#also he made a house md reference
starlightseraph · 5 months
I MET HANK GREEN?? can’t believe it tbh
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killjoy-prince · 4 months
House M.D. but it's when a character says the name of the episode
#house md#prince's talk tag#flashing#repitition#so as i was watching this show i noticed they'd say the episode title in the episode#so i wanted to see how many times they did it#the people on livejournal who made transcripts of the episodes are my saviors and without them this would of been so much harder to do#thank you all for your service and i hope wherever you all are you're having a great day#sometimes they would use a variation of the word like in the episode poison they would say 'poisoned' or 'poisoning'#i did not include those instances#there was an instance in 'merry little christmas' where they do play the song in the show#but since ella fitzgerald was not a character in the show i did not include it#where as in the episode 'joy to the world' the students are singing it in the concert so i did include that#i apologize for the tonal whiplash when you get to that part but it did make me laugh#one of the times kutner says 'locked in' is overshadowed by the POTW's voice over but i assure you he says it and thats why its in there#out of the main characters from the one who said the title the most to least are#House > Foreman > Wilson > Chase > Cuddy > Adams > Cameron and Taub > Kutner > Thirteen and Park#this took a bit to do lolol its probably been done already but i wanted my own#there is a chance im missing some on technicalities but idc. im fine with this#there are two more i wanna do but with a character saying another character's name but ill do that some other time#EDIT: When I was making this video I was unaware that the Pilot episode went by two names: 'Pilot' and 'Everybody Lies'#Basically everywhere I looked the first episode was only referred to by 'Pilot'#which I found weird bc i remember seeing somewhere that the last episode was paired with the first episode in terms of title#but i couldn't find hard proof so I decided to leave it out at the time#well i checked again last night and yea the pilot IS also called Everybody Lies so I updated the video#I also think it goes well with the fact that House does say 'Everybody Dies' in the finale so another reason to fix it#AND he says it without Wilson while he and Wilson say the title of the pilot sooooo yea hehehehehe
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desire-mona · 3 months
parts of every episode of house md ever that people dont quote nearly enough
- "i have blood dripping from my nose that is dripping"
- "i forbid this!"
- "i am very smart"
honourable mention because its not quotable but i giggle every time: the solid 5 seconds of silence after he needs mouse bites to live, and the last 2 seconds that are just that photo of foreman
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oddlittlestories · 7 months
Life Is Pain edit
Apparently this is youtube day, so another edit for you. This person even has a tumblr. Thank you @stileslyfer
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detectivejay · 13 days
I'm sure this has been done countless times, but polls are fun and I'm curious, so... For the purposes of this poll, I'm only counting shows/books/games/etc. where Sherlock is a main or very prominent secondary character, there's a decent amount of other Sherlock canon characters represented (at least a version of a John Watson), and there are some references made to the ACD originals. Not counting where he's only a relative of the lead but not a main (like Enola Holmes, RKDD, etc.)
Not counting the ACD original canon as an adaptation here, as none of these would exist without it. Everything else listed is adapting it in some way.
There's also some series I haven't watched/read yet but have been recommended that aren't on here yet for the purposes of space, including Detective L, Miss Sherlock and the Bonnie MacBird Sherlock books.
Feel free to reblog this for a larger sample size :)
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all-pacas · 1 month
stupid chase 13 self indulgent sibling shit:
13 is the first one to jokingly refer to chase as her brother. except she calls him her younger brother. chase is like super touched but also hi i'm older than you "sure you are buddy". it's like an ironic "haha we're not actually siblings" joke except secretly no. it's not ironic
13 also has made at least a couple "let's go find dad" jokes about house. she finds it funny and deeply annoying that house and chase don't seem to Get It. it's very obvious to her that chase's deepest dream is for house to pat his shoulder and say "i'm proud my son" but they deny it
at least once 13 has pat chase's shoulder and gone "i'm proud my son"
at least once though. at least one time. "i killed my older brother." "i abandoned my younger sister to rehab." like they know. all their darkest shit. they don't want to be siblings because they did terrible things to their families. but it's why they are
they text. she's constantly sending him photos from her greek island. the food. the beach. look how hot my girlfriend is. he's in the middle of some gross procedure and gets a text of a beautiful sunset. he sends back a photo of a urine sample or some gross wound
when chase quit at the end of s8 and 13 swung by the next episode to talk with wilson the next day? she was staying with chase while she was in town. they mostly just hung out and watched nature documentaries. when wilson called she was like "oh i just happen to be in new jersey, let's meet up" while wearing sweats and sitting on chase's sofa
chase offers to kill her since house is gone and can't. they come up with a rough timeline and plan and then never discuss it again. until it's time.
at least a few dark "oh, shit, i'm wilson now, aren't i?" jokes from her in return. shit, the new house has a dying best friend too! except with so much less sexual tension!! they joke because they can't bring themselves to be serious about it. she tries to set him up with new friends. big advocate for choreman
idk but i get the feeling they'd watch crappy reality tv together.
they'll sometimes just have the darkest and most serious 1 am conversations about morality and souls and what makes a person good or evil, and then the next time they see one another instead of following up it's just "did you see real housewives last night"
chase has never asked 13 for a favor. like he'll ask her little things or let her pay for lunch, but that's about it. meanwhile she can call him at 2 am and he'll show up no questions asked. maybe kind of grumpy about it tho. kind of pisses her off he never lets her return the favor and sort of shut himself off emotionally after s6. but also it's nice? not the "chase's turn towards cynicism" part, but having a standing no questions asked deal.
when he annoys her enough, 13 DOES call chase "robbie" or worse "bobby" but he's never called her by her first name and probably never will
he didn't tell her he got stabbed and she was mad about it because see above. that was a real bobby day
chase knows she doesn't want to fuck around with more huntington's trials but he reads EVERY article and EVERY journal, just in case some miracle comes up. 13 meanwhile follows fake african country politics with a weird intensity to make sure diabla's forces aren't regaining power. they never discuss either thing with one another.
first time 13 visited Chase MD office she forced him to pose in front of the door and took like 15 photos like it was bobby's first day of school. absolutely humiliating
chase goes to 13 and amy's wedding. he's the only one of the PPTH folks who do (taub sends a card. they forgot to tell foreman.)
once 13 was like "we're both hot and single and should do what hot, single people do!" "....have...sex...?" "no, go to a gay bar" they actually go quite a few times
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travelbasscase · 22 days
house md twilight headcanons because i had an idea™
Foreman: Has not read any Twilight book, relentlessly mocks anyone who has.
Cuddy: Has read the first book, decided it wasn't for her.
Cameron: Has read all of them, is unwilling to admit that she has for fear of being mocked by House (understandable). She didn't love them, but neither did she hate it.
Wilson: Read the first book and enjoyed it. Decided to continue on to the rest of the series. However, he somehow missed the middle books and jumped right into Breaking Dawn, and never noticed his mistake.
Chase: Read every single book multiple times. Deeply invested. Openly admits it. HUGE fan of Edward and Bella. Has made multiple Quotev "which Twilight character are you" quizzes. Has posters on his wall of characters from the series. Was incensed by the movies because he felt that they weren't faithful enough to the books.
Stacy: Never heard of them.
Taub: Absolutely adores it. Started a book club with Chase.
Kutner: Didn't read the books, but loved the movies. Sometimes shows up to Chase and Taub's book club.
Thirteen: Thinks that the love triangle is stupid. Hates Bella with passion. Probably wants Edward and Jacob to run off into the sunset together. Sometimes shows up to Chase and Taub's book club just to pick fights with Chase.
House: Has read every book and watched every movie, but everyone just kind of assumed that he wouldn't and never asked if he did. He does not get involved in any conversation surrounding the books so that he can maintain his facade of not having consumed any of the media, but occasionally makes references to it purely to confuse all of his employees, because there's no way that their boss would have read those, so his allusions must be coincidence, right?
He has also read the much worse, much trashier (somehow) Night World series by LJ Smith, and is very upset that it's never been finished. He is invested in the plot and spends his free time sending letters to the author begging her to finish the series.
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aspd-culture · 8 months
aspd culture is : goes into the aspd tag. seems someone claiming house md, (guy whos dxd aspd in the show im pretty sure lol) is actually hyperempathic instead of lacking it and avoids patients due to too much empathy. like ok just avoid the whole boundary pushing / whatever else ok. alright thats enough of that *turns off internet* ive had enough of prosocials damn why do they think the only aspd symptom ever is lack of empathy. god
The amount of people who take *any* ASPD rep - including but not limited to House, this was also EXTREMELY common with Wednesday Addams, who is also diagnosed with ASPD in the show Wednesday - and call it "hyperempathetic autism" is... disgusting honestly. I'm autistic too and I get the desire to have representation from non-infantalized characters, I do, but the erasure of ASPD from the very few sources who intentionally make ASPD representation is not how we handle that.
And, as you mentioned, many people intentionally overlook, ignore, or try to explain away any "bad" behavior (see also: ASPD symptoms) because it pushes against their point.
People are just... so desperate to not admit that anyone they like had ASPD that they will directly ignore and speak over the media's direct acknowledgement of ASPD just so they can see us as monsters and still have permission to like that character.
PSA to prosocials, especially those with no other experience with cluster b treatment:
When the therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist says the character "has antisocial traits" or "is antisocial", that's not a descriptor, nor does it mean they don't like people/avoid interaction with people. That's a medical professional using a different model of discussing a diagnosis with the patient by rephrasing it without the disorder attached. This is super common with ASPD because many pwASPD who are forced into treatment - like House and Wednesday - are resistant to admitting something is "wrong with them", so the professional will use the inital descriptor instead of the entire disorder name. In this case it's "antisocial" with the words personality disorder removed. It's also common to see in media happening for people with BPD, with the character being referred to as "having borderline traits" or "being borderline".
If the professional was referring to them or their traits as "asocial", then it would mean what you guys think it does - they avoid interaction, have a general dislike of socializing/social situations, and generally self-isolate. Antisocial and asocial are not the same, and while you can argue that anyone else in a show calling someone antisocial won't know the difference, their mental health professionals do. Evidently, House and the rest of the cast are also very aware in-canon of mental health, going by the DID episode which was done amazingly well imo. If House knows about Dissociative Identity Disorder, I assure you ASPD is not off of his radar. ASPD is significantly more prevalent than DID, with up to 4% of the US population having ASPD compared to 1% of the population having DID. While there is issues with under-diagnosis, those issues are the case with both disorders, so it's likely that the difference made by that would at most only slightly close the gap between the two. House also researches things purely based on the existence of stigma and/or lack of public knowledge on the subject, and frequently attempts to find out why he thinks and acts the way he does behind the scenes. If you google his symptoms, ASPD would be at least one of the things that comes up. So again, he is not misusing antisocial.
In fact, no one on House, MD would say antisocial where they meant asocial, as they are versed in psychology as a part of dealing with complex cases that have failed repeatedly to be diagnosed. That is shown constantly throughout the show. If you chose 3 episodes at random, I'm willing to bet at least one would show their experience in psychology as one of the team pushes the "it's just mental illness" angle.
All of this is to say that fuck prosocials endless refusal to actually acknowledge ASPD, both in likeable and notably unlikable characters!! Many of them HATE House, yet still can't admit he has ASPD. It's giving ableist, because it is ableist.
Plain text below the cut:
The amount of people who take *any* ASPD rep - including but not limited to House, this was also EXTREMELY common with Wednesday Addams, who is also diagnosed with ASPD in the show Wednesday - and call it "hyperempathetic autism" is... disgusting honestly. I'm autistic too and I get the desire to have representation from non-infantalized characters, I do, but the erasure of ASPD from the very few sources who intentionally make ASPD representation is not how we handle that.
And, as you mentioned, many people intentionally overlook, ignore, or try to explain away any "bad" behavior (see also: ASPD symptoms) because it pushes against their point.
People are just... so desperate to not admit that anyone they like had ASPD that they will directly ignore and speak over the media's direct acknowledgement of ASPD just so they can see us as monsters and still have permission to like that character.
PSA to prosocials, especially those with no other experience with cluster b treatment:
When the therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist says the character "has antisocial traits" or "is antisocial", that's not a descriptor, nor does it mean they don't like people/avoid interaction with people. That's a medical professional using a different model of discussing a diagnosis with the patient by rephrasing it without the disorder attached. This is super common with ASPD because many pwASPD who are forced into treatment - like House and Wednesday - are resistant to admitting something is "wrong with them", so the professional will use the inital descriptor instead of the entire disorder name. In this case it's "antisocial" with the words personality disorder removed. It's also common to see in media happening for people with BPD, with the character being referred to as "having borderline traits" or "being borderline".
If the professional was referring to them or their traits as "asocial", then it would mean what you guys think it does - they avoid interaction, have a general dislike of socializing/social situations, and generally self-isolate. Antisocial and asocial are not the same, and while you can argue that anyone else in a show calling someone antisocial won't know the difference, their mental health professionals do. Evidently, House and the rest of the cast are also very aware in-canon of mental health, going by the DID episode which was done amazingly well imo. If House knows about Dissociative Identity Disorder, I assure you ASPD is not off of his radar. ASPD is significantly more prevalent than DID, with up to 4% of the US population having ASPD compared to 1% of the population having DID. While there is issues with under-diagnosis, those issues are the case with both disorders, so it's likely that the difference made by that would at most only slightly close the gap between the two. House also researches things purely based on the existence of stigma and/or lack of public knowledge on the subject, and frequently attempts to find out why he thinks and acts the way he does behind the scenes. If you google his symptoms, ASPD would be at least one of the things that comes up. So again, he is not misusing antisocial.
In fact, no one on House, MD would say antisocial where they meant asocial, as they are versed in psychology as a part of dealing with complex cases that have failed repeatedly to be diagnosed. That is shown constantly throughout the show. If you chose 3 episodes at random, I'm willing to bet at least one would show their experience in psychology as one of the team pushes the "it's just mental illness" angle.
All of this is to say that fuck prosocials endless refusal to actually acknowledge ASPD, both in likeable and notably unlikable characters!! Many of them HATE House, yet still can't admit he has ASPD. It's giving ableist, because it is ableist.
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The Ukrainian oligarch Republicans claim bribed Joe Biden said he never actually talked to Biden, according to an interview transcript made public Thursday by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.).
Mykola Zlochevsky is a co-founder of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma that employed Biden’s son Hunter for several years. Zlochevsky served as Ukraine’s energy minister, but has been in hiding since fleeing corruption charges.
Republicans claim there’s evidence a Burisma executive — apparently Zlochevsky — paid Joe Biden a $5 million bribe when he was vice president in exchange for an official favor. They’ve demanded the FBI hand over a document reflecting a confidential source’s conversation with Zlochevsky.
Raskin has now countered with a document of his own — a three-page transcript of a 2019 interview between Zlochevsky and an acquaintance of Rudy Giuliani, who at the time was publicly seeking dirt on Biden on behalf of then-President Donald Trump.
“No one from Burisma ever had any contacts with VP Biden or people working for him during Hunter Biden’s engagement” with Burisma, Zlochevsky says in the transcript.
When asked if the Vice President had assisted him or his company “in any way,” Zlochevsky says no.
In 2015, however, a Burisma executive named Vadym Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden in an email for having had the chance to meet his father at a charity dinner, though other guests told The New York Times they didn’t recall the elder Biden having a substantive conversation with Pozharskyi.
Politico in 2020 reported the contents of the Zlochevsky transcript, and Democrats have repeatedly referred to it in response to Republican claims that the FBI is withholding derogatory material against Biden. Democrats obtained the transcript in 2019 in their impeachment inquiry into Trump for pressuring Ukraine to announce a sham investigation of the Bidens.
Raskin has said FBI officials told him the Justice Department assessed the derogatory material on Biden and found it wasn’t worth formally investigating, but the bureau has declined to make any public statements to that effect. So Raskin has turned to what lawmakers already have on hand from Zlochevsky.
“Despite being interviewed as part of a campaign by Mr. Giuliani and his proxies in 2019 and 2020 to procure damaging information about the Biden family, Mr. Zlochevsky explicitly and unequivocally denied those allegations,” Raskin said in a letter to House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) on Thursday.
“Mr. Zlochevsky’s statements are just one of the many that have debunked the corruption allegations against President Biden that were first leveled by Rudy Giuliani and have been reviewed by former President Trump’s own Justice Department,” Raskin said.
In response, Comer insisted the FBI’s tip from a confidential human source who spoke to the Burisma executive has nothing to do with Giuliani. (He has not explicitly said the source is Zlochevsky, but has noted the source is in hiding. Other Republicans, including Giuliani, have named Zlochevsky.)
“The Burisma executive claims then-Vice President Biden solicited and received a $5 million bribe in exchange for certain actions,” Comer said in a statement on Thursday. “The executive also claims he didn’t pay ‘the big guy’ directly but used so many bank accounts that it would take ten years to unravel.”
State Department officials have said they considered Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board during his father’s vice presidency awkward because it looked like a conflict of interest. Joe Biden at the time was the face of the U.S. government’s Ukraine policy and urged the country to root out corruption, including by firing its top prosecutor.
Trump dispatched Giuliani to find evidence that Biden’s action was designed to protect his son, but Republicans have been unable to substantiate claims that the elder Biden bent U.S. foreign policy in his family’s favor. An investigation by Senate Republicans in 2020 concluded it was “not clear” that Hunter Biden’s position with Burisma affected the U.S. government’s stance toward Ukraine.
Nevertheless, Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have kept the story alive this year, seizing on the FBI’s refusal to hand over unverified raw material to argue the bureau is protecting the Bidens.
They have stepped up their efforts following this month’s federal indictment of Donald Trump on Espionage Act charges.
On Wednesday, Comer asked the Treasury Department to hand over any “suspicious activity reports” filed by banks on accounts related to Zlochevsky and other Burisma executives. In his letter to Treasury, Comer claimed his committee “has reviewed government documents that allege President Biden, while serving as Vice President, solicited and received a bribe from a foreign source in return for certain actions.”
Other Republicans have suggested that Zlochevksy might not be a credible source. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), for instance, said earlier this month that the bribery allegation “could be coming from a very corrupt oligarch who could be making this stuff up.”
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she-karev · 3 months
Cousin Jen
Tumblr media
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Six
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Summary: Andrew talks to Matt while Amber and Jen tour the hospital and run into Alex who has an interesting reunion with Jen. The GIF above shows her reaction.
Words: 3366
Andrew is in the neuro lab and decides to check Matt’s vitals as he sits in a chair next to a table filled with journals and textbooks.
Matt looks at the table in interest and asks Andrew as he wraps a BP cuff around his arm, “You’re working with Shepherd for the research contest?”
“Yeah, she asked me to assist and I said yes right off the bat.”
“You know when I first heard about this contest, I wondered why I didn’t get into surgery and I remembered it’s not my fancy.” Matt says enviously as Andrew pumps the cuff.
“Personality thing?” Andrew asks.
“Nah I grew up watching House MD and I wanted to be that growing up.” Andrew grins at that reference, “I mean except for the painful limp, the opioid addiction and being an antisocial ass. What about you? Did you watch any medical dramas that got you hooked?”
“Not really.” Andrew records the BP and takes the cuff off, “I come from a family of surgeons so it was kind of in my blood. We made fun of those shows and pointed out the inaccuracies. BP is normal.”
“I’m a doctor so I know that syncope causes low blood pressure, I don’t know it that’s good or not.” Matt says worried.
“Don’t worry we’re gonna get answers soon.” Andrew puts the cuff away, “How long have you had these spells?”
“Um about 12 days, it first started at work. I was going over scut when I suddenly passed out on the table. I was up for 15 hours I just thought it was exhaustion so I passed it of as nothing until the restaurant.”
“And did you have any headaches or was anything out of the ordinary before the spells?”
“Nope nothing. I’m a medical mystery, this is not how I wanted to relive an episode of House.” Andrew grins at that, “You know I’ve known Amber for a long time now and I can tell she likes you; I’m talking like you on a whole other level. She might not show it I mean I know she can be…”
Andrew nods knowing the answer, “Yeah she is, but she’s also fun and funny and beautiful.”
“Oh good you see that.” Matt grins, “It’s just that I feel like I have to be her cheerleader with the guys she dates because they all think she’s this cold and closed off bitch and they treat her like it. I mean it’s probably why she hasn’t had a substantial relationship in the time I’ve known her. That and they all look at Jen and hit on her right in front of Amber…and me.”
Andrew’s eyes widen at that, “It sounds like she could pick them better back then.”
Matt shrugs, “It’s more like she’s a magnet for assholes. It has me and Jen convinced her parents put a curse on her at birth. Sorry I’m probably revealing too much you just seem like a good guy and Amber deserves that after everything. And you not running after you found out makes me worry, she’s not gonna take it well if you stomp on her heart further into this relationship.”
Andrew nods, “Don’t worry about it I get it and she’s lucky she had you two when she was in New York. Look I get that you think I’m gonna run but I’m not and certainly not because of Amber’s past. I had a crappy childhood too; I had a parent who went through a mental health crisis too. I didn’t have it near as bad as she did, I didn’t shove pills down my mom’s throat or went into foster care because it was so bad. But I get how it can drag you down and I’m not gonna do that to her. If it doesn’t work out it won’t be because of her past or how I treat her, I promise.”
Matt looks at him impressed, “Maybe don’t say all of that to Jen because the hot doctor schtick with the sensitive soul might make her leave me for you.”
Andrew chuckles at that, “Well from what I’ve seen that’s not gonna be an issue for you two. I mean she said yes to marrying you and traveled across the country so you could get a diagnosis. Plus, Amber approves of you two which speaks volumes.” Matt nods in agreement and DeLuca gets a page. He pulls out his phone, “Shepherd wants us to meet her in the peds floor, let’s go.” He and Matt leave the lab to meet Amelia.
Jen and I walk down the hall to the board room passing Jo as she and the interns do rounds. I’m sure from a regular hospital staff member’s point of view we look strange together. They see me in my scrubs and her in her designer clothes and well-done ponytail and think why are they together? It’s what so many of my med school classmates think and I can understand it but I also know that despite our differences Jen was there for me when no one else was.
Every heartbreak or research paper stress she was always there to help and talk to me and take me away for a while. It helps that both of our fathers were deadbeat junkies. The only difference is her mom is saner than mine and took her away from him when she could. I think that’s why she’s more stable than me and why she’s the joy to my gloom, she had some stability unlike me. I don’t resent her for it though if anything she’s the only one who has given me stability when I needed it. Jen looks around at the pastel walls and toys on the desks and I realize we went the wrong way.
“Damn it.” I say frustrated, “Wrong way, we’re on the peds floor this place is a maze. I’ll get us out don’t worry.”
“Hey so I didn’t want to tell you this in front of the guys because I figured you’d go to your dark place.” I look at her curious as we continue walking down the hall, “Your mom keeps leaving me messages I think like four this week.”
I groan at that unfortunate tidbit, for some reason my mom has been trying to talk to me for the past year and of course I declined. The only time my mother called me was to ask for money or when she goes off her meds and rants to me about what a colossal disappointment I am. It aggravates me she’s using Jen to get to me, “Yeah well I hope you told her I’m closing down the library every night.”
“I told her I haven’t seen you.” Jen grins knowing how much I detest my mother, “For all I know you could be a crack ho by now.”
I chuckle darkly imagining my mom’s face hearing that, “That is perfect thank you. Speaking of my side of our messy family I should tell you something before you-”
“Alex!” I freeze on the spot and look up to find Alex with Amelia talking to Andrew and Matt. He looks in our direction after Jen called his name.
“Oh no.” I know what she’s planning and I need to stop it, “Okay quick word before you do what you want to-”
Jen ignores me and walks to Alex with a fake chuckle and smile acting like it’s a fond reunion, “Alex Karev! It’s me Cousin Jen!”
Alex looks shocked and remembers her, “Jen hey it’s been a long-” Alex gets interrupted with a slap to the face by Jen that causes me to look down in embarrassment as I approach them. Andrew and Matt look at her in shock, no doubt thinking I would sooner slap someone in public than her. Amelia looks amused at Alex who rubs his jaw clearly in pain. I mouth sorry to Alex as I stand next to Jen.
Jen frowns at him dusting her hands, “That’s for being a shit and leaving my sweet cousin with my shit father.”
I clear my throat loudly, “Read the floor honey peds floor means floor for kids, so ixnay on the cursing and the slapping.”
Alex sighs and looks more sad than angry, “I take it Amber said nothing but good things about me.”
“To be fair.” I start, “I hated your guts, you know that and so does she and I didn’t tell her we made up and the slap was unnecessary.”
Jen looks at me surprised and with a little bit of guilt, “You two made up? You don’t hate him anymore?”
I shake my head, “No more than I normally should.”
“Oh.” Jen looks taken back for a moment but turns to Alex with a warm grin, “Well in that case come here.” She pulls Alex for a hug who looks surprised by the sudden change in tone but hugs her back and they pull apart.
“Hi I’m Dr. Shepherd I’m gonna be your fiancé’s doctor.” Amelia greets her and shakes her hand, “DeLuca told me what’s happening with Matt, now I have to do a neuro consult but I’m gonna have DeLuca run basic tests and do a brain scan to see if we find anything.” She looks to me, “Are you fine keeping her company while this happens?”
I nod, “Yeah I was gonna find Avery to tell him I’m gonna help out with Matt…and would one of you tell me where to boardroom is? Because I’m lost.”
Andrew grins and Matt quips, “She sucks at directions, one time she took a train to Queens and ended up in Canada.”
“Don’t you have tests to do?” I snap and the men walk away to do so. I look at Alex, “So the boardroom?”
Alex grins, “First floor room 1204 it’s across the bridge.” I thank him and we both walk away from them.
We finally find ourselves on the right floor and I exhale in relief, “There he is finally let’s go.”
Jen grabs my arm stopping me with an ogling look directed at Avery, “Wait a minute that’s the guy you’re working for?”
Jen chuckles impressed, “Jesus how many hot doctors work here?”
“Oh, stop it.” I tell her annoyed but she keeps grinning, “Aren’t you engaged?”
“Yeah.” Jen confirms nonchalant, “But that doesn’t mean I’m dead.”
“I will be if you keep drooling over my boss so can you-”
“Karev.” I turn to Jackson who stops in front of us with his mother, “Thank god I found you please tell me you have the basis for the proposal.”
“Actually, that’s what I was coming to talk to you about.” Jackson notices Jen next to me and looks at me curious over who she is, “Sorry Dr. Jackson and Catherine Avery this is my cousin Jen Evans.” They shake hands.
“Hi, it’s very nice to meet, Amber told me a lot about you.”
Jackson looks at me flattered, “Really? You talk about me?”
I narrow my eyes annoyed, “Okay take a testosterone blocker, I’m here to tell you I can’t work on the research project with you today.”
“What? Why?”
“Well, I’m working with Dr. Shepherd and-”
Jackson chuckles lightly, “Let me guess Shepherd got your boyfriend to convince you to join the dark side and spill all of my plans with her did she?”
I glare at him, “I need to figure out why my beloved cousin’s fiancé is experiencing syncope and make sure he’s healthy in time for their wedding.” I inform him coldly causing him to be silent for a moment before responding.
“I see well that’s a pretty good reason to take a break.”
Catherine chips in, “Well with her out of the way does this mean you’ll have time to help me with my project?”
Jackson closes his eyes and looks at Jen apologetically, “I am sorry for my mother she has no filter.” He turns to his mom, “Mom, Dr. Valez has a great pitch. She does, all right? And you guys should do it. You should enter the contest and change a bunch of lives. But I already got my own thing going on, and, frankly, it's a little more cutting-edge than what essentially amounts to an elective cosmetic procedure.”
Catherine doesn’t back down though, “Oh, come on. Look, my birthday is coming up. You could think of this vagina as your gift to me.” I widen my eyes at that comment as well as Jen and Jackson who looks more horrified than shocked.
“Now I'm gonna go smash my head in with a hammer and see if I can forget that you said that.”
I grab his arm, “How about I help and page Qadri so she can take my place?” He nods and leads us away from his mother who yells out as we walk away.
“Jackson Avery, you are such a disappointment! I thought you were woke!” Jackson groans at that and looks at Jen with apologetic eyes as we walk with him in the middle.
“Sorry about that my mother can be a handful sometimes and her mouth speaks before her brain does.”
Jen chuckles, “Oh don’t apologize drama helps distract me from my drama. So, what was all that about? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Um my mother has an idea for the surgical innovation contest and thought I should ditch mine to help hers.”
I snap my focus on him suddenly interested, “What? What could she possibly have that’s more interesting than freaking spray on skin?”
“Spray on skin?” Jen asks.
I explain, “We’re doing this contest to see who comes up with an idea to revolutionize surgical medicine and Avery’s is replacing painful skin grafts with aerosolized stem cells.”
Jen groans, “It’s like I’m living with you again, words for the basic hairdresser please.”
Jackson steps in and grins as he explains, “Okay so you know how burn victims need to have their burned skin taken out and replaced with healthy donor tissue?” Jen nods, “Well it’s effective but it’s also painful and the graft doesn’t always take not to mention there’s scarring and discoloration.”
“That doesn’t sound like a good method.”
“It isn’t.” Jackson confirms, “Which is why I want to find a way to use stem cells in aerosolized form like what you use to wet your client’s hair. Only instead of water I’m using a skin sample from the patient that’s broken down into liquid and spray it on the burned tissue. Then the enzymes will regenerate and provide viable coverage, it’ll be like the skin is formed and it heals over the burn wound.”
Jen looks at him impressed, “You know how to do that?”
“Not yet.” I chip in, “That’s why we’re doing research so we can get money for the supplies we need and test subject availability. Then we can move forward so this can revolutionize skin grafting entirely and both of our names will be legend status.”
Jackson raises an eyebrow at me, “And of course saving a bunch of lives and making it so burn victims don’t suffer more than they should.”
“That too.” I suddenly remember something, “Oh hey how did it go?”
Jackson looks at me confused, “How did what go?”
“You left the bar with hoop earrings; I’m surprised I would think denim skirt would win you over she had very toned legs. How was it? Did you get a little lady luck on your side?”
Jen chuckles, “Oh my god your wingmanning again? Is this what your so busy with you can’t go to a salon?”
I defend myself, “I have a gift and Avery is desperate and lonely he needs help.”
“You know I can hear you right?” Jackson quips, “And I just sent hoop earrings in a cab nothing happened.”
I look at him shocked and a little offended, “What? You didn’t sleep with her?” He shakes his head, “Was there something wrong with her?”
Jackson rubs the back of his neck, “You know it just didn’t feel right that’s all.”
I scoff but shake it off, “Okay fine well maybe Priya will change your mind.”
“Is Priya denim skirt?”
“No, she’s blue blazer.” I scroll through my notes, “She was really nice we got to talking and she’s a lawyer, a human rights lawyer.”
Jen gushes, “Oh human rights that’s nice it’s generous.”
“See even she sees it.” I find the info, “I have her number here I will text it to you.”
Jackson stops us outside the lab, “Look Karev I appreciate what you’re doing but I’ll think on it while you page Qadri so you can save your cousins wedding, is that good for you?”
I look at him surprised but put my phone away, “Okay fine but just to let you know in the year 2050 global warming will either drown us or burn us all to death.” Jen raises an eyebrow at me, “And by then you’ll have to depend on your daughter to change your diapers.”
Jackson raises an eyebrow at me, “Exactly how old do you think I am?” I open my mouth but he speaks before I can, “No never mind I can already tell I won’t like the answer. I will text you for Kiya’s number.”
“Priya.” I correct.
“I’ll consider her too.” Jackson grins and I glare at him even as he enters the lab leaving us in the hall.
I turn to Jen who grins at me, “He needs me.”
“I’ve seen him he doesn’t need your help to get women.” Jen and I walk down the hall, “Something is holding him back or maybe someone.”
I snort, “And you know this how?”
“You’re good at biology I’m good at loveology.” I chuckle at her word, “Hey come on five years of cutting hair and endless gossip and silly arguments provides you with a certain skill set you can’t get in a hospital. Trust me when I say your boy is in conflict either that or he’s in the closet.” I chuckle at that and lead her down the hall so we can go to the neuro lab where the boys and Shepherd are waiting for us.
Andrew and I go over the labs and brain scans up on the board while the happy couple are behind us waiting anxiously. We were able to get Matt’s labs and brain scans back fairly quick while Alex and Amelia were checking on a patient. I look at the brain scans closely to see if Shepherd missed anything but to my chagrin, she was right that Matt’s brain was healthy and showed no signs of abnormality.
“There’s not contusions or inflammation or anything out of the ordinary.” I turn to Matt and Jen, “It’s not a tumor as I’d previously suspected.”
Andrew looks up from the tablet where he’s reading Matt’s labs, “Labs are clear your cholesterol is a little high for someone your age but otherwise you’re the picture of health.”
Jen sighs, “That’s good right?” Andrew and I look at each other worried, “Why doesn’t it feel good?”
Andrew puts the tablet down, “Well we ruled out neuro so we have to check if this is cardio related.”
Matt nods, “Today it’s brain, tomorrow is hearts I wonder what the next day is, Japanese?” Jen grins slightly and turns to us worried.
“What’s happening to him? Should we be worried?”
I shake me head, “I’m gonna talk to our chief of cardio Dr. Pierce.” I inform them, “I’m gonna try to schedule you for an EKG an MRI and an exercise stress test, would you be up for it?”
Matt nods, “Yeah sure run what you need to just as long as I get out of here soon.” I nod and turn to walk when Jen calls to me.
“You fix Matt, do you hear me?” I stop to face her worried expression as she grips Matt’s shoulders like she’s afraid he’ll disappear, “It’s like I said, he’s my one and only.” I nod full heartedly and turn to walk away more determined to help them than ever.
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untitled-smp · 1 year
Meet the Players! [Untitled SMP]
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Cass - theecryptiid - (she/they/he)  - @theecryptiid
Joined: Season 2
Faction: Corroded
Tumblr: theecryptiid
Youtube: CasstheCryptid
Twitch: theecryptiid
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Hiya! I'm Cass, I enjoyed big builds, complicated color palettes, and longs elytra flights on the beach. I joined Untitled just over a year ago, though I had wanted to be a part of an SMP for a long time before that. My main goal was to broaden my building abilities and master the game better than I had previously, and I honestly think I've made strides in both places!
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What underrated aspect of Minecraft is your favorite?
If flying was an underrated aspect of Minecraft, it would be that, I love elytras, but I'm gonna have to go with adventuring! There's just something about traveling far away from home and then venturing back with your spoils and seeing the warm light of your house in the distance.
What style of building do you most enjoy working in?
I can't say there's one specifically, in my opinion it's important to work in a variety of styles in order to keep yourself from repeated one specific style over and over again. However, that being said, cozy interiors. I LOVE a cozy functional interior.
Where do you get most of your inspiration from?
I have to say that BdoubleO100 is a huge inspiration for me, and why I started trying to get good at building in the first place. The way he pioneers new building techniques and uses things people don't even think of has always impressed me so much. I also use real life reference images, or photos of places I've visited in real life! The S3 Nether Hub is actually based on the Antwerp Cathedral Station, and my early sketches of it were heavily based on that.
What builds are you the most proud of and why?
The S3 Nether Hub! That bad boy took me almost 25 hours to design, and then over 60 hours to build. Though it does have flaws that I would fix now, the fact that I finished it, and it's a functional piece of this season is the most important thing to me.
What's a weird fact people might not know about you?
I'm actually the person that made the famous "Disc War" graphic used in the Dream SMP final disc confrontation. It was originally the graphic I designed to be used for the Disc War wiki article on the DSMP wiki page, so I absolutely never expected to see it on the actual server. The scream of surprise and bewilderment that came out of my mouth when they descended and it appeared was ungodly!
What do you enjoy outside of Untitled and Minecraft?
I enjoy writing, ceramics, and playing a LOT of open-world video games in my free time. I've also got a soft spot for detective and procedural shows about weird little guys (House MD, Psych, the Mentalist, Elementary)
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baconpncakes · 1 year
oh. my. gosh. your house episode is so intriguing i really want it right now actually LMAOO
i want to know how you came up with everything actually im so so enthralled
Omg I'm so glad you asked ✨
Putting this under the cut bc it's long-winded lol
My sister (who has never seen an entire episode of House but I send her stuff from it and about it all the time) said that there should be an episode where House is taking care of a drunk Wilson and it's all very amusing until Wilson kisses him. House kisses back, but then he actually processes Oh Shit Wilson Just Kissed Me. The next morning House probes Wilson and it turns out he doesn't remember the kiss. House goes to Thirteen to talk about it and see what she makes of it. Here's where the quote came from lol. Then we said that Wilson would talk to Cuddy about how House was being weird and she'd say "Go talk to him. I have work to do." Eventually they'd get to the point where House asks "Why did you kiss me?" over and over and Wilson just keeps responding with "I was drunk!" and "I don't know!" and "Just drop it, House." until one or both of them finally snaps.
So I sent my sister a fake episode summary, with the elements that she presented and a case, which I made up: a drunk and 'irresponsible' patient to parallel drunk and irresponsible Wilson!
To do the summary I'd come up with a title (I looked at a couple songs but none of them felt quite right, then I realized I could use a Teardrop lyric and it was too perfect) and I needed my sister to know how clever I was for the it, so I wrote a little explanation, like they have on the wiki.
Then I thought, if I'm doing that I might as well also do the "major events" section of the wiki!
So I determined that I HAD to make it into actual fake wiki screenshots, which meant filling out some gaps.
For the timeline, I thought: House and Wilson have been drunk together tons of times. Why is this different? And figured that it would probably be different if saaay Wilson had just proposed to House after he pretended the two were a couple. Certainly enough to bring kissing House to the forefront of his mind. And THEN I looked at the episode scheduling and there was a week off between the original airing of The Down Low and the following episode Remorse, so it fit right in the middle!
For the diagnosis I actually went to Web MD, typed in the symptoms I thought the patient should have and went through the results until I found some that might work, then I picked the one that seemed like it'd be the best for the show. It also happened to be a condition that might come with personality changes, which plays further into the whole Wilson Was Drunk He Didn't Actually Mean It angle.
I went through a bunch of s6 directors and writers to see what episodes they worked on and who I thought would fit best.
And then I needed guest stars! The episode would have aired in 2010, and I wanted someone who would have been about 21, so I looked up "actresses born in 1989" and decided on Brie Larson. Then she needed a friend, so I looked up "actors born in 1988" and went with Nicholas Braun. Then Brie Larson needed a mom so I chose another birth year and went with Calista Flockhart (who's in one of my favorite movies). All of the actors I chose were people who felt could have been in House. Like if I watched an episode and a young Brie Larson or Nicholas Braun was there, I wouldn't be surprised. I also needed to name them, so I picked random names and then searched the wiki to make sure they weren't already taken lol. And Andre Braugher is there bc it's season 6 so House would talk to his therapist about what happened with Wilson and then ignore the advice to Just Talk To Him.
That just left trivia, which I was very excited about. Some of them are just details and callbacks to other episodes. The Minuteman thing is bc I chose Nicholas Braun and I knew my sister would get a kick out of it. I knew I needed a gay movie reference and But I'm a Cheerleader really felt like a movie that House would casually reference and make everyone, characters and audience, think that House is definitely queer (and we must never forget that House was actually canonically a cheerleader). And finally, since it was immediately following The Down Low and House MD loves musical theatre gay jokes, I wanted another A Chorus Line reference. I'm honestly appalled nobody had done that one before. Her nickname is literally Thirteen!
This is probably more long-winded than you expected but I spent way too long and put way too much thought into that thing lol
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jacobsneed · 1 year
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♜ I go by David (he/him) and I’m an autistic stoner in my 20s with a hyperfixation on far cry 5 :) I mainly post fc5 related stuff and OCs on here, and I have a more multifandom/personal blog @sluttypostaldude, my art +occasional writing blog @rottenpozzum, my OC sideblog @david-rambles, and my gta sideblog, @dimitrirascalov I also recently made an Ao3 acc: RottenPozzum! If we're mutuals, feel free to ask for my discord! Not super vocal, but I enjoy sending and seeing funny pictures!
Want to be added to the taglist for picrews/quizzes/wips/etc? leave a like on THIS post ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
Status: Temporary Hiatus- having a pretty bad chronic illness flare up (but I’m stubbornly still online, shh!)
Inbox: 3 💙 (oc asks for Cricket & Ljubica and Jacob x Cricket ship ask)
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*Bold = mainly focused on
Currently Playing:
Grand Theft Auto Online // Grand Theft Auto: Vice City //
Currently Replaying:
**PAUSED - Low Spoons**
Cyberpunk 2077 // Far Cry 5 // Grand Theft Auto IV //
Games to Play/Replay Next:
Baldur's Gate 3 // Code Vein // Mass Effect series // Dragon Age series // Mafia series // Dragon's Dogma // Dishonoured // Divinity: Original Sin 2 // Red Dead 2+online // GTA Trilogy Remastered // My Time At Portia // Stardew // L.A. Noire //
🖥️ TV Shows 🖥️
Currently Watching:
House MD //
Back Burner:
KUWTK // How to Get Away With Murder // The Good Place //
The Young Pope // The Sopranos // Better Call Saul // Succession // Narcos // Arcane //
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Other Blogs
@sluttypostaldude - unorganized personal/multifandom
@david-rambles - OC blog
@dimitrirascalov - gta blog
@rottenpozzum - art blog
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opedguy · 1 year
Democrats Get Nothing From Trump’s Tax Returns
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Dec. 30, 3033.--Democrats finally got the dirt on 76-year-old former President Donald Trump with the Supreme Court and House Ways and Means Committee releasing five years of the former president’s tax returns.  Since Trump announced for president at Trump Tower in Manhattan June 17, 2015, Democrats and the press hounded him to release his tax returns.  Seven years later, Democrats and the press finally get what they want in the most anti-climactic news event imaginable.  What do middle class reporters know about any billionaire’s tax returns, other than feeling green with envy over the incredible wealth of certain lucky individuals.  Democrats and the press got what they wanted Nov. 8, 2020 when Trump was bounced out of office.  But releasing his tax returns did nothing to discredit the former president, or, for that matter, preventing him from running for president again in 2024;
Trump’s tax returns show his fantastic wealth but, more importantly, he uses IRS tax laws to his advantage as real estate investor.  Trump fought releasing his tax returns over the last seven years thinking that ordinary people would hold his clever tax strategies against him in any future election.  While Democrats and the press salivate, the public yawns about the release of Trump’s tax returns.  “The Democrats should have never done it, the Supreme Court should have never approved it, and it’s going to lead to horrible things for so many people,” Trump said on his Truth Social network.  Whether it leads to any consequences to ordinary citizens is anyone’s guess.  Trump refers to the invasion of privacy, something that goes with the territory for politicians and celebrities.  But with Democrats releasing Trump’s tax returns, they’ve accomplished nothing, most voters could care less.
Trump’s political problems in the 2020 campaign stemmed from Democrats and the media’s relentless demonization, blaming him for everything wrong with America.  In 2020, Covid-19 was ravaging communities around the country, with hospitals and clinics slammed, with ordinary citizens dropping like flies.  No one knew what to expect other than death-and-disease with no end in sight.  Democrats and press made sure that Trump was blamed for the Covid-19 global pandemic, at least the U.S. response to the health crisis.  Washington Post’s 79-year-old journalist Bob Woodward of Watergate fame and 82-year-old Dr. Anthony Fauci, heading Trump Covid-19 task force, teamed up to blame Trump for mishandling the crisis.  Woodward joined the Democrat Party effort to blame Trump for the Covid-19 crisis, with Fauci giving nonstop interviews to the anti-Trump press.
Adding to the perfect storm against Trump, the May 25, 2020 death of George Floyd and months of race riots that followed was also blamed on Trump. Added together, Trump was so demonized by the time the election rolled around, 80-year-old President Joe Biden benefited from confluence of events.  Trump didn’t know what hit him until Election Day, handing him a crushing defeat.  Trump was in such disbelief that he lost to Biden, he thought the election was rigged or some type of massive fraud took place.  No matter how much anyone looked for voter irregularities, nothing was ever found by  election officials or courts of law. Trump insisted he was robbed of his second term, prompting Democrats to call his claims of voter fraud the “Big Lie.”  But the “Big Lie” was not, as Democrats and the press said, a crime, only Trump’s expression his own eccentric opinion.
House Democrat spent 18 months and millions of dollars on the Jan. 6 House Select Committee hearings, in the most partisan and biased government hearings in U.S. history.  House Democrats interviewed one thousand witnesses all with intent of blaming Trump from the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.  Democrats, led by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) failed to convict Trump in the U.S. Senate of “incitement of insurrection” Feb. 13, 2021, following up with the Jan. 6 House Select Committee.  Democrats tried to prove Trump planned, orchestrated and colluded with right wing groups, the Oathkeepers and Proud Boys, to overturn the 2020 election results.  All the Committee showed was that certain groups and individuals broke the law Jan. 6, 2021, vandalized the Capitol and paid a draconic price with long jail sentences.  Democrats and the press conflate Jan. 6 rabble-rousers with Trump.
Democrats and the press have spent years trying to frame Trump on a variety of spurious charges.  For his 2016 presidential campaign, the FBI, under Obama White House approval, tried to frame his as Russian asset, claiming he colluded wit the Kremlin to win the 2016 election.  Former FBI Director James Comey, 62, spent years trying to frame Trump using former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s fake Steele dossier, totally fabricated paid opposition research.  New York Times and Washington Post won Pulitzer Prizes for fake reporting on Trump’s alleged ties to Russia.  Trump’s team exposed a monstrous conspiracy at the DOJ, FBI, CIA and National Security Agency [NSA] to frame Trump as a Russian asset.  Not one Democrat or media organization ever admitted apologized to Trump for their fabricated Russian conspiracy stories.  Trump is left shaking his head with what happened to him.
About the Author  
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
The House January 6th committee has been relying largely on evidence from Trump White House staffers, Trump administration officials, Trump political cronies, Trump relatives, as well as various other Republicans and MAGA enthusiasts.
As much as Trump likes to call this a “witch hunt”, it’s his own people who have provided the most damaging evidence against him.
It was one of his own former staffers who used the word unhinged to refer to a bizarre and lengthy meeting which took place at the White House on December 18th/19th. 
Inside the 'unhinged' West Wing meeting on Dec. 18
The chaotic White House meeting took place four days after electors met across the country and made Joe Biden the president-elect, and lasted over six hours, beginning in the Oval Office and ending in Trump's private residence. 
Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., who co-led Tuesday's hearing, described how attorney Sidney Powell, former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne and former national security adviser Michael Flynn accessed the White House with the help of a junior staffer and spoke with Trump alone for 10-15 minutes before White House officials learned of the meeting and made their way to join. 
"I bet Pat Cipollone set a new land speed record," Powell said of the White House Counsel. 
For his part, Cipollone expressed frustration at the group assembled before the president, telling the committee he "was not happy to see the people in the Oval Office."
[ ... ]
Derek Lyons, former White House staff secretary, said the two camps were "shouting at each other, throwing insults at each other — it wasn't just sort of people sitting around a couch chit-chatting."
Isn’t that what the Trump White House usually did anyway?
Former White House lawyer Eric Herschmann said the outside group suggested that Venezuela had meddled with the election and that Nest brand thermostats hooked up to the internet were changing votes.
Thermostats changing votes ranks up there with bleach curing COVID-19.
Cipollone recalled "pushing back" on the group of Trump's outside advisors by asking them to provide any evidence that the election was fraudulent.
He said the group showed a "general disregard for the importance of actually backing up what you say."
Didn’t Cipollone understand that very little of what the Trump administration had ever claimed was actually backed up by reality and logic?
Raskin displayed texts from Cassidy Hutchinson — who has already delivered bombshell testimony before the committee — describing the meeting to Tony Ornato, then-White House deputy chief of staff for operations, saying, "the West Wing is unhinged."
The committee also shared a photograph Hutchinson took of then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows escorting Giulinai off-campus "to make sure he didn't wander back into the mansion."
Yes, “Drunken Rudy” was escorted off the grounds of the White House. 🥴
While this meeting marked yet another low point in governance by Donald Trump, it does provide excellent material for a play.
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arpov-blog-blog · 2 months
..."Though some Republicans may blame House oversight committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) for their failure to impeach President Joe Biden, the real reason is simple: The whole party bought into long-debunked conspiracy theories peddled by their leader, Donald Trump.
And the impeachment inquiry has been a true team effort, with backing from leadership and Comer sharing investigatory duties with House Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-Mo.) and especially House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).
The inquiry spanned a wide range of topics, from Hunter Biden’s million-dollar business deals to his budding art career and to the Justice Department’s alleged failure to lock him up for not paying taxes. Comer and company have highlighted payments to the younger Biden by foreign nationals from all over the world and shown that Joe Biden would occasionally meet and greet his son’s benefactors.
Hunter Biden’s work for the Ukrainian gas giant Burisma, however, received special attention, because when he took a board position with the company in 2014, his father served as the face of U.S. policy toward Ukraine. The Ukraine connection offered Republicans the only potential example of the elder Biden taking an official action benefiting his family.
But the Ukraine corruption story has been repeatedly investigated, starting in 2019 after then-president Trump tried to coerce Ukraine into announcing an investigation into the Bidens, withholding military aid and getting impeached in the process.
“It was stale, moldy pizza left over from the Ukraine shakedown,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the top Democrat on the oversight committee, said in an interview. “The whole Burisma lie has this overwhelming stench of Russian disinformation and propaganda.”
Nevertheless, one Republican lawmaker told CNN this week that people wish Comer had “reined in” his rhetoric about the Biden investigation, so as to temper expectations. Another complained that he should have sent out subpoenas faster. Comer said he wouldn’t have done anything differently.
In a development foreshadowed by the Trump administration’s warnings about the Russian agent who peddled the Burisma story in 2019 and 2020, the Justice Department said in February that the FBI informant had totally made up his conversations with Burisma’s founder — and said that he had ties to Russian intelligence services. He’s now in a California jail awaiting trial on related charges, to which he’s pleaded not guilty.
The impeachment inquiry has since lost all momentum, with Republicans publicly acknowledging that they lack the votes to try to throw Joe Biden out of office and Comer saying he will instead refer Biden family members and associates to the Justice Department for prosecution.
Hunter Biden, for his part, has claimed that he was immensely qualified for his Burisma gig, and said that he joined the board to help it send a defiant signal to Russia. He has also conceded that the work was light and paid well. He wrote in his 2021 memoir that he did nothing unethical but also that he wouldn’t have taken the job had he known what backlash would follow.
In a deposition in February, Hunter Biden recalled a 2015 meeting with Amos Hochstein, a State Department official with a focus on energy affairs. (In his own interview with lawmakers in 2020, Hochstein said that he had been monitoring an uptick in pro-Moscow media outlets using Burisma “to create some kind of rift between the U.S. and Ukraine” and that he had made then-Vice President Joe Biden aware of it, adding that Hunter Biden had subsequently asked for the meeting.)
According to Hunter Biden, the two talked about the recent death of his brother, Beau Biden, and the toll it had taken on his family. Then Hochstein offered a stark warning about his Burisma job that Hunter Biden relayed to the roomful of Republicans trying to impeach his father: ”You have no understanding of the Russian disinformation and the way in which they could potentially weaponize this.”
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