#almost asked if anyone wants to watch a show together but then spooked myself
corrodedcoughin · 1 year
there’s so many Elton John songs that could fit Steve perfectly but I think the most appropriate one is probably the bitch is back
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sinnamonrolle · 3 years
[ the little moments] ♡ Leviathan
4 - That moment when you baked cream puffs with Leviathan.
✿ part of a series now! ✿
❀  gender neutral reader  ❀
“What are you making?” you asked, peeking over Levi’s arms.
“GAH!” Levi yelped. “BEGONE, DEMONS!—oh. It’s just you. Why did you sneak up on me??? It’s not fair for my poor heart, okay.”
Levi set down the spatula into the bowl and patted his chest a few times, clearly spooked by your unannounced arrival. You felt bad for scaring him, but his reaction was utterly adorable. There was a faint blush across his cheeks, and all you wanted to do was see it again and again.
“I’m sorry,” you said sincerely, giving his head a few pats for good measure. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
The blush deepened at the contact between you two, but Levi didn’t push you away. He only turned his head and grumbled with a small pout, “It’s fine, I forgive you.”
You looked at the dough in the bowl, the cup of beaten eggs on the counter, and the bottles of whip cream neatly lined up to the side. “So, what are you making? Do you need any help?” you asked.
He perked up instantly, and all lingering signs from the scare vanished. As he whipped out his D.D.D. from his pocket, he began explaining to you.
“So, you see,” Levi began, his fingers moving furiously against the screen, “in the anime ‘The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demon Girl’, in one episode, Ruri-chan visited one of her human friends and they made cream puffs together, and as I was rewatching that episode, seeing Ruri-chan enjoying her cream puffs that she made with her own two hands also made me want to make my own cream puffs, because if I make it myself, then it’ll be like eating it with Ruri-chan, you know, but I’ve never made cream puffs before so I’m following a recipe and yeah. That’s where I am right now—Did you get all that? You look a little dazed.”
When Levi talked about something he’s passionate about, the purple in his eyes rose and fell in accordance to his emotions. It’s something that took you a while to notice, but once you did, you couldn’t stop staring. For example, when Levi was sad, the purple swallowed most of the orange, leaving behind a sliver of dark orange. And when Levi was angry, and you meant really angry, only a tiny amount of purple circled his pupil. The bright orange consumed all other colors, and it almost seemed to glow. But when Levi was happy, that’s when his eyes were the warmest orange. The purple was mild, nestled underneath hues of oranges—you thought it was a beautiful combination of colors.
Like currently. You were utterly entranced by the way the orange seeped into the paler orange, pushing down the purple until all you could see was the sunset in his eyes. Too entranced that you appeared dazed to Levi, but not to the point that you didn’t listen to what he was saying.
When you refocused again, Levi turned away to the ingredients on the countertop, hands reaching for his headphones only to meet the collar of his cardigan. It seemed to be a habit of his. When he was nervous or feeling out of place, he often reached for his headphones to feel safe, to feel protected against the world. But he didn’t have them today, probably because he planned on baking and didn’t want them to get dirty or to get in the way.
“Of course,” Levi mumbled, tugging his cardigan closer to his body, “I shouldn’t expect a normie like you to understand, why did I even bother? There’s no way you would care about something stupid—”
“I was listening,” you said firmly. “By making cream puffs, you will feel like you’re eating them with Ruri-chan, right? It’s not stupid at all, Levi. I think the idea is adorable. Can we make them together?”
Levi spluttered and turned further away from you, red ears peeking out of his hair.
“That-that’s not fair! Acting so cute, especially with that head tilt! It’s like you’re trying to KO me!” Levi complained, but he finally turned to look at you. However, his eyes were constantly moving between the bowl of batter and your face. “Although… if it’s on purpose, I, uh, I wouldn’t necessarily mind… BUT that’s not the problem here! Are you sick or something? Why did you look so out of it? Like, like something came and ate your soul! You can’t let anyone eat your soul, okay?!”
There was no need for shame in this house, so you confessed with a straight face. Besides, there wasn’t any reason to hide it from Levi, whose concern for your soul had his hands on your shoulders, all of his inhibitions regarding intimacy out the window.
“I got distracted by your eyes,” you said honestly. “When you’re really happy, your eyes are this really pretty shade of orange. It reminds me of sunsets and autumn trees that we have in the human world.”
It took Levi a minute or two to process what you just said, but when it registered, he froze up. His hands clamped down harder on your shoulders, fingers squeezing you as he choked out, “A-ah… I, I see…”
His eyes bore holes into your clothes, not daring to meet yours, as red bloomed beautifully on his cheeks. It was just tempting you to touch it, to feel the warm soft skin with your fingertips, to encourage the blush with pinching and kneading, but just as you started to move for his cheeks, Levi removed himself from you and showed you a picture of cream puffs, drawn in a familiar anime style.
“Th-this, AHEM, this is what Ruri-chan made,” Levi said, the blush still lingering on his cheeks as he explained. “She cuts it completely in half and then they put the cream inside.“ Then, he swiped to another picture. “This is the recipe I found. I’ve already cooked the dough on the stove, so all I have left is to mix the perfect amount of eggs into the dough.”
You lowered the hand that was reaching for Levi’s face and smiled at him. Even though you really wanted to touch his cheeks, you were still satisfied from the way Levi was enjoying himself with baking. It was rare to see Levi so unbridled and unabashed with his happiness in a public space, although perhaps the House of Lamentation wouldn’t count as public.
Something this rare... you didn’t dare disrupt.
“Then, let’s mix the eggs together,” you offered, turning to grab the measuring cup of beaten eggs. “Is this the amount that we need?”
Levi picked up the spatula he had set down earlier and replied, “There’s four eggs in there, but the recipe said that it’s really finicky. We just have to make the dough a good consistency. Let’s see… we need it shiny, thick, and smooth.”
The mixing went well. Levi was extremely strict with making sure the dough came out well, and while you did some baking before here and there, you definitely weren’t an expert on the amount of eggs that needed to be in cream puff dough. You were glad Levi knew enough for the cream puffs to come out looking absolutely delicious, because you weren’t sure if your heart could handle Levi breaking down into tears.
“Be careful when you’re cutting it in half,” Levi said nervously, watching closely as you sliced a cream puff. “Don’t get hurt, okay? I’ll freak out if you do. I don’t know how to reattach fingers, so I’ll probably have to go get Satan but wouldn’t it be too late by then? How long does it take before human fingers aren't able to reattach? Ah, but we have magic so—”
“Levi,” you said, patting his arm in a consoling manner, “I understand your concerns, but I’ll be fine. I promise to be extra careful, but you shouldn’t hold the whipped cream can—”
“—too tightly…” you finished, but it was already too late.
The bottle of whipped cream, branded with a logo of Little Devil, exploded from the top. Some of the cream decorated the kitchen countertop in white spots and some fell on your hand, but most of it landed on Levi. You could barely see his face through the thick layer of white.
“Pfffftttt—cough, cough!” you started laughing, only to immediately cover it with coughs. It didn’t sound believable at all, but you continued on, setting the knife to the side. “Levi, are you okay?”
Before he could respond, much of the cream fell from his face in a huge glob, leaving behind a white coating with varying thickness and two spots where his eyes were. You choked back the laughter as best as you could, but it was hard to stop your lips from twitching. It wasn’t helping that he looked somewhat like a clown.
“Are, are you okay, Levi?” you asked again, biting down on your lips to stop it from forming into a smile. “That’s a lot of whipped cream…”
Levi opened his mouth, but you couldn’t see his lips at all, only a dark, gaping hole that opened and closed.
“Unbelievable…” he said, and you would have helped him clean the cream off his face if you didn’t absolutely lose it then and there, doubling over as you wheezed, slapping a hand against your thigh.
“I’m sorry,” you gasped, “but, oh my goodness, Levi, you—AHAHAHA, you look like a clown! A clown! Levi, I’m so sorry but—”
When you took another look at Levi, he was looking at you in equal parts disappointment and embarrassment as he wiped off most of the white cream with a hand, washing it under the faucet.
Even though most of the whipped cream was gone, the look he sent you almost launched you into another wheezing fit, but you steadied yourself as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
“Unbelievable,” Levi grumbled, but this time you could see the pout on his lips and the absolutely adorable way his eyebrows furrowed together.
“I’m sorry,” you said again, with a bit of guilt, and reached for the remaining cream hanging onto his bangs. “Here, let me get that—”
Levi caught your hand.
“You complete idiot,” he complained as he brought your hand to his lips. “Cruel and heartless, I can’t believe you’re my master… Normally, I wouldn’t forgive you for a hundred years but… ” He trailed off, and his eyes, the color of coral, met yours for a brief second before his eyes eluded yours, and his tongue peeked out and licked the whipped cream that had landed on the back of your hand.
Your eyes followed the retracting tongue and the way it swiped gently against his pink lips as it passed through. Dazed, you only processed what had happened when the kitchen air blew against the wet patch on your hand, the cold sensation and the realization warming up your face.
Now, you were the one blushing.
Levi finished with a whisper, “You’re lucky I love you.”
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youarejesting · 3 years
Sly like a... ? part 11
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[Full Masterlist] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All (Marked Chapters 18+) Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story.
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
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‘No girls or Jungkook’s allowed! ’
The sign on the door filled you with so much anger. You had to physically remember to breathe, it wouldn’t do to start yelling at the hybrids, they already felt inferior and vulnerable compared to humans. You never wanted them to feel weak, which is why you were mad. You didn’t care if they wanted to exclude you, but you would give the two young men a strong lecture for even thinking about excluding Jungkook.
“Jimin and Taehyung I would like to talk with you,” you ripped the sign down and tore it up. It would be best to dispose of the evidence before the young man saw it. Seeing his hyungs ignoring him would break him, “If you are upset talk to me and I will try to fix the situation.”
There was no response so you sighed walking away pushing the small lump in your throat down, you heard them whispering and thought maybe they needed time. It was after lunch that you began wondering if they planned to lock themselves up all day. Jungkook sat on the soft rug looking at the video games and he smiled setting up the controllers as he looked between two games.
“Which one do you think is better?” Jungkook asked Seokjin who took one of the controllers and smiled, he read both and grinned and you stepped over sitting on the floor picking up a controller.
“I can play right, I think Jimin and Taehyung are talking about some things,” You smiled, nuzzling his hair for a second and leaning back on Seokjin’s legs. “So what are we playing, I have never played before?”
Namjoon ended up joining and Yoongi took a seat on your spare side on the rug and leaned on one of Seokjin’s legs laughing at your expense. “You missed, he was right there and you missed, he shot you,”
“Look, I am a Minecraft kind of videogamer, you know the sims?” You puffed your cheeks flailing as you tried to shoot Namjoon who was doing a lot of shouting and not a lot of aiming either.
Everyone was in stitches. You almost forgot about the other two boys who were feuding with you. It was late and you had played a series of driving and shooting games and a game of Minecraft; where you all made a village and lived side by side and visited each other's houses with food and tools.
“I am hungry,” Jungkook pouted, pulling your sleeve and glancing at the dark kitchen. You looked at the time, and your mouth dropped open. “When is dinner?”
“Let’s order in, I can’t be bothered cooking,” You ordered a bunch of food, making sure to get Jimin and Taehyung’s favorite dishes so that you could lure them out. They would no doubt be hungry.
The food was delivered and as you removed the lids you named the dishes loudly hoping the two locked away in their room would emerge and eat something.
It’s super effective!
You smile as everyone digs in. The two boys were obviously mad and jealous that you had slept in Jungkook’s room and you wondered how you would possibly be able to fix this.
“I will take Wednesdays,” Yoongi smiled “I like Wednesdays”
“What is he talking about?” Hoseok asked he was just as confused by the white tiger's outburst looking towards Namjoon who with a mouth full of noodles shrugged.
“Sunday’s you can sleep in Jungkook’s room, and mine on Wednesdays,”
“Oh I will take Monday’s” Hoseok smiled, brightly
“Monday is tonight” Jimin accused looking panicked, “fine, I will take Tuesday then”
“Can you sleep in my rooms on Wednesday?” Taehyung said,
“Wednesday is already taken,” Yoongi glared, placing some meat on Taehyung’s plate in an attempt to console him, “Take Thursday”
“Yes Thursday”
“I will take Saturday,” Jin grinned, “Which means Namjoon is Friday? Is that alright?”
You blinked watching this all unfold, they had just decided on their own sleep schedule for you. It was nice to see them working together but you didn’t know how to feel about moving rooms every night. But at this point, anything seemed more comfortable than the couch. “Maybe once and when I have stayed once in everyone's rooms, I will go back on the couch.”
“What if two people share a room and have bunk beds or something, then that leaves a free room for you?” Jimin said, grabbing some tteokbokki, “I can share with Hoseok or Taehyung or Jungkook, I can give you my room. It can be your own little space.”
“Oh, my room! My room!” Hoseok said, “I miss the sound of other people in the night, we can get bunk beds.”
Hoseok and Jimin grinned at one another, the two already talking about how they would design and decorate their room. Heading into the bathroom you cleaned up the clothes off the floor and dumped them in the hamper. It made you laugh how comfortable they were all getting enough to drop their clothes on the floor right beside the hamper.
Taking a rather warm shower you scrubbed your skin wondering if you would smell different again in the morning. It was a strange thought, once scrubbed and buffed clean you wrapped yourself in your towel and stood on the small mat in front of the basin. Examining your appearance, as you slowly moisturize your skin.
Whilst smoothing the cool night cream across your brow you thought you saw an orange tail in the mirror turning you thought Seokjin had burst into the bathroom to pee but when you turned nothing and nobody was there.
It left you feeling a little unsettled, it was your head playing tricks on you. Getting dressed you all but ran out into the hall smacking into Seokjin who was coming out of his room. You grasped his large shoulders to prevent yourself from falling back. He gripped your waist in response.
“Woah, what’s wrong, why are you scared?” He asked, his tail fluffed and his ears twitching looking for a threat. A few heads popped out of their rooms, “You reek of fear, what happened?”
“I spooked myself, one of the towels moved in the bathroom and I thought it was something else and I got scared, that’s all” Your voice died off with your rambling, and the blush settled upon your cheeks.
Hoseok walked over and took your hands, “don’t worry, you are staying in my room tonight so I will protect you!” His chipper tone did wonders to ease your distress, pulling you along to his room where he tucked the two of you into the bed.
“Thank you, I miss having people to talk to and just be there,” He smiled, “I am excited to get to stay with Jimin, he is such a nice guy.”
“He is a sweetheart when we were little we used to play together and he always wanted to play pirates and superheroes but on my 4th birthday no one from our school showed up to my princess party. So Jimin dressed up as a princess as did my carer Felix and his carer Astrid and we all shared snacks and cake”
“YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T TELL ANYONE!” Jimin’s voice screeched from the hallway seconds before rapid footsteps. His figure appeared in the doorway for a split second, his sock-clad feet slipping out from underneath him sending him sliding further down the hallway.
“I have pictures too,” You giggled
“Send them to me.” Yoongi’s tired drawl came from a few rooms up and you grinned airdropping them around the house. Jimin tried to wrestle the phone from your hands and you grinned, pulling him onto the bed.
“Time for bed Jimin, lay down or get out.” he indeed snuggled up on your other side, Hoseok and Jimin's arms wrapped around you and you were indeed feeling quite safe from your previous scare.
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i-need-air · 3 years
Oh-- I really really -really- liked your wolf hybrid Bakugou and-- if you don't mind, can you do one on Kirishima? Just the general headcanons, if this is too bothersome then you can ignore this once again- thank you
Just general headcanons you say? Okay, I had this written 2k words in before I got this ask and now it's at... ehem, let me take a deep breath for this;
Word count: 3.5k 💀 [of HCs 💀💀💀]
Why do I keep doing this to myself aksdjkd I love Kiri so much, my god! Thanks for the ask!! 💗
[ Masterlist ]
Hybrid!AU Kirishima Eijirou HCs
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× i mentioned him as a dog hybrid and we're sticking with it because it just feels right, yano? anyway!
× you found out about how the new hybrid shelter in your city helped bust a fighting ring
× which was horrifying to think about
× one of your friends explained the process to you and you were definitely interested in helping someone out
× shelters were still underfunded and didn't provide much to help the hybrids adapt to society
× so you found yourself in front of the shelter without a plan
× just a dream and a spare couch that could thankfully convert into a bed
× before you could chicken out you stormed through the doors like a mad person, catching the attention of the guards and the front desk man
× it surprised you how disinterested they were though; were they seriously the people that dismantled a whole illegal fighting ring?
× they called a sweet old lady to accompany you
× when you explained your situation her eyes sparkled, looking you up and down and nodding her head
× she took you through some hallways, showing you around the precinct, questioning you about what type of hybrid you'd want
× to which you honestly didn't know how to respond, like anyone you could help????
× it kinda pissed you off how she spoke about the hybrids like they were pets, suggesting you'd get a kitty or a bunny, since [her words] they were low maintenance
× is this really a good shelter?
× you looked around, finding prison like cells left and right, some with people that looked at you curiously, some covering from your glance
× they were locked in...
× some growling could be heard far away but the woman shook her head at you, disapproving gaze turned to the side as she took you further into the building
× another room, this time cells were bigger, a few occupied, yet covered from you, indiferent and uninterested
× a man was sitting on the edge of the bed, hands in his hair
× "Kirishima, boy, get up to greet someone"
× his red eyes snapped up, whatever he was thinking about slowly forgotten
× he blinked curiously as you hugged your frame, feeling uncomfortable, even ashamed to be there
× but a sweet smile took over his features
× "Hey! I'm Kirishima Eijirou!"
× it's really all it took for you to grow fond of him; he got up and came closer to the entrance of the cell and introduced himself in such easy-going manner you forgot about everything and anything
× he calmed you with his presence, even if it was very disheveled, with old ripped clothes and hair messy, painted red with obvious dark roots showing
× he had a black fluffy tail waving slowly behind him too
× you introduce yourself with his encouragement and mumbled how you wanted to help someone out today
× he just smiled at you, taking you in
× let me tell you something about dog hybrids: they can sense emotions and intentions so Kiri would be a very good judge of character and he really, genuinely took a liking on you
× the problem is how the fuck do you say out loud that you wanted to help him out
× because you sure as hell weren't going to say you'd adopt him; he's not a child? we're talking about a grown ass man here? literally looked like 6'4ft/1.95m?????
× it was so shameful, your gut turned as you cursed society and he sensed it, expression changing, falling a little as he saw you look very out of place
× "Hey, hey, everything's gonna be fine!" he said
× he told YOU that
× instead of YOU telling HIM those words;;; you almost burst into ugly crying, forgetting about everything else, your minuscule problems or shame or whatever and just nodded at him
× "Would you like to come home with me, Kirishima?" you said, ignoring the happy clapping the old lady was doing, watching carefully how his expression, clear as water, switched from easy-going and reassuring to shocked then hopeful
× "I'd like that" he breathed out "—a lot."
× as you went out the lady was telling him it was a shame they separated his group of friends, something about being sent to different shelters, how he had to be a good boy, to behave, yada-yada and seriously;;; he was taking it so lightheartedly, as if he was so used to this behavior or even was thankful for it?
× it was starting to get annoying, specially when they gave you a collar for him, like no fucking thanks, but you'd take care of it later
× since it was very random and unplanned, you were making mental gymnastics to figure out what to get and what to do first, like clothes, food—
× journey home was pleasant as he walked close to you, asking you questions about yourself with a gentle smile on his features
× meanwhile people got out of both your ways because he was intimidating and big and large but his smile screamed sunshine
× all while he never really mentioned anything about himself
× you made a point to ask him if he was hungry, to grab a quick bite at any restaurant you could get at then go buy some clothes and necessities
× you were so casual and this guy was so shocked
× i swear, looks at you blinking stupidly then ✨beams✨
× spoiler alert; big boy was hungry
× it didn't matter honestly, just seeing him eat without a worry [even if everyone at the restaurant was wary of him but got a stink eye from you] was a relief
× since you answered his questions about you, you decided to ask some about him; you were going to be roomies soon so might as well get to know each other
× shocked again
× stops mid-bite when you ask him something and stares wide-eyed
× doesn't answer but you can see he wants to and you're confused??
× "did I—... did I say something wrong?" you'd press, scared you'd spook him away or something
× he just gulps down and looks ashamed
× casually tells you they've been told at the shelter owners don't care about them
× 🙃 say what now bby?
× he kinda starts apologizing because he understands why you wouldn't wanna know and you put your hand on his; kinda mutes him for a second
× "Kirishima, we're gonna live together and hopefully be friends in the process, right? I'd like to know about you, as much as you're willing to tell me"
× [ falls in love right then and there ]
× he's met humans before, many actually—
× even in the short weeks he's been at the shelter he's seen people come and go and none talked to him like you did
× stares with stars in his eyes and chuckles awkwardly, blush on his face
× "You're really nice, [Y/N]" he said before eagerly answering your questions; course, it leaves you confused lmfao but you brush past it
× okay! shopping next, long story short it was very hard to find hybrid clothes for his size so you pick to change human clothes and adjust them for him
× as you again mention this stuff casually he's just awestruck
× when you got home, bags in hand, you were explaining to him how you really didn't have much; you were working to get a promotion soon but for now you had a couch that could open up into a very comfy bed, which he assured you it was enough
× you were lowkey unsure if he fit it because like i mentioned, big boi is big
× he does! so that's a relief but you started considering giving him your bed; you mostly fell asleep on the couch anyway and to be fair, it was really comfortable and you mention it as he looks around
× his head snaps at you, wide eyed, yet does not talk
× so you ramble bc that's something fun to do! "I mean I went to the shelter without a plan and uh, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and maybe the bed is a better fit and—"
× Kirishima Eijirou sees: 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕
× has never been treated like this, like he's an... equal... something he'll take months to share with you, but we're getting ahead of ourselves
× the thing is this boy will fall pretty hard pretty fast, but will definitely take time to make a move
× bc he is respectful
× so he thanks you for the offer and tells you it's probably the best place he slept in all his life
× can your heart stop breaking for him? i mean it's a good couch but it's no luxury hotel bed???
× [ we need to pause, OP made herself sad ]
× ok, so he's really helpful around the house, and he knows how to cook!
× takes no time to talk about his friends, special his best friend that cooked for everyone at the fighting ring and forced them all to help and that's how he was pretty decent at cooking himself
× wasn't the best though, but followed instructions like a boss
× he lives for your compliments
× literally his tail wiggles with no shame
× seriously;; tell him he did a good job even at the dumbest thing and—
× puffs chest
× wiggle-wiggle
× "Thanks!"
× 🥺💕💞 make him stop, he's so cute
× did i mention he has like floppy black ears? Omg his earsssssssssshnnngggggggggg
× because they move whenever he walks and they're mesmerizing
× and one day that you're observing them for science [not because your heart was like 💘pom-pom💘] you noticed his roots
× remember when your heart broke for him? hah, have some more because as you asked him, he started telling you that he was pushed into dying his hair red for the spectacle, diversity and what-not
× reassured you he grew to love it now, being part of who he is
× also gets a little bit shy when adding he wouldn't want to change the color in hopes of finding his friends someday and for him to be easily recognizable
× you bought him hair dye that same day
× WHICH! apart from gaining extra 🥺💕💞 from him, it created a nice routine between you two!!
× you offered to dye his hair and it was such a great time; he made you laugh, conversation going just as easy whenever you talked, you got to know each other a little bit more and—
× heh
× at the end, after applying all the red hair dye, you massaged his scalp gently
× guess who melts in your hands? yes, giant ass dog-man melts into a puddle under your hands and it's the cutest fucking thing you've ever seen
× I'm serious, he sighs and leans into your gloved hands with zero [0] shame, eyes closed and peaceful expression on his features apart from a small smile
× you tease him and he laughs it off, but promise him you'd give him head scratches when he was finished with the dye, washed off and hair dry
× and you better deliver
× "Don't think I forgot!" he'd say as he'd hop on his make-shift bed in the living room by your side, tail moving from side to side
× as you start playing with his locks, he falls into your lap and starts snoring
× move an inch and he opens his eyes to look at you confused
× puppy eyes questioning you if you're leaving 🥺
× yep, you fall asleep together
× you point out to yourself that those puppy eyes will be the death of you
× he's a touchy guy, okay? since he's been touchy with you from the very start you never questioned it, even read on the internet that many hybrids descended from house pets need physical affection, like hugs, pats, scratches, all the bag, so it wasn't a big deal for you
× except it was a big deal because he's been around for a month and you're already catching feelings and that's bad because you did not bring him there to fall for him but to help him start a new life and—
× oh my god, what if he thought you were one of those people from the horror stories about hybrid adoption that only wanted them for one thing—
× no, no, no, nO, NO.
× anxiety was getting to you as the guilt of catching feelings for him, plus the fact that he was financially dependant on you for the time which would've made it even worse if he found out, PLUS he comes from such a rough life, he definitely needs a break and doesn't need his first human friend in forever to be a piece of;;;
× Kiri catches on this really constant and increasing feeling of anxiety; he starts to send you worried glances but doesn't know how to proceed
× in such a soft voice he asks if you're okay, if something is on your mind
× and since you weren't sharing anything but acted as if everything was alright even when he felt you lied, Kiri started to get worried too
× why were you anxious? why weren't you talking to him about it?
× oh, god, was he a burden? because he felt like one;;; did you want him out? he felt like an extra weight for you and wanted to do something about it but maybe you got sick of him? he felt unmanly...
× the fact that he knew he cared about you as more than just a friend made him even more anxious and it didn't help that whenever he touched you he heard your breath hitch or your heart beating louder; he got his hopes up then down because
× you smelled like people; people he didn't know, people he wanted to know because he needed to know why did you smell like them? were they a treat? were they potential partners? he really did not want to ask bc Kirishima felt like it wasn't his place to know
× as tension grew in the house you decided to gift him a new phone, ready to give him some news that reached your ears
× it seems Kiri himself liked to do sports and mainly jog to keep himself active and he's started to pass by the local dog-park to play with the dogs
× imagine your surprise when a few neighbors asked you if he'd be willing to train their dogs bc he's been teaching them stuff like once a week and the dogs listened
× big time dog whisperer; he says "Sit" to one dog and all dogs in the neighborhood sit too, you get me?
× so you said it would be nice for him to have his own money; not like you didn't help him without care, but you saw his face every time you bought something for him and really felt like he needed some real independence
× he's in ✨awe✨ because you came up with clients already that were very eager for dog training sessions, which he loved??? and suggested hours, wages??????
× and you gave him this new phone to help him with it if he's interested too?
× "Well, the normal price on the internet around the area is—"
× "[Y/N]."
× "Hmm?"
× "You're really amazing, you know that, right?" he'd have his lips curled into a sweet smile
× which makes your heart go crazy and this man notices how you get flustered
× loves it
× get ready for compliments; a lot of compliments just expecting your sweet flustered reactions
× he's slow at realizing your feelings for him because he beats himself down and seems himself as less of a man but tests the waters nonetheless and a d o r e s every time you struggle to thank him for said compliments and don't know how to continue functioning
× catches on and gets his hopes up
× and so you do
× listen, this is hilarious because you're both dumb idiots and want to be respectful towards the other meanwhile he hugs you tighter and for a little bit too long, loving how you melt into him, kisses you on the cheek and sees you get all flustered, looks at you like you're the only one to ever matter until you stop talking, turning everything into a giant mess of silence until you both grin at each other???? I'm getting second-hand embarrassment, just kiss???????
× and it happened with an accidental kiss
× you greeted him as he walked through the door, excited to tell him about your promotion, rambling about the take-out you ordered while he smiled at you
× and it started to be usual for you to greet him with a kiss on the cheek, right? just what normal roomies do, you know [mhmm~]
× he's taking his shoes off and knows the kiss is coming, but just before you press it on his cheek you whisper/squeal "I got the promotion!" to which he turns his head in surprise at you making your lips press together by accident [mhhhmmmmm~~~]
× cue both of you apologizing, looking like a mess
× he's blushing
× you both loved it
× why are you standing so close to each other?
× why did he lick his lips in daze while staring at yours?
× which one of you was leaning in for another kiss?
× it didn't really matter because he's kissing you slowly, taking you into his arms like you were made of porcelain
× glues his body to yours and breathes you in, lips locked, neither believing it was real
× lifts you up in his arms with no difficulty and smiles, both inches separated from another; "Congratulations..." his breath would fan over your face;;;;
× yeah, okay, he takes no time to confess, resulting in a mess of manly words skdjekldj you guys talked that whole night while cuddling and stealing kisses, you on his lap
× [ his nose brushing your neck; he loves your scent omg ]
× it becomes official pretty much instantly and then all your worries wash away
× all the anxiety, all the stress and overthinking, they've all been sorted out in one night and trust me, afterwards this man is pure honesty and loyalty
× he won't hesitate to talk to you about anything and will be such a patient sweetheart with you, listening to every word you say without judgment
× loves cheesy stuff? as in the most cliché stuff seen in movies? that's his shit right there; whenever you two see each other after some time apart [sometimes 5 minutes apart] he'd pick you in his arms and spin you around, then expect you to kiss him
× if you don't, i will skfjdkfk step aside 👀
× skin contact; please, touch him
× if you're not he sends you those famous puppy eyes and we all know they're killer
× sighs, happy to hold you tight against him, engulfing you into his big frame; yeah, you're where you belong, in his arms.
× everyone in the neighborhood loves him; it's ridiculous, seriously, because you find out he helped around all the time when you were at work and gained everyone's love
× makes an instagram account to teach people how to train their dog and becomes an internet sensation, a small celebrity
× also bc he's hot and sometimes posts working out pics
× skdksjs imagine this: makes dinner for both of you, lits up some candles, goes all in, then fucking posts it on ig saying "waiting for my baby to come home #surprise" forgetting you can see it lmfao
× you see the story on your way home and 🥺💞 "ye i love his oblivious ass"
× soft gasps when you tell him after dinner
× has the audacity to be surprised, like babe????
× Kaminari finds him through social media and this baby cries in relief for a good half an hour
× both team up to find all the gang
× guess who talks praises about you all the time? mhm, this guy right here is proud to have you
× and Denki has to deal with it;
× anywho! want to break him for good? tell him you love him for the first time
× but forgets how to speak
× finds his words to say it back after staring at you entranced, grinning like an idiot, taking you in his arms and giving you a bone crushing hug while shaking in place
× he's never felt this loved and adores every second of it
× you're like a drug and he's deep gone, man
× tells you he loves you every single day
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509 notes · View notes
semischarmed · 3 years
Chrysalis, Part 3
This was the day. The tremors have only intensified. I feel myself tearing at the arm that I had fully bonded with Kyle. If I don’t act soon that’s all that’s gonna be left of me in him. So I decided it had to be today. I’ve been shivering all over too, probably in fear or anticipation? Probably both.
By no means was Red ready. He had a natural fighting streak so it wasn’t gonna be a smooth process. As prepared as I was, the odds were stacked against me. This body’s connection with me has degraded significantly faster than I had anticipated. Had I gone with anyone else, I’d be permanently one with Kyle by now, but of course it had to start with Red. No use crying over spilled milk. Taking Red would be the struggle of a lifetime. Had it just been me in my old body, I would have given up outright. But I was Kyle now, and Kyle does Not. Give. Up.
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I fight a long, close game in the early afternoon and we barely eke out a win- mostly thanks to me, despite my current condition. I hug my teammates as our sweat and smells coalesce in the blazing sun. We bake uncomfortably long in the heat. They really were great teammates. Kyle basically did a 180 in their eyes, being far more comfortable, far more sociable, far more filthy- yet they accept me regardless. I breath them in, remarking on them and myself for possibly the last time, before making my way back to my dorm. 
I stop halfway as I am instantly crippled in a massive tremor that forces me to the ground. I retch. This was too tenuous, too delicate. There would be no time for any detours. I immediately run for Sig Chi.
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Red wakes in a cold sweat in his bed, in the filtered light of the moon, to the image of his naked little bro- to the image of me jacking off to him. Of course he had to also be a light sleeper.  
“Heyyy Big Bro” I whisper menacingly, licking my lips. Fuck. Ok, ok, gotta improvise.
“Kyle? Kyle! What the fuck?! How did you get here? And, oh fuck... Jeeezus, is that you? Dude you fucking reek” I could tell he was trying to categorize the smell, but I quickly correct him. 
“That’s right I fucking reek, this cute little meat-suit had a game today. This is what my team smells like, this is what a man smells like,” I rush up to the naked Red, who instinctively recoils and pulls his sheets up. I lean in to my speechless big bro, sticking my face close to his, bringing our foreheads together. Despite his overall friendliness, he was a dangerous one. I’ve never met so much resistance in a person. I could show him no weakness.
I grab his head with my hands, pointing it downward to our bare chests, so we can both smell our combined odor. “This is what we’ll smell like”.
Red attempts to defuse the situation. “Ok, ok dude, great prank” he laughs, obviously disturbed. “But I- “ Before he can continue, I smear a bit of precum over his lips. ”I can’t wait to make you mine... big bro” I moan. I cup his sweaty left pec with my hand, giving a slight squeeze. His nipples, rock hard. “Kyle, get the fuck off me! The fuck is this?!” He pushes me off his bed with a force I did not expect. Still, my Big Bro Red- being the nice guy he was- made sure to only push me safely into a pile of old clothes. With the parts of me that were already inside him, I restrict any further movement. He breaks free from my grasp in small blips of resistance.
Red struggles in vain to leave his bed and I focus my hold on his body further. “You know, I was wondering how much cum it would take for your body to start accepting mine...” I trail. “Kyle, what the fuck are you talking about... what is this?!” He again struggles to move against his invisible restraints. I grab his water bottle and lift it up near him, giving it a little shake, motioning to it with my head. “Cmon, there’s no way you haven’t noticed... How’d you like the exclusive taste of me?” He shakes his head, utterly revolted, horrified, while a tent begins to form in his bedsheets. He looks down stating “no, no, that.... that’s not me... Kyle, this is...” I smile, amused, at the situation. Half-truth. For one he was wrong, that body of his was most definitely turned on. But I concede, if anything, that it was probably the result of his constant exposure to my seed moreso than his actual feelings for his little bro in the frat. Though his body had not been fully primed to accept me, I decide to continue layering on the mental damage, to better ease me in for the upcoming fight.
Since Red had so rudely interrupted my little session, I decide to continue where I left off, pumping my meat in front of him as I tear off his bedsheets.
“Oh Red, oh god Red! My roommate... he-he snuck inside me and ah fuck he took me... he stole me... poisoned my insides with himself... twisted me- look at me when I’m fucking talking Red- Look at how I wear his cute smile. Look how his body, his muscles, his feelings bend to my will. I make a great Kyle don’t I? Look how good I am at playing with my dick. Well I am Kyle, so of course I’m a great fucking Kyle.” Before I finish, I slip just my hand inside his- its veins flare up at my intrusion but I maintain the control of our now-shared appendage, bringing it up so we can examine it together. I wink at him before I seductively suck each of our fingers while I push my arm into his further. He watches in shock as he feels every motion. “But, you know Red, you know my roommate? That asshole is pretty greedy, asked me who else he’d look great in... and I told him I thought he’d make a great Red. I told him we’d be great at wearing your skin.” With our joint hand, I continue to pump my hard on, reveling in Red’s confusion and disgust in the process. I grab his dick, bringing it next to mine and letting him pleasure us both at the same time with his rough hand. He sweats as he continues to control his emotion, attempting to remain stoic. On the other hand, I am reduced to moans and whimpers- a sight that probably looks incredibly off coming from Kyle. His lip trembles and he lets out a soft grunt and a massive wave of pleasure hits us both. We begin to feel the sensations from each other’s dick in the process. Our breaths are shallow, and I look into my future eyes. 
“I-I’m a special case though. This?” I gesture to my own body with my free hand, as I explode, splashing a little on Red’s lips and lot on myself. Red explodes soon after and he stifles a moan. I now drag our shared hand all over my body, smearing and mixing our cum together over my stolen abs and his. “Kyle is fully mine. Forever. And you’re gonna make sure we stay that way.”
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I raise Red’s now-slick, now-possessed hand again for him to examine. Veins rise as it struggles to resist my control, but I double down, giving a mean smirk and balling our shared hand into a fist. “If was just possessing him, we wouldn’t be able to then possess your hand. This? This is proof that he and I are one.” I follow by using that hand to squeeze my dick and Red’s together, until they coalesce into just his. Red is in shock at the events that have just unfolded, and I intend to use that situation to my full advantage. “No hard feelings big bro, you’re cute and all but I’m his forever home”. I lace my knees beneath his and smash my lower half into him. I feel his body clench and cringe until it is forced to accept mine. “Still, thank you for being there for me. When I realized we needed a new chrysalis to complete me... I knew it could only be through my Big Bro Red. I knew I could depend on your hot bod.” Our legs are one.
In one swift motion, I also slam my sticky wet chest into his, causing him to yelp in disgust and horror. I take the dribbling of my cum on his chin and, using our combined hand, I shove my seed into his mouth. I keep our fingers jammed into his mouth, making sure he gets a good taste of some fresh Kyle cum and his own beefy fingers. “Eat that shit up. I want that taste still in my mouth when I’m inside you” I moan. I snake my free arm into his other bicep. It shivers, glistening in the moonlight, covered in perspiration. Vibrating, his arm yields control to its new master- to me. These arms belong to Kyle now. “God we’re so close babe,” I moan. By now, only the upper edge of my chest and head are sticking out of his. I test out the new arms I have in my possession. They’re far larger than Kyle’s so I decide to stop here for a bit and revel in maneuvering my new sweaty biceps. I make Red flex for them me, and in straining movements, he is forced to show me what they can do. I moan, as my free head falls on his shoulder, drained from the process. 
“Honestly, I only settled on your ass cause you’re the next Pledgemaster. I knew you’d be perfect for slipping on some of next year’s pledges, perfect for making great fucking puppets out of this frat.” I mumble to his shoulder before looking back up at him. “But now? After getting to know you a little more? I think want something a little more. I want a taste of that ginger dick. I want a taste of that best friend of yours. Jeremy- he’s fucking hot- I bet he’s delicious, but I bet he’d be even fucking hotter and taste even fucking better from his best friend’s mouth. And when I’m inside him, wearing him as my new puppet, I want it to be because you stuffed me in there.” Emotionally, I think I have him defeated. His body more freely yields to me and my becoming Kyle is almost finally complete.
I intend to continue spouting weird shit to spook him but the part of me still outside of Red slips in a wave of cosmic shock, partially removed from Kyle. I shake violently in pain. Shit. Before I can recover, Red picks up on it and begins to fight me with his body all over. He flares to life and I feel his all out attack on me. “Kyle, Kyle, you gotta fight this. Cmon man, fight your roommate!” I feel my grasp over him slipping. 
“Fuck off” I growl, losing my composure. “He likes us this way. Wants us as one permanently-forever-together because I am Kyle. You wouldn’t understand. Here, have a taste of your little’s hot mouth.” I lean up and kiss him unexpectedly, digging my tongue into his mouth, merging my lips with his. 
He tries to scream, only to be stifled to a  “mmphhph”. I glide my tongue over his, wrestling it into submission before jamming it inside of his. I stifle a moan as our tongues become one. I slam my face ever closer to him, until we both breath and speak from the same mouth, until at last we can only see each other’s eyes. I give him a quick wink before finishing my possession and locking myself inside my human chrysalis.
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Red’s body continues to light with tremors as the fight inside drags on. I make sure to cum a little more inside him, to layer more of myself and cement him forever mine. His eyes roll to the back of his head and his mouth opens unwarranted as he settles the last of his hold over his body to fight me. Goddamn he is tenacious. After what feels like hours, his body finally yields to me. He shakes viciously as the universe begins its correction. Red collapses onto the ground. In Red’s core I feel the last of Kyle’s essence integrate into my own. I feel the permanence of our connection. Nothing would ever take me out of Kyle again. I was Kyle- past, present and future. Natural order had been restored. Inside Red I felt safe, secure, complete.
I feel Red’s sweet release. He’s at peace, at bliss, since I can finally connect to his deepest parts, rearranging him into my perfect vessel. He would be mine forever. Then, I feel the fight from his mind. He grasps his body again, reiterating, begging for “Kyle” to break free from my control.
“I am here” I stated as Red, but only Kyle’s voice comes out. I break out of my shell. My naked form expels itself from Red, covered our juices, covered in my aura of forever. I close my eyes, breathing in the dank night air in Red’s room. He’s right, I fucking reek, but it felt good to smell it as a permanent Kyle. It felt good to stand with my permanently athletic legs. It felt good to use that word. Permanent.
Of course, I also left a lot of my seed in Red. Rearranged his insides so they’d better fit me. I watch expectantly at the soon-to-be reborn Red. Control over his body lights up in my mind. Red was mine. 
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I examine him as Kyle, playfully humming in his voice softly while I circle -around him, lightly tracing the outlines of his muscles- of my new acquisition. I will him to give me another gun-show. His body complies. Fuck. Yes. My Big Bro’s hot ginger ass was truly mine to control. “Cmon babe, you have to admit...” I trail as Kyle. “I wear you well”. As Red, my faces dances in ecstatic joy before giving myself a wink.
Red’s body giggles as I assert more control of his frame and do some small seductive dances in front of my main body. “Yeah... all me” I moan as Red- though only Kyle’s voice comes out of him. Something else was still missing. “But I think this needs a little more.” I say out loud. I worship my new self with the two new bodies I control. In the midst of my little play session, I feel Red’s mind stir within me. There it was.
I feel him inside me, digging through my mind to look for his friend, to pull Kyle out of my grasp. I feel him desperately claw his way around and decide to humor him, giving him full access to me. In increasing anguish, he pulls to my corners, digs through the depths of my mind trying to find a separate Kyle to rescue him from his roommate’s clutches. Instead, he finds no separation, no distinction between my old self and Kyle’s. When he digs, looking for Kyles memories, he instead finds them interlaced with my own. In the physical world, Red’s face paints itself with a deranged smile. I surround Red’s Psyche “Told you he was special... he’s mine forever... don’t worry though, big bro. You didn’t lose Kyle. I’m right here. You won’t be alone. I’ll be right here, inside you too”. I briefly lose control of Red’s body as I continue with my all out assault on his mind. Red’s face cringes in pain as I bombard his sense of self, embedding me inside his psyche, corrupting my Big Bro with my perversions. He briefly laughs sadistically, yielding to his newfound gifts, yielding to the pieces of me I put inside him. He moans, wrapping more of my psyche into himself “fuck yeah, babe. Keep going, I’m a good Big Bro... I can take it” before shaking his head in anger “fuck you Kyle!” The switch inside Red flips back and he resumes into moans and filthy whispers about me wearing his skin. He again snaps back and punches the nearby wall. “FUCK!” he shouts. God he was strong. I already had his body, I already had his mind, I already had Red by all accounts, yet through pure resolve alone he resists me. God I couldn’t wait to have that will of steel as my own. In any case, It looks like his body’s inclinations just needs a final little push. 
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I assert my new dominance over Red’s body, slapping my Kyle-self in the face, before finally speaking with Red’s voice, using it for the first time. Just controlling his voice was invigorating. “You sick fuck, Kyle. Look what you did to me, what you did in me. Toppled your Big Bro Red, conquered me, just like that. Wore my ass like suit and then left your squirmy little pieces inside” I lace his words with sex. Coming out of Red, out of my Big Bro, it feels almost blasphemous. Fuck yeah, Red feels great to be in. This body is amazing. I received the slap in Kyle with a moan. “Fuck yeah, big bro, it feels good doesn’t it? You like being my little puppet, don’t you? You want me in there, wearing you like a glove...” As Red I twirl my new fiery locks with my new, thicker fingers, “Yeah little bro... but I think we need an extra little punishment for you, for being such a fucking creep.” I make Red pout, sucking on his index finger while he continues “ How about your weird roommate jumps inside you and sews himself into your insides. How about he go even further and actually become your insides. How about he actually becomes you... How about your hot Big Bro make it permanent” I cackle maniacally as Red while Kyle’s face shifts into the dirty sneer I make us wear.
I parse Red’s mind for his reaction. It was from this point that he realizes just how far I went with Kyle. How much I became him. He relents at the matter, equally angry and aroused, finally understanding that Kyle was the one that took possession of him. Kyle created the plans to corrupt the frat. Kyle was the one did these heinous deeds because there was no difference between Kyle and his creepy roommate. Because I was Kyle. 
Red wrestles back control of his body. “Fuck you Kyle, I’ll make you fucking pay for this. When I break free I’m gonna-” I cut him off as I sneer with Kyle’s face, making Red’s do the same as I continue his sentence in moans “-come crawling back because I’m your bitch forever.” I laugh heartily in his voice. Time for that little push. 
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In the heat of moment, I let him feel the sheer thrill of having both bodies under control, the sheer thrill of being me, before granting him control over his own body while I resonate within his psyche over the sheer ecstasy. He moans loudly “Fuck yeah... good boy... be a good Little, while dear Red here shows you how it’s done...” He rushes behind my main body, dragging his muscular arms in front of my chest feeling me up. We feel both sensations. Indescribable bliss. He leans in to my ear “we have unfinished business, bitch. It’s all your fault I’m like this... these-these... feelings...” he moans. “This is unnatural... and your punishment... your puppet wants a more” he licks my ear, probing his thick slimy tongue all over while his vascular hands tousle my sweaty hair. “C’mon Kyle. You know this body was built for fucking. Let me teach you how to use it right. Put on my skin- put this brain on. Wear me. Wear your big bro’s stud bod. Put your dick inside of mine. Haven’t-“  he trails off, grabbing his head in anguish “damn it... Kyle, why... why I am I like this...I’m a monster...  What did you do to me?!” Tears well in Red’s eyes, before he catches a whiff of my scent. He goes into a toothy grin as anguish flips to a lustful frenzy. He grabs my rod in his vascular hands, and begins pumping it. He moans as we are both hit with the feeling. “Actually, no... this is good. This feels right. This is correct. I’m not a monster, I’m a fucking god. Kyle you have a decent dick... but haven’t you wondered what bigger was like? I’m bigger. Look at this thick cock. Your big bro’s got you. Come back inside, where it’s safe...” Red slams his sweaty body onto my back, dragging me inside, encasing me in his muscular flesh. He locks his arms under my own, preventing my escape, and I play along, writhing in his grasp as he draws me back, deeper and deeper into him. “I want you squirming inside me when we fuck Jeremy. When we fuck the rest of the frat... I want-I need you to do it with this dick... contaminate them. Inject them with it. Give em a little taste of Red and Kyle.” Inside Red, I sheath his dick over my own, but continue letting him take the lead. “Fuck yeah.. that’s the stuff..” He moans. “FUCK YEAH” he roars, “trying” to push me out of him. I resist, as much as I can anyway, until I can no longer maintain it and am suddenly pushed out of him. ”Not yet, bitch” he murmurs, before his flesh greedily devours mine again, moaning all the while. We repeat this a few times, edging him closer and closer. 
I am paralyzed in bliss at the sensations, but Red maintains a better grasp of his emotions. He walks his inflamed, Kyle-filled self over to the pile of dirty, soccer-drenched clothes on the floor that I had I worn prior to getting into his room. He brings them up to his nose, inhaling deeply. “More...” he whispers... “I need more of you”. He puts them on, huffing in short, frenzied breaths, starting with the dirty  compression shorts I had worn for my game. They are stretched impossibly tight on his ass, and he moans when the waistband snaps back at our shared dick. We proceed with the soccer shirt, thick biceps ripping the sleeves and turning it into a tank. The remains of my dirty shirt cling onto Red’s torso like a second skin, imprinting the delicate curve of each ab, each bicep, and each nipple on to its straining fabric.“Thank you... for the Kyle Sandwich” he whimpers in a trance as his eyes roll to the back of his head and we collapse onto the floor. We smell like my team after a long game. We smell like the forest. Equal parts putrid and petrichor. We smell like ecstasy. His eyelids flutter. “Good little bro”. 
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Then, tranquility is broken when he pushes me out. “grrrAHHH FUCk YOU KYLE” he half-shouts, half -moans. I am speechless. My form is again forcibly removed from his- I feel my visage imprint over his own, stretching his taught skin as it wraps over mine. I can see the light of day with my own eyes, and feel my cheeks stretched and melded to his freckled skin. Just a bit more. From behind me, where the back of my head should be, I feel Red’s smile and moan, as he feels my weight above him. He takes his thick arms rubbing them all over me, making sure I was stimulated the entire time I was being pushed out of him. “You got the right idea Kyle- no more deodorant for your big bro Red... we smell fucking better like this” I feel him stir, getting ready to pounce-no doubt to drag me back in. Before I can even say anything, I quickly realize the limits of my depossession. The process of pushing me out of him has slowed to a crawl. As my body continues to be expelled, to be raised out of Red, I am met with my own impossibly tight shirt and underwear, drenched in our sweat and restricting my freedom. The further my body leaves, the tighter we are pulled together by the fabric. We both moan this time. “Fuck Kyle! Get out! Get the fuck out of me!” he play-screams half convincingly, as he does a crunch with me above him. I feel the crunch from behind and he forcibly worms my own form back inside him. I pass out at the sensory overload. 
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When I awake, I awake in Red. I walk to the mirror and see his face as my own. In split second intervals, my Kyle-self stretches out his skin and attempts to leave before it is pulled back. We are tight. Nauseatingly full-impossibly so. By all accounts, Kyle’s body should have been expelled from Red after being inside this long-possession doesn’t usually last this long, but my little fighter, my Big Bro Red will not let me go. We are held together by my own clothing and his sheer will. Partners. Amalgamate. Corrupt. I quickly take control and feel his voice in the back of my mind, screaming at me to get out- again, only half-convincingly. For all his perfection, Red really needed some acting lessons. I begin to feel the effects of being stuck in his body for so long, as a lightness and a numbness washes over me. Yet in that same vein I feel indescribably close to him, with a hyper-awareness of Red’s body. This can’t last too long, I assume, as both of us have long since hit our limit. I throw up involuntarily on the floor- it’s all just cum. 
Instead of stopping, the previous process repeats again. Our little possession dance happens again and again and again after that until we are utterly drained. We live as one Red, constantly in turmoil in the inside and perpetually in heat. Finally, a full three days later, we are both satisfied. I finally truly break from him as a lone Kyle. For one, I fucking smell, but also I am still a student. This whole experience had been immensely tiring. Still, I felt a sense of peace, in knowledge that new-Red would never leave me. 
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Though I initially wanted to fully take and possess Red, to use his body as a mindless puppet for my own, I kind of like our current setup. I moved into his room the very next day after our little break, much to the annoyance to the rest of Sig Chi. Red moans all the time when I possess him- he’s not particularly quiet about it either, and he begs for it every other day, before berating me when I actually follow through. Our “incestuous” nature is pretty clear to the rest of my frat brothers but they awkwardly avoid the subject. Jeremy is the only one that’s visibly pissed- guess we’re breaking every law in frat code or something. Whatever. If anything, they’ll all be seeing the light someday soon- and we have something extra special planned for Jeremy anyway. 
I like to keep Big Bro Red in a pendulum state, between full autonomy and full possession. Even now, he constantly ‘fights’, attempting to push me out of him in vain and then dragging my ass back inside. To be honest, I find this whole setup kind of hot. I sure he does too. We’re always wrestling for control inside him, even though we both knew he was mine forever. I’ve extended the offer a few times to just jump into someone else in the frat or even leave forever but he always throws a big fit about it. Maybe he liked by puppetted by his little bro. Maybe he liked the fight. Maybe one day, I’ll actually fully take him. Of course, for now his red hot body runs a little warmer these days from our constant little dance. For now, I’ve been just been having fun, jumping in and out of him, swimming through his insides. We’ve been meaning to share too, naturally. There are some others on my mind- Red’s best friend, the Sig Chi president Jeremy- who we both agree that hot, dominant ass would make a for lovely little body to wear. Before Red, I was fine as just one person. I am forever grateful that he was my chrysalis, that he first full possession as Kyle. Because he helped me realize a king needs subjects. One day, I’ll take them all- every last hot piece of ass in this school. But for now, I’m content with occasionally just controlling and wearing Red, just wearing my proof of authenticity as Kyle.
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—End Part 3—
Phew. Next story’s probably gonna be a bit lighter.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
If you're still taking requests, could you do one where someone is making Remus really uncomfortable and someone from the team helps him out? (Preferably Sirius, Leo, Logan, James, or Dumo but everything you do is so good so it really doen't matter 😂❣)
Yep! Please take a look at the TW below before reading, since there are parts of this that are a bit intense. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Combined with protective Sirius and Leo/ Loops friendship!
TW for a super creepy guy, unwanted handholding, unwanted flirting/ not taking no for an answer, innuendo, moderate panic attack, and alcohol
The folding chair next to Remus creaked as a tall man in a perfectly-tailored suit sat down hard in it. He was clearly a drink or two past tipsy, and something in Remus’ throat itched at the way the man’s eyes flickered across his chest and arms. “You’re Lupin, right? The new Lion?”
Remus set his drink down. “That’s me.”
“Stan Martin, nice to meet you.” Stan held his hand out and Remus shook it; his palm was clammy, and he held on just a second too long. Remus was the first to pull away after he felt a light squeeze from wrinkled fingers.
“Pleasure’s mine,” Remus said with a polite smile. Sirius was nowhere in sight, and everyone else was occupied in their own conversations. He swallowed hard. “Do you own a team?”
“Nah, I just fund ‘em,” Stan snorted. “Too much work otherwise, not enough time for play, if you know what I mean.”
Remus forced a laugh. “Right, yeah, totally. Are you involved with the Lions? I’m a bit new to the whole administration thing.”
“Even after being a PT for so long?” Stand gave him an incredulous look, but beneath it there was a shadow Remus didn’t like.
“Yep. I was pretty contained to my tape pallets and charts.” Joke it off, Lupin.
A hand, heavy from alcohol and lack of inhibitions, fell on Remus’ forearm with a few clumsy pats before settling on his wrist. Stan looked directly into his eyes. “If you ever need someone to, ah, show you the ropes, give me a call.”
Remus cleared his throat and tried to pull his arm away, but the hand didn’t budge. “I don’t think that will be necessary, but thank you for the offer.”
“No, really. The NHL is a complicated world. I’d be more than happy to take some of that weight off your shoulders.” Stan leaned closer and Remus tensed as his eyes roved his face. “Your freckles are much more striking in real life, Lupin.”
“Please let go of my arm, Mr. Martin.”
“Call me Stan.”
“Let go of me, Martin.”
An awful little grin spread over his thin lips. “You’re a spitfire, aren’t you? Too much for Captain Solitude, I bet.”
He jerked his head to the side of the room, where Remus saw Sirius making polite conversation with a woman in a long dress. A spike of fury bubbled up. “Are you talking about my fiancé?”
“Easy, tiger, I’m just saying—” He hiccupped and Remus tried to pull away, but Stan’s grip tightened by a fraction. “—I’m just saying, you could do better with someone who knows how to handle you.”
“I can handle myself just fine. If you don’t stop talking shit about my fiancé, I’ll—”
“What? You’ll do what?” Stan leered at him and Remus paused to shove down his nausea. “You know, you were much prettier before you tried to be like the rest of these jocks.”
“I’m leaving now.”
“I’m just being honest,” Stan huffed, never releasing Remus’ arm from his hold. Remus could feel his shoulders starting to shake. “You’ve got those cute little cheekbones. Very delicate, like—almost feminine. Those training regimens they put you on ruined it, in my opinion. Look, Lupin, when you get tired of tall, dark, and boring over there, gimme a call and you can be pretty aga—”
“What’s going on over here?” a falsely bright voice cut in. The chair on Remus’ other side clicked at its joints as Leo sat down, looking between them with icy eyes. “Am I missing out on all the fun?”
“Hey, Knutty,” Remus managed, wincing as his voice cracked. Stan leaned back in his chair and Remus quickly yanked his arm away, tangling his fingers together.
“Lupin and I were just having a chat,” Stan said, glancing back down at Remus’ lap until he tucked his hands under his thighs. “Nothing big and important.”
Leo’s knee pressed against his own. “Sirius was looking for you a minute ago.”
Stan’s jaw tightened. “What, we can’t finish our conversation?”
“No.” Remus channeled all his roiling discomfort and the urge to knock the creep’s teeth in as he stood up. “No, this conversation has been done for a while. Have a nice night, Mr. Martin.”
Leo’s arm was steady across his shoulders as they walked away; Remus’ vision tunneled, sparkling black at the sides. “Are you gonna be alright?” Leo asked under his breath, his accent soothing. Remus nodded. “You’re shaking, Re.”
“No, I’m not.” He grabbed a plastic cup of water off a nearby tray and nearly sloshed it all over himself. “Jesus fucking—”
“Re.” He could feel his teeth starting to chatter and sweat rolled down the too-tight collar of his shirt. Leo’s hand closed loosely around his own and took the cup. “C’mon.”
“Sirius was looking for me,” he protested as Leo led him down a side hall.
Leo shrugged. “Probably.”
“…he didn’t talk to you.”
“You came to get me anyway.”
The clog in Remus’ chest grew and he nearly tripped over his own feet. “Thanks, Knutty.”
A sharp puff of air cooled his burning face. “I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner.”
“I tried to leave.” The words tangled around his tongue as Leo pushed open the bathroom door and led him to the sinks, dampening some paper towels. “I—fuck, Leo, I’m stronger than him but he was holding my arm so tight and I was so fucking freaked.”
“Easy, Re.” Leo sounded like he was trying to calm a spooked horse.
The towels were a balm in Remus’ hands and on his face as he pressed them over his mouth to muffle the wheezing noises. “I’d rather be called a slur to my face than have that happen again.”
The gentle circles on his back stopped for a second. “Do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head. “I don’t—no. I just wanna go home.”
“Deep breaths.” Leo handed him a new towel to blow his nose, then pulled his phone out.
“Has anyone told you that you’re a kickass friend?”
A weak smile pulled at the corners of his mouth, but his face was still troubled. “Once or twice.”
Remus’ lungs were tight with a mix of fear and disgust; he felt a little like he wanted to throw up, and while Leo’s hand on his back was an anchor to the world, the rest of him screamed ‘don’t touch me’.
Barely two minutes later, the bathroom door swung open. “Honey? What happened?”
“Holy shit,” Remus managed as gray eyes swam into his field of view. Sirius. Sirius meant safety. Reality zoomed back at double speed and the dam broke—tears poured down his cheeks as his whole body began to shake again. “Holy shit.”
Sirius shushed him softly, pulling him close with a kiss to the top of his head. “D’accord, mon loup, je t’ai.”
“I love you,” Remus sobbed. The fabric of Sirius’ suit was probably wrinkling under his tight grip, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. “I love you so much for exactly who you are, okay? Don’t ever doubt that.”
“I know.” Confusion edged his voice, but he kept it low and gentle. Remus loved him for it, wildly. The door creaked as Leo left, and then there was silence.
He finally pulled his face out of Sirius’ chest, kissing his jaw, cheek, and lips before resting his forehead in the curve of his neck. “Thank you.”
Sirius’ hands eased through the curls above his ears as he cupped Remus’ face in his hands. “What happened, Re?”
Remus shook his head as revulsion rose again. “There was this creep and he wouldn’t let me go. Said some shitty stuff.”
“He was homophobic?” An angry furrow appeared between Sirius’ brows.
“I wish.” Stan’s words rang in his ears and made his mouth bitter with shame. Remus closed his eyes. He didn’t want to see Sirius’ face during his confession. “He, uh—he propositioned me. Kind of.”
“He what?”
“I didn’t catch on until he already had my arm.” Remus sniffled, pressing the heel of his hand below his eye to stem the tears. “He followed it up with some bullshit about you, and then some bullshit about me, and just wouldn’t shut up. I just froze. I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, mon amour.” Sirius’ touch was so gentle on him, warm and broad compared to the crushing discomfort of Stan Martin. His hands were heavy, but they let Remus move however he liked.
“I love you,” Remus said again.
“I love you, too. Are you ready to go home?”
“I need a minute.” He rubbed his face against the soft lapels of Sirius’ jacket, desperate for comfort around the guilt wedged in his chest; his next words spilled out before he could choke them down again. “You still like me, right?”
“I love you so much—”
“That’s not what I’m talking about. You—am I still nice to look at? Now that I’m not, y’know, pretty and kinda twink-y.” There was a long stretch of silence. “Is that a yes?”
“Sorry, I had to take a second and stop myself from putting that fucking idiot through a table.” Sirius took a step back and met Remus’ eyes, fixing him with a hard look. “First of all, I love everything about you, and you will always be the most beautiful man on earth. Second, your muscles are the hottest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen. Third, you’ve never been—what word did you use?”
“Twink-y. It’s like…delicate. Femme. Etcetera, etcetera.”
More anger sparked in Sirius’ eyes. “Yeah, and you’ve never been delicate. You are the strongest person I know, Re. Whatever he said to you, it wasn’t true.”
“Can we go home now?”
The ballroom was still crowded with high-end management and people Remus never wanted to see again when they finally left the bathroom; thankfully, the throngs of sparkles and dark suits made it easy for them to slip away with minimal human interaction. Stan Martin was over by the water cups, dabbing uselessly at a large wine stain across the front of his crisp white shirt—Remus saw Leo watching him like a hawk with a suspiciously empty wineglass in his hand and internally vowed to give him the biggest hug of his life at the next practice.
Remus slowed down to take in the fresh nighttime air, holding Sirius’ hand tight in his own as they crossed the parking lot. He paused at the passenger door and tugged him in for a slow kiss. “I love you,” he mumbled, breathing in the scent of his shampoo and cologne.
Sirius’ arms wrapped around him and Remus melted into the hug. He felt him trembling slightly, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t from the chilly breeze. “You are the best part of my life, Re,” he whispered, his voice thick. “The best part, no matter what. I’m so sorry for what happened tonight.”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“It wasn’t yours, either.” Sirius kissed the top of his forehead once before giving him a squeeze and going to the other side of the car. “I’m sure Hattie will agree with me once we’re home.”
Two hours, one hot shower, and thirty minutes of puppy cuddles later, Remus curled up against Sirius’ ribs and felt his chest rise and fall under his palm. “I love you,” he said quietly.
Sirius let out a slow breath and entwined their fingers, kissing the inside of his wrist. “Love you more.”
“Love you most.”
He could hear Sirius’ smile, even in the darkness of their bedroom, and fell asleep to the steady sound of his heartbeat.
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eartht137 · 3 years
Hey curvies, glad you liked the first part of my story yay. I now bestow upon you part 2. I went a bit out of the way with this chapter, but I hope you like it. The singing part is something I did in class once on a whim, it didn't work as good as I described in the story, I still had to submit my work LOL. Enjoy my little curvies MMMMWWWahHHH!
Dark Clark Kent x (Black)!Plus Size Reader SUMMARY: Mr. Kent said friends til the end of the week right? Think again. Y/n, still getting used to having Mr. Kent as a friend, is trying to be a bit more bold. She's trying to adjust to change and even though sometimes he may seem a bit pushy, she doesn't mind, its all friendship right? He'll back off after awhile right?
You walked in class, no paper in hand and you refused to meet Clarks disappointed gaze. You weren't the only one without a paper but you were really nervous about the presentation you had up your sleeve. You just hoped it made sense. "Alright, looks like we're getting speeches today. Who wants to go first? Hmm?" He said with his hands on his hips. No one volunteered. "Am I going to have to voluntell somebody?" he gave you "the look" over his glasses. Your heart pounded in your chest, but you shakily stood as first volunteer. "Alright Miss Y/l/n, lets hear it." You could hear disappointment dripping in his voice, but you wanted to do this. You took a deep breath, and started to sing. 'Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again, because a vision softly creeping left its seed while I was sleeping, and the vision that was planted in my brain, still remains. Within the sound!!!!!!!!! Of silence.' you ended making everyone freeze and stare. "My voice is pretty much the best thing I like about me. I-I didn't think a paper could put in words what my voice could. Th-that's my speech." You said awkwardly sitting down. You'd never sang in front of anyone like that before, you hadn't even joined the choir, so singing in front of everyone was a huge step for you. Just as you'd finished processing what you'd done, the classroom erupted in cheers and applause. You were shaking at how many people liked what you'd done. You really began to shake when you saw Clark clapping for you too. "That's my wife!" One of your classmates yelled across the room smiling at you. "Alright, alright. Miss Y/l/n," Clark started. "That's Mrs. Bankston to you." the same classmate yelled out making everyone laugh. Your face heated up a bit. "Miss Y/l/n thank you for the speech. It'll suffice this time, next time I want a paper. Okay, Bankston, you're up next." "Aw Mr. Kent for reals? Like how am I supposed to follow up an act like that? Besides we're duo. Like ebony and ivory..." He serenaded holding his hand out toward you, making you giggle. "Mr. Bankston Miss Y/l/n has fantastic gpa in comparison, so seeing as your such a duo I would've expected a lot better." Clark shaded calmly, "So unless you want it to suffer any further, I suggest you cut the crap and give your speech." Clark said a bit irritated. The rest of class was filled with boring speeches from classmates who weren't even prepared to do their work. When class was dismissed, you tried easing out of the room without being noticed. "Uh, Miss Y/l/n, my office please?" He said looking over his glasses at you. You inwardly groaned and went back to his office. "So, what excuse do you have for not doing your paper?" "I honestly couldn't come up with the words to describe how it felt to use my voice. I tried I really did, but honestly, I really just couldn't find the words to describe what I like about me when-I just couldn't find the words." "Y/n, you do not give yourself enough credit. You're a very good writer and obviously an incredible singer. You can be whatever-" "Clark, do I look like a singer to you? No I don't, that's why I write, I know my words have more impact behind the scenes." You said with strength. You didn't have to be seen to be heard. "You can be whatever you want to be and you'll have my support every step of the way. That's what friends, real friends do." "Clark we are not still friends, we said til the end of the week." you shook your head at him with a smile. He smiled and stuffed his hands in his pocket. "Sorry, I'm not going away." "Figures." You laughed a bit. "What are you doing tonight? We could have a movie night." "Will Lois be there?" You asked excited. "I can ask her if you want me to." "I guess it'd be cool, but for like 30 minutes though." "Y/n no movie lasts 30 minutes. Nice try though." he laughed. "We'll be over at 8." "'Kay bye!" You said rushing out of his office off to your next class. That night at 8 on dot a knock came to your door, you answered expecting to see the couple standing there but was a bit shocked to
just see Clark. "Hey, Lois coming by later?" You asked, the last you wanted was to cause drama. "No she's following a lead on a story for the front page. She says she's sorry and she'll catch up next time." He said walking past with bags of groceries. "Oh, well let me help you." You said motioning at the bags in his hands. "I've got it, its pretty heavy." "I swear I honestly thought you'd be bringing a pizza." you chuckled. "Where's your table?" "Table?" You asked head tilted to the side. "Where you eat, the dining table?" he asked sitting the groceries on your counter. "Haha, you have a table for guests. I never have anyone over, so I just sit in front of the tv." you said pointing at your couch. He rolled his eyes at you and huffed. "Oh come on don't look at me crazy, I warned you that I was anti." "That's no excuse." he mumbled as he opened your refrigerator. "Y/n, you don't have any food in here." He fussed. "I do, its in the freezer and the pantry." you defended. "Two chimichangas, a pint of ice cream, Nutella, animal crackers, soda, and ramen. That's not food." He fussed even harder. "Okay dude chill, I'm a working grown college student. I don't eat here much anyway I eat at work, and Nutella is sustainable to my everyday existence." You said yanking the hazelnut spread away before he threw it away. He shook his head as he put the food away. "How long has it been since you've had a hot home cooked meal?" "Last week at your mom's." you shrugged. "I'm glad I brought real food to cook." he fussed on. "Clark, we could've just ordered pizza." you said starting to feel a bit bad for not adulting enough. "We could've, but I wanted to cook for you." He turned and looked at you pleading. "Please tell me you have pots and pans." "God Clark I'm hopeless not an idiot." You joked laughing obnoxiously making him roll his eyes at you. You showed him where everything was and he started cooking. You offered to help, be wanted to cook for you. You sat up the snacks an pulled up Netflix so you could choose a movie. He made his way over to you with a glass of wine. You took a sip and dramatically fell to the ground, pretending to die by poisoned wine. He got down on the floor with you and you looked at the height difference of his head by your feet and your head at the middle of his thighs and started laughing making him laugh like you'd never heard. After you both calmed down you laid there staring at the ceiling like there were stars hovering. "You really do have an amazing voice." Clark said cutting the peaceful silence. You couldn't help but smile. "Thanks....friend." You said nudging him in his thigh with your elbow. You both stayed silent until you gasped making him almost jump out of his skin. "What?" he said worried. "Can I sing at you and Lois' wedding?" You asked catching him off guard. "Oh come on, you love her, I can see it, " You said sitting up and smiling down at him. "and you both look so beautiful together." You stood tall and put your hands on your hips in "Superman" fashion. "Since I'm your friend I give her the golden stamp of, put a ring on it!" You said holding out your thumb. "Okay, I'm picking gonna pick the movie." You said marching to the couch. "That's not fair, I'm cooking I should get to pick the movie." He standing to check on his food. "We could've ordered pizza." You rebutted. "I'm your guest." he shot back with a shit eating grin. "Shit! Fine, you get to pick the movie." "Well I'll pick it after we eat." "Aww what? The tv's right there." You pointed. He looked over his glasses at you. "I don't even have a table." you argued. "You've got an argument for everything don't you?" He said chuckling. "You've got a coffee table, we'll make it work. Do you have a candle?" He said looking around before looking at you. You were there with your hands on your hips, looking at him like-'you know damn well.' He shook his head at your for the millionth time making you giggle a bit. He set the table and poured you another glass of wine. "You know this stuff gets better the more you
drink it." You said gulping the glass down and holding it out for more. "Mm-hmm." He agreed taking a sip of his own while pouring you more. You took a bite of you food, you immediately stood and clapped. "You were right, this is way better than pizza, although pizza is still good, this is amazing. "So what genre do you like most?" He asked. "Horror, I don't know why I watch it though, I always spook myself afterwards." "Okay so no horror." "No, wait please? I won't get scared tonight I promise. I mean unless you want to watch cartoons?" "We'll watch something scary." "Yaaaaay!!!!" you cheered and went to reach for the remote to your tv. "Ah, after we finish dinner and clean up." "Deal!" You said a bit excited. Once dinner was done and you'd both cleaned, even though you told him you'd do all the cleaning, he still helped. Afterwards you both sat and watched a scary movie that had you stress eating and jumping every two seconds. After that movie ended, Clark suggested another movie to help you not feel so spooked. You'd lost count of how many glasses of wine you'd had and you were feeling tipsy and tired. "Hey friend?" You hummed. "Hm?" "I fuckin hate to admit this, but I'm drunk. I'm glad we're friends. You better be glad too." you fussed at him. "I am glad," he laughed, "I really am." He said staring at you. "Good, cause you're the only person I can tolerate. Oh, and Lois....oh and that your mom, I really like your mom....oh and that cute guy from class." you giggled making Clark roll his eyes in disgust. "Y/n please." "What? He's cute, he's an idiot, that doesn't change that he's cute." You said looking at your phone. Your eyes grew big as you saw the time. "Dude its past midnight. Don't you need get home and rest for lecture?" He stared at you for a moment and you could tell he didn't want to go home, but you both knew he had to. "Yeah I'm sure I could use some rest." He said getting up to leave. You tried to get him to take the rest of the food he'd bought with him, but he refused. "Well thanks for dinner's meals and be safe. Do you need me to walk you out?" "Absolutely not, how about I see you off to bed?" "I look five to you? Don't even answer that." You sassed. He laughed and gave you a long hug, telling you how proud of you he was for using your voice and for letting him be your friend. You squirmed out of his arms pretending it was burning you. He ruffled your fro' and you gave him a playful nudge out the door. That night as you laid in bed trying to fall asleep, you kept thinking about Clark and no matter how hard you tried to shake it you couldn't help but fawn over him and how close you both had gotten so fast. 'Girl puh-lease, he's got Lois, she's beautiful and thin. He's happy with her and there's no way he'd even bat an eye at you like that. Don't even get it twisted.' you scolded yourself internally. You couldn't allow yourself to catch feelings for him that way because you knew you'd only end up with hurt feelings. You also didn't want to break up a happy relationship. 'How'd he know I needed groceries though?' you thought to yourself, 'Maybe just a hunch.' you dismissed. Soon with your mind going in 50 different directions, you were tired enough to fall asleep. "Goodnight little bird." Clark said as he watched you finally drift off to sleep. He wondered what thoughts plagued your brain that kept you awake. He hoped you'd thought of him. After making sure every inch of you apartment was safe inside and out he felt satisfied enough to go home and get a bit of rest. 'No harm in making sure she's safe' he thought as he finally took off. 'I'll always make sure she's safe.'
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FISI’s Favourite Zutara Fics
A lil late for ZFAW’s Saturday prompt, sorry about that! Haven’t had any internet over the weekend. But better late than never!
I’m not gonna lie… a lot of these are angsty af. But I promise you they’re not gratuitous angst! They’re well written, beautiful stories that will make you feel like a better person for having read them. These are my favourite all time fics, ones I’ve read more than once and will continue to read (even though I’m taking a week break from fandom and fic).
 Multi-Chaptered Fics
The Sparrowkeet Series by audreyii_fic
To be honest, this story’s summary doesn’t do it justice so I ain’t including it. Originally a one shot, Sparrowkeet is headcanon for me now. Move over canon, this is where it’s at. Audreyii_fic’s characterisation, world building, and writing is exquisite. It’s incredible. She manages to channel the same fun and whimsical energy from the show while allowing the characters to grow and develop to places I wish they had actually been taken.
This one is a fandom Must Read and one I return to regularly.
 Clothe Me in Seasons, Dress Me in Snow by sadladybug
It is not the memorial she deserves, nor the one she would want. But it can't be helped. He owns no property in the other nations, and he needed to keep her close. Closer than she was in life, anyway.
Zuko's reflections on a life lived and a life that could have been.
This is one of the best written fics I’ve ever read. It’s tragic and deep and will hurt you in all the tender places but you would be doing yourself a favour if you read this. There’s a real bittersweet feeling to it and the love between them is just… urg, visceral.
 Lovable by LadyCharity
Zuko knew that he could not save Azula. He could only try to forgive her. Fittingly enough, those two were one in the same.
I love stories that make Zutara their centerpiece but every now but then a story like this comes along. A story where their relationship builds almost incidentally because the plot and character development straight up hijack your emotions. I got so invested in this story. Zuko is amazingly well characterised and his complicated thoughts and feelings around his father and Azula are incredibly well written!
 One Shots
Lunar Ephemerality by @formerlygoldilocks (goldilocks23)
After multiple failed attempts on his life and years of self-set expectations, Fire Lord Zuko is a shell of the man he used to be. But Katara won't turn her back on those who need her.
I really didn’t expect this to hit as hard as it did. This straight up snuck up on me, fly-kicked my feelings, and by the end I had written an 800 word comment that was too big for AO3 and I had to contact the author directly to send it to her. Awkward. I couldn’t help myself. The side to Katara we see here is so good, her empathy and love for her friends are one of the things I love seeing most in AtLA fanfic. I’m a sucker for Zuko having complete breakdowns and having to piece himself back together too. So sue me. I like it when they suffer a lil bit. The writing is absurdly good and I will be keeping an eye out for any new stories by goldilocks23!
 31 Minutes by @ifyouwereamelodymeg
It's quite astounding, really, how quickly she's learned to translate him. They've spent a grand total of zero time together outside of training, and he's hardly big on chat so she knows next to nothing about his life.
But she knows him, probably better than she knows anyone at the moment – with every tap of his fingers, every crook of his lips, every turn in his voice, he just...
He makes sense to her. It's weird.
I’m a sucker for fic writers playing with style to make the story pop and boyo does this fic deliver. This is one of the rare times that I’ve been dumbstruck at the end of a story— I just couldn’t accept the ending. Because I’m a sucker for pain, (and this story will bring The Pain) I loved it. The ease of Zuko and Katara’s growing relationship in this bowls you over, it’s absolutely beautiful and you find yourself nodding along emphatically when Zuko calls himself an idiot for waiting… “Life’s short, kids, live each moment as though it could be your last,” says this fic as it pulls my heart out and dropkicks it off a cliff.
 i count to five (and life passes by) by @markedmage
Five heartbeats.
I still haven’t forgiven Mage for this one. I think it’s the best thing she’s written to date! I mean, tragic and painful and heart-rending but holy shit is it powerful <3
 The Lake of the Dismal Swamp by @thewhiitelotus
Spook af. Spook (horror) is real hard to do well but thewhiitelotus is coming for your goosebumps and those shivers down your spine. She has a way of balancing beautiful, evocative imagery with action (in this and other stories of her) that just keeps you reading!
 Calloused by @rideboldlyride
Iroh hadn’t been able to watch. The pure horror of a man - a father- burning their child for a slight infraction... He couldn’t do anything to stop it, but he will stop his brother from destroying entirely the kind boy he knew Zuko could be.
This is a painfully underappreciated fic for how great the characterisation is. I know we in the zutara fandom tend to not read stories that aren’t Zuko/Katara centric as often but do yourself the favour of reading this (or listening to it: RideBoldlyRide has done us the gift of recording a podfic for this and it’s stupidly *good*). This story is Iroh confronting Ozai just after he burns Zuko’s face and it kicks.
 four days and three nights by @hinaoyamas (lettersfromnowhere)
Zuko discovers firsthand that nothing is more fleeting than happiness, or more enduring than memory.
Do you like reading stories with a distant, omniscient narrator? The kind that read like a myth from the ancient world? Welp, hit the hyperlink, friend, cause this one’s for you. Not only is the writing exquisite but the characterisation and painful inevitability of the plot is grade A.
 For the Fire Nation by tullyblue12
He falls in love with her for his country before he falls in love with her for himself. A Zuko/Katara AU that explores how love and duty aren’t always mutually exclusive.
There are about 40,000 exquisite lines in this story but here is just one of my favourites: “He falls in love with her for his country first. That’s what his people never understand.” This fic says a lot with so few words, which is something I really look up to! In 2,800 words, tullyblue12 does what some 100,000k fics cant: They make you feel.
 Guide Me Home by Rashaka
To sleep, perchance to dream. Katara and Zuko find a friendship they never expected in a place that seemed impossible.
This is a one shot I will forever wish for a continuation of. The setup is just… so juicy. There’s a real sorrowful innocence to this story that the unique short, dialogue only scenes really punch home. I know some people don’t like dialogue only fics but when done well like in this one, it leaves you with the impression of something deeper than a 1,185 word fic has any right to! 
 Other Favourites!
Hopeless by tullyblue12 — Kids grow up fast when a cruel world awaits them. In times of hopelessness, Katara and Zuko grow together. In times of separation, they hope to see each other again.
Speechless by goldilocks23 — Zuko has a medical condition. Or: Zuko speaks in haiku at inappropriate times.
Don’t Follow Me Down by eleventy7 — Katara is the dread queen of the underworld, ruler of the dead, destined to reign her cold kingdom alone. Until a sun god catches her eye. A Hades/Persephone retelling with incredible writing.
I Don't Speak Meow Language by @botherkupo (Boogum) — In which Zuko adopts a cat and Katara just wonders what spirits she pissed off to deserve this fate.
I have the privilege of being friends with some of these authors (they know who they are) and am in near daily awe and gratitude for the works of free fiction they provide us, the fandom. And not just any old stories: Guys... Really good ones!! Can I ask that if you go check out these fics, can you just drop a kudos or a comment their way? If you’re feeling shy just copy and paste this into the comments box anonymously: “WOW! Loved this! Thank you so much for writing it!”
I know it would mean the world to this talented bunch <3
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bnhaohmy · 4 years
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Summary: You transferred to UA, being shy and not very talkative. With this, not many kids wanted to talk to you except for 3 third years, one of which falling for you once he laid his eyes on you.
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: fluff, very soft, it's kind of a jumbled mess but I love it
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this story! Also I gave the reader a cat quirk like my own personal OC. So you're kinda like Tsuyu but with Cat features.
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You sit quietly at your desk, looking around the classroom to everyone else who were all much more focused on their conversations to notice the new girl. You were thankful for it, your anxiety would not be able to handle an entire class' focus being on you.
You played quietly with your fingers, small little lesions showing up as your blade like nails scraped at your skin. You looked up as 3 students walked in right as the bell rang, two of them talking and laughing loudly as the other kept his head low and only contributed whispers to the conversation.
The girl was the first to spot you, letting out a large gasp as she did. "Ooh! And new student! I'm Nejire!" She spoke, her hands clasped behind her back as she tilted her whole body to the side as to smile at you. You freeze instantly and shakily waive at her "Y-Y/N..." you spoke softly, catching the attention of the two males with Nejire more than you had had before. "Aw, you're like our little kitten Tamaki! I'm sorry for being so straightforward with introducing myself Y/N and for getting attention on you." She spoke, her tone getting softer as to make everyone look away from you.
You smile gently at her actions "it's okay..I just don't like the attention or meeting people to be honest.." you murmur out as he glance over to the navy haired boy whose eyes were focused on you. Once his eyes met your gaze, he blushed and instantly looked away as his body began to shake.
Nejire nods before she points to Mirio, "this is Mirio" she said with a smile as the blonde male waves "hey there!" He said before sitting down at his desk with Nejire following after. You watched them and smile gently before looking to boy you now knew as Tamaki. The first thing you noticed was his pointy ears, your smile growing softly as you felt your own cat ears flatten against your head.
Soon enough your home room teacher stepped in and you pulled your notes out to start doodling. Soon you felt a small tap on your shoulder from Nejire "so, Me, Mirio and Tamaki have to head to the first years to explain work studies and talk with them. From what everyone has been saying...you were the top third year at your old school?" She asks and tilts her head, her hair following behind her head.
You look up and nod "I was. I think I'm number 4 at this school behind you 3" you speak softly and smile.
"Awsome! Why don't you come with us and talk with the first years. You still have your work study right? That's the reason you transferred was to get closer to it?" She asks softly with a bright and happy smile
You nod to her words "that would be amazing Nejire. And yes, I transferred to be closer with my work study. Now that I think about it, there was another third year from U.A. in the agency I got approved for.." you speak softly.
Mirio and Tamaki both perk up hearing this "who did you get approved by Y/N?" Mirio asks as he turns to look at you
"Ah, Fatgum" you say softly and smile at him "I just don't know who all is under the agency yet" you speak softly
Tamaki hesitantly opens his mouth "I'm the other third year..." he speaks quietly as he keeps his head down. You turn and smile "well...at least I have met you then" you speak softly and rub his shoulder which only made him tense up more.
You pull away slowly and offer a gentle smile toward the timid Male before focusing on class until you and the other three left class for head down to the first years.
Once you all had finished introductions, you all went to the gym as Mirio wanted yo see just how tough this class was. Tamaki was almost instantly glued to the wall as his anxiety had sky rocketed with all the kids.
You quietly walked over to him and leaned against the wall as you sighed "are they always like this?" You ask softly and he simply nods "Mirio had a reason for this, he must gets carried away" Tamaki murmurs to you as he turns and looks at your face.
You nod before playing with your hands "will you introduce me to everyone at the agency?" You ask softly as he bit down on his swollen and chapped lip, nodding shortly after "O-Of course.." he whispered
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You walked quietly beside Tamaki through the school halls, the two of you not wanting anything to do with the gym training that Nejire and Mirio were doing with the Students that had taken under their wings so to speak.
Tamaki kept his eyes on you the whole time you walked together, your entire presence captivating the male. He was so intrigued to find someone who was like him, that wasn't loud and outgoing and that was really sweet as well.
"Does that sound okay with you Tama?" You ask, snapping Tamaki from his daze.
"H-Huh?" He asks softly as he looks down to hide is embarrassment of missing your entire question.
"I asked if it sounded okay for us to go to my place to study since you brought up that you needed somewhere quiet to study. Mirio and Nejire don't know my dorm number yet so we would be in a safe and quite place~" you chime out to him, a smile dancing it's way across your lips
"T-That sounds perfect Y/N..I would r-really appreciate it" he says, looking up to me your happy gaze which only causes a small smile to tug at his own lips.
You giggle softly and nods "come on then slow poke. We have to get there before everyone starts coming home.." you say softly and hold you hand out for him, offering another gentle smile to the male.
Tamaki blushes but takes you hand and starts walking a bit faster as to keep up with you as you lead him to your dorm room. You smile and rub the top of his hand with your thumb as you could still feel his nerves going crazy.
Soon enough you were at your dorm you and you opened the door before moving to let him in. "It's a little messy but we can still get work done.." you murmur as you follow behind him before sitting down on your bed, him following and sitting next to you.
You smile up at him and pull all your homework from your bag before starting to work on it. You felt his gaze on you, but didn't want to make him more anxious so you kept your gaze on your work.
After a few hours of working, Tamaki looks up when he feels a sudden heavy weight on his left side, mainly his arm. He looks down and his face flushes when he sees you had fallen asleep on him, pencil still in hand. "Y-Y/N..." he whispers and shakily brushes your hair from your face.
He bites his lip and slowly sides your homework from your lap and moves it to your desk. He then puts his back in his bag carefully before laying down onto your bed. He pulls you with him as he curls up to keep you warm as your blanket had been moved to the floor already.
He sighs softly and smiles gently as he looks at your sleeping form "you look like a little bunny more than a kitty.." he murmurs to himself before his own eyes close and he falls asleep with you close in his arms.
You yawn as you wake up, looking around before you finally felt the weight of someone next to you. You started to panic before looking up, your mind instantly easing when you saw Tamaki sleeping soundly next to you still. He curled up close to you, his hair covering half of his face but you could still see how cute he looked as he slept.
You slowly get out of his arms and pull your phone from your bag, looking to see a few messages from Nejire.
🦄 Nejire-Chan
Hey have you seen Tamaki? (8:30 pm)
Y/Ninnie? Mirio and I cant get a hold of Tamaki at all...I'm getting worried (10 pm)
Ah, he finally answered! Sorry if I woke you two~ didn't know you were having a little date! Don't get wild on our Kitten okay? (2 am)
You roll your eyes at the messages before grabbing a hoodie from your floor before heading down to the common area to make breakfast. You finished up cooking and headed back up to your dorm, not wanting to eat downstairs where it was all quiet and alone. You opened the door to your dorm and smile to see Tamaki awake, rubbing his eyes.
Once his eyes landed on you, his face flushed red "Y-Y/N...why do you have my hoodie on?" He asks softly
You look down and blush "ah I-I had just grabbed one from the floor. I'm sorry Tama! I'll take it off." You say softly but he stops you before you can even set your food down "K-Keep it on. You look c-cute" he said with a big smile.
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After a few weeks and getting to know everyone in the agency, you were allowed out on patrols with Tamaki. He was very hesitant at first to have anyone but Fatgum with him, but with Kirishima now in the agency, someone had to help and train the first year.
You happily walked next to Tamaki and looked around, "it's different doing Hero Studies over here. My last hero study was just paperwork.." you sighed out, your tone of voice much louder since you were just around Tamaki, spooking the male a bit.
Tamaki looks to you and tilts his head "really?" He asks as he looks down at you "t-they should at least let you watch patrols even if you don't do anything. F-Fatgum trusts us rather well but most heros get to do patrols by their third year.." he spoke and then looked up when he heard a scream that was just around the corner.
You both rushed around the corner and Tamaki instantly looked around before he saw a woman on the ground. He walked over and began to assess the wounds she had as you looked around to find any culprit. Soon enough, you had your answer as you were grabbed and pulled down the alleyway.
You squeal and try to fight back before looking to Tamaki, making eye contact and seeing his body start to panic before everything went black as a hand holding a rather soaked rag was placed over your nose an mouth.
Tamaki stood still in shock, his body unable to move as he watched you get taken. He shook himself back to reality and instant pulled his phone out to call Fatgum and then Neijire and Mirio.
"W-what do I do..?" He whispers into the phone as he starts rushing around to see if he could spot you at all.
"Well, calm down first off. You won't do anything good when you're panicking Tamaki. We all know that.." Nejire said as she sighed, Mirio leaning to speak up once she was done.
"You need to look down alleys and inlets mostly. It sounds like the villain that took Y/N doesn't have a quirk since your victim had been cut and then Y/N was drugged. He couldn't have gotten that far.."
Tamaki only nods before shakily sighing into the phone "w-what if she's really hurt..its our first patrol and she's already gotten taken and she's gonna be hurt and hate everything." He said as fast as his mouth would allow him and felt tears start streaming down his face
"Tama...calm down. Me and Mirio will come help look for her as well as some of the other heroes okay? She'll be just fine!" Nejire said as she tried to cheer the anxious male up, but it only made his stomach churn when he heard the words "She'll be fine". He knew you would be fine but he could only think of the worst and he didn't want you to hate him or not trust him anymore.
After 5 hours and a few pros coming in to help, you were finally found. You were bruised and bloody, but mostly okay. Tamaki looks at your body and starts whimpering, his whole body shaking as tears start falling down his cheeks.
Nejire looks over and runs to hug him, pulling his face down to her shoulder to let him cry. "She's okay Tamaki...I promise. I know you care for her but you need to calm down. Everything will be okay..." she murmurs and runs his back before taking him over to one of the cars that had been called "let's head to the dorm.." she whispers and pulls him into the car with her.
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Weeks pass and you were still holed up in your dorm, not able to do anything as you were waiting on your broken ankle to heal. Nejire and Mirio were persistent on bringing you any homework you guys had, and always told you what had happened in class before giving you an apologetic look when you asked about Tamaki.
You knew he had felt bad for what had happened but you missed him, you didn't know why exactly as you had never felt this way about anyone but your heart hurt when you were away from him. You had never thought about loving someone as you were focused on school but you just felt complete around Tamaki and you needed to see him.
You grab you phone and pull his contact up, before hitting the video call button. You attempted 3 times, the first 2 times being rejected before he finally answered.
"W-What do you want Y/N?" He asks quietly as he laid his phone on his desk, so you were only able to see the ceiling of his dorm.
"I want to talk to you and I really want to see you Tama.." you say softly and adjust yourself on you bed. "Come to my dorm..please" you whisper and get a pouty tone.
"Why..? I-I let you get hurt and y-you're broken now..." he said and you could hear his hiccups, your heart breaking know that he was crying.
"Tamaki, broken bones heal and bruises disappear...please come see me..I need to see you..." you whine out "I don't like hearing you cry..."
You were only met with the video call ending. You looked at your phone surprised and sat there stunned on your bed before you heard a knock at your door and then the door opening. Tamaki walks in quietly and looks at you before he completely breaks. He starts shaking and crying, covering his face as he does.
"Oh Tama...come here.." you speak out and open your arms, the male instantly coming over to hide in your neck, his sobs calming down as he did.
"Its okay...I'm here okay? I'm not dead...I'll be fine soon." You hum before looking down to him.
Tamaki looks up to you and whispers "Y/N...I'm so sorry. I didn't want to see you because I felt so guilty about getting you hurt but the guilt was worse than just that. I-I think I l-love you.." he finishes and his face flushes red. "My h-heart started hurting when I let you get taken and not seeing you for these weeks has only made it worse.." he whines out
"I love you too Tamaki...my body can't handle being away from you. I hope you will come see me more now..." you say with a gentle smile
Tamaki nods "I-I'll come see you if you'll be my little bunny?" He asks with a sweet smile
You laugh and nod, smiling brightly as you press a kiss to his nose.
"Of course I'll be your Bunny.."
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weirdthinkingdragon · 4 years
Permanent Guest
Animal shapeshifter au. Warnings of blood, injuries, animal harm, animal death, drugging. A slow start.  
I’m going to be honest, I don’t even really know what this story is. 
The back of my house has a rather large forest area. There’s no other house near mine for a decent ways. Walking at dusk is the best with the sun coming through the trees. My only annoyance is the hunters that like to be around my home.
 I’ve tried getting them to stay away, but there’s nothing that could be done since they’re right outside my borders, so it’s fully legal. The far-off gunshots get unsettling sometimes and even spook my cat. I’ve gotten a few deep scratches from them being startled at the sound. 
I’m going through my familiar path again. I’ve done this same path so many times it would be possible to walk with my eyes closed. Obviously, that would be a stupid idea though with all the wild animals around.  
Far off in the distance, I heard frequent shuffling, like something was desperately trying to get away from something else but can’t. My mind immediately went to the idea that it could be a poor animal caught in some type of trap by the hunters. Walking up towards the noise, the familiar sight of a fox was seen. It has its paw stuck in something. As I got closer, it didn’t take long for the fox to notice my presence. They backed away and ducked down with their ears back. What I saw made me want to hurt those damn hunters. It was a steel-jaw trap. Its paw was bleeding pretty badly. They have been struggling for a while already. I was in a state of panic about what to do. I could just open the trap, but judging by the injury, they’re going to need some help since it’s a deep wound. They’ll most likely run if I just open it though. 
That’s just the chance that will have to be taken. I walk over and it drops down as far as it could to the ground. I instinctively put my hands up and get really close. The trap and the fox were within arm’s reach if I bent down. “It’s alright, I’m not going to hurt you. I want to help before someone that will hurt you does come,” At this point I’m wondering why I’m trying to talk to it. There’s no way it can understand me. I’ve never seen such a blond-colored fox either before. That’s rather odd. The fox seems to perk up a little bit, but still cautious. “Now, I’m going to open the trap, but please don’t run.” 
I push the springs on the side of the trap to make it open. The fox quickly pulls its paw out and takes a few steps back without using the injured front paw. They locked eyes with me, but it wasn’t  kept long as I looked back at the trap. “Why are they using an illegal item? These things are so inhumane…” I mumble. A lightbulb goes off in my head. This can possibly be used to make them stop hunting around my home! 
Another sudden thought popped into my head though. If I take the trap, they can possibly frame me for having them and trying to get the hunters to stay away from my home. Am I thinking too far into it? Probably. Should I take my chances? Better not. One of the fox’s ears flicked backwards as they looked further from the way I came from. It immediately went towards that direction, but looked back towards me, almost like it wants me to follow. Is that really a smart decision? I stood there, unsure whether to follow or just go back home. It kept waiting for me to come with. 
“My house is the other way, come with me and I’ll try to patch you up.” It didn’t come closer. “What could possibly be taking your attention that way?” I question, which is once again ridiculous since it can’t answer. I heave a sigh and start to follow. 
Not too far ahead was another trap, but there was something else stuck in it. A… cat?... To be fair, the cat is really big, even for a Maine Coon. But what in the world is a cat doing so far in the woods? 
The fox went right up to the cat, making the cat look at it, then at me. The cat has a glare that was far from just unsettling. Unlike the fox, both of its front paws were stuck in the trap. I did the same thing with the trap from before. It immediately tried to take off, but fell. I pick it up and start walking towards my house. He quickly tried to be let free by repeatedly biting and scratching my arms, and even trying to go for my face. It was a struggle, and him being such a large cat really doesn’t help. He kept hissing, growling, clawing, writhing, biting, everything to get me to drop him. I was getting multiple wounds from his struggles. 
“Can you stop struggling!? I’m trying to help, damn it! You’re lucky I’m just as stubborn to not leave you out here to die.” I hissed. Almost like he could understand, he quickly lowers his struggles. Looking to my right side, the fox was still following closely, keeping their injured paw from touching the ground. 
My arms started getting tired when we finally reached my home. I enter and place the still bleeding cat on the toilet seat in my bathroom. I grab a towel and get it wet with warm water. He still wouldn’t stop locking his glare on me as I wipe his arms. The fox let out a little bark at the cat, making him stop glaring. 
“So that’s why you made me follow? You were worried about your friend?” I smack my forehead. “Why do I keep talking like this? They obviously can’t understand me,” I get an old shirt and cut it to wrap around the wounds. “Hopefully that’s not too tight.” I then sit on the floor in front of the fox. He’s a lot more friendly and open to me than the cat is, and even put his paw forward for me. It didn’t take long to clean him with another clean rag and wrap his wound as well. Luckily, I was able to get to them before permanent damage was done. Well, it might still scar though. I then pour peroxide on my cuts and bandage the few that were deeper than the others. 
I bring them to my couch in the living room. They keep staring at me as the silence stays. After a minute, I let out a frustrated groan. “Ugh, what now? I could get in so much trouble keeping a wild fox,” I look at the cat. “You’d be fine, but it’s easy to tell you don’t want to be near me. How did you even get here anyways? The only people around are hunters, and they’ve shot my cats before, so you definitely don’t belong to them,” they just keep looking at me. I sigh in frustration again. “You two will just have to stay inside for a few days. After that, you’re both on your own. Judging that you’re close, at least you’ll be together.” 
Looking out my window, the sun is down now. “I’ll give two days max until a hunter will be pounding on my door.” I decided to make dinner for myself and my “guests”. They oddly preferred the meat cooked. My orange tabby, Nacho, didn’t care at all and ate both whenever I gave it to them. 
After that, I sat on the couch with the now three animals. Nacho in my lap, and the other two cuddling up in a way that’s adorable. They’re incredibly well-behaved for wild animals. They have to belong to someone or something. I rub one of my wrapped cuts from the cat while watching the comedy show that’s on. It’s going to be sore for a while. Fur suddenly rubs against the wrapped wound. It’s a rather deep one the cat got onto my forearm. I look over to see the black cat looking at me, almost in an apologetic way. I gently rub his head for a second. Surprisingly, he lets me. “It’s alright. You were in a panic. Just… try not to do it again, alright?” I asked in a joking manner. 
I went to bed not long after. In the morning, the sun went right onto my face. I get up to check on the two sooner than later. What I saw in the living room made me freeze and nearly scream. My hands quickly cover my mouth before a noise comes out and wakes them. Who exactly? The two naked men on my couch. Waking them wouldn’t go well for anyone, especially startling them awake. There was no sight of the fox and cat. The cloth I used on their wounds are on the floor next to the men. What really caught my attention looking at the two men was the wounds on their arms in similar places the cat and fox did. 
My mind is flabbergasted as it made the connection the only way this could be is if these two ARE the fox and cat, but that couldn’t be possible! The odd ears on their heads and tails that match the animals as well say otherwise. 
I have to force myself to not to look at their lower places. Luckily, it’s easier with the blond laying on the black-haired one. The blond wakes up as I start to walk backwards out of the room. He turns and we lock eyes, both freezing in our spots. 
The awkward silence between our stares was deafening. “You two have some explaining to do when he wakes.” I whisper. 
“No need to wait.” Replied the black-haired male as his eyes opened to look at me. The blond goes to sit up. 
“Waitwaitwaitwait! Don’t get up! I- I need to get you guys towels or something!” They look at me confused. Don’t tell me they’re used to being naked... I get towels and come back to them sitting up straight on the couch. I toss the towels at them with the feeling of heat rapidly growing on my face. They at least did cover their laps with the towels. 
“So, first question, where are you two from?” 
“We live just a few miles away actually! As to what we were doing around here? We were testin’ our animal forms!” 
I nodded. “That explains why you’re around here, but why didn’t you guys transform back to unlatch the traps yourselves?” 
“We can’t change to our other form when we’re under emotional distress. It’s the same way we’re not as fully logical either. Our animal form has more of our instincts that control than our regular mind.” The blond elbows the other. 
He glares at the blond before looking back at me. “Sorry again for injuring you.” 
I shrug. “Eh, once again, it wasn’t really your fault. Anyways, what will you guys do now?” I ask. 
“After you went to bed last night, we decided we’ll stay a few days if you’re beautiful self is fine with it. We were actually going to show ya our human side today, but uh… guess we must have changed back in our sleep!” he lets out a little laugh. 
“What would staying at my home do? I’m sure I could just drive you back to your home or something.” 
“We want to repay ya for saving our behinds from being killed!” 
“He wants to. Unfortunately for the both of us, it’s impossible to change his mind.” He crosses his arms as he looks at the blond.
“C’mon, Sho! Ya don’t have to be such a downer about it!” 
Sho?... Is that his name? “Oh! And could I get your guys’ names?”
“Of course! Mine is Hizashi! His name is Shouta! What’s yours, our beautiful savior!?” 
I look at him weirdly. “Savior? You can quit with that now, I get it. My name is Y/N.” 
Hizashi shakes his head with a big smile. “Nope, not gonna stop! And what a great name for such a beautiful person!” 
“I’d like to get back to our home sooner than later. Zashi, how about we share our numbers and have them drive us home for now?” Hizashi’s reply was a somehow bigger smile and frantic nod. Before we could do anything else, there was an aggressive pounding on my door. I already have a good idea to whom it might be, and I start to worry. Hizashi looks at me with worry himself. 
“Wrap the towels around yourselves and try to hide your animal details,” I walk over to the door to open it. In the corner of my eye the two of them try to wrap the towel around them, but Hizashi has trouble with his extra large and fluffy tail. Shouta was able to manage hiding it within the towel. Looking back at the door, it was the most problematic hunter around my home. Of COURSE it would be him. Oh why fate did it have to be his traps!? 
He’s definitely not happy either. Right after opening the door, he forces his way into my house. This isn’t the first time he’s done this. I quickly go over and sit next to Hizashi, almost accidentally sitting on his tail in the process. His ears are still up, but it almost looks like they’re ears on a headband, so hopefully Dabi doesn’t notice. Shouta’s ears pretty much just look like he has an odd hair style. He looks at the two guys with me, then back at me with a hint of disgust, but mostly anger and annoyance. 
“I don’t appreciate you setting the damn animals in my traps free. Those fuckers have been coming around my home and killing my chickens.” Oh, gee! That’s SO bad. Seriously, I feel bad for the chickens, but I don’t feel a smidge bad for the man, especially now after he stooped to such a low to such inhumane traps. 
“And you’re using illegal traps because?...” I pressure him for answers. 
“Because I don’t care, and I want the pests to suffer.” I could feel Hizashi’s tail bristle with anger behind me. I was pretty angry with him myself. “You’re lucky I don’t call security about your illegal act.” 
“Does it look like I care? They won’t believe you anyways. Same goes for your “friends”. They know you don’t like me around your property, and it would be easy to pin the blame on you for owning them.”
“You’re a horrible person! Your way of hunting is one I can never dig!” Hizashi pretty much growls. 
“Did I ever ask for your opinion? I don’t think I did, nor do I care,” He looks at me with a harsh glare. “Don’t think of messing with my traps again,” He turns around and goes to leave. “Also, you better watch your back. You’ve messed with the wrong hunter.” He finishes and leaves. 
The three of us look at each other. 
“O...kay… that just happened.”
“We’re staying for a few days,” Shouta suddenly proclaims. Hizashi and I look at him incredulously. His brows furrow. “That man doesn’t seem like he was kidding. It might be better for you to not be alone with him around.”
He has a point, but Dabi hasn’t caused anything to harm me before. Then again, I haven’t touched his traps before. I don’t really want to keep two strange men- er- whatever they are, in my place for long. 
“I’ll be fine. His threat was most likely empty. He can’t do anything drastic anyways.”  
“I don’t know, he seemed pretty serious.” Hizashi was with Shouta on this, I can tell. 
“If you’re so worried about it, I’ll get both your numbers and call if something happens.” They look at each other for a minute, then back to me. 
“How about this, we stay for just a day, then you drop us off at our home, and you spend the night a few days after, just to make sure?” 
I wasn’t too keen on going to their house from barely knowing them. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t really feel comfortable going to a stranger’s- two strangers’ house, you know?” 
Hizashi nods in understanding. “Hmm... Oh! How about you come over for dinner in a week or something then? THAT could be our thanks for saving us?” 
That doesn’t really do anything if they’re still going to stay for a day...  Screw it. “That will work I guess,” Hizashi gets a big smile on his face again and lunges towards me in a hug. 
His towel fell in the process of him standing up. A naked man is hugging me. Back up dude! This is beyond weird. “But could we go to your place to get clothes or something? I’m rather uncomfortable with you guys naked in my house.” Hizashi stops hugging me to look down. “Oops!” He grabs the towel. There’s a light tinge of red that spread across his face. “Sorry about that!” Sorry doesn’t excuse the sheer awkwardness I’m feeling now. 
“That seems doable if it makes you that uncomfortable.” Shouta replies. 
“Come on then.” I say, and go to grab my keys. Hizashi sits up front with me while Shouta sits in the center in the back. It didn’t take long to get to their house, which was a rather massive log cabin. “How did you guys manage to get such a house!? More importantly, how did I not know this was so close to mine!?” 
Hizashi laughs as we get up to the entrance of it. “Impressed?” 
“Honestly? Yeah.”
“Well, it just so happens to be easy with owning two flourishing businesses with the help of a few great friends!” 
I blink owlishly at them. “How in the world are you smart enough for businesses but get stuck in-” 
“Let’s not talk about that. We’re still pretty new to the countryside, ya dig? I’m much more of a city kitty, but Sho wanted to try the country. We stay together so I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try! Let me tell ya though, these bugs here are a nightmare!”
Shouta crouches down and grabs a key that was under a cat statue. The cat was sitting straight with its tail curled around its front paws, and was a light grayish color. The fur of it was long, wavy, and beautifully intricate. Definitely a better spot than many other home’s hidden key spots since there are a ton of other animal statues in the yard, and it's not the closest to the door.  
He unlocked the door and the three of us entered. Their house is really tidy, and rather plain. Not many pictures in the living room. The floor is a light gray carpet and it has black furniture. A large corner couch with a loveseat next to it a bit farther up, closer to the flat screen. It didn’t take long for the two to come back fully clothed. 
“So, what should we do?” I ask. 
“You could show us that area you found us. The area is rather nice.” Shouta replies. I’m a bit perplexed at their decision. “You sure? You both could have died.” I reminded them. 
“Oh, trust us, we’re definitely NEVER being in animal form around here again.” Hizashi informs. 
We walked my path. There were no traps this time. I got to learn a lot about the two of them. They’re not so bad. “When do you guys need to be back for your companies? Shouldn’t you both be in touch in case something happens?” I question. 
“This is our vacation time! Just to be on the safe side though we told them to call if it’s an extreme emergency, like if the building went on fire.” I nodded. 
We get back to my place, and I pet my cat while sitting on the couch. Shouta looks in wonder. “Is something wrong?” I ask him.
“He’s wondering what you’re doing to your cat. You did the same thing to him, and he liked it.” Shouta glares at Hizashi for calling him out. 
“Do you mean to pet? You’ve never done or seen something be pet?” I question. 
“Pet? That’s what it’s called? But that’s what the animals are called, aren’t they?.” Once again, I'm flabbergasted by what they do know and what they don’t know. 
“How do you guys not know this?” I question. Hizashi shrugs. “Eh, with our “odd traits” as you guys call them, it got pretty hard to stay in school and hold down a job. We didn’t really have internet for a while, so we couldn’t look this up. Some people dipped from our looks as soon as they came for an interview, but others stayed and work pretty well!” 
“Well, I’m glad you guys are doing great on your own!”
Hizashi nods in agreement.
The week went by rather quickly after that night. They got rather touchy fast. I tend to think it might be their animal side so I don’t question it. Dabi hasn’t done anything. There haven’t even been any new traps. At least from what I could see. Thinking about it, that does seem a little suspicious though. 
I was walking on my path again and got a call from Hizashi. It’s still surprising how well reception is around here. “What’s up you two?” 
“Yo, Y/N! We’re already missin’ ya greatly! We were wondering if you could come over for dinner and movies tonight!” Already? It’s only been a few days since we last saw each other. I might as well get it over with now. I’m kind of torn whether to just leave them alone after or keep hanging out with them.
I stop walking, and go to reply. “That sounds g-” 
“Chink” Something slams onto my leg, making me stop mid-sentence and hiss out in pain. Immediately Hizashi was worried. “Y/N!? What was that sound!? Are you okay!?” 
It was one of those damn traps. So much for not seeing any. I look around my leg and check to make sure nothing is too damaged. I know to stay calm and not move my leg to prevent punctures. It’s not numb either, but it’s going to leave one hell of a bruise. “Yeah, just got caught in a trap.” I reply, and start to try opening it. This one is in much worse shape than the others were with Hizashi and Shouta. Mostly with the rust around it. I’m glad it got me instead of them, or they would have had to of been brought to the vet. That wouldn’t have gone well.
“WHAT!!?” He shrieks once what I said processed through his mind, catching the attention of Shouta when he asks something incoherent in the background. “Shit… Hate to bother you guys, but do you have a crowbar or something similar by chance? This one is rather rusted and I can’t get it open. It didn’t puncture thankfully though, so no worries there.” 
There was really rapid shuffling over the phone. “C’mon Sho, we gotta save our babe! We’ll be right there!” Our... Babe...? He hung up.
It would be stupid to keep moving my leg. The only thing that could be done is stand still and wait. To pass the time, I look around trying to find if there might be another one. I think I can see one a ways to the left of me.
The wait hardly took any time at all with two familiar men barreling from the bushes in front of me, almost crashing into me in the process. “Calm down you two! It’s not that serious!” They’re breathing heavily as they look at me. Shouta’s holding the crowbar tight enough for his hands to shake. I grab Hizashi’s shoulders and make him look at me again. He calms down incredibly quickly. It might help since he notices I’m not bleeding. The same thing for Shouta. I lean down and forcefully push down the springs again. “Put it between the jaws by my leg and pry it open.” 
Shouta does, and it cries in protest to be opened. He’s able to open it just enough for me to slide my foot out. They both wrap an arm around my back like my leg was broken and I needed help standing. It wasn’t nearly that bad. “You guys are seriously overreacting.” I comment. They keep looking at my leg. “It’s just to be on the safe side. Let us help you now.” Shouta says. 
“I can’t believe he hurt you.” Hizashi says angrily. I try to dissuade them from doing anything drastic. “No, it’s my fault for not being more cautious.” 
“Don’t be trying to justify his actions. He WILL face consequences for this.” Shouta growls. Hizashi gets happy suddenly. “Hey! We can walk you to our place for the night! We already just put the food in the oven!” That slightly seems to calm Shouta as he nods in confirmation. 
I laugh at his optimism. “Sure sounds like a plan! What movies are you guys thinking?” I ask as we walk. Taking one step forward with the leg that was caught, I’m actually thankful they’re helping me since the bruising pain nearly made me fall. They hold me slightly tighter.
“What’s your favorite movie? Hopefully we have it.” Hizashi says. I look at him with a smirk. “What, trying to impress me or something?” 
He replies with a smirk back. “That’s for you to decide~” I roll my eyes at him. Shouta grew a small smile as I purposefully leaned more of my weight on Hizashi. “SUCH a charmer.” 
“You know it babe!” 
Footsteps of someone else came stomping towards us. They picked up on it quickly with Hizashi’s ears twitching. “I thought I told you not to mess with my traps.” Came the all too familiar voice of Dabi. I’ve never heard him so angry before. I tug on the two to turn me around. They did. But weren’t happy about it if anything their frowns go by. I felt their tails wrap around my lower back. “Oh, I’m SO sorry for accidentally stepping into one of your damn traps! You know I always take this route!” 
“I’ve been here longer than you. You should know your damn place.” I was angry now. “MY place!? Who’s the one using illegal traps? Who’s the one nearly trespassing on someone’s property? Who’s the one hunting animals when it’s not even the season!? Who’s the one who keeps killing my animals? No wonder the previous person moved out! They didn’t want to deal with you, you sad excuse for a hunter! You give hunters a bad name!” 
“Tch, that’s fine by me. They’re just animals. Be lucky I’m not one to hunt stupid people. Same with your damn freak bodyguards. Did you have to kiss their asses just for them to want to be around you?” He looks at Hizashi’s still twitching ears. “And what’s with keeping that disgusting bullshit? Are you wanting to be hunted or something?” 
He was about to continue with more than likely another insult, but Hizashi straight up decks him in the face. Miraculously, it didn’t knock him out. He went to try to hit Hizashi back, but Shouta stepped in instead and Hizashi wrapped his other arm around me for more balance. The two share a quick look. Shouta dodges a hit that Dabi tries to throw.  Shouta sees something that makes him grow a giant smile, it feels like a rather sadistic smile. I can swear he sees the trap.
Hizashi puts his tail around me again and turns me around back towards the direction of their house. There was sounds of a struggle behind me, but Hizashi wouldn’t let me turn around to look. “Don’t worry too much about Sho, he’ll be fine! He’s just showin’ that dude a hard time.” 
“If you say so…” I reply, unsure from the face he had earlier. There was the faint familiar sound of a trap closing as we were a ways away. It didn’t take long for Shouta to catch up. “He can handle the suffering animals have gone through. He can open it himself if he’s desperate enough.” I was horrified. Yeah, he kinda deserves it, but he doesn’t have anything to pry it open if he can’t do it himself. 
“Don’t think too much about it! It’s just a little payback. Like ya said, he shouldn't have those in the first place!” 
“True, but-” 
“Don’t think about it.” Shouta cuts in, bringing his arm around me again. In my distracted state, I didn’t notice their log cabin until it was up close. We enter the house which has the smell of one of my favorite foods wafting through it. They set me down on the loveseat.
I pull my pant leg up to show a massive bruise already forming where my leg was caught. “That’s going to need a lot of ice.” I joke. Neither of them laugh. They go to leave the room, probably to the kitchen. I go to stand up. “I can’t just sit idle in the living room, at least let me come into the kitchen with you two.” 
Shouta glares and comes close to me. “No. We’ll get you ice and the food we made.” 
That’s rather odd. “Why shouldn’t we just eat in the kitchen?” They stayed quiet as they share a glance. I didn’t get even an inch farther from the couch before Shouta grabs both my shoulders and pushes me to sit on the couch. “Sit.” His harsh tone scares me into complying. I’m feeling more and more like something is wrong with these two.
Hizashi immediately picks up on my expression. “Aw, don’t worry about him! He’s just worried, ya know? We were stuck in those darn things and Sho doesn’t want you to push yourself.” My eyes go to the giant scabs on their arms. Well,  the one of Hizashi’s and both of Shouta’s, I guess that’s a pretty traumatizing thing. The scratches and bite marks still healing on me are proof too. He still doesn’t like looking at them. 
They go to the kitchen, and come back rather quick with three plates and an ice pack. It’s one of those really nice ones that can wrap with Velcro. Hizashi wraps it around my leg as Shouta passes me my food. Hizashi then grabs a big CD case and gives it to me. Flipping through it, it has many of my favorite movies. I smile at them. “Man, you two got good taste.” 
Hizashi lets out a mock gasp of joy. “We have acceptance of the magnificent audience!” 
I look at Shouta questioningly. “Is he always like this?” He nods. Hizashi pouts. “Yo, I’m still right here ya know!” 
I pretend not to notice, but the giant smile on my face gives it away. “Hm? Did you hear something?” Shouta replies by making his eyes look the other way. Hizashi leans on me. “Y/N!!! Don’t ignore meeee!” I reach over and aggressively rub the top of his head. It nearly makes my plate fall to the floor. Shouta catches it in a rather rushed manner. Guess it would be a pretty annoying mess to clean up. “Oops… Sorry, guess I got carried away…” 
They almost seem to have relieved facial expressions from it not dropping. “At least you’re havin’ fun! That’s what it’s all about! Now, let’s pop your favorite movie in!” I hand him the CD of my choice. He plops down on my right as it plays. Shouta does the same on my left. The ads before the movie can play start. 
Within the first bite, something seems off. I just… am I getting sick or something? I don’t remember it tasting like this. “Did you guys put something in this? It tastes different.” 
“Sorry about that! It does taste a little funny, huh? It was a new spice I wanted to try adding for more flavor. Safe to say I’m not doing that again!” 
It didn’t take us long to finish and focus more on the movie. Shouta lays down with his head on my left leg. “Pet me.” I hesitate. It’s rather weird to be petting a human. Or… Something so similar to a human. Hizashi lays on my right leg. 
“C’mon, don’t make us beg for it now! We want you to!” I did start petting their heads. Still weird though. Okay, maybe after tonight, I really should cut contact with them. I don’t think I can do the commitment of petting them like this often.
… Why am I suddenly feeling so tired? My hands get a bit more sluggish as the drowsiness gets worse. It’s getting hard to keep my eyes open. Looking around, I notice a few boxes that were attempted to be hidden by Shouta’s side of the couch. “You guys are getting ready to leave already?” I question, voice slightly slurring. 
Shouta sighs, “Yeah, something came up. We’re leaving tomorrow.” I was slightly saddened, yet greatly relieved by the news. “Well, I’m definitely going to miss you guys.” 
“Sorry little love song, but you’re coming with us!” 
“What? We might as well tell them.” 
… What? Panic settles in rapidly. Shouta grabs my hand petting his head and nuzzles it. 
“Fine. If that’s what we’re doing, I’ll also say that man is no more. I made the trap set off on his neck.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He didn’t deserve tha-
“Before you think he didn’t deserve death, did you know he left poison out for your cat? Did you wonder where it was for the past day?” Disbelief and sadness wash over me. Too many things spiraling in my mind at once. “We tried to bring them to the vet and tell you later we took them since they were outside, but it was too late. The poison got into their system,” He nuzzled my hand again. “We will be your pets, just like you’ll be our permanent guest.” My body was already too tired to struggle. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted them. Stupid me not listening to my instinct. 
“It will be so fun when you wake up! You’ll be at our real home, and we can always be around each other!” He kisses my hand. “Doesn’t that sound great, our beloved guest?~
Definitely not my proudest work. I’m tired of working on this for 4 weeks and it still doesn’t feel right.
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tamsin-moon · 3 years
Not A Fish
Notes: Javier Escuella x GN Reader, angst, near drowning, slight cursing, turns into happy ending.
If there was one thing that made your blood run cold in an instant it was when you saw one of your friends horses outside of camp without it’s rider to be found and not hitched.
This would be the feeling you were currently experiencing as you came across Boaz at a fork in the road near the Dakota river when you were coming back from a small hunting trip. You could tell in moments that the horse was on edge, as if it had just run into a predator or so and you would be slipping from your saddle to approach slowly, “Easy boy, it’s alright” you call gently as you move. Luckily the jittery beast recognized you fairly quickly and was calming as you rub his nose and up his forehead, “There we are, now where is Javier?” you ask only to get a snort in return.
If horses could talk you were sure Boaz would answer your question, but at the moment all you could do was try to retrace his steps. Mother nature seemed to be with you, however, as a recent rain had the ground muddy and you were able to pick up his fresh hoof prints after a minute of searching. Staying on foot you would grab your rifle as a precaution, but would start to follow the trail, calling to both horses to follow you before focusing and trying to ignore your heart pounding in your ears as your mind raced with possibilities.
Was he hurt? Captured? You dare not even think of the worst outcome lest the universe make it come true. Moving quick as you could to not lose the trail you would eventually come to the river bank and your brow was furrowing as you looked around. There was no sign of Javier and it was too deep of a spot to cross, not to mention the current was strong after the recent rain, what had happened? Looking around for any sign you would slip the rifle back onto your saddle before moving to the bank close as you dared, the rocks and mud were slippery that one wrong step could be very bad.
Casting your gaze about again you would spot boot prints and by your guess they were Javier’s, there was only the one set so it had to be. It looked as if he had just been standing on the bank, maybe walking it some, but then you would see it. Some marred prints that were a mixture of hoof and boot and you had to swallow, taking a deep breath to not panic. He must have fallen in or Boaz knocked him in on accident and with the current he would have been swept away quickly. You knew he could swim, though, so as long as he had not hit his head there was a chance.
Mounting your horse quickly you would spur into a canter, rushing down the shoreline as quickly as you dared as you looked for any sign and about a mile downriver you would spot him on a large rock in the middle of the river. He was still mostly in the water, but luckily in a bit of a crevice and holding himself out, looking around. Yelling to him a moment later, “Javier!” and feeling a slight relief as he looked over to you, coughing as he called back, “Y/n! Little help por favor!”
Thinking fast as you could there was really only one thing you could do and you would be getting out your lasso. It would take three tries, but you would manage to get it over him on the third as he was a decent distance out and luckily the crevice kept him from slipping as he got it more securely around his torso. “Hold tight!” you call, tying the rope securely around your saddle horn and keeping a grip. Mostly you would let your horse do the pulling and in a few minutes you would pull the man onto the shore, not surprised as he began to retch up water. At least he was still conscious.
Off your horse seconds later you would be by his side, helping to get the rope off of him and rubbing his back as he spat the last of what was trying to come up from his stomach, “Damn that’s vile” he curse as he push himself to sit up with your help. Your heart rate slowly coming back down from the adrenaline rush you would resist the urge to hug him, for now, as squeezing him would not be a good idea. You did not miss the grateful look he threw your way, though, “Gracias Y/n, I was starting to think I was going to drown there. How did you find me?”
You would hook your thumb at Boaz, who had continued to follow you, and would give the man a smile, “Saw him on the side of the rode all jittery. Followed his trail to the river and figured out what happened” you would explain to him before seeing him cough again. He needed to get dry clothes you knew and camp wasn’t too far off, “Think you can ride? Would be best to get you back home” you say gently and when he nodded you would be helping him up slowly.
“Mind if I ride with you, will probably fall off if I try by myself” he would say as you got to the horses and you could hear the slight tone in his voice, hating to look weak like this, but you would just give his hip a squeeze where you had your hand bracing him up, “Sure thing” you assure. Making sure he was stable leaning on your horses shoulder for the moment you would swing up into the saddle before carefully helping him up behind you. Once you were sure he had a grip on your waist you would start back at an easy, but quick pace and made sure Boaz was still with you.
“So what happened?” you ask gently as you ride and you would practically feel him sigh behind you as his chest was against your back. Yes he was wet, but you did not care about that at the moment. “I was fishing and a muskrat or something came darting out of the water, Boaz got spooked. Next thing I know he bumped me and I slipped” he explain, the embarrassed tone clear, “I got lucky with the rock and that you came along when you did” he add a bit quieter at the end.
All in all you were just relieved you had showed up in time, in truth you cared deeply for the man and you were already quite close. After losing so many in Blackwater and how bad things had been if you lost Javier you would probably completely shatter, but you had yet to make anything more than friendship known. Hand resting over his own a moment you would give it a squeeze, “You’re going to be alright and it was an accident, could have happened to anyone” you try to assure as the camp trail was coming into view.
Sean on watch would call out to you, “Everything alright there?” You would just give the Irishman a wave as you called back, “Just an incident with the river!” before passing by and trotting up to the hitching post. Spotting Charles nearby you would call out to him and when the man noticed Javier’s state he was hurrying over to help him down before you were getting down yourself, “What happened?” he ask, worry clear as day and Hosea would be noticing as well as you explained. “Javier decided to try to be a fish, it did not go well” your try to joke and were smiling as the Mexican man cracked a little smile.
“Very funny” he retort before coughing a bit, Hosea nodding, “I’ll get some medicine together, Charles you get him back to his tent for dry clothes” the older man instruct before glancing to you and seeing you were wet yourself, “You too, don’t need you getting sick either” before shooing you all off. Nodding you would watch them go for a moment before you were heading towards your own tent to change and try to calm your nerves more. If anything the incident resolved you in the fact you needed to get your feelings out into the open.
Unfortunately the rest of the day you would seem to get stuck in one chore after the next and it would not be until late in the evening that you would get a chance to go and check on him. With a thought you would grab a bag of peppermints from your tent before you were heading towards the main campfire. His tent was near it so you reasoned he would be at one of the two, so when you found him at neither you were concerned. Charles, though, would be on one of the crates and saw you coming, nodding towards the overlook area, “He went that way”
Out of everyone at camp Charles seemed to be the only other person who knew you had feelings for Javier and encouraged them as, unknowns to you, he knew Javier felt the same and was hoping this finally brought you two together. Thanking him you would change your course, seeing him settled on one of the stones looking out at the view as you approached. Not wanting to sneak up on him you would keep your footsteps louder and smiled as he looked over to you, “Hey,” you heard him greet before patting the spot next to him on the rock.
Coming over you would sit next to him and look him over, “Hey, you are looking better. How do you feel?” you ask in an easy tone and would watch him rub his throat a bit, “Probably won’t be doing any singing for a bit, my throat it raw, but otherwise just a bit sore and tired. Hosea’s medicine seems to be keeping a fever away” he assure you and it did have you relieved on that. An incident like that could have consequences after the fact you knew well so you were glad he was back at camp.
“I had a feeling your throat might hurt so I brought you these<” you then say after a moment and offered him the bag of peppermints. “When my throat is sore these help a lot, just suck on them, don’t chew” you explain and would see him blink before taking them, putting one in his mouth after opening it up and the silence would just seem to fall upon you both. It was a comfortable one as you looked out to the view, but you were almost jumping after a moment when you felt his shoulder against your own.
Feeling your cheeks warm a bit as you look over you would find he was looking right back into your eyes, something different in his gaze that just sent a shiver through you. Before you could think of a sentence he was speaking, “You know what scared me the most today, Y/n, wasn’t the river or drowning. I was afraid I was going to die before I got to tell you how much I care about you…how much I want to be closer to you. I should have made a move before Blackwater, I was going to try, but then everything went to hell.” The way he spoke you could tell he meant every word, watching for your reaction and you were uncertain what to say.
Your silence would seem to dishearten him, though, and you could see a sad tint coming to his gaze so you would act. You would figure out words in a minute, but for now you would just lean in and let your lips find his. Hands sliding up to his shoulders his own would be finding your waist as he wasted no time in kissing you back. When the need for air became too real you would pull back, finding your own words, “When I saw Boaz a million possibilities ran through my mind, but I had to force myself to not think of the worst. I was terrified I was going to find you dead before I could tell you the same.” You admit before your arms were wrapping around him to pull him close.
You could feel him relaxing in your arms and both of you just held each other tight, “Next time you decide to go fishing after a huge rain, take someone with you alright?” you would say after a bit, feeling and hearing him chuckle as he kissed the side of your head, “You’re right and I promise. Hopefully that will be you, but first I will have to get a new fishing rod” he muse as the tension of the day finally was beginning to fade.
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themadlostgirl · 4 years
Abandoned (4)
*This one was a week late thanks to finals. Hope this makes up for it!*
It is strange how normal things can be after having a revelation. Nothing really changes. The sun still rises, waves crash on the sand, and birds sing in the trees. It is all so painstakingly normal.
After I accepted that papa had really left me here, accepted that he had traded me for freedom, I don’t know what I expected. It felt as if the sky should at least be dark and bleak. Rain should be pouring down and the sea should rage like the storm inside me. It was almost comical how I expected such chaos and was greeted with warm days full of sun and sparkling waters.
I stopped looking for the Jolly Roger over the horizon. I stopped counting the days I had been trapped. I stopped trying to recall everything about my life before Neverland in some vain attempt to keep my memories intact. There simply was no reason.
Pan came by to see what I was doing after our nighttime encounter out on the sea. He never revealed himself but I could always tell when he was there. Watching unseen from the trees. Not interfering but not ignoring either.
One day some of the Lost Boys came by me when I was resting at my camp. Upon seeing me they stammered out apologies and ran off back to where they came. My heart panged because I wanted them to stay. I wanted someone to talk to. I thought of going to Tinkerbell but I knew if I did we’d end up talking about papa and I couldn’t put myself through reminders of him right now.
Most nights I heard music coming from the jungle but it didn’t have the hypnotic spell over me as it once had. It as no challenge to ignore it and I wasn’t sure if that was worse or better.
I only ventured towards the camp of the Lost Boys once. The sounds of joy and fun pulled me forward but the reality of what I was choosing kept me from going in. I watched from the sidelines as the boys whooped and jumped and danced around a raging bonfire. It reminded me of the nights where the crew would break out their instruments and dance on the deck. It was nothing pretty but it was fun. I could remember papa teaching me how to dance properly. Standing on his toes...
I reached for my pocketwatch and breathed out remembering how I had hurled it into the sea. I need to stop reminiscing. It’s only causing me more grief. I looked back up at the camp and saw Pan emerge from the shadows. It was as if he had sensed me for he looked right at me. There was a peculiar smile on his face. Almost inviting. He held out a hand towards me, his fingers curling to tempt me to his side.
My feet were rooted in their spot. It wasn’t until Pan took the first step towards me that I was able to move again and took off back into the jungle. I got back to my camp and huddled down in my hut. Why couldn’t I do it? Why couldn’t I just enter the camp? Why couldn’t I move on?
I was just getting my breathing under control when I felt the familiar gaze of someone watching me.
“What do you want, Pan?” I asked, my voice quiet.
“So you have known that I was watching. I couldn’t tell for sure before.” Pan was closer, standing just outside of my hut. He bent down to peer inside at me. “Feel like talking now?”
I scooted out to the entrance. “Why did you follow me?”
“Because this is the first time since you kidnapped me that you’ve sought anyone out. Considering it’s been over a week since then I figured I’d meet you half way.”
“Because you can’t live on your own forever. It’ll drive you mad. I imagine it already has some. That’s why you came to the camp.”
“How come you never said anything? You’ve been watching me for days without a word. Why say something now?”
“Like I said, you sought me out. You wanted space so I figured that I’d wait for you to come to me when you were ready. You can still come back to camp. It’ll be alright.”
My eyes snapped to his. “I don’t want to be a part of your crew.”
He gave a sigh and sat down next to me. “Still don’t trust me?” He asked.
“I’ve accepted the situation I have been forced into. My father traded me for passage out of this hellhole and since crossing realms is no easy feat I do not expect him to be able to come back for me. But…”
“There’s still a part that wants to believe he’s trying to return for you.” Pan’s voice was uncommonly gentle. Almost as if he was talking to a spooked animal. Perhaps that was what I was. A scared little creature that wanted to scuttle back into her hidey hole.
“You must think me a fool,” I scoffed.
“I think you’ve been spurned by someone you trusted and don’t know how to handle it.” He laid a hand on my back. It was surprisingly comforting. “In the years that I have lived I’ve learned a few things. One of them is that loyalty, once lost, is never earned again. Not true loyalty. Even if your father came back for you there is a part of you that would never trust him like you once did.”
“I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
Pan studied me for a moment longer before standing up and holding his hand out for me, “Come along,”
“Where are we going?” I ignored his hand and stood up on my own.
“I’m showing you that you can trust me.”
He withdrew something from the pouch on his belt. It glittered like a jewel but had an odd shape. “This is a magic bean,” He said, “It can take you anywhere you want to go.”
“You’re not giving me that, are you?”
“No. We’re gonna go on a trip.” He grabbed hold of my arm, “Brace yourself, this can get a little rough.”
He dropped the bean on the ground and immediately the ground opened up into a swirling vortex pulling us both in. I clung onto Pan tighter. The journey was disorienting and my head was spinning when we finally were deposited somewhere else.
As the dizziness subsided I was able to note a few things. One, we definitely weren’t on Neverland anymore. We had been dropped on some dock where the cold air reeked of fish. In the distance there was a town. Most of the houses were dark but there looked to be an inn or a tavern that exuded warmth and energy.
Wait, I know this town! We would dock here all the time. This was where I lost--
My blood went cold. “Pan,” I turned to him, “Why are we here?”
“You’ll see,” He motioned for me to follow him. I pulled my coat tighter against me and followed after him into the town. The closer we got to the tavern the louder the cheer inside became. My legs felt like they were being weighted down by cannonballs the closer we got. Without even looking I could remember where everything was. Down that road was the blacksmith. Around that corner was a bakery. To the right of that well was the apothecary.
Pan noticed me lagging behind and grabbed me to keep up with him. “Really Pan,” I tried to pry his hand off my arm as we entered the tavern. “Why are we here?”
“Because he’s here,” Pan pointed to a spot near the back of the tavern.
Sitting at a table surrounded by pirates and wenches was my father playing a card game and drinking.
“Papa…” A part of me wanted to run up to him and hug him and never let him go. Another part of me kept me rooted in my spot. I turned to Pan. “What is this? Why’d you bring me here? To show me what I’ve lost?”
“Not at all,” he released my arm, “This is your chance. Return to him.”
“You heard what I said. If you want to you can be reunited with your father and I give you my word I will never bother you again.”
“It’s a trick. A trap of some kind!”
“No tricks here, swordfish. I am being completely serious.”
“You’re releasing me?”
“If that is what you wish.”
I took a tentative step away from Pan. I took another waiting to see if he would stop me but he made no move. I stepped closer and closer to where papa was sitting. This was real. I can go home! After so long I can finally be with my family again!
“Is that the Lady Jones I see?” The sound of a familiar voice silenced any joy I held.
I turned to see who had addressed me. A familiar pirate with overgrown red hair and a stubbly chin walked towards me. He was all muscles and devil-may-care charm wrapped in worn brown leather.  “Karver,” I crossed my arms. “Shouldn’t be surprised you’re here.”
“Are you still sore about the last time we met that you won’t call me Quentin?” he shook his head, “If you’d allow me I’d like to make up for it.”
“I don’t want anything from you. After months of being trapped I have finally gotten away from the hellscape that was Neverland and want to get back to my father and crew.”
“Ah yes,” Karver threw an arm over my shoulders. I tried not to shudder. “Captain Jones was regaling the tavern with the tale earlier. Nasty stuff you all encountered. I was wondering why you weren’t with the crew celebrating.”
“That’s because I only got off the island recently. I haven’t had months to become numb to everything we went through while trapped in Neverland like they have.”
“Months?” Karver’s eyebrows knit together, “Kitten, the crew of the Jolly Roger shot up from the sea like a ghost ship a week ago. They’ve been drinking the town dry ever since.”
“A week? It’s only been a week since they left Neverland? A week!” I fumed. No...no this couldn’t be happening. I was on Neverland by myself for months and it hadn’t even been a week here? I knew time moved differently in Neverland but I never expected this!
“Problem?” Karver asked.
I looked across the tavern at my father. My father who was laughing and drinking with some floozy on his lap without a care in the world. This was the same man who had gone silent for months after mama died. It took him years to be comfortable enough to act like the wolfish pirate I saw before me when mama died. To him I had been bargained away a week ago. A week ago he gave me up to escape and what was it I found? He wasn’t mourning. He wasn’t trying to find a way back to me. He was in a tavern getting drunk and having fun. He was here having the time of his life knowing full well that I was stuck on Neverland at the mercy of Pan and the Lost Boys.
I shoved Karver away and stormed back out of the tavern. Pan was waiting outside.
My voice trembled with anger and betrayal. “He was never going to come back for me. It wasn’t even a thought in his head. Was it?”
“I thought it best if you saw for yourself.” Pan said.
“Why though? I’m his daughter! Don’t I mean anything?”
“Sounds like something to ask him.” Pan nodded towards the tavern.
I shook my head. Bitter tears pouring down my face. “No. I want out of here. I want to leave. Now!��
Pan held out a hand for me. “Do you trust me now, Lost Girl?”
I took one last look inside at the man who raised me. The man who sold me. I took Pan’s hand. “I want to go home.”
Pan smiled and withdrew another bean. The next moment we were falling through a portal on our way back to Neverland. The air was warm once again, the sand was pliant and soft beneath my boots. I took in a deep breath, salty ocean air with just a hint of flowers from the jungle on the tail end of it.
I remembered what I told Pan before we returned. I didn’t say I wanted to go back to Neverland. I said I wanted to go home. When did Neverland become home?
“Feel like coming to camp now?” Pan asked, giving a little tug on our interlaced hands.
“Can we stay here tonight? I don’t think I have the energy to go to your camp right now.”
“We?” Pan asked, “Am I to take it that you want me to stay?”
Heat started to creep up my neck and I gripped his hand tighter. “I don’t want to be alone again.” I admitted. I felt like a child. I was practically begging him to stay here with me.
Pan’s features softened and we sat down. His hand still held mine and he used his other to light a small fire for us. “You won’t be alone ever again, Lost Girl.” he murmured, “I promise.”
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dp-marvel94 · 3 years
The Mystery Shack Spooks - Part 4
For Holiday Truce 2020
Summary:  Elle Fenton had hoped for a normal summer, a chance to make normal friends with people who know nothing about her crazy family, ghosts, or, most importantly, her status as a clone. But ghosts always seem to find her, even in Gravity Falls. Now the Mystery Shack is haunted by a unknown apparition with an unknown connection to Dipper and Mabel, and to Elle herself. The half ghost struggles to open up to her new friends and to find a way to help this lonely ghost.
Part 1 -> Part 2 -> Part 3 -> Part 4(Here) -> Part 5
Also on AO3 and fanfiction.net
Did I say this was going to be the last chapter? Ops....well I wrote what was supposed to be the last chapter and it ended up super long so I cut it in half. I'm posting the first part and once I edit the rest, I'll post the actual end in a few days.
Also, I really need a proper name for this story. So if anyone has any idea or suggestions, I'll take them. If anyone comes up with something that I ended up using, I'll be sure to credit them. 
Finally, happy reading!
Her mind was anything but silent. Her brain swarmed with thoughts, throughout a quiet dinner and half-hearted attempt at board games (unsurprisingly the twins weren't enthusiastic after that sobering encounter). Long past the time she should be asleep, the half ghost found herself staring at the ceiling, her thoughts drifting. She sighed, her heart still clenching with guilt- over not telling Dipper and Mabel about Tyrone and about her status as a clone. But if she could find some way so that the twins could see and hear the other ghosts or if Tyrone would show up so they could brainstorm…..
With a huff, Elle sat up. She wasn’t going to get to sleep anytime soon, not like this, and she was getting sick of staring at the ceiling. Maybe she should go flying or sit on the roof for a bit. With barely a thought, she triggered her core to transform and floated off the bed. She flew through the roof, pausing as the light of the moon fell on her face. She let out a breath, sitting down on the ledge of the roof. The view really was beautiful; maybe she’d wait and watch the stars.
Some time passed as she looked at the sky and tried (and failed) to not worry about Tyrone. Then a creak sounded behind her. Elle turned, finding a familiar boy behind her. With the moonlight, he almost glowed ethereally; for a moment she thought he was-
“What are you doing up here?” He asked, voice without even a hint of echo.
Elle frowned. “ Dipper, it’s you.”
“Yeah, It’s me.” He looked at her strangely, repeating. “What are you doing up here?”
The girl blushed. “Oh, I was just...I was...thinking about our ghostly friend.”
“Oh…” His confused expression bled into something sad. “You’re trying to figure out who he is?” 
Elle bit her lip, debating. She knew who the ghost was but she couldn’t exactly tell her friend; Tyrone had begged her not too. She sighed. “I’m thinking about how we can help him. If you and Mabel could see him...or if I could actually talk to him….”
“Oh yeah…” Dipper huffed, coming to sit beside her. “I barely thought about him today.” He looked down, guiltily.
“We'll figure something out.” Elle said half heartedly. “But anyway, what’s got you up?”
The boy sighed, studying a particular spot on the roof. He glanced at her cautiously. “Can I...can I tell you something?”
The half ghost blinked, startled by the question or really, by his attitude. He looked uncharacteristically upset. About the ghost haunting the Shack maybe? After a moment, she answered. “Yeah?”
“I keep thinking about… I keep thinking about….Tyrone.” He whispered.
Elle tilted her head, not expecting that. She was really, really not expecting that. It was like...it came from nowhere. But maybe he’d realized -
“You have?” She asked, part hopeful and part cautious.
Dipper nodded. “Since we told you about the copier and you said...what you said, that Tyrone was my clone but maybe not actually me….” Nervously, he picked at his nails. “That keeps...ringing in my head. I can’t stop thinking about it and about what happened to him and…” He trailed off.
“Oh” The girl bit her lip, suddenly guilty. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I brought that up.”
Dipper shook his head. “No, don’t be. You….you made me realize I miss him. I’ve missed him so much this year. But...I didn’t understand that that was what I was feeling or why. I mean….the two of us…we were so in sync, really the perfect team. We thought the same, like we were really the same person and….no one understood me like he did.” He looked down at the last part. “But….I kept replaying that idea, what you said, in my head and….” His voice quieted, turning pained. “I don’t…I don’t know how I didn’t see it then but…there was something different about him, compared to the others. And not just ‘cause Tyrone had a name but….the two of us actually talked and came up with the plan to dance with Wendy together. I didn’t really talk to the others, just told them what to do and they did it. And…” He laughed humorlessly. “Tyrone’s the one who got mad at me for not following our plan and the other clones just followed when he locked me in the closet.” He shook his head, a fond smile on his face. “The doofus left me snacks and a coloring book in there in case I got bored or hungry. And…Tyrone figured out how to escape the sprinklers.” He clenched his shaking fists, taking a deep breath. “There was…a light in his eyes, a spark that just wasn’t in the others. And I…how didn’t I see it?”
The girl startled at the words, the honesty. She reached out to comfort. “It’s okay.” 
“No it’s just.” He ripped his arm away. “For the past…for the past year, I told myself that he wasn’t real. That missing him was ridiculous and narcissistic and the only reason I did was because I didn’t have any friends other than my sister. But….” His voice broke. “He was real, wasn’t he? Tyrone was a real, actual person. And…he’s not melted, he’s dead. He’s dead. And it’s my fault because I made him in the first place. And I gave him that freaking pit cola and just watched it happen. I’m the only one who even knew him and I haven’t even mourned, because I thought he didn’t deserve it because he wasn’t real.”
Dipper wrapped his arms around his knees. To Elle’s surprise, he’d started crying at some point. The girl shifted slightly, before tentatively putting one arm around him. Her heart ached as she let him cry. But she said nothing, too stunned to force any words out. She had...she had no idea he actually listened and thought about her words. But he had. Dipper had taken them to heart and now he was mourning and… He knew Tyrone was someone, a real person. Her heart skipped a beating, remembering the ghostly clone’s broken words. Just a copy. What will they think of me? What would they think…. Well, Elle didn’t know about Mabel but Dipper….Dipper saw his personhood, his potential. Her eyes widened; she had to tell-
The boy started talking, cutting off her thoughts. He sniffled. “But yeah, sorry to dump that on you. It’s not your fault but…I keep thinking about him, especially since...earlier...I thought I saw...” 
Elle gasped, just managing to squeak out. “You saw...?”
Dipper swallowed. “I think...I think...I..I had this dream where Tyrone was floating over my bed. He was crying and….” His voice choked. “He begged me to see him and talk to him. And I could see him but….I was frozen. I couldn’t move, couldn’t talk. Then I woke up and I remembered that it happened a year ago.”
“It…? A year ago?” The half ghost would blush at her parroting if she wasn’t busy freaking out.
“A year ago.” The boy nodded. “ I used...I used that freaking copier and somehow it made Tyrone.” A sickly smile covered his face. “He’d be a year old now if….” His expression flipped, turning into a hateful sneer. “If I hadn’t killed him a f-cking can of Pit Soda. Instead he’s dead so yeah, happy DeathDay Tyrone.”
With that, the boy roughly pulled away from her and tightly clenched his fists. He looked like he wanted to scream or hit something, his shoulders tense with self-directed anger. Beside him, Elle was frozen, her mind short circuiting. Tyrone…how…why…could he really…did he really…. Her blood ran cold. Dipper actually saw him earlier. She had no idea how, when he hadn’t been able to last night. But he must have; there was no other way. But he thought it was a dream, a fantasy or a nightmare conjured by his unconscious mind. He hadn’t realized it was real, meaning….
Her core flickered with her anxiety, ice flowing through her veins.
Dipper shivered. “It’s cold. Elle, is that you? Or is our ghost friend here?”
No, their ghost friend, Dipper’s clone, Tyrone was not here. Because he was downstairs thinking that Dipper just saw him as a copy, not worth mourning. But…
“Elle?” The boy ventured.
Cold pulsed from the half ghost’s core as her mind continued to race. She had...She had to tell him, to tell Dipper that Tyrone wasn’t gone. He wasn’t...well he was still dead but he was still here. The two of them still had a chance. But...she bit her lip. She’d told Tyrone she wouldn’t; she couldn’t break his trust now. But….with all she’d told Dipper, with how Dipper just poured out his heart, how can she remain silent about this? But...she promised the other ghost. The girl felt torn in two directions by the choice.
“I need to find him.” She suddenly spat out. 
“Who?” Dipper blinked at her.
Elle ignored as ice crept across the roof tiles. She ran fingers through her hair. “We need to talk. Maybe...maybe...I can convince him and We’ll-” 
The other teen cut her off. “Elle?! What are you talking about?” 
Her mouth snapped shut as she blushed in embarrassment and shame. “I...I’m sorry. The...the Shack’s ghost...I...I promised him...I can’t tell you.”
Dipper glared, open mouthed. “But-” 
Elle didn’t hear the rest of his plea as she flickered invisible and phased through the roof.
Moments later, Elle phased through the roof of her room. "Tyrone!" She called, hopefully. He had to be here. "Tyrone!" The half ghost tried again, to silence. "Please, we need to talk. I think...I think Dipper saw you tonight but he thinks it was a dream. If we just...if I just tell him, then-"
Tyrone's sudden appearance cut off her words. His eyes were wide, brow wrinkled with shock and worry.
Elle sighed in relief anyway. "You're here! I was worried." She shook her head. "Anyway. I need to tell Dipper about you."
The ghostly clone's eyes widen even more. He wavered backwards, waving his hands. No. For once, the static was clear.
"Please Ty. I can't… I can't keep lying to Dipper and Mabel. Plus …." Her pleading tone shifted into something more hopeful. "He told me some things today. And….he'd be so happy to know you're here."
Tyrone looked doubtful. His mouth opened to argue but then, the door burst open.
Gasping, the half ghost jumped back as Dipper barged in. 
“Elle!” He exclaimed. “What are you-” The boy cut himself off, eyes widening. 
The girl’s brow wrinkled for a moment in confusion; he’d probably come down here to figure out why she ran off so why-
“I must be dreaming.” Dipper muttered, voice shaking. “There’s no way. This isn’t...it’s not...it’s not real.” He furiously shook his head. “No. He’s...he’s not…”
The half ghost felt her heart stop, her blood run cold. Slowly her eyes drifted from the living boy in front of the door and to his ghostly double. 
Tyrone’s jaw dropped in shock. He wavered forward in the air, eyes pinned in the other boy. A long moment later, his voice warbled with static.
“No. You’re not...you’re not here.” Dipper choked. “I..I killed you.”
The living boy was shaking, looking like he would collapse or flee from the room. All the while, he stared at the misty form of his ghostly clone. More static cracked as the ghost boy tried to speak again, reaching forward.
Dipper pinched his eyes closed. “I’m just dreaming...You’re not real.”
With that Elle’s mind finally caught up. “No Dipper, he’s here…” She swallowed. “I can see him too.”
The human boy’s head whipped up. With wide eyes, he whispered. “What?”
“I can see him too. He’s real.” The half ghost said, pleadingly.
“He’s….?” Dipper’s breath caught in his throat, hope leaking into his voice. With shakingly legs, he stumbled towards the other boy. 
At the same time, the ghost boy floated forward again, tentatively. He stopped, only a foot away so the two were eye to eye. It was strangely similar to last night, except…..this time Dipper’s eyes knowingly fell on the figure in front of him. 
“Tyrone?” He asked, his voice quivering with a dozen emotions but paramount was hope.
The other boy nodded, slowly cracking a smile. Hey, Dipper.
“Tyrone. You’re...you’re here. You’re real.” The boy sounded like he could hardly believe the words coming out of his mouth. 
The ghost boy nodded eagerly. “Yes...I’m here.”
That seemed to encourage Dipper. “You’re here. You’re actually here! I…” His eyes started watering with joy. “I missed you so much. I-” 
He moved to wrap his arms around the other boy but his arms passed right through the insubstantial figure. Dipper shivered and tried again, brow furrowing. A third time gave the same result, making the living boy’s lip quiver. “Why can’t...why can’t I touch you?”
Tyrone whimpered, a grieved muttering exiting his mouth as he tried to return the hug.
Dipper stopped, rapidly stepping back. “I can’t….I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
The ghostly clone tried again but his words just sounded as a cacophony of desperate static.
The living boy’s eyes widened and he started tearing up. “Tyrone. I don’t know what you’re saying.”
Distressingly, the statement just seemed to make the ghost boy more upset. Tyrone reached forward, hand again going through Dipper’s. His lip trembled.
The other boy sniffled. “I...I’m sorry.” His eyes trailed down the semi-translucent body. “I can’t touch you or understand you or….” A tear fell down Dipper’s face “I still don’t know how to help you….”
Dipper trailed off, shoulders starting to shake. Again, Tyrone reached forward but paused before actually reaching for the other boy’s hand. He swallowed, a look of concentration covering his face. The color of his hand shifted, the limb losing some of its transparency. Then he took Dipper’s hand in his. 
The living boy’s eyes widened. “I can...I can feel that.” He sounded awed.
The ghost nodded, pinching his eyes closed. “We’ll figure this out….together.”
Something in the statement bolstered the other boy. He half-smiled, despite his still watering eyes. “Yeah. Together.”
There was a pause. Then the ghost asked. “You….you missed me?”
Dipper nodded. “Yeah.” He whipped his wet face with his free hand. “I missed you so much, man.”
Tyrone squeezed the hand he was holding. “I missed you too.”
“You did?” The other boy said, part disbelieving and part hopeful.
The ghost nodded enthusiastically. 
Dipper swallowed. “I’m sorry...I’m sorry about everything that happened. For using you and the others like that, for….melting you. For…” He took a deep breath. “For not seeing that you were real, back then.”
The ghost’s image flickered, his hand falling through Dipper’s as his mouth fell open. After a long moment, he shook his head and said something that was lost in static.
The corner of the other boy’s mouth twitched down at his lack of understanding.
Then Tyrone tried to speak again, his brow furrowed in concentration. “Real?”
“Yes. Of course, you’re real.” Dipper frowned, looking down. “Maybe if I’d understood that then, you’d still be here in the flesh.” He bit his lip. “Or whatever you call enchanted paper and ink.”
The ghostly clone's eyes remained wide, taking in what the other boy had said for a long while. Eventually his shock faded into a soft hope, his gaze kind. “But...we have another chance now, right?”
Dipper looked up. Slowly, the corner of his lip turned up. “Yeah. I guess we do.”
The ghost’s staticy voice buzzed in agreement. There was a silence for a while as the two boys just looked at each other. Not staring at each other in shock or disbelief. Not with judgement or scorn. But with soft happiness and wonder. Pure joy at being reunited shined in the pair’s tear-filled eyes. The two stepped forward in sync, Dipper’s arms wrapping around the cold mist of Tyrone’s chest and the ghost’s insubstantial arms returning the favor. It wasn’t quite a hug but a close approximation. As close as the living boy and his double could get when Tyrone remained unable to become fully solid and Dipper couldn’t turn intangible.
“I can still barely believe this is happening.” Dipper was saying softly. “So much has happened since...you know. I should probably tell you about it… if you want.”
The ghost boy nodded eagerly, muttering something in static.
Meanwhile, Elle shuffled awkwardly as she watched the tender scene. She bit her lip. A large part of her was overjoyed to see Dipper and Tyrone reunited but at the same time…it felt like she was spying on something intimate. This moment belonged to the two boys in front of her, for them to reconnect as best they could and to figure out who and what they were to each other.
She averted her eyes and coughed softly. “Uhh...sorry to interrupt. I’m gonna…” She jabbed her thumb towards the door.
Both boys turned to look at her. Dipper’s eyes widened as he stepped out of the semi-hug. “Oh….we’re in your room. We can uh….” He glanced at Tyrone. “We can go somewhere else to talk. Maybe the roof?”
The ghostly clone shrugged, mouthing. ‘Sure’. He floated up, pointing to himself and then towards the ceiling. He then pointed at Dipper and to the door. 
The other boy nodded in understanding. “I can meet you up there.” Then he bit his lip nervously, looking between Tyrone and the door.
The ghost frowned, his lips moving to form the question. ‘What?”
His original blushed. “I...I’m kinda scared to let you out of my sight. Like...you’ll disappear again….”
Tyrone’s face softened. He floated back down. With some concentration, he grabbed Dipper’s wrists and started leading him towards the door.
“Hey. What are you...?” The living boy asked. “Oh...we’ll go together.”
The clone nodded. Then he paused in front of Elle. His lips turned up into a bright smile. ‘Thank you.’ He mouthed, his eyes shining such incredible gratitude.
“Yeah, thank you.” Dipper nodded, agreeing. “I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been here.” His shoulders rose somewhat sheepishly.
The half ghost gave him a comforting smile. “No problem. Of course I’d be here and...I’m really happy you guys found each other.”
Both boys nodded. Then Dipper opened the door. Cautiously, he poked his head out and looked both ways down the hallway. He looked back at his ghostly double and waved him forward. “Come on Ty.”
Elle watched the two walk and float down the hall, towards the stairs to the attic. Soon, the pair were out of sight and the girl closed the door.
With a sigh, the halfa returned to human form and sat down on her bed. Elle smiled. She meant what she said; she was ecstatic to see Dipper and Tyrone reunited, though she hadn’t imagined it going like that. None of the scenarios that had crossed her mind featured Dipper barging in. Granted…. after running off on him, the half ghost really shouldn’t have been surprised that he came after her. But Dipper had. He’d barged in, saw Tyrone, and the two- original and clone- had been tearfully reunited.
Speaking of original….the girl reached for her phone, smiling as her lockscreen picture of her, Danny, and Jazz popped up. She suddenly wanted to talk to her brother, to tell him about everything that happened. But...it was pretty late and with the different time zone, it was even later in Amity. But then again knowing Danny, there was a large chance he was still awake playing Doomed. 
Without anymore debate, Elle dialed his number. On the third ring, her brother picked up. 
“Hello?” He asked, sleepily.
“Hey Danny. It’s Elle. Did I wake you up?” She blushed, suddenly guilty.
“Nah. Just logged off Doomed.” He yawned. “Wait...Elle?” Worry entered his voice, making him sound more awake. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. I just wanted to talk to you.” She bit her lip. “Sorry. I should’ve just waited ‘til the morning.”
“It’s fine.” He said sincerely. “Just tell me what you’re thinking.”
Elle sighed. “So….I found out who the Shack’s ghost is and he’s Dipper’s clone, Tyrone.”
There was a pause. “What?” Danny asked with mild confusion.
“The ghost that’s been haunting the Mystery Shack is Tyrone. I actually saw his face this morning and talked to him.”
“Well, that’s unexpected.” The boy said, shock on his voice.
“Yeah. I can barely believe it but it’s really him. Oh and Dipper found out literally ten minutes ago; he barged in and saw Tyrone when the two of us were talking.”
"Oh, wow …..how did both of them take it?"
Elle smiled. "Really good. They went up to the roof to talk. I think you both really missed each other."
"I can imagine." Danny said knowingly. "They must be really happy to see each other." Then his voice turned sober. "And Dipper saw him die, didn't he? Losing Tyrone like that must have been horrible."The boy swallowed and Elle could imagine his pained frown. But then his tone became something more hopeful. "But finding out that he's not gone, finally getting him back. Dipper must be so happy."
"He is." The corner of her mouth turned up. "And I guess we both understand that."
"Yeah." Again, Danny sounded so certain, so knowing. And Elle understood it completely. How could she not when she and Danny had come so close to being in the same situation?
The half ghost girl remembered the older boy's face as her body fell apart, as she destabilized. She'd been terrified but at the same time hopeful as he dashed in with a solution. But then it hadn't worked. She watched as devastation overtook his features as he pleaded for her to hang on. She'd tried, equally devastated, equally desperate not to die.
She'd blacked out, an unseeing, unfeeling, unknowing puddle. For a moment, it was like she was gone, like she didn’t exist at all. And then suddenly she was back. She had eyes again. She had a head, hands, feet, a body. For a long moment, she blinked slowly realizing she still existed. 
Then her eyes had fallen on Danny, her original, her cousin, her brother. She hadn't dared to even consider that yet. She'd barely been able to think he might see her as anything more than a copy, that he might even love her. But Danny was on his knees, his eyes fixed down. He was crying, muttering apologizes through his sobs.
Elle had floated from the floor. She'd quipped something stupid in a effort to cover how freaked out as she disbelieving shock turned into relieved happiness. She'd back flipped in her elation, her eyes falling on the older half ghost as he whipped around. And-
"You were really happy at Vlad's when I...uhh.. when you saved me with that ecto dejecto." 
His eyes had shone with relief as he rushed forward to embrace her. He’d squeezed her in his arms, holding her tight like she was precious. Together, they'd shared a moment of pure joy, relief, and love. 
Across the line, the boy swallowed. "Of course I was happy. I thought I'd lost you, El."
"But you didn't." The girl said softly. "It turned out okay."
"Yeah, it did." Something in Elle's tone seemed to bolster the other halfa. "Man...we've both really come a long way since then, huhh?"
“We have.” The girl nodded, remembering her conversation with the twins this afternoon about what she and Danny had been through. “You told our parents about your powers. I started going to school.” She chuckled, then her voice turned more serious. “And I actually have a home and family now. I’ve got Mom and Dad and Jazz and...You. You know... you’re a good big brother.”
“Aw, Elle?” The boy’s voice ticked up teasingly. “Are you getting all mushy on me?”
The other half ghost gasped. “I’m being serious! I was gonna say, you’re a really supportive and understanding big bro. And thank you for encouraging me to talk to Dipper and Mabel.”  She crossed her arms, only somewhat mock offended. “But I guess that’s too mushy for you.”
There was a pause as the boy took in the words. When he finally spoke, there was no teasing in his voice but sincerity. “No, sis. It’s...it’s not too mushy. It’s...sweet, I guess.” Elle could hear the smile in his voice. “And you’re a good sister too. I’m really happy to have you in my life.”
“Oh. Thanks Danny.” The girl blushed at the compliment.
The older boy chuckled. “See, I can be mushy too.” Then his tone sobered somewhat. “So you talked to your friends?”
“Yeah, I did. Earlier today actually, before Dipper found out about Tyrone. I told him and Mabel about me being half ghost.” She smiled. “They took it really well.”
“They did?” Danny sounded happy and relieved. “That’s great, Elle.”
“Yeah. We had a snowball fight and everything after I showed off my ice powers.” She chuckled. “I felt a lot better after telling them everything.” Elle frowned, realizing what she said. "Well...almost everything."
"Oh?" Danny asked, wordlessly prompting her to continue. 
"I...uhh….haven't actually told them I'm a clone yet."
"You haven't?"
The younger half ghost shook her head. "No but….I think I'll tell them in the morning."
"Really? Why now?"
"Just….some of the stuff Dipper said about Tyrone and how he reacted to seeing him again." She swallowed. "You and Jazz were right; they're not gonna think any less of me if they know the whole truth."
“Wow….I'm proud of you. And good luck with that. I'm sure it'll be great."
"Thanks Danny." She smiled.
"No problem." The boy sighed. “Man, a lot’s happened since we talked yesterday.”
“Yep. I told Dipper and Mabel that the Shack was haunted. I tried to introduce them to Tyrone when he showed up yesterday...I mean, I didn’t know it was him last night….. But the twins couldn’t see him.”
“Wait…” Danny cut in. “You said that Dipper saw him, like literally could see Tyrone earlier tonight.”
“Yeah I….did.” Elle’s eyes widened. “You’re totally right, I did say that.” She put a hand on her forehead. “I hadn’t even realized. Dipper literally couldn’t see him at all yesterday but now he can. So how does that work?” She started rambling. “Wait...I couldn’t really see him yesterday either. He just kinda looked like a shadow or a cloud. So why could I suddenly see him this morning? I mean...yeah, I worked out Ty’s name so maybe that’s why….but Dipper didn’t have a clue. He just barged in the room unannounced.” At some point, the girl had flopped back down onto the bed. She huffed, contemplatively.
Across the line, Danny hummed in thought. “Well, what changed?”
“What changed?” The other half ghost muttered quietly. What changed? Well, yes, she and Dipper had talked about Tyrone but as far as she could tell, Dipper’s opinion hadn’t actually changed. And somehow the boy had seen the ghostly clone earlier when he was half asleep. But….
Elle’s brow furrowed, remembering something Dipper had said earlier. “It’s been a year...” She muttered.
“What?” Her brother questioned.
Her eyes widened, realizing the older teen was still listening. “Dipper told me earlier that it's been a year since Tyrone...well...died.”
“And traditional ghosts tend to be stronger on the anniversary of their death. Don’t they?” The boy asked.
Elle nodded. “Right. And that’s probably why he’s visible and not just to me. But still...” She sighed, remembering Dipper’s reaction to being unable to touch and understand Tyrone. “Tyrone’s still stuck intangible and almost everything he says comes out as static. I wish I could figure out how to help him.”
Again, her brother hummed in thought. “Huh…. What if you got him some ectoplasm?”
Elle suddenly sat up, hitting her forehead with her palm. “Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?” She stood up and grabbed for one of her bags. “I have ectoplasm. My supplements.” The girl frowned. “Letting him have a few should be okay, right?”
“I think so...it’s not like ectoplasm can hurt a ghost. And if I know Mom, she packeted you like half a year's worth. You should have plenty.” Humor rang in his voice. “And I won’t tell Mom and Dad if you won’t.”
“Yeah, I won’t.” Elle laughed. “I’ll tell Tyrone and Dipper about that idea in the morning  and see what they think.”
“And let me know how it goes, okay?”
The girl nodded. “Yeah, of course.” She yawned. “We should both get some sleep though. Talk to you later.”
“Yeah, Love you sis.”
Elle sighed. “Love you bro.” She smiled. “Good night.”
“Night.” With that Danny hung up.
The half ghost girl put her phone away and went to sleep.
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shuskas-story-book · 3 years
Just like this
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Art/Sauron/Cyrusk all belong to @clockworkreapers​!!!
This story is a fusion of two songs to try and get a good mix of both of the characters personalities.  Saurons song was ‘One last time’ by Jaymes Young and Cy’s song is ‘just like this’ by the chainsmokers/coldplay 
This is my half of an art trade with one of the best artists I have the honor of calling a friend and I hope that I’ve done them, and her, justice with this story. 
PLEASE NOTE Sauron is a MUTE character and is thinking all of his parts. As such I have them in ITALLICS  to help discern their parts of a conversation
please enjoy~ and Thank you so much to Clock once again for allowing me the honor of writing about these lovable dorks!!!!!
((minor spelling errors now corrected))
Two shadows could be seen passing through the abandoned part of the old town, soft whispers heard as one seems to be reading the other's thoughts. The darkness didn’t bother the two males, in fact it was comfortable for the two as they worked themselves into a long forgotten  apartment building. With the comfortable closeness they had, even with the muted troll carrying a couple bags of goodies they had a good clip to their pace. “Come on Sauron, we're almost to the top'' The leader said softly, a chuckle in his throat as his rust companion rolled his eyes.  
Yea yea I know we are Cy. We've come up here how many times now? Sauron thought to his companion, smiling a bit as Cyrusk laughed at him. “I know I know. And you know how much I love coming up here!” He hummed in return, opening the door to the roof and taking a deep breath as he stepped back out into the cold night air. 
The two were now far above the abandoned streets of the ghost town and able to really see the stars that twinkled in the sky above them. Sauron gave a soft sigh and closed his eyes for a moment before moving over and settling himself on the edge of the roof  with his feet hanging off the edge.  This feels nice. A good breeze, no neons blinding us to the stars… “No one to bother us as we just watch the sky till daylight” Cyrusk finished for his mate, a sweet smile on his lips. The rust blood looked up and let an unfamiliar quirk of a smile to grace its way over his features. 
You know, Ive been reading a lot of old books in my spare time recently. All about the old legends and myths like that of Achilles and his gold and Heracles and the gifts he received  “yea? I personally would rather read about Spider-Man’s control and Batman training with his lusus” Cy rambled in response, making a few joking jabs at Sauron's shoulder with a happy smile. The rust just rolled his eyes and let out a silent little sigh.
Cyrusk was about the only person he ever smiled for nowadays, and in all honesty that’s sort of how Sauron liked it. He hated to really show his soft side to those around him and Cy? Cy was a special case that was just for him. A special person that he could properly trust with his red quadrant. 
Of course I’ll never see myself on any lists like this, My caste doesn't really show up in the history books after all  Sauron thought to the other, shaking his head and jumping a bit as Cyrusk reached out and  carefully cupped his lover’s  cheek. “Hey…..Where do you want to go?” he asked, leaving the mute completely flabbergasted  what?
“Where do you want to go Sauron. How much do you really want to risk?” he continued to ask, his eye  lidding half way as he offered a sadly sweet smile. “Because I’m not really looking for anyone with superhero gifts. No superhero. Just us” he said sweetly, Sauron tilting his head and offering a small pout in return 
No blissful fairy-tale?.....Because in all honesty I don't want that either….I just want someone I can turn to when I’m depressed again and…..someone I can kiss when I’m feeling happy.. Cyrusk smiled and nodded, leaning in to press a soft little kiss to Sauron’s head. “I want something exactly like that Mr. Yetzar” he chuckled, getting a raspy little groan as the rust rolled his eyes, and honestly his head as well at the sappy little piece of sass beside him. 
They sat there and Cy eventually got Sauron to smile again with his shenanigans, the two of them drinking and smoking through the next few hours as the sun began to rise. With it being a weekend for them, the couple had planned on just staying in the abandoned apartments to wait out the burning rays of their world’s sun. Cyrusk managed to pass out long before his lover and it allowed Sauron to relax a bit….not have to guard himself and worry about what thoughts were running through his mind that could have accidentally been ‘seen’ by Cy’s ability. 
The rust sighed and sat up from the pallet they had managed to set up so he could turn his eyes over to the window that was covered up with black curtains to block out the light of day. You know Cy...I’m fading… and it's much, much too fast for me… God, I could drop off the face of the planet right now and… Cy’s voice rang in his head from earlier  “I want something just like this Sauron. Just the two of us here on this rooftop. Nothing special, just us and a couple good drinks” 
I’m fading much too fast for you...you deserve so much more than my love. The rust looked back to his lover and took a chance to reach out and lightly caress the bronze blood’s cheek with a sad little smile. I’m waiting for it to pass… When I’m with you I don't feel like I'm about to fade away into nothingness, that I'm going to just slip away. He admitted to himself. The heat of Sauron’s fingers caused Cyrusk to groan softly and shift to his side, prompting Sauron to finally lay back down against his lover. These days were always so long, always full of sleeplessness for the rust….but with the warmth of another beside him that he trusted he was able to fall into a mostly restful sleep.
“You know Sauron, last night's conversation kinda niggled at the back of my mind all night…. And it reminds me that I read a few older comics recently you know?” Cyrusk hummed as the two of them were settled right back on the rooftop with a fresh bag of drinks and snacks. “ and even though they were just comics you could really recognize the testaments they told and what legends and myths they actually followed” he rambled, Sauron rolling his eyes a bit and taking a deep drag of his cigarette as he continued to listen. 
“They went through this one arc where the moon was eclipsing and superman had to fully unroll a costume to change into instead of just having it ready under his normal suit! It was so interesting to see that differential!” he hummed, eyes turning up to their moons with a smile. You know I'm not the kind of person who really reads comics right? Cyrusk sighed and shook his head a bit with a pout “you realize that I don't care about that right? We ramble back and forth and that’s just our way of showing our love right?” he asked, head tilting to the side lightly as he reached out to move some hair out of Sauron’s face. 
The rust was spooked a bit at the sudden hand in his face but relaxed a bit as he turned a tired little look to the other. He took a deep breath and put out the end of his cigarette before pulling his legs back off the ledge of the roof and facing the bronze with an oddly forward motion of reaching out to cup Cy’s cheek
Cyrusk....we only have one more night before I have to leave on an assignment for a while…..Can I just….feel your skin against mine for the day?..... Before I have to say goodbye? He asked curiously, a tilt to his head Or just…. I don't know…. I feel like I can't breathe tonight. I want to breathe one last time, I want to be able to feel your breath  against my skin, share your breath again…..before I have to go on my assignment. Cyrusk just listened in confusion before melting at his matesprit’s words. He leaned into the touch and kissed Sauron's palm with a sweet smile “of course…..Where do you wanna go for this? Do you want to lay down and cuddle? Do you want to take a risk and go on a joyride with a busted drone?” he asked, trying to offer Sauron something that wasn't just wallowing in the despair and anxiety he could see settling in his love's eyes. “You know I'm not looking for anyone with special gifts or a high position in life so even if we just sit here it’s all I could ever ask for” he hummed, shifting over to press his thigh to the rust’s gently.
“You don't have to make our lives some kind of fairy-tale, you just need to stay here and stay alive so I have someone to turn to… and someone I can miss when they’re out on assignments” Cy chuckled softly, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Sauron’s cheek gently as the rust wrapped his arms around the others waist in a tight hug. 
I feel like my world’s been losing its light Cy… “well then let it loose light. I’ll be here with a flashlight and a candle for when the batteries die” he hummed, pulling Sauron in for a tight hug “I want to stay just like this…..”
The day had passed once more, leaving the two with precious few hours to spend together like this. Sauron woke up first of course, not really having been able to sleep through the day and just listening to Cyrusk snoring seemed to help the day before. He sighed and closed his eyes as he allowed himself to have a moment of peace. His arms wrapped around the bronze as he buried his face in that fluff of hair that always seemed to hide that eye that he loved to see. 
I have to leave soon…..pack my bags and get on the train....this is a cold, cruel world we live in huh Cy?  He thought to himself, sighing and staring off at the far wall as he just let himself sit in the relative silence of their embrace. 
“Hey Sauron? Where’d you wanna go if we could just risk it all and leave right here and now?”
Sauron turned his eyes down to Cy’s sleeping face and smiled a bit to himself as he listened to his memories. No pleading could turn back time for us to redo this weekend….. I’m glad I spent it with you Cyrusk… You mean the world to me, even if I don't tell you or show you as often as you deserve. You tell me you aren’t looking for someone that has super powers or a lot of money but…. I do want to at least bring your life a bit of joy from time to time
Sauron hadn't noticed Cyrusk waking up, having zoned out as he thought and got settled with his chin on the other’s head again. The bronze smiled a bit and nuzzled up into Sauron's touch, accidentally causing the rust to jump and pulling a sleepy little chuckle out of the bronze’s chest. “You don't gotta be so dour…. You just gotta be someone I can turn back to and kiss when ‘m happy” he hummed softly, Sauron smiling sadly. 
Good evening Cyrusk….. He thought in return, honestly happy to just be there for once. Cy….is it ok that I can feel your skin against mine? He asked softly, head tilting lightly as the bronze in his arms stretched a bit he got a nod in return and relaxed again with a rumbly little hum in his chest that wouldn't really have a sound anymore. I’m safe….I have someone to kiss before I have to say goodbye again….. I can breathe again tonight…..as long as I have you in my arms I can always pull through and breathe so much easier than if i was on my own he thought to the other, getting a sweet smile in return
“And you know what? I want nothing more than this right here. I want you to be right here, happy, safe, and feeling like you are free as a bird” he hummed sweetly, the alarms on Sauron’s phone starting to go off to warn them of their time together dwindling. The rust glared at his phone as though it had told him he was unlovable and reached over to smack the screen so it would shut up. 
“Hey Sauron?.....Can we share one last cig before you go?...give you a chance to calm down again before the walk home?” he asked softly, sitting up with a soft groan and another stretch to pop his back. Sauron nodded and stretched out now that his lover was sitting up instead of being curled into a singular position against his chest. 
Yea…. I’d enjoy one last chance to take a deep breath of you so I don't curl up and die on the ride to the next town over. Cy frowned “How about lets don't? I’d like you to come back so I can hug you and tell you how much I missed you while you were gone!” he huffed, poking his love in the side and getting an almost squeak out of the lanky male.  Sauron pouted and glared at the other with a huff as he sat up and crossed his legs before getting a good look at his lover and giving a small little smile. You know what Cy….My world might be losing light but….I think it’s just so you can burn a little brighter…..
 I love you
“I love you too”
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hyperfics-ation · 5 years
(6 Underground fic. idk what to call it. shameless oc insert.) *Police brutality mention*
Films: 6 Underground 2019
Word Count: 1,752
Pairing: billy!four/oc
Description: You were Arianna's first friend in New York City which is why One helped you fake your death when you get into trouble. It's never stated in the story but that's why.
Without anywhere to go, he gives you a home at the base while he assembles his team. Eventually you meet Four and he makes "dying" worth while. 
When One cut all ties to his old life it was because he had a mission. A purpose to fulfill. Same goes for the rest of the team. Each member was handpicked.
Except for you.
You were never part of the plan so you didn't get a number.
Obviously this made introductions a little complicated when One introduced you to Two.
The CIA spook, already dubious about One and his motivations, raised one eyebrow and sized you up quickly.
You smiled awkwardly, sensing that a formal handshake was out of the question. "Just call me Zero," you joked halfheartedly, trying not to fidget under Two's critical gaze.
Just as you broke out in a nervous sweat, Two finally looked away and motioned for One to follow her out of the trailer. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she wanted to discuss privately.
Did One seriously believe it was a good idea to involve a civilian on what was most likely going to turn out to be a suicide mission?
What did a nobody like you really bring to the table, skill-wise?
You didn't have a good answer to either of those questions and honestly neither did One.
Anyway, faking your death had been an experience™ and the adjustment period after had been hard. One hadn't been the most sympathetic. Not outwardly. After all, you were never a part of his grand plan. You were the wrench that got thrown in the plan. You felt kinda bad about that sometimes. 
When One was ready to go recruit Two, he thought it best you stay behind. 
"Sure. I'll be fine," you reassured him with a soft smile that didn't quite reach your eyes. 
The expression on his face made it very clear that he did not believe you. But he said nothing, already behind schedule. 
You woke up the next morning bracing yourself to face the next couple of weeks on your own. Except you weren't alone. A big ass dog sat patiently at your bedside, tongue wagging and panting softly with a note tied to his collar. 
Take care of the dog while I'm gone. P.S. Don't let him eat my stuff.  -One. 
You named the dog Wally. 
Three's arrival was really something. 
He was the complete opposite of Two. His easy going nature actually reminded you a lot of One. They were alike in a lot of ways, but maybe that's why they did not get along very well. Honestly, you could only stand the both of them in the same room for so long. 
But he was nice. And he talked to you. Your conversations weren't anything particularly deep. One's rules forbid any of you from revealing personal details about your old lives. Mostly you discussed movies and TV shows. 
Regardless, you lived for those benign conversations. They provided a brief intermission to the insane turn your life had taken. 
One could tell you were struggling. 
Wally the dog was only so much company.
You were adrift with nowhere to go, no one to turn to. 
Your old life was gone and the only people left in your life was One, Two, and Three. They all had their own issues and it wasn't like you had any shared life experience with the older adults. 
So maybe One had an ulterior motive when he recruited Four. 
The first day the Skywalker showed up with his still healing bruises and luminous blue eyes, you laughed until your face turned red. 
"Skywalker? We're not seriously going to call him that are we?" you wheezed in One's direction, swiping tears from the corner of your eye.
One opened his mouth, the perfect retort poised on his tongue before you swiftly cut him off. 
"Is he a fucking Jedi? Are you are Jedi?" 
Your raucous laughter had faded into barely stifled giggles as you looked at Four. 
He sighed. "Are you done? I need a drink." 
He brushed past you as you were still reeling from the spine tingling deep tenor of his voice paired with that accent. Now your face was flushed for a different reason. 
"Hey, be easy on him. He just watched his own funeral, which was somehow more depressing than a normal funeral should be," One told you, making you feel like a dick. 
Five was a godsend. Though, if One ever heard you admit it, you were sure his ego would explode at being compared with a god. 
You were just happy to be around the closest thing to a civilian. 
“You like him, don’t you? Number Four?” she asked you with a knowing grin. 
Almost immediately your face went red. “I don’t know what you mean. Who? Me?” 
Wow. Real subtle, you thought, cringing. 
Yeah, you weren’t fooling anyone, especially Five. You wondered if any of the other ghosts knew about your crush on Four. 
They did. But no one said anything. 
Six figured it out within hours of meeting you and proceeded to tease you relentlessly. 
So much for millennial solidarity.  
The longer he was around, though, he  became like an older brother to you. You couldn’t imagine what life would be like without him.
With One’s team of ghosts finally assembled, Two insisted on a mandatory training exercise to assess how well everyone worked together. You had no fucking idea why she wanted you to attend this exercise. One had already made it very clear that you were not part of the mission. But you suspected she was actually trying to do you a favor. 
The self defense pointers were useful, you supposed. Being paired with Four was… embarrassing and definitely Two’s idea of a joke. 
On the other hand, you were finally seeing a different side of Four. A more arrogant, carefree side that made you laugh not to mention pine a hundred times harder than you were before. 
Just when you were starting to have fun throwing Four around on a mat, Two steered you towards a makeshift gun range.
It had been a while since you held a gun and considering what happened the last time you did…
Needless to say you were pretty shaky afterwards, teetering on the verge of spiralling into a flashback and Four couldn’t help but notice. 
Later, when you were hunkered down in One’s office mindlessly rewatching Leave It To Beaver episodes Four surprised you by joining you. 
He didn’t say anything for a while, content to just sit and watch the little TV as you tried to ignore him. 
"So how did you get pulled into all this, really?" he spoke up, finally as the credits started rolling. 
You took your time answering. That was the billion dollar question that One had repeatedly forbid any of them from answering. Except, you wanted to tell someone if only to justify being a ghost. If you could get anyone on the team to believe that someone as unremarkable as you wouldn't be here if you had a choice. 
You steadfastly avoided looking into his curious green eyes. 
"I grew up in a small town. I was fairly popular in school. Got good grades. I was accepted into a good University in a big city..." 
Oh boy, you were veering into monologue territory and you could feel the old wounds tearing open. 
"There was… this cop. At a protest. He assaulted me and it was... bad. I woke up in the hospital with this guy telling me to keep my mouth shut. He… he threatened me. For weeks. Him and his buddies. Painted me as a criminal even though I didn’t fucking do anything wrong.  Finally I just said 'fuck it' and made a whole video about what this asshole did to me. Which turned out to be a mistake. Shocker, I know. He cornered me the next day and he was drunk-" 
You bit your lip hard, desperately fighting back tears. Four’s gaze burned where you could feel it on your face. God, what was he thinking right now? You wanted to know. He had been silent so far, listening intently as you told him about the worst moment of your life.
“Fucking pigs,” he muttered under his breath, his lip curling in disgust. 
Swallowing the lump of emotion building in your throat, you continued, "I defended myself. And that's how One found me. Over this cop's dead body. I was going to go to jail because who would ever believe I killed a cop in self defense? So, One helped me fake my death and gave me a second chance. To this day, I still have no idea why he was there when I needed him the most. It wasn't even to recruit me. He just helped me because he could. The whole Turgistan thing came later."  
At last, you glanced at Four from the corner of your eye to see his reaction. 
His brows were knitted together and he had a serious expression on his face you weren’t accustomed to seeing him sport before. 
“I’m glad One was there to help you or I might not have ever met you.” 
This boy was too good to be true. 
“I'd like to get to know you better, if that’s alright.” 
You were quietly crying at this point, but you nodded, smiling through the tears. “I’d like that.” 
Read Part II here
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eartht137 · 3 years
Whooo, goodness!! I spooked myself after writing the first letter. There is a dog next door to my house and she likes to stare out towards the back "alley way" and one night while I was showering by candlelight (blinds still aren't fixed) she wouldn't stop staring out at the alley way. My azz was spooked lol. That being said, here is another "letter" from Mr. Kal El himself. Enjoy curvies MMMMMMwwwaahhhhhhh!!!!
Dark Clark Kent x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Stalking (This chapter is pretty tame)
A few days later, the whole situation had hidden itself in your brain. You had so much going on in your waking life, you really didn't have time to dwell on a possible prank. Your birthday had arrived and you really weren't feeling too thrilled about it. Your depression just had to spike up and ruin the one day you thought you would enjoy, but you didn't even get to stress about it for long. You'd stepped into your office to boot up your computer for the day, and you saw it. On your desk was a letter, same vintage parchment, but his time it had an Aster instead of a Rose. You stared at it for so long, wondering if you should read it or not. You finally sat down and pulled the letter out of the envelope to see what he had to say.
Happy Birthday Little One,
I wish so badly that I could show you the best birthday you've ever had, but that will have to wait. I know you're not looking forward to today. I've noticed you haven't mentioned it much, and you almost forgot. How do you forget your birthday silly girl? I have purchased a gift every year since we met, I can't wait until I'm able to give them to you and you can unwrap each and everyone as if it were Christmas. Why haven't you planned anything? Not even a free day for yourself, what's going on? I wish you would talk to me. I want so badly to help you get better, but its a one day at a time deal. I was there you know, when you almost died? I was there the night you called your husband and told him the truth about how bad you felt. I swear it was the scariest night of my life when the surgeon walked in and told you they were putting you in an induced state for a week. All I could think was, what if you didn't wake up, or what if they did something wrong? What if they hurt you more or caused a bad reaction. I have seen a lot of things, but I have never been so sad and afraid to lose someone like you. I watched over you every night, making sure you'd come back to me and the baby. Well, you know what I mean. I know that's been rough on you, but you are making great progress. I remember you saying you'd like to change your hair, would you like for me to set up your appointment? I think you'd look delicious with cherry red hair, just don't cut it please. I love your hair. I love everything about you. I know you don't remember, but the moment our eyes met, I couldn't get you out of my head. I tried, I swear I tried so hard to stay away. I'd go for walks at night to clear my head and try not to think of you, and I'd find myself further and further away from home. It has to be fate that wants us together, because there you were, pulling in from work one night. I watched you sit there blaring your music, trying to finish the song before you went inside. I knew you right away, I had never been so....I can't describe how it felt, it was overwhelming. It had to be love that outweighed the hurt, even your "husband" walked out to greet you, it just couldn't overshadow what my heart felt. I told myself that I loved you enough to let you be happy, and I did for awhile. Not one day or night went by where you didn't cross my mind, so I decided to whisk by and take a picture of you, just for memory of the woman I couldn't have. One picture turned to two, two turned to ten. I had to get the perfect angle, but the only perfect angle is up close, in person; like I said I did try. I wish I could take you out for your birthday. I'd cook for us and we'd go down by the river, or I could take you somewhere 5 star. I know its really not your thing, but you deserve to be served like a queen. You are a queen to me. I dreamed about you, I dream about you all the time, but this one was different. It scared me so much, I woke in cold sweat. I can't bear to think about it now, but I know it was just a stupid dream. I will have to go out of the country for awhile, but I promise to still write as often as I can. I love you, so much.
With All My Heart and Soul,
"Babe!!! Babe, I need to tell you something." You said scared senseless. You rushed to your husband, showing him the letters and explained that you thought it was a sick prank. Your husband immediately called the police. He packed you all up and as much as he hated it, you all went to stay with your mom.
That night while you were up talking to your mom, she leaned back and asked you something insane.
"Is that really another man's baby?" she asked seriously.
"NO! I don't even know who this is, I swear I don't know a Kal-El. I've never met anyone like that in all my life." You whisper screamed at her as you struggled to hold back tears. She stared into your eyes for a moment before sighing heavily. Before you knew it she was crying and hugging your neck so tight you couldn't breathe.
"After all you've been through, this was the last thing you needed. I've always told you to be careful and watch your surroundings." She fussed.
"Ma I did, but I don't ever go anywhere. I stay in the house most of the time and I'm always with my family." You couldn't help but feel as if you were being attacked.
"You never know who is watching you." She argued back.
"Ma, look at me." You said standing back opening your arms to show your full body. "All these years I've worked hard to feel comfortable in my own skin. It took me a long time to feel fully comfortable around my own husband. All of these years you guys have trashed me for my weight, the times you all have told me that I get different treatment for my size, there was no way in this world I could've ever imagined that I would get stalked by-by this Kal-El fucker!" You yelled as tears flowed down your face, you could even feel your face strain in anger. "Now this is happening, and I should've been watching my surroundings. You drilled in my head for years that people looked past me for you and everyone else. You drilled in my head that people would only want me to use me, YOU DRILLED IN MY HEAD THAT I NEVER HAD THE LOOK TO MAKE IT OUT HERE, SO NOW HERE WE ARE WITH A MANIAC THAT SOMEHOW MANAGED TO FIND ME THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW OR HAVE ANY CLUE AS TO WHAT THIS GUY LOOKS LIKE AND I SHOULD'VE BEEN WATCHING MY SURROUNDINGS!?" Your head felt like it was on fire, then all at once stars appeared and you lost vision.
When you woke up you were laying on the floor with a jacket under your neck as your mom and family (that she had called) stood around trying to get you to come back to. You tried sitting up, but only felt dizzier. Your hands and feet felt numb and you were shaking as sweat poured off of your body. Your husband sat by you, fanning you and giving you water. When you began to feel better, he helped you up and over to the couch. He asked everyone to leave you alone and not upset you anymore.
"Baby what do you want to do? How can I make you feel safe?" Your husband asked.
You stared deep in his eyes and remembered why you loved him so much. He always went out of his way to make sure you were happy. You thought back to not so pleasant days when you both argued and said mean things and your realized then and there how much you took him for granted sometimes. Before you knew it the flood gates released and you sobbed.
"Can you just hold me please?" You asked in a small pitiful voice.
"I will always hold you and be there for you baby. I love you. We will get through this together, like we always do."
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