#also dont @ me if you see me jumping between prompt lists........... .. . . .. . . .
notdysfunk · 1 year
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Starting off the Palooza Promptober strong by missing the first day HAHA lets hope I can keep up 👀🍭🥧
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pucked-bunnie · 4 months
shameless flirt ⎜ a.matthews
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pairings: auston matthews x reader prompts: "you can rest your head on me, I don't mind" + "I dont want to be alone." genre: fluff ⎜angst ⎜friends to lovers⎜ warnings: injured players ⎜auston is a little espresso depresso ⎜just auston being in love the whole time ⎜had to make tyler the bad guy, sorry ⎜ synopsis: working as a team trainer came with many ups and downs, when you pull one of toronto's super stars the downs seem to outweigh the ups - but auston is always willing to bring you back up. word count: 4.8k authors note:  this was a WIP i had already started but when doing the prompt list request I got two request that I felt tied in nicely, so I put them all together. I also love our gentle giant auston matthews. (disclaimer : none of the hockey events in this are accurate - so dont come for me.)
“You need to stop staring.” You can’t help the way you jump at the words, glaring at the man behind you before turning back towards the rink. 
“I’m not staring.” You huff, flicking some hair away from your face. “I’m assessing.” The large man steps forwards leaning against the barricade besides you, his eyes trailing over your face before following your gaze to the player on the ice. 
“Assessing for what?” Auston asks, his gaze watching his teammate curiously, before moving back towards you. Your frown was deepening as you watched the Swedish player move through the drills on the ice. “Is he okay?” 
Something was wrong.
What were you seeing that he couldn’t? 
“That is for me to know and for you to probably never find out.” You sigh as you push off the wall, turning towards the large man. “What’re you doing out here anyway, don’t you have an interview to do?” Auston shrugs as he turns away from the ice to look at you. 
“Is he injured?” He questions and this time you shrug in return. 
“It’s none of your business, Auston.” You begin holding up a hand before he begins to complain, “It’s a suspicion, nothing more and once it concerns you, you’ll be the first to know.” You finish, smiling as your player makes his way to the boards, unstrapping his helmet as he skates. 
“How was that, doc?” William asks, a large grin planted on his face as he nods a quick hello to his teammate. 
“Subpar.” You respond, William’s smile dropping slightly. “You seem to be favouring your left leg, I need to do a physical on you at some stage this afternoon if you manage to catch a free moment.” You continue, looking between the two players before letting out a relaxed grin. 
“I’m sure it’s nothing, Willy. But we can’t have you out there if you can’t play your best.” William nods slowly, trying to return your smile but you can see the worries running through his head quicker then he can keep up. 
He’s hiding something from you and you are determined to find out what it is. 
“Meet me in the treatment room after you shower, we'll go over my concerns then.” You say dismissing William back to the locker room before turning to Auston, glancing up at him with a sigh. 
“You need to go do your media, Auston” He opens his mouth to say something but you shake your head before you trudge down the tunnel after William. 
Working for the Toronto Maple Leafs had been nothing short of a dream for the three years you had been with the team - with one of the senior trainers leaving after last season you had been approached to step in as a full time trainer and senior member of staff - your role changing drastically and sometimes left you in the firing line when an unpopular decision had to be made. 
“He’s getting pulled isn’t he?” Auston’s voice sounds from the door of your office. William had left your office over an hour ago his eyes watering as you gave him the bad news. You had spent the hour in silence typing up the email recommendation to the coaching staff. 
“I can’t tell you anything, Auston.” You say quietly, “You know how this works.” Auston nods, taking a few steps into the room before closing the door behind him. 
“Is it bad?” 
“Auston, please.” You respond, rubbing your fingers against your forehead, a long sigh escaping you as you slowly nod your head. “It’s bad enough that he needs to focus on rehab right now.” You say, before adding “everyone’s gonna hate me for this.” This wasn’t your first time pulling one of the core four on the team - last time the boys had been more lenient as you were one of the junior staff members and the decision had your previous supervisor taking most of the heat - this time you were on your own. 
“I could never hate you.” He says softly, his chest squeezing as he watches the tiredness smooth over your expression. 
“Thanks.” You say with a bitter laugh, closing your laptop as you reach for your bag under the desk. 
“They’ll give the team an update tomorrow.” 
Auston stands with you, his hand reaching out to pull open the door waving for you to exit first. “I’m serious doc.” He says, “I’ve got your back.” 
Twenty four hours later you watch from the doorway as the coaches deliver the news to the team - the coaches waiting till after practice to announce that William would be pulled for the foreseeable future - Auston’s eyes flick to yours every now and then as the coaches refuse to divulge too deeply into the details. 
“What do you mean he’s getting pulled?” Mitch asks softly, yanking at the straps of his padding, pulling the equipment off slowly, “He seemed completely fine.” The volume is the locker room raises as the team all share their opinions of agreement.
The coach takes a moment to let the group voice their frustration before speaking.  “Our trainers are some of the best in the world.” Sheldon begins, “They have everyone's best interest at heart - she made the call to pull Willy as it was perceived that he was trying to conceal an injury and in the long run would be doing more damage. Willy agreed it was the best thing to do with hopes that with his full focus on recovery it will make him available for the playoffs.” Sheldon's words seem to quiet the group.
Auston hands pause on the laces of his skates as he glances over to you again, seeing your head fall, your hand pushing the loose hairs out of your face, as you whisper something under your breath before lifting your head again. “Anyway, let’s wish William all the best in his recovery and hope to see him back on the ice soon.” Sheldon finishes before dismissing the group, shouting out a quick morning practice time for tomorrow morning before exiting the locker room. 
The locker room is quiet after the coach leaves, Auston risking one more glance towards you, his heart jumping in his chest as he sees your eyes already locked on him with a sad smile on your face. Auston glances away quickly engaging in the ongoing conversation besides him to try and ignore you and your gaze on the side of his face.
He still notices when you turn slowly and decides to leave the room. 
“Fuck.” Sheldon swears under his breath as the end of game horn rings - the crowd of red roaring in victory as the home team groups together on the ice, patting each other on the heads. The sea of blue fans beginning to exit the stands all sending glares of anger towards your team slowly skating their way to the bench - hoping to make a quick exit. 
The game had been an intense one - the team had been so close to pulling through but continued to miss their shots, the fire power significantly decreased since you pulled one of their top scorers. You keep your head down low as you follow the last player down the tunnel, everyone making their way into the locker room - “Doc, we need to talk for a moment.” Your steps freeze as you glance ahead to the maple leafs coach waiting to the side of the locker room - his arms folded against his chest. 
“Sure, thing.” You say, plastering a smile on your face as you step away from the group - one of the players pausing by the door of the locker room, his hand making quick work of his helmet as he glances between you and his coach. 
“You have something to say, Matthews?” Auston glances at his coach, his mouth opening slightly before closing again, his gaze trailing over to you, your head moving side to side in the smallest movement he barely catches it. 
“It’s okay.” He can see you mouth the words, your head motioning for him to enter the room behind him before turning back towards his coach. 
“Don’t be too hard on her.” He says quietly into the hallway not waiting for you or Sheldon to respond before trudging into the locker room. 
“We both know that your decision to pull Nylander is one that can’t be reversed until you sign off on his physical.” Sheldon begins - the leafs had implemented a new protocol on the return of players from the injury reserve, the doctor who made the decision to pull the player had to be the one to sign them off on returning to avoid players and coaches undermining the doctors decision. 
You nod your head slowly - your smile faltering as you catch on to what the coach is hinting at. “You want me to sign him off early?” Your question almost comes out of your mouth as a scoff - your eyebrows raised as your smile officially switches to a frown. “You want me to break protocol for this?” You reiterate, your own arms crossing against your chest as you stare down the coach. 
“No, of course not.” Sheldon’s words come out with a nervous laugh - his gaze flicking over the hallways as he takes a step forwards - his voice lowers as he speaks again. “We only have one more game before the playoffs - we need our team back at full potential.” 
You nod taking in his words, giving him a second to continue, “You understand, don’t you? You know what this would mean to the team - to be able to begin the playoffs as a force to be reckoned with… we can’t do that without our core four.” You shake your head as you take a step away from the desperate coach. 
“No can do, Sheldon.” Your words are firm as you glance to the players beginning to hover at the door of the locker room. “I’m not going to risk him injuring himself permanently for the sake of playing a game.” You know your words are making the coach angry - his rage simmering as a red tint rises up his neck. “I care about our players, and I’d hope you’d share the same sentiment, coach.” The words hiss out of you as you glare at the man, not wasting anymore time in making your way into the medical bay besides the locker room - closing the door tightly behind you. 
You miss the way the rest of the team let out whistles of shock as their coach lets out a huff of displeasure.
You miss the way Auston watches you walk away, a slight grin on his face before his coach dismisses him to finish pulling off his gear. 
The team was two hours behind schedule - most of the staff already seated on the plane waiting for the players to join them so everyone could make the three hour flight back home. Slowly the players made their way onto the plane - each taking up their normal seats, most of the time the players would sit amongst each other while the staff would find their own seats towards the back of the plane - Sheldon considered it another of his many ways for the team to get closer together. 
“Auston, you gonna join us for some black jack?” Mitch’s voice carries through the airplane - his hands already shuffling a deck of cards, two of his team mates looking up at the newest arrival in anticipation. 
Auston hesitates looking between the empty seat next to you - and his best friend waiting for him to take the seat across from him. “I think I’m gonna miss out this time.” Auston says slowly walking further down the aisle - Mitch looking at his friend in disbelief. “I’m just super tired.” Auston adds as he shoves his bag in the overhead locker before dropping into the seat beside you - your eyes shooting over to him in confusion - your hand lifting to pull one of your AirPods out of your ear. 
“What are you doing?” You sneer under your breath - not missing the way some of his teammates glare over at you. “You need to move - staff and players don’t sit together, Auston.” Your hands shove at him lightly, but Auston makes himself comfortable in the seat beside you, a soft smile on his face as he ignores your pleading, clicking the seat belt at his hips and settling into the seat.
“This is ridiculous.” You huff, giving up on trying to move the large man, pressing play on the iPad screen in front of you, one AirPod still in your ear as the movie continues. “What’re you watching?” Auston asks as the flight attendants move down the plane checking everyone is buckled in and comfortable. 
You let out a long yawn as you shoot him a glare, “None of your business.” If your words were meant to stop Auston from interacting with you, they seemed to be doing quite the opposite. 
“You’re tired?” He questions as you let out another yawn, slapping a hand over your mouth to cover the movement, “You can rest your head on me.” He says softly, lowering his left shoulder, patting against the hard muscle with a grin, “I don’t mind.” He adds quickly, lowering his shoulder a little bit more. 
“Auston, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” 
“It’s probably not.” He agrees, his right hand reaching over to shuffle your iPad into the middle of your seats, before reaching over his body to gently pull your head down onto his shoulder, his left hand, grabbing for yours - your fingers lacing together as he sits your joined hands comfortably in your lap. 
“But that’s never really stopped me before.” 
Your breath gets caught in your chest as you think of all the ways people must be whispering about your position - not daring to lift your head off Auston’s shoulder to look around at the people around you - not daring to lift your head from the comfortable fabric of Auston’s fleece jumper. 
“Rest, doc.” He whispers softly, his hand squeezing yours, as he watches the movie on the screen, pulling the spare AirPod out of its case to shove in his ear. 
You’re not sure when you fall asleep but you wake to Auston’s hand squeezing yours, his head laying softly on top of yours, a jacket thrown over your torso, the movie credits playing on the screen of your iPad. 
“We’ve arrived.” The flight attendant says quietly, her gaze flicking over you and the man beside you with a knowing grin - leaving as you thank her, detaching your hand from Auston’s, the man letting out a soft groan, his hand reaching out to take yours again. 
“We’re here.” You whisper to him, slipping his jacket off of you to place back into his lap, gathering all your stuff before shoving it into your backpack - gently reaching to pull the remaining AirPod out of Auston’s ear, sliding it back into the case. “Auston?” You say softly as you shake his shoulder lightly. 
He sits up slowly, stretching his arms above his head as he glances over at you, your bag already slung over your shoulder as you wait for him to move so you can exit the plane. 
“Same time tomorrow?” He asks, undoing the belt in his lap, and stepping out into the aisle. You shake your head as you pass him, not able to stop the spreading grin on your face. 
Your head falls forwards as the end of game horn sounds for the last time in the regular season - the leafs lost again - the final game of their season they lost and they lost by two. Even though they were still guaranteed a position in the playoffs it never felt good to start the first round on a loss. 
Not to mention the news hitting the team yesterday that they would be up against Boston in the first round - the two teams notorious for having very intense games. 
No one says anything as the team makes their way back to the locker room - everyone stripping off their gear with heavy heads, most wanting nothing more than to get on the plane and head back home, you included. You can’t ignore the way people glare at you as you enter the room, some players whispering to each other under their breath in frustration. 
Some of the team still makes friendly conversation or sends you tight smiles as you help them unwrap their tape - or roll out their tight muscles, but most say nothing. Your final patient never makes his way into your medical bay - the other doctors packing up as you wait for the tall brunette to pop his head into the room, but nothing, not even a glimpse of the large player. 
“We’re going to take this stuff out to the crew, are you alright to pack up the rest?” One of your colleagues asks as he passes by you -  a few cases in his hands. 
“Yeah, I’ll be good to go in just a moment.” You say softly, letting out a quiet sigh as you turn to pack up your equipment, turning as you head a soft knock on the door. 
“Do you still have time to help me get this tape off?” His voice is quieter than usual - the player you were waiting for standing by the open door - his skin red from where he had tried to rip the strapping tape off on his own. You nod quickly, taking in his sad eyes - the skin around them redder than usual. 
“I tried to get it off myself, but you’re clearly too good at your job.” Auston says a bitter chuckle coming out as he takes a seat on the table in front of you - your hands digging through your bags for the adhesive removal spray. 
“Why didn’t you come ask for help sooner?” You ask quietly, as you behind to spray the remover on the remaining tape wincing at the rash spreading across his skin where the tape was already removed. “You could’ve gotten someone else to remove it.” You add quickly the thought that maybe he was trying to avoid you running through your head quickly. 
“Why would I do that?” His question confuses you, your eyebrows furrowing but you continue pulling off the tape. “You think I’m avoiding you?” 
“Aren’t you?” You ask bitterly, remembering the looks of the others on the team, the ones that clearly blame you for the loss. “Everyone else hates me right now, so it’s not like I blame you.” Auston just watches as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth, your chin wobbling as you try to suck in the overwhelming disappointment that’s been growing in yourself. He watches as you focus all your attention on pulling off the tape, keeping your attention on his sore skin as you rub soothing cream over the rash that he gave to himself. 
“I could never hate you.” He says softly as you twist the lid back onto the cream, standing from his spot on your bench, his hands raising to your face, lifting your head to tilt up towards him. “I told you when you first made the decision - I could never hate you, no matter what anyone else thinks - not even what you think, do you understand?” Your chin trembles as his thumb strokes against your cheeks softly, your head nodding in confirmation, his hands staying just under your jaw as he lets out a soft sigh.
“Then why are you sad? Why didn’t you come to me to help?” Your question stalls Auston’s ministrations on your skin, his thumbs stopping in their motions as he stares down at you, his jaw clenching as he tries to find his words. 
“I’m just disappointed.” 
“In myself.” He confirms before adding, “In the team, we let one person's absence throw us off the ball - we do this every god damn year.” His forehead drops to yours, his hands slipping away from your face, sliding over your shoulder before grazing down your arms, his fingers reaching out to lace with yours. “I thought we were going to do better this year… I thought I would do better.” 
The sound of footsteps in the locker room makes the two of you jump, your hands slipping out of his as you quickly throw the rest of your equipment into their cases, turning back to Auston with a soft smile. “You should finish getting change for the flight.” Auston nods, frowning as he glances out into the locker room seeing the other doctors hovering by the door. 
“You’ll wait for me?” He asks quickly, your head nodding before you can even register what he asked, his body slipping through the door before you can take back your agreement. 
But you do as requested, handing off your cases to the other doctors promising them you’d meet them on the plane, making excuses about Auston wanting to talk about a treatment plan for his shoulder - they both nod understandingly moving quickly to get the last of the equipment to the trucks to take to the airport. 
Auston’s surprised to see you still standing outside the locker room when he exits - his back thrown over his shoulder, a large white hooding thrown over your uniform as you turn towards him. The two of you walk to the bus in silence, neither knowing why you had stayed. 
Neither of you know why you still stayed as you sit next to each other on the bus. 
As you fall into your seats besides each other on the plane. 
Auston’s surprised again as you take hold of his hand once the flight takes off - your gaze focused on the window as the plane levels out - your headphones over your ears as you pretend your thumb isn’t rubbing gentle circles on the back of his hand. 
“What is going on with you two?” Auston’s head shoots up from the video playing on his phone, Mitch leaning over the back of the chair in front of him, his eyes lingering on the joined hands sitting in your lap. If you head Mitch you pretend not to, your chin in your hand as you keep watching the black sky pass by. 
“None of your business.” Auston replies, praying to whoever will listen that you don’t pay attention to Mitch’s interrogations, praying that you don’t take your hand out of his. “Mitch drop it.” Auston sneers as his friend's gaze drops to your joined hands again, Auston squeezing yours as he feels your fingers loosen on his. “Please.” Auston adds, Mitch’s eyebrows raising in surprise as he throws his hands up in surrender. 
The rest of the flight passes in silence, most of his teammates busy with their own unwinding processes, a lot of the staff sleeping for as much of the flight as possible. 
Neither of you two sleep. 
Neither of you acknowledge the other until the plane stops on the runway - the players and staff quickly making their way off the plane, stretching their limbs as they go. 
“Do you have a ride home?” Auston asks, his chest tightening as you finally pull your hands out of his, the warmth of your skin lingering in his palm. You shake your head softly, pulling out your phone and flashing the Uber app on your screen. “Come home with me.” Auston says wincing as the words hit him as soon as he says them. 
“Not like that - I mean I wouldn’t be against it but… I just…” 
“What do you mean then, Auston?” You interrupt, your face soft as you wait for him to respond, giving him the time to collect himself. 
“I don’t want to be alone.” He admits quietly, “I’d really like to spend some more time with you.” You don’t say anything, glancing down at the open app on your phone before glancing back up at him - handing your unlocked phone over, the arrival address waiting. 
“No way in hell you’re paying for the ride.” He hisses, pushing your phone back towards you as he pulls his own phone out of his pocket, reaching overhead to pull his backpack out of the locker, his hand reaching out for yours as he drags your off the plane behind him - the two of you bypassing the rest of the staff, Auston sneaking to grab your two suitcases before rushing you off the runway and into the airport an Uber waiting out the front. 
Auston sits comfortably in the silence, his hand warm between the two of you - his heart beating so fast he’s glad you know how to do CPR cause he might need it if you do anything else. 
Auston thanks the driver as he pulls up outside his building - pulling the bags from the trunk - your small duffle stacked on top of his suitcase - the bags dragged behind him as he also drags you behind him and into the empty lobby. 
“This place is really fancy.” You say as he scans his house fob - the elevator automatically selecting the floor for his condo. Auston doesn’t say anything, pretty sure he’d throw up if he attempted to get words out. 
“Are you okay?” You question as the elevator dings - the doors opening to the front door of his condo - the only condo on this floor. 
“Mhm.” He answers, swallowing his nerves as he shoves his key into the lock, opening the door as quickly as possible pulling you quickly into his empty apartment. 
“No Felix?” You question as you glance around, an empty crate sitting in the living room with no sign of the dog. 
“He’s at Mitch’s - Felix loves visiting Zeus when we go on roadies.” Auston finally speaks, his hand dropping yours for just a moment to set up your bags by the front door, pulling his large puffer off his shoulders and throwing it over a coat rack by the front door.   
“Make yourself at home.” Auston says as he strides into the kitchen grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge, his gaze shooting over to your body relaxing into the cushions of his oversized couch. 
“Where the hell did you get this thing?” You question as he hands you your bottle of water, slumping into the seat beside you, a grin on his face as he watches you settle in further. 
“I don’t know if my sister bought it.” He says quickly, your eyes squeezed shut as he reaches for a blanket draped over the back of the couch, throwing it over your lap. 
“Well I need the link.” You comment on bliss twisting the lid off the water as you take a sip. 
“It was almost ten thousand though.” Auston’s hand moves to pat your back as the water gets stuck in your throat - coughs racking your body as you pat your chest. 
“Never-mind then.” 
“You can use mine whenever you want.” Auston says and you scoff, falling back against the couch as you drop the evil water besides you on the couch. “I’m not kidding.” He adds. 
Auston doesn’t know what makes him change his position. 
He’s not sure why he lies down on the couch, his head gently landing in your lap. 
He’s not sure what to do when he feels your fingers thread in his hair, running softly through his messy locks - the water from his shower still making the ends of his hair wet and tangled. 
Auston’s not sure when you both fall asleep - his phone making him squint as he checks the time - the four am flashing as he throws the device to the other side of the couch. 
He drags himself off the couch slowly, careful not to wake you as he slides his arms under your body, lifting you gently with a soft grunt as he scuttles down the hallway - his room only lit by the lights of the other high building through his window, his body freezing as you let out a soft whine as he drops you onto his mattress dragging his duvet down the bed to throw over your body. 
He doesn’t know what makes him round the bed, sliding onto the mattress behind you, pulling the blanket over his body as well, his mind running so fast as you turn on the mattress, your hands reaching out to tangle in the fabric of his shirt, your body shuffling in the cold sheets to move closer to him. 
“Don’t make things awkward, Auston.” You huff, as one of your hands releases his shirt, grabbing his frozen arm to drape over your waist, a happy hum leaving you as he pulls you tighter against him, his chin resting against the top of your head. “We’re going to have to talk about this in the morning.” You say. 
“I know.” He responds. 
Neither of you know when you fall back asleep.
But neither of you complain as you wake up bundled together in the large king bed. 
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lostquinn · 1 year
Second chances
Connor (dbh) x gn!reader
Angst, fluff?
Locked in the elevator at work with your ex, under the circumstance will you talk things out or will you continue to avoid one another?
Thank you @jasminesfury for the prompt!! I'm tying to get back into writing and this prompt list helped with this oneee. If you've got any ideas feel free to send me an ask!! Also ignore that today's gif is Bryan I'm running out of Connor gifs ;^;
Word count - 1175
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You and Connor had broken up months ago, and still avoided each other everyday like you were school children. Hank always complained, seeing as his desk was in-between yours and Connors and for the first week you both complained about each other to him.
Hank had been tired of it as soon as it began but he did like the two of you dating, at first you were good for each other and that's all you showed anyone until you broke up.
You stood, waiting for the elevator with your papers and folders in hand. It wasn't long before you heard the familiar ding and walked inside, the doors shutting behind you as you pressed the button for where you needed to be.
It was then that you noticed you were not alone in the lift. He stood quiet and serious as ever on the other side of the elevator, and you rolled your eyes. Of course he was here, he worked here too.
You nodded a small, polite hello to him which he returned as the elevator started moving. It seemed both of you were going down into the basement, you were taking some files down there and wondered what he was doing down there.
Suddenly, the elevator jumped, knocking you off balance. You dropped your paper and grabbed Connors' sleeve out of habit. His hands moved to hold you, resting on your waist. The elevator had stopped.
You turned to look at him, his eyes were already on you. Quickly, you took a step away from him and flattened your clothes down before crossing your arms.
"It stopped," Connor said, slightly panicked.
"Yeah no shit." You frowned.
Your breathing grew unstable as you spammed the call for assistance button. Your hands began to shake and you could hardly think as your heart beat louder in your ears.
Your eyes burned as tears threatened to spill. No one was coming and you were stuck underground. A cry choked in your throat and you began hyperventilating.
Everything was so loud in your ears but quiet in reality and you began to violently shake. You shut your eyes tight, biting your lip until you tasted blood as panic filled every fibre of your being.
Suddenly it was quiet and air began to return to your lungs. Your hands were soon on top of the arms around your waist and gripping the fabric of the sleeves.
Connor was holding you, his chest tight against your back and his chin resting on your shoulder. Whenever you had a panic attack before the break-up he would hold you like this and you still found comfort in it. You cursed yourself for finding comfort in him.
He lifted you off your feet and backed into a corner then sat the two of you down.
"It's okay," he cooed into your ear.
You looked over your shoulder at him, his soft brown eyes wide as he stared back. His cheeks lifted slightly as he smiled at you.
"I've got you," his words were so soft.
"Thank you," you muttered.
He nodded and rubbed your sides with the tips of his fingers. His grip was so comforting and you hated it.
"Let me go," you said, your voice soft.
"We both know you dont want that," he chuckled.
You pouted and leant back against him, comfortable in his grip. He rested his chin on your head and the two of you sat comfortably in silence for a shot while.
"Why did we ever even break up?" He spoke softly, as if he was thinking out loud.
"Because you were being the most judgemental, stubborn, workaholic person on the face of the earth and-,"
"Alright, I get the point." The two of you chuckled. "I miss us,"
You were quiet, a bitter taste in your mouth at his words.
"I would love to try again," his head moved to rest on your shoulder, close to your neck.
"I dont want to get hurt again." Your words were hard and cold.
"I cant make any promises but I can try harder," he pleaded.
You glanced his way, your eyes catching on his lips as you dragged your eyes away.
"I'm scared,"
"Do you still have feelings for me?" He asked.
You turned so that your side was against him so that you could look up to see him. You furrowed your eyebrows as you thought for a moment.
You did indeed still have feelings for him. They overwhelmed you with everything he did, each action pulling at your heart.
"Do you?" You responded.
"Of course I do,"
"I do too," you pursed your lips.
The elevator shifted, falling down slightly and you yelped, burying you face in his chest as you clung onto him.
His arms moved up around you, resting on your lower back and shoulder as he held you tight.
"Someone is on the way, don't worry," he assured you, rubbing your back.
"Don't let me go," you voice was muffled by his chest.
"I'm never going to let you go,"
The elevator jolted again, another yelp escaped your lips.
"I love you, so so much and I know I don't deserve another chance but if you let me try again I promise, I will be better for you. I just want to see you happy and I can't stand the thought of someone else making you happy."
"You're talking as if we're going to die!" You looked up at him.
"I know but I want you to know how I feel, and we avoid each other all the time it's like i dont exist to you anymore,"
"I'm sorry I've been so cold," you muttered. "I do love you too, with every breath and each beat of my heart."
He smiled. "Can we try again?"
"Only if you try,"
He nodded. He swore to himself that he would try harder, he would be better for you and will make you very happy.
The elevator jumped again and started slowly moving down. You were finally on your way down again.
"It seems we're saved," he smiled.
Before the elevator could stop, you pulled on Connors tie, jerking him towards you and pressed your lips against his. He moved into the kiss and gently placed his hand on your cheek.
The two of you were still kissing as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Someone cleared their throat and you looked round to see Hank, smirking with his arms crossed. He leant lazily on a desk and raised his eye brows upon seeing the two of you.
You scrambled to your feet and pat down your clothes, removing any dust. Connor was soon stood next to you, offering you your papers that you had dropped earlier.
He placed a soft kiss on your temple before rushing off to do whatever he had to do. You stood there dazed, staring at Connor as he walked away.
"Hello Hank," you smiled.
"I knew you two would work it out," he grinned, soon walking away.
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miitarashi · 1 year
I acctually love ur writing so much so if this idea sounds crap then u dont need to do it lol but if possible, could you do like a prompt 20 (the wee "I hate u" "I hate u too" and then they kiss thing) on the list? I've literally never heard of that one before but it sounds quite interesting; also if possible could it be a Tintin x female reader? Like, I got a wee story in my head; they r work partners but dont get along too well sometimes but it's because they are hiding feelings or something; then eventually when working on a case, that wee "I hate u" thing, happens in a room whilst there on a boat after a disagreement about something (possibly about protecting Chang but that's just the first thing that comes to my mind). If u have a story in ur head already then yours is probably better so u dont need to do this if u dont want, or if it sounds rubbish (I'm not a writer as u can probably tell lol) and ur NSFW things r acctually so good so if u want to add like... yk.. stuff between Tintin and the reader to this then feel free, no pressure tho. I'm not right in the head and idk if any of that made sense :)
I read every little word regardless and bro??? Not me in love with the idea?? Even more because you used the prompt list! (I forgot about it lol). Don't you worry my dear unknow person! I'm much worse in the head and undestand what you tried to say lol.
[Name] = reader (female)
Warning: i'll have to do split it in two parts. This one is more context,have mentions of killing and curse, the second will have a little bit of spicy. I'll put the warning there too. It's a long ass reading so, well,you've been warned but i hope you like it!
Prompt: "i hate you!" "I hate you too!" And make out.
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There's people that look at each other and just click right away. You and Tintin did it too,in a very...very not that friendly way.
You,a newbie jornalist woman,ready to go to hell and heaven for the best history to write,and Tintin,a veteran at this point,fellow jornalist that would give you great advices for you to have a good start. That was everyone's first thought,but.
You were a bit childish and chaotic exactly because you didn't cared about what you had to do for your story,always complaining about Tintin's plans because most of them demanded time to act. You wanted now and against his words,you jump on the danger making him go right after you.
Yes, he's reckless,but you? 100% worse.
You two did click,but in a hateful way. Haddock aways tried to stop your arguments,never really did it because both of you didn't stop,wanting to always have the last word. It was hard to bear,for everyone,day by day looked more that you two grow the hate from each other.
Not that wrong,but not completely right too. Not saying that he didn't really hate you,believe me,he do. But he hate even more how much time he pass distracted looking at you, taking every little detail. The way your hair is always in a pony tail and showing a little bit of a tongue when you was thinking hard,the little smile you do at something that you writed on your article,your eyes, cute nose...lips...
And you? On the same board. You just love seeing him having a little time with Milu,his happy smile gets you everytime. The freckles on his cheeks,not even getting start with that cute topknot,blue eyes...his hands...
If someone see the real situation, would be laughing by how comic it all is. This,until you really messed up,almost costing someone's life beside yours. It's ok when is yours,you know how dangerous things can be but,other person...this is a really bad thing. The worst? It was Chang and Haddock as well,basically Tintin's family.
You two,along with Haddock had just saved Chang from kidnappers that focused on him because of some problems with the Wang family,but some of the mens was still following you all,Tintin said for you to stay with them (Chang and Haddock) to help if something goes wrong but you,like always, didn't listen and run alongside him. Just like he thought,some of the guys managed to go from the back near from where Chang and Haddock was,almost getting the both of them. Because of you.
Luckly,being close enough you two run right back knocking the guys down and going away as fast you all could,back for captains ship. It wasn't that hard to say how mad he was with you and he had all the rights for it.
"I asked for one thing [Name],didn't you see how our situation was before doing your reckless plan to just rush forward like a suicidal person?!" - he didn't raised his tone just yet,but the anger was pretty clear in each word.
"Yeah yeah,i'm sorry ok?! I thought i could-"
"Oh well,that's new,you thinking at once. Not even surprised that the only moment you stop to think end up almost getting two people killed!" - he cut you mid sentence.
This,you hated this on the most. If he's right,he use it against you without mercy. Your eyes rolled in annoyance,making him even more angry if that is possible.
"I said sorry,if you don't want it don't take it,i'll not lost time with you now"
You shrug it off,turning your back and walking away for your room. He look at Haddock and Chang for a moment,making sure both of them were ok before leaving to follow you,the discussion didn't ended yet. Haddock tried to stop him,even Chang,but your nonchalant "sorry" get under his skin to the point where both knew what was about to happen.
He didn't even knocked,just open the door looking right at you hearing you groan annoyed.
"Forgot how to knock?-"
"Don't start" - he close the door with a small thud and walk closer.
"Do you know what type of consequences your acts could have caused today? The world don't roll around you [Name]"
"I said sorry already,didn't i? What more do you want?? For me to ask for forgiviness on my knees in front of you??"
"You didn't mean your words,you just said what was necessary to dodge the conversation"
"Conversation my ass,you just come here to lash your stupid anger on me"
He open just a bit wide his eyes,seeming both surprised and confused. How you could be this dense? How you can not see that your careless actions affect people around you too?
"Stupid?? Do you undestand,that what you did almost cost the captain and Chang's life?!" - still didn't scream,but was close.
"They know how to handle-"
"Chang was hurted and Captain was in a ambush [Name]!"
Now,he screamed. You even flinched slightly by how sudden this was,you messed up. Badly.
"Explain then! How they could handle an ambush with one hurted and having only captain against armed people?! How?!"
His voice was loud. Frustration,anger even sadness was there, it's rare to see him like this but how could he not feel this way? That was a close,really close one,if you two wasn't near enough to run back to help them...
"They- they're not child for us to-"
"I TRUSTED YOU!" - it was you openning your eyes wide in surprise.
"I trusted that you would hear,at least this time,my request to stay and help them! Why you always like this?! Why you think so little about people's life?! Isn't captain your friend too?! You don't care about him?! What is wrong with you?!"
Tintin wasn't even lashing,it was a honest vent. He reach the limit with you,this was his try to maybe stop this hateful thing trusting one of the most important thing for him,but this is how you respond? He's right,but not about everything.
"What is wrong?...let's start by the fact that you always make me disappear from the view. I'm a jornalist too,but they never look at my work,only yours! Why i don't care about my life? Is to at least have a little spot since you take everything for yourself! That's way i throw myself forward,trying to get it before you or else everything was for nothing! Being journalist is my dream but you-" - you had to pause to breath,it was a lot of things,basically venting like he did.
"I don't want to be famous. Never wanted,just one time,i only want one time that my story get readed by people...i..." - you stop again,letting a deep breath.
"I know that what i did was wrong and i'm sorry,really sorry" - your tone growing more sincere and remorseful by what you did. But soon,the frustration come back - But dammit,i don't know what to do anymore! It's always you! Tintin that,Tintin this,Tintin Tintin Tintin!"
You finished with an angry groan under your breath. He could tell that at least this time your sorry was genuine,but something still linger on the back of his mind. You almost get them killed for a selfish reason. Not that the ginger-haired boy didn't see it happening. Both of you writed articles but only his was on the newspaper,of course it was unfair with you,even more because he readed and it was good,your details,explanations about the case,overal view of everything. He was still angry but...confused?
"Why is always you?!" - he snap back when you quickly turn to face him,walking closer.
"I'm a journalist too,i make articles too but is always,only about you!"
"It's...not my fault-"
"Yes it is!"
"Don't change the subject! You still risk other peoples life for a selfish reason,just because you envy me??"
Neither him knew what he was saying about exactly. Talking back by impulse,his words get you off guard. He was right again,wasn't he? Being this arrogant towards him since the first day was just...envy. You wanted be like him,be him. How embarrassing this sounds, even more than the other little thing on the back of your mind.
"I...what are you talking about? Me?? Envying you? Oh come on. Drop the attitude little man,you're only embarrassing yourself" - internally,you was making a face palm at how childish this comeback sounded.
"Embarrassing myself? You're the one acting like a little kid because of something foolish like envy. Grow up [Name]. You're only embarrassing yourself"
"You didn't- you know what?! Fuck you!" - you give a step closer looking at him still angry.
"Say what?!-" - he step forward too.
"That's it! I'm done with your shit! I said sorry already,even said more than i should. I'm tired of your baby face in front of me!"
"Said the one who don't even have a brain to think properly about her own decisions!"
Again, another step near. Every curse was right followed by a step until you two were close looking deep in each other's eyes. Your voices sounded angry, your eyes not and you both realized it. That feeling on the back of your head tingling by the proximity...
---> Part 2
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technowoah · 3 years
Hi! This is my first time doing a request for a prompt list but can you do prompts 1,34,25 if you can put those in one fanfic, or mini series. Again this is my first time requesting a prompt list thing. If you can’t fit those three in there you can just do 1 of them. If anything I wrote just made sense, sorry if it didn’t. Have a good day!
Rather Be Devisive Then Indecisive...
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Thanks for the request! I decided to do Techno cause I need some Techno content here!
Sorry it took so long 😭
C! Techno x gen neutral! Reader (platonic)
1) "I fucking hate you" "please dont say that"
34) "one more chance please?" "You're being greedy"
25) "You're right. You are useless"
⚠︎ swearing, indecisive reader, angst, angst, mentions of weapons, mentions of death, mentions of tnt & explosions, Wilbur's last canon life, sad techno, I didn't proofread, this story is so fucking long-
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"Dont you see history repeating itself?!"
You found yourself in a huge predicament right now while standing by Technoblade's side, adorned in netherite armor and weapons. You were facing against the people you used once to love, the people you eere supposed to kill. You hadn't seen Tommy's face so distraught in quite some time.
Everyone thought you were the traitor, you lost the trust of the people you once sided with and loved. You couldnt stand to see the pain Tommy had in his eyes and the betrayal Tubbo showed. It wasn't true, from what you heard it wasn't true.
You didn't just appear on Technoblade's side one day, it was a tough ride to follow. The beginning of your journey had you looking desperately for a place to be, a home. You were lost in the huge kingdom with huge monuments and different types of people.
Then came L'Manburg. A place where you could be free, at least they sold it like that. You had met Tommy and Tubbo while on the Prime Path and immediately asked about their blue war coats and they immediately introduced you to L'Manburg. You were accepted a while later, meeting the citizens and making connections with all of them.
Then came Manburg and Pogtopia which led you here next to Technoblade as he went on about replacing tyrant with another. You were always on Technoblade's side ever since he joined Pogtopia. All it took was constant literature sessions and talks about politics and you were on board with his ideals and his hate for government.
You were apart of L'Manburg before Pogtopia and Technoblade had changed your mind on government he made you see everything through a different lense and that lense was beautiful and clear. You adapted his ways of thinking quickly and became "one of his personal favorites" as he would say.
Technoblade set off a firework explosion and everyone screamed and scattered, that was the "go" you ended up attacking somone else that wasn't a close friend of yours. You were trying not to attack anyone, this wasnt your style. Yes, Techno had taught you fighting styles and how to become stronger but you didn't want to fight who you considered your family.
You eventually found yourself on a hill looking over the explosions and swords swinging in the gleaming sun. People below were looking in your direction quickly then heading back into battle wondering why there werent any fireworks hot from above, but you couldnt do it. You just couldn't bring yourself to soot the crossbow that was hanging on your hip. Techno kept looking up towards you as you looked back towards him in distraught.
Everyone was yelling until Dream had spoken up.
"You know who the trader was Tommy? Tommy the traitor was Wilbur."
No it couldn't be.
"No! Technoblade killed Tubbo and Y/N left us behind, they're the traitors!" Tommy exclaimed in confusion.
Your mind couldn't make up anything at the moment, was Wilbur the real traitor instead of everyone thinking it was you? Everyone was questioning if Dream was right or not, but you were so into your own mind you didn't hear that one faint scream that lead to many others.
The ground started shaking like a earthquake was about to happen and then the ground started to break apart and explode revealing the huge amounts of TNT that was placed under the stone and dirt. You felt uneasy as smoke, and debris flew from the ground and up into the air. You heard screams of agony who were caugh in the explosion, screams of anguish who witnessed the explosion and screams of joy.
Emotions flew through you like blood. This wasnt what was supposed to happen was is? You were a citezen of L'Manburg before a citizen of Pogtopia and this was the worst thing you have ever seen. The sky turned dark and grey, the place you used to call home is gone and the person who destroyed your home was the one who built it.
"Wilbur?!" You screamed as you saw him and Philza staning next to what looked like a man made cave in the hill.
Everyone else followed your line of sight and saw Wilbur standing next to Philza talking to him. Philza had a sword in his hand and what is seemed like arguing with Wilbur as well. Everything seemed so chaotic you didnt know what to focus on, Wilbur and Philza, Dream inevitably sneaking away, or Technoblade's glare at you from a top a building. You couldn't bring yourself to face Techno right now. Technoblade was a source of comfort for you, but at this moment you had no where to turn.
The straw that broke the camel's back was seeing Philza kill Wilbur. He pierced the sword through his heart and as Wilbur's legs couldn't hold himself up anymore Philza hugged his son and fell down to the ground with him hugging him in his last moments as everyone below screamed at Philza.
Your vision became blurry as tears welled up in your eyes. Everything was gone. You had nothing left to go back, no home, no Wilbur. It seemed like Tommy and Tubbo didn't want you back in their lives so it seemed hopeless. Falling to your knees you cradled your face in your hand trying to block out all of the commotion outside.
L'Manburg was like a home you always wanted but never had. They were like family and you grew too attached. You loved them like brothers and a sister. You loved them you grew attached to them as well, especially to Wilbur because you looked up to him as a leader and he took you under his wing when you had no where to go, he cared for you like a big brother. Tommy and Tubbo were also another two you grew too attached to because of Tommy's impulsiveness and Tubbo's attention to detail and caring for others.
After the fall of L'Manburg Technoblade had to make everything worse.
He had looked towards you one last time before getting into position.
"Are you just gonna sit there!? We have a job to do!" Techno said while unsheathing a sword.
"Isn't the job done already?!" You yelled back still sat on the hill.
Techno started to laugh. "Barely!"
He jumped down from the building and into some rubble underneath him and you followed him down the hill. Techno had brung out soul sand and began placing it on the ground with wither skeleton skulls in his hands. You walked over to him and he handed you a skeleton skull, you reluctantly took it out of his hands and you saw him smirk at your compliance.
Tommy began walking towards Techno and you in a fiery rage ready to fight him. He couldn't get straight to him because of a small gap the explosion made. Tommy was trying to keep everyone on that side, safe. Dream and Punz jumped over the gap and joined both you and Techno by the soul sand.
"Stop this right now Techno!"
"You stay over there Tommy!"
The two bickered back and forth until they eventually died down and Technoblade spoke up over the talking and yelling coming from the side Tommy was on.
"Tommy, do you think you're a hero? Is that what this is?" Techno said while letting his guard down for a moment and put his crossbow down.
"I just- I just wanted L'Manburg!" Tommy exclaimed back clearly confused.
You werent a stranger to Technoblade's speeches you were a fan of them really, but not when its against someone you would consider a brother.
Technoblade spoke up over Tommy. "You wanted power.
"I wanted L'Manburg, thats all I ever wanted. I wanted..." Tommy stopped talking for a moment, like he was thinking.
"Tommy you just did a coup! You just did a hostile government takeover and then immediately instilled yourself as president." Techno explained to him in a more serious voice than before.
"And then you gave it to your friend, but that still a tyrant Tommy!"
"But the thing about his world Tommy, is that good things dont happen to heros. Let me tell you a story Tommy. A story of a man called Theseus."
Technoblade had taught you about Greek literature and how they could be compared to people in the kingdom today. He so happened to find correlations between Tommy and Theseus at this moment.
You were still anxiously waiting for Technoblade's long speech to end so you could get this heartbreak over with. The need to cry more never became more apparent until now, the need ro run away and never come back but you wanted to listen.
"His country was endagered and he sent himself forward into enemie lines, he slayed the minotaur and saved his city. You know what they did to him Tommy?!"
"What did they do-"
"They exiled him. He died in disgrace, despised by his people. Thats what happens to heros Tommy." Techno finished his Greek mythology speech.
Tubbo spoke up from behind Tommy. "But he saved everyone!"
"The Greeks knew the score, but if you want to be a hero Tommy that's fine." Technoblade started walking backwards with a wither skulls in each hand.
You had soul sand infront of you and you were waiting till Technoblade set the first wither out into the world. There were wither skulls in the brown grass so you all could quickly put the skulls ontop if the sand. Technoblade thought it was a good idea to have multiple withers flying in L'Manburg at once. You and Techno were probably going to get attacked by the withers too because withers dont know who made them, they just attack.
"Technoblade dont do this! We're so close! Im not the hero! No one's the hero!" Tommy pleaded and that made your heart drop.
"You want to be a hero Tommy?! THEN DIE LIKE ONE!"
There it is. Techno started placing the skeleton heads on the soul sand and you followed suit placing three skulls onto the other. The two withers started to form and grow besides you and Technoblade. You didnt want to do this at all. You could hear the screams from the former Pogtopia and L'Manburg citizens, this wasnt what you wanted. You didn't want Wilbur to die, you didn't want L'Manburg to go, and of course you didnt want your family to die.
Technoblade grabbed your hand and led you to a higher plane, both of you dodging the blows the withers were giving out to anyone in their way. You had made it a top of the building Technoblade was before. You felt like your lungs had no air in them, from the running and and seeing Tommy desperately trying to fight a wither above him, Tubbo shooting arrows next to Quackity and the withers making Wilbur's explosion bigger than it was.
Technoblade started laughing at the destruction and the screams of the people below. You knew Technoblade was a dangerous man, he killed and did it for his own reasons that you didnt argue against. He had told you that he will tell you one day, but this wasnt that day. You didn't want to hear anything from him, you had lost everything.
"I fucking hate you." You breathed out in disbelief at the destruction below.
"Please dont say that." Techno rolled his eyes.
"You're not telling the truth-"
"MY LIFE IS GONE TECHNO! I- My home is gone! Wilbur is gone! Where do I go?!"
"Hou have me! What are you talking about? Did you just blindly follow me?! Newsflash I'm not Wilbur, Im not Schlatt! Im my own person that dosent associate with government so might as well destroy the government physically." Techno looked back out into the chaos.
"This cant be the way!"
"Do you have another plan?!"
"If I did it wouldn't have mattered." You said calming down, but still angry.
"Should've said something sooner." Techno said while walking away from the edge of the building and away from you.
"Again, it wouldn't have mattered." You said as a final statement before he walked away.
You didnt know where he was going nor did you care at this point. You retreated for now and found yourself back in Pogtopia. Going down into the decorated cave and reminiscing on times shared. The moments where Tommy was messing with Wilbur, when Tubbo immediately relaxed when he found himself around Pogtopia and he could be himself, when Techno and you had extremely deep talks in the potato farm.
You ended up going back to your home later that night trying to clear your mind and trying to know where to go next. The next morning your feet had a mind of its own that morning because you ended up at Tommy's house. You had knocked on his door and he swung it opened it with his widened eyes not expecting you to be there. He was bandaged up more than usual, he had scars on his hands and face too. It was a sad sight for you.
"Y/N?! What are you doing here!? I didn't-"
You cut Tommy off by hugging him and trying not to cry at the sight.
"Im so sorry Tommy." You said regretting everything.
"Im sorry I hurt you."
"Hey calm down. I forgive you, but it's gonna be hard ya know?" Tommy explained as you let him go sniffling.
"I understand, you shouldn't feel obligated to forgive me I know its going to be hard to help them grow even though I betrayed them." You slightly laughed and Tommy smiled.
You felt accomplished that day. You hung out with Tommy the whole day, then found Tubbo as well. They both accepted you but slowly but surely were going to forgive you. You hated that they were in pain but they knew you were in pain as well. Later that day you sat down with the both of them and wrote letters to everyone wanting to reconnect again. The two had said they would help deliver the letters while you delivered some too.
The day turned into night and you and Tubbo were currently walking around doing nothing in particular. Tommy had headed home as you promised to visit him tomorrow. You and Tubbo both ended up on the topic of Phil. Silence fell upon you two, you didn't know what to say about that. You didn't know Phil that well, but he seemed regretful. Wilbur's death became a touchy subject between you two. Tubbo then asked you about Technoblade and you had no answer to that either.
Technoblade left without telling you anything at first you didnt care, but now you are slightly regretting having that stupid fight. Days continued to go on and your regret became more apparent each and every day. You had reconnected with former L'Manburg members and asked for forgiveness. It was a slow process but you all became closer in due time.
Technoblade and your relationship grew further apart and you noticed that. You never seen him since the final day of L'Manburg until one day.
You had visited the abandoned and long forgotton Pogtopia once more longing for the days before all Hell broke loose.
"What are you doing here?" You turned your head to see Technoblade standing not too far away from you.
"What are YOU doing here?! Where have you been?" You exclaimed not knowing whether to run to him or stand still.
"Well im used to being left alone. It's not that hard you should try it sometimes."
"Last thing I remember was you walking away."
"Last thing I remember was you yelling at me and telling me that you fucking hated me." Techno said matching your tone.
"I was in a bad place at that moment." You tried to justify your actions when in reality you couldn't.
"Weren't you all!"
"What's that supposed to mean?" You said getting defensive.
"I mean all of you L'Manburgians. You all were going through something. That something was the death of your leader and the inevitable death if your country. You apparently never let go of that side, L'Manburg is still with you somehow." Techno explained to you.
He always read you like an open book. You still never let go of L'Manburg and thats why you went back and left your and Technoblade's relationship behind. Yes that was your fault, but you can try and reconnect, try to build trust again.
"Can't I be with them and you at the same time?" You asked, while your confidence left your body.
"NO! WHAT?! Why would you say that?! Have you been listening to me?!"
"I have! You-"
"No you clearly fucking havent! They are feeding into the very thing they sought to destroy! History is repeating and you going back is only encouraging it! Soon enough the new "L'Manburg" will fall time and time again!" Technoblade yelled clearly fed up with the conversation.
"Technoblade. I wanted to make ammends with you! I wanted to be on your side again!" You pleaded.
"Apparently not because you keep runnning to L'Manburg!"
You were getting desperate, it felt like everything was lost again. Why did you have to chose between anti-government and pro-government. You didnt have to, you just needed your friendship that was torn apart glued back together. The need to rekindle the friendship between you and Technoblade began to exceed everything else and continued to cloud your mind.
"One more chance please?!"
"You're being greedy." Techno taunted.
"Techno listen! I-"
"I am listening." He interrupted you on purpose.
"Seriously I wanted to rekindle our friendship so please just let me do this!" You pleaded.
"That's not going to be happening anytime soon. You know Im usually the one being left, but now that I see you like this I now understand why people leave others." He laughed.
You stayed silent and that gave him the opportunity to speak more.
"Those that have treated me with kindness, I will repay that kindness tenfold. And those that treat me with injustice, that use me, that hunt me down, that hurt my friends. I shall pay that injustice a thousand times over."
Another speech he would use another time. Your gaze was set on the stone ground beneath you. You couldn't face him and you knew he was talking about you. You weren't going to get the happy ending you always dreamt of. You were always aware of falling out of friendships but you never knew that one of your falling friendships would hurt this badly.
"All that time ago, you're right, you were right. You are useless."
"I dont need you anymore." Technoblade continued and ascended up the stairs to leave. He left you alone down in Pogtopia, it was hard.
"I came here to get actual shit done, but it turns out I couldn't." You heard Technoblade mumble upstairs before you were for sure he left.
You were left in the once lively underground community of Pogtopia. It was quiet and still now with the only thing was a small cool whispering of the wind.
You had your family, slowly but surely it was coming together but now everything seemed more broken than ever. Unbeknownst to you everything would get worse.
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kaz11283 · 3 years
44 and 45 for writing prompts?
44) Close Your Eyes
45) Will You Marry me
Your Favorite Suprise
Warnings: fluff
Characters: Your favorite God of Mischief, Nat, Clint (brother, I know I have a weird problem ok?), Steve, Tony, Thor
Summary: you and Loki had been dating for a while now it only made since that he wants to take the next step.
Announcements: Ah yes, while I should be working on the next chapter of my series Im doing a Loki Request list...makes sense to me. I have decided to start posting a chapter a week and I have decided to start posting The chapters on Fridays. But I'll probably still be doing one shots and drabbles randomly during the week along with request. *its like really early in the morning here so if I am not making any sense i will probably post another update soon.* love you guys, thank you for the request! 💚💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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Loki had been distant all day, he wasnt in any of the normal places that he normally would have been. You had checked in the library, his room, even the lab none held signs that the god had been there all day.
"Guys, have you by any chance seen Loki?" You asked walking into the living room where your brother and Nat were wrestling, for some unknown reason, Thor and Steve sat watching.
"Tall guy, wears to much green, pointy hat?" Clint choked out from a chokehold. Sometimes you wondered if you were really the oldest with the way he acted.
"Last time I seen my brother he was heading out to the large balcony on the top floor with a rather heavy looking box." Thor called over his shoulder. "No no no Hawkman, you odviously doing it wrong. Let me show you." He said getting up walking over to the two on the floor.
"Whatever, he'll know where to find me I guess." You said jumping over the back of the couch sitting down next to Steve.
"Hey! No jumping on the furniture. I swear its like I live in a house full of kids between you and Parker jumping and flying around." Tony yelled from the kitchen door.
Steve rolled his eyes and looked at you. "Thor is trying to show them some Asguardian fighting moves. Nat picked up pretty fast, your brother on the other hand..."
"He does better in a roost high above the ground. Only reason I use to hate fighting with him is because he could climb higher than I could." You laughed.
"Ok Lord Thunder if you can do better be my guest." Clint took a step back allowing Thor to stand in. Thor gave a bellowing laugh and got in a fighting stance.
"My people invented these moves I can easily take down Nat."
After a few rounds and Thor definitly losing causing the room to howl with laughter at his confusion Loki walked in.
"So the man of mysteries returns. Where have you been darling." You asked as he came to stand beside you.
"Just working on a suprise for you my dearest." He laughed leaning down and kissing the top of your head.
"Please stop, there are young eyes in the room." Clint groaned from a recliner across from you causing you to roll your eyes.
"Yeah, if your going by shoe size." You mocked. Turning to Loki you looked at him. "What does the god of mischief have up his sleave for me?"
"Come dear, I would rather show you." He offered you his hand and you walked from the room.
He lead you to the room where the balcony was located and turned to you. "Close your eyes."
"Ummm why? You planning on pushing me off?" You laughed realizing that he had a serious look on his face. "Nevermind." You closed your eye, as soon as they were shut you felt a cloth wrap around your head. "If you wnted something like this all you had to do was ask." You smirked.
"Oh nine realms y/n. Get your mind out of the gutter for just a little bit." You couldnt see it but you knew he was rolling his eyes. "This is serious." You could hear the smile in his voice.
"Ok fine, serious, I can be serious for like 5 minutes. I cant guarantee the comments that will follow after the time is up though." You laughed.
"Sometimes I feels like I'm dating your brother." He huffed taking your hand and leading you onto the balcony.
"We are basically the same person, I just look alot better than he does in a cat suit." He let go of your hand just after walking out of the door and disappered.
"You know that mouth is one of my favorit things about you." He whispered in your ear cauing your heart to flutter. "Always quick to the punch, it never fails." He said kissing the side of your mouth.
"But my absolute favorit thing about you is your willingness to over look a persons flaws, to give everyone a chance, even if they dont deserve it. You have such an open mind forgiving everyone that you feel need forgiving. Looking for the good in a person and giving that person hope that maybe there is hope left for them." This time he brushed your hair from your neck kissing you behind the ear sending a shiver down your spine.
"Loki you was never a bad person-" you saod trying to defend him aginst hisself
"I brainwashed your brother." He countered. "You didnt just do it for me though. You stood up for Wanda, for Bucky, you stand up for the underdogs that wouldnt have a chance other wise."
"Wanda needed a family, Bucky was Steves best friend and I seen how it hurt him for eveyone to be aginst him. Also brainwashed. Im kinda seeing a pattern here though." You smiled.
"Y/n, honestly would you jusy be quiet for a few more minutes." He sighed.
"Ok, lips are sealed. Continue telling me how great I am." He sighed again pulling you closer to the middle of the balcony.
"You have been my light in the darkest tunnel I had ever been in. When the others shut me out you were always there to let me know I wasnt alone. I could travel to all nine realms and never find another soul as caring and as trust worthy as you, who holds me at night when nightmares wake me up, who actually seen good in me and who has made me a better person." You felt him reach behind you and untie the knot from the blind, you kept your eyes closed as you felt him grab your hand again this time there was a slight pull. "Darling you can open your eyes."
When you opened them you were awestruck with the sight in front of you. Farie lights had been hung from the rafters causing a warm glow around the balcony, ivy and white flowers hand been drapped on the walls givingbthe whole place a cozy feel. You looked at Loki noticing him kneeling in front of you, you opened your mouth to make a comment but quicky shut it not wanting to ruin the moment.
"Y/n Barton there is no one else I would rather travel the nine realms with but you, I would walk across time and space to see you smile. Would you please do me the honor of being my princess? My Queen? For all eternity? Will you marry me?" He pulled out a small black box for his pocket and opened it revealing a silver band entwind with a beautiful type of black metal a small emerald sat nestled between the two holding the jewel in place. Your eyes shot up to his and tears started to flow. You didnt trust you voice in that moment son you simply shook your head.
He was on his feet in no time easily slipping the band on your finger before wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you close to him. You placed your hands on either side of his face pulling him into you for a kiss. "Yes." You mumbled aginst his lips as he smiled into the kiss. "A million times yes!"
"We are going to have a wedding!" Thor yelled from the open door causing you both to jump. You looked up in time to see everyone that had been in the living room crowed around watching the two of you. "Lady y/n, a fine sister you will make!" Thor beamed picking you up into a crushing hug.
"You can have her! Ive had her as a sister long enough." Clint said beside you as he leaned down to kiss you cheek. "Congrats sis."
"You knew didnt you?" You smiled.
"Of course I did. Hes kinda old school, asked if it would be ok if he asked you. Nice guy, once you get past the whole mind control thing." You smacked his in the chest.
"In my defence you did try to shoot me woth an arrow that exploded." Loki said wrapping his arm around your waist.
"Ill take back the approval to marry my sister." He saod looking straight at him.
"No you wont, ive already said yes. Besides he really makes me happy. Truly honestly happy." You smiled looking up at Loki giving him another kiss.
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
1 and 64 on the prompt list for nolpat?? if you dont have time its totally alright !! you can also just do whatever prompt you feel like doing
definitely not simping for nolpat hours rn
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1.“I thought you liked love songs!”
64. “I think your cat wants to kill me.”
ok but this is one of my favorite ones. It’s inspired by an episode of Gilmore Girl (couldn’t tell you which one exactly but it involves Max Medina) but I’ve linked the rings within the text in case I don’t describe them right :)
This isn’t violent and it’s also not the one that fixes the violence I committed in the other nolan blurb as a btw
Happy blurb weekend!
You were sitting in silence, not talking, both of you on the couch, reading whatever books you had chosen that week. It was mundane, the ice in the ice coffees melting, the toasted bagels getting cold, but it was something the two of you had done since high school, at least monthly, as a way for you and Natalie to unwind and just relax with each other's company. 
The two of you were perfectly content with what you were doing, ignoring your phones, the screens lighting up with notifications, your concentration on the books strong enough for you to not notice.
“Who has been calling me?” Natalie asks, breaking the silence and the concentration. “Nolan?”
You lean over to see her screen. “My Nolan?” 
She shrugs, answering the call and putting it on speakerphone, her finger to her lips signaling to you to be quiet. “Hello?”
“Hey, Nat, are you with Y/N?”
You shake your head, knowing that eavesdropping on this conversation was wrong, but you couldn’t help but wonder. If it got to be too much, you could just leave, right?
“No, I’m at home, I thought she was with you,” she lies, earning a thumbs up from you.
“She’s not. Ok, good,” he sounds nervous, his voice shaking. “I need help.”
You both look confused and concerned by the tone of Nolan’s voice, the shaking in his words and his clearly uneasy breathing. “Nolan, are you ok?”
“Yeah, no, yeah,” he says, letting out a deep breath, “I just got off the phone with Y/N’s parents: they gave me their blessing to ask her to marry me.” 
Natalie screams, you covering your mouth so you don’t give away to Nolan that you’re right there. You two had talked about marriage before, but you didn’t think he was serious about it yet. And you didn’t realize until that moment that there was nothing else you wanted.
“Jeez, Nat, tryna burst my eardrum, eh?” Nolan says, Natalie mouthing, ‘I think your cat wants to kill me,’ to you, referring to the nickname you had picked up for him from his teammate.
You mouth back, ‘he does not,’ while she continues to talk to him. “Sorry, but, you’re going to propose?”
“Yeah, and I need your help planning everything because you’re her best friend and Travis is the human equivalent of a dog before obedience school.” 
The two of them start planning how Nolan was going to propose, the only detail being left out was when and where. “I’m gonna have ‘Make you feel my love’ playing before I ask her.” he tells Natalie, her looking at you to determine if you liked that or not.
You did love that song, but not for a proposal. At least not to have it playing before he asks you. You wouldn’t be paying attention to the music, so you shake your head no. “Ixnay on the ongsay,” she tells him, you rolling your eyes.
“I need you to never try to use Pig Latin again. And I thought she liked love songs like that!” 
“She does, just not for the proposal. Nol, let it be just you and her. Every other detail is good.” 
“Ok, now I’m between three rings.”
“Tell me,” she says, you jumping up and down at the prospect of him already having ideas for you.
“They’re all white gold.” You shake your head yes, Natalie relaying that message before he continues. “The first one is vintage-inspired. It has a diamond in the middle, and then it’s a latticework, a halo of diamonds around it, and three more going down each side of the band.”
You shake your head no, giving a face. You were sure it was beautiful, but it wasn’t you. “No, too much for her.”
“Got it,” he says, something being thrown in the background. “Next is much simpler; the band is almost like an infinity symbol-shaped into a ring, with diamonds lining one of the loops of it before meeting in the center for the main diamond.”
“That’s an option, but I need to hear the third,” Natalie tells him based on your facial expression.
“This one I really like,” he starts, you already getting excited. “Diamond in the center, then it’s a swirl of gemstones leading up to it.” You start shaking your head, Nolan continues, “And I can get it with any stone, so I was thinking either doing her birthstone or doing it so it alternates between hers and mine, you know, so it’s both of us.”
“Oh, my god,” you whisper, knowing it was that one, Natalie putting her hand over your mouth to stop you from making more noise, trying to tell him that he should get that ring.
Nolan lets out a long sigh. “She’s right there, isn’t she?” he asks, clearly annoyed by the antics of you and your best friend, but you knew he was smiling.
“Put my girl on.”
She takes the phone off speaker, handing it to you as you both squeal. “Hey, babe.”
“Hey future Mrs. Patrick.” 
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angelicmichael · 4 years
Pretty Please
Jim Mason x reader
Summary: Jim and Reader decide to throw a christmas party but get distracted while trying to do so. Christmas fic!!
Words: 2.5k+
Warnings: Hella sexual tension, no smut but almost smut?? Very sexually suggestive hehe, fluff with no plot basically, SO much fluff its gross
A/N: based off this prompt I found in a christmas prompt list 'Making out under the christmas tree because the lights reflecting in their eyes just looked too ethereal for them not to kiss them until they lost their breath' sorry I cant find the specific prompt list this came from. Jim and Reader are both 18+, and this is kinda canon rewrite?? Basically as if the ending in ttopv didnt happen and Jim actually lived.. and got a gf haha. ALSO loosely based on the song 'pretty please' by Dua Lipa. Enjoy 💖 read the tags for more thots
You felt as if the wind had been knocked out of you once you entered the apartment.
The minimalistic decorations that once adorned the small apartment you and Jim owned were now paired and even doubled with new, shiny, Christmas decor. The last thing you were expecting to come home too was christmas decorations, to be completely honest. You knew the decorations were new because prior moving in together- you two had nothing.. christmas decoration wise anyway.
Saying that Jims childhood and even high school years were rough was definetly a understatement; you were thankful you didnt have to see him in that state and that you met him after that time.
You only met his parents once; well his mom anyway and almost immeadietly you knew why it took him so long for him to introduce you to her.
She was a fucking nightmare.
She told you immeadietly about Jim's dark past, probably in a lazy attempt to scare you off. She told you about Jim's father, the drugs, and even the drug overdose that nearly killed him. That didn't scare you off - but what it did do was break the final fucking straw for Jim who happened to overhear everything she said.
He hadn't talked to his mom since.
Medina frequently came over, she was practically your best friend and stayed incredibly close with Jim. In fact, you were supposed to see her in roughly a hour... along with a handful of other Jim and yours close friends.
With Christmas being so soon you and Jim decided to have a spontaneous christmas party. The idea was to decorate together but.. apparently Jim had other plans.
There was a wreath on the front door for one, and multi colored lights and Garland that were kept nearly on every surface of the house. Smaller christmas related knickknacks were placed too on the dining and coffee tables. It looked beautiful. You couldnt believe Jim would do this all for you, you meant to help but work unfortunately ran short so you had to cover a coworkers shift.
The entire living room was kept pretty dark and dim, only candles and the soft lighting from the christmas tree lights allowed you to see at all- but it was still enough. It was romantic if anything.
Jim didnt say anything as he came out to the living room to greet you. He stayed silent, watching you and your reaction as you spun around - trying to admire the apartment from every angle possible.
As you continued to keep walking in the apartment and admiring Jim's work, you couldn't help but dumbly giggle.
"Jim; dont get me wrong, I love the apartment but why didnt you just wait for me"? You marveled.
He smiled shyly, a light blush coating his cheeks.
"I wanted to spend as much time with you that I could when you got back before people started to show up for the party". He admitted, sounding slightly bashful and shy as he spoke.
He approached you, and you couldnt help but to feel butterflies at the closer he got. You dont know why you were suddenly starting to feel nervous at doing a act so simple; like kissing your boyfriend. Perhaps it was because normally when you two kissed or showed affection it was done so quickly and without second thought; it wasnt 'special'. You weren't blaming Jim for that either, you knew that was typical in long term relationships. However - tonight he was actually taking the time to be with you. It was beyond romantic.
He looked delicious. His hair wasnt messy but it wasnt kept up enough to look like he brushed it recently, yet it still managed to look so soft. You were yearning to run your fingers through it.
Once you were within arms reach, he quickly enveloped you in a hug. Forcing you to inhale his scent while you quickly buried your nose in his jacket, trying to take him all in.
He smelt like a hint of weed, but mostly like the ocean. You suspected he must've went surfing a while ago.
Even though the apartment was decorated for christmas and it was currently Winter; the air was still warm, maybe even a little muggy. The sun had finally decided to set, just sinking below the far off treeline - making the sky in a state of in between. Not dark but not quite light out either.
In the part of California you and Jim lived in, it only dropped about 10 degrees in the winter. You wore a warm cardigan since you came just home from outside; along with a pair of jeans and cozy boots that seemed to be your go to outfit in the winter.
Jim on the other hand wore a tight fitted dark navy shirt under his typical Jean jacket which you gently clutched onto.
"I missed you. I hate when you have to work during the holidays". You heard him softly grumble, which made you giggle.
You slowly moved, you backed your head up just enough so that your faces were now right next to each other. You bumped noses - you considered kissing him for a split second but you chose not too. Instead ghosting your lips over his; and gently resting your forehead together.
"Why? It's not like today is a holiday or anything". You asked, a playful tone apparent in your voice.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt Jim's lips inch closer, you could nearly taste his breath. Minty mostly, and warm on your lips.
You suddenly were itching to kiss him, unconsciously moving forward to ease the growing tension between the two of you. You jumped a bit when you felt a hand start to rub your back, quickly relaxing when you realized it was just Jim being handsy. You heard Jim's voice, even though you were incredibly close to him, it was so soft you could still barely hear it. A quiet, sultry whisper.
"It doesnt matter if it's a holiday or not". Jim started, he backed up a bit.
Just enough to make eye contact with you, now gently cradeling your face in his hands.
"This is the first Christmas season I've had where I'm not in between my parents trying to break up a fight. I'm so thankful I get to spend it with you, I just wish I had met you sooner". Jim said, with a shy blush starting to dust his tan cheeks again.
By the time he finished talking you were beaming. Pure happiness and joy was coursing through your veins as you stepped forward and fully enveloped yourself in him, your hands grasped his shoulders to steady yourself while your lips feverishly and slowly met his.
Jim's hands quickly adjusted, moving from your face down to your waist. His fingers gripped your skin tightly; the slight pain made you moan. It didnt really hurt persay but you knew your skin would be purple and sore tommorow. However, in this moment you didnt really care about how your skin would look - you just wanted him.
Jim kissed you menacingly slow; his lips working against yours so slowly in a deliberate attempt to make you frustrated and it was working. Your fingers flexed into his shoulders as you let out a throaty moan. You broke the kiss and let out a hiss,
"Stop fucking teasing". You spoke, titling your head slightly and arching your neck out - trying to hint to Jim that you wanted him to start kissing down your neck.
However; that's not what he fucking did.
Instead of feeling Jim's soft warm lips on your neck, you felt his wet tongue lick a fast stripe down your neck - most likely tracing a vein. You yelped and jumped, only realizing after how stupid you probably looked for getting startled. Jim was laughing too, fucker.
"What the fuck, Jim"?! You asked, laughter mixing in with your voice.
Jim giggled before quickly leaning in and stealing another slow kiss from you before mumbling against your lips;
"As much as I would love to sit here and make out with you all day.. we have business to attend too".
He pulled back suddenly, his lips up turning in a smile as if he knew what exactly he was doing.
"Business"? You mused.
"Yes. We have company coming over in 30 minutes, love" Jim reminded you.
You rolled your eyes, completely unamused.
"Do they have to come"? You whined.
"Yes. They do. Now c'mon make yourself useful". Jim said.
He turned around, grabbing a box that sat idly in the living room which you didnt notice previously. Opening it, he pulled out a ornament. You dumbly smiled, knowing exactly what this meant. He approached you, ornament in hand with a corny smile on his face.
"I decorated everything but the tree. I wanted to save something for us to decorate together". Jim stated.
"Your such a sap". You said fully laughing.
You grabbed one of the ornaments out of the box and walking up to the tree. You felt dumb for not noticing how bare the tree was before. No ornaments, no lights, no tinsel.. nothing. Well, nothing execpt for the one shiny ornament that you had just hung on one of the branches right center in the tree.
The one ornament on the tree quickly doubled, and then tripled until the tree was fully adorned with ornaments. You and Jim (mostly Jim) hung a string of lights around the tree. Making the already ambience scene in your living room even more cozy and romantic.
"This was a good idea, babe". You said, quickly kissing him.
You quickly checked the time, there was still 20 minutes before anyone was supposed to show up.. An idea popped up in your mind.
A wonderful, awful idea.
You were already standing comfortably close to Jim; you turned casually around and place your hand square on his chest.
"Its too bad we finished decorating so early, hmm"? You purred.
You didnt dare take a step forward; you knew Jim would make the next move and sure enough he did. He took steps closer to you.
You cheeks were slightly rosy, with the slight embarrassment you felt from suddenly taking the reigns and being in control. Needless to say this wasnt something you were really used too.
"We still have the tinsel to put up, you know". Jim chuckled lightly.
You looked down for a split second and looked back up into his circealean blue eyes, batting your eyes at him.
"Or.. you know, theres something else I can think of we can do that's less boring". You said.
You let your hand slip and travel from his chest up to his shoulder, feeling the muscle that lie underneath your hands as you took your other free hand up to his other shoulder. Your heart skipped a beat when you heard Jim groan.
It's not like you two have never been intimate before; that was far from the issue. Even though you knew Jim for fucking ever and you two have had sex countless of times - he still managed to give you butterflies.
That's how you knew he was the one for you. Even after all this time he still seemed to make you nervous and blush.
"Is that what you think"? You heard Jim say. His voice lowered in a husky manner.
You felt his arms quickly grab you as he gently pushed you onto the ground. He pinned you on your back; his hands on your shoulders as he softly panted above you. His face hovered right above yours - and his legs on your thighs. Not that you were complaining but you certainly couldnt leave or escape even if you desired too.
You merely giggled beneath him at this realization, not really wanting to switch from this position at all.
It sounded incredibly corny but you honestly wouldnt be surprised if you had took a brief visit to heaven. You felt pure, unfiltered ecstasy as you looked into Jims eyes.
The aroma from the pine tree that was directly above you and Jim filled your senses; the smell along with the candles set the atmosphere perfectly. Ornaments hung directly above you two, the rainbow lights from the tree reflecting in Jim's light blue eyes.
Because of the nature of how light Jim's eyes were, typically seeing reflections of other objects or anything really in them was close to impossible... but, maybe it was the already dark lighting in the room or a bit of christmas magic that made seeing the lights in Jim's eyes possible.
It made the already beautiful man look nothing but ethereal. You were left speechless as you could do nothing but stare, and get lost in his eyes.
You couldnt help but feel how lucky you were to even be in this situation, how lucky you were to be loved by him.
You could do nothing execpt for smile cheesily and blush at your new realization. Instead of craning your neck awkwardly to reach his lips, you chose to be smart and innovative instead, by taking one of your hands and pushing his head into yours - gently of course.
His lips met yours and you nearly moaned from the anticipation. You kissed him slowly, relishing in the feeling of being on the floor with non other than Jim Mason. You knew for a fact you would never do this with anyone else, nor did you even want to spend the time thinking about doing so.
His lips were warm and soft - not chapped in the slightest. They danced perfectly with yours; making separating for air almost a painful and undesired act.
When you separated, Jim still didnt let up off of you. He remained on top, breathless. His lips were swollen and pink, and were his cheeks. His eyes still looked beautiful, but even more so now that his pupils were dilated.
You heard him let out a soft, shallow growl. Bending down swiftly, almost animalistically, to the side of your mouth to give you a quick kiss. His lips ghosted and drifted down over your jaw; until you felt them meet your neck in gentle soft kisses.
Your mouth fell open, your fingers gripping the soft tree skirt below you that was riddled with tree nettles.
"Jim, wait". You spoke, barely even able to get the words out of your mouth without moaning.
You saw his head immeadietly snap up, those gorgeous blue eyes meeting yours again.
"Arent we having company over in like.. 10 minuets"? You asked, laughing.
You noticed Jim let out a brief chuckle as well before replying.
"Ugh, your right but if only I could bring myself to get off of you, baby". He spoke, gently attacking your neck in slightly more aggressive kisses than what you were typically used too. Although, you certainly weren't complaining.
You felt Jim slightly push his hips into yours, you automatically opened your legs - wrapping them around his waist and lower half. He gently started to grind into you; and there was no point in even trying to bite down or mask your moans at this point. All you felt was pure, unfiltered love for the man who was on top of you.
"I love you, Jim".
Taglist: @mina672 @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakewaterxx @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon
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the-writers-reader · 4 years
Just Smile (George Weasley x Reader)
Requested by @aboutpotter awhile back.... Im just here doing some serious rewriting
Prompts used:
Dont just stand there looking at me
You're probably wondering how I got here
 If George could describe her in one word he would choose sullen. But in truth, it was just one out of many. Intelligent, conscientious, logical, anxious, beautiful, but sullen always came first. 
 The reason why: he had NEVER seen her smile. He had seen almost everyone at Hogwarts smile at least once. Even Snape. But never her. And he wondered why.  
Curious, he went to someone that would know the answer- (S/n). But all she did was sigh and say that things happen.
 That was the day he decided to make it his personal mission to make (Y/n) smile. But no matter how many pranks he pulled on her, or jokes, dirty or corny, the corners of their mouth never moved. Not even slightly.
 Since (S/n) wouldn’t tell him he decided to ask her directly. But the only response he got was the cold shoulder.
 As she walked away he yelled, “I  SWEAR TO YOU, BY TIME I'M OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE YOU WILL SMILE!”
 What reason did she have to smile in the first place? She could give you a long list of reasons not to smile. How about being a muggleborn in SLYTHERIN while her sister was chillin with the twins in Gryffindor to start you off? Or maybe the disappointed looks from the teachers? How about the constant looks of pure disgust from her fellow Slytherins? And that was just a few off the top of her head.
 George takes his seat at the Gryffindor table across from Fred and (S/n). Groaning, he lays his head down on the table with a ‘thud’.
“What’s wrong with you, George?” (S/n) asked, writing something down with Fred watching her paper intensely.
 He sets his chin on the table so he could look at her. “Your sister. How can someone go that long without smiling?”
“She’s had it rough.”
“So you have said. What exactly do you mean by that?”
 (S/n) sighs and sets down her quill. Neatly, she folds her hands on the table like she was getting ready to spill some dark shit. “She'll give you a lot of reasons. But I think the main reason is because her so called "friends" stabbed her in the back.”
 George was shocked but it was Fred that let it be known. “What! Why?”
“It’s not possible to be friends with a muggleborn and date someone in the same house as you.” The twins looked confused. (S/n) rolled her eyes. “Her friends ditched her so they could get dates.”
 The twins nodded their head, understanding. 
 Fred and (S/n) went back to eating (and in (S/n)s case- eating and writing) but George just stared at the table, thinking.
 Swiftly, he stood up and started walking off. 
“Where are you going?” (S/n) asked.
“I’ll be right back. I have to go do something.”
 Fred and (S/n) were sure he was leaving the Great Hall, but George had other plans.  
 The hall went silent as he approached the Slytherin table. There wasn’t even any chatter coming from the professors as they watched. George could feel several eyes on him but he could care less.
 (Y/n) looked up from her book to see why the hall had gone silent. Alarmed washed over her when she spotted George approaching her. 
 All attention was on the two of them now.
“What are you doing, Weasley?” she whisper-yelled.
“Weasley? And to think we were friends.” 
 That was enough to get a few people going. Whispers started to be exchanged throughout the Great Hall.
 (Y/n) scoffs, “I don’t need or want friends.” A series of “oooo”s traveled around the hall.
“Fine, but you need your family. Your sister needs you.” He lied.
 That caught the Slytherins attention. She loved her sister more than anything and they knew it. 
“Did she say why?”
 George bit back a smile. He knew he had her now. “She said it was important.”
 Sighing, (Y/n) gathered up their stuff and followed George. 
 The Hall went silent again to the point where you could hear a pen drop. 
 She sat down next to George and looked (S/n) in her confused eyes. “You have something important to tell me?” (Y/n) asked. 
 George suddenly grabbed her arm. She looked at him suspiciously but didn’t question it.
“Um,” she set her cup down and folded her hands. That was her thing- folding her hands before she spoke. Gave her time to think about what she was going to say. “No, but I assume that’s what George told you to get you over here.”
 (Y/n)’s jaw tightened in anger. She tried not to let it show but (S/n) noticed. 
“It is.”
“Oh, come on, (Y/n). Stop being such a grouch,” (S/n) sighed, rolling her eyes.
“Oh, so I’m a grouch now, eh?” (Y/n) retorted, raising her voice slightly.
 (S/n)s face softens. “No. It’s just- I haven’t seen a smile since the incident last year so-”
“So what, (S/n)? Maybe I don't have a reason to smile!” She stands up and slings her bag over her shoulder. With steam coming out of her ears, she leaves.
 George watches her, praying she'll turn around.
 She doesn't.
 A pang of guilt hits George. “Guys, I think I’m going to call it a night.”
“This early?” (S/n) asked. She may have been the most clueless person at this table but Fred knew that face anywhere. 
“Yeah, I, uh, actually have a big test tomorrow so I better turn in.”
 Fred motioned to George to leave. He would take care of it.
 What a nerd. But they loved her anyway.
 George stopped to listen to what he was sure was voices around the corner. When he peeked around he saw what he was looking for. He also saw someone that wasn’t supposed to be there. Graham Montague.
“Get the hell off me, Montague!” (Y/n) shouted, trying to shove him away only for him to pin her roughly against the wall(FREEZE PERVERTS CAUSE THIS AINT WHAT YOU THINK).
“So you think it's okay to just shove us out of the way, mudblood? Show some damn respect to those above you. Now, I think it’s best if you apologize for what you did to my friend.”
 Now downright furious the girl makes a split second decision. (Or should I say spit-second decision?) Graham backs off a bit and wipes the spit off his face. Snarling, he backhands her causing her to drop her bag and fall to the ground.
“HEY!” George yelled gaining the attention of Graham and his friends.
 Now what?
“Oh, great, just what we need a Weasle-” 
 Graham stumbled back as George's fist makes contact with his nose. His eyes water profusely as blood start to run down his face.
“Never touch her again,” George growled, daring one of them to try to make a move.
 Graham scoffed and turned his snake like eyes towards (Y/n). His eyes burned into her before he turned on his heel and sauntered off, his friends hot on his heels.
 George turned to (Y/n) to ask if she was alright but before he could ask he noticed the tears welling in her eyes. Alarmed, George walks over and starts inspecting her, only for (Y/n) to push him away. 
“DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID?” she scoffs, “no you don’t. You’ve just made my life hell is what you did. What they did just now was considered nice compared to what they’ve done to other people.”
“(Y/n), I was just trying to-”
“Oh, save it! We can’t all be heros, George. Just… just leave.” She turns her head away waiting for him to leave. But he doesn’t. “Well? What are you waiting for? Don’t just stand there looking at me! Leave!” 
 But George doesn’t budge.
“Why are you still here?!”
 George doesn’t know. Why is he still here? Instead of leaving he engulfs her in a hug. (Y/n) struggles but George was stronger and not to mention taller.
“Please don’t fight me.” His voice cracks. (Y/n) pauses.
 Was he seriously about to cry?
“Then let me go.” she hisses. 
 George obeys this time with a sigh. 
 With a sad expression and a broken heart, he watched her walk away.
“I thought you were calling it a night.” (S/n) says with a confused face. 
 Her face goes to confusion to one of pure spite as George tells them exactly what happened.
“Well, I say we push him back.” Fred spits once George was done with his story.
“I doubt that would make it any better, Freddie.” (S/n) replied.
“Well, obviously, (S/n), that’s why I have a very well thought out plan," Fred announces, an evil grin crawling upon his face.
 Well that didn't take very long.
“Yep! You see, Georgie and I found something last week. We looked at each other and thought ‘this could come in handy’ and it seems it will.”
 She looked between the twins confused. "Okay?"
 George smiled as he recalled what Fred was talking about. "You in, (S/n)?"
“Yes! You see, we have noticed that Graham Montauge has taken a special liking to you.” Fred states, venomously.
“He fancies you,” George concluded.
“What? You’re joking right?” She asks, her cheeks heating up.
 The twins grin. 
 She looks between them again. “Ya know what, I don’t even want to know details, just tell me what I need to do.”
 Angry tears ran down (Y/n)s face as she stares at the wall, thinking about what happened. She couldn’t help but think that if she wouldn’t have left the table then she wouldn’t have ran into Graham and then none of this would have happened. 
 She was so caught up in her thought that she didn’t pay much attention when the other side of her bed dipped down. But she could care less. It was actually a bit comforting to know that at least some imaginary person at least cared.
 “Why can’t he understand that it would be easier for both of us if he just left me alone?” She asked the person as she stared down at her feet.
“Well it’s probably because you don’t even attempt to help him understand.”
 (Y/n) jumps up. She didn’t expect anyone to answer back.
 She turned around to find a tall figure with blazing red hair. And… in the girls dormitory? 
 She couldn’t make out which twin it was through her blurry vision but assumed it was Fred. George wouldn’t even consider sneaking up here after the way she had treated him. Right?
“You’re probably wondering how I got here.”
 She let out a shaky laugh. “Um, a little bit, yes.”
 He stared at her wordlessly. After no response, (Y/n) became slightly worried.
“Fred? You good there?”
 He snaps out of it. “Oh! Yeah!” Wait Fred? Oh! He guessed she can’t see because she was crying. “Uh, George told us about what Graham did so we cracked a plan.”
 She froze. "What did you do?" 
 As far as she knew, she could kiss her sister goodbye and say hello to her new home: her grave.
 George laughed a bit at her alarm before recounting the tale. " Last week George and I found a cabinet that makes things disappear, and ya see, Graham has a thing for that sister of yours. So, naturally, we got her involved. She lured Graham into the closet where we were waiting. Then, we forced him to give up the password to the Slytherin common room, which he wouldn’t do unless we put him in the cabinet. Of course, he wasn’t at all intimidated but then we demonstrated what it did which broke him. We originally promised to not throw him in but things happen and people change their minds.”
 (Y/n) smiles a bit. “Soooooooooo… where is he now?”
 He shrugs. “Who knows. He could be anywhere in the school.”
“That still doesn’t explain how you got up here without anyone seeing or helping you.”
“I guess I have that undeniable Weasley charm.” He winked with a flip of his nonexistant long locks. “Sure, the girls were confused and very angry when I walked in but I buttered them up just enough so they smuggled me up here. So, there you have it.”
 It took a moment for everything processed. “But, to be honest, you’re the last person I expected up here. Why didn’t George or (S/n) come instead?”
 He just stared at her smiling before changing the subject. Ya know, I don’t think George would be very happy seeing you like this.” Which was true, it broke George’s heart to see her like this but he couldn’t tell why. Deep down he knew he always liked her a bit but he always denied and pushed it away. It was like this time he couldn’t. "And I have a feeling you got over the whole incident pretty quickly. So what's got you so upset?"
“Your brother, actually… Swear to me you won’t tell anyone what you hear.”
 George crossed his heart and zipped his lips, throwing away the imaginary key. 
“Alright, don’t tell him I said this but he makes my life a living hell… and I can’t help but love him for it.”
 She lets out another shaky laugh and shakes her head.
 ‘There it was again.’ George thought.
 “Yeah. I fancy him I suppose and he makes it so damn hard no to.” She pauses. “Why am I telling this to you again?”
 He laughs a bit and stands up, towering over her. “I don’t know. However, I do know that you should smile more.”
 Her eyebrows knit together. “Why should I-”
“Because it makes it hard not to fancy you too.”
Her vision was totally clear now and only then did she realize who she had just spilled out her deepest darkest secret to.  
 She stared at him, a lump forming in her throat. What was she even supposed to say? 
"George, I-"
 Before she could finish, he grabs her arm and pulls her down, pecking her lips. It was short, sweet and just enough to leave her in a state of shock.
 He smiled seeing what he had done to her. “I told you I would make you smile, beautiful.” 
 He winked before calmly standing and leaving a shocked (Y/n) to her whirlwind of thoughts.
Originally posted here: @bucketoweasley. Please do not go there it's embarrassing and plus this version is way better ANYWAY thank you for reading and have a lovely day :)
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narcosmx · 4 years
narcos mexico: love language head cannons
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a/n: I NEEDED SOMETHING SOFT OKAY i’m soft at heart and this made me happy to write because being fluffy is my life okay kill me i apologize for bothering you all with ths 
i chose recieving gifts for amado because that focuses a lot on being thoughtful and gestures and i just amado.... 
even though i have devolved into like writing him as a fucking DADDY who will constantly rearrange his guts, i still stand by the fact that he would be so fucking whipped for his girl and he’s not afraid to show it 
he’s never going to forget an important day, he’s never going to make you feel like you’re underappreciated 
just gestures are everything for him 
he hasn’t been home for a while, fuck it we’re going on a trip and he can fly you out in his little avioneta and he probably has everything fucking set up already 
i’m just imagining this little like sunset dinner on a hillside where he has dinner and wine waiting for you and why am i doing this to myself 
would be one to splurge on whatever the fuck you want and whatever the fuck you want to do
like you want to go try this new restaurant in butt fuck who knows where, amado is there for it
you’ve always wanted to go snorkling or some shit, amado’s taking you 
he remembers these things about you and like keeps them in his back pocket for later 
and if you remember something about him oof it’s over for him like i just remembering how he takes his coffee and looking at you with this little smile like “mira nomas mi mujer hermosha”
always showing up with flowers and chocolate for you; exactly the way you like it because he remembers every fucking little detail 
miguel’s love language would be quality time with focus on giving undivided attention 
he knows that the time that he gets to spend with you is few and far between so he has to do fucking everything to make sure that the time is well spent???
like i just have this feel of like when he notices you really need him, he tells all of his men to leave him alone just miguel standing there like ‘no quiero oir de nadien, no quiero ver a nadien, se arreglan solo cabrones’ and giving them the fucking look™️
i just him coming to find you and being like, craddling you and sitting on the couch and having you settled in his lap
pushing your hair out of your of your face and placing it behind your ear and kissing your forehead gently
asking you what’s wrong in this cooing tone and just !!! eye contact !!! he wants you to know that hes truly there with you; not just physically but he’s emotionally spending this time with you i am crying
long walks out in sinaloa, like holding hands or with his arm wrapped around you and quiet whispers, him kissing the back of your hand constantly
like i can see you prompting that like, he’s freaking the fuck out about something and just as he’s starting to rage you’re like sabes que vamonos a caminar and i just 
so imma fucking do these two together because they give me the same vibes and their love language would be acts of service as fuck
so acts of service focus on “easing a burden” and i swear these men would make it their live’s mission to make your life as easy as possible 
they make you a fucking priority, they are the ones that if you need them without question they are dropping shit and coming to get you 
any responsibility they can take on for you and you let them oof they will jump on that shit immediately 
bringing in the groceries and they’re like NO NO NO MI REINA YO TE AYUDO and by ayudo he means you’re not lifting a finger again like... actually become playfully offended if you bring your own groceries in 
“amor, mi carr-” dont even have to finish the fucking sentence they’re already up and out to look at it 
“me haces un favorcito” and there is no way that the answer to it is no; no matter what comes after it, they will be like FUCKING YE S!!!
is it the stupidest thing like can you go get me my favorite ice cream bebe and um yeah they’re already gone 
and you doing acts of service for them has them falling in love with you all over again 
like could you imagine, you wake up early to make him breakfast because you know he’s going to go somewhere important and is leaving earlier than usual
and like he comes into the kitchen and you give them a little sleepy smile in your pjs as you serve them breakfast they would be d y i n g 
“no, bebe, no mi amor hermosa” in like disbelief as they come to pick you up and kiss you i’m not okay
this man is a literal motherfucking baby so he needs all the love but if i had to pin point a specific one for him it would be words of affirmation 
words of affirmation focuses on words that build security in the relationship and god is that what ramon fucking needs
the amount of times that you need to grab his face and probably bring him down to face you because he’s a tol bby and tell him that he’s doing enough fucking wow 
the amount of times you have to reassure him that’s he’s not just the stupid ass younger brother 
celebrating when he doesn’t fuckign do a pendejada or when he doesn’t go rage and kill someone 
but another reason i chose this one for him is because it also involves bragging and like building someone up in public and dear god ramon would never fucking stop talking about you 
if you did anything for him he’s telling everyone he encounters for the next four years about “mi novia es un angel, pinshi chulada que me cuida”
god forbid you dress up because he’s out here GASSING YOU UP about how gorgeous you look
and the way he knows you’re there is having that physical contact with you 
when he’s really going through it, you’re never out of his reach; he needs to be holding your hand, have his arm wrapped around you, 
i just how would you cure a sad or grumpy min?? literally just put your hand on his shoulder or like grab at his arm and he’s already instantly calming down 
just pouting at him with arms open and grabby hands for him to come hug you and he’s literally melting in your arms
holding benjamin, just the idea of it has me crying in the club like 
it could be when you’re hugging him and he is like leaning on your, and he’s putting his head in your neck and you’re just holding his head and rubbing his back as you like sh sh sh him 
or in bed like you’re in bed when he comes home and he’s visibly not okay so just reaching out your hand for him and him curling up to your chest
and benjamin being physically affectionate towards you like he doesn’t even have to think about it 
he can’t leave the house without giving you a goodbye kiss, it’s physically impossible for him to leave
whenever you come to see him, he’s automatically moving from wherever he is and moving beside you
just him bringing you into his chest and kissing the top of his head
likes standing with you having your arms wrapped around his torso i 
mi bebe you see also recieving gifts but another vibe to it 
he’s the one that buys you little things from wherever he’s been like coming home with twice as much shit as he left with 
and him being like “es que esto me hizo pensar en como...” and listing off all these stupid little things and how they made him think of you 
like this dude would be like but this is the color dress you were wearing on like your 3rd date 
this is the album that has that one song that we fucked to that one night in ensenada, no not that time the other time 
he’s such a fucking emo he would be the one writing you fucking love letters to send home and even when everyone else is shitting on him for it, he’s still there writing away about how much he missed you
the guys are like “la puedes llamar pendejo???” and he’s like “ ES QUE NO ENTIENDED CABRONES “ and him getting all fucking poetico 
could you imagine leaving him little notes for him to find; like in his shirts or in his car or literally anywhere
and when he finds it he goes so fucking heart eyes and never lets it go
will read it so many times he fucking memorizes it, keeps it with him at all times like he has a collection of all the notes you’ve ever written him i am 
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mermaidxatxheart · 4 years
Paint Me a Memory Chapter Fourteen
I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted in this story. I hope you like this chapter, it’s going to be text mixed in with pictures. (Edit: I suck. additions are at the bottom. Eek.)
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Mood board made for me by @captainsteveevans​
Warnings: fluff, swearing, mentions of crying, the usual suspects.
Series Master List
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Chapter Fourteen
 I try not to crowd you, I try not to hover, but it’s hard. Being around you is addicting. I left you last night with a heavy heart, full of regret at not kissing you. 
 But it wouldn’t have been right. You were distracted by something on your phone, and although I think you flirt, I’m not sure how serious it is. You’re important to me and if I’m given the chance to do this, I want to do it right.
 “Bucky?” You start, looking over at me. Your face full of worry.
“Yeah?” I ask, pulling up in front of my studio. 
 “Did you mean what you said yesterday? About my stuff being good?” You ask and I frown. 
 “Absolutely. I don’t...” I park and look at you. “It’s hard to believe, when you feel the way you do right now, it’s hard to believe the good things. Our minds are constantly trying to bring us down, make us think we’re not good enough.” I cup your face gently, hoping you’re really listening. “But I promise you, you are good enough. I did mean what I said. You’ve developed your talent into an amazingly impressive skill. You’ve mastered more mediums, more styles than anyone I’ve met. And you keep pushing yourself to do more. If you keep going, you’re going to catch up to Da Vinci himself.” My thumb strokes your soft cheek. “I promise, I’ll never lie to you about anything. I’ll always give you an honest opinion about anything you want.”
 Your hands clutch at my wrists as you squeeze your eyes shut. “Thank you.” You whisper. I carefully kiss your forehead and pull away before I do something to make a fool of myself. 
 We head inside the same as before and this time you get right to work. You strip out of your coat and pick up the mallet and chisel. 
 Something feels different today. You were excited about the snack, but then you turned into this stress ball. I could boil it down to the rejection letter you got that prompted all of this, but I feel like there’s more to it. Rejection is a part of this business and I don’t feel like you’re the type of person to let that get you down. Maybe it’s whatever is going on with your professor. I don’t like the thought of you doubting yourself. Let alone someone else making you doubt yourself. I’ve seen your work, and you basically called that stuff your bottom tier work. If those are your worst displays, I’d love to see your best. I bet it would be like standing in front of the Mona Lisa herself. 
 I set my playlist, a softer collection of songs this time. It seems more fitting, considering your mood. I wish I could help you. 
 “How do you feel about pizza for dinner?” I asked, leaning against the bench next to you.
 “That’s fine.” You shrug. 
 “Sausage and mushrooms?”
 “And spinach?” You ask apprehensively. 
 “You got it. How do you feel about wings?”
 “Hopeful.” You reply. 
 I chuckle. “Understood.” I wander away, letting you work. I putter around, avoiding any actual work. I wander up to the loft and do some pushups to work off some energy, but the whole time I’m listening to you work. 
 Yesterday, you sang along with every song that came on, but there’s no humming from you today. I walk back down just as you stop hammering. Your shoulders are hunched, hands braced in front of you. 
 “Y/N?” I start, coming around to see you. “Did you hit your fingers again, doll?” I ask, but I didn’t hear any swearing. You’re usually louder when you do that.
 “No.” You grumble. 
 “What’s wrong?” I gently take your elbow and you twist towards me. Your eyebrows are pinched together, your chin dimples as you crush your lips together. You look ready to cry. 
 “You don’t have to work on this today, sweetheart. We can just hang out, watch movies and talk.” I say. You nod, your lower lip starting to tremble. “C’mere.” I hold my arms out and you step between them, pressing your face into my chest. Your arms tighten around my waist as I hug you tightly. I gently rub your back, but that only seems to break the dam a little bit more.
 “Come on. Get your coat.” I tell you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
 “Where are we going?” You ask, wiping your eyes. 
 “My place. I have a TV there, we’ll be more comfortable.” I say and you nod, turning to grab your coat. I notice your phone on the counter light up with a phone call from PQ.
 “Your phone’s ringing,” I call to you.
 “Decline. If it’s that important, they’ll leave a message. And my roommates text in the group chat so everyone can know my business.” You sigh. 
 “Have you told them what’s going on?” I ask.
 “They know most of it. How I keep getting rejected.” You shrug, flipping your hair out of your coat. 
 “How about the part you’re not telling me? Anyone you feel comfortable with talking to about that?” I ask, handing your phone to you and you flush red.
 “You know about that?” You ask.
 “I know enough about you to know you’re not telling me everything. And that’s okay. It’s your business. But I think that you should talk to someone. Maybe they’ll have some insight and advice on how to handle it. You don’t have to carry the weight of this alone.” I say and you gesture me closer. I smile, leaning towards you, and you peck my cheek.
 “You’re really smart. I don’t care what anyone else says about you.” You grin and I roll my eyes.
 “Glad to see you’re feeling better,” I mutter.
 “I’ll talk to Gamora. She’s the most level headed of my friends. The one voted most likely to listen first, ask questions second and shoot third.” You admit, following me over to the front door. 
 “Good. I hope she can help you.” I unlock my car and you climb in quietly. Your phone lights up in your lap.
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  “Are you sure you don’t need to answer that? They seem really persistent.” I aim my car towards my condo.
 “Positive. It’s just my professor. I yelled at him today, told him basically to fuck off and leave me alone. I understand he’s trying to help me, but honestly, the sight of his name on my phone makes me want to cunt punt him across campus.” You shake your head, rubbing your face. 
 “That’s a new expression.” I chuckle. But inside I’m seething. I’m liking this guy less and less with everything you tell me about him. “What’s your professor’s name? Has he published anything? Maybe I’ve heard of him.” I say and you roll your eyes. 
 “Peter Quill. And I doubt you’ll have heard of him. If he has anything published it was way before my time.” You mutter.
 I park in the garage and wait for you to join me on the other side. You link your arm with mine, head resting on my shoulder. 
 “Thank you.” You say softly. 
 “I didn’t do anything, doll.” I shrug. 
 “You aren’t judging me, and you didn’t get mad that I didn’t want to talk.”
 “I’m here to listen if you want to, and of course, I won’t judge you. But I also realize that we haven’t known each other long, and I can appreciate that you might not feel completely comfortable talking to me. I’ve met enough artistic people to know how tight-lipped they can be.” I look down at you, jabbing the button for the elevator. “You don’t owe me a thank you for being a decent human being.”
 You make a little noise in the back of your throat as we step into the elevator. “Bucky Barnes, you just may be perfect.” You mutter, burying your face in the fabric of my coat.
 “Nah. Just raised right,” I say, but my face flushes at your words. Your phone dings again and you glance at it for barely a second. “Him again?”
 “Roommates. Talking about what’s for dinner.” You shrug, turning the sound off before it can ding again.
 “You don’t have to mute it,” I say, leading you out of the elevator towards my door. 
 “It’ll get annoying. My three idiots can never agree on anything. Pete wants Mexican always, MJ wants Chinese, Mora wants something completely different. They’ll argue back and forth for a while until I jump in and remind them that they can each get their own thing delivered.” You roll your eyes and I laugh. “They’re a mess.”
 “They sound like fun. I’d love to meet them.” I say, unlocking my front door and letting you go in.
 “I’m sure you will. They won’t let this one go. And I’m sure Pete will love the chance to threaten you.” You shrug out of your coat and I hang it up on the coat rack. 
 “Make your self at home. Movies are over on the shelf.” I tell you, heading for the kitchen. “Want anything?”
 “Do you have coffee creamer?” You ask and I look at you curiously. 
 “You want to drink coffee creamer? Like, by itself?”
 You laugh, face scrunched up in the most adorable way. “No, but if you have some, I’d love some coffee.”
 “Ah. That makes much more sense.” I grin, pulling down the coffee grounds. 
 “Do I wanna drink coffee creamer?” You scoff. “You’re a strange guy, Barnes. A strange guy.”
 I chuckle, glancing back at you as you move around my space. I like seeing you here more than I should, probably, for having known you for such a short amount of time.
 “You have three copies of each Lord of the Rings movies.” You say, pointing at the shelf and turning to look at me. 
 “I do, limited edition, ultimate edition, and the anniversary edition,” I say with a grin. “They’re some of my favorite movies.” 
 “The art is stunning in it.” You agree and I swear I could kiss you. “I know what I want to watch.” You say, pulling the Fellowship off the shelf. 
 “You’re a goddess,” I mutter. 
 You grin and set it on the back of the couch. “Bathroom?”
 “Down that hallway. To the left.” I start cleaning up my dishes from this morning as you walk away, humming Beyoncé’s Irreplaceable. I chuckle to myself. 
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Chapter Fifteen
Everything Tag List:
@everythingisoverrated​ @psyched2b​ @shreddedparchment​ @bitsandbobsandstuff​ @after-avenging-hours​ @alexblrus​ @thinkingsofamadwoman​ @i-dont-want-to-be-called​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @fortheloveofallthatsholy​ @crazychaotic​ @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​ @pleasureoftheguiltiestvariety​ @redstarstan​ @justreadingfics​ @themistsofmyavalon​ @wkemeup​ @thiccbinch​ @glide-thru​ @elliee1497​ @ellaenchanted91​ @part-time-patronus​ @janeyboo​ @jensensjaredsandmishaslover​ @thirstybitchqueen​ @xxloki81xx​ @stuckonjbbarnes​ @browngirlmagic​ @geeksareunique​ @nicoleplacee​ @lexshead​ @gambitsqueen​ @sebbbystaaan​ @lokisironthrone​ @imanuglywombat​ @also-fangirlinsweden​
Paint Me a Memory Tag List:
@katshrev​ @pantrashtic​ @buckysmischief​ @pinnedandneedled​ @estillion14​ @alagalaska​ @seduce-me-with-your-weirdness​ @i-dont-want-to-get-out-of-bed​ @fandom-addict-aesthetics​ @voltage-my2dlove​ @flyawayprincess​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @what-is-your-plan-today​ @matsumama​ @afterlaughter27​ @lilliannaansalla​ @superavengerpotterstar​ 
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This Week in Gundam Wing July 26 - 01 August 2020
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
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~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Unraveled https://archiveofourown.org/works/25379161
F/M, Trowa Barton/Reader
Trowa Barton, Reader
Romance, Fluff, Reader-Insert, Bathing/Washing, ritual bathing
His little witch, he mused with a slight tilt of lips. Even after years of being with you, he still couldn’t get enough of watching you.
Tonight, he vowed, he would keep you company while you bathed.
Lazy Day https://archiveofourown.org/works/25379695
F/M, Heero Yuy/Reader
Heero Yuy, Reader
Romance, Lemon, Lime, Reader-Insert
You would enjoy this day. Every minute of it. And, you vowed, you would have a repeat of it in New York.
Twenty Kisses (Ch. 6 & 7) https://archiveofourown.org/works/24038704/chapters/61620076
F/M, Heero Yuy/Reader
Heero Yuy, Reader
Romance, Kissing, Drabble Collection, Reader-Insert
Kissing Heero is something special.
Deadly Intent https://archiveofourown.org/works/25576657/chapters/62069890
F/M, Heero/Reader, ???/Reader
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, Lady Une, Relena Peacecraft, Reader
Reader Insert, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Drama, Angst, Romance, Violence, Lime
Eleven years is a long time for a ghost to come back and haunt him. But Heero Yuy finds himself unable to dodge or outrun it. It’s the start of a dangerous cat and mouse game between one of the most powerful organizations in the world and a loner who has every intention of dragging him down with her. After all, she has come with deadly intent.
Emergence (Ch. 12) https://archiveofourown.org/works/13322880/chapters/62023231
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, Sally Po
Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, borrowers fusion but don't call them borrowers, disturbing themes like people trafficking from the bad guys, Size Difference, Will probably be a series, alternate canon events, Macro/Micro
Series: Part 1 of Emergence Series
When the war ended, things went a little strange. First, Duo vanished after never having let them see him in person. Then, years later, a tiny race of people are discovered. And that's just the start of things.
LAM!Verse https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/625293600094355456/private-island-location-redacted-fiji-south
Private Island [location redacted]
Fiji, South Pacific
14 August 211
Une and Sally arrived on-island to blue skies, a functioning jeep, and a personal escort by Lucrezia Noin.
perryvic & Zaganthi (Caffiends)
All Go Unto Once Place https://archiveofourown.org/works/25520368
M/M, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada
Treize Khushrenada, Quatre Raberba Winner,  Change Wufei
Cameos, Anxiety, Mental Health Issues, Aftermath of Torture, ZERO System (Gundam Wing), Alternate Universe - Stargate Atlantis Fusion
He chose the study because it was formal and the least used room in the house, and brought in coffee and water because he needed something to do with his hands. "I'm sorry to request the house call. I haven't been in a reliable enough state to leave the house."
"I quite understand," Bedelia murmured. "Is this the place you feel most comfortable talking?"
He took the coffee and sat in one of the low overstuffed reading chairs rather than at the desk. "Yes. I, what we discussed a couple of weeks ago, you know. Surprising only to me, apparently, it went terribly." He cradled the coffee, watching her select where to sit, posture and movement impeccable as ever.
Higurashi https://archiveofourown.org/works/25592344#main
Heero Yuy 
Higurashi = Mundane life, living hand-to-mouth. This is a VERY old fic of my (from 2008...), about what life might have been like for Heero after the war.
The Manwell
The Silencer and the Sicarian (Ch. 1 & 2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/25478938/chapters/61805053
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei/Solo
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, Solo (Gundam Wing), Hilde Schbeiker, Catherine Bloom, Kyouju H | Instructor H
Additional Tags: Wufei POV, Duo POV, Trowa POV, Solo POV
Series: Part 4 of The Brothers Maxwell
It was just one vow. A simple but necessary promise to respect life -- both human and fey -- but can Duo hold to it when his resolve is put to the ultimate test?
@tziganecaffiends & Zaganthi (Caffiends)
Dust to Dust https://archiveofourown.org/works/25519633/chapters/61915789
M/M, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada
Treize Khushrenada, Chang Wufei, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Duo Maxwell
Domestic Fluff, Bondage, bottom Treize, Mental Instability, Mental Health Issues, Aftermath of Violence, Aftermath of Torture, Rape Aftermath, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Kidnapping, Subspace, Subdrop, Diplomacy, Alternate Universe - Stargate Atlantis Fusion, ZERO System (Gundam Wing), Graphic Dipictions of Violence
It was unbearable, it was too much, and his heart was trying its best to jump out of his chest. Treize managed to get his knees pulled up, and pressed his forehead against them, struggling to breathe as the anxiety crawled up from his gut and clenched around his heart. Not there, anywhere but there, and he'd been fine seeing it in ZERO, not fine, but okay, livable, but being there, smelling the familiar antiseptic hell and must of the place, took his legs out from under him.
He could play forward on all of the other scenarios he hadn't wanted to explore, and he knew when that door opened it wasn't going to be Wufei. It was never going to be what he'd wanted, no matter hard he'd played at it back home with Wufei.
Fanart/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Raccoon!Trowa, and other cute surprises.
WuFei Chang
Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton
Heero & Doktor S
Relena & Catherine
Relena & Heero
Relena Darlian/Peacecraft
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
GW T-shirts
Zechs Merquise
Heero & Duo silhouettes
For scale - Heero & Duo silhouettes
Head Canons:
GW Fashion Mix - Day Off : Duo, Heero, Trowa, WuFei, Quatre
Fandom Discourse:
Discord Meet-up! 0900 EST on both Saturday (August 29) and Sunday (August 30)
Iria & Rashid
Duo at Trowa
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, August 7th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/625255859848642560/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-august
In need of SUMMER & FALL/AUTUMN prompts!
GW OC October 2020!
Help pick out prompts! https://gwoc-october.tumblr.com/post/621130082429337600/hello-gundam-wing-folks-thats-right-gw-oc
Summer of Hilde!
Check the page today! The full prompt list was set to post at 10AM!
We also have an AO3 collection now! Come check it out. https://seasons-of-gundamwing.tumblr.com/post/624191236146855936/seasons-of-gundam-wing-archive
Events Calendar
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
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moonguilt · 5 years
random klance and adashi headcanons? 🥺🤲
i have been meaning to put some grocery shopping headcanons out there… so here u go (plenty more beneath the cut as well):
-when keith and lance are falling in love and in their honeymoon phase with each other, they jump at the opportunity to go grocery shopping together because a) they wanna spend every moment with each other, and b) it’s domestic af and it makes them feel like they Have Something
-once they’ve been together a while, the novelty wears off and the laziness kicks in and they both try to find increasingly ridiculous ways to get the other person to go shopping without them
-keith usually goes for willful/feigned ignorance: “what kind of toothpaste did you say you wanted?” like 4 separate times, and then “idk they all look the same to me, i usually just grab whatever” and when lance inevitably goes on a tirade about the importance of his Very Specific brand and flavor, keith concludes with a “maybe you should buy it in person if you want to be sure you get the right one”
-lance’s tactic neglects logos and instead relies on pathos: “keeeith i am so tired” “keeeith my toes are still so cold from the walk home” “i promise i’ll go next time keith pleeeaase kosmo is in my lap and he’s so comfy look at him keith look. we are having a bonding moment keith dont interrupt us”
-when lance REALLY wants something Very Specific and is genuinely worried that keith will mess it up, he will give in to keith’s strategy and just go shopping himself, but 90% of the time keith is a Weak man and lance always gives him a big toothy grin and a kiss whenever he agrees so honestly you can’t blame him
-also it gives him a chance to restock his emergency midnight snack lunchables stash without lance giving him the “you are a grown man and my mamá gave me so many good recipes for us to try out and yet you choose to bring this under our roof” lecture (even though keith is sure that he bought 5 packs last time and only ate 3 of them but now their pantry is mysteriously devoid of lunchables, which means somebody in this house is lying about their disdain for lunchables)
-but ANYWAY sometimes they still actually do go to the store together just like old times and when they do:
-taking turns doing the thing where you run and put your weight on the back of the shopping cart and let it glide-(getting caught doing exactly that by an employee and being told off for it after they nearly knock over a chef boyardee can display)
-choosing an item on the list that they have no idea where to find & racing each other to see who can find it first
-“do you see this toothpaste keith. do you see this? can you see the name? can you read the flavor? you see how it says ‘for sensitive teeth’? do you see it?”-“considering you are practically shoving it down my throat, yes.”-“well then maybe your esophagus will be able to remember it for you next time you go shopping”
-keith grabbing the last pack of rainbow gold fish bc they are his favorite-toddler wanted those goldfish & starts crying-”ah shit fuck hey hey hey uhhh” cue keith turning a desperate look toward lance bc he Does Not Know how tf to handle small crying child-lance is like “dude, baby, sweetheart, my man, just give him the goldfish we can get the regular ones”-but keiths like?? bitch?? i got these first?? also im gay and these are my pride fish?? dont be homophobic-lance is about to argue with him abt it but then the kid’s mom gets involved and is like “how could you make my baby cry he’s just a kid let him have his goldfish dont be selfish”-you’ve activated Protective Lance mode-“um okay first of all, rude, keith got them first. second of all, this isnt even healthy for your kid. THIRD of all these are rainbow colored and keith is gay so maybe dont be homophobic??”-things escalate and keith and lance nearly throw down with karen and little jimmy in the snack aisle-they savor every last one of those fucking rainbow goldfish later that night, just out of pure gay spite
-lance spending several minutes inspecting individual broccoli stalks meticulously to make sure they buy only the very best-he narrows it down to two but keeps debating between them until keith comes up behind him and slumps against his back, wrapping his arms around lance’s waist and muttering something about how cold the produce aisle is-lance makes a snarky comment about keith being a whiny baby & keith retaliates by slipping his freezing fingers under lance’s shirt, prompting a startled yelp and giving keith the opportunity to pluck a broccoli stalk from lance’s hand and put it in the cart
-“okay, while we’re here, let’s grab a cucumber for the salad”-“gotcha, one cucumber coming right up–.. hey.. hey, keith, this one kinda looks like a–hehehe–hey keith, do you think i could–hnnkeehehe–do you think i could fit this one up–”-“oh my god”-“what do you say keith–you, me, this cucumber, a bottle of wine–”-“alright im getting on line.”-“wait wait babe im kidding come back let me put the cucumber in the cart”-“NO go get a different one, i am NOT letting that one anywhere near our salad”
-selfies with the local Stop & Shop robot. lance thinks it’s kind of creepy but keith thinks it’s cute and lance thinks that’s cute, so
-“lance we left the reusable bags in the car”-“quiznak. well that’s okay, we can just use plastic bags this one time and i’ll make sure we put them to good use at home so it’s not wastefu–”-“no. we paid money for our bags. we have to use them. i’ll be right back”-“keith we parked way down on the other side of the–oh my god KEITH WATCH OUT FOR THAT OLD LADY holy shit SLOW DOWN oh my god man”
-keith tries to sneak those storebought sugar cookies, you know the clear-boxed ones that they always put out front with holiday-colored frosting and sprinkles, into their cart-“keith what is with your obsession with processed food”-“it was all had to eat when i was living alone in the desert”---“baby that is very sad and you know i empathize with your tragic anime backstory but put those godawful abominations back or so help me”
-only, keith isn’t the only one who likes processed food
-yeah, another reason keith is so used to it is because even after he started living with shiro, he kept eating that junk because that’s all shiro ever ate too
-shiro is a slut for kraft mac & cheese
-this presents a problem for him and adam, because adam loves spicy food and loves to make spicy food for shiro to eat
-but shiro is a big baby, and due to his inability to cook and his subsequent reliance on kraft & campbell’s & top ramen, he basically has white people taste buds
-adam is scandalized when he learns this the hard way after finding shiro nearly in tears over his half-eaten serving of dum aloo
-adam promptly declares that shiro needs a culinary intervention and they have been working towards the recovery of his palate ever since
-shiro is a creature of habit though, and he will try to convince adam to let them buy kraft mac & cheese whenever they go to the store together (which is often because unlike keith and lance, they never got tired of it and they still consider it a romantic domestic activity to this day. they’re just gay like that)
-when keith and shiro have their “broganights” together they indulge in all their crappy processed comfort food, much to the consternation of lance and adam, who bond over their shared exasperation and begrudging affection for their respective partners
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rorynne · 5 years
Of Geese and Men
Square: College @clintbartonbingo
Rating: G
Warning: Fluff, Geese, Goose harassment. College au, Physics Homework
Pairing: Clint Barton/Reader
A/n: This is also part of @geosaurusrrex 2k milestone event with the prompt  “I need your homework because a goose ate mine. DONT ASK HOW”
Summary:  You were having an average day until Clint Barton decides to harass a goose.
You sat in the cafeteria eating your lunch and reading a book as you waited for your next class. It had been a rather typical day until a very wet, tall, vaguely familiar blond man approached you. You damn near jumped out of your skin when he slammed his hands down on the table, dripping water all over it. “You’re in Pym’s applied physics class.” He stated more than asked, which only served to confuse you more at his state. “I need your help.”
You blinked at the man, moving your things away from his dripping form as you tried to piece together what the hell was going on. “What?” was all that you managed to say to the man, completely dumbfounded. You had too many questions to know what to even begin to ask.
He huffed, carding his hand through his short hair. “I need your homework because a goose ate mine.”
Homework? Geese? What the hell was he even talking about? You shook your head, still reeling from the shock of it all, “How?”
“Don’t ask how!” He groaned, rubbing his face. “It’s a long story. I just need your homework, I’ve been doing the bare minimum in Pym’s class and I can’t afford to take a zero on it.” Slowly, things started to piece together. You remembered seeing him occasionally, rarely even, in your physics class, albeit in a much drier state. Clint was his name if you remembered correctly. But that wasn’t what mattered at the moment, instead, you were more focused on something else.
“We had homework?!” You squeaked out as you scrambled to take out your course syllabus from your bag.
“You’re kidding,” Clint said in horrified disbelief. “You’re the only person who even pays attention in his class. How could you not know? He assigned it a month ago.” You shot him a glare as the syllabus confirmed his claims. Two full chapters of course work due the day of the first test. You wanted to vomit. You had been working your ass off to get on the Dean’s list this semester. But now all of your efforts felt wasted, all because of one little mistake. If you weren’t so shocked, you’d cry.
Clint seemed to notice your distress, quickly changing his entire demeanor. “Hey, it’s okay.” He reassured. “It’s gonna be okay. We’ve got, what, two hours til Pym’s class?” He glanced at the clock on the wall, confirming the time with a nod. Looking back down at you, he picked up your bag from the table, “Come on, let’s get down to the library. We’ve got this.”
You looked at him, incredulous, was he seriously implying the two of you could get through a month’s worth of course work in two hours? You could count the number of times you had seen him in class on one hand. Did he even have any idea on how to properly do the homework? “You can’t seriously think we can complete two chapters in two hours.”
He shrugged, “It’s only one chapter if we split the work.” The way he said it made it seem like the easiest thing in the world. And strangely, you found yourself wanting to believe it. “Come on sweetheart, we don’t have all day, and neither of us wants our grades to tank right?”
You took a deep breath, “You’re right. And partial credit is better than no credit anyway.” You stood up and collected your things. “But,” you said, taking your bag from him. “I think the library has a wetness rule or two.”
He smiled sheepishly and surrendered your bag with a chuckle. “You make a fair point. I’ll meet you there. Just take what ever chapter you like more. I’ll take the scraps.” You nodded in response and hurried to the library as Clint dealt with his wet clothing.
It only took about ten minutes for Clint to join you in the library, much to your surprise. “What, did you sprint to the dorms? They’re at least 15 minutes away.” You commented, looking over Clint’s much drier form as he sat down.
He shook his head, his hair still noticeably damp. “I keep a spare change of clothes in my gym locker.”
You have him a look, “Does stuff like this happen often?” You questioned, vaguely concerned for the man’s life choices.
He took a deep breath, puffing out his cheeks before exhaling slowly. “More often than I’d care to admit.” He said before craning his neck over to see what you were working on. A smile spread across his lips as he read the chapter you were on. “You left me the trajectory chapter then?”
You looked down at your book and nodded, “Uh, yeah. I figured I would just start with the easier chapter.”
“Sweetheart, your gonna have to look at me when you talk.” He said, tapping his ear. “The lake water ruined my hearing aids.”
If his statement wasn’t so bizarre, you might have been embarrassed by your small blunder. “Excuse me, Lake water? What the hell did you exactly do?” You knew he had to have gotten wet somehow, but you didn’t expect it to be in the school lake. But then, there was a goose involved.
Clint rubbed the back of his neck, turning slightly pink. “My friend Tony bet me five hundred bucks to try to steal one of the goose’s eggs,” he said, playing with his pencil, not looking at you. “I, uh, didn’t expect the goose to be so mean.”
You stifled a laugh, “You didn’t- Have you ever seen a goose before?” You asked between giggles. “Mean is all a goose knows how to be.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He said, still pink-faced, but smiling before nudging you with his elbow. “I’m glad you got to have a good laugh out of it. I’ll be sure to tell you about some of my other adventures next time.” You had to admit, you were a little curious to hear what other trouble he had managed to get himself into. It seemed like a common occurrence for him.
“Maybe after we get this done.” You smiled pointing to your book. “You said it yourself, we don’t have much time to lose.”
“Alright then, consider it a date.” He said with a wink making your heart flutter before he opened his own, waterlogged, book. Part of you wanted to ask if he was joking about the date, but he spoke up before you could. “Let’s get this show on the road.” He grinned. You gave him a nod before filing your question away for later and turning your focus to your work.
The pair fo you quickly lost track of time between flirty banter and physics equations. You liked Clint. More than you expected to like someone who had rushed up to you dripping wet and demanding help. Actually, you liked him a lot more than you expected to like anyone you had just met. He was funny and deceptively smart for a man who was supposedly on the verge of failing the class.
He finished his work long before you finished yours, claiming trajectories to be easy thanks to his experience with archery. Which was something he clearly loved far more than any of the classes he was taking. You could listen to him talk about it for hours with the way his face lit up when he did. He really had no business being as interesting as he was, you decided.
He was checking your work when you heard him swear. You looked up from your notes to see him scrambling to get his things together. “What’s going on?” You asked, eyes wide at his distress.
“We’re half an hour late to class!” He said, stuffing your work into your book and closing it, pushing it into your arms. Book in hand, you jumped up as if you had been electrocuted.
“Shit. Pym isn’t going to let us into class!” You swore as you collected your things and hurried after Clint.
“Don’t worry about it.” He said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you along with him. “I’ll just pick the lock. Just stick to the back row and he won’t notice.”
“Where the hell did you learn how to pick locks?” You asked as he pushed open the door to the physics building.
“A guy gets bored. I thought we already covered that I make questionable life choices.” Clint said quickly before stopping in front of an open classroom door, mouth agape.
You stopped next to him, eyes landing on a paper posted to the door frame. Phys 114, it read, canceled for the day. Signed Professor Pym. You stared at it dumbstruck. “All of that rushed work was for nothing?”
“Not for nothing.” Clint shrugged with a bob of his head. “If I recall, we did get a date out of the deal.”
You blinked and gave a small scoff of surprised laughter. “You were really serious about that?”
Clint frowned disappointment clear on his face, “Did you… Did you not want to?”
“No!” You objected, “No it’s not that! I’d love to have a date with you. I just thought- It doesn’t matter what I thought. I would love a date. Just, maybe with no geese.”
Clint broke into a wide grin that made your heart flutter. “Can’t make any promises about that sweetheart. I did promise you stories about my adventures.”
You giggled as smiled, “Someone needs to protect the school’s goose population from you.”
“From me?!” He asked with false offense, lips turned up with laughter. “They ate my homework!”
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thecrowsjoker · 5 years
Before you read, major Persona 5 R spoilers so please just skip this if you don't want spoilers
Also please note the tags!
Please Enjoy these delicious pancakes and have a good day (spoilers below pancakes) 🥞
Tumblr media
So Im probably putting my foot into it by saying that a relationship with Goro should have been tucked away near the end of the P5r.
And by that I mean you have to meet certain conditions.
Example list
You can't romance any of the girls
You must max out all confidents with Goro's being the last one
This will prompt Goro saying "I've noticed that your quite popular with the ladies (Last name), is there no one that catches your eye?) to which it prompts you to confess," I like Goro" or to simply just say" I'm not interested"
Option two- oh I see *disappointed sprite* game then resumes like normal.
Option One- *surprised sprite* wait, I dont quite understand
(Game prompt: this is an important decision. Your relationship with this confident might change depending on your answer)
Option 2- "I'm joking"
Goro- oh *fake smile sprite* very funny Joker
Option 1- I like you Goro, I want to be with you
Goro- *startled sprite quickly replaced by depressed sprite* why now, why after everything I've done, how can you just-
(player can move in to hold Goro or to simply listen to the rest of Goro's speech)
Uninterrupted- Goro- I hurt so many people I don't deserve this, you deserve someone who's not broken.
Prompt- I want you
Prompt--I love you
Protagonist moves in to embrace Goro
Goro- *flustered sprite* what is this feeling? *annoyed sprite with blush* damn you Joker...
(Loki and Robin Hood fuse)
Goro monlogue: I don't know if these feelings are mine or yours. But I do know that I want to fight with you till the end...
Afterwards- Akira moves closer to Goro
Goro-! Ah! Your really close...
Blackout screen
Goro- Joker... Thank you- I...
(you spent a long time with Goro)
Option with sudden hug
Goro-! Ah, hey your...
*sprite with clenched eyes*
Goro- how can you suddenly just bring down my walls like nothing
Prompt 1- it's because you love me
Prompt 2-...
Prompt 1- Goro- *cheerful sprite* who made you such a good detective? *wink sprite* I guess the roles are reversed now.
Prompt- Your pretty good at stealing hearts Crow
Prompt 2-...
Goro- *sigh* to think this would end like this.
Goro- *embraces Akira back* I want to choose my own destiny. The future with you... by my side.
(Loki and Robin Hood fuse)
Goros monologue- I understand now. Its not weak to rely on others, thank you.- ill use this power to shape my own destiny... Our destiny.
Goro- hey is it okay if you hold me just a little while longer?
You spent a long time with Akechi.
Yea so I know it's a long example but this completely negates the fact that it's suddenly just an option. You'd have to jump through a few hoops in order to get with Goro. Also it gives you the option to stay single without any consequences to the story.
I know some people are against Goro x Akira and I can understand why people would be pissed if this was the only slash option.
But you got to understand that no other boy in P5 is used for gain more than Goro. His life was hell to begin with. His whole life up until he meets Akira is just built on the only emotion he knows hate.
And then comes Akira, and Goro is literally torn between hating him and wanting to be around him.
Akira brings out emotions Goro's never felt before, like flies, he tries to swat them away but they always reappear.
It shouldn't matter that they are both male.
Goro deserves to be loved and Akira very canonically loves him.
Love shouldn't just be exclusive to male and female, it should be just be accepted for what it is.
It's not for the sake of adding more options, its not celebrating diversity. People shouldnt be rewarded for just throwing scraps to an audience and give them a "maybe it's canon" because in WHAT way is it fair to add multiple girls to romance but do nothing about the actual relationship that is one of the core story points?
Goro and Akira are in love.
Akira is in love with the real Akechi Goro, not the plastic fake on TV. He's in love with the scarred boy who was used and abused for far to long.
Goro never had a forever home until he met Akira and despite the good, the bad and the ugly, Akira took Goro into his heart and gave him a home at long last.
Ps-I'm so sorry this has been such a long post but I'm just so emotionally drained with it all.
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craftmanatee · 4 years
Dread X Collection 3 Games Review
Once again, my friend and I have played through a new Dread X collection and I would like to make a short concise review for each game including the Hub area. We each played 1 game resulting in 6 each. The order of games reviewed is not the recommended order to play as we went on a very simple roundabout on the graveyard, and the games have a strong sense of quality unlike Dread X Collection 2 which had many great quality games and many low quality games.
Lets go!
Game X: The Castle (A bit unremarkable)
Scare Type: Cute
Player: My friend
The castle in some way is a step back from the awesomeness of the house. As it proceeds with forced dialogue cutscenes with your character and a ghost character that possesses in you. The puzzles and areas are also larger and more spread out and easier than the house. The Dialogue cutscene itself even give the idea to not compare the two, which is understandable. But let me tell YOU that I enjoyed the house more than I did the Castle (Even if it was not I who was doing the Castle Bit), so even if they are different, one was in my opinion better than the other.
The forced Dialogue cutscenes weren't to bad. The Voice Acting was not bad. Its rather the script and subjecting the player to sit through it. Its not the most fun to sit through and could have been handled better. In the house, a dialogue still happened but you were still free to move around while listening to the pre-recorded message. The ghost possessing you could have done the same with you, but instead this YOU is a character that must go into a dialogue and stop your gameplay.
The STYLE of the castle is where I think it wins the best. The very cute spooky aesthetic is great, and hold a lot of details we noticed near the end of the game. Like the paintings being famous paintings, replacing the characters of the paintings to goofy ghosts. Time passing between each game is also a great detail, making the castle ever so slightly different all the way to night time. I love the castle for this.
We quickly figured out that the theme for this Dread X collection was not just Cute and spooky, but also the inevitability of death.
Nate Berens – SATO WONDERLAND (Ok)
Scare Type: Surprising!
Player: My Buddy
This game was alright, nothing too amazing as pulling different topics to make a new dialogue box appear was tedious and a bit annoying. But the story itself was pretty cool, resulting in a surprise ending. Each game have different endings which we did not try to explore, but for this I think we managed to get the best ending. Not much to say about this one.
Blood Machine – Soul Waste (Eh...)
Scare Type: ...None?
Player: Me
Soul Waste is a 3D action platformer about this... post apocalyptical world, and you happen to be the “Saviour”. We got Ending C for this as we felt the tedium of the collectables and we weren't going to sit around collecting them all in this weird to navigate map. The enemies did not make much of a challenge making the game bit boring. The end boss was the only thing that gave me some ounce of real fun. There was a lot to explore, but my patience wore thin due to not being that interesting of a platformer. Although it did look good for what it did. There is some to explore which we did not, but I simply noticed that there was some things here and there that we did miss. We just did not feel the need to go back.
Bryce Bucher – Disparity of the Dead (Great!)
Scare Type: Horror that sticks around even after the game.
Player: My pal
This game I think pulls off the themes of Dread X Collection 3 very, very well! Perhaps the best thematic one? Nevertheless, this is a 3D platformer that lets you talk to fun characters collecting collectables and piece together a mystery. The topics that which the game introduces to you are all very good and sad in many ways. It also had a lingering effect on me personally. This lingering horror reminded me of SOMA by Frictional Games. Anyways, the game in general is not horrifying until you get to a certain point. Then when the actual ending plays, it all gets sad. We do not know if there are different endings, but the ending we did get was a sad one in my opinion and was great.
Amon Twentysix – Bete Grise (Cool!)
Scare Type: Uneasy, then relief!
Player: Me
I really liked the aesthetics of this game, reminded me a lot of some obscure old-school games. The gameplay is mostly of you going floor to floor doing cleaning and... repairing? Anyways, there are a few hints here and there that foreshadow the great revelation at the end. I saw some of them and felt very uneasy when going through the process as it all felt like a facade. But once the revelation hit, the game turned into something more funny, stylish and well, just felt good. Its rare for a horror game to kinda blue ball you into satisfaction.
DIRIGO GAMES – REACTOR (Disappointing)
Scare Type: Betrayal
Player: My Homie
This is a game I spoiled myself with, which is why I had my friend play it instead. The game is mostly a walking simulator in which it feels like you shouldnt be there in the bad/useless way as there is a robot buddy who keeps you company and doing everything for you. When the time comes, you are then obviously, chased to the ending of the game. Its not scary, sad. Its just a simple experience. The aesthetics of the game is great, by being a gradient of blacks and whites as well as minimal uses of colour. Other than that, this is disappointing.
Moya Horror/Amos – Nice Screams at Funfair (humorously frustrating)
Scare Type: Dont fail
Player: Me
This is a very short game that was short enough for us to also explore a different ending. There is no real inherent horror here. Its mostly thematic to being like Halloween. The game has you serving icecream to people, the challenge is to serve them the ice cream that they want, and take the money into your tip jar or cash register. The real challenge is the controls, as throwing ice cream into the ice cream cones often fails for no reason, and clicking on to activate anything just sometimes did not work. Resulting in funny scenarious. We got 2 different endings for this, one that made sense, and another that we didnt understand. The game looked great, the intro did not have to be as long as it did but it was a fun little ride.
Basalt Tower – Matter OVER Mind (Woah!)
Scare Type: Loosing progress...
Player: My Amigo
Matter over mind absolutely felt like an old-school platformer, it was also unique, colourful and funny/cute! Crawling around as a little parasitical monster and possessing scientists in order to escape the labs just looked great. Like many of these games, it had a collectible that meant... NOTHING. And if you died collecting them, you will loose them all. Prompting you to reset the entire game. Nevertheless, it was an impressive game that felt great.
Corpsepile – Submission (Fuck yeah!)
Scare Type: Scary, but also funny
Player: Me
This game had so many unique and cool twists and ideas. Maybe one of the best games in this collection. It was absolutely creative, funny... everything! It was also scary at times, referencing P.T. Its puzzles were great and fun, so much good about this one! The gameplay switches often, the horror amps up... Man... Submission was super good! Cant really say much other than that.
Torple Dook – Chip’s Tips (Funny!)
Scare Type: Friendly?
Player: My guy
Super creative point and click adventure game, hamming it up to 101%. It is also so patronizingly friendly that it becomes funny. Probably the most unique game on this list. And you can pet the dog in this game. I absolutely love the aesthetics of the unhinged masked textures, as well characters being flat cutouts. What is sad is this game feels like the end to Torple Dook’s streak of being in Dread X Collection games as it references his previous 2 games as well as more.
Breogan Hackett – Bubbo: Adventure on Geralds Island (Woah! x2)
Scare Type: JUMP
Player: Me
A very well done 3D platformer, with some challenge. The game is not scary, although it does come to a point. The platforming was very good albeit a tiny bit weird when turning in a specific way. It also features hidden collectibles that we unfortunately did not find all and left it at that. It sounded and felt good, looked good and was fun to get to the end with. There are different endings, we (me) only got to see 1. I jumped at the right time and made my way out!
Modus Interactive – EDEN: Garden of the Faultless (Chaos?)
Scare type: None, just weird.
Player: My hombre
This is literally a game akin to raising your Chaos in Sonic Adventure games. Just that you raise your little Evangelion. This game I think, has the best Ps1 look than the other games. It has a very weird control scheme, as well as being weird in its own right. And it nails the aesthetics very well. Too bad the game is finicky or boring, sporting long paths and lots of waiting. I guess you could have some fun minmaxing your wittle angel. I guess you always need at least one super unorthodox entry in a collection.
Adam Pype & Viktor Kraus – SPOOKWARE @ The Video Store (Quintessential)
Scare Type: brief moments of panic
Player: Both of us
This game... is actually really fun. Spookware is literally Wario ware but with horror movie themed events. The style, game and everything is perfect. Although very short, I would honestly buy a game like this if it was fully complete. I also think this is the most fitting game for the theme of the collection. Although, not much is done about the “inevitability of death” theme here, but everything else about it carries the collection thematicly. Such a fun and quirky little game.
And so, the best games in the collection In my opinion were...
#1 Submission AND Spookware
#2 Chips Tips
#3 Disparity of the Dead
The collection was not at all as scary as the first or the second collection. Although, that is understandable as it had a more Fun and goofy vibe to it. I love seeing these collections and it introduces me to people ive never heard of before. Like Viktor Kraus who made the music, like in the trailer for the collection. Thats a great one. I wish to keep seing them make these and I hope that it is profitable for them in the end as well.
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