#all the clans come together once a year for a grand celebration and those that live in other regions return to Sinnoh during that time too
patriamrealm · 1 year
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This, this silly little thought is what caused the brainworm from the last post. Just Ingo absently solving century long mysteries. One that Emmet has been struggling to solve since he was a kid.
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Bonus: Emmet, and Drayden are terrible at telling Ingo basic things about their family. It’s very frustrating for Ingo. Admittedly they don’t tell him in the hopes that enough familiar stimuli will help with him remembering. It does not.
Despite their worries, being told things does not cause sudden memory flashes nor headaches even if he does remember something. Bit of misunderstanding of his amnesia. Really he’d much prefer them stop treating him like glass and just tell him things.
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annestie · 4 months
Avatar Masterlist
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Longfics (Are or will be over 10k words)
Ma' Yawntu (Ongoing, currently at 71k words)
Ao'nung x Neteyam
Neteyam and Ao'nung have successfully kept their relationship a secret for years. With only months left until Ao'nung's iknimaya, all they have to do is keep it hidden for a little longer. It's not hard to do especially after years of practice. That is until they learn that Neteyam's with child. Now confused and scarred, the two of them navigate through acceptance, reveals, and, most importantly, parenthood.
Outcasted (Ongoing, currently at 10k words)
Ao'nung x Neteyam
At sixteen, Neteyam has completed his iknimaya and is considered an adult. He's a warrior, finally allowed on the battlefield. The war is going well. Perfectly on the path for them to win once again, something Neteyam is excited to be there for. Until, he's outcasted by his own father. Neteyam's forced pick up what is left of his life and leave. Never allowed to step foot into his home again, he goes to first place he thinks of. Awa'atlu. Hopeful that his past there will make settling and adjusting easier.
Tumblr Version or search [Outcasted by Annestie]
What Do You Mean Betrothed to Him? (Ongoing, currently at 3.3k words)
Ao'nung x Neteyam
For as long as Neteyam could remember, he had been betrothed to the eldest son of the Metkayina Olo’eyktan. A boy about his age. The agreement had come through their fathers, many years before either boy could remember. So when, Jake announced that they would be hiding in Awa’atlu, Neteyam isn't that surprised. Though, what he does find strange was the confusion of his siblings. They ask why Awa’atlu, why not another clan or island or village. To Neteyam, Awa’atlu seems like the obvious choice, especially with their connection there and Neteyam has talked to them about who his betrothed is. Neteyam wouldn’t have forgotten to mention that part. Right?
Tumblr Version or search [What Do You Mean Betrothed by Annesite]
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Shortfics (Are or will be under 10k words)
Whoops. (Complete, 5.5 words)
Ao'nung x Neteyam
Tuk notices some 'bruises' on her big brother. She worries and brings it up while everyone is around. Cue the freak out.
Maybe happiness is simple. (Complete, 1.7k words)
Ao'nung x Neteyam
Neteyam had long accepted the fact that happiness would not come to him easy. Maybe that isn't as true as he thinks it is.
The Courting Gift (Complete, 800 words)
Ao'nung x Neteyam
Lo'ak asks about a strange piece of art Ao'nung has in his marui
4 times Ao'nung kissed Neteyam and 1 time Neteyam kissed Ao'nung (Complete, 900 words)
Ao'nung x Neteyam
After getting together, Ao’nung found it enchanting to kiss Neteyam. Each one leaving him a fool in the best way. Though the ones that truly do leave him breathless are the ones that seem simple. Like a kiss to the temple as they walk along the beach or a soft peck to the cheek after a goodbye. Those ones are simple, nothing grand or special. But that’s what Ao’nung loves the most about them. The fact that a kiss doesn’t need to be grand or special for it to still enchant him.
Wrapped in Love (Complete, 1.4k words)
Ao'nung x Neteyam
Different ways Neteyam celebrates the day of love through the years
The Day of Loneliness (Complete, 666 words)
Tuk tries to find something to do on the day of love after her friends and siblings leave her alone
Shitty Pickup Lines (Complete, 300 words)
Ao'nung x Neteyam
Ao'nung learns some new pickup lines and tries them out on his husband
Revenge (Complete, 750 words)
Pre-relationship Ao'nung x Neteyam
Ao'nung offers his help along with an apology. Neteyam takes the opportunity for his own revenge
Like It Ever Will Happen (Complete, 600 words)
Ao'nung x Neteyam
Lo’ak makes a seemingly impossible bet with some rather unfortunate consequences, thinking it would never happen. Poor Lo’ak’s never had that good of luck
Breakfast (Complete, 400 words)
Ao'nung x Neteyam
Ao'nung tries to convince Neteyam to get up so they can make breakfast together on a sleepy Saturday morning.
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Ficlets and Drabbles (Shorter and posted only to Tumblr)
Pre-relationship Ao'nung x Neteyam, Ao'nung gets punched
Tuk Tries Crab Unsuccessfully
Neteyam & Tuk, poor Tuk
Ao'nung x Neteyam, 50 word challenge and a sad Ao'nung
Ao'nung x Neteyam, Ao'nung has troubles babysitting his new sibling
Before They Wake
Ao'nung x Neteyam, they're so in love
Ao'nung x Neteyam, Ao'nung talks with Tsireya about why Neteyam's living
Aftermath of Ao'nung’s First Flight
Ao'nung x Neteyam, Ao'nung learns a new love for the sea and ground
First Meeting
Ao'nung x Neteyam, Ao'nung and Jake meet and it goes poorly
Ao'nung x Neteyam, Neteyam's siblings panic Neteyam on purpose and get their karma
Hot Chocolate
Ao'nung x Neteyam, Neteyam has Ao'nung try another human food
A proposal
Ao'nung x Neteyam, a joke proposal and some unwelcome company
No Fucking Way
Ao'nung x Neteyam, Lo'ak cannot believe his eyes
First Kiss
Ao'nung x Neteyam, their first kiss
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twelvedozenterrors · 8 months
While some of you could certainly brush up on your manners, you all have been wonderful little dragons. Enjoy your gifts! -Santa
Most kids woke up to their presents from Santa already waiting for them under the tree.
Most kids also weren’t created in batches through copious amounts of magic every dozen years. The Dragon Realms had plenty of individuals who were born the traditional way, not that it made the sizeable number of fairy-brought ones any less apparent and clustered together.
What would make a noticeable difference was that there weren’t very many kids from the previous Year of the Dragon - as Spyro could attest to - and the latest clutch ended up being bigger than normal to make up for it.
That was this nation’s special little thing - a full twelve months’ worth of celebrations for the sudden jump in population every twelve years, where even the annual holidays had that extra effort put in since they would be the first ones many would experience.
And what better way was there to celebrate the new generation’s first Christmas than with Santa delivering their presents in-person?
Once most of his deliveries around the world were done, he would spend his time in the Dragon Realms visiting each guild one by one in broad daylight, much to the delight of all its little dragons.
Overall, there mightn’t have been much in the name of children. Opinions could vary on if it was rendered more or less apparent with the 151 newcomers split across five clans, but an average of thirty hatchlings all bundled up in one place was still enough to guarantee a bustling environment. For the jolly man in red, it also proved quicker to make his rounds that way instead of having to go between countless individual houses for a change.
Within minutes of each grand debut, the floors would be decorated with shreds of colourful wrapping paper as far as the eye could see - and if they hadn’t been indoors, it’d especially stand out against the solid white sea of snow swamping most parts of the Dragon Realms lately.
The Peace Keepers were lucky enough to get snow in their arid capital; a clichéd Christmas miracle, but a pleasant miracle since it would save them the trouble of venturing out to Ice Cavern if they didn’t want to miss out on the usual winter atmosphere.
Santa’s extra efforts would be rewarded, he had a rare chance to see firsthand just how happy he was making the children of the world; and of course, the younger Artisans helped Devlin prepare a plentiful batch of the quintessential cookies to fuel the rest of his journey.
While seeing Santa and playing with their loot was enough for some of the kids, others wanted to investigate the sleigh or meet the reindeer, requests that he would gladly oblige (as long as they didn’t get too rowdy, his loyal steeds deserved a peaceful break from all the flying around). They played just as vital a role in Christmas and it was only fair that they were also smothered in gratitude.
The curtains had to close sooner or later; Santa would take his leave and continue on to the next guild for the mirth to start anew, until all five had their turn and he was off to those remaining places around the world. There was unfortunately only so much time he could spare out of an unimaginably busy 24 hour period, but any disappointment the hatchlings had was soon mitigated by them being allured with the mythical visage of his sleigh soaring into the skies.
More importantly, they could still enjoy spending the rest of Christmas with their loved ones…or of course, tackling whatever presents they had completely forgotten about opening the second he showed up.
Discussions about next Christmas were quick to arise following his departure; many of the baby dragons hadn’t yet understood that Santa would instead come during the night in the following years as he traditionally did, literally interpreting coming back next year as in he was coming back to visit next year.
Whenever the time came for the next generation of fairy-brought dragons to come along, leaving them in Spyro’s shoes to be good big siblings, Santa Claus would once again stop by to give the Dragon Realms’ newest residents the perfect first Christmas.
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Jamil, Sebek: How the Other Half Lives
I’m going to attempt to write a short fic about each birthday boy and their interviewer for the second set of birthday cards. These fics won’t necessarily be set on a birthday, but could be leading up to it or set after the party (since the Union birthday cards already tell a complete story from start to end). We’ll just have to see how things pan out!
First up, Jamil and Sebek! Two servants with two very different views on their masters...
Unrelated side note: it’s funny how Jamil says he would want to be in Ignihyde, but he’s celebrating his birthday kidnapped and being held in a dark room until Idia pulls up to experiment on him--
***Mild Happy Beans Day! Lyreless Brawl, Camp Vargas, and Scalding Sands Fireworks events spoilers! + Jamil Union Birthday card spoilers!***
Imagine this...
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Kalim pressed a warm, wet washcloth against Jamil’s cheek. Moving in a circular motion, Kalim gently swept away the clouds of whipped cream dotting the grimacing birthday boy’s face--casualties of an annual tradition. Afterwards, he wrung the dirtied cloth over a bucket, coloring the water within a milky white.
Plip, plop. Drops rippled in its surface, the disturbed face of a mirror, before the contents of the bucket stilled once more.
Jamil caught a glimpse of his reflection. His face had slightly slimmed over the course of the past year. His eyes, sharper, and his hair, longer--now reaching the small of his back. It was still him in every sense.
Older, wiser.
More crafty.
“Sebek got you good, huh?” Kalim laughed, clapping his friend on the back. “And it looks like you got Sebek good too!”
“He got what was coming to him,” Jamil said flatly. His eyes briefly passed over to the aforementioned first year, who was busy cleaning himself up from the aftermath of retaliation. Jamil allowed himself a small smirk, relishing in his victory.
“Gahahah! Well, as long as you’re enjoying yourself, then I’m happy.” Kalim hung his washcloth on the rim of the bucket and straightened. “You haven’t had the chance to eat anything yet, right? Since you just got pied, how about some pie?”
“Pie is the last thing I want to see right now.”
“Okay, so a slice of cake instead! I’ll grab you one, just wait right here!”
“That’s kind of you, but I’m capable of fetching my own... aaand he’s gone.” Jamil held his head in his hands and sighed. Kalim had dashed off halfway through his sentence, making a beeline toward a table filled with food and crowded with party guests.
Best to not interfere... Not that interfering would stop him.
“Ohoh! I’m jealous of you, Jamil-senpai!”
His eyes cut to the owner of the booming voice--Sebek. “... Really, now? Jealous of me? I can’t imagine why.”
“Is it not clear?” Sebek clenched a hand into a fist. “To have your master fret for your wellbeing...! Being personally wiped up and hand-delivered food from one’s master...!! Are you not overjoyed?! THERE CAN BE NO GREATER HONOR!!”
Jamil winced at his spiking volume, his mouth pursing into a frown. “I’m absolutely overflowing with happiness. Can’t you tell that I’m ecstatic?”
He paused, just to let the sarcasm-soaked words sink into his junior’s mind. Then Jamil spat, “Those are normal, everyday things. I do not see what is considered to be an ‘honor’ there.”
“Tsk! You are ungrateful for your blessings!” Sebek scoffed, eyebrows angrily knitting together. “Or is it that you have become so accustomed to Kalim-senpai’s kindness that it no longer fazes you?! Oh, what I would give to have been childhood friends with the Young Master... Yet here you are, taking it for granted!! FOR SHAME!!”
“You seem to be misunderstanding a great number of things.” Jamil groaned, shaking his head. “To begin with, we did not choose to be ‘friends’. It was a fate already determined for us from the moment we came into this world. Secondly, that kindness of Kalim’s that you speak of is more of a hinderance than a help. And lastly...”
His eyes shone darkly.
“My position is certainly no blessing.”
Sebek looked aghast. “You don’t mean that!! There is nothing more grand than protecting and serving one’s master!”
“For you, perhaps. But consider that not everyone possesses the same mindset as yourself.” Jamil folded his arms, his gaze turning steely. “You chose your life of knighthood. My fate is already laid out for me. The same one as my ancestors, and surely the same as future incarnations of the Viper clan. Forever bound to the Asims... Servants in the shadows. Surely you can see why I would have my reservations.”
“Hmph! If you are unhappy, then you do not deserve to serve as you currently do. Simply resign, and allow Kalim-senpai to find a more fitting candidate!”
“If that were possible, I would have done so long ago.” A barely discernable bitterness had seeped into Jamil’s voice. The slight, metallic tang of poison slipped into one’s drink. “Kalim can only live as carefreely as he does because he is ignorant. He will never truly understand me.”
Through clear skies and rain, the sun ultimately cares not for the shadows it casts. It shines superficially, its golden light gilded.
“... That’s not true.”
“I said,” Sebek bellowed, “THAT’S NOT TRUE AT ALL, JAMIL-SENPAI!!”
He jolted back, startled by the loud declaration. “You... What would you know? You barely understand my predicament yourself.”
“It’s true that the Young Master and I lack the same history that you and Kalim-senpai do. Even so...!! That is all the more reason for you to be open with one another!!!”
“Open with one another? You must be joking. As if Kalim could possibly--”
“How do you know?” Sebek demanded, cutting him off. “How do you know if you’ve never tried?!”
“That’s...” Jamil faltered with his words.
The first year continued. “Though I have devoted my life to the Young Master, I do not claim to know him in his entirety. There is so much more I have yet to learn. So much more I want to learn. With every new detail gleaned, I find myself respecting the Young Master more and more. That’s why... you should make the effort as well, Jamil-senpai!”
“I can already name Kalim’s likes, dislikes, fears, and faults off the top of my head.”
“Surface level details!” Sebek slammed a hand against his chest--over his heart. “I doubt you have ever had a true heart-to-heart. Expressing your genuine, most raw emotions to one another... Then, and only then, can you ‘understand’.”
This coming from the person who cried because he was not on the same team as Malleus-senpai... And threw a fit when he had to leave for camping and leave his Dorm Leader unattended to... And cried again because the cookie he was gifted from Malleus-senpai was crushed...
“... Why does it matter to you that I do this? Worry about yourself and your ‘Young Master’.”
“Hmph! Is it so wrong of me to wish the birthday boy happiness?”
“You think I will find happiness in understanding Kalim? And in him understanding me?” Challenge rose in Jamil’s tone. “Is that right?”
“You won’t know until you try. Admitting defeat before even attempting... that is a COWARD’S way out!”
“Are you calling me a coward?”
“I’m calling on you to change. It is a new year, full of new possibilities. There is no better time to improve oneself--so you can look back on your next birthday, and be proud!”
“Sebek... ” Jamil closed his eyes. For a moment, he looked thoughtful. Contemplating something he alone could fathom. When his eyes flared open again, they glittered with mischief. “I appreciate the advice. Let me thank you for it with another free pie to the face.”
Fast as a viper lashing out, Jamil grabbed a whipped cream pie from a nearby table and chucked it at Sebek. It was a direct hit on the unsuspecting first year, who stumbled back from the impact, his back slamming into the wall. Cream clung to Sebek’s eyebrows, cheeks, and chin, giving the appearance of bushy white brows and a beard.
“Sorry for taking so long, Jamil!” Kalim cried, skidding inbetween the two boys. He balanced a large slice of cake in his hands, a fork piercing it. “I saw some friends at the food table and got caught up in talking to them!”
“... Eh? Am I interrupting something?” The Scarabia Dorm Leader paused, glancing back and forth between Jamil and Sebek. Then, Kalim broke out into a wide smile. “Ohhhh, I get it! You’re making a new friend! Gahahah! That’s great, Jamil!!”
“Right... Friend.”
More like another headache and a half.
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scarecrow-supremacy · 3 years
A/N: Oookieee, so I decided to start writing a new fic bc I have great ideas for a story line. Yet I can’t bring myself I writing an actual beginning. Like I’ve already written some random chapters, but I can’t do anything with them because they don’t really make much sense without the context of the rest of the fic/my ideas. Like this chapters is where the romance/actual x reader gets into actual action. Hopefully you get the gist of what the plot is, and aren’t confused as hell from this part. Sorry if it’s a bit long, it’s around 4.8k-ish words. Enjoy 💜
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Hatake Kakashi wasn't one to celebrate his birthday.
He simply thought that they were foolish excuses to let loose and party. To Kakashi, birthdays were no reason to be happy and celebrate. They were just reminders of how long he had endured the pain of living. Each year marked another without the people he once held close in his heart. His father, his sensei, his teammates, and (y/n)...
The day that (y/n) gone on that horrible mission was his special day. The mission he was supposed to go on, but (y/n) filled in for because she wanted him to go celebrate with Gai and the others. So much for having the day of joy...Kakashi thought to himself mournfully.
With a great sigh, he grabbed the last of his belonging, shoving them in his mission pack. He'd promised to take his students out of a group mission for the day, but it had been mostly for selfish reasons. Kakashi had hoped that this would take his mind off of the weight in his soul, yet knowing that his efforts would be futile. The loss would never leave him, it would always follow him like a darned shadow. It would forever haunt him. There was not letting go of the horrors of his past.
Slowly, Kakashi strolled to the gates of Konoha to meet his kids, shoving his hands in his pockets as he mumbled a little tune under his breath. The dark cloudy sky and drizzling rain seemed to mirror how he felt inside.
Drip, drop. Drop, drop. Drop, drop.
Each raindrop fell upon the dirt paths of the town, dampening Kakashi's Jonin uniform. If only he'd gone on that mission, if only he hadn't let (y/n) take his place. If only so many things that happened hadn't. If only he felt whole again. He could feel the heavyweight of guilt on his shoulders, spreading pain throughout his body. Sure, Team 7 filled the void, but they could only do so much. If there is one thing I wish for, it is that these kids will grow up to be happy.
A soft smile played upon Kakashi's face as he approached the three teens. "KAKASHI-SENSEI!" His hyperactive blonde student, Uzumaki Naruto, yelled at him, "YOU'RE LATE-TTEBAYO!" He raised his fist in anger. Sakura glared at both Kakashi and Naruto, slapping the boy's back to calm him down. Off to the side stood Sasuke, his hands in his pockets as he briefly kicked the dirt and pebbles around him to form his clan's symbol. "Usuratonkachi," he grumbled at the group. To be honest, Kakashi did feel a little guilty about keeping the kids waiting for him. They were being held back just because he was wallowing in self-pity. And Kakashi felt ashamed of that; ordering his mind to push his thoughts further to the back of his mind.
Kotetsu and Izumo, guards of the gates, turned to the team and smiled in greeting. "The gate opening mechanism is broken, so we have to manually open the gates," they explained. "Heading out yet again, eh?" Kotetsu chuckled. "I thought you lot just came back from a mission. Ya leaving so soon?" Izumo asked. Naruto pumped his hand into the air, "Yeah! Dattebayo! It's only a C rank, but it'll be fun-ttebayo!"
He's a lot like you, eh Obito, Kakashi's mind wandered as he looked up at the clouded sky, a drop of rain fell upon his nose and slid down his mask. If only you, Minato-sensei, and Rin were here to see us in action. You would be proud.
But what about (y/n)? Part of Kakashi was surprised that he didn't think of her immediately. Did he still believe that she could've been alive? After the Hokage had told him that he'd lost contact with (y/n), Kakashi didn't know what to think. It had been 3,650 days since she left. 3,589 since she was supposed to come back. And 3,529 days since they fully lost contact. What were the chances she'd come back, alive or injured? Kakashi wanted to believe that she was still alive. Was that realistic?
"She's gone, Kakashi! You need to understand that!" He flashed back to when Asuma, Gai, and Kurenai had tried to slap some sense into him. Well actually, Kurenai had slapped him. "Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura gently tugged his sleeve, straining her arm up so her red umbrella would also cover his head. "Are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot lately." She whispered as she looked up at him.
"I'm fine, Rin," Kakashi weakly smiled, "It's nothing that you should worry about." Sakura flashed him a questioning look, "Rin?" Sucking the air, Kakashi's whole body tensed up, "Sorry." He looked away, turning his attention to the bickering Sasuke and Naruto. "Just a little mix-up, Sakura." He put on a fake smile, breaking up the boy's fight. "Let's go, shall we?"
"Alright! Shanaroo!"
Kotetsu and Izumo went to open the gates but stopped to exchange worrisome glances. "Someone just knocked from the other side of the gates. Which is weird because our list says that we shouldn't be expecting anybody." Izumo knit his eyebrows together. Kotetsu, who had been looking through a glass which allowed him to see the incomer, hastily urging Izumo to help him. "ANBU!" He had barked at his partner, "Bleeding! Dying, wounds, whatever! They need medical attention!" That had caught Kakashi's attention, he got ready to act as the guards opened up the gates, heaving on the rusted hinges. Yet he was not mentally prepared for what awaited on the other side of the grand doors.
There she stood. Uniform torn, stained and ripped up. The wakizashi sword that was strapped to her hip was blunt and scratched, the sheath dented. Skin scratched and bruised, wounds dripping with blood and gore. A long x shaped cut on the inner side of her left thigh. Gasping and choking for air, she started to wobble, blood dribbling down her limbs and stomach. The rain continued to fall, now hard and heavy; burning and searing the wounds of the lady. Yet she still managed to keep her face from wavering In an instant, Kakashi recognized who the woman was based on her cracked porcelain ANBU mask. (y/n).... "Sakura! Go alert the hospital. And you two boys, clear the way for Sakura so she can get there. Quickly!" Kakashi ordered them as he took the heavily wounded woman in his arms. Anger and fear coursed through Kakashi's veins as his heart thumped erratically. He could feel (y/n)'s body twitch in pain. "Izumo, go let Hokage-sama know that Ibara-hime has returned." Kakashi let out one last demand before zipping off to follow his kids.
"Kakashi..." (y/n) mumbled out his name, "Kakashi..." she shakily rose her hands up to gently cup his masked cheeks. "What is it?" He whispered, gently rubbing her skin through a torn patch of her ripped uniform. "Happy birthday, Hatake..." She softly breathed, her tight grip of Kakashi's chest loosened as her eyes dropped closed. Please don't die, (y/n)... I've waited all the fucking years. You aren't leaving me again. A tear formed in Kakashi's eye, flying off with the rain as he bolted towards the hospital. Stay with me a bit longer, will you?
"My sensei will be here any second with an ANBU woman in need of immediate medical attention!" Kakashi heard Sakura's voice quiver as he barged into the hospital. "I'm here, kids. Go to Gai-sensei and stay with him until I'm back." He quickly barked, flashing all of the nurses who flowed into the room a nervous look. "Please, help her. I'm begging you." He pleaded with the staff uncharacteristically. I need her to live. Need. "We do what we can, sir." One of the medic-nin nodded, putting (y/n)'s unconscious body onto the stretcher. If (y/n) lives, that would be the best birthday gift ever.
Kakashi jogged after the nurses and doctors, peering into the emergency clinic room through the window. "I'm sorry, Sir, but you won't be able to visit the lady until all the major injuries have been cleaned up and treated." A male nurse out his hand in his shoulder from behind. "But..! Okay..." Kakashi let out a sigh, "Isn't there any paperwork that needs to be filled out?"
The nurse shook his head, "The Hokage has come and is speaking to one of my colleagues about it. Don't worry about it. You won't have to take care of any of that." He tried to reassure the angsty shinobi, "The woman is part of the ANBU ranks, right? Her mask is of the uniform." Kakashi nodded his head, biting his lip inside of his mask, "Yeah...she is... but it's kinda complicated." The nurse raised his eyebrow but just shrugged. "Can I speak with the Hokage?" The Hatake requested. "Come this way," the other man sighed, leading him away.
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Kakashi let out a deep and long sigh as he held (y/n)'s scraped hand in his gloved ones. He had been told by the same nurse from before that (y/n) was in a decent state to accept visitors, yet was still unconscious. He could tell that the nurse was hiding something from him, but he was too worried about (y/n) to give it a second thought. Hesitantly, he brought her hand to his masked lips, gently pressing them against the fabric. "Ya know, (y/n). After you left, I decided to give those goddamn books a try. And you're right, they are addictive. Thanks for the gift," Kakashi sadly chuckled before pausing for a moment.
"Those books, they helped me a lot. They helped me get through my days, just like you told me."
"They also helped me realize something. They helped me realize that I don't hate you. I don't want to hate, and I never should've."
"I've realized that I was such a dick to you at the beginning and that it was all my fault that our relationship became how it was. I regret it... So when you wake up again, I just want to start over again. Maybe not entirely, but just so that we can leave all the hate behind us. How does that sound?"
Kakashi stared at the sleeping (y/n), her chest heaving up and how slowly and rhythmically. It hurt him to see her like that, her skin swollen in the places of the stitches and anointed bruises. "Listen, (y/n). I'd never been able to tell this to you while you're conscious, so I might as well let it out now. I...I love you." Kakashi rightly shut his uncovered eye. "After feeling your loss, my dumbass self finally realized how much you are worth. After they pass on, you and the others were all I had left. But then you also left me, that hurt like hell." His tone started to break.
"Lord Hokage told me about the whole fake-death move, and I was relieved that you weren't gone for good. And then we lost contact, everybody assumed the mission had been finished, and your squad sacrificed your lives for it. I couldn't let the fact that you could be a dead sink in. It didn't feel right. Gai, Asuma, and Kurenai tried to get me out of another depression cycle. Kurenai even went to the lengths of quite literally slapping some sense into me." Kakashi played with a loose strand of (y/n)'s (h/c) hair.
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The muscles of (y/n)'s hand twitched ever so slightly. Kakashi's drooping head snapped up; he'd almost fallen asleep in the chair. "(y/n)?" He murmured as her eyes started to flutter, "(y/n)?"
(y/n) chapped lip parted ever so slowly, taking a big breath of air, her (e/c) eyes squinting. "Hatake..?" She shakily managed to mumbled, her voice hoarse and dry. She tried to prop herself up on the bed, but Kakashi eased her back into her resting position. "Rest, (y/n), you're not ready to stress yourself yet." Kakashi to her, "I'll be back with a nurse and some water for you, alright?" (y/n) opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She simply looked down and nodded.
Moments later, Kakashi came back with the nurse and water. "Here," he carefully put the cup to her lip, gently tipping the cup, "Good." He turned to the nurse, who seemed to be scribbling something down from the little monitor to his clipboard. Kakashi's eyes followed the cord attached to it, to the long x shaped hash in (y/n)'s inner left thigh. What worried Kakashi was the anxious look on the nurse's face.
"(l/n)-san, your vitals are doing alright, but you'll have to stay here for a night or two just so that we can keep an eye on something's that may need monitoring." He curtly nodded his head, "Lord Hokage wished to speak to you. So, sir, that means you may have to leave."
Kakashi tried to reason with the other man, but (y/n) reached to weakly squeeze his thigh. "It's okay, Hatake. You can just drop by later." (y/n) tried to smile. "Fine," Kakashi grumbled, leaving the room and letting Hiruzen in.
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After what seemed like an eternity, Hiruzen came back out. "How's (y/n)?" Kakashi asked him impatiently. The Hokage put his hand on Kakashi's shoulder as if trying to soothe him, "She'll be better soon. Don't worry, alright." The silver-haired shinobi let out a small grunt, "I know that she'll get better with time. But what about now?"
Kakashi knew that Hiruzen loved (y/n) almost like a daughter, he cared about her deeply. Hence the elaborate cover-ups to protect (y/n) and her squad on the unconventionally lengthy mission. The Hatake could see the sadness that had tried to be tucked away in the Sarutobi's eyes. "The main concern of the moment is the poison in the gash on her left thigh. The medic-nins have tried to extract as much of it as possible, and try to find something that will counteract the effects." The elderly man explained to him. "Did they find an antidote?" Kakashi questioned.
"That is where the problem lies," Hiruzen explained, "There is a certain medicinal herb that is used alongside a jutsu to nullify the effects, as the poison has traces of chakra. We have a few medics on hand who support the skill to perform the jutsu, but we don't have the plant. Even so, that won't be a permanent cure." Kakashi knit his eyebrows together, "How would it not be a perfect cure? Plus, since there are traces of chakra, could we possibly track down the person who created the poison and make them fess up on the cure?" He questioned.
"Great thinking, but..." Hiruzen groaned, "(y/n) said that they performed a self-destruction jutsu just after striking her. He probably thought that it would be in their best interest to take their secrets to the grave with them." Kakashi cursed under his breath, "Fuck... This is terrible."
Hiruzen nodded in agreement, "No duh."
Kakashi's head shot up, "Uh?!"
The elder man's eyes widened, "Did I use the term correctly?! I'm trying to pick up on the phrases the kids are using these days..."
Kakashi gritted his teeth, "Right idea of the meaning, I guess. But the context and timing...wasn't quite fit." Looking ever so slightly dejected, "Oh...alright." Smoothening out the wrinkles in his robe and putting in his cob pipe, "Kakashi, if you are going to stay here with (y/n), could you at least pick up some good food. The food in the hospital canteen is quite bland." Kakashi nodded his head and obliged, only to be stopped in his tracks by Hiruzen.
"Kakashi, I'd like to ask you something?"
"What is it?"
"What caused your change in actions towards (y/n) change so much?"
"What do you mean?"
"I've observed you two whilst you were in the ANBU together, and you never got along that well. And suddenly you act so attached to her, Kakashi. You don't need to answer. It's just that as your leader, I want to understand what is going on in the heads of some of my most trusted people." Hiruzen explained to Kakashi, puffing out a cloud of smoke from his cob pipe.
Kakashi frowned from behind his mask, trying to figure out how to explain his change of feelings in a professional manner. "I think that after I was given the impression that she was gone, I noticed that I cared about her. It made me realize that I was wrong to not see how much she meant in my life." He tried, his voice fading off into a whisper. Hiruzen smiled and nodded, "You really are something else, Kakashi."
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Kakashi silently strolled over to Ichiraku's to grab some takeout. The paper lanterns lit the nearly empty streets of Konoha, creating a soft and soothing ambiance. The smell of the rain and moisture still clung to the air, the dirt roads had muddy dampness to them. "Yo! Kakashi, my eternal rival!" A boisterous and friendly voice greeted the said man. "Hey, Gai," Kakashi responded, he noticed his students sitting alongside each other and gave them a quick wave and smile. Naruto and Lee were arguing about who'd get Sakura. Sakura insisted that Sasuke would come around in her favor. Sasuke was quietly eating his food. And Neji and Tenten were discussing a new sword they saw in the windowsill of a weaponry shop.
"I'll take two eggplant miso soups with brown rice noodles," Kakashi leaned over the counter space between Lee and Naruto to order his meal, also effectively stopping the argument. "Thanks, Ayame," he thanked the daughter of Teuchi, owner of the quaint place. "No problem, Kakashi-san!" She chirped.
"Kakashi?" Gai raised his brushy brow, "Your kids told me about what happened this morning..." Kakashi sighed and pulled him aside so that they were at a comfortable distance, "It was (y/n)..." he told his best friend, "She's back and in the hospital because she's not in good health at the moment. I just came here to pick up a meal for her." Kakashi watched as Gai's jaw dropped, "(Y/N) IS ALIVE!" He exclaimed a touch too loud for his eternal rival's taste, "CAN I MEET HER?!" Tears of youthful joy waterfalled down the jumpsuit-clad man's cheeks. "I'll see if you can come tomorrow, alright Gai." Gai smiled broadly, "This is very...unusual. Youthful, nonetheless!" He grinned.
Kakashi rubbed the back of his head and nodded, "I'm glad she's back..." he murmured barely loud enough for Gai to hear. Knowingly, Gai patted Kakashi's back. "Oh! Yeah! Happy birthday, my youthful rival!" He gently punched his comrade's shoulder. A smile formed on Kakashi's lips, "Thanks, Gai." He flashed his eccentric friend his signature close-eyed smile.
"I'll see you later."
"Bye, Kakashi! Have a good night!"
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Knock knock, Kakashi rapt (y/n)'s door, "Can I come in?"
"Come in," (y/n) murmured, a small moan of pain escaping her lips, "Ouch..."
Kakashi quickly set the takeout on a little table, rushing to (y/n)'s side. He wrapped his arm tightly around her waist and helped her to the table. "I got us dinner because the food at the canteen isn't that good." He explained with a slight shrug. "Thanks, Hatake," a weak smile formed on her lips. The silvered-haired Jonin served them their meals. "Itadakimasu," they both mumbled.
Heavy tension filled the room as they ate in silence. (y/n) knew that Kakashi had his mask down, but didn't look up. "It's been a while..." Kakashi breathed, in hopes of hearing (y/n) speak, "Too long..." The kunoichi rested her forehead on her palm, "I- Yeah..." she mumbled, eyes growing classier by the second. So much for trying to start a conversation... Kakashi thought sadly as they resumed their meals without a word. The silence seemed to be killed him. Kami, it had been 10 goddamn years! 3650 days since he had gotten to talk to the woman. He missed her. Hell, he could even say that he missed all of their little spats. Hatake Kakashi missed everything about (y/n).
"I missed you..." was all Kakashi mumbled as he pushed his finished food away and pulled up his mask, "All these days, months, and years."
Hot tears slipped down (y/n)'s cheeks, forming a puddle on the table. "I-I came back be-because I didn't want-want to hurt you and the r-rest. Dying on passed down pain to the people who love you. I can't afford to c-carry the guilt of t-that." She mumbled shakily, "I promised to be back, a-and I held up the promise." Kakashi sadly smiled as he awkwardly reached under the table to gently caress (y/n)'s thigh.
"You care about others so much, but you should really take a moment to care about yourself, (y/n)." Kakashi scolded the injured kunoichi, "You had me scared for you; all those gashes and open wounds... You could've died," he knit his eyebrows together in worry. "Don't do that ever again."
(y/n)'s dull smile faltered as Kakashi spoke on, "Now you know how I felt when I saw you doing all those suicidal stunts back then on those missions. It was like you were in a hurry to die... I mean, I was too, but you did some seriously dumb shit," she giggled emptily. Kakashi sweat-dropped, "I see... I guess you are right..." (y/n) rolled her (e/c) eyes as the masked shinobi let out a drained sigh, "I'm always right, Hatake."
"Really, (l/n)? You've been through torturous pain, and you still act like a child." Kakashi groaned, "All these years..." (y/n) shot him a hard glare, "All these years and you still think you're in charge of me." He cast a confused look, "It's my duty to protect you, as a comrade." As a comrade... "I guess, but you're just annoying, Hatake," she huffed.
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"I'm sorry about ruining your birthday with my arrival and stuff. I probably ruined your plans with those kids." (y/n) looked down, breaking the silence that had fallen upon them, "I could hear you guys through the gate; they seemed pumped about going out. I'm sorry, I didn't think about the flaws in my whole plan." Kakashi's head snapped up from its resting position on the table, "It's fine, they don't even know it's my birthday," he paused, "But you planned to come here? As in, today in particular. With all those injuries, (l/n), you should've just tried to take care of yourself. My birthday isn't as important as your health."
The (y/n) shook her head, "I was going to stay at a small village pretty far from here before finally coming home. I planned to just heal up there and see how things went from there. I even considered settling down there. But that just didn't feel right," (y/n) face set in a frown, "Once I realized that your birthday wasn't that far off, I decided that I couldn't stay and needed to come back. I doubted I would even live to be back. But here I am..." she said with a soft wince of pain. "It was terrible, I hated every second of it," Her (s/t) fingers made their way to the raw mark on her inner thigh, “I’d already lost so much; there was nothing for me to lose at that point.” Kakashi's face softened as he understood what she meant. (y/n) wasn't put in the mission alone, she had her team. They all must've been killed with time.
"Ouch!" (y/n) yelped as she let out a moan of pain, clenching the fabric of her hospital-issued pajama pants. “Shh..." Kakashi whispered into her ear, quickly leaning in to soothe her, "What's causing all this pain?" He asked with a frown as (y/n) bit her lip. "It's the thing in your thigh, right? Lord Hokage and the nurse told me a bit about it. But I still don't fully understand it and how it can't fully be cured."
(y/n) buried her face in her hands, "Oh..." She mumbled, "The poison can't de be removed because it's already been inside of me too long. And since it is laced with chakra, the properties of it aren't completely like normal poison." She blinked back the stinging agonizing tears in her eyes, "The herb that I need is just going to ease the effects in my body, whilst the jutsu will seal it from triggering anything that was layered in with the chakra." (y/n) explained. Kakashi could tell she was trying her hardest to keep her face straight, pushing back the pain and hurting inside. "The thing is–"
"What?" Kakashi asked the pained woman, his tone soft and soothing, "I can help if I know what's going on."
Warily, (y/n) agreed to speak on, "The place where the mission was stationed at was just underground of the nuke-nin outpost I was from. And the guy who poisonous me was one of the other kids' experiments were done on, along with me. He was a few years older than us, and his name was Hiroto Myoga. His parents were in owed debt to the rogues, they were forced into being test subjects until they died. Which left Hiroto in the nuke-nin's hands." She rubbed the temple of her head pushing away the images that sent a shiver down her spine, "Something similar had happened in the case of my parents and me. But unlike me, when the ANBU did the raid, Hiroto was snuck away just in time."
Kakashi's heart sank as he heard what she was telling him. (y/n) had never known much about her past, the damned curse seal had caused. “Since he was older than most of the other kids there, the nuke-nin's of the outpost decided that they needed to trust their information. It was all precautionary, just in case they were taken down. And that's just what happened. Hiroto was the one ordered to put memory restriction curse seals on us, the kids, before he fled to be underground, where the actual harm was being done. That meant that all this time Hiroto had been working in those old plans." (y/n) closed her eyes tightly, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.
With a subtle groan, Kakashi supported (y/n) up from the chair and rested her in her cot. "Don't stress yourself, (y/n). You can just tell me later; it's getting late anyway." He told her. "It's fine, Hatake. Letting this out helps me feel better." She reassured him.
"The ANBU caught wind of suspicious activity in that area and decided to send out a squad to go check out. I overheard Danzō arguing with Lord Hokage about it, and got interested. It was really dumb, but I just wanted to go to learn more about what happened in my past. I learned, but that can with lots of twists and turns. 10 years of going undercover..." (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes met Kakashi's single uncovered black one, "It wasn't long before Hiroto became suspicious of us, slowly narrowing the group down till it was just me." (y/n) took a deep breath and continued, "After Hiroto killed himself in our final fight, my curse seal was lifted. That's how I suddenly was able to remember all of the past. All of it."
A pit formed in Kakashi's stomach as he watched (y/n) cry in silence. He wanted to help her feel better, he really did. But he was afraid that he'd make things worse; dealing with feelings just wasn't his thing. "I'm here for you, (l/n). We've been through so much together, you've helped me through it all," Kakashi tried to reassure her, "It's my turn to look after you. Please, just don't cry." He reached out his hand to brush a tear-off of her streaked cheeks.
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“Are you okay with me staying here for the night?" Kakashi asked (y/n) as they sat at the bay window, looking down upon the empty moonlit streets of Konoha. The soft light cast down by the moon seemed to make everything look beautiful, serene, and at peace. "(l/n)?" He asked again, turning to look back at her. A gentle smile played on Kakashi's lips as he saw that she'd fallen asleep. (y/n) had been through so much throughout the day, she not only deserved to rest for a long time but also needed to. "Good night, (y/n)..." he carefully lifted the sleeping beauty and placed her on the cot. Sitting back at the bay seat, Kakashi took in a deep breath. "I love you."
She's finally back.
She's finally home.
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ellana-lavellan-rp · 3 years
(( for @dreadwxlf. ty for being so patient with me!
ellana's outfit is here.
the waltz music i'm imagining is here and also here.
here's to solavellan happiness at last!!!
also tw: mention of attempted suicide via drowning ))
irreversible [ ir-i-vur-suh-buhl ]: adjective not reversible; incapable of being changed.
Things began to get better for Ellana after the time Fen'harel had snuck into her dream - over time (decades, it would turn out to be), and with distance, her heart started to mend anew. It was precipitated by one of the greatest mistakes she had made to date (and she can still feel the water in her lungs if she thinks about it too much), but her remaining friends and family had seen her through it. It was difficult at first, to put down the trinkets that had so defined the legacy of her friends, but she had had to do it for her own sake.
She couldn't keep holding onto a world long dead, it would destroy her too; and in fact, it almost had.
(the water is cold, and she is so, so tired - she cannot bear being here even a moment longer -
wading, and then diving -
and she wills with every inch of her deadened heart:
drag me down -
and the water obeys)
Dorian's message crystal had been the last item she had put away, deep into one of her drawers, and she had wept the entire time (almost unable to put it away at all). But with that weeping came a certain kind of healing, a realization; she would never forget them, but they were gone. They wouldn't have wanted her to waste away like she had been doing - a slower, more painful death than even drowning.
They would have wanted better for her.
And so she regrew her arm, regrew her hair, removed her piercing (which she had hated even though it was in remembrance of thom), and started to eat again. It wasn't overnight, and she still had bad days along the way, but she slowly began to regain the strength that she had lost.
Ellana took up more of the clan leadership duties, helping Deshanna and even Fenris, who had taken it upon himself to assist in her absence. Which she was silently grateful for, even as she buried it with her other guilt - she shouldn't have been so weak, she should've been stronger - but what was done was done.
What's done is done... but we have eternity now..
there will always be a place for you... His words never stopped haunting her either - nor the memory of his wounded face after the destruction of the dream. He hadn't come back since... he had probably already moved on from her.
The thought shouldn't have hurt as much as it did.
In her darkest hours, when she was laying in bed alone, Ellana could admit now that she still loved Solas; she probably always would. But how could she ever trust him again, even if they did somehow reunite?
It was probably better this way, even though it didn't make it hurt any less.
She was adamant about not stepping a toe into Arlathan, however, and she kept that promise for years, until one day her parents had needed her to go in their place for one of the clan's trading days.
"Just this once, da'lath'in."
Her mother had said, and Ellana was helpless to deny her anything.
Somehow that one incident had turned into regular visits (only to the marketplace, she never wandered beyond it, and it seemed that Solas never visited, at least on the days her clan was there), and Ellana slowly began to get comfortable there as well.
It was indescribable - the beauty of the crystal through the clouds, the finery of the clothes the people wore - the feel of magic everywhere and spirits aplenty; and a sad, sad part of her could see why Solas had wanted it back so badly. None of it had been worth their friends lives though, but even the pain behind that thought lessened as time wore on.
Before she knew it, decades had passed, and the annual celebration of the rebirth of Arlathan was upon them. She had stayed far away by that point, but a curious part of her wondered what the celebration was like. Was it like Orlais; where the game had been rampant? Or was it like the Dalish, whose parties had been the talk amongst humans for ages for their rambunctiousness?
Did they honor the fallen? Or was it held as a glorious victory, regardless of its victims?
She tried not to think about it too much, but as the evening fell upon them once more, her mother had pulled her aside.
"Why don't you go tonight, da'lath'in? You've had this longing look on your face all day."
"You know why, mamae.. I can't... I can't face him."
Her mother's warm brown eyes soften, and she pulls Ellana close. "Yes you can, and I know you want to. You can lie to the others, da'len, but you cannot lie to me. Enough time has passed, why not show him what he's missing?"
Ellana sighs, hugging the older woman tightly, "He's probably already with someone else. You know how the women talk of him."
She chuckles, eyes sparkling with mirth, "I have it on good authority that he isn't."
Blue eyes narrow and she looks up at her mother in shock, "Who..."
"Never you mind. Go get changed, I've left your outfit in your hut. A friend of mine told me that it was quite the outfit back in the ancient days. Perfect for Fen'harel, wouldn't you say?"
Her mother laughs, "I just want you happy, my darling. And you're not happy here, not fully, at least."
It was true, but that didn't mean that Ellana was fully ready to admit it.
She had gotten changed after all; the strange white material flowing like silk around her, the golden cuffs an odd weight around her wrists and neck. The golden circlet at the bottom of her hair (which was pulled back), wrapping around her ears, was probably the oddest piece - it felt like something nobility would wear, but she was hardly that.
Not for the first time, she wondered who her mother's friend was, and why they would even deem it necessary to help her with Solas.
It made her off-kilter... a feeling only amplified when she found herself back in Arlathan once more - more people than she had ever seen before, reveling in a grand ball, of all things. A palace, with rooms of gold and white, and crystal everywhere - a sight that truly took her breath away.
It was beautiful, and nothing like she had ever seen before.
At least no one was paying her much attention, their focus on the main ballroom and the dancers within it, she mused as she grabbed a glass of wine from one of the floating trays, testing its sweetness.
Divine, and Ellana just about rolled her eyes - everything here was perfect, almost too much so - but her thoughts grinded to a halt when she caught sight of just who the dancers on the floor were.
It was... him. And another woman, which made her fingers tighten on the stem of the glass, even as her mind raced -
Mamae was wrong, I knew -
But just as her thought had formed, Solas had quickly moved onto another partner, disengaging the previous with what looked like politeness (her heart pounded with relief). It continued that way throughout the night, partner after partner, her blue eyes never leaving him (blending in with the crowd), even as he managed to somehow slip away.
He was beautiful, her vhenan.
Adorned in a black outfit, more than complimenting her own stark white - the same type of golden cuffs around his wrists and neck.
Like they belonged together. Like they were meant to be.
The thought took her breath away.
I never... stopped loving him. Not really.
Her feet moved of their own volition, dodging the crowd, her entire focus shifting to the man in front of her (who seemed to be willing those around not to notice his departure, but he could never escape her, not with a will as stubborn as his own).
She followed him to the courtyard, and watched as he exhaled a breath.
Ellana could barely think with the ringing in her ears, her heart viscerally pounding in her chest, he was here and he was so close -
She stepped closer, and closer, and finally, finally was able to speak, "Solas."
Her voice was light in the midst of all the celebration, and she suddenly didn't know what to say. "... I.. how.. have you been?"
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adiabolikpastel · 3 years
Title: Lunar Eclipse Masquerade
Reiji pt. 3
Rating: PG-18
Word Count: 3,183
Pairing: Reiji x Callista (mxf)
ღ Reiji and Callista reflect on the night - and wonder about what comes next. Hidden between all their problems, something strange happens when the two are face to face. ღ
Mun Yu: We did it! These are the last pieces of the LEM story. The end to our Lunar Eclipse. I hope that you have enjoyed the ride, and gotten to know the stories on this blog better! Tune in at the end of it all for Authors Notes!
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
Despite what most people think, demonic beings are very social creatures. The elites hold countless balls and parties, celebrating their immortality together, and entertaining one another with stories. Typically, they are done in celebration for something – though this is not always the case. All types of beings from across the Demon Realm will come if the host is of high enough prestige.
There would be no such host if it was not for Karlheinz. Seated as the head of the Bat Clan (vampires), Karl’s reach spans far. Being the widow for the former Demon King’s daughter, and having children of the first blood, an invitation from the Vampire King is not one to refuse. Though why would you? In his immaculate castle within the Demon Realm, Eden Castle, it is always quite the spectacle. While the celebrations held in his Human World mansion are nice, nothing compares to a true night of pleasure within the true home of the King.
On this night, there was to be a Masquerade in honor of the first Lunar Eclipsed Moon in over two years. While this night may serve each species differently, the idea to celebrate its return was simply too tempting. For this reason, Karlheinz took it upon himself – or rather – his house, to host the event. This extended to his offspring as well, regardless of their personal agenda. Members of every social elite race accepted the offer, and gathered for a truly unforgettable evening
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The remainder of the night went by with little interest. Once Kanato’s mess was cleaned, there wasn’t much for Reiji to do. It was rather boring. In this solitude he found himself longing for Rika more than ever. He honestly had half a mind to visit her after all this was finished. Punish her for missing this opportunity to be with him.
There were times when he enjoyed Rika’s independence. She was a self-made woman, which honestly he was proud to stand beside. However, there are times when the need for her out weights that. This would be one of them.
Like his brothers, Reiji wanted to parade her about in front of other demons. To show them something out of their reach. The surge of dominance. Truly there was nothing quite like it. At least not to a being like himself. Yet all night he was forced to see his brothers expense that exhilarating feeling.
First Laito runs off with some woman, though that was not new for him. Honestly, when will he mature? It felt as though he were the youngest sibling. Even Subaru showed better manners. Speaking of – he just took notice that his half-brother had come with that android like shadow of his. Perhaps he spoke too soon about Subaru’s maturity. Bringing his ‘baby sitter’.
Although, considering what Reiji was sure the two of them got into – it would be somewhat appropriate for him to accompany Subaru. Their relationship was unsettling. He was sure Shu was also involved with that AKUMU as well. Though he hoped with their plan, Shu put that behind him.
Ayato seemed to have the best time, it was actually somewhat peaceful with him and Yuko-san. Either of them alone was trouble, so it was surprising that together they were behaving. Or perhaps they had a larger scale prank in mind that Reiji was yet to notice. Regardless, it was annoying to see them together. Simply for the fact that he was unable to be with his beloved. It did not help that Yuko and Rika share similar blood. Smelling Yuko was close to smelling Rika – just enough to tease his senses. However, it was clear the two were different.
The other brother with a date, who also caused the most ruckus, was Kanato. Reiji had gotten over that fleeting feeling of jealousy a long time ago when it came to those two. Yet tonight, he could not help but acknowledge that small tinge. Not that he was wanting Yuuki-san on his arm. It was more the general desire once more to have his own love. Any kind of attachment to the young woman now was simply familial – if any at all.
What might be the most upsetting, however, was the fact that even his father had ‘someone’ on his arm. Even if that was the – secretary that he brought on not too long ago. Their relationship was the most… unsettling. Reiji wasn’t sure what bothered him more. The fact that someone as grand as his father was having relations with a common siren, or the fact that the siren was a male who paraded himself around as a female. Even tonight, he clung onto his father’s arm like some sort of harlot.
The sight of them made him ill. Reiji had always respected his father, but this, well – perhaps the man was getting on in age. His life choices were showing that. Once the plan to take the throne was completed, Reiji was slightly worried that Skye Oakly would become a problem for them. That there was something their father was plotting with the siren.
While it was bothersome to see the others enjoying their time with someone dear, it was somehow comforting to know that he was not the only one alone tonight. Shu had also come without a date – though that was mostly by choice. Shu had yet to find a mate, which again, was why he was perfect for the plan. With no attachments to this world it would be easier for Shu to take the risk of fighting their father. He had nothing to lose. Reiji hoped that his brother would be enough for the task. He would be lying if there wasn’t a more hidden motive behind it all.
With his brother fighting, Reiji would not need to. There were many reasons behind that, and on this night of the Eclipse, he felt them all plaguing his mind. Even the ones he never thought to admit to himself. The most evident being that he was not good enough. Always second to Shu. Would his strength alone be enough to defeat their father? Reiji seriously doubted it. Then there was the most obvious thought of dying. He could not bare the idea of leaving Rika behind in such a way. Life had just found a meaning beyond simply existing.
Was that because of Rika as well? This was something Reiji had also not allowed himself to think about. No longer was he suck in this never ending night of repetition. Rika offered him something more. A life beyond. A life. A Future. That was all something he could not risk. So it was selfish of him to ask that Shu take on that burden. To risk his own life for the comfort of his own, and their siblings.
Lastly there was the deep rooted desire to see Shu loose. This was something Reiji truly hated himself for thinking. Damned if it wasn’t for the moon, he would still not think of it. That feeling since childhood. This hatred of his brother. It was something, in their current life, which Reiji was attempting to get over. Now that he was with someone who also had relationship issues with their sibling, he wanted to be better about it. Wanted to form some sort of bond with Shu. For deep down he knew that behind all that hatred was –
Enough of this self-refection! Reiji shook his head, forcing the moons influence out of his mind. This was not the time to get lost in thought – let alone thoughts that would do him no good. With that, he decided to locate his brothers so they could return back to the mansion. The only one he needed to locate was Shu, who had mysteriously vanished for most of the night.
Reiji hoped that he had not simply left the event. It would be prudent of him to at least try to get used to this life. If he was going to be King – things would change. As he scanned over the attendees, Reiji’s eyes happen to fall onto a familiar set of horns. A familiar dress. Ah, that young woman from earlier. Calli, was her name, if he recalled. She was headed to the dance floor, how envious, but a woman her age was bound to have suitors.
As the band prepared for their final set of the evening, the crowds seemed to part for her and whomever she was dancing with. While sweet symphonic notes filled the air, Reiji was able to see the hand that took hers. Shu!? What?! Reiji was shocked to say the least. His lazy brother was actually dancing. Wait – more than that – who he was dancing with!
Was he aware that Calli was the daughter of a demon lord? He was almost certain she was Ajax’s daughter. One of the noble clans. Eagles. If he was planning on doing something – no – Shu wasn’t like that. Was he? Reiji fought with himself on this matter. Would Shu honestly come to this event and try to leave with someone? He knew what was at stake here!
Not to mention who this ‘someone’ was! Surely if her father saw the two of them- Reiji quickly tried to locate the Eagle King. Thankfully he was currently occupied. Reiji recalled that he was the type to talk a lot. How could he fix this!? There had to be something, anything – even if it was just to get her away from Shu. That’s it!
Callista followed with Shu’s movements while the soft orchestra played for them. It was rather strange to be dancing with him – mostly because the two had just met. Also, and more so probably, because they had both agreed to officially go along with this ‘engagement’ their parents had devised. While the situation wasn’t ideal, there was little she could do about it on her own. It was comforting to know that Shu was also unsure about all of this.
Despite how the evening had started, Calli could breathe easier now. She had been so nervous coming to this ball. While at the main family home in the Makai, earlier in the month, her father had explained the idea of the arranged marriage to her. Of course immediately she was against it. What modern woman in her right mind wouldn’t be?
The idea that her life would be traded away for some, political gain, was atrocious. Callista wanted no part of the discussion, stressing to her parents that this was not the future she wanted. Her mother, Catalina, was more understanding of her position. This was not something the family had ever wanted for their daughters.
Being the current head of the Eagle Demon’s, Callista’s father, Ajax, had a world of responsivities to uphold. However, he had never, not once, allowed those to directly affect his children. Her older brothers, Alexander and Meteo, were welcome to choose their brides. Even if they were only choosing from the eligible demons within the high court. Smaller family names within the Clan.
Her eldest sister Evangeline, was able to marry a man she loved. While he was no price with large titles, she was given that choice. Sister Lucille was now married and living in the human realm. Even Ioanna, the closest sibling to Callista in age, was not forced to wed. She was out traveling the realms. Allowed to spread her wings, fly to far off places, to be free.
Something that Callista knew little about. Being the youngest for quite a long time, her parents – mostly Ajax- were protective. Calli was never allowed to travel without them. Sure the family took many vacations and trips to far off places together, but, her siblings were all able to do that themselves – or with friends. Which Calli was severely lacking. No one wanted to play with the Eagle Lord’s daughter – who not to mention was a shut in.
Though, growing up like that, she didn’t hate it. In fact, now there was nothing she loved more then to curl up and read. Read about anything really, whether it was fiction or non. The books she loved the most were about culture. Learning how humans and other demon species live. Gaining a better understanding of the world, without actually living in it. Thinking about that now, it sounds depressing actually.
All that to say, why does it now fall to her, to give up the kind of life she had always wanted? Why was this suddenly her responsibility, when being the fifth born, really shouldn’t mean anything – according to the books she had read on succession. So what made this different? Had the Vampire Lord’s son seen her and decided he liked her? Were things in the clan so difficult that her father had to secure and alliance this badly? Even if they were to wed, that would only have her lead in the name of the Bat Clan one day – not the Eagle – so what was the point? What did it all mean?
Callista found herself focusing on those questions as the news of this Masquerade came to their doorstep. The invitation to attend was extended to her parents, but it also made a special note to bring her along. Callista begged for her parents to reject the proposal. That there was no need for such a union. That it would do their people no good. That it would ruin the happiness she wanted for herself. She had thoughts that the three of them came to an understanding. That at this party, Ajax would reject the offer from Karlheinz.
That was until her father actually talked to him. She should have known. The most powerful being in the realms would have something in mind to bend things to their will. Sure enough, after their talked, her father came rushing over to tell her the great news. She would marry Karlheinz eldest son.
At first, Calli wondered if it would be the one she met on the balcony. Having met him just before the news, it might not be so bad. He seemed well put together, and spoke with an air of intelligence. She was happy to have met him under her own terms before being forcefully introduced to some stranger. Unfortunately, it was not him, and that very fear came to pass. She was presented to another man.
This one was taller than her, but not as tall as the other. His hair golden, and eyes deep as the sea. He looked at her with such… contempt? Or was it simply confusion? It was apparent that he was not prepared for this. Perhaps he was not told of their union until this moment. Well, she wasn’t either – at least the idea of following through with it.
It was nice to get away with him for a while. While introduced as Ririe, Shu was not quite what she was expecting from the next in line for the great power behind the Bat Clan’s leader. While his mannerisms might look incorrect, to the trained eye, you could see the years of practice that went into his existence. The way he moved and held himself, told her that he was raised with proper etiquette.
Shu was handsome. She had no complaints with his appearance. He did seem rather lazy – or perhaps he was simply tired from the night. The first time alone with a newly announced fiancé should be to nap on a fountain. That being said, there was grace in everything he did. There were no wasted movements. Every muscle he had was well trained, no matter how hard he might have tried to hide it.
While Shu released her for a twirl, Callista found a new set of hands take her own. Pulling her from Shu’s lead, and into another’s. A hand moves around her waist, while the first hand guides her into the frame of a new partner. Looking up, Calli’s eyes are met with a pair of pale magenta. Glared over just slightly from a pair of glasses, and the lights from above reflecting and blocking their connection.
For a brief moment, the world around her faded away. It was something like – looking into the eyes of- well… she couldn’t quite explain. A sudden feeling washed over her entire being. Normally if someone grabbed her as such, she would protest. However- something in this moment felt… safe. Secure? There were no precise words to describe it.
“Forgive me for intruding, I had promised her a dance when we met before. You don’t mind, do you Shu?” Reiji spoke to his rather confused brother. In typical Shu fashion, he simply shrugged and left the two of them alone. Reiji let out a small sigh of relief, thankful that Shu was not serious about pursing a night spent with Ajax’s daughter. “My apologies, Lady Calli. I did not mean to interrupt your dance but I –"
Reiji was spotted in his apology when he looked down to see her golden eyes looking back at him. They were mesmerizing. It has been ages since Reiji was truly able to look into the eyes of someone like himself. Not that looking into Rika’s eyes was not enchanting – but this – this was different. A new element of excitement flashed through him.
The knowledge that this woman could with stand his strength. That the eyes locked with his own were just as deadly. The body that was pressed against him would not bruise and break under the simply act of pulling her to him. The feeling of being with another immortal. It was exhilarating.
Callista could feel the power behind the arms which held her. Unlike with Shu just moments ago – these hands were full of purpose. A desire to hold her close. Even if it was simply to move her from Shu. Now in this embraced state, Calli would recognize this new partner as Reiji Sakamaki – who she had met earlier, just before Shu.
For brothers the two of them did not share many features. The same could not be said for her siblings – they all looked similar to one another. Yet these two, not even their hair color matched. Calli wondered what else was different. Their speaking patterns for one – Reiji was much more elegant with is words. Shu simply seemed to say whatever he pleased.
“I … was simply unware if your – father knew that the two of you were…” Reiji searched himself to find the right words. It was bad enough that his brother had stolen a dance with one of the great Lord’s daughters. Now he was doing the same. Yet as he held her against him – he found himself unable to let go.
She barely understood what he was saying – these overwhelming – almost primal, instincts were quite the distraction. “Oh… I-"
“Callista my dear!” Ajax’s voice boomed both of them back into their senses as the large Eagle brought himself over to them. “We must be going! Much to do back home to prepare for your big move!”
Reiji and Callista backed away from one another, both exchanging awkward glances and nervous laughs. “You are moving once again?” Reiji ask, composing himself. “Where will your family take nest for now?”
“Sadly my daughter’s journeys with us have ended. She will be moving into the Sakamaki Mansion! To get to know her new fiancé! Young Lord Ririe! The two should be very happy together – it’s quite the match if I do say so myself!” The demon let out a haughty laugh as he placed an arm around Callista.
“It… would seem we shall get to see one another again.” She blushes, embarrassed by her father’s outburst.
“So it would seem.” The news came to Reiji slowly. As he bid Callista and her father farewell, he couldn’t help but replay it in his mind.
Not only was this new woman about to enter their mansion – but she was … for Shu? Shu? His brother? This was impossible. How could that have even happened? Did Ajax come here with intentions of the two of them getting married? Or was it-!?
Just as the thought crossed his mind, Reiji could feel his father’s presence. His will. A calling to seek him out. Reiji looked about the – now less populated – ballroom. While he could not locate his father, he felt his message. Felt the intent behind his actions. Karlheinz knew of their plan. It would seem that – what was once something as simple as training Shu – now grew more complicated.
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。 ROUTE END ☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
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gravityunforgiven · 3 years
Right Where You Left Me (Kakashi x OC)
Pairings: Kakashi x OC, Jiraiya x Tsunade, Dan x Tsunade
She was the daughter of a Legendary Sannin, He, a son of a disgraced shinobi. Fate brought them together but life tore them apart. Will they be able to take control of their destinies and find their way back to each other?
...Or will they be another victim of the cruel shinobi world they are both a part of?
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Chapter Three
She was barely three when their paths first met. She had his attention for about ten minutes then that was it for the first meeting. It was because of her age and her last name. The Senju clan, nowadays, was only seen or heard in their history textbooks. Now there was one standing right infront of the class.
This is new. He remembered thinking.
They never really interacted because he was a chūnin a week later. She didn’t really notice his departure either. All she knew was the. class celebrated for something and the boy with the scarf was gone.
She stayed in the academy until she was six. She was hardly at school in her first year and the teachers didn’t question it. She was still young after all. She can take her time. She spent most of her days that year in the Medical Division of Konohagakure. She can learn ninjutsu from a lot of people but there was only one person to learn medical ninjutsu from.
Their paths crossed again when she was nine. Her mother just left. Jiraiya was knee-deep in his travels and she was stayed with her master, Inoichi Yamanka, before she moved to her own apartment. The Senju compound was too big for to live in alone.
Minato was teaching her a jutsu when the team he was leading arrived. This time he was able to introduce himself.
“Kakashi Hatake.” He said, almost too impatiently.
“Nice too meet you.” She replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
She stayed with them for the rest of the afternoon then tagged along for a couple of B-Rank missions. They never talked more than what was needed. Rin became good friends with her. Obito was amused to see the girls braiding each other’s hair.
Minato, along with Inoichi Yamanaka, took her under their wing. They said she was special.
More than me? He so carelessly thought back then.
He wouldn’t realize until years later that she was so unique she became dispensable.
Because of her training with Minato, Akira became close to his-then girlfriend, Kushina. Kakashi saw how close they became they were almost like sisters.
Akira became a permanent figure in Kakashi’s life. They mostly ignored each other’s presence but he got so used to seeing her in the takoyaki shop he half-expected her to be there everytime he walked by. She wasn’t always with friends, most of the time she ate there on her own, in the same spot every single time.
That was until Team Minato was pulled into a mission. When they came back, she was nowhere to be found. At first no one was really bothered. After all, they were all shinobis and when duty calls, they go. But then weeks turned into months and still not even Akira’s shadow was seen. Rumors began spreading in the ranks about her whereabouts. Some says she was in a long term mission in the Land of Rains, others say she was captured and was being held and even Kurenai, who was like her older sister, together with the rest of their batch had no idea where she was or if she was in a mission. He heard Asuma talking about how he asked the Third Hokage about Akira, however, much to their dismay, his lips remained shut and he simply dismissed his son from his office.
Finally, Rin gathered her courage and asked their own sense if he knew anything about this. Minato fought with himself for a while. It was classified information but seeing the look from his students even Kakashi was enough him to give in. He made them swore to never breathe a word of what he was about to say.
“She joined the ANBU Black Ops.” Rin gasped. Obito’s jaw hung wide open. Kakashi who always seemed to be unfazed struggled to keep his cold composture together. They didn’t see that coming. Not in a million years. Kakashi remembered how her name was so fitting for her. She was always so...bright. She was like the sun on a beautiful day. Wherever you go, or whoever you are she will always graze you with her presence like the rays of a sunlight. She lacked the darkness necessary to be an ANBU. She was the complete opposite of those people.
“The Third Hokage allowed it?” Obito asked. Lord Third treated Akira like his very own grand-daughter. After all, she was the daughter of one of his legendary students. It was only fitting that he looed after all while her mother was unavailable.
“ No. He didn’t.” Minato replied.
“ She joined The Foundation.”
He didn’t see her again until Rin’s death. Once, he had asked Minato why Akira was always sent on dangerous missions. Missions they usually were not allowed to do until they were further into their career. This took Minato by surprise. He didn’t know Kakashi had been observing the girl since he usually ignored her presence and vice-versa. The time the two would acknowledge each other is through their relentless bickering due to the fact that no one wants to admit they’re wrong and often times than not, it ends in a full-blown fight between the two prodigies.
Minato eyed the silver-haired ninja. He was usually not bothered by anything that doesn’t have to do with abiding with the rules but the look on his face was clear enough for Minato to realize that this was not the case.
“Being unique isn’t always good.” Minato started.
“You know she uses Wood Release right?”
Kakashi silently nodded. That was common knowledge in the village. Even in the neigboring lands, her reputation preceded her.
“Villages seek power to protect their lands. Right now, Akira is one of the greatest threats to their lands that’s why we train her as hard as we possibly can. A lot of people wants to hurt her and use her for their own good. They want to use one of our own against us.” He remembered Minato saying.
During Rin’s funeral, he caught only a glimpse of her from where he stood by the trees. She was at the back despite being a close friend of Rin’s. She stood silently and kept her eyes firmly on the floor. Kakashi wouldn’t have recognized her if it weren’t for her golden hair that stood out among the sea of dark colored heads. She’s so different. Everything’s changed so much. After a few hi’s and hello’s, she was once again gone. But despite the dark hole Kakashi fell into, for some reason, the girl with the blonde hair never completely left the his mind.
The first time she actually talked to him first, he just joined the ANBU under the Fourth Hokage’s Command.
“I guess we’re teammates now.’ She said removing a wolf-shaped mask. He looked up from the bench he was sitting on in the locker rooms.
A grin was plastered on her face.He immediately recognized her voice though it’s been years since he last heard it. She was twelve and he was just about to turn fourteen that day. But they were so much older and wiser than the kids their age. They had witnessed so many deaths to be called children.
It was the burden of being one of a kind.
They now worked often with each other since they are now both under the Hokage’s command. Gone were the days of bickering and throwing insults at each other. He now knew the burden of being an ANBU. He wondered how much worse she had to do while under Lord Danzo’s command. How many had she killed? Can she even count it at this point?
Minato, after being named Hokage, recruited Akira back from The Foundation to his own a little too quickly than the elders were comfortable with. But the Yondaime Hokage was adamant to have Akira back on his care knowing how much the irreversible damage The Foundation can cause to a person.
Even now, the changes in Akira’s disposition was easily seen by those who knew her before her time in the Root. She still smiled and laughed like she did before but her eyes no longer had the same shine they had before. She tried to hide it. But Kakashi wasn’t so easily fooled. She was just glad he never said a single word about it.
Kakashi and Akira were placed on different teams. She was already leading a group of three people twice her size when he joined but every now and then, when the circumstances call for it, they will be paired together. An unspoken rule was formed between the two. As the only living members of Team Minato (though she tagged along for only a couple of missions) they were to protect each other as best they can.
Though she didn’t need much protection, Kakashi kept an eye on her for old times sake. Just like a few years earlier, they didn’t really talked much during their time in the ANBU. He was too busy wallowing in his guilt and she was kind enough to leave him in in his own knowing it was what he wanted but not exactly what he needed. All she could do was keep an eye on him and make sure he knows that she was there if he needed her.
Their relationship didn’t change from what it was during the time of Team Minato but this time, they treated each other with the utmost respect. They were comrades now. Though the rules of the ANBU stated that the mission comes first, they both knew they had each other’s back. After all, among their classmates, the two of them are the only ones who understood the loneliness of being an ANBU.
Of being truly and utterly alone.
He knew she was brave. She had proven it time and time again. He had seen it from their time together when they were younger, they had heard stories from the older shinobis who had worked with her, and he saw it again every time they were paired in a mission. There was no question that she was brave but that night during the Kyūubi Attack, he was almost certain she too was looking for an easy way to just die. He had a good reason. Unlike her, he was dispensable. He had no one. All he had was the nightmares that haunt him at night. The faces of his fallen teammates and the cold body of his father playing again and again like a broken record every time he closes his eyes. That was all he had. If he dies, people would mourn, yes, but they would move on and go about their life. They would eventually forget and he would always remain the ninja who killed his friend to others.
He had no real purpose. He doesn’t have anyone left to protect. Or to live for.
She was different. She was loved by everyone. She was alone most of the time but she still had Jiraiya who comes and visit every now and then. She had a purpose. She had a reason to live.
Or so he thought.
They were placed inside a barrier the night of the Nine-Tails Attack. The elders said it wasn’t their fight. They have to sit this one out so they could live another day.
Kakashi looked around the group that they have formed. Most of his former classmates were on the front of the pack together with a few other shinobis their age but as he scanned the crowd, he quickly realized Akira was not among them.
He knew she took her first day off in months today. She had deliberately worked during her time off in order to gain more experience and training. Kakashi always thought how Akira seemed to always seem to act as if she was running out of time and how she wouldn’t take rest until she was forced to by the injuries she acquired during her missions.
This time was no different. She came back from a mission in the Land of Lighting only a couple of days ago and if it wasn’t for the direct order from the Hokage to take a break, she would have been out for another one by this time. He was unusually aware that she was hardly in the village these days.
It was a few minutes later when Akira’s figure emerged from the woods. She stopped dead at her tracks halfway into the clearing. A look of confusion was visible on her face as she scanned the scene ahead of her. What the hell?
Kakashi watched as Akira stopped dead in her tracks and stiffened as she took in the scene in front of her. For a moment, their eyes met and almost instantly, the look of confusion was gone in her face replaced with outrage.
She shoved the two jonins on her either side then she was on the run back to the village. Her path was quickly blocked by more leaf shinobis assigned to keep the younger ninjas safe.
“Lady Akira, please.” Shinku Yuhi, Kurenai’s father, pleaded.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” She spatted back. Her eyes were full of rage. This isn’t where she’s supposed to be. She should be where the fighting is, not kept away from it. This isn’t what she’s been training for.
“We’re just followi-“ He wasn’t able to finish his sentence because Akira was on him. pinning him down with earth style.
Kakashi and the rest of the group inside the barrier couldn’t do anything but watch as Akira battled five jōnins at once. Their mouths hung wide open as they saw firsthand Akira’s proficiency in using the wood style. The group, excluding Kakashi, had never seen someone use wood style in person. Despite the common knowledge that Akira was a wood style user, she only uses it as a last resort knowing that it would only gain more unwanted attention in terms of her capabilities. She usually relies on other nature transformations as much as she can.
This was the first time for most of the people in the clearing see someone use wood style and handle it with such finesse and ease as well. They thought that her skills was on full display that night but Kakashi knew how much she was trying to hold back. He knew she would have defeated them if she wasn’t being as cautious as she is in making sure to not harm any of her comrades and if she wasn’t still recovering from her recent injuries.
Eventually, Akira was outnumbered by the seven jōnins who fought with her and they tackled her to the ground. Her cheek pressed on the dirt as they tied her hands behind her back and made sure she could not weave any more signs.
She could see her classmates staring at her in shock. They haven’t really seen her in action as she didn’t officially join any team after graduation. They had no idea what she can do. Or what I’ve done.
Once she was in the barrier Kurenai quickly untied the younger girl’s hand. Akira was still half a foot shorter than herself but she seemed so much older already.
Akira relentlessly pounded on the barrier. Her right hand was still bandaged but her hits did not falter.
“Listen, I know you have your orders but it doesn’t include me! I can help capture the nine tails with wood style! Don’t you understand that?!” She was practically screaming at her superiors standing only a fees feet away. She was trained to fight. To save the village. To not let anyone get hurt, to help the Hokage the best she can. That was what they drilled into her brain growing up. There was a reason she had all these abilities and she should use to help others. Being stuck inside a barrier wasn’t part of any plan.
“Lord Third specifically mentioned you, Akira.” Shinku replied. Akira was confused. She was the protector not the one who needed protecting. She would gladly lay her life for the billage but now, they’re asking her to sit back and watch the village burn just so she could remain safe?
“Akira, stop.” Kurenai was barely able to grab her arm mid-punch to keep it from colliding with the barrier once again.
“Damn it!” She gave the barrier once last hit and turned around. She didn’t saw it but the rest did as the barrier flickered and for a moment, a crack appeared from where punched the barrier.
Her abilities were one thing, her raw power were another.
“Just calm down, will you?” Kurenai was on Akira’s heels as she made her way to the back.
“Lord Third must have a reason of he wanted you here, Akira.” Gai chirped in attempt to help Kurenai calm the still seething Akira.
“Orders are orders, Akira. We can’t do anything about that.” Kakashi says. He wanted to fight as bad as she does. He knew Minato was out there fighting the kyūubi and having them in the field would be a great help for the village. Kakashi secretly hoped Akira could somehow break them out of this bubble so they could fulfill their duties instead of being forced to watch as the nine-tails burn their village just because they were not old enough.
“You know I don’t care about orders, Kakashi.”She snapped right back at him. She followed orders because it was the right thing to do, but unlike him, she had no problem on breaking it when push comes to shove.
Akira had already decided what she needed to do when Kurenai noticed. “No,no. Don’t even think about it.” Kurenai had grabbed Akira’s arm and gave her a stern look. She can’t do this.
“You can die.” Akira didn’t need any reminder. She was aware of the risks she as taking but she couldn’t care less about that right now. There were just some things that had to be done no matter what the consequences were.
“Only one way to know.” She said, already performing the hand signs for the jutsu. She’ll deal with the consequences for her action later, for now, she’ll do what she knows is right.
“Ghost Transformation Jutsu!” Akira’s body fell on the ground as her soul ascended. She was engulfed in a white glow as the others watched in awe. She didn’t waste any more time and disappeared in the sky like a shooting star to the direction of their village. She didn’t know if she can comeback to her body as she hadn’t mastered the jutsu yet and Inoichi had strongly discouraged in practicing without his guidance. She still haven’t got the right skill and the possibility of her being stuck in this form until her death was much greater than she would like to admit.
Kurenai watched as the girl’s body fell onto the ground as her soul left her body and into the night. She barely caught Akira’s head before her body collided on the soil. She was well-aware of the fact that Inoichi had barred Akira in practicing this jutsu without his guidance proving that the jutsu was more dangerous than what Akira could handle at the moment. It was no simple technique that could be undone in a matter of days. They were talking about life and death on this one.
The people outside the barrier were also alarmed of the what Akira had done. They were former comrades with her father, Dan, and they were well aware of the implications that came in using this jutsu. Even with Akira’s huge chakra reserves, she could still potentially ran out of it if she wasn’t careful of her actions.
They soon realized Akira was not being careful at all as blood soaked through her shirt and the land beneath her darkened from the massive amount of blood leaving her body.
No one knew what happened but a loud explosion was heard from where they were and the next thing they knew, Akira was just bleeding on the ground.
Kakashi was quick to react and firmly pressed his hands on Akira’s wounds on her midsection. There was just so much blood oozing out of her wound despite the pressure Kakashi was putting on. Kurenai was nearly in tears as she held the smaller girl’s head in her lap.
“It’s the jutsu.” Kurenai said when Kakashi’s clearly worried eye met hers. “Whatever happens to her soul also happens to her body.”
She was unconscious for two weeks. People wondered if another name was to be added in the already long list of the people who lost their lives that night.
What happened with her, the Third Hokage was the only one alive who knows.
Next Up: LOTS of Kakashi fluff.
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promptrose · 4 years
Maybe something festive with LoZ: RR? Like Link and Hunter explain Hylian/Sheikah traditions to Neesha or something equally as lighthearted? Have an amazing day! c:
Squeaking in under the wire, with an hour left to spare on Christmas day!
So I actually started this short back in 2005.  That’s not a typo.  I have tried almost every year to sit down and finish it, and it’s just never worked out, but here we go!  2020 has been a Hell of a year so far, but at least I finally finished this Very Merry Interlude and can share it! Merry Solstice, Happy Holidays, and whatever you may celebrate, may it have been / be with those you loved best, in spirit if not in person! _________________
It started innocently enough.
In retrospect, that should have been more than enough to tip us off that things were going to get dramatically less innocent as they progressed, since almost nothing that starts with us ends innocently.  But, as they say, hindsight is twenty-twenty, and foresight is not our forte, if you catch my meaning.
“Merry Solstice!” said Hunter.
“Merry Solstice!” said I.
“What’s Solstice?” said Neesha.
And the innocence pretty much ended there.  It’s hard to remember our exact reactions in the face of the grand horror that is Gerudo ignorance to our winter holiday.  I think I might have shouted something about Blasphemy.  I suspect Hunter might have stopped breathing.  I think Neesha might have seen reflected in our horrified expressions the magnitude of the mistake she’d just made and attempted to make a break for it.  The rest is a jumble of chasing her down the stairs until we each had one, flailing arm and had pinned her in a seat.
“Merry Solstice!” said Dad.
“Merry Solstice!” chimed Hunter and I.
“What are you doing to her?” said Bruiser as Neesha tried to kick us both in the head simultaneously and came pretty damn close to doing it.
Now, the thing to understand here is, that for the young and the young at heart, Solstice is only the biggest, most important holiday of the year.  It’s bigger than birthdays, and that’s saying something.  And Hunter and I were both young and young at heart (eighteen going on eight, forever and ever amen).  And we both go a little insane at the holidays.  We get it from Bruiser I think.  He’s a big tough guy for most of the year, but once we start getting close to the Solstice…
As a matter of fact, right at the moment when he was demanding to know what we were doing to Neesha (because somehow, it’s always our fault), Neesha was making a face at the armloads of glittery, sparkly, gloriously tacky stuff both he and Dad carried and evidently trying to figure out what the Hell it was.  Bruiser’s always the first one in the Market to decorate. Claims it’s good for business.  We all know what it’s actually for, but none of us says anything because, as with most softies, Bruiser never reacts well to someone pointing out just how soft he is.
At any rate, the whole point of this is just to say that for my family (and at the time, I was still pretty new to the concept of family) Solstice is the biggest holiday of the year, and the fact that Neesha, who even then was becoming more and more hopelessly embroiled in our little reassembled clan, didn’t know what it was simply couldn’t be allowed.
“She doesn’t know Solstice?!” gasped Bruiser.
“She doesn’t know Solstice,” Hunter confirmed gravely.
“You’re all insane!” said Neesha.
Thus began the introduction of the Gerudo to Solstice – or at least, this Gerudo in particular.  The only Gerudo with the unfortunate luck to have accidentally endeared herself to a family of Solstice-crazy Sheikah.  Unless you count me, but I’m really only half Gerudo.
Solstice Lesson Number One: what is Solstice?  Obviously, Solstice is the one day out of the whole year when everyone is happy and pleasant and generally acting out of positive, community-oriented motives instead of selfish or negative ones.  It’s the day when we all come together to welcome back the sun and say a fond farewell to the winter, in the company of our loved ones and liked ones and sometimes even deeply hated ones.  Solstice is when you give everyone who matters presents, and even a few who don’t. Solstice is when no matter where you go people are singing songs, and throwing snow, and for a brief, shining, wonderful day everyone gets to be eighteen-going-on-eight-forever-and-ever-amen.
Neesha seemed to be under the mistaken assumption that Solstice is merely the shortest day of the year.
“Blasphemy!” said Dad with a wide grin, obviously not taking this seriously enough.
“Can’t…breathe!” gasped Bruiser.
“You are what is wrong with this Kingdom,” Neesha snapped.
We held a family meeting right there to discuss the situation.  It was pointed out that we still had a month to go until the actual Solstice, and that was plenty of time to initiate Neesha into the tradition, Gerudo or no.
“Never happen,” said Dad with a wisdom that can only have come from having married a Gerudo.
“Never say never,” said Hunter and Bruiser.
“Can I go now?” Neesha demanded.
Solstice Lesson One had not gone so well.  Neesha now knew what Solstice was, but somehow our vivid, detailed descriptions had not melted her Gerudo heart and she was torn between laughing in our faces and running very, very far away.  She settled for laughing in our faces, then running to the Palace where the Elite that still insisted on following me everywhere at that time were staying, likely hoping to find some semblance of sanity in the form of ten desert hardened warriors huddled in a pile of thick blankets and clutching hot chocolate mugs like their lives depend on it (all the while cursing the name of the only King in their history to ever drag them into Hyrule in the dead of winter).
And so began Solstice Lesson Two: the decorations.  Anything spangly and sparkly, we told her.  Greens and reds and icy blues and white.  Anything with a snow theme, or a light theme, or a sparkly theme.  It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it’s mostly tactless – things you’d never get away with displaying any other time of year are considered beautiful at Solstice, we told her.  Cover the banisters and doorframes with them.  String them from the roof and along the windows.  Decorate the walls and the cupboards and the stove. Get out the Solstice placemats and cutlery, iron the Solstice curtains, dust off the Solstice ornaments.  Cover every possible inch of space with symbols of merriment and cheer until you’re covered in glitter that won’t come off until spring.
“It’s beautiful,” said Hunter.
“Wonderful,” agreed Dad.
“Why this?” demanded Neesha sourly, staring with deep dismay at her stubbornly sparkling hands.
So Solstice Lesson Two had not had the desired effect.  Apparently, the magic of Solstice, which turns a gaudy, horrible ornament into something beautiful and worthy of envy did not affect Neesha, who looked at our horrible, gaudy ornaments and saw horrible, gaudy ornaments and no amount of protest was going to convince her otherwise.
But there are two traits that run in my family, and the youngest generation (i.e. me and Hunter) have them in spades: stubbornness, and a refusal to accept the Gerudo’s continued insistence that they don’t want to be friends.  And so, the Archery Shop having been glittered and sparkled up (triggering a sudden panic of decorating all over the market, since, after all, Bruiser is the official harbinger of the Solstice season), we moved on to Solstice Lesson Three: the good deeds.
If Solstice is a paragraph, we told Neesha, then the good deeds are the parentheses around it. Perhaps not the most grammatically astute of arguments, but it made sense to us at the time.  There are a variety of reasons for doing good deeds. One of them is to make sure people think of you when they’re making up their presents list, of course, but if this is your only, or even your main reason then perhaps you need to sit back and revaluate your priorities as you’re missing the point of Solstice. The more important reasons include, because it’s nice and it makes you feel good, because it’s part of helping people through the longest night, and because it’s Solstice and that’s just what you do.
So we woke up bright and early (for once in our lives) and dragged Neesha out into the early morning cold.  There are sidewalks that need to be shovelled, we told her.  There are kittens in trees that need to be rescued!  Groceries to be carried!  Horses to be brushed!  Roofs to be cleared!  Wood to be cut!  And little old ladies with an excess of hot chocolate to be shared!
“6 sidewalks, 2 kittens, 14 bags of groceries, 3 horses, 5 roofs, 8 piles of wood, and 15 cups of hot chocolate,” counted Hunter.
“Mmmm…hot chocolate,” I said.
“It seems to me that we are not, in fact, doing good deeds, but other people’s chores,” noted Neesha, hugging her mug instead of drinking it as all Gerudo do.  “Also, I can’t feel my nose.”
And so, Solstice Lesson Number Three met with about as much success as Lessons One and Two, and a good deal more frostbite.  What next, we asked each other?  The answer was obvious.  Solstice Lesson Four: the buying of gifts.
Step one, we told Neesha, you need a list.  Write down everyone you like and everyone you think should receive a present from you. Then you have a friend proof-read it and make sure you haven’t missed anyone (deliberately or otherwise), or added someone you probably shouldn’t have, and also to make sure your list isn’t so long you will be bankrupt by the time all the presents are bought.  So we sat down to write up our lists.
“Zelda, Malon, the Sages, the Generals, Dad, Uncle Bray, Bel, Mel, Thomas,” said Hunter, ticking them off on his fingers.
“Mido, the Know-it-all Brothers, the twins, the Deku Tree Sprout, the Elite, Talon, Ingo, Anju…” I added.
“Well I know who I’m not putting on the list,” said Neesha nastily, and proceeded to write down all those names but leave out mine and Hunter’s.
We exchanged our lists and started proofreading.  We told Neesha that the great thing about Solstice is that you don’t have to get someone a present just because they got you a present.  You only do it if you want to, so it was perfectly fine if she didn’t want to get Hunter and I a present, which took some of the wind out of her sails.  Then Hunter and I argued about whether I was politically obligated to buy presents for the nobles I’d left off my list.
“But Eldrick’s a bastard,” I protested.
“Eldrick is a bastard,” Neesha agreed.
“Eldrick’s a bastard – but you still need to get him a present,” Hunter insisted.
Stage two of the buying of gifts, is, of course, the quest for the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Neesha seemed to brighten considerably at this part, which was cause for tentatively happy suspicion.  Why, we wondered, after being so sullen and cranky about the whole thing up to this point, would Neesha spontaneously decide that perhaps it wasn’t so bad after all?  And then it hit us.
“Did we say ‘acquire’?” Hunter asked dully.
“We meant ‘purchase or otherwise earn through completely legitimate, above board, will-not-get-you-thrown-in-jail means’,” I clarified.
“Well what the Hell’s the point then?!”  Neesha cried, more frustrated than ever.
Undaunted, we dragged her out into the cold once more and we spent the next three days crawling all over the markets and shops of Hyrule, taking the Ocarina if required.  We managed to find the perfect gift for everyone, excluding ourselves of course, that would have to be done in private. We even found the perfect gift for Eldrick: an authentic, gourmet Gerudo snack: dried leevers.
“You think he’ll like ‘em?” I asked with a wicked grin.
“I think if he doesn’t, we can accuse him of being unappreciative of a gift from a foreign dignitary and of offending the Gerudo race on the whole.  Zelda might even have to issue a reprimand and demand a public apology,” Hunter answered, flashing his teeth.
“I thought you wanted to get him something bad,” Neesha pointed out, chewing on one of the leevers and missing the point entirely, which is a thing she does from time to time.
Lessons Number Five through Eight, covering everything from traditional (and less traditional) foods, to traditional (and less traditional) games, to traditional (and less traditional) songs, which turned into an argument that would have turned into a fist fight if it hadn’t been Solstice, over what turned out to be a rather crucial difference in the lyrics of the third verse of a particular song between the Sheikah and the Hylian versions, went roughly as well as you’d expect, based on the success rates of the previous lessons.
I have to admit, that even we, in our indefatigable determination were beginning to think maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.  Maybe the Gerudo were immune to Solstice.  Maybe it was the fact that they didn’t have snow, or their nights tended to be much kinder to them than their days, or they had their own entire culture that had nothing to do with our own and to expect them to place the same value on cultural touchstones from nations they had long been actively excluded from and opposed to and ostracized by was actually rather insensitive of us all around and not entirely within the Solstice spirit.
I mean, if even Hunter and I, the second- and third-most dedicated Solstice adherents (after Bruiser) couldn’t agree on the lyrics to the third verse of an ancient Solstice hymn, what were we doing, really, thinking we had any business pushing it as some kind of universal truth to be inherently understood, even by people who had never once in their lives been part of it?
I’m not gonna lie, this was a depressing line of thought.
“Is it possible we have been engaging in un-Solstice-like behaviour?” wondered Hunter, mournfully.
“To see the end of the longest night one must first survive its darkness,” mourned I, wonderingly.
“Can I go now?” said Neesha, without adverb.
We let her go, because what else could we do at that point.  Then we took ourselves to the pub, because that seemed an appropriate place to attempt to drown our shame, and we did our best, I want that on the record, to stay morose and defeated.  That felt like it would be appropriate.  It’s just between the Solstice food, and the Solstice singing, and the traditional dances, and managing to con one table of rowdies to buy us a drink before the innkeeper caught on and cut us off for being too young for that nonsense (“They’d let us in Kakariko!” Hunter protested.
“They’d let you keep a cow in your house in Kakariko, that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea,” came the response, and neither of us had an answer to that) it was a little difficult to remain sombre.
Still, we thought, as we eventually sang our way back out of the inn and into the snow of the Marketplace, we had done our friend wrong, at Solstice of all times, and that was unacceptable.  We had not approached this the right way at all.  The goal, we agreed, should have been inclusion, not conversion, with the consent of the included.  We just loved her so much, you see, and this celebration is all about loving people enough to share a candle with them through a very long night, and Neesha, more than anybody else in the world, deserved that light from us.  We just focused on the wrong part of it.
And so, contrite, and righted in spirit, and perhaps just a little tipsy, as the shortest day ended and the longest night began, we headed back toward the Archery Shop and its precious, precious candles.  And as we rounded the corner onto our street, we came upon a sight that made us stop and gasp.
The snow-coated street was lit as fiercely as an aurora, and at its epicentre, blazing with all the sparkling, glittering, gaudy beauty of a tacky, tasteless thing that is loved so fiercely it can’t help but shine, was the Archery Shop.  There were people everywhere, candles in their hands, or lanterns, or small, magical flames, that danced and leapt and were passed from hand to hand, wick to wick, like something precious.  Because of course, it was.  The whole town must have been there.  Everyone we had done chores for, a few who had done chores for us.  People I recognized from the palace and the tavern and even the Ranch – I could see Malon and Talon and Ingo, who had made the trip all the way in from Lon Lon.
And more, there were the Sages.  All of them. None of their usual retinue, this was not an official trip, then.  Just a quick visit.  And scattered among the crowd were the Elite.  Amplissa and Aliza, making out in a way that caused me deep concern one of them was about to light the other’s scarf end on fire with her distracted handling of her candle.  Indiga chatting with somebody I didn’t recognize like they were old friends, holding out her own candle to him when a stray snowball caught him in the shoulder and the wet shrapnel put his out.  Bruiser and dad, moving through the crowd with trays full of hot chocolate and cookies and burn salve, Bruiser with a grin as wide as his shoulders, stopping often, chatting and laughing with a voice that filled whatever empty space the noisy crowd had left, knitting it all together tighter.  Dad, shyer, still not used to crowds, still thinking of himself as a stranger here, but smiling kindly at folk and offering them a light from his lantern where one was needed.
And this was supposed to have been a relatively quiet Solstice for us, everyone had been busy with their own celebrations or a general sensible thought that maybe our little reassembled family needed quiet time to just exist for a while on its own, even I had maybe thought that and quiet was not my default mode, but somehow this was better, or not better, really, this was the same thing, just an extension of it, because they were here, these people I loved so much, and these people I liked so much, and these people I didn’t know that well but was already planning to be half in love with before the night was over.  They were all here, and we were all together, and the longest night of the year had nothing at all on that.
“What--?!” managed Hunter.
“I don’t--!” gasped I.
“You guys look so ridiculous right now,” said Neesha, with deep self-satisfaction.
She had done this. After we let her go.  She had gone to the palace and talked to the Gerudo and explained that the holiday was very strange, and had a lot of useless bits around it that she didn’t see the point of, but it mattered a lot to us, and so she thought maybe it would be good for them to come to the Shop and be part of it, because the candle part didn’t sound so bad, and Bruiser had promised food and he was a good cook.  And then Indiga had suggested that maybe they should invite Zelda, since I was determined to be attached to her despite their misgivings.  And Zelda had thought it was a grand idea, even though she still won’t tell me how it was presented to her, and Nayru, Farore and Din would I like to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation, and suggested that she might do some jumping around and collect the Sages if they were free, even just to pop in for a little bit before returning to their own celebrations at home.  And at some point someone must have filled Dad and Bruiser in, because then they figured, well, if we’re having all those folk over, might as well go get the rest and make it A Proper Thing.
A Proper Solstice.
“You said Solstice is about family, so I went and got the rest of the family,” said Neesha.
“Guh,” said I, because I don’t really know how to spell the sound of me bursting into tears.
“Neesha of the Gerudo, you are hereby relieved of any duties relating to anyone’s emotions for the next three weeks for this incredible, amazing, perfect thing that you have done,” said Hunter, patting me gently on the back.
Pleased with this, and herself, Neesha turned to vanish into the crowd.  But then she paused and hesitated, turning back to us briefly: “You’re still gonna give me real presents, though, right?” she asked.  “Like material objects?  Because I wasn’t opposed to that part.  And I don’t even like most of these people, I just made them come for you.”
“Yes.  We do presents at sunrise,” said Hunter gravely.
“Guuuuuuuh,” said I.
“Then Merry Solstice!” said Neesha.
And so, her light, metaphorical and all the more real for that, shared with those she loved best, Neesha’s first Solstice turned out to be my favourite of them all.
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gffa · 5 years
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JEDI PADAWANS IN CANON:  Surprisingly, we actually have very little about how the Jedi culture works in canon, though, we have the broad strokes of it, enough that I think you can get an idea of the general arc of things!  This post will be based on canon, of course, as Canon and Legends are basically separate continuities, so stuff like “the Jedi age out at 13 if no one picks them as a Master” has never been evidenced in canon. I also have TAKING A CLOSER LOOK AT THE JEDI IN CANON, a meta work on AO3 that’s been about collecting together and organizing everything I can find on the Jedi of canon, but let’s talk specifically about the path to becoming a Jedi Padawan! THE PATH OF A YOUNGLING TO A JEDI: YOUNGLING/INITIATE: - The Jedi younglings are adopted generally in the age range of about three years old, give or take.  It’s evidenced by Wee Dunn (the little Rodian boy that Cad Bane kidnapped) that there’s an adjustment period with the biological family (if the family wishes it), given that his bio-mom says, “Master Ropal said the day would come for him to go to the Temple, but not for some time.” - The terms “Youngling” and “Initiate” seem relatively interchangeable? - In Dooku: Jedi Lost, Dooku says:  “Like most of the Order, I was brought to the Temple by a Seeker, a Jedi who was tasked to scour the galaxy for Force-sensitive infants.” -  “On arrival at the Temple, Initiates are sorted into clans, an arbitrary grouping in many ways, but one that is supposed to foster an atmosphere of trust and kinship.“  This seems to work pretty well, indicated by how even the very serious Dooku is like, “[....] by us and every other Initiate that likes to gossip by the light of a glow lantern late at night.” to show the lighter hearted aspects of the pile of younglings gossping at night. (Dooku: Jedi Lost) - Not a ton is known about their time in the creche (which is indeed called the creche, according to M&A -- “[Qui-Gon]’d spent his last night in the younglings’ crèche laughing with his friends, imagining all the adventures he would have, and practicing with his lightsaber in the sparring room until Master Yaddle ordered him to bed.“) or what that means to their Jedi Path, other than that, at some point, they go on The Gathering to get their kyber crystal from Ilum, if they can pass the test of looking inward, facing their fears, and hearing the song of the crystal meant specifically for them. This sacred ritual doesn’t seem to be tied to doing it with their Master, as The Clone Wars and the Age of the Republic comic show that they go in groups and are supervised by another Jedi (Ahsoka in the case of “The Gathering”, with Yoda there on Ilum, Huyang watching over the groups in both TCW and the comic), as well as the group of younglings (Katooni, Petro, Byph, Ganodi, and Gungi) are seen practicing with their lightsabers in Master Sinube’s class while Anakin and Barriss have their fight across the Temple roof. - We see Yoda instructing the younglings in Attack of the Clones, but it’s unclear if they’re using their own lightsabers or training sabers (which the Temple has, according to  Star Wars: Lightsabers - A Guide To Weapons of The Force.  (I’m presuming that they’re training sabers, they look too young to be ready for The Gathering, but canon hasn’t specified either way.) - We do get some broad strokes of the kind of schooling they have while they’re younglings:        - Jedi younglings (at least the diurnal ones) wake at dawn to meditate on the three pillars–the Force, Knowledge, and Self-Discipline.  Then they go to the refectory for lunch, where Dooku always likes to sit next to Sifo-Dyas.        - Qui-Gon says, “Qui-Gon whispered, 'The dark side?' He knew it was a thing all beings carried within them, a part of himself he would learn to guard against—the crèche masters had taught him all that.” (Master & Apprentice) showing that the creche masters also taught them while they were there.        - They have group classes together, where we see teachers giving lessons on how to meditate or other philosophy lessons or how to connect to the Force (this is backed up by a lot of Kanan’s early teachings to Ezra, what he starts with as the foundations/basics), which presumably Padawans can still be part of, given that Qui-Gon still goes to classes after becoming Dooku’s Padawan.  [x]        - They have regular classes and some of what we know are:  Levitation classes, Force-Sculpting classes, Galactic History classes, Jedi History classes, Animal Kinship/Beast Control, and Unarmed Combat.                (”The duties of a Padawan varied greatly. Certain kinds of instruction were universal—meditation, lightsaber training—and were studied both in groups at the Temple and privately with one’s Master. But those Masters ranged widely in talents and temperament, which meant that the assignments they gave were diverse, too.” --Master & Apprentice)       - They have class field trips of some sort--Obi-Wan has a class of younglings (that Caleb is part of) on a field trip to teach them about the Jedi Beacon.  While this seems to be within the Temple itself, we saw in Dooku: Jedi Lost that several younglings went with the Jedi to a Celebration Festival as part of a group who would do demonstrations for people, too.       - They’re given homework (Qui-Gon works on his while lounging in Dooku’s quarters) and have class projects (”Obi-Wan could scan nearly the entire lower level of the Jedi Archives. Jocasta Nu sat at her desk, patiently reviewing some file or other; a handful of younglings struggled through a dense historical holo, probably for a class project”) -- Master & Apprentice. - Whatever Katooni and the others are doing in the beginning of “The Gathering” with the dance-style moves is unclear, whether it’s a class that Master Sinube is teaching or if it’s a ceremony of some kind that relates to the upcoming Gathering, who knows!  But it’s clearly important and overlaid with the announcer saying, “The trials are hard. Tests must be passed. But none is as important as The Gathering. It is then that a Jedi’s path will truly begin….”  (Though, this could be in reference to the trials they’re about to face on Ilum which are hard, rather than that the dance class is a trial, it’s never stated either way.)  [x] PADAWANS: - There doesn’t seem to be anything on how Padawans are chosen as a usual path!  In Dooku: Jedi Lost, there’s a ceremonial lightsaber tournament, but the wording never quite directly says that it’s specifically for Master to choose their Apprentices, as well as in Kanan: The Last Padawan, Depa directly asks young Caleb herself.  In The Clone Wars movie, Anakin is assigned Ahsoka, which doesn’t seem to surprise either Obi-Wan (who may have planned this) or Anakin in the sense of “wait, they don’t just assign Padawans!”, only that she was being assigned to him. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s partnership seems to be a bit of both:  “Don’t you see, Obi-Wan? They knew you’d rebel against any Master you worked with. So they made sure you wound up with a Jedi who almost never followed the rules.”  (Master & Apprentice) This seems to indicate that it happened in a myriad of ways, whether a Master took notice of a youngling at the tournament or bonded with them in another way or the Council decided to assign a pairing. - When a youngling becomes a Padawan, there seems to be some conversations between the crechemasters and the new Master:  “Obi-Wan said, 'You know, I never had problems with that as a youngling. Being independent, I mean. I broke rules right and left. They even called me rebellious. Probably the Masters were surprised anyone was willing to take me on as an apprentice.’  In fact, Qui-Gon had been warned about this very thing. He’d long since assumed that the crèche masters’ concern was overcautious.” (Master and Apprentice) - There’s no set age when a Youngling becomes a Padawan.       - Dooku was 16 years old when Yoda chose him to be a Padawan, Sifo-Dyas was 16 when Lene Kostana chose him.  For a brief while, Dooku didn’t think he would be chosen this year and would have to wait awhile longer, as well as another 16 year old Initiate wasn’t ready and did wind up having to wait another year.  (Dooku: Jedi Lost)       - Obi-Wan was chosen at 13 and Qui-Gon at 12, but both were considered young for it.  (Master & Apprentice)       - Caleb Dume was chosen at 13, but was also considered to be surprisingly young for it.  (Kanan: The Last Padawan)       - Ahsoka was assigned at 14, but Anakin expressed surprise that she was even “old enough to be a Padawan!?” (The Clone Wars movie) - Teaching seems to be a communal thing with the Jedi.  While their Master is the final authority (in as much as anyone is an authority over someone else--Ahsoka argues and doesn’t really get that much pushback on how Master Skywalker isn’t the one who should decide when she risks her life, that’s her choice), we see Ahsoka is taught by Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, Tera Sinube, and Jocasta Nu. In The Citadel arc in TCW, Ahsoka says that Master Plo assigned her to the team, which Anakin doesn’t object to as being impossible because she’s his Padawan.  Further, we also see communal teaching elements in Dooku: Jedi Lost when Lene is a frequent teacher to Dooku after he becomes Yoda’s Padawan. JEDI KNIGHTS: - While we never see any official Knighting ceremonies in the time of the Jedi Order, there are two examples post-Jedi Purge that use similar enough rituals that it’s a reasonably safe bet they were used by the Order as well:       - In Rebels “Shroud of Darkness”, when Kanan and Ezra and Ahsoka enter the Lothal Jedi Temple, he has to face a vision of the Grand Inquisitor revealing that he was once a Temple Guard.  In facing him, Kanan passes the test, which was Yoda directing the vision (via behind the scenes commentary by Henry Gilroy) to give Kanan a trial, which he then uses the vision to gently sweep the lightsaber over Kanan and has the vision say, “By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, Kanan Jarrus, you may rise. [....]  It means you are what I once was. A Knight of the Jedi Order.” [x]       - In Jedi: Fallen Order, Cere Junda (once a Jedi Knight herself) tells Cal to kneel and makes the same gesture, sweeping the lightsaber over him, and says:  "By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, Cal Kestis.  Rise, Jedi Knight." [x] THAT’S IT, THAT’S PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING WE KNOW ABOUT THE JEDI PADAWAN PATH.  There’s really no one set way of doing things--“Every master trains their Padawan in their own way.“ (Jedi: Fallen Order)--but you can see the shape of how things are approached within the Jedi Culture!
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buckevantommy · 4 years
'(Un)Happiest Season' review
Simply put, it wasn't enjoyable as a romance or a comedy or a Christmas flick. It failed on many fronts, but this reviewer from Salon.com puts the thing into words for Happiest Season's main failings: 
What's bad: There were two main criticisms of "Happiest Season." The first being: Can't LGBTQ audiences have a holiday movie where the main plot isn't about mining the anxiety and trauma associated with coming out, being closeted and casual homophobia? Then there's the fact that Harper really is just kind of the worst. After pushing Abby back in the closet, Harper ditches her in a town where she doesn't know anyone to go drink with her ex-boyfriend until two in the morning, then proceeds to call Abby "suffocating" when called on it. It's a pattern of s**ty behavior that is pervasive and present throughout the movie, so her redemption arc doesn't feel super genuine. 
Why can't we have main queer characters in Christmas movies without their presence being all about their queerness? We want fluffy festiveness, dammit! They could've made Harper less selfish and more attentive while still playing into the *I'm not out yet Because Reasons so we need to hide our gay relationship* trope, but they didn't. Who knows why, but what a waste. 🎄👩‍❤️‍👩☃️
^ Look at that trailer and tell me you don't expect Misunderstandings with fun and tropey antics + Domestic Christmas Shenanigans + Comfort for Hurt! You will be sorely disappointed. 😞 
NOTE: The flick does have a few good moments. And it's probably worth the watch just to see what's missing/mishandled when it comes to queer characters and queer romances in mainstream movies. 
But it's not really fun or funny or heart-warming - where are the snowball fights? Insightful conversations? Christmas elements like eggnog/spiced wine, candycanes, mistletoe? Where are the many colourful side characters and the hungover brunches? We get one scene of ice-skating for a few minutes and it's wasted on sibling rivalry bs rather than, say.. Abby and Harper skating together but not being aloud to touch—omg the tension!! 😍 
There's just not enough comfort for the hurt Abby (Kstew) goes through; the film wholly lacks those warm-n-fuzzy Christmas vibes; there's just way more wrong with it than is right with it - which sucks, because this had the potential to be such a great movie if only Harper was written as less ignorant/selfish and we'd gotten more enjoyable family interactions and more festive fun - like a celebration in town. Instead we get a few limited shots of the adorable town, a crappy bar, and an OTT fancy Christmas party for performative rich white folk on a career path for power and "perfection" (ie. wholesome family values). 
The story they went with was definitely better suited for a dramatic film, so in a romcom setting it really didn't work. Plus the side-characters were flat; we needed more depth from the supporting characters, more meaningful interactions. 
^ Look at those intro credits!! Look at all the domestic happy moments and tell me you don't want to see a movie filled with such fluffy festive goodness!! Well, if you don't want to see such moments, don't worry because you won't. I naturally thought we were going to get this kind of romantic-and-non-romantic happiness dispersed throughout the entire film, but no. Not a one. There's 5 minutes of Happy Couple at the start, and that's it 📸☹️ (unless you count a photo collage of the happy ending and year that follows stuffed into the end credits). 
BTW: That intro song is the most Christmasy song in the whole movie. The soundtrack features modern pop songs which 1) don't help set the festive vibe and 2) are really fucking annoying; the song choices are grating, not pleasant, not enjoyable, and they overpower the scenes with a whole lotta noise. I really wish we'd gotten more tunes like the one above. 🎶 
About the image below—Abby is actually miserable the entire time, getting worse by the day, barely a smile seen on her.. while Harper is the one schmoozing her family and contacts with teeth bared, so.. this image isn't what you'll get, just fyi:
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(also: the only POC actors they had were the perfectionist-stone-faced-bitch's husband and his girlfriend - wife + hubby being secretly separated.) 
The things that the Salon reviewer liked are the same things I did (see below), but imho even those elements weren't enough to save this film from being: 
an infuriating 102 minute-comedy of errors buoyed by a healthy dose of gaslighting 
More cons of the flick are pointed out by denofgeek.com: 
Some of its issues come from the structure of the film, which shoehorns very real queer struggles into wacky rom-com tropes too fluffy to contain the stakes at hand. Meanwhile the choice to have one half of the lead couple be so aggressively and repeatedly cruel—while her high school ex Riley, played by the ever-perfect Aubrey Plaza was standing right there having all the chemistry in the world with the other romantic lead—was a fatal one.
It really was a dramatic plot idea crammed into a fluffy narrative. You can see the conflicting genres fighting to stay alive and they both die a slow, agonisingly dull death throughout the film. The whole *Abby being converted to loving Christmas by Harper inviting her to spend the holidays with her family* thing, only to have Harper force their relationship + Abby into the closet. Straight conversion much? I'm 100% sick of heteronormative bs in my queer Christmas films. 
For the most part, when you're not feeling for Abby's harsh treatment by her would-be fiance and everyone but Riley ignoring her completely, you will be bored af from the lack of festive cheer - not just twinkle lights and boisterous seasonal music, but those good ol' homey family Christmas vibes. With the Harper house + family members, everything's a performance, so that lack of sincerity and warmth makes for a depressing viewing experience: 
^ Jane (one of Harper's 2 sisters) is the only character allowed to be consistently genuine in the narrative (aside from John, but he's restricted mostly to phonecalls, and Riley - but even she's keeping Harper's secrets). Jane is the only character who is naturally vibrant and reminds us of some of the reasons we get excited about Christmas movies: to feel joy and to enjoy the company around us during the holiday season! 🎄☃️🥳 But rather than give us a fun day out with Jane + Abby, we get Abby + the second sister (i don't even remember her name, just BitchFace) which leads to more bad treatment of Abby - this time by two spoiled af no-smile rich kids. *le sigh* Jane carries the spark of honest joy for the entire Harper clan and that is TOO MUCH to expect of one character, let alone a side-character. 😪 
There are so many ways the story could've been tweaked to make more sense and be somewhat enjoyable, including: 
The orphan!Abby thing is just bad. Rather than give Abby a voice, chances to let her personality shine, almost everyone interacts with her to merely briefly express their condolences for her long-dead parents 🙄 
Abby is a pet-minder, ie. she's an animal lover, yet at no point do we see her interact with animals! Not a dog or cat or hamster, no reindeer at the petting zoo, nothing. 🐕🐈🦎🦜🐠
Riley + Abby getting together (even just a kiss) 👄 
Abby + Harper separating so Harper can get her shit together - and then we get several flashforward shots of them separately living their lives (Harper especially), and then meeting back up again - maybe the next holiday season, after some much-needed time apart 🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️ 
side characters who engage with Abby in a sincere, meaningful way instead of ignoring her (again, we got Riley, but she was outside of the family dynamic) 😊 
MORE FESTIVE CHEER! where were all the staple Christmassy passtimes, the smile-inducing season-specific experiences??? 🎉 
More from denofgeek: 
Where the script gets into trouble is that it doesn’t distinguish between Harper being closeted and her poor treatment of Abby. The two are separate issues and treating them as one does no favors to Harper, nor others struggling with the closet. As Dan Levy’s beautiful monologue late in the movie alludes to, the closet is a safety mechanism—but it’s not a free pass to treat people like garbage. [...] 😟🏳️‍🌈
Even a brief conversation teasing out that being in the closet doesn’t justify how Harper acted, and that plenty of people in the closet don’t treat others like trash, would have been important. Instead once Harper is out (which the movie takes pains to make clear only happened because Harper’s sister Sloane outed her), and a gesture so small it could never credibly be called grand is made, all bad behavior is washed away. [...] 😤🙅‍♀️ 
The jarring underlying issue is that 'Happiest Season' attempts to apply the standard rom-com and made-for-TV-holiday-movie tropes to queer life. So Abby having to go back into the closet isn’t framed as a painful regression or being forced to deny an essential part of herself, but rather a fun twist, in the vein of “but the guy she insulted on the plane is the owner of the ornament factory she has to impress to win the Christmas contest!”🚪😒 
All of Harper’s behavior adds up to making her feel like something the audience wants Abby to be free of, not someone Abby should be fighting for. Once Riley tells Abby about Harper’s cruelty in high school, where Harper outed Riley and mocked her rather than standing up for her or finding an excuse that protected them both, it becomes incredibly difficult to root for the lead couple to get back together, or for Harper at all. 👏💃 
With this information, Harper’s other transgressions go from frustrating to part of a larger pattern. Sadly, it’s a pattern Harper repeats when her sister outs her and she throws Abby under the (lesbian) bus. 🤬 
all interactions between John (Dan Levy) + Abby (he's witty, honest, and 100% the most entertaining element of the entire film; i wish we'd gotten more of him) 😆 
Riley (Aubrey Plaza, Harper's ex) + Abby's scenes together because CHEMISTRY, both between the characters and the actors 👩‍❤️‍👩
Notable between Abby + Riley scenes include 3 instances of Riley comforting Abby's hurt: outside at the fancy party (Abby feeling excluded/ignored/not worth anyone's time due to the way they treat her even though they don't know she's gay), at a gay bar in town (sandwiched by scenes where Abby's made to feel like crap by Harper), and at the fancy home Christmas party where Riley gets Abby something stronger to drink after hearing Abby was going to propose to Harper (but it's been a helluva shitty week and those plans are dead) 👭 
Every scene with Riley was blessed relief from the hurt and discomfort and boredom of the rest of the time with Harper's family. 🤩 
Sister Jane, for being a genuinely fun character 🤗 who was written starkly different to her family and treated somewhat like an outcast 
Aubrey + Kstew killin it in various pantsuits 👀 
In contrast, Riley connects Abby to queerness, bringing her to an LGBTQ bar to decompress and enjoy a Christmas-themed drag performance. It’s the most relaxed and comfortable Abby is on screen since the opening scenes, a chance to glimpse Abby’s authentic self before Harper summons her back to heterosexuality, and where she once again ignores and disappoints her. Riley actually talks to Abby at the various holiday parties whereas Harper keeps leaving her to please her family, especially her father. It’s not hard for the natural chemistry between Plaza and Stewart to take over
I wouldn't watch this film again. For a hopeful Christmasy love story I'd just watch all Abby + Riley's scenes: 
In closing, here's a batshit article title from observer.com that just makes you go, huh? 🧐:
‘Happiest Season’ Isn’t Happy, But That Doesn’t Make It a Bad Rom-Com
Um.. yes, yes it does. 
Rom-Coms are supposed to be fun, light-hearted stories about love even when the plot deals with lying - The Proposal, Sweet Home Alabama - so a movie that leaves you hurting more than comforted in sympathy with one of the main characters because the (apparent) love of their life is treating them like shit, then it doesn't deserve to be in the genre of Rom-Com. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💞🎬
In summary, Abby and Harper got 5 minutes of happiness in the beginning, and an eventual happy ending after a super rocky middle. The journey was painful and unenjoyable, and it made their happy ending unbelievable and, for Harper, undeserved because of her behaviour through 90% of the story. 
In short: it was not, in fact, the happiest season. 😕👎
17 notes · View notes
paper-chain-queen · 5 years
Once Upon A Dream *2*
Bakugou X Freader
Sleeping Beauty X Dragon Prince Katsuki
Words: 5,000+
Summary: Part 2 of the very unorginal retelling of sleeping beauty with a dash of fantasy BNHA :p enjoy
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The glow of afternoon sun poured over the kingdom, the day had come for the long-awaited Princess to return.
The Good King paced around a grand hall as his friend watched on. The worried father walked to the window and looked on the bonfire, all the spinning wheels in the kingdom where to be burned as a precaution. The King and Queen knew it might be over the top, but they didn't want to risk anything happening to their treasure.
The treasure they had yet to meet after 18 long years.
"No sign of her yet...." The King sighed as he checked out another window as if expecting her to come through the front gate.
"Of course not! It's still hours before sunset." Enji Todoroki scoffed as he looked over all the succulent meats and warm bread, pouring himself some ale.
"Calm down Nahir, you are going to wear yourself out, and the party hasn't even begun." The large red-haired man waved his cup around a bit before downing it and pouring himself another.
"What if something goes wrong? What if Overhaul found her?" Nahir stressed, waving off the cup of ale Enji tried to serve him.
"Overhaul is a pest, just a magician." The King Todoroki boasted.
" You grow too cocky, my friend. We both know of the death Overhaul leaves everywhere he goes, he is a monster."
"Speaking of monsters...Those barbarians to the North. Those Dragon folk... their numbers are growing." Enji started, pouring himself another glass of ale.
"I'm aware..." Nahir commented, he knew what was coming, but there was little point to try and stop the fire-spirited King.
"We should strike them down while we can, our kingdoms are about to be united through marriage, we should strike now. Combine our armies and surprise them." Enji's voice booming throughout the hall as he tried to sell his idea.
"What is this now?" The Queen's entered the room along with the handsome Prince Shouto, wondering what the Kings could be debating.
"Enji wishes to go to war with the Dragon tribe of the Northern Isles." The Good King informed his Queen.
"Whatever for? They have never bothered us." Queen Sabina mentioned as she poured herself a glass of wine, trying to calm her nerves. The clan was certainly different in their ways, and Queen Mitsuki was known to rule with an iron will while her son, the Prince, was known for a temper as fiery as dragon breath. But the small 'kingdom' had never shown any interest in war.
" They are growing in strength, you have a beautiful kingdom here, your majesty, who's to say they don't wish to take it. Dragons are known to treasure beautiful things." Enji pointed out.
"Don't we all treasure beauty?" Challenged the Queen as she joined her husband's side, and he welcomed her with a chaste kiss on the cheek.
"This isn't talk for women's ears." The red King challenged right back, not used to be talking back to.
"You are in my land King Enji. I would be more careful of my words if I were you." The Queen had grown to be a feisty time to time, years of worrying over her daughter and dealing with Enji's growing suspicions of outside people had sharpened her.
Sabina couldn't help but smirk a little, because she had been corresponding with certain a Dragon Queen and was hoping her pen pal would make it in time for the celebration. Perhaps Queen Mitsuki could be a good future ally, despite King Enji's concerns.
"Let's go for a walk in the garden, my friend." Queen Rei stepped forward and took her friend's arm in her and walked off, Prince Shouto followed the women but not before giving a respectful bow to King Nahir and then a small glare to his father.
The King watched his future son-in-law follow after the Queens and hoped Shouto would be a good husband to his daughter. He was far different from Enji, a quieter energy like his Mother.
Would the Princess like him?
"This day is too long..." He sighed as he walked to the window, hoping the sun would set already.
"Here. To our kingdoms." Enji said as he decided to finally let go of the dragon threat for now and bring the stressed King a goblet of wine to cheers with.
"To our kingdoms."
"And to the marriage. We will have it tonight, and they can be off to their honeymoon tomorrow. I've already had a castle made for the newlyweds." Enji boasted  proudly while Nahir’s jaw dropped.
The guards watched as the two kings began to argue back and forth about the wedding and also wished the long day would come to an end.
 The three fairies were in chaos as they tried to put together their surprise for (Y/N). The dress was getting more and more hideous, and Izuku was placing a stick on the tall, drooping cake in the hope of keeping it upright.
"Oh um, Ochako... you look, um?" Izuku struggled to say anything nice about the dress that Momo had created. The pouting blue fairy had been used as a model for the dress, and she felt ridiculous.
Ochako knew that Momo had the best intentions, but this simply would not do.
"It's not exactly the way it looks in the book... is it?" Izuku pointed out, and Ochako huffed and crossed her arms.
"I just made some ……improvements, that's all," Momo said nervously as she walked around the dress, even quickly tried to stitch on another bow.
"Perhaps a few more ruffles?" The ebony-haired fairy asked as she fidgeted with one of the makeshift bows and Izuku watched how Ochako's pink cheeks went red, she did not agree with more ruffles.
"Well... what do think, Ochako?" Izuku asked, hoping she would have some good input.
"No! No more! We need to think of (y/n), and what she would want, this is our last birthday with her, and I want it to be special." Ochako broke free of the pink monstrosity Momo had trapped her in and wagged her finger at her fellow fairies.
" I'm gonna get those wands, and we are gonna do this right." The round-faced brunette marched upstairs while Momo and Izuku looked at each other and then around the room at the mess they had created.
Ochako was right, they needed magic for this.
"Oh, it's been so long! I'm so excited!" Cheered the blue fairy as she came skipping back into the room with three wands in her hands, waving them around with joy.
Momo hurried over and took them from Ochako, hastily looking around to hope no intruders had noticed. They were still in hiding, and the red fairy didn't want to ruin it now when they were so close to the end.
"Quick! Lock the doors and the windows, plug up every nook and cranny, we can't take any chances." Momo explained as the three ran around the cabin and tried to make it secure, locking shut the windows and stuffing napkins into crevices.
"Okay, Izuku, you take care of the cake." Momo handed the boy his wand, who looked relieved to have his magic to help him do the task.
"And I-" Ochako started, hoping to work on the dress, but Momo quickly cut her off as she handed her the wand.
"Clean the room, and I'll make the dress," Momo ordered as she rushed off to look at the dress design again.
Ochako let out a frustrated sigh but got down to work anyway, waving her wand at the broom, bucket and mop to get them to work.
As she watched the inanimate objects come to life, Ochako smiled brightly, happy to feel the magic flow through her as it was meant to.
Momo waved her own wand, and royal pink fabric floated and danced in the air as the red fairy made it form into a long skirt and blouse, metallic gold embroidery on its edges.
" And now to make a lovely dress fit to grace a fair princess." Momo giggled as she happily made the outfit with ease, magically adding intricate bead detailing.
Izuku had made the ingredients come to life and showed them the recipe in the cookbook, telling the bag of flour and various ingredients to do what the books tells them and soon, everything was beginning to come together.
The blue fairy danced around the room with the mop, but then she caught the look of the full pink skirt with matching blouse she made a face of disgust. Ochako full-heartedly believed that (y/n) would look better in Ochako's favourite colour.
"Make it blue." She ordered as she waved her wand at the outfit and the beautiful outfit changed from pink to blue.
"Oh! Ochako! Make it pink." Momo scolded her friend but then returned to her duty.
"Make it blue," Ochako whispered with a childish grin on her face, and the dress once again turned blue.
"Stop it, this is ridiculous. Make it pink." Momo glared at Ochako and hoped she was done being childish.
Ochako was just having too much, and when she noticed the dress's pink reflection in a pan, she made use of her magic again.
But instead of the dress, it hit Momo, making her entire outfit blue.
"Hahaha, Sorry! But it suits you, Momo. Very nice." Ochako giggled as she danced around the room. Momo glared at her and decided to get her back, turning Ochako's dress bright pink and soon, the two girls were at war, waving their wands at each other, making the cabin light up with magic.
Izuku was too busy with his cake making to pay the girls any mind, fully engrossed with placing the candles himself and lighting them.
Flying overhead was Overhaul's faithful pet crow, who saw a glitter of bright pinks and blues bursting in the forest and flew down to get a better look.
The two fairies shot at each other furiously until they both hit the gift that was meant for (y/n), making it look like a toddler had thrown paint on it.
"Oh! Look what you've done." Momo shook her head, and Ochako only giggled and rubbed the back of her head.
"Wait... I think I hear... she's almost home!" Izuku lit the last candle and rushed into a hiding spot.
"Enough of this nonsense! Quick! To your places." Momo ordered as she carried the skirt and blouse set to a chair and then made it fully pink again, magically creating a delicate scarf veil to go with it.
The fairies got into place and waited.
"Oh! The mop!" Izuku fretted to which Ochako let out a guilty giggle before making the mop drop to the floor. She also couldn't help turning the (y/n)'s gift blue, and before Momo could change it, (y/n) came through the door calling out their names.
"Uncle Izuku! Aunt Momo, Aunt Ochako!" The beauty called out as she took off her scarf and placed the water jug on the kitchen counter.
"Where is everybody?" (y/n) asked as she looked around the cabin and then gasped when she saw what was on the table.
"Oh! It's beautiful!" The excited girl went forward to the outfit resting on the chair and felt the fine beading and soft material.
"Surprise!!" They call cried out, making (y/n) jump as she turned around.
"Happy Birthday!!!" Izuku congratulated, and the (y/n) smiled at them and brought them all in for a hug, squeezing them tight.
"This is the happiest day of my life! Thank you, thank you. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world." (y/n) gushed as she held her hands to her heart and spun around on the spot, unable to keep herself still or the smile off her face.
"Everything is so wonderful. Just wait till you meet him!" (y/n) was practically walking on air as she thought of her handsome Katsuki. Longing to look into his red eyes again and be held by his strong warm arms.
"Him!?" Momo gasped
"(y/n)..." Izuku softly said, worried about who (y/n) had run into.
"You've met some stranger?!" Ochako asked, concern filling her large eyes.
"Oh.. he's not a stranger.. we've met before..." (Y/n) dreamily sighed, swaying back and forth with a slight blush on her cheeks.
"You have?" Momo asked, and the smitten birthday girl nodded.
"Where?" Izuku asked.
"Once upon a dream." She said matter of factly and broke out into song and spun around the room in dance, a blissful look on her face and smile that outshone the brightest of jewels.
(y/n) then grabbed Ochako's hands and began dancing around the room, not even noticing that her caretakers all looked as if she had just told them she was dying.
 "She's in love..." Ochako told her friends as she was made to swing around the room as (y/n) sang her heart's song.
"Oh, no.." Izuku gasped, his heart falling into his stomach like a stone.
"This is terrible." Momo fretted as she turned to Izuku, both trying to figure out what to do or what to say.
The words out of Momo's mouth made (y/n) stop in her tracks, and she turned to her black-haired aunt.
 "Why?" Poor (y/n) was so confused, this was supposed to be a good thing, but her caretakers did not look happy.
"I am eighteen, I'm no longer a child." (Y/n) voiced, wondering if they were going to tell her that she was too young to be in love.
"It isn't that, dear." Momo tried to console her and took one of her hands, patting it gently.
"You're already betrothed." Ochako smiled up at her, hoping to make (y/n) feel better, taking her other hand, giving it a small squeeze.
"Betrothed?" (y/n) asked, hoping she had heard wrong.
"Since the day you were born." Ochako continued.
"To Prince Shouto." Izuku piped up.
"A Prince? But that's impossible." (y/n) laughed nervously, thinking they were playing some weird birthday prank, her caretakers had a strange sense of humour.
 "How could I marry a prince? I'd have to be-" (y/n) slipped her hands from her Aunts, not enjoying this conversation at all.
"A princess. Which you are." Izuku revealed, and he could see the shocked look on (y/n)'s face from where he stood. The girl held her hand over her heart and took a few steps back from the three that had raised her.
"You are Princess Aruna. Tonight we are taking you back to your Mother and father, Queen Sabina and King Nahir." Momo tried to calmly explain, but panic flooded through (y/n)'s heart. They were all so caught up in the reveal that no one noticed the black crow peeping in by the door, a sly look in their eyes.
 "But-- but I can't.. he's coming here tonight! I promised to meet him!" (y/n) argued, tears building up in her eyes. Everything she had ever known was a lie, nothing in her life was real, and now they were taking her away from the only thing she was certain of in this moment. Her heart belonged to Katsuki, but she was betrothed to some Prince Shouto who she had never met.
"I'm sorry, dear, but you must never see that young man again," Momo told her, trying to hold back tears of her own. She hated this and wish she had a spell that could help the heartbreak in (y/n)'s eyes.
"Oh no... no..no.. no! I can't believe it! I don't want this! " (y/n) cried, and the three fairies tried to reach out and offer comfort but (y/n) ran past them, tears already streaming down her face as she raced upstairs to her room, her cries filling the small cabin.
 "And we'd thought she'd be so happy... maybe we could tell the King and Queen about-" Ochako tried but was quickly cut off.
"No, that's not how this works... (y/n) has been betrothed... and Shouto will be a good King and husband to Aruna..." Momo tried to convince herself as she wiped away her tears.
"But will (y/n) be happy?" Izuku asked as he looked to where their dear (y/n) had run too. The three remained silent after that, decided to start preparing to leave while they gave the broken-hearted girl some space.
The crow on the sill had seen enough and eagerly flew off to share the news with his Master.
 "What is he doing??" A girl with small golden horns and splashes of pink scales asked her fellow dragon shifter, peeking over his shoulder to see their Prince rummaging through piles of gold in the treasury. If one listened closely, it almost seemed like he was… humming?
"He's in love." Eijirou smiled at his mate, and the girl's jaw dropped in shock.
"Yes. Hello, by the way." He smirked as he leaned and laid a kiss on Mina's lips to which she happily returned, giggling a hello to him as well.
"What's all this?" A clansman came forward to the Dragons as he looked over their shoulders to watch as Katsuki feverishly picked up jewels and then tossed them aside, loudly declaring that nothing was good enough.
"He's in love." Mina giggled, a million questions running through her brain, but she didn't know which one to ask.
"With what? A new sword." Denki scoffed, shaking his head at his friend's poor taste in jokes. Not that he was any better.
"It's true! He's looking for an engagement gift right now." The red dragon shifter felt proud as he watched his rider and friend stress about finding the perfect jewel to present to the mystery girl.
 "Have you met her? Is she real?" Mina asked, excitement bubbling in her voice, she wanted some girlfriends, and maybe Katsuki's girlfriend needed a dragon.
"Well... I didn't meet her, but I've heard her sing! AND she told Katsuki to meet her again tonight." Eijioru's bright smile showed off all his bright, sharp teeth.
 "Who is Katsuki meeting tonight?" A commanding voice asked the young folk who were stationed outside the treasury, and they all jumped out their skins.
"Queen Mitsuki!" Mina bowed, and everyone else joined in, glancing up at their Queen, who was known to have a temper like a volcano now and then.
A tall, elegant woman looked down on them, dressed in her finest blood-red silks and matching cape, adorned in gold and red jewels from head to toe.
"Nevermind all that. What's this about Katsuki meeting someone tonight?" She asked, smirking at her son's friends.
The three friends looked to one another, wondering how many ways their Prince would torture them if they spilled his secret to his Mother.
"He's meeting some mystery girl that he met in the woods tonight, and he's bringing her an engagement gift." The blonde Denki broke, not able to take his Queen's piercing gaze.
 "An engagement gift?" She repeated as a chuckle left her mouth while crossing her arms.
"That wasn't very manly, bro." Eijirou moaned, he had a feeling that Katsuki was gonna kick his ass for letting the truth slide.
 The Queen smiled at her underlings and simply thanked them before marching past them and into the treasury where her son was digging through a large chest, throwing out jewel after jewel.
"And what do you think you are doing?" His Mother's voice didn't even vex him, he just continued his search. And this only made Mitsuki start to lose her patience.
She reached down and dragged her son by the back of his head and made him face her. The Queen was ready to let her son have it, but she stopped before she could even begin to yell at him.
For his eyes, they were different. They were filled with fire, truly seen the sun for the first time. Was her son growing up? Had he really fallen in love?
The Dragon Queen let out a large exasperated sigh.
"All the princesses that we have brought to you and daughters of chiefs, in hopes that you would marry one of them... and now you've fallen in love with some girl in the woods?" Mitsuki shook her head in disbelief.
 "She's not some girl!" Katsuki snarled at her, and that only re-enforced what Mitsuki knew to be true. Her son had found his one.
She released him, and before he could begin yelling again, the Queen removed one of her rings and then placed it in her son's palm.
"This is the finest jewel we have. It will make a fine gift for a future Queen." His Mother gave him a proud smile as she did so, truly happy for her son.
" I only have this to ask. We were invited to King Nahir's ball tonight, that's where we will be tonight. Hopefully, you can bring your new bride?" She teased, she was eager to meet the girl who had put that look in her son's eyes.
"Tch. Like I'd drag her to some boring ball." He scoffed and looked at the ring his Mother had given. A giant red ruby lay in the middle of a gold ring with a gold dragon curling around it, diamonds embedded around the edges. While it was beautiful, the Dragon Prince knew it still didn't come close (y/n)'s beauty. The very thought of her brought a smile to his face, and Mitsuki had to stop herself from laughing.
 Even her tough and wild barbaric son was no match when it came to the powerful magic of love.
"I'm happy for you, my son. I can't wait to meet her." She told him and patted his head like he was a child, her hand staying clear of the crown on his head.
He blushed madly, and before he could be embarrassed any further, he stormed out of the treasure room and grabbed Eijirou by his scaly dragon tail.
 "Let's go shitty lizard." The Dragon Prince ordered, not wanting to stay away from his girl for another moment.
"Right on! " The red dragon cheered and gave his mate a big kiss on her lips before running after Katsuki. Mina wished him safe travels, and in a burst of red flame, his humanoid form was gone, and in its place was a large red dragon.
Katsuki threw and a leather saddle on, latched it into place and climbed on top, feeling giddy already, and his friends wished him luck. He, of course, gave them a cocky smile, telling them to save their luck for some other weak sap.
He ordered Eijirou to fly, and up into the heavens, they rode, back to the forest where he met his future bride. Humming the song they danced to in the woods as he felt the wind whip around him.
 The Princess was dressed in the fine blue silks, the long heavy skirt dusted the ground, and the royal blue veil was placed over her head and face. Momo shut the door behind everyone while Izuku held out his arm for (y/n) to take.
She tried to smile at him, but it failed, and she simply held onto the kind green fairy as he led her on the path. Momo leading the way and Ochako following behind.
The fairies' peasant disguises were gone, and their true selves came through (y/n) was still in so much shock over her being a princess that she barely even noticed their pretty fairy wings or the fact that they now appeared to be teenagers rather than adults.
 No, she was still thinking about the handsome face she would never see again, the arms she would never be held in ever again.
 When the cabin was almost out of sight, (y/n) looked back, the sun was just setting, and the cabin was bathed in the red glow of sunset. It didn't compare to the beauty of Katuski's eyes.
(y/n)'s last hope was that her love would show up and maybe take her away from this hurtful truth. The fairies watched as the Princess stared at the cabin. Assuming she was only taking a moment to say goodbye to the place that had been her home for the last 18 years.
Finally, the three fairies urged her that it was time to go and (y/n) did say her goodbyes as she lowered the veil over her head. Her goodbye to true love and wished that perhaps they could meet again, even if only in their dreams.
 The four walked on, through the woods and soon coming across the large stone walls surrounding the kingdom while (y/n) kept her head towards the ground, tears silently falling down her cheeks. The fairies led the returning Princess through a hidden back gate and into a marble courtyard, past beautiful gardens and tall pillars, up winding staircases until they came to large ornate gold doors.
 Ochako pushed the doors open, and Izuku led the girl into the room, sitting her down at a chair in front of the vanity, removing her veil for her as she seemed to be still as a statue.
 The fairies came together to prepare one last gift, and with a wave of their wands, they created a glittering crown.
 " This one last gift, dear child to thee. A symbol of thy royalty, a crown to wear to wear in grace and beauty, as is thy right and royal duty." Momo placed the crown gently overtop the Princess's head.
 (Y/n) stared into the vanity mirror and did not recognize herself. Not only was she dressed in fine silks and jewels, but her eyes were red from crying. Her eyes began to burn again as a new wave of tears came, and she leaned forward onto the vanity table, burrowing her head into arms and sobbing her heart out once more.
 "Now dear-" Ochako tried to step forward to comfort the Princess, but Momo held her back. The red fairy ushered the other two out into the hall, wanting the overwhelmed girl to have few moments alone.
 As Momo closed the door behind her, Ochako once again mentioned the boy (y/n) had met in the woods.
 "If only there was something we do.." Izuku started to mutter and mutter, and the other fairies just shook their heads, hoping (y/n)'s heart would heal soon.
 (Y/n) cries turned to sniffles and then she started to hear a strange, echoing sound. Like someone calling out a name…
 She looked up, and the fire that she was sure had been going in the large fireplace had gone out. There, in the middle of the room, was a glowing green ball, and it felt like she was in a trance, no control over what she was doing as she followed the light.
 " I don't see why she has to marry any old prince." Ochako huffed, fluttering about in the large ornate hallway.
 "But that's not for us to decide…" Izuku mumbled.
 Momo thought she heard something odd and approached the Princess's door.
 "What if… we tell the King and Queen about the boy? They would understand, surely." Izuku offered, hoping that they could change the way things were.
 "Yeah, Izuku's right! Why don't we-" Ochako's bright smile was cut off.
 “Shh. Listen!" Momo hushed them.
 They all listened and heard an eerie echoing call, and they all realized who it was.
 "Overhaul!" They exclaimed, rushing into (y/n)'s room.
 "(y/n)!!!" They called out to her as she stepped through a green doorway, but she did not turn, and as they ran after her, the doorway disappeared.
 "Why did we leave her alone!" Ochako cursed.
 Out of their sight, the Princess climbed up a spiralling staircase, following the green flame. Still under its trance.
 The fairies tried to get through the barrier, combining their magic to make the stone wall disappear and into an unknown chamber they ran. Calling out their dear friend's name.
 Looking in every corner until they all began to quickly ascend the stairs, hoping they were not too late.
 Up the stairs (y/n) went, following the flame into a room. The green flame morphed into a mysterious object she had never seen. A glowing tip at one end and (y/n) lifted her hand, reaching out.
 She was bout to touch it but heard a voice, echoing around her, begging her to touch it, and she pulled her away.
 Until a darker, stronger voice echoed in her head, telling her to touch the spindle, and she felt powerless like her body was not her own.
 "Touch it, I say!" The voice ordered as her finger hovered over the spindle. She felt a sharp sting, and then everything around her turned dark, the last thing she saw was cruel gold hateful eyes attached to the beak of a bird.
 Queen Sabina was sitting in her private garden with Queen Rei and her son, she brought her chalice to her lips until a horrible feeling ripped through her and she dropped the glass, the wine staining the stone it fell onto.
 " Your majesty, is everything alright?" Shouto asked as he came forward, but Sabina ignored him as she rose up and ran through the castle, a terrible feeling in her chest. It was sunset, and something had gone terribly wrong.
 She heard drums and trumpets going off and a loud voice booming out that the sun had set, preparing the people to welcome their Princess after 18 long years. Cheers and fireworks were going off.
 Her feet carried her through hallways, and she burst into the room that would be daughters. A veiled scarf that she did not recognize laid on the bed and where there should have been a fireplace was a door.
 "Sabina?! " Rei asked, following her into the room, Prince Shouto close behind his Mother.
The panicked Queen ignored her friends and ran through the hidden door and up the spiral staircase, hoping her worst nightmare had not come true.
 In the tallest room, in the tallest tower, laid her a beautiful young woman, sleeping on a bed surrounded by the three good fairies.
 Momo was tucking the girl into the covers, wiping away tears as the two stood near the head off the bed, tears also flowing down their pale cheeks.
 "No.," Sabina whispered out as she approached the bed, laying her hands on the beauty's face. Her daughter's face.
 "Your majesty… I am so sorry." Izuku apologized.
 The Queen ran a gentle hand through her daughter's full dark locks and held her hands. Ice cold.
 Outside the windows of the room, flashes of fireworks and celebratory cheers echoed through the kingdom.
 "Oh, my goodness."
Queen Rei put her hand over her heart as she entered the room, her son helping her inside.
 "She only sleeps, my queen." Ochako tried to comfort.
 "True loves kiss…" Sabina muttered and then she looked to the young Prince.
 "Shouto, please! Bring my daughter back to me." The normally strong Queen was on her knees, begging to the boy, praying to the heavens that this would work.
 " I.. I'll do it." Shouto approached the bed and looked down upon the sleeping beauty. Her skin was a beautiful deep tone, and her lips were full and put the red rose in her hands to shame. She was indeed the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Prince Shouto leaned down hesitantly, hoping he could help break the curse and softly pressed his lips onto hers.
He felt the room go take a sharp breath and then silence. He didn't feel anything, no movement, no warmth. He leaned back, and the Princess laid in sleep still.
 "I… I give my deepest Apologies, Queen Sabina." Shouto honestly told the Queen. The powerful woman just looked devasted as she walked across the room and out onto the porch, her eyes glazing over with loss that could not be explained with mere words. Overlooking the kingdom that celebrated her daughter's grand return.
 "Poor King Nahir…. Everyone will be so heartbroken when they find out." Ochako sighed.
 "Your majesty… what would you have us do?" Momo asked as she approached the mourning Mother.
 "No one's going to find out…Put us all to sleep." The order left her lips.
 "But your majesty-"
 "Until my daughter awakens. You will go and find her true love. We will not let Overhaul win, I will not subject my kingdom to more heartbreak at his whim." The Queen reasoned with the fairies, and she returned to the room and took a seat at the chairs.
 "What about you, your majesty," Izuku asked.
 "I will wait, I will stand guard." The grieving Mother felt for the sharp knife she kept on her at all times.
 "We will be with you, my friend." Queen Rei put her hand on the ailed Queen's shoulder, and Shouto gave a nod, grasping the handle of his sword in case he needed it.
 The three fairies nodded and gave them a bow before shrinking down to the size of small birds and flying off and dowsing the entire kingdom into a powerful deep sleep.
Sleeping Beauty
Beauty Rare
Lips that shame the red, red rose
Dreaming of true love in slumber repose
One day, He will come
Riding out of the dawn
And you'll awaken to love's first kiss
Till then, sleeping beauty
Sleep on
One day you'll awaken
To love's first kiss
Till then, sleeping beauty
Sleep on
 The three fairies finished their job and came together on the stone wall to figure out what to do.
"Momo! Don't you realize!" Ochako started shaking Momo's body.
"What, dear?" The red fairy asked, slipping out of her friend's grip.
"The boy! The one she met in the woods! Didn't she tell us that he was coming by tonight?!!" Ochako told the other two, and it was like a match had been lit.
"Oh, my goodness! Hurry back to the cottage!" It didn't matter who this boy was, if (y/n) loved him, then that was all that mattered.
 Hope was not lost
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verfugen · 4 years
Six Great Houses pt. 3 [final]
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Ortas Combine, ruled by: House Fuji
“Powerlessness is a sin, remember it well.” - Motto of House Fuji - 
     Unlike how most Houses which had formed kingdoms by conquering the lands, Ortas Combine is actually one of the largest pre-existing kingdom which had existed over in Valga’s North Eastern hemisphere for over hundreds of years, which predates most of other Kingdoms’ existence. Currently, they pride themselves as the oldest kingdom of all the six. 
     Carrying the symbol of the sun, Ortas Combine was well-known for its artistic creations and its rich culturally diverse people united under a single banner. For that, they were known to welcome all those who wishes to be part of its grand Empire. With its rays symbolizing the 12 states and 12 noble houses that rule over them as providential lords ruling over them, with the Emperor in the middle, it stood was one of the strongest Kingdoms. Among those said noble houses was House Fuji of the Algridans. 
     At the time, the dynasty which had ruled over these lands was one of the greater Houses: Liao, now known to be annulled completely from the Ortas’ extensively long records, along with the rest of its past rulers. This was due to the House Fuji’s planned coup d'etat which they’d been letting it simmer since the day they became one of the great noble houses of the kingdom, and the uprising of the Six Great Houses only gave them the perfect raison d'etre. With it, they vindicated their cause. This in turn garnered the support of the entire eleven noble houses which had pledged their loyalty to the House Fuji. 
     However, they had a steep battle ahead. The Capitol of the Ortas Combine had the single largest military force, yet loyal to their child Emperor guarding it and its overall geographical location would have turned the entire siege into a meatgrinder. However, the House Fuji had decades to prepare for this, and their head, Kazuhito Fuji easily seized the throne of the child Emperor in a siege that lasted a single week. This was all thanks to the support of the House Hawkburn which had backed their military campaign. 
     With his rule established, the House Fuji burnt all records of the previous rulers and proclaimed themselves as ‘The new dynasty that shall cleanse the world’. After establishing their dictatorship, Ortas Combine began the single largest, if not the bloodiest of all military campaigns that the world had ever seen. Though most Houses were merciful to those that surrendered, and often provided refugees with a relief to integrate them, House Fuji was determined to establish themselves as the absolute powerhouse of the North East hemisphere. They were willing go as far as performing a cultural cleansing and ge.nocide all to make sure that their history would be written in THEIR favor. 
     Once the five years of constant military campaign came to an end and the Six Houses met once more, it was the Emperor of the Ortas Kingdom that had volunteered himself as the Emperor of the new lands they had conquered. Naturally, the Five Great Houses voted against them after seeing what the head of the House Fuji had done, as with his former ally of Hawkburn turned their backs against them. Kazuhito called Solace a traitor, Solace called Kazuhito conceited, and Kazuhito called him a hypocrite. This single argument turned Polaris Concord and Ortas Combine into bitter enemies. 
     To this day, it is not strange to see them fighting on occasional border skirmishes with one gaining grounds over the other, even proxy wars by using ‘terrorists’ and mercenaries against another. 
Royal Confederations of Aerzira, ruled by: House Ceru
“Aerzira is place of opportunity, but also a place where one can lose many things: Morality, common good practices, and even compassion. If you want to live here, you best leave those things behind. Otherwise, you will find yourself working in most undesirable of places, or worse. My advice? Take it, or leave it.” - Resident of Royal Confederation of Aerzira - 
     Like many of the Kingdoms formed by the Six Great Houses, the Royal Confederation of Aerzira were originally made up of individual kingdoms -- but rather than the noble houses, much of the kingdoms in that region’s powers were largely given to the middle class: The merchants. Therefore, there was hardly need for wars save for the occasional defense against overly ambitious kingdoms and some war-like nomadic Amorian tribe raids. However, due to its immensely hot climate, any ill-prepared armies even attempting to invade Aerzira was met with its natural wall of sandstorms, giant carnivorous sand worms, and excruciating hot weather before even coming anywhere near its green borders. 
     Without a proper guide like a Merchant to guide anyone, to even travel out in the open was a suicide. The guides made excellent money from the would-be merchants, the travelers, the foolishly ambitious, and even from kingdoms alike. Instead of weapons, and force of arms, the kingdoms of Aerzira talked by ‘cracking one’s own pursue’, a well-celebrated term that meant making bind contracts, making deals, and trades. It certainly helped when Aerzira was rich with the ruins of the Wardens’ lost cities and technologies, making it a hub for any archeologists and researchers alike. House Ceru of the Cyurens were one of such people. These archeologists and researchers that struck a gold mine so potent that it made them tremendously powerful and rich almost overnight. 
     They had their hands in one of the ‘Keys’ that the Wardens had failed to destroy. 
     The news of this quickly spread throughout the region and entire kingdoms scrambled over on top of each other to try and make deal with the House Ceru to possess such powerful arcane artifact. The head of the house, Meru Ceru, the current possessor (even to this day) of the Key ‘Barbatos’ instead of giving into the deals divided his power and wisdom to two other members of his House, and with their supreme new-found knowledge of the Wardens driven by their greed, they quickly became power players of the merchants. And in a span that lasted over hundreds of years, they controlled the entire Aerzira region both politically and economically, while giving the illusion of them being separated states and kingdoms. In reality, the kingdoms were entirely under the thumbs of House Ceru’s mercy. 
     And when Six Houses came together, they offered their support of the other five by giving economic aids and benefits, fueling their unstoppable war machine campaign with trades and deals that the other factions could not turn down. Unlike the other houses, they had no intention of expanding outwards, they were content with little kingdom of desert they had, and quickly became economic leaders of Valga. Their economic prowess was only seconded by the Federation of Nolgrun. 
     Today, the Kingdoms, instead of ‘kings’ have presidents and prime ministers, all set by the House Ceru and they are the top current leaders of medical field and lucrative entertainment industries. Out of all the Kingdoms, they are one of the least aggressive and have very little means of waging war. Why would they need to? The entire desert does it for them. 
United Clans of Votrary, ruled by: House Dhargor
“Let them hate us, as long as they fear.” - Motto of House Dhargor - 
     House Dhargor was strangest of the Six Houses. From start to finish, they have always been Amorians and has never been accepting of any other races into their House as one of their kin. They are proud warriors that have originated from clans and war-like roots, with strong honor-bound system and warrior-centric society that often gives them a view of ‘uncultured savages’ by most of other kingdoms. As such, their factions are looked down upon by just about everyone when engaging them in any sort of diplomatic talks, because due to the smallest of provocations would incite either skirmish, honor duels, or even ‘blood games’ to settle whatever matters. 
     Due to their nature, House Dhargor started with very little support of the other Great Houses and have focused on winning against small clans, local kingdoms and claiming wild lands as their own. Though their lands are not as big as other five, this formed a very closely-knit society of Amorians with like-minded individuals that viewed honor as their livelihood. And as civilization advanced, so did they and have kept to their old roots even with cities and skyscrapers towering over their skies. In addition, their constant warfare has led them becoming extremely potent fighters on urban grounds and jungles alike, making them extremely sought after as potential military recruits by other kingdom.  
     The United Clans of Volrary is also divided by caste, the highest of them being the ‘Great Khan’, the King of their great United Clan, the ‘Khan’, the leaders of the individual clans, the warriors, merchants, workers, farmers and slaves/servants. The lowest of the low are the ‘outcasts’. The warriors that murdered their own kin, or have turned against their own kingdom made them ideal mercenaries that any kingdom could ever hope to recruit for fulfill whatever mission parameters they had in mind. In addition, the fact that they were outside factor made them plausibly deniable factor within the Agreement of the Six.  
     However, with the world being continued to being polluted from magic, the United Clans of Votrary have began to take a firm stance on preserving nature and wild life as it is the world they all share. This began the greatest philosophical divide among them, with majority of them going on offensive against other kingdoms, or systematically isolate themselves like their ancestors from the eld on how they ought to deal with other five kingdoms. Due to the fact that the United Clans live near the borders of Polaris Concord, and Ortas Combine’s conflicts, and Holy Alliance of Udrasal’s unwanted religious push into their region, Volrary have been becoming increasingly more aggressive. 
     Over the years, the Clans have been becoming increasingly xenophobic as well. Anyone who is not an Amorian are considered enemies of their society, have been driven off their own lands, made slaves, or worse. With it, they have been becoming more increasingly militaristic to both expand and defend their borders. 
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ruddcatha · 4 years
GUARDIAN Chapter 6
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Thank you again to @heavenin--hell for your inspiration, I hope this story does your work justice.
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Inuyasha eyed the strange seats that Kagome, Sango, Miroku and Totosai sat on.  His golden eyes darted around the room, seeking anything that he could say was “familiar” in the strange room.  He could smell the anxiety and undertones of residual fear, and it did nothing to calm his nerves.
“Inuyasha” Totosai called out to catch Inuyasha’s attention.  “I have to contact the council to inform them that you have awoken.”
“Keh” Inuyasha scoffed, continuing to look around the room.
Totosai tried again, he would need to bring the council more information for them to prepare for what was to come.
“Inuyasha, the council has only limited information about the events of the past…”
“For good reason” Inuyasha interjected.
“Kagome, are you able to follow what they are saying?” Sango said quietly to her friend, she was not able to understand any of the conversation around them.  MIroku took the opportunity to move his chair closer to the women, ignoring Sango’s look of annoyance, and began to translate.
“The time for secrecy is over Inuyasha, we need to know what occurred to discuss with the council. Lord Koga…”
“The wolf is still around? Good to know. But I need to know, who or what is this ‘council’?”
Totosai tilted his head “That is fair” he acknowledged.  
“Following your sealing, humans and yokai began to live among each other.  Initially, there were the expected conflicts.  Early on, a council was formed consisting of the heads of the yokai clans, the Ookami, the Kitsune, the Bats, the Oni, the bears, to act as a governing body for yokai.  They created a set of laws that govern yokai.”  
Kagome watched Inuyasha as Totosai spoke, fascinated by his ears.
“In time, as our races integrated as second council formed, a human-yokai alliance council.  The members were hand selected by the yokai council, humans must have spiritual abilities, such as myself and Miroku here, while the yokai must be trusted and loyal to the yokai council.  Information and membership are closely guarded secrets, all members are marked by a tattoo infused with spiritual energy that would only react when in the presence of the guardians.”
Totosai rolled up the left sleeve of his shirt, showing the glowing silver tattoo of a dog demon surrounded by a circle.  Inuyasha glanced over at his arm, nodding slightly in recognition.
“Feh, fine.  I guess father’s precautions worked.  How much do you know about the conflict with Ryukotsusei, what he was planning?”
“Very little, other than the information shared by some of the members of the yokai council. No one knew the location of your resting place, or when you would awaken.  When the shrine was uncovered, I was called in due to my reputation in the field, but also because of the influence of the yokai council, who wield a large amount of influence in this area, just in case. A member of the Human/Yokai alliance has been sent on every excavation of a shrine or temple for the past 100 years.”
Totosai took a deep breath before moving to stand in front of Inuyasha.  “Now we need to know why.”
Inuyasha released a grunt, lifting his head to stare at the strange roof above him.  It was time to begin.
There was a simple beauty to mornings in the forest, the last vestiges of fog fading in tendrils off the lake, dew glistening as the early sun cast its warmth over the land. A doe made her way out of the safety of the trees, drawn towards the lake.  In a flash of silver and red, her journey was ended, the hanyou completing his hunt.  He closed his eyes, silently thanking the deer for the lifegiving sustenance she would provide.  He knew that most yokai would not offer the same respect, however he had learned early on to respect the cycle that provided life.  Inuyasha lifted the doe over his shoulder, padding through the forest with silent steps despite the extra weight he carried.  He paused briefly to collect the buck and the boar that he had also caught during his hunting trip, then continued to make his way home.
As Inuyasha entered his village he was surrounded by children, their voices all jumbling together in their eagerness to greet him and ask questions.  Even with his enhanced hearing he could not make out any specific question, he chuckled at their enthusiasm and eagerness.  He released a low growl, knowing his role in the daily game they played.  In response the children all gasped in mock terror at the Yokai who had broken into THEIR village.  The children began running around him in a circle, moving with him as he made his way to the center and the outdoor cooking area that had been constructed.  
He noted his father, the Inu No Taisho, nicknamed Toga by the children (who could not pronounce Taisho and decided his name was too long thank you very much) deep in conversation with the headman and the village elders.  His snorted when he saw his brother, Sesshomaru surrounded by the unmarried ladies of the village (and if his eyes were not deceiving him, which he knew they did not, quite a few of the married ladies as well).  If you did not know Sesshomaru, he would appear to be unaffected by the attention, his pale golden eyes seemed blank and his pale face gave away no emotion.  Inuyasha, however, could see signs of annoyance, the slight tick of his brother’s right eyebrow, subtle, oh so subtle, giving away his irritation.  
“Ah, Inuyasha” Sesshomaru coolly stated, gliding through the crowd that surrounded him towards his brother, then grabbing the boar from Inuyasha.  
Inuyasha quirked an eyebrow, laughter in his voice as he said “you know full well I can carry this with no problem Sessh…. Trying to avoid someone perhaps?”  
Sesshomaru glared at Inuyasha out of the corner of his eyes and tightened his jaw.  “You know I don’t share the same fascination with humans that you and father do… they just… refuse… to leave me alone” he growled, giving a slight shudder.  Both brothers caught the sighs of the women in the village, and a few of the men, as they continued to the center, Inuyasha letting out a soft chuckle of amusement while Sesshomaru tightened his jaw, emitting a soft growl that only his brother could hear.  
The brothers made a striking image as they walked together, their long silver hair glistening in the sunlight, their golden eyes appearing to glow. The villagers knew that the brother’s similarity ended with their coloring.  Sesshomaru, the ice king as he was (lovingly) called in the villagers’ whispers, refused to truly be part of the village.  The villagers had never seen him wear any color other than white, unless he was donning his armor, and he somehow managed to always keep it pristine. The women were drawn to his cold demeanor, seeking to be the one to thaw his heart, yet one glance of his golden eyes, frozen in their intensity, made them shiver, both in fear and with thoughts of what it would be like to have his attention focused on them.  Yet Sesshomaru never showed the slightest interest in them.  Those who had spoken with him knew that he found humans to be a bother, when he deigned to speak with the villagers or the elders, they were always left with the feeling that he was somehow judging them, and found them wanting.
Inuyasha had the warmth his brother lacked, like two sides of the same coin.  He and his father were always part of the village, helping them thrive, thus the hunting expedition that morning to help stock the villages stores and to prepare dried meats for the upcoming winter.  The children of the village loved to play with ‘Uncle Inu,’ his puppy ears drawing their attention and fascination.  Inuyasha had no qualms helping around the village, he and his father had helped to build most of the buildings and always attended every festival, gathering, and event.  Their presence served two purposes, one, to be part of the celebration, but two, and the most important, to protect the villagers from the yokai that sought to prey on them.  
The village was under the Taisho protection.  Any yokai that sought to prey on their village were soon reminded why Inu No Taisho was the Great Dog General, the strongest yokai alive, with his two sons close behind him in strength.    
The protection, however, was a double-edged sword.  Toga had lived near the village for over 1000 years, helping it grow to the thriving community it had become.  He had left the village unattended only once, when he entered a mating alliance with Inukimmi, a powerful Inu-Poison Yokai from another clan.  When Toga had returned with an infant Sesshomaru in his arms 300 years prior he found that the village had been nearly decimated as lesser yokai sought to destroy his home. He helped the village rebuild and placed it officially under his protection.  Toga had not left the area village for more than a day since, and when he did have to leave, Sesshomaru was there to act in his place. For two hundred years Toga and Sesshomaru worked as a team, making their home in the forest outside the village.  They did not join the village, building their grand home inside the walls, until Toga met her.
Izayoi.  Her family had once been powerful, her father a merchant in one of the main training ports, until he refused the Lord his daughter’s hand in marriage.  The lord, in his anger, destroyed their business and cast them out of the port.  Izayoi and her family were forced into the life of traveling merchants, making their way through Japan, trading their limited merchandise for lodging and food. Their journey brought them to the Inu forest village.  The moment Toga and Izayoi’s eyes met her parents began to negotiate with the headmaster to become members of the village.  They had heard of the Inu no Taisho, and it was obvious to them that their daughter would not be leaving the village, and equally obvious that if she tried the yokai would not let her.
Toga immediately sought to construct a home worthy of his family, to show Izayoi that he was able to provide for her.  That caused many fights between the father and son, Sesshomaru could not believe that his father was so taken with a female, “just bed her and be done with it” he had sneered one day.  
He almost did not survive his father’s attack in response.  Sesshomaru stared at his father though the haze of blood covering his eyes “why?  That is all I want to know, why?”  
Toga stared at his son, and in a cold voice calmly told him “one day you will understand.  One day you will have SOMEONE to protect.”  At that Sesshomaru was puzzled, “we have a whole village to protect.”  Toga softly shook his head and whispered “it’s not the same.  Until you experience it for yourself, you won’t understand.”  
Three years later, Inuyasha was born.  Sesshomaru watched coldly as his once stoic father was reduced to…*shudder* baby talk and cooing at the infant.  The child had dog ears, marking him as different, yet for some reason, his father did not see that.  He watched the child grow and his father continuing to change as they fully immersed their lives in the village.  His father and his woman (he refused to call Izayoi mother… causing more fights with his father) were honored guests at each event, his half-brother growing up as one of the children, playing among them. Inuyasha seemed to ignore the proud yokai lineage, content to act as a human.  That was acceptable in a hanyou, but Sesshomaru could not reconcile his once proud, silent, and strong father with the yokai before him, laughing, dancing, helping the humans.  Fighting other yokai to defend them, none the less.  But his father was his alpha, and as the beta it was his duty to follow the alpha’s orders, until he was no longer qualified to be the alpha.  In the blink of an eye, at least to Sesshomaru, Izayoi passed, Inuyasha was only 50, a child in yokai years.  
It had been almost 50 years since his mother passed, and Inuyasha was starting to see life come back into his father’s eyes.  In the past ten years, the attacks on the village had been increasing, and reports of attacks on other yokai lords had been reaching the Inu forest village.  
One of his father’s old friends, Ryukotsusei , a dragon yokai, was rumored to have been gathering yokai to his side and his belief that humans were no more than fodder, food to be raised and harvested, and yokai that did not agree with that vision were to be treated similarly.  The puzzle and the conflict seemed to invigorate his father, Toga once more donning the mantle and armor of the Inu no Taisho.  As Inuyasha and Sesshomaru deposited the two deer and the boar with the village cook and dryers to prepare the meat, they both caught snippets of the conversation their father was engaged in “… attack, the Ookami…. Tribe almost….”  The smile on Inuyasha’s lips fell as the brothers turned to their father, 50 years of training together had them moving as one.  
Toga stepped away from the conversation with the village elders, turning to his sons.  Sesshomaru froze when he caught his father’s full outfit, and Inuyasha burst out laughing as Toga, the Great Dog General, strode towards them in a white kosode and hakima, a red sash, and a long flowing cape. Toga stopped in front of his sons and cocked an eyebrow, a smirk touching his lips as he stared at his sons. He had taken to tying his long silver hair back with a strip of cloth, leaving the two purple lightening marks on his cheeks uncovered, giving him the appearance of an overgrown teenager, and not the imposing general Sesshomaru knew him to be. ��
“Really dad, a cape?” Inuyasha choked out through his laughter.  
Toga’s smirk got wider “jealous pup?”
Inuyasha snorted “Hell no” as Sesshomaru lifted his left hand to his forehead… wondering yet again how he could be related to the two idiots.   “Clothing choices aside, dear father” Sesshomaru stated coolly, lowering his hand “what has happened?”
Toga’s face hardened, losing the smirk, his dark amber eyes sharpening as he remembered the conversation with the elders and headman.  
“There has been another attack, Ryukotsusei has attacked the Ookami tribe of the North.”  Inuyasha and Sesshomaru both growled at the news “the tribe was almost completely wiped out, only a handful survived.”  
“Koga?” Sesshomaru asked, remembering the prince of the tribe that he had met before.  
“Prince Koga was one of those who survived, he had been out on a hunting party at the time of the attack. He was able to help the remainder of his pack get to safety and headed further north to regroup with another tribe.” Inuyasha tightened his fist “how many more attacks must there be until someone stops him?”  Toga looked at his two sons, his eyes going sad That’s what we were just discussing.”
Toga refused to tell his sons anymore out in the open, motioning for them to follow him back to their home.  Once inside, with all the doors closed and windows sealed, Toga turned and faced them, gesturing for them both to sit.  He sighed deeply, trying to figure out how to explain what he had just been told with the least amount of outrage from his children.  “Kaede has had a vision.”  
At those words Inuyasha’s ears came to attention while Sesshomaru scoffed.  Both knew the name, Kaede was a well-respected healer and seer, any who disregarded her visions did so at their own peril, at least that is what Inuyasha believed.  Sesshomaru could not understand why his father was listening to any human, no matter how well respected she was.  
“What did this mortal see father?” Sesshomaru asked carefully, ignoring Inuyasha’s angry look at his tone of disrespect.  
Toga closed his eyes as if in pain and turned away from his sons.  “There is a battle coming.”  At these words, the face of both brothers took on a cruel smile, prepared to finally, FINALLY, be joining the fight “but not now.  It cannot happen now.”  
The smiles died, the siblings looking at each other in trepidation of what was about to follow.
“What do you mean dad?” Inuyasha asked, puzzled.  
“If we attack Ryukotsusei now, even with our allies at our side… we will lose.  Ryukotsusei will enslave all yokai who fought against him, and humans will be cultivated and harvested for food, eventually being eradicated completely.”  Toga turned back to his sons, his voice sounding as if the weight of all his centuries of life were weighing on him “We are the keys to end this”
“Then let us go end this now!” Inuyasha yelled as he jumped to his feet, interrupting his father. Sesshomaru reached up placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder, shocking Inuyasha as he was pushed back to his seat and held there by Sesshomaru’s grip.  
“Let him finish pup.” Sesshomaru calmly said, holding his struggling brother in place with an iron grip. Toga moved to sit before his two sons, taking in their appearances, knowing neither will like the rest of what he had to say.
“As I said, we are the key, but not now.  There are…. Pieces missing that will be needed to end this battle.”
“So, we wait it out” Inuyasha snarled, annoyed at being told that once again, they would be doing nothing.
“It isn’t that simple” his father whispered “if we wait, we will not survive long enough to end this. We will be hunted, and we will eventually be killed.  We are strong, but we cannot survive against Ryukotsusei’s army on our own.”  
Sesshomaru’s mouth tightened into a thin line before he spoke “and what, exactly, did this human priestess say that we, the strongest yokai known, need to do?” venom dripping from his voice in disdain.
“Seal ourselves.”
As expected, both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru jumped up, Inuyasha’s voice echoing loudly off the walls, Sesshomaru’s dangerously soft.
“What the actual fuck, why the hell do you think we would ever agree to just do fucking nothing, and be sealed so we can’t do a goddamn thing?”
“Explain to me father why we are listening to a human who wants nothing more than to be rid of our kind?
“Enough.”  The soft voice of their father stopped both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.  
“There has been a council meeting of the remaining lords who oppose Ryukotsusei.  This has been an ongoing discussion and plan, only now we have the specifics of what needs to be done.”  
Toga raised his head to look directly at the two pups… no men before him.  “The blood of the remaining yokai lords, including me, will be used to bind Ryukotsusei, and we will take a blood pact, all involved, or their heirs, will stand beside us at the appointed time.  We will be sealed in a shrine until we are needed.  At the moment of sealing, Ryukotsusei’s spirit will be split into three, each portion sealed in a different vessel as a safeguard to prevent his release until we are awoken and to give us time to prepare our allies for the fight to come.  Those alive in our village will know where we are sealed, but this information will not be passed on to any others, not even their descendants.   All references to us and what has been done will be erased, we will become figures of myth until we are needed.”  
Toga paused, looking towards the sealed door.  
“This is the only way.”
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stxrbound-surviivxr · 4 years
Spirituality, History & Culture
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(Pictured above (left to right): Tysal, Lykyll and Sephyr)
The Uldarik’an worship four main gods: Sephyr, Lykyll, Tysal and Kylphar.
Sephyr is the goddess of Life, Air, and Joy. She resembles their springtime season in which her power brings life back to the planet. She is also known as “Kylphar’s Bane” and many Uldarik’an like to plan to have cubs during her season as it’s viewed as good luck and that the children will live healthy lives. Offerings are given to her various shrines in hopes of plentiful crops and good weather.
Lykyll is the god of Light, Fire, and Bravery. He represents the summer season and many Uldarik’an will host bonfires with lots of food, music and dancing. On the night of his holiday, the day will end with thin lanterns being crafted and sent into the air followed by more dancing well into the night. Anyone born under his season make the hardiest warriors and have the bravest hearts. Some even say that cubs born during the season know no fear in any forms.
Tysal is the god of Growth, Rain and Change. His season represents fall, as the days start to grow shorter and the air colder. He gets a holiday in the form of remembrance and offerings are sent in small boat-like objects onto the largest body of water. Some travel days to celebrate the holiday with friends in neighboring clans. This is their sort of ‘new year’ celebration, in which many will make promises of change, much like new years resolutions. Those who are born in Tysal’s season are known to be calm and perceptive individuals, but tend to be quiet and shy as well. They bend easily to change in their lives and are careful planners who always seem to be prepared for any situation.
Kylphar (not pictured) is the fallen-god of Death, Pain and Betrayal. His season represents winter, where the cold settles in and chases away the crops until spring. There are few surviving Uldarik’an that still worship him as a god, but those who still celebrate his holiday have taken to a sort of “day of the dead” holiday, where offerings are sent among their family’s graves to remember them fondly. As such, Kylphar has become a sort of “grim reaper”-esqe figure and is charged with helping souls cross to the other side to repent for his sins.
It is said that the Great Four once lived as mortals of the “first generation”. They were each rulers of the four clans and lived in peace for a long time. However, Kylphar grew bored of the peace and attempted to court Sephyr so that they could merge clans and he could become more powerful. Sephyr, however, rejected him. In his rage, Kylphar declared that he would then take her people by force and started a war between his clan, and the three others.
Anticipating this, Kylphar became known as the god of Death and Pain as he’d discovered a way to resurrect the dead and was able to wage war against the Three for a long time, simply reviving any fallen soldiers to do his bidding.
This sort of dark magic has since been lost to the Uldarik’an over time, however at the moment, The Three had managed to figure out what he was doing, and decided to discover their own sort of magic. Together they managed to defeat Kylphar in a great battle. However, the magic that was expelled proved to be far too powerful for them all to handle. Legends state that to keep the unstable power from destroying their planet, the Three used the last of their power and forced Kylphar into space. Then, they gave chase to ensure that he would never come back. The two main stars and two moons in their system are aptly named after the gods, with Sephyr and Lykyll being their two suns, and Tysal and Kylphar appearing as the two moons that orbit the planet.
>Spiritual Objects<
The Uldarik’an people often spend whole years crafting trinkets and jewelry to match those of the god they worship and/or were born under. Many of these take the form of necklaces, but some have also come in bracelets, ear piercings, or tail rings. Often, when one is completed, they are taken to the clan’s head shaman or any available head of religion to be blessed. Many items are blessed with protective spells and incantations, others are blessed to lift and clear moods, some provide comfort, dispells pain, and give spiritual protection so long as the user is wearing them. Some items, if passed down from older generations, can even hold onto bits of previous wearers’ souls and enables the ancestors to look after the younger generations.
If one of these articles is ever stolen and worn by someone who is not Uldarik’an, the effect of which can actually be reversed. For example, if an amulet is crafted to drive away nightmares, and is stolen, the thief may experience the worst nightmares of their life. If these objects are instead broken, then their effect is dispelled completely. However, it is considered a great tragedy if one is broken and is the biggest insult one can do against an Uldarik’an.
Marriage happens in a very similar way to how Humans wed. One of two proposes, and a party is prepared over the course of some time, depending on when the two would like to marry. However, there is an added effect to it in the form of what would be considered “soul-mates”. When a soul-bound pair find each other, they immediately know it. (If one side is not Uldarik’an, then the Uldarik’an one of the two will know it, but the other may not).
A marriage between a soul-bound couple brings about the highest of celebrations, sometimes the party even lasts over the span of four or five days involving nearly the whole family on both sides of the marriage and even friends and neighbors.
Marriage can happen between people who are not soul-bound as well, through love in its purest form. It’s still a grand celebration, however if one or both of the pair locates their soul-bound, they can choose to separate, or remain together. It has no physical or emotional pain if they don’t marry their soul-bound, they can live their lives happily, but it will never feel as natural or whole as it would be with a soul-bound pair.
An alternative to the above situation would to shift into Polyamory, which is common among the Uldarik’an borne of respect for the coupling of soul mates. Ultimately, the choice belongs to the individuals in question to find the best solution.
As for courting, it normally comes in the form of dates, and mutual trust. Gifts are a good way to start it, and if one would like to propose, an offering of a blessed item is usually a good way to do so. Bonded pairs usually end the marriage ceremony by exchanging matching tail rings.
>Family & Community<
Uldarik’an are a very close-knit kind of people. They take pride and great love in knowing many of their clan’s people by name and they often build friendships that last lifetimes.
Uldarik’an children are raised in what is called a Communal Hall, which is often a large building run by various adults or elders of the village or town. Adults and elders who run the building also take care of the children, and also act as teachers and mentors. 
Adults who are not part of the Communal Hall often take jobs in a specific trade, ranging from hunters and gatherers to scientists, depending on the town. 
Uldarik’an live to be around 400 years old, however their years are equal to 3 earth years, so in Earth terms, they live to be around 1,200 years old.
Uldarik’an females can only have one cub before her body disables her ability to conceive all together. However, if the mother is only half Uldarik’an, then it’s rare but possible for her to have more than one child.
Uldarik’an are omnivores, but usually prefer meat.
The Uldarik’an people care very greatly for their homeworld, and firmly believed in giving back as much if not more than they took. As such, factories were few and far in between, and much of their lifestyle is organic in nature. They do, however, have areas dedicated to the sciences, and in some areas, have the same standings as modern-day technology. They have recently discovered short-term space travel.
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adiabolikpastel · 3 years
Title: Lunar Eclipse Masquerade
Reiji pt. 1
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,085
Pairing: n/a
ღ Returning to the Human World after a month away, Reiji tries to relax, but receives some unwanted news. ღ
Mun Yu: This is going to be presented a little different than my other written works. Since it is so long, I have decided to publish it in parts, rather than the novel that it is. Each boy will receive their own post, some getting more post than others. For each post, it will make a sort of time line of events - to help paint the entire story. All post will begin with the premise, and the continuation under the cut. Enjoy.
Additionally: I would love to thank @akai-anemone for their wonderful analysis on the affects of the Lunar Eclipse in DL
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
Despite what most people think, demonic beings are very social creatures. The elites hold countless balls and parties, celebrating their immortality together, and entertaining one another of stories. Typically, they are done in celebration for something – though this is not always the case. All type of beings from across the Demon Realm will come if the host if of high enough prestige.
There would be no such host if it not for Karlheinz. Seated as the head of the Bat Clan (vampires), Karl’s reach spans far. Being the widow for the former Demon King’s daughter, and having children of the first blood, and invitation from the Vampire King is not one to refuse. Though why would you? In his immaculate castle within the Demon Realm, Eden Castle, it is always quite the spectacle. While the celebrations held in his Human World mansion are nice, nothing compares to a true night of pleasure within the true home of the King.
On this night, there was to be a Masquerade in honor of the first Lunar Eclipsed Moon in over two years. While this night may serve each species differently, the idea to celebrate its return was simply too tempting. For this reason, Karlheinz took it upon himself – or rather – his house, to host the event. This extended to his off spring as well, regardless of their personal agenda. Members of every social elite race accepted the offer, and gathered for a truly unforgettable evening.
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Lately the mansion’s once pristine condition had begun to dwindle. This was due to the fact that the only person who ever took an interest in cleaning, was no longer present. The poor home was left in the hands of; lazy, sloppy, gluttonous fiends. So when Reiji finally came back after a month-long absence, he was unable to unwind until the entire mansion was able to return to its proper glory.
What was supposed to be a quiet return, ended up being a rather loud rampage, as Reiji and familiars stormed the mansion. It took them all night, much to the dismay of those home, but it was finally looking normal. After the long night of cleaning, Reiji was finally able to retire to his room. Now in his safe space, the vampire quickly loosened his clothing and eased himself into one of the chairs.
“My goodness… as if those barbarians could not get any worse. Leaving things is such a state…” He sighs, removing his glasses to message his temple. “The day cannot come soon enough where these trips are no longer necessary.” Reiji allows himself to relax, resting his head back. It’d been quite a while since he was in this room. It felt somewhat nice. Familiar.
Just as he was about to nod off, vibrations from his pocket caused him to sit up. Due to recent events, he had been made to get a cell phone. Honestly he hated the thing, but it was the only way that he was able to stay in contact with his beloved. Since her number was the only number in the device, he knew it was her checking in on him.
Reiji brought the small device to his ear, “Good Morning my dear.” He says rather softly. Since leaving the mansion, Rika had gone back to daylight hours. She was currently attending university, on track to double major in Chemistry and Engineering. Honestly he admired her determination. For a human, she was bound to her principals and goals. Despite being with him, she refused to simply let him take care of her.
The two of them talked at length for about an hour. Simply catching up, as it is impossible to communicate while he is away. It is his desire to have Rika join him, or at least, they will have some better form of living arrangement. Things were different without her, though Reiji would never admit that to anyone.
After hanging up, Reiji lifted himself off the chair to get ready for bed. Being back in his old home did offer a sense of comfort. He was not sure if it was from plain shifting, cleaning obsessively, or the effects of the rising sun – but within moments of laying down, Reiji was able to fall into a deep sleep. Although it would feel short lived, as soon the sounds of his siblings filled the mansion.
He had gotten so used to not having to deal with them, what a bother. Slightly ashamed that his brother rose before him, Reiji prepares for the night swiftly, and begins his old routine of morning cleaning. As he does so, the mansion did seem larger without most of its residents. Though Reiji wasn’t complaining, being without Ayato and Laito was a blessing.
Just as he finished up in the kitchen, a bat flew into the kitchen. The winged familiar informed him of a visitor. Moving quickly to the main entrance, the young siren who had been accompanying their father lately stood in the doorway. “Ah, Miss. Oakly. What is it we can do for you tonight?” His tone was pleasant enough, but he knew Skye came with news from their father.
“It was till I had to come here.” Skye offers with a smirk. “Our King has an invitation for you boys.” He reaches into his bag and pulls out an envelope. “He said that you were to open it, and do what is written.”
“Just what is written?” Reiji questions as he takes the letter. “I doubt the mansion is in any condition to host an event-"
“Oh not here! No, it will be at Eden Castle. Make sure all your brothers know. I’ll be around later to deliver your clothes.” Skye says with a small laugh and leaves the mansion.
Slightly confused, Reiji opens the envelope, reading its contents;
As you are aware, the Lunar Eclipse approaches. We will bask in this night through a celebration. A grand Masquerade Ball will take place in Eden Castle. Attendance from all of you is non-optional. Do inform your brothers.
As Reiji read, he could feel a headache begin to plus. Of course he would be in charge of informing all of them. Now he would need to track down the ones not at home. Perhaps it would be best to inform them that they will have little time to refuse. The event was not for another week, he would simply need to get them all in one place before then.
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。 TO BE CONTINUED ☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
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