#also heights aren't really to scale
thewindbandit · 9 months
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The silliest skykids :]
Cranked these out with @awkwardpossum0
we r winning
Close-ups under the cut
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taralen · 4 months
Why I draw Spamton the way I do and in defense of the "Tumblr sexyman" Spamton G. Spamton. An ESSAY.
EDIT 2/3/24 - Fixed some grammatical errors, changed font colors to make them easier to read against a white background, and reframed some of my arguments, especially regarding the "Yaoi style" portion, as it came across as ignorant and spiteful.
I follow the #spamton tag here, and I hate to say it, but it's full of artists jabbing at other artists who so happen to draw Spamton handsome. I see comments like, "No, he's a middle-aged sleazeball who is grungy and dirty." Often, these depictions show him with graying hair, ratty clothes, and covered in filth and grime. While there is nothing inherently wrong about drawing him this way, I find it disingenuous that the same people who draw him this way criticize people who draw him more handsome and or clean-cut because this depiction is even less based on his canon appearance than someone simply drawing him more realistically proportioned and with a pleasing visage (the definition of what this is varies by artist, but they're all often reduced to just "tumblr sexyman.") I see similar comments by people who draw him in what they may describe as "disgusting" or a "dirty scammer."
If Toby intended for Spamton to look dirty and gross, he would have simply gone with a similar design route to this character as an NPC in Undertale.
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Toby or other official arts never depict him with the following, even though I see it in fan art all the time:
Ball-jointed hands. Some artists draw them properly and make them look super cool. Simple lines aren't how they look in reality, but I get why people do that. Either way, it's not canon.
Dirty with tattered clothes. Spamton is only ever shown with a black blazer. It's debatable if he wears pants, but Toby has also drawn him with a collared shirt and tie.
Graying hair. Should be obvious. He's only ever seen with jet-black hair.
Overweight/Fat. While some fan depictions of this are cute, it's not canon. Spamton is always drawn thin but not necessarily in shape.
Buff. Same as the above. It looks really good in some fanart but is also not canon.
Tail. It can look really, really cute, but not canon for him or any of the Addisons.
Feathers. Only Swatch and the Swatchlings are depicted with feathers in Cyber World.
"40+ years old" - There is zero evidence of this in-game or in official merchandise or media. This assumption apparently comes from people assuming that his birthday would be the same as the first "spam email," which (at the time of this writing) was 46 years ago. This is a false equivalency since there is no indication that Spamton has any associations with our real-world history of spam emails. It should also be noted that this was not a true spam email. The only thing closest to Spamton in association with real spam email history may be his favorite year, 1997, in which spam marketing emails became frequent nuisances. However, actions to stop spam mail started in 1996, and it was by the 2000s that they became a serious concern because technology had since advanced. If he were truly born in 1978, he would only be 19 by 1997. While not impossible, it's not how most people see him in his Big Shot years of barely just entering adulthood. Also, as someone who has lived through most of the 90s, I can attest to a lot of this. Spam stuff existed, but news reports only heavily got into it by the 2000s.
100% Inorganic or Robot. While a cool idea, there is more evidence against this, like his ability to eat, sleep, and genuinely feel pain.
Boobs. I get most people who do this are doing it for fun, but it's not canon to his design, lol.
Tall. The most obvious one. Spamton is below average height, as made evident by his nearly 1:1 scale with Kris, a teenager.
Toddler-sized. Same as above. I won't lie that it can be drawn super cute, though. Haha!
With all that being said, why is it such a contention among his fans to depict him as handsome?
There is evidence to support that Spamton is at least, to some degree, good-looking but unconventionally attractive based on several sources. It should be noted that people often use his shop sprite as the best representation of his head, but this isn't accurate, either. In Undertale and Deltarune, because of its cartoonish sprites, it shouldn't surprise anyone that Spamton's are the most inaccurate and change frequently. Another user posted an entire comparison of all his sprites and how drastically inconsistent they are. I tried searching through my likes for this, but I can't find it. If anyone finds this, please link or reblog it to this post. Anyway, the intent of the post was to show artists that there are numerous different ways you can interpret Spamton's design with what's provided in the game, alone.
Stuff people often miss that is canon:
Lips. Believe it or not, this bastard's got kissable lips. Toby's recent art and his Neo attack are proof of this.
Eyes under the glasses. Seen in his sprite of going "BIG SHOT" the first time with Kris. It also hints at heterochromia because they contrast in color with yellow pupils under the pink and pink under the yellow.
NEO has no visible jaw hinge line. Only puppet Spamton does. Big Shot Spamton doesn't have one, either.
NEO's glasses' colors are reversed, and they are pince-nez style.
Androgynous sense of fashion. This is the least missed one, but it's worth mentioning. Spamton has no issues wearing pink, a color nowadays associated with women, and the NEO body has fabulous heels in addition to mostly being a magenta pink. The dress on the mannequin that greatly resembles him (and may hint at him being a white Addison before) shows a pretty dress that mirrors the one Mettaton wore in Undertale.
So then, WHY is he being depicted as handsome or unconventionally good-looking a BAD thing?
There really shouldn't be an issue with it at all. It's less offensive and technically more canon than many of the supposed depictions of him being a sleazebag who looks like he hasn't showered in a century and is hooked up on drugs or booze. You don't become a media darling without a charming personality. Mettaton only got successful in Undertale before he got his EX body because there was literally nothing else the people could watch. Spamton, on the other hand, was competing against many, so he had to stand out and look good even with the help of Mike (and possibly Tenna).
I often see people make this very reductive argument that it's a "yaoi style." This is by far one of the stupidest arguments I've ever seen. Drawing good-looking men is NOT equivalent to liking Yaoi. There are plenty of other genres of Asian-origin or Anime-styled media that feature pretty boys that have nothing to do with Boy's Love. Even Shounen anime has some bishies. Drawing bishounen-style male characters is a design choice and does not indicate someone's interest in Yaoi media. I swear, I have never seen this problem with Eastern fans. It's rude to lump people with similar art styles under something most people who make this claim don't even understand. I've seen people make upset comments about other people calling their style stuff like "Cal-Arts" even if they never went to Cal-Arts or like the media produced by them. It's the same principle. Stop lumping entire artists under one umbrella.
I draw him handsome because it's simply the way I see him. I love many other depictions of him, undoubtedly, and I even have a sticker set that depicts him with the graying hair, but it looks really good anyway. My point is, the fact that people who draw him dark and handsome shouldn't be scrutinized any more than people who draw him way more off base.
My personal contentions with the assumption he is a "dirty sleazebag old man."
I find this absolutely hilarious because this is a genuine stereotype and stock character of people similar to him. The douchebag salesman is a trope that's been around for a long time, but people don't seem to realize that this is a caricature and not representative of real salespeople.
Go to any @$%^ing department store or even an electronics one. Do you ever see anyone selling you stuff looking like they crawled out of the trash? Most are lower-class people who can't find any other job, meaning they are stuck with sales. It takes skill to be a good salesman, and I hate to brag, but I can probably sell you a #@$%ing soap bar and convince you that the extra $10 you're spending on it over a drugstore brand is better for your hands by deeply moisturizing them through herbal extracts and only "naturally" derived cleansing agents. Your hands are dry from the cold, drawing moisture out of them, so the investment would be worth it for the health of your skin during this harsh winter season. Why risk a drugstore brand that will only make your hands feel even rougher, flakier, and cracked? Stuff like this requires you to look someone in the eyes and observe who they are—their body language, way of carrying themselves, and the cadence of how they respond to your words. Does it always work? No. However, do you think anyone would $%^&ing buy ANY LEGAL PRODUCT if a salesperson looked like they were a shady crack dealer who was suspicious as %^&( to deal with? NO. It's a stereotype caricature for a REASON. It's meant to demean the reality of the salesperson who is forced to peddle a stupid product for a living. It's hard, and if anything, GET MAD at the people who are the ones making the crappy product! Yeah, some salesmen are bad at their jobs, but do you really believe that Cyber City's #1 RATED SALESMAN got there from being mediocre?! He may have gotten outside help for something that Toby never made clear, but he definitely does NOT lack the personality to make a great salesman. And believe it or not, there is plenty of evidence to prove he WASN'T bad at it! The other NPCs sell stuff that was once his goods but with his labels removed, and based on his statement of wanting to "make his own deals," this heavily implies he was NOT selling products he wanted to sell before he became a Big Shot. He has a strong sense of pride in the way he sees and presents himself, and I think this may be overlooked by people who make him look as ratty as possible.
I will also CLEARLY state this but this depiction overall does several of the following, which I KNOW many people will say is bad:
Ageism. Why do so many people, mostly Zoomers, assume that a man in his 40s is washed-up, gross, or even considered old? I've seen hotter men in their 40s than some young men in their early 20s.
Downplays his mental health struggles. One of the best things about Spamton is how he DOESN'T play into just the "sleazebag" stereotype. Once we go into his shop, we see that he is truly just a very broken man. His theme song is a FARCE to try and convince you that he's tougher than he really is.
Classist/Poor-Shaming. The assumption that a homeless person has to have no sense of cleanliness. Please, for the love of all that is good, meet actual homeless people. Not all of them are like this. Spamton clearly keeps himself rather clean for someone who dumpster dives. He is trying to stay true to himself, and his sense of self is one of pride. There is no dialogue or description to imply he smells or lacks proper hygiene.
Again, while there is nothing inherently wrong with drawing him this way, I just want people to be more aware of why they draw him this way. Think of it like a thought experiment to reflect on why you see him the way you do. How I draw Spamton comes from a place of deep empathy, love, and life experiences I've had in sales in addition to ALWAYS being customer-facing, meaning I know what works and what doesn't for over a DECADE. It's rather bizarre to me that people who claim to be big fans of him draw him in such a demeaning way that goes beyond the canon depiction and lowers him to absolute dirt, almost like beating this character with the ugly stick just because it's "funny." Is he a tragic character to you? Or is he simply a clown to laugh at for his failures and hardships? How we depict and see people is utterly fascinating because it reflects in real life, too.
You can take the exact same person and show them to different groups of people, and they will all see the same person differently. They don't have to be artists, but they tend to vary if you ask their opinions. For example, I think the actor Mads Mikkelsen is very attractive, but I know many who wouldn't understand why. A guy I've had a crush on for years is one of the hottest men ever to me, but a friend of mine called him "just a guy."
I fully understand that some people find the way I draw him stupid. It is what it is. I can't force you to like it.
I'm simply trying to point out my reasonings for why I draw him this way, and I would like others to think about their methods, too, and NOT to bash other people outright or go "ewww Yaoi tumblr sexyman" just because someone doesn't depict him with stereotypical traits or as "100% canon style" (which is mostly just copying the game's sprite style.)
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schneiderenjoyer · 16 days
do you have more pics to back up your "sotheby is tall" theory?
There's a few, actually! And one of them is from Jessica's teaser trailer with their Nightmare at Greenlake skins where she stands between X and Eagle.
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This is funny because Eagle is the same age as Sotheby. So their height difference (take note that Sotheby's costume has her wear lace doll shoes that her usual heels) is really drastic.
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There's also this part of Ezra's teaser where we can see a comparison between the two (Ezra is a year older) and she's crouched down far more than she has to just to meet eye level with him even while standing. We can chalk that up to her heels.
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Because curiously enough you can see a slight difference between her height with her I2 outfit where she wears only socks. It's an interesting detail and I honestly give props to people in charge of the battle sprites for being so careful. But it's not perfect.
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A fun distinction is while the promotional art has Sotheby a full head taller than Eagle, their battle sprites are different to scale. So there's still some inaccuracies in the battle sprites itself, but the sprites can be only so small before it's just not viable for visibility.
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My point to prove that is Matilda and Kanjira. Because we have a better height comparison of just how tall Matilda is compared to Kanjira in the mor pankh event.
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Kanjira is small. Like, really small (which make sense for her ethnicity at estimated age 16 if you compare her height with Kaalaa Baunaa, who is estimated to be 27) So the likelihood of Sotheby being taller than her is possible when Matilda (who is estimated to be 14 and of European descent) can outnumber her height. And yet...
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The battle sprites are so funny to me at times.
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There's also this art piece with Baby Blue (estimated to be 17) which is also a good height comparison since Baby Blue's rather tall (ignore the fact she can grow and shrink things including herself for a moment)
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Their heights are roughly the same difference in their battle sprites (if you overlook Baby Blue's floating)
So, in conclusion, while the battle sprites aren't the most accurate way to measure height difference between characters, there's far more effort to make it distinct enough to tell who's taller or smaller between others. It's better than whatever UTTU's metric of measurements is, that's for sure.
And the official arts honestly has far better height and proportion accuracy between characters than in-game, so I firmly believe those to be far more reliable than anything the game itself has offered so far. (The biggest case of that is Schneider who looks far more mature and proportionate in official art than her live 2D in-game sprite, but still kept she rather small stature. Especially with the new anniversary art having her side by side with Sonetto and you can literally tell that Sonetto's taller)
And with the way most of those official arts has drawn Sotheby so far, she's often depicted to be tall and lanky! We love our awkwardly tall child.
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exhausted-archivist · 7 months
Thedas: Not a Middle Ages Fantasy But an Ahistorical, Pre-Industrial, Mega Fauna Fantasy
Part 1: Mega Fauna
The long and the short of it? Thedas is an ahistorical world with magic, two moons, giant fauna - giants, dragons, giant bears, giant arachnids, and has some "ancient" and recent technology that would reach as late as the 1800-1900s in our timeline - such as bunsen burners, smokeless coal, table saw, thresher, heliography, and theodolite. Nothing about Thedas is a 1:1 equivalent for Earth and never has been, we know from the devs that it wasn't the intention either. From a fantasy perspective it is a blend of your typical fantasy stories with adventure, dragons, magic, elves and dwarves, varying mythology, and culture ending events; mixed with a venture into a "what if" ahistorical history.
In the case of Dragon Age, Gaider mentions it was a "what if our own history had magic and elves and dwarves?" and "how might Christianity be different if, instead of Jesus, it had been founded by Joan of Ark?" and subverting tropes of fantasy while still being recognizable: elves being brought low vs aloof and immortal; dwarves bring political schemers vs stouthearted Scotsmen; mages who were feared for good reason.
These were the basic foundations going into Dragon Age, and the spirit of those things is evident through out the series. While there are clear moments of parallels, allegories, and themes of the modern world, our world; I think that, for better or worse, the series has kept to the spirit of those foundations. Keeping things recognizable while exploring the world they've crafted, that grows as the team grows.
Its the spirit of that foundation that really lends to the idea of Thedas being a mega flora and fauna world.
Disclaimer and Considerations:
Take all of this with a grain of salt, whether you take it or leave it. Aside from the actual lore mentioned (with sources next to it) all of this is estimations and based off of known art standards or "canon" as the term is called.
Size is a hard thing to nail down in Dragon Age, the scaling and modeling between the games - main and all additional third party installment - are inconsistent at best largely due to limitations and scope of the game. Such limitations we see reflected in Bull not being 8' and instead is 6'9, the fact that the nightmare demon was scaled down because of scope. Then there are the cinematic scenes, they aren't reliable as they often have models float, sunk into the ground, or given camera angles that force perspectives.
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ALT Concept art is a touch more reliable in the idea of the intention but isn't any more hard fact due to the question of if the intention was carried through or not due to tech limitations or design choices.
In consideration of concept art I want to clarify a principal used in art that I will be referencing. Traditionally when drawing characters, artists will use proportional canons. Which is when one uses the height of the character’s head as a unit, to have the proportions of the body match natural ratios. A good write up of this concept is linked here and here.
Content warning for everyone, there will be mentions and/or depictions of the following:
Multi-eyed creatures
This post also includes images from the following:
The Missing comic
Dragon Age Absolution
Part 1a: Does Thedas Actually Have Mega Fauna?
Yes, they do. Now the first thought might be the obvious dragons, giants, wyverns, titans, and some magical creatures. But there are some creatures of which we have actual measurable sizes for.
I have the more "concrete" fauna separated into two categories: known sizes and comparable sizes. Known is as stated in lore, if we're given fixed numbers at any point, while comparable sizes are for creatures who we either have vague descriptions or equated to something we know the sizes for.
Comparable sizes are also separated from known sizes as they either have variations, or I am unsure of the lore for them still holds; as with anything dao, game guides, and ttrpg on this blog, these are treated and considered as canon unless clear contradictions are available.
Known Sizes
Giant spiders:
Their scale isn't measured by how high they stand on the ground or by body length but from leg to leg. Or rather that is what you would expect for them to be measured by, but it is hard to say for sure. I run with the leg to leg measurement for the provided size in canon; where they are/can be 12' / 3.65m. [Codex]
Looking at extracted game models (which aren't reliable for in-game models) the giant spider stands at 3' 11.28" / 1.2m and measures 5' 4.2" / 1.63m leg to leg.
Their length is 12' / 3.65m or larger with even larger wingspans. Males can weigh over 1,000 lbs / 453.59kg while females are a little less. [Last Flight ch. 2 p. 31]
For context of how big both of these are length wise, on average: Javan rhinos are 12'5 / 3.8m in length, Indian rhinos are between 10.8’-12.5’ / 3.3-3.8m in length, African forest elephants are between 7.22’-12.13’ / 2.2-3.7m in length, African Bush elephants are 10’-16.5’ / 3-5m in length, thresher sharks can be 10.5’-20’ / 3.2-6.1m long, female great white sharks have an overall length of 15’-21’ / 4.57-6.4 m; males 11’-13’ / 3.35-3.96 m. Most crocodiles exceed that with an average of 13-14' / 3.96-4.26m.
If you're like me and that just is a jumble of words, below are the size comparison to a 6' / 1.83m male figure, the scuba diver is roughly the same length as well. I had to edit the horizontal figures to compare lengths but scale wise they are still 6' / 1.83m. I also spliced together multiple images so they would be easier to see (and tumblr has a 30 image limit).
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ALT [Image Sources from left to right, top to bottom: Rhinos: Javan Rhino, Indian Rhino Elephants: African Bush Elephant, African Forest Elephant Crocodiles: American Crocodile, Mugger Crocodile Sharks: Thresher Shark, Great White Shark]
Comparable Sizes
Stated as being as tall and as wide as dwarves*; going off the dwarf heights from Inquisition game models would put them at a range of 4'9-5'3 / 144.78-160.02cm.** This is unclear if they mean from the head or shoulder, which typically you would measure quadrupeds from the shoulder. Something to note however, the mabari extracted models from Inquisition measure at 3' 4.6" / 1.03m at the shoulder but 4' 2" / 1.27m at the head.
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This is also roughly echoed in the concept art, where the shoulder height lines up with the shoulder height of the extracted model from Inquisition, however is closer to the dwarf height range when measuring from the top of the head.
Either way mabari are considered giant breeds when looking at dogs. Regardless of if they are the height of a dwarf 4'9-5'3 / 144.78-160.02cm or the height shown in the extracted model or concept art of 3' 4.6" / 1.03m at the shoulder but 4' 2" / 1.27m at the head. The largest dog in the real world was a great dane at 3' 5.18" / 1.046m.***
*[Dragon Age Tabletop (da ttrpg), Blood in Ferelden] **[Source] ***[Source]
There is a bit of a variant with their sizing scale across all entries. From being able to curl up to be the size of boulders or large rocks.* To The Calling describes them as follows
The “stalagmite” unfolded, revealing a serpentine creature with a long and wormlike neck that ended in a maw full of sharp teeth. Its mottled skin was almost perfectly camouflaged to match the stone around it.
He noticed where the creature’s limbs folded up under its carapace, where it tucked its long neck under its body. Hidden in plain sight, the disguise was almost perfect.
Meanwhile the Missing comic shows them as being much larger than Harding, a dwarf. The ttrpg also describes them as "small reptilian creatures". There also seems to be sizes difference noted between each type of deepstalker: deepstalker, leader, and matriarch.
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ALT [Image Sources: BioWare Promo Material, Dragon Age Wiki, and The Missing Comic #1]
Additional measurements include the odd 2' 6.3" / .77m from the extracted model from Inquisition which doesn't line up with the in-game sizing as they're proportionally much larger when next to a dwarf. Then when looking at the concept art scaling from the red dev book shared by Mark Darrah, they stand nearly 6' / 1.83m.
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So there is a stark range of size difference as well as really any consistency when it comes to the bipedal, raptor-like, predators.
*Note the range for what is a large rock and what is a boulder is pretty vague. **This is based on various screenshots as pictured above. Comparing them to Shale, a human character, dwarves, and an elf. *** [World of Thedas (WoT) vol. 1 p. 163, Origins game guide, da ttrpg, The Calling novel, and The Missing Comic]
Specifically when they are newly hatched are the size of a deer. At the shoulder they'd be 2'8 - 3' / 81 - 91cm. Their length could be from 3'1 - 7'2 / 95 - 220cm. [Dragonling Codex] *Note the ttrpg does denote that they are the size of a young deer, which would be about 1 1/2 years old. This is distinctly different from a fawn and they are the same size height wise as a mature deer. It is simply a difference in muscle mass.
Here is a helpful comparison of a white tail deer, one of the more common deer:
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Below is concept art from Tom Rhodes that I have cropped for a much clearer view. The shoulder height of the dragonling reaches roughly the same height as deer above.
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ALT [Image Source]
Part 1b Sizing from Concept art and Development
Here, I want to look at the concept art of creatures, while acknowledging that they don't always end up on the same scale in game - due to a variety of technical reasons. As we see with the fact that spiders are not 12' / 3.65m in game nor are they close to that.
But with that in mind, we can at least glean the intention if not what might be more reflective of the lore. As we know, not all of da lore is game engine/mechanic friendly and thus there is merit in seeing if we can measure through comparison of in dev work. Especially thanks to the human comparison in some of them.
One piece of such concept art that suggests mega fauna is the design guide for da4 that was teased to us by Mark Darrah in 2016 and in the BioWare: Secrets and Stories From 25 Years of Game Development (B25) p. 274.
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Using this, we can tell what might have been the intended -- again if it is not reflected in game -- size for the animals in Thedas. However, I will note for the sake of clarity that this isn't perfect reference; as some of the scaling seems to be questionable/warping. This is after all, an image of a picture in a book. I would be thrilled to see if we ever get to see a flat image of this.
But what we can see when we clean it up, and line up everything while cross referencing other concept art; the scaling seems to work out something like this with the human figure in the center being the "hero" proportions/ideals that would make his height 6'2 / 1.88m.
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Great Bear
Some of the concept art that we can use for comparisons are pieces such as the concept art for the Great Bear and Quillback (development name dragon bear and vulture hyena):
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Going off the stock hero height for female it is 5'6 - 5'7.5 / 1.67 - 1.71m and for males it is 6' - 6'2 / 1.83 - 1.88m. That would make a great bear roughly 10'11 - 11'2 / 3.34 - 3.42m in this concept art. However in the red book, the scaling suggest it is around 14' / 4.26m. Which is an example of how the book as reference might either be unreliable or the new updated intention for the scaling/design.
Regardless of which numbers you favor, when you look at those scales in contrast to our two largest modern bears:
Kodiak Bear: 3'4 - 5' / 1.02 - 1.52m at the shoulder, 6'5 - 9' / 1.96 - 2.74m in length, and 9' - 10' / 2.75 - 3.05m standing upright
Polar Bear: 3'7 - 5'3 / 1.09 - 1.6 m (male) or 2’8 - 3’11 / .81-1.19 m (female) at the shoulder, 7’10 - 9’10 / 2.4-3 m length, and 8’ - 10’ / 2.5 - 3.05 m standing upright Note: I have edited together the sourced images for clearer scaling.
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ALT [Image Sources: Bears: Kodiak Bear, Polar Bear]
Additionally when looking at the tarot cards, which also tend to echo concept art more than the final game we see this massive and dramatic height difference for great bears.
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Another varying size reference we have from concept art is this piece by Tom Rhodes comparing the great bear to the normal bear/brown bear. This is in direct conflict with the scale illustrated in the dev book, though this could simply be due to the stage of development this was created in as it looks to be a draw over of a game model when looking at the great bear.
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ALT [Image Source]
Nightmare Demon
The Nightmare demon, or "Blinky" as fans call it, or "Smilely" as Varric calls it. This is however a demon so it's appearance and size can change due to influences outside of its control, I want to acknowledge that. This one was something I wasn't expecting to make a comparison with, as we know that not only was the final version of this demon scaled well as it seems that part of it was cut off in the dev book. But I found this concept art from Heroes of Dragon Age (HoDA) and I believe it roughly matches up with the dev book in terms of scale. It might be scaling larger however, I cannot say with any certainty. And when comparing it to the game model in DAI, this is actually a little smaller in comparison. The extracted game model of the Nightmare demon is 93.47' / 28.49m, while in comparison this concept art implies that it is 54.5' / 16.61m when you measure the silhouette which we can estimate to be 6'2.
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ALT [Image Source]
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ALT You can see how much they sized down the nightmare demon for HoDA (which is understandable given the constraints of a mobile game), especially when you scale them down to show the actual difference. Which is funny considering the nightmare demon is greatly scaled down from the original concept.
Another piece we have, is concept art for the phoenix. Unlike with the hero figure from before, we are estimating Orisino's height based on the height of elven game models. This would put Orisinao at 5'9 - 6' / 1.75 - 1.83m for an elven male.
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ALT [Image Source]
This height reference is echoed and reinforced when we look at the dev book from B25 and Mark Darrah. When you bring the phoenix over to line it up with the hero character in the center, it puts the shoulder a phoenix is roughly 6'2. Implying that, at least for this art, Oresino is within that 5'9-6' / 1.75-1.83m range as his height is lower than the shoulder.
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As you can see the extracted game model is not comparable due to the fact it, like the bears are not at all the same size as their in-game models. They are being scaled up a great deal to what we see in game. The extracted model height for the phoenix is 2' 7.4" / 0.8m, which is much shorter than their in-game counter part that shows it to be around the height of the human/elf character if not a little taller.
Shown in the concept art with the great bear, we do have scalable concept art with the quillback and we are able to see that it does line up with the scaling for the dev book. It is also roughly the same size as the extracted game model. It's shoulder height being 4' 10.6" / 1.49m. The quillback also seems to be one of the few creatures where their in game counter part matches up with their model and concept art.
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Part 1 Conclusion
As we can see with all the comparable or confirmed sizing of these creatures in Thedas, most are predators and scavengers, fairly large ones at that. So much so, it would dictate a high oxygen content in the atmosphere, plenty of prey to fuel animals of this size, and plenty of land area to allow for the biodiversity that we see. Even down to the subterranean level as well.
We know that gravity also works differently in Thedas, to a degree it is requires as to allow creatures the size of dragons and griffons fly, and giants roam the surface. But also to allow dwarves ranging from 4'9-5'3 / 144.78-160.02 cm to live 2-4 miles / 3.21-6.43 km below sea level + the distance from the actual surface. To give context, the deepest cave we've explored on earth is the Veryovkia cave at 1.37 miles / 2.12 km deep and the entrance to the cave is 1.41 miles / 2.28 km above sea level. Meaning the deepest cave doesn't even go down to sea level.
But with all that said, I'm only wrapping up here as I'm running out of image allowance for this post. I'll continue this in the next part, and if you've read this far, thank you.
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impandgnomes · 1 year
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Been working with Tegridy these past couple of weeks!!!!! This took forever to finish - so many ends to weave in lmao. I'm so glad it's done though.
I kind of posted about the Tegridy Farms blanket here like last night, but figured since it's actually done now you all deserved some pictures, alongside a repost of my notes on making it. I really love the overall vibe of the colours and composition and I like to hope that I captured some of that here.
Notes regarding yarn, sizing etc. from previous post for completion's sake under the cut:
My color choices aren't a 1:1 match with the ones in the show. I would still argue them as "realistic" versions allowing for the saturation of coloring on the BG in the show, but YMMV and gatekeeping my technically incorrect choice would be beyond silly. I just really like making stuff I see in cartoons.
I basically tried to make this thing roughly to scale with the one in the show though, as others I saw worked single strands of DK yarn, resulting in a really small blanket.
I did some math by measuring the heights of a square of the blanket and the couch on the screencap given above and cross-referencing it with the average height of a couch (regarding my formal diagnosis and to quote tiktok, "I have this thing, it's AUTISM"). The result was each square measuring approximately 13-15cm iirc.
I just used a basic granny square layout with this method on regular DK yarn with a 7mm crochet hook to work the squares into the ideal size. They sat at just over 15cm and I somehow only just had enough of the gray yarn. I imagine from what we see that the blanket is 7x7 squares with the others hanging off the back out of sight, so I made 42 squares in total.
Most of the yarn (except the white which was just some salvaged stuff) was Aldi UK's seasonally stocked "So Crafty" acrylic Double Knit yarn, so I was certainly sweating bullets re: if I even had enough (not sure how easy substitutes would have been). Color names are Wheat, Grass, Rose Garden, and Gun Metal.
Technically the cushions are also achievable in crochet - they would use c2c (corner to corner) and I think that's 100% the intent in their design due to the blocky/pixelated appearance of the images. There's plenty of charts for images like those, but making your own would work too. I would definitely like to hear from whoever on the design team chose to put these in the BG and if they were inspired by something or someone, since with the cushions especially it feels weirdly specific to me to use crochet in like 2017 for the "homely and rustic weed farmhouse" vibe I imagine Randy trying to force here. Based on eyeballing it and my square sizes, I'd aim for a 30cm² cushion maybe.
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What Your Favorite Steven Universe Ship Says About You
In the style of Eldena Doubleca5t, blessings be upon her for the hours of entertainment and tea-spilling she has given us.
Connverse: You are a firm believer in keeping things canon and keeping things wholesome.
Rupphire: This is basically the same thing as Connverse but specifically for queer people. There's also like a 75% chance you've also shipped all of the other canonical queer pairings such as Catradora, Korrasami, and Bubbline.
Pearlmethyst: You are a huge fan of that one Reese's Peanut Butter Cup commercial except it's more like "you got your 'bickering married couple' in my 'responsible older sibling/foolish younger sibling'".
Pearlnet: Your ideal relationship dynamic is being the only reliable ones in the group project.
Garnethyst: Your love of thicc women got so bad that one day you were like "you know what's better than one thicc woman? Two thicc women."
Lapidot: You just want to retire to the countryside to make meepmorps with your emo GF.
Amedot: You've gotten so much mileage out of that one scene from "Too Far" that if that scene were a car and you got it into a minor fender bender, your insurance would just total it out.
Pearlrose: You don't just want to date a tall hot woman, you want to date the tall hot woman everyone else wants to date.
Bispearl: You just wanted good things for Bismuth. And really, who wouldn't?
Volleypearl: Your ideal date is finding out you have the same ex and bonding by talking shit about them.
Bellow Pearl: Your ideal date is recreating that one scene from Titanic. You know the one.
Bellow Diamond: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of shared trauma.
Jaspedot: You're always a slut for height difference with a big ol' helping of bickering coworkers.
Jaspethyst: You're always a slut for height difference with a big ol' helping of enemies to lovers.
Jaspis: You're always a slut for a toxic relationship and you can never understand why other people aren't. Isn't the drama the interesting part?
Gregrose: You just want to be bridal carried into the sunset by your tall space wife. Also anything involving Greg falls somewhere on the Men Getting Pegged! scale.
Greg x Pink Diamond: This is just Gregrose but for people who said "you know what's better than a tall space wife? An even taller space wife."
Greg x Any Other Diamond: You think that the 'Greg Murdercock Universe' meme will never stop being funny.
Gregmethyst: Your ideal date is unironically enjoying terrible media together.
Eyequamarine: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of shared hatred.
Larsbuck: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of getting your senpai to notice you.
Laremmy: Your ideal relationship dynamic is cocky thief/obsessive cop.
Larsadie: You will be bitter about Steven Universe Future until you draw your dying breath.
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flambo19 · 8 months
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Slugcats are incredibly comfy to draw when my brain is fried. Please enjoy them all
Also below's a bunch (aka a paragraph for each how'd that happen) of headcanons and thoughts about my designs because the brain rot hasn't really stopped
The most average slugcat to ever slugcat. So instead I'll say that I decided to give the slugcats whiskers (that are probably closer to barbels on fish or the sensory tentacles on slugs). Also I know they're probably slimy in canon but nothing can stop me from giving them fluff. I like to think that slugcats are prone to weird mutations that lead to a very varied species and makes them easy to purpose.
Monk is about as average as Survivor except being a little smaller than usual for their age. I don't have many strong headcanons in the way of gender for these guys but I like to think of Survivor and Monk as big sister and little brother to parallel Moon and Pebbles in a way.
Just having the absolute worst time. Any wounds Hunter receives quickly rot and stop healing and they are pretty much always in pain. When it gets really bad the rot cysts and tentacles begin to grow and sometimes attempt to eat Hunter themself. They know that it was No Significant Harassment's mistake that led them to getting the rot but aren't really mad about it. They just have a sort of a tired and somewhat grumpy “it is how it is” kind of attitude about pretty much everything.
Gourmand is from the same clan as Survivor and Monk and so is also fairly average, their standout traits being their height, size, and intelligence. Their also a little fluffier than average for maximum comfy hugging potential. Well respected in their clan and considered a legend of sorts for their journey into Five Pebble's facility grounds.
Artificer's explosive abilities and abnormally large size are due to a combo of weird mutations and diet. The dark red marks are a mix of dried blood, scar tissue, and general explosive damage. She has damaged her hearing via explosions, has one working eye, and blown off most of her whiskers. She is practically running blind and is literally too angry to die. Fluffy but rough and course and just awful to hug at this point.
Spearmaster has spines growing all along their back, but only the ones of its tail are strong and thick enough to use as spears. Their whiskers are also thinner and more similar to their spines (or cat whiskers in a way). Their ears are also cropped (like a dog's) and Seven Red Suns gave them a small coat to distinguish them as a messenger. Underneath on their chest is a small scar that marks the pearl's location (that is very quickly a big scar once Pebbles commits the worst surgery in Rain World history).
Rivulet is from a subspecies of semi-aquatic slugcats with increased lung capacity, seal-like fur, and a tail fin for steering underwater. Their whiskers have taken the appearance of gills. While useless for breathing underwater, they mimic salamanders in an attempt to confuse and scare off predators. Rivulet is an adventurer who left their clan to explore distant lands and keeps finding themself in trouble.
Incredibly fluffy to adapt to the cold but pretty skinny and frail underneath. Their tongue is rough like a cats (so are all slugcats but Saint stands out). As their karma grows, echo scales begin to appear along their body and they subtly glow and distort the close surrounding environment. Saint is just really uncanny to be around.
( hey if you read through all of these thank you its means a lot that someone would read my funky rambles :) )
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lychello · 16 days
armed detective agency | appearance. hcs
dazai, kunikida, ranpo, kenji, atsushi missing quite a few, they'll be in the next part
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wc : approximately 800
a/n : i'll get to whoever requested a fic soon enough but if you are reading this i'd prefer if you actually specified who you want the pairing to be of instead of giving me the general idea. thanks
this also mentions a few general headcanons, rather than ones focused on appearance
some have more than others because i have favourities
content warnings : self mutilation, scars and past suicide attempts
Osamu Dazai
dazai has moles all across his body—especially the inner skin between his fingers. he has a few moles along his neck and collarbone, and several down his stomach, but most are hidden due to his bandages.
on the off chance he does have his bandages off, his arms are covered in short scars, especially his left. although most are healed, he likes to keep them hidden in case of them being seen as a vulnerability point.
dazai's skin is relatively tan due to longer missions outside, despite never wanting to go on them. his skin is naturally pale but it easily tans, yet is never really sunburned, and you can see the difference when he replaces his bandages because of the thick tan line from his neck down.
his clothing is usually never ironed, if it is, he's bribed someone else into doing it for him. his entire wardrobe is full of crinkled shirts and jeans no matter how much need there is for fancy wear.
dazai doesn't grow that much body hair. sometimes he'll grow stubble or the off leg hair, but he's never found himself needing to actually shave.
he has noose scars around his throat from previous suicide attempts, however he also uses bandages to cover them when he needs to.
his teeth are straight because he had braces when he was in the mafia due to them growing unevenly, but they aren't perfectly white like veneers, they have a yellow tint on them.
contrary to popular belief, he's only around 5'9 to 5'10.
dazai has heavy dark circles under his eyes due to a lack of sleep.
Doppo Kunikida
kunikida is well organized and kept to his notebook, line for line. in contrast to osamu, he irons his clothing, especially his shirts, far more often.
he has well calloused hands due to working (and guitar lessons from when he was younger) and often his fingertips get caught on his notebook paper when he's turning pages.
kunikida has stray gray hairs along his hairline that he plucks out because teaching kids had got to be that stressful; dazai usually made fun of him for it before he grew a few himself, but just ended up mocking him with how he could pull it off better
he always walks into work with lines of pen ink all over himself, from either rushing writing or even just exploded pens.
he has a mole just under the right side of his lip.
kunikida's lips chap quite easily and he has to carry around lipbalm because dazai told him that licking them too much would erase the whole top layer.
he has a visible nose bump.
Ranpo Edogawa
due to his sweet tooth, ranpo has a minimum of three cavities. of course, he always saw them coming, but he never prepares dental appointments unless they actually start to annoy or pain him.
he's rather short, as seen compared to the other members of the agency, and sometimes uses height extenders hidden in his shoes with the excuse they're for something medical.
ranpo has a few acne scars around his cheeks from when he was a kid because of his diet and need to always get rid of them.
his hair is really soft, the front more so than the back because he never washes it out properly.
he's actually on the lower scale of vision impairment, and it's often why he doesn't open his eyes without his glasses.
Kenji Miyazawa
kenji is COVERED in freckles. from head to toe, there are freckles throughout his body: across the bridge of his nose, his neck, his arms, you name it.
he has unnecessarily long eyelashes.
kenji bites his fingernails, so the top parts of his nails are completely disintergrated but it took a while because of how strong they actually are. i like to think that his bones, nails, et cetera are all relatively strong because of his ability.
he blushes very easily.
sometimes kenji gets random sticks of straw stuck in his hair because of his hat and he never notices them because of their matching colour until after work or unless someone points them out to him.
Atsushi Nakajima
atsushi has cat scratches all over his body, mostly from partial transforming when he's asleep. yosano is usually always pouncing on him because of it—no pun intended.
a lot of his clothes are covered in white cat hair so he always walks into the office covered in it when he doesn't get the chance to wash it or go to the laundromat. (and when he does, he's always questioned about what breed of cat he owns)
atsushi's eyebrows are kind of overgrown because of his mass amount of hair and he was never really taught to shave when in the orphanage for obvious reasons. his hair also grows VERY quickly.
he has a small amount of visible freckles over the bridge of his nose.
i will add more the more i actually think about it i'd say
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resin-popia · 2 months
DAY 1 Nendoroid Ghoul Costume
Working this small you have to have an "ish" mindset. It's gotta be close enough. If you try getting it perfectly as the reference you can end up with a bulky finished work that may have some distracting elements. It's ok to "ish" this. The camera does wonders.
(if you make stuff to sell, that's a different story. Finishing garments to make them suitable for other people sometimes takes as long as making the item.)
This doll will be permanently sewn into their clothing. It's easier this way at that scale. No bulk and resewing the garment isn't hard at all. The bodies are cheap enough you could have a body for fancy clothes permanently sewn on and a spare body for other clothing options. Sometimes I sew some dolls into their clothing, but not really any dolls beyond 1/4 scale. Bulk isn't that big a deal when the doll is larger.
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To minimize bulk, I'm combining the pants and the shirt into one piece. The vest will cinch the waist and give the body an illusion of pants and shirt. So I'm making a big onesie to start.
I trace the doll, add some necessary shapes and make sure the pattern has a very small seam allowance. In my experience, at this scale weird seams aren't noticed as much. I mark the halfway point on the doll, fold and cut out the pattern to make an even shape.
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At this scale I usually use Jersey knit or lycra. Look at the dance wear section of your fabric store for suitable fabric. The fabric doesn't fray and the stretchiness makes it very forgiving.
This fabric is very slippery, so it's OK if you turn the right sides in and sew around the pattern with a straight stitch BEFORE cutting out the garment. Make sure to add a small seam allowance. Also, every so over do a backstitch to keep the seams from unravelling. Stitch in time saves nine.
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Then I cut the garment out. After that, one more secure whipstitch to all four seams (top of shoulders, sides of body.) I cut the back carefully to waist height and turn it right side out.
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I whipstitch the garment shut. The jodpurs aren't really sticking out as nice as I'd like but I may add some fluff. Finishing the cuffs tomorrow.
Nice things about lyric or jersey is you don't need to really hem anything.
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Follow #resin Popia BTS to see updates. Or I can add you to my tag list!!!!
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ishipgenfics · 1 year
You and Your Human: Part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
You see your next crew member walking out of a shop entitled Engineering Advice and Tool Repair. You probably would not have noticed them, but your human tugged on your sleeve. Its feautres were frozen, eyes wide.
"Human?" your human says.
You step closer. The sentient is walking slowly, so it is easy for you to get a glimpse at it, and to see that your human is wrong. It is a Sirviles, and while they can look human at times(although you'd never noticed it before) they are a species all their own.
You turn slightly to your human. "No," you say, shaking your head. "Sirviles."
Your human appears to lose an inch or two to height, which is concerning until you realize it is merely slumping. A reaction to exhaustion in many species that you had never gotten used to.
You jump up to your human's shoulder and shake it. "Okay?" you say.
Your human makes a noise like the yipping of wild dogs, which you have come to recognize as its version of laughter. "Okay," it confirms. "Just... little sad. What is Sirviles?"
You struggle to find the words to explain. Sirviles are wonderful and fascinating, but complicated. "Human then snake then human. One to two to one."
Your human nods at you and you nod back, momentarily forgetting the meaning of the gesture. Your human laughs at you and you bare your claws playfully at it before turning your attention back to the Sirviles.
You may end up zoning out slightly, for it feels like only a few seconds have passed when it whirls around, bares pointed fangs at you and hisses, "Who are you and why are you watching me?!"
You clasp your paws together and jump down from your human's shoulder. You don't want to draw too much attention to it yet, before you reveal to all of them what it actually is. Being human technically isn't illegal here, but there are still definitely people that could have a problem with it. "Apologies," you say. You know you must sound rather foolish, but you have always had trouble with the hisses of the Sirvilein language. "I saw you exiting a shop about Engineering, and I have found myself in need of an engineer. Do our needs align?"
The Sirviles is stunned into silence. You back up a few steps and study its face as it gathers its thoughts.
It is mostly on the hominid end of the cycle, with only a few scales and a slight limp showing the snake end. It is bald, with abstract tattoos covering its head and shoulders. It has dark skin and dark scales.
"They do," the Sirviles says. "Or I believe ssssso. What sssort of workerss are you looking for?"
"I have brought a new s-s-ship," you say, giving up on trying to hiss the s. You just aren't made for it. I could use an engineer, a scientist, or a doctor. Third is lowest priority." You already have a bit of emergency medical training, enough to get by. If there's a doctor willing to come work on your ship, great, but it really isn't necessary.
"I am an engineer," the Sirviles says. "I also ssspeak Cervilian, and a bit of Pyricessse, if that enhances the deal for you."
You smile. You've picked up the habit from your human. "It does."
"Where will the deal be ssssealed?" your engineer asks.
"The Crow Section of the docks," you say. "You will find an Equilian there. "I will meet you shortly."
As your new engineer walks off, quickly vanishing into the crowds of people, your human bends down to tap you. It is a startling feeling, and you jump. Your human backs away, babbling too quickly for you to understand.
You hold a paw up. "Slow, slow," you say in your humans language.
"Sorry," your human says. It bends down. It does that sometimes when its talking to you. Its... kind of sweet, but you are very used to talking to species much taller than you. Did your human not see you talking to the Sirviles five seconds ago. "When home?"
Home? What does your human mean, 'home'? Does it mean Earth? You can't get to Earth. Earth is dangerous. And anyway, your human never mentioned wanting to go back there. "Home?"
Your human frowns, and your tail twitches slightly, a prey instinct you cannot suppress. "The ship? You? When home?"
Oh. Oh, you love your human so much. "Soon. Person," you hold up one finger, "supplies," you hold up another, "and then home," you hold up a third finger.
Your human nods. "Good."
As you walk into the crowd, you notice that your human is walking behind you. Now that you think of it, it's pretty much been doing that the whole time. You aren't sure why. It's not like you can hide it, other than drawing attention of it-- it is much bigger than you. And while you would do anything to protect it, it is stronger than you as well.
Hmm. It is young. Perhaps it doesn't know it's own strength.
As you ponder this question, you feel an icy chill through your arm and turn to see a flickering sentient trying to pull you away. Its hand keeps going through your arm and it growls in frustration.
"Excuse me?" you say in Pyricese. It probably doesn't know Pyricese, but hopefully it knows at least one language that you speak.
"Hi!" the sentient says. "Will you come over here? Your friend can come too."
You stare, unable to process the words you are hearing. This feels like encountering an extinct species in the wild. "Are you speaking Universal Standard?"
The sentient shifts its weight back and forth. The light of its form flickers as it moves, like a candle flame. "Is that bad? Sorry. If so."
You sigh, and jump up to pat the being. It seems to have focused more, because your hand doesn't phaze through it. It zaps you a little, like... tiny electrocution? There should really be a word for that. "Galaxy-new, no one speaks Universal Standard."
The flickering gets more intense, and you thank the Saints that you are standing on the side of the road rather than in the middle of it. "Why is it called Universal Standard then? This is too confusing."
You really want to rant about the history of Universal Standard, because it is fascinating, but ironically, your Universal Standard is extremely rusty. You only ever studied it, never actually practiced, since no one speaks Universal Standard. Instead you just chirp a I don't know, and say, "Sorry. Were you not looking for a job?"
The sentient flickers in and out one more time and then settles down into a more humanoid form, with golden eyes and a pointed noise. It doesn't have a mouth, and you realize that you have no idea how its been talking to you this whole time. "Right! Yes. Now I haven't been to space before, so I would like a job. Before they find me."
"Are you a criminal?" you ask. "Because I'm not hiring criminals--"
"Only from my planet!" the sentient protests. It seems flustered. "They're very closed off, and they don't like space, but I wanted to go to space so I could learn more things."
That explains why they thought Universal Standard was actually the standard language then. Galaxy-new was a lot more accurate of a term than you thought. "What can you do?"
The sentient hesitates. "I am a," there is some sort of word in their home language that sounds like the squeak of a whistle. You have a wide range of vision and can see your human tense behind you.
"I don't know that word," you say. A very helpful phrase, in any language.
The sentient growls again. "I... I learn things, and I do tests, and I do more tests to figure things out, and I collect information about the things and write it down."
"A scientist?" you say. Your heart flutters. Saints, you have been lucky today. Maybe the world is trying to give you a break after having your old crew abandon you. "I need a scientist."
"Is that the Universal Standard word for it?" the sentient says, before waving a glowing tendril. "Not important. So you'll hire me?"
You sigh. Well, it seems sweet. Why not? "Yeah, alright," you say. "But I'm gonna be giving you language lessons. You need to know something other than Universal Standard."
"Deal!" the sentient turns into a little glowing star, pulsing happily. You explain to it where to go, and then head off into the crowd again. Just a few more supplies to get and then it will be time to go back to your ship.
This time, you hop onto your humans shoulder, occasionally whispering instructions into its ear to tell it where to go. Its nice, to see the world from a different perspective, and also nice to see your human.
You have a very wide range of vision, and from your spot on its shoulder you can see your humans absolute wonder at everything it is seeing. Sometimes fear, yes, or confusion, but mostly wonder and awe. If you are interpreting human facial expression correctly.
It's beautiful. You haven't been that in awe of the galaxy in a very long time, but you still remember the feeling, the first time you saw how small you were, and how big the world could be.
You are glad to be able to see your human experiencing it. You would have thought it would have already happened, considering you found your human on a crashed Cervilian ship. Maybe the ship never landed....?
Eh. It's really not that important. You should just enjoy the moment.
You gather up supplies-- food and equipment. You'd gotten a lot of different types of currency before you'd set off in your ship, so you don't have to worry too much about exchanging, which saves a lot of time. Before you know it, you have everything you need.
Your human is walking back to the ship, when you pass by a bookshop. You would have ignored it, but for two important things.
1: One of the books on display has a human on the cover.
2: The sentient inside, sweeping the floor and humming quietly to himself, is Pyrician.
You jump down from your human's shoulder. It will be good to look another one of your species in the eye.
You open up the door, your human awkwardly shuffling after you. It seems to understand when it sees the Pyrician, because it stops whispering, "What?" at you in both Human and Pyricese.
The Pyrician is larger than you. Its tail is bushier and its fur is darker, more beach than desert. It is a little grey around the whiskers, and it snuffles welcomingly at you as you enter.
"Pronouns?" it asks.
"She/her variant," you answer. "You?"
"He/him," he says, answering with the shortened version. You have gotten used to talking more formally, you realize. It is easier for outsiders to understand. "What brings you to my little bookshop?"
You are almost certain that this man is from the beach areas of your planet. He has quite a thick accent. "I saw that you have a book about humans in your windows...?"
"Oh! Yes!" he glances around. "Can I tell you a secret?"
"Of course," you promise. You glance over to your human, standing in the corner tapping the wall in some sort of rhythm unidentifiable to anyone but itself and giggle. Whatever the secret is, you are almost certain you won't have a problem with it.
"I think humans are a bit... too villanized," he confides in you like its some huge deal, instead of something you've thought pretty much ever since you started talking to your human. "They can be dangerous of course, I'm not denying that, but there are lots of dangerous species out there. Humans just seem... misunderstood to me. I have a lot of books about them. Professional interest."
"Wait..." you say slowly. "You have books? About humans?"
"Yes!" he says happily, ears bobbing up and down. "Some written by other species, but a few written by humans themselves. And one of them is just all my collected information. Now, all the humans I know are from one specific part of the planet, so my understand of the language is limited--"
"But you have books on the language?" you repeat.
He nods. There is a twinkle in his dark black eyes. "Yes, I do."
You grab him by the shoulders. "Show me everything."
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thevoidofwinter · 13 days
this is SUPER late bc its been A Time lately and i also kinda forgot for a while oops. BUT. a little bit of rambling about my cccc/hms designs + interpretation as requested by @keruukat :]
so first off, all three of them in my "main" designs for them are incredibly creature coded. this is literally just because i wanted to and enjoy that type of theme. mind is dragon themed, heart is... bird creature thing. themed. and soul is cockatrice themed which was actually not my idea and a big brain suggestion my friend @atticustimestwo came up with (thank you forever atticus btw. probably never would have thought of that myself sLJFKSL) !!! as a result of this, they're all incredibly instinct driven and highly reactionary. yes mind hates this.
side note, i also have different names i like using for them! mind is helios, heart is lunaris, and soul is anularis. this was mostly just to separate them when doing rps with friends but i've come to really enjoy these names :]
but with that out of the way! i'll start with my mind design bc i'm biased towards blue and dragons oops.
originally, he started out being the least creature coded of the three, both in terms how i was messing around with design and actually in how i read the "timeline" of the album, as it were. in character wise, he absolutely hated being "inferior" to the other two. he didn't have any claws to speak of, no scales, no feathers. he was the most human looking and he didnt like that. so what does he do? oh yknow.
design wise, i realized i liked leaning more into the robotic theming like a lot of people do bc idk! it's fun. why not. and then my dragon bias hit when i heard that One Line in RoE while drawing one day and the gears started turning. i still haven't ironed it out 100% drawing wise, but here's what i have so far:
a good part of the left side of his face is a screen! its default is just an eye, though it can be just about anything. it definitely turns to a clock during RoE and i do imagine it becoming super animated during TME. also glitchy from Be Born into TME as well.
his floating crown is a hologram he keeps up at most times, but the sun halo is just kind of. always there.
there's a lot of metal. like. a LOT. his neck is plated + his modulator is built into that. his entire spine is reinforced with metal. metal arms, probably some metal patches elsewhere too. and yknow the robotic dragon tail
he glows ominously in the dark. you can see that here- just kind of an aura type thing along with the glowy robotic bits on him.
he has irises and pupils, though most of the time they aren't visible bc he is. Tired. they snap into visibility when he's focused or angry though. (i have a very vivid mental image of them snapping into focus during the intro of TME)
he has mechanical wings! they're retractable and mostly are just there because, again, he couldn't bear to be "inferior" to heart and soul, who both also have wings. he can fly with them, though most of the time they're literally just for threat display. also yes, there are slits in the back of his jacket for the wings i just forget to draw them lol
he has an innate need to Be The Tallest. they're literally all the same height but this bitch wears heeled boots with metal on the soles to make himself taller.
the sun patch on his right jacket sleeve was put there by heart; the crown on the left he did himself.
he kinda??? has electricity abilities that he gained over the process of turning himself more robotic. this is important to note for a later note with soul :)
...that's all i can think of for now but i'm sure there's more i'm forgetting. its fine! onto heart :D
heart has always been the most creature coded to me, as the representation of emotion. and yknow. emotions can be pretty damn innate, instinctual, and visceral. or maybe that's just my take on it cause mine sure are lfsdkjhdfjk
i couldn't choose between black and white wings so his are both! a gradient from white into black with white speckles and purple heart-shaped markings on a few of the primary feathers :] he also has a lot of feathers in other places, such as covering his ears, his neck, chest, arms, legs, and of course tail.
his eyes aren't actually physically damaged! his near-blindness and extreme light sensitivity are actually a result of mind glowing blindingly bright (something something don't stare at the sun) after the shot, and then later the harsh red glow of soul's trident when he got the scars on his face.
his halo is a crescent moon most of the time, though it can change to different phases either on command or in reaction to his emotions. i haven't quite decided which phase stands for what yet, i'll figure it out eventually...
he loves loves loves putting patches on things, especially different textured ones. the heart patch on his hoodie sleeve is soft!
his blindfold has the phases of the moon on it! they weren't initially there as the blindfold was given to him by soul, but mind later embroidered the phases onto it during a concord loop.
his tail is actually kinda prehensile and really strong- he can totally use it to hang onto stuff and even hang off a branch upside down.
he used to be able to fly easily, but after getting his wings broken one too many times in scuffles, it's a lot more difficult to do so now. theoretically he still could with enough adrenaline, though.
he slouches a lot because of his wings, so he usually appears to be the shortest of the group. he can and will stand up straight for threat displays, though.
guy really doesn't like wearing shoes most of the time. socks it is.
aaand i think that's all i have for heart atm!
soooo, soul moment :] soul is such an intriguing guy to me. we really don't see (or hear, ig) a lot of him for a good part of the album, so tbh even to me he's still kinda an enigma. i do adore him a lot though. this guy is SO tired and done with heart and mind's shit, please let him have one (1) nap.
i went back and forth on this guy's design a whole lot before atticus suggested the cockatrice idea, and even a little bit after that i debated it for a while. should he be the most human, or appear so far disconnected that he's barely recognizable? WELL. turns out i went kinda midline with that lmao.
he has both scales and feathers to mirror heart and mind's respective features. i love a symbolism
he has a mane of feathers going down his spine, though it's usually only visible on his tail cause. yknow. clothes.
his wings are summonable, and he doesn't usually have them out cause they're HEAVY. they're a mix of draconic and feathered wings as well. he can also fly with them, though it's usually too much effort for him to even consider.
he has four red diamond-shaped lights hovering above his head at all times, like heart and mind have their respective permanent halos.
when under extreme stress/emotions, he has three light horns that manifest, reminiscent of his trident. he also glitches the fuck out
^ the visual glitching is actually a result of mind. what happened during the shot was that heart shot at mind (and missed, but the fact that heart even tried was the problem) -> when he finds out, soul unintentionally snaps and freaks the fuck out, attacking heart and mind -> mind panics and absolutely electrocutes soul, causing his form to glitch and go black and white -> ever since then, extreme emotions causes him to start glitching again!
the shadow half of him is also reactive to his emotions, though is there more often and easier than the glitching. it's pretty much his default, especially during cacophony. (i have a pretty vivid mental image of it fading into view during dream)
the back of his jacket has a trident, crown, and heart embroidered on it, something that all three of them worked on together :]
this is literally just for comedy reasons, but soul's shirt is usually a basic t-shirt, but sometimes it has text on it and the text can change at will
also have a few misc notes that i think are fun :]
while i do adore these creature-esque designs, i also want to do more abstract designs (that they're probably liable to shift to under extreme stress/it being their "true" forms), as well as closer to human designs :]
same thing with clothing designs. i'm so indecisive help. i think im gonna do all of one or two color designs, and then some alt designs where they mix and match colors some!
i do like to imagine heart is physically the strongest out of the three, mind mentally the strongest, and soul the strongest overall. just in relation to each other, of course.
...and i think that's all! at least all that i can remember right now lol, i'm likely to come back and edit this or reblog with additions when i think of more things. it's kinda intimidating to finally be posting this bc im usually so quiet on this front, but i hope whoever manages to read this giant wall of text enjoys! :D
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freshgrassakiie · 4 months
Just wanting to tell you that your percy jackson fic is perfect, i really love the idea of Nico knowing the future. Theres really none time travel fics in the tag. Also, im thinking on drawing gorgon!Nico so if you can be more expecific on Nicos looks ill thank you.
(Cant wait for jealous Percy, i love that)
oh my gosh. thank you so much. this comment means so much to me, really. i was self doubting myself so much over.
i'd truely love to see any fanart of gorgon nico! it would make my dreams come true. so the look of nico is similiar to Medusa - the prequel by Jun Chiu on youtube. the snakes are black, not green, with two main snakes that take care of him having blue-green and purple scales on their heads. nico's eyes will be black and yellow.
the colours something like this with two main bigger snakes on either sides of his head. the snakes aren't small, they're long and very messy. as nico is still going through the change right now, once he has finished, he will be a year or two older. he'll be shorter then percy, about his shoulder height? the snakes have no fangs or venom. in the video, they will be able to make to move nico like that in time, so they're also strong.
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thank you so much! i can't wait to update. hopefully i will soon. i have so much i want to make.
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jennilah · 11 hours
ok one time i saw someone say it looked like hoffman wore lifts and i laughed it off but actually looking at that hoffman and perez posta again. aren't they rly close in height or something. what if they really did put him in lifts
grabs my handy dandy freak dolls. strahm included because i do what i want
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let me look at that shot again
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ok i have a suspicion let me take a look at the shot beforehand too
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not to be an Uber Nerd but i think.......... i think part of this might be a byproduct of the camera lens distortion?
basically i think for that camera lens used in that shot there is a very slight barely-noticeable fisheye effect. im looking at the curve of things in the background that should logically be totally straight
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i figured while i had the figures here id try to match the shot but the camera options are rudimentary and im not about to open up Maya and try to scale models there
i think Hoffman is slightly behind Perez like this
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so i tried to recreate the shot like this
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hrrmm ummmm
distortion.. could make a small difference i think.... but i dont know about that much. this isnt my expertise
but this 3d clip studio paint camera doesnt have distortion so i cant tell u for sure what the truth is
hrrm lets look at another shot
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looking at the height refs again...
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ALSO using my limited knowledge based on my time in film
he could absolutely have been put in some lifts, or just weird little platform shoes.
i have no fucken idea whats going on here but yeah thats not out of the realm of possibility at all
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Just a little thought I had that I wanted to expand on! Also I don't think I ever specified what the Large Animal Transportation of Choice Is. So here it is!
Also there's a follow-up piece to this right here!
TWs: impalement, hypothermia, stabbing, poisoning, fainting, murder, illness, a Balto Scenario
"It's going to be a bad storm over the mountain. Couriers aren't running." The doctor had grumbled, when Mariano was picking up brink potions to replenish their stock. "A damn shame. We...we really needed that delivery."
Mariano hadn't hesitated to hand over Bastian's extra scales in thanks. "I can make the trip. I've ridden in harsher." He'd added. The dragon steeds wouldn't struggle in the rain, either, so there was no reason to not go. The doctor had gratefully agreed, and he'd set off after letting Bastian know.
That had been hours ago, and now Mariano found himself gripping his side as he pulled his own blade from the last of the bandits who'd ambushed him for the medicine. He couldn't fault them. They were surely in dire straits too, but he'd made a promise.
The townspeople needed this package. Bastian, feverish and weak in the little clinic, needed this package. Whatever fever had taken hold of the town was vicious, unrelenting, and contagious enough to pose a threat to dragons.
He'd at least made the bandits' deaths quick.
There was no time to stop and cauterize his own wounds, though. Gritting his teeth, he glanced down to where the hilt of a sword still stuck out from where it pierced straight through him. He felt it piercing through his back, the hot trickle of blood starting to drip down towards his pants. Every breath sent lightning through his torso and threatened to pull his knees out from under him.
His hand rested on the lesser dragon's hide, warm and steady. It turned its snout to sniff at him, scaly snout nudging at his face. Mariano swallowed, letting the long, forked tongue flicker over his forehead. It was ridiculously grounding.
"Yes." He muttered to himself. "Yes. This is survivable." The padded backpack of medicine was safe. He was still standing. It wasn't an impossible journey to make, especially if he just kept the sword where it was.
Achingly, slowly, Mariano reached into his own bag and pulled out a strip of tough cloth. He wound it around himself, around the sword, and then tied it off.
Another pat to his steed's side and it lowered its long body to the ground, giving Mariano a more reasonable height to swing himself over. It sent the world spinning again as he did, and only the horn of the saddle kept him from wildly overshooting and landing on his bad side. Squeezing his eyes shut, Mariano carefully righting himself.
If he sat straight up, spine stock straight, then it was almost bearable. A gentle tap of of his heels set the lesser dragon off, its angular head lowering as it slithered into its side-to-side gait. Mariano was never more grateful for the lesser dragons' style of walking, remembering the bouncing ride that other lands favored horses offered.
It wasn't the easiest. Mariano still needed to adjust for the sway of it all, and as the clouds overhead began to gather he knew it wasn't going to get any easier. The sword burned. He just hoped it hadn't been poisoned.
The scrape of the powerful claws got heavier as they traveled back up the mountain. Thunder began to roll. The air began to chill, creeping between his fingers that gripped the reins and slipping along the metal blade lodged in him.
All Mariano could do was take a deep breath and close his eyes. He tugged the hood of his traveling cloak up over his head. He checked that the medicine bag was hidden securely underneath the waterproof cloak. The sword hadn't moved.
Things were fine.
Rain began to fall. The mist was light at first. As the wind picked up, it brushed against his cheeks like a lover checking his temperature. That gentle touch didn't last, as the drops began to grow. His cloak was well-cared for, but not even it could fully insulate him from the bite of the storm.
He began to shiver slowly, gradually. The cold worked its way up his pants legs as rain soaked his clothes through. It dripped down into his shoes as they climbed higher and higher into the wrath of the heavens. Every shudder pulled a low whimper from Mariano's throat as the blade reminded him of its presence. There was nothing he could do.
Things were as fine as they could be.
The wind picked up and Mariano had to fasten his cloak closed before his fingers went numb. Why hadn't he done that before? When he looped the last button through its eye he remembered why. The weighted fabric pressed more insistently on the tip of the blade. It threatened to drag it further down, threatened to slice through the fabric holding it in place and not stop until the metal was was nestled at the crest of his hip bone.
Hesitantly, desperately, Mariano undid the cloak again. Hypothermia would take longer to kill him than blood loss would. It was a necessary pain to endure. And he would endure anything to help Bastian feel better.
The trail's incline slowly evened out, crested. The forward lean he'd had to hold that made his back scream and burn turned into an equally awful backwards tilt. Mariano's head began to spin.
He wanted to drop, he wanted to give in to the chill and the dizziness and the fire in his gut. But the doctor was trusting him. The whole little town was trusting him. Bastian was trusting him.
So he rode on.
The lesser dragon picked up its pace, winding its way down the slick trail. He looked out over the rocky edge of the cliff, at the steep drop that the steed could technically handle but that he certainly couldn't. He was still a ways away.
Mariano clicked his tongue, setting the dragon into a quicker pace. The rain only came down harder, quicker, colder. It made the saddle slick. It soaked more fully into his clothes. The cold weakened his hold on the reins, made it so much harder to grip the saddle.
It started pelting down, half frozen, as the slope turned into a tree-lined path. The relief was temporary as he clicked his tongue again and the lesser dragon took off into a run. Mariano yelped, almost losing his balance fully.
The sword sliced into him more, and Mariano felt hot blood surging down his stomach and back. He whined to himself, resisting the urge to grip the blade. He had to trust the support he'd tied. He had to believe that it would be enough.
Time began to melt. The world shrank down. The wind of the storm faded, the freezing rain disappeared. All that existed was the sway of his lesser dragon, the leather in his hands, and the sword that worked that awful chill and fire ever deeper into him. The world began to spin quicker, the blurry colors filtering in through his water-speckled glasses lenses. Everything drifted and wavered, impossibly inviting.
Mariano didn't feel the dragon's run come to a stop. He barely felt his balance falter. He couldn't feel the way his head hit the mud, or how his uncooperative limbs failed him a few times before he finally got to his hands and knees. Thunder roared overhead, the lightning making everything as bright as mid-day. He had to get to the doctor.
Mariano looked around, blinking hard.
He saw the sign in the window. He saw a lit lantern by the door. He remembered, distantly, the doctor promising to leave one burning for him.
Mariano crawled. Painfully, slowly, he worked his way up to the porch. He hauled himself up each step. His mud-caked hair stuck to his face. The awning above the door felt like heaven, shielding him from the worst of the rain.
Numb fingers fumbled for the doorknob, trying to pull himself to his feet using it as leverage. It felt like a miracle when his knees supported his weight and he was able to pull the door open.
One of the doctor's assistants said something, off to the side. Their voice rose in alarm, and they jolted into movement. Hands gripped his shoulders, and someone else entered from a door towards the back.
Was that the doctor? Their voice sounded familiar. He'd definitely talked to them before. Mariano looked over, brows creasing as he tried to understand what they were saying.
He was led over to a cot, hands brushing his hair away and taking off his glasses. They removed the backpack. Glass clinked. The person who might've been the doctor sounded relieved. Someone said something that felt like it was supposed to be comforting, or reassuring.
Someone mentioned spells. Someone else started to help him out of his clothes. The brace he'd made started to get unwound. Mariano kept almost understanding words, kept almost following the conversation. He vaguely heard the words poison and infection.
Someone started counting, and the last thing that Mariano understood was the electricity that shot through him when the sword was pulled from his body.
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amethysttribble · 19 days
I'm rereading Everlasting Song in honor of the new chapter update (love it great job!!!) and thing I never noticed before: Do people assume that Maglor and Maedhros are lovers? Like Oberyn/Doran and others? As the explanation for why they are so close/devoted to each other? And, I really should have noticed this earlier, are the boys like well known for being super attractive since they are reborn elves which makes them hot and honorable? (With an approx least honorable elf = most honorable man in westeros metric) Is Varys considering this in his hot talented men who have show no interest in women conspiracy??????? (Curufins cute crush aside)
Thank you so much for this ask! It made me laugh so hard, sorry for the late reply.
Haha, yes; quite a few people think Maedhros Tully and Maglor Sand are lovers. I'm not surprised you didn't notice as it's a joke I play with very quietly, but it's there.
It's kinda a common rumor/salacious bit of gossip that's spread around, especially in Renly and Loras's circles and then also Edmure's circle.
Renly tells everyone that they're together (he has no proof of this), Loras maintains that 'perfect lord and knight Maedhros' hasn't 'realized' but does subconsciously return Maglor's feelings, while poor Mags is being strung along.
Littlefinger is also a hateful little gossip, and he actually refutes the rumor, saying he has a DIRECT line to Maedhros, there's no way he has a lover, he'd KNOW. Maedhros would come to him first if he was looking to dally. No no, he's much too uptight.
Meanwhile, Edmure HATES Maglor, because he has a general beef with singers and he's jealous that this random bastard is stealing his brother's time. He also thinks his brother could do much better, Edmure knows very accomplished knights of similar 'inclinations', what's so special about Maglor, anyway?
But after he finds Maedhros weeping on the floor about Maglor's 'death', he's extremely kind and sympathetic. He's goes to Cat and is like, "Here's the deal, sis, our brother's boytoy is dead and he's devasted as only two men bonded homoerotically can be, it’s a warrior’s bond” and Cat's trying to calculate all that in her head with everything she just learned about Maedhros's 'Fin', and suffice to say the two of them have had QUITE the background conversation about Maedhros's love life.
Oberyn and the Sand Snakes USED to think that Maglor was massively in love with Maedhros. Oberyn has tried to have a few conversations with him about it, to say nothing of his sisters, who were annoying about it, haha. But eventually they all got the hint that Maglor isn't lying, he's serious when he says he loves Maedhros as a brother, it's not like that, and also he's not interested in a relationship with anyone, actually.
This was a hard pill for Oberyn to swallow, lol. I think he's still doing the mental calculus about it, actually, but he's reached the 'if you say so' stage of acceptance, where he doesn't get it, but he's not questioning it.
And yes, the boys are all considered quite tall for Westerosi men (tho they certainly aren't their Elven heights) and pretty damn good looking (tho, again, not in an Elven way - their features have been adjusted. If you were to put portraits of the elf boys and the westeros boys next to each other, there'd be a pretty stark difference, even if it would still be obvious they're the same people). I do think the hotness is scaled, tho.
Celegorm 'the Fair' and Maedhros 'Well-Made' were the hot ones in Valinor, and remain such here (once Celegorm was older and knighted and the two of them were traipsing around the Riverlands together, they must have been a dangerous pair to look at, haha), while the rest of the boys are generally above average. But it's not like they're all a bunch of super models.
But Varys is kinda like ??? about the whole thing, because it is a pattern. I don't think he pays too much attention to the women thing, because his notes look like this-
Maedhros - Gay. Sad.
Maglor - ??? Sneaky. Visits brothels but does not buy. (His spy methods remind Varys of himself, so he doesn't think its weird)
Celegorm - Has the Ned Stark Raised Bastard Trauma, is terrified of conceiving.
Caranthir - Slut (Caranthir is interested in women! As mentioned in his last North to South chapter, he's had a handful of 'friends w/ benefits' in the Red Keep who he's gone to third base with; he was really hoping Arianne would take his 'virginity' lol, since there was no threat to her reputation, but alas. Politics.)
Curufin - Crush on Lady Sansa
Amras and Amrod - Nine Years Old
But they do all still clock as weird, as not one of them does the typical Westerosi man thing of going to brothels or participate in that culture. Not even Caranthir. He has consensual relationships with lower status women with clearly communicated boundaries and expectations. I think he might be the most suspicious one all, actually.
Thanks again for this ask!!
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ephemeral-darkness · 3 months
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Sooo OC Time!
If you want to send me asks about any of them, please do!!! I really want to talk about my lil characters and I’m stuck inside ill rn.
I will add their names and a little description of them under the cut. Baring in mind there are quite a few! This is going to be a long one lmao. Please bare with me! If you want to know anything more, please ask!
Oh also, heights aren't transferable per sheet so I do apologise about scaling!
[ID start]
Albert Van’t Hoff. They/them pronouns- a white person with long brown hair. It is tied up and has blonde forelocks. They have blue and brown heterochromia and a pale skin patch on their forehead. They have beige hearing aids. They are wearing a dark green unzipped hoodie, a beige T-shirt with “Druid” on it, and dark blue jeans. They are also wearing yellow socks and pale green converse.
Fumnanya Okafor. She/He pronouns- a black person with short black hair. She has dark brown eyes and wrinkles at the corners as she is smiling. He is wearing a dark green denim jacket with various green coloured patches- on the lapels are two pronoun badges. One is blue and says "She/her" and the other is pink and says "He/him." She is wearing a ripped purple and pink jumper and a dark brown binder. He is also wearing pale blue jeans and black doc martens.
Alastair Dalton. He/Him pronouns- a white man with short dark magenta hair. He has many moles on his cheeks and has green eyes. He is supporting himself on two grey crutches as he is missing his left leg below the knee. He is wearing a grey Muse (band) shirt, blue shorts, and pale blue converse. On his residual limb, he is wearing an orange striped sock- similar to the one he is wearing under his shoes.
Bryn Seagrave. He/him pronouns- A white man with mid length blue hair. It is curled and holds a headband with two pastel purple horns on it. He has pale blue eyes, heart stickers on his cheeks, and snakebite piercings. He is wearing a pink dripping choker, a pastel pink crop top with "die" written in purple, black fishnets, pink and yellow split leg shorts, and thigh highs. The left is solid pink and is held up by a garter with studs and an eyeball charm- the right is purple with a stars and moons pattern. He is also wearing black Mary Jane shoes.
Zhou Jingyi. She/they pronouns- An east asian woman with chest length teal coloured hair tied in a pony tail. She has dark brown eyes and a mole under her bottom lip- she has several on her arms and stomach too. They are wearing a pastel purple crop top, baggy ripped jeans in blue, pastel pink socks, and black vans. She also is wearing a gold necklace and two pink festival-style bracelets.
Euan Buchanan. They/them pronouns- a white person with a shaved head; their stubble is ginger. They have pale blue eyes and stretched ears. They are wearing a grey pullover hoodie, a blue denim jacket, muted blue jeans, and red converse. On their jacket, they have a DID flag pin, a smiley face pin, and a non binary flag patch.
Ajay Carrenan. She/her pronouns- a black woman with mid length red curly hair. She has mid brown eyes, around which is red smokey eyeshadow and thick black eyeliner. She is wearing a black cropped bolero jacket- one sleeve is missing just above the left elbow, showing slightly her residual limb. She is also wearing a red and black striped corset, and a red and black layered bustle-type skirt. She is wearing platform strapped shoes.
Paige Yuan. She/her pronouns- an east asian woman with long brown hair. It has grey streaks in it and is tied up in a long plait. She is wearing a deep necked blouse- along the collar is orange flowers. She is also wearing a pair of coral loose trousers and black Mary Jane shoes.
Ignacia Muñoz- an afro-Latin person with shoulder length curly blue hair. She has broken eyes and snakebite piercings. They are wearing a pastel purple and pink colour block tshirt, pale blue ripped shorts, purple and yellow star patterned socks, and pastel pink vans. They have plasters on both knees (from hockey accidents). She is also wearing a pearl style bracelet.
Finn Aciel. They/It pronouns- a mixed race person with green curly hair. They have the sides shaved to mimic a mullet. It has dark brown eyes and pale vitiligo patches on both cheeks- going down onto its neck. They are wearing a black Cramps (band) hoodie, black ripped jeans, and black combat boots. It also has a vitiligo patch on it's right hand and knee.
Orion Whitaker. He/him pronouns- a white person with jaw length blue hair. He has pale blue eyes, two nose bridge piercings, a septum piercing, 8 mouth piercings, 3 ear piercings, and large stretched ears. He is wearing a mesh Thrasher (magazine logo) shirt, black ripper short shorts, grey socks, and red converse. He has many scars on his left leg and right wrist. He also has a collarbone piercing on the right side.
Rowan Aboagye. They/them pronouns- a black person with red-pink locs. They have dark brown eyes half shut in a smile. They are wearing a white shirt, a pastel yellow and green unzipped hoodie, blue ripped jeans, grey socks, and red converse. They have scars on their right wrist. They are also wearing a dark grey beanie, a brown leather bracelet, black nail polish, and a gold necklace.
Motya Kozlowski. They/them pronouns- a white person with shoulder length ginger hair. They have pale blue eyes, moles on their cheeks, and a scar above their lip to their nose from cleft lip surgery. They are wearing a dark brown dress with a darker band, a beige cardigan, layered brown tights and socks, and a dark brown pair of combat boots. They are supporting themselves with a beige wooden walking cane.
Abeni Olumuyiwa. She/they/xe pronouns- a black person with dark brown hair pulled into an afro puff. She has dark brown eyes, a silver septum ring, and lots of ear chains connecting her lobe piercing and cartilage piercing. They are wearing a dark purple star patterned bra and sleeve set- it has a mesh panel going across their chest. Xe is also wearing a darker purple maxi length half skirt, black shorts, a purple belt with a moon buckle, and strapped black shoes. She also has black press on nails.
Carwyn Hughes. He/him- a white man with long blond hair. He has pale green eyes, snakebite piercings, and 4 laceration scars across his face- he also has multiple visible scars on his neck and arms. He is wearing a black Mayhem (band) shirt, black ripped jeans, and black converse.
Nick Coombe. He/him pronouns- a mixed race man with short black curly hair. He has dark brown eyes and is slightly frowning. He is wearing a blue button up shirt that is tucked into his beige chinos. He is also wearing black dress shoes with no socks.
Shinego Yui. She/He/They pronouns- an east asian person with long pink hair. She has dark brown eyes and stretched ears. He is wearing a black shirt, a black cropped denim jacket, fishnet tights, purple and black split leg shorts, black knee highs, and black calf high boots. They are also wearing a studded bracelet. She has a few scars on her left arm. On his jacket are 2 badges and 2 patches- the badges are an "any/all" pronoun pin, and a HIM (band) logo pin. The patches read "Care not cops" and "Protect trans kids.'
Abigail Brown. She/They/Star pronouns- a white person with long pink hair. She has purple eyes and pink heart stickers on her cheeks. They are wearing a frilly pink shirt, a darker pink long skirt, and pale pink strap shoes. Star also has black press on nails.
Flavien Panosyan. He/him pronouns- a west asian man with a deep green death hawk. He has dark brown eyes surrounded by smudged black eyeshadow and eyeliner. He also has snakebite piercings and large stretched ears. He is wearing a fishnet shirt, a black Bauhaus (band) shirt, a black leather jacket, black ripped jeans, and black platform boots. The right arm of his leather jacket is pinned up as he is missing an arm above the elbow.
Bastian Halle. They/he- an east asian person with a red coloured undercut. They have dark brown eyes and they are slightly smirking. He is wearing a pastel yellow cropped hoodie, pastel blue and muted blue split leg jeans, pastel yellow socks, and pink converse. On their jeans, there are multiple galaxy themed doodles on both legs and the word "star" written in bubble writing on the left leg.
Echo Barnett. She/They- a black woman with long black twists. She has dark brown eyes and she has vitiligo patches in the middle of her face-covering her mouth and nose. She is wearing a black and red romantic goth dress, fishnet tights, and calf high platform boots.
Eli Ossian. They/she- a mixed race person with short purple hair. They have dark brown eyes, multiple ear piercings, and snakebite piercings. She is wearing a white vest top, a dark green varsity type jacket, baggy ripped blue jeans, and teal converse. The left shoulder of their jacket is pulled down, showing off their top surgery scars.
Afra El-Amin. She/her pronouns- a central asian woman wearing a pastel pink hijab. She has dark brown eyes and is wearing black rimmed round glasses. She is also wearing a white jumper, a yellow and pink split denim jacket, blue jeans, and yellow converse.
Lindiwe Madlala. She/her pronouns- a black woman with long black braided hair. She has dark brown eyes, canine bite piercings, several ear piercings, and large stretched ears. She is wearing a white cropped top, a beige hoodie, khaki green jogging bottoms, and grey trainers.
Bellamy Frost. She/It pronouns- a mixed race person with brown and blonde ombre hair- it is in a high ponytail. She have dark brown eyes and is wearing a silver necklace. It is also wearing a beige shirt over a dark blue hoodie- on the shirt is a mountain silhouette on top of a sunset background- a pair of blue ripped jeans, and black converse. She has teal and yellow odd socks and a black backpack.
Hugo Lieffsson. He/him pronouns- a white person with a dark brown undercut. He has green eyes and heavy dark circles under his eyes (EDS gang). He is wearing a cropped and sleeveless black turtleneck shirt, a pastel purple cardigan, pale blue jeans, and red converse. He is propping himself up on a grey crutch and has a dark blue knee brace on his left leg.
Ink. They/them pronouns- a white person with fluffy pale blue hair- their brown roots are showing through the dye. They have blue eyes, a bridge piercing, a septum piercing, and 7 lip piercings. They are wearing a black shirt over a striped black and grey turtleneck, black and red split leg jeans, and black combat boots. They are also wearing a silver padlock necklace.
River Olumuyiwa. They/them pronouns- a black person with albinism and white hair pulled up into an afro puff. They have pink eyes and a neutral expression. They are wearing a purple and blue colour block tshirt, dark blue shorts, and black vans. They have two below the knee prosthetic legs and pink star patterned leg covers. They are also wearing a pink bead bracelet.
Amber Bennett. She/her- a white woman with slightly curled blonde hair. She has blue eyes and acne on her cheeks and forehead. She is wearing a magenta bustier style top, a pastel pink strawberry patterned cardigan, blue cuffed jeans, and white converse.
Eden Lovett. She/her pronouns- a white girl with pink long hair. She is wearing a pastel rainbow colour block hoodie, blue shorts, and blue and green trainers. She has a right above the knee prosthetic leg.
Jett. They/He/It pronouns- a black person with neon blue locs- they have a left shaved part. He has dark brown eyes, 2 eyebrow piercings, a bridge piercing, 7 lip piercings, a septum piercing, 6 ear piercings, and large stretched ears. It is sitting in a grey and black manual wheelchair- it has red half length spoke covers, with stickers on them. They are wearing a tie dye grey and black MCR shirt over a striped black jumper, black ripped jeans, grey socks, and black converse.
Deng Bowen. He/him pronouns- an east asian man with a dark brown undercut. He has dark brown eyes and wrinkles around his eyes. He is wearing a beige shirt, a dark brown unzipped hoodie, blue jeans, and mid brown combat boots.
Ellinor Nilsdottir. She/her pronouns- a white woman with jaw length split dyed green and teal hair. She has green eyes and moon dangly earrings. She is wearing a mesh shirt with stars and moons over a dark purple tank top, fishnet tights, black belted ripped shorts, purple striped knee highs, and black platform boots. She also has long black nails and has several rings.
Valerian Yeung. They/them pronouns- an east asian person with long reddish brown hair. They have dark brown eyes and are wearing in ear earphones. They are wearing a black hoodie, black ripped jeans, and black platform boots.
Amara Nasim. She/her pronouns- a central Asian woman who is wearing a deep purple niqab. She has dark brown eyes and she is smiling. She is also wearing a dark purple hoodie over the top, and a purple-pink gradient aabaya. She is also wearing black gloves.
Božidar Kóvačik. They/He pronouns- a white man with long dark brown-blond ombre hair. He has grey eyes, slight brown stubble, and a scar running from his lower right cheek. across his nose. They are wearing a brown jumper, a mid green varsity style jacket, pale blue ripped jeans, and dark green converse. On the jacket he has elbow patches and two badges- one is the 7 stripe gay flag, and the other is just coloured yellow.
Njord Lundvik. He/him pronouns- he is a white man with cheekbone length wavy blond hair. He has dark blue eyes and many freckles on his cheeks. He is wearing a muted coral jumper, mid blue ripped jeans, and dark blue converse. The left sleeve of his jumper is tied up just above the elbow.
Eugene Richards. He/him pronouns- a black man with mid length curly hair. He has dark brown eyes and a slight smile. He is wearing a colour block jumper in the primary colours- it says "be happy" on the front. He is also wearing pale blue shorts, a single rainbow sock, and odd converse in blue and yellow. He has a hinged leg brace on his left leg and a surgery scar across his knee. He is also wearing a beaded necklace with a large star charm.
Deng Chunhua. She/they pronouns- an east asian person with jaw length neon green hair. They have dark brown eyes, rounded glasses, a septum piercing, and 3 lip piercings. They also have quite a few freckles on their cheeks. They are wearing a white cropped shirt, a cropped leather jacket, black and purple tartan split leg jeans, and black combat boots. She has 3 badges on her jacket- a "she/they" pronoun pin, a bisexual flag pin, and a purple coloured pin. She has 3 patches on the black leg of her jeans- one that says "TERF killer," one that says Need More Coffee (her in universe band), and a yellow coloured one.
Oskar Balakrishnan. He/him pronouns- a south asian man with short curled brown hair. He has dark brown eyes and slight stubble on his chin and upper lip. He is wearing a pale blue Yale (university) jumper, blue and grey split leg joggers, and black converse.
Anwen Masters. She/her pronouns- a white woman with a red bat's nest (hairstyle). She has blue eyes surrounded by black eyeliner and eyeshadow, she is wearing full white foundation, and she has black lipstick. She is wearing a black cropped top, a leather skirt, a long leather trench coat, a ripped mesh shirt, fishnet tights, and platform boots.
Fennel Gbeho. They/She/He pronouns- a black person with short curly hair. They have brown eyes and square black rimmed glasses. She is wearing a white button up shirt, a green tie, a light brown waistcoat, beige chinos, a dark brown overcoat, and brown brogues.
Uriel Tamboli. He/him pronouns- a south Asian man who has short neon blue hair. He has dark brown eyes and snakebite piercings. He is wearing a purple hoodie, blue jeans, and dark blue converse. On his jeans, he has wave patterns in various colours and eyeball drawings.
Mars Douglass. Ze/zem pronouns- a black person with a cotton candy coloured high top hairstyle. Ze has dark brown eyes and round glasses. Ze is wearing a pastel green shirt, pale blue dungarees, and green converse. On zer dungarees, ze has a rainbow wave pattern and various flower patches. Ze is wearing a mushroom necklace, a hear dangly earring, and 2 beaded bracelets.
Fiore Ventimiglia. They/Ey/It/Ze pronouns- a white person with purple- pink ombre hair. They have grey eyes, 2 eyebrow piercings, 4 lip piercings, and a nasal feeding tube. Ey is sat in a green and black electric wheelchair, ey has a purple bag over the one arm rest. It is wearing a grey Black Flag (band) shirt, a cropped and sleeveless black leather jacket, a maxi skirt in black, and black creepers. Ze is also wearing black bracelets and a black spiked cuff. They have scars on their right wrist.
Vitalya Chernyshevskaya. She/They/Co pronouns- a white person with jaw length pastel green hair- half of it is pulled into space buns. She has blue eyes and slight brown stubble on her chin. They are wearing a white and green alien themed shirt, pink dungaree dress, pastel pink knee highs, and green converse. Co is also wearing a white beaded bracelet.
Azyan Nasim. She/They pronouns- a central Asian person in a pink hijab- she has a pink bow attached to this. She has dark brown eyes and has a pink heart on her cheek. They are wearing a pastel pink lolita dress- this is mostly frills and bows. She is also wearing knee high pink boots with white stars.
Syd Buchanan. They/She pronouns- a west Asian woman with long brown hair. They have brown eyes and their mouth is raised in a slight smile. She is wearing a beige shirt with a UFO design- it says "I don't believe in humans"- over a black cropped jumper. She is wearing muted pastel green jeans with multiple flower patches over each leg. They are also wearing dark brown converse with green socks.
Percy Arcimbault. He/they pronouns- a white man with brown curly hair. He has blue and green heterochromia and moles on his cheeks. They are wearing a yellow turtleneck, a beige teddy coat, pale blue jeans, and pastel orange converse.
Dante Ventimiglia. He/They/Xe pronouns- a white man with a blue undercut. He has brown eyes, a septum piercing, 3 lip piercings, and large stretched ears. They have a blackout neck and right arm tattoo also. Xe is wearing a black pullover hoodie- it reads "If you can read this, you're too close"- black ripped jeans, and black combat boots. He has scars on his left forearm.
Atticys Faulkner. They/them pronouns- a white person with black and white split dyed hair. You cannot see their eyes because of their fringe. They are wearing a white button up under a pink jumper- it has a pink heart pattern. They are also wearing a black and white paint drip skirt, fishnet tights, pastel purple thigh highs, and pink platform boots.
Viktor Lovett. He/They pronouns- a white person with long red hair, it is up in a high ponytail. He is wearing a pastel pink crop shirt with the word "peachy" on the chest, pale blue ripped shorts, blue socks, and red converse. They have blackout tattoos on their right arm, and various tattoos on their thighs. They have a Greco Roman broken head, a headless bust with top surgery scars, the word "love," and a laurel leaf with a red string around it on their left thigh. On their right, they have a wobbly smiley face, the polyamorous infinity heart, and two crossed coffin nails on their right thigh.
Sergio Benoit. They/Ey pronouns- a white person with pale pink hair. They have green eyes and acne on their cheeks and forehead. Ey is wearing a vest with rips resembling a skull in the front, underneath this their binder can be seen. They are also wearing black cuffed jeans, grey socks, and black converse.
Wren Adebayo. He/They/Xe pronouns- a black man with short purple hair. He has brown eyes and his face is neutral. They are wearing a mustard yellow pullover hoodie, dark blue jeans, and purple converse.
Teddy Vaśquez. He/him pronouns- a latino man with short brown curly hair. He has dark brown eyes and is wearing dark round sunglasses. He is wearing a purple shirt, a purple and gold brocade waistcoat, a chest harness over this, black dress trousers, and dark brown brogues. He is also poised with a marshmallow tip all white cane (as he lives in England).
Vinnie Van't Hoff. He/him pronouns- a white man with short brown hair, he has a blonde forelock. He has grey eyes and a pale patch of skin on his forehead, he is also using beige hearing aids. He is wearing a beige turtleneck, a dark brown overcoat, black dress trousers, and red converse.
Hieronymus Faulkner. He/They pronouns- they are a white person with black and white hair. He has blue and brown heterochromia and 2 ear piercings. He is wearing a black leather trench coat, a fishnet shirt, a black ripped Paralysed Age (band) shirt, a maxi length black skirt, and black platform boots. He is also wearing a bone necklace.
[End ID]
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