#also hella tmi
ace-but-not-a-pilot · 5 months
A large portion of my targeted advertising has decided that I am in need of a plethora of vibrators, and is very obviously targeted a desperate and horny bottom
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vacantgodling · 7 months
charcoal, sapphire, lilac and apricot :3
you can easily poison me by feeding me apricots 💛💛
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kazoologist · 1 year
getting rejected by my first grad school was not enough ive also been fucking cursed
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ancient-reverie · 16 days
y'all I am STILL bleeding from my uterus
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Bangtan Weekly Report...
So a lot happening in here in the last 24 hours. Joon's appointment took everyone by surprise. Seems legit significant and I wondered if this will affect his military service... not in the fact that he would be exempt because of it... not implying that at all. What I'm wondering is after he completes his basic training, would he just go ahead and shift into some kind of position where he is also associated with this particular activity in the military? Stationed at whichever areas are doing this activity and such...
I think for sure it will definitely add to his future opportunities and influence in the public arena. It’s so exciting for him!
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Also: Yoongi headed to Japan. I love that shirt, vacation vibes. I hope he was able to rest a little bit and get something to ease his coughing though. I know he keeps saying don't worry, he's not sick, but something is up because you don't hack up a lung like that after walking a few hundred yards for nothing.
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Also today: Tae headed to Japan Spain! He looked dressed for an island party. It's been a while since we've seen him wear earrings. Or, I should say an earring since its only one. AND THE HAIR! I'm not a big fan of the frizzy perm but he is squeezing all he can out of his 20s before enlistment with the ash blonde hair moment again!
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How does he even see where he's going? How did anyone recognize him? That hat reminds me of a woven straw basket I used to have in my dining room.
TAKE TWO!!! A new OT7 song coming!!! Soooo excited!!! Maybe we'll get a teaser! Produced by Suga and written by RM and Hobi!!!!!
!!!!!!! NEW GROUP MUSIC!!!!!!!
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Also today: someone now pointing out that Kookie discreetly moved a small object out of camera view during his garbage disposer repairman live on Feb. 27 ...
How did I not notice him doing that when I watched the live... so now someone is saying it resembles a car key fob... for a Porsche...hmmm, who do we know that drives a Porsche? ... ummm.... I don't know... it could be, or not? It's got a reflective chrome button looking area on it. It's white and car key fob shaped...
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Of course, it could also be a vaper or his own car key fob or something else... a tube of lube (Kookie... please put stuff away after you use it, I know its handy there but still... TMI you know?) ... I need more visual info.
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Also today: I see people grumbling (outright bitching) about the commercialization of Festa/BTS... commercialization = selling out...
This is my take on all of that (and probably an unpopular opinion, but anyways...):
People are all for their "sold-out" king when a random t-shirt or shoes they are wearing or an insulated mug sells out, but our guys don't see a penny of that.
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And now you're saying official BTS merch would be somehow unsavory... a money grab... even though money from the sale of THAT DOES go into their pockets?... please think through what you are saying...
And commercialization in the form of sponsorships is not good? How is it not good?...Sponsorships are great!
Here's the deal... money makes the world go round... so that exact thing is what will help perpetuate the longevity of BTS, those sponsorships will give BTS a shit ton of money in return for licensing/promotion and underwriting big ticket projects.
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It keeps BTS alive in the public eye and keeps the income coming in order for them to do first class work and endeavor to promote themselves and give us great events. Fabulous purple fireworks shows are not free. Sponsors help underwrite the cost of that. And because these events are happening will also indirectly help the many small businesses in those areas because of the influx of visitors to these events.
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Turning the city purple creates excitement about BTS and reminds locals that BTS are global cultural ambassadors. Army should be hella proud of that.
What other kpop group is getting news coverage for their 10th anniversary? None.
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Deep pockets allow BTS to book stadium tours, so the more chance more of us can see them in-person.
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The day the money stops flowing will REALLY be the day BTS retires.
If we are who we say we are and intend to support BTS no matter what happens... IF WE ARE IN THIS BANGTAN SHIT FOR LIFE ... and what we are given right now is merch and purple corndogs, then I will buy a keychain or a book or eat purple tteokbokki, or whatever, along with whatever music is released. If you really are against it, then don't buy anything but don't act like what they are doing is disgusting.
Anyway, its been a full day. We are headed into Festa season for the next two weeks and beyond. The timeline seems focused on positive things. Or maybe that's my imagination. I am going to enjoy it while I can.
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coryothesub · 13 days
Better Now?
Hi, I’m back, not in the bestest place both physically and mentally and very sorry to everyone who has sent in lovely asks recently. I’ve resumed working on them, but for now I can offer a fully self indulgent semi-autobiographical oneshot about Dr. Sejanus Plinth (hey, we all know he wanted to be a medic so very fitting), which is heavily based on my first ever hospital experience.
No, I didn't have a hot doctor that looked like Sejanus, instead I was treated by a couple of pretty funky dudes, but the story about the two surgeries instead of one is completely true (they had to perform a 2nd one, bc they hadn't noticed everything that had to be fixed before the 1st one). Horny roommates are also based on very real persons and the post surgery pain as well as the sickness from the painkillers are unfortunately real (that's why I wasn't really able to write although I kinda wanted to). Oh and the weird tingling sensation around stitches during orgasm is also apparently a thing. Okay sorry for tmi let's get into the smut.
nsfw / mdni / doctor!sejanus / patient!reader / mentions of hospital and some real medical horrors
“Dr. Sejanus Plinth, I’m going to perform surgery on your broken leg and ensure a steady way to your recovery,” he stood at the foot of your bed on your first day at the hospital looking hella handsome wearing his little glasses and a snow white scrubs.
You were feeling shit scared since it was your first time at the hospital. He always tried to cheer you up, tell you a funny joke or take you on a little wheelchair ride. Your roommates said he was obviously flirting, but you always got flustered and brushed it off as professional niceness.
He was ever so clean and perfect, his dark curly hair impeccably styled and a trail of expensive cologne following him wherever he went. How could he possibly fall for the messy looking girl in the hospital bed? Your hair was dirty, you were sweating profusely from the sickening painkillers that probably made you stink.
You couldn't remember any time when you were in so much pain other than the first two days after the surgery. The only thing keeping you sane was  Dr. Plinth’s reassuring smile that appeared above the little curtain right after the surgery. He nodded at you and said “It’s over!”
You had taken it quite literally, not suspecting what was awaiting you in the coming days. Right after the anesthetics wore off the pain became so insufferable you were just silently crying in your bed feeling like your leg was about to explode from the inside.
The nurses pumped you full of painkillers until you dozed off and the first face you saw next morning was Dr. Plinth.
“You are such a good girl, you did so good,” he smiled softly and you weren't quite sure what he was referring to. Was it your performance of laying horizontally during the surgery? Well you didn't have much choice since the lower part of your body had been paralyzed by the anesthetics.
“That hot doctor, he’s totally into you,” your roommates teased, but you just tried to focus on the fact that you were set to get out of the hospital in two days.
Then the bad news came. Dr.Plinth stood at the foot of your bed, his face darkened by concern.
“There's this other thing. A rupture of ligaments. We were able to notice it only after the first surgery. I am afraid I'm gonna need to perform another one. I am really sorry for that.”
You literally felt like you were gonna burst out in tears, but you clenched your jaw, wanting to look stronger than you actually were.
“It's alright Dr.Plinth. What needs to be done has to be done,” you spoke calmly, but your mind was rehashing everything you were bound to go through again. The wait, the anesthetics, the excruciating pain in the first few hours and the discomfort every time you had to move your leg, even if only to sit up for a meal or go to the bathroom.
“How are you feeling today?” The next day you were woken up by the lively voice of Dr. Plinth. Despite your protests, he came to check on you every morning and since your first surgery sort of  failed, he also came in every evening. You weren't sure whether he did that out of guilt or other feelings.
“Have been better,” you sighed with a grim poker face that prevented him from telling whether you were angry with him or just tired.
“I'm so sorry the first surgery wasn't sufficient,” the poor young man started apologizing in front of your roommates. “You weren't supposed to go through that again.”
“It's alright Dr.Plinth,” you batted your eyes at him, making his pretty chubby cheeks blush immediately. “I know you would want only the best for me.”
His hand was resting on the pillow pile next to your casted leg and you ran your fingers over it, almost making him jump at the sensation.
Your roommates were watching the interaction with great interest, probably thinking you both were gonna start making out right then and there.
Feeling their gaze burning through his back, Dr. Plinth offered you a little wheelchair ride. A bit reluctant, you still got yourself out of the bed and let him help you get on the wheelchair.
“Where are you taking me? Do we need another x-ray or a CT scan?”
“No,” Dr.Plinth chuckled. “They don't perform tests at this hour, except for the emergency room. I wanted you to see this.”
He wheeled you to the end of the hallway and stopped at the large window where you could see nothing but endless forest continuing all the way to the horizon. A fiery red sun was sinking above the treeline making you gasp quietly at the sight.
“Beautiful, isn't it?” Dr. Plinth leaned down and you could feel his hot breath lingering on your neck. It seemed almost romantic.
“I come here and watch the sunset at every opportunity when I have the time during my shift. It helps me blow off the steam a bit.”
You turned your head to the side and looked into his soulful brown eyes. He looked even more handsome in high definition.
“It must be hard to work here,” you gave him a sympathetic look.
“Oh, it's just me, as much as I try I can't get myself desensitized to the whole process. I see people hurting every day. And when they hurt, I hurt. That's why I feel so damn guilty every time there's more pain that could have been avoided. Like your second surgery…”
He leaned down closer to you, his lips just mere centimeters from yours.
“I just want to make it up to you. I swear, if I could I would do anything to make you feel better.”
“Anything?” A glimpse of mischief sparked in your eyes.
Dr. Plinth swallowed thickly and nodded.
Quite unexpectedly you cupped his face and smashed your lips into his, something you had been longing to do for quite a time. His lips felt so soft and plump, even better than you could have ever imagined.
Dr. Plinth immersed himself into the kiss, parting his lips to allow your tongue to explore his velvety mouth.
When you two finally broke the kiss to catch some breath, he adjusted his glasses panting softly and looked deeply into your eyes.
“Dr. Plinth, your lips feel so soft,” you chuckled shyly, feeling a treacherous blush filling your cheeks.
“I think you can call me Sejanus at this point,” he looked flustered yet eager to continue your little adventure. 
Sejanus grabbed your wheelchair and opened the nearest door with a plack that said “Sanitary chamber”.
You found yourself in a small room stuffed with toilet tissue, different wipes and sanitary mats, the last rays of the setting sun breaking through the neat stacks of supplies.
Sejanus immediately connected his lips to yours again, his hands running up and down your sides underneath your t-shirt. You gasped as he cupped your naked breasts while gently sucking at your lower lip.
“You know, I could make you feel better in an even more effective way,” he whispered against your lips, his warm hand diving under the waistband of your pajama shorts.
You shivered at the sensation of Sejanus's skillful fingers pressing against your clit, discovering that you were already threathcerously wet.
“What an eager girl,” your doctor groaned as his digits massaged your sensitive bud at a steady place, causing you to let out a series of soft moans against his lips.
Sejanus kept a tight eye contact while letting his two fingers slide inside your squelching wet count while his thumb kept rubbing your clit. It was truly amazing how he managed to cover the whole field.
“Fuck, you’re really good with this!” You moaned as he trailed small kisses down your neck sucking harshly at the spot where it met your shoulder.
Sejanus chuckled mischievously.
“I'm a doctor, we are taught how to touch people in the correct manner.”
“God, did they teach you this at the medical school?” You threw your head back, feeling your legs shaking from the immense pleasure.
“No, princess” Sejanus let out a small laugh, nibbling at your earlobe. “I guess I figured that part out myself…”
Squelching sounds filled the small chamber as he kept fingerbanging you and you tried your best to stifle your moans to avoid the whole floor finding out about your evening shenanigans.
“Oh… Dr…. Sejanus, I’m gonna…” your attempt at building a sentence was cut off by a loud moan as you came all over his fingers, your body shaking and a weird tingling feeling echoing through your stitches.
“Better now?” Sejanus asked in a gentle voice after pressing another soft kiss to your lips.
You nodded, still coming down from your heights as you watched him grab one of the countless tissue packages and gently cleaning you off.
“There you go,” Sejanus smiled, turning your wheelchair back to the exit.
“Wait!” You gave him a concerned look. “Shouldn't I… Return the favor?”
Sejanus graced you with a soft smile, brushing a stray strand of hair off your forehead.
“This was me trying to make amends because I fucked up, remember? Plus, I have to get back to work.”
You pouted, wishing this moment would last longer. Sejanus noticed and tilted your chin up gently giving you a mischievous wink.
“Nobody said we cannot keep practicing this as a form of therapy though.”
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crystallinestars · 15 days
FR I feel that if you tossed the Genshin guys into a romance sim, it would actually be pretty legit-looking. Now if only there were some sort of actual Genshin otome game 😭 (if I could romance Kaveh in such a game, I think I would die and go to heaven)
Yeahhh I feel that there is such a pattern among male and female characters. Like for female characters, I guess that the ones who are kind of more… “male-gazey” are less likely to be popular with women? Like in terms of both appearance and personality. Though even this is difficult to define. Ladies like Beidou and Dehya seem to be REALLY popular with girls, at least in the west (if I am wrong tho plz correct me). Even Navia (whose design I suppose shows a lot of skin) seems to be well-liked by guys and girls alike, I follow a girl on here who is absolutely crazy for her (and tbh I am no different 😭). To me I guess that for these three, they’re good role models for girls so that contributes to their appeal to women players? Cos they have strong, confident attitudes and kick hella ass, but they’re also kind + beautiful… so I suppose they’re like, people you could admire on an aesthetic and personal level but also you could aspire to be like them.
To be fair I like Lisa as I remember running around as her a lot when I first started playing (and chatting with her cai bot gets wild sometimes cos she’s always calling me out for like low self esteem, bad mentality, etc 😭😭), in general I like all of the girl characters ahahahah though for Lisa and many others I could def see how they’d have more appeal to guys.
And for guy characters, I’ve seen guy players admire Diluc and Alhaitham ! Like they have a sort of “masculine” appeal, aspirational for guys I think. I’ve even seen some guys on the Alhaitham subreddit start to hit the gym to become buff like him 😮 Sorry for digressing so much with this topic ahahah just that it is very interesting to consider.
My BF has been fueling my Kaveh love AHAHAHA like when I’m using his computer he lets me run around as Kaveh as I haven’t been able to pull for him yet. Now I have much more Kaveh merch than before but I think that I will try to amass even more…
Ooooo that makes sense, yeah cons do get pretty crowded esp in the areas like the artist alley where people are crowding around booths. And maybe it’s for the best that you avoid cons cos (TMI in advance) the con stink is REAL 😭🤢🤮 Though some of them apparently distribute deodorant or soap for attendees, hopefully it alleviates the smell…
Yeahhh Touhou is hella old, like the franchise is older than I am (I was born shortly before the first windows OS game in the series came out 🫡). I know that ZUN is still producing new official games about every 2-3 years, and for merch I see that there are fumo plushies for the newer characters coming out, a pleasant surprise. But I think the barrier of entry is much higher due to the nature of the games so it’s less “mainstream” for young people compared to Genshin, as Genshin you could easily download if you have phone, iPad, non-mac computer, etc. But from what I’ve seen, you could encounter stuff of the most popular characters at cons if you keep your eyes peeled.
On the topic of merch (crazy complaint incoming!!!)… so I posted a pic of my Kaveh haul somewhere and someone made a comment alluding to that ship. This was the first thing I saw this morning, and OMG I was so irritated that I straight up blocked this person 😭 Sadly I can’t remove their comment (this would be more ideal). I guess this is rather extreme reaction as the comment was harmless… though in the description I literally put some unhinged stuff about “oh me and Kaveh are gonna get married” so I was wondering how they did not get the hint that “oh, this person doesn’t care for that ship.” I am bewildered that the shippers are everywhere, feels bad cos in the community I’m in, most of them are so so sweet but majority of them are also shippers of that ship.
Like when I see an arbitrary pic of [any Genshin guy] or Aventurine, I don’t go “ooooh la la Lumine’s gonna get that” or “hehe Stelle or Topaz is gonna enjoy this” respectively… ofc this is first world “problem” but still… they tether Kaveh to feeble scholar so much 😭
Also I was on a small yumejoshi community and I found a girl who is also Kaveh enjoyer, and who also feels uncomfy with the shippy stuff. It was a pleasant surprise that there are other Kaveh likers with a similar POV to us, since from my observation I see that many of them like that one ship along with him.
This got so long and convoluted, I hope it is not difficult to read !!! It does not help that I am currently running on some 3 hours of sleep and a can of green tea (it has no effect on me). If there is anything that needs to be clarified plz let me know !
Genshin girls in general are quite good, both on a design and personality level. Many of them are popular with women because, as you said, they look pretty while being badass. It also helps that the writing for female characters has improved significantly over the years, making them more fleshed out and complex.
I didn’t like Lisa’s flirtatious attitude at the start, but I have grown to love her a lot, and got excited whenever she appeared in events. I wish there was more of her, tbh. Navia is also my favorite Fontaine character overall! I saved for her so much.
I adore most of the Genshin ladies, actually. The only ones I dislike are Ei and Yae Miko.
Yeah, I think the cool and stoic type of male characters are more popular with guys. And I remember seeing that one guy on the Alhaitham sub! I wonder if he reached his goal?
I… never even thought about how stuffy and smelly cons would be. Lord, that makes me want to go even less. Ew 😣
I looked up when the first Touhou game came out, and it seems like it released the year I was born. So yeah, the franchise is hella old… But I thinks it’s nice that it still has fans even to this day. Even if it’s become harder to find fan content of it 😔
I’m so sorry you had to wake up to a comment alluding to That One Ship, especially since you simply wanted to share something you enjoy. The way a lot of shippers post obnoxious ship comments under art depicting a solo character is a serious problem. It’s very annoying to constantly be reminded of a ship you dislike, plus ruins the enjoyment you could have derived from the post itself. For whatever reason, I only see it happen for m/m and f/f ships.
It’s not wrong of you to block the person. If they make you uncomfortable, then the best thing to do is quietly block them. The Japanese and Chinese fandom communities often recommend to others to block liberally so they can create a safe space for themselves online and not see things they dislike. It’s all about protecting your mental health and having a comfortable space.
I am also sorry to say that a lot of people don’t check bios, or simply don’t care about your boundaries. Once, I had a few shippers of that ship follow me on Twitter despite my bio saying for fans of that ship to not follow me. Even after I made a tweet saying I’m uncomfortable with such individuals following me, one of them left a like and continued to follow me 😐 They knew but disrespected my boundaries, so I removed them.
It might seem harsh to block or remove people over ship differences, but in our modern era of toxic ship discourse and harassment, I don’t blame anyone for feeling triggered by certain ships or their fans. It’s much better to block a stranger online than subject yourself to psychological torture. The other person will forget about it in time, if they ever even find out you blocked them at all.
lol trust me when I say there are a much bigger number of Kaveh-lovers in the yume community who also don’t like his ship with a certain Scribe! I’m friends with a few of them. In fact, my entire social media circle is of Kaveh fans who like him exclusively with girls.
I feel like the Japanese and Chinese yume communities are better on that front compared to the English yume community. I try to stay away from English communities in general…
Sorry that my response also got so long. I hope you can get more than 3 hours of sleep tonight! The weekend is almost here, so here’s to hoping you can sleep in!
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princessbrunette · 28 days
Princess!! I need you’re help to know what reader I am
I’m hella weird like I come up with the weirdest thoughts and strangest ideas and it’s so specific also
I’m really funny! I’m mainly the funniest in my friend group.
I’ve been told I look like a cat
I get super drunk after a few drinks
I’m really REALLYYY friendly and approachable
I can be SUPER moody when I’m pissed off and won’t wanna speak to anyone and when I hate people I hate HARD I’ll either give them dirty looks or not look at them at all
I HATE social interaction but love it the same time with people im used to
I feel like im way so dirty tho to be compared so someone as pure and cute as puppy tho, I GET OFF ON REALLYYYYYY weird things (tmi?)
I dress exactly like kitty like really dark colours, dark reds but I also like desssing like puppy.
I like doing weird stuff like biting people and sometimes I get random urges to hug people like I’d just be seeing someone I love and I just get the urge to hug them super tight
Really am I girls girl and I love interacting with random girls
I love affection so badly I crave it.
So watcha think princess? (P.s I’m a Capricorn)
definitely kitty!reader !
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himbo-in-limbo · 9 months
Kure Rain x s/o Rant! (New season spoilers)
[tw gore n bloody stuff mentioned]
In hype of the new season (that I literally just finished binge watching a couple days ago)
It got me thinking of my mans
That crazy bastard that I love sm Kure Raian
(I'm so fuckin mad about what was supposed to be his big fight when the coup happened)
Anyways anytime I read a fic of Raian x reader it's always the same-ish thing of the reader not fully loving the sheer brutality that Raian is
I can't be the only one that gets excited seeing him covered in blood! Like dawg if I saw him all nice n bloody like that with a sexy smile comin at me all nonchalant
Like "Hey baby~ did you like the bloodbath?" I'm jumping on him and making out right then n there..
I wanna be covered in the same blood ya feel me? (That's TMI probably..)
It's probably bc I'm a fan of gore or something but like you gotta understand that killing is not only his job ITS HIS PASSION
And him being an asshole is also part of it, sure you can try n convince him to not FULLY kill someone but honestly I'd say you have a 1% chance of succeeding...
It'd have to be a solid good reason tho
Not just cuz your his partner...
Even so! Odds are the person he's messing with is a stranger to you 😭 (if your not into him killing random ppl then maybe not be in a relationship with him)
He has few morals...which align with his assassin fams code but he's just a morally grey character
That's what's so hot about him honestly
You can't ever really predict who he'll spare and for what reason...
But you get to see his fine ass just deal with grown ass men like nothing is a treat all in it's own
Hell we don't even know how he'd act in a relationship bc he hardly ever shows interest in anyone like that! He likes scarring people to hell tho
So I'd wager if you "end up with him" expect it to be a big ol situationship...
It's best to not put labels on it bc if you pressure him with that he looks like the type to leave...
And even if you are sick of it! Just tell him up front that he can either make it official or you'll leave!
That might make him realize that he has something genuine with you OR y'all just break it off and you can find yourself a better partner
Bc lets face it 😭 he's....not the best
His familys great tho I bet they'd be all over you
Especially if you're cool with reproducing an heir 💀
If not hey their just shocked he was able to find ANYONE that would "date" him
Like really? Him? Okay...
Raian doesn't strike me as the type to care much if you leave him, tho if you did have a profound impact on him
I think he'd stalk you for a bit...you'd never know he's there btw
He'd totally stalk the hell outta your new partner tho...and if their no good he'll kill em with much thought..
He dose care in his own way :D it's just bat shit crazy
I feel like If Raian did have a canonical partner they'd have to be a bit cooky themselves ya know? 😭
N yeah he might not say much but he dose better expressing his feelings through acts of service or just in general sleeping with you
Bc again we haven't seen him interact with anyone like that or show interest at all!
So odds are him sleeping with people is a rare thing! (Demisexual ass...)
But yeah back to him fighting n stuff I feel like he'd be super happy if his partner was also excited about seeing a real blood bath of a fight
Like yeah probably not the best influence on him like that but asdhsjsnskk
Honestly I wouldn't be able to help it
He's like when ppl are in love with the horror icons
You love ppl like ghost face n Jason! There def not gonna stop doing what they do! N their hella crazy!
That's the vibes Raian gives me...
The only thing that's different is, I feel like the more years you spend with him he WILL calm down by like 10% and he may not go off on ppl randomly like when he was younger but he'd still do it on occasion...
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transitioningpirate · 7 months
today - 03/11 - dates exactly one month since i've started t!!!!! i'm so happy and honestly so pleased with everything. i had a bit of a bad month (got sick, had a bit of a falling out with someone and then i got sick again) but seeing the effects it's had on me already makes me honestly so happy. and thinking about what's to come makes me so much happier!! it's been a while since i realized i actually was feeling excited for the long term future. it's amazing.
here's some of the changes i noticed:
same as the last list - hunger and thirst have increased a lot. the doctor says it's because of my metabolism, it's much faster now. this is good but also bad because i keep forgetting to drink water. this is something that i've always struggled with. before this week, i've already ended up in a hospital because of dehydration like three times. anyways, i used to live in an island, very used to humidity, and this year, for college, i moved to a town that's, like, over an hour away from the nearest beach. it's very very dry. and like i said before, in november we were hit by a terrible heat wave, and it all piled up: fast metabolism, heat wave, dry place, me forgetting to drink water frequently, and you guessed it: i ended up at the hospital yesterday :(. had to take some pain meds and some saline, but im totally fine now, and ill make sure it doesn't happen again!
so much more energy. i know i said this already, but it's crazy, seriously, i have so much more energy just in general, for everything. it's amazing. ive been sleeping better, eating better, working harder, studying more, it's crazy. my mood has increased a lot, too, actually, especially after my second t shot.
irritability, but i think this has more to do with my personal life. a bit of tmi here: i was seeing someone until not long ago but some not-very-nice stuff happened, and i asked for a break (with no intention of returning, mind you, despite what he so confidently claimed) and immediately after realized i very likely had an sdt for the first time in my whole life. for the record, this is the only person ive slept with this whole year, basically. so. yeah, i was stressed, you can say that. spent a bit of money on meds, and im already feeling much much better, but it definitely took me down for a couple days, emotionally and physically, and i honestly think my irritability came from that, but maybe t had a hand on it too? who knows
two friends of mine claimed im growing a moustache, but i dont think so yet. i already had a very thin very small moustache before, and maybe it's getting a bit thicker? i haven't noticed it personally except in one (01) picture i took with a weird lightning. im not sure... but i like to think so! maybe it's just starting to get thicker and it'll actually grow eventually!
acne. i bought a soap for my face specifically, and i use it everyday, sometimes twice a day, so it's not as bad as it could be, but it's definitely present. mostly in my forehead and my chin. it's easily taken care of, though, and doesn't hurt and barely shows, so it's whatever
my voice has definitely gotten deeper! not significantly so, but it definitely has, it's noticeable, and i love it so much. i love listening my own voice. i love listening to myself talk. i love it, love it love it love it so much. i record so much more audios on wpp now, i like hearing them back, i like hearing myself!!!!! it's the best. ive never felt this way about my voice before. im so happyyyy <3<3
it's so hooooot god i feel hot almost all of the time, everywhere it's warm and i sweat sooooo much. doubled my deodorant use and i have no regrets. it's not a bad thing, but it is mildly inconvenient sometimes, ngl. living in this hot as all hell town definitely doesn't help. ive wore more light and freeing clothes and it actually helps a lot, though. plus, my baby cousin's birthday this month will be a pool party, so im hella excited for that!!!!!!
if i can think of anything else, ill add onto this. thank you so much :3
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
🪱 anon
So with the levi being cold bloded all reptiles would be as well satan and asmo being a scorpion would be too, so would diavolo, a dragon, barb with some type of reptile tail, ect
Who would be the cuddliest?
(Also scorpions make a temporary dck for mating so satan and asmo so does this now make a hc of them being trans? And do you think satan makes one out of spite to Lucifer since he can make it do you think hed make it hella big to make Lucifer jealous?)
((No bias honestly im just a huge tan tan simp)
How would he react to that nickname? Hed probably punch me lol
(though this is about anatomy rather than sex but I'm putting that just in case)
Okay I'm sorry the thing that really sticks out to me here is the temporary dick situation. Like that right there is my whole entire dream. I want this thing, but only sometimes. If I could physically switch my anatomy like that, I would be thrilled.
Hmm. Sorry that was probably tmi.
ANYWAY. I would think all cold blooded demons would end up being cuddly mostly because... well, they'd be cold all the time, right? As a human, MC is gonna be warm, so they probably attract the cold blooded ones. I kinda think Levi would be the clingiest. Asmo would use being cold blooded as an excuse to cuddle MC. Satan, Diavolo, and Barb strike me as the types who would want to cuddle with MC, but wouldn't make a huge deal about it. Might not even mention if they were feeling chilly.
Yo, things I didn't know about scorpions lol. Though I thought Satan's animal was a unicorn? I used to consider the tail just sort of its own thing and not really representative of his animal. But then an anon suggested it was made of bone and I was like headcanon instantly accepted. However, if we say that Satan does have the ability to create his own cock, do I think he'd make it huge to spite Lucifer? Maybe? I dunno, do those two normally have dick comparison sessions? Oh no now I'm imagining them making MC measure for them... and that would be pretty funny so I'm gonna go with yes lol.
I love the nickname Tan Tan, it's adorable. I think he wouldn't mind if you called him that in private. He might get embarrassed if you used in front of other people though.
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joosts-girl · 14 days
What kinda spicy pics would you send? 👀👀👀 and what ones do you think you’d get in return? 👀👀👀
AHHHHHHHH! 🙈🙈🙈 Anon why are you making me these questions I AM BLUSHING omg
(Hold up let me put this under the cut bc I might get a little bit TMI even for most people ngl)
What kinda spicy pics would I send him... Hm 😳 Honestly I've always been more a fan of the more teasing pictures ig? I really like my boobs ngl, so I would send him some cleavage pictures, either wearing a cute bra or just, covering them with my hands/arms. I also like my thighs quite a lot, so a lot of that too. I like to think he'd enjoy them but that's just me being hella self-indulgent akskskska- Also laying on my bed, posing like a pin-up girl, just trying to look cute for him in general ✨
As for what I would like to receive 👀 I've said this countless times here already, but I'm REALLY biased towards his stomach (and that happy trail ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥), sooooo... heh heh heh. He can lower his pants just a little for me, or give me a peek of what is he hiding underneath them. Or the full frontal view, I am not against receiving dick pics from him AT ALL 😩💦
Also just, lewd expressions in general, because he vibes as being such a show-off even for naughty images. I could honestly see him sticking out his tongue or biting his bottom lip for him or doing anything along those lines and I'd be. A happy camper. Really 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Honestly he could be sending me anything he wants and I'll just keep those pictures like they're sacred LOL. But if I could make him a single request, I wanna see him a picture of him laying naked on his bed, with a full-on bed head and the bedsheets barely covering his private parts 🙈 Maybe with a little bit of morning wood too 😳👉🏻👈🏻
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ancient-reverie · 5 days
Sorry to take you all on this journey with me but I'm gonna see just how much I drink today while I just do around the house stuff. (I drink throughout most of the day, every day but I don't usually pay attention to it so I'm trying to. I also wanna see if doing chores makes it worse or not)
woke up at 8:30/9am (fucking couldn't go back to sleep I prefer being up around 10 at the earliest)
oh and this is hella gonna be tmi hope y'all enjoy the parasocial moment where I tell you about the boring yet intricate details of my life.
Mon June 10th 2024 (two days from 2016 heroin anniversary week start. the anniversary is the 12th-16th and I'm never okay don't even ask)
10amish - mornin poop and coffee
11am - shot of rum (I drink from the bottle so, lol measuring. it's probably more than a shot but fuck off) considering spiking coffee
11:47am - another "shot" lol
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panelshowsource · 8 months
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OOF...!!! my first question is am i having three separate dinners or one dinner with three comedians? because if i have to curate the most harmonious dinner, that may be different to who i would choose if we were just doing one on ones... ANSWER THIS FOR ME while i kick around my brain bc this is HARD....
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with romesh at the front omG that is hilarious
lowkey tmi but i actually work for a film & tv distribution company that primarily delivers to roku and prime, and there are A LOT of negotiations that go into thumbnails that are provided by licensors / can be legally used in general. sometimes, after release but before the sale of additional distribution, talent will negotiate to have their images removed from this kind of art / promo / marketing material — usually to quietly distance themselves from projects. other times, distributors won’t be allowed to use screenshots or images of famous guest stars in a series’ episode thumbnails because the licensor is really serious about protecting the branding with the main stars. occasionally the person in the original promotional work will be hella cancelled and you need to find a workaround for the art, come to a new agreement as to what it should be and who should make it (the licensor or the distribution company, if they have an art department) — which can very awkward and difficult if licensors and distributors can’t come to a compromise. it's genuinely a whole part of forging a distribution contract! i have so many great examples but probably shouldn't be airing my company's contract negotiations out on tumblr X_X
ANYWAYS love that for whatever reason they went for this it's so unnecessarily three musketeers
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who am i to judge you anon... this is my man
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sam was def ~heavy breathing~ but alex looks way too stunned for me to agree with this — SO YOU GET A BONK
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why is that so funny but so true, you would think no one would be not only a similar character to joe but also in some ways more off-the-wall than joe that he would actually be a follower but in their dynamic he so is the lil bro
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 months
this is tmi but I went to an escape room with some pals and we got out with 8 minutes to spare while using one hint (yaaaay) but legit right when we finished (or a little before?) my period started and I got hit by HELLA cramps (felt like someone was twirling my guts like spaghetti) but I’ve been expecting it so thankfully I didn’t bleed everywhere over everything because there’s nothing worse. than bleeding in public and getting blood on things. also, finally got a date and time that works for fb seller and movers (YAAAY) but fb seller won’t TELL ME HER ADDRESS (COME ON). air said they might help me search for glasses frames which I’ve been meaning to do for a year and a half now but I just hate spending money on something I’m lukewarm on and my perfect glasses frames were made in the 60s and none of them are the right size.
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goldenhypen · 1 year
hi em! i was gonna make this anonymous but ta heck w tht LOL okay so this is gonna b a long one js bc i wanna b as clear as possible for u but i jus wanna kno ur opinion on this n im sorry if this sounds redundant (given what ur whole acc is abt) but i saw this tiktok that was basically talking abt how ppl who read rp (real person) fanfics r weird , disgusting , and freaks (that one hurt ngl😭) and ig bc i never interacted w ppl who read them i had no idea this was such a controversial thing yk? so it kinda hurt and i got hella defensive bc these fics have helped me thru some hard times n r my safe space (esp ur acc i love it sm ur fics r quick n easy reads but so so good! and i love tht u write wholesome sfw fics i don’t like / can’t read nsfw rp fics) and r good when i need a quick romance fix bc i have none irl (tmi fr sorry!) but honestly it made me feel horrible abt myself bc im like damn am i sick freak for reading this even tho i read the sfw n wholesome ones?? n they were sayin the y/n , self inserts were even worse! 😭 n idk if this makes me ignorant but for the life of me i couldn’t figure out what made it weird! nsfw ones r different but regular romance or fantasy? esp since i never see this take when ppl mention they used to read one direction fanfics or mindless behavior & august alsina ones (these were popular among the black community for context!) like everyone laughs n reminisces i feel like ppl r a lot more critical n harsh on kpop stans tbh but i even thought abt deleting my tumblr bc i felt wrong for doing so it made me question myself for awhile just being honest anyways i’ll get off my soapbox im so sorry this is so long i jus wanted to give as much context and detail as possible! if this is too much please disregard but idk i just wanted an opinion on this take from a fix writer and i assume u read some too correct me if i’m wrong! thanks so incredibly much in advance and i hope we can b friends one day! 🧸🎀✨💌💕🫶🏽
this is so real of you omg ok first of all, thank you for going out of your comfort zone to do this! things like this make me so happy cuz you coming out of your way to do this (comfort wise and time wise since it must’ve taken you a while to write sm, esp considering the technical difficulties 😭) makes it all the more meaningful. and i rlly appreciate you coming to me of all ppl too! so thank you!
secondly, i agree with you on all the things you had to say !! i was once in your shoes, and if i’m being completely honest, a part of me is still navigating this as well. like some things i still question for example is if there is rlly nothing wrong with this, why do i feel the need to hide that i read/write? but for the most part, rn i am definitely set on there being absolutely nothing wrong with this! i can definitely see where these other ppl are coming from if they had never thought much of fanfiction or reader inserts etc. bc it’s probably similar to how i felt before being more exposed to fanfiction. but imo these are fantasies i just imagine in my head anyway and are almost like dreams to me yk? and so imo, they’re harmless. in fact, writing and reading ffs help grow my creativity, which is smth i value. cuz not only am i doing this for entertainment, i’m also doing it for the art (this is in terms of writing more so than reading but can still apply to both). however, similar to you, i do believe that imagines can be taken too far, as that is what aligns with my beliefs, such as nsfw fics (which is not anything personal at all to nsfw writers!). that imo can be harmful for the mind and spirit etc. (sorry if this is getting too deep and personal 😭)
ugh this is honestly so nice to talk about and have someone relate to on this cuz literally the things you are saying describe me !!! and dw, i have and never had any love life,, it’s non existent, believe it or not! so dw, you’re not alone 😭 like we can be delulu tgt 😭😭 and ahahaha yesss like i can’t tell you the amount of times i considered deleting this app or stopping writing/reading. it was challenging to process. but after doing so, i have come to the conclusions i mentioned earlier (how i think reading sfw fics are harmless). it’s literally just a form of harmless entertainment lol so i don’t see why ppl have to be so judgmental about it and can’t just mind their own business 😭 so dw, coming from a fellow reader and someone who has faced the same dilemma, you are not at all a freak 😭 and don’t let anyone let you think otherwise 😤☹️
also i can’t go without saying a huge thank you for all the kind things you had to say about my works :((( <3 that is so sweet of you to say and is so encouraging. it’s smth i’m finding i need a lot of, esp lately, so i rlly appreciate that and it means a lot. this whole ask and talking about this is rlly quite meaningful to me tbh 😭 so thank you for coming to me and being so brave to bring this up! 🫶🏻 also, yes let’s be friends omg !! i’d love that 🥹🫶🏻
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