#also RIP to me. if there are mistakes i'm sorry. my fingers are just cold and i'm tired of typing lmao
gingerteaonthetardis · 10 months
Apple cider, and any variant of Tucker and Rose you’d like (I know you have a couple lol)
thinky! thank you so much for this prompt. i once again just sort of started another au with it, because i have no self control. i just love putting these two in Situations. or three, rather. wilf showed up in this one, for some reason. hope you enjoy (when you get your internet back, lol)!
read on ao3 here. or send me a prompt here!
something for nothing
"Hot," Rose asked, thrusting out her hands, "or cold?"
In each was a paper cup, the left one gently steaming while the older man glanced back and forth between them with his usual consideration.
"That depends. Is it chocolate?"
"Coffee, then?"
"No." She failed to stifle a grin. "Sylvia would have my head and you know it."
An extremely unnatural-looking scowl made its way across his face. "It's not one of those fancy 'steamer' things, is it? Those always end up tasting like plain old spoiled milk."
Rose shook her head in fond impatience. "Just pick one, will you? Or they'll both be cold."
His eyes narrowed beneath his bright yellow bobble hat. "Fine, then. Hot," Wilf finally declared. "But this had better not be like the time you put chewy stuff in my tea."
"Boba," she corrected. "And don't worry, only liquid in there. And some spices, of course."
At this, Wilf took a long inhale, his nose hovering just above the thread of steam. It was endlessly endearing, how dubious he was about the whole exercise.
Then again, she had just been a stranger who walked up and offered him eggnog, that first time.
It had been nearly a year ago, around the holidays, and she'd been leaving after another long, tedious shift at the café across the way. Her manager had given rare permission to close up early after Rose pulled a double, but she'd not taken advantage: instead, she'd satisfied an intense exhaustion-fueled craving for eggnog by whipping it up right there in the shop.
But she'd made a bit too much, and with no one to share it with, she'd spied the old man at his newspaper stall—such a merry figure, like Father Christmas himself in a heavy red-and-white striped scarf, packing up his stacks of paper like gifts bundled in twine. He'd looked so cheerful and so cold, with his red nose and fingerless gloves, that she went out and offered him a cup of still-warm eggnog. He'd kindly offered a copy of Radio Times in trade, and suddenly they were talking like old friends.
That had been the beginning of a ritual which she held to after nearly every shift she worked. She never emerged without two cups of something to share, and he always held aside a paper or magazine he thought she'd like. They didn't always chat, but they did undeniably enjoy one another's company.
Rose thought of him almost like an adopted grandfather.
She watched with amusement as he put his eye to the narrow hole in the lid like it was the lens of a telescope, trying to see the colour of the substance within. She bit down hard on her lip. "What can you see?"
"Not much," Wilf admitted.
"Drink it! I promise there's nothing odd in there—well, too odd, I mean."
He shook his head at her, but he was smiling as he went to take a sip. She waited, holding her breath—and was delighted when his eyes lit up.
"Oh, that's not bad," he proclaimed, "not bad at all!" As he took another sip, Rose finally lifted her own cup to her lips.
Ripe apple, cinnamon, nutmeg—a faint hint of smoke—even cold, it all burst over her tongue, evoking a sense memory disconnected from anything she'd ever personally experienced. It reminded her of campfire nights after crisp autumn days, falling leaves and waning grey skies. Days so perfect they could really only exist in films, or books, or daydreams.
"It's cider, but with a little—something! Very good, Rose," Wilf added warmly. "So, what's the secret?"
"An infusion of lapsang souchong while the cider's warming up." She was a little proud of that one. "And all the usual suspects—clove, cinnamon, a tiny bit of anise… I have more," she said, patting her thermos where it stuck out of her messenger bag. She'd planned to take it home and sip it with her feet up in front of the telly, but seeing how eagerly Wilf drank from his cup made her want to share more instead. "Want a refill?"
"Let me see to what I've got first," he said, after another savoring sip. "It's good stuff! Is it going on the menu?"
She scoffed. "Of course not. Nobody around here wants fussy cider. They just want tea, or else coffee, black, no sugar—god, if you only knew how many red eyes I make in a day…"
"Well, it is Westminster," Wilf reasoned, looking around at the street which, while presently quiet, was crowded with buildings still fully lit up at long past six. "There's always some crisis they're perverting."
Rose hesitated. "You mean averting?"
"I meant what I said," he replied with a chuckle. "Takes a lot of energy to play at running the world."
"Yes, well, I just wish they'd get a bit more creative with their drink orders while they do it. Civilisation won't end if one of them branches out and adds a shot of vanilla to their latte! And," she went on, voice hushing dramatically, "then there's the peacoats. They all wear the same bloody shapeless things. What is with that?"
"Speaking of peacoats…" Wilf coughed, clearly covering a laugh. "Evening, Mr. Tucker!"
Rose tripped over her own feet whirling around to see who he was talking to, and then nearly stumbled up again when she saw who it was.
Malcolm Tucker.
The Malcolm Tucker.
The scariest man in British politics, and possibly in Great Britain generally, stood about a foot away from her.
She recognised his face from Wilf's newspapers and the occasional clip on telly: fair eyes, humped nose, harsh lines bracketing a restless mouth, head crowned with tarnished silver hair. Under the flat, unforgiving light of the street lamps, he looked hyperreal. But even someone who didn't know his face would see evidence of his hand everywhere. He ruled the media with it. He puppeted the ministry with it.
And he was shaking Wilf's hand with it.
"Wilf, how the fuck's business?" he greeted, breezing right past her, smiling with the kind of familiarity that couldn't be faked. It even looked sincere. He brushed close enough that she could smell the wool of his coat, and she winced.
"Better, now that your mug's back out of the papers, sir!" Wilf laughed, and strangely, so did Tucker. "What'll it be today? We've got the New Statesman, fresh out this morning. There's an interview with your man, that baldy economist—"
But the other man brushed him off carelessly. "Oh, please, none of that, I'm off the clock."
"What brings you round, then?" For a second, Wilf's eyes darted sheepishly her way, and she could only goggle back in confusion. It was like he didn’t want to give something away, something secret. To Tucker, he said, voice low, "Celebrity Skin?"
Rose's jaw dropped. "Wilf!"
"Now, now, Rose, you can hardly fault the man! Just because he's in government doesn't mean he's made of metal."
"It's not him scandalizing me," she shot back with a laugh. "Wilfred Mott, I learn something new about you every day."
“Got to keep you interested, don't I?” Teasing though his tone was, there was also a glint of genuine pride as he added, “Or else I'll stop getting the best hot drinks in London hand-delivered to me!”
They were so busy sharing smiles that it took her a moment to remember they had audience. A rather intimidating audience. One of his iron-dark eyebrows was arched in something like humour. “That so?” Tucker said, eyeing her up and down.
“She’s more than just a pretty face, she is,” Wilf replied, and she felt herself flush. Whether it was from Wilf’s blunt, overenthusiastic praise or the assessing look she was receiving from the Prime Minister’s media enforcer, she couldn’t tell. “You should—oi, Rose, why don't you give him a little of that cider stuff? Mr. Tucker looks cold. Or maybe that’s just his personality.”
She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, amused by the blatant ribbing. He’d accompanied it with a wink, and Tucker didn’t seem offended. In fact, his smile was back, spreading slowly, like it was foreign to his mouth.
“Not sure that's a good idea, actually,” she said.
“Why not?” asked Tucker, locking eyes with her for the first time. There was just something about his face; she knew she ought to be intimidated by him—and maybe she was, a little—but she was at least equally fascinated. He looked just like a man, ordinary.
Except not.
His gaze was too intense for that. Like it was used to cutting right through people. All day, people with glazed-over eyes muttered orders at her—barely seemed to even notice her. It was a startling change, to feel so… observed.
She blinked. “Do you usually risk drinks from strangers?”
“You're saying you wouldn't, if you were me?”
“If I were you—there’s an idea,” she dared with a breathless laugh. “If I were you, we probably wouldn't have quite so many bald, boring blokes in office. And things would probably get a bit more West Wing. But I wouldn't risk poisoning, no.”
“You're clever, then.” The smile that played around his mouth was a shade off the one he’d offered Wilf, but she liked it all the same. “Cleverer than me.” Her eyebrows jumped, and the corners of his lips only ticked higher. “I'd love a warm drink, if you can spare one. It's been a… very long day.”
And she didn’t know quite how, or why, or anything at all, but her hands just started moving on their own, sliding down the strap of her bag to the pouch with her thermos. She was actually going to share her drink with the Hitman of Downing Street, the thing that lurked under the beds of the ministers she saw on television.
You couldn’t make this stuff up.
“Easy, now,” Tucker drily warned. “No sudden moves. I might get clever.”
She chuffed a laugh. “Not likely.” But she slowed anyway, attention bouncing momentarily to Wilf—who was watching their exchange with a rapt and wildly amused expression—before she turned back to Tucker.
His eyes were more reflective of the colour of the sky than she’d ever imagined eyes could be. So blue and grey that it was like looking through the clearest water at the river stones beneath.
She couldn't quite shake off the observation—couldn't manage an appropriate amount of detachment as she withdrew the thermos and twisted it open. Concentrated steam burst free, smelling sweet and enticingly sharp, and she extended the mug out to him.
He took it. And when their fingers brushed over the warm metal, it hit her.
What she was feeling was attraction.
Her first thought was oh, Mum’s going to brick herself if I tell her. Which, of course, Rose wouldn’t. After Jimmy Stone and the complete fiasco he’d created in her life as a teenager, she knew better. But what would Jackie Tyler say about Malcolm bloody Tucker? He'd been working in politics for practically half Rose’s lifetime.
She could just imagine her mum's face, the repulsion and horror, and the picture was incongruous enough that it successfully pulled Rose out of her stupor. She withdrew her hand, feeling the cold snap of air instantly, more fiercely than she might have.
With a tense eye, she watched him lift the thermos to his lips. Watched him drink, slow and contemplative. He didn't seem particularly slow or contemplative by nature, so it must have been for her benefit. Her fingers made fists, which she wedged into her coat pockets.
He took another sip. Then proclaimed, “That's very good. Is that tea I taste?”
Her smile bloomed without thought or permission. “Secret recipe,” she said. “Now you owe me four pounds fifty.”
Those eyebrows leapt again before resettling even lower than before. He looked very intent. “You charge our mutual friend,” and here, he glanced at Wilf, “for cider, too, or is it just me who pays for the privilege?”
“Well, you know what your sort say—no such thing as a free lunch. Or cider,” she added, realising exactly what was about to come out of her mouth and doing nothing at all to stop it. “Wilf pays me back in magazines and good conversation. So what'll you give me, Malcolm Tucker?”
And god, she was actually doing it. She was flirting with him.
Beside her, Wilf was laughing into his fist. Part of her was embarrassed—or would be later—that she was making a fool of herself in front of the old man. He’d certainly rub her nose in it the next time she popped out with a drink. That was just what family did.
But there was another part of her, a much deeper and more untameable part, which insisted on saying, What the hell? Why not?
After all, this would probably be her only chance to tease one of the most powerful men in England. The prospect of pushing him, even a little, felt dangerous, rebellious. Deliciously improbable. And if there was a little extortion involved, well—he was hardly a man with clean hands.
One of those hands, she noted, slid into the pocket of that ridiculous peacoat—which was, she could admit, beginning to grow on her a little; it contrasted sharply against his skin and hair, so pale and severe—and he withdrew something small and white and rectangular. He extended it to her, but before she could take it, his hand snapped back. He seemed on the verge of smiling again.
Then, tipping back his head, he took another long drink from the thermos. A long, long drink.
She grinned, watching his throat bob. The bastard was draining the mug. Getting his money’s worth, she supposed.
She found she didn't mind. Her evening was shaping up to be substantially different than she’d expected.
Only when he'd finished with a faint hum of appreciation and returned the thermos did he give over the proffered card. It was simple, unremarkable white cardstock with crisp black text.
Malcolm Tucker
Director of Communications for the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
10 Downing Street, Westminster, London
Below were two phone numbers. One was crossed out, the smudged ink suggesting he’d done so recently. The second number was indicated as his personal line, and her breath caught. Was he mad, handing out this information to a veritable stranger? Did he know the trouble she could make for him if she started, say, making copies and handing them out with every cup of coffee she sold to his more politically repellant enemies? Of which there were many?
“Don't get clever,” he warned her, and there was a trace of real threat there. She felt it. It made her spine straighten and something senselessly warm unfurl in her belly. Then he said, mildly, “Call it an IOU.”
She looked up at the man before her and wondered if he was mad—or perhaps just fearless—or possibly, she guessed with a tilt of her head, he was lonely.
But whatever he was—and however much she needed to get her head checked for being so intrigued by it—there was only one way to find out.
Rose slipped the card into the back pocket of her denims, meeting his unwavering eyes the whole time, smiling to herself. She bit down on the tip of her tongue to prevent it spreading.
“Well,” she said, trying to sound tough, “it’s not exactly four pounds fifty. But it’ll do.”
Tucker smirked. And—oh, yeah, she thought. Mum’s definitely gonna lose it.
14 notes · View notes
her-power · 10 months
The End of All Things (e.m. x fem reader)
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C/W: 18++++ MDNI, I'm serious! Sweet! Eddie, smut, fluff, fingering (f receiving) oral (f+m receiving) unprotected p in v (don't be silly, wrap your willy!) making out, swearing, grief, hurt/comfort, parentloss, death, talk of death, best friends in love summary: This takes place 5 years after the events of S4. Midsummer 1991. Eddie & reader are in their mid twenties. Eddie is your best friend and has come to you after an unimaginable loss you just endured. You realize your feelings for him during this time, and sweetness and sexiness ensues. I originally was going for a subtle smutty-ness, but I got carried away, whoooops. (I suck at summaries, I'm so sorry)
A/N: This is based off of a life changing event that happened to me when I was seventeen. A lot of it has actual conversations/reactions from said event. This was insanely therapeutic for me to write, and I thank you all for reading this if you do, this goes out to all the ones who suffered a loss and are still actively healing. I see you, you are a rockstar and keep going <3 I also pay a little homage to Matthew Perry/Chandler Bing. I'm still not over it and Chandler will always be my comfort character like Eddie. This may have multiple parts, I also semi-proofread this, sorry for any mistakes! The title is a Panic! At the Disco song, it's been on repeat for awhile for me and I think it's perfect for this so definitely take a listen to it after you read this.
Word Count: 7.5k
“She’s gone.”
Your breath hitches as you stare at the wide amber eyes of your father from where you sat on the couch. He was clasping your hands tight as you stared at him. Your throat tightens.
“You’re lying.” A smirk tugs at your lips, this was a joke. The second those words left your lips you felt something cold creep up your spine, turning your stomach into knots.
“Honey, I’m not. She’s gone, she—” 
You stand up fast, ripping your hands out of his. Your bottom lip trembles as you feel your tears burn the corners of your eyes. 
“You’re lying!” You yell at him. “Where’s Mom?! Where is she?! You’re lying!”
Your father drops his face into his hands, his shoulders shaking with sobs. You knew he wasn’t lying; you knew it. It didn’t mean you had to believe it.
She wasn’t dead. She wasn’t dead.  Wasn’t. Dead. She’s dead.
Those words swirl in your mind as you quietly groan. Your fingers clench at the hem of your black camisole, pulling and tugging at the thin material, feeling too hot, too tight. 
“N-no…” You whimper, your vision blurring as you stare at your distraught father.
Your very core burns, it stings, and you couldn’t tell if you had a heartbeat. Is that what she felt? You wonder.  Hunching forward, the pain in your chest was building and building as you loudly gasp.
“Nooooooooo!” You wail loudly. You find yourself pumping your legs towards somewhere, anywhere. An escape.
The door.
You swallow back bile as you push your front door open with your shoulder, you awkwardly stumble down the front steps, and the cool midsummer air caresses your face as your feet hit the paved driveway. You gasp again, gripping at your chest, and then you scream.
You didn’t know you could make a sound like that. A sound that was full of pain, full of anger, full of a feeling of invisible hands squeezing your heart until it bursts in your chest. Your scream echoes through the quiet neighborhood; you inhale another shaky breath, nails clawing at your stomach as you wail again. 
A dog barks in the distance, a porch light turns on, then another. You swear you just heard someone say your name. You lift your head to the sky; the stars were so visible and beautiful that night, looking like small freckles kissing the dark sky.  Your legs tremble beneath you, they’re numb, and you feel them start to buckle-
Strong arms grab you from behind, wrapping protectively around your middle; hot breath hits the back of your neck. Cool metal from ringed fingers touches your skin, hugging your arms to your chest as you let out another heartbreaking wail.
“It’s me, it’s me, sweetheart."
Eddie.  Your best friend since you moved to this shitty town ten years ago. Your sweet, chaotic, beautiful Eddie.  Your legs finally give out and he gently cradles your back against his chest, resting his forehead against your bare shoulders, feeling the roughness of hard pavement as your bum hits the ground. Your head leans back against his shoulder, his curly hair tickling your cheek ever so softly.
“H-how…” You try to form words; they were caught in your throat; you weren’t even sure if you had a voice anymore.
You wanted to ask how he got to you so fast, and if he could hear you all the way from his trailer a mile away. You’re practically sitting in his lap; his calloused fingers gently smooth out your mess of waves in your hair. Your vision blurred with hot tears as you could feel the Earth shattering beneath you. His hands find your face, his fingers cup behind your ear as he turns your face to his gently.  Only the soft light from the front porch light illuminated his handsome features.  Eddie. Your Eddie.  His big brown eyes are wide as he stares at you, he looks terrified. He has never seen you this way before. You called him a few hours ago in the afternoon to tell him your mom had to go to the hospital for an emergency surgery, that you had to stay home to wait by the phone for updates from your father and you would promise to call him when you knew more. You were supposed to go to his place to smoke some weed and order pizza, a traditional Thursday night thing for you both. You figured he probably wondered what was taking so long, it had been hours. And for as long as you have known Eddie Munson, he didn’t have much patience; it was hard for him to sit still. Your fingers twirl the ends of his hair as you try to focus on him. 
“Tell me.” He says quietly.
You can already see tears forming in his eyes, and you suddenly realize this is the closest you’ve ever been to him. Your noses were almost touching. You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head from side to side, spitting and blubbering out more tears as the pain tightens its grip on your heart once more.
“I can’t.” You manage to gasp out. “Don’t…Eds, don’t make me say it.”
His hand cups over his mouth as he stares at you, realization settling on his face. 
“No…” He inhales sharply. “No, Y/N…there’s no way.” 
A memory flashes in your mind just then, a memory from only a few months ago.
You sat on the counter in the kitchen with your mom and Eddie as she made dinner. She was making his favorite chicken parmesan because it had been the five-year anniversary since he was no longer a suspect of those murders that had occurred that Spring. Your parents never believed he had anything to do with it, and it was your mother standing up for him at the town meeting that really helped his case, partially because the entire town was afraid of a hard-headed strong woman who grew up in South Boston, Massachusetts and also there was no evidence at any of the scenes of his involvement, or that he was a Satan worshipper.  The other kicker was that Jason had disappeared, and everyone just assumed he did it after that. However, it didn’t stop the town from calling the cops every time they saw him walking somewhere or blasting Metallica from his speakers in his trailer. When your mom had her back turned, he attempted to stick his finger in the boiling pot of homemade meat sauce. Your mother wasn’t stupid, you swore she had eyes on the back of her head. She poked him in the side with the ladle handle, causing him to yelp.
“Come on! Just one taste! I promise I won’t ask for anymore until it’s ready. I’m STARVING.” Eddie pleaded, giving her a pathetic puppy dog look. 
“Kid, get out of my kitchen. I’m not falling for that look again, I got stuck with you for ten years!” Your mother chuckles, stirring the sauce. 
“You got stuck with a very handsome, talented, super funny son you always wanted! Did I mention handsome?” He towers over her and had sweetly rested his head on her shoulder, giving her a goofy grin.  Your mother used the palm of her hand to push his face away and laughs.
“It’s my caring daughter’s fault for LITERALLY dragging you out of the mud that summer.” 
Eddie looks at you, his smile reaching his eyes. “Yeah, your daughter is pretty awesome.”
He winks at you, and you roll your eyes, trying to hide the heat rising to your cheeks. 
“Don’t kiss my ass, Munson.” Your mom laughs. “I’m sending you home a plate for your uncle, and you better give it to him this time!"
“He politely declined!”
“No he didn’t, you ate it on the way there!” You banter back at him. He whips his head around to look at you, his face falling in mock betrayal. 
“You are not my best friend anymore!” He wraps an arm around your mom’s shoulders and kisses the top of her head. “She’s my best friend now!”
You roll your eyes and laugh, hopping off the counter and making your way back to your room, but not before hearing your mother say this to Eddie:
"Everyone is out of their damn mind for not getting to know you or love you like we do. Jokes aside, honey, I can never ever replace your own mother, but I will make damn sure that you know that you can always come to me for anything.”
“Awww, Mrs. Y/L/N. Don’t make me blush-ow!” He laughs, you’re guessing she pinched him.
“I’m serious, Munson.” 
“I know, I know.” You can hear the smile in his tone. “Thank you. Thank you for everything.” 
You stare him now; he’s trying so hard not to cry. 
“Fuck.” His voice shakes and he pulls you into his arms for a hug.“Fuck. I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” 
Your fingers curl into the fabric of his Motley Crue t-shirt. Your mouth muffled by his shoulder.
“I’m sorry too.” You whimper. He hugs you tighter, and you can’t help but completely melt into his arms. 
Your father had left the house the same night. Your mom’s brother lived an hour away, who was completely beside himself over the loss of his little sister. You could see that your father was exhausted, that he was tired of making fall calls and answering the phone. You could tell he wanted to go see his brother-in-law. He was already talking about arrangements, and you pretty much forced him to go see your uncle, that the arrangements could wait and that everyone needed to clear their head because she had just died. You assured him that Eddie didn’t plan on going anywhere and that she wasn’t going to be alone, that Wayne was aware of what had happened and knew where he was.
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You sat on the floor of your living room an hour after your father had left. The rotary phone was at your hip, the receiver at your ear before you slammed it down and yanked the cord from the wall. You were over the phone calls too. The cops were called, apparently a neighbor had saw Eddie “lurking” around your house and assumed that was the cause of your screaming.  You were too pissed, too grief stricken, too exhausted to bite your tongue. You had snapped at Office Hopper, but as always, he handled your snapping as graciously as he always did.
“Who was it?” You snapped. “Mrs. Hansen, right? That bitch always had a problem with us because my mother was so outspoken. She could never say shit to her face but would say it to our other neighbors. Well, guess what Kathy! SHE’S DEAD NOW!” You scream out your front door, Eddie’s hands were on your shoulders, gently pulling you back in the doorway.
“Easy, easy.” He mutters in your ear. 
“Y/N. There’s no need to yell, I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss, but when we get a call that is concerning like that, we have—"
“Why is he still being targeted as the town freak? He has done nothing wrong, ever! We’re not in school anymore, we’re practically grown-ups. We work, we play nerdy games, and we listen to music. Come on, Hop. You know she didn’t call over concern for me. She hates me.”
Hopper sighs, taking off his hat. “You have to be respectful to your neighbors. You know this. Especially…” He lowers his voice and leans closer to you. “Especially the ones who call when a cat shits on their lawn.” 
A smile tugs at your lips, and your face softens. 
“Get some rest kid. Let us know if you need anything.” He glances at Eddie. “Take care of her, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Eddie nods. “Yeah, I know Hop. Thanks.” He says softly.
You shut the door quietly and lock it. You glance at the clock, not believing it was after midnight. You comb your fingers through your knotted hair.
“I’m going to wash up. I need to scrub this fucking night off me.” 
He nods at you, and you gently squeeze his hand as you walk by him into the bathroom. Eddie watches as you walk away, his breath hitching as soon as you close the bathroom door. He runs his hands through his hair and shudders. Eddie was usually pretty good with his words, most of the time he could never stop talking, but tonight, he had none. He had no idea how to comfort you, he had no idea what to say, or what to do. He loved your mother.  That woman took him in like her own with no questions asked and it got to a point where Wayne would offer her money, which she would always refuse. She was the only one besides Wayne to defend him after the murders and all the bullshit with Hellfire. You had told him that Hopper had to practically restrain her from punching one of the mechanics who wanted to go on a witch hunt to find you; you told him you had never seen Hopper so scared for another human being.  Eddie has tears form in his eyes and he quickly swallows them back, groaning quietly from the stinging and aching in his chest. Your mother treated him like a son, and he knows he would never feel that again and that hurt. It also hurt that Eddie had never told her how he felt about you, how for so many years he would be brave enough to pull her aside and say something but would pussy out last minute. Eddie wanted your mother’s approval. It had been like that for ten years. Yeah, he slept around, wasn’t a virgin by any means, but none of them ever stuck. All those girls, those women, he always wished it was you. He loved you; he loved you so much, but now, he wasn’t sure if he could ever tell you.
You peel off your clothes after you begin filling the bath, you stare at yourself in the mirror. You look like you aged fifteen years in a few hours. Blood shot eyes, hair a wild mess, cheeks crimson from all the screaming and tears. You sigh as you step into the bath, the water hot and you wince as you feel every muscle unclench as you slide into the porcelain, until just your head is exposed above the water. You stare up at the tile on the ceiling, marking each corner that had cobwebs that you made a mental note to clean. You close your eyes, inhaling a breath as you sink your whole face under the water. The sounds are muffled, the sound of the faucet still filling the tub vibrates around you.  You wonder what it felt like, what she felt. Did her heart stop first? Or her brain? Did she know she was going to die? You open your eyes underwater, your chest clenches again and you stop holding your breath. Your mother’s lifeless face flashes in your mind and you gasp in water, quickly lifting yourself up, knocking over the shampoo bottles. You sputter and cough out the water you had just inhaled. Tears spring to your eyes and you begin to sob and suddenly felt so, so alone.
“Eddie.”  You groan out, but your voice felt small. “Eddie!” You call again, the tears still spilling. 
You hear a shuffling of footsteps outside the bathroom door, and a soft knock. “Are you alright in there?”
You had forgotten you were naked and submerged in water as you lean forward to turn the faucet off. You felt insanely vulnerable, but you needed to clean yourself up. You just didn’t want to be alone.  You bring your knees up to your chest, resting your cheek on your knee, doing your best to cover your breasts and torso. The lower half of your body was hidden by the soap bubbles. 
“You can come in.” You tell him meekly, wiping away the hot tears.
You knew he hesitated, it took him a few moments to respond. “Are-are you sure?”
“Yes, I just need…I just need someone in here with me.” 
The latch on the door clicks open, and he slowly pushes it open with his toe. His eyes were already averted to the ceiling as he walked in, trying his best to be respectful. 
“You can look at me, Eddie. It’s okay.” Wow, you thought to yourself, you were feeling brave.
A blush rises to his cheeks, and he meets your eyes, breathing a sigh of relief when he could only see your bare shoulders, legs and back. He sits on the floor next to the bathtub, leaning his back against the wall and looks at the side of your face. 
“Talk to me.” He says sweetly, resting his chin against the lip of the porcelain.
He watches you make the washcloth swim back and forth in front of you, and he gently leans towards your hands, taking the cloth from you. He waits for you to say something, but you don’t. He takes the small bottle of body wash and squirts a glob of it on the cloth, gently massaging it into the fabric. Your heart was racing, and you hear him inhale a shaky breath. He kneels up a little, the warm washcloth hits your skin so gently as he carefully traces circles around your shoulders. You shudder, a warmness settling in your tummy. 
“What am I gonna do?” You say quietly, tears burn your eyes again and you groan, you were tired of the tears.
Eddie swallows hard, gently moving a piece of your hair back to wash your neck. This felt foreign to you, this semi-erotic moment of him touching you like this, so sweetly, so gently. Your Eddie.
“I don’t know.” He says to you. “I wish I did, but I don’t.” 
You lift your head to look at him, seeing a blush creeping up as the hills of your breasts are exposed. You watch him as he concentrates on your back, gently moving the cloth up your neck, your eyes flutter close. He dips the washcloth in the water and squeezes out the excess, pausing before moving his way towards your lower back.
“You know whatever you need, I’m here. Okay?” He tells you and you nod. He gently wipes away an exposed tear from your cheek. “You’re kind of stuck with me at this point.” 
Your face scrunches up in mock annoyance and he laughs, you chuckle. “Yeah, I know. Thank you.” 
He's looking into your eyes now and your eyes dart to his lips, before looking back into his eyes. He quickly glances away to finish washing your back and you turn your body towards him so suddenly, water splashes up and he drops the washcloth. You don’t know where this feeling came from, how you just wanted to continue to be touched by him, be loved by him. Was it the grief? You weren’t sure, but you sure as hell wanted to feel something else besides the fucking horrendous pain. Your hands are on his shoulders, the wetness from you dampened the ends of his hair as he stared at you with wide eyes. 
“What are you doing?” He whispers, his hands reaching up to cup your wrists.
You could tell he didn’t want to overstep, and he kept his eyes just on you, your eyes. He was a gentleman in all the right ways; but he desperately wanted to look at your body. You were fully exposed to him besides your lower half, and he had dreamt of a moment like this. Your hands touch his cheeks, your nose barely grazes his.
“Kiss me, please?” You say quietly, and his breath hitches.
His hand cups the back of your wet hair, pulling you towards him slightly as your breathing picks up. You could feel him tremble as you lean closer, your breasts pressing against the coolness from the porcelain, your nipples hardening at the contact. You push your mouth onto his, his plush lips as soft as you imagined they would be. He uses his other hand to cup your neck, you opened his mouth with yours, feeling his tongue enter your mouth so carefully. You were kissing your best friend. You were kissing your best friend. You were kissing Eddie. Your Eddie.
You wrap both arms around his shoulders, and his hands wraps around your middle. He was getting comfortable, years and years of his love for you was spilling out in this exact moment. You feel him lift you so easily out of the tub, awkwardly stumbling into the wall. Not realizing how strong he was, he grabs your ass, hoisting you up to wrap your legs around his waist. You could feel his clothes soaking from the contact of your wet skin and could feel the wetness that pooled between your legs as he kept kissing you, blindly searching for the handle of the door. The cool air from the living room air conditioner hits your bare skin, causing gooseflesh to prickle all over you. You push your body against his more, deepening the kiss and he groans, bumping into everything you both contacted. Pictures became crooked on the walls, you heard something tip over from a few of the shelves, and you finally make it to your bedroom door. Your back hits it a little roughly, and he pulls away from you to catch his breath before pressing his mouth to yours again and he finds the doorknob with one hand as the other continues to hold you up. You both fall to your bed with an oomph, you start laughing hard because your head had clunked against the headboard, and he looks at you with wide eyes.
“Shit.” He breathes out, pulling away from your lips and laughs. “I’m sorry, are you okay?” 
You smile at him and nod, your lips pulsating from the kissing. He smiles down at you, rubbing your cheek, your hair, his hand gently smooths its way down your bare arms, towards your hips. He’s still looking at you, wanting to make sure it was okay for him to really see you before going further. You rub his cheek, and he leans into it, gently kissing your palm as he hovers above you. He was still trembling, and you take his hand, placing it on your skin below your breast. His calloused fingers squeeze the spot gently, his fingers barely grazing the underside of it as you watch his throat bob. He leans towards you and kisses your lips gently, leaning back on his heels as his eyes dart over your body. You bend your knees ever so slightly; he places his hands on your knees and kneels between your legs. He lets out a sigh and smiles sweetly at you and pulls off his shirt. His fingers trace a soft line over your ribs, he makes circles over your navel, the soft skin at your hips. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers to you, he chuckles awkwardly. “I mean, you’ve always been beautiful to me, not that just your body is beautiful. Your face is beautiful too, and your heart. All of you, everything—”
“Eddie, take a deep breath.” You smile, moving your palm up his torso and cupping his cheek.
He laughs, inhaling deeply, and places both hands on the side of your head as he leans down, your legs wrap around his jeans, feeling his eager bulge through the zipper. He kisses you softly, pulling away to look into your eyes. You could see tears form at the corners of eyes and you hold his face in your hand.
“What? What is it?”
He sighs, leaning up on his elbow. “For so many years, I wanted to tell your mom something that had been eating at me.” He groans, a single tear falls down his cheek and you wipe it away. “I wanted to tell her how insanely in love with you I was…I am.”
Your eyes widen at his confession, your heart does a back flip, and you feel your own tears prickle your eyes. 
“I know it doesn’t mean much now, because she’s gone…fuck.” More tears spill from his eyes, you wipe them away, he holds your hand to his cheek. “I loved her. I loved her so much and she became a mother to me at a time when I really needed her, and she always told me I could tell her anything. I should’ve told her how I felt about you sooner, and I’m sorry I didn’t.”
Your heart broke for him. You knew how much he really did love your mom. Their relationship was for sure that of a mother and son. He had called her one night from the Hideout in the middle of the night because he got into a fight with a stupid townie and she’d bring him back to your house, cleaning up his wounds and comforting him. One night he had fallen asleep on your couch from a night of too much drinking, and she tucked him in, placing a large cooking pot next to him in case he had to puke. She would do so many motherly things for him that he wasn’t used to, and once he was finally comfortable enough to accept those gestures, he felt like a little boy again.  You bite your bottom lip to stop it from trembling and you give him a smile.
“I think she knew.” You curl your fingers through his hair.
“How?” He asks you.
“I never really thought much about it at the time, but she would throw subtle ‘son in law’ jokes at me and I would just ignore her. Because you were my best friend, there was no way you’d feel any other way than that. Or so I thought.” 
You trace an outline on his lips with your finger. “You love me?”
He nods, not bothering to wipe another stray tear away. “More than you know.” 
“I love you, too.” You tell him softly and he smiles.
“Yeah? You sure?”
You roll your eyes, tugging a piece of his hair and he yelps. “Don’t make me take it back.”
He laughs, caressing your face with the back of his hand, smoothing out your wet hair. He leans down, kissing you softly. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him onto you, he lets out a hot breath as you push your tongue in his mouth. His hands travel down the dip in your shoulder, down the middle of your chest and stops on the curve of your breast. You feel the coolness of his metal ring against your skin, your nipple hardens, and you gasp in his mouth when you feel his fingers gently pinch the hardened bud. His mouth finds your throat, leaving kissing trails down to your shoulders, still pinching and squeezing your breasts as you squirm beneath him. His mouth takes your nipple in his mouth, and you hear him softly moan as he gently bites down. His tongue swirls around the bud and sucks, and you arch your back. His hand travels down your navel and over your sex. You whimper when you feel his fingers spread your lips apart and he runs a finger over your clit. He pulls away from your breast and kisses you hungrily, his fingers tracing circles around your clit, pushing down and he smirks against your lips when you let out a loud moan. No one has ever taken their time with you; you have only had sex with two men in your life and it was always you finishing them off first and them being “too tired” to return the favor. Eddie knew what he was doing, you knew this wasn’t his first rodeo, and you desperately wanted to know what else he could do. He pulls away from your lips, licking and kissing a trail all the way down to your navel. He leans back on his heels, and your eyes widen at the outline of his hardened cock beneath his jeans. He places his fingers in his mouth, sucking off the taste of you and you squirm at how sexy he looked. You bend your knees and open your legs wider. 
“Damn.” He mutters, scooting back to lay in front of your dripping cunt. He wraps his arms around your thighs and pulls you closer to his face. “You really are beautiful.”
He kisses your clit gently, you arch your back, gripping at the sheets beneath you. His tongue swirls around the sensitive nerves, and he sucks on it, letting out a loud groan. It vibrated your entire body, and you moan. His fingers press into the meat of your thighs as he buries his face closer, his tongue lapping at your hole as you could already feel yourself about to burst. You grip his hair, tugging on it hard, which sends him into a frenzy, and you feel two fingers slide their way into you. 
You moan his name, and he begins to pump those fingers into you, pressing against the sponginess of your g-spot. He continues to devour your clit and you lean up on your elbows to watch him. You couldn’t believe this was happening, you couldn’t believe that your best friend of ten years was doing these things to you.  Your Eddie.  He pulls away from your clit, feeling you clench around his fingers, and he slinks his way back up your body, his chin wet and dripping of you. He kisses you passionately, you moan at the taste of yourself, and he continues pumping his fingers in and out. His thumb finds your clit and rubs circles, you hold onto his shoulders as he kisses you, feeling yourself close to release. He pulls away from your lips for a moment.
“Come on, baby. I know you can cum for me.” His voice was lower, almost deeper.
Those words almost sent you over the edge, words you never in a million years thought would come out of his mouth. He pumps harder and groans as your hand finds his cock through his jeans and you rub your hand over the material. You dig your nails into his shoulders, and he lets out a hot breath against your neck, whimpering at the sheer intensity and passion.
“Fuck, Eddie…”  
You moan out in pleasure and he groans against your neck. You feel the pressure building and building in your lower belly and you cling onto him as your orgasm rips through you and you cry out. He keeps his fingers inside of you, riding the orgasm out with you, the overstimulation was insanely uncomfy but as he kept pumping into you, you eased into another hard orgasm and your body shook beneath him. He slides his fingers out of you, you catch your breath as you continue to cling onto him. His hands grip your hip, and he looks at you, a smile creeping on his lips. You sigh, crashing your lips against his, unbuttoning his jeans hurriedly and sliding them off. His lips graze against your ear lobe and you roll him onto his back with your legs and he giggles. You laugh, kissing his lips, his neck and you lean up on your heels. His hands hold onto your hips.  The length of him was almost intimidating, you bite your bottom lip and take him in your hands, gently moving your fist up and down. He lets out a deep groan and his eyes squeeze shut, arching his back. You rub his precum over his tip and he shivers, you move your head towards his cock and glance up at him. He looks at you with half lidded eyes and you lick a long strip from the base all the way to the tip, taking him into your mouth. 
“Oh…oh my, unghhh—”  
A loud, throaty moan escapes him, surprising you both and you both laugh. He covers his face with both his hands shyly, slightly embarrassed by the sound he just made. You kiss his tip, licking down his shaft and he whimpers. He grips the back of your head as you bob up and down, taking him all in, rubbing his balls to get him to squirm. He let out a low growl, a sound so animalistic and sexy you couldn’t believe you were the cause.  He wanted to feel you, he wanted to be inside you and couldn’t wait any longer. He pulls at your hair, lifting your head up, your lips were swollen and wet with spit. 
“Come here.” He says breathlessly. “Now.”
You crawl up to him, his lips catch yours in a passionate kiss. You were trembling now as you lined yourself up with his length. He cups the back of your head, sweetly pecking your lips as his other hand grips at your hips. You keep your face close to his, your lips barely touching as you lower yourself onto his cock. He squeezes your hips, throwing his head back into the pillow and lets out a throaty groan. You whimper as you take him all in, slowly rocking your hips to get used to the size of him as he stretches you out.
“Are you okay?” He whispers to you, lifting his arm up to cup your cheek. 
You nod, pleasure was building in your belly as you grind against him, your clit rubs generously on his pelvis. You look into his eyes, running your hand up his chest, over his tattoos, tracing his lips with your fingers. You insert two fingers into his mouth, which he takes willingly and sucks. You move your hips up and then down, hard. His moan vibrates on your fingers as you rock faster against him; you remove your fingers and begin playing with yourself with that same hand as he watches you in awe. He arches his hips into you, and you cry out, your head falling back, he caresses and pinches your nipples.  You lean forward, using the headboard as support to continue your movement. His tongue traces circles around your nipple, sucking hard and squeezing both with his hands. He moves onto the next one, you moan louder into his ear, and he grabs your ass, burying his cock deeper into you. 
In one swift motion, he flips you on your back. His eyes stare into your soul, and you kiss him. He kisses you back with the same hungriness from earlier, taking your leg and moving it onto his shoulder as he thrusts into you.  An insanely pornographic sound escapes your lungs, and he smiles against your lips. He leans up slightly to stare at your face, you were biting your bottom lip, and your eyes burn into him, and he could feel his heart growing bigger and bigger for you in that moment. You grab his perfect ass with your legs to push him further into you and he arches back; your lips go to his throat, gently nibbling on it and licking all over. Your orgasm was building in your belly, and by the way he was slowing down and getting a little clumsy, he was close too. 
You pull his face towards you by the back of his head. “Fuck me.” You tell him through gritted teeth.
His beautiful brown eyes dilate, and you see the pure lust take over in his stare. He leans back on his heels, pulling himself out of you and you frown, he pulls you towards him hard by your thighs, his fingers for sure going to leave lovely bruises. But you didn’t care.  Before you could make another comment, he slams his cock into you, and you scream out. He holds onto your hips, rolling his against yours at a hard pace, you swear you could see all the fucking colors of the rainbow. 
“Fuuuuck…”  He moans out. “Oh fuck-I’m gonna—”
“Don’t stop, Eddie.”  You whimper, his cock slamming into your g-spot over and over was making you forget your name. 
You move your hands down and find your clit, rubbing vigorously against it as your cunt clenches against his cock. He watches you rub yourself, a smile toys on his lips as he stares in wonder at you, he felt as if he was fucking a goddess.
“Oh god…”
“Cum with me, baby. I want to feel you.”  
He groans loud, and that was enough to send you screaming, and crying out his name as you came all over his cock. You grip the sheets under you, still cumming hard and he slams faster into you, the bed squeaks and the headboard bangs into the wall and he sputters. 
He slams into you once more, you could feel the warmness settle in your cunt as he came inside you, feeling his cock twitching as he slowed his pace and cried out, collapsing onto your chest. He rolls his hips against you and shudders. The two of you lay there in a pile of limbs, heavy breathing, and sweat. He lifts his head up to look at you, smoothing out your still wet hair, and presses his lips to yours. Your tongue goes into his mouth, and he moans softly, cupping the back of your head, deepening the kiss. He slides out of you gently, and pulls away from you, laying on his back. His hand rested on your thigh, and you could feel him dripping from you; you needed a minute. Or several. 
“Well,” he says breathlessly. “I’ve never done that with you before.” 
You weakly slap his chest and laugh loudly; tears prickle your eyes as you feel another laugh roll out until you’re full-blown cackling. He looks at you with a raised eyebrow and you laugh harder. He shakes his head, laughing with you, turning onto his side to rub your tummy gently. Your laugh was one of the things he loved about you because it was so contagious, and that this was the first time today he could see pure happiness on your face. 
“I’m sorry.” You manage to say, your laugh still rolling out of you. “I don’t know why I’m laughing so hard. Oh wait, I do, you’re a fucking idiot and I love you.” 
He laughs, kissing your cheek. “No going back now.”
“No.” You say, catching your breath, bringing your palm up to his cheek. “Never.” 
He kisses your lips, your cheeks, your neck and leans up on his elbows. “My clothes are soaked.”
“I’ll put them in the wash.” You kiss his nose, slowly sitting up in bed, you could already feel the soreness between your legs. “I’m pretty sure my mom folded a bunch of your clothes you left here the other day.” You pause and turn to look at him. 
“Of course she did.” He says with a sweet smile, tracing your spine with the tip of his finger. “Do you want me to go get them?”
You knew he only asked because the washer and dryer were in her little den with her vanity mirror. 
“Uh, no. It’s okay.” You give him a smile. You go into your dresser, pulling out underwear and your oversized Queen tour t-shirt you got in 1987. Your mom had bought the tickets for you and Eddie; Eddie was indeed a total metal head, but he had a soft spot for Queen, probably because you loved them so much. You throw on the clothes and turn when you feel his eyes on you.
“What?” You ask, a blush creeping up on your cheeks as you stare at his naked body.
His right arm, which was covered in a full tattoo sleeve, was bent behind his head as he looks at you. 
“Nothing.” He smiles sweetly. “I’m just trying to wrap my head around this. Around us.”
You lean over to him to kiss him, he holds your head,, leaving lots of pecks around your cheeks and lips, causing you to giggle. You pull away, turning around to grab his mess of clothes on the floor, throwing his dry boxers to him. He takes this opportunity to smack your ass and you yelp. You narrow your eyes at him, and pull out his chain wallet, snapping it open, pulling out some cash, you could only make out a few ten-and one-dollar bills. 
“I’m taking this.” You tell him, shoving the bills into your underwear. 
“Pretty cheap date, don’t ya think?” He laughs, pulling his boxers over his hips as your face falls into mock shock, you pull out the cash and throw it at his face, causing him to laugh harder.
You shake your head, leaving the room, heading towards your mother’s den. You slow your walking down as you meet the closed door. The grief starts to creep up again, your hand trembles as you reach for the doorknob. You twist the knob and push it open. An aroma of peach, rose and slight Sandalwood hit your nostrils and you have to hold onto the wall for support, blindly finding the light switch. The light is bright, and you squint, your eyes already filling with tears as the scent of your mother was everywhere in this room. Her vanity sat perched against the wall, the wood was a soft amber color. She had rebuilt this vanity after getting it from a garage sale a few years ago. You gently run your hand over the fabric of her sweater that hung behind the chair she always sat at; whether to do her make up, or randomly sketch some drawings in her sketch book. You pull your hand away as if burned, and you quickly go to the washing machine, tossing Eddie’s clothes in as well as some dirty ones that were in the basket.  You see his folded clothes on top of the dryer, your heart hurt with how right you were and how she would never fold his clothes again.  You groan, looking over the clothes, sniffling. You take out his Metallica tour t-shirt, and his black jeans. You exit her room after shutting off the light and quietly shut the door.  Eddie was strumming at your acoustic as you walk back in, smiling at you at you hand him the clothes. He sees the tears in your eyes and immediately puts the guitar back on the stand.
He takes your hand, “What happened?”
You shake your head, trying to smile. “Nothing…it’s nothing. I’m okay. Can we go to bed?” 
He looks you over once with concern and nods, gently kissing the top of your hand. You crawl into bed, leaning over him to turn off the light on your nightstand. You curl up next to him, burying your face in his chest. He wraps his arms around you, pulling the blanket over the both of you. You feel his lips kiss your hair and you sigh. All the sadness, all the grief had fallen away as he held you and you wished you could stay like that forever.
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As if the universe was working against you, you woke up screaming. You were covered in sweat and tears pooled from your eyes as a panic attack settled deep in your chest. You sat up, leaning against the headboard, bringing your knees up to your chest as you scream out a sob. Eddie had woken up immediately, feeling you thrash around before you woke up. Dawn was approaching, and he flicks the light on. He kneels in front of you, placing both of his hands on the side of your head.
“Hey, hey, look at me, I’m right here.”
The dream you had replays over and over in your head like a broken record. You let out a painful groan, holding onto your stomach as you to try to speak and to calm your breathing before you hyperventilated. 
“She…she was right there. Right in front me.” You tell him, your voice choking with sobs. “Right there! She was so close to me and I tried to reach for her hand but she kept moving away from me, and I ran to her. I ran so fast, but she just kept going further and further away until I couldn’t see her. And then she was gone. She was gone.”
You cry, hard, and he takes you in his arms, hugging you as you wept. You wail and he tightens his hold on you, gently rocking you as you gripped onto his arms.
“I’m not ready for this.” 
“I know.” His voice trembles, smoothing out your hair. “You don’t have to be ready for something like this.”
“Why did she leave me?” You whimper, your entire body shakes.
“Why was she taken away from us!? Oh god…” 
He kisses your head, your cheek, finds your lips and kisses them softly. 
“Please don’t leave me.” You choke out. “Please.”
“I’m not going anywhere, baby. I promise you.”
“Don’t leave me.” You cry, holding onto him for dear life. He rocks you and you cry. You weren’t ready for the coming days, you weren’t ready to keep feeling this sorrow phone call after phone call, hug after hug, tear after tear. You weren’t ready for today. You weren’t ready for tomorrow. You weren’t ready. You weren't ready.
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miloonmetis · 1 year
Hello, this is my first time requesting, and I'm kinda nervous.
May I ask for request where Junkrat (from overwatch) would comfort genre neutral s/o who's having major pains in legs or in hands druing night and they can't sleep?
Hope you have good evening/day/morning=D
(English isn't my mother language so I apologize for any grammar mistakes)
|| I hope this works, and I hope you have a wonderful day (or so on) ALSO I'M SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK ME TO WRITE :(
Featuring: Junkrat x GN!Reader Warnings: Angst, Comfort, SWEET OL' FLUFF! Not Proof Read, Prob Non-Canon
Junkrat was fast asleep next to you, you watched him sleeping peacefully wondering how in the world he did it. Go through so much, fighting, bombs, all of the sorts when you can't even go to sleep cause your hand is hurting. You looked down at your hand, cursing at it under your breath. "Damn you." You whispered in a hushed tone not wanting to wake up the sleeping beauty next to you. You were trying to use your other hand to press down in certain places of your hand, trying to make the pain release even just a little bit. But one wrong move and it felt like you had just ripped your hand in half, you breathing in aggressively through your teeth and your head flung back against the wall slamming into it and making a loud bang.
Junkrat was immediately awakened by the loud sound, his first reaction was to turn to you and place his arm around your waste. That's when the two of you made eye contact, your eyes were welling up and the water was screaming for freedom to fall down your cheeks. Junkrat noticed, he noticed everything about you. Though he may seem like an idiot he was not an idiot when it came to you, you were his everything. His motivation was to get up and continue the way he lived his life.
He sat himself up and he grabbed your face with his one existing hand, his thumb caressing your cheek. "What the matter love?" He asked in a hushed tone, trying to read your facial expression. "Nothin'." You spoke out, trying to move your head away from his hand not wanting to look him in the eyes as you felt tears falling down your cheeks. Junkrat knew you were lying, the way you grew distant and hid. He moved swiftly off the side of the bed, grabbing his metal arm and attaching it back to him so that he was able to grab your face with both hands.
His metal arm was cold against your cheek and it almost made you feel... relaxed. His metal arm gently pressed your cheek so that you would look at him, "Love, be honest." He spoke out, his voice was calmer and quieter than it usually was. It made your heart skip a few beats, "Just..." You stopped to clear your throat so you wouldn't break down into a sob fest. "My hand.. really hurts." You told him, showing him the hurt that was keeping you from sleeping peacefully next to him.
Junkrat frowned when you told him this, his eyes moved down to look at your hand before he used his other hand to grab it. He carefully brought it closer to his face and gave it a small peck, "I'll heal it with me magical kiss!" He called out, as he looked at you with his normal goofy smile. "I quite think hands are annoying." He stated, seeing as he was missing a whole arm and a finger from his other perfect arm. You laughed at him and his attempt to make you feel better.
You looked at him and watched as his eyes came back to meet with yours, "Do you need anythin'?" He asked, his face turning to more of a worry and loving expression. You shook your head, "No.. just... you" You requested of the blonde, "All I need is you." You said and you watched as his cheeks turned a bright pink before he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down with him as he laid down.
"Well this lad is all yours~" He hummed happily, as he stared up at you. You two lay there for a moment staring lovingly into each other's eyes before you eventually leaned down to press a quick yet tender kiss. "I love you, Jamison." You say to him, his smile growing bigger and reaching ear to ear. "I love you too [Name], maybe even a lil' more." He winked at you causing you to giggle then relax your head on his chest.
The sound of his heartbeat was relaxing, the way it grew calmer as he slowly fell back asleep. Your eyes begin to threaten sleep as well, you take a moment to make sure that you are truly here and not dreaming before you allow your body to drift off to sleep.
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unholyhelbig · 1 year
Um?? Keep going
[A/n: So demanding! I'm kidding, obviously, I'm going to keep going. The reception to this little story brings me immense joy. Though, the next part will be the last!]
Title: Magnetic
Ship: Kate Bishop x gn!reader
Disclaimer: I did not proofread, if there are mistakes, I'm sorry!
Trigger warnings: Blood, Some brief mentions of physical abuse.
Main Masterlist | Ao3 | Request Prompts | Join my Taglist!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five]
Summary: Reader is a spider!person from earth-2099 and Kate Bishop is curious about why she's so drawn to them.
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The suit was hidden behind the back panel of your closet, a small piece of faux wood that had been glued down, but then dampened away. It was easy to pop away from the rest of the structure.
You used the light of your phone, the small circle catching the vibrant colors, the blacks and the poisonous red, the deep silvers that reflected with the green of your inhuman eyes. You were content to leave it here, in this universe, when just two days ago you were going to rip a hole into the space-time continuum.
“Your place is…”
“Sad. It’s sad.” You pulled the suit the rest of the way out, rising to your feet. Kate was leaning by the window, looking at the view of the rain-damp street. Her features were shaded with a flashing green sign, then a dark orange. “You can say it.”
“Yeah, it’s sad. You need some like, houseplants or something.”
You couldn’t help the smile that bloomed against your lips. Decorating had never been your forte. Your Kate had a designer’s eye, and by the way this universe’s Kate scrunched up her nose and tracked the wall space with her grey stare, you knew this one did too.
She took the edge of the suit into her hands when you got close enough for her to do so. You both held the fabric, her fingers tracing the horizontal lines that wicked electroplate. Your breath mingled with hers, eyes moving from the suit, lingering for just a moment on her lips before you thought better of it and focused on the large spider emblem in the center.
“You know I don’t-“
“Can we talk?”
You both spoke at the same time, heat moving to your cheeks. You shook your head, chuckling nervously “You go.”
Kate took a deep breath and squeezed the fabric, letting out a small, tepid breath. You had never seen her nervous before. There was always a confidence to her actions and her words. There was a pinkness to her skin, moving up past the collar of her shirt.
“Things are complicated, and I understand that. You’re from another universe, your homicidal father could be here any minute with your brother who also really, really wants to kill you.”
“Right, sorry. That’s not the point. Do you remember the day that you moved in?”
Of course, you did. You were wet, and cold and had placed your clothes on the radiator to dry off. Once they had, you wandered down to the lower part of the building. There were a few damp dollars in your pocket and it was just a short walk to the bodega. Your stomach clenched in hunger.
Kate was pushing every button on the directory, soft beeps moving through the lobby. You glanced around, looking up the stairway, down the hall where a room full of washing machines lumbered in a near-silent hum.
Eventually, you opened the door, staring at the woman in front of you. Rain dripped from her hood, loose strands of hair saturated. Her eyes were gray, something you noticed under the light positioned above the door. Her breath was puffing in front of her. Kate would leave you slack-jawed in every universe, you decided in that moment.
“I… forgot my key.” She smiled weakly.
You couldn’t manage words, instead you stepped aside, watching as she lugged a few bags in with her, a few drops hitting her jacket after sliding across her nose. This was a cruel joke. You’d entered this world without permission and now karma was testing you as it always had. There was no way to avoid her.
“You know, you shouldn’t go barefoot in here. This building is not up to code.”
You croaked out “Shoes are wet,”
Kate smiled and it made your knees feel weak. You shoved your hands into your dampened pockets. Where were your manners? Buried under the pure shock that came with the ringing in your ears, was your natural instinct to cater to not only Kate, but every single person you came across.
After learning how to play the piano when you were six years old, your mother ushered you into the cello, and then the violin. Anything she could get her hands on. You’d play at family gatherings, and at charity events. Your music became guilt, and that guilt became the need to please.
In this case, it manifested in offering to help Kate upstairs with her bags. Anything was better than the out of order sign on the elevator, and even if it was in working order, you wouldn’t trust it with your life- unnaturally fast healing or not.
Your fingers brushed against hers and the both of you pulled back as electricity danced across your skin and ended at your elbow. It pulsed, something of undeniable warmth that was replaced with a deep cold. The only way to quell it would be to press your fingers against hers, to touch her once more.
“Sorry,” You apologized quickly, filling the awkward space by grabbing half of her bags and sprinting up the stairs. You smiled “Race you.”
Kate seemed disoriented, blinked a few times. “You don’t even know where I live!”
You had feigned being out of breath when you got to the top of the stairs and Kate thanked you profusely for helping her with the groceries. Your heart beat a little faster knowing that she lived across the hall. And naively you believed you could form a friendship.
“Of course, I remember.”
“It’s all I thought about for days.” Kate scoffed, shaking her head. “There were so many times when I just stood in front of your door, waiting to knock before I realized I had no good reason to talk to you. And the thing is, Y/n, I knew that you felt it too that day. And I know that you’ve felt it everyday since.”
“Kate, there are-“
“Circumstances, I know. What happened to your Kate, and so many Kate’s in-between is… I can’t even imagine what you’ve gone through. But maybe after all of this time, the universe is doing something for you”
You swallowed hard, trying to quell the dryness in your mouth. Weak light is cast against her features and her expression is hopeful. The two of you had stepped closer, inadvertently through recall of memories. Her exhale was warm against your collarbone, you closed your eyes and whimpered.
Kate’s hand softly cupped your cheek, and you leaned into it, her thumb gently tracing the contours of your face. “Sometimes, you have to do something for yourself. Sometimes, you have to take what you deserve.”
You opened your eyes, stared into Kate’s. They had the same gold flecks, the same rings of emotion that bloomed from the iris. You leaned forward and took what you wanted, pressed your lips against Kate’s and melted into the kiss. She hummed against your lips, dropping the suit and using the collar of your shirt to pull herself closer.
Your hands were on her hips, squeezing mildly to assure that she was there. Kate tasted honey-sweet, her tongue moving against your bottom lip, begging for entrance. The kiss was slow and deliberate. You never wanted to pull away.
That same electric feeling was dancing across your throat, filling your body with tendrils of fate. Kate’s fingers were smoothed across your jaw. She pulled back, drew in a sloppy breath. Her forehead was against yours, both of you panting.
Kate’s voice was a mulled whisper “There’s no way I’m letting you leave now.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.”
That was easier said than done, you realized, not fifteen minutes later when your apartment was brimming with people you had yet to meet in this world. All of whom had explicit opinions about your decorating skills (lack thereof) and you as a person.
You felt uncomfortable and exposed, your suit hugging your body, mask in hand, arms crossed over your midsection. Kate’s eyes lingered on you, the tightness of the mesh not leaving too much to the imagination. You felt your cheeks heat up, clearing your throat. 
Kate really had rallied the troupes. You had to hand it to her. This felt like an odd meeting of a group of superheroes that had a higher body count than the Avengers themselves. And still, you waited awkwardly for the last few people to straggle in.
“So let me get this straight,” Yelena said, leaning against your empty kitchen counter. “You are Spiderman, but Peter is also Spiderman?”
“Yes,” You both answered at the same time, shooting each other a quiet look. You cleared your throat and continued. “I’m from Earth-2099, I’m that worlds Spiderman.”
Cassie raised her hand in a small wave, calling attention to herself “Did you also get bitten by a radioactive spider?”
“My father, he spliced my DNA with a spider. It was the first time he had done so successfully. Hence why he’s so determined to get me back.”
“Huh,” Clint lilted his head to the side “creepy.”
You couldn’t agree more, nodding felt like an understatement of the obsessive tracking. There was still an apprehension lurking just beneath the surface, but watching the five people that surrounded you, so willing to help, some of the weight had been lifted.
Yelena Belova eyed you nervously, she was slow to trust, and it seemed even slower in this world. You could hardly blame her. She was a spy, after all. There had been worlds where she never broke free from her widow hold. There were others where she was never inducted in the first place.
There was one in particular that you remembered where Yelena had been a wedding caterer. That freaked you out more than anything you had seen likewise. Right now, she had her arms crossed over her chest, eyes flitting from you, back to Kate.
“Have the two of you had sex?” she asked bluntly.
Kate’s voice was six octaves too high. You made a startled noise and put your head in your hands. Clint made a disgusted noise that mirrored exactly how you felt. You said “Maybe we should come up with some type of strategy,”
“We should wait for the others, no?” Yelena said, shrugging her shoulders with disinterest. “There is a weird energy between the two of you. We should address it before putting ourselves into a risky situation. It can change the dynamics of the fight.”
“She has a point,” Peter said, “have you?”
Kate grits her teeth, had settled back into her place next to you. Your shoulders were against one another, and even the subtly of that touch sent currents to your fingertips. “No, we haven’t.”
Cassie asked, “but there is something there, right?”
You glanced at Kate, who had pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, chewed on it. “It’s… complicated. But I believe so.”
“There is a wedding ring on the chain around your neck.”
“Lena.” Kate warned.
“It’s alright, I get it. I’m practically a stranger. I’ve given you no reason to trust me, much-less fight beside me. In 2099, I was just a musician, and more than that, I was a wife. Kate was my wife.” You swallowed back the thickness in your throat, the metal taste in your mouth, the memories. “My father killed her.”
“That’s all I need to know.”
Rain had started to fall generously by the time you had descended the stairs in the apartment building. There were spots that you knew to avoid; a sliver at the top of the third-floor landing that wasn’t sealed against the weather. A bucket on the stretch between doors 207 and 205.
Normally, these areas would be something you took note of in passing. But today, you lingered. The warmth had slowly left your bones the closer you got to the lobby. You craved Kate’s touch, her reassurance. This was the first time you had been alone in the last few days.
There was anger there, too, mixed cruelly with the fear. It made the suit hugging your body hot and sticky. Your father had always pushed you to the side, had moved you to the very edge of the family photos as a power trip. He’d entertain your one-minute of stage time between tentative bites of mashed potatoes and pot roast.
The darkness in his eyes lingered each time you closed your own. There were small bursts of rage that would escape him. He’d snap at your mother in a hushed voice. Your father’s receptionist would sob quietly into wadded up tissues as you waited to be buzzed in. His hand would move fast, reddening the skin of your cheek.
You knew better than to lift your gaze. The one time that you did, he delivered another open-palmed smack to the face. There was a time to stand, and a time to fall. As you walked down the final flight of steps, you knew that if you wanted to stay in this universe, in the timeline that delivered you a second chance, you’d have to not only stand- but you’d also have to hit back.
The streets were nearly empty, a broken fishbone moon cracked against the sky. Dark gray clouds enveloped it, plunging you into darkness and then welcoming the pale light once more. You could hear the buzz of the neon signs over your own breathing, your mask slipping silently over your features.
Carefully, you made your way between your apartment building and one that had long since been condemned. Your eyes darted to each side, idling over bags of trash, sour and pungent as their rotted scent mixed with fallen rain. The coast was clear, and you scaled the wall with ease, slipping into a high window that had long ago been hollowed out.
You had the pocket watch. You had a plan.
Deep flashes of colors in the most vibrant of blues, and whites, and reds flashed as you removed your mask, strands of damp hair falling into your gaze. Broken beams of wood, dust and shattered glass started to hum around you, your finger on the ribbed button of the watch.
Dozens of times, had you hit this button. You’d watch as the air in front of you solidified and then tore in half, much like a piece of sheet music. Objects in the room danced around in stilted notes, a concerto of sharps and flats. You breathed in the electricity of the room. The composition threatened to pull you in, begged you to let its tendrils grip onto your fingers, weave into your veins.
This time, you wouldn’t let it. Your finger moved from the switch, and everything went dark. The room baked in silence, your chest heaving up and down. Glass, nails, and insulation slammed to the unsteady floor of what was once an office, or a home. Dust had been kicked up, caught in the porcelain light.
“The light,” you explained, circling the poorly drawn building with the black marker “It’ll let you know where I am. Once you see it flashing, you need to get ready. I’m almost certain that he’ll pick up on the signal and be there within five minutes.”
“Almost?” Cassie asked, her ankles were crossed, fingers dancing strangely on your empty counter. “I don’t like almost. What if he’s faster?”
“Or slower. Are you sure that’s erasable?” Peter said.
Kate frowned at the one piece of art that you purchased. It wasn’t important, a mock copy of sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh. The colors had faded, and the glass cracked where the wood met glass. She used her sleeve and squeaked it against the front. Erasable, it was not.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m 99.9% certain that it will take at least that long for them to get to me. Fifteen seconds for the signal to reach them, 45 seconds for the Lyla to get my exact coordinates. Three minutes for the machine to boot up, and one minute for them to travel through space and time.”
Yelena was pacing back and forth, watching each part of the map that you drew. You’d expertly rendered the stairways in the abandoned building, the entry point of each window. She chewed on her bottom lip, stopped behind Clint- who sat cross legged on the floor.
“Theoretically, there should be a weak spot in the unit above this window, correct?”
You nodded, pushing down on the cap of the marker. “The whole building will be weak. It looks like it’s been rotting since the early 2000’s.”
“I will take Cassie with me, and we will be above you. That way, we can hear if they are in that .1%. Kate and Clint, it makes sense if the two of you stay on the rooftop of this building. Range will not be an issue.”
“And me?” Peter asked.
“Outside the door,” you directed, “There’s an entry point on the west side of the building that will give you access to the hallway. You’ll have to be careful, I’m not sure how sturdy the floor is. But I want you nearby. You know how Miguel fights, what his default is. Spider-senses and all.”
Kate shook her head. “I want to be closer.”
A cacophony of voices interrupted her suggestion, yours included. Different degrees of objection. Clint shook his head, mumbling a “No way, kid” and Yelena said something in Russian that you couldn’t’ quite grasp.
“Absolutely not.”
 Kate frowned, and the same fire that you had seen since you were six years old burned deep within her. You didn’t tell a Bishop what to do once they made up their mind. Not without the right type of authority, the right type of conviction.
Gently, you guided her eyes to yours, nudging her chin with the edge of your hand. “Kate, listen to me. I know you want to be there, but you simply cannot. Your blood has been on my hands once, and I swear that it’ll never be again. There is a fate worse than death at stake here.”
Your thumb moved over the smoothness of the gold ring around your throat, tucked neatly into your suit. It was a good luck charm, you supposed. Though, after slipping it from Kate’s finger, easy to do with the wetness of her wounds, before gliding into another universe, it hardly felt as such.
There were flashes as you pressed your lips to the inscription of the date propositions were made in the rain. When you clenched your eyes shut, you could see the way she held you close on prom night. Her hand was steady on the small of your back during your fathers speech. Her words were soaked in remorse as blood blossomed past cracked lips.
Your grip tightened around the ring, cold and hard. Anger welled in your chest like cracking waves against a rocky shore. It never went out to sea; however, each rush was stronger than the last. Mere seconds now, you could feel it in the air.
Kate told you that she didn’t feel any pain as she clung to your shirt that fateful night. Red swipes of blood were left against your cheek as you held her hand there, clammy and half-dead. You would do anything to take away the pain that she claimed didn’t exist.
Now, as the world around you swarmed with particles of energy and you took a small step back to avoid the ripping of space, and time, you knew that pain had been saved. It had been embedded deep within you until the moment presented itself.
You were quite unceremonious about your entries into different universes. There was typically a force that pushed you through instead of guiding you. But as you made out the two silhouettes between the flashing atoms, there was a chill that settled over you.
He was taller than you remembered, though, the last time you had seen him, he’d been dwarfed in a lab coat. His facial hair was unkempt and there were deep gray bags under his eyes. Your father had since shaved, held his shoulders back with a certain type of power that made you nauseous.
Still, you stood strong, breath coming in faster rhythm’s until you willed it to still entirely as the universe patched itself back up. Miguel postured by his side, smiling wickedly, teeth glinting against the bleached moonlight.
“I see you’ve embraced the gift I’ve given you.” His voice was gravel, his smile half-feral, half-charming as he lilted his head to the side with the slowness of a man anticipating this moment for centuries. “Spiderman.”
Taglist 💜: @lovelyy-moonlight
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fxlling13 · 2 years
Can you write Whittaker!Master with prompts 44,51, and 52 all together? I was thinking of something with both angst and fluff
HI HELLO! thank you so much I absolutely love getting requests! I just love writing for other people. Now there may be spelling mistakes and I tried to keep it gender neutral. Also I'm sorry if its bad, I tried my best :>
Summary: You get kidnapped whilst on your adventure with the master. Of course, she comes to your rescue. Though, you can't help but think you're a bother in her life.
Warning: blood, violence, self deprecation
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My head rolled upright as I managed to pry my eyes open. Everything hurt. Why did it hurt. Looking around, I found myself in some sort of cell. There was water running down the walls, explaining why I was so cold and damp. Around the room, there were many human remains which definitely didn't help my nerves. More importantly, where was she master. We were exploring the planet together then she was ripped away from me. That's all I could remember.
"Oh, you're awake human." A grainy voice came from the barred doors. It was some kind of fish creature. With green scales and gills along its cheek. It unlocked the door and grabbed my arm harshly, tugging me out abd along the corridor. We walked for several minutes until we came to a large, bright white room. The thing sat me on metal chair and strapped me down, tightly.
"Stop shaking!" It demanded, screaming in my face. I recoiled, whimpering in fear.
"I'm sorry I'm cold. I can't." Grumbling, it carried on working, pulling out a wire. An electrical wire that connected to the restraints on me, back to the computer situated at the back of the room. Extremely confused, I swallowed down my nerves and spoke up.
"What's that?" Cackling, it trod over to me.
"That, child, is a trip wire. If the thing get cut, the whole planet goes boom!" Flinching, I just nod, not wanting to interact further.
"Shame you're all alone. No one left to help. Not that they could at all." It laughed manically, observing me for a second.
"You know? I was just supposed to leave you to die. I doubt your buddy is coming back. So why not have a little fun?" My blood ran cold as it drew in closer. Webbed fingers gripped my hair, forcing my head up. Pain spread across my cheek as it slapped me but I kept quiet, not wanting to satisfy its thirst for torture. Displeased with my reaction, it reached into its pocket and pulled out a knife. Oh great. Agonisingly, it dragged the blade under my chin slowly, increasing the pain tenfold somehow. Maybe the knife was special? No idea, I didn't want to know if it would kill me. Blood dripped onto my thigh, thick and hot. If I was in the right frame of mind, I'd if made an innuendo out of that. For some reason, I was now feeling very dizzy.
"Such a pretty littke thing. Shame I'm about to end your life." It growled, lifting the dagger high. During my panic, i could just about make out the tardis engine noise. The creature spun round just as the door opened. Out came the master, TCE in hand and after written on her face.
"Dont lay a finger on them!" She yelled, marking over. Laughing, the thing tilted its head before taking the knife and thrusting it into my thigh. I screamed out, tears running down my cheeks.
"What? Like that?" The masters eye twitched, this wasn't going to end well.
"Bad idea." She spoke through gritted teeth then shot the man, who dropped to the ground dead instantly. Kicking him out of the way, she went to cut my ties but I put my hand up.
"No stop! Don't cut it. If you do, it will trigger and the planet gets destroyed." Stopping in her tracks, she observed the wire and groaned. Nothing could ever be easy, could it?
"I know you might have a problem with it. But I don't. I'm not leaving you here." She told me, crouching before me. I looked down at her, my eyes still watering. Reaching up, she cupped my cheek and wiped just under my eye.
"I swore I'd protect you and I let you  down. Never again. I need you safe, with me, in the tardis." Setting her TCE to it's laser setting, she moved towards the wire.
"So, I know this might sound selfish. But I don't care about the world. I only care about you." And shd cut the wire. Immediately, the ground began to shake. The master scooped me up delicately, rushing into the tardis and hitting the levers as she ran to the med bay. Placing me down on the bed, I whined and tried to move but she stopped me.
"Okay, this is going to hurt." Closing my eyes, I cried out when the dagger was removed. She shushed me quietly, grabbing the cotton pads and disinfectant. Once the wound was all wrapped up and the cut on my jaw was covered, she stepped back.
"You should rest okay? I demand you stay in bed." Giggling at her assertiveness, I nod. Honestly, i was exhausted and still in agony but I wanted to distract myself. In times like this, I always wanted the master close to me. Yet I was too scared to ask, to sensitive for rejection. So I just smiled through the pain, not wanting to seem weak. Luckily for me, she picked me up once again and took me into my room. Without a word, she tucked me into bed and left. Now alone, I sat up and sighed. All I wanted to do was cry, I felt so useless. Always getting into trouble or being captured. What was the point of travelling with her if I just caused her issues. Rubbing my eyes harshly, I decided to stop the self pity fest and get up. Somehow. With great difficulty, I stood up and made my way to the console room. I hunched over, out of breath from the short trip. Shaking my head, I stood straight and scanned the room. It was empty, that was odd. Going to the console, I spotted something beautiful. A golden pendant that had galifreyan writing on it, with a red gem in the centre. Why did she have this? The master wasn't one for wearing jewellery. Picking the necklace up, I inspected in up close. It was honestly really pretty.
"Curiosity killed the cat. (Y/n)." Jumping, I turned and saw the master, stood in the entrance way. She sauntered over, looking disappointed.
"I told you to stay in bed. Its not even been ten minutes." Blinking up at her, I just shrugged.
"I'm fine."
"No you're not. You're hurt. You need rest or you'll make it worse. I know you're in pain." Avoiding eyecontact, I wet my lips nervously. My heart was begging for comfort whilst my head was telling me to keep the strong act up.
"I'm fine." I repeated, still not looking to the taller woman. She huffed, frustrated with my resistance. Holding her habd out, I looked at it confused.
"You have something of mine." Realise she meant the necklace, I let out a small 'oh'. Of course, I could of been easy and just give it back. But what was the fun of that?
"Now (y/n)." She was getting impatient. Did I really want to test that? As i said before, i wasn't feeling myself completely. Gazing up at her, I smiled.
"You want me to give it back? Make me." Stunned at my words, the blonds lips parted slightly and I did catch myself staring. She chuckled, letting out a breath.
"Oh (y/n). You make me laugh." Not understanding, I let out a squeak and I was pressed against the console suddenly. We were less than an inch apart, I could feel her breath on my cheek. My guard dropped and the necklace fell from my hand straight into hers.
"Right then. Bed." Of course, I was lifted into her arms once more. This time, I took advantage of the closeness ans resed my head on her shoulder. Feeling overwhelmed, my eyes filled with tears and I bit on my lip to suppress them. Instead of going to my room, she carried on and entered her own. I was placed on the bed. It had silky purple sheets and was dimly lit. All in all, the room was top tier in comfort. Almost perfect.
"Since I can't trust you to stay in your own room, you can stay in m-" She paused, looking over me and her face fell. Taking a seat in front of me, she frowned.
"Why are you crying? Does it really hurt?" Sniffling, I looked away from her in hopes it would help. It didn't.
"No. Well, yes. A lot. But that's not..." I trailed off, not sure if I was making any sense at all. Moving closer, she wiped my cheeks gently.
"I'm such a bother to you. You had to come and save me again. I'm so sorry."
"Hey, stop that. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. You're my person and I'm going to protect you." That just made me cry harder and the master panicked, coming to my side. Though, she made no effort to comfort me physically.
"Shh, i swear that i-"
"Why don't you want me?" I stuttered out, having enough of my emotions. They were all over the place. Most likely due to the injuries.
"What?" She asked, eyes wide from my outburst. Seeing as there was no going back now, I let it all out.
"You took me in, you do everything I like. You gave me the perfect room. You come for me no matter the situation. You even destroyed a planet to save me. Said you only cared about me. Said I wad your person. So why don't you want me? It's so obvious how much I want you, I don't hide it. Yet you j-" a finger landed on my lips, breaking my train of thought. Turning my head, I found the master smiling. There was even a slight tint to her cheeks.
"You think I don't want you? Listen to yourself. You think I'd do that for anyone? No. Only you." She said but my brain couldn't comprehend.
"So, you like me? Or am I just-" again she cut me off, hands cupping my cheeks.
"Would you just shut up and kiss me?" Turning bright red, I nod dumbly and allowed her to close the distance between us. I melted into the kiss instantly, my arms wrapping around her neck. She lay me down, subtly pulling the covers up as she did so. I was left breathless as she pulled away. Finding myself now tucked into her bed, I deflated, thinking I'd be left alone again. To my surprise, the master slid in beside me and pulled me into her hold. Her lips pressed to my temple.
"Now, rest up love. I need you in peak condition for our next adventure." Simpering, I hummed and nuzzled into her chest.
"Thank you." I spoke whilst yawning, finally giving into the sleep I'd been needing. She just laughed quietly, holding me closer. With a click of her fingers, she turned the lights out and settled down properly.
"Goodnight sweets."
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imhereforscm · 2 years
I hope you are doing well 💗. Can i request Karno x Goddess reader angst?
"Lovers written into history"
Genre: angst
Warnings: implied death
A/N: This request made my inspiration skyrocket, so I immediately rushed into writing and if I may be so bold, I'm proud of this piece. (Also, I'm doing great hun and I hope you do as well!😊🌷💙) @voltagefandomproject
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Karno tucked some hair behind your ear and with your face cupped within his two big hands, your lips came together and your heart raced at the soft sensation, both from the sweetness and from the fear of the upcoming.
You squeezed your eyes shut and your eyebrows furrowed as you deepened the kiss, wanting more, so you could savor this moment and lock it in your heart for the time you would no longer be able to experience it again.
"What's with the sudden aggressiveness?" Karno chuckled, pulling away just enough to gaze into your face. "You seem almost desperate."
Swallowing thickly, your lips curled into a smile and he couldn't help but notice how devastating it looked.
"What's the matter?" He asked quietly.
You caressed his porcelain cheek with the palm of your hand as tears swelled in your eyes. You blinked away the tears, not wasting your precious time from admiring his beautiful image and burning the memory of his deep eyes into your mind. "Karno..." You said, your second hand reaching for his other cheek as well. "I love you." Your breathing hitched, but you kept going. "I love you more than you could ever imagine."
"I know, my sweet ophelia, what's the matter?"
You rested your forehead against his and slipped your fingers through his brown locks in a desperate attempt to feel as much as you could of him. "Will you promise me something?"
"Yes, my ophelia," Karno smiled gently and your heart broke into a million pieces, the love the lingered at the sharp corners failing to stick your heart back together. "anything."
You opened your mouth to speak, but a couple of authoritative voices caught you off. "Miss (name) and member of the wishes department, after direct order from the king, you are under arrest."
Your heart almost leaped out of your throat, as you were ripped away from Karno's warmth and cinnamon scent and gripped tightly by some of the palace's guards.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Karno tried to reach out for you, but one of the gods stepped between you, motioning with the palm of his hand for Karno to stay put and not proceed farther near you.
"After having committed a crime against the balance of the universe, disregarding the rules strictly stated by the Heavens, she will be led to trial." The god stated, not a single emotion—not even of pity—in his tone.
"That's insane." Karno furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and you pursed your lips together, your Adam's apple shifting up and down as you swallowed your immense pain. "(Name) wouldn't do something like that. There's obviously been a mistake."
"There's no mistake." The god contradicted him. "She got involved with matters of life and death and his highness witnessed everything."
"What...?" Karno's eyes widened and flitted to you, whose tears had began to fall down your face and this time, he couldn't wipe them away.
"Karno, i'm sorry, I-"
"Enough, we must proceed with the trial." The guards' painful grips tugged on your arms and began dragging you away from Karno, until the distance between the two of you increased so much, your attempts to look behind you were proven feeble.
Standing in the center of the courtroom, all eyes were on you. Some of harsh judgment and some of audacious pity. Whispers filled up the room and the judge pounded his gavel, raising his voice at the noisy audience. "Order in the court.
The voices hushed and with eyes cold and made of steel, he looked down at you, standing there with your hands on either side of your hips, your fingertips picking at the fabric of your tunic out of anxiousness.
"After being hereby ordered by his almighty highness, the decision we've reached is-"
"I object!" A desperate voice screamed, when the big doors swung open and your beloved rushed into the courtroom, followed by Tauxolouve and Huedhaut, who tried to drag him back out, but to no avail. Finding your gaze at the middle of the courtroom, you could tell his determination was strong and his love for you was the source of that strength. No divine powers or social status.
"Karno, reconsider!" Huedhaut, pleaded with him, but Karno didn't even spare him a glance as he pushed his way out of their grasps and made his way deeper into the courtroom.
"Hue's right! Reconsider!" Tauxolouve gave it his own try, but just like Huedhaut, he was ignored.
Leon, who was standing a few feet in front of you, defending you in front of the council up until now, sent Karno a piercing stare. A silent warning for him to stop and not follow whatever he had on his mind.
Karno gave his superior and dearest friend a nod, maybe reassuring to him, but not to Leon.
The judge pounded his gavel again, ceasing the sounds of the shocked crowd. "Order in the court! Lord Karno, what is the meaning of this improper behavior?!"
Wordlessly, Karno made his way to your side and took your hand in his, squeezing it tightly, before bringing it to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it. Then, his attention shifted to the judge. "If annihilation is the only way it can be done..." He took a deep breath, before sinking the entire courtroom into shock with his next, bold and unrestraint statement. "Then I want to be annihilated with her."
"Karno!" You cried out his name and grabbed the collar of his wishes jacket. "You better take that back!"
Karno's hand came to cover yours and the smile on his face was so tender, it threw your heart into chaos and sent your brain into a frenzy. "In a world without you, I'm not alive, so why should I exist at all?"
"Karno, what..." Your chest jolted as you began to sob. "You can have a future and rebuild your life. Don't throw it away!"
"I can't!" He raised his voice and your shoulders jerked in surprise. He's never yelled at you before. "I can't go on without you! There's no one that can replace you! There's no one that can possess a smile like yours, a laugh like yours, nor a heart like yours!" Karno placed a hand at the back of your head and pulled your face in, resting his forehead against yours. "I need you!"
You sobbed your heart out, your throat hurting as it gradually closed in. "You said you'd promise me anything."
"I did."
"Then I want you to promise me you won't give up your life." You begged among boiling tears.
His lips connected with yours and the crowd erupted again, this time not even the judge being able to quiet them down. "I'm so sorry, my sweet ophelia, but I cannot promise you that."
"Karno..." You squeezed out his name from your pained throat.
"Because even if physically, my heart is beating..." He gave your reddish from the crying lips a gentle peck. "Mentally, it doesn't even exist in my body."
Everyone close to you was heartbroken at the lose of the two of you and even the gods of the Heavens who never even talked to you before, were moved to tears by your story. The two lovers who truly walked hand in hand to death.
The breeze blew through Leon's messy locks as he stared up at the night sky, your constellations shinning brightly side by side.
"Oh, you're here." Huedhaut said, upon spotting his minister leaning against the balcony, his whiskey eyes taking in the two constellation that wrote history and poetry in their memory.
"They seem happy." Leon spoke quietly and for the first time in his really long lifetime, melancholy could be depicted in his voice. "Don't you agree, vice minister?" He finished his sentence with a glance towards Huedhaut.
Huedhaut's eyes rose to the night sky and a bittersweet smile, with eyebrows forming downturns, showed the feelings of longing he harbored. "Yeah... They seem happy..."
Everyone missed you both, but at least you were happy. They were sure of it by the imposing starlight you emitted.
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Idk if this did sent yesterday since my internet crashed, so I'm sorry if I sent this to you twice D:, don't wanna spam you ahhh!
For your 600 follower event, I was wondering if I could request some Anko x my OC Fuyu fluff, with the prompt no. 24, if possible! Your writing takes my breath away time and time again, so I wanted to send in a request!
Congratulations on hitting such a great goal again and thank you for blessing us with your amazing writing time and time again 🤍!!
hello lovely! Here it goes! It is not super fluffy (mor like hurt and comfort I guess?) Thank you for letting me write the girls! <3 It's a little shorter but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Thank you for always being such a kind commenter.
Anko x OC
mentions of child experiments (their teacher is orochimaru, you understand.)
prompt was: The first time you smiled it felt like the universe aligned.
1857 words.
One of the many great things about Fuyumi was that Anko could always tell when she was sad, mostly because it was raining ice from the ceiling, even in the middle of summer, even if they were inside. Somehow her worries and fears would inspire her body to work on its own. Anko never quite understood if it was her wishing to sit in cold and sadness or if Fuyu’s ice was something that was comforting her in times of crises, either way, it was raining ice when she was in a bad mood, so Anko always knew.
This day for example, she came home from a short few hour mission with a group of younger children, Genin freshly graduated from the academy, and could smell the snow the moment she opened the door. Anko had recently started doing jobs with and for the academy and found herself good at it. After she had first proctored at the Chuunin exams some years ago she had found it pleasant to work with younger shinobi and was now considering becoming a sort of teacher. Possibly at least. It wasn’t decided.
“I’m home!” she yelled from the entrance and got no reply but cold air coming from the living room. In the morning Fuyumi had still seemed her usual cheery and upbeat self as she had gleefully burned an egg in the frying pan. Anko had made fun of her for the mistake, just some light teasing she thought. Surely Fuyu wasn’t upset about that?
She took her shoes off and then walked through the apartment they both shared in quick steps only to find Fuyu laying with her stomach on the couch, snow slowly drilling over her long locks. There were bags of comfort food on the couch table in front of her further making clear that she must feel terribly. Anko put her hands into her sides: “Is it winter already?”
Fuyu looked up and shook her head, which instantly let the tiny clouds that had been snowing disappear. She sat herself up and straightened out her clothes. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“Oh, I would never make fun of you, come on,” Anko sat down beside her and pulled an arm around her girlfriend. Technically that was not true, because in the many years that they had both known and fought alongside each other Anko had made fun of Fuyumi many times, the other way around also. They had even fought about it occasionally, but never deep enough that what they had could be ripped apart.
Fuyu sighed and then smiled: “How was your mission?”
“I absolutely aced it as always.” Anko wrapped one strand of Fuyumi’s hair around her finger. “But that is not important right now. Why don’t you tell me what is bothering you?” She wiped some rest of the snow from the other woman’s shoulder.
“It’s confusing,” Fuyu pulled her hands together in her lap. “I don’t really know how to explain it…I’ve been thinking of him and.. I don’t know..”
Ah, yes, Anko had already suspected something like this might be the case. She sighed and pulled her girlfriend a little closer still. Just yesterday they had been ordered to the Hokage office with their former team mate Ume and were briefed by Lady Tsunade on the fact that their teacher Orochimaru had apparently finally been killed. That last boy he had taken, Uchiha Sasuke, had overwhelmed him or so the sources said. All three of them had not known how to react to that revelation.
Rationally, they should have all been elated to have him dead for all the things he had done with them, experimented on them, but his grip on all three of them had always been unusually tight and despite many terrible things he had done to them, they had trusted him still. In that first exam she was supervising, Anko had seen Orochimaru again and for months after she had the feeling snakes were strangling her in her dreams. Fuyu had woken her up several times from a nightmare.
Still, hearing that he had died was like a punch in the face. “I understand,” Anko said and meant it. Ume and her were maybe the only people who could understand Fuyumi’s feelings of confusion, maybe outside of Lady Tsunade and Lord Jirayia. So she took Fuyu’s hand and pressed it supportively.
“I am relieved in a way,” Fuyu murmured, staring down in front of her. “At least he can’t come after us anymore or misuse the cursed seal like he did with you…” Anko rubbed her neck. “.. but somehow I’m not really happy. I kind of am sorry for it all too. It makes no real sense.”
“No, it definitely does make sense. I feel very similar and I suspect Ume does too. We are… like abused children that lose a parent. He was a terrible person, but he was still our parent.” Anko knocked her foot a little against the table in front of her. “I think what is the most confusing is that it was not all bad.”
It was the truth. There had been times in which Orochimaru had been a good teacher. Anko had always suspected that he had only trained the three of them when it served his purpose of learning more about the curse mark or Fuyu’s special power, but even so he had individually spent time with each of them to get to know them. Anko specifically had gained a lot from him as a tutor: many of her special jutsu and especially her affinity with snakes were inherited from Orochimaru. He had definitely left more of a mark on her than just a cursed one.
Additionally he had taught the three girls that the most important thing in a shinobi was loyalty, loyalty towards the leader and the fighting comrades. Maybe that had also been just another tactic to get them to never run back to Konoha and tell someone who mattered about his shady experiments, or maybe he had been honest with himself for that point at least, but all of them really internalised that lesson. For a long time they had been sewn together at the hips.
“No, there was a lot of fun too,” Fuyu said now and leaned her head against Anko’s a little. “We could be quite chaotic together all of us.”
Anko laughed: “You and I can still be super chaotic. Remember when we tried to cook a meal when we invited Gai and Ume over for a housewarming?” Fuyumi laughed at the memory. IWhen they moved in they had decided to invite the other couple over for some nice adult time and almost burned down their new apartment in the process. Ume had looked at them with a frown and told them to never cook again. She was probably right at that.
“Yes, but we had each other because of him. He sort of introduced us to each other. He bonded us.”  Fuyu sighed. “I think I am sort of thankful for that, even if… all the rest…”
“He didn’t introduce us at least,” Anko shrugged. “You and I were always together. I mean he has given us experiences that we now have to both work through and that means we have a great understanding of one another, but he didn’t give you to me. You were already mine when we became genin.”
Fuyumi giggled. “What are you saying I was already yours.”
To Anko there had never been anyone more important than Fuyu, never, not even when they were small, not even before the snake bite marked them both as damaged goods. From the moment they met each other Anko wanted to be in Fuyu’s orbit as if it was dragging her in. They were similar and different on just the right aspects and Anko had always loved that, probably even before she had understood what love meant.
“I don’t want to believe in destiny because I think it is bogus to live your life as if you have no choice of my own,” Anko said, “but I have to say that it is easy to believe that it was destiny that I met you. After all - the first time I saw you smile it sort of felt like the university realigned, like all the clouds opened up to shine on your face.”
The other woman opened her mouth and then closed it again and when Anko looked up she was clearly blushing deeply. “That's…. Very nice of you to say.” Fuyu seemed speechless.
“Ah, you are so cute,” Anko said and pressed a soft kiss to Fuyumi’s cheek. “I don’t just say it to be nice, it was really like that.”
Fuyu raised Anko’s hand and softly kissed the knuckles. “Well, I agree. Our meeting was cataclysmic. Even more important than the foundation of the great villages, will be remembered in history books.” She laughed.
“Now you make fun of me!” Anko protested.
“I would never make fun of you, my dear” Fuyu copied Anko’s tone of voice perfectly, winked cheekily and then continued. “All jokes aside, you are right. The most important thing Orochimaru has given us is each other and we really don’t need him for that. In fact, we never needed him for that. He just made our lives miserable.”
Anko nodded. “And now he will never do that again. We are free and we still have each other. We will always have each other.”
They looked at each other with a smile, their hands still pressed against one another. To Anko, it felt a little like a revelation and she hoped that Fuyu felt the same. It was necessary for them to move on to understand that their teacher had not been the only good influence in their lives. That their friendship, their love, had made them stronger than he could have ever made them with one of his stupid seals.
But most importantly, they needed to accept that it was a good thing that he was dead. They needed to allow themselves to be relieved fully, without feeling remorse about it. Then, and only then, would they be able to move on and be happy.
“I wish he would have faced some consequences at least,” Fuyumi said now as if she had perfectly followed Anko’s wandering thoughts. “I don’t think this village will ever give us the recognition we would wish for, but I would at least have liked to see him being punished. Dying is too easy.”
Anko nodded. “Yes. He got the easy way out there, but I’m sure Sasuke-kun really hurt him, so at least we can revel in that.” Fuyu laughed again.
They knocked heads again payfully and Anko said: “So no more winter in the living room from now on?”
“Promise,” Fuyu replied. “There is only going to be snow in real winter from now on.”  
Their heads touched and the tips of their noses pushed against each other. Anko leaned forward for a kiss. The only way forward was together, and the idea of that made Anko very happy.
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dre6ming · 2 years
My kind of perfection
“I stayed there” series- part IX
𓆩Part VIII𓆪
𓆩 Part X 𓆪
To be added to the tag list click here
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem reader
Warnings: smut 18+ <minors dni> , oral <m receiving>, dry humping, strong language, BODY DISMORFIA (if this is a big trigger for you just scroll until you see the warning sign row, ~⚠︎~ ,from then on I don’t bring this up so I’d say it’s safe) , anxiety attack, fluff, angst…hope this is all
Plot: you never really felt comfortable in your body and how someone like Austin like you is beyond you. When you voice your concerns, Austin is quick to try and remedy the situation. Also who knew a date a the zoo, could be this fun.
Word count: ~6200
Also this is not proof read to just ignore the mistakes- thank you.
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The sun coming in through the window makes me squeeze my eyes harder. Waking up is the last thing I want to do now. The bed is so warm and so comfortable, I don't think I ever want to wake up. I turn on my side, a little too hard might I add, cause the second I turn, there's a skin slapping on skin noise and grunt, that didn't come from me. Feeling around with my eyes closed, I pinch the skin under my fingers. "Aw, what did you do that for?" Austin's voice wakes me up completely. Opening my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light, I see him smiling at me. "I'm sorry!" I say blushing and hiding my face in the sheets, embarrassed by the fact that I had in fact forgotten we were together last night. And then it hits me. Oh my god, last night we had sex, I did it, I mean we did it. Wow, did it really happen? No way it did, it must of been just a dream. A very hot, explicit and steamy dream. Feeling around my body, I discover that I'm naked, like fully. No shirt, no pants......no panties. Fuck so it did happen. Trying to calm my breathing, I think of anything, anything but his naked body on mine, anything but his hot lips on my cold skin, but nothing else comes to mind. It's like he's the only thing I know.
"Hey there, you ok?" He peaks his head under the covers, smiling at me, but I can see he must of caught if the fact that I'm internally freaking out, because he's brows are pulled together, forming that small v right in between them and the smile doesn't really reach his eyes, that carry concern. As he roams around my form, I suddenly feel very aware of the fact that I'm naked and he's watching me, he can see all of me. Ripping the covers from him, I twist myself in them and run to the bathroom closing the door behind me. "Baby?!" He tries to open the door, but I plant myself on the ground in front of it. Still I hear his voice calling me and his knocks, but they are all overpowered by the sound of my breathing. Fuck, fuck, get a grip, for god's sake you're 26 in three days, pace yourself, it's just sex, with a boy you love. It had to happen at some point anyway, right? "Baby, (y/n), please just tell me you're ok, I need to know you're ok, otherwise as respectfully as I can, I'll take this door down" I hear the pain in Austin's voice, but I can't say anything, I physically can't, with the lump in my throat and the weight on my chest. I'm having a full on panic attack. "Baby, I'm dying here, at least let me know, you're alive." He chuckles a bit, though I know it's probably to hide a sob and not because he finds any of this amusing.
"I-" the squeak that leaves my lips barely sounds human. Standing up with the help on the counter, I clutch the sheets to my body and wipe my sweaty hand on them, before twisting the door knob. When I open the door, the image before me, makes me want to fall to my knees. "Baby...(y/n)" one of his hands reaches out to me and I take it. The warmth of him grounds me enough to be able to take the steps up to him and hug his shirtless body. In between the chaos that I caused he put on his sweatpants, but left his torso uncovered, something for which I'm thankful. My cheek resting on his velvet skin, right above his heart. I count the beats, adjusting my breathing. Austin's heart is beating fast, very fast and yet he looks so composed. Or that's what I think until I lift my head to look at him and see his bloodshot eyes. "Do you regret it?" He asks and my heart breaks thinking that I gave him this impression. Taking his face in my hands, I shake my head, but what I didn't think was that without my hands holding the sheets, they would fall. But he doesn't even seem to notice, I tremble with the chill air in the room and push my body an inch away so our bare chests don't touch. In situations like this, you'd expect the guy, to be looking at the girls body, checking her out, but he doesn't. His eyes stay on mine and his hands hold my shoulders. "Then what is it? If I did anything..."
"No, you didn't, I-" Austin waits for me to go on, but saying the words out loud feels like I'm about to be branded with hot iron. "I-" I look away, but that only makes things worse as my eyes fall on the mirror in the corner of the room. I can see his toned back and in front of him, half covered by him, is my body. My body that never felt attractive, or love worthy to me. My boobs are uneven, with my right one hanging lower than the left. My stomach isn't flat, but rather a small pouch of baby fat, that I was never able to get rid of. Stretch marks are everywhere, on my boobs, from when I went up two cup sizes way faster than other girls, on my upper arm, on my stomach, on my thighs.
I can't stand to look at myself anymore, in my head I look disgusting and the only reason I can imagine him, finding me attractive is because the room was dark last night. "I'm just, no one's ever..." I take a deep breather. "I've never been naked in front of anyone, ever" the corners of his lips twitch, almost like he wants to smile and the stops himself. His hands travel down my back. "This ok?" Austin ask and I want to tell him no, because how can you want to touch me in broad daylight? But his eyes hypnotize me and I nod. Pulling me close to him, my chest collides with his. He pushes some hair behind my ear, as one hand rests at the small of my back, rubbing circles with his thumb. "Tell me, why you ran from me? Please, I need to know I didn't hurt you." The laugh that escapes me sounds mocking. "Hurt me? How could you have hurt me?" My question could be stupid, but I don't see him ever doing anything to hurt me, at least not ever again. "Maybe I went too fast? I should've waited, maybe I-" I silence his babbling with my lips, still holding his face in my small hands. I pull away slightly, so that our foreheads sit against each other and our breaths blend. "Last night, was amazing!" I say and he laughs, coming in for another kiss. His velvet lips dance over mine, causing my heart rate to pick up and my knees to buckle, weak from the intense feeling. The kiss is so intoxicating it almost makes me forget the last five minutes and my breakdown. "Then why did you panic?"
Austin's eyes search my face for anything that could indicate his worries were true, but he doesn't seem to be able to actually read my expression. "Because it doesn't make sense.." I whisper looking down. Using a finger he lifts my head up, by my chin, waiting for me to go on. "I just, I can't, fathom how, how you can be attacked to me." He opens his mouth shocked, but before he can say anything, I interrupt him. "And I don't mean, my personality or any of that. I mean physically, I just don't get it. I mean look at you, you are.....well you and I'm just, chubby, unfit me." Now reality hits me and I’m able to take in our closeness, so I pick the sheets from the floor and wrapping myself in them I sit down on the bed with my knees to my chest. Austin comes to sit next to me. One of his hands runs up and down my back, but right now I feel so bad about myself, that I almost flinch away from the touch. "Baby, I really don't understand what you mean? To me you are the sexiest thing I've seen. I love all of you. Even physically." I shake my head, no way he's telling the truth. "I love the way my fingers dip a bit into the flesh in your hips, I love how great your breasts fit into my hands, like they were made to be touched be me. I love your warm, soft skin and the way it feels when I run my hands over it. And last night, with your thighs around my head, I don't think I've ever been more in love with a feeling before." I want to believe, I do, because his voice sounds like warm honey and it has no ounce of dishonesty in it, but it's hard, it's hard to accept that all those flaws that I see are things he likes. "I'm not pretty, my boobs are uneven, I have stretch marks everywhere and belly sticks out too much."
Austin kisses my temple, then he kisses the corner of my eye, moving down to my lips. "Let me show you how wrong you are, please." I squeeze my hands into little fists and try to keep calm. I slowly nod my head. "Trust me?" He ask as one hand goes up to the sheet covering me. My body goes stiff and I remember myself over and over again that it's just Austin. "Yes" I say and close my eyes when he slips the material off of me. Moving up on the bed to sit resting against the headboard, Austin brings me with him, placing me in his lap, my legs on either side of his hips. I keep my eyes closed as his fingers graze the skin of my arms. "Open your eyes, (y/n)!" He's demanding, yet I know that if I want I can just say 'stop' and it's over. It's the trust I have for him respecting my boundaries, that makes me flutter my eyes open.
"I love your pink lips, I don't think there's a shade of lipstick that looks sexier then your bare lips." The pads of his thumbs circle around my lips and he brings me down for a kiss. A kiss that goes through me like lightning and ends in between my legs, where the desire I've only felt with him, grows. The kiss is brief as his hands travel down to my neck. I'm by no means a small girl, compared to other, but somehow in his hands, I feel like a miniature doll. His long fingers squeeze around my neck, making my lids almost close as a whimper leaves my lips. Austin seems pleased with this reaction, biting his lip, trying to hide the smile. "I love your neck and the way you flex your muscles when you're nervous, I don't think you even know you do that." He kisses my neck, soft, wet kisses running down my pulse. "And god if I knew that you wouldn't be mad at me, I'd paint your neck and shoulders in purple hickies, that way everyone would know how much I truly adore you." He suck the skin at the base in my neck, running his tongue over the reddening flesh, giving me a hickie anyway. "And these" he takes my breasts in his hands, feeling the weight of them against his palms, squeezing them and rubbing my nipples. I'm high on how good his touch feels and I grind me hips against his. My bare pussy making contact with the rough fabric of his sweatpants.
When I realize what I've done, I freeze. Austin squeezes my boobs again and I can't help the moan I let out. "You drive me absolutely crazy, (y/n). I love your boobs so much, I used to dream about what they would feel like, bare in my hands, with no stupid bra to take away from the beauty of them." He lowers his mouth to one of my nipples, taking it in between his warm lips, running his hot tongue over it. "Austin..." my hands fly up to his hair and buckling my hips against his, I can feel the bulge in his pants. "Feel that baby? That's all you, only you can make me this hard- fuck!" He tries to push his hips up against mine, but I'm too ashamed by my own reaction to move over him anymore. So I keep my core above his evident erection, barely touching it, through his pants, but still not applying the pressure he needs, the pressure we both need. As his mouth moves to my other breast, Austin kisses the skin between my boobs, speaking with his lips glued to me. "Don't stop baby, please, move against me, fuck, make yourself feel good. I'm all yours, always have, always will be"
His reassuring words give me that ounce of courage that I needed, as I put my whole weight on him. The bulge of his hard dick, hits perfectly my clit and when I drag my hips over his, the warmth of pleasure floats through my body. Whimpers escape me as I can feel the pleasure building up inside me. Austin moves his hands down to my hips, still playing with one of my nipples in his mouth. I brace myself onto his shoulders and look at him with heavy eyes. The ocean blue in his orbs, has become a thin ring around his blown pupils. "I love you!" I say and with a 'pop' his mouth lets go of my nipple, attacking my lips. The kiss is so hungry and heated, that our teeth cling together. I bite his bottom lip with my teeth, causing him to grunt in my mouth and his hands guiding my hips over his pick up the pace. Our bodies melted together and we are just a mess of skin slapping skin. I moan as I feel the knot forming in my belly. "Austin, I love you."
"I love you too, baby, my (y/n)" as his hands move up to hold my breasts again, my body shivers with pleasure and I can feel myself close to exploding. The way the rough skin of his hands massages the flesh on my boobs, his fingers pinching the sensitive nipples, makes chill run down my spine. "(Y/n).." Austin moans my name like it's a prayer. I can't even remember why I felt so horrible a minute ago, all I feel is him, him all around me. Him showing me how easy I am to love. The way my name rolls on his tongue, has my heart running out of my chest and my hips move faster as he tries to meet my moves. The sweet friction, mixed with the feeling of him, kissing every stretch mark, till I change my mind about them being ugly and the whimpers and moans that vibrate through his chest, bring me so much closer. "Austin...I- I think I'm-" I can't speak I'm to drunk on the pleasure and too caught up into reaching my orgasm. "Cum for me, (y/n)" Austin says as his mouth covers mine swallowing my cries.
My body shivers and my pleasure takes over me, clouding my thoughts and making me feel like I'm as light as a feather in the wind. Austin keeps moving my hips over his and I moan, the stimulation being too much. Then with a moan, louder then any of his previous ones, he stills me over him, his fingers digging into the flesh over my hips. Austin kisses my lips, soft, open mouthed and warm. This time the kiss is so full of love and it speaks volumes about the feelings we share for each other. Tucking my hair between my ears, going to pepper kisses all over my shoulder, Austin holds me like that, on his lap, enjoying the weight of me on top of him. "I love you so much, it's impossible to imagine a day that I couldn't hold you like this." He speaks so softly. "Look at how much you excite me baby." Grabbing the side of my face he forces my eyes to his lap, to see the mess we made. My juices a soaked through his grey sweats and his cum is coming out a bit at the waistline. My thighs squeeze his sides and he chuckles lightly. "I love you Austin." I say and hug him, burying my face in the crook of his neck. His hands run over my back, comforting. "I love you too (y/n) and I want you to always tell me when you feel like that, so I can make sure to remind you how wrong you are." I giggle into his skin and hug him tighter.
"Now, how about we shower and then I make you that breakfast I promised?" His fingers tickle my bare back and I laugh, kissing up his neck, all the way to his plush lips. "Ok" I say and he gets up from the bed, with me wrapped around him and before I can protest I'm too heavy, my feet touch the shower floor. The warm water soaks over us and we take turns on washing each other. Giggles can be heard as his hands tickle my sides. Austin insists on letting him wash my hair and I don't have the heart to fight him. He's very gentle as his fingers scratch my scalp, foaming his shampoo in my hair. He's lucky I love him so much, because if there's one pet peeve I have, that is using someone else's shampoo. Lost in my head, thinking about how I'm going to have to wash my hair again when I get home, I suddenly recognize the smell. I look over on the small shelf in the shower and lo and behold, the same exact shampoo that I've been using for years.
"Austin?" I ask as he runs the shower over my head to rinse the shampoo. "Yes, love?" He asks, putting the shower back up, to grab another bottle. After he squeezes some product in his hands, he sets the bottle down and I recognize it as my conditioner. "Is that my shampoo and conditioner?" He runs his fingers through my hair applying the conditioner only on the ends of my hair. "Yes, you left a bottle of each here a few years ago and one time I ran out of my stuff and thought 'why not'. I liked how my hair felt so I kept on buying them." He lathers some shampoo in his hair as he speaks. How have I not noticed the distinct smell of propolis and burnt pear, guess I was to busy sniffing his cologne. "And the perfume?" He smirks as he rinses his hair, applying conditioner and starting on rinsing it from my hair, since the product sat in my hair long enough. "When the first bottle was done I just ordered another and I kept on doing that, it just felt like my signature smell." My heart flutters in my chest and my stomach fills with butterflies. "You really love me, don't you?" I ask.
He turns the water off and hugs me tight to him, keeping me flush to his chest. I can feel the vibration of his heart against my chest and I bet he can feel mine as well. "I can see how I made you doubt that in the past, but I promise you, from now on I'll make it impossible for you to question my love for you." Austin always had a way with words, it might be the actor in him or the bookworm in him, but it doesn't matter it's still Austin. "My Austin" I say touching his face, memorizing every crease and freckle all over again. "My (y/n)" he says as he seems to do the same with me, just looking at me with such love and affection.
Wrapping us in warm, fuzzy towels he takes me back to the bedroom. Dressing himself in a pair of black shorts and a while long sleeve shirt, he hands me some sweats and a shirt. Going to the kitchen he sits me down on the counter, lifting me up by my hips. "Stay here, while I cook!" He kisses the top of my nose and I giggle, rubbing with my palm where he kissed, to ease the ticklish feeling. "Ok chef." I say and watch him mesmerized by his craft. Sure I can make a mean bowl of cereal and some of the boxed food, but I'm still one step away from chopping my whole arm every single time. Austin, on the other hand, moves as if he's been born cooking, cutting the vegetables  meticulously. "I don't get it, how is it that I'm able to cut people open and sew them back up, but the last time I tried to make an omelette I had to throw away the pan?" He laughs throwing his head back. I love the way his blonde curls bounce every time his head moves. "Maybe don't tell your patients that." Austin looks at me, giving me his best side smile. It still amazes me how much has changed in 3 years, yet it's almost like we needed to grow up independently so we can meet again.
"Yeah I guess, surgeon who can't cut veggies without chopping an arm off, isn't great marketing." I joke as I jump form the counter, going to the fridge to get some water. "So won't your parents be worried you never got home last night?" He asks, even though my mom never like Austin, he always held my parents in high regard. "Eh I doubt my dad will remember I was supposed to come and the same goes for mom, since she wasn't in the living room waiting for me, to scold me for getting in at such a late hour." He simply nods his head, knowing the subject of my parents isn't one of my favorites. I love them, but god sometimes I feel like a burden to them and every time I forget that, my mom is quick to remind me, I owe them everything.
"So did Betty's girlfriend say yes?" He flips the omelette over in the pan, adding the cheese and veggies. "Yes, but she knew it was coming, Betty had accidentally texted her a pic of the ring." He giggles, dropping the omelette on the plate and starting the second one. "Anyway I don't see how you could say 'no' to Betty, she's amazing." Austin watches me closely, the muscles in his jaw tensing. "Why did you two break up? You don't have to tell me, I'm just- curious." I fidgeted with the glass in my hand. "Well many things, first the relationship came too soon after you and second my mom would disown me if she found out I liked girls." I try to hide my anger with a laugh. "She would probably, ship me away to live at a convent" I hat to see the pity in his eyes, but I know it's well intended.
"I'm sorry." He says genuinely. I walk my finger on the rim of the glass and sigh. "Yeah me too, you know my first crush was a girl in my geometry class when I was 14. I gaslighted myself into thinking that it wasn't really a crush, but I realized it when talking to Betty about it a while ago." Austin sits down at the table with the plates. He grabs my hand and rubs my wrist, managing to calm me instantly. "You are the only other person I've ever told that to. I know I shouldn't let what my homofobic parents think dictate my life, but I just, I don't know" licking his lips, he comes close to me, kissing my cheek. "I love you." He says, making me blush. " me too!" I say, cutting up some of the food and putting it into my mouth. "Perfect as always."
Austin smiles like a little kid and starts to eat. We enjoy our breakfast together with no interruptions. Cracking jokes and laughing like two lovesick teenagers.
"So what do you want to do today?" I ask as I help him load the dishwasher. He shrugs his shoulders. "How about we go to the zoo?" I can't stop the smile that spreads on my face. "The zoo, really?" He nods, wiping his hands dry and closing the dishwasher. "I'd like that yes." We finish putting some more things in place and then we're out on the door. I stayed in his clothes, folding the bottom of the sweatpants so I wouldn't have to worry about stepping on them, since they are too long on me. He also opts to stay in his lounge clothes, but adds a cap and a pair of sunglasses, he says that hopefully this way, one will recognize him and we can enjoy the zoo in peace.
"Let's take my car, you can drive, if you want to." I say and hand him the keys. It's a good idea not only because, my car was parked after his in the driveway, but also because it's not a flashy black Audi, bust a small white ford, bought second hand, a lot more private. As we get in the car, he adjusts the seat to his size, since I usually have it pulled all the way to the front to be able to reach the pedals. Before we drive away he turns to look at me. "(Y/n) I want you to know that I'm not doing all this, because I don't want to be seen with you. I love you and I'd scream from the top of my lungs how much I love you in a sea of people, without a second thought, but I want to protect you from the media, my fans. I don't want you to have to deal with them." Even with the sunglasses on I can imagine his eyes moving around nervously. I put my hand on his cheek and he sighs into my touch, like it's something he wishes to have in his skin forever. "I know baby, I know, I love you so much for that. I don't need the world to see us to know how much you mean every single word you say." He kisses the inside of my hand and turns the car on.
On the drive to the zoo we sing along to whatever song comes on the radio. He tries to keep his hand on my thigh, but he constantly has to remove it, to shift gears. Austin grunts in frustration and I laugh at him. "I don't get why you insist on driving a manual, like why go through all this bother?" I shake my head at him. "I can't drive an automatic, I don't know what to do with my left leg." He grins at me and huffs in disbelief.
We get to the zoo and walk around laughing at all the cute animals. He insists on taking pictures of me with his camera, that he brought along. Austin even has a few strangers take photos of us, one of us kissing in front of the center fountain at the zoo. Another with our heads poking through one of those cardboard cutouts of an explorer couple. A photo of us stuffing our faces with cotton candy. Then a couple more photos of just me laughing and pointing at the different animals. When it's my turn to have the camera I make sure to get the best shots. A picture of him having a staring contest with an iguana. Spoiler the iguana won. A photo of him, trying to feed a pony and the pony deciding the lace on his shorts looked way more appetizing than the carrot. It's safe to say the pony won that contest as well, pulling the lace all the way out of the waistband of his pants, leaving Austin no option than to buy a new pair from the souvenir shop, since the once he was wearing no longer stayed on his hips. I can't stop laughing as he constantly pulls at his new shorts that were too small for him, too short and too tight. "It's not funny." He mumbles adjusting his crotch for the hundredth time.
"Ooh but it is!" I say between laughter, wiping tears from my eyes, he kisses the top of my head and steals the camera from me to take some more photos of me. We eat lunch at the small restaurant on the zoo grounds and we are left surprised by the good food. On our way back to the car a girl recognizes him and politely asks for a picture. He sings her shirt and takes a picture with her, thanking her for being respectful. "Well that wasn't too bad" he says, taking my hand. "Yeah she was polite."
"Not all of them are though, but most of them usually are." I nod, I believe him, but still we both know we won't always only meet the nice ones. When we sit down in the car, he wiggles uncomfortably in the seat. "You know, you can just take them off, I don't mind." He grimaces at my words. "Um yeah, but you know, they have been kinda, uh " I try to stifle my laughter. "Austin Robert Butler are you ashamed because the pants gave you a boner?" I ask and break down giggling, unable to control myself. He goes red and I'm happy to see him blush for a change. "Maybe" he mumbles under his breath.
"Well I don't mind. I'll help you with it when we get home." He coughs a little, like he just choked on air. "He-help me with it?" Austin asks. I nod eagerly. "I was a virgin just a few hours ago, but I'm not clueless Austin. I'm sure you've been given enough blow jobs in your life, to teach me how to give you a mind blowing one." He takes off the sunglasses and rubs his eyes, like he's trying to wake up. "Baby, these pants were tight as the were, now I feel like I can't breathe. You expect me to drive like this?" I open my mouth to speak, but he pushes a finger against my lips to stop me. "Huh no, no more from you, I need to drive us back alive." I just laugh and get comfortable in my seat, trying to hide my excitement.
The drive back to his place, feels somewhat longer and the air in the car is filled with tension. He doesn't speak the whole ride back, but I can see it's because he's making an effort to stay composed. When the car comes to a stop in his driveway, he turns around and looks me dead in the eyes. "I need you to know, you don't have to do anything, ok, I can just take a cold shower." I shake my head and lean to kiss him. "I love you and I want to make you feel good Aus." I say batting my lashes at him. He swallows hard and then nods getting out of the car in a hurry.
We move so fast, opening the door and discarding whatever things we were carrying. We stumble kissing all the way to his bedroom. Austin sits down on the edge of the bed and I can feel worry bubble inside of me. "It's easy, there's not much, that doesn't feel good." He says trying to calm me. Austin helps me take his tight shorts off and he lets out a breath of relief, as he's now free from them. I sit in my knees, rubbing my hands over my thighs, looking up at him. "God, you're so pretty like this." One of his hands caresses me cheek. "Just do what feel natural, kiss, lick, suck, I'll let you know if I don't like something." I nod.
Ok come on now, it can't be that hard, I know enough anatomy and I've read my share of smut, plus I might of opened one or two porn movies a while ago. I take his dick in hand and bring my hand up to the tip, gathering some of the precum to make my hand glide smoother. His abdominal muscles contract with my moves and strangled breaths go past his lips. I lean forward and lick, with the flat of my tongue, from the base all the way to the top. Taking his swollen tip in my mouth, I swirl my tongue around it. "Fuck, that feels really good baby, keep going" his hands fist the sheets as I slide down his length. "Jesus baby!" His head falls back as I bop my head up and down. Moans and whimpers come out of his mouth. I never really understood why people liked to do this for others, but fuck it's so hot to see him in such a haze, pleasure coming out of every pore. I bring my other hand, that was resting on my lap, up to his balls. Keeping up the same rhythm of bopping my head up and down, accompanied by one of my hands stroking the base, I give his balls a little squeeze. "Fuuuuck, keep doing that baby, my god, (y/n)!" Happy with his response I keep going at the same pace, until his breath becomes more ragged and I feel him twitch in my mouth.
"Baby." He taps my cheek gently and I take my mouth off of him, still moving my hand and squeezing his balls. "I'm very close baby, I don't want you to get surprised by it, come here." He motions for me to come sit next to him, but I'm not sure if I should move. "Am I not supposed to make you cum?" I confused, he just said he was close. Austin let's more cures past his lips, brushing a hand through his hair. "You are baby, but you don't have to swallow, come sit next to me." I get up, not giving up on my moves. I sit next to him. "Just like that, baby, keep going." He takes my face in his hands and brings me in for a kiss. I move the hand that was massaging his balls up to his hair and grab a handful of it, pulling. Austin groans into the kiss, as his hips start to move off the bed to meet my hand.
Breaking the kiss, he rests his forehead on my shoulder as I continue to stroke him, swirling my hand over the tip. "Shit, I love you so much!" Putting my lips on the shell of his ear, I graze my teeth over his ear lobe and he shivers. "Cum for me, Austin!" I say and with a chain of curses, his hands tighten around my waist as bites down on my shoulder. His hips still and I feel his dick twitch as his warm cum spills over my hand. When I feel him getting soft, I let him go. Austin lifts his head up from my shoulder and the fucked out look on his face makes me want to get back down on my knees. "Baby I don't think I've ever cum this good. (Y/n) you did amazing." He kisses my cheek and then bends down to grab the shorts from the zoo, using them to clean my hand. He pulls his boxers back and moves me up the bed to lay with him. "You liked it?" I ask shyly, though a part of me knows I'm just being cocky. "I fucking loved it" he says lifting my chin up to kiss me. "What about you?" He asks and I shoot him a confused look. "Yeah I liked it." I try to seem coy, but I fucking loved seeing him so vulnerable for me. He chuckles shaking his head. "I'm glad, baby, but I was asking if you want me to make you cum?" I tremble in his arms and I think about it a minute, but right now I think I just want to sleep. "Maybe later, I'm kinda tired." He kisses my head, dragging one of my legs over his waist, so that I'm now completely laying on his side. "Ok, do you want to watch some tv?" I nod my head while yawning.
Austin gets the remote from the nightstand on his side of the bed and turns the tv on, but my eyes are heavy with sleep and I find myself slipping into a sweet trance. I think Austin might of said something else m, but I couldn't bring myself to concentrate, it was a long day, but it was one of the best days I've had in a while. "Thank you!" I mumble, before falling asleep and I feel his soft lips touch my forehead.
Tags: @kittenlittle24 @amorx @cryingabtab @lexicox044 @lrissa @feral4austinbutler @sageskywalker @jesssssicaa @rainydayz101 @flwersgarden @bobthefishiesworld @captured-memory @homebodybirkin2003 @galaxygirl453 @butlerslut @chrisevansgirl34 @myradiaz @pennyroyalcreep @macey234 @im-lame-irl @lordandmistress @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @poppet05 @gabbywontlose @4shbug @0-thegoodwitch-0 @hauntedarchivesx @chewiethecatus @sunnyx07 @francesbloomer@jessaroni19 @finelineskies @stargirlbytheweekend @cerenaydins-blog
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xbunnybunz · 3 years
Sticky Situation [Wolf Keum X Reader]
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Summary: You make the mistake of thinking Wolf Keum had any sense of fine-motor skill.
Genre: Romance, Humor
Author's Note: Sorry I was gone so long! I'm back in business people, and here's a cute little oneshot as penance. Thanks for the support, enjoy the read!
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“Shit. Dammit. This thing is so fucking sticky!”
You lean closer to the mirror and nearly press your eyeball against it, peering at your lashline.
False eyelashes were hot and sexy until you had to take them off.
“Ah, I really cant afford to just rip it off again like last time. I lost 5 real eyelashes like that…” You mutter to yourself, brows furrowing.
You blink at your reflection and try grasping at the end of the lash, but the proximity makes it hard to focus and you fail miserably each time.
Just when your frustrations are mounting, you see Wolf sauntering into the kitchen out of the corner of your eye.
Perfect timing.
“Wolf? Can you come here for a sec?”
You’re still gouging at your eyes when he stalks over to your room, peering curiously at your hunched over form.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m trying to remove my false eyelashes. I got one off, but I can’t get a grip on the other one. Do you think you can help me?”
You straighten up and bat your lashes at him, attempting to use covert womanly charms to subdue him and accomplish your menial task. Unsurprisingly, it does not work given you looked like a one-eyed circus donkey.
“Holy fuck,” He snorts, his lip twitching upwards. “You look so dumb.”
You roll your eyes and turn back to the mirror. “Seriously? Eat shit.”
Wolf sighs and grabs your arm, pulling you closer.
“I was kidding. What do you need me to do?”
Your face flushes and you cough, tugging your arm away from him.
“Just… Grab the eyelash and peel it off.”
He places a large hand on your shoulder, leaning in the inspect the eyelash in question.
“Is that it?” His breath fans across your face, hot and warm.
You gulp.
His amber eyes narrow a bit, shuffling a bit closer now and you can’t help opposing his movements, shyly maintaining a modest distance.
“Hey, stop moving.” He mutters, then presses a palm against your back—to which you nearly have a stroke and die on the spot.
“Sorry.” You squeak, eyes diverted, counting the scratches on the hardwood floor.
He doesn’t respond, only furrowing his eyebrows in concentration.
“This one?” He points at the culprit and you nod, unable to speak without sounded hoarse.
“Alright, hold still.” He mumbles, moving his hand closer to your face and holy shit he is giving off so much warmth it’s driving you insane.
He presses the back of his hand against your cheek to angle your face towards the light, which also unfortunately means you’ve got front row tickets to Wolf Keum’s face.
You watch your own reflection in his glasses as he draws near, breath shaky and heartbeat pulsing in your throat.
You feel the faint sensation of fingers grazing your eyelashes and squeeze your eyes shut, unable to stare at him for much longer.
There’s a strange ripping sound as the eyelash detaches from your face.
“Fuck.” He hisses.
Your hand flies to your eye and all at once, the butterflies you felt in your stomach drop cold and dead to your feet.
“Oh my god, Wolf. What did you do?”
Wolf releases you, staring at the false and not-so-false eyelashes between his fingers with a mix of disgust and rapt fascination.
“I told you not to move, why’d you close your eyes?” He asks, but you refuse to answer him because of how stupid and embarrassing your thoughts had gotten the moment he laid hands on you.
“Oh, forget it.” You stutter.
You feel at your eyes. “Is it bad?”
He looks at you and his expression is all the incentive you need to rush frantically to the mirror, clutching at it like it’ll give you your eyelashes back.
“Oh, hell no.”
Wolf carefully approaches and sticks the false eyelash to your cheek.
“I’m… Gonna go now.”
He sneaks off as you stare at your reflection.
Hey, look on the bright side. This means more false eyelashes and more of whatever the fuck that was, right?
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itscominghome · 3 years
More Than Anything
Requested by: @lottievieira27
Summary: You moved over to London from your home in Brazil to get sports physiotherapy experience with Chelsea FC. Your visit made permanent when you meet your now boyfriend, Kepa Arrizabalaga. After living there for two years, you decide it's time to go back home and see your family for Christmas. And this time, Kepa comes with you.
Based at Christmas 2021
Notes: This whole request was completely deleted from my drafts for some reason. The anguish I went through whilst rewriting half of this was insane, so I'm sorry if there are mistakes and typos or the writing is sloppy.
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"Kep?" I call out as I see my boyfriend walk past the living room door.
"Yes, mi amor?" he replies, taking a few steps back and popping his head around the doorframe.
"So, you know how I'm going back to Brazil for Christmas," he nods his head, "well, I was thinking-"
"Oh, that's a dangerous thing," Kepa replies with a smirk, I glare at him, feigning offence.
"Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. Would you want to come with me and meet my family?" Kepa's face lights up.
"Really!? Yeah! Of course I'll to come with you!"
So, that's how, a month later, we were both on a plane, on our way to Rio. My head was rested his shoulder and his head on mine. We were both woken up by the bumps of the runway and my excitement only intensified. Both excited to see my family again, and to introduce them to my boyfriend.
The entire walk to my parents was spent with my hand tightly intertwined with Kepa's. The cold causing us to huddle together as we walk for warmth. Kepa and I had been together for just over a year now. We'd met at Chelsea, where I was getting work experience for sports physiotherapy and at his first session with me, we had completely hit it off. I was decently close with all of the Chelsea team, but me and him, we just had that extra bit of chemistry. That better connection. So when Covid had hit and the country went into lockdown, we'd agreed to live together so neither of us were alone. And within three months, things just slotted into place. It had all been in the public eye from quite early on. Kepa is quite territorial, wanting everyone to know I was his, though he knew it didn't stop the lingering looks from guys at parties. The press and Chelsea fans didn't originally agree with our relationship, claiming it to be unprofessional having a player and a physiotherapist together from the same team. Tuchel had no problem with it though, so we continued. After a few months the press and fans had changed their mind on our relationship, enjoying how open we were about being together and loving all the cutesy content they would receive.
I had met Kepa's family in the Christmas of 2020 and I loved every second of my time spent over in Spain. His mum and I had gotten on very well, her telling me as we cooked dinner one night that she thought I was 'the best thing that had ever happened to her son'. We had never talked about it directly, but of course I knew about the split held had from his long-term girlfriend of the time. She had told me how hard it had been for him and how much I'd helped him get his confidence back. Though, I know he'd done that all by himself, he just needed that little bit of a push.
Knock. Knock. Knock. The door had flung open almost immediately and I was greeted by both of my parents. My mum pulled me into a tight hug, as did my dad when she pulled away. After the greetings between myself and my parents, I began to introduce Kepa who was stood just out of sight.
"Mãe, pai, I have someone I'd like you to meet," I say as Kepa moves to stand by my side, "This is Kepa, my boyfriend," I finish with a sense of pride, smiling up at him. My face changes very quickly as he starts to speak Portugese.
"Ei, é muito bom finalmente conhecer vocês dois*," I stand there with a look of confusion, brows furrowed and nose scrunched up a little bit. He shakes my father's hand. My Mum is smiling widely, I always knew she would like Kepa, but I also knew that my Dad would need more convincing.
"É um prazer conhecê-lo também, nós ouvimos tudo sobre você" he replies.
"Yeah, I haven't quite got that far yet," Kepa laughs back as my mum pulls him into a hug, kissing both of his cheeks in greeting. After the initial introduction, we're invited in, engulfed by the warmth of the house.
"So, the most expensive goalkeeper in the world, eh?" My dad questions as we talk about Kepa's football career.
"Yes sir, but unfortunately I've been on the bench for a while, I had a bit of a knockback, but I'm getting better. And it's all because of your daughter," he replies, smiling fondly at me.
"I've not done anything really, it was all you, I've just been there to support you,"
"Yeah, and that's what I've needed, and you gave me it without second thought,"
After a few hours of talking, it was starting to get late and everyone was starting to get hungry.
"Y/N/N, can you come and help me prepare some food?" my Mum asks and of course I comply. Within maybe ten minutes, I have Kepa stood behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder, pressing a tender kiss to my lips occasionally. My mum gushes over it all as we continue to cook.
"Kep, babe, why don't you go back into the living room, have a beer with my Dad or something, talk about football?" He pouts a little bit, not wanting to leave my side, but does eventually go back into the other room, reluctantly.
"Your dad really likes him, you know?" My mum says with a smile, "So do I, he clearly loves you a lot." I smile at the ground almost shyly.
"He's good for you, and by the sounds of it, you're good for him. We've seen all the stuff the press has said. And The Sun, oh they just love to rip into your relationship even a year later, and you've stayed strong through it all. You're meant for one another. And me and your dad know that we aren't going to see you all the time anymore because you've found him, but we also understand that you've grown up and you leaving Brazil permanently to be with him, it is going to be one of the best decisions you'll ever make. He makes you so happy, and we can see that in the way you look at each other. He adores you."
After dinner, we had moved back into the living room, Kepa still sucking up and telling both me and my mum how delicious the food had been. I'd tried telling him how much my family already loved him, but his aim to please was too high. When we had sat back down, I cuddled up to my boyfriend on one of the couches, sat opposite my parents. Him and my dad were in deep conversation about his time at Chelsea, his life back in Spain, just making an effort to get to know each other, my Mum occasionally getting involved. My eyes started to get heavy, so I just let them slowly close. I don't know how long I had been asleep for, but when I woke back up, my head had been moved to Kepa's lap and his fingers ran softly through my hair. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, catching onto the current conversation going on whilst they thought I was asleep.
"Do you love her?" My Dad asks. And without missing a beat, Kepa replies.
"Mais do que nada*,"
*Ei, é muito bom finalmente conhecer vocês dois = Hey, it's nice to finally meet you both.
*Mais do que nada =
More than anything.
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call-me-doll-face · 3 years
Acquiesce- part 2
Warnings: once again guys, this does have noncon elements. If you are triggered easily please don't read. In no way do I approve of behavior like this, no means no. Consent is key. This is strictly just for the story. No minors! Smut, angst, friends to lovers, protective steve.
A/N- this is for my friend @rogershoe thank you for reading my stories and always giving me words of praise, and for always listening. I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it!
P.s I'm sorry for any mistakes! I haven't gone through and proof read!
Part one
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Steve slept over that night, refusing to leave my side. I honestly don’t know whether I'm supposed to feel thankful or annoyed and hell who knows, maybe it’s both. 
Yes, him being here eases my mind. Knowing that he’s there to protect me if, heaven forbid, something happens. At the same time though..... maybe I would rather be alone.
Ever the gentleman, he willingly takes the not so comfortable couch in my opinion with zero complaint. We work together in silence to put the fitted sheet on before standing side by side, just staring at it.
“Ya know, I’d almost prefer sleeping on the floor.” He cracks a joke, looking over at me with that cute lopsided grin of his. Scoffing in fake offense I smack his chest playfully causing him to cover his chest with a very over exaggerated wounded expression.
“Hey! Don’t hate on my couch! You could always go sleep in your OWN room!” Before I could even finish my sentence he had flopped down onto his back, big arms folded up behind his head and a satisfied smile gracing his lips. It was hysterical, seeing him trying to fit his big body on my tiny couch, long legs hanging over the armrest. I snicker at him softly, running a finger up the arch in his foot as I go to walk away, knowing damn well how ticklish the man is. 
I try to make a quick getaway; wanting to avoid the awkwardness I could feel slowly creeping back in between us. However when I hear “Calla,wait.” I groan internally before slowly turning around to find that he’s already standing right there before me. Curse him and how damn sneaky he is! A man of his size shouldn't also be stealthy! 
“Stevie I-” I’m pulled into his embrace, fingers moving up to tangle in my long hair to scratch comfortingly against my scalp. All the tension leaves my body at the action, sagging against him and almost purring like a cat, eyes drifting closed.
“Calla... My lilly...”He murmurs softly against my hairline as he pulls me even closer to him, if that’s even possible. My heartrate spikes at his words as my belly erupts with butterflies. We had always been close but never has he been this tender with me.
His lips press one last kiss to my forehead before bidding me goodnight and gently urging me in the direction of my room where I had been so ready to escape to moments ago but now have to force my body towards.
“Goodnight Stevie.” I whisper softly on my way, Knowing he’d hear me.
I don’t know what wakes me. My eyes slowly flutter open and my lips part with a deep yawn. It’s not until I’m stretching that my body freezes as I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. 
‘You’re being watched’ my mind tells me as my muscles lock up with panic, eyes staying on the wall directly in front of me, terrified to move let alone look around.
In the back of my mind I already know who’s in the room with me. It’s him. He’s  come for me, to finish the job. Bucky....
Then just like that, as if materializing from thin air, he’s there. His hand wraps around my ankle like a vice, jerking me down the bed towards him, sheets getting bunched up around me as he does. 
No, no not again! please no! 
Crying desperately I kick out at him and miraculously the heel of my foot comes into contact with the middle of his chest, causing his grip to loosen just enough to slip away. Rollin on to my hands and knees I start to crawl away from him quickly in an attempt to put distance between us, but with a deep growl he’s suddenly on top of me, using his big body to pin me to the bed. 
“No, Bucky! this isn't’ you!” He lets out a sadistic chuckle at my words before he reaches down and rips my panties roughly from my body. I cry out as my skin burns from the fabric, leaving red welts in the wake. 
“Please don’t do this, don’t do this! I’ll do anything!” I sob but then he’s thrusting into me once against without a care as his chest rumbles against my back. 
“You will submit.” He snarls in my ear as his hips snap violently against my ass.
You will submit.
You will submit.
“Calla...Calla!” I fight against the vice like grip holding me in place, writhing and thrashing against him. A scream is ripped from my raw throat as I get a hand free, digging my nails into my assailants skin. “Damit, Calla! Calla it’s me! Stop!” With one more hard shake I’m pulled back to reality and I whimper shaking my head.
“Open your eyes Calla.” When I refuse to do so I hear his soft sigh then his big gentle hands move up to cup my cheeks, thumbs moving over them soothingly. “It’s okay my lilly... I’m here... It’s just me, I’ve got ya. Now open those big beautiful eyes and let me look at ya.” Under his gentle coaxing I reluctantly let my eyelashes flutter open to meet his very concerned blue ones, watching as he lets out a relieved sigh.
My legs are tangled in the damp sheets, body slick with sweat, and chest heaving as I desperately try to get some much needed oxygen into my lungs. “He... He was here...” My voice shakes out the words and I launch myself at steve, sobbing into his naked shoulder and clinging to him desperately.
He just lets me cry, holding my body against his as he whispers soft words against the side of my head. Eventually when the sobs die down enough he gently moves me back to the head of the bed. Pulling back the blankets he slides in beside me without my even having to ask before tucking me under his arm. 
We lay there silently for a while, my cheek pressed against his warm chest as my arm snakes around his waist to keep him with me. I let his even breathing calm me, nuzzling closer to him as the panic finally dissipates. 
“You know.... I used to have nightmares too. The last thing I can remember is my plane breaking through the ice. The cold of it. I knew it was the right thing to do, and never for a second have a regretted it. But god did it scare me.” I glance up at his words, seeing him staring at the ceiling with wrinkled brows with his arm that wasn't holding me folded behind his head. “Then I woke up and there you were, lookin like and angel. I done thought I’d died and gone to heaven doll!” We both laugh softly at his words, my chest blossoming with warmth. I squeeze him gently and he squeezes me back in turn.
“If I hadn’t had you there when I woke up, To teach me all the things I’d missed out on and needed to learn... to help me get through the realization that everyone I’d known from my past life were gone.... doll I never would have made it.” This time when I looked up my breath caught in my throat at the look on his face as he looked down at me... Cheeks flushed a soft pink, lips slightly swollen due to being bitten so much, eyes shining with something akin to what I can only describe as love.... Adoration.. 
Slowly he gently reaches down with the arm that isn't holding me and gently pinches my chin between his forefinger and thumb before stroking it softly. His tongue flicks out over his lip and my eyes follow the movement....
I squeal in surprise when in one sweeping movement he has me straddling his lap with his hands once again cupping my cheeks. I’m very quickly becoming convinced it’s his favorite place to have them, but in this moment I’m thankful for it, nuzzling my face against them as our eyes meet once again.
“I promise you Calla, my lilly, that I’ll NEVER let anyone hurt you ever again. Ever. I’ll kill them first. You are the most important thing in my life. I’ll do anything for you, to make you feel better, to help you through this.”
My heart swells at his words, tears forming in my eyes as I give him a watery smile. Slowly reaching up to mimic him I cup his cheeks, watching as his eyes slowly flicker closed and his lips part to let out a soft breath at the touch. “Anything?” I question quietly.
“Anything.” Before the word has even left his mouth all the way I lean forward and press my lips softly against his.
People say that when you have your first kiss with something it feels like fireworks, like your life is exploding. Not with steve... No, kissing stevie feels like home. Like a cup of hot cocoa in front of a warm fire on a cold december night. Like fuzzy socks and warm blankets... like coming home after a bad day knowing that your person will be there to make everything feel right again.
And god does he make everything feel right again as he kisses me back with everything he has. Moving my hands up to tangle my fingers into his silky soft hair I let him tilt my head back so that he can press his lips firmer against mine to gain better access. A breathy whine escapes me and my lips party willingly without him even having to ask. He instantly takes advantage as his tongue slips in to massage against mine before exploring my mouth.
My whole body burns under his gentle ministrations. I burn for him, and I’d willingly burn for him over and over and over again...
Keeping my head leaned back I bite my lip as he leaves hot open mouthed kisses down the line of my jaw... slowly moving back to that spot behind my hear that he just seems to know will drive me wild.... groaning my name he nuzzles his nose there affectionately as his warm breath fans against my overly sensitive skin.
Wrapping those big arms around my waist he pulls my body even tighter against his before pulling back to press his forehead against mine, giving me a gentle smile. I can’t help but smile back before leaning back in and teasingly taking his bottom lip between my teeth and pulling slightly.
With a grunt his hips thrust up against me, pulling a surprised gasp from me as I feel how painfully hard he is beneth me. My pussy clenches as the feeling as my body automatically grinds down to meet his thrusts. Instantly those hands grip my waist tightly, stilling my movements.
"Calla... we can't." He grunts out, eyes squeezed shut and jaw clenched. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as I look down as him. I know he wants this...
"Stevie... please.. I want you... I've never been so sure of anything in my life.." shaking his head at my words his kisses my shoulder softly as he hugs me.
"No doll... I don't want you to want me just because you want to feel something... just because you want to forget. I want you to want me because you can't live without me... I want you to want me because I make it easier to breath... because that's how I feel about you."
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desertofsnowflakes · 3 years
Incorrect Order Chapter 7 (Nessian AU)
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A/N: Do inform me if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist! If you happen to find my storyline similar to another fic or one of yours, I'm extremely sorry, I might've just not known. All characters belong to the author Sarah J. Mass. Enjoy!
Summary: Don't first impressions always affect the way you see someone? Well, what more with the Nesta Archeron? Nesta meets Cassian at few unexpected places and to say it didn't go well was a major understatement. Certain circumstances make them become enemies to tolerable company to friends to lovers.
Trigger Warnings: none ig
2097 words | Incorrect Order Masterlist | Read on AO3
Wearing a tee is fairly simple. Just bunch it up and pull it over his neck, then, put his arms through. That's it. This is the third time he was trying to get himself in this damn t-shirt. The first time, he wore it the other way round. The next time he accidentally tried putting his neck where his arm was meant to go. He got snarled in the t-shirt in the process. It's a miracle the garment hadn't ripped off. His brushed hair also got mussed and tangled in the process.
Cassian sighed and held his dark brown tee up. His mind was still playing his memories with Nesta on loop. It just wouldn’t stop. Not when he was sulking, bathing, changing—
The doorbell rang. A quick glance at his wall clock confirmed that the hour was ungodly enough that most would be asleep. Wondering who exactly it was, Cassian opened the door—
—and his mind blanked out. There, standing in front of him, in all her glory was Nesta. Nesta, who had snapped at him earlier. Nesta in a white oversized sweater and black tight-fit leggings. A small bag was slung on her shoulder. He was pretty sure he was gawking like an idiot. He forced his mouth to shape her name.
“Nesta,” he breathed. Nesta could hear awe and reverence in his voice. So much that she shivered. There was pain in his voice too. Tears pricked her eyes. How selfish of her to run to him even after she hurt him. But she couldn’t turn away. Not now, not after walking from her home to here. She closed her eyes and swallowed. His bare torso didn’t help matters either. His torso was a wonderful masterpiece. His tattoos were starker in the moonlight. She longed to trace them with her fingers. Nesta immediately shut that train of thought. She didn’t come here for that. She came here because of Tomas. That’s it.
Cassian was peering over her shoulders when she opened her eyes. Frowning, he asked, “How did you come here? Has your cab left?”
“No,” she said. “I walked here.” His eyes snapped to her face. He took a step back and opened the door wider, “Come in,” he said.
Nesta could feel his eyes on her while she stepped through the threshold and took her time to look through his house. It wasn’t as big as Feyre’s but it was bigger than her apartment. She saw a rumpled t-shirt discarded on the dark blue couch and reigned in a smile. She heard the click of the lock and turned to face him. He looked at her and ran a hand through his hair, tousling it further. Her eyes tracked the wispy strands moving in between his slender, long fingers. Cauldron, she thought, this was going to be very difficult, indeed.
He nodded at the couch, “Have a seat. You must be tired. How long was the walk?” he queried.
She took her seat on the soft couch and replied, “Around half an hour including a short break I took.”
He nodded. The pained expression, mixed with one of longing, didn't leave his face yet. “Why are you here Nesta? Truly? Just a few hours ago, you were screaming in my face and now, you’re in my house looking rattled. What do you want?”
Nesta stared at her hands resting on her lap, took in a ragged breath and said, “Tomas.”
The shock was evident on his face. “Tomas?” he repeated. She saw as the shock on his face bled and became anger. “Did he disturb you again?” he demanded.
“No,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around herself. “No. He wasn’t really even there. I was on my bed. Trying to get some sleep. I couldn’t sleep, I kept tossing and turning on my bed. Sleep felt so far away. But after sometime I think I fell asleep. Then I felt like I woke up. It was bright. It all felt weird to me. And that was when I saw him. He was in my room. His hand was around my neck, squeezing. He was talking and talking.” The words were gushing out of her now, a panicked flow of words. She continued, “Then he slapped me. He also had a knife with him. He kept threatening me. Telling me about the way he said he wanted to kill me. And—and he used his knife on me. He stabbed my arm and kept dragging upward slowly. It hurt like hell. That was what I didn’t understand. The pain. It all felt very real. Most of all, my pain.” She looked back at Cassian. He was silently listening, she was grateful for that. “That’s why I came here,” she admitted. “I got scared. The vulnerability I felt… I want to be ready when he comes back. And he will come back. He isn’t the type to let things go. I need your help. Help me,” she pleaded. She wasn’t aware of the tear escaping her eye.
Cassian got up and seated himself beside her. He cupped her cheek. Unconsciously, she leaned closer to him. He gently brushed her tears away. “I’ll help you,” he said gently. “You’ll be ready. When the time comes, you’ll be ready. I’ll make sure of it. Only if you call me Cass.”
She grinned. “That wouldn’t be very difficult,” she said.
Cassian felt like he was selling his soul in a bargain to the devil. He knew. He knew that this wouldn’t end well for him. He knew he’ll end up having his heart broken. But he couldn’t resist. He couldn’t bring himself to say no to her.
Nesta wrapped her arms around his middle. He froze. The sensation of her hands on his bare skin was a shock to his senses and elicited a shiver down his spine. “Thank you,” she said. “Thank you so much. Really.” she gave him a playful smile. “Cass,”she said with more emphasis than necessary. And Mother, he didn’t regret letting her call him Cass one bit.
She yawned and stretched like a cat. He liked that too, he decided.
“Have you slept?” he asked.
“A bit. You?”
He shook his head. He gestured to her to follow him up the stairs. “You can sleep here till dawn in Mor’s room. You know, the room you used the last time.”
“Cass,” she said. He halted, turning back to face her. “I really need to say this. I’m sorry. Truly. I shouldn’t have said what I did last night.”
He didn’t say it’s okay because it really wasn’t. He just nodded, acknowledging her apology, showing her that he couldn’t forget how much it hurt him but he’ll try to come to terms with both of their mistakes. They reached Mor’s door.
She hesitated. “I don’t have any clothes to change to,” she said.
“It’s fine,” he said. “Mor’s clothes would fit you, though it would be slightly loose. You can also use the bathroom to wash up or anything else you want to do. I’ll be in the room down the corridor—” he said, gesturing to the second last door— “so just knock if you need anything, okay?”
She nodded and thanked him again before closing the door and preparing for bed. He entered his room and plopped on the bed. It might’ve been how tired he felt or it might have been her presence two rooms away, but in mere minutes, Cass was fast asleep.
A few fast and hard knocks on his door woke Cassian from his sleep. Groggily, he opened the door to find Nesta in a tank top and shorts. Very short shorts. She looked disturbed, though.
“What happened?” he asked her.
“I can’t sleep,” she said, her voice small.
Cassian’s heart, or at least, what was left of it, broke. He hated to see this. Cold, sharp Nesta now, standing in front of him, scared and afraid. He felt a surge of protectiveness in him. He wanted to tuck her to his side and shield her from every and any harm that would come to her.
He held his hand out for her and brought her into his room. “Sit,” he gestured to his bed, “What do you want to do?”
She smiled tentatively, “Would you tell me about yourself? We haven’t introduced ourselves properly. I think I want to hear more about you from you yourself. And if you want… I could tell you some things about myself too.”
He sat on the bed beside her and said, “That’ll be fun.” He saw this not only as a means to escape the horrid things in her head, but also as a peace offering. He couldn’t forgive and forget the things she told him earlier but he could try to play along with her patching up.
“Who’s gonna start first?” she asked.
He dramatically placed his hand on his bare chest in a variation of a bow and said, “After you, my lady.”
She laughed and asked, “Do you ever wear a shirt at home?”
“Why? Getting distracted already?”
“Can’t you just answer my question?” she asked hotly, though a light blush was creeping up her cheeks.
The corner of his lips kicked up a notch, “I do wear shirts at home.”
“Good,” she said and opened her mouth to continue when he interrupted her.
“Wait,” he said, “Now, you haven’t answered my question.”
“I didn’t deem it worthy enough to answer.”
He pouted, “You wound me, Nes.”
“Stop being overdramatic. And don’t call me Nes!” she snapped half heartedly.
“Twice,” aggrievedly, he said, “you wounded me twice. Also,” he smirked, leaning closer to her, “you like it.”
“Like which?”
“Being called Nes.”
“I don’t.”
“Now you’re the one who’s getting distracted. What did we plan for and what are we doing now? If this is how things are gonna be, I think you’ll prove to be a very bad teacher.”
“Now, Nes, you need to know that I’m good at many, many things and would prove to be an extremely focused teacher,” he said, voice husky. He knew she caught his meaning when the blush on her cheeks deepened. He leaned back on his palms, “Go on.”
So she spoke. She told him of her time when both her parents were alive; of the time when they grieved their mother’s death; when she kept herself away from her sisters after becoming orphans; when she made the mistake of falling for Tomas. “Honestly,” she had told him, “when I look at him now, I wonder how I fell in love with him in the first place.” She then told him of how her relationship with Tomas was a toxic one; him being abusive and controlling; how he made her feel low of herself; how he never respected her; how he kept cheating on her. She told Cassian of the day Tomas hit her and accused her of cheating just because he saw her paying for her groceries at a male’s counter. She told him of how she called the police immediately after and got him behind bars. By the time she was over, Nesta was curled by his side, tears silently streaming down her beautiful face, him rubbing soothing circles on her back.
Then he told her about himself. He decided to tell her the plain truth without any alterations. She deserved it. But it felt intimate, somehow, sharing the details he hadn’t spoken out loud. Even Az and Rhys had only seen what he did and never pushed afterwards. He told her as much before telling her about how much he loved his mother; of how he never knew his father and that was for his father’s own good; of how his mother was killed one day while he was at school; of how he beat the men involved into pulp; of how he was called a brute and a bastard there on; of how he first met Rhys and Az at his school; of how Rhys’s mother took him in as her own son; of the silly things and the trouble the trio would create.
“You are a very good friend, Cass. And an even better man,” Nes said
His heart warmed. He said, “Don’t care about what Tomas said. You’re a beautiful, intelligent, brave, witty and sharp woman. And I,” he paused, “I like you very much as a friend too.”
He didn’t understand the short pang of disappointment on his face. All he could think was, shit, I almost said I loved her.
taglist: @shadowsinger07 @im-someone-i-guess @saltyfortunes @cressjacquine @champanheandluxxury @zemiraa @nehemikkele @angelic-voice-1997 @heartless--aromantic @sv0430 @vinylcryes @deedz-thrillerkilller16 @sjm-things @dontgetsalmonella @ganseys-jane
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freesiart · 4 years
One of us
Loki’s life in Avengers tower is not that unperturbed as it might seem at the beginning.
English isn’t my first language, I apologize if there were any mistakes!
Gif is not mine
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He didn’t know what was wrong with him. It must have been those weird midgardian vibes that left him panting at the mere sight of you.
You were average, really. Loki had seen many beautiful women, goddesses even, and still there was something weirdly attractive about you. He didn’t know what exactly it was. Or why did he memorize your every movement, every tilt of your head, every curve of your body.
Also he didn’t know why his heart ached so much when you wouldn’t even spare him a glance. He was a god, after all.
Loki didn’t like his room. It was large and empty, with huge blue windows and no furniture except for a bed and a wardrobe. He didn’t ask for anything else, really, but still his room seemed cold and blank. He preferred a common room: it was warm, cozy, it smelled like coffee. Then again, you spent here most of your time.
You were never an early bird, but your job required you to get up first. Well, if working meant drinking coffee till noon.
When at dawn you walked into the common room yawning, Loki sat up straighter on the couch and clasped his hands awkwardly in his lap. In a very divine way.
“Morning, Loki,” you greeted, yawning and shoving a mug into a coffee machine. You almost missed it.
“Good morning, Y/N,” Loki replied, trying to keep his voice at ease.
“Would you like some coffee?” you asked, pressing a button on a machine. “Black like your soul?” you suggested mockingly.
Loki swallowed. He did not expect your participation; truth to be told, he didn’t expect you to be friendly with him at all.
He forced out a smile.
“Actually, I like it with milk,” he corrected. You grinned and pulled a bag out of a fridge.
"Is Mr. Stark awake yet?" you asked. Catching his questioning glance, you explained, “Vision told me that you spent a whole night here. And the night before.”
Loki frowned.
“I haven't seen Stark,” he replied rudely. “I'm not his keeper.”
You said nothing and pushed a mug of coffee towards him. A bit harshly.
Loki's heart skipped a bit.
He always felt a strange tension when he was with you, as if he was afraid to ruin everything with an accidental phrase or gesture.
That’s what he did right now, apparently.
“I ... I apologize,” he quickly said. “That was undeservedly rude.”
You silently poured yourself some coffee and sat down next to him. You were separated only by a bar counter.
You twirled a mug in your fingers. It was your favorite, handmade, with blue flowers on the sides. You raised a mug to your lips, and Loki looked away. His heart was beating wildly.
“I told Mr. Stark that your room is too empty a long time ago,” you finally said, and typed something on the touchpad on your wrist. “I'll order furniture. Any requests?”
Loki bit his tongue so as not to blur out anything obscene.
“No need. I prefer it here... if I’m not a bother,” he quickly added.
“Not at all, but...” You fell silent, choosing your words. Loki noticed that when you was thinking, your nostrils fluttered slightly. It was very cute. “I think everyone needs personal space. Sometimes, at least.”
Loki took a sip of coffee - great coffee. He didn't understand why you were so kind to him. You were the only one who was, besides Thor.
“In that case, furnish to your liking,” he said, grinning.
You smiled back at him, in such a clean and light way that his chest tightened. Odin, he didn't even deserve to be near you.
“Okay! I’ll do my best.” You looked at the touchpad again and frowned, emptying the mug in one gulp. “Damn it! I'm late for the aircraft detour.”
You grabbed a jacket from the chair and jumped up. Loki stood up, too.
“Can I go with you?” he asked, trying not to show his nervousness. You raised your eyebrows in surprise as you buttoned your jacket, and he added: “It's just I’m bored. I thought I'd keep you company.”
“Of course, let's go.” You touched him on the shoulder, and he shuddered, as if from an electric shock. Quickly recovering himself, he caught up with you, still feeling the pleasant electric warmth in his hand.
The walk took twice as long as usual.
Loki could talk to you forever. You were smart, funny, interesting, and you didn't make him feel guilty or left out. He felt like you did not hold a grudge against him at all.
This conversation was the best thing that has happened to Loki in many years.
Laughing and bantering playfully, you finally returned to the common room. Which was full of people.
Avengers assemble, Loki thought sourly.
He stopped at the entrance and leaned against the doorframe. You went to the counter, pushed Natasha out and started pouring fresh coffee for everyone.
There was an awkward silence. You pretended to be passionate about a coffee machine, Loki did the same about his nails.
When you put a mug in front of Tony with a smile, he coughed.
“Y/N,” he began. “You... why were you with him?”
Either you were really surprised, or you portrayed it so skillfully that even Loki did not guess.
“What are you talking about?” you asked as you handed mugs to Steve and Nat. “We were on a detour. As you asked. No big deal.”
“Yes, you are great, I adore you, and the coffee is great as always. But he...” Tony jabbed a finger at Loki. He rolled his eyes. “Why was he with you?”
You shrugged and leaned your back against the counter, drying your hands with a towel. Nat and Steve looked at you with sympathy.
“I have no idea why I haven't kicked him out yet,” Stark muttered and sipped his coffee. “Do not ever come near her again, do you understand?”
Pure, unmuffled hatred spilled into Loki's chest. What right does he have to prohibit communicating with you? The only thing that has kept him in the Avengers tower so far?
But before he could open his mouth, you retorted:
“You are my boss, not my father. I'll hang out with whoever I want, Mr. Stark.”
“Tony, really, this is not...” - Natasha began, but Stark interrupted her:
“As long as you work here, you will do as I tell you, Y/N. And I forbid you to communicate with that... with him. Maybe you were just a child in 2012, but I remember very well what he is capable of.”
“Is that so?” you asked coldly and met Stark's gaze without blinking. “Then I quit.”
“What?” all those present exclaimed in chorus. Loki felt something rip inside of him. To the anger was added a sharp, tormenting longing.
"Kid, I ..." Tony rubbed his face and closed his eyes for a moment. “Sorry. I shouldn't have put my authority on you. You are pretty capable of making decisions, and I trust them.” He looked up at Loki. There was a clear threat in his gaze. “It’s him I don’t trust.”
Your face softened, and you covered Tony's hand with yours. Steve breathed out a sigh of relief.
“Don't worry,” you said calmly and smiled at Stark, then looked at Loki, and the smile widened. “I know what I'm doing.”
Well, that's good, Loki thought. That makes one of us.
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kurokoros · 4 years
hiii i love your writing 🤲🏻💖 idk if you've done this before and if you have i'm sorry but how would bakugo, todoroki, deku and shinso react to their s/o being messed with by mineta idc if they are quirkless or not 🥺 thank you bby 💕
let’s be real bakugou would just punt him into the sun. also i’ve never written shinsou before so bear with me <3
I didn’t do Midoriya for this because I had zero inspiration.
Bakugou gets angry. Shouto gets even. Shinsou gets revenge. That is all.
Warnings: sexual harassment (mineta), language
Really, you’re more annoyed than uncomfortable. After three years of being in the same class as Mineta, you’re far too used to him being a disgusting little pervert to pay much attention as he circles around your legs, trying to look up your skirt while mumbling things under his breath that you’re better off ignoring. Unfortunately, it’s nothing you haven’t dealt with before.
Normally, Mineta wouldn’t have the balls to bother you like this. Not since you started dating Bakugou at the end of second year. But with your boyfriend nowhere to be found, Mineta has gotten bolder than usual. 
That’s why, when there’s a sudden sharp pinch to your ass-cheek beneath your skirt, all you do is flinch and send him a reproachful look that does little to stop a smug grin from taking over his face.
The classroom door slams shut. Several heads snap up, and you whirl around to find a pair of narrow, carmine eyes glaring in your direction. More specifically, glaring at the purple parasite standing beside you, frozen in place with his hand still raised to sneakily grope you again.
You expect yelling. Or threats. But Bakugou clenches his jaw, teeth grinding together almost painfully. It takes you a second to realize his hands are shaking as he storms over to you.
“Katsuki,” you start, reaching for him, but he isn’t listening.
Mineta cowers beside you, scrambling backwards. “Oh sh--”
He’s cut off by Bakugou grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and yanking him off the ground. Mineta wheezes, trembling, and you don’t blame him. Bakugou is always loud, all bark. It’s when he’s quiet--serious--that you know he’s really pissed.
For a moment, nothing happens. Bakugou’s gaze slides to the partially opened window without a hint of subtlety. Mineta wheezes again.
“Oh, for the love of--Katsuki, put him down!” you snap at him, hands on your hips. Bakugou’s eyes snap over to you, his expression softening just a little at the edges, but then he’s right back to glaring at Mineta.
“If you touch her again, I’ll make sure you never…” his voice lowers to the point where you can’t hear him, but Mineta pales, and you figure that you really don’t want to know what he’s saying. Mineta is shaking by the time Bakugou unceremoniously drops him back onto the floor, and the shorter boy scurries away to the opposite corner of the room.
Warm lips press against your temple. “Morning, babe.”
“You’re hopeless,” you tell him, rolling your eyes as you allow him to tug you against his chest.
It happens during training. You’re sparring with Mina when your foot is suddenly stuck to the ground, nearly causing you to lose your balance. By the time you look down and see the purple ball sticking to the bottom of your shoe, a sneaky hand is already groping you from behind, stubby fingers giving your ass a firm squeeze.
You know who it is without needing to look, and your embarrassment is outweighed with anger at being caught off guard by Mineta, of all people. You crane your head around, only distantly aware of Mina yelling at the perverted boy behind you.
You get a brief glance of a shit-eating grin before there are a series of surprised yells from across the training room. And in the next second, Mineta is covered in a thin layer of ice. Frozen in place. With his hand still on your ass. The cold makes you squirm, even through your uniform, and you shiver as the air around you gets colder thanks to the layer of ice snaking across the ground.
A shadow looms over you, and you turn to find the culprit standing over you, the smug look on his face slipping back into indifference as soon as he catches your gaze. “Apologies,” Shouto says to Mineta, stepping around you and reaching for your classmate. “I didn’t see you there.”
The lie makes your eyes roll, but you relax as your boyfriend’s arm brushes against your shoulder comfortingly. You lean against him as he makes quick work of defrosting Mineta, and the rest of the class quickly loses interest in the three of you, returning to training as if one of their classmates hadn’t frozen another solid right there in the middle of the room.
“Are you okay?” Shouto asks you, quirking a brow at the way you’re shifting around uncomfortably. His eyes drag over you slowly, checking to make sure he didn’t hit you with his ice, and this close you can see the way his brow furrows when he zeroes in on the hand still stuck to your ass.
Mineta doesn’t say a word as the ice around him melts, leaving him soaking wet and shivering despite the gentle heat rolling from Shouto’s left side. It isn’t long before the last of the ice melts and the hand on your ass rips away from you like you’ve burned him.
“I’m fine,” you promise him, throwing Mineta a glare over your shoulder as the boy starts to slowly back away from the two of you, unwilling to risk pissing off Shouto any further. Smiling up at Shouto, you watch him visibly relax. “Except now my butt is cold,” you tell him, only half-joking.
Eyes widening, Shouto glances down at the wet spot on your pants. Mismatched eyes snap back to you, then over to Mineta. A barely there grin tugs at his lips before his left arm curls around your hips and a large, hot hand grabs your ass and squeezes.
When you decided to visit your boyfriend in the hero department during your free period, you weren’t expecting to run into a tiny, purple gremlin. Before you could even knock on the classroom door, one of the students was already in the hallway leering at you, practically quivering in excitement as he mumbled to himself about your breasts and ass. You only stare back at him, completely bewildered, but vaguely recall Shinsou telling you about an annoying, perverted classmate that he couldn’t believe was even in the hero course.
“Isn’t she pretty?” a familiar voice speaks up from behind you just as Mineta is reaching one grabby hand towards you, tone nothing short of bored.
“Oh, yeah,” Mineta mumbles, realizing a second too late that he’s made a terrible mistake. In a split second, his eyes go blank, his hands fall back to his sides. Expression vacant, Mineta doesn’t move an inch, trapped inside his own mind.
Fingers brush against your back as Shinsou comes up beside you. “Hey, kitty cat,” he greets you, still staring at Mineta even as his fingers trail up your spine, a pleasant shiver chasing his touch. His palm cups the back of your neck, thumb sweeping against your skin as he leans over to press a lazy kiss to the top of your head. His other hand is shoved into his pocket, his stance lax, as if he didn’t just brainwash one of his classmates.
“Was that necessary?” you ask, huffing, but lean into him anyway. There’s no one in the hallway but the three of you, and despite your chastising tone, you’re glad to see him.
Shinsou squeezes the back of your neck gently, shrugging. “Probably not,” he decides, still staring at his classmate in disinterest. You glance up at him, tilting your head back to rest on his shoulder. His brows furrow suddenly, a nasty look in his eyes that you rarely ever see. “Hey, Mineta,” he drawls. “Why don’t you go tell Bakugou you think he’s a pussy and he’ll never be the number one hero?”
The suggestion makes your eyes widen. “Hitoshi, no! You can’t just--” The rest of your reprimand is smothered by a heated kiss. The hand on the back of your neck pulls you closer, and your fingers wind through his hair without permission as his lips move against yours. The pressure makes you dizzy enough that you don’t hear the classroom door open and then close again.
You definitely hear the enraged yelling coming from inside the classroom though. Shinsou’s shoulders shake, his laughter muffled against your lips.
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mrsmaybankhere · 4 years
Still want you - JJ MAYBANK X READER
hello loves
you can call me Den and this is my first JJ Maybank fic and god how much i enjoyed to write it!!i hope you like it and sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
also i got inspired to write this by the song named “Still want you” by ZHU. I think the lyrics really match JJ in the show as well and i love it
i really wanna hear your true opinion on it or you can send me requests because i will def write them as soon as i can!!
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"I should be so hurt
'Cause your rejection is so obvious..."
You walk down the beach, waching the big waves and John B and JJ riding them with laughs imprinted on their stupid faces you love so much. Kie and Sarah are there as well, standing on the hot sand with their swimsuits on, so as you approach them you take off your shirt and short pants, doing the same with your pair of black Vans. You glared at your boyfriend, but he seemed like he didn't was aware of your presence yet. He was laughing, standing on the surf board and getting lost into the waves, his wet blonde hair a mess on his head. You were staring, but you just couldn't help yourself. After a year of friendship and three months of relationship, he still have the power to leave you speechless with how amazing he is.
"Stop drolling, [Y/N]" Kie says laughing and you and Sarah imediatelly laugh with her, you having a bashful smile on your pink lips as you push a piece of hair behind your ear. You fell really damn hard for JJ Maybank.
While you were talking with the girls about the turtles and saving them after the hurricane from three days ago, John B and JJ got out of the water and approached you. But you frown in surprise and confusion as you send JJ a big ass smile, excited to finally have his presence next to you and he only waved at you, walking right into the Chateau after.
"What's wrong with him?" Sarah asked with a frown and you don't know what to say. You just let your fingers into sand and looked away from their confused glares. You are just as confused as they are.
"I wish I would know too.."
"John B?" Kie says with a raising eyebrow, looking at the boy who was surprisingly silent.
He just shrug while pulling Sarah closer to his wet body.
"Hey, don't look at me like that! don't know anything."
You didn't really trusted him, but you tried to ignore the knot that is growing inside your stomach.
"It's just a JJ thing. He will come around, don't worry [Y/N]."
But how could you? How could you not worry about JJ when that's your job? Taking care of his impulsive ass.
"Damn, who pissed in JJ's bong?" Pope asked with a frown as he approached you and the Pogues laughed a bit. He was just walking out of the Chateau and JJ didn't even saw him, almost catching him between the door and the wall.
You wanted to laugh too and you tried to, but it seemed so fake.
"And I feel stupid and I cry
And I cry and I cry and I cry..."
Days later, JJ's mood became something more than that. He was avoiding you and everyone saw it. The pogues keep telling you to have no worries, that this is something he always does and it was partially true. He has days once in a while, usually after going home, when he get really moody and his temper is shorter than usual, but back then he was never cold and indifferent towards you and the Pogues. He was still your funny and warm JJ, but just a little more angry which always excited you, especially when you were alone. But now it was different and you just couldn't stay like this anymore. The knot in your stomach is so big now that you have breathing issues everytime you see him leaving the Chateau as soon as you walk in.
But today you gonna talk. You didn't care, not even another hurricane would stop you from it.
The Pogues were out on a double date, which should involve you and JJ too, but apparently you don't act like a couple anymore. You guess that was his way of telling you to fuck off, but it hurt even more than actually hearing it from him.
"Do we have any food left?" He ask as he walks into the Chateau, thinking that he's talking with John B.
"Yea, some cold pizza." You say with a stern voice and you put your arms at your chest, watching him. You can't really read his face when he saw you, but clearly it wasn't happiness. He groaned and turned around to walk out, you stopping him by grabbing his arm.
"JJ, what the fuck? Do you think I'm stupid?"
"Nah, you're pretty smart actually." He simply says and shrug while walking into the kitchen, opening the fridge and looking for that pizza you were talking about.
You can't believe how ignorant he was. It drives you insane, but you tried your best to remain calm.
"Why are you treating me like this? Like shit?"
"I'm not, that's who I am. The door is right there if you don't like it, princess."
You shut your eyes and look at him, falling apart on the inside as you still try to look calm on the outside. He wasn't seeing your face as he was still turned to the fridge, but you're sure that he knows what he's doing to you right now. Calling you "princess" wasn't a compliment or a joke as he used to. It was a insult. Reminding you that you are not one of them and you will never be.
"What? JJ...What the fuck? Why-Why are you doing this to me?" You don't even try to hide your tears as it filled your eyes, blurring your vision of him when he turned to you.
"Don't start with emotional shits now, okay? How long have we been together anyway? 3 weeks? Not a big deal." He grabbed a beer instead of any food and walked past you, but you move in front of him, not letting him go away from you again.
"Stop fucking lying and acting like this! This is not you, J...You love me and I know it. This is not you, baby. Just talk to me..." Your voice crack while you screamed with tears wetting your cheeks and chin. You realizing that he's lying to you because he was always excited to remaind you how long you made it together. And hearing that it wasn't a big deal when you gave him your virginity, broke your heart in your chest in tiny pieces that stabbed your lungs, your everything, ripping you apart on the inside.
You gasp for air, not able to control yourself anymore and he throws the beer can into the door, spilling it everywhere. His whole body was tensed, his jawline and fists clenched. This was the most of emotions he had show to you in the last week.
"You're just a kook, a spoiled daddy's girl, how can you truly know who I am? You don't know shit about me and my life, [Y/N]" He screams in your face and you're whole body is shacking in pain, but you don't take any step back. You're stunned.
"Cause you're not tellin me shit, JJ! You're not telling me anything and you fucking expect me to understand you. I may not be one of you and you will never find enough in me, but I'm trying my best for fucks sake! How can I do that when I don't even...."
You shut your mouth, watching his face as you wipped your tears away. Inside of him there was a storm that was ripping apart every piece of him because of hurting you right now. But he just can't help it. People always leave and especially when you are rich as fuck and you have a lot more opportunites than a stupid Pogue. Why woud you stay? For what?
"You don't even what?" He asks with a lower voice and you let out another sob, glaring right into his blue icy eyes as you talk.
"Maybe you're true. Maybe I don't know how you are at all."
"Yea" He just nods his head and his wet eyes followed your body as you walked out of the Chateau, your hand covering your mouth to shut down the scream that you need to let it out.
You got into your car and you let your head on the steering wheel as you cry in silence, hearing the waves and the loud rock music that was coming from the Chateau.
How could you be this stupid? You really did believe that things will work out for you, you got along so well and you put your whole heart on the table. For him to just throw the fucking table away.
"But then I tell myself that it will be okay
But it's not true, I still want you..."
You forgot how going out felt like.
After almost a month of not leaving your house at all, you finally accepted to go to the beach party tonight. But you didn't wanted to go with Kie and Sarah since you know they will hang out with JJ as well, so you just went with the Kooks, some of your girl friends from high school.
You keeping telling yourself that you will be fine to see him again. That you have to show him how okay you are after he broke your stupid heart. But finally seeing him at the bonfire caught you off guards and your eyes became wet. You can feel his glare on you and when you finally have the courage to make eye contact with him, you need all the strength you find in yourself to keep your calm.
He looked just as bad as you, but he was still breathtakingly handsome. Even with dark circle around his eyes, a little beard growing and bloodshot tired eyes. He wasn't joking or laughing with the others, he wasn't flirting with the Tourons around him. He wasn't JJ and you weren't yourself. You couldn't be without each other and when he sent you a little sad smile you know he realized it too.
It's weird that after breaking your heart and calling you out without even a damn reason, you still find yourself wanting him. Your body and your heart still ache for him and his touch.
"Lately, I've been thinking about
All the things that we've been through... "
You got up from Jessica to go to fill your cup again. Drinking makes you feel a little better and this month you really took advantage of that, drowing the memories and feelings with fancy wines and champagnes, not even trying to hide that from your father.
You almost scream when a firmly hand is placed on your mouth and pull you more into the woods. You know who this is without turning around.
"You scared the shit outta me...Stop doing that" You talk like you were cool again and you both realized that, your uncomfortable smiles showing it. He scratch the back of his neck as he put a few meters between you two. You felt that right into your heart, but he was just doing it because he know that he's not really able to control himself around you.
"How are you?" He asks and you roll your eyes.
"This is what we gonna have now? Small talks?"
"I just wanna know if you are doing well, [Y/N]."
You want to say yes. But he raise his eyebrows at you, watching you with his clear eyes. Their color is darker now because the weak light only coming from the moon, but you know his features way too well. You used to admire and analyze him every morning when you woke up first on the couch at the Chateau. That became JJ's room and then you and JJ's room. You didn't have much, but you were beyond happy.
"No, J. I'm not."
"Lately, I regret all the fucked up
Things that I've put you throug..."
He is looking like he's thinking really hard at something and you give him some time. You both remaining quiet for some moments, still hearing music, laughs and screams from the beach party.
"[Y/N] I'm sorry for everything I said to you. I had to. But...I-I don't think I can go on without you there, princess."
You shut your eyes at the nickname. He used it again and this time it wasn't a insult like the last time.
"Why-Why did you do it?"
He hesitated, but your wet eyes are locking with his and he knows that he can't get away with it anymore.
"Your father talked to me. He told me that if I keep the relationship with you, you won't be going to college. That he will get you out in the street." You can see the pain on his face as your own changed from the pain of hearing that.
Your own father did that...
You thought about ending your life and all of that because your father.
You let out a loud sob as you ran into his strong warm arms, him quickly grabbing you. He's holding your face at the crook of his neck as you keep crying and screaming that you can't believe that.
"I couldn't destroy your future. You wanna go to the college. I don't-...I can't ruin that for you."
You bit on your lip as tears fall on the hot skin of his neck. You close your eyes, slowly being calmed down by his presence, by the warmth of his body and his touches on your skin. You lift your head and he leans his head closer to yours, your foreheads pressed together as you whispered with your eyes now open and partially dry.
"I guess you will have a rommate at the Chateau. If that's okay..."
"Still tryna learn to be personal
Still uncomfortable being me
Still tryna learn to be vulnerable..."
"Yea, if that's okay...You're more important than a stupid college, JJ."
His warms wraps around your waist, keeping you close to him and locking your eyes together. You gently touch his dark circle with the tip of your fingers and you slowly and softly kiss them, your hands running through his hair.
"I don't wanna ruin your future, [Y/N]..Mine is ruined. If I would do that to yours, I wouldn't be able to ever forgive myself."
"You won't, baby stop saying that. What if-What if I will work at The Wreck? Kie won't mind that."
He looked away for a few short moments and then softly kiss the top of your freckled nose.
"We will see that, sweet thing." A smile is slowly playing on his plump lips and you want so bad to kiss him right now, but there's still is one important thing.
"But you have to talk to me, JJ. We-...We can't have a relationship when we aren't open up to each other."
"I hate being-...Being vulnerable and emotional."
You whisper "i know" but you can't keep your smile for yourself only. You look at him with pure adoration and love.
"But I swear I will try for you."
Your heart and legs melt at his words and you pull him to your lips but he talks again, barely touching your lips with his.
"I would give you all I have, [Y/N]. All just to see you happy."
You bring him into the kiss, your tongue quickly meeting his and as you slowly tasted each other, the knot in your stomach is long gone. You smile into the kiss because you know that he would really do anything for your happiness and he just proved that by breaking his own heart to hurt you.
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
I'm back again! I was hoping we could see some soft Rose talking to Vau about his past and comforting him, please? ❤
Of course!! 
Verda Tal Rose comforting Walon Vau about his past  
Notes: Read Walon Vau’s early life story, and the thing I  did on his homeworld before reading this. Both are on my AO3 and Masterlist 
Also! If you have no clue what Memories is check out my AO3 and Masterlist!
Warnings: Angst, slight fluff, Mird helps, Nightmares, mentions of a bad past, past abuse, abuse scars, mentions of past suicide attempts, Walon’s father is a fucking pyshcopath, oh no Walon Vau has F E E L I N G S  
“Your father will not be happy about this Walon!” The teacher yelled, dragging the young boy down the hallway. His hand was wrapped around his arm in a tight fist, it would leave a nasty bruise that would last for weeks. 
Walon could do nothing but follow. He hated when the teachers brought him directly to his father for punishment instead of doing it themselves. 
He stopped at his father, who was leaving some meeting room. The teacher huffed, dropping the boy's arm. Walon looked up at the tall man, his soulless grey blue eyes staring into Walon’s golden ones. 
“Did he fail again?” The teacher only nodded, Pa Vau’s face curling into a sneer. 
“Father, it was only by one question! I-” He was cut off by a harsh slap, “Did I give you permission to speak boy?!” His father roared, slapping him again. 
Walon shot awake, sitting up quickly and panting like Mird after a hunt. He buried his face in his hands, his body shaking. He hated how he dreamed about his father almost every night, the old scars on his body and soul burning with each dream. 
Rose sat up quickly, looking at her lover. He scared her and Mird both awake. She looked at his naked form, his body shaking harshly. She knew it wasn’t the cold sweat that was making him shake. Rose reached a hand out, softly putting it on his shoulder. He flinched aggressively from her touch before allowing it.  
Rose didn’t know much about his past, but she’s seen his scars. She also knew he came from a royal background and money, but that was really it. Rose frowned, rubbing his back to help him relax. 
She looked at his naked back, the pale scars running along his back like rivers. Whip scars. Lots of them.
He was covered in scars of all kinds, the worse on his back and his chest. No old scars were on his face, neck, or arms, at least not below his elbows. “Walon.” Rose spoke softly, gently grasping his chin and turning his face towards her. 
His golden eyes were bright, the whites of his eyes red from tears and a restless sleep. She could see the anger and pain in his eyes, burning behind them like a huge fire. He was breathing heavily, his body quivering. He was always rigid with his posture, and just a tense man in general. But she had never seen his muscles so tight, it was like he was a wild animal. 
She gently wiped some sweat from his brow, and Vau's muscles relaxed slightly. “Was it about your old home?” He nodded, his eyes flicking away from hers. He hated when she looked at him with pity, it made him feel weaker than he already did around her. 
Mird whined, laying its head in Walon’s lap. He stroked its head, looking at it instead of Rose. She sighed and traced a scar that raised the skin on his collar bone. It seemed like a blade caught him there, as a warning perhaps. 
They had only been staying the night with one another for a short while now. They used to part ways after sex, but things seemed to be getting more and more intimate lately. Every night he slept in the same bed as her, and he’d have nightmares like he always did. Some so bad that he’d wake her up by accident. Sometimes he didn’t and she’d wake up to find him pacing or exercising. She could always tell when he didn’t sleep, something in his past keeping him awake night after night. Leaving him restless. 
Once he had stopped shaking she spoke up, “We need to talk about your past. I want to help you, darling, but I can’t when you won’t talk to me.” Vau sighed loudly, looking at Rose, his eyes now dull and sad.  
He was silent for a moment, Rose’s warm and calloused fingers tracing the lines along his back.
Walon snorted, suddenly trying to act cold and detached, “Jango never told you where I came from? I-” Rose cut him off with a glare. “He told me you used to be a rich aristocratic bastard. Now don’t try to act all heartless, you know it only will make you hurt more.” Vau closed his eyes and sighed at that, Mird licking his fingers encouragingly. 
“Well….The planet I come from is some oceanic shit hole.” He spat out the words like they were poison. “Old fashioned and run by religious leaders who controlled the nobles and military like puppets.” Rose continued to stroke his back, letting him rant. She had never seen him so emotionally exposed. 
“My father was like….a lead puppet you know? He’s the Count of Gesl, and a religious fanatic. A man with far too much power.” How he spoke his voice had this harshness to it, sadness underlining every word. “That title was to be mine, since I was his only child, his only son. So from day one he taught me how to take his place.” 
Walon still wouldn’t make eye contact with Rose, “Every day I had multiple lessons. The teachers were cruel, I was not allowed to mess up. I had to be perfect with everything, writing, talking, dancing, sailing, riding, fighting, and so much more.” He sucked in a breath, Rose frowning even more. 
“My education was stupidly expensive, but still…...Every time I messed up I was beaten.” He snapped, Rose nearly flinching at his tone. “I was beaten over nothing sometimes. Whenever I was not my fathers version of perfect I was beaten.” Vau clenched his jaw tightly, tears causing his golden eyes to shine. He was a man that rarely showed emotion, especially ones as raw as anger and sadness. 
“My father said I was not supposed to show emotion, ever. I was supposed to be a leader, and leaders don’t show weakness. They are harsh and ruthless.” He shook his head, snorting at his own words. He was using dramatic finger quotes as he repeated his fathers words.
 “To prove this, to everyone, my family killed servants who messed up. It was some fucked up tradition. So He made me kill servants that made minor mistakes. I slaughtered my first servant at twelve.” Rose put a hand to her mouth. 
“I still remember the poor woman…...A mother. I remember he cries and pleads. I….I didn’t want to kill her….I-” Rose shook her head and stroked his knuckles, letting him know he didn’t have to continue. 
Walon was silent for a moment, his breathing heavy from the terrible memories. He changed the subject to his mother quickly.
 “I never saw my mother besides at night when she’d clean my wounds. My mother made me emotional, I suppose, so father rarely let me see her. She was just as crazy, but she didn’t hit me nearly as hard as him. Father even beat her as well, so she was even worse about the religion they follow. Being a religious fanatic kept her alive in her book I suppose. It made her…….odd and paranoid.” 
He let out a sad and dry chuckle, “She would only talk about the bible. Nothing else. I don’t think she was allowed to talk to me about anything else anyways.” Rose sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. 
Rose spoke up while he caught his breath, his chest heaving with emotion. “So your scars aren’t-” Vau cut her off, “I was never hit anywhere people could see. I had to keep up my reputation of being attractive and a member of a ‘peaceful’ family. Along with some other osik.” Rose frowned, holding his hand in hers. 
“I was never perfect enough for him. I wasn’t him, and he hated it. I wasn’t fully emotionless and psychopathic.” He sucked in a breath, Mird whining low in its throat. “He was a great military leader as well, one of the head leaders of my planet's Navy.”
He shifted, “He didn’t even let me join the Navy. Not even as a cutthroat. Not even after training for it or my whole entire life.” Vau shook his head, aggressively wiping the tears from his eyes. Rose shifted so she could look at his face again, wiping his tears. 
“I was never good enough for anything. Ever.” He looked at Rose, a frown on her beautiful face. “I tried so hard to be perfect. When I succeeded I never even got praise. I think he just enjoyed beating me, seeing how much skin he could rip away from my back before I passed out.” 
Rose shifted so she was almost in his lap, “Oh Walon.” She cupped his cheeks, staring into his golden eyes. “I’m so sorry.” He shook his head, looking away from her eyes. She pressed a soft kiss to the scar she gave him across his nose so long ago, his lips twitching a bit at the soft kiss. 
“He’s turned me into a monster. I-” Rose cut him off quickly, “No no no…..Walon you’re not a good man, at all….” He blinked quickly in surprise at that, “But you are no monster. You can feel emotion and pain no matter how hard you fucking try.” 
Vau made eye contact with her once again, quickly changing the subject again. “I tried to kill myself mutiple times…. The first time was after I wasn’t allowed into the Navy.” Vau shifted from under the sheets, motioning at the nasty jagged scar on his thigh. “I tried to cut the artery, and I did. I was so close to death.” 
He shook his head, “I was found almost immediately, blade still cutting my skin, and somehow didn’t die. It was the cruelest punishment yet, my father not letting me die.” He sucked in a breath, Rose wiping his eyes. “He told me that I couldn’t even kill myself correctly.” 
Vau harshly chuckled, but it sounded more like a desperate and sad gasp. “I was fourteen.” Rose frowned and kissed away his tears, “Well I’m glad you couldn’t kill yourself correctly.” She laughed a little, tears in her eyes as well. 
He laughed a little too, pulling her into his arms. Walon buried his face into her neck, sighing. He felt better now, like a weight had been lifted. 
Many weights and chains still held his soul down, but having one less was a huge relief. 
“Thank you…” He muttered. Rose could only nod, gently running her fingers through his black hair. Mird sat up, licking both of their faces as it whined. Mird always made them feel better, no matter what. 
She’d ask about his exile some other time. 
Walon Vau’s past would haunt him forever, his fathers stern lessons never leaving his brain. He’d remain ice cold, calm, and utterly detached. Afraid of emotion and afraid of failure. 
He’d always remain a man with a shattered soul.
Tags: @valkyrieofthehighfae @leias-left-hair-bun @colorfulloverbatturkey @ahsokatano-thetogruta @peacefulwizardfox @hounding-around @julyzaa @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @fyrepen33 @ct7567329 @mistflyer1102 @darmanfi @just-some-girl-92 @majorshiraharu @ravenpuff01@lightning-wolffe 
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