#also i sometimes worry my wording is awkward when i start things? but these all feel like well-flowing sentences!!
coffeebanana · 1 year
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Oooooh this is a fun one!! Thanks for the tag @saiikavon!! Idk if first line specifically means only first sentence, but I'm restricting myself that so this doesn't get stupidly long LOL. (Technically I suppose this is last ten updated, but I'm not going to hunt down initial posting dates ahaha.)
Feet buried in the sand, Marinette watched as a drop of watermelon juice dribbled down Adrien’s chin. -- from What Else Did You Imagine?
The ceiling above Adrien’s sofa was far from captivating, but if he stared long enough it was easy to let his vision go blurry. -- from missing person (at the window)
Ladybug didn’t mean to crash-land on Adrien’s balcony. -- from Probably Not The Best Idea
Adrien sat in a director’s chair, watching the photographer take a few test shots to check the studio’s lighting. -- from It Feels Like Fate
Soft sunlight filtered through the sheer hotel curtains when Adrien came to, but he felt none of its warmth. -- from Say Something
“Let me see…” -- from This Distance Between Us
Adrien’s heart pounded as he walked into the locker room, his fencing helmet tucked under one arm. -- from Sweater Weather
“I still can’t believe I wasn’t funny,” Adrien mumbled as he finally emerged from the bathroom, thankfully wearing the pyjama pants Nino had sent him in with. -- from A Little Less Wise
“Hey!” Marinette shouted as Alya swiped the phone right out of her hand. “Give it back!” -- from Because It's You
“You should be more careful,” Kagami said as she slowly wrapped a bandage around Marinette’s wrist. -- from Of Lavender, Chamomile, and Miscommunication
No pressure tags for @ck2k18, @wackus-bonkus-maximus, @heartfulselkie, @redundant-lava, @celestialtitania, @kasienda, @thelibraryloser and anyone else who wants to participate!!
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loumauve · 1 year
#sometimes I wish there was like a guide or sth to dealing with intimacy when you're ace#not just in relationships but also in relationships#bc sometimes I think back to conversations I've had with non-ace folks in the past#and usually they would come down to sth like 'when you know you know'#or 'there's gonna be this look and you'll know it's the right moment'#which all seems fake af and untrue and entirely un-applicable if you've agreed to sth else#like.. if you've agreed to not worry abt that and that you'll pick up the topic if anything ever changes#but how do you know if things have changed. how do you know what you want vs what you're wanting only in the moment#and how do you not make it awkward if you bring it up only to later realise maybe you were just having a weird moment#(like. I go through phases every month and I know it's coming. but I also know it'll go away again eventually)#(and like.. I guess I'm still terrified of setting expectations for things I can later not fulfill)#(and sure that's prob due to fucked up shit that happened in past relationships and this is not the same)#((..the difference a partner you can trust to keep their word on respecting your boundaries can make...))#anyway. scared shitless of starting sth I can't finish. also unsure if I want to start anything in the first place#and just so tired of not knowing where to even fucking start. gonna blame my migraine weirdness for posting this in the first place#a day in the life of..#(((how to know if maybe you'd like something now when you haven't in the past but now all parameters are different..#..and maybe it would be nice but maybe it would still suck and you'd end up hating it and feeling regretful..#..and maybe you'll never be able to get out of your head enough to just have a moment and go with it and be happy)))
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jinnie-ret · 5 months
stray kids reaction to s/o who can't sleep in the same bed
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genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: cheating, implied toxic relationships (not with skz)
request (from anon): I wanna request a skz reaction to their s/o who has trust issues and prefers to deal e things herself and also prefers to sleep alone in her room n stuff bc she trusts them but she needs to work her way up with being comfortable and ok to feel vulnerable enough to sleep w them n how they'd react to s/o taking months to a year for the to finally allow themselves to sleep next to them or even the same room as them?
Bang Chan
Your boyfriend Chan had texted you asking you to come over last minute, but of course, you weren't going to deny you or him from seeing each other. The issue was, plans being this last minute meant you hadn't had time to shave your legs. You didn't think Chan was the type of guy to judge you or anyone for having hairy legs, but it was more so your own qualms about things, and not feeling like you were deep enough into your relationship to trust that it wouldn't make him look at you in a different light.
Currently you were both heading into his bedroom, ready to cuddle and get some sleep - yes, you had managed to get your boyfriend to steer away from staying up all night.
You dove into the bed, Chan chuckling behind you as you shuffled under the blankets, wiggling like a worm.
"Babe, what are you doing?" Chan laughed at you as he stripped out of his t-shirt and joined you in bed.
"Going to sleep?" your voice was muffled by the pillows your face was pressed into.
"Oh right, in jeans, yeah?" Chan laid on his side, brushing your hair out of your face.
"Sometimes when I nap in them they turn into pantaloons and I've really been into ATEEZ and pirates lately," you rambled on. Yes there was some truth in that, but it wasn't the thing that needed revealing today.
"Babe what?" Chan blinked confusedly at your rambling, "why don't you get comfy?"
"Ummm... Actually I think the sofa is more comfy, I'll just sleep there," you scrambled out of the bed.
"What's wrong with the bed?" Chan grabbed your hand gently, pulling you back towards him with a slight frown as he sat up, "you've slept in it before."
"I ummm..." your voice wavered, looking at the floor and chewing the inside of your cheek feeling awkward.
"Babe, just tell me," he shuffled over to be sat directly next to you.
"I haven't shaved," you mumble incoherently.
"Huh? What was that baby?" Chan wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer.
"I didn't shave my legs... I'm embarrassed," you admit with big eyes, looking at Chan's expression and hoping not to see disgust.
"Is that all? Babe I don't care if your legs are hairy, I want to be with a woman, not a little girl, I don't care if your legs get hairy it's natural, yeah?" Chan preaches to you after a sigh of relief. He had his arm still around your shoulder, yet he was rocking you side to side.
"Hmmm..." you said in thought, trying to fight off a grin appearing on your face and instead look contemplative instead.
"What, was it something I said?" Chan rose an eyebrow.
"Yeah actually..." you fake sighed.
"Oh I'm sorry what was it that I said?" Chan intertwined your hands, speaking carefully and wanting you to feel comfortable enough about what was said wrong.
"You say you want to be with a woman not a little girl, so why do you insist that I call you Dadd-" you start laughing, just about managing to get your words out.
"Stoppp, stoppp, go, shoo, you, go put your pyjamas on funny girl," Chan sighed with a laugh, unable to hide it as he pushed you to stand.
"Ok Dadd-" you turned to tease him again, before he cut you off.
"Y/N!" he chased after you, tickling your sides as you squealed and laughed. You were glad that he didn't care about you having hairy legs. It was now reassuring in the future for any worries that you had, that he'd understand.
"I swear you hug the cats more than me," he smirked, simply teasing you from where he was sat at the other end of the sofa with Dori in his lap. You had the ginger babies Soonie and Doongie in yours. You were glad though because it brought you great comfort with the paranoia you had been feeling more and more recently.
He was your boyfriend, and you loved him, but you worried his teasing comments were actually subtle digs. You were still shy about being physically affectionate with him, particularly with sharing a bed with him.
"I-i'm sorry Min, I'm trying," your voice wobbles.
"Darling, I'm joking, don't worry," Minho lifted Dori off of his lap, standing up and stretching and not seeing the distress that still remained on your face. "Right, I'm going to get some sleep, you want to join?"
"I-i'm not ready yet, sorry Min."
"It's ok, darling." He always announced when he was going to bed, always leaving the question in the air so you could say yes if you felt ready. But that still wasn't the case this time, and as he turned to get a glass of water from the kitchen, he was stopped in his tracks by your cries.
"I-it's not because I don't love you, because I do!! I really do!! I just want to work myself up for it you know? I don't wanna be awkward and stuff but-" you had lifted the cafs off of your lap, feeling guilty and in that moment seeing him turn away from you felt like he was annoyed.
"Hey, hey, darling, where's all these tears coming from, hmm?" Minho soothed you, his voice slightly higher pitched when he was being gentle with you. "I told you, it's ok, really," he wiped your tears off of your cheeks.
"I feel like I'm being annoying," you sniffled, looking down only for him to tilt your chin upwards.
"I'd rather you be comfortable, ok?" Minho was always patient with you, "don't let it stress you out ok?"
"O-ok," you took in a deep breath, calming yourself down.
"I love you, get some rest, ok darling?"
Your boyfriend was peacefully sleeping in bed, small snores escaping his lips as his face was squished against one of his thick arms. And he was a light sleeper, probably from previously living in a dorm full of boys before that were chaotic to say the least, and that was from what you saw meeting them outside of their home space.
You tiptoed into the bedroom, taking a deep breath. Never sleeping in the same bed as him was something you knew didn't deter him but you could see it when he'd miss you goodnight that he wished that you would sleep with him. That boy wanted nothing more than to hold you all night in his arms, but he respected your decision still. Tonight, things were different.
Slowly crawling into bed next to him, you lifted up the duvet and laid down beside him, slowly resting your head against the top of his back and an arm across his waist. You were nervous, yes, but you had missed his comfort after wishing each other good night, even though it had only been half an hour.
The beast had awoken, quite dramatically you must admit. But it was fair, considering you wouldn't normally sleep next to him he wouldn't be expecting anyone in bed next to him.
"Huh...? Woah! What?! Honey?" Changbin's initial murmurs had turned to surprised joyful shouts as he flew out of bed to make sure this was all real. You just sat there stunned with your hands covering your ears.
Your boyfriend did a happy dance, jumping into bed next to you as he wiggled against you, and instead he was the big spoon this time round. His heartbeat was racing and so was yours.
"Surprise?" you giggled, making him coo and squish your cheeks.
"My honey," Changbin kissed your cheek before cuddling up to you even tighter, "good night."
Now that, was in a much deeper voice in comparison to his excited shouts. The duality of this man, and he was all yours.
"Baby! I haven't seen you in ages!" Hyunjin quickly got up from his seat, bringing you into a hug. With your usual solace in his presence you sink into his embrace.
"Hey Jinnie," you then sat down across from him in the cafe.
"I'm so glad you saw me today, I was worried about you," Hyunjin grabbed your hands, holding them in his.
"Worried? You don't have to worry about me," you offered an awkward smile, knowing fully well why he felt this way. He had asked you on multiple dates just to see you when he was miraculously free from his busy schedule. But each time you cancelled, getting worried you were falling too deeply only for it to be thrown away. You were scared to get close in case you got hurt, so you flaked out from each time he wanted to see you. It wasn't until your friends prompted you to see him that you thought maybe you should this time.
"You haven't been wanting to see me... I haven't done something wrong have I, baby?" Hyunjin worried, one of his hands releasing one of yours in turn to sip from his iced americano.
"It's not you Jinnie, I'm just... scared," you answered honestly, for the sake of reassuring him. It didn't feel fair for him to worry without knowing why you were really avoiding him.
"Scared? Of what?" Hyunjin leant forwards, elbows not resting on the table between you both.
"I-i don't want to ruin things between us because once we get closer we'll be going round each other's apartments and then it's sharing a bed together and I'm just not ready for that yet," you explained, words tumbling past your lips as you felt flustered.
"Oh baby, we never have to force anything, I'd never rush you if you're not ready. If your pace is slower than mine, so be it. I will not make you catch up with me, I'll be right next to you instead," Hyunjin promised you, looking deeply into your eyes so you knew it. "I wish you told me sooner, I've missed you so much."
"I missed you too Jinnie."
"Please don't feel bad my baby, I really don't mind," Han pleaded, not wanting you to feel guilty. You both held hands as you were sat on the sofa watching a film, specifically, Spirited Away.
"You don't find it weird?" you weakly ask, eyes not leaving the TV screen.
"I've never been with anyone before that's felt the same way, but I love you, so I'm not about to throw that away because you're not ready to sleep in the same bed as me," Han spoke calmly, like it was something he had gone over in his head plenty of times.
"I want to, I really want to, Ji, I'm sorry babe," your voice wobbled, thick with emotion, Han kissing your hand as he tentatively brought your it to his plush lips, always careful with you. He was always understanding that you needed more time with things due to previous relationships.
"Hey, hey, it's ok, I have an idea," Han grinned, leaving the sofa without any explanation and getting busy with moving things around in the bedroom.
"Come on, it's like a sleepover every night, I don't know why I didn't think of it in the first place..." Han felt proud of himself gazing across at you from the bed. You see, Han had taken it into his own hands to make you feel more comfortable around him to sleep near him, not quite next to him yet. Fortunately, his apartment came with a spare bed frame, bedding, the works, so he had set up a bed for you across from his own. It was perfect, right? You didn't have to sleep next to him in bed yet, but at least you could stay over this time, and one day cuddle in bed til you fall asleep.
That was what Han hoped. You on the other hand, were too busy in your own world, thinking about the worst things that could happen to mentally prepare yourself, your hand twisting the blanket in its grip.
"Baby, is it too much? I can drive you home now if you want?" Han stretched his leg out, nudging your foot with his own to shake you out of your thoughts.
"N-no I'm just gonna umm... Let you fall asleep first... Makes me feel safer so I know that you won't do anything you know," you rambled with your jaw clenched. That all too familiar lump in your throat was making its presence known and you didn't know if you were going to yawn or cry.
"Hey?" Han softly said.
"Y-yeah?" you nervously look up at him, only to see pure adoration and warmth oozing from those boba eyes of his.
"It's ok, yeah, I wouldn't do that to you, I care about you far too much," Han slowly walked over to you to allow you to process his movement happening in front of you, and brushed some hair back from your eyes.
"You're the best," you murmured, leaning your face further into his hand making him grin.
"I know, baby."
There it was again, that funny feeling. You hadn't gotten so lucky before being cheated on in your previous relationship, so when you smelt the different perfume on the pillows in your bedroom, you were heartbroken. You didn't have it in you to be angry at Felix, not him. Maybe just at yourself for not noticing it sooner. But maybe a part of you wanted the pain, to know for sure it was true, because you didn't leave straight away, no, you just waited for him to notice something was up.
"Hi love, you going to sleep?" Felix grinned as he came up to you, stroking your hair out of your face. And you let him.
"Yeah... I was going to borrow one of your pillows but I couldn't help but notice it smelt differently," you brushed his hands off of your hair.
"Oh, did you like the smell?" Felix beamed at you, ever so sunny when all you felt was blue.
"Are you kidding me? Did I like it?" your voice cracked. "Lixie, is this some sick joke?"
"Love..." he reached out to hold your shoulders but you backed further away.
"Don't. Please don't. I gave you a chance just then to admit what you had done. Is it because of me? Because I'm not ready to sleep in bed next to you, you have to get another woman? And don't try to tell me I borrowed that pillow last night because my perfume does not smell like that!" you cried, wiping your nose as you did and pointing at the bed in disgust.
"It could though, let me explain, love," Felix held your hands and even though he was the source of your upset, or at least the version of him that your brain created was, you sat with him on the sofa.
"It's a new perfume, not from another woman, but for you if you like it. I-i just didn't want to give you one and you didn't like the scent so I got the tester to try out and if you liked it then I was going to buy the bottle for you," Felix brought you into his arms whilst he explained, and you felt like a bitch.
"I'm such a bitch."
"No, no, don't be silly love, I didn't realise that it could have been triggering for you, ok, so don't call yourself that," Felix mumbled in his deep voice soothingly, kissing you on the head.
"I did like the perfume scent by the way," you whispered. That's what would have been more annoying - that the imaginary woman had a good taste in scents.
"I'm glad you do, love."
You had been judged many a time by your last boyfriend for your sleeping habits, whether it was for your not so soft snores or when sometimes you'd accidentally drool because of having your cheek pressed against your hand all night. So when you got with Seungmin, you were hesitant in sharing a bed with him, let alone falling asleep next to him. Sometimes you just couldn't help it.
The two of you had been watching a movie and foolishly you let yourself fall asleep, only to be awoken by Seungmin's giggles.
"I never knew you were a snorer, honey," Seungmin laughed to himself, but you were awoke in an instant, the sounds of your peaceful sleep cut off as you looked at him in alert.
"Oh sorry, I know I'm loud, I, umm..." you rambled awkwardly, cheeks inflamed in a rosy red tint, bringing the blanket more around your body in attempt to comfort yourself.
"Like a drone or something," your boyfriend giggled once more, but his smile faded at seeing you frown. "Hey I'm just joking..."
"No you're not," you mumble grumpily. It had to come back to this. Always. You couldn't help it. It was a habit for a reason.
"I am, I am, don't hide from me," Seungmin insisted, tugging the blanket away from you face, bopping the pout your lips wore.
"Stoppp, I'm embarrassed, Minnie," you pushed his hands away, well tried to.
"Don't be, I don't care, honestly, I sleep easily and plus you're not the only one who snores," Seungmin pulled you into his arms.
"You snore too?" you rose an eyebrow, you had never heard him do so before.
"No but Channie does. He's like a foghorn. So don't worry, yours is far better," Seungmin chuckled, teasing his leader when he wasn't even there.
"You sure? I never wanted to disturb you, is all," you look up at him as he leans down slightly to kiss you on the head with a sweet smile.
"Very, now please sleep in my arms, you can relax, honey," Seungmin gently rubbed your back as you turned to face him.
Worst. Day. Ever.
Was it normal for a part time job at a cafe to be chaotic? No, not the one you worked at anyways. This was why it was such a surprise for you to deal with a rowdy customer that decided that he didn't like his coffee because it was 'too hot' and wanted a refund, all whilst you had the busiest shift of your life. Well, he certainly didn't get one after chucking the freshly brewed beverage all over you.
You were dismissed earlier by your manager, who could see how anxious you were feeling, and after you were checked over you returned to yours and Jeongin's apartment, being the first home for once. And you couldn't resist the comfort of his soft, plush bed as your spot to let yourself cry, despite the fact you've never slept next to him before. In fact, your unfamiliarity of being in the room distracted you from the fact the front door unlocked and that there were foosteps heading straight towsrds you.
"Jagi?" Jeongin asked confusedly seeing you curled up in his bed. It wasn't a sight he expected to see. He understood you had boundaries and didn't feel ready sharing a bed yet. The more concerning thing was the sobs wracking through your body.
"Oh?" you jumped, turning to see your boyfriend with care and sadness shining in his eyes at the sight of your tears.
"What's the matter, hmm?" Jeongin slowly sat down next to you, resting a hand gently on your knee. That was when you dissolved into tears once more. "Oh, jagi," he instinctively pulled you in for a cuddle, before you shuffled out of his arms.
"I'm sorry, I've just had such a bad day and your bed looked so comfy and-"
"Why's your neck all red?" Jeongin frowned.
"Angry customer, threw his drink at me, and it hurt, and then my manager sent me home and-"
"Come here," Jeongin quietened you, opening his arms once more which you accepted this time.
"I'm sorry," you cried into his chest.
"Don't be sorry. I don't care that you laid down in the bed. I'm more worried about you, Jagi, ok?" Jeongin's embrace became tighter when he heard your small whimpers, a clear sign that you were trying to stop yourself from crying.
"Just wanna forget about today," you mumbled sadly.
"I know, I know, let's ummm... Ok maybe not a hot bath... let me get some cream for you, treat those burns," Jeongin pecked you on the cheek, deciding against your skin enduring more pain from hot water, and quickly got up, soon returning with some ointment for you. He made the decision to gently rub it into your neck, having a better pair of eyes than you did. One, because you couldn't see it fully, two, because your eyes were still slightly blurred from tears.
"T-thank you, Innie," you kissed his hand before it fully pulled away from your neck, making a weird face as the cream went onto your lips, the taste of it not so pleasant.
"Silly girl, here," he wiped the cream off your lips with his thumb, kissing you just to make sure the taste still wasn't there, and then you were both satisfied.
"Love you, Innie."
"Love you too, Jagi, even with panda eyes."
"Shit, I forgot I wore mascara today."
"I know, Jagi, I know."
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @skzoologist
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huskersbooze · 3 months
Part 2 of Who's in Control?
Alastor x Reader
| Part 1 | Part 2(here!) | Part 3 |
Summary : You and Alastor are still struggling to get back on good terms, both coping, but you still can't forget what he had done. Meanwhile, things with your soul's contract is going downhill..
Pairings : Alastor x F!Reader (M!Reader here, Gn!Reader here) , Huskerdust(?)
Warnings : Valentino(he doesn't actually do anything he just sucks)
Additional Tags : Still kinda angst(sorry), cussing
Ib : Cordial by Set it Off
Word count : 1.2k
A/N : By popular request, I think I have an overall plot for this originally-to-be-oneshot? There will be more parts to come in the future <3 thank you all for being patient with me
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"Hey.. ya’ wanna open the door for a sec?”
You roll off your bed and lazily walk over to open the door. Without looking, you unlock the door and let him in, turning to curl back up in bed.
“How ya’ holding up..?” Angel asks, seeing you in such a state making his heart ache. “We’re all really worried about you.”
“I’m fine, Angel.” You wrap yourself in your blankets and sit on the bed, Angel following.
“You haven’t come down in days. Charlie asked me to check on you.” He says.
“Does she know..?”
“About you and creepy face? Sorta.”
You raise an eyebrow.
“They all know something’s going on between ya’ two. They just don't know what.”
“Great.. let's keep it that way.” You try to force a smile but to no avail.
It was quiet for a moment. Awkward at first, yes, but you both started to enjoy the company.
“We're really worried about you.. ya'know? I'm worried.”
“Thanks.” You hum. “I appreciate it.”
“You gunna’ come get breakfast..? It'll be quick, I promise.”
“Is Al down there?”
“No.” He simply replied. “We don't really know what he's up to lately.”
“What d’you mean?”
“He's also been isolatin’ himself. We don't actually see him much around the Hotel.”
You stay quiet.
“What are we waiting for? Don't want the food to get cold, do we?”
Angel perks up.
“I thought ya'd never ask.”
You follow Angel down to the lobby, where everyone gathered and ate their breakfast.
The others were surprised to see you, to say the least, but they decided not to interrupt.
It was nice that Angel was able to have you out of your room, they wouldn't want anything to make you go back.
“Hey, kid.” Husk whispers, handing you a plate of pancakes. “Your favourite.”
“Thanks, Husk.” You reply, giving him a genuine smile.
“Ya’ doing alright?”
You shrug. “Could be better.”
“Just glad you’re here, kid.”
“Glad to see you too.” You laugh, walking alongside Angel and Husk towards the table where everyone was having breakfast. “Good morning, guys.”
Everyone stays quiet — everyone consisting of Charlie, Vaggie and Sir Pentious only. Niffty was off dusting the halls.
“I’m fine, Charlie. Thanks for sending Angel to check on me.” You catch a glimpse of Charlie’s worried eyes glued to you, reassuring her it was okay.
“We’re glad to have you back.” She says.
Husk takes his normal seat, Angel on the right of him, leaving one open spot on the left.. not that he ate breakfast much, he usually showed up just to keep you company.. Alastor…
“How’s the breakfast, my dear?”
“It’s amazing! I don’t know why you never bother to try it.”
“I work better on an empty stomach. Plus, I’m more fond of deer.”
“Deer? You actually eat deer?” You asked, bewildered. “Like the whole thing?”
“Well, not the bones, of course not. But yes, I enjoy eating deer.”
“Aren’t you like.. a deer yourself?”
Alastor shoots you a look, and laughs whole-heartedly.
“You certainly don’t see Angel Dust befriending spiders in the hotel, do you?” He lets out another chuckle. “You are such a charmer. Besides, venison tastes exquisite.”
“I’ll try it sometime.” You shrug, taking another bite of your pancakes. “When do you eat this.. deer meal of yours?”
“Oh, all the time. In fact, I’ll be on my way to have it for breakfast later.”
“What’s stopping you from going now?” You tilt your head, licking off the syrup on your fork. Alastor stares at the sight and smiles, genuinely.
“You are, darling. I certainly can't leave a guest unattended.”
“What? Is that why you’re always here for breakfast but won’t actually eat anything? To accompany me?”
“By all means, if I’m intruding, do let me know and I’ll leave.”
“What? No!” You immediately finish your last bite of pancake. “I just think it’s time I accompany you for breakfast, don’t you think?”
His ears twitch.
“Come along then, darling.”
“Hey, kid, you alright?” You feel Husk give you a soft nudge on the elbow.
Snapping out of your thoughts, you blink and come back to your senses, seeing everyone staring at you with worry laced on their faces.
“You can go back if you want to.” Charlie says. “No pressure being here, really.”
“Oh, no, it’s okay. I’m okay.” You say, immediately taking a big gulp of your pancakes. “I was just lost in thought.”
“Look out for yourself, aight, kid?”
“Yes, dad.” You joke. 
Suddenly, you feel a presence behind you, and you can already tell who it is.
You stiffen.
Everyone stiffens.
You feel him stiffen from behind you.
After a second or two, you feel the presence start to leave. Acknowledging the fact there were no open seats and he rarely came for breakfast, you let out a sigh and hoped you won’t regret this later on.
“Morning, Alastor.” It comes out barely a whisper, your eyes glued to your now empty plate. “I was just leaving, you can have my spot.”
“Thank you, darling.” He simply says, placing his plate down as you took yours and left towards the kitchen. You could hear his voice was audibly more tired and broken, but you couldn’t bear looking him in the eyes.
You finish washing your plate in the kitchen, and as you turn, you see Alastor, standing right in your face, nearly bumping into him.
“Jeez! You scared the shit out of me, Al.” You put a hand over your chest.
“Ah, sorry, darling.” He says, ears perking at the mention of the sweet nickname he secretly loved hearing. “It wasn't my intention to startle you.”
“It's fine.” You shrug it off, catching a glimpse of his gaze and immediately melting right into it. Fuck, you had to leave. Now.
“Dear, wait.” He calls after you, but you ignore him.
“Please. I never meant for any of this to happen.”
“And? Are you asking for forgiveness or what?” You sigh.
“I just hoped to apologise. I'm deeply sorry.”
“Okay.” You turn to leave. “Thanks for letting me know.”
“Darling, can we start over?”
“We can't get back to normal even if we both play pretend.” You don't bother turning to face him, your voice starting to shake. “None of this shit between us is cordial, Alastor.”
“But we're friends, dear-”
“Are we? Friends don't lie to each other and make one another sell their soul to them. Have a nice breakfast.”
Alastor shuts up, watching as your back turns the corner and like that, you're gone.
“Alastor, how nice of you to join.”
“Valentino. Surprised you aren't taking care of the useless screen.” Alastor acknowledges.
“Vox didn't want to be here, so I thought I'd fill in.”
Alastor takes a seat next to Rosie as the overlord meeting continues on.
“Before we leave, Alastor, may we have an update on the girl?”
His eye twitches, gaze turning to face one of the overlords.
“I simply don't know what you're talking about.”
“Alastor.” They warn. “She's not just any soul.”
“Everything is fully under control, don't fret.”
“Just a reminder, Alastor~ If you fail, she's mine to take.”
“No need to remind me.” He smiles at Valentino, a bit too friendly.
Rosie sends Alastor a look.
Oh whatever is he going to do about this deal.
———/ TBC. /———
Taglist : @musicalsundrop @for-hearthand-home @saeran-g @smoky000 @otherthoughtsofbu @letmebeagreekstatueyoumotherfuck @hudiexiaoying @prettyboychoso @thonethatflies620 @alastorssimp @impatiencepersistonthinstring @speaker15 @zq13 @starr11111 @fokrilove @aloraaaxcrystalzx @simps-for-to-many-people @siriuslyobsessedwithfiction @ohdarlingohdeer @sophiasrant @soyobi-wankenobi @karolinda007-blog @alastorsgirl48 @memymay @perrynina @john-kramer-0807 @preciousbabypeter @sugxryratz @polytheatrix @maksdust @96jnie @spirit-of-the-hollow @chirimeimei @itsukiestia @sky2lar (Tumblr hates me. I can't tag empty blogs (or is that a rule idk about?))
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afroditisworld · 1 month
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Spencer Reid x female!Reader
minors dni
Warnings : smut without a plot :)) praise kink and hands kink, oral (female received), switch Spencer, use of pet named (good girl, love, baby, brat, sweet) if you are not into that please do not read.
word count : 3k
Dating Spencer was never a plan. But here you were, falling for him more and more each day. He was not someone you expected to fall in love with; you didn't usually go for guys like him. But he had something that made you feel safe and understood at the same time. He was different from anyone you had ever dated before, which made him so special to you. You were younger than him, and you sometimes worried that you weren't what he needed in his life. But Spencer was always there to remind you that you were his safe person.
You didn't have always much time to spend together because of his work and your studies, but whenever that happened, it felt like time stood still and you were the only two people in the world. You went out for coffee or a date in a library, trying to find books for each other, and when you just wanted to relax, you would just lay on the sofa and read books.
Tonight was like this, with you two being too tired to go out but wanting to spend time together. He was at his desk, studying something for his new case. He had promised you that it wouldn't take long, but half an hour became one and then two, and you started getting bored. You didn't want to bother him, but your boyfriend was looking so damn good doing what he was good at, and you couldn't stop staring at him. His focused expression and the way his brow furrowed in concentration were oddly attractive to you. You wish he was more focused on you; however, you were afraid to ask for his attention.
You couldn't quit thinking about how beautiful his hands were. You loved how his fingers moved with precision and grace, making you feel an odd mixture of admiration and desire. The longer you watched him, the more you imagined him touching you. You couldn't stop thinking about his hands running down your body till they landed on the band of your pyjama shorts. Spencer knew it he wasn't naive. He noticed how you would stare at his hands and bite your lips. He saw how your gaze remained fixed on them while he was reading, or how you would simply stare at them when you assumed he wasn't paying attention.
"Spence, I... I just," You couldn't admit your desire for his hands; you were only hoping he wouldn't see through your frozen expression.
"Are you feeling okay?" He asked. He sounded so calm, as if he hadn't caught you staring at his hands, and wishing he was doing something other than work.
"Yeah…why wouldn't I be?" You replied and gave him a forced and awkward smile, hoping he wouldn't ask anything more. The tension between you two was clear, but you attempted to hide it.
"Well, first of all, your face is kind of red, you were zooming out, and you were also staring at my hands." He spoke without breaking eye contact.
"I-I'm not staring," you responded quickly, attempting to explain yourself, but your stutter made you seem more guilty.
You could stop thinking how long have you been staring at his hands? What if he thought it was weird? What if you make him uncomfortable?
You hadn't dated Spencer for a while, and he didn't know all of your likes, so you were afraid to tell him.
When you finally mumbled, "I-I just... um, I really like your hands," you could feel the heat rising on your face. Spencer's face softened, a tiny smile spreading across his lips. "Well, in that case, I'll have to make sure to use them to hold yours more often," he said making you blush even more.
"Are you done with your work?" you asked eagerly, hoping to attract his attention.
With an innocent smile, Spencer shook his head and chuckled. "I have a few more things to finish up before I'm done," he said, noticing your disappointed look. "But I can come there and sit with you while I work if you'd like." You blushed again and nodded quickly, letting him know how much you wanted to touch you.
Your heart skipped a beat at Spencer's offer. You could feel his warmth and comfort spreading over you as he placed himself next to you. You looked at him, and you asked softly, "Can I lay with my head on your thigh?"
He nodded, and as your head rested on his leg, one of his hands played with your hair. You looked up to him with doe eyes and made yourself comfortable. Spencer's gentle touch and the way he stroked his fingers through your hair left you feeling desperate. Spencer's hand discovered your sweet place, and you let out a sweet groan. His touch caused shivers down your spine. You knew he was teasing you, so you placed your hand on his thigh and massaged small circles.
Your hands moved higher, attempting to reach the spot you desired the most. Spencer's breath caught as your hand came closer to where you wanted it, but it didn't get far. He grasped your wrist, and you glanced up at him innocently.
"Don't tease me, Y/N." You could see the desire in his eyes, which just increased yours. With a devilish smirk, you asked, "Who said I was teasing?" You felt like your entire body was on fire. You wanted him to touch, feel, and kiss you. He was so close and yet so far away; you weren't sure what got into you, whether it was his hands and how they made you feel or the way he played with your hair.
He looked down at you, smirking, and said, "Don't you want to be my good girl, Y/N?" His voice was deep but lovely, and it sent shivers down your spine. Your breath caught in your throat, and you nodded before even trying to process what he said.
"So don't tease me, love, and let me finish my job," he replied, releasing your wrist. But you weren't expecting this response, so you got up from his thighs . As you struggled to process his words, you felt a rush of eagerness and nervousness wash over you. You couldn't resist the anticipation of his domination, but you didn't want to wait.
"I don't want to wait," you said as you tilted your head. His eyes darkened, and he raised his eyebrows. "Impatient, are we?" he replied with a smirk, his hand trailing up your arm, leaving a small kiss on your shoulder. "I like that in you," he added before pulling you up to his lap. He left the file on the small table that was beside the sofa, and then his hands touched your waist.
He cupped the side of your face with one of his hands. "My girl's so needy that she can't even wait five more minutes," he said, and you bit your lips. His touch sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but lean into his hand. "I can't help it when you're around," you whispered, feeling his grip tighten slightly in response. He leaned in, pressing his lips against yours, and you melted into the kiss, feeling a rush of warmth run through your body. His touch was intoxicating, and you knew you'd never want to be anywhere else than in his arms. Your hands slid up his thighs to the button on his jeans as soon as he pulled back. He sighed and dropped his head back as you unbuttoned his jeans. You were so eager that you almost didn't recognise yourself.
Before you could even remove his trousers, he stopped you with his hand on your wrist.
"Not so fast," he whispered, kissing you again. Spencer changed your position within a minute.
Now you were sitting on the sofa with your legs open and Spence on his knees between them. His hands moved gently over your body, making you feel warm with excitement. His intense gaze at you caused your heart to rush even quicker.
He was now staring up at you with an eager grin. Spencer's hands moved from your waist to your thighs before touching your pyjama shorts. With your help, he carefully slipped them down, exposing more of your skin to his desperate gaze. The air between you cracked with longing; you couldn't wait any longer; you needed him to touch and feel you. He was so close, you could feel his breath on your sensitive core. He hadn't even touched you down there, but you knew you were wet; you could feel the frustration running through your body.
"Please, Spencer," you asked. You had no idea what you were begging for, but you were willing to accept whatever he offered you. He wet his lips and used his hands to remove your panties. You stared down at him and realised that even though he was on his knees, he had complete control, which he proved as soon as his hands reached your clit.
Spencer teased you more, wanting to hear the sounds you made as a reaction to the pleasure he gave you. You bit your lips and pushed your hips towards him, aching to feel more.
"Patient," he replied without breaking his sight from you. He looked at you with lust and need, but he refused to touch you unless you begged him to. You knew Spencer would always make the wait worthwhile.
“Please, Spencer just- do anything, please I need- Ah.” you didn't have the time to complete your sentence and Spencer's mouth was now on your clit. He always knew how to please you, especially when he would eat you out. He was a man with an eidetic memory after all, of course he knew your body better than you.
“You’re such a t-tease Spence” you whined. He looked up at you with his gorgeous eyes and a smirk and before you knew it his fingers were inside of you. You were so wet already that his fingers could easily slip inside you. He didn’t take his eyes off of you, he couldn’t and the truth was that he didn’t want to. It was one of his favourite things to do, watching you fall apart just because of his fingers and mouth.
“P-please” you managed to say again.
“Begging is a good look for you, darling but I’m sure you don’t know what you are begging for, do you ?” he said with a grin.
“Don’t stop Spencer” you cried out.
Spencer was eating you out like a man starved. The fingering and eating duo was phenomenal and he knew that. He was practically making out with your clit.
When he pulled his fingers out you cried out feeling so empty, but immediately Spencer spread your pussy lips with his fingers as he pressed his tongue inside of you. Your back arched and a sinful moan left your lips. Your legs started shaking and you could feel yourself getting closer as you tried to close your thighs together. Spencer understood that and with his hand placed one of your legs on his shoulder.
“You want to come Y/N? ” he asked hot breath hitting your core and sending shivers through your spine.
“God-yes” you moaned as Spencer’s lips touched you again, you felt your clit pulsing and twitching in his mouth with his fingers once again inside you.
“Then cum to my fingers Y/N” Spencer whispered as your pussy squeezed rhythmically around his fingers finding your climax. You closed your eyes and your head fell back as you tried to catch your breath.
Spencer started leaving wet kisses on your thighs and when you finally opened your eyes and looked at him he said “I want you to ride me. Can you do that pretty girl?” he asked. You just nodded eager to please him.
When he placed himself next to you he helped you climb on him.
Spencer’s hands moved tightly around your waist, when he tried to place you on his thighs, sending goosebumps to your whole body. Your hand fell to the zipper of his jeans unzipping it as fast as you could. You could finally see how hard he was. You looked at him biting your lips so innocently, his eyes never looked away watching every move you made.
“Eating me out really does make you hard,” you whispered in his ear and smirked. His eyes darkened as he pulled you by your hair lightly to make you look at him.
“You’re in no position to tease baby, remember that.” He grunted softly “You were the one who was begging asking to be touched.” you blushed and tried to look away. “So if you want to cum I suggest to stop being a brat.”
Spencer always was talkative during sex but now he was being mean and bold.
“S-sorry” you managed to say.
With Spencer’s help, you remove his jeans and boxer his hard dick was licking with pre-cum as it hit his flat stomach.
You decided to tease him some more jerking his length with your palm as you go for a kiss, moans dying in your mouth.
“Just- Just ride me already” Spencer groaned you grinned at him before you opened your mouth and said, “And I thought I was the needy one”. His hands were now gripping your thighs trying to guide you on top of him and without any warning he slipped inside you. You were already wet because of your previous orgasm but Spencer was big and you could still feel the way he was stretching you out.
“Always so tight,” he breathed out. Spencer didn’t move he didn’t know just how badly you ached for him, so he waited to adjust to him. Your hands were resting on his chest, you were trying your best not to fall apart and collapse on him. As you sank down on him he knew he should help you but he loved watching you struggle. So you decided to take matters into your own hands, as you started straddling him. You opened slightly your mouth and a small cry left your lips. Your head fell back and you started moving. With every rise of your hips and bounce of your ass against him you were taking him deeper.
“P-please” Words were coiled at your throat, coming out as broken sobs, wishing for more but you were starting to get tired of doing all the work.
“If you want something, you have to use your words, babe” Spencer hissed. You tried to move faster but your legs were giving up on you. Spencer could feel the way your warm walls throbbed around him, but he also noticed how your pace slowed down.
“Can’t you handle it, baby?” He whispered in your ear leaving a wet kiss there.
“I can-fuck, I can handle it.” You were I mess, your lips were trembling and Spencer couldn't take his eyes off of you. Thrusting yourself up and down along his cock was causing your boobs to bounce in front of him begging him for his attention. And the next thing you know is that his mouth scatters wet kisses all over your boobs.
“Go faster,” he said plainly with a bit of a whine.
“I can't, too m-much Spence” you whined as you kept riding him.
“Oh you want my h-help” he managed to breathe out. You couldn't say anything your mind was far gone for a while now and the only thing that you could do was nod your head.
“Use your words, baby, you are a smart girl, Right” he teased you. He always knew what to say to make your walls throb around him.
“Pl-please help me” you stuttered.
“Help you with what baby, come on,” he said as he let his hands fall on your ass.
“Cum” you whined. You didn't have to ask him twice as he started helping you with your movement. Your hips were now slamming up too recklessly giving you exactly what you asked for.
“Faster—ah shit—“ you were a hot mess, but believe me Spencer loved the view.
“I'm sorry, what was that? I can’t hear you over all that noise you’re making” he grinned at you teasingly. His fingers sank into the smooth fat, forcing your movements to speed up, and you're mewing, pleading with him to give you more, more, more.
Spencer was hitting that one spot and your eyesight was beginning to blur. He moaned loudly and bucked his hips up into you.
“Feels so good S-Spencer” you cried out. You started getting louder with watery eyes as you got closer to your orgasm, that was the signature of him to go faster. You could feel him pulsing inside you since he was getting closer as well. He placed his hand on your throat making you come closer to kiss you. Your eyes fell on his hands his veins were popping out and you couldn't take your eyes off of them.
“S-so pretty” you mewed before he kissed you. But you were struggling to kiss him back as he was fucking you so good.
“I-fuck S-Spence I’m g-gonna cum” you said.
“C-cum for me sweet” he stuttered softly while he was getting closer with every movement.
“So good…you’re doing so good, such a good girl for me,” he praised, suddenly overwhelmed by the pleasure your pussy had given him.
His praises practically take you over the edge, forcing you to lean forward and put your arms on his shoulders to hold yourself from falling on him while continuing to ride out your orgasm.
“Y/N” Spencer moaned “I’m cumming, don’t stop, please. Don’t stop” You always loved how he would beg as he was getting closer.
“Beg,” you said as you pulled his hair feeling more in control now as you keep riding him.
“Don’t…nghh- don’t be a brat” he groaned as he came inside you filling you up with his cums.
Spencer needed some time to catch his breath and calm down from his climax before he tried to help you stand up. But you shocked your head.
“I want to be close to you, please” you begged.
“You know actually the chances of-mphh” he started saying but you cut him off by kissing him.
“You know I don’t mind,” you said as you tried to stand up “But if it makes you uncomfortable I can always go clean up” you continued but before you could even get off of him he pushed back at him.
“N-no stay” he murmured. You nodded at him with a little smile and rested your head on his shoulder as he started talking about a new poem that he read.
Spencer maybe made you wait but he always fucked you like a gentleman.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
reblogs are always appreciated !
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dying by the hand of a foreign man, happily
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shawnxstyles · 10 months
DATE: JULY 24, 2023
summary: you and harry are best friends who tell each other everything. or so you thought. when harry finds out you’ve barely done anything sexual, he offers to change that. and then things get a little… personal.
song: Glitch- taylor swift (this song seems fitting)
words: 6.5k
warnings: SMUT (f- receiving [rubbing, fingering, nipple play, praise kink], mirror sex, cum tasting??, dirty talk), and language.
note: i literally wrote this in a few days i think. this idea is so basic, but who doesn’t love a cliché concept? PART 2
bestfriend!fratrry x inexperienced!reader (because i literally write no one else and fratrry is the love of my life)
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Harry had a lot of friends. People that he grew up with and some that he met along the way that just stayed. But you were his number one overall, and he told you everything. You told him everything too.
Well, almost everything.
It never really caught his attention that you guys never talked about sex. You guys have been friends for 15 years, since you were five, so you’d think it would have been brought up at least once. But now that Harry thinks about it, he can’t think of one time you’ve talked about the act.
He didn’t think it would be like this. And he didn’t think you’d answer like that.
You and Harry were casually hanging out on a free school day, just like you always do. And then you start talking about this date you went on and how the guy was great. Harry was happy for you, he really was. All he wanted was to see his best friend happier than happy. However, being the best friend he was, he was nagging and joking with you.
“Think he’s the one, eh?” Harry jokes, nudging your shoulder playfully on your couch.
“Oh, stop it. Don’t get ahead of yourself,” You roll your eyes and cross your arms. Yeah, Mike seemed like a decent guy and maybe you could have a relationship for a short time, but he was nowhere near “the one.”
You weren’t too desperate for a relationship, you liked whatever came to you. This cute guy asked you on a date a week ago and you weren’t going to say no. Because what if he was the one? He wasn’t, but what if?
“Imagine it, Doll,” Harry started. He began calling you Doll when you two were just kids. You loved to collect dolls of all sorts, but you never dared to take them out of the box. Harry thought it was silly, but also cool. “picket white fence, beautiful lake house. Kids runnin’ ‘round—”
He saw your face cringe at the word kids. He tilted his head in confusion, arm moving to rest behind you on the couch. He scoots closer to you and waits for you to respond.
“No kids for me,” You awkwardly chuckle. It seemed almost sad the way you sounded.
“What? Thought you wanted to be a mum?”
“Not anymore,” You breathed out with an awkward smile, “need a husband to do that.”
“Don’t worry ‘bout getting a husband. Shouldn’t stop you from wanting ‘em,” Harry smiled sincerely at you and you nodded while looking down.
“Plus, you could always just go out on the street and ask some good-lookin’ lad to be the father of your kids!” You socked Harry hard in the shoulder. He lets out a hearty laugh because he always ruins a sweet moment with a stupid joke. That’s just how you like it though.
“I’m not a prostitute!”
“Never said tha’.”
“Can we just watch some TV? You’re annoying me,” You roll your eyes as you reach for the remote. Harry continues to laugh as you switch the television on.
When you’re indecisive, you toss the remote to Harry and he shuffles through the stations. He lands on a random one, also indecisive. You guys were too similar sometimes.
“Look on your phone for somethin’ and then I’ll find it. I’m done searching.”
“You looked for like two seconds!” You laughed at his laziness. He shrugs with a smile, leaning into the couch. Again, you roll your eyes playfully before doing a bit of research on your phone.
Suddenly, a moan echoes throughout your living room and your whole body stiffens up. Harry notices and tears his eyes away from the screen, which was portraying the sexy noises. You don’t look at him even though you can feel his eyes burning into you.
“Alright?” he asked out of concern, peering at your rigidness. He’s only ever seen you get like that when you were anxious or scared, but nothing happened. Maybe you saw something scary on your phone?
“Uh, yeah,” You squeaked as the TV moaned again. Your face cringes and you force yourself to keep your eyes on your phone.
“Y/N, seriously,” Harry stares between you and the screen when she noisily moans again. The woman was being eaten out by the man and was being overly loud. Her back was arching and her breasts were on display. The movie was inappropriate, 18+ for sure, but it was nothing you hadn’t seen before. Right? You were both 21 years old.
“This… just makes me a tad uncomfortable is all,” You answered honestly, voice quiet as your legs tightened together. Harry’s eyebrows pursed together.
“Uncomfortable? Why?” he couldn’t help the question that slipped out of his mouth. He was too curious to know why a little movie made you stiff yet fidgety.
Unless… you were feeling something different than uncomfortable.
“No,” You shook your head and attempted to push yourself off the couch. Harry didn’t hesitate to grab your wrist and pull you back. He didn’t want you to run away and for you to feel like you couldn’t tell him something.
“Just tell me.”
“No,” You stood your ground, way too embarrassed to say something. Way too embarrassed to admit that you’ve never had sex before. Way too embarrassed to admit you’ve never done anything more than rub your own clit. Once. And it didn’t even feel that good.
Your skin was fiery and… tingly. Harry was much closer to you than he previously was because he pulled you closer to him. Your bare thighs were touching, warm on warm with a sudden spark. You didn’t know you weren’t breathing until you inhaled deeply at Harry’s hooking stare.
“Doll, you tell me everything, but you can’t tell me why a little porn makes you uncomfortable? Because I know it’s tha’.”
“Ugh,” You groaned between clenched teeth. You threw your head back until it hit the top of the couch. Harry’s grip on your wrist never left you. He squeezed it reassuringly, letting you know that he supports you in whatever you’re going to say.
Are you really about to say it?
“Y/N, just—”
“I thought we were best friends—”
“Do not pull that card!”
“I’ve never had sex before, okay?” You shouted over Harry’s pleading voice and the echoing moans from the television. You’d think by the time you had a whole argument they’d be done having sex, but nope.
Harry was cut off, so his mouth was slacked open. Once he realizes his jaw is on the floor, he blinks a few times to really process what you’ve said. If you had told anyone else, they would have harshly judged you. Harry wasn’t necessarily too different, but he was your best friend, and he was going to try his hardest not too. Harry was just more shocked if anything. He had a handful of different bodies, enough to give him a good amount of experience. So when he finds out you’ve done nothing, he’s beyond surprised to his core.
“But you’ve had so many dates,” Harry looks over at your face, which was looking down at your lap. Your wrist was still trapped in his hand, but you were twiddling your thumbs like you were in trouble. He starts rubbing reassuring circles with his thumb over your knuckle. Your skin was so hot, and Harry’s theory of you being turned on continued in his mind.
Did you even know what that meant? You were naive, right?
“So? That doesn’t mean anything,” Your attitude was shining through. But deep down, you were more embarrassed than anything. This was just your coping mechanism. And of course, Harry knew that.
“Surely you’ve done something else,” Harry suggests. You pin him with a knowing look and a long blink.
“I haven’t,” You answered before even hearing his question. He clearly doesn’t care about your reply because he’s asking you a series of interrogation questions.
“Have you had someone eat you out—” Harry points to the screen, but it was on a commercial break now. You got the point, but Harry clearly didn’t.
“No,” You grumbled.
“What about fingering—”
“A toy?”
“Where would I even buy that?”
“No, Harry. Nothing.”
“Not even rubbing?” he asks. You stay quiet, unsure if you want to admit the one-time experiment you did.
Why does it even matter? You tried it and you realized you don’t like it, so you never have to do it again right?
“Not… really,” You hesitated. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion while your skin burned at boiling temperature.
“No—I tried to…” You couldn’t get the words out. Not ever you’d think. But especially not with Harry so close to you. His body was warm, not as warm as yours, but it was eliciting something inside of you that you couldn’t comprehend. The way he nonchalantly said so many dirty things made you dizzy.
“Tried to what?” Harry was thinking of so many things you could say. He wanted to finish your sentence, just like how he wanted to finish you until you were crying his name and soaking him. But he wanted to hear you say it. He’s never thought of you in such an explicit way, but with the words and tension floating in the air it was hard not to.
“…do it myself.”
“And how did that work out, Doll?”
“Um,” You didn’t expect him to ask. Your neck and cheeks light up in small flames. Where did this come from? “I…”
“What? I thought you could tell me anything?” When your eyes flickered up to his, they were a dark, swirling green you’ve never seen on his face before. Your heart skipped a dangerous beat, frightened with anticipation.
“I know, I can. But this… it’s different.”
“How so?”
“It’s personal—”
“Best friends are personal.”
“But not like this. Best friends don’t do this,” You tried to get up again, nearly ripping yourself away from his grip. But you were in too deep now. Harry wasn’t going to let this one slide. His mind was thinking about one thing and one thing only.
He yanks you back and twirls you around, releasing your wrist in the process. He grabs you by the hips and pulls you down to his lap. You couldn’t contain the slight gasp you let out at the feeling of his strong legs beneath you. Your legs were on either side of him, tempting to squeeze shut. Every movement you made Harry would feel in this position.
“Best friends can say anything. They can do anything too,” Harry’s hands caress your thighs. They’re comforting and inviting, but are also sending a field of goosebumps along your skin warning you to flee. It’s hard to focus on anything but his touch and the vibration of his words through the air. “Now, tell me, did you rub yourself?”
“Yes,” You stutter, trying to stop your hips from squirming on his lap. He notices and grips one side of your body to steady you. It only makes you want to shift more. His touch was almost overwhelming, but you wanted more of it.
Was it wrong to want more of your best friend’s touch?
“Did it feel good?”
“No,” A part inside of you was a bit disappointed that it felt so bland. You thought masturbation was this great thing, and that’s why people did it so frequently. You heard it was also a stress-reliever, but for you, it was just a stress-inducer. Harry could tell by your tone that you weren’t lying.
“Well, you probably weren’t doing it right,” Harry replies and you look up at him with a slightly startled expression and a scoff. You didn’t expect his response to be so straightforward, like he was a doctor diagnosing you with some disease.
“How could I do it wrong? Don’t I just rub…?”
“Baby, it’s much more than that,” Harry said sincerely. He’s never called you baby before, but the nickname had your heart jumping. “Were you even wet?”
“What? I—probably? I don’t remember…”
“You would remember.”
“The experience wasn’t very memorable,” You grumble with an eye roll.
“Do you want me to show you?”
His question had your head spiraling. He wanted to what? There is no way. There is no way those words just left Harry, your best friend’s, mouth.
“W-what? That’s way too personal!” Your eyes were wide and your skin was burning. You were nearly dizzy with this whole conversation and your stomach was tight. You thought you might need to lie down for a while.
Maybe you were sick. Yeah, that’s it.
“Best friends are personal, Doll. Just let me show you, yeah? And then we never have to talk about it again. If y’don’t want. Please,” Harry’s charm was convincing you. Everything about him was luring you in, completely different than ever before. The way his eyes was dark and his touch was warm made you feel wanted and needed, which was contrary to your past dates. They didn’t look at you this way, nearly beg for you this way. They didn’t show you anything. They wanted you because they wanted to get their dick wet, but they hated the idea of a virgin.
And Harry’s familiar. He’s safe. You don’t have to be afraid when you’re with him. But then why are you so nervous?
Harry was willing to teach you how to do the one thing you’ve been curious about your whole life, and you’re going to pass up the opportunity, why? Because he’s your best friend?
Isn’t that supposed to make it better?
“Okay, fine,” You inhaled as your hands gripped onto his T-shirt on his shoulders. You had convinced yourself to let the words slip out. “Show me.”
You were agreeing almost as if this wasn’t a big deal for you. But to Harry, it was. He would take your firsts, and something about that filled him with pride. A smirk slowly rides up on his lips, “Now?”
A blush cascades through your body. Of course he didn’t mean right now!
“I-I thought you meant—”
“Shh, relax, Doll. I was just makin’ sure,” he smirks again, pulling you closer to him. He loved watching you get all squirmy and flustered more than he thought. You could feel his body heat more than ever now, and you’re surprised you lasted this long on his lap without dying. “I’m going to give you a few options, okay?”
With anxiousness, you nodded and swallowed.
“When we do this, you have to talk. So use your words, Y/N,” You knew he was being serious when he said your name, so you replied with yes and then he was giving you your options.
“So, I can lay you down right here on the couch and show you how to rub your little clit,” his explicit words were making your privates ache, but it wasn’t painful. It kind of felt… good? You felt a foreign liquid dampen your underwear, and you can only assume that’s the wetness Harry was talking about. “Or, you can do it yourself on m’thigh with my help. Which one sounds like something y’want to do?”
“The first one,” You answered, painfully desperate to squeeze your legs together to stop this ache. “But how will I see what you’re doing?”
Harry thought for a moment. You made a good point. How were you supposed to learn simply from feeling? Harry knew you were a bit of a visual learner, so he wanted to make sure you saw how to pleasure yourself correctly. And he knew the perfect way to do that.
“I actually have a third option. But s’not really a choice anymore,” Harry doesn’t say anything after, he just lifts himself and you off the couch without warning. You wrap your arms and legs around his body like a koala, making sure you don’t fall. His warmth encompasses you back and you wish you could just stay there forever.
Familiar. Safe.
When your head peers up from his shoulder, you’re in his bathroom. Your eyebrows pinch together, curious as to what his third choice was.
He sets you down on the floor until your feet are planted. You unwrap your arms from him, still confused.
“Do you trust me, Y/N?” Harry’s eyes were still dark, and you wondered if they would ever go back to the strong, emerald green they used to be.
“Yes, of course,” You didn’t hesitate to answer. There was no one that you trusted more than Harry that wasn’t in your bloodline.
“Okay,” Harry breathes, “Strip f’me. Keep your bra and underwear on.”
You nearly questioned him in shock. But then you remembered what the whole goal of this was. He was going to show you how and you were going to listen, right? So you did.
Carefully, you stripped yourself of your clothes. He’s seen you in bathing suits before, and some were revealing, so this can’t be as bad, right? Harry didn’t peel his eyes away although you wanted him to. He hasn’t seen you naked since you two were little kids, and even though you weren’t naked, it felt like you were with his burning gaze. Obviously, there were some changes too. Like height, hair, breasts, ass… the whole thing. Harry doesn’t say anything until you’re in your undergarments.
A swimsuit is definitely different.
“Good. Now, c’mere,” Harry sits down on the floor, a few feet away from his full-body mirror. His body was up against the bathtub wall to keep himself steady. You slowly lowered yourself to the floor, wondering what was going on through his head.
He pulls you between his legs until you’re pressed against his body. His warmth radiated through you far better with less clothes on and your body ached some more. Your legs closed to squeeze it away.
“Nuh uh,” he declines. Harry grips your thighs with his ringed fingers and yanks them apart. You gasp at the extreme vulnerability and the coolness that waves over your privates. He throws your legs over his and bends them slightly, making you unable to move at all. “Keep them open, yeah?”
You nodded, but that’s not what he told you to do.
“Yes. Keep them open.”
“Good girl. You’re learning,” Harry smiled and looked towards the mirror. His eyes instantly zoomed in on the growing wet patch on the front of your cotton panties, and he couldn’t help but smirk. He saw and felt your body squirming similarly like how you were on his lap. He’s had a rock-hard cock since this conversation started, so he’s not surprised if you can feel his hard-on poking your back through his shorts.
His hands rested on your knees as you watched him in the mirror. The entirety of it all was extremely erotic, like something that would be on TV.
“If you like something, tell me. If you hate something, tell me. It’s important that you do so, okay? It helps both of us learn.”
“Okay,” You were nearly shaking with anticipation. You were so nervous, but why? It’s just Harry. It’s just Harry. “I kind of like when you say I’m doing a good job. Makes me feel… nice.”
“Yeah?” Harry tried to conceal the smirk that threatened to rise on his lips. Of course his best friend, who happened to be the most innocent person in the world, had a praise kink. It just made too much sense. “Like when I call you a good girl?”
You sighed and nodded, but Harry didn’t say anything this time. He just kept going.
One of his hands rested on your knee, tracing delicate circles. He stayed in the same spot, for god knows how long, and you wondered when he would do something. He seemed to be in a trance. He was hyper-focusing on every centimeter with those circles, and although you were getting impatient, you felt cared for.
One of his hands snakes to your chest and rubs your nipple through your bra. Just when you were about to protest, his fingers moved a tad lower. The roughness of his pads tickled your skin just right and caused your thighs to squirm. It was entertaining for Harry to watch you get all squirrely from such a simple touch.
He’s going to have fun with you.
“It… tickles,” You observe as your eyes look down at his fingers, very gradually moving closer to that ache in between your legs. You felt like a kid exploring a new world for the first time; naive and curious.
“What does?”
“Your fingers,” You stare at him in the mirror almost as if he’s stupid. What else would tickle?
“Does this tickle?” Harry’s knuckle brushes the inside of your thighs, lower than he’s been. You inhale at the subtle sensitivity.
“Not much,” You answer, and his knuckle continues to sway leisurely. Your breath picks up, rising faster at his hand’s proximity.
“What about this?” His index finger traces the hem of your panties with purpose. You gasp when he gets deep in between your legs, outlining your cunt with ease. Your legs attempt to shut with a shake, shying away from the vulnerability, but it’s impossible with his strong legs prying you open.
“A-a little.”
“And this?”
As if his touch could be anymore teasing, he finally dances along your clothed cunt, tracing your lips with curiosity of how you’d react. A mix of a sigh and a moan wavers out of you unintentionally, hips pushing closer towards his finger. Your mind blanks, light and fuzzy. Your face immediately falls to gaze at his movements, attracted to the air-headed feeling.
“Eyes on the mirror,” Harry demands while delicately caressing you. It was ironic, really. His voice was so rough and stoic while his touch was ever so gentle. With a few blinks, you're focusing in on the mirror, obeying his command. “How does this feel? Does it tickle?”
“Good, and yes,” You swallow your moan as his finger keeps petting you lightly. You were almost getting used to it, but you wanted more. “Is this what I was supposed to do?”
“Sort of. This is called foreplay. Heard of tha’?”
“I think so?” You were breathless.
“S’basically where I get you all wet and ready f’me. You like that?”
“L-love and hate relationship right now,” You pant as his finger rises away from your weeping, covered hole and travels up to your clit. You choke out a gasp as he strokes it nonchalantly.
“Oh,” Your hand drops to his thigh, gripping it strongly as your body begins to tingle. You strain your neck to keep your eyes on the mirror ahead of you, trying to watch how he does it.
His familiar smirk never fades from his face, cheeks a tad rosy from the heat waving between you two. His wrist is probably sore from the tedious, repeated movements he does. His thick fingers delicately circle your covered clit, applying generous pressure until you’re panting.
“More. I think I need more,” You suggest when his pace stays a consistent speed. You needed to feel his fingers on your bare skin. If he was going to touch you, you wanted him to just do it already.
“Y’think?” Harry’s tone was taunting yet serious. He wanted you to be firm with what you wanted. He didn’t want you to second-guess your own pleasure. If you needed more, you needed to tell him that. The best way for that to happen was for him to train you. “Beg for it.”
As your head becomes floaty with the stimulation, you don’t even hesitate to throw out pleads.
“Please, Harry. I-I need it, need more,” Your head slowly falls back onto his shoulder before his touch is gone. “Wha—”
Harry couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to see you. All of you. He needed to see what he did to you, and if you were really as desperate as you seemed. As shocking as this all may be to you, it was just as shocking to Harry. He couldn’t believe he was this turned on from his best friend’s inexperience. He’s always liked when a girl knew what she was doing and knew how to reciprocate. But something about Harry teaching you and showing you the ropes just fills him with a kind of power and pride that he can’t get from anywhere else. And he’s feasting off of it.
“M’gonna take these off, alright?”
“Everything? O-okay,” He unclipped your bra as you slowly slid down your panties. The tile beneath you was colder than before, but Harry’s warm body behind you kept you comforted.
“Have you heard of the traffic light system?” he asks, hands resting gently on your bare shoulders. He gets straight into the safety part first. It also distracts him from ogling your naked figure against him. He could feel his cock twitch in his briefs at your fluttering pussy and peaked nipples.
“I assume you don’t mean the ones used for driving?” You both chuckle and break some of the swollen tension in the room. It was a nice little reminder that it’s just Harry.
“No, Doll. The one for safety and consent,” he chuckled.
“Yeah, no, I’ve never heard of it.”
“If you say red, I’ll stop instantly and ask what made y’red. Communication is key. If y’say yellow, I’ll slow down and ask you again. And then we can either continue or stop, whatever y’want. But if your color is green, I’ll keep going. Understand, love?”
There was a lot of information, but you were able to keep up. It was actually similar to the traffic light system, which makes the name very fitting. You reply with a firm yes to note that you understand.
All while he was talking and explaining everything, you were getting used to looking at yourself in the mirror. You weren’t always confident in your body, but staring at it in between Harry’s made you feel safe and sexy somehow.
Before your mind can wander too far, Harry’s hands are falling down until they’re at your nipples. His rough fingers lightly pinch the already-hard buds until you’re pushing up into his touch. The warmth and the nakedness made you overly flushed all over. He gropes your breasts with care, slyly sliding another hand down lower.
Throughout this entire process, you’ve been soaking; in your underwear, in your shorts, and now on his bathroom tile. Your lower body has been throbbing in desire to be aided, and Harry seems to know just what you need.
His fingers hover right above your mound that’s screaming for him to go lower. Your heart rams against your chest in anticipation of his bare hands on your bare body, on your most sacred and vulnerable parts. No one has ever touched you beside yourself. A small part inside of you was glad that the first person was Harry because you knew you wouldn’t regret it.
“Stop thinking s’much,” he says, rubbing a warm palm over your belly. His face moves your head, so his lips can kiss your temple reassuringly. You slightly arch your back, so maybe he could see how desperate you are. Your legs were still spread by his, so you know he can see your wetness. If you can see it, so can he. “Just let me show you how it’s done.”
“Okay, Mr. Cocky,” You roll your eyes as he shifts your hair behind your ear, “What if I don’t even like it?”
“The name is very fitting. But that’s for a different day,” he says with a cocky smirk on his face. Now that sounds like something Harry would say. But your entire face gets warm and your head gets a little fuzzy when you actually imagine it. “and you will. Trust me.”
You take a deep breath. You weren’t sure how far you guys were going to go, but you’ve never felt more ready and more safe. With the system Harry told you about and all his reassurance, it was clear that even if he was teaching you, you were the one that had all the control.
“Now watch me.”
With those words his hand turns into just one finger and resumes on your clit. You gasp into the air as your body jolts. The roughness of his thumb paints your arousal over and over on your skin.
“This little thing is important. Don’t neglect it.”
His rhythm is slow and tedious as he circles the nub. You see and feel him dip down to collect some more of your wetness as he continues stroking you.
“How’s this? Color?” he gruffs in your ear while staring at you darkly in the mirror. You could barely understand him because you were panting embarrassingly and trying your hardest to focus on the reflecting glass in front of you.
“Good! Wait—green,” You corrected yourself as a moan elicited from you, his touch feeling even better each second.
“Good girl.”
“Fuck,” You feel yourself clench around nothing but your own wetness at his words. You both watch as the liquid quenches out of your dripping hole, making Harry groan from behind you.
“Do y’think you can handle one finger? Hm?” his voice rolls perfectly into your ear as he twists your peaked nipple. You couldn’t control your moans at the pleasure. His voice sounded just as good as the feeling of his hands.
“Yes, yes. Harry, please,” You nearly cried from how bad you needed it. You didn’t even know you needed it this bad. You thought you were going to hate this feeling, but you’re far from it.
“So submissive, so responsive,” Harry’s middle finger pushes against your hole, teasing the opening. You hold your breath as he makes you wait. “Breathe, Doll. Relax.”
Your eyes close for a moment. You breathe deep and feel your limbs lose their sudden tenseness. Before you can open them again, Harry’s finger is slotting inside of you easily. A gasp falls from your mouth as your hand grips on his meaty thigh for support.
“O-oh.” The feeling was insane. Intense. Nearly overwhelming. You clenched around his digit, consuming and caging it like it would fade away.
You’re so tight around him, he swears his finger might fall off. Harry’s cock is pulsing and pleading behind your back, but you don’t seem to notice. He’s making sure he doesn’t rut into you, but it’s so difficult when you’re all spread out and submissive for him.
He’s never thought of you like this, but fuck, now he can’t think of you any other way.
“Color, Doll?” Harry grumbles in your ear, voice low and breathy as it fans over your skin warmly.
“Green. What’s more than green? B-blue? Just–don’t stop–God,” Your squeaky voice rambled as his finger pumped in and out slowly. You can hear his smile behind your screwed eyes. The pad of his thumb rubbed delicate circles over your throbbing clit to escalate the pleasure.
Your chest was beating fast when your legs started to shake. Your hips bucked closer to his hands, needing more as you chase the glorious feeling.
“Look at you, takin’ me so well,” Harry praises, subtly curling his finger as your back arches. You know that one finger isn’t a lot, barely anything, but you were melting at the praise that Harry gave you. His constant encouragement is what made you putty in his hands. Literally.
“Harry,” You moaned into the heated air, causing Harry to groan desperately behind you. And you’re not too stupid to deflect that Harry might be turned on from the scene unfolding. If you knew more, if you knew better, you would have offered to help him after. But you were inexperienced, and you assumed he wouldn’t want someone to give him head who could possibly bite his dick off.
“Are you close, baby? Hm? Gonna come for the first time on my hand?”
“Y-yes! Please,” You begged as you climbed your high, wondering what the top would feel like if the chase was this blissful.
Your head falls restlessly on his shoulder while his right hand keeps focusing on your cunt. It was covered in your arousal as his pace picked up. The stimulation was almost too much, your body wanted to push away. But your mind was pleading to feel a release you know your body needed.
“Is it gonna h-hurt?” You groaned as your cunt clenched around him again, stomach tensing. A strong rush you assumed could only be an orgasm was approaching you all too fast.
“No, Doll. It’s gonna feel real good,” He twisted your nipple again, pushing you over the edge. You felt his thumb and index pinch your clit, causing you to scream his name against his chest. “Look in the mirror. Watch yourself fall apart f’me. Watch and make sure this time is memorable.”
You always thought Harry had a way with words. You never thought that about dirty talking though. His hands were as skillful as can be, and maybe one day you’ll be able to make yourself feel as good as he made you feel. But his words are something that you’ll never be able to treat yourself with. You don’t think you’ll ever meet another person whose voice is as fitting as Harry’s.
With his demanding tone, you came right over the edge. An overwhelming ripple of pleasure ceased through your body, shaking your legs to the max. Soundless moans and clawing nails were all you were capable of as you came on his large hand. Although you were straining, you never took your eyes off of the mirror. He told you to look at yourself as you came, but you were only staring at the glaring green eyes reflecting back at you. He rubbed all of your orgasm until you were trembling from overstimulation.
Just when you thought he was done, he raised his ringed hand to his mouth and tasted you. You thought that was something that they only did porn or movies. You swallowed intensely as his hum vibrated through you.
“Do you always… taste it?”
“If I think it’ll taste good,” he smirked as you scooted forward to grab your shirt. As you throw it over your head, you just had to ask.
“Did mine taste any good?” You slightly cringed as you asked the question. Does cum usually taste good? What does it even taste like?
His smirk widens, a hint of evilness rising, “do you want to find out?”
Your skin flushes even against the chilling tile. Your heart skips a beat at trying yourself. You hadn’t ever thought of it before. But you’ve come (literally) this far tonight, so why not just take it a little further?
“O-okay,” You slowly lift up your shirt, revealing your fucked-out cunt to him again. “So I just…?”
“May I?” he suggests.
Two of Harry’s fingers swipe over your cunt, which was still covered in a mix of your arousal and cum. You jolted from the stimulation, tensing quickly before his touch was gone.
“Open,” and without thinking, you do. Your mouth falls open as his fingers lay flat on your tongue. Salty and creamy, it spreads over your tastebuds. You hummed around his fingers just like he did because it tasted good. Yeah, it was a bit odd, but once you got past that, you realized how erotic and sexy it was. “How’s it taste?”
After a bit of suckling on his digits, he puts them out way too soon for your liking. “Good, actually.” You creak from your dry throat.
“I think so too. Let’s clean you up real quick.”
Still sitting on the floor, a warm, wet towel soothes your sensitiveness as he wipes away all of your liquids. A smile broke out on his face when he finished before his hand landed on top of your head. He shook your hair like crazy until it was already wilder than it was. The action was childlike and friendly, almost as if everything between you guys never happened and you were back to square one. It was better that way, though. Right? To just go back to how everything used to be?
Harry grabs the small hand towel and exits his bathroom. You assume he went to discard it and add it to his laundry, but you just sat there in oblivion. You already missed his touch, longing for something you should’ve never even had in the first place. He was the one that offered himself to teach you, but now you’ve been taught, so where do you guys go now? Are you really supposed to just go back to the way it was?
He saw you in ways that no one else has before. You always thought that you would be intimate and have your groups of firsts with someone that you were dating, someone that you loved. Because of this, you realized that Harry was the safe option. Doing this with Harry changed your views on everything, and your body, heart, and mind couldn’t keep up with the rapid reversal.
You knew that Harry had a few notches in his belt. But were they all from relationships or just one-night stands? You didn’t know because you two rarely ever discussed the topic. Was it easy for Harry to go from girl to girl? Or did he get attached like you?
If there was one thing you always feared from sex and sexual doings, it was the intense attachment. You had heard about the infamous addiction intimacy laces within your veins that makes you crave a person. Now that you’ve been with Harry, that won’t happen to you, right?
You’ve known Harry forever, yet you’ve never craved him. He’s your best friend, and you’ve never seen him as more than that. If it was anyone else, you’d probably lose all control because you have no significant relationship with them. It would be easy to latch onto anybody because it would be easy to lose them too. Harry, on the other hand, was not easy to lose.
The last thing you want is to convince yourself of anything. You don’t want to “crave” Harry just because you saw something about an article online about “sexual chemicals fusing.” You couldn’t. No, it was too risky.
You’ve known Harry forever, so you couldn’t lose him forever too.
“I think I found a good movie to watch!” Harry’s voice echoes from his living room and all the way into the bathroom where you haven’t moved a muscle. Your overthinking was louder than it’s ever been. With a shaky breath, you rise from the tiles and stare at your disheveled appearance in the mirror. The same mirror you watched Harry finger fuck you with.
“Be out there in a second!” You shout back as your heart beats rapidly from his heartwarming voice laughing loudly at something. You clutched your chest, wondering why the fuck you were feeling the organ lurch for him in a way that wasn’t meant for him.
You knew that it was way too fucking personal.
thanks for reading angels 😙 part 2
taglist: @crybabyddl @tiaamberxx @alwaysclassyeagle @bisexual-desi @littlenatilda @raajali3
3K notes · View notes
moonstruckme · 3 months
spencer reid holding hands 4 the first time : ( 've been rewatching cm and i miss my boy sm : (( you're most recent peter fic is so sweet btw im absolutely obssessed!!!!! love you bunches
Thank you sweetheart <3
Spencer Reid x fem!reader ♡ 665 words
You and Spencer have had a very…tentative beginning to your relationship. Normally, when you think of a first date, you’re worried about how much the other person expects. (Will they want to kiss you? Will they want more? What if you don’t want to? How do you say no without making it awkward?) With Spencer, there’s been none of that. You’re on date three, and he’s kept completely to himself the entire time. When you met up earlier in the week he’d let a hand hover near your elbow when you nearly tripped over a curb, but you’d barely felt the whisper of his skin against yours before he was putting it back in his pocket, the danger having passed. 
You’ve always thought that you’d prefer to take things slow, and Spencer seems that way too, but now you’re itching for something more. Just something tangible to show that you like him, that he likes you too, that you’re not just going on these dates for no reason at all. 
So, bold thing that you are, you let your hand hang in the empty space between you as you walk. An offering. 
The first time Spencer’s knuckles brush across yours, knobby and skimming, he almost stops talking. He’s been saying something about Alexander Pope and Eliza Haywood (and you’re doing your best to follow along, honest), but he falters mid-sentence, his hand stuttering in its movement. 
“And, uh, actually,” Spencer goes on, getting his verbal feet back under him, “it was only in the late twentieth century that her works started surfacing in academia…” 
You nod along but don’t move your hand, letting Spencer’s graze past it again. This time, you lean into the touch, pushing your knuckles into his almost imperceptibly. And this time, Spencer’s hand doesn’t continue along its trajectory. He lets it rest alongside yours, your skin brushing up against each other’s with the movement of your walking. After a few seconds, his pinkie teases yours. 
You bite back a smile, crooking your pinkie so it hooks around his. Spencer moves his hand, and for a second your heart drops, but he’s only bringing it to the inside of yours, interlacing your fingers loosely. 
“Is this okay with you?” he asks, careful and to-the-point. 
“Yeah.” You look up at him sheepishly, wriggling your fingers in his to get them closer. “I’ve been wanting to do this.” 
“Me too,” Spencer says quietly. Your heart balloons until you’re sure it’s about to float off and take you with it. 
His palm is rougher than you’d expected. Spencer comes off as such an academic, sometimes you can forget that he’s in the literal FBI. He handles guns and had to go through training, and you can feel it in the light scratch of his calluses against your palm. Slender fingers stretch over your knuckles, deft and capable. His touch sends a pleasant tingling all the way up from your hand into your buzzing brain. 
“Sorry,” you say softly. 
Spencer looks confused. His thumb runs the length of yours, a thoughtless movement or a soothing touch, it doesn’t matter. If he does it again, you’ll puddle down onto the pavement for sure. 
“What are you sorry for?” he asks. 
“I sort of interrupted you.” 
A little smile teases the dimple in his cheek. “I don’t mind.” 
You give his hand a gentle tug, feeling brazen. It cracks something open in him, and his smile comes out for real, the familiarity between you suddenly so natural. 
“Tell me about Eliza Haywood,” you urge. “Did Pope just hate her because she was a woman?” 
“That was definitely a big part of it,” Spencer allows, and his voice seems to go back into the conversation while his face stays somewhere else. He’s still wearing that smile, eyes squinted just slightly like he’s having some trouble figuring you out and it might be his new favorite game. “But also it had a lot to do with the perception of novels…”
643 notes · View notes
cz19y · 4 months
Multiple × Bllk Player!GN!Reader
THEME: You start getting famous in the NEL. You have merches now! How'd they react? Would they buy a keychain? A plushy? Your jersey??
∆ Reader is part of Blue Lock, fluff, SFW, some of them will be extremely short, they have a crush on you, OOC[?], grammar & spelling errors.
[!] reference for plushie at the bottom.
NOTE: This has been sitting on my drafts for half a year now. Finally decided to finish.
∆ FT: Isagi Yoichi, Rin & Sae Itoshi, Michael Kaiser, Alexis Ness, Shidou Ryusei, Niko Ikki.
[ Starting … ]
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ISAGI YOICHI
"Cool/Cute!" First thing he thought about when he saw the plushy.
Def buying the plushy. He also looked into the jersey but dropped the idea cuz he's just shy like that.
Silly keychain hanging from his wallet.
Gets all awkward when someone teases him(Reo + CHIGIRI).
“You got [L/n]’s merches? Can I tell them??!” Bachira was so excited to tell you.
Gets all awkward next time talking to you but pretends it's ok. (It's not ok)
Loves the fact that you're having somewhat of the attention you deserve for being the great player you are.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ RIN ITOSHI
You really think he's buying it? What a joke.
He is.
Just because you annoyed him to do so, of course.
Just the keychain tho. The idea of a jersey would "decrease" his ego and he thinks that the plushie is a waste of space.
Jokes, he bought the plushie.
Almost died on spot when you mentioned that you saw the plushie on his bed.
BUT he’ll kill you if you mention it to others.
Has the keychain on his keys.
When waiting for a bus or something, he fidgets with it.
Likes to start a staring contest with the plushie.
AGHhH ok but he's so cute.
Since you're “important or whatever”(his words, not mine), I'm imagining him taking good care of the plushie.
Ok but he def drowled on that plushie.
Blushes if you ever buy his merches. Like in the Sae scene after the U20; eyes shining and all.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SAE ITOSHI
Debated if it was worth it or not.
He means, how lukewarm..
But those keychains are adorable, no?
Yeah, why not.
Keychain hanging out from his phone.
Fidgets with it too.
Ignores his teammates if they ever mention it and glares at them if they push it.
Will not tolerate Shidou.
Bought the plushie to annoy you. That's one of the main reasons why he bought it.
The other reason is because he actually wanted one.
Has it sitting near the mirror.
Poses and talk to that thing like it's actually someone.
Unboxing time was def something. Smug smile with brows acherd, inspecting the mini version and humming in approval.
Ness doesn't know how to feel about this.
NOT buying the jersey. You're a good player too, his pride is gigantic and would NEVER betray himself.
He may be pinning on ya but that's different.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ALEXIS NESS
Bro's smile got even happier when he got the plushie[HE'S SUCH A CUTIE STOP].
Has a jersey somewhere in his closet.
Shy about it.
Keeps everything clean and neat.
Finds it so cute, he absolutely loves the plushie.
Keychain keychain keychain-
Inner child coming alive once more.
Unboxing with ultimate happiness.
Loves you and all but would prefer if you don't know about it.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SHIDOU RYUSEI
The moment he heard about it, you can bet he was already ordering it.
Keychain, plushy, or jersey?... huhh.. Nah, he's buying it all.
But his favorite is the jersey.
Would start wearing it as a joke, but then it becomes part of his weekly clothing.
Shidou ordered a GG size plushy and named it "[Lame Nickname]".
Ordered a small size plushy too, and named it "[Lame Nickname Jr. The II]".
Will talk to it like it's an actual conversation when bored or when he wants to get something out of his mind and there's no one around for him to pester.
Not shy about it.
Brags, even.
Makes your and his plushie kiss in front of the whole team hahaha-
Sometimes you're worried about the plushie’s safety.
Bros 100% pleading forcing you to buy his merches so you two can match.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ NIKO IKKI
Got too embarrassed when buying.
I can picture him with his neutral ass face unboxing the plushy but inside; he's jumping and giggling while he stares at the eyes of the small goofy mini version of you.
Gets quiet the next time he sees you.
Gets embarrassed when spots the plushie looking directly at him.
*Cutely goes and move its head to another direction* /j
He’s an anime fan; probably and will make a secret collection of those merches.
Plushie sitting at the top spot of his shelf among the mangas or anime merches he has.
Will delete himself if you ever mention it.
If ever hanging out at his place, expect having to wait for some minutes outside his room because he's trying to find a good spot to hide it.
Bro has pride to keep, give him some time.
Lmao. Feels bad whenever the plushie falls off his bed and pets it to make up for it(just like me fr).
[!] Plushie Ref
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They're so cute.
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thehistoriccemetery · 5 months
Bg3 Companions respond to: “I’m safe with you, right? You’re not gonna let anyone hurt me?”
Some comfort from our ladies: Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Karlach, and Minthara (sorry to my fellow Jaheira lovers she didn’t make it into this one.)
Also I’m starting to write more full length fics so if anyone has a particular thing I’ve written they’d like to see more on, let me know!
You’re a strong leader and warrior, and you know that. But sometimes the past comes up stronger than you can handle and you think of all the times you needed a protector of your own. In the moonlight, you ask your companions for a bit of reassurance.
“Of course,” She adjusts your position so she is looking you in the eyes. “Why? Is something the matter? Are you in danger?” Her face is full of worry and concern.
“No, it’s…” you trail off, unsure of how to explain the aching vulnerability in your chest. “Never mind, it was a stupid thing to say.”
You avoid her gaze, feeling a bit foolish for asking such a question. You try to tuck your head back against her chest, but before you can, she takes your face in her hands.
“I’m sorry no one protected you. I’m sorry they let you get hurt before you could stop it. You deserved so much better, but I’m here now. I will protect you.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, and she gently wipes them away with her thumb as they trail down your cheeks. You are so thankful for the miraculous way she can always say exactly what you need to hear.
“The gods really did bless me when they brought me you,” you said, swiping your own tears out of your eyes. “It’s hard to remember when we’ve gone through so much, but I’m so blessed to have you.”
Shadowheart pulls you back to her chest, letting you cry while she gently strokes your hair. If there is one thing she will not let go from her time with Shar, it is the importance of feeling the pain.
You will move through it and she will move through it with you, no matter how long it takes.
She looks up to the moon and says a silent prayer to her new lady. “Guide them through this grief with your light.”
Lae’zel is terribly confused as soon as the words leave your mouth. You didn’t know she could raise a single eyebrow like that.
“Why would you need my protection?” She asks. “You are a fierce warrior. You are safe with you.”
You smile. It’s not exactly what you were looking for, but the sentiment is there.
“Are you injured? Feeling ill, perhaps? In this case, you have my sword until you heal. I may even be able find that sorry excuse for a cleric around here somewhere…” she rambles until you place a hand on her shoulder.
You explain that you are not physically wounded, and she need not worry. It’s the inside that feels a little broken right now, in your head.
When she pushes a blade to your throat you quickly clarify that it is NOT in a ceremorphosis kind of way.
She retracts the blade, grateful she does not have to kill you, but still confused. It’s not that she’s never experienced what you’re feeling before, but the act of asking for or receiving comfort is unfamiliar to her.
She still wants to help though, so you guide her to sit cross legged on the ground and you place your head in her lap.
You can’t help but giggle as she stares down at you with that confused look on her face. “This is helping?”
“Can you stroke my hair?” You ask, not having grown accustomed to the awkwardness of such direct words yet.
She places her hand in your hair, carefully stroking the top of your head.
It clearly doesn’t come natural to her, but her willingness to try answers all of your questions. No one is ever gonna hurt you again.
Karlach pulls you to lay on her chest and wraps her arms around you tight. “You are always safe with me, ‘kay? Always. Not a soul will hurt you. Ever. Again.”
She knows of your past, the pain you carry, the people you’ve lost, how they haunt you. Even before she could hold you she’s been there, beside you for everything.
“We protect each other, remember? You’ve got my back and I’ve got yours.” She asks. You nod into her chest.
You recall all the times you’ve done the same for her. You know the far away look in her eyes, when she is forced to relive her hell terrors once more. Ever since the night Dammon fixed her engine you vowed she’d never wake up from a nightmare anywhere but your arms.
“And what a hell of a team we make,” you chuckle. “Remember that time you ripped that bugbear’s fucking arm off after he nicked me with his mace?” You laugh, lightening the mood with a memory.
Karlach laughed as well. “And it was while I was still burning hot as the hells so the fucker’s fur lit up like a torch.” She was laughing so hard she could hardly finish the sentence.
“And he took out a good chunk of goblins when he went a runnin’,” you rolled off of her, swinging your arms above your head and doing your best bugbear-on-fire impression.
The two of spent the rest of the evening roaring with laughter about your favorite memories and stories. Only stopping when Karlach’s eyes began to feel heavy and the laughter turned into yawns.
“If I have to fight every demon in hell, then I’ll run out of blood to bleed before I lose you.”* You whisper before kissing her forehead and snuggling back up to drift off to sleep.
*(lyric from Penelope Scott’s “Over the Moon”)
A look of disgust flashed across her face. Such a blatant display of vulnerability was unfamiliar to her and not befitting.
But when she looked at you, she softened ever so slightly. It was as if she was looking at you how you were when it all happened. She was looking at a hurt child.
Unfortunately for you, vulnerability wasn’t befitting of child in her eyes either.
“Do not ask such foolish questions,” She says passively. “You have not been threatened, have you?”
You shake your head sheepishly. “No, I was just feeling… I don’t know… weak, I guess.”
Minthara drops whatever she was working on before and approaches you, adjusting your body and posture from the droopy form that walked into her tent.
When she has you standing tall with your chest puffed out she scrunches her face into a look even more stern and scary, then motions for you to do the same.
Once you’re in position, she walks around you, admiring you in a slow circle. “Hmm…” she tuts, “you do not look weak. You look rather strong. Like you could lead six…” she pauses, looking for the right word, “hooligans around the better half of Faerûn.”
You can’t suppress the smile that grows on your face, and as she completes her circle, you can see she is smiling too.
But, just to be clear, she is currently committing atrocities on the last person to look at you funny. She would burn down the house of Baenre itself if it meant keeping you safe.
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pursuedbyamemoryy · 1 year
HIIII i saw requests were open… can you perhaps write some general relationship hc’s with arthur, john, and javier?? feel free to do anyone you like i just love them😊😊 thank you so much!!
☆ thank you for requesting, i got a little carried away with some of them hehe. i decided to add charles into the mix because he’s my fav and i couldn’t resist ;) i hope you enjoy reading <3 !!
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🌾 arthur morgan
- he admitted his feelings to you by giving you a drawing he did of you that had a little note attached
- he draws you. all the time. before you got together, and while you’re together. he’ll draw you doing chores, sitting by the camp fire, sitting under a tree reading. he just admires you so much and can’t help but draw you
- he shows you everything he draws of you
- if you ask he’d try his best to teach you how to draw. he might not be the best teacher but he’d try his best
- he’s protective but not overprotective. he knows you can handle yourself but is always nearby just in case you need him
- once you’ve been together for a while he opens up to you about eliza and isaac. it’s a difficult thing for him to talk about but he trusts you enough to tell you
- he lets you wear his hat. you’re the only one besides himself who gets to wear it. he thinks it looks cute on you, plus he gets to use the cowboy hat rule excuse ;)
- he likes to get out of camp every so often just for some air and time alone. he used to go out by himself but after you got together he’d take you with him. sometimes it’ll be short rides and other times it’ll be staying out for a couple of days
- he can be a bit distant sometimes when he’s tired or stressed, and he prefers to be alone when he’s overwhelmed in any way. the only exception is you. he’ll reluctantly open up to you at first, but gets more comfortable over time, trusting you with how he’s feeling.
- he likes to joke around with you, and he really lets his playful side show when he’s with you.
- not a fan of PDA but loves cuddling with you in private. he prefers to be the big spoon, having you lay your head on his chest. he also really likes when you lay completely on top of him.
- his hands tend to wander while he holds you. he’ll idly trace patterns in your skin, running his hands up your spine or your arms.
- his love languages are words of affirmation and quality time
- he definitely calls you “my girl/boy”, or dear. not huge on pet names but will occasionally use them
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🌾 john marston
- he’s a little oblivious to his feelings for you, which means you most likely confessed first
- i feel like he first started to really fall for you after the wolf attack, but just never spoke up about his feelings for you until you said something
- he’s also pretty protective of you, he comes off a little more harsh than arthur does but it’s all in good reason
- if there’s ever a situation where someone’s bothering you or even threatening you, john will step in immediately, doing anything and everything he can to scare off whoever’s causing problems
- is not afraid to get into a fight in order to protect you, which has resulted in lots of scolding and a couple more scars for him. he doesn’t mean to scare or worry you, he just cares about you too much to let someone talk bad about you or threaten you in any way
- he’s very touch starved and doesn’t realize it until you get together
- the first time you hug him is when he realizes. it was an awkward hug on his part, but he loved feeling you in his arms
- a lot of his touches are awkward at first, not because he doesn’t like it but because it’s something new to him. he’s unsure about where to put his hands, where he should look, etc
- he starts to get more comfortable with touch as you spend more time with him. eventually he’ll touch you out of habit. a hand resting on the small of your back, or on your thigh while you sit in front of the campfire together. small, innocent touches.
- he loves cuddling at night, and often prefers to be the one being held
- overall he really loves you and cares about you, he wants to be the best he can be for you
- you’ve caught him staring at you from across camp sometimes, a small, affectionate smile on his face
- his love language is words of affirmation.
- he likes pet names and uses them often, his favorite being babe or baby
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🌾 javier escuella
- javier is one of the most romantic camp members in my opinion
- he definitely confessed first
- you both liked each other and were quite obvious about it, constantly flirting with one another, but he’s the one who asked you out first
- i like to think he asked you out through a song somehow
- either that or he came up to you, all flirty and asked you out to a night in the town (whichever was nearest to your current camp) , offering you a flower he found while he was out of camp
- plays his guitar for you ofc
- he also totally writes songs and dedicates them to you
- is more than willing to teach you how to play if you ask
- very touchy if you’re okay with it. he always has his hand on you or his arm wrapped around you
- he is very into PDA. he has no problem cuddling and holding you in front of the gang and he definitely does once he knows you’re okay with it
- you two will cuddle up near the campfire together, you sitting in his lap whenever he’s not playing his guitar
- he also loves cuddling before you fall asleep
- after you’ve been together for a bit he’ll invite you to sleep under his tent with him. he feels safe and comfortable with you, quickly falling asleep in your arms
- tells you stories about mexico and his family and life there. he has so many stories and will tell you each and every one
- you’re the one person he trusts to tell more personal stuff, he definitely opens up to you more after a while of being together. not only about his life in mexico but the harder parts of it, the stuff he doesn’t really tell anyone
- likes getting dressed up with you every one in a while and going out to saint denis or other cities, spending nights dancing and drinking together. he loves little dates away from camp
- takes you fishing with him. even if you don’t fish you’re going with him at least once, per his request
- if you like fishing then he’ll take you out on fishing trips often. just the two of you camping out by a lake for a day or two, fishing and spending time with one another
- overall he really loves when you ask him to teach you things because he can see that you take genuine interest in the things he likes. anything from guitar, fishing, to even spanish, he’s always willing to teach if you want to learn.
- uses spanish nicknames for you. hermosa, querida, mi vida, mi amor, cariño, etc. any and every pet name in the book, except in spanish
- he always flirts with you. even after you’ve been together for a while, his flirting never dies down. he’s always complimenting you, no matter what. even if you’re exhausted and dirty from being out on a job he still has a compliment for you.
- gets you a knife similar to his own. he wants you to be able to protect yourself, and he likes having something matching between the two of you <3
- shares his poncho with you if you get cold
- he lets you play with his hair and he’ll let you put it up for him
- he loves kissing you and he’s not shy about it. he’ll kiss you anywhere, anytime, he doesn’t care who sees.
- his love languages are touch and quality time. he just loves being near you
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🌾 charles smith
- it took a while for charles to realize his feelings for you and you definitely had to approach him first.
- he’s quiet at first, but will open up to you as you get closer and spend more time with him.
- he’ll tell you everything he knows about his family and the stuff he went through as a kid once he feels comfortable with you
- a great listener. he could listen to you talk for hours, and often does. whether you talk about a job you went on, the chores you did that day, a clothing item or piece of jewelry you saw, or stories from your life, he’ll listen.
- not only will he listen, he’ll remember. he’ll remember every little detail, and often surprises you with the things he remembers.
- there’s lots of comfortable silence between the two of you. you’ll often work side by side without speaking a word but enjoying each other’s company. he could be making some arrows or sharpening the camp axe while you read or finish up a small chore like sewing up a hole in someone’s clothes.
- his love languages are definitely quality time and acts of service.
- he’ll do little things to help you out. he’ll do his own laundry so it doesn’t add to the laundry you already have. he’ll clean your guns and sharpen your knives for you. he’ll brush your horse and braid its mane when you’re busy and haven’t had time to. small things that make a difference.
- definitely teaches you how to hunt and track. you’ll go out with him each time the gang needs food, getting time away from camp which you both enjoy. takes you to all his best hunting spots, teaching you all his little tips and tricks to getting a clean kill.
- he’s not big on PDA and often gets embarrassed if someone sees you kissing or anything.
- he definitely gets used to it the longer you’ve been together, but he prefers to save all that stuff for behind closed doors.
- it’s not like he won’t kiss or hug you in front of anyone else, he just gets a bit flustered
- eventually you’ll move into his tent with him, and once you’re alone he’ll be a lot more physically affectionate
- he also enjoys cuddling. he’s spent a lot of time alone, sleeping in the wilderness by himself before he joined the gang, so sleeping next to you if very comforting to him.
- he doesn’t use a lot of pet names, but his favorite is “my love”.
- although he knows very little about his mother’s culture, he’ll share what he knows with you. he’ll tell you old stories that she told him growing up, and the significance of bison. you showing interest in his culture means a lot to him.
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vixstarria · 7 months
Admit that you love me
Connected with my other headcanon fics, but works as a standalone as well.
Astarion x Reader, Astarion x Tav, Astarion x Bard Tav, Astarion is bad at feelings, Gale is bad at everything
Bit of angst, bit of comfort, bit of fluff, love, banter, humour and all the other good things. Non-explicit. Early Act 2.
Approximately 2,000 words. 
You traversed the shadow-cursed lands. Earlier this week, Elminster had showed up, eaten all your cheese, essentially told Gale to kill himself and promptly went back to wherever he had come from. And you thought 200 year-old vampires were erratic... You hoped you would never come across a vampire wizard.  
It was an average evening in camp. You and your companions were passing time by the fire before calling it a day. 
You were sitting on the ground before the campfire, as Astarion sat on a fallen log behind you, trying to massage a crick out of your neck and shoulders. You weren’t even being obnoxious about it, your neck had genuinely been killing you and he was trying to alleviate the pain and discomfort.  
You’d closed your eyes and leaned forward a bit, trying to give him better access, when a remark from Gale caught your ear, and the hands stilled. 
“It’s truly heartwarming to see how well Astarion takes care of his livestock.” 
In the sudden silence that ensued, before you had even registered your own emotions for the insult, your immediate instinct was to seize the hand that was still on your shoulder, and say: 
“If you kill him, he’ll take us all with him.” 
It turned out to be the right call, as Astarion re-sheathed a dagger you hadn’t even noticed he had drawn (or had on him), and gave your hand a small squeeze.  
“I... I’m sorry, that was a poor joke.” Gale looked at the ground shaking his head. “If you can call it that. I don’t know what’s gotten into me.” He started to get up. “I better-” 
“Disrespect my lover or me again, and I will personally burn everything that you cherish, and rip out the throat of every person you hold dear.” Astarion’s voice was an icicle. “I won’t kill you… But I will fulfill my need to hear you scream.” 
Astarion gave your hand another squeeze and got up. He met your eyes as you turned back to look at him, and gave you a barely perceptible shake of the head before stalking off.  
Gale, who had stood silently through Astarion’s cold outburst, wordlessly turned and left in the opposite direction. 
You still sat on the ground, elbows on your knees, eyes shut, now rubbing your temples. Great. Perfectly normal (in accordance with your definition of ‘normal’, anyway) evening ruined. No Astarion, Gale at a new lowest low, awkward silence, you still with a crick in your neck, and now an unfolding headache. All while feeling like you’ve been spat on.  
“Is that what you all think?” you asked quietly, still rubbing your temples. “That I’m a stupid lamb offering myself to a wolf for slaughter?” 
To your surprise, it was Lae’zel who answered.  
“It is true that the vampire is a predator, and there is hunger and lust in his eyes when he looks at you. But there is also love and yearning. You both carry it. My people are proficient in recognising it, for we are taught from a young age to quash such notions at their conception. Love and attachment make you weak. But you two, you have turned it into a source of resilience and strength. The wizard is as delusional as he is out of line.”  
You were completely taken aback by what you just heard. 
Firstly, by the fact it came from Lae’zel. But also... You hadn’t actually exchanged words of love with each other. Oh, there were the ‘my love’s, but that was more of a silly casual pet name that had started long ago. You both regularly addressed Karlach as ‘love’ as well. It didn’t mean much. 
But to have a githyanki set it out for you so candidly...  
“...I couldn’t have said it better myself, Lae’zel,” spoke Shadowheart.  
“Aw, none of us doubt you or fangs,” added Karlach. “Hells, sometimes I worry my heart will have a meltdown not from exertion, but from seeing you two.” 
You hoped no one could tell your face had coloured scarlet by the light of the fire. 
“Gale just hasn’t been himself lately. I’m sorry you and Astarion took the brunt of it. I’m sure he feels awful about this.” Wyll apologised as though he had anything to do with it. “I better go speak to him, make sure he knows we understand.”  
You excused yourself and went to your tent soon after as well.  
Astarion didn’t return that night. On checking his tent, you noted he did take his weapons with him, though. That’s all you really needed to know. He could take care of himself. After all, he was one of the horrors other people were scared to encounter in the shadows. Still, when you finally fell asleep, it was only due to sheer exhaustion. 
It was morning when he finally showed up at the entrance to your tent. Probably. You could barely tell night from day in this blasted place. You were sitting cross-legged on your bedroll, getting ready for the day ahead. You didn’t get up to greet him as you continued to fasten the belts and buckles of your equipment. 
“I was worried.” 
“I know,” he said simply. When you didn’t say anything, he sighed and added: “And I was angry. Furious, actually. Murderous. I didn’t want you to see it.” 
You bit back a swear. 
“I can-” 
“Before you say you can handle my anger, that’s not the point. I don’t want you, of all people, to be exposed to it to begin with.” You frowned and he continued: 
“When everyone keeps telling you you’re a monster, eventually you no longer want to prove them wrong – you want to show them just how much of a monster you can be. And you’re the only person who doesn’t think that about me. Why on earth would I do anything that might make you look at me the same as they do..?” 
It broke your heart a little to realise that that’s what he thought. 
“They don’t think you’re a monster, Star,” you said imploringly. “Gale said something stupid which he immediately regretted, yes, but the rest of them were on our side.” You made sure he was taking in what you were saying. “On your side.” 
“...They were?” Astarion’s eyes softened. 
“Yes. Lae’zel gave a whole speech, just about.” 
“Ugh,” Astarion curled his lip. “And I thought you were serious for a moment there.” 
“I am serious! She was quite poetic about it, actually.” 
Astarion suddenly took a step back out of your tent, looking up at the sky in alarm. 
“What is it?!” you reached for your bow. 
“Oh just checking for flying pigs...” he stepped back into the tent. “...So what did she say? I’m intrigued.” He still looked skeptical, but much less guarded than before.  
You paused your preparations, set down your weapons and met his gaze. 
“She said she sees the love in your eyes.” 
You weren’t about to tell him that she actually said she saw love in your eyes as well.  
“Oh...” Astarion seemed momentarily taken aback. “That is quite poetic for a githyanki.” 
You continued to study him without saying a word. 
“...Oh no. No no no.” He waved a finger at you. “I see EXACTLY what you’re doing, and I am NOT falling for it.” 
“What am I doing? I’m not doing anything.” 
“Exactly! You’re not saying anything, forcing me to fill the silence until I start stammering like a fool and admit that I love you!” He paused, turned away and huffed, before turning back to look at you, hand on his hip. “And that is NOT on the agenda!” 
“You’re not going to admit it?” 
Astarion looked away again, wrung his hands, opened his mouth as if to say something, closed it, and looked back at you, cocking his head to one side before finally saying:  
“...Not today..?” 
You burst into a laugh. How long had your heart been pounding? 
“Gaaaaaale! Old buddy, old pal!” you heard from Astarion. 
You lifted your head to see Gale approaching.  
Fucking Gale, you thought.  
You got up to face Gale at the entrance to your tent. 
“Morning! I would say ‘good morning’, only that would be a lie for all of us, in light of-” 
“Oh for the love of all that is unholy!” Astarion cut him off. “Spare me your words and drawn-out explanations, and I will spare you my daggers. We don’t need that. We can sort this out like two mature, adult men.” 
The next thing you knew, Gale was on the ground, looking in disbelief at the blood dripping onto his hand from a possibly broken nose.  
“There. Now, for all intents and purposes, this matter can be resolved, if you wish. As previously advised, in the event of any further disparagement of me, Tav, or the nature of our relationship, I WILL be committing arson and turning everyone you love and care for inside out, Tav being exempt, of course. Now that this has been explained to you, if you accept, the damage you just took to your face can serve as compensation, to the full and final satisfaction and discharge of the idiotic shit you said yesterday. Are we in agreement?” 
Astarion held out a hand 
You stood back observing Astarion, your arms crossed. Theatrics to cattiness to violence to legalese within the span of a minute. How flustered and giddy was this man? 
Gale was still on the ground, also looking at Astarion incredulously.  
“I sometimes forget that you used to be something far worse than a vampire.” 
Gale accepted the offered hand and got up. 
“And you, Tav? Would you like to break the spare lute over my head, perchance?”  
Astarion perked up at that, but you were quick to protest: 
“No, no, let bygones be bygones and all that...” 
“Then it is settled,” Astarion interjected. “Well then, off you go, friend.” 
“Actually,” you cut in. “I think Shadowheart needs to rest a while. Gale could come with us today instead, seeing as you’ve sorted everything out. Gale, are you up for it?” you asked as Astarion stared at you in disbelief. 
After the borderline sleepless night you’d had because of these two idiots, the least they could do was entertain you by suffering each other’s company.  
“...Sure, let me just ah... do something about the blood. I’ll only be a minute.” 
And just like that, you and Astarion were back on your usual bullshit, causing a loud ruckus as you headed out of camp, him on your heels.
“I object! It’s ME or HIM! And if it’s him, you can give me my ring back!” 
Wyll snapped his head in surprise to look at you two, as Karlach gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.  
Astarion paused as if to say something to them, then waved a dismissive hand and continued walking after you. 
“...Because I am NOT dying in camp like a sitting duck just because HE couldn’t keep you safe!” 
“It’s my ring now, and you’re both coming! And so is Lae’zel. Lae, are you ready?” 
“Always,” came an unperturbed answer from the githyanki, as she got up to follow you. 
“There. She can lecture you on poetry, between the fighting.” 
Astarion had finally caught up to you.  
“You cheeky pup,” he said only loud enough for you to hear, his red eyes narrowed and a wry grin on his face. “We’ll need to have a long talk about your behaviour.” 
“Is that on the agenda? For today?” 
Astarion swore under his breath, smiled to himself and fell back again. 
Yep, definitely flustered, you thought, fighting a stupid grin that was threatening to take over your face.  
Oh you were going to enjoy this day. 
Author’s note: 
Sorry bloodweave gang, my headcanon is Gale and Astarion are constantly beefing.  
I wanted to work in the “disrespect me again” line from Early Access – although I ended up altering it. A lot. 
Next in series - Confession
OR, chronologically appropriate smut - Seeing stars
Series master list
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hazashiovo · 2 months
Heyy can I have Korra x reader, where they're kinda in a situationship, where Korra ends up confessing everything with a fluffy ending
I kinda see it happening tbh,she can be so awkward sometimes,it's funny.
Gen:angst to comfort ,kinda situationship, Korra worried she would hurt you.
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Korra x Gn!Reader
After defeating Amon,Korra started doubting the idea of becoming something more with you.
It's not that she lost feelings for you but after all that happened this feeling took place in her gut. Always there to remind her that if she gets close to you, danger would always lurk in the dark.
And she started distancing herself, training more just to resist the urge to be with you. But it was so hard.
Whenever you'd show up just to see her, the feeling in her gut would grow , almost competing with the feeling in her heart.
So you began worrying, after all you were her best friend more than that. When she started distancing from you,you felt hurt.
You understood that her position as the Avatar would put you and your friends in danger,but it didn't mean that you would leave her,or allow her to leave you just because she believes it's safer this way.
What you have to do,is confront her,it's all just a big mess that hopefully you could fix.
And to top it all of, you couldn't just let things as they are. Because every time you think of Korra and you, the same question echoes in the depths of your mind.
What are we?
You're more than friends you know this much from the way the two of you treat each other...but also less than lovers.
So here you are,ready to confront the avatar for ghosting you after everything you've been through.
When you showed up at her door, Korra had this confused expression on her face, probably wondering where did you come from out of the blue or something.
But she knew,that she couldn't just ignore you forever,and hope for the best outcome.
It was just a matter of time before you came knocking at her door demanding answers,and the time is here.
"Speak to me Korra,what have I done that made you decide you don't want to be my friend anymore?" Your pleading eyes begged her to look at you, to tell you the truth. But the girl had a hard time finding the right words,her silence stressing you out more than you expected.
"It's not about you,I mean it is ,but not something that you did." You huff annoyed.
"Then talk to me! You can't just shut yourself away from me and call it a day!" Your hands tangle in your hair, already feeling like ripping your hair out.
Korra groans annoyed,her attitude starting to match with yours.
"If it's safer to shut myself out,then be it." She crosses her arms avoiding your gaze.
You move closer to her, "It doesn't matter if it's safe or not,you could handle a blood bender but not me?" She feels it,the change in your voice.
Softer sounding now,she also saw the close proximity between the two of you,and she barely resists pulling you in and never letting you go, bad Korra,no no.
"That's different,you're my friend. I could never bear the thought of losing you because of me." She averts her eyes, pinning her gaze on the ground, anything to ignore the puppy look in your eyes. Afraid that if she looks when would no longer be able to hold back her need for you.
"Don't do that,don't decide what's best for me. I'm very capable of doing that myself."
You sigh, touching her arms in a comforting manner. You won't allow her to give up on this,on what you have.
"People got hurt because of me. Beifong lost her bending for a while,and Amon almost got to you! I'm not good for you." She furrows her brows ,eyes narrowed at you. This is the best thing she can do to you.
"Korra...that's not true, nothing that happened was because of you,and even so,you made it right!" Your hands find their way to her cheeks,gently caressing it with your thumb in a soothing manner.
"What if something happens to you and I'm not there to save you,or what if you get harmed because of me?" She sighs,her hands coming around your wrist.
You smile,"Don't live in fear because of a 'What if',I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."your head meets hers lovingly.
That was all Korra needed to hear to kiss you. Her lips meet yours faster than you could register,one hand going around the back of your neck while the other is sneaked around your waist, pulling you even closer to her. Your chests stuck to another, you're able to feel her heart beating,and you could bet she can feel yours to .
This is a new page for you two,and nothing is going to tear it apart.
I had another writer's block while writing this😅
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mayullla · 4 months
Hi can i request 🌾+yandere+gorou fenkyew 😗
Title: Valentine's Visit
Character(s): Gorou (Genshin Impact) Summary: You liked Gorou for a while now yet when he confessed you could not say yes. Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, Gn!reader, Gorou gives you chocolate, an actual drop of blood mentioned, Soft yandere Gorou, if there are any mistakes pls tell me.
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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Gorou?" You looked at the man in front of your door, surprised. "What are you doing here? I thought you would be staying in Watatsumi Island until next month."
Gorou had been a friend that you made a while back, first meeting and then somehow bonding over what desserts you both liked. This soon changed to something a little cute as you started to like Gorou a lot. So when he confessed to you, you were surprised. Watching his face flustered red, sometimes unable to look in your eyes because of embarrassment. The moment he looked at you, you saw his determined eyes, and his words were genuine, you realized.
Yet you didn't say yes.
You watched as he froze in shock, the swirl of despair and sadness in his eyes as his ears folded, touching his head. Quickly you took his hands, unable to bear seeing him like this but also feeling a bit guilty.
You told him that you were touched by his words, and that you felt the same way. But you were unsure just yet, and just for a little while more, you wanted to get to know him more before making anything official.
Gorou looked at you as you explained your reasons. That you truly do care about him and treasure him, yet as you started to stutter a little, he held your hands tight, shaking his head and smiling at you. "Don't worry. I will wait for you."
The situation turned out all right, but at the same time, returning to what you had was essentially impossible. Both of you told each other that you do like each other more than just friends. While one side wanted to start something new, the other side wanted a little more time, even if you felt butterflies in your stomach sometimes when you looked at him.
Gorou didn't bring up the topic anymore. If anything, it almost turned back to normal, but things just never work that way. As time flowed, Gorou started to hang around you more often whenever he was able to see you. He was awkward, really, with his flirting, as he tried to move closer to you when the both of you were sitting down. His eyes just held a lot of affection towards you, and when he was caught, he would become bright red.
Sometimes it was just too difficult not to tease him a little.
"Her Excellency had given me permission to rest today," Gorou explained, his ears flopped down as his tail moved a little faster, as if nervous. "I... I just wanted to visit you today also."
You smiled at him, opening the door wider. "Why don't you come in then? I will make some tea."
"Uh- uhh... thank you!" Gorou nodded, almost bowing as his hands stayed behind his back. "I also want to give you... something."
Your back was towards him, planning on heading into the house again. As you turned back at Gorou in curiosity, facing him again, you tilted your head at the flustered boy.
It was a little bit of a surprise when he suddenly moved his hands, almost shoving something to your chest. Looking at his hand, you saw a present, a box of chocolates. "Today is Valentine's Day and I want to give this to you," he told you, his voice a little tense, almost stuttering. "T-this is not a confession or anything like that, don't worry. I just wanted to give you something as you are my... my friend!"
You looked at the present in front of you, then you looked at him. He wasn't looking at you, instead elsewhere. You could see that he had to think about it so much giving you these chocolates when the both of you decided that you would not date just yet.
Why did you say no? You do like him, that was true, so it should be easy to accept his love, and it wasn't like he did anything wrong or anybody, even you, could see how much he loved you.
Thank you," you smiled at the present. Instead of the usual red and pink that you see everywhere outside, he had chosen to go for a pastel blue box and a brownish-gold ribbon that reminded you much of the color of his hair. He raised his head and looked at you hopefully. As you smiled back at him, his smile returned to his face, happy that you liked his gift.
You knew that he wanted something more, yet you could not give it to him. There was a snake in your heart biting into your guilt. One time, you even thought that you were playing with his feelings like this, even if you didn't mean to. You were horrified at the idea that maybe you were.
Yet something was stopping you.
"Come in, you must be tired from your journey. Come in and rest for a moment, and I will make some tea." You let him into the house. This wasn't the first time you did, having let him in before in the past when you were friends.
"Thank you," he said, the smile showing his fangs, and you took a second longer staring at them before you went to the kitchen, already knowing that Gorou knew where the living room was. Making tea, the two of you went to see Gorou. You chose to sit down on the floor at the other side of the small low table, but Gorou immediately moved to the side to be closer to you.
On the table, the tea was served, and you opened the chocolates, conscious of the fact that Gorou was staring at you as you did so.
Small bon bon chocolates.
A variety of them of different kinds, ones that you thought you had talked about to him in the past that you would like to get your hands on but didn't because they were too expensive.
Your eyes widened when you realized that it was really those chocolates that you really wanted. "Gorou, aren't these from the brand that I told you about before?" You looked at him with surprise, "They must have been expensive."
Gorou blushed when your eyes met his, looking for an explanation, scratching his cheek with one finger he awkwardly laughed. "I know you always wanted them so." He mumbled. You smiled at his words, unsure of what words to say to express your thanks as guilt tried to rip your heart apart.
"Thank you so much, really." You meant it in your heart. "N-no... no problem." You wondered if Gorou could get any redder than this, wondering to yourself if his ears were also red or if it was your brain playing tricks on you.
You did a mix of a laugh and a sigh, watching. You could not help but view him with affection. Grabbing a chocolate, you took a bite of it and moaned at the taste of the rich flavor of the chocolate, humming at its taste as you ate the rest of the small bonbon chocolate.
Having an idea, you grabbed another and looked at Gorou, who continued to stare at you while you were eating, placing the chocolate right on his lips. "Here, you should eat one too!" You told him, unrelenting when he tried to decline, stating that it was all yours and that he shouldn't eat it. "Oh, come on, it is more delicious when you eat it with others, and I know that you also wanted to try them. Eat." You told him.
Looking hesitantly at the chocolate, Gorou finally closed his eyes and opened his mouth. Biting the chocolate that you positioned on his teeth, you watched as his eyes suddenly opened in surprise, looking at the chocolate like it was the best thing that was ever created, making you start to laugh.
P-please stop laughing so much," Gorou groaned, watching you when he realized why you were laughing again. Trying to calm yourself down, you took a deep breath. "Sorry, Gorou, you are just so fun to tease sometimes." Watching him stutter, stating that he was not, made you chuckle again. "Okay, okay, sorry. Here, why don't you finish the rest of the chocolate," you stated, waving the bitten chocolate in front of him.
Unable to resist, he opened his mouth again, and you placed the chocolate on his lips, wondering to yourself why you declined his confession when you looked at him with so much affection.
It was just for a moment, really. You didn't know how it happened, but in the end, it did. Maybe you left your finger there for a little too long when he closed his mouth, and his canine teeth bit your finger.
Both of you were startled as you quickly pulled your hand back while he opened his mouth to let you go. Looking at your finger, you saw a little blood on it where he bit. He grabbed your hand, looking panicked at the blood. "Are you okay?"
"Ye-yeah," you said, blinking repeatedly at him, starting to calm down while he didn't. "I am so sorry that I bit you. I really didn't mean to," he told you, panicked, and you tried to calm him down.
"Don't worry about it too much. Accidents happen," you told him, trying to ease him from breathing too heavily. Yet you could not help but freeze for a moment as you stared at him. His breathing, a little harsh, wasn't due to panic or anything like that but something else. His eyes moved back to you and then the finger and blood, and his rosy cheeks. There was something in his eyes, something that wasn't worry but instead crazed.
There was something obsessive in that, something that you thought you saw many times in the past but gone too quickly to point out that you thought you were seeing things. There was always this voice in your head right beside your crush, telling you to stop, not to do it, not to say yes. That if you do say yes, something bad would actually happen. A feeling, that were alarm bells telling you not to go farther.
You stared at his eyes, looking at your blood, and then filled with a sickening kind of love in them, hungry and craving for more. You remembered why you had said no that time.
You just couldn't say yes.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
fearless (sweet) leader
An A-Z sfw fluff alphabet for Miguel
A/N - companion piece to my NSFW work here on ao3
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Miguel is not the most overly affectionate, mostly because of his past, but he slowly melts into it because he’s denied himself for so long
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Pretty awkward start 😆 he’s a closed off person so it may be a bit patchy to try and be his personal friend
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Entirely touch starved and sometimes Miguel feels a bit embarrassed that he gets flustered by such gestures. Once he gets used to it, Miguel is a needy cuddle bug, refuses to let you go
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
The idea of having such a life seems unattainable to Miguel, but after the highs and lows, he comes around to it and sees the quiet moments as treasured memories
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Oh if he had to, he’d chalk it up to some “save the world greater good” BS but it would be killing him inside
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Oh he’s scared out of his mind!! Is this meant to be for him, too good to be true, or can he truly be happy? If he gets over his fears and accepts his feelings, Miguel is wasting no time with you
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He tries to be, knowing how distant he is. It took a lot of patience, sometimes you or sometimes him, but he craves gentle now. It makes him slow down for once
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Not a hugger person (at first), but he gets used to them over time. The first time you hugged him, he was stiff before slowly patting your back and then melting into it
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Oh he wants to say it sooner than intended, but it takes an one man army to get over himself and his fears! But when he says it, his heart is racking through his chest like crazy
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
When does Miguel NOT get jealous? He knows you won’t leave him but still, he feels a bit “neglected” when affections aren’t always for him
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Starts off slow, but his lips mold perfectly around yours
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Given what’s canon, he’s apprehensive and hesitant because he doesn’t want something as beautiful as starting a family to slip away again
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s horrible at mornings, moody and whiny and keeping you locked in his arms
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Also moody but he has trouble sleeping and holding you soothes him until his eyes grow heavy
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It’s slow, sometimes painfully slow, but being patient is a plus here because Miguel respects that about you and that you care for his space as well
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Is that rhetorical?
If he’s ever “mad” at you, it’s mostly from a place of frustration and worry because he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Considering he’s most likely seen other Earth versions of you, Miguel knows more about you than he lets on
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He remembers your first mission together because it was the moment he realized you can take care of yourself, and that you are unstoppable together
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Extremely protective! If you’re not buzzing or calling in for a report, he’s coming down there himself
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He tries, bit by bit. And the more he does, the more you fall in love with him all over again.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Arrogance, withholding secrets from you, closed off from you and others
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
It’s canon Miguel is insecure by his claws and fangs so you staring at him in admiration and complimenting him is unfamiliar territory
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Without a doubt 🥺🥹 even if he tries to deny it. Man’s is LONELY, he needs love
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
As he dates you more, he likes to open up more with some surprise dates but still keep it subtle between you two
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Ironically he doesn’t like it when you hold secrets out on him
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Atrocious! You practically have to drag him away from his work panels to get him to sleep to which he collapses on top of you
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hee0soo · 7 months
We'll figure this out...
Summary: Wooyoung finds something out you didn´t want him to know yet...
Jung Wooyoung x afab!Reader
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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"You look so good with a baby in your arms y/n! When are you and Wooyoung going to have some?”
Horrified you looked up from where you had admired your boyfriends newly born niece. The little girl was calmly slumbering while suckling gently on her pacifier. A stark contrast to the inner turmoil going on inside of you!
Originally you and Wooyoung had planned to drop by his parent’s house to visit them while he and the boys had gotten 2 weeks to do whatever they wanted before preparations for their next comeback started. Neither of you had anticipated that 1 week before your little vacation started, the oldest Jung brother’s first baby would be born!
She was a bit early but Wooyoungs sister in law and the little girl were in perfectly good health so they too came for a visit to introduce the baby to their family.
You were more than excited seeing as your boyfriend had shown you hundreds of picture since the baby was born and you had to admit, she was definitely cute.
But now you were frozen to your place on the couch, starring at Eunkyung in shock at being addressed like that all of a sudden.
The older woman beamed brightly at you, not having intended to startle you so bad but also being genuinely interested if she would get any more grandchildren any time soon.
Not able to utter more than a few awkward stammers, you looked at your boyfriend for help. Wooyoung, sensing that you weren´t sure what to say, scratched at the back of his neck.
“Eomma I promise you´ll be the first to find out when we are expecting,”
He smiled at his mother and pressed a kiss to her cheek before sauntering over to where you were sitting and took his place next to you. Gazing down at the baby still sleeping.
His words were echoing in your head.
When… not If…
It wasn´t that you had never thought about having children of your own, just that you couldn´t possibly see yourself as a mother.
The thought alone, scared the shit out of you. Sometimes the Tiktok algorithm  would show you videos talking about the things nobody talked about during a pregnancy or about birth and you were sure, that you didn´t want any of that. Paired with the things you witnessed in public, how some kids were behaving like the most obnoxious brats, your decision not to have children only manifested further.
Of course you knew that not every child was like that but it wasn´t enough to change your opinion on the matter. Not even the baby fever you would get from time to time when a coworker showed you pictures of her baby at work, or the happy feelings you had had up until now changed anything for you.
And the words Wooyoung´s mother had uttered were a painful reminder of that. They were like an ice cold shower that reminded you of the harsh reality that you didn´t want children!
Seeing Wooyoung admire his niece and hearing his reply broke your heart.
Because while you didn´t want to be a mother, he, without a doubt wanted to be a father! And you couldn´t bare the fact that you didn´t couldn´t give him that, or more precisely, didn´t want to give him that…
Time flew as the day slowly came to an end. Between trying to hide that your emotions from the Jung family and the cooing about the little sunshine now sleeping in her mother’s arms, you had barely noticed the sun slowly setting as it became dark outside.
Nobody had mentioned the topic again but you felt like a dark cloud hung right above your head, following you where ever you went even when dinner was getting served.
Not feeling like eating, you pushed the rice around with your chopsticks.
“Aren´t you hungry?”
Wooyoung asked worried, voice hushed as to not alert his parents, knowing that the last time you ate was breakfast this morning.
You shook your head with a reassuring smile, praying that it would come across as believable. It seemed to work as your boyfriend nodded and instead transfer some of your food into his bowl before placing his free hand on your thigh, running his thumb gently over the fabric of your jeans and squeezing ever so slightly.
Wooyoung wasn´t a fool however. And he knew you, probably better than you thought which made it easy for him to see through your little lie. You might be able to fool his parents, but him? Absolutely not!
And that´s why he waited until his parents went to bed and you and him retired to his old bedroom. None of you planned to go to sleep yet, him being used to late nights at the company and you being an overall night owl, so you both got comfortable in his bed with your laptop playing a drama neither of you acknowledged.
Instead, you laid back into the warmth Wooyoung was radiating while he had his arms wrapped tightly around you, kissing the side of your face every on and then.
That went on for 2 more episodes where none of you mentioned the incident of this morning, but Wooyoung wouldn´t be Wooyoung if he wasn´t the tiniest bit to curious and impatient to hold himself back any longer.
He felt your body going stiff at the question of what was going on, a definite sign that something was indeed going on.
“I´m okay, don´t worry.” You stated, trying to relax yourself.
Wooyoung hummed.
“Jagi-ya…please be honest with me…”
You turned your head a little, eyebrow raised.
“I am honest with you Woo.”
“No you´re not. You know that just as much as I do.”
His voice was eerily calm and it set something of inside you.
Guilt was gnawing at your consciousness, knowing that you had been caught in your lie. Your eyes felt wet all of a sudden.
“Can we please just drop it?”
The waver of your voice only caused the man behind you to worry even more. He felt bad for urging you to talk but if he had learned one thing since being in Ateez, it was communication! And whatever was bothering you was obviously an issue…
“I´m sorry but we can´t. This isn´t like you and I want to help you but I can´t do that if we don´t talk about it…”
You shook your head, desperate to hold the tears back and not let them drop, knowing that you most likely would be reduced to a sobbing mess if you let them go.
“Y/n please…”
“Wooyoung drop it!”
Hearing his full name mad him stop in his tracks. It was always Woo or Youngie or some other form of endearment but never his full name.
It was quiet for a few minutes, the dancer thinking hard about what could have set this off until he remembered his mothers question from earlier that day.
“You know if this is about what eomma said today-“
You freed yourself from his hold, sitting up and looking at him.
“there´s nothing rushing us, we´re-“
“Drop. It!” you pressed out, desperate for him to stop talking.
“We don´t need to think about it now but maybe one day we´ll have-“
Immediately you regretted your words. Sitting there in his bed, starring at him leaning against the headboard while starring right back at you.
Fear held onto your heart tightly, scared of how he would react.
Wooyoung sat there like he had been frozen in time. Entirely still and not able to move he felt like the wind got knocked out of his lungs as he starred at you with wide eyes.
The silence was suffocating and you didn´t dare to say anything, not wanting to lose him further. You felt the hand he had grabbed yours with during his little rant let go and for the first time in your entire relationship it felt like you were miles apart from each other.
Listening to his voice break hurt you more than you could describe.
“Woo I-“
You didn´t know what to say. It was the truth and nothing you said could make it better.
Resigned you let out a shuddering breath.
“Why- What- Why did you never-“
Wooyoung wasn´t able to form a proper sentence, too many things racing through his mind all at once at the revelation.
He had thought that after all these years in your relationship; he would someday have a family with you. But that dream had burst like a bubble just as easily as breathing.
Something that became increasingly harder to do the longer he looked at you.
Pain was etched onto your face and logically he knew that getting up and leaving was not a good idea at all but he couldn’t bear to look at your face at the moment. The tears streaming down your face were enough indication that this wasn´t something you took lightly and the chocked outcry you tried to stop from escaping as you reached for his hand, not wanting to let him go was something he was sure would burn itself into his brain.
It didn´t stop him from forcefully closing the door after he walked out of his room, leaving you alone in your misery.
You wanted to follow him so badly, but you couldn´t find the strength in yourself to get up and actually walk after him.
At this point, the drama was completely forgotten as you hugged yourself, trying to comfort yourself. It wasn´t working.
Sobs ripped through you and shook your body.
This was exactly what you were scared of in the first place. The Wooyoung would hate you! Why else would he walk out on you?
You knew that not having kids was for most people considered a deal breaker and it seemed that Wooyoung also considered it one. You could respect that but it didn´t mean that it didn´t hurt…
Meanwhile Wooyoung was trying to get his nerves to calm down while taking a walk through the neighborhood.
The cold air of the October night was biting at his nose and he regretted not taking a jacket with him, surprised that he even remembered to grab hi phone before leaving the house.
Dialing an all too familiar number, the man waited until the call was picked up.
“Woo? I thought you were visiting your parents with y/n? Why are you calling me?”
Yeosang asked, wondering why his best friend wasn´t spending his free time with you.
And Wooyoung started to rant. Spilling everything that troubled him in that moment.
When he was done, all the older boy could say was, “Wow,”
“Yeah, wow. You can say that out loud, I mean, I always thought that I would have kids someday and now I just… I don´t know what to feel Sangie…”
At home, Yeosang listened to his fellow 99-liner, thinking about what to say.
“To be honest, I think that you don´t really have a say in the matter. It´s y/n body you know… If she doesn´t want that you might have reevaluate what you want more. A child or y/n…”
“I love her, that doesn´t change! But I also want a family with her…”
Wooyoung ran his hand trough his unkempt hair. A motion he had been doing more than once in the past hour.
“But not having children, doesn´t mean no family Woo.”
It was silent for a while. So much so that Yeosang had to check if he was still on the call with the other.
“I don´t want to lose her!” Wooyoung whispered.
“And you won´t but you have to talk to her!”
The slightly older boy sighed, feeling bad for his group member and you.
“And you really just walked out on her?”
Forgetting, that the other couldn´t see him through the fun, Wooyoung nodded before answering.
“You should have seen her face when I did Yeo, it was like she thought I was leaving her-“
“Well you kind of did my friend and judging by what you just told me, she´s probably hurting more than you are right now…”
Realizing that his friend was right, the younger wanted to kick himself. How could he have just left you sitting on the bed? Reaching out for HIM to come back to you?
Honestly he would be surprised if you would stay with him after that stunt!
“Go back to her okay? I know it hurts but it´s the only way!”
Famous last words before the other hung up.
Wooyoung looked at the clock on his phone. It was 1:21 am. Which meant that he had been walking for almost 3 hours!
He hadn´t even noticed that it had been that long!
His heart dropped at the realization that you had been alone for that long without any comforting words like he had just received!
Racing back the street he had come from he hurriedly ran back home.
The house was dead silent when he entered. It was the middle of the night after all!
Wooyoung came to stand in front of his own room, not daring to open the door. Hesitating to walk into what might be the end of your relationship!
What he found instead was you, curled up on the bed, holding onto the comforter like your life depended on it. Your face was still wet and puffy, telling him that you were indeed crying until very recently and he thought he could see a lonely tear still falling from your closed eyes.
It seemed that you had cried yourself to sleep after he left.
Stepping closer, you saw the goose bumps littering your arms from the fresh air inside his room.
He grabbed the blanket from your grasp, wanting to cover your body with it and promptly got startled when your body shot up abruptly, eyes wide open.
“Hey it´s just me!”
Holding up his hands to show he wasn´t a danger Wooyoung let go of the fabric.
“Yeah, it´s me I-“
Not able to finish his sentence and not prepared by the force of you throwing yourself at him, he nearly toppled over before catching himself and accidently hurting yourself and him in the process.
“I´m so sorry Woo!” you whimpered not sure he had heard you.
“No don´t be. We can figure this out okay… Together!”
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter One
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Jasper Hale x Reader
Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: Use of curse words
Notes: I was nervous to start writing from Jasper’s POV, but sometimes you just gotta send it and hope for the best. POV changes in italics at the beginning of their sections!
Word Count: 823
Series Masterlist
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• January 24th, 2005 • Forks High School •
Another boring day at this high school which means another tally added to the long list of days spent amongst hormonal teenagers for almost no reason.
I understand the importance of learning to curb my hunger, to be able to assimilate into society as easily as my coven members. I crave the ability they possess to just exist in public without any hint of the monster that lies within. I’ll give it to Carlisle, not many places could I be immersed in an environment flush with humans, but also have the ability to blame my awkwardness with them on teenage hormones while I adjust. I’m not too keen on taking the risk with literal children, but the risk forces me to maintain a tighter grip on the bloodlust raging inside.
I still don’t like the experimentation of it all.
At least my adopted brothers and sisters are close by whenever I need. I hate that I’m not sure of myself yet, like I’m still in need of the crutch they provide should I need it. This is a never-ending war crawling under my skin. I should be strong enough to control this, I’m nearly 160 years old. I’ve commanded humans and vampires alike, why can I not command my own urges for blood?
I'm deep in my own mind walking alongside Emmett as he talks my ear off about his Jeep and the modifications he contemplates making tonight to kill time, and as we pass the front office to our high school, I nearly miss catching the door before it could crack me across the face.
Once I gain my bearings after the momentary shock of being caught in my thoughts, I let the door drift shut and look to the culprit-
Thoughts are foreign to me all of a sudden.
I immediately stop breathing in shock, my back goes rigid, and blinking becomes a thing of the past as my eyes connect with the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.
I’ve never seen such a beautiful person, human or vampire, in my life. My eyes are greedy as I drink her in. From the white converse, worn overalls, the chunky sweater underneath to ward off the early morning chill, to her beautifully messy hair hastily clipped up in a twist at the base of her head - she’s a breath of fresh air and I’ve been submerged for over a century.
But what really catches me off guard is her scent. She smells like fresh lavender and something else so decadent I can’t quite put my finger on it. I can feel the beginnings of flames licking down my throat at just the microscopic inhale after releasing the door from my death-grip moments ago.
The scent of this bewitching girl had me in such a trance, enough that when Emmett delivers a clap to my shoulder to shake me from my thoughts, I didn’t even realize he was chuckling at my expense.
“Oh god I’m so sorry! I was so focused on my schedule that I didn’t even see you-“ she immediately began apologizing.
“No need to worry, doll. It’ll require a little more than a door to take me out.” I immediately interrupted her nervous rambling. Did I really just say that?
“Jasper Hale.” I stuck my hand out for her to shake, trying to start this introduction all over on the right foot.
I noticed her glance to my outstretched hand and back up to my face as her warm hand slid into mine.
“Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n.” She replied, still looking a little surprised. She squeezed my hand a little before allowing hers to slip from mine.
Just from the small amount of skin to skin contact with this beautiful girl, everything inside of me roars to life. I’m worried that if I glance at my hand, I’ll see the skin crawling from where the heat of her hand lingers.
Surprise, worry, anxiety, embarrassment, self-deprecation, awe - the emotions a rolodex scrolling in rapid succession in the forefront of my mind. The shock of meeting her momentarily throwing my supernatural ability for a loop. I haven’t had such shit control over the emotions surrounding me since I was a newborn vampire.
I’ve never had such an interesting reaction to something, or rather someone, before - it scares me slightly. I can only gape as Y/n turns and makes her way quickly to class.
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Can someone die from stupidity?
I’m at my new high school for less than an hour and I’ve already made the biggest fool of myself. I almost just took out the most attractive human being at this school by complete accident.
After introducing myself to Jasper Hale, I hastily turned around and booked it for my first class in the hopes to avoid further insult to injury.
Smooth, Y/n. Real fucking smooth.
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