#also i'm generally doing pretty good rn. like i feel like i'm on top of things and i'm in a good place
magentagalaxies · 11 months
love it when i'm feeling stressed so i go to put on any random scott thompson video where he talks about trauma and comedy bc they're so cathartic 10/10 coping mechanism but then i see in the recommended the goddamn "human urinal" standup set and i just go well this isn't what i was looking for at all but now i need to watch this again
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monkeytrick · 11 months
I've been putting off making this for a bit bc it straight up sucks to be doing this twice in succession but, in short --
I moved from Wisconsin to Alabama earlier this year to stay with my dad, and now I'm preparing to move back to Wisconsin on my own. I've had to help pay the bills for both my dad in AL and my mom in WI since I moved here, and to make things worse, my dad has been unemployed the entire time I've been living with him, and I recently caught my mom full on lying about needing me to give her money for bills before using it on a concert ticket lol. In addition to all this, I recently had a pretty expensive medical treatment for an abcess which in turn made it so I had to quit my job a bit earlier than expected. Generally not good or fun, especially when winter is approaching and time is of the essence regarding a move up north.
I've been planning to move back out for about two months beforehand bc on top of everything my living situation is like, legitimately very unsafe for reasons I'd rather not get into (I can discuss it in private if you'd feel weird giving me money without knowing details but yknow) and I'm also in an INCREDIBLY rural area rn compared to my town in Wisconsin which is full of people I know who have been willing to help me out. Hence why I'm heading all the way back there instead of just fucking off somewhere else in AL.
Thank you to everyone who helped me out the first time I had to ask for moving help and I'm incredibly sorry I have to do it again. I will say that I have things planned out much more thoroughly than I did the first time I made a post like this and I also have pretty much everything on my side except for money lol. As always, if you want me to draw a little cartoon for you or write a stupid little poem or do anything to make you feel like you're getting your money's worth PLEASE let me know and I'll make it so.
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(^Very small simple examples of stuff I draw IF you have any interest) Otherwise:
PP: @deankyfun VM: @deankyfun $App: $DeankyFun
My tentative goal is $1,500. Will reply to this post once a week with the date and how much I've received. Thank you so much if you're able to help seriously love you all
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girlbloggen · 1 year
school tips from a top student
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hello angels ! i've always been a top student and this school year i'm going to be a senior so i think i've gained enough school experience to give y'all some tips in case you need them 𔘓ㅤ
★ procrastinating is your biggest enemy
this is pretty much self explanatory but I wanted to include it because it's the reason most people don't do well at school. every minute that you waste procrastinating ruins everything because you won't be able to study/do the assignments at all or they won't end up being good because of your stress. don't do this to yourself.
★ get enough sleep
a good student always gets at least 8+ hours of sleep every night & especially during the exam season. i disagree with some people that think that its ok to not study at all for the rest of the school year and to just pull all nighters during the exam season to study the things they missed. sleep is very important because if you don't sleep you simply can't concentrate so you should never skip sleeping.
★ don't be late
don't be late in the morning and don't skip classes randomly & without a reason. even if you don't get a detention the teachers won't respect you because you are the one not respecting them in the first place.
★ lying to your teacher = lying to yourself
now if you lie about the reason that you're late or the reason that you didn't do the assignments you're disrespecting your own self. also sometimes teachers don't react when a student lies to them but that doesn't mean that they don't understand it. stop thinking that you're an evil genius and that you're capable of manipulating the teachers into thinking that you're innocent. you're not, stop being delusional.
★ be two steps ahead, when it's possible
that's hard and of course it's not always possible but it's a good idea because that way you will be informed about the topic that you're going to learn so you'll be able to participate more actively in class & it will be easier for you to memorize the info.
★ look good to feel good
it's a fact that if you look neat & pretty you will be more motivated to do well in school because you'll be more confident, so take some time to pick a nice outfit, take a shower & even try a cute hairstyle.
★ but beauty shouldn't be your #1 priority rn
yes it's important to look & feel pretty but that's not the reason you're in school so it shouldn't distract you. I know girls that put too much effort in the way they look that they completely forget about their assignments.
★ discover how your brain works
if you already haven't, I suggest you to discover the way your brain memorizes faster info. some people have to write down things to learn them while others memorize easier things they hear. whatever it is it can help you to find a studying method that works for you.
★ find yourself a few productive distractions
distractions should be avoided in general but a boring schedule is bad for you too. to avoid a boring repetitive schedule find some productive things you can do other than studying for school. like practice some kind of sport or an art or learn foreign languages. keep in mind that ivy league schools appreciate people that are good students at school but at the same time they have more interests like sports or art. so bonus points if you want to get into an ivy league.
★ avoid drama at all costs
please, whatever you do, avoid drama. this is already a very stressful period of your life because you're a teenager & a student so stay away from things that can ruin your mental health and sabotage you. don't get into fights.
★ wrong (!!) time to party
I know that partying is fun but rn it's a wrong time of your life to party. partying can lead to procrastination & it can also ruin both your mental and your physical health. also most parties are full of drama and that can distract you. I know so many top students whose school performance went downhill when they magically transformed into party animals.
★ you simply don't care about other people
you shouldn't care about what your parents, your friends, your teachers, your school's mean girls etc think. you have goals to chase and that's what should concern you rn. other people don't exist to you. it's only you & your goals. be self-centered & goal-oriented. it sounds mean but it can save you.
★ treat yourself
you don't need others to congratulate you for your achievements. be the first one who does. every time you achieve something treat yourself by doing something you love. like buy a lipgloss, do your selfcare routine, eat your fav snack. you deserve it.
★ keep your standards high
don't let the society gaslight you into thinking that your standards are too high. I'm pretty sure that every person can achieve great things in their lifetime. even if you can't get something don't feel bad about it & be proud of yourself because at least you tried. don't be negative. there's a greater possibility to reach your goals if you give them a try. you can do it !
I really hope this was helpful ! If you need to ask me something my ask box & my dms are open <3
xoxo, a
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jiraisupportgroup · 2 months
Hii I'm new to jirai kei n recently I joined a group where there's a lot o jirai / landmine ppl! I was asking some questions abt how to go for the fashion part of the subculture and one of my main questions was "is there any thrift store I can go to? Can I customize some clothing to make it look jirai?" And what I got as an answer was "No. Jirai ppl only use branded clothing, you can buy it second hand but you cannot customize in any way".
Tbh I'm not in a good place economically rn and I don't have a job either, so I'm not sure what I should do. Importing clothing costs 6 times more cause of where I live.
Is it really a rule that jirai / landmine can only wear branded clothes? (Liz liza, honey wardrobe, dear my love, etc)
I know I fit in the jirai lifestyle but I wanted to fit in the fashion too T--T
Thank you for your time♡♡ asking anon cause it's for me and a frien ^^"
I would once again like to preface this (as I preface all things) with the fact that I could entirely be talking out of my ass - this is just my opinion - and I am not a spokesperson for Jirai Kei or other mentioned subcultures / fashion styles as a whole.
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I wholeheartedly disagree with that but also I will caveat that with the fact that I spent most of my teenage years in menhera / goth / emo / grunge spaces and those are very DIY-heavy subcultures. I'm also super relaxed about how people choose to label themselves (to the point where I barely claim to be in any subculture because I just don't want to bother with labels so I'm probably not the best person to ask haha~)
To me personally, this feels like an argument that someone coming from Lolita would make? I kind of see a link here in the sense that the two main reasons I think people say these things about Lolita are because it is really hard to make Lolita clothing and buying lolita knock-offs is generally bad for a whole slew of reasons. Similar arguments for both subcultures I think.
Girly kei / dark girly clothing can be really hard to make or DIY. I think it is certainly very possible to do, but it might take some trial and error. Mostly because being a bit over the top is kind of the aesthetic; there are a lot of ruffles and bows and lace and ribbons and buttons and cute little accessories and cut-outs and the neckline is typically very specific with decorated collars. At its base, it is just a blouse, but it's got a LOT of aspects that go into it, and if it's "too basic" then you're not really hitting that girly kei style. The skirts too (I personally think the skirts would be a little easier to DIY but I also have experience sewing with lace / grommets & making corset ribbon designs which is mostly what stands out from them to me?) You also run into a lot of the actual hardware being specific with hearts being a really common theme for belt loops or buttons, and decorated suspenders.
I think it would be difficult to DIY girly kei or dark girly pieces but it's certainly doable. One issue is that depending on where you're getting the materials for that DIY, it might be about the same cost (or more) as just buying a blouse (although this depends on shipping cost).
The other aspect of it is the argument against fast fashion which is a little more nuanced in Jirai Kei but I see where they're coming from? I mean, to be frank, ryousangata is literally "massed produced" fashion (& to be fair the aesthetics that are labeled as “ryousangata” have varied a lot over the years - it’s not just frilly blouses & stuff that’s just kind of what it happens to be right now). It's pretty much just fast fashion. MA*RS, Liz Lisa, & DearMyLove from what I can tell are mostly produced in Japan, although they do source materials from China, like most companies do (not automatically or necessarily a bad thing imo - but I will spare you that side rant bc it’s kind of not related). I couldn't find a lot of information about their production practices? So I'm unsure about worker environments for them? Generally, the big-name brands are going to be more ethically sourced & produced than random AliExpress sellers but by how much is kind of questionable (or at least I could not find a lot of information about the production processes so I'm not sure by how much - if anyone has additional information on this I would love love love to hear).
Now am I saying "Go buy a bunch of fast fashion off of AliExpress because it's cheaper and no one cares"? No. (It's also honestly not much cheaper.) But the reality is that it generally is fast fashion, so it's a weird balancing game. I think one of the main reasons people say "only buy Liz Lisa / MA*RS / DearMyLove" is because they want to avoid fast fashion as much as possible while participating in a fashion with a LOT of fast fashion sellers, and since it can be difficult to find production information they go for the big names because they're easier to trust in that aspect. (I also have fallen into this trap & have sworn my life to DearMyLove because they're the only big-name brand that is even slightly 6-foot-tall-bitch friendly T-T)
All of that being said, if you want to attach some bows and lace to a frilly blouse and call it girly kei I am absolutely not going to stop you (or honestly even judge you, but again that's just me). The shipping costs are part of the reason why I say the clothes are secondary to the jirai kei subculture especially as a foreigner because once you consider that the clothing is significantly more expensive and difficult to obtain in foreign circles it becomes directly contradictory to some of the reasons why those same clothes are so popular in the Japanese subculture: I don't think the cultural context of the fashion translates over to foreign markets (economically or socially, but I'll spare you that entire rant lol).
ALSO! Jirai Kei Subcul is awesome and has a much more obtainable aesthetic for foreign markets. It leans more into punk and you can use a lot of different pieces for it that are more easily obtainable, so I highly recommend looking into it. It might be a good medium for being able to feel fully like you belong, but not breaking the bank for an outfit.
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littleplantfreak · 2 months
make sure to stay hydrated during all the request you're gonna receive <3 if i'm not too late could you yap about ume for me? specifically, his house husband skills with how amazing he is at cooking and looking after the people he loves, thank you!
Yes I can yap about his househusband skills i think till i'm blue in the face and TYSM!!! I'll drink water rn owu)/
-We all know he can cook, we've seen it done y'know? He dabbles in baking as well! He'll see a recipe online and is immediately sliding his phone towards you, asking your opinion on it. Takes into serious consideration if you have allergies/preferences or you just don't like how one ingredient goes with the others. You think it's just a in-passing thing, but the next day guess what's on the kitchen table? And he always perfects it, it's almost infuriating.
-Just when you couldn't think he could get any more perfect, he can clean pretty well too. Strong enough to move all the furniture when it needs to be vacuumed under, tall enough to reach the cobwebs on the ceiling or the tops of the shelves without a chair. (I'm just swooning onto the couch he just lifted with one hand)
-Even Ume has his days though, where he's a bit accident prone or messes up a meal. He's pretty good at covering his tracks and fixing his slip ups, but when you see him walking around with his foot bandaged and you ask why? He's not gonna lie to you, but he's super bashful telling you he knocked a bowl off the counter by accident onto said foot, breaking the bowl AND bruising himself. Or when you come home and it smells just slightly burnt and all the windows in the house are open. Takes a little guesswork but you end up figuring out the older couple next door started talking his ear off while he was waiting for some cookies to finish baking, and the fire alarm alerted him to the charred remains.
-A natural caregiver, loving people is what he's made for, at least in his head. Taking care of you when your sick or just need a mental health day is something he does with ease. Alone time? No problem, he has some errands to do. Wanna cuddle? Not even a question, he's already in bed with you regardless of germs or sickness. He is so in-tune with your needs, especially when you're not feeling well, that he does things before you even think to ask about them. Definitely babies you big time no matter what though. If you're miserable for some reason, I can see him Scooping you up in a blanket and just holding you like that in a loveseat.
-Even when it comes to family and friends, he's ever-present in making sure they're safe, happy, and cared for. Taking people leftovers if they've been having a tough time or just giving them a call to check in...he thrives on it.
-I figure I'd put kids at the end in case you wanted to skip over it? But yeah! Not necessarily your own kids, but he's just fantastic with them in general. I'm sure the neighborhood kids stop by all the time, checking in with him in the back where his garden is. He's one of the first they run to if someone gets hurt or there's a creep bothering them and also one of the first to ask for advice from. Sometimes I headcanon him being a social worker for kids and families but that's for another time
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that-starry-freak · 2 months
More children for @sunny-sourzii !!!! (Also tagging @melodi-jackson cause I feel like you like seeing the kids too)
uhhh- first off!!! The twins! Yes, another set, I like making twins, sue me
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(Also its raining SO hard rn and I'm so happy)
anyway, Morning glory and Moonflower!! Or Glory and Datura, as they're usually called. They're the 2nd youngest set of siblings in the third generation! Only older then Venus, Mars, and uh- listen i read the names once im.not very good at retaining knowledge
Glory is defiently the more extroverted of the two. She looks up to her siblings, and loves to play with them. Eccpecially giving them little makeovers (which usually ar exist her putting stickers on their face and scribbling red marker like blush, but yknow, shes got the spirit) he eccpecially loves when Lune does his makeup. He likes feeling pretty. Sbe also really enjoys bright colors, and her favorite color is rainbow! Though he's a bit impartial to pink! She's also very energetic, probaly one of the most energetic out of her siblings, but she always knows how to calm herself down for her twin brother. Her favorite stuffed animal is also because it reminded her of Datura!!
(Also nvm im not happy anymore the storm is giving me a headache)
Oh- wait- let's go it may be going away)
Datura however is the much more shy and introverted of the two. He is very reserved, calm, and quiet. He loves to read, and started reading full on chapter books at a pretty young age. He has social anxeity, and really opens up around Glory and a few others of his siblings. He also really admires Chica, but is too scared to talk to her. He also realized he was a boy pretty young, as he really didn't like when people would call him a girl and treat him like one, and he always felt quite a bit different from his sister. He takes after sun, ftm <3. Though he takes after moon in most other regards.
Aaannndd- yeah!! I love these two tbh. I love their designs, eccpecialy Glory's, and I think they're really sweet. Also I like their names.
And now to the other child i made! Thats right! I made a third one! I did all of this yesterday btw I was on the roll-
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This is Luna Moth!! Or Luma, for short. (Also im changing their pronouns maybe to she/they) they're only a few years older then Datura and Glory
They're the family theatre kid, and likes putting on plays and puppet shows and just generally preforming for the kids in the daycare, as well as for the triplets. They like older musicals and theatre rather than new ones, but im not gonna name any cause I havnt watched any!!!! (Not Broadway ones at least) but idk they probaly like Shakespeare phantom of the opera and stuff
The drawing to the left is more of what they wear casually, outside of the daycare. Also I havnt decided if the antennas are part of them or the hats, though I'm probaly gonna do it wear its part of them.
And uhh- yeah! Luma!
I also have these little headshot draawings of all my children so far- (6 of them!) 2 vers
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And unshadwd
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(From left to right. Top row: Solar, Lune, Nebula. Bottom row: Glory, Datura, Luma)
And uhhh- yeah!!!!
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tetitous · 6 months
I wrote a lot, and not everything at the same time, but like brain got too full of Wakfu so yeah, thoughts time. I tried organizing it chonologically.
I wonder if Ruel will end up going back to Arpagone eventually, to me it seems like he decided he was done with her for good. That seems crazy but at the same time I'm pretty sure she did the most toxic thing you can do to an Enutrof. I mean, they haven't been together for a long time, I kind of wish they did talk to each other, set the records straight and left it there, but I'm okay with what happened too. Also good for Arapgone on finding something that makes her feel worthwhile by helping others.
Ruel really said the real treasure was the son we got along the way in the end, and he was so right for that.
Yugo getting the shit kicked out of him because Iops seem to have face blindness is some real comedy, the lightness in the whole scene really helped me feel that Yugo was still very much him. And given how heavy anything about the antagonists is that felt warranted, that made me feel very good. He's very chill though. Retrospectively I think it confirms what a lot of people like me may have been thinking, that Yugo was generally very tense due to body dysmorphia on top of everything else. Good for him.
I'm going to be real, Pin calling for Flopin got me so hard. I said "oh no" out loud.
Eva went full big sister mode upon seeing Yugo ;-;. I always loved their bond, it's at the center of one of, if not the best solo episode of the whole show, s2 ep 16, so the fact that it never weakens has me in a chokehold. I see the little gestures and I think "oh, they're family", with them it's all in the little gestures.
Yugo recieveing a big iop group hug and going :> was so cute. Kind of surprised Goultard also was part of it but Yugo deserves all the hugs so I absolutely am taking it.
Yugo telling Eliatrope to do something or fuck off and being the only one to manage to get her to do something has to be one of the biggest nat 20 on persuasion of all time. She's coming back to deliver the kids once things are safe though, right? And without the eye thingies right? Right?
No more Brakmar? Damn, that feels weird.
King Osamodas can take my fists, the way he just refuses to listen to Amalia and is barely willing to do the same to Armand given the nature of the invasion is really irritating.
The joy of Ad upon seeing Yugo still alive ;v;
Little interesting parallel of Yugo and Eliatrope both using the same force field technique. Not sure if it means anything, but I know it felt relevant to me.
Amalia going "are we about to kiss rn" and Yugo going "nah babe there's a war that'll leave a bad taste. Promise I'm hyping up my game for later though" was perfect. I got scared that they would kiss at that moment because it didn't feel right, but at the same time you cannot tell me they wouldn't want to soo damn bad.
Ad and Armand's eyes turning purple upon using the Eliasphere, huh...
Oh so Dathura is still there and places herself as a last defense for the Tree of Life, interesting but like, she just disappeared in the meantime? Well it's not her story I guess we didn't need to know, but still.
Joris asking Yugo if he knows what he's doing. Joris, he knows about as much as usual, he's just doing his best but thanks for making sure.
The way Eva and Tristepin react to their family being put in danger is interesting to me. Pinpin will jump to their rescue, but he's the one moving, that makes sense to him. Eva is, and has always been, the type to stay in place at the face of danger, whether out of fear or stubborness, so she asks for Pinpin to be the one to move away from the danger, but she won't move. Their dynamic is precious.
I'm curious about Pinpin's hair... burning? What's going on there?
Armand's sacrifice was powerful, he wasn’t a great prince, but he was an amazing King.
Joris! Joris! Joris! Joris! Imma hype that little man. Him and Yugo making the Team Blue Shorties (well, not so much anymore) was great. Team Demigods was also pretty damn cool.
Aurora is building a very bad rep for the Osamodas Kingdom by flying away, but I undertand the pain she must have felt at the moment. Her father still was treating their countries' alliance as something purely strategic, but she loved him. To her that meant something, and Amalia's simple movement of rejection while under intense distress and grief was enough for her to decide to listen to her father and not to fight by everyone's side.
Actually Eva IS very much the one to get people to move. She gets Amalia back up too.
Yugo turning Oropo's words against Toross is interesting. Wonder if it has any weird implications for the future. Maybe not though, maybe Yugo has been warned enough, he's not the type to enjoy the feeling that comes with being extremely powerful too much after all. The Eliacube freaked him out, the 6 Dofus made him scared the whole time and the consequences sucked, and the Eliasphere can litteraly cause his death. I think if anyone can hold that much power, that would be him (or Joris, Joris looks like he can be trusted with pretty much anything)
Big nope on Toross for trying to make Nora his bride. Nopenopenopenopenope go away. I'm surprised Yugo managed to keep a straight face, because I think I would have just gone for the throat.
Also imagine being a walking talking pan flag and people still assume you're straight.
There are definetly implications that Toross is the one being responsible for the disappearance of the gods. If he can tell the difference between the strengh of a god and that of a demi-god, that means he fought both, and won.
Nora going from forcing herself to be distrustful of Yugo to believing him fully did warm my heart. The short time they spent together doesn't mean they aren’t family.
What do you mean Pinpin never told Eva he loved her??? What??? Really?!?!
Efrim's pain and Nora's love are such a beautiful contrast I feel so much for them I'm not sure I have the words for it.
Flopin is developing his hearing, glad that in a way he didn't miss the wedding.
Btw totally unrelated but Yugo carrying Goultard bridal style during the final fight was NOT on my bingo list.
In the end, Toross' pain and loneliness are eternal, and there litteraly no saving him from his own personal hell. In a lot of ways his story is similar to Qilby's, but the one thing that separates them is the choice: Qilby could still choose to stop hurting his own in service of himself, Toross condemned everyone, including himself, and he can do nothing about it anymore.
Are Nora and Efrim stuck wherever they are together for all of eternity or are their Wakfu going back to their Dofus?
Omg. A wedding. My dude it all happened too fast, the worldwide political chaos that's going to ensue, I'm here for it.
I feel like they did originally want to show us the transition from the Era of Wakfu to Waven but they ended up focusing more on the characters, and that's a very good thing, that allows for Yugo to have a truly, undeniable win thanks not just to being overpowered, due to the main antagonist somehow being worse, but also thanks to the power of friendship and plus if affinity.
Overall those last 3 episodes I was hyped the whole way, and it's crazy because I don't think I felt a feeling that strong so regularly for an entire hour. I write that part about an hour after having watched everything and I still haven't come down, but now I'm having a bit of a feeling like I'm about to cry in the back. That means season 4 of Wakfu was even more amazing than everything I hoped for, because when I'm hoped for something there typically always is that empty feeling. Not here. I'm very, very happy.
The ending really feels like there's more, so I'm happy to know that there will be a manga.
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chatter-crow · 3 days
please do. personally went off about the soundtrack the first time i heard it.... it's's . not good (about mean girls)
alright this is a whole lot because holy SHIT i think about this more than I should
! ! This is all my opinion ! !
If you liked it, good for you ig just dont attack me lol
They took every bit of musical theater out of the soundtrack and made it sound like generic pop. Theater kids pay WELL for good stuff, they could have made a lot of money.
Also, the complete lack of emotion is awful. Stupid With Love is meant to be Cady being absolutely thrilled, on the fucking moon with joy, but she sounds completely apathetic about her feelings for Aaron. Plus, the way they used autotune (esp on Cady) makes it feel like Disney Channel in the worst way possible.
There are some lyrics changes that really bother me. In the orignal Sexy, Karen has a line of 'I expect to run the world in shoes I cannot walk in,' while in the new line is 'Watch me as I run the world in shoes I cannot walk in', which chnages the entire meaning of the lyric from 'Karen thinks its #feminist to assert control over people because she's priveleged' to 'Karen is a girlboss who can do anything cause women are cool and smart' , which in the most respectful is *not* who Karen is as a character. There are more, but I can't name them off the top of my head so,, whatever lol
On casting, I think just about everybody but Cady were cast extremely well. Renee Rapp does such a fantastic job as Regina, really suits the character and knows how to play her. (Makes sense, she played Regina on Broadway).
Auli'i Cravalho pulls off Janis's character pretty well, but I don't think she fully captured the essence of the character. She doesn't really have the bitterness/jadedness that the orginal Janis has and I don't feel like she has the fact the Janis is in fact a mean girl down. This is no shade to her, I feel like it's more the way they rewrote Janis rather than her acting. I do like that they changed Janis's last name to reflect Auli'i's culture though. Nice detail.
Avantika and Jaquel both pulled off their characters perfectly. Avantika really has the right face for Karen, with big doe eyes and whatnot, she can really pull off the effect of being as stupid as Karen is. (That sounds mean, it's really not.) Jaquel did Damien good, and I don't really have a lot to say on his performance other than his voice is fantastic and he has Damien's character down. I do think he got type-cast a *bit* just due to how I've seen him act off screen, but he still did good. He knows his type.
Cady. Hoo boy. She is.. a look.
Angourie Rice is a fine actress on her own, but her vocals just aren't strong enough to keep up when she's surronded by people like Auli'i Cravalho and Renee Rapp, whose careers have been strongly focused on the muscial side of things, with Auli'i playing Moana for Disney and Renee having a music and broadway career alongside her movie career. Angourie just isn't able to compete with them. I'm sure she's a lovely actress on her own but she just doesn't have the muscial expiernce to be leading in a movie-musical.
Also, with representation, I appreciate that they made the cast more diverse, but it bothers me that four of the biggest MAIN CHARACTERS are still white. I can understand keeping Regina blonde because of the constant references to her blonde-ness in the musical, but Gretchen or Aaron absolutely could have been changed.
Hell, I would have loved to see Gretchen played by an asian actress, reconnecting with her culture at the end, since in the original she began to learn japanese or chinese (I don't remember which rn) as a way to connect with her new circle of friends.
On costumes, I don't think they did Janis justice, but I do like the gradual shift they have for Cady in her style and the Plastics are accurate.
I think keeping Janis emo like she was in the orignal movie and the musical would have been better. Artsy styles like hers are more widely excepted by teenagers while emos are mocked and harrassed extremely often, so keeping her emo would have added to her status as a social outcast.
I enjoy how they used social media to change the plot to be more modern, even if it isn't entirely accurate to how teenagers nowadays act. I think they were trying their best and did what they could with what knowledge they had.
I'm mad that they cut Stop, More is Better, Where Do You Belong? and Do This Thing. Stop is a fantastic chance to put the spotlight on Damian (since he has almost no solos COUGH COUGH) in and it could have absolutely been spun to have a more modern take on internet safety.
The plot. Oh my god, the plot. I HATE how they changed Regina being homophobic to Janis to 'oOOOooo Regina made it seem like Janis was an arsonist', which is.. litterally not the point. Homophobia still exists, Tina Fey, and sapphics/lesbians often do face discrimination from other women who claim to be allies. Plus, with calling Regina a lesbian and trying to set up Rejanis in the end? No! That is just not it! Regina is a fucking homophobe. Fight me y'all.
Okay I'm running out of time rn BUT i will be back later to add more onto this ,, thanks for reading through all of this if you did kudos to you
so long yall
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fourteenfifteen · 10 months
may i request some friends at the table fic recs? i haven’t ventured really into the tag
HELLO ANON yeth you can.
i am not an expert and have not read everything but i have some faves! which i will sort by season for your convenience : ] also i have not finished sangfielle so i can't help you there lo siento. if you want more fics i would say a good place to start is @arwainian's fic marathon project. he has been reading everything in the tag and recommending things as he goes there's probably as many recs as u could want right there
ALSO stating at the top that i also write fic! not going to rec any of mine but i'm kind of a hottie i won't lie to u so that's there
OK recs under the cut
these are not in any particular order within seasons!
pzn/pld [at the top bc i have a palisade fic agenda]:
bad endings by elanoides
the stellar combustor arc but a time loop. amazing writing and an instant fave as soon as i read it. i mean come on dude it's a time loop fic come onnnnnnnn
i will reveal you by rozecrest
a recent addition to the tag that i really liked very fun brnine/gucci fic. where's that post about wanting every fic to also be a literary analysis essay that's me rn
use you as a focal point by joeysnowy
theeee crysanth/SI fic which ok it's a niche market but this is just a great one
party 2nite @ bc, rsvp capt. kb by fangirl_squee
VERY fun fic where the blue channel hosts a halloween party. i was giggling bro i won't lie to you
the cat who got the whipped cream by bluecloak
how often do you get to say that the most kudosed fic in a tag totally earns that in terms of quality? lovely and funny and absolutely gorgeously written
my place to land by lady_mab
yes it's the longest fic in the tag yes it's worth the time. total au that still manages to hit that tm vibe
as many times as it takes to get it right by theorangewitch
i just read this for the first time within the last couple weeks and oof it's a great one. very funny and creative and sweet reincarnation fic
excerpts/yours/beloved/signet.asmblg by kalcifer
signet and belgard twine fic!! great shit this one goes out to all the divine likers
rising water by yellow
in lieu of a summary i'm just going to say that i'm actively not a cassmako person but i have read this fic a dozen times
light up the way by harpydora
damn i love these crazy kids. very good fix it fic for the ppl who cried at the end of counter/weight (everyone i assume)
moving shadows / moving light by waveridden
uhh ok so do you know the reality show naked and afraid. ephrim and throndir on that. my secsam gift from last year which was a PRIVILEGE
champions of the world by fangirl_squee
an elaborate hieron hockey au longfic. very cozy and well-thought out
presque vu by fangirl_squee
ok this one is odd and hard to describe but very cool. genuinely have read very few fics like it. read if you like: hieron's tone, weird aus, and magical realism
and i follow just to find you by angstandcaffeine
oh my godddd i love this fic. the cw's supernatural WISHES
the killing of the king god's car by the traitor prince maelgwyn by thunder_rolled_a_six
a total classic that probably everyone would recommend to you. marielda high school au but ok i don't usually like that kind of thing so trust me on this one
fits and starts by luckydicekirby
augh. oh my god. does anybody else like crying. totally amazing samfam fic that really digs into god weirdness in a way that i love and also yeah it broke my heart
making something new by harpydora
love the samol characterization in this one also i just think it's fun
who put love in my head? by kaynara
does anybody else remember half past and flashback and absolute territory? no just me? ok well in any case this fic is so fun and the character voices are so great
ok that feels like a good list! i could absolutely generate a dozen more but i'll leave it there lol generally i will say the fic generated by this fandom is pretty high quality and you'll have a decent experience just looking around in the tag like there's some good stuff in there. worth taking a chance on things (esp recent stuff!)
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genericpuff · 1 year
Hey, I've worked a bit in animation and just wanted to point out that shows very often get pitched and bought out, and can sit in the back burner for a really long time depending on the market! Seems like with all the strikes and post covid lag, and a market thats already saturated with greek mythology atm (think percy jackson live action coming soon, youtube series, other webcomics, etc.), lore olympus is probably floating in the air atm until the time is right. These kinds of things can take years to happen, even 10+ years! Some of the most popular animated shows were pitched years before they were picked up and sent into production. Hoping in the time its on hold, they get some really good writers to clean up the story. I don't mean to disregard your post, but just a lil bit of info on how that nature works in animation. I love lore rekindled too, keep it up!
Oh hey thanks for your input! So I do actually have a diploma in animation (though I never ended up working in the larger industry) so I know a bit about how things like that can happen. Nimona's a great recent example, it was bought in 2015 by 20th Century Fox but never made it through development because of Disney purchasing them and bringing the project to a crawl due to it being LGBTQ+, then they shut down Blue Sky and that kept the project in limbo until it got picked up by a new studio and brought to Netflix. So it took well over 10 years for that one to finally hit the screen.
That said, most of that post is addressing the fact that if LO is going to get a TV show (I'm really strongly believing it isn't at this point, esp not with JHC but that's me) then stalling it out for 10 years or however long probably won't be the best move. Especially not with how things are going with animation at large.
While LO is the biggest on the WT platform, the platform itself still isn't as prestigious here in the west as say, DC or Marvel. Its platform and its comics just don't have that sort of longevity out here. LO is also undoubtedly nearing the end of its run and it's struggling to stay relevant as it is - so to make a show years down the road when it's long gone out of everyone's minds (which it will be as soon as it ends and WT starts shilling the next big thing) just sounds like a missed opportunity. It could rejuvenate interest, sure, but it could just as easily flop due to its fanbase having moved on/lost interest/etc. LO is pretty much reliant on WT's advertising at this point, it's not a good sign that WT has to keep putting notifications to read LO everywhere on the app. WT loooves the "strike while the iron is hot" methodology and now with the show they just drag it out? It feels less like striking the iron while it's hot and more like trying to get a fire going, period.
Like, when Nimona got its movie, it was like "omg Nimona's finally getting a movie!!!" but I can't help get the sense that if LO goes through that same treatment, the response is gonna be, "that gross comic with the underage girl and old man billionaire is still getting a TV show??" Maybe that's a mean assumption to make but if LO is struggling to stay relevant and in a positive light now, god knows what that's going to be like years from now if and when they do release a show.
Especially when it comes to comics like LO which generate so much criticism, I feel like it's going to go through the same thing Twilight did, where people adored it during the peak of its run but as soon as the series was over and the hype left everyone's brains it gave people room to actually reflect on it and realize how icky it was LOL (and if it goes the full way of Twilight, people will read it as a joke over how bad it is).
There are also theories in the community that a lot of what WT is doing with LO rn (paying for Rachel to be in the top billing spot at NYCC, getting her a second Eisner, etc.) could very well be them trying to "shop it around" for investors or a new network, by putting Rachel in the spotlight and going "see! look at how successful this comic is! buy it!" That's just a theory of course, but it really isn't a good look when LO wins awards and people ask why. It feels like WT's is trying to throw money at a problem without realizing what's causing the problem in the first place. It winning an Eisner or being hinted at a TV show or getting a top billing spot at NYCC won't give it legitimacy because the comic they're advertising is still garbage, they're trying to convince people it has merit when it doesn't. If anything, it'll make LO and WT lose even more credibility because it makes people wonder why the fuck a comic like LO is winning those awards and why it's being given more attention and opportunities over other comics on the platform that are far more deserving.
Anyways, this post is kinda all over the place, but that's my two cents, my point really is that if there is a show happening, it's definitely not happening soon (in spite of Rachel saying "yeah it's happening!") because there's no clear timeline or progress that's been made or even team in charge of it at this point - and if it happens down the road, its only chance of doing well will be if it gets a major overhaul in its writing IMO because the comic is way too much of a mess rn for television LOL
That said, I'd love to genuinely believe that the show will happen someday, but I feel like the best time for it to happen has passed, especially with the comic losing the quality and prestige it was sold to JHC for since then. That's just me though.
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okay hi stella!! this is for the matchup reqs
so for gender boy pls <3
probably blue lock for the fandom (pjsk will probably get a lot of attention and i'm highly obsessed with bllk rn if you couldn't tell lmao)
for my personality i can be rlly shy and awkward when you first meet me, but once you get close to me i'll start acting how i usually do, being friendly and silly (insane and bouncing off the walls) i am definitely an introvert but i can be extroverted to people i'm close with. i'm super insecure sometimes and i get stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed easily
good personality traits are: kind, caring, selfless, good listener, funny
bad personality traits are: too selfless (i stop caring about what i want and only listen to what other people want), annoying (sometimes), when i'm tired i get very lazy
my love language is 100% physical touch, and i like to receive words of affirmation and physical touch
i'm very sensitive to being excluded, disappointing or letting people down, and i feel guilty when people worry about me
hobbies are drawing, reading, playing violin, playing games and watching tv (anime)
some talents i have are writing, playing my violin, and i'm a pretty fast runner! ^^
i'm a-okay with any age range as long as they're a minor! (bc i'm a minor)
so i'm assuming the only characters from bllk i can be matched up with are the ones you could write for from your previous blog (which off the top of my head was isagi, bachira, chigiri, nagi, reo, and rin???) so out of those 6 i wouldn't want to be matched up with isagi or nagi
what i don't want in a partner would be them telling me off or getting mad at me over small things, or just being an ass in general
what i would want in a partner would be them being really kind and willing to help me with whatever i need, and also someone that loves me for me ^^; and will help me feel better about myself
OKAYYYY that's all ty Stella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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` . < Bluelock Matchup No.1~! > . '
A/N: HIIII WA ER BO LE.girl. in case you didnt know, someone who is introverted around strangers/acquiantances but extroverted around friends is called an ambivert LOL. Like me :p also im sensitive to being excluded too you have no idea. We kin each other. I kin all my moots. Anyway hop you like this ! !!!!! Thank you for requesting :3
For the grand reveal, I match you up with....
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` . < Bachira Meguru~! > . '
A/N: he is literally PERFECT for you.physical affectin? ✔ words of affirmation? ✔ loves yuforo you? ✔ Helps you wuth every single thing to exist? ✔ like wow. Anyway hope you like this
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Loves how energetic you are
You guys can bounce off the walls together
You guys are actually probably high on sugar
He loves that youre selfless but he definitely stops you if you go too far
Imagine someones trying to take advantage of your kindess and hes just. Staring. at them. With that huge smile. And those scribble eyes.
Yeah he'll just scare them off
His giving love language probably physical touch so like. No worries. Hes a cuddlebug. He'd also definitely be very affirming with words. He compliments your everything.
You guys probably have races all the time just because you say youre fast. He probably introduces you to chigiri
Also he will always include if youre in a group.
Though lets be honest, you dont need anyone but him anyway
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sp1lled-lemon4de · 2 years
"Such moments you do adore"
Fandom: Demon Slayer
Characters: Tanjiro x Gn!reader
Genre: smut and a little fluff
T/w: usage of darling, cock TvT and praise (i think that's it)
A/n: I have a cold rn, a really bad one T-T but anyways I'm re-watching Season 1 of Demon slayer bc why not and I'm at episode uhm i think and I'm at the part where Tanjiro is helping the others with their training and he was all like "keep going your doing great" and just telling them how awesome they are in general and i was like OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what if he was saying those things (but whispers) while we are trying to ride him !?
srry its short and this "note " is really long. Also read the fic however you want male or female :D working to making my fics gender neutral for you guys <3
"That's it keep going your amazing, taking me so well"
Your beloved husband had just come back from a mission that seemed to take longer than expected, and now that you finally had him all to yourself you appeared to be struggling to take his pretty pink tipped cock inside.
Gosh he was stretching you out like elastic, giving you the feeling of being fulled , the feeling you relished to great proportion.
"mhm- ye-yes m'tryin"
You moaned and bit your lip trying to keep your whimpers and grunts back.
"N-no ugh, i w-wanna hear how good I m-make you feell"
He was huge, thick more than long, always stretching you out and going deeper than you though was possible.
drool dripped from the corners of you mouth.
"ngh you feel so good, p-please continue darling"
He started to lose focus, he was close. Sometimes you would last longer than him and now was one of those times. Tanjiro never jacked off really and when he did he always imagined it was you screwing him.
Moments like these you adored.
Being on top yet still with little to no control, him drooling and babbling about how good you are for him, how tight you are, how he is so proud of you .
''y-your clos-se aren't youu ahgn-" you moaned
"ye-yess please d-don't stop I'm so so close "
Conjoined moans and groans filled the air and he came on done in you the feeling of warmth gushing in you, you finishing just a little after.
Such moments you really do adore
To hold him after you fucked him dumb, the aftercare was always special with him, holding hands.
Such moments you really do adore
Super sorry its short i just wrote this in a spur T-T lol hope you adored this fic have a woderful Day/night/noon or whatever ty for reading :) and sorry for any mistakes or anything or information that you find offending
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fruitysalamander1398 · 5 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
thank you for the tag @cinehomophile !💜💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mainly the deer hunter and mean streets, but i have also written godfather fic in the past (which has since been deleted bc i didn't think it was very good lol). i've also written fic for parting glances (1986) and probably other things i can't remember but yeah.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. don't ask me to be lonely https://archiveofourown.org/works/45806962
2. oh, pretty baby https://archiveofourown.org/works/47108557
3. my boy https://archiveofourown.org/works/49263451
4. you're just too good to be true https://archiveofourown.org/works/46031446
5. moonlight lover https://archiveofourown.org/works/49926586
5. do you respond to comments?
usually i message the person privately bc for some reason it makes me a little anxious but sometimes i do! i love getting comments so i try to get back to everyone.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i think it would have to be point of no return: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45937063 bc the literal whole point is that it's a death scene of johnny.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i have lots of happy ending deer hunter fluff / hurt/comfort but i think the happiest one is probably my beloved strawberry https://archiveofourown.org/works/46815451 in which mike and nick get a cat<3
8. do you get hate on fics?
thankfully no, but oddly enough i have gotten hate on uquiz before and people suicide baiting me on uquiz seems like a pretty unique experience lmao so lmk if it's happened to you as well.
9. do you write smut? if so what kind?
okay so this might sound dumb but i don't know what actually qualifies as smut like are all sex scenes counted as smut? or is it like more graphic / strictly horny lmao. in any case yes i have and do write sex scenes, mainly really tender and romantic sex.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you have written?
i haven't personally wrote one but me and @cinehomophile had an idea for one which he is working on and we both kinda co-authored the general concept of. i shan't say more.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
not translated but i've had many podfics made of my work by the lovely dmitri!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! i co wrote with my incredible boyfriend @ulyssesgays1995 a few times and also with @cinehomophile !!
14. what's your all time favorite ship?
this will surprise no one but it has to be mike and nick from the deer hunter. they mean so much to me.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
never say never lol. i have a few shorter wips stowed away rn but i plan to finish them i think!
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i'm good at hurt/comfort and examining the deep pain of a character but then bringing them to a place of healing with the support of their partner.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i can never plan out a plot ahead of time i just go in with a vague idea and see where it takes me. sometimes it works out great but i wish i could formulate my ideas more clearly sometimes bc sometimes they feel overwhelming.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
it's so cool! i have never personally done it but i would love to try.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
it would've been something when i was REALLY young probably like anne of green gables if i had to guess.
20. favorite fic you've written?
without a doubt, my deer hunter sex work au oh pretty baby https://archiveofourown.org/works/47108557 it holds such a special place in my heart and writing it was extremely cathartic from me. tw for sexual abuse in this fic and in my answer to this question but writing the fic was a way for me to process and emotionally externalize my own experience as a victim of sexual abuse.
on that note, thanks to anyone who has ever read my fics, in both their developmental and final stages. (like @fredoesque who i have sent many a wip to.) i love you all and i love writing. can't wait to keep posting my work!!
i tag @melis-writes @meme-streets @rosesloveletters @mr-snailman 💜 no pressure if not ofc.
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sineala · 1 year
Hi Sine! I find myself in possession of a very long plot (not going to count how many of those are in my inventory), and was hoping you'd share what program(s) you use for yours? I'm the sort who'd use a murder-wall with notecards but I don't have space rn. I *should* use tagging systems but all the ones available are so sketchy and unreliable that I lose focus just typing. Also I tried to search but. This is tumbs. Thanks - Shusu
Oh boy, this question was made for me!
The first novel-length story I wrote, I wrote in TextEdit. All 90,000 words of it. I basically just made a list of the scenes I wanted in the order I wanted them in, started typing the story above the list, and deleted every scene from the list when I had written it. I don't recommend this.
These days, I use Scapple and Scrivener. I have much more detail below. I am sure I have talked about them before but, as you say, Tumblr is hard to search.
Different things will work for different people, and I don't always start this way, but sometimes, while I'm still trying to rough out an idea, I start with a mind mapping program. You know that brainstorming technique that you learned in, like, third grade, where you take a piece of paper and you write down the main idea in the center in a bubble and then branch lines out from those with more bubbles containing related ideas, and then branch things out from those, and so on? You can get programs to do that instead of a big piece of paper, and the advantage to doing this on a computer is that your piece of paper can be infinitely large and you won't ever run out of space.
I will sometimes skip this step if I already know what order things are going to happen in (in that case, I just make an outline), but if it's the kind of unformed idea where I just want to write down everything that happens as I think of it so I won't forget it later, then I use a mind map.
I also use it to write down bits of dialogue as I think of them; the program I use lets me change fonts and colors and so on, so I have color-coded my dialogue by character:
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I feel like I have probably posted this before but Tumblr is not letting me search. Also, this is probably not how you're supposed to use this, judging by how it exports data, but whatever.
There are a variety of programs that can help you make mind maps, and I'm sure a lot of them are good. The one I use is Scapple, which I like for a few reasons: it's very easy to use (you type something in, and then to connect two bubbles you drag one on top of the other) in a way that gives you a lot of freedom; it's not a subscription model like a lot of apps are (you buy it, you pay once, you can use it forever, and it costs about $20); and mostly, it's made by the developer of the writing program I use (Scrivener), meaning that the two programs integrate very well.
So then there's Scrivener.
Scrivener is probably the absolute most useful software I have ever owned; I have bought it four times now. (All three desktop versions and then the iOS version.) It is a word processor that is designed to help you structure and write novels. There are similar programs for free or at least cheaper, of course, but this is the one I use. (It also isn't a subscription; you just buy it.)
The downside is that it's a very complex program. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it can look a little daunting. It's one of those programs that has hundreds of features and you will only use about fifty percent of them, but everyone uses a different fifty percent, so there's something for everyone. (It can generate character names! There's a feature on the Mac version where it can highlight words by part of speech! You can change all the icons! The LaTeX export is pretty decent!)
Honestly, as long as you can figure out how to make scenes, rearrange scenes, edit synopses, and get your work out of the program, you're good to go; that's probably what you'll be doing most of the time.
Scrivener is basically designed around the murder-wall-of-notecards writing approach. A Scrivener project contains your Draft, which can have a bunch of folders in it (chapters) which can have individual documents (scenes). Each scene has an index card associated with it, and each index card is where you can write a synopsis for each scene.
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You can view your story as single scenes or as a whole story (optionally with a window showing the synopses, so you can remember what you thought was going to happen while you are writing; I have shown this above) or you can just view the synopses as an outline or as index cards, like so:
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There's your murder wall right there.
Rearranging the index cards also rearranges the scenes. (Rearranging the scenes using the list in the sidebar also rearranges the scenes.) So if you want to swap scenes around, you can do that. If you want to write the end first, you can do that. If you want to add three more scenes in the middle, you can do that.
You can also search your whole project, color code the index cards, tag them however you want with keywords (e.g., a keyword for every character who appears in the scene) and then look at everything you've tagged with particular keywords, notate scenes by whether they're done or not, and basically everything else you can think of. Mostly I have used this to color code scenes by POV so I can keep track of who's talking; I could also have used keywords.
So my first move when I start a project in Scrivener is to make a bunch of blank documents for all the scenes I think I will have, give them some kind of meaningful title, start writing down on the notecards things that will happen in each scene, and then move them around. This is where Scapple comes in handy -- both because I already have an idea from making a mind map in Scapple of what scenes I want, and also because the integration between Scapple and Scrivener makes it really, really easy to get started.
How do Scapple and Scrivener integrate, you ask? If you make a mind map in Scapple, you can drag and drop it into Scrivener and it will automatically make one scene for every bubble you have, and the text of each bubble will be on the notecard, so you can basically start with all of your scenes that you already have made in Scapple and then reorder them as you like.
Scrivener projects also have a Research section, where you can store basically anything related to what you're working on; you can set it to show your draft and your research at the same time. Basically anything can go in here. Mine usually have notes, more notes, character information, lines I cut but wanted to save somewhere (there is also a versioning system built in if you prefer that), comics panels, reference pictures, and entire webpages. This way, you'll never have to figure out what you did with that thing you looked up for your story, because you can keep it right there with your story.
Scrivener costs $60, which is kind of a lot, but there are very often coupons for 50% off from online software retailers (I just saw one on Boing Boing a couple days ago that still works as of the time I am answering this; I can vouch that they are a legit retailer). Also if you know anyone who has won NaNoWriMo, they get a Scrivener coupon as part of their winnings, and some people don't use theirs. It has a thirty-day free trial period (IIRC that's 30 days of use, not 30 calendar days) so you can try it and see if it works for you.
I also made a Compile Format for Scrivener 3 -- the current version -- so I can export HTML suitable for AO3 or Dreamwidth in one click. Scrivener can export your work in basically any format you can think of, but the default HTML exports all have too much stuff in them for my liking.
(Scrivener also has a bunch of preset templates for various kinds of writing -- like, there's a Novel template with room for character sheets and settings and all of that. You can make your own template, too. I actually made my own template for writing fanfiction for AO3. I'm not sharing this one because it is so personalized to me that it wouldn't be useful -- but, for example, I already know that I'm going to want a document in my Research section where I list notes about canon, and one where I list what bits I need to edit, and one where I copy in any conversations I've had with beta readers that I might want to refer to, and one where I list the things that will be in the AO3 header (it contains empty spaces for Title, Fandom, Tags, Summary, etc) so I can now always start with that. You can make a template yourself by opening a new project, setting it up exactly the way you like with the Research documents exactly the way you want, and then doing File > Save as Template. It will copy everything including any text that's in there so you want to use something that doesn't already have any story or research content written in it because then that will get copied. But it's a real timesaver.)
Anyway. Scrivener is the best.
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revenantghost · 11 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Game]
Tagged by @faindri and @pancake-breakfast!
How many works do you have on AO3?
18! Most are poetry collections, so a lot of smaller stories in one anthology.
What is your AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Trigun is my main squeeze atm (and biggest in general, I have four projects for it which is double anything else--and the highest wordcount, too), but I've written for KinnPorsche, Sabikui Bisco, Danny Phantom, Vampire In The Garden, Sasaki to Miyano, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Goncharov (yeah... yeah), The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window, Signalis, Omori, Lycoris Recoil, and The Executioner and Her Way of Life
What are your top five fics by kudos?
No idea and I ain't looking! Trad publishing has me extremely scarred from some nasty comparison wars, so I have kudo and view counts blocked on ALL fics, including mine. From my kudos emails, though, Hallowboned has to be my top fic for sure. Last time I was paying attention most of my other fics didn't pass into triple digits by a long shot
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do!!! I adore comments, and I love chatting with folks, it really keeps me motivated and chugging along. I am... very behind on replying to the comments on my last chapter rn because I feel so awful and guilty about having to quit writing
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uh... I don't write a ton of narrative fics, and I do love me some tragic poetry, but I guess the angstiest collection might be my Signalis one, Observable System Transcendence? But my Omori poem and the Trined Soul collection might be contenders, too
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, Trembling Hands is a Trimax fix-it fic, so? Though the Sasaki and Miyano collection, Effortless Dreams, is definitely the most tooth-rotting fluff I've ever slapped onto the page
Do you get hate on fics?
Oh yeah, I've had my poetry called pretentious and also not good enough to be poetry lol. It's been a hot minute since that's happened, people are just jerks sometimes
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I used to! Porn with plot, my beloved. It would be interesting to explore in poetry format, but we'll see if I have the time who wants to commission some poetry porn from me lmao
Do you write crossovers?
Nah, not my cuppa
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, many moons ago
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that is one of the coolest things fandom does. Loving a thing so much you spend the time to painstakingly transform that art into something you can read and share in another language, bro??? Translators are amazing
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I've worked pretty closely with artists a loooong time ago, but I've only written fics where I'm the sole writer. I have used other writers' ideas and outlines (with their permission, of course), but that's the closest
What's your all-time favourite ship?
I DON'T KNOW?!?! Shipping has never really been my main focus of media typically, but when one digs its teeth into me I go rabid in a completely feral but different way each time.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
))): All of them
Life feels kinda... really dire atm, it's hard to see ever writing again. However! God I want to finish Hallowboned SO BADLY!!! I have so many chapters written for it that I haven't even posted!!!!! Y'all haven't met Livio yet!!!!!! GAH 3:
What are your writing strengths?
Uh... ??? I'll be real, I've got no idea. I feel like I write so weirdly atm, it's hard for me to analyze in that kinda way
What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to get really excited/into things and flit around and forget to explain or describe things sometimes. Thank god for having been well-trained to edit my own work. Not that I catch it all, but I try!!!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it'd really cool, but I'd need a native speaker on hand to make sure I don't fuck it up in my own fic
First fandom you wrote for?
I think my first piece of written fanwork was a Danny Phantom Quizilla thing lmao, I'm old. I don't remember what it was about, just that it was ANGSTY
Favourite fic you've ever written?
Ah?!?! Honestly, each project is so different and written from such a different place, I've got no idea. I'm proudest of Observable System Transcendence being my longest, most consistent project (outside of my Smaugust collection, which isn't a fan project), Hallowboned being the first thing that really inspired me in ages--and the most indulgent one lol. But each collection and fic and poem comes from such a different place, and it's hard to pull them apart and pick???
Whoever wants to hop in! :3
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uriekukistan · 3 months
hello hello!! Here with some asks for you ^^ !!
What is your favorite thing about Megumi? Like a trait or maybe a certain thing he does :)
Who were you rooting for while Watching Death Note? :D I see a lot of people that say they were rooting for both L and Light so I'm curious!
What is your favorite thing about writing?
What are some musical artists you listen to! :D ( list as many as you want!)
Did you know that you're a great fic writer? Cuz you are!! >:3 ( I feel like I tell you this almost every time I interact with you but you actually are like my favorite itafushi writer) (I'M SO HYPED FOR SUMMER LOVIN' CHAPTER 3, WHENEVER YOU RELEASE IT!!)
What is the fandom you're most active in besides JJK? :)
How do you describe your fashion sense? :3
I'll probably ask more another time!! If you don't want to answer some of these you don't have to! Answer the ones you want :)
Don't forget to take care of yourself!! <3 Take breaks and just breathe ^^
hiii thank u sm for the asks :3 hope youre doing well !!
1 - hmmm this was hard to narrow down so i'll talk abt a specific scene that's been on my mind. okay ig honestly the detention center is Always on my mind because it's the first time we get a really good look at megumi's character and what he values. but mostly i was thinking abt the part where megumi takes the name tag from the guy he was so adamant about not saving for his mom. i don't think he changed his mind, but to me, it just shows how much he cares about his friends. like i think when he originally took it, it was so he could give it to yuuji so he could give it to the guy's mom, but then when he thought yuuji was dead, he delivered it as a way to pay respect dkfgjhd idk current top megumi moment
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2 - nowadays when i rewatch it im team near & mello actually🤞 and pretty anti-light, but i think the first time i watched it, i was so wrapped up in the back & forth between light & l that i probably did root for both this was like 10 years ago tho so i dont remember fs 😭
3 - ooh i think like. in terms of writing fanfic its like when i was a kid & played w dolls like it gives me the same type of feeling, but also i've always been the type to use imagination as escapism, so being able to bring the things in my head "to life" is really satisfying as well
4 - kfgdjdkg theres so many im like always listening to something different. recently i started listening to this artist called juliet ivy, her songs are all super relatable and have a rlly whimsical sound too. another artist i'll always promote is dream, ivory, i've been a fan for a while. i've also been into deftones recently. generally im more the type to listen to random songs rather than specific artists
5 - THANK UUU im always a bit hard on myself so its nice to hear that (new summer lovin' chap july 10! i think)
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6 - tokyo ghoul probably? i used to be suuuuper active but im more passive w it rn...i need to do a reread of the manga soon (<- been saying this since my jjk era started sorry to my tokyo ghoul oomfs i love u all)
7 - wait this is so hard...ig like misa amane if she was on tumblr in 2016?
thank you againn for the asks <3
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