#also can we just appreciate how photogenic he is?
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we could make such a pretty picture~
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telomeke · 9 months
10 (or So) BL Boys I Want Carnally (Plus a Couple of Girls Too)
I was tagged by @neuroticbookworm at this post here and @waitmyturtles at this post here. Thank you dearies! 🥰
Now here's the thing before I get on with the post: after a certain time I think sexual attraction is a phenomenon more intellectual than physical.
So the beautiful people I'm listing below are ones whom I think fit the list in my head as examples of those genetically blessed with sexual desirability. But it's not as though I'm really feeling a carnal stirring in the loins for them. No fantasied jumping of bones (or boners) here; I would probably run a mile in the opposite direction if any of them actually presented themselves naked and available to me, you get my drift?
Still, since the malls are open I do like to look (even if it's only window shopping through binoculars 🤣). So, in no particular order, with tongue firmly in cheek and more admiration in my head (for the obvious hard work at the gym) than lust in my heart (or anywhere else) – here goes: 😍
1. Nonkul Chanon
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I know Nong Non looked like a little ball of Koreanesque sunshine in I Feel You Linger in the Air (really channeling 2PM's Wooyoung for me), but Mistah Santinatornkul used to be beefier and apparently lost weight to look all sweet and wispy for the role of Jom in IFYLITA.
Dunno bout you, but I miss the beef. (And if you do too, I urge you to click on the YouTube link above. 😁) Also, Nonkul had four lead roles in 2023; I think his star is on the ascendant, so keep an eye out for this one (he seems to have an international presence that most other Thai stars don't, though it beams eastwards). 🤩
2. Ohm Pawat
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I prefer him hunkier and chunkier like he was during his Bad Buddy Pat Napat days (he's too shredded and gangly beanstalk now for me) but I've actually met Ohm in real life and (I've said this before) his smile is supernova dazzling. Like everything else in the room simply fades to a blank whiteness. (Or maybe it was just me feeling faint. 🤣) Supremely photogenic (I don't think he has any bad angles), this boy definitely has the X factor and after Bad Buddy I will always be a diehard fan.
3. MaxTul
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The original kings of BL who never shied away and just went for it when it counted. I rue the loss of Tul to business or real estate or whatever it is he's focusing on now, but this coupling will always be legendary so I'm putting them together as one on my list.
4. Gap Jakarin
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You may be noticing a trend here, but I do like a bit of meat with my two veg. 😜🍆🥩🥬🍴🤣 Anyway I'm all goo-goo eyed at lovable himbo Yai in The Sign, especially when we see how smitten he is with his beautiful girlfriend Sand (who's canon transgender in the show, as Yoshi Rinrada is in real life too 💖). And that's carried over to my appreciation of Gap Jakarin in all his meaty meathead glory offscreen as well.
Plus when he was in the bulking phase (or maybe it was for a role?) Gap was also carrying a fair bit of baby fat in the following photo on his Instagram, and somehow that just makes him even more teddybeardorable in my eyes: 🧸😍
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5. Neo Trai
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Always the boy you remember in roles you'd rather forget. I've liked his look (neck up) for a long time now; in his current gym bunny phase the rest of Neo is looking more buff by the day and I approve, aesthetically speaking. More to love. 😘
6. Force Jiratchapong
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Nice to look at. Only just about makes up for his roles and acting though. I'm not hurrying to watch anything he's in, unless it's for a photoshoot like the one in the YouTube video above. 😮
7. Pavel Naret
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It appears he's had a little surgical tweaking recently, but the doctors did a fine job and Pavel is always looking like he's some sort of walking sex buffet, dishing out sass and overflowing sex appeal at every turn. Still not enough to make me wanna watch Pit Babe though. 🤣
8. KaowOat Supasin
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Apologies for the fuzziness of this screencap but I can almost feel non-existent ovaries swelling within me when I look at KaowOat's pensive buttcrack and delicately-placed fingers here. Almost makes me want to watch Playboyy The Series. Almost.
9. Net Siraphop
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I'm also on board with everybody's carnal favorite Net, even though I've not watched a single thing he's been in (Uea's kitty ears in Bed Friend did a good job warding me off, like garlic and crucifixes to a vampire so well done James Van Helsing). Nonetheless all the screenshots and GIFs were more than enough to leave me a little breathless at Net's honey-toned beauty. Those eyes telling of mysterious depths! That handsome jawline! That teasing glimpse of buttcheek with no tanline! When upon a time will we finally get Love Upon a Time? I'll be watching, if James can keep his furry ears out of frame.‌
10. Kao Noppakao
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Oh he of the excellent cheekbones and Cupid's Bow lips! Always looking so icy and unavailable, yet Kao utterly charmed his way into my heart in Lovely Writer (and then shattered it within the first few minutes of Until We Meet Again). Like Ohm he literally cannot take a bad photo; it's all Blue Steel and high fashion with this one.
BONUS 1 (because I am no respecter of limits):
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Great Sapol is on here because he filled out his tight policeman's uniform so well in Manner of Death (and has me vibrating with pins and needles waiting for Wandee Goodday). And Taylor Zakhar Perez just because he was such a menace in Red, White & Royal Blue (that full frontal above is from Minx though). 😜 Plus TZP's name always gives me the giggles because zakar in a number of countries quite literally means what that eggplant is hiding. 🤣
BONUS 2 (because these girls have made me feel something):
Zorzo Nathanan (formerly Zorzo Natharuetai)
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Ever since she roared up and flicked those lovely long locks (and legs) on her motorcycle in Lovely Writer, I've been going weak at the knees for the ravishing confection that is Zorzo. Supposedly queer in real life too; just adds to the appeal. 🤩
Namtan Tipnaree
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Absolutely radiant and glowing in Last Twilight even though makeup and wardrobe have Namtan totally frumped out for the character of Porjai. If you can look this good with perpetual bedhead and a shapeless gray t-shirt, there's some kind of sexual sorcery going on and there's a part of me that wants whatever it is she's got. 💖
I always tag too many people so I'm going to buck my brand and tag just one: @non-binarypal7. But consider yourself tagged if you've read this far and would like to play too – I just love reading other people's takes in tag games! 😍
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partrin · 9 months
rinharu headcanon incoming!!!!!!
(i have too many thoughts about these two and would like to share them with people who might appreciate them):
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whenever i see photos/official illustrations like this of rin, i can't help but to think he's one of those good-looking, naturally charismatic people who also happen to be very photogenic and self-aware, i.e. they know their best angles and by god they will make sure EVERYBODY knows their best angles when it comes to selfies, group photos, the likes.
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by contrast, haru is awkward when it comes to having his photo taken. and by awkward, i mean all he can offer most times is his soul-searching stare. if he's feeling generous, maybe a slight tilt of the head and the barest hint of a smile (like it physically pains him to curve his lips more than a metal ruler). an awkward peace sign, if he's feeling extra generous (he is me. he is us. he represents a lot of us that can't pose for shit in pictures).
these two clowns somehow end up taking on the world stage together, which can only mean they travel a lot together following the end of the franchise, right? we know rin is the type to take pictures of the places he visits, whether to send them to his loved ones back home or mail postcards or update his SNS. but haru, haru is canonically illiterate when it comes to technology. sure, he's an artist - he sees things with the keen eye only a person who can appreciate beauty (squints eyes at rei) might have, and he might take photos of sceneries that he finds breathtaking (waterfalls, fountains etc.)
but he is almost never the one to initiate taking photos of people. or of himself. or of him with people.
so i imagine a lot of haru and rin's travels going like this (read it like you're listening to an audio CD):
rin: nice, isn't it? the canal. they call this the grand canal - venice's main waterway.
haru: [stares into the distance] ah.
rin: do you want me to take a picture?
haru: of what?
rin: the rubbish bin. of you, you idiot! what else?!
haru: ...oh. [fidgets in place because the clown doesn't know what to say]
rin: would be nice if you could send makoto a picture without him asking for a change, wouldn't it? c'mon. i'll take it for you.
haru: [hesitates. makes some weird low disgruntled noise of disapproval. considers picking an argument with rin - wants to insist that he does do things on his own accord without makoto having to ask, but alas -] ...fine.
rin: okay, good. go stand in front of the parapet.
(silence. a bicycle whisks by. birds chirp in the distance. rin watches as haru moves towards the parapet and stands in the center like a rigid coconut tree. he rolls his eyes)
rin: can you at least look like you want your picture taken?
haru: [grumbles] it was your idea.
rin: i know but can't you - [pinches nose] fine, fine. it was my idea. just... pose or something, at least!
haru: i am posing.
rin: no, you're just standing there.
haru: then what am i supposed to do?!
rin: tch, i swear to god - okay, how 'bout this. turn your head a little to the side.
haru: [awkwardly looks to the extreme right] like this?
rin: no, that's too much! just a little. a forty-five degree angle. show your side profile - that's your best angle. your jaw looks sharper from the left than it does from the right.
haru: like this?
rin: yes! yes. okay, now, do you know what's mewing?
haru: i... what.
rin: mewing. it's when you flatten your tongue against the roof of your mouth. realigns your teeth and helps define your jaw. try it.
haru, exasperated: rin, i don't know if-
haru: fine, fine. [attempts to follow through] is this good?
rin: yes. god, yes. okay, now do something with your hands. don't just leave them hanging next to your body like wet socks. do something with them. look natural.
haru: [awkwardly slides hands into pockets]
rin: tch, boring. do something else!
haru: but you said-
rin: haru.
haru: [narrows brows] fine. [folds arms]
rin: okay, that's- [starts snapping pics] that's good! keep doing it! look left. okay, now look above my shoulder. don't look directly into the camera. okay, now look at the floor, but like, at a forty-degree angle. look like i just casually took a candid photo of you unaware. run your fingers through your hair. good. okay, now smile. SMILE MORE. haru, that is NOT a smile. smile! yes, like that! okay good. alright! come over.
haru: what?
rin, shit-eating grin on full display: see? the pictures look so much better when you put some effort into looking like you don't want to die having your pics taken. i managed to make you look handsome.
haru: [brow twitches] i am handsome, no thanks to you.
rin: yeah, yeah, whatever. damn. i should consider becoming a photographer if the swimming thing doesn't work out.
haru: yeah, if your clients don't mind having an insufferable asshole as a photographer then sure, why not?
rin: why, you little shi-
aka i typed an entire script just to conclude that rin would probably make an amazing instagram boyfriend. (or just boyfriend. for haru. um. yeah that's it)
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bishie-haven · 1 year
Asmo Appreciation Week, Day 3: Best Cards, Part 2!
Welcome again, everyone!
I'll cut a bit more to the chase today, since we're in a continuation from yesterday's post. Yesterday I covered #20-11 of the Asmodeus cards that make my heart beat faster, and today I'll show #10-1! These are a lot more potent and have a lot higher potential to melt my soul.
Let us begin~
#10: Guided By Desire
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Starting off the top 10 with more nostalgia! While one of two SSR cards people were VERY likely to get in the beginning, it doesn't annoy me seeing him show up...much (I get sooo many ravens now, UGH). BUT, repetitiveness aside, circumstances REALLY put this card high on the list. Even to this DAY it is one of my most powerful cards, even topping a lot of the URs I have on the OG app, so I HAVE to give credit. And even without it...just look at that face, you can't deny its adorableness! (Plus a rare shot where Asmo has pink and neon green nails before they decided on pink and teal!)
#9: Purgatory Hall Sleepover!
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Hey look, it's the card that most likely inspired the 2022-23 pajama set! Being the first birthday UR this boy had (and having to wait a full year from its implementation date), I was was EXCITED to see this card art alone. The theming made it even better; sleepovers are another topic that just send me over the moon, and that LITERALLY being the title of the card set in stone that I needed it like water. Thankfully, no money had to be spent, hooray!
#8: Photogenic Asmo
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If you thought #16 was colorful, #8 said hold my demonus. This is CUTE in every sense of the word. An overall cafe theme (mixing retro diners and maid cafes without the maids), Asmo in that uniform, and that look on his face getting pics of the sweets?! This was the card that started my completionist journey of getting every card of his, and thankfully, the catalyst was received in a recent revival Nightmare!
#7: Your Personal Venus
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This card, this card... The end of February was a wild time for my OM! account. This event plus the Nightmare that was attached were attacking me from both sides in terms of cards I want, and could NOT catch a break (you might be able to guess a card down lower if you think about it ^^). But thankfully, it meant this card was mine within three days of the event start! The initial image is precious (just look at those eyes!), and this one? This was an attack on my soul, how is he able to rock anything and make me love him even more?!
#6: Time for the Main Event!
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I grinded in this event when it came out in 2020. Nearly 4 years later, I'm still trying to get him. There's definitely reasons why, considering it's only barely out of the top 5. The Cinderella/fairytale aesthetic is a major reason, bringing to question what Asmo would be like if HE was the titular heroine instead of the fairy godmother in the actual event. In addition, this was the first event where I truly saw him as a gnc icon and ROCKING this dress (I can't unsee the garter belt either, so neither will you now, hehe), and further made me scream whenever future cards indulged this. Now, please hurry up and come home...
#5: Return My Glow
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We all know from both the OG and NB that Asmo valued his time as the angel dubbed the "jewel of the heavens", despite slowly forgetting that image of himself. While the event the card was attached to is DEFINITELY controversial amongst the fandom, it still means a lot to me. I grinded my booty off to get it on the last day, and the image (specifically this DF unlock) has the power to make me feel better even on some of my darkest days. It even doubles so when you look at the similar image found in his initial UR in NB (more on that soon!).
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#4: The Devildom's Mermaid
Outside of the missed potential to make him an ACTUAL mermaid in one of the arts, this was the first UR+ Asmo ever received, so its iconic status already lends itself to a high placement. Theming is also high here, as WHO can resist the beach episode, tell me, who?! There's also a bit of retroactive mirroring with the anime that happens in my head. I can totally see at one point on that private beach he set up a picture just like this to send to his followers, and that expression sent many (including myself) into an iconic squealing mess.
#3: Demons Catch Colds?!
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If you guessed this card at #7, you win a virtual cookie! It is no secret to anyone who knows me well that one of my favorite tropes in fiction is the sick day, one person laying in perceived misery while another tends to their needs. In addition, if you include anything in your work with a medical/dental theme, you will have me eating out of the palm of your hand. This card has both. I was a mess back in April of '21 thanks to this blasted card. Fun fact, this was the first Nightmare card I spent money to get (Solomon decided to block my advances one too many times using the same attribute and I was at my limit 😡)! I only pull out the actual cash when I'm hooked, so you KNOW it was serious. XD Lastly, I said I wasn't taking Devilgrams into account, but I wanted to mention how the one attached to this card is so sweet. If you ever have the chance to read it, DO IT!
#2: Princess Asmo's Escape
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They ACTUALLY referenced it!! If you've seen the anime, you know about Episode 5 and the insanity that occurred when Asmo was literally wearing the crown. And the fact that the devs saw it was iconic enough to make a UR+ out of?! I have a lot of gripes with Solmare, but this one of the times they got it RIGHT. He is a Disney princess, you can NOT change my mind, and the composition of this initial image is so pretty I want to make a print of it to hang in my room. It's almost the perfect card! Almost...
Because the top card of all to me is...
#1: A Song From the Heart
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This is my absolute dream card, and the closest to the definition of a perfect one you will ever get. So many elements combine to make this both fitting in terms of character and concept. In the initial image we get the cute, goofy side of him (and a shot of him in glasses?!), calmly playing an acoustic. In the DF unlock, that side turns passionate and bombastic, switching to an electric and belting into the mic under the stage lights. It references both the obvious and not-so-obvious of parts of his character. We know that he loves being under the spotlight, but we don't get much in terms of his love for music, specifically rock music as the designs imply. The outfit is also one of my personal favorites, as is many that don't go on the Majolish racks (pleeeeeease let this one be wearable one day!). It even has a bit of a meta connection as well. His VA, Miura Ayme, has PLENTY of musical connections, not just recording OPs for the game but being an active visual kei artist with a HEAVY leaning on rock as a style. So to see a card not only tie back to a character but to the voice actor at the same time? There's nothing I see that's better than that.
And that's my list! What did you think? Any cards I missed in terms of their positives? Let me know if you have any you want to mention, as well!
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
hey--i was wondering if you could do a slasher matchup (also i love your work it's so good and the matchups are so fun!!)
- i am 5' 4" and kinda scrawny (i play sports so my arms and shoulders are pretty toned) and i have been told i look like tweek from SP cause my hair is choppy and a total mess and i have pretty severe eye bags/dark circles that i'm relatively self conscious abt,, i also have a scar on my lip from an accident as a kid (it looks a bit like a cleft lip cause it healed bad and the stitches re-opened a few times) and honestly im really self conscious abt that so i tend to avoid looking at peoples faces and hope they don't look at mine
- i grew up in a farming town but somehow im still scared of horses (they are too big and have dead eyes-) and am very jumpy around loud noises--which leads to me clinging to people a lot and 8 times outta 10 i drag them to the ground with me (i trip on everything-air even i am a total klutz and my elbows/knees/knuckles are scared up because of it lol) and usually yelp as i'm falling
- i have an extensive horror movie collection, all dvd's, and spend a lot of my time taking pictures and videos of others cause i forget things a lot and that helps, even though i am nOt photogenic and have a hard time showing my face in pictures cause of my scar and eyes and stuff (i generally don't think i'm very attractive lol) i like having people i trust take pictures of me like for the further and stuff like that
- i am very affectionate, and love physical contact with the people i love-im don't have a high sex drive at all (plus im demi) but i get weird random bursts of libido and get rlly focused on that -i don't have a good verbal filter either and tend to just spew things out without realizing it, i listen to lots of classic rock and 80's--90's metal
- i am fiercely loyal, almost obsessive, and will do anything without a second thought if someone i trust/love asks me to do something--i didn't have a great family growing up so when i deem someone family i am like a guard dog (even though im more like an aggressive terrier or something lol) and (idk if this is over sharing but– –) i get physically aggressive when that idea is challenged or if someone pisses me off when im having a bad day or something like that
- i kind of have a staring problem--not in a judging way but i'll just space out thinking about someone while staring and not notice
uhh anyway that's the end, i love all your world and hope you're having a wonderful day/night, thanks!!
I paired you up with...
♡ Thomas Hewitt ♡
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Okay so first of all IM SORRY IT HAS TAKEN SO LONG AND IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE MY STUFF BROSKI. It may sound stupid but i appreciate so much when people tell me if im doing a good work with stuff ecc it motivates me so much you have no idea
We all know how self conscious Tommy is so he would be like the least judgemental person ever in regards to your appearance, if anything he's hyping you up like crazy cause in his eyes you're genuinely the most handsome/pretty/beautiful/gorgeous person ever. He understand you can feel insecure and he would always try to make you feel better without invalidate your feelings cause sometimes it happens to him too that luda tries to tell him he's pretty ecc and doesn't understands that he still feels bad and can't really help it. He would be so sweet about it, even trying to take off his mask from time to time to make you feel like you don't have to be perfect cause he really does love you for who you are.
FARM LOVERS WHO FARM TOGETHER,STAY TOGETHER. Everytime i think of thomas there's the vine "COUNTRY BOYYYY I LOVE YOUUUUU AUGH" playing in my head loudly. This man actually loves everything that has to do with farming and animals, he 100% has a little garden where he plants everything he can and would love for the two of you to take care of it together. I feel like horses don't like him too much, i don't know why but i feel like its true so you won't have to worry about that. OMG IMAGINE HIM TRYING TO GROW YOUR FAVOURITE FLOWERS SO HE CAN BRING THEM TO YOU EVERY MORNING
Okay so about the loud noises, that sucks right? But think about this, you get to cling to this beefy sweet boy and get comforted by him everytime. Surprisingly he hates loud noises too, specially yelling so for your mental peace and his own he always tries to get done with victims as fast as possible. He menacingly glares at hoyt everytime he gets too loud so dont worry about that either. If you do get scared for whatever reason he's always there to help you and wont let go of you until he's sure you're all alright. Besides if you jump on him he can take it without falling cause he's a big boi so do not worry!
Please for the love of God update this boy about films and stuff cause he desperately needs to catch up with all that stuff. He wants to understand you better and if you like something he wants to know about it to have something you both can bond over. I think he would be a little bit sitffy about you taking pics of him ecc cause we all know what he did to his old pictures but with time and patience im sure he will do it just to make you happy. Your happiness means more than his own comfort to him
This man is 100% down for cuddles whenever wherever. This man wont never pass on the opportunity of bear hug you or just holding hands. His favourite part of the day is taking naps together, or sipping iced tea on the poarch with you close. He literally lives for affection cause everyone is always so harsh with him he craves some gentleness and softness, he doesn't want to always be tough and rough so yeah go ahead, make him melt with all that good ol romancing bro
He loves, no scratch that, HE ADORES YOUR LOYALTY. He always has this fear of being betrayed or being taken advantage of so to see you're always on his side it gives him a sense of peace and safety he hasn't felt for years. You will become his safe place like fr, he will do for you anything too so the energy you give will always be matched by him.
I hope you liked it bro, once again I'm sorry for taking to long!!
Song recommendations for this match up!!
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Can you do something where Y/N is sick and Harry has to take care of her please?
i actually had written something similar to this before so i present you a lengthy blurb;
You were pretty sure if you got invited in to hell it would feel something like this.
Hot. Sticky. But chilled.
You had come down with a concerningly high temperature. Along with the added luxuries of a deafening headache, cold sweats and an upset tummy. Your body was burning all over, as if it had just been freshly cooked in the oven but you felt colder than ice. It was a confusing juxtaposition, but there it was.
You'd called Harry, since he was in the studio recording his new music and asked him to come home early. You didn't even get to the reasoning of why he should come home before he hung up, telling you he was already vacating the premises. You hated to be that needy girlfriend who had to call about nearly everything, but Harry loved it more than anything. He loved the fact that you needed him. It gave him purpose, apparently .
You couldn't work out whether you regretted asking him to come home, or whether it was a blessing. It was a very fine line.
It was a blessing because, he looked after you like a mother would her child and made sure he stood by your side any time you found yourself lurched over a toilet. He made you chicken soup from scratch and even tested it to make sure it wasn't too hot, or salty - despite being a vegetarian himself. He even made you honey and lemon tea, which he had to run to the store for the honey. When you say run, you mean run. He didn't want to leave you alone at all, so he put on his running shoes and sprinted to the shop and back. However, it was a slight regret because of how fussy he was over you. He loved it to bits - nursing to your every need.
You truly believed you didn't deserve Harry. He was just too kind and pure for his own good. You were unarguably lucky. Laying on what felt like your death bed, didn't feel so lucky though.
It was now 10 pm and you could hear Harry turning on the alarm for downstairs, the loud beeping noise preventing you from sleep. That's all you'd done all day. Sleep. You thought it'd be more magical than it was. It was just uncomfortable though, because of how cold and hot you were.
Your much better looking other half trudged through the bedroom door within a minute of the alarm going off. He was only wearing checkered pyjama bottoms and a white t-shirt and yet he made it look like Gucci Runway 2021.
The jingling of keys signalled Charlie was also present. Charlie was your 2 year old Golden Retriever. He was beautiful. When you and Harry has moved in together 2 years ago you'd managed to persuade him to get a dog. Within a few weeks of moving in you had a 5 month old puppy running around your house. He was your best friend, no doubt about it. He was also ridiculously photogenic.
"Hey Chaz!" You cooed as Charlie walked over to your side of the bed, where you were snuggling down under the sheets. You reached out your hand to give him some loving and attention. You could tell by the small smile and sparkling eyes that he was one happy boy.
"Alright, buddy. Let's leave mum alone." Harry came behind Charlie to manoeuvre him into his bed, which was in the corner of the room. It was more like a big cushion. He started to whine after being forced to leave you - having not seeing you all day. Harry was strict in keeping him downstairs so not to disturb you whilst you were sleeping.
"H it's alright, let him on the bed. He can curl up on my feet." You sympathised with Charlie, as you always did, hating to hear or see him upset. Harry was like the 'bad-cop' when it came to parenting Charlie, because you were too sweet to say no to him.
"You're one spoilt boy, aren’t you?" Harry messed around with Charlie, before telling him he could get up on the bed to see you. Charlie leapt on the bed and wandered over to give you all the kisses he could, before Harry came to calm him down - as you really didn't have the strength.
"I missed you too, Chaz." You quietly laughed, not wanting to set your headache off even more.
"You gonna let me kiss mum now?" Harry rhetorically asked, but as he came over to you Charlie laid down on you so your face was buried underneath his body. You could feel him panting with his adorable tongue out above you, as he hid you from Harry.
"Someone's jealous."
"Feeling like a bloody third wheel over here." Harry tutted and you laughed until you got hot with the movement.
"Harry? Can you move him please?" You whined as you tried to shuffle around.
"Okay Chaz. Let's let mum get some sleep, alright?" Charlie is slowly removed from you and ends up curled on top of your feet, keeping them warm for you.
Harry slipped into the covers and shuffled his way over to you, putting the back of his hand over your forehead and hissing quietly at the simple touch.
"Baby you're so hot." Harry complained.
"I know." You teased with a wink at him, taking his worry out of context and turning it into a flirting compliment.
"Oh piss off!" He chuckled and wrapped an arm around your waist to bring you closer. "What am I going to do with you, baby?" Harry then planted only a few delicate kisses to your lips - not wanting to overwork you and your tired body.
You woke up with drowsy eyes to find you're in bed alone.
Your throat was incredibly dry and your whole body was sticky from sweat. Your pyjamas were damp and your face looked like it'd just been drowned in a rainstorm. It was disgusting. Still, you brought the duvet up to cover yourself more, as you let out a dramatic shiver. Why was it so cold?
Mixed into the background noise you could hear the cheering of crowds and it really confused you, until you looked at the wall and noticed the football was playing on re-run on the TV. Manchester United Vs Manchester City. You hated that you knew that just from their football uniforms, but that's what you get for living with a football-crazed boyfriend.
You noticed Harry emerge from the bathroom, a washing up bowl in his arms. He came and sat down in bed, the bucket of water to his side. "What are you doing?" You quietly asked, peering up at him through tired eyes.
"Oi, you're meant to be sleep y’minx." Harry told you off.
"I can't. I'm too uncomfortable. I'm hot, but i'm cold. I also find it hard to sleep without you next to me." You huffed out in annoyance.
"My poorly baby." He leant down to kiss your forehead, "c’mere, baby." He urged.
He helped you move, seeing as your body was really weak, so you could lay down against Harry’s body. He was sat up against the headboard as you nestled down between his legs, your back to his front. It was a lot more comfortable than before - probably because Harry was closer to you. Charlie noticed the disturbance and waited for you to stop moving around, before maintaining the job of guarding your feet.
Once he was happy in his position he fell asleep again, making you jealous of his ability to do that. Especially now.
"Why's the football on?" You asked, motioning towards the TV.
"Had to keep myself awake somehow." He explained, but it only made you more confused.
"So I can take care of you, y’muppet." His words actually melted your heart - more than chocolate could melt on your forehead right now.
After you'd settled, Harry reached into the bucket and drained out a cloth. He made sure all the excess water was cleared before moving it away from the bucket. You hummed in appreciation when he placed it against your forehead, rotating it to the back of your neck also in order to relax and cool you. It made you realise just how hot you were.
"I think i'm dying, Harry." You groaned as the nausea came over you again. Harry kept a firm hold of the cloth on your forehead, dabbing gently and careful to not let any water drip down into your eyes.
"No you're not, baby." Harry gave you a light-hearted laugh.
"Well, living shouldn't feel as shitty as this H." You grumbled, not appreciating his lack of understanding.
“Then just let me take you to the chuffing hospital!" He exclaimed, making Charlie stir slightly.
Harry had been demanding you go to the hospital all day and all evening, but you were too stubborn to go. That, and you were terrified of hospitals - more terrified of needles and blood than anything else. However, you were starting to reach the point where you were giving in to his request, though. It was becoming unbearable to sleep and harder to breathe. You were worried for yourself.
"I don't like it." You pouted like a child, as Harry wrung the cloth through the fresh water again.
"I don't care whether you like it or not, Y/N, I really think we should go. More like need." Harry insisted and you could tell he wasn’t giving up without a fight. You didn’t want that either.
You hated how he was right.
It was only going to get worse from here, and you didn't really want to be alive when that was going you happen, so going to the hospital to get checked over and drugged up seemed like the best option to go for. The more sensible option.
"Fine." You finally accepted, Harry slinking his arms tight around your waist after discarding the cloth in to the bucket. He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck and planted an abundance of kisses there, your skin burning just to the touch.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." He repeated in-between kisses.
It took 20 minutes to get in to the car. 20 minutes.
All because Charlie was reluctant to letting you get up and go. So Harry had to dress you into a more appropriate attire, with a dog sat on your lower body. It was then half an hour later that you were in the hospital.
The hospital was quiet at this time of night and for that you were grateful. It was obviously a night where little numbers of people were doing silly things to get themselves hurt. There was the odd patient for a minor cut injury and there were a couple of people in for burns. There was even a woman in because she accidentally superglued her hand to a bottle of superglue - ironic, but painful.
You sat patiently on Harrys lap, waiting for someone to escort you to a cubicle. You were freezing cold, to the point where your teeth were chattering - your outside body was giving off the opposite temperature. You tried to get as close to Harry's warmth as possible, pushing your body against his.
"You're alright baby." Harry shushed you, as you let out a small tremble.
"If I do die—"
"Which you won't." Harry chuckled.
"I know, but if I did I want you to know that I love you." You told him. Even though he's heard you say it a million times before, it still made his heart flutter as you spoke each word.
"I love you, baby." He kissed the side of your head. "But you're going to be just fine, so no more talking about you dying okay?"
"Why? It's only a natural thing." You pointed out.
"Sure, but I don't want to think of a world without my girl living in it. So zip it before I make you."
You never thought of dying as a world without Harry before now and it wasn't the time to start thinking about it either. It was a horrible thought and you understood why Harry didn't want you speak about it. That world would be so dark and empty and you hated thinking about it.
Harry was called to the front desk to fill in some forms for you, since your hands were too cold and shaky to do it for yourself. He accidentally wrote 'Styles' as your second name, before realising his mistake and scribbling it out.
“Shit.” Harry went red in the face and chuckled over his silly mistake. His hand was shaky and you smiled at how he got so flustered over something so simple. You rested your hand on top of his, bringing his attention to you.
“One day.” You told him and he leaned to give you a kiss on the lips. You couldn’t help but feel like his lips were a future promise to make sure he wouldn’t have to scribble out his second name the next time it was written next to yours.
The doctor saw you shortly afterwards and you thanked your lucky stars that there was no injections or removal of any blood involved, Harry sticking with you the whole time. Turns out you were suffering from a moderate fever, but the doctor said with good rest it should pass. The doctor had given Harry permission to make a big fuss over you - explaining how he was going to love it and you were going to hate it - and to make sure to come back with even the slightest worsen of the fever. You got given a prescription list of various medications that you'd need to take over the next week or so. After collecting the drugs, you were back in the car on the way home.
"Told you you weren't going to die." Harry smiled, happy to have you still by his side, whilst holding your hand over the gear console.
"Unfortunate for you, I guess."
"Will you shut you, y’bloody nuisance. You know I can't do life without you, Y/N." He spoke softly, squeezing your hand tighter to assure you that he's going nowhere.
"Same here." You smile at him and he smirks back at you with his dimple-loving smile.
"You’ll always be it for me, baby." Harry speaks, before you drift back off to sleep.
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ecliptsukki · 3 years
his delinquent phase ❧ kaoru sakurayashiki // cherry blossom
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➣ genre: fluff
➣ warnings: adam’s existence 
➣ request: can i request a one shot where you’re cherrys s/o and like childhood best friends with joe and cherry and adam and you’re gushing over cherrys old bad boy look with piercings and everuthing and cherry one day goes to S with his piercings and hair the same way as before just to see you fawn over him skjfks
➣ a/n: this took me three times to type up because the first two times i did it, tumblr thought it would be funny to delete it. i’m not sure if i love how this came out, but it’s still better than my original plan. hopefully this was correct to what the anon requested. enjoy!
ps: i’m also going to be going on a trip for four days tomorrow, so i’m not sure if i’ll be able to post. i’ll definitely try to start working on my other requests!
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You had known Joe, Cherry, and Adam ever since the four of you were in high school. Out of the three, you had met Joe, first, not soon before you met Cherry.
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You were walking down the eventful streets of Okinawa, admiring the sights and getting accustomed with the area. You had moved to the city not too long ago and already were growing attached to the place. In your defense, the city was your perfect and desired location to live in. 
A gentle breeze blew through your hair, rustling the leaves of the green trees. You sighed at the feeling of the cool breeze tickling your warm skin. Not long after that breeze had gone, another, harsher breeze blew past you. You flinched at the abnormally sharp wind, snapping your head to the side, in its direction. You were met with honey red eyes and short, green locks, swaying. 
The male slips past you, stopping abruptly.
“Sorry about that,” he smiled, embarrassed, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You were in awe, seeing what the boy was standing on, and on alert because you had always been taught to be cautious around strangers, especially when you were walking alone. 
“Um, no. I’m alright, just shocked,” you shrugged, replying quietly.
Another harsh, but gentler than before, wind blows past you, revealing a pink-haired male. He had three piercings on his ear and one on his lip. Half of the boy’s face was hidden by his long bangs, allowing your focus to lock on his golden eye.
“Watch where you’re going,” he snaps at his green-haired friend. “Sorry about him,” he apologizes, giving you a polite smile.
All the sirens were going off in your head.
He has so many piercings! Is he a delinquent? Are both of them delinquents? If they are, I can’t fight them off on my own. What do I do?
“I’m Kaoru,” the bubblegum-haired male suddenly said, “This is Kojiro.”
Kojiro nodded at you, an embarrassed blush still grazing his cheeks. 
“Hey, aren’t you the new kid?” Kaoru asked, finding your puzzlingly familiar.
“Oh, that’s why I felt like I’ve met you before,” Kojiro spoke up, nodding his head when he realized who you were.
Awkwardly, you shyly respond, “Sorry, I can’t seem to remember seeing you guys at school. Are you in my class?”
Until dusk, the three of you talked, getting to know the each of you better. You were also able to befriend the boys you were so afraid of, becoming your first two friends in the city.
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You met Adam in the dark of night, beside Cherry and Joe.
They had brought you along, one night, wanting to skate with you. You already knew the basics of skating, nothing more, nothing less. Therefore, as your closest, and only, friends, they wanted to get further acquainted with you in something they loved. 
“Who’s the sweet cheeks?” His hoodie-covered eyes left an eerie pressure on you, causing goosebumps to emerge from your skin.
“This is our close friend, Y/N L/N,” Cherry spoke up.
“She goes to school with us, and we wanted to bring her skating. Mind her tagging along?” Joe asks his hooded friend.
“Not at all, just as long as she can keep up,” he spoke in a cocky tone.
The pretentious attitude the unnamed face had was irking you in the wrong way. He seemed too mysterious for your liking. A third of the boy’s face was hidden in the shadow of his hoodie, leaving you only able to see the blue tips of his hair and his structured nose. 
He must’ve noticed your timid stare because he looks at you, under his hood, “Call me Adam.”
 Cherry and Joe look at you expectingly.
“Just call me sweet cheeks, for now,” you reply, distantly, not ready to let your guard down just yet.
You hear your two friends sigh, chuckling to each other.
“Don’t worry, she’ll warm up to you, soon,” Cherry told Adam, “We know firsthand how she is with meeting new people.”
You blush, remembering your first encounter with the pair.
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Thinking back, you still regret letting your walls down and accepting Adam as a friend. Not a day goes by that Adam doesn’t linger in your mind, as much as you’d hate to admit. 
You despise that man with a passion. From your first interaction, you should’ve known that there was something off about the blue-haired male, but pondering on these frustrations now wouldn’t change anything. As much as you’d like to curse the man for hurting your friends’ and your feelings, you knew you had to move on.
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You sat on the soft mattress of your shared bed, scrolling through old pictures stored on your phone. You saw pictures taken by Kaoru when you guys went on dates. Majority of the photos were candid, seeing as he always had told you that you were the “most photogenic woman” he had ever met.
You remember the day he had told you that. You also remember your laughed reply.
“Then you’ve got the whole world to explore, my love.”
Although, honestly, you thought Kaoru was quite the photogenic one himself. His gorgeous, sorted, pink hair matched with his golden eyes and perfect face never looked bad, not even at the crack of dawn or in the late of night. 
Speaking of which, you scrolled upon a photograph of Kaoru sitting all pretty with his piercings on display. Those piercings brought back many memories, humorous and lustful.
Ironically, the thing that brought you fear before now brings you yearning.
Honestly, once you had befriended Kaoru and came to trust him, the piercings no longer frightened you but instead, fascinated you. Those metal hoops further increased your attraction to the ponytailed man, leading you to the relationship you were in now.
Obviously, Kojiro played a big role in setting the two of you up together because both of you were completely oblivious to the other’s feelings. It got to the point that Adam almost had to step in and wack some sense into the both of you.
Anyways, ever since Kaoru had started working in the calligraphy business, he removed his piercings to maintain a professional image. You detested the idea, but you also knew that it was the best for his business. 
Now that you were looking back at photos of Kaoru as a teenager, you began to crave seeing him in those metal rings once more. You missed the “bad boy” look your boyfriend used to have, not that you didn’t appreciate how he looked now. It’s just that there’s a different vibe to his current and past aesthetics.
As you stalked through more pictures of teenage Kaoru, you were unaware of the very man you were thinking about watching you. He noticed the longing and craving in your gaze. Then, he caught a glimpse of what was being projected on your screen: it was him but in his teenage years. 
Suddenly, everything clicked for Kaoru, and he had the perfect plan in mind.
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Something was off. Usually your boyfriend would insist on bringing you to “S” himself but not today. If anything, he was urging you to go with Kojiro.
“He’s been your friend for the same amount of time as I. You should take this time to your advantage and catch up,” was Kaoru’s excuse.
First of all, catch up on what? It’s not like you haven’t talked to Kojiro in months. Actually, you talked to him a day ago, at “S.” Secondly, what’s up with the sudden lenience and weak excuses?
Joe, who was also in on the plan, tried to help his friend out, making a feeble attempt to lure you with free food.
“I can get free food from you whenever I want,” you replied, squinting suspiciously at your friend.
“Not with that attitude, you can’t.” That pulled a raised brow from you and a regret-filled face from the muscular man.
Though you weren’t fully convinced that nothing was off, you still left with Joe, caving into their terrible attempts of covering up whatever they were hiding from you.
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You had arrived at “S” with Joe for about ten minutes now, but there was still no sightings of your beloved, Cherry. Joe caught glimpse of your searching eyes and reassured you that he would be coming, be it later than usual.
Reki, Langa, and Miya had made their way over to you, sparking up a conversation with you, making you forget about the missing presence of a specific male. 
Miya was explaining the new training regiment and diet he was to use in order to advance his strength, leading you to worry for the small teenager. If he didn’t eat enough, it could become fatal to him. You didn’t understand why a child was being treated so harshly by his managers, forcing him to eat barely anything and train long hours of the day. 
You were concernedly asking Miya if he was feeling alright and offered him an energy bar you carried around in case of emergencies, which he gratefully accepted, when you heard the cheers of fangirls behind you. Knowing they weren’t meant for Joe, you turned around to meet the golden eyes you’d fallen in love with.
This time, there was something different. His face wasn’t hidden by his mask. You could see the pale skin of his cheeks and the pink of his lips. Besides the absence of the black cloth, you noticed metallic rings decorating your boyfriend’s lip and ears. Also, his hair wasn’t whipping behind him, as per usual, but laid low, drifting in the wind.
For a hot moment, you had thought you had finally lost it, but when you blinked your eyes, looking at Miya then back to Cherry, you realized you were still sane and your boyfriend still looked like he aged back into his high school days.
“Is that Cherry?” Miya asked from beside you.
You nodded, speechless.
You heard someone let out a loud laugh beside you, “Since when did he have piercings?”
Ignoring the redhead’s outburst, you were mesmerized by the Cherry you had been obsessing over a couple days ago. It felt like one extravagant dream that you didn’t want to wake up from. In your defense, as he stepped of his skateboard, coming to embrace you, he looked straight out of a fantasy. His skin was practically glowing, and his hair gently floated perfectly onto his shoulders.
“Hello, darling,” he spoke in a sultry voice, placing a soft kiss to your forehead as he held you in his muscular arms.
“K-Kao—” you quickly realize your soon-to-be mistake and fix it, “Cherry.”
His eyes shrink as he laughs, endearingly, admiring the flustered and confused look you were portraying.
“Is this why you and Joe were being so weird earlier today?” You asked, cheek pressed against his slim, toned chest.
“Indeed, my love. What do you think? Definitely brings back some memories of the old days,” he lifts your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
“I love it. It’s perfect. You’re perfect,” you smile brightly, eyes lustrous. Pushing yourself up on your toes, you whisper into his ear, “You also look really hot.” You quickly pull away, turning a vibrant red.
“I think you broke her,” Joe told his friend, placing a heavy hand on the pink-nette’s shoulder.
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After the supposed one occurrence surprise, you began to avidly ask him to wear his piercings, loving how attractive and domineering he looked in them. If he denied, you would ask him to, at least, tie his hair in the relaxed half up half down hairdo. He didn’t mind the different hairstyle as much as he did the piercings so it became a normal look for him. The only times he would willingly put on his piercings were when he was going to “S” or when the two of you were safe in the comfort of your own home, for research purposes.
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uhmlu · 3 years
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hello, this is the first time that i write smth like that, so pls be nice! ;-;
GENRE: fluff❣︎
WARNINGS: maybe some grammar errors, sorry!
toge seems to be the type of guy, who can be the very caring, adorable friend, and in the next second he's just the definition of being sassy.
but that mostly happens if people underestimate him or his power for example!
all in all, i think he's very confident but doesn't really show it.
a little bit like gojō but just quiet, yk?
he also may seem kinda mean when you meet him for the first time like in volume 0 with yūta maybe but after a while when you both get along well, he'll show you his soft & humorous side!
he would definitely protect the ones who are important to him with everything he has. he'll literally talk back if someone says smth mean to his friends.
toge would send you a bunch of memes if he feels comfortable around you. they're probably super random but that's what makes it even funnier.
most of the memes would also tend to tease you, because he knows that you won't take it personally & you'd just tease him back and laugh.
can we all pls agree that he's super photogenic but doesn't take a lot of selfies.
he'd just post like one selfie per month on his instagram account (and would always deactivate comments).
if we already talk about his instagram account, then let's add that most of his stories consists of memes and of secret recordings he made of his friends, to tease them ofc.
"lmao look what they did in class, idiot (jk)"
let's get a little more soft here ig?!
he's very clingy every toge simp already agreed with that but i still wanted to mention it and isn't ashamed of it at all.
whenever you two sit somewhere, have to wait for smth or whatever, he's always playing with your hand or lays against you or both.
i don't see him being very jealous tbh! he trusts you with his whole heart and is very confident about your relationship!
since he can't really talk with you, he always sends little good morning or good night messages to remind you how important you're to him! he loves you <3
generally, you have to expect to get some cute paragraphs about how much he appreciates you & the affection you give him even if he can't properly talk.
he definitely creates a playlist for you with songs that he thinks you would like or make you feel better if you shouldn't feel super well atm!
this boy probably wakes you up sometimes by spamming you with memes in the middle of the night when he wants your attention.
*34 unread messages from inumaki*
"Y/N i have to show you smth, wake up already"
yea cuddle sessions are a daily thing. while watching youtube videos or after a mission to get some rest.
you two will probably talk with your hearts as well after a while (that's the way the inumaki clan talks to each other if you didn't know!)
that's everything for now! i hope some of you enjoyed! <3
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blu-joons · 3 years
When You Support Them During The House Party Comeback ~ Super Junior Reaction
Your expression softened the moment you walked into the dressing room and saw Jeongsu sat with his head in his hands. “Everything going alright?” You asked him, noticing the chaos of the other members who sat around, frowning as he looked across at you.
“I’m just doing a lot of thinking,” he admitted, encouraging you to take a seat beside him.
You nodded understandingly, studying his face closely, “anything that you happen to be thinking about particularly?”
“Just how lucky I am,” he whispered, not wanting any of the others to here. “I never imagined when we released Twins that I’d still be sitting in dressing rooms fifteen years later preparing to perform on music shows still.”
Whilst Jeongsu had always been one to reflect as the leader, you were well aware that their recent anniversary had triggered a new wave of feelings in him. “It’s nice to see you perform without the rookie pressure these days.”
“I’m definitely starting to feel my age,” he chuckled in response to you, “one run through of House Party and I’m ready for a nap.”
“Just at least try and look young in front of the cameras,” you teased.
His hand reached out to push against your arm, “as long as everyone else still thinks I’m young, you can be the one to deal with my old bones at the end of the show.”
“You know that I’ll take the best care of you!”
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As you walked in on Heechul running through his rap once again, a proud smile graced your face, noticing his eyes fall on you once he’d finished. “Sounds good,” you complimented, walking into his open arms as he reached out for you to approach him.
“I wish that I could do more,” he admitted, kissing softly against the top of your head.
Your brows furrowed instantly, “you do as much as you can, and I know the fans and the boys all appreciate it too.”
“At times I wonder how different things could be if I was able to perform on the stage though,” he sighed, “it still never quite feels the same only being able to spend a few moments on stage, it wasn’t supposed to be the way.”
You reached across and placed your hand into his tightly, “just being on the stage is huge for you, whilst you can’t change the years you’ve spent on the side-line, you’re here for this comeback, which I’m sure means the world.”
“It does feel nice to be around the group for a comeback again,” he confessed, taking a quick look around the room.
“And I know they’re all happy to see you too,” you noted.
His head nodded proudly, “I don’t want to get myself upset, I know that I should just be thankful for the chance to even be on the stage right now.”
“There’s nothing wrong with getting upset, it’s understandable.”
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As Jungwoon placed his camera in front of you yet again, your hand reached out and pushed it away to face the members beside you. “I’m not a part of this,” you reminded him, pointing out to the carnage that was surrounding you both instead.
“You’re here supporting me, it’s a big deal,” he replied, turning his camera back around again.
Your eyes rolled at how persistent he was, “at least take some pictures of the group so that you can remember this time.”
“We’ve been together for weeks, I’ve got plenty with those losers,” he laughed, “but it’s my first time having you at one of our music shows, so I want the chance to take a photograph of you to remember this time.”
Despite your protests, you soon ended up smiling for Jungwoon to take a photo of you, only to be quickly interrupted by Hyukjae by your side. “I don’t remember asking for a group photo to be taken of us all.”
“I just want a picture of Y/N,” Jungwoon complained, pushing Hyukjae to one side, “my whole album is full of your ugly face.”
“I’ll have you know my face is very photogenic,” Hyukjae argued.
Jungwoon’s head shook, taking your hand and dragging you to somewhere where he could get you alone. “I’m determined to get a picture of you today.”
“Good luck with all of these guys around us.”
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Your hand came over your mouth as you spotted Donghee miming against the mirror. It didn’t disguise the small squeal that came from you. “Sorry,” you whispered as his head snapped around to see where the noise had come from, grinning when he saw you.
“I’m just trying to create the perfect ending fairy,” he announced to you.
Your eyes rolled at his smile, “just smile and you’ll be perfect. What exactly are you trying to come up with for it anyway?”
“I thought I’d try and mime,” he spoke, repeating his actions once again so you could see what he was working on. “It’s something I’ve not seen anyone do before, even SHINee didn’t come up with something like that.”
You couldn’t help but be impressed not only by his creative mind, but also his high skills when it came to dance. “I think the fans will love it, and I know that you’re enjoying yourself whilst you’re creating it too.”
“I’ve definitely missed performing live,” he smiled, “I’ve just got the camera block to make sure that this looks as good as I want it too.”
“From what I’ve seen, it’ll be brilliant on the show,” you hummed.
His arm moved to wrap tightly around your shoulders, “if nothing else, knowing that I’ve put a smile on your face by doing it has already made it a good decision to make.”
“Everyone will smile watching you, I just know it.”
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His eyes fell on you as soon as you found him hidden away in the corridor of M Countdown, pausing his phone as you approached him. “You know the routine Hyukjae, there’s no need to worry,” you quickly tried to comfort him before he started again.
“I just want to make sure everything is perfect,” he frowned, letting go of a sigh.
You walked over and took a hold of his hands before he could continue, “you’ve danced for years, as soon as you step on the stage, you’ll be fine.”
“I know,” he frowned, leaning forwards to rest his forehead against yours, “I’ve been going through it so much with everyone else that suddenly it just feels like I’m the one who has no idea how the routine goes anymore.”
Your hand moved up to cup the side of his face, “why don’t you go over it once, with me? If you’re perfect, then you stop practicing, and if you make a mistake, you still stop practicing because you know you’ll be fine.”
“How’s that fair?” He laughed, “either way you end up getting your way, but what happens if I truly make a mistake Y/N?”
“I know that you won’t, that’s why,” you assured him.
His smile grew as you squeezed his hands, “I don’t know how you manage to make me feel better so often when I’m so full of self-doubt. How do you do it Y/N?”
“Because I know exactly what you’re like Hyukjae.”
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Sweaty arms wrapped around you as soon as Siwon made his way off the stage, pressing a soft kiss against your forehead. “You’re gross,” you remarked, trying to wriggle out of his grip, but his strong arms kept you against his chest despite your protests.
“You should be telling me you’re proud of me,” he quickly retaliated against you.
Your eyes rolled, “you know that I’m proud of you, but not when you’re stuck to me, at least go and get a shower first.”
“You don’t normally complain like this,” he teased, unwrapping himself from around you as a member of staff began to remove his mic pack. “What did you think of the stage. anyway, did you enjoy being a part of our House Party.”
Without a thought, your head nodded excitedly. “You were centre a lot, but you absolutely killed it. Sometimes I watch you and I still feel like I’m watching you back in 2010, the last decade all feels like a blur.”
“My body is certainly starting to feel it,” he grinned, grabbing onto your shoulder, “can you believe we always used to perform at that intensity?”
“I reckon you still could if you tried hard enough,” you wisely responded.
Siwon’s eyebrows raised in surprise at your sudden remark, “this is my workplace, I can’t believe you’d even dare try and suggest such things right now.”
“I have no idea what you could be talking about.”
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You sat back as Donghae moved around the dressing room, making sure to record as much as he could for his vlog. “Have you got any footage of yourself?” You asked as he passed you by again to record the mountain of food that was on the table.
“The fans don’t want to see me,” Donghae argued, keeping his camera out of your reach.
Your head shook, trying to grab onto it, “let me record you for a minute, you’ve at least got to show off that ponytail you’re rocking.”
“The fans have already seen my hair,” he tried to argue, but it was too late, you finally had a hold of his camera and quickly started following him around. “Are you really going to be alright with your voice being in the vlog.”
Your head nodded as you moved with him around the dressing room, “I’m sure the fans will thank me for filling them up on Donghae content, don’t you worry. Now, tell the fans a bit about what you’re doing right now.”
“I’m finding the right bandana to go with my outfit,” he informed the camera, holding up the selection that he’d picked out.
“What about the one that I bought for you?” You quickly suggested.
Donghae reached in and pulled out the black and white bandana you bought when he first started growing his hair out. “I was leaning towards this one anyway.”
“I know you were, because I bought it for you.”
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His silence instantly concerned you as you walked back into the dressing room once everyone was changed and prepared for the comeback stage. “Feeling good?” You asked Ryeowook, desperate to get even a couple of words out of him to reassure yourself.
“It’s been a little while, even if there’s no audience,” he admitted in response.
Your head nodded, “I’m sure it feels strange without Elf there to support you guys, but they’ll all be watching, around the world.”
“I still feel like a rookie,” he sighed, brushing his hand gently through his fringe, “I look around and see all these younger singers, and that still feels like me, but it’s not. How have our fans stuck around with us for so many years?”
Your smile softened, taking a tight hold of his hand, “your fans have stuck around because you guys are amazing. Even if you’re far from rookies, you still have that rookie mind that makes people always fall in love with you.”
“I feel a lot better after talking to you,” he whispered, straightening out his suit jacket, “will you be there watching?”
“Of course, just have a little confidence in yourself,” you smiled.
His head nodded, unable to hide the growing smile that developed on his face, “I know what you’re trying to do, but I’m confident of putting on a good show.
“That’s what I love to hear from you.”
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The flash of a light coming across your face yet again caused you to groan, your eyes flickered up and pushed Kyuhyun to one side. “You’ll drain the battery of that before you get on the stage,” you sighed, knowing how bad of an idea it was to trust him with a prop.
“They’ve got hundreds of lights for Burn the Floor,” he smugly teased back at you.
Your eyes rolled, trying to reach out to take the light, “I’ll be blind before I get to see you guys perform the song too.”
“So dramatic,” Kyuhyun scoffed, placing the light down on the table. “If you play your cards right, I could try and steal one of these to take back to the dorm and give you your own private performance of the song.”
Your hand pushed against his shoulder, sending him stumbling back, “why would I want to watch it at the dorm when I could watch all of you here, live? And the proper dancers are here then, I don’t have to watch you.
“How dare you,” he chuckled, stepping back towards you, “do you not remember I was a lead dancer in Bonamana all those years ago?”
“Many years ago,” you laughed, “I think a lot has changed since then.”
Kyuhyun’s head shook, picking the light back up, “you just wait, the performance I give you simply won’t compare to what you’ll see on the stage in a while.”
“It won’t compare, but not in a good way Kyu.”
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vvanini · 3 years
whats your favorite obscure hc about each of the losers?
Fucking perfect thank you
1- Mike he reads books or articles like “how to understand woman”, “why women like jerks”, not because he wants to woo woman or is a nice guy or anything but just because he thinks it’s interesting
I don’t think he’d date anyone
Gives great dating advice tho
Reads manga Likes Junji Ito
“The manga/book was better” kind of guy
I don’t know why but I feel like he’d be this ENTP-ish dude who likes to gather information about a lot of useless things and likes to debate He likes film and game theories Watches MatPat for sure
Also he likes The Walking Dead and… zombies in general
Also I’m sorry but he likes Quentin Tarantino and Wes Anderson
He likes grindhouse movies and appreciates the gory details but is chill about it Likes cinematography in general
Watches video essays about movies
2- Richie
Unlike Mike, Richie isn’t chill about gory details and whenever someone gags while watching a movie he goes “You think that’s disgusting??? Lmaoooo that’s nothing.”
He’d be the type of guy who brags about being immune to disturbing shit
Google searches include “top ten disturbing movies of all time” “scariest movies ever” “movies worse than a serbian film”
Still likes pink guy and thinks Joji is a genius
Unironically loves the song “I Love Sex” by Pink Guy and listens to it at least once everyday
Uses Discord a lot
Always starts studying on the last day
I think he’d like history
Not like Mike tho, he just likes textbook history and world wars etc
Plays Hearts of Iron and League of Legends
Also :) he likes to code
he is a Linux >>>>>>>>>> Windows kinda guy
Likes breaking bad
And Rick and Morty
Understands politics really well
His music taste is… anime opening songs
Evangelion especially
Likes science fiction books
Pretends to be a flat-earther/conservative/anti-vax for the meme
3- Ben
and boy bands in general
he is old school and still carries an mp3 around
Doesn’t use spotify, he illegally downloads songs like a champ :D
Likes story rich games
Especially RPG’s. He really likes Planescape Torment and Baldur’s Gate
Kinda lame about women, like he hears Jordan Peterson say something like “the eternal image of the divine feminine” or some shit like that and he goes “wow poetic. agreed”
Doesn’t read “How to woo women” books like Mike but thinks about it a lot that’s for sure
Likes Audrey Hepburn
And Steinbeck
Saves different versions of the same song to his mp3. “The Less I Know The Better but you’re crying in a bathroom” “The Less I Know The Better Slowed & Reverb Listen With Headphones” “The Less I Know The Better Nightcore”
Shares playlists with Eddie
ALWAYS. ALWAYS waits for the person who’s tying their shoes
He notices if someone is walking behind the group alone and walks back to accompany them
If no one laughs at your joke, he does
Bleached his hair once and regretted it immediately Writes poetry in his free time and makes Stan proofread it
Into psychology
Hands always in pockets
Probably owned lots of lego sets as a kid
People go to him for dating advice because he is seen as this “romantic guy”, I mean he is but he gives terrible dating advice
He likes geography
Literally knows all the flags in the world and all the capitals
Blindfold him and give him a country name, he can show you exactly where it is on the map
Also he plays those google earth games where you get a random location and try to find out which country you’re in/ or try to find the nearest airport
Also I feel like he’d like planes a lot
Idk he just likes things that fly lol. Birds, planes etc.
Likes to read classics
LOVES H. P. Lovecraft
carries little poetry books with him everywhere and reads them he’s so cute
Dark academia is his aesthetic
Can play the piano
Likes to read Ben’s poetry :D
Dark humor
His ringtone is Le Festin :)
Has an instagram account but never posts, just watches people’s stories
Very photogenic tho.
He’s a man of culture. He likes visiting aquariums and museums
Hates zoos tho, thinks it’s evil to cage animals
Also I don’t know how to explain it but… He just likes to decorate his place? Like to the clubhouse he’ll bring stuff he likes and just quietly claims a corner as his own and make it as comfortable as he can
Has...beautiful hands
you know how some people cut the cothing labels because it irritates the back of their neck? Stan does that with everything he buys
5- Eddie
Likes Backstreet Boys because of Ben
Replies to texts immediately. Communication and social interaction gives him serotonin
I have no idea why but I feel like he’d have an obsession with Tekken and his favourite character is Ling Xiayou
Big fan of classic playstation games. Loves Spyro, Crash Bandicoot and Ratchet and Clank
He likes wearing long sleeves under t shirts
Listens to emo music, stares out the window and imagines scenarios matching the song he’s listening to
He considers MCR to be emo btw. Loves G note memes
Likes astrology
Can’t watch horror movies, and gets teased by Richie about it
However he likes media that is presented as funky/funny/happy but is actually depressing/disturbing
He likes courtroom dramas
Wears sunglasses indoors for no reason
Probably likes fallout and metro games
Has a collection of finger skateboards
#weirdcore #oddcore #nostalgia #grunge
buys and wears random college sweatshirts
Hates and loves study groups, hates it in the sense that he can’t focus on anything and just wants to hang out and talk, loves it in the sense that he CAN hang out with his friends and talk
Romanticizes everything
6- Bill
Has lots of taurus energy and is sleepy all the time
Has major Leonardo DiCaprio in The Basketball Diaries vibes
Dresses effortlessly
And likes basketball lol.
He just has… boy energy. If that makes sense. Boy next door
Likes to draw his friends
posts his drawings on Instagram
Has lots of OC’s but doesn’t know they’re called OC’s, just refers to them as “this character I created”
He likes being praised a lot ngl
His taste in memes is very similar to Richie’s
You know how they put a random word on top of a random image and it doesn’t make sense at all. He laughs at things like that. Like Richie sends him something like this:
[image of monkey]
and he thinks it’s funny and loses his shit im sorry
Like someone sends a picture of Keanu Reeves to the groupchat and texts “g” and he thinks it’s funny???? He sees a picture of a cow in the backrooms and starts choking
He memorized every line in Boneless Pizza and can quote it wihtout stuttering. Like he would be sitting alone talking to himself saying shit like “ya pizza. Watchu want. 2 liter machine broke we got one liter tho. fuck you mean B.”
Never answers calls? Doesn’t like talking on the phone. He just has “Don’t fucking call me when you can text!!” energy
phone is always on silent mode
doesn’t do anything but attracts people anyway
7- Bev
Likes musicals
Theatre kid
Chews gum a lot
And swallows them :(
Likes cottagecore
Buys notebooks with cute covers but can never fill them so she just gives them to bill who turns them into sketchbooks
I think she’d give advice or reaussure people in a way that sounds kinda rude but isn’t really? Like she tells it like it is. Blunt
Likes Avatar The Last Airbender
Sense of humor is:
[Picutre of the fox from Zootopia]
why is he hot help 😭😭😭
wears baggy clothing + long skirts
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osakaso5 · 3 years
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Nagi Rokuya Birthday Photobook Rabbit Chat Part 2: Nagi And Takanashi Productions
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you all for coming! This project was created to show more of Nagi-san’s true nature as a way to commemorate the release of the Nagi Photobook.
Tsumugi: I believe this’ll show the fans how Nagi-san acts around the agency. Feel free to talk about whatever you like. I look forward to chatting with you all!
Nagi: Hello, Banri and Mr.President. I do hope your day was greatly improved by reading my photobook X-)))
Nagi: If you have any thoughts on it, I would gladly hear them.
Otoharu: Hello, Nagi-kun! I was looking forward to chatting with you.
Banri: Hello! You come across as a lot more sharp and cool over text.
Nagi: (V)o¥o(V)
Nagi: I can even use playful kaomoji, like the one shown above.
Otoharu: You're really something. Talented, not to mention you seem to know lots of trivia. (*^。^*)
Otoharu: (*^。^*)
Otoharu: This kaomoji is one of my favorites. What do you think?
Nagi: I love it. It shows off your personality quite nicely (*´ω`*)
Otoharu: Hehehe, thank you. Banri-kun, you should show our resident kaomoji sommelier your favorite one, too.
Tsumugi: K-kaomoji sommelier..!?
Banri: You think so? Hmm, I don't tend to use them much... Unless I'm talking to a girl, lol
Nagi: OH! You are one smooth operator, Banri. I never knew you took such a different approach to communicating with men and women.
Banri: Huh!? Isn't that normal? I don't want to come across as cold to girls...
Otoharu: Tsumugi-kun, don't let yourself be charmed by a man like this.
Tsumugi: Huh!?
Banri: Sir..!?
Nagi: What about a man like me, Mr. President? As you can probably tell by the cover of my photobook, I would spend a quiet and invigorating life with her.
Otoharu: The only man my daughter needs to have a quiet life with is me, so no.
Nagi: Hm... X-)))))
Banri: But if I was love rivals with Nagi, I don't think I'd win anyway...
Nagi: I also doubt I would lose, but I think you are very beautiful as well, Banri.
Banri: No way... I saw the pictures in your photobook, and there's no way I could pull that kind of stuff off.
Tsumugi: I must admit, I was charmed by that picture of you in front of the cherry blossoms!
Nagi: As photogenic as I am, the locations Sogo chose for shooting also helped.
Otoharu: The style of the pictures caught me off guard. It was like even the cherry blossoms were in love with you.
Nagi: Thank you for your kind words :-))))
Otoharu: I was also caught off guard by your crying. (*^。^*)
Nagi: It was a sight that brought a tear to my eye, whether I wanted it to or not. Would you like to join me for a viewing someday? If you watch with me, you will surely come to love every creature living on this Earth.
Otoharu: I never knew anime could do that. My daughter used to love this anime when she was little, too. I bought her the toys, and she'd use them to transform all day, every day.
Tsumugi: I think that's enough about me!!! Let's get back on topic!!!
Nagi: I would love to hear more about your anime phase, Tsumugi!
Banri: Me too, lol
Tsumugi: Aaaaahhh...
Otoharu: Which anime was it, again? I remember there being a catchphrase that went something like, "Bunny bunny kyun kyun~"
Nagi: Could it be... Rabbits★Panic!?
Otoharu: Ah, I think that's the one. That's the anime that made her like rabbits so much.
Tsumugi: .........
Nagi: Rab★Pa is an anime loved by people of all ages! Why, oh why did you not tell me sooner, Tsumugi?
Banri: Maybe she had emotional anime marathons like yours!
Tsumugi: Let's talk about literally anything else, please...
Nagi: It is important to appreciate the arts. Particularly the arts that cultivate your sensitivity and creativity.
Tsumugi: You really think so..? ><
Otoharu: He might be right. That could be the reason for why Nagi-kun himself is so expressive.
Nagi: You finally see my true charm?
Otoharu: I do find myself discovering a new expression or talent of yours often. I'm excited to see more.
Otoharu: You're a top-tier entertainer.
Nagi: Thank you. You never fail to warm our hearts.
Banri: You can pull off anything, whether it's cuteness, beauty, coolness, or even sexiness. That photo of you sitting on the couch was really seductive. And you're the reason why we've been getting all sorts of new work lately.
Banri: Not to mention you're a smart multilingual. It's practically a miracle that a man like you even exists.
Banri: I was still pretty surprised when a fan sent you a copy of their bank book with the message "I'll let you handle all of this, Nagi-kun"...
Nagi: Is that a courting tradition here in Japan?
Tsumugi: No, it's definitely not a tradition ><
Tsumugi: Let's move on to the questions before Nagi-san starts getting any ideas!
1. Tell us if there is anything about the agency that incoveniences you.
Nagi: I could not ask you for anything more. Coming back to you puts me at ease. It warms my heart. And that is why I will keep working with this agency for as long as you let me.
2. Tell us which side of you is the real Nagi.
Nagi: Every side of me is your dear Nagi Rokuya.
3. Are you glad to have joined Takanashi Productions?
Nagi: "Glad" does not even begin to describe it. Perhaps it was both Haruki and destiny who brought me to you.
Tsumugi: Thank you! I'll use these for the online publication later.
Nagi: Right. I do hope my answers were good.
Tsumugi: Of course..! They were great.
Nagi: May I say something, now?
Tsumugi: Yes!
Nagi: Banri, Mr. President?
Banri: Ah, sure!
Otoharu: (*^ 。^*)ノツ
Nagi: I am grateful that I was able to meet Iori, Yamato, Mitsuki, Tamaki, Sogo, and Riku thanks to you.
Nagi: I have never loved anything so much I could cry. To me, this agency is a place of miracles.
Nagi: If possible, I wish to never leave your side. And if I must leave, I hope you will still remain a place of love.
Tsumugi: Nagi-san..?
Otoharu: Takanashi Productions wouldn't be what it is without you around, Nagi-kun. We need all of you here.
Otoharu: It's our job to protect your smiles. This is your second home, after all.
Otoharu: Protecting our family is our top priority. We won't let you cry all alone.
Nagi: Mr. President...
Banri: "My heart is always with you". That's what you said in your photobook.
Banri: This place you love so much will always be here, right by your side. I don't know why you're so worried, but you're going to be fine.
Nagi: I truly am a lucky man, to have found so many people to love and be loved by.
Tsumugi: You sometimes look like you're deep in thought... But I think we can help you with whatever it is you're concerned about, at least a little.
Tsumugi: You're like our sun, so we'll be the ones to shield you from wind or rain.
Tsumugi: We'll wait until you feel like talking to us about it.
Nagi: How strong you are, my beloved Tsumugi.
Nagi: As are Mr. President and Banri, of course :-)))
Otoharu: I suppose I can overlook you calling my daughter your "beloved" just this once.
Banri: So you wouldn't otherwise? lol
Nagi: Perhaps the day I call you "Father" is closer than you think ;-)*
Otoharu: I take it back!!!
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
//Though his look and presence are much more powerful than Chris will ever have.// - well this is definitely just your opinion and very subjective (it’s your blog you can say whatever you want but stating opinions as facts is always a bit off putting). I don’t see that personally. Jensen’s “presence” changes all the time.. off screen at least... on screen.. I personally don’t see the range but again, that’s my opinion (I honestly don’t know if you were talking about acting performances or him as a person). His acting is scene stealing but doesn’t lend itself as well to long term leading man. Which Chris does have. He can lead a show or movie and can hold up through the whole thing. I think he even recently said he PREFERS the supporting role vs leading man but he can definitely do both. I personally have a hard time watching Jensen as a lead for a long period (season 10… ) and find him so much more enjoyable when he’s supporting vs leading. And his look? He is very attractive and looks great for his age but there are a bunch of other guys out there who look like him.. plus looks fade… he can’t rely on them forever (it seems like he’s relied on his looks pretty heavily throughout his career) and he needs to work on his actual skill set because one of those other guys who looks just like him is probably younger and hungrier and more willing to do the work. Chris puts in the work and is confident in his abilities (at least that’s how it comes across). He’s also consistent with who he portrays himself to be as a person. We know his brand, he is a clearly defined persona. Jensen? He doesn’t even seem to know who he is and he changes with the wind depending on who he’s hanging out with. To me none of this says “powerful presence” it says guy who doesn’t know who he is or what he’s doing.
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I don't think I can write every phrase with an instruction manual and origin story to why I made the choice of words so I am deeply sorry if anything offended you but please know I meant what I said and stand by it. I'll try to explain below so hopefully you'll get where I was coming from. 😳 Jensen has a more powerful look, I am speaking from the point of view of cinema, of course. He has the ideal look for the superhero genre and if it wasn't for his poor training, he would have been a top choice, I am certain. I am aware of how casting works, I never state something without doing my research. Jensen's voice is also ideal for that type of storytelling, there's a reason he is now the world's most favorite Batman voice, especially within the Voiceover community. Jensen's presence, like him or not, is also extremely powerful on camera. Though his acting may cancel him out at times. You don't need to have a formed eye to see how captivating Jensen is on camera, you don't even have to like him. Some people have this special quality of being extremely photogenic and magnetic on camera, Jensen is one of those people. Chris is wonderful but he lacks a certain 'je ne sais quois' that makes other leads more powerful and charismatic in presence than him. Don't get me wrong, he was the Perfect choice for Captain America, precisely due to that energy. He was perfect for the role but not every role has the same essence as Steve's. So while Chris is good looking and well trained, I humbly consider that there's an element of dynamic performance as well as energy missing. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate him but I cannot list him among the most powerful leading men because, in my opinion, he's completely right in feeling more comfortable as a supportive character because he is more ideal for those types of roles. I could go on but it would really turn into an unrequested workshop about the leading man type and what it implies. I get that hellers and AA are always making up false praise, false ships and so on but I fail to see what that has to do with my blog. Everything I've written anyone with a little good sense can research and verify very easily. So I am going to keep posting my opinions confidently, that doesn't mean they are the law. On the contrary, they are just my unique perspective on things filtered through experience, beliefs and, of course, preference. So, as always, please take what resonates and ignore the rest. By the way, Chris is an amazing performer in his own right and I love his uniqueness, he's built a beautiful career, I just don't see him in certain roles just like most Casting Directors don't see Danneel, for example, ever playing a good character due to her energy. Fully agree with your observation on Jensen, he needs to develop his brand. Now that I have ruffled your feathers, what are your favorite Chris movies? I don't think I've seen all of his movies yet so if you have a recommendation, I'll watch. Sending you lots of love.
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alwayspondering · 3 years
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Promenade and Photographs
V x MC (Nala) | MysMe RBB
Hi! I had the pleasure of collaborating on this amazing project for @mysme-rbb with Mochi! The art that they created for my fic is spectacular! Check out Mochi’s Instagram HERE! ^^
Jihyun took in a breath of crisp fall air, the smell of fresh flowers misted over by rain enveloping him. Sunflowers. Lilac. Violets. This moment seemed too good to be true. Far too good, too pure, too lovely. Too full of light – of hope.
He couldn’t imagine a more picturesque moment. Walking the path to the nearby park with his beloved, he laced his hand seamlessly with Nala’s. Jihyun purposefully slowed his brisk pace to a leisurely stroll. If there was a way to freeze time, this would have been the perfect moment.
A momentary pause in both of their chaotic lives.
Nala was so grateful for the moment alone with Jihyun. Though they had been dating for quite some time, she wanted to spend each and every second she could with him. Being with him made her feel so comforted - so cherished. He was truly a rock she could lean on even in the worst of times and vice versa.
Nala couldn’t help but smile as she recalled the first time she met Jihyun - though then, she knew him as simply “V.” She had worked with Zen in a few theatre productions, met the RFA a few months later, and found herself falling for the tall, kind-hearted, soft-spoken photographer.
It took quite a while for both to come to terms with their feelings for one another: a slow burn, to say the least. But that’s what made the trust they shared in their relationship so unshakable.
“This is so beautiful, Jihyun.” Nala mused, nuzzling in closer to Jihyun’s side as they continued their walk to the park. “I’m surprised we’ve never visited before.”
The path in front of them was sprouting with all sorts of colors - red, blue, green, yellow.
Everything seemed brighter than normal, like a filter resembling a dream world.
A soft blush colored Jihyun’s cheeks as he squeezed Nala’s hand playfully.
“...I was hoping you’d like it. It’s been quite some time since I’ve been on this path. But aren’t the flowers here gorgeous?” His gaze scanned the nearby flowers, grateful they were still as vibrant as he remembered. With the eye damage he had suffered, he was lucky to have Nala to help him through the treatment process. He wondered what would be different if he hadn’t denied help at first - but he knew there was no room for regret.
Nala smiled to herself, returning the playful squeeze to the strong hang laced with her own.
“They really are. I can definitely see the appeal.” She commented with a soft laugh, recalling some of Jihyun’s past photo exhibits.
Most of Jihyun’s photos were of flowers - Lilies, roses, chrysanthemums. She considered herself immensely lucky to be with someone who has such an eye for beauty.
“...By the way, thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it.”
“No need to thank me. It’s my pleasure, love.” Jihyun’s voice rang in the deep, comforting timbre Nala adored. How had she gotten so lucky? She could hardly still believe that Jihyun was hers.
“It is my job, after all. You’re doing me a favor more than anything,” he continued, adjusting the lens of the camera that dangled in its case across his shoulder.
“I just can’t believe I’m making you take pictures for your job... On our date!” Nala joked light-heartedly, feeling giddy at the prospect of what the date would entail.
When it came to taking pictures, Nala oftentimes felt she was the farthest from photogenic. Everytime Jihyun took pictures of her, though, she felt and looked so powerful, feminine, and so entirely herself. He had a wonderful way of bringing out the best qualities of people in his photos.
“Hm... Would you believe me if I said that you are my absolute favorite person to photograph? How could that possibly be a nuisance to me?” Jihyun mused, stroking Nala’s hand with his thumb.
“I believe you.” Nala stood on her tip-toes to plant a gentle kiss on Jihyun’s cheek. The end of the path was nearing.
“Hey... before you start taking the professional ones, could we get one with just the two of us?” Nala considered, happy to see her words were followed by a smile from Jihyun.
“Of course.” Without a second of hesitation, he took his camera out of the case, holding it out to Nala. “I’ll let you do the honors.”
“Perfect!” Nala exclaimed, giddy that they would finally have an updated picture together. Especially with such beautiful scenery in the background.
Taking the camera, Nala extended her arm straight in front of her, angling the camera up so that both her and Jihyun fit in the frame. It was more difficult than she imagined - especially considering how tall Jihyun was in comparison. More than anything, Nala appreciated that Jihyun had trusted her with his camera like this.
She felt Jihyun’s hand rest on the small of her back - a gesture he knew Nala adored. Nala wondered if the blush that so obviously was coloring her cheeks would be seen in the photo. “Okay. On the count of three. One, two, three-”
As the word ‘three’ left Nala’s lips, Jihyun pulled Nala in close to his side - surprising her just enough for her smile to blossom as soon as the camera clicked.
• • •
A few minutes of walking later, the couple found themselves at the atmospheric park.
While he was with Rika, there were so many times Jihyun felt he needed to escape. To find a moment alone with his own thoughts. This was the place he often found solitude - true serenity.
He was grateful to finally be bringing the most important person in his life here - someone who brought him so much hope. This was a place he felt so at home.
“...Hm. There are weeds growing near these clovers. Let me just fix that real quick…” Nala bent down and plucked as many weeds as she could find. He loved how Nala so adorably demonstrated her passion for gardening.
Jihyun kept his fingers laced with Nala’s all the way until they approached the brick wall he designated for the headshot session.
The varied shades of red, browns, and burgundy would make for a perfect background. It would bring out the very subtle red highlights in Nala’s hair - the hints of blonde - her adorable freckles.
Jihyun ran through the monologue in his head he ran through with his clients, wondering how much he should keep the same or alter for his girlfriend.
He was delighted Nala was wearing her light pink cardigan; it emphasized her vibrant blue eyes even more than usual. The cut of the shirt emphasized her collarbones too - god, she is beautiful…
His mind began to wander - he began to visualize a little more than intended.
No. It’s time to be professional.
As Nala stood against the brick wall, it was obvious she was a natural when it came to posing. Zen had taught her well.
“All right, Nala. Can you give me a soft smile?” Jihyun instructed. The smile he adored so much appeared on her rose-tinted lips. Was she wearing the new lipstick he had bought her?
Click. Click.
“Great. Can you place your hands in your back pocket and roll your shoulder back slightly?” This also emphasized Nala’s bust ever so slightly. He tried not to let his mind wander any further than that.
Click. Click.
“Now give me some side eye…” At his words, her expression shone with a new color of sensuality. It was perfect for the camera. “...Good. Keep that!”
Click, click. Click, click.
“Wow. You are just breathtaking...” Jihyun took a moment to look through the pictures. Of course, she was stunning in every single one. He was right about the colors in the brick wall complimenting Nala well.
“...Okay. Hear me out. Look down, think of a secret, and look back up at me.”
“...A secret?” Nala raised an eyebrow at this. “I’m not sure I have many of those.”
“Oh, sure you don’t.” Jihyun teased playfully, adjusting the lens once more. A peal of laughter escaped the brunette’s lips.
Another beautiful, organic moment captured on camera.
“Okay, fine.” Nala pouted teasingly. Her gaze flickered to the grass beneath her feet. She took a moment to ponder.
And then, her gaze snapped up again. It rendered him speechless.
Click. Click.
Mesmerized, Jihyun took a few slow steps toward Nala. “...Tilt your head, just slightly to the right.” His own head tilted, wondering if just a minuscule angle change would define her jawline more.
“Do you mind if I adjust you, just a little?”
“Of course.” Her voice cooed.
Jihyun’s finger ever-so-delicately tilted Nala’s chin to the right and down towards the front angle.
There was little space between them now. The body he had memorized every inch of was just mere centimeters away.
The tension was palpable.
Without another word, Jihyun kissed Nala, both sinking effortlessly into the euphoria of the moment. Pulling away for just a moment, he waited for a sign from her to continue.
Nala pulled Jihyun in closer, pressing her lips against his. Her hand trailed from the nape of his neck into his teal-colored hair.
There was no denying they were all but pressed up against the brick wall now.
The kiss deepened - their breaths quickened - cheeks inflamed.
The reality of the public setting hit the two quickly. Laughs and explicit whispers were shared under hushed, giddy breath.
“...Would you like to finish this session somewhere a little more private, my love?”
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peach-astrology · 4 years
Natal chart:Ariana Grande
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Hi! I want to create a new category in my blog,where I talk about the natal charts of famous personalities.I've been listening to Ariana's songs since 2015 and watched TV shows with her on Nickelodeon.I love this Princess! She and Dalton are now engaged and I'm so happy for her.I also want to suggest that this is an incomplete analysis of her natal chart,otherwise this article would be too large,here I looked only at the main positions(for youuuuuuuu ahahahaha)
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The first thing I noticed was that there were no planets in the fire element(not counting houses).Although many astrologers say that this means a lack of optimism and fire in the eyes.But look at its conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon in Libra.She went through difficult times in her life,but she went on and wrote beautiful songs.We'll talk about this later.
Its ascendant is in Capricorn,but it doesn’t,fortunately,create an opposition to the Sun.This gives her a beautiful face shape and beautiful cheekbones(Capricorn is responsible for the bones).Also in the interview,we can see how comfortable she is to communicate,as if she is confident in herself and her words,even when joking.In this,in addition to the ascendant,Mercury in Cancer(gentle and sweet communication)and the 7th house are also involved.This position can’t but fascinate.
Let's talk about the Sun(Oh,this is Ariana ahaha).But seriously,it's in the 6th house in Cancer.People with this position can choose a certain vocation and grow very much in their career.Cancer is responsible for the beauty and soulfulness that is in her songs.The Sun has many aspects.The Sun square Moon cause it to fluctuate between the impulses of the soul and the mind.Sun trine Saturn,I notice that this situation indicates a late marriage or a good career.Both planets are in water signs,which indicates the importance of feelings in a relationship.Sun sextile Mars another indication of fame.
In a recent interview,she said that she tries to be sincere in front of fans,but at the same time tries not to divulge too much.She also said that she didn’t want her current relationship to be too public,as it was with the past.Here comes the influence of the ascendant opposition Mercury.The ascendant is responsible for what we show to the outside world(strangers,for example),and Mercury is responsible for our communication.Mercury's opposition to Uranus shows its rebelliousness.You've noticed exactly how often she supports social movements.She helped in the voting and actively disseminate information about the BLM.Moreover,both planets are in cardinal signs.Ariana has a song called "Just like magic" that fully describes Mercury's opposition to Neptune.This position gives a rich inner peace and interest in psychoanalysis,but also obsessive thoughts and anxiety(which she also spoke about in a recent interview).Sometimes indicates a good intuition.
She has a Venus opposition to Pluto,which makes frequent changes in her personal life.Venus controls the sphere of love and relationships(including friendship),and Pluto controls revolutions,changes and transformations.Pluto,like Saturn,gives difficult and morally difficult lessons,but thanks to them,a person becomes stronger and more experienced than others.Venus is in Taurus in the 4th house,which makes her so cozy and caring.It's a very romantic position.Only sincere feelings and their best manifestations.Ariana has two trines(Venus trine Neptune,Venus trine Uranus)that indicate the possibility of development in music.Remember when I said that trine gives us chances,sextile gives us opportunities,and conjunction gives us talent?All of them differ from each other in that the trine requires the most time to develop.You know that Ariana has been developing in show business for a very long time(if you believe the Internet,then since 2008),which is why she has achieved such success and such a strong vocal.Venus trine ascendant makes her so beautiful OMG.
I want to pay special attention to Mars,because it has greatly influenced her life.You probably remember the terrorist attack in Manchester.This event is indicated by 2 positions in her Natal chart:Mars opposition Saturn and Mars in the 8th house.These aspects create accidents and dangerous cases,severe damage.Even if a person tries to get out of this situation,he will not succeed.This event affected her career(Mars sextile MC) and her personality(Mars sextile Sun).After the terrorist attack before the concert,people began to search for security reasons,and Ariana still sends money to the affected people.
Jupiter in the 9th house in Libra also hints at our favorite work and study.Jupiter in Libra gives the ability to cooperate and meet people,and the 9th house shows a person's desire to constantly learn and develop.Jupiter square Sun also indicate to us the desire of a person to develop(but a little in a negative sense).They are competitive and a bit of a gambler.They respect themselves and appreciate their merits and sometimes it is difficult for them to accept criticism.
I consider Saturn trine MC to be one of the best positions for a career.Saturn,though strict,loves the field of work(MC is responsible for this),so it isn’t a pity to give him several opportunities for a good career.Remember the times of Nickelodeon,don’t underestimate them,because they brought considerable popularity to her,although they were not associated with music.Here Saturn gave her the opportunity to gain a little fame.Saturn in the second house and Saturn square Pluto force you to be a perfectionist in the field of Pisces,that is,music and creativity.Remember her shows and how she and her team carefully prepare for them.Also,this situation is often found in people who often take on someone else's fault.
Uranus and Neptune in the first house make her stand out.She has a photogenic appearance,interesting images and style.Also,such positions bring sensitivity,empathy and a rich inner world.Uranus square Neptune make her be honest,a little moody and intuitive.She is interested in politics,society and a bit of astrology(during Cancer season,she posted posts about it in stories).I've noticed that people who made some major changes somewhere had Uranus sextile Pluto or Neptune sextile Pluto.Remember her albums,which are filled with their own atmosphere and their own era,vocals and a style of voice that can’t be confused with anyone.She made a big contribution to the pop industry and made it more sincere and unusual.
Pluto sextile ascendant forces her to also be active in the affairs of society(notice how many provisions say this?).She is interested in the topic of magic,money,personal growth and is very curious and inquisitive.Scorpio is at home(in Pluto),so it plays an important role.You know how famous Scorpios are for their stubbornness,love of success and power,and since he is in the 10th house,this is another position that indicates success.In a recent interview,she said that she doesn’t set herself boundaries or specific goals,she just wants to develop her creativity every day.
Lilith in the second house indicates that a person in a previous life was careless about his money and property,so in this life he should invest and protect his money.Often the sign in the 2nd house indicates exactly how a person should invest them.In this case,the Pisces are in the second house,so Ariana had to invest in creativity and music.She creates great shows,gathers a huge team of professionals and spends a huge amount of money for music.But don’t forget that later this amount is returned to her in a much larger amount.That's about how Lilith works in the second house.Simply put,"The more money and labor you put in,the more you get back".
Thank you for reading this! Write if you have similar provisions.Love ❤
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peakyxtommy · 4 years
Finn Cole As A Dad...
Summary: Finn Cole As A Dad
Requested: By Anon
“Y/C/N” = Your Child’s Name
A/N: This was so enjoyable writing, made me soft, and I got too carried away. Photos from Pinterest. Enjoy!
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This man would be the sweetest dad ever 
He’d be so helpful and supportive during your pregnancy 
You’d tell him the news by cooking his favorite meal and a gift bag given during his favorite dessert
“What’s all this love? Not my birthday or did I forget something?”
“Nope, I just have some good news to share.”
“Well, come on then. Buzzing in my seat.” 
He’d open the gift bag to a positive pregnancy test, a little onesie, and a t-shirt saying “Dad to be” 
His blue eyes would meet yours with tears of joy and excitement “I can’t believe we’re going to be parents.” He hugs you so tight (it hurts to breathe for a second) and spins you around in the kitchen and pressed so many little kisses all over your face
The first appointment where you get to have photos and hear the baby’s heartbeat would be nerve wrecking and exciting at the same time
It would be a surreal moment for you both, both with tears in your eyes, just mesmerized by the screen in front of your eyes
After the appointment you would stop by the store and get a photo frame to place the photo in your home 
You tell your family when the time was right and they’d all be so happy and excited for you both. You’d give them all t-shirts with different sayings on them
He’d help you through morning sickness, rub your sore feet, and indulge in your cravings, run you hot baths to sit in alone or with him enjoying his company and he would rub your back as well 
He’d be the handyman around the house - he’d do a great job baby proofing the house, setting up the crib and bookshelf in the nursery, and would hand make a wooden rocking chair for the baby
If you get in a tiff with one of your mood swings, he would try to bite his tongue or just give you space or comfort you when either one of you needed to apologize
If you were sad or emotional about your changing body, he would always find a positive, or soothe your worries or concerns
Reminding you of how much he loves you and how good his wife looks carrying his baby
You would spend time writing a list down of names for the baby
He would be excited the first time he felt the baby kick and hands would be all over your bump when relaxing on the couch or laying in bed together
When you sleep his hand would always find a way to touch your bump and he would spend time talking to the baby 
He’d be over protective and it would annoy you but you knew he meant well
“Babe, don’t bring the groceries in, I got it” or “don’t lift that it’s too heavy”  
Sometimes you would let him have his way, other times you would respond 
“Oi, I’m carrying the lightest thing possible” or “I’m only pregnant, I’m still capable of doing (said activity). 
He'd do his best with his busy schedule to make sure he comes to all the appointments and would come with you to Lamaze class 
He’d take the most photogenic photos of the whole process 
Your and his mum would throw you a baby shower 
Once you have the baby, he would be in total dad mode from the start
Making sure everyone’s hands were clean before touching the baby
Making sure everyone was holding the baby properly
 When it was time to go home he would drive slow on the whole way
“Babe, you can go faster than 20 mph, we’ll be okay back here”
“Just being safe, I’ve got more precious cargo with me now.” He winks at you through the rear-view mirror 
When you both get home, he opens the door, “Welcome home little “Y/C/N” 
Time to meet your “siblings” as the dogs come rushing with excitement to see you both and see what you brought home
You would take the baby around the house, giving them a tour 
It would hit you both late at night when you’re both in bed with the baby sleeping in a bassinet on your side of the room, that you’re both parents
“I can’t believe we’re parents. That we created that little being. I’m so filled with love and even more in love with you.” His blue eyes meet yours with such a softness and fondness to them. You swear you couldn’t be luckier to be married to him. 
“Can’t believe it either. There’s no one I would rather have children with. You’re my one and only, honey.” You press your lips to his slow and sweet for a few moments enjoying this time together. 
If you had a daughter, she’d be the biggest daddy’s girl, and would mimic him in the cutest of ways 
If you had a son, he’d be a momma’s boy, and look similar to Finn (their baby photos would look exactly the same) 
Definitely the scrapbooking and video recording parents 
You’d be the family with 3 dogs and a big tank of fish 
The family with car decals on the cars of the entire family and the stickers of the kids achievements (honor roll stickers) 
He’d be the sports (Huge football(soccer) fan/Rugby/Baseball) and outdoor adventure dad (Fishing/Camping/Hiking) 
but also help his kids appreciate literature, art, and older music styles 
He’d support his kids in whatever it was that they wanted to do and who they want to be (unconditional love and support)
He’d do his best to be at their important events or activities, would be the loud parent of the crowd praising on their child, would bring the video camera to film 
He’d be the fun dad but would teach his kids value and important lessons of life 
He make sure they had an appreciation for hard work and wouldn’t spoil them too often 
I think he would have at least 4 kids coming from a big family
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ellebi-studies · 4 years
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Hello everyone,
Today I would like to talk about a topic which our society often neglects.
We are bombarder by motivational slogans on social networks about how important productivity is. We are committed to working harder and harder. "Push yourself" is one of the mottoes I read more often on the Internet. Also, professors and parents tell us to devote ourselves to studying or working.
These are all great incentives to express the best of us, but there is a dangerous risk of exaggerating.
Those students who want to be the best tend to take this advice too seriously, ending up studying for hours and hours without breaks.
It is what I mean by "toxic productivity". We forget our focus and the reason why we are doing it. We convince ourselves that we are a failure if we do not manage to study for too long. It becomes counter producing and ruins the joy of the process.
We should enjoy school and university. We should study because we are in love with the process of learning. We should recognise when we need a day off and take it without feeling guilty.
I think this is an underestimated problem that I no longer want to be influenced by.
Here I want to share with you some tips to scale down the argument when we lose focus. I sincerely would appreciate it if you could add some more suggestions.
Tip 1: Distinguish between what is fake and what is real
It is a general problem in our society. We tend to believe that all we see on social networks is real. But there is nothing wronger.
I post photos on Tumblr only when I am motivated. I only show the best of me. It is normal. None of us would ever show breakdowns, failures and bad days.
I like sharing my successes, giving advice and trying to motivate others through my work.
I think nobody wants to make people believe he/she is perfect. Anyhow, that is what we may assume.
When I feel afflicted by these assumptions, I always try to resize the problem by comparing it with real role-models.
I ask my best colleagues how long they are working, how they are studying, how many books they are considering, etc.
Knowing that the best in my class are not striving much harder than I is a relief. It avoids me being over judgemental towards myself.
Tip 2: Do not lose time
Sometimes we see pretty and elaborate notes, and we might be tempted by spending time creating them.
Anyways, remember that you are not supposed to be an artist (exception for art students). Your notes should be efficient and not time-consuming.
When I realised my notes did not have to be photogenic, the quality of my study improved.
Also, I cheated with myself by telling me that rewriting notes the all-day was an extremely productive activity. Indeed, it was only taking considerable time away.
The point is: it is okay if you do not study for the all-day, as long as your studying was effective. It leads to the following point.
Tip 3: set goals
You have to respond only to yourself. Set goals and respect them. If you did it, it is okay to reward yourself, even if you only worked for 30 minutes.
You are the only person who knows how demanding your tasks are. Do not measure yourself with the number of pages or the number of hours. Make your best, and be kind to yourself.
Tip 3: Listen to your body
"Do not stop until you are proud". "Do not complain: just do it". "Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you". These are high-impact slogans, but they may be misleading.
Quit when your body tells you it is enough. When your body "complains", you should not push yourself too much.
It will not be productive: it will be frustrating. You need to rest. You deserve breaks. You can not expect your mind to stay fresh after too many hours. You will blame yourself for not having done enough while you did the possible.
You can educate yourself to increase your level of attention or to reduce procrastination. But you can not train yourself not to sleep or to rest. Again, be gentle to yourself.
Tip 4: Force yourself to take free time
When you want something too much, you may end up forgetting about everything else. You may cancel your interests, your hobbies, your friends and your love for your body in the name of productivity.
It is okay to try your best for becoming the person you dream of, but do not lose the person you are on the way to.
Here are my banal hacks not to be overwhelmed by all the Rory Gilmore we are supposed to emulate. Let me know what you think. I know it is a controversial topic, and I hope I clearly expressed myself.
(P.S.: I actually love Rory Gilmore, I just do not like breakdowns)
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