#all the flawed weapons are his ‘toys’
little-pondhead · 2 years
Does villain Danny have custom made accessories? Does he have swirly glasses? Very long ragged lab coat with carefully placed stains? Does he don a fake, tastefully swirly mustache when he hijacks every screen on the town to give rambling villain monologues?
Does he put comically big red selfdestruct buttons on his machines?
I need to now
Concept: He does wear all of that, but switches it up every time he’s committing a major crime and refuses to acknowledge what he’s doing. He never wears the same prop twice. October is his favorite month :)
And I feel like Danny would put those oversized buttons on everything, but they either don’t work at all, or something stupid happens like making confetti and glitter blow up in the face of whomever pressed the button. (He probably doesn’t want anyone to get into a horrible accident like he did. After all, Danny died because of a few loose wires and one big button. So he pulls a Death Star and puts one vital flaw in all his designs for the heroes to discover.)
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thatruerealmwalker · 7 months
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"Sometimes... When I look at the other kids playing around, unaware if what's happening here... My Stomach Hurts..."
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"When one of those Toys is Near... My legs Scream at me to RUN..."
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"When night comes... and the Workers look over me while I try and sleep... My eyes threaten to Cry..."
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"BUT I CAN'T... I can't show that anything is wrong, That I know..."
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"I'll change my chosen toy all the time, be average on every test they give me, speak nothing of what I know..."
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"I'll stall for as long as I can, buy myself as much time as possible. I'll learn every weakness, every flaw, of both this factory and those horrible Toys. I'll get stronger, faster, smarter, as much as possible without anyone catching on. I'll prepare as much as I can, for every fight, every route, every danger..." "So when the time comes..."
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Hello there! This is William, a young orphan within the walls of Playcare, a new OC I made for Poppy Playtime! Specifically William was inspired by and somewhat considered an OC of the blog @realizinau and their wonderful work over there! (Hello!)
William is a kid who knows far, FAR to much then he should. Aware of what the toys really are, aware of what their doing to children like him, and aware that he is not safe within Playcare.
If someone were to ask him about something in the factory, he would most likely know, but would never dare even entertain answering those questions. He knows that one wrong step, one target on his back is enough to get him selected next... so he stays as average as he can, shows himself to be not soon-to-be toy material. He has it down to a science at this point, and he won't risk his life, not yet, not for a damn question.
He considers every toy in the Factory to be both horrifying and the highest threat to his survival and chances at leaving one day. He avoids and dances around them when he can, and recites literal self made mantras of every weakness and every way to harm or escape the toy in question he knows about within his head while around them if he can't (due to not being able to write anything incriminating down). Several times in a panicked state because he doesn't have the tools and weapons on him to follow any plan he has.
He is afraid of the Smiling Critters the most for the fact that he sees them and interacts with them every day, thus being the highest risk to him. After every interaction there is a chance he may genuinely puke in the nearest bathroom from his fear getting hold of him. He silently prays that they never take notice of him, or god forbid take interest in him and spend more time then normal around him. He would wear the most perfect mask while interacting with them but be screaming his Mantras internally while mentally holding a cross, especially around Catnap (due to his red smoke) (not sure if the Realizing Au has Catnap with his red smoke still, so if not he would most likely consider Bubba the most dangerous of the critters).
William's core desire is to leave the factory and never look back. He, when he is at least 80% sure he can get away with it (it used to be higher but he's getting desperate) gathers as much information as he can, about the layout, systems, patrols, anything to give him an edge when the time of his escape comes. He has also been able to make very small stashes of makeshift tools, weapons, and items around Playcare, all either to help him escape or fight back against a Toy should he need to. The most dangerous is a Flare hand he smuggled off of a GrabPack once, which almost got him caught.
William is at the point where he genuinely does not value any life inside the Factory other then his own, and would not hesitate to kill a staff worker or Toy should he have to. Again, nothing matters to William other then getting out... but that could change depending on events to come.
I'll be throwing some more stuff of William up later, but I absolutely tore my hand up drawing all this today. Hope you enjoyed!
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salmonight · 5 months
Ra's vs. The Evil Overlord List
or AKA Ra's finding the Evil Overlord List and making use of it to become a better and more devious overlord
So in my random rant my mind came up with idea and latched onto it's absolute high comedy potential so lemme just stash out all the wonderful wonderful scenarios my mind managed to come up with for Ra's to drive the bats mad
12. One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation. : The bats break into Ra 's throne room ready for a full fight, weapons ready, stances turned so they’re blocking each other's blind spots only... for Ra's to seem disgruntled instead of smug or outraged. They are only made aware of another presence when Ra's turns to the...playpen!?? next to his throne to address the toddler happily playing there by themselves "Tell me little one, were my plans and codes this terrible?" and they watch on with horrified fascination as the toddler goes on and points out the most ridiculous and childish points to be faulted with his plans that the bats made good use of to get here and to their stunned surprise Ra's doesn't go into a rage because his plans got ridiculed by a literal toddler but has a disgruntled but all the same pleased look on his face as if stunned his idea actually worked and addresses the child once again "Well done my little advisor, this great work calls for a reward of ice cream after dinner" as the toddler cheers joyfully swinging the toy held in their hands happily in the air, all the bats simultaneously check themselves for drugs finding no such a luck
142. If I have children and subsequently grandchildren, I will keep my three-year-old granddaughter near me at all times. When the hero enters to kill me, I will ask him to first explain to her why it is necessary to kill her beloved grandpa. When the hero launches  into an explanation of morality way over her head, that will be her cue to pull the lever and send him into the pit of crocodiles. After all, small children like crocodiles almost as much as Evil  Overlords and it's important to spend quality time with the grandkids: Bruce in his full Batman regalia breaks down Ra's bedroom door only to find him holding... a toddler once again. Only this time the toddler seems to resemble both of them a bit too much for it to be a coincidence. Bruce is even more stunned when Ra's looks at him, face not giving anything away all the while his eyes gleam mischievously. Before Bruce could prepare himself for anything Ra's would throw his way Ra's opens his mouth "Well not like it is an unpleasant turn of events but what do I owe the pleasure of the great detective coming to visit me in person?" Bruce manages to snap back into the situation and growls out with a low threatening voice "Don't play coy with me Ra's. You know well enough what you did. Now you can come with me peacefully or we can do this the hard way" he says while preparing for the imminent showdown not expecting the following words coming out of his opponent’s mouth "Well great detective while don't you explain to my darling grandson why you would want to hurt his poor poor fragile grandfather" the shock of the words make his eyes snap to the small child held loosely in the immortal's arms looking at him with their big green eyes. Body locked, mind frozen he tries to bluster up an answer for the tiny innocent child's sake only for them to pull a string Bruce never paid mind to. The floor opens under them, and they fall, not having time to jump out of the way, only barely stopping themselves from landing in the water full of...crocodiles!? with a batarang stabbed into the stone walls. And still in the room little Damian let out an utterly happy and mildly feral but all the while blinding smile seeing his scheme work. He bounced in Ra's lap happily while he looked down indulgently. After all, this was his grandson's first successful scheme against his father. This is in order of a celebration. Maybe he could get his grandson some more crocodiles; he seemed to adore them immensely with their deadly beauty and fierce disposition, Ra’s mused as he walked off with his grandson buzzing in excitement held in his arms not sparing a thought for the man stuck in the hole, in the middle of his room, with a bunch of hungry predators.
158. I will exchange the labels on my folder of top-secret plans and my folder of family recipes. Imagine the hero's surprise when he decodes the stolen plans and finds instructions for Grandma's Potato Salad: Tim steals a file labeled as one of Ra’s super-bad-if-it-actually-goes-trough plans only.. For it to be a copy of a hand written recipe of kabsa instead of the supposed plans of action. It’s a copy of Ra’s grandma’s  great recipe book. He watches in great enjoyment through the cameras as the realization sets in, saving the glorious moment with a well timed screenshot of the feed to be safely tucked away into his folder of epic bat fails.
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melloianv2 · 5 months
Genovese (Fake Peppino)
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Go ahead look over to Dr Abe's Laboratory post if new or need refresher: link
and this
Guess am back with Dr Abe's laboratory
Wait a minute..., a new logo? why its pink? Well...this is afterlab. Am going to talk about it if I have to time too.
But in a short description: events that happened after the laboratory is destroyed. Its pink because it something to do with Abette. So this only content that only happens after the lab is gone, reduced to atoms.
Btw I named it Abe's Afterlab instead of Dr Abe's Afterlab, which I have done deliberately.
I'll still talk about the regular Dr Abe's Lab since am not finish obviously lol.
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Back then...
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(he can mimic others voices though, that is a way of talking...)
(i didn't mentioned he's 1 and play with toys because i wanted to look very cool back then /hj)
Back to afterlab:
There's two sections of Genovese, Sweet and Cruel.
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We going talk about Sweet first since its the longest so..
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(It moves like hair though, weird. Due to error with his chromosome, he ended up have a limb hair instead of hair strings...)
(the hair string can move. But can he feel things like his arms? depends. He only use his hair string limb if he needed too.)
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(it influence from other people and how he became himself.)
(btw am not going explain the actual event until the real post of afterlab comes sorry)
just sneaking this post here
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(Genovese loves Peppino because he made in way to loves who ever he's loyal too.)
(Peppino had a hard to caring about Genovese, since he thought it weird to care about your own clone..)
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(he is scared of him too btw, only when he's not in his dr abe persona...[we'll talk about that if i can])
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Back to Sweet
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(why did i make genovese 5 year old? because I can)
(jokes aside, because Dr Abe just got Peppino's DNA before he kidnapped him. So which is why he's quite young.)
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(another flaw is he's native but he's not stupid. However he's not native to violence, swearing, drugs, alcohol, weapons like...at all (and cannib-) . He knows that stuff very well.)
Anyway now we at Cruel, its very short
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Genovese more likely insult someone if he's annoyed
Genovese's current clothing is actual clothing, and not something he shapeshifted in. Simply to blend in of course.
Genovese can fly when he shapeshifts something that is able to make him fly, however he gets tired very fast doing so.
Genovese used to not have an cruel side. back in 2021 during this au was developing.., he used to be fully pacifist and kindhearted. This was changed because due to nowadays. I decided to make him more half good now. Though, i think it fits better being half because I think it be better for him to struggle trying to be good (after being brainwashed for so long) instead of already being good.
Despite trying to be different from Peppino, He still have an habit of copying off what Peppino's wearing sometimes.
When Genovese doesn't want to play, he watch something on tv instead
Genovese is not allowed to use an stove or oven. Nor is he allowed to use a gun despite trying to use one.
Whenever Genovese is hanging out with someone without Peppino, it gets little embarrassing because he don't even know to use certain things nor when to know what's normal or not in the situation. He's still learning.
The reason why he has his eyes togther instead of being seperated because...
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(he got surgery on his face to stop the melting. But the surgeon accidentally made his eyes together..)
Genovese would usually try to reason before attacking.
His tears are acid. touching him awhile crying is dangerous. Though his tears do not have the color of acid, but rather regular tears color
Genovese likes flowers, all flowers.
Genovese know a lot of ways to how to kill some one. Totally not taught to him, absolutely not. Nope.
Immature self is just as smart as mature self, he can catch things like mature self.
I don't know what I expect out of this so...
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encrucijada · 21 days
infodump abt pathetic man adam
funniest ask i've ever gotten. no context. anonymous. a simple request.
a list of things i think i haven't talked about regarding adam, some that i have, from both the pjoverse and dreamersverse:
adam is actually pretty decent around kids. he was second in command of the apollo cabin for 5ish years before his brother lee fletcher died in the battle of the labyrinth and he was made counsellor for the battle of manhattan. adam is like that cool older brother in a 90s tv show who lets you drink beer when you shouldn't have.
in both verses he works at a bar. both as a bartender and as entertainment, depends on the day of the week. he does gigs elsewhere when he can. forewent university, didn't think he had the brain for it because of his frankly debilitating adhd. adam barely graduated high school.
weapon of choice in the pjoverse is the recurve bow because son of apollo. is capable of fighting melee (with a sword) if the situation demands it, but just barely. in the dreamersverse it's actually the opposite, he doesn't shoot with a bow at all and prefers to have something he can brute force hit things with.
speaking of debilitating adhd. adam is always fidgeting even if just a little, rarely does his leg stop bouncing and he has a clicker toy he carries in his pocket. plays around with rubix cubes not to solve them but just to spin them around. hums songs as a stim (<- he shares this one with piedad). cannot function without caffeine.
has the talent but not the creativity. can sing just about anything but not write any of his own music.
in the pjoverse he avoids singing in uncontrolled environments, because even having control over his powers he never knows if he could cause some weird side effects. only feels truly unrestrained in battle or at camp.
adam is the way he is because i was trying super hard not to make your typical "golden boy" son of apollo. also because i found the loveless cover of middle of the night. my hand accidentally slipped and now... he's this.
my best friend irl called him "cold, cutting, and prideful".
i dunno about pjoverse adam but dreamersverse adam's got a couple of tattoos. including but not limited to: a sun on his forearm, wings from his shoulder blades to the backs of his arms, a hawk eating a rabbit, three stars on his ribs, and my notes says i'm giving him a sleeve tattoo.
he never participated in a proper quest but he was there for every single bead that's on annabeth's camp necklace. was already at camp when luke first arrived.
his fatal flaw is arrogance ("however bright you shine, i shine brighter")
has a substantial collection of scars as every demigod does but of note we've got: on his cheekbone, going down from his collarbone, the stab scar on his gut. these also translate to the dreamersverse.
the only thing he got from apollo appearance-wise are the eyes. adam tends to let his hair get long until he starts considering it obnoxious, then he asks the aphrodite cabin to cut it. if you're in cabin 7 and have had hairclips gone missing, he probably took them.
if you've read pt.1 of pointed north you know candy calls adam "mi príncipe". this means "my prince."
i might be giving him brown eyes in keep staring.
his last names are flipped depending on the verse! pjoverse he's adam rubio guerra, since rubio means "fair-haired" and i thought it sounded like a child of apollo lastname. in the dreamersverse he's adam guerra rubio, guerra means "war".
has always wanted a dog.
having a weighed blanket would cure him but he doesn't know this. what he does know is he sleeps best when piedad lays on top of him.
broke his nose and it never healed quite right.
never dare him to do something while he's drunk. he will do it, no matter how dangerous it might be. the safest thing he could be doing post-break up is making out with whoever gives him attention while inebriated.
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 8 months
💖 Angel Dust 💖
Michael Kovach (pilot)
Blake Roman (series)
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Theme songs:
Fave quote:
“IT’S NOT AN ACT!!! It's who I need to be. [Crosses arms to chest.] And this... [Gestures to the redlight street.] This is my escape! Where I can forget about it all! How much I hate... Everything. A place where I can get high, and not have to think about how much it hurts. And maybe... If I can ruin myself enough in the process, if I end up broken, I won't be his favorite toy anymore. And maybe he'll let me go...”
True name: Anthony
Surname (AU): Romano-D'Amico
Birthday: 1st of April
Sex: Male
Year of Death: 1947
Cause of Death: Drug overdose (angel dust)
Sexuality: Gay
Age: 30s (biological)
Zodiac sign: Aries ♈️
Height: 8ft (including the heels he wears)
Nationality: Italian 🇮🇹
Bed type: Submissive
• Human being (formerly)
• Sinner Demon (jumping spider)
Style of speech: Slang
<> Accent(s):
<> New Yorker (standard)
<> Italian twang (when really emotional)
• Adult film star (pornography)
• Sex worker
• Drag queen
• Unnamed mafia (formerly 💀)
• Husk (implied)
• Drugs
• Being abrasive
• Pranks
• Getting into scraps
• Cooking
• Flirting
• The colour pink
• Monetary gain
• Italian food
• Dancing (implied)
• Duets with Husk 🤭
• Pet names
<> Except for Whorebug (which is the only one he dislikes; most likely because that’s what Valentino calls him)
• Being called by his birth name
• His feet
• Losing credibility
• Valentino’s abuse
• Memorising scripts
• Niffty getting into trouble
<> Niffty handling weapons
• Anyone pointing out his facade
<> Being called fake
• How expensive drugs & alcohol cost him
• Anyone else ending up like him
• Anyone discrediting his acting
• Charlie involving herself with Valentino’s affairs
• Forecast conditions
<> confirmed but not canonically shown yet ~ Viv stated that he doesn’t like weather the same way as a dog is scared of thunder
• Politics
• Being triggered when it comes to ownership of Angel & Husk’s (respective) “owners”
• Niffty being talked about (negatively)
• Kat’s life choices
<> Her occupation of being an exotic dancer (because it hits too close to home for Angel and wished she picked a more safer career)
<> Her doing drugs
<> Her rebellion
• Being called “kid” by Husk (considering technically Angel is older than him in Hell since he died first 🤣)
• People being ageist and vindictive about his relationship with Husk
• Agoraphobia (anxiety disorder)
<> Panic disorder
<> Specific phobias
• Animotophobia (fear of emotions)
• Drug addict
• Victim of abuse (by Valentino)
<> Emotionally
<> Sexually (SA)
<> Mentally
<> Physically
• Neurotic
<> Particularly when really, really REALLY pissed off
• Alcoholic
<> Age regression (very common in people with PTSD)
• Self esteem issues (emotionally)
• Physical strength
• Low Frustrated Tolerance
• Self destructive
• Nymphomania (sex addict)
• Parasomnia
<> Night terrors
<> Insomnia
<> Sleep paralysis
<> Sexsomnia 🤣
• Borderline Personality Disorder (environmental)
• High alcohol tolerance
• Carnality
• Character growth (potentially)
<> To the point where Angel Dust may even drop his alias and just become “Anthony”
• Clean (drug-free)
• Physical attractiveness
Romantic interests:
Ex-boyfriend: Valentino (indirectly implied)
<> Definitely hinted at in the song “Poison” — obviously very early into the relationship before things went severely downhill
Husk (canonically implied)
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Stolas of the Ars Goetia (FWB / client)
Axel White (FWB / client)
Mother: Unnamed
Father: Henroin
(older) Brother: Arackniss
(fraternal) twin sister: Molly
Other (surrogate family):
(surrogate) Sister: Charlie Morningstar
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(surrogate) Daughter: Niffty 😂
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(surrogate) Daughter: Crymini (TBA)
Role-play (RP):
Husband: Husk 🤭
(surrogate) Sister: Snow Dust (OC)
(bio) Daughter 1#: Kat Dust (OC)
(Future) Daughter-in-law: T.J. Buckzo
(bio) Daughter 2#: Luster Dust (OC)
• Angie (by Cherri Bomb)
• Mi Amore (by Valentino 🤮)
<> Angel Cakes
• Whorebug (by Sir Pentious)
<> Spider
<> Striped Freak
• My Effeminate Fellow (by Alastor)
• Angel
• Slut (by Travis)
• Anthony (by Husk 🥰)
* Tony
* Ant
(Given the nickname because of how antsy Angel is and can be with his ADHD ~ also for the fact that it’s hilarious that he’s a spider only to be called another insect name)
<> Baby etc
<> Mama (affectionately)
<> Little Incubus
<> Loser (affectionately)
<> Baby doll / baby girl
• A.D. (by T.J., Snow Dust & Blitz)
• Papà (by Luster)
• Daddy (by Kat)
• Fratellino (by Arackniss)
Translation: “Little Brother”
<> Tony
• Romano-D’Amico (AU surname)
• Hazbin Hotel (patron)
• Porn Studios (workplace)
• The Vee Tower (formerly residency)
<> Not confirmed but definitely implied in the music video “Poison” and “ADDICT”
• The Black Dot (1x04)
• Consent (1x06)
• Charlie Morningstar
• Cherri Bomb (close friend)
• Niffty
• Husk (best friend — TBA)
<> Vivziepop has previously described Husk as Angel's "best friend" during later development streams for the pilot, suggesting that their relationship may be planned to greatly improve
• Fat Nuggets (pet)
Porn Studio employees (co-workers):
<> Dia
<> Summer
<> Kitty
<> Travis (client & director)
The Vees (acquainted):
<> Vox
<> Velvette
Hazbin Hotel employees (acquainted):
<> Alastor
<> Vaggie
• Sir Pentious (former enemy)
<> Egg Boiz (former enemies)
• Tiffany Titfucker (rival)
Axel (rival —> one sided)
• Valentino (boss, pimp, and owner)
• Sir Pentious (formerly)
• Exorcists
<> Adam
<> Lute
• Retractable set of arms
• Weapon proficiency
• Weather sensitivity
• Athleticism
• Cooking
• Bilingualism
<> Can speak one or two languages only; which is much different to multilingualism)
• Flexibility
Appearance & Personality:
Angel has a slender build and is the tallest of the main cast of characters. He is estimated to stand around 8 feet with his heels on.
His fur is white and he has a mop of fluffy white hair that extends from both the front and back of his head, with splotches of light-pink across it. He also has a distinctive and focal light-pink heart pattern on the back of his head. The light-pink outline of a heart also encircles his chest, the bottom point of which extends past his waistband and down to his crotch area.
His eyelids are light pink and the color extends up to his eyebrows, giving the effect of eyeshadow, and his lashes are dark and thick.
His irises are cerise pink. His right eye has a light yellow sclera, his left eye has a dark sclera. He has a wide mouth full of sharp, pointed teeth and possesses a single golden fang that sits slightly to his right of center, a feature he shares with his boss, Valentino. He has three cerise-pink dots under each of his eyes, which are intended to evoke freckles, although they are actually another set of smaller eyes.
One of Angel's most noticeable features is his prominent chest. The chest is actually composed entirely of fluffy fur, however, which Angel intentionally pushes up into a breast-like formation with his tightly pinned jacket for show.
Angel's everyday attire consists of a long light pink suit-blazer with horizontal white stripes down the length, reddish-grey miniskirt, and long reddish-grey thigh-high heeled boots, accessorized with a reddish-grey bowtie with a cerise pink center and a black choker. On his top set of arms he wears long cerise pink gloves with white detailing at the cuffs, on his bottom set of arms he wears long white gloves.
Though usually depicted with six limbs, Angel has a third retractable set of arms that he usually keeps hidden but can summon at will.
In background artwork seen in the pilot, Angel Dust's feet resemble those of a spider's.
How would you describe Angel Dust’s personality?
• Reckless
• Sexual (OTT)
• Sarcastic
• Sharp-witted
• Destructive
• Playful
• Vulgar
• Confident (excessive)
• Flippant
• Callous
• Cynical
<> Particularly about the idea of redemption however has a small hopeful part that it’s possible for him
As Anthony:
• Defensive
• Family orientated
• Shy
<> Through copping constant abuse from Valentino which would often make him nervous in his presence
• Hopeful
• Self assertive (outside the Porn Studios contract)
• Volatile
• Comedic (genuinely)
• Inferior
<> Seen when Charlie declared Sir Pentious as “official patron” at the Hazbin Hotel
• Attentive
<> Seen when Angel Dust rejected Cherri Bomb’s offered drugs after Husk mentioned about “undoing his progress”
• Protective
• Traumatised (via “Poison” at the end)
• Broken
• When it comes to physical contact Angel Dust always backs away (which is common in SA victims) seen with both Husk in “Masquerade” to bring him back to the hotel and Vaggie when throwing him off the building for a trust exercise
• The more Angel Dust (Anthony) gets upset the more his (New Yorker) accent gets thicker and automatically breaks out of his persona
• If Angel Dust hadn’t died at 30 years old he would have been around the same age as Husk if not somewhere between 12 years younger
<> However Angel is actually older than Husk down in Hell because he died first (which is kinda cool)
• Angel & Charlie have a “brother/sister” relationship (both Headcanon and implied but not confirmed)
• In a earlier draft of Angel’s character it appeared that when he blushed it showed on his upper body (face and chest area)
• Blake Roman (Angel Dust’s VA in the Hazbin Hotel series) is a huge Huskerdust fan
• Angel Dust’s birthday lands on April Fools Day (which explains he loves pranks so much 🤭)
• The name Anthony may come from the word "antonia", which means "priceless/praiseworthy and or beautiful".
<> His real name officially appears in the episode "Masquerade", signed on Valentino's soul contract.
• "Angel Dust" is Angel's chosen all-encompassing persona name, and one he uses exclusively in place of his actual name. It is intended as multipurpose for both his drag queen persona and his sex-work persona.[30] It is also a possible reference to his mode of death, a drug overdose.
* Whenever Angel is outside of work and doesn't feel the need to maintain his public persona, he prefers to dress in very cozy, comfortable, unsexualized clothing.
• In an earlier development stream, when asked if Angel is venomous, Vivziepop stated she did not think Angel was venomous due to being based on the jumping spider. However, she returns to this in a later stream, stating that Angel's bite may be venomous. But, that venom in Hell can't actually kill anyone, it just causes temporary pain or disfigurement and making them fall ill.
• During the gang war with Sir Pentious, when Angel's shadow is cast behind him, it appears much larger than him, with six arms and glowing red eyes. This implies that Angel can possibly transform into a larger form like other sinner demons.
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skull001 · 9 months
Amy hot takes.
Amy's Sonic Advance gameplay is still THE superior 2-D gameplay for Amy, and the only reason it hasn't been revisited in newer games is because Sega are cowards still stuck with the "one-button" approach that only works for Sonic and Tails.
Even when games like Origins Plus and Sonic Superstars nerfed down Amy to just two moves, she is still more fun to play as than Sonic.
Amy's gameplay in Sonic Advance >> E-122 Psi Amy hacks >> Amy Mania by Troop Sushi/Codename Gamma >> Sonic Supertars >> Origins Plus.
Sonic X's Amy is the full package of how Amy should be like. Even with her flaws, she was one of the most fun characters to watch, and surprisingly got plenty of moments that humanized her and even explore a bit of how she saw her relation with Sonic, proving she isn't deluded about it like her detractors claim.
Giving Amy a toy hammer is one of the best things Sega did, and wish the full potential of what she can do with it was more explored in gameplay terms.
The tarot cards should be only a back-up weapon, never the main one. Story-wise, the can guide her in her quests, providing the player with hints that they have to interpretate.
IDW's characterization of Amy is alright. The issue if anything, is that she, like the game characters, are hardly the focus of the stories, nor are they allowed to be shown in a more personal manner. Don't care if it's because Sega is too strict, or if the writers only use them to get to the characters that THEY really want to write for. Either way, the situation sucks for the game cast.
I think Amy is better suited to be the franchise's co-protagonist alongside Sonic. She is very versatile as she isn't restricted to be by his side 24/7, and as long as she sees Sonic as her prince in shining armor, there really isn't any reason to keep her from growing into a stronger and more beautiful heroine.
I'd like to see a story where Amy tries to help a character find redemption, but is ultimately unable to, betrayed by them even. I think this would be an interesting change of pace because, even if let down by those Amy tries to help, that she still remain kind of heart would be proof of just how strong her heart is.
Superform. Of all characters not named Sonic, Amy's noble and compassionate heart should be more than worthy of awakening that miracle.
Morio Kishimoto really should go all out with exploring more of Sonic and Amy's relation. I think he is one of the few people capable of doing so and pushing the status quo to ot' limit whole keeping things fresh. After the let down of that last Tailstube where Amy's feelings were again the object of mockery from american writers ( especially HIM), I'd more than welcome the more respectful approach from Japanese writers towards the dynamic of these two characters.
Amy IS part of the main cast, and should be treated accordingly to her status as lead female character. That means, not giving away Amy's roles to less important ones. Wether it's things like her compassion (which Tyson Hesse mentions to be unique) or being the most adventure loving of the girls.
Don't make Amy be "mature" by becoming a party pooper who dislikes fun. This is a very outdated stereotype of women that honestly, doesn't apply to the real Amy. She would join the boys in doing dumb things, while still doing girly things with other girls too.
Enough of sad face Amy. Why the hell is Sega afraid to show an Amy that, no matter what, can be a beacon of hope for those who have lost their faith. Further more, why is she not expressing faith anymore on Sonic? I swear ever since Sonic Boom, only Tails is allowed to do this as an artificial means to push the bff thing, in contrast to previous games and even shows, where Amy did this. It saddens me how in Prime, she complains about Sonic not sticking to the plan, while Tails is the one who reminds that he has never let them down. Like, helloooooo? Amy also knows this, so why treat her like she doesn't?
Sonic, Tails, Amy & Knuckles >> Sonic, Tails and Amy >>>>>> Sonic, Tails & Knuckles.
Writers shouldn't be afraid to show/play out Amy's flaws. I like seeing characters make fools of themselves once in a while, as long as they are also allowed to get out of their mess by also playing out their strengths and positive traits.
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fancylala4 · 6 months
Hi! I see where U reblogged my tangled crit posts 👀
I dont hate it, it just doesnt hit as well as it should. I prefer the barbie version. And I prefer Disney Rapunzel with ROTG Jack because not only they the same age but i find the parallels a bit more fascinating.
I remember seeing a arrow toy Rapunzel themed at Target, just recently I found out she was going to use a bow and arrow beforehand XD much much cooler than a frying pan!
Which begs to question! Why is the franchise so off with its girl characters? Gothel's entire motivation is staying young, Cass ended up a mess, Ariana is underwritten. And Rapunzel barely has another girl her age to hang out with. It's just Cass.
I get it. I disliked the movie at first because of the movie itself and how badly it was written but I started to hate the movie because of the rabid, racist fans and how badly they treated patf just to prop this movie up back in the day. The fandom is still pretty bad from what I seen.
The Barbie version is one of the best adaptations of rapunzel I have ever seen. It’s so good and it holds up perfectly well today except for the animation of course. If you get a chance, you should check out rapunzel’s revenge. It’s a great rapunzel comic and Disney took elements from that version as well.
I definitely agreed that Jack Frost and rapunzel would make a good couple. I liked them way better than him and Elsa and definitely would be way better than creepy dream.
Oh I saw that now in stores and I wonder why they made it when Merida is right there. I did hear that the series writers wanted her to have the bow and arrow but Disney didn’t like that idea. Probably because they wanted her to be helpless and didn’t want her to be taken seriously with a weapon. I remember looking at some Lego sets and I saw that rapunzel had a bow in a set for the series. So I think that rumor was true. Yeah, I would like the bow and arrow way better than that dumb frying pan. I guess it doesn’t matter since rapunzel wasn’t shown as a threat with the frying pan and it was more Flynn’s weapon in the movie.
Yeah, it’s so weird how this franchise is targeted towards little girls and all the female characters in it is just off and can be really offensive. Gothel is a walking outdated stereotype of many, rapunzel has no flaws, gets overshadowed in her OWN movie and couldn’t even drive the plot of the movie! It’s hard to believe this movie was made in 2010, it belongs in the 50s.
I have limited knowledge of the series characters but is cass the one who they made a villain and has blue hair like she’s some anime character? If so, It’s bad because I think I seen people say that she’s a villain because of how she looks and they turned a friendship into a bitter one just in a sake of something dumb. Do the writers think that girls have to be catty to each other or else it’s unrealistic? It’s a weird choice for a franchise targeted towards little girls. Ariana is the queen, right? I think I reblog a post about cultural appropriation in the movie and they mentioned her name. But really? They could have had a good plot point about rapunzel and her getting used to a good mother after what she’s been through. But they thought it was better just to focus on the king, have him be even more abusive to rapunzel than gothel was (reading her diary, following her everywhere and locking her up in a fucking tower after she just got out of one!!) and say that it’s ok because he’s doing it because he loves her.. I also “love” how the queen basically did nothing about this and just say supportive things rapunzel behind the king’s back like that means anything. Disney really needs to hire women for this franchise because this is just embarrassing and sad in this day and age.
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thesilverlady · 11 months
Unpopular opinion: having Aegon as this failson momma's boy is BORING let characters have agency let them make their own decisions even if it's morally ambiguous,or downright wrong. there is nothing absolutely wrong with a character who has agency, a well defined goal and solid characterization. Having a character that is reduced to be another character plot device is not moral complexity or "greyness"
hmm half agree, half disagree anon 😅
On the one hand, Aegon being failure in regards to the family expectations is part of his character, so I personally wouldn't take it away to prop him up. Him being sullen and unmotivated/lazy as well as quick tempered are the only traits we do in fact have about the character from canon.
Now, I'll agree the execution was bad. For instance in the show aemond is clearly the favorite one because he's calm, disciplined, studious and obedient. (basically a pollar opposite of his book self). While in the f&b we never get to see who alicent's favorite is, it makes sense for aegon to get her most attention; he remains her firstborn son, his "rights" have been robbed in her eyes, and his presence/existence alone is a weapon to wield against rhaenyra (who seem to live rent free in alicent's head)
The spin they went into for the show that alicent is this disappointed mother with the failure of her first son, her odd daughter and her only comfort is her second son - who also breaks the illusion when he kills her bff's son was.... a choice.
Alicent at core is a hypocrite. And I'm not saying this with hate. it's her trait. It can be as fun as it can be obnoxious, depending on the way you're viewing things. She would never acknowledge her children's flaws or pin blame on them.
So back to show Aegon, not only he doesn't have his mother's blind love/support, he doesn't even seem to have any relationship with his own brother whatsoever.
I've mentioned my disdain over the age changes for the show because essentially they serve nothing. Aegon being "friendly" with Jace for 3 minutes didn't add anything more because guess what, we only see the kids in two episodes. Aegon bullying his brother.... because his nephews were more interesting? again makes no sense
Objectively i think they wanted to toy with the shared childhood to build emotional bonds and to hurt more when you see all these people killing each other. But that doesn't work when you have timeskips in every single episode.
So Aegon is left as this guy whose father hates his guts for no reason (we never see if he even knows about the maids, or drinking or his son's general behavior), his mother seem like she cannot stand him. His brother is indifferent to him at best or looks down to him as worst. The only neutral is kinda Helaena - which doesn't last long if you pay attention to her dinner speech 😬
Aegon in the book is quite terrible, but TV people have forgotten that viewers used to enjoy characters like these without any need to "related" to them. Not to mention, I feel hotd as a writing point always calls the viewers dumb because in order for them to understand that aegon in the show is also not a great guy they have to turn every single person from his circle against him.
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liquidstar · 1 year
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baby guild :)
aka the timber scouts! they're basically just a bunch of kids in a sort of guild prep-course. so, not a real full official guild, but functions like one. all the kids have different woodland animal gimmicks to go with the scout vibe. They have a very loose shared uniform too, they're pretty much allowed to customize however they want as long as they keep the white button-up, brown outerwear, dark brown bottoms, and brown boots. also like a lot of kids in other guilds, their weapons are toys or otherwise "safter" items. But that's pretty much all! They aren't super deep characters, but more general info still under the cut :p
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Name: Ceres
Name Origin: Dwarf planet named after the goddess of agriculture and motherly relationships
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 29
Guild rank: Guildmaster
Weapon: Pocket knife
Ethos (Power): Aegis (The ability to cast a protective shield around others but not themself)
Flaw power is based on: Their tendency to put others first, in a way that makes them a pushover.
Notes: Suffering.
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Name: Aquila
Name Origin: The eagle constellation
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 12
Guild rank: 1 star
Weapon: Hula hoop
Ethos (Power): Aerial burst (A powerful burst of air created with their wings)
Flaw power is based on: They're flighty and feather-brained
Notes: Birds just wanna have fun
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Name: Procyon
Name Origin: A star in canis minor, the name technically means "before the dog" but refers to the raccoon family
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 11
Guild rank: 1 star
Weapon: hacky sack
Ethos (Power): Scaling (He can climb any surface)
Flaw power is based on: His rowdy uncontrollable nature
Notes: Yeah he can kick the hacky sack while on a wall, no big deal.
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Name: Kochab
Name Origin: Beta Ursae Minoris- brightest star in the little dipper
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 11
Guild rank: 1 star
Weapon: Honey dipper
Ethos (Power): Honeymelt (She can turn solid structures into a more gooey form with the consistency of honey)
Flaw power is based on: Her sluggish listlessness
Notes: Wait until you meet mama bear
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Name: Vulpecula (Val)
Name Origin: The "little fox" constellation
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 11
Guild rank: 1 star
Weapon: Jump rope
Ethos (Power): Tactful sense (Heightened senses for what's going on around her)
Flaw power is based on: Her desire to control everything around her
Notes: She's the first on track to getting a second star (according to herself)
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trollblivion-ooc · 23 days
coleop cherie cogito 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
heso! hello! hi! what a tall order!/pos super excited..
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1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
cherie: “» Ałł ðf Tħem.” honestly, he’d rather forget the time he mauled his beloved boyfriend in front of their lusii
coleop: wants to forget the time where he spent days wondering if cherie was okay out in the barrenlands (this was pre-cherie moving in)
cogito: wants to forget the time he was a stickbug
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
cherie: he likes seashells (shiny blue ones are his favorite)
coleop: loves pecan pie. like concerningly so.
cogito: can work a palmhusk (phone) no problem.. just slaps his legs on the keys until it registers
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
cherie: fatal flaw is that hes such a fucking dickhead to everyone, he is aware of it and likes picking fights (would say his paranoia but that isnt really a flaw)
coleop: forgiving to a fault, hes weirdly religious about his Ether thing, but it causes him to just blatantly forgive people (specifically ones close to him), he is kind of aware? but not enough to stop
cogito: wont stop eating week old cracker crumbs off of the counter, very aware, will not stop
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
cherie: fights like a rabid animal (as seen by how he gets so terrified that he mauls), its so sudden that he cant exactly flee or anything else. he just mauls.
coleop: erm, no survival skills in this one honestly. possibly freeze
cogito: flee i think! when he had control of coleop he was dead set on running away, scared
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
cherie: to the end of time. if he wants it? he is GETTING it, he will tear and maul and curse and kick. ipad baby.
coleop: not far, if he doesnt need it then he doesnt mind that bad
cogito: <>_<> cogito will steal bodies if he needs one, dont test him
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
cherie: Not very easily. if at all. hes doing what he wants when he wants
coleop: middle ground, it depends on the situation
cogito: very easily, just give him an animal cracker
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
cherie: hes not as LOUD anymore… he used to yell constantly, but hes partially subdued, especially after the Mauling
coleop: erm, independent
cogito: nothing much, hes a manipulative goofy bug
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
cherie: … i think hes too messy with murder to get away with it
coleop: would not murder, cant, or wont.
cogito: yes.
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
cherie: “oh and you swear to god… the fuckers out to get you” - The Bug Collector by Haley Heynderickx
that entire song in general.. his paranoia, and the ironicality of it being about bugs when Coleop is the bug guy.
coleop: “Coin operated boy. sitting on the shelf. He is just a toy but I turn him on and he comes to life.” - Coin-Operated Boy (the dresden dolls)
cogito: “I don't wanna be the owner of your fantasy. I just wanna be a part of your family” - anything (Adrianne Lenker)
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
cherie: vampire!AU :)
coleop: Zombie!AU :))
cogito: human!AU (or in this case: Troll!AU), itd be interesting to see cogito as a troll, he would either be very old or very young..
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
cherie: uhmm.. he is ChainsawKind. so chainsaws, specifically duo-wield one handed chainsaws. also yes, hes used them
coleop: beetle shaped multi-tool
cogito: biting. and yes.
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
cherie: absolutely. hes so fucking self destructive. he breaks off his horns and eats them (auto-osteophagia) its not exactly his fault but still, breaking bones constantly to eat them. also he bashes his head into the wall a lot. headache hivemind
coleop: a little bit? he scratches at his skin sometimes, when hes having bad Bug Days
cogito: nah.
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
cherie: no. id be actually terrified. hiding in a corner, looking away from this bombastic animal
coleop: maybe? i dont want to talk to him though.
cogito: …. no (id think it looks cool but GOD i dont wanna be possessed by a bug)
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
cherie: as really cool and uncaring, a cool gamer who is awesome and cool
coleop: sometimes like a bug (horrified), but then he REALLY wants to be seen as a troll, his humanity is DYING inside his mind sometimes, grappling
cogito: as a fellow troll
15. Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
cherie: no
coleop: no
cogito: 🪲 Hercules Beetle?
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16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
cherie: very high, he still feels it and sometimes he wants to curl up if he so much as gets a cut but when it comes to his horns he is used to it
coleop: …. his nerves are kind of super damaged in a love of places so his pain tolerance is fairly high
cogito: no pain tolerance :( he is a little guy.. one step and he is history
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
cherie: The Mauling
coleop: The Mauling
cogito: The Mauling
18. Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
cherie: VERY up close and personal, he is IN people’s business
coleop: pretty neutral, but if he gets going about his interests he will be very in-your-space
cogito: so up close that hes in peoples skin
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
cherie: horrifying. maul, maim, yell, kick. cries too.
coleop: tenses up and just growls to himself, raising his hands and walking off all stompy and pissed off. also hes a crier.
cogito: oh he gets super pissed,and since hes so small hes closer to hell so you KNOW hes horrible. ramming his beetle head into peoples shoes like that one turtle
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
cherie: hmm.. not much.. maybe a little? he doesnt care i think
coleop: little bit, stares. he stares. just big eyes, horrifying.
cogito: VERY JEALOUS ALL OF THE TIME, he wants to be a troll so bad, manifests as stealing bodies
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
cherie: scoliosis, auto-osteophagia (horn eating (his own), unlabeled paranoia thing, EXTREME anxiety disorder that manifests as explosive behavior.
doesnt handle it, leans into it
coleop: dermotillomania (not constant, comes and goes), trichotillomania, amnesia (only for The Mauling..), anxiety (bro is traumatized honestly)
tries to handle first two by wearing wooly gloves
cogito: is a bug. i dont know. maybe Pica, he might eat things that arent food (he is a bug)
22. What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
cherie: what does that mean
coleop: N/A
cogito: N/A
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
cherie: hard to process self-love, hard to express Love in general
coleop: hard to process hate, hard to express sadness
cogito: hard to process empathy, hard to express as well
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
cherie: wouldve died without coleops shelter
coleop: couldve lived a normal bug-collecting life with no trauma if not for cogito
cogito: burrowing in the soil.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
cherie: abrasive, so-himself, not afraid to be himself
coleop: the white streak in his hair.
cogito: he wants so harshly to just be
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thank yew so much for reading!
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ouroboros-hideout · 3 months
Are you a human drone?! Are you a writing machine?!
Brainrot's in control, mein deutsche Freund, do you understand?! SHOW ME YOUR 18/36/37 FACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sensory Headcanons Ask List
(will forever cherrish and keep your second message in my ask box. Circus director lost control while keking - headline in all newspapers)
18. What's something they love to create with their own two hands? Which creation are they most proud of?
Aon: Definitely knife forging. It's her non-plus-ultra hobby, even if she sometimes builds much more impressive machines or weapons for clients. But every knife she makes is unique and always has a very special meaning for her because, apart from for practice purposes, she forges every knife for a person who is important to her in some way, friends or family alike. But she is most proud of the knife she made for herself. It was one of the first she made, so compared to the most recent ones it's not the best of course, but it's still meaningful because of its flaws, as she can always see how much she's improved since the very beginning.
Vlad: Chaos and suffering. Lol no I actually can't answer that. Vlad doesn't have a creative side in the sense of: I create something like a craft murder doesn't count I guess. He's cultured as fuck, but prefers to gather knowledge about everything rather than practicing it himself. Maybe you could say he himself is the creation he is most proud of. Yes. That sounds conceited and arrogant enough. Final answer.
36. What was their comfort object or favorite toy in childhood? 
Aon: She has a hand-carved Lynx figure that her father made. It's like her talisman that she's always carried with her since she was a child and used to play with it. 
Vlad: He grew up in an orphanage and therefore never really had anything that belonged to him. When he was adopted by a wealthy couple, he suddenly had toys in abundance and everything he could wish for.  However, the sheer excess only meant that nothing really felt special that he was sentimentally attached to in any way.
37. Do they have any strong sensory preferences re: food, dishes, clothing, etc.?
(I hope I understand this question right - bilingualism - my sworn enemy)
Aon: She loves music and is sensitive to noises and sounds. For example, she works much better when she can block out all background tones and listen to her favorite songs and can also relax best in complete silence or with the subtle sounds of nature.
Vlad: He collects perfume, so he has trained his sense of smell accordingly, you could say, and loves to "discover" new scents and is generally enthusiastic about finding the perfect fragrance for himself and his partners. But this fable goes beyond that and he finds what others might find repulsive or disgusting equally fascinating. The notes of an award-winning perfume are as appealing as fresh blood on wet tar in a degenerate city side street.
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carolinemillerbooks · 5 months
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/a-curmudgeon-in-the-family-of-man/
A Curmudgeon In The Family Of Man
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I was grateful to my neighbor for helping me with a technical problem.  He’s the resident guru on computers at the retirement center and far too modest about himself. Aware that I might need his advice in the future, I asked if he’d care to adopt me despite my advanced age.  A smile parted his lips as his gaze dropped to the carpet. “We’re all family here,” he said. I walked away thinking he’d uttered a beautiful notion, though I tend to reject sentiments that are warm and fuzzy.  I’m old enough to know that the history of “the “family of man” is dysfunctional. Since Caine slew Able we’ve worked to perfect the art of violence. Murder isn’t the kind of glue to hold society together, so we attempt to contain it by inventing rules. Murder on a grand scale we call war.  The rules on those occasions are those of The Geneva Convention. The smaller stuff we leave to religion, laws, politics, and the whims of tyranny. But, like the potter who leaves his fingerprints upon newly shaped clay, because we are flawed creatures, the systems we create can be weaponized and used to threaten others. Justice, after all, is the gloved fist of vengeance. Bill Clinton, our 42nd President, sees philanthropy as a better way to promote social cohesion. Philanthropy can help bust through political and cultural gridlock by showing what can be done. He has many true believers, so many that at his last conference on philanthropy, a thousand do-gooders had to be turned away.   Enthusiasm on this scale is heartwarming, but I’m a curmudgeon. I’ve never been keen to turn the world over to philanthropists.  Who are they, after all, but people otherwise known as oligarchs? Nick Caraway in The Great Gatsby told us about them. They are people who don’t think like the rest of us. I doubt any butcher, baker, cowboy, or tailor would choose to live in a Martian colony under Elan Musk’s rules. I place my faith in “we the people.” Democracy’s collective mind is where we are most likely to find common ground. Alexei Navalny, Vladamir Putin’s murdered opponent, was a man of the people. Having survived attempts to assassinate him, he warned his followers their fate didn’t depend upon his survival but upon their will. If it happens, if they decide to kill me, it means we are incredibly strong.  We need to use that power. (“A  Hero of Our Time,” by Mariam Elder, Vanity Fair, April 2024, pg. 34.) His words may seem like a whistle against the dark, but the Ukrainian people are a living example of that courage. Their David and Goliath story can set this curmudgeon’s heart to racing. Even so, dreams can become fodder for blind ambition.      Our Republican House has placed a chokehold on future aid to that country, reversing their past support.  They did it to placate their revenge candidate, Donald Trump, in the upcoming presidential election.  Trump holds a grudge against Ukraine and is happy to curry the favor of their invader, Vladimir Putin.  If elected, our former president promises to leave Ukraine to the Russians. The predatory world in which we live is Nature’s doing, but humans have wasted no time in making a hell out of the heaven they inherited.  Some attempt to escape the violence by turning to drugs or alcohol. Others rely on religion, mysticism, or conspiracy theories for the dopamine high that makes them happy. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and augmented virtual reality could provide other avenues of escape. Their illusions might help us create worlds so satisfying, that many won’t return to planet Earth. For proof of that possibility, observe how people are mesmerized by their smartphones. We humans aren’t algorithms, however. Wherever we go, we drag our dark side behind us like a beloved toy.  That’s a drawback to consider as we cheer the coming of augmented reality. Despite the challenges ahead, like Navalny, I have hope because….well, what else is there?  Fraternity, equality, and liberty are pretty good ideas. To obtain them all we have to do is curb our tribal nature, though some have argued it doesn’t exist. Whether Instinctive or learned, history confirms that group-think seems natural to us.  We desire to be among people who look like us and share our values.  That passion for conformity rivals our growing need to respect diversity and sometimes makes democracy seem like a fool’s dream.    Given my doubts about the future of mankind, I left the caring gentleman at the retirement center with one request.  “please don’t include me as a member of the community.  I prefer to be the resident alley cat.”
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browa123 · 2 years
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The main cast and their fantasy AU designs all in one big drawing, plus all the characters that haven’t had a standalone full body yet, Alpha, Kirb and Flamie!
(It’s Flamie instead of Flamey because I wanted to fit a bit of “Stephanie” in there even if that’s not the name of the character in this setting. So, the nickname will have to do ^^)
...my at home art program only has the one font so bleh. I’m cheap.
He’s an angel! No really! Well, he’s a hybrid angel. Angels are a race on the Terrain, imbued with the powers of the Netkings, with the express purpose of keeping the Terrain at peace. Moderators, if you will.
Trouble is, Alpha isn’t the best at doing that job, so he kind of up and ran away from the Balancenter most of the angels reside at to go start his own life away from the Netkings. That, and he’s a bit self-conscious about his wings:
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He meets Kirb during his running away, and seeing as Kirb is also an “ex-emissary” to a different Netking who also ran away from his duty (Kirb’s account of things, not the truth), they hit it off really well and become best friends very quickly.
Flamegirl / Flamie
Drawing her Fantasy design makes me think of Pumpkin Spice Lattes and now I really want one. I gave her back her wings and tail from the Webseries, but wanted to keep the same kind of vibe she has in the RPG, mixing them together in a way.
Her enchanted flames purify anything they burn and even have healing properties (more Dragonbug lore), so she ends up getting harassed a lot for her healing powers. The most prominent of nuisances are those in the D-Buggers Cult that follow the evil Netkings. They always seem to get cursed by corrupted magic every which way, and chasing them away gets more and more irritating at every turn, especially when they start randomly harassing Alpha into getting himself cursed now.
Flamie wants to use Alpha’s connection to the Moderators to get the cult shut down, but Alpha is really, really reluctant to even go anywhere near Balancenter after he ran away, so she’ll just have to deal with D-Buggers herself.
Kirb / Zetto
Kirbopher tells everyone he meets that he’s a runaway D-Buggers member who’s turned over a new leaf from working as an emissary for the Deities of Destruction as a cover to the fact that he’s one of the two people leading the organization (IT’S NOT A CULT, damn it!).
More Dragonbug related lore again: Zetto is the only Netking who knows that the beings that were created with the Terrain are sentient. He spends most of his day disguised as one, so he’s the only one who’s gotten close enough to realize that the artificial life is more than just entertainment that fights in the stadium every few weeks.
This changes after the second time the virus infects Zetto, and Alpha has to drag him back to the forbidden caves so Kizuna can fix him. Kizuna stops referring to Alpha and the others as “Zetto’s toys” after Alpha helps save his life.
...oh? The first time Zetto was infected?
Why do you think the legends call him the “Evil Netking” in the first place?
With eyes blood red, Lavendera was torn asunder by the Warrior Deity of Destruction, who fell to the power of Gaia and left the land while wounded by the Shadowbeast to the depths of the war torn wasteland.
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The Great Purification Weapon
Wipe this flawed slate clean and start over again...
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Black Widow OC - Dimitri Belsky
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Full Name: Dimitri Belsky
Nickname(s): Dima, D
Age: 29 in Black Widow
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Russian
Skin Tone: White, tanned very slightly from traveling often
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Right at the junction between blond and brown
Hairstyle: Shaved thin in the back and around the sides, but long enough in the front to occasionally fall into his eyes
Build: Very thin muscle, built like a dancer. He relies on weapons for a reason
Height: 5'8"
Style: He wears a lot of black usually, occasionally with an open button up shirt of varying colors on top of his outfit. Typically black boots, black cargo pants and a black turtleneck tank top sort of deal. When fighting alongside his family though, he's wearing white and red.
General Personality Traits: Respectful, Quiet, Steady
Strengths: Perceptive, Loyal, Tenacious
Flaws: Dependent, Anxious, Guarded
Habits and Mannerisms: Tends to mumble or speak softly; Sighs a lot; Tosses his hair; Mouths the lyrics of songs that come into his head, regardless of current task; Tends to use sideways glances; Broad stance
Secrets: He doesn't tell anyone about his family; He tries to keep how much he's missed them from his family; His time working under a soviet espionage agency
Regrets: Letting his family get separated (regardless of the fact that he was eight at the time)
Skills/Talents: Stealth, sniping, general spy stuff; Sewing
Likes: Journal writing, American pop music, Cats
Dislikes: Being alone, Dogs, Cold
Sense of Humor: Witty banter and non harmful pranks
Guilty Pleasure: Cookies
Defining Moment: Leaving his post and forging his own way in the world
Friends: He has acquaintances, he hasn't really cracked the whole "friends" thing yet. His sisters were his best friends growing up. He counts his cats as friends
Family: Natasha Romanoff (Older Sister), Yelena Belova (Younger Sister), Melina Vostokoff (Mother), Alexei Shostakov (Father), His cats Tasha, Lena and - post the events of Endgame - Lev
Enemies: Dreykov and the guards of The Red Room; Clint Barton and Kate Bishop (briefly)
Lovers: N/A
Relationship Status: Single
Reputation: Quiet and reserved amongst those who don't really know him
Current Residence: America
Collections: A handful of cat toys, a few pictures of him and his family members
Accent: Russian
Voice: Light and on the higher end of male voices
Signature Quote: "If there is a reason I don't say anything, it is because I do not have the words to express how it makes me feel."
Song: TBD
Dimitri "Dima" Belsky never really knew his birth parents. As far as he knows and as far as he cares, he had no family until he was placed in the care of Melina and Alexei when he was five. Natasha was eight and Yelena was three. How he ended up under the thumb of Dreykov and his various nefarious pursuits he has no idea and he doesn't really want to know. The point was, he spent three of his most formative years with this little family unit and he loved them like they were his own.
Dima was a momma's boy growing up - something that follows him into his adult life later - and enjoyed all the time he spent with his sisters. He was a sensitive kid and didn't like being away from his family for too long. So, the separation of the family that one fateful night was as bad as it could possibly be. His mother had been injured and they were separating him from his sisters. Worst of all, his father was doing nothing to stop any of it.
While the girls were taken into their training to become widows, Dimitri was placed into a spy program for training with other young boys. He hated it. He missed his family, missed his sisters and the other boys were so terrible. He was tormented by the adults in charge as well as the other boys, so he did the only thing he could, he got quiet. They wouldn't bother him as much if he gave them less reason to.
He was still trained in espionage and was capable of working through some of his emotions later when he had the ability to have items of his own. He wrote things down because he had no other outlet. No one else has ever seen it or ever will. He was a spy for a while until he found a way out. He faked a death and supported himself by using his only skills. He became a gun for hire. And that's what he does until his sisters come calling.
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Eggman is a villain. Remember when Eggman dominating the world was a thing in Sonic Forces? Pretty sure many suffered for that. He's really a menace like he had Sonic as a prisioner and didn't bother to unalive him IN THAT MOMENT just because he enjoyed more the idea of making others lose hope via him? Or the time he didn't care that Infinite dissapeared and instead get full mecha not giving a damn about his "indestructible invention". I don't think he even saw Infinite as nothing more than a weapon this is why I believe he was actually a sentimental creature with his memory completely erased, similar to Surge and Kit but this is more of a headcanon than a fact lol. Whatever the true is this only shows what you have said earlier about Eggman, that all his inventions are disposable no matter what
To know this isn't the worst he has done is something that shouldn't be ignored lol
YEAH Forces got it so right... It got absolutely everything right about Eggman and its only flaw is for such an important and significant role to the plot. He deserved way more screentime to see the full extent of his actions and plan on screen and spotlight in his temporary glorious victory and progress in taking over- but his characterization was perfect.
Forces is an example that Eggman is smart and capable and despite his massive ego, he has very real reasons to be as proud and confident as he is with his real 300 IQ genius and skills. It also shows that he has a reason to be so determined to win because he CAN in fact accomplish his goals, he just can't keep it as long as Sonic is around but it counts.
But I also like how he kept Sonic alive and imprisoned for six months so he could finish and show off his completed empire to him and break his last bit of hope and fully prove his victory and superiority over him before "banishing him" (definitely killing him lol) because it would've been much more satisfying to him than just killing him immediately.
Also while only present in English and people have their different opinions, I like the idea Sonic was tortured and that it's said to be Eggman specifically and not Infinite. I'd like to believe he would be delighted to toy with him in a few ways once he gets his hands on him, primarily psychologically. Love to imagine him having his fun with him.
He only saw Infinite as a tool and a weapon he'd use up for all he's worth and drop the moment he no longer needed him because he doesn't share, or failed him before. Proven by how he didn't care he was gone even despite his loyalty, he said victory would be sweeter to defeat Sonic himself and was delighted to surpass Infinite in power with the ruby.
Everyone has always been vessels for Eggman to manipulate and use for selfish gain and later discard like they're nothing, while others are enemies and obstacles to be destroyed, and everyone else is so worthless and insignificant to him that all they should be are mindless slaves to the empire. Everything is his to use and destroy as he pleases.
I adore how Infinite is yet another example, even despite his loyalty to him the whole time. It never makes Eggman see them as anything more, doesn't make them any more worthy, and still don't deserve a fraction of his power in ruling the world in the end because everyone and everything is beneath him and disposable no matter what.
That's a cool idea for Infinite! What also works is him being heavily manipulated by Eggman after discovering their shared desires through the phantom ruby, and maybe the Jackal Squad's doom and his hatred to Shadow was yet another way to take his devotion to the empire further and allow him to use the phantom ruby on him.
And even despite his lack of genuine long term respect and value of any of his lackeys and how they'll always be temporary and worth nothing more than what they can do for him no matter how badly they get hurt is bad enough, it is indeed not even the worst thing he's done and that's why he's a magnificent evil bastard through and through! 💜🥰
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