#also i mention shea
lady-assnali · 2 years
This has been in my drafts I keep going back to it bc I have so many opinions it changes so quickly and I didn’t want to leave anyone out but this is the most accurate today.
Gigi, Denali, and Jan
(Gigi because DUH, I’m fully in love with her end of story I’d drop everything in my life for her. Denali because she started this blog and I’ve been thinking about her literally every day since s13 I’m obsessed with her doing stupid tik tok dances and being incredible and having that ass. And Jan because I adore her, I think she’s a star, and i cried watching her sing O Holy Night live and my friend who was with me and didn’t know i was a big emotional baby until I warned her said 👀)
All Time: (sorry, I rant)
-I’m emotional. She’s the first queen I ever saw. Literally the first instance I got to witness drag was at one of her shows right before s6 came out I think. Either right before or during it airing? Anyway small town me finally living in a city saw her on that stage and was mesmerized and I remember her singing “I Adore You” vividly and I met her twice and both times she told me I was “so fucking cute and small” and that was the beginning of gay clubs and me finding myself and I just. I will always love her endlessly she’s my top tier, my everything. She’s always going to be my number 1.
It’s her talent. Her TALENT. her musical theatre talent. And her charm. And her dancing. And the way she carried herself during her season. It felt like they kept wanting to give her a villain storyline and she didn’t take the bait. And then for a while it felt like they simply didn’t care about her. And she just is so multifaceted, I think her drag is smart and polished while still being humorous which I love. I also love that she’s fully aware of how good she is, a girl isn’t afraid to just randomly do a run while on live but she’ll refuse to release a damn Christmas song because it’s not perfect enough yet. Also have you seen her spin like she’s the happiest person around bc I die.
I fell in love with her early on in my love of drag just bc I think her humor is so interesting, I think she’s SO fucking smart and I just like the way she is unapologetic in herself and I loved that about her all throughout her season, I always thought she was a star. She just makes me laugh and I think she has this sort of way of seeing the world and interacting with the world sometimes as if it’s the best place and the best time and it’s so contagious, I’d like to have more of that attitude in my life. Like. When she’s really full on in a joke, or some of the tour videos where she’s rolling on the floor or being stupid dancing of what have you, I love that energy. I heavily aspire to bring people that energy. She’s just brilliant.
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onlycrumbss · 1 year
I wanna post some health and appearance tips because I seen someone else on my tumblr do it.
These are actually mind blowing tips that I’ve tried and tested, actually have science behind them, and make the overall process much easier, i may not have alot of followed and it’s pretty long but please read because these are actually some revolutionary tips like the type of tips that people gatekeep. But that’s not me
Some of these products might be expensive/out if the way I’m sorry, I’m 19 and live alone have been working full time since I was young. I don’t have tips for hiding anything though since I live alone and when I was at home my family never really cared anyways these are mainly tips on how to upkeep your looks while restricting so that way you can look healthy while getting skinny, but I do have some prouducts that will raise less suspicion for anyone who lives at home still.
✨ Tried and tested ✨
Hair breaks when you’ve been restricting for a long time but these products have really helped and now I don’t have split ends. Their fine hair friendly as well, just remember shampoo your roots and only condition and oil your ends
Olaplex conditioner and the Olaplex hair oil
shea moisture Manuka honey and manfura oil intensive conditioner
Amika soulfood deep conditioner
Any shampoo with rosemary (makes your hair thicker and has been proven to be as effective as rogaine)
Tessa peays (you can find her on tiktok and YouTube) hair oil recipe and hair oil routine
Body care~
Skin gets really dry sooo
Olay body washes (literally any kind will work their so hydrating, they have a niacinimide one which works to brighten up your skin)
Any lotion with Vaseline in it (Vaseline will lock all moisture in and is the most effective humectant on the market. I don’t recommend using straight Vaseline Vaseline though because that will get all stick, just use a Vaseline brand lotion)
Body scrub once a week
Moisturizer. When your restricting you need to invest in a moisturizer, keep your skin hydrated
Sheet masks 1x a week. I like to use ones that are specifically food themed cuz in my head it’s giving my skin the nutrients I don’t wanna give to myself
My favorite kinds are: the tony Molly “I am-“ ones. Mediheal placenta sheet mask (my skin litterally glows after the placenta one) innisfree honey sleeping mask
I don’t recommend doing diy skincare but the only thing I will ever recommend along the lines of diy skincare is a honey and avacado face mask, makes my skin so hydrated and plump
(Some of these might be a fear food for alot and can be a little calorie dense but they help with your appearance)
Berries: especially blueberries and strawberries (have highest antioxidants, which help your apperance)
Cherry and pomegranate juice (antioxidant thing I mentioned above)
Avacados and chia seeds (kinda high in calories I know! But they have lots of omegas and healthy fats and chia seeds are full of omegas and proteins, these will keep your skin dewy and keep your hair nice, chia seeds will also keep you feeling fuller for longer and are a natural laxative)
Eggs: protien+good for your hair
Health in general+ weight~
Quit nicotine. I know that nicotine is like a staple in our community and I myself and on my journey of trying to quitting smoking but after years it catches up to you, and it causes acne. If your not eating your body isn’t going to put that nutrients to upkeeping your face, I already have faint smokers lines around my lips. plus it makes working out easier
(If ur a girl/have female parts) you need to get a probiotic in and get regularly tested for bv and ye⭐️ast infections. You will be prone to bv and yeast “imbalances” while starving and they can cause a lot of problems from stomach bloating to lack of desire and pain and a lot of times are asymptomatic. This happened to me and caused alot of mental anguish because the pain made me question my gender identity and the bloating made the mental aspect of my e d worse and I didn’t even have any symptoms
Don’t use miralax, it’s really bad for you. Drink senna tea, it’s less suspicious and actually works faster and better than laxatives. Plus it doesn’t destroy your organs like miralax
Don’t use trendy diet pills. If your going to take anything get “Garcinia Cambodia” supplement and take it with an apple cider vinegar supplement. Get the acv pills instead of drinking actual acv becsuse it’s better on your teeth (have to be taken together, a study was done on this combination plus it’s been really helping me)
Fast instead of ⭐️ve: I’m not going to get too deep into the science of it all because I’m bad with my words and explaining but basically when your restricting I t’s actually more harmful to your metabolism, makes you crave more food and makes your hungrier making everything harder because that’s what actually puts your body into starvation mode is a constant input of extremely few calories. When your fasting your body goes into “modes” that are actually benifical to your body,metabolism, cravings and feelings of hunger. When you focus more on not eating anything for a long period of time (fasting) vs “I can only have x calories today so I’m gonna eat x and x and x” -(restricting), you’ll find it makes you not only loose weight faster but also make it feel easier
Which is why I see a lot of ppl on here say things like “I can fast so easily but restricting is so hard” well that’s because there’s literally a science to it. And a little secret, after you do general fasting a few days (not for days straight but more so one meal a day like 24 hour fasts and 16+odd hour fasts) it gets easy. It is litterallt so much easier than plain restricting
Take collegen supplements if it’s something your not afraid of because their very good for supple skin and also for hair as well recent studies and random experiments I’ve seen on YouTube have shown
Take biotin~ for your hair
Drink “sparkling ice” drinks. They 5 Cals and have vitamin B’s which are good for your metabolism
I will be adding anytning I might’ve forgotten becayse I kinda rushed this because I rlly wanted to share all of these with everyone in the community after I got inspiration from the post I saw earlier. Feel free to comment or dm me any questions about the products and the sciences
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cripplecharacters · 6 months
Hi! I am working on a story where one of the three protagonist has a burn scar. This character has from the eye to half their right cheek of a burn; this happened around 9 years ago (the character was 10.)
I am working on historical-fantasy setting, I know you guys are not historians but I was hoping you could help me out with ideas.
In my story, there is a few chapters where the characters go to a snowy mountain for a couple of days, and there are temperatures ranging from 20ºF to 10ºF with snow and harsh wind, is there any protection/possible cream needed for the face and the eye for that situation?
Also, around 10% of the story has fights that include armour (including a helmet to protect the face and the head,) would a character with that type of burn may need a special helmet?
Just to clarify, the character for most of the story doesn't have any mask or anything covering their face, except in the moments of battle where every other character is also using a helmet and armour.
Not sure if there is anything potentially problematic in this, but the character got that injury due to a baby dragon of the family accidentally burning his face (this is a society where dragons are like animals and common in the house.) Because it happened so many years ago there isn't any angst feeling or people in his community commenting about, except in a scene where the protagonists are talking about traumatic things and this character mentioned that they remember when it happened his parents were afraid he was not going to make it, not realizing he was hearing it.
There are other background characters with burns, scars and stumps due to the nature of this world, but I am concentrating in this protagonist right now.
For weather this cold, your character would need a LOT of moisturizing creams. Possibly a comical amount. They would help to protect the skin from both the wind and cold. Burn scars don't have the natural oils, so his skin would be very dry normally, let alone during the winter. Even in normal temperatures, it's recommended to apply moisture multiple times a day. If something like sunscreen is available to your character, he would use it too (and often). Burns are sensitive to the sun, and some people use it even when it's cloudy. During the winter it's also commonly used because the snow reflects it. (As you said, I'm very much not a historian and I don't know what would work as non-modern equivalents... I assume that shea butter or olive oils could be on the table here? Certainly better than nothing. Or even just Magical Herb Mixture, if it's fantasy.)
As for the eye protection, I would say that most people in 20ºF to 10ºF (-6ºC to -12ºC) would need it, especially if it's both snowing and windy lol. I have experienced those temperatures and it can be hard to see even without extremely sensitive skin/eyes. But generally yes, harsh wind could be actively painful to someone with a burn scar. If it's too hard on him, he could wear some very loose cloth to cover it (prime example of a scenario where a face covering makes medical and just logical sense). It shouldn't be tight; maybe just a large hood or veil that would still be away from that part of their face.
Note: it could also not be painful at all. Burns come with nerve damage, and sometimes nerves make non-painful stimuli hurt really bad, and sometimes they make it so a person doesn't feel pain when they should. If your character is the second, they would bear it better at the time but still have all the other issues - skin breakdown, contraction, cracking, itching.
Not sure what other kind of eye protection would be available, but even regular glasses would help with the "not getting blasted with wind and snow" part. Make sure that with the protection he wears, it doesn't touch the scar directly. That can be extremely painful and cause skin to break in that kind of environment, especially if he's not a regular at the Snowy Mountain. If they are, they will handle it much better - scars get more or less desensitized with repetitive exposure.
For a helmet, I think having it padded from the inside would be a good idea. Preferably with something relatively smooth (maybe cloth or fur?) so that it doesn't scratch the burn. Potentially something to "stabilize" it (maybe their helmet could be custom-made for their exact head size?) so that it doesn't hit his scar over and over too if it's too large. I appreciate that others characters wear helmets too, and that he does for only a minor part of the story :-) (smile emoji))
The backstory scenario sounds fine to me as well! House pet trying to play and causing an injury is definitely a thing when it comes to facial differences haha. I can imagine that it would be even more common if the pet in question is a dragon and not a regular dog.
Having multiple burn survivors in a world with fire-breathing creatures that live in human homes is a nice element of worldbuilding :) (smile emoji)! I think that if this kind of thing happens often, then some of the resources I mentioned (moisturizes, sunblock) would be more readily available for your main character and people in similar sets of circumstances.
Thank you for your ask, I hope it helped a bit!
Mod Sasza
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virtues-end · 14 days
Your explanation about the Words of Power and if Shea had to use them in the past depending on how we headcanon our MC had me wondering.
Will we get in-game flashbacks about MC's and Shea's first meeting, or is it purely headcanon based with only passing mentions?
Asking because I can't help but imagine my MC just scared of Shea at first, to be honest? Because of how afwul the previous keeper was and all. Like, considering my MC is a barghest, I guess the dog comparisons are all the more accurate, so I'll go with that. It's like the idea that even a dog who bite its previous owner because of mistreatment won't necessarily be bitting any human - it may instead just be scared of other people instead, and once you gain its trust, it will probably be even more loyal and devoted to you than most other dogs. This is sort of what I imagine, but I don't know how much of this is up to our choice!
By the way, if this won't be in the game itself or if you don't consider it too spoilery, what did Shea think back then, if the MC was just genuinely scared of them when they met?
I'd like to include in-game flashbacks eventually. To the MCs time with Shea, or perhaps that first year after they woke up. Or even previous jobs with Shea. I've also considered writing them as separate snippets, but to be perfectly honest I've never much enjoyed writing those (and would much rather focus on writing the game). I also like having everything in one place, available to the reader. :-)
I have written some snippets in the past, however. One from the POV of Shea, and the other from the MC. They're a bit old, but I do still like them. I might even rewrite some of them and add them to the game eventually!
the clearing / imprisoned
Beware that they might contain some spoilers (the clearing specifically).
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neonovember · 1 year
Golden Boy
part three of three
warnings; filth, angst, lover boy, self deprecation, anxiety, mentions of death, smut, heartbreak, fluff, face fucking, oral (m recieving), piv (wrap it yall), 18+, explicit language, Richie, carmen being in love, the nickname bear, some very not so slef inserted heartbreak and love confessions
w/c: 6k
a/n: this request really changed from a drabble to a 3 part series holy fuck i need a job, but really this is actually so self fulfilling to be able to deliver your requests about a character i love we all love so much! it’s like we’ve created this aesome little community here :) i love this universe sooo much so be sure there will be drabbles connected to this series
also if anyone was wondering how i’d imagine high school!carmen it would honestly be this one edit i saw of lip ages ago lmaoo
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The dull rain of the shower resounded through your bathroom, the rest of your things had been delivered in the early Friday morning, and you rushed to enjoy the high water pressure Mae had boasted about before you moved in.
The steam has begun to fog up your mirror, and you wipe a hand across it, your reflection distorted between the streaks of your fingertips. Today was the day. You would finally see Carmen again and your body was racked with fear like it was the day you left him.
After you had come back from the Farmers Market, you had received a text from Sugar, and you spent the afternoon unloading everything to her about work, your move back and most importantly Carmen. 
You and Sugar had grown close after you and Carmen had become friends, in fact, you had grown close to the entire family before you left for New York. And all it took was a phone call for you and Sugar to fall back into that familiarity once again, all you hoped was that it would be the same for you and Carmen.
Once Mae had finished up with work, the both of you, as promised shared a bottle of a wine and a blunt where she had squealed at your news of the dinner, and, despite your protests on the phone brought a rosy hued summer dress that she had begged you to keep. 
It was left on a hanger on the door hook, and you stare at the gorgeous wave of the hem, and dip of the neckline that you had got you looking at Mae in doubt. She had screamed when you had tried it now, boasting about her amazing fashion sense and how utterly ruined Carmen would be.
You steered clear from feeding into her delusions, Carmen could be married for god's sake, whilst you were thinking if he would like the colour of your dress. He was not though, you had practically burned the entire timeline of his socials into your retina and there had not been a single indication of Carmen having a partner. But he had always been sort of secretive, and you couldn't hold onto the hope that Carmen hadn’t taken a liken to any one of the hundred girls that threw themselves at him.
I mean, it wasn't like he was waiting for you, right?
The heat of the shower spread through your body and you sighed in relief as the water loosened the soreness of your muscles that had begun to ache. You had a couple hours until the time Sugar and Richie had told you to come in, and you spent it leisurely, washing your hair carefully, and scrubbing your skin clean with the multitude of products you had accumulated the second you had more money to spend on just food, rent and utilities. 
You forget to put a bath mat near the shower, and the cool stone is stained with your wet footsteps. You make quick work of drying yourself off before reaching for the same old bottle of shea butter you hadn't stopped using since high school. It was on its last leg, the worn label tearing apart, and soon enough you would have to cut it open to get to the last droplets. Old habits die hard and you had been a broke college student for a long fucking time.
After you've finished with your makeup and curling your hair so that it lay in soft blown out curls, you carefully and not so gracefully step into the dress. You don't own a lot of nice pieces like this, and you were forever grateful to Mae for coming in the way she did even despite your protests. 
Because as you stare at yourself in the mirror, you realise you look pretty fucking hot. You put on the last of your jewellery, spritz yourself with some perfume, before sliding your feet into flats that wouldn't destroy your feet. You reach for your phone, the time flashing 6:30 and later than you had anticipated.
Stress fills you at the thought of coming late, especially since you really only knew three people there, but you force yourself to calm down with a breath, realising the beef was only a 5 minute drive from your place anyway.
The drive to the Beef was one that was filled with anxiety and glee, you couldn't help keeping the smile off your face as you passed through the familiar roads leading up to the family restaurant. Despite the familiarity of the streets, your mind always finds its way back to the most familiar place of all, Carmen. You wonder what he might look like all grown into himself, you've followed his many strides in the culinary world, even if you didn't understand a bit of the kitchen itself, but you were unbelievably proud of every award he had and numerous received. But that had been all online, to see Carmen in person was a whole different thing entirely.
It was an experience, to see the way he’d body moved, from the light touches of his fingers helping you play guitar to the way he glided through the kitchen concentrating on cooking you up new recipes he’d made.
He’d take criticism from only you, even if Mickey's loud booming voice intercepted your comments from across the kitchen island. You had to sniffle back tears at the memory of it, Mickey and Carmen were so incredibly close, you feel like a fraud having not been there for him when he died, how could you even call yourself his friend? 
The truth was, you and Carmen had a horrible way of dealing with grief, you were battling with your own loss at the time, getting news of Micheal’s death only months after your own Father had died from a drunk driver. You had come back to Chicago for the funeral before running back to New York and stuffing yourself with your work. The pain had been too great then and the regret of leaving your brother and mother to clean up the mess had eaten you alive for years. 
You and Carmen had a habit of stuffing your emotions into tight spaces. Your father, Mickey, the both of your absence in each other's lives, it was a grief you wore well.
In the knots in your shoulder, in the bags underneath your eyes, in the aching hearth of your heart, in the emptiness of your suppressed stomach. As well as you could anyway.
But the world keeps turning, and the view of the renovated Beef catches your eye as you shakily turn into the car park adjacent. You can’t run now, there isn’t a back door you can slip through and a plane you can catch to escape the reality of your past. 
This was it, had this been what you had waited for? 
You can feel your heart in your throat as you walk through the car park, the soft lantern lights hanging across the top of the restaurant in ribbons. The place had changed from the last time you'd seen it, the rotting wood replaced with pristine painted planks and the cloudy windows now crystal clear. It even had a name change, replaced instead with the unmistakable nickname of Carmen,
Sugar had texted you to meet at the front, and as you bite your lip in anticipation, you see a blonde haired woman shout back a swear before walking towards the front of the Beef, her eyes catching you through the front windows, shooting up in surprise and glee, before rushing through the doors.
“Holy fucking shit! You were always hot Bug but goddamn, you outdid yourself! How are you my love?” Sugar replies, reaching to gather you in her arms. 
You press your face into the familiar scent of her, and you sigh in relief as your fears begin to dissolve, you weren't utterly alone here.
“I’m so glad you could make it, Carm is going to fucking implode when he see’s you” Sugar whispers with a grin, in which u shake yout head with a chuckle.
“Uh I don’t know about that, we haven’t really talked in, well, since High school” You reply honestly, you may have lied to Richie, but you couldn't escape Sugar’s bull-shit- detector gaze.
“You both were always so scared to make the first move, Mikey had to hold me back a couple times from just locking you both in a room and forcing you both to confess” Sugar replies with a grin
“Confess? What do you mean” You reply, and Sugar shakes her head with a chuckle,
“Don’t bullshit me Bug, it’s as clear as day. You both were inseparable then, and you will be inseparable now, everyone has their own timeline.”
You nod with a sigh, rubbing your eyes as you thought back to the call you had received asking you to join the design group in charge of revamping Madison Avenue. So much had changed since then, and it was about time that you faced what you couldn't 8 years ago.
“You changed him, ya know?” Sugar says, all of a sudden into the comfortable silence between you.
“Hm?” You reply
“I don’t know. Carm, he’s just, he’s distant, always has been. And then somehow, you became friends and there was this just change in him. He started to smile and laugh more, started opening up to us, because of you. Whether or not you realise it, you marked him in a way that was permanent you know? And when you left- well, it all went to shit, he was fucking destroyed and the only person that could help him was Mikey, and you, you get the rest of it” Sugar sighs, shaking her head as you stare at her.
“Sometimes, I’d bring you up, or-or we’d be talking about a new building, architecture or whatever, anything that related to you, and you'd just see him shutdown. He needs you hun, he doesn’t realise it but its like he’s fucking decaying without you.”
Anyone else and you would have shaken your head, but it was Sugar, and all the years you've known her she hadn't once sugar coated anything. 
“It was always going to be Carm, Sugar. A million times over and it would always be him” You reply, a tight smile on your face as you try and blink back tears, and she nods with a frown. 
“No crying, god I told myself I wouldn't cry” Sugar says, shaking her body as you laugh, sliding a hand in hers before walking into the Bear.
You aren't given enough time to investigate the changes to the restaurant, eyes glancing at pictures frames and stainless kitchen benches before stepping into a decorated back dining space, fixed with a long table covered with steaming plates of food and entrees. 
The sound of your footsteps has the entire room coming to a halt, and you scan the many people seated at the long table, their eyes watching you with a look of surprise before recognition floods across them. 
You can't recognise a single face, all unfamiliar to you but you get the strange feeling they know who you are, as they await for you to speak.
“Uh, Hello, um, you all probably have no idea who I am and this is kind of weird so-” You ramble nervously, trying and failing to introduce yourself to the many people watching your every move.
“Oh carino, you are gorgeous! You must be Carmen’s friend?” A short hispanic woman grins, making her way over to pull you into a hug, and the move causes the entire table of people to come over and introduce themselves. 
You can’t stop keeping the smile off your face, as you learn about each of the amazing people around you who have kept your sweet boy company. They were incredible, and you don’t doubt they shared a bond you only ever built working together, piecing together where Carmen had spent his time, and recognising the glimpses of faces you had seen on the walls you had walked by.
You converse easily with Sydney, a young aspiring chef who had kept Carmen on his toes, but your mind isn’t exactly present. Your eyes are glancing every second at the door, waiting for the man you've been dreaming of since you were 18 to walk through those doors.
You hear a tumble coming from the back door leading to the alleyway behind the Bear, before the familiar voice of Richie yells out incoherent curse words. You aren't able to prepare yourself for the footsteps coming up the steps and into the entrance of the dining room before Carmen cerulean blues catch you immediately. 
His eyes take their time with you, indulging in the peek of skin from the slit in the dress, before they trail up to your hips, snaking around your waist and blinking back at the dip of your cleavage. Carmen is undone, entranced by the way you hug and fill out the dress so perfectly, it does something to him he feels guilty about. Like the moments he would thrust up into the column of his fists after that one party where you leaned against him, or when he remembered the taste of your body wash.
Carmen is scared to move his eyes up to your face, fearing that he will be irrevocably gone if he does, but he does it anyway, because he's wasted enough time without you, and he can’t bear the seconds past him by without seeing the face he's dreamt of since forever
Carmen has to reach for the table near him, gripping the wood in his fists as he steadies himself when he sees you for the first time. He has to bite back his immediate response to let out a swear, his eyes trailing along every curve and line of your features he has begun to forget. The rush of memories, and feelings of you unleash within him like an unyielding current, breaking down every wall and shield he’s put up to stop it. It was fruitless, Carmen knew one day it would all come crashing down, because it was always going to be you, a thousand times over.
You let out a shaky breath as you catch his eyes fluttering over every single feature, you should feel self conscious but you don’t, you bare your entire self to him. You furrow your brow as you take in the honey caramel wisps of his hair pushed behind his ears. Your eyes catch the numerous inked sketches running along his arms and hands, you yearn to run your fingers along them, feel his veins jut out, they trail up his arm, like a stream and you have to swallow back the desire that had begun to unfurl at the vision in front of you.
He was utterly beautiful, his clean shirt contorted and stretched from the sheer size of him, the muscle and girth of his biceps and shoulders were so different to the lanky teenager you fell in love with. You feel a sadness at the thought of not seeing him since then, it had truly been too long. 
He still wore his chef apron, though it lay untied and around his neck like he had quickly run into the kitchen to fix something.
You don’t know how you’re able to form the words, but you can hear yourself calling his name like a plead
“Hey Bear” You whisper, the tears at your waterline one whisper away from falling
And it’s the simple sound of your voice that has Carmen crashing and falling, swallowing back tightly.
You can make out Sugar calling everyone out to the front of the house, mumbling about flying pigs or whatever conjured up lie to leave you both alone. But it’s practically white noise around you, as your eyes remain forever on Carmen, like they always wore.
There's a silence that stretches between you two, and you feel the distance between you both from your fingertips.
“Thought I told you I’d punch your stomach if you cried” You say with a smile, tears falling down your cheeks and Carmen crumbles at your words, it's like his been hit by a freight truck, when you reminder of that day, but he still lets out chuckle, looking up at you with a grin.
“So I hear you're redesigning our very own Madison Avenue?” Carmen says, and it's like he’s been practising and rehearing the sentence over and over in his mind, it sounds more like a script than something he truly wants to say.
And you see through his bullshit, turning your head to the side as you look at him like he's translucent, and Carmen gives up before he is even able to start, what’s the point of faking it now when you could both see through each other.
“God, you're beautiful” Carmen says after a beat, the blues of his iris crashing and falling into a deeper depth as he looks at you. You blush, you never blush, you only ever blush for Bear.
“Carmen..” You whisper, the tears continuing to fall and roll down your neck
“Why didn't I tell you? God why didn't I?” Carmen says in a tight voice, like he's holding himself back, like he's holding himself from breaking, and you want to reach out and hold him instead.
You feel your heart drop, as you look up at him in anticipation, no no no??. You didn’t run half way across the state, you didn't spend years searching for Carmen in relationships and first dates, no- how? All this time. All this fucking time you could have spent with him, whether long distance, in New York, whatever, you would’ve made it work, hell you would have travelled endlessly for him.
“Why didn't you?” You breathe out. letting every tear and cry loose. And Carmen lets out a breath, your eyes communicating what your mouth could not for 10 years, letting your body shake with grief at the truth of it all.
Carmen feels his entire world breaking, he can feel the ground beneath him shake, he is consumed with you, you you you, and always and forever you.
“All this time..” Carm replies, shaking his head, laughing a little to himself as he stares at you in grief and love
“Yeah” You chuckle, before tears spill down your cheeks, and Carmen kind of breaks too, all the worries and missed time and love you would have shared out in the open between you. You both had been so foolish, so wrapped up in the fear of rejection/ruining your friendship you had ruined it all instead.
“I love you, I have loved you the moment I walked you home. I have loved you desperately, I loved you from afar, I have loved even when you didn’t know it”
“God Carmy, my sweet golden boy, I always knew it” You sniffle, and Carmen scrunches his eyebrows, grinding his teeth against his jaw as he shakes his head, undoing his apron so that he doesn’t get your gorgeous dress dirty, pulling you close to him. You reach for his hand, its size massive in yours, as you bring it to your chest
“You feel that? My heart beats for you Carmen, only you, forever you” You whisper, as you hold onto his hand tight
“I was just- I was so scared, so scared that I would ruin everything, our friendship, it was the one thing going for me and I couldn’t ask you, I couldn’t ask you to love me?” Carmen says, shaking his head like even saying the words felt stupid
“Carmen you are worth loving, I loved you then and I love you now. Sugar was telling me about how I changed you and you know what I was thinking the entire time? How everytime I think back to those years before my heart just aches. It aches because I have always been searching for you, Carm, my body yearns and reaches for you every day, you were the one thing that made me feel like I could make it out of here. That if I tried hard enough, if I had you believing in me too, I could really do it.
“And you know what Carmen? I did do it, I’m back in Chicago designing something that I believe in and I still feel so out of place. I feel scattered, like half of my body and mind is missing, and I’ve always known, even when I didn’t, that you kept that part of me. You held it safe, and I want it back, I want you back Carmen. I want my boy back.” 
“It was always going to be you Carm, that’s the truth, I love I love I love love love you” You breathe out, your heart hammering against your chest as you let all the chips fall where they may, you each Carmens face, trying to decipher the look on his face.
You want to know what he's thinking, have you scared him? Does he not love you anymore? And it's like Carmen can tell the thoughts are consuming you because you can't think of them anymore, in fact you can't think at all except the feel of Carmen lips pushed up against your own.
They’re pillowy and soft, and it takes you a second before you kiss him back with such reverence that you swallow back each other’s groans. You don’t come up for air, you won't, you can't let him slip through your fingers again, Carmen can’t let himself lose you now, with the taste of you on his tongue, so sweet like he imagined you to be.
Carmen fears he might combust, that he might dissolve into a puddle right in front of you because you taste so good, he slides a hand up your neck pressing you closer to his chest as you grip his shirt in tight fists.
Carmen can feel himself smiling into your lips, and it causes you to let out a chuckle, allowing Carmen to press his canines into your lip, just a little, a nibble that has you moaning out loudly in a way that shocks you both.
You press your body impossibly closer to Carmen’s, until you can feel him nudge against the curve of your stomach, grinding down against him until he grip’s your waist tight, pushing you deeper until you both have to let go with a breath.
“You don’t know how long I have waited to do that” Carmen says, his eyes still shut, like he was savouring the taste of you that was on his tongue, on his lips, his skin, everywhere. Carmen wanted you everywhere.
“And how long I have waited to do this” You trail your nails across his chest, his eyes watching the mischievous grin on your face grow as you trail your fingers down his chest, resting on his belt before the sound of a yelp and a clap breaks out, causing you to retract your hand and causing Carmen to let out a whine.
The rest of the crew and Sugar come tumbling into the room, hootting with cheers and laughter like they had been pressing an ear to the door the entire time, which they probably had. Sugar makes her way over, hugging you both, and pressing a kiss to your cheek before punching Carmen lightly.
“You didn’t think I knew? God what kind of sister do you take me for??” 
It’s all a blur of laughter and smiles and light shooting colours, Carmen keeps his eyes on you the entire time, and you don’t leave his side, holding onto him like he might fly away. And in all the commotion, in all the light and laughter and love Carmen sees Mikey. Sees him in flashes, the nape of his neck, the corner of his mouth pulling back in a smile and he swears, Carmen swears he sees him nod towards him.
You let it rip, bear, you did it, you did it. 
And Carmen did, and he looks down at you in his arms surrounded by people he loved and his heart for the first time feels full. Carmen had written himself off to a life of fulfilment through his work, and whilst that was purposeful and important to him, he always felt like a piece of his life was missing, a piece of his heart, it was taken by you just as he had taken yours. 
And now he can’t mask himself from his feelings, he can't watch you from afar anymore, he wants you beneath him, wants to bottle your laugh and drink in to cure him. He's broken and he doesn’t deserve you but god with the way you look up at him? It makes him question everything, makes him think he's enough, that there might be a chance he's more than the vile words he calls himself.
He want to get better for you, for the both of you, and its overwhelming, all these feelings he feels all of a sudden, it's like a switch has turned on and he can’t stop it, it washes over him, those memories from before, and you grip his arm with a squeeze, looking up as him before walking him out, guiding him with a hand until he follows you out into the alleyway.
“Sorry, it just was a whole lot at once, I haven’t even properly asked about you and now the entire kitchen knows you and” Carmen rushes out, rocking back and forth on his heels nervously
“You forget how well I know you bear?” Is all you say, and you can see the way he relaxes into himself, looking up at you with a nod. And it’s true, you know him completely and utterly, and it’s almost a relief, it almost makes Carmen cry because for the first time he doesn't feel like he needs to explain himself. Carmen feels like he has someone who knows him deep down, knows all his flaws, and problems and issues, and still wants him. 
The thought is so foreign and strange but he stomach bubbles with the elated glee of the start of something, something you both know, deep down, was meant to happen whether it was now or in 30 years. You would always, always find each other, how could you not? When it felt like half of you had disappeared without them?
Carmen can’t help but a press another kiss to your lips, snaking his arm so that it rested on your hip, squeezing a little before you break from him
“The food in there looks lovely, but considering what has just occurred, do you want to go somewhere more..” You start
“Intimate? Fucking yes. I don’t need Richie watching me and Sugar breathing down my neck. There is so much..” Carmen replies, eyes having a bit of a faraway look as he thinks back to all the times he had wished he could confide in you but couldn't.
“Let’s make up for lost time, shall we?” You grin, holding out a hand that Carmen eagerly grasps, before practically running into whichever car is closest. 
You and Carmen end up in a dimly lit jazz bar that sells signature shirley temples and tampalas that make your heart sing. You spend the entire night talking about everything, you both spill the entire contents of your guts to each other and you couldn't be happier, wiping each other's tears when the love got too much and your chest filled with gratitude at finding each other again.
You tell him you're only here for 6 months, and you leave the bar calling Mae to extend your lease. It doesn't take long for you both to slide into the familairy of your friendship again, spending every waking moment with each other, fulfilling every desire, checking off every firsts, exploring Chicago again with the one man who's been waiting for you for eternity. 
It would have been cute if you werent fucking like rabbits as well, you were addicted to each other, chasing orgasm after orgasm like it was a high. You should have been thrown in jail with the amount of times you had nearly been caught, and Carmen’s office was practically a health code violation.
But the truth was, Carmen finally had something to come home to in the late evenings and you had something to say goodbye to in the early mornings.
The early morning sun drags along the horizon, it cuts through the shapes and cuts of the intricate frost that had begun to develop over the window, showering the room in its dull yellow through the linen curtains of your shared bedroom.
It had snowed during the night, and the city council had closed the roads, advising as many people to stay indoors if possible, causing you and Carmen to finally have an excuse to stay indoors and pressed against each other the entire day.
The only sounds you can hear in the early cold July morning are the shutters of shop doors opening and the simmering wave of traffic that would soon begin to spill into the city streets below.
That and the strangled sound of Carmens moans as you slide your hand across the slick length of him, heavy in your palm.
He watches you carefully, eyelids heavy as you blow on the tip of him, causing him to wince in desire. Your motions are slobby and wet, and Carmen is still half asleep from your sleeping position not moments before.
You bite back a giggle, looking up at him from your knelt position between his legs. You’ve pulled him to the edge of the bed, and he grips the white sheets in his fists as he tries to restrain himself from coming undone by the way you smile up at him.
“You want me to suck you off him? You wanna feel good baby, you gotta tell me you wanna feel good cause I can't hold back any longer
“Fuck..please make me feel good, you know how to do it, please h-honey” Carmen replies before knocking his head back with a groan when you take the tip of him in your mouth.
You and Carmen weren't exactly experienced at first, you both had never truly held a relationship long enough to progress to that stage, but it had only taken a month before you knew how to have him stuttering thrusting up into you with need and it had taken him 3 weeks to know how to make you cum 9 times a day. What could you say? You had waited long enough.
You don’t waste time as you circle your tongue around the red tip, licking the precum clean from the slit, groaning around him at the sound of his throat letting out strangled moans. You want to take him in entirely, but he was so thick and long you couldn't possibly without getting used to him again.
Carmen loved giving, he could spend hours with your thighs around his shoulders, but there was something special with getting your broody chef to come undone, to be reduced to a puddle at every lick and kiss from you.
You push him deeper, circling your tongue so that it drags flat against his length as you pump the rest of him that you couldn’t yet reach.
“Holy-sh-fuck babygirl, easy, easy” Carmen groans out, and as you flicker your eyes up at him, the vision causes you to sneak a hand down between your thighs. 
Carmen looks down at you with furrowed brows, struggling to sit, grinding and jutting up into your mouth as his blonde hair lays across his forehead sweaty. His cheeks are a rosy crimson, and his tongue pokes out from the corner of his mouth biting down when you catch his blown out almost-black eyes.
You ignore his protests, pushing him further down until you feel him in your throat, constricting the space until it has him groaning out in pleasure. Carmen can’t help thrusting up into your throat, quickly apologising before you shake your head, reaching for his hand to grip your hair, begging him to use you however he wan’t. It’s too much for Carm, he feels like your puffed out cheeks, the tears eager to drip down your cheeks, the rut of your hips trying to find any friction causes the very tight bind to nearly snap in him.
“Fuck, don’t- not gonna last long” Carmen heaves out, gripping your hair until the veins in his arms and neck begin to juttt out.
You continue bopping your head down onto him, gathering the spit and cum and hollowing out your cheeks before taking him out and then in again. Carmen can’t take his eyes off of you, his chest heaving up and down as he watches you entranced.
“You don’t want to cum huh? Am I not making you feel good? Fuck my throat Carm, show me how you want it and i’ll show you how I do” You groan out, looking up at him from under your lashes and it causes Carmen to groan out, before gripping your jaw in his hand, and dragging your tongue back down his length.
Carmen is careful with how he fucks into you, but it’s reverent and heady and full of need, and he finds himself gripping your hair, watching you bop down on his cock until it bumps against your throat, and he feels that tight warmth that surround his sensitive tip.
He’s a mess, a jumble of incoherent swears and half moans of your name as the slick heaviness against your tongue shealths up and down, the mess of cum and saliva dripping from between your lips. 
“S-so fucking, so good, all mine babygirl, you’re all fucking mine” Carmen replies with a growl, as hes thrusts into you grow sloppy, and you press your nails into his thigh, breathing through your nose as Carmen loses himself in the warmth and feel of you, chasing his release without a break.
The tight band deep in him snaps when you constrict around him, and catch his heavy gaze, he screams out your name, jutting up into your throat, slick shooting down as he holds you head against him, and you milk him dry eagerly, taking every last drop he gives you.
You swirl your tongue around him, gently taking him out of your mouth as he winces at the over stimulation, you look up at him, opening your mouth and poking your tongue out, and you don’t miss the low fuck he whispers at the image of you swallowing every last bit of his mess.
You aren’t able to get up yourself before Carmen is dragging you up to him, wiping and kissing away every tear before swallowing you with a heated kiss. Carmen can taste himself on your tongue, manoeuvring your bodies so that he lay against the headboard, with you grinding up against his lap.
“Need to feel you fill me up Carm, I need it so bad” You groan out between your heated kiss, and Carmen grips you against him, his cock hardening again at your words, he always wanted to please you, it was his dying quest, pulling orgasm after orgasm from you like it was nothing.
You line yourself up with him, before sinking onto his length, the both of you breaking apart from your heated kiss to suck in a breath, Carmen leans into the croon of your neck, biting the skin there lightly as the feel of you tight around him gets too much.
You have to grip him, pressing half moons into the contorting muscle of his shoulders and back as you get used to him, before sinking further down with a groan. You felt impossibly tight, walls velvet and soft like caramel as they glided up against him with its slickness.
“You sure you can take it all? Hm darling?” Carmen whispers as he leans over in your ear, so that you slide further down his length, and it glides across a sensitive spot in this new position that causes you to rock your head back with a groan.
“Oh no baby, no no no, eyes on me hm?” Carmen reprimands you, sliding a hand so that he can see the dazed look in your eyes.
“We have the entire day, locked in this house from the snow, and I’m going to fuck you stupid doll” Carmen replies with a grin, before easing out of you and thrusting back into you hard, causing stars to appear in your vision, the white hot pleasure of the beginnings of your orgasm gripping you.
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woodle-isbae · 3 months
Joost klein HC
Joost klein x black!fem!reader
Warnings:Not proofread , can be read by non black people idm , just Fluff and random stuff
A/n: heyy 🧍🏾‍♀️...I'd like to inform everyone I will be taking request , just be sure to read my intro on what I will and will be writing, and don't be scared to mention characters that I didn't 😕❗️
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~the type of person who would sit outside in the sun with you as you get your daily sunlight consumption, even though he knows he's gonna get sunburnt , he just wants to see you in the sun
~helps you choose lace and braiding hair colours just to end up deciding on an ashy blonde
~he's definitely picked up your slang and the way you say certain things
"Oh yeah righttt? Bet" with the sassiest eye roll and shoving his hand infront of your face
~looks you dead in the eye as he eats an onion because you know he's gonna try and give you a kiss , he would chase you around the place calling for you to kiss him
"C'monnn it's just a kiss!Gewoon een kus!" just a kiss
"Nee Joost, laat my alleen!" No Joost , leave me alone!
~he takes you to the studio with him so you can judge his songs even though you like them anyways
~he will have you come on stage after performances just to show you off , after some of his fans complained about you guys
~will try to atleast have a photo/frame of you in his videos/photo dumps , doesn't care if it's for a small bit , he'll even add a lil 'peep y/n in the back 💕'
~loves paying for your nails since he chooses the design and also because the feeling of them running over his skin and through his hair 😖
~I feel like you guys would definitely have a shared wardrobe, wearing eachothers clothes like him wearing your ties , pins and sometimes snatching a lip gloss for himself 🤕
~definitely tried to learn your home language , since you already knew dutch , he felt like he wanted to be able to surprise you with that (this is self indulgent)
~and best belive that Shea butter lotion + coconut body wash combo has him swooned , always on you just to smell it
~randomly squeezes your ass and runs away while giggling because it's funny to him
~knows your more into house parties than bars so he would go with you or offer to say inside and relax it works all the time
~listens to all your girl gossip not because he feels he should be listening but because he's just as messy as you 🤥
"No way..why would she even say that?"
While having his nails glossed and a face mask on
~his credit card is yours aswell, mainly because you pay for his flights and so on but because he wants to spoil you rotten 🤑❗️
~picked up on your music taste and would randomly play Erykah Badu or Steve lacy , giving him that stank face of approval
"Okay white boyyyyy.."
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stopaskinf · 5 months
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Drunk Dude in the Bathroom
(Hoshi x fem!black!reader)
Summary: The title really says it all. You try to go piss during a party and find Hoshi crying in the bathroom.
Genre: fluff, strangers to friends to lovers???, college AU
Word count: Around 0.8K
CW: none fr, mentions of drinking, crying and bodily functions. Hoshi being a cornball who thinks you’re hot.
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You need to piss. The combination of drinks and getting distracted by music at this party was terrible for your bladder.
You ask your friend Youngji where the bathroom is. She knows way more about this place than you do.
“Its upstairs near the left. Can’t miss it!” She practically screams.
You give her a thumbs up as you start walking up the steps. Heels were a bad option. After an eternity, You finally reach the bathroom, thank god. If you had to hold it a second longer, you would have pissed on the floor. However, as soon as you open the door, you’re met with muffled blubbering from behind the shower curtain.
Throwing caution to the wind, you open the curtain to find a handsome and drunk blonde man holding a bag of ice like a well-loved childhood plushie.
“Umm…You good?”
He sniffles and loosens his grip on the ice bag. He looks up at you with puffy eyes, unshed tears still shining.
“Yes-no..I..just-did you know most tiger cubs don’t survive their first year of life?” He cries.
What the fuck. He’s clearly gone.
“...I did not know that.” You say baffled.
“Hey, why are you in-”
“You’re so pretty.” He says glossy-eyed.
Your face goes hot.
“Thank you, but listen-” You stutter out.
“Like super pretty, like you look like Naomi Campbell mixed with Megan thee Stallion.”
High praise.
“That's very sweet of you.” You give a shy smile.
He gives a toothy smile while he blushes.
“You’re welcome, pretty lady.” He cheeses.
Ok. You’re getting off track. You still need to piss. You’ve got to get this guy out of the bathroom.
“Hey, what’s your sign?” He asks as he shifts in the tub to get more comfortable.
He treats it like a children sized bed.
“I-I’m an aquarius.” You answer puzzled.
He lets go of his bag of ice and flaps his arms while making an excited squealing noise.
“Oh my god, oh my god, that explains everything!”
Does it?
“Yknow that explains why you’re so pretty! Aquariuses’ are always so like otherworldly. Real goddess energy. OOOOHH and we’re compatible cause I’m a Gemini! Air signs for the win!” He practically yells as he stumbles to get up from the tub and give you a high five? A hug? You’re not sure. Either way, he ends up wobbling and almost falling face first out of the tub. So, in an act of quick thinking, you catch him.
“Bro, are you good?” You ask worriedly. He’s really fucking gone.
He ends up hugging you, either in an attempt to keep himself steady or to bask in your warmth. You’re not sure.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I’ve just had a little too much to drink. By the way, you smell crazy good. What perfume do you use? And your skin is so soft! What products are you using? Also, are you seeing anyone? I don’t want to be a creep, but I hate to get you in trouble and you’re really cute.”
You chuckle as you hold him. It should feel uncomfortable holding a 6-foot stranger in a small bathroom, but he makes it feel natural.
“ I can tell that much just by looking at you. First, It’s a Valentino one, I forgot the name. Second, Shea butter. Third, no.”
You feel him hold you tighter and give out a small “yay” as he nuzzles into you.
“Oh my god, you know what would slap right now?” he says as he excitedly grabs your shoulders.
“What?” You ask.
“Well, first, some chicken nuggets. God, I’m starving. DK never has any actual food in the dorms and it sucks balls. He’s still a great guy though, I’ll have to introduce you two later. Oh, I totally forgot, we’re also roomies, so, you’ve probably already seen him. Lanky dude, sharp nose, great teeth?” He rambles.
“He sounds familiar.”
You feel his hands grab your face, you feel the cold metal of his rings contrast his warm hands and your hot face.
“Yeah that’s him. Oh my god, wait, I also want an Oreo McFlurry. When does Mcdonalds close?” He asks excitedly while slowly stroking your face.
“Aren’t they open 24 hours?”
He gasps and his eyes shine. He squeals and sways you both back and forth while holding your face in his hands.
“You’re so right! Sexy, strong, and smart! The big 3 S’s! We totally need to go! Please?” He pleads.
You give a soundless laugh and nod your head. This is definitely going to be a good night.
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mr-walkingrainbow · 7 months
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Also would now be a good time to mention the person who draws the Monster high comics supports toradeen and wants more lgbt relationships on the show?
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What A Shirt Can Tell
Pairing: Colin Shea x female Reader
Summary: 5+2 times Colin asked 'Is that my shirt?' plus the one time he got asked it. Aka a look through the journey of Colin and his girl, each in which his shirts play an important role.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of sleeping together, pregnancy (last 2 scenes)
Wordcount: 7.1 k
If you enjoyed reading this, please consider leaving a comment or reblogging. I don't allow for my content to be copied, translated, or reposted on other websites/apps. Please don't steal my work and don't enter it into any AI program/website.
A/N: Is it already August? Huh, wasn't it only easter a couple weeks ago? No? Well my bad, but here is finally the last of the requests I asked for that time. Thank you @drabblewithfrannybarnes for the amazing prompt! This turned into a bigger endeavor than I had anticipated but I loved both the prompt and any minute of writing it. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it just as much <3 Dividers are by the talented @/firefly-graphics
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His shirt was gone, Colin was sure of it. He had spent more time searching for the stupid piece of fabric than he’d liked to admit. Where had it gone? Had he misplaced it in his apartment? He wasn’t that messy. Had someone stolen it? Who would steal just a shirt and leave everything else behind? 
There was no explanation for Colin why he couldn’t find the damn thing. Not that he didn’t have anything else to wear. He wanted to wear this shirt in particular. It was one of his favorites and – call him superstitious – it was his lucky shirt.
With a huff, he gave up. There was no finding it and he had a feeling that it wouldn’t be found in his apartment either. Not particularly happy at the prospect of having to wear something else, Colin went for his second most valued shirt and pulled it on.
Because running late also wasn’t an option today. Not if he wanted to get on the good side of his band members and keep his wallet from being depleted. He had to buy them drinks for being late one too many times already.
Turned out that all he needed to find his shirt was to leave his apartment. There in the hallway nowhere else than on her. 
“Morning Colin,” she called out as he pulled the door closed behind him. 
“Morning–” he stopped, startled by her choice of clothing. Funny, that looked exactly like his– wait a minute. Colin squinted trying to figure out if that truly was his shirt and perhaps he also stared a little too long.
“Is that my shirt?” He blurted out, causing her to freeze. Glancing down her own body at the shirt, Colin could see her brows furrow. He walked over to her to inspect the shirt closer.
“That is my shirt,” he confirmed, pulling at the fabric on her stomach, eyeing the fabric, the way it was washed out. Just in the way his shirt was. There was even the small bleach stain when he’d spilled the bottle right into his basket.
As he looked up at her again, fabric absentmindedly rubbing between his fingers, she was puzzled. Colin couldn’t help but grin in amusement.
“Did you steal that from me?” 
Watching her become so flustered amused him greatly. He laughed as she started to babble excuses for it, denying all claims of thievery. 
“It’s ok. I must have left it in the washer.” “I’ll go change,” she mumbled apologetically but he shook his head.
“No need for that.
It is my favorite shirt though, so maybe give it back once you got your joy out of it?” he mumbled, a crooked smile on his lips.
“I’ll do, promise.”
Nodding he glanced at his watch, cursing that he was now running late. Again.
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Colin’s nap was rudely interrupted by a knock on his front door. Once he didn’t answer the first time, it sounded again. With a groan, he released the pillow he’d been hugging to his chest and slowly sat up.
“Come in! It’s open.”
Still busy rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and yawning, he didn’t see her enter his apartment at first.
“You know that’s gotta stop.” “What’s gotta stop?” He asked, standing up and stretching. His bare state of clothing flustered her, as she quickly turned away from him.
“Don’t you have anything to wear?!”
“I’m not naked,” he butted in.
“But not dressed either!” Wanting to indulge her, he grabbed the discarded shorts by the side of his couch and slipped into them.
“Better?” Carefully she looked behind her, peeking at him. She huffed a little, seeing he still lacked a shirt, but decided it was better than nothing.
“Now what were you saying?” Looking at her in question, Colin patiently waited for the answer. It seemed to have been rather dire the way she hadn’t even greeted him. Now however she seemed unable to get the words out.
Her eyes flitted through his space, teeth nibbling at her bottom lip as she contemplated. Then they locked onto something. 
“If you keep using my apartment and me to get rid of your nightly companions I want compensation.” She looked at him, crossing her arms before her chest. 
Colin spluttered in surprise, the laugh falling from his lips. “Compensation? Do you want me to make you breakfast whenever I come over? Or lunch?”
“No? Then uh…” Well, he wasn’t sure what else he could offer her.
“I’m going to take this as payment.” With that, she walked past him and bent down toward his laundry basket, in which his freshly washed shirts rested. He had been too lazy to put them away. As she stood back up she clutched a shirt of his in her hands. 
“My shirt?” He asked her.
If that's what she wanted, Colin wasn’t going to argue. Even if he couldn’t understand why exactly she wanted one of his shirts.
“That’s all?” 
His words made her stop and think. Colin started to grin at the way her eyebrows furrowed and her nose scrunched up in concentration. It was cute. She was cute.
“Well, you don’t seem to be able to offer me much otherwise.”
“Ouch,” he winced, grabbing his chest in mock hurt.
“You know I just got paid, let me take you out.” 
She looked at him with big eyes.
“I take you out now and you can have as many shirts as you want as long as I have enough to wear too, deal?”
Colin held his hand out for her, waiting on her decision. Chewing her bottom lip she seemed to contemplate the offer. In the end, she nodded and put her hand in his. They shook hands.
“Deal. You can keep hiding in my apartment and I’m allowed to steal your shirts.”
A deal made, she patiently waited for him to shrug on a shirt plus shoes and grab his wallet. Together they walked out of his apartment. 
“But why the shirts? No judgment, I’m just curious.” Colin asked as they walked down the stairs together.
“Keeps creepy guys away if they think I’m taken,” she answered with a shrug and a smile. 
“Huh,” he mumbled, watching her from the corner of his eye. He knew mayhaps a better solution for that.
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Sunlight crept into the room through the cracks in the blinds, illuminating the room sporadically. Pouring over the bed the light cast long lines across the bedding, warming her cheek and arm. 
All could have been fantastic on this cozy, beautiful morning had the light not come from the wrong side of the room. This small, lone fact was the reason she couldn’t drift off into sleep once more. Instead, she carefully opened up her eyes, first one and then the other, and peered into the room that was not hers.
It looked familiar. It was, as she noticed the guitar leaning against a chair and a strong, warm pair of arms wrapped around her, that she remembered – or rather realized – where she was. 
Right. They’d been out yesterday evening.
Colin had taken her out, they’d eaten at the promenade and walked through the park to a cheap but excellent cocktail bar. That’s how she ended up in this bed.
Well, she had planned to end up in his living room, lured in by Colin’s offer to let the final part of the evening fade out with the comfort of his couch under her butt, a cool beer in her hand, and perhaps a little drunken serenade with his guitar.
Judging how the guitar remained in its stand, seemingly untouched, they had skipped the serenade and gone straight for the tumble in the sheets.
As she sunk back into the mattress, Colin curled around her back, his breath tickling her bare shoulder, she thought that this was something she could get used to.
Falling back asleep seemed easy at that moment, weren’t it for her stomach grumpily disrupting the – not so early – morning peace.
“Colin, come on!” She whined, pouting at the brunette opposite her. He only grinned, wallet pulled from his pocket as he shook his head.
“Nope. I invited you so I pay.”
“I don’t want to be indebted..”, she muttered quietly, not noticing the frown that momentarily crossed his face.
“Hey, now. Nothing of this ‘being in debt’, you aren’t. But if you so badly want to do something in return you can.”
“I can?” 
He nodded at her, thinking hard for a couple of moments. “How about you treat us to breakfast tomorrow morning?”
She snorted quietly but thought about it. “Alright. Hangover breakfast is on me tomorrow morning.”
That memory of the previous evening made her whine quietly. She wasn’t in the slightest mood to get dressed appropriately enough to leave the confines of Colin’s apartment. Leaving the house was too much work.
Hungry she was nonetheless and her annoyingly vocal stomach wouldn’t let her forget it either. Once more it grumbled, gurgling louder than the first time, a steadily growing monster waiting to be fed. 
She froze but Colin didn’t rouse in the slightest and so, after waiting a couple more ticks of the clock – there was no way the grump that demanded to be fed could wait any longer – she gradually wiggled out of his grip and climbed from his bed.
Their clothes were strewn in all directions of the room, she wasn’t even sure it was all of them. One however stood out. It was the shirt he had worn the previous evening. And even though she spied her shirt just beside it, it was the former she grabbed and lazily shrugged on. 
When Colin awoke two things were out of place. One, he had expected to wake up with company. There was a pang in his chest at the cool and empty sheets ruffled around his waist, clearly used by another body but long left behind.
He’d been so sure that what he understood to be going on between them, what he felt was budding, was mutual. Now he wasn’t so sure anymore. Perhaps he had read into it too much, perhaps he had run ahead at a pace she wouldn’t go. 
But then there was the second thing out of place. If he was alone, which he assumed, where was this delicious smell coming from? He couldn’t mope in his disappointment for long, his stomach faster than his brain.
Stumbling out of bed, he grabbed his boxers, discarded at the foot of the bed. Every other clothing forgotten or ignored in favor of finding the source of this heavenly smell. 
Even more amazing than the smell of breakfast was the sight before him, as he descended the couple of steps into the main space of his apartment. There he found his fled bed buddy and what a sight to behold she was.
It was simple, her state of dress and style. Hair down, ruffled in the back from their canoodling and sleep following it, barefoot and barely dressed. In fact, as Colin stepped closer – sneaking up on her, as she hadn’t noticed him yet – he observed the single item of clothing she was wearing closer.
“Is that my shirt?” He asked with a grin and a raised brow, leaning against the wall that closed off the kitchen halfway. Her head snapped around, eyes briefly widening as she looked him up and down. Colin’s grin grew, he bit on his lower lip and relished in the way she eyed him.
A low moan slipped past his lips as he got his confirmation, she was wearing his shirt. It triggered something in him, something innate and primal. Not to mention the arousal coursing through his veins at the look, but there was more. He never wanted to see a different sight than her in his shirt. 
She shrugged her shoulders, finished with eyeing him up and thinking of a calm but clever answer. “You don’t like it? Want me to take it off?” 
Colin growled quietly, his eyes darkening. Pushing off the wall he stalked up to her until they were nose to nose, toes to toes.
“I like it more than I can express, don’t want to see you ever again in anything else.” His words took her breath, a small gasp left her lips as she glanced up at him. There was no doubt in her that he meant every word he said. 
“Although I can’t decide if I want you to keep it on so I can savor the look or if I want to rip it off of you right now.” 
A shiver ran down her spine, tension coiling in her stomach. It was palpable, the air thick with crackling energy, tiny bolts sizzling between them.
The smell of food and the crackle of the stove brought her back. Clearing her throat she motioned toward the cooking breakfast.
“Food first.”
Colin hummed, coming impossibly closer to her. “Food first, then dessert.” His fingers tugged at the hem of the shirt. With a boyish grin on his lips, he tried to peek down the collar, all the while his fingers contradictory tried to tug the shirt up to get a peek elsewhere.
With a laugh she pushed his hands off, turning back towards the stove and Colin sighed in playful defeat.
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“Come on Shea, don’t be a coward,” Colin murmured under his breath, chin tucked close to his chest as he hopped from one foot to the other in front of his door. “It’s just a shirt.”
Said shirt in his hands felt like it was made out of lead. It wasn’t the material that weighed so much but the implication behind it. Which, in truth, was even more stupid than if in his hand he had a shirt actually made out of lead.
Time had passed since he had last seen her wear his shirt that morning in his kitchen. Time in which the two of them had gone on many more outings – dates they’d agreed to name them – crowned with the agreement of going steady. 
And while Colin had gained a girlfriend, he had lost the previous agreement of compensation, her need for cashing in the demand for one of his shirts void. Instead of hiding in her apartment from his flavors of the night, the two of them either woke up together in one of their apartments or met for a shared breakfast.
There was no way Colin would ever want to go back to how it was before, but he did have to admit that he missed having her come in to collect her payment and he missed it even more to see her wear one of his shirts just casually. So he was going to do something about it. 
Right now.
With a sigh and a crack of his neck following the roll of his shoulders, he turned the doorknob and strode out of his apartment. Right across the hallway, past the staircase and to her door, opposite of his. 
She was lounging on her sofa, caught up in the depths of a book as Colin sauntered down the four steps into the living space. It was right about then that he stopped as if he had slammed into an invisible wall. 
Surprised, he asked, “Is that my shirt?” 
Dropping the book into her lap, she looked up at him but all Colin could focus on was the print of the – clearly too big – shirt on her frame. He hadn’t expected to see her wearing a shirt of his. He hadn’t even noticed it was gone.
“What…when did you..” he muttered, scratching the back of his head in bafflement, too dumbfounded to end the train of thought let alone the sentence.
In amusement she snorted at her stunned boyfriend, smiling and feeling a sense of pride and triumph.
“Took you long enough to realize,” she grinned at him, happy how good of a job she had done. It was then she noticed the fabric in his hand, hanging limply at his side.
“Did you steal more of my shirts?” 
Instead of answering, she asked her own question. “What’s that?” 
Colin’s eyes followed hers, zeroing in on the shirt in his hands. He hadn’t forgotten it, okay he might have, but his reasons were good! Now he raised the newly discovered article of clothing in his hand, his mission coming back to mind.
“I, ugh- I wanted to give you this to..” He sighed, whining at the look of delight on her face, “Stop it!”
“Stop what?”
“Enjoying this so much!” He growled, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. She laughed as Colin stalked towards her. Plopping down on the sofa beside her he contemplated if it was worth it to try to tickle her.
She had a mean kick, a fact he had regrettably learned through firsthand – foot – contact. It was an experience he had no need to relieve a second time.
“I’m sorry, you are just too cute,” she muttered, leaning over to press a kiss to his lips. Colin hummed and chased the softness of her lips.
“Kiss me some more and I might forgive you.” “Forgive me?” She taunted, a brow raised in mock as her eyes glinted with mischief. 
“Yeah. That or you can tell me since when you have this and why I haven’t seen you wear it until now.” Her wearing his clothes had an undeniable reaction on Colin. He couldn’t get enough of the sight. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen only second to her beauty when she lay sweaty and naked beneath him.
His words made her roll her eyes, but the smile never faltered. “Colin you obviously haven’t paid close enough attention, I’ve been wearing your shirts nonstop.”
“Yeah really. If you had been not so busy trying to get me naked every chance you get–”
“–I didn’t hear you complaining before!” With another eye roll, she leaned forward and kissed him again, mainly to shut him up.
“As I was saying, I’ve been wearing them fairly regularly. I snuck a shirt or two out of your apartment a couple of times.” Admitting it suddenly made her shy.
Colin however looked at her entirely smitten. His arm wrapped around her, knuckles rubbing the space between her shoulder blades in comfort and to encourage her to continue.
“I like wearing them,” she admitted, chewing on her bottom lip, “they smell like you and that is comforting. And I kinda got used to it.”
Colin’s heart stuttered and swelled with warmth. “I love you.” 
The thought, no, the feeling had been lingering in him for a while now but there had never been the right time in his mind to tell her. But right now felt like the perfect time. He could no longer hold this a secret, not when she invoked such vivid feelings in his chest. Colin had never felt so deeply and strongly for anyone.
In surprise she sucked in her breath, the air whistling between her lips. She looked at him with widened eyes. Colin could see the various emotions flit over her eyes, her mind working at lightning speed to process the words. And once they finally did, warmth flooded her expression.
“I love you too,” she whispered softly, breathily.
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Laughter intercrossed the patter of water against tiles and glass. The spray of liquid obscured the two bodies, ripples of steam rose from their feet and swirled upwards between their legs. The warm water softly cascaded down over them, hair soaked and clinging to their bare skin.
A soft giggle escaped her lips at the tickling breath crossing her shoulder. There was the scratch of stubble from Colin’s cheeks grazing her neck mixing into the sensation. He nosed along her shoulder, lips hovering just a breath away.
Yet it was his hands that drew the happy sounds out of her, the little giggles and bigger waves of laughter, and in between the little sighs as well. He was feeling her up, his hands restlessly traveling over the planes of her body, fingertips gently caressing the bare skin. If not for the warm spray of water he’d have reduced her to shivers. Alas, he hadn’t come that far yet.
All of it was slow and languid. They had all the time in the world. The rest of their lives. Now even more so as the matching bands on their hands twinkled in unison in the refracting lights. 
Colin took his time, arms wrapped around her, hands softly drawing up and down her sides. He was comfortably draped around her back, herself leaning into the hold, head resting on his shoulder. He couldn’t have been happier.
Focused entirely on the other, on their intimate togetherness, their bodies swayed softly following their natural rhythm, an instinctual dance.
A gasp left her as his lips pressed onto the column of her neck, trailing along to the crossing where her shoulder fused with her collarbone. The gasp turned into a breathless hum, kisses turning to small nibbles and soft strokes on her skin to hungry paws of her flesh. 
“Colin,” she hummed into the warm, steam-mottled air, eyes fluttering shut. His traveling hands halted just under the swell of her breast, thumbs drawing over the bottom most part of her curves.
“Yes, my love? My wife.” She felt him grin into the sentence, lips tugging upwards against her skin, emphasized by another nibble, this time at the edge of her jaw, just below her ear.
The term still felt new and unfamiliar but she was certain she’d find a quick liking to it, just as she had found to address him as her husband.
“Room Service is going to be there any moment now.”
“Someone’ll need to answer them.”
“Can’t they just leave it outside the room? I’m sure they can wait.” He couldn’t see her brows furrow from his position but he heard the whine coming from deep within her chest.
“But breakfast… my caffeine.”
“You are such an addict,” he laughed against her skin, groping fingers briefly turning to tickle her sides. She squealed, hand reaching back to pinch him into the side making him yelp in surprise.
“If you want to keep your wife happy you better not stand up the room service with our breakfast.”
With a heavy-hearted sigh and droopily hanging shoulders Colin relented. “Alright, alright. You’ll get your breakfast,” he promised her, pressing one last kiss against her temple before his arms slid from her frame.
He was already halfway out of the shower when she called to him once more. As he turned around lips pressed against his, the kiss broken only by the obnoxious knock against their hotel room door.
A short exchange with the friendly hotel employee congratulating him on their wedding later, Colin was wheeling the trolley filled with deliciously smelling breakfast into their hotel room.
“Sweetheart, breakfast is here!” 
It took her less than two seconds to open the door of the bathroom and step out. And Colin? He had to do a double take, eyes raking over her form. He had the most gorgeous wife, he was sure of it and right now she looked like a goddess there to bless his life.
His eyes traveled up from her feet over her bare legs to the hem of…
“Is that my shirt?” He asked her, lips forming into a grin. It had become their little game, their inside joke, this one question. One question that had started their journey and let them on the path to happiness.
“Hm, no. It’s my husbands.” She hummed, lips parting in a cheeky grin as her fingers ran along the button facing of his dress shirt. The one he’d worn yesterday during their ceremony and the following celebration. 
She’d buttoned only two buttons in front of her chest, barely enough to keep her covered, a teasing amount of skin still peeking through. The ends of the shirt brushed against her upper thighs as she crossed the room.
Colin snorted in amusement, eyes never leaving her. He watched her with hunger in his eyes, a hunger that wasn’t directed at the food in front of him.
“Your husbands?” He asked, crossing his arms.
“Yep. He is the best.”
“He is?”
“Yeah, when he’s not taking forever with breakfast and keeping me from my morning caffeine at least.”
“Hey!” Colin laughed, reaching for her in playful anger. She squealed once more, jumping out of his reach, her laughter mixing with his.
“Okay, I take it back! I take it back, Colin!”
Still, he held her in his arms, hands grabbing her around her waist, the thin fabric of his shirt barely concealing the feel of her beneath his palms. Her arms wrapped around his neck, nimble fingers caressing the short hair at the back of his skull. A lazy grin settled on his lips as he took a long, appreciative look at her.
“You are beautiful,” he told her, leaning forward to capture her lips in another kiss. He’d never get enough of her, how she tasted. And as they parted once more, he glimpsed down, eyes peeking under his dress shirt. Groaning loudly, his hands slipped from her waist.
“Hurry up with your coffee, I’m hungry,” he moaned and she laughed.
“There’s an entire trolley full of food.”
“Not that kind of hungry.”
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Colin lay on the couch in misery, the small fan before him blowing sadly through the room. More than moving some of the uncomfortably heated air through the room its power wouldn’t allow. There was no relief from the icky way he felt. 
It was hot, it was sticky, it was sweaty.
“When did the repair guy say again he’d be there?” He called out into the house, the effort almost taking too much energy from him as he poked out his tongue.
Even stripped down to his underwear he was barely standing the heat. Anything more simply too hot to wear, he was contemplating losing even the last fickle piece of clothing. Although it wouldn’t do much either.
“Tomorrow!” His wife's call came from somewhere in the house, but Colin was too lazy to track where from more closely.
“Tomorrow better be coming fast.” With a groan, he pushed off the coach, the floor beneath his feet disappointingly warm. More than sluggish steps he couldn’t muster as he trudged towards the kitchen. There he found her standing in front of the fridge.
“Cooling yourself off?” He asked, smirking as she was mostly hidden behind the opened door.
“I’m miserable,” she whined, her head peeking out from behind the door to look at him. Colin’s heart did a salto in his chest, a frown appearing on her lips immediately after.
“I’m sorry baby.” He was wishing he could aid her somehow, make her feel more comfortable. But alas Colin couldn’t even help himself feel more comfortable right now. It made him feel useless, the sensation heavy in his stomach even as he attempted to swallow it down.
She huffed, stepping back and closing the door before the fridge could start to beep. If only she could have it open forever, at least the fridge meant a small moment of alleviation. It was just their luck that the AC unit had to break during the height of summer.
“Colin this is all your fault,” she huffed again, pressing her hands to the small of her back as she swayed on the balls of her feet. Her complaints flew entirely over his head as Colin's eyes – and brain – zeroed in on one thing only. Everything else around him forgotten.
There it was, pulling all attention to it, the rather pronounced bump she was sporting, peeking out between the fabric of her shirt. He couldn’t believe it even now. Pregnant. Soon to be three, their family was going to add another person. She was growing a little him and her in there.
He wanted to fall to his knees and weep whenever the image hit him like it did now. He wanted to worship her, cradle her in his arms, carry her on his hands.
Mesmerized by the view, his fingers itched to touch her belly, to rub his hands all over it. He held back the urge, if only for the fact he knew it would make her feel even hotter than she was. Colin wasn’t about to make it even worse if he couldn’t help soothe her afterward. Then again, even with the AC working she’d been barely above feeling miserable before.
“You’ve almost got it baby. We’re on the last stretch.” It was a fickle reminder, a promise that it would be over sooner rather than later. But even that could only help so much when every minute felt like an eternity and every hour passed slower than the one before.
His eyes stayed focused on the continuously growing bump as she shifted, turning around to him and with her, the fabric around her body shifted too. It caught the edge of his attention, the glimpse of it startled him out of his focus as he eyed it closer for the first time.
“Is that my good dress shirt?” His brow raised in question and surprise. It was nothing new for her to wear his things but mostly she preferred his t-shirts over everything. And adding to it Colin was certain that shirt had been buried in the furthest corner of his wardrobe. He wasn’t even sure if it had seen the light of day since their wedding.
“Yeah,” she shrugged her shoulders, “I’m not going to cook in one of your shirts. It’s too warm and I’m miserable enough already.”
“I’m not complaining,” he snorted happily, now taking his time to eye her up and down.
“You’ll never get tired of ogling me, will you?”
“Nope.” Putting emphasis on the p Colin brightly grinned at her. “Not when you always look so smokin’ hot.” He couldn’t help it, he was fully attracted to her. And she wasn’t making it much easier for him, wearing only cotton panties and a tiny bralette beneath his unbuttoned shirt. Not to mention the changes in her body the pregnancy brought forth were an even bigger turn-on for him.
“Don’t even think of getting turned on right now. It’s too hot for that. If so, you can make do with your hand.” Her disgruntled words made him laugh and nod. 
“Come on, I have an idea to cool you down a little.”
“Is it a new, functioning AC unit?” She asked him full of undiluted hope, teeth coming down upon her bottom lip.
“Sorry baby.” He had to disappoint. Putting his hands on her shoulders and softly guiding her towards the living room Colin added, “You gotta make do with the fan until tomorrow. Now go sit down on the couch.”
She looked over her shoulder at him once more, her eyes searching for a cue. At last, she nodded, cutely waddling toward the living room. Colin already knew he’d miss this soon.
“It’s the ice cream man~” Colin’s sing-song voice carried over to her shortly after, her husband stepping into the living room moments later. In one hand he held two glasses, ice cubes sloshing in the liquid content, and in his other hand two packs of ice cream. Her heart leaped at the view of him. 
“You’re the best,” she murmured, gladly taking the ice cream from his hand and eagerly ripping the packaging open so she could get a taste of the sinfully cool treat. What had her hum more than the pleasure of the cool creamy sweetness on her lips was the cool press of glass that Colin held against her neck. Any other moment and she would have flinched away, now the groan that left her lips was almost obscene.
“You enjoying yourself?” He asked as he plopped down beside her, a mindful distance away. There was nothing more that she wanted than to cuddle into his side – besides a functioning AC maybe – but it was simply too warm.
“Oh yeah,” she muttered, too busy eating her ice cream to care much for anything else going on around her. So much in fact she pliantly let Colin maneuver her feet into his lap. Expertly he opened his own ice cream with the aid of his teeth.
“You and your skills,” she mused with a raise of her brow, “That’s what got us into this situation in the first place.” 
Colin snickered in amusement, shaking his head. He looked at her, eyes glinting in mischief as he took the first lick of his ice cream.
“Nah, I think you’re mistaken. Me not using this skill is what got us into this situation,” he answered cheekily, for a moment forgoing his own restraint to let his hand roam over her swollen middle. His heart always leaped in excitement whenever he felt the life growing there beneath his hand.
His darling wife eyed his hand, rolling her eyes at his words, and decided to enjoy her ice in peace. Colin kept his hand roaming a little more, disappointed when nothing roused beneath his hand and so he joined her in enjoying his ice cream.
Much later, after they’d eaten their ice cream and their glasses were almost empty, some last stubborn ice cubes refusing to melt in them, Colin had slouched down far enough on the couch to have pressed some tickling kisses against the edge of her rips and the swell of her bump. 
His glass, which he had mostly kept resting with his wrist on top of her feet, occasionally pressing the chilled glass against them to watch her sigh in relief, gave him an idea. 
One eye prying open as his ministrations had stopped, she watched him fish an ice cube out of the class.
A shiver ran down her spine at the ice-cold feel of the translucent cuboid that Colin pressed against her belly. If it weren’t feeling so nice she would scold him. It felt too good and so she instead watched him draw transparent shapes. They laughed in unison as someone at last stirred in her belly, movements and a kick becoming visible under her skin.
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Colin felt bone-weary, ready-to-drop-dead tired. Exhaustion oozed from every pore of his being. With his eyes closed the greatest temptation right now was to simply fall asleep reclined on the couch where he sat. Work had been exhausting and while he enjoyed it with every ounce of his being there were moments he’d wished back to the time he’d been a struggling artist. Although if the choice were to arise he’d never actually go through with it. He’d never give up his life as it was, no way he’d ever leave them behind.
His lips curled upwards as he heard the shrill giggles coming closer, the shuffling feet in the hallway. Cracking one eye open, just in time, he watched his wife walk into the living room, their toddler propped on her hip.
With a grin powerful enough to split his face he opened his arms, holding them out in wanton for his baby. She laughed at him, rolling her eyes as he made grabby hands for both. Pointing towards him she diverted their little one's attention. Big blue eyes, the same as his, landed on him. In an instant that tiny little face split beaming, tiny limbs becoming wiggly.
“Alright, alright. You have no patience, just like your dad,” he heard her mutter to their little one in amusement. Both of them wiggled in unison, undivided happiness.
At first, Colin was confused, unsure what she meant. Quickly his confusion melted away, replaced by wonder and delight. Setting down the toddler, tiny hands securely clasped in her much bigger ones, Colin watched in amazement as plump little feet stumbled toward him. Clumsy yet determined their little one waddled over him, a look of concentration that had Colin’s heart grow exponentially.
And then those tiny hands, previously clasped in his wive’s, landed on his knees, grip surprisingly strong as he was used as a prop to stand. It was then that Colin noticed it.
“Is that my shirt?” he asked in surprise, looking up at his wife. How he’d missed the ginormous piece of fabric hanging from the much smaller frame of their toddler he had no idea. It was hilarious how the shirt swallowed the child almost entirely and it was as they cooed and looked around that he noticed the tie at their back, holding the shirt upon their frame. 
Colin snorted in amusement, watching as his wife plopped down beside him on the couch. In turn he leaned forward, hands shooting out to pull the toddler onto his lap in a surprise attack.
“It’s a little big don’t you think?” He teased with a raised brow, fingers tickling the little one. Their shrill laughter was music in his ears. Colin knew he’d never be able to get enough of this. These moments of pure delight, of happiness, and the best memories he’d ever be able to make.
“Only a little,” she agreed in amusement, fingers reaching out to fuss with their little ones' fringe. “Give it a couple of years and that shirt will fit just alright.”
Gasping in disagreement, Colin frowned and pulled the child against his chest, arms tightly wrapped around. His lips curled upwards at the happy giggles, fingers itching for another tickle attack. “How can you say that? No growing up, I won’t allow it!”
This in turn had her laugh and shake her head, “I don’t think that’s how it works Colin.”
For a short moment he looked actually stricken, brows furrowed in contemplation. The grin that spread across his face afterward meant nothing good. Suspicion arose in her as he leaned over to her, nose nuzzling her cheek before he pressed a kiss there.
“Guess we need another one then.”
“Another one?” She asked him in surprise. His eyes twinkled as he nodded, the look had her heart hammer in her chest and a warmth erupt in her stomach.
“Gotta make sure we always have one at that age, so we never run out of those moments.”
Laughter bubbled in her throat, crossing her lips in disbelief, “Let’s focus on one more first. It’s not you who has to endure it all for 9 months, dear husband.” 
But Colin didn’t listen, all he heard was one thing. “So that’s a yes?”
“Go sit down I’ll change ‘em,” Colin murmured into her ear, hand softly rubbing across her back as they trudged into their house. She sighed in thanks, first pressing a kiss onto their little one's cheek before Colin received a peck on the lips.
The second she plopped down on the couch, her shoes were off. Relief flooded her agitated toes, glad to be out of the tight confinements of her heels. It didn’t take long for Colin to return, still dressed dapperly as could be. He cleaned up exceptionally well and effortlessly, something she was ever jealous of. 
Their little one propped on his arm, he carried the little one holding their favorite toy. In the middle of the living room, he left the child down, which with an almost theatrically plop flopped down on their behind, playing by themselves.
Colin followed shortly after, plopping down equally theatrically beside her on the couch and with a yawn wrapped his arm around her. Happily, she snuggled against his side, head resting on his shoulder.
“It was fun,” she mused. Colin hummed, pressing a kiss onto her crown.
“It was, but also damn exhausting. Suddenly I understand the appeal of a childless wedding. No one can tell me that’s not to give all the poor parents a night off as much as it is for the couple.”
She snorted in agreement. While it had been fun attending their friends' wedding with their little one, it had been just as exhausting.
“How long do you think until they knock out?” 
“Could be minutes but could also be another hour or so.”
“Let’s hope for the first,” Colin murmured against her hair, pressing another kiss there as his thumbs caressed her side. 
There was no space between them left but that didn’t stop her from trying to snuggle even closer to her husband as she watched their little one play by themselves. As she did, she noticed something. Their little outfit had been replaced by nothing other than…
“Is that your shirt?” Colin beside her started to snicker, she could feel the proud grin practically against her temple.
“Took you long enough to notice,” amusement filled his voice as he taunted her, “You started something there baby.”
“I started it?”
“Yeah, you,” Colin emphasized the words by tapping his finger against her nose, winking at her, “I remember you putting my shirt on them and the rest is history.” 
He wasn’t entirely wrong. Ever since their little one would ask to wear the shirt again.
“I wasn’t about to deal with a tantrum by denying our overtired kiddo to wear the shirt instead of their jammies.”
That certainly had been a wise decision. They always could switch it out once they were fast asleep. One more thing Colin had inherited his firstborn. Sleeping like the dead.
“It was either the tee or my dress shirt.” Colin grinned at her as she snorted, shaking her head. “You know I’m pretty sure that’s also thanks to you.”
“Why me again?” She asked, curious about his reasoning. Colin shuffled a little, sinking further down into the plush sofa, and stretched out his legs. 
“Well, you basically wore nothing else for like half the pregnancy.”
“I don’t think that’s how genetics work Colin.” 
Colin shrugged his shoulders, grinning down at her. He didn’t care if it worked like that or not. It was his explanation and he would stick with it until she had a better one for him.
“You better have some extra ones or you can start saying farewell to them,” she hummed, pressing a kiss to his jaw, which confused and startled him. Turning to watch her, Colin raised both his brows. “What does that mean?” 
She smiled at him, softly and in what he liked to call her ‘totally smitten’ way, the way that always made his heartbeat add an extra step. He looked down, watching her finger draw little hearts across his chest as she hummed.
“It means,” with that she grabbed his hand, slowly guiding it towards her middle, “that you’re going to get what you asked for. A little sibling for the kiddo.”
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 7 months
Summer Lovin’ pt 1
Summary: Getting into the villa took more work than expected. What didn’t surprise you though was the drama that would ensue, you just didn’t think it would all involve you.
Pairing: those are surprises at the moment! 🤭 Everly(reader) X ???, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Jake Jensen, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peggy Carter, Colin Shea, brief mention of Brock Rumlow. Also original characters.
Rating: Mature!
Warnings: talks of sex, making out, lap dances, petting, PTSD talks. Talks of war, trauma, bombs, war time violence. Graphic talk of injuries.
A/N: there is so much I want to give a heads up for, not bad just some choices I made. So I’ll do that at the end. 😉
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You take a deep breath as you climb out of the car. Your bags disappear as a production assistant ushers you down the walk way. “So you will stand here and we are gonna ask you a few questions, okay?” The camera man in front of you has a blank stare as he zooms in closer, the production assistant gives you a look from behind the camera, she motions for you to smile.
“I’m sorry, are we starting now? Like right now?” You ask as you look around, trying to take in the view for just a second. The assistant taps the camera man’s shoulder and motions for him to back up.
“Yes, we are starting now. But we can give you a minute if you need it.” She assures you, thanking her with a smile. “How about while we wait, you tell me about yourself. I actually don’t know anything about you, so leave nothing out.” The assistant chirps happily. You nod and smooth out your sun dress, your fingers fidgeting with the wrinkles.
“Oh, um okay. I thought everyone would know every nitty gritty detail of our lives before we got on set.”
“Villa,” the assistant corrects you. “It will make it feel more like home.” She smiles. You nod as you look around.
“Right, Villa. The Love Island Villa.” You say quietly as you turn around and look at the looming mansion behind you. The assistant motions to the camera man to start rolling again, but this time he backs up and makes sure to not be seen. The cobblestone driveway clicks beneath your heels as you shuffle around in place. Gazing up at the two story mansion before you, modern but still home like. The black and gray color that make up the exterior contrasts all the bright pink, orange, and yellow that make up the furnishings, and decor. The windows reflect the sun brightly and the greenery perfectly placed along the balconies and tresses are lush and full of life, and quietly under all the excess noise coming from the camera crew and the production team, you can hear the roar and crash of the ocean waves. You take a deep breath and turn back to the production assistant. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name before.” You ask, extending your hand for a shake. She smiles and reaches her hand out to yours.
“Annie” She offers. You nod and shake her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you Annie, I’m Everly.”
“Nice to meet you, Everly. Now how about you tell us about yourself.”
You spend the next hour making an intro video that will be played on TV. After that Annie sits you down and explains the rules of the show. “Okay, No leaving the villa before the end of filming, unless of course you are voted off. Have physical altercations of you will be removed from the villa by police and charges may potentially be filed. You can’t have your own personal phone or communication device of any kind. We will provide you with one while you are here and it is solely for the purpose of texting between production and the participants. You must adhere and pass all drug and STD testing while you are here or else you will be removed from the island. And lastly, have fun!” You hear everything Annie is saying and you just nod.
“Do people really fail their STD screenings when coming in?” You ask and Annie laughs.
“You’re be surprised! It also depends on what it is. If it’s easily treatable then we may keep you and just quarantine you.” You lightly laugh.
“Well I don’t plan on getting one.” Annie laughs.
“No one plans on getting and STD, Everly.” She guides you back to the car. “Alright, now that we’ve got you checked in and set up, we wait!” You scrunch your eyebrows.
“Wait?? I thought-“ you point to the villa.
“Oh don’t worry, you are on the island.” You take a breath at Annie’s reassurance, you’re not sure why, you didn’t even sign up for this stupid love show, your friends did it for you. “But production of reviewing all your information and the other girls information as we can decide what order to introduce you to each other.” Annie smiles and then whispers, “But you have nothing to worry about, you’re total bombshell material.” And with that Annie is gone.
**** 1 month ago****
“Nooooo!!” You drunkenly whine. “Sarah why?!” Sarah, your best friend since childhood laughs.
“Because! The last man you let touch you was that pathetic excuse of a boyfriend you had! You need love, Evie!” Sarah says sweetly as you pout and pour another glass of wine.
“I don’t Need anything.” You correct her and she raises her hands in surrender.
“Okay true, you don’t need a man or love. But it couldn’t hurt to let yourself have it. Just because you don’t need it doesn’t mean it isn’t nice to have.” You grumble, knowing Sarah is right. “This is a fun and easy way to get back into the dating world, and to meet a lot of hot guys while you’re at it! After everything with Colin and don’t even get me started on Brock-” You sigh.
“Yeah I guess.” You laugh to yourself. “You know what? You’re right! Why should Colin be the last guy who’s ever touched me?! He doesn’t deserve that title!” You exclaim, the wine finally settling in and carrying you to the loud drunk stage.
“Yes, that’s the spirit! Now, let me tell you all about the island.” Sarah giggles as she explain her favorite guilty pleasure TV show.
“So it’s like the Bachelor but better?”
“Yes!! And babes,” Sarah looks you up and down. “You are bombshell material!!” Sarah hypes you up. “Those eyes and that hair! Those lips and hips! Those boys will be eating out of the palm of your hand and those girls are gonna be Mad!” Sarah laugh and you giggle.
“I don’t want to make enemies!” You laugh nervously.
“To quote the age old, love island proverb, ‘it’s love Island, not friendship island.’” You bust out laughing, the wine finally making you lose your mind and Sarah is right there with you.
You smile as you think back to that night. Sarah had helped you with your shopping spree the next day. Bathing suits, dresses, cute outfits. All of it perfectly fitting your style and helping you stay true to who you are. You fidget with your sundress again as you look down at your freshly tanned legs and painted toes. You been sitting for almost an hour with no word from Annie, maybe they looked at all your stuff and changed their minds. Now they are hoping you get the hint and leave. “No, Everly. Don’t think like that. They would have brought your luggage back if that were the case. Stop worrying.” You say to yourself. You think about how your mom reacted when you told her you’d be gone for 8 weeks to be on a dating show. She about blew a gasket and then she laughed and cried and wished you good luck. Your sister promised to keep detailed notes so she could tease you mercilessly once you got back. Your dad and brother promised to not watch a single episode after they googled and realized what all could happen on the show. Your dad said, “I’ll meet whoever wins your heart after the fact. I don’t need to see you swapping spit with him.” You laugh out loud at that memory.
About five minutes later Annie walks back in. “Okay Everly! You ready to get changed? We have this bathing suit for you.” She holds up one from your suitcase.
“Did you go through my stuff?” You ask as you take the swimsuit from her.
“We have to make sure no contraband is snuck in. Don’t worry, we don’t touch any self care items we find.” She winks and your face goes red. You didn’t pack anything like that but you know Sarah and your sister, Lizzy were snooping around your bag before you got picked up. “Oh god, what did they put in there?” You mumble to yourself and Annie laughs having heard you.
“Well if it was your friends that snuck that certain item inside then they want you to have a great time, regardless of finding love of not.” You blush bright red and dart into the changing room.
You slip on your bikini, it’s royal blue and fits you perfectly. The bottom is full around your butt with the slightest bit of a cheeky cut. You adjust them again as you recall telling Sarah ‘none of those boys have earned seeing any more of my ass.’ As you look at yourself in the mirror you stand by your decision. The top perfectly supports your breast and honestly makes them look irresistible. You slip on your sandals and walk out to meet Annie. “Oh perfect! Although, are you sure you don’t want these heels?” She holds up a pair you brought from home.
“I’m sure, I want to keep the sandals for now.” Annie nods and then takes you folded up clothes.
“Okay, these will be placed in the bedroom with your suitcase,” she holds up your clothes. “Now we are going to film your entrance and then you walking into the villa. After that, you’re on your own until we check in with you. Okay?”
“Okay.” You take a breath and wait for them to say action.
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You push open the main door and are immediately greeted with a giant neon sign that says ‘Love’. You smile and start to feel a little excited. You hear some others moving around upstairs so you make your way up. Passing by the living room, decorated ceiling to floor with pink, orange, yellow, and green and the kitchen with neon lights along the kitchen island and another neon sign that says ‘snacks’, you find the stairwell rather plain. But it open up to a giant room filled with 4 large beds. The floor is marble and there is a nice sized carpet in the middle of the room. The four beds face each other, two on one wall and two on the other, with a grand chandelier in the middle of the ceiling providing the light. At the very back there is an opening into the bathroom. A walk into shower, big enough for 2 and a tub big enough for 4, thankfully there seems to be a separate area for the actual toilets which there are three stalls in a little hallway on the other side of the shower. The shower is nestled in the corner with tiled walls except for the glass door and the tub sits under a large window that looks out over the yard. With further examination you see that there is in fact a door to the bathroom that can be locked, and that sets your mind more at ease.
You take another look at your surroundings and notice no one else is around. “So not the bombshell,” you sigh. “Great.” You explore some more when you hear people moving around again. “Hello?!” You call out, hoping to get an answer.
“Did you hear that?!” Says one girl with a sweet voice. It’s a little deeper and it has a Smokey sound to it, but still inviting.
“Yeah, it sounded like another girl!” The next girl says, her voice is lighter and softer, like velvet. You can’t tell there is the slightest bit of an accent.
“Oh great, the bombshell arrived.” The last girl says is a very proper British accent.
“Cut it out, let go find her and introduce ourselves.” The first girl says. You take a deep breath and prepare for whoever is about to walk out of the closet. First is a shorter woman, she has beautiful hair that is red at the roots and blonde on the ends, she’s obviously let it grow out and she’s absolutely owning it. She walks with grace and poise as she crosses the room to you.
“Hi, I’m Natasha. And you are?”
“Everly! It’s nice to meet you.” You smile at her and her friendly attitude.
“Likewise.” Natasha offers. Two more woman come walking out of the dressing room. One with bright red hair and soulful eyes and the other with brown curls and red lipstick.
“Did I hear your name is Everly?” The other red head asks, you nod. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Wanda.” She moves in and hugs you, you’re a little taken aback but you don’t mind. The other woman stares at you over Wanda’s shoulder before she smiles and introduces herself.
“I’m Margret, but most people call me Peggy.” Her voice sounds familiar but you think nothing of it, You smile and wave
“Nice to meet you.” looking around and sighing. “So how long have y’all been here?” Natasha settles on the bed behind her.
“Not too long. Enough to get settled and get ready to meet the boys.” She smirks. “But before we do that we need to know more about you! Tell us a little something, Everly!” You laugh and shrug,
“Not much to tell! I am a physical therapist and I work primarily with Veterans who have been through a life changing physical trauma.” Natasha and Wanda beam at you and Peggy just gives a tight smile, you realize she looks familiar too but you can’t place her. “I had a boyfriend of 2 years until I found him in bed with someone else back in December. I dumbed him and have been healing ever since. My friend nominated me for the show and after some soul searching I decided I am ready to give this all a try, hopefully find Love and if not then at least have a good summer.” Natasha looks at Wanda with a smile.
“So you’re here for love too!?” Wanda asks.
“Of course, I mean that’s the name of the game, right?” You joke and she nods.
“I’m ready to settle down.” Wanda says. “Natasha here is on the love hunt too.” Wanda teases and Natasha laughs and rolls her eyes.
“I am open to finding love but if all I have is a summer of fun then so be it. Isn’t that right Peggy?” Natasha turns to the tight lipped, familiar lady standing on the other side of the group.
“Definitely, we are all here for our own agendas and our own lives. Whatever our reasons are, are our own.” Peggy says as she crosses her arms. You look at Natasha’s who gives you a face and you hide your laughter.
“Well said, Peggy.” Natasha answers. “Anyway, Everly what is your type?”
“My type?” You ask.
“Yeah! Like mine is nerdy and sweet.” Wanda offers. “Natasha’s is moody and loyal.”
“You make my type sound like a dog.” Natasha jokes and you three laugh.
“Oh I didn’t mean it like that!” Wanda exclaims. “If anyone’s type is like a dog it’s Peggy’s! Protective but able to take orders?!” The girls laughs and Peggy roles her eyes.
“I would have much appreciated if you had kept my ‘type’ to yourself.” Peggy crosses her arms. Wanda is about to apologize but Natasha stops her.
“Oh calm down Peggy. It’s a type of man, not your bank codes.” At that Peggy does crack a smile. “We are just having some fun, lighten up! It is too early to be making enemies and something tells me Everly is gonna be someone you want to be friends with.” Natasha winks as she looks at you and asks you again. “So Everly, what’s your type?!” You blush and look at your feet and then back at her.
“Well I am a hopeless romantic. The idea of meeting someone in a coffee shop and spending the whole day with them because the conversation and company is just that good? That makes me melt. So my type is the romantic, passionate, sweet type.” Wanda smiles and looks like she’s gonna melt where she is.
“Yes! Someone to sweep you off your feet and then defend you honor all at the same time.” You laugh and nod.
“Yeah, something like that.” Suddenly a phone dinging gets all of your attention.
“It’s my phone!” Wanda excitedly exclaims as she read sit out loud.
*Wanda, the boys are waiting downstairs for you to make your move. #showthemwhatyou’vegot*
Wanda looks up and about squeals from happiness. “I’ll see you all outside!” Wanda hurries down the stairs and outside. Natasha grabs your arm and drags you closer to the window.
“Can you see them?!” Natasha asks.
“No, not a one. But we will see them soon!” You answer back as you try to Crain your neck just enough to catch a glimpse. Natasha’s phone dings.
“Some of us sooner rather than later.” Natasha teases. “See you down there!” She runs down the stairs. You sit in silence with Peggy who looks like she’d rather be anywhere else.
“So what do you do, Peggy?” She looks over at you and politely smiles.
“I am a military contractor.” Peggy says. You nod not having a clue what that means. The awkward silence is broken by your phone dinging.
“Huh,” she smiles up at you, “guess they are saving the best till last.” You don’t even bother to look at her, you just read your phone.
*Everly, it’s time for a bombshell like you to shake things up. Two of the four boys are coupled up but those boys could still step forward and fight for a chance to couple up with you. #Gogetthem #bombshellalert #summerlovin’
You feel butterflies in your stomach and you take a deep breath. “Okay, Everly. Let’s do this.” You walk downstairs and out to the back doors. You take another breath and decide to give it your best sexy strut. The big white doors open and the sun shines on your face, the warmth sends tingles down your spine. You toss your hair around a little as you start your entrance. Making sure you add a little bounce to your step as you descend the concrete stairs to the grassy yard. You take another deep breath, “hiya boys!” You holler and wave as you get closer. The four men in front of you stand with their eyes locked and jaws dropped. “I heard y’all were ready for some summer Lovin’. I’m Everly, nice to meet you.” You wink and walk even closer. Natasha cat calls you and Wanda cheers. The boys are mesmerized by you and just watches your every move.
“Hi, I’m Steve.” The tall, blonde, chiseled man to your right offers a bright smile as he itches to move closer to you. His eyes are a pretty blue and his smile is bright and infectious.
“Hi Steve.” You bite your lip a little and then smile.
“And I’m Bucky.” Says the tall, brunette, and just as chiseled man to the right of Steve. His eyes are a pale blue and his voice is so smooth, you can already imagine what sweet nothings would sound like coming from that voice. He holds himself proud and strong, you can tell he is a sturdy man. Natasha laughs and nudges his arm. She cocks her eyebrow and Bucky blushes as he looks back at you. You smirk and give a little wave and wink which seem to do the trick.
“Hi Bucky.” The next man is tall and blonde but his hair is shorter and a little spiky. His glasses are round a look absolutely adorable on him. He is a little nerdy looking but in a way that you totally love. He fumbles a little and looks between you and Wanda. Wanda smiles and gives him a nod.
“I’m Jake- and wow! Oh I’m sorry-” He looks at Wanda who nudges him.
“No I agree,” she looks back at you and smiles. “Wow is right.” You notice Steve fidgeting and you can feel Bucky’s eyes admiring your form. You dart your eyes to the side and he knows he was caught. You smile to let him know that you don’t mind it at all before you shift your eyes back to Jake.
“Well, thank you, Jake. That was really sweet.” You coo as sweetly as you can before you walk in front of the last man in line. He is of course, tall, his skin is beautiful and glowing in the sun. His abs are incredible and he stands as though he was military. He smiles and has the smallest gap in his front teeth. It’s kinda cute.
“Hi, I’m Sam.” He says as he stands straighter and looks you up and down.
“Hi Sam.” You offer back with a nice smile. You look at the boys and give them all a contemplative look. You are very interested in all of them but you don’t want to ruffle any feathers, at least not on the first day that is. “Okay, I am going to couple up with-“ You see Natasha elbow Bucky and he jumps forward.
“Now wait, you’re supposed to ask us to step forward if we are into you.” He gives you a shy little smile. You blush and look at Sam and Steve who just shrug. Sam steps forward, Bucky eyes him and steps forward as well. You are caught off guard, of course you want men fighting for your heart, it’s nice to be wanted. But so publicly and at the express of the new friends you’ve made.
“Now boys, hold on-“ you start but are interrupted by Steve.
“Well if we are really doing this,” Steve says as he walks forward. Jake shuffles around and Wanda squeezes his hand.
“Step forward if you want, Jake. It’s okay, it’s the first 30 minutes of knowing each other, no one should be too attached at the moment.” Jake shuffles forward and stands shoulder to shoulder with the other three men. You blush and look at each guy overwhelmed by their interest in you.
“Well, I am very flattered but I don’t want to step on any toes.” You start to explain again when Natasha interrupts you.
“No need to worry, Everly. We just met these guys and we have all summer to woo and win them back if you take them.” She winks and you laugh.
“Well how about you tell me about yourselves.” You say and Sam speaks up first.
“I am a retired airman. Now I work in security. I’ve got a boat I love to work on back home and I’ve got jokes for days.” He smiles and you laugh, teasing him a bit.
“So it takes you days to tell a singular joke? Must not be that funny.” You wink and Sam laughs as he shuffles around.
“Oh we’re gonna have fun.” You shrug and move on to the next.
“Jake? What about you?” Jake smiles and adjusts his glasses.
“Well I’m retired military as well. Actually I’m supposed to be dead.” You gasp and he shrugs. “Anyway, I have a niece I am crazy about and I’m really good with computers and tech.” He smiles proudly and you can’t help but smile back.
“I’m sure your niece is very proud of you.” You assure him and Jake beams back at you. You then turn to Bucky.
“Oh my turn? Right, so I am a retired army Sergeant. I now work as a carpenter, me and my buddy started a construction company a few years back and it’s going pretty well. I also do some freelance security work.” You laugh as you ask.
“What does that mean?”
Bucky smirks at you. “If I told you then I’d have to kill you.” He winks and you blush and promptly look at Steve.
“I am a retired army Captain,” he looks at Bucky as he emphasizes his higher rank, and Bucky lightly laughs and shakes his head. “Funny enough I also work in carpentry and have a business with my buddy. Who I also work in freelance security with on the side.” Everyone looks at each other and then back at Bucky and Steve.
“Wait,” you ask. “You two are friends? And know each other from the outside?” Steve and Bucky laugh and nod.
“Yeah, Buck and I go way back.” Steve answers as he squeezes Steve’s shoulder.
“Childhood friends and all. Someone had to keep him from getting his teeth kicked in.” Bucky says as he puts Steve in a headlock. Sam and Jake are laughing, the girls are all in shock and Steve pushes Bucky off of him with a loud laugh. You look at Natasha and she cocks an eyebrow.
“You’re also all veterans, huh? Everly what was it that you do again?” Natasha taking on the role of best/worst wingman in the world. You clear your throat and wish away the blush rising in your cheeks.
“I’m a physical therapist. I work with Veterans who have experienced life changing physical trauma.” All four boys look at you in awe.
“WOW, that’s amazing.” Sam says.
“Could have used one of those when I got out.” Jake says jokingly.
“I bet you’ve helped a lot of men and women get back a little piece of themselves.” Steve admires.
“I know the work you do, mine changed my life after my accident.” Bucky admits, that’s when you notice the faint, white scarring across the left side of his chest and left arm. Your professional curiosity is about to get the better of you but you quickly snap back to the task at hand.
“I do what I can, I hope I’ve made a difference.” You gently smile at Bucky and he gazes back. Natasha clears her throat.
“So Everly, you gonna steal one of our guys?” You look at Natasha and then back at Bucky and Steve. You smirk and playfully answer back.
“Now Natasha, it wouldn’t be any fun if I stole them, they may choose me on their own.” You wink and Natasha give a playful laugh. Bucky looks like he’s about to melt where he is and Steve looks about ready to jump out of his skin. “Well I don’t want to ruffle feathers and we have all summer, plus this guy looks about as sweet as a golden retriever and I need that energy in my life.” Wanda looks a little worried, thinking you’ve got eyes for Jake. You assure her by flicking your gaze to the man you are choosing. “I want to couple up with Steve.” Steve punches the air and gives you a big hug as you jog over to him. You stand by his side as you wait to Peggy to make her entrance. She comes waltzing down the stairs and you feel Steve shift around a little but then he looks at you with his deep blue eyes and you melt. He takes your hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. You then hear Bucky whisper to Steve, “I thought they usually saved the Bombshell for last? After Everly my head is spinning so much I can’t bring myself to focus.” Steve agrees. You blush and try not to let it go to your head.
“Well, hello boys.” Peggy says sweetly. “Seems most of you are coupled up,” her gaze flicks to Steve, “but we could change that. Step forward if you fancy me.” Sam steps forward and so does Jake. She looks at Steve and then her eyes float to you. You can tell Peggy is gonna cause some trouble in the future. “Hmmm I think I will couple up with this tall, handsome man right here.” She takes Sam’s arm and Jake shuffles back to Wanda who promptly wraps her arms around his. You get a text.
*Islanders, these will be your couples until the next recoupling. Which may be sooner rather than later. Take some time to know your partner and the fellow islanders. #flirtaway #mixitup*
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You turn and look at Steve, he smiles down at you and then looks around to find a place to talk. “The daybeds look like a nice quiet place to talk, wanna?” He asks and you nod.
“Lead the way.” You two make you way across the lawn and pass the pool to the little covered patio on the other end of the lawn. The daybeds lay three in a row and face the rest of the yard. Steve sits down first and you crawl on the bed next to him. As you get settled you meet his gaze and his eyes flick from yours to your lips and then back again. Blushing and looking away, Steve lightly laughs, “So, tell me a little about yourself, Everly.” He reclines and rests one arm across his chest and the other behind his head. His smile is warm and he stares at you like you’re the most important person in the world, you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach as you meet his gaze.
“Well, as I said before I am a physical therapist but I also do some writing on the side. Helps take my mind off of work and lets me escape a little.” Steve raises his eyebrows in surprise.
“A writer too? WOW, what kind of stuff do you write?” He asks as he sits forward, even more intrigued.
“Romance of course!” You tease and Steve laughs. “But really, it’s love stories and teeth rotting sweetness. Just something to lighten up my mood after a hard day.” Steve beams at you and reaches out to squeeze your hand. “Humm what else? I have a sister and brother that I adore and my parents have been married for almost 30 years. I’m pretty easygoing, I love to spend time with friends and my loved ones.”
“Do you live near your family?” Steve asks as he rubs his thumb over the back of your hand.
“I do, but not so close that they would drop by unannounced.” Steve laughs and nods.
“I know what you mean. My mom lives across town and I make sure it stays that way. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my mom, but sometimes you need your own space.”
“Yes!” You exclaim. “Sorry,” you apologize for your loudness, looking around to see if anyone was disturbed by the outburst. All you see is Peggy staring at the two of you. “Umm sorry,” you laugh, “But I totally get that. My sister drops by sometimes unannounced and well let’s just say she has seen some things.” You blush and Steve lets out a loud laugh.
“Oh really?! What kinda things?” He smirks and leans a little closer, itching for the juicy details. You blush even more.
“Umm like an afternoon delight in the kitchen.” You cover your face and Steve pulls your hands away.
“Hey, no need to be shy!” He smiles kindly at you. “Would it make you feel better if I told you an embarrassing sex story too?” You laugh.
“Absolutely!” You cross your legs and lean your elbow on your knees and as you gaze up at him. He laughs and starts to blush himself.
“Well I was still enlisted when this happened. We were out on assignment and were waiting for the all clear to move in on our target. We were board and well, one of the M.A.S.H surgeons decided it would be fun to play strip poker. One thing led to another and me and her were in the back of the humvee going all the way.” You interrupt him.
“Steve this just sounds like your bragging about getting laid in a war zone.” You tease and Steve holds a hand up.
“Hold on, I’m not done.” He laughs and looks up at the sky, “Right as we were about to finish, the back door to the humvee opens.” You gasp and Steve nods, “yup, apparently while we were naked they radioed that we had to move out immediately. Everyone was geared up and ready to go but when they opened the door all they saw was my ass-“ Just then You hear Bucky and Natasha walking over, Bucky decides to finish the story for Steve.
“Yup! And that’s why we lovingly called him America’s ass the rest of his enlistment.” Bucky grins and pats Steve’s back. You try not to laugh as you look at a blushing Steve. He just nods and gives you permission, and you can’t hold it in anymore.
“Oh my god, that’s horrible. And kinda funny.” You laugh and Steve smiles, he likes your laugh, it’s sweet and light. He could listen to you laugh all day.
“I’m a big boy, I can handle being laughed at. But can you Bucky? Should I tell Natasha your embarrassing sex story?”
Nat laughs and looks between the two of them. “You two swap sex stories?” You giggle as you look back at Steve.
“Well yeah, don’t you?” He teases Natasha and she nods in agreement. “So Bucky are you gonna tell it or should I?” Bucky shrugs and looks at you with a smirk.
“Go ahead Stevie.”
“Stevie?” You question with a smirk of your own, Steve blushes and nods.
“Something my mom and my overprotective best friend always called me growing up. Now it’s just whipped out in times where he wants to be condescending.” Bucky laughs and agrees.
“Well I like it, Stevie.” You reach out and ruffle his hair and he catches your hand and give sit a kiss. “But back to the topic at hand, Bucky’s embarrassing sex story!” The four of you laugh and Bucky raises his hands.
“I was with a girl and her dad caught us. Walked right in there for a visit and apparently he had a key. And we were taking advantage of the great lighting in the living room of her apartment.” Natasha gasps.
“Wait?! As in like videos?!” Natasha asks, Bucky blushes and you want to see him do it again.
“If I said no would you believe me?” Bucky says to Nat and she laughs out loud.
“What?!? Like only fans???” Natasha asks, not weirded out at all but interested.
“Yes but it wasn’t mine. It was hers and it was a 1 time thing. We met at a bar and we were gonna hook up so she asked if wouldn’t mind being filmed. I said I didn’t care as long as my face and voice weren’t shown. So we set it all up and got to business. Her dad caught us before we could finish. So the video was deleted and that was my short, non-existent only fan’s career.” Your jaw is dropped and Natasha is laughing. Steve can’t breathe he is laughing so hard. “Anyway, it was for the best cause that was my first and only 1 night stand.” Natasha stops laughing.
“Wait really? Not trying to shame you, just wondering why.” Natasha asks as she takes his hand in hers. He smiles at her and then his gaze flicks to you before he answers.
“I’m more of the romantic type. I can flirt the pants off any women in a heartbeat but 99.9% of the time I then promptly ‘put them back on’. I’m kinda old fashioned in that way, I like it to mean something. Actually now that I think about it that story is kinda sad cause I was going through some shit and I was kinda in a spiral.” Bucky looks from you to Steve. He then lightly laughs. “Way to bring the mood down, Buck.”
“No, you didn’t, Bucky.” You assure him, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. “Thanks for sharing. And I think that’s sweet about wanting it to mean something, I’m like that too, hopeless romantic and all.” Bucky’s eyes light up in a way that only you catch. He nods.
“Thanks, Everly.” He then looks at Natasha. “So, what’s your story?” Before she can answer her phone dings. “Saved by the bell!” She laughs and opened the message as she screams for the other to join.
“I got a text!!” Wanda and Peggy run over, followed by Sam and Jake.
*Islanders, head to the fire pit for a steamy game of Truth or Dare. If the fire isn’t burning by the end then a switch up may be coming your way. #Hotandheavy #getthefirestarted #sparksareflying*
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You and Steve look at each other and then back at Natasha and Bucky. “Sounds like if there aren’t sparks flying then that decoupling might happen sooner than we expected.” Bucky says as he looks at you and then back at Natasha. “We should probably head over.” He says as he stands up, you three follow him over to the fire pit. It’s sits right below the deck and has a built in bench that circles around half of the fire. The cushions are soft and brightly colored to match the rest of the house. You sit next to Steve and feel Peggy’s eyes on you. You glance her way and she avoids your gaze. Steve notices your face and gives you a nudge.
“Everything okay?” You meet his gaze and offer a small smile.
“Yeah, just I seem to have already made an enemy without even trying.” Nodding your head in Peggy’s direction as you whisper. Steve hums and takes your hand in his.
“I’m sorry, anything I can do?” He rubs the back of your hand with his thumb and you blush a little.
“Maybe get those sparks flying so we can stay together?” You give a flirty look and Steve bites his lip as he watches you.
“Oh I can definitely do that.” He smirks as he leans in closer, so close his lips graze your temple. “But maybe I should wait for the game to start.” He pulls back and winks and you just melt. You look across the fire pit and see Bucky, his eyes are soft as he watches you and your stomach does a flip. You give a small smile and Bucky has to bite his lip so he doesn’t break out the biggest smile. He clears his throat and looks at Natasha.
“So how do we play?” His phone dings, “Guess I could have waited 1 second and I would have gotten my answer.” He laughs and opens up the message.
*Islanders, each person will get a chance to pick a truth or dare card. Each card is a steamy dare or a sexy truth. Now let’s get the fire started because whoever you have the most chemistry with is who you will go on a date with tonight, and it might not be who you are partnered up with. #isithotinhere #letsgetstarted*
Bucky meets your gaze and you shift around a little. His eyes are so captivating but you can’t get caught gazing at him when Steve needs to be your focus. You turn your gaze to Steve and he smiles down at you. “Okay, who goes first?” Steve asks, his phone dings and he reads the message, “Looks like it’s me.” He smirks as he walks up to the deck of cards on the edge of the fire pit. Drawing the first card and a letting a big smile break across his face. “I got a dare card and it says ‘kiss the hottest girl for at least 15 seconds’. They don’t have to tell me twice.” Steve turns and looks at you, he walks over and pulls you up from your seat, your heartbeats faster and your gaze flicks to his lips as he leans in closer. Soft gentle lips graze yours and at first it’s sweet and tame. Then his arms wrap around your body and pulls you closer as his tongue gently pushes against your bottom lip, you hold back the moan that’s about to escape you when you hear the timer go off. Everyone cheers and claps. Sam whistles and Jake says some joke about it not counting if there wasn’t tongue. You blush as you pull back and open your eyes. Steve has the cutest blush breaking across his cheeks and nose, give him a ‘sun-kissed’ look and it’s so cute you could melt. You sit and pull Steve to sit down with you, holding his hand and trying to hide your blush from everyone else. Natasha meets your gaze and gives you a killer smirk.
“So Everly, sparks?” She asks and you blush even more. Steve lightly laughs and looks down at you.
“I’d say there were sparks flying, huh?” You nod and Steve pats your thigh as you two sit back.
“Okay, my turn!” Jake shoots up and grabs a card, “Truth! ‘Have you ever faked it to get out of a horrible lay?’ Well I feel this would have been a question for one of the ladies, but surprisingly I have.” Jake looks at Wanda and she just laughs.
“Wait, how?!” She asks, you’re genuinely curious too.
“Well, we weren’t naked yet and I felt horrible about doing it but I also didn’t want to sleep with her if I wasn’t into it. So I just kinda-“
“Oh my god,” Sam exclaims. “You faked getting off in your pants to get out of having sex?!” He looks at Jake and Jake hangs his head.
“Yeah, I did.” The boys laugh, Wanda speaks up.
“I mean it’s sweet you didn’t sleep with her when you knew you weren’t into it. But you could have told her the truth too.” Jake nods and agrees.
“I know that now! Then I was 17 and just wanted to get out of there and get home.” Jake explains. Wanda rubs his back and gently smiles at him.
“It’s okay, Jakey.” She assures him and Jake blushes and acts all shy. Bucky laughs and shakes his head. Natasha stands up and grabs a card. Her perfectly sculpted eyebrow cocks as she reads the card. “Huh, I got a dare and it’s says, ‘Sit in a boys lap who isn’t your partner for 2 rounds.’ Sorry Buck.” She smirks as she walks towards Steve. “I hope you don’t mind,” she sits on Steve’s laps and gets herself comfy. “Rules are rules.” She shrugs and you laugh and shrug. Steve looks anything but uncomfortable. You just roll your eyes and laugh. Nat continues to move around a little at a time, knowing exactly what she’s doing. Sam goes and his was a truth. He had to share what a perfect date would look like. “And then we’d end it back at my place,” he looks at Peggy. “What do you think of that?” She shrugs.
“Seems okay.” She focuses back on the others and Sam sighs and looks over at Bucky, who offers him a pat on the shoulder. It’s your turn and as you walk up everyone cheers you on, you do a little dance as you get closer and it has everyone in stitches and cheering even more.
“She’s got the moves!” Bucky yells as he smirks. You look back at him and wink.
“You ain’t seen nothing yet.” You flick your hair and seductively bend down to get a card. You know your ass looks good and you know Steve and Bucky are looking at it. Hell maybe even Sam. “It’s a dare-oh Lordy it’s a spicy one. ‘Make out with someone who isn’t your partner for at least 30 seconds.’ Hmmm decisions, decisions.” You look around at everyone and their hopeful faces. Steve pipes up.
“Come on Everly, take your pick. You should pick me no matter what the cards say.” He winks. You laugh and turn to face him.
“Just for that I should make out with Natasha while she’s still in your lap, just to tease you.”
“Please do that!” Sam almost yells.
“Oh god yes!” Jake exclaims.
“Don’t tease us!” Bucky warns
“I’m game if you are.” Natasha smirks. You giggle at all the reactions.
“I won’t do that, mainly because I am straight but also because I’m sure these boys would explode in their pants, and for real this time, right Jake?” You tease and he blushes while everyone else laughs. You throw him a wink and he smiles. “But I’ll give you this.” You walk over and gently peck Natasha’s lips. It’s over before it begins but it affects the boys all the same.
“Shit,” Steve mumbles and you hear the other boys curse beneath their breaths too.
“Now onto the actual dare.” You turn your attention to Bucky. You walk over and move right between is legs. He is laid back casually as he watches you lean closer and closer. As you start to climb in his lap and straddle him his ‘cool vibrato’ breaks and you see his pupils dilate. His eyes flick from your lips to your eyes and then back to your lips. He moves his hands from the back of the bench and slowly moves them up your back, watching your eyes to see if it’s okay. You gently smirk, “this okay, Buck?” Without answering he crashes his lips to yours as you wrap your arms around his neck. He moves his hands to your head, threading his fingers in your hair. You move your hands around his shoulders and feel his chest rise and fall beneath your fingers as he nudges your lips with his tongue. Without a second thought you let him and he licks into your mouth, both of you completely lost to the moment. When you break apart you are gasping for air and your lips are a little swollen. Bucky’s pupils are blown wide and you can feel his heart pounding beneath your hands. Everyone is cheering and whistling as you two come back to earth, under his breath so no one else can hear him, Bucky says.
“Fireworks, absolute fireworks. You just lit up my world, Everly.” You blush and give his chest the slightest squeeze wanting him to know you feel the same way. You quickly climb off and walk back to Steve. You meet Natasha’s gaze and she gives you a knowing look as she passes by and smiles to reassure you that she would have done the same thing. You find your seat next to Steve and shyly look up at him.
“Hi,” you say and he lightly laughs.
“Hey,” there is the slightest bit of worry in his eyes and you reach out and squeeze his knee. “Wish that had been me.” Steve admits and you smile before you let your gaze fall to the ground and then back at Bucky. You turn back to Steve and whisper.
“There still plenty of time left in the game, I’m sure we will get a chance.” You kiss his cheek and he blushes and nods.
The rest of the game isn’t as exciting. Wanda does a little dance for Jake who absolutely loves it. Natasha shares about her threesome experience. Sam has a dare that makes him get close and personal with Peggy who doesn’t hate it but definitely doesn’t love it. The whole time Peggy has her eyes on you. You Ignored her sighs as you settled next to Steve. Even when Bucky and Steve went again and chose you to carry out their dares with. One was to dance with you and the other was to make direct eye contact with you for a full minute. Bucky’s eyes are incredibly beautiful and you didn’t have any issues. Steve knows just how to move and he got your blood pumping towards the end. The whole time Peggy sat there, tight lipped and looking at you like you had killed her dog. When it’s her turn she stands up and grabs her card. “It’s a dare, ‘Kiss your partner until the other islands say stop.’ Well, I-”she looks at Sam and then back at everyone else. She doesn’t speak she just makes a b-line to Steve grabs his face and plants a big kiss on him. And Steve makes the mistakes of going along, his hands along her body and kissing her back.
“Whoa?!” Yells Sam.
“The card said your partner, Peggy! Steve?!” You exclaim, jumping up from where you are sitting. Natasha and Bucky walks towards the scene right as Peggy steps away. She gives a smug grin to you all.
“I know what my card said. I also know what I wanted. I’m fine with breaking the rules to get what I want.” She saunters back over to Sam who stands up and walks to the other side of the fire pit. Steve stands there shocked, with his hair messed up and red lipstick all over his lips. He looks down at you and sees the hurt in your eyes.
“Everly, I’m sorry. But it’s part of the game.” Before you could speak Natasha is standing up for you.
“No me sitting on your lap or Everly making out with Bucky was a part of the game. You helping Peggy break the rules and obviously enjoying it while doing it, that isn’t a part of the game.” You look at Peggy and her smug look, all you want to do is cry. You don’t know why, you just met Steve and it’s not that deep or special, but it’s something about the way Peggy looks at you and seemed to hate you from the moment you met. A text interrupts your thoughts. Sam speaks up.
“It’s mine.”
*Islanders, the game is over. The dates tonight are as follows.*
“Anyone have a text yet?” Jake asks. His phone dings, “oh I do!” He reads it out. “Jake and Wanda. We got a date!” Wanda smiles and kisses his cheek. Sam’s phone dings.
“Let’s get this over with,” he reads it and his eyebrows raise. “Sam and Natasha.” He looks at Natasha and she gives him a flirty wave and wink. “Well, alright.” Sam’s mood looks like it’s improved quite a bit. Steve’s phone dings.
“Steve and-“ he stops and looks up at you and gives you a sorrowful look. “And Peggy.” Your heart sinks and Peggy jumps up and comes to sit on the other side of Steve. You wait and wait and no text comes. Jake gets another one.
*Islanders, those are all the dates. Please head to the room to get ready. #Dates #loveisintheair
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You try not to cry, it shouldn’t hurt but it does. In the shows eyes you didn’t have chemistry enough with anyone not Steve and not even Bucky. You feel sick to your stomach and can’t meet anyone’s gaze. Steve tries to talk to you but you just pull away because you can’t let him see you cry. Right before your voice breaks you croak out a, “go have fun, find me when you get back.” And with a kiss on the cheek you disappear to hide until they are gone. You sit up on the terrace and wait to hear their voices drift away as they all leave through the front door, the cars staring and driving away, leaving behind only the sounds of the ocean and your quiet sobs. Sitting there watching the sun set you remember that 1) you need to eat and 2) you aren’t here alone. So you make your way to the kitchen to whip up dinner and then you go to find Bucky. He’s sitting by the pool with his legs dangling in the water. He hears you walking up and he turns around to look at you before he waves you closer.
“Come join me, Evie.” You smile at the sweet nickname he just gave you.
“Thanks, Buck.” You offer back and he lightly laughs. Leaning back on his hands and watching as you sit next to him.
“Well, no matter what that dumbass game says, I think we had some pretty fire chemistry, don’t you?” He says, trying to lighten the mood. You give a sad smile and nod. Bucky sits up and nudges your shoulder. “Hey, talk to me. What’s going on?” You shake your head, “Look I know Steve can be a dreamy guy,” you laugh and wipe a tear away. “But even he isn’t good enough to have a beautiful girl like yourself crying over him.” You sigh and wipe away more tears.
“It’s not that, I umm-“ you take a deep breath and look at Bucky. You can tell he is trustworthy and kind, the way his eyes dance over you and not in a sexual way but in a protective and caring way. “I had a boyfriend, we broke up back in December because he was cheating on me. I found him with the women in our bed.” You can feel Bucky straighten up next to you, he puts his hands in his lap and you can tell he is squeezing his hands together. The thought of another man hurting you that way makes him angry, and that is incredibly comforting. “I thought I heard something so I stood by the door and waited. I heard a women say, ‘I know and I don’t care.’ Amongst other things. So, I walked in while they were in the throws, I wanted to make sure he saw me as I walked to the bedside table and grabbed my charger and bags before I glanced at her and then just stormed out.” Bucky puts an arm around you and rubs your shoulder before he leans in and kisses your head.
“I’m so sorry, Evie.” Bucky whispers against your skin.
“So Peggy swooping in and stealing Steve and Steve just going along with it,” you look up at Bucky, “well it opened up some old wounds.” You sigh again, “and I know that’s how this show goes and I know we’ve known each other for not even a day but it still hurt, you know?” Bucky nods.
“Yeah, I do.” Bucky looks at your lips and then back at your eyes. “I’m sorry he made you cry and I’m sorry Steve did too.” He leans in closer. “No man should ever make such a sweet, beautiful girl like you, cry.” And right when you think he’s gonna kiss you, he lifts up and kisses your forehead. A sweet and very kind gesture. “Well since we have this place to ourselves, let’s get to know one another, huh? No more tears unless they are from laughing too hard.” Bucky suggests and you agree.
“You’re right! Even if we apparently had the worst chemistry of the entire bunch, we can still have fun!” You laugh and so does Bucky. He shakes his head.
“Nah, we had chemistry, I think they did that for dramatic effect. And it worked. But now we are here, by ourselves for hours.” He smiles and raises his eyebrows and suggestively. “Whatever shall we do?!” You smirk and lean in really close, close enough to almost kiss him but you don’t.
“We should,” you say slowly. And Bucky nods.
“Yeah?” Bucky asks.
“Totally stake claim on the good beds and eat the best ice cream before those losers get a chance.” You giggle and Bucky nods.
“You read my mind!” He laughs and stands up, pulling you up with him. “Let’s go!” Dashing off to the kitchen you eat the dinner you made and talk about your jobs. “I love what I do and it pays well. But there’s just something about building something from scratch- something about creating that is its own kind of therapy, you know?” You agree and just smile and listen as Bucky goes on about the business he has. “So you work with Veterans?” You nod and sit back, pushing away your empty plate.
“Yeah, a lot of men and women who have lost limbs or have gone through some type of trauma that affects their mobility.” You look at Bucky as he nods and finishes his last bite. You bite your lip, trying to decide if you should ask about his injury or not. If working with Vets has taught you anything it’s that you don’t just casually bring up things that could trigger their PTSD. Bucky looks up at you and he can tell what you’re debating in your head. He smiles and sits back.
“You can ask, I can handle it.” You gently smile and sit forward.
“What happened? What was your official injury?” Bucky takes a drink of water and then sits forward to meet you halfway across the table.
“Roadside IED. Humvee hit it while we were making our rounds. It wasn’t there earlier that day but it was that afternoon. I’m a sniper, well was a sniper, so I was sitting in the nest on top on the car. We hit the bomb and I went flying, as did the car. I woke up and my left arm was hanging on by the bone and only the bone. There was also a large part of the Humvee keeping me pinned. I was in and out so I don’t know how long I was there but I know Steve was the one who saved me.”
“Really?” You ask, trying to control the emotion in your voice. Bucky nods.
“He was back at base and when we didn’t check in they sent out the search team. Knowing I was out there Steve demanded to be a part of it.” Bucky laughs. “He found me and damn near tore every muscle in his arms trying to lift that piece of Humvee off me. He saved me and got me back to base. From there we I was stabilized and sent home. It’s only a miracle that they saved my arm.”
“You have full range of motion and sensations?” Bucky smiles and looks down at his empty plate and then back up at you.
“If you’re asking as a professional? Yes, I can move and feel everything and I have my regular check ups to make sure there is no late onset nerve damage.” His tongue darts out quickly wetting his bottom lip, “if you asking as the woman I’m trying to win the heart of? Yes, I can pick you up carry you upstairs and feel every inch of your body if you’d let me.” Your heartbeat quickens and your eyes flicker to his lips and then meet his gaze again. He smirks and then sits back as you quickly regain your composure. You blush and get up to grab the ice cream.
“You like mint?!?” You exclaim as Bucky takes a bite. He laughs and defends his choice.
“Not exclusively but maybe I’m just wanting to freshen my breath in case you wanna repeat our dare from earlier. Or make me prove that my range of motion and sensations are fully intact!” You giggle and run away from him as he chases you, trying to kiss you. You run to the pool and one thing led to another as you both go crashing in. You emerge gasping for air and laughing so hard as Bucky pulls you closer. Your laughter dies down as you gaze into each others eyes, growing closer and closer as he backs you up against the pool wall, taking your face in his hands and leaning in. Right as your lips are about to meet, your phone dings. Coming back to your senses you climb out and grab your phone reading the text.
*Everly and Bucky, you guessed correctly. You two had the most chemistry out of all 4 couples and we thought you deserved some private time while the others enjoyed their group date. But the privacy is almost over as the other islanders are on their way back. #Sparkswereflying #recouplinganyone?*
You look back at Bucky and he walks closer to you. Taking your face in his hands. “Well now I won’t feel bad about doing this,” he kisses you as his hands dance across your skin and your arms wrap around his neck. He moans into the kiss as your bodies move closer and you gasp as he bites your bottom lip before soothing it with another kiss. When you pull apart you stare into each other’s eyes and know that this summer is only about to get more interesting. Bucky moves back in but you stop him.
“I can’t- I know Steve and I aren’t exclusive but- I chose him, Bucky. I have to try, please understand.” Bucky sighs as he takes your hand.
“He’s on another date as we speak.” Bucky says.
“And technically so am I. How do you think he will feel when he finds out we got a private date, away from prying eyes.” Bucky sighs again and shakes his head.
“Okay, fine but you can’t deny what we have, Everly.” He pulls you closer and brushes your wet hair away from your face. “And I’m not giving up, I’ll be here. Natasha is great and I’d probably fall for her if you weren’t here but I meant what I said after that dare.” Your breath catches, it’s the first day, could you really have found it all on day one? “You lit up my world, Evie. And I’ll go about this however you need it. But I’m not giving up.” You let out a shakey breath and pull him into one last kiss before pulling apart and putting some space between you two just as the front door opens and the three couples come walking inside, loud as ever.
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“Hey! What did you two get up to?!” Natasha yells as she motions to your soaking wet clothes. Steve walks closer and eyes you two intensely. You both laugh and play it off pretty well.
“Oh, well we were having a debate over which ice cream was better and it got heated and Bucky chased me and made me fall in the pool. I made him jump in too as pay back for ruining this perfect outfit.” You give Bucky a playful shove and he picks you up and hauls you over his shoulder, ready to throw you in again.
“You wanna go in again?!” He teases and you yell and try to wiggle free. He tickles your sides. “I don’t know, what do you think Steve?!” Steve laughs.
“Okay Buck, put her down. I think you’ve tortured her enough tonight.” Steve walks closer and pulls you into his arms and kisses your forehead. You feel Peggy’s glare bore into your back as Steve ushers you away. You look back and see Bucky watch you walk away with Steve. Nat and Wanda come up to comfort him and usher him towards the kitchen. “So how was your time here?” Steve asks once you get settled on the day beds.
“Good, got to know Bucky a little bit. Can see why you two have been friends for so long.” Steve nods. “He also told me the story about his arm.” Steve sighs and squeezes your hand.
“Yeah that was a scary time. But thanks to people like you,” he kisses your hand. “He is back to his old self.” Steve looks down at you and his eyes flick to your lips. “Man I really want to kiss you right now.” Your heartbeat quickens.
“You do?” You ask, a little unsure. Steve nods and closes the distance between both of you. Your lips crash to his and he slips his hand behind your head. He pulls you closer and you feel your cheeks starting to heat up. He pulls away too soon and rubs his thumb across your cheek.
“Wow, now that was worth the wait.” You blush and curl up next to him as you gaze at the stars.
“So how was your date?” You feel Steve shift and tense up. He clears his throat and you sit up to look at him.
“Well I want to be honest with you,” he hesitates, “Peggy kissed me and I didn’t exactly stop her.” That angers you more than it should and you don’t know why. Especially considering what you and Bucky got up to.
“I really like and care about you but I’d be lying if I said Peggy didn’t turn my head a little.” You sit back and create some distance. “I’m sorry, Everly. I just want to be honest.” You nod and sigh.
“No I appreciate that. And I guess I should be too.” You take a breath. “Bucky and I kissed while everyone was gone. We got to talking and flirting, we had a heart to heart because I was sad after yall left and well we kissed.” You meet Steve’s gaze and he seems a little upset but about as much as you were at his news about Peggy. He then sighs and leans his head back.
“Was your head turned?” Steve asks and musters up the courage to look at you.
“A little, yeah. But I told him that I chose you and I wanted to see where things go- if there is anything here, you know?” You explain and Steve nods.
“Yeah I get that.” He takes your hand. “Thank you for being honest.” You gently smile and kiss his cheek.
“Good to know. So are you gonna tell me why you were upset?” Steve asks as You lean back and stare at the stars.
“Just something earlier today reminded me of my ex who cheated on me. It made me more emotional than it should have. Not sure why though,” you shrug it off. “Anyway, Bucky helped and talked me through it.” You smile at the sky and Steve catches the fondness that washes over your face as you think of Bucky. He wished it didn’t hurt.
“Well I’m glad, Bucky is a great man.” Steve says as he pulls your attention back to him. “So are we all in until a recoupling potentially pulls us apart?” You smile and look at Steve, you see Bucky over his shoulder and he seems to walking your way. He gets there before you could answer Steve.
“Hey! A couple of us are gonna have a late night swim.” His gaze dances over you. “You two wanna join?” You look at Steve and you can tell he’d much rather talk but something in your eyes must have told him differently because he looks a little sad and then answers for the both of you.
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You are getting changed into a bathing suit as you hear two people in the bedroom.
“Did you tell her?!”
“No! Why would I?!”
“Because-“ you accidentally knock over a can of hairspray and it clangs loudly. The people who were talking quickly rush out of the room before you can see who they were. Thinking nothing of it you head down to the pool where the party seems to be in full swing.
“Oh there she is!!” Bucky cheers and whistles.“The party has arrived! Everyone Evie can do an excellent cannonball, saw it myself.” Bucky teases about earlier. You walk over and he knows what’s about to happen and he accepts his fate as you push on his chest and he backflops into the pool. You laugh and jump in after him. Natasha swims over and gives you a look that tells you, she knows everything.
“So a little birdy told me that had we been gone longer then we might have needed to treat this pool.” You blush and shake your head.
“No, nothing like that was gonna happen.”
“But something did.” She smirks. She sees your guilty face. “Oh that face better not be for me, because Bucky is hot, I’ll give you that but I’m not feeling it. So you are not stepping on my toes.” You sigh out of relief.
“I told Steve that my head may have turned.” You admit. Natasha hums.
“And how did he take it?” She asks.
“Pretty well. Said his might have too. But we still wanted to try while we are together.” You say and Natasha nods.
“So where is he?” You look around realizing he isn’t there. “He should be here with you, in the pool, grinding all over each other in the water.” You laugh and look around again.
“I actually don’t know where he is.” You go to climb out. “I’m gonna go see if I can find him.”
You grab a towel and head to the day beds and what you find as you get closer makes your blood boil and your heart breaks. Peggy is straddling Steve and making out with him while she moves his hands over her body. You hear Steve trying to get her to stop, to slow down, telling her that he is with you and that he likes you. “I’m with Everly, I like her-“ but she’s not listening, not respecting his wishes. You are speechless and then you hear her say it, “I know, and I don’t care. Touch me.”
It all comes back to you, standing in the hallway of your own apartment as Colin fucks some girl in the bed you share. “You know this will never go anywhere. I love Everly.” Her laugh and response, “I know, and I don’t care. Touch me.” You storm in to grab your stuff and you see her brown curls draped over your pillow and her legs around your boyfriend. Peggy was the women who fucked your boyfriend.
A/N: So I don’t like Peggy is you couldn’t tell 🤭. Also I know Colin is actually a sweetheart but let’s just say this was during his fuck boy phase. 🤷🏼‍♀️.
Taglist: @hisredheadedgoddess28 @cadencejames87 @jessieasher1616 @janineb86 @cjand10 @slytherinqueen4life @theinheriteddutchess @rainydayandmondays @georgiapeach30513 anyone else who wants to be tagged to contact me! 🥰
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zepskies · 1 year
Devour Me - Part 1
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-Sized/Latina!Reader 
Summary: When you and Dean start to press each other’s buttons, both of your tempers ignite. To make up for it, you give him an impromptu salsa dancing lesson…one he didn’t exactly ask for. (18+)
AN: This is a two-part sequel to “Midnight Espresso!” I would read that one first before you dive into this one. (It’s fun, I promise!)
Word Count: 3,800 Tags/Warnings: Supernatural shenanigans, tiny bit of body insecurity, hurt/comfort, fluffy fluff, and a cliffhanger...
☕ Midnight Espresso Masterlist
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Part 1: "A Takeover"
When Dean asked you to move in with him, he really didn’t think it would come to this.
Clearing a nightstand for you, half of the dresser, a section of his closet. Those things are reasonable. 
But this is a total takeover, he thinks, as he surveys the sheer amount of crap you’ve brought into his room.
Mind you, despite this still being a bunker, the décor is nice. You brought in sturdy, but stylish wicker baskets for his pile of cassettes (and your CDs) next to the TV, filing bins for the haphazard shuffle of papers on his desk, installed dark wood shelves on the wall for his various weapons and your collection of books. 
But he’d had his music organized—not alphabetically or chronologically, but by his own personal rankings of awesomeness. Now they’re all shuffled together by band name. 
Plus, he likes having his shotgun on the floor by the bed, within reach, not three feet above his head. And where the fuck is his collection of…magazines?
The point is, every time he looks for something, you’ve put it in a different place. Not to mention the damn bathroom (don’t get him started on all your shea butter lotions, makeup brushes, frilly-smelling soaps, and the army of hair products now taking up space in his cabinets and drawers). 
Dean is sitting on the edge of the bed, trying to figure out where the hell his cassette of Zeppelin IV is, when you breeze into the room he now shares with you. You’re dewy with sweat in a Guns & Roses shirt and some yoga pants you reserve for cleaning. 
And that’s another thing. You’re more anal than Sam about having the bunker smelling like Pine Sol. However, as you’ve expressed before (after nagging him to pick up his dirty, and occasionally bloody clothes from the floor), while you like a clean house, you are not in fact the maid.
“Hey, baby. Can you fold these for me?” you request. “I need a shower.”
He raises a brow as you dump a new basket of fresh laundry onto the bed. It looks like you washed your clothes mixed in with his, which he actually doesn’t mind. He fishes out one of your red, lacey thongs with a hint of a smile. He bought you these last week, and they already have a tear. (His fault.)
“By the way, next time you move one of my things, mind leaving me a post-it note or something?” he dryly remarks. “It’s like a scavenger hunt in my own damn room.” 
You pop your head out of the bathroom, though he can tell by your bare shoulders that you’ve already gotten undressed. Your mouth is quirked at the corner. 
“It’s called organization,” you tease. “Apparently a foreign concept to you.”
You disappear back into the bathroom, giving Dean the privacy he needs to grumble almost inaudibly to himself. But then he hears your voice behind the door.  
“Oh, by the way. Your vintage collection of smut is in the bottom of your nightstand,” you call out. “That 1996 edition of Busty Asian Beauties is particularly classy.”
Dean hears the wryness in your tone, and his face actually heats up in embarrassment. He frowns at the bathroom door, his jaw tensing, but he takes a breath. Deciding to let it go with a roll of his shoulders, he puts on the TV to catch up on Dr. Sexy M.D. He also neglects the task you gave him, just for a little while.
When you’re still in the bathroom an hour later, Dean starts to get curious about what the hell you’re doing in there. The shower isn’t even running anymore.
That’s when he hears the hairdryer go on. 
He knows he’ll never be able to concentrate on his show with all that noise. So with a sigh, he clicks off the TV and eyes the pile of laundry. You probably cleaned the whole freaking bunker this morning. Despite his annoyance, he figures folding your clothes along with his own is the least he can do. 
Dean scoops up the pile back into the basket and takes it elsewhere. 
He finds his brother at the kitchen table and joins him with his basket. Sam’s gaze raises from his laptop to meet his brother’s grumpy face. He watches in mild curiosity as Dean plops down across from him and dutifully begins folding one of your shirts. 
“You okay?” Sam hazards the question. 
“Fucking peachy,” Dean replies. “Looking for a new case?”
“Yeah. Nothing yet.” Though Sam raises a brow when Dean all but tosses one of your girly sundresses on the table after it’s folded. (It’s yellow, and it happens to be his favorite on you.)
“Everything all right?” Sam asks. 
Dean glances up, finds his brother’s knowing eyes, and doesn’t have it in him to lie. He lets go of a breath, as well as one of his undershirts to rub at his forehead. 
“She’s nosey, Sam. She’s all up in my business.”
“Your girlfriend?” Sam clarifies, with raised brows. “Of six months.”
“Yeah, that one,” Dean quips, with all due sarcasm. “Ever since she moved in, she’s been going through everything, moving my crap every which way, making it so I can’t find a damn thing.”
Sam’s mouth edges at a smile. 
“I’m tellin’ you, Sam, she’s damn near taken over,” Dean insists. 
“You done?” Sam teases. Dean just leans in, like he’s about to level his brother with a secret. 
“Matter of fact, she locks herself in the bathroom for like, forever. I just heard the hairdryer go on, meaning another hour at least. What the fuck is she doing in there, getting ready for prom?”
Sam finally has to chuckle. “Clearly it’s been a long time since you’ve lived with a woman, Dean.” 
Dean scoffs. “Right.”
“And she’s actually been a big help in cleaning up around here,” Sam says, with a growing smirk. “Which is, quite literally, a refreshing change.”
Dean snorts at that. 
“Of course, you’re happy,” he says. “A new damn dish rack turns you on.”
Sam shoots him a wan look. “The question is, are you happy?”
That manages to take Dean by surprise. He hesitates to answer…
But he’s saved when he hears someone approaching. He knows it’s you because he can smell the mix of your floral soap and coconutty shampoo; it’s a scent that often lingers on your pillow and has unconsciously infiltrated Dean’s nose. 
His reply to Sam dies on his tongue when he sees you.
“Hey,” you greet both men, all bright and smiley with your hair in wild curls down your back. 
A lot of the time you keep your hair straight or loose and wavy, so it’s rare for Dean to see your natural look. It’s a good one for you, he thinks. Along with those jean shorts hugging your curvy hips, and the V-neck top you’re wearing, which offers a nice peek of cleavage. 
Your hand falls on his shoulder, with your thumb stroking his neck. You then brush that hand across his back as you pass by on your way to the kitchen. If possible, you’ve become even more touchy since you two got together.
Dean holds fast to your hand, stopping you in your path. 
“So that’s what you were working on in there,” he remarks. “Thought I was gonna need to break out the fire extinguisher.” 
You grin in amusement and do a little twirl under his hand, shaking out your curls a little.
“You like?” you ask. Dean tugs you back over. He reaches out and fingers at the soft ends of your hair. 
“Beautiful,” he says.
“Looks real nice,” Sam adds.
“Why, thank you.” Your smile is contagious, and Dean can’t help reciprocating. You drop a hand on his shoulder again.
“I know you’re our resident Gordon Ramsay, but I kinda feel like cooking today,” you say. “Is Cas coming home anytime soon?”
Dean nods. “Yeah, he called this morning. Probably dropping back in tonight.”
You nod. “Good! I’ll make plenty then…oh, wait, he doesn’t eat.”
“What did you have in mind?” Sam asks. 
“Well, I know you guys haven’t had much Cuban food, so I thought you might like to try some ropa vieja,” you reply. Sam’s brows knit together. 
“Old clothes?” he translates. His two years of high school Spanish can give him that much.
“Yeah! But it’s basically shredded beef with onions, garlic, tomato sauce, and a bunch of other good stuff,” you explain. Then your eyes brighten. “Oh! And I can make my grandma’s famous black beans, white rice, some bread with crushed garlic and olive oil…”
By the time you finish listing the things you plan on making, Dean is already salivating. 
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Later that evening, when Dean actually gets to sample said food, he’s eaten enough for three men in the span of forty-five minutes.
“Jesus, man. Going for a record on indigestion?” Sam cautions him, despite his amusement. 
Dean pointedly ignores his brother to look over at you. After he swallows another forkful of beef stew, he says, “Not for nothin’, this is probably the second-best meal of my entire life.”
“Oh, yeah?” You giggle. “What’s number one?”
“Diner called Slammies in Alabama. Best fucking pie on Earth,” he easily recalls. “Double applewood bacon cheeseburger, chili cheese fries, brick oven pizza. Bar none.” 
Sam inclines his head, remembering the food coma he and Dean had that night. They’d hit the rock-hard pillows at the motel and slept like they’d been on an all-night bender. 
“But this is like, right there,” Dean says to you, leveling his hand up by his head. 
“Well, let’s see if this moves the needle,” you reply as you get up from your seat. You answer the question in his eyes. “Forgot something, hold on.”
But before you can leave the table, Dean reaches over and takes your hand. 
“Thanks, sweetheart. For all of this. I mean it,” he says. 
A soft, genuine smile grows across your face. You lean down and press a tender kiss below his hairline, stroking his cheek before you go. 
Dean quirks a smile. It’s taken him time to get used to how open you are with your affections, but he likes it. All of it. Every time you reach for him, touch him, brush against him, intentionally or not. He always has.
Though he has to resist embarrassment when he notices the way his brother is watching him. Sam raises a brow, smiling that irritating smile of his. 
“Oh, yeah. You’re not happy at all,” he intones.
“Never said I wasn’t,” Dean says defensively. But he perks up when you return. Maybe you’re bringing more garlic bread. 
Instead, you’re holding a tin pan.
“What’cha got there?” he asks.
“Dessert,” you announce. It’s a Cuban flan: creamy, rich custard with a consistency smoother than cheesecake, and thicker than pudding.  
You haven’t even sat back down yet when Dean carves himself a generous slice. He moans when a large forkful melts in his mouth. You start to blush as you watch him with crossed arms and a hand over your smile. You don’t know whether to be amused or flattered.
Sam watches his brother stuff his face with a subtle shake of his head.    
“You’re enabling him,” he tells you. You shrug, but then you rest your hands on both Sam and Dean’s shoulders. 
“Now I have someone to cook for,” you say. You have tears in your eyes, but you quickly blink and try to turn away. Frowning, Dean takes your hand. 
“Hey, where you going?” he says, and aims to pull you into his lap. You hesitate, knowing you’re not going to be able to squeeze between him and the table.  
“It’s okay, these hips don’t fit,” you chuckle wryly, with a sniffle. But Dean just backs his chair up from the table a bit to make room. 
“What’re you talking about? You fit right here,” he says firmly, and he tugs you down. This is the one thing Dean has tried his damndest to break you out of—that self-deprecating streak of yours. 
You finally accept being guided into his lap, where you indeed fit snugly across his thighs. His arm comes around the front to hold you close by your hip, while his other hand rests comfortingly on your back.
Looking up into his eyes, you draw enough courage to be honest. 
“I was mostly raised by my grandma,” you begin to explain. Your father wasn’t ready to be one, and so wasn’t in the picture. Your mother died when you were in high school. So when your grandmother also passed away a few years ago… 
Well, you’ve been alone for a while.
You sniff and wipe at your face, but your eyes close as Dean’s lips press above your brow. When you next open your eyes and cautiously look between the brothers, Sam’s sympathy warms you. 
“If it isn’t obvious, you have a home here,” he says. “We can never replace what you’ve lost, but…we’re your family too.”
You know that Dean feels the same way by the way he brushes the tears from your cheek, thumbing at your bottom lip.
"You're right where you need to be," he says, with a hand squeezing your hip. His sincerity is in his even tone, in the firmness in his eyes.
You’re able to smile a bit.
“Ah…I’m interrupting, aren’t I?”
The three of you turn to the kitchen doorway, where Castiel stands awkwardly. He clearly senses emotional tension, but it breaks the moment you turn to him with a tearful laugh. 
“Hey, Cas. Have you ever eaten ‘old clothes?’” you ask. 
His puzzled expression is absolutely priceless.  
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When Sam finds a possible hunt in Hope, Indiana, Castiel agrees to go with you all. It’s a small, corn-fed town in the middle of nowhere, and five people have gone missing over the course of a year. 
The latest is a nine-year-old kid named Andy Campbell. That alone upsets you; if you have one weakness, it’s for kids.
“Local farmers have been reporting dead cattle too, drained of blood,” Sam says from the passenger seat in the Impala. “I’m thinking vampires trying to keep a low profile.”
“Sounds about right, if a bit sloppy,” Dean remarks. They are in the Midwest though. If this is a coven, or even a rogue vamp who’s been here a while, maybe they got lazy. “So what, police station first? Get any details they might’ve missed.”
“I want to talk to the kid’s mom,” you say. It earns Dean’s gaze at you in the rearview mirror. “We can get the last time she saw him, where he went missing, anything she might’ve held back from the police.”
He nods and shares a glance with Sam. “I’ll go with her. You and Cas scope out the station.”
The angel has gotten better at pretending to be a Fed, but not by much. Sam agrees, even though Dean sees in his face that he’d rather be taking his brother. Dean tempers a smile and keeps driving to the closest motel in this dusty town. 
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You don a sensible pantsuit to match Dean’s Fed suit, along with your badges: Agents Buckingham and Nicks. 
When Andy’s mom, Rachel Campbell, opens the door of her modest home to you and Dean, he lets you take the lead. You’re good at this part, connecting with the victims and getting them to talk. He sometimes worries about you though—that your soft, sympathetic heart will get the best of you. 
“How long has Andy been missing?” you ask, accepting a cup of tea from the woman. 
Rachel is around your age, maybe a few years older. She looks run down, a shell of a human as she looks at the carpet rather than at you or Dean. You can’t know exactly how she feels, but you have a vivid imagination. 
And from the various pictures of her and Andy on the wall, just the two of them, you deduce that she’s a single mother. Just like your mom had been.
“Almost four months,” she admits. “The police station doesn’t even return my calls anymore.”
That upsets you, but you keep a lid on your emotions to focus on the woman in front of you. 
“Andy’s father, he’s not around?” Dean asks. Rachel shakes her head, confirming your suspicions.
“No, we split up shortly after he was born,” she replies, her tone tired and resigned. “I was at work. I uh, I work at a doctor’s office. Andy was supposed to come home on the bus, like any other day…but he never did.”
She sucks in a shaky breath as the beginnings of tears make her eyes red and glassy. 
“His school couldn’t tell me why he wasn’t on the bus. But one of his friends said he was late getting out of class, so he must’ve tried to walk home. Even though he knew he could call me when that happens…anyway, somebody must’ve grabbed him.”
Rachel looks away as a tear streams down her cheek, followed by another. You feel your throat tighten with a sympathetic burn behind your eyes, but you keep it at bay long enough to set down your tea. You reach out and lay a hand on the woman’s hand. She meets your steady gaze. 
“I promise, we’ll find your son,” you tell her.
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“What?” you ask Dean as the two of you leave the small house, walking back to the Impala in the driveway. You just know there’s something up with him by the stoic look on his face. It isn’t so stoic to you. 
He waits until the two of you are in the car before he levels you with a raised brow. 
“Look, I know you want to find this kid. I do too,” he says. “But watch out about making promises you can’t keep.”
You frown back at him. “What’s better, letting that poor woman have no hope at all?”
In his mind, Dean thinks it’s worse to give her false hope. But he sees how stubborn you’re getting, so he doesn’t push it. The fact that you care about people like Rachel is part of what drew him to you in the first place, but there’s a line, he thinks. A point where you can care too much. 
When you two eventually meet up with Sam and Castiel, they’ve been able to confirm from the body of a recent Jane Doe, with a row of lethal bite marks on her wrist, that this is definitely a vamp case. 
After narrowing down where each of the victims were taken, the four of you sketch out a perimeter of where the monsters could likely be hiding. It’s Dean who finds the old barn on the verge of a corn field, about three miles away from the school where Andy was taken. 
You all wait until high noon the next day to scope it out. Looking into the front windows is useless; all evidence points to an empty home.
The back of the barn is another story. Cracking the barn door open reveals a large storage area, where a nest of vampires are sleeping in their beds. Some are coupled off, but you note a few on single beds.
Then, your eyes narrow on the humans sleeping piled together in the corner—three women, a young man, and Andy Campbell on a twin-sized bed of his own.  
Dean carefully closes the barn door, and the four of you regroup back to the Impala.
“It’s a bigger nest than we thought,” Sam says, though he keeps his voice quiet. Dean is already opening the trunk for his favorite machete. 
“First, let’s get those humans out,” he says. You agree with a nod when he hands you a weapon.  
Dean shoots you a wink. “This one’s Brenda.”
“What happened to Lucille?” you ask, taking the knife from him.
“That’s the bat wrapped in barbed wire. Matter of fact, I should break her out.”
Dean reaches into the trunk and pulls out the blood-stained bat. He rubs the handle fondly. 
“Ahh, Dad loved this thing.”
You sidle up next to him and glance over wryly. “You want some alone time with your big stick, there?”
Dean flashes you a smirk, giving you a long once over in your form-fitting shirt and jeans. “Well, you’re certainly welcome to join me, sweetheart.” 
You snort in response, bumping into his side with your hip. Dean teasingly bounces one of your curls in your face. You smile and swat his hand away.
Sam subtly rolls his eyes, despite a small smile as he shares a look with Cas.
“All right. Can we go, please?” Sam says in amusement. Castiel awkwardly straps on a machete to his belt. He doesn’t believe he’ll need it, but Sam and Dean are always prepared. He wants to be as well. 
You’re ready to go, but Dean holds you back by your shoulder. You look up at him curiously.
“Hey, follow our lead on this one, okay?” he asks. 
You sense that he’s hedging at something more specific with that request. 
“What do you mean?”  
“The kid. I know you wanna beeline for him the second we get in there, but hold off,” Dean says. His gaze is serious. “He could be turned.”
He got a good look inside, the same as you. The kid was lying on a bed while the other humans were chained up on the floor. Still, you shoot him an incredulous look. 
“Why would they turn a kid?” you ask. “They have the others.”
“Yeah, and they were chained up. Why not him?” Dean asks, imploring you to think logically. He shares a look with Sam, who silently agrees. You look between the brothers with pursed lips. 
“Maybe they don’t give a fuck, because they’re cocky assholes,” you retort. And you walk past them to head back towards the barn. 
The brothers and the angel share one last look, with Dean letting out a subtle breath before he follows you.
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You creep back into the barn, as quiet as possible through the room of snoring vampires. The brothers and Castiel go to the sleepy women in the corner. They look dirty and malnourished, wearing threadbare clothing. Sam feels the pulse of the man prone on the floor, but he’s already dead. 
When one of the girls wakes with a whimper, Dean holds his finger to his lips, warning them all wordlessly to be quiet. He looks over and doesn’t find you next to him. He nearly curses out loud when he sees you heading for Andy’s bed across the room. 
Meanwhile, you touch the little boy’s shoulder and shake him a little. He wakes with a small sound of reluctance, but you shush him gently. 
“Andy?” You grasp his shoulders. He nods, though his blonde brows are furrowed with confusion. 
“Who…who are you?” he asks. He rubs at his sleepy brown eyes. 
“I’m here to help,” you reply in a whisper. “I’m going to get you back to your mom, okay?”
After a moment, he nods and lets you pick him up into your arms. You hazard looking over across the room, and you find Dean’s annoyed gaze. Despite the uncomfortable churning in your belly, you ignore him for now and head for the back door.
You’re only able to take a few steps when you feel a hand wrap tightly in your hair and pull it away from your neck, just for rows of several razor-sharp teeth to sink into your neck.
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AN: 😬 ...Sorry. If you don't know me by now, I love a cliffhanger. But how'd you like Dean getting used to sharing his space? (And having someone to occasionally put him on his toes.)
Part 2 will feature a good old fashioned "you should've listened to me" fight, some angst, some making up, some salsa dancing, and a healthy dose of smutty smut.
Next Time:
“I don’t care what that legendary gut tells you,” you sass back. “I’m not a little girl, and you’re not my damn father!”
Dean raises incredulous brows at the way you’re shouting at him. He crosses his arms. 
“What’s this, some kind of Latina temper?” he asks snidely. 
You truly become incensed at that. 
Keep Reading: PART 2
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304 notes · View notes
lgbtqreads · 3 months
bit of a weird request, but do you know of any queer books that have some kinda focus on food/cooking/baking? examples i can think of are things like the dos and donuts of love, cafe con lychee, the tea dragon society, and some not queer books like a cuban girl’s guide to tea and tomorrow and tweet cute. (basically just books where the main characters either like one of the above enough that it is a part of the book, or it’s integral to the plot, because mc works at a restaurant or cafe or smth. i just like really like baking and cooking lol)
i don’t really mind anything, but i’d def prefer books with main characters of colour, f/f or nonbinary romances, and/or queer books where the focus is friendship, family, or found family! tysm :)
Not weird at all; I love foodie books! You definitely want The Heartbreak Bakery by AR Capetta, Lose You to Find Me by Erik J. Brown, and with a CW for sexual assault, I'll also mention The Mirror Season by Anna-Marie McLemore. And make sure you've got A Banh Mi for Two by Trinity Nguyen bookmarked for August!
Also, because all the titles you listed are YA, I'm assuming that's what you're looking for, but if you're also open to adult, here are some more f/f and f/nb ones:
The Romance Recipe by Ruby Barrett
Queerly Beloved by Susie Dumond
The Secret Ingredient by KD Fisher (Amz)
Love at 350 Degrees by Lisa Peers
Certainly, Possibly, You by Lissa Reed (B)
Fake It by Lily Seabrooke – T
Last Chance by Lily Seabrooke (Amz)
Faux Pas by Lily Seabrooke
Chef’s Kiss by Stephanie Shea (Amz)
Perfect Pairing by Rachel Spangler
No Parking by Valentine Wheeler
Chef’s Kiss by TJ Alexander
Love & Other Disasters by Anita Kelly
42 notes · View notes
legendary-guest · 3 months
High school sucks, from puberty to petty relationship drama to navigating the cliques - not to mention the teachers! Some so crabby, so lippy, so unfair, so mean that you could swear they were...evil?
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Meet Dr. Drew Lipsky and Ms. Shea Go! Other outfits linked here. Lots of text under the cut.
"Mr. Lipsky is my father. You will address me as Dr. Lipsky."
It is difficult to escape Dr. Lipsky on the learning side of the high school ecosystem, he practically runs every class that involves math or science.
Arrogant, grouchy and with a tendency to ramble, Doc runs his classroom with an iron fist and a strict no lip policy. He is seldom seen without his ruler, which he uses to write along the chalkboard with his terrible handwriting, draw diagrams, gesture wildly with and slam on sleeping students' desks to rudely wake them. Despite this unpleasant behaviour, he has obvious favourite students - some of them have gone a long way just by sucking up to him - like not being yelled at and being one of the privileged few that haven't been damned to detention for a minor transgression. He's not just mean, he's also weird.
He likes to show-off the fact that he can draw a perfect circle, free-handed. This impresses a lot of the kids, until it becomes dull - he is workshopping drawing a perfect dodecahedron free-handed (it's not going well). School festivities and similar events, not centred around sport, tend to have him actively organising and participating in them. Always decorates the classroom around Christmas time, becomes unbearably cheery. His love for Snowman Hank is infamous.
Students have figured out an effective method to avoid learning - by getting Dr. Lipsky to talk about himself, or anything that vaguely interests him, he isn't difficult to distract. If he realises what's happening, everyone gets extra homework. If he doesn't and class ends, he seethes about it.
Of course, this means that he's always marking, always busy, a vicious feedback loop. He secretly doesn't mind this, as it keeps him occupied, away from depressing thoughts and crushing loneliness. His job is his social life, but even this is difficult as the only real rapport he has with anyone are the students he rambles to. Well, them and now Ms. Go, whom he carpools with - picking him up and dropping him off 5 days a week, just the two of them. His own car was totalled by Ed, and unable to afford another on a teacher's salary, he'd been catching the bus to and from work. His garage has turned into a workshop, where he tinkers with fixing old computers, building robots, lasers, programming microchips, etc. He really doesn't spend time in his own home.
Drew is dyslexic but doesn't know it - he's found ways to manage this. One of these ways is calling on kids who he knows are in Ms. Go's classes - he always knows them - to help him spell something. “How do you spell it?” “What?” “What do you mean ‘what?’ I know you’re in Miss Go’s AP Literature class, so tell me how to spell it!” “Uh…” [spelling ensues] “That wasn’t so difficult now was it?” “Thanks would be nice” “Detention.” “What?” “I heard you talk back. Detention. I’m old, not deaf.” Unlike Drakken, the subject of his blue skin and scar aren't things he's keen to talk about. He addresses it once at the beginning of every semester to the students to quell rumours and that's it. “Before you all start asking, I’ll tell you. This nasty scar? Lab accident. Blue skin? Lab accident. Is it contagious? No. We’re speaking about injuries, not cooties. So, you know I take lab safety very, very seriously. Gloves, closed shoes and glasses in the lab at all times! Last thing I need is a lawsuit from your parents.” No member of staff, including Ms. Go, know why he is blue.
He is still a college drop-out - his doctorate and teaching certifications are fake. He has never been caught. The inciting incident for dropping out (I have yet to cement whether or not it is the Bebes) has defeated him instead of motivating him. Drew Lipsky is still Drakken, but listless, without real focus or ambition, prone to indifference and depression. As Dr. Lipsky, he is a genuinely good, competent teacher, despite all his faults - the need to explain things, repeatedly, helps him in the profession.
Ms. Go is the hot new English teacher at school! Although she is new to teaching on her own, she is not as naïve as some might think. With her experience as Shego, member of Team Go from Go City, dealing with her brothers and various criminals and villains alike, Ms. Go knows her way around people - the Child Development qualification is merely a bonus.
Staff and students don't know of Ms. Go's hero identity and she goes to great lengths to deceive students that point out her strangely tinted skin - by telling them that it's merely the fluorescent lights in the school that make her appear green, and that, maybe, they should be more focused on what's on the board. Several students have started wearing glasses since her employment. Gaslighting the kids is something she enjoys immensely. Dr. Lipsky has noticed, too, but he doesn't bring it up, accepting her reasoning - for now.
Her attractiveness is no secret, with many a boy harbouring a crush on her, some of the bolder ones hitting on her in class or the hallway. Ms. Go effectively destroys the fragile, male teen ego in a single, creatively worded sentence, leaving a path of bitter, broken hearts (and sometimes tears) behind her. Creative put-downs aren't just reserved for boys that hit on her.
Ms. Go's criteria for her hitlist include: disrupting class, poor enunciation/pronunciation, mumbling, using the wrong words, incorrect/poor grammar, and abuse of teen slang in class.
Anything that isn't a school textbook or notebook that is left behind in Ms. Go's classroom goes missing. Pencils, pens, spare change, personal diaries, MP3 players, CD players, gum (which they shouldn't have anyway!) - gone. Ms. Go picks the room CLEAN as soon as all of them leave - finders keepers! She has an impressive collection, and shares the spoils with Dr. Lipsky. Forgot something in Ms. Go's class? FORGET IT! She gives props to those who can clap back in a creative (grammatically correct, well-spoken) way. For this, she is a very divisive figure, fluctuating between cool-hot-mean-bitchy at all times.
The popular, self-absorbed girls try to emulate Ms. Go, from her mannerisms to her style. She doesn't mind this, and even has some fun in seeing how far she can take it.
Ms. Go runs her classes efficiently and she never assigns extra homework - she doesn't want to mark it. She clocks in at 7am and clocks out at 3:30pm, not a minute before or after.
She has an expensive sports car (I'm thinking a Maserati), which she was able to procure from the Mayor of Go City for her service. Hego was, is, very upset over this. Although she has been out of the hero game for a while, something about the unusually hued Dr. Drew Lipsky had her extend the offer to carpool - just him. Especially after she saw him come to work, late, soaking wet from some surprise torrential rain, snarling and growling and snapping at anyone who so much as looked at him funny - only to be berated by the principal on top of it all.
Her degree in Child Development means that she holds the position of school counsellor. Problem is, no one wants to see her! Who does after hearing all the mean things she says? Her small office is rarely visited, to the point where Dr. Lipsky has moved in with all his stuff, mountains of paper that made his corner of the teacher's lounge very unseemly. Anyone who knocks is met with the Doc's intimidating stature and signature frown.
Ms. Go and Dr. Lipsky sit by themselves in the small office, never in the teacher's lounge. Drew will sometimes stay back and work, catching the bus home, whilst Shea goes home. As they get closer, Ms. Go will sometimes just go for a few hours and return to the school to take the Doc home. Although it seems like she's got it all, at the end of the day, she still goes home to her apartment - alone. Used to being surrounded by her family, as annoying as they are, used to the excitement and rush of hero work, and no longer actively using her powers, Shea is not too sure what to make of normal, civilian life. Especially after hers has been anything but. Partying, clubbing and shopping on the weekends are fun, but the prospect of socialising with others, finding interests that aren't focused on her career is daunting, if not a little frightening, if she were honest with herself. Shego, as Ms. Go, still calls him Dr. D (for 'Drew', she says the alliteration makes it fun to say) and Doc. Drew Lipsky for when she really wants to annoy him.
Drew/Drakken having dyslexia, Drew/Drakken taking the bus and the name Shea for Shego's real name are all lifted from Dwelling by @gogofordrakgo. The AU has been stewing for a very long time, almost as long as I have been reviewing. All elements lifted have been credited. I see several paths for it.
A 'Normal' AU where they exist within the KP world but never become villains, and don't teach at Middleton High School.
An Origin Story of how Drakken and Shego met teaching at some high school and then getting into villainy together.
An AU where they are teachers at Middleton High School and Kim and Ron are students there, still saving the world. They still play an antagonistic role, Drakken more than Shego, with Shego empathising with Kim without breaking her Shego-ness and becoming too nice, still distance between them. Ron would also be Shego's one-and-only student that she sees as a counsellor. Their sessions consist of having him accompany her to the mall - retail therapy. In this version of the AU, the recurring villains would be The Seniors. Senior Sr. is a big name supervillain looking to retire and is training his spoiled, sheltered son Senior Jr. to take up the mantle, but all he's interested in is becoming a teen-pop sensation, even though he learns quickly and can take on KP. Senior Sr. finds Kim Possible, not only a worthy adversary, but the ideal match for his son! He is the number one Kim x Junior shipper. (500k slow-burn, enemies to lovers epic fanfic, babies ever after - 7 for all 7 continents - 4 girls and 3 boys - evil-and-in-love - he's planned Junior's entire life for him, he can't wait to retire!). Dr. Lipsky and Ms. Go become villains at the end, becoming Dr. Drakken and Shego, the new villainous couple looking to rule the world and taking the place of Senor Senior Sr. and Senor Senior Jr.
Alternative to the last where it's all the same but they don't become villains. Maybe they try for a bit and after having their fun, they settle down to have a family. I dunno!
Now, is there more to come? YES! MAYBE! We'll see how I am feeling. Why did I do it this way and not write something properly? Because I don't like writing or plotting multi-chapter fanfic. I really wanted to make something that I could write for in this very casual way, and, if anyone else wanted to write or draw for this, that it would be possible.
Teacher AU is such a strong concept for the characters as they are, I wanted to really have it be true to them, as we see and know them in the show. I didn't want huge differences in their backstories, interests, mannerisms or relationships with other characters, because all those things inform who they are. I love that Drakken is a scatter-brained, easily-offended, easily distracted grouch and that Shego is such an annoying, snarky woman, a staunch grammarian and runner-up for professional slacker (Ron takes the number one spot). I wanted to challenge myself with this and I hope that I have been successful with it, at least initially.
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A peak inside the Eudicots:
The largest group of flowering plants
Two of the largest groups within Eudicots are the Rosids and the Asterids, named after two of their more famous families (the rose family and the aster or sunflower family.)
The Asterids include: Ericales (an eclectic order that includes tea, kiwi fruit, and shea nuts), Lamiids (that's not a typo -- includes olives, coffee, the mint family, and the nightshade family), and Campanulids (includes the sunflower family, the carrot family, dandelions, and artichokes.)
The two main groups within the Rosids are the Malvids and the Fabids. (Plus the order that includes grapes, Vitales.)
Fabids include melons, squashes, beans and peas, the rose family (which contains apples, strawberries, cherries, and almonds), and oaks. And weed.
Malvids include cacao (chocolate!), sugar maples (maple syrup), citrus fruits, poison ivy, cotton, wasabi, cabbage, and many more.
But that's not all, there's also the basal Eudicots (poppies, the lotus flower), and some core Eudicots that aren't Asterids or Rosids, like Saxifragales (peonies, gooseberries, currants), Santales (sandalwood, mistletoe), and Caryophyllaes (cacti, Venus fly traps, carnations, buckwheat, ice plant, and tumbleweed.)
By the way, if it ends in -ales? You'll see it in the Order round. If it ends in -ids? Those are all clades that do not conform to the traditional kingdom-phylum-etc system. I think they're very cool to learn about so I wanted to mention them here! But they're not catagories that are part of the tournament, we're skipping past a ton of ways of dividing plants between Class and Order.
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virtues-end · 2 days
Poll ask anon here again, sorry that ask got so long btw! But yeah, since it got way too long, I didn't mention what a fun experience it is to play as a mc, who wants to see the order's downfall, but also struggles with wanting to be an alright person, since then you get delightful scenes, like mc thanking Shea through their gritted teeth which makes Shea go "?!?!" Or when Penrose greets them and mc can go all "😠….hi", because this person hasn't given a reason to hate him exactly, and you know the world isn't black and white but how do you just get over your hatred and hurt exactly?
Like, these are extremely fun dynamics, them being so complicated adds to them so much. With Shea and Penrose being good people hating them becomes so very difficult. And with Elexis, considering their affiliation, even the most benign or charming things about them are gonna seem suspicious, and I keep being reminded of that old tumblr post like "Oh, you like soup, huh? ...Figures 😒"
Forced proximity trope is fun in general, but the way you've made it work in your story is just delicious 😋 Again, can't wait to play all of the RO routes and meet our last RO!
Thank you so much, and no worries at all, I love reading people's thoughts about things! When I'm putting in variations I often wonder if people will notice them, and I'm so stoked to hear when you do. :-)
As for Idris, I have a feeling they might be polarising... they're another complicated character, and not exactly what they might seem at first glance. I'm excited for when they do finally make an appearance, though it will be much later compared to the others.
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neonovember · 1 year
Golden Boy
part two to this request
warnings: suggestive content, miscommunication, angst if you are a tortured poet, highschool love, protective!carmen, touch depirved!carmen, mention of death
w/c: 2.8k
a/n: okay, okay, yes i know i said this would be a two part series, but god i have too much to say and it didn’t feel right to cram it into two parts. Also i wanted to add a little smut snippet and of course that required its own chapter??
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The ring of the Beef doors resound through the murmur of the kitchen, the lunch time rush had dissolved to a quiet pull, regulars coming in for their pick up orders and the occasional customer seated in one of the back booths.
The soothing quiet the crew had been relishing just moments ago is interrupted by the familiar boom of Richie’s voice and the loud bang of the cartons of produce he’d left on the counter.
“Guess who the fuck I ran into down at the Market” Richie yells, beaming with the kind of smile you’d only have with the worlds biggest secret on your tongue.
The crew gathers at the kitchen station, hands rubbing tired eyes as the work day slugged on.
“What, Richie?” Sydney humours him, throwing the last of the chopped vegetables into a pot to slow cook, wiping her hand on her shoulder towel as she looks up at Richie.
“Our very own Bug” Richie replies, eyes glinting as they watch the white linen shirt of Carmen’s back stop suddenly. 
Carmen pauses, the sound of his knife falling with a clank. It takes a moment for him to turn around and face Richie, partly because he doesn’t want to meet the goofy pull of his features that told him he was playing around and partly because he doesn't want to face that what Richie said might be true. 
But he faces him anyway, because he always will for you.
“What? You saw a bug? Really Richie, you had to come all this way--” Sydney groans out, pressing a finger between her eyebrows, smoothing out the skin that has begun to wrinkle there.
“Shit, sorry, I forgot you guys don’t know her”
“Her? You got a little lady you've been keeping from us Richie?” Tina replies playfully, swatting a towel towards Richie who barely dodges it.
Carmen coughs abruptly at Tina’s comment, in which Richie bites back a grin, before raising an arm up in surrender.
“She’s an old friend of the family, Carmen and her used to be real close in High school. Come to think of it, she was your only friend actually, and was way out of your league” Richie says with a condescending tone, there is a look of thoughtfulness on Richie's face like he's actually thinking about Carmen’s high school experiencing and remembering the clear lack of friends he's had beside you.
The sound of cat calls and oooh’s resounds throughout the kitchen, the crew coddling this small but rare piece of information about Carmen’s past. Carmen wasn’t exactly conversational, whilst he regarded the crew as his flesh and blood that didn’t stop him from keeping a lot of himself and his past hidden. There was always the air of mystery that followed Carmen Berzatto, and it seemed the persona was about to deteriorate as a look of anger flashes across Carmen's face.
“Oh fuck you Cousin, She never even liked you” Carmen replies defensively, before the realisation that you were in town hits him full force.
“How did we not know this, I mean no offence Carm, but you didn’t seem like the type to be..open to friends” Sydney voices, the look of shock not hidden from her voice
“It was different with her, right? I didn't have to- she was- it was just different” Carmen mumbles, the visions of you seem to take over Carmen's mind, like visors, all he can see now is you. The curve of your neck, the smell of Lavender and shea butter from your mothers garden and your lotion. Carmen can almost taste it again, and its reminder has him craving you in a way that was all too dangerous for a man like him.
Especially since you were back in town, maybe not even a block away from him, holy fuck, you were back in town.
“Wait, uh, she’s in town?” Carmen replies, sheepishly, scratching his neck in nervousness that didn't go unnoticed by the crew. 
Carmen? Nervous? About a girl? Oh this was good.
“She came down for work, designing a whole piece of Madison Avenue. Think she’s staying for a little while” Richie replies “You should ask her when she comes tomorrow, you guys still talk..right?’ 
“Yeah uh, ‘course” Carmen mumbles, a feeling of grief washes over him like a wave, and without blinking, without a shudder of a breath you consume him again.
The New York winter was brutal, nothing like the December’s in Chicago, and the thought causes a grumble of cold air to leave Carmen’s mouth. Carmen couldn't help comparing everything in New York to the city he ran from, it was a habit akin to a shadow he couldn’t shake off.
Swarms of yellow cabbed taxis and car’s move through the city streets painfully slow, splashing waves of dirty street snow onto the frosted sidewalk. The rush of strangers wrapped in a decade of layers, the protective wool and fleece wrapping their hands and necks, make their way back to their apartment and homes, eager to feel the warmth of fireplaces and heaters and escape the ice cold snap of the unforgiving winds and falling snow. 
Carmen should be making his way home, in fact if he hadn’t stopped abruptly at the scene in front of the open pane window of a shop, he'd had felt the warmth of his century old apartment heater  by now. Walking back would be the right thing to do, it would be the sensible thing, but Carmen wasn’t known for his sensibility and recklessness was all he knew. Especially when it comes to you, always when it comes to you. 
So Carmen has found himself, stood stationary, looking rather strange in the middle of the street as city goers grumble and step around him, looking into the dimly lit art studio cramped between a Chinese takeout shop and a fabric store.
There you were, crouched in a chair, scribbling on a canvas across a wide workbench, papers and pens scattered messily in front of you. You haven't changed one bit, and maybe it had felt like centuries ago for Carmen when in fact it had only been a couple years but it was as if someone had taken a picture of his memories of you and placed it in front of him. 
You were so beautiful, it stole Carmen's breath away, it skipped the rhythmic beat of his heart and caused it to hammer against his chest in that nervous way you’ve always made him feel. Even surrounded by papers and stained coffee mugs and the drag of stress and sleep deprivation weighing on your sunken shoulders you are the most beautiful thing Carmen has ever, and will ever see. 
Were you real? Carmen’s feet are stone, like if he steps through the doors, if he moves even an inch you'll slip between his fingers and disappear from his vision again. He has to see you, he has to apologise and tell you everything that has happened, he has to feel your head resting against his shoulder, he needs to fall back into the gentle rhythm you both shared before it was lost to time again.
But before Carmen can move from his spot on the sidewalk, before he can even catch your gaze, he watches, in horror, as a tall haired man walks over, dressed in a brown knitted sweater and slacks that looked simple in the expensive way, and wraps his arms around you before behind.
His heart shatters completely, and he can't stop himself from watching on, you throw your head back with a laugh, hugging him back with a grin as he whispers into the nook of your neck and it's the twist of the knife in his stomach, tearing the entirety of its contents onto the sidewalk, staining the frosted pavement crimson with his innards. 
And it was like Carmen was 15 again. Seeing one of his classmates ask you to prom before he could even utter those words, watching the way you danced effortlessly in his hands beneath the gleam of the disco ball above. Your date had two left feet, and Carmen wanted to rip him off of you and replace his skittish dance moves. Carmen wanted to give you what you deserved instead of a football jock who couldn’t make you laugh.
That same childlike feeling of anger and jealousy spreads through him, that was sood replaced with anguish. He had lost you, he had waited too goddamn long and had lost you. What the fuck was he doing? How did he think he could just walk through those doors and stumble into your life again, and somehow fall back into the same familiarity of your friendship like nothing had changed? 
Carmen had done stupid things before, but Carmen had felt utterly foolish then. You were mystifying, of course you would be in a relationship, there were probably hundreds of men that threw themselves at you, and it wasn't like you were waiting for him.
The memory of saying goodbye to you was still fresh, he could remember the time when you turned your back to him, and the same way the sun shone through the hallways windows when you turned your neck to meet his gaze for the final time. 
He could remember what he had for breakfast, cereal with not enough milk and an apple, he could remember how he had two different pairs of socks on, one itching him throughout the day, he could remember the feeling of the ingrained drawings of your Geography teacher’s sketchbook, he could remember the way you looked at him when he told you to promise him not to say goodbye. 
He remembered it all like it was the day he died.
That day had been marked into his body and mind, into his subconscious until it was all that consumed him. Wherever he was, he looked for you, he searched and yearned for you in crowds and lines for coffee, in the driver's seat of cars next to him stood stationary at the traffic lights. 
Everytime he closed his eyes all he could see was the way you looked at him like you didn't believe him and it broke something, because it had been true. Carmen had promised to see you again, and he lied, and that late New York evening, it was like Carmen had died a second time.
And just like at 17, Carmen makes peace with watching you on the sidelines, bottling up any feelings he had for you in fear it would ruin everything you both shared. You were his greatest friend, and he couldn't allow himself to be selfish, not when you were you, and he was him. He didn't deserve you, and it didn't matter how hard he yearned for you because you were too good for him.
And it’s that thought that causes him to step away from his spot on the sidewalk, the imprint of his boots marking a spot on the concrete where the fallen snow hadn't touched yet, before it’s soon covered in the white flesh of frost, hiding that he was ever there.
From that moment on, Carmen watches you from afar, the unyielding desire to ensure you were safe at all times consuming him until his protective gaze fell over you like a blanket. He had kept up with your moves, silently cheering you on with each award and recognition you received throughout the years, whilst he himself began to climb the culinary ladder, or knife. He had never let his eyes waver, and then Mickey died and he came running back to Chicago with his things and a broken heart.
“Yeah, you all will meet her tomorrow at the dinner” Richies words cause Carmen to shake himself from his vision, what did he just say?
“You, You did what?” Carmen questions, unable to keep the shrill from his voice as the crew look towards him in confusion.
“Yeah I invited her, it’ll be like a catch up for the fam, she could see all the work I’ve done and see how you haven't changed-”
“Fuck Cousin, you- you should’ve told me before, now i got to make sure everyone has something to eat, and- and i got to add a a second chair” Carmen begins to mumble out, running a hand through his curls stressfully as he began to pace around the kitchen.
“Hey, Carmen relax, we've got room for one more person” Richie chuckles
“Wow, Jeff, just the sound of this girl’s name has got you shitting bricks. I think someones in loveeee” Tina singsongs with a grin, but there was something soft behind her eyes, in fact everyone in the kitchen smiled with a hint of happiness at Carmen's behaviour.
They had thought their Chef was closed off to love, and having felt its strength, each of them in their own ways tried to get Carmen out there, whether it be blind dates or meet cute’s, but it never worked out, and Carmen had always kept that part of life secret from even Richie and Sugar.
It seemed now, that you had been the mysterious woman that had stolen Carmen's heart, and they were giddy with excitement to finally meet the person who had gotten Carmen Berzatto scared shit less.
“Hey Cousin, why don’t you help me unload the rest of the cartons from the truck?” Richie replies, a subtle way of getting Carmen out of the kitchen and into a space that had fewer faces watching his every move.
“Yeah, uh okay” Carmen replies, following Richie to the back of the Bear, resting his back against the brick wall of the alleyway.
There is a silence that stretches between Richie and Carmen at that moment that Richie would usually fill with slanted jokes or rambles. But even Richie knew you were a sensitive topic for Carmen, and he waited patiently for him to approach the topic on both of your minds.
“So, we haven’t spoken in nearly 8 years and she's coming tomorrow to my restaurant” Carmen replies, and Richie nods along.
Carmen shakes his head scoffing, looking up at Richie with a look of fear and embarrassment and elated happiness all in one.
“I don’t know what i’m gonna do Cousin, I- I don’t know what to do with myself with her, fuck what if ruin everything?” 
“Hey, hey easy, I was poking fun at you before but you and her, that was something else entirely that the rest of the Family would never come close to understanding. When you were together, it was like, it was like I could see the anxiety and stress physically leave you, you fucking laughed with her Carm, when you weren’t in the mood to even smile, even after everything you’d see her and it was like nothing else mattered, like no one else mattered.
I mean, the whole family was betting on you both running off and getting eloped, you were both in your own bubble, and did not give a shit about anybody else.” Richie chuckles, resting a hand on Carm’s shoulder to stop him from pacing.
Carmen looks up at him with furrowed eyebrows, pressing his canines into his lips
“What if she doesn't want to speak to me?, Ya know, what if she came for- for you and Sugar and-and she doesn't even want to see me” Carmen rambles, fear taking over any sense
“Are you kidding Carmen? You both hadn’t spoken in nearly a decade and she still said yes to coming to the fucking Beef of all places on a Friday. She wants to see you, Carm, you've just been too stupid to see it, you've always been.” Richie replies, shaking Carmen like he was trying to shake the sense into him.
“You know what you have to do now, right?” Richie says, when you've both rested on one of the stools, lighting a cigarette for warmth against the bite of the cold.
“I’ve got to make tomorrow fucking perfect, thats what I’ve got to do. Which is almost impossible for this goddamn place” Carmen groans out, taking a drag from the wrapped tobacco stick.
Richie lets out a laugh, rubbing his stomach as he leans against the brick layered wall.
“Don’t know about that, they just might for her” Richie replies, before getting off of the stool, dusting his jeans and walking towards the pick up truck.
“Where are you going?” Carmen calls out
“You thought I was kidding about these boxes? Chop chop cousin, we gotta get them in before it fucking rains” Richie yells back, letting out a laugh at Carmens loud groan.
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