#also also their dynamic is adorable. Codependent as all get out but adorable in a weird way???
branded-rose · 6 months
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“So I was like, ‘Yeah it was great, call you later!’ And I am TOTALLY not gonna call. She wanted to do the lamest positions EVER- What?” Adam tossed a grape into his mouth as he noticed Lute stop what she was doing.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“I saw your head shake! I saw your eyes roll.” He ate another grape as Lute sighed and set the dish down in the soapy water.
“Sir, there isn’t any point in bringing up something we’ve disagreed about at length before.” She turned back to the sink, flipping on the faucet.
“AHA! I @#$%#@ knew it! This is because you think sex HAS to have a purpose. You can totally @##$ and it not mean anything. I do it all the time.” Adam finished off the last of his grapes before grabbing a wine bottle and digging around in the drawer for his corkscrew.
“Besides, you’re just saying that because you’re the most virgin angel in Heaven. You’d change your tune REAL quick Dangertits if you had experience~” The cork flew across the kitchen, narrowly missing his lieutenant’s wing by a hair.
Lute pressed her lips together, puffing her cheeks as she tried to formulate a response.
“Uh-SIR! What are you doing??”
“Getting a drink, I’m thirsty. You want some?” He poured himself some wine, turning to see Lute shooting him a look and motioning pointedly to the glass in the dish drainer.
“I just washed the one from dinner.”
“Uh-huh. Looks great.”
Lute looked at him flatly. She then tossed a towel at him, motioning towards the dishes that were on the rack.
“Then you shouldn’t mind drying them.” She pushed her sleeves up, setting back to work.
Adam regarded the towel flatly, sipping his wine before moving to lean on the counter next to her.
“Quit changing the subject. What’s stopping you anyway?”
“From what?”
“Sex. What’s stopping you? And don’t tell me you buy into all that lovey-dovey ‘I’m waiting for the right guy’ bull.” He set his wine glass aside.
“We’ve had this conversation before-” 
“Yeah, ages ago. Come on. What’s stopping you?” he repeated. 
Lute lifted a plate from the water and brought it close to her face, using her nail to try and dislodge whatever dried on food had stubbornly tried to reside on the ceramic. When she was satisfied, she returned it to the water, sighing when she realized she had to actually consider Adam’s question.
“Sex won’t help me protect Heaven more.” Simple.
“But what if it did? What if your virginity was stopping you from being the baddest @#$%#@ this side of Heaven?” He took the plate, setting it on the counter.
Lute arched a brow, pausing in her work and resting a hand on her hip.
“I thought I already was?”
“Then what? You’re scared?”
Lute scoffed at the notion.
“I fear nothing.” She turned back to the sink, running the plate under the water to rinse it off. She then held the plate out for Adam to take, nodding towards the towel he had unceremoniously discarded on the countertop.
“Then what the @#$% is it? Cause I’m not buying it.” He took the plate, looking at it for half a second before setting it down next to the towel.
She sighed deeply as she returned her attention to the remaining dishes, her eye catching the one she had tried to hand him.
“The moment hasn’t ever come up.” She picked the plate off of the counter, once more holding it out for him to take. Which he did, only to put it right back down.
“That’s because you don’t KNOOOW what you’re missing. The moment could be right there and you’d have NO idea.” He snorted.
“Sir.” Lute picked up theplate, again.
“What?” He scooted towards her, returning the ceramic dish to the counter.
“Will you just dry the @#$%$@ plate?”
“Why? Frustrating you or something? Hmm?”
Lute closed her eyes and pressed her lips together as she gripped the edge of the sink. After a moment, she exhaled deeply through her nose, her face heating up as she felt his breath hot against her neck.
“Lute.” His smirk widened as the golden hue spread across her cheeks. He then leaned in closer, his forehead just barely touching hers.
“This enough of a moment?”
Lute swallowed. “Sir, are you… coming onto me?”
“I dunno. You want me to be?” He reached over and grabbed his long since forgotten about wine, taking a sip as he backed up.
She considered the question for a long moment before she reached over, taking the plate off of the counter a final time. She pushed it at him, a hint of a smirk on her lips.
“I want you to dry the plate.”
I return from like a 800 year hiatus to post this monstrosity because... I am so intrigued by the concept of these horrible angels doing the most mundane of things.
Also there is just something a bit oxymoronic to me about a show about redemption having irredeemable characters such as these. That alone makes them interesting and I hope at the very least LUTE is explored more in season 2.
Adam & Lute © Vivziepop/A24
Artwork © Branded-Rose
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rainba · 5 months
Just had a crazy idea, what if Luka and Kairos were yanderes for each-other? What would happen? How would their relationship be???
Lukairos… Hehehe (っ˘ω˘ς ) (Shout out to @ n-lol for giving them the ship name!) (I noticed it in the tags when they reblogged one of my posts (♡˙︶˙♡) )
cw: pet play, spanking, biting, 18+
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They would be… Mildly toxic? Definitely codependent, with Kairos relentlessly clinging onto Luka. But I think both of them would ultimately be happy, LOL. Something, something… Opposites attract?
Kissing each other’s necks instead of putting metaphorical knives to them.
Luka would definitely spoil Kairos. And to be honest, their entire relationship would basically consist of a borderline owner/pet dynamic. ( ˙▿˙ )
Luka making him permanently move out of his apartment and into his house, feeding him good food, buying him tons of drawing supplies + video games, etc. In exchange, Luka simply asks Kairos to love and worship him unconditionally. (=`ω´=) Which Kairos would be more than happy to do! Since Kairos is a yandere for Luka in this scenario, he’d have zero qualms with becoming Luka’s obedient little pet.
Also, Luka would make Kairos roam around the house in nothing but thigh-highs. While he does buy Kairos a few good outfits for when they go outside and go on dates, he tells Kairos that he doesn’t need to wear anything– after all, if Luka wants a quickie, clothes will only get in the way. ^^;;;;; Plus, Kairos’ body is just really cute, so he should stop hiding it all the time!
When Luka is a yandere for Kairos, he'd also suffer from extreme cuteness aggression around him- which leads to Kairos being fucked senselessly as Luka digs his fangs into Kairos' flesh. He's just too adorable, so deliciously pathetic looking and sweet! How could anyone expect Luka to not want to gobble him up?? (Quite literally, in this case...) ヘ(・_|
Luka would also have the tendency to smack and grope Kairos’ ass and thighs during random times of the day. ☆⌒(> _ <)
The way Kairos squeals and blushes when Luka does it is adorable. The first time this happens, Kairos would seek revenge by yanking on Luka’s tail– to which punishment ensues. Luka would snatch Kairos by his messy hair and bend him over his lap before spanking him mercilessly. (*ノ▽ノ)
Embarrassingly, Kairos will cum because of this– he might even beg Luka to smack him harder. ^^;;;;;;; 
On a more wholesome note, Kairos would absolutely love cuddling with Luka’s tail! It’s so warm, soft, large, and fluffy… When Luka wraps his tail around Kairos’ waist and gently pets him, Kairos is able to immediately fall asleep, and all of his nightmares dissipate. (´꒳`)
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ryuichirou · 7 months
Today we talk about Idia ships again + the Leech parents (there is a sketch down there) + some other random stuff!
Anonymous asked:
i found out that one of my favorite western artists has a partner whose art i also like. that makes them the third english speaking artist couple that i can count on for my favorite cesty ships (two shroudcest and the other is of another fandoms' ships), and that includes you two on the list :D i just think it's funny and cute enough to share
Ohh, that’s so cool and adorable! I love artistic duos hehehehe.
Thank you for telling us, Anon! I’m happy that we are on your list ❤️
Anonymous asked:
Do you like reading or hearing about other folks OCs?
I do, but unfortunately I don’t have time, energy or mental capacity to do it these days. There are a lot of people waiting for me to reply at this point and I feel bad enough for making them wait…
Whenever I draw commissions though, I like it when a person talks about the character a little bit. It helps me to get a better feeling of what the character is like as I draw them.
Anonymous asked:
So you have who Idia would be the happiest with…now who would he be the worst off with? Also who would he have the most toxic relationship with and why?
Hmm, let’s just say that any ship that we have with Idia has some potential to become toxic at some point. Especially considering the fact that we kind of love toxic ships lol Ortho/Idia is toxic in a way: aside for obvious reasons, they have codependency, and them being together would enable Idia to never poke his nose out of his shell. But even if this situation ends up being a huge mess and dynamic becomes completely unhealthy, I can’t imagine Idia being miserable or unhappy in any way: Ortho is his everything.
Speaking of shells, Azul/Idia also has a lot of toxic potential, and this is really the point of our Marriage AU with these two. They work well together, and they would have happy moments, they could even end up being an almost healthy couple if they work through their issues (and both of them got plenty), but it requires a lot of dedication, empathy and being able to compromise, and they kind of lack some of these things. Communication also matters – Azul doesn’t want to show his vulnerable side and doesn’t even register some of his own emotions, and Idia doesn’t want to burden himself with helping Azul through this either. So it’s very possible for Idia to realise that he is very unhappy with Azul after some time… well, we talked about it a lot in replies about Idia escaping Azul’s “golden cage” in the AU. It could also take a very dark turn, because Azul is capable of doing scary things when he is hurt, and he is very jealous, petty and vindictive.
Can’t say much about Lilia, because as we established it wouldn’t be much of a relationship, but all the time they would spend together would probably be a happy time for Lilia and Idia; the only thing that sours this experience and makes it a horrible memory is the fact that it would end at some point.
The Tweels would probably be an easy answer for this question lol But then again, they wouldn’t really date… but realistically, Idia is the worst off with them. They’re just playing with Idia, even if they genuinely like him. Even if they’re obsessed with him and want to keep him by their side forever, he is still more of a pet than a partner, and that’s kind of toxic lol
I guess Sebek is also an option, but if they miraculously end up having an affair, it would probably end pretty soon :( It would be a very fast yet toxic storm of emotions lol
Speaking of Sebek…
Anonymous asked:
I notice that in several different posts that Sebek never really sees Idia as an equal rather as someone who should feel lucky that he even has Sebek’s attention for any amount of time. On the flip side, though, I also noticed that Sebek also gets jealous (such as in the Evil Exes post and the reply where he caught Lilia and Idia doing it). Is this a purely possessive thing where he thinks that Idia has no business being with anyone else because reasons, does he genuinely have feelings for him, or does it just hurt his feelings in a general sort of way? What are they, really, in their own minds?
Hehehe SEBEIDE MY LOVELIESSSS thank you for sending an ask about them, Anon! I’m happy to talk about them. And that you saw the Evil Exes post, which means you’re from ko-fi. Thank you for supporting us <3
Sebek is very confused: it’s probably a mix of everything that you’ve described. He doesn’t like Idia because he irritates him and makes him mad in record times with just one little provocation or snarky remark. Idia goes against everything that Sebek believes in, therefore in his mind they are… what exactly? Sebek can’t really pinpoint it, and he probably won’t even want to do so. Even if they have sex several times, Sebek flip-flops between “this is a huge mistake, why would I do it” and “I’m blessing your pathetic self with my glory and you should be thankful”. This is the level of Sebek’s own understanding.
In actuality, he does enjoy the intimacy; he does get thrilled when Idia provokes him. Maybe it’s due to the fact that Idia is just so wrong on so many levels in Sebek’s mind, but he is drawn to him. He wants to fix him, to break his cynical mind into understanding that he is wrong and Sebek is right. But Sebek only gets more mocking, which means no closure, which means the obsession grows stronger.
Is he jealous? Yeah, on a very childish level. He doesn’t like Idia, but he enjoys whatever they have, so he feels possessive. It also feels super wrong to him that people like Lilia would treat Idia any better than he deserves to be treated.
But also Sebek probably wants to be special to Idia. The fact that he spent all this energy screaming his truths into Idia’s snarky face and breaking his body into obedience and yet that ended up meaning absolutely nothing is very painful for his poor soul lol He desperately wants him to say “thank you, Sebek, for explaining to me how the world works”.
As for Idia… he absolutely tries not to think about it and to keep Sebek’s role in his life to a minimum. Even if they were to have sex, Idia probably puts the responsibility completely on Sebek, because it’s always him who initiates things. It’s not Idia’s fault that Sebek’s head is so far up his own ass that he doesn’t understand that he is just horny, and that Idia just happens to be an easy target because he is helpless against this beast. And yes, it doesn’t matter that Idia enjoys it too!
That being said, I think over time, if their relationship continued, Sebek would become calmer and would get used to Idia’s behaviour, at least on some level. He’d still get provoked by him, but he’d become more aware about it and even catch Idia’s intentions from time to time. After Idia’s next even worse remark he’d snap again lol But I do believe that despite this insurmountable obstacle Sebek can develop genuine feelings for Idia and they can get an actual working relationship, Sebek just needs more experience interacting with various people and becoming more open-minded, like Lilia wants him to be.
Anonymous asked:
headcanon that no one asked for, but I kind of love the idea that Idia has a thing for the reliable businessman type. Like, he may say that it doesn't matter who his internet friends are in real life, but he has still unconsciously built this image of Crimson Muscle as a serious older man with a job and a family, and sometimes he gets pretty worried about it. "He always takes the lead with no hesitation, does he have some important executive job irl? Wait, is he married? Agh, what am I saying, that's not something I should be worrying about... I'm his gaming buddy, not some kind of "other woman"! Oh, but he definitely has kids, hasn't he? Oh sevens... what if they are my age? If he finds out would he start treating me like I'm just a brat?". He can't decide if he likes the idea of a steamy romance with an older man (pull yourself together Idia, that'd never happen), or if he is just scared of losing one of his closest friends
I don’t even have much to add, Anon, you nailed it. I absolutely agree that this is the case for Idia. I don’t know why he is so drawn to this image of the older reliable businessman type man who is so experienced and so mature and serious and probably has his own life and family (and yet finds time to hang out with him!)… but he absolutely is. That silly boy.
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Mrs. Rosehearts would look exactly like Madam Red if she ever gets fully revealed?
Good question, both of them are doctors too, aren’t they?
I think Madam Red is too stylish for Mrs. Rosehearts, if that makes sense?? She is one bold woman, and Mrs. Rosehearts strikes me as someone who prefers very old-fashioned kind of look.
Victorian era Madam Red would somehow look more modern than Mrs. Rosehearts lol I also think she doesn’t wear lipstick.
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ryuichi, you probably heard of the Leech Mob theory. Apparently, it's hinted a few times that their parents are in the Mob. So i was wondering how do you picture their parents? As in personally and Appearance?
I enjoy reading how every fan pictures different versions of the Leech parents. I feel like Floyd is more like his dad, while Jade is more like his mom.
( Also, apparently, they have a grandma, too))
Yeah, it’s a pretty obvious thing! We really like that the Octa-boys have this yakuza/mafia motif, and the fact that whenever they talk about their family, it’s always kinda….ehhh... 😳 God how much I hope we’ll get to see their parents! AND THEIR GRANDMA TOO!
I made a rough sketch of how I picture them, but just like with the Ace’s brother sketch from the other day, the designs aren’t 100% concrete yet and we might change some stuff about them. Well, this time this isn’t even much of a design, just silhouettes lol But I think it’s still pretty easy to tell the overall vibe. The dad is freakishly massive and intimidating; the mom is very elegant but dangerous nonetheless.
Also, based on how they look, I guess I agree that Floyd is more like their dad and Jade is more like their mom lol
When it comes to their personalities, I think Papa Leech has this wild, scary and sadistic side that made him a legend in his own way, and he is chaotic in some ways, but he is also very disciplined and makes sure that everyone knows their place. He’s your typical mafia boss, the one which makes an entire room get silent as soon as he just walks in there. He is also a bit calmer now that he used to be + has a bit of a… silly? Side? He gets very into movies when he watches them, he talks to characters, yells at them, sobs when a dog dies, all this stuff. Sometimes he is a fun dad (although his idea of “fun” is sometimes scary), but he is the one who disciplines Jade and Floyd the most.
And Mama Leech is a huge worrywart, but only with her kids. With them she is dramatic and fussy, a bit overprotective, but it’s also not 100% obvious if she is genuinely worried about them or just completely messes with them. She kind of likes embarrassing her boys lol She is also a master of emotional manipulation and is much scarier and more powerful than she actually looks. She also prefers to make it seems like she is just a sweet obedient wife, but Papa Leech married her because of how deadly she actually is.
(don’t mind how sketchy the sketch is, it was a quick one)
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kroosluvr · 2 months
hi!! as a fellow royal trio-truther ive been ADORING and loving your posts so much <3 you mentioned that you've like mentally re-wired shusumi so i was curious if you had a list of head-canons for how they develop in the game/post-game!! Im super curious to hear (: also any head-canons for the akesumi dynamic would be great bc I hate how little the game developed them together !!!
OMGGGGGGGGG HAYYYYYYYYYY ok so. first. look at this (idr if i posted this here already but if i did look again heh..)
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ok now ill actually talk under the cut
note that some of this is headcanon territory bc i just be frolicking at this point
some backstory i fell in love w sumi as soon as her art was revealed i was like omfg peak design PEAKKKKKK i love her so much so i was really excited abt her but i feel like there were so many loose ends w her confidant and namely her crush on protag sometimes doing her a disservice (it turned ppl off from her (understandable bc i also dislike when writers make a female character out to be dependent on a male character) but also made other ppl weird abt her in the same breath....... shivers. people who overly-romanticize/sexualize mentally ill characters (especially girls/women) freak me out sorry
anyway that put me off frm p5 fandom for a hot minute. BUT regardless. i think people often focus on like "shy cute sadgirl kouhai crush-on-protag" for her which on top of atlus's.......mediocre handling of her also does her character a disservice... shes so multilayered!! she houses such insane convoluted levels of distress and fear and anger and reluctance and most of all STUBBORNNESS. i think her headstrong personality is not really emphasized in fandom but i can totally see it (maybe its just me but).
ok moving on to my shsm delusions i think to turn sumire's canon crush on its head i want to make them doomed to never get together. i think 3rd semester is so tense and high-emotion that royal trio are so deeply intertwined w each other:
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like they all are mildly-to-a-lot suicidal so they hold onto each other so tightly to make sure none of them spirals and does anything bad. i think in the end they just want the other two to be Okay, even if they themself doesn't. if the other two are ok, then it's all good.
ok back to shsm LMAO i think seeing their relationship as like an odd high-emotion situation makes sense. they love each other, obviously, and provide each other comfort, but the idea of a relationship slips thru their fingers like water. is that right...? is that how it is? like i said up there they just crumble under the weight of their own love. tldr theyre in no place to "date" each other........ but they have their "almost." they're inseparable, they love spending time with each other, but knowing in the back of their heads that it won't last, and they'll have to leave it be one day. "sometimes when i really love someone i leave them alone forever." peak shsm to me. "let's run away together - but what if it's not enough? what if all of this fear and sadness still stays? i take a man down to the river and he throws away his sadness but hes still left with his hands, he's still left with the river (paraphrased richard siken). peak shsm to me. i think they try to treat eachother so softly and gently that it fucks it all up, actually. peak shsm to me. it's not codependency in the sense that theyre not trying to save each other - they're just trying to salvage out some love from it all. all of these terrible things that happened: there's still love, right? there's still love. but the pain can't all be sifted out, and everything still hurts. but they still love. (they just don't date or even talk to each other much after graduating and i think they talk to akechi but to each other its suddenly COMPLICATED. i hate these guys)
ironically i think if you throw akechi in the mix it stabilizes out and i think shuakesumi could totally have a happy married ending. but shsm as a pair i dont see endgame for them. peak for me is that theyre in love and then they spend the rest of their lives trying to forget each other (they don't)
(If this sounds ridiculous and stupid im sorry. i just like shoving too-many-emotions onto my favs sometimes (a lot of the time))
IN REGARDS TO AKESUMI i think my latest 2 comics describe how i feel abt them pretty well!!! link 1 and link 2. actually i think akesumi's friendship is a great way for me to explore how i see/portray/feel about sumire, because i see them as way more similar than the game pays attention to. they're both stuck in their ways: sumire in her cowardice, hiding from the incident and refusing to move on, and akechi entrenched in his own traumas and feeling like he doesn't deserve more than that. their self-hatred manifests in two opposite ways but its very similar at the core. they both like. have no fucking clue what they're doing in terms of handling their pasts so that's why i think them working together to get around their own respective traumas is so fascinating: akechi is terrible at it, pushing sumire too far, but at the same time that perspective is something that she needs. meanwhile, her sensitive and observant personality shows akechi that like, you can have This too: a soft, good love. to have someone care about you unconditionally, so gently. you deserve that, too. yeah i can explode my head off now
i did not proofread this.
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ghostherlig · 5 months
I actually dream of the day u write something bi-han/shang tsung omg...
ohhhh those two... they are so toxic in my mind fr- not that that's going to stop me from writing them, i do enjoy playing around with those relationship dynamics- esp since in my mind there's such a power imbalance between the two of them
the long-short of it is, bi han and shang tsung feed each others egos and bi han is very dependent on shang and his view of him to function well in their alliance- and shang uses that to his advantage at every turn bc all it takes to get bi han to change his mind is to plant a seed of doubt- aruashdfkjs
alternate version of them being a bit sweeter but possibly even hilariously like mk11 aftermath sindel and shao khan- literally "what bones of his shall i break for you, my love?" "mm. surprise me. <333" like that kind of so in love but toxic and cruel to literally everyone around them LMAO-
i am going to yap abt them for a moment bc i do have Some Personal Headcanons about the lin kuei and shirai ryu and shang tsung and how that all plays out post-mk1--
in my mind, kuai and tomas almost immediately separate from the lin kuei and form the shirai ryu in secret, cutting all communication with bi han-
and in my mind, bi han isnt happy about that, he does miss his brothers, even if he never admitted it to himself before that moment- it's also a personal hc of mine that bi han wouldnt have been such a shitty brother if it werent for the relationship he had with his parents- in my mind bi han was forced to spend a lot more of his time with his father and got to see things that kuai and tomas had no idea about-
think azula and zuko- bi han is his father's son, and his father used that to mold bi han into his version of the perfect warrior, and bi han shaped his expectations of himself and his brothers around that image as well
so, when kuai and tomas break off of him and "betray him" in his eyes, he's upset about it.
but he also gets shang out of it, and i feel like there's a golden opportunity there for some ✨One-Sided Codependency✨
shang tsung helps feed bi han's ego and personal security, which bi han needs now that he doesnt have anyone else to do it for him, and shang uses that to direct bi han where he wants him to focus. shang also uses the power he has over their alliance to get bi han to prioritize protecting him versus prioritizing the strength of his clan.
if they arent going to be toxic to each other, i feel like bi han would fall HARD for shang's intelligence and cunning. shang is so smart and he uses it for his own benefit, but bi han sees the practicality of it too and it just makes him crazy-
shang tsung would fall in love with how brutal and efficient bi han is- like bi han is very one-track-minded and shang can appreciate the brutality he approaches problems with.
and the two of them together? shang's mastermind with bi han's determination and brutality? they're a pair to be reckoned with, and it's terrifying- shang builds the groundworks for something evil and bi han gives him the men and the efficiency to get it done nearly overnight-
they both adore each other for their strengths but also see how they compliment each other and it takes a while for either of them to make a move but once they do their affections and relationship becomes so casual that it almost seems like it's always been that way...
god, thinking about them too hard fr... idk how quickly i'll be able to write smth for them but i will be thinking abt them for a while now, LMAO- i am sick so it might be longer than i'm hoping for, but i do have a few ideas in mind now.. arugrughaskdjf mk men ruin me 😔
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sophsicle · 5 months
Hey Soph!!! How are you liking TSC so far??
This book is making my imagination go fucking crazy lmao I can’t stop thinking about Jean and the nest (also his poor sister), Kevjean, JereJean and Neil/Jean (I can’t get Raven!Neil out of my head and the toxic codependency they could’ve had 😭)
Most importantly all the dynamics with the Trojans.
I’m dying to know your thoughts 😂
I was having such a hard time getting into it but the minute Jean got to the sunshine court i could not put it DOWN
also i love that kevin also loves jeremy like, yes, so correct, so adorable
jean makes me want to dieeeeee i love him i would kill for him
potentially controversial opinion but i feel like tsc is the book i wanted aftg to be
like it is so nice to have characters in the narrative who are normal enough to look at the reader like they're on the office and go "are you hearing this? this is hecked up right?"
and you're like "yeah jeremy, babe, yeah it really is"
ANYWAY 10/10 need tsc 2 asap
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joanofexys · 3 months
can you talk about any of ur ocs more??? :)) I love hearing about them ♡
oc time!!! again
Florian and Ilya time??? Florian and Ilya time
like I’ve mentioned before Flor and Ilya really butt heads in the beginning. Florian was a Raven and Ilya has not had good experiences with them at all. On top of that, Flor has an attitude intended to cover up his many issues and Ilya, while an absolute sweetheart, can dish it just as well as he can take it
it takes them a hot minute to get along and it’s largely because Jude gets sick of Mara and Ilya being at each other’s throats and begs Florian to play mediator cause he’s snarky but he’s nowhere near Mara’s level. They end up with an odd sort of truce. They have each other’s backs but they’re not really friends
The first big thing for them is when Mara decides that she’s done with the ravens partner system. She and Florian have been intensely codependent and while Mara’s reached a point in therapy where she’s ready to try and let it go, Florian’s really not. He spirals without the partner system. Emiko can’t take that spot. It’d be too unhealthy for her. She’s largely ditched the partner system but still spends majority of her time around people and keeping an eye on Mara and Florian. Jude adores Florian but he does think he’d go crazy being attached at the hip to the kid. Essentially, that leaves Ilya. Who is a mostly willing participant cause I swear he really is a little sweetheart.
Suddenly they’re attached at the hip fucking everywhere. Flor’s press duty isn’t with Mara anymore, it’s always Ilya. Ilya gets a little too far and Flor’s losing focus on whatever he’s doing to look for him and make he’s still within sight.
I don’t have them developed in the same way I have Merr and Jude just because it’s kind of hard for me to pinpoint when exactly Ilya and Florian get together but it’s still fun to think about.
Florian’s generally pretty affectionate regarding physical touch (regarding people who are willing to give it at least. he’ll rarely ever ask but he enjoys it) and so he and Ilya ended up touching a lot of the time. A brush of the hands, an arm around his waist, holding hands for a split second. It’s not uncommon to see them just pressed against each other, seeming to be literally attached at the hip.
I think when they get together there’s never really a label put on it. They spend so much time together that things just start happening. Suddenly they’re cuddling, then they’re holding hands, when Ilya asks if he can kiss him it just feels natural to say yes. They don’t define what they are but they know it’s exclusive and they’re not seeing other people and they also know it’s private. And for awhile they do a good job at keeping it from their teammates because to everyone else that’s just how they act. They keep it from the press even longer because their dynamic changes completely once they’re in front of a camera. Banter and insults and jabs about their performance on the court. People think they have some weird rivalry going on that carried over from their time playing collegiate exy against each other. It’s all in good fun for them though. They still snark at each other and bicker off camera too, but the difference is that’s the only part the camera sees of them.
I’ve mentioned before that eventually they end up on rival teams, when Florian’s eventually willing to let go of the partner system a lot, and it really fuels the idea that they hate each other. The two of them kind of get a kick out of it. Cause at first it’s not like they were even close to being friends so maybe once upon a time the media’s perception of them was closer to the truth but now it’s the furthest thing from it.
Ummmmm I’m trying to think of anything else I want to hit on but truly this has been sitting in my drafts for so long and I know I need to just post it soon. I’m so sorry, anon. Istg I wasn’t just ignoring you. So yeah this is very incomplete, nowhere near Merr and Jude level explanation, and maybe I’ll give a proper explanation of these two at some point. In the meantime this just needs to get posted because I’ve let it sit for like a week and I feel mean now
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mini-jiminie · 11 days
Unpopular and kinda mean opinion, but I actually think they could have something going on romantically, but I don’t really know if they should. I just think that their personalities and circumstances will make it very difficult to have a healthy balanced relationship and,whether platonic or romantic, I think is kind of the result we saw in chapter 2. If they are involved romantically, then that took place in a vacuum, where they were constantly around each other without having to try and constantly sharing the same experiences. I do think Jimin carries a lot of the emotional burden, not just with jungkook, but probably in a lot of his relationships just given his personality. Conversely, obviously excluding private relationships we don’t know anything about, jungkook has never really had to try in relationships. Like he’s the baby in his family which gives him a natural place and way of being treated, he’s the baby in bts who is also a group that never forced strict age hierarchies on him despite him being the youngest, even pretty much his entire friend group are same age friends which by Korean standards makes friendship a lot easier. I think that all of jungkooks relationships have just had a natural ease to them, with him usually being on the receiving end. He says in AYS that they didn’t hang out and kinda seems like he blames most of it on Jimin but where was he? He had no problems doing vlives but didn’t even know jimins schedule or bother to visit him while he was promoting in korea.
I’m not saying all this just to be mean to jungkook, I just think there is a real reality that if they are romantically involved, then that relationship was built in a bubble with all these mechanisms that don’t exist or work in the real world. Even if we look at it platonically, I think they were struggling to navigate just hanging out in chapter 2 (although I could see the argument of them choosing to spend time separately either to prepare for enlistment which they thought would be separate, or to battle the probably natural codependency that forms from spending so long with someone in such a close setting and in all aspects of you life)
I do think if they’ve ever been romantically involved, they weren’t together during that part of chapter 2 when they weren’t seeing each other or talking. I see a lot of jikookers make excuses like “well when my husband was in medical school blah blah blah…” but the reality is that for relationships to work you have to make time for each other, even if that just a half hour phone call a night. It’s clear that they weren’t talking enough to know what was going on in each others life beyond official content releases.
Idk weirdly I see things that could very plausibly imply they have a romantic relationship, yet there are things that I feel are missing or unbalanced for it to be a healthy romantic relationship. So it leads me to ok are they just not romantic at all or do they have some semblance of romance (like an open relationship or something)? Or is that just a cover up for me wanting to think they’re together even when my brain is acknowledging that elements are missing?
Anon, the jikook police are plotting your assassination as we speak.
I'm joking but, do sleep with one eye open!
Hm, this is a heavy take. I don't think it's fair to assume what type of relationship and dynamic jk has with his family and friends outside of bts. We just haven’t seen enough of it to assume. This 'he's the baby, everyone adores him' narrative might've been the case a couple of years ago but, jk has been very adamant on breaking out of that box. He's done things that completely go against rigid social standards and expectations for idols such as: getting tattoos (and a whole sleeve at that! a baddie fr), candidly discussing sex (that live where he talks about seven and asks a commenter why they would think sex is considered 'dirty') and talking about how he sees clothing as 'genderless. I wouldn't be so quick to say jk is the type to be 'content' with stereotypes. He's grown so much over the years and he's worked so hard on himself. You won't see him completely shut down after making a small mistake on stage anymore. Instead, he smiles and moves on.
There's this post theorising why jk might've not known jm's schedules or tried seeking him out. I tried for ages to find the exact post but, I could not for the life of me find it (I'll link it If I end up finding it).
Anyways, the poster basically said that during late 2022-early 2023, jm and jk were on different pages. Jm was hyper-focused on producing FACE whilst Jk admitted that he was just trying to take it slow and finally take a real break after continuously working. We know jk is the type to get pretty hyper-fixated on completing certain goals and tasks. I'm pretty sure he knows this too. That's why he really took time to rest because he just tends to just throw himself into work head-first. Also, Tae mentions in ep 3 of ays that bts have a shared calender. If jk wasn't working at the time, I don't think he'd need to check the calender? That's probably why he didn't know every logistic of jm's schedule. Plus, jm never seemed bothered by it. He was always gently filling jk in or correcting him about his schedule. I don't think this should paint jk in any negative light. The man just needed a well deserved break.
The poster also said that, if work wasn't something jk wanted to think about at the time, maybe constantly seeing jm working sort of put him off? This is pure speculation
In regards to jkk, I think the word 'unhealthy' is overstepping our boundaries as fans. From what I've seen, jkk have shown what a good, healthy relationship is. Those two adore one another, it's abundantly clear. Them spending time apart, discussing why and moving forward is such a good example of a healthy relationship dynamic. More people need to be like them. Also, joint military enlistment doesn't just happen like that. I'm sure it involved heavy discussion between them. There’s the fact of having to go through screenings to be eligible. This doesn't just happen on the whim of two people who share an unhealthy bond.
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callistosposts · 8 months
*crawls into your ask box*
I really enjoy your take on characters! And I wanted to ask your take on luna, since no one really talks about his CHARACTER.
I love his character, he wants to help Earth and he understands his struggles, but he doesn't coddle him.
I like to think he did the thing that Mars partially failed at. Also, I just ADORE his dynamic with mercury (my bb!).
i love luna my boy one of the first i designed (i will not take the mars slander in this ask though, mars didn't fail anything>:T)
I think Luna is underappreciated for the amount of work he took on, he did NOT need to help Earth, he did not owe Earth anything of the sort and yet out of his own selflessness he spent time taking Earths issues and making them his own - all while also defending him from being killed
hes completly for others and not himself, he takes no sort of break because he knows theres always danger lurking for earth (give him a tea break please, he cant stop catching strays)
being a celestial object that literally keeps the earth hes kinda been forced into codependency
i also love his dynamics with other characters:D he doesnt actually seem to get perfectly along with to many characters besides mercury though, i imagine hes also pretty well alligned with mars (him and mars are incredibly similar personality wise tbh) so i enjoy that dyanmic
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coffin-ramblings · 1 day
Talking with a friend and writing this post made me realize that what if all the routes with Andrew and Ashley become one being in some way? Their codependency makes them unable to leave each other without entering suicidal despair, and their dynamic makes them work so well together when they aren't arguing. In fact, Andrew no matter what you choose in Decay wants to die with Ashley and is convinced that they will be together in the afterlife. They are like the other's half of their heart, unable to be split without killing the other.
Perhaps in all routes, they need merge to be one demon of two minds to fight against an enemy. Andrew's mark by the demon in Burial may be a part of his ascension to demonhood. I think that Andrew making a deal with the demon alone in that devlog preview is him on Decay, as the demon asked Ashley bring him along with her in Burial already. How successful and how long they will remain one being may depend on the route. In Decay, because they could not work together, they get killed and die together, or they did work together well but refuse to maintain their form, so they return back to two people. In Burial Questionable, they worked well together but chose to split to become a couple, still remaining metaphorically (and sometimes physically) as one being. Having a child would also be another fusion of themselves, one they would cherish and adore.
But I think for Burial Sane, it may not end with Ashley accepting that she or Andrew can have other relationships. I think that it will end with both of them choosing to maintain their demon form, not wanting to be separated, but still working harmoniously together. They have nothing left in the world of humans and all the power in the demon world that they can share forever. That is their paradise, and while seemingly questionable in and perhaps out of universe, it is a good ending for them both.
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prpfz · 2 months
hey!🌙✨ just a 21+ girl looking for other 21+ folks to write some smutty original plots. i write over email or discord, am happy to double, & i opt for a lazylit style, with short but well-crafted replies of 2-3 paragraphs. hoping to practice my nsfw-writing skills a bit, so my preference would be starting with the smut (or getting to it fairly quickly!) and then exploring the consequences after. the more dead dove-ish the better, age gaps and/or incest very welcome! below are the pairings/dynamics i’m currently looking for, all historical at the moment:
cult leader x follower—maybe it’s britain in the late 1890s or early 1900s, and it’s some occult mysticism a la aleister crowley? lots of folk horror imagery, foggy moors, remote islands, ancient carvings, etc. or maybe it’s a hippie commune in america in the 1960s, with lots of psychedelic strangeness? either way i’d like to explore the power dynamics between the two! maybe the leader’s trying to seduce a resistant target, or maybe the follower is angling for more power within the cult? lots of options!
addict x dealer—or addict x addict, or addict x sober, you get the picture! opium dens in victorian london? heroin addiction on the streets of 1980s berlin? the affairs of barflies & drunks in a 1920s new york speakeasy, a 1800s frontier saloon, or a 1990s glasgow pub? lots of options here, but i'm mostly interested in exploring the dynamics around addiction, the way that people compromise themselves & get into self-destructive and codependent relationships.
father x daughter—definitely my most dead dove-ish craving at the moment, but i'd like to explore a scenario where a father & daughter are isolated from society (either literally isolated or just socially outcast) and end up straying into dangerous territory. maybe it's france in the middle ages and they're peasants in some little cottage in the woods? maybe it's the 19th century in ireland and it's a lighthouse keeper and his daughter living by the sea? or 1900s england and they live in a decaying mansion in the countryside? or is it the '90s, actually, and they live in a council flat in manchester and just keep to themselves and get gossiped about? in any case, i'd like to dive into the psychology of this and really explore the consequences!
+ optional add-on: also, i adore using faceclaims, am happy to take requests if there's a fc you're itching to write against, and (on my end) i especially appreciate ones who are slightly more unconventional/unusual in their looks? idk some of my current favs are anya taylor-joy, phoebe waller-bridge, vinette robinson, olivia colman, saoirse-monica jackson, ewen bremner, adam nagaitis, joel fry, sam spruell so use any of those as a fc and you will have earned my undying gratitude & affection.
cheers, thanks for reading! give this a like if interested and i'll reach out!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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soup-of-the-daisies · 3 months
staghunter (orion/harry) enthusiast here who hates every single fic for them because the meta sucks or is plotless in general but I didn't know how to elaborate on it until I saw your post on how their dynamic, at it's best, would probably be literally just prongsfoot and it busted my third eye wide open. best friends who are soooo incredibly intimate physically and emotionally that you could call them lovers but really, even that label is inadequate. they would wear each other every day if they could type of friendship. faces so close they make other people uncomfortable, but also the energy in the room would feel weird if they weren't on each other's laps 24/7.
anyway, my two cents— for prongsfoot, i do agree that james as an only child would be more possessive, marking sirius liberally through action such as biting, sitting close, etc., the clingiest limpet in any universe... girl!james would absolutely be the girl best friend who would get so much hate from sirius' partners bc she acts like that. lesbian prongsfoot who need to provide heirs for their family would definitely put their husbands through it (if they could invent magical IVF to cut the middleman entirely they would)
while for staghunter it would definitely be orion, since harry has had the experience/memory of ron & hermione's friendship... he'd be a bit more repressed with his emotions as a posh bloke in post-ww2 britain, so he'd mark his territory thru official documentation. photos, paintings, a building donated in their honor, a name change, blood pacts published in the paper, soul bonds duly registered, another bonding ritual that may be slightly illegal but visible to anyone in the know, and so on. I like to think that orion would be a product of their time regardless of gender so skinship isn't as big, but then they don't need to be, as harry gets and appreciates the big grand gestures
(in any universe though, slash, genderbent, or otherwise, if harry and ron are alive together in any timeline they'd be the codependent ones im so serious that matters to me)
Hello anon. I love you.
I agree with you on all points. There’s a reason why I’m incredibly fond of Prongsfoot, Ronarry, and Harmione: codependent best friends to lovers where nothing really has to change, they just kiss (more), and in the case of Ronarry and Harmione Harry becomes a bit more physically affectionate… yeah. I also love it when Harry’s James-genes pop out in Ronarry and Harmione and he does ridiculous things to prove his love and adoration (I’ve seen one fic where that happened, for Harmione), because Harry would, you know? He’d give them the moon if he could.
And yes, Orion would be the James in the Staghunter (I actually associate that one more with Orion/James, but I can’t think of another one on the fly so I’ll go with Staghunter for Orion/Harry here), but then more of a product of his time and childhood. It’s the mutual kind of adoration you also see in Prongsfoot. Fancy robes, jewellery, but also ‘official’ means like (as you said) documentation, announcements, blood-pacts… they’re in each other’s pockets at school, absolutely obsessed with one another.
I like the way the Orion&Harry bromance is characterised in wear me like a locket around your throat, though Orion is a bit too… sweet? I suppose? For my tastes. He’s quite the bean in that one, even though he does get a lot of depth (and the fic hints at as to why he became a horrible father), but the codependency and mutual love between him and Harry is so lovely. It’s other/better half to the max. I have my favourites (for het Staghunter, Future’s Past is a good one; it’s AU enough for the characterisations to be believable) and there are ones that feel Too Much and Wrong, but that’s what you get with a rarepair I think. I also need good/fun Tom Riddle characterisation if he’s present, so that also makes me pickier.
So yeah ♥️♥️ Thank you sm for your ask, I love talking about them. They’re not popular enough I swear (even in the bromance way), despite the fics often being quite popular.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 4 months
Ok so I know I already ranted once but I’m going to do it again because I can not get this fic out of my head.
I love this series so much, it’s so so so good. The way my poor baby was so upset and thought his daddy was gonna leave him for someone else. I’m glad tomura set him straight and proved just how much he absolutely adores and loves him, even if that means fucking him so hard that dabi burns him and tomura loses control and decays the headboard lol.
They’re both so in love, they would burn down/decay the world for each other and have absolutely no regrets at all. Even when they have problems they always manage to make it work and fix it and they end up better because of it.
Thank you for writing such an amazing story and dynamic for them, I don’t know what I would do without your stories Tanco. Really, I would probably die, there would be no reason to continue living lmao😂
They absolutely would destroy the world for each other! (They would also destroy themselves for each other but that's less romantic and more dangerously codependent, but hey, they're villains in love)
Thank you again for commenting!!
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comshipbracket · 7 months
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Antis DNI - Block the tag "comship" if this causes discomfort.
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise.
Jimthan Propaganda (One-sided Toxic Dynamic, Underage - Both Jimmy and Nathan are children)
"Jimmy and Nathan have an adorably onesided dynamic where it's never entirely clear if Jimmy is fully aware just how much Nathan hates his guts. Fueled partly by their different feelings on summer camp, Nathan has tried to get Jimmy killed multiple times, almost always ending in his own misfortune as a result. Much like a classic Looney Toons pair, Jimmy's insistence on fair play and good sportsmanship somehow always wins against Nathan's schemes. Even after encountering a situation where it is Severely, OBJECTIVELY clear that Nathan is just a straight up evil person who wants him and everyone else involved in the camp Dead, Jimmy seems to openly consider him a friend who he's glad to see every summer. This doesn't mean he never fucks with him, but Jimmy's attitude being so chill and friendly makes a wonderful contrast against Nathan's seething hatered. They also seem to be on mildly reasonable terms at school, partly because whenever Nathan has to directly interact with him, he feigns friendship, making the whole dynamic that much more complex. Please let my disabled babies win against the conventionally attractive anime people, i mean no disdain for the other ships i just think that would be really cool!!"
Stannarrator Propaganda (Codependency, Toxic Power Dynamics - In most endings)
"The Stanley Parable is a game about The Narrator wanting to tell a story through their game but having to rely on the Stanley's choices. The core of the game is that Stanley and The Narrator are bound to each other: Stanley needs The Narrator to make the "parable" he lives in, and The Narrator needs Stanley to make the choices that drive the story.
The Narrator clearly has the most power in this dynamic, since he can alter the world the Stanley lives in: modifying the rooms, creating and deleting objects at will, reloading the game, altering Stanley's perception, knowing almost everything and being almost everywhere. But, despite all that power, he isn't able to control the one thing that keeps his story existing: Stanley's choices.
Okay, spoilers to both the original 2013 game and the Ultra Deluxe remake from here on out since it's impossible to talk about them without spoiling a lot of the endings.
In one of the new endings on the Ultra Deluxe remake, the Skip Button ending, The Narrator creates a button that lets Stanley skip his dialogue `inspired` by a bad Steam review, but when Stanley clicks this button The Narrator is left all alone in that room, and which each click the skip becomes longer, from minutes, to hours, to weeks, to months… And in the fifth skip (where Stanley stays frozen for like, one, two weeks), The Narrator breaks up, talking about how he needs Stanley to listen to him and how scared he is of slipping back into the silence he passes through every time we use the skip button. In his own words, `I can't lose myself in the stretch of emptiness between you and me.` Of course, since it's the only way to advance in this ending, we skip again, and again, until The Narrator ends up eventually disappearing after the 12th or 13th skip, leaving Stanley alone in a desert, and that's where the ending stops, though it continues on the Epilogue, but I'll leave some things to add as propaganda during the polls.
Despite this, The Narrator still has more control of the situation than Stanley, like on the Explosion ending, where he traps Stanley in a room while the building's destroys itself as consequence for choosing to activate the Mind Control Machine instead of shutting it down to free everyone. He keeps acting like Stanley is nothing but a vehicle for him to pass a message through his story. `Watching you try to make sense of everything and take back the control wrested away from you…it's quite rich. I almost hate to see it go!` `You're only still playing instead of watching a cutscene because I want to watch you for every moment that you're powerless, to see you made humble. […] You wanted to control this world; that's fine. But I'm going to destroy it first, so you can't.`
But there's one point where they're equal, they both want to free themselves. On the Museum ending, we meet a being that is higher than The Narrator, the Female Narrator (yeah, that's her name), and she gives the best description of the relationship between these two: `Oh, look at these two. How they wish to destroy one another. How they wish to control one another. How they both wish to be free. Can you see? Can you see how much they need one another? No, perhaps not. Sometimes these things cannot be seen.`"
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karizard-ao3 · 5 months
Evangelion college au?
Okay, let me think about this. I feel like I haven't gotten myself fully immersed enough in NGE to be really confident in my answer here (gotta watch it again), but I'm going to say:
Shinji goes to college on a music scholarship for his cello playing. He is not passionate about playing the cello but he couldn't have paid for college without it, so that's what he does.
Kaworu is either studying philosophy or poetry, I feel like, and he would be the first person Shinji meets. Will they hook up? Probably. But there will have to be some kind of a moment where Kaworu gets removed from the equation, like in the anime. Maybe he and Shinji do something that can get them expelled and Kaworu is like, "place all the blame on me," and even though Shinji does not want to, he still does it because of his sense of self preservation. Also, I feel like Kaworu makes him feel like a prince at first, but then he starts getting skeeved out by his love/devotion. Shinji hates himself and can't accept Kaworu's unconditional adoration. Also, I feel like Kaworu is somewhat insincere and manipulative. They'd have a very toxically codependent sexual friendship, I think. Maybe Shinji starts getting romantically interested in Asuka and Kaworu starts sabotaging him. I don't know!
Rei would probably be in the sciences. Her dream is to develop organ cloning or something. She is suicidal and says very weird things. Kaworu is kind of obsessed with her because of it and Shinji is very worried about her. I want her and Shinji to be cousins, but in that awkward "I know we're related but I think they're hot" way. Like, they didn't grow up together and this is their first time spending any appreciable time together so they don't really think of themselves as relatives. I feel like this dynamic suits their vibe in the anime. They would not act on any attraction, it would just make Shinji feel even worse about himself because it's there (honestly, I feel like for him, at least, it would be a kind of intrusive thought situation. Like, he's noticing she's cute exactly because it makes him feel bad about himself). Also, maybe Rei is having a secret affair with Gendo, who is a professor at the college? She'd be related to Shinji through Yui, so not blood related to Gendo, and we know he loves screwing young scientists (god, this is so gross to me but I feel like it would be good for the plot. Rei reminds him of his dead wife and she is just doing all kinds of shit just to feel something, even if it's disgust). He could be juggling her and Ritsuko, who is her advisor. Why not? That could also add an extra layer to Rei's dynamic with Shinji and also create some drama down the line. Maybe that's the catalyst to Rei actually making a suicide attempt, and then Shinji finds her and encourages her to live.
I'll end with Asuka, who is probably a jock. Can you go to college on a field hockey scholarship? She probably does roller derby, too. For some reason, I feel like she grew up in a trailer park and feels like she has something to prove going to this ritzy school. Most likely she'd join a sorority for the clout but then struggle to comply with the sorority lifestyle. She fakes it okay, but she doesn't actually love the partying and social events and things. The expectation is that she'd date a frat guy but then she meets sensitive bisexual Shinji Ikari and she can't get him off her mind. She runs very hot and cold with him, because it's like, does she want him or does she want the image she's trying to build of herself? I think maybe she does get a frat boy bf (Toji, maybe???) but she sneaks around with Shinji anyway. She feels ashamed of herself but she projects that disdain onto Shinji and treats him like shit over it, but he just keeps crawling back for more.
No one should get together at the end of this, actually. They are all disasters. The happy ending is college ending and they all get to leave this terrible period of their lives behind with lessons learned and a new sense of their own value lol. They go off and form new, much healthier relationships. Or, Asuka marries a rich lawyer or doctor and keeps sneaking around with Shinji for the rest of her life and he's secretly the father of all her children. He never forms a meaningful relationship with anyone and just kind of exists, living his life as the other man.
Why is this so sad? 😭 Fuck!
Okay, trying for a fluffier option, college cheerleader Asuka and cellist Shinji. There's still the "forbidden" aspect because she feels it's below her to date anyone but a football player and his friends (twins Kaworu and Rei who are not related to him and both have crushes on him) don't like her, but they start falling in love anyway and start meeting in secret. They have some personality clashes but they learn to overcome them. Shinji gains more confidence and Asuka becomes more empathetic. Rei is not sleeping with Gendo. Everyone lives happily ever after.
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vladdyissues · 10 months
Hi, it’s me, the asker who was so curious about Danny at school ✨
I got three things to say, silly thing first, 1. I’m so curious about what Danny’s diet is gonna be. I was rereading that chapter, and if Vlad has to eat meat to stoke the flames, does that mean Danny has to go vegetarian? That would be so fucking funny, I’m ngl 😂 but also sad, bc then he’d be thinking about Sam all the time 🥺 anyways, I’m just interested to see what you do with it 👀
2. You got me thinking about enemies to lovers, hardcore. And I realized, when I enjoy that kind of ship, I’m not here to see them become all lovey-dovey and domestic. I’m here to see the pain, and the toxicity, and the deep codependency of it all. The ‘I hate you, but I can’t leave you’, and the ‘you might kill me one day, and I embrace that.’ If you’ve watched Hannibal, you know exactly what I mean 😂 For Vlad and Danny, I don’t really give a fuck if it’s pompep or badgercereal, i just want angst and codependency 😈 I think that’s part of what I like about your story so much, is that it’s toeing the line between the two relationships. Halfway parental, and halfway toxic/romantic love.
3. You’ve fucking ruined me for other fanfiction rn 😭😂 I can’t read anything else for more than five minutes 🥲 Partially bc I’m so invested in the story, but also bc your writing style IS SO FUCKING GOOD. YOU SHOULD BE WRITING ACTUAL BOOKS, LIKE WTF. Anywayyysss, I’ll just curl up into a little ball of boredom on the floor till you update again 😂💕
Sending much looooove, 😘 I hope the brain to fanfic pipeline is working out for you 🤌
Hello and holy shit! What an ego-bloating kind and generous ask this is! Let me jump right in:
1. I don't want to spoil the plot too much, but Danny's diet is going to be key in unraveling a very important part of Vlad's enigma, and I cannot wait to get to that point. I've been sprinkling crumbs of information throughout the story thus far, laying down a foundation upon which to build this Big Thing, and the next chapter (14) will—or should, anyway—finally begin to deliver on it.
2. My friend, you've just given me an epiphany: it's not so much Enemies to Lovers that we adore, I suspect, as it is Enemies and Lovers. That's exactly the tag I'd use to describe Hannigram, and it's such a different and exciting dynamic. I've never quite—well, scratch that—okay, I've never written Enemies and Lovers in such depth as I am with Familiar. There's something darkly satisfying about letting lovers remain ugly; the notion that deep, abiding affection can exist in tandem with fear and disgust; that even monsters—in the very act of being monstrous, or perhaps because they are monstrous and not in spite of their monstrosity—are capable of loving and being loved.
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3. Frhgahrglahrglahg I'm going to print and frame this one and hang it on my wall for days when I feel utterly inept. I've been writing fanfiction for a while now, and I've written volumes of silly, embarrassing, poorly-executed tripe, so if I haven't at least gotten a little bit good at what I'm doing, I doubt I ever will 😆 That said, I'm putting a lot of effort into Familiar, I mean pulling out every stop and employing every nut and bolt in my mental toolbox to craft a good story (and reading. Always reading), partly as a challenge to myself and partly out of sheer love for this great ship and its fandom. Everyone here is so nice and welcoming and awesome. I only hope my tiny contribution continues to entertain.
Speaking of which, the wait for this next chapter shouldn't be long. The feedback I've been receiving is phenomenal, and it's definitely helped to fuel me along when my mania wavers. I'm incredibly grateful to you and everyone reading enjoying this story. Thank you thank you ♥
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