She repeated partially with him before her eyes began to droop then closed.
“Sept-huit-neuf. Sept-huit—” Wilbur pleaded before he let out a sob as she didn’t respond.
Fundy sobbed as well as she was gone…
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
make your own stereotype
pairing: soft dom!Choi Chanhee x reader
word count: 1.3k
synopsis: Chanhee changes his appearance and demeanor on his birthday and you have mind-blowing sex
a/n: happy birthday to the prettiest person in the entire world! this is inspired by the be your own king video
please send in requests!!!!
masterlist + requests
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You were lucky to have found the most amazing boyfriend in the world. The way you met had been an accident as you had texted the wrong Instagram account. Both your friend's and his were private with almost identical usernames. So you had been spamming his account with memes and all of your worries, wondering why your friend hadn’t been texting you back.
He eventually answered, matching your energy as well but he told you you must have confused him for a different Chanhee. You had felt so embarrassed and apologized profusely. He had just thought it was funny and told you it was okay. He kept on messaging you and you got along really well.All of this had happened during summer break so you had been talking a long time before school had started again.
By then you were already developing a slight crush on this sassy but also smart and kind human being and were kind of scared to see him. Apparently he was in your grade but you've just never had any classes together. But when he finally accepted your follow request and you saw his posts, you had immediately remembered him. You'd only ever seen him in the halls but his beautiful face hadn't gone unnoticed by you.
After summer, you actually had had a few classes together and had started hanging out in real life. Your chemistry was A+ and soon you were sure you liked him more than a friend. To your surprise he had actually confessed to you after four months and now it has been one and a half years since you'd been together.
Today was his birthday and you were so excited to give him your self-made cake and presents. Unfortunately you had school today so that had to wait until the afternoon.
Right now you were waiting in your first period classroom for Chanhee.
"Y/n!!" you heard someone call your name excitedly. You immediately knew it was Chanhee and stood up to run to him. When your eyes found him you stopped dead in your tracks.
Instead of his usual pink curls and bright, preppy outfits you were greeted with a straight, black haired, dark clothed Chanhee. You hadn't been aware that he had planned to dye his hair so this came as a surprise to you. He looked very different but just as beautiful nonetheless.
Ignoring the butterflies that were forming in your stomach you ran to him and gave him a very tight hug. He laughed at how excited you were and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
"You look absolutely stunning," you whispered in his ear and noticed him blush.
You had a hard time concentrating in any of your classes. Your boyfriend's new appearance had taken your breath away and you couldn't stop thinking about how good he looked with his black hair.
After school you went home together and you finally gave him the cake.
He was really happy and gave you a kiss as a thank you. You almost started making out and he was extremely amused by the fact that he seemed to affect you in this way.
"What did you wish for?" You were quite noisy and wanted to know.
"Blow out the candles and make a wish," you told him and he closed his eyes before blowing.
"You.," he simply answered with a smirk. You put your arms around his neck and told him: "But you already have me, baby."
"I want all of you," he whispered against your lips before pulling you closer and kissing you hard. This time he let it escalate and soon your tongues were fighting with each other and his hands were roaming your body.
You let out a squeak as he picked you up and carried you to your bed. While making out he was grinding on you from the top and you could clearly feel his hard on.
In a matter of a few seconds, most of your clothes had been discarded to the side and you were mostly naked. Chanhee went in between your legs and started licking and sucking your clit. When he inserted his long slender fingers your hands went to his hair and started pulling at it. The sensation had felt so good.
Usually there was no real power play between you two, just soft and loving sex but this time you could tell it was different.
Right before your orgasm he pulled out his fingers and laughed at your reaction.
"It's okay. I have something better for you," he told you and pumped his cock a few times. You wanted to help and maybe suck him off but he pinned your wrists to the bed. "No need for that."
He slid inside with ease as you were, one, very wet and, two, already used to his length after frequently having had sex for more than a year now. The beautiful moan that came out of his mouth as he entered made you clench around him and that made him go wild.
He wasn't particularly rough but his thrusts were still quite hard and sharp. At some point you had your head buried in the sheets while he was grabbing your ass and fucking you from behind. This allowed him to go even deeper and find your g-spot.
He had a particular talent in making you come from penetration which was very rare. You had always thought that it was normal for girls not to come during sex so you had been really surprised when you had had an orgasm during your first time.
When he felt like you were close he turned you around again. With your legs over his shoulders, you were making out while he was pounding into you. Both of you preferred to see each other's face when you were coming.
"Can I come inside you?" Chanhee asked which surprised you. You had suggested this to him before but he had always declined. He had been too scared to get you pregnant despite you being on the pill.
You eagerly nodded and felt the all too familiar knot forming in your stomach. Your boyfriend increased his tempo which drove you over the edge.
You came around his cock which made him explode as well. His cum was filling you from the inside and he was fucking it back in while riding out both of your orgasms.
He stayed still like this with your foreheads connected waiting to calm down. When he pulled his dick out, all the cum started dripping out of you.
You both started laughing as this whole entire experience was pretty unfamiliar.
You felt more exhausted than usual so Chanhee made sure to clean you up so you didn't have to walk. You were sure you were going to be super sore tomorrow.
When you were both clean, you stayed cuddling in your bed.
"Is there any particular reason you changed your appearance for your birthday?" you asked him, slightly curious.
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ears and laughed.
"You know how everyone always says that I am so feminine and fragile? Well, while that might be true that is not all I am. I just wanted to show I can be different. I wanted to make my own stereotype."
You admired him for this. He was right. He was more than what one would assume at first sight and this side was also just a part of who he was.
"I wouldn't mind seeing this side of you more often," you admitted sheepishly.
"Oh, I'm sure you wouldn't," he sneered. "Just ask and you shall receive." His words made you wet again and it became clear that today's fun would continue on for much longer.
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rainbowsky · 3 years
SDOC4 Episode 8, Let's Chat S02 Episode 7
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I am so hopelessly behind on these it's not even funny, but here it goes.
SDOC4 Episode 8
Battles - Solo
It's always exciting to see the dancers battle directly against each other. I'm always excited to see them show their unique skills and strengths. It's also interesting to see how the captains strategize in situations like this. This episode was one of my favorites so far.
WTF this guy is a powerhouse. Unbelievable talent, and so diverse in his ability. I know I'm always raving about him, but geez, it's so well deserved. He is such a force to be reckoned with. The way that he held against some of the B boys was incredibly impressive.
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I sometimes get complacent about him and think of him as a bit of a one trick pony, and then I see him battle. Guy is amazing.
Not enough words for how great he is. He's so original and distinctive, no one can touch him. Love him so much. And the big bonus is that we get to see DD cheer for him, which is always hugely entertaining.
My only complaint about AC is that I never see enough of him. I love him so much. He's not just a great dancer, he is an amazing performer who knows how to work the room. And I have to admit, there's something really heartwarming about seeing some strong queer energy in this otherwise very bro-ish space.
REI Gogo
I said this last week and I only feel more strongly about it this week. He is a real standout who's becoming one of my favourites. He just has such a great connection to the music and he's always on his toes. He almost never misses a beat and he keeps bringing out so many interesting, powerful moves.
I love that he stepped into the ring so early on, and that he is representing krump so well. It was a smart strategic move, too, because of the difficulty people have with the music. Plus I can just watch him dance all day long. He embodies the attitude so well.
Xiao Jie
His talent and skill are undeniable. He is among the best. I just don't connect with his style very well. It's a matter of taste, and his jaunty funky style is too in between clownishness and seriousness for my taste. I personally prefer those two extremes. Still, like I said, he is an incredibly talented guy.
The man is amazing. I think he gets too often positioned as a bit of an emotional/sentimental storyline, but he has the dancing chops to back it all up. He's a legend for a reason.
I've said this before but I have a thing for b boys. I just love the power and physicality and daring and acrobatics and flashiness of the whole style.
She is such a ball of energy, and so strong and fearless. It's impossible not to love her. And she is a really solid dancer. It was exciting to see her dominate for several rounds.
The guy blows my mind. His t-shirt stunts are always entertaining. His moves are huge and powerful. He can be a bit of a slow starter at times but when he gets going it's like a tornado.
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Battles - 2 on 2
DD and Bouboo
What more could a fan of this show ask for? Seeing them dance together - and so well - is enough to make a grown man squeal. They work so well together, it was a treat to see.
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Gogo Brothers
Dominant. Those two often seem unbeatable 2 on 2. Not only are they incredible dancers, they are at such a huge advantage because of their apparent ability to mind-read each other.
Poppin C and MT Pop
Disappointing. I love these two individually, but I didn't feel their chemistry, and much of what they did came off as awkward and poorly rehearsed.
DD and David
A highlight for me. DD the perfectionist paired beautifully with David, who is a great dancer who handles choreography well. The style of this performance was so refreshing to see.
I always enjoy seeing DD up next to top level professional dancers like this, because it's a great opportunity to see JUST HOW FUCKING GOOD DD IS. I mean... wow. His level of execution is always sharp, and he often outshines the other dancer in his ability to hit the choreography cleanly and expertly.
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Nelson and Jr Taco
Didn't come together for me. They didn't have the right degree of synergy. The height difference didn't help, but I also didn't get the sense that they were as prepared as they could have been.
Xiao Jie and Yu Wan
Too gimmicky. As a pairing they work exceptionally well together and their ideas are clever and lighthearted, but it all needed more actual dancing.
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Hilty and Bosch
Not as strong as the Gogo Brothers this round, and I inevitably compare the two duos.
Ma Xialong and Eleven
MX was actually more impressive than Eleven, which surprised me. He is just so smooth and elegant in his movements that it is impossible not to notice the superior flavour of what he was doing. He's also a bit better at connecting with the music.
Xiao Jie and Xiao Ji
Surprisingly disappointing. It should have been one of my favorites of the night, but it was an almost total flop for me. Far too gimmicky, and awkwardly executed. Just dance, guys!! Please.
Rochka and Boris
Rochka did all the heavy lifting here, but they worked well together. A great performance.
Han Geng and Acky
Amazing. Great chemistry and flow, great moves. Han Geng always impresses me, and he is so well paired with Acky. They have a natural chemistry together.
Ibuki and Eleven
Whaaaaaaaaaat?!? Wow. So strong together. What a surprising, powerful pairing. They really killed it. I love you, DD, but they were robbed.
DD and Jr Taco
A bit weaker than the other DD pairings, but DD's solo part was great. It's always good to see the judges acknowledge his talent as well. Funny that he remembers the routines better than the other dancers, because he has so much more on his plate than they do.
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Battles - Group Choreography
Team Yixing
Too gimmicky and forced. Too much staging, not enough dancing. It felt more like a theater performance than a dance performance. It was entertaining and well-executed but didn't reach the level it needed to.
Team Han Geng
A really strong performance. Seeing Ma Xiaolong and AC working so well together was a huge highlight of the episode for me.
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Team Boom!
I am well aware that I am biased. If it weren't for DD I probably wouldn't even be watching this show, as much as I love dance. It's just too much of a time commitment.
With all that in mind, DD and his team make it so easy for me to back up my bias and maintain my level of enthusiasm and support, because they are just so strong and dedicated to making truly clean professional performances.
By far the best performance of the group battles. Really great performance really clear intention behind what they were doing. The mirrors thing worked well and was easy to read. The dance was solid and very energetic and they had great chemistry. Excellent performance.
Team Henry Lau
I loved the idea of this, but it just didn't come across. You can't just have a mask and a bunch of stairs and think that you're getting a message across about cyberbullying. It's too serious of a subject to not honour with a really powerful clear emotional message. I was really disappointed with this performance.
Final Battle
It was good to see him onstage again. Too bad it was against Nelson and he had no chance.
Love him so much. Powerful b boy.
I feel he's at a similar level as George, but Keven is just better at connecting with the music. That makes all the difference.
Killer performance, too bad for him that DD sent Bouboo out. Bouboo just really brought it.
His second battle performance was not great. The jacket thing was awkward and confusing. Still, he had a strong energy and a few good moments.
He wasn't strong enough to beat Yixing, sadly. Not enough power or variety.
Bouboo vs MT Pop
DD was smart to bring him in to win back the floor. Seeing the two of them battle was a treat. I really love them both. They both did well, Bouboo is just a tough guy to beat, for obvious reasons.
Keven vs C-Lil
Keven killed it, he really killed it. I love them both, and it was fun to watch, but Keven just has a stronger ability to flow with the music.
AC vs YOU from Hilty and Bosch
KING AC. That's all.
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REI Gogo
Like I've said before, he is a favorite. So strong.
MT Pop
A favourite of mine. He just has so much originality. I love him when he's in his best form. He's a bit inconsistent, unfortunately, but when he's on, he's really on.
Mr Three
I love this guy and his style is distinctive and interesting, but unfortunately the accusations of plagiarism earlier this season have coloured my perspective on him and I just don't feel the same as I did in the beginning.
Xiao Ji vs Keven
Love them both, was fun seeing them go up against each other. Keven is just stronger.
MT Pop vs David
David was on FIRE. He really brought it and left everything on the floor. Well deserved win. I was completely blown away, he exceeded every expectation. Sorry for ever doubting you, Bro. You really showed me!
Seeing DD's team win, especially hearing and seeing him cheer, made me so happy. Nothing makes me happy like seeing DD smile and jump up and down with joy.
Poor guy. As someone with asthma I can totally identify with his struggle. Really sad to see him on the sidelines like that, but keeping him benched was the right call, unfortunately.
It's really sad to see Nelson go, but I'm not surprised. It's got to be hard to stay away from home for as long as these international dancers do. Life is still happening back home, and there's always a risk that something important will come up to call a dancer back.
It was sad to see Bobo sad so fast on the heels of the victory. At least they had that high note to end it on.
Overall I was disappointed with how many dancers went for gimmicks over elbow grease this episode. There is a fine line between coming up with a clever, original hook and bogging yourself down with overcomplicated gimmicks. I hope they learned from the many failures of this approach and will bring more dance next time.
Let's Chat Season 2 Episode 7
It was interesting hearing the captains discuss the battles and what they felt were the highlights for them. I especially enjoyed seeing them talk about Ibuki and give her some of the credit she deserves. She's a really strong competitor.
Yixing talking about his coat thing was hilarious, since that sequence was such a flop for me. 😅
DD talking about how much fun he had, and it being so tied in with the winning streak, totally made me laugh. He's so competitive! He loves getting lost in the music, dancing for the fun of it and being around people he likes and respects, but he also just gets a huge kick out of racking up the points and dominating over his opponents.
I didn't share their enthusiasm for the pairing between MT Pop and Poppin C. Yes, they did have a lot of interesting coordinated routines together, but the execution of them was fairly sloppy - probably because they had too much on their plate. If they'd pared it down a bit and tightened up those routines it would have been a huge standout. As it was, it just lacked a bit of polish for me.
I totally agree with Yixing that the Gogo Brothers create a strong atmosphere when they're onstage together, but I agree even more strongly with Henry and Han Geng when they were talking about the power of their solo performances. Especially REI, who I think is among the handful of very strongest dancers on the entire show.
I was relieved to see Henry more relaxed and natural this episode, and for the dance battle as well. Sometimes the tension in him makes me feel tense as well! And thankfully his annoyingness has all but disappeared. When he's himself he's just a sweet, friendly guy.
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"Pig in the mirror", DD didn't appreciate that one! 😅 Surely it was about him, though. Sorry, DD, but whether you like it or not you're a multi-dimensional person, and one of those dimensions is 'cute piggy'. Suck it up, we all have our burdens to bear! 😅😅😅
I was tempted to end the episode as soon as DD left, but I stuck it out, and ended up wishing I'd closed it. Absolutely nothing interesting happened after that point. The rehearsal stuff was OK, but I could take or leave it.
1 episode down, 3 to go!! 😑
IMPORTANT: Please, when responding to these, remember not to post any spoilers. I want people (including myself) to be able to read the notes of these posts and not get spoiled. Thanks!
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regiqoa · 2 years
2, 5, 9 and 12 for the recent ask game, please! I wanna hear your concerns about any F/O you want to talk about! Happy Easter!!
Dude, THANK YOU. I choose my Champion Leon and fuck it, I'm going all out here.
2) On what do you disagree with other fans of your f/o?
First off: STOP CALLING HIM A HIMBO! Being bad with directions does not make a person devoid of or even defines one's intelligence, for crying out loud! Leon is an incredibly well-rounded and well-developed character and I find it so annoying how the fandom just reduces his entire character to just being bad with directions because they WANT him to be a himbo. I mean, never mind the fact that he's an adored Champion of a region, an amazing big brother to his little brother Hop, how he keeps showing up during your journey whenever an impediment or interruption occurs so you can continue your Gym Challenge without any inconveniences and he deals with the problem like the peace-keeping Champion he is, how he's a very talented battler and a showman AND is shown to be very smart and observant! Here is an incomplete list of times Leon was smart/intelligent:
He is observant enough to tell how much Hop has grown since the last time they saw each other.
He stayed Champion for 10 years. In other words, he learns from every battle he's been in just from pure observation and calculated thinking.
He literally raised Hop, by himself.
This might be just me but I think this "no sense of direction" thing Leon got going on is implied to be an act to amuse Hop (at least in the games only). I mean, Leon had no trouble finding Hop and the player in Slumbering Weald at the beginning of the game.
Second off: He's cisgender and it's canon. Evidence: He has a shirtless scene in the anime (in which not only is his chest very masculine and built but there's also no top surgery scars) and he is seen as a child several times (in which he's not a girl or referred to as one).
In other words, STOP SAYING THAT HE'S TRANS!!! This is going to blow y'all's minds but cis men can have bulging chests, too! Jesus fucking Christ, just stop, it's gross and it's fetishisation at its finest.
5) What’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about your f/o, either on the internet or irl?
Hoo boy... Two things in one, and they're both about his Sygna Suit in Pokemon Masters: Not only that it makes him gay JUST BECAUSE of how much skin it shows (so much for "clothes don't define one's sexuality, let alone gender", am I right?) but also that he "finally learned to dress himself because of how amazing it (the Sygna Suit) is". Like... Can you guys MAYBE function in this fandom without infantilising Leon and act like he can't dress himself like he's a child and not like the grown-ass adult that he is? That's fucking CREEPY AND GROSS.
9) Do you distance yourself from other fans of your f/o or their source?
Not always, but I gotta tread very lightly in this fandom as to not only stay away from all the stuff I mentioned above but also from the RaiLeon/TrueRivalShipping shippers that just dON'T TAG THEIR FUCKING SHIT.
12) Aren’t you tired of being nice? This is an excuse to rant.
*Insert the Grinch's evil smile here* Hee hee hee hee hee hee, time to be BRUTALLY HONEST~
The amount of hypocrisy in this fandom, especially regarding Leon, is AS-TOUN-DING. It's like-
Y'all: Clothes don't define a person's gender or their sexuality! Stereotypes shouldn't be used to judge somebody's sexuality or their gender, that's problematic! What one wears and how one talks says nothing about who they are! People are diverse!
Also y'all: lol there's nothing heterosexual or cisgender about that sygna suit leon is gay and trans sorry i don't make the rules uwu
You are basically digging y'all's graves. When that comes back to bite y'all in the butt, don't come saying I didn't warn you, 'k? And I highly doubt y'all portray Leon as trans for "representation" because if y'a'll TRULY cared about canon trans characters, you'd bring light to characters that are ACTUALLY trans, not turn a canon cis character into one. Furthermore, the overwhelming majority of fanart coming from artists who headcanon Leon as transsexual is him being portrayed with those monster-sized tits and it's fucking fetishising, gross and just atrocious.
Most RaiLeon/TrueRivalShipping shippers are low-key racist and it shows in their works: more often than not, Raihan is portrayed as this violent and feral black man who has a fetish for subduing and seeing Leon suffer and considering the bigoted stereotype that black people are violent... Yeah.
Oh, and there's also the part of this fandom who love calling Leon a slutty manwhore because of his Sygna Suit, too, and the double standards are SHOWING. I'm telling you this fandom would NEVER dare to say the same thing about a female character. Pretty sure it would be treated as a sin worst than lust itself.
I rest my case.
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woozi · 3 years
Um this might be annoying but your descriptions on that mutuals as svt members was so wholesome! So I thought if you could name your mutuals and say what you like abt them? Your favorite thing about them kinda? Idk I thought it was cute but you don't have to do it if you don't want to ! 💚💚💚
i went through my following list and i think these are all of my carat mutuals/friends <3 i only included those who i'm mutuals with here on this blog, but with that in mind i hope i included the right people/and all of you! if not, i may have gotten confused with your main and sideblogs. :/ i divided this into 4 sections (because that's how i think of them in my head, lol). so, without further ado, here they are in the order of my following list (from the most recent):
@leechaerok (mirelle) - mi!! i love how you are always striving to be positive and that this is something you share and extend to other people! you literally remind me of sunshine and i hope that only good things are coming ur way. ily!!
@ohoshi (cora) - cora my naughty (IN A PLAYFUL WAY) friend <3 cora's really fun to talk to and she keeps you on your toes. idk why i didn't follow her earlier (i didnt know i wasn't following her jsdjkdsjsdk). extremely talented!! also love the upbeat vibe.
@soonyoungs (cara) - same with cora, i've been seeing cara around but never got to interact with her until recently! i love how versatile cara is and how she always always always appreciates even the little things. 10/10 would let her visit my home again <3
@wrongnanab (aya) - i get mom/older sister friend vibes from aya and i think it suits her a lot. she’s also not afraid of reaching out and i love that sm about her!! i relate to her a lot and i love how she’s always there.
@junhaoshua (e) - something interesting always comes up every time i speak to e! i also love her initiative and how well she manages her time. she’s really passionate about the things she likes and i love how she can get people to be interested in them too!
@choibeomgyus (kale) - kale has excellent taste! i love her aes so much. <3 her work is particularly right up my alley and i just love how clean looking they are. kale’s also such a sweet friend, and she’s not shy about showing affection. i love her sm!!
@dokyom (izy) - izy’s one of the first carats i first followed when i got into caratblr and i’m so glad to have made that decision! her work always wows me and although we haven’t talked much, she’s one of the people i always look out for in here.
@seohoshi (nele) - nele, my mutual at heart. <3 the way we became mutuals is so funny and memorable to me, and i can’t say that about most people! i really like the way nele presents herself as well. she can have fun while still being collected, which i find really interesting. i think she’s someone who brings stability, but i can’t really explain why i get that from her. <3
@art-hao (carrie) - goddess on earth. so elegant. a literal virgo. i love how carrie doesn’t want to be too invested in one single thing. that being said, she’s multitalented, yet is skilled in each of the fields she’s venturing in. she also speaks what’s on her mind, and i admire that a lot. what can’t this woman do :/  
@svtreasure (kate) - kate is one of the first people i got to talk to here on caratblr! and although she’s not on here that much, i always look forward to seeing her. i feel like i have to protect her like a younger sibling <3
@uriboogyu (lee) - lee definitely has feisty younger sibling vibes which i think is so cute! like carrie and e, she’s not afraid of saying what’s on her mind. lee is also such a go-getter! the future is very bright for this one <3
@smallkore (kore) - i remember first talking to kore after she tagged all 3 of my active blogs in one post, and i thought it was kind of funny <3 kore is super talented and entertaining! i also think she’s super interesting, and i love her strange picture collection. <3
@rq-s (katrina) - katrina is also one of the first few people who i interacted with here on caratblr! she is so supportive and always has a nice word for everyone. even though she isn’t here much, i always like seeing her around <3
@boosbin (isa) - iconic. legend. will kick your ass. my beloved <3 isa is SUPER talented and she never fails to amaze me. she’s also very relatable and is super fun to talk to! idk i’m just really fond of isa lol
@dk-s (zay) - i love zay’s sense of style and her overall aesthetic! she also is really smart and gets really invested in her interests. i love her dedication and initiative!
@scoupsy (dreamy) - dreamy and i haven’t really talked much aside from interactions here and there, but she’s someone i really admire. i love how she doesn’t take anyone’s shit and knows what she wants. she’s really skilled in her areas of interest and takes pride in her excellent work. love that about her!! 
@julyprince (madison) - i was really shocked when madison followed me back because i love her work so much! i love how she is so consistent and dedicated (honestly, the constant 9 sets say it all <3). she’s intimidating at first, but she is actually so nice and likes reaching out!
@xuseokgyu (belle) - one of my treasured moots. belle is literally the seok to my soon. <3 she doesn’t know it, but i was kind of shy during my earlier days in caratblr, and she encouraged me to be myself just because she was always reaching out to me. i see belle as someone who really nurtures and is just a reliable older sister for me!
@haniehae (anna) - also one of my favorites <3 anna doesn’t really need too much words but u can always feel the love from her by her little tags here and there. she’s also super supportive and very appreciative of the little things! anna is such a cute person to have around. i lalso love how much work she puts into caratblr. also an amazing dancer oh my god???????
@jaemtens (kevin) - like dreamy, kevin and i haven’t really talked much, but i always love seeing him on the dash! one of the people i admire. it absolutely blows my mind how he has a phd (about to have one? :D) and that he’s still somehow able to make gifs (BEAUTIFULLY!) consistently. love that dedication, wish that were me!!
@tearsofsyrup (vi) - vi thinking of me and tagging me on cute stuff really just makes me feel so :’>. i love how easygoing vi is and i just feel light whenever we interact!!
@soonhoonsol (chey) - everyone’s bestie!! chey literally is the go-to person on caratblr. idk how she manages to do it but she’s always so nice to everyone and really does go out of her way to make everyone feel comfortable! chey has a special place in my heart, and my stay in caratblr wouldn’t be the same without her. <3
@iiasha (emily) - you all don’t understand how much i LOVE emily. i can’t even explain why i love her i just do. she’s also one of the first people i followed when i came on caratblr and i’m so glad to have met her here on our own personal hellsite. emily’s the perfect balance of smart, cool, and funny (this sentence sounds lame as fuck but idk how else to put it)! i appreciate how much she likes her job and that’s something i hope to also imitate! i’ve said it before but i also really love how generous she is. emily also made my stay here on caratblr very enjoyable and i always love reading her text posts <3 i think tumblr junation would nearly die without her so go thank her rn. (she also spotted me turning full dinonara without me even noticing that i am one so. <3 /mwah/)
@coupsnim (izzie) - izzie gives me calm artsy vibes.  her work is always stunning omg. queen of red lips (and i think it’s so fitting bc it suits cheol the best imo???). ALSO love how much she loves cheol!! izzie’s just a sweetheart. <3 would also support ur 0 note posts, lol.
@kyeomshine (lyns) - lyns coloring queen <3 i looove how clean and cohesive her work always is! she’s also one of the people who encouraged me to stay here on caratblr (although she doesn’t know it!!). and though we don’t see lyns as much nowadays, i still think of her as the resident dk fan <3 one of the memorable people for me.
@heartgyus (rhys) - my sister (dISGUSTANG!!). my enemy. THE mutual to have homoerotic subtext with. rhys is actually my closest friend on caratblr. she’s multitalented, almost all-knowing, and has prettie vibes. i’m not elaborating anymore from here on out because i just know she’s gonna be a little devil about it on the dms. 🙄
@hanwooz (kellie & christine) - one of my absolute favorite blogs! i think of them as one of the constants of caratblr. i absolutely love their posts sm and just enjoy when they’re around!! (and how do ur gifs always look good omg tell me ur secrets pls <3)
@7ww​ (yasmin) - one of my favorite (if not my favorite) gfx maker!! i love how you can immediately tell something is from her because of their trademark look. we haven’t talked yet, but she’s one of my favorite carats!
@mngys​ (sofi) - coolest person in the world. idk why we’re even mutuals i don’t deserve this <3 sofi always has the coolest ideas and i look up to her sm!! i’ve also seen her from the birdie community before i got into caratblr so i’ve been following her for quite some time now, but we became mutuals here!
aes carats
@vixenjun​ (kaya) - another one of my beloveds <3 i always say kaya is funnie and sexie but she really is, and those are always the first words i think of when i’m reminded of her. one of my absolute favorites. a bestie that's close to my heart. <3
@tiddie​ (deniz) - i don’t see deniz posting much about svt anymore, but deniz is one of my first carat moots (i followed aes carats first). this one really witnessed my jeonghan downfall. :/ so funny. is a great friend!!
@bwaldorf (ramasha) - A SWEETHEART!! ramasha and i don’t talk much anymore but when i think of her i only am reminded of good things. i rmb how much she supported my weird posts back then <3 also iconic aes hello???? 
@vernons (oona) - oona and i are literally just vibing here <3 i actually met her from the aes side of tumblr before i got into caratblr (like deniz) and discovered that she’s also a carat! i really like oona’s presence and i just feel like she’s someone i want to protect. <3 also makes amazing pastries. she’s also so pretty!!!!! (i really like ur hair sm i think i’ve said this before lol) a cute friend. would send u things saying ‘this reminded me of u’, and i’d get heart attacks from it jsdjdjksd
@oldbooks (fawn) - my frog friend. i think it’s so cute that fawn shares this agenda with hao <3 also unexpectedly tags you on things and leaves cute little notes/tags that makes me want to :’). sophisticated taste!! also really friendly. ily!!
@scoups (hani) - hani is so friendly and takes really good care of her friends!! i was intimidated of her at first, but learnt that she’s an absolute sweetheart. i love how she’s also giving us sm svt content when she’s around! hani’s a supportive friend that you’ll always find yourself looking for. 
@snwo (joy) - refined taste. funny text post advocate. i love joy’s vibe sm!! i first got to know her when she had a hao url and i was super intimidated of her. now she’s one of my absolute besties! aside from her impeccable taste, she’s also such a great friend. this one always has ur back. ily ms joy <3
@sataemism (sof) - sof literally the funniest person in the world!! i’m always happy to see her and she brings me so much joy. very lowkey chaotic vibe (the taemin and hoshi urls speak a lot abt this lol), and just a very fun person overall!!
birdie carats
@flowerbeom (kat) - kat, like the rest of those in this category, is someone i’ve been following for a while now as i came back to tumblr because of got7. kat and i haven’t really talked much but always interact with rb/s and likes and i love that JSDJSDKJDSJ that being said kat’s tags are always so enjoyable to read. + it’s so funny as well that when we actually got to talking we didn’t realize we had a lot in common! a very generous friend. gave me a yugyeom pc even though i’m literally from another continent. 😭
@tuanzie (joanna) - content queen. i looove how joanna’s work has a trademark look to them! they’re always so gorgeous and smooth-looking. i love how joanna’s able to speak her mind and would not take shit from people. i see her as someone brave, but not too out there! also someone you can rely on to put reposters on hit lists mwah<3
@gotseventeens (belle) - my name twin <3 belle is actually one of the people/reasons why i got into svt and i’m eternally grateful to her for that!! we’ve been talking since i first became a birdie but somehow we both have 0 recollections of our conversations JSDJDKSJKSDJ tumblr wouldn’t be as fun for me if belle weren’t around ngl. i love how she seems to be mature yet you’re also up for a wild ride with her!! she’s my own personal wonu <3
@secndlife (karoline) - i’ve also been following karoline since i was a birdie, but we only became mutuals here! i love her writing so much and i enjoy seeing her lose her mind over hoshi (mood <3)
@defgyus (val) - i often associate belle with val and i think they have a lot of similarities!! val also gives me the mature yet fun vibe. i think val’s so successful and i admire her a lot!! i love her work sm and just love how she interacts with people. very warm and homey!!
more carat moots i haven't really talked to but enjoy seeing on the dash
@emailclub (emily), @kyeomblr (maddie), @joshuahong (bea), @delicatecy (deli), @mintyseoks, @syuperseventeen (nat), @haol (mali), @svtclub (hannah), @cutiejoshi (siri), @chanswu (mandy), @jeonghannie (myrena), @squishy-woozi (kris), @wonwooo (hiba), @rameniji (rain), @cafevernon (ish), @hoshluv, @minghyu (nicole), @mingyiu (katya), @yeol (tat), @dearkyeom (kristy), @seokgyus (kai), @bbaksu (akemi), @1adyluck (sushi), @shineesbag (gen)
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swordofpevensie · 3 years
As I've seen it again, here are my favorite things about Prince Caspian (2008):
warnings: It is a very long post and I can't help but swear sometimes.
• How Caspian is confused all the time.
• Prefossor: “Don't use that until you really need to use it.”
Caspian: *Uses it the first time he is in danger.* Good job boy, good job.
• “Phyllis.” “SUSAN!” (Lucy does the same thing in tvodt *emotional voices*)
• That disappinted look in Susan's eyes when she sees Peter fighting, and they way she doesn't do anything to help him. Like girl they are beating your brother??
• Edmund comes and saves Peter by simply jumping on everyone who is trying to hurt Peter. We love a clever and quick boi™
• Lucy's little comfort to Peter. *sniffing*
• Peter's iconic hair, that rebel and sassy hair.
• “I'm not touching you!” “I'M NOT HOLDING YOUR HAND!”
• How happy they are at the beach and the way they finally can have pure fun. *more sniffing*
• Narnia is so beautiful in summer and Pevensies look so beautiful too.
• And for my own please, I'll mention how beautiful Peter looks when he is playing in the sea and walking among the ruins.
• The way Lucy holds Peter's hand to show him the way and THE TORCH SCENE GETS ME EVERYTIME.
• Everyone is like where the hell are we and Lucy is just enjoying her apple.
• And again for my own pleasure, I'll mention how beautiful Susan looks.
• “wHiCh cHeSs sEt?” “whOt?” We love a one confused king.
• That shot when they all stand in their places in the ruins and Peter says “Cair Paravel.” I'm like YES SIR I'M READY TO SACRIFICE MY WHOLE LIFE FOR YOU.
• I'm lowkey attracted to General Glozelle. (shameful sniffing)
• I like it that Edmund is the first one to figure out what might have happened to Cair Paravel. And our confused king is again like “whOt?”
• C'mon Peter is very committed to make a torch and it is SO CUTE. And Edmund watching him is so funny, he is like ‘I'm about to end this man's whole career.’
• I'll not tell my thoughts on the time Peter takes his sword. I'm trying to be a good. *choughs*
• Peter jumping to the water and Lucy using his dagger to cut the ropes.
• “High King Peter, the Magnificent.” I mean if I were magnificent just like him, I'd tell it loud very frequently too.
• Edmund using sword... 10/10 His final pose 20/10. *chefs kiss and sniffing*
• “Or do I have to sit on your head again?” Narnians and humor? Count me in!
• Caspian's accent... YES SIR.
• “I'm Prince Caspian... The tenth.” and “High King Peter, The Magnificent.” are cousins and you can't tell me otherwise.
• “Running away.” Oh just come into my arms you sad and broken boi. *too many sniffings*
• Proffesor inside: Eheheh they are back. You are a dead man now Miraz.
• That underwater shot... 10/10. Peter paddling... 10/10. All of them sitting in silent, sadly... Okay this one hurts A LOT.
• “We didn't mean to leave you know.” *no more sniffing i'm crying*
• Lucy greeting and trusting in a bear is me vs. life. Susan saying a bear to stay away from Lucy is me vs. life again.
• Peter helping Lucy to stand up and her hugging Peter for comfort.
• And that bear scene is very clever to me. It shows that those bad times have an effect on everyone. How even Narnians, kind, gentle, happy Narnians turned into wild creatures because of bad times. Also Susan not killing the bear immediately shows how gentle she is and she always gives a chance.
• “I can hear you.” We love a done™ prince. And him asking questions about Narnia is so cute!
• That zoom to Caspian's face is kiLLING ME.
• AND REEPICHEEP I'd kill and die for him unless he kills and dies for me first.
• CENTAURS ARE BACK!!! Oh I love them so much.
• “You can't carry a map in your heads.” “That's because we have something in them.” LUCY DIDN'T STUTTER.
• “i'M nOt lOst.” My baby tries so hard I love him bye.
• “OH SHUT UP!” is one of my favorite Peter lines. Also he is very sassy and why is no one talking about it?? (I'll talk about it later btw, eheh)
• And Edmund supporting Lucy? We love a supportive and cute brother.
• Caspian is so brave and the speech he gives... *CHEFS KISS* I mean I would fight and die for him too. And when Narnians believe in him, I cry even more. (++Ben Barnes' voice in that accent... Gets me every freaking time).
• The look in Peter's face when he sees the making of the bridge. He is like “Not my kingdom, you bitches!”
• The conversaion between Lucy and Susan... I hate to think their struggles, adjusting to Narnia, adjusting to England.
• Lucy telling a tree to wake up is me vs. life, again.
• The way Peter just comes and hides her out of nowhere... WE LOVE A PROTECTIVE BROTHER.
• When Caspian and Peter fights... Okay, for your safety I'll shut up but the way Peter is ready to hit him with a rock is both funny and shows how a quick and smart fighter he is.
• “PETAH!” Okay Susan, we get it honey.
• “Well if you like, we can come back in a few years.” LIKE WHY IS NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT HIS SASS??
• “You were right to fear the woods.” IS. EXCELLENT.
• Caspian and Peter walking in the front and talking casually. My heart goes *butterlifes* *looove*
• When the papa centaur rises baby centaur's sword... *a loud sniff* .
• I love that there are pictures of Pevensies and Golden Age on the walls. It makes me feel so majestic.
• Caspian: *dramatically lights fire*
• They are looking at The Stone Table and Caspian in the back is like look at the mess you made.
• When Peter and Caspian talk at the same time.
• “There is always a first time.” THAT. SASS. AND CONFIDENCE.
• “We could collect nuts!” “Yes, and throw them at Telmarines!” Reepicheep... Love you babe.
• Okay the whole castle stuff is so freaking cool until the last minutes. Like Edmund and his torch, Susan and THE WAY HE KILLS A MAN BY THROWING AN ARROW.
• But... Caspian babe, kill your bastard uncle anyways.
• And it just should be said: I love how Narnians are always ready to sacrifice themselves because freedom is much more important than their lives. They are not afraid of death as long as it means to get freedom back.
• That poor cat... I don't know what to say.
• You are attacking a castle and your baby Caspian just casually knocks the window.
• Professor doing his best to help Caspian escape and then seeing him back in the castle again... I mean a disappointment level I can relate.
• I wish I could be woken up at night by Caspian, with a sword on my throat? Depends on my mood.
• Miraz being so done is a mood.
• They all are in Miraz's bedroom like:
Tumblr media
• Edmund literally headbutts a man wearing a metal helmet. I am speechless.
• You don't have sword? Don't worry you have a torch... just don't break it.
• Reepicheep and his friends pushing that thing makes me cry and scream.
• “Who exactly are you doing this for Peter?” THE LOOK ON PETER'S FACE.
• When Peter screams “FOR NARNIA!”
• My Queen Susan throwing an arrow to man and killing him despite his armour. I. LOVE. ONE. POWERFUL. QUEEN.
• Sometimes I wish I was an minatour.
• Edmund kicking that dude's head by sliding. A simple and powerful move.
• And that minatour holding the door. I love you, you strong and scary baby. And I always will.
• When Edmund casually jumps back, I hear Blow Your Mind by Dua Lipa playing.
• That moment when other Narnians are trapped inside and Peter and Susan watch them... MY BABY PETER HAVE HAD ENOUGH PLEASE LET HIM REST. And Edmund seeing the dead bodies...
• That agressive “HEY!” from Caspian and the way Peter and him just scream at each other, idk what to say but it is sort of funny.
• When mama centaur cries, you know I'm dead on the floor.
• King Miraz getting on his throne... Sassy and majestic af. He is a psycho but you know he has taste.
• “What do you want? Congratulations?” Okay Caspian put that sarcasm down babe.
• When my mom watched the scene where The White Witch sort of comes back for the first time, she was like “Not that bitch witch again.”
• The way Peter pushes Caspian is skcjskfsj MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY
• And Edmund killing the wolfish thing is so cool, he is a very talented warrior. Also him stabbing Jadis, he gives like zero fucks.
• And when the ice is broken, they see Aslan on the wall and it is such a strong scene!!
• Can someone please explain me why Miraz and his men wear those freaking helmets?
• “And she won't be alone.” WE. LOVE. ONE. SUPPORTIVE. AND PROTECTIVE. SISTER.
• No, Caspian you may not, no matter how hot you say Miraz.
• Edmund in Miraz's place... Just perfect. That sass, that confidence, that intelligence. THAT look on his face.
• “Your brother's sword is sharper than his pen.” It is an adage in Turkish btw: “A pen is sharper than a sword.”
• “Or hooves.” Lucy, was that joke really necessary honey?
• Queen Susan standing on her own, holding her bow to hunt men... YES. QUEEN.
• Proud brother™ Edmund.
• The way Peter snarls at Miraz. I mean I WOULD SURRENDER TO HIM.
• AND MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION FOR PRAISING WILLIAM'S ACTING? He fights amazing and his expressions are both beautiful and real. He makes you feel what Peter feels. I just love the way he portrays Peter.
• “Keep smiling.” King Edmund just knows things.
• And the way he just doesn't listen Peter and fixes his arm... 10/10
• When he hits Miraz's wound. He is a smart fighter, and I'll not even bring up how he stabs Miraz.
• “It's not mine to take.” Me inside: *MINE IS YOURS TO TAKE.*
• Caspian just stop screaming and kill this bitch for Aslan's sake.
• Although I hate that they have to fight again, what the Lord did was really smart, I have to admit.
• Have I told you that I hate that ball-throwing-machines?
• Queen Susan telling archers to get ready and Prince Caspian telling “Narnians, attack!” while riding his horse. ALSO WHAT THEY DID WAS SO CLEVER. PETER COUNTING WITH THAT BRAVE FACE.
• My baby Peter fighting again. And Caspian coming out of the underground. *CHEFS KISSES*
• Reepicheep's tiny armour OMG
• When they all run again (Not to mention Peter has to attack and fight like for like the hundredth time) THEY LOOK FREAKING GOOD AND MAJESTIC AND KING EDMUND CUTTING MEN IS PER.FECT.
• Queen Susan killing with this bows and arrow is just perfect. I love her. Like so much.
• Ooh there is shield wall? Don't worry Narnians will jump on it.
• Peter proudly saying “Lucy,” and looking at Caspian like “Hehe did you expect that?”
• And my baby yells “For Aslan!” and goes to fight. AGAIN.
• Lucy and her dagger? FREAKING DANGEROUS. RUN AWAY.
• Welcome water grandpa, you are very cute!!!
• Aslan is like hehe this is my friend. He is very proud of his friend.
• The guilt on their faces when they see Aslan is so cute.
• Aslan calling him “Small one.” awWWW
• “Do you see him now?” QUEEN LUCY NEVER STUTTERS.
• Okay but the way they all look perfect during the parade. Caspian's crown and Susan's dress are my favs.
• What the hell is Caspian wearing when Telmars go back?
• There is a talking lion in front of them and Telmarines still are amazed by a turning tree.
• Peter looks so good in blue and him giving his sword to Caspian is awwww again.
• Peter and Susan are the ones who'll not come back again and they both wear blue while Lucy and Ed wears green.
• Peter shaking hands with the centaur is an another awwww.
• The kiss makes me feel weird but I'm alright with that.
• “I'm 1300 years older than you.” is CUTE TO ME.
• Peter's proud brother smile. 10/10
• The way Lucy looks back at Aslan breaks my heart.
oooh okay, thank you for sharing this emotional roller-coaster with me. i hope you enjoy it.
love, andrea.♡
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shinidamachu · 4 years
What are some of your favorite InuYasha fanfiction stories? 😙
Light Me a Lantern by @inuyashasforest: a lot of feelings for this one. It was the first Inukag multichapter fanfic I have ever read and boy am I glad I did. It’s a must read. I don’t know how Hanyo no Yashahime will fall into the Inuyasha universe, but if it turns out to be garbage, I’m more than happy to accept Light Me a Lantern as canon instead. Send tweet.
Little by Little by @little-known-artist: cutest post-canon fanfic in all land! It will make you smile. It will make you laugh. It will make you a little horny. That being said, it will also make you cry, but trust me: you’re gonna be grateful for it.
You Rescued Me by @keichanz: this fic it’s a party and I’m the piñata, there’s no other way to put it. Heather is a storytelling master, like... she could post her grocery shopping list and I’d be reading the hell out of it!
The Captain and the Hanyo by @goshinote: I love the whole premise of this fic and how much effort Jane puts in every detail. It’s like I’m living in it and I wish I was. It’s the story I’m currently reading and it’s so, so sweet and exciting!
Cruel Summer by @akitokihojo: you know shit is about to go down when Angie drops a Taylor Swift song titled fic. Now that Folklore is out I’m honestly scared for my life.
Pennies and Dimes by @witchygirl99:  SOMEONE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TURN THIS INTO A MOVIE PLEASE AND THANK YOU! (part one)
A Night to Remember by @angelhartsblog: I want you to close your eyes. Now I want you to think about the perfect Inukag first time. Open your eyes. Did you think about A Night To Remember? No? That’s because you haven’t read it yet, pal. What are you waiting for?
The Gorgon and the Dog Demon by @cstormsinukagblog​: I’m in too deep HELP!
Mating Fever by @clearwillow: let’s face it, this one is a classic already! The concept of this story was executed so well. Nothing was held back. You can tell Carra had as much fun writing it as we had reading it.
Pretending To Pretend by splendentgoddess: IF BOTH THE LAST HARD COPY OF THIS FIC AND MY COUSIN WERE ON FIRE... I’d still save my cousin but only because I reread Pretending to Pretend so many times I could probably write it down again myself, word for word. Also, my mom would never let me hear the end of it. But, like... it’s still a close one.
Bakin’ Cakes/Patty-Cake by @artistefish​: if I had two lives to give to Bloodhound and Kitten then two lives I’d give them.
Risks by @stoatsandweasels: THE CHARACTERIZATION, THE DIALOGUES, THE SMUT... Definition of *chef’s kiss*. The stars really aligned for this one, let me tell ya. Good. Fucking. Food.
Cam You See Me? by @keichanz​: Smut Queen at her best. LONG LIVE!
Inuyasha: Prince of Thieves by @starlingchildgazingatthestars: I feel like this fic should be written on a very big, very old, hard covered book. And someone should read it to me every night before I go to sleep. Every new chapter deepens the plot and the character so much. I’m hooked.
Belief/Resist by @dangerouspompadour​: my first thought on it was “man, I wish I could leave a thousand kudos” because it’s one of my favorite tropes ever and the story was told with such delicacy and honesty. Nailed their personalities to their cores.
Freak Attraction/Freak Attraction: Seven-Man Circus by @artistefish: this fic is the epitome of galaxy brain. How do someone eve come up with something so incredible? The world building is so fucking good, are you kidding me?
Oblivion by @meggz0rz: this one needs no comments... But I’m gonna comment anyway: talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spetacular, never-the-same, totally unique.
Beautiful Stranger by splendentgoddess: WHAT A RIDE, MY FRIENDS! BUCKLE THE FUCK UP!
Missing by @ajoy3fanfics: it’s called ‘missing’ because after you finish the whole thing you just miss it so fucking much! I remember how obsessed with it I became, refreshing the page for updates. I was a woman possessed. I spent about 80% of my time talking about this fic, and the other 20% of the time, I was praying for someone else to bring it up so I could talk about it more.
The Delinquent Boyfriend by @artistefish: book one of Inukag Holy Bible.
Out Of The Woods by @dyaz-stories: okay so there are only two chapters so far but the plot it’s captivating as hell! And the writing it’s flawless. If you haven’t read it yet, please do and tell Dya I sent you and I miss her ass.
Guardian by @ruddcatha​: my nerdy ass feels seen and represented.
Knit and Lace by @doginabirdcage: if you’re part of the Inukag fandom you’re legally obligated to read this fanfic. This is not even a joke. Do you know someone who hasn’t read it? No! And you shouldn’t because it’s fucking awesome.
Call You Mine by @lavendertwilight89​: every word on this is a drop of dopamine I swear.
Enchanted by @akitokihojo: I was in the middle of studying for one of the most important tests of my life when Enchanted came around. Was it insane of me to drop everything to read it? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes.
The Half Breed’s Wife by @gypsin: I’m gonna be honest here, this better update before I die otherwise I’m simply not going. RIP to everyone who will pass away without knowing how The Half Breed’s Wife ends but I’m different.
The It Couple by @meggz0rz: OH, YEAH,THE COOL KID OF FANFICS! *Vogue by Madonna starts playing*
It's About Time by @akitokihojo: first fic by Angie I have ever read! Flashback to two-years-ago me picking her chin off the floor. I still can believe I could read this for free? It feels wrong that I could, but also, like: thank God!
The Maid and the Bodyguard by @dyaz-stories: this is the fic you want to take home to your mama. You’d get on one knee for this fic. You’d buy it a diamond ring. You’d profess my undying love for it and you’d spend the rest of your life trying to prove to this fic I’m worthy of it.
Something Real by Angelica Pierce: so this is one of the best oneshots I have ever read in my entire life. It is also the one and only work signed by this author known to mankind. Which I take as a personal offense. To me. Personally.
Mars and Venus by @doginabirdcage: have you ever read something so clever you’re mad about it? Like HOW DARE YOU BE SO SMART? Genius, really. I read it so long ago and it blows me away to this day.
I Knew You Before I Met You by @keichanz: book two of Inukag Holy Bible.
House Mates by honeybee31: “and they were roommates.” “OH MY GOD, THEY WERE ROOMMATES!” Domestic Inukag? In my fic rec? It’s more likely than you think.
The Language He Speaks by @akitokihojo​: if I was half as beautiful as this fic... I’d be kissing so many mouths... The possibilities...
Fingertips by @shinjiteflorana: this is the level of writing I aspire to achieve someday.
PS: I could never, in a billion years, rank these fanfiction, so please keep in mind they are in no way ordered by personal preference. I just love them all. Also, I’m messy.
PS²: believe it or not, I really tried to narrow this down. If I were to tag every Inuyasha fanfiction I love ever, it would get insane huge. This is a not exhaustive, very humble list of my favorites as requested above and I had to draw the line somewhere, otherwise I’d just keep going forever.
PS³: I’ll never get tired of saying that this fandom is crazy talented! Making this fic rec was so hard because there are so many awesome creators out there putting out new content for us every single day. I would like you to know that, even if I had to leave some works out, I appreciate and support each one of them. Thank you so much for keeping the Inuyasha fandom alive!
PS⁴: if you’re reading this, feel free to recommend or tag me in Inuyasha fanfics. Add some of your favorites to this post. Give the authors some love!
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rainboq · 3 years
Thank you for the prompt! Here's one in return. #3 (kiss on the cheek) pricefield
You asked for a kiss on the cheek, you get an entire date and Chloe being a massive disaster. Enjoy! Apologies in advanced for my nonexistent Spanish skills. I’m going insane. It’s just Max, why the hell am I going insane? Chloe sighs as she sits in her truck, one hand on the wheel while the other hovers over the send button on her phone. Fucking Rachel and her big ideas. Just ask her out Chloe, it’ll be fine Chloe, you’ve known her since you were a little kid Chloe. 
A little traitorous part of her wished that Max had just said no so she could get the rejection over and done with. Instead, her dorky little face with it’s stupidly cute dimpled smile and earnest eyes had light up like Chloe had told her that there was going to be new episodes of Hawt Dawg Man or something. And not, you know, a date with her dumb punk ass.
Just hit the damn button Chloe so you can blow this already and tell Rachel you told her so. There’s no way someone as smart and talented as Max wants anything to do with me. She’s just doing this for old time’s sake.
Her finger taps the button and she locks the screen so she can’t stare at it and ratchet her anxiety up higher.
Ha. As if she has any control over her anxiety right now.
Her phone buzzes with Max’s reply and she takes a few deep breaths to try and steady her nerves. Her usual go to right now would be smoking, but she forgot her damn pack at home like a dumbass in her flurry of getting ready. At least I didn’t fuck up Rachel’s makeup job.
Is Max even going to like me with this much makeup on? She knew me before I ever started wearing any.
She does an impromptu drum solo on her steering wheel to try and get some of her nervous energy out, to mixed success when her eyes spot movement in the lobby of Max’s building. She turns in her seat, gets a look at her and promptly forgets to breathe. Chloe had said to dress up a bit, and Max had taken the liberty of wearing a flowing black dress with some matching leggings. It’s not nearly as showy as the things Rachel wears to parties and events, but there’s something about the way her freckled shoulders look under the straps that makes her heart squeeze. Those damn freckles, why do they have to be so cute?! Dammit, breathe, don’t be a total dweeb in front of Max because she grew up and got hot.
Fuck she is hot though.
I’m so boned.
Max spots her truck as she pushes out through the inner door and a great big dorky smile spreads across her face as she waves enthusiastically. Chloe waves back and scoots across the bench seat to throw the passenger door open. A moment later Max is climbing in, all winning and too god damn adorable smiles. “Hey Chloe!”
“Uh, hey Max! You look… hella great.”
Max’s cheeks go a bit red as she hunches her shoulders forwards, one hand rubbing the back of her neck. “I don’t know about that, but you look amazing.”
There’s no part of Chloe’s stolen blazer and worn black jeans that qualify as amazing to her, but if Max likes it she’s not about to complain. “Thanks,” Chloe tries to say as smoothly as she can muster despite the slight wobble in her tone, “You down for some food?”
“I’m hella starving.” Max replies with a cheeky grin as she shuts her door. “I’m so down for this ‘best taco truck in town’.”
Rolling up to a dumpy taco truck in her old brick with someone as gorgeous as Max suddenly has Chloe feeling like Max really deserves a better first and probably only date, but plans are plans. “Then let your noble steed be off, fair maiden!”
Max breaks out in gigglesnorts as Chloe pulls out of the parking lot. “You did not just use one of William’s lines on me!”
“I so hella did Caulfield, what’re you gonna do about it?” Chloe adds a wink, hoping it’ll cover up how obviously sweaty as hell her palms are right now.
“Oh, I’ve got something in mind.” Max says in a low tone that makes Chloe have to fight to not choke on her own spit.
Oh god, is Max actually flirting with me? I’m so not fucking ready for this. “You down to thrash a bit hippie?”
“As long as your bony elbows don’t hit me!” Max replies with a laugh and Chloe punches the radio on.
The scratchy punk from the local station starts blaring and Chloe internally breathes a sigh of relief at not having to try and deal with Max’s flirting for a moment. Oh god, I can hear Rachel laughing her ass off at me right now.
Max for her part grooves along, and Chloe has to focus to avoid going off the road because of it. God she still dances like a total dork! Fuck, it should be illegal to be this cute or something.
Thankfully they make it to the taco truck without Chloe running into anything, despite her distracted driving, and she pulls them up to the sidewalk. I just hope she likes it or this is going to be a hella lame date.
“Hungry Max?” Chloe asks as she throws her door open after shutting off the radio.
“I’m so hungry, you have no idea.” Max replies as she does the same before sheepishly admitting, “I also kinda skipped lunch.”
Chloe jumps out of her truck and jogs around the front of it as Max clambers out. “Jesus Christ Caulfield, no wonder you ended up so short.”
“What! Hey! Not all of us get to be so freakishly tall.” Max groans and sticks out her tongue.
“Yup, it’s just my burden to bear. Now what do you wanna eat?”
“I mean, you know what’s good here.” Max shrugs as she walks alongside Chloe towards the food truck. “Order for me?”
“Spicy or nah?”
“No way, never spicy.”
Chloe can’t help but laugh at the way Max shakes her head and waves her hands in the air. Yup, still a total dork. “Can do Maximo. Just wait here.”
Chloe skips ahead a few steps and shouts out, “¡Hola Alejandro!”
There’s a clattering sound inside the truck and a middle-aged man’s face appears, “¡Aha! ¡Flaca! ¿Como estas?”
“Muy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?”
“Bein.” He says with a nod and a big smile.
“Bien, quatro numero doce con polo por favor.” Chloe says, before turning to grin at Max who looks a little stunned.
Alejandro sticks his head out to see what she’s looking at before pulling back in and grinning broadly. “¿Tu amor?”
Chloe shrugs, unable to keep the smile off of her face as she rubs the back of her head. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I forgot how to say that in Spanish. Way to go dumbass.
Alejandro, to his credit, doesn’t need it spelled out for him as he pokes his head back out and calls out to Max, “¡Hola bonita!”
Max freezes up for a moment before doing a little wave back. “H-hola.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” Alejandro grins at her, before retreating back into the food truck to start working on the order.
Chloe pulls out her wallet from her blazer’s pocket and takes out approximately the right amount of money plus tip and drops it on the counter before jogging back to Max with a big idiot grin on her face. “And that’s the food!”
“I guess I should probably learn some Spanish if I’m going to be living large in LA, huh?” Max asks sheepishly, doing that thing she used to do when they were kids where she’d hold her arm.
“Prolly a good idea,” Chloe says as she moves to stand next to Max. “This shouldn’t take too long.”
“Maybe I should have brought a sweater, I always forget how cold it gets here when the sun goes down.”
“Here, stand next to me, the food should warm you up.” Chloe holds out her arm and Max doesn’t hesitate to tuck into her side.
A sort of silence settles in as Max hums softly to herself and chews on her lip while Chloe watches the window for the food. The pressure of Max against her feels good, great even, but it all feels so surreal. “I can’t believe we’re actually on a date.”
“Oh no?” Max giggles softly as she snakes an arm around Chloe’s waist, “What’s so unbelievable about it?”
“How about the part where you said yes?”
“When I told my parents, my dad announced that Joyce and mom owe him fifty bucks.”
“Wait, what?” Chloe somehow manages to not stammer.
“They all had a bet, our dads bet that we’d date some day.”
Chloe turns her eyes heavenwards, where the few stars visible in LA are starting to poke out as the sun sets. I guess you’re smiling on my dumb ass from up there, huh dad?
“¡Loca!” Alejandro shouts from the truck as he puts their food out.
“That’s us.” Chloe says before reluctantly pulling away from Max, “we’ll eat in the back of my truck, meet me there?”
“Sure thing.”
Chloe trots over, grabs the two trays of food. Damn, dude threw in tortilla chips gratis, I fucking owe him a bigass tip next time I come.
Max waits for her, standing next to the now open tailgate. “After you, mademoiselle.”
“You know French?” Chloe asks with a cocked eyebrow as she slides the trays into the bed before climbing up.
“I picked up a couple things from an ex.” Max shrugs as Chloe turns, offers her a hand and hauls her up into the bed.
They end up sitting together at the far end, their backs resting against the cab as Chloe divides the food between them. “Eat up, short stuff.”
“Oh my god, stop making fun of my height you beanstalk!” Max laughs as she elbows Chloe.
Chloe just cackles as she pulls out her first taco and takes her first bite. Come on Chloe, it’s Max, but it’s still a date so don’t eat like a total fucking slob.
She waits until she’s actually finished her first mouthful and swallowed before turning to Max, “How is it?”
“Oh my god I think I’m in love,” Max mutters as she finishes her first mouthful, “Legit the best taco I’ve ever had.”
“Did I tell you or did I tell you?” Chloe grins in triumph before taking another bite of her taco.
They don’t talk much as they consume their tacos, they’re too tasty. Chloe finishes first and has to resist the urge to shout her victory like they did when they were kids having stupid eating contests. Instead, she starts popping tortilla chips into her mouth and just kind of watching Max while she waits.
Damn, I’ve seen her a bunch since she moved here and I still can’t get over how damn cute she got. Like even her ‘ugly duckling’ pics from high school look great. I can’t believe I missed out on her braces years though, damn, that would have been hilarious to be around for. That or I would have gotten in a lot of fights for jackasses making fun of her, which wouldn’t have been much of a change honestly…
Max finishes her tacos and beams up at Chloe, “That was delicious! Thank you so much Chloe!”
“Hey, you deserve it, also hang on, you got some sour cream on your nose.” Chloe grabs a napkin and wipes it off, prompting a giggle from Max.
“You’re adorable.”
“You’re one to talk.”
Max laughs and steals a chip from Chloe’s basket before grinning at her as she eats it.
“What, hey! Those are my chips! You’ve got your own!”
“Yeah but yours are tastier!”
Oh my god, this old game. “What, you want me to feed them to you?”
Chloe’s heart skips a beat as Max’s cheeks flush red. “I-I mean, I wouldn’t mind…”
“Only if you feed me yours.” Chloe grins as she feels her own cheeks heating up.
“It's a deal then.”
Chloe holds up one of her chips to Max’s face, who promptly devours it before holding up one of her chips for Chloe, who returns the gesture. Before long they’re both grinning at each other like sappy idiots and swapping chips until their baskets run empty. Max makes a little disappointed noise as they run out and Chloe gathers up their baskets.
“I’ll run these back and we’ll hit the road?”
“Sure thing.” Max says, before stifling a yawn. “Man, I didn’t realize how late it’s getting already.”
“Nah, you’re just getting old, the night’s still young.”
Max jabs a finger into Chloe’s side before laughing, “You ass, don’t you know it’s rude to joke about a lady’s age?”
“I’m older than you!”
“I said a lady.” Max retorts with a smirk as they both get to their feet and hop out of the bed.
“You got me there Maximus Wrecked.”
Damn, I think this is actually going pretty well! She thinks to herself as she jogs back to the food stand and drops the baskets off on the outside counter. From inside Alejandro flashes her a double thumbs up and Chloe grins back at him before turning around to head back to her truck.
Max is already in the cab, holding herself and shivering a bit as Chloe gets in. “Definitely should have brought a sweater.”
Thinking fast, Chloe pulls off her blazer and holds it out to Max. “Here, until the heater decides to start working.”
“Thank you so much,” Max says as she puts the blazer on in a hurry, “This has been great.”
“Hey, you’re great so…”
There’s a giggle from Max before she stifles another yawn. “Dork. We should probably head back though. I had a crazy long day.”
Chloe’s heart sinks and her mind immediately starts racing for ways she fucked this up as she starts her truck up. “Oh, okay.”
“I had fun Chloe, seriously.” Max says, reaching out across the bench and laying her hand on Chloe’s forearm as she shifts the truck into gear. “We��ll have to do this again.”
Oh, okay, so I didn’t completely fuck it up. “Second date, huh?”
“Definitely,” Max smiles warmly as they pull out into the street, “Mind if I put some of my tunes on?”
“Sure, knock yourself out.”
Soft indie rock fills the cabin as Chloe drives back to Max’s place. Despite the promise of a second date, she really, really, really doesn’t want this to end. She’d hoped to go walking down the beach or something with max, maybe hit up a bar and get a little crazy.
Can’t you just be happy dumbass? You got the second date, just… take it easy. You know better than to rush Max of all fucking people.
The drive back to Max’s apartment is way too short, or maybe she’s so wrapped up in her thoughts that the usual nightmare of LA traffic barely registers. Either way, she’s sitting in front of Max’s building and wishing she was anywhere else in town with Max.
“So, uh…”
“Thank you, I had a wonderful evening,” Max says softly as she scoots across the bench seat and presses a gentle kiss into Chloe’s cheek, one hand cupping her chin.
It takes Chloe a second to remember what words are, much less how to put them together into sentences, but she does manage, eventually as she turns to look at Max. “You’re, uh, hella welcome.”
Something mischievous that ties Chloe’s guts in a knot sparkles in those brilliant blue eyes of Max as she smiles wide, “Do you hella want to come up to my apartment for some coffee?”
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prinxlyart · 4 years
I also imagine that despite some culture shock, Willow and Amity fit into the human world surprisingly well. Willow's more mellow demeanor and Amity's years of experience in high social culture mean they can fit in well in almost any social setting. Almost too well, after a while it starts to get to Luz since it seems like her witch girlfriends from another dimension do a better job fitting in than she ever did. Cue Luz needing extra love and cuddles
Bruh are you trying to get me to relive my high school existential depression??? Cuz I’m about to lol. (Damn it this is another long one, fuck, why can’t I just answer a question with little blurbs???????)
[tw: for descriptions of bullying, a panic attack and general depressive thought processes]
</3 :’)
Let’s say this excursion to the Human Realm is like a week-long vacation for our girls. They stay with Camila and Luz gets to spend time with her favorite girls and show off the stuff she grew up with. She’s so excited to share all the stuff she loves!!! Like how the trees don’t actually watch you and you typically don’t need to worry about critters attacking you when you walk by. And like. 99% of the things aren’t thinking about eating you. Oh, and just electricity and technology in general.
They come up with their cover story fairly easily (Luz’s girlfriends from another country that are visiting), figure out an easy illusion spell to hide Amity and Willow’s ears, and they’re off to the races. Luz takes them to her favorite after school snack spot, her favorite locally-owned book store (there’s a cat there named Miss Mittens that sunbathes in the display window), her favorite park, etc.
Willow and Amity are having so much fun too; they love learning about the Human Realm, but they love seeing where Luz grew up even more because her whole face lights up when she’s telling them about wherever they are. The first time a truck rolls by (one of those biiigg 18-wheeler delivery trucks) they both nearly scream and are so close to casting something to protect themselves, but Luz reassures them that it’s fine.
For the most part, they just have fun!! Luz couldn’t be happier. There’s something fun about being almost like an ambassador to the people you care about; you get to share so much information and see their wonder and amazement. That is, until Willow decides to walk up to a counter at a shop and ask the clerk about something. Luz doesn’t understand the weird twinge in her heart when Willow does this, but it’s quickly brushed away when Amity grabs her hand to get her attention and ask about something else.
Then the Mall Incident happens. And Luz is shaken. She never forgot about her old bullies but she did forget how much even being around them sent her into a mild state of panic. Sure, she had classes with them all the time, but they couldn’t always be bullying her. They never were as aggressive with their bullying as Boscha had been before that Grudgby match. But that doesn’t stop Luz from shaking slightly for the rest of their time at the mall. She brushes it off when Amity and Willow ask, yeah it was kind of a shock to run into them, but she’ll be fine.
When they get home Willow and Amity know she’s not fine. It was like if Luz was a candle, she’d been snuffed out and they were only seeing the remaining wisps of smoke. It was jarring to say the least, but after talking it out with Luz and smothering her in affection, Luz does feel better.
As their little Human Realm excursion goes on, Luz watches Willow and Amity interact with the Human world with relative ease and that same twinge in her heart is back. She doesn’t know why she feels so odd about seeing her girlfriends just talk with store clerks or restaurant waitstaff, but something about the whole situation is bothering her and she can’t put her finger on what.
That is until one night towards the end of their little vacation when Willow wakes up at like, 2 in the morning to the sound of sniffling (she and Amity are sharing a blow-up mattress in Luz’s room). The alarm bells go off in her head as she registers what the noise is and looks over at Amity only to see that she’s fast asleep. Which means Luz is crying. Willow gently shakes Amity awake before sitting up and checking to make sure she didn’t mishear anything, but her heart only breaks with what she’s able to see.
Luz is curled up in a tight ball, completely surrounded in her blankets, and shaking so hard Willow could’ve mistaken it for a seizure if she hadn’t heard her crying. Willow scrambles onto Luz’s bed and gently drapes herself over Luz’s shaking form, only to hesitate when Luz almost violently recoils at her touch. Amity is quick to join them on the bed once she’s woken up enough to see that something was wrong. Both girls quietly ask Luz what they can do to help her, but her crying only becomes harsher and she starts shaking her head and pounding her hands to her forehead. Willow has to forcibly hold her hands away to make her stop while Amity fetches Camila.
Camila comes rushing in and turns on the light and just starts muttering in Spanish under her breath and she takes Luz into her arms and holds her, just gently rocking her and running her fingers through her hair and still muttering quiet Spanish. Willow and Amity can only watch, grabbing each other’s hands for any amount of stability because their hearts are shattering at the sight of their girlfriend crying so hard.
After a while, Luz’s crying dies down, but her shaking doesn’t. Camila sighs and asks Amity and Willow if they’d like to sleep in her room for the night, to which they both immediately reject. They want to know what’s going on with Luz and how they can help. They’re terrified for their girlfriend and want to do anything they can to help her. Camila feels her own heart melt at that because wow, these girls really do love Luz.
So she asks them instead if they would like to bring their blankets downstairs to the living room and get set up on the couch while she takes care of Luz. Amity and Willow are reluctant to leave Luz, but this is her mom. If anyone knows how to help her, it’s Camila. So they quietly agree and gather up their pillows and blankets and head downstairs and talk quietly on the couch, holding each other’s hands, going over what could’ve possibly caused Luz to break down in the middle of the night.
Meanwhile, Camila manages to ease Luz into letting go of the death-grip hug she has on her and sit up enough for her to wipe the tears from Luz’s face and ask her what’s wrong. Luz almost starts crying again; it hurts her so much to think about. Not to mention, it’s a dumb fear that she knows shouldn’t bother her but it’s scaring her half to death anyway. Camila just waits for Luz to gather her thoughts, gently fussing over her hair and straightening out her rumpled pajamas until Luz is ready to speak.
Luz admits to her mom that she’s scared of losing Willow and Amity. She tells her about the run in with her old bullies at the mall and what they said about her finding people that “tolerate her existence” and how that hit harder and deeper than it should have. How she can still hear the taunts in her head; about how she probably lied to them in order for them to even bother looking her way or that maybe they were just actresses Luz had hired to make her feel like she was worthy of having a girl on each arm. She knows that shouldn’t bother her because she knows Willow and Amity care about her, she knows none of that is true even in the slightest.
But then she watched them ease seamlessly into navigating the Human Realm and she remembers how long it took for her to even begin to understand the nuances of the Demon Realm and it sort of dawned on her how easily she could be left behind. It would be so easy for them to be able to figure out how the Human world works and to go off on their own adventure together; they’re both ridiculously smart and they have each other, what’s Luz but a tour guide that talks too much? And now they’ve been seen with her in public and if they ever did want to explore more of the human world, they would need to go out of town so they wouldn’t be known as Little Luz-er Noceda’s Fake Girlfriends.
Not to mention that back in the Demon Realm, they’re both known to be smart and powerful witches. Luz still gets odd looks thrown her way as she walks into a new place in the Demon Realm because she’s a Human and Humans Can’t Do Magic. Why would these two beautiful, talented, powerful witches want to be seen with Luz the Human? No matter what world she’s in, Willow and Amity are out of her league and she fears that one day they’ll realize this and just leave her behind.
Camila is absolutely heartbroken at this (and makes a mental note to reach out to that girl’s parents; two years have gone by and their child is still as nasty as ever). She reassures Luz that Willow and Amity care about her so much. She’s seen the way those girls look at Luz when they think she’s not looking and they are so beyond smitten with her. And Camilla’s long since gotten to know these girls. She knows they’re absolute angels with hearts of gold (and would probably die and/or kill for Luz, but that’s a thought Camila keeps sealed away in the darkest corners of her mind). There’s no way either of them think that way and would never leave Luz thinking they were some how better than her or too good for her.
Camila also gently reprimands her for not making these fears known sooner; a whole panic attack could’ve been avoided if Luz had brought this up earlier. Luz finally smiles and admits she went down a sort of intense depressive spiral when they all went to bed earlier that night. She’d been feeling off all week but hadn’t figured out why until it was too late. Camila tells her to go downstairs and talk with her girls; she needs to explain what caused her to have such a fierce panic attack in the middle of the night because they are worried sick. Luz gives her mom a hug and mutters her thanks before she grabs a blanket off her bed and heads downstairs. Camila follows her downstairs but goes to the kitchen instead to start some tea (and maybe check her phone to see if Eda’s up 👀).
When Luz finally comes downstairs, Willow and Amity jump off the couch and approach her to hug her, but remember how badly she reacted earlier and keep their distance while they ask her if she was okay. Just seeing her girlfriends look so worried over her well-being is enough to make Luz’s heart squeeze and she just throws her arms around the both of them and hugs them tightly. They all just stand there quietly for a minute; Willow and Amity are relieved to see Luz is okay enough to be giving them a hug, but they’re still worried about what happened. Eventually Luz pulls away and they all sit down (Luz is sandwiched between her girls and playing with their hands; it’s their go-to comfort seating arrangement) and Luz explains everything she had just explained to her mom.
By the time Luz is done with her explanation, Camila’s bringing out the tea for the girls. She sets down the tray for them and plants a big kiss on Luz’s head and tells her that she’s going to go back to bed, they just need to come get her if they need her. She also gives Willow and Amity big kisses on their heads that makes them all giggle and blush before they all wish her goodnight.
They spend a while going over each of Luz’s fears one by one, reassuring Luz that those fears have no power to them because there’s no way in any realm they’d let something like that happen. They both reassure her of how much they adore her, how much they love her (and both make sure to leave plenty of kisses on her cheeks in between said reassurances), and how nothing would ever change that.
Not to mention her last fear. Amity and Willow out of Luz’s league?? Too out of league for the girl who broke into and out of the Conformitorium twice, who defeated a Puppeteer Demon on her second day on Boiling Isles, who not only get Willow an A+ in a magic track she wasn’t good in but also switched into her magic track specialty on her 5th day on the Boiling Isles; who rediscovered an ancient, long-lost method of performing magic within her first week, while ALSO dealing with an Owl Beast Eda-
And that’s just her first week of living in their Realm. Since then she’s disrupted and completely changed the rigid learning system of their school, defeated several monsters, including the Bat Queen, a Slitherbeast, and GROM, put Boscha of all people so in her place that she’s since sat back and re-examined her entire life, and went face-to-face with Emperor Belos and managed to land a hit on him. Yknow, all within the first month and a half of her living on the Boiling Isles. (With more to add as the show goes on I’m sure)
If anyone is out of anyone’s league, Luz is so far beyond everyone that there was a new level created just for her. It doesn’t matter what some air head bully from the Human Realm thinks of her; she’s literally revolutionized life on the Boiling Isles by simply being the bright, passionate, loving person she is.
Luz is definitely crying by the time they’re done listing everything she’s accomplished. Amity and Willow just snuggle up close to her, kissing her face and her head and maybe her shoulder every so often as they reassure her that they love and admire Luz for who she is and can’t even begin to imagine their lives without her. She never ever needs to worry about them somehow leaving her behind when she’s the one leading the way.
They all end up falling asleep on the couch snuggled up with one another and empty mugs of tea on the coffee table. Camila wakes back up a few hours later and shakes her head at the sight of them; they’re all going to have sore necks when they wake up. But she takes several pictures of them and sends the best ones to Eda. Eda replies almost immediately, informing her of the bet she has going with Lilith and King about how soon after they graduate they all propose to one another and asks her if she wants in on the betting pool. She also comments on how sickeningly sweet those girls are and how she’s about to go puke her guts up and definitely NOT make one of those pictures her scroll background.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 04 (second part)
(Masterpost) (Episode 04, first part) (Episode 05, first part)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes
Continued from the first half of this very long post! 
Lets Go! Gusu
Wen Qing is lovingly exploring the magical wards of Gusu. She tries a little digital penetration on the ward at the waterfall, but gets the hard nope.
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Note: Here at Canary3d we don’t ship Wen Qing with any cultivator ladies because we’re too busy shipping her with modern-day infosec-pro ladies, if you get what I’m saying and/or have read my bio.
Meanwhile Wei Wuxian is fishing with Nie Huaisang, using the method of sneaking up and grabbing fish with his bare hands. This actually works, because he is good at literally everything.  His “I’ll be the prodigy” speech to Lan Xichen, isn’t actually arrogant. 
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Aw, Look at Xiao Zhan pretending this fish isn’t already dead.
Nosy Parker Wei Wuxian
Wei Wuxian goes to chat up Wen Qing and none of his crap works on her.
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If I want to admire a pretty face I’ll go look in the mirror
His interactions with Wen Qing help to mature Wei Wuxian quite a bit over the months and years. Initially she’s a mystery to him, and he wants her attention and esteem. And can’t get either.
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Look how stunned he is to encounter a boundary when she won’t let him touch her needle. “Wards are made to be broken” but she’s not going to let him past any of hers. 
Jiang Cheng, Insecurest Boi
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Oh you beautiful sad angry boy. 
(More after the cut!)
Jiang Cheng is angrily waving the laundry around practicing his angry sword moves without a sparring partner, which is noteworthy partly because it shows how dedicated he is, but also because it shows how much he depends on Wei Wuxian for social interaction and cultivation practice. There must be 40 or 50 kids he could go practice with, but he’s by himself.
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Camera Operator: Why you gotta take it out on me?
When he bitches to Yanli about his Dad preferring Wei Wuxian, she gaslights him.
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Yanli is so gentle and kind, and she’s been the real mother for both of these boys when she didn’t have to be. But she ain’t perfect.
Yanli found this soup recipe on youtube. The ingredients are: water
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Jiang Cheng has such a complex about Wei Wuxian he won't take the fish from him directly. He just looks hungry until Yanli grabs a stick and passes it to him.
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Look, Jiang Cheng, we know you have reasons to be upset, but you need to get the fuck over yourself.
Aw, look at Xiao Zhan pretending this fish is cooked/palatable. (note: it is not)
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Xiao Zhan deserves multiple awards for this performance. With bonus points for gratuitously eye-fucking Wang Zhoucheng into next week.
Wang Zhuocheng is an amazing actor who plays an incredible range of emotions, but selling the “delicious fish” lie exceeds his abilities. Look how he steels himself before he opens his mouth.
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Yanli tells Wei Wuxian to be good starting tomorrow, and WWX gives her his patented lying-motherfucker salute.
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This one has 4 fingers, unlike the 3-fingered boy scout salute he gave Lan Wangji on the roof in the previous episode. The extra finger is for extra lying.
Lan Lecture: Goofing off
Wei Wuxian is bored and spends the lecture time goofing off or sleeping like any other smart kid with ADHD.
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Eventually he draws a bunny while Nie Huasang tosses him a nut wrapped in paper and he eats it. It’s the same kind of nut he eats at the beginning of his second life, when he remarks that they tasted better 16 years ago.
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Don’t mind me, just putting Nie-Xiong’s nuts in my mouth
It’s cute how WWX and NHS are so vaguely gay for each other without bothering to be seriously gay for each other.
Several of the rules that are read out during this part of the lecture are things that Wei Wuxian is doing during this part of the lecture, or will become known for doing in the near future.
sitting improperly
causing noise
teasing others
ignoring others and being undisciplined
borrowing money
being late
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Lan Lecture: Showing off
The question & answer part of the lecture arrives, which is when Wei Wuxian gets to show off his gifts. 
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He is that classic kid who already knows the essence of the material, does not need stuff explained, and is super bored at rote learning.
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Lan Qiren makes Lan Wangji show off his skills to the whole class, which would guarantee an after-school ass kicking for the teacher's pet except that LWJ is basically the most aggressive person in the entire Lan clan (thanks Mom for those "I'm going to kill you now" genes!) and is unbeatable. 
Lan Lecture: Going off
Next, Wei Wuxian introduces an idea for sustainable energy.
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He starts off challenging Lan Qiren's hypothetical scenario, and as Lan Qiren draws breath to answer him, Lan Wangji starts speaking. LWJ has been listening very carefully and is speaking out of turn instead of letting the master speak, which is...probably not how he usually conducts himself?
From Wei Wuxian’s perspective, this is just the run-up to his next outrageous suggestion, but for Lan Wangji, this has to be an enormous moment. This boy who is unexpectedly a good sparring partner with swords and words is also an intellectual sparring partner - someone who can give Lan Wangji an actual chance to debate something.  
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Wei Wuxian’s answer "it's such a waste" is directed to Lan Wangji, not to the class as a whole. Lan Wangji, Gusu’s loneliest boy, is suddenly in a relationship with an equal. The relationship is adversarial, but it's EQUAL.
Wei Wuxian carries on explaining his idea: How about digging up and desecrating corpses? No no no Not for fun, but in order to have massive, unthinkable power? 
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Seems like a waste to just leave the dead to their rest when you could be using them for something. 
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Lan Qiren: I can see we are going to have to kill you eventually, aren't we
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Jiang Cheng: oh my god Wei Wuxian you can't just ask about decapitating corpses
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Jiang Yanli: perhaps my unwavering loyalty to Dad's methods with my baby brother should be reexamined
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Nie Huasang: my dude, conceal don’t feel, seriously
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Lan Wangji: hmmm he’s not exactly wrong
Lan Wangji was a LOT more horrified at Wei Wuxian sticking a note on Lan Qiren’s ass than he is at this whole demonic cultivation thing. Lan Wangji is really really attracted to Wei Wuxian’s talent and intelligence, even when it's completely heterodox. You can see it much later when Wen Ning gets his personality back; Lan Wangji is impressed and congratulatory, unlike literally everyone else in the cultivation world.
When Wei Wuxian gets sent to copy a chapter 1000 times, Jiang Cheng and Yanli are both horrified, whereas Wei Wuxian’s reaction is totally chill. 
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Basically he knows that he has reached the part of the classroom discussion where he is inevitably sent for punishment, because he is totally used to that being how things go in his education.
Similarly, kneeling doesn't bother him because Madame Yu made him kneel for everything.  Wei Wuxian is the mascot for too-smart bored kids everywhere.
On his way out, Wei Wuxian hits Lan Wangji with this troubled look of yearning. In this moment where Wei Wuxian is sparking Lan Wangji’s interest and tentatively seeking a path toward Lan Wangji’s heart, he is also mapping out the unorthodox path he will follow away from him as they grow up.  
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Lan Qiren in his rage does the dumbest and, frankly, most irresponsible thing the parent of a teenager can do in this situation; he sends Lan Wangji to supervise Wei Wuxian’s punishment. 
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"This terrible WWX is a one-man bad crowd. Let me send my deeply conflicted, stubborn, intensely private, teetotling, abstinent and abstemious newphew to spend several days in a private location with him, being bored together."
Lan Wangji responds to this order with 100% calmness, not even an eyebrow furrow.
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I'm sure no cussing, pornography, romantic portraits, flirty ink grinding, or changes in forms of address will happen.
Lan Lecture: Blowing off
Wei Wuxian meanwhile has fucked off to go make more friends, and is hanging out with Wen Ning. Wen Ning demonstrates his archery by hitting the worlds slowest falling rock in midair and Wei Wuxian earnestly praises him and offers to trade skill pointers.
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I love how sweet and kind WWX is to this younger kid who is obviously a little different.
When Wen Qing shows up, Wei Wuxian takes another opportunity to get into her business, but he skips the charm this time. He also 100% correctly deduces what she is up to.
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Swords by the Waterfall
Then comes another sexy sword fight as Lan Wangji sneaks up on Wei Wuxian and almost get his face sliced open as a reward.
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Now that the swords are out it’s time for...homework, sigh. Summer school is the worst.
Writing Prompt: Lan Xichen’s letter to Nie Mingjue after meeting Meng Yao
Episode 05 Restless Rewatch is over here!
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tiredlinguist · 4 years
presenting: the musicals i like ‘a normal amount’
hamilton - really good musical! some absolute fucking bangers in the soundtrack and i’m so glad they released a pro shot i’ve watched it two or three times it’s incredible. very grateful i wasn’t a part of the raging dumpster fire that was the 2016 hamilton fandom 
matilda - the kids r fuckin adorable and revolting children has no right being that good i loved this book as a kid (still do) and it was such a perfect way of bringing such an iconic story into another medium 
wicked - i absolutely love the storyline. i got to see this one live and it was fantastic, i’ll never forget what an amazing experience it was with like. the big ass glowin eyes n shit. defying gravity is. incredible
book of mormon - funny as hell, andrew rannells is v talented, love that man, super entertaining. also got to see this one live and i’m so glad i did, its funny and incredible. i live in utah and have mormon friends tho so i have to tread carefully lmao 
the lightning thief: okay, some of the songs aren’t great, but the ones that work REALLY work. ‘good kid’, ‘the campfire song’, ‘another terrible day’, all amazing
dear evan hansen: i used to be really obsessed with this one. it’s still a great musical and ben platt is mad talented, good for you is still the best fuckifgn song on the sountrack by far, but im just kinda over it 
and now: the musicals that i love so much i start breaking the laws of gravity every time i think about them 
beetlejuice: fucking STAN sophia anne caruso HOW DOES SHE BELT LIKE THAT its incredible also the way beetlejuice sings is absolutely MIND blowing it’s completely insane and amazing this show got fucking ROBBED of its tony for the lighting i cannot BELIEVE how quickly it went off broadway. fuck 
the music man: absolute fucking ICONIC musical. the first song. on the train n shit. i cannot BELIEVE how many times i have listened to that song it is absolutely a crime. it’s just the most bizarre plot, too—random fucker goes to a town, convinces residents a pool table is gonna corrupt their children, and that the only way they can save them is by??? starting a marching band??? and not actually learning anything about music whatsoever? what?????? I LOVE IT 
newsies: the way this musical is so disney-esque and corny as shit but some of the lines are just spitting straight anticapitalist FACTS is an absolutely spectacular dynamic. santa fe is incredible, jeremy jordan and ben fankhauser are..,,.,.,attractive,.,., the dancing is SO extra and SO wonderful and it’s literally the only reason i would ever want to learn how to dance 
spring awakening: askdjfns∆˚¬å˙∂˜åøˆ∑´¬ƒ¨å∂˚ i have ZERO idea how to explain this musical to anyone else without just being like “just watch a slime tutorial thats the only way you can really Get It” because listening to the soundtrack REALLY doesnt encapsulate the shit these kids go through. the deaf west production is absolutely fucking incredible, the way they use the characters’ ‘voices’ is so smart, the choreography infused with the signs.,.., the way the vineyard scene is actually romantic as fuck and not played for laughs like it is in the ob performance. just. god. i fucking love this musical. please let me play moritz at some point in my life please i desire nothing else 
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
“Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #5:
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A/N: I am posting two outtakes today! Please read the voting poll that will be at the end of Outtake #6. As you know I am on a slight writing hiatus except for this story. I love it so much so thank you to the small amount of you who continue to read it - love y’all.
Aone 1 Year 2 Months Into Crushing On You And Having a Funny Conversation with Kenji, Koganegawa and Katana 💵👮
“Hey! Futakuchi and his friends! Wait up!”
While on the way to volleyball practice, Aone, Kenji & Kanji heard a distant female voice from behind calling them.
The three tall boys turned around, seeing an out-of-breath Katana trying to catch up with them from 20 meters away.
To Aone’s right, Kenji sighed.
“Here we go, He murmured under his breath in annoyance.
Kenji was convinced that he should sign up for the Date Tech talent show and claim that his talent is collecting clingy exes. He wouldn’t even have asked clingy-Katana out if his white-haired best friend didn’t have it crazy bad for her best friend.
Aone grunted and Kanji’s eyes were just wide because the popular cheer captain of the school knew him as Futakuchi’s friend!!!!
“Hi-hi-“ Koganegawa started when she was still way too far away, but Kenji warned him:
“Do not speak again. You’ve already proven you can’t get your shit together around hot cheerleaders and if you don’t want them to label you as the weird first-year for life I suggest you quiet down now.”
Agreeing, Koganegawa shut his mouth and nodded.
Katana finally reached the three giants, taking a moment to catch her breath and fix her hair as she looked up at them.
“Whoa, you guys are huge.”
Kenji nodded nonchalantly. “You needed me?”
“Oh, uh, yeah. I just left a cheer meeting with Y/N and...”
Aone went on alert to the sound of his crushes name. The two volleyball boys on either side of him felt his cringe and looked at Aone quickly, then back at the cheer captain.
“.....in the meeting we realized we raised way more than we hoped, which is awesome because we can get a more expensive bus and a better hotel and stuff but....”
your best friend was blabbing on, and Kenji was rather annoyed by her it.
“—I don’t want to interrupt, Katana.... but could you maybe hurry it up? We have practice in 10 minutes and we have to run laps if we’re late just like the cheerleaders—“
“Oops! I totally get it. Sorry. Basically I just wanted to say that we calculated our donations and sent out thank you baskets to our highest donors and well....since you’re the captain of Date Tech’s boys volleyball team—I thought I’d ask you directly if your team would even want a gift basket or maybe something else?” She winked at Kenji flirtatiously.
Girl-crazy Koganegawa’s mind went to very dirty places. “Something else??? Something else like what—“
Kenji reaches his arm out to pound his first-year in the chest so that he would stop talking. As Koganegawa coughed, Kenji furrowed his brows at Katana, addled.
“Huh? Why would WE get a gift basket?”
Katana tilted her head, addled as well. “Well.......your team did donate $1,000 (106,128.50 yen) to our fundraiser, which was one of our biggest single donations so—“
“Oh WE DID?” Kenji’s eyes were wide like Bokuto’s an owls when he heard the amount donated. He was trying to contain his big smile from breaking out as he nudged a very frozen and very guilty mountain man next to him.
Katana didn’t understand why Kenji was so surprised with something he did himself.
She looked at the faces of all 3 boys, Kenji’s looking amused and suspecting, the hot blonde in the middle looking angry but shaken, and the one with 3 brown spikes in his yellow hair was staring at her boobs.
Katana snapped her fingers in front of his face and Koganegawa looked back into the cheer captains menacing glare.
Futakuchi tried to steer the attention away from his setter who was stupidly playing with fire.
“Hm?” She smiled at the handsome volleyball captain.
“No gift basket. Thanks for asking. You guys can just cheer extra loud for us at the next game you come to. Okay? That’s thanks enough.” Kenji smiled sweetly.
Katana giggled in return, melting under Futakuchi‘s smile.
“Alright! Sure thing!! Thanks a lot by the way. The cheer team will have the best trip ever and we owe a lot of thanks to your team!” Forgetting the blushing first year on the end that she was going to rip apart, Katana bounced away happily.
Aone turned and started walking briskly to the gym.
“We’re going to be late.” He stated simply, training his eyes forward.
aone!!!! Get your sexy simping ass back here—
The two teammates caught up with him, sandwiching him as they walk.
“Aone Takanobu. You gave that team of bimbo’s 106,000 yen?! And tried to hide it from me—your best friend?!”
Kanji set a hand on his middle blockers shoulder. “Takanobu-senpai. You are whipped, dude!”
Kenji continued. “Look. I know your monthly allowance is twice what you donated to them, but, you can’t just give Y/N 106,000 yen!”
Aone growled in defence. “I didn’t. I gave it to the struggling Date Tech cheer team—“
“Oh cut the shit, Takanobu-san. You wanted Y/N to have a good trip 🙄”
Aone nodded tightly. “I will admit that is a large part of my donation, indeed. But—“
“—Aone senpai, you even disguised it as a donation from all of us? You’re so smart! That way Y/N won’t peg you as a creepy stalkerish guy. That’s like—“ Koganegawa paused, his eyes lighting up. “Wait. If you said it’s from all of us, then that means your donation might work in my ‘date me’ favour with the cute first-year cheerleaders......!” He sported a shit eating grin.
Turning the corner before the other two, Kenji called over to the underclassmen. “Kanji. I do think the 1st year cheerleaders will love you for this, but DIDN’T you already donate to them individually?”
Kanji gasped as he internally cringed. “Shit, I forgot!” He exclaimed. “I did! On three separate occasions 😱!”
Aone shrugged. “That is not my problem, Koganegawa-san.”
“No shit it isn’t your fault...... but I mean I wouldn’t have given them 32,000 yen if I knew you were donating 106,000 on the teams behalf! My allowance is only 43, 000 yen a month!!!”
On the other side of Aone, Kenji smirked. “You still would have done it even if you knew..... big boned setter 😑.” The captain rolled his eyes. It served his underclassman right to let the cheerleaders take advantage of him even though Kenji warned the whole team not to fall for it!. “You’re powerless around hot girls all the time, let alone ones that ask you for help when dressed as sexy mermaids, genies, or cats.”
“Actually, it was just the cop.....” He admitted shamefully. Looking at the ground as he walked, shaking his head. “She just asked me three times and I couldn’t say no.” He bowed his head in embarrassment.
Throwing his head back, Aone let out a loud hearty laugh as the three members of the Iron Wall entered their team’s locker room just in time. Kenji held the door open for his upperclassmen, a little in awe because a laugh from the mountain man was a huge rarity!
“So thaaat’s why you asked me to spot you for lunch!” Kenji laughed too, ruffling the hair of the blushing boy who he now considered to be a little brother.
Aone ruffled his hair too as he walked through the door Kanji held open. “At least I’m not whipped for the entire team, only one girl.” Takanobu teased.
“Oh, fuck you guys.” Grumbled Koganegawa as he fixed his hair that they just attempted to ruin. He was pouting. “You guys are the worst senpai’s ever.”
You, 1 year And 6 months Into Being A Losty and hear of Aone for the first time? 🙄⏱
“Hey guys, so how much did we raise at the Halloween fundraiser again?”
You called as Katana and yourself left your kitchen to meet all of the pyjama-clad cheerleaders in your den.
You still couldn’t believe that you guys were even able to call it a fundraiser!
As Cheer captain, Katana literally just told the team to wear cute and sexy Halloween costumes every day the week of Halloween in random places like the malls, outside of the grocery stores, the school field...make a few flyers, set up tables with a sign saying CHEERLEADING FUNDRAISER🤸‍♂️ and that’s that. The team gave nothing in return, Katana just told everyone to ask boys everyone but mostly boys politely for donations.
Surprisingly, it worked very well!
Since all of Date Tech’s stupid school funding went to the major sports teams, and your team used the leftover budget on the new uniforms, you had no money for Regionals. Each member was able to pay for most things but travel was too much. The team needed $3,500 to pay for the coach bus to and from regionals.... but they ended up raising around....
“Just over 7K (USD).” Responded one of the cheerleaders as she braided another’s hair.
Katana smiled. “I’m so proud of you girls!”
Kusa, the vice captain nodded as she dug into the s’mores. “Personally, I’m just happy that we got such huge donations from the hottest guys in school!”
Lost, you sat down on the couch and widened your eyes. “We did???”
Katana rolled her eyes at you. “Don’t act surprised, Y/N. You raised the most money....” Katana started clapping for you and the entire team joined in, congratulating you.
Your jaw dropped under the attention you didn’t ask for. “Shut up, Katana! Guys, really—“
“That’s awesome, Y/N! But I mean you did look amazing as a genie! You made me want to donate!” Kusa smiled, shaking your knee encouragingly. “Did any boy even say no to you??”
You looked down and played with your fingers. “Well, no, but...”
Kusa gasped. “Wait. Was it you who got the volleyball team to donate 106 000 yen?!”
The room silenced in anticipation.
“No! I didn’t—maybe Justin Bieber look-a like did it because he wants to get back with Katana I don’t know.....”
Katana scoffed before blowing on her toenails that she started painting.
“Nah. He doesn’t want me back....yet. But he will. That team did it on their own. Without anyone even asking.”
“Either way, they are so hot and they must like our team!!” Kusa squealed, and the other cheerleaders murmured excitedly in agreement.
“Especially Aone Takanobu!” One of them added.
Remembering that you heard that name before, but you forget where, you looked at your teammate. “Who?”
“Only the hottest blonde at the school! He’s in your year. Don’t tell me he’s on the long list of guys you don’t notice, Y/N.”
You covered your face as the girls collectively booooooooooo-ed you, throwing popcorn and pillows at your body jokingly. You giggled and shielded yourself.
“I’m sorry! I have no idea who he is!”
“You don’t know anybody. I swear you’d forget us if we somehow were kicked off this team. Just know that he’s gorgeous. Super tall, really serious and silent, one of the best on the volleyball team........ but most importantly................he has washboard abs. Total hottie.” Kusa explained and the rest of the cheerleaders fanned themselves as she did and pretended to faint.
“Maybe one day I’ll meet him.” You laughed, catching the base who pretended to faint in your lap. You tickled her side.
Uninterested in the conversation because it wasn’t about her favourite Dateteko volleyball boy, Katana took the reigns of the conversation again. “By the way Kusa. I think it was you who convinced the volleyball team to donate so much!”
“What?! Why me?”
“Well, I saw that giant first-year starter donate 3 times to the donation table after you spoke to him. You know the only with the three brunette antennas???”
Kusa blushed furiously. “Oh my God, I didn’t want him to donate three times! The first time I asked and he did, but the other times I just said hi to him because I kept running into him and then he just blurted out that he’d love to donate more money!! Geez, I kind of think he thought I was a real cop or something and that he would go to jail if he didn’t donate.”
You and the team bursted out in laughter until your stomachs hurt, exchanging all of the amusing stories from this fundraiser all night long.
1 year 11 months into Aone Crushing On You and Kenji Tries To Ship Him With Someone Else 📲💔
“Hey man, look. She’s pretty like Y/N and she’s a cheerleader too. She goes to Karasuno where that short ginger you like goes.”
Aone shrugged his shoulders, trying his best to study in the library. He ignored the Instagram page link Kenji texted to him.
“Will you at least answer her dm? That ginger told me she’s like obsessed with you ever since we last went over there.”
Aone shrugged again.
That was the wrong girl obsessed with him. “Maybe.”
Futakuchi sighed, wishing he could take the pain away from his best friend.
Ever since Aone realized that the girl he loves likes doesn’t even know who he is, he has been in somewhat of a slump.
There have been no more extraordinary games, even if Y/N was there cheering because Aone knew that even if he played extraordinarily well, you’d still probably ask the teacher who he was.......
he thought about that everyday.
Aone’s shoulders slumped a bit at the thought and Kenji noticed.
Aone just didn’t understand how he could like you this much when you two haven’t even had a conversation yet. He guessed it was because he knows almost everything about since you literally expose all of your business in class when Aone is listening. He knows your likes, dislikes, your hobbies, your fears, your favourite foods, etc. Every time he hears you he falls a little bit more because you were so perfect, not to mention pretty.
So, so pretty.
That’s why Kenji has been trying to steer his attention away from you and onto the many girls who do notice Aone, the ones who wish they were riding his dick every night.
a.k.a me 🙋🏾‍♀️
“If not the Karasuno chick what about this other girl from Inarizaki? The distance is further so she won’t expect as much face-to-face time but she really wants to meet you.”
“No thank you, Kenji-chan.”
Kenji frowned, watching Aone stare at the same page in his textbook in sorrow.
“Ok well........,..There are a lot of girls on our Date Tech cheer team who are interested.....” Kenji suggested quietly, trying to pull any emotion from him to know he’s still alive.
Aone looked away from his textbook for the first time since they’ve sat down, meeting his brunette friend’s eyes.
“Why would I want Y/N to think I’d ever date one of her friends, Kenji-san? If she believes I am taken, then she will never want me.” Aone explains with a heavy heart.
Kenji knew he’d say that. 🙇🏽 It definitely wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but at least Aone was still predictable to him. For the past few months Aone has been acting quite different, being extra silent at practices, lunch, and walks home now. He didn’t call Kenji for Y/N advice anymore even though he continued to have occasional wet dreams..... so Kenji was thoroughly concerned for his best friend. Aone must be lovesick, in a depressing way, and for the first time Kenji felt helpless. He hated seeing his friend like this.
“You can’t keep torturing yourself like this, Aone.”
Aone tried to collect himself. “I’m not—“
“You are. Everyday you just sit in your sorrow about Y/N. Meanwhile I can tell your feelings for her are still strengthening every day. You either need to man up and ask Y/N out or take one of these girls on a date to forget about her. You have fan girls, man. Hot ones. And I can’t stand seeing you like this anymore.”
Aone frowned.
“None of them measure up to Y/N.”
Kenji was surprised at his response. “W-well no, but—“
“Futakuchi, I am aware that I have been acting rather pathetic. I am aware that you, my parents, and the team are concerned about me. I apologize for making you all worry. But as of right now, and as much as I do wish it was different — my heart is held by Y/N-chan. She’s the first thing I think about when I wake up, she’s the last thing I think about before I fall asleep...and as you know she’s in my night dreams and day dreams. She is the perfect girl for me and she is right there all the time; she’s in all my classes, at our games, she’s in the caf, the halls, the library...I know that you and Koganegawa want me to ‘shoot my shot’ with her or even another girl but I don’t think you two understand. Before, I’ll admit that I was just shy to pursue Y/N. That is true. But it’s been two years. My feelings have grown so strong for her....and I’m not shy to pursue her, per se. Given the opportunity I strongly believe I would.”
“So what’s stopping you then, Aone-san?”
“.......I’m scared.”
Kenji’s eyes bugged out. “Scared?! Aone, you’re the bravest person I know—“
“Not when it comes to her. Even so, I’m not scared as in the fear of horror movies or heights. I’m scared of how much it might break me if Y/N rejects me.”
Kenji frowned, understanding. “I see...”
Kenji thought back to over a year ago how upset Aone was back when Y/N was in a flirtmance with that tool from the baseball team, then he thought of Aone’s dejected face every time you’d walk by him in the halls like he didn’t exist, and the worst and most recent—he thought of Aone’s face a few months ago when he fled the classroom because he realized you had no idea who he was when he was standing right behind you. He had been devastated.
He still is.
Even with Takanobu’s permanent scowl, people a step away from Kenji or his parents (like the team) could tell that he wasn’t the same.
“I know I’m being a coward, Futakuchi. But I don’t think I can handle any more pain—from liking Y/N and her definitely not feeling the same—than this. At least not until the volleyball season ends. That way I can deal with it myself in the summer. But if I knew now I’d ruin the season.”
Internally appreciative to be the only confidant of Aone, Kenji closed the pages of Instagram girls he planned to show his friend, exchanging his phone for his matching Japanese Literature textbook.
“What page were you on?”
Taglist: @crushzone @galagcica
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