#also I have a feeling rushing around and calling strangers adorable is a thing that brought starfire to ... 'situations' before xD
mrsharrington83 · 6 months
Idiots in Love
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REQUESTED – My asks are open if you have a request ^_^
Summary; (For the sake of this fic, Steve and Nancy never happened) Steve and reader being dumb and having moments of being iconic together. Since everyone knows that Steve isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, maybe he just needs another person to be as dumb as him or maybe he just needs someone else to match him mentally.
Words; 3.4k
warnings; swearing, usual stranger things, things, slight mention of drug use, blood and injury. not proof read.
A/N; thank you for all the requests! I apologise for taking so long getting through them all. i cant write a 0.5k-1.0k fic for the life of me at the minute! Its 2am for me now, but i really wanted to get this out!
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Dustin said Steve was an idiot because he had too much hair on top of his head which left too much room for air. For you, Dustin said it was because you’d been around Steve for far too long.
Hawkins, Indiana, 1983.
School was a bore, you tried your hardest and whilst you did ace some classes, you also completely failed in others. Picking up extra tuition and getting help from anyone who would give it to you was a struggle. You didn’t like asking for help, it made you feel dumb, but more than that, it made you feel useless. Why did you struggle so much in certain classes and not in others?
You honestly thought it was from a fall you had as a child when you were learning how to ride a bike. Your father had stupidly taken off your stabiliser wheels and let you go on the hill of your childhood garden, right into a tree. Whilst you were fine overall, you did end up with a nasty bump on your head.
Not only were you not that smart academically, but you were also very accident-prone, which is how you met Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington. You weren’t the most popular person in school, you had a small group of friends and that was enough for you. You didn’t want to be known by everyone. As you walked down the busy hall to your locker, hardly taking in your surroundings and paying attention, you slammed into someone’s back. Your extra tuition books and folders fell to the floor,
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going!” The person you slammed into turned around, Steve Harrington, one of the most popular, sought for guys in school looking down at you, “I- I” you stuttered and he smiled, placing his sunglasses on the top of his head, he always found your first meeting adorable, it was something the party had heard several times and not got bored of hearing it. The nervousness in your eyes, the way you pushed some of your hair back behind your ear. The way you bent down to get your books, just as he was doing the same. Your heads collided and bounced off each other, his glasses joining your books on the floor, thankfully not broken,
“Shit! Sorry!” It was Steve’s turn to apologise as he slipped his discarded glasses into his pocket and pulled all of your books and folders into his arms, standing quickly so as not to embarrass himself further, “are you okay?” you just laughed and nodded, taking the books from his arms as you thanked him. That was the start of yours twos budding romance.
Hawkins, Indiana, October, 1984
It was a constant source of amusement for the party, they couldn’t believe some of the stuff you and Steve came out with half the time and how you were both so in sync,
“Maybe if we set this on fire,” Mike stated as he looked toward all the drawings on the floor,
“Oh, yeah. That’s a no.” Steve bites back, shaking his head, throwing a tea towel over his shoulder as he leaned on one foot, hand on his hip,
“A double no at that,” you called back to scrambling kids who were already gathering supplies and pointing at drawings on the floor,
“The mind flayer would call away his army,”
“They’d all come to stop us,”
“We circle back to the exit,”
“Guys.” Steve interrupted the party as they carried on talking between themselves, rushing around, completely ignoring the two older people in the house,
“By the time they realise we’re gone-“
“El would be at the gate,”
“HEY, HEY, HEY, this is not happening!” You and Steve bellowed over the party as they stopped to look at the both of you, your arms falling around as Steve grabbed the tea towel from his shoulder, whipping the air,
“Do you two share the same brain cell?” Dustin looked towards you both,
“No!” you both shouted in unison again, looking towards each other before laughing, the kids joining you.
They were all ecstatic when they found out you were both dating, though they did have to push you both in the right direction, this whole thing was an unlikely friendship between people. The only reason you were involved with Dustin and his friends was because you babysat him whilst his mum was at work, this caused you to get involved with the disappearance of Will last year and in turn, with you being close to Steve. He was brought into the mix also.
It was so obvious to others, how you both felt about each other, but it wasn’t for you and Steve. After some coxing and words of wisdom from the younger party, as you called it. You and Steve were finally an item, though they didn’t find out until months later when Steve let it slip,
“Dustin, stop picking on my girlfriend, would you?” Steve looked up from his plate of food as he moved bacon around with his fork, leaning back against the dining room chair as he stretched,
“But she just- wait? What... girlfriend?” Dustin looked back and forth between you both, the pair of you looking confused, “you’re meant to tell us!” Steve carried on moving food around his plate as you took a bite of toast leaning against the counter,
“Tell you what?” you asked wiping the crumbs off your hands onto a discarded tea towel,
“Have you been listening to any of this conversation?!” Dustin questioned, “That you’re together! I can’t believe this! How long have you two been a thing?! Wait until the others find out about this!” You picked up your plate with half a slice of toast left and took a seat opposite Steve as Dustin still stood shocked, playing with his walkie,
Steve finished up his food and stood up to put his plate in the sink, he looked at the calendar furrowing his brows slightly at the small writing, “Like seven months? Right?” he looked back at you as you nodded, your mouth full of toast.
Dustin once again stood dumbfounded, his mouth visibly agape as he pressed a button on his walkie, “you are not going to believe this, guys.”
Hawkins, Indiana, June 1985
“Oh, this is ridiculous.” You smoothed out part of your Scoops uniform that was now creased and bloody from your split lip and Steve’s as he was continuously hunching over you in a Russian loading car trying to gather his senses and not be knocked from pillar to post by Dustin’s driving up front, laughter bubbling in your throat, the situation was anything, but funny. All three of you (Steve, Y/N, and Robin) had been interrogated to the max, but once they found out there was a tie between you and Steve, they took advantage of that.
“Who do you work for?” the guard got down into your face once more, holding the arms of the chair you were tied to, his eyes glaring into your own,
“How many times do I have to tell you I work for Scoops Ahoy? I scoop ice cream for a living!” you cried out as you earned another slap across your already throbbing jaw. Steve was tied up behind you already passed out, they’d done a number on him and all you wanted to do was get out of this place and tend to his injuries, he didn’t deserve any of this. Robin was tied to the corner of the room having to witness her two new best friends being treated like this.
The Russian guard got in your face once more, “it looks like your friend here needs a doctor. Just as well we have the very best.” A smirk across his face made you see red, and without thinking you spat at him. A slight tinge of blood from your split lip was dripping down your chin, staining the collar of your uniform, “you’re going to regret that little one.” With that he muttered something else in Russian before leaving the room with the other guards, leaving you three on your own once more, but not without Robin calling them all bastards and yelling to let you all out of there.
“Steve?” you called gently as Robin tried to manoeuvre her arms from her binds to no avail. Unlike you two, she was tied to a bench so she couldn’t do much whilst she was bound up. Steve started to stir, pain evident in the way he groaned, “oh thank god... are you okay?” you asked quietly not wanting to be too loud,
“Ears are ringing, I can barely breathe and, my eye feels like it’s about to pop out of my skull, but apart from that I’m doing pretty good.” His voice was laced with pain and sarcasm.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as you came to an abrupt end, all three of you hitting already pained parts of your body as Dustin crashed into something,
“You guys alright back there?” Dustin asked as he looked to Erica with a slight shrug, “They’re fine, come on. Let’s go.” Dustin hurried out and opened the back of the loading car, hurrying you all out. Time was of the essence after all. This definitely made him think about how he acted sometimes, it was a handful and the fact you and Steve cared for him and all of his friends ample times made him furrow his brow slightly, not that he would change after they got out of this mess, he had an excuse, he was still younger than you.
 “Guys! Come on!” Dustin bellowed as he huffed in annoyance, slapping his wrist, and ushering everyone into the elevator.
“Oh my god! A skateboard!” you screamed out in joy, jumping on a red platform truck as Dustin got to work pressing buttons and hoping for the best, once the elevator started to move, you started to struggle. Steve grabbed hold of the platform truck to stop it from moving too much,
“It looks like you're surfing!” Robin pointed at you as Dustin and Erica glanced at each other quite clearly done with your shit.
“They look drunk,” Erica stated, all of you now splayed on the floor talking about food, “why are they drunk, or drugged?” she questioned as Dustin felt Steve’s forehead,
“He’s burning up,” Dustin spoke to Erica alarmed,
“You’re burning up” Steve bit back, trying to push Dustin away with his hand whilst you and Robin laughed at the ceiling,
 “Eyes are bloodshot, pupils dilated, Steve,” Dustin pat his cheek lightly, “are you drugged?”
“How many times, Dad? I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana.” Steve poked Dustin’s cheek and started laughing again as you and Robin shot up,
“you have marijuana?!” you crawled over to Steve and laid next to him, “gimme!” more laughs erupted from the three of you as Dustin and Erica watched on, wondering what the hell they were going to do to get you all out of this mess in one piece.
Getting you all back to the mall safely was a lot harder than Dustin could have imagined, Robin was picking at her uniform whilst tripping up over thin air whilst you and Steve were trailing behind humming and drumming the air to Simple Minds- Don’t You (Forget About Me) a song that had been on the radio continuously for the past month- a song Dustin thought you were both getting annoyed with as it came on the radio hours before you were in this mess and you were both scrambling with the radio to turn it off with rushed words of, fuck sake, turn it off, not this again, if I hear this song one more time I swear,
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
“Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.”
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
Keeping you all hidden from the Russians was a lot harder than it could have been, with you three wanting food, and then trying to separate to find food, Dustin thought of a quick solution and got you all into the movie theatre but not before Steve reached into the bin to pull out a bag of discarded popcorn,
“You three sit.” Dustin pointed at the three vacant chairs as you all complained about being too close, and how the seats sucked. “Well then don’t watch the movie!”
“But we want to watch the movie!” Robin exclaimed as other people around you started to get agitated,
“Then watch it!” Dustin apologised to other people trying to shush you all, changing his tone to a hushed annoyed whisper, “Whatever you do. Don’t... go... anywhere.”
“Fine, Dad.” Steve perked up shaking his shoulders slightly as you and Robin snickered, taking handfuls of popcorn and shoving it in your mouth.
“That settles it,” Dustin huffed, “I'm never having kids." The pair sat down a few seats away, keeping their eyes off you trying to fetch up a plan.
Once they both realised you three had left the movie theatre, Dustin let out an audible sigh from his chest, this day, was not it.
“So, like, I wasn’t totally focused in there or anything, but... I’m pretty sure...that mum was trying to bang her son.” Robin leaned against the wall as you and Steve took turns drinking water from the fountain,
“But they’re the same age.” you stopped drinking and looked towards Robin,
“No, but he went back in time.” Robin looked up to the ceiling, balancing on one foot and then the other,
“Then why is it called back to the future?” Steve asked confused as he stopped drinking, letting Robin get to the fountain.
“It doesn’t make any sense,” you stated “Back means past so how could he be travelling back to something that hasn’t even happened yet?” you questioned Robin, Steve looking at you doe-eyed, completely agreeing with you,
“He has to go back to the future because he’s in the past, so, the future is actually the present, which is his time” Robin added as you looked confused,
“wh...What?” you and Steve looked at each other astonished before you both got distracted by the ceiling lights, dizziness, and churning in your stomach had you all rushing to the toilet, bringing up everything that happened in the day.
“Well that was no fun,” your voice was harsh, your throat sore as you leaned back against the cold wall of the cubical, no longer dizzy, everything still, the walls no longer moving around you, “Back to the Future though, I can’t get over that.”
Hawkins, Indiana, March 1986
Walking into the creel house was way more disturbing than it looked outside, creaking floorboards, furnishings covered in dust and cobwebs, completely derelict, wherever you stood, something creaked.
Lucas went to check on a small lamp for some light, probably to take the edge off an already eerie situation, “looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill.” He stated as Dustin turned on his flashlight, you and Steve stood behind him glancing back and forth to each other,
“Where’d everyone get those?” Steve asked noticing that everyone had one except you and him.
Dustin looked back at the both of you as if to say unbelievable, “Do you two need to be told everything? You’re not children.”
“Thank you.” You said under your breath a little, huffing as Dustin took his backpack off,
“Back pocket.” He was used to you both forgetting things like that, you were both usually good with weapons and things you might need, and everything you didn’t, but never flashlights. You really did need to be told.
Max pointed out a big grandfather clock, hoping that everyone else could see it taking you away from looking at the scattered furniture,
“Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?” you asked looking at the hands that were still,
“Maybe he’s, like, a clockmaker or something?” Steve said next to you, as you pursed your lips actually thinking about it,
"I think you cracked the case, Steve.” Dustin chimed in, shaking his head in disapproval as you watched on, nudging Dustin slightly. Nancy told everyone to go in groups of two leaving you, Steve and a smiling Dustin. Steve let out a sigh and walked off signalling you to follow, “Was that a sigh?”
“No, I did not sigh.”
“Why’d you sigh?”
“I didn’t sigh. Just come on, dude.”
“I heard you.”
“We were just always partnered up with you, okay?”
“You have a problem with that?”
“It’d just be nice to, I don’t know, mix it up a bit.”
You continued to walk the stairs, creaking with every other step, as Dustin hurried up behind you, the pair of them starting to bicker a bit, a usual occurrence, “I’m boring to you? Is that it?”
“No it’s the opposite,” Steve added as he moved his (Dustin’s) flashlight around careful not to knock anything off the walls,
“Maybe me and Y/N should partner up and you go around this creepy house alone, is that what you want?” Dustin asked as Steve shot his head around almost tumbling back down the stairs,
“No! I don’t want that, sorry man.” Steve moved his hair that had fallen a little flat huffing once more. “We do make a good team, The Three Musketeers and all that.” You smiled at Steve’s remark, it was a book you both had to read when you were at school, though boring at the time, the lessons you learned from the book stayed with you. Chivalry, honour, heroics, and willingness. It was true. You, Steve, and Dustin probably had spent the most time together because even though you could both be a bit daft from time to time, you were both reliable and trustworthy with any problem Dustin had, even if that meant issues outside of the upside down. You both never found anything that Dustin had to say daft.
“Hey, uh, Henderson?” Steve asked, looking at the cobwebs that littered the place, “could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we’re supposed to be looking for here?”
“I second that,” you cut in,
“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.” Dustin looked back at the both of you smiling, “Sherlock Holmes.” Seeing you both confused he huffed sincerely.
“That’s great. Thanks. That’s great. Really helpful” You huffed and shook your head, feeling dumb as Steve placed a hand on your shoulder, rubbing his thumb slowly, a knowing glance only the both of you understood.
“You're not stupid, not to me anyway.” Steve smiled as a small laugh escaped your lips a small vent in the floor catching your eyeline as you walked over to it, “Y/N, let me.” Steve crouched down in front of you lifting the metal from the floor, jars of preserved insects had you grimacing before Steve shot up alarmed, shaking his arm and flailing his hand to get a spider off, both of you clumsily falling through cobwebs and the door, into Nancy,
“Hey, hey, both of you, stay still. Stop moving.” She took time to rid you both of cobwebs as she lightly dusted dust off your arm, you and Steve then looking over each other,
“It was a black widow.” Steve lets out a breath of air, calmer than he was before, “Don’t go in there.” He shut the door adverting his attention back to you, moving a stray piece of your hair behind your ear, kissing your nose lightly. “So uh, Nance. Maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world, and stuff. Maybe we can all go out. You know? Me, Y/N, you, Jonathan, when he’s back.”
“I’d love to.” Nancy looked at you both endearingly, she was glad you both had each other. Everyone needed someone. She knew you both back in school, but never really spoke to either of you. She was too wrapped up in perfecting her grades, reading the next book on the shelf, but she was so thankful to be in your lives now.
Steve was finally with someone he could be himself around without feeling bad or awkward, even in this messed up world the both of you bounced off each other as though it were effortless. Although you were sometimes the biggest idiots, you were the biggest idiots in love.
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marauderundercover · 7 months
Jasonette Meet Cute
Marinette had always been great at reading a person’s character, even before she became the Guardian of the Miraculous. Things she’d already noticed had just become more pronounced. For example, while she could tell the guy tailing her had horrific intentions, she could tell the man walking out of the bar just ahead was a good person. She could only hope that her little ‘talent’ wouldn’t fail her now. Pushing down her anxiety, she walks a little quicker, ignoring the way the man behind her also quickened his steps. 
“Babe! How’d you know I was so close?” Marinette calls, rushing forward and grabbing the bar man’s hand. For his part, he doesn’t flinch, just quirks an eyebrow at her. She gives him a look that she hopes he can read. A pleading one, one begging him to just go along with it until she could explain. 
“You have your location on on Pic Chat, love. I saw you were getting close so I decided to come out and greet you.” He says, and Marinette feels her shoulders relax slightly. She glances back and the man who was tailing her makes eye contact with her, his eyes narrowing. Marinette flinches slightly, but relaxes when her knight in shining leather squeezes her hand gently. 
“I’m actually exhausted, could we just…go home? I know everyone was waiting for us-” She starts rambling, but the guy cuts her off. 
“Of course. My bike’s parked around back.” He says, leading her around the corner. Now, if anyone else had found themselves in this situation, Marinette wouldn’t suggest following a stranger into a dark alley. However, the kwami in her purse were still and silent, and Marinette herself couldn’t feel any bad intentions coming from him. The second they’re both on the bike, the man whispers a quiet “hold on”, before he’s taking off. Suppressing a shriek of delight- Marinette had always adored motorcycles- she finds herself holding tightly as she relaxes. Despite not knowing where the guy was driving her too, she felt much safer than she had earlier when the other guy had been following her. After ten minutes of weaving around the city, the guy pulls over in front of a 24 hour coffee shop. Marinette lets go of him and scrambles off the bike, trying to push down the blush rising on her cheeks. Now, away from the original situation, she gets to explain to this random man why she grabbed onto him and wouldn’t let go. 
“It’s kind of chilly. Would you like to go in for a cup of coffee? We can talk inside.” The guy offers. Marinette almost declines, almost just leaves, but she decides to take the plunge and follow him inside. 
“Sure.” She says, and he gives her a lopsided grin before opening the door for her. 
“I’m Jason, by the way.” He says, following her into the line. Marinette grins at him. 
“Marinette.” She says, unable to shake the feeling that her life had just changed for the better.
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hotteoki · 11 months
happily ever after (j.w.y.)
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pairing: wooyoung x reader (no pronouns used)
genre: different lives au, est. rel., friends to lovers, angst, strangers passing by
wc: 0.7k
cw: mentions of a hospital
thank you to @sobun1est, @daesukiii and @liumoonlight for beta reading !!
©️ hotteoki || do not translate or repost on to any other platforms
In one life, Wooyoung rushes down to his mother’s garden upon hearing Hermes’ message. “Eros!” you call upon seeing his relieved and forgiving expression. 
“Psyche,” he replies with a soft sigh, every ounce of adoration soaked in the simple word that is your name. He engulfs you in the tightest embrace he can muster, breathing in the flowery scent you gained from the hours you worked in his mother, Aphrodite’s garden. “I’ve forgiven you. I always have,” he responds to your unspoken question, brushing your hair behind your ear, before kissing you softly. 
You gaze up at him, pressing your forehead against his, “I love you. In every life, I will love you.” But from the small gleam in his eyes, you realise you hadn’t needed to say those words at all; He had already known.
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In another life, Wooyoung sits down across from you in the school cafe, placing your takeaway cup in front of you on the table as he sips on his own. He watches as the corners of your mouth curve up into a smile, and he thinks he’s never seen a sight more beautiful in his life. 
“Have I got anything on my mouth?” you ask while wiping your lips with the napkin he held out for you. “No,” he answers. He asks you if you have any more lessons for the day, grinning from ear to ear when you shake your head. 
He tells you he’s going to take you on a trip to the local arcade, and that is where he’ll confess his true feelings for you. 
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In a different life, Wooyoung has his head laid on your lap, your hands combing his hair sending tingles all over his body. You both watch the sunset while listening to the gentle crashes of the waves, the sand as soft as cushions underneath the two of you. 
He looks up at you and gives you a tap on the nose, “You’re so cute.” You let out a small laugh at his words, which is also known as Wooyoung’s favourite sound in the world. He absentmindedly picks up a shell next to your legs, bringing it up to show you. You take it from him, smiling serenely, “I’ll ask Miyeon to make it into a necklace for me.”
So you did, and it warms Wooyoung’s heart every time he sees that very shell dangling around the chain on your neck.
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In the next life, Wooyoung walks down the streets of Paris with the other members. They finished their tour yesterday and were told they had a day off today. He peers through the glass windows of the department stores on the street, glancing at the luxurious clothes briefly before moving on to the next. 
He really should’ve been listening to San calling his name, he probably wouldn’t have bumped into you that way. You turn back to him, apologising profusely, before giving him a shy smile and continuing down the road. 
Wooyoung barely registers what had just happened. The only thing he does register, though, is that he can never imagine anyone as breathtaking as you are.
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In the life after that, Wooyoung passes you the graffiti can, watching as you spray the huge block letters on the wall. It’s a message he had suggested previously. 
He stays on guard, head swinging around to make sure there aren’t any cops nearby to catch you two. “And I think we’re done,” you declare, pulling at his arm to step back and admire the words. ‘WAKE UP.’ 
He turns solemnly to you, “Do you think it’s possible? Change, that is.” You look up at him. A moment passes before you give him a bitter smile, “No.”
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But in this life, all Wooyoung can do is wait in this stiff chair. Waiting, waiting, waiting… 
He holds your hand, gaze shifting from the view by the window to you. Your matching rings catch in the sunlight and reflect off onto the walls, creating a faint rainbow that’s just enough for Wooyoung to sit up properly, a ray of hope blooming in his chest. 
He exhales softly, pursing his lips and squeezing your hand, “I love you. In every life, I will love you.” 
He leans forward to kiss you on the forehead, not even noticing the words tumbling out of his mouth, only choking back a sob when turning to meet with the all-too-familiar sight of you in your hospital bed again.
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afyrian · 5 months
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ch. 8 - february 13 masterlist
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    "where is he? i'm his emergency contact," you stand at the front desk of the emergency room, hands clenched in fists. 
  the nurse looks back at the room, noticing all of the people rushing around. "with the ice on the road, there's a lot of people in the emergency room. we don't have that much room in their currently. unless you're family or looking for a minor-" she starts watching as you bounce on the balls of your feet.
  "yeah? well, i'm his wife. and i need to see him," saying it came so naturally at this point.
  maybe it's because you wished for it to be real. to be able to rush into a place and wholeheartedly say that that is your loving, adoring husband. and part of it is also because the two of you started using it constantly. to get out of situations with unwanted strangers or receive free desserts at restaurants. calling him your husband has basically become second nature.
  she bit her lip and looked back at the room once more. you can tell that she's nervous to let you in, but you can also see her moving her own wedding band. knowing that every person would want to know how their partner is doing, "please, wouldn't you want to see your partner?"
  the nurse looks back at you, letting out a breath through her nose, "yeah... yeah, follow me. stay close because it's really packed."
  the butterflies in your throat clear up as she opens the doors to the emergency room. she heads out first, weaving through the doctors and nurses helping people with broken arms and concussions. your heart beats quicker as you make your way through the heavy crowd. the fluorescent lights beating against your eyes and the heavy smell of antiseptic make your hands shake.
  for a second, you feel a little lightheaded. wondering if the worst of the worst happened. only when you finally see him does your anxiety slow and chills stop running down your back. he's laying in a bed, his foot is wrapped in something and there's scratches along his left arm. a nurse is currently holding a pencil in front of him, seeing if his eyes can correctly follow it. 
  you stand back for a second, the tears in your eyes still settling there. your hand instinctively reaches up to wipe them away. when the nurse takes a step away, he finally notices you. there's a scratch on his temple, but for the most part he seems okay. rintarō's gaze softens upon seeing you, his tongue attempting to soften his chapped lips. 
  "i'm sorry..." you swallow, taking a step towards him, "if i had just waited for you.. maybe this wouldn't have happened."
  rin shakes his head, pursing his lips. he reaches out his hand to grab yours, "no. no, don't do that. no, you can't do that. you can't blame yourself." 
  you grab ahold of his hand and let some more tears fall. the way he lays in that bed, so defenseless, helpless. all because for a moment, you couldn't handle seeing him flirt with another woman. you just had to grab an uber and head out of the party, leaving him wondering where you went and leaving soon thereafter.
  "but you wouldn't have-"
  "maybe it would've happened with both of us in the car. maybe i'd be the one driving to a hospital with raging anxiety. there's so many things that could've happened y/n. so please, just stand here, hold my hand, and stop blaming yourself," rin holds out his good hand, his palm open and fingers outstretched.
  taking in a deep breath, you grab ahold of his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. you lean forward, kissing his forehead, something you hadn't done in forever. neither of you were super physically affectionate in your friendship. but occasionally, when one of you really needs it, it’s necessary. 
  you stare down at him, taking your free hand to wipe away the tears from your cheeks. he goes to move his left arm, quickly remembering that it hurts like hell to move and he likely shouldn't. "you looked beautiful tonight, by the way. at the party," he turns to look at you, squeezing your hand in his.
  "and you looked dashing, honey," you smile to yourself, taking in a deep breath. 
  "i'm not joking," rintarō looks up at you, his eyebrows furrowing, "you look beautiful."
  the urge to say something is so strong. but before you can even open your mouth, a nurse comes rushing in to let him know that he'll be moved to a new room. there they'll fit him into a boot and do a last once over before discharging him. you quickly follow behind as they get him to a nearby room, switching the beds so that he wouldn't have to get up on his bad foot. 
  you want to comment on it, wondering if there's something here. if he'd ever want something more than what you've had. however, all you can do is stare at all of the machines connected to him. the iv connected to his arm, the contraption keeping his foot elevated. the machine checking his heart rate and oxygen. you quickly decide it wouldn't be a good time to confess the feelings that you've been horribly hiding.
  he looks over at you, noticing you looking around at everything. "i'm okay, i am. it's pretty much just a formality."
  "you're so stupid, 'formality'.." you shake your head, watching as he tries to give you a warm smile, but it just looks painful, "i'm a little hungry, did you want anything from the vending machine?"
  "you have no idea how happy i am to hear that. i will take anything right now," rin nods, taking his now free hand and running it through his hair, trying to gain some sense of normalcy.
  you nod, exiting the room to give yourself and him a breath of air. there's a few vending machines down the hall that carry an array of foods. from hot dishes to bags of chips, you know exactly what he would want you to grab for him. jelly fruit sticks, chuupets. there's a wide range of flavors, rin enjoying every one of them (besides grape). 
  so you grab a strawberry one, a mango one, and an orange one. they're all overpriced, but right now, you'd do anything for him. due to the night both of you’ve had, you're also starving so grabbing a couple bags of chips is exactly what you need. as you make your way back to his room, you can hear a nurse inside. she sounds like the one you initially spoke to when trying to find rintarō.
  she laughs at whatever he said a moment ago, "no, really, you have a great wife. she wouldn’t take no for an answer, so, you better hold onto her.”
  “oh, i plan on it… so, when do you think i’ll be able to be discharged?” 
  you smile to yourself, quickly entering the room as soon as the two of them start discussing his health. due to the crash, he has a bruised arm with cuts from the window’s glass and his left foot was broken but should be healed with a boot. as she discusses everything with the two of you, health plans, physical therapy, you stay by his side. clutching his hand with yours. 
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a/n: so happy everyone is liking this fanfic so far!! i do plan to make it twelve chapters so.. four more
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salty-croissants · 8 months
A male reader gets into a bar fight after someone insults bullfrog, the aftermath has the frog taking care of his bruises while worrying about his careless attitude towards his own life.
((Sorry, my first time ever requesting so a bit nervous. 😅))
Thank you for the request !
I gotta say , I really love this concept for a Bullfrog story : it’s just so neat and creative , so honestly thank you for sending this :D 
Hope it turned out okay ! 
Details : use of male reader ; 
established relationships ; 
presence of violence , mild swearing and blood 
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That night was supposed to be … well , like any other night , with you accompanying your boyfriend to one of his missions and waiting for him in a nearby bar .
Before he left , Bullfrog didn’t miss the opportunity to give you a goodbye kiss ( you had to get on your knees to allow him to do that , which never failed to make him adorably flustered ) , and as he gave you one last tender caress on your cheek he also left you with a reminder : 
< Please stay safe , mon choux !
 I should be back soon , if you need me don’t be afraid to call me , and make sure to - > 
< Hey , don’t worry , I’m gonna be careful … besides , you know I can handle myself just fine if something doesn’t go right . > 
< Je sais , je sais … still , I’ll be here as fast as I can : I did promise you we’d spend some time together when we get home , and let’s just say I’m really looking forward to it , my love ~ > 
You couldn’t help but smile while watching him rush off and quickly disappear in the darkness .
He was such a sweetheart , no one would’ve been able to guess how lethal he was on the job and how quickly he could end the lives of the targets unfortunate enough to meet him … 
As you sat on one of the bar’s chairs , lost in thought with a drink in your hand , time went by surprisingly quickly , and when you begun to glance at the door to see if Bullfrog had arrived you felt a presence next to you …
< Well hello there , good to see such a pretty face here at this hour … >
You turned around to find a … quite sketchy looking man staring at you :
since the place was pretty crowded you hadn’t paid much attention to him , but now it seemed like he had made the decision to engage in conversation … something that was a bit unsettling , given that he was a complete stranger trying to randomly flirt with you . 
< Uh … > 
You took a sip of what was left of your drink , making sure to avoid hehe contact to reinforce the fact that you weren’t interested . 
… but he didn’t seem to take the hint , and was it just your impression or did he move closer … ? 
Well , if he even dared to try anything you were more than ready to make good use of your fighting skills . 
After some more uncomfortable silence , the man spoke again , this time a clear disgust in his tone …
< Y’know , I’ve seen you talking to that … thing before you came in .
Honestly I can’t help but wonder how you can feel something positive for a hybrid :
I mean - they’re all such pathetic , worthless creatures , am I right ? > 
The more he talked , the more you felt your blood boil …
< I’ll have you know that that “thing” you’re referring to is my boyfriend . > 
, you coldly replied , giving him a warning glare .
< … 
Pfft - wait you’re serious ? Holy shit ! > 
He laughed loudly in response , causing some of the people around to give you both their attention .
The last thing you would’ve wanted was an audience … but you knew that you couldn’t let that massive douchebag get away with saying those things . There was no way you would let it slide .
< You - you mean to tell me that you’d rather be with a fucking frog than an actual person ? 
C’mon , don’t be ridiculous … that little monster doesn’t deserve a guy as cute as you , you can do so much better th - > 
It all happened in a few seconds … 
You suddenly stood up , and before you could even stop to think about what you were doing punched the man on the face hard enough to knock him down on the floor , the terrified and excited screams of the small crowd ringing in your head .
< Don’t you DARE say that shit about him ever fucking again , YOU HEAR ME !? > 
He slowly stood up , wiping a few drips of blood that had fallen from his nose after the impact , and the way he furiously looked at you made it clear that he was mad … very mad . 
< Gh … you … I’M GONNA KILL YOU !!! > 
Everyone who was left quickly fled from the bar , leaving you and him furiously fighting without giving the other a chance to breathe .
While you were definitely better trained , the man was unfortunately a lot bigger than you , and every successful hit he landed on you was starting to hurt … but you couldn’t give up , not after what you heard him say . 
Eventually , a well-directed punch in the stomach caused you to fall on your knees , the pain making your vision become blurry .
< Heh - that’s what you get you bitch !! > 
His eyes were clouded with a terrifying euphoria as he grabbed you by the hair …
< Oh I’m gonna enjoy this … > 
You shut your eyes , trying to prepare yourself to receive your worst beating in years … but that’s when you felt his grip loosening , letting you fall down on the floor . 
< y/n ! > 
That voice … could it really be … ? 
< B … Bullfrog … ? > 
You slowly opened your eyes again to find him on top of the man’s body , whose throat had been cut open by the assassin’s blades .
< I’m … *cough* …
I’m sorry … I know , this is a mess , but - agh — > 
< Careful - don’t stand up too fast … 
Here , let’s just … let’s just go . > 
Without another word , your boyfriend helped you up , and the two of you walked away as quickly as you could , the distant sound of sirens getting more and more far with each step .
Some time later …
< Now … can you tell me what happened back there , s'il te plaît ? > 
There it was … the question you knew would come sooner or later . 
You looked down , feeling Bullfrog’s eyes on you while he patched you up .
< I … that guy , he said such awful stuff about you while being a creep and trying to hit on me …
Called you a monster …
I just - I couldn’t let him get away with it so I … punched him . > 
You felt his hand gently lifting up your chin as he stared at you .
< y/n … I appreciate you wanting to defend me , but you know I don’t want you to get hurt because of me . We’ve talked about this . > 
< So what , I was supposed to just stand by and let that asshole call you names ?
How is that fair ? > 
< Non , it’s not fair , but almost getting yourself killed to prevent that won’t help .
Did you even stop to think about what could’ve happened to you ? 
What if I didn’t make it in time to stop him ? What if you died tonight ?
My chéri , my partner , the one I love most in the entire world … gone . > 
He wiped away some of the blood on your face , and you could feel his hand shake slightly as he did … a sign of how troubled he was while imagining that scenario .
< … Je … je ne peux pas … I just can’t afford to lose you , y/n . You’re too important to me . > 
The dark alleyway in which you were hiding remained completely silent after that , until you sighed while placing a kiss on his palm .
< Bullfrog … that’s not gonna happen , I promise . 
You’re right , I … really didn’t think this through . I just … every time I hear someone talking about you like that I lose it … > 
Bullfrog’s expression softened , and as he placed his forehead against yours all the bad experiences of that night seemed to vanish …
< I know … you’re always looking out for me mon amour , and I love you so much for that ~ 
… just , maybe next time don’t punch anyone , alright ? > 
< Heh … I’ll try not to . > 
He chuckled in response , while slowly getting back on his feet .
< Now then … as soon as you feel ready we can try to head back home : I think it’s safe to say it’s been quite a long night for both of us . > 
< Yeah , that sounds like a plan . 
… plus I do need to thank you properly for saving my life don’t I ? ~ > 
< Oh , you know you don’t have to thank me , my dear … but it would be crazy to pass up that offer ~ > 
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madlittlecriminal · 1 year
Heeyyy, not sure if your requests are open or not... If not, no worries, feel free to ignore this, lol. But I gotta say, I absolutely adored your mk fanfics! They were just so good! And it got me thinking, you know? What if, in Steven's date episode (the one in the series), the reader showed up? Like, maybe she could be the waitress or just someone who happened to be alone at the restaurant and saw him there. What do you think would make her approach him? I don't know, maybe a sense of sympathy, or just wanting to be cool? Or maybe he's just really good-looking? Who knows! Anyway, sorry if I rambled a bit, and please forgive any mistakes in my English. It's not my first language. Once again, I LOVED your mk fanfics!
- Anon🐌
Chocolates and Wine ☾ Steven Grant × Female!Reader
your English is great, don't worry anon! :) im glad you liked my fics though! it means a lot to be honest, especially since i was hesitant at first to write for the moon boys. but you and everyone else who has liked and reblogged my work has made my days so much better :') thank you and i hope you enjoy! :) also, i ramble too, so you can ramble as much as you want!
Warnings: being stood up, the so-called date of reader has no specified gender
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You glanced at your phone and sighed when you saw it was now 7:30 and your date wasn't there. 30 minutes late and not one message to you saying that they were cancelling or at least letting you know that they were running late. Honestly, you were beginning to lose hope. However, when you turned around to see a guy looking a bit sad after getting off the phone, you felt bad. Had he gone through the same thing you were?
It was kind of unfortunate really. I mean, he was handsome. Not to mention that he looked good in black, but that was beside the point. You saw he had a heart shape box with him, and you quickly knew it was chocolate. The waiter walked over to him, and you quickly decided that there was no way you were going to waste this night and let him be sad.
He looked too good to be sad anyway.
So, you did what you thought was right and quickly ran up to the table and sat down across from him. The look of shock on his face was hard to miss and you let out a breath. "Sorry I'm late! I typed the wrong address and from rushing to get here, I forgot to let you know." The waiter smiled at you while the man in front of you was frozen. "Did you order yet?" He shook his head and you smiled. "Great! Can I get a glass of red please?" The waiter nodded and looked over that the man. "And for you sir?" He nodded and looked up at the waiter. "Y-yeah, I'll take the same. Thank you." The waiter left while scribbling the drinks down on his notepad. Once he was far, you looked over at the man, his dark brown eyes meeting yours.
"Sorry if I scared you, sir. I thought it was best if I joined you." He shook his head. "No worries. I saw you waiting and I thought it was for someone. D-Did you get stood up?" You look down at menu the man had and sighed. "Unfortunately. I don't understand why people do that, y'know? Did you get stood up too or did they have the decency to reschedule?" You scanned the menu before deciding what you wanted before passing it back to him. He took it and embarrassment was written on his face. "I got the days mixed up. Thought today was Friday when it's actually Sunday."
"Yeah, it happens. Especially when time goes by quickly, you lose track of days, right?" Something was written on his face as the waiter came back with the wine before putting it down and asking if you were ready to order. You and the stranger placed your orders and he walked away. "You could say that. Sorry, I'm Steven...with a v." You raised your brow with a small smile as you looked at him. "Nice to meet you Steven with a v. I'm (Y/N)." His embarrassment quickly faded, and a small smile crept on his face. "This date of yours, did he bail because he was nervous?" You shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Tried contacting them and they never responded, so I gave up and came to your table."
"Out of pity?" You took a sip of your wine. "Honestly? Maybe a bit, but I figured I would take my chances. You seemed decent enough to talk to." He chuckled. "Thank you...I think?" You smiled. "Plus, it was a bonus for me since you definitely are cuter than who my date was." He raised a brow. "A man?" You shrugged. "Male, female, gender neutral, doesn't matter. You're really handsome, Steven." He looked down at his hands and you tilt your head to the side. Did he not get compliments? Surely a man this handsome got compliments daily, right?
He gave you a shy smile. "I'm not used to flattery, so I'm sorry." You grinned. "It's fine," your waiter returned with the food and you both began indulging on the food, having a nice conversation. You found out he was an Egyptian mythology buff and you thought it was cute. He told you about how he wanted to be a tour guide for the museum he worked at, but his boss was, and you'd quote "a complete twat" which made you snort. You told him about your career and your different interests as well, causing him to look at you with so much focus that you honestly became nervous.
However, as quickly as this whole thing started, it came to an end; he paid and you gave the tip since he refused to split the bill, insisting that you did so much for him, the least he could've done was pay for your food as well. As you both began to leave, you traded numbers, agreeing to hang out again soon. He then looked at the chocolate box that was now under his arm and turned to you. "Do you like chocolate?" You were shocked by his response and nodded. He handed you the box of chocolates with a smile. "There you go, love. Enjoy, yeah? You did a lot for me today and it was great. Thank you."
"You're welcome, Steven. Do you need a ride?" He hesitated for a second before nodding. "Yeah, alright." With that, you gave him your phone so he could put his address in it and got into your car. Honestly, you were glad your date stood you up or else you wouldn't have met Steven. After Steven handed your phone back to you, you send the person a text saying that you wished them the best, but you were no longer interested in them. You deleted their number and went back to your navigation app and began taking Steven home.
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
Hi! Can I requests headcanons for Broly with a shy reader who can't handle loud noises?
author's note: oh i love me a soft man
pairing: broly x reader
warnings: just some fluff and tbh it came out as a bit of an au setting this time
Broly x Shy!Reader Headcanons
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Broly's a quiet man by nature, so he's hardly ever actually set off your alarm bells himself
He's not shy as much as he is introverted, so when you meet new people or need to set up some sort of appointment or otherwise make a phone call, he does it for you without a complaint
He makes it a point to plan any dates before happy hours or when people start to crowd. As a result, he often takes you out to breakfast at a nice bistro within walking distance
He orders for you, not only because you're shy and find it difficult to speak to the waiter, but also because it's the gentlemanly thing to do
Whenever you have gone out to crowded restaurants with your extended Saiyan family, Broly holds your hand under the table when the kids and adults alike start getting rowdy
He'll gently rub his thumb over your hand and murmur softly to you if you'd like anything from his plate
He knows you love your family, so you stick it out at every gathering even though they stress you out, so he does his best to comfort you so you can make the most of your limited time with everyone
You usually end up holding Bulla, the darling girl, and having a little conversation between the two of you
Broly thinks it's adorable how you interpret her babbling as if she's speaking real words
Bulla also gets startled by loud noises, so when he can sense the two of you getting anxious from how loud Goku or Bulma are getting, he'll clear his throat and quickly remind everyone that they're in public and should be respectful of the other people dining
They shamefully quiet themselves, and you always smile and thank your partner softly, and he kisses your temple in return
Whenever you and Broly have to go anywhere you're unfamiliar with, you tend to hide your body behind his much larger one
Of course, Broly doesn't like not being able to see you in at least his peripheral, so he'll take your hand and guide you to his side, his arm around you comfortably
Usually it'll help you feel better and you're able to interact with your surroundings better
He rubs your side a lot, helping you calm your nervous heart
Sometimes it's Broly that gets overwhelmed, however, and so you step up for him like he does for you
If the supermarket has long lines and too many people, he starts getting antsy. He's always worried something will happen, like a fight breaking out or a child being lost in the midst of people
Not to mention the loud chatter of the other shoppers, especially the ones raising hell at the poor cashiers, starts to make him feel panicky
It doesn't feel great to you either, but someone's gotta check out the groceries. And since you usually get at least two shopping carts worth, you don't tend to use the self-checkout
You put your hand on his chest and slip the car keys to him, encouraging him to wait for you outside with the car so you don't have to lug the groceries so far out
He'll ask if you're sure, and after you give him confirmation he'll drop a gentle kiss on your head and politely rush out of the store
One of your dreams is to see your favorite artist live, but you've always been afraid to go to a concert
It's with Broly that you finally get to experience what a concert is like. It's amazing! But after the opener has finished their set and the stage is prepared for the headliner, people start crowding around harshly in an attempt to be closer
You start fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, already on edge from how loud everything is. The strangers touching you inadvertently and how hard it's becoming to breathe has you about to spill into a panic
Broly anticipated something like this could happen, so when he kneels down and gestures for you to climb onto his shoulders, you're surprised and relieved he'd been this thoughtful
He promised you a good time, after all, so he obviously prepared to take as many precautions as possible
You smile when you're up in the air, thankful now more than ever that your boyfriend is so tall
And just as he promised, you had the best night of your life as you cheered and sang along to each song, safely atop Broly's shoulders
You and Broly seldom have reasons to argue, so it normally only happens once a year, if that
He's taken classes for his anger management, and has gotten very good at controlling his temper
He never yells at you, but there was a regrettable time when he'd gotten unbelievably angry at a contractor you had hired to install a pool in the backyard
You wanted the pool specifically so you could invite the family over for pool parties and barbecues, so you could see them more often but go decompress in your bedroom if it got to be a little much to handle at times
And lord help anyone that made it difficult for you to have what you wanted
The man was awful, lying left and right and making a mess of your beautiful yard. At the rate he was going, the pool wouldn't be done until after the summer, and you'd first contracted him in early spring!
And you would've accepted his slow work if he'd had the decency to at least make it look good
Broly had been growing tired of it for months, but it wasn't until the man made you cry with his estimate of not only being completed in the winter months, but also demanding more money for the project than was agreed upon
Your tears were enough for him to see red and he launched into a heavy tirade against the man, letting him know just how pissed off he was and by the time he was done, the man was quite literally shaking
When he finally settled down and that damned contractor was gone, Broly realized what he'd done and cursed at himself for scaring you
You had rushed up to the bedroom and sat on the end of the bed, curled up and covering your ears, more tears on your face now
Broly kneels before you and ducks his head, ashamed that he's done this to you. He'd yelled at that man for making you cry but he wasn't much better
"I'm so sorry." He whispers. He doesn't try to touch you, and stays before you for as long as it takes for you to calm down
You eventually sniffle and tangle your fingers in his hair. "I forgive you."
That's when Broly launches up and engulfs you in a tight, impossibly warm hug
You close your eyes and hold him as tightly as you can, eventually falling asleep beneath him
He doesn't let go all night
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peekaboo-icyou · 1 year
Make up or make out?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 of new person
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Wilbur was stressing out in a flower shop about what to get you since he wanted to get you something amazing to make it up to you “f/f are her favorite but so are f/f do they go together?” He bites his nails “need some help sir?” “Oh uh yes please” Wilbur turns around and looks at the guy “so what are you looking for?” He looks at the worker “oh I’m looking for an apology gift for my girlfriend” the worker raises their eyebrow “what did you do?” Wil looks angry and confused “what’s that got to do with flowers” “well if you did a super bad thing then it needs to look more like y’know more work was put into it like your really sorry so like her favorite color flowers then her favorite flowers with tons of baby’s breath to fill spaces” Wil starts to bite his nails again “would you say not being completely honest with her about my job and lied about being broke and making her lose her business by doing so is really bad” the worker looks at him like he’s almost impressed “I didn’t know someone could fuck up that bad ummm yeah I think you need the giant flower arrangement I was talking about”
After paying for the flowers he heads down to a jewelry store and buys you a f/g (favorite gem) ring and necklace he then calls you it rings a few times before you pick up “hello?” “Hi love” “hi wilbur” his heart hurts used to you calling him cute nicknames you made for him “would you like to come over to my um house tonight for a little movie date” he hears you mumble a bit before you speak but he didn’t hear what it was about “I-I suppose I can but I’m guessing you don’t actually live in a tiny apartment like you said so can I have your address” his head breaks even more “oh um yes love I’ll text it to you” he texts it to you “okay sent, bye love I’ll see you then I lov-“ “yeah byeee” you hang up on him and he sighs “why couldn’t I just have told her the truth from the start” he calls his driver and goes home
He sets up your favorite foods and fluffy pillows and blankets along with you favorite movies and the flowers and jewelry he got you he makes everything absolutely perfect and homey looking and he also bought you both matching pjs with your favorite cartoons on the pants
He is almost finished setting up when he hears the door bell ring he quickly rushes to the door and opens it to see you in your cute sweater and skirt “hi love you look amazing” you smile but not the smile you used to give him it was the smile you would give a stranger after they had complimented you “thank you” he lets you in and leads you to the living room and hands you the matching pjs for you to put on “oh um these are cute” you do the smile again “the bathroom is down that hallway” after a few minutes you come back out “oh love you look adorable” he sees you blush a bit and it gives him some hope that you don’t completely hate him
Once you settled down on the cozy couch he grabbed something from behind it “I have a few gifts for you” he saw your face drop and immediately began worrying “I-I know I can’t buy your love back I just wanted to get you a few things to kinda help pay you back because I took advantage of you and got to deep into my act that I hurt you and I feel horrible about it and I want you to know I am so so sorry and love you very much” your face softens “I-“ he interrupts you “shh I know what your going to say I understand” you smash your lips into his and cup his face with your hands his eyes go wide and he slowly closes his eyes and melts into the kiss
After awhile you both pull away “you have no idea how much I missed that” you smile “I-I thought your whole soft boy personality was all an act to get me to fall for you but I’m glad that it’s actually you I was scared you were going to be this mean cold guy after you told me the truth” he smiles and tucks your hair behind your ear “well am I some mean cold guy?” you giggle “not at all” “now let me give you your presents because you deserve to be spoiled”
He hands you the giant bouquet “jeez you went all out” he smiles “well I didn’t know if you would get mad and throw wine on me” you giggle and then he hands you a very fancy looking box “oh how fancy~” you gasp when you open the box “it’s beautiful! I love them!” You put the ring on and he helps you put the necklace on “thank you thank you” you hugs him “well just 2 more things” he hands you a fluffy green dinosaur stuffy and it’s heavy you gasp “I know you love your stuffed animals and I know you you love your weighted blankets so I got you a weighted stuffed animal” you hug it tightly “I love him!” He smiles “I’m going to name him pickle!” Wilbur laughs and realizes he missed this so much more then he thought he knew he missed you a lot but not this much “and um all the money I uh took from you to make my act seem a little real plus a little more for your cafe” he hands you an envelope “it should have 5 mil” you gasp “but I only gave you a couple thousand” he smiles “well you need it more then I do and I figured I should pay you for your troubles” you giggle “my troubles?” He pokes your nose “yup” you hug him and after a few moments of silence “so how would you like to move in with me” you look at him with a face that says seriously and pull away from him “yeah no” he pouts “but why not” you look down and play with your fingers he puts his hand on your shoulder “you can tell me…” you look at him “I just don’t really trust you that much anymore” his heart breaks “I-I understand, what can I do to win you back?” He holds your hands in his “I’ll but you anything you want please just take me back….” You frown and look at him “Wil you can’t just buy someone’s love…” he looks at you with teary eyes “but please love I’ll do anything” you hold his hands “then show me that with affection or I don’t know words or um small dates like picnics” he smiles “that’s something I can definitely do love thank you so much for giving me another chance” he leans in and you lean back “you have to earn that mr” he frowns
Idk if u should do a part 5 so if you want one request ideas for it plssss
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jowrites · 3 months
Intoxicated - 4. New face (written)
Main Masterlist Here
Prev. Next.
TW: MDNR!!!! Seriously, this one if going to be very s e x heavy, cursing, sexual themes, more to come...
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“So,” Yujin started, as the two girls began to pack up their belongings. “My sorority is having an Afternoon tea event Saturday, starts at 2 PM and you are invited.”
“Afternoon tea?” YN asked, getting up and walking out with Yujin.
“Yeah, like you know that European thing? It’s a small event to welcome the new recruits,” Yujin explained. 
“But I’m not a recruit?” YN said.
“Yeah, but anyone can come. I really hope you’ll come,” Yujin said, smiling at her.
“Well, I guess I can swing by for a bit. Is there a dress code?”
“Just be a flower, you already have the face of one. I’ll see you around, text me if you have any questions.”
Yujin handed YN a small piece of paper with her number written and waved as she walked off in the opposite direction. YN shrugged, sighing as she tucked the number away in her bag and began walking out of the building. Lucky for her that was her last class and she can go home. Just as she stepped out, she saw the clouds in the sky and heard the thunder in the distance. She hoped she could make it home before the rain.
“Oh! New girl, wait up!” Someone called out, causing her to stir from her thoughts and turned around to a group of guys walking towards her, and she couldn’t help but feel disappointed. She just wanted to go home. “You are Kim YN, right? Nice to meet you, I’m Jay.”
“Uhm, can I help you?” she asked.
“Oh, no, no sorry if we startled you, we just wanted to introduce ourselves,” Jay said.
“You’re the guy from twitter, right?” she asked.
“Yeah…” Jay said, scratching the back of his neck.
“I’m Sunoo, nice to meet you! I’m a drama major!” Another boy spoke up, YN couldn’t help but find him adorable.
“And I’m Jungwon, that’s Sunghoon,” Another introduced, and the boy, Sunghoon just waved.
“We’re on the football team with Heeseung, Beomgyu, and Yeonjun,” Jay said, giving her a nice smile.
“Except for me, ugh, ew sports,” Sunoo rolled his eyes. 
“You’re a frat boy too?” YN asked.
“Oh, yes, my dad was an alumni so I’m a legacy,” Sunoo explained.
“We were just about to go meet Heeseung for some sushi, did you want to come?” Jungwon asked.
“You said Heeseung, and I’m sold! Let’s go!” YN said.
“Geez, save some enthusiasm for the rest of us,” Jungwon pouted. “We’re cool, I swear!”
The group of football players with the girl walked out of the restaurant, Jay and Sunghoon still engrossed in the conversation with her from earlier. She was explaining how lobsters mate and the two boys were intrigued yet also concerned. The heavy rain had already subdued and it was just a nice drizzle out.
“Alright, do you need us to walk you home?” Heeseung asked.
“Oh, I’m not far from here, I appreciate it,” YN said.
“Are you sure?” Heeseung asked.
"Yeah, I'll see you Monday," YN smiled up at the boy and he nodded, giving her a hug. "It was nice meeting you all."
"YN, don't be a stranger to the frat house, okay?" Jungwon said, coming up and pulling her into a tight hug.
"Thanks, seeing that my only friends seem to be you guys, I think it would be hard avoiding the frat house now," she teased.
"Of course," Jay said.
Each boy gave their goodbyes and YN waved as she walked off into the direction of ther apartment. The group soon their own walk back to their house, their boisterous sounds being heard in the distance. As YN walked, she noticed just how dark it was getting and she began to quicken her pace.
She could hear footsteps behind her and as she glanced back they stopped and her paranoia set in. Just as she turned back around and began her pace, her body collided with another knockking her to the ground and looking up, and seeing the Frat President looking down at her.
"YN? Are you okay?" He asked, helping her up.
"Jake," YN said, sighing in relief. "Sorry for rushing into you."
No, it's fine, are you okay? You seem disturbed?" he asked, looking at her face then glancing behind her.
"I thought someone was following me," she mumbled, looking down.
"Come on, let me walk you home," Jake said, pulling YN close to his side and taking her bag and walking with her.
There were things on his mind anyways, and he was determined to talk to her more. He didn't realize until he saw her, but just how much she's been on his mind the past few days and now that she was here with him, his mind became more clear. He could see her now and know she's safe.
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whatsupsonnyboy · 2 years
adore you || Joseph Quinn
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pairing: Joseph Quinn x actress!reader
SUMMARY: you and Joe started dating some time ago, but you have decided to keep it low-key. You two are doing quite well but Variety decided it was a nice idea to put the two of you together not only in his next cover but to shoot an Actors on Actors, since you two are promising stars.
wc: 2.2K
warnings: fluff, Joe being absolutely adorable, overthinking (a little bit)
a/n: based on this request, I gotta admit that I’m not a Bridgerton fan so I had to do a little research, so sorry in advance for mistakes or nonsense! Also, I used Kate Sharma as the character portrayed by you, but there aren’t any mentions of Simone Ashley.
                               request still open! :) | mlist
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“You’re nervous… aren’t you?” you heard his voice from the back of your head. When you didn’t say a thing, he got closer and hugged you tightly. When he spoke again you could feel his breathy and raspy morning voice tickling on your neck. “It’s going to be alright, I promise” he said and planted little pecks in the crock of your neck.
“Hmm” was the only thing that you managed to get out and he squeezed you even tighter, inevitably making you smile, God how much you loved him.
It’d only been a few weeks since you two started dating, a couple of months since you met, but Joe could read you as an expert cartographer, he never failed to surprise you with how amazingly well he had got to know you in such a little amount of time.
“Shall I pinky promise, my lady” he joked and your heart melt because his witty sense of humor never kept you from warming your heart.
Instead of saying a word you just turned around so you could face him, you stared at his beautiful brown eyes for a while before sealing your lips with kiss.
“I really hope you’re right” you whispered.
You wanted to believe Joe, you really did but overthinking would hunt you constantly even if you didn’t want it to. What if they noticed? What if you said too much? Or maybe you’d paralyze and not a world would come out of your mouth? What if none of you were the brilliant actors critics had claimed you were*?
His name and yours had been pretty much the only thing magazines, articles, talk shows, brands would talk about for the past months, since the latest Stranger Things and Bridgerton seasons had aired. Of course you were happy, not happy… you were delighted. But fame could be a devil in disguise. That had been the main reason you and Joe had agreed to keep your relationship under cover. All the attention, the red carpets, the never ending press was new for both of you so maintaining your dating status as a secret seemed perfect, at least for a while.
So when your agent, Claire, told you that Variety had made a call and that they wanted you in Actor on Actors you had got pretty excited, just to get anxious the second later, when Claire had explained you that the other actor would be Joseph Quinn. You had tried to play it cool, Claire assuring you as well as Joe that everything would be fine. “It was just an interview” they had both said and a photoshoot, not a big deal.
Not a big deal if you weren’t so in love with the man, how could you praise his work and ask shit without giving yourself away. You wanted it to go alright and the only thing that easy your thoughts and your nerves was the fact that he was going to be there, if Joe was by your side, it didn’t really matter how it ended up because you would be together.
You kissed Joe goodbye before leaving his apartment, rushing to yours to get a shower and get changed before Claire would appear to drive you to the Variety location. She assured you a couple of times that everything was going to be alright on your way to the set, you didn’t say a word, you were to busy trying to convince yourself about it.
You were sat on your dressing room, a lovely and chatty girl named Riley was busy with your make up after the stylish had made sure your hair was on point, the door opened. It was Nora, Joe’s agent.
“Just popping to say hi” she said gently. “Wow, you look beautiful”
“Thanks” you said shily. “I guess its’s all thanks to them” you joked referring to Riley and the guy who had done your hair, which name you couldn’t remember and had left a while ago.
“Well, there’s potential” Nora said. “Joe’s ready by the way” she let you know, and your excitement increased. You were dying to see him, you always loved the way they usually dress him up, you were sure he’ll look handsome as hell.
“Nice, I’m almost done here. I’ll let Vera know when we’re good to shoot” Claire said and she left the room with Nora “I’ll be back!”
You looked great, you felt great actually. Your anxiety had become to ease and you had started to feel more comfortable with all of it. At the end, you only ad to chat with your secret boyfriend about how an incredible job he had done on his last projects and accept compliments about yours. It should be easy peasy.
Claire came back to take you to the set, where Joe, Nora and Vera, the main Variety editor, were waiting. Vera started to explain the dynamic of the shooting, introduced you to the photographer and the camera technics but, not that you wanted to be rude, but you couldn’t help to stare at Joe from the corner of your eye. They had gone with a classic, all black. And just wow, despite that brown was his color without a doubt, he for sure knew how to pull that all black look. You could see his silver chains hanging around his neck, the black linen V-neck t-shirt letting them being seen and you loved it. His curls all slicked back as usual plus that little rebel lock that always refused to stay back… he was so dreamy. You had to admit.
“Well, so that’s pretty it, okay… just make it natural” Vera said looking directly at you, as if she had noticed you had been completely distracted while she had been talking.
“It won’t be a problem” Joe assured her and smiled widely. “It be fun” he stated and walked to the armchair that he had been indicated to sit on.
Claire squeezed your arm and whispered some cheerful words before leaving the set and you then walked to sit in front Joe.
“You okay?” he asked you in a really low voice, you had actually had to read his lips.
You didn’t say a thing, you just nodded and gave him a big smile. You were okay. All the nerves and anxious from the morning had seemed to volatilize. Being sat in front of him, a relaxed expression plastered on his face, leaning back on the sofa while he smiled fondly at you made you feel like anything else matter. You felt protected, sheltered.
“Okay, hey! we’re shooting in 3… 2… 1. We’re ready” Vera talked from the back of the cameras. She instructed the two of you again, just to remind you on what topics you were supposed to focus, and of course the most important thing, be natural.
“So… I got to confess I loved Kate” Joseph started, “I loved you as Kate. It was simply brilliant, the way you managed to endorse the emotions… the duality between the need to protect his sister and the love for this man” you felt your cheeks turning bright red as you listened. “I- I feel like you really empathize with her, and that’s a really tricky thing to do when it comes to lies and betrayal… at least is what I see”
“Yeah, no I think you’re right” you replied, you weren’t really trying to look calmed, you were. Joe had that effect on you. “I think everyone loves a character that’s honest and kind and pure but also one that has her secrets and demons, and in this case Kate’s demons are well, that she had fell in love with the same man her sister had, which is kind of messed up if you think about it twice” Joe laughed ridiculously laugh, which made you join him “but, at the end it only happened because she wanted to protect her and I think that’s why people can connect with her, that’s how people humanize her because they see that she was acting selflessly but well… she found herself falling in love with this charming man”
“Yes, I guess that got a lot of people attached to the story, but let me say it’s also about you, and Jonathan of course” he did a little pause, as if he was looking for the right words “The way you put her on screen, it’s just perfect. The way you easily connect with Kate feelings, wow… just a beautiful the performance that you pulled out”.
You were fascinated by her words, it was like you could be sat there for hour listening to him praising your skills and your projects, your heart just got bigger and bigger with all the love.
“Well-” you sighed before keep going. “I guess you too know well what’s to be the new hot topic” you joked. “Even my little cousin is obsessed with Eddie Munson!” you exclaimed and Joe laughed only because he was fully aware that it was that way. “But, hey I do not blame her, who wouldn’t? I loved the arch; I loved the way you made him yours. I- well, I don’t exactly know how much it was scripted from the final cut…”
“Thanks” he replied warmly. “Well, Eddie is a pretty nice character to play, I’d say it’s the best I had done so far” he admitted but you of course already knew that, “he was brilliantly written by the brothers, but yeah I think there’s always something that’s yours in every character you portray… or at least I feel it like that” he laughed. “But of course, if there’s no clever writing, you’re lost. I- I got lucky with Eddie I guess, see the thing about him is that the Duffers had maybe a little different idea of him but during shooting, he came that way… it just happened” he explained with way more modesty than you think it was fair.
“And it’s amazing, I mean…” you wanted to listen carefully, so you looked him deep in his eyes, “you know, like there had been other characters but I- and it’s just not my opinion” you remarked “the impact that Eddie had… it’s just mind-blowing, I’d say it’s moving the way you have touched people’s lives and, that’s on you” the enormous smile on his face and the slight redness on his cheeks made your heart warm. “You did so much in such little time screen, you kind of stole the show” you laughed together this time.
“I assume you are familiar with the feeling!” he replied immediately and winked an eye, making you laugh even more.
When you two were done it seemed like you had been talking for hours, joking around fame and easily complimenting each other. You had maybe mentioned more than you should how enjoyable and well approached you had found his Enjolras, making Joe blush again and sigh deeply because you knew that one had been kind of a nightmare for him due to all the comparisons with the original character written by Victor Hugo and Aaron Tveit’s performance back in 2012.
You had found yourself smiling sheepishly at him while he praised you about the last show you had been in before Bridgerton. It didn’t really matter how self-conscious you had always felt about that specific role, Joe had the ability to make every word that came out of his mouth, sound like the truest thing you’d ever heard.
The photoshoot went even better, you had never imagined that  doing a session could be that phone, you were used to more formal stuff, but the editor had specifically asked you two to have fun, to be spontaneous. And that was nothing but easy wherever you were around Joe. He had an incredible ability to make you laugh and feel safe, so you were really pleased with the results. The photographer was too, praising the “magical connection” that you two radiated and, not that you were an expert in photography, but you somehow understood pretty well what he had mentioned about connection the moment you saw some of the best ones on his computer. Both of your smiles, the way he looked at you and the way you looked at him, it made your stomach flip. The idea of rumors spreading because of this crossed your mind for a second, but you didn’t really care. The pictures were wonderful, it would be totally worth it.
You were almost done with skincare when Joe appeared in the bathroom, he entered the room silently, but you could see him in the mirror. The sweetest of the smiles on his face.
“So, you think it’s moving the way I’ve touched people’s lives” he said in a playful way. But you look at him dead serious before you speak.  
“I do, I was not overpraising you” you said firmly.  “I really do Joe” you repeated and got closer to him. He cupped you face, caressing your soft and clean skin,
“You were, a little…” he whispered but you nodded your head.
“I wasn’t! I aint” you said still staring into his brown and big eyes. “I know it’s difficult for you to take it but… common, it is that way, people adore Eddie, people adore you baby, and not just because you’re stunning and helplessly good looking” the funny face he pulled, made you giggle, “but because of you. What you do, what you are”.
Joe looked at you with mesmerize, as if he was under your spell.  
“I love you” he mumbled before sealing your lips with his in a tender and caring kiss.
“I love you too Joe” you said against his mouth before kissing him again.
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bxllevy · 2 months
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"Y'ellooo!! You seem new. Hey, why don't you hang a bit? Let's get to know each other; I'm Ivory, Ivory Belle! But, Ivy will do. That's what all my friends call me anyway, heh. And youuuu are? Don't be shy, I don't bite! Unless you want me to, that is."
rules and character info below the cut :)
SONIC OC 🗣️🗣️🗣️ she is almost two years old I'm gonna sob
no explicitly sexual actions towards Ivory, mod is a minor in high school !! suggestive things like jokes and I guess innuendos and all that junk is fine,, but no trying to implicitly be sexual, y'know?
don't be a dick, we're just having fun
(note: Mod has around 5 years of roleplay experience, and is a writer; roleplay style is and can be flexible depending on the type of roleplay, the second-person's preferences :))
Ivory Belle
Animal type:
She was supposed to be like a red panda... but now she's pink and silly so pink panda, I suppose
Any powers?:
Similar to Silver; Psychokinesis !! The usual stuff along with opening portals at will (just to get from one place to another)
Backstory (just a little rundown):
Ivory's always been one for an adrenaline rush, even when she was young. She grew up with her little sister, Evelynn, and their mother. New additions would be added to the family, however, when their mother encountered two foxes alone in the rain, offering them a home of which became permanent, and adoption was inevitable. One adventure went poorly, with the four siblings forcing themselves to separate — Ivory and her older brother finding themselves under the willing, yet rather reluctant order of Dr. Robitnik himself. This wasn't permanent, as working with the doctor led them to discover the whereabouts of their little brother, who had been taken under the care of a blue hedgehog. Inevitably, they disbanded themselves from the evil mastermind, and the story takes on from there.
Canon Relationships:
(NOTE: if chosen to roleplay with other canon-character-centered roleplay blogs, feel free to disregard some of the things stated within the relationships of those characters. Feel free to start as strangers if not friends, let alone close friends or family.)
Xavier Prower - Older brother by adoption, and her go-to partner in crime. Though he oftentimes acts exasperated and maintains a more sassy and nonchalant attitude, he still takes up offers to get into random bullshit with his sister. ... As long as she's safe, of course.
Evelynn Belle - Younger sister biologically—and while the gap is only far two years, with Ivory obviously being the oldest, it can be said that Evelynn is a bit more responsible than Ivory. That doesn't mean the little witch (taken after their mother) won't get into a few things...
Miles "Tails" Prower - Baby brother, whom of which she adores. Enjoys bringing him random parts to use on inventions, and listens to him as he talks in languages she will never understand (science). Reminds her of Robitnik, though cuter and not evil.
Eggman - Former boss, whom she's on decent terms with. "Decent," as in, "oh, of course I won't be late to the tea-date this Friday. Did you have a movie picked out already or are we just talking?" When with the "Hero" side of the team, she'll fight Eggman with them, but she's more taunting... Kinda like Sonic, but on a less personal level.
Sonic the Hedgehog - Respects, mostly because he's not opposed to get into trouble with her. Quite close, and they've eventually picked up the name "Disaster Duo" overtime as adventures dwelled on. Also respects him for taking care of Tails for a few years, of course.
Amy Rose - Extremely close - like the big sister figure she never had. Absolutely adores Amy, and isn't afraid to show it. Even when Amy's chasing her with a giant hammer to get her to chill out... they're pretty awesome together.
Shadow the Hedgehog - Respects... But unintentionally gets under his skin. She just thinks he's really interesting. Apparently, she's considered lucky—the blue blur envies her ability to get close to Shadow without a harsh quip. She still oftentimes gets scolded and brushed away, though.
Silver the Hedgehog - Best friend. Sparring buddies. Platonic soulmates (aside from her and Amy). The contrast in personalities, mixed with a lot of commons, is absolutely amazing to her, and often enjoys gardening with the white hedgehog. Holds him to pretty high regard.
Mostly upbeat and optimistic, despite also being a realist. Very cheeky, yet kinda tired most of the time. She's content sitting in one place doing nothing, but she doesn't prefer it. Can absolutely be serious, but on rare occasion does she actually get scary. One of the times being when a couple of jerks started messing with Amy while she was babysitting Cream ... Just a look sent them running for the green hills.
Extra info:
She's British 😞😞😞😞☹️☹️☹️🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁😔😔😔😔😔😭😭😭‼️‼️‼️‼️ also runs a little cafe as a past time !! enjoys baking
Sinic snd ivoru 🙈
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ivy <33 (+ alt hair color)
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Xavier :3c
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and an old wip of ivory exe comcept
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jiminiepabo · 2 years
Yoongi as your boyfriend
Thanks to the anon who requested this!
When you meet-
Yoongi isn't the type to actively search for love, he waits for it to come to him
He's also very in tune with his emotions
So when he meets you its like he just knows he's gonna fall for you
You're likely to meet him in a more quiet place, somewhere you're able to have a real conversation
He doesn't like small talk
If you wanna talk to this man, be prepared to open tf up to him
But don't worry, he's really easy to talk to :)
He always knows the right things to say, you can tell how carefully he thinks about his words
This makes your conversations go for hours
He prefers hearing about you rather than talking about himself, so your willingness to speak up about yourself is quite important in the early stages of the relationship.
He's so humble too
It's not every day that you meet a man with a sense of his own self worth, that stays humble and understanding and respectful of others
He's a just a little tiny bit hypocritical tho 💀
Bc he wants you to open up upon meeting, but he'll take whole months to open up to you
But hey, he's been through a lot, especially during his childhood, and it's not easy to talk about that woth strangers
So dont try to force it out of him, bc that will push him away real fast
It's also a really big deal when he touches you
Like one day, you just run into each other and decide to take a night walk together and he lightly folds his hand into yours
That shit takes a lot of courage for him
Because he wants you to think highly of him, so he tries to be a gentlemen and not rush you into physical affection
Seriously, I hear people calling him cold and mean sometimes but he could not be further from that
He's quiet and considerate of others, so don't mistake his "coldness" as disinterest
I guarantee he has a lot more feelings for you than he's showing, just let him take his time, we call him grandpa for a reason 💀
When you start dating-
Gonna be real w yall, the beginning might be kinda awkward
Like as soon as he sees you, he just internally panics and shuts down entirely
And it's not bc hes losing feelings, it's quite the opposite actually
Hes just realizing how quickly hes falling in love and it scares him.
So you need to reassure him
When the conversation dries up, just tell him how much you appreciate him
To my knowledge, he's been cheated on in the past so he does have some trust issues when it comes to love
Just be there for him
Show him you'll stay with him through the good and the bad
And he's no dummy, he can see that your intentions are pure, which is also when that awkward stage is over
Once you've been together for a while, the best word I can use to describe your relationship is "comfortable"
Because nothing is out of bounds for you two
Whenever there's a problem, you just talk about it, no worries
And that makes everything so comfy
You don't have to worry about drama with him
He just wants to lay around with you in his pajamas all day long and do nothing
You don't even have to speak, because your love is just this mutual feeling you get when your near each other
You don't have to say anything to understand your feelings for each other and it's so beautiful
He prefers to show his adoration through acts of service, such as buying you chocolates and pads/tampons when your on you period, setting up romantic dates with fairy lights and blankets and candles
He will especially take care of you when he's ready to have your first time together
He plans the whole setup and everything
He's not usually one for physical affection, and he's said that himself, so he'd be soooo gentle with you
Whether you'd had sex one time or a hundred, he would treat you the same
He wants to express how much he cares through sex
He'd kiss you to distract you if it hurt, give you time if you said you weren't ready, tuck you in if you were tired
He's always there, and that's what you love about him
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cloudycleric · 2 years
happy late valentines!! here's a short byler fic
Will smiled hearing the rocks clang against his window.
He knew who it was of course, it was Mike—his… boyfriend(? He was still trying to figure that out). Will had a crush on him for the past several years of his life, and it was yesterday, February 13th, that he finally gained enough courage to tell him about it. It was a risky move of course, plenty of people in his class were outwardly homophobic and the AIDS crisis was still a huge problem in America. But Will knew that there was something about Mike that made him want to confess. A strange sense of knowing that Mike also had feelings.
And now, Mike Wheeler was Will Byers’ boyfriend (he thought).
Will rushed to his window, leaning over his desk to get a better look at the world outside his room. It was Mike, standing in the same nonchalant way, his bangs swooped in front of his eyes and a big goofy grin on his face. God, I love him. Will tugged on the opening latch of the windowsill, trying to keep his laughter quiet.
“Mike!” He whispered loudly. “What are you doing here? It’s ten o’clock.”
Though Will knew that he would most definitely get in trouble if his mom found out he was having friends sneak in late at night, he still returned a smile to Mike. He’s adorable.
“What, you mean I have to walk home now? Alone on Valentine’s Day?”
Valentine’s Day. Will had totally forgotten. Being alone all these years, pining after Mike, Will had slowly learned to shut out Valentine’s Day from his consciousness. “Okay Romeo, climb up.”
Mike was clumsy as per usual, almost completely knocking over his desk trying to get through the window. Will was always the more agile and stronger one, but it was cute to see Mike do whatever he could for Will.
“I brought you flowers, but um, they got kinda lost when I was riding my bike here, so…”
Will playfully punched Mike’s arm. “You are such a dumbass sometimes.”
“A cute dumbass?”
Will walked back over to his desk, rearranging all of the objects that Mike had pushed over or shoved off the desk completely. As Mike rebutted his remark, Will turned around. “I didn’t say it.”
Tugging at Will’s sleeve, Mike leaned forward on the desk, watching Will clean up. “Wow? Flirting already, Byers?”
Blushing, he looked away. “Shut up, Mike.”
“What? I mean, I can go if you want—”
Mike met his gaze.
“Shut up and kiss me already.”
By the time the clock rolled to eleven PM Will was starting to worry. It was getting late, Mike didn’t show any signs of wanting to leave, and honestly, Will didn’t want him to leave. Breaking away from their kiss, Will put a hand on Mike’s chest.
“It’s getting late, Mike.”
“So I’ll just sleep over then?”
Will admired Mike’s energy. His carefree appearance, the fact that he was confident in himself. Will smiled, knowing that being around Mike made him feel that way, too. “Not even going to take me to dinner first?”
He smiled before leaning in to kiss Will’s cheek. “Nope.”
Rolling his eyes, Will couldn’t let Mike go. “Okay, fine. But just for tonight. And you're out first thing tomorrow. Okay?”
“Okay,” Mike frowned. “Hey, but, first sleepover with my boyfriend, so that’s cool.”
Boyfriend. Will couldn’t help but kiss Mike again after hearing the words escape his mouth. He felt his stomach turn and his heart skip a beat as he kept on processing what Mike had just said. “Boyfriend,” he said while only inches away from his lips. “You are my boyfriend.”
Soon the lights turned off, and Will was trying to control himself while falling asleep. He was laying right next to Mike, his fucking crush turned boyfriend, sleeping next to him. He had never felt happier in his life. Will was almost too excited to go to bed. He never wanted this moment to end.
Mike, half asleep, moved his arm towards Will. He tugged on his shirt, begging for Will to move closer to him. He wrapped his arm around Will and put his head on his shoulder. “Goodnight.”
Will smiled. “Goodnight.”
if you wanna give me kudos on ao3 maybe....?
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apoptoses · 2 years
“I really hope this is a reference to Paris and Nicole in the simple life” oh you KNOW it is. The most Armand thing ever said by anyone and of course Paris Hilton said it lmao. “I had to post it right away or I would lose my nerve, it felt like a risky fic” and it was 100% the right thing to do. Sorry to hear about you power going out! But also it gave us this THIS quickly yk, so small blessings? 🥹 “Like Daniel and Lestat sandwiching Armand between them and showing him the good and loving time he deserves” HOW DARE YOU make me read that right before bed goddamn. He was meant to be shared and adored and reduced to a whimpering mess by the man who’s always loved him yet initially deemed him too weird to smash and the absolute nutjob who got to experience said weirdness firsthand and only got turned on by it. The duality of (blond) man if you will, the possibilities are endless 😮‍💨
Dungeon anon I love you, please never leave ♥
"the man who’s always loved him yet initially deemed him too weird to smash and the absolute nutjob who got to experience said weirdness firsthand and only got turned on by it" your descriptions of them absolutely send me, like you nailed it there.
I gotta get further into my Big WiP but once I feel like I've done a good job on that I'm gonna write more of the three of them, as a little treat. I have so many thoughts on the goofy shit Lestat and Daniel could get up to while Armand sits back and watches the chaos ensue. Everyone calls him the weirdo but these big dumb blonde golden retrievers would create havoc together, the likes of which vampirekind has never seen.
Speaking of Big WiP, here, have a dirty little scene where Armand Daniel take their first shared little drink off a stranger in 20-some years:
As Daniel sucked a bruise into her throat she gripped his shirt tight and let herself hope they would take her home with them, that she’d get his cock inside her. Armand laughed, so quiet only another immortal would hear. Too bad for her he was the last thing who had ever had that particular pleasure. Daniel must have heard her too, and picked up his little giggle, because he pinched the nape of Armand’s neck.
Armand worked his hands up between them. Cupped the round swell of her breast with one and caught Daniel’s nipple between his fingers with the other. Gave her gentle pleasure and him the sharp rush of pain; pain Daniel returned in the form of twisting his curls around his fingers hard enough to ache. 
The thirst was unbearable. Not a single inch of Armand’s body was not alive with it, burning with the need to drink. And her throat was right there. Blood rushed just beneath his lips.
He tried to wait. He let Daniel drag his nails against the nape of his neck, white hot pain that made him gasp. Armand could smell his own blood gathering beneath Daniel’s fingertips and he could take no more, he had to have it, one way or another he needed to taste.
The surprised sound she made when Armand sunk his teeth into her throat was pretty but it paled in comparison to Daniel’s heartbeat, loud as a drum, racing at the realization that he’d finally given in. 
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starsmuserainbow · 5 years
[[ @mechanicosmia liked (and commented on) my call, so here’s a starter for Rajrashi!]]
It was a difficult thing, to accept that she was going to be stuck here, at least for a while. There always was the possibility that her friends would find a way to open a way to get her back, but from what she learned so far, that didn’t seem very likely. So Starfire shouldn’t continue to just hope they’d come, she had to face the possible fate of staying here for some time. Which meant getting more accustomed to the world - usually a thing she enjoyed a lot, and so she tried to focus on the exploring and learning instead of what, or rather who, she was missing. It worked well enough, soon she was fascinated enough by this very different place to be more of her usual, cheery self.
Especially once she spotted another being, of a species she hasn’t seen so far. She would remember to have seen one of it, at least as long as they all shared the same feline features that immediately got Starfire’s attention. A humanoid cat! Immediately rushing over, barely able to contain her excitement enough to make herself land again once she had flitted over, Starfire beamed at her. “My greetings! Oh, you are most adorable! Are you belonging to a species that carries such feline features? It is most fascinating that such exists in this world!” Only after hurriedly saying all this did she realize how that might come across, and giggled a little sheepishly. “My apologies. I did not wish to be rude. I have only recently come here, and everything is very new and exciting for me.” As was proper, Starfire bowed a little now, to add an introduction too - well, as much as she could give in a world where neither her home planet nor the name of her team had any meaning. “I am called Starfire.”
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pappydaddy · 2 years
the three times she wanted him to react + the time he did (s.h.)
a/n: this is a request for a steve harrington x fem!reader where she would tease him until he finally had enough and kissed her. i decided to try that trend that was popular not that long ago on here where it was the 'the ____ times _____ and the one time they did' thing. this also might not be that good, i've been in a bit of a slump... anyway, i hope you like this lovely anon!
tv show/movie: stranger things
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
loosely based off the song: buttons and react by the the pussy cat dolls, but listening is not necessary, i just thought of the songs when i heard the request
synopsis: y/n teases steve constantly, trying to get a rise out of him and he always says he's going to do something but never does. until one day she doesn't listen to his warning.
taglist: @the-weeping-author | @lilypad-55449 |@popeheywardssecretgf |@smarie7543 |@rottenstyx |@boxofsilentwords |@badass-yn |@lexi-2004 |@eichenhouseproperty |@rootbeerfaygo |@i-always-come-back-xoxo *line through your user means i could not tag you lovely!
warnings: fluff | teasing | angst navigation | masterlist | taglist sign-up
- not my gif -
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 Steve, poor innocent and unsuspecting Steve, was leaning against the counter of Family Video. With his eyes looking up at the girl across the counter from, his elbows digging into the countertop. The air between them was hot with tension, her pink-tinted lip was tucked between her teeth, her address scrawled on a scrap piece of paper, her fingers ready to slide that piece of paper towards him. He was so close to securing another date with an actual girl - he was finally coming out of his Scoops Ahoy-induced slump. 
  The distant ding of the store’s door opening was ignored by them, the sound of her heels muffled by the carpet as she sauntered towards them. A sly smile stretched across her red lips. She loved messing with Steve, especially now that he’s been getting so much female attention. Robin claims it is because she harboured feelings for Steve (which wasn’t wrong) and was jealous. While she did have feelings for the fluffy haired former graduate, she liked to think she was not a jealous person - she was too hot for that. 
  Seeing Steve completely absorbed in his conversation, not even noticing her entrance, made her smirk grow. “Oh, Steve,” Her sweet voice ceased the conversation, pulling the girl's attention away from the former heartthrob of Hawkins. Steve, on the other hand, allowed his eyes to flutter closed briefly, preparing himself for what was about to happen. “I barely recognized you outside of your little Sailor costume,” She cooed as she squeezed herself behind the counter, sliding up close to Steve, her fingers picking at the outfit he wore and his work vest. “You looked so cute in it,” She spoke fondly, looking over at the girl, reaching into her purse and pulling out her wallet, pulling a polaroid out of one of the crevices, showing the picture to the girl. “See, isn’t it just adorable!” She gushed as the beet red Steve attempted to snatch the picture from her. 
  “Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you were-” The girl stammered, eyeing the picture as Y/N slipped the picture back into her wallet. “Already involved,” Her eyebrows jumped as her pink lips pressed together. “I’ll, uh, leave now.” She tapped the bottom of her fist against the counter twice before awkwardly walking towards the door. 
  “Wait! Anna, no,” Steve called after her, rushing around the counter as Y/N giggled to herself, completely pleased with the destruction she had just caused. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Y/N watched as he caught up to the girl as she was pushing the door open. “She is not my girlfriend.” He shook his head, his brown hair flopping perfectly with the movement, resting his arm on the doorframe. 
  “She has your picture in her wallet, I misread the situation.” The girl insisted, a red tinge emerging from her pink blush caked cheeks.
  “I have more pictures if you want to see them! Not as cute as the Sailor one though.” Y/N called over, earning a glare from Steve who proceeded to attempt more damage control. 
  “We are seriously not dating, Anna, she’s just a really good friend-” 
  “It’s really okay, Steve. You don’t need to save my ego,” Anna sucked in a breath, pushing the door open even more, the bell dinging from the action. “Besides, I’m not really into people who like to dress up as sailors.” With that, she pushed her way out of the door, leaving the defeated Steve to slump over slightly. 
  Cocking her head, Y/N watched as he made his way back towards her, his head bowed and his hand tracking through the luscious locks. “Well, she was nice,” Y/N commented, earning another glare from Steve who just simply flicked his brown eyes up to look at her. “But anyway, I came here to return this.” She shrugged, pulling the movie out of her purse, letting it flop onto the counter. 
  “You ruined a potential date for me just so you could return a movie?” Steve asked, vaguely annoyed. She knew he couldn’t be completely annoyed with her, it was part of her charm. 
  Nodding, Y/N hopped up onto the counter, crossing her bare legs over one another, shimmying slightly to pull her skirt down. “I didn’t mean to break up your flirt fest, that was just a bonus,” She informed him, watching as he walked behind the counter, coming to stand at the computer beside her. “I was just bored and this movie is due in two hours so I decided to come see my little Stevie.” She cooed, her hand plopping down on the top of his head, ruffling his hair as if he was a pet. 
  “Buzz off, L/N.” Steve muttered, batting her hand away from his hair as he typed away at the computer, returning the movie for her. She pouted, not noticing the way his cheeks flared when she called him Stevie. 
  “Oh, come on, Stevie. You can’t be mad at me,” She pushed herself off the counter before she shuffled around behind the counter, looking at everything behind it. “I mean, you were going to ask her on a date, get her address, go on the said date, maybe hook-up with her if her parents weren’t home, then never call her again,” She rambled, rolling her wrist absentmindedly as she talked, eyes looking at a sheet of new movies they were expecting to get in. “Besides, she said she didn’t like people who dress up as Sailors, you don’t want to be with someone who judges you for who you truly are, do you Sailor boy?” She clicked her tongue, eyes shining with mischief as she looked back at him, the tip of her tongue pressing into her red painted top lip. 
  Steve glanced back at her before immediately looking back at the computer, pretending to continue working on her return. “I don’t dress up as a Sailor anymore, I burned that uniform as soon as Starcourt burnt down.” 
  “Sure you did, Stevie,” She pursed her lips, patting his shoulder as she walked by. “You can tell me anything you want, but remember,” She looked back at him as she walked around the store. “I am the person who saw it folded up in your drawer a week ago.” She smiled sweetly, picking up a random movie from her favourite section. 
  “You’re seeing things, L/N,” Steve shook his head. “I don’t have that dorky costume anymore.” He insisted stubbornly, but Y/N only smirked, knowing that she actually did find the uniform folded neatly in his bottom drawer when she was being nosey last week. 
  “Just admit that you like to prance around your room and pretend you’re a Sailor, Steve,” She slid the movie across the counter towards him, her voice dropping as she leaned down on the counter. “I’m the only one here and I won’t judge. Who am I to stand in the way of someone’s true passion and dream?” 
  With that, she slid a ten dollar bill across the counter as she whirled around with the movie in hand. “Some day I’m not gonna let you open your big mouth, L/N!” Steve called to her retreating form as he processed her rental. 
  “I’ll be waiting for that day, Harrington!” She responded instantly, not even looking back at him as she pushed through the door, but he could hear the victorious smirk in her voice, 
  The little dinner was packed full of people as Robin and Y/N talked quietly between themselves, absentmindedly swirling their sodas with their straws. “I’m telling you, Robin,” Y/N rested her hand over her friend’s as an act of comfort. “She likes girls. She bought a Tracy Chapman cassette and The Eurythmics last week. Not to mention her love for Madonna and Cyndi Lauper that extends way past their music.” Y/N recounted the interaction she had with the apple of Robin’s eye at her job - the local record store three minutes away from Family Video. 
  “A person’s music taste does not dictate their sexuality, Y/N.” Robin reminded, still downcast. Heaving a sigh, Robin folded her arms on the table, slumping down until her head rested on her bent elbow. 
  “I know that, Robin,” Y/N rolled her eyes. “But she was buying them to replace horribly ruined cassettes that looked like they were played every minute of everyday. Plus, have you seen the copy of The Color Purple? Very well used.” She remarked, eyebrows jumping as she took a sip of her soda. 
  Robin sat up, half her bob dishevelled from laying on it. “I have to admit,” She pursed her lips, nodding her head slightly. “That was more definitive proof than what Steve gave me. He keeps pointing out that she loves Fast Times and The Hunger and saying that proves she’s into girls.” She huffed. 
  “Well, in all fairness, those are good indicators,” She nodded. “But don’t tell him I told you that!” She warned, shooting Robin a threatening glare which she paid no mind to.
  “Don’t tell who what?” A voice approaching them startled them. Looking up, they found Steve standing there, curiosity shining in his brown eyes as he looked between them, hands on his hips. Y/N’s eyes dipped down to his grip for a split second before flicking back up to give him a scowl. 
  “None of your business, Harrington. Shouldn’t you be finding a table for your date,” Y/N quipped, defensive of her agreeing with him. Him knowing she agreed would severely undermine her upper hand in their relationship. “Or did you already strike out?” She bemused with a shit-eating grin as she folded her arms on the edge of the table, pleased with herself. 
  Steve levelled her a glare that made her smirk grow. “Ha ha,” He drawled. “For your information, L/N, I’m ten minutes early.” He informed her, crossing his arms over his chest, widening his stance as he puffed his chest out in pride. 
  “And I highly doubt this will be your last time coming early tonight!” Y/N exclaimed, laughing along with Robin as they high fived. Steve simply snarked out a fake laugh, nose wrinkling and his eyes glaring at the smirking girl - eyes trailing her mouth as she closed her lips around her straw. She didn’t seem to notice as her eyes gleamed from her most recent dig at her fluffy haired friend who happened to be in a trance. 
  “Steve,” Robin slammed her palm into his bicep, startling him. “I think your date’s here.” She jabbed her thumb over her shoulder at the Dinner entrance making the pair look over, seeing a cute blonde with teased hair pulled into a half-up half-down side pony standing there, looking around. Y/N cocked her head to the side, looking her up and down before the girl laid eyes on Steve. She was cute. With her blush coated cheeks and jean jacket and skirt combo matched with white sneakers and bunched socks. Cute, but not for Steve. 
  Shaking her thoughts, she shot a sly smile at Steve. “Better go, I need to know what time to mark down, try to shoot for a new record tonight, Stevie.” She winked.
  “Mark my words, L/N, I will shut that stupid mouth of yours up one of these days.” Steve nearly growled lowly, but Y/N just smiled up at him, blinking innocently with a smartass smile on her lips. 
  “You keep saying that, and I’m still waiting for that day, Harrington.”
  “What are you doing here, Harrington? Reminiscing on the days you could actually please a woman?” Y/N clapped Steve on his shoulder as she came up behind him, startling the poor boy. Blowing a bubble out of her gum, she walked around him, hands sliding into her jean jacket pockets. Her eyes sparkled with the usual glint and Steve couldn’t help but notice how nice they looked in the setting sun. 
  “I’m waiting for Dustin to get out of his stupid Hellfive Club-” She cut him off with a loud and obnoxious pop of her gum bubble.
  “Hellfire Club.” She corrected, mouth working to reel her gum back into her mouth. Steve tried his hardest not to look, swallowing thickly as he rolled his eyes, looking out into the parking lot. 
  “Whatever, it’s just a stupid club.” He muttered, kicking at the loose chunks of pavement that hung around the school. Y/N cocked her head, raising her eyebrows at the older boy before narrowing her eyes. Steve glanced at her, confused by her silence as she studied him, a smirk slowly growing as she connected the dots. 
  “You’re jealous.” She remarked, standing up straight as she basked in her glory, looking a little cocky. 
  Steve pushed himself off of where he was leaning his side against the side of the school, looking at her like she had lost her everloving mind. “What-” He spat, shaking his head. “I am not jealous. Why would I even be jealous of a stupid club?” His voice came out high and squeaky as he adamantly denied her assumption. She would say he was denying this harder than the sailor uniform incident. 
  “Maybe because Dustin has another father in his life other than you? Or maybe you’re the mom in this situation.” She hummed, pretending to contemplate the family dynamic of Dustin Henderson’s adopted family. 
  Steve rolled his eyes at her dig. “Whatever, L/N, believe what you want, but I am not jealous that Dustin found Edwin.”
  “I know you’re old and hard of hearing, Stevie, but his name is Eddie,” She corrected him, earning a small “like it mattersI” from Steve. “And, try not to have a premature heart attack at this news, but he’s older and a little bit cooler than you as well. Not to mention the hair-” 
  “Hey, I have the best damn hair in town and you know that.” Steve defended, gesturing to his perfectly styled hair. Y/N had to admit, his hair was the best hair she’s ever seen. Something about his locks lured her in, little voices in her head telling her to pet it - to run her fingers through it. Hell, she even wanted to gently tug it.
  “Oh, wow. Who knew that all this time, all I had to do is make a comment about your hair to get you all riled up,” She remarked, amused with his reaction as she tried not to think about the oddly attractive mop of hair on his head. Who knew hair was such an attractive feature? “If I knew that, I would have used it a hell of a lot more.”
  “I would like to see you try to say something else about my hair.” Steve scoffed, but his words had a bite to them. Something that told her not to try to mention his hair in her little game. But, that’s what she wanted. She wanted a rise from him. She wanted him to react. To do something about her comments. It might be masochistic, but she wanted him to get so mad, so upset with her teasing that he finally confronted her. She didn’t want the nice Steve anymore. She wanted the Steve that would grab her and push her against the wall in order to stop the teasing words from falling off her lips.
  “And what are you going to do to stop me, Fluffy?” She clicked her tongue before pressing the tip to her upper lip, trying so desperately to get him to jump her right there. He took a step towards her, closing the already short distance even more. One more step and they would be chest to chest. Then, even just a shuffle closer, their lips could meet-
  “Shut your smart-ass mouth for once and for-all.”
  “You keep saying that, but I’m starting to think you’re all bark and no bite, Harrington,” She remarked with the cock of her head, hoping he would lunge across the small space and press his lips to hers - allowing him to taste the mint gum she had been chewing. It looked like he was about to retort, but the slamming of the school door followed by the familiar giggling of Dustin made him shut his mouth and move his eyes off her. She slumped, defeated slightly before turning on her heel. “I better go, Robin is going to be done band practice.” She muttered, wandering off the same way she came from, heading off in search for the Hawkins High Band. 
  Sauntering into Family Video, VHS tape in hand, Y/N was pleased to see it empty. ‘While Steve’s working? Fantastic!’ She thought with a smirk. The smirk grew into a full-blown smile when she saw that the bored-out-of-his-mind Steve didn’t notice her presence despite the bell over the door dinging obnoxiously. He just sat there, back turned to the door but angled enough that she could see that he was spinning an elastic around the counter with his finger, other hand holding up his chin. “I would like a refund,” She announced, slamming the tape down on the counter. “My date paid more attention to this damn movie than me even though the employee guaranteed the shitty-ness of the movie!” 
  Robin emerged from the backroom, curious about the commotion. Steve jumped, scared by the sudden emergence of another person. Whirling around, eyes widened in fear, Steve let out a breath of air when he saw it was just her. “Don’t know what to tell you, maybe he was just too into horribly made action movies about bombs that destroy clothes. Real winner there, Y/N,” He remarked, returning the movie for her - sans refund. “Why did you get The Naked Bomb anyway?” 
  She sighed, walking around the counter and hoping up onto the stool Steve had previously occupied. “Well, I had this date with this guy-” That was a complete lie, she sat on her couch with her cat. “And I really just wanted to do him while the movie played in the background so I had to have a crap movie-” She didn’t see the way Steve’s eyes narrowed in jealousy at her story. “And you know, you can’t have a good movie if you want to get freaky so I got that.” She gestured vaguely to the movie Steve had just put in the return pile. 
  “Interesting.” Steve grumbled, leaning against the counter. 
  “You actually might know the guy I went out with,” She pointed to Steve as her face lit up. “He’s tall, but not like over six-feet, probably about your height. He’s got killer taste in clothes and girls - obviously,” She added the extra point, pointing to herself. “Oh, and he has really good hair. Maybe even the best hair in Hawkins. His name is Eddie-” She felt bad using Eddie as a pawn when she had never actually held a proper conversation with the boy. “Anyway, enough about my hot date, did you have a date, Stevie? Or did the drive-in girl leave ya stranded at the drive-in, Zuko?” She pressed for details of Steve’s latest date. 
  “That’s it, I am never letting you rent out Grease again,” He shot back, not looking at her as he shuffled with the return pile. “But, the date ended after the movie. I drove her back to her house and that was it.” 
  “You know what it was, Stevie,” She hummed, a devilish smirk on her face. “It’s the hair, it’s just not as fabulous-” Her words were cut off suddenly by a force landing on her lips. She squeaked, wide-eyed as she looked forward. The only thing she could see was Steve. His closed eyes and tilted head as he kissed her. She could feel his lips against hers, the pair of them moving against each other. She didn’t even know her own lips were moving until she finally came back into her body. Sighing, she all but collapsed into him - her arms weaving around his shoulders as she rolled onto the balls of her feet, tilting her head as the kiss deepened. 
  As cliche as it sounds, Y/N could swear that it was like the Fourth of July with all the fireworks exploding behind her eyelids and throughout her body. Under her skin, in her stomach, in her mind. She had never been kissed quite like this and now, she understood all those romance books and movie lines. With Steve’s body flush against hers, his hair tangled in her fingers, his tongue massaging against hers in an intimate dance - she had left her body once again. Her essence was flying high like Peter Pan in the Disney movie flying around the Darling’s room.
  She felt his tongue and lips pull away, but only slightly. The weight of his lips still pressed against hers, but Steve’s lips moved against hers in a different way as he spoke. “I told you I would shut that mouth up.” He muttered before pushing his mouth against hers full force once again, almost knocking her over from the force but she didn’t care. Instead, she kissed him back with the same energy (and slight excitement-fueled aggression).  
  “Excuse me,” Robin yelled, her hands physically separating the pair. Remaining in the heap of tangled limbs, Steve and Y/N looked over at her - breathless with swollen lips. “I am overjoyed that this-” Robin pointed between them. “Happened. Maybe even happier than you two, but maybe we should keep the store floor of Family Video PG?” She suggested, shrugging her shoulders.
  Just then, the bell above the door dinged as a family of four wandered into the store, both parents holding a small child’s hand. Robin gave them a pointed look, warning them to keep their hands off each other for the time being or go to the backroom. Y/N and Steve simply looked at each other, soft smiles growing on their still swollen lips. “I’m glad you finally shut my mouth up.” She whispered, still breathless. 
  “I’m glad you said something about the hair again.” He replied, leaning in again to press a softer, more innocent kiss to her lips. Y/N hummed, leaning into him just in time for Robin to hurl a pencil right at them, hitting Steve square in the back, making him pull away with a squeak of surprise. 
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